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Br7B ish Journal of Ophthalmology 1996;80:702-707


Functional anatomy of the levator palpebrae

superioris muscle and its connective tissue system
A Ettl, S Priglinger, J Kramer, L Koornneef

Abstract to the level of the culmination point of the

Aimslbackground-The connective tissue LPS, the ligament itself is unlikely to sus-
system of the levator palpebrae superioris pend the levator muscle. However, a
muscle (LPS) consists of the septa sur- suspension of the LPS may be achieved by
rounding its muscle sheath, the superior the radial connective tissue septa of the
transverse ligament (STL) commonly re- superior orbit. The TSFE in connection
ferred to as 'Whitnall's ligament' and the with the globe may have an additional
common sheath which is the fascia be- supporting function. The elasticity of
tween the LPS and the superior rectus Whitnall's ligament and its connections
muscle (SRM). The anterior band-like with highly elastic structures including
component ofthe common sheath is called Tenon's capsule, may provide the mor-
transverse superior fascial expansion phological substrate for the previously
(TSFE) of the SRM and LPS. It mainly proposed passive (that is, without orbicu-
extends from the connective tissue of the laris action) lowering of the lid during
trochlea to the fascia of the lacrimal downward saccades.
gland. A detailed description of the rela- (BrJ Ophthalmol 1996;80:702-707)
tion between the LPS and its connective
tissue is presented. Furthermore, the
course of the LPS in the orbit is described.
The study was conducted to provide a
morphological basis for biomechanical The preservation of the suspensory connective
and clinical considerations regarding tissue system of the levator palpebrae superi-
ptosis surgery. oris muscle (LPS) is regarded to be an impor-
Methods-Postmortem dissections were tant principle in ptosis surgery.' According to
performed in 16 orbits from eight cadav- the literature, the superior transverse ligament
ers. The microscopical anatomy was dem- (STL) represents the main part of the suspen-
onstrated in six formalin preserved orbits sory system of the LPS.' 2
from six cadavers which had been The superior transverse ligament (Whit-
sectioned in the frontal and sagittal plane nall's), is a condensation of the fascial sheath of
and stained with haematoxylin and the LPS on its superior surface which extends
azophloxin. Surface coil magnetic reso- from the connective tissue complex of the tro-
nance imaging in the sagittal and coronal chlea medially, to the capsule of the orbital
plane was performed in five orbits from lobe of the lacrimal gland and the orbital wall
Orbital Center, five normal volunteers using a Ti laterally. The STL has also bilateral connec-
Department of weighted spin echo sequence. tions to the horns of the aponeurosis. The STL
Opthalmology, Results-The STL and the TSFE sur- is largely located in the transitional zone
Academic Medical round the LPS to form a fascial sleeve between muscular levator and the aponeuro-
Center, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands around the muscle which has attachments sis.,.3
A Ettl to the medial and lateral orbital wall. The In some patients with congenital2 and
L Koornneef TSFE, which is thicker than the STL, involutional4 ptosis, the STL has been ob-
blends with Tenon's capsule. The STL and served to be atrophic or dehiscent. It has been
Department of the fascial sheath of the LPS muscle are suggested that these cases may benefit from
Ophthalmology, suspended from the orbital roof by a repair of Whitnall's ligament in addition to
General Hospital, St
Polten, Austria framework of radial connective tissue conventional ptosis surgery.2 4
A Ettl septa. MR images show that the TSFE is The function of the STL has been controver-
located between the anterior third of the sially discussed: Whitnall' stated that the STL
Institute for superior rectus muscle and the segment of would act as a check ligament of the LPS.
Orthoptics, Hospital the LPS muscle where it changes its However, Lemke et al 5 noted that the ligament
Barmherzige Brfuder, course from upwards to downwards. In
inz, Austria is not under tension during lid closure and
S Priglinger this area, the LPS reaches its highest point Dutton6 believes that the check function of the
in the orbit (cunlmination point). The STL is not significant under physiological con-
CT and MRI Institute, culmination point is located a few milli- ditions. Anderson and Dixon2 mentioned that
Linz, Austria metres posterior to the equator and supe- larger amounts of levator resections are re-
J Kramer rior to the globe. quired if Whitnall's ligament is severed and
Correspondence to: Conclusion-Whitnall's ligament can be therefore recommended its preservation dur-
Dr med Armin Ettl, considered to consist of two distinct ing ptosis surgery. They suggested that the
Kaiserwaldweg 55 a, A-8010 parts-the TSFE inferior to the LPS and superior transverse ligament would act as a ful-
Graz, Austria. the STL superior to the LPS. Since the crum which translates the anteroposterior
Accepted for publication medial and lateral main attachments of force of the LPS into a vertical upward motion
17 May 1996 Whitnall's ligament are situated inferior of the eyelid. Boergen and Scherz' who cut
Functional anatomy of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle and its connective tissue system 703

Whitnall's ligament during large levator resec- the medial palpebral ligament, and check liga-
tions, stated that 'negative consequences' were ment of the medial rectus muscle. Laterally,
not observed following this procedure. there are weak attachments to the superolateral
The so called 'common sheath' is the periorbit via the fascia of the lacrimal gland
intermuscular fascia between the LPS and the (Fig 2). More firm extensions insert into the
SRM.8 Fink9 has called its anterior part the lateral retinacular complex which includes the
'transverse superior fascial expansion (TSFE) lateral palpebral ligament, the lateral check
of the levator and superior rectus muscles'. ligament, and the adjacent periorbit. The
Whitnall,' Jones,8 and Dutton6 briefly men- medial attachment of the fascial sleeve of the
tioned the relation between the STL and the LPS is much thicker than the lateral attach-
common intermuscular fascia. ment. Thin connective tissue septa pass in a
The architecture of the connective tissue more or less radial orientation from the STL
system of the orbit contributes to the course of through the preaponeurotic fat pad to the peri-
the extraocular muscles and therefore ma have orbit of the orbital roof and margin (Fig 3).
important functional implications.'0 The The STL is connected to the LPS with
present study was undertaken to investigate the stronger attachments at the medial and lateral
course of the LPS muscle and its relation to the borders of the muscle. Loose connective tissue
connective tissue system of the superior orbit. connects the TSFE with the overlying LPS and
For this purpose, high resolution magnetic the underlying SRM. Firm connections exist
resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in between the LPS and the SRM at their margins
vivo in addition to anatomical and histological (Fig 4). The TSFE extends from the fascia of
studies. A series of photographs of macro- the lacrimal gland (Fig 2) towards the connec-
scopic dissections is shown in order to illustrate tive tissue of the superior oblique tendon and
the morphological relations for the eyelid the trochlea (Fig 5). It starts at a level below
surgeon. the STL and extends posteriorly for about 10
mm. The TSFE sends delicate connective
Material and methods tissue fibres into the superior fornix, previously
Macroscopic anatomical dissections were per- described as the 'suspensory ligament of the
formed in 16 orbits from eight unfixed superior fornix' (Fig 4).
cadavers (age range 40-85 years) via a If the LPS is reflected and the TSFE is care-
transconjunctival or a combined transcutane- fully incised, the bare surface of the SRM and
ous and transcranial approach. the sclera is exposed indicating that the TSFE
En bloc excised and formalin fixed orbits represents a condensation of Tenon's capsule
from six cadavers (age range 26-73 years) which blends with the fascial sheath of the
which had been decalcified with ethylenedi- muscles in this area (Fig 6).
amine tetra-acetic acid, embedded in celloidin, Histological sections in the frontal plane
serially sectioned (60 gm) in the frontal plane (Fig 7) confirm that the STL and the TSFE
(n=3 orbits) and in the sagittal plane (n=3 unite at the medial and lateral borders of the
orbits), and stained with haematoxylin and LPS and extend further laterally to the capsule
azophloxin'0 were analysed microscopically. of the lacrimal gland and medially to the
MRI of the orbit was performed in five connective tissue of the trochlea. The TSFE
volunteers (age range 29-54 years), after blends with Tenon's capsule. Fibres from the
consent had been obtained, on a 1 Tesla scan- TSFE course inferiorly to insert into the
ner (Impact, Siemens, Germany) using a connective tissue of the medial and lateral rec-
surface coil with a diameter of 10 cm. Oblique tus muscle. Posterior to the equator of the
sagittal (sections parallel to the optic nerve) globe, the common sheath blends with the
and coronal (sections in the frontal plane) Ti superolateral intermuscular septum and with
weighted images of the orbit were obtained by Tenon's capsule medially. Throughout the
spin echo sequences with an echo time (TE) of length of the entire orbit, a network of radial
15 ms and a repetition time (TR) of 440-520 septa connects the fascial sheath of the LPS
ms. The slice thickness was 2-3 mm and there with the periorbit of the orbital roof. Radial
was no gap between slices. The field of view in septa are also abundant in the region of the
the original images ranged between 140 x 140 STL. The TSFE is considerably thicker than
mm with a 256 x 256 matrix and 230 x 230 the STL. Sagittal sections demonstrated that
mm with a 512 x 512 matrix. The acquisition the thickness of the fascia between the LPS and
time was between 2 and 13 minutes. Images the SRM (common sheath) is continuously
were taken with both eyes closed (resting posi- increasing from the posterior orbit towards the
tion in slight downgaze). anterior orbit until it reaches its greatest thick-
ness of about 2-3 mm in the area of the TSFE.
Results Small amounts of adipose tissue are also noted
ANATOMY in the space between the LPS and the SRM.
The STL and the TSFE unite at the medial
and lateral margins of the LPS just proximal to MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
the musculotendinous junction thus com- On sagittal images (Fig 8), the LPS courses
pletely surrounding the LPS muscle (Fig 1). upwards from its origin until it reaches a
This fascial sleeve has attachments to the culmination point (most cranial point) from
orbital walls medially and laterally. Medially, it where it courses downwards to the insertion in
joins the connective tissue of the trochlea and the upper lid. In resting position (closed lids,
superior oblique muscle tendon (Fig 1). There eye in slight down gaze), the culmination point
are also extensions to the medial levator horn, is 14-16 mm posterior to the superior orbital
704 Ettl, Priglinger, Kramer, Koornneef

Figure I Antrior approach dissection (right upper lid) Figure 2 Posterior approach dissection (right upper lid).
Following a lid crease incision, the levator palpebrae Following a conjunctival incision, the LPS (1) has been cut
superioris (LPS) (1) has been cut anteriorly and pulled Folywand pulled upwards. Laterally the STL (2) and
forwards. The superior
transcivexnseligent(STS (2)
superior transverse ligament (STL) (2) and
the transverse superiorfascial expansion (TSFE)) (3)
the TSFE (3) extend to the capsule of the lacrimal(2ad
(5). SRM~insertion (4).
surround the LPS to form a fascial sleeve around the
muscle. The superior rectus muscle (SRM) tendon (4) is
under the TSFE. Medially, Whitnall's ligament inserts into
the connective tissue complex (5) of the superior oblique
tendon (6) and the trochlea.

Figure 4 Posterior approach dissection (right upper lid).

TSFE (3) between the LPS (1) and the SRM (4). The
medial connections between SRM and LPS are thicker
than the lateral connections. The suspensory ligament of the
Figure 3 Posterior approach dissection (right upper lid). superior fornix (9) can be traced from the TSFE towards
the conjunctivalfornix (10) which is outlined with a piece
The orbital septum (6) has been reflected upwards and the ofpaper.
levator muscle (1) has been pulledforwards. The
preaponeurotic fat pad (7) has been elevated to show the
radial septa (8) running from the STL (2) through the fat
pad towards the orbital roof.

Figure 6 Posterior approach dissection (right upper lid).

The TSFE (3) has been incised horizontally and reflected
upwards: the reflected part of the superior oblique tendon
Figure 5 Posterior approach dissection (right upper lid). (13), the SRM (4), and the bare surface of the sclera (14)
The connections between LPS (1) and SRM have been are now exposed. No distinct separation between the TSFE
dissected off and the LPS has been reflected upwards to and Tenon's capsule is found.
show the TSFE (3) extendingfrom the lacrimal gland (not
globe (vertical distances). The length of the
visible) towards the connective tissue complex (11) of the
levator aponeurosis between the upper tarsal
superior oblique tendon and the trochlea. Tenon's capsule
(12) is overlying the insertion of the SRM. border and the culmination point measures
22-25 mm. The length of the LPS between its
margin and 5-7 mm posterior to the equator of origin and the culmination point measures
the globe (horizontal distances). The culmina- 36-40 mm.
tion point is located 9-11 mm superior to the Fine septa are visualised between the upper
annulus tendineus and 4-5 mm superior to the part of the aponeurosis and the supraorbital
Functional anatomy of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle and its connective tissue system 705

On coronal slices through the equator of the

globe, the TSFE is noted between SRM and
LPS. The medial and lateral main attachments
of Whitnall's ligament are visualised extending
from the trochlea to the lacrimal gland and the
lateral orbital wall (Fig 9).
-19 The STL and the TSFE, form a fascial sleeve
around the LPS which is attached to the
medial and lateral orbital wall like an arc (Fig
10). Since the TSFE9 is connected to the STL
and appears as a firm band-like structure, it has
been referred to as the 'lower part ofWhitnall's
ligament' as opposed to the 'upper part of
Whitnall's ligament' representing the STL
(Priglinger S et al, Anatomie des Lig Whitnall
und des oberen Muskelbindegewebsapparates
der Orbita. Presented in 1991 at the 25th Stra-
bismus Symposium of the Austrian Ophthal-
mological Society in St P6lten, Austria). Lukas
Figure 7 Histological section through a right orbit in the frontal plane at the level of the
trochlea (1 1). T'he STL (2) and TSFE (3) blend at the borders of the LPS (1) and extend 14
laterally to the capsule of the orbital lobe of the lacrimal gland (S) and medially to the
connective tissue of the trochlea ( 1) At this level, the straight eye muscles are located
within Tenon's capsule (12) and the TSFE blends with it. The TSFE is considerably
thicker than the STL. Fibres of the TSFE extend to the connective tissue of the lateral (18)
and medial rectus muscles (19). Radial septa (8) connect the STL with the superior
periorbit. Lateral check ligament (20), inferior rectus muscle (21), inferior oblique muscle 3-
(22). Haematoxylin and azophloxin, original magnification 2.Sx. 11- -5
87 3 1 4
19- -18

21- -22
Figure 9 Coronal MRI scan of a left orbit at the level of
the trochlea. The connections between the aponeurosis (1)
and the SRM (4) belong to the TSFE (3). Extensions of
9- Whitnagl's ligament to the trochlea (11), to the check
ligament of the medial rectus muscle (19) and to the lateral
orbital wall and the orbital lobe of the lacrimal gland (5)
are visible. Lateral expansions of the common sheath which
blends with Tenon's capsule can be traced to the connective
tissue of the lateral rectus muscle (18). Inferior rectus
muscle (21), inferior oblique muscle (22).
Figure 8 Sagittal MRI scan. The TSFE (3) is located in
the space between the anterior LPS (1) and SRM (4). It is et alt 12 confirmed that the connective tissue
infiltrated with fatty tissue accountingfor its isointensity to underlying the anterior portion of the LPS has
orbitalfat. The hypointense structure inside this space is a the characteristic anatomical and histological
connective tissue lamella. Posterior to the orbital septum
(6), a short connective tissue septum (8) passes from the features of a ligament and proposed the name
levator aponeurosis (7) through the preaponeurotic fat to 'transverse intermuscular ligament' (ligamen-
the orbital roof The LPS courses upwards from its origin to tum transversum intermusculare). The attach-
reach a culmination point (arrow) from where it courses ments of Whitnall's ligament to the orbital wall
downwards to the tarsal plate (9). The orbital septum joins
the posterior surface of the orbicularis muscle (10) before and the interconnecting fibres between the
uniting with the aponeurosis just above the superior tarsal TSFE and the LPS are more strongly devel-
border. Tissue compartments containing adipose tissue oped medially than laterally whereas the lateral
appear white in this Tl weighted image. The subcutaneous
fat (11) is visible between skin and orbicularis muscle. The horn of the aponeurosis is much stronger than
brow fat pad (12) is noted between the orbicularis muscle the more elastic medial horn. Coronal MRI
and the orbital septum and the fat pad of the scans confirm these findings. This configura-
preaponeurotic (postseptal) space (13) between orbital
septum and aponeurosis. (Bar = 1 cm.) tion may contribute to the normal lid contour
which has its peak slightly medial to the centre
margin. The intermuscular space between the of the pupil.
anterior third of the SRM and the segment of The LPS can glide within the sling formed
the LPS, where it changes its course from by Whitnall's ligament only to a small extent,
upwards to downwards, is isointense to orbital due to fibroelastic connections between muscle
fat but also contains hypointense structures and ligament."2 Therefore the ligament must
corresponding to parts of the TSFE and com- follow the excursions of the LPS which was
mon sheath respectively. concluded from a previous MRI study."'
706 Ettl, Priglinger, Kramer, Koornneef

The connection between the LPS and the TSFE (Fig 8) suggesting additional suspensory
SRM by the common sheath and the common structures in the retroequatorial part of the
innervation by the superior branch of the third orbit.
cranial nerve are responsible for the coordi- (3) The superomedial and the superolateral
nated movement of the LPS and the SRM dur- main attachments of Whitnall's ligament are
ing vertical saccades. Therefore, contraction of located slightly inferior to the level of the LPS
the SRM accounts for up to 2 mm of the entire (Fig 9). Therefore, we argue that the suspen-
upper lid elevation.7 sion of the LPS muscle may actually be
The STL could not be identified with achieved by the radial septal systeml' 14 which
certainty in our MR images owing to its connects the fascial sheath of the LPS muscle
thinness and the isointensity to aponeurotic with the superior periorbit. Whitnall's ligament
tissue. The TSFE is located in the intermuscu- itself is suspended from the orbital roof by
lar space between the anterior third of the means of vertical septa and connective tissue
SRM and the segment of the LPS where it strands coursing to the supraorbital notch.3 6
changes its course from upwards to down- Behind the globe, further support for the LPS/
wards. This space is largely isointense to orbital SRM complex is provided by hammock-like
fat on MRI which is due to fatty infiltration of septa which are anchored to the superior peri-
the connective tissue in this compartment.5 orbit at the margins of the muscles.'0 14 The
The function of this adipose tissue might be architecture of the connective tissue in the
the reduction of friction between the LPS and superior orbit could explain the remarkable
the underlying SRM and the globe. course of the LPS on sagittal MRI scans: the
muscle is ascending from the lesser wing of the
sphenoid to a culmination point several
millimetres behind the equator and above the
Lid elevation globe from where the aponeurosis is descend-
Anderson and Dixon2 and Goldberg et al" sug- ing to the insertion'5 in the eyelid (Fig 8). The
gested that the STL would act as a fulcrum or deflection of the LPS leads to a lengthening of
suspender for the LPS. However, our MR the muscle path which may increase the muscle
images demonstrate that the STL alone may tension due to increased stretch of the muscle.
not be able to act as a suspensory ligament of This function is comparable with the rectus
the LPS muscle for the following reasons. muscle pulleys consisting of sleeves in Tenon's
(1) The culmination point of the LPS is capsule which are coupled to the orbital walls
situated slightly posterior and superior to the by connective tissue septa."6
location of the STL. This has recently been The culmination point of the LPS is not
demonstrated using high resolution MRI in exactly overlying the equator of the globe and
cadaver specimens where the STL had been the LPS does not follow the shortest path from
marked with synthetic material (Ettl A, et al, the origin to the insertion as often depicted in
Relation of the superior transverse ligament to anatomical textbooks. Such a course would be
the course of the levator palpebrae superioris expected if the globe alone provided the
muscle, unpublished observation, 1995). fulcrum for the LPS as suggested by Vistnes'7
(2) The culmination point of the LPS is and Lemke et al.5 After removal of the eye, a
located superior to the posterior part of the downwards displacement of the superior
muscle complex has been described as part of
the post enucleation socket syndrome.'8 This
Aq 1'9 suggests that the globe obviously prevents a
Cartilage partial collapse of the ocular motion compart-
| Fatty ment by providing additional support for the
-- tissue . TSFE and the LPS.
Lid lowering
We have demonstrated that the TSFE blends
Lacrimal with Tenon's capsule. The connections of
Whitnall's ligament with tissue structures con-
taining elastic fibres or smooth muscle fibres
such as Tenon's capsule, intermuscular sep-
20- tum,°10'4 radial septa,'° 14 and aponeurosis'9 are
responsible for the relatively high elasticity of
the upper lid. Furthermore, both parts of
Whitnall's ligament contain elastic fibres which
are especially abundant in the connections
between the STL and the LPS muscle and the
TSFE and the SRM allowing for a small
amount of movement of the LPS in the sling
formed by Whitnall's ligament.'2
Loss of elasticity of the suspensory connec-
tive tissue system of the eyelid explains the lid
Figure 10 Diagrammatic representation of the connective tissue system in the anterior lag observed following levator resections' and
orbit: Whitnall's ligament (2,3) completely surrounds the LPS muscle (1). The in patients suffering from Graves' disease.20
nomenclature is explained in the legend to Figure 9. Medial check ligament (23).
(Schematic synthesis of two frontal sections through the trochlea andjust posterior to the The above described fibroelastic attach-
trochlea.) ments may prevent abrupt stops of the lid
Functional anatomy of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle and its connective tissue system 707

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