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Internet Banking System Version 1.

Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10


Internet Banking System

Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Team Guide: Shruti. D. Mantri

Members: Roshan Dase, Shreyas Joshi, Sachin Pandey, Digvijay Moray

College Name: Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Department: Information Technology

State: Maharashtra
Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

Revision History

Date Version Description Author

20.12.10 1.0 Synopsis Kirti_it_2010
<date> 2.0 Synopsis <team name>

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

Table of Contents

Description Page

1.0 Introduction No.

1.1 Purpose …………………………………………………………………..5

1.2 Scope…………………………………………………………………….. 5

1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ……………………………..7

1.4 References ……………………………………………………………....8

1.5 Technologies to be used …………………………………………….....9

1.6 Overview ………………………………………………………………….10

2.0 Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective ……………………………………………………....10

2.2 Software Interface …………………………………………………………11

2.3 Hardware Interface ……………………………………………………......12

2.4 Product Function ………………………………………………………….12

2.5 User Characteristics ………………………………………………………13

2.6 Constraints ………………………………………………………………....13

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2.7 Use Case Model Description ………………………………………….14

2.8 Class Diagram ..................................................................................16

2.9 Database Design ............................................................................. 17

2.9.1 ER Diagram ..........................................................................17

2.9.2 Schema……………………………………………………….....18

2.10 Assumptions and Dependencies ……………………………………….24

3.0 Specific Requirements

3.1 Use Case Reports ………………………………………………………..25

3.2 Supplementary Requirements ………………………………………….26

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

Software Requirements Specification

1.0 Introduction:
Information Technology is revolutionizing the way in which we live and work. It is changing all
aspects of our life and life style. The Digital revolution has given mankind the ability to treat information
with arithmetic precision of which computer and network communication are integral parts of the system.

A bank is a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities,
either directly or through capital markets. A bank connects customers with capital deficits to customers with capital
surpluses.Banks act as payment agents by conducting checking or current accounts for customers,
paying cheques drawn by customers on the bank, and collecting cheques deposited to customers'
current accounts. Banks also enable customer payments via other payment methods such as ATM.
Banks provide almost all payment services, and a bank account is considered indispensable by most
businesses, individuals and governments. Non-banks that provide payment services such as remittance
companies are not normally considered an adequate substitute for having a bank account.

1.1 Purpose:
To create a internet banking system to facilitate customers to conduct financial transactions on a
secure website operated by their retail bank, credit union or building society

1.2 Scope: The Scope of the Internet Banking System includes:

• IBS will support virtual banking environment which is fully automated, customizable and
user-friendly, available to customers through the web.

• IBS will also provide concrete security features like creating logins for the users and
assigning privileges to users of the system.

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Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

• System will provide valid authentication mechanisms to allow a user to access the account
and take appropriate measures to security breaches on the system.

• System will be capable to keep logs of all the Transactions of the user and provide user all
the necessary account information.

• System will allow to Transfer funds to another Account.

• System can also accept requests like stop payment of cheques, cheque book request, personal details
change request

• Various reports will be available online any time for the Administrators, Managers.

• System will be able to handle extremely large volumes of data (i.e. large database support).

• For Secure access of confidential data (i.e. user’s details), SSL will be used.

• IBS-Services (E-commerce &Internet Service) & Telecommunication (SMS) will be
available for 24 X 7 Online Support.

• This E-Service will be designed in such a way that it can speed up the process for giving
effective as well as efficient performance even during work load.

• IBS helps to sort out problems which arise during Peak Time during summer holidays,
Christmas Vacation and others.

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web pages.

JSP (Java Server Pages): It is used to create dynamic web content.

J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition): It is a programming platform, belonging to the Java

platform, which is used for developing and running distributed java applications.

WASCE (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition): It is an application server

that runs and supports the J2EE and the web service applications.

WSAD (WebSphere Studio Application Developer ): It is a designer toolkit which is

designed to develop more complex projects by providing a complete dynamic web service.

DB2 (IBM Database 2): It is a database management system that provides a flexible and

efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications.

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/ server protocol

between a web browser and a web server.

XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was designed to

transport and store data.

Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create

dynamic web pages.

Web 2.0: It is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive

information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

1.4 References:

1. The Complete Reference - Java

2. Roger Pressman - Software Engineering.
3. The Complete Reference - SQL

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

1.5 Technologies to be used:

< Mention the technologies to be used in your project >

Ex :

J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application


JAVA: Application architecture.

WASCE: (WebSphere Application Server Community

Edition) Web Server

DB2: IBM Database.

Ajax: Asynchronous Java Script and XML.

XML: Extension Markup Language.

Web 2.0: RSS Feed 2.0.

RAD 7.0: Development tool.

Localization: 3 Languages - Hindi, Kannada, and English

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

1.6 Overview: The SRS will include two sections, namely:

-I- Overall Description: This section will describe major components of

the system, interconnections, and external interfaces.

-I- SpecificRequirements: This section will describe the

functions of actors, their roles in the system and the constraints
faced by the system.

2.0 Overall Description:

2.1 Product Perspective:

The client will have client interface in which he can interact with the banking system. It is a
web based interface which will be the web page of the banking application. Starting a page is
displayed asking the type of customer he is whether ordinary or a corporate customer. Then the
page is redirected to login page where the user can enter the login details. If the login particulars
are valid then the user is taken to a home page where he has the entire transaction list that he can
perform with the bank. All the above activities come under the client interface.

The administrator will have an administrative interface which is a GUI so that he can view
the entire system. He will also have a login page where he can enter the login particulars so that he
can perform all his actions. This administrative interface provides different environment such that
he can maintain database & provide backups for the information in the database. He can register
the users by providing them with username, password & by creating account in the database. He
can view the cheque book request & perform action to issue the cheque books to the clients.

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2.2 Software Interface:

-I- Front End Client: Web Browser, Operating System (any)

-I- Web Server: WAS

-I- Data Base Server:DB2

4- Back End: DB2

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2.3 Hardware Interface:

4- Client Side:
Client Side ( IE Along with Printer )

Processor Ram Disc Space

Internet Explorer Pentium II at

500 MHz 64 MB 1 GB

4- Server Side:
Server Side

Processor Ram Disc Space

Web sphere Pentium III at

application server 1 GHz 512 MB 2 GB


Pentium III at 1GB

DB2 V8.1 1 GHz 512 MB (Excluding data size)

2.4 Product Functions:.

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

The Internet banking system consists of following modules :

1) Login Process: This module allows valid customers to access the functionalities
provided by the bank.
2) Balance Enquiry: This module maintains the balance details of a particular account.
3) Update Profile: This module allows the customer to update profile of their account.
4) Funds Transfer: This module allows the customers to transfer funds from one
account to another within the same bank.
5) Change of Password: This module allows customers to change their password.

6) Mini Statements: This module allows customers to view their transaction details.

2.5 User Characteristics:

• Customers : The normal users will have an account of fixed or savings and should
have a minimum balance of 500 Rs. He can transfer funds to another account of the same
bank & may view his monthly or annual statements.

• Industrialists, Entrepreneur, Organizations academicians: These users will have

all the three accounts & should have a minimum balance of 20,000 Rs. He can view the
statements of his organization or industry

2.6 Constraints:
• Login and password is used for identification of customer’s account and there
is no facility for non users to login.
• This system works only on a single server.
• GUI is only in English
• Limited to HTTP/HTTPS protocols

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Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2.7 Use Case Diagram :






Customer book



Log out

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Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10


check book

Log out




Administrator Cash



Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2.8 Class Diagram:



Employee Customer Cheque

Cheque Book_Id
Employee_Id Customer_Id
Employee_Name Customer_Name
Employee_Addr. Customer_Addr.

Employee_Desg. Contact_Details


Balance details




Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2.9 Sequence Diagrams:

2.9.1 ER Diagram:

Account Service

Create Request

Approch Request Cheque Book

Employee Customer

Deposit/Withdrawal/ Checks


Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2.9.2 Schema:


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Client_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Primary Key

2 Client_Initials Varchar 5 Not null

3 Client_First_Name Varchar 20 Not null

4 Client_Middle_Name Varchar 20 Not null

5 Client_Last_Name Varchar 20 Not null

6 Date_Of_Birth Date

7 Occupation Varchar 20

8 Resi_Bldg_Room_No Varchar 10 Not null

9 Resi_Bldg_Soc_Name Varchar 20 Not null

10 Resi_Street Varchar 20 Not null

11 Resi_Landmark Varchar 20

12 Resi_City Varchar 20 Not null

13 Resi_State Varchar 20 Not null

14 Resi_Pin_Code Varchar 6 Not null

15 Resi_Country Varchar 20 Not null

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

16 Resi_Tel_No Varchar 10

17 Resi_Mob_No Varchar 12

18 Email_ID Varchar 40

19 Nationality Varchar 20 Not null

20 Photo BLOB

21 Off_Bldg_Room_No Varchar 10

22 Off_Bldg_Soc_Name Varchar 20 Not null

23 Off_Street Varchar 20 Not null

24 Off_Landmark Varchar 20

25 Off_City Varchar 20 Not null

26 Off_State Varchar 20 Not null

27 Off_Pin_Code Varchar 6 Not null

28 Off_Country Varchar 20 Not null

29 Off_Tel_No Varchar 10

30 Off_Fax_No Varchar 10

31 Off_Email_ID Varchar 40

32 Off_Website Varchar 40

33 Pan No Varchar 10

34 Login_Id Varchar 20

35 Password Varchar 20

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Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Employee_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Primary Key

2 Employee_Initials Varchar 5 Not null

3 Employee_First_Name Varchar 20 Not null

4 Employee_Middle_Name Varchar 20 Not null

5 Employee_Last_Name Varchar 20 Not null

6 Date_Of_Birth Date

7 Designation Varchar 20

8 Resi_Bldg_Room_No Varchar 10 Not null

9 Resi_Bldg_Soc_Name Varchar 20 Not null

10 Resi_Street Varchar 20 Not null

11 Resi_Landmark Varchar 20

12 Resi_City Varchar 20 Not null

13 Resi_State Varchar 20 Not null

14 Resi_Pin_Code Varchar 6 Not null

15 Resi_Country Varchar 20 Not null

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Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

16 Resi_Tel_No Varchar 10

17 Resi_Mob_No Varchar 12

18 Email_ID Varchar 40

19 Nationality Varchar 20 Not null

20 Photo BLOB


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Account_Type_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Primary Key

2 Account_Type_Name Varchar 40 Not null

3 Narration Varchar 200


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Facilities_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Primary Key

2 Facillitiy Varchar 50 Not null

3 Description Varchar 200

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Account_Type_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

2 Scheme_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Primary Key

3 Deposit Decimal


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Account_Type_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

2 Facilities_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

3 Scheme_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Client_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2 Account_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

3 Employee_Id Varchar 5 Not null, Created By

Foreign Key

4 Employee_Id Varchar 5 Not null, Approved By

Foreign Key

5 Date Date

6 Balance Decimal

7 Account_Type_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

8 Scheme_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

9 Debit_Card_No Varchar 25

10 Credit_Card_No Varchar 25

11 Transaction_Id Varchar 20

12 Transaction_Password Varchar 20


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Client_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

2 Account_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

3 Amount Decimal Not null

4 Date Date Not null

5 Transaction_Type Varchar 20 Not null

6 Balance Decimal


Sr. No. Field Name Datatype Length Constraint Description

1 Client_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Foreign Key

2 Request_Id Varchar 5 Not null,

Primary Key

3 Date Date

4 Status Varchar 15 Not null

5 Cheque_No_From Varchar 15

6 Cheque_No_To Varchar 15

9 Completion_Date Date

2.10 Assumptions and Dependencies:

§ The details of customers such as username, password, account type and their
corresponding authority details should be manually entered by the
administrator before using this system.
§ Every user should be comfortable of working with computer and net browsing.
• He should be aware of the banking system.
Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

• He must have basic knowledge of English too.

3. Specific Requirements:

3.1 Use Case Reports:

i) System Administrator: The System Administrator is the super user who

manages the functions of the system, as taking system backup, generating reports,
maintaining organization details.

Manage Clients: The Administrator has the privilege of creating

new accounts for users when the account holder enables the facility
of internet banking in the bank and also can delete an account when
such a request is being made by the account holder.
Maintain Organization Details: The Administrator maintains
entire details of the organization that includes details of the clients,
HR details, Financial Transaction details, etc.
Take System Backup: The Administrator Backup the database in
order to prevent loss of data on system crashes. He can backup
entire database or a particular section.
Generate Reports: Administrators can generate reports from the
R&D Database and also draw some reports needed by actuaries.
ii) Customer: Ordinary customers have a user name & password with which they can
login into their account. The Corporate customers will also have a corporate id for
more constrained security. They can perform all the transactions functions such as

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

funds transfer, balance enquiry, cheque book request, etc by sitting at their home
on internet.

1. Login: User can login to the system by providing appropriate

username and password provided by the administrator.
2. Selecting the Account: After logging in the user is provided with
a screen showing the details of accounts and he selects one of the
account in order to perform the transaction.
3. Balance Enquiry: He can view the balance left in his account, if
once he has entered into his account.
4. Funds Transfer: Upon the request the user can transfer funds
from his account to other accounts.
5. Request for cheque book: He can request for cheque book.
6. Mini statements: He also can take a mini statement print out upon
his requirement.

3.2 Supplementary Requirements:

1) Performance Requirements

System will be capable of handling users at peak times, like huge traffic congestion.
System can withstand crashes on reading corrupt data and immunized to bad sectors on
the disk.

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College

Internet Banking System Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification 20.12.10

2) Safety Requirements

By incorporating a robust and proven DB2 UDB into the system, reliable
performance and integrity of data is ensured. There must be a power backup for server
system. Since the product is of 24x7 availability there should be power backup for server
which provides the information .Every day the data should be backup even when the
operation of an user is not successful i.e., while performing the operation power failure
occurs then data should be backup.

3) Security Requirements

Sensitive data is protected from unwanted access by user’s appropriate technology

and implementing strict user-access criteria. Facility of unique user number and Password in
such a way that unauthorized user cannot log in. Operational rights for each user/terminal can be
defined. Thus, a user can have access to specific terminals and specific options only.

Kirti_it_2010/ Kirti. M. Doongursee College


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