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Soul Architecture
Aaron Porter

SECTION 3! 71!
The Journey Begins! 277!

Vintage Christian Coaching Center! 278
Section 1

“So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am
the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and
robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone
enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find
pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came
that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good
shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John
Would that I could have seen the look on Jesus’ face, heard the tone in his voice
when He said these words. Provocative? At the end of these statements there
would be public debate as to his sanity and demon possession... and divinity.!
How quickly I slide into a kind of life that is no life at all, certainly not the kind
of life that Jesus had in mind when He stated such bold words. I move into a
survival mode, a protective state. I cover myself with my convictions but only at
the surface. If anyone were to scratch a little deeper when I was living in such a
state, they would find that my beliefs did not penetrate to the place that they
would truly affect my life.!
How many men and women have learned to live, to truly live? How many have
let the deep truths of miraculous “new creature” identity transform their fears
into faith? I fear that our examples have been far too few in recent decades.!
These are the examples the Church needs today, people who are doing more
than simply spending their time and resources on ministry. Examples of saints
who are living transformed lives. But that life does not come without effort, nor
does it come in isolation. We need God’s Word, His Spirit, and His Body, all at
work in the surrendered life, to see true “inside-out” transformation
There is a certain school of thinkers that believe too much “self- evaluation” is
narcissistic and sinful. They might say that we are created to focus attention of
our Creator, not sit around thinking about ourselves. It seems a reasonable
argument. However, it is missing a very important component. I am a part of
redemptive history. Your “person” in Christ, your new creature, is deeply built
into the DNA of creation’s story.!
“And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and
blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for
forty-two months. It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against
God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who
dwell in heaven. Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and
to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and
people and language and nation, and all who dwell on earth will
worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the
foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was
slain.” (Rev. 13:5-8)!

No matter how many times I read this text, when I see the words, “whose name
has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of
the Lamb that was slain,” my whole world stops turning. That cannot be right.
Before God created man, God made “The Book of Life?” The book, that Luke 10
states should be the source of my rejoicing, over all of my earthly spiritual
achievements? But it’s not just the “Book of Life.” It is the “Book of Life of the
Lamb that was Slain.”!
This is where my world not only stops spinning but starts revolving backwards
and side-to-side like some carnival tragedy. How is it, that before there was
creation, there was a book that possessed the very idea of the word “slain,”
“slaughtered,” “killed?”!
Before creation, God decided, God chose, to manifest His character through
loving us in this sacrificial way. We are a part of His decision. We are a part of
the worship. Not because we are worthy of worship, but because if you take us
out of the equation, you take away the mirror He chose to reflect His character
and glory. We the redeemed are like a tuning fork that, in Christ, resonate the
pitch of the glorious mercy and grace of God like nothing else.!
Discovering our life in Christ is worshipful. Such discovery is not self- focus, it
is absolutely Christ-focused. Do not let anyone rob from you the joy or the
journey of discovering your miraculous new creation. You were born to discover
who you are in the work of your Sacred Brother. Finding and living that life in
Christ is being worshipful in exactly the mode that Christ ordained.!

This is not pop-psychology-mixed-with-religion book. This is not a health-

and-wealth-Gospel book. This is just what-would-it look-like-to-live- in-the-
Gospel-so-truly-that-it-actually-made-a-difference-in-my-watered- down-
Western Christian-culture book.!
Our journey is unapologetically a search for our identity in Christ, a Gospel
identity. We are looking for freedom and life and a John 15 abiding walk with
our Savior. We want to actually encounter that which we have heard talked
about from pulpit and parish for most of our lives but felt all too little of. We
want a reckoned Gospel.!
Most Christians, regardless of their breed, will come to some agreement on the
fact that we were created and redeemed to be in a relationship with our
heavenly Father and one another. Unfortunately, after accepting that fact, many
of us simply move on to other things. The truth of it does not penetrate our
Christian goals as deeply as the very notion would demand. Paul understood
that there was nothing to move on to.!

“I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of

knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.
I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him,
not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but
that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes
from God on the basis of faith. I want to know Christ…” (Philippians

The word “know,” can mean different things to different people. To many who
were raised in Western schools, knowledge is equated with the acquisition and
retention of knowledge. This was my experience in school. Being gifted with a
tremendous short-term memory (that has since abandoned me), I was able to
“know” a great many things by cramming them into my adolescent brain the
night before a test.!

This kind of “knowing” is obviously not what Paul is talking about in

Philippians 3. I can scarcely imagine the sincere Christian or thorough scholar
who would come to the conclusion that Paul is saying, “I have abandoned
everything and consider them worthless except for the acquisition of Jesus
facts.” That’s absurd and hardly worth the paragraph it took to express...except
for the fact that what I do not believe Paul meant in his life is precisely how I
approach “knowing” Christ in mine.!
Attaining and retaining knowledge is a chasing after the wind if intimacy is not
a part of the process. As a married man, I can seek deeper and deeper
knowledge of my wife, Jenny. I can search out and discover her passions and
her pains. I can ask her questions concerning her heart and seek to know every
meaningful story from her past. Because I am in an intimate relationship with
her, such an adventure is not only appropriate, it’s beautiful and necessary.!

Now let’s remove the intimacy and leave the facts. I am not married to Jenny,
but I seek deeper and deeper knowledge about her. I try to discover her
passions and hurts, the stories of her past. You get the picture. The same facts of
“knowing” are no longer beautiful or appropriate, they are creepy and illegal in
most states. I am a stalker.!

Oh that we would apply what is obvious in real life to our relationship with the
one we say that we love above all else. In John 17 Jesus says this, “This is
eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ
whom you have sent.”!

Jesus does not talk about eternal life in terms of streets paved with gold, angels,
mansions, harps or choirs. Jesus talks about eternal life in terms of relationship,
in terms of heart knowledge. Jesus talks about eternal life in terms of something
that I can engage in and experience right now. Eternal life doesn’t start when
you die, it has already begun. Death is only a transition into a new and deeper
version of life where you will know and be known.!
The Zulu tribes of South Africa have the greatest common greeting on the
planet. They do not say, “Hello, George. How’re you doing?” They say,
“Sawubona, George,” “I see you, George.” George answers, “Ngikhona, Bill,” “I am
here, Bill.”!

Within the greeting is the implicit statement intimacy and knowledge. “I see
you.” “You are a man/woman.” “I am looking at the heart, the whole you.” If
someone greeted me that way and meant it, there would be some degree of
vulnerable terror that would begin to rise up. I, who have been raised in a
largely suppressed emotional culture might respond by saying, “Well stop
The Zulu does not respond with such a sentiment. “I am here.” “I am present
for this moment with you.” “I am what you see, no false front or games.” “What
you have seen, I am.”!

This greeting captures the trajectory of our exploration in Soul Architecture. I

want to see what God sees, and I want to know Him more. It is as if I slowly
begin to accept that He daily comes to me and smiles. “I see you, Aaron.” When
He says the words, my heart leaps within me. I know what He is saying. He sees
me, completely, wholly...and holy. He does not see me through the lens of the
accuser, He sees me through the lens of the cross. “I see you, Aaron.”!

“Here I am, Abba.” The return statement, the terrifying confession, the
agreement to His terms of my identity. “I agree, I am complete in Christ. I agree
that you see me as Your son without hesitation or reservation. I agree that Jesus’
blood has brought me boldly to your grace even in my dire times of need and I
am secure. I agree, and I am here.” “Here I am, Daddy.”!

With bashful reverence, I look up to my Father, knowing that the words I must
say can never be fully true, but He has invited me to say them with what limited
knowledge I have. “I see you, Daddy.” You are my Father. You are my love and
the lover of my soul. This much I see.!

Without hesitation, He responds, “Here... I AM.”

And that, is eternal life.!

Theology...a heady word to be sure. A word often reserved for pastors and
intellectuals. Simply translated it is the “study of God.” Practically translated, it
is your system of belief concerning God’s person and thus His behavior in this
world and the next. Everyone has a theology. If someone has not studied or
been taught to form one, then it will be piecemeal, based on random bits of
information that has been gathered.!

Theology is often discussed and defended in terms of “truthfulness.” Too often

it is debated as if the purpose of theology is a perfectly crafted systematic
volume written down and dispatched to the masses. This is not so. Theology for
theology’s sake is simply an arrogant man’s hobby. The pursuit of
understanding the person of God is far more personal than that.!

Good theology when used well is like a balloon being filled with air. The bigger
my view of God, the more pieces of truth that fall into place, the bigger the
balloon gets. The space within is my capacity to live the abundant life, my
Gospel life potential. If I know little of God through the light of His Word, the
space in which I can move and live is very limited. The voice of God’s character
and His plan for my life will be anemic and small. However, as my
understanding increases, my potential for applying His greatness to my life also

I say potential for living because in my practical life, what I say I believe doesn’t
matter, practically, if I still act and react based on false stories in my head about
my identity and the world I live in. Such stories make truth of the “truths” I
acknowledge, one way of the other. I can read all of the Augustine, Aquinas,
Berkhof, Grudem or Hodge I want. I can assent to all of the information held
within their grand covers. But when the rubber meets the road, I will live what I
truly believe.!

There is one more piece to this balloon analogy, and it is an important one. The
systematizing of theology has been both a blessing and a curse over the last
2,000 years. It is truly a blessing because it organizes majestic thoughts and
themes into digestible pieces. Since theology is so important in our lives, we say
thank you.!

It has, however, for many people, tied the knot on their balloon. When they find
an organization of theological truths they feel confident in, they close the cover
and accept that the balloon is now inflated. There is no more access for the
Spirit’s breath to surprise, to push the boundaries out and anything that asks
them to allow for it is held in suspicion. But oh how Jesus loved to push the
boundaries out. He kept blowing into His followers until they were certain the
whole thing would pop...but it never did. Don’t let any man’s system of theology
rob you of the ongoing journey of discovery in your relationship with God.!

We must pause to confess that this is a very hard truth. I know many learned
men and women who will not even entertain this conversation because they
have not experienced “transformation” in their life, even though they believe
their theology is in order. There is an underlying fear that the truths they
believe must not be enough. Either they have failed or God has failed, and
whichever the case most people would rather go on talking about truth than
addressing truth’s shortfall in their actual existence.!

Let me make something very clear. I do not believe that such a person does not
believe what they say they have come to know as the truth. Indeed, there is not
a person on earth who is living out all that they say they believe, not in total
harmony with the eternal facts of the immutable God. Such would be
impossible. I do, however, believe that for such a person, beliefs, or ways of
thinking, have been cheapened to an all-important status. Life has been left
behind and replaced with a desk and chair in an ivory tower. They believe it,
and they have become satisfied with that fact alone. Experiencing life,
transformation or the Gospel in any way outside of salvation is no longer

If you have found that you talk a good game at the coffee shop but can’t stop
grieving your actual existence, take hope. Don’t be afraid to face the areas of
your life that seem to remain stuck in a rut even though you know the verses
that should have winched you out of the hole years ago. Face them with courage
because your theology deeply matters. Truth does transform.!

As you form a cleaner view of God’s character and His Gospel, and you begin to
apply it practically to the lies that run rampant in your mind, you will see
change. God’s truth IS more powerful than the devil’s lies. Your theology will
become real here. First comes understanding, then true belief enlivened by the
Spirit. Then your reckoning will become your bulwark against the crashing tide
of false stories in your life.!

Such a journey cannot be taken in a class or from the reading of a book. It can
start there, but it cannot be completed. That is the lie of the Western
educational mindset. Knowing is only the first step. Do you believe that God is
Sovereign, in control? Then how does that truth shape today’s fear regarding
taxes that are coming up? Do you believe that God is your Abba and His love
endures forever? Then how does that truth change the pain of betrayal or abuse
that plagues your heart? Do you believe in the substitutionary atonement of the
Christ on Calvary’s cross? Then how does that eternal fact affect your shame
today when you slip into familiar sin and see a Holy God seated upon mercy’s

How your theology matters! What you believe will shape the power of what you
are able to live. The larger your view of God and His plan of salvation, the
higher your quotient for freedom and abundant life. Such truths were given so
that our lives could reflect the glorious truthfulness of good theology and the
God that it describes. Let no man speak of bland platitudes while his life
languishes in the shadow of his own flesh. Theology was meant to be lived and
we seek to live it.!
Do not simply subscribe to a system of theology. Dive into your study of the
person of God as if your life depended on it. Find a truth and work it. Work it
into your being and submit to the Spirit’s work until it is true in your life. This
is the journey and the purpose for the tools offered in this book.!
In the physical world one’s understanding of their sickness directly affects the
kind of treatment they seek. If we believe a pain to simply be a headache, we go
to the medicine cabinet and prescribe ourselves our favorite pill. If we discover
the same pain is a tumor...we take a different approach.!

The nature of our fallenness, the sin we live in, is very much like that. For the
most part, Christians have attached the ideas of symptoms to the problem of
sinfulness: “I struggle with lust”; “She is a gossip”; “That guy committed
adultery.” We look at the outward expression of fallenness and then make our
prescription. This is called “sin management.” If we manage the sin, we must be
all right. Unfortunately, sin management and transformation are not the same

The real problem is far worse than any of us can possibly know. The sins we
experience are only the external symptoms of a much deeper problem. We have
been saturated in fallenness, surrounded by it. Thus the best we can do is pick
out the peaks of the icebergs, as their cold heads peer at us through the surface
of our lives. But beneath the surface, the real monster sits in silent darkness.!

In Eden God tells us of a tree and the first fall. In it we find the seeds of every
fallen fruit we have born. This is our broken heritage:!

“And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every tree
that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was in
the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and
The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to
work it and keep it.
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may surely
eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you
shall surely die.’
Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field
that the LORD God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of
any tree in the garden’?”
And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the
trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the
tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest
you die.’”!
But the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die. For God
knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will
be like God, knowing good and evil.’
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it
was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make
one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her
husband who was with her, and he ate.
Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were
naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves
loincloths.” (Gen. 2:9, 15-17, 3:1-7)!

Now, was this a magical fruit that changed the spiritual property of man? What
happened that day in the perfect world that the Creator had made for His
crowning jewel of all creation? No one can say for certain. One shift is certain,
however. It is the day that men began making their own judgments apart from

The root of all sin has been said to be pride. That may be so, but it comes in the
form of judgment, to make a choice apart from God’s valuation. On that day in
the garden, both Adam and Eve made a judgment, an evaluation of what was
good, apart from God’s appraisal. God’s clear statement concerning the
significance tree was that it was harmful. He told them that the day they ate of
it, they would die. He did not say that He would kill them, just that, “die they
would surely die.” If they lived within the harmony of a world built on His
judgment, they would have lived in peace, without shame, with nothing to hide.!

In Chapter Three of Genesis, a shift comes to the human race. Adam and Eve
made a choice, an evaluation, a judgment for themselves. Independence comes
to man, oh celebrated freedom. Satan’s temptation implies that God is not
good, that He is withholding something. He says that the tree is going to make
them wise, not kill them. Thus, they judge that God’s warning was not valid, or
at least not as weighty as He was making it out to be, and they ate, and
everything changed.!

I don’t know if it was a magical fruit. I don’t think it had to be. It could have
been a rock or a stick on the ground that God said, “Don’t pick it up or you will
die.” The desperate shift in humanity, the fallenness, the pride, is that mankind
now struggles to trust God’s goodness and judgments of everything. We pit our
evaluations about what is better for ourselves instead of walking in simple
Edenic faith.!

Blondes are more fun than brunettes...That car is amazing...The perfect life
would be to have a husband who will take care of me and have three kids and a
house that we own and not have to work...Those people are sick...Evaluations
and judgments, all day, everyday. We think most of them are benign. They aren’t.
How many of my thoughts came from my intimate walk with my Lord? Who
told me any of those things that I believe without thinking? No one told me, I
just think them. They flow from tainted blood that courses through my veins.!

This is not the world we once occupied with our Creator. He once told us what
was amazing and desirable. We took our cues from His heart and His mind.
Now, even that which is trivial represents my own plucking from the tree, that
which I choose for myself. My day is filled with the proof of my own rebellion.
My brokenness is far deeper than the manifestations of sin that creep up to the
surface. Sin is not just looking at pornography or yelling at the kids, or speaking
inappropriately about someone when they are not around. It is the very state I
am in as a Child of the first Adam.!
Fear not, dear reader, this is not the end; it is only the beginning. Remember, if
your headache is more than a headache, you want to know about it so that you
can get proper care. Until we understand that our lives are absolutely
unmanageable, we will continue to attempt to manage them.!

Our hope, our only hope, is bigger than sin management. The hope of the
Gospel is rebirth, a return to hearing the Spirit’s voice in the garden, re-
God has created our world and our minds in a spectacularly interesting way. We
are not like the animal kingdom. For the animals, reality is based on basic
instincts and raw data. Where is food, water and mating? Where do I get these
things to survive and thrive?!

Reality for us is not based on facts and data, but rather it is based on the
perceptions of facts. Let me explain.!

FOX aired a sitcom a number of years back called “Malcolm in the Middle.”
Malcolm was a genius kid growing up in a dysfunctional family. At the
beginning of one episode, he is sitting watching television with two of his
brothers when his older brother comments on the program’s statement
concerning the speed of shuttles in outer space. He thinks the program must be
wrong because if you went that fast you wouldn’t float around like he’s seen,
you’d be pinned to your seat.!

Malcolm responds. “You’re confusing acceleration with velocity....once you’re up

to speed you don’t even notice. I mean, right now, we’re on a planet that’s
spinning one thousand miles per hour, and that’s just rotational voracity. We’re
also traveling around the sun at almost 67,000 miles per hour. And then, the
whole solar system is hurtling around the galaxy which is hurtling away from all
of the other galaxies because the universe is expanding.”!

Two interesting things happen at this point. First, Malcolm’s brothers’

perspective changes. They thought they were sitting still, sitting on a couch in
their living room. The introduction of new data has disrupted their paradigm,
or the way they see the world. What happens next, however, is infinitely more
Upon receiving this new information, Malcolm’s older brother begins looking
uncomfortable. Slowly he reaches up to the arm of the sofa and grips it for
some stability. Malcolm’s little brother ponders the same information and says,

Same data, two different ways to perceive the information. One brought terror,
the other brought a new thrill and joy to life. This is the gift of the
“transformation of the mind.” How we perceive life will become the reality of
our life, not the simple raw data we are given.!

Take two children, though this would be impossible, raised in two different
houses by parents who raise them the exact same way. Each of these children at
the exact same age suffers the exact same trauma. Let’s say they are sexually
abused at age eight. That is the fact, the data. If the reality they experienced was
based solely on fact, then both children would end up in the same place as
adults. We could chart and predict their trajectory. But it is not so.!

Child one may very well become an abuser himself. The story he could hear and
believe in his head is one of worthlessness. Maybe he questions whether or not
it was his fault. Maybe he questions whether or not he enjoyed it. All of these
thoughts, all of these stories move this child into a reality. He may begin seeking
to manage his shame by acting out sexually, eventually perpetrating the same
pain on other children to try to cope with his own suffering.!

Child two, on the other hand, may become incredibly protective of children
because of what happened to him. His suffering is no less, but it gives rise to a
sense of righteous anger against such crimes. He becomes aware of those who
lure children as he was lured. He becomes active in his community and his
family to make sure that what happened to him will never happen to another
child who lives within his protective gaze.!

How each child will respond and react to the facts of their lives will be based on
how they perceive the data, the story they tell themselves.!

We have all known people who have walked through sickness. Some do it with
grace and courage, some do not. We know people who have suffered loss. Some
have lost their faith, others have grown in their faith. Their realities were not
dictated by the facts of their lives but rather the stories that they believed while
living within those facts. At the core lies the same question that Satan brought
to bear in the garden when he tempted Eve. “Is God really good, or is He
withholding goodness from you?” How we answer that question, what we
believe in our darkest times of fear, most often dictates the “realities” we live in.!

We like to believe that it is not so, that we are victims of circumstance, that we
have a right to all of our emotional outbursts and self-absorption when we find
our self in crisis, and I am not going to argue that point. I am, however, saying
that God has created a world in which we participate in the creation process of
the “worlds” we live in. There is an important Gospel reason that God has made
it so.!

In Romans 12:2, Paul writes, “Do not be conformed to the world (or take
it as your mold), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
These words come on the heals of living in light of God’s mercy, His sacrifice,
His drawing us toward Him by the sacrifice of His Son and then laying down
our lives on His altar. As we live in this way, always in light of His Gospel story,
always letting His holy flame burn away the dross, we begin to see a
transformation...a transformation of our minds.!

We start to interpret our data differently. Suffering starts to look different than
it did when we were not living in view of His grace. Look at the Paul. His idea of
suffering is insane to a secular world view. He had experienced something that
only a Christian that had reckoned the gospel could ever understand. He was
living in a Gospel reality. The world he occupied was not the same world others
trod. He walked in the Kingdom.!

The word for transformation used in Romans 12 is the same word used when
Jesus was transformed before Peter, James and John in Matthew 17:2.
“And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the
sun, and his clothes became white as light.”!
The same word speaks of the transformation that is happening in us as we draw
closer to the presence of God, like Moses on the mountain receiving the law.
“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are
being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to
another . F or this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. ” (2
Corinthians 3:18)!

That transformation is the working out of the Gospel in our lives. The word
“Gospel” is thrown around lightly enough, but Christians in this century most
often use it in the context of a salvation message. I believe that the Gospel is the
hope of sanctification as much as it is the power of God for Salvation. In other
words, if I throw out my need for the Gospel after salvation, then I am as foolish
as the Galatian church, who began by the power of the Spirit but then thought
they could live out their faith through their own effort (Gal. 3:3).!

When the Gospel work begins to take root, the transformation of our mind is a
radical thing. It is no small occurrence. It takes all of my present situations and
relationships, all of my struggles and passions, and redeems them through the
lens of the cross and the love and mercy of Christ. Where I walked with
bitterness and frustration I begin to experience faith, hope and love. The eternal
gold of the Kingdom begins to shine in my life.!

Even more miraculous, the transformation is retroactive. It is not only effective

to change the facts of today and tomorrow but the data of the past as well.
Those pieces of my life that I felt shame for, I find a new story that accepts my
Daddy’s forgiveness and acceptance. The hurts and villainous pains others have
inflicted upon me begin to morph into glorious and inexplicable views into
grace and forgiveness.!

Every Christian has heard sermons on forgiveness and laying down bitterness.
We’ve heard how bad it is to carry such burdens through life. I would contend
that there is no true forgiveness you or I can offer apart from a Gospel-
transformed mind that is miraculously changing the shape of the story through
the lens of the cross. When that kind of forgiveness happens, it happens despite
me. It happens wholly because of the Christ.!
This is what the true Christian looks like, walking in a fallen world—in one
word, crazy. A reasonable person reading what I just wrote who did not
subscribe to biblical thinking, could classify this as a kind of dissociative
disorder. A mental tool in which a sick person disconnects from their pain,
trauma or shame and leaps into a different identity or reality so that they can
deal or cope with life (my loose definition).!

Is the Gospel then an excuse for some kind of dissociative disorder? Listen
friends, everyone lives in a reality based on the perception of the facts of their
lives, the atheist does it, the agnostic does it, the Buddhist does it. Each has a
paradigm that they believe in, that they have put their faith in, and thus they
put the facts of their lives in. As they put the facts of their lives there, it shapes
how they emotionally and mentally experience those facts.!

The real question is, what do you believe? Most Christians have verbally
confessed to the tenants of the Christian faith, but few have lived what Romans
12:1-2 would call a life and mind transformative experience. If someone wants
to call a Christian who lives and loves in light of the Gospel unrealistic because
they see life in such an otherworldly way, then I say let them. Isn’t that what
people are supposed to see in Christians everywhere?!
Throughout this book we will be using the word “reckon” to define that state of
Gospel living that transcends simple Christian club membership. In Romans 6,
Paul says, “For the death he (Jesus) died he died to sin, once for all, but
the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves
dead to sin and alive to God.” (v. 10-11)

The word he uses in verse 11 for “consider,” is sometimes translated, “count,” or

“reckon.” It is the Greek word, logízomai. It is the root of our English word,
logic or logical. To reckon something is to come to a mental logical conclusion,
an absolute bottom line. The phrase, “bottom line” is an accounting term,
referring to the bottom of the ledger. Calculations are made, added and
subtracted, and those totals equal a final statement of truth. That is the
definition of the word reckon.

All of that sounds technical and can feel heady and even convoluted in its
practical outworking, but it is not. The process of reckoning happens naturally
and intuitively in many areas of our lives all of the time. It is the process by
which something goes from being “true” to being “real.” Examples of this
phenomenon abound.

I cherish the memories of my children’s grand entrances into our family. Our
first came by way of an unexpected pregnancy. I recall the doctor telling my wife
and me that her blood test proved a fact that I could not see. In that moment, I
believed the truth of her state, but I had no idea how shallow the reality of it
was to me. As I write this very paragraph, I am sitting across a table in a coffee
shop from that very son whom I am schooling in his seventh grade studies…
and I can say is that my reality has increased. As Jenny’s belly grew, reality grew.
I heard the “whush, whush, whush,” of the heartbeat, and reality increased. I
saw an ultrasound, a picture of the child itself, and I believed with a different
kind of certitude. Then came a day where I touched and smelled and kissed for
myself, and on that day, I reckoned the truth that I had always believed. It
became real.

There was never a time that I did not “believe” the truth. My belief was just
small, and though I thought it changed my life, little had actually changed. It
was a beautiful beginning, but there was far more to come.

As I move into reckoning the Gospel in my life, I have come to actively believe
what is written at the bottom line in the ledger of my life. I draw from that
account because I do not believe the books were cooked. I don’t believe that my
faith is simply a crutch or a nice idea; I don’t believe it represents truth, it is
simply real.

Some may worry about this additional complexity of “reckoning” in their

spiritual life. It may cause them to wonder, “Have I reckoned the Gospel? Am I
saved if I haven’t yet?” Friend, relax. God tells us to “Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ and you will be saved.” For, “he who has the Son has life.” Do not burden
yourself on the journey to engage your great hope but rather prepare yourself
for the joy of more. As we reckon the Gospel more deeply, such questions will
inevitably go away.

The next few chapters will lay out God’s ledger of hope and redemption
concerning our Gospel reconciliation to Himself, but those are only Words.
Reckoning requires something more.

I was speaking with a young friend of mine and he was expressing frustration
with a class he was taking. It was a class full of “right” answers, but he looked
around at the lives of the people in his class and knew that right answers would
not affect many of them for years, perhaps never. So what was the point? A
reasonable and deep question to be sure.

That same week my wife and I had been reading “Frankenstein,” and in that
moment with my young friend a thought occurred to me. Our didactic
information-oriented church teaching is not so different from the work of
Victor Frankenstein. He laid out the “raw materials” just as we do. The answers
we give have all of the components of life, they are indeed powerful. But we
cannot animate them. Just as Victor needed a power outside of himself to bring
life to the raw materials, so must we wait on and pray for the Holy Spirit to do
what only the Spirit can.

“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come
from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot
understand them because they are discerned only through the
Spirit.” (1 Cor. 2:14)

The work of the Holy Spirit does not end with conversion. The Spirit continues
to teach and apply God’s words to our hearts. He quickens us, or brings life to
us. Aurthur Pink puts it like this in his book on the Holy Spirit: “In His work of
illumination, conviction, conversion, and sanctification, the Spirit uses the
Word as the means thereto, but in His initial work of “quickening” He employs
no means, operating immediately or directly upon the soul. First there is a “new
creation” (2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10), and then the “new creature” is stirred into
exercise” (Ch. 11).

We don’t know when and how the Spirit will do what the Spirit will do in our
hearts. The first time I acted like a reckoned son of God was decades after I had
come to Christ. I had finally realized that I had greatly limited the Gospel,
relegating it to only a position of salvific power. Thus, the Gospel held nothing
for me but a sweet memory of conversion. The rest was up to me, discipline,
discipleship. That’s how I understood Christian maturity. But then I discovered
I was not reading the Bible very well.

I began to study and pray and meditate on the true Gospel, the Gospel for
living, for sanctification, not only salvation. Then one day, I sinned. My usual
response to sin would have been shame, perhaps anger with a side order of self-
pity. But not this day, for the Spirit had other plans. Immediately I cried out to
God. These were my words, “God, deal with this crap. I am so sick of this

I closed my mouth, startled by my own outburst, and then it struck me. My

emotion, my heart, it had connected my sin to something other than…me. I
sided with my Abba and cried out for His hand of strength against my flesh that
was at that very moment seeking to undo me. I believed my identity in Christ
more than my identity in the flesh. I pulled over the car because I was crying
too hard to drive.

I dearly wish that we could control how and when we reckon the Gospel. But
we cannot. Just as the first believers were sent to wait and pray, so we wait and
pray. We fix our eyes on Christ, we dwell on the truth that we see in His Word
concerning our status as new creatures and then we let the Spirit do what the
Spirit does.

As you read on, when you see the word reckoned, do not take it lightly. It is not
a small word. It’s a giant among Webster’s tribe. It is our glorious hope for
practical Kingdom living in this fallen world. 

Growing in our knowledge of God’s redemptive story, His narrative in our lives,
gives us a vessel into which we can place important relational ideas. Our
“identity,” or our “Gospel narrative” (the story we tell ourselves), is like a bucket
that we carry all of the information about God’s love toward us enacted through
His Son. We carry the truth of our adoption as His children, heirs to His
kingdom. Many people experience such transformative truths in their Christian
walks without engaging a quest for a cleaner Gospel identity, but I believe we all
need a container to hold the facts, especially when life bumps me and threatens
to topple me entirely.!

To come to a place where I can believe the Gospel story in my life and believe it
so clearly that it can begin to transform the way I interpret the data of my
experiences, past and present, I must understand who I am and how I came to
be thus. The Gospel story, from the time of Adam to the time of Christ, to this
very moment, has been a story of Spiritual DNA.!

God’s plan, His desire, was never to clean up sinners. Oh that we could get that
through our religious heads. God does not clean up sinners. He kills them: “I
have been crucified with Christ, I no longer live...”; “In Christ I am a new
creature, the old has gone, behold, the new has come.”!

Listen to Romans 6. Don’t rush through it, listen to God’s words.!

“Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ
Jesus were baptized into his death?
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order
that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the
Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall
certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.
We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the
body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer
be enslaved to sin.
For one who has died has been set free from sin.
Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live
with him.
We know that Christ being raised from the dead will never die again;
death no longer has dominion over him.
For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives
he lives to God. So you also must consider (reckon) yourselves dead
to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. ” (v. 3-11)

The entirety of this passage screams out to us, not in metaphor, but Spiritual
reality, God wants to kill us and resurrect us. Only then do we have hope of a
new reality, a new identity. That is what the Gospel is.!

That is the simple answer Jesus gave to Nicodemus when he came seeking
direction in the dead of night:!

“Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member

of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said,
“Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no
one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were
not with him.” In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one
can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. ” John 3:1-3!

This is both simple and terrifically complicated all at the same time. There are a
couple of reasons for it, and until we acknowledge and unravel those reasons,
facing our crisis of flesh and false identity will yield little lasting fruit. The
Gospel will be of little value because Christ will be of little effect (Gal. 5:2).!

The first reason that it is so difficult for us to believe, or “reckon” at a heart level
this Spiritual reality, is the fact that I do not see a physical change upon my
death and resurrection in Christ. I look in the mirror, and my identity seems to
have not altered at all. It begs the question, why am I still struggling? Who am I,
Here is the obvious answer. I am not the man I see in the mirror. That person
has changed since the day I was conceived. I am not the twelve-year-old who
stared at the birthing of fresh pimples as he brushed his teeth in the morning
before school. Nor will I be the man who is deciding whether or not today is a
shaving day. I will continue to wax and age, erode and decay until I die, and
then I will be put in the ground and this vessel will cease to hold...me.
Therefore, what I see in the mirror cannot be me, for I will still exist, but what I
see in the mirror today will be food for the worms and a new body will be mine

I can take the obvious a step further. I often tell myself and others that I am a
bad and shameful person because of my sinful desires and actions. But that is
also a reflection that will have an end. When I die, those things too will be put
in the ground and come to an end. Do you believe that those desires and
actions will go with you into glory? Will the struggles of the flesh accompany
you into glory? Of course not! In that day He will wipe away every tear and I
will know Him as I am known. So if those things, like my physical flesh are not
a part of my essential identity that will live past the grave, how is it that I so
easily associate my core identity with them?

I see with physical eyes and so I count (or reckon) most quickly that which is
physical. In 1 Samuel 16, the great prophet was rebuked by God for just this
problem when he first cast an eye on young David. “...man looks on the outward
appearance, the Lord looks on the heart.”!

How sad that I cast off God’s truth that I am dead to sin. It is no longer my
identity. I am a new creature in Christ. I no longer sin but it is the sin that
dwells in me that is the true culprit (Rom. 7). I am united with Christ, clothed in
Christ, reigning with Christ, victorious with Christ.!

Here is how God helps us understand this phenomenon that we cannot see
with our material eyes:!

“For just as through the disobedience of One man the many were
made sinners, so also through the obedience of One man the many
will be made righteous.

The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where
sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin
reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to
bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. ” (Rom. 5:19-21)!

“Through the disobedience of One man, the many were made sinners.” God is,
of course talking about Adam, the first man. Watchman Nee has a saying that I
have always loved concerning this verse, “You are not a sinner because you sin,
you sin because you are a sinner.” In other words, you did not become a sinner
the first time you told a lie to your parents or took that extra cookie that your
mother baked. Those actions only proved your family heritage, your fallen
lineage, your sinful DNA.!

There are two kinds of Homo sapiens on the planet earth, not one. This

is incredibly difficult for us to reconcile while we are in the midst of a battle

with our flesh, but Scripture tells us, “ Thus it is written, ‘ The first man
Adam became a living being’; the last Adam became a life-giving
spirit.” (1Cor. 15:45) When God looks at a man or woman He sees the DNA
strand of the first Adam, or the last Adam, period. This is our theology of

This begins to show the clear problem with religiosity that Paul was constantly
battling in His epistles. The early Church, just as much as today’s Church, is
constantly trying to look more Christian. But to what end? You can dress like a
last Adam, talk like Him, get plastic surgery to look like Him, but you will never
have His DNA unless you have been born of His family!!

Let me put it even more simply. Cats are clearly evil creatures. They are selfish
and cruel to their masters. They ignore you until they are good and ready to
accept affection, and then when they want something they won’t leave you
alone. They have cat DNA.!

Now let us suppose that a cat realizes the wickedness of its ways. It sees that to
be a truly good pet, it must become like a dog. Thus it makes it the pursuit of its
life to become a dog. It learns to fetch and roll over. It comes when it is called. It
tries to drink water instead of milk, bark instead of meow. It even goes to great
cosmetic expense to look the part, convincing all of its friends that it is a dog.
But in the end, a dog is a dog and a cat is a cat. It is a fact of DNA, it is a fact of

The Gospel story starts and ends with birth. No one chooses or changes or
controls birth. It happens outside of their power. When we were born, we were
born with the spiritual DNA of the first Adam. The Gospel solution, according
to Scripture is not to dress him up, fix him or make him behave, it is to see him
killed and resurrected with Christ. When we are “united” with Christ in His
death and resurrection, we are “new creatures,” different creatures in our DNA.
We have the DNA of Christ.!

We don’t see it on the outside, but why would we? What is on the outside is part
of the temporary, that which will pass away at death. That which lives on is our
eternal identity, the part that God sees when he looks at us. It is that part that
bears the code, the DNA of His Son. It is that part that is holy, righteous,
without spot or blemish, for it is in the very nature and essence imputed by the
Son of God.!

So what do we do when we occasionally meow, hiss or chase a mouse?!

If the fact that we can’t see this miraculous death and resurrection doesn’t make
believing in our reckoned selves hard enough to believe in a transformative way,
the fact that we keep craving and doing the same things from before the
transformation, can make it feel impossible. In our worst moments of self-
condemnation, we all must face the question, how real can this Gospel be, if I
still think and do these things?!

To face that question without simply throwing back half-hearted Christian

platitudes takes true Gospel reckoning. It requires a belief that has penetrated
deeper than an intellectual assent to a principle body of dogmas. Paul is the
greatest example of a man fully reckoned, or at least farthest down the path of
reckoning, of anyone in Scripture. He faced the same problem of his flesh that
we all do, and did so without mincing words:!

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do,

but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that
the law is good. As it is,it is no longer I myself who do it,but it is sin
living in me.
I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For
I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For
what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to
do-- this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do,it is no
longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. ” (Rom. 7:15-20)!

Now, if the Gospel were not true, if Paul were simply speaking from some
philosophical foundational precept, this paragraph would be the biggest copout
in the history of sacred writings presented to man. “I don’t know...I keep doing
the stuff I don’t want to do, but it’s not really me, it’s the bad stuff that lives in
me that does it.” Excuse me? Honestly, if any of my children said that to me, I
would take issue with the child.!

But step back for a moment and put this amazing phrase into the context of the
two DNAs, the two Adams. Paul is standing firmly in an identity that he actually
believes exists.!

Here’s how it breaks down for him. Yes, he lives in a vehicle that is of the flesh.
It is not him, it will be dead and separated from him eventually. His flesh
vehicle craves flesh fuel. It is surprising. It is frustrating. BUT, if he does what
he does not want to do in the Spirit - in his Gospel identity - then it is not
actually the real Paul who is doing it, it is that flesh zombie vehicle that he’s
cohabiting with until it breathes its last.!

It’s kind of like this; I once owned a dog that I particularly liked. His name was
Roscoe. He was a big muscular Rhodesian Ridgeback. Besides his incessant
barking problem and the digging up the grass to pursue gopher problems, he
had one flaw that perpetuated his eventual exit from the family: Roscoe hated

When I say that Roscoe hated blondes, I don’t mean that he preferred
redheads. If he saw a blonde woman, he would go completely insane. Mind you,
this was a big scary looking dog. Unfortunately, there was a blonde girl in the
youth group I was pastoring at the time who was quite certain that she was the
dog whisperer. Turns out, she was not.!

So after Roscoe had his fill of blonde flesh, and I met the young lady’s mother
for the first time, and information had been exchanged, I came to a very
important conclusion. I did not bite the blonde girl.!

This may not seem like an important epiphany to you. You may actually find it
obvious. And yet, we live our Christian lives as if we don’t know the difference
between the dog and the man.!

I owned a dog that bit blonde women. There were consequences to my dog’s
behavior. I had responsibilities as the dog’s owner. I needed a good fence to
keep the dog from killing people. Hey, I’m not saying – nor is Paul – that we
have no responsibility when it comes to our behavior. There is both
responsibility and consequence when it comes to the behavior we participate
in, in our flesh.!

However, responsibility and consequences for my dog is a very different from

my identity. I did not sit around for days after the blonde girl incident
wondering when I became such a strange and twisted man, that I would bite a
high school girl’s hands and draw blood. Ridiculous. I was perfectly clear that
the dog was the dog and I was me.!

In Romans 7, Paul is having that exact same conversation. He is speaking with

crystal clarity concerning the flesh for which he takes responsibility and the life
from which he draws an identity. Until we “count” or “reckon” or “come to grips
with” or “reconcile ourselves to” the Gospel identity as such in our lives, there is
nothing religion can do to help us. Christ is of no value, for Christ is not
resurrected in our lives, He is not living. He is nothing more than an idea onto
which we add the accessories of religiosity and the social community of the so-
called “church.”!

In Christ you are a new creature. It is so, or it is not. It is not a premise that is in
daily flux, nor a supposition based on your works. It is a fact of birth. You did
nothing to gain the DNA of the first Adam, nor can you do anything to retain
your re-birthed DNA. You are who has God declared you are. Living it is the

Truly, I am no less confused by my own heart than Paul seemed to be about his.
I see these words, written down in the Scriptures, words that I believe are from
God’s own heart, but do I live like I believe they mean any of what they say?!

It’s as if vicious enemies surround me, thoughts and doubts that attack my
identity and seek to drag me back to the flesh. God scoops me up and draws a
circle in the dirt, tucking me beneath Him, clenching his cinder block fists, and
daring anyone to step inside the line and take His child. And still I try to crawl
out...I crawl out.!

To begin to walk with any confidence in our Gospel identities, we must learn to
see through the lens that God sees us. For too long have most of us have looked
through lenses of accusation and self-condemnation. These are the tools of
Satan, for it is he who is called the “Accuser of the brethren” (Rev. 12:10). Satan
wants me to look in the mirror and believe that what I see is my identity. Christ
calls me in and through the looking glass, to see what lies beneath:!

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be
against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us
all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who
shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.
Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is one who died — more than that,
who was raised — who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is
interceding for us.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or

distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or
sword? As it is written,

“For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded
as sheep to be slaughtered.”
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him
who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels
nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor
height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to
separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans

Understanding what I attach my identity to is not such a hard thing. If another

Christian were to walk up to me and say, “So...how are things going?” how
would I answer? And what reason would I give for the answer?!

I might say, “I’m doing really great. Just came back from a time away with God.
Had a lot of time in His word. Did my devotionals every day.”!

Or I might say, “Not doing so well, looked at porn last week. Kind of struggling.”!

Or maybe I’d say, “Doing awesome; prayer times have been really sweet.”!

Don’t get me wrong. Intimate times with God ought to feel good; sin should
prick the conscience and feel uncomfortable. But, honestly, that’s not usually
what I mean when I say those things. My identity, the way I see myself as a
Christian, is always dangerously and precariously balanced on the precipice of
performance. If I perform well, I feel good ABOUT me. If I perform poorly, I
feel bad ABOUT me.!

When I am approaching my identity like that, Christ’s invitation to die with

Him and become reborn in His resurrection has very few if any practical
implications in my life. In the beginning, these were the things I trusted in to
get me saved, but the rest was then on me. The rest was based on my
performance. I was looking for something tangible to base my identity feelings
on. Religious ideas and stained glass word pictures didn’t give enough
assurance to keep me going when self-doubt and shame destroyed my fragile
“equilibrium. ”!

So what’s the problem?!

Roman 3:23-25 says, “...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of
God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption
that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of
atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his
justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed
beforehand unpunished.”!

In our sterile society, where we buy packaged meat at the store and rarely see
blood, the blood of Jesus means little to us. Yet God says, “we have now been
justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’ s
wrath through him!” (Rom. 5:9)!

The only thing that should, or can, make us feel better about our situation in
life, is Christ’s blood. A deal was struck before the foundation of the world. God
the Father and God the Son said OK, and the deal went down. I would not
impugn God’s character by explaining it beyond that, but it went down. And
Jesus went to the cross, and at the cross He cried out Tetelestai...“Debt paid in
full. It is finished.”!

Our great sin is that we think that we are supposed to feel something of this
“blood of Jesus.” The deal was set between the Father and the Son, the deal was
accomplished by the Son before the Father. It is not ours to have an opinion
about. The efficacy of the blood of Christ is for God to value, and ours to stand
in awe of and to trust. Believe or don’t, but how one feels about it has nothing
to do with it.!

I have an adopted son. Long before he ever knew we were coming for him, we
worked on his behalf. We paid fees and jumped through legal hoops. Our love
was being lavished on him before we ever held him in our arms. The price was
set by an agency, and we sacrificed and paid it. It was our honor, our choice to
do so. Now, I cannot imagine a time in my son’s life when he looks at me and
says, “I am not your son, the price you paid was not enough to cover the bill.”
Ridiculous! It’s already done.!

Every adopted child faces some crisis of identity and we, the adopted children
of God, are no exception. But let it never be over the price of our adoption.!
“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you:
God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have
fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live
by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have
fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies
us from every sin.” (I Jn 1:5-7)!

As we move into our new identity in Christ, we remain firmly planted, despite
our struggles with this vehicle of flesh in which we reside, because the blood of
Christ has actual value to God the Father. It is not an idea to Him. It is a thing,
an accomplished purpose.!

When we stumble and fail, what is it that raises us back up? What is it that
cleanses our conscience and sets up back into Kingdom work? “The blood of
goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially
unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the
blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God,
cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living
God!” (Heb. 9:13- 14)!

Our identity, resting on the tangible substance of an actual covenant struck

between God and man, with both ends physically fulfilled by persons of the
Triune God...is important. God wants you to know:!

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver
or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed
down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of
Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” (1 Peter 1:18-19)

As we engage this journey at a personal level, each step must point back to this
fact. All accusation and condemnation are lies that are not of God. For He has
done exactly what He set out to do in His own requirements – perform a
miraculous transformation in my life. I was spiritually crucified and resurrected
with Christ, through faith in His blood, and because of that, I am, now and
forever, clothed in the righteousness of the Last Adam.!

The writer and philosopher Voltaire once said that, “God created man in his
image and man has returned to him the favor.” At first glance the witty
sentiment looks like much of the critical writing of the Frenchman, but look
again and you will find that he has given us a profound and important truth.!

When I am struggling with sin and shame, it is far easier to make God into a
version of me in my mind than to accept the version that Scripture gives. Grace
is fun to talk about until we need to accept it, then we would just rather take a
beating. Thus the Voltaire’s false narrative pushes me away from the grace that
is offered into hiding from God’s love.!

Here is how it used to look for me.!

When I was younger, I was a passive aggressive manipulator. If someone hurt

me, I would make sure they paid, but I would make them pay while still taking
credit for being gracious. “It’s OK,” I would say with pain in my eyes, “I forgive
you.” Then I would withdraw for some alone time and make them feel my
conspicuous absence, knowing they had produced it.!

It was a game. I wanted to see how far people would go to prove that they loved
me. Unfortunately, that behavior leaked into my theology. Other people play
different games. Some are overtly aggressive. Some manipulate with tantrums
and tears. Each behavior leaks into God’s image a little differently.!

If I offended God, I figured He must feel like I did, hurt and angry. I pictured
that He needed some alone time. “It’s fine Aaron, I forgive you. I just need a
little space right now.” Off He would go into some corner of heaven to sit
behind a closed door and make me pay with His silence.!

The picture in my head was being played at a mostly unconscious level. My

response however, was not. I would walk away in shame, believing God didn’t
want me around. I would wallow for a while. I would roll around in my
humiliation until I believed I had earned my way back into His love and

The humorous reality was that my picture of God’s behavior had nothing to do
with what I believed about God. I believed one thing, and responded toward
him in a completely different way. The first problem with my response toward
God was that it was predicated on God’s surprise at my behavior. It was as if He
was stood at the railing of heaven watching me move toward sin saying, “No,
don’t do it Aaron.” He covered His eyes with His hands but peeked between His
fingers as I sinned. “Ahhh come on!” He’d burst out, slapping a hand down.!

What a stupid thought. As if I have ever snuck up on God. But if I remove my

ability to surprise God with my bad behavior, how can I retain the story that He
is shocked and angry? Even in my life, I could maintain good behavior when
others sinned toward me if I knew it was coming ahead of time. It’s the surprise
that gets me into trouble. This is what it means to believe one thing completely
about God, but live completely contrary to that belief.!

Scripture paints a very clear picture of God’s response toward foolish man. It
starts in the Garden. We have already noted that God had made the Book of Life
of the Lamb that was Slain before the foundations of the earth. Therefore, He
knew that mankind would fail. Sin was not a surprise.!

However, if there was ever a time for God to get really, really, really mad at sin, it
was in the garden. He gave man one rule, and it wasn’t even a hard rule: Don’t
eat a piece of fruit from a certain tree. It wasn’t as if He set up an algebraic
equation that Adam and Eve had to solve each day to stay in the garden. Just
don’t eat that fruit was all. That is called setting the bar extremely low.!

Low bars, high bars, it doesn’t really matter. Man was created to find God
through His sacrifice on the creature’s behalf. Man failed the test, and it is here
that we must now watch the true story of God’s reaction to man’s failure.!

Immediately, Adam and Eve feel shame and they hide from God. Take note,
friend, there are a number of absurd aspects to this story, but each have an
important purpose. Adam and Eve hiding in the bushes from God is absurdity
number one. What did they think would happen? Truth be told, they were as
stupid as I am in my sin.!

Part two, God comes after them. Take note, who is running from who here? Is it
not man that runs from God when they are in sin and shame? Though the story
we tell ourselves may be that God doesn’t want us around, that He is angry, it is
we who are doing the running. God is walking toward His creatures, even in the
moment of their failure.!

God asked two questions. “Where are you?” That seems like a strange question.
I grew up in the days of Superman, and I know what X-ray vision looks like.
Surely God has something like that. His first question is a setup to the second.
“Did you eat of the tree I told you not to eat from?” Another seemingly crazy
question. God must have known. What is he doing? Is He like a cat toying with
the mouse who is cornered?!

Listen, friend. Whenever God does something that seems to make no sense,
there is a reason. These questions are beautiful and gracious and kind. He is
giving mankind our first opportunity for confession. The die was cast, but
relationships still needed to be restored. God knew what they had done, but
they needed to say it, to confess it. I have often wondered what the scene would
have looked like if Adam and Eve would have burst forth from the bushes with
their pathetic leafy coverings and said, “Yes! We did it. We ate of the tree. We are
so sorry. Forgive us.”!

Alas, they did not. Adam blamed Eve and the God who gave her to him. Eve
blamed the serpent. Once again, if I were God, things would have gone very
differently (Thank goodness I’m not God). God deals with their accusations. He
deals with the serpent, He deals with the woman, and He deals with the man.
Then in an extraordinary move, He makes for them clothes, coverings from the
skin of an animal. He kills the first living creature to cover their shame. Even in
their worst moment, He shows that death will be the price for their sin, but He
will sacrifice something else on their behalf.!
This is the first story in Scripture regarding God’s response to sinful man. Jesus
repeats it in Luke when He tells the story of the Prodigal Son and gives the
Pharisees a picture of His Father.!

When we allow ourselves the latitude to reinterpret God’s character based on

our own manipulative behavior, we rob ourselves of the grace that could be
ours. God is not like us. He calls us to see Him for who He is and to respond to
that person. He calls us to boldly approach the throne of grace, right at our time
of need.!

It is one thing to talk about the “reckoned” Gospel, or the difference between
head knowledge and heart knowledge, but it is another entirely to plumb our
own depths to discover and confess what truths and lies we are actually living

The process of the Spirit transforming our mind is, in part, the process of a
storyteller. Remember, facts and data do not dictate our reality, but our
perception of those facts. Our perceptions come from the stories we are telling
ourselves, i.e. the judgments we are making. The story we are telling ourselves
about a situation, another person or ourselves, is the cleanest, most honest
glimpse into our true theological beliefs. My internal story tells me what my
heart knowledge actually is, and what I really believe.!

For any Christian, this is not an easy story to access. We know the right answers,
the head knowledge. We have also been conditioned to believe that if there is a
discrepancy between what we know to be true and the stories in our hearts, we
must hide it at all costs. We must “fake it ‘till we make it.” The problem is,
sometimes we fake it for so long that we no longer even realize that our whole
Gospel experience is a sham.!

To discover and come to reckon the Gospel in our own lives, and thus have the
internal and spiritual tools to bestow that grace upon those around us, we must
come to honor the work of new creation that God has worked in us. Our story,
completely, is a portrait of His grace.!

That story includes all of our giftedness, our propensities, the experiences of
our past and present, even our intrinsic sin struggles. But all of that is built on
the architecture of our souls. Most would call that our personality. But it is the
deeper part of the foundation onto which all of those experiences and gifts are
built and grow.!

Those who have pursued God on spiritual journeys often shy away from this
piece of the process because they believe that the answer is to be found in
God’s personality, not theirs. To this, we would simply say that we were created
in God’s image and that God placed within each of us the most intimate and
least disconnected journey toward discovering His personality.!

Engaging the architecture of one’s soul is not self-indulgent. It is the hearts cry
to discover the creator within our most personal part of His creation. It is the
courageous journey that involves wading through the consequences of the fall
and finding out what redemption really means on the other side. It’s about
finding the beauty of a Savior.!

There is something suspicious and shallow in the Christian dismissal of

psychology. Granted it has been a field claimed by many who have minimized
and or rejected the creator of the psyche, but the very fact that we believe there
is a creator of a psyche demands an honoring of the creation.!

Further, we live in a state of complex fallenness on a journey toward Gospel

redemption. The experience will only be as specific as the Gospel is applied to a
situation and/or the person. A vague sin will only require a general Gospel. A
broad stroke personality will be satisfied with a “generally speaking” Savior.!

We want more. We want to find the nooks and crannies that have not yet been
invaded by or surrendered to the miraculous redemptive power of the risen
Christ. We do not engage in understanding our own creation and that of others
to wallow in sinfulness, but to bring every sinful tendency kicking and
screaming to the cross to die, one by specific one.!

We will use a tool for this task. Tools are naturally clumsy things, earthy. In the
right hands a tool can make great repair, in the wrong hands, further damage. A
tool is just a tool. Always remember that a tool is only a tool. The power is
always in the Gospel. The tool we will use is meant to be a flashlight that will
point to areas that you have not yet applied the Gospel story. We will use a tool
that has been traced back almost 2000 years to the desert fathers.!

Many people came to the desert monks in Egypt, seeking answers for practical
living in the increasingly twisted fallen world of Roman debauchery that called
itself “Christian.” It is said that this earliest of monastic orders used a
“personality” tool to help individuals find the sin tendencies inherent in their
soul’s architecture and to encourage them toward living the Christian life. We
believe that within the tool there is great Gospel usefulness.!

Unlike many “personality profiling” tests or systems that often focus on the
external outworking of the personality, we want to focus on the internal, the
motivations, the fears and the drive of each type of person that in some way
represents a piece of God’s personality.!

In 1 Corinthians 12, God tells us much about the individuals in the church and
their unique role within the Body of Christ as a whole. We often focus on
spiritual gifts when we speak of this passage. I believe there is more to it than
that. I believe that God has given His Church the most complete picture of His
personhood through the redeemed version of the variety of the individuals who
are in the Body. As they are transformed into the image of Christ, the Church
begins to show the world, as a unit, what Christ looks like.!

Our goal is to study the Gospel with our own architecture in mind, as well as
the natural tendencies of how our flesh will seek to mask the Gospel
transformation. Using this tool moves us toward vulnerability and honesty
because the honesty is not simply based on personal insight concerning our
heart but there is an objective device.!

The goal is bigger still, however. As we become more sensitive to the Spirit
applying the Gospel story to our lives, then we begin to add spouse’s
architecture to the Gospel mix, then our family children. We apply grace,
forgiveness and hope, understanding and mercy flows from a deeper glimpse
into what God is doing in them, and us.!
Applying the Gospel to someone else’s life is not simply a matter of telling them
what Jesus did for them, but rather giving them the clearest view of who they
are and can be within the completed work of our Christ. That is what it means
to serve others with the Gospel. The deeper we go, the more sensitive we
become to the glory of God in the people around us. We gain a growing hunger
for others to see the Gospel at work in their individual transformation. In this
way they become true evangelists, bearing witness of the good news of Jesus

Jesus calls us to be witnesses. Every witness starts with the thing they
personally experience...never with the thing they read about in the morning
newspaper. And so we begin.!

God tells us that we, those who make up the capital “C” Church, are the body of
Christ. We are the enfleshed temple of the living God, moving about the earth.
No one of us has what it takes to truly represent Christ to the world. If it
perhaps seems that I give overly simplistic examples of deep and wondrously
mysteriously things, take note that God Himself, through Paul, does a more than
admirable job than I:!

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the
members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with
Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or
Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot
should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,”
that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear
should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,”
that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body
were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body
were an ear, where would be the sense of smell?

But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of
them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body
be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again
the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”

On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are
indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less
honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable
parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable
parts do not require.
But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part
that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the
members may have the same care for one another. If one member
suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice
together . ” (1 Cor. 12:12-26)!

Whenever God includes a, “no-duh” piece of theology, such as, “The eye cannot
say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,” it must mean that we struggle with an
obvious truth. So what is the obvious truth we must be struggling with that God
is giving us such clear admonition about here? Wait for it...!

We think there is a “better” kind of Christian... and all of us should “strive” to

clone ourselves to that end.!

Rubbish-piles upon the thought!!

We should all try to look like Billy Graham? What a disappointment that would
be. A Kingdom of John MacArthurs or Mother Theresas would be a better
Kingdom? Indeed not. You are a gift to the Church. You are imbued with the
Spirit to fill and fulfill some piece of the puzzle, some role that is not “less

This is hard to believe in a culture that takes expert political advice from
Hollywood actors. We have already made a stratum of who is better than whom,
and that extends into the Church. Of course the guy on the stage is better than
you. Of course the gal that wrote the song is better than you. It’s the Christian
version of American Idol...rubbish, rubbish, rubbish.!

God told us in Corinthians that those parts of the body that are on the outside
got their honor, so we give special care and honor to those that receive special
modesty. The Church culture, if it is biblical, is distinctly countercultural in the
American sense. If you are not an “up front” kind of person, YOU are supposed
to be the honored one in the church. The pastor gets enough attention already;
I speak from experience on this, trust me.


Most people see at least a couple of soul architectures that seem to fit them at
first. There is, however, one type that will speak most clearly to your internal
geography and motivations.!

That one type, I believe, has been known since birth. It may have been shaped
by experiences in childhood and parenting styles, but it was and is your core
reference point as to how you perceived and handled those events. None of
those were outside of God’s knowledge of sovereignty. Whether it was nature or
nurture is irrelevant to the Christian, because both were known by God. Your
creation is not random. God did not make an empty vessel and then roll the
dice to see what you would become. He knit you together (Ps. 139:13).!

No number is qualitatively better than another. Each represents some aspect of

God’s image that He has placed in us, so that together we can form

the most complete picture of Him. Thus our goal is never to try to transcend

our number and get to one we would prefer; rather, by the power of the Gospel,
our goal is to become most wholly version of ourselves, recast into the image of

As you enter into the journey toward Christ and your core, you are not trying to
prove nor disprove the tool. We live at different levels of maturity and insight at
different times in our lives, so abstain from premature judgments as to who you
are, or are not, along the way.!

If you read something that you used to do, and it makes you feel defensive
because you don’t do it anymore, great, you don’t do it anymore. However, the
fact that you recognize a tendency in the past gives you good warning for the
future. Jot that down in the margin. When did you do it? How did you do it?
The purpose is not to dredge up shame from the past, but to give insight and
protection for the future.


In reality, there are eighteen distinct soul architectures, not nine. One of the
types adjacent to your core is called your “secondary number” (or your “wing”).
Though your core number dominates your basic gifting and motivation, the
secondary number adds a great deal to the picture of how God made you.!

Sometimes you will see in yourself or others a very strong secondary number,
other times it barely seems to show up. That is normal. People are very different.
We explore to know one another, not categorize one another. In your reading,
study your secondary number and see how much you resonate with the
behaviors and motivations you see there.!

Your core number will fall into one of three key parts of the body, the head, the
heart, or the gut. You cannot remove any one of these parts of the body and
have it survive. Each contains vital organs that sustain very different functions
of life.

ZONE 1: The Head

ZONE 2: The Heart

ZONE 3: The Gut

" !
In the same way, your core number is neither better nor worse for residing in
one of these areas of the body. It will mean a number of things for you (that you
and your friends will have to decide are true), but they are by no means
qualitative. In fact, each of us move through each zone in our own ways.!

Some of us our taught to hold back the heart, to push it down, “Real men don’t
cry, don’t feel.” Some of us have been encouraged to overemphasize one zone.
“You are a geek, a dork, a brain. All you do is think.” These things are ridiculous,
of course. Every man feels and every geek has gut instincts, but we learn to lean
heavily on different aspects of who we are, based on a number of external
pressures throughout our lives. OK. What now? Let’s start at the beginning.!

The fact that your core number lies within one of these three zones gives you
some wonderful strengths and some natural problems. You’ve experiences both,
whether you know it or not.!

Interestingly, the first number of the zone families, tends to be the hyper-
expressive number. The third number is often trying to minimize the
expression, and that middle number most often wants to argue about whether
or not they are some other number or perhaps whether or not they should be
taking another test.!

The fact that a core number resides in a particular zone does not mean that the
individual does not have access to the attributes ascribed to the others, in other
words, a person who is in the Gut Zone, can certainly be an emotional or
feeling person. It simply means that there is usually an order of operation at
work in their life when they are faced with stories or data. It is also the place
that the number retreats to most naturally when fear and control creeps in and
faith begins to wane. This is an important fact we will explore in later chapters.

The Head: 5-6-7

The Heart: 2-3-4

The Gut: 8-9-1

FIVES, SIXES, and SEVENS are great gifts to the church. Just because they
are a part of the Head Zone does not mean that they are bookworms. They are
diverse in how they use their gifts, but each deal with underlying fears and
anxieties that they try control by gathering more information. The Church must
always remind its friends who are built in the Head Zone that their true
confidence and assurance rests in a faith that makes tangible that which is

FIVES are the quintessential gatherers of information. They procure and

process information without regard for protocol or pedigree. They are true truth
seekers. Often they will sit silently watching and listening, and then give one
comment that changes the entire direction of a conversation of a plan because
of their deep insight. When we say that the first number in the family most
hyperactively expresses the trait of their zone, Fives show us what we mean,
they live in their heads in a deep way.!

SIXES are the number that live deeply in their heads but often don’t realize
that they are doing it. They are one of the great relational anchors that God has
given the Church, both as loyal friends who are committed to community and
people endowed with a natural wisdom to help those within the community
they have committed to.!

SEVENS are perhaps the most adventurous of soul architectures that God has
constructed. They are constantly examining life and seeking new adventures.
They seek what is new within and without. They have a childlike wonder about
the world around them, always wanting to explore what is just beyond the
hedge at the end of the yard.!

Heart Zone folks (2s, 3s, & 4s) start from… well, the heart. They sense and feel
deeply and so they are capable of deep and special empathy and compassion for
those around them. They are a gift to the body in many of the ways they relate,
serve and create.!
Each one of these heart soul architectures is very connected to other people’s
responses to them, in picking up cues as to their identities. For that reason, the
Church has an obligation to wisely learn how to speak the true Gospel into the
lives of our Heart Zone brothers and sisters, lest we push them deeper into
identities that are based in their flesh.!

TWOS are the hyper positive feelers. They are kind-hearted servants, selfless
and generous of spirit. When someone is in the presence of a Spirit empowered
Two, they know it is a safe place where they will be cared for and loved.!

THREES, of course, do not want to believe they are in the heart zone. But God
put them there for a reason. They are leaders. They build things, pioneer and
create. The fact that God built them into this part of His body is an asset, not a
liability. They love the thrill of seeing the plan they have been a part of come to
fruition and others enjoying being a part of it.!

FOURS are working from the inside with those feelings and often when it rises
to the surface it comes out as some kind of expression of art, whether in word
or song or simply beauty. God gave Fours a deep sense of longing, a wrestling
and searching for Him that moves and drives them to Him when they are
walking in the Spirit.!

In many respects, God gave the Church the gut as an example of what it can
look like to walk by faith. God has wired them with a natural instinct that they
are more likely than most to trust. When they are walking in the Spirit, it is a
powerful thing. They don’t need to wait for confirmation from outside
sources...they move.!

Because of this, they can struggle with control and anger. They need their
brothers and sisters in the Heart and Head Zones to balance out what can be
overly bombastic and outrageous behavior without the whole body of Christ.
Ironically, for this seemingly super-confident part of the body, they need
gentleness and grace as much if not more than any other part.!
EIGHTS are the hyper-instinctual soul architecture. God built them to lead and
serve. They rush into the battle, and when God is their captain, they are truly
worthy leaders. They are God’s hand of courage to the Church, giving others
what they need to use their gifts and become the part of the body that they were
meant to be.!

NINES are crucial to the stability and love in the body of Christ. They have the
instinctual ability to understand all of the other pieces of the body, and when
they are living without fear of their own creation, they bring God’s peace to the
Church. They are the wise applicators of God’s Word to practical situations and
relational tension. They are the gentle balm of grace between angry parties.!

ONES are idealists seeking God’s truth. They want to find His way and live it
out by example and see as many people following that example as possible.
When they are trusting God with the gift, they are able to walk the difficult
balance of being such a gifted idealist while still having the enormous ability to
offer Gospel grace and mercy to other pilgrims as they take the journey toward
the truth that Ones have discovered.


At this point, we are about to begin looking at each core number, to see the
Gospel story within, and the natural ways each architecture’s flesh tendencies
try to derail that story. Since we are using a tool for the adventure, it will be
important that you become familiar with, and proficient at using the basic
tenants and language of the tool.!

REMEMBER: The beauty of keeping Christ as our center is that you do not
have to like or even agree with the validity of this tool for it to be a good use of
your time. If you sit down with your friends, or a spouse and spend all of your
time debunking the tool by explaining how your soul is really shaped, and what
the Gospel story really is, then I say that was a great conversation. Of course, I
hope for a little more insight than that, but if you enter this process with a
skeptical mind, OK. That’s not a problem. We are searching for Christ’s
redemptive story in you, and how you are God’s unique gift to the Church. As
long as we both think that is worth our time, we are on the same page.!


Most people see at least a couple of soul architectures that seem to fit them at
first. There is, however, one type that will speak most clearly to your internal
geography and motivations. Trust the test at first and explore the core type it
gives you in your assessment. It sometimes strikes people as obvious
immediately, and other times it has to sink in over a few weeks of looking at
deeper motivations. Sometimes, parts you patently disagree with at first actually
become relevant over the course of time. Remember, this is not about external
behavior. This is about the landscape of the heart. That is much harder for us to
The question of nature vs. nurture arises concerning our core numbers. Were
you born with your architecture in place, and then shaped by experiences in
childhood and parental disposition? I think searching for this answer will be as
conclusive as any other nature vs. nurture debate...inconclusive. The reason is
that God, the eternal uncaused cause, is at the wheel.!

Your creation is not random. God did not make an empty vessel and then roll
the dice to see what you would become. He knit you together. What He
controlled before birth and what He put in place to shape you after, answer the
same question. He is shaping and forming you.!

He made you for His glory, to reflect His character, so no number is qualitatively
better than another. Each represents some aspect of God’s image that He has
placed in us, so that together we can form the most complete picture of Him.
Thus our goal is never to try to transcend our number and get to one we would
prefer; rather, by the power of the Gospel, our goal is to become most wholly
ourselves in Christ.!

As you enter into the journey toward your Abba and how He shaped you, you
are not trying to prove nor disprove anything about yourself. We live at different
levels of maturity and insight at different times in our lives, so try abstain from
premature judgments as to who you are or are not along the way.

If you see something about yourself that feels hard, sit with it before you try to
figure it out.!

If you read something that you used to do and it makes you feel defensive,
because you don’t do it anymore, great, you don’t do it anymore. However, the
fact that you recognize a tendency in the past gives you good warning for the
future. Jot that down in the margin. When did you do it? How did you do it?
The purpose is not to dredge up shame from the past, but to give insight and
protection for the future.!

I’ve always marveled at Paul’s words to the Corinthian church, when they were
dealing with forgiving the sinful man from 1 Corinthians. He tells us that we are
not ignorant of the traps Satan uses to trick us:!
“Anyone whom you forgive, I also forgive. What I have forgiven, if I
have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of
Christ, so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not
ignorant of his designs.” (2 Cor. 2:10,11)!

Then I look around and think, “Really? We seem pretty ignorant.” The hard
work of understanding our own flesh desires and tendencies is key. Satan
doesn’t have to “make me” do anything. He just has to put the right bait out:!

“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,”

for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.
But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own
desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin
when it is fully grown brings forth death.” (James 1:13-15)!

Knowing your core number, and in which zone it resides in the body, will help
you understand what to expect when you begin to initially poke at your flesh’s
tendencies and Satan’s false accusations. Here are some of the typical core
number, zone reactions.!

Head Zone numbers often retreat to a kind of silent over analysis and
skepticism. Most Head Zoners I have known don’t get boldly aggressive so
much as they get quiet, argumentative and start doing a lot of research on the
side. People in the Head Zone will try to minimize that feeling of risk to their
heart by thinking their way around the anxiety they begin to feel when
vulnerability arises. Fear and anxiety are going to be two things that Head Zone
numbers need to expect and prepare to trust God with, otherwise they will use
their favorite coping mechanism, retreat and think.!

Satan loves to use shame bait for those who live in the Heart Zone. Because
they are susceptible to accusation about their worth and worthiness, the door to
lead them away from the Gospel and into controlling their own identity is the
fear that they are not enough in Christ, that they must do or be or achieve just a
little more to be loved and known and accepted. As Heart Zone folks begin
opening the door revealing their flesh, the first reaction is often more shame,
instead of joy at discovering the dastardly trick that has been played on them,
keeping them from the glorious worthiness that has been theirs all along in
Christ. Heart Zoners… be forewarned.!

Gut Zoners fight for control, which is why their surrender to the Gospel and
lives of faith is such a powerful and moving thing. However, the process of
unveiling the tricks and schemes of their flesh makes those who live in the Gut
Zone feel horribly exposed and out of control. When a Gut Zoner feels out of
control, they have to choose fight or flight, and a Gut Zoner never flies. If you
are in the Gut Zone, don’t be surprised if you experience a lot of anger as you
go through this process. Your flesh is not going to give up control without a
fight, and it fights with assertions of power. The more desperate it gets to retain
or claim identity from Christ, the more outlandish its rage-tools become. Only a
Gut Zoner knows the furnace that blazes within their chest, but remember this,
if there was not resistance keeping you from pressing forward into your Gospel
identity, you’d really have to wonder if you weren’t going in the same direction
as the enemy.!

This adventure is a fight for identity. But remember, you live in a vehicle of flesh
that wants its fuel as well. Know who you are in Christ. Know who the accuser
says you are without Him. Don’t be afraid of your flesh for Christ has crucified
it and put an end to the curse of death. This is an adventure of freedom, but it is
an adventure. Every adventure has some dark and terrifying forest or swamp
with a strange creature or two.

As you begin to explore your unique architecture and the architecture of your
friends and family, I dearly want you to see a tragic pattern. Every particular
number comes with specific fears and needs that drive them toward the flesh.
They are the whispered stories that tell us Christ is not enough. He is not
sufficient or good, He will not meet the need.!

James gives us the perfect picture of this process: “Let no one say when he
is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted
with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted
when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it
has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings
forth death.” (James 1:13-15)!

Step one, we are lured and enticed by our own desire. Desire or lust, epithumia,
speaks of an over burning, an overheating. James is telling us that it is not Satan
who is simply tricking us, we are lured and enticed by something that is already
in us, and it is something that we are overheating. It is something that we desire,
something that is right to begin with, but then it gets overcooked and begins to
burn us up.!

Galatians gives us a clearer picture of this:

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of
the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the
desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to
each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if
you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity,
sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger,
rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and
things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who
do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things
there is no law .” (Gal. 5:16-23)!

Look at the list of fruits from the desires, or over-desires of the flesh. We can
see how they start out with those things that were not inappropriate at first.
Epithumia, speaks of an over burning, an overheating. James is telling us that it!
is not Satan who is simply tricking us, we are lured and enticed by something!
that is already in us, and it is something that we are overheating. It is something!
that we desire, something that is right to begin with, but then it gets!
overcooked and begins to burn us up.!

Sexual immorality, how does it begin? With a desire for sex. There is nothing
wrong with that desire; God gave us such a desire. However, when we begin to
focus on that passion, over-desire the desire if you will, it consumes us and

soon becomes immorality. Dissension, how does it begin? With conviction of
ideals. God created us to know and believe His truths. But if we begin to place
our convictions over love for the people He has given us to serve with that
truth, we create dissension. Our flesh pushes us, drives us toward planting
seeds that bears bad fruit, each one a mutated version of Eden’s wonder.!

Back to James and the monsters under our beds. Our unique fears seek to
entice us, to draw us away from Gospel reckoning by the power of over- desire.
Next, James tells us that when desire has conceived, when the seed is planted, it
gives birth to sin. We begin to act on the stories we believe. This represents a
terrible shift in our faith life. We are taking matters into our own hands.!

The final step in the descent into the flesh is death. What began with the
wooing of our flesh, the promise of security and goodness, ends in destruction.
Our flesh has no power to give what it promises, though it feels so able in the
beginning. Its powers appear so tangible, its fruits so delicious.!

This is the tragic journey I want you to note as you read through each soul
architecture. As the core type moves from the reckoned to the flesh-led, ask
yourself, what is the fear or need that they are desperately wanting to see met?
How are they believing that they will see it met outside of Christ more
effectively that in His care?!

As the core number moves deeper and deeper into its flesh, watch as the type
actually creates the very monster they feared through their efforts to control
their fear. In the end, that which had no physical form, that which was only a
lurking fear, will actually be a presence in their life, but by no hand but their
own. Look carefully and stare long at this pattern. It will not be hard to spot.
You must see the obvious irony of the nature of sin. That which sin promises to
protect us from, it destroys us with.!

In our lives, there is one safe place. There is one place that we are truly free
from our fears and anxieties. It is in the daily reckoned Gospel made alive
through the Spirit of God in us. Tread beyond that boarder and you will find
your security and hope goes as well. The monster awakes.!

As has already been mentioned, your core number is only one of two that is
illuminating your soul architecture. The number to the right or left (higher or
lower) of your core also influences your makeup to some extent. Some people
have a very strong secondary number, some a weaker number. Added to that,
there are a couple more pieces of the puzzle that we have to look at to truly
understand the tool we are using in uncovering our Gospel identities and place
in the Body of Christ.!


Each core number has two cousins, other core numbers you are related to in
interesting ways. One we will call your gold number because you are ascending
or moving toward Christ when you are acting in it. They are attributes that often
seem counterintuitive to the core number, but that is what makes the gold so
beautiful. The gold number is a Spirit powered faith piece of the soul’s
architecture. There is nothing in the flesh that would choose it.!

The shadow number is not so simple. These attributes often emerge when one
comes under stress or attacks of the flesh. Sometimes these shadow attributes
can seem very helpful, some of your best skills. However, the question that must
always be asked is, what is going on inside? Are these tools of control? Are they
pushing faith out of the picture? The shadow number keeps things murky and
hidden, always slightly askew.!

A person with a core number of Eight, would look like this. !

The core number is in the middle with the secondary numbers on the right
side. When Eights are living in his or her Gospel identity, they begin to take on
the Christ centered traits of the Two. This is called their “gold number.”
However, when Eights begin to live in his or her fear and begin to take!

control for themselves by the power of their flesh, they begin to use the flesh
tools of the Five, or their “shadow number,” in conjunction with the flesh tools
of their core number.!

Such nuances may not seem important now, but as you begin to explore your
core number, you will discover how important these gold and shadow numbers
are to both your Gospel identity and your flesh tendencies. These secondary
numbers and numbers of ascent and descent are also important ways that we
learn to understand and connect with other members within the Body. Of the
nine core numbers, we experience qualities and traits of almost half of them (for
better or worse), which gives us insight and empathy into a great number of
people that we didn’t even realize we knew so well.!


I am always amused at the initial reaction that most people have in this process.
There is some variation of the phrase, “I don’t want to be put into a box,” or “I
don’t fit in a category,” or “I don’t want to be labeled.” Fair enough. I think what
each of us feels is that we are more special than one of eighteen variations of
human beings on the earth fit with different hair styles. That is a legitimate
frustration. It’s also missing an important component.!

If someone said that they were going to show you a home built in the American
Colonial architectural style, that would give you a clue as to its basic structure,
but it would certainly not tell you the whole story, nor would it tell you what
shape it was in. Neoclassical, Renaissance, same idea, they are all styles, but very
different stories based on the individual building. You’re soul architectural style
does not tell your story.!

These eighteen soul architectures are simply styles onto which a life has been
built. You have had experiences, you have certain skills, you have burning
passions that drive you, each of which make you uniquely you. Your soul
architecture ends up shaping all of those into a special place within the Body of
Christ, but it does not take away from the uniqueness of whom God has made
you to be. There is no personality category in the world that could do that.!

God knit you together in your mother’s womb, and he had no need to outsource
to a sweatshop to pull of mass production. He had the time and love to do it
Himself with just who you would be in mind.!


As you enter into this journey, be careful which voices you listen to. Remember
that Satan is called the “accuser of the brethren.” His voice always will bring
rise to those natural flesh reactions of shame, fear and anger, because his voice
always speaks of condemnation.!

The voice of Christ is different. There is no condemnation for those that are in
Christ (Rom. 8:1) and so there can be no condemnation in the Spirit’s
illumination of Christ’s view of our true identity. His voice shows us the path
toward our identity in Him and sharply dissects those parts of us that are not

Learn to listen to your emotions as you explore the information in upcoming

pages and weeks. Some things will be hard, and that’s all right, it leads us away
from some of the pigsties we’ve lived in. Some feelings will simply resonate
with condemnation, and discerning that will be worth that price of admission.
Emotions don’t have to be right to be worthy of our attention. Many of the
emotions that have left us waylaid and stranded on desolate islands were ones
we didn’t pay attention to. We are charged with taking such thoughts captive
and presenting them, bound and gagged, before the lover of our souls.!


To understand an individual accurately, you must perceive not only his or her
core number and secondary number, but also what they are believing and
reckoning (actively trusting) about the Gospel in their lives. This is important
because, for example, two people of the same basic core and secondary number
will still differ significantly if one of them is walking by the power of the Spirit
and the other is managing their life by the tools of their flesh.!

The concept of an identity scale is not an academic one; it is always shifting,

always moving. We go through seasons of life where faith seems easy, and then
something happens that rocks us to our core. Other times in our lives we seem
to fluctuate hour-by-hour and we can scarcely recognize our own hearts. We
don’t “achieve” a level, nor do we descend to some permanent state of fleshly
torment. We always need the Spirit, day-by-day, and there is always hope for us
when we fall. The Continuum, the scale, helps us understand what it looks like
when we are moving toward or away from Christ.!

For the Christian, the “RECKONED LEVEL” will show us what it looks like to
live by the power of the Gospel enlivened in our day-to-day identity. We will
still see some fears and anxieties creep in, but we will see most clearly, the
glorious picture of who we are in the grand landscape of His Kingdom on earth.!

At the “FLESH-LED LEVEL,” we see how the tools of our flesh try to fake
what could have been flowing freely by the Spirit. We also see the consequences
of the forgery. The farther a person descends, the more desperate the attempts
become to mask carnal behavior, but ultimately it’s to no avail or satisfaction.!

By the “ENSLAVED LEVEL,” an individual has largely given up the facade.

They have given into their fears and given up hope and are consumed by the
version of life that their flesh places before them. PLEASE NOTE: Not
everyone is going to move all the way into the bottom of the Enslaved Level.
How quickly and how deep you naturally go has a great deal to do with your
past, your relationship with your parents, any abuse you may have suffered, any
tragic events you may have endured. These kinds of things have a tendency to
both give opportunity for tremendous reckoning, and lower the floor for how
low the flesh can go if we decide to trust in it.!

Remember, levels are not about achievement. Being at a level is not the same
thing as earning a belt in karate or judo. One does not climb through the ranks
and achieve health and then, there you remain. We are in a constant state of
testing and flux, moved by relationships and circumstances that never stand

Beyond that, on any given day you may slip in and out of one level or another.
We find this most from lower levels of health and higher levels of average


As we begin the journey into each specific architecture, you will find a section
at the beginning of each chapter regarding Jesus’ connection to the core
number. As I have said, there is no number that is qualitatively better than any
other. We each form the complete picture that is the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12).
That said, consider the words, the “body of Christ.” We together form His
character. Jesus is not more like one of us. He is the most complete picture of
all of us.!

Colossians 2:9 tells us that “In him the whole fullness of deity dwells
bodily.” We would never say that God, the Father was limited to the
personality of one of us, and so we cannot say it of the Son. In Chapter 1 of
Colossians it tells us that the “fullness of God” dwelt in Jesus. What we can
know of God, the unknowable, unsearchable God of the universe, we find in the
enfleshed Son.!

We were then made in His image (Gen. 1:26), a reflection of His character. Thus
we look to Christ to see what a fully redeemed, fully reckoned individual looks
like when they walk entirely by the Spirit. There is no greater plumb line to
personality and Gospel life that Jesus. He is our great example. !

As a caveat and an apology in advance, I can only look at the pages of the
Gospel and apply this meager tool to the person of Jesus. Such a task feels
pathetic from the start. There is no tool that can capture the Son of God.
Whatever I may say of my Lord will only, at best, scratch the surface of His
personhood or what was going on in any moment of His internal life. That
being said, we use what we have been given to understand how best to grow in
grace and knowledge of Him who saved us and to walk in His glorious light.

As you delve in the specifics of your core number, a few things are likely going
to happen, and a few things are going to be necessary.!

First, because the analysis is laid out from most healthy Gospel identity to an
identity controlled by the flesh, you will probably see many attributes at the
beginning that you feel represent your current life. As you move deeper into the
middle levels you may find that you also discover many of those traits reflect
your current behavior. So how can both be true?!

Answer... they can’t, but they can seem so. They seem so because on any given
day I can slip from one level into another depending on circumstances and my
Gospel-awareness. I also might be projecting my desires to be a healthier
version of my number when I’m not actually living by the power of my flesh. I
might see the potential of the Spirit alive in me and have some evidence of it in
the past, and so I claim it as a part of my life, when really I have only ever been
a passing tourist.!

Try to be as objective as possible when reading the descriptions of your levels of

Gospel maturity and experience.!

As you read through the descriptions of the levels, replace the descriptive
numbers (“Nines” or “Twos”) or generic pronouns (“they”) with specific
pronouns (you) or your name, and see how it fits. It may bring up more specific
emotions for you and bring to light things that would be easier for you to
disconnect from if you kept the processes generic. Remember, the goal is not to
keep yourself safe, but to ask the Holy Spirit to give you truth and insight into
your own heart and ways that your flesh has stolen abundant life from you. We
desire to surrender to the Spirit so that we can reckon the Gospel to every
broken piece.!
Try not to get hung up on specific examples of how your number exemplifies
either health or dysfunction. The examples may not fit, but the idea or
architecture might be right on. Christians are most expert at tucking their most
dysfunctional and unhealthy behaviors into ministry, where no one will ever
question their motives.!

If you get fixated on specifics you might miss what is actually happening in your
own heart. You might not use drugs or alcohol, but there is always a Bible study
or mentoring a troubled youth that can fill the void in the same way. Try to see
the bigger picture in what is being presented. In each level you may also find
that only some of the behaviors seem to currently apply to you. That is all right
as well. The goal is to discover your shape, not prove that the entire description
had some prophetic ability to nail a Wisconsin reader.!

Bear in mind that these descriptions are not specifically taking into account
your secondary number. There are ways that you act out (or don’t act out) that
are very specific to that secondary number. Take those into account as you read
through the levels of maturity. Don’t use your secondary number to justify why
you do not fit into an aspect of a level, but rather how you may specifically apply
those traits in your own life and context.!

REMEMBER: The goal here is not to find out how messed up you are. The goal
is to spray for bugs that are hiding in the walls of your heart. Our flesh is like
the termite that doesn’t eat the dining room table; it eats the floor beneath the
table. We want to find the hidden motives of our hearts so that the cross can
have its way with us and the resurrection can enliven us with Spirit power to
new abundant life.!

Highlight words or phrases that strike or interest you positively or negatively.!

In the margin write any thoughts or defenses that come up and try not to filter

In RED ink, next to the sentence or paragraphs, write these codes that may
apply. Writing more than one or none at all is fine. The emotions are more
important than the timeline for future discussion, so if you have to leave one
out, go back to do your timeline later.!

MIM - Feel the monster in me
A- Reading this makes me feel angry
S - Reading this makes me feel sad
E- Reading this makes me feel embarrassed, exposed or ashamed
H- See the possibility of this and feel the deep hope for it to be some
mark of me
J- Reading this makes me feel joy at being made this way.
F- False. I don’t think this has anything to do with me
N- I see this in myself currently
SN - I see this sometimes currently in myself
P- I see this in my past (5+ years)
RP - I see this in my recent past (6months-5yrs)

Ones are God’s anchors, mooring His bride to His truth and character as it is
lived out and discovered in this fallen world. They have the unique ability to
walk hard lines that few people have the gall or the disciplined to navigate. They
do this with grace and genuine power in the Spirit. They embolden the Church
with their courage and vision. Yet their true Gospel power shines when those
gifts are offered in the package of humility that naturally flows from a saint who
has found the essence of the reckoned Gospel and surrendered their will to His.
This is the gift Ones truly bring to the Church, their surrendered ideals.!


Jesus displays the gifts He has given to Ones in beautiful balance. He speaks
with total authoritative clarity when it is appropriate: “You have heard it said...
but I tell you.” Every time He says these words, He is taking the ideals of His
Father’s Kingdom and rocking the accepted thinking of His day.!
At the same time, Jesus knew when to speak in parables, the “For him who has
ears,” lessons. He knew that there were occasions when the Spirit would take
the seed that was planted and do His good work. Even Jesus, who had absolute
“right” answers and ideals, waited on the Father’s command and the Spirit’s
work. What an amazing testament to the Son of Man’s submission.!

Moving to His gold number, Jesus never let His “ideals” keep Him from living
life fully. He was not in bondage to truth. In the book of Luke, we see Him
constantly coming from or going to dinner parties. He loved to spend time with
people, enjoying good company and good food evidently. His “Oneness”
brought life to those around Him. He brought truth and ideals into the context
of their world in a powerful and vibrant way. Jesus is the complete, balanced,
awesome One.!


The Monster: The voice of Ones’ flesh tries to convince them that they are evil
or wrong, that their ideals are flawed. Beneath that the confusing voice whispers
that they are the only ones who are right.!

Key Flesh Tools: Legalistic righteousness, dogmatic opposition, elitism and


Driving Force: Ones genuinely want to be good and do what is right. They
desire consistency between their beliefs and the worlds they live in. They want
to be above reproach.!

Ones are internally driven perfectionists. They do not seek to do what is right
because others have put some kind of pressure on them (though they may have
received such pressure at many points in their lives). They are driven to achieve
and perform because of a deep sense that there is no other “right” way that life
should be lived. It if a force that emanates from their gut.!

When this driven nature is in submission to Christ, it is a gift to the Church in

many ways. Ones provide balance on the side of black and white thinking, right
and wrong behavior. To lose the voice of Ones would be, to a great extent, to
lose the voice of objective reality.!
The power behind Ones’ ideals, in Christ, is their willingness to put their own
lives on the line for what they believe. They are not coffee shop philosophers,
they are people of action. They want to see their beliefs enacted in real life ways,
to see God at work in His promises.!

The danger for Ones is their own aggression. Being a part of the gut zone, they
naturally deal with anger and a need to control. If they begin to take control
from the Spirit, then they will spend their lives seeking to harness and maintain
it. This creates many conflicts for Ones. Whereas Eights can fight for control
without problems of conscience, Ones try to accomplish the same thing within
the paradigms of their strict legalistic dogmas. This necessitates increasing
amounts of mental acrobatics and the creation of philosophical loopholes. Ones
become the betrayers of their own ideals while living in denial of the fact.!

Ones in the flesh are fiercely hard on themselves and everyone around them in
an effort to keep their passions in check. Their identities, once they are outside
of Christ, are built upon their ability to live up to their own standards and their
record of reforming others to it.

Sadly, Ones’ God-given inclination toward black and white thinking!

becomes a voice of self-condemnation that is so constant and severe that flesh

beleaguered Ones come to resents any person who acts in freedom. Ones who
forget the loving face of their Abba no longer remember that they were created
for abundant life. Life to them becomes a series of disciplines to achieve and
sacrifices to make. Pleasure is always postponed until moral perfection is
accomplished. Thus, pleasure slowly becomes the enemy, and God’s good gifts
take on the face of Satan himself.!

Ones who have reckoned the Gospel to their identity and walk in a daily
relationship with their loving Father and are able to move boldly in the
knowledge that there are absolute truths in this world, and that their identity is
not hanging in the balance of any, save one. Ones’ surrender of identity to
Christ means more than entrusting themselves, it means trusting God with
those around them. Ones who have truly reckoned the Gospel have
surrendered the idea that they are the gatekeepers of truth and right.!

This surrender of reckoned Ones brings lightness to the depth of conviction

that they offer to the world. There is a joy that others experience when they
encounter them, as opposed to the feeling of being overwhelmed and

Ones who follow God into Kingdom living recognize the fullness of His body in
a beautiful way. Their ideals are coupled with the grace they are applying to
themselves as they daily apply the Gospel to their own lives. That grace allows
them to give mercy to others as they live out their beliefs with integrity and true
integration of character. The deeper Ones experience a Gospel reckoning in
their day-to-day life, the more balanced their view of the world becomes. They
realize that God’s truths, applied to fallen man, require more than simple
answers and rules; they require His Spirit and His maturation process. This
does not represent a compromise in idealistic Ones, but rather a realism that
allows God’s truths to be applied to their communities in an effectual and
profound way.!

God has built Ones to be a gift to the Church, but it is only when Ones walk by
the power of His Spirit and grace that they can use that gift effectively for His
Kingdom. Ones who are walking in the Spirit can see clearly where their flesh
can hijack God’s truth for its own ends, and they fight the betrayal. They cast
such tendencies on their heavenly Father and pray for the wisdom to see their
own hearts clearly, so that they can be honest vessels of His Kingdom’s ways.
Surrender is their daily discipline and true grace becomes their daily practice.!

One of the marks of Gospel-reckoned Ones is their deep sense of humility. This
fact opens many hearts to the truths they bring. There are few things that make
a hard truth easier to swallow than a meek herald bringing the message.
Because Spirit-led Ones are humble and non-threatening, people seek out their
discernment and wisdom. They no longer have to insert themselves into
communities and situations uninvited to tell others how life should be lived.!

Another aspect of Spirit-led Ones’ humility is their ability to admit to seeing

things wrong sometimes and making adjustments to their lives or paradigms.
Ones who have not wrapped their identity around “being right” are able to truly
seek the right and are therefore free to grow. This humility allows them to grow
and mature in remarkable ways. It also honors people in their lives by making
them teachers, believing that they have new things to learn from everyone in
their lives.!

A great sign of a growing faith in Ones is their trust in God’s work in the lives
of other people. Spirit-led Ones are able to remain fully convinced of their
convictions while still allowing others to follow the Spirit on their own faith
journey. They trust that God is sovereign and will bring them where He will in
His time. If God chooses to use their words in reforming a thought or behavior,
then good and well. They have released control and so they are able to give
thoughts and advice and then release others into the hands of their God
without emotional manipulation or bullying. They are no longer doing God’s
work for Him.!

Ones are a part of the gut in the body of Christ. Though they use their mind to
understand God’s truth, they have a sense of right and wrong and that
conviction is at a deeper and more compelling intensity than an intellectual
assent. Other soul architectures cannot easily appreciate how gripping this
unction is. Even as children, most Ones saw rules as unbreakable things. For
some, breaking rules was an almost physically painful notion. It was simply and
absolutely wrong.!

For this reason, it is a beautiful thing when Ones comes to true Gospel
reckoning. Christians have always substituted what Ones do naturally for the
Gospel. The book of Galatians is devoted to the problem. At this level, however,
Ones are able to see that their insight of right and wrong and their desire to live
it with integrity is part of their wondrous creation and not their identity. No
matter how well they follow the rules, Ones see that they have fallen utterly
short and so they have cast their lot with Christ and Christ alone. Their identity
rests wholly in Him, not in their convictions or their ability to live them out.!

Because their identities are not built on their actions, the Spirit-led Gospel
empowered Ones are liberated to action. All of their convictions and insights
into the world spur them on, and Ones become true warriors for justice. Ones,
in their humility, are not seeking to force people into truth, but they feel God’s
heart for those who are defenseless and being taken advantage of. Their gut
demands action, while their humility moderates the mode in which that action

Ones’ deep convictions about what is right and wrong require them to move to
the aid of individuals in need. Sometimes the need is simple and practical,
sometimes it is costly and daunting. Ones, however, cannot turn away, even if it
costs them their own reputation, they will fight for what they believe

is right. They are driven by a fire that is stoked deep in the furnace of their
architecture, and the world is the beneficiary of the gift.!

In this respect, God has built into Ones a deep picture of His own heart for us
and His willingness to go to the cross, to suffer injustice for our sake. We see
God’s heart for the widows and the orphans, the aliens, and the overlooked.
Here is a clear unwavering picture of God’s heart.!


The shift that happens in Ones as they move into the tools of their flesh comes
from a desire to control. They see too many things that are wrong, and they
believe that they have the answers. Not only do they have the answers, but they
also believe that they can help to affect the changes in people’s minds and lives
that will set the world right.!

This is not a complete departure from their faith. Ones still deeply believe the
Gospel and in God’s power to do whatever He chooses. Ones simply feel
obliged to take a more active role. Humility is beginning to flag and pride is
creeping into the picture. The cost of continuing on this path will be high.!
Ones would never conceive of their behavior at this level as being pride. Their
desire is for a greater good. More importantly, they want God’s truth to be lived
out. Their behavior or words are for the sake of what is right, what is true. They
will often surround themselves with people who affirm those values so that they
can continue the behavior unchecked.!

Becoming the dominant or influential judge of a community of people is

unhelpful to the voice of Ones’ flesh. In such communities there are growing
affirmations for Ones’ judgmental conclusions that are beginning to replace the
humility that kept them anchored to an identity in Christ alone. If Ones can get
groups to listen and enact their convictions, they will enjoy seeing at least some
of their convictions acted out en masse. Again, the convictions may be correct.
The community may benefit from the actions. It is the Ones who will begin
suffering from the situation as they take on this role of the “keeper of truth and

The grace that Ones had for God’s process in bringing people to His truth
begins to get muddled at this stage. Right is right and wrong is wrong, if people
don’t see that then it points to a deficiency in their soul or character...or
something. Ones become the sheriff of the truth, guarding it from those who
live outside of its boundaries and protecting those close to them from being
subverted by anyone who would claim a lesser version than they possess.!

Life’s delightful Gospel walk is being quickly drained by this way of thinking.
Helen Palmer notes, “When others opt for pleasure over correctness, a One can
only believe that they are deliberately cheating. A Perfectionist’s attention is so
focused on the question of what should be done or what must be done that
there is no mental space left for their own real wishes to emerge into awareness.
They are therefore resentful, a word that describes a chronic feeling of
irritation. Resentment could be defined as the degree of difference between
forgotten real desires and the compulsion to work hard in order to satisfy the
mental critic’s demands.”1!

1 Palmer, Helen (2011-11-22). The Enneagram (p. 74). Harper Collins, Inc. Kindle Edition.
These judgments take on many passionate forms in Ones’ lives. They can be
trivial or global, but to Ones they are universally important. They could concern
their politics, theology, how the house is cleaned or the car is washed, but
whoever lives within the sphere of those opinions will hear about it and must
submit. Others may have never even considered the issue that Ones have spent
passionate hours pondering. To flesh-led Ones, there is only one way, it is their
way...God’s way. Ones become the mouthpiece of “God’s way” for whatever is
important to them.!

Their opinions may be true. Their purposes may be worthy; the community they
have surrounded themselves with may laud both. Inside, however, they are
making a dangerous shift in finding identities in these battles for truth instead
of the person and work of Christ. Though they don’t realize it, beneath their
zeal for the cause, Their flesh is simply groping for some assertion of its own
identity, edging Christ into a secondary position. Either Christ is the core with
their truth works an accessory to that identity, or God’s truth is the core with
Christ as an accessory. Both cannot be true in their lives simultaneously. If the
latter is true, then truth becomes Ones’ idol and they the priests that call others
to worship it.!

Being a part of the gut zone of the body, control is of the utmost importance to
Ones. This plays deeply into their family lives. Their families are portraits of the
truth of their convictions. Ones’ spouses and children must fall into line with
Ones’ convictions lest others doubt the veracity of the truth Ones have
pronounced. It goes without saying, if it doesn’t work in his or her home, why
would anyone believe that it would work in anyone else’s?!

Relationships have begun to be sacrificed for ideals. Ones are truly becoming
idealists in the non-spiritual sense of the word. The truths they love are
beginning to come at a cost that betrays the ideals they proclaim. They cost the
hearts of those who disagree and those who must submit to support their

Even more unfortunate is the fact that many others may continue to applaud
the zeal and steadfastness of Ones’ application of their convictions. This
reinforces the voice of their flesh. Ones hear within themselves that they are
valuable because they recognize and enforce truths. They must continue to say
the things that others are to cowardly to address. Few would call Ones at this
stage unspiritual, though many might find them unkind or harsh.!

Ones’ attention to “right ways” of doing things begins to leak into more than
just moral and spiritual areas of their lives. They begin to be overbearing and
controlling of trivial matters in their families, work and social environments.
They begin to insist that things be done in certain ways, their way. They cannot
tolerate stupidity, which is defined as that which is done another way. If anyone
wants to be in a relationship with them or happens to be in close proximity to
them, they must learn to do things the Ones’ way. Ones will not compromise, at
this stage, for anyone. After all, Ones are willing to exemplify the “right way”
without short cuts; there is no double standard.!

Ones look similar to Fives in many external ways up to this point. They have
sought a deeper knowledge concerning their beliefs. They desired answers. But
there is a fundamental difference that begins showing up more and more
blatantly if Ones use the tools of their flesh instead of humbly walking in their
Gospel identity. The Fives’ flesh has core problems with fear and anxiety, thus
they personally just want answers, answers and more answer. They seek
reassurance in information. Ones are not about information. In the flesh, they
are about judgment, because their core issues deal with anger and control.
Information gives them the perceived right to execute judgment on anyone
anytime for any reason. They believe that they keep order with their worlds
through the execution of their judgment upon others.!

Emotions are a difficult thing for fleshly Ones to connect with. The idea of even
discussing feelings means that the truth of a situation may be moderated or
even subjugated to the ever-moving target of human emotion. Ones have heard
their inner voice of self-condemnation tell them throughout their lives that
anger is wrong. Palmer writes, “Because anger is seen as a bad emotion, Ones
cannot acknowledge their own resentment until they are absolutely certain that
they are in the right. When Perfectionists are sure of a position, however, great
waves of physical energy become available.”2

Thus they try to keep emotions out of conversations, though theirs are
beginning to clearly loom larger and larger in the picture.!

Relationally, this is difficult for spouses, children, friends or co-workers – those

who are in relationships with Ones. Ones do not acknowledge the anger that
they are exhibiting toward others, and they largely ignore that others are having
legitimate feelings about issues and situations. Ones expertly circumvent such
topics and leave the other parties with nothing but the sense of losing the fight
or capitulating to the dictatorial demands of the Ones. They often feel
dishonored and “less than” in the relationship.!

At this point, Ones are still in control, using the tools of their flesh, thus they
are not being overtly abusive to the people around them. Ones are simply
becoming self-absorbed in the name of truth or the “right way” to accomplish
something. What they are actually doing is subtly and consistently discounting
the personhood and spiritual journeys of the people around them. They have
ceased to be God’s gracious tools in the adventure that He has set them on and
have instead become the designer of God’s journey.!

Though pride has increasingly become an issue for Ones, they are not perfectly
pleased with themselves. On the contrary, their need to control their world
through legalistic paradigms has left them highly aware of the minutia of their
own failings. Unfortunately, they rarely see their relational failures; rather they
are aware of the outward expressions of sinfulness more than the interior. They
are aware of their lusts and desires and mercilessly hate themselves for them.
Because they have let go of an identity that is built on the work of Christ alone,
they have a great burden to bear. Ones’ identity now rests on the level of
success in their performance, which can never measure up to their own
standards, much less God’s.!

2Palmer, Helen (2011-11-22). The Enneagram (p. 75). Harper Collins, Inc.

The use of their flesh has increased their need to harness control at this point.
They swing from their battles to control themselves, to wars to control others.
Each step leads them farther and farther away from any real sense of control.
This is the creation of the monster that Ones’ flesh has initiated. The only
answer to gaining a sense of control for Ones are to lose control to Christ and
walk in the Spirit, to surrender (Matt. 10:39). However, the further Ones
descend into the behavior of the flesh, the more uncertain such a notion feels to
their heart, even though they would still say they believe it with all of their

The path to continued deterioration is more of the same for Ones, but with
greater chaos and force. The voice of their flesh and the stories they hear are
louder and shriller. They judge themselves and others with punitive harshness
and demand that their world remain perfectly scripted and ordered.!

Anger is surfacing at this juncture with clarity. It is no longer the feeling

beneath the surface. Their faces, words and tones carry the full weight of the
outrage they have carried since taking the responsibility of control upon
themselves. Even when Ones are happy, they are a very small step away from an
outburst. If anything goes wrong, it will only prove how chaotic and messed up
they feel everything is.!

This new redoubling of controlling efforts coupled with the anger that has risen
to the surface is incredibly destructive to the relationships Ones have. Unless
Ones are leaders and have a fawning group of people who revere their opinions
and believe their stripes are deserved, the recipients of Ones’ vitriol have a
growing resentment for the behavior being leveled at them.!

Many people have been confused by Ones that are highly critical of others but
are also terribly sensitive to criticism. Any correcting word that is directed at
them sends them into a rage or a depression. Those people have probably
encountered Ones living in their flesh.!

The many contradictions of Ones’ lives take much of the joy out it. They enjoy
working with others, but they don’t know how to work with anyone. They
become the unelected foremen of any project. Others tend to pull away from
them. Their perfectionism makes work tedious and less enjoyable even to
themselves. They want to engage people in conversations but fear the loss of
control if others have too much to say, thus they monopolize and dominate.!

The final dangerous shift in Ones who are trying to find an identity in their
own efforts is anger turned to resentment. When Ones begin to give up on
themselves and others, they resent the whole game they have been playing. If
this does not drive them toward the cross, it will drive them toward some
opposite behavior. They will act out in some out of character and very
inappropriate way. It is like a release valve to all of the pent up legalism they
have carried for so long.

The secret lives of famous Ones who have come to such a place has been
tabloid fodder for years for the simple fact that people are fascinated and
shocked to see how bizarre the action of a One can be when they finally decide
they simply need a vacation from their own heart. It is the story of a pastor
soliciting a prostitute or a zealous politician and his secret drug problem.
Sometimes such stories take the form of a conservative housewife and her
private sex addiction. Each story points to a much deeper issue than the simple
action if the person is a One.!

This acting out will bring Ones a number of feelings that are unpleasant, but
some that titillate their flesh as well. Shame is mixed with a heightened sense of
anticipation toward what is available in the world to help displace the pain they
are feeling. Both of these feelings push them into hiding from people and even
further into hiding from God.!


The confusion of their lives, the failure of relationships and the failure of their
own behaviors, drive Ones into more and more disconnected ways of viewing
truth. The truths they have built their lives on have not born joyful fruit,
therefore they must disconnect them from practical life, or else abandon their
truths all together. The latter option is not possible for flesh enslaved Ones, and
so we see a mighty step in the direction of gross disconnection from people.!
The voice of their Gospel identity is now silent, and the raging condemnation of
their flesh is shouting for their own crucifixion. Someone must pay for all of the
imperfection they see. Their Gospel understanding is actually astute; it simply
has no substitutionary sacrifice. It’s them or the flawed masses around them
that must pay. Their mutated truth has brought them to a near hatred toward
the people and failings they perceive.!

To protect themselves from the condemnation they feel toward themselves, the
voice of the Ones’ flesh gives them permission to see themselves as “other,”
different than the failing miscreants who are unable to recognize or live up to
truth. Their flesh justifies their behaviors and soothes their guilt. Enslaved Ones
are beginning to rise above the very truth they proclaim.!

If Ones descend to this level, they will start to believe the story that they are
some kind of superheroes, absolutely righteous in their quest to save…
something. Their strongest superpower is rage. It is like a fire that levels people
who contradict their views. Clearly the story is true; they have seen victory in
battle after battle. Ones, however, do not have the objective sensibility to realize
that they have won nothing in their many nasty victories. They have simply
driven others away from them.!

Ironically, they have become the hand of injustice that God built them to resist.
They abuse the weak and bully the helpless. If they had lived hundreds of years
ago, at this point in their enslaved flesh state, they would see nothing wrong
with conquering a group of people and forcing their conversion. Such is the
mindset of enslaved Ones.!

Admitting to any of this internal landscape would be impossible for Ones, thus
they must continue to ignore and repress the realities of their own hearts. This
activity is exhausting for them. They go from battle to repression, from letting
lose the dogs of war to pretending that they own cats.!

If Ones have experimented with finding a release valve in some carnal secret
acting out in the past, it is at this point that their flesh gives them full
permission. They’ve earned the right. Every warrior needs a night in Saigon.
Besides, they are “other” than the people they battle for, or against. What is
wrong for the masses has a different context for them. Substance or sexual
abuse becomes a cathartic balm to their conflicted souls.!

If this cycle continues, it will likely escalate, battle and release, fight and self-
soothe. However, unless they have a very large leadership platform with a strong
base of followers, the people who will be available for their abuses (fights,
battles) will dwindle. They will have less and less people to argue with and
debate over their convictions and truths. The rub is, they still want their
justifiable release, but without the battle that was the justification. This creates
disconnection, more confusion. Ones move farther and farther from the realm
of reality.!

Riso and Hudson write, “To focus their thoughts on something other than their
real problems, neurotic Ones may become obsessed with cleanliness or rooting
out other kinds of ‘dirt’ and disorder associated with impulses and feelings they
have repressed. Obsessions about sexual feelings and control of the body may
be displaced onto food, possibly resulting in anorexia or bulimia, or compulsive
‘cleansings’ of their systems with fasts and enemas. Or they may throw
themselves into obsessive-compulsive cleaning or counting, the compulsive
nature of their actions ironically contradicting their normal orderliness and

Obsessive compulsive behaviors give Ones the temporarily satisfying illusion of

control and calm. Though Ones cannot see it, they have been deeply betrayed
by their flesh and have been enslaved into an outrageously chaotic internal
world that has destroyed much of their exterior as well. The control that was
promised was never given.!

It is nearly impossible for Ones to hide their new lives forever. They have been a
voice of opposition for so long, but now their lives are far worse than any they
had condemned. Ones feel the judgment of others, feel the scandalous stares, or

3Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 7551-7555). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
at least imagine they do. More repression is necessary for these incredibly
painful feelings, and so Ones return to their new toolbox to enact their escape.!

Ones cannot stop the judgmental anger directed toward others, and at this
point cannot control their flesh’s demand for carnal fuel. They are lost in
themselves. They are out of control. Sadly, Jesus only asked them to lose control
to Him so that He could give them the true and deep desires of their hearts. In
losing control to their flesh, Ones have lost all of them.!

When Ones surrender themselves to God, they begin to take on some of the
healthy traits of Sevens. Gold numbers are always exciting because they
absolutely necessitate the Holy Spirit. They are the proof that the Spirit is
growing us up and changing us from the inside out. Ones certainly showcase
that fact.

While Ones are all about passion control in the flesh, the soul number Seven is
about passionate exploration of God’s World. When Ones trust God, they are
free to push the boundaries of even their own rigid paradigms. This, of course,
does not mean that Ones are engaging in sin, but rather, they are not walking in
constant fear of sinning.!

The gold number brings a freedom and lightness to Ones’ walks that enables
them to communicate their convictions with a new level of effectiveness. People
do not feel threatened around Ones who live in the miraculous Spirit
empowered sparkle of gold.!

Their gold number enables Ones to slow down and enjoy aspects of life without
a greater purpose than the worshipful enjoyment of the great mystery of life.
They become less focused on achieving and reforming; those products become
natural fruits of lives lived in Christ. They find that it is all right to have
hobbies, to spend time alone, to read without studying, to simply be. All of these
activities are proof of something transformative happening in the hearts of
Ones surrendering their agendas and identities to Christ and trusting that their
Father’s love for them comes without condition.!

When Ones move into the flesh-led levels, they begin to take on characteristics
of the fleshly soul architecture number Four. They begin to live in their heads,
creating fantasies that justify the growing disconnection between their ideals
and their behavior.!

Flesh-led Ones will also begin to cultivate an identity in their own mind as “the
outsider,” the person others don’t understand. This status removes and elevates
them from everyone else and lays the foundation for the double standard that
will be so important at descended flesh levels.!

Dark moods and unhealthy introspection are other fleshly traits that Ones will
pick up from their shadow number. All of these will create more and more
distance and isolation from others, making true service to the Body nearly


THE “19”!
This coupling of types creates the quieter and more passive of the two core One
architectures. However, that fact only exists on the exterior. The internal reality
for 19s is very complex.

19s have all of the deep ideals and core convictions of 12s, but also seek to keep
things calm and peaceful. In the Spirit, these can be tremendous tools in God’s
Kingdom. Their power is usually subtler than 12s, they do not engage as quickly
or forcefully. But even this fact lends itself to powerful results when they are
listening to the Spirit’s promptings. They bring a quiet stability to their

These traits in the flesh, however, are tremendously painful for 19s. Their
convictions and passions are often repressed with no outlet and begin to eat
away at them. They focus their anger at themselves and become self-
condemning. They move quickly and deeply into guilt and shame for their lack
of action. Their One qualities cannot tolerate their unhealthy Nine qualities.!

Spirit-led 19s are often people with well-formed ideas about the worlds they
live in and are able to articulate those ideas calmly to people regardless of their
views. As they descend into the flesh, however, those insights move them into
deep levels of cynicism and judgment.!

19s are more likely to move toward disconnection and isolation from
community as a defense against the inconsistencies they see. They will withdraw
physically and emotionally, even from people they are closest to.!

THE “12”!
12s are both motivated by their convictions and a deep need to express their
ideals through physical service in some way. That fact makes this architecture
far more prone to extroverted activity than their 19 counterparts. Twos’ desire to
love and be loved is a great balance, at a Gospel-reckoned level, to the Ones’
natural tendency to simply “be right.” There is context for truth in 12s’ worlds
when it is expressed in love and service.!

Spirit-led 12s do not simply want to talk or think about morals, they must get
involved. At a Spirit-led level, the secondary number Two rounds out the sharp
edges of Ones that tend to cut other people. Their concern for others is as
profound as the principles that moved them into action. Because they are able
to focus on people at a Gospel-reckoned stage, they are more patient with the
rate of maturation in other’s spiritual journeys. They do not expect others to
“get it” just because they have proclaimed it.!
If, however, 12s move into flesh levels, their connection to other people and
their need to control make for a volatile combination. Whereas 19s will turn on
themselves, 12s will end up doing great damage to the people around them.
Their false identity needs will necessitate others to reflect back their
“rightness.” Their false identities hang in the balance of tyrannical victories.!

At unhealthy flesh levels Ones also picks up Twos’ trait of self-deception. Twos
have a deep need to create an idealized version of themselves that support their
false identity. Twos, however, deal with core issues of shame and sorrow, thus
their pain ends up being focused inward. Because Ones are in the gut zone,
their core issues are focused outward. Self-deception and anger focused
outward from a powerful and persuasive person cannot help but leave a wake of
collateral damage when Ones descend into their flesh.!


The level to which anyone can help Ones take steps toward the Gospel will
depend greatly on how much their friend believes they know at the beginning

of the conversation. New information, or feeling like others possess information,
especially in a group, can feel very threatening to Ones. Here are some ways

you can help make the process fruitful for them:!

1. Make sure to ask questions. Be careful not to make statements at Ones.

You are trying to understand them, not tell them about themselves.

2. Remember to let Ones know when you see them acting in their reckoned
architecture. Tell them when you see the Spirit at work in their lives.
(Remember to look beneath the surface so that you are not simply
affirming their flesh tools that can appear “spiritual” to non- Ones.)

3. Help Ones discover what “controlling” their environment looks like in

their context. It is important for them and for the group to know. You
might not get an answer on this immediately. When you do have an
answer, work out a plan for how to bring it up to Ones in a way that
doesn’t make them feel angry or threatened.
4. If you feel you are making Ones uncomfortable at any point in a
conversation, ask them what they think about what is being said.
Sometimes they need permission to express their thoughts or feelings.
Remember to stop the conversation if you feel things beginning to get
out of control. Continuing to push will not be helpful to the group or
to Ones.

5. Ask Ones how various stories and situations make them feel. Stick to the
five core emotions (joy, anger, sadness, fear, shame). This is important
for Ones to actually bring himself or herself into the story instead of
just the data or information.

6. When Ones are relaying a negative story that is self-deprecating,

remember that they have a perfectionist view of the situation. Unless
it was truly awful, help them find the good pieces. “You know what I
like about what you did...” This will be hard for self-condemning
Ones to accept, but receiving grace from their community is part of
learning to receive it from God.

7. If they give you permission, help Ones to articulate the story they are
believing when they are acting in anger or judgment, then ask them to
put that next to what they believe about the Gospel. Help them to
accept the places where there is disconnection between the anger in
their heart and the grace in their theology. Help them to pray for
those that have caused them the anger, including themselves. This
step may not be possible for some time in any group. Ones will need
to trust the group and the process.

8. If they give you permission, help them to see through empathetic eyes,
seeing the reasons people are not living up to their standards or
choosing to do things differently than they have chosen. Again, this
will take a lot of trust and they should only be guided in such a
process. Do not come to conclusions for Ones. If they are not willing
to do the work then they will not be willing to accept the fact.!
One, you have been built with a strong heart, a heart that hears and believes
and upon believing, acts. Hold fast to the fact that such a thing has not been
cultivated by your own hand. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made.
You hunger for truth, but the truth you see is only truly seen when the Spirit
opens your eyes, so cling to the Spirit:

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth,
for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he
will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.”
John 16:13!

This is the truth that will give you more than right convictions, security answers
or justifications. This is the truth that sets you free:!

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John

You were not built for lesser things. That is what you take to the world God has
placed you in. You take the deep truth. You take the person of truth:!

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way , and the truth, and the life. ’” John

What a treasure you are to God. You take Him at His word in a way that many
do not. Your faith is simple and clean when you trust Him with a surrendered
heart. 2 Timothy 2:15 is more than a simple platitude to you

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker

who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”

Always try to remember, no matter how hard you try to find your footing in the
truth and to live it with all of your person, you are more than what you do. You
were loved before you acted and have been loved despite your failings. Your
Father loves you. It is His delight to love you:
“He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but
because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth
and renewal by the Holy Spirit.” Titus 3:5!

The real work of your life is not to simply live out your convictions. That is easy
compared to the genuine calling. You were called to love. It is the heart of your
Father. It is His commandment to you:!

“And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and

all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but
have not love, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2!

The truth is, truth is easy for you. People are hard. That’s OK. The God of the
universe did not leave you ill equipped to the task, and the fact that you believe
what you Father has said in His Word means that you know that what I say is
true. Take heart, take courage and live your life, your real life. What you think
you see is not the whole picture. Trust the Spirit and walk in your Gospel

“So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at

home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith,
not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:6-7!

Twos are the soothing touch of God’s grace to His Bride. Jesus exemplified His
“Two” characteristics time and time again when he stooped to help a blind man,
bent to wash feet or wept at the grave of a friend. Twos have been given a
capacity to feel with others in a remarkable way and to communicate that that
feeling with compassion and understanding. Ironically, this type is sometimes
seen as feminine. It is ironic for two reasons. First, it is one of the most talked
about traits seen in Jesus, the King of Kings. Secondly, when a man is a Two,
other men flock around him like few other types. Twos are truly a gift to the
Church, both male and female.!


The gospels are filled with accounts of Jesus living out the redeemed Twos’
characteristics. He stopped what He was doing to reach out to the lowly or the
hurting, healed the broken and the sick. Jesus’ days were filled with service to
those in need; people knew He was a safe refuge for such requests. Even the
local gentiles heard of this quality and brought Him their requests.!
At the same time, Jesus also showed balance in His life. He was neither a slave
to people’s ideas of who He ought to be, for His concern was ever His Father’s
will, nor was He a slave to others’ schedules. His identity and ministry rested
entirely on the mission God had given Him to do. Such was the submission of
the Son of Man to the Father. This is a very important example of health for
Twos, who can become overwhelmed by all of the needs around them. Knowing
the difference between what God has for them and what is just needed can be a
slippery place for them.!

Jesus lived in His gold number Four. His identity was secure. Just as Twos are
trying to find their identity and live it out, Jesus knew who He was in His
Father’s eyes. He did not serve people to get an identity, He served because of
the overflow of who He was. It neither gave nor took away from His identity. So
it is with Twos when their identity is in Christ. Jesus is Twos’ example of what it
is to live rooted and serving in their Father’s love.!


The Monster: Twos’ flesh seeks to convince Twos that they are unlovable, that
they are not good, that they are unwanted. Key Flesh Tools: Service
manipulation, crisis and sickness need.!

Driving Force: Twos want to love others and to be loved. They want to be
needed and esteemed for the value they bring to the worlds they live in.!

Twos are an emotional ambulance from heaven. Without hesitation, they are
ready to rush in where others fear to tread when there is a need. They are
courageous and generous of spirit, kind-hearted and honestly willing to
sacrifice. When Twos are walking in their reckoned identity, people feel
absolutely safe with them. Others know that Gospel-reckoned Twos are people
who are incapable of harming and gifted to healing.!

If, on the other hand, Twos begin to draw identity from their altruistic efforts
instead of the work of Christ, everything changes. Twos begin to develop a deep
need to build a “case” for their goodness. Everything they do has a purpose, an
ulterior motive. It is subtle at first, but the more the flesh takes root, the more
obvious the manipulation becomes. Twos love so that others will confirm their

The monster that grows beneath the façade of Twos is a fear that they are not
worthy of the love that they crave. Twos begin to create an identity for
themselves that masks the fear. This false identity is of a good and helpful
person, a lovable person, and is only as believable as the people around them
affirm. Thus Twos start down a path of manipulating for affect. The goodness
they give comes with a price.!

To make things even more complex for Twos, if they were to see or admit to
what they are doing, they would cease to be “good” in their own mind, their
false identity would crumble. Thus Twos become increasingly self- deceived and
disconnected from the fact that their identity is already secured in Christ and
they are lovable servant-hearted people by virtue of their very architecture. This
is the hard path of the Twos.!

When Twos are living by the power of the Spirit and in the fullness of their
creation, they are the most naturally servant-hearted and unselfish members of
the Body of Christ. But whereas other soul architectures may be moved to
selflessness by ideals or adventure, art or conflict resolution, Twos have the
ingrained heart motivation to be moved for no other reason than the man or the
woman sitting across from them. They love others because God loves them.
They hurt because God hurts. Their empathy resonates deeply with their

When they come to believe with all of their heart that they are complete in
Christ, they become free to love others with no expectation of reciprocation.
The response of those they love is inconsequential to their core identity. They
love and serve because they were built to do so and they find themselves
connecting more and more with the love and heart of their heavenly Father as
they live in their giftedness.!

Every member of the body that lives in the heart zone struggles with identity in
a deep way. Each of their architectures makes their flesh prone to seek out false
identities in very specific areas of life. For Twos, their innate desire to serve and
love sets up their flesh to whisper in their ear that their value rests in being
useful and lovable. At a Spirit-led level, the voice of the Gospel pushes such
thoughts away and they do not feel the frantic need to catch up with the needs
of everyone around them. There is a peace and joy in their service that is not
overwhelming, but natural and reasonable to the pace of their lives.!

They do not fear what others think of them if they do not live up to every
expectation. They know that others must take responsibility for themselves
before God, just as they have learned to do. Twos have stopped jumping to the
worst conclusions about how they must be disappointing the people around
them, and instead trust that God’s Spirit will show them how and when to serve
and that will be enough.!

Because of this Spiritual maturity that they have found in trusting the Gospel’s
story of who they are without the nagging interference of self-doubt based on
the perceived unmet needs of others, Twos can now learn to care for themselves.
They can take time to be alone, or have fun with friends without feeling the
guilt that they could be doing something more productive on somebody else’s
behalf. As they learn to rest, they find they have greater recourses to love and
serve than ever before. They find the cadence of service that Christ modeled in
His own ministry as He withdrew from the thronging crowds to spend time
alone to be with His Father.!

God has gifted Twos with an amazing intuition that motivates their service from
their deepest core. When they encounter a person in need, they do not simply
see the need at a pragmatic level, they feel the need and it hurts them. Scripture
tells us that we have a God who is able to sympathize with our weakness (Heb.
4:15), a stunning and humbling fact. Twos gives flesh to that aspect of God’s
heart. When you hurt in front of Twos, you feel the heart of God broken on your

Because Twos are gifted to love in such a way, they are able to let mercy flow
over judgment and give a soothing balm of grace, even to those who have come
to their pain through their own foolishness or sin.!

All of this reminds Spirit-led Twos of their own Gospel stories and pushes them
deeper into their reckoning. They count their experiences of serving such
struggling persons as a privilege, because it has only served to reinforce their
own hope and love for their Savior.!

This is the beautiful cycle of living in the Gospel and serving from one’s soul
architecture. Confidence increases without pride, for with every step into our
true creation we are reminded of how deeply dependent we are on the One
who has given us new life, and how lost we are without Him. As Twos
experience this cycle over and over, they are willing to give more and more of
themselves, not to affirm a false identity but to experience a deeper encounter
with the mystery and wonder of their lives with and in Christ.!

In the practical sense, Twos who are walking in the Spirit always stand ready to
meet the needs of those around them in any way they can. They are the first to
show up when some tragedy befalls a person in their community, and they are
often the last to leave. They think of the small details that may escape others’
notice, the cooking of meals for the family of a sick mother, the calling of
friends of a bereaved spouse.!

When Twos are doing their best, they and their trusted friends must watch for
the danger that lurks, for it is here that Twos can begin to feel the allure of the
flesh telling them that they are “good” because of the good service they are
rendering. Soon they can cease to care for themselves and things go sideways.
The Gospel-reckoned Twos, however, steep all of their service in prayer,
bringing God with them into their acts of service. They know that it is God who
protects their hearts from believing the lies that seek to draw them away from
His identity.!
In Luke 10 we find Jesus’ friend Martha serving without proper focus:!

“Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a

woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a

sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his
teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving.

And she went up to him and said, ‘Lord, do you not care that my
sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.’ But the
Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled
about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the
good portion, which will not be taken away from her.’” (v. 38-42)!

Scholars and pastors have taught this passage in many ways over the years, but
Twos must take into account one more passage to properly interpret it. On the
way to His crucifixion, Jesus shared a meal with His friends once again:!

“Six days before the Passover, Jesus therefore came to Bethany,

where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So they
gave a dinner for him there. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of
those reclining with him at the table. Mary therefore took a pound of
expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of
Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the
fragrance of the perfume.” (John 12:1-3)!

To even the casual observer, it seems we are having a repeat of the

earlier episode. Jesus visiting, Martha serving, Mary in reverential awe of her
Lord. But in defense of the oft-maligned Martha, there is a difference in this
text. There is no mention of her being distracted or anxious. There is no rebuke
from Christ. The difference in the woman wasn’t the action, but something else,
something deeper. Healthy Twos understand this difference. The religious
Christian is ever focused on external reform while Christ has come to transform
us from the inside so that the very same action can take on worshipful meaning.!

Service for Spirit-led Twos often puts them in the background, but that is no
less holy than what Mary has to offer. They are able to give their gift without
distraction, with full focus on the one who is their Lord, without anxiety,
without striving to gain favor of others. This is the worshipful walk of Twos who
have reckoned their identity in the Gospel.!

Spirit-led Twos are like a healthy parent to all who come into their sphere of
influence. Their service and nurturing is like the healing touch of God Himself.!


The door that leads Twos into the utilization of flesh tools is the fear that they
are not enough in Christ. They need other people, outside voices, to confirm
their identity, and that will come only when they serve well. This change may
not alter their behavior, but it has begun to alter their underlying motivations.
They still believe in the idea of the Gospel, they simply have a growing need for
tangible reassurance from the people around them.

As Twos begin to lean on their flesh to gain assurance of their identity, they
require the people in their lives see them in light of the positive and loving
things they do. This begins a dangerous movement towards manipulation. If
others do not see or acknowledge this persona that the Twos are projecting then
they will begin to “over-show” or “overstate” their emotions and good deeds.!

Twos become people pleasers so that love will be returned. However, the very
notion that they are engaging in such an underhanded activity would be
mortifying to them. So the shift into the flesh is subtle and often steeped in
religious or altruistic activity. Christian ministry is an exceptionally difficult
(safe) place for Twos, as their kind of help is always applauded. They have to
become very unhealthy before anyone will ask them to stop “helping,” or call
into question the motives of their actions. “A bird in the hand” is often the
ministry credo that is played out in the church, and that suits flesh-led Twos just

Again, Twos at this stage are probably unaware that they have shifted from a
place of dependence on the Gospel to self-reliance and a false identity. For Twos
to see the shift would be for them to admit failure, a lack of “goodness,” which
in the end is the most difficult thing for Twos to do. For Twos to admit that they
are not “good” is painful to their hearts the way a physical blow might be to
anyone else.!

When those who are married to Twos make statements that threaten their
spouses’ “goodness,” they are likely to be met with reactions that seems out
context with the conversations. The non-Two spouse may feel as though the
Twos are escalating a low-level disagreement to furious levels or employing
illogically frantic justifications. Twos are simply defending a frontal assault on
their identity, and without the Gospel anchoring them, everything is up for

This might look like a wife talking about how money is spent with her husband
who is a Two. He begins to feel that she is saying he is not “good” and soon
begins making a list of all of the things he does at his job to serve people. This,
of course, confuses her, but makes total sense to him. He is asking her to
acknowledge that he is good, that he is lovable.!

On the other side, a husband might be having a heated discussion with his wife
who is a Two over one of their children’s behavior at school. The argument is
heated because she cannot help but feel that ever implication leads back to her
being “not good” as a mother. Soon she is listing all of the things she does with
her day including walking the dog and picking up prescriptions at the
pharmacy. Her husband is baffled by this line of thinking and isn’t sure why
they are on opposite sides of an argument or why they are talking about the
dog. The reason...she wants to be told she does a “good” job with so many
things in her day.!

There are so many threats at this stage to Twos’ “goodness.” The major shift that
happens when they begin to engage their flesh identity is their self- delusion.
They are like a lawyer in their own minds, laying out a case for why they are
good, why they are worthy of the responses of love that they expect from others
around them. That is not to say that they are not indeed good. For Twos, good
actions are rarely the problem, identity is the problem.!
Twos may, at this point, pour themselves into ministry work, serving behind the
scenes, but always appreciated. They crave those embarrassing moments when
the pastor or leader of the ministry gives them thanks and some token of
appreciation. They blush and accept with demure humility, but those moments
affirm what they desperately crave: I am good; I am lovable because I am good.!

The solution to Twos’ crisis at this critical moment is not deciding that they are
bad. The solution is recognizing that they have already been made “good”
through Jesus’ work. The upward thrust toward Kingdom truth is that they are
complete in Christ, and that all of their goodness is joyful worship because they
have already been accepted, not because they hope to be accepted for the work
of their own hands. This is the crucial difference for Twos who are struggling in
the flesh and Twos who are walking in the Spirit.!

The Church is an unfortunately good place for flesh-led Twos to descend, rather
than ascend. There is always someone to save, always someone to fix.
Codependency in flesh-led Twos is not an uncommon phenomenon. The farther
they descend into insecurity concerning their identity, the more they will find
comfort in those who are more obviously broken than them. Their ability to
diagnose and provide practical assistance will give temporary relief to the
nagging questions as to their worth and place in this world.!

Riso and Hudson state, “In all circumstances, Twos assert the depth of their
feelings and how sincerely well intentioned they are. And while their fine words
seem to be for others’ benefit, average (flesh-led) Twos are in fact trying to get
others to acknowledge their goodness.”4!

This great hunger of the flesh is important for Twos to understand so that they
can begin to recognize when they are acting on the impulse. Hearing others
acquit them and call them good is like that drug that lights up their receptors
and seems innocent enough at first but begins to create within the soul a
hunger that dictates so much that is yet to come.!

4Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 1486-1487). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
Relationships and service have become vessels into which Twos can place their
narcotic and hope to get that sweet relief to the growing pain in their identity.
Ironically, the more they use people and service to God’s Kingdom as a means
to soothe their identity, the worse they end up feeling about themselves. Only
by moving toward their Gospel identity will Twos find what they are truly
looking for.!

If Twos will not repent and walk in the Spirit so that they will have the power to
deny the strength of their flesh (Gal. 5:16), then they will feel the need to serve
people who are in desperate need of them with more frequency. This is the
turning point for codependency in Twos. Twos will either find themselves in
relationships with people whom they can “fix,” or they will constantly try to “fix”
everything in people’s lives who did not ask for their meddling. Either way, we
discover that Twos, who were once a paragon of relational health, are becoming
dysfunctional, dangerous and often annoying to people around them.!

Even at this stage, Twos can easily tell himself or herself that there is nothing
unhealthy or unspiritual about their actions or motivation. After all, they are
just helping people in need. The words, “they just seem to find me,” will often
come out of their mouth concerning their cadre of broken followers. Twos must
assert their total innocence, because their flesh need is not to help people, it is
to believe they are good, lovable and loved.!

At this juncture, anyone who tries to help Twos out of the hole they are digging
for themselves is cast as a heartless person who just doesn’t love broken dirty
people the way Twos do. Thus Twos begin to only surround themselves with
those who affirm their paternal care and service to the huddled masses.!

As Spirit-led individuals, Twos did not require anything in return for their
service. As they now descend into their flesh, payment is required in
increasingly tangible ways. At first it might only be a look of gratitude, a genuine
word or tone of thanks. From there it might increase to regular calls and times
set aside to be together, because, if their wards don’t call, doesn’t that prove
Twos are not appreciated and therefore not loved?!
There are different kinds of Twos, and so their responses to people’s
reciprocation varies. Because they are in the heart zone, each deals with the
core issue of shame and sorrow. Thus, if people do not reciprocate with what
they perceive to be appropriate responses to their love, some Twos will whither
while others will bluster and rage, but both are deeply hurt and shamed. The
deep question they are asking is, “What does all of this say about me?”!

As they take further steps toward the tools of their flesh, Twos invariably feel
entitled to the responses of those that they are serving. They begin calculating
the time and cost of their love and begin keeping a record, just in case they
need to defend the feelings that are rising up inside of them. The level of self-
focus that is growing in Twos is escalating at a rapid rate, but the idea of “being
selfish” would send Twos into terrifying shame, so the thought must be pushed
away and denied if it ever surfaces.!

Oh that Twos would look and see what these feelings actually point toward. The
reason for their behavior is simply a deep longing for their Abba’s love. This
craving is no more inappropriately selfish than a baby crying out for its
mother’s milk. Twos must see that what is so scary in their false hearts’ longing
is only a reflection of a holy cry of their true hearts to return to the Gospel. The
longer they ignore their regenerated souls’ voices, the deeper they will go into
their hearts of stone.!

The road into their flesh extends on, and if Twos do not heed the call of the
Spirit to leave the foreign land they are squandering their Father’s gifts in, they
will continue to find new facets to the monster they are creating. One is that
they will find themselves so involved with so many issues that they will begin to
routinely fail to meet needs in relationships they have committed to. That which
they feared in the beginning is becoming an actual reality because of their
overindulgence in the flesh. They made themselves indispensable to too many
people and now they cannot possibly shoulder the load.!

A mother may find she does not have time to give her attention to her children
in the way that she knows is best for them. A husband may now be involved in
so many other men’s “issues” that he no longer serves his role as husband in an
honorable way. Twos are beginning to gravitate toward the relationships that
give the easiest chance of success and the reciprocation they crave. But in doing
so, they begin emotionally disconnect from the deeper relationships in their
lives. A wife may begin to focus all of her attention on her children and totally
neglect the needs of her husband. A mother may focus on her helpless friends
and neglect her children.!

Other numbers must remember that Twos are acutely aware of these needs and
thus the “failures.” There is no possibility of joy in service anymore because
Twos are simply trying to keep the “success” side of their ledger larger than
their “failure” side. If that is accomplished then they are still justifiably “good”
by their own standard. It is not a joyful walk. It is simply a service scramble with
accompanying flare-ups that come with the failures.!

To get their neglected relationships back on track, Twos will begin to try new
tactics. Though their love has become a form of manipulation to everyone, “I
love you, I serve you, so that you will respond to me,” they will begin to use new
forms of manipulation to those closest to them. Twos will begin being passive
aggressive, using guilt, drama or sickness to force those closest to them to prove
their love. If they are in need, others will have to come to their aid and thus
prove that they are lovable. Indeed, is that not why they went to everybody else’s
rescue to begin with.!

The manipulation is unconscious, but deeply desperate. Twos have become tired
and are beginning to feel out of control. They would much rather simply take
care of everybody else, but at this point they just can’t find the strength. To
admit that fact, however, would impugn their perfect record. Thus crisis and
sickness is a necessary course of action to rest and be taken care of by those
closest to them. Crisis and sickness are unavoidable, not their fault...they are
the victim of circumstance.!

When this behavior starts, it marks an escalation in self-focus. Twos are now
magnifying situations to create drama, or feelings in their body to create
sickness, all the while maintaining their status as the good and helpful person.
This escalation also has a marked increase in anger underneath the shame and
sorrow that are their core pain emotions, though at this stage anger would still
seem to Twos like a “wrong” emotion and so must be disallowed.!

Reality is becoming very fuzzy for Twos at this stage of their descent into the
flesh. The way they view their own behavior as “good,” is greatly overinflated.
Their lurking self-condemnation, were they to acknowledge it, is ever present
and prodding them on like a searing branding iron. The ways they perceive
others have failed them is over exaggerated, and the dramas and pains that give
them reprieve from their “selfless” work is usually often manufactured and
unnecessary. The people in Twos’ lives are beginning to see these slippery truths
and it is likely pushing them further and further away.!

The people Twos have served begin to distance themselves or outright abandon
them now and this breaks loose the last piece of control Twos possess. The
anger that they feel at the rejection of those that owe them begins to eclipse the
shame, and the flesh is given permission to take the throne.!


If Twos continue the descent into their flesh, the love they have been seeking
through their flesh tactics will increasingly drive away those that they love.
Their outrage at this rejection will cause more and more confusion in the once
gentle Twos. They have kept meticulous records of all that is owed them and the
accounts are so far out of balance that the Twos’ flesh now takes over. It swears
that it can do what Twos were unable to accomplish...it can make people love

Manipulation at this stage is becoming more and more rampant. Guilt, gossip,
withholding and then lavishing care, are just some of the tools the flesh will
employ to keep people close. Most of Twos’ core circle who are not moving away
from them are not there because of love; they are simply unhealthy and
dependent on Twos to have their dysfunctional needs met.!

Twos are likely to focus a great deal on others problems, but no longer to fix
them. If problems were to be fixed then the Twos would no longer be needed.
Instead, Twos will pick at a problem to reopen the wound so that it can never
heal, but then they will bandage it once again like to nurturing mother or caring
father. If they are masterful in their manipulation, others will thank them for
the service.!

Twos’ bodies often succumb to the force of their flesh as their health continues
to deteriorate. The only way they can stop is to be sick. That is not to say that
they are faking it, they truly feel sick. However, what is hypochondriacally
induced and what is simply physical would be impossible to tell. Twos’
expectation is again to be cared for by those they have “served” during the
other’s times of illness or crisis. Though they feel less joy from it, they need the
constant affirmation that they are loved and cared for.!

The greatest need of their flesh at this point is to draw Twos into the story that
they are unimpeachable in their actions and their motives. Because their flesh is
protecting them from the shame and sorrow that is always present, they must
believe that they are pure, that they are good. It’s not that Twos believe that they
never make mistakes, they just believe that even their mistakes were made with
good intentions. Their hearts, they believe, are always in the right place. The
level of self-deception, and the lengths to which Twos will go to defend their
false identity cannot be overstated at this level of slavery to the flesh.!

Don Risso and Russ Hudson describe this stage of the Twos’ unhealth. “Self-
deception is the defense mechanism that allows unhealthy Twos to avoid seeing
the discrepancy between the virtues they think they possess and their actual
behavior. No matter how destructive they are, unhealthy Twos, through self-
deception, are able to interpret whatever they do as good. In their minds, they
always remain well-intentioned, loving human beings. Their consciences are
always clear.”5!

Twos will become more and more tired until they cannot use manipulation to
act out their aggression toward others to garner what “love” they can. If they
continue on their path, they will simply bring out their lists of good they have
done and claim payment. Their demands will be blunt and severe. The result

5Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 1660-1663). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
will be as surprising to Twos as the lists were to everyone else, they will be

In their flesh, Twos began with a fear of being left without love. Now they have
created a monster that has made loving them nearly impossible for even those
with the deepest affections for them. Their fears have become realized and now
they will cycle through their manipulations, demands and illness.!

Their hope has always remained constant. They are loved deeply. Their identity
has always been a breath away. They are righteous and good; it’s just not in
themselves, but in Christ. Only in reclaiming that identity will Twos be free to
cease the strange dance they have come to call “life.”

When Twos are walking in the Spirit, they do not feel the need to serve others
for the sake of a response. They are free to become fully who God made them to
be with their identity rooted in Christ. In this way, they begin to feel unique as
individuals, like Spirit-led Fours.!

When Twos move towards their gold, they see themselves through the eyes of
their Abba rather than through the eyes of others. This gives them the
confidence to see and love themselves as God loves them, without self-

Twos’ ability to love others is dramatically different with the presence of their
Four qualities. Because Twos are able to love their own creation and honor God
for it, they can do the same for others. The people that Twos serve feel an
acceptance and admiration that draws their gaze heavenward. This is a product
of the presence of the gold number in the architecture of Twos.!

When Twos begins to use the tools of their flesh and encounter stress, they
begin to show some of their shadow number traits. Eights are the opposite of
Twos in many ways, and as a shadow number, it serves as a dark protector of
Twos’ false identity.!

With the help of the Shadow number, Twos will say and/or do things they never
would have otherwise. The Eight serves Twos’ flesh with aggression that is not
natural to their architecture. It gives them the ability to argue with viciousness,
sometimes even becoming violent to “defend,” their identity.!

Even as a shadow number, Eight is a bad fit for most Twos. Thus Twos will not
always know how to deal with the emotions that come with their fleshly
companion. The Eight will stir up emotions that they will repress for fear of
being perceived as “less good.” Those stuffed feelings will grow in intensity
until Twos can contain them no longer and then they will let them all out, often
over a trivial matter.!

Some Twos act out their Eight shadow in very intense passive aggressive ways,
becoming angry, seething and cutting, but always from the edges. Other Twos
truly transform into a shadow version of themselves when they feel they need to
protect themselves with their shadow tools. They will use frontal assaults and
even open violence that few would believe possible from these usually mild
mannered Twos.!


The “21”!
21s have all of Twos’ passion to serve, with Ones’ deep moral convictions as to
why it must be done. They do not act because they feel like it, or because it
simply makes them feel good, they serve because they know it is right and so
they must. They are willing to lay down their lives on behalf of those who are in

21s lead the Church into places that it must go to be God’s hand of mercy. They
lead with their hearts, not their mouths. The Gospel in reckoned 21s is
undeniable because their love and sacrifice is overwhelming. It does not matter
if others believe the same thing as 21s, they welcome their presence and
support. They will come to taste and see that the Lord is good through these
agents of mercy.!

The fact that the 21s convictions are rooted so deeply in their ideals creates a
danger for them in their flesh. It gives their flesh room to build a false identity
of being good as proven by other’s response, apart from Christ, coupled with
being judgmental based on their strong principles. Such judgment creates a
buffer from accusation and secures an identity based on works.!

Even with this buffer, 21s are ripe for self-condemnation because of the
secondary number of One. They have a clear and deep picture in their gut of
what they “ought” to do and be. If they begin to fall short of that for any reason,
they will turn their judgment on themselves. Sadly, if they remove themselves
from the safe harbor of Christ’s Gospel identity, these gracious individuals will
remove grace from themselves faster than anyone else. They will become victims
of their own brutal internal Pharisee that will haunt them for any and all

The “23”!
Twos who have a secondary number Three are outgoing and love to connect
with people. They are confident and fun, not minding the spotlight. Serving
others more often takes the form of creating space for sharing life than meeting
specific needs. If there are good things to be had, 23s want the group to enjoy

23s reflect a deep piece of Jesus’ heart and ministry that we see in His meal
sharing. Jesus spent so much time eating and drinking with people that he was
called a drunkard and a glutton. God has built within the ontological DNA of
man a way to connect with the heart of God through hospitality. Hospitality is a
part of worship and the true Church, and 23s are the most natural priests of this

Like 21s, 23s have the need to be seen as “lovable” when they descend into the
flesh. However, their lovability looks a little different than 21s. They really want
to be liked and desired. To accomplish this, they will engage their secondary
number to achieve goals and accomplish projects that wow others and increase
their attractiveness in others’ eyes. Thus, though image is important to both
types of Twos, status is more important to 23s who are living in the flesh. They
will build a “character” to embody and then serve others through that persona.
As people buy into the “character,” their false identity becomes more and more
rooted and replaces their Gospel narrative.!

Manipulation and self-delusion are two dangers for all Twos as they remove
themselves from the safekeeping of their Gospel reckoning. 23s will use people
more overtly in their manipulation and at more carnal levels will become more
and more sensual to prove their desirability. The deep question, “am I lovable”
will be falsely answered through sexual escapades or cheap emotional
connections that serve to soothe that nagging question for a short time. Of
course, such behavior leaves 23s feeling more alone than ever when the deed is
done, but it is hard to resist such an easy prize when the question their flesh
haunts them with screams so loudly in their ears.!

The pain that is caused by this behavior to their own hearts, and to those they
love can be devastating and ultimately destroys the very relationships that God
granted 23s as a gift to show how lovable they truly were.!


Remember that Twos often feel uncomfortable focusing on themselves for a
couple of reasons. First, because they would rather be serving others. Second,
because anything negative that might be found is a direct threat to any false
identity data that has been built in their flesh narrative. Twos have to feel safe
and loved before they will ever be open to subjecting themselves to honest
processing with anyone else. There is just too much risk. With those thoughts in
mind, here are some practical tips for helping Twos turn toward a Gospel
identity and recognize areas of false identities in their lives:!

1. Remember to be encouraging about the parts of their lives that are good
so that they never feel they have to defend their own goodness.
Remember that anything that sounds negative will be interpreted as,
“I’m a bad person.” Always remember that and try to see when it is
happening in the conversation.

2. At the same time, don’t overplay every good thing Twos do. Everyone does
“good” because it is polite, civil or simply right. Twos in their flesh
want to take credit for every small goodness they accomplish to add to
their list to prove their worth. Be careful not to feed into that
dysfunction by over exaggerating small and unnecessary facts. (That
does not mean that the group should be harsh and throw such fact
back in their faces, however.) 


3. If you see Twos moving into self-condemnation, ask them what story they
are telling themselves right then, how are they interpreting what is
being said? Then together lay that information next to what Twos say
they believe about their Gospel identities.

4. Help Twos make plans for learning how to enjoy life without serving
others overtly. Perhaps it means allowing other people to serve them
without reciprocation. It will feel selfish to them, but remind them
that Jesus regularly took time alone to be with His Father. Twos must
find balance if they are going to avoid developing a false identity. This
involves coming up with a practical plan and following up on how the
execution of the plan went. Remind Twos that they probably won’t
enjoy it the first time, or even the fifth time. They are possibly very out
of practice in the area of having fun. This will be especially true for
21s. For 23s, they might need to practice slowing down and enjoying
God and life without large groups of people, either alone or with one
person who is not going to be manipulated by their needs.
5. Remember to verbally affirm aspects of their lives that are non-service
marks of Gospel reckoning (i.e. not rushing to meet a need because
they felt God wasn’t calling them to, asserting their own feelings or
opinion, feeling good about their relationship with God without
“works” being attached, etc.). This can be harder to see since you are
looking for restraint instead of action and for most people, action is
harder. Remember that you are dealing with a person for whom action
without prayerful consideration can be a core problem.

6. Ask Twos what emotion they feel about situations in their lives. Help
them boil it down to one of the core five emotions (joy, anger, sadness,
fear, shame).

7. If they give you permission, help them begin to ask questions concerning
their motivations beneath their actions. Are they focusing on one
small aspect of service to avoid another area of life? Why are they
making the choices they are making? What are the emotional cycles,
the ups and downs, the self-congratulations to self-condemnations?

8. Twos are often conflicted about direct aggression (stemming from their
shadow number), thus they use passive aggression. If they give you
permission, when they have been in conflict with others ask if they
were clear about what their needs were. Ask if they were honest in
how they dealt with the issue, or did they try to get at it from some
other angle? This will obviously take a fair degree of introspection and
Twos may need help to answer cleanly. However, if they give
permission and work through the answer a number of times, they will
be able to see how they use manipulation in conflicts to get their
needs met. When they see it, they will be able to avoid it more easily
and turn to God and others honestly with their true needs.


Two, you have been blessed with a heart that resonates so deeply with the heart
of your Savior. Your desires and ability to serve comes from the very breath of
God that gave you life. It is nothing you made for yourself, it is a gift, but that
gift becomes a burden sometimes. When you carry more than you were
intended to bear you lose the joy in living out your gifting. It was not meant to
be so:!

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and
lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-

God knows who you are and what stuff you are made of. He has prepared good
works in advance for you to do (Eph. 2:10). You do not need to strive, but to

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.
He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the
stream and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain
green and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease
to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)!

You are a person of action. You are built to see a need and then to meet the
need, and that is good. But never forget where your strength to meet needs
comes from. You cannot run ahead of the Holy Spirit:!

“Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait
for the LORD!” (Psalm 27:14)

“Those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall
mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:30-31)!

When you wait, you will say no to service opportunities, and that will be hard. It
will remind you how much you still place you identity in the hands of those you
serve. You may fear what they will think of you if you don’t fulfill their
expectations. Oh, the pain of losing a false identity. Don’t be surprised when it
comes. It is the accusation of the devil; it is the verification of your flesh dying
in you. Your Father has already spoken on your behalf to those that would judge
“Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is
before hi/her own master that he/she stands or falls. And he/she will
be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him/her stand.” (Romans 14:4)!

You do not serve man, you serve God, and He is able to make you stand. Do not
become enslaved to the cries of your flesh, to the need for others to affirm you
as “good,” and “useful.” You are far more than that. You are beloved:!

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be
called children of God; and so we are.”(1 John 3:1)!

This is your identity in Christ, unmovable, unshakable. Nothing you do changes

it for better or worse. You are free to enjoy using all of the wonderful gifts God
has placed in you, without fear. The world is yours to serve with delight, just as
He is your delight and you are His. See what words strengthened Daniel when
He was afraid... it is no different for you:!

“How can my lord's servant talk with my lord? For now no strength
remains in me, and no breath is left in me. Again one having the
appearance of a man touched me and strengthened And he said, ‘O
man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of
good courage.’ And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said,
“Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.” (Daniel 10:17-19)!

Threes are unique and talented gifts to the body of Christ. When they are
healthy in their Gospel identities, they are able to embody the largeness of
Gospel life that causes inspiration and emulation to those around them. They
are a catalyst for daring deeds and audacious action. Threes are not only people
of bold action, they are also sensitive and bring a vulnerability to their powerful
and courageous movements. When they are trusting God with their identities,
they are able to bring people into their internal journeys as well as the external


There are many ways to see Jesus acting out of His personality that reflect the
Threes own architecture. There is obviously no bigger achievement in history
than the patient fulfillment of redemption’s plan at the cross or the building of
the Kingdom of God through the work of Christ. Though those examples may
seem intangible, they are not disconnected from Threes’ own creation. Threes
are not built to simply achieve and build. They are created to participate in the
ongoing construction and redemptive plan of God’s Kingdom on earth. When
their hearts echo with Christ, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done,” Threes
are beginning to tap into an identity that is no longer hinging on an earthly

Jesus was also the quintessential leader. He masterfully led others into their
own giftedness without ever ceasing to be fully Himself. He led His twelve, and
He guided the seventy in Luke 10. Jesus was able to do this because His own
identity was not hanging in the balance. His disciples were able to learn from
His example of submission to His Father’s mission in His life. This is the
ultimate lesson Threes must learn in his or her own lives, no matter what shape
it takes. This truth takes on an even more pressing necessity to Threes who take
on a God-given mantle of leadership.!

Jesus exhibits his gold number in His openness to true and vulnerable
community. The garden of Gethsemane demonstrates this vulnerability more
poignantly than any other place in the Gospel accounts. Jesus chose to “need”
His friends, even though He knew they would fail Him. He did not live in a
callused disconnection from those that God put in His life. He lived and loved
right alongside the people He led. That is the picture of gold in Threes’ lives.!


The Monster: The Threes’ flesh inundates them with stories that they have no
value unless they perform, and even then, they are only ever on probation.!

Key Flesh Tools: To give people what Threes perceives they want, to play roles
for identity affirmation, to produce and / or succeed!

for status or self-identity.!

Driving Force:!
Threes have a deep need for others to see and confirm the value of their
achievements, to set themselves apart in the world. This gives them a sense of
fulfillment and security in themselves and their identity.!
Threes are exceedingly energetic folks who are truly able to achieve amazing
things in the worlds they live in. Achievement, however, is not at the core of
their desires. Theirs is a quest for identity, ultimately it is a great desire to know
Christ. This quest just happens to be manifest in larger than life activities, as
often as not. Thus, those who stand in close proximity to Threes know that there
is something special going on.!

Threes are a part of the heart zone, though they will often be the first to tell you
they are not. They often look like they are more “head” or more “gut,” but upon
closer inspection, it becomes clear that the heart is the right home for Threes.
They are not necessarily more emotional, but they struggle with issues of shame
and identity throughout their lives. Being in the center of the heart zone pushes
both of those struggles deep down for our friends with this core number, but
the voice of the Gospel calls out as the hope and cure.!

Threes have many natural gifts, but they do not rest on them. They are hard
workers, seeking to develop and hone what they have to a razor sharp point.
Achievement and success are Threes’ flesh barometers of self-worth when they
lose touch with the Gospel. Unfortunately, such things live on a sliding scale
based on the perceptions of the people they are around or the situation they are
in. Herein lies the danger for Threes. Only an identity in Christ is stable; all
other identities require constant mental acrobatics and manipulations.!

Threes, like Twos, need the affirmation of their audience. People outside of their
heads have to give value to their identities. For Twos, it is based on their service,
for Threes it is built on fulfilling roles and achieving something monumental
within those roles. When they receive adulation or accolades, their identities are
secured. The irony is that the more they gain identity through roles, the more
they lose touch with who they actually are. They don’t find identity, they lose it.!

Threes who live in the power of their Gospel identity are totally free to use
their gifts and to enjoy relationships. They have accepted themselves for who
God says they are, and they are no longer striving to add anything to it. That is
not to say they cease to be hard workers. They were built to work hard. But with
their identities firmly rooted in Christ, their work is for the joy of their creation
and participation in their Abba’s Kingdom. They were built to fly and flying is

Since Threes are a part of the heart zone, their natural tendency, in the flesh, is
to struggle with shame and insecurity. However, when they come to a place
where the Gospel is more than something they believe, when it becomes their
core identity, their lives take a radical turn. Threes are able to discover what
God has for them to do, rather than taking cues from people around them. They
begin to develop true confidence that they have a place in the world and in
their Father’s plan.!

Threes are gifted with strong leadership abilities. When they are walking in the
Spirit and in their true identities, their leadership is authentic and powerful.
They have no need, at a reckoned level, to do anything for emotionally
manipulative purposes. Their cup is already full. 34s (Threes with a secondary
number Four) may not take the overt leadership positions that 32s (Threes with
secondary number Twos) will, but their leadership is still undeniable. People
listen to them and are willing to follow. In their vocational lives, they will rarely
be satisfied if they are not in a position to initiate and complete their visions on
their own or at the head of a team.!

The Gospel is a bulwark against the voices of condemnation and self-

justification for Threes. Authenticity and true self-acceptance in Christ are
hallmarks of the Spirit’s work in Threes’ lives. Such self-acceptance in the
Gospel brings a tremendous sense of gratitude and calms the frantic need to
strive, to prove, and to validate. All of this frees up emotional space in Threes’
lives for real relational happiness and depth.

Self-acceptance in the Gospel is nothing like the world offers Threes. It is not a
“your OK, I’m OK” philosophy. It is built upon the person and work of Christ.
Threes have come to believe, unwaveringly, they are OK because Christ is more
than OK and He has clothed them completely in His righteousness and that gift
cannot be taken from them.!

Another strength that flows from Threes living in their Gospel identity is the
real-time courage they give to others by confronting their emotions in real time,
without feeling the need to mask them. Gospel-reckoned Threes are able to see
their old flesh tricks and find safety in confessing their compulsions toward
such behaviors. Real-time courage in authenticity means that Threes no longer
have to tell stories about what has been and how they succeeded. They no
longer give aggrandized “testimonies.” They are able to trust God and others
with the journey in the “now.” To many Threes’ surprise, this action does not
repel people from them but rather draws them in.!

Walking in Gospel reckoning, walking in the Spirit, requires a great deal of

daily surrender for Threes. Like Twos, they are looking for others to reflect their
worth back to them. They watch others intently for responses to their every
move. Gospel reckoning requires them to recognize the idolatry of this act, to
recognize it as building a false identity apart from Christ. Instead, they come to
a daily surrendering of their identity to God’s valuation of them through His
Son, no matter what the voice in their head tells them.!

Threes’ gift for reading people is part of their architecture and was never
intended as a tool for their flesh. When Threes are walking in the Spirit, they
are able to see the needs of individuals and groups and to respond to these
needs in ways that provide stability and nurturing leadership. Their insight and
understanding give others a sense of affirmation and empathy at a Gospel-
reckoned level, because Threes are not using others for their own sake.!

Threes have a unique and complicated architecture in that they are given an
incredible amount of God-given confidence to attempt projects and
undertakings that would terrify most other people, while at the same time they
struggle deeply with insecurity. Those members of the body who live in the
heart zone hear the voice of condemnation acutely. It is the responsibility of the
Church to encourage Threes to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, so that they can
run the true race He has laid out for them.!

Threes often lack the kind of support they really need. They are overachievers
and thus feel separate, or “beyond” the people around them. People who touch
them do not suspect that they struggle with self-doubt and insecurity on an
almost daily basis. They walk with a veneer of confidence. At a Gospel-reckoned
level this struggle does not simply disappear, rather Threes are not afraid to ask
for what they truly need. They are not afraid of making themselves vulnerable.
They do not fear that such an act would diminish their identity or strength.
They learn to receive grace and love from the whole Body.!

All of these factors cause others to follow Threes who are walking in the Spirit
in a loyal and passionate way. Others trust Spirit-led Threes’ openness and
humility. Those are the foundations from which Threes lead. Their leadership
may be in a small circle or a large one, ministry, family or corporate, but the
source of their strength is the same. There is a reflection of Christ in their
vulnerability that allows all of their gifts to flow. Their positive vigor is not a
pretense, it is the abundance of a life lived with their Savior.!

People also follow Threes because they are built by God to move forward. They
have pioneering Spirits. When their identity is secured in Christ, this
pioneering is rooted in God’s Kingdom. They love Kingdom adventures. It stirs
their hearts and the hearts of everyone around them.!

Threes are pioneers in the true sense of the word. Though 34s spend more time
alone, all Threes move in wagon trains, and 32s love to ride up front. They don’t
want to go alone. They are built with a deep and instinctive desire for others to
experience the new horizons they are experiencing, to settle the new lands. If it
is good for Threes, it is good for others.!

God would not build an architecture with such desires and not give them the
gifts to accomplish the goal, thus we find Spirit-led Threes are able to inspire,
communicate, motivate the downhearted, and get in the mud to work alongside
those who have fallen in practical ways. It is precisely when Threes are living
out these God given desires that they forget their self-conscious insecurities,
condemnations and to simply live. There is nothing more enjoyable to Threes
than just being Threes in the power of the Holy Spirit.!


If Threes begin to feel the need to augment their Gospel identities with
something more tangible, if they listen to the voice of shame, they will begin to
make mental shifts. Their activities may not change, but their motivations will.
Sadly, the consequences to their joy and their hearts will be grave.!

The initial shift to the flesh is very internal for Threes. Their flesh voice is one
of shame, so they are highly sensitive to the idea that their purposes might be
less than altruistic. Threes simply want to distinguish themselves. But
distinguish themselves from whom? A system of comparison and judgment
must be established so they know how to score their performance and award
themselves an identity.!

The tool they use is achievement, which is weighed against other’s

achievements, which is then placed before some audience to affirm. This is the
basic structure of the new method Threes use to establish an identity apart
from the Gospel. This does not mean they do not believe the Gospel, it simply
means they don’t “feel” the Gospel. Their new system gives them immediate
results...as long as they are winning.!

Threes who begin to live in this flesh paradigm are absolutely driven.
Everything is secondary to accomplishing whatever their next goal is. Even at
the early stages of being flesh-led, many Threes’ families take a hit from their
all-consuming behavior. Because Threes are often natural communicators, he or
she can usually talk their spouses into buying into the value of whatever is
detracting from the relationship. With almost no exceptions at this stage of
flesh-led activity, Threes completely believe the argument themselves. Any
problems that begin developing because of their lifestyle is baffling. They have
achieved the laud of the audience they have chosen, so why would those closest
to them act as if they were anything but successful?!
At their core, Threes are beginning to fight with more and more energy against
the rising voice that tells them that they are worthless. They must achieve
enough to make themselves invaluable, indispensable. If others can do what
they can do, then what good are they? They are beginning to build a complex
and exhausting strategy to gift themselves something that God has already
offered fully. Threes simply fear trusting God with such a truth at this stage.
First, they must create security of worthiness on their own terms...but that very
statement speaks to the state they currently live in, insecurity and unworthiness.!

Unfortunately, Threes are very gifted individuals, and they are often very
“successful” in their flesh endeavors. It is perhaps most unfortunate when those
successes come in ministry. There is a growing conflict in Them. Many of their
relationships are strained or breaking because of their constant state of denial
and driven activity. Further, Threes are able to articulately justify their behavior
to themselves and others, but the fruit of their lives is beginning to grow more
and more disconnected from their justifications. Shame and confusion mounts
as people they love begin slipping away.!

At this point Threes seem to be winning, but they are in fact losing. Parts of
their lives reinforce the voice condemning them as worthless despite success.
Ideally, this would be the time to recognize that their system of self- judgment is
not working and to flee for a judgment rooted outside of them, a judgment born
of Christ. But if they will not surrender to the voice of Christ calling them back
to a Gospel identity, they must press in harder to succeed all the more. This
only serves to exacerbate the cycle and make matters worse. Everything in the
Threes’ lives is becoming over-calculated. They do not realize that their
behavior is becoming more and more transparent with every step they take
away from their Gospel identity.!

As Threes’ inner lives begin to unravel, their wins begin to come less
consistently. Their self-consciousness rises closer and closer to the surface until
Threes become increasingly afraid to attempt anything too risky. However, in
Threes’ minds, a new strategy is emerging, though they may not be conscious

of it. To be perceived as a winner by others, they only have to look like a winner,
they don’t actually have to win.
Because their confidence has been rocked both relationally and now in practical
areas of life and achievement, they begin working harder at looking like they are
working hard. They try to glean more and more of their identity from how
people judge the show that they are putting on. The problems is, more and
more people are realizing they aren’t doing anything and they are having an
increasing number of moments when they cannot deny that it’s true...they
aren’t doing anything.!

Riso and Hudson say this of Threes’ strategy at this stage. “Fear of rejection
causes average Threes to increasingly abandon themselves as they search for the
“right combination” of factors which they believe will enhance them and make
them more acceptable. Their self-presentation becomes smooth and
professional, their appearance more calculated.”6!

One of the consequences of all of this focus on their presentation and the
continuous nagging voice of shame is that Threes become more and more
disconnected from any authentic feelings. They are getting lost in the persona
and hiding from emotions that give rise to the shame they are trying to avoid.
Threes honestly believe that the characters they are creating are more likable,
more worthy to be loved than their true self.!

Ironically, the more Threes descend into their flesh, the less honest or personal
they are with the people they are using to bolster their identity. Everything is
about pragmatism. Threes move from one person or task to another. It is
obvious to everyone but a Three that such a person is not pleasurable to be
around, not a good friend, not a loving spouse. Yet, Threes still grope for an
answer for the isolation and confusion they feel.!

To maintain whatever level of control Threes still have over their situation, they
must continue to promote the created image with heightened levels of idyllic
fervor. From the outside, the most obvious thing wrong with Threes is the fact
that nothing is ever wrong with Threes. Always smile. Always communicate the
good side of the situation.!

6Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 2190-2192). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
This overcompensation seeks to balance out the raging neediness that is
demanding more and more audience participation and confirmation of Threes’
worth. The bigger their shame gets, the bigger their exaggerated persona grows.!

The monster has been built, and now it rises up and begins to stalk the Threes’
lives. That which they sought to protect in their flesh, they are beginning to lose.
Threes have oversold their false identity and thus more and more people are
rejecting them, instead of being impressed by them.

Discord and confrontations in their work and home lives are escalating and
their ability to talk people out of their anger or disappointment seems to have
abandoned them. Many of the conflicts in their lives stems from their own self-
deception at this stage. Like flesh-led Twos, they have a great deal invested in
believing the version of themselves that they are trying to vend to others.
Because of this, anyone who confronts that identity is a threat to more than the
Threes’ momentary peace. They are a threat to their foundational strategy for

This is the turning point for Threes. If they continue to listen to the voice of
their flesh telling them that they are unworthy, they must continue to attempt to
achieve success to garner the status that will promise to undo the curse. Thus
they will continue in slavery to the monster they have created.!


Threes will inevitably run into the problem of true failure at this point, because
there is not way for them to live up to the claims they have made concerning
their false identities. Failure is the most terrifying of all experiences Threes can
have, and thus they will begin to do anything to pull themselves out of the mire
they are in.!

Truth becomes unimportant to Threes as they feel the hot breath of their
monster bearing down on them. They will spin anything to create an outcome
that sets situations back in a favorable light. The once principled man or woman
becomes unscrupulous for the sake of regaining their idealized self. As a
consequence, they are not gaining the ground they hoped to reclaim, but
instead are securing a reputation that is far worse than ever. They become
known as a clever liar, a huckster, and a person who is willing to cut corners and
then justify their behaviors.!

Threes have become the stereotype of the crooked used car salesman who
always operates with a smile and pretends to be everyone’s best friend.
Meanwhile, he pitches broken wares and takes his “friends” for everything
they’re worth. Every situation, every opportunity represents some possible
break for Threes to exploit, and everyone who enters into their sphere of
exploitation feels it acutely.!

As Threes find themselves more and more alone in their lives, they begin
cycling into depression. They turn their charm switch on when an audience is
present and sink into the abyss when they are alone. Because they are having
more and more trouble pulling themselves out of their embarrassment from
“performing” for others, Threes begin to become less and less reliable. Each
step heaping shame upon shame.!

The worse their behavior becomes the more Threes must use aggrandized lies
to cover the tracks of their true internal turmoil. There is little that comes out of
Threes’ mouth that represents the whole truth. They are always selling the
broken down car, it just happens to be them. They entered their flesh terrified
that they were unworthy, thus they tried to make themselves worthy by virtue of
achievement and status. Unfortunately, as it goes with any trusting in the flesh,
the opposite has come true. Threes have made themselves unworthy and now all
they have left is to repent and run to the Gospel, or to further hide the fact of it.!

Many Threes feel the enormous pressure of their positions. If they are educated
and skilled, they may have risen to places of prominence and now their
unscrupulous behavior has consequences that go far beyond their own
identities. The emotions that cannot be suppressed at this stage cannot be
overstated. Threes live in a zone of the body that feel emotions deeply, and now
all of the emotions that they have run from are washing over them like a
tsunami wave.!
Unrepentant enslaved Threes will do whatever they can at this point to “lead”
their way out of the problem. At their worst they become more aggressive and
try to shift blame to others, fixing the problem by dealing with others’ “failings.”
Threes are still playing the salesman, using sleight of hand to shift attention off
of them. There is a growing hostility toward the people closest to them. There
are frequent accusations that confuse people as they will never take real
responsibility for anything.!

Threes are able to stay “in the game” longer than most enslaved architectures,
which does not serve their soul well, nor does it serve the people around them.
By the time they are caught or can no longer function, the damage that they
have caused is significant, to say the least.!

Flesh-enslaved Threes have spent much of their lives performing a complex

charade. Everything they wanted and needed and hoped for was offered freely
in Christ. Everything their soul so desperately tried to manufacture and sell had
already been bought at the cross.

Threes’ gold number is Six. When the Spirit walks Threes through the
assurance of their Gospel identity, Threes are able to commit themselves to
others with a kind of openness that is not possible when they are living in their
flesh. It is their great step of faith, and one that requires the daily sustaining
power of the Spirit.!

Threes are, in many ways, the opposite side of the leadership coin to Eights.
Both have a strong internal need to control. The difference is that Eights seek
to control their environment while Threes fight to control their persona. When
Threes receive gold, they surrender control. They realize the hard truth that
they cannot surrender control to God alone, but in surrendering to God they
must surrender to His Body, the Church.!
In their gold, they begin to trust Christ through the Body of Christ, and in
doing so, they find the physical manifestations of His grace. Others begin to
love Threes in ways that they feared no one ever could. Threes find out that
their fears of unworthiness were the poisonous voice of their flesh and not their
divine birthright. Threes find rest.!

Because Threes are able to trust others with their authentic selves at their gold
number, they are able to ask for what they need without being needy. The
difference is that in their Flesh, Threes try to manipulate others to meet their
psychological needs. Now they are able to trust others in Christ to simply love
them. The reward is far greater than their needs being met. In the flesh, if their
needs were met, it never met their emotional needs because the affect was
hijacked. At gold, the love is a gift and affirms the Threes’ true identity in

At their gold, Threes find the satisfaction and security they have always longed
for and they are free to use their gifts on behalf of others and in joyful worship
to God.

In the flesh, Threes begin to pull extra tools from their shadow number Nine.
The flesh behavior of Nines is very different from Threes in that it disengages
when it becomes stressed and seeks to avoid notice. This can be both strategic
and necessary for Threes who have lost their way. It is strategic if they misstep
and push too far in their self-proclamations and necessary when they reach
burnout from overworking to achieve their goals.!

When Threes begin to descend into their flesh, they can experience times of
“disappearing” like a Nine. They will try to justify the action in the public eye
and make sure they have a good story, but the fact is, they were simply unable to
sustain their frantic pace.!
The more unhealthy Threes become, the more “productive” they attempt to be.
The shadow number gives Threes the ability to not only disappear but to self-
soothe with substance abuse and other self-medicating activities. Nines are a
part of the gut zone, thus it provides Threes with a core aggression in their
withdrawn times. It speaks a new kind of story that spreads the blame outward,
rather than the original insecure flesh tale of unworthiness in Threes’ identities.!

At enslaved levels, the shadow number is a great betrayer to Threes. It is a cause

of Threes’ forced self-confrontation and their overwhelming rage. The more
connected Threes become to the flesh tools of their shadow number, the more
depressed and/or out of control they will become in an enslaved state.!


The “32”!
32s are gifted charismatic individuals, often with strong social and leadership
skills. Their secondary number Two makes them very aware of the needs of
people around them and gives them an inner drive to get involved.!

32s seem to have a very large capacity to care for and truly empathize with a
great many people. When they are walking in the Spirit and in their Gospel
reckoning, they are able to achieve great things on behalf of groups and
individuals alike. When they speak, people listen and follow. They have the
ability to translate their concern and practical wisdom into helpful steps that
others feel capable of applying to their lives.!

The secondary Two gives them a desire to be a part of the communities they are
involved in. They want to feel loved just as Twos desire to feel loved. That is
appropriate for this architecture. God has built 32s to be a strong individual but
never detached. The need is a fitting one, and when Threes have trusted Christ
with their identities, they can allow the Body to give them the community love
they desire.!

If, however, 32s move into their flesh, the added need for community affirmation
only makes their sense of unworthiness feel that much worse. 32s are gregarious
individuals and often use the public forum or the stage to try to meet their flesh
identity needs. Because popular culture or ministerial cultures can create an
alternate set of rules for people in the limelight, Threes may be given
opportunities to descend far more quickly into their self-absorbed and
delusional behavior. “Performance” of any kind creates a kind of false intimacy
between the performer and audience. This is perfect for flesh-led 32s, but
exactly the wrong recipe for their return to a Gospel mooring.!

Everything in 32s’ lives can become a show for others. 32s become so self-
absorbed that they believe that everyone must be watching and judging their
identity based on each aspect of their lives. Thus they begin to suck everyone
and everything into their fantasies. This is exhausting for Threes because their
whole life becomes a stage.!

Because of 32s’ natural outward focus, when they become enslaved to

the flesh, their aggression and manipulations also go outward as much as they
go inward. The stories that are built up in 32s’ minds include the injustices and
wrongs others have meted out upon them, ultimately resulting in their sad state.
The added number Two makes Threes aggressively defensive, they must justify
their identity, especially in the face of failure.!

The “34”!
34s are very different kinds of people based on the nature of their secondary
number. Whereas Twos reach out, Fours are a more withdrawn and
introspective architecture. Because of their less gregarious nature, many people
miss the fact that they are Threes at all, including many 34s.!

Fours also struggle with identity, but are generally more contemplative.
Depending on the strength of the Four in their architecture, this can give 34s
the ability to avoid some of the pitfalls of their 32 counterparts.!

34s are still Threes at their core, thus they wrestle with their identities, but they
lean toward their work or business achievements instead of the limelight. They
require a much smaller audience to affirm their worthiness.!
Like Fours, they have a strong sense of their environment and how that
stylistically defines them. They often have a unique and powerful way of
dressing and living that fits into whatever community they have been placed.
There is an aesthetic piece to their lives that is often attended to with the same
attention to detail as everything else.!

34s are able to bring many creative endeavors that others fantasize about to
reality. They have the creative knack and vision to conceptualize but are
hardwired to be finishers. It is a very unique and beautiful mixture in God’s
blend of architectures.!

Riso and Hudson note that 34s are, “Hard workers, they generally present a
more serious and overtly task-oriented persona than Threes with a secondary
number Two. Many people of this subtype spend a great deal of time honing
their craft and make it their business to master whatever technical knowledge
and skill is necessary to excel in their chosen field of endeavor. For this reason,
they can easily be mistyped as Fives or Ones. People of this subtype are self-
assured and outstanding in some way, yet also introspective and sensitive.”7!

Though 34s do not have to navigate the secondary Two’s identity crisis
concerning their lovability, they do have to contend with Fours’ all around
insecurity and sense of isolation, which plays off of Threes’ already fragile sense
of identity. 34s try to deal with this pressure by pressing into their projects and
work, searching for worth in what they do. Their identity is wrapped up in their
success and status within their chosen field or passion.!

34s resists the judgment of others because it creates more pressure. These are
the times that they are caught between the Three and the Four, and 34s can
become very cynical and morose. In the midst of all of these feelings, 34s have a
subtle yet growing feeling of arrogance. Their identity relies on achievement,
which relies on being better at what they do than the people around them. It is
almost impossible for them to exist in a flesh level without such pride. No

7Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 2553-2556). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
matter how humble they desire to be, it simply must exist. Their paradigm
depends on it.

The more 34s descend into their flesh, the more disconnected they become
from other people. Their secondary number makes their identity highly
vulnerable to their own accusatory voice, which makes isolation seem
reasonable. This strategy, however, only serves to exacerbate the situation for
34s. If 34s have a strong secondary number, they will likely spend times in deep
depression and their work will suffer. That will only further attack their identity
ideas, leading them to deeper despair.!


Always bear in mind that Threes are going to feel acutely vulnerable in their
identity and shameful in regard to anything that looks to them like failure.
Finding their Gospel identity is not about winning or losing or falling short in
the past, it’s about hope for the future. Always remember that you are agents of
hope when you hold the Gospel in your hands. Heart zoners have plenty of
condemnation without help from anyone else. Tell them how you feel, with the
five core emotions (joy, anger, sadness, fear, shame), about things in their lives.
Invite them into their own feelings by example and without pushing:!

1. Any group or relationship that Threes enter into honestly, opening

himself or herself up to scrutiny, is frightening experience. Make sure
to give them all of the encouragement and affirmation possible so that
they know without a doubt that they are unconditionally loved and
that they are in a safe place.

2. Be careful not to judge Threes; instead, help them discover their own
answers. If you push too hard where they are not willing to go, Threes
will only burrow into the story they feel they need to defend
themselves...ie. their identities.

3. Threes are articulate, so don’t be afraid to ask them what they feel they
need to be surrendering to abide in their Gospel identity. Let them
help to verbally form their goals, but then help follow up in future
conversations by asking how the Threes’ actions and thoughts are
relating to that surrender. There are two dangers in the group
participating in concrete goals. First, Threes will feel pressure if they
are failing, to spin or hedge the truth so that they appear more
successful than they are. Secondly, Threes may feel a desire to
withdraw from the group if they are struggling so as to avoid
condemnation. These factors put a great responsibility on the group
to be both safe and wise in how they love Threes in practical matters.

4. As often as possible, speak in Gospel identity terms to Threes. Be careful

not to affirm identity fantasies based on status. 


5. Help Threes to organize a plan for more balanced lives, starting with
taking true Sabbaths where they are trusting God to care for their
needs without having to “get ahead.”

6. Help Threes to develop plans to participate in activities that are for their
own hearts’ sake and will not garner them any status. This may
include doing something private, and then not telling anyone the


You know you are special, unique in so many ways. And yet you know what the !
voice of doubt sounds like, ringing in your ears. Choose well the voice you will
listen to. Choose well the voice that will guide your life day by day. What you
believe is not enough. You have been called to abide in Christ, and in abiding
you will find your courage and your life:!

“And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we

may have confidence and not shrink from Him in shame at His
coming.” (1 John 2:28)!
Your hands have been built with great strength and you know it well. You are
able to accomplish what few even dare to start, but it is not for your own sake,
not for your name that you are to set your hands to such things.!

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a

people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the
excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His
marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)!

There are so many voices calling to your heart and seducing your identity.
Listen to His voice. You are His child. Rest in your true identity.!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the

renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the
will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)!

Remember that you walk in the footsteps of your Sacred Brother. Never place
yourself above Christ in your endeavors. You are created to serve, even as you
lead, even as you build and create.!

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,

who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with
God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the
form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” (Philippians 2:5-7)!

Your trust is too important to be spent lightly. Do not waste your life seeking an
identity from man. “Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for
of what account is he?” (Is. 2:22) Too many gifted individuals have lost out on
life, individuals who believed well enough, but set their desires on identities
down below.!

“Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for

fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be
put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from
man more than the glory that comes from God.” (John 12:42-43)!
You will fail. There is none righteous but Him in whom you have placed your
trust, and so your identity must be found in no other. Remember and hold fast
to that truth. You will fail, and that fact has yet to surprise the lover of your soul.!

“Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the
heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For
we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our
weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we
are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the
throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in
time of need.” (Hebrews 4:14- 16)!

The Word has been spoken, and it is true. Hold fast to it and live in the fullness
of all you have been created to be.!

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born
of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the
law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are
sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying,
“Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son,
then an heir through God.” (Galatians 4:4-7)!

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,

rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you
were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7)!

Fours are like a mirror that reflects the beauty of the Gospel to the Church.
Fours are one of the most sensitive of the architectures, able to take in what
Christ gives and then create something that the Church can see as a clear
expression of God’s grace. Often this is through some expression of art, whether
spoken or written word, song, or aesthetic. Because of their position as the
sensitive conduit, the Church has a responsibility to understand and protect
Fours for the gift that they are to the Bride.!


People can easily miss how many aspects of Jesus reflect the sensitive and
artistic expressions of Fours. We, in the Western culture, prefer a stronger
didactic Jesus that preaches and teaches and leads and sacrifices. Many of us
have unconsciously come to the conclusion that, if Jesus was too emotional, too
sensitive, that would make Him weak and “less than.” We accept that he has his
moments with the hurting women and children, but only because it is
“appropriate” by our cultural standards.!

Jesus, however, was not simply a preacher’s preacher, all intellectual and full of
footnotes. He was a storyteller. He wove vivid pictures with words and often felt
no compulsion to give an explanation to His head scratching audiences. He took
His disciples to hard places and then taught through illustrations. Jesus either
intellectually knew the power of stories or He loved stories. Considering the fact
that much of Scripture is given in narrative form for the cultivation of the
Bride’s understanding of her God, I have to conclude that Jesus loves stories.!

Jesus was also the creative force of the universe (John 1:3). All things were
created by Him, and without Him nothing was made. Consider the colors that
the aesthetic person chooses to decorate a room or detail a car. Such colors are
a part of Jesus’ creative palate. No color or texture exists that He did not think
was beautiful. He is a God of beauty and music, of touch and taste.!

Beyond Jesus’ creative personality, we see a very active need for Jesus to
reconnect with His Father, His need to stay grounded in His true identity.
Sometimes this came through isolation and struggles with loneliness. Jesus’ last
trip to Gethsemane was filled with words and pains that Fours understand
deeply. Yet, in the midst of all of His loneliness, He gives us John 17, His “High
Priestly Prayer.” In His prayer He does not deny His feelings, but He entrusts
Himself and His feelings to His Father in heaven. This is the picture of a
redeemed Four. The emotions are not the problem, Jesus had them, walking in
faith while carrying them that is the trick.!

Jesus had no trouble walking in gold while living in the reality of His emotions.
His creativity and the reality of His feelings never altered the depth of His
convictions. Each strengthened the other. Let Fours not forget that they were
made in Jesus’ image. All that they are was lived out in perfect balance in the
complex being of the Son of Man.!


The Monster: Fear that they are not unique. Fear that their identity is a
manufactured piece of fantasy they have created. Fear that they cannot or will
not be known.

Key Flesh Tools: Emotional manipulation, withdrawal and isolation.!

Driving Force:!
Fours want to be known and understood for who they are, to be seen in their
uniqueness. They want to create with the tools God has given them and make
an impact on the world around them, to feel that their uniqueness was
worthwhile for the benefit of others without compromise.!

Though Fours’ flesh haunts them with the fear that they are not unique, or that
they are so unique they will never be understood, in reality they are simply
exquisite works of art in God’s gallery of architectures. Fours are as diverse in
skills and passions as can be imagined. They are simply highly creative
individuals who are deeply introspective.!

Fours look into their own interior landscape often to assess their feelings and
the state of their lives. Because of this, they are both the most honest and the
most disillusioned of the architectures. They are honest in that they are not
trying to cover anything up. They bring their whole self to the table. However, in
the flesh they can become incredibly confused in their interpretations of what
they believe those discoveries mean.!

Fours have a deep need to hold on to an identity that is fixed on the Gospel.
They are in constant flux based on the bombardment of their emotions and
scenarios that play out in their vivid imaginations. Their creative minds work
both for the Kingdom and against themselves all at once. This makes the
internal lives of most Fours tumultuous until they have matured to the place
that the Gospel has taken a place of supreme preeminence. The time that it
becomes the voice they hear most clearly.!

When such transformation occurs, Fours are capable of capturing some of the
most delicate moments of life and transferring them to every other type of
human. They can express it in word, song, picture, sculpture, architecture, etc.
They are channels of creative Gospel expressions of grace to humanity. But
those expressions have never come at a cheap cost. Fours must fight for the
ability to express such truths and thus they are honored for the effort and

As with any “tortured artist,” Fours feel tragically alone. They long for the
persons who will understand and value them. They have a romanticized ideal of
what that might look like. They have a deep longing for a “rescuer” who will
meet their relational needs, while at the same time they despair that such a
person cannot possibly exist. The fact is, the person who meets their needs most
completely is Jesus. Until He fulfills Fours’ heart’s desires, no one else can. That
is the core Gospel fact of Fours’ lives. Until they reckon the Gospel to their
tortured lives, no one will ever be enough.!

Overcoming their own overwhelming emotions tends to be the great obstacle in

reckoning the Gospel for Fours. They are so in tune with their emotions that it
feels nearly impossible to extricate themselves from the implications of the
voices that issue forth. However, there is a softer voice that woos Fours. A voice
that tells them that they are known, they are cherished, they are worthy. Christ
calls to Fours to take their place in His home and make all of the impact in His
Kingdom that they were born to make. Theirs is a destiny of refined power and
grave import. First, however, they must reckon the fact that all is safe and that
they are loved in the person and work of their Christ.!

Spirit-led Fours walking in their Gospel-reckoned identities are the part of the
Body of Christ that are perhaps most in touch with their own hearts and the
subtle prompts of the Spirit’s moving. They have learned what it means to be
still before Him and listen for His quiet voice. While other core numbers will
always remain somewhat confused at “contemplative” traditions practiced
throughout Christian history, Fours have the ability to show why it is both
legitimate and beautiful for the Body of Christ.!
When Fours hold to their worth in Christ, they live and move without self-
consciousness. If they are creative people, they are able to create, to write, to
paint or make music without concern for their audience’s reaction. They work
for an audience of one.!

Ironically, at flesh levels, they seek to be understood by others through the use
of their gifts. At Spirit-led levels, they are unconcerned with the reactions of
others, but others are most moved by the works of their hearts. When Fours live
unselfconsciously in step with Christ, people see them for who they really are,
and Fours feel the fullness of “belonging” that they always sought. As with every
number, abiding in Christ brings the fullness of all of the heart hopes of the

If Fours discipline themselves to daily take on their Gospel identity, they will
find inspiration all around them. The things in life that were draining when
they grappled and strained for identity in their flesh become interesting and
exhilarating when they look through the lens of the Spirit. The world begins to
hold new Gospel interest. All of this gives them even more motivations to
express their unique shape and gifts.!

In the past, Fours have likely spent a great deal of time reveling in explaining
themselves to others. At Spirit-led levels of maturity, they find their experience
more inexplicable than ever, and yet it creates a door of Gospel expression for
them. They become witnesses for Christ’s goodness instead of their own angst
or uniqueness, because it is the only way to rightly articulate what others find
fascinating about them. Their answers do not sound pre- planned or trite,
because they are simply...true.!

What other core numbers have to understand about Fours is that the
conversations in Fours’ heads are louder than what most others have
experienced. At a Spirit-led level, Fours have learned to quiet the flesh’s voice
and let Christ’s voice move to the front. They have found the beauty of a voice
that is less abrasive, non-condemning, inspiring and hopeful.!
The fact that Fours are creative people does not mean they all paint or play
guitar. It does, however, mean that God has given them some soul gravitational
pull toward things that take shape in beautiful completion. It can be any
aesthetic vision, as overtly many as mechanics and as subtle as landscape. As
traditional artists, this makes sense. But there is something deeper in the fabric
of God’s redemptive story that is connected the Fours’ soul architecture.!

When they walk in their reckoned Gospel narrative, all Fours can see God’s
redemptive story in others’ lives as a kind of beautiful story, as art. They might
not call it that or even conceive of it in those terms, but they are built to revel in
the narrative like few others. They reflect to the rest of the Church how utterly
majestic it is when a fallen creature comes to Christ, when an immature
believer begins to take steps into gracious Gospel living, when hope manifests
itself in this shadow land. Gospel transformation is the ultimate expression of
high art to redeemed Fours.!

For that reason, Fours begin to see their own story differently at this reckoned
Gospel level. They begin to see how pieces of their pasts were shaping tools,
redemptive chisels and merciful blows that shaped the sculpture that the
Master Artist was fashioning. Their melancholy is replaced with hope and
wonder because they no longer feel the need to brood over the stories of the
past that have been translated into unfairness. Now they stand like students in
the gallery looking at a masterpiece, and every stroke of their lives are the
subjects of the masterwork they observe.!

Spirit-led Fours do not withdraw from life, they engage it. They have hope and
assurance that in the engagement, they will find new inspiration. That fact does
not replace quiet times with their heavenly Father, it simply motivates them
toward their daily discovery of their “new creation” with balance. They no
longer feel that the need to “figure themselves out” in isolation. They trust other
people to play key roles in the discovery process.!

Emotions can be a danger for Fours, but Spirit-led Fours are not afraid of their
feelings, no matter what kind of emotions come up. As they believe the core
truth of their identity in Christ, their feelings only lead them to trust various
aspects of God’s character. They find out who they are in Him. Their anchor is
secure and so, though the boat may rock with the waves, their position will not
be moved.!

Because they have come to this courageous place, they are able to serve others
boldly in their times of crisis and confusion. Fours’ vision is not just empathetic
at a physical life level, but at a heart level. This gives them a powerful voice in
people’s lives. Their insightful and sensitive counsel is welcome to the one who
needs a true friend.!

Learning to trust the Spirit’s leading takes practice and discipline for Fours due
to their vivid imaginations and cavernous emotions. It is difficult for them to be
certain when they are just experiencing another changeable feeling. When
Fours learn to step up in courage, knowing that sometimes they may be wrong,
they are able to move deeply into their own Gospel identities and change the
lives of those that God has placed within reach of their perceptive touch.!

Fours have a deep need to express what is happening in their Gospel journey
with their brothers and sisters in the Church. There is, however, flesh danger in
this God given desire. If they are not received well, if they are misunderstood or
condemned, they may begin to move back into Flesh-led levels to manipulate
other’s perception of them or to hide altogether.!

The gift to the Church flows from the great need of Fours. Fours are able and
willing, more than willing, desirous, to have deep and honest relationships with
others. They want to express the intimate parts of their lives, and in doing so,
teach others how to do the same. When their identities are anchored to Christ,
they are able to speak of their weaknesses and struggles without fear. They talk
openly of real life weakness that give others courage and insight into their own
authentic Christian walks.!

Those who know Fours, know that they are revealing these things because God
has built them with a deep desire to be known. That need is not pathetic, or
broken, it is to be honored by those who walk with Fours. Jesus reflects this
aspect of Fourness in His prayer in John 17:!
“Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be
with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because
you loved me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father,
even though the world does not know you, I know you, and these
know that you have sent me.” (v. 24,25)!

The word Jesus uses in verse 24 that is translated, “to see,” or “to behold,” also
carries with it the meaning or, “to experience,” “to be known.” The very next
verse seems to confirm the sentiment. “Dad, they don’t know you, but I do.”
God has imprinted on Fours a deep aspect of His own heart’s longing that we,
His creatures, should one day come to know Him in the depth and intimacy
that we were created for. That is what the Fours reflect, and the Church learns
from it, and honors it, and protects it. It is a vulnerable gift.!

This should never be a put off to those who sojourn Fours, because they bring
to the table the vision and humor of seeing the bigger picture from the inside
out. That is the lighter side of Fours living by the power of the Spirit. They just
can’t take their own depth too seriously. When they are walking in the Spirit
they know that even they would drown in it.!

Let no one say that a Gospel identity is an easy thing to hold onto day- by-day.
For Fours, when doubts come, they feel the need to look at other people’s
responses to confirm or deny the emotions that creep into their minds when
they lay down to sleep. Each architecture has its inherent hooks and snares,
seeking to trap and drag its victims into its flesh identities. This is the flesh
hook for Fours, the bobbing and weaving emotions, ever elusive so as not to be
pinned down with any firm argument. Oh that Fours will daily fix their gaze on
Christ, the rock, unmoving, while the dastardly flesh flits about. He is the
mountain that Fours must cling to. He is the only constant.!


As their emotions shift, Fours fear that they will not be able to sustain the
abiding presence and relationship with Christ, which has become the basis of
their identities. They begin to confuse their “experience” with Christ and the
actuality of their new creation in Christ. Thus they feel the need to conjure or
create experiences that will give rise to their sense of Gospel stability.!

This can look very spiritual. It may still be impressive to all of the same people
that respected Fours at the Spirit-led level, but an important shift is beginning
to happen. The groping for Gospel security has begun outside of Jesus. What
was done for an audience of one has now been moved to a space with a larger
audience in mind.!

Fours may find, as they move into their flesh, that consistency is difficult. They
might start talking more about their journey with God than actually walking it.
Where they used to express the joy of their salvation through some form of art,
they now pontificate about the art itself. In their personal lives, they are just
trying to get back to the “feeling” of being “all right,” of being OK.!

As Fours move into their flesh, they try to return to a state of secure identity by
expressing themselves in some way. They try to create something, a project, an
aesthetic, or creation that will represent some aspect of themselves. In this way,
Fours are a core number that seem very able to “fake their faith.” They are
capable of creating a certain feeling, or mood that mimics what they
experienced at their higher points of Gospel living. When they feel something
missing in their relationship with God, Fours quickly try to fix it. Filling that
hole with an aesthetic solution.!

Riso and Hudson note that, “Little in the homes or the wardrobes of average
Fours is casually selected. Everything is designed to support the Four's feelings
and to announce quietly to the world, ‘This is who I am.’”8!

If people are 45s (core number Four with a secondary number Five), he or she
may begin to retreat into books and ideas to fortify their imaginations and ideas.
Their philosophies and new concepts will justify their movement away from
real people and real life. Ideas will begin to take over their lives in the form of

8Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 2910-2912). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
fantasy and they will begin to withdraw from the disappointments and threats
of genuine relationships.!

If people are 43s (core number Four with a secondary number Three), they may
use pioneering projects and new ideas as an escape from reality at this level of
flesh. It may not be a retreat away from people in an isolated sense, but it will
be as fanciful as any 45. It will be a retreat into fantasies of grandeur and
accomplishment, of being understood and applauded if everything turns out
the way they see it in their heads.!

Fours are also beginning to look at people differently than they did at their
Gospel-reckoned level of spiritual health. As their Flesh begins to pick up
steam, they seek friends who give rise to the feeling of significance or being
understood, or valued. This is an important shift into objectifying people.
Though Fours may think they love others, they are beginning to create a pattern
of using them for their own fantasy’s end.!

Because of this pattern, relationships often fall very short of their idealized
expectations. They can become hurt or angry with the behaviors or reactions
that come in real life after they have spent so much time working out the details
of their imagined encounters with those who are important to their identities.
Others begin to get the feeling that their love does not measure up to
something in Fours’ lives, though many times they cannot pinpoint exactly what
it is.!

This piece of Fours’ journeys comes from both their created architecture and
the specific way their flesh will try to derail the Gospel’s work. Fours were built
to long for someone to pursue him or her and know them for the person they
truly are. That person is Jesus. Fours were designed for a kind of classical
romantic longing for their Savior’s affection and Love. However, when they
begin to doubt that Christ will be enough for their heart’s longing, they replace
Him with a “rescuer,” a person they believe will be able to give them that feeling
of being understood and being significant. For some Fours, it could be a group,
but often it is an individual, and it is always attached to an ideal or a fantasy of
what the rescuer is able to bring to the hole in their hearts.!
Fours are moving deeper into their own minds and fantasies to heighten the
“feeling” that they have a place in the world. The problem is, the deeper they
move into their fantasy, the more they disconnect from the reality of the world
they live in. They exchange their rightful place for a looping story in their own

Because of the deep connection between the fantasies and the Fours’ new false
identity, the stories they are creating must be protected. Often that means
isolating or marginalizing any influences that may contradict them. Fours begin
to cut themselves off from the very voices they need in their lives in order to
guard their fragile false narratives. Real life and their fantasy pictures may be
moving farther and farther away from one another, thus Fours must quarantine
the influences that will cast doubt upon the stories they need to believe. The
sociable confident Fours that we saw at the Spirit-led level are retreating into
themselves at this point. There are too many threats outside of the safety of
their own minds. Self-consciousness returns and the man or woman who had
so much to offer others becomes shy, withdrawn and sullen.!

What Fours are willing to show of themselves is not the authentic self they gave
at the Spirit-led level but a cartoon version that they hope will illuminate their
audience to their idealized self. They are still trying to show pieces of
themselves, but the efforts are so overdone that they don’t realize how little is
left of the real them for others to draw from.

Another flesh tool Fours may employ at this stage is elitism. If they find!

others are confused or confounded by their desperate attempts at self-

revelation, they can always look down them as incapable of understanding
someone of their type or caliber. Because Fours feel disconnected from others
naturally, this is not a big step for their flesh to justify. Unfortunately, if they can
justify this disconnection from the Body of Christ, then they will lose out on
one of the greatest hopes they have for returning to a Gospel narrative.!

Riso and Hudson give this insight, “When Fours do find someone who they feel
understands them, they pour out their hearts in long conversations that can
stretch late into the night. At last, they are not alone— someone has come to
share their world. The ardor and excitement average Fours feel in encounters of
these kinds is an indication of how deeply they long to be understood, and even
rescued. They want to have someone in their lives who will alleviate their
loneliness and, above all, be the good parent they are secretly seeking. However,
if they are to continue eliciting the attention of a rescuer, average Fours must
also continue to have problems and not allow themselves to become too
functional. Although they typically see themselves as loners, they actually
require "high maintenance" from other people. In fact, average Fours begin to
evaluate how much they mean to others by how much others are willing to
tolerate their emotional ups and downs and their neediness.”9!

This behavior of Fours who are acting according to the tools of their flesh
makes it very difficult for others to love them. They are beginning to create the
monster they feared existed. Others begin to have trouble keeping up with their
moods and needs and thus “prove” to Fours that they are unwanted and
misunderstood. The self-fulfilling prophecy begins to push them deeper into
their flesh.!

The deeper Fours go into their flesh, the further they climb into their own
minds concerning their identities. Thus conversations about their feelings and
thoughts become their favorite preoccupation. If they have a secondary number
of a Five, they may want to discuss books they are reading that shed light on
their inner lives. If they have a secondary Three, it may be a project that
highlights aspects of their personal values and self.!

Fours living in the flesh do not have the emotional energy to serve others
around them. They are no longer a vital part of the body. They find that they feel
lethargic and would often rather be at home alone taking a nap or stewing on
their latest sadness. Indulging this pull towards inactivity usually brings more
self-condemnation and/or depression.!

At this stage, Fours are still creative, and their insights can be used as a kind of
party trick that impresses and wows the people around them. They sometimes

9Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 2951-2958). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
use these skills for short periods of time to create a substitution for genuine
intimacy that they feel is lacking in their lives. If they can gather a group of
people around them and speak profoundly, or touch their heartstrings with a
song they have just written, others may get a “glimpse” into their true self. This
effort often leaves Fours feeling drained, and the results cause them more
confusion and more isolation. A sign that Fours are using their flesh tools is the
fact that they are emotionally depleted after participating in activities that God
built them to thrive in and receive life from when they are walking in the Spirit.!

Mental and physical exhaustion comes, in great part, due to the spinning stories
that are constantly streaming through Fours’ minds. Every piece of data is
proving or disproving their identities and whether or not they are seen for
whom they believe themselves to be. The problem is that they are constantly
struggling at this stage to know or believe in who they are at all. They are
getting more and more confused about their “true identities.” This adds to the
problem, and the exhaustion, the depression and the desperation.!

The only answer to the growing dilemma is to return to an identity in Christ.

The use of their flesh tools at this point, is leading them deeper into the morass
of confusion and isolation. The monster they feared was after them all along is
now coming to life, and they are discovering that they do not have the tools to
fight it.!

The shadow number Two begins to kick in at this level and becomes a tool of
Fours’ flesh as well. Healthy Christ-centered Twos are built to serve and reach
out to others as the very hands and heart of Jesus. Fours begin to use Twos’
more nefarious tools and begin to serve others to suck them in. Though “selfish
service” seems like a contradiction on the surface, it is one of the simplest tools
an individual can use to bolster a flagging self-image and manipulate others
into relational obligation.!

Church becomes a great buoying point for Fours seeking flesh relief. Their
carnal and ultimately self-serving efforts are often rewarded and celebrated
within the walls of religious institutions and rarely will anyone ask about a
deeper or inappropriate motive that may be at work.!
If this kind of “service” helped Fours’ true identity, then it might push them
back toward Gospel health, but alas it usually does not. Most of their efforts
leave them feeling worse and the praise of those around them are praise for
what they did instead of who they are...confirmation that they are not known.
Fours have now assembled a wealth of proof that there is indeed something
wrong with them and they do not fit in to the world in which they live.!

At this point, “feeling different” is an all-encompassing thought to Fours. It is

not the feeling of “uniqueness,” or “specialness” that they had in Christ, at
Spirit-led levels, but rather “different,” “wrong.” Resentment and anger begins
to grow in their flesh. Deep sorrow becomes a common emotion of their day-to-
day grind. Friends and family expect to see Fours with a melancholy look and a
depressive answer when they are asked how things are going. This is especially
true for 45s. 43s may take their emotions into more activity, but find they are
unable to resist the sadness when they come home and when they lie down to
sleep at night.!

None of these felt realities are based on facts; they are based on a growing
perception, or fantasy, of all of the facts of their lives. They have woven a
tapestry connecting the pains and rejections of their past with the feelings of
loneliness and then they come to conclusions and judgments for themselves.
Gospel hope is no longer applied in any kind of practical way. So much time is
spent meditating on stories of heartbreaking “differentness,” that there is little
room for the Spirit to contradict. All of the theology that they believe has
become academic.!

There is a strange dichotomy in Fours at this point as they near the place where
the flesh goes from being used as a tool to taking control entirely. Fours are still
filled with sadness, but anger is creeping in more and more. They feel repulsed
by the people around them because of the isolation and “differentness” they
feel, yet the identity affirmation they need depends on the people they

keep pushing away with their behavior. They are furious that they are not
accepted for who they are, yet their version of who they are is a lie that people
are less and less tolerant of.!
Because of their strange melancholy and dualistic behavior, many people who
have supported them in the past begin to reject the Fours. Even those who still
offer friendship are seen as another rejection waiting to happen and so they
pull back. They retreat into their minds and their secret lives where they can
indulge their own sorrow and anger on their own terms. This is the tragic
transition where the flesh is given free rein in Fours’ lives. Fours have given up
the fight in many ways, and climbing out of the pit will not come easily or
without the help of those who truly call themselves followers of Christ.!


Because Fours are part of the Heart Zone, shame and sadness are two emotions
that Satan can always use to drag them deeper into their flesh. Because of the
humiliation at their failure to “be” any of the things their fantasy promised,
anger is beginning to replace the sorrow they previously felt. It augments their
sorrow with a raging judgmental fire.!

Passive Fours begin to burn on the inside toward those around them. Their
anger is focused on those who don’t understand them and also begins to turn
toward themselves. In their flesh, they struck out on their own to “become,” but
they never did. Regardless of what they accomplished in their flesh, they

feel as disconnected from their identity as ever.!

This feeling would cause other core numbers to act out, but to Fours, it is
simply reason to dig in even deeper. Depression and total disconnection are not
uncommon at this point. Action led Fours to this place, so further action will
only make matters worse. The voice of the Accuser is beginning to thunder. He
rails at Fours for all of his or her shortfalls. He also decries all of the people in
the Fours’ lives that kept them from their “becoming” (whatever that means to
them). The thought may not have distinct form or any substance, but it feels
true, and it’s damning in the sensation.!

If their initial depression continues, their condemnation will turn more and
more inward. Telling flesh-controlled Fours of any worthiness, in Christ or
otherwise, is a laughable thought to them. They have spent so much time
meditating on their own pathetic unworthiness that to see themselves in any
other light feels like a bad joke. Embracing such thoughts would be a betrayal
of the heart they have come to embrace, the heart of stone, the control of the

This is a form of absolute self-absorption. All thoughts have turned toward

themselves. All people and conversations are carnival mirror reflections of the
Fours’ distorted flesh fantasies. No matter what the true image is, no matter
what true words are spoken, they are reflected back as lopsided and twisted

As we have discussed, if we leave the fortress of God’s grace, the monsters we

fear do take shape. We create them. By the time the flesh has taken control, the
monster has skin and bones for Fours. They are likely alone, or nearly so. By
now they probably have many stories of missed and failed opportunities and
relationships that they replay over and over in their minds. If they use drugs or
alcohol, those problems are probably growing, as Fours seek to fill the void that
looms in the center of their lives. The feeling of anger within them is great, but
Fours don’t know how to express it, thus the anger turns into a kind of toxic
shame. This is the monster that has formed in Fours’ lives.!

At this stage, fantasies of death feel like relief to most Fours. Everything is out
of control; the pain is constant and suicide sounds like the pleasant fantasy. For
some Fours it has the double pleasure of exacting revenge upon those who did
not love them well enough.!

Fantasies of suicide are not uncommon in Fours at this flesh-controlled level,

especially with a secondary number Five. But their fantasies, left unchecked,
can become tragic reality. It is the step of desperate desire for release from the
raging sorrow in their hearts. It is the act of absolute self- absorbed fleshly
hope. Fours hope that when it is done, they will feel better, that they will be
whole, that they will find release.

Fours who are walking in the power of their Gospel identity are bold in their
convictions. Unlike their flesh-led counterparts, who are always in flux between
opposing thoughts and identities. Spirit-led Fours are able to see an ideal or a
belief and stand on it without wavering.!

This is not legalistic or inappropriately dogmatic for Fours, because they are
able to come to their convictions from a place of healthy Gospel identity and
honest humility.!

When Fours move toward the Spirit-led One, they experience the kind of
objectivity they always craved when they floundered in their identity and their
self-centered subjectivity. They find that others are able to come to them and
find solace within their God given identity and convictions without any
pretense or manipulation.!

The Spirit’s gift of gold in Fours’ lives also gives them permission to trust from
the gut. Such trust is a relief for Fours. In their flesh there are so many stories
and so much confusion. Ones see things clearly and absolutely. This is a great
step of faith for Fours.!

Moving to this number is a Spirit-led gift. It is not something that Fours can
simply strive for, but in living by the power of their reckoned identity, Fours
discover the joy of this freedom more and more. They are able, with increasing
frequency, to access pleasure in their identities and Gospel walk. The
melancholy of the instability is replaced with concrete ideals that hold fast in
God’s Word and it brings with it constancy of emotions.!

Ones, at their best, also act according to their principles. This is a beautiful
Gospel turn for Fours who have spent a great deal of time acting according to
their emotions. Fours who act according to their number of ascension become
people who move into action. They become people who resemble the Gut Zone,
with all the sensitivity of their core Heart Zone number.!
When Fours begin to succumb to the tools of their flesh, they also start
employing the flesh tools of Twos. Twos at flesh levels serve people to
manipulate them into a position of obligation. They try to get others to see them
in a certain light so that their identity is affirmed.

It is interesting that Fours, who are in the Heart Zone, use the flesh tools of
Twos, who are also in the Heart Zone. It is a double dose of needing others to
affirm identity. Fours are hoping for others to see what is hidden within them
with a new strategy. At their shadow number, they are trying to get people to see
the special effort or sacrifice that makes them worthy.!

In the Christian context, Fours must watch their hearts most carefully when
they begin to serve like Twos. That is the place that they will inevitably feel most
comfortable and affirmed, but for all of the wrong reasons. Christian service
has, and will ever be, the best place to hide Gospel dysfunction. Who would tell
a person to stop doing something that benefitted another human being? Yet, the
reality is, many have benefitted another to the detriment of themselves.!

Because Fours become more and more disconnected from their social circles as
they move into flesh control, they will find individuals with whom they will try
to “help” or “attach.” These are individuals with whom they hope to relate and
serve. In serving this individual, they hope the individual will give them
understanding and intimacy. It is a need to be needed in the relationship. Such
relationships are destined to end badly. Either the person they are serving will
allow this kind of false intimacy because they are also dysfunctional or they will
have to push the Four away with a very difficult cutting off of the relationship
all together.


THE “43”!
43s are interesting combinations of contradictory types. At the surface level it
would seem that these two types could not be connected to one other. Fours
naturally spend much of his or her time in the minds dwelling on identity, often
the typical introvert. Threes are often seen on the stage, or out front creating or
building something, pioneering some effort.!

The connective thread is the longing for identity and affirmation. 43s have been
gifted with ideas that touch on the more creative side of the world. They are
indeed less introverted than their 45 counterparts and often want to find some
expression or outlet for their identity in projects or concepts that they can bring
to tangible fruition. They are the more effusive of the Four family and even
when they are in self-doubt they will redouble some effort to assert their
identity in a physical way.!

The secondary Three number also makes 43s more vulnerable to the fleshly
trap of people pleasing. Because they are putting their identity into tangible
projects and products, they need some kind of audience to affirm them, not
their project or product, but their identity behind it. This is something 43s must
always watch for, as they seek to walk through life with their identity firmly
rooted to the Gospel truth.

Because 43s are still, at their core, Fours, Fantasy plays a big role in their lives.
This is another danger that they must bring to God regularly. If their flesh
creates its own expectation of reality based on their fantasies, and those
fantasies doesn’t come to pass, 43s can find themselves confused, shamed and
self-condemned. On the flip-side, as 43s trust God with their goals and projects,
they discover that the outcome and the pace takes a different and more
beautiful shape than even their imagination could have conjured.!

THE “45”!
Fours and Fives are close relatives. They share many traits, and so Fours with a
secondary number of Five end up being extremely Fourish Fours. Fives are
most known for their quiet contemplation and gathering of information. Their
goal is not primarily for the purpose of finding an identity, but rather security to
allay their fears. When Fours utilize these tools, they become even more of the
quiet introverts. That statement is not a qualitative one, and so 45s must be
careful in making judgments concerning their own propensity toward
introversion. Our culture esteems the extrovert over the introvert in almost
every way, but the Body would be very unbalanced without the gifts that 45s
bring to the table.!

The secondary number of Five helps Fours with objectivity. Healthy Fives are
able to gather data and information without prejudice. This is a very important
trait for Fours who need this gift when they are feeling tossed and battered by
their own emotional swings. God has provided 45s with a worthy gatekeeper for
their thoughts in the secondary number Five.!

Of course, there is danger that can come with 45s’ secondary number. If Fours
begin to trust the information they gather more than the Spirit’s voice of
identity assurance, they will begin to move toward their flesh confusion. The
Five in them may also begin to gather too much information. If this happens
they will begin to fear that they can never have enough information to come to
an absolute conclusion about who they are. This will slowly erode any hope that
Fours have that they will find a solid identity.!

The secondary number of Five can make Fours feel very solid to the people
around them. When they speak, their words carry a quiet weight. It holds
vulnerable honesty and a kind of depth that few others are able to

Because Fours are such creative forces, their added Five gives them the ability
to access and explore the more miraculous and mysterious sides of life and God
without fear. This causes their creativity to blossom in new and powerful ways
when they are walking in the Spirit.!

Because the Five is also generally an introverted and withdrawn soul

architecture, 45s must guard their hearts from isolationism. If they begin to
withdraw from the body of Christ, their secondary number of Five will only
push them deeper into a world of searching and information gathering that will
end in spiritual torment as their identity can never be truly satisfied apart from


As you engage Fours in meaningful relationships, remember a couple of things.
Fours have a deep desire to be known, but they also have an underlying fear of
being known, because if they can be known then perhaps they are not as
mysterious and special as they felt they were. If this sounds complicated...it is.
Fours generally enjoy times of exploring their architecture with people they are
in relationships with. However, their friends or family must always remember to
ask questions and never assume too much, lest in their assumption they only
prove that they did not known the Four at all. Such moments will only push
Fours into deeper isolation.!

Fours are generally capable of dealing with direct questions, as long as they are
asked with respect and without an agenda. They are very adept at sniffing out
disingenuous questioning:!

1. Remember to engage your conversations seeking to understand life from

your friends’ worldviews without inserting your own. Don’t interleave
your architecture into the conversation or your assumptions.

2. Give verbal affirmation of core character qualities you see in them, not
external accomplishments. Remember that that Fours are less
connected to the external. If you are talking about an external event or
accomplishment, ask how those made them feel about their identity,
ie. what it showed about who they are as people.

3. Ask how Fours have been engaging others on their Gospel journey. Are
they letting people in to the voyage or are they isolating and trying to
attempt it on their own? Who are the voices in their lives that they are
really trusting to see things that they don’t? These questions must, of
course, be asked gently and not in an accusatory fashion.
4. Explore what a healthy balance looks like in Fours’ lives. How are they
spending their people time, creative time and head time. It is
important for the group and the Fours to understand what healthy vs.
unhealthy head time looks like for each individual Four. There are
certain ways that they go into their head that will bring about bad
results, others will bring Gospel reckoned results. This may be hard
for Fours to unpack. It may take time and processing with people who
love them.

5. When Fours are struggling in their flesh, they will feel like their issues
are the only things in the world that matter. They become the blazing
center of the universe. As best and as gently as you can, help them to
see outside of their bubble. At flesh-led levels the mood will always be
heavy. Try to lighten things up. Fours will not want to follow, but do
your best. Over time, they may learn to trust you and leave the mire of
their own self-pity. Always be careful not to push too hard.

6. Show genuine understanding of Fours’ feelings while still being careful

not to smother them. Give them the space they need to feel what they
want while standing firm on what you know is true of their Gospel
identity. Be the voice of Gospel reckoning even when they are not
willing to really listen. Again, don’t overdo this, give them space. Be a
voice, and then let it go.

7. If Fours go into isolation, take initiative to reach out to them. Draw them
into your world and don’t expect them to have the emotional energy
to reciprocate.


Four, you have spent times in your life feeling alone because you feel !
different from other people. You have wrestled with what that means. You have
struggled to understand you place in this world. The fact is, you feel unique
because you were created with the wondrous capacity to realize how unique you
actually are. The question is not, why do you feel the way you do? The question
should be, why does everyone else not? Scripture affirms your intuition.!

“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the
birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and
over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created
man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and
female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27)!

You were made in the very image of God. Of all of His creation, you are
animated with His very breath. All of the beasts, all of nature, He spoke into
existence. His word brought forth life. He spoke and it was as He called forth.
But not so with you.

“Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a
living creature.” (Genesis 2:7)!

God formed you. You are as special or unique as you feel, you are far more so. In
all the wrestling of your heart, never undo what God has intended you to
understand so clearly. You reflect His love and care to the rest of His people. But
you must remember this, you are not alone. Your insight is not for your own
sake. There are others who do not understand that they too are as unique and
wonderfully loved as you are. Your mind and your body are your vessels of
worship. Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to in your
uniqueness. Rather, honor your creation as a part of God’s Body. Take your place
and find your joy.!

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to

present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you
may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and
perfect. For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you
not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to
think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith
that God has assigned. For as in one body we have many members,
and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though
many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of
another...” (Romans 12:1-21)!

When you feel alone and unknown, meditate on the truths of the psalmist. You
are not known in a general sense, you are searched and known. You are worth
the time and effort to be deeply known. You have been made worthy in Christ,
worthy to be deeply loved.!

“O LORD, you have searched me and known me!

You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.

You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.

Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it
You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain
Where shall I go from your Spirit?

Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!

If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning

and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.

If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in
secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were
formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”!
(Psalm 139:1-16)!

Fives give us a glimpse into what it must have been like to walk with our
Creator in the garden as He pointed to a flower and told us something
wonderful about it. The walks when He explained His creation and how it
worked together, why He made it the way He did, the way it would support itself
within His system of wonderful life. Fives gather data and synthesize it into a
greater understanding of who God is and how He interacts with His world.
Other architectures have the ability to gather and process information, but not
like the Five. And because they are built for the process, they listen with a kind
of attention that others can only fake, which makes them some of the most
extraordinary relational evangelists in the world.!


Luke 2:40 tells us that Jesus, in His youth, grew in His stature, obviously, but
also in His wisdom and His favor with man. It is an interesting combination of
words for the Five to consider. Throughout Jesus’ life on earth, we see Him
choose His actions very deliberately. Sometimes it seems Jesus walked headlong
into trouble, other times He avoided it. How did He know? Is it only because He
was one of the triune parts of the Godhead?!

Jesus stated clearly that He only did what His Father told Him to do (John
12:49-50, John 5:19). This required that the Spirit led Jesus’ thoughts. He was
the ultimate example of how a true “thinker” must be led. Nowhere in the
gospels do we see Jesus striving to “figure it out.” He rested in His Father’s care.
He trusted His Father’s purpose. This is the deep strength of Fives who set their
minds on God’s Kingdom first.!

Though Jesus took time for isolation and meditation with His Father, time to
know and understand and tune His heart to heavenly truths, it never stopped
Him from re-engaging in His Father’s work. Jesus always lived in the gold
number Eight. He was a force for justice and action. His deep knowledge could
not remain idle in His mind. We could not conceive of our Lord as such. Just as
a version of Jesus who simply thought but did not act on the truths of His
Father’s Kingdom is inconceivable, so is it inconceivable that a Five should do
any differently as they grow in their Gospel identities.!


Basic Fear: Of being left helpless without “the answer.” Of being powerless and
confused. Of being tricked or deceived, not knowing the whole story, of missing
some critical piece of information.

Key Flesh Tools: Data collection, isolation from real things that can hurt them,
keeping ideas theoretical, busywork that is inconsequential, pushing people

Driving Force: Fives are created with a deep desire to plumb the “why’s” and
“how’s” of the worlds they live in. No matter what direction they go, they will
explore until their tools of excavation cease to yield fruit. It is at this critical
crossroad in every Fives’ life that they will take up tools of faith or flesh, for they
are driven to find answers one way or the other.!
Fives are an essential part of the Body. They ask fearless questions that would
either frighten most people or simply not occur to them. Their minds are always
spinning, never assuming, constantly testing one truth against another.!

Fives do this in relative isolation. Their work is internal. They don’t generally
like to show their cards too soon. They do not hold back because they are
particularly secretive but rather because they don’t feel ready to present most
findings until they are fully, or at least nearly fully formed. Thus they feel most
proficient and most secure when they are in their minds.!

Fives do enjoy the company of other people who have spent the same time and
energy to become “excellent” at whatever their craft or thought process is, but
they can also become discouraged by ham-handed attempts, coffee shop
philosophy, or amateurish science. Fives take their creation seriously, whether
they acknowledge it as such or not. They hold others to a certain standard based
on that seriousness.!

Fives’ flesh is easily wooed into the idea that their identity revolves around their
innovations of the mind, which sets up a very dangerous paradigm for them.
Seeking knowledge will always end in knowing more about what one does not
know. Thus, because Fives are part of the head zone and are ultimately dealing
with fear and anxiety, they only create for themselves more fear and anxiety.
Their flesh tool of assurance cannot possibly give them what they are asking for.
Eventually they will have to take a leap of faith.!

To protect themselves from onslaughts of doubt and anxiety, Fives can become
pugnacious with their views, using their intellect as a weapon against external
forces. This begins a fresh path toward further isolation in Fives’ lives. Isolation
brings more head time, and head time brings more fear. This is the vicious cycle
of Fives who come to trust solely in their flesh for what the Spirit was intended
to give.

Fives are uniquely gifted individuals in the body. They are able to process the
data of the world in a way that the rest of the body cannot fully understand.
There are many extremely smart people of every architecture, it is not a matter
of intelligence that makes Fives unique. It is how God created their minds and
their hearts to work together and the delight they feel when they are walking by
the Spirit in their soul creation.!

When Fives have become reconciled with their identity in Christ, they are freed
to put their fears and doubts away and to trust the Gospel’s lens with the
answers they seek, as well trusting the Gospel with those answers they find they
cannot resolve. In the Gospel, Fives become the confident, Christ-assured
individuals who do not have to cut intellectual corners to come out with a faith
that stands up to the test of skepticism.!

Because of this confidence, at the Spirit-led level, Fives are able to seek
information without an agenda or the predetermined task of defending a
presupposition. They are absolutely sure that God will still be God at the end of
each search for truth. Thus they are able to walk toward truth with an open

Healthy Gospel-reckoned Fives teach the Church how to walk through this
fallen world with courageous faith that is quick to listen, and slow to speak, and
slow to anger (James 1:19). They provide a balance, not of compromise, but of a
Christ-like ability to stand where others would see compromise, and find
genuine interest in the information they are encountering.!

Fives at this Gospel level want to follow and learn from the Holy Spirit. They
genuinely want to avoid interfering with the process, because they know that
what they will learn from God is better than anything they could add from
themselves. Thus, some of their insights are staggering to those around them.
They have the ability to break down paradigm walls that seemed impenetrable.
One of the great ironies of living within the delight and power of your soul’s
architecture is the fact that, what seems as natural as breathing to you, at your
Spirit-led level, will seem like the most miraculous thing in the world to people
around you...because it really is.!

When Fives are working in the power of the flesh, or are controlled by the flesh,
they feel the constant bombardment of “reality” crushing the walls of their
security. At Spirit-led levels, Fives do not use the Gospel to defend against this
onslaught, they don’t have to. The Gospel is not a tool, it is their foundational
life presupposition. Because of this, Fives become more than intellectuals, they
become spiritually relational with God, contemplative. Though they still love the
search and the climb for new thoughts and ideas, they are willing to let God
lead. They become patient in the journey.!

In Genesis 3:8, after Adam and Eve had eaten of the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, Scripture tells us that they heard God walking in
the garden in the cool of the day. God goes on to call for His creatures, and the
story goes desperately bad (though ultimately horribly good) from there.!

From this text, coupled with chapter two, it seems that God had a relationship
with His creation that was deeply exploratory in Eden. Edenic faith was simply
trusting the Creator’s valuation of all that He illumined to His creatures, and
what delightful lessons they must have been. As Fives are drawn deeper in the
Gospel story, back into relationship with his or her creator, they become deeply
curious for God’s lessons once again. They don’t need a reason to take a lesson,
they just love the journey, to discover new things, new ideas.!

They are ultimately searching for God’s redemptive fingerprints in the world
around them. Thus they are fascinated by people, nature, philosophy, society,
biology, everything that reflects some aspect of God at work. At this level, they
are truly allowing God’s Spirit to guide them. This is why Fives who are Spirit-
led have genuine insight into the situations and people around them. They are
searching out something deeper than even the situation or the person is
exposing in the moment.!
I know a Five who was educated in the Christian world and a pastor for years
who decided to get another secular degree in multicultural ethics. As I watch
his Gospel journey through the strange questions he must face and write on, I
can’t help smiling at how clearly he is living out his architecture. He is simply
asking God to take him on a walk through parts of the world He has never been
before. He wants to see the broken pieces, the hopeful pieces, to tie together
Gospel pieces.!

Often, Fives will remain quiet while observing. Many may think that Fives are
disconnected or have nothing to say. That is rarely the case. Fives are likely
“seeing” everything, but will not speak until they feel they have something to
say that is appropriate for the person or the situation. (There is a flesh AND a
Spirit version of this same trait.) When the Spirit-led Five speaks, it is rare that
their questions or insights do not bear good fruit.!

Though Fives at flesh-led levels may find their status as outsiders disconcerting,
Riso and Hudson rightly note that, “Fives are not interested in being “different”
like Fours are; instead, they view their status as outsiders with a shrugging

God has built Fives with a holy discontent that keeps them pushing out further
into the unknown. The standards that others may have, the answers that would
satisfy their minds, fall very short of that which will bring contentment to Fives.
In this way, God has made them explorers, much like Sevens, but they are the
explorers of thoughts and ideas.!

There are two gifts God has given Fives that help them in their journey. First is
their ability to spend an extraordinary amounts of time meditating on and
pushing into one thought or subject. They are mentally tenacious and unrushed
in their siege. As Spirit-led individuals, this is greatly due to the fact that their
identity is not on the line. The answers to the questions that are set before them
do not have consequences that are blown out of proportion by the lies of their

10Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 3518-3520). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
The second gift God has given the Spirit-led Fives is their level of comfort in
calling into question accepted modes and systems of thought. How invaluable
this gift is to the Body. They are a check and a balance to the idealist who
blindly follows man made dogmas without question. Many Fives throughout
history have paid for this gift with their lives.!

This gift of openness, or flexibility of thought, make Fives some of the most
effective relational evangelists. They have the patience and heart to honestly
honor others’ stories, beliefs and paradigms. They listen with an ear for the
truth, knowing that even lies come with threads of veracity. Fives are able to
listen and learn from individuals whose beliefs are contrary to their own and
thus they often earn the right to speak their beliefs back.!

Spirit-led Fives want to lead others into the truths they are discovering about
God’s Kingdom. They are both wise and patient. They know that others do not
think like they do, and they do not take that fact for granted. Patience is one of
the great ways that the Spirit manifests Himself in the lives of Fives when Fives
have reckoned his or her identity to the person and work of Christ.!

Fives often see the problem or issue beneath the semantics that are being posed
by the people around them. They make great moderators of conflict because
they are able to cut to the heart of an issue with grace and merciful tolerance.
This gift is not always appreciated, of course. When they cross another
individual, inside the Church or out, that has an agenda, they can find
themselves in the center of great conflict. Even Jesus was not able to avoid
foolish intellectualism when agendas were placed before truth.

At the Spirit-led level, Fives are able to navigate all of these relationships
because they are fully moored in Christ. They have a fundamental confidence
and so they can walk away from situations, whether the conclusions were
favorable or frustrating, and return to their journey under God’s tutelage. This
is the deep power of the Gospel-reckoned Five and the wondrous Gift God has
given the Church through their architecture.!

Fives are part of the head zone, which means that they will battle against fears
and anxieties in their flesh. These will be the voices that will seek to tempt them
into using their gifts by the power of their flesh, instead of by the power of the
Spirit. The first fear the creeps in for Fives is the fear that they do not know
enough, that they are lacking some piece of information, and so they cannot act
or speak as their conviction dictates. They begin to feel that the onus rests on
them, and not God, to find and achieve the knowledge they need for their

The voice of fear always drives us away from the life of faith, and indeed it is no
different for Fives. They are smart enough to know that they cannot know what
they don’t know, and that knowledge produces anxiety. Proverbs 3:5-6 gives the
fundamental precept that begins to be betrayed by Fives’ flesh. They begin to
lean on their own understanding, and thus they lose their direction. Their path
ceases to be clear or straight. The sure footing and security they sought in their
answers, slowly slips away.!

Because Fives have areas of experience and study, they feel there are concrete
places to put their trust when attacks of anxiety strike. In this way, study
becomes a form of control. As long as Fives are gathering more information,
they can believe that there is still hope for an answer that will satisfy whatever
fear they are struggling with.!

At this stage in the flesh, Fives become less involved with other people because
their confidence is waning. How can they have confidence when the data is
inconclusive? They just need a little more time to become sure. Thus more time
is spent in their minds and in their study than interacting with the people in
their lives.!

This self-absorption does not help Fives in preparation or confidence. They

have forgotten two important fact. First that everyone, Christian or not, must at
some point make a leap of faith. Secondly, that is was in engaging others that
they were emboldened and formed in many of their ideas and beliefs. God did
not build them to become fully formed or to find answers in isolation.!
The way Fives begin to study is often another movement toward solitude,
though they do not recognize it. Their study becomes so specific and often
impractical that few others would be able to engage in a conversation or would
even care to do so. In their hearts this justifies Fives’ feeling of “otherness,”
especially if they are 54s, and pushes them further into seclusion. There is an
element of pride that also comes into the story for Fives at this juncture. There
is a sense that others don’t want to engage with their interests because they
can’t keep up.!

The spiritual danger for Fives is that this collecting and gathering of
information is a kind of building storehouses for them. It is a way to fend off

the feeling of some unknown famine that may be coming. Whether it is a

storing of intellectual grain or vocational expertise, it is a flesh tool to build a
sense of security that is outside of the person and work of Christ. “If only I have
enough, then I can relax and enjoy my relationship with God and other people.”
The pursuit of knowledge and skill is certainly not a bad thing, nor is it
something that people around Fives will likely call harmful at this stage. On the
contrary, they have likely been congratulated on their movements away from
faith. Only they and God see the shift beginning to take place in the internal
landscape of their hearts. For some Fives, a pursuit of theological or biblical
pursuit is used to hide their anxieties. Others will simply distract themselves
with deep and thorough pursuits of other sorts.!

These pursuits provide Fives with a buffer between themselves and others. In
such pursuits, they feel safe from intimacy, for intimacy and vulnerability are
unknown and volatile modifiers in life. They would prefer talking about the idea
of being vulnerable than sharing something vulnerably. At this point,
disconnection from God and others can simply look like a quirk of the
personality. “So-and-so just loves talking about...” However, the reality is
steeped in fear that must be addressed so that Fives can reclaim their Edenic
Gospel walk.!

As with all journeys of the flesh, Fives’ experiences escalate their anxieties
instead of peace. Every new step they take to gather information uncovers new
areas of mystery. Every new idea forms branches into other realms of thought.
Fear begets a search for answers, which in turn begets fear, which pushes Fives
to search for more answers. All of this necessitates further and further
withdrawal from people and practical needs. Fives, of course, see great value to
their pursuit. There is nothing more important than the quest they have taken
on, for the sake of all mankind.!

At this level it is difficult for Fives to trust the Body of Christ, even in the form
of the voice of their spouses, it is outside of their minds. Control is becoming
essential for security and identity.!

Fives who hide at a more pedestrian level, a less ivory tower locale, may seek to
engage anonymity and intellectual stimulation in the world of games or novels.
Fantasy and fantasizing can be a way for Fives to obsess intellectually without
engaging their true self in any way. They create an ideal outside of themselves
that comforts and soothes them when they feel all is too quiet and the
threatening stories return.!

Fives at this level tend to become more morally pliable concerning the types of
intellectual explorations they are willing to engage. Their commendable
openness to listen without judgment at a Spirit-led level has now opened them
to dangerous territory. They are left without common sense and community
checks that warn them against some subject matters and situations that they
should avoid.!

Fives’ increasing isolation is a way to avoid judgment and control by others. The
journey they are taking, the exploration that was once led by their gracious
Daddy, is now a lonely endeavor and one that compels them to often look over
their shoulder for prying eyes. Fives do not seek control over other people so
much as they fear losing control of themselves.!

Flesh-led Fives can still do all of this while maintaining a fairly normal
existence. They can come across to those outside their family as quiet or shy. To
those in their families they just live in their own worlds much of the time.
However, Fives are careful to sequester information, disseminating only what is
necessary, appropriate and controllable. This is what is means to use the tools of
the flesh. Fives are not out of control, either to the flesh, or the Spirit. Fives
have become the master. They are, however, master of a universe that exists in
only in their heads, their own imaginations, and it is a universe that is
beginning to collapse in on them.!

Spirit-led Fives are very much a part of the worlds they inhabit. Their thoughts
and pursuits relate to the people and relationships they serve. At this crossroad,
Fives believe that they inhabit a very different reality than the people around
them. Their perception of their own reality is skewed. Again, this could be an
ivory tower intellectualism that no longer relates to their relationships, or a
fantasy life built around games, movies or other forms of dissociative

The best way for Fives to continue to justify this path is to elevate the value of
their lonely mental pursuits. They are not trying to change things, be practical,
or help meet a need. They are exploring new areas of thought. Their great
mission is to press into the unknown territories of the mind and imagination.
The consequences of this might be clear to other kinds of people, but to a Five
at this stage of their flesh, it seems perfectly reasonable. People and
relationships are slowly becoming just another set of controls or functions in an
equation. Fives are beginning to exist outside of relationships. The monster of
deep isolation is nearing formation.!

Fives do not likely realize how disconnected they are. They may still enjoy being
with people. But the way they interact with people is as a passive observer, or an
inquisitive researcher. People are the bees around the hive. They are the strange
creatures behaving oddly, but surely in some discernible pattern. This is not
social, however. It is no more social than the scientist is to the rats in their

Ideas about God likely trouble Fives at this point, because Fives feel a need to
put God in the maze as well. Fives wants to understand and dissect the
movements and patterns and intentions of the Eternal One. If they are not
quantifiable, then perhaps they cannot be trusted. At this stage the only thing
Fives can truly trust is that which can be empirically understood and held and

These uncertainties, especially concerning core beliefs and hopes from their
youth, place Fives ever more on the throne of their own lives. This lordship
does not alleviate their fears and anxieties, however. It increases the pressure. It
turns the screws. Fives feel a growing agitation with any pressure that is placed
on them. They sense a feeling of release from a faith did not live up to their
intellectual standards, but they are freed to...nothing. They have only

There are many ways that Fives might deal with the pressure they now feel. One
common method is to exploit the seeds of pride that were planted at an earlier
flesh level.!

Pushing people off of them with their condescending mannerisms, they may
withdraw into eccentricities that look strange and hermit-like. Who does not
think of the wild-haired intellectual in the worn cable knit sweater when
discussing a certain kind of philosopher? These are simply subconscious tools
pushing people back, relieving themselves of some of the pressure of
relationships and reality getting too close.!

Riso and Hudson explain, “There is often an element of truth in what Fives
express at this point, but their intention is no longer to arrive at the truth. It is
to use their knowledge as a way of unsettling others. And because they have
spent so much time gathering information, they can easily use it both to
reinforce their conviction that the world is rotten and to subvert other people's
sense of security.”11!

This need to “unsettle” and “subvert” is a betrayal of much of what Fives’

original desires were. It is a cheap parlor trick. They are playing to the crowd
but in reverse. They are oversimplifying to justify their position of cynical
isolation and growing morbidity. They no longer look for threads of truth and

11Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 3747-3749). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
common ground, now they take their scalpel of intellect to sever all that they
find. It is a shift in the flesh that is desperate for Fives. For their own sake, they
are willing to sacrifice the minds of those who are not able to see the mischief
they are about, those willing victims who engage.

Let it not be said that Fives are doing this with anything but full conviction.
Fives could not live with themselves if they thought that they were subverting
truth for the sake of their own mental placation. Fear and anxiety are terrible
oppressors. Fives are powerful people, even if they are quiet. There is natural
damage and pain that comes as a consequence of their meddling.!

By the time Fives’ flesh begins to take control, their own lives, as much as
anyone else’s becomes the collateral damage of their behavior. The way they
have spent their time has led them away from those things that they were truly
passionate about, and now they are simply experts in the trivial. They are people
who spend their time and energy on activities without real substance or impact.
They debate and rail but never act.!

These combinations have thrust Fives into deep seclusion where their fears and
anxieties now have free reign. They cannot find comfort except by “beating” an
opponent and somehow proving that there is still power in their logic.
Unfortunately, there are far too many hours in the day that leave them alone
without a tool to push back the onslaught of questions, doubts and the rising
bitterness that they are beginning to feel acutely.!


In many soul architectures we see a reversal of behavior when the flesh takes
control. That is certainly the case with Fives. At the Spirit-led level, Fives walk
in a gentle open power. They have a deep confidence that is rooted in their
Gospel reckoning. As Fives lose even their own control over the flesh, they
become belligerent, becoming more desperate in their attempts to push back
the waves of doubt that continue to pound in on the shore of their mind.!

Their deep feelings of cynicism, coupled with the isolation they have entered
into, make Fives aggressive toward the thoughts and beliefs of almost everyone.
Even people who agree with them will receive lectures, though they may be
unsure why. The enslaved Five is the quintessential anti-social.!

Fives have taken on the caricature of the disheveled intellectual who has
thought so deeply about every issue, that they have thought their way out of all
hope. All truth quests, secular or religious, reach a point where one must take a
step into faith. There is no “science” that can answer questions all the way down
to the core of the question. Those unanswerable questions are the inevitable
destination for Fives. Thus, without including God in their hope, they have
none. All that remains is the deepest kind of cynical despair. Nothing really
matters. No one really matters. In theory they give credence and value to many
things, but there is no proof in their life that they believe it.!

Though enslaved Fives are anti-social, or perhaps because of it, they will take
some pleasure in pitting their intellect against people with a rosier view of life.
Chipping away at other people’s hope becomes a confirmation of the “realities”
they have come to embrace. There gain some satisfaction from drawing people
into the fear that they now live in constantly. They have become evangelists for
anxiety and doom.!

The voice of fear is coupled with anger over both the rejection they feel and the
fact that so many people seem to miss the obvious truths of the world around
them. Sadly, that rage pushes the few people that care about them further and
further away. Of course, Fives do not see the situation the same way as the
people around them. They are sure that they are being rejected for unjust
reasons or Machiavellian purposes. Better yet, they are likely being rejected
because they are the bearers of truth that their peers just don’t want to face.!

The further Fives descend into their flesh enslavement, the louder the
harassing voice of their flesh gets. Fears grow like a spider web over every part
of their lives. It affects their sleep, it keeps them from productivity, and it begins
to take them into the deeper stages phobic paralysis that removes them from
their lives completely. The truth is, the terrifying stories have become their lives.!
If Fives continue into their Flesh, there is a danger of suicidal thoughts as a way
to escape their own mind, which runs at full speed all of the time now. Since
life holds no hope and everything is meaningless, suicide looks like a perfectly
legitimate option for flesh enslaved Fives.!

In the end, the answers that Fives sought to gain control of their fears, have
only taken them on a journey that had no conceptual place for faith or the
unanswerable mysteries of life. Thus, whenever their flesh came up against
problems that could not be answered, or the answers led to questions that were
too complex, despair was the only reasonable response. Fives’ flesh have given
none of the promised assurances that they so desperately left their Gospel
moorings to find.

Fives struggle with knowing when they “know enough” to act. Like all of the
architectures in the head zone, they feel insecurity and anxiety acutely. However,
when they trust their Gospel reckoning and begin to walk in the Spirit, God
gives them their gift of the gold number Eight.!

Eights, like every number, are miraculous and beautiful when they live out their
core number by the power of the Spirit. Spirit-led Eights do not overanalyze
but act from the gut. They are people of deeds and action. When Fives
experience the Spirit’s gold movement in them, they are a sight to behold. They
begin to trust their gut discernment and move toward people. They discover
that the value of what they have studied is on the road and in the trenches.!

Eights are also the architecture that is least self-conscious, which, in Christ,
serves Fives well. When Fives move into action, they have a natural gentleness,
but it is no longer based in their insecurity. There is a power, a weight to their
person. They are not confrontational because they don’t need to be.!
The more Fives experience their gold number, the more they connect their gifts
to other people. As that happens, an intimacy grows between them and God.
Gold numbers always bring out the joy of one’s core architecture because it
represents the greatest faith risks, and thus the greatest opportunity to trust in
the Spirit’s moving. Fives who consistently walk in their gold rarely want to
turn back. Life is simply too rich on the other side of the reckoning.!

When Fives begin to move into their flesh, they begin to exhibit unhealthy
behaviors of the Seven, their shadow number. Sevens feed into the flesh
agitation that Fives feel at flesh levels. The core number Five has the ability to
stay focused on one subject until it is exhausted, but when the shadow number
comes into play, Fives begin hopping from subject to subject, hoping for more
satisfaction around the next bend. They lose their focus and in this way lose
even more of their sense of stability.!

The shadow number Seven also gives Fives permission to disengage from their
“studies,” and to collect and engage in many trivial activities that will fill their
time and distract their minds. In the flesh, they may become avid fans of some
computer game or television series. They will couple their Five passion with
their shadow number and research every aspect of their hobby, making it a true
obsession. These infatuations are not usually productive, simply distractions.!

Without their shadow number, Fives might not be willing to engage others in
anger at lower flesh levels. However, Sevens give their ire permission to surface.
This is where Fives begin taking delight in challenging others and crushing
their hopes or truths through intellectual debate.!

Fives must beware, for at their enslaved flesh level, if they have a very active
shadow number, they may sink deep into medicating themselves through
dangerous behaviors or substances. Sevens are capable of self-soothing by any
means necessary to avoid pain. At the enslaved level, Fives are in such a
hopeless state, such action can simply look like a prolonged suicide, and that is
not altogether illogical to their thinking.!


The “54”!
54s are the more reserved of the two Five types. Fives live in their minds for the
gathering of information and Fours for the sake of engaging their imagination.
The fusion of these two parts of God’s architectures provides a very rich
foundation from which 54s can explore and discover His truths. 54s are more
creative in their approach and exploration to research, thus they are well suited
for philosophical and artistic endeavors. There is a mental flexibility (which has
nothing to do with a moral flexibility) that helps them conceptualize intangible
or non-traditional concepts.!

If there is one major difference between 54s and 56s, it is that 56s tend to lean
toward hard science, while 54s love the challenge of intellectual pursuits that
are abstract. They are invaluable to the Church as groundbreaking thinkers and
questioners. They fearlessly move into areas of philosophy and tradition, dogma
and creed, and ask “why?” At Gospel-reckoned levels, they do not engage in
such activities because of some morose pleasure in unsettling other’s faith, but
because they are intellectual explorers that have a desire for God Himself to
unfold the truth of His Kingdom.!

These same gifts can become problematic if 54s begin to succumb to the voice
of anxiety in their flesh. Their gift to people becomes the very thing that pushes
others away. They become a wedge of dissent in the Church and 54s move into
gloomy isolation. At this stage, ideas become more important than people.!

With the secondary number Four, Fives have lingering sense of identity
confusion in their flesh. Their groping and grappling for answers becomes tied
to their need to believe in who they are. At the same time, they feel like an
outsider, like the odd and misunderstood person. This is one of the very real
dangers for 54s moving away from their Gospel-reckoned identity. It not only
moves them away from their intimacy with Christ, it removes them from a sense
of intimacy with others. Fives feel it is on them to find their identity, and they
pursue it in their head, often pushing against others to confirm it.!

The “56”!
56s are God’s nerds. They are most satisfied when they are exploring aspects of
His world that involve concrete data or facts. Because their secondary number
of Six is more concerned with their community and not their identity, they are
less self-focused than 54s. That is to say, they are less directly self- focused.!

56s can still be very philosophical in their approach, but they like to get their
hands dirty. They are created to deconstruct and analyze. All of these factors
make them very practical in the Body. They tend to enjoy connecting with
people by working through technical problems and meeting functional needs
that others cannot. 56s love to face an intellectual challenge. Though they are
often conservative in expressing their emotions, they have deep feelings and
enjoy being a part of a community of people that love them for who they are.!

Their secondary number of Six means they often enjoy having a smaller close
group of friends to whom they are very loyal. When they are with that group,
they are able to “let their hair down” and behave in ways that they would not in
a larger group.!

The Six in them, unfortunately, adds a much deeper sense of insecurity and
anxiety. These can manifest themselves in a kind of social awkwardness that, if
they are protecting themselves in the flesh, comes off as arrogant and rude.
Though their closest friends may tolerate their behavior, when 56s move into
the flesh, less people outside of that circle will. Often such responses will only
serve to reinforce 56s’ notions that they are odd and thus they will continue to
behave in odd ways.!

Life can be hard for the 56 because of their extreme focus and need to control
their environment by coming to conclusions and completing projects. This
takes them out of relationships and causes a great deal of tension. 56s can
quickly become workaholics and not see anything wrong with it. It is a matter of
perceived self-preservation.!
The more isolated and rejected 56s feel, the more they will sabotage their own
base of support. If they reach a flesh-enslaved level, they will have likely built an
entire story in their mind, painting everyone as, “out to get them.” This kind of
thinking justifies the anxiety they feel in both their core and secondary
numbers and sends them deeper and deeper into projects that are further and
further removed from real life.!


One of the first things people find when they are in a group trying to explore a
Five’s architecture is the fact that Fives don’t typically want to address their
feelings. Great advice Dr. Ginger Lapid-Bogda gave was, “Just ask them, ‘if you
did have a feeling what would it be?’”12!

Fives would generally prefer to find some way to access information from a safe
distance. That makes encouraging a FIVE difficult. It requires patience and a
soft sense of humor:!

1. Since Fives are usually more introverted and less prone to verbal
processing, give good encouragement for their participation and
engagement in exploring their architecture. Let them know that it’s
important for you, not just them.

2. Fives appreciate modest signs of love and affirmation. Overstating or

over-selling a sentiment will sometimes end up being
counterproductive, especially for 54s. That said, don’t be afraid to let
Fives know what you appreciate about them or what you see in them.
Fives value Gospel feedback as much as anyone.

3. Give Fives good lead-up time before they are going to be put on the spot
and allow them time to process information. Remember that they are
not usually verbal processors, so just because others may want to talk
a thought through to its end, it may not be the most helpful mode of

12Lapid-Bogda Ph.D., Ginger (2009-10-15). Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach: Use
the Enneagram System for Exceptional Results (Kindle Location 2716). McGraw-Hill. Kindle
exploration for them. Ask Fives how the process is working for them.
Find out what is working and how others can honor their architecture
better. Allow the possibility that you may have to “assign” a reading
and then discuss it the next week to give them a chance to gather
their thoughts.

4. Help Fives recognize any imbalance in their lives revolving around

withdrawal from people to find safety in information. Be careful not to
steal Fives’ epiphany or to be accusing. Lead with questions if you
think that you see a potential problem. Well thought out honest
questions have great potential to work their way into the hearts of

5. Encourage Fives to talk about their feelings, sticking to Fives’ core

feelings (joy, anger, sadness, fear, shame), without over explaining or
intellectualizing them. Do not be pushy.


“The anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that
anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true,
and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him. ” (1 John 2:27)!

Five, you walk in the tension between the gift you have been given to
understand and all that there is yet to know. It is a tension that can only be
resolved in Christ. It is a beautiful irony that God invites you into a holy fear to
resolve your fleshly anxieties.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge
of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10)!

Set your mind to that truth first, before any other intellectual acquisition. Let
the truth of His awesomeness, His transcendence above and beyond the data
you seek, become your North Star, your guiding light. Beware of your own heart.
Be aware of that in which you are placing your hope and your trust.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.” (Proverbs 3:5-8)!

God is clear: That which the world holds as wisdom interests Him little, and
those who would pursue His thoughts must choose a different path. That path
will not yield you less to hold onto, but it will not always be an easy road to
walk. You of all people will face the mockery of this world face-to-face. You will
have to decide what system of wisdom you will subscribe to.!

“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to
us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, ‘I will
destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the
discerning I will thwart.’Where is one who is wise? Where is the
scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish
the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world
did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly
of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs
and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling
block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, 24 but to those who are called,
both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of
God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness
of God is stronger than men. For consider your calling, brothers: not
many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many
were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is
foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the
world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in
the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that
are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And
because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom
from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that,
as it is written, “Let one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians
The struggle for your heart has raged for far longer than you know, and the key
has always been Christ. Do not ever forget that it is a mystery. Don’t try to solve
it. It was never meant to be solved. It was meant to be enjoyed, engaged, to
bring you rapture and hope.!

“For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for
those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face, that
their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach
all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge
of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this in order that no one
may delude you with plausible arguments.” (Colossians 2:1-4)!

As great as the mystery is, remember that you have been given a teacher that
will guide you. Your answers may be found in a book, or a conversation, even a
hike through God’s country, but the true answers beneath the question will
always come from the Helper.!

“These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But

the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,
he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I
have said to you.” (John 14:25-26)!

“’What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man
imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him’— these
things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit
searches everything, even the depths of God. ” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)!

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth,
for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever He hears He
will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to
come.” (John 16:13)!

He is your teacher and your guide. Always walk in step with Him, always ask for
that which only He can give.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously
to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)!
Lastly, remember that it is not only for yourself that you have received your
gifts. Your knowledge is for the Body, so that they may be built up and become
wise and mature in Christ.!

“And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and

all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but
have not love, I am nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:2)!
Sixes are one of the paternal architectures for the Church. They care deeply
about family, friendship, and thus they deeply desire to see community
experienced at a level that most people only talk about. Their word is their
bond, and they will always stand in the gap for those that are in their core
group. While some of the architectures that God has given the Church are
profoundly purposed for inspiring movement, deep thinking or serving, Sixes
teach the Church how to be the Body, one unit, whole in Christ. Those other
gifts, which they can indeed employ, work best for this end.!


Jesus encapsulates the redemptive plan and the passion of Sixes throughout the
Gospel accounts. When He stated in John 12, “When I am lifted up, I will draw
all men to myself,” he gives a glimpse. Oh how the heart of Jesus was for the
drawing of people. One look at His ragtag group of disciples and we experience
what it means to be a Spirit empowered Six. Fishermen, tax collector, zealot, all
brought to the same campfire to walk and live and learn and love. In John 17,
He reaffirms the depth of His loyalty to those individuals. “I have not lost
any you have given me...” (v. 12).!

The characteristics of Sixes can be seen in both the larger picture of Jesus’
ministry and purpose, and the individual relationships he engaged in
throughout His time on earth. In the overarching sense, He came to purchase
for Himself a bride, to institute the Church universal, but that unspeakably
colossal concept was not lost on the simplest individuals who came to Him in
need of His touch and compassion.

Sixes can see what gold looks like in Jesus’ life as well. His compassion and
communal passions were augmented by His power to bring hard truth and
peace. When His disciples tried to exclude the children from coming to Him,
Jesus did not hesitate to take care of the inappropriate situation and engage the
problem, restoring peace to His community (Matt. 19:13-15). That is gold in the
lives of Sixes, the ability to act in the Spirit and in power to bring about unity
and wholeness to a pride-divided Body.!


The Monster: The voice of Sixes’ flesh creates a sense of fear that they will be
left without support and their security will crumble.

Key Flesh Tools: Sixes uses passive aggressive tests to gain assurance in
relationships, overwork to gain assurance of financial stability, and pessimism to
repress overwhelming feelings of anxiety.!

Driving Force: Sixes want to create lives that feel secure and solid. That usually
includes both a community of people who can be counted on and a plan for
financial security locked in. They want to know that there are always enough
contingency plans available to assuage their feelings of insecurity.!

Sixes are the core of the family unit, whether that family is literal or a
community of people. They have a familial instinct that is a deep part of their
architecture. They are nurturing and kind, but they can also be fiercely
protective of those that live within their circle of relationships.!
When Sixes are rooted in their Gospel identity, they do not feel the need to
defend themselves against the onslaught of anxiety that plagues them at flesh
levels. They are free to inspire the Church to greater health and unity. They are
liberated to take their eyes off of themselves and enjoy living for a greater good,
which in turn fills them with their greater joy. God has truly built Sixes to find
their security, first in Him, and then in the context of His people.!

If Sixes begin to fear that their support structures will fail them, then they
begin to manipulate their situations to keep the feeling of security that is
slipping away. They slowly lose touch with their true foundation for refuge and
try to find it in their own strength. Unfortunately, Sixes do not often or easily
feel self-confident, especially when they try to fake their own security. Thus
their fears increase from the earliest steps into their flesh.!

Sixes live in the head zone of the body, which means that they spend an
enormous amount of time and energy analyzing and overanalyzing the smallest
details of their situation. Such a gift combined with a natural inclination toward
community makes Sixes excellent in planning and checking for areas of an idea
that have been overlooked. This can bee seen as “nay-saying” or negative by
people who just want to get started, but Sixes are created to take out the
binoculars and scan the path ahead. It is a wise group who takes the extra time
to allow Sixes to scout the terrain.!

A helpful way to understand Sixes is to picture them as a protective mother

(though men may cringe at the thought). A protective mother is a gift to her
children. She sees beyond what they are doing. She sees where it is leading and
warns them. “Don’t get too close to the edge.” “Don’t put the bean in your
nose.” This is a gift to her children, though they sometimes resent their mom’s
awareness and disagree with her conclusions.!

The flesh behavior of Sixes is equally like that of an over-protective mother, the
mother who corals her children, trying to keep them from any and all potential
of danger. She sucks the life and adventure out of her children. Her fears
become her prophetic voice in her children’s lives and soon they avoid that
voice all together.!
Sixes, in the flesh do become nay-sayers. They overanalyze to the point that they
will never be satisfied that anything is safe or wise. They try to analyze and
interpret other people’s behaviors and tones, or the future of their jobs and
families. Essentially, in the flesh, they try to determine that which only God can
know. Of course, this over-analysis can only send them deeper into anxiety and
thus deeper into the need to control their situation by the power of their flesh.
This is the vicious cycle of flesh-led Sixes.!

When they are in the flesh, filled with anxiety, Sixes are never quite sure what
to do to alleviate their pain. The reason for the confusion is simple, there is no
answer in their flesh. No matter how many steps of control they take, there will
only be more uncertainties to manage. Only in Gospel-reckoned lives will Sixes
find the abiding hope and security they are looking and longing for. Discovering
the power of faith and the gut, which is their Gold when they surrender to the
Spirit, is the great adventure of Sixes’ lives.!

If Sixes will not turn to their one source of true hope and choose instead to run
deeper into their flesh, they will be forced to isolate themselves from the very
thing they most enjoyed, community. People are, after all, the least trustworthy
component of any situation. In the end Sixes’ flesh seeks to rob them of the
very thing they are most built to thrive in.!

Sixes who have reckoned the Gospel to their identities have learned to
practically trust God with their daily lives and relationships. They are able to
push back the waves of doubt and anxiety with the simple faith that their
tomorrows are well within God’s care and control. That He is their Abba and
that He withholds some information or security from them for their own sake.!

This hard confidence and courage becomes the touchstone for Spirit-led Sixes.
For Sixes, the stability of a Gospel vision is essential to their view of every
aspect of life. Their flesh seeks to drag them into over-analysis. Fear and anxiety
over unknown possibilities plague Sixes when the voice of their flesh gains a
hearing, but at this level, they are at peace. They do not feel the need to try to
guess at a strategy three steps ahead of the moment, they are free to be, and
enjoy God and the relationships He has blessed them with.!

In the flesh, Sixes look very proactive for all of the effort they put into averting
possible disaster. However, they are actually living very reactively to the
bombardment of anxieties that their flesh is pouring on them. At the Spirit- led
level Sixes are neither. That is not to say that Sixes are foolish in how they live.
Rather, they are “faith-active.” They are willing to wait, respond and interpret
through the eyes of what they know of God’s character, rather than what they
can conceive in a worst case scenario. For Sixes, this is an extraordinary step of
maturity into Gospel living.!

Because they are finding identity satisfaction in Christ, they are free to enjoy
relationships with others. They do not feel the pressure to perform the duties of
omniscient host, nor do others feel the pressure that any misstep is sure to
disappoint their friend the Six. Being Spirit-led has freed Sixes to enjoy that
which they deeply craved from the beginning, lives within the supported
community of true friends.!

In Christ, Sixes find they are far stronger than they perhaps gave themselves
credit for. God built them with a meekness that is often misunderstood and
misdiagnosed. However, in times of crisis, Spirit-led Sixes are no mean
companion. They have an innate ability to quiet the internal storm in those
around them, even when the external hurricane rages.!

Because God built Sixes to work with their community in mind, when they are
walking in their Gospel reckoning, they will do almost anything for those
people they feel are in their group. Their gracious gifts extend outside of their
tribe as well. Sixes are in no way cliquish. If the Body of Christ is good for one
then it is good for all and they are the first to invite a stranger in. Sixes often
see the Church as being a part of God’s answer to society’s problems because
their heart resonates with His heart concerning the power of the united, loving,
true Bride at work on earth.!
The fact that Sixes are a part of the head zone makes them able and gracious
heralds to the Church. They engage in relationships and conversations without
holding issues more tightly than they hold their Lord’s love. No one who has
encountered a Spirit-led Six feels demeaned or talked down to. Sixes have no
stake in others feeling “less than,” their identity is in Christ and so they have no
battle to win with those who may seek to antagonize.!

As leaders in the Church, Sixes are shepherd-like. They do not strategize from
some command center, nor feel the need to constantly charge the next hill.
They do not thunder down at the masses with oration that empowers the fearful
to act. Sixes just walk. They have been plagued by as much fear and anxiety as
most they are likely to lead, and when they feel secure in their Gospel identity,
they are willing to lead from that vulnerability. Such leaders may are not only
pastors, they are bible study leaders, mentors, or just saints who go get coffee
with their friends. In any case, Sixes’ impact is like a tender defibrillator,
restarting the heart of the weary.!

The great fun of Sixes’ architecture is their ability to sneak up on other people’s
souls. There is something of Jesus’ subtlety in them. He came without a grand
outward show, yet in His meekness His might was manifest (Is. 53:2, Mt. 11:29).
Though it is not their intention, their might is also manifest most brilliantly
when the meekness of the Spirit works through them. Anyone who thinks that
meekness and weakness are even close cousins has never read the gospels or
learned at the feet of the Christ.!

Spirit-led Sixes and Twos seem to be a pair of soul architectures that most
naturally convey a sense of safety to people around them, but for different
reasons. Twos are drawn to the need and the service of others, the chance to
love. Sixes are drawn to the relationship as a whole, the bond, the long term.
That does not discount Twos from long-term relationships nor Sixes from
service; it is just not the fire that is burning at the core of each the way it is for
the other. In both cases, however, it brings a sense of peace to people who come
in contact with Gospel-reckoned Twos and Sixes.!
Part of the paternal instinct that God has given Sixes provides them with clear
discernment concerning potential problems and hazards. This acute awareness
becomes problematic in the flesh, but when Sixes are walking in the Spirit it
gives them the ability to give wise counsel and to protect those around them. It
also equips them to guard their own hearts from unnecessary dangers.!

Sixes’ hearts also reflects Jesus’ words in His High Priestly Prayer in John 17,
when He says to His Father that He has not lost any that the Father gave to
Him. It is the part of Jesus that was the ultimate steward of what was entrusted
to Him. Sixes are one of the greatest embodiments of this trait when they are
living by the power of the Holy Spirit.!

It requires a great step of faith for Sixes to trust in their God given
discernment, and not sink into fleshly anxiety and control over what they see.
Sixes at a Spirit-led level daily casts their cares on God, knowing that feelings
of insecurity are natural to everyone, but that does not mean that they need to
linger long on those things that they cannot control. Rather, Sixes have learned
to cling to the cross for their security and their identity. It is in that mighty
shadow that Sixes have found their true comfort and peace.!

The fact that Sixes are part of the head zone and have been gifted with
discernment and insight, makes them very adept in many work environments.
Whether at home, in a career or in ministry pursuits, Gospel reckoned Sixes are
forward thinking and detail oriented people who can be counted on to finish
what they start.!

There are many connections that Sixes can see in their own lives between their
flesh tendencies and their God given gifts. Their attention to details make them
great at planning and fixing problems. Their nurturing spirit makes them
exceptional at working with teams. Sixes have all the tools in Christ to succeed
professionally and personally in their lives, if only they hold on tight to the true
source of their giftedness and identity.!

The voice of Sixes’ flesh that begins to erode their Gospel identity is the fear
that the systems (relationships and life stabilizers) that they have put in place,
may go away. When the voice of anxiety is entertained, Sixes begin to seek to
control potential collateral damage. This is the beginning of the construction of
the very monster they fear will be their undoing.!

Inevitably, people fail in relationships. Promises are broken, trusts betrayed,

feelings hurt. When Sixes are Spirit-led, they are able to take the emotions that
accompany those failings and lean into Christ. At this initial stage of flesh, Sixes
begin to seek to control the situation. It is bad enough that something went
wrong, but being the “thinkers” that Sixes are, they’ve already begun to spin
elaborate stories about the next four things that can go wrong because of it.
“No,” their flesh whispers, “this must be handled.”!

In work relationships, Sixes begin trying to cover all of their bases. They
become hyper-responsible. This hyper-responsibility, however, is simply a
fleeing from trust. They try to plan for every eventuality concerning their
finances, job security, family growth, anything that can cause a breakdown in
their security. These are the “stabilizers” in their lives – things outside of Christ
that will keep everything OK.!

Sadly, Sixes have fallen very quickly from a walk of peaceful faith into faithless,
anxious, control. However, their behavior looks quite responsible. Indeed,
another core number might engage in the same activities without faithlessness
at all. But for Sixes, there is something desperately important going on. They
can only pay lip service to their Gospel beliefs while acting in their flesh
control. Until they surrender, they cannot experience the freedom from fear
they so desperately crave.!

Sandra Maitri describes two ways fear exemplifies itself in Sixes. “There are two
distinct styles of Sixes: those who are overtly fearful and those who are
counterphobic, intent on proving that they are not afraid. While some Sixes
may be phobic in some areas of their lives and counterphobic in others, one
overriding style is usually predominant and apparent in their manner.!
In phobic Sixes, their fear and insecurity are obvious. They tend to be furtive in
manner, obsequious to authority figures or those they consider more powerful,
have difficulty making decisions and taking decisive action, ask others for advice
and guidance, and may be blindly loyal to a faith, cause or leader. There is often
a kind of stuttering quality to their actions—one foot forward and one foot back
—and often to their speech pattern as well. Counterphobic Sixes, on the other
hand, mask their fear through trying to behave in ways that will overcome it, or
will demonstrate to themselves and others that they are not, in fact, insecure.
They are risk takers and daredevils, seeking out situations that are challenging
and that test their mettle in an effort to prove their strength and confidence.”13!

If Sixes were not plagued with core feelings of anxiety, they might boldly seek to
control their own lives. As it is, they feel very unsure that what they are doing is
right. They need something concrete to bounce their ideas off of. They need an
authority to confirm their convictions. “Safety” for Sixes is largely a matter of
knowing what the authoritative “rules” for any situation are, and then staying
within those rules. If they follow the pattern then everything has to be all right.!

The problem is, in flesh terms there are many areas of life that do not come
with only one authority. And even when there is an authoritative person, it
doesn’t mean they will know what is best for Sixes. And even if Sixes get a right
answer that follows a set of guidelines, it doesn’t mean that it will work for every
situation. These are the facts that drive overanalyzing Sixes deeper into their
fears. How can they ever know that anything is right or stable when there are so
many possible holes in the decisions they are making? “Yeah, but...” is the flesh
Six family motto.!

Riso and Hudson write, “The situation is further complicated because average
Sixes resent other people making decisions for them. Thus, they are compelled
to go through a storm of anxiety, consultation, and doubt every time an
important choice presents itself. Despite some difficulty with decision- making,
however, Sixes at this level are not spineless milquetoasts. They are true
believers, who, from their point of view, are merely observing legitimate

13Maitri, Sandra (2000-03-06). The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram: Nine Faces of the
Soul (pp. 66-67). Penguin Group. Kindle Edition.
precepts, which should be respected because they have the weight of authority
and time-tested traditional values on their side.”14!

At this stage, being rebellious is not Sixes’ MO. They want to fit into as many
structures with guidelines as possible. Such guidelines give them the sense that
their lives have a skeleton, a support, holding up the trappings of security.
Where others feel uncomfortable or annoyed with red tape, Sixes feel pleased
and emboldened. Things are being clarified and taken care of.

This is reflected in their core architecture. God built Sixes to see the value in
the group working together, and for any group to work together requires a
complex set of systems to be in place. At this flesh-led level, however, Sixes
advocate for such systems for the sake of controlling what cannot be foreseen.
They forget that God’s “group” was built for functions like a family, not a
government. There are basic systems, but mercy and flexibility always trump
judgment and law where love is concerned.!

Sixes are beginning to draw identity more and more deeply from the
communities that they involve themselves in. Though they still believe in the
Gospel, it is not the true well from which they see their reflection.
Communities, churches, work teams, ministries, groups, these all have concrete
structures and Sixes are appreciated for their hard work and consistent follow-
through. Sixes likes having a “group” to identify with. It gives them a greater
sense of others watching their back. Groups also have clear ideologies that they
can learn and defend. All of these create the feeling of security to flesh-led
Sixes. The Gospel cries out, “No! Find your identity in me and then find your
joy from within the community I give, not your security and peace.”!

The book of Philippians is filled with Paul’s example of this principle. Over and
over he speaks of his affection for his beloved friends in Philippi. He rejoices
over them. He rejoices with them. He rejoices because of them. He does not,
however, ever connect his hope of Gospel peace in them. They are simply the

14Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 4436-4440). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
Body walking together on the glorious journey towards grace and “knowing

Sixes, at a Spirit-led level are loyal and open handed with people and the paths
God is placing them on. As their flesh begins to come into play, their loyalty is
complicated. When they have subscribed to a group or an ideal, they will not be
moved. However, if that group fails them, great bitterness or overwhelming
disappointment will ensue. This kind of loyalty is not really loyalty so much as it
is a form of internal control over their anxiety. Sixes are telling themselves that
this group is solid and there is no reason that anything will change. Life is

Becoming overwhelmed is a danger for Sixes at this stage because they are
seeking, more and more, to prove that any group they engage needs their
presence and services. They are not willing to fail, hand off responsibilities or
come up short on anything, and so they start to become weary. Seeds of
resentment begin to grow at this point. Sixes begin to feel that they are pulling
more than their fair share of the load for the communities they are involved in.
These communities might be family, work or ministry.!

The seeds are only planted and will not sprout unless Sixes continues to
construct the flesh monster they have begun creating in their lives. For now
they are too preoccupied with the fear that they will not be able to sustain all of
the commitments they currently have, and if they fail, surely they will be
rejected and their foundation support will disappear.

If Sixes cannot keep up with their obligations, another shift begins to set in.
Sixes know that they have put their all into their efforts, so they begin to form
thoughts of victimization by those in authority over them. They begin to feel
oppressed and used. They still cling to their peers but look at those in positions
of control with distrust. Unfortunately, this begins to create a significant change
in Sixes’ work relationships. Sixes become pessimistic and defensive about
responsibilities that are given to them. They still have a desire to succeed but
they are afraid that the cards are stacked against them. This fear makes them
hesitant to try. Anxiety begets anxiety and they cannot give any clear answer to
those who ask for one.!

Working or serving on a team begins to feel very threatening to Sixes as the

voice of their flesh grows louder. Any new thought or change causes panic and
frustration. They become the one in the group that feels like they are
perpetually digging in their heels. What the group cannot see is the amazing
amount of stress Sixes’ anxiety is causing. The once lighthearted and congenial
Sixes have become Eeyore the donkey who are always carrying an umbrella, for
surely today it is going to rain.!

Spouses of Sixes know well what it is like to engage their husband or wife at
this stage of the flesh. Their spouses come home to list all of the problems they
encountered in their daily grind. Thus Sixes’ spouses become numb to the daily
list of grievances leveled against all whom Sixes have had the displeasure of
coming in contact with. At this point no one seems to live up to Sixes’
expectations. Even when someone does right, Sixes are guarded and pessimistic
about the success or love lasting.!

The seeds of resentment have begun to sprout. Their anger and aggression are
coming out against those they are in contact with. If they are a 65, their
aggression will be quiet and passive. If they are 67s, they will likely be more
bold and confrontational. Either way, they are reaching the end of their rope
because of all of the perceived abuse they have taken. Unfortunately, because of
their great need for security, especially in their relational communities, this
turning point creates incredible internal conflict. They are like the man without
a country. There are very few safe places where their heart can land.!

Even their relationship with God is becoming more and more lip service. There
is a growing distrust that He is good or has their best interest in mind. Sixes’
pessimism paints the past with stories of God’s failures where He should have
acted in love but failed to show up. How can they truly trust a God like that?!

If Sixes will not begin to take action toward healing these wounded
relationships, starting with their connection with God, then they must find a
way to protect themselves from so many narrative enemies at the gates of their
lives. The security of their heart has breached, and they must sound the alarm.
Sixes’ flesh tells them that they have to find a way to take control of the
situation. The Gospel cries out for them to lose control.!

For 67s, this can often mean very aggressive confrontations. They stand by their
systems and regulations, the precedents that they have put their trust in, and
seek to batter down all opposition. There is little left in the Sixes that look like
the paternal nurturer that existed at the Spirit-led level. In many ways they are
behaving like belligerent Eights. They are looking for something to fight against.
If they can get a group to follow them into the idealistic stronghold, fine, but
often they have already counted the cost of going alone.!

The 65 may attempt open aggression, but will likely skip the step and move
straight into isolation. In either case they are forsaking one of their greatest
needs for the sense of stability and safety. They are undermining their own
heart’s desire for community. If they move to isolation they will still hold onto
aggression, for even from the lonely castle they will continue to fire arrows.
Having an enemy in their sights relieves the pressure of the nagging fears and
anxiety that have become constant companions in their lives. They want to
believe that if they hit the right target, they’re fears may go away. If not, at least
it feels good to be shooting. It is a just fight. They are the victims of the brutal
siege after all.!

This is the final turning point for flesh-led Sixes. They are living in fear and
attacking all perceived threats. The amount of estrangement they cause if they
reach this juncture will seriously alter the rest of their lives. This will either be
the wake-up call, or their flesh will lock the castle door on them.!


Whether or not others have recognized it before now, Sixes have been acting
out of extreme insecurity and fear of rejection. Because they have let go of their
claim to their Gospel identity, they have sought and the fought to procure their
own. At this stage, they cannot hide their insecurity anymore.!
Because they are not, at their core, angry individuals but rather fearful, they can
only maintain the assault on others for a short period of time. The time is
sufficient to cause great damage in their personal lives, but now Sixes beg for
relational trinkets from anyone who will give them. They begin to ask and test
any relationships that remain. Their fear of making wrong decisions
immobilizes them and so they become less and less productive. If they have
used drugs or alcohol in the past, they are likely increasing the amount
significantly now.!

Where they had previously complained about everything outside of themselves,

Sixes now direct the pessimism and rancor within. They speak of themselves as
insignificant and unlovable, useless and pathetic. These are not simply words
they hope the few friends they have will contradict, Sixes at this stage believe
the sentiments deeply. Of course, the few friends they have get tired of the same
conversation concerning their “worthless friend” and the efforts it takes to pull
them out of the mire of morbid self-pity that inevitably ensues.!

Sixes’ willingness to believe the stories that are in their heads at this stage show
gross misperception of the actual events that they hang their judgments on.
They have developed an intrinsic distrust of love and kindness. Seeing God as
Father is impossible, or at least seeing God as a Father who does not hurt or
abuse. No matter how much Sixes want to believe what they are hearing about
their Gospel selves, they just can’t quite hold onto the truth of it.!

“Normalcy” is impossible to maintain at this level. Their attitude and

performance at work is unacceptable. They are often incapacitated or bedridden
with depression or sickness. Often substance abuse has become part of their
daily coping routine and they are beginning to surround themselves with others
who cope in like fashion.!

Everything they experienced at the flesh-led level, they now begin to experience
in full volume. The voices of insecurity tell them that nothing is sure. The voices
of conspiracy tell them that everyone has it out for them. The voice of rage tells
them to act out. Sixes begin to cycle through their flesh stories with increasing
regularity. This is the monster Sixes always feared, that somewhere along the
line they would lose their security and thus lose control. Their lives would come
to tragic ruin.!

Riso and Hudson note that, “It is important to understand that neurotic Sixes
are bundles of irrational fears; they look for reasons to be afraid. They live
under the cloud of dread, absolutely certain that something horrible is about to
happen to them, blowing the smallest incidents completely out of proportion. It
is, of course, impossible to reason with them. Everything seems like the end of
the world to them, and since they undoubtedly have genuinely serious
problems, they are thrown into a panic about everything. Precisely when their
problems and failures are multiplying, they cannot cope.”15!

So many of Sixes’ outlandish and destructive behaviors toward others and

toward themselves is a desperate and unrealistic effort to justify themselves
enough the draw the support of a rescuer. They still long for that person who
will be as loyal to them as they always knew they could be to the other. There is
still kernel of that hope left in the self-destructive shell of a person that resides
in flesh controlled Sixes.!

The greatest hope for Sixes is a person coming and pointing them back to an
identity deeper than the pit they are in. No rescuer can be enough for Sixes.
Many have tried to salvage the homeless Six, the alcoholic, the drug addict,
Sixes who repeatedly attempt suicide. Oh, that the flesh fallen Sixes could see
the beauty of their crumbled architecture and come home running.

Sixes who are walking in the Spirit begin to enjoy the Spirit-led qualities of the
Nine. This is a great relief to head zone Sixes because they are able to trust their
gut as they respond to people and life itself. The Nine is the soul architecture

15Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 4697-4701). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
that is most similar to Sixes, but for very different internal reasons. When Sixes
take on the Nine’s healthy traits, they become a supercharged Sixes.!

Sixes in their gold are able to confidently deal with the chaos in other people’s
lives without it creating anxiety in their own lives. They can nurture their
communities without fear. Sixes become independent from the group as a
person, and thus can become interdependent with the group as a true
community. In other words, while Sixes had too much emotional need riding on
their communities’ emotional health, they could never truly be “in” the
communities. They could only use them.!

When gold comes out in Sixes, they become protectors within their
communities. Others sense this and are drawn to them. Sixes still represent the
safe paternal characteristics that they always had when they were Spirit-led, but
with their gold number, they have a power to their walks that creates a sense of
shelter that is stable for the weary and downhearted.!

Trusting their gut without over-analysis of the mind requires a work of the
Spirit. It is not simply something that Sixes can “work on.” Everything in a
flesh-enslaved Six would be baffled by such a “work.” This is a work of faith, or
surrender to God’s character and His plan for their future. Sixes in their gold,
walk in the confidence and unshakable belief that God holds their tomorrow
and it is a good day, despite the data they will find in it.!

The gold also helps Sixes to become people of action. When they stay wholly in
their mind, they become overwhelmed with the possibilities and find decision
making difficult. Gut zone individuals trust their instinct. Because the gold is a
Spirit work in Sixes, trusting instinct and going with it (ie. moving), means they
have learned to cease their deliberation and make a physical choice trusting
God for the outcome.

Sixes access the flesh tools of Threes when they move into their fear and stress,
which means they try to create a façade of confidence and exert extra effort
toward their goals. Sixes will try to use charisma to let others know that
everything is all right. Like Threes, Sixes are trying to rummage through a box
of responses to find the “right” one, because the one they feel cannot possibly
be true. The shadow number gives Sixes the audacity to attempt the charade far
longer than they would dare without their shadow tools.!

The shadow Three also gives Sixes the extra drive to try to manage their fears
by working harder when things get stressful. There is an underlying belief that
comes with their shadow number that tells Sixes that they can muscle through
whatever issue is causing them anxiety. Thus, by the power of their flesh, Sixes
will take an extra job, or work more hours, or start a new project.!

Sixes in their shadow will accomplish a great deal and may even be rewarded
for it. One must remember that the journey of Soul Architecture does not dwell
on the outward appearances. Even if Sixes are successful in their use of this
tool, it will have been for faithless reasons. They are seeking to control their
own mounting fears without God’s assurance or peace.!

Both Sixes and Threes deal with self-doubt, they just use different tools to
compensate. Sixes attempt to co-opt the Threes’ tactics of bluffing self-
confidence are usually short lived. Sixes do not have the energy or the poker
face to maintain the pretense for long. When they are done, they are like a
battery that has been drained and is useless until a charge is complete. The
shadow in Sixes takes an enormous toll when the day is done.


The “65”!
65s combine two very interesting qualities in their architecture. Adding the
characteristics of Fives to the core number Six, makes for an individual who is
intelligent and systematic in their thinking, but communal in their application.
In other words, 65s make great teachers or community servants or engineers.
They bring complex thinking into the practical world.!

65s’ penchant for observation coupled with their genuine concern for people,
make them very gifted at discerning people’s next actions, and when they are
walking with the Spirit they can have great discernment concerning what is
happening beneath the surface. This added insight is not helpful, however,
when 65s begins moving toward their flesh and away from the cross. They begin
to see everything through the lens of fear and so they come to warped
conclusions, though their facts are often all correct.

65s often struggle with Fives’ tendency to get lost in their heads. When this
happens, it can be difficult for Sixes to communicate their feelings clearly.
Everything simply feels heavy and dark to 65s when anxiety strikes and they are
living in the flesh.!

The “67”!
The secondary number Seven makes for a more adventurous and outgoing type
of Six. Whereas 65s often have a narrower focus of expertise, 67s live life with a
bit broader scope. They mix Sixes’ desire for meaningful interpersonal
interaction with Sevens’ desires to explore life.!

67s are still firmly in the head zone, so their playfulness is usually accessorized
with a razor sharp and relevant wit. 67s’ natural sense of humor does not mean
they are less paternal than 65s, they just function in a different capacity in the

Because 67s have the ability to use people, or bounce off of people, when they
feel insecure about life, they begin to need people for reassurance of their
identities and their decisions. Their intelligent humor becomes a tool of
deflection rather than engagement, and they find themselves spinning their
wheels more than accomplishing their goals. The core Six tendency still spends
time over analyzing all possible negative scenarios when 67s are moving into the
flesh, but their secondary number moves them into procrastination and

Because 67s deal with anxiety, they may medicate their fear with substances or
other addictive forms of distractions that will only serve to exacerbate their core
roots of apprehension. If such behavior escalates, the

once independent and fun-loving 67s become completely dependent and
incapacitated by both their fears and the choices they are making to avoid them.!


Bear in mind that your Six friends will probably be thinking about any meeting
long before they are in a room with you. Then they will seriously weigh their
words and responses with you. And after everyone is gone, they will replay the
time to make sure it went well. Be tender and honoring with Sixes who allows
himself or herself to be put in such a vulnerable position. Remember to choose
your words wisely, they will not be quickly forgotten:!

1. Having others listen empathetically is important for Sixes, especially if

they are not certain they can trust a group. Ultimately, however, Sixes
must come to trust the group enough so that the group can challenge
some of the conclusions they have come to in their over-analysis.
After listening, it is OK to ask Sixes, “What would you like from us?”
If they answer, “I just want you to listen,” week after week, there will
come a time for someone to gently and privately ask, “When will it be
time for us to take a step in, and what would that look like?”!

2. Give Sixes solid verbal affirmation for how their lives and their gifts 

affect you. Let them know that they matter and how. Remember they
often struggle with self-confidence and unworthiness when they are
battling their flesh.
3. As Sixes tell their stories, help them unpack what was based in fear and
what was based in fact. Beyond that, what part of the story was
touching their identity and what they believed about themselves? In
other words, they might tell a story about feeling bad because last
week a friend ignored them when they walked into church. That is
based in fear, not fact. Unless they had a conversation in which their
friend confirmed that they ignored the Six, they have probably over-
thought a 10-second moment in time until it felt huge. But the second
question is the more important. What part of that story touches what
they believe about themselves? Do they believe that they are invisible,
unworthy to be noticed? Unlovable? How does that fit with their
Gospel reckoning? That is the real question. Anxiety and fear always
point to some core issue we are having with trusting God. Be gentle
while working through these questions. Be patient.

4. Verbally affirm those times you see Sixes trusting the Spirit at a gut level,
without needing to check and double check. Realize that those
moments of trust are a huge leap of faith.

5. Sometimes Sixes will give answers that will include copious amounts of
information. They will move from justification to justification, topic to
topic, in an attempt to have you believe that their anxieties are
legitimate. Help to slow Sixes down. The whole story feels true, in
part, because of the huge amount of information, not the veracity. Ask
them to pause and then take each piece of their story one at a time.

6. If you are given permission, help Sixes form a plan to relax and not take
fears and anxieties into their own hands. Help to give them
permission to simply spend time with God and family because that
too is good.


Sixes, your hearts and your gifts are so important to the life of Christ’s Body.
You are built to be the glue that holds the family together. When you are
walking in the Spirit, you show the Church how to be a family, how to care for
those who are forgotten and marginalized, how to love in season and out.!

“Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to

strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them,
and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the
body .” (Hebrews 13:1- 3)

The gifts are in you, but you must not quench the flame. There are many things
in life that press in and take away the confidence that you have in Christ.
Circumstances that tell you others don’t care about the things that are
important to you. But those things are not your concern. Your concerns are the
passions that God has given you. It is for you to guard that trust.!

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which
is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit
not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:6-7)!

This is the Spirit who dwells in you, the Spirit of adoption, the Spirit that
confirms your identity. It is the Spirit that drives out fear and doubt. Walk in
that Spirit and find your hope so that others may find theirs. You cannot wait
for others to take your fear away before you rise up in the strength God gave
you, for how do you know He did not give you strength for their sake.!

“For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit
you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are
led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the
spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the
Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ The
Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of
God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with
Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be
glorified with him.” (Romans 8:13-17)!

The children of Israel came to the Promised Land with a physical reminder of
God’s strength, they had His man, Moses. They believed they would cross the
Jordan and lay claim to their inheritance led by the one who had led their
parents out of captivity in Egypt. And then this...!

“So Moses continued to speak these words to all Israel. And he said
to them, ‘I am 120 years old today. I am no longer able to go out and
come in. The LORD has said to me, ‘You shall not go over this
Jordan.’ The LORD your God himself will go over before you. He will
destroy these nations before you, so that you shall dispossess them,
and Joshua will go over at your head, as the LORD has spoken. And
the LORD will do to them as he did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the
Amorites, and to their land, when he destroyed them. And the LORD
will give them over to you, and you shall do to them according to the
whole commandment that I have commanded you. Be strong and
courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD
your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake
you.’” (Deuteronomy 31:1-6)!

There will be times when you will lose those things that gave you your sense of
assurance that God was with you, that everything was going to be alright. His
message has not changed in the millennia that have passed, do not fear, do not
be in dread, for it was never that thing that made you secure. The Lord your
God goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. You are beloved and
He will not let you go.!

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will
fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your
head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value
than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31)!

And so, because you are secure in your identity, you are free to love. Though
others will disappoint you and fail you, you are able to care for them from the
overflow of your relationship with Christ who never will.!

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has
to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in
love. We love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:18-19)!
Never minimize what you have to give when you are walking in the Spirit. It is
only the voice of the accuser that would say that yours is a lesser calling or a
lesser gift. You are an agent of God’s grace, His hand of mercy in a dry and
weary land.!

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good
stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks
oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength
that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified
through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 4:10-11)!

Sevens bring the Church both a sense of adventure and innocence. God has
placed within Sevens the need and desire to explore His world with open hands
and open minds. They have the mental ability to process what they see, and the
wonder to appreciate what they experience. This makes them the perfect tour
guide for those in the Church that feel more comfortable in their cloistered
security. Sevens’ love new horizons and are driven to build a boat to explore.
But at their best, God is holding the rudder and Sevens are the eager boys or
girls who stands at the prow pointing at dolphins. Sevens are the eager
explorers of the world and the relationships within.!


There is a strange disconnect between most Christian’s idea of Jesus, who came
to bring life in abundance (John 10:10), and the picture of the Christ who is
somewhat staid and stoic in His dealings on earth. Whatever quality Jesus had,
it made children delight in his cradling embrace; it put Him on the invitation
list of both the “righteous” and the debauched. Jesus was fully engaged in
life...and that is the very definition of Sevens.!

Jesus was witty. His stories are filled with cultural hyperbole. He loved light
conversation. His was a world filled with visceral experiences. He said Himself
that the Son of Man came eating and drinking (Matt. 11:19), and then as now,
that was misunderstood as being unspiritual. Thus Sevens must look closely at
the balanced and awesome life of Jesus, the exemplary Seven. Jesus never
“lived” life to escape reality, but rather to engage it. He never avoided people
and pain through adventure and celebration. He took others with Him so that
they could taste and see what life could hold if they saw with Kingdom eyes.
Jesus’ way was more than mere words, for His Kingdom is not of mere talk, but
of power (1 Cor. 4:20). This is Christ’s lesson to Sevens.!

As we have seen in Fives, Jesus had no trouble disengaging from people and
activity to spend quiet times reflecting. This is the gold in Sevens’ lives. Because
Jesus was not “using” experience to hide from life, He did not have any need to
sustain a frantic pace for false identity purposes. He could slip away by Himself
and spend quality time with His Abba, seeking solace and refuge in that all-
sustaining relationship.!


The Monster: The voice of Sevens’ flesh tells them they can control pain if they
simply avoid it... keep moving. A moving target can’t be hit. At the same time
their flesh fears that they are missing out on something good so it whispers
dissatisfaction of their present joy and keeps them moving like a shark, ever in
motion to find something better.!

Key Flesh Tools: Constant stimulation and activity, use people or experiences as
a tool to evade self-confrontation. Self-medication through adventure, new
experience, or substance abuse.!

Driving Force: Sevens have a deep desire to engage the world in which they live
and to push those boundaries out whenever and wherever possible. Sevens are
bundles of passionate energy. Rarely will someone find Sevens who do not have
cheerful vitality to their general demeanor. It’s just the way God built them.
That being said, they are still very much a part of the head zone in the body.
Their innocent, explorative desires are far from naive. They have thought things
through and have a philosophical reason for the decisions the make and
activities they choose. These philosophies might not be academic, but they are
philosophies nonetheless.!

Gospel-reckoned Sevens love activities and opportunities that challenge some

paradigm or thought. If they are gifted as leaders, they have the ability to help
others see that addressing spiritual issues is a great adventure, and others
believe them. Sevens breathe a great deal of life into the Church, whether they
are wired to find adventure near or far, they’ve always got something cooking.!

Insecurity and anxiety are two core flesh voices that Sevens are bombarded
with. It is a sad malady considering that Sevens are some of the most versatile
architectures God made. However, when Sevens look for a sense of security
outside of Christ, they begin an odyssey that becomes as frantically chaotic as
their own predisposition will allow. The core lie that feels true in Sevens’ flesh is,
“when you are busy, you feel better.” At a practical level this is true for everyone
at one time or another. Sevens, however, take the thought to a whole other level.!

The more Sevens trust the voice of their flesh, encouraging them to avoid pain
through activity or adventure, the more they suspect they might be engaging in
a “lesser adventure.” Activity creates anxiety because it is tying them up and
there is always the possibility of a better activity out there. Relationships create
anxiety because it’s always possible that there is someone else out there who
can offer more fun or that the relationship is keeping them from something
better that they could do on their own. The vicious cycle picks up steam by
virtue of its own methodology. Sevens’ flesh method of alleviating the potential
of pain actually creates more and more anxiety and soon exhausts the people
around them.!

Paul, in many ways, is the great example to Sevens of what real joy must look
like for them. He was THE great adventurer of the early Church. However, he
never jumped into life for the purpose of avoiding pain; he often ended up
running headlong into it. Yet, in his Gospel identity, he found all he ever needed
or wanted. In the end, he could say with a shrug, “If I live, it’s about Jesus, if I
die, even better.” Only the Gospel-reckoned Christian can crack the code of
such a mystery.!

Sevens who have reckoned their identities in Christ and who are walking in
step with the Spirit have both deep satisfaction with their lives and an
insatiable thirst to experience a little more. These two facts are not in conflict
with one another for Spirit-led Sevens. Spirit-led Sevens are able to wait on
God’s lead and to find satisfaction in whatever form He brings it. In this way,
they discover that lives lived by faith are the most satisfying lives they could
ever imagine.

Sevens who have drawn their identity from the Gospel have the deepest and
most profoundly innocent joyfulness of any of the architectures. It is as though
God built them to take delight in His world and the relationships He placed
therein. The modes that Sevens take to enact this journey vary considerably, but
one thing is certain—they all have verve, and they love to share it with others.!

When they are satisfied in Christ, the world opens up to them. Instead of
feeling that they must control, or grasp at opportunity and activity, they can
truly relax and enjoy the ride. Sevens discover that the most profound part of
their joy stems from the fact that God is even more delighted than they are to
take them on the journey, and that is the deepest source of their bliss.!

Because Sevens are trusting their Abba intimately, they are able to trust His
control and sovereignty over every aspect of their lives at the Spirit-led level.
Thus Sevens find that they have the patience to be present until God’s lessons
are complete, until the full joy of any given moment has been received. There is
a kind of anticipatory stillness, even in the adventure, when Sevens are trusting
their Gospel experience daily.!
Sevens live life as an act of worship. Built into their very architecture is the
ability to embrace a moment in time, and everything in that moment, and hold
it as a gift. Such a thought is understood by many, but felt at a worshipful level
on a consistent abiding basis by very few. This is the wondrous gift God gives
Gospel-reckoned Sevens, and the gift they reflect back to the Church. They
remind God’s people that life itself is holy, a sacred gift filled with wonder.!

Sevens who are led by the Spirit are naturally grateful people. 1 Thessalonians
5:18 says that it is God’s will that God’s people should give thanks in all things.
Because Sevens who trust God with their adventure are able to see even
hardships through the childlike eyes of faith, they are able to embody that

Gratitude has an interesting effect on Sevens’ flesh. In their flesh, Sevens need
to get or seize to feel secure. In the Spirit, thankfulness allows them to live
open-handedly and thus they become generous without any frantic grasping or
scrambling for that which may yet achieve them the sense of euphoria or
distracted excitement they seek.!

In the Church, Sevens are like the explorers who love to seek out and
experience new and exciting things. Sevens sometime don’t recognize one
another because of the extreme variations that theme can take. One end of the
spectrum can look like the missionary who actually wants to experience and
explore new lands, wants to taste unusual foods, and to hear the sounds of
foreign tongues in their ears. At the other end, it could look like a man who
never feels the need to leave his town, but loves to meet new people and always
engages them in interesting conversations, reading the stories of their lives like
a newfound book. It could even look like the woman who rarely leaves her
home, but loves to bring in friends who are expert at some craft or culinary art
and time and time again she finds herself perfecting their technique only to
move on to another.!

Each of these represents the delight of exploration. Each reflects a heart that
seeks to be enlarged in some way by discovering and then savoring. That is the
wonderful architecture of the Sevens. They are the child running about the
backyard, ever curious about what is just beyond the next hedge.!

This kind of youthful exuberance has nothing to do with age. Sevens in their
sixties are likely to be as winsome and enthusiastic as dinner companions, if
they are Gospel-reckoned, as Sevens in their twenties, and likely to have far
more interesting stories. Because almost anything can seem a worthy adventure,
Sevens are often enjoyable conversationalists, interested in a broad range of
topics. Their questions are penetrating and their responses unexpected. Sevens
are a part of the head zone in the body, which means that they!

not only seek to experience the world but understand it. Like Fives, they want
to systematize the information they are receiving and to place it into the bigger
picture that grows their understanding year by year. Unlike Fives, the
information is never enough for Sevens. It has to have a physical touch point in
their lives.!

Riso and Hudson write, “Sevens, in general, enjoy thinking about doing things,
thinking about experiences rather than abstract concepts. In many ways, their
inner life is a catalogue of their experiences.”16!

Because of their internal drive for the tangible experience, setbacks and
struggles do not damper or hold back Spirit-led sevens for long. They take
courage and motivation from the next experience that helps them to learn what
they need to from their failures and to move on. Sevens provide members of the
body with the courage to become more open about their own shortcomings
because of their own candor and hopeful Gospel insight into the journey as a
whole, not just successes.!

Sevens’ combination of intelligence, exuberance and fearless willingness to

engage life make them the kind of people who often know and have some
degree of expertise in a wide variety of activities and skills. Because of the way
their minds work, they love to create bridges between people and ideas and

16Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 5107-5108). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
skills, finding threads of connection that others would miss. Making
connections between people types and their lives is a very important gift that
Sevens bring to the world around them. In a very Gospel identity sense, it
teaches others how to honor people in their community that may be easily
overlooked or viewed with disinterest.!

One will rarely find introverted Sevens. Whether their adventures lead them to
people, places, skills or even ideas, their architecture always draws them back to
the share those experiences in community. We can picture Gospel-reckoned
Sevens as God’s scouts. When Christ-centered, they have gone out ahead and
found new and wonderful ways to see His world, and come back to report. The
journey is indeed incomplete, if Sevens have not seen the look on others’ faces
that gives rise to the feeling that they have in some small way taken them along
on the adventure.!

Sevens’ hunger for experience and knowledge at this Spirit-led level is not in
any way disconnected from their Gospel experience. Though many people seek
to achieve for the sake of status or self-gratification, Spirit-led Sevens are taking
a worshipful walk in which each new discovery and skill brings them delight in
their Creator and His manifold creation. The journey is simply a constant and
varied reminder that their satisfaction is in Christ and Christ alone.!

In the garden, Adam and Eve walked with the Creator and He showed them
what was delightful. Spirit-led Sevens are content to let their Creator lead the
walk once again.!


The most obvious danger to Sevens in their flesh is that the experience itself
begins to shine brighter than the Creator who is leading the exploration. If
Sevens begin to develop an appetite for the next adventure, soon the voice of
fear creeps in, whispering, “What am I missing? What else is out there?”!

When they are Spirit-led, Sevens are both willing and able to wait for God to
initiate the journeys of their lives. They are also willing to take time of reflection
afterwards, before setting off in a new direction. They trust that if God made
them to be Sevens, experiences will be plentiful. Healthy Sevens know and trust
His goodness. Flesh-led Sevens begin to listen to the nagging voice of the
serpent in Eden that told Eve that there was more out “there.” There was good
being kept from her. They begin to grasp for things that they were not led into
and soon they have walked beyond the Spirit’s leading. Soon Sevens will find
that the story has changed and the responsibility for satisfaction is all in their

There are different ways this shift plays out in the lives of Sevens depending on
how spiritual they are keeping their exploration. In the Church context, there
are ample opportunities for Sevens to begin to develop the habits of the
ministry junkie. They see causes and relational needs, missions and programs,
like mountains to be summated. Because these are acceptable and honorable
activities, Sevens are safe from scrutiny. However, to Sevens who are beginning
to descend into their flesh, these activities have become the acceptable places to
hide the narcotic of the flesh. They are fleeing to holy distraction.!

Because Sevens are part of the mind zone, they experience core issues of fear
and anxiety. When Sevens begin to disconnect from their identity in Christ
these fears and anxieties about life begin to surface and they seek to disconnect
from those emotions by engaging in exciting or pleasurable activities.!

One hitch in that strategy is that it brings up a new fear. Sevens become
unsettled and anxious about what activity they are not participating in that
might be better, while they are engaged in the current interest.!

Riso and Husdon describe them as the, “person who is engaged in a fascinating
conversation at a party, but begins to overhear another intriguing conversation
nearby. At this point a choice arises: does the person stay focused on the
conversation she is already having, or does she excuse herself and join the other
conversation? Average Sevens will attempt to listen to both conversations for a
while, but in the process, they will get less satisfaction out of either of them.
Thus, anxiety causes average Sevens to move from one interesting area to
another, but does not allow them to linger with any of them long enough to
really assimilate them. Sevens at this stage are usually unaware of their

Such internal restlessness is a basic conflict or confusion of Sevens’ flesh that

will begin to create the monster that will only grow and develop if they do not
return to the place of peace in their lives, their Gospel reckoning.!

As Sevens move into this place of restless anxiety, people around them

will notice that they are seemingly bored with an activity long before their
peers. They push others to move on to the next thing, only to want yet another.
It is an agitated energy they begin to exude, and that energy is only be quelled
by an equal or greater force delighting them.!

If Sevens are not deeply immersed in church culture, or if they have been
surrounded by friends or family that place great value of material gain, they may
slip into an endless quest for acquisition of possessions and the climbing of the
corporate ladder. This is a particular kind of skeleton for a monster that has
devoured many Sevens who have given their flesh control. Sevens’ appetites
begin to grow beyond their capacity to maintain health in their lives and

Sevens at this flesh-led state are beginning to replace quicker, cheaper

experiences for the more soul satisfying reckonings of the Gospel walk that
endured at Spirit-led levels. They are beginning to scramble for satisfaction and
think that their flesh and wit can conjure the experience. Unfortunately the
effects are fleeting, their successes leaving them with only more hunger.!

Sevens’ identities have become linked with their activities more than anything
else at this point. Even if they believe with all of their hearts in the idea of the
Gospel, their lives will show a series of events and experiences that expose the
truth beneath the surface. Christ alone is not enough.!

Bad habits may be formed by young Sevens that will make settling into
domestic life difficult when they are older. They may begin to set a pace and

17Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 5172-5177). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
expectation of instant gratification that the self-sacrificial reality of marriage and
parenthood cannot abide. Such formation creates a situation where a future
spouse will feel frustrated and neglected, while Sevens grow resentful towards
those closest to them for holding them back. These emotions are the seeds that
begin to animate the monster that is being formed. The monsters in our lives
are always animated by emotions and the emotions are fueled by the false
stories we tell ourselves, the way we perceive or judge the “data” or facts of our

Ironically, though people closest to Sevens may be feeling the tension of the
flesh at work in their friends or family members, others likely still enjoy their
gregarious playmates. Sevens are still the life of the party, still tell a good story,
and are still willing to say yes to adventures when others shrink from them. This
is all the more reason for Sevens to emotionally disconnect from anyone who
gives rise to their feeling of anxiety or pain concerning their false identity and
to connect with those who seem to most affirm and enjoy their flesh efforts.
They will find people who haven’t heard their stories or theories so that they
can start over and win the crowd anew. It is still the thrill of something new,
even if they have to use something old.!

Because Sevens are using the response of others to navigate an identity, they
have trouble being good listeners when they are in the flesh. If they are not
expounding on the topic of their choosing, they are likely listening so that they
can respond with some insight that will reflect back on them. This behavior
reflects on their sense of safety. They are most apt to actually “hear” others
when they do not feel threatened. However, the more intimate a circumstance
becomes, the more hurtful their style of self-centered listening can be.!

Starting debates and arguments or posing impossible questions can provide

fresh entertainment for flesh-hungry Sevens. People’s uncomfortable responses
or the arguments that ensue are glorious entertainment and, of course, flesh-led
Sevens only bring up a subject they have plenty to say about.!

At this stage of descent, pride is one of the great defining characteristics of

Sevens. They have thought everything through. They know more. They know
what is best. Others who think differently are wasting their time and boring
them. The only use they serve is for a good fight. This occurs most for 78s.!

Though Sevens’ voice can always be heard at the center of the party, at the
center of their heart is fear. It is an unspoken fear that somehow God needs
their help to sustain the kind of purposeful lives and exhilaration that they
crave. They cannot see themselves as God sees them through the fog of their
flesh, nor can they see all of the opportunities for truly deep and meaningful
experiences that will draw them into their true identity.!

Sadly that renewal and development of relationships does not, at this juncture,
pique the interest of flesh-led Sevens. It is not seen as something fresh and
exciting. It feels like something old and threatening, something trying to hold
them back. Sevens begin to cultivate resentment much like the teenager who
feels that their parents are the only ones standing in the way of their ultimate
happy adventure.!

Sevens are beginning to deal with very real pain that is seeping from their fears.
Life itself is holding too many dark alleys of quiet stillness and places that will
force the kind of introspections that terrifies. It is no longer simply fear of
missing out on the big adventures. The anxiety is moving to the place that
Sevens are starting to fear simply being hushed in their own heart. There are
consequences to lives lived with no time for reflection.!

Experiences are had, but begin to mean less and less. There is no time to find
meaning in them. This is the thinning of Sevens’ lives. The richness of
experience is now reduced to simple activity. This thinning of the savory joy of
life causes great loneliness and unease in Sevens’ souls.!

Because of their ability to process through information intellectually, Sevens’

minds will begin to engage their growing dissatisfaction in ways that only
exacerbate the issue. They may talk circles around friends concerning their
newest esoteric theories concerning their state, but because they cannot bring
themselves to listen, the conversation yields little if any fruit. And because
Sevens cannot focus on one thought any longer than one activity, their logic
becomes more fragmented than they are aware.!

Sevens begin to lean heavily on others in a new and desperate kind of way. They
need others to give them assurance of their identities. Of course, all the others
need to do is show up and shut up, laugh at the right places and nod at others.
That is enough for now. Just so long as Sevens are not alone with their
thoughts. Just as long as their emotions don’t get too close to the surface.!

Oh, that Sevens could hear the still small voice in the midst of the chaos they
are creating. There is a reason their flesh is causing fear in the areas of their
lives that it is. Sevens, with all of their vim and vigor were not meant for the
frantic shallowness they have entered into. The Spirit of the living God calls out
to the spirit of Sevens to come, to quiet themselves, to rest.!

Sevens at this stage will need to escalate their strategies to escape from the pain
and anxiety that is mounting. Their experiences will need to become more
extreme to satisfy and mollify their restless minds. They begin to devour life and
relationships like frantic gluttons. They scarcely have time to enjoy anything at
this point; distraction is their goal, not pleasure.!

To that end, their friendships and relationships become increasingly self-

centered. Not only are their interactions focused on their needs, but other
people’s needs represent more and more of a threat to their escape from pain.
This is especially acute in Sevens’ marriages. At this point anyone who is not
just along for the ride begins to fall away from Sevens’ lives. Sadly, Sevens don’t
mind. It is just another pain they avoid dealing with.!

Issues of addiction begin to surface in earnest at this final stage of Sevens’

flesh-led identity. Sevens may have used substances or sex, pornography or
overspending to soothe the raging voice in their heads, but Sevens have
perhaps been able to dabble until now. Their motto is, “If one is good, five must
be better.” Early in their flesh-led behaviors, this made them the life of the
party. Now then find themselves ensnared and confused.

As with any overindulgent addictive behavior, pleasure decreases and slavery
increases. That reality represent Sevens’ entire lives at this key turning point.
Sevens are still avoiding dealing with their pain directly, but even their escape
plans are yielding less and less gratification. There is always the hope at the
early stages of slavery to the flesh that people will come to their senses and
return to their Abba’s love. If Sevens will not, their behavior only can worsen.!

Sevens who are becoming more and more aware of their inability to stay
“happy” begin to act more and more desperately. They use whatever substances
or behaviors they nursed in the past, and they increase their dosage. They try
new and more depraved activities. Anything is fair game in Sevens’ minds, as
long as it holds potential for escape. Their activities become more frantic now
with spikes and crashes.!

Sevens often form new friendships at this point in their lives. Old friends have
been cast off or driven away. Those that would have stayed will not follow
Sevens where they need to go to attempt this new form of salvation.
Unfortunately, the new alliances they make are people who, for their own
reasons, are in the same prison Sevens are trying to break into.!

Because Sevens are losing their ability to avoid the pain of their lives, they are
beginning to hit walls of self-confrontation. These walls box Sevens in, in ways
they have never experienced. They are locked into depression without an
escape, without a plan or person to pull them out.!

As soon as the walls come down, Sevens run again, hoping this time they will
be free, never to see the walls again. But this is the new pattern of their lives.
The less they are able to escape or numb pain, the more they will encounter it.
The more they encounter their pain, the more it will trap and immobilize them.!

If Sevens do not seek help during these cycles, their attempts to avoid pain-
confrontation periods will get more extreme. Extreme could mean anything.
The pain and fear is so great that taking drugs to the point of overdose is
certainly not out of the question. Lashing out in some form of violence that
lands Sevens in jail is possible. There is nothing that Sevens are not capable of.
They are being stalked by the most terrifying monster in all the world...their
own broken self.

Sevens’ gold number Five. An architecture that is very comfortable with less
activity and more introspection. Fives wants to understand and process in their
mind before they act. This represents a very important step of faith and a very
important work of the Spirit in Sevens’ hearts. Their gold number is not a
departure from the head zone, it is a fulfillment of their creation. It is like God
is saying, “All right, I’ve taken you on this leg of the tour, now let’s sit down, get
a cup of coffee, pull out the pictures of our trip and talk about what it means.”!

When Sevens are able to trust God with this step in their lives on a consistent
basis, they discover that the monster that threatened their security was only a
shadow after all. They learn that the pain they were avoiding was actually
inextricably linked to the real adventure and real joy they were seeking all
along. Pain is not the enemy. That is not the story of Scripture or redemption.!

Sevens who have lived in their gold for any lengths of time have invaluable
insight to give. They have both lived life and understand the implications of the
living. They are more than storytellers at cocktail parties. They are teachers and
sages, whether they aspire to leadership or not.!

Their times of reflection in their gold number allow Sevens to live with a great
deal more balance. They are able to maintain healthy relationships and to enjoy
the specialness of the adventures they still long to pursue. Excitement is not lost
on them because they now have time to build anticipation and they have loved
ones who want to gift them the time to relish it. Sevens no longer need to take
for themselves. Life is given as a gift, both from God and those He puts in their
Sevens’ journeys began in wonder and innocence. They were the children
exploring their Abba’s wondrous backyard. As their gold number Five is
brought in by the power of the Spirit, their contemplative side blossoms and so
does their curiosity. They are no longer hedonistic consumers, they are
barefooted children pointing to yet another creature, calling out, “What is it,
Daddy?” And this is exactly how it was supposed to be for both the joy of
Sevens—and the utter joy of their Daddy.

When Sevens are beginning to run from their anxiety and using the tools of
their flesh to do it, they will begin to incorporate aspects of the flesh-led One to
accomplish their purposes. There is some irony that Sevens would use any tools
of Ones, since Ones would probably legalistically judge Sevens more harshly
than almost any other number. However, Ones’ tools of justification are
perfectly suited for Sevens’ shadow objectives.

At flesh levels, Ones’ tools make Sevens proselytizers of whatever they are
currently “into.” They love to bring others along on the journey. This is not the
same as what they do at a Gospel-reckoned level, however. In the flesh they like
to gain allies and to dominate through debate. They are using force as leverage,
which is the farthest thing from trusting the Spirit and then engaging people. If
Sevens have secondary numbers of Eight, their shadow number One can be
incredibly overpowering.!

The shadow number gives Sevens a much more aggressive edge when they are
dealing with people who are not supportive of their adventurous ideas. Their
fun side has a bite if they are crossed. That is the shadow One.!

As Sevens become unhealthier, they need to form a justification for what is

clearly becoming a problematic lifestyle, or a double standard to their own
belief system. Sevens lean heavily into their shadow number to provide them
with the flesh audacity to pull off this maneuver. It requires judging others for
petty crimes, ignoring their own behaviors and setting up their standard and
journey as “special,” so that normal rules don’t apply.!

If Sevens’ lives spin out of control, the shadow number can only offer two tools:
constant promises and attempts at self-discipline, or rage toward self and
everyone around them. If self-discipline works, it will move Sevens back up to a
flesh-led level where they can continue their self-delusion. If they go with rage,
then they will continue a downward descent into their flesh.!


The “76”!
76s are built to engage life and people. The core Seven desires new experiences
while Sixes are drawn toward community. Together that makes one of the most
good-humored individuals anyone is likely to meet. 76s see life through a lens
that draws people toward them in an infectious way.!

76s are desirous of experiences and adventure, but those passions are never
disconnected from the communities they are surrounded by. They respond to
the ideas and needs of others, and because of their intellects and quick wits,
they are able to take people’s thoughts and feelings to the next level. In some
ways, they are like the extremely extroverted cousins of 45s, who are able to
communicate so much of humanity through their sensitivity and art.!

Spirit-led 76s genuinely concern themselves with the needs of people and want
their community. They have an exuberant heart that is always drawn back
toward the gravitational pull of family. That is the Gospel power of the Seven
with a secondary number Six.!

If 76s question their identity, then they begin to use people as a tool to affirm
them and give them experiences that create a heightened sense of who they are.
In the flesh, 76s have a need to be accepted and approved by the people around
them. The secondary number Six adds insecurity to an already insecure core
number. The combination creates an almost hyperactive need for affirmation.
This affirmation is not for identity, as it is in Twos or Threes, but rather for a
sense of well-being and safety. They seek to allay growing fears that life is out of

The more 76s move into their flesh, the more cynical they become and the more
they need the people around them to acknowledge that their views of the world
are right. This behavior becomes increasingly difficult to sustain as 76s’
behavior becomes increasingly difficult to affirm. Fears and anxieties begin to
overwhelm 76s and their conduct points to a deeper need beneath their
congenial surface.!

As 76s respond to their anxious and fearful emotions, they become reflexively
self-centered. They try to protect themselves by protecting their fantasy version
of the “fun” they are having. To bolster that fantasy, 76s gradually surround
themselves with people who will affirm their decisions, no matter how
destructive or ill-advised. With such a support structure in place, 76s are free to
descend into an almost infantile state of childish and addictive behavior.!

Such behavior cannot be sustained indefinitely and will either result in a

serious repentance or a serious emotional break.!

The “78”!
78s are no less high-spirited than 76s, though they engage people in a different
way and for fundamentally different reasons. Often 78s push into life without
pressing into people as a primary point of success or failure. They enjoy
engaging community, but it is not fundamentally necessary for their initial heart

It may sound as though 78s don’t care about people, but that is decidedly not
so. In some ways, because 78s are exploring the world without needing the
approval of others, they can bring back their Spirit-led findings with a far more
objective view. Thus 78s have made excellent teachers, counselors and mentors.
What must be noted is the order of operation for 78s.!

The secondary number of Eight is a very individualistic and gut- motivated

number. It does not wait for permission or group consent. Depending on how
strong the secondary number is built into Sevens’ architectures, this can play
into the journeys they will engage in. These life explorations will be for Sevens’
own sake. Their souls need to find God in places that the Spirit leads them.
Because they are still Sevens, they continue to have a deep desire to bring their
findings back to their community and that the community shares in the bounty
they have discovered. But that is secondary.!

When 78s begin to descend into their flesh, their driven nature with their
secondary Eight cause them to power through whatever they desire. They seem
to have the ability to see it, want it and get it. This fact can hold true for work,
relationships, activities or acquisitions for pleasure, and is not helpful for
tempering the 78s’ desire to seek escape and avoid addressing the deeper issues
of their lives.!

If 78s move into deeper levels of their flesh, dark tools of their Eight kick in and
give them the ability to act with less conscience. They harm others to get what
they want with little regret and move on to the next act of pain avoidance. The
secondary number of Eight, though a great benefit at Spirit-led levels, is highly
problematic as Sevens move into justification of their flesh behavior. Aggression
is rampant and unrepentant when the Eight is in play.!

This aggression often creates conflicts that help Sevens to “feel” excited. At
descended flesh levels, the battle becomes a form of adventure that Sevens can
create without going far from home. They can initiate it with family members or
friends, anyone close enough or foolish enough to not walk away.!

Deterioration in the flesh leaves 78s isolated and angry. Their behavior often
alienates everyone who once called them friend and even those who were in
their immediate families. 78s are gifted with a natural power, but if that power is
used for themselves and against their communities, they consume their own
love resources and find they have nothing left to live on.!


Being the sociable individuals that they are, Sevens will usually be fairly
positive about the process of heart excavation. That said, they will also seek to
protect themselves in some way, often by creating their own “rules” or styles of
engaging. In other words, they don’t usually follow the plan. Sevens need a lot
of flexibility and grace from those that love them and want to participate in
learning to speak the Gospel effectively into their lives. If others come in with
too much rigidity, they will only find the process frustrating because Sevens will
have it their way in the end:!

1. Sevens are generally outgoing and do not mind expressing their thoughts
on processes and relationships, so asking where they are at and what
they are hoping to work on in their relationship with God and the
body is likely not a question that will offend or frighten them.

2. Give affirmation in private in a respectful manner when Sevens keep

their focus and comments “others centered.”

3. Sevens often have a large or verbose way about them. That sometimes can
be intimidating to others. Make sure that everyone in the group asks
for clarification on any comments that are unclear. This is an
important part of Sevens’ slowing down their own stream of
consciousness and letting people of every architecture type catch up.
However, for this to happen, everyone must take responsibility to ask
questions until they understand what Sevens are really trying to say,
no matter how big the idea sounds. Make sure this is done
respectfully so that Sevens know that their thoughts are not being
judged, but rather that others care enough to want to truly
understand. This also helps Sevens realize that sometimes they talk
past or over people without realizing they’ve left them behind.!

4. When issues arise that press into Sevens’ fears or areas sadness, help
them avoid repressing or evading the feelings. Help to guide them
towards Gospel hope that shines through to redemption that lies on
the other side of hard things.

5. Sevens can be hard to keep up with over a season of life. They may be
passionate about one aspect of growth for a little while and value
input and community, but then suddenly change direction. You must
try to honor the new thoughts while helping Sevens finish what they
started before, reminding them that it is why they have surrounded
themselves with people who are not like them. Be sensitive to their
reaction to such a conversation, it may feel very restricting and

6. Help Sevens discipline their schedules to include purposeful times for

reflection and time alone with God. The fruit of these times can’t be
forced, but creating space for the Spirit to work can be. At the very
least, Sevens can learn to slow down, realizing that constant
stimulation is not healthy for their heart.

7. Help Sevens set realistic boundaries concerning the number of projects

they get involved in and to sort through their motives when they want
to push those boundaries.


Seven, there is nothing wrong with your zeal for life. You remind all of God’s
creatures that we were once placed in a garden of delight, that we once walked
with our creator and learned how to live.!

And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there
he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground the
LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight
and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” (Genesis 2:8-9)!

You must remember, however, that you are not in the garden anymore. The deep
desires of your heart will only be satisfied in the walk, in being led by your
creator, not in acquisition. When you find your satisfaction in Christ, then you
will find your freedom to truly enjoy life.

“I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how

to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every
circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger,
abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who
strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:11-13)!
Remember that this is a divine invitation. God is not keeping you from what is
good or what is best, He is offering it. He is not giving punitive restrictions but
has freed you in Christ to experience an abundance of life, but beware lest you
drown in the deluge.

“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things
are lawful for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything.” (1
Corinthians 6:12)!

His presence is enough for all your days, all of your desires and all of your

“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what
you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake
you.” (Hebrews 13:5)!

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your
heart.” (Psalm 37:4)!

“Though you have not seen Him, you love Him. Though you do not
now see Him, you believe in Him and rejoice with joy that is
inexpressible and filled with glory.” (1 Peter 1:8)!

Those who follow Jesus are never lacking in adventure. Every disciple’s life
begins with a calling, one that draws him or her into the great unknown. That is
the wonder and the mystery that lies ahead, out of your control, when you walk
in step with the Spirit.!

“While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon

(who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the
sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I
will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and
followed him. And going on from there he saw two other brothers,
James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with
Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them.
Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed
him.” (Matthew 4:18-22)!
Chase your holy adventure. Only remember whose Kingdom you serve. Find
your freedom in contentment and submission to your Father’s gifts and the
Spirit’s leading.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and
rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust
destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where
your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21)!
God built Eights to lead. They are created to fight and protect and die for what
is dear to their Father’s heart...and all of that sounds like bonus fun to Eights.
They embody a strange boldness and oblivious faith that gives other parts of the
body a glimpse into simple faith, for when Eights are healthy, it is an
uncomplicated faith they possess. They are simply doers.!


Jesus is a powerful example of a purposeful Eight in motion. Eights delight in
exerting power, in breaking rules, in feeling their own presence in the world.
Without a purpose, however, they are simply belligerent. Jesus shows Eights
what it looks like to move in power on behalf of those who need a champion.!

Jesus was faced with the Sabbath-healing dilemma on a number of occasions.

In all truth, Jesus could have healed those folks the day after the Sabbath. They
had been in their pitiable states for a long time. Surely they would not have
begrudged a Sunday morning healing instead of a Saturday afternoon. But He
Jesus wanted to confront the legalistic yokes that the Pharisees placed upon the
shoulders of His people. Jesus could have ignored the leaders in the temple;
there were certainly times He walked away. But when He reached His passion
week, the gloves came off (Matthew 23). Jesus could have petitioned to move
“Annas’ Bazaar” to another location so that the Temple’s Court of the Gentiles
was not filled with the buying and selling of sacrificial animals and money
changing, but instead He braided for Himself a whip and showed them the
door. None of this was for His own sake. None of it was because His ego was
feeling a bit fragile. Jesus moved in His authority when the time was right, the
Spirit moved, and the need called for it. He used wisdom and courage coupled
with an intimate knowledge of His Father’s will. This is what powerful Eights
looks like.!

As stirring as those stories are to Eights, seeing Jesus’ movement to His the gold
number Two is even better. When Jesus takes off His outer garments (likely the
same garment the woman suffering from bleeding touched to seek God’s power
for healing) and washes His student’s feet. That is the picture of the man of
power becoming the servant. What emboldens Eights is Jesus’ words when He
is finished, not a lesson, a command. I’m the master, you’re the servant, the
servant is not greater than the master...so don’t ever be higher than this. That is
the Eights’ gold.!


The Monster: The feeling of others trying to control them or take from them.
The fear that they might suffer deafeat, or lose control.

Key Flesh Tools: Exert their strength, intimidate or bully, form alliances,
strategize to accomplish goals.!

Driving Force: Eights love to feel independent, like they are forging their own
way in the world. They love a challenge, as long as things don’t get out of their
control. The more they lose their sense of control, the more their flesh will try
to exert itself through overt domination.!
On the surface, many aspects of Eights’ architecture seems a bit out of place in
our Western culture. Eights are strong and value strength. They tend to be blunt
and apply great force to move even small objects. Five hundred years ago, they
probably would have made more sense to society. Now, in our “oh-so-sensitive”
climate, Eights have a lot of adjusting to do. That being said, there is still a very
important place for Eights in the body of Christ if they learn to surrender their
gut impulses to a leader stronger than themselves.!

Submitted to Christ, Eights become magnanimous leaders and powerful

individuals who empower others to do things they never thought possible. Their
style is direct because they would see it as disingenuous to have a “style” at all.
What you see is what you get. The difficulty is that reckoning the Gospel means
surrendering control, which is the primary hang-up for Eights. Entering life in
the Body of Christ is yet another step of surrender...more loss of control.
Because of these faith factors, Christianity, to Eights, feels highly

The alternative is to grasp, horde and maintain as much control as possible.

That includes control over business ventures, money, people, anything that
could threaten to upset Eights’ lives. This control does not necessarily mean
that Eights overpower others. It may just mean that they exclude them. If they
go at life alone, they can control the outcome equally well. Eights have no
problem working by themselves and feel certain that they can accomplish
anything they put their mind to. In the end, winning is the great thrill. Not
community. Not service. Not high morals or breaking intellectual ground.

Unfortunately, this kind of behavior causes them to disconnect from intimate

relationships while simultaneously engaging in ventures that necessitate them.
Thus Eights learn to employ more overt forms of domination. Success begets
insecurity, which begets control reactions, and the vicious wheel turns. In the
end, Eights that thought Christianity was counterintuitive find themselves so
deeply mired in their own machinations that they can’t even remember why
they thought their plan was a better to begin with.!
Eights who have surrendered to the power of their new identity in Christ
become truly powerful individuals. The Spirit energizing them with a dynamic
vigor that gives them discernment and courage for the sake of the world around
them, and yet because of their truly reckoned state, these facts do not define
them. They are giddy to be a part of their Abba’s Kingdom and to have the
opportunity to act as His hands or His voice in this world.!

Spirit-led Eights are not reactive. They have learned to wait for God’s timing, to
trust Him more than their own compulsions. Their strength flows from a
gracious and benevolent serenity instead of a constant “acting against.” Because
they do not need to dominate others to maintain their sense of control, they
begin to experience the pure Gospel joy of raising others up to their true
identities in Christ. That is the purpose for the strength that God has placed in

Eights who are able to trust Christ are also capable of opening themselves up to
the Body of Christ. They do not fear that vulnerability will in some way weaken
them and make them susceptible to other’s control. They realize that by
entrusting themselves to others, they are able to entrust themselves to God in
deeper ways than they could have imagined. That fact brings balance to their
lives in dynamic ways.!

Openness to vulnerable relationships brings another key benefit to the Eights’

architecture in the Body. It places them in the middle of the true battles people
are waging. When Eights are vulnerable, they come into more and more contact
with situations that require their courage for the sake of others. Eights are most
at home when their courage is tested. They are built for battle, and at a Gospel-
reckoned level, they are built to stand for those who are placed within their
care. They are able to face problems and crisis with cool heads and practical
solutions. When others take a step back, the Eights are usually just starting to
have fun.!
For this reason, Eights are natural leaders. People are drawn to their courage
and magnetism. When they are trusting the Spirit’s lead there is a sense that
there is safety and hope in following them them. If Eights were to draw identity
from such feelings it would be dangerous for both their followers and
themselves. However, Spirit-led Eights truly delight in the good of the
community and the adventure of the journey more than their own position.!

Challenges come in many shapes for any community of people. Some are
emotional, some are practical, and some are relational. To reckoned Eights, all
challenges represent an objective to subdue for the greater good, a battle that
must be won. Eights might not have any skill in a particular area of need, but
they will spearhead a group of people who will get the job done. Their creativity
helps find solutions and ways around problems that others have never thought
of, and by their guidance, much practical good is accomplished by the group as
a whole.!

One of the aspects of Spirit-led Eights that others find curious is how they
attack problems without much thought to failure. Strangely that does not make
them unrealistic. They have simply been built with very flexible strategic minds
that work on the fly. If something is beginning to “fail,” they feel confident that
another answer will present itself. If they feel they are losing, they may simply
change the rules to the game. In the flesh, this can become simple
manipulation. Trusting the Spirit, however, it is a simple assumption that they
do not know the rules anyways and God always wins.!

Eights are able to express this confidence to the people around them, and those
people find themselves believing in visions of how things could be.
Communities surrounding Spirit-led Eights find themselves more optimistic
than usual. They begin believing in the possibilities of the Kingdom.!

This is the reason that we call reckoned Eights’ faith “simple.” They are
genuinely moved into action by their gut, and once they move, they do so with
abandon. There is no over analysis, no hesitation. Faith’s leap is part of the great
adventure they are built to crave.!
Riso and Hudson point out that, “Unlike many of the other personality types,
healthy Eights seldom suffer from self-doubt, anxiety or insecurity, nor are they
given to excessive introspection or concern about their identities.”18!

Their activity and verve is sometimes suspicious to others who do not

understand Eights’ architecture. Being a part of the gut zone, Eights do not
struggle with taking their identity cues from other people, but rather from the
sense of engaging a challenge and experiencing victory. Thus, their work in a
community of people is rarely built on a core need to be affirmed by the group.
At this Gospel level, their activity and verve, though it might look like fearful
work to someone else, is simply delightful to Eights. They were built for such
things and they love to swing a hammer with their Abba.!

If others can accept this fact of Eights’ architecture, then it helps them to
express their gratitude in ways that does not make Eights feel uncomfortable.
Eights likes to be thanked as much as anyone else, but they are built for the
project and not the parlor. Too much doting creates a deep sense of unease.
People in Eights’ community serve them well when they give a quick pat on the
back, a subtle nod of thanks, and move on.!

Eights are often uneasy around social pleasantries. There is subtlety in

politeness, and indirectness is often given or required. There are unstated
words or implications in small talk. For better or worse, there is little that is
subtle about Eights. Any polite restraint they give for social convention
probably came at an emotional cost that would surprise other architectures

Eights simply engage. They say what is on their mind and they say what they
see, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, they see a great deal. They are problem
solvers in a practical sense. They love visions of what broken things could
become. But more than that, at a Gospel level, they see people similarly. They
see through Gospel eyes and have tremendous hope and respect for what most
people are or can become in Christ.!

18Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 5838-5840). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
This discernment makes them hypersensitive to dishonesty, spinning or
disingenuous intentions. Riso and Hudson affirm that, “Their intuition makes
them excellent judges of character. They are able to look at the raw material of a
person and see what he or she can become, or alternatively, they can sense
dishonesty or insincerity a mile away.”19!

The sum totals of these gifts make Gospel-oriented Eights natural leaders.
Whether they try to be or whether they acknowledge it, people follow Eights.
People follow Eights because they are actually honest and have other’s interests
in mind. They are very persuasive individuals. This fact haunts self- aware
Eights. It drives them ever back to the Spirit in holy fear of their own flesh and
its ability to manipulate others by force or guile.!

When Gospel-reckoned Eights accept a mantle of leadership, their leadership

carries a very direct and authoritative weight, but not a domineering one. They
are simply unafraid to make decisions and stand by them regardless of the cost.
To Eights, there is a big difference between being “respected” and needing to
be “approved” of by others. Because their identity is rooted in Christ, their
decisions are not up for sale based on the endorsement of their peers. If
everyone stands against what they know God is leading, they continue on their
way with barely a backwards glance.!

Many factors lead Eights into battles of social justice. Their independent streak
gets them excited about being the underdog. Even if they are the only one who
seems to be fighting on behalf of someone else they feel is wronged, they will
gladly take up the cause. Their sense of honor demands that others be given
respect and equality. The fact that social injustice often causes a fight of one
sort or another appeals to their love of a skirmish. Their underlying anger,
which at a reckoned level is a holy fire, burns toward those who take advantage
of someone weaker than himself or herself.!

All of these factors and more press Eights towards issues of social justice.
Eights can often be found on the front lines of grass roots efforts seeking to

19Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 5847-5848). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
better the lives of some marginalized group of people. There doesn’t have to be
any particular back-story, no distant relative who went through the same
struggle or beloved friend who was treated unjustly. Eights just want to be
where the smell of gun smoke is in the air. When the Holy Spirit initiates this
movement, those whom Eights stand in defense of are glad for their

At this holy place in Eights’ lives, they move freely from people group to people
group, from individual to individual. Their natural confidence makes
connection easy and they are truly not emotionally threatened by anyone. They
are free to engage and live and love across borders, building bridges as they go.!

If Eights begin to draw identity from the various challenges they engage, or the
rush that comes from overcoming them, then they move into their flesh. It is a
subtle shift, since Eights delight in facing challenges when they walk in the
Spirit. The difference is in how they see themselves and where they feel secure.!

If Eights listen to the voice of their flesh telling them that God cannot sustain
their efforts, fear of losing control begins to creep into the picture. Fear is
always met with tactical resistance for Eights in the flesh. Unfortunately, tactical
means Eights will begin devising their own plans to control their situations.!

Sadly, Eights’ tactical resistance at this stage will probably be successful. That
will only reinforce the flesh’s narrative that Eights really don’t need God to
succeed. In fact, “success” is not primarily what Eights need God for. He is not a
tool in their arsenal to bring out when they need a bigger gun. Eights need
Gospel surrender for genuine and joyful lives. If they succeed on their own, in
their flesh, the monster that is created will rob them of life’s freedom. External
success will be the great destroyer. Every victory they claim will become another
thing to control, another plate to spin.!

Relationally, Eights who use their flesh tools will employ strange devices. They
are like a junior high boy who gives wet Willies his friends to let them know he
likes them, or the elementary school girl who pummels the boy she likes most.
Confrontation is the cleanest road to intimacy in Eights’ ways of thinking. If
they can unsettle someone, they can feel sure that what they are experiencing is
the actual person and not the façade.!

One Eight said it like this; “I’m most comfortable when I see my friend’s anger.
To me, anger is the road to deeper feelings, like deep sadness and repressed
desire. It’s exciting to me as long as someone stays angry and can stick with it. If
they start to cry, then it’s terrible. I feel bad and believe that they’ve taken on
the victim role to manipulate me into being an aggressor, and they aren’t telling
me the truth about what they’ve got against me.”20!

Such relational logic is baffling to most human beings. However, if you are in a
relationship with an Eight, it will be most helpful to see what he or she is
actually driving toward when they begin to use this flesh tool. It is not a lack of
connection that they are showing, but a very real desire for deeper intimacy.!

Eights who succumb to the voice of their flesh begin to take on challenges in
their lives for the thrill of the fight, instead of the benefit of others. They quickly
lose the benevolent quality that was a fruit of the Spirit and become driven
people. This doesn’t look sinful to others at this stage. People simply do not
entrust themselves to Eights unless it is for practical reasons, often as a part of
some business endeavor or the like.!

Work, or caring for family takes a central place in Eights’ vision at this juncture.
Their core ethic that justifies their actions is very tribal. They see themselves as
protector and provider by virtue of their indomitable strength. They might
sacrifice relational aspects of family to take care of practical needs because that
is the role they have built for themselves in their mind.!

All of this behavior can be easily wrapped in a veneer of Christianity that is

accepted by others in their local church. They look responsible and serious.
They have well-formed reasons for their actions and were anyone to challenge
their behavior Eights are certain they would be able to walk away from the
conversation victorious. However, the challenges rarely if ever come.!

20 Palmer, Helen (2011-11-22). The Enneagram (p. 326). Harper Collins, Inc. Kindle Edition.
Eights are not too domineering or inappropriate, just responsible and serious.
But what is happening is as inappropriate as any other flesh device or vice. They
are withholding their gifts and themselves because of fear. They are keeping
gifts in reserve. They are playing life and people strategically and without faith.
Thus they are disconnecting from God and His Gospel. Christ is beginning to
fade into the background. He is an add-on, but not the strong tower Eights are
leaning on for power and refuge.!

This defensive positioning for the sake of control keeps flesh-led Eights from
engaging many people. Their circle of friends is small and they do not share
their heart with many, if any of them. Eights see the giving of vulnerability, the
deep things of their hearts as a tactical error. It is a relinquishing of control that
feels unnecessary and unwise. The friends they choose often have some purpose
in their own plans. There is little in Eights’ lives that is disconnected from the
bigger picture. They also feel more comfortable if their friends have something
to gain from the friendship with them. It means they will never be in debt or be
the one in need. They always want to give more than they take to keep the scale
balanced in their favor.!

Eights do not usually work well under others at this juncture because working
on a team requires more trust than they possess at this stage of their flesh walk.
They would rather engage in activities that they can accomplish for themselves.
They still possess a towering self-confidence. If Eights do work with people,
they often will rise to positions where they can command the field like a general
creating a line of attack for their soldiers. As long as they can use their
discernment to dictate who does what and how, Eights can engage others in the
workplace, and engage them well. If they do work under someone, they will
make sure to rise to a position of trust so that their superior will allow them to
work independently and make their own decisions.!

Helen Palmer points out that, “Eights carry a deep suspiciousness of ambiguous
presentation, mixed messages, or unclear chains of command. Security means
knowing who you have to go up against and who is going to cover your back.
Under pressure, attention narrows to a measuring of one’s own power against
the strength or weakness of an opponent. Is the opponent innocent or guilty,
friend or foe, warrior or wimp?”21!

Threes and Eights are two sides to the same entrepreneurial leadership coin.
They have many similarities. However, at their core, they could not be more
different. Threes engage challenges and build achievements so that others will
see their accomplishments and thus Threes will be able to believe they are
worthy and lovable. Eights seek to achieve and face challenges because the
assertion of their power makes them feel secure and gives them identity. Eights
could very well build something extraordinary and draw as much false identity
as Threes, but it is the winning that appeals to them, whether many others see
the achievement or not.!

Being a more isolated type of individual, Eights are not particularly interested
in dominating people unless a situation necessitates it. They are more interested
in conquering their surroundings. They wade into their world like a person
pushing through water. The false identity thrill they feel is the pressure of the
water bending to their presence and leaving a wake behind.!

This is an addicting false identity for Eights. Christ is calling upon Eights to lay
their strength down and rest in the full gravitas of His character and work
instead of asserting their own. At this level, Eights have trouble believing that
such a move would be effective or wise. There are too many things that they
have to keep running, too many spinning plates. Surrendering their strength
would be tantamount to losing, and losing is not something Eights do.!

The deeper Eights move into their flesh, the more they will try to accomplish.
They want to wade farther and farther out into their worlds. Two dangers
present themselves for Eights and their growing descent into their flesh. First is
the increasing risk of failure. Failure in Eights’ ambitious plans causes cognitive
dissonance that sees them redouble their controlling tactics. The second danger
is that they are descending deeper into self-absorption. They are beginning to
do things, to seek conquest, for the purpose of inflating their own view of
themselves, their false identity.!

21 Palmer, Helen (2011-11-22). The Enneagram (p. 308). Harper Collins, Inc. Kindle Edition.
Eights at this stage begin to order their lives in such a way as to create mirrors
that reflect the version of themselves that they feel most comfortable with.
Sadly, the more control they assert, the farther they get from the source they are
so hungry for. The peace that they are lacking requires a submission to Christ as
Lord, but that runs counter to every instinct in them at this fleshy harbor they
have moored their lives.!

Eights are powerfully convincing to others when they need to solicit support for
their endeavors. That fact is increasingly dangerous for others. At this flesh
level, they are gambling with unknown outcomes and doing it risking other’s
hearts and futures. Such costs do not concern Eights much; they are very adept
when it comes to suppressing feelings of shame or guilt. Since they are willing
to take the risk, why shouldn’t others? Eights are willing to use the trust others
give them as a kind of collateral that they will spend on risky ventures.!

These risks belie the persona of total confidence that Eights present. There is a
growing insecurity gnawing at their gut. More false mirrors must be erected to
reflect back the superman or woman that they need to see in every area of their
lives. The attempts, however, are getting more desperate. They are taking less
calculated risks, spending money they do not have, becoming more belligerent
in their speech to prove their strength to groups of people.!

There is a new piece to Eights’ flesh stories that begins to emerge at this time.
Eights’ lust for life and the need for relief from the bombastic emotions that
rage inside of them, lead them toward overindulgence. The fact that Eights are
willing to break rules or lay aside feelings of guilt or shame, make this move
even more dangerous. Eights begin to overeat, binge on alcohol or even dabble
with illicit drugs. Such activities feel like a holiday from their own life and thus
patterns and habits of such overindulgence begin to emerge.!

Palmer adds that, “Excess is another way to blow off extra energy and a
common Eight solution to the problem of boredom. Too much of whatever feels
good in the way of sex and substances. All-night binges. Heavy entertainment.
Working so exhaustively that you drop like a felled tree. Liking the taste of the
dinner so well that you finish three plates in a very short time. Once attention
locks on pleasure, it is hard to divert it. One good thing leads to another and
another, until Eights are the last one left at the party.”22!

At this stage, their use of strength begins to become a problem because Eights
are not fully aware of how often they use it or how powerful they are. At flesh
levels, others find themselves feeling bullied or misused even when Eights are
contending that they are acting “normal.” Eights are losing their ability to turn
their over-power off between times of conquests and relational interactions.
This kind of interaction is very intimidating to people who are sensitive or
insecure, and thus people shy away from Eights.!

That fact does not bother Eights who do not want to waste time with people
who are insecure anyways. Eights at this stage are not concerned with people’s
feelings or their lives. They assume that other people are as interested in
conquering the challenge before them as they are, therefore Eights must not
pause their efforts for people who slow things down. Acknowledging feelings
and heart issues is a practical waste of time.!

As Eights seek to refine their flesh techniques, they continue to expand and
seek new controls over their environment. They continue the prop up mirrors
reflecting their ego, supporting false views of themselves. Ultimately this is the
enfleshing of the monster that will seek to control them. There is nothing
outside of Eights that is personal or human, it’s all just raw material. Eights use
and dominate. Everything is a conquest. Without the Spirit guiding them
towards people to love and care for, to fight for, Eights are drawn into a deep

This depersonalization of the people in their lives opens a door to horrible

behavior when their stability is threatened. If failure comes or there is

a threat to their control, Eights will begin to move people or bully people at
will. Where they once persuaded they will now command and intimidate. The
anger that burns beneath the surface of individuals in the gut zone begins to
flare up with more regularity and Eights let it loose without apology.!

22 Palmer, Helen (2011-11-22). The Enneagram (p. 308). Harper Collins, Inc. Kindle Edition.
Eights use whatever weapons they have at their disposal with impudence to
assert themselves. Money, prestige, experience, all of these can be used to push
others into capitulation. The Eights grab what they need for control and power
with more audacity, as if they have a right. Might makes right is the credo that
begins making sense to flesh-led Eights at this stage.!

Eights will pick fights and confrontations over trivial matters to simply hang
another mirror in their lives, reflecting a powerful controlled person in its
shining . Relational costs concern the Eight the least since relationships are the
most difficult things to control. People around Eights may be confounded by
how utterly pugnacious Eights are. Everything is turned into a debate or
intimidation. This is the level of insecurity Eights are experiencing. Every
occasion is an occasion to prop up their fragile false image of themselves.!

If Eights continue to descend into their flesh tools, they will find that they have
pushed away everyone who once cared about them and have banished the very
people they needed most to support the continuation of their schemes and
plans. Their emotional need to see themselves as powerful people in the flesh
has begun to destroy the base for which they actually controlled anything in the
flesh. Thus at this stage they begin to feel more and more panicked that their
lives are unraveling and that they are truly out of control.!


At this point of crisis, Eights rightly assess that their foundational base of
support is crumbling. One would hope that this reality check would push
Eights toward surrender to the Gospel and relationships that would help find
them fine it. If, however, they choose to entrench themselves in their pattern of
behavior, they will be forced to turn over control to their flesh completely.!

The very serious part of this turn for society concerning Eights, arises if they
cross certain moral lines. If such lines are crossed they will conclude that there
is no coming back and so they will throw all caution to the wind. Eights are
nearing that threshold. Since they are experiencing greater and greater levels of
rejection by those they cared about, they are only now discovering that they
actually did care about those individuals. Now they are martyrs in their own
minds. This gives them justification for vengeful thinking and their anger is
loosed from all restraints.!

Enslaved Eights are perhaps the most realistic and insightful of the enslaved
numbers. They are not completely wrong when they see the opposition to their
schemes and contrivances. However, that insight does not bear out in realistic
reactions to opposition. Flesh enslaved Eights cannot trust anyone. They feel
that they have tried to succeed with people at their side, and that trial has failed.
Now they will use what force is necessary to simply win.!

This places Eights in a position to do things and to explore options that would
have been abhorrent to them at a Spirit-led level. They live now with the end in
mind. That means that there are few options that Eights will not consider for
the sake of procuring that which would give them a sense of control and power.
This can include gross manipulation of people to get their way, illegal cutting of
corners or outright criminal activities.!

Eights feel little or no remorse for their actions. They resist their conscience as
though it were an enemy seeking to weaken their resolve. They have climbed
fully into the lie of their flesh. They are ruled by their desire to control and they
use their rage as a weapon to that end. They are legitimately dangerous people
who are likely to act out in violence to punctuate their points.!

All of this behavior only sends Eights into more chaos. They are fighting against
themselves, wresting control from their own hearts and against their own
scruples. These contradictions leave a gaping wound in Eights’ souls that is not
easily mended, thus more action is taken against any painful or guilty feelings
that arise.!

With each step into darker means of control, the price of losing control is
raised. If they have become abusive to their family or they are caught in some
illegality, it could mean their very freedom. Eights therefore must continue to
escalate their own dastardly behavior, heaping sin upon sin.!

The depth that Eights will descend depends on a number of factors. The first
has to do with how far they are willing to go in asserting themselves
inappropriately on their environments. This has a great deal to do with their
history and abuses that they have personally experienced. Not all Eights will
take the wickedness of their flesh to the fullest extent of its potential. But given
the right back-story and self-justification, they can.!

The second factor is whether or not they get caught early. One of the most
helpful things to Eights is discovering that they cannot do whatever they want.
If they are stopped and punished for their wrongs, they have an opportunity for
a reevaluating their lives. However, even this time of reflection may not change
Eights’ minds. Many Eights resolve is only hardened after a time of

If they are not caught and believe that they are invincible, escalation can be
frightening. Of all the soul architectures, Eights’ natural power and leadership
abilities culminate in the flesh to form a tyrannical figure. Such Eights becomes
delusional about their own invincibility and there is literally nothing they will
not attempt and no means they will not employ to attempt it. Their only sure
way of controlling at this stage is destroying opposition. They are the picture of
the man who obliterates the world and stands in the rubble, safe and at peace
because no one can harm him. They are the caricature of a mob boss who
would never sue for peace when he can send a hit squad to the barbershop.
They are the dictator that would plunge the world into war for the sake of their
thirst for power.!

Eights can never find the peace they long for in control apart from surrender in
Christ. They were not built to be what they have become in the flesh and if they
remain enslaved to their carnal state, they will die in chaos and anger, alone and

Being built for power and strength can be a dangerous proposition in any
emotional economy. However, God has built into Eights an incredible piece of
architecture. It is the gold number Two. When Eights live in their Gospel
reckoning, the Spirit enlivens their gold number, and they become Spirit
empowered servants.!

Christ is the most obvious and beautiful example of the one who laid aside His
power and made Himself a servant (Phil. 2), and so it must be for any Eights
who would walk in His Spirit. Twos have a deep drive to meet the needs of
those that are hurting around them. This same passion works its way into
Eights’ hearts when they are not using their strength for their own kingdom.!

Eights who are living in their gold are intensely moved to work on behalf of
their Abba’s Kingdom. Whatever touches His heart touches theirs. They are able
to humble themselves like their sacred Brother and wash feet, and in doing so,
profoundly affect the spiritual and emotional landscape of the world God has
placed them in.!

Eights are never more powerful than when they have been brought low by the
power of the Spirit. They have no fear of being controlled by others because
they have already given themselves away. Any anger they have is on behalf of
those who are being mistreated and unjustly used.!

The return for their faith is equally profound for Eights’ hearts. In moving into
their gold Two, their hearts are more open than ever before. They experience the
love and compassion of others toward them. They cease to simply be the givers,
but become the receivers of powerful offerings. This is the deep life Eights seek.
To use their gifts, but not in a vacuum, to be a part of the Body as a whole,
accepted for who they are.

The shadow number Five is a safe retreat for Eights. If they feel overwhelmed
in their flesh, they can disengage and retreat into the recesses of their minds.
From there they can plan their next step, or simply throw mental stones at
whoever has caused them discomfort.
Of course, this tool not entirely bad, for under pressure Eights pull back to
thoughtfully assesses their situation. In some ways this is part of their strength
if it is used properly. It keeps them from being impulsive. However, if they are
using their shadow number as a flesh tool, such maturity is not what lies
beneath the action. At the shadow number, Eights are looking for power over
whatever is causing them fear. They are looking for tactical advantages and
victory. Worse still they are searching for it apart from surrender to Christ.!

The shadow number Five also gives Eights a place to rest. Eights can
concentrate on projects, or aspects of projects that are largely in their heads, or
data, and thus they can take a break from battling external forces. All this is in
lieu of trusting God with any of it. Again, the Five tools being used often look
like maturity to those looking in from the outside. It is only when we observe
with a Gospel eye that we begin to see what is really transpiring in the hearts of

As Eights become more enslaved to their flesh, they employ more and more
tools of the intellectual Five in their fleshly attacks. They will arrogantly destroy
opponent’s positions without a second thought, or intimidate without ever
lifting a finger. The more they retreat into their heads, the more delusional
Eights get, which only serves to make them more dangerous.!


The “87”!
87s are generally the most direct and aggressive architectures in the Body. They
are openly self-confident and independent, speaking their mind without

Even reading that list of facts about 87s can make many people feel slightly
uncomfortable, and 87s often do create such feelings. Even if they are not doing
anything particularly wrong they can cause others to feel guarded. 87s are built
to lead, to defend, and to act with initiative and confidence in the Spirit. All of
these aspects are important to the Body...sometimes. Learning to live in balance,
community and faith, on a daily basis is the struggle for 87s who would rather
just power through just about everything.!

Eights have been given the ability, within their architecture, to make a great
impact in their world and in the Kingdom of God. When they are walking in the
Spirit, they desire to break down walls on behalf of other people and encourage
the fallen to reach for their own Gospel identities. Everything has a practical
outworking for 87s. Everything touches real life.!

If 87s begin to listen to the voice of their flesh, they will begin to revel in the
conquest and control of their environments for their own sake. Power and
adventure become two areas in which flesh-led 87s begin to find their identity.
The Seven piece of their architecture makes them all the more outlandishly
risky and up for adventure. Unfortunately, the more they gain power, the more
they must control it. Their natural bent toward independence and quickly
relegates people to the status of pawns in their game.!

Though 87s are both practical and realistic, the more desperate they become,
the greater risks they will begin to take. Risks are fun to 87s because it
represents the double joy of a great conquest and a fun exploit. They begin
using their natural charisma to charm others into loyalty. If that doesn’t work,
they will become increasingly aggressive to get and maintain what they want.
Their goal is ascendancy and domination.!

This cycle is, of course, never satisfied. The more 87s get, the more out of
control they are and the more they will grasp for. More risk and more aggressive
measures will follow until 87s reach their final enslaved breaking point that
undoes all of their careful planning. If they are fortunate, it will only be their
plans that are destroyed.!

The “89”!
89s are far less aggressive than 87s due to their secondary number of Nine,
which gravitates toward peace and stability. Their Nine connection also makes
them less private, opening them up more easily to community life. Though they
still have the core strength of Eights, it is often a reserved strength.!
89s enjoy pushing toward their goals and running affairs, but they do it with a
particular ease and openness to the needs of people around them. When they
need to stand in the gap or defend those in their communities, they will do so
with great force, sometimes surprising themselves and others with how much
aggression was actually beneath the surface.!

Though these two numbers are seemingly contradictory, when 89s walk in the
Spirit, their dynamic comes together in an intricate and commanding way. 89s
are able to lead people with a quiet grace that expresses vibrant strength. This
strength is coupled with 89s’ desire to be involved in the action itself, thus
people follow this powerful example that leads in the doing.!

If 89s feel that they are losing control, the conflict between the Eight and the
Nine numbers can get in the way of their ultimate goals. They can begin to pick
and choose who they grace with different parts of themselves, slowly closing the
circle of intimate friendships to the fewest people necessary. Eights in the flesh
engage aggressively, while Nines in the flesh back away trying to gain peace at
any cost to themselves.!

89s’ gift for people becomes a tool for their aggression as they move into their
flesh. 89s use less overt tactics to assert themselves on their environment than
87s, preferring subtle intimidation over blatant. By the lowest stages of their
enslaved behavior, their remorseless conduct is as destructive as any 87,
however, even if they act it out in different ways. The offering of their secondary
number has become almost dormant and all that is left is the anger that lies
beneath the flesh monster of the core Eight.!


One of the most important things to remember when stepping into a Gospel
encouragement situation with Eights, is how incredibly vulnerable they are
making themselves. That fact has them on edge from the start. Approaching
them seems easy, as if you can say whatever you want because they are so blunt
with others, but that is not the case. Positive or negative feedback will both
affect them because they are likely feeling very uncomfortable with many
anticipatory emotions that were stirred up before you even began:!
1. Remember that entering into discussions concerning internal motivations
and struggles for Eights is tantamount to handing over the deepest
levels of control to other people. This runs exactly contrary to Eights’
flesh instinct. With that in mind, tread carefully. Making Eights feel
understood and valued by bringing up statements from the past is
empowering, using debate tactics to corner them will make them feel
like being vulnerable is not a safe endeavor.

2. Don’t overstate Eights’ achievements. Too much attention makes them

generally uncomfortable. Be concise and let them process through
information. Remember that they appreciate your respect but they
don’t need your approval. If you are from the heart zone, don’t give
them what you naturally need.

3. If Eights talk about a situation that caused them to react with strong
emotions, find out what gave rise to those emotions. What was the real
issue? Did it come from their Gospel-reckoned heart for justice or a
flesh desire for control or revenge? Remember to be respectful and
not combative in how you ask. Check yourself and make sure you are
actually asking a question and not trying to assert your opinion in the
form of a question. Eights will see such a tactic immediately and it
will cause them to feel the conversation has changed to a combative

4. Help Eights find a balance in their projects, to enjoy one before moving
on, to take time to simply savor life without having to conquer

5. Do not feel too intimidated to ask how you can support Eights in
something they are struggling with, and if they ask for help and you
agree, make sure you follow through. Because Eights are perceived as
invincible, or close to it, people are reticent to offer help. If an Eight
accepts help, they are making themselves vulnerable, ie. losing
control. If that help is not given as promised, the feelings of betrayal
will be profoundly deep and will only confirm the Eight’s deepest
fears. They are alone. They are the only one they can count on.

6. Eights will not mind direct confrontational questions as long as they are
honest questions and posed respectfully. If you believe they are taking
control of something in their lives inappropriately or moving out of
their Gospel identity, be blunt. Eights respect people who can stand
up for themselves. This does not, however, mean that you should
engage in a battle to prove your point. Too many people have thought
that an Eight would respect them if they “battled” them. If you are an
Eight, give it a shot. If you are not...do not. Simply be clear in what
you are seeing or thinking, and hand it to Eights to do with it what
they will. Allow them the space to disagree.!


“Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses,
who trust in chariots because they are many and in horsemen
because they are very strong, but do not look to the Holy One of
Israel or consult the LORD!” (Isaiah 31:1)!

These are the words of the Lord to His people in the days when they forgot
what real strength was, when they forgot the stories of their God who was their
strong arm and their defense. Eight, there is a universe of difference between
strength that is conjured from the will of man and strength of faith that rests in
the Eternal One. Those who are in Christ are true children of Abraham,
children of the promise. Remember his seed’s folly, and remember their hope.!

“O God, we have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us,
what deeds you performed in their days, in the days of old:
you with your own hand drove out the nations, but them you
planted; you afflicted the peoples, but them you set free;
for not by their own sword did they win the land, nor did their own
arm save them, but your right hand and your arm, and the light of
your face, for you delighted in them.” (Psalm 44:1-3)
Do not let it stray from your mind that you are delightful to your Daddy. You are
delightful not because you are powerful, but because you are His. You were
bought with a price and you are precious. Your strength is not a gift to Him, it is
His gift to you. It is His gift to you and it comes on His terms.

Do not let your plans and schemes deceive you. You are not in control. Your
sight is not long. Do not waste your gifts serving your own need for security at
the expense of the Kingdom that will not pass away.!

“And he told them a parable, saying, ‘The land of a rich man

produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for
I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will
tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all
my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have
ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.’ But
God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and
the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is one who
lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.” (Luke

Your strength was not gifted to you for the purpose of running from faith, for
creating safety and control for yourself. What control do you possess? What
days do you have numbered and hold in the palm of your mighty hands? Read
the words of your God and know the difference between your control and His.
Listen and do not forget.!

“Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said: ‘Who
is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Dress for
action like a man; I will question you, and you make it known to me.
Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?
On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the
morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Or who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb,
when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling
band, and prescribed limits for it and set bars and doors, and said,
‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud
waves be stayed’?
Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and
caused the dawn to know its place, that it might take hold of the
skirts of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it?
It is changed like clay under the seal, and its features stand out like a
From the wicked their light is withheld, and their uplifted arm is
Have you entered into the springs of the sea, or walked in the
recesses of the deep?
Have the gates of death been revealed to you, or have you seen the
gates of deep darkness?
Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth?
Declare, if you know all this.
Where is the way to the dwelling of light, and where is the place of
darkness, that you may take it to its territory and that you may
discern the paths to its home?
You know, for you were born then, and the number of your days is
Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the
storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of trouble,
for the day of battle and war?
What is the way to the place where the light is distributed, or where
the east wind is scattered upon the earth?
Who has cleft a channel for the torrents of rain and a way for the
thunderbolt, to bring rain on a land where no man is, on the desert
in which there is no man, to satisfy the waste and desolate land, and
to make the ground sprout with grass?
Has the rain a father, or who has begotten the drops of dew?
From whose womb did the ice come forth, and who has given birth to
the frost of heaven? The waters become hard like stone, and the face
of the deep is frozen.
Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion?
Can you lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season, or can you guide
the Bear with its children?
Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their
rule on the earth
Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, that a flood of waters may
cover you?
Can you send forth lightnings, that they may go and say to you,
‘Here we are’?
Who has put wisdom in the inward parts or given understanding to
the mind?
Who can number the clouds by wisdom? Or who can tilt the water
skins of the heavens, when the dust runs into a mass and the clods
stick fast together?
Can you hunt the prey for the lion, or satisfy the appetite of the
young lions,

when they crouch in their dens or lie in wait in their thicket?
Who provides for the raven its prey, when its young ones cry to God
for help, and wander about for lack of food?” (Job 38:1-41)!

Eight, it is no small thing that you have been built as you are. Put your trust in
the identity that will not falter and learn to humbly walk in the Spirit. Let your
hand be upheld by the Mighty One of Israel. Let love and service flow from
your life like a spring that brings hope and refreshment in the desert.!

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his

might.” (Ephesians 6:10)

Nines have been gifted to both show and physically bring tangible Gospel
reckoning to the body of Christ. They are able to see and trust the best in
others, and help others to do the same. As they walk in the Spirit, they are at
peace with themselves and the world around them and are gifted to mediate
other’s troubles with a sensitivity and grace that no other number easily can.
They have the God-given ability to shine a brilliant Gospel light, with clear and
decisive understanding, into every other number’s experience.!


One of Jesus’ names from ancient times was the Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6). This
encapsulates His Messianic role on the cross, bringing us Peace with God. He is
our intercessor, standing at the right hand of the Father. These are His big
picture High Priestly roles, but the same characteristics are seen in smaller
aspects of His life. To understand this, we need look no further than His
ministry on earth and how He engaged people. Jesus gives Nines the beautiful
picture of the All-powerful One, who laid aside His glory to walk among, in the
middle of, man (Phil 2:7).!
The peace and reconciliation He brought was never cheap. His heart for peace
was never the “easy way out.” He always dealt with the core issues of the
individual who stood before Him. For the rich young ruler, He raised the bar to
show the man the depths of His own selfish sinfulness. To the woman caught in
adultery, He showed such unexpected mercy and protection that all those who
stood to execute her melted away without a word. This is the nature of Nines’
ability to engage in reconciliatory processes when they are unafraid. Jesus
shows what it looks like to walk with compassion and courage, love and
strength. Nines are gifted with both for a purpose and Jesus carries that balance
in absolute harmony. Perfect love drives out fear and so in fearless love, Jesus
ushered in His!

Father’s Kingdom, bringing peace with God through His death on the cross.
This is the act of gold, Nines unafraid to be significant. Jesus was the humble
servant, but that very fact is given as the reason that at His name every knee will
bow and tongue confess that He is Lord. That is significance. Nines shouldn’t
shoot for universal Lordship, but they should watch closely how Jesus
exemplifies their gold (Phil 2:5-11). The example is this, Jesus shows what
surrender to both serving and being exalted by God looks like. He humbled
himself, accepting a lowly state and with equal surrender accepted the role of
Lord of Lords. Both take courage for Nines. That is the journey.!


The Monster: Fear of instability, lack of peace, lives out of control.!

Key Flesh Tools: Peace at all costs, capitulation, disappearing into themselves.!

Driving Force: Nines have a deep desire for stability and harmony, which often
leads to avoiding conflicts. They resist outside pressures that seek to disrupt the
serenity of their worlds.!

Nines are generally affable fun men and women. They enjoy life and enjoy
enjoying life. People naturally like Nines. Part of the reason for that is the fact
that Nines like to keep things on an even keel. They have no desire for big
drama. This makes them well suited to be a foundational part of any community.
Like Sixes, they are a paternal piece of the Body of Christ.!

Nines want to make sure that all sides are heard, and not just that they have
heard every side, but that all sides have heard one another. For this reason, they
bring peace to their worlds. That fact also speaks to their need to be heard. This
quality draws people to Nines. People feel safe and cared for in the presence of
someone who will defend and listen to their side with such an open heart.!

Nines seem to connect instinctively to all of the other soul architectures very
naturally. In fact, it is not uncommon that Nines, upon receiving news that they
are Nines, will argue the fact and try to explain why they are every other number
except a Nine. Such a reaction is no mystery, they were built to understand
other architectures from the inside out.!

This trait can also make it difficult for Nines when they fear their worlds are
being disrupted by forces too big for them to handle. Nines retreat into
themselves and become no one...or everyone. They become a chameleon who
plays roles so that they don’t rock the boat.!

Denial is one of the chief crimes of Nines moving away from the Gospel. They
deny their own feelings and personhood in situations and relationships for the
sake of peace. They pretend to themselves that they “don’t care.” Turn left or
right, it’s all the same to them. But it is not all the same to them. They simply
begin to lose themselves to the urge to take the path of least resistance.!

Underneath, like all gut zone numbers, they are trying to control. They control
by surrendering to the wills and whims of others. They control by disappearing
and staying quiet, even when they have something to say. Underneath, however,
there is the gut zone problem of anger that is set to simmer and slowly the heat
is turned up in their flesh.

As we saw above, Nines’ giftedness lies deeply in their ability to bring God’s
peace and hope to His people at their times of doubt or crisis. To be that gift,
however, Nines must be rooted in their own identity that is centered in the
person and work of Christ. If Nines get caught up in the fears and anxieties of
their flesh they will find themselves unable to live out the extraordinary
adventure God has prepared for them in advance (Eph. 2:10).!

The journey of standing in the gap on behalf of others is an astonishingly joyful

activity for the Gospel centered Nines. Astonishing in the sense that, in the
flesh, there would have been nothing they would have been more committed to
avoiding than the kinds of situations that seem to fill their hearts and calendars
when they are walking in the Spirit. The joy that flows from trusting the Spirit
in their Gospel identity keeps them pressing toward people and God, instead of
hedging their bets and keeping a safe distance away.!

External relational tensions or life pressures no longer feel as threatening as

they once did to Nines because they are finding a true sense of stability and
unshakable peace in the person and work of Christ. That which they may have
always believed in theory becomes reckoned to their lives and identities, and all
who come in contact with Nines find the fragrance of Christ unmistakable.!

Nines stand in the middle of the gut zone, between the often volatile Eights and
the black-and-white thinking Ones. Thus they are the number most
disconnected from the aggressive feelings, making them the quieter and often
more restrained of the trio. However, Nines at the Spirit-led level are certainly
anything but passionless. When they are walking in their Gospel identity, they
no longer have to hide from parts of themselves that cause them shame or fear.
They can trust that God has made them as they are and He will bear His fruit in
its season if they wait and walk and trust in Him.!

Gospel-reckoned Nines are able to bring all of themselves to the relationships

God has placed them in. Instead of taking the paths of least resistance, they
begin to act with a kind of compassionate boldness that typifies Spirit-led
Nines. This is leadership quality of the Nine. It is a leading from alongside,
rarely over or under, but with. Nines becomes most powerful when the
relationships in their lives no longer dictate their sense of self or stability and
they are freed to serve with an open handed “nothing to lose” attitude toward
those who would have threatened their security in the past.!

All of these facts do not in any way mean that Spirit-led Nines feel they have
“arrived.” Quite the contrary. Nines are content to be on a journey toward grace
in the hands of their Savior, instead of seeking harmony in the hands of their
flesh on the path of least resistance. Nines walking in the Gospel are growing
more comfortable with the fact that everything is not in order, and that’s exactly
as things are prone to be in this fallen world. For non-Nines it may seem
obvious, but for Nines, that is a disconcerting truth when their flesh begins to
reign. Only the Gospel gives a glimpse into God’s kingdom at work through the
chaos. That is the peace the Spirit-led Nines begin to discover.!

This peace and hope in the Spirit comes with power for Nines, though many
Nines find that fact surprising. The more connected they become to their
identity in Christ, the more gifted and compassionate they find they are to
impart that vision to others. The power God has given Nines is the capacity to
see where the discord lies and to bring the power of grace to bear without
threat to the individual they are serving.!

They are seen as non-threatening because Nines truly do want what is best for
anyone they come in contact with. They want people to come to wholeness and
truth and they would defend their friends and family against anything keeping
them from it. Even situations that test their paradigms will find Nines taking the
more gracious route at the Spirit-led level. After all, the journey is toward God’s
grace and the power of His love and redemption. There are few people who do
not feel safe around Spirit-led Nines.!

Because Nines are most disconnected from their emotions of anger and control,
when they are Gospel-reckoned they have a very tranquil way about them.
Though they are willing to engage issues that cause others discomfort, they
often do so with a certain innocence and serene honesty. They are the gentle
refuge for many who find themselves embroiled in times of turmoil.!

No matter what Nines may have seen or experienced in their lives, at the
Gospel-reckoned level they return to a place of innocence, searching for a view
of the world through their Heavenly Father’s eyes. This may be one of the
reasons that many Nines love to connect with nature in a visceral way. They love
to touch and see that which reflects the fingerprints of God. It is almost as
though they are in search of the world that is untouched by the chaos that
continues to disturb their souls and indeed disturbs the very fabric of creation.!

These non-relational (people) connections with their Abba are very important
for Nines. Whether it is purely naturalistic or artistic, Nines gift mix and
intuition are charged with times of reflection and prayer. Their connection with
their Gospel identity, as with any core number, is their only mooring to their
true reality.

There was a time in Israel’s history that God looked for someone to stand in the
gap for those who would not, or could not stand for themselves. Ezekiel 22:30
says, “And I sought for a man among them who should build up the
wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not
destroy it, but I found none.”!

At their core architecture, Nines were built to stand in the gap. When they stand
assured of their own identity in Christ they are compelled to bring his peace to
the relationships around them. Because they withhold judgment, their
judgments when made are fair. Because they have not brought their own
worthiness into view, their wisdom is unclouded. There is no one more
equipped to stand in the gap of reconciliation than Gospel-reckoned Nines.!

When Nines are healthy, they are able to translate their own Gospel reckoning
into the experience of the person or people they are serving, and help them to
see how the Gospel is the answer to the problems they are dealing with. Nines
have deep insight into every other number and so their ability to translate the
Gospel to their fellow pilgrims is without equal.!
The beauty of Spirit-led Nines is that the candor that would have scared them
when they were protecting themselves by the power of the flesh, comes easily
when they are leaning heavily on their identity in the Gospel. They are no
longer afraid of conflict because they have learned that they have more than
enough resources to bring hope and grace to any situation if they hide
themselves in Christ.!

The leadership capabilities of Nines cannot be overstated, though it is not overt

in its design. Nines lead from within the group, instead of at the front. Even
when they are at the front there is a sense that they are just “one of the gals” or
“one of the guys.” This creates harmony within discordant factions. Nines who
are able to reckon their identity to the Gospel can lead without the need to call
attention to themselves, and for that reason they can lead a team, a community,
a Body.!


If at any point Nines fear that “getting involved” or “engaging” will threaten
their peace, their peace will indeed be threatened. This is the very monster their
fear will create. From fear, Nines begin to create the very scenarios by which all
of his or her fears will come true.!

Nines will begin to withdraw, to hesitate. They will begin to fear the
consequences of engaging people that God has placed in their path. The seed of
fear that will begin to sprout is a fear of conflict, and it will replace the boldness
that we saw at the Spirit-led levels. Quickly we will see that Nines waver when
faced with situations that have outcomes they feel are out of their control.!

The safest way for Nines to react to fear without disowning their Gospel beliefs
is to subscribe to a station within the Body of Christ that is less than who God
made them to be. They become stellar participants within a ministry or
community, and no one questions their spirituality or giftedness. Indeed, they
perform whatever duty they sign up for with great skill and loyalty, often
becoming the backbone of the ministry under the leadership of someone else
who will bear the brunt of any tenuous confrontations that may arise.!
The slide of Nines into flesh tools is a subtle one. It does not represent a denial
of what they believe at their core, but rather what they are willing to entrust to
the Gospel in their lives. Relationships and confrontation begin to become
looming and large to them, and they would rather avoid such instances

This fear of conflict is the beginning of the construction of their monster. If

Nines continue into their flesh, it will consume every part of their lives like a
dragon’s shadow passing over cities and vales and small towns. The answer they
long for will never be found in the safety of retreat, for God built them to
engage. If they heed the voice that tells them to retreat, they will begin to
believe in an identity that is the very opposite of what God created Nines to be.!

At this point in Nines’ lives, the lack of engagement may simply look like a lack
of opinion. They may let their spouse or their friends dominate the agenda of
everyday events. Nines may tell themselves that they don’t care, and indeed an
individual situation may not be important to them, but it is a step toward their
disappearance. Nines are becoming affable participants in their own lives,
people without an opinion, without a self. This is one of the most dangerous
tools in their flesh. It is dangerous in its subtlety. Capitulating to other’s desires
is not a sin. Faithlessly avoiding their God given birthright is.!

Riso and Hudson write, “At this stage the basic pattern we see is that Nines
lower their expectations of life and of themselves, and begin going along with
other people's wishes to avoid conflicts with them. In fact, the expectations of
society and of their peers begin to create a role into which Nines can disappear.
Everyone plays various roles in life, but in the case of average Nines, the role is
created by others and exists to fulfill their expectations and needs. Average
Nines want to blend in and to be unthreatening. Becoming too expressive or
assertive feels to them like ‘making a scene.’”23!

The “spiritual” mask of religion allowa Nines to tell themselves that they are
background persons, that they are fulfilling a vital role. If this was true a

23Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 6678-6682). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
Spiritual calling, then well and good. However, the mask of humility is one of
the hardest to discern and one that few fellow believers are likely to challenge.
If it is not a true calling then it is not true humility, it is a dishonoring of the gift
of the Nines creation. It is a running from Nineveh.!

To further camouflage this running, Nines will often attach themselves to a

person that they idealize in spiritual ways. They will attribute to them many of
the callings that God has placed on their own lives. Supporting such a person
makes Nines feel better about the backseat role they are coming to play in the

Flesh-led Nines feel most secure when their theology is in place and their role
is clear. They know what they are to believe and they know what they are to do.
If they can achieve both, all is well. They can simply exist and support or give
critical insight as necessary. Interestingly, it is usually those who are closest to
Nines that seem most dissatisfied with this arrangement. Usually those who
entered into relationships or employment with Nines expected more, and come
to resent and lash out at the lack of Spirit-led leadership from them. This will,
of course, do one of two things. It will either send Nines to Christ to find the
true answer, or send them deeper into hiding.!

If Nines decide to dig deeper into their flesh, they will often use stories of their
past to bolster the reasons for the actions, or lack thereof. The problem with
Nines’ logic is that, at a Kingdom level, the Gospel has the power to reshape the
past and bring redemption even to those things that we think are our greatest
justifications for sitting out. In truth, it is not those things that we see as
weakness that hinder God’s work in us, it is the stuff we think we have well in
hand. Nines, however, are afraid that engaging in conflict will result in similar
pain and strife to their past, and so they choose to further capitulate and
disappear. In submitting to that fear, Nines choose a path away from submission
to the hope of the Gospel, to redemption of their past stories or their future

Nines at this stage begin to put a great deal of effort into that capitulation
process. They try to keep everything stable for the people in their immediate
social circle. Ironically, if they could do nothing and avoid situations entirely,
they would, but they can’t. They find themselves in the middle of more
emotions and crisis than ever. Being members of the gut zone, this brings the
up feelings of anger, but Nines do not want to acknowledge that particular
feeling, as they know it would certainly unbalance things even further. So they
push it down with any other seemingly “unhelpful” emotions.!

Discussions of feelings always are difficult for Nines. Feelings beget more
feelings, like dominos in the people around them. There is no good or safe
reason to engage their feelings, and so Nines often find themselves at a loss to
articulate any feeling they experience at all. They would much rather know how
everybody else is feeling so that they can respond accordingly. Knowing other’s
feelings gives them a lever for control. Exposing their feelings opens a door for

Though engaging others’ emotions feels like “good service” to Nines, others may
feel like it is disengaged robotics. Nines at this flesh-led level do not understand
that the people in their lives expect relationships to have heated moments, give
and take, ebb and flow. By avoiding conflict, they have robbed friends and
family of the purposeful engagement that makes the relationships real.!

Unfortunately, this pressure does not often help Nines at this point. Nines are
simply not able to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, but they need
their brothers and sisters in the Body to help to carry the burdens which are
becoming altogether too heavy (Gal. 6). Bullying Nines into action is like poking
a turtle with a stick to get it to move faster. All you’ll see is it pulling further into
its shell.!

The shell for Nines who are hiding in their flesh looks like “everyday routine.”
They are like the father who comes home from work only to read the paper in
front of the evening news, or the mother who busies herself with chores at the
expense of actually sitting down to relate to the people in her home. The
Routine and the mundane is the comfortable and safe world in which the flesh
of the Nine feels most secure. Within that world, the problems and decisions
that threaten to unbalance their lives appear as if they cannot reach them.!
At this stage, Nines are still able to pass for “spiritual,” if somewhat
lackadaisical. They might simply throw themselves into “projects” or hobbies
that keep them busy. They may not come into the house because they work on
the yard or in the garage until the chaos of evening activities are done. They
may retreat to a craft room to scrapbook when they fear a storm is on the way.
On the surface each of these activities are easily justifiable in Nines’ minds and
even to those in the Nines’ lives... for a while.!

The sad cost to Nines hiding from life’s disturbances at home or work is that
their voice is no longer heard in the lives of the people they touch. They have
relegated their role to the nodding supporter of everyone else’s opinions. The
powerful Gospel voice that God has placed within Nines lies dormant, and both
Nines and their community suffers for their lack of engagement.!

As with any person who is living by the tools of their flesh, things do not stay
stable forever. Secret construction has been underway all along and the
monster has been built piece by piece. Nines do not realize that their
capitulation to others’ needs and views has begun to create “systems” or norms.
At home or work, expectations and behavioral patterns of others are established
that are now unacceptable to Nines. For example, a wife might stop asking her
husband’s opinion because he never has one. And for the sake of peace he
doesn’t say anything about not being asked anymore. Thus a pattern or system,
a norm is established in his life. Nines repeatedly accept substandard situations
for the sake of relative peace. But being a member of the gut zone means that a
very real anger begins to arise. Nines increasingly feel like a doormat, uncared
for, unheard, unseen.!

This is largely of their own making. They have set the rules by which others
now live and walk over them. Nines begin to withdraw for a new reason. They
are angry. But even their anger scares their flesh, for anger is that great emotion
that is sure to create the drama they have so carefully avoided. Thus they
withdraw further and hold their anger in. Passive aggressive expressions of their
emotions begin to emerge in their relationships.!
Once affable Nines become cold and distant at this stage. Nines have a natural
God given lightness to their person, a humor that draws people in and creates a
sense of hope and safety. When Nines get closer to losing control of their own
flesh, they become cynical and harsh. Their humor is cutting and bitter. The
only way they can find an outlet for the emotions they are trying to suppress is
through sharp and subtle words well placed.!

There is little of the prophetic hopefulness left in Nines at this juncture.

Everything has a kind of darkness to it. What insight they still have is defeatist
and discouraging to themselves and to those around them. Nothing feels like it
matters anymore. The routine that used to feel safe now feels like a cage. Nines
simply push through their daily grind.!

When this behavior gets them in relational trouble, Nines will mount a flesh
effort to appease the needs of the one they have offended, but the effort is often
short lived. Truly the flesh cannot be battled with flesh. Only a journey to the
cross will find redemptive hope for broken Nines.!

The fact that their concept of solutions to problems is more capitulation and
surface-level peacemaking, enflames problems more when they return to their
morose shell. Those that were looking for solutions lash out at Nines, who then
feel their own anger build. At this point, Nines have tried desperately to
suppress their anger, and most other emotions for that matter, buried deep. But
they are growing with each painful encounter.!

The best that Nines hope for at this stage is to simply be left alone. They want to
know what their function is and to be left to do it. If no one crosses them, they
can maintain some of their congenial old self, but to avoid the risk Nines keep
their head down more than ever. Isolation, even in the company of friends,
becomes normative.!


The crossing at which Nines move from using the tools of their flesh to being
controlled by them is one of the subtlest of all the core numbers. It is the point
when the opening of their shell seemingly closes entirely. They no longer have
any desire to come out to fix even the small problems that arise at home or
work. They only feel safe deep within themselves, stewing on all of the bad
feelings they have collected.!

If their spouses or close friends try to pry them out of their state, Nines will, on
the surface, react with bewildering passivity. Beneath, however, they will seethe
at the audacity of the individual who attempted to disrupt their “peaceful” state.
Anger has become the eclipsing core emotion for Nines at this phase. It is the
voice of the flesh that keeps the lock on the door of their heart, and Nines feel
perfectly safe when the bolt is drawn. The feeling of indignation has become
their comfortable companion.!

All of this dialogue occurs within the head, however. On the outside, Nines have
become so passive that no one knows how to react to them except according to
the established norms that they have helped to create. Because of that fact,
Nines continually engage in activities and conversations that they resent, fueling
the fire and inner dialogue that keeps them locked away.!

Nines’ flesh voice is very different than Eights’ in respect to the anger they
experience. Eights are rarely, if ever, conflicted about their anger. The inner
voice of Nines, however, gives rise to the fear of what would come if it was ever
brought to the surface. It is because of this mixed message that Nines must stay
hidden away. It is also because of this message that Nines at this stage become
the most attractive victims of abuse for dominating abusers. They are easily
controlled and mentally manipulated. They can keep a secret; their whole inner
world is a secret.!

The deeper Nines go, the less they want to make any decision. “I don’t care”
“Whatever”—these words are safe words for Nines living deep in their shell.
Even if the result leads them far from their actual desire, it was better than
some kind of action on their part that led to worse chaos. There is always worse
chaos, their confused heart tells them.!

Because Nines cannot deal with their own needs and are increasingly angry at
the needs of others, Nines controlled by the flesh will sometimes descend into a
deep depression. They will find themselves in a hopeless state where they do
not want to get out of bed or participate in life at all. Participation only will
bring more pain. Even the most trivial interactions cause pain at this point in
their lives.!

This is often the last straw for people who have suffered in relationships during
the descent of Nines into their flesh. Nines are no longer able to placate their
spouses or employers with trinkets of capitulation. They are too exhausted by
their own confusion and emotional wallowing.!

It is possible for Nines at this level to lose a job or spouses or have threats of
either. The finality of such confrontations are terrifying reality checks to Nines
who have been living in kinds of fantasy worlds of self-indulgence for a long
time. Unfortunately, the fact that they are becoming aware of the level to which
their behavior has affected those around them does not change the deeply
lethargic state they now find themselves in.!

If they do not seek help at this stage, serious problems will arise. It must be said
that there are two kinds of help that can be offered. One, of course is a Gospel
intervention. That someone would speak the Gospel into the life of Nines and
the power of the Holy Spirit would quicken their heart and their true journey
back to the truth would begin.!

The other kind of help is what is offered in many counseling situations. The
reality of the Nines situation will be firmly impressed and Nines will be
motivated to make changes. When this is accomplished, flesh tools will be
recommended. The best-case scenario is that Nines will rise back up to the
flesh-led levels and function once again in a way that is tolerable to themselves
and their communities. This is better than where Nines will go without any help
at all, but it is a far cry from the glorious hope that lies in the redemptive power
of the cross.!

If Nines do not get help, the reality of their lives slipping away will force them
to disappear further than they have yet gone. This step will place Nines in the
direct path of true clinical neurosis. Their depression and inability to act and
function in their world will increase. Their situation necessitates the creation of
a kind of fantasy within their shell that makes all of the, now horrific, realities of
their lives, disappear.!

Nines at this place of dissociation may not even truly understand what is
happening in their lives. The monster that they began to create by avoiding
conflict is now fully enfleshed. They avoid conflict by not truly admitting that
real life is real life. If Nines are confronted in their lethargic depressed state,
their stockpile of rage can erupt in deep frenzied denial.!

If Nines continue to be non-functioning in life, their descent will result in

further dissociation, and depending on their background can cause clinical
psychological problems.!

Riso and Hudson note that, “If Nines suffered chronic and extreme abuse as
children, they may be particularly prone to multiple personality disorder. This is
not to say that all multiple personality cases are Nines or that all unhealthy
Nines will develop multiple personalities, but there does seem to be some
overlap of these two conditions. In such cases, we can see how multiple
personalities can result from the individual's attempting to accommodate highly
conflicting emotional material and attempting to build an identity from it.”24!

The shell that began as a safe haven of protection becomes a prison and then
the whole world to Nines. There is only one key to truly unlock the door. Nines,
controlled by the flesh, have not come to a false identity so much as they have
rejected any identity. How desperately sad when considering the beautiful
architecture of their precious souls.!

When Nines trust the Spirit with their journey, pieces of redeemed Threes’
architecture begin to emerge. In the flesh, Nines want to move to the back, but

24Riso, Don Richard; Hudson, Russ (1996-10-29). Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for
Self- Discovery (Kindle Locations 6906-6909). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
with their Spirit-activated gold number they will step up and take initiative in
confidence. The gold component that lives within every Nine is that quality that
makes the people they serve want to listen and follow them. It gives their words

Threes, trusting the Spirit, move with purpose and decisive action, both of
which take great faith for Nines to engage in without fear. Thus it is faith that
gives rise to the gold number in Nines. Nines embrace the emotions that
compel their actions toward their gold number, because they trust that those
emotions are a part of their creation and have a purpose.!

As Nines discover Spirit-led attributes of Threes, inactivity and peace are not
synonymous. They are seen as potentially opposed to one another. Nines see
that only by stepping into their role in the body and taking the responsibilities
God has given them will they find themselves truly at peace and bringers of
God’s peace.!

Threes also desire significance. This is a mixed blessing in their architecture.

However, when Nines encounter Spirit activated parts of the Three in their
lives, they cease to shrink from the responsibility that comes with prominence
in the lives of the people around them. They rise to whatever place or position
God has called them to. They do not do it for their own glory or satisfaction. On
the contrary. Their flesh would pull them down from any pedestal. It is a step of
faith. It is a holy trust in their Daddy who will keep them in the midst of
whatever position He places them.!

They are still at their core Nines. Therefore, this new passion to act is not
without balance. Rather, it is a great fulfillment of their pace and process. They
do not find that they are frantic in their engagements, but have the capacity
within the power of the Holy Spirit to simply be deeply present in the lives of
all those who come into their paths.

If Nines begin to use the tools of their flesh to control their fears of chaos in
life, they will find that certain unhealthy traits of Sixes will also emerge in their
architecture. Sixes, at flesh levels, feel a great deal of anxiety and insecurity
concerning life and so they try to “manage” their situation through over-

Like Sixes, Nines feel that the onus to stabilize life rests squarely on their
shoulders. Thus, in the flesh, Nines begin to busy themselves like Sixes. Doing
something, anything can give Nines, in their shadow number, a sense of control
over their growing anxiety. Gathering information and forming strategies can
also soothe the growing voice of fear and panic.!

The secondary number Six only magnifies the Nines’ pessimism as life’s
problems remain unresolved or escalate. There is a certain protection in never
expecting anything to ever work that Sixes in their flesh bring to Nines’ flesh
tool kit. This obstinate morbidity gives Nines justification for further

Nines who move to their shadow number Six will crawl into their shell and
begin to mull over those things that hurt or scare them. Like the Six, they will
spin story after story, each one less helpful than the last. These stories will fuel
their anger and keep them disengaged.!

As Nines become entrenched in their flesh, the shadow number Six creates an
outlet for the pent-up anger that Nines have been storing. Sixes at their
enslaved levels are more aggressive than Nines, and thus the shadow number
can surprise even Nines with its power to generate outbursts. Nines can become
volatile, even violent when acting out of its Six. Sixes becomes the match to the
fuse that ignites the powder keg of all the pain that is stored within the Nines’


THE “98”!
Nines with an Eight wing combine the individual who desires to mediate peace,
to hear other’s sides of an issue, with the concise action of an Eight. They act
with more force of character when situations require it and are not afraid to
champion justice with a more traditional leadership approach.!

Sometimes the conflicting nature of Nines and Eights are confusing to Nines’
hearts. Part of them wants to press forward while the other wants to withdraw.
However, with this secondary type, if Nines walk in the Spirit, they are able to
lead from the middle of the community with extraordinary effectiveness. They
are outgoing, without being the center of attention.!

Nines are a great complimentary core to the secondary Eight. The Nine core
keeps the individual from feeling the need to dominate. Nines can more easily
sustain a grace walk, serving others in submission to Christ. It creates a laid-
back but powerful personality. Thus 98s are in the perfect position to be of great
assistance to the many people with whom they come in contact. They are often
the practical problem solvers of needs that others would not be able to handle
on their own.!

If the flesh comes into play, the secondary number Eight brings added fire to
Nines’ tool belts. They are likely to take justice or retribution to confrontational
places. Their protective instincts will be far more belligerent than 91s. Their
tempers will be bombastic, and the more unhealthy they get, the less they will
care about the consequences of their actions.!

The secondary number Eight can add a stubborn pride to 98s as well. In the
flesh they can believe that they need to create peace with their solutions, their
insights. They begin to try to lead from the front, instead of from within, and
often simply confuse the people they are trying to lead.

The “91”!
Nines with a secondary number One usually spend more time in their heads
than 98s. They are more analytical and reserved. The One side of their character
pushes them toward ideas and ideals that form the basis for their actions, while
the core Nine keeps them controlled and sometimes repressed.!

91s, like core Ones, have a deep concern for their personal honor and reliability
when they are walking in the Spirit. They feel that what they bring to others
lives must be reflected in their own. These actions and paradigms are based on
their set of clear beliefs. When they are walking in the Spirit and willing to step
up to leadership roles in their lives, they do not feel that they need to tell others
how to be, so much as they want to draw alongside and live with others. 91s
have a quiet strength that people come to trust and admire.!

If 91s begin to move into their flesh, the ideals and convictions that they see
clearly become foundations for a growing judgmental attitude, but their core
Nine attributes keep them quietly resenting those who do not live up to their
standards. The Two numbers together work toward passive aggressive
tendencies that see a great deal of subdued anger and only serve to push Nines
deeper into their flesh.!

91s use their ideals as a kind of hedge to hide themselves and their emotions.
They will justify their rising tide of anger and their withdrawal into isolation
with well-formed idealistic arguments, but will still do everything in their power
to stay disengaged from the actual problems. 91s who continue to descend into
their flesh will live more and more in their heads, globalizing problems and
becoming very cynical individuals. They over exaggerate individual issues to
endorse their disconnected feelings and soon become comfortable with their
pitiable state.!


If you are in a relationship with Nines, whether it is a family dynamic, church
group or working relationship, here are some thoughts for how to encourage
them toward their Gospel reckoning:!
1. Remember who God made them to be. Do not place your soul 

architecture on them as if they are thinking and responding like you 

would in any given situation.

2. Don’t try to pressure Nines into action without establishing rapport. If 

Nines feel threatened by the group, they will move into capitulation to
establish peace. It is the group’s job to let Nines move at their own
pace. Don’t steal the Nines’ epiphanies. Let them come to their own
conclusions. Trust the Spirit to do His work as you patiently hold
forth the Gospel to them.

3. Directly ask Nines to give you ways that you can encourage them to be
the man or woman that God built them to be.

4. Ask the Nines about their feelings concerning issues in their lives. Try to
stick to joy, anger, sadness, fear and shame. It will be difficult for
Nines, but important. Remember that they would rather focus on the
emotions of others than on their own, but this is as likely as not a tool
of their flesh to keep a sense of control within reach.

5. Encourage Nines to lead. If you have been in a position where you have
been making all of the decisions, there is a good chance that the
Nines have allowed that to become the norm. Step aside and let Nines
begin to step forward. Do this gently without pressured time frames.

6. As Nines relay stories of their personal lives, ask questions concerning

their involvement in the lives of the people they are talking about. Are
they living up to their potential as bridge builders to Gospel hope?
This must be done without judgment or condemnation. At the same
time, Nines may need to face the fact that some of their choices are
enacting the desires of the flesh instead of trusting the Spirit.

7. Learn what the Nines’ personal forms of the “disappearing” act looks like
and discuss it with them in private. Ask if they see it. If they do, come
up with a language that you can use to call them on it in real time
when you see it. Talk through the ways that their “disappearing” is
only increasing the problems they are avoiding instead of bringing the
peace they are searching for.

8. Give clear verbal affirmation when Nines engage an issue head-on and do
not shrink away. Let them know when you see them living out their
Gospel architecture.


The life that is daily reckoned to the Gospel is the life that is anchored to !
the unshakable truths of God. When you feel yourself slipping into the trap of
trying to achieve “peace” by your own devices, remember these facts.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government

shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, it’s His name, and you are not the Lord. There is
nothing you can accomplish better than He can, and there is nothing you can’t
accomplish by the power of His Spirit in you. It is in His character to
accomplish these things. Even in the hour when Jesus was to be abandoned by
His friends He spoke encouragement to them, and these words He speaks to

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In
the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome
the world.” (John 16:33)

His words bring peace. Therefore you must remember that, “to set the mind
on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and
peace.” (Romans 8:6) Guard your heart and mind by thinking on the things of
the Spirit. To set your mind, to over-desire the things of the flesh, will only
bring you to ruin. You will create the very things you fear. You were built for a
unique purpose. Fill your life with the bold activities you were fashioned for.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of
God.” (Matthew 5:9)

You have been built to bring the peace and hope of the Gospel into broken
lives and strained relationships. Yours is a high calling. Yours is a deep Kingdom

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of
righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus
serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let
us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.” (Romans

Remember, to bring such peace and to act as God’s agent of Gospel hope in this
fallen world, you must discover it in your own life first. Apply your mind and
heart to discovering the love of your Daddy and the identity that lies hidden
within your Sacred Brother. May your life shine with the full radiance of God’s
character in your soul’s architecture. Never forget whose child you are.

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He
will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by his love; He
will exult over you with loud singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)

The Journey Begins
The adventure towards a Gospel reckoned destination is a long one. Reckoning
does not come from information, it comes from trusting the Spirit on the road
of life. Don’t ever believe that there is some book that will give you the “silver
bullet” to put your heart in order. That’s just not the way it works.

Work out your salvation. Explore your identity in Christ with freedom and with
friends. Hunt down your flesh and drag it before the throne of grace. Your
Daddy is waiting for you there.

There are many practical tools to help you begin to apply the principles in this
book. However, I have taken them out of this work. Over the year-and-a-half
that scores of people used this book before publication, I found, almost without
fail, folks wanted to get to the practical before they really processed the
principles. Thus, you will not find the practical here any longer. Go back to
those first chapters on your Gospel understanding. Read through your Core
Number chapter again. Find what fits and what doesn’t. Watch how you play out
your architecture in real life.

When you have done that, then grab a friend and take the practical journey.!

“May the Lord bless you and keep you

May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you
May the Lord lift up His countenance to you and bring you
peace” (Numbers 6:24-26)!


Vintage Christian Coaching Center!
Coaching in the Christian context is what pastoring is meant to be at its best. It
is knowing an individual and helping to communicate a view of who they are
from the Father’s perspective instead of the Accuser’s. It’s someone who loves
you without strings attached and helps you to apply your life in each of its
varied seasons, to the Gospel narrative. It is someone with experience and
insight, but more than that, someone with the gift of discernment and the
patience to wait on the Holy Spirit for the deepest answers needed for
miraculous Spirit-led transformation.!

The basic difference between coaching and counseling in this context is that
counseling is most often reactionary. An individual is struggling with an aspect
of their life or thoughts, and the counselor helps them to chart a different
course. Coaching, on the other hand, is not only given to those who find
themselves in dire straits. It is for the individual who simply wants to grow, to
excel in their faith walk. There is overlap between coaching and counseling, for
that walk leads us all into broken areas of our lives.!

Vintage Christian Coaching Center (VCC) is a place that offers individuals and
couples the opportunity to be loved and shepherded pastorally, personally. Let
us pause here to carefully define our words. Ephesians 4 tells us what it means
to pastor someone. Simply stated, it is to help to equip a Christian to serve. God
gives the position and then in keeping with Christ’s example, we do it on our
knees as the servant.!

Christ came to bring us life and freedom. Conversely, our flesh wants something
that can be controlled, quantified and understood. The only way to enter into
life by power of the Spirit and deny the urgent needs of the flesh is to grow ever
deeper in our identity in Christ, a story rooted in the Gospel.!
From that new identity, real relationships, ministry and Godly order flow. If we
fake our faith by the power of the flesh, then our identity becomes muddled
and confused. On one hand we have a life of good works, backed by many
verses and texts that justify our existence. On the other hand, we have lives that
are decaying and falling apart from the inside.!

At VCC we have only one core tool. All other methodologies or experiments
come back to this one fundamental question that must be reckoned in every
aspect and area of our lives. “Who are we in Christ?”!

Identity must not come from success or struggles in life, ministry, titles or
positions. It must not attach itself to harmony or discord in the home. The
Christian’s identity must not become affixed to the accusations of the devil
regarding the struggles of the flesh, pride in success, of sin or its management.
Identity must always and only come from the finished work and person of Jesus
Christ and what it means to the individual as a redeemed child of God.!

“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not

only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your
own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in
you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” (Philippians

This work is not a short jaunt, but a grand adventure. Everything in our lives
pushes us toward identity attachment outside of Christ because those things are
just so much more tangible, easier to quantify. We have boards and committees
that set bars, evaluation forms with numbers and targets, spouses that hold
expectations, and employers that have paid hard cash for us to do our jobs well.
Are not these expectations reasonable? In many cases yes, in others, no. In all
cases, they have nothing to do with our identity.!

VCC is a long slow walk with pastors committed to holding up the mirror and
the searchlight of the Gospel into as many corners of a pilgrim’s life as can be
found. There is no graduation. The goal is for the participant to develop the
tools to walk the path God has placed them on with confidence and freedom.!
There is a great misconception in western education that has infected our faith.
Many have come to believe that learning information and knowing truth are the
same thing. We do not believe that is the case. We have found that there is often
a six to eighteen month gap between understanding and beginning to live like
we really believe what we’ve heard.!

We at VCC do not believe Jesus is in a cosmic rush to arrive at some destination

in our lives. God demonstrates throughout Scripture His penchant for taking
the long way around in teaching and refining His saints. Sometimes we forget
that Paul did not simply go to the desert to learn for three years (let’s call that
seminary). But after that, he failed in ministry at Damascus, then Jerusalem and
went home to obscurity for around a decade before his first missionary journey.
Oh the slow walk is a painful one in a society that orders its food from the
windows of cars with their engines still running.!

“ Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself,
“Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall
Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Genesis 17:17)!

Every walk needs a path, ours has five phases. The specifics of these phases can
vary based on the participants, their life context, their life experience, whether
or not they are married, etc.!

PHASE ONE: When a participant begins their journey, they must focus on
their own Gospel identity. Sometimes we jump too quickly into trying to fix our
“issues” or our “struggles,” when the problem has been lying deeply embedded
in our own hearts for years. In phase one, the participant explores their own
story, looking for the false narratives that have crept in, the voices that have
brought accusation and condemnation.!

The goal in this phase is foundation for all of the others. It will address the
questions, Do I truly understand the Gospel? And, Can I begin to see myself as
God sees me and let that begin to shape my life and relationships?!

PHASE TWO: As their own Gospel stories and identities become clearer, the
participant will turn toward the significant relationships they have in their life.
That could be a spouse, a parent, children, etc. In this phase the participant is
now ready to address their relationship with other, learning to honor whom the
other person is in Christ. They will begin to learn how to view the other’s lives
through the lens that person’s architecture instead of their own.!

Often, marriage counseling begins with marriage tools. Tools can be wonderful
things, but we have found they are Band-Aids over much deeper needs if the
Gospel is not central and each spouse does not reflect the highest view of the
redeemed version of their spouse in the home.!

“‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to
his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ This mystery is
profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.
However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife
see that she respects her husband.” (Ephesians 5:31-33)!

Marriage itself is one of the most wonderful pictures God has given us with
which to understand our relationship to him and the mysterious journey that
unfolds in Christ. That is what we want to discover in our marriages. Happy
homes, conflict free homes, weekly date nights and more romance are pale,
insipid substitutes for the awesome mystery of a couple living out a marriage
saturated in the story of the Gospel.!

In this phase, if the participant has children, they will also begin exploring what
it looks like to apply the Gospel to their children, if they have children. This
comes in two forms. First, how do they teach their children what the Gospel
looks like in word and example? Second, how should their responses and
reactions to their children’s decisions and actions best reflect their belief in the

“Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become

discouraged.” (Colossians 3:21)!

PHASE THREE: Now that there has been a great deal of up close and personal
application of the Gospel to others within the participant’s world, it is time to
take that work into their Church context.!
As the participant grows in their understanding of their soul architecture, they
will grow in their concept of how they are uniquely built to fill a vital role as a
gift to the Body of Christ. To do this, they must begin to take courageous steps
of service and give the love and compassion of the Gospel to those people
around them, some of whom may frustrate their efforts.!

“For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot
should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,”
that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear
should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,”
that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body
were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body
were an ear, where would be the sense of smell?” (1 Corinthians 12:14-17)!

In this Phase, the participant begins to find out the true joys of “belonging” to a
Church. Love and service through a Gospel-reckoned lens begins to shape their
activities, choices, and the way they perceive the people around them.!

“And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to

you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided
to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling,
and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of
wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your
faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” (1
Corinthians 2:1-5)!

PHASE FOUR: The final phase of the program deals with the Gospel in the
participant’s community. Some of the greatest gifts God has given to us to
discover the mess and the miracle of the Gospel, are the very people who live
around us who are not in our churches.!

In this phase the participant will explore what it looks like to live the Gospel
out in that world. There are few things more effective for growing up in our
faith than to learn to, and take the time to, be outside of the walls of the church.!
This phase is important for a number of reasons. In the most personal sense, it
brings to light issues of grace and mercy which are practically very different
than applying the Gospel anywhere else. These experiences add richness to our
own Gospel lens with which we apply the Gospel in our own lives, but it also
complicates it, frustrates it, and brings up hard questions. Jesus loves taking us
on those kinds of adventures.!

“On that day , when evening had come, he said to them, ‘Let us go
across to the other side.’ (The gentile side...) They came to the other
side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. And when Jesus had
stepped out of the boat, immediately there met him out of the tombs
a man with an unclean spirit. He lived among the tombs. And no one
could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, for he had often
been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains
apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength
to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and on the
mountains he was always crying out and bruising himself with
stones…” (Mark 4:35, 5:1-5)!

We end the journey where we begin, with self-confrontation. With a mirror and
a spotlight. Not one that is simply shining on the unchurched, but one that
illuminates more crevices of our own hearts that we want to see dragged to the
cross. Now, we hope to have the courage and the tools to boldly go into places
we would have feared, with the confidence that flesh control is overrated, and
that the Gospel will have the answers for all that is necessary.!

Vintage Christian Coaching Center is located on the central coast of California

in San Luis Obispo County, a half-way point between Los Angeles and San
Francisco. We offer on site coaching and distance coaching via Skype sessions.
If you would like to know more about VCC or you would like to apply to
participate, contact VCC through:!

or call us at 805-296-1120!


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