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By Judyth Vary Baker

Vaccines are important aids to good health against a host of various ailments
and diseases. Right? Not always. Everyone who agrees to a vaccination
should know that risks may exist, not just the advertised benefits. Bad
outcomes due to vaccines have sometmes been hidden from the public. In
this article, we will present a short history of a few of the most notorious
problems known to be linked to vaccines.

Question: Are vaccines safe?

Answer: We have to trust the good judgment, the ethics, and the technical
expertise of the manufacturers – who want to make a profit and will want to
create a good product—but for whom, and for what purpose? What about the
entity, government or organization purchasing or ordering the vaccine
creation and supply? Who might have been bribed or might have made a
decision based on unsound or rigged research? In addition, sometimes the
production of a vaccine has cost so much money that it won’t be recalled, so
efforts to cover up a problem might be made to avoid financial loss. In
addition, contamination may occur that is not detected, with potentially
disastrous results.

Edward T. Haslam in his book, Dr. Mary’s Monkey, tells us how the entire
population of the United States was urged to get free polio shots, even
though the government knew they were contaminated with cancer-causing
monkey viruses.

Researcher Jim DiEugenio tells us, in his review of Haslam’s book:

Sarah Stewart and Bernice Eddy were two of the most respected and
advanced cancer researchers in America who worked, among other
places, at the National Institute for Health. Second, they were trying to
prove that cancer could be transferred by a virus. Third, they were both
around during the famous Salk/Sabin "sugar cube" mass inoculation for
polio in the fifties. Although this is usually hailed as a triumph over
polio, what many people do not know is that several children died right
after getting the vaccine. As Haslam puts it: "Within days, children fell
sick from polio, some were crippled, some died." (pgs 203-204) One of
the children who died was the grandson of Dr. Alton Ochsner who
championed the vaccine against some doubts in high places about its
safety. This is why Sabin had to refine the vaccine after its initial

The doubts were articulated later on by Bernice Eddy. As Haslam notes,

The vaccine's manufacturers had grown their polioviruses on the

kidneys of monkeys. And when they removed the poliovirus from the
monkey's kidneys. They also removed an unknown number of other
monkey viruses. The more they looked, the more they found. (p. 207)
In 1960, Eddy, who had harbored suspicions about these viruses and
the vaccine, went public with her fears. At a talk in New York she stated
that she had studied the monkey kidney cells used in the formation of
the polio vaccine and found they were infected with cancer-causing
viruses. As Haslam notes, "This was tantamount to forecasting an
epidemic of cancer in America." (Ibid) As documented by Edward
Shorter in The Health Century, Eddy suffered professionally from her
public warning. Quoting Shorter, "Her treatment became a scandal
within the scientific community." (p. 208)

But right after this, Haslam presents several statistical charts and
graphs (pgs 210-216), which present fairly convincing evidence that the
Salk/Sabin vaccine may have caused more deaths than it cured. He
outlines, at the very least, a provocative statistical case that the
monkey viruses were behind a high growth in soft tissue cancers: lung,
breast, prostate, lymphoma, and melanoma of the skin.

Haslam also extensively investigated information given him by myself

--Judyth Vary Baker. As the author of Me & Lee: How I Came to Know,Love
and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald, I personally had experienced the events that
emerged concerning the polio virus scandal and its morphing into use as a
bioweapon. It was important that Oswald’s link to a CIA-sponsored effort to
kill Fidel Castro had to be hidden. Selecting Lee H. Oswald as a patsy for
JFK’s murder, and then allowing him to be shot by mobster Jack Ruby, closed
the inconvenient witness’ mouth forever. The Mob cooperated because it
was working with the CIA to kill Castro, as the CIA finally admitted a few
years ago.

During a period in the Cold War when the CIA and the Mafia were working
together to

try to kill Fidel Castro – during which time everything from exploding
seashells to poison pills had been tried –I was a young cancer research
scientist. In Me & Lee, I describe in detail my involvement with Dr. Alton
Ochsner, Dr. Mary S. Sherman, and David Ferrie in developing and testing a
bioweapon to eliminate Castro. The bioweapon idea was based on the
willingness of a trusted doctor and a medical technician to give Castro – a
heavy smoker -- his scheduled tetanus shot, along with his then-due DPT
vaccine, along with a planned full-body x-ray rigged to pull down his immune
system. Both scheduled shots were to be secretly contaminated with cancer
cells carrying a radiation-altered monkey virus that had made the cancer fast
and deadly. The rest of the plan involved overdoses of x-rays and cancer-
contaminated antibiotic shots, as described in Me & Lee. Though the
bioweapon was never used against Castro, I am aware that it could be frozen
and kept for use at any time. With this in mind, Jack Ruby’sdeclaration that
he had been injected with cancer cells is not as illogical or as crazy as it first
sounds. Ruby had visited our informallab setup in New Orleans and knew
about the ring of labs involved in the creation of the bioweapon.

Because I protested the use of an unwitting volunteer to test the bioweapon

prior to its being smuggled into Cuba, I found my career in medicine shut
down. I was then forced into silence about the project.

Those who think this story seems too far-out need to read the rest of this

Today, I live in exile due to death threats and harassment for speaking out
about the bioweapon and Oswald’s innocence -- even after all these years.
Mainstream media has long claimed Oswald killed Kennedy despite a
mountain of new evidence and new witnesses, such as myself. However,
witnesses do get attacked and are subjected to character assassination. For
example, The History Channel inflames people against me by stating that I
‘claim’ to have worked with others to create AIDS (!). Imagine how many
people have been upset with me because of The History Channel’s lie:

screenshot from The History Channel’s internet short film attacking

“Assassination Conspiracy Theorists”

But the truth is available in my book. It also reveals the truth about Lee H.
Oswald, who did not kill Kennedy, but whose arrest and quick murder by
mobster Jack Ruby assured that many ugly secrets stayed secret.

Those who think a tetanus shot or DPT shot could not be secretly
contaminated with something else need to review what happened in 1995
(my emphasis):

HcG Vaccine for Population Control

A Philippine Medical Association study revealed WHO injected

women with a contaminated tetanus vaccine. The Philippine
Department of Health revealed that almost 20 percent of the tetanus
vaccine sampled positive for the hormone human chorionic
gonadotrophin (hCG), according to Human Life International. Vaccines
containing the hormone immunize women not only against tetanus but
also against pregnancy by inducing the body's immune system to
attack the hormone needed to bring an unborn child to term.
The Philippine Medical Association reported that nine of the 47 vaccine
samples tested were found to contain hCG.
The tetanus vaccine tested in the Philippines was imported as part of a
program against neonatal tetanus sponsored by the WHO. By the time
a court order
stopped the vaccinations, over 3 million women had been injected.

But that was 1995. Surely, today, nobody can get a vaccine contaminated
with some deadly material. Right?


In March, 2009, the Czech Republic learned that Baxter flu vaccines were
contaminated with LIVE H5NI avian flu virus –“one of the most deadly
biological weapons on earth with a 60% kill rate,” said the Canadian Press.
The contaminated vaccine was sent to the Czech Republic, Germany and

“Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of

vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were
distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part
of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.

The claim holds weight because, according to the very laboratory

protocols that are routine for vaccine makers, mixing a live virus
biological weapon with vaccine material by accident is virtually

“The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a

plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product
contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses,” reports the Canadian Press.

“Initially, Baxter attempted to stonewall questions by invoking “trade

secrets” and refused to reveal how the vaccines were contaminated
with H5N1. After increased pressure they then claimed that pure H5N1
batches were sent by accident. This was seemingly an attempt to
quickly change the story and hide the fact that the accidental
contamination of a vaccine with a deadly biological agent like avian flu
is virtually impossible and the only way it could have happened was by
wilful gross criminal negligence.”

It happened again in 2010:

“Vaccine Contamination: Pig Virus DNA Found in Rotarix”

Barbara Loe Fisher - 4/7/2010
On March 22, 2010, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials
adhering to the precautionary principle advised American doctors to
suspend use of Rotarix 1 vaccine until the agency finds out why DNA
from a swine virus (porcine circovirus 1 or PCV1) was found in the live
rotavirus vaccine. The FDA said there

is “no evidence at this time” that the vaccine manufactured by

GlaxoSmithKline and given to babies at 2,4 and 6 months of age to
prevent diarrhea poses any safety risk.
Independent Lab Using New Technology Found Contamination
The discovery that viral DNA is contaminating Rotarix vaccine was
made by a team of scientists at an independent research lab in San
Fransisco, California, where they used new technology to detect
fragments of viral genetic material in vaccines using genetic
sequencing. 3
More testing confirmed that many copies of DNA from the pig virus
were present in all Rotarix vaccine lots released since the vaccine was
licensed in 2008 because the pig virus DNA also contaminated the
working cell bank and the original viral “seed” stock, from which
Rotarix vaccine was first produced. 4

Then MORE contamination was reported, for two more vaccines:

On October 28, 2010 Crucell announced a temporary hold on all shipments of

Quinvaxem® and Hepavax-Gene®. Contamination was discovered. We do
not know how many ‘dirty’ vaccine shots continue to reach the public from
the world’s vaccine makers.

Would you allow your child to receive nine vaccines in just one day?
Nine vaccines in one day caused 3-year old Hannah Poling, who had a
mitochondrial disorder, to develop autism. The Federal Vaccine Court
awarded her family 1.2 million dollars. (Note: The Federal Vaccine Court
HATES to make ANY such awards: it always leads to a storm of additional
pleas for justice, almost all of which get quickly dismissed.)

The vaccine makers tell us that “Thimerosal Use Prevents Vaccine

Contamination; Many Studies Have Found Thimerosal In Vaccines To Be


Thimoserol is 50% ethyl mercury. As used in a vaccine, it is 25 mcg per.5 ml.

The average vaccine dose (fill volume) is typically between .6 and .8 ml.
(~30mcg/dose). It interferes with important neurological biochemical
pathways involved with ethylation. The brain gets all messed up by mercury
(Source of statistics: Institute for Vaccine Safety, Oct.2010)

Note that large fish accumulate mercury. Despite what the fish industry
would like you to believe, play it safe and avoid eating tuna and other large
fish. Get white, not ‘black’ fillings in your teeth (mercury is in the ‘black’

You can demand a vaccine without thimoserol, but what is used to stop
simple bacterial contamination in the vaccine if it does not have thimoserol?
Think about this: people get upset about mercury, so a different metal is now
being used,to do the same job. What effect will this newer bacteria-killing
metal have on your child’s brain—or yours?


Dr. Mercola is well-known on the Internet for his up-to-date and honest
assessments of the medical hazards we face in a world where medical
research studies and its products are all too often sculpted by the demands
of industry and governments -- demands that are alltoooften less than
ethical. Here’s what Mercola says about aluminum in vaccines:

“Mercury In Vaccines Was Replaced With Something Even MORE

Posted By Dr. Mercola | January 27 2009 | 93,478 views
“…[read the book] Aluminum in Vaccines -- a Neurological Gamble, by
Neil Miller, director of the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute. It
documents the hazards associated with aluminum-laden vaccines.
Children are receiving high concentrations of aluminum in their shots.
This well-documented neurotoxin may be more dangerous than

Vaccines containing high concentrations of neurotoxic aluminum were

added to
the child immunization schedule when several vaccines containing
mercury were removed. Two-month old babies now receive 1,225
mcg of aluminum from their vaccines -- 50 times higher than
safety levels! Although the FDA, CDC and World Health Organization
are aware of the dangers, they expect parents to play Russian roulette
with their children.

How Aluminum Can Harm Your Brain

When you or your child is injected with a vaccine, the aluminum

compounds it contains accumulate not only at the site of injection
but travel to your brain and accumulate there. In your brain, aluminum
enters neurons and glial cells (astrocytes and microglia).

Studies have shown that aluminum can activate microglia and do so

for long periods, which means that the aluminum in your vaccination is
priming your microglia to overreact.

The next vaccine acts to trigger the enhanced inflammatory reaction

and release of the excitotoxins, glutamate and quinolinic acid, Dr.
Blaylock points out.

Meanwhile, if you come down with an infection, are exposed to more

toxins, or have a stroke or head injury of any kind, this will magnify the

reaction occurring in your brain due to the vaccines. Research has

shown that the more your immune system remains activated, the more
likely it is you’ll suffer from a neurodegenerative disease.

The aluminum hydroxide used in many vaccines, including hepatitis A

and B, and the Pentacel cocktail for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus,
polio, and meningitis, has been clearly linked to symptoms associated
with Parkinson"s, ALS (Lou Gehrig"s disease), and Alzheimer"s.

Scientists discovered the link after injecting mice with an

anthrax vaccine developed for the first Gulf War. After 20 weeks,
a fifth of the mice developed a skin allergy, and memory problems
increased by 41 times compared to a placebo group. Also, inside the
brains of mice, 35 percent of the cells that control movement were

There is overwhelming evidence that chronic immune activation in

your brain, as discussed by Dr. Blaylock above, is a major cause of
damage in numerous degenerative brain disorders, from multiple
sclerosis Alzheimer"s disease, Parkinson"s and ALS, which may explain
the link between aluminum-containing vaccines and these diseases.

Late last year a team of scientists also found that vaccination involving
aluminum-containing adjuvants could trigger the cascade of
immunological events that are associated with autoimmune conditions,
including chronic fatigue syndrome and macrophagic myofasciitis, a
condition that causes profound weakness and multiple neurological
syndromes, one of which closely resembles multiple sclerosis.

Even a study in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy

of Pediatrics, admitted that:

“Aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of

cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and in other

This has led some experts to suggest that aluminum in vaccines may
be linked to autism.

Just How Much Aluminum Could Your Child be Exposed To?

If you are a parent of a young child I highly recommend you read the
entire eBook linked above, as it spells out very clearly just how much
aluminum will be injected into your child if you follow the Center for
Disease Control’s (CDC) vaccine schedule.

In short, babies who follow the recommended vaccination schedule are

injected with nearly 5,000 mcg (5 mg) of aluminum by the time they
are just 1.5 years old.

The FDA considers levels of aluminum up to 0.85mg to be “safe,” so

you do the math on the risk involved here.

For parents, the issue of what to do about these risks can be very
confusing. So please do take your time to thoroughly research the risks
of vaccinations before making up your mind. Dr. Blaylock’s article, The
Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case
for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders, is an excellent starting point
that I highly recommend.

If you’re looking for a more sensible, “user-friendly”

vaccination schedule that may present fewer risks than the
CDC’s “one-size-fits-all” schedule, Dr. Donald Miller advises
the following:

1. No vaccinations until your child is 2 years old.

2. No vaccines that contain thimerosal (mercury).
3. No live virus vaccines.
4. The following vaccines should be given one at a time
(not as a
combination vaccine), every six months, beginning
at age 2:
a. Pertussis (acellular, not whole cell)
b. Diphtheria
c. Tetanus
d. Polio (the Salk vaccine, cultured in human cells)

…Your pediatrician will not like this schedule, but if you have reviewed
the evidence and still feel your child should be inoculated to a certain
degree, this is a far safer alternative to the standard vaccination
schedule. If your pediatrician doesn’t agree, or isn’t open to discussing
this issue with you, it’s high time to find a new one who will understand
your concerns.
(Dr. Mercola is the founder of the world’s most visited natural health web
site,Mercola.com. You can learn the hazardous side effects of OTC Remedies
by getting a FREE copy of his latest special report The Dangers of Over the
Counter Remedies by going to his Report Page.)

By age six the American child is supposed to receive 30 or more vaccines.

You might trust your doctor. Doctors do trust the companies that make the

Edward T. Haslam tells us in Dr. Mary’s Monkey about how the famous Dr.
Alton Ochsner trusted Cutter laboratories –he even invested in Cutter
Laboratories.he was certain they had produced a safe polio vaccine, because
they said so. He publically injected his granddaughter and grandson with it.
To his horror, both grandchildren contracted polio, and his grandson –an
infant-- died.

I told Edward T.haslam that Ochsner then realized the value of a

contaminated vaccine for use in the Cold War: he understood that a doctor
could inject a contaminated product into somebody without realizing that its
contents might contain something dangerous. You just had to contaminate
the product without his knowledge. Such a product could be used for birth
control -- even genocide. The company manufacturing a vaccine and the
government approving it have control of what goes into the vaccine.

There is a current effort to dissociate autism as a consequence, for some, of

vaccine injections. There is much literature out there telling us that mercury
or aluminum in vaccines cannot harm us. That’s simply not true: ANY
mercury or aluminum salt that enters the body is bad for you. While experts,
often linked to Big Pharma, tell you autism is NOT being caused by mercury
or other substances in vaccines, we have evidence that they are linked:

national incidence of autism

Reported mercury level went down at end of chart – as did reported autism

normal neuron development before mercury


neurons denuded after mercury ions were


(Source: University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics)

What to do?
You can help reverse some brain damage by adding folic acid to your diet.
You can help clear mercury from your system by adding selenium (not too
much!) to your diet: For

those interested in the technical reasons why selenium can help you, read

“Mercury is involved in defeating so many pathways. Mercury may lead

to the problems with phenol intolerance too. The mercury disrupts the
cysteine pathway, so sulfate is limited and is not supplied for detoxing
the phenol compounds (or other compounds).
Selenium binds with mercury and parks it in the liver in an insoluble
form, as well as aiding the manufacture of glutathione which is a
mercury detox pathway. So by adding Selenium you may start making
some ground in correcting the pathways…selenium gives a lot of effect
for minimal hassle provided you don't take too much. Look for the
selenomethionine form (a source of selenium and methionine). This is
not chelation but may help while you are looking at chelation or in the
process of chelating.” (Ref:http://www.enzymestuff.com/methylation.htm)

But –please--don’t take my word for it. I have to add the statement :”Always
ask your doctor for a final opinion; I am not a doctor.” However, I urge you to
find a doctor who will cooperate with your concerns. With the Dr. Ochsner
lesson firmly in your memory, let’s hope that YOUR doctor can be trusted. All
parents should consider their options very carefully.


Be sure to read these books:

Dr Mary’s Monkey by Edward T. Haslam, Me & Lee : How I Came to Know,
Love and Lose lee Harvey Oswald, by Judyth Vary Baker, The Virus and the
Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect by Debbie Bookchin and
Jim Schumacher

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