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JANUARY 1, 1936

BLIA-D SERVANT (Samson, Part 5)
Samson Entrapped
Pluhstines Re~olce _
Blind _
HIS Prayer : . _
111s Eyes
Questions for Study


117 Adams Street Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S.A.
T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. .It
ubkshes Bible matruction
designed to aid Jehova ?l ‘n witnesses. It arranges
J. F. RUTIIERFO~D President W. E. Vu &dBUEQrf Secretary systematic Bible study for its readers and suppkea other hter-
ature to aid in such studies. It publishes amtable material
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- Iuiah 54:1.7. tion In the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible aa authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
or other worldly organizations. It ia wholly and without
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
to eveilnatmg, the Maker of heaven and esrth and the Giver
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of
hm Beloved King. It m not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all and critical exammation of its contents in the light of the
things; that the Logos ia now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
clothed with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief umns are not open to personalities.
Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUEISCRIPTI~N PIucle
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wllfully UNITED STATES, $1.00; CANADA AND NISCELLAN~OUS FOREIGN,
disobey&i God’e law and was sentenced to death; that by $1.50; GUT BRITAIN, AUSTIUUSIA, AND SOOTIX AIWC~, is.
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born smners and American remittances should be made by Express or Postal Nancy
wlthout the right to life. Order, or by Bank Draft Canadian, British, South African and
Austrelaslan remittances should be made direct to the respective
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- branch otflces. Remittances from countries other than those men-
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive tioned may be made to the Brooklyn of?lce, but by Zntomattonal
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jeaua divine and Postal Money Order only.
cxaltcd hi to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority. FOEE~QN OFFICES
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION ia called Zion, and Br(tlrh .,........ 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England
that Christ Jeaua ia the Chief Officer thereof and ia the C&ilZtl “...... 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Aurtraladm . . 7 Beresford Road, StrathMd, N. 9. W., Australia
follomora of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Bouth A~can . , . . Boston House, Cape Town, South Africn
Jehovah% organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and Please addrose the Society In every casa
privilege it ia to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare
his purposes toward mankind ea ex reaaed in the Bible, and (Translation or thin journal appear in award Lzqmwas.)
to bear the fruits of the kingdom %efore all who will hear.
AU sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infh-mitY.
THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jeaua Christ poverty or adversity are unable to pag the subscription price
has been placed by Jehovah upon hia throne of authority, may have The Watchtower free npon written appk~iiOn to the
hsa ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the DubUshers. msde once each rear. statinn the reason for so r4
establishment of God% kingdom on earth. &stLng it. We are ,&id to -thur Jd thi needy, but the written
aDPhCatiOn once each year is required by the postal IWuhItiOnS.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessin a of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through B ehovah’a kingdom under xottir ?O Xu7m~ril~6r.3: Acknowledgment of a new or L reneWa sub-
scri~tlon will be sent only when requested. Chanse of address.
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great when requested, may be eriected to appear on address label within
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank (carryinn notice of erplration) will
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires.
kmgdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall bve Entered (u 8ewnd Clao8 Mall Matter at Brooklyn, N. H., POstoDW
on earth forever. Act of March S, 1979.
“RICHES” ing these nine days all publishers will offer the pubhc a three-
The title of a new book! The Society has long desired to booklet combination on a 10~ contribution, that is, two colored-
publish something specially suitable for instruction of children cover booklets together with the new self-covered booklet Loyalty.
nnd young people as respects years. Also, smce the unfolding Further details hereon will duly appear in the Dtrector. Cer-
of the truths concerning the Jonadsb class, or “great multi- tainly all in line for the Kingdom wrll take part to the utmost
tude I’, and the first appenrance of members of such claaa, in this service period, and also all present members of the great
Jehovah’s witnesses and also incoming Jonadab brethren have multitude with palm branches m hand ~11 widely acclaim Je-
keenly desired a pubbcation particularly deargned for instruc- hovah’s anointed King. Let all such show wisdom and zeal
tion of those who already are of and those who shall yet swell now in making all advance preparation for this midwinter
the ranks of the “great multitude”. Jehovah by Christ Jesus campaign. Get in touch with the head office nt Brooklyn if
has now graciously provided such in the book Exhes. In read- you are not active in territory under one of our branch offices.
ing and studying this book God’s anointed remnant will profit
no leas than the Jonadabs. All should read it carefully to know CONVENTION AT LOS ANGELES
why and how to put it in the hnnds of those aeckmg righteous- On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Februnry 21,22 and 23,
ness end meekness. The author’s edition is now under prcp- a conventron ~111 be held at Los Angeles. This will be a local
aration, containing a personal letter from nnd by the hand of service conventron in southern Csliformu, with all gatherings
the nuthor to all Jehovah’s kingdom publmhera. Imtml expense at the Shrme Auditorium. By the Lord ‘a grace, Brother Ruth-
of publishing lZzches obhgea the Society to ask a contribution erford will speak to a large assembly there on Sunday, Feb-
of 500 a copy of this limited edition. Among compsniea and ruary 23. Preparatlona are under way for a radio chain to
groups, orders should be promptly placed with local stockkeeper, carry the speech from the auditorium to listeners m nil parts
that booka may be shipped in lots. of the world, dunng the hour 12: 00 (noon) to 1: 00 p.m ,
Pacific Standard Time, which is the equivalent of 3: 00 to
THE KING 4: 00 p.m., Umtod States Eastern Standard Time. Listeners in
Another season of refreshing to all God’s kingdom pub- other lands are advised to prepare now to tune in this broad-
hahera by concerted intensified activity afield is arranged for cast on any one of several frequencies (wave lengths) in the
in the testimony period The King, to wit, February 1-9. Dur- so-call& “ahortmave” band, from 11 to 50 meters.
VOL.LVII JANUARY 1, 1936 No. 1


“Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my mcsscnger that Z sent? who is blind as he that is perfect,
and blind as the Lord’s servant?“‘-Zsa. 42: 19.

EHOVAH says : “Behold my servant, whom I up- Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening
hold, mine elect, in whom my soul dclightcth.” the cars, but he hcarcth not.” (Isa. 42: 13,20) It is
No grcatcr commendation could be given than that same Elect Servant that now magnifies God’s
fhat. Jehovah God, “he that crcatcd the heavens, and law and makes it mast honorable. He is the Vindi-
strctchcd them out; hc that spread forth the earlh, cator of Jehovah, his Word, and his name. It is the
and that which comcth out of it”; he that gives life clrct and exalted Servant of Jehovah that is blind,
to all thinKs that brcathc, in crhom resides all power, anl, says the Lord, ‘there is none as blind as that
wisdom and grace; he that is fron, everlasting to cvcr- servant.’ Why is his Elect Servant blind? Because
lasting, the Most Ili$ over all, thus speaks to all crc;b he has but one purpose, and his cycs arc closed to
turcs who desire to know the right way. (ISil. 42: 1,s) everything else. That purpose is to alv;ays do the will
That no creature mi$t have reason to doubt the idcn- of dchovah God, and nothing can cause him to dcviatc
tity of that elect servant .Jehovnh further caused to th(~rcfrom in the slightest dcgrcc. Of him it is writ-
bo writ ten : “Let this mind be in you, wllicli was also IC,! : “I delight to do thy will, 0 my Cod: yea, thy
in Christ Jesus: who . . . 1x41~ found in fashion acl In\< is within my heart.” (1%. 40: 8) “For I came
a man, he humbled himsrlf, and bccamc obcdicnt unto down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the
death, cvcn the dcat.11of the cross. Whcrcforc God will of him that sent me.” (John 6: 35) “And hc
also hnth highly cxaltcd him, and given him a n:m:c that sent mc is with me: the E’nthcr hath not ltft mc
which is above every name : lhat at the name of Jesus alone; for I do always those things that plcnsc him.”
every knee should low, of things in hcavcn, and thin::9 --John 8 : 29.
in earth, and things under the earth; and that cvcry a Speaking to those hypocrites who thought tbcm-
tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to sclvcs wise but who were in the darkness, Jesus laid
the glory of God the Father.” (Phil. 2: s-11) This, down the rule of Jehovah, to wit: “The light of the
God’s highest honor, he bestows on his Elect Servant, bncly is the cyc: therefore when thinc eye is sillgle,
Christ Jesus, because of the Servant’s complctc obc- thy whole body also is full of light; bnt when thinc
dicncc in the performance of the will of God. “Though cyc is evil, thy body also is full of tlarkllcss.” (Luke
hc wcrc a Son, yet lcarncd hc obcdicnce by the things 11: 34) And on another occasion Jesus said : “I am
which hc sufilcrcd; and being made pcrfcct, hc became the light of the world; hc that followcth me shall not
the author of ctcrnal salvation unto all them that obey walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
him.” (fJcb. 5 : 8, 9) And now, when all the nations (John 8 : 12) Thus the rule is laid down, to which
of the earth are in dire distress and pcrplcxity, and thcrc arc no csceptions, that those who arc faithful
without hope in the world, Jehovah says to those who and true to Jehovah God are blind to cvcrything that
will hear: “In his name shall the nations hope.” is contrary to God’s will. Every one who becomesa
(Matt. 12: 21, U&v., margin) Thus Jehovah points mcmbcr of God’s royal house is thcrcby made a mcm-
to Christ Jesus, his anointed King and Vindicator, bcr of the ‘elect servant’ class of Jehovah and thcre-
as the R~lcr of the world. There is no other name fort must follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Like Jesus,
under ilcaven whereby men can get lift, because God all such must bc blind to everything save doing the
has appointed his Elect Servant, Christ Jesus, the one will of Almighty God.
to dispense fo the obedient the gift of life everlasting, ‘In the prophetic drama in which Samson played
-Ram. 6: 23; Acts 4: 12. the chief part he pictured at this point God’s ‘elect
*It is of this same Elect Servant that Jehovah servant’, particularly those faithful followers of Christ
speaks and says: “Who is blind, but my servant? Jesus on earth who become members of that faithful
or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind and elect servant during the time when ‘(the Messen-
as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord’s servant 0 ger” or Servant Elect was preparing the way before

Jchovnh; and also pictu& particularly the remnant prove their integrity toward him, and this they must
on earth after the coming of Christ Jesus to the tcm- do by a singlcncss of purpose and course of actim,
plc. Like almost all the servants of Jehovah God, always putting forth their very best to do the will
Samson has been the object of much criticism by of God regardless of what any other man does or \yhnt
men. It is even true that men who &ire to appear any other creature might think or say about ihcm.
in the eyes of others as models of goodness, chastity The servant, because of hurnan weakness, may rnz::e
and piety, and which models will be followed as ex- a wrong step, a grievous mistake, and that which is
nmples, level severe criticism against their fellow men very displeasing to God; but if he confesses to (;od
in order to draw attention to lhcmsclrcs. Such is one throu$ the Lord Jesus Christ, acknowlcdgin:! his
form of sclfX~r~essand hypocrisy. Such crcaturcs fear mronqdoing, and then quickly attempts to face about
men and, having men’s persons in admiration, call and do that \vhich is right, hc may receive the mercy
attention to the mistakes and derelictions of their fcl- of Jehovah God and be fully rcinstntcd in the favor
low men who as Christians are trying to do right, of the Lord. (1 John 1: 9) Whatever mist&s S:im-
hoping to hear the pcoplc say of themselves, in sub- son may have ma&, as they appcarcd on the rccoIL1,
stance, ‘Itchuld, what a good man he is! what a high those mist;lkes arc not to apply to Samson, but Erc
StilIld3rd lit sets! Tllc motive prompting men to thus to be applied to the class whom Samson foretold ; t:ld
assume such a high standard thcmselvcs and to point the rule licrc announced with reference to Cod’s ma-
with criticism to otlirrs, is cntircly 8 sclfXi motive. tures whom he approves applies specifically to tho.,e
Other men arc thus dcccircd, but God knows who are whom Samson forcshndowed.
the just and true ones. For that reason Jesus said,
“That which is lliyhly cstwrncd amon:: men is abomi- RAMSON ENTRAPPED
nation in the sight of God.” (Luke 1G: 15) Judah, a The class picturccl by I)c~lil;lh, otherwise mcaniny
Knhab, Ruth, John the 12nptis1, Samson and others the ‘foolish virgin’ class (Matt. 35: l-12), h;ld bec:~rl~e
have been the objects of SCWYCcriticism at the mouths of tlic>ir fear of men a dcsirc for selfish g3in, lost t!lrir
of others, which criticisms lucre entirely out of place. love for God and his children, and were doing nothir::
Whomsoever Jehovah uses and approves cannot be to the honor of Jehovah and !lis cause from and nftcr
properly criticized by m(hn. The servant of Jchovnh 1917. ‘Their lamps \\crc going out,’ because 1111: Ii-ilt
is rcsponsiblc to him, and not to man. “~Vlio art thou they previously had now had become darlln(~~sby Y(Q-
Ihat judgtst anolhcr man’s servant? to his own mns- son of their anxictv to gratify a selfish mil)iti~Jw I!c-
tcr hc standeth or Pallcth. Yen, hc shall 1~2holden up; sire, and because of tllcir fear of men. Thry triccl to
for Cod is able to make him stand.” (1:om. 14: 4) induce those of the Samson cl:~va to lilrcwisc dccl:~rc
The wiseacres and would-he pious ones ~11o criticize &Y Scriptural that it is the duty of all men :y rc:ccr’:-
the servants of God as tltey appear in the I!ible show nize as “the higher powers” those that ru-U:cthe worlrl.
their lack of understanding and a large degree of self- Samson now here plays the part foreshadowing cc-
ishnrss on their part. actly what did come to pass upon the consrcrntcd in
BThose servants of the Lord in times of old played the year 7918. “And she made him sleep upon ller
their rcspcctivc parts in proi)hctic dramas, which parts knees; end she called for R mnn, :~nd she caused hiln
were assigned to them by JAovah; and WCmust not to shnvc oft the scvcn locks of his head; and she bc-
look at the impcrfcctions of the human crcaturc there gan to afllict him, and his strength went from him.”
displayed. Our business is to look at what part they -Judg. 16 : 19.
played or pcrformcd, and which was written and re- ’ I~c~usc of the threats of danger to the Lord’s
corded in the Word of God for the bcncfit of the rrm- people by reason of the crisis resulting from the grc.:lt
nant now 011earth. Cod ncvcr asked or required a war there was a more consitlerato and cor.ci!intory
man to so dcvclop his own character that he would cour.setaken by the Samson class toward the I)c~lilah
bo fit to reign with Christ Jesus, and that for the class, and this may well bc pictured by Snm\on’s siccp-
manifest reason that no man could accomplish such in: upon WAilah’s I(.nccs.It showed a position of trust
thing. This does not at all mean that men are justi- and confidence even though that trust and confidcncc
ficd in lcatling a loose and intemperate course, nor was misplaced. The Samson class were not wilhnrrly
does it furnish an excuse or justification for their im- or voluntarily defiling their consecration vow to Jcho-
perfections. \\‘hat is hcrc said is to emphasize the fact vah God, but were permitting themselves to bc ihrown
that not .by his outward appearance dots man prc- into a position whcrc others could defile them. The
pare himscalf for God’s service, but his faith and un- sleeping of Samsm on the lap of Delilah was surely
swerving devotion are what brin!: the approval of God a lack of true watchfulnrss, but Samson was pl:qil?g
and prepare for that man a ~~lncein God’s everlast- this part in the drama foretelling the ne,nligcncc bf
ing organization. The Scriptures show what God re- those consecrated to God and who were on cnrth at
quires of those whom he approves, and evcrywhcre the time approximately at the cominq of tho T,orgl
therein absolute and complete faithfulneqs is maqni- to the temple. The facts show that the Samson cia<a
fied. Those who are approved by Jehovah must first did become negligent about that time.

a While Samson was in this state of lethargy on therefore the Lord says through his prophet: “AmI
Delilah’s lap, Delilah called a man skillful with a I am very sore displeased with the heathen that are
knife or shears, who cut away the lo&s of his hair. at ease; for I was but a little displeased [with tho
That skillful barber ~~11 pictures the secret service Samson class], and they [the modern Philistines]
men mbo went stealthily about during the war days hclpcd forward the afliction [on God’s people].”
to entrap men to induce or compel men to support (Zech. 1: 15) By the mouth of the prophet Isaiah
the war lords. The cutting of Samson’s hair was an God likewise foretold his displeasure with his people,
involuntary defilement of the Xaznritc vow and in- when he said : “Thou mast angry with me.“-Isa. 12: 1.
terruptcd the performance of his aLsigned duty. la As God permitted the Philistines to take Samson
9 The Delilah class had caused much trouble during to foreshadow what should follow, likewise he per-
1917 and 1918 in the ranks of the Society and had mitted the Samson class to be taken by the enemy
now learned that the Society was weakening in respect early in 1918. Samson w-ns seized by the l’hilistines
to the rulers of the world. Xo one then fully recog- through the conspiracy of I)clilah. The Sam~:onclass
nized that the “higher powers” arc Jehovah God and wzw seized by the modern Phil~sl.incc in 191s through
Christ Jesus, and they alone. The Delilah class knew the treachcrousncss of the Delilah class. At that time
that this emergency, provided by the World War and some who had been prominent in the nctivitics of the
its attending circumstances, was the time for the Snm- Society prior to 1917 became the bitter cncmics of
son class to be hurniliatcd, and therefore seized upon the Society and conspired with the cncmp. For in-
the opportunity, like Judas, to betmy their brcthrcn stance, because he rendered t!lc cAnemyservice nquinst
into the hands of the modern l’hilistincs. RIcn who his brethren one of these indietcd by the fcclcral crand
had previously been engaged in the erstwhile “pil- jury under the espionage law was never brought to
grim service” under the supervision of the Society, trial. The Samson class showed their liirldncss toward
and who had joined the iniquitous ones, now went those of the Delilah class: even then, but that kind-
about amongst the various companies of God’s people ncss was rejected, manifestly bccnusc the I)c~lilall class
and lay the use of soiX speech and enticing words in- was expecting immunity from IEc mod(~rn I’hillstinrs.
gratiated thcmselvcs and wrongfully obtained the evi- Tl~oso of the Samson class on’crcd this one man to
dence of many of the Lord’s pcoplc and then sou$t furnish him bail bond, and to furnish attorneys for
to turn them in opposition to the Society and its work. his defense alon:: with the others, and a special UPS-
-See The Watchtower, March 1, 1918, page 79. sengcr was sent to him with suc*hoffer. This was done
lo When Samson’s hair had been cut away Dclil:lh becausethey had been previously brcthrcn in the. Lorll
gave the warning to the l’hilistinc~. “And she s:$l, toy&her. The offer was flatly rcfusccl, and the OIW
The I’hilistines be upon thee, S;:II~OII. And hc alvolie thus arrested was required to furnish mcrcly a str:i\v
out of IAs sleep, and said, I will go out, as at otbcr bond and never was thereafter haled into court, but
times before, and shake myself. Arid he wist not that he and his allies bcloll$nz to the I~~~lilah cl:lss w(‘rc
the Lord wag departed from him.“-Jude;. 16: 20. seen engaged in convcrsntion with the rcprcrcntat iv(‘s
l1 Likewise when the Snrnso~l class awoke out of a of the government while the prosecution of the Snm-
state of drowsiness in 1918, the discovery was made son class was in progress.
that the Samson clxss was greatly iucapacitatcd and la This turn in the affairs of the Society mark<>d
almost impotent. The Society made an effort to pu41 the ending of the Elijah work, which w‘aa forc4lad-
on with the work, but, failing to set the real iTsue owed by Samson’s being taken into custody. \Vhcn
and the mxcssity of taking an uncompromising posi- Samson’s hair was removed ho was easily t:&cn by
tion as to the kingdom, it became weak. The TV&A- tho Philistincs, showing that the favor of the Isort
tower was then not taking a bold lead for the cause was not with him at that time and that his strcn:n:h
of the ltir~gdom ag it should have done, and with that had departed from him. This was for the l)uq~ose of
the Lord was displcnscd, and he pcrmittcd the enemy showing when the Idord’s displeasure would 1~ mani-
to rent its spleen on the Samson class, even as the fested toward the Samson class. The I~lijnll-Joh11-tllc-
Phiiistines took Samson. While the record does not Baptist work being now fXsl~cc1,the “two u it IWSSC’S”
say that God was displeased with Samson, and that lay dead (inactive) in the street. “And I will give
for the mnnifcst reason that Samson was playing his power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy
part in the drama, the record shows that what Sam- a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed
son did foreshadow was that God would be displeased in sackcloth. And when they shall have fini4lctl their
with the Samson class for the fulfillment of the pro- testimony, the beast that ascend&h out of the bottom-
phetic drania, and which did take place in the early less pit shall make war against them, and sl~;~!!over-
part of 1918. To be sure, Jehovah for&new this con- come them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall
dition would arise, and he foretold it through the lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually
prophecy of the drama. Jehovah was displeased with is called Sodom and Eqpt, where also our Lord was
what the Samson class did, but that was no warrant crucified.” -1:ev. 11: 3, 7, 8. (See L&At, Book One,
or authority for the enemy to afflict “Samson”, and page 132 and fnlloviing.)

I* The beastly governing power, of which the mod- ment, and to confess that wrong before God and be-
ern Philistincs were a part, had caused the “two wit- fore -ivitncsses.
nesses” to lie dead “in the street”. The modern Philis- I5 The Philistines must have led the blind Samson
tines had been the chief movers in this assault upon in a public procession, that they might display him
Jehovah’s witnesses. In 1918 the Samson class had and their triumph over him; and the peoples support
permitted thcmsclvcs to be inveigled into a position ing the Philistines joined in their shouts of triumph.
of indifference resulting in partial blindness. They The Philistines must have reasoned that Samson is
did not see and appreciate the true isle and on that done for. Likewise in 1918 the modern Philistines con-
issue taking a firm stand and holding that position cluded that the Samson class was now dead and they
regardless of consequences. The Samson class did not would not be bothered with them any more : “And they
voluntarily seekthat position, but from weakness found of the people, and kindreds, and tongues, .and nations,
themselves in that place. On the seventh day of May, shall see their dead bodies three days and an half,
1918, the official mcmhcrs of the Society wcrc arrested, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in
and many others of the Society were arrested before graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rc-
and immcdiatcly thcrcaftcr, and the work of the So- joice over them, and make merry, and shall srnd gifts
cicty was cfl’cctivcly stopped. That there was a partial one to another; because these two prophets tormcntcd
blindness on the part of the Samson class is supported them that dwelt on the earth.“-Rev. 11: 9,lO.
by the following: : At that time 2%e Watchtoser was la The modern Philistines felicitated one another and
edited by a committee, different members writing the rejoiced that the Samson class was done up. Samson
diffcrcnt artielcs that were published. In The Wdch- was bound with fetters and held firmly, which fetters
tozccr of April 15, 1017, and before the arrest of the in former times could not have held him at all. The
Socicly ‘s officers, this was said conccrnin~ the sup- events of 1918 brourht about by the World N’ar and
port of the govcrnmcnts in the war: “There is no the treachery of “~clilnh” and the action of tha
middle ground for a Christian. IIc can bc true to the “Philistinrq” made the Samson class a much prized
Lord and faithful to hiu consecration vow only by talc- prisoner. Samson was mndc to grind in the prison
in: one course, namrly, a refusal to engage in the house; and likewise the Samson class ws ma& to
war. . . . Since he is the ambnxsador of the heavenly “grind in the prison house”, some actually grindlncf,
kingdom hc should WCto it that his time and strength and all hcinn rcstrainrd from activity in public WW’-
and energy arc clcvotcrl to peaceful pursuits, and to ice of Jcl~ovah, and forced to rcndcr scrvicc to Sai:m’s
the dctlnrinF: of 1hc ~IOSS:I~C of the kin::tlorn of Christ.” organization, and th\s cnuscd the modern l’llilistinco
Immcdiatcly followinK the arrest above mentioned, in to greatly rejoice. The Samson class, now l~lmd and
May, l9lS, The Watc/~towcr became Icss bold in pro- rcstraincd by the modern Philistincs, then rcal1.v ;twk-
claimin:: the kingdom truths, and in the very same cncd to the situation and with absolute conficlcncc in
issue which announced such arrests the statement was the Blast lIi$l prayed C;od for their rclcnsc: that they
puhlishcd that the prcsidcnt of the United States had might do his service to his glory rcqardlcc.7 of cow+
issued a proclamation naming Blay 30, 1915, “A dxy quenccs; ruid the Lord did riot let that prayer ~0 un-
of prayer and supplication.” That “prayer meeting” heeded. “For he bath looltcd down from the Iici$it
was for tlic successful termination of the war, of course, of his sanctuary; from heaven dicl the Lord Lchold
which the country had then entered. Commenting up- the earth; to hear the groaning of the prisonrr, lo
on that proclamation The Watchtozccr of June 1, 1318, loose those that arc appointed to death [donnrd by
said of Amcricn and this prayer meeting: “This is the I’hilistincs to die in prison] ; to dccIare the name
the land divinely ‘shadowed with wings’, ovcrshad- of the Lord in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem.”
owed by the providential watchcare of God’s Word, -Ps. 102 : 19-21.
. And they [God’s people] mill hc of all people IT That the Lord heard the prayer of his people
;h’e most ready to embrace an opportunity of gath- is cvidcnccd by the overwhelming corroborative facts
ering in an additional service of prayer and suppli- that follow, and his spirit was given to the faithful
cation . . . . Let there be praising and Ihanks$ving to Samson class in “a doub!c portion”, and this was
God for the promised glorious outcome of the war, the foretold by the growing out again of Samson’s hair
while hc was in prison. “IIowbcit the hair of his head
breaking of the shackles of autocracy, the freedom of
began to grow again alter he was shaven.” (Judy.
the c?ptives (Isa. 61: 1) and the making of the world 16: 22) The hair on his head again becoming long
safe for the common people.” That publication was was symbolic of the reproach that would come uporl
largely induced by blindness, the result of fear, One and continue upon the Samson class because of faith-
“eye” of the Samson class was about out, and a little fulness to Jehovah. The modrrn Philistines thought
later the Philistines bored out the other “eye”, but they were rid of the Samson class, even as the
with a different result. (See verse 28.) The Watch tower Philistines thought Samson was for ever bereft of
takes this occasion to aclmomled~e the wrongful course his strength; but neither the modern Philistines nor
taken by this journal in publishing the above state- their prototype knew about the law of the Nazarites.
J-ANu.t&Y 1, 193 me WATCHTOWER 7

“And if. . . he [the Kazarite] hath defiled the head The same matter is illustrated by Belshazzar’s feast,
of his consecration; then he shall shavo his head in whose father had dcstroycd Jerusalem and made pris-
the day of his cleansing, on the seventh day [of the oners of the Jews. While Belshazzar drank wine with
week of cleansing] shall he shave it. . . . And he shallhis lords, wives and concubines, and praised their
consecrate unto the Lord the days of his separation, god, Satan’s representative, even so the Philistincs
and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass had done. (Dan. 5 : 1-S) After the Samson class was
offering; but the days that were before [the violation put in forcible and involuntary restraint the modern
of his Nazarite vow] shall be lost, because his separa- l’hilistiues felicitated each other, rejoiced and gave
tion was defiled.“-Num. 6 : 9-12. praise to their god, and all the people of influence
18Cod forcknew and foretold the restoring of Sam- nmonyst them of the ruling powers of the world joined
son’s hair and what it would symbolize and the full therein and reproached the Samson class, and continue
restoration to God’s favor of the Samson class. With to reproach them. It may be well here to call attcn-
the regrowth of Samson’s hair his position as a Naza- tion to some evidence showing that the modern I’hilis-
rite was rcncwcd and his purification was accomplished, tines are made up of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy,
thus forctclling that God’s faithful people, pictured and the so-called “Protcsfant” clergy, and the prin-
by Samson, must continue in faith and be faithful cipal of their flocks, together iiith the Jewish ral~his.
Samson appears now to bc stronger than cvcr bcforc, Iiypocritically these claim to serve Cod and Christ,
ond surely after 1919 God’s faithful pcoplc on earth but in fact they serve the Devil. The Koman Catholic
wcrc, and since have been, stronger than ever before, Ilicrarchy boldly and blasphemously claims to bc tllc
that is, “strong in the Lord and in the power of his rcprcscntative of Cod on earth, ruling ,a~ the vice-
might,” faithfully declaring his message.---7:ph.6 : 10.gcrcnt of Christ Jcaus. Its action is contrary to cvcary
lo While grinding in prison Samson would be con- law of Cod; thercforc the Rorn:~n Catholic lIicrar~h>
sidering how hc could fulfill his commission from Jc- heads the list of hypocrites. “I’r~~tcstants” so narncd
hovah. Likewise during the period of restraint of the themselves bccausc they knew of tho duplicity of the
Samson class they were praying to God and mcditat Catholic Ilierarcliy; but the mm who took that oriKi-
ing how tlicy might acain be of grcatcr service to nal stand are gone and the modern-day “Protestaut”
Jehovah than cvcr bcforc. \Yhat could they do against lcadcrs have turned away cutircly to the Devil, dicll
the cnerny and to the glory of Jehovah? was cvcr upon 1lliC the lion which Samson slew, and all tlic 1~)po-
their minds! This was the period of time bctwcctn the crites are joined togcthcr in one crowd; and Go11cl~s-
taking away or ending of the Elijah work and the bc- clarcs that he will appoint the end of the I-)clilah
ginning of the Elisha work. “And their dead bodies class with this bunch of hypocrites.
shall lie in the street of the great city, which spirit- 23And now some of the rcccut llistorical facts show
ually is called Sodom and I$ypt, where also our Lord the hypocrisy of the Homan Catholic Ilicrarchy. Ila~c
was crucified. And after three days and a11 half the in mind that the Hierarchy thirty-five years ago bol(lly
spirit of life from God cntcrcd into them, and they announced its purpose to get control of the Ullitcd
stood upon their feet; aud great fear fell upon them States govcrnmcnt. A combination of the political rcbli-
which saw them. And they heard a great voice from gionists, both Catholics and Protestants, at the l::llti-
heaven saying unto them, Come up hithrr. And they more convention iii 1912 rcsultcd in making Wooclt~v
ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies 1ViLson president of the United States. ;\Ir. ‘\\‘ilson
beheld them.“-Rev. 11: 8,11,12. was listed as a Protestant. Thcrenftcr 2’1~sXnticl~l
*OIn 1919 the Lord’s anger toward his pcoplc ceased Catl~olic &gist&r pablishcd an articic congratulatill!;
and the Elisha work was begun. “Thou wast angry the people on Mr. Wilson’s elcctioa, and, arnon:,rst
with me, thinc anger is turned away, and thou com- otlicr things, said : “It is God’s plan that the holy
fortcdqt me.” (Isa. 12 : 1) Thercaftcr the Samson class father of l&m~c should be the temporal and spiritual
experienced Jehovah’s favor, and since then they have head of his kingdom on earth. It is the same to&q-
continued to sing the praises of Jehovah.-Isa. 12 : 2-6.as in the time of the first pope. The best way to ac-
complish this is through political power, t!lrou$l rcli-
PHILISTINES ItEJOICE gious education and service. God has doubly blcs~d
*‘The Philistincs a~scmblcd for a great sacrifice and the Catholic church of America by placing one of its
praise to their god Dagon, and rejoiced because of most faithful sons at the right 11md of Prcsidcnt Wil-
what they concluded was Samson’s complctc downfall : son. Nest to the president, IIonorablc Joseph Tumulty,
“Then the lords of the Philistincs gathered them to- a Knight of Columbus of the 33rd degree, wields the
gether for to offer 8 great sacrifice unto Dagon their greatest political power of any man in America; and
god, and to rejoice; for they said, Our god hsth dcliv- as a true Catholic he is exercising the greatest trubt
ercd Samson our enemy into our hand.“-Judg. 16 : 23. which God has given into his hands for the glory of
** The Philistines flouted the supremacy of Jehovah, t,hc holy church. Through his tact and holy zcnl he
Samson’s Cod, and ascribed their own victory to their has created a warm friendship between the C’nt;l4ic
god, and the l)cvil, whom he specially represented. church and President Wilson. This i; the f&.t time
N. Y.

in the history of the country when the president and dependent state, and thereafter the Hierarchy sends
a great politicaI party have openly sought an qua1 its ambassadorsto the various countries of “Christcn-
and honest alliance with the Catholic church.” dom”, thus showing that the Roman Catholic IIier-
24This supports the conclusion that the Roman Cath- archy does not represent God and Christ, because the
olic Hierarchy has steadfastly pushed forward to grab present wicked world is under the complete domina-
the American government to gratify its own selfish tion of the Devil, and God would have no ambassadors
dcsircs. Millions of honest people have been induced in the Devil’s organization.
to associntc thcmsclves with the Catholic church sys- *’ The Hierarchy has entered into and signed an
tem.and support it, and these arc not responsible for agreement with the visible rulers of Germany and
\--hat the IIicrarchy has done, and what is here said Austria, and the Ilierarchy is really back of the Nazis
about the IJicrarchy dots not apply to honest, sincere and using the Nazis for the purpose of stamping out
Catholics. Those who have a desire to see God’s king- all who oppose the Catholic IIierarchy. The Ilierarchy
dom will break away from the Catholic IIicrarchy in in America operates to control the nation and seesto
due time. it that many important offccs arc filled by agents of
25It should be remembered that it was during the the IIicrarchy and particularly that invcstigtors of
Wilson administration that America cntcrcd the war the I)cpartment of Justice arc agents of the IIicrarclly
and on July 17, 1317, 2%~ FiCshcd dlystcry wus rc- who have not the slightest dcgrcc of honesty and fair-
dentin? with their fellow crcaturcs.
leased, and on June 21, 1978, the officers of the ~VATCII
TOWIX 1:1n1x f;: TIMCT So(*Ir.TY were scntcnrcd to 28Since the World War the modern Philistincs have
cigtity years’ imprisonment by a judge who was doing con1illucd to make au open show of Jehovah’s wit-
the bidding of n!r. Wilson and tllc Roman CathcJlic nc:;sc’s,the Samson class, and the Samson class halt
Ilicrarchy. It was durin: Mr. Wilson’s atlminlstra- been rcpronchcd and continue to be reproached hc-
tion that Catholic and I’rotcstant clcrgymcn lic~lcla cnusc of their faithfulness to Cod and Cllrist. The
ultra-Catholic and l’rolcstant people, not knowlng wtly
confcrcncc at Pt~ilndclpl~in to pcric>rt the plnnq to tlc-
stroy tlic Samson clax A resolution too!ring to that they are reliqionists but yielding to ttic scductirc irt-
very end was a(loptcd illld carried to \~ilS~lill~~~Jl, fluc~nccof the clcrxy, have joined with the clcr:y in
sutting in a bill’s bcinx introd~lc+cdin the Senate mak-hcapinl: reproach upon J(!llovi~ll’s wilncsqrs cvcn as
ing a viol:Ition of ttic cspionnqc law punishnblc with they did upon Samson: “And when tlic lxoplc saw
death, and providing that al! suc*hofrcndcrs must be him, tllcy praised their god; for tlicy said, Our god
tried by court martial. John IA O’lrian, a11 ultra- hnth dclivcrcd into our Ilands our PIlemy, and t hc dc-
churchman crc~tlilcd as being a l’rotcstant but \rorkingst roycr of our country, which slew many of us [hath
together with the Catholics, an:1 who had prosrcutcd slain many of us (Kb’.)].“-Jud:. 16. 24.
other honest men on a charge of hcrcsy in the eliurcli *OAs the economic contlitions of the world have be-
orgnizntions, was in the I)cpnrtmcnt of Justitc and come distressing since 3329 the motlrru Pliili;tillrs
lccl ttic fight against the Samson clxs. Aittcd and abct-
and thrir allies, and the principal of their floc4r, tlarc
ted by a dyctl-iI]-ttic-~~001 KniKllt, of Columl)us the scizcd upon the same as an cmcqcncy to ctlilct opprc+
foregoing bill \iilS t)rou~lit bcforc the Senate. It waSsivc le$slntion in their endrnvor to destroy ihc wollr
openly and boldly stated by a gcncrnl in the llnitcd of Jehovah’s witnCsscs, and to this end hnvc vir?or-
States army that the purpox of that bill was to “get ously prosccutcd a c;lll~paign to discredit Jr110vah :lnd
the Oiblc Students”, that is, the antitypical Samson his witncsycs in the cycs of the pcoplc, and to some
cl:1ss. extent have succecdcd in doin: so.
*aSam:;on’s hair was grown long qain and hc was 8oAs the Philistines hcapctl indignities upon Sam-
irl Cod’s favor. T~‘ollowing the World War, and par- son, their blind prisoner, so in rcccnt years the mod-
ticularly in 192’3,the Samson class had been reinstated cm l’hilistincs have continued to hcnp indiguitics upon
in God’s favor and they pushed forward with the wit- Jehovah’s servant class, blind to all purposes except
nrss work as never bcforc. Then the clergymen of all the serving of Jehovah God. They have caused thclr
classes and denominations combined and began the ncwspapcrs to publish malicious lies about them, when
persecution of the Samson class, not only in America, the truth might have scrvcd their ends better. They
but in all parts of “Christendom”. During the past have made sport of Jehovah’s witnesses through the
scvcn years there has been a constant, wicked pcrsc- press and made them appear as long-haired, crn/,y
cution of Jehovah’s witnesses in Xew Jersey and in people and as a “cult” that is not to bc seriou4y
many other parts of the earth, and this pcrsccution considered. They have desired to expose Jchovalt ‘s wit-
in flagrant disregard of the fundamental law of the ncsscs to ridicule and shame, even as the Phili~t illcs
land continues, and the result is that thousands of did with Samson. “And it came to pass, when their
honest and faithful followers of Christ Jesus have hearts were merry, that they said, Call for S:i1:1stin,
been ill-treated, arrested and thrown into prison. It that hc may make us sport. And they cnllcd for S::m-
was in 1920 that a treaty was signed between hlussotini son out of the prison house; and he made tl~cm sport;
and the Vatican whereby the Papacy becomes an in- and they set him bctmccn the pillars.“-Juclg. 16: 25.
JANUARY 1, 1936 9

I1 The lords and ladies of the Philistines, reveling form his mighkst service looking to the vindication
in wine and otherwise indulging themselves at the ex- of Jehovah’s name. He had been waiting on the Lord
pensc of the pcoplc, brought Samson before them for and a&nowledging him in all his ways, and now the
their sport. At this point of the prophetic drama Sam- Lord had renewed and increased his strength. “But
son must have presented a m&-able and ludicrous they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strcrqth;
appearance. Long hair and long beard matted togcth- they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall
cr, and covered over with grime and the dirt of the run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not
prison, blind in both eyes, and drcsscd in prison garb, faint “--Is2 46 * 31
he would present such a picture as impure and wicked 85l&t thii pa& df the prophetic drama along&
minds would rcvcl in. For twenty years Samson was the physical facts that have come to pass within the
a dread unto the Philistincs and now he was in their last few years. The faithful servants of Jehovah, forc-
power, completely disgraced, and the Philistincs would told by Samson, have been within that time the ob-
WC him for sport ltic rest of his days. Likewise in 1919 jccts of ridicule and reproach e~urywherc by the ctcr-
the actual prison houses were opcncd and the Samson gy of all denominations and their allies. Kcgrdtcss
class released, but they wcrc in fact still under great of 110~111uctlthe Lord hay bestowed his out\\;lrd bt~s-
restraint and in the eyes of the rlcrgy, the modern ings upon his witnesses the public press, called into
Philist incs, were drrndfully humitiutcd and prcscnted action by the modern l%itistinc:s, has rc\ itcd am1 rc-
a tnottcy appcnrancc. Satan’s carttity reprcscntativcs, proached Jehovah’s witncsxs by consta~ltly pnbtish-
dircckd by his chief officer Cog (Ezck. 35 : 1-4; 39 : l-4 j, ing fatsetioods concernin : ttlc:m. Prom the put1)it.s and
had drawn the clcr~y, Ca.ttiolic and Protestant, closer in public assembtlcs of ttlc lam-matters and the law-
togcthcr in their conspiracy. The chief object of Satan ofiiccrs of ttlc modern I’hilistincs, all ttlcsc have ridi-
at all titncs is to bring rcgroach upon the name of Jc- culed and lied about and contcrnptnonsly rcproac+cd
hovat1 and to cause men to curse the 1101~One. llc Jehovah and his witncsscs. l’hcsc witnc,qscshave been
now uses the modwn Phitistincs to that very end. “mddc a gilihgc,tOCl~” oE the tnany, both by rcproxti-
I2 Some time had elapsed since the World War, and Csillld afllictions, and others not actually I,rougtit into
the combined clergy had indul~cd csccssivcly in 111~ view have sufkrcd by reason of bcitq companions of
wine of “the vine of tllc earth” (lkv. 14: 17-%), and l!lc\c faittlful ones \\ ho hnvc txxti so ill-nscd. \\‘hcn
they wanted sport. Compare this with what i$ record- tlic piibtic I)rc’ss,and particularly the I licrarctiy’s pa-
cd about Uclshazznr’s feast : “I~cIstmzz~lr, whites he pars, 1x1~c an opportunity to publish sonictIling about
tasted Ule wine, coml:lnndcd to bring the golden and Jclx~vah’s witnesses tlrry dctibcratcly ignore the truth
silver ~csscls which his fnttlrr Ncbuchndnczznr Ilad ant1 1~l~tJtist~ lies, i11ld IilU~tl ;lLout it, :uld rejoice in
taken ant of the tcmplc which was in Jcrusatcm; that tticir clrunlicn rcvct. In making sport of Samson the
the king, and his I)rinc(‘s, hia wives, and his COIIVU- l’hilistincs reproached the name of Jct~ovnh God and
bincs, might drink thcrcin.“--Dan. 5: 2. praised ttrc Jkvil throu::tt their god l):~gon. In mod-
83The “golden \.c:~s~~ts”of modern t imcs are the cm times thc modern l’lrilistines, maltirlg sttort of Jc-
faithful witncssrs of d&ova11 who bear God’s mcc;s:qc ho\ :111’switnesses have bra~nty rcpro:tc~l~cdttlc name
to those who huvc licnriti~ cars: and bccnusc Ihcy arc of Jrhovah, and at the snmc time ttlcy give pra~sc t,o
Jchovnh’s rcpl’cscntnt ivcs, the I)cvil ant1 his reprcscnt- the Devil and his organization.
atives dcti:trt to brin: reproach upon them. 3a“Who is blind, but my servant?” saitti the Lord.
8( Samson was brought bcforc the assembly of the The true Samson class must at this time bc blind to
lords of the Philist ines that ihe hilarity of Itmt occa- cvcrything csccpt the doin: of God’s will. Jn this time
sion might incrcasc and that their gltta might know of pcrsccution these faithlut nitncsscs, blind to every-
no bounds. A great crowd of more than six ttlo\is;ind thing cscept God’s service, 1lCilr the words of comfort
Phitistinrs were gathcrcd in 111~assembly place and from Jehovah’s Word, written long ago for their bcnc-
were having a gay feast. Samson in the midst of all fit, to wit: “Cast not away ttirrcforc your coniidcncc,
that revelry was entirely blind to it, but his eye? of which hntti great rccompcncc of reward. For ye have
understanding, his mental vision, were clear and he was need of pnticncc, that, after yc have done the wilt of
dctcrmincd to retrieve, if possible, his former action God, ye might receive the promise.“-1lcb. 10: 35, 3G.
and now to give everything to the honor of Jehovah’s s’ Samson’s heart must have burned with righteous
name. There in the presence of the Philistines Samson indignation at the rcproachcs cast upon the name of
was bcinq mqdc a gazingstock both by reproach and Jehovah when he was led to a position where he was
by affliction. (II&. 10: 33) Samson bcre his humilia- “Set . . . between the pillars” that supported the great
tion with calmness, awaiting his opportunity to dis- hall. IIc would Ix eager to be used there to the glory
play the strength v:hich God had given him and about of God and to the vindication of his name. rJcl~ovah
which the Philistines did not know. No doubt the was directing the drama, and Jehovah put it into the
thought then came into Samson’s mind that God had mind of Samson as to the manner in which he could
permitted him to be brought into this condition of be used, and that must have thrilled Sarnson’s heart.
great reproach and humiliation that hc might per- Likewise the Samson class, while being abused, ill-
10 @EeWATCHTOWER EsRooluYs, s. I’.
treated, ridiculed, denounced, arrested and throlvn in America by the cIcrgy especially, are fathered and
into prison b~anse of their faithfulness to Jehovah, carried on by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and its
have at aU times been eager to do something to the allies in order to fnrnish an opportunity and afford
honor and praise of Jehovah’s holy name. The tv;o an excuse for the Romcn organization to grab America
pillars of the I>a~:on temple supported the roof, on and rule it by the hand of a cruel dictator.
which were seated about three thousand persons, and 30For some time now the Samson class, that is to
a 111~~ number or cvcn more would be on the lolver say, God’s faithful witnesses on earth, have been placed
floor, and with attending lackeys and other servants between these two pillars of Satan’s organization. Jc-
the number would be even grcaicr than six thousand. hovah in his own good way has made known to these
And what did those two pillars rcprcscnt? faithful ones the meaning of the ‘two signs in heaven’
88The structure was Satan’s house visible to the (Rev. 12 : l-3)) and that one of those signs is Satan’s
cycs of men, and accommotl~ttedthose who were in it. organization; and Jehovah’s witnesses elrarly discern
The house, thcrcforc, rcl,rcscntrd Satan’s visible or- that the two pillars of the visible part of Satan’s or-
ganization, in which his devotees feasted and praised ganization are as stated above. By God’s grace they
his name and cursed .Jchovah God. Since the coming have now come to the correct understandiua of “the
of the Lord Jesus to tllc tcmplc of .Jchovah the ruling higher powers” and have learned that these “hi::her
factors or earthly 101~~1~ of the I)cvil’s visible organi- powers” arc Jehovah and Christ Jesus alone. They
zation have asscmb]etI in his tctnl1)1c,the two support- now clearly discern that the two pillars supporting
ing pillars of which WC, (1) that the visible ruling Satan’s visible organization are false and fraudulent
powers of the earth, and the ones to be praised, are and that the only hope for mankind is the kinqlom
thC rdigiOIk&3, COIltr~J~~Cl‘S of conlniWcC, and the PO- of God Ly and through Christ Jesus, his clcct and
litirnl instruments, and that th~c therefore constitute “blind” servant.
“the liiqlier powers”, which ~~owcrsarc ordained of BLIND
Cod, and to which all men must be subject, regardless ‘OSamson was entirely blind and, aa such, he there
of what God may say. This, of course, is a pcrvcrsion played a part in the drama picturing Jehovah ‘s “ faith-
of the scripture at Remans 13 : 1. (2) That such “high- ful servant” clatq now blind to cvcrytl~irl~ save 111~
cr powcr~3” or visible ruling factors arc the ones en- service of Jehovah looking to tha vindirution of hii
dowed and fully empowcrcd and ably qualified to give name : “And Satnson said unto the lad that held lliru
to the pcoplc IJrOS[JCTit.y, security and peace on c&h, by the hand, Suffer me that I may fccl the pillar.;
making it a fit place in which to live; and that these Whm2UlJOn the house standeth, that I may lean U[JOtl
two antitypirnl l)illars alone will robe the earth in them.” (Judg. 1G: 2G) Samson Irrlcw the two p;llars
glory and lwauty, and then Christ .Jcsusmight be in- were there supporting the building, and doubtless on
vitcd to come nnd look at it. To this end they have his former visit to Gaza hc had csamincd that great
organized the Lcag~c of Nations, a World Court; made house, and now hc could use the knowledge to good
numerous pence treaties; dcclarcd holy years; brought cffcct. Fciqning weakness and to be in need of rest,
forth numerous so-cnllcd recovery schemes, such as Samson requested that he might be permitted to feel
killing pigs and destroying crops, to enhance the price of the pillaru that held up tho house. Likcwisc Jeho-
of what remains; and continued to tax the pcoplc to vah’s witnesses, under their Head, Christ Jesus, give
raise money to keep millions on the dole and suhjcct the appcaranrc of wcakncss, because they arc but a
to thrir political dictates. T11ey have organized and few in number and they possessnot the riches of thi:j
put into operation such schcmw of government as Fas- world, nor political power nor influrnce. They trust
cism, Nazism, dictators, and hailed thcsc as man’s de- wholly in Jehovah and in his King. Blind to the taunts
liverer, instcnd of giving honor to God and his King, and jeers and insolence hurled at him, Samson tllcrc
Christ Jesus. Back of this entire movement is the Ro- dctcrminctl to get himself into a position to the honor
man Catholic lIicrnrchy, whic*h by various schemes of Jehovah’s name. Likewise since 1922 the Sa!nson
and under various names has mndc itself the con- class, blind to the reproaches, taunts, jeers and re-
trolling power in many nntions. Such men as Hitler, peated insults heaped upon them, have dctcrmillcd,
hIosley, Mussolini and others arc mcrcly tools to the by the Lord’s grace, to get thcmsclvcs into a position
“black” organization, of wllic*h the Jesuits arc the that thy may have some part in tlic vindication of
sccYct scrvicc ngcnts. It is aull~oritatively stated that Jehovah’s name. They see that such is the very ~tnr-
Mosley apd Mr. Rooscvclt spent some time cruising pose of Jel~c~vah’~tabin:: out frotn the world n ~CO~J~C
tog&cr on the seasshortly before the latter was clcct- for his ii:~nic, that they might show forth hi3 pr<!rics.
cd to the presidency of the United States. Although -Acts 15 : 14; 1 ret. 2: 9, 10.
hIo4cy in 35ngland is ostensibly socialistic, the move- ‘l That must have been a noisy crowd, indul$nq in
ment is in fact forn ardcd by the Roman Catholic IIier- great hilarity, both on the roof and below it, all IX&-
archy to furnish an excuse to grab the British Empire ing sport in one way or other of Samson: “Now the
and control it openly. Likewise the Socialist and Com- house was full of men and women ; and all the lords
munist movements, about which so much is now said of the Phili~tincs were there; and there were upon
the roof about three thousand men and women, that Lord.” (Zech. 14: 7) The faithful witnesses of Jeho-
beheld while Samson made sport.“-Judg. 16 : 27. vah, pictured here by Samson, are determined that
41The esaltcd ones of the Philistincs had gathered they will make the most of this day, regardless of the
there from all the allied cities. They were ridiculing consequencesthat may befall them through man. Sam-
the Israelites, whom once they had greatly feared, and son, wholly blind, knew he must die. Now the Samson
doubtless they still feared Samson might do something; class, blind to everything save doing the will of God
but they knew they were great in number and had to the vindication of his name, know that they must
Samson where they could watch him. Likewise today die, and this they are glad to do and are determined
the modern I’hilistines, when considering their posi- to do out in the service of the Most IIigh. They are
tion and hearing what the Samson class have to say, so blind to everything else that they refuse to be turned
look with fear at what might come to pass and they aside to look at anything else. Like the faithful apostle
trust in their own allied strength and think they have Paul they declare: ‘This one thing I will do,’ that I
the Samson class where they can watch them and get may be a true follower of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3 : 13)
rid of them at will. Threats, opposition, assaults, prison and ill-treatment,
will not deter the faithful remnant in carrying out
HIS PRAYER their consecration vow unto God. They remcmbcr that
‘s Samson prayed to Jehovah, and likcwisc the Sam- Jesus has said to them : “EC thou faithful unto death,”
son class pray to God without ceasing. (1 Thcss. 5 : 17) and this they are determined to do.-Rev. 2: 10.
Of himself Samson did not have strength to pull down
the great house, but Jehovah w<asabout to furnish all HIS EYES
the needed strcn$h. Tlikcwise the Samson class have ‘a Samson prayed that hc might be avcnzcd of the
no power to pull down Satan’s houx, but God gives Phllistincs “for my two cycs”. Other rendcrinys of
them the strength to declare his purpose to accom- this test: “That I may be arenced with one a\cn$ng
plish that vrry thing. (2 Cor. 30: 4) “And Samson for one of my 1.~0 eyes.” (Eotl~., margin) (Likcwiso
called unto t11cLord, and said, 0 Lord con [Jehovah], the Amcrica72 Zicvixzd Version marginal rcndtsring)
rcmcmbcr me, I pray tlicc, and strcn$hcn me, I pray “That I may bc avenged for one of my two eyes on
thee, only this once, 0 God, that I may bc at onto tllc I’hilistinc~s.” (1,ccscr) Samson could properly
avenged of the I’hilistinc~o for my two eyes.” (Judg. charge the blindin: of his one rye to his yicldin,o to
1G: 28) Doubtless the pr;iycr of Samson was spoken 3~clilnlt, and tliur forc~liadowing or picturing the scrv-
aloud so tllat the Philistitl~~s mi$t hear ant1 know by ant class of the Lord becoming nc~:li~:c~tltand to a dc-
whom their destruction would Lc accomplished. grcc compromisin:: in the year 1918. The blindness of
“ Likewise today the Samson class pray to Cod and tlic other eye was proprrly char::cd to tlic Pliilistirics,
call upon his name aloud and herald his nic.+zlge far alit1 for that they must sctllc w~tll Jehovah God, bc-
and wide that the Philistincs may hear alld have an cause Samson was his servant. It was not a cnsc of
opportunity to know by Fvhat power their calamity prrsonal vciigeancc for which Samson cried, but for
is coming upon them. “For they shall know that I am tllc vindication of Jehovah’s own name. Likcwisc Je-
Jehovah. ” TIE rcmnnnt now are fully aware of tlic hovah’s witnesses do not pray for personal vcn=cancc
meaning of the great issue at hand and they knon to bc visited upon the modern I’hilistincs, but for tho
the key position, and they pray to Jchovnh to show vindication of Jehovah’s name. Their own ncgligcnce,
his strcn$h and to pull down the wicked orsnnizntion. at which God was angered and for which God has now
“Teach mc to do thy will; for thou art my Cod: thy forgiven them, and fully restored them to his favor,
spirit is good; lead mc into the land of uprightness. had contributed to their partial blindness; but the
Quicken me, 0 Lord, for thy name’s sake: for thy modern Pltilistincs arc responsible for bringin: about
rightcousncss’ sake bring my soul out of trouble. And the complete blindness, and they pray vcngcancc upon
of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy all the modern Philistines for the vindication of Jcho-
them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.” vnh ‘9 name. Such vengeance or vindication in\ olvcs
(Ps. 143: W-12) “0 my God, make them like a w!tccl; his witnesses because they are rcprcscntativcs of Je-
as the stubble before the wind. As the fire burncth a hovah and are the ones the enemies reproach, and
wood, and as tltc flame sctteth the mountains on fire, against whom the enemies have conspired to bring
that men may know that thou, whose natnc alone is about their destruction. Eiy the persecution of these
JEIIOVAII, art the Most High over all the earth.” witnesses the modern Philistincs have reproached the
-Ps. 83 : 13’14,lS. name of Jehovah, and the account rnlut nom be squared
4sSamson cried out: “Only this once, 0 God.” He and his holy name vindicated. The Philistincs with-
knew that this would be his foal effort, and he want- out warrant had aMicted the servants of God, both
ed to make the most of it. This is “the day of Jcho- in Samson’s case and in modern times. (Zech. 1: 15)
vah ’ ‘, and it is only “one day”. It is the opportunity The part that Samson played in this part of the drama
to vindicate Jehovah’s name, and it is “only this once’ ‘. in connection with his blindness pictured the filet that
“It shall bc one day, which shall be known to the Jehovah’s witnesses, as servants of the PlIoTt IIigh,
have become blind to everything save doing the will the prophetic drama Samson pictured the work of
of God, even as Christ Jesur was blind to everything God’s faithful people, which work is dcsignatcd aa
else. (Isa. 42 : 19) Jehovah did not authorize the Philis- “the Elisha work” and which was foreshadowed by
tines to make Samson blind, nor did he lay upon the n-hat Elisha the prophet did. Those doing the 13iidm
modern Philistines the duty of bringing about tho work must end their course in death, and in doing
blindness of his faithful servant class. The effort on so they accomplish more than was accomplished dur-
the part of the modern Philistines is thcrcfore pre- ing the Elijah period. As it is written, ‘Samscn siew
sumptuous before the Lord, for which sin they must in his death more than he slew in his life,’ even so
answer. They have reproached his name by willfully it is with the servants of God, as pictured by the
misusing and ill-treating his witnesses, and therefore Elijah and the Elisha periods of the church. It would
they must and shall sufCcr destruction at the hand of appear from this and other scriptures that this part
the Lord. of the drama pictures the beginning of Armageddon,
4’ The publication of Jehovah’s Word and name is but not the end thereof. That Samson died xvith the
all-important, and this must be done before the dc- fall of the Philistincs house does not mean that all
struction of the modern I’liilistincs. “.411d Samson the Samson class will go down in death at the time
took hold of [threw his arms around (Lceser)] the of the beginning or even at the end of Armagcd&m.
two middle pillars upon which the house stood, and The point that is here particularly emphasized by the
on which it was borne up, of the one with his right prophetic drama is the faithfulness of Samson and
hand, and of the other with his left.” (Judg. 16: 29) his approval, and the faithfulness of the Samson clasx
The Philistincs thinking that Samson’s strength was Samson received the approval of Jehovah becnusc of
broken, and not understanding that his long hair pic- his faithfulness; ‘and likewise the Samson class, c’c)n-
turcd the reproach upon a faithful servant and for that tinuiug faithful unto death, receive the final approv-.
reason God had given him strength again, they would al of Jehovah. Other scriptures show that some of
only mock at his prayer and continue to reproach the remnant will survive Armageddon. Therefore the
God. Likewise today the modern Philistincs look upon Samson picture ncccssarily show:.and cmphasizcsfaitli-
Jehoval~‘s witncsscs as a crowd of weaklings, giving fulncss of Jehovah’s witnesses unto death, and not the
no heed to their sayings and their testimony that is particular time or manner in which they shall die.
borne, but continue to scornfully laugh at that and 60No one can properly reproach Samson and tha
reproach God’s holy name. I:ut the Samson class are record made by him. Ifc was Jehovah’s servant, pl’r-
full of faith, cvc’n as Samson by faith accomplished forming the part assigned to him for tho purpasc of
his work : “And Samson said, Let mc die with the forctclling events of greater importance to conic to
Philistin(cs. And he bowed himself with all his might; pass in the. future. God caused to be made a rccortl al’
and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the Samson and his exploits, and amongst other thitl::s t lint
pcoplo that were therein: so the dead which he slew record says : “Through faith [hr] . . . wrought right-
at his death were more than they which he slew in CousI1css, . , . stopped the mouths of lions, . . . ogt
his life.“-Judg. 16 : 30. of weakness [was] male strong, . . . had trial of . . .
‘8 Samson’s request was that he might die with the mockings and scourgings, . . . bonds and imprlsun-
Philistincs, thus showing that he was not seeking some- mcnt; . . . (of whom the world was not worthy :) . . .
thing for himself but that he waa willing to die in or- and . . . obtained a good report through faith.“-
der that hc might. vindicate the name of Jehovah God II& 11: 32-39.
and prove his integrity to Jehovah. Today Jehovah’s I1 What more could be said of a faithful servant?
witnesses know that they arc surrounded by mortal Such a record could only picture a class of ~JC~'~OII~
enemies and that in order to have a part in the vin- faithful and true unto God even unto death; and that
dication of Jcl~ovnl~‘s name they must continue in his is exactly what the faithful remnant must be and v,ill
service in proclaiming his name, and that such will be. No reproach can be properly placctl agamst t!lo
bring down upon their !lcads the wrath of the enemy, remnant for the course they are taking in the service
but they prefer to die in such manner to any other of Jehovah, because they are his servants, doing his
way. They are dctermincd to serve God with their will, They arc now the objects of all manner of almq
last breath. The constant rcpronch, abuse, ill-treatment but, like Samson, the world is not worthy of them,
and imprisonment will not deter them in their faith- and continuing faithful unto the end they &ll rc-
ful devotion aud service to Jehovah. Now Jehovah’s ceire and obtain a good report and an evcrlnsting
witnesses, in his strength and power given to them approval of Jehovah. For their cncouragcmcnt God
through Jesus Christ their IIcnd, go about doing the caused the apostle to write to those continuously dc-
will of God, and they ‘bend the pillars of the mod- voted to him and faithful in his *service: “If ye do
ern Philistincs with all their might’ (Leescr) and con- these things, ye shall never fall; for so an entrance
tinue to shout the praises of Jehovah as they do SO. shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the
49Samson died true to the meaning of his name, everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour JCSUP
that is, “destroyer, desolator.” In this latter part of Christ.” (2 Pet. 1: 10’11) Jehovah’s scrvnnt cl:tss,
JANuAFCZ 1, 1926 13;

blind to everything of this world, now has a clear f 2,3. Who ia the scrvnnt referred to in Isaiah 42: 199 XS-
plain his being “blmd’,. Point out the divine rule therein
vision of the glorious kingdom under Christ,, which laid down.
will fully and for ever vindicate God’s holy name. 9 4’5. Account for Rxmson’s being the object of severe erit-
And concerning his faithful servant class Jehovah i&m. Show whether he or others whom Jehovah ho3 UPWI
c3n properly be criticized by mtn. llom nre their imper-
says : “Seeing many things, but thou obscrvest not; fections or appnrcnt mlstnkcs to be rcjinrdcd?
opening the cars, but he hcarcth not. The LOKD is ~11 g 69. \Vho was I~cl~lah? How, in the fulfillmcut of Judges
pleased for his righteousness’ sake; he will magnify 16. 13 did “DChIah” make I‘ S:tnlson’, ‘ ‘sleep upon her
l&xs”,? How did she ‘call for a man and cause him to
ibc Law, and m&c it honourablc.“-Isa. 42 : 20,21. cut off Samson’s hair’9
I2 The prophclic drama, which God made and in 7 10-16. Point out circumstance3 and facts in which verses
ZJ and 21 have been fulfilled. What IY there to show
which Samson is so prominently a player, should brin% cltcther at this point God was displcascd with Samson or
great satisfaction and cheer to Jehovah’s witnesses at vith the Samson class9
the present time. Now they cat1 see why their former p 17-20. Accordq tn related scriptures, what did the re-
growth of Samson’s hair mean for him7 Apply this part
brethren, pictured by Delilah, betrayed them ; why the Li! the prophetic picture.
modern I’hilist,inc~ continue to peixecute them, and 7 21-27. Describe the situation in which the modern Philis-
how ncccssary it is for them to continue steadfastly tinps are seen as foretold of them in verse 23.
1 28,2X What conilltions are seen to hare been foreshown
in faith and Esithfulncss in serving the n[ost TIiqIl in verse 241
cvcn unto the cud. This prophctie drama proves bc- II 30-35. What course taken bv the modern Phllistines ful-
fills the prophetic Ineture Grcsentetl in the first Dart of
yond all question of doubt that cvcry one of the tcm- verse259 Compare this with wllat is recordedabout Del-
plc class, rcccivinF: the final approval of Jehovah, tnust r+hnxzar’s fens<
continue faithful as llis blind servant even unto dcnth. 7 36’37. Describe Samson’s contlition nt this point (latter
part of verse %), nnd that of the Samson class ns hclo
The destruction of the six thousand and more Philis- forilshown.
tines at tlio falling of their temple was not the com- P 38,3X What was pictured by the house, and by the two
plcta destruction of all the L’hilistincs. That was left supporting pillars thereof 1
q 40-58. What was foreshown in Snmson’e entire blindnc~s,
to be accomplished later, and it appears from these untl in what is recorded of him in verse 201 Apply tho
scriptures that thcra are yet some important parts to picture presented in verse 27.
be played in God’s prophetic dramas by his faithful 1 4%1G. Apply Snm~on’s prayer to God for strength, oud
“only this once ’ ‘. Also hia plos “that 1 may be nlengcd
witness class. with ono avcqlrll: for one of my t\\o ryes”.
q 4’-49. Account for the I’hilislinrR’ settIne Samson “1~

B 1. Accordingto Inaiah 4,.q* 5, whop aro lho worda of idcn-

class? Show that, in the csvcutlal llurposo of llus pro-

tification ulld uppro~al with which that chnptcr opcu~, ns phctic dramn nncl the record thereof. \CIBC%20.30 are in
allowing how crcnt ~a that corum~u~lntion? Who is the sorv- course of fulfillrncnt.
nnl hero rcfcrrcd to, nnd wh:rt is 1110high honor bcs!owed lJ 50-53. What do tho Scrintures show OSto Samson’s h:~\inli
upon himl For what ~C~RUIZ flas that great honor been been faithful9 Ak to ihe purpose of the rcconli What
thus conferred1 instruction is Been therein for the Samson class9


both of tho wisdom and the knowlctlgo of Gocll bow unscarrh.
able are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out I For
who hnth known the mind of tho Lorrl? or who hnth t’rcn 1~1s
counsclJor9 or who hxth first g:lvcu to JCm, and it shnll Ijo
rccompenscd unto him ng:lin? For of him, and through him,
and unto him, are all things. To 111~1Lo the glory for ever.


ANY have wondered why it has been so diffi- side. “If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation:
cult to be a true and constant Christian. The the old things arc passed away; behold, they arc be-
answer is that tho world, being the Devil’s or- come new. ” (2 Cor. 5: 17, A.R.I’., margin) Xillions
gauization, has always opposed anything and cvcry- of people have thought themselves to bc Cllri\tians
thing in harmony with God, and that tbc Devil and and at the same time have tried to keep in favor with
his agencies have caused Christians to suffer because the world and plensc the finaucicrs, the I,ollticinns,
of their faithfulness to God. Keeping always in mind and the clergymen ; and by doing so t!lcy have qaiekly
that the world includes the visible part of Satan’s Eall~~ninto the Devil’s trap. (1 John 2 : 15; Jas. 4: 4)
organizatiou, lvhich rules the people, and that the It is a well-k-own fact that all the rcligiouv gcrsccu-
clergy as a rule are a part of the world, it is easy to tion that has come upon the true Christians has lJC?cn
see why many cIcrgymen who cInim to be Christians iucitcd by those who claim to be Christians. l&u of
persecute the true and humble followers of the Lord old furcslladowed these hypocritical, fraudulent, so-
JCSUS. collrtl “Christians”. (Gen. 27 : 41-45) Even as EYLU
The “new creation’ ’ is separate and distinct from pcrsccutcd Jacob, to whom he sold his birthright for
the world and therefore must be aIways on the Lord’s a messof pottage, so have the nominal Christians pcr-

secuted the true. Esau therefore foreshadowed the the will of God, and it was the will of God that his
Devil’s representatives, while Jacob foreshadowed the faithfulness and loyalty should thus be proved; and
Lord’s representatives. should he meet this test, and stand it faithfully, such
Why was it necessary for JCWSChrist to suffer at would prove his perfection.
the hands of the enemy? Did his suffering have any- Therefore it is written: “Though he mere a Son,
thing to do with the ransom or sin-offering in behalf yet lcnrncd he obedience by the things which he suf-
of mankind? The answer must be, No; for the reason fered; and being made perfect, he became the author
that a perfect man, Adam, had sinned and forfeited of eternal salvation unto ail them that ol~cby him.”
his life, and the perfect human life of Jesus poured (11~1).5: 8, 9) This of itself proves conclusively that
out constituted the ransom, regardless of any suffcr- by sufi”ering he lcarncd obedience and was thus per-
ing from contradiction of sinners to which Jesus was fected as the Author of the eternal salvation to all
subjected. In considering this question, recall that obedient ones. “For it became him, for whom are all
among the Israelites the slaying of the sacrificial things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many
animals representing the death of our Lord Jesus took sons unto glory, to make tire captain of their salvation
place in the court of the sacred tabcrnn~lc or temple, pcrfcct through suRerings.“-1Icb. 2 : 10.
which court pictures the condition of rightcousncas It is claimed by some that the perfection of Jesus
with Cod and while one is on the c.~rth ; and that the here constituted his ‘dCW~o~Ji~1~ a perfect cilaractcr’.
prrscntntion of their blood forcsllndowin,n the sin- This could not be true. Jesus was and is a charac*ter.
o.‘.‘cring took place in the tabcrnaclc’s “lloliest of all”, A pcrfcct character is a pcrfcct creature or pcrsrm.
which rcprcscnts hcavcn itsrlf. The bulks of these JCSUS was pcrfcct as a man; tllcrcforc, was a pcrl’cct
animals were carried out of tile court and burned chaructcr. What, then, is mcnnt lJy being niatk? l)c’r-
outside of the camp of the Israclitcs ; and thus the feet? IJe thrrcby proved his loyalty and faithfulllctss
sufferings of Jesus arc shown outside the court, cvcn under the most adverse eondit ions, which eutnilcd up-
outside the camp, symbolically spc~aking. Then why on him great sufi’cring. Thcrcby he proved that he x19
should Jesus sun’cr? It is written: “l*‘or the bodies of and nl~ayvs would be true and faithful unto Jcl~o\ah,
those beasts, whose blood is brought inlo the sanctuary and that Jehovah could for cvcr entrust him with tllc
by the high priest for sin, arc l~urncd without t hc higllcst po4tion in all his universe. Being thus I”+
camp. Whcrcforc JPSUSalso. that he mi$t sanctify fcctcd would entitle him to an cntrnncc into hvc*n
the pcoplc with his own bloocl, suficrcd without t ho as the grcnt reprcscntati~c of Jehovah, that hc might
gate. I&. us go forth tlicrcforc unto Ilim without the thcrc present his lifeblood ns a sin-offering on bcll:llf
camp, bearing his rcIJronc!l.“--lJcl~. 13: 11-13. of the human race. This is the reason why the apo.stlo
Tn the eyes of t11ccJewsa man was a sinner and ac- says : “That he might sanctify the pcoplc with his ONII
cursed in tlic &I-flit of God if hc died u[~on the tree, blood, [Jrsus] sufI’c~xxlwithout the gate.“-1lcl~. 13 : 72.
because it is writtan in the divine law: “Cursed is God purposed to have a creation which would IJC
ercry one that Iia~l~!(~tII on a tree.” (Gal. 3: 13; I)cut. always loyal and faithful to him. In no way could ho
21: 23) The 1~10~1of Jesus, rcprcscnting his life prove tllis new creation cscxq)t by putting (huh one to
poured out, must bc prcscntcd in heavrn as an Ofkr- the sevcrcst test. By sufCcrinq, Jesus was put to the
ing for the sins of mankind ; and without that bloocl’s test and proved faithful and loyal, and one of the
being presented as a sin-ofEcring the people could not titles he rcccivcd was ‘The Pilitllful and Trnc’. It
be sanctified. “For by one oft’ering he bath pcrfcctcd would have been impossible for him to presc>nthi? IiI’c-
for ever them that are sanctified.” (11~1~.10: 14) But blood in heaven as a sin-offering unless he ltrovc~d
bcforc Jesus could appcx in heaven and present that faithful and true. This proof hc must f:ivc by n11d
lifeblood as a sin-ofl’cring, he must prove Iiis worthi- through sufi’cring. Bccausc of his complctc obetlicncc
ness thus to appear in the presence of God. In order to the Father’s will, cvcn unto suffering an ignomi~ii-
to do this he must prove his loyalty and faithfulncus ous death, God granted unto him life divine at his
to God. 1-1~must bc put to the test of the severest resurrection and the highest position in the universe,
kind, and under the test prove loyal and fnithfu:. God himself esceptcd, as it is written:
Suffering opposition from sinners, the reprcsenta- “ [Christ Jesus] made himself of no reputation, and
tives of the enemy, pictured as outside the camp, was took upon him the form of a servant, nnd was made
the great cross of suffering which was actually fulfilled in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as
and completed when Jesus was crucified as a sinner. a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto
The things which Jesus suffered, thcrcfore, were these, death, even the death of the cross. W~crefore God also
to wit: the reproach cast upon his Father’s name ; the bath highly esaltcd him, and given him n name whi&
reproach of himself because of his faithful service to is above cwrp name: that at tllc name of Jesus cvcry
his Father; the contradiction of himself by sinners ; knee should bow, of thing? in heaven, and things in
and being denounced as a sinner and then dying as earth, and things under the earth; and that ercrg
a sinner upon the cursed tree. He endured this suffer- tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
ing and yet rejoiced in it, because he knew that he glory of God the Father.“-Phil. 2: 7-11.
was doing his Father’s will. His covenant was to do Those who are privileged to be the members of the

body of Christ must of necessity “be like him”, as eternal torment. This is what the preachers haic
be now is. “The world know&h us not, because it taught. The Devil induced this teaching in order to
knew him not. Beloved, now cre WCthe sons of God; misrepresent Jehovah and turn many honest minds
and it dot11not yet appear what we shall be: but me away from him. When a Christian can see the reason
know that, whc~ he shall appear, we shall be like him: for his suffering he call rejoice in it. When he sees
for WCshall seehim as he is. And every man that bath that he thus has an opportunity to prove to God that
this hope in him purificth himself, even as he is pure.” he is loyal and faithful he delights to hare that oppor-
(1 John 3: 1-3) All of God’s new creation must be tunity, regardless of what causes the suffering. When
divine, like Jesus now. All must appear before Jcho- he seesthat the world is the Devil’s organization, and
vah God. It would be wholly unreasonable even to that the opposition comesfrom this, and that he suffers
permit the body mctnbers to have this exaltation with- because thereof, then he delights or takes joy in his
out the test, when God required the test to bc met suffering.
by his beloved Son. Therefore it is written : “For even Such is what the apostle Peter meant when he said:
hcrcunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery
for us, leaving us an csnmplc, that ye should follow trial which is to try you, as though somestrange thing
his steps.“-1 Pet. 2 : 21. happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are
Tho sufferings of the body members are not for the partake13 of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory
purpose of providing a purchase price or a sin- shall be rcvealcd, ye may bc glad also with exceeding
oficring, but that they might bc made a part of The joy. If ye bc reproached for the name of Christ, happy
Christ, as mcmbcrs of the l~ody of Christ. Thcrcforc are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God restcth upon
it is written : “I [ l’aul] am now rejoicing in the suffer- you: on their part tic is evtl spoken of, but on your
ings on your account, and I am filling up the re- p;lrt he is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a
moindcr of th6 af~liclions of the Anointed One, in my murdcrcr, or as a thief, or as an evil doer, or as a
flesh, on behalf of his body, which is the congrrga- busybody in other men’s matters. Yet if any man
tion.” (CM. 1: 21, Diccg.) lhh one of the new suK’cr as a Christian, let him not be ashnmcd; hut let
crcntion must he provctl as loyal and faithful unto him glorify God on this bclialf.“-I Pet, 4: 12-16
God; and the apostle is hcrc rejoicing that he is priv- This iq the reason why a Christian cannot sul)l)ort
ileged to part&c of the suKcrinqs of Christ, since this the world and bc a Christian at the same time. Ilc
is the contlition prccctlcnt to bcillg rrindc mcrnhers of cannot c3gx:;c in war, hccausc the Lord commands
The Christ. Again it is written: “The spirit itself that he must not do so. As the Ilord’s kinjidom is not
bcarcth witness with our spirit, that WC arc tho of this Ghxl world, so his followers must wait until
children of God: and if chiltlrcn, then heirs; hclrs his kin&tn is cstahlishcd. They catmot be sympathetic
of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we with the unrighteous systems of this world, but must
suffer with him, that we may be also glorified to- wait until God cstnblishcs through Christ a righteous
get her. “-110111. 8 : l&17. govcrnmcnt.
As a further prooF that each mctnbcr of the new The apostle Paul was a man of much more than
creation must be put to the test and prove his fnithful- ordinary affairs. He had hccn a zealous ntlvocnte of
ncss, it is written : “Thcrcforc I cn~lurc all thing for the law given to Jsrael through Moses. 1Vhcn he bc-
the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salva- c:imc a Ch&tinn hc saw the privilrgzj that were set,
tion which is in Cilrist Jesus with ctcrnal glory. It is bcCorehim. 1Ie said that lie had suffcrcd the loss of all
a faithful saying: for if we be dc<ld with him, we shall things and that he coulltcd them as nothing, that he
also live with him: if we suffer, wc shall also reign might win Christ: “That,” as he said, “I may l.now
with him: if we d(bny him, he also will dcrly US.” him, and the power of hi, resurrection, and the fellow-
(2 Tim. 2: 10-12) Each body member must die as a ship of his sufferings, 1~ing made conformal,lc unlo
human creature, and die a sacrificial death, in order his death; if by any mcnns I might attain unto tllu
to live as a divine crcaturc; and he must suffer the resurrection of the dead.” (Phil. 3: 10, 11) TIIC npr~.s-
contradidtion of sinners alid opposition of the Devil, tle did not say that he was suffcrin? in orclcr to “dc-
even as Jesus suffered, and under such tests prove his velop a character”, nor that he wily sill;‘ciili~ for the
loyalty to God, in order tllat hc may he made part of benefit of somebody clsc; but he partook of the suft’tar-
the great royal priesthood and rcixu with Christ. ings of Christ and dcsircd to he maclc conformnl~lc to
Ilarly have crroncously believed that God has been his death in order that he might be made ~JartakCr of
trying to get pcol~le into hearcn in order to CSC3pe “his rcsurrcction”.
is the grcntncss, nnd the pomer, :md the glury, and the victory,
nnd the m:~.jestp: fur nil thnt is in the IIC:LI~IL~ and in the cnrth
is thinc; thlnc IS the kingdom, 0 Jclwnh, dud thou art exalted
QS hc~d :~bovo ~11. 110th r~chcs nnd honor come of thee, nnd
thou rulcvt over all; and in thy ham1 is poner nnd might; :tnd
in thy hnnd it is to mokc grc:tt, and to pve strcn$h unto ;111.
Now thcrefurc, our God, vi’o thank t!~w, 2nd praise thy glorious
The good news of the king 3rn of Jehovah is broadcast each weekor oftener by theseand other stations ut time shown.
[Current local time la shown CHINA ILLINOIS NORTE CAROLINA
In each Instance.] Shanghai XNIIA Su 8 : 15pm Chic?go WCFL Su 8 :30am Asheville WWNC Th 1:30pm
Harryb;g4;ymBQ ?u 4 :45pm Greensboro WBIG Su 10 :3Oam
BahiaBlanca LU2 Th 1O:OOps CUBA Quincy WTAD Su 9 : 15am NORTH DAKOTA
cllnco LT5 Su 30 :4&m Caibarien CJIIlD Su 2:30pm We 2:30pm
Cordoba LV2 Th 7 : 15pm Spanish Su 12 :00 nn G’d Forks KFJN Su 2:3Opm
Los Andes, San Juan Camaguey CNJF Su 11:30am INDIANA Su 4:OOpm Su 7:55pm
LV5 Su 10 :45am Santa Cl ‘a CJflII Su 11: 15am Ind ‘apolia WIRE Su 10 : OOam
Mendoza LVIO Fr 8:45pm (1st and 3d Sundays) OHIO
Rosario LTl Su 10: 15am Spanish Su 11 :OOam IOWA Cleveland WJAY Su 10 : 25am
Spanish Th 11: OOarn C. Rapids WMT Su 10 :OOam Su 12:55pm Su 4:OOpm
(1st and 3d Thursdays)
AUSTRALASIA N.Orleans WDSU Su 10:OOam Tulsa KVOO Su 10 :05am
FRANCE Su 2:OOpm Su G:OOpm Su 3:OOpm hi0 5:15pm
2-AP Tu 9 :4.Spm Radio Bczicrs Th 9:OOpm
Albury Radio Jufln lcs-Pins Su 1:30pm Su 5 :30pm OREGON
Goulburn 2.GN Su 7:3Opm
2-01~ Tu 7 : :$rn (Coto d’.\zur) Sa 8:OOpm Portland KWJJ Su 10:4G:lm
Grafton Radio Ljon MAIVF
A ,
2.510 su 7:oopm Sa 6:jOpm Su 4:15pm Su 9:OOpm
Gunnrdnh Radio Natan-Vltus Augusta WRDO Su 9:5jam
Lismorc 2.XN \Ve 7: 1;pm Su 2 :OOpm Su 6:30pm
New Cnstlo O-IID Su lO:::r):ml Tu 7:4$m Th 7:45pm PENNSYLVANIA
s3 7 : 4$nl Su14:OOnn Bangor \VLBZ ~VC 9:5jam
Su 11:IOam Su G : OOprn Philndclphin WlI’ Su 7:OOpm
Radio Nimcs Tu 9:OOpm We 1:25pm Wo 5 :lOpm
We G:,TOlm Pittsburgh KQV Ru 10:lGam
Sydllcy 2-UE su 9:onnnl MARYLAND Tu 8:15am Th 8:15am
\V’gaW’ga 2.WC; su 7:45pm Bnltimorc WFBR Su 1l:OOnm
QUEENSLAND Asuncion 21’4 Su ll:45am Spart’b’g WSPA Su 10:30:rm
I%risbanc 4-I<C Su 10 :ljam -- MASSACHUSETTS Su 1:50pm Su 4:55pm
I&ryhor’Ir 4.31n \\‘c D:4511111 Boston \VblEX Su !, :05am
Townsv~llo 4-TO We 8 :OOpm URUGUAY Su 4:30pm su 8:lOpul BOUT11 DAKOTA
Montevideo CX:::! No 8: J5pm Pierre KGFX Su 10:OOnm
Launceston 7-m Sn 5:45pm Detroit iV.JI: Su 10:OOnm
VICTORIA ALAB 43lA Cha’naoga WDOD Su 1:13pm
Ballamt 3-IhI Su 14:45pm Birm ‘ham \VAl’I Su 10 : 15am AIcmphis IVBEC Su 9 :45am
Bcndigo 3-rro su 8 :43pm
Hnmilton a-lrh ,su 0:4~pu1 ARIZONA TEXAS
ITorshum 3-11s su 9:n~‘pI” Jeromo KCllJ Su 8:30am Dallas KJ1LI) Su IO :30xm
Nelbourno 3-A I< Su 2 : 1.ipm su 12:25pm Su 3:OOpm El I’uso RTSV A ,%I . ‘\m
Turqon KGAR su 9:3oura IUISSOURI Su 1: l.ipm Su G:nOpm
Swan Hill 3-SII Su 7:15pm Ems. 0 ‘y K\VKC Su 2 : OOpm
su 12 :5op Su 5:45pm Houston KXYZ Su lO:OO:lm
IkUNA Su ll:l.%~m Su 7:OOpm Su 8:25pm 6. Antonio ICTSA Ru 10:45nm
Ralgoorlle &KG Su 7 : OOpm Su 12:15pm Su 6:3Opm Nu 1:55pm su 4:OOpnl
Perth G-AIL Su 7 :0O~nu Lincoln IIPAB Su 9 :30am
Hot Sp’gs ETIIS Su 1O:lGam
NEVADA Salt L. City KST, Su 10:45am
Wallonia~llonne Espcrnnce Hollywood KNX Su 3 0 :15am Su 4:30pm Su 9:OOpm VER!I~ONT
(201.7m) We 7 : OOam Su 4 :OOrnn Su 7:45nm Springf ‘d WNBX Fr 0:OOnm
Los kngcles i<TN Su 0 :30&n NEW HAMPSHIRE Fr 4:25pm Fr 8 :OOpm
Su 1:2;Tm Su 4::Opm Laconin WLNlI Su 10:25am
Oakland J\JtOW Su 10 :OGxm Su 2 :OOpm Su 7:40pm VIRGINIA
CANADA Su 2:OOpm Su 7:OOpm Potcrsb ‘g WPIIR Su 8 :55am
NEW JERSEY Su 10 : 3Onm Fr 10:30xm
CIWN Su 5 :45pm Co1 ‘o Spr. KVOR Su 10 :30am AtlanticC ‘y WPG Su 10 : OOam Richmond WRVA Su 13 : 15pm
Su 4:30pm Su 2:OOpm Su 7:OOpm
Su 12:40pm
Eelowna CKOV Su 1: 45pm NEW MEXICO
Greeley KFKA No 9 :30am Seattle KIRO Su 10:25am
MO 1:OOpm No 6:25pm AIbuq’que KOB We 11:45am su 5:15pm Su 0:OOpm
NOVA SCOTIA We 5 :25pm We 8:25pm Spokane KGA Su 10:OOam
Sydney CJCB Su 9:OOpm CONNECTICUT Su 1:OOpm Su 5:55pm
Bridgeport WICC Su 10:OOam NEW YORK
Cobalt CKMC Su 3 : 30pm Brooklyn WBBR Su 9 :lOam WEST VIRGINIA
Jknilton CKOC Su 10:30am Su 4:30pm Su 7:nOpm
Washing+on WOL Su 10:OOam Clia’ston WCHS Su 1 :OOpm
Brooklyn WBBR Su 10 :15am
Su 1:30pm Su 8:OOpm Su 1:OOpm SU 6:13pm
Su G:30pm Su 3:OOpm su 5 :oopm
Kirkland L. CJKL Sa 6:45pm No 10:3Oxm Wheeling \VWVA Su 10:00xm
FLORIDA Tu 10 : ZOnm Tu G:aOpm
We 10:30nm We 6:30pm Su 4:30pm Su 7:OOpm
&Iiami WQh?lf Su 6 :15pm
CHILE Orlando WDBO Su 10:3Jam Th 10:30nm Th 6:SOpm
SanAntonioCE135 Su 11:40am Fr 10 : 30am Fr 6:3Opm WISCONSIN
Su 12 :30pm Su 5:30pm
Santiago GE131 Tu 9 : 15pm Buff a10 WGR Su 1O:OOa.m La Crosse WKBH Su 10:OOam
Valparaieo CE Radio Wallace GEORGIA New York WVNCA Su 10 :30nm Su 1:OOpm su 7:oop:.1
Su 12 : 15pm Atlanta WGST Su 5 :45pm Tu 1:OOpm Tu 5:15pm hZadison WIBA Su 10:06arn
HIS journal is published for the purpose of ennbIir7
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N. Y., U. S. A.
T the people to know Jehovah God and his purl~~s
in tile Eible.
designed to aid Jeho\ah’s
It puLh3hcs Elblc instructlo.
witnesses. It a~rnnge~

J. F. BCTI~EEFORD Pmiclent TV. E. Vna Asrnwcn Secretary systematic Bib10 study for its renders nnd snpphes other htcr-
nturo to aid in such studies. It publishes smtnble matcrinl
*‘And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of Uy children.“-Lniah 54:13. tion In the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to tho Bible as authority for its nttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH antes. It is entirely frco and separnto from all partica, sect3
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and mlthout
THAT JEI-IOVAH is tho only true God, is from ercrlaating
to everlasting, tho Xaker of hcnren and earth and tho (;lvcr rctserration for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of lifo to his creatures; that tho Logos was the beginning of luu Beloved Iiing. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his acti\ ngent in the crentlon of all nnd critical examination of its contents in the light of th3
things; that, tho Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, Scriptures. It does not indulqo in controversy, and its col-
clothed with nll potvcr in hcarcn and earth, and the Chief umna nro not opco to peraonalitics.
Executive Ofiiccr of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created tho earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SWSC’FCIl’TIOW l?RICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wllL’ully
disohcycd God’s law and v.39 scntenccd to death; that by
rc:1son of Adnm’s lbrong act all men are born sinners and
without the right to life.
TlfAT JESUS was mndo human, and the man Jcsua suf-
fered dc:tth in order to pro~luco the ransom or rcdcmptive
price for nll nmnkind; that Cod raised up Jesus dirino and Pobtrrl Xohey Order only.
cxaltcd him to ho:rven abo\o every creature and abovo every
mnio nnd clothed him with all power and authority.
THAT JEI IOVAI I’S ORGANIZATION is c:lkd Zion, nnd Brltkh . . . . . . . . . . 31 Crn3rn Tcrmrc, London, W. 2, Xncln~l
that Christ Jesus is tho Chef Officer thereof nnd is tim conmlml . . . . . . . 40 In1 in A\ pnuc, Toronto, Onlalio. (:.:u.~d.L
rightful King of tho worlal; that the anointed nntl fnithful Ausfrnlaxian . . 7 Ilerebford llonrl, Atrathficld, N. Y. W.. AU Irnlr:r
follotvcrs of Christ Jesus aro chlldrrn of Zion,. mcmbcrs of South A~ncon . . . . Iloston 1Inusc, C;tpo Ton-n, Soul11 Afr!c3
Je110rn11’9 or~:tiru~:rtion, and are his witnesses \\hoyo duty and 1’1CIi8o nddrcxv tll0 Socicly In CVt.?FyCR%?.
rivilcgo it is to trstify to thn rq~romacy of Jcho\ah, dcclaro
f 119
. purpws tonnrd mankind :m cxprcsvrd in the Ihhlc, and (Trone~afiotw of ihis jownal appear h several languagca.)
to bear tha fruits of tho kinfidom bcforo nll who will hear.
THAT THE WORI D hns cnkl, o11d the Lord Jesus Cllrist
hnn been placed by .J~ho\nh upon his throno of authority,
has ousted &tan from hr*nl(*n nnd is proceeding to tho
cstnblishmcnt of God’s kingrlom on earth.
T1 IAT Tf 1E RELIEF: ant1 blcssin~s of the pm~p!cs of c:lrth
can come only by am1 thrvcgh .Ic~hovah’s k~n~~loni un~lcr
Christ whirh hns now begun; that the Lord ‘9 ncb*t grent
act is the ~l~htrucfion of S:tt*\n ‘9 orgnnizntion nml the rst:tb-
lishmcnt of rifihteou~ncs.9 in the earth, nnfl th:lt umlcr the
kingdom nll thobc n ho will obey its righteous lows 811311live
on earth forever.

TJIE KTKG has now graciously provided such ip the book Riches. Tu rc&-
Another scnson of rcfreshu~g to all God’s kingdom pub- ing and stutlyinfi 11119book God’s nnomtcd remnnnt \\~ll ~~rc,flt.
Ilshers by concerteG1 inten~lfic:l nctivity nfichl is arranged for no lesv than 1110.J~n:ulabs. All should rend it c:rrcfully tg) I. ILOW
in the testimony pcrio~l Tllc King, to wit, E’rbruary 1-9. Dur why and how to put it in the hands of those sc~‘km~ ri:lIt(tuus-
ing these nine dars 1111puhli?lhele ~111 on’er the public a thrce- nc,ss and mcchness. The nuthor’s cdltlon IS nu\r umlcr p”‘p-
booklet comhlnntion on a IOc confllbution, thnt is, twG col.>rcd. nlntion, containing a pc~sonnl letter from nnd by tile h.cnd of
cover booklets together with tllc new self-covered booklet LoynZt!/. tho author to nil .Tcho~ah’s ktnK:llorn publishers. Initial r\1~nso
Further dct:l~ls hereon ~11 duly appear in the Dwcctor. Ccr- of publishing C~r*ltr F ol111g~s 11~ Society to ask a contl~but~on
tninly all in line for tho Kln::tlorn ~111 tnko pnrt to the utmost of CsOca copy of thi3 limltc~l edItion. Among cornp:~m~‘S :in~l
in this service perioll, and nlvo nll prcsrnt mrmhrrs of tl*c grcnt groups, orders should t)c promptly plnced \\ith local stockkteper,
multitut n ith pal~n br:rnrhcs 1n Iland Ibill n 1de1y accl:llm Je- that book9 may be shipped in lots.
hovah ‘9 anointrtl King. Let nil such show wisl(8m nn11 zeal
now in making all :ulrancc ptcparation for this mi~lwintcr CONVENTION AT LOS ANGELES
campaign. Get in touch nith the head ofhcc at ErooklFn lf On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Fcbrunry Ol,!?? and 23,
you arc not active in tcrritoly under one of our branch ofices. a convention nil1 be held at Los .jn::eles. This w-11119~ rr 10~a1
scrvico convention in southc*rn C’:tllfl,rnin, 11ith 211 g:!tli~~rin~:s
I‘ R I C Jl E S ” nt the Shrine Aullltorium. 1%~ the l,orrl’s grwe, l!rutlwr hth-
Tho title of a new book! The Society has long desired to crfnld will spcnk to a large a~9rmhly there on Suniln\, Fc?J-
publish something spccinlly suitable for instructmn of cluldren runry 23. Plepnratiouq are umlrr way for a radio chnin to
and young peol~le x9 Icspects !c:lrs. Also, since the unfolding early the speech from the nu(lltc,rium to listeners m ~11 parts
of the truth3 conrermng the Jon:td:~l~ class, or “great multi- of the I\orlrl, during the hour 12: 00 (noon) to 1: ol) pm.,
tude”, and tho fllst appcalnnce of members of such cln~, YnClfic Stnndard TII~C, which is the equi\&nt of 3: 00 to
Jehovah’s witnesses and also incommg Joundnl~ hrrthren have 4: UO p.m., Cnitcd St:ltrs Enstern St:lnc!ard ‘l’m~. L.l>tcnrb:s iu
keenly desired n publication pa1 tlcularly tlr*1~ne(i for lnstruc- other lands are n11~15ctl to prrp7re nom to tune in lhi3 hrW2,1-
tion of those who nlrcnrly are of nnd those n ho shall yet swell cnst on any one of several frequcncics (ITare Icn$i:q) 2n tilt
the lnnks of thd “g:~t multltudc ” . Jehovah bv, Christ Jesus so called “short~\n~c” band, from 11 to 50 meters.
VOII. LVII JANUARY 15, 1936 No. 3


“Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites. 1 tile word of the Lord is against
you; 0 Canaan, the land of the I’hilistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inllabifant.”
-Zeph. 2: 5.
EIIOVAII caused the foregoing propbccy to bc tivcs of the Devil. Those enemies “shall lick the dust”.
written mal\ifestly for the purpose of foretelling -J?s. 72: 9.
J a great and dcstructivc work to be done by his WHAT ENEMIES?
11n11dat the cud of Satan’s world and when God’s a The Philistincs’ acting in conjunction with IIIC
King is cntlrroncd and comes to the tcml~lc for judg- Israclitcs forcsliadowcd gwatcr things to come to l,:rs,
mcnt. That wonderful work when performed will be at the end of the world, awl this is dcfinitcly hcttl~tl
a vindication of Jrhovah ‘s name. The crcaturcs against by the inspired words: “Ir;ow all thcw tliin~I‘i h:lp-
whom that marvelous work will be done arc God’s pcncd ullto tlicw for cnsamplcs: and they ilU.2 writlw
cncmics, which cncmics must bc the ones that have for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the wori~l
greatly dCfillTtCd tlic name of the nt0st lligh. They arc arc come.” (1 Car. 10: 11) The Pliilistincs i\cre thcre-
cncmics that have knowingly done wrong to gratify fort a prophetic pcoplc forctclling specific cncmics of
8 wlfihh desire, and arc thrrcforc designated in the God that would bc active after the cornin:: of the LOIII
Word of God as “wicked”: “ ljut the ckcd shall Jesus to the tcmpl(t, and that cspcrially c~r~:;yc in I tw
perish, awl the cncmics of the J.,ord sllall he as the persecution of tllose ~110 SC~VC JC~IOV;I~I.J);lvicl 11:1(1
fat of lambs: they shall can\umc; into smoke shall b ccn anointed and made king of all Israel. ant1 .\bn~~r,
they consume away.” (1%. 37: 20) Such cncmics arc who had reprcscntcd the northern tribes and I\ 110\\:is
t11c OllCS illat have cruelly J’N’hc!CutCd (:Od’s nnointcd manifestly carrying out tlic I1ord’s clirwt ion to lwill’,r
pcoplc bccausc such anointed tell the truth of and con- all the Israelites unto Jjavid under the dircctiolj of
ccrning God and his kingdom. It seems due time for the Lord, uttcrcd these words, to wit: “.1ntl Ahnc*r
those who love and wrvc Jehovah to receive f’rom his had communication with the cldcrs of Iwlcl, silting,
gracious hand some clcnr knowledge of and conwrning Yc sought for David in times past to be king over 3’011:
the destruction of the encniiw that now pCrsccU!O now then do it: for the Lord lint11 spok(~n of l):~vitl,
them. The matter is now of Izculiar inter& to the saying, 13,~the hand of my servant IAivid 1 will saw
remnant, and the Undcrstandilig thcrcof will bring io my pcoplc Israel out of the hand of the l’liilisti~ws,
them comfort and incrcasc their hope. (Ilom. 15: 4) and out of the hand of all their wlmies.” (2 Saw.
God shall let mc wc my desire upon mine encmics,” 3 : 1’7,IS) This prophecy clearly shows that the Philis-
is an assured promise to tlic anointed remnant. (1’s. tines prophetically foretold sonic cncniics acyainst
69: 10) “Xlinc eye also shall see my desire on mine whom God would take positive and forrcful action at
encmics; and mint ears shall hear my dcsirc of the the end of the world. I)avid, the king, nas a type of
wicked that rise up against me. The righteous shall Christ Jesus, the beloved of Jc}lovilll, who is 1101~ upon
flourish like the palm tree; he shall @‘ow like a cedar his throne and at the tclnplc for -judgalcllt. lyllo, then,
in Lebanon.“-I%. 92 : 11, 12. are the antitypical l’liilistincs, the specific cncmics of
1 Tho desire of God’s faithful people is to see Je- God and of his anointed?
hovah’s cncmics completely dcstroycd in vindication ’ The answr in brief is that the I’hilistincs pictured
of his name. Prophetically these words recorded in or foreshadowed the Eoman Catholic IIierarchy. This,
the Scriptures refer to the prcsrnt time : “For hc hat11 of course, includes all crcaturcs that lrnowin,gly render
delivered mc out of all trouble; and mine eye hath aid and support to the Hierarchy in carryin: 011 the
seen his desire upon mine enemies.” (Ps. 54 : 7 ) Again wicked mark of that wicked orgallization. Ilt the prc~-
says the prophet of the Lord: “But God shall wound ent time it would necessarily include practically all
the head of hiu cncmics, and the hairy scalp of such the official part of the rc~ligious organizations of so-
an one as go&h on still in his trcspasscs.” (I%. 68 : 21) called “ Chris’tendom”. There arc three sqtaratt: and
Here the words “hairy scalp” seem to picture a class distinct elements of Satan’s orgnnizltion. to wit, rc-
of encmics that have hypocritically claimed to do the ligious, commercial and political, and thrw tlwcc clc-
will of God but at all times have been the represcnta- ments were pictured by the three nations of JIo:&,
Ammon and ?.fount Stir. (3 Chron. 20 : 1,22,23) TLC ’ The Roman Catholic Ilierarchy by improper mc3ns
Phi&tines stand out particularly as the rcligiouy controls the thoughts and course of action of milli:ins
elcmcnt of Satan’s organization, which elment takes of pcoplc of good will, but who are ignorant of the
the Icad in the persecutiou of God’s people. Because truth. By keeping those people in ignorance the Ro-
this religious element professes to serve God and does man Catholic Hierarchy has dcccivcd them. The 11:ne
not, they are hypocrites and are despicable in the sight has now come for these pcoplc of good will to bc lib-
of Jehovah. erated from the wrongful influence of the llierarchy,
5 Some evidence has heretofore been published in and doubtless that is the reason why Jehovah will nuw
11’7teIl’ntcl~towcr supporting the foregoing conclusion, make known to all who love God the truth of and
but the matter is of such importance that it is deemed concerning his purpose relative to the Roman Catholic
advisable to restate some of that testimony and to add Hierarchy.
some more, and thcrcfore it is hcrc done. The pro- 8 Jehovah’s purpose, which he has carried forward
phetic drama in which Samson played a most important from the beginning, is to establish a government or
part, and which has heretofore been yuhli4cd in Z’ke kingdom under Christ Jcvus that shall rule the world
1Vutc7~tower, emphasizes the necessity and importance in rightcousncss. Until that kingdom is established ad
of complete faithfulness to God on the part of his in full operation in the earth Satan is the invisil,lc
anointed, their faitlifulncss continuing even unto ruler or “god” of the nations of the earth. For that
death. The chief point to be considered in this present reason Jesus said: “ My kingdom is not of this world.”
communication or publication is concerning tlic I’hilis- -John IS : 36.
tines and the pcrsccution of the anointed of God by e Jesus laid down the rule that all his true followers
the antitypical l’hilistincs, and Clo(I’s WOrli to bc done must separate thcmsclvcs from the wwld. lkcauw
and accomplished concerning the same. The following JCSUSC~OOSCS, and takes out of the world, 111o\ewho
facts thcrcforc should bc carefully considered by those bccomc his true follo\\crs and are dcvotcd to him, suc*h
who love God, that they may take courage and increase Ones so taken Out arc? the OhjWtS Of ~JIXStTUtiOrl !J)
their hope. The Philistincs were dcsccndants of IIam, Satan and his visible seed on the CaYIll. (John
through M&aim. (Gcn. 10 : 6, 13, 1-I ; Amos 9 : 7) 15: 18-20) The true followers of Christ Jesus are rcp-
They wcrc worsliipcrs of the Devil, tlicir dcitics being resented in the trihc of Judah, meaning those WIIO
the fish-god Dagon aud 13a:11-z&uh. (.Juclg. 16 : 23 ; scrw and praise Jchovai~ Go<!. Egypt, in the Bible,
1 Sam. 31 : S-10; 2 Ki. 1: 2,3) Cod dcnou~lces the pictures Satan’s orqmi~ation or the wicked \\orld uut
Philistincs in his Word as soothsnycrs, which means of which the true followers of Christ Jesus must at~tl
that they were devil worshipers and practiced the do conic. Others claim to have come out 0T the \~orltl
devil religion. (Isa. 2 : G) The Philistincs miqatcd and to bc fol!owcrs of Christ Jesus, but tllc indispu-
from Xgypt, which is a type of Satan’s organization. table PilCtS show that many cf such are still a l,:irt
They moved into and took possession of a part of of the wol*ld of Satan. The Roman Catholic organiza-
I’alcsfino along the coast of the JIcditcrrancnn sea, tion clain,s to have conic out of the world and assun~c~
which territory God assigned to the tribe of Judith. that position before man and claims to rcs1)rcscnt
They were at all tirncs the cncmics of and willful op- God and Christ, iJut the itldisputablc fact? sl~ow lhxt
pressors of God’s chosen people. They therefore pic- such claims arc false and that the ~:OIIXU~ C’athollc
tured a class of ~xoplc that prctcnd to have come ont IIierarcliy is an intC$*ill part of Satan’s world. Tlio
of or forsaltcn Satan’s organization, and prctcnd to nominal heat1of the Roman C:ttholic Jli~~rarchy is the
worship God, but who in fact scrye and worship the pope, and the claim is that the first pope, was tlic
Devil. apostle Peter, and that all other so-called “pq~+”
q The Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy is the official gov- arc the successorsof Pctcr ; which claims arc absolut c-
ernment that controls and rules tlrc religion of so- ly without truth and arc directly eontradicrtcd by tltc
called “Christendom”. What was at one time known Scriptures and every fact in history. The apostle
as “Protest,antism” is now dead, and the so-called l’ctcr was the trnc and faithful follower of Christ
“Protcstanfs” are dominated and controlled by the Jesus, and he kept himself wt.olly and entirely scp-
Roman Catholic Ilicmrchy. Protestantism exists only aratcd from the world; whereas every pope of the
in name, not in fact. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy Roman Catholic llicrnrchy has claimed temporal pov:-
is defined in its own publications as follows: “The er and has exercised that power, when pos4blc, and
Catholic IIicrarchy, or the governing body of the has taken a part in the financial and political affairs
Catholic Church, consists of IIis Holiness the Supreme of this world. The apostle Peter had no successor,and
Pontiff, assisted by the Sacred Collcgc of Cardinals therefore it was impossible for any man to hart ever
and by several Sacred Congregations, or permanent thereafter filled his position. He was nercr a pope.
ecclesiastical committcrs, of which the Cardinals arc lo The brief statement of facts conccrninq the devcl-
the chief members; by the Patriarchs, Archbishops opment of the Roman Catholic ITicrarcliy is this: Sa-
and Izi4ops; by the ,!postolic Nuncios and Delegates, tan, pursuing his f=cd policy of fraud and deceit, and
Vicars and l’rcfccts, and by certain Abbots and other for the lnqose of turning men away from God and
Prelates. ” -S.-c The Ojjiciul Cufltolic Directory, 1935. Christ, set about to build up a religious orgniz:!tion,

named it “Christianity”, and uses it for the purpose “Old Roman World” the following excerpts ale
of deceiving men and reproaching Jehovah. After the quoted : “in the First Ce,llury not many wise or nob:e
death of the twelve apostles of Christ Jesus Satan were called. . . . In the Second Century . . . it was
stealthily and gradually built up an organization or a disgrace to be a Christian in the eye of fashion or
religious system, \\hich has ever since bucn known as power. . . The Church . . . was a small body of
“Christian”. Each church or local dirision of the or- pure and b!amclcss men who did not aspire to control
ganization at the beginning and thereafter had its society. Gut they had attracted the notice of the gov-
bishop, but by the time the first pope was selected and ernment and were of sufficient consequence to bc pcr-
installed as pope by the Hierarchy, there were approu- se&cd. ” Jjuring the Second Century “bishops had
imately 1,800 bishops serving different parts of the become influential, not in society, but amonq the
Catholic organization. The bishop of the organization Christians”. Then “ccclcsiastical centralization com-
at Rome was sclcctcd as the first pope. Says a well- mcnccd; . . . The Church was laying tllc foundation
known authority : “Pope is an ecclesiastical title now of its future polity and ~JOUW”.
used csclusivcly to designate the head of the Roman I3 It is certain that the Lord God had not marked
Catholic Church. In the fourth and fifth centuries it out such a policy. It is equally certain that it was the
was frcrlucntly used in the West of any bishop; but Devil who was l)lanting and cultivating tlic se& of
gradually it came to bc reserved to the bishop of Rome, sc~fishncss to accomplish his wicked putpose. The his-
becoming his official title.“-Encyclopedia Britan- torian above mcnt ioncd continues : “ 2’lLe l’ilird Cen-
7licn, 1’olumc 22, page Sl. turv saw the Church inore 1Jowcrful as an institution.
l1 If there were any other evidence rcquircd to . . . Doctrines were systematized [into creeds and
negative the claim that the pope was a successor of confusion], . . . Great bishops ruled the growing
the apostle Peter, the above historical fact would be church. . . . The Church was rapidly ndvnncin~ to a
sufGcirnt for that purpose. For more than 300 years position which estortcd attention of m:lnkincl [of the
after the death of the apostle l’ctcr thcrc was no pope world, to bc sure]. It u’us not till the l’ourth Ccntwy
but thcrc were many men in the Catholic organization -when imperial persecution hat1 stopped, wlu3i Con-
called ‘ ‘ bishop ’ ‘. 11~ what authority could any body stantine [the cmpcror of 1’;1~:;111 Rome] was coiivcrtcd;
of men dctcrminc that the bishop at Rome should suc- when the Church was allied with the State, M hen the
ceed the npostlc Peter in office? \‘vho could dcterminc early faith was itself corrupted ; when su~~crstition
authoritatively which one of the l,hrOO self-styled and vain philosophy [ proml)tcd by the J)cvil] had
“bishops” was the successor of I’ctcr, if it were pm- entered the ranks of the faithful ; . . . when syr~ods
siblc for Pctcr to have a successor? Since the apostle were brought under political influence ; . . , when
Peter was never a ~O~JCand never had n successor, it politics and dogmatics went hand in hand, . . . that
is clear that the claims by the l’apary arc cntircly men of rank entered the church. 1Vhcn Christianity
false. Such a claim is absurd and without the slight- became the religion of the court and of the i’ashion-
cst proof in support thereof. Since the time the Ilo- able c1;1sscs, it was used to sul~porb the very evils
man Catholic organization started in the pope busi- against which it originally ljrotcstcd. The Church \v\‘;Is
ness and began to hnvc J)OIJCS, a vacancy occurs from not only imprcgnatcd with tlkc errors of l’il(l’Clll pliil~~s-
time to time, and such vacancy in that office is filled ophy, but it adopted many of the ccrc~tnonic~ of oricln-
by the vote of the collcgc of cardinals by voting into tal [Devil] worship, . . . The clergy, nmbit ious and
office one of their own number. Men without any au- worldly, sought rank and distinction. . . . They bc-
thority whatsoever from God or Christ Jesus formed came lazy, arrogant and independent. The prople WI’L
and continue to operate the Roman Catholic system or shut out of the govcrnmcnt of the church. ‘i’lic bis!iop
organization. The fnthcr of that organization is Sa- became a grand pcrsonagc who controlletl and ap-
tan the Devil. It is the fruit of the 1)cvil’s successful pointed his clergy. . . . The mission of the [truth]
schcmc to defraud men and reproach God, and by that Church was lost sight of in a degrading nllinncc with
organization the 1141 has succeeded in blinding mil- the State.“-Also SW Stztdics i?t the Scriptures, Vol-
lions of honest persons who have lmn drawn to the ume 2, page 254 ct seq.
Roman Catholic organization and who hare been in- I’ It was at this stage of a dcgcncratc organization
duced to believe that such organization is a servant of of the church called “Christian” that the Roman
Christ, when in fact that organization serves and sup- Catholic system had its birth and beginning by sclcct-
ports the Devil, and good people who have supported ing out of the numerous bishops one, to wit, the bish-
the organization hnrc unwitt inzly bern serving and op of Rome, as the first pope. From then till IKW the
wpporting the Dtxil’s servants. The Hierarchy is the Roman Catholic system, otherwise called the “Roman
mastcrpicrc of the I)cvil’s organization schemes to Catholic Ilicrarchy “, has ruled millions of r~coplc IJY
defame the name of Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and means of superstition, fear and false doctrines. The
to turn men away from Jehovah. ancient Philistincs migrntcd from Egypt and came
‘? A brief reference to the history of the Roman into the land of Palestine. Ancient Ez-pt is repeat-
Catholic system is here appropriate. From a history edly uwd in the Scripture7 as rcprcscnting Satan’s
written by a man by the name of Lord and called world or organization. The Christim church began by

men coming out from the world and making them- I7 The land which Jehovah promised (by his oath
selves separate and distinct from the world, that is, binding that promise) to give to his chosen pcoplc is
antit,ypical Egypt. (Rev. 11: 8) By subtlety and fraud his kingdom under his beloved Son, Christ JCSW.
Satan planted within the midst of those Christians (Gen. 13 : 15 ; 17 : 8 ; Luke 22 : 29,30) The Philistitte~
ambitious men who got control of the organization. were in the land before God’s chosen people arrived
Then the organization became corrupt and continued there. Likewise the modern Philistines, the Roman
corrupt, and from that time till nolv every attempt to Catholic Hierarchy, occupied the place or condition
reform it has failed. Honest men and dishonest ones claimed by them as a divine provision for that orgnui-
have been in the church systems, side by side, but in zation, before the anointed ones are taken out of the
Jehovah’s providence the time has come now for those world and anointed of the Lord. Jehovah declared that
people of honesty and good will to hear and know the he left the Philistincs in the land of Palestine to prove
truth and to haye opportunity to separate thcmselvc>s his chosen people. “Now these are the nations which
from the wicked organization that defames Jehovah’s the Lord left, to prove Israel by them, cvcn as many of
name and to fully unite themsel\cs with the organiza- Israel as had not known all the wars of Canaan ; namc-
tion under Christ. ly, five lords of the Philistines, and all the Canaanites,
and the Sidonians, and the Ilivitcs that dwelt in mount
LARD OF JUDAH Lebanon, from mount Eaal-hcrmon unto the entering
I6 When Jehovah led his chosen people, the Israrl- in of IIamath. And thry were to prove Israel by them,
itcs, out of Egypt and into the land of Palcstino by to know whether they would hearken unto the co111-
the hand of Joshua, IIc caused the land to be divided mandmcnts of the Lord, which he commanded their
bctwccn the tribes; and to the tribe of Judah was fathers by the hand of NOW.“-Judg. 3: 1,3,1.
assigned all that land of the south, from the Dcnd s1.a ‘* Like&c Jehovah has permitted the Roman Cat II-
to the Mcditcrrancan sea. (Josh. 15 : l-47) They foulid olic Ilierarchy organization to occul~v the place wlicrc-
the Philistincs already there, who had also come out in they claim to rcprcsent God until hc selected and
of Ngypt. The land of Palest inc divided bctwecn the anointed his people, and in order that hc might prove
tribes was symbolic. The tribe of Judah stands for that his JK!OJ)JC low (:od and prove it by uu$clfish
those who scrvc and praise Jehovah God and Christ obcdicucc to his conimandmctits under stress. Tlic4c
JCSUS.The Ilord Jesus Christ is of that tribr, and one faithful WCY mainlain their integrity towar(l Jcl~o-
of his titles is “The Lion of the tribe of Juda”. (11~. vat+ and they must do it in the face of wicltcd ol)l~o-
5: 5) Long thcrcaf’tcr one of tlic popes of Home as- sition.
sumed that title, and since then tic has been wrong- lo AS further evidence that the R~~t~~~ln Cathcrlic
fully known as “the lion of the tribe of Judn”. The JIicrarchy have assumed the place ttlilt properly Iw-
Philistiucs, although in the land of Judah, did not longs to the Judcans or those who truly praise and
scrvc and praise Jchova!i (lotl. Their positiclu would serve Jehovah, note that the claim is made that tllc
indicate that they slioul(1 do so, but their course was bishop of Rome, othcrwisc called “the pope”, is tllc
exactly the contrary. Likewise the Roman Cat!~olic vlccgcrcut of Christ. The claim of that ittst itution is
system has assumed amongst men the place of those that the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy is a divine ilIst i-
who arc dcvotcd to ,Jchovah and his King, but that tution and that it is a counterpart of the hcavenl>
system dots not serve Jcllovah and his King. It is organization of Jehovah God: “At t11c council of
selflsli in the estreme, attempts to control the things Trcnt, in which anathctna is pronounced upon all ~vho
of this wicked world, forms a part of this \\li&cd deny the existence within the Catholic c~hurch of a
world, and without any question of doubt is the scrv- hicrar&y instituted by divine appointmc~lt.“--6)t-
ant of the Devil : ‘41inow se not, that to whom ye yiclfl cyclopcdin I~ritumicn, Volume 13, l)agc 453.
yoursrlvcs servants to ohcy, his servants ye are to *OIt is the Roman Ciltholic Ilicrarchy, the modern
whom ye obey ; whether of sin unto death, or of r&e- Philistincs, that claim infallibility for the pope, Such
diencc unto rightcousncss?“-Ram. G: 16. infallibility, however, was not openly claimed until
lo Because the Roman Catholic system post before A.D. MO, when the Vatican Council issued a doq-
the peoples of earth as the reprcscntativcs and scrv- matic statement to that effect. Thus it is seen that the
ants of God, but in fact are the servants of the Dc~il, Devil stealtltily and subtly led the pcoplc by fraud
they nre the grossest hypocrites. The Philistincs wrre and deceit into a position where they might be mdurcd
ruled by five kings or nobles, and they were held to- to believe that a man is infallible in matters pcrlain-
gether by means of a confederacy or an agrrcmcnt ing to the course of life that men should follow. This
between them. The modern Ph~listincs, to wit, the claim is made in the fact of the inspired Word of Je-
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, are a government or rule hovah God, which says that all men are born in sin
formed and held together by a confederacy of “pa- and shapcn in iniquity, which includes the pope.
triarchs, metropolitans, archbishops, bishops and (Rom. 5 : 12 ; Ps. 51: 5) Dots it not seem strange that
priests”. (Shipley) The members of the Hierarchy nre 1,800 years was required for the Catholic organization
regarded by themselves and others as nobles, similar to reach the conclusion of the infallibility of its head!
to the nobles or rulers of the Philistines. A pronouncement by the Vatican Council says: “We
~ASUARY 15, 1936 23

teach and define as a divinely revealed dogms, that And they carried the ark of the God of Israel about
the Koinan Pontiff, when he sycaks ex catlledra-i.e. thither. And it was so, that, after they had carried
when, in his character as Pastor and Doctor of all it about, the hand of the Lord was against the city
Christians, and in virtue of his supreme apostolic au- \vith a very great destruction; and he smote the men
thority, hc lays down that a certain doctrine conceru- of the city, both small and great, and they had cmerods
ing faith or morals is binding upon the univerbal in their secret parts.” (1 Sam. 5 : l-9) The Philistincs
Church,-possesses, by the Divine assistance which were offering sacrifice unto their Devil-god Dngon at
was promised to him in the person of the blessed Saint the time Samson pulled down the building upon them,
Peter, that same infallibility with whieb the Divine killing thousands.
Redeemer thought fit to endow His Church, to define 2JJehovah caused these facts to be written and
its doctrine with regard to faith and morals; and, recorded in the Scriptures for the purpose of fore-
consequently, that thcsc definitions of the Roman shadowing the modern-day enemies of his pcoplc.
Pontiff arc irrcformablc in themselves, and not in con- (1 Cor. 10: 11; IEcb. 10: 1) The Philistincs wcrc the
sequence of the consent of the Church. ‘-EncycZope- mortal enemies of Jehovah’s chosen pcoplc, the Isracl-
diu Brilmmiccc, Volume 14, page 511. ites, and thcrcforc forc4~adowcd the mortal enemies
“hoot one word is found in the Scriptures to war- of Jehovah’s witnesses now on the earth. The rbicfcst
rant any such conclusion by any man or body of man among such enemies, who hypocritically claim to rcp-
as above stated. Thus it is seen that n small body of resent Cod, arc ttiosc of the Roman Catholic IIicr-
self-constituted rulers set up their own doctrines con- archy. The I’hitistinc,s caused thchir fish-god to wear
trary to and in dcfiamc of the inspired Word of Jc- a miter showing that his: chief or licad was the l)uvil,
hovah C:CJC~.13~ this menus they induce millions of whom he reprcscnted amonqt the l’!lili~tines. 1Yhcn
ycoplc to bclicvc the doctrines of the Roman Catholic the pope, the head of the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy,
church, And they take away from them the Bible so sits on the high altar of Rome to rccciic adulation ho
they cannot learn the truth. wears a miter identical with that worn by the fXi-god
hgon. Thus the pot~e stiows try this syrnhol drat god
DEVIL’S ILEI’IIESEIiTATIVES he rcprcscnts in fact. The following historical fact
21That the ancient l’hilistincs were the rrprcscnta- is cited in support of tbc forcXoiiig :
tivcs of the Ucvil there is not the sli~htcst doubt in the “hi ttlC IJOtJC iJC!aKi ttlC k('J' Of JilIlLIS, SO tlC WXlrS
mind of anyone who l~clievcs the Bible is Cod’s \Yord. tllc mitrc of I)a~on. The cscavat ions of Niiicvcli have
The lhilistinen practiced the devil rcli$on. Their na- put this bcyollcl all possibiltty oi doubt. Tlrc l’:lIJal
tioual g:c~tl or deity was l)a~:on, the fisli-god. \Vticn mitrc is entirely clifi’crcnt from the iriitrc of Aaron
the Phili~tincs s&cd the ark of JchoraI~‘s covenant, and the JW ish high priests. ‘l’t~at mitrc was a turban.
and carried it away to their own t~l;~cc, Jcbovah cx- The two-horned rrritrc, which the Pope wears, when
pressed his anger 3qlinst the I’hilistincs, a~ it is writ- he sits on t!lc high ;ilt;!r at E~~~ilC aI:4 receives i lit ado-
ten : “And the Yhilistines took the ark of God, and ration of the Cardinals, is the very mitrc whim bJ
brought it from ISben-czer unto Ashdod. \V:hcn tlic lhgoii, ttic fish-god of the I’hiliStinCs and hbylcJliia!iY.

~‘hilistincs tOOk the ark of cod, thy bought it illto . . . The gaping jaws of the fish surnroulltlnfi ttlc
the house of l)agon, ancl set it by L)agon. ,hcl when head of the man at Sincrctl arc the unmistal~nblc
they of ,2shdod arose early on the morrow, behold, counterpart of the horns of the Pope’s mitrc at
Ikgon ~1s fallen LI~JOI~ his face to the earth bcforc the Rome. “-1Iislop ‘Y 2’1~~I’WO IM~!~lo~s, t~ngc 315.
ark of the LORD. hit1 tbcy took ljagon, and set him *’ There c’an bc 110 doubt that I)agon, the visihte god
in his place again. Riicl when they arose early on the of the an:lcnt Pliilistincs, foreshadowed the Roman
morrow morning, behold, I)ogon was fallen upon his Catholic IIicrarchy, of wliicli ilic pot~c is c1ric.f. l’hc
face to the ground beLorc the ark of the Ilord; and the Scriptural and the historical cvidcncc fully agree upon
head of hgoii and both the ]jalms of his hands were this poiut. ‘1’11~miter similar tc that worn by the ~&II-
cut off upon the threshold: only the stump of Hagon god Dagon, and by the pope, is ntsr, worn IJ~ other
was left to him. Thcrcforc ncithcr tbc ljricsts of lhgou, bishopsof the Roman Catholic Ilier,~rch~. This further
nor any that come into Dagon’s house, tread on the supports the conclusion that tlic l’hitist incs foi~lia~l-
threshold of I)aq~n in Ash&xl unto this day. Rut tlic otted the Roman Catholic llicrarcby. RlaniCcst Iy the
hand of tbc Lord was heavy upon them of Ashdod; l,ord is now revealing to those who love him thehc
and he dcstroycd tbcm, and smote them with cmcrods, facts that they may have a proper vision of the lto-
even Ashdod, and the eoilsts thereof. And WIICII the inan Catholic Hicrarcby and know for a certainty
men of Ashtlod saw that it was so, they s,~itl, The ark what fate awaits the enemies that now reproach Jc-
of the Clod of Israel shalt not al)idc with up,: for his hovah’s name and persccutc his anointed ones.
hand is sort upon La, and upon Dagon our god. They
Wilt, thcrcforc, and gathcrcd all the lords of the I’liilis- DOJlISION
tines unto them, and said, What shall we do with the *5 The Philistincs had domillion over Israel due to
ark of the God of Israel? And they answered, Let the the fact that the Israelites had been unfaithful to their
ark of the &xl of Israel be carried about unto Gath. covenant. (Judg. 13: 1; 14: 1,i) Thcrc were Pew ex-

ceptions amongst the Israelites, such as Gideon, Sam- times has oppressed and persecuted the followers of
son and others, which men were faithful and true to Christ Jesus, and now centers its persecution upon
Jehovah God. Due to the fact that almost all pro- Jehovah’s witnesses. The pages of history covering a
fessed Christians during the past 1,800 years have period of approximately 1,500 years record many of
been unfaithful to God, the Roman Catholic Hicr- the most wicfred deeds of the Roman Catholic Hier-
archy has had dominion over “Christendom” in mat- archy, and which deeds and crimes find no parallel in
ters pertaining to religion, politics and commerce. The any other organization ever on tile earth. Reference
Roman Catholic IIierarchy claims the right and power here is made to only a few of the terrible crimes com-
to control and rule the world, ant1 it cscrciscs this rule mitted by the IIierarchy and its agents; and the pur-
over almost all of “Christendom”. The faithfulpose of citing even such is to show that the Hierarchy
amorqst the Israelites, sucfl as Gideon, Samson, Sam- is the antitype of the Philistines, and the relation that
uel, and David, rcprcsentcd the anointed, faithful fol- it bears to Jehovah’s witnesses. The Philistincs en-
lowers of Christ Jesus now on the earth, and who re- riched thcmsclves by laying tribute and other burdens
fuse to bow to the dictates or rules of the modern upon the Israclitcs. For many centuries the Roman
Phifistincs. Catholic IIicrarchy has enriched itself by laying gricv-
2GFor ccnturics tflc Roman Catholic organization ous burdens upon the people of all nations of “Chris-
has claimed the divine rlgflt to rule the nations of the tendom”. For many years that fiypocriticof orxani-
carlfi, and I)ilYC!d upon sii~h fafsc claim that wicked or-zalion has cngagetl in the collection of money tribute
ganizalion has attcmptccl to control the political af- from the dupes of the Catholic organization. IIoodt~tl
fair- of all the nations of earth. Its rise to temporal fcmalc aycnts, garbed like black IJirdS of prey, ~nakc
power began in the sixth ccntnry, and it colltinucd to regular visits IO the many factories and ofliccs on pay-
increase and to cxcrcaisc that power for a thonsond clay and collect from the fcarfnf and superstitious
years. T11cRoman Catholic organization falsely claims money which the laborers so much need for the sup-
that 111cthousand years of its “succcs\fuI” reign is pelt of thcmsclvcs and their families. Thus by the
tfic thousand years mcntiollcd in Revelation, tflc twcn- practice of fraud and tlcccit miliions of dollai3 arc
tictti chapter, wficn Cfirist and his saints reign, and cxtractckd from the pockets of the pcopfc, and part irn-
tflat the period of tinic from lSO0 down to the prcscnt larly tflosc of lhc needy, and this money is u~d to
time is the “little season” mcntioncd in the snnicenrich the Ilic~rnrcby an<1 to satisfy the beastly dc-
cfiaptcr of Rcvchltion. Of conrsc, their claim is PilfSC. sires of wick4 and selfish mtn.
But that “little season” will end in the dcqtructiou *OTribute IIWIKX~ is collected from the living, wf~osc
of tfic 1)cvil and his agents. The end and destruction friends have dlctl, and tllis tipon the pretest that some
of tflc ~~O~Ililll Catholic Ilicrarcfiy is near at hand. priest of the (htliolic Ol~~,r:l~liZiltioll may tlttcr a IBray-

*’ For maiw . centwics the IJicrarcfiy, acting by its cr for tflc dead and thus benefit the dead. Such is an
opprcssivc fraud prncticc~d upoti the supcrst it ions and
official ficatl, tfic pol)c, ClilimS the right to crown arid
unseat kings and to gcncr,t1fy dictate tflc policy of the fcarfuf. The Scriptures, without cxccption, tcnch that
govcrnmcnts of the earth. Othcrwisc stated, the Ro- those who die arc no loltgcr aiikc, biit arc dead, im-
man Catholic JIicrarchy SC&Sto be an absolnlc dicta- conscious and “know not any thing”; that none of
tor in utter disregard of the rights of the pcoplc. To- tflc dcnd are in purgatory or in torment, and the
day in cvcry nation whcrc a dictator exists and rules claim that men may utter praycbrsin hchaff of the d(‘ild
it is the Ilicrarchy tfrat is behind the dictator and in and render them hcfit is wholly false and fraudu-
fact dictating tflc policy of such govcrnmrnt. hit and is 3. $Tilt burden and oppression to the fcar-
ful people. For many years Irihutc money 11;~sbeen
collected from llic l~col~fcof the nations of “Cliristcn-
dom” and sent to the T’atican at Rome to fill the
** Tflc Philistines were the oppressors and pcrsccu- coffers of tfle Roman Catholic Ilierarcfly, and this ha4
tors of tflc Isracfitcs, wfio were of God’s chosen people. been greatly to the oppression and’detrimcnt of the
In the days of Samson, Eli and Samuel the Philistines pcoplc. In nlexico alone for many years the ITicrarchy
attempted to get all the “milk and honey” of tfle land cstractcd from the pockets of the common 1~col~lc
of Palcstinc. Likcwisc for centuries the Roman Cath- annually thirty million dollars, wf~ich money was sent
olic organization has attempted to get all the riches to the treasurer of the Hierarchy at Rome. It was in
and sweetnessof the earth. It is a noticeable fact that Mexico where an agent of the Catholic orquiizntion
they have selected the most beautiful spots on earth compelled the natives to build in one small town many
to erect their buildings and places of official action. so-called “church buildings” and there instnllcd
The Philistines oppressed the Israelites for many priests of the Hierarchy that they might collect from
years. They imprisoned Samson and put out his eyes. the poor natives practically all they earned. The
They fought against the Israelites time and again and ancient Philistines attempted to get al1 the riches of
tried to destroy David when he was anointed and in- the Israelites, and likewise the modern Philistines
stalled as fring of Israel. (2 Sam. 5 : 1’7-25) Likewise attempt to get and control all the riches of the world
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization at all called “Christendom”.
JASUARY 15, 1936

INQUISITION and the victims were slowly cut in pieces. Any lawyer
8oThe followers of Christ Jesus were persecuted to who dared to appear in defense of a person charged
some extent by Pagan Rome. But such persecution with hcrcsy was held guilty of the crime of heresy, and
did not begin to compare with the wicked persecution thus the victims were without any means of defense
of Christians by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, or or aid. The Inquisition was prosecuted with malice
what is otherwise known as “Papal Rome”. The Ro- and vigor in Italy, Spain, the Balkan states, Ireland,
man Catholic Hierarchy instituted and prosecuted a England, Germany, France, Nexico, Cuba, and in fact
system of fiendish persecution, the like of which WIS in almost all countries known as “Christendom”.
ncvcr before known, and there has been nothing to 33Two features of the Inquisition stand out prom-
compare with it since. The doctrines promulgtcd and inently, to wit, prosecution for speech, and supprcs-
taught by selfisl~ men, and which originated with the sion and destruction of books. The manifest purpose
Devil, were entirely contrary to the truth as taught of such prosecution and the destruction of books was
by Christ Jesus and the prophets of Jehovah, and :;et and is to keep the people in ignorance and to hide
thcso false doctrines wcrc thrust upon the pcoplc. The from thetn the frauds of the Roman Catholic organi-
Roman Catholic orjianization, claiming the sole ri4lit zation. Says the historian: “All books had to 1Jass
to dctcrminc what the pcoplc should hear and belicvc, through the hands of the bishops” for the purpose of
have kept the J3iblc away from the comtnon pcoplc deleting anything that might appear to IN against
and compcllctl them to hear and to /J&W th.? false the Roman Catholic organization. That organization
doctrines based u~Jot1 supcMition and fear, which arc then would not permit i~li>?hing to bc publishctl that
taught by mtn. This wicked organization has induced might “shock their religious: susceptibilities”, and
millions of pcuplc to utter the name of Christ but at they still continue to r;li>c the satnc cry. Every crime
the same tirnc to bclicve and follow the prcccptq of known to the criminal C;llL!lldilr was committctl by tile
men. Thcreforc Cod has rccordrd in his 7Vord: lcadcrs of the Inquisition. Tlic common pcoplc were
“Wticrcforc the Lord said, E’orasmucli as this IJC’Oi)lC kept at all times in fCar altd drcall. RIilI1y of them
draw near mc with their mouth, and with their 111)s wcrc forced to dcnouncc their neighbors and CSIUSC
do honour mc, but have removed their heart far from their escCutioii, hopiillc tlicrtby to save thcmsclvcs
mc, and their fear to\vilId me is tnuqht by the prcccpt from the wrath of the 1lirrarchy ‘s inquisition. It was
of mm: tlicrcforc, tJcl~old, I WIII procc~cd to do a mar- not possil)lc for tltc pCo1~lcto gain :ltty li~lO\VlCtl~C COll-
vcllous work among this pcoplr, oven a marvellous ccrning Jehovah and his gracious provision for the
Work Zllld il U’OlldCI’.“-1Sil. 29: 13, 14. IlUtIliltt race, because the rno(l(~rtl l%ilistines, the Cath-
31ll’ anyone dared to csprcsu his opinion contrary olic IIicrarcliy, prcvcnt(b(i them from gaitliii:: suc*ll
to ttic doctrines taught by tlic clergy of the l~oniutt knowlcdgc. No books bcarin: upon the Scri1)turcs wcrc
Catholic organization, that one was straightway permitted to get into the hands of the l~oplc. (See
charged with heresy. 15ilrly in tllc clcvclltll cctltlll~y Is’nci&pctlio Ct?ln?~lticrr, “I~tquisition. “) The gross
many persons chnr~cd with hcrcsy bcrausc they dared and flagrant crimes of the Ilicrarchy and its ajicnts
hold or CS~L’C’DS an opinion contrary to the Roman had sonicwhat of a set-l)aclc about tlic year lSI)O, ~lrld
Catholic organization wcrc executed by burning or tllClY2ilftCr the Hierarchy atloptccl a tnorc rcfiticd mcth-
strangling. od of the commission of crime. To this very day that
*2 Tllc Inquisition was instituted for the purpose of wicked institution continues to suppress the publi~a-
detecting and punishing all persons guilty of any tion of books that teach the truth of Cod’s \Vorct, atl(l
offense against ttic Roman Catholic ortliodosy. By the causes many of such books to be burned, and this is
tirnc of the thirtccntli century it was in full sway. particularly true wltli rcfcrcncc to the books publi4u4
Popes appointed comtniqsioncrs who traveled from by the WATCH TOWEII I311,r.r~:R: Taacl> SWII:TI’. ‘l’llc
place to place, spying out the pco1)lc. Arriving in a cotnmon people that have bceu induced to suplmrt
district, those commissioners called up011 the people the Catholic organization arc forbidden by the priests
to confess if they wcrc heretics or to denounce tllosc to read such books esplnining the truth of (:od ‘Y
whom they bclicvcd to bc hcrctics, and many were ar- Word. All organizations that have ever been on earth
rested and punished mcrcly upon such denunciation. have not done as much as the Roman Catholic orgaui-
The bishops assumed the responsibility of providmg zation to oppress the people and to keep them in igno-
the prisons and other means of punishment. Cruel rance of God’s Word. Tllnt organization, t hercforc,
torture was employed to force confessions from per- constitutes the worst visible enemies of Clod and his
sons charged with heresy. All manner of fiendish in- anointed people. They now harass, pcrsccutc and im-
struments wcrc employed in such torture. The follow- prison those who teach the truth, and they do this
ing wcrc some of the means of torture employed: The out of spite.
victim’s feet were seared with red-hot irons; hc was 34The Philistincs were “soothsayers”. (Isa. 2: 6)
required to put on an iron boot which was poured That means that they were the practicers of devil rc-
full of “red-hot” lead; the body of the victim was ligion. Likewise the Roman Catholic system is made
placed in a machine that pulled his joints out of place ; up of soothsayers. The following prophecy specifically
others were placed under a machine containing knives applies to them: “Their land [the position they oc-

cupy amongst men] is full of idols; they worship the formed, to wit, “for the avowed purpose of influencing
work of their owl hands, that which their own fingers legislation ” and securing what C’atholics claim arc
have made [thus, as a means of oljtaining rcrenue, they “their rights” in America. An archbishop of the
induce the common pcol~le to buy their images, to Hierarchy said : “WC must make America Catholic.
use tltesc in their worship] : and the mean man l~ow~tl~ Why should WCfear or hesitate? Catholics in America
down, and the great man ltumbleth himself.“-Isa. are loyal to their Church [the Hierarchy] first and
2 : $9. devoted to her leaders. They are conscious of their
35In the Catholic organization the mcancst man power and under complete IIicrarchical organization.”
bows before the Catholic plate, even as the Lord (See The Watchtower, November 15, 1935.) Says The
foretold. 14vcn at this day the Roman Catholic Ilior- National CatkoEic Zfcgister: “It is God’s plan that the
archy cause to be cshihited upon the screens at the holy father of Rome should be the temporal and spirit-
thcatcrs moving pictures showing Roman Catholic ual head of his kinqlom on earth.” (2%~ Il’atchtowcr,
priests ljerforming scnsclcss eercmonics, claiming January 1, 1336) Lilac the ancient l’ltilistines, this is
thereby to bless automobiles and thus ljrevent new a bold Claim lay the IIicrarchy of tltc position or the
dents to the riders thcrcin, and this regardless of how place of “ Judea “, which propchrly is the place of those
bad the ritlcrs or drlwrs might he. This illho furnishes who truly worship and scrvc J(~hovith God ilnd Christ
the Hicrarctty 8 means of fraudulently obtaining Jesus. The prcsidcnt of tltc United States, in 1916,
money IJy IJlil~il~g U[)OIl the CrdUbty of a fCarfU1 and made one Tumulty, a 33rd dcgrcc Knight of Colum-
sulwrstitious people. The foregoing is a statement of bus, his private secretary, concerning which 2’llc Su-
8 few of the wicltctl tlccds ilIld crimes of tlrc Ilicrarchy, lional CathoZic Zlegislcr said: “Xcxt to the I’rwdent
and such is the crowd 11~t cl:lims to bc the divine suc- Tumulty . . . WiCldS thC gW:ltCSt lJOlitiCn1 [1OWcr
cessor of the al~ostlc l’ctcr. Surely when Zhc 1Jeol~lc bf’ dny man in America.” (See Z’lre Il’atckiowcr, Jan-
know the truth, they will scljaratc thcmsclvcs com- uary 1, 1936, 1 23.) It \vas untlcr the adnlinistratil,~l
pletely from such hypocrites. of Prcsidcnt Wilson and Tamulty that Jchova11’s wt-
nesscs were wntcnccd to cighly years’ imlJriaonmunt
POI.ITICAL for telling the truth, awl the aqcnts of the ilicrarchy
*GThe I’hilistincs wcrc in a political confcdcrucy brought about that result.
that cnrricd on wars of coiiqucst for the :~vowcd IJU~- ” I~‘runklin 1). Rooscvolt was elcctcd prcsidcnt it!
pose of controlli~~~ illld I’UliIlg tllc [JCOlJlC. 1,ikCWisC 1932. IIis campniq1 manilg:er, and now his cllicf cats-
the Romn11 Catholic o1~gnwat ion, the modern l’hilis- inet officer, is a lkmlan C:iltllOliC, more intrre,,tc~tl in
tines, wllilc olwratin:: frautlulcntly and false1.y under the Ilicrarchy than in the pcol)lts of Amcriw. In the
the name of Christ, is ii confcderary of selfish men Roosevelt political orgmizution there arc II~OI~CC!atII-
organized illld cariwd on purely for political and olics than of any other profcsscd rcli$on. In illjril,
financi;tl and other scllisli I~urlJoscs. The lJoliticil1 1933, thC pope illilUgUlXtCcl thC SO-CallCd“ tlul? 1 Wl”‘,
agents of the Roman C:itllolic llicrarclry olwrntc in which rcccivcd the cn&jrsemcnt of tlic pr(ssl(l(,nt of
every nation of earth. l’lliii wiclicd orgnization dom- the United States and his official family. ‘l’l~c l~oman
inntrs the political o&c5 of all llic nations of “Clir~s- C3thdicS for thC IJ:lSt few yeal’S 1lavC CarriPd f’Or\KId
tendom”. Hcretoforc the IIier:lrChy has found it a campaign of wicked litjcl and Slil~lrl~r :Ig:lin\L Jc-
rather diffirult to get control of the United states, lmt hovah ‘s witnesses, attempt in,0’ to drive tlicm i’rorn the
at the present time it is making more progrcw in that radio, and thus l)rcvcnt the ~~col~lc from hcnritl!: the
way. Otherwise stated, the dmrrican republic, which truth. A petition of two and one-half million .\mc~ric~an
is supposed to bc a free naf.ion, is now prarticnlly un- titizcns was filed with the goVcrnmCnt, dcmandntq tti;it
der the domination of a foreign power, and tl:nt the govcrnmalt use measures to prevent this ut~\\ ;Ir-
foreign power is tltc moclcrn I’hilistinc~, which has ranted intcrfcrcnce with the people’s receiving tllc
its main office of operation at 1’ntican City, Rome. truth. But the Roosevelt administration refusC~1 to do
Take not ice of some of the historical facts that now anything. Persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses tjy the
follow : IIicrarChy increases, and many l~armlcss IIICII arltl
87In the seventeenth century the Roman Catholic women are imprisoned because they bear testimony to
organization gained a real footttold on the AmCYi?ilH the Word of God.
Continent by tltc foundin g of the province of 31ary- ” On 31arCh 8, 1934, the New York Sutt publi~hccl
land by the family of Lord IMtimorc. Today it is the a special dispatch from Rome reporting that. ‘a tlcf-
strongest political organization in America. Tts Ofli- inite agrccmcnt hat1 been rei~~llcd betwren I’r&&Ilt
czill Dirfxfo~y of 1935, a book containing more th:un a Roosevelt and the VatiCan to the effect that tli~~lomatic
thousand pages, a book that is tcu and one-half by relations shall be cstal~lislied bctwcrn t tic United
seven in&s, is filled nwwly with the record of the States and the Holy SW as soon as public ol)inion in
oficcrs of the Hierarchy and its n:cnts. The co\ctnus America might be Lrought nruund to it’. Tu other
ambition of that orqnization has txen to get complClc words, the prcsidcnt of the United States a::r( (4 10
control of tlic United States. On Scptcmlwr 25, 1900, support the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, n f~tr;i-~i
a f&ration c,f all Cntholic societies in America was power, and to openly do so as soon as the l)tl;;lic could
.~AXOARY 15, 1936

be blinded enough to come around to it. The Hier- estant; to escape ultimate atnihilation men have to
archy then pushed its campaign to bring the American become Jehovah’s witnesses. . . . I could scarcely
people around to this very point. On March 17, 1935, blame the people if they preferred ultimate annihila-
there was a mobilization of a11 Catholic societies in tion. However, there is no need to choose either; in
America, representing every state in the Union, the fact, ultimate annihilation is an impossibility.”
announced purpose of which is to educate the Amcri- ‘* The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is made up of
can people to submit to political, diplomatic relation- scornful and arrogant men who are proud and
ship between the Vatican and the United States, that haughty, who in the place of God’s sure Word of
i., to receive political ambassadors of the Vatican at prophecy substitute the theories and teachings of the
American political councils at Washington. The Catholic organization, and by it the people are dc-
foreign power, the Roman Catholic Wcrarchy organi- ccived and oppressed, as pictured by prophecy of the
zation, already maintains at Washington an “apos- Israelites at Jerusalem. To such arrogant and scornful
tolic dclcgatc ’ ‘. Says the Oficiul Cntholic Directory modern Philistines Jehovah now says : “Wherefore
for 1335 : “The apostolic dclcgatc to the United States hear the word of the Lord, ye scornful men, that rule
is Amlcto Giovanni Cicognani, born in Italy, Fcbru- this people which is in Jerusalem: because yc have
ary 24, 1553, . . . appointed apostolic dclcqate to the said, We have made a covenant with death, and with
United States and Titular Archbishop of Laodicca, hell are we at agreement ; when the overflowing scourge
hlarcb 17, 1933”; that is to say, after Mr. Roosevelt shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for wo
bccamc the president. have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have
‘OAt the instance of the Roman Catholic IIierarchy WChid ourselves. Therefore thus saith the Lord God,
Jcl~oval~‘s witnesses arc now being cruelly persecuted Behold, I lily in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried
in all parts of “Christendom”, and particularly in stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he
Austria, Germany, Estonia, and Qucbcc, and NW that bclicvcth shall not make haste. Judgment also
Jersey. In the above-mcntiollcd forci::n countries will I lay to the line, and riglitcousncss to tllc plum-
books of the Watch Tower Society, csplninin:: t11cEi- met ; and the hail shall sweep away the rcfuq of lies,
blc, have been scizcd and dcstroycd, and tnany of Jc- and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. And
ho~h’s witncwcs, the true followclrs of Christ Jesus, your covcnnnt with dcatb shall be disannulled, and
are charged with se&l ious conspirac*y and thrown into your agrcctncnt with hell sllilll nut stand ; when the
prison bccausc they had in possession or distributctl overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall
SU& books, and all this wicl:rd pcrsccution of faith- be trodden down by it.“-Isa. 28: 14-1s.
ful witnesses of Jehovah is done by those who claim 43The prophccics of Isniah, Jcrcmiah, Kzckicl and
to bc the successors of the apostle I’ctcr and the offi- Amos concerning the Philistincs wcrc written long
cial rcprcscntativcs of God and Christ on earth. Amaz- after the ancient Pliilistitics, as a nation, wcrc de-
ing hypocrisy ! This persecution the modern Philis- stroycd; which is conclusive proof that t11oscproph-
tines carry on against Jchovnh’s mitncsscs “by rc- ccics refer to the pcoplc whom tlic ancient Pllilistincs
ve11gc ” and “with a dcspitcful heart” and “hatred”, foreshadowed or pictured. The overwhelming cl idcncc
exactly as the ancient l’hilistincs did against God’s shows that the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy rsactly fits
chosen pcoplc in Palest inc.-Ezck. 25 : 15. the picture made by the ancient Philistines; otllcrwisc
stated, the 31ierarchy constitutes the modern l’hilis-
“AGREEMENT WITH HELL” tines. Prctcnding to have come out of the world and
‘I Although the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy, the onto the side of the Lord, and to bc consecrated to
modern I’hilistincs, have induced millions of people to God and Christ Jesus, they arc in fact assuming the
bclievc t.hat sue11institution represents God and Christ false position or place of the followers of Christ Jesus,
on earth, yet that wicked organization proceeds exact- who are hcncc symbolically in the “land of .Judah”.
ly contrary to the Word of God. Jehovah’s prophets Circumcision, as used under 111~law of God, is a sym-
warn the peoples of earth concerning the day of Arma- bol of full consecration and devotion to Jehovah. The
geddon and what great destruction the Lord will then Scriptures frequently denounced in terms of contempt
bring upon the wicked at that time. The IIicrarchy, the Philistincs as “the uncircumcised”. (See Judges
with pious face and sanctimonious words, harangue 14:3; 15:18; 1 Sam. 14:6; 17:26; 2 Sam. 1:20.)
the people and claim that these prophecies concerning This is proof that the Philistincs pictured a class of
Armageddon are not true, and especially with rcfcr- people or organization doomed to disgrace. The Philis-
ence to the Catholic organization. As an example, the tines furthermore pictured a class marked for dis-
Catholic Freemaw’s Journal of May 1935, published grace, in this, that God smote the Philistines with a
at Sydney, Australia, says concerning these prophets disease of emcrods, which in modern langunqc means
and of Jehovah’s witnesses: “The burden of their mes- hemorrhoids, that is to say, tumors in the hinder parts.
sage is that all political and ecclesiastical organiza- “And it was so, that, after they had carried it about,
tions are under the control of Satan, Catholics being the hand of the Lord was against the city with a very
the more under the diabolical thumb than Protestants; great destruction: and he smote the men of the city,
that God is about to smite the lot, Catholic and Prot- both small and great, and they had emerods in their
28 ~ROOXLXS, h’. 1.

secret parts. [ (Septwgint and Vulgate) And the men 7 3. Atcording to 1 Corinthians 10: 11 and 2 Samuel 3: 17, IS,
what prophetw signlticance is seen m God’s deahngs wth
of Oath (consulted together, and) made themselves Israel and 1~1th the Phllistmcs?
aeats (of skins) .] “-1 Sam. 5 : 9. f 4. Who are the antitypical I’hlliscmes? Of what elements
does Satan ‘8 vislhle orpanlzatwn conwt i
‘* The uncircumcised Philistincs wanted to keep the j/ 5. What was emphasized by the prophetic d~amn in which
Israclitcs in subjection in order to get pecuniary gain. Samson played an Important part9 In the subject hero
The modern uncircumcised Philistincs, the Romiln being e\ammed, what is the chief point under consldrra-
tiont UXat facts In this connectlun should bc tirefully
Catholic organization, want to destroy God’s people cons&red, and to xshat end ?
and keep all the other people in suhjcction in order 7 6-8. What is meant by “ Protcstantism”? \Vhat is the Bo-
to reap pecuniary gain. man Clttholic Jiierarchy9 Account for the llgltt now shed
upon that instrument of deccptlon and its ope~ntlons.
4sThe claim that the pope is the successor of the U 9-11. Point out incllsrmtable tacts showing that the pope
apostle Pctcr is falw as the I)evil himself. Christ Jc- could not bc a suc&sor of Peter. -
7 12-l-1. Itelate historlcnl facts wh~li clearly show that the
sus saw: “11~ kin&m is not of this world.” (John Roman Catholic ~Iierarchy is an integral part of Satan’s
18: 36) The Roman Catholic llicrarchy says, “It is world.
q 15-15. Explain and apply the prophetic fact (a) that when
our right to rule and control this world.” Jesus said tho land of Pulcstinc was dlrnlrrl among the trlbrs of.
that Satan is the ruler or invisible prince of this Islacl the Phillstlncs, also previously m Egljt, wyc’rc fourltl
world, and this shows that the Roman Catholic Nicr- already occupytng the portion of land asu~~nc~l to the trll,,:
of Judah. (b) That Jehovah permlttcd the l’hillstlnrs IO
archy is the agent of Satan. (John 13: 31; 2 Cor. rrmnm III the land of l’alcstlnc.
4 : 4) The Roman Catholic Hierarchy not only is a 7 19-21. W%rt further evidence sl~ows that the modem Phi113-
friend of the world of Satan, but forms an integral tines have assumed the place that properly bch,ngs to 1hc
“ JUI~CUM ’ ‘P
part. thereof, and for that rcason alone that wicked 7 22-24. IL do the Scripturc4 (1 Sam. 5: l-9) llcflnltuly re-
organization could not rcprewnt God, but is in fact veal that the anricwt I’hillsttnrs wcrc tltc ,cr,l~wnt:\tlvl~s
of the Dew19 Point out facls clrarly intliwtlur: that tlwy
God’s enemy: The \\ords of the apostle James spc- wth their via’blo cod I)a~on foreshatlo~~etl tltc l~w~un
rifically apl~ly to that wicked organization : “ Yc adul- Cnthollc liiernrehp -inlth that pope as cllicbf.
terers and adultrrcsscs, know ye not that the fricnd- 7 25-27. Account for the l’hil’stlnw’ harin:: hatl, n’ith few CX-
ccptIons, dominion o\cr the lurwktcs. IIow dots that pro-
ship of tho world is enmity with clod? whosocvcr phetic situation find fulflllment’l
therefore will bc a friclld of the world is the cncmy of I/ 28, 3. Show that the opl,rw.q~on and lwrscrution of the
God.” (dns. 4 : 4) ‘Adultery,’ as uwd in this test, Israc~lltrs by the I’hil,.sOnw, un11 tile lattcr’n i~tlw!pt to
get nil fhc “ milk and honey ” of the land of l’alestmc,
means a claim made lay men of an organization to rcp-
rcscnt Cod and at I hc wnle time consortin:: with and
forming a part of the wicked world. That the Roman
Catholic! Iliwirchy constitutes the modern Philigtincs dLrtrincs9* I);wrrbe the lncpz3ti;‘n. \\.hni d&s* surh p’o-
and ir iilc chief cnrmy of Got1 and his kingdom, thaw ccduro rrrcat ronwrning the llictrarchy9 I’olnt out tllo
results of the aetlvlt’es tl~rcctrd by ihat ~~r~ani~atron.
is not the slightest doubt, and God’s promise is that What 1s its posit ~r,n as to God and his proplt~ I
by the hand of the antitypical David, Christ Jesus, l/ 34, 3.5. ITow in Is:~~:~h 2: S, 9 scrn to havo fulfilhucnt9
hc will save his lwoplc out of the hands of these cnc- 7 3ti-10. \Vhnt are the facts ‘n which arc 8wu tlw rrio~lrrn
I’lulistincs m pohtlcal ronsl~~rncy to control and rule the
mics. (2 Sam. 3: IS) M’hnt, then, is the fate or com- people, nnd the nwasuro oi p*ogrrss alrtwlv :tt t:L,,w<l 1
plete end of the modern l’hilistinrs? This question is li 41.42. Show that in their ‘I r,~lwnwnt with h(tl1 ” 111~nrwl(*rn
Philistmes prorccd exactli contrary to Gall’s \Vorll :Inil
now of greatest importance to all who low Jehovah. that they arc in hnc fol Jutlgrncnt ns cxprcsu~~tl at Isaiah
(To be continued) 2s: 1.1.lb.
1 43,44. Cite Parts to identify the modern “uncircumcisc~l
Yhilistincs” in the “land of Judah”.
QUESTIONS FOIl STUDY 7 45. How do James 4: 4 nntl the cla’m made and pwfion
7 1’2. For what purpose, manifestly, \+as the furrgoing proph- assumed by the I~oman Catllollc Il~crartlrv togctlwr ‘urtlicr
eev written? W’at 1s tllc ~u,nose of the nork thrrc fore- confirm tho identity of thn modrrn I’hllmt’rws and chwf
toid? Agnmmtwhom ~11 *th:l’t work bc done7 Why, and enemy of God and 111skinK(lom9 iVhat fulthcr important
when? question hero calls for consideration9


J ERUSALEi\I is a name applied to the people of

God who are consecrated to him and who have
been begotten by his spirit and thus been brou@t
forth as his sons. The name “Zion” applies to the
will bc only OIN hundred and forty-four thousand;
and doubtless the major portion of these have already
passed into heavenly glory, while the minority remain
on the earth waiting for the consummation of their
“Jerusalem” class as those who are not merely con- hopes. These arc “the remnant” against which Satan
secrated but who are fully devoted to the Lord aud the enemy makes war, and he attempts to destroy them
his cause because of love for him and an appreciation becausethey keep the commandments of God and have
of their privileges and who arc made God’s capilal the testimony of Jesus Christ.-Rev. 12: 17.
organization. These are designated in the Xcripturcs as As the cncmy and his hosts view the little company
the ‘owrconlin~’ class. Of the overcoming class, who who are faithfully bearingswitness to the name of Cl(~tl,
have the promisc of being for ever with the Lord, thwe and hear what these witncsscs say, they laugh tixm to

scorn. The clergy, the false prophets, together with the to feed the fowls of the air upon the flesh of those who
principal of their church flocks, make extravagant have come out against them to declare the narne of the
claims for their organizations and point tile finger of Lord. On the other side of the valley, and high up the
disgust toward those who now proclaim the name of mountainsido facing to the east, stands the little com-
God and his incoming kingdom. So small are the num- pany of faithful servants of the Lord, small in num-
bers who appear to be on tlie Lord’s side, so great bcr and weak in individual power; yet they never for
and powerful arc the numbers on the enemy’s side, and one moment quail before the enemy. They are smiling;
so extravagant arc the claims made by the false proph- they are happy; yea, they are even joyful ; and to-
ets of the enemy’s camp, that all except the very elect gether they lift up their voices in song, saying: Jebo-
of God will be deceived to some extent. (Jiatt. 2-1: 2-Q vail is God ; Christ Jesus is King; the kingdom of
The false prophets will tell the people that the present hcavcn is at hand ; the day of deliverance has come!
institutions will stand eternally, and that they and Jehovah God is zaying to them, as recorded in lsaiah ‘s
their allies have been commissioned to cstablisb God’s propliccy (43 : 12, 11) : “Ye are my witnesses . . .
kingdom on earth; and that this they arc now doing. that I am God. I, even I, am the Lord; and beside mc
But the elect, “the remnant of [Zion’s] seed,” will there is no saviour.”
not be at all dcceivcd by the extravaynnt claims, tile The contrast bctwcen the numbers in the enemy’s
threats, the pclsccutions, the brandishing of arms or visible army and the apparent numbers in the army
any exhibition of Satan’s power. They will rcmcmbcr of the Lord is so great that only a very few are able
that the Philistine giant (Goliath, the representative to see that the enemy’s organization will be destroyed.
of Satan, dcficd the army of the Lord and fell at the It seemsquite apparent that for the special encourage-
hands of the shepherd lad David, ~110 was there a mcnt of tile faithful Christians now on earth God
type of the Lord Jesus Christ.-1 Sam. 17: 48,49. long ago caused to he recorded the following picture
This “little flock” will call to mind how the As..yr- relating to the present time.
ian king Scnnacherib 1011, rr ago stood before the walls Jchoshaphat was a faithful king of Israel, and
of ancient Jerusalem, arroznntly claiming to bc grcat- Jelloshaphat rcprcscntcd the Lord God. Amman, Jloab
cr than Jehovah God, defying Jehovah and blasphcm- and Mount Stir entered into a conspiracy against
ing his holy name, and how the angel of the Lord Jchoshaphat and the peuplc of Jerusalem. They c~no
swept away Scnnachcrib’s army in one night.-2 Ki. up to assault Jcrusalcm. Jchoshsphat prayed to God.
19 : 35. His prayer is a pathetic one, and fitly pictures the
This little company of faithful Christians will re- utter hclplcssness of men and the complete dcpcndcncc
member how Pharaoh of Egypt, who was tlte visible of the Cllristian upon Jehovah. While Jchoshaphat
rcprcsentativc of Satan the ericmy, pursued the JWO- prayed the Lord sent him a message,to wit : “Uca~kcn
ple of God with the ISgyptinn army and would have ye, all Judah, and yc inhabitants of Jerusalem, and
crushed the Jsraclitcs, lmt that the Lord utterly dc- thou king Jchoshaphat ; Thus saith the Lord unto you,
stroycd Pharaoh and his army in the Red sea.--Ex. Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this grctat
14 : 27-29. multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. ‘i’o-
This little company of faithful Christians will also morrow go yc down against them: behold, they come
call to mind how Jchosha1~llat, king of Jcrusnlcm and up by the cliff of %iz; and ye shall find them at the
a representative of the I,ord God, was beset by the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jcrucl. Yc
armies of Amman, Moab and Mount Seir, corrcspond- shall not need to fight in tllis battle; set yoursclvcs,
ing to the tbrec elements composing Satan’s organiza- stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with
tion at the present time, namely, l3ig Business, big you, 0 Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor bc dis-
politics and big religion; and how the Lord put his maycd; tomorrow go out against them; for the Lord
hand over his own people and shielded them, while he will be with you. And when he had consulted with
drove the enemy’s army into destruction.-2 Chroni- the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, and
cles 20. that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went
Why did God cause thcsc things to be recorded in out before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for
his \Vord? Tllc evident purpose was and is to show his mercy endureth for ever. And when they began
how hc can make himself a name when hc so desires, to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments
and to encourage and strengthen the faith of his pco- against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount
pie and cause them to trust him implicitly in the time Seir, which were come against Judah; and thry were
of great peril. To such he has said: “0 love the Lord, smitten.“-2 Chron. 20 : 1517,21,22.
all ye his saints: for the Lord prcscrveth the faith- The history of sisty centuries is behind us. Upon
ful, and plentifully reward&h the proud doer.“-Ps. every page of it appear the marks of Satan, the cncmg.
31: 23. In all that time he has reproached God, defied him and
On one side of what the prophet Joel calls “the turned the people awny from him. God has permitted
valley of decision” (Joel 3: 14), and in tllc valley, it, as he permitted Pharaoh of old to remain on the
stands the tremendous army of Satan the enemy, de- throne of Egypt, eventually to show his polver over
fying God, uttering cries of derision, and threatening I%x:!c:l. (Es. 9: 16) He has promised that the time

will come when he will put an end to this fraudulent Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep
deception of the people, and that, he will open the silence before him.“-Dab. 2 : 20.
eyes of the people and deliver them. Jeremiah was given a vision of the day of God’s
The hour has arrived when God will send forth his wrath, and he wrote: “But the Lord is the true God,
beloved Son as Field Marshal, to lead the fight against he is the living God, and an everlasting King: at his
the nations of earth composing the Devil’s organiza- wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall
tion. It is God’s fight ; but he acts through his beloved not be able to abide his indignation.” (Jcr. 10: 10)
Son, whom he has placed upon the throne and who “Therefore prophesy thou against them all these
is the priest of the Most High God. (Ps. 110 : 2,4) words, and say unto them, The Lord [Jehovah] shall
In this great conflict Jehovah is the right-hand sup- roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy
port of his beloved Son. IIe delights in him because he habitation ; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation ;
is his faithful servant. (Isa. 42: 1) To him hc says he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes,
(as recorded in the forty-fifth Psalm, vcrscs two to against all the inhabitants of the earth. A noise shall
four) : “Thou art fairer than the children of men ; come even to the ends of the earth: for the Lord hat11
grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God bath a controversy with the nations; he will plead with all
blessed thee for ever. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, flesh; he will give them that arc wicked to the sword,
0 most IUighty, with thy glory and thy majesty. And saith the Lord.“-Jer. 2.3: 30,31.
in thy majesty ride prosperously hccausc of truth and Joel the prophet saw the army assembled in the val-
meekness and rigl~icousnc~s; and thy right hand shall ley of judgment, the valley of decision where the great
teach thee terrible things.” issue “Who is God?” is to be finally decided in favor
In times past the prophets of God were granted of Jehovah the Most High; and he esprc\scd this
visions of the preparation for the great battle and the prophecy : “Put ye in the sickle; for the harvest is
going into action. IIabakkuk the prophet saw the ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the
Devil’s organization asscmblcd and, to the nations [vats] overtlow; for their \vickcd1lCs~is great. llulti-
composing that organization who practice the devil tudcs, multitudes in tlm valley of dceision: for the
religion through worship of images, including the day of the Lord [Jehovah] is near in the valley of
League of Nations, he says: “What l~rofitctll tl1c grav- decision. The sun and the moon shall bc tlnrl,c~ncd,
en image, that tlic maker thereof hat11 graven it; tlic and the stars shall withdraw their shining. The Lord
mollcn image, and a tcwhcr of lies, that tlic mnlrw of also shall roar out of Zion [his organization], and
his work trust&h therein, to make dumb idols? \Yoe
unto him that bait11to the wood, 11wake; to the dumb utter his voice from Jerusalem [his univcrxal organi-
stone, Arise, it shall teach ! Dchold, it is laid over with zation] ; and tlm heavens and the earth sl~nll sllakc:
gold and silver, and thcrc is no breath at all in the but the Lord will bc the hope of his pcol~lc, and the
midst of it.“-Dab. 2: l&19. strength of the children of Israel. So shall ye know
Then the prophet calls the attention of the people that I am the Lord your God dwelling in %ion.“-
to the purpose of the great war. IIc says: “But the Joel 3 : 13-17.


01) was displeased with the three professed good honest men of the land who have desired to
G frirnds of Job because they did not speak the
truth. To “friend” Eliphaz the Temanitc the
Lord said: “Jly wrath is kindled against thee, and
know the truth have found and spoken some truth, the
latter being pictured by Job. The ccclcsiasticnl systems
have buildcd great and imposing structures whirl1
against thy two friends: for ye have not spoken of me they call “cl~urclics” ; they have installed therein
the thing that is right, as my servant Job hath.” costly furnishings; they have caused to preside over
(Job 42 : 7) The words of Jehovah here show that Job, these places the so-called ‘great and mighty doctors
a man of no pretensions, came nearer to speaking the of divinity’ ; they have made the financiers and the
truth, and spoke much of the truth, whereas the three professional politicians who rule to be the principal
professed friends of Job, who claimed to speak in the members of the congregation; and in thcsc houses
name of the Lord, did not utter the truth. IIow well called “ churches’ ’ the clergy have cspressed their
the facts that have come to pass since that time fit the great “wisdom” and claimed to represent the Lord.
picture! The representatives of the Devil’s visible or- They have in fact reprcscnted the Devil, because it is
ganization have claimed to speak in the name of Je- the Devil’s organization.
hovah God. The clergy and their allies and the prin- It is true, doubtless, that many of these ecclesiastical
cipal of their flocks have posed as the sole teachers of organizations started out with the avowed purpose of
the Lord’s Word and as guides and advisers of the serving God ; but they soon fell victims to the Devil;
people. They have not spoken the truth, while many and the Lord caused his witnesses to write concerning

such, and his words apllly specifically to this day. about God’s great arrangement for the salvation of
(Jer. 2: 21-S) Babylon and Belial are the names of humankind.
the Devil’s organization ; and the ecclesiastical sys- It will be seen that the s1xxch of Elihu was chiefly
tems being a part thereof, Ihe Lord says of and con- for the purpose of magifying, and did magnify, the
cerning the same: “And what concord hath Christ name of Jehovah. His testimony tells of the l)ower of
with lMinl? or what part hat11 he that believeth with Jehovah, indicates the overthrow of the enemy’s or-
an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of ganization, and tells of God’s vindication by his liing-
God with idols? for ye arc the temple of the living dom under Christ Jesus, and the regeneration of obe-
God; as God bath said, I ivill dwell in them, and walk dlcut men thewaiter. The voice is used as a symbol
in them; and 1 will bc their God, and they shall be of a message. It is the servant class of the Lord Illat
my pcoplc. \\‘herel’ore come out from among them, tog&her lift up the yoicc, that is to bay, harmoniously
and bc yc separate, saith Ihc Lord, and touch not the prwlaim the words and message of Jehovah God.
unclean fhing ; and I will rcwivc you, and will be a The “lightninq” is a reprcseiitation of tllc iliu-
P’athcr unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daugh- mination of God’s Word, which be gives forth through
ters, saith the Lord Almipllty.“-2 Car. 6: 15-18. the IIcad of his anointed class. In his speech Isl111u
In fact “C!hri(;tcridom” , so called, is a social and sai(l: “ Hear attcntivcly the noise of his voice, and the
political organixation, opc~~atril &icily by the owners sound that gocth out of his mouth. He diwctrth it
of great wealth, professional p0liliCiilns who carry on untlcr the whole heaven, and his lightning unto the
their srlfish, nefarious work, and tbc clergy who post wds of the earth.” (Job 37: 2, 3) Thus hc intlicatcs
as God’s rcl)rcwitativcs and urge the people to faith- lhat tlw mwagc of truth, illuminated by the “light-
fully support and u~~lloi~l such organization. nlany ning” of the T,ord nud under his direction, will go to
good men and women ~110 driirc to know of God’s the cndr of the cart11 as a witness to the nation% and
Word of truth are wholly in ~~wlclaqc to thrsc cccle- p~o111c.Then Ire says: “After it a voice roarcth: he
sinstical systems. Mihu pirtnrcs a claw whose priv- tbuudcrcth with the voice of his esccllcncy ; and hc
ilege it is io inform them. will not stay lhcm when his voice is heard. Clod tl~un-
What is said here wth rc~fcwnec to the Catholic dercth marwllously with his roicn; Crcat things doeth
and “l’I~Otc’Si;lllt” systems app1ic.r with equal force he, which KC cannot comprchcnd. Out of the south
lo the Jewish synngo~uw. ISo lon~cr arc tllc people cometh lhc ~vhirlwind ; and cold out of the north. llc
lhcrcin tnu$lt by the lYll)biS the Word of Clod as lvrit- cauwth it to come, whcthcr for corrrction, or for his
ten and rword~~d IJ~ his l101y 1JrolJhcts. They have Iand, or for mercy. llcarkcn unto this, 0 Job: stnud
tiulir;titntcd 12~:words of lhc “fathers”, so 1~11~1,cvcn still, and consider the wondrous works of God. :\nd
as Ihc “1hrw friends” ol’ Job advised Job he should 110~ IwII WC not the bright IIght which is in the
study alit1 f(‘llow su~li. Tlww, as well as the “l’rot~s- rlw~ds ; but the wind passcth, and cleanseth them.
tan!” cliurcdiws, form a part of “C(2irisfen(lolll”, for Fair weather comelh out of the no1 th: with God is
the reason that tlic word “C11ric:tc~ldotii” is n mi:,- terrible majesty.“--dab 37 : 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 21, 2’3.

nomcr. It is intcwdcd lo bc ~sctl to rcprcscnt Christ’s In substanw, ISliliu here picturrs a time when a
kingdom, but, is in fwt a subterfu~c to blind ttic I~co- strenuous and forceful witness woul~l be giwu to the
plc. It is really the 1)cvil’s organizalion. Thrre is no ~JCVJ~~CS and nations of the earth, telling 0C Clocl, his
llart of so-called “Cl~riste~dom” that is texhing 01 csccllcncy and his mighty purpose for tlic salvation
malrin~ :~ny altunpt to tcwli tlic pcoplc God’s linrposc
of men; also telling of an approachin: storm, the great
to give IIlilIl lift on earth by rcdcmption, rcsurrcction trouble which is csprcssivc of tllc intlijination of C:od
against Satan’s organization ; also indicating that im-
and the Kiugdorn.
mediately following this witness, or CI’W while it is
God’s anOintCd class, somclimcs called Jehwah’s in progress, the great storm or whirlwind brcalts will1
wifncws, an<1 which class was pictured by Klihu, is terrific fury upon the earth, and that it pas.scs and
the only class of peo~~le under the sun who today arc cleanses the earth, and then fair wcatlwr comcth out
magnifyill:; 111~name of J(bhovith God and who girt to of llie north. These words of ISlillu forwhadow a gn9t
him the glory and arc not giving glory and honor to witiicss to the pcopks of earth followecl by tlic iirnc
men. These arc telling tlic pcol~lc of God’s way tllat of trouble, at the end of which Kingdom blessings
leads man to life and hnl)pincss. There is every was011 would begin.
why this anoinlcd and faithful servant claw should Thus is indicated the time when the anointed scrv-
rcjoicc and sing for joy, lic:~ausc of the lJri\ilogc ant class on earth must give a testimony coIiwriiing
granted unto them to &Y~:II*C the name, mnj:sty and the majesty of God, Iiis purpose of dc5troyiliq Satall’s
loving-kin(lncss of llx Almighty God, tind tell the IWO- orrranixation, and the bringing of life to the ~wu~~lc
plc how their rclictf and blcssin~s are coniiu~ through 1111 ongh his government orw which his bclw ~1 a1111
his kingdom. i\‘cvcr did man clljoy a greater privilege anointed ,Son presides. The fwts s110\v Illat the
on earth than is now enjoyed by those who take a anointed servant clns~ is now givirq that very tcsti-
deli$lt in lwin~: the witncsscs for Jehovah God and in rnony to the pcoplcs of earth in olicdic9cc to CIod’s
Wi‘alring to those who will hear aud in telling them cc:n::~::r,dmcl~ts, awl tliat this must be done bpl’orc the

great whirlwind of Jehovah’s war breaks upon the approaching the great battle of Almighty Cod and,
nations of the earth. after it, the blessings of (:od’s kingdom on earth.
The World War of 1914 to 1915, and the associated As Elihu concluded his testimoiy, the whirlwind
incidents, mark the fulfillment of the prophecy con- broke in all its fury. Such is a symbol of God’s ex-
cerning the end of the world. (Untthew 24: ‘i-22) pressecl indignation against Satan’s organization. Con-
That means that 1914 marked the time when the pc- ecrning this the Lord caused his prophet to write:
riod of Christ’s waiting at God’s right hand lvould “For, lo, I begin to bring evil on tile city [organized
end and when the period-of his activity would begin ‘Christendom’] which is called by my name [‘Chris-
against Satan and his organization. (Ps. 110: 1,2) tendom’ claims &he name of th& Lord, but in fact rcp-
In verse fourteen of the above-cited chapter of Mat- rcscnts the Devil], and should ye hc utterly unpun-
thcw it is said that then must follow the tcqtimony ished? Ye shall not bc unl)unishcd: for I will call for
of the good news to the peoples of earth, to wit, that, a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the
the world has ended and the time of God’s kingdom is Lord of hosts. Thcrcforc prophesy thou against them
at hand; and that this testimony must be given as a all thcsc words, and say unto them, The Lord shall
witness to the nations. Verses twenty-one and twcnly- roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy
I,MI of that same chapter state that then shall follow habitation ; he shall mightily roar upon his habitat ion ;
a time of trouble such as the world has never hlO\vn he shalt give a shout, as they that tread the RlYlIWS,
and that this will bc the last. ‘l’ililt time of trouble is against all the intialjitants of the earth. A noise shall
uudoubtcdly otlicrwisc d(3eriM IJ~ the propllcts of come even to the ctids of the earth: for the liorcl halli
the Lord as the bnttlc of God .2lmi:llt~~. (Rev. 16: 14) a controversy with tlic nations; he will plc:id with
That will IJC tlic battle of God i\lmi:‘hty against Sa. all flesh ; hc will give t ticm that arc wicked lo the:
fntl’s Olp~lixiltiOtl, and will mark the complete ovcr- sword, sailh the 1~~1. Thus saith the Ilord of ho:,ls,
throw of Satan’s organization. Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, atld
This is niiolhcr r(3asoii why thr servant class now a great whirlwind shall 1~ raised up from ttic coasls
on earth should rejoice to song forth the praises of of the rarth. And tllc \li1111of the Lord Slii\ll IJC at t11:lt
Jehovah’s name atld to dcclarc hi< w~rlcs amon:: the day from oue ctid of tlie cartti c’vcti unto ttic, other cli(t
pcOl)lC. (TSa. 32: 1-5) ThC physiwl f;lctS tllilt are llo\V Of tllC cflrtll: ItlCJ Sll:lll llOt 1JC l:lITlCllt(Yl, IiCittlQl’
iI1 ])rcJgrcsS ill ~lllfillIIlCIlt Of lJl’Ot)llW~ arc flnthr 1~rOOf gathcr~~(l, nor burial ; t11c.y shall IJC clw~q 111~011tlw
that Etihu r~l)rrs(~i~t~d a class that would he l~nvil~:wd ground. ir0d, ye sl~c~~~l~c~ds, find cry ; illld w:iIlc~w
to understand t11c ~~~~phecv at this time. (iat1 con- yoursclvcs in the asltcs. yc priiicilJil1 of the llock: for
reals the utiderstaiitling of t;is lJrol)hcc~y until his own the days of your sl:~u~l~tc~r anI1 ol’ yOl11’ dislw~sioliu
due time to permit it to he kllowtl. IIis pc~o~~le have arc accoml~listicd; :lllcl ?‘C Sll:lll f;lll 1lliC il ~lli’;lS~lllt
not bcretofore undcrsiootl the hook of Jo11; but now VC%Cl. Alld ttlC SllC!lJll(‘tYlS Sllilll h:lVC 110 wily IO fll!C,
in the light of the unfoldilig of the divine puq~osr~ it nor the principal of ttic ilock to csci11)c.“-.Jri’rrniall
bccomcs ClWl’, ant1 all honor and glory is given to the 25 : 29-35.
nilme of Clod. Tile r(bvcl;\tiotl of the book of Job to Jchovnh ‘s name and supremacy will bc vintlicatcd
God’s pcol~lc is another evidence that WC arc ra;,idly in their utter destruction.

nolllcr, JA. . .. .. ... .. .... . Feb. I.af:lyette. IA . . .. ..._ IWJ. 13Pow-e (10I.cwn, IYa, J:uJ. 31 I.r~he \Vorlh, I‘ln. . 1.. Fci,. IO
Ittl4on, Ln. .. . . ..._._.....” 1:1110,1 I:IIIIIT. J-n. _.... ;: 14.;: Blnrlnnn;1. la. . ret,. l-t. IAlUdC~lthlr, la. .. “ 12
rdollro<~, I,n. .. .... ... .. ... .. ,I‘I I’l:llrlc\ Ilk, IAl. Tallahn\~ce, lila. . .... ... “ :: Jllntni, 1-u. . . . . .. ... ... I, IO
I~rlhl, Ido. . .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... s-r\\ 01Iwllr. I.:*.“‘:::::: “ IO-L’:? Foley, 1~‘hl. . ....._........... 8’ 4 Xnrnnjn, I%. .. ... ... .... “ 21
KCll.v, ‘xl. . .. ..... ... .. ..... .. “ I’ic:I\unv , >li-3. _ ... . ... ‘1 25
l’ilrh:ltuY, Lo. .. . ..... ... .. ” Coluu~lr~:~. MlW. .. . . . .. (1 20 Ocnla, Ial. .. .... ... ... .... .. ” 5’ hlimi, 1*-h. . .. . .. .. .. .,... I‘ 2, 2’1
Alcxxndrla, IAl. . . ... .. . .. ” Kokolllt~. .\IlW. __..... ” 27 0rl:mlo. 1m. . ..... .. ...._. “ cl, 7 Pnhokee. Fla. . . ... . .. ... “ 2,;: 2;
Lfwc illc. La. _. ... ... ... .. “ 1ratt Iwbura. Jliss. . .. ...
Glenmorn, La. . .. ... ... .. ;; Iell~Yrrlle. Mlh9. .. .... ... :: nlclbourllc, I’ln. . . .... .... “ 8 ( I~ort ~fycw. Inn. . . .._. ” 28
Lake Chutes, La. . ... .. Collm, Miw. . .. ...._..._Jl:w. Fort Fierce, E’la. . ..... .. “ 0 Alcadla, E’la. .. .. ..Feb. 20, Mar. 1


Served by W. F. Salter md J. C. Watt

Nanaimo, B. C. . . ... .._....__..__.......... Jan. hloo\c Jaw, Sask. __._....._...... .7an 30
Smttlc, \I-ahh. _ ... ..__...._._._ _... .._.... . ‘6 Ikyo:l, SiCYk . . . . .... ... .. .. ... . Jal;~.~~-l.~e!e!,. ~
IXelllnxhnul, \\‘a\h. __..__.._.._._._..__.._.. ‘I I:ran~lotl. 31:1tr . ... .. .... .. $1’ . .3
Nen ton, u c. . . .. .... ... .. .. ._. ... . ... . ... . “ l’ortwe la IQawie Man. . . . .. ... .. 1‘ 4
Kaulloolls. u. c. . .. .. .. .. ... . . ...._...__._.. “ $4 \vlnnlj,r~. w111 ’ - 5
Pentlcton. 1:. c. .. . .._.......___.. .._.... ” 2-I JImmulmlix alinll.“-;.:::::::::‘.::::::::::: 1:
Xel.con, II c. .- . .. ... ... ... ..._..._.._... “ 26 St 1’:1ul, .\11nn. . .. ..... ... .. . .. .. .. .. _. .. ... .. ,‘ !
Snif?Curlcrlt, SdSk. . .. ... .. ... .... .. .. .. 4‘ 2s C’birxzo 111.
Herbert, Sauk. .._.___....... __...__.._...._ __..‘* 20 Det l-01t, ’ Mlcb.“::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::~: “ “iE
117 Adams Street -
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J. I”. RUTIIEBFOKD President VT. E. VAN &fBIXGII Secretary systematic Bible study for its renders and bupphcs ot!lcr liter-
ature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitnllle motcrial
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and for radio broadcastmg and for other means of public instxuc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isaiah 54:13. tion in tho Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH antes. Jt is entirely free and sq+rsto from all parties, ser:3
THAT JEIIOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wiiofly and nitflout.
to evorlastmg, the Maker of hca.ven and earth and the Gilor reservation ior the kingdom of Jehovah God under CflrlQ
of life to hia crcaturcs; that the Logos was the hcpnning of his I!clo\ed Ring. It is not dogmatic, but inritrs crrrcird
his creation and his active ngcut in the crca.tlon of all and critical examination of its contents in the li,nht of tlz.1
things; that the Logos is no7 the Lord Jesus Chnat in glory, Scriptures. It does not indulqo in controversy, and its col-
clothed with nli power in hcavcn and earth, and the Chief umns are not open to personalities.
Executive Ofliccr of Jehovah.
TtiAT GOD crested the earth for man, created perfect YEMU? SWSCICIPTIOS PRICE
man for the earth nnd placed him upon It; that man nilfully
disobeyed God’s I:lrv and 7v%tsBl*ntenced to death; that by
rmson of Adam’s wrong act all men aro born sinners and
without the right to life.
THAT dESUS ins made human, and tho man Jesus suf-
fered death in o&r to produce the ransom or rctlcrnptivo
price for all mtui~mtl; that C;oJ. raised up Jcsue divluc and
exalted him to hc:t~cu above crcry creutulo and above every
name and clothed him with all power ancl authority. FOREIGN OFFICES
THAT JEllOVhll’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and British . . . . . . . . . . 34 Crntcn Terrace, London. W. 0, l:nrl:lr~d
that Chri-+t Jesus is the Chief Ofiircr thrrcof and is the Canadian . . . . . . . 40 Irvin A\ cnuc, Toronto, ontarm. (‘.ln:l~::r
rightful Jilng of tho world; that the anointed and luithful Austmlaslnn . . 7 1:cresford ILond. Stmthfield, N. 8. U+., Au.tr.:i~ I
followers of (!hrist Jesus aro chll~lren of Zion, mcmbcrs of Bouth Aflmn . . . . ltvslou IIousc. Cape To\m, Sourh AI1lc3
Jehovah’s orgtuizrttion, nnd are his nitncsscr 11hoso duty and r’lcnse nddrehs tJ10 Society in every ci16c.
privllrgo it is to tctstify to the suprc~ary of Jcl~ol:rh, decloro
his purposes to\\:trd marJtim1 :13 c’xprrssrd in the J:ll~la, and (Translation8 oi thts journal appear in several Tanguagcj.)
to bear tho fruits of the kingrlom before all who xvi11 hear.
All hlncere students of the 13lblo who by rengon of Infirmltp,
THAT THE WORLD has cndcd, and the Lord Jesus Christ pore~ty or ndve~s~ly alo unoblo to pay the 8uh~crf~~tlou1’1ISr)
has been ~hcrd by Jchovnh upon his throne of authority, mar hn\o The Wafclrtotcer free upon wriltcn al~~~licntlnnlo :I~0
has ousted Satan from h~~n~cu nnd is procrcding to the pul)li~licrs, mntlo once each year, stating thn re,L’on for so re-
cstablishmrnt of Oocl’a kingdom on earth. qucdng it. \Ve nro x:lud to thus aid the n&y, but the WNtltlrn
arqdicntion onto each gcnr is required by the postal regulalmu%
THAT Tt IE RELIEF am1 11lcss:n~~e of the pr-oplcs of earth n’olica to 19uDncriber.t: Arhnowledqment of a new or R rcnemal sub-
can come ouly by and through Jc~hc~v:th’s klu::1lom umlcr scription will bo sent only when requested. Clinnge of n~ldr~-q,
Christ which 1~ non begun; ti1at ti10 Lord’s nest qc:1t when rcqucstcd. may 110enl,ected to aptlear on ndtlre~ Inl~l wvllll!n
act is the dctitruction of Satan% organization and the cstab. ono month. A renewnl blank (carryin, ” notire of expiration) n1!1
lishment of li~htcousncss in the ctarth, nntl tlmt un~h~r the be Rent with the journnl one month belore tba subscription ewireJ.
kingdom nil th~Jsu\\ho 1~111Pbey its lightooue lu~vvs rrl:nll l;\u Entered aa Becond Clasr dfail llaitcr at Brooklyn, N. Y., Postoflce.
on earth foreicr. Act of diarch S, 1679.
z-2-- .-_-.
~__-..-. .- ----.-- -- ---
CONVENTION IN TEN CITIES conventions in the ton cities. For rooming accommoilations,
The local service couvcution arranged for southern Cahfornia, address tho folio~rir~g :
with nll its gntherlngs at the Shrine Auditorium, has nrnv bocn LOS -kKGELES: C. V. Kncmcyer, P.O. Box 755, Vernon, Callf.
oxtcnded to tnlto In nme other cities. By the Lord’s grace, B.\I,YIMORS: Henry A. Rhcb, 3246 Iics~ic*k Rd., Balt~morc, Jld.
Brother Iluther ford will sp(%k to a large i\PYcI~~l>l~ not 3~1y ln BISMIXOIIAJI : X. D. llcst, 8601 I)~v~q~onAre., I3lrmmgh:lm, Ala.
Los Angclcs, on Suntlav ~‘cbruary 23, but by direct w*ro #*on- BOSTOS: 11. I,. Phllbrlck, 31 St. Jnmes Ale., Boston, hfnss.
neetion to lmils in Il:\liinio*c, 511l., Lhrrr~ingham,
’ Ah., Boston, CIIICMO: J. C. Watt, 1139 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
Mass., Chicago, Ilf., Clcref:lml, Ohio, lianY:ls City, MO., hTc!v CLEVEL-WD: W. E. Btusman, 1X02 Eiderwood Ave., E. Cltre-
York, N. Y., P~ttshurgh, I%., :d Toronto, CM., Cnrmtla. land, Ohio.
Brother Rutherford is also scl~ctl~~l~dlo utidre~s the convmtion ~SSaS CITY: T. A. Townloy, 1317 E. 31st St:, Kansas City, 110.
aSSe1dJkd ut 4 p.m. L’ac~fic Stantlard tmm. Dircrt \~lrc con- KEW YORK: Grover C. Powell, I24 Cohmtxa IIelghts, Brouk-
nections will bc made to all the nbuve points from the Shrine lyn, N. Y.
Auditorium ncti the prowedtngs of the convention fruru 4 to PITTSBVIWII : Pittsburgh company of Jehovah’s witneses,
0 p.m. Pacific tmic ~11 bo brought to the :ll)ovc-rncnlioliccl 007 bliddlo St. N.S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Citlcs ulso. Througll the I,ord’s providrnco this arl:ulgcment TO~OSTO: Watch Tower, 40 Irlvm Ave., Toronto 5, Ont., Canada.
can be ninde, thus exl~rn~l~ug the Los Angcfcs convcntiun to
lake in all of the United States and Canada. You can make “ R I C II E S ”
arrangcmrnts now to attend. The I,os Angrlcs rouve:lfion ~11 The title of a new book! All should read it carrfullv to know
he Fchrunry 21 to 23 incluuirc; 1n the niuc other ciiicq, Feb- why and how to put it in the h:tnds of those seeking Fightcous-
ruary 22 und 2.3. The s:lme prtr,nr:lm that 1s carrictl un at LOS ness and mccknc~~s.Tile author’s ctl~tion is non oiI tile 1)1t”3.
Angelrs nili be :trlnnged tar 1x1tile other riticq, sixtkvrs bc~ng It contaius a sl~ci:ti person:tl letter from and by the 1131111 of
scut thele f~olu the lirooklyu office and L%rothcr Kuthe~ford’s the author to all .Jt:hov:th’s kln~tlom p~l~l~si~ers.lnltial c~p,‘u.;?
lectures bring tlcl~ve~ctl hy dir& wire councctlon. Spc~al of l~ul~l~shin~ C~hrs obliges the Society to ask a cuntl Ibu;lnn
arrangements urc hcing n1:1(1ctu widely atl\crtisc the puhfic of 30~ il cofby of tliiv hmitc~rl cdltlon. zl\morq coliiilanl(‘u :;r.d
leciurc, ‘~SW.\~:ATISC; TllC ?;hTIOss,” in nil thtsc cities. You groups, ortiers ~!~oultl be pronrfnfg pinccd with local stockkceper,
8hould make nrtangwnents now to bc prexnt at one of the that books may be siupped [II lots.
VOL. LVII FEBRUARY 1, 1936 No. 3



“For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Pcrazim, he shall be wrofh as in the valley of Gilzon, fhnt he may do
his work, his strange work; and briny to pass his act, his strange act.“-Isa. 28: 21.

EHOVAH pcrmittcd the Philistines to remain in and that these will become a part of the “great mul-
the land of Judah in order to put the Israe1iies titudc”.---Rev. 7 : 9-17.
to a test. The I’hilistines, therefore, were used o Jehovah has mndc it plain that he will locate all
by Jehovah to make a picture concerning a greater his enemies and rcndcr unto them a just rccompcnse
trst that would eomc upon his chosen pcoplc, looking for all the wickedness committed by them: “Thinc
to the vindication of his name. l~ikewisc God pcrmlt- hand shall find out all tllinc encmics; thy right hand
ted Satan to continue on earth after being sentenced shall find out those that hate thee. Thou shalt make
lo death, that a witness might be given to His name them as a Gcry oven in the time of thine anger: tale
on the earth and that Jehovah might in due time c’x- Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire
hibit his suprcmc power to the vindication of his name. shall devour them. Their fruit sllalt !hou dcstro.v from
(1 Ix. 9: IG) For the same reason Jehovah has per- the earth, and their seed from anloll:: the children of
mit ted the modcI?l l’hilistincs, the Roman Catholic men. For they intcndctl evil aCilIr;st thee; they imaq-
organization called “Christiiin”, to assume the phc incd a mischievous device, which they are not able to
properly assigned to those who arc devoted to him, perform.“--1%. 21: X-11.
and pcrmittcd that unholy organization to persecute n The cvidcncc submitted in a prcccdin:: issue of
his pcoplc, in order that his anointed and devoted onrs T’fie ‘I\‘<l!d!~OWW COllClUSiVd)’ dl<JKS tllilt thC J~(JIniill
might prove their intcbgrliy toward him. In thcsc last Catholic Ilicrarchy is the ciiicf cntsniy on ~rlh of God
days of peril Jehovah has made a11 necdcd provision and of his anoint4 pc~oplc, iuld that the ancient
to comfort his people iIIld to strcngthcn their ho[~c, l’hilistincs and their relation&i!) with the Israelites
and from time to time he unfolds his prophecies to foreshadowed this very thing. In the pro~)lrery con-
them for this very purpose. dchovah and Christ Jesus cerning t1ic conspiracy to cut of[ his 1)(‘0[‘1CI’rOlll lJC!-
arc IIOW the Tcachcrs of those ~110 Irilve devoted them- ing a nation the I’tlilistincs are spcrilically IlilIll~d IJy
sclvrs to him and his kingdom, and these devoted ones the Lord as being in that conspiracy. (1%. F;:I: ‘i) TIIC
need no man to tcnch them. (1~ 30: 20) To his failh- tCst at ISaiilh 28: ‘:I and the context clearly I)rove tltnt
ful witnesses Jehovah has given this promisc: “And the fulfillment of such prophecy takes ~JlilCC ilftVr
it shall conic to pass, that bcforc they Cilll, I will an- Christ Jesus is enthroned and comes to the icml)1c of
swcr; and while thrg arc yet speaking, I will hear.” Jehovah for judgment. The Roman Catholic llicsr-
(Isa. C5: 24) True to his promise, Jehovah is now archy and all those religionists who now willingly take
showing his people what the prophecy concerning the their stand with that wicked organization and against
I’hiiistincs means. In this hour of great stress, ~1~x1 God’s anointed are the ones who claim to have ma& a
the cncmy is cruelly pcrsceuting God’s people on covenant with death and hell. The Catholic Ilicrurchy
earth, it is a great consolation to have Jehovah inform leads in this, of course, and the other rclipionists have
them as to why he permits such persecution and what merely become a part of that organization or subject
will bc the fina result. As God’s faithful people study to it. It is that religious-political institution that
and consider these prophecies concerning the Philis- claims that there is no such thing as dcnth, but that
tines, both ancient and modern, they will receive great all persons at death go either to purgatory or to tor-
comfort, and it at once becomes the privilege and ment. Further, the Roman Catholic system claims to
duty of each one who does receive such comfort to be a divine institution and that those \\IIo arc Cuth-
carry that message of consolation to others who desire olics are not subjected to the denunciation uttered by
to be comforted. (2 Cor. 1: 3-5) It seems certain that Jehovah against the wielred. Those claims arc, of
there are millions of persons of good will now under course, false. Jesus u4ed these nords: “And the gates
the dominating influence of the Roman Catholic Hier- of hell shall not prevail against it.” (3Jtltt. 16: 1s)
archy, as well as others, whose eyes must be opened The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has seized upon and

misapplied these words as the only possible proof tllat first pope. Peter never had a successor; therefore all
the Catholic institution shall stand for ever. The claims of men to the title “pope”, and that the pope
above-quoted words of Jesus are not subject to any is the successor of Peter, arc another gxat lie to tile
such construction, and it is apparent that the Catholic defamation of God’s name. The Roman Catholic doc-
claim of the meaning of such words is wholly false trine concerning the dead as being in purgatory and
and finds no foundation whatsoever in truth. that priests can pray for them aild relieve them of
*Well do \re know that this is the meaning of the their suficring is another great lie, which has been
words of Jesus above quoted: that Christ JCWShim- used as a source of obtaining revenue to that system.
self, and not the aposlle Peter, is the one rcfcrrcd to, The Roman Catholic IIierarchy is the crcaturc of the
and that the church of God, of which Christ is Ilcad, Devil, who created and organized that lvickcd system
is the church mentioned, and not the Catholic to reproach Jchovnh’s name ; and, that organizatmn
“church”. To Pctcr Jesus propounded this question : being founded by the arch liar (John 8 : 44)) it could
“Whom say ye that I am? And Simon l’ctcr answcrcd be founded in nothing but lies. When the pcoplc arc
and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the livltlg told of Jehovah’s purpoi;c to destroy Satan’s orqani-
God.” Then Jesus said to Pctcr : “Flrsh and blnod zation, both visible and inviAlc, the Roman Catholic
bath not rcvcalcd [this] unto thee, but my FatI I1 icrarchy says : “‘I%ose scriptures do not nl,ply to 119,
which is in heaven.” Revealed what ? Revcalcd to becnusc WChave made a covenant with death and with
Peter that Jrsus is the Christ and God’s anointed hell and arc at agrccmcnt therewith.” NOWin view (‘f
King. Then said the Ilord Jcuus: “I say also unto thcsc facts, which cannot. IJC controvcrtcd, UC can WC
thee, That thou art I’cter [a man whose name is why Jehovah caused his prophet to write to t!lc mod-
Pctcr] ; and upon tliis rock I will t)uild my church ; ern Philisttr~e~, the Roman Catholic orjianizati,m th:it
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.“- is coi~trollcd and domin3tcd IJY “s(aortifu1 mcfin”, the
att. 16: 15-18. following cords of the ~~t’oplic~y, to wit: “\i’l~crcTcrc
LIJCINJW~; God .is rcfrrrcd to as tbc Great Rock. hear the word of the Lord, ye scornful men, that rule
(Dcllt. 32: 4) Jll Ihtlicl r)* .L1,45 the $+ripturCs tlis-
-c* this pcoplc 1:hic:h is in Jcrli\;llcni [‘Christcntloin’] : hc-
CIOSCtIt;lt ollt of ~J~A~IoY;I~~‘s or~~~tliz;ltion 11~t;lkcs a cause p’ II:I~C said, \\‘c have made a covci~aiit with
“stotlc” or r7r0t*Tiiy, \\hi~h is his a11o;nt(bdtiit~g, Christ death, and u 1t11 11(.11 :ILY WCat aqccmcnt ; wltc~nt/lu
Jesus, and this Stone grows a1141itlc*rcascs, autl fills o~“crflo\vitl~ xc~llr~~c sll;ill l)ass throu$, it hh:~ll ilcjt
the earth ant1 ruhks fhc 1~i~crlc \vorltl. The rock that tom0 u11to us: for wc II;I~C matlc lies our t.c’;II:c, atid
Jesus matloiicd is The ffirist, wllom Jcl~ovah hat1 uiith~r f;iIschootl have \\c hid oursclv( .” ( Is‘I. !!‘j:
sclccted and anointctl :1t1(1to wlioin ,lcliovah has dric- 14, 15) ‘l’IlU.3tllC 1,ord tlP~lillT!S that tllc I.L~,I~. I:L I’,:ll.+
gntcd the work of IJuil(lirt g 11is royal liousc, the church tine organization is the oKspring of Satan. The fir-
of God. It is written that Jehovah God, the Father of tccnth vcrc;~’of the forczoin:: 1,rophccy states csnctly
the Lord Jesus Christ, has csaltcd Christ Jesus above what the 2~01nnii C;:tholic IIicrarchy claims for itself.
all and “bath put all thing!! under his [Christ’s] feet, The refuge or hiding plnc~cof the entire Rorunn C:lth-
and gava him to lx the hcnd over all things to the olic schcmc is a great maqs of lies. Is it tllc purpose
church, which is hi9 body, the fulncss of him that of Jehovah God to destroy that refuge of lies? and
fill&h all in all”. (131111. 1 : 22,23) It is Christ Jesus if so, when 1
who builds up the church and who is the foundation ’ Jehovah by his prophet answers that, question in
thereof. Concernin:: the church and Christ Jesus it the very nest verse, to wit: “Thcrcfore thuu snith tile
is written : “In whom all the building, fitly fraincd Lord God, &hold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a
together, grow&h unto an holy tcmplc in the Lord; Stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stoile, a sure
in whom yc also are builtied together for an habitation foundation ; he that belicvcth shall not make ItastC.”
of God through the spirit.“-1~1~1~. 2 : 21,22. (Isa. 2S: 16) The words of this verse arc addressed
LIES to IUS iakthiul anointed ones, who fully trust in and
o The Roman Catholic institution claims to be the serve Jehovah. These are told that if they are dc-
sole intcrpretcr of the Bible, has had full accessto the voted to God they need not “make haste”, not be un-
texts of the Scriptures, should hare known the mcan- duly excited and disposed to run ahcad of the Lord,
ing and doubtless did know, ,vct has deliberately mis- but to wait upon the Lord that in due time he ml11
applied the words of Jesus spoken to Peter and has act, and his action in this hchalf will take place after
wrongfully assumed that Peter is the foundation of he has laid in Zion his St one, the precious Corner
“the church” and upon this foundation “the church” Stone, the Sure Foundation, that is to say, Clirlst
is built. Rlisapplying this scrilrturc, the Roman Cath- Jesus the King enthroned, and then IIc will take posi-
olic organization has set up a great lie to the dcfama- tive and unequivocal action against the liars. It M;Y
tion of God’s holy name and nttcmptcd to ta!ie away in 1918 that Jehovah laid in his royal organization the
that which belongs to C:od and Chrict. There is no in- Chief Corner Stone and Foundation Stone, Christ
timation that the church would ever he built on Peter. Jesus. It was then that he builded up Zion (l’s,
There is not the slightest intimation that he was the 102: IS), placing that precious Stone, Christ Je51:s,

his enthroned King, at the head; that is the same great these words, to wit : “Judgment also will I lay to the
and mighty and precious Stone, the King, that becomes line, and righteousness to ~hc plummet ; and the hail
the ‘stumbling stone’ to all those hypocritical pretend- shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the walers
ers, the rrligionists. (Isa. 8 : 14, 15) The chief amongst shall overflow the hiding place.” (Isa. 28 : 1’7) At iite
these hypocritical ona who claim to serve Jehovah judgment of the house of God the approved ones are
God, and who in fact serve the Devil, is the Roman anointed, given the name of Jehovah, and sent forth
Catholic Ilicrarchy. The laying of this Corner Stone as his wittttsscs to declare the day of the ven@ance of
fixes the time when the Lord would begin to take ac- our God. (1 Pet. 4: 17 ; Isa. 43: 9-12; 61: I, 2) This is
count with that wicked institution. God’s time for causing the truth concerning himself
a Jehovah for&old that the hypocritical religious and his kingdom to be declared, and his message of
organizations would rcjcct Christ as King, and that truth is like a great hail storm, which tears off the
such rcjcction would be particularly marked at the veil and sweeps away the refuge or hiding place of
titnc The Stone was laid in the blli~dillg up of ZiOiL lies, and fully cxposcs the hiding place thereof to the
“The stone which the builders rcfnqcd is become the plain view of honest people.-Ilev. 16 : 21; T’:x. 9 : 22-36.
head stone of the corner.” (1%. 118: 22,23) Jesus 10Duritq the past few years Jehovah’s witnesycs
quoted this Psalm and applied it to the prctendcra. have, by the Lord’s grace, been doing this very work
(Matt. 21: 42) The fulfillmcttt of this prophecy takes under the direction and commandment of the TAortl.
I)lacc in “the day of Jehovah”, “the day which Jc- If these witttcsses were dcclarin:: these thitqs merely
hovah linth made,” tile beginning of which is the sct- to do injury to others, that would bc contrary to the
ting Ilis King upon his throne and sending him to the will of Clod ; but tlicy are declaring thcsc clivinc trut 11s
tcmplc for judgment. (Pss. 118 : 21; 2 : 6 : nIa1. 3 : l-5) because it is the titnc when Cod has afi’ordcd the Leo-
The itlc~orttrovertible proof is that the Rom;m Cath- plc the opportunity to know that he is the only true
olic llicrnrchy has rcjcctcd Christ the King of the God, that Christ is King, and that the kinadotn is the
world. Althou~li clnitnitig to bc the rel~rescnt:itivc of only hope of the world, and tllilt it is in vain for niatt
Cod and Christ on carlh, when Christ Jesus the Kin!: to put his trust iti imperfect tn2n or org::ltiizatioits.
comes to the temple the I~omati Catholic Ilicrarrhy not It is the time when (;od will pcrtnit the l~oplc to
only rcfu:ics to accept hitn as I<ittg but continues to know that the Rotnnn Catholic IIicrarclty is hi(ltlrn
ittsi5t that it ts the dtvitic right of the l~otnntt Catholic behind a great mountain of lies. In ot&r lo lx faith-
Hierarchy to rule the nations of the C!ilVtll. J~~liov:~lt ful to Jehovah his witttcascts tnust now tlcclitrc: the
sends forth his wittirssrs to 1ll:lliC kltown to tlic nations truth that esposcs the wicked Rotnan c’iltllolic Ilicr-
that 1~ is Cod, that Cilrist is IiitlK, and that the ltittg- archy, tlic modern l’liilistitlcs. As thrse truths arc dc-
dom is hcrc; and the Roman Catholic flicrnrrhy clared, and the wickctl ottcs csposed, thcay I~wme wry
violently oppose the tncwsagc and the tncsscttgcrs and angry, and the Ilevi and his cliicf marshal Gag :I+
indwc the other political rultt5 of the world to join scmblo the Catholic llicrarcliy and its ngcwts nil ov(kr
wit!1 thctn in the porsc~ctttion of Jchovalt ‘s mcsscnqcrs. the earth and send them forth in a campaign of wick-
Tlicy cntcr into a conspiracy to destroy all those who ed pcrsecut ion against Cod and against his nnointc~tl.
arc for Jehovah and his King, and to thus prcvcttt --Ezck. 35 : I-14.
the attointcd of (:od from bccotning a part of his king- l1 The prophecy of Jehovah is then addressed to t hc
dom. (1’s. 2 : 2, 3) “They have consulted together with modern Philistincs, the 1~01nm Catholic llierarchy
one consent: they are confcdcratc against thee,” says and the adherents thereto, to wit: “And your co\c-
the prol)ltct ; and then in that satnc prophecy the Lord nant with death shall be diwnnullcd, and your agrcbc-
qecifirally names the Pltilistittcs and those associated ment with hell shall not stand; when the ovctllo~~ittg
with them as bcittg itt the conspiracy to mist the king- scourge shall pass through, then ye shall 1~ trod&n
dom under Christ Jesus. (1%. 83 : 2-7) The Roman down by it.” (Isa. 28: 18) This positive declaration
Catholic Hierarchy specifically denies that Christ shall of Jehovah is that the Roman Catholic IIicrnrclty has
rule the world, but insists that the Rotnnn Catholic made with death and hell a covenant which shall not
Hierarchy shall rule; and this is another great lie. stand but shall fail, and that hc will bring upon that
OIn the prophecy of Isaiah Jehovah definitely fixes institution a great scourge that will csposc them and
the time for the fulfillment of his judgment against the destroy them and that institution shall bc romplctely
wicked inqtitntions of the IIicmrchy, and that time is annihilated. From the time the mcssagc of Clod’s vcnge-
after the Lord comer to tbc temple for judgment. The ante goes forth against the hypocritical orqmiza-
cot&g of the Lord to the temple for judgment was in tion it constitutes a great vexation to them. Why is
1918, and jmlamettt began with the house of God and it that the R,oman Catholic Hierarchy, in every coun-
thereafter follows upon other institutions. (XII. try, is bitterly opposing Jchovnh’s witnesses? The
3 : l-3 ; RIntt. 24 : 3140) Kow in reply to the statcmctir, answer is, &cause that devilish institution is vexed
of the modern hl~ctttlcs, as set forth in Isaiah 28 : 15, at Ihe mc?snge of Cod’s \Yord, which is being declared
that “we have made lies our rrfuge, and under falsc- by his mitnesscs and which exposes its very hiding
hood have we hid ourselves”, Jehovah answers in place, which is the great mountain of lies : “From the

time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning there was war between the southern and northern
by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: tribes. Abner, who was the chief man in the northern
and it shall be a vexation only to understand the re- tribes, made overtures to bring about the union of all
port. For the bed is shorter than that a man can the tribes of Israel under David the king, and hence
stretch himself on it; and the covering narrower than it is written: “And Abner had communication with
that he can wrap himself in it.” (Isa. 28: 19,20) The the elders of Israel, saying, Ye sought for David in
bed, which the Hierarchy has made for itself, and the times past to be king over you: now then do it: for
covering of lies used to hide its nefarious work, 1;re the Lord bath spoken of David, sayin:, l<y the hand
entirely inadequate for that purpose, says the Lord. of my servant David I will save my people Israel out
The refuge of lies of that wicked organization shall of the hand of the Phili$tines, and out of the hand
be completely swept away. Heretofore no oppositton of all their encmics.“-2 Sam. 3: 17,18.
to the Roman Catholic organization has been able to lr. David was thereafter installed as king over all
stand. Now it is God’s due time to take action, and Israel and proceeded to establish himself as king at
no part of the Roman Catholic organization, the Jerusalem. The division of the tribes and the war be-
modern Philistincs, shall stand. tween the north and the south exactly suited the
“It I S E U P " Philistincs, and on the drath of Saul the Philistincs
I2 The work of Jehovah’s witnesses is merely to tlc- continued to exact tribute from the tribes in the
clarc tbc messageof (:od. The real work must be and northern portion. They were afraid of Ijarid. The
will bc done by Jehovah in his own good way. No unity of all of the tribes of Israel under I)avid, and
human institution could pc~ibly wrcrk the Ronlan his being made king over all of them, alarmed the
Catholic Hierarchy. (;od will completely wreck it, and Philistincs, and they made ready to attack David:
concerning this hc says : “For the 1~01yIshall rise up “But when the Philistincs hcnrtl that they had anoint-
as in mount Pcmzim, hc shiill be wrotli as in the valley ed David king over Israel, all the Philistinrs came up
of Gibcon, that lit may do Iiis work, his strange work; to seek David ; and I)avid hcnrd of it, and went down
and bring to pass his art, his strange art. “-Isa. 28 : 21. to tllc holti.” -2 Sam. 5: 17.
” IIOW may we tlct crminc thilt this prophecy aj)l)llcs *’ T11cfive kings that ruled the Philistines were in
t0 the modern I’liilistincs, the lZOI~lilI1 Catholic Ilicr- full harmony to &troy David because hc was God’s
archy? In the prrc~rlmg i.s,queof l’kc I\‘atchtowcr ttic anoint4 one, under whom Israel was united. The
published evidence shows conclusivclg that the Plrilis- Philistincs knew of the song of the Israclitc~, which
tines prophetic;llly forc4l:ldowed the 12omn11 c’ittll~lic had bc~~ncomposed and SUII~ by them to t lie cfI’eet,
organization. What took place at nlount Perazirn and ‘Saul has da in his tlions:indc, but David his ten thou-
at Gibeon, according to the proplrccy itself, forc~tc4ls sands.’ (1 Sam. 18 : 7) They wanted David, and would
exactly what is to coiric to pass, and this the Lord feel safe 0111s whet1 11~ \~a~destroyed, and SO they went
makes known to his people in advance that they rnixllt after him. I)<lvid is a type of ~Jchovah’s brlovcd
rcccivc consolation and incrcatic tlteir hope. Bear in anointed One, Christ Jesus the King, and itlc*lutlcs all
mind that it is the Lord’s work and whntsocvcr he the anointed of the tcmplc or royal hou9~ of (:od; and
begins hc accomplishes. The present-day pcrsecuticn hence the prophecy applies to the anoint4 renlnilnt
of Jehovah’s witnesses by the Roman Catholic ITlcr- on thC eilrtll, h~~athcrcdunto Christ Jesus at the temple
archy would, in time, ncccs.sarily result in the com- from and after 1915. When the Lord clean4 the tcm-
plete destruction of Jehovah’s witnesses and thrir plc he brou::ht all his people into unity under Christ
work unless God himself intcrvcnes; and he gives his Jesus, the Ilead over the church and of the tcmplc.
word that he will risl? up and do that very thing. (Eph. 4: 13) From and after that time the faithful
While the wicked persecution of Jehol ah’s witnesses anointed witnesses of Jehovah have declared his mess-
continues throughout the earth, the faithful will t;lke sage against the wicked rulers of “Christendom”, ard
great courage in the understanding of this prophecy particularly against the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.
of Isaiah, As the ancient I’hilistincs wanted to get David, so now
l4 The prophecy of Isaiah 28: 21 spcrifically rcff’rs the effort of the modern Philistines, the Roman Cnth-
to what is recorded by the Lord at 2 Samuel 5: 17-25 olic llierurchy and their allies, is to bring about the
and at 1 Chronicles 14: S-17. A brief reference to that destruction of God’s “hid&n ones”, the anointed rem-
record is here appropriate. ncmt on earth.-I%. 83: 3.
Is Saul had been king of Israel for some time, but lo The Philistincs assetnbled their entire army and
because of his unfaithfulness God removed the king- went on the march toward Jcrusalrm, where they cx-
dom from him and caused David to bc anointed king pccted to find David and destroy him. “The Philis-
over Israel. “The spirit of the Lord came upon David tines also came, and spread thcmselvcs in the valley
from that [very] day. . . . But the spirit of the Lord of Rcphaim.” (2 Sam. 5: 18) Repbaim appears to be
departed from Saul.” (1 Sam. 16: 13,11) David with the country lying south of Jerusalem and west of
his headquarters at IIcbron ruled over the southern Bethlehem. It means ‘the place of the giants’. Doubt-
tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and for several years less David had his watchmen on the lookout, and when

he was informed of the movement of the Philistines ly helpless to withstnnd the onrush of the great flood
he began movement. Ife xas too wise to be bottled up of power that Jehovah turned loose on them. l’hcir
at Jerusalem; therefore he withdrew his little army rout was so complete that they &xl, leaving behind
and “went down to the hold”, which was in a rough them their much cherished images representing t!!e
part of the country south and west of Bethlehem. object of I&l1 worship, which images David de-
David had taken refuge at the same place on two stroyed. The Iioman IIierarchy not only has images
former occasions when Saul was attempting his de- ju all its ccrcmonies but largely advertises these images
struction. (1 Sam. 22: 4,5 ; 24: 22) David was not to sell them to obtain revenue. (See advcrtisemcnts In
now fleeing from the I’hilistincs, but he was putting the Cufkolic Directory, 1935.) That battle, it is true,
his men in a position of strategy that he mi::ht make rvas fought by David, but only in the strength of tile
a surprise attacsk upon the cncmy. The Philistincs, of Lord, aud it was typical, and foreshadowed somcthiq
course, greatly outnumbcrcd David’s army, and the of far greater importance to come to pass under the
country that David had to traverse in order to make Greater David, Christ Jesus. The description of the
the attack was very difficult. The stage was set, and battle shows the hand of the Lord in it, and this is
the picture now was made as to what shall hcfall the strongly supported by the words of the record, wh( n
modern l’hili~i ines, the Eoman Catholic Ilicrarchy. Jcho\ ah says : “For the Lord shall rise up as in mount
Pcrazim.“-Isa. 2S : 21.
1eThe place whrrc the battle took place was named GIBEON
by David “I):u~-pcrazim “. (The word L’erazim mans 22Thcre was a SCCOII~fight bctwecn David and the
“a breach or brc~altin~ forth”; Ct~ul havitlr: rcfcrcncc Philistincs, as &xTl~JCd in the second hook of Sarnurl.
to Devil wor:,l~p.) It means the plarc of the Lord’s Again the ancient 1’l;ilistines asscnihled 1hemselves in
breaking .forlh against l)cvil v:orsliipcrs, the so01h- the s31ne place: “And the Philistiiics came up yet
sayers, the I’hilistiucs, anricnt and modern. The again, and sprc.atl tlicn~sclvcs in the \;lllry of Itcl~ha-
breaking forth of the Ilord there was like waters im.” (2 Sam. 5: 22) I~oubtlr~s the I’l,ili~tincs rr;lWncd
breaking their bounds ant1 rushing like a torrent to that David would ;l!piIl try to attack them in 1he sa111e
destroy cvcq tliiiig in tlleir way. This same ltI:~cc is man1lcr as 011 the prcviouq oec:i~ion, :tlld tllilt this
mentioned in 1~8inh 25 : “1_ ilIlc1 I< lll~‘IX! ~‘~lll~cl “IllCJUIlt time they would lx rc:ltly for 1)iivid. \Vllilc tltc> Scnp-
I’cr:Izim”; thcmfurc the ~)rq~l:c~y definitely lisc9 the turcs do not say t hnt I)avitl at this time had takc~n Iris
battle illustrntin~ the tltk>.tru~~ion of the 1~0r1~:lIl Ciltll- position at tlic hold, the I,rtsurnptiori may bc intlulxc*d
olie ~lkIYirC!hy. l{cfore l);ivlCl !Jcqtln hiS atl:lc'k hc ill- tht hC Was thPrC. IIiS inqlliry (Jf thC LOI’d :llld tile
quired of Jchrxth as to W~KI~ he sl~oultl do: “A:ld li(~rd’s response t Iicreto intlicatc 1 hat he was ilt 1 Ilc
1);ivid inquirclfl of the l,ord, k:tying, Shall J go up to hold and pr0CCCdCd from that point t0 tile iltl3(‘li:
the I’liilisl incs? wilt thou clclivcr them into mine “Arid whcti 1)avid inquired of the Lord, he snid, Thou
llil~ld? Arid t hc Ilord said unto l)avid, CO Up ; for I shalt not go up ; hut fetch a contpass Mind them,
will doubtless cl~~liver the l’lrilistinc9 iuto thinc llillld.” an11come upon them over against the mulberry trees.”
(2 ,Sam. 5: II)) l);lvid would not attempt to :\tiaYk c-x- -2 Sam. 5: 23.
ccpt on comm:u~d of the Ilord. The anointed of ,Jcho- 23The words “fetch a compass bellind” would in-
vah trust in him with all their heart, iind 1l1cy have dicate that David was commanded to so employ his
a full nssuranre that he will direct their pallis. (l’rov. army that they would lx on tllc enemy’s flank as well
3: 5, G) The Greater I)avi(l is Christ, Jesus, the chief as on the rear. This seems to bc the first mc~ntion of
ofiiccr of Jelloval clod, and includ(a the anointed rcm- flank movement in w:lrfare. Ilcrc again the I’hilistincs
nant on earth. The attack of I)avid upon the I’hilis- were outmnneuvcrctl, which shows tilt hand of the
tines, therefore, foretells the attack of Jehovah t)y Lord in the matter. IIc directed Ijnvid to make the at-
the hand of Christ Jesus against the enemy, the mod- tack from a certain I)oint indicated by the “mulherr-y
ern Philistiucs. trees ’ ‘. Just what is meant by “mulberry trees” Is
*ODavid advanced on the rear of the cncmy when not clear. Biblical lexicographers define the word in
the Lord had assured him that “doubtless” hc would this manner: “Weeping; the weeping tree.” It might
deliver the enemy into I)a\id’s hands: “And David well picture the point at which comes 8 calamity upon
came to Bnal-pcrazim, and David smote them there, the enemy that causes them to weep. With his army
and said, The Lord hnth broken forth upon mine in position David must wait to rcceivc the signal from
cncmits before me, as the breach of waters. Therefore the Lord. This proves that David was there solely at
he cnllcd the name of that place &al-pcrazim. And the command of Jchorah and what, he was doiilg
there they left their images, and David and his men prophetically forcshado~rcd greater things to come to
burned them. ” -2 Sam. 6: 20.21. pass under Christ Jesus. This is the only place in the
21The rout of the I’hilistines there was complete. Scriptures where “mulberry trees” are mcntioncd,
The illustration given by the words of the text is that and therefore they have a spcciriv application to the
of a mighty flood of waters breaking forth and s~ecp- Yhilistines, ancient aud motlcrn.
ing everything before it. The Philistines were utter- *’ David waited for orders from Z.bhorah, and Jc-

hovah told him how he might know it was time for in its path. Compare this with the language of Isaiah’s
him to ‘bestir himself’, that is, to bc on the alert and prop&y in i]lC prCcCdhg vcrscs: “Hail dld~ WW’p
then move forward in the attack: “.ind let it bc, amay the refuge of lies, and the waters shall ovcrAow
when thou hcarest the sound of a going in the tops of the hiding place. ” This seems to indicate that God
the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt bestir thy- would cause his message of Ilard and smitin: trutlis
self: for then shall the Lord go out before thee, to to rush down upon the encmy, and this accompnnicd
smite the host of the Philistincs.“-2 Sam. 5:21. by the cserci~r’ of his great power, in whirh IIC wltl
2s‘The sound of going’ (according to Xot~~erlln~n: destroy the refuge of lies behind which modern L’hilis-
“A sound of marching”) in the mulberry trees not tines have hidden and carried on their work and will
only stems to have furnished a signal for David to completely wipe out that organization. In hi5 jutlg-
act, but clearly indicates that Jehovnl~‘s unseen hoct mcnt against the modern Philistines, the Roman Calh-
of holy angels thcrc participated and led thr assault olic Hierarchy, not only sllatl the lying schcmcs and
against tllc cncmy. This would clcnrly forcsh::dow wickcdnrss of that organization be exposed to view
that when the (;realcr David engages in the fight to honest pcol~le, but the organization will bc brought
against tlic enemy, pictured by the Pliitistmcs, liiv into disqacc and comptctcly tlcstroycd.
armies in heaven will lake part in the fif:ht. (Rvv. 2sBut note that at Cihcon the violent intli:iiation
19: 14) The fight, took Illac*c with a disastrous rcslllt of God is plainly mentioncld: “11~ shalt lx wroth
upon the l’hiti5t incs. “And I)avid did so, as the Ilc’i-d [that is, express viotcntly his indignation] a- in the
had comman~lcd him; and smote the l’hitistincs from vatlcy of Clibcon.” It was immcdiatcty following tlic
Ceba until thou come to (-iazcr.“-2 Sam. G: 25. si:;n nhich Jchovnh gave to J)avid that l)avicl IJC-
*OThere is 110reason to doubt that thcsc two baltlcs stirred himself; and then the record follow&;: “T~IC’II
between J)svid and the I’hilistincs arc the same as shall tlic l,ord go out bcforc tlice to smite the host of
that referred to in Jsaiah 25: 21. It is true that in the Phitistincs.” The Ilord clid thcrc smite them, nt’d
the accowrt given at 2 Samuel 5: 25 the word “GCbil" this prophecy foreshadows that when (:otl rises up in
is used to dtnotc the 1~tacc. In the margin the word his anger as dcscribctl by ttlc prophet Isaiah, hc {vi11
“ G ibcon ’ ’ is usctl to dc1101c ttic same place. Also in put an orid to the motlorn l’hitistincs 1,~ cornl,!c~tc~l,v
the recoded of the same fight scbt forth at 1 Chronirlcs putting them out of business, and all their activity
14: 16 the l~1acc is named (:ibcon. “1)avid therefore shalt end.
did as God command(~d him; and they smote the host
of lhc l’hilistinc~s from Gibeon even to Cazcr.” 20That which came to 1Jassat Mount I’crn?im anal
(1 Cliron. 14: IG) Thus is shown that the propticc*y at G&con was not tlic wor~!~of man, but was ttle work
of Isaiah 2X: 21 rcfcrs to the destruction of the l’hitis- of Jehovah (iod, alltl t hcrt~forc clearly forcstrntlow~ or
tines, who were the chief cncmies of God’s chosen prophrtically forctclts SOJ~Cf:rcatcr work to IJC done
people Israel. The fact that the Scriptural account is by J&ova h t hcrraftc~r. That future work if; tl~~bc~d
of two fights, to wit, l’ernzim and Gibcon, does not by Isaiah’s l~rol~hcry as ‘(;od’s work’, “his 5t r:mKe
necessarily mean that the Lord will mnkc two separate \vork, ” “his act, hil; strilngc act.” The im1)ort,lncc of
and distinct fights against modern Phitistincs. The that work is cmphasizcd by the fact that the wor&
point of paramount importance here is that ‘the Lord arc rrpcatpd in thr S(*riptnrcs: “his WOrli, Iii?, straligc
shall rise up AS at Mount Pcrazim and c;hall bc wrath work ’ ’ ; ‘ ‘ his act, his stranxc act.” The ~ortl “st r:lnq~”
As at Gibcon’. In other words, what took place at here used mrans “ forrign ; r%traordinary ; wolit~~~rf~~t ;
Mount J’crazim and CiOcon foreshadows what the marvelous; 1l~lUSllill ; that which is not exprc*tc~~l”. In
Lord will do against the antitypical l’hilistines. this connection note what God thron(!h his l,rophc$
. IT Concerning ltount J’crazim the record is : “ J)arid says conccrnin:: the hypocritiral crowd that draw nrar
smote them there, and [David] said, The Lord bath to him with their mouths, which without a doubt rc-
‘broken forth upon mint enem& before me, as the fcrs to the modern Philistincs, the Roman Catholic
breach of waters. ” This is proof conclusive that what- organization : “Whcrcforc the Lord said, l+‘or:tsmuch
ever Ijavid accomplished in that fight he did it, not in as this pcoplc draw near mc with their mouth, and
his own strength, but in the strength and at the com- with their lips do honour me, but have removed their
mand of Jehovah God; and this foretells that the fight heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught
against the antit,ypical enemy, the modern l’hilistincs, by the precept of men : tlicrcforc, behold, I will pro-
will be by the Greater David at the command of Jc- cced to do a marvettous work among this [~eoplc, even
hovah. It was Jehovah who brought the victory lo a marvcllous \vork, and a won&r: for the wisdom of
David, and this foreshadows that the antitypical their wise men shall perish, and the unclerstancilng of
battle is not the hattlc of creatures against modern their prudent men shall be hid. Woe unto them th:lt
Philistincs, but is the battle of Jehovah. The words seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and
“breach of waters” mean the breaking forth or burst- their works are in the dark, and they say, who sceth
ing out of waters, such as the onrush of a mighty flood us? and who know&h us?“-Isa. 29: 13-15.
which scatters and disperses and destroys cvcrything 8oIt is the Catholic Hierarchy that has induced the

people to fear and to give up their hard-earned money, God’s true people. In every country of earth the Hier-
and it is their “wise” men who hypocritically pose archy carries forcard this \vicktd persecution of Je-
before the people as reprcscntatives of God, and who hovah ‘s witnesses and, as stated by Jehovah ‘s prophc$
say : “l17i~o sctth us? and who knoweth us?” the Hierarchy now says: “Let us break their baneb
s1 Jehovah had left the I’hilistines in the land of [their unity under Christ which operates as a me-
Judah to prove the Israelites, to know whether they straint to us] asunder.” In this the IIicrarchy in-
would hearken to his commandments. (Judg:. 3 : l-4) duces the political and financial clcments of Satan’s
The Philistincs had used the Israelites to suit their organization, togcthcr with the Judas class, to join
own convcnicncc and pleasure. The prophetic drama vZth them. Furthermore the prophet of God describes
of Samson ~110~s how God’s pcoplc must bc faithful the 1Iicrarchy : “For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult:
even unto death. ‘The prophetic picture of David’s and they that bate thee have lifted up the head. Thc:y
conflict with the Phillstincs shows a difiercnt thing. hare taken crafty cou~~sel against thy pcoplc, and
Jehovah had installed I)avid as king over all Israel, consulted against thy hidden ones. They have sad,
and now the I’hilistincs attempted to thwart God’s Come, and let us cut them of: from being a nation;
purpose, The l’hilistincs bad for many years been the that the name of Israel may be no more in rcmcm-
oppressors of the Israelites, and now God’s time had brance. For they have consulted tog’cthcr with one coin-
come to dclivcr his pcol)lc from the hand of their op- sent; they are confederate against thee.“--I%. 83: 2-5.
prcssors. TiicrCforC what tOOli place at hloutlt X’crazim 33Will not the Lord Jehovah now laugh and hold
and Gibcon was Jehovah’s first demonstration of his thcsc presumptuous ones in dcrivion? Is it not alJ0Ut
power in behalf of his kingdom. It was the first king- Jehovah’s due time to “~pwk unto them in his w-at 11,
dom conflict, and gives the absolute assurance that and vex them in his sore displcasurc”? And ~li.vP
Jehovah will fight for his kingdom. As soon as David Ekcause, says the Lord, ‘I have set my ItinK upon my
was at Jcrusalcm a.9 king, the five Philistine lords holy hill of Zion, to rule the wild,’ and God will per-
cntcrcd into a conspir:lc*y to crush David and to thus mit nothing to iutcrfere with the accornl)lisliln~llt of
prcvcnt God from accompll&ing his purl~oscs. (:od his purposes. To his King, the (Ircatcr I)avid, 1~ IIOW
took a band and prcvcntcd tlir accoinplislimcnt of that snys : “Thou shalt break them witli a rod of iron ; thou
wicked l~url~~sc. The I’CCOI~~~ is, “All tbc l’hilistincs shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s v~‘ss~~l.“-
cnmc up to w k Ijavid.” Thnt must b:ivc been a trc- 1’s. 2 : 9.
mcndous horde of pc1oplc, all marching out to make 34Clearly this seems to bc tlic due time wlwn Je-
away with one man 111part iWlar and, of course, all hovah nil1 “rise ~1)” and nsqert himsrlf, as hc did In
~110 stood by David. It SWIIIS quite 1)rol)ablc that brhiilf of his people at Mount I’ctxzini and (:lbcoii.
this movcmcnt of tbc I’llili~.tincs against David in- Surely tlic propliccy shows that wc arc at the tlmc
duced the prophet to write the second I’saIm, wherein when Jehovah will cause his hail to sweep away the
the cncmy is rcprcscntrd as saying: “IA us break rcfugc of lies, and his waters to overflow the CIICIIII~,
their bands asunder [that is, the bands binding to- disclosing their wicltctlncss, and this to bc followctl by
gether the Israelites in unity under King I)avid ;uld his \vork of destruction.
hindering the operations of th(: Pliili5tincs], and cast ” But how Can it bc said that such would IJc Jcho-
away their cords from us.” Their conclusion w~~uld vah ‘s “strange work” or “btratigc act”? The fact
be amusing to the Lord, and therefore the psalmist that Jehovah fou:bt the battle in behalf of his king
continues : “IIc that sift&h in the hcnvcns shall laugh ; David would not bc at all strange to David, because
the Lord shall have Ihe~n in derision. Then shall he David knew that hc was an instrument in tbc hands of
speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his Jehovah to deliver the Jsraelitcs out of the cnrmy ‘s
sore displeasure. “-I%. 2 : 4, 5. hands. Certainly David knew what is rccordctl in
** The prophecy now is having a fulfillment on a 2 Samuel 3: 18, to wit: “For the Lord hnth spolccln
far-greater scale. WC know that all true followers of of David, saying, By the hand of my servant I)avid
Christ Jesus are now united under the King, the I will save my people Israel out of the hand of the
Grcatcr David, and that these arc loudly proclaiming Philiatines. ” David’s inquiring of the Lord what he
Jehovah, his King, and his kingdom. Hcrctoforc the should do is further proof that ahat took l~lace was
Roman Catholic Hierarchy has had its own way. It no surprise to David, but does show his complctc con-
has bccn,a great test to the true followers of Christ fidence in Jehovah. For these reasons the work of
Jesus. That wicked organization, acting under the Jehovah upon the Philistincs was not at all strange
pretest of being God’s reprrsentativcs on earth, has to those who wcrc devoted to God. To the Philistinc~s,
crushed every organization that has ever risen against however, it must have seemed very strange, for the
it. Now Christ is on his throne and God’s time has reason that they had carried on against the Israelites
come to put his kingdom completely in control of the for years to suit their own pleasure and they had
world. During the past few years, and since the union done so by permission of Jehovah, and now to have
of the church under Christ, the Roman Catholic Ilier- Jehovah cause thrm to be stricken by the Israrlitcs, and
archy has begun and carries on its assaults against completely routed, would seem l>assillg strange to them.
*“Mark how well the prophetic picture fits the dare tell the truth about the wicked organiz::tion of
reality of the present time. For a long Chile the Ro- the Hierarchy, but the faithful have taken their staid
man Catholic Hierarchy has had its own way. It is wholly on the side of the Lord and Him tlrcy will
the most powerful organization under the sun, and serve, and not man. They know that their God will
its power and iniluence is exercised in every land on intervene in their behalf. They know that the Roman
earth. The membcrx of the Hierarchy are heady, Catholic Hierarchy is the Devil’s chief risible agent
high-minded, auStcrc, and scornful men. The Catholic on earth and that God will search out and &troy all
Hierarchy is comparatively a small body of men; but his enemies, including the 1Iicrarchy. ITavin!: this
the great multitude of Catholic people that support knowledge and assurance from the Word of (iod, lhe
the organization are not members of the Catholic faithful with confidence pray God to hasten the day
church, but arc called “children of the church” or when the enemy shall perish from the earth, and they
“Catholic population”. The IIicrarcby numbers its continue with joyful words to sinz Jehovah’s praises,
“population” or adherents by the millions. The IIier- knowing that the cncmy can do nothing worse than to
archy now is desperately attempting to destroy Jcho- kill them. The salvation of God’s pcoplc hc will ac-
vah’s witnesses, that there may be no hintlrancc what- complish by the hand of the antitypical I)avid, Christ
soever to continuing its work to control the affairs Jesus, the Moved One of dchovah, and the great
of the nations of the earth. The Ilierarchy confidently King says to thcsc faithful allointcd ones: “13~ thou
expects to shortly rid the earth of these “pcctifcrous faithful unto death, and I will give thee tlic cro\\n
witncsscs”, and on cvcry hand they arc heard to say, of life.” (Rev. 2 : 10, A.R.V.) The anointed, tllcrcforc,
in effect, that “this crvwd of Jehovah’s witncsscs will coufhlently rest in the promises of Jchoval~, and for
not last hug”. \Vlicn tlic time comes, lmwcvcr, for that rC3SOn t/icy rcjOicc ill thC tri)JUhtion th:lt COIIlCS

Jehovah to rise up as he did at Mount 1’er;lzim and upon them bccausc of their failltfulncss. Sccs~nythe
at Gibeon, and to cxprcss his rigtitcous indignation fulfillment of Jehovah’s prophc:+s, and Itno\\ in: th:lt
against his cncmica tllilt have pcrsccutcd his chosen his King is un the throne and at the tcmplc for jurlq-
people, arid when tie brings about the downfall of the mcnt, they loc~lc up and lift up their hca~ls, bceausa
Homan Catholic ilierarchy, that will bc so wonderful, they know that the day of dclivcrance is ilt hut~l.
so unusual, so trc~mc~ndousand so complctcly forcgn WHY?
to what lias cvcr bcfoI~2 c9mc to ~mss,that millions of
38Why would Jclrovah “rise up” and smite the
pcoplc who have been atlhcrcnts of the Roman Catholic
I’liifistines, scciug that they had by flim IJCCII pc’r-
Hierarchy will esc*laim: “ llow strange that God
niittcd to have dominion over the Isrilclitcs for ycai*.~‘1
should destroy that organization !” Tlicy will see that
The HLIII~C quest ion may IJC Il~k~‘d, and the SiIIllC illI-
the work is not the work of man, but must bc the work
swcr given rclalive to the motlern Philistinrn, the
of the Almighty; and it is to such that this work will Roman Catholic Ilicrarcliy. The Pliilistincs wcrc prlv-
seem “strange”. It may be confidently expected,
ilcgcd to bc in tlx land that God had assiqled to Ills
thrrcfore, that the survivors will say, in sulx3ta.ncc:
cliosen pcoplc, and they tried to thwart Ciotl’s ])lll’]NJV.?
“How htran,oc that this mighty organizntion, which
to set up his typic;11 kingdom t hcare. Likewise for (Y~II-
for centuries has acted as the reprcscntative of God
turics the Roman Catholic Ilierarcliy has brcn hufl’cr~d
and Christ on earth, sl~uld now be destroyed by the
by Jehovah to occupy the place of his pcoplc on cart I1
Lord! It is foreign to anything that has ever come to
and has assumed to occupy the favored ~~I:lcc of Jc-
pass, and WCcannot un(lcrstand it.” ‘1‘11~work of ?Jc-
hovah; at the s~111lc time it vigorously attrmpts to prc-
110Nlh hrrc mcntionod will iIpIK%r Stra~lne t0 rWry one
only tll(JX WV;11 vent Jchovab’s carrying out his purpose cwccr~~ing
WI10 UOl’S 11ut ullclcl~~l:lll~l 11, itlIt Ull-
his faithful ad anointed ones and concerning the set-
dc~ta:ld it ~110 111’~’ \rl~olTy dcvotcbd to Jt~l10vah aild
ting up of his kingdom. It acts with revcnyc and cruel
his kin?rclom. To the anoint~~d .J(~!~ov;~ll’swork will
hatred against all who arc dcvotcd to ~Jcho~h. No
liot appeilr at all strange, for the reason that they one can be fully and intelligently serving Jchovilll
have been instructed of the Lord by his \\‘or(.l as tn without opposing the wickedness of the Roman Cath-
what shall c0111c to I’““S, and, liavliig been instructed,
olic Ilicrarcliy, and hence tlicy arc hated by the Ilif~r-
they follow his Word :~nd oI)cy his commandments. archy. Lou g after the ancient I’liilistines as a nation
They now have the information that Jehovah is going
were destroyed Cod caused his prophet to write the
to destroy the wicked Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and prophecy in answer to the foregoing qucstiou as to
they know that Jehovah’s purpose will be accom-
why he will rise up, and that answer is ~‘cv~~dcd in
plished.-Isa. 46 : 11.
these words, to wit: “Thus snith the Lord God: Kc-
87All over the earth now the faithful are being per- cause the l’liilistincs have dealt by rcvcng?e,and ha\c
secuted 1~y the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. This per- taken wn~c;lncc with a dcspitcfnl heart, to clcsl;oy it
secution is so terrible and powerful that the faithful for the old hatred ; therefore, thus snith the I,ord cictc!,
know that no human power could successfully resist Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the I%iIl+
the wicked organization. Anyone not having full con- tines, and I n ill cut off the Chcrethims, and tl~;t r(j)
fidence and faith in God and his promises would not the remnant of the sea coast. And I will CSCYU:~~ yrc;lt
1, 1’336 43

vengcancc upon them with furious rebukes; and they and burn her with fire. For God hath inclined their
shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my hearts to do his purpose,’ even to esecute one purpose.
vengeance upon them. “-Ezek. 25 : 15-17. (Rev. 17 : 16,17) (See Light, Book TWO, pages 80-114.)
8* From the time of Isaac the ancient Philistines This is exartly in harmony with Isaiah’s prophecy.
opposed God’s people and ill-treated them. From the Jehovah’s storm of hail shall sweep away the refuge
time of the antitypical EsaacSatan’s agents have per- of lies and fully expose to all mankind the duplicity
sccuted Jesus and his true followers. Particularly of ‘the old whore’, and her destruction shall precede
have the Roman Catholic Hierarchy opposed and ill- the destruction of “the beast” and of “the false
treated God’s chosen people. (Gcn. 2G: 15-22) It is prophet”. (Rev. 19 : 19-21) The wicked modern Philis-
the decree of Jehovah, written long after the ancient tines shall be ensnared in their own work of their own
Philistincs as a nation had ccascd to exist, that hc hands.-Ps. 9 : 15,lG. (See also Yreservution, pages
would destroy the Philistincs, and therefore without a, 139-143.)
question of doubt tfle prophecy rcfcrs to the modern I1 Aside from what the Scriptures say, it would be
Philistines, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and all of presumptuous for any man to say how God will ac-
its conspiring lords. The day of tflc destruction of thatcomplish “his work, his strange work”, “his set, his
wicked institution, the Roman Catholic Ilicrnrchy, is strange act. ” Whatsoever the means used by the Lord
at hand. “And I will cut off the inhabitant from to accomplish this purpose, it will be the work and act
Ashdod, and him that holdcth the sccptre from Ashfre- of God just the same, even though he usessotne human
Ion ; and I mill turn mine hand against ISkron ; and agencies to accomplish his pnrpo~c, as he u~d David
at Mount Perazim. Let tlic faithful now rest in the
tflc rcmnnnt of the. Pliilistincs shall perish, snith tfic
Lord God.” (Amos 1: S) “For Gaza sf~nll be forsaken, fact that just as certainly as fhc Roman Cntflolic Hicar-
and Ashkclon a desolation : they shall drive out Ashdod archy is at the present time cngagcd in the pcrsc>cution
at the noonday, and Eliron shall be rooted up. Woe of those wflo serve Jchovafl, just so ccrtnlnly ~111
unto tile inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of Jcflovah rise up and smite tllc Roman Catholic Ilicr-
the Chcrcthitcs! the word of the Lord is against you ; archy to the dust. Therefore let the faithful f)roccrd
0 Canaan, the land of the Philistincs, I will even dc- with tflcir work without fear and rcgartllc~s of the
stray thee, that there shall bc no inhabitant.” (Zcph. arts of the wicked. C:od has shown that the lIier-
2: 4, 5) The pride of the modern J’hilistincs shall archy is tflc Devil’s cflicf wicked, visible org:anizatioti,
cease. (%ech. 9: 6) The cotnbincd hypocritical and and hc has declared in no uncertain terms that all the
wicked refigionists shall bc destroyed, and this in- Wielicd shall perish.-Ps. 145 : 20.
formation is now given for tfic benefit. of tlic remnant ‘* Armageddon is the worfi of Jehovah, bcc~auscthe.
and for the brncfit of the rJon;dafJs or great multitude.Scriptures emphatically so declare, that Ciotl will do
(See ZJrcpnmtion, pngc 150.) his work at Armageddon by the hand of Cflrist JCWIS.
w The Scrif)turcs srcm fully to support tflc conclu- The fact, however, that Jehovah by his prof)het speaks
sion that the destruction of the rcligionisls under tflc of “his work, his strange work”, “his act, his str;lng:c
lrad of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy will bc the first act,” repeating the words, seems clearly to indicillC
part or the beginning of Armageddon. The Devil rc- two distinctive parts of Armaged(lon : (1) That which
ligion mislabeled “Christianity” was first put for- accotnpli~hrs the destruction of hypocritirnf rcliKion-
ward under the name of “the Church of Rotne”, out ists; and (2) that which accomplishes tflc ~mpfere
of which grew the Roman Catholic JIicrarchy. Tflat destruction of all of Satan’s organization. Arma~c~d-
organization is mcntioncd prophetically in the Scrip- don, therefore, as a whole is the work and act of Jc-
tures under the unpleasant, title of “the great whore”. hovah, but tflat part of Armageddon which he says is
There was a period of time when in the world there “his strange work”, “his strange act,” would seem
was an organization known as “Profcstat~tism”, and clearly to refer to something that would af)peur to
which opposed the Roman Catholic organization ; but many creatures as very strange. The final confhct
about the time of the World War the Protestant (so would not appear to be strange, for the reason that
called) organization ceased and went over, bag and all professed Christians have bectt informed by the
baggage, to the Hierarchy, and now the entire lot con- Scriptures and otherwise of Armageddon as one great
stitutes “the great whore”. This crowd of public time of trouble.
gangsters and enrmics of God set up the Lcaguc of 4JBut now consider the fact that there is one great
Nations as a substitute for God’s kingdom. Anything religious organization that has been kept protnincntly
with them to turn the people away from Jehovah and before the people for many centuries, and which or-
his King. These, pretending to stand for God, in fact ganization has repeatedly declared. itself to he the
stand for and represent the Devil, and this whole special representative of God on earth and which mil-
bunch composes an integral part of the beastly rule lions of people have been induced to believe is a di-
of the earth. ‘And the ten horns which thou sawest vine organization. Such people are not esfjccting the
upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall destruction of that organization. That great religious
make her desolate and naked, and shall cat her flesh, organization is the Roman Catholic system, ruled by

its Hierarchy, and to which there is attached a “Cath- proved by the Catholic priest, is almost certain to con-
olic populntion” of millions of persons. A11the nations tinue i:; ignorance conceruing Jehovah God. For this
of “Christendom” tacitly admit that the Catholic rtasun, by means of fear nntl the precepts of men mil-
Church system is the representative of “‘god”, but, lions have been held in bondage and in ignornnce.
of courstl, they do not understand which god. Now The grcut mnss of people thut support the Catholic
when God singles out this particular Eoman Catholic church organization are in no wise members of the
org:cnizotion nnd brings it into disgrace and humilia- church and have nothing whatsoever to do with the
tion, 3s illustrated by uncircumcision and by ‘cmerods government thereof, and arc dcsiprnatcd by the Ifier-
in the secret parts’ of the Philistincs, and then snccps archy, and as set forth in the publications of that or-
away the refuge of lies under which the I<oman Cnth- ganization, 3s “Catholic populntion”. (See Oficial
olic Ilierarchy hns long hid it.3 nefarious work, aud Cut1~oZicDirectory, 1905.) Thcrc are millions of such
cxpo~s the hypocrisy of thnt organization, and then .who are conscientiously obeying the commnuds of the
complctcly destroys the Roman Catholic organization, Roman Cstholic Hierarchy, and who are totally igno-
such will clearly nppcnr to be a “stmngc work” 3nd rant of the fact that they are going contrary to the
“stra11gc act” of the Almighty God, and the millions Word of God. The members of the Iiitr3rchy cl~ucl~lc
of people left on earth, 3m.l who will see that m:lrvrl- in their glee and 83s: ‘We h3ve m:ldc lies our rcCu:e,
ous work 3nd act, wiil no doubt in grcnt astonishm~~nt, and under falschootls WC have hid ourselves. Who
cry out: “IIow stranqc that the Almighty (:od \\ould knowcth us, and who ezn see us3’ By rexon thereof
destroy thnt organization against which we have been they hnvc been ennbled to Itecp the mass of the “C3th-
tnu!:ilt thnt nothing, not evrn licll, c3ii prevail.” olic population” in ignor3nce of God alit1 his king-
** Ilypocrisy is clcspicable in the sight of Jehovah. dom, 31~1to continue them in their ixnornncc is the
Ifc suys: “The vile person will sprnk vilhiny, 3nd his re3son why they warn CillllOliC~S to rlbad Ilollc of th0
heart will work miquity, to prnc~tise hypocrisy, arld publicatinns of the Watrll Tower. Let those who clc-
tu ilttcr crrOr :lgairiSt !hC fiord, t0 lll;lh CJIlpty dl(’ SlJld sire rightcousncss bc nssurcd that God will, 3crordlrlg
of llre 111111~~1’)..” (Isa. Z2 : 6) Thc>re the Ilord clc31.ly to his prumisc, swc:cp nxrny the rcfuxc of lies Mind
dewritws the IionialJ Cilt hOliC 1I icrarrliy. Tllc qwlt- which the lliernrchy hides, 3nd will thus O~ICJ~ the cycs
cst hypocrisy ever pmcticcd 3mongst men is that of all honest proplc to t lie truth. IIon& Catholics
pr3(*licactl by the IIicmrcliy, ant1 tl~c end of such is will then enjoy the opportuliity of undorst:uidiiig ihe
3nnilrilalion. Snul I)ec,:lmc a hypocrite. (1 S3m. truth n11d will come to kuo\v thnt God 3nci his king-
15: l-23) JIG \\‘;LS IIliltlC king at the inst3ncc Of tllc dom under Christ is the only hope of ihc human mtc.
people, 3nd he illustr3tcs those who were once in line With the Ilicrnrrhy tlis::r:lc~cd and dcstroycd thp hun-
for the kingdom but wcrc moved hy selfishncs.. that crt pcoplc, including the “ Cntholic poln~l:ition”, will
they mi::ht have pr1’.401131 gain, and receive life ilIlll seek Zion, which is God’s organization.
po~cr 31ld honor. (1 Snm. 8: 4-22; 10: 17-25) Whrn 4tlConcerning whnt took place at 1Iount Pcrazim
the spirit of the Ilord dcpnrted from Saul hc nctcd 3.nd at Giheon, which marked the victory unllcr David,
with t hc Philistincs in the continuous effort to destroy the record rends (1 Chron. 11: 17) : “And t hc fnmc
David, (:od’s anointed. Soul seemsclcnrly to picture of l);lvitl went out into 311I:ln(ls; and the Ilord brouxllt
the “evil scrv3nc” clilss, whom the Lord JCSUS de- the fcnr of him upon all mitions.” IIcre 3:lein 1)nvid
scribed. These were once in line for the kingdom. represents Christ Jcsuy the beloved of ,Jehovnh, and
Mo~tl by selfishness, being rejected hy the Lord 3t the fear of ChriQ Jesus, the Greater Dxvid, clearly
his temple judgment, these ‘began to smite their fcl- means the rclcnse of millions of “Catholic popula-
low Servnnts’, and concerning such Jesus said: “The tion” from the bondage of the wicked IIicr;:rchy. This
lord . . . shall cut him asunder and appoint him his calls to mind the words of John when on the isle of
portion with the hypocrites.” (Mntt. 24: 48-51) God Patmos. After he had Seen God’s royal organization
will permit no one to successfully interfere with the he saw a great multitude; and now Jchovnh’s people
establishment of his kingdom under Christ. have been permitted to see a grent multitude and to
understand the words uttered by John, to wit: “After
HONEST CATHOLICS this I beheld, and, lo, a grent multitude, which no m3n
4sHonest persons hnvc often been deceived and led could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people,
into a trap. The Catholic organization boasts to this and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the
effect: “Give us a child until it is seven ycnrs old, Lamb, clothed with white rob+ and palms in their
and it will not depilrt from the Cntholic faith.” A hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation
child brought up in ilrnorance of God nnd of his Word, to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto
and into the mind of which child there is instilled the the Lamb.” (Rev. 7: 9, 10) The great multitude is
teaching of men, the Cntholic doctrine, which is con- beginning to be manifested, and we are nssured the
trary to the Word of God, and which child is con- day of deliverance is at hnnd, and many of this great
stantly warned under the penalty of purgatory and multitude shall march away from the influence of the
hell to avoid reading anything that is not first ap- Catholic organization. The people of good will of all

nations shall come and worship before the Lord, and mination than ever go on with the service of the Lord,
shall glorify his name.-Ps. 86: 9. knowing this, that God’s announced purpose to rise
67When that great multitude take a firm stand on up and smash the cllcmy will soon take place and
the side of Jehovah God and his kingdom, and in obe- every one who continues faithful to the Lord amidst
dience to God’s commandments continue to seek meek- all the:? trials shall receive the everlasting blcsnng
nes and rjghteousncss, they will suffer reproach at of JchovA Surely Jesus had in mind just such times
the hands of any and all of Satan’s agents remaining when he said: “UC that shall endure unto the end,
on earth, particularly those pictured by “the beast” the same shall be saved.” (Matt. 21: 13) Our God,
and “the false prolhet”. They wiil suffer because whom we serve, will save and deliver his people to
they are companions of those who have been and are the honor and glory of his name.
persistently announcing the kingdom of God under QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
Christ. (1Icb. 10 : oL- “9 35) Let all who love God and fl. 1. Account for the Ph,tis:inrs’ remaininn in the land of
Judah. For Satan’s continu’ng on cart6 aftrr being scn-
his King now have full ;Lcjsuranceof faith that Jcho- tented to death. For the ruotlcrn I’hAstmcs’ bc’ng l’cr-
vah’s time to estnblish his kingdom is here and has mitted to persecute tho~c who are devoted to Jehovah. For
the rcrnarkal’to uufnltlin rr of I’ror’hccv to God’s r,cr~r,lc at
begun and all opponents that the I)cvil can muster the pIv9ent time. V<tiat”ls ndw ‘secri as to prlr;h*g:c? and
cunnot possibly prevent its coml~lete cstablishmcnt. duty of thtrsc who arc fxrorctl nlth an un,lcrstar~dmg of
Jehovah has demonxtratcd and plainly shown his IWO- tl&o prophcctt:s?
11 2. \‘r’hat do the Scrlnturcs (I%. 21: 8.11) declare as rr\%:tlttnn
pie that soon he lvill rise up and fight the battles of those who are cr;iclly l’crscculq G&l’s faithful l’eol’lc~
his ~~coplcwho arc for his ltin::dom, and hc is certain and UR tllo reason for Jehovolr ‘s thus dealing with the per-
to rid the earth of the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchp and .%?cut01a?
7 3. \vhnt %!a8 foreshadowed by the ancient ~‘tlI~IstlnCS lid
all the representatives of the 1)cvil. The purpose of their relatronbhip nlth tllu lsrnol,tc.s? llow tlu 1110 pro-
this is the vindication of ~Jchovnh’s name, and by his phc%ic s~~,l,tureu at l’s:~h,~ 82: 7 and Is:cmh 28: 15 sc-ri’e
their l’url’us~ in the dcnt~lir*~lion of kc Itloltr~rn I’l~Ilr:~t~iIt*~?
I)rophct he says colic*criiing the in0lction of this ClYilS- lt 4-C \Vith corrolJo,utlvc sc:r,I,:urcs. cxolain hlatthcw 1G: 17. 1X.
tic I)unishmcnt upon tllc nlodorn I’hilistincs: “AtId Puint out how Hatan, A IJY that L or~;:tn,zll,on l,,~~~ulArly
they shall know that I am Jehovah, when I shall lay his own, has IIIISUSC~ JPUR words tec~ordr~tl at bI:lttlll~w
16: 18, as further justlfj’ng 1ho rhargc prophrticaily
IIly VCl~@‘;ltlC~ UpOll thWL”--k’k. 25: 17, fi.il.b’. rec~or’lcrl at lsainh 2s: 1 &, 15.
‘3 The Roman C;~thc~licIlicrarchy is now contluct- p 7. Wht 1s mwurrt by the st:~temcnt, nt Is:Gah 38: 16, (a)
concc~ltr’ng .lehr,~:~l, ‘8 ’ 1:)) ,ng iu Xi00 a huro i’~,untl:~t,~,u ‘9
ing a vigorous campaign in all parts of the cart11 in (I,) Thnt (‘I~(. that bcl~r\c*th shnll not mnkc h&o”9
its attempt lo force the pcoplc into tile Catholic or- p 3. I’o;nt out fulfillment of I’SiilI1l 31X: 22, logcthcr w’th that
ganization. The Ilic*rarcliy is proceeding upon the of I’R:LII,I K!: 2.7.
1 9, i0. \Vlwn and how will Jchorah ‘lay Jutl~ulcnt to tllr line,
theory that there arc just two g:lric!r;ll classes of IWO- and r’rhtcousncss to Lhc r’lummet’? llow sh*t11 “the ha11”
plc, to wit, Connnuni~ts ant1 l~onl:ln Catholic, and t lint 6d~wce[) rrwny the rciu& of l,(~s”, antI “ tho wntc’p”
all who do not line up with the Roman Catholic side “orcrtlow the hiding pl:tcc ‘,? F’or what purpose ~111 lhie
be floIlc9
are lllcrcfore ncccssarilv to 1~2clnsscd as C!ommullisl:i 7 11. \Vh:ct, and whosr, are tho “covenant with tlc:lth”, th:lt
Clearly this is the 1)rvil’s clYort to sol)aratc the proplo shall be disannulled, ILIUI tho “ngrocr~nt with hell”, tht
stdl oot stnn~tt \Vhnt Is the d,uvcrflr,w,ug xourgc” that
and r~hccltrnatcthe \voI*li that the JJord Jesus is doing:. shall pass through, l’y \I Illc-h thcay fll’nll I,0 tr,,~l~l~~rl down?
Christ Jcsns is NJW scparatin~ the ~wrsons of good How nut1 nhen ~111 this Iw done? liow does Isaiah 28: 19.20
will, who arc called the “sheep” clas’;, from those t lint fit the situation?
7 12.14. liow may we determine that tho prophetic declaration
are wicked, whom lx dcsignatcs as the “goat” class. at Isaiah 2s: 21 ul)pl,cs to the Roman Catholic II ,rrarc*h.y,
(Alntt. 25: 32AG) The Devil, operating through the and why the Lord‘ now makes this known lo llis lxul,lc~9~
ltlicrarchy, is tryinK to offset tlio Lord’s work by sf~p- q 15-18. \Vhat are some of the historic facts whlc~h :rWount
for the proccdurc? by the I’h~listmcs and by David as re-
Rrating the people into the classesof Communists and corded at 2 Samurl 5: 17, 189
Roman Catholic. 1 19-21. Point out the titnrss of the name “Baa1-nernzim” as
- that of the place whf!ro the battle was four:l;t. 11 hat in-
M’The Roman Catholic Hierarchy and its political struction is seen in l):tvid ‘a inquiring of the Lord as rc-
and financial dupes and allies have suppressed the cordrd in 2 Samuel 5: 19, and’ in tt;o IAJI~‘R nnx\\er to
WATCII TOW:R SOCIETY and confiscated its proprrty David9 \Vhat is foretold by David’s attack here upon tho
Philistincs, and by the outcome thereof?
in the countries of Austria and Germany and other 7 22-Z. \Vhy noulti the I’hilistrnc~s again come up agamst
parts of ‘ , Christendom “. It has recently caused many David? What is seen (a) in I)av~d’s again incluirmg; of
the J,ord 7 (b) In tho Lord’s answer to this inquiry by
countries and states to enact laws for the purpose of David? (c) In David’s procedure here, and the result of
suppression of speech and publication of the truih. this attaCli9
It has caused many of the faithful to be persecuted 1 27,%. 1Vhat great prophetic significance is seen (a) In
David’s declaration re~*ortlcd In 2 Samuel 5: 209 (b) In
unmercifully, ill-treated, and thrown into prison, and the words by the prol’hct Isaiah (28: 17) concerning the
continues its wicked work. These modern Philistincs same rn:lttcr? (cj In tho record at 2 Samuel 5: 21. 2.59
deal by revckngcand with a dcspitcful heart, and the 1 29,ZO. \Vtiose w&l; was that at Mount Pcrnmrn ch itt
Gibeon? 1Vhnt is meant by the dcclnratlon rccoItled at
Lord’s faithful people continue to suffer. Many have Isaiah 28: 219 Unon \\ horn will llxkt w01k of 1 mclic:ll ion
wondered why God permits this. Let none of the be visltcd? How dots IWI:I~ 29: 32-15 serve In the idcnti-
faithful be disturbed. Let all who love God and Christ fication of the modcln I’hili~tmes?
1 31-34. 1? hy wcrc the I’h~listincs permitted to rrmnin in the
Jesus now fully rest in faith and with greater deter- laud of Judah? and with what result9 What is foleshown

in David’s conflict with the Philistines? What is the evi- t 40,41. Show that the Scriptures and the facts seem to in-
dence that fulfillment of that pro,&tic picture, together _...~ what will constitute the first Dart of Armareddon.
with Psalm 83: 2-5, is now m progressl In the light of What will the faithful do in the miantimet ”
Psalm 2: 9 and other related scarlptures, what does this n 42.43. What concerning Arma,rreddon seems to be indicated
portend concerning the modern Phllistines and their con- bv the cxnression at-.Isniah !S: 21 I Describe the oresent
$etleratcs? - aiiuation, Bs fitting those prophetic words.
3 35,X. How can the “hall” and the “overflowing waters”, q 44. Apply Isaiah 32: 6. What in this connection is seen In
and later destruction, he said to bc Jehovah’s “strange the -prophetic record concerning Saul?
work” and “strange act”? LShow how well the Luroohetic
I 1 45. Arcount for the abject servilitv and prrsistency with
picture fits the p&&t sltnation. which the subjects of the Roman ‘Catholic 1Iirrlrrch.v hold
7 37. \Vhat Instruction for the iaithful is seen In the prophetic to the teachings of that orgamzntion. llom will these lye
record of David’s procedure nhen hard pressed by the nffected by the fulfillment of Isaiah 25: 17,lSP
Philistines, and of the outcome thereof? 7 46,47. Apply 1 Chroniclrs 14: 17 and Retelation 7: 9,lO.
q 38. Why would Jeho~nh for a long time permit the Philis- In wh:ct posltion null that part of their dehreranre place
tines, both ancient and modern, to exercise dominion over these? For ahat purpose vi111 that deliverance be wrouqht7
his covenant people, and then “ riso up” and smite the 1 48,49. What tactics are non bmng employed by the IJcv11,
Philistines? throueh his vislblc orranization. to sunnress nroclamntlon
q 39. Apply the prophetic fact that it was from the time of of the mcesage of tru?h and to’offset ‘t‘he wo;k bv Chnst
Isaac that the anrlent Phlllstines opposed God’s people Jesus of sepuratinC the “sheer,” from the “&ts”I
nnd Ill-trcatell 111.3,1. Point out scrlpturer foretelling the 1Vhat does tilis mcati to those who have bern enl,$tcncd
judgment to be executed upon the modern Phil~stiucs. nnd haie taken their stand for God and his kin&ml?


KCIXTTY of life and property is a thing much it be 1~s. . . . hhICy secures the abh?St and most
dcsircd and sought by all honest people. Uncirr adroit counsel. . . . Evidcncc can be ~atheretl frum
present uwatisfnctory govcrnmcnts the people every source. The poor must be content to forego all
in gcllernl do not feel sccurc in their properly, in their these advantages.”
limbs, or in their lives. The dcsirc of man for right- Mr. Sinclair, owner of many millions of dollars and
e~~~nc~ss is csprcsscd in the Constitution, which is I he of powerful iiiflucncc, was put on trial at WashiiiEtc,n,
original fundamental law of the United States gav- the national capital, on a criminal charge of dcfraud-
crnmcnt. The framers of that document dcsircd ri$~t- ing the Vnitcd States government of its oil supplt~*s.
cousncss, doubtless, and put fort 11their best cndra~ors During the course of the trial charges were matlc that
to see it cstal~l~shctl in the earth. The unseen cncmy there was evidcncc of an attempt by the dcfcndant to
cxcrciscd his evil inllucnrc and the ruling ~)owers soon bribe the jury. The trial rcsultcd in Mr. Sincalair’s
dcpartcd from the fundamental law, and that to such acquittal. As further cvitlcnce that the United States
a dcgrcc that t hc Constitution originally made can government (the one most nearly id611 yet on catlh)
now hardly be rccoflii?rd. Grcnt mono~)olics are dots not deal equally with its citizens let her 1carn~J
formcad by a few mm who have unlimited money and senators testify. Immctliatcly following the acquittal
great power and intlucnc*e among the official element of Mr. Sinclair the following statements wcrc marle
of the nation. Thcsc selfish men go into the govern- by members of the United States Scnntc ant1 ;lI)l~(‘;~rc’d
mcnt business, and their chief intcrcst is to increase in the public press on the 2Zd (lily of April, I!Qb:
their power and ccalth. With them the liberties, the .Thc then Senator IIcflin said:
pcacc, the property, and cvcn the lives of the people “It will convince the people that a ‘double system’
are matters of secondary importance. Thcsc selfish of criminal jurisprudcncc for rich and poor ol)cr;ll(ss
men having to do with tbc govcrnmcnl put forward in this country. Sinclair comes on to 1x3tried and we
their tools to be clcctcd to o&c. The people go through find him trying to tamper with the jury. This verdict
the form of clccting their representatives to the vn- is astounding in view of the ruling of the Supreme
rious departments of goveimmcnt and thcsc are over- Court, which held the transaction wa.s branded all over
reached by the sclfkh interests. Those who should with fraud.”
properly be the servants of the people arc enticed and Senator Norris said :
induced to enact statutory laws contrary to the gen- “The acquittal shows that you can’t convict a hun-
era1 welfare and for the benefit of the few. Under dred millions under the jury system. The Suprcmc
such laws the people are exploited, hoodwinked, and Court declared the whole transaction fraudulent.
robbed. Some citizens go into court for redress, only Sinclair didn’t even testify and he didn’t deny the
to find that the selfish monopoly has overreached and charges. His acquittal proves that if you have enough
wrongfully influenced the courts They soon learn money you can escape anything.”
that a man without great wealth and much influence The then Senator Edwards said:
has little or no show in the courts. Well has a distin- “It was not a court jury that acquitted Sinclair,
guished American lawyer said : but the duplicity of Republican party lcadcrs, cabmet
“Nov.-here in our social fabric is the discrimination offkials and trusted public servants in the Ilarclinq-
between the rich and the poor so emphasized to the Coolidge administration, which paved the way for just
average citizen as at the bar of justice. Kowherc should such a travesty as was consummated at the nation’s
l?xBRVARP 1, 1930 47

capital today. If the high and mighty of this govern- effort is put forth by the favored and selfish interests,
ment can be bought and paid for with impunity, why in which effort they are aided and abetted by the
should America place the entire burden of meting out clergy and the subsidized press, to suppress the truth
justice to her criminals on the shoulders of a financial- and keep the pcoy!? in ignorance of the real truth.
ly weal< and impoverished jury whose inherent fal- One of the great benefits that shall result to the
libility is their only armor against intimidation and people under the righteous gorcrnmcnt of God and his
fraud?” Christ will be the lifting of the veil of ignorance and
Such conditions will not be possible under God’s wrong and turning on the light so that the truth may
government, because that government will be a rig!lt- be known and that the pcoplc may fully understalid
eous one and all the people, both poor and rich, shall that all their benefits and blessings come from Jehovah
have an equal show. (Isa. 31: 4) In fact there will be God. Concerning this it is written: “Judgment also
no rich and no poor. There will be those who arc will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plurn-
haughty and those who arc meek or poor in spint. met ; and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of IICS,
The haughty will !)c compcllcd to come down from and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.” (Isa.
their csalted positions, and the poor and meek will be 28 : 17) “And hc will destroy in this [government]
lifted up, that all may have an equal and common the face of the covering cavt over all people, and thu
standing before the great, just and righteous Judge. vail that is spread ovrr all nations.“-Isa. 25: 7.
At the prcscnt time men of cstrcmc sclfi+ncss, by The people do not now feel sec*urein their lromcs or
their wealth, po\\cr and inlluencc, control the great property, and they arc riot secure. A young man t)u:;s
publicity chmrwls through Mhich they attempt to a modest honie in a city, or a little farm. IIc fiu~ls
mold public opinion to suit thcmsclvcs and to blind that lie must pay a !)onus to some financial iii\titutlun
the people to the real truth. Editors of rnally of thttse to get a loan on his property. IIc must pay a high
publications would publish the truth if left unhui- rate of interest on his marl z:;~g:c ; and lit must !),ly
dercd, but they must yield to the power that is wielded ever increasing taxes, hotli gcncral and sp(tcial. 1113
by selfi& intcrcxts or be crushed. The result is that soon bets that tlic burtlcu upon him is so grcut that it
if truth is bruu:!lt to the ntlcntiuii of the public press C~ld:II1pTY t!lC hCL’ll1’ity Of !lk !lOIllC. IIC k ill CcJllSt:hrlt
it is citlicr sul)prcsscd 01 gnrblccl in such ma11ncrthat fear of losing it. Soonrr or later IIC is utiablc to t)c*,ir
it could not be rccogliizcd as truth. Up under tllc bUr~IcI1,tllc IllOl’t~i1~C is Porecloscd,alltl
When a clergyman csp~~c~sscs his own wisdom arld his property is in t lie ha11tl3of the cruel and hc~lli&
makes God and his Word al)p~:lr as unwortlly of cun- interests. One of the Krcat t)cilcfits that will rcqult lo
sidcrution, sue11is given wi(le publicity by the !)llt)lie the pcol)lc uudcr the righteous government of the I,o~d
press. The grc’at munrtary intcrcsts know lion to ll,lt- will he that a m:~n will be secure in his humc a~1 in
tcr tlic ambitious clcr~ynicn. They tlicrcforc throw a hi.< !)ropcrty. Then rn~ will build houses and 11vcin
little sop to tlrcre clergymen and the clcrpytncn are them as tllcir own. They ~111not build for ;tllotilc,r
cager to grab it. Those who really control the gov- to t>lliC?it away from lllcni. (Isa. 65: 22) The oj,l)I(+
crnmcnts tolerate the clcrgymcn because they can h:! sor and extortioner will not 1)~pcrmittcd tllcbn to ( p-
used to dcccive and csljloit t!lc pcoplc. Tlwy furnish erate. The conditions will bc favorilt)lc and ~~c~uital~lu
a sanct imoniour smoke ~crcon bclrind which the con- and every one will liave a fair opportunity. I:utl~~r
scicncelcss profiteer works. It is a daily practice for the righteous government of the Lord maI1 ~111not
one of these so-called and su~~po~d rcpreqcntativcs of fear. “lht thy shall sit every Illilll under his vine
the Lord to stand in the house of the great legislative and under his fig tree ; arid none shall IlldiC tlwm
body and invoke a bl~s~lg upon those who arc hrand- afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hat!1 s!)o-
ed as “boodlcrs, grafters, and lobbyists”. If one of ken it. “-We. 4 : 4.
these clergymen utters an unusual prayer asking for Then the people will put away selfishness and learn
blessings upon the men who foment war and csploit to honor God. And what will be the result ? In I’rovcrl)s
the people the public press speaks in commendatory 3: 9, 10 the answer is given: “IIonour the Lord with
terms thereof. thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine in-
While the governmental interests are being looked crease: 50 shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy
after by the “boodlers, grafters, and lobbyists”, and presses shall burst out with new wine.”
profiteers, the people at ltotne are being exploited by It must now be apparent to all who think soberly
some other selfish interests operated under the title and honestly, that the prcscnt unhappy conditions can
and name of trust companies or like financial instilu- never be remcdicd by man. Ccntnrics of expericnc>c
tions which rcccive special protection from the govcrn- prove that with man such is impossible. When we g~a111
mcnt. These financial institutions induce a certain a knowledge of the reason for these distressing con-
number of the more rcspcctable people of the com- ditions and what is God’s remedy, then it is easy to
munity to invc5t some of their funds with them or see that the only way to have Inyting peace and con-
take some stock in their corporations and depend upon tinuous prosperity and security is by and through the
these to keep those who are exploited quiut. Every kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ Jesus.
The good news of the kingdom of 3ehovah is broadcasteach week or oftener by these and other stations at time slwwr~
[Current local time Is shown CUBA Quincy WTAD Su 9 :15am NORTH CAROLINA
In each Instance.] Caibarien CMHD $31 2:3Opni We 2:30pm Asheville WW’KC Th 1:3Opm
Spanish Su 12:OO nn Tuscola WDZ Su 9 :33am Greensboro WBIG Su 10:30am
ARGENTINA Camaguey’ CJIJF Su 11 ::O:tttt Su 11:55am Su 1:50pm
BahiaBlnnca LU2 We 10 : OOpm Santa Cl ‘a CJIIII Su 11: l&m NORTH DAKOTA
INDIANA G’d Forks KFJM Su 2:30pm
Buenosh~res LR2 Su 11 :OOum (1st and 3d Sunduy~)
ChZUXl LT5 Su 10:4Zam Spanish Su 11:00:1m Indianap’s WIRE SU 10:OOam Su 4:OOpm Su 7:55pm
LV2 Th 7:15pm Spanish Th 11 :OOam Su 4:OOpm Su 7 :OOpm
Cordoba omo
Los Andes, San Juan (1st and 3d Thursdrcjs) IOWA Akron WJW Su 11:30am
LV5 Hu 10:45nm C. Rapids &XT Su 10:OOam Su 3 :25pm ,Su10:15pm
Mendoea LVIO Fr 8:ljpm FRANCE LOUISIANA Cleveland WJAY Su 10;25am
Rosario LTl Yu 10:l~nm Radio Beziers Th 9:OOpm N.Orleans \VDSIl Su 1O:OOam Su 12 :55pm Sn 4:oop
Radio Juttn-les-Pins Su 2:OOpm Su 6:00Jun Toledo WSPD Su 8 :30pm
AUSTRALASIA (Cote d ‘Azur) Sa 8:UUpm Shrevep’t KWKII Su 10:OOam Su 11: OOam Th 5:25pm
Radio Lvon Sa G:5Unm su 1:30pttt Su 5:3Opm
Albury 2.AY Tu 9:45pm TU 7:4&m Th 7 :45pm MAINE Tulsa KVOO Su 10:05am
Goulburn 2.ON su 7::wp Sa 7 :43pm Su 12:W nn Aurrusta WItDO Su 9:53am Su 3:OOpm MO 5 :lSpm
Graftou 2-GF Tu 7 :3(lpm Radio Nimcs Tu 9:(1Opm & 2:45pm su G:DOpm
Gunncdah 2-110 Su 7:0111lrn -- Bangor \VLIIZ \Ve 9:5hr1 OREGON
Lismore Z-XN \Ve 7:151m We 1:2Sptn We 5:lUpm Portland KWJJ Su 10:45xm
PARAGUAY Su 4:15pm Su 9:OOpm
New CnqtIc 2-111)Hu lO:~~l:ttn Asuncion ZP4 Su 11:45am MARYLAND
su 11:4optt1 Stt G:::Optn Baltimore \VFI%R Su 1l:OOtam PENNSYLVANIA
\Ve G:Zltllm su 4 :uuptn \vt? ti:15pm Philntlelphta WIT’ Su 7:O(lpm
Sydney ?-UE Su 9:OO:tm URUGUAY Frrderic,k \VFIID Su IO :3O:tm Pittsburgh RQV $11lO:lT,xm
Tnntwortlr 2-TM su 8:00p1Il XIontevitlco <!X:(Y MO 8:45rnn su 1: 3opm Su 5:OOpm Tu X:IB:tm ‘1’11X:1&m
W ‘ga\V ‘ga O-\VGSn 7 :Gprn Montevideo CXlO Su 12:13pm MASSACIIUSETTS Pitteb’gh WWIVSWSu 10:45am
(Internacional~ Su 5:OOptn PO 9:OOpm
QUEENSLASD Boston \VAll;X Su 9:?5am
Brisbane 4.1% Su 7 :ZOnm sll 4:3opnt Su 8:lOpm SOUTH CAROLINA
hlurybor’h 4-W% \Ve 9:45pm UNITED STATES
MlClllCAN Spatt’b’g \VSPA Su 10:OOa.m
Tovvnsvllla 4.TO \Vc 8:OOp ALAUAMA Detroit \v,‘.Iit Hu 10 Ino:tm su 1:soptn Su 4:55pm
Uirm’hntn \<‘hPI Su 10: 15nm
TASMANIA su 2 : lGp1 Su 5:15ym SOUTH DAKOTA
Launceston 7-Id\ Su 5:45ptn Pierre KGF’X Su IO:Oll,m
Ulvrretono 7.tiv su 5:3up1a ARIZONA nllNNESO’rA Tu 4 :OOpm ‘1tt 4 :OOp
Jerome KCRJ Su 8::ltl:r ,t F’~usFallsli~;l)l~: Su lO:u0:w
YICTORIA su 12:25]‘ttl 6, 3 :Oli I,‘” ‘till 1 :4r,pm so 7:1.;pm TENNESSEE
Balhtrat 3 IIh Su 12:4.>pttl Tucson KGAB Su Q::;ft,tm Min ‘:tpolts\\ I)(;1 Su 9 :23atn Cha’noogn \VDOl) Su 9:BOam
Bendigo 3.110 Hu 7:OOptn su 12 :5op1 Su 5:+1m su 2 :ooptn IYe 6::;llpm bu 1: 3upm Mu 5 :OOptn
Jltlrtlilrtrti 3.IIA St1 li:45[“” hlcmphis WIi13: Xu 9:4Uam
Yutna KLTNA8ul1:15tm MISSOUR
IlorHItatn 3-11s Su 9:Ollptn Su 12 : 15pm su 6:3Uptl su 4 :oop111 Su 10 :OOpm
Mclbourno :i*hti St1 2:~$1t”
Columbia KE’RU Su 10:3Iktm
Swin ilill 3 Sll Ho 7:15ptn ARKANSAS su 1 :3opt11 Yu 4 :3~pln TEXAS
Hot Sp’gs KT118 Su 10:15am Kans. C’y K\VKC Su 2:Ott1etn Atttarillo KGNC Su 10:OOam
WEST AUSTRAIAA su 7 :00p111 SU 8 :25pm
su 2:3opm Su ri:25pm
Kalgoorlie (i-KG Su 7:OOptn CALIFORNIA Dnllns KHLl) hu lO:.ilhm
Hollywood KNX Su 10:15nm NEBRASKA
Perth IFAIL su 7 :OOpl KFXIi Su 9:31lam El Paso KTSlI ,?u 9: ltttttn
su 4 :noJ”ll Su 7 :43ptn Lincoln su 1:15prtt so G:.:opl
Los Angrlcs KTM Su 9: 31;..n NEVADA Iiouston KXYZ su lO:Oll:1rn
BELGIUM Su 4:3Opm Rena
Wallonitr-llonne Efipcranrc
stt 1 :25ptn
KOII Su 10:30am S. Antonio KTS.I Su 10:45:tm
Oakland KROW Su 10:O~:ttn su 4 : 3opn1 Su 9:OOpm Su 1:55pm Sn 4 :O$m
(201.7tn) \\‘e 7:OOam Su 2:OOptn su 7:O!)pnl
COLORADO Lacoma WLNII Su 10:30nm Salt L. City KHL Su 10:45am
CANADA Col’o Spt. KVOR So 10:30:1m Su 2:lOpm Su 7:lOpm VERMONT
ALBERTA Su 12:4Opnt Su 4:Ztpm Springf ‘d \VXBX Fr 9:00:tm
CFCN Su 5 :45pm Denrcr KVOD su 7 :31tr !tl NEW JERSEY Fr 4:25pm E’r 6 :OOpm
Cabry Grccley KPKA MO 9:Z.‘:,xn AtlanticC’y WPG Su 10:OOam
Kelownrr CKOV Su 1:45pm CONNECTICUT Petersb’g WPllR Su 8:55nm
NEW MEXICO Su 10 : 30atn E’r 10 : 3ilntn
NOVA SCOTIA New Haven WELI Su 9 :5jam Albuq ‘qtte ROD WC 11:45am Richmond WRVA Su 12:15pm
Sydney CJC!B Su 9:OOpm Su 11:25am su 4:~Opm We 5 :25pm We 8 :25pm
ONTARIO Washington \VOL Su 10 : OOnm Brooklyn WBBH Su 9 : loam
Cobalt CKBZC Su 3 :OOpm Su 5:15pm Su 9:OOpm
Hamilton CKOC Su 10 :30am Su 1:Onpm Su 6:ljpm su 4 : 3opn Su 7 :BOpm Spokane KG A Su lo :(ctua
Su 1:3Opm Su 8:OOpm FJ,ORIDA Brobklyu WLi13RSu 10 : l&m su 1: oopm Su 5:55pm
Miami WQAhi SU 1:4jpm Su G:30pm MO 10 :3Oam
Orlando WDBO Su 10:3jam Tu 10 :RO,un ‘ Tu 6::;Opm WEST VIRGtNlA
CHILE su 12:30pn1 Su 5:50pm We 10 : 3Otam We G: 30pm Cha’ston WClIS Su 1:OOpm
SanAntonioCEl35 Su 11:4Oam Th 10:3Oam Th 6:3Opm su 3 :00p111 Su 5 :Ol+n
Santiago CEl31 Tu 9: ljpm GEORGIA Fr 10,:30am Fr 6 :3Opm Wheeling WIVVA Su 10:O~:lm
Valparaiso CE Radio Wallace Atlanta WGST Su 5:45pm Buff alo WGR Su 10 : OOnm St. 4:30pm Su 7:OOpm
Su 12:15pm ILLINOIS Su ld:45pm WISCONSIN
Chicago WCFL Su 8 :0&m Buffalo WKBW Su 5:55pm La Crosse \VKBlI Su 10:OOam
CHINA Harrisb ‘g WEBQ Yu 4 :&?\)rn NewYork WMCA Su 10:3Osm su 1 :oopnt Su 7:OOpm
Bhanghai XMHA Su 8 : 15pm Su 6:45pm Su 9:UOpm Tu 12:55pm Tu 5:OOpm Ma&son WIBA Su 1O:OOam
117 Adams Skeet - Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
J. p. R~HIxwOI:D President TV. E. VAN AMBURGII Sccrctoq

“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and

great shall be the peace of Chy children.“-llaiah 54:~~.


THAT JEf1OVAH is tile only true God, is from everlasting
to e\orlastmg, tllo Mnlter of heaven and earth and the (;lvcr
of life to his crentures; that tho Logos nas tho br;innin~ of
his creation and his nctivo ngcnt in the crenl~on of all
things; that the Logos is now the Lorll JCMS Christ in glory,
clothed with all pwvcr in heaven and earth, and the Chief
Executive OiTicrr of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created tho earth for man, crrntcd perfect
man for the earth and pluccd him upon it; that man \~llfully
disobeyed Gocl’~ law awl was scntcnccd to d<sath; that by
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and
without the right to life.
TfiAT JESUS nns mndo human, and the man Jcsu9 suf-
fered deutb iq order to produce tbo ransom or rc-drmptiro
price for all mankind ; th.tt God ru~rcrl up .1~3us dlvino 0nr.l
exalted him to hc:~vc~n almvo cwry clwtulc awl abovo every
name and clothed him with all pow-r and authority.

THAT THE \F’ORl.D has ended, and the Lord J~SUR Christ
has been plnwtl Ily .lc~ho~nh upon his throne of nuthorlf v,
bnS ousted S:l:an from hr:lvcn nnd is procecd~ng to thu
establishment of God’s lring~lom on earth.
VOL. LVII FEBRUARY 15, 1936 No. 4

“To zdtomsoever tnuctt hns been given, from hint rnwh will be retguircd; and to wRom ‘muclt 71~sbeen entrust-
ed, of lhn [the more] will be demaadcd.“-Luke 12: 48, Il’eymoutli.

ICTIOVAII does everything

in order. JIe gives life the proper times? Blessed is that scrvnnt whom his
to his crCatllrCS, in his own order,”
“ cwry man Master nlwn Ilc comes shall find so doing. I tell you
tllosc who arc mndc members of the royal house truly that IIc will put him in authority over all His
bcin:: placed by him in the high& order. Each one possessions.’ “-Lul,c 12 : 43-G, Il’cynl.
of the mwnlxrs of that, capital organization is l’luwd * The rule mu\t of nccrssity ap1,ly lo all persons who
in a position in lhe body according to God’s own have ajirccd to do llic nil1 of Cod, and hcncc includes
plc;~surc. (1 C!or. 15: 23; 32: 18) To lx pIcasing to those who compost the “great multitutlc “, .Jc~lrowh’s
Got1 the crcalwc must take an orderly course, and for rules arc fixed and nc’v(!r cliaiig:r. (Alai. 3 : G) Tlic rule
tllis r~asoii ihc man of good will, having sincerely tlc- is spcciliwlly a~~l~lictl to tliosc who l’y reason of un-
sired to swvc C:od, prays lo him: “Order my steps in faithfuliicss fin<1 tlicmst~lws in tlic “wil wrvatlf ”
thy word ; and let not any iniquity have dominion class, ccoltcwnin~ \v110m JPSUS says: “llut. ;tIlcl if ti\:it
owr mc. Iklivcr mc from tlic oppression of IIILI~ ; so scrvnnt say ill his IICilI’t, Jiy lord &~l:lyctll Iris wrnilly ;
will 1 k-r]) iby ~Jrc’W~)tS. Jrake thy f:lN! to SllirlC upOn alid Shll ]JCgill 10 bI3lt the Iil(.IlSCrv~liltS :Illd maiflC’llS,
Ills’ scTvallt; :clltl leach me Ihy bltltlltcs.” (Pi. 119: and to cat allcl driulc, alId t0 bC dl’lllll~~!l1.“--llllliC
133-135) “The steps of a gootl man arc ortl~rc~l hy I2 : 4.5.
the Lord ; ant1 hc d(~liglit ctli in his w:I,~.“-1’s. X-i : 23. L Tliat which honest mwl have dwircd aild for 11hic*ll
* Iksponsil~ility of tllc crc~ltllrc to the Cjrwtor is in they havc looltcd Eorwai~l tlurin:: a lwriotl of many
proportion to 1lt(l I;nowlctl~c JIOSWWY~ by the cl tit Ill2 ccnf urics is the cornin:: of the 1,ord .Jcsus (‘llri\t ;111d
or that, which, 1)~ the cwwiw of due cart nitfl (Illi- Iris 1iill::tlom. Ollc having agreed to do ttlc 11 ill Of (.:,x1,
gcncc, the crwturc miyllt aquirc. Tllc lrno~, lrtlgc alid l!;lviux been cnli:lltwcd conwiniikg his comillr:
wlii(~li the crcalurn rccrivcs from Cod’s Word tits- allcl his Iilllgd0~ll, is uudcr srwh wsl)wi\il,ility that if
rhxs lo him tllc ol)l)ortunity for SCtViJlg cod and to t11nt cI’c;ltIlrc, fht1, by lmwmll1, cr ncx11~~~iit aid iirclif-
tlicrcby prow his iiitcgrity toward God. As opl)or- fcrcnt coucerniiig lhc liinq~loni intw3ts, l)y his cuursc
iuili~ics jnwc’aw, t11c responsibility of the crtatui*c in- of act ion dcnics Ihc coinill :: of the 1,ord ,JCSIIS,hc js
wcxc’s. Nc~,z$igcwccor indiKcrcncc finds no suplwrt in I)laccd in the “evil servant” class. I,‘cw that lT;lwIl
ilic Scriplurcs. “iYcglcct not the gift that is iii tlicc.” Jesus puts it in 1his manner : “I:llt illld ii tlltll XhlTV~lIlt
(1 Tim. 4: 14) “Ilow shall we wcapc, if wc ncglrct say in his licarf, Ny lord dcla~ctli.” ‘J’hc hcnrt is the
so great salvation; wllich at tlic first began to 1~ spo- scat of motive, and m;~ii dklovx his motive by tile
lit’11 hy tllc? IdOld, alId W\‘;IS COllfil+ITltd UlltO US hy t!icm co~nxc of action he tnkrs. IIc dots not need to u\c
that heard him.” (11~1~ 2: 3) This rule applies both his month in speaking ~o~ds, l~~ausc Iii5 act ions spc;&
v;itli rcfcrcncc to acquirin f linowlcdge of God’s pnv- with grcntw force lfian his words. The one nlio fears
JNJSC and to tllc ]vxforlliance of service as opportunity (.lod will thcrcforc be on the nlcrt at all times lest hc
is afforded.-2 Cor. 8: ‘7 ; ITch. 6: 11. should fail in safeguarding the IiiIl~tlOlll iutcrc5ts tom-
8 Jesus spoke with full authority from God when mittcd to him and thereby iiwur the diq~leasurc of
hc said: “To whomsocvcr much has bcrn given, from the Lord.
him much will bc rcquircd ; and io whom much has
been entrusted, of him [the more] will he dcmanclcd.” GIVEN
(Lnkc 14 : 48, Il’c~nt.) ‘l’l~osc words apply primarily cTu’ot~ that the words of Jesus show that tllcrc arc
to the ones that voluntarily have hccomc the servants two scparnte and distinct things to \vhieli \ve must
of God at the time of the coming of the Lord Jesus give consideration: (1) What ha3 1~~~~11 given to us;
for judgment, and this is shown plainly by the con- nlld (2) what has lxxn cntrustcd lo us as his scrvalrtq
text : “ ‘Who then,’ rcplicd the Lord, ‘is the faithful God gives to his scrvallts a lillO\~lCtl~~ Of his ~Y\‘o~~~,
nncl [prudcnl] steward whom his ?Ilaskr will put in t licWhy making knowi to 1licm his purpows. l’hc
charge of His houwhold to serve out their rations at Lord entrusts to his servants the Iiln~(Tonl interests.

The coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple, as the he would he placed, whether of the faithful servant 01
Scriptures and facts show, took place in MS, and of the evil servant.
that marked a definite dividing point as to things
given and as to thines entrusted to God’s servants. MORE GIVEN
Following the death of the apostles thcrc quickly came 8 Some of the foregoing truths given to Cotl's PCO-
a time of great ignorance ar,d darkness concerning the pie prior to l!)lS wore misuntlcrstood and miwJ~l)liid
purpose of Jehovah, and this continued for many cen- by them, but they surely undwstoocl cnouKh to m&c
turies, From 1678 forw,lrd there wa$ a gradual rc- them rcsponsiblc to Uod and to rcquirc PaithfUl wvicc
storing of the truths that had been hidden during the of each one in the covcnnnt wi-ith Jehovah. ‘l’lle evi-
long period of the past. Prior to 1018 t11c servants of dence sl~ows that it was in 1918 that the Lord cnrnc: lo
the Ilord n~~plicd the words of Jesus rccordcd at Lultc C;od’s tcm~~lc for judgment, but that fact wils first
12: 45 to the time of the millennial wigi of Christ. made known to the people of God about 19’1’7. 15~ t hc
Kow it is clearly seen that those words of .JCSUSstate Lord’s grace the light bc~an to iticrcase upon IliS pco-
a rule of jwlsmcnt, and specifically and with gwatcr IJ~C. Yinre that latlcr dale llicrc have been ::i\cu lo
force apply at the comin g of the T,ortl .Jcsus IO the the coiisccratcd many woI~dci~Pul truths aiicl 1Ilc 1iqlit
temple for jud:mcnt, which judgment lw begins with flaShiJlg frOln ihe tcliijJk hS grC!Ildy CIllighlC Jld :llt
tllose who liux etilcre(1 into a covenant to do the will of Chd’s pcoplc who have 1wc11 of a pure licai?, and
of Cod.-1 ht. 4: 17. diligent in rccciving that whicll was givell. \Yc h:l\c
’ Prior to 1’31s those consccratcd to Cod understood a ckarer ViSiLJil fJf our rcSlJ(JJlSi!,ility to dlc hid \\ hc Ii
and bclicvcd that (:od scnnt J(ws to cart.11 and pcr- mc give coiisitlcratioii to lhrsc truths. It \\‘a\ sili~c~
mittctl hi111 to 1~ put 10 tlrath as a r;1n’<~~mfor all INCI~; I!JZ tllilt the COJlSYEltC!d b(‘~~lll t0 ~~J~)U.!Ci;l~~’ 1 IIL! 1’,1CL
that, Ihc cloctrinc of clcrrl:~l toimcnt is fnlsc and that that Christ Jesus is at the Icml)lc contlwtill:: a ,jll(lq-
tlic wn~c~ of sin is clc:~lli; that (:otl t;~kcs out from mcnt of the liouc of his Fatllcl+, atitl this 11shilS ( is,llc
:lnlOngSt J11OJl Ilk-4 chIl1’Ch, the TJICIJIIJWS Of Which Jllllst that tllc :l~‘~JJYJV”d 011(‘S “111;1~’ (Jr~cr IlIlt h(’ 1AlI’(~ hll
dcwlop cl~araclcr that wo~lltl justify ll~eni in reigning oKwing in I,iglItcoinncss”. (Jlal. 3: 3-3) T11~~i,lxl’lc~r
with Chloist J(wY, I hc 1 lend of the c’huwh, and r~lc instructioil in llrc: Scriptures wxs rcccivcd aii(l \LIIIL
the worl(l dnritl~ the thollsan~l yr:~~*s following the clcarcr vLioii, alid the Ircnrcrs bccamc hcttcr c~(l~lil)l)(~tl
lirnc of $orific:ltiou ; that the church collstitrltw the to scrvc the Lord, and Ihcir respol~sibllity ilic1(94rfi(l ilk
ekct C~JJJI~J:IJI~ Or “lit1 I(! ~loclc”, the mcnlbvrs of which prol)ortioii.
arc clinii~~cl ii1 the first wsurrcclion to the lilwriris of oSincc the comin:: of the J,ord to the tc~injtlc Ihc
thc T,ord .J(ws Chrkt ; ;111dthought lhat t hq saw that importance of ohcdi~iicc has bwi nia::Iiifi(~(l iii tllc
Cod has it swondar~ coinlwny winlwwl of those who mind of the a~l~Ji~itC!d. They have s(w ant1 a[)l)rwiatc*.?
arc hcgollcn by his sl)it it, atid that sw~li, by wason 110~ Christ cJe4~~shas always IH~CIIol&icwt ikIlt ~111)
of their rJrglt ct or I:lCli of conipldc faithfuincw, must nrccssity for cnch one following ia his slcl)s to lil\c~-
IJC forcccl into great lrit~ul:ilioii, ant1 1tinl. oul of that Wk.’ lJf2 Obdlctl~. JCSUS \\‘il’i l<iJl~ WhC’Il Ill> il\f’~IldC~1
tribulatirxl they would cnmc fully purgcrl and bc given into the heawn, hut hc was still subject to Jclro\ XII
a sctcond:~ry plncc in the sl~iritual realm of G’od, aUd and must obey itistructioiis, :tiicl this hc alwys 11~5
that such eoml~at~y thcroforc is 1~1low11 as the “gwat with delight. Jlc joyfully obc~cd Jehovah’s M ill IO
1nilltitUdC” or ‘tribJIl;l~iOIl C!Om[J;llly’ 01’ ‘cOIiSO~;l1i9~ wait for 1900 years bcf01c bc~inning his reign. \Tii;.
saints’. It was undcrstoocl and hclirvcd that the gwat must hc wait? 15xausc Jchov;rh had dwwd t h;lt >!.L.
maws of trum:~tlkiJid will have life 011 cartll 1~s JncaJis tan should have a fixed period of time in wliich tu
of rchlitUtion; that 1911 would end 111~earthly jour- inakc an cfl’ort to prow his LonstfUl chnllcn::c. (I’<.
ney of the spiritual cl;w and that shorlly thcrcaftw 110: 1) \Yliy is 50 iiiucli consideration givcli to Sat.ln ‘!
restitution of mankind would bcqin. Those who really The consideration is not for Satan’s hcncfit, bnt that
love Cod and the apl)cnring of the Lord Jesus Christ GOd’S crcatlircs may hear and aJ~pK!ciiLtC tllc f’Mt<,
trusted in the Lord and \\aitcd ~1~011 llim, hcing anx- in his due time to have them dcclawd, and ma;r- scc
ious to dc his will. Olhws who had consccratcd them- and appreciate the supremacy of Jehovah Ood in tne
belvcs to Ood, but who were moved by a se1fX1 tlwirc escrcisc of his power. For this reason Jehovah said
to be in the kingdom class to help rule the world, fell to t tic Devil : “For this cause have I allowed llicc lo
remain, in order to sllow thee my power ; and in o&r
away and were rclcgalcd to the “evil servant” class.
that they may proclaim my name throughont a11 the
To all of those who had made a covcnnnt with Clod
earth.” (Es. 9: IG, Lccwr) Tlw great truth set for:11
something had been given and something was rcrluircd in this scripture was not understood until after tile
of each one who had rccciv-ed a knolvledge of the trufh. coming of the Lord to the temple for jutlgmcnt. Plc-
The rcquircmcnts and responsibility were in propor- viously the con\wrntcd had uw.lcr.stoorl th,lt this trip-
tion to what had been rcceircd, and faithful obcd~eJice turc applied to l’linraoh of Kcypt ; but now it ic; C!cx-
was rcquirrd of all who had rcccivcd the truth. The ly sccu that Pharaoh was nicrcly a visible rcprwilta-
heart COiiditifJll of each one dctcrmincd into \vhat class tire of the l>wil and that the scripture palttcular;:*

has reference to the Devil and states the reason for have been given to understand, and do understand,
permitting him to remain. By this scripture two fhings that God has visited the llstiolls arid taken out of t!leJTl
arc greatly magnified, which things must bc done be- “a people for his name ’ ‘. (Acts 15 : 15) They now see
fore wickedness is cleared out: (1) There must be a and appreciate the fact that God is the C’rcator of
world-wide testimony deliverccl by the chosen wit- heaven and earth and the iole Giver of life, and that
ncsscs of Jehovah advising those who will hear that his name so signifies; that “Jehovah” means his pur-
Jehovah is God, that he is suprcmc, and that Christ is post toward his creatures; that his name “Almiglily”
King, and (2) tlicrc must bc cshibitcd the supreme means that his power is without limitation, and that
JJOWW of Jehovah, that no one can hare any excuse to all power is vested in him, and that creatures cxcrcisc
deny that IIc is the Almighly. This explains why the power only by his sufferance or prrmissiou and that
testimony must be given and has been given following God vests in Chrisl Jcsns full power alld authority in
the World IVar, ;I~KI wlty it mllst be finished before cart11 and in hcavcn; that the name “Nest High”
iirmageddon, at which time G’od will fully exhibit signifies that he is above all, and that all must be sub-
his JJOWC~. WC had once bclicvcd that God had pcr- jcct to and joyfully obc(licnt to him. Jehovah God hns
mittcd evil in this world in ortlcr that men might learn therefore taken out from the nations of earth a
how terrible evil i.;, but now WC? We that God has IJN- ~JCO~J~C&voted to him that thy may sliw forth his
mittcd evil or nickcdncss to nNbrd Satan, tlic WkkXl praises, and not the IJraiscs of rJlcn; tllat tllcy may
one, the full and fair opportunity to tnakc his CM- give testimony conwr~l~Jl, (r his: name 8Jlfl his kingdoJn,
lcn~e good and to afiOrd tncn the olq,ortunity to prcve and IlOt CXdt CrC:ltUrW. ‘~h(W! iIllOi~l~L’tl OllW 1lOW WC
their intqqrity toward God. The pt’ivilcge of being and apprcciatc the fiA(:t tlut nlilll worship or dJr3ti~Jll
fajthfnl to God j:i now tnagnificd. is an abomination in the sight of (;od bccausc it
‘” Following the df,ath of the ;lpostlcs men bccnme attributes io 8at:ln ;md other crcaturcss 1hat whit+
the tcaclicrs in tile ~ltureli, an(l this continued for ]J~OIJC~‘~Y hdoJlgs tcJ ~vhov;ll~. TIIC takt~ll-otlt a~l~Jl~ltd

many years; 211~1not until afl~r the comiu~ of the ClilSS arc God’s swls or w3lturcs set :~sitlc for his pur-

1,0d JWUSto the tcm~tlc \vilti it XWI~and al,prcciatcd IJOYC alrd to lJWf(JITII ccrtaiu dutiw \:JlllC 011 t11c C‘11’111,
1hat Jolio~li and Christ Jisus arc the tcachcrs and and wlJicl1 duties thy must perform.

Prum Ihis time o~iward those ~110love the Lo171shall

be t;lu~llt (Jf C:(Jd, h1J SW Illclr ‘hdrcrs, and Ih9ir
Ttrachcrs shall nut Jollgcr be i;:rlorstl or ~~nsl~edinto
a wrwr. (Isa. 30: 20) Kow tlrcrc is no cxcusc for tlic
c(Jll~cTl~;l~~!d t0 NJlJlmlt the Sin uf ~~ill~l~lJ’~~l hy g:iVillp
mltl worship lo mtn. All jJraisc, adoratiori nllcl
wIdii[J must bc (Sivcn to (:oti a~ld Christ rJ~~~uh.‘I’hc
kilJ;:d(Jln of (id Or IlP\V Il;l~iOJl WS IJOJ’n iJ1 1311, \vhC’U
(:Otl sct1t forth his lic:loved &Jll to wi.ql. (1’s. 110: 2)
XorJlctimc followiJi~ that d:ltc t!~c cotlsccratccl saw tlw
grcnt truth that llwrc fire two wntcnding organi;:a-
tious, tll;lt of SittaIl ilI1d that of JO~IOV;I~ ; that (llc
orqniaation of SiltaT is symbolizc(1 by a wicked wom-
all, ilIlt th;lt th Or~illliz:ltiOIl Of ,IcllOvah C:Ocl is pic-
tLlJVd 1Jy N h’OOd \VOJllaIl; alJ(; it iS thC gOOd !VOI?lWl that
is (:od’s organization, which gives birth to the king-
dJI11, iL!ld t0 11VY other children, i\lld that ‘all Of IlCV
chiltlrcn arc taught of Jchovilll’, and great is their
pcacc with God illlil in God, and great is their joy in
scrviug him.--Isa. 54 : 13.

‘1 Iking the past few years the name of Jehovah
has fuund a proper place in the mind and heart of
each one of ihe anojntcd, Fornlcrly it was sincerely
on the earth.
bclicvcd that Jehovah’s chief purpose :n sclcctillg the
church was to prepare a few persons and qualify them l3 During the past few years God has given to llis

to bc joint rulers with Christ JCWS,take them to hcav- pcoplc an undcrstantlin& of the prophecies of The
en, and then to assist Jesus in rcsloring the human Rcvclation, Ezekiel, I)iUliCl, aTld II~lbClkkLll~, alJd m~lJl:,

race. Since the coming of the Lord Jesus to the tcrnphz other ~JrolJhccics.He hay given to Ilium the true mc,tn-
I hose of the tcmI)lc class have hccn given to under- in: and undcrst:~I!ding of 111scorcnauts. Gift ~ipw
stillid the true rJicaniJJg of the name! of Jehovah. They gift has been bcstowxl upon his anoiutcd ones, tile

giving of which truth has enli#cncd the mind and the “evil servant” class. Those who truly love God
made glad the heart of each one dcyotcd to Jehovah. and the appearing of his King and kingdom were forc-
Why has God, through Christ Jesus, bestowed upon shadowed in prOphccy by Mordeczii and Naomi, and
or given these numerous gifts to his people in recent those faithful ones standmg before the Lord for judg-
years? The Bible answers: ‘?For teaching, for reproof, mcnt because of their love and faithfulness were as-
for correction, and for instruction in right doing; so signed to the “faithful and wise servant” clabs. I>atcr
that the man of God may be complete, perfectly the ones coining to God through Christ Jesus, and who
equipped for every good work. ‘-2 Tim. 3 : 16,17, 1Vc~~. were forcsltado\~cd in the prophccics by Esther alid
I4 The conclusion ncccasarily follows that aflcr the Ruth, wcrc brou,nht in and assigned to the same clilhs.
coming of the Lord Jesus to the tcmplc thcrc is much To those faithful and aI)proved ones the Lord Jesus
work to bc done on earth by ihose who arc of the applied his prophetic \\ords, as written: “~l~~sscd is
temple company and that the Lord gives to them an that servant, whom his lord, wl~cn he cometh, shall
undcrstnnding of these truths that they may bc fully find so doing. Verily I say unto you, that he sli:rll
equipped for such work. To such anointed ones, malrc him ruler over all his hoods.” (Matt. 21: SG,4i)
thercforc, much has been given, and of them muc~li This faithful class, al~provctl by the Ilord, taken illto
will now be required. 13&i g ccIliiI)I)ctl, they mud use the tcmI)lc iilld anoititcd, rcccivcd at his IlillltlS ail his
that equipmc~nt, and if the cquipmcilt furni4hcd by goods. Of tlic “faithful servant” class thcii, to \\ Ii~rn
the J,ord is not properly usctl it. certainly will l~c ldr- his hoods wcrc ciitrustctl, tlic Ilord dcclarcs hc \\ 111
cn away and opportunities for service will bc gone and demand a full and complctc and faithl’ul acw~mltill;.
tlic! one from whom tlicsc gifts arc tiikc9 will lx rclc- I0 What are tlic goods ~llich tlic I~ord c111~~~tsto
gatctl to complctc tl:~rk~lcss. The f’ilcts show that many hi9 faithful scwant class? According to ailotltor IrClns-
Iiavc ~~ccil ClcI~rivcd of this tliviuc cquil)incnt by reason later this part of the test reads: “In solc~nn truth I
of their fallurc to i~~~a~ll~~c up to the rcquircmcnts. tell you that he will givr ilim the m:lnagcmc~nt of all
Such rcquircments must IN met and Ixrformcd while his [])x’Op~rty].” (\\‘CyHl ) ‘~1112 gOOtiS Or ~JPo~l(‘I’ty of
the il!lcJiIltCd arc on llic wrl tl. l’11osc u ho are unsclfi~li- the I~ord coihist of his Iilii,q~lorn inlcrc%ts, wliicll l<ili~,‘-
ly dV\(Jtcd to C:od :llld Who joyfll]~~r (10 \vidl dl(‘ir don1 intcrc5ls hc entrusts to his anointed ones. Such
mi@lt \Vllilt their ll~lltls find lo tlo arc the 0tlCS til:lt iIItCr~‘Sts Cm&t dlidly of IIldiiIig hlo\vn t/1(! Il:II11C of

nrc c~Inil)l~cd to do lhc work in hand and the ones to Jcho~ah (:od, tllc Km:: and llis kiiigdom. \\‘l~cn .Jcsus
whom tllc Lord cnlrusts much more. was 011 Cilrlll llc cl~*clurd tlk;lt Ilc \v;ls scllt to c,lrtli lor
tllc pilrposc of givillg tcstinlony to tlic trutll, illId tlrat
ENTRUSTED all of his followers must do Illtcwix The time now
ls It is to iha nnoiiitcd 1cmplc company that Jrsus lia~ill~ wliw for Jchovn11 to cscrrisc his IlO\vcr t hrolIi!h

says : “1’0 wl~nm murh has b~cn ci11rustctl, of him Christ Jc.~us, IIC scwds forth Christ ,JCSUSto rule WIIIIC
[the more] \i ill bc dcnmnclcd.” (l\‘c!/))i.) Wlicn 111~ tllc ellcmy is stilI in qwralion, and Christ .Jc\us gi\ w
Lord JVMI~ :i~~~Jc.a~d at the tcmplr for ju(Igmcnt Illwc commaiidmcnt to his arioilitcd oiics in tlicsc wc)rtls:
aI)I,cal*cd bcfotbc llim many \\ 11011a(l lxx11 called but “This ~ospc~l of the kin~tlom shnll be I)rcacll(~[l in all
wvcrc not chosen and approvc(1. The words of Jesus the woldd for a witness unto all nalions ; and :II(u
show that his ;jucl~I~~ci~t would rcmovc all those who shall tlic cncl come.” (Natt. 21: 11) l’hc gx’at il?tcr-
arc prompted 1~y scllishncss and that only those who CStS Of the kingdom, tlicrcforc, must IIC Illil(IC IiIlO\VIl.

arc unselfish, that is, who love God and his kingdom, This obligation cntrustcd to the anointed is not mricly
would remain. ‘ AIany are called, but few clioscn.’ discretionary on their IJar1, but is mnntlaf0ry. Tlic
(Malt. 2C!: 16) ‘Kot every one who says, Lord, Lord, Lord hnvin:: cnlrustcd to them tllc privilcjie of doil:g
will enter the liingd0m of heaven; but only those who this work, he demands that it shall be done cfficicntly
arc obcdicnt to my Fattier who is in heaven.’ (Matt. and faithfully. The rcsponsil)ility is so great that those
7: 21, Il’c~,)~.) Full obcdicnco is rcquircd, and such who fail or refuse to obey shall sufl’cr the adverse
obcclicncc must be willingly and joyfully rcndcrccl. judgment of the Lord ; a% it is stated: ‘It shaIl come
At the coming of the l,ord to the temple all tllc con- to pass that every soul that will not obey that great
secrated had rcccived the same gift or amount of truth. Prophet shall bc dcqtro)-cd.’ (Acts 3: 23) The Lord
Some had reccivcd it into a selfish mind and hcnrt and dcmanda of his anointctl witncsscs that they must do
counted self as more important than others, and looked what hc has commanded them to do.
forward with much satisfaction to the time nhcn the l’ It was in 1924 that the Ilord Jesus, under God’s
reward should he received and the opportunity to be comniantlmciit, bc::an to rscrcise his power. (Rev.
in hcavcn and to help rule the univcrsc. The consum- 11 : 18) ‘I’l~ose to whom Christ Jesus entrusts his king-
mation of such hopes not having brcn realized in 1!)14, dom intcrcsts must not bc murmurers or comI)laintrs
at the time expected, those selfish ones were oft’cndcd. nor moved by any selfish tlcsire. (Jude 1, 16-10) The
While they claim to be offended at some crcatnrc in one3 taken out of tlw world to be witnesses to Jcho-
God’s organization, their being oKcndad was in fact vah’s name arc God’s IwoI~lc, who must joyfully oh::
against the Lord. Such sclfisl~ ones were assigned to him. Therefore it is wriltcn of them: “Thy people
FrmcAaY 1.3, lw.3 55

shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beautics IIIGHER POWEM
of holines\ from the womb of ihe mortting: thou hast aoPaul, who served God as a true footstep follo~ve~
the dew of thy youth.” (1’s. 110: 3) The kingdotn has and servant of Jesus CSrist, according to the will of
begun; the morning thcrcof is here. These faithful God wrote words of instruction to thox who cl4red
ones arc from the womb, born early in the morniti~. to know and to serve the Most High. IIe gave no adu-
They have the dew of youth, strong, Ggorous, al;d lation to human crcaturcs that have tried to rule the
they &light lo cncrgctically perform the duties that carlh. His sole duty was to serve Cod and C’IttSist
are laid upon them. Jwus. He wrote under authority and inspitxtiun
l8 These arc the chosen witnesses of Jehovah God, from the Lord. IIc addressed himself to those “callrd
to whom lie says: “ I’c arc my witticsscs, . . . that I . . . yaitifs” (Rotn. 1: ‘i), that is, those who have been
am God.” (Isa. 43: 9-12) To them the command is chwiscd by faith in the l~lood of C’hrist Jrsus ilttd
given: ‘Go throughout 111ccity and mark the people fully devoted to Goal. To such, who had ma& a cove-
who xvii1 hear, that is, carty to thctn the testimony nant to do the will of God, the command is givctt:
of the truth, that they may have an opportunity to “IA every soul Ix sut,ject unto the higher poww”
take their stand on the side of Cod attd his kittg(lom (Rotn. 13: 1) The l)cvil has caus(ld rrliqiotti.zts to lay
and live, or to wtnaitt on the side of the I)cvil and bc hol(l ttliott this Scripture test and to ittdccc men to
dwtroytd. (I<zck. 9 : 4, 5) Tltc~~c lritt;;dottt intcrcsts the 1wI we th;tt the “Iii(:Itcr powrrs” arc those iiLcn who
Lord ct:tt usts to 11112 anointctl ones atid dctiiauds of hold th(~ 0ii;icial Iwitionr in the govcrtitnf~ttt of tliis
them prota1jt, cf~icicnt and faithful action. WOl’ltl, CLI1d tllC CLlYtlll~ rulers h3vC h!tl gli!fl to Iln\c!
Ilht cottst ructiott pl;~cctl upon the test hccnusc t how
COVENANT \vhO tllLlS IJCliCW :IrL’ 11101’C fully SlttJjWt 1~1 their lJOW-

a* Jcho\ah’s witttcwrs arc 11is covcttant pcq~le. The cr. Tlt~ t t*uc ~‘oIIo~~~~I*s of C’ttrist .JCSUS~csll litt~)\~ I It:tt
lJUl’~)OSC of t11c IICW covctl:ll1t. is not and t1cver was to their duty arid obligation is to servo Cintf ant1 il~:rt
rcstorc Itunt:t:i cwatittx9 to 1J(~rl’cctiori. The ~Jut-pox wlr~tl ttlcTc is any wttllict 1,c4.\wc’ll tllr ~LlICS Jll:lCl,’ 1,)
is to take out a ~~volile for (lad’s 11:11ncand to use tlicm IIIPtI ittI(I tIlC 13~~ of 1:0tI thC Wt’VtttIt OE (10~1 JIltlit IJC
to llis ItOttot’ illld IJtYliSt!. X0 rtvaturc is forced into ot,ct~lictit t0 (:Od’S l:l\V 1.,lfIlCI’ ttl:ltl 10 111:111’5 lil\V. C.\~~tS
SUP11Crl\Ttl:Itl?. (:(Jd tdWS Ollt II0 OtlC ft’OtlL th \\YJt’ld
4: I!), 5:“‘J) \b’uc II was the rule 1)~ which the l’;iitltTul
illPO\tIc‘\ (Jf JCSL~S ~lll*iSt \\‘C’tY gUidd, iltld t]lc I*lllC is
tltld ht’itl!:S him itit th? uJ\Vtimt LLtltil tll:Lt I)Cr!XJt~,
111~1 t!tld C>LtlJlOt bC Cllilll~:Cd, ~J(T~lltS~! (;Od’S I’Ul(‘< (10
1rustin:: in thr shctl hhJWl Of (‘Iirist rl~sus, vuIutitar.tly
Ilut cjian~e. (1\1at. 3: 6) Jt i$ ttic l)ri\ ilcKe of the f(Jl-
ilg?rWS 10 do tltc will of God. The crcaturc is tltcrcfol*e
]O\!VIY Of Jwus C’ht’iSt, \%ho itw llow on GLrLh, t0 IJC
~~ol~tntily bound by his agtwtn~~tit to rcntlcr full O~JC-
tlicnec uttto th(b I,ortl. TIIOX \r110 willingly I~~ttk tlr:rt St IJ:lriltC illld dktltl~t f’twfl the \VOl’Itl.
Their alt~~i:tttw
covenant IJ~ followin:: a ac*lfXt coutw, attd a c’outw is to (:otl and his kiti~~lrttn, ant1 their dcvoliott tttitsl
jJ(! to Clot1 and ltis kittndorn. ~JcI~ov:~tttltrouzlt C’llriqt,
c*otttrary to God’s will, arc covctltlnt-bl,cn~~~~s :LJN] arc
dcclnrcd as wotlhy of dca:h. (I~otn. 1 : 31, 32) Such Jc.ws has takctt tlwm ottt of the worl~l and m:tdc th(w
~(Jvcnatlt-l,~CiIl~~~S arc tttow who “fall into tttc h:tnjis 111s\\itticsscs, and to lticm lhc liittl_cdotn itttcwsls OIL
of the living (:otl” and suffer &5tritctioti, frotn wIiic*tt c:lYtll IlilVC hetl r3ltLWStd, and C;otl will 1)crtnit tto
there is no rwirtwtion. (3rctj.70: 29-31) The Iligttc~st divided devotion hc~twwt his kiti~&Jtll and that of ihc
rclatiotiship that a crcaturc on cart Ii could possibly rttctny. IEc will pc~rttiit no wttijJrottiisc with ~~ltlly
enjoy with Jclrovah God and ltis kingdom is that of orgatiizat ions which at a11t ittics l~tas1jttrmc (;od’s 1101~
I1UInC. ‘ih faithful ::Jl(JiJltcd, thW~‘fOrC, IJl11Sf, 110 :IS
bcittg in a covenant with the Lord as a witttcss to Jc-
ltovalt ‘s name. To break that. csaltcd and hlcswd ro- comttiatidcd, that is to s;ty, be fully suhjtct to God stud
lationship by neglect or willful commission of dwis Utrist JCSUS, who constitute “the higher powers “.
against God and his organizntion can merit and rcccire
but one thitiGg, and that thittg is cotnplctc dcstritction. DEMA N D
Tltose who arc in the covenant with the Lord as a *I Those to whom the Lord 11ac;cntrustcd his l,itt;;-
pcoplc for his IliLIIlC have given their a!lc~iancc to God dot-o interests must rcttdcr a faithful and true awouttt-
and his kittgtlom, and they cattnot divide that alle- ing unto the Lord. To such nnottttctl ones has hccn
giance with any li:rrt of Salan’s organization. It Is to ctitrustrd the ~N!illCSt privilcgc c’vc’r given to ally crca-
this cowtiattt people that the Lord has committed or turq and ltctwe the Lord says: ‘I\lu~tL mow will 1)~
ctltrusted his tiitl::dOtXl intcrcsts 011 earth, and now, dctn:itidcd of ttwttt ’ than from the wrvatits of mctt.
when hc is csweisitq his power, hc riyuircs of cvcry- Faithfulness and uttfaltcrittg service to the Lord
one in the covenant faithful performance. No tnanncr bring great pwxcution upon the servants of (:od. It
of cscuse can ~JCoft’crcd for failure or rcfuml to per- Could llot 1X Othcrwisc, I~ecausc tticrc is a bitter cottllict,
form according to the tcrtns of ihc covenant. No crca- lid nwtL the Lord and the 1)wil. One must sucwtql.
ture can hold one in the covenant, and no creature The Ilord Jews C’hrist, hy Jehovah’s ~IX:‘C~ u ill bc
can take him out save the creature himself. If he victorious. God pcrniits his 1~clovcd to be ;t~~.ault~d by
breaks Iti? covcttattf, the rcsponribility rests upon him. t!:c l!zvil. Jesus Christ, his pcrl’cct Son, was c~uclly

pcrsccuted by the Devil, and at all times Christ Jesus to have the approval of the Lord. His approval is the
was wholly faithful and obedient to his Father, and only thing that is worth while.
by reason of obetlicncc he suficred. Through all of this
he maintained his integrity toward Jehovah God and WHY
was by Jehovah made the author of eternal salvation 23Whv the emphatic demand that the truih now Ix
to all who obey him. (Deb. 5 : 9) There is no other way told with greater plainness than cvcr before? Is it for
for the true followers of Christ Jesus to maintain their the benefit of the Lord? Certainly not for the Lord’s
integrity toward God. The servant of Jehovah in this benefit, because after the servant has done all he is
hour of great trial is subjected to great persecution still a11 unprofitable servant to the Lord. No OIK call
by the Devil and his agents, and God suffers or per- bring any bcncfits to God. This is the ‘day of his
mits them to be thus assaulted that they may have power ’, and before God will have his power employed
opportunity to prove their integrity. This great truth for the destruction of the vviekcd one it is his purpoxc
was never made plain to Cod’s people until it pleased to have the warning given, that each one may hear 1~:;
the Lord to recently give them an undcrstandin~ of o;<n rcsI~oiisibility. Isrncl symbolically stands 1'cJr
the prophecy of Ilabakltuk. In every part of the earth those who desire to scrvc and undcrtakc the scrviec
called “Christendom” the Devil’s chief earthly of C;od, and it is the will of God that all such sIl:lIl
agciiey, to wit, tlic Roman Catholic Ilirrarcliy, cnn- rcccivc some knovvledge. A vvatehman is 011~ WIIO
titiucs to increase the prcssurc upon and pcrsccution watches out for and safcqards t11cintcrcsts that arc
of ~JcIwvnl~‘s witncsscs, God eouI(1 prcvcnt this, of committed into his kccpi~I%. God Iqins to cscrciw
course, but he has a reason for permiti in:: it, and those his 1)obcr I’CIi1tivC to tile earth tIirou!:Ii CIiri\t Jesus,
wllo rcntlcr 8 full and true account to the I,ortl will and he provldcs a vvatehmarl for his kinglom intcreYfs
uIlinmtcIy come through uti~cnthc~tl and will liavc a 011 Wrth. That ~\atchIn:lIl k 1lOt OllC 111;111, but iS CO]-
Imrt in the vindication of Jchovnh’s name. lcctivcly made up of the “faithful and wiw servant”
class to v\horn God’s kin~clom intcrwts on earth arc
now cntrustcd. The I,od’s jud,w~cnt day is here, a11(1
2*Jcsns was sent to thr, earth by ~Jehovnh to hear the hour r;ipitlly approaehcs ~11~11 he will destroy ~111
witiicss to the trulh, and hc said: “1’:vcry oiic who is tllc vviekcd ~110 persist in their vviel;e(Ines~. To the
of the truth hcarkweth unto 111y voice.” (John IS : 37, “filitlll’lll servant” ClilSS tllC LoId tllc~~fol*c S:lyS: “I
liofh.) This nieans tllilt anyone in IllC COVClli1Ilt t0 Cl0 ll;l\-C made tilCC a watchman UlltO IllO IlOUiC Of ISrilC’l :
th will of (:otl, ant1 wlln fails or refuses to obey tile thcrcforc Iw,lr tlic wortl at my mouth, ant1 ::ivc them
I,ord am1 iie11cc~ tlocs not hear witness to the truth as warning. ” Then S3yS tile I,old to tiic \\ilt~~llIll~111 : ‘ll
comniandcd, is ii0 lollgcr of tlic truth and cannot rc- you give them not warning and they die, their bloc~l
rcivc the Lord’s approval. The trstimolly must be I will rcclnirc at your Iianc1s.’ (l:ZCli. 3: l’i-20) JIcrc
dclircrcd as the Imd has cOnlnlilnOcil, and 211 Who IT- tl1c Lord’s M’ord clcnrly sl~owstllat he has Iaid up011
ccivc tlic Lord’s ilp[JI‘OVal in this day will joyfully tl1C Scl’vaIlt class the duty of giving wnlmilly ilI1d in-
particiI)aic in tlic giving of that testimony as op- formation to others, that he ITTilkW his witnesses rc-
portunity is i1ffOId~tl. Tilt SCVVilllt has no altrrnativc, sponsiblc for pcrfoiwaiicc and demands full ant1 wm-
but must ohcy the Ilord. There arc not two COLII~~S, plctc obcdwncc and performance by his wrvant, ant1
hit just one, that hc must take, and his only courdc he places rcspon~ibility upon all others who hear. It
is to obey tlie eommantlmerrt of the I,ord and do it is the 6~11 tcstiniony hforc the sl10~dow1i bctnccri
joyfully. The true follower of Cl1ri\t Jesus will not the Lord and the Devil.
stop to del)atc the (~~IcsIion .Is to \\hat COUIX 11~sllould 24The Lord Jesus is now up011 his jutl~~nrnt s(at,
till;C. His course is Ijluinly lllLl~!iCd out for him in exercising the poncr which God has committed into
tlw Scriptures, and hc must close his cpes to evcry- his hands, as both judge and the c.\ccutor of his ju(lr:-
thing clsc and thcrcforc be blind to cvcrything escept meiits. Before him are all the nations of tlic earth.
the kingdom interests. “Who is blind, but my servant? IIc now affords them an opportunity to choose whom
or deaf, as my mcsscngcr that I sent? who is blind as they will serve, and thcrcforc hc causes his witncsscs
he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord’s servant 3” to bear testimony in their hearing that they may
(3sa. 42: 19) The kingdom is hew, and the servant choose to take their place 011 the Lord’s side and live,
class, to whom the kingdom interests arc entrusted, or remain on the Devil’s side and die. The giving of
will go forth and proclaim the messageof the kingdom this testimony is thtrcfore for the bcncfit of the Iwo-
and thus give a true accounting. 111 some parts of the plc ancl affords, to those who so desire, an opportunity
earth, such as Germany, God’s faithful witnesses are to take their stand on God’s side and have a part in
thrown into prison, cruelly persecuted, beaten, and the vindication of his name. Jehovah’s witnesses can
some of them put to death. This could not take place bc faiihful only by giving the testimony in ohedirnre
except by God’s permission; and since hc does permit to God’s commandment and thus look ~11 to the king-
it, those who continue faithful unto death arc ccrtnin dom interc\ts entrusted to their care.

GOOD WILL and these are now called upon to prove their good
OliAt the birth of the man-child Jesus God sent his will toward God, and thrir desire for righteousness,
angel who declared to the witnesses thcrc present that by traveling along with and associating thcmselrcs
Jesus is the Savior of the pcoplr, and quickly there with the organization of the Lord, which organization
followed the prophclic song of the heavenly host prais- was foreshadowed by Jchu’s chariot.
ing God, and saying: “Glory, in the highest, unto 28The Lord Jesus speaks of the faithful servant
(;od! and on earth peace, among men of good-will.” class as “his sheep”. Jonadab seemsto more particu-
(Luke 2: 14, RoCIl.) That message did not mean the larly picture the beginning of a class which Jesus rc-
bcgittttittg of God’s good will toward men, because the ferred to as his “other sheep”, saying: “I am the
will of God is always good. It means that the men on good shcphcrd, and know my sheep, and am known of
earth the will of whom toward God is good shall have mint. As the Father knomcth mc, even so know I the
peace with God. Through the blood of Christ Jesus Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And
shed for the redemption of man these may come to oilier sheep I have, which are not of this fold ; thctn
God and bc at pcacc with him. The blood of Jesus also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and
was shed, not for the universal and arbitrary salra- there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.” (John
tioJJ alld dCliveJ~illlCC of all men, but for the hcncfit of 10: 14-16) The “ofher sltcc1~” here mettttoned clearly
those who are of good will and who manifest that good are those persons of good will who arc made manifcst
will by scrvittg Got1alid Christ Jesus. All who do not after the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple and
votutit;rrily take this step must of ncccssity perish. the asscmhling of the tctttplc company. Tn God’s due
This iu cottclusivcly proved by- the words written: time this latter-named class are made a part of God’s
“11~ that bclicvcth on the Son hat11everlasting 1iTo; or:atzizatiott ; and since Jesus is the good shcphcrd
and hc that bclicwth not the Son shall not WC lil’c; and chic>f scrvatlt of Jehovah God, all of these sltccp
but the wrath of God abidcth on him.“-John 3: 36. bccomc a part of 011c fold under the Lord Jesus as
z0When man hears the truth, ttic rcspottsibi1it.y is IXUlW.
upon him to bclicvc and obey the trttllt. If he refuses 2DThe Snntecompany of persons of good will arc also
to hear and belicvc llw truth, tlic wrath of c:od cool- shown to constitute Ilic “giwt tnultitwlc” tlcscrilwd
t iiincs upon him atid is not rcmowd. The coJidf211111;~- iJ1 IX~VCI~~ iOJJ 7 : ‘3. T~OW ~OI*CS~I~~O\VCC~ 1)~ Jottaditl~,
tiotl is rcmovcd from those W~JO do h(>ar att(l b(~liclve the “gwat multitude”, and the “01hw sIwcp”. are
nttd v;ho take their stalld 011 ihc side of God atld his all difl’rtwit titles applied lo ottc and the wmc cl:~xs,
~;~~J::&~JIL Ilaving tul;cLJl their statid on ihe Lor(l’s iI11 Of \VllOlll if COJltiJlllillg filit]IfUl Will tX fOt’ CWI 011
side, ~h?Jl the rcspoJtsihilily is Ltl)OIl SUCh to filitilfUlly the earth. The cJJtirc orgatJiz:~tiotl of Jchovalt God is
wrve (lad and Christ Jesus. The rcspon~ibilily brzitt:; now bitterly opposed atttl pcrsccutcd by the wicked
with the bcginttin~ of ktto\\lcd,qc of Jehovah and his 0Jws uJltlcr the Hcvil’s diJwtiort, and ~111tliosc v:ho
l~urposc; as it is written: “As soott as they licar of flee to God and Christ and hrcotne a part ol the I,oi~tl’s
tx, they shall ottey mc ; the strangers shall submit organization arc liatcd by the 1)cvil. Amotiy llio jh’o-
thcmsclw!s UJltO mc.“-1%. 18 : 44. pie of the world who scrvc hclflsh intcrcsts att(l follow
2’ Jchu was a picture forc>,ltadov;ittg Christ Jews Ihe wicked ottc ncithcr the attoinlcd compa~ly nor the
and the “faithful alld wise SCrVaJlt” Class, \vho con- “grcitt multitude” are desired. To all thaw who llave
stitute ntctnlxrslti1t in the royal house. Almost all of siqificd tlicir purpose to scwc Jchoval~, ant1 who have
the JlatiotJ of Tsrncl had rc!~udiatcd the covenant with put their Irust in Ilte Lord Jesus, God now spc:tks n11d
(:od and llild gottc over to the Devil and Devil war- says : “ Catlicr yoursclvcs to@ her, yea, fiat her to-
ship. Jchu was sent forth to csccutc those Devil war- gcthcr, 0 nation not dcsircd.” (Zcp11. 2: 1) A sep-
shilws. In that lillltl there was a mall, OtlC Jonnd:ib, arating work is now in progress, and the Lord Jcsnr
wl~o was not an Isrnclitc but who was of good will, at the fcmplc is conducting this separalittg. 1Vitticss-
desiring io do right and to serve God. Jonadab ric- ing to the people is a part of this scpar:,iittg work,
turcd a class of persons on the earth, aside attd scp- and these witttcsscs must give the warning conccrnin~
arate from the faithful and anointed servant cln~s, the day of the final csprcssion of Cod’s wrath upon
alto dcsircd to serve the Lord. What Jchn met up the wicked one and his organization. Jehovah through
with Jottadab he said to Jonadab, “Is tltitte heart his prophet therefore further says: “&fore the dccrcc
right? ” and Jowldab answcrcd, “It is.” Jchu Uteri bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before
said to Jonadab, in substance : ‘Prove it by giving me the ficrcc anger of the Lord come upon you, before the
your hand and joining me in my cl,nriot, and conic day of the Lord’s anger come upon you. SC& ye the
with MC and WCmy zeal for tltc Lord.’ (:! Ki. 10 : I,‘,,76) Lord, all ye mcclr of the earth. which have wrought
There God caused a prophetic picture to be made forc- his judgment ; seek riglttcou~ncss, seek mwk~lcss ; it
shadowing a class of people who, since the coming of mcy bc ye shall be hid in the day of thr Lord’s attgcr,”
the Lord Jesus, the Greater Jeltu, to the tetnplc, have -Zcph. 2 : 2,3.
met up with the “faithful and wise servant” class, soThis cottclusivcly prows that. bctwcctt the time of
and which persons of good will desire to serve God, the beginning of judgment at t hc temple at111the lime
58 1:p.ooJiLPs, x. T.

of giving the full expression to God’s wrath, a wide Lord, but he must continue to I<ecfi his mdivc pure
witness work must be done, and the privilege and and his love set upon God. If one’s motix to scrvc
opportunity of doing this work is entrusted to the the Lord is selfish he is certain to fail and fail (ntir&
“faithful and wise servant” class, and all who con- away. Whtn Jehu said to Jonadab, “Is thiuc heart
tinue wise and faithful will have a part in this wit- right, as my heart is?” clearly he meant ihst onl?
nczs work. Such is a part of the kingdom intcrcs!s, those who have and maintain a pure conditioil of heart
and the obligation is laid upon the witnesses to care- can remain in God’s organization.
fully safeguard such kingdom interests. The witness 34To “seek meekness” means that one must be
work must be completed before the battle of the great tcachablc, that is to say, willing and ansiou,; to lcaln
day of God Almighty. The Lord demands of the what is in God’s 1Yord. Some who bclicvc 11:cl:lScl\-Cs
“faithful and wise servant” class that each one shall to be of the “faithful servant” class do not deem it
acquit himself as a good soldier of Christ Jesus, prove essential to continue to study God’s Viorcl, :1w1 the
his unfaltering love and devotion to Jehovah, aiid explanation of his truths which hc gives thl,jugh the
maintain his integrity by boldly proclaiming: the truth Watch Tower publications. One who takes th,lt court
in this day of God’s ~OKW. (1 Jolln 4: 17, 15) 11~ is ccrtaiu to fail unless he quickly rcc0v’cr.i him~cll
makes this so positive and unequivocal that thcrc c,ln from that wrongful way. Only those who arc (iiJlz?tlt
bc 110 doubt about it, awl he has caused to bc written in the study and application of fhc Won1 of (:orl :11x1
that those who fail or refuse to obey the ronimandtrziit safe from the Devil’s assaults, whctlicr 1Ilat 1’1 ‘sun 1~
shall not live, but shall be dcstroycd.--Acts 3: 23. of the aliointcd or of the “great multitu~lc” (o,nl~:iny.
J1lindrr the lcnclcrship of Christ Jesus the faithiul The proper attitude of the great multitude tonxrd (loci
mcambcrs of his bodv, dcsiqatcd as “the bride”, W- a~~dChrist Jesus is shown in thcx words: “‘l’l~~~rcforc~
ga!:c in pro~lnimittg the mc~,lge of tlic kingdom. ‘I’0 arc they lx~fore tlic throne of God, alid srsrvc him t1,1!
all pcisori~ of goof1 will “the Sljirit and the bride say, and night in his tcmplc; Zllld 11C ttlilt siltcitli On tit?
Conic. i11id tct him that hcnrclli [thal is, tlic ‘ofhcr throne shall dwell aniollX them.” (l:cv. 7 : 1:)) IScin:
sheep’, the .Jonadab or ‘~r~‘;lt multitude clasxj say, before tltr throne of (;od shows that they I~:IVC tlis
Cornc ’ ’ ; alld Ict all others who thirst for truth and favor, and serving llim (lay illlcl night ShoWi t ilat tllc’
righteousnrss, alltl who beill:: of ~sood NilI t;liiC their scrvc him all the time alit1 the I>cyil iiouc of the titil(t.
st:~rd on 1hc sitlc of tlic Lord and bccomc Jo~iadabs, Ji ?tIuch teas been given to both 1110s~of the “lit 11~
1ct ;A1 such say, (!omc ; and all toxcthcr give the wtt- noeli ’ ‘) the anoiiitcd, and tlic “great niullitrl~l.~” 01’
i~ws for ttic Itiii~dotn and nay to the IJCO~JIC tht ~lro- “other sllcc~~“. ?blUftl 11lOL’C h:lS 1JCCU Clltl.ltSt(d :O tilt’
socvcr will may take his stand on tlic side ol’ tlw Lolcl little flock, the anotlltccl, ant1 much more will I: b artcl
a11d rcccivc the gift of life cvcrlasting.---l:cv. 22: 17. is iiow d~nlaiidcd of tlicni by tlic I,ord. lhtlr tll(s Ii1 [IIS
flock, the a,lointcd comp;ttIy, illld tl)C c:rcZlt ~ll~lli it llr!(’
RGSPOSSII3lLITY must now bc dilig:cnt in the study of God’s 1Yot~l a11(1
in bcariny testimony of the truth to olllctrs :l~ the)
82l&ich one in tlic I,ord’n organization is thcrcforc
have optwrlunity. Jrho~all’s WITIIC’WCS,the little liOC*k,
rcsponsiblc unto (:od in prqmrtion to the knowlcdqc
and the Jouadab or “grCi\t multitutlc” C’Otll~~d~ly l*ll.lbt
hc ~~ovzsscs of autl collccrninc: the kingtlom, or which
walk together and work hilrm0niously logct her. It iq
IiIlO\\lCd~l? by the rscrcisc of due ilili~cncc he mipht
the duty of the anointed to rcmlcr aid and coml’rxt
acqu i rc. For that reason tlx t,oril says to all who
and cncoursgcment to the Jonadab class. ,111 of t i~cw
have taken their stitlltl on tl:ch side of God and Christ,
then must be faithful and true to the IA<Jtd. .\t,r;> I tl
“,Sock ri~hteonsncss, se& l:ly?!incss ; it may be ye shall
against them is the Dcvii and a11of his rcl)r’cWut:~l I\ c’i.
be hid in the Clil)’ 01’ t Ilc J~W.fl’sanger.” Ttlcrc is Ollly
Thcrcforc ttle grcatcr il(wSSity for dt those \vhJ ::I(!
one way to seek ri+tcousnc- :, and that is to diligently
on tlte Lord’s side alld in his organization to sl and
SC& lo know und to do (;ocl’s appointed way. IIc is firmly togcthcr, dwelling in pcacc, atid \vOrhtl;~ bar-
the rightcons and holy one: “The law of the Lord is
moniously, and making h1o~1~ to others tllilt Jc:Io~.~~I
pcrfcct, converting the soul ; the testimony of the Lord
is God, Christ is King, and the kingdom is hcrc.
is \urc, making wise the simple : the statutes of the Lord 3cLet no one for a moment co:~clutlc that hc c:i:i
arc right, rejoicing the ticart ; the commandment of discharge his rcspon:~ibilit~ to God by rudely tal\it,<
the Lord is pure, enlightening the cycs.“--1’s. 19: ‘7, 8. his stand on the side of Jehovah and his kinp(lom. l’li,lt
33Guided by the pcrfcct law of God the conrccratcd first step tic must and dots t&c of his own voliiiuu.
cannot go wrong. To be thus properly guided the man Having cntcred into a covenant to do the will of Cml,
must have a pure heart; that is, his heart must be that covenant must be kept aud performc~d by iill,
right, free from selfishness, and his motive or moving that is, all those of the royal lioubc and Ilio~c of the
cause must be to szrvc God and his King because such great multitude. All those who obtain God’s ttlJlJl’o\-ill
is Ihc right course to take. Therefore the Jlord says and receive the gift of everlasting life must IJC lo:cal
to such: “Keep tlly heart with all diligence; for out and faithful. Is thcrc a distinction bctwccn loyalty
of it prc thr i-*stlx of life. ” (Prov. 4 : 23) Kot only must and faithfulness?
t!lc motile I .z right when one begins to serve the (To be contznued)

QUESTIONS FOR STUDY tion, to account for this increased responsibility. Relate
q 1. How does God’s Word indicate the importance of order? facts in which Jesus, statcmcnt. ‘Xnny are called, but
ILow may the creature take an orderly course? few chosen,, is seen to have fulfil!mcnt.
U 2-4. \hat determmes the measure of responsitulity of the U 16-18. What are the “goods” wh~h the Lord entrusts to
creature to the Creator? With scriptures, show how, and his faithful servant classy With scriptures, point out the
to nhom, this rule applies. responsibi1ity placed upon these. IIow ordy can they dia-
U 5. \Vhy would the time and fact of the coming of the Lord charge tllat responsibihty 7
Jesus Christ and the kingdom brmg a erpa’atlre test upon B 19. What is the Durnose of the new covenant? How. and for
those having agreed to do the Nell of Codl what purpos&A i;e creatures taken into that covenant?
U 6. Point out and apply the dMnction indicated by the words What does the creature undertake to do? and what is the
“given” and “entrusted,,, in the text here under con- importance of obedience?
sideration. U 20. Explain and apply Romnns 13: 1.
U 7,X. Show (a) whether, at the time mentioned in Natthew U 21. What ~11 faithfulness to the Lord now mean, and involve9
21: 46, separation mt0 two classes \~ds due to inauniclcnt
knowledge. (b) That the rcsponsibihty of the consecrated U 22. What is meant by Jesus statement, “Every one who
has inrrcascd since then. (c) That Jehovah has fully pro- is of the truth heal ken&h unto my voice’,?
\ idcd for his people ‘9 meet mg this inc-rensed rcsponsihillty. U 23,24. Why the emphatic demand that the truth now be told
U 9,lO. Itow has the importnnce of obedlcncc been mngmficd with greater plainness than ever before? Point out the
in the mind of the anomtrtl? TVhy 18 80 much consldelntlon great urgency-of giving this message now.
given to Satan? \Yh:it Ii&t upon the prcscnt situation is U 25,2(i. Explain and apply the messuge, ‘Peace on earth,
seen in Exodus 9: 1fiS \\‘hnt arc some of the grcnt truths among men of good ~11.’
tlrc rc~vclation of which m particular has forcarmcd the U 27. Who WCI’CJchu and JonadabP Whom did they fole-
consecrated? ehndow, and how9
U 13. Ilow has an understandin:: of the name and purpose of U 28.29. What is now sPen to have been foretold in John
drhor:d~ cnnblctl his pcoplo to see and appreciate their re- i0: 14-16 am1 Revelation 7: Y’J I\‘hcn and how dots Zcnha-I
l:t~~nah~p to him? niah 2. 1.3 llrce npplication?
U 32. Ilow has the information now seen in Rcvelatlon U 30, 31. Wilat dots the forcg:omg, togcthcr with Rcrr~lation
I?: 9,X?, 17,11, and nt Xratthciv 2-1: l&12, ennblctl God,8 22: 17, cunclusivcly prove, ax to pr(*Scnt pr~rrl~gc rrnd
pco1,lc to sco and appreciate tho words of the apostle in rcsponsibihty of the “ fnithtul untl \\~bc sc*ivant” class
Ilouxin3 15 : 4 1 and of the Jonndab or “~lc:it multitutlc” clnrsl
U 33, 1.1. Show that God has bestowed upon his people gift upon U 32-N. IVhat, thrn, dctcrmiri& the rcsponjrbilitv ot’ c:l(~II one
gift, nnd why. in the Lortl’s org:mie:~t~orrI Ilow ~~nlv r,,uv*cnr*l~ one tlis-
U 15. 1’0 \~llo~u, hrre, has murh been ,‘cntrustcd,,? Of them, charge that respOnsibil(ty and obtam’C;otiia apptubal and
whut more bS\illbe dcmandcd? E*plain the change of sltua- the gift of orerlastmg llfc?


Xl3 of the figures of which con5idcrable is said of God’s spirit upon a class for a spccifw purpose. It
in the prol~lic~ic~s of the I,or(l Jchovnh God is had a miniature fulfillmrnt at the feast of l’cnlwost
the grcut “wrvant” of Jehovah. As a spokcs- in Jcrusalcm fifty days after the rcsurrcrtion of Jesus
rnwl for Jehovah the prophet Isaiah pointed for\vard from the dead, and it is complctcly fulfilled n 1’tcr file
to him and said : “J3rhold my servant, whom I uphold, Lord comes to his tcmplc in the year 1918. The proof
mine clot, in whom my soul d~~li~htcth ; I have put is set forth on this occasion for the identification of
my spirit upon him; lie hllilll bring forth judgment to God’s witncsscs, and tllat their privileges and duties
the C:cntilcs. I the Ilord have called thee in righteous- may be SCCII.
ness, and will hold thinc hand, nr~I will keep thee, and The prophecy shows that its fulflllmcnt applies at
give llicc for a covenant of tlic people, for a light of the close of the cspcricnccs of the Jsraclitcs, and ng,lin
the Ccntilcs. “--Isa. 42 : 1, 6. near the close of the cspcricnccs of the true thuwh
Jehovah provides cumulative evidence, which means which constilutes spiritual Israel. The prophet states
the trhtimoiiy of one proplwt to corroborate nnothcr that it applies just prior to “the great and the tcrriblc
prophet, and this hc does for the strengthening of the day of the Lord [Jehovah] “, (Joel 2 : 31) Thcrc wmo
faith of his p~oplc. As a further proof of the ofi’ice a great and terrible day upon the fleshly Jsraclitcs,
and work of his “servant” class, he cawed his prophet the Jews, from ~1.1). G9 to 73. Jesus foretold another
Joel (2: 2S, 29) to write: “And it shall come to pass great and terrible day of the Lord God, to come at the
afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all timo of his second prrscncc and the setting up of the
flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall proph- kingdom, and that just before that day there must
esy, your old men shall dream drcnmu, your young be given a great testimony. He said : “And this ~ospcl
men shall see visions: and also upon the servants and of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for
upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end
spirit.” come. For then shall bc great tribulation, such as was
The spirit of Jehovah is his invisible power. ‘Pour- not since the bcginnin!: of the world to this time, no,
ing out’ means a libation or a gushing forth. God puts nor ever shall be. “--Jlntt. 24 : 14,21.
his spirit upon his crcaturcs to accomplish his pur- At Prntccost the apostle Peter and others of the
pose. IIc gives his spirit to no one unless that one disciples rcccivcd the anointing of the holy spirit.
desires to do God’s will and is devoted to Jehovah. That was the first outpouring of the holy sljirit. The
This prophecy shows a gushing forth or pouring out account of this, as recorded in the book of the Acts
60 BEOOKL~C.-,N. Y.

of the Apostles, chapter two, vcrscs one to five, reads: blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, un-
“And when the day of Pcntccost was fully come, they holy, without natural affection, trucebrcak~~rs, false
were all with one accord in we place [in ~Jcrusale~n 1. accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that arc
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of good, traitors, heady, highmindcd, lovers of plt9sures
a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness,
where they were sitting. And there appeared unto but denying the power thcrcof.” We are now in (‘the
them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon last days ’ ‘, and should thercforc expect a fulfNmcnt
each of them: and they wcrc all filled with the holy in completion of Joel’s prophecy.
[spirit], and began to speak with other tongues, as After the apostles passed from earth, darknch? carnc
the spirit gave them utterance. And thcrc were dwcll- into the earthly organization of the church because of
ing at Jerusalem, Jew’s, devout men, out of every na- the influcncc Satan exercised over the leaders therein.
t ion under heaven. ” Not 011lpwcrc t11capostles there At the beginning the Lord had planted his church 011
anointed by the holy spirit, but they were given a SIJC- earth amongst me11 a pure “vine”, symbolically SlJtd-
cial power to testify in various torques, that all the ing, and tllcn it dcgcneratcd into the “strnngcs vmc”
foreign Jews present in the crowd that quickly gath- of the carih, CVC’I~ as the prophet Jeremiah (2: 21)
ered might undcrstantl. The opponents who stood IJY had foretold it would.
mocked and \:lid concerning thcsc men who spoke in In the dislrcssing time of the year 1918 the true
various langu;~ges: “ Thcsc men are full of new wine. ” followers of C!hriqt thought that the work of tlrc
That the honest 011cs might understand the truth, church 011 the cart11 \viIs done. During the yc;~r \\hicll
Peter rcplicd : “Thcsc [men] arc not drunken, as yc follO\vcd some truC followers of Cliri& ana'ic~t1u.l to
suppose, sccirrg it is but the third hour of the day. the fact that thcrc was yet much to be doncs. 111t hc
But. this is 1hot wltic~li was spoken by the prophet period of time from 191Y to l!)Z thcrc was a qxqt
Joel.“-Acts 2 : 15, 16. awakcnin:: amongst thox who lo~~xi fhc 1.01~~1. l’lw
Prior to that day of i’rntccoot God had put his zcnl manifeslcd by these shows that t htt Lord 11:1(1 put
spirit upon a very limitctl numlwr. Jesus Christ was his sI)irit IIIJUII them. The qxctcsl witness 10 Illrl I~IIW
the first one who was brou$rt forth by the spirit of Of the Lord CVc‘1’ zivrri 011 cill’tll has IJrcIl iI l)l’oL:ri ‘-9
God as the Son of (:od, ai~tl was in clw time anoinlcd since the year l!W, ilIld Sllll [)l’O!~l’CSSCS. SUCll III~lI 1~s
with the spirit. Joel’s prophcc~y was, “l\l’tcrward the seco~ld or complctc fuliillmcnt of the l~rol~hc~y oi
[or, lIcrc~af’tc:r] I will por1r out my spirit ul)oii a11 JOPI.
Ucs11.” The words “all flesh” must bc undcrst ood as In the pro1~11cryit is written : “And on my x~l*v;1111~
I’cter intci*pr&cd the s;lmC, namely, ill1 the families and on my handrtinidcns I will pour out, in IllOV1 tla? S,
of the 11011scof ilcshly Tbl’ilCl, IJCCclUSC the mcssagc was of my spirit ; ant1 they shall ~~rolhcsy.” ( I\cis 2 : 1s)
then limitc4 to the Jews. On that occasion a great Prior to I!)22 the prca~llin g of tltc gosprl ll‘ld IIIYI1
number bclic\cd on the Lord and in due o&r re- done chicfly by a few of tlic con\ccratcd 011(x ,\ftcer
ccivcd the anointinK of tlic holy spirit, cvc’n as tlic that the ~)raCtirall,Y all of 111(’ :l!lCJiIltcd OIlCS h\ (’ PC’-
prophet had foretold. (Acts 2: 3841) On that occa- tivcly cngagcd in giving the testimony to CIJCI’S IJIIV-
sion not only did l’cter rcpcat the prophclcy of Joel pose to se1 up his kingdom, his ~ngcanc(‘, a1lf.l the
as having a fulflllmrnt then, but his words are also blessing of ali the famllics of the earth.
prophetic. llc said : “And it shall conic to pass in the Prophesying, or preaching, may be done cilhcr h)
last days, saith God, I will pour out of my spirit upon word of mouth or by placing in the 11:,ndsot’ t hc l)~o-
all flesh: and your sons aIld your daughters shall plc the mcssa:rc of truth in printctl form. Such Il2.i
prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and been done, and is now leirlg done, by young men at111
your old men shall dream dreams : and on my servants young women as well as old men and old ~omc’n.
and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days “All Bcsh, : ’ tticrcforc, Incans all those amon: the men
of my spirit ; and they shall prophesy : and I will shcw and women who are consccratcd and anoint(:d wit11
wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth bc- the spirit of God, rcgardlcss of scs or previous con-
ncath ; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: the sun dition.
shall bc turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, It seems clear that the term “young men”, usctl
before that great and notable day of the Lord come.” in the prophecy, means the younger brethren of Christ
--Acts 2: 17-20. Jesus, regardless of sex, bcc*anscno SW distinct ion is
The words or the apostle, to wit, ‘<in the last days,” recognized in Christ. (Gill. 3: 23) “Young 111c.n”is
locate the time for the complete fulfillment of his a term symbolically uyed to denote strong, vi;:orous,
prophecy. “The last days” undoubtedly refers to the active and zealous ones in the Lord and in his service,
last days of the old world, or Satan’s organization, and regardless of age. “Old men” symbolically ~prc-
the beginning of the reign of Christ. The al>ostle Paul sents those who are listless, dreamy, and intllil’rrcnt
said (2 Tim. 3 : l-5) : “This hnow also, that iri the to what is to be done or is being done. it is the “yo1111q
last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be men ’ ‘, that is to say, the active ones in the I,orcl ‘q
lovers of their olvn scjvcs, covetous, boasters, proud, service, \\ho see visions. A vi&n means a cl(~,rcr un-
FEBETJARY 15, 1936 61

derstanding of God’s purpose ; and those who see and earth during the past few years there has been a great
understand are moved with a zealous devotion to the amount of death and material destruction. “Smoke”
Lord, and they serve joyfully. “Where there is no is an evidence of destruction in progress. So-called
vision, the people perish. ” (l’rov. 29 : 18) True Chri+ “organized Christianity” is rapidly disintegrating.
tians must feed upon and understand God’s Word in The leaders thereof have “turned into darkness” the
order to he joyful and vigorous, and therefore be light of the gospel by denying the creation of man as
young.-Amos 8 : 11-13. perfect, and denying the fall of man and his redcmp-
Those who have been brought into the temple con- tion by the blood of Jesus, and by openly uniting with
dition and have kept abreast with the light of the truth the D&l’s organization in declaring the League of
ns Clod has revealed it to his people have grown strong Nations as God’s kingdom on earth. Their work is
in the Lord and continue to rejoice in serving him. dcst ructire of faith in God, and they themselves no
Such arc the ones whom the Lord specifically uses to longer shine as the sun of light and proq>crity. The
give testimony to his name. These are the OJWS who “IIIOOJI”, as used in Jock‘s prophecy, is a symbol of
ure taken out from the Gcntilc nations as a pcoplc for the light of God’s truth amidst, the darkness of earth’s
Jehovah ‘s name. night. It has become unto man a message of God’s
As bearing upon the time of the fulfillrncnt of this vctigcance by the death of his cncmics, and this is
prophecy, it is written : “A~lrl I will shcw wonders in shown by the moon’s being turned into blood.
the heavens nnd in the earth, t~lood, and fire, and pil- Thcsc things have cumc to pass particularly in the
lars of smokrt. The sun shall bc turned into darltncq few years just p:~sscd,and arc apparent to all who
and the moon into blood, before the great and the tcr- have the vision of God’s lmrposc. Tlic prophet says
rible day of the Lord come.“-Joel 2: 30,31; Arts that these things shall take place “before the grcnt
2 : 10-21. and the tcrriblc day of the Lord come”. That mcatl:;
The physical facts show the fulfillment of this before the final war and trouble mcntioncd by JCWS
propticcy sinrc the coming of the Lord to his temple in his great prophecy in which hc calls it the “pwt
in 1918. It is silicc that time tllat the Lord has re- tribulation, Such as was JJot since the 1wgiriniJJq 0l’
waled to his pcoplc the signs a11d wondrrs in hcarcn, the wOJ*tdto this time, 110, nor Cvcr Shall be”. (Malt.
1 hat is lo say, has givrn thcni :I bc4tcr vision or un- 24: 21) The prophecy says that, ro~~lcrn~~or:inco~i~l~
dcrstimding of the! %Vil’S Or~:lJliZ;ltiOi~ (the OllC Si$l) nilh th(l happenill:: of thcssccvcnts, God ~111pour out,
and of ttic birth of the Lord’s IiiIlgdorn (the Othw his spirit upon nli fhll mrl upon whosocvrr slmtt wll
siK11). UpLJl thC name of the I,OJd, :lJJd that thcsc Slliltl IJc:ir
lfc has also shown tlicm the fact that the ntlvcrsary test irnoliy to the name of the Lord. Thr physiral farIs
SiltilJJ IlilS JlOW hCCl1 Cast OUt Of hcaW!Jl alld tile [)J’Cp- show that this prophecy is in course of complctc l’t~l-
nration for the final war ut)otJ cnrtli is on. “J!lood and fillmcnt. This furthcxr identifies the witJJcsscs\vtJOarc:
fire” are symbols of death and destruction. III the taker1 out a~ a PCO~~C for God’s ni\mc.


J EIIOVIZTI has in store t~ou~~llcss btcs4ngs and

for those who love and obey him. Such
benefits hc will bestow ulmn the people during
the administration of his government. In this day,
of Nations are putting forth at least an outwartl
effort to bring about peace and stlcurity. They uill
not succeed even though they USCtheir best cnclcavo~3
honestly. In fact the I,caguc of Nations is a make-
when thcrc i:; great distress and perplexity among the shift and an attempt to quiet the public demand for
pcoplc of earth, the Lord permits the honest scckcr peace. The pcopl~ \viJJJtl~acc, and to them the I~c;J~;uc
Sor truth to have a vision of SOJJJCof the benefits that of Nations is like a straw to a drowning man. Scci:iy
he will soon give unto men. 13~ faith his prophet saw nothing else, they reach out for it. Satan induced 1hc
those blessings coming, and he exclaimed: “Uless the nations to adopt the League; and his purpose in so
Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his bcncfits.” doing is to turn the minds of the pcoplc away from
(Ps. 103 : 2) To those who now desire to see right- God and to keep them more complctclp under his 0~11
eousncss amongst the peoples of the earth it will be of cril control. Jehovah forckncw and for&old this ac-
great satisfaction to obtain some knowledge that these tion and the fate of’ the League of Nations in thcsc
blessings are near at hand. That knowledge is IJOW words : “Associate yourselves, 0 ye pcoplr, and yc
obtainable from the Scriptures in the light of prrsent- shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all yc of far
day events. Lt is God’s due time. Among the great countries: gird yoursclvcs, and ye shall bc brokcu
benefits that Cod’s government will bestow upon the in pieces; gird yoursclvcs, and ye shall be brokt>u in
people arc these : peace, security, welfare, plenty, pieces. Take counsel together, and it shall coJnc to
health, strength and life. nou$Jt ; speak the word, and it shall not stand; for
The governments of earth that are in the League God is with us.“-Isa. 8: 9, 10.

The ofllcial record of the I;nited States Congress, agony and under this miserable condition her babe
under date of BIarclt 5, 1928, is authority for tlte is born. The order comes from the gorcrnmcnt that
statement that “over eighty-two percent of all the the food supply must be conserved and therefore CVPII
revcnucs of the United States arc now expended in the babes must be limited in the quantity consutncd.
Support of military policies ; and unless tltis nation The profiteers corner the food and boost the prices.
becomes engaged in war with some other people inter- The wife is unable to buy food for herself or her babe.
nal combustion will be inevitable”. NO people Of Car-h She sees her babe wasting away for wattt of sufkknt
arc greater lovers of pcacc than those of the United nourislimcnt. It dies without its father’s ever seeing
States. Why, then, is their money being spent in such it and while that. father is upon the battlefield trying
great amount to tnakc ready for war? All the other to kill, or be killed. If he survives he returns broken
nations are putting forth their best endeavors to pre- in body and health and finds his youthful wife aged
pare for war, yet all the nations vow they do not from sorrow and starvation. Their honeymoon was
want war. Satan, the evil invisible ruler, is at this lilcc a flower blooming in the early morning, yuicltly
time forcing Ihe govcrnmcnts of earth into this con- cut dorm and wasted before the sun is scarcely up.
dition and gathering them to the great battle of There arc millions of families on earth today who have
Armagcddott, con as the Lord foretold. (Xcv. 16: suffered from tlic ravages of war. It is no wonder tha1,
13-16) These facts must now be brought, to the at- early in 1928, a monster petilion was sigttcd lay a grt~at.
tcnlion of the people. mullitudc of the common pcoplc in ISrl~:lan~l and ptc-
The common people of one nation do not fomrttt scntcd to Ihc govcrtintcnt, declaring tII;It thcby nould
war against the common peol~lc of ntiotlicr nation. not again rcspottd in case of anolhcr war. ‘I’ho ~JIYJ~,IP
The common pcoplc who hear the burdens of war arc want pcac~; but the prediction is freely mudc that
not cvctt consulted about. it. A few men who have to when at:othcr war is declared tlicy will ixqjond ljc-
do with the rcs1jotisil~ilitics of ~ovcrtimctit decide that cause they arc eotnmaticlcd 80 to do and tllcy arc: l,ut
war is necessary for commcrci:ll reasons or for lhe in fear and in jeopardy by the govctntnt~tits if they
purpose of snl isl’.vitt:: somc su1~poscd or real gricvattcc. fail to rc\potid.
1)iplomatic notch arc passed hct wccn these nations War ctt::cndtrs hat rrd. Intense sclfisl~ttc~s dcvclq,t
ant1 att at tempt is made te adjust the difficult its. After into hatr4 lloi~,g suli’crittl: and OJJ~W~S~iO~l pr0tl11w
solcmtt dcliltcratiori a formal d~~clarntion of war is hatred. ltijusticc cotilitiuctl upon matiltitid l~i~duc~es
mndc lay one ttat ion agaittst anot her. The warmakrrs hatred. C:ovcrttmrttts of this world llavc ljcc~t it1 a
rcmaitt at, home while the cotnmott pcoy~lc, who are large mc;,surc rcs1~~~ri~il~lcfor the linttxd l)rc4 ai
igtiot*attt of the cause of the war, arc hurried to the cultivated illllOll~~t nicti. IMiittd tlic co\ (~l*lini(*llts is
frottt to sulk and die. If two private citizens pass Satan, tllf? \ViCliCd 0110, \rllO has pl;llltC~l tl;ltRYl iAll<
tiotcs one to tlir other iii an at tempt to scttlc their war iti t!ic lrcarls of tlic ~JW~JI~by cult i\:ii itig ii1 tll(~in,
diflirultics and then both agree to tncct upon the field and cspccinlly itt 1 hc ~OvC1’lJInCi1~S, cstrc tnc sclfisl~ttc~s.
and R(ttlc their difkultics with deadly wr~ipolls, and Love must bc 1~latitc(l in the licarts of the 1~col~lc in
one of them dies, lhc survivor is charged and con- the pl::cc of ltatrcd. llatrcd is lilic a 1lc:lt.t of stottC.
vi&d of murdrr in the first dc~rcc. Nations arc made LOW wil! make tlic licarts of tlic ~WO~JIC tcndrr ant1
up of many ~~coplc and cotttrollctl by a few men. It gentle. I,ovc is unsclfisltttc~s made manif(xt. 01tc of
tnay then with propriety hc a&cd, Whcrc is there any the great bcttcfits the pcoplc will have ut&r the right-
diKcrcrrttcc bclwern the crime rommitted by two men COW f~~vcl’Ilme~lt of God is that hc \t ill stop ill1 vat*
and that by two hundred mctt? When after delibcra- and tltett ljlnnt love in the hearts of tltc l)coijlc. Last-
tioti a few men who have to do wit11 tlic mattagcmcnt ing pcacc will be the result.
of their rcspcctive govcrtimcnls attempt a settlemettt Tltrou~lt his prophet God forctclls of the cstal)lish-
of diffcrcnccs u1101i the field with dcntlly weapons, mcnt of his righteous govertinictit, csaltitt~ it ahove
tltcy call it “war”. But those who arc tlic most prom- all the govcrnmcttls of tliC carth. and dcclariti:: that
inettt in bringing about the cottflict and cttgineerittg unto it the nations shall flow: “And tnany ~~~01~10
it are decorated will1 badges of honor. If the \varmak- shall go and say, Come yc, and let us go up to tile
ers alone were killed, that would be bad c~lough ; but [government] of the Lord, to the! house of tile God of
wheat without their consent mil!ions of innocent men Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways [the truth],
must dir, that condition is far worse. When more mil- and we will walk in his paths [of ri~htcousness] ; for
liotts of men, women and babes tnust suffer, the horror out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of 11x
of war is indcscribablc. Lord ftom Jcrusalcm. -2nd he shall jud:c atnon= the
A young man, loving peace attd home, takes a wife, nations, attd shall relmlrc many pcoljle; an(l tl1C.v sl~atl
whom he loves. Before them the prospects seemingly beat fhcir swords into plowshares, and their s1~ars
arc bright. He has not noticed the war cloud thrcatcn- into prutiitigltoolrs: nation din11 ilot lift up sWJlXl
ing because of tltc rtcgotialiotts between the go~rn- against nation, neither shall they leant war at13
merits. Suddenly war is declared; without warning he more.“--Isa. 2 : 3,4.
is drafted, torn away from his young wife, and hur- God is love. All of his laws for tncn can be met and
ried to the front. The wife sufi’crs great fear and obeyed bs those who are u~tsclfislt. “LOW \\-orlteth 110
FESBUARY 15, 1936 63

ill to his neighbow: thcrcforc love is the fulfilling of wild beasts and man, Cod, of course, Ir~~ows the lan-
the law. ” (11om. 13 : 10) With rcspcct to the time guage of the animals and of the fowls of the air and
when his government is in full sway in the earth Cod he will speak to them in their own language and quiet
says of and concerning the people : “They shall not their fear of man, and peace will be for cwr estab-
hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom] : lished betwen the wild beasts and man. “And in that
for the earth shall be full of the knowlcd~e of the Lord, day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts
as the waters cover the sea.“-Isa. 11: 9. of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with
Concerning his King, whom God has placed upon the creeping things of the ground: and I will break
his throne, and who shall rule the world, it is writ- the bow, and the sword, and the battle out of the earth,
ten : “The govcrnmcnt shall be upon his shoulder.” and will make them to lie down safely.” (IIos. 2: 18)
He is the Prince of Peace, and of his government and Concerning his righteous government and the bcnciits
pcacc there shall be no end. (Isa. 9 : 6, ‘7) Then “the of peace that it will bring, it is written: “And right-
battle bow shall be cut off: and hc shall speak pcacc eousnessshall bc the girdle of his loins, and faithful-
unto the hcathcn [nations] ; and his dominion shall ness the girdle of his reins. The wolf also shall dwell
be from sea even to sea, and from the river cvcn to with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the
the ends of tlic cnrth”. (%cch. 9: 10) That will mean kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the fatling
t0 tllC 1JCOlJlCs Of Cart11 UllivCrSal pXICC. ThC h0rrOrS togcthcr; and a little child shall lead them. And the
of war will bc gone for cvcr and ihcrc mill ncrcr bc cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall
anothrr war. That bcncfit to the pcoplc cannot bc adc- lit down top,&cr : and the lion shall cat straw liltc t11c
yuatcly dcscribcd in words. When t hc pcoplc know ox. And lhc sucking child shall play on the hole of
and understand this truth they will sing for joy. the asp, and the wcancd child shall put his h:uid on
The animals of the mountains and the forest arc at the eockatricc’ den. They shall not hurt ll(Jr dcstro)
enmity with man. They try to kill man and man kills in ill1 my holy mountain [jiovcrnmcnt] : for llic earth
them. T~ndcr the rip,hlcous govcrllmcnt of the Lot4 shall be full of the knowlcd~c. of the Lord, as the
pcacc :;11:111
be for cwr cstablishcd bctwccn cwm tilt waters cover the sea.“-Isa. 11: 5-9,

III*: date for the cclcbration to ihc name of JC- of April 6, is the proper time for the ccl~4~mtion of
hovnh God and to the sacrifice of Christ Jesus the Rlcmorial. Jcrusnlcm tlmc is used.
is dctcrmincd ill this iwnlic~: E’rom the obscr- The boolc entitled tJnl~oud~ contains a mow tldailrd
vation of the new moon ncarcst to t hc vernal cquinox, csplanation of the Rlemorial than 2’1~~lI’f~k1~lowcr
\\hich 10arks iho Wit clay of llic first mollth, coullt rould carry at one issue. Carefully and ]~l~il~c’~flIll~
Eourtwn days. (KS. I :! : l-6) llccortlilig to astronom- study chaptcw two and three of the book clltitlt*d
ical C~lc~llilti~llS tllc In0011 rises at Ioast sixteen h0Ul% Jchotwlt, beginning at page 2Gand endin:: al 1):1~c120.
bcforc it can bc seen with the natural cyc of man. In Then on the 6th day of April, after (i pm., Ict each
the time of i!loscs the calculation was made from the company of tlrc anointed asscmblc am1 rclebratc tlic
hour he could we the moon with the naked cyc, and Jlcmorial. In doing so, use unlcavcncd bread ant1 1w1
that is tlic proper manner for us to count the time. red wine. Unfcrmcntcd grape juice or raisili juice will
This ycnr (called AI). 1936) begins on ihc 24th day not meet the requirements. The Lord and 111~ :tlms;tl~3
of Jlarch; and the fourtccntli day, to wit, after G p.m. used real red wine, and WCshould follow their l*:atl.

(Continued from page 50) ~lIIkIIKOIIABr, ALA. : Temple Thentre, 39th Ht. 8: CC11Ave. pu’.
X. 1). lS,cst, NOi Division Ave.. IGrminrham. .\la.
providence thrso arrangcnwnts can be made, thus expanding the 130STOS, MASS.:’ Jordon Hall, h’ew E&land C&w Iatory 131~lg.,
Los Anzelrs convcntlon to take in all of the UnIted States, 296 lluntington Arr.
Canada >nd the British Isles; truly an international con\cn- IT. 1,. Philbiick, 31 St. Jamrs A\c., I3oston, M:IHS.
tion. ‘I’ho Los Angeles convention 1~1111 be held Feblunry 22-S C111c.w0, 1111,.: Cnhsrwm, North llall, l-139 South \~;rbash A\r.
inclwiw. All the other convcntlons mentioned abo~c will IN! The pubbe meetlug will 1,e at The Civic 01,~~ IIous~,
held Pclmwy 22 and 23 only. ‘rho s:~n10 program that IS plo- iracker Drive 6: hIatlw~u St.
vi&d for Los Angeles \~111 bc alrnngcd for in nil tllc 0:lwr Chicago company of Jehoral~‘s ~itncsscs, 1139 North Dear-
convenllon cities. In the various citlcs nrranrrcmenls are bcinr
born St., Chicago, 111.
made to wiilcly adrrrtisc the pul)lic lecture, “‘SEI’.WW~ISG TIII:
NATIOSS,,’ eo that the j~eople \I 111nttlwrl the lnrgc pubhc mcct- CIJYEMSD, OIIIO: hlncomc Autbto, ium, 3615 Ewlill Ate.
ings. Ydu shoubl rnakc-al lnngcmrnts now to be‘pr&cnt at one IV. E. Wusman, 15t’O2 Eldci~~ootl Ave., 1s:.Cl~~\~~l:~n~l,Ohio.
of tbr w15wc ronvcntww in the many cities. Purthcr details IQsSAs CITY, hfo.: Carl~cnters’ IIall, 3114 Past 0.
appear in the I)r, cctor. The ronvcntlons \I ill h? brld ~1 the ‘I’. A. Townley, 1317 E. 31st St., J\ansss City, MO.
folluwing plnccs, and for rooming acronlnioil:itlons you cun NEW YOIZK, N. Y.: Mecca Temple, 133 ‘(Vest 55111 St.
writ0 to the brother ahoze name nud address arc 6’iven. G. C. Powell, 124 Columbia IIc~~l~ts, ISrooklgn, N. Y.
YITTS~UX~~, 1’~. : Syria JIosquc, I?~fi~Iw Dl\ tl.
LOS ASWI.ES, CALIP. : Shrine Auditorium. P~ttsbulgh company of Jehovah ‘Y 1, itnrswu, 907 hllddle St.
C. V. IGwneyer, P.O. Box 755, Vernon, Cabf. x.8., Pittsburgh, Pa.
I%zTIUORE, hIn.: Riclm~ontl hinrkct Armory, IIwhmond St. Tonowo, O\T., C.\\NMM : ?rIassc~ IInll.
ILenry A. IZlicb, 32.16 l<cwick lid., Baltimore, hid. lvat( 11 l’on.?, 20 I~\!ni Ave., Torouto 5, Ont., Canada.
Human wortls fail me to express my deep gratitude to Je- 1s JEIIOVAII ‘s SERVICE :
hovah our God for hi&marvelous works in behalf of his visible Greetings to jou all in the name of the Jfost IIigh God, and
oIg.mization. our best wishes to all in tile progress of the kingdom message.
Particularly for the parrt six months Satan the Devil has We hare been Informed, through Brother Rutherfor’l’s letter
been doing ail in h1s poivcr to browheat and discourage .Jeho- of No\-ember 5, of the wundrrful ancl gracious po”bion made
vah’s witnesses of tills area. But in the face of such opposition in behalf of- the p’“ecls. We wish to express our heartielt
the witncs3cs arc carrying the battle to the gaate of the enemy gratitude and thank3 to all of you for that pro~lsion. There
with greater zeal, peculiar to the house of God. are many thmga at this tlmc to he thankful for, hut some things
For several months certain towns were closed to the witness mean more to us than GthS. \Vc want to’thank each of you
walk. Late.last sunlmer the Society gave the word and .every for the sacrifice you hale made in order to -make lt po~s~blo
one of these ~JI:WY WIY forcccl open. Since that these places for us to keep going m the service. It ~111 hc a great ait1 In
hnvc been co\cjc~l three ant1 four times with the kingdom keepq u3 III the f’(!tl and better cqu~ppcd to carry, the mes-
ntrscagc. It seems that every bulwark of Satan’s organization sage to those hungcrinx for the truth, ant], of course, also to
cru~ublcs before the onward match of our liing. TIIP divlslonal thox uho are not hung:c~~ng for it.
campaigns are usccl by the Lord, In glvmg to the Devil’s crowd As you statctl, Brothrr Ruthcrforcl, it will be more “aJvan-
a oushing blon. tageous”; It a111 IJ~ a “stimulu3”; and It dors bring to our
I’or the last sc\ernl months the grcnt enemy has been making m&s that the gtc’:itcst pllvilcgc elcr given any (3rcxture on
a great onslaught against Jchov:~l”s aItnc*sses of this area. earth is the pul~l~~hiug ok the kn@orn mc~s:l~:c. Th:lt is why
Not being ntjlr IO tlo\vn the cou~rl,,‘, ’ “A ant1 cool the zeal of Jeho- we nrc 30 1h::nkiul to I~IC Lo111 Jehovah nnfl 111s \‘ln&crtor and
vah’s pcol~le, he founrl an ‘I orrn<*on u,q::~mat” the onc3 who to a11 of IOU for makin:: surh a ljrovirrion for us.
tlws fnr mnintamcrl thc1r integrity toward God. Sonic of the
chihln~n of Jchr~v:~h’s n Itncsucu ant1 Jonn’labs refuqctl to tnke The buralrns in the ficltl arc often heavy, IWI we o ftrn get
part in the fl:tg:-s:lluting cxc~r’(‘~scs In the public 3~1m&. This somcuh:ir ‘l~sc’~~r:ige~l. llut then wc bee the wonderful pr’o-
gntc a go011 c~i1~0 to the “(1olla1 ” patrIots. lmmc~lmtcly the ilcgc bcforc IIY ant1 how the Lortl provitlrs for UY anrt Ire t1r.1~
hcliool uuthorilics l~:is3’~l loc:tl rulings in order to c~pcl the ul, and rqoice and start the cry anew-For Jcho\ah and lor
rlilldrcn of GotI’s 1~1~lc. l’arcntu :‘nd chllllren were arrested Gulcon.
nnll unjust jufl:(3 1111po3rd fin’s3 or ilnl)t ifionmcnt upou lJ:‘rcnts \Vc therefore join in thanking all of you nplu ant! jn CX-
bcc:rusc tl~y w~~ultl not bend the cl~il~ltc~n to school. At Nemn- tentling our lo\e ant1 best \\‘bh”~ to all :tt licxtlqu:Lrlcrs. hl:iy
co11n [I%] the l~:lr, ntq of two c+ll~l~lrc~ ~~I>IP arrcstc,tl for vtolat- Jehovah lxhly ~$FYY ) uu in nil your cn&a\oru to scrvc 111m.
in:: 3~11001 1~~s :tl’lrr the hc~l(loI bo:lrc~ tr~ic*lXllp cxpcllc’l the clnl- Your fellow scrrants 9
d1c.n. Nurh g:~ueu irl.lu5ticc boilr~l r’.cl b11~1j11of some true Ameri- Ol.r.xvl~:lr SleL’chI,I.~T
cnn9, ns Irunllr’~6ls ot I’stt’>1 s of l)tot’tst :1g:‘inst such cruel, tlcv~l- hit:% 0. ~II:KFXI,IST;
ish lj1actic’-3 ol tile 3cltool IIO:;‘I~Y \\crc puhli3hr’l au{1 still are Alt:s. \V. G. Ersj;sarnNx, h’eLra&.
bcin;; l~~l~l~~h~tl 1n the IOWA lj:ipcrs ol’ lhjr ‘livrsion.


l’hc nrti(,le in l)c~‘~ml~(~r 1 Il’nl~l’tou7 r, “Expc~lling C’lGldrfln DEAR DI:eTlIr.tx AT ~JETIIEI.:
from S’~~MJ’J~,” rcanlui’91 n11 our llc~rljh~Yltir3. l’ta13c .Jchov:ih IVe, tlic undcrsignc~~l, are writing to express our noblrst
tlrrrcfor. On tlrc foul III of Ikwnll~c~r ‘lllr first l<inKdom S&IA apljreciatjon lo the Bo’*icxty for the grncirrus prov~s’on ~ri:uio
rlJ”‘llc’l nt .\‘l:‘ll ((;:lt“s), El., wItI 12 ‘~h1l~lrcn. On the ninth for the ~~I’mccr3 III your lctlcr of Novcmljcr 5. Surc>lv this v.39
of Ikccmlwr tlkr number incrwsril to 22. Now it is :t going promptrtl *n no other \\ay than for your lo\e ant1 ‘honor for
COII~TII. The 31~l~ol opens !P ~tli “ I~vIIwI I<scrc*iscs’ ‘, nutI TBe Jcllo\::l~ ‘3 nn,ur.
Ifn~p is a part of tll’slr tla~ly curjic~uluni. IV’? nrc wnitmg ‘l’111s rc~mlnds us of John 15: 8, “TIcrcin is my Fxthcr clori-
an\ivusly for Ihat publlrntion 3ljc’~t:tlly for the benefit of tile fietl, that yc Ijrar niuc~li 1 luit,” ant1 \\e hdow thlq 1,ro~~~~~m
gr’but multitutlc. At >lonrssen, I’:‘., our bccon’l LGng’lom WI11 nit1 us greatly in hcxrin g the kingdom frutts tu thta pcr~ple,
Srllool sill bc ol~n~~l on the siatrcnth of D’W2ml~‘~r. \~itllin an11 to rontjnuc on joyfully and Loklly ljroch~iriltn:: 111~ nit +:i;:c.
a \e1y short tinlo l<ln:;‘lom Srhool Numl)rr 3 will hc opened \Vo wvlsh to thank l:tot llcr J:uthorfold anti the JWlrel f.ullIly
for the bcnofit of C:nlunsl,urg chihlrcn. Thus all the children for aitling us in tllt3 \\:ry, nntl assure you th:tt, Iiy .J’~h~~v:~h’n
in this arcn that arc r*pcllctl from sc11ool shall bo taken care grace, wc will c*onttnuc to mnrrh on nith the King of Eteruity
of. I’r:lisc ye the 1~~1’1 ! while pushing the battle to the gate.
In connection nit11 our Suric!y’s :tnnunl husincss meeting the May Jchorah’s guitloncc, protection aud blcssjng ~JC upon
Society arrangctl for a 3cr\lrc convention. We arc glad to in- you all.
form you that. 1O;i .Jon:1tlnl~3 R~III~O!ILL’~~ their consecration hy
Toui fellow servants, For Jehovah autl for Gi&on,
\\atcr immc~rsion. Alro, \te wcrc muc~h plcuscd to know that the
prcbidcnt of our Soc’cty and lhc other servants thcrcof were GUST. IIlXI.\J:.~S,
Ie-cIcctecl to their respcctivo offices 1j.v 021 the votes cast. Such I:UTII l l ICKhbI,
a unity of mind, hcnrt and cou13c of action has neler been T. J. I&%,
mn~le manifest heretofore amonP the people - - of Jehovah.- T. J. CARAS,
L* l”7<I. . EarMa IIESSIIAW,
\ViPhing Jchovah’3 richest blessing to continue to he your IIAI:RY Yowxr,,
poriion for ever, wlth fcrvcnt love and best wishe3, I am hfALXL VOS IIUCO
Sour brother and fellow servant, l,YDlA D. JWCSXO~,.

M. L. HERR A. tt. MAC311LLAN
Collit1s, Mks. . . . . . . . . . . . .llnr. Shr!by. Ah. _.__.__.___JInr. 17 lXJr~rdn&rn: Ala. F’cl, Ti~tnpn. I%. ._. .._ .: atar.
Ilr.lltoI,. MI-r. . . . . . . . . “ 5 ~‘l:ltllun, AI:, . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1: Jlid~ 1 I:1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5f:,r. I,,ll.t4:~n’l, I’h. . . . . 4.
Ilcl’lellwr~, .\114H. . . . . . . “ 4 ~I.‘rl~IIl,~, Ah . .. .. :; Snl;IU,:\. 1~13. ._._........._ ”
l9~lfqwise. Jltsx. ..__.._. :: 5 3l’~ntjplllrry, Al:1 . . . . . . ;: 20 zl ~Il:nlll. Ilrc. . .._ . . . . .._.. ”
hlcrMmn, ,\IIM. . . . . . . . . . 0 I-mm S~)rmji.s, Ah. . . . 24 I’:llld%ee. E‘ln. __. .. . .._..... 6‘
Ahc~\illc, Ala. _....._.___.” 7 Troy, Ah. .__............... “ 23 Ft JI\Wh, I~‘kL. . . . ._.. . . . “
Gordo. Ah . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . “ s (~111yt011, Ala. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ - “6 Arr.~dm. 1’1:~ . .._~ _.._._._1’
Colrlr~ll,u~. m. _. . . . . . . .‘ 2;. L’ i SdWlIIC, I‘in _..........: “
Tuscaloosn. Ala. _.....__” 10 Olwwltol~ee Fin. 6‘ I.‘, tdJx’1 nl.1. Ga. ....... “
Rrookaood, A tn. __...___” 11 Opelil.a, Ah. _ ___._._.___... .I 20 \valIcl~uls, ‘x:kI. ..::.::::: 6’ Ilri~\ liwa Me. ‘:a. ...... “
I’.essemer, Ala. _...._._._ “ 12 Aulmrn, Ala .. . . . . . . . . . . A. 30 I:rrl’lrnlon. I’kl. ” I‘ort valley, Ga. ......... ”
Birmingham, Ala. . . .._. ” 13-x Xot:1su@. AIR. _.. .__... ” 31 St. l’etersburg, Fla,““” . .. . “ Jlacon, Ga. .................. “

journal is pu~J~rlwl for the purpose of enabling
the l~eople to know Jch~\ah God and his puqw~rs
in the 1~1Mc. It publishes Bible matrurtion
specifically dcsiguxl to akl Jehovah’s vatnesst:s. It :trr:mgcs

systematic IhbIe Study fur irs readers ant1 suppl1e9 other lltcvr-
aturo to aid m such sturliw. It pnbhslws swtablo materi:,
for rnclio troadensting and for other means of pul~hc iustruc-
tion in thu Scriptures.
It adhcrcr strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
ances. It is entirely free and sqarato from all I’artics, wets
or other worldly oq;:rniz;l tlons. It is wholly and xltllout
rcccnation for the kiqlom of Jehovah Lid unc?cr Chrl3t
his Bclovctl liin~. It is nut dogmatic, hut inxit(‘9 careful
ant? critical csamination of its conteuts in the llfillt of th9
Ecripturw. It does not in~lul::o in contro\crsy, nuct its Ctil-
umns are not open to pcrsunahtics.
VOL. LVII ~fAI3.X 1, 1936 No. 5


ISIIOVAIE requires absolute loyalty and faithful- lnw ; that whicli is done in acfordat1cc wit11 the law of
new of cvcry 0110 whom lie malrcs a membw of Cod. A loyal crcnturc is otic who l~rocccds accodit1g
his royal organization. The same rule aplwara to (iod’s law. Ilc)yalty to God thcrc~orc mcaiis to carc-
to al)pIy to all who rcccive life cverlastrn~:. Jehovah fully and strictly 11~ oldicnt to his lam. IIis \i 111is
is the I+thcr, or Life-giver, and thcrc is no life ever- his IaW Wflctllc~r c~.u~)rcssCd or un~ipr~wd, illld tllilt
lasting rcccikwl save thilt which 1Jrocccclu from him. will is cslJreescd 11y 11im i11 his Word for the corrcd
Ilc dislwnscs t11e grcnt gift of life by ;~rid throu::h guidance of tlic man who desires to he riylrt. “1’1~~
Christ Jesus, his esccutivc ofiiccr. (Rorn. G: 23) The word is a lamp i111to niy fwt, and a lizlit wit0 my
mother of the mcmbcrs of the roynl 110~s~ is Jchovuh patli.” (1’s. II!, : 10.7) ‘I’hc~rc is 110other correct guiclc.
Cod’s Ol~gilIliz:lti011, symbulizccl by his wxniu~, othcr- 4 Paillrful~rcss means m0rc t ha11 tnelrly to Ol)cty tl1c
tvisc cnllctl Zion. All who arc bvrn Of 11cbrtwc~ivc 11fc lcttcr of tllc law. A fill11lfl~l one is trusty, t~wt\\oril~y,
fro111 and nrc tnuglrt by JchOvaI1 (lucl. (1~. 54: 13) ~~StitlJliSll~d, hld,v, ftrn1, SwIIl’C, true alld wrt:11lr.
Jn brief, the meanin:: of I’rovc1~1~ G: 20 ix tllis: That f~‘aill~~ltZ tnwns fiflclity in tlir: ildllCWrlCC to rigIlL 3s
the sons of Cod must li(WlJ his c~omrr1:1~1~l111c~t1~~ alld ho tlllwtu~ hy t11c lied. It m1’;lIls \v;ltcllfll~~lw+ n11d (‘;lrc-
goidcd l)y tllc law Of 111sOl~~~~l~li%illi0ll, for “ tllC COm- fulncss in the uhwrvancc iu1f1 Iwrl’oimanw of 3 duty
lIlil.lld~llC%t is a lamp, and tld law is light ; and rClJro0fs 01’ t/If2 diSrhilr;;C Of ill1 Oi)~i~:ltiOll. l‘0 lJC fLliillflll 1Il~‘:lIlS
of instrurtion
2 1Yliilc the l3iglish word Zo~ylt~y
are tllc way of life”.

in 111~ ScriI)turrs, yet there arc many WJrdS in Ihc

dew not appcnr
1JO hOW+t,

must be faithful. That tncf;m~ hc must 1~: 11x0 iinfl

(lot1 II(~

Bible that, hnvc tsnctly the same mcilllillg as IOynlty. Coll~tNlt ill his all~b!;iatlcc il]ItI dcvOtion to (;od, l~ec:ruso
The ScrilJttlr(‘s clcnrly teach that cvcry man who rc- 11~:is bound to (loci and Christ IJ~ i1 solemn w\ cll;lllt.
wives lift cvcrl:wting must l)rovc himwlf both lo,v;11 It means that tlkc In:kn in f he rovf~nant with (:od must
and faithful. There is a clistinctiou hctntcn loyalty l~c tliorou:~ti and fit711 in the ol~scr~ancc ai1d I)(~rI’orrn-
and faithfltlncw. ‘i’cchrncd~y, one, might 11cloyal and uncc of scrvire ctit rustccl to him. It nw311s to 1)~ true,
not 1~ filitllfnl. NO O~C is C~OSCI~ZIS a mcmhcr of tl1~ rdialJlc!, WoYllly of t1cpcw1:111c!c and Cl11 IlYl~ d~~~W11~1-
rOyill 11ouw unless thnt one prows to 11c 110tl1 lOy;ll able. Only the riglltcous blio mair1tuiri alif l~~c~~c~rve
:illcl fiLitllI’~ll. Always loyd and faithful. it is wittcn their integrity townrd God cnttnr into llis roy:lI hoii~c.
of Jesus Christ that he ir; Tl1c “Faithful and TPUC”. “Open xr the g;ttc3, that lhcrc may enter in ;1 ril::it-
JIc is Lor~l of lords and King of IiiIlgS, nllcl tllry t,liZlt Cow nation l1re:wrvitig fidelity. ” ( Isa. X : 2, I/d/f.)
arc with him arc cnllccl ant1 chosen and faithful. (JW. In the csamit1aticJ~1 Of 11112trsts Ihat follow Ilw tli+
]!I: 11 ; 17: 14) Thus it is seen that each one of lhc tinction between IOyillty and faithfulnchs may lw scc’n,
hotly mcn111crs of Christ must be an image of the Wad, and also that God rcquircs his sons to 1~2 but11 loyal
Cl&t Jesus.-Kotn. 8 : 29. and faithful.

* The corrcct dcfinitiot1 of the words loyalty alid 6 The law of ,Jchovnh, that is, the rule Of action or
faitltfrtlucss arc found in the Scriplurw. The word Conduct ljrcscribcd by him for tnan, is pcrfwt, atit 1~
?oyfl is frutn 111~same root as the word 1~w. Law means WI10 dks truly illld sinccrcly in the 1:11vof (loC1 Eoc~
a rule of ilCtiOl1 or cotltluct prcscri1xd and made bind- in the right way, and, wntinliing thcrcin, th:,t m:ln
ing 11~ the suprcmc govcrnitrg authority, commanding will receive tl1c cv(.rl:1stitig favor of C:o(l. (1%. l!): ‘i-!))
what is right, and namitig a pcttnlty for the ittfrnction Of Jcsns thc~c words arc rccotdcd : “I tlclixllf to cl0
of that fhxl rule or law. Lclwful means that which is thy will, 0 my C:od ; yea, thy law is nithin m\- lic.~rt.”
pcrtniitcd by and clone in c0nformity to law. to!;nZ (1’s. 40: I) Tllat 1llC;lIIS that ilt 211 tinrrq ,Jwll$ is Cll-
means that which is done in strict conformity with the titely devoted 10 Jehovah God’s rule ~~w,c~rii~c~l for
in the Lord with all tltitte heart; and lean not unto
thine ov ti understanding. In all lhy ways ac~loto\;l-
cd~e ltini. and he sltnll direct iliy ptlts.” (I’rGV.
3: 5, 6) The foilover of Christ Jrsus must mc;l~rc
his course of action or cc~nduct by the law of God, aid
that alollc.
I4 “The law of thy motlter” is Ihe proper course of
cotldu~t to be pursued by those who arc of God’s or-
gattiz:itioti. Great is the favor io ntiltt to be hrouzht
iiito atid form a part of ttte 0rg:tniz:ttioti of the Ld.
No p’Sm Will 10ilg }JC pWnit~Pd to rc!m:liti ii1 lltilt
Or[lankl&I, ]lOWC\ er, W]lO Wi]liiig]y ViOhkS Ol’gmi-
ztliott ittstrucliotis. To violate the ittst ructiotts cotti-
ittx from C;od’s or~:attizalion means lo “ forsalic . . .
the law of lily molhcr”. ~Jel~ovalt ltas a capital or-
gattizativtt, ol jkltkit C!hrist Jesus i9 lltc 11c:ld, ant1
that ~li~~!:tlliz~ltiOli, ]JCiltq t]lc hi:!]lCSt pa1’t Or “hi]l” Of
Itis ltoly tn0ttttlaiti, iv alw ~alle(l %intl. C~Jriccrtiiti:r tltc
nttc of ndiuti by rliivli (:0(1’s poljle ttiwt 1x2 g111th1
~Jclw;111 says : “Out of ~l0l1 !,llall go fort11 the 1;1w.”
(1% 2 : “- 1) \Ve arc now itt 11:~“1:tst d;t>s”, and iitc
hutthr Of tl!r lAOId i:, (‘4f:i])]iS]I(‘d :I]JOVC l]lC kitlq~~OltlS
of tltis \iOl’lC]. Tlrc l,ott] is iii his lioly tc~nl1)lc at111cuin-
nl:lllt?s tliat aI1 111~ txl.tl1 1iv.y sil~~ttcc lw1’orc him. il
is Ilic titii~~ wIic.n JII~II~ II< ol~lc, t11;1t is, tile ~rc:lt llllll-
littitle , :ll’(’ corttittq iIIIC1 S;l!;ill(s: ‘1~l.t 11s g0 1111 to tlLC
kiil::thttt <I!’ tllc ~AJJY~, 1fJ tII(: ]IOll\C Of’ ~]IC (lot1 pi’ vJitc*(>b.
tllilt \: (’ lrl.l\‘ \\allli itt ttl(b right \\.ily.’ l’llc~l’ct~~ t 1ll.y i.tt-
1:1rlt tiic7ttsc~l\c9 to (iufl’s ot,~~:ltti~:;itiott. On tllc ~t?lt
tlkr J,otd ti:is at1 ot~~q:itti7:ttiott, uitfl his s~m:tltts irt tli;tt
(~t*~attiz,ltic,tt 111eJAJI~ I~WIIW, directs, qui~l~~s:tttd itt-
St1 IlVtT. ‘J’i:c! ]Ll\\r 01’ IW]~b i’O1’ JIl:ll1, iIll< 1’01’ i hc f’oll~~ll~f
of that ot’!l;ittiz:llit,it, 111~IAord .JC~IIS sc~ntls fort It 2s
ihe cxwtitO1’ of •I~‘]lO\ ah. T]ic (J])]i::ltiOtt ii U]xJll C\‘Cl’\
OllC Of I]lC Ol’~illll%~l~l~J11 10 1)~ Stl’lCtJ)’ :l~l~;lltiv(! to :IIICJ
joyfully ubcclictit fo 1111:ittstrrtrt ions tlt;lt the 1~0 (1
s~ttcls I’otllt from Zion. (“titkt Jcstis, the ltcatl of ttt:,t
orq;tttklticJtt, k ~JCh~J~:lil ‘S gt?:it l’lYJ]dl~‘t, :ttld all WOO
arc in the cvxenaiit wilii Got1 ittu>t CIVC heed to :111(1
fully otx*y that grfnt l’ropli~t, and lw who f;ilts or
wfuscs to olwy sufl’crs dcstrllcttotl. ( A\c+ls 3 : 23) Ill
that ot~~:urizntioti God 11x4 ]~l;iccd c’\ cq- tliati 2s it
pleaseth llitn. No man c’i~ii take tllai, llottor to ttitn\r>ll.
(1 Cor. 12: IS: 11~1).5: 4) Ihcli otic iii the o~~~,ttttz;t-
tioti Of the Lord tnttst StiltlCl or fall to ltis YI:istct.
(Eotn. 1-I: 4 ; I:]h. G: 9) -1 IIt; wlloIll lhe I,ortl Il;ls
f2VotGl It?- givittq hint it ]Jl;lW itt his cblgitttimtiott, at111
V]lirh ]J]We is sU]wditt;ltc hJ S0ltlC Ol]lrl’ ])]a~! it\sigllt’tl
lo some other l)Ct*hon in 1hat, 01‘gmi%:it iOn, n!iiSOilS tll;tt,

he is wkrr than liic otltcr, J~ovcs~rs greotvr ability 111:ltt

otlicrs and that tltcrcfot~ he will ixtlorc otqttti/.at tutt
itistructions and ~~ursue his own cou~‘s(:. Ittd ructiotts
cotnc to him through ttic rcglar couth in tttc orq:ltii-
eatiott n-liwli he not oiily iguurw lmt for u llkll IIC
:,u’)ctitutc, his own itlc:iS in pcr~ortttiit~ cl:itivs to {I!(:
oqxmizntion. IIe ri’l”,+tt*~ls ot~gttization itistructicmc: ;I$
0:’ 110C~~ttw~ucnceso fdr as lie is cc~ticctn&l, and sp~~&~:
n ittt cotttctnpt coticernittq those xltd (+o:I\ c.\y t!tc in-

structions to him. IJe murmurs and complains of what his hands find to do, trusting in the Lord to cause all
he is requcstcd to do, is haughty, austere, hi$lmindcd, things to work together for his good.
and follows his own sclfisll course. Thereby hc is guilty
of forsaking the ‘low of his mother’, that is, of God’s FEEDING HIS OWN
organization. \Yf~en his attention is called to the fact *7 The teachers of God’s covenant pc~oplc, and nf~o
that he is disregarding organization instructlons, such therefore feed them upon spiritual food co11vc’111~ rlt
reproof angers him and 1~ applie$ words of abuse to for thctn, are not 111~11.This IS particularly true sIIl(*c
those w-ho call his attention to fiis dcrclictions or short- the COIl~i!lg of the Jdord Je:us to the tcmplr. clod ;Hld
comings. The Lord has his own good way of rebuking C’flrist J~us arc the t~%clicrs. ( ISI. 30: 20) The herd
tfiosc who stray from the path of strict olxdiencc to Jesus at the temple is the disl~cnser of food for his ONII.
his law or organization instructions. If OIW takes the He mubt employ some human means lo ConWy tilt
improper course and is reprorc:d, such reproof is for spiritual food to tfle mind of crcaturcs who have‘ 3
his good if properly received, as it is writtrn: “For hullml oI’gallkm. 1jC WOldd Ilot cIIl~l]~J~7 dix (‘1’S lnK111’3
the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light; and iind numerous channels through which to (JlWIYltC 111s
reproofti of instruction arc the nay of life.” (Prov. org:uiiLati(Jn and tranqmlt flis sJJiritua1 food. l’hc 1.ol.c!
G : 23) The convcrsc of this statcmcnt of tha scripture has pruvcd to his ~JCO~J~C, particularly wltllin the I.l\t
must be true. Onr in the covc~rlant with Clod who clis- few yr:lrs, that he is feeding his pcoplc the trul II
regards tltc commandment of Jcho~nh and the iustrur- throilgli tlic Watch Tower puhli~ations. No 1r11111:1~1 lri-
tions of liis 0rg:inization is not in the way of lift. gCnUity 01’ :lbi~ity rOLdd St% forth thl: tnt’~illlnq of f hC
l‘ If a man iCarS C;o(l hc \cill think sohdy and t,tkc propllc~r*ics 15hieh cud’s people h:lvc rcccivctl wit !1111
I he wise course, f~cause “ tftf! f(‘;lr of thC! ?dJIY? k thC 1 hc pad few years. l’roph~~~y is Iiot of I)r.iv;ile itilf,r-
licginning of wisdom”. (Ps. 111: 10) “Tfle fcnr of prclation, and he lb ho attempts to pl;lW l,rivatc irl- il

the Lord is to hate evil,” that is, to hntc and refrain tcrprc~tat ion upon propliccy sho\vs hilrlsel Cto l)c it 10~rl,
from anythin;: that, woul~l do injury to God’s organi- for 1hc reason that 1~’ 111scourI;c of co11~1uctIic h:i~~s
zation or tllosc who arc: clil~g~cllt in licrfbrmin:: hcrlicc in flis IiWWt, ‘I‘llcrC iS 110 (:Od, tllat is, (;OCI ;~rltI (:IIriit
in that 0rgnniz;itioIl. (1’1-0~. 8: 1X) Ubcdiclit (1 to the arc Itot directing tlir ~vctlalit pwplc. (3 I’d. 2. MCI;
law of (:od ant1 to his organizntirln is t hc o~rly way 1%. 1.1: 1 ) The I,Ord llirnsc~lf lciltlq his Il(Y)plO alld CCC~lIS
that leads to lift; as it is writt(bn: “The IRW of tltc them, and this inclu(los tlic remnant as wll as 1 l~c
wise is a fourltaill of lift, to c?qJart from 1hc hIi:llW “great Inultitudc”.-1lcv. 7: 17.
of cIc;ltII.” (I’lW. 13: 14) To SCOI’II, 11atc or willfully I* If a man has rcccivnl tllc favor of the lioI’<l 1,~
violate organization instruct ions, that is, t!lc law of fxin!: ;IGgncd to sonic ])lilPC in his orqrliz:it IOIl 011
God’s urKaniz;ltioll, is a loolisll wuwc for one to take. th! :lIld thl
riirtfl, (liw’gds tilt’ Sl)i’.It IId foot1 wlllC*h
One rcachcs lhc J)Oint wl~cw he must dccai& quickly the IdJId hS c:llId if1 hC pll!)1kllc?t~ f’O1’ th! IJC’Ilcfit Uf
whether 1~ will hc,cd the rcbproof rcccivctl am1 fur11 to his pcoI~lr, and that III:I~ suhst Itlitcs his o:vn t~Wli111q
the right, or whether lie will tnkc his own scl!iVll XJllPSC ant? illtcrl)rctat 1011, lI(! is t IICI~c~l~y wit IloUt cloulit ‘ 1Oi’-
and disrigrd tilt reproof that comes to him. One sal:illg tlic 13~ of liis motlrc*r’. 1\‘11(11I his wwt~kd
CoUlW2 kW?S t(J c?c:lth, the Other t0 lift? and tllc 111&s-
COUI~C iq thus c;~llcd to the attc,tltion of such a m:.It,
ing of the Lord. C’onccrning this 11 is written: “IlOW that of itself constitutes a reproof from the Ilord :::r,l
long, ye S’iITIJ)lc onps, will ye love simplicity? and the affords that man the opportunity to turn to t11c Yiziil.
scorners dcligflt in their scorning, and fools hate Tliat it is the duty of 2’lre Il’nlckto~rr to ~11 :~t!aII-
linowlcdgc? Turn you ?t my rcliroof: f~~l~oltl, I will tiori to tlicsc thing appears to hc ccrt:kln from t llr
pour out my spirit u11t0 you, I lvill IllilkC Lord’s \‘iwl.
IiIlo~vIl my W11cn one sees that 11c 11x tlcparti~~l
words unto you. Rut yc have set at nought all my from ‘tlic law of his mother’, and tltns rcc*ci\cts lx’-
counsel, and ~oiild none of my reproof ; I also will proof from the Lord, it is hiq l)rlvilc;:c to give IIt2 (1
lnuglr at your calamity; I will mock wlicn your fear to tliat rcI)roof and quickly E3C(! illlOUt. (la11 IIC lV’Cc’!\ C
corn&h.“--Prov. 1: 2!!,23,25,2G. the ~J?CSSiIl~S of (!VCrlilStiIl~ life if hc fails altd li.CllV.5
l6 It is rank fallacy for a man to fmild up an nrgu- to do ho? ‘l%c answer is found in tlic rxripture xl11~1i
ment to justify his own conduct and to willingly dls- says : “l:or that they hated k~~on~lcd~c, mtl dicl rtot.
regard rCprO0f that COmCS to him i’or viohtillg OrgaIli- cfioosc tllr fear of the Lord: tlicy woul~l none oi’ my
zation instructions. It may plcn~ God to I)ut one man counsel ; they despised all my reproof ; thcrcfore >ii:1.11
in his organizaiion whose duty is to give instructions they cat of the fruit of tlieir own \i‘ay, and lx fill~,cI
and who has less natural abilitv tflan many others, wit11 their own de\-ices. For the turnin!z aw:!y c,f iilct
but that is no cscusc or justification I’or othrrs to dis- simple shall slay them, and the proqpcrity of 1’01)1s
regard the instructions that proceed from the J,ortl’s shall dcqtroy them.” (190~. 1 : 29-E) JC 111~ (10~s II{ (1-i
organization. Each one 1~s the choice of bcinq G~C- the rcprcof and turn to tllc right, the 1,014 xi:;:, to
dlchnt to organization illsl .s;lctions or of calmly and him : “Cut ~vvhoso fi~nrlmictfi wit0 mc s!Iall dw-eli \,y I’(‘-
quietly withdrawing from the organization. Tf he ly, ilI1Cl slr:dl be quiet from fear Of evil.“-- l’rciv. 7 : :3.
would please the Lord he will do with his might what lo lf OIW favored wiill being matlc tb m?IllLcr of

Gotl’s organization on carfh insists on following his idols.” (1 John li: 21) “W~cwf0rc, my dearly IJe-
01, n iclcas and in ignoring ‘the law of his mother’, lewd [brethren], flee from idolatry.” (1 Cor. IO: 14)
and puts himself in opposition to the organization of ‘Stubbornness is lawlcssncss and idolatry.’ (1 Sam.
ilic Lord, hc by NOdoing hcromcs a worker of iniquity. 15: 23) Those in the covenant with God, and who low
The mcanillg of the word iJ~iq;rily is not limited to him and who will receive his ultimate approval, n-i11
thcsc who commit heinous crimes against others. The ]Jermit Jlothing to stand between them and absol AC
lvord is from ‘ ‘ inequit;v ’ ‘, meaning lcrwlcs.wcss or one and coni~Jlctc devotion, obedience and service to tllc
\:.lto acts COJlilYil’~ to Ootl’s law. It is those who are Lord within his oqanization. The citizcxship of thcsc
in lint for the kingdom who arc in danger of the pit- faithful ones is in licavcn. (Phil. 3: 20, ZlotA.) The
fall of lawlcssnc~x Obcdicncc to the law of lhe Lord Lord Jesus is thcw Jiin!z, and has taken his kingdom.
is reyuircd, as Jesus says: ‘Sot everyone who says The allcgiunce of tlic faithful onw is and must IJC!
l,ord, Ilord, 5ha11 enter into tlic kingdom of lieawn, xliolly to Gcd alltl his IiiUqhn, and thy will rcfwc
lwt lx that dots tlic will of my Father in licnvcn.’ The to com~moniisc in any rnarincr with llic ciicniy. Li!x
Lord ilw~ slio\\s that8 wlicn hc c0mcs to tlic temple for tlic faithful al~oitlc who has received hi9 crown of lilt.,
jntl:;mcnt many will tllinlr i ha1 tlicy should rewlvc each one of the faithful remnant iiuiv says: “Fur I
tlic IAJ~c~‘s cl-c‘rl;Aiiig IJlcssin? aid oitcar the kin~tlom, am l~cIsUadcc1 tllnt ncItlIcr death, 1101’ life, nor ilU~:C~S,
cwn tliou~li tlicy Iiaw 11ccnfollowing their owi aclfish nor 1Jrincipalities, rwr ~KJW~~Y, nor tilings l)res~~lit, no:
I . “N::ny will say to mc in that day, Lord, Lord, thlJl~S t0 COJIIC, HOP h+.?!lt, 1101’ dclJt~J, LIOL i!Jl)’ Oth’l
have we not lJroplicsied in thy nanic? and in tliy nainc (‘l’v;ltLll’C,SlJall IJC Ill,l(! to SqJxltc US from tllc love (Ii
liaw cast out clcvilsl and in thy ii;lmc doiic maIJy Chd, I\ hicll is in Cllrist Jesus 0ur I,ord.” (l:om.
\\~~~d~~rl’~tllvorks? And then will T IJ~O~‘CSSu1It0 ~hc~n, s : 3x, 39) 121 t)Jc heart of each One of tllcsc is I\ Pi11($Jl
1 11~~~ cr l,nf~w you ; clcpart froiii Iiw, yc tllat wwk in- tllC lil\V Ol’ C;Od, ;lIld by his ~J’ilCC tllCy will Obey liis la\V.
iquity.” (lvnlt 7: 22, “3) TllC! nt1q!ls of t1ic LOlCl
St’1 viliy at the tcinph! art! diIwfwl 1Jy lhc I,ord to biist,
:I]] SL!fh l:lVv’iP3 Ollt :;. “Tllc SOIl of Ala11 will SCJl~l fcrth
llis nw;s~n~~~~~, an4 Ilwy will rdlcrt. out of hi,; kill+
dcJJl1 Ull l]lC Cilll.A’.< 0f StUlllb~ill~, ;illcl tllC dOCl’S Of law-
l~~wws, ilI\d will cast them into tllc furnwe uf fire;
ilitarc 11ill Ix wailing ant1 gnadrirlg of twtii.“--;\ldt.
33 : 41, ll’ollc.
“’ OUC iI1 th COWJJ:lnt With C:Otl, :lUtl IdlO hVC5 c;tCd,
will JlOt find i\rlJ’ C’SWW to IN::tnd t0 1ltlt
IIimsclC iii O]l]JOSif ion to God’s ~t+~ilUJZ:ltiOIl. If lli!j
hca~t is l’iqirt, Iiot hii1:: ~311 tui,rl him :~\v;iy froi~i the
tiur’\.icc of the Lortl. IJc m:Jy think lie has IJwn un-
ju4ly ~J’ciit(‘~I 1J.sothers in (;od’s organization ; 11cmay
feel solcl!, gricwd by reason thcrcof ; but if 1iC lows
(.:ud and his law lie will coneludc that the trial ltas
cwnc UpoIl him and will OpCriltP Sor liis Own good if
hc will stand firnl for the I.ord and in his scrvicc, and
if lit dots low (lot1 hc \vill do so. “Great pwcc have
they wliic*li IOVC thy law ; and nolliing shall ofi’cnd ” clod tOOli Ollt EJ~OlJl l<axlJt, tllc? \vOYld ]W\V(‘1’(IV\‘1
tlwin.“- 1%. 119: IG. which tlic Devil had and cscrcisccl a coutrcbl, tlic tlu-
21 Tlw mai1 may lx forsaken and persecuted by his sccndants of Jacob and caused filos~s to lwd thaw
earthly parcn1s, ljg his brothers and sisters, and by tll~OLl~11 t1lC clWL!it 011 tllC way t0 the lillld Of IJI’oJllisv.
wcryonc whom hc expects to 11c his friend, and I.-et Whrn they reachrd the l:Iud of Xonb ~10scs iIhSCllJlJ~C(l
that is no cscuw for offense against the Lord and his the Jsrwlitcs and by the direction of Jcho~nlt said to
organization. If 0nc is ohcdicnt to the great command- them : “l\rnow tlirrcforc that Ilie ~JI)JX~tlJy God, hc is
ment to lox God, nothing will stand in his way of tied, the f:iilhfUl God, nliich lrccpcth covenant aI
serving Cod and nothing will cause him to withdraw rncrcy with them that 10rc him ~IIILI l<rcI) his comrrl:~ud-
from the scrrirc of the I,ord’s organization. “If any- nlcnfs, to a thou\tlIld generat ions ; and rcpayc’lll them
one comcth unto me, and li:rtclh not his own father that hate him to their filCC, to destroy them: IIC nil1
and mother, and wife and children, and brothers and not lx slack to him that liatetli him, lit will rclJay liim
sisters, inr~hcr aIs cvcn his own life, he cannot be ml Lo his face. “--L)eut. 7 : 9, 10.
disciple.“-Lulic 14 : 26, Xotlt. 2s IIerc God \,a$ announcirq his unchangcnble rule
21Ilased U~JOU God’s commandment to his covcnant that lit is faithful alwn~s and likewise does what hu
pcoplr the following words arc addressed to the sons promi:q and that he reqnircs like faithfulness 011
of God now on the earth: “Keep yourselrcs from Ilic palt of all those who cntcr into a corcnant y;ilh
72 BROOKLYN, h’. Y.

him. The question then was and now is, Who tvill God. He did not lore Eve, even though he may have
stand on the side of Jehovah and there remain stead- said he did. Jjdum desired Eve for himself and desired
fast, immovable, dcpcndnfk and true ? Kho will main- to have his own way. The same disposition continues
tain his integrity toward God? to crop out amongst other mtn. A man may say: “I
poIt is not enough that a man take his stand on the love Jehovah and I am faithful.” It is then up to that
side of Jehovah and loudly proclaim Jehovah’s name. man to prove what he says. Ile faces a test in wliirh
He must prove his complcte devotion to Jehovah un- he must choose bctwccn pleasing his wife and serving
der the test. Proud Lucifer was not faithful to his and pleasin:< (:od. The man says: “I love my wife and
covenant. Since Satan is to be destroyed becauseof his I will stand by her regardless of what comes,” In
unfaithfulness, that is the unrhangcablc rule an- fact hn does not love his wife, neither dots he love
nounced, that all shall suffer a like rnd who become God. If he loved God hc would joyfully do the will
unfaithful to Cod. Tlmt unchan~gcnl~lcrule is again of God by obeying hir, commandramts, and if he loved
emphasized by God’s Word: “0 love the Lord, all qe his wife, seeing that she had talrcn a wrongful course,
his saints; for the Lord prcscrvcth the faithful, and he would point out this fact to her and attempt to
plentifully rcwardct 11the proud door. ” (Ps. 31 : 23) guide her in the right way accordin:: to God’s Word.
“Mine cgcs shall be upon the faithful of the land, that The man who really loxs (:od will firmly stand on the
they may dwell with me ; he that w:~litcth in a perfect side of the Lord and let his course of action be a sam-
way, hc shall s’rve mc. IIe that \rorl;ct h dcccit shall plc or &ltlitle to help tho\c who arc near to him by
not dwell within my house; he that tcllcth lies shall earthly tics and who arc also under the test. One has
not tarry in my sight. I uill early +stroy all the no excuse or justification for departing from a right-
wiclicd of tile lilll(l, ihal I may cut. 0fEall wiic!;cd doers eous way in order to help somebody who is out of
from the ciiy of the Lord. “-J’N. 101: G-8. the way.
*’ T11c elcrqrv
(7. have bl;~s~~hrmou:,ly s:lid that God aoIt is the small things tllat disclose faithfulnc~s
through Christ is holding out IIIS handi, l)cgKin:: ~nei and unfaithfu1ncs.s. (;otl did not require of Adam the
to come to him, That is a wiclx~d, l~l;~sl~l~cn~ous state- lxrfornrnncc of a jircat task, but lie did require him
nwnt. ‘l’hc quC’sti(Jnk il(Jt, 1low in:llly can the lkvil to bc firm, stcildfast and obcdicnt. God has not re-
get and how many C;IJI I :otl p,!.cat 1 but is, How many quirccl of those follolb III!: Christ Jesus to perform
under tl~c test will st;Illd lirmly 011 tllc sitlr of Jrh~vol~, great tilings, hit lie dots require that ti1c.y rermin
maintain lhcir intrgrily towart (:od, and live? C:ln trW, faithful ant? dcpcndablc. “Norcovcr,
it is rccluircd in stewards, that a man be found fait!l-
the Devil get all JWII on his side ant1 a;::linst ~Jchovah?
ful.” (1 Car. 4: 2) Whatcvcr duty is ;lssi:ncd to one
IIe Wif] 110doubt gc’l the JllWt Of thCJl1, Illit thCrC Will
be many who will mainlain tllc>ir intc9ilg and prove wlio is in a co~nant to cl0 God’s will, that servant
Satan a liar. All the unfaithful shall die, and only the must be faithful in the performance of such assigned
faithful shall liar, l~c~~:uisc~Cr’od g:ivcs life only to the
faithful. llis blessing: is only for those who will r+ s1dehovah has never put his stamp of appro\ral upon
main true and stea(lf;ist. 13ut hc who makes llastc to an ut~fail.l~fu1 IIliLll, nor one wlio is part inlly unfnith-
hc rich in powctr, money, and hc8noramongst men, tllilt ful. God’s rule hll~w~ that faithful men of old were
approved because of their faithfulness; lili~\vi~c tho~:c
he may satisfy his sclfisllnc~s, is on the road to certain
destruction : “A\ faitlrful man sl1:111 al)ound with blcs+
of the royal house and of the great multitude mu\t
ings; but he that makrth haste to be rich shall not be prove faithful and true to 1110 Lord. 111(:od’s organi-
innoccni.. -Prov. 28 : 20. zation men arc selected and scat forth to gil-c aid to
others that they may have a bct.tcr undcr.&~nding of
GUIDE AND WARNING their privilcgcs of serving God and Christ. It id a
28God has caused to be recorded in his Word “cx- small mnttcr for them to do what thcp nw asked to
amphs ’ ’ and “ensamples” of faithfulness and of un- do in the service of the T,ord. The truth is not the
faithfulness, that SW+ may serve as a guide to those product of any man. The truth is the T?\‘ordof God,
who would do right and a warning to those who are who through Christ Jesus teaches his people. The
pursuing the wrong course. (1 Cor. 10 : G-11; 1 Thcsq. Lord gives inicrprctntion to his prophecies and causes
1: 7 ; 2 Thcss. 3: 9 ; Phil. 3: 17) He commands his the same to bc published. It is the boundcn duty of
people to ‘study to show yourself approrcd unto Cod’. those sent to the companios of God’s people, thcrefoie.
(2 Tim. 2: 15) It is vitally essential that WCthus con- to give consideration to what is published by the 1~01 d’s
sidcr the ones who have prccedcd us and rcccivcd organization for ilic aid and comfort of his pcoplc.
God’s approval. Furthermore, this rule may be set If one is sent to a company and he disregards or fail5
down as unchangcablc, to wit: That no man can be to recognize the IYatch Tower publications and the
faithful unless he loves God, and if he 10~s God hc subject matlcr treated in The WVntcl~to~r, and in
will put himself out of the way and be diligent in place and stead thereof substitutes his own pri\-ate
see!ting to know and to do the will of God. interpretation, the course of that man is both lax-it*\-;
2eAdam became unfaithful because he did not love and unfaithful; lawless, bccausc of his failut’c or rc-

fusal to be obedient to organization instructions; un- rector in a company of God’s people, and receives in-
faithful, because of pride and a disposition to exalt structions from the organization of the Lord as to
bimsclf, and hence a failure to safeguard the kin&d%n what are his duties. If hc is faithful and is serving
interests. Men are not sent to the companies to ex- because hc loves God, that servant will gladly be dili-
hibit their o\vn learning and wisdom, nor to cshihi: gent to carry out organization instructionr. The serv-
the learning of any other man. The kingdom is here, ice director may think he is wiser than any other in
and the Lord’s commandment to those in line for tl:e the organization of the Lord, yet that is no cscusc for
kingdom is that they must go and tell these great him to insist on doing things in his own selfish way,
truths to others as a witness to the name of Jehovah. contrary to the instructions he has received. Service
(Xlntt. 24 : 14) Tt is of Cod, his King, his purpose and in the organization is not for the purpose of ennbtirig
his truth that is to be told to the people. As certain as men to shine or show forth their ahitity. The Lord’s
the Lord has caused these truths to be published irl organization must, bc and will bc harmonious and work
The Il’atcAtower the one who fails or refuses to us’: together harmoniously, and the one causing discord
the same and substitutes his own ideas or teachings is ~11 certainly be rcmovcd by the Lord. Thrrefore no
lawless and unfaithful to the duties and obligations one should attempt to lord it over his brcthrcn or to
laid upon him. This does not mcnn that such a servant rule them. The purpose of the servant of God and
must read The N’atclttozccr to the rompallies, but It his work is to aid othrrs, that all in the scrvi~ may
dors mcnn that he will discuss, consider, and clucidntc accomplish the will of God to his honor alit1 glory.
the subject mnttcr that is trcatcd in The Wutchlowcr 85l?aithfulncss also means careful ohsrrvancc and
and try to help the mtrnbcrs of tllc companirs to get diligence in performing assigned duiics. One is somc-
n bcttcr understandin:: thcrcof, that they may all be times heard to say: “I Iovc the T,ord and I am so glad
bcttcr cquippcd for the service of the Lord as com- to be on the Irord’s shlc.” He must be more than that.
mnridcd. IIe must prove his love for God, and ‘this proves
a2If one is placed in a position to rcprescnt the one’s love for God, that he obeys his c,onlrnalldnlcilts
1~~1% Society, his organization on earth, and thcrc- joyfully’. (1 John 5: 3) If a task 01’ duty Of scirvicc
fore to have n pill*t in the T,ortl’s witnr\s work, at~d is assignc(l to that one arld !ic is forgetful, indificrcnt
that person ignores !Flrc I\-fftck tow r and the ins1 rut Wld m~~igc’llt ill the ~JcrforIn2~lCC thPrcUf, SUdl iS
tionq which the Lord givrs thcrcin, and substitutc~~ clearly pl’oof of ullfaithfulJlcss 011 his part. It S:ilO\VS
his own individual idCilS about t hc intcr1)rc+ntion oT hc is not dq,rndahle. It IS not the one who says, t,ctrd,
prophecy, seeking to malic himself appear in the cayci I love you, but the one who dots the J,ord s mill, that
of others 3s 1CilHtd and imliortnnt, that man is utl- proves his fi1ithf11111CS.S. (Mutt. 7 : 21) ‘l’tlc IAJrd has
faithful in giving ott(9ition to am1 lookiri,n ilfl(‘I’ tilcb comrnittc(1 to his pco~)lc his goods or king:,lom intcr-
kingdom interests. Such a pcrsoli ~tncs clearly witliil: csts. Such ilitcrcsts hciti:: cntrustrd to tlicm, the spc-
the rule laid down lay lhc inspire(l Word, to wit: “If cific duty of the servant is to bc ditignt in doing what
any man teach ot ticrwicc, and con!;ciit not to wholc- he is nsG,nncd and to do it as unto the llord, and to
SOJIWwords, corn the words of our Lord Jcsns Christ, make litlO\Vtl to 0ttlelTi that the kiii,q:tlorn is lucre and
and to the doctrine which iq according to gotltillrss, that everything must bc suhscrvicnt to the King and
hc is proud, kimwin:: nothing, hut doting ahout qucs- the kin::dom. Whatever tlw task is, do and perform
tions and strifes of words, wlicrcof comcth envy, strife, it as unto the Ilord. “And WhiltSOCVC!r yc do, do it
railings, evil surrnisiiiqs, pcrvcrsc tliq)utings of men heartily, as to the Lord, and not imto rncn. “-Cal. 3 : 23,
of corrupt minds, and destitute of ttic truth, supposing 3oNo servant of the I,ord can shirk his duty to the
that gain is godliness; from such withdraw thyself.” Lord in order that he might pIcase men. F’aithfulnc~s,u
-1 Tim. 6: 3-5. IIlCanS that One inwt bC kI’W?, COriStant find. WhJll.V dC-
a3If one dots not believe 1%~ II’cltcl~touvr is used voted to God and his kingdom interests rcgardlcs4 of
by the Lord to transmit to his pcoplc the truth, thcu what any men may Ihill!< or say. “Xot wit I1 cycscrvicc,
that one should not attempt to scwc in God’s organi- as men-plrasers; but as the servants of (Xrist, doing
zation. If he dots believe that the Lord uses The the will of God frorn the heart.“-1’:ph. 6 : 6.
Wafchtozccr to dispense his truth to his people, then ar If there is cntrrlsted to one a duty to perform in
in order to bc faithful hc will bc diligent in carrying the Lord’s organization and, in or&r tlut hc might
out the instructions of the oqnnization and will give please some person and have that person to think ~~11
consideration to the subjects that arc set forth in Il’kc of him, he in any rnanlicr compromises or fails to per-
7l’atchtowcc Ally other course tends to confusion and form fuily that duty for this r:ason, he is to that ex-
division, which is both nnlawful and unfaithful on tent unfaithful. If a man us(5 fair sl~~li in eon-
his part. Persisting in foltowinr: his own ways and ncction with his performance of duty to the Lord’s
dcviccs contrary to the rules of God’s organization, organization, and does so in order that he may have
he will in due time bc gathered out from that organ- men’s persons in admiration, he is to that cstcqt un-
izaiion. faithful to the Lord. (-Jude 16) One who maintains
ar A man is assigned to the position of service di. his integrity toward God rnust be for God and 111s
74 rmmLTS, il’. Y.

organization first, last, and all the time, and that with- fresh his body. The very smallest act of unfaithfulucss
out regard to any 1w:;on conncctcd with tbc OIpni- Jesus wou!d not do. In that and other temptations
zation or outside of it. Ilow mw may jutlgc you is of that followed Jews declared himsclr” constant and 11n-
no conscq~~cucc. The Lord’s judgment 1s of suprcmc chanpMe toward God and summed up t11c whf)!e
importance. For that reason the true scrrnnt of C:ud mnttcr by saying: “Jt is written, Thou shalt worship)
is blind to crcrythinrl saw that which is pleasing to the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou xwc’.”
the Lord.-Isa. 42 : 19. (Jlatt. 4: 10) Such must lx the rule of all faithful
3sIf one thinks to treat lightly the small things com- followers of Christ.
mitted to him to do and to perform bwause they are *I To some who have made a covenant to do the will
of small moment, such is a tendency to unfaithfulnci~. of God it may seem a small thing to salute a flag alld
Fidelity to the Lord rcquircs one to exercise great sing Certain songs of fealty to earthly powws. It is
CtilC iIllC1 tll~~IWU~llllC”~S in the peldIU~lllLlIlCC Of dLlty Or emall, but to yield to prwsure and to so salute autl
in diwharging an ohli[:utiou in the Ilord’s orgniza- attribute salvation to any csccpt Jcho~ah Clvd i, an
tioi:, howvcr small it may al)lwnr to 1x2. If you arc ilCt of LulfuitllfLl~IlrsS to G’od. r~lioSC iI a corCll:!I1t With
assipxl to a duty aiid you zay, That is such a small (jot1 Well 1iIlOW that SalWtioIl, scwwity, protwiion ant1
and insif;Iiih!ant m:ittcr 1 Will ll’t SOlnUJI~c eke &I it, blcssi1igs I~rowcd only from clod and his kingdom ail11
such is a ItiCk of ;ll,prwiation of scr\-iti:: the Lc~rd and that tlwrc i5 Ii0 other. To s:llutc flag5 and m(‘n 111cii11s
a lack Of fidelity :lIld f~lithf’lllllt!SS. IIfJIlL%ty alid iIlt(‘g- to attrllJLltc salt iItiOI1 to tlwm, which is lIIli;~itl~llIlI1c~~~~i
rity an(l the disrliarge of obli!:ation or the Iwrform- to Gotl. I)iiriII:: tlic past t\ro years this test has bv(nIi
anec of diltics do nut, ~~uttstittltc tile dc\‘eh~JIn~:Ilt of lJarticLilaI*ly LIlNJIl Jchoval1’s ]WolJlc in C~crni:Iriy. SOillO
character, but such is provin ‘< whet her or not WC llJ\C have filllCI1 LiIItlcr tllc tcsl, wliilc otllcrs ll;l\.C StuoCl trllc
GOd :Illd hiS Or~~~lIliX:lt iOil Or \\h!thcr UC Will IJll!;lSC and firm, l~rcfcrring tosllrh~ im~~I*isuIimcIii, strtl)ts<
eclf or some Ot hcbr CI*~!iltllI~C. If unfaitlil’ul in the SIIl:lll ilnd dL131h I’atllCr thall ttJ l)(h 1lIllrLlC to Got1 iIII(1 his
things it will lx cwiy for OllC to IJC Jlcgligcrlt ;lIId llIl- kh&JIn. Wiry Iraw rhown the wise coI1rw. 1t 14111it-
faithlul in Imllcrs ol yn71lcr importCklicc. “llc thitl tell Of ttlC fi~ithfU1 Incan Of Old WllO StOOd fil’I!I lIll~!c~r
i3 filitlll’lll in tll;kt which is ICilSt, is fxithfnl ills0 in ~~PlW~ll~~fJIl tiI;1t ‘the IVO~IC~\\‘ilS IIOt IVOUtlty oI’ ~IIC~III’ ;
much ; and hc that is wjust jn tlic lw5t, is uI1ji14 and likcwisc it must lJc said that those ~110 to(l,ly \ritlI-
also in muCh.” (ldukc 16: 10) ‘l’he IIIIC for all true StilIl(l pwscrul iOI1 and rcmaill firm, CoIlSt:lllt illltl f;iIlll-
~oliowci~ of Christ Jcwis must bc fidelity in all thing. ful to (;Od, tllc world is Ilot \\ortlip of tllrlll.
3U 111 this tiInc of jLl~lr!IncItt tlw. test is now Up~ll ‘? The &ii1 brought to bc.ir upon C’lrrkt .JC,SUS all
IlUIIlall CITilt IlH’S alld is, \\‘I10 will St;!lltl 011 IIIC JAJld’S of his crLlc&l IIII~ wiclrcd a!:cw4cs to CillIq(: tI~~\~ls to
side ag:;iikit all ol~l~osition 8 Tll(! filil Ir I’ll1 t t1~~~CfOI~C cease IJwring the mCS?iixC of his IGtlIvI~ to III(~II. .Jc~~,IIs
must hC ~OIlSlilllt illld LIIICllall~~C’;tlJlC, ill\\ayS SllOU ing stood firm and inimowl~lc, ;11\kays rcmniIiiIla I;iithful.
Ull~hgiillICC and dcvOtioI1 t0 (-:Otl. l’lle Clll(‘StiOIl WIS [!llt Charged with xdition alld trcilsOI1, c~JIldCI!llI~Yl u 11h-
squarely uj) to ~loscs, ;III~ t11c record of his conrw of out any cvidww., 1112ws hcnt to an ignomIIior1s clkb.ltii
action is madc for the l)ui’posc of sliwving what is !11c by the political rulers in order to aplwaw 111~ l~lou~~-
correct course for one to t;Ilic alid l)lcasc God. Itavin:: thirsty clergy who wcw wtilig as tlic I)c\ il ‘b viillJlc:
~JCCII rcarcd in the YOyill family Of 132) IJt, ~IOSCS could agents. Jesus rcmaincd true i\lttl stcxlfnst, awl thc~rc-
have rcceircd all ihc 1lOllors alId l)lalldits that mC11 fore Cod gave to him tllc title “Tllc E’aitlii’ul illlll
might lJ(SlO\v LilNHl ~lIIOtll~!r. TO rCCCi\C SLlCh l1C mlISt True ’ ‘. Jc,us warns his followers that tlIt)y 111mt I),>
bC uI~faithf~~1 (iod ;Illd to 11;~~)co~)!c.‘I’lIC ~TC~PCI\~S subjected to similar lwrsccrition.
t0 (John 1:: I!‘, AJ)
WClT tllC! ChOWI l)(‘OplC Of (;Od iII1d l\CI’C g:l’Catly in God permits such Wi~lXY.1ywecLltiolts to bc carricvi
disrcputr amongst men, and because tlwy wrc God’s forward by tlIe Ikvil LIntI his time end\, iUi(l tlli-;
people they suffcrcd at the hands of Satan and his affords to man an opportunity to prove his intcgl*il>
agents. NGSCSchose to share the afllic*tions that came and to prow the Devil a liaI> and to have a pa1 t in tl~c
up011 ilk fCllOW ~hbrWS IYlthCr than t0 enjoy the vindication of God’s name. \\‘hilc his cownnnt lwq)ic
riches of the great world polvcr. TIC llad faith in Clod are passing through thrsc twrihlc trials Jehol-nh wn-
and maintained his integrity. ( TTc~J.11: 24-26) MOWS tinues to say to them: ‘Clod pwxwth the faithful.’
was a type of the J,ortl JCSUSChrist. Blows and his (Ps. 31 : 23) The unfaithful shall perish.
faithful fellows refuwl to yield to the Tkil, but re- IS The hour of most crucial test is now ~1~011 111c JJeO-
mainxl sfcaclfaqt and true and rcrcivcd the approval plc Of God l~crausc Satan kilo\\-s that his time is short
of Cod. (II&. 11: 32-39) Thus the rule is defiuitcly until tlx final showdown. The unfaithful \\ ill com-
fiscd. proInisc and sitle-step the issue. mc tmc and f’aithl’ul
4oWhen Jcsns bcpnn to perform his covenant the will remain constant, firm illId immovable, rcqrtlle.+
first thing tlx Ikvil il~d was to attempt to caL~sc Jesus Of what men may do unto them. m2~vill Ilot I’C,IV
to ~JC unfaithful to Jcho~ah. IIungq- and faint after man, ~110 can only kill them, but tlicir icar is of (:1)~1.
a fast of forty days, it might seem lo br a small thing who is able to clcstroy tllctir \ cry esistcnw. ‘1’1:~y c 111
for J~TLLY to use his pan-cr to make some food to re- not deny ihe. l,ord nor fors:Ac his orgnrliz;1tiOII, 11r.t
b.Cnscr~ 1, 1936

remain faithful and true and receive his approval. walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my
(Watt. 10: 26-35) To those on the Lord’s side, and brethren and companions’ sakes, I will 110~ say, Peace
thcrcfore in the covenant with the Lord, Jesus says: be within thee. Because of the house of the Lord our
“Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer; God I will seek thy good.” (1’s. 122: 7-9) The true
behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prisoII, and faithful will maintain their integrity, and there-
that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation fore will 110~ stand shoulder to shoulder, fighting for
ten days; be thou faithful unto death, and I will give the good news of the kingdom and looking out for and
thee a crown of lift.“-Rev. 2 : 10. safeguarding the interests of the kingdom, continuing
44This does not mean that one must merely believe loyal and faithful each to the others who are loyal to
on God and Christ Jesus and continue so to believe God, and thus will continue to do unto the very end.
until death overtaltcs him. It means that the faithful They will ‘never for a moment quail before their
followers of Christ Jesus will, by his grace, remain antagonists’, but will bravely and firmly and courage-
true and constant, giving unto God and Christ full ously stand for the Lord. Their ‘fcarlcssncss will 110~
and complete allegiance, constant, immovable and un- serve as a sure token to the enemy of tlic enemy’s im-
breakable love, and thus they will remain cvcn as they pending destruction’, and to the faithful ‘tltcir fear-
go down into death. They will be faithful unto God lessncss will IN to them a sure tOliCII of salvation from
and his kingdom when everythiug is serene, and God ! ‘-Phil. 1: 28,29.
faithful when opposed in service by many, and will ” Jehovah has given his Word that he will preserve
carry on to the end. They will be faithful in the midst those who maintain their integrity toward him. ‘Faith-
of tribulation and pcrsccution, refusing to yield to the ful is hc who has promised, and he will do it.’ (1 Thc\s.
devilish influcncc and refuse to compromise with any 5: 21) Faithful is he who has called you, and he will
part. of Satan’s organization. They will steadfastly accomplisli his purl)osc and will vindicate his holy
maintain their integrity even with the very last breath. name and will give his faithful ones a part in the
Men have died faithful to each other for an unright- vindication thereof.
eous caux. 110~ much greater the privilege of dying
faithful unto God and in his righteous cause! QUESTIONIJ FOR STUDY
0- 1.2.
, TVh:lt does Jchovnh rwuire of throb nhom he make-s
45The faithful and true follower of Christ Jesus, membrrs of his royal I~o’uucf Identify the fnther, 1110
who will ultimately bc in God’s royal house, will give mother, and the! xon, mrntloncd in Proverbs G: 20. \\‘hy
are lt~c~y80 deslgnntrttl
all diligcncc to ‘keep his Father’s commnndmcnts’ and - ,
will bc careful to ‘forsake not the law of God’s or HOW 011tymily one bt! i&l
Ad fLthfu1 to~JdGd~1
ganization’. Because such love God and his law noth. (I 5-i’. \Vtwt of J~lwvd14
IR the law and \\hnt in nwnnt by its
bciuC ptvJrct? Whnt iq the mcnaniag of l’h:~trn 40: 61 Ap
ing will cause them to lxrome offended and to turn ply l’rI~t!n 1: 1, 2, tog:rthcar with I’saIm 37: 30, 31.
away from Cod’s o~pl~liztition and the sen-ice thcrcof. 7 8. Ittustratc tho retnlic~u~hip between the “commonclment”
Any part of the khtgdom intcrcsts that is cntruoted and thr “ lnw ” of .Jc~howh.
t 9. Whnt in mcnnt by ‘ t:tkrng the name of God in valn’l
to such, bc it ever so sm:!lI, that kingdom inter& will nnd what is the outrome of such roursc of action?
bc carefully ~~fcguardcd, looked after, pro&ted, end ll 10-12. To whom and for nhnm does Jc~hovnh cive the em-
the duty and obli;7ntion in eonncction thcrcwitli will phutic comrnnndmcnt reco~tterl nt Exottuv 20: :iO Point out
the innportnncc of a clear undcratandmg of th:rt comm:1ncl-
be honestly pcrformcd and discharged. IYo deviation ment Gt this time.
from faithful performance of duty will be tolerated q 33-16. Show the Importunce nom of R corrert unttcrstnml~ng
or pcrmittcd; no putting on of the soft pedal in order and cnrcful npptirntion of Proverbs 6: 20 nntl 3: 5, 6. Aho
of Pw:dnr 111: 10 and Proverbs G: 23, 8: 1:: :d 13: 14.
to plcasc men or lo receive the good wishes of men ; For \rh:rt eltuntion is Proverbs 1: 2X. 23. 25, 26 proud1~tl3
no compromise with the Devil or any part of his or- 7 17-19. From whom, nnd how, do the Imd ‘B &pie rcccI\o
ganization. Fidelity in tile pcrformnncc of all duty, their al’iritual food? \Vhat 19 to be done with ttw instruc-
tion and tho reproof prwidcd by the Lord from 111s\Vor<l
constancy and uncllangcablencss, true and immovable, through his appointed earthly matrumcnt:My? \Vhnt is
will be their course of conduct. the outcorue of one’s course of action in this rq:ird?
q 20,21. \\‘hot do the Scriptures show ns to the prolwr pro-
46God says that he ‘hates that which sows discord wdure even in the f:\w of injustiw sul~pose~l or nctud?
amongst the brethren’. Any who insist on murmuring 7 22,23. Apply the Scriptural anrning ngnlnst Itlolntry. llow
and complaining against God’s organization, and who dots the record concerning Lucifer bcrve to instrurt and
warn 0thcrsT
insist on malkiIlg after their own selfish desires, arc q 24-27. Point out other scriptures that also emphxsizo the
causing discord amongst the brethren. (Prov. 6 : 16-19 ; nnchnngeal~leness of the rule nnnouncctl in L)cuteronorny
Jude 16) Those who cause offcnsc and act in a law- 7: 9, IO. Show whether the clergy lurvo understood J&J-
vnh’s purpose concrrnlng mnnkind.
less manner, the Lord will gather out and cast into ll 28. With scrintures. show thut lhe Clblc record of “cxum-
outer darkness. This he has already shown in his dcal- pies” and i ‘ encjmples ’ ’ of falthfulncss nnit unfalthful-
ing with certain OIICS. The sons of God who receive his ness is more than history. Whst unchangc:~ble rule is here
again et-n?
approval must dwell together in peace and must avdid q 29, 30. Illustrate the possibility of mistaking selfish dcswe
strife. (Psalm 133) The throne of the Greater David for low. \S’hat is the proof of real love for Godt
is set, and judgment is now in progress, aud those of q 31-34. IVhnt IS the proper attitude, and procedure, for those
who arc sent by the Society to the compnnws of God’s
the house of the Lord will say: “Peace be within thy people,in view of 010purposefor wllicli they are acnt?
7G mooIurs, s. T.

Also, for those usaipxl to the position of eompnq)r sew’- test rind set thp txtmple for his faithful follovcrst
ice director? q 41, 42. Esplam v;lethcr faithfulness to God is nll‘ccted hv
q 35. Explain whether low for the Lord and king on the saluting flags or men or by singq songs of fealty tb
Lord’~ side constitute faithfulness. earrhly poncrs. \Vh:tt Instructlou 1n tlus regard 1s seen
7 BG, 37. Apl)ly Ephcslans I?: G. in Jesus course nnd csperienwal
h 35. 110~ dots one’s attlturle toward small things indicate his lj 43,41. Apply Xcvelntiun 2: 10. 11 hp is the correct under-
foitllfulnes~ or Inch thereofa 110~ has Jesus expressed stunlllnr: thcrcof now so impor t-lnt 3
this mnttcl$ C 45-J;. \Yhat mill now be the posdmn maintained and the
7 39, 40. Wlknt is the test now upon human creatures? llow cnursc of prowdurc of nU who mill ultunatcly be In Je-
did &foses meet that trst’l Horn dd Jesus also meet that hwd1’8 ruyal 11ouset


ODA‘F’ the earth stems to have forgotten Jcho- Jehovah, through his prophet, foretolcl this condi-
vah God. Traly Ihe words of the pvahist aptJIy lion that w(I now see csisting in tlic world. Conccrniii~~
now conwl77irig the agents Of Yilt~lll \\llO IJW- ihis time it is wit tclii: ’ ’ For among my [ professetl 1
tend to bc C%rbAiiuls : “ c:Od is lid ill all his tll(Jur::hts.” people arc found \;iclxtl men [ clcr~ymcn ~110 prctentl
(Ps. 10: 4) Ajt lhc prlhcnl timo human poiioics, IiU- to rcprcscnt God and act in fact reproach his nninc] :
xt:an greed, and Iwiitioii of IJO\: et- and wcnlth have tticy lay wait, as hc that scltclli stiarc(i: they set. a frap,
brought their harvcbt to the flili. .It lhc! pri3cnt time, thy ci:tC’ll men [they inveixlc mc’n into their organi-
thOugIl thrrc is IllUcll profcsicll illnOll~St SO-C:l!l~Y! z::twir r~zardlc:;s of Y;tiVtlwr Ilicy tiavc any faith iii
“ ChiGt im ” cominulliti~s, tllc lt~w$its Of the lwOt)lc (:Ott 01' IJot]. ~i‘i il Cilf!,? is fUl1 Of’ bird;;, SO ;iI’L’ their
composing “or:::;lllized Chri:;ii:~llity” arc far frwn houses ~or~anizatwns] full ot’ dcctit : tlicrcfore they
Cod. Not Ollly iJ1'C tlioir thOlI~~ll1S rrmovcd from GOd, [hc Ci('t'q', ttll: le:l&'l'S illi~t I)l.ill(.i[,:i~ Otic'S cd their

but such liylbocrisy is plxdiWt1 Openly in 1he 11aInc flock] arl! tJWolnC gWt, and wawn rich. They arc
Of the Lord 1hai It casts rcflcction ut~on his n:inw, waxctl fat, they shilic: yea, Ihcy ovrrpnss Ihc deeds
which m&s it nuw nrcrssary for t hc 120r(l to ilcsl L’(J)’ Of tllC \\‘l?kWl [tlley witil; ilt ttlC Wiclicd dWd.5 Of put i-
the organization Of the car111 cl c’n as hc dtstro~wl ttlc t ici;ill\ atIc1 I;i;; Ililxlni5~ ilS wet t as 1how of the pr(2( h-
world Or \vklicd organizafion ifi 1he gl*c~:it Iluod of CW] : ttll~~ jutl:c llot ~ri~llllY~~lSly] tile VilIISC, ttlc Callhc
Koah’s dny. TllC Iattl~r arc I~l~;~Ily tllc ‘clcstr’o,wrs c,f OE 1tic l’;~tt~crtcss, yc4 1ti(sy l)iw;t)cr : an(l tlic riglIt of Ihc
the earth’, as ~JOSII\ wllcd them. (Rev. 13 : I$) J’eoplc needy do tlicy not ju(t*bo” ; ttlc IJCOIJtC l1f.d ttlc tpdl,

are much to htarnc t’ur their lack of I;~~wlcd~~~ of .Jc- but 1ll(s,v do iiot give it IO tlwm; they 110 not t)ropcrt>
hovah. They have 11ad t!le ~t~~~OI'tllility to I’ollo~v the ilIld ll~tllCYjU~it~ wi&lc~ \Vll;lt ltlC 1)Wt)lC IlCCd. Ttl?)

leachings of Jcllov;~h rather ttlun of the \vi~lic~l O~C E&l llwnl 011 politics, “wicllcc” so wllcd, illld Oltlcl*
and his cartlily lcacl~~rs, but their greed and sctli:A~nw3 like I)] o\ isions. Ttlc l,od t bus tlcwritws the ~n~scr:lblc
haV0 made tticm forg:ct God. Tllc CO111’SC of illl~~i~bllt condi t iCJl1 of “oq.yllizd Christ iaiiity” Of ttlc t”k :cnt
Egypt foretells the course of Ittc. whole world. In time. i\‘c-vcr l~cforc ws tl1c.w such hJ powihy ~~ructiccd
former times li:zypt alone was involved, hnt now ttio iI tllC 11:1111~! Of tllC LOl.(l. ‘I’tleIl (:Ud C;lllSCd hi:< ])rOtIllPt
\vhok world is illVOtVCd. T(Jlhy !tlC tJoor ilrc 01)lj~'cSSC~ to say furlhcr: “%:ltl I IlOL YiSlt for ttlCSc ttlillp,S1

by those in authority. The rcxllgious tcachcrs have with file Lord : shall not my soul IJC :tvr~t’:c*cl 011 swl1
frightened many of the pcoplc ilnd burdcnc>cl them a nation as Ihis? A wol:dcrful illltl ImtTitJlc thin: is
with the nigh~marc of eternal torment, while others committccl in tlic land [‘Cftirislcndom’, or ‘Oqanizcd
have been so thoroughly disgustctl will1 their rcligiun Uirist ianit\- ‘1 ; Ihc protAMs [ cltrgy] pro;)licsy l‘alsc-
that they have turned cntircly away from God. ly, and Ihc priests [those who have rcspondc~d to God's
Satan’s visible organization, mndc up of the wli- Cdl id tLavC bccll ill hc for his lY)yd 1JIi~~~ftllm~]
gious, commercial and political clcments, is rcfcwcd to bear rule 1~2’ their means; and my [Iwofcsscd] 1)coplc
in the Scriptures under the symbol of a wild Iwnst. love to have it so: ant1 what will yc do in Ihe end
Many of the ~~cople, cithcr by coercion or IJ~ choice, thcrcof ‘2”-Jcr. 5 : 26-31.
have “the mark of Ihc beast” (l&x. 13: 1G) in this, God &claws through his prol)het Jcrcmiah his pur-
that they mentally and actively sul)port the lkvil’s pose to visit “or~atiizcd Christianity” with a time of
organization. Thcrc arc nliilions Of l~coplc in so-wltc,d trouhlc such as man has newr known. God wilt not
“organized Chri\tlnnity” who v ink ct the evil deeds t&c Itiis aclion, howewr, williout giving clue notice.
and hypocritical ~Jl’~~~i~cs of “Or~anizcd Christian- The time for her\ in;: such nolicq or for llic tc5tiniOny
ity”. Bhlly other millions arc held in sUb,jCcti9il by to hc given, he indicates must bc sholtly prcccding t tie
fKlr. They claim to be the people of ttic I>ord; fJll+., by great t roublc.
their COurse of action in tither q)enly or kitly ill)- To acwmplish his work in giving such notice God
proving the conduct of the lcatl~~rs who reproach God, must have soriw instrument or s0mc prsotis to 1)~ Iii3
they prow thcmselvcs to be only profcsscd people of witnc+w. The work cwrcsponds to that wllkh 11:)s
God, and nut his pcO~>lc in fact. done by 3IOscS \vhcll appearilig bcforlt Pllil~~lOll c:r'
MAFxrr 1, 193G 77

Egypt. The people are kept in ignorance and op- \vork to do, and these members of his body must par-
prcwd, and now the Lord will take action. At this ticipate in the work bcrausc they form a part of tlm
time Cod has not raised up an individual to do his “Swullt” . As Jesus declared that he came into the
work, but he has raised up a company of faithful fol- world to bear witness to the truth, even so mu\t the
lowers of Christ Jesus, whom he names hrs “servant “. anointed members of his body bear witness to the
Those who go to malie up tllis “scrrant” arc the ones truth. The commission given to those anointed ones
found faithful and approved by the Lord at the time supports this conclusion. The statcmcnt of the au-
.of coming to his temple, and to such he has committed thority Set OUL iI1 that COnlmisSiOn IrJpliCS t0 all Who
the work of giGn<; the testimony; and God commis- arc the anointed of the Lord and who arc brow@ un-
sioned them thus to do. der the robe of rightcousncss.
The people taken out for the name of Jehovah must Cc it noted that the commission received by rcayon
he the ones whom hc uses awl will use to inform the of tllc anointing provides that the “servant” must
rulers and the pcoplc conccrniii:: his pnrposcs. IIaving ‘preach good tidings unto the mrclr \or teachable] ;
conic to ision, and having built it up and brought his bin<1 up the brolrcn-hcartcd ; proclaim liberty to the
appi*ovrd ones into the tcmplc condition, the I,ord in- captives, and the 01)ciling of the prison to them that
forms tlwm that tlicrr is a work for them to do, and are 1~01md;proclaim the accq~tal~lc y(‘nr of the lx’rd,
that such work ww,ists i11 giving testimony to the illld the day of wn~;rwlrc 01 our (:otl ; and COmr(Jl?.
nzmc of Jc~liovuh (lad and in s1)c;llting forth hi9 pur- all 111x1mourn’. (IYI. 61: I,?) Tli;it com~llisSiw1 is
J~oscswwcrniil:: tllc wicitc(l organization and his pur- broad and colnprel:~wsiw, but is cwii more sprc’ificnily
1JoS 5. COl:CCrIlill~~
. th p20tJlC. dclinctl l)y other prophwics of tlic Lord. Siiicc tlic rwrn-
1t fOllO\YSthat tl~c)x(~
Who arc till;Cn Out t0 lJc:lr tcsti- niis!iuu >\1)plicsto th(* Cilt ire C’lli*ist, 1hcl.c nlu\t bc :i
time when C!h&t will wusc a tcstimoiiy to 1,~ gtvc~il
coticctwing Cod’s wn~wncc. It is ccrtnin that the
~I’I~~I’:L~cc~ of Ciod is to bc miulif(~st ny.;:itl:;t the c~ncnry
ol~~::!ii~z;~tion,and the IJ~I’~OSC of the lcstimony COII-
ceiwinf thr snmc is to give not ire to 111~9, lwth rii!c~rs
ant1 th(a pwplo, in or(lcr th:tt 111vyin:~y Il:lvc an Oj)por-
twlity to kr~ow thlt J~~~KJwII it; tllc .4lmir~llty (:o,l, :IJI~~
‘m! sclwlnt lnclltiollcYl by th:1t prophc:t is C’l1rkt tO Q’[J?J’iltC th~hIIIWIVW l’rOll1 tll? c’Jl(‘lIly O~~~~lliZ~~tiOll

rl~.~us,u1)on whom the I.OI:D 1jut his s1)irit al’tcr his bcfoI’C th! &StrUCt tllWNf (‘OIIlCS tO ]‘;lSS.

IJ:ll)tim in tlic .lo:daii riwr. “Cllirist” mcaii~ tllc It ws ill the yew 1311 that the Lord Jcsu9 rc’wi~l
anointctl, and t1l(~r<~l’orc 311 \1;110 ilr0 blWUgS)lt illto tile his Iiill::~lom and I)~;:;111 to cwrcisc llis royal II~J\V( 1’.
body of Christ :~iitl rrwiw 11~ ailointiti:: of t11(~ Iluiy ,ll’tcr casting S;rlnil OUt of ltc:1wn, t Iic IlOrd came to
spirit, alld arc llwt~~by mntlc I)~lrtilkCI3 Of t!hri\t, hcb- his tcW1,lc and coii~mi~uiolicd his filltllf~ll scrv:iiils.
wmc a part of that scrrant. For iii his illspired Itatter ‘l’lii:; 14slw~n 1J.v11;sovx wot~ls in t IIC p:~ralJlc ol’ tiw
to the Galatiniis, tilt* npostlr l’aul says to tlic Cl11is- ]‘Oll”‘h a11rl of tllc ta1onts. (Miltt. 13.3: 11-30; l,uks
tiatis : “NOW tO :~tJIYlllllm nlld Ilki SWd WL’I’C the prOIll- 19: 11-27) It is to tli;it ap1~ro~cd c’O~~ip;liq-, t~rou~llt.
iws m.Gk. 1Ic [Jehovah Got1 J s;lith . . . And to thy into t hc tcmplc, that t tic* liord commits all his kin::-
srctl, which is CJlirist. For i!S IllilUy of YOU us llnvc been dom interests on c;~rlli. C~onccl~iiin~such the gr(qt
b:Lptizecl into C’lt1i\t have put on Christ. TJwc is l’l0pl1~1 JCSIIS hinw~lf silitl: “Tll~~~forc be yc :~lso
neither Jew nor C;~wlr, there is ncithcr bond nor free, ready: for in such ail Iwur as yc think not, the :+JU
IhCrC is noithcr IIlillC nor i’cllld~: for ;vC al.0 all Ollc ill of man wmcth. M’ho th is a faithlul and wise srw-
Christ Jesus. And if yc be C!hrist’s, then arc yc Abra- ant, whom his Lord hut11 In&c rulrr Over his house-
lliIJIl’8 seed, and heirs according to the promise” of hold, to give them Inrat in due season? 13lcssc~lis tll:lt
Jehovah God. (Gal. 3: 16, 27-29) When, in the year servant, whom his lord, wlicn lit comc~tli,shall find SO
3918 (AD.), tho Lord Jews came to his spiritcal doing. ~7\TcrilyI say unto you, that ho shall make him
tcmplo and took an account with his servants aud rulrr over all his goods.“--3tiltt. 24: U-47.
fowld some who had l~ecn faithful, he approved the It is this scrrant cln~ that the Lord makes “ruler
faithful ones. Thcsc are s11onn in the prolJhecy Of over many things”, accordin,? to tlic picture given in
Isaiah as being brought under the robe of rightcous-
IWS and being given the garments of salvation. (Isa. the payable of t11c tslcnts. (31att. 25: 21) It is this
61: 10) The “garments of salwtion” idcntifv such as CklSS \\hOJll the hid (:C,d hS td;W (Jut ;lS “3 IWO]‘k

mcmbcrs of the “wrvant” of the Most Iligh, ~vhile for his name”, and since they arc taken Out “for his
“the robe of rightcousncss” shows them as approved nnJnC “, their work mUst of IlCCCSSity be that of giving
servants of t.hc LOIS. testimony to his name. This is the class dcscribcd 1~5
The anointing of the holy spirit is the commission the disciple Jnmcs at the convention in Jcrusnlcm. IIis
-9 -..-I 1 1~ 1 . ‘1 “71 vr.3

The faithful class on earth, the people taken out eth !” It is this faithful servant class that constitutes
for Cod’s name, constitute, figuratively speaking, the God’s watchmen. They watch the unfolding of proph-
“feet” of Jesus Christ, bccausc they arc the last mcm- ecirs; and, watching, they ascertain God’s will, and
bers of his body on earth. It becomesthe privilege of tell one another what they see,and also tell others who
su$h to be Cod’s special witnesses. This is exactly in have the dcsirc to hear; and this is exactly in accord
accord with the prophecy of Isaiah (52: ‘7) which with the words of the prophet: “Thy watchmml shall
states : “How beautiful upon the mountains are the lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they
feet of hijn that bring&h good tidings, that publishcth sing ; for they shall see eye to cyc, when the Lord shall
peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that pub- bring again Zion.” (Isa. 52: 8) By reason of the
lisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God rcign- lightning of divine truth flashinp from Jehovah Cod
eth ! ’ ’ upon Jesus the IIead of the temple class, tht mcmbcrs
This is the class that specially testifies to the fact of the temple class are cnlightcncd and Cod’s Word is
that the nation or kingdom of the Lord is born or bc- illuminaled, and they sre the truth exactly in llnrmony
gun, and that Cod through Christ Jesus has begun his with one another; and together they joyfully give
reign. Thcly who arc members of Zion, which is God’s testimony by siuging the praises of Jehovah God and
organization, say to one another: “Thy God reibm- his liingdom.


JEHOVAH’S RLESSINC MANIFEST nnd WCknow \\c lutvc plrnty of provisions aa long as th”y have it.
DfXll ~RO’l’IIE.IL ~~~WIhI:I~r)l:l,: \Vc apprcrixtc lcry mu~li all tllnt you ha\12 cl~~rr~-t’or us.
At the annual mcrling of the Sydney [N.H.W., Au9tmlia] and I have not writtvu you about it, srmply ~cc:~us~~ I C(*lt that
company it was d~xidetl to convey to you our lo\c and assure your tune 13 wry precwus and wh:rt I may 32:lywould not be
you that the corn1,nny 13 ~~llolly with you in your Ic~rt~lrrRlt~pIn of nnv value to vou
the earthly part of .Jchoval~‘8 olganleatlon and thxt we are nll l!ui when th~‘la31 lcttcr came to my hands, th:Lt the 13ethel
dctcrminc~l to continue 1n tllcs great fi[;ht come what may, fan111phad a[:~c<-~lto take a re~lul-tlrm In thrlr :tllowxn~, ~rh:ct-
It alto tlcci~letl that R rc’pnrt of the work for the year just cvcr this may be, fnr our brncfit, or, ~1 other wor~l~, to klllq>
closed bo scant to you. tht: Lord ‘3 antk going In the ficltl, I could not \~~thhold ex-
In the Rtalemcnt attnchcd the figures for the years l!X, I’reQsing our fcc~l~ul;s,
3934 and ID::5 are dlown RICIPby Hide, rind in the fourLit column (iire the fatr~lly our dccpcst npprrcintion.
ie givru the incrcasc of 702~ over 1031. The l’lrsuinfi of tllo \Vo are ju.st as willing to glvo the retluctioii that is allow<d
Lord wns upon our rflorl.9 and, by his grace, \\c were able to us to go to somo olhcr l~~onp~‘rthnt 13 necthng it worse tlrnu me.
plnre in 37,7i7 hours W,!)OH piccen of litrratulr. lIour3 ,:I t111: Yours by hi9 grace,
licld were nearly 11,000 more ~II:HI *n 1X! i, anql tllc Illeraturc 0. G. sIIAwVFK
plncc~l iucrctnscd by 40,217 !‘“eccs. The transcription wurk is IV. G. sr,awYJ:;c
gathering momentum, nncl ho (:re:it is II:0 lntclrst ahown that Gt:.~ce SIrawvkG, Pconcma.
it will reclulrc real hard work to attend to it.
The ll’nlchfowers on “‘l’hc Grcnt Multitude” spurrct! us on
with n desire to nccornpllsh thc work quicklp so that the !~col,lc ONLY JEIIOVAII IS ABLE
of good WI! may q~c~d~ly be npprisrd of the Kmgtloui. E\e* DEAR %KJTIIFX Rr!‘rlrnr,~0~ :
ning work ~lth the phonographs 13 olxning the way for tlam \\‘o \\i.ih to c~sprcseto you our appreciation of your k1n11fa-
scription mc\etmgs. I’artxs uf lmbllshers work two by tso, and vor extrndotl to the pioneers in Sour recent I~~ttc~r.\vl~i~l~ wo
whcro interest 13 shown phono~rnph lccturrs arc given. Qucs- rcrcivctl with IArdor, Noverr,hcr 1 WSUP. Only a (io~l IIke
tions aro invltcxl aud, instead of spending too much tmle an- Jehovah God is able to strcngthrn and mukc gl.111the hc:trts
swering the questiona, it is suggested thnt further lccturcs he of 1113people. Jlow Ma tlmnk him for 1113!0\1I1~!~l~unl1~s9 rtutl
given on a second visit. This 1~3~3s tho way for transcrtption those ah0 pcrmlt him to ur,e them to prelxUc am1 lbut into uur
lectures. hearts the wvon~lrrful IIICYII~~, that all the world may know tlrxt
Everything possible i,9 done to get the Jonndabs into tho hc, .Jehor:th God, is the ouly true Cod, and nith lou an11your
work, and in the year there -was an incrraae of 71 publishers nc\cr cl,asing ell’orts to fcctl 111ssllcep, we may be faltlrful
toporting. Each special cnmpalgn a quota form is sent out 50 colnborers in lhc vimllcatlon of .J~*hovah‘3 name.
that every public&r may fitnte whnt days, the time of day ThankIng you for your love am1 ardent labor for all of
and the tota! hours ho IIOJIW to 8!Wnd in the field. All tile in- God’s true peo~~le,we send to you our C’hri$tian love, pr:?y~n::
tercstcd are e~stcmati~lly called upon nnd given an oppor- always Uod’s protection am1 nontlrrful strenr$h to cont~nnc on.
tunity to share in the work. BI:CJTIIERAICD SISTER \Vbr. C. BAI:BEE, I’tohecrs.
TVo are grateful to Jehovah for his manifest blessing and
for the dIrection we rccelvc In the work through the Watch-
tower and other means. nIny the Lord continue to bless you LIGHT SHINING BRIGHTLY
as you boldly declare his purposes. DEAR B~OTIIER R~TLIEI:FORLJ :
1 want to esplcss my hcartielt apprccintion to you, and to
the Society, for the wontleriul arranjieruent just mzult*, as nc,trd
WILLING TO PASS BENEFIT ON from your letter of Nowmlrrr 5, Fcnt to all !,ioncera, to l~lp
DEAR BIIOTIIER RUTLIEI:FOP.D : them to continue in the field sr~~ze.
Your letter to the pioneers, dated November 5, is at hand It is so nottr,cablc how brightly the light is shimn): upon
and contents noted. Zion the last few years, as our 7enl 13 inrr62slnc, and iuipruvc-
With drep npprcciation we acknowledge that letter. We the mcnts to Iien~lqunrters to hnndlc present prul)lrn:s of ser\l~ e
pioneers here in our hunch have been making it very nicely. aro also incrc:is,lng, to such an astontshing drqx thnt \\c
Wo havo no reason to complain or to feel that we were having pioneers can hn~dly keep u!‘, I:EJOJCIKC!
a hard time yet. May Jthovnh’s stlenpth, gu~d:c~e, protectIon an81 love con-
Our method is this: Our friends at Nt. Lookout are all about tinue to keep you fxthF‘u1 unto the end, UI mv player.
of one family. They grow plenty of truck on the farm to keep Hojoicing in the prlv&ge of a part in 11:s P+‘I\ate, I am
UE going. Every once in a nlnle they bring us a small trurk- Yours in Ills eervlee by his grace,
load of such things a8 wo are ncedmg. That kee!)s us going, T. R. WXKS, Ymtoer.
DE.\I: Bsrcrrzr~ ~?U’lIIhr.~OI:D:
Tour letter of Sorcrulx~ 5 received, md I &sire to esprcss
my sincere gmtitudc for the further efiort on the part of the
drnr l~ethe) ianlily to co-operate with the lxuneers in sljrwdlng
the kzn2dom znrssxge ftnr the rindicntiw uf Jclw~:111 ‘s nerd
and nnmr. I am sure tlrls me3ns a red xicrifice t? thrm; but,
drnr I~1othcr, zt means life to the anointetl, as I know that is
wlmt the sezv~cc zzwdns to me. Ku SacIlJJcc s~em.3 too g:lcat
when it fires us the privilege of sharing iu the vindu::ltwn of
Jehu~dt < ‘s zzwz10‘
It ~111s for r&l effort to keep going in the service thcrc days,
but rbhcn wc hew of the experiences of the pzonecrs in forcqu
lumls our hardships ure nothing.
My joy and stzczlxth is in our grrat Jehovah and the pwrcr
c,f 111~ might, and 1 pr:tisc and thank him ior all hzs nw ,010~s
I’h~:tsc convey my lo\0 and apprcciatiozt to the dcur I~ctlii4
family for their adsistnncc; anti praying the Lozd’s rontznucd
favor and blcsslng upon >ou, d(s:rr Lrotllc~r, I rcw:iin
YOUIS for Jcho\ah and his \‘lmlze:ltor,
bIS:S. bLLIA,Y til’Yl-iRY, f’lOtltC7.



L)L,\lt ~l:OTlIER ~~I.TI1F.HFOI:I):
\Vc rcceiwd your letter of lio~entbcr 5, mrittcn to the pio-
Mny nc cxprers 0u1 dwp nJ)J)rcciatiun for the unrclfi4t rltti-
tuqlc mnnzfrsted Ly the Bethel family to usslst the pioueers to
‘lwh on iu tlrc \\ork’.
The good news of the kingdom of Tehovahis broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current local time Is shown CUDA Quincy WTAD Su 9 : 15am NORTH CAROLISA
3 each Instance.] CaibarienCJIIID Su 2:3Opm We 2:3Opm Asheville WWNC Th 1: 30pm
Spanish Su 12:00 nn Tuscoln WDZ Su 9 :33nm Greensboro WBIG Su 10:40am
ARGENTINA Camaguey C1I.W Su 11:3Oaru Su 11:55am Su 1:50pm
BahiaBl:;ncn LU:! 1V’e 10 :OOpm Havana CaIQ NORTH DAKOTA
INDIANA G’d Forks KFJBI Su 2:30pm
Buenoshirea LHZ Su ll:OClam Spnnish Su 5 : 30pm Indianap’s \VIRE Su 10:OOam
Chaco LT5 Su 10 :4Z:m SnntaCl’n CNJLI Su 31:l~:w1 Su 4:OOpm MU ?:%pm
LV2 Th 7 : l.-lpm (1st and 3d Sundays) Su 4:OOpm Su 7:OOpm
Cordoba OHZO
Los Antics, San .Ju:un Spnnlsh Su 11 :IJO:lm IOWA
1,V.j Su 10:45am Spanish 1% 11: 0O:rm C. Rapids R?&T Su 10 :OOam Akron WJW Su 11:3Oam
LVJO Fr 8:43pm (1st and 3tl Thursdnys) Su 3:25pm Su 10:15flm
Mcndoza LOUISIANA Cleveland \V JAY Su 10 : Z5am
Hoaario LTl su 10 : 15tlnl
FRANCE N.Orlcans WDSU Su 10:OOam su 12:55pm su 4:oopm
Radio Bcziers Th 9:OOpm su 2 :OOprn Su 6:OOpm Toledo \VSPD Su 8 :3Onm
AUSTRALASIA Rndlo Juun Its-I’III~ ShR!vep’t K\VKII su 10:00nnl Su 11 :OOam Tb 5:4Jlnn
(Cotc d ‘bzut) S*I 8:00pm Su 1:30pm Su 5 :3Opm
Radio lqo11 S:t 6:50J)m MAINE Tulsa KVOO Su 9 :30am
Ah ry 2-AY TU 9:4Zpm Radio Nntxn-Vltua Augusta WRDO Su 9 :53am
Goulburn 2.GX Su 7 :::OJnn Su 3:OOpm MO 5:lOpm
o.(;i’q’(J 7.”..,lIJ)m Tu 7:4Trpn1 ‘1’11 7 :45pm su 2:45prn su G:30pm
Grafton P3 7 :45J)In Su 13:OO nn B3nyr \VLBZ \Vc 9 :%am OREGON
Gunnctk~J1 i-am su 7 :l~1lpIn R:itl~o Nimcs Tu 9 :OOpm \i c 1:2Gpm we 5 : 1Opm
l.ismorc* 2.SK \\‘e 7:15Jbm Portland KWJ J Su 10 :43:~m
.~ Su 4:15pm Su 9:OOpm
h-cw Castle 2-111) su l~~:::~klnl PARAGUAY MARYLAND
su 11 :4opm Su ti : %JJnn Asuncion ZP.1 Su 11:4Gam Bait imore 1VFUJ1 Su 11: OOam PENNSYLVANIA
\Vc (i::;llJm Su 4 : OOpm \Ve li:15pm fhil:~~lrlt~l~in IV11 Su 7:OOr)m
Sydney 2.UI:: su 9 :0(l:1m URUGUAY Frrdcric*k \VFMD Su 10 :ROam Pittsbur~JI KQV Su 10 : I&I
‘I’ilmWJrtl: 2-‘I’11 Hu 8 : OOJnn hfontevitlco Cx’:::! 1Jo 8:43pm Mu 1:30pm su 5:OO[ml Tu 8 : l5:lIIi Th 8 : Isam
w ‘gn\V ‘g:1 2.\VG su 7:4~pm hlonte\idco CXIO Su 12:lspm Pittsb’ch I\ \VH\V Su 10: 15am
(1nton:lrional) MASSACHUSETTS
QUEENSLAND Boston i\‘NEX Su 9. .I.“5nm * su I;:nopm su 9 :onpm
J3riaLanc 4-1X Su 7:30;rIn su 4 :3opm Su 8:lOpm SOUTH CAROJ,INI
hlorgbor ‘II 4.Al11 \Vc 9 :Sjj~fI~ UNITED STATES
MICHIGAN Spa& ‘b ‘g \VSl’A Su Ii) : OO:rm
Towna\illo 4-1’0 I\‘0 8 :O(lpm AJ,AI%A1IA Detroit W.lii SII 10 : OOnm su 1 : 5Opm Su 4:55pm
Birm ‘ham WAI’J Sn 10 : 15nm Ji;Il:~nwx~oWK%O Su H: 35nm
Su JJ:53wn Su 10:55nm
l.,:~uncwton 7-l..\ Su 5: 15Jmi Pierre KGl*‘X Sn 1O:Ofixm
Uiverstone 7-U V Su 5 :301uu ARIZOSA MINNESOTA Tu 4:OOprn Th 4 : OOpm
Jcrorno J<CJ&.JSu 8 :3lkrm F’g:l~rF:~llsl<~~l~fS Su 10:OOnm
VICTORIA Su 12:O;f~u su 3 :011[lrl. su I :.1;pm Su 7:15pm TEVUPSSFF
. . 1.. 1,
Bullarnt 3 I:.\ Sn 12: 15pm Tut-on l<Gr\ll Su Y:::ll:Llll Min’npolIs\\‘DGY Su 9:2Z:un Chn’noog:l \Vl)OJ, Su O*?O:rrn
Dcndigo 3.I!0 Su 7 :OfJpn su 12:50]“” sv R:15pm Su 2:OOpm IVC (i:l5pm Su 1 :WJmI Su 5:lrfrJun
Jfon~~Jton 3.11 \ Su 6: 1*~J”Il ‘S’uIlKI KUhlA Su 12:15pm Memphis \VJ<JX‘ Su !)::cr:Im
I IorsJI:Inl ::-11s su D:o(~iml MISSOURI
Su 0 : 3Opn su 7 :30p111 Columbia KFRU Su 70:30nm su 4 :oop1n su 10 :wpm
hJcltwnrnc 3.h ii +su Y:l*;J”n
Nwnn 11111 3 $11 Su 7:ltJnn ARKASSAS
su i :nnIl~~l Su 4 : 3UJw TEXAS
ASanrr.C’y K\VJCC Ru 2:Ollpm Amarillo KGSC Su 1O:OO:lm
Ilot Sp’ga J<TJlS Su 10:15am SU 7 :onJxn Su 8 : 2jpm
WEST AUSTRALIA 8u 2:30prn Su Ii .?5pm
Kalgowlw Ci-I<(; Su 7 :OOpn CALIJWJ<NIA Dnlh1s JCJ1f.J)su lo:,~l.rrll
lIollywoo~l J<NX Su 10:15am NEBRASKA
I’crth &I\JL Su 7:OOinn Lincoln KFAB SU 9:3Oum El I’MJO KTS\l I b‘+I 0* . Jil.tm
su 4:ooJ”” su 7:4,~JlnI Su 1 : 15pni su fi :::fl)ml
Los Ang:c+s KiT,\l Su 9:3kioi NEVADA Jfouston IiXTZ su lo~fllJ:~rn
BELGIUM Sa 1 :25[“” su 4:3llJlIlI Rcnn Ii011 Su 10:30am S. Antonio Ii’fSA Su 111:lZnm
Wullonia-l!onne EsJw~nncn Oalth~nd ti!iOW Sll 10 :OO:Iln su 1:35pm su 4:wi”n
(201.7m) \Vo 7:OOam Su 4:3Opm Su 9:OOpm
Su 2:OOpm su 7:001ml
CANA DA COLORADO Laconin \VLNIl Su 10 :30nm Salt L. City JiSJ. Su 10:45am
Co1 ‘0 Spr. f\‘VOl; Su lO::!Orun Su 2:lOpm Su 7:lOpm VERMONT
ALHERTA su 12 :40prn Su 4 :::(Jpm Springf ‘d \!%‘DX Fr 9 :OOnm
Calgary CFY’S Su 5:45pm l)c’II\rr I<\‘Ol) Su 7:::0[“” NEW JERSEY Fr 4 : %Jxn Fr 8.00Jbm
Grccley KFKA I10 9:3oam AtlanticC’y WPG Su 1O:OOam
BRITISH COLUMBIA No 1:OOpm alo 6:25lnn Su 2:OOpnI 811 7:oopm VIRCISIA
Eelowna CKOV Su 1:45pm Petersb’g WPllll Su R:5’,:1m
CONNEC’I’ICUT NEW MEXICO &I 10: ml I,1 E’r 1 IJ . Xrro
NOVA SCOTIA NewJTa\m \VEl,l Su 9:GZnm Albuu ‘aw KOB \Ve 11:45am Richmond \VKVX Su 12:l.~por
Sydney C.JCI%Su 9 :OOpm Su 11 -%ani
.” Su 4 :?Opm w; t :25pmWC 8 :25pm WAStllSGTOV
Cobalt CKMC Su 3:OOpm W:wbington \\‘OJ, Su lO:OO:lm Brooklvn WBBR Su 9 :lOam su 5:13pni Su 9:Otl~km
EInmilton CKOC Su 10 :X~:WI su 1: OOp1n Su G:13pm su - 4:30prn su 7 :30["11 Spoknnr TiG-1 Su 10 : 0ll*,rn
Su 1:30pm Su S:OOpm FLORIDA Brooklyn \\UL%B Su 10:13:~m Mu I :00pn1 su j :xpm
Niami WQA31 Su 1:45pm , SU ii:::Opm hlo in::w:tm
Orlando WUBO Su 10:::5am TU 1O::ZO:rm Cha’ston WCIIS Su 1 :OOJ~m
SanAntonioCEJ35 Su 11:4Oam Su 12 :3Olnn su 5 :3opnl WC 10 :::own ‘ We 6 : 30ym
Santingo CEl31 Tu 9:15pm Th 10:30am Th G:3Opm su 3 :ooJ”” Su 6 :OOfun
Valparaiso CE Rwlio \Vnll:lco CE0RGI.I Fr G : BnJml Wheeling WWVA Su in :OO:tm
Fr 10 :3Onm Sv 4:30pm
Su 12 : 15pm Atlanta \VG ST
L su 5:45pm WGR Su 10 : OOatn Su 7 :OOpm
CHINA Chicago W’(‘FT, Su 8 : OOvn Buff:rlo FRHW Pu 5 :55pm La Crossc WKBIl SU in : Nam
Shanghai XIJIIE Su 12 :00 nn liarrisb ‘g REJJQ Su 4:&>JJLn New York WMCA Su lO:ZOnm su 1:00p111 Su 5 :ZOrm
Shanghai XNlfA SU 8 :15pm su G:4Qu Su 9:OOnrn Tu 11:55nm Tu 5:OOpm Mabson WIBA Su 10 :UOam
HIS journal is publislrcd for the purpose of enabling:
117 Adams Street Brooklyn,
N. Y., U. S. A.
T the people to know Jehovah God and 111spurposes a~
espresscd in the BMe. It lmblishes Biblo mjtructm;i
specifically designed to ~11 Jcho~ah’s wtnesses. It arran7c<
J. F. R~TWFORD Prcsidcnt TV. E. VAN AXIBczr,Ii Sccretarjj qstcmntic hL!e Study for it3 renders and supplies other htcr.
atwe to aid in such studies. It publishes sUit:;I)lo mntcli.:l
“And all thy children shall be taught ofJ;hovah; and for xadlo broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isaiah 54:r3. tion in t.llC SCriptUlCS.
It adheres strictly to the Tliblo as authority for its uttrr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TE.‘-.CH antes. It is entirely freo and sepnrato from all llzrties, SCC!I
THAT JEHOVAti is the only truo God, is fr,:x everlasting or other urotldly organizations. It is wholly and mithol:“,
to cvcrl~ting, the Nukcr of heaven and earth ad the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Chri>:
of llfo to his creatures; that the Logos X$ns the Lcginning of hi3 Beloved Kin&. It is not dogmatic, but invit~~4 cnrcf~il
his creation and his active nKcnt in the cr .Ltlon of all and critical examination of its contents in the Il;:ht of tlq )
things; that the Logos i9 now the Lord Jesus (l-:rist in glory, Scriptures. It does not induI;o in controversy, and its col-
clotl~cd with all power in heaven and c:&h, znd the Chief umns aro not open to pcrsonalitics.
Executive Officer of Jchowh.
THAT GOD craaled the earth for m:(n) crdcd Perfect YEARLY SUDSWPTION PRICE
mnn for 01o ewth and ~~l:u~cdhim upon it; tl.:.‘. xuan mllfully
di3obcycd God’8 law nut1 ~13 scntcnecd to d-.-,Q; that hy
rw3on of Atl:lm’s wron’r act ull men are ho12 smners and
without tho right to litc’.
TtlAT JESUS was mado human, nnd the man Jesus suf-
fered death in ortlcr to produce thr! ransom r,r redcmptlro
price for all mankind; th:lt God raised up .Jezs divine and
exalted him to hcnscn above wery crcnturo and above every
namo aud clot.hcd him with all powr and authority. FOREIGN OFFICES
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Brltkh . . . . . . . . . . 31 Craven Tc rracc. Y,ondon,W. 2, Cn&ml
Chat Christ Jesus is tho Chitisf Olliccr tlwccf and is the canaaiat1 . . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue. Toronto, Onl.wio, (:an:l,: L
rightful liing of tlio world; tlmt 1110nnointwl and faithful Australadun , , 7 Rcresford Itoad, Strnthlicld, N, 3. W., -%u\t~.~I~a
foll6wors of Christ .Jrsus uro cl~ildrcn of %ir*n, mombcrs of Bouth Afdcnn . . . . Jloaton Itou-c, Catlo Town, Mouth Mricn
Jchovah’a organization, and are his witnrsw3 XChoso duty and L’lcaso nddrcw UIC Socicly in every case.
IrivilcLgo it is to trstify to the 3uprcmnc.v of J1Lhovsh. declnre ---- ~
J*MI pu~pows t6ward mankind r13 cqre5srd in the Bible, and (Tranelalfons of thla journal appear in sevcrol longuagcr.)
to lmr the fruit3 of the kingclom bcforo all who will hear,
All r&were htuclents OK the Riblo who by rcawn of lnllrnrlty.
TIIAT Tl lE WORLn h:ts cndcd, and the Lord Jesus Christ
has bcra pI:wctI by Jchornh upon his throne of authority,
hn~ onstc(l Satan fr6m Iwnv~n and is proceeding to the
eatabl~shmcnt of Qod’a kingdom on earth. &&in* it. \Vo m-0 glnrl to ills’: UIII the ntwly, I)111iI10 wit’< 1
application onto enrh yrar is rcqulrcd by the po-1x1 r(ouI:~tion ..
Tl iAT ‘Ti IE RELI CF nml blc33injis of the pcoplcs of earth
can coma cmly by nntl thtough Jeho~ah’s klngclom under
Christ which has n6w Iqun; that the Lord’s nest gient
act is ttw tlcstluclion of S:Ltnn’s org”nl7ation and the estnb-
lishnwnt 6f ri~htcousncw in the t*ar111, :,ntl that under the
kingdom all those it110 ~111 obey its righteous laws shall hre
on earth lorcvcr.
------ -- _-_-..-.----
Testim6ny Period for Apl11, “ITis Ftrnngo Work,” nhich
dates from the 4th to tltc l?th d:~.y iwlukl\ca, ~111be another
season of cxtraortllnary blwring to the pub11slicis of the king-
dom, It ;vill bc during this period that ;:I1 thwrous of singmg
forth the name of Jehovah nil1 call ull?n the pcoplc nith the
book Z:PC~ILS.The Lord’s publishers !\ 111Iraro carefully rcacl
the uutogmpl~ed edihon by ApF’l 4 ~111 n 111Ijo fully prcpnrcd
and anniour to plxce this nonilcrful u:c+:~c;~ m the tlnnds of
the people on a contribution of 2.jc. l‘l~ls book is being pub-
lished in rnnmy langungcs. The impori.~nco of it cannot be
overstirdwd, as Lou can apprecinto only after you read tllo
book cat efully.
The directors sl~ouIJ be planning non- for this campaign.
Individuals not assotiated with the con,I~::nics should mrlto tIio
branch oilice in the country In g\l\il*h they live or the he%1
office at 117 Adams St., T3rooklyn, S. T.. csprc~sing their de-
siIe to participate in the !!itness. The Tf‘ntchforcer has hcl?to-
foro stated that the society would 80011pubhsh a hook es:,+
cially fol the benefit of the “great n:ultltudo”. IIere it IS!
Get it into the hands of the people, th?rel>y informing thzm
of Jeho~ah’s “strange nork”.


Jehowh ‘3 blcs~ing has hwn markcl!lr up,n the use 0f the
po:table trawcl ipt li8n m:.r 111uc. IIc l.:,s &inly m:rnlfcStcl!
VOL. LVII MARCH 15, 1936 h’o. 6



“For l~ou yourselves know accurately, tkat the Lord’s clay is coming like n thief 01 night.“--1 T71cs.s.5: 2.
11;IIOVAH’S day or “the Lord’s day” is not Sun- ‘ While Satan’s organization will bc in great sorrow
day or any 0th~ t\\cnty-four-hour day as the the remnant of Cod’s organization on the earth will
clergy have tried to teach the pcoplc. It is Cat Sill:: : “In that day shall this song bc sun:: in tllc I:~trtl
period of time beginning when Jehovah sent forth his of Judah : Kc have a strong city ; salvation will (:od
Son as King of ihc world and to oust Satan and lo appoint for u alls and bulwarks. Open ye tllc ~::~tes,
rule all crcalion. Jcho~~h’s day began in the autumn that the riglltcous nation which kccpcth the tr111h nI;I.v
season of A.L). 1!)14 and continues thcrcaftcr. The cntcr in.” (Isa. 26: 1, 2) “111 that dily sh:lll tllc IAJIY]
beginni:i~ of that 1wiocl of time is also dc+natcd of hosts lx for a crown of glffry, and for a di:~tlc 111 of
by thrw words, to wit: “\\-c give thanks to thee, 0 lwnuty, unto tlic residue of his pcoplc, an(l for a
Lord (lotl, tlic Omnipotent, thou who art and thou w;io spirit of judgmc~lit to him Illat siltct II in jud::wlit, ilIl(1
vast ; lwcnnsc thou hwt taken thy grcsat power, and for strcn$h to them that turn the battle to 1Iif, gtc.”
wignod.” (Ilcv. 11: 17, l)icl{/lolt) It iu tllc smnc pc- -Isa. 28 : 5, G.
riod of time dcsignatctl IJy the words of tltc Iwoplwt, 6 While they sing this son:: multitudrs of 1xol)l~ will
to wit: “Tl~c Loao shall s~wl the rod of thy htrcri,$h turn n\\ay from Satan’s oqgnizat ion and sc& 11~1
out. of Zion; rule Ihou in the midst of lhinc cwmics. Lord. “l\nd in that day sh:11l the tlcaf 11ca1*t hc whorls
Thy pcwplc sllall bc willing in the tlay of thy powc~‘, of t11c hok, :Illcl thC CYC’S fJf tllC 1JliIld Sllilll SC!{! Ollt.
in the btaulics of holinc’h4 Crorn the WOIII~J of llic morn- of obscurity, and out of darkncw. The mcclc ;IIYO shall
ing : t11ou 113st tllc dew of Il1y 5’011111.“-1’s. 110 : 2, 3. increase their joy in the IAord, and the pool+ amwIg
z The “day of the Lord” marks the bc$nnin:: of mcu shall rejoice in the IIoly One of Isrxl.” (Isa.
sorrows 1I)JoII S~l1ilIl’S O~$‘il~liZ~It ion, IJwaUsc it is t!lcIi 29: 18, 19) TIIC day of Jch0v;111 is a grc’at (la!., ii day
that Jehovah by the lI;uId of Christ JW.H interrupts of wondrous things, ant1 blcsscd is the tn:111who is
Satan’s Ion:; reign of wickctlwss. Witliin Ihat lwrio(l wholly on the sitlc of Jehovah in 1 hat thy.
of time Ilicrc mwt, lw a arcat witness lo the name of
tlic Lord (iod, and this must bc g-iwn Ihrongliont 1hc “THE DAY OF TIIE LORD”
cartli, as dosigintcd by the prol)Iiet Isaiah, to wit : “In o Thcrc is a distinction in the mcanill;: of “Jcl:o-
that day shall there bc an altar to the Lord in the vah’s day” and “the day of the Ilord” as tllf 1;1ttcr
midst of llic land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border term is used in 1 Thcssa]olliilns 5: 2. J~liowl~ ‘s clay
thcrcof to the Lord. And it shall bc for a sign and began when he sent forth his Son to rule in llw mitist
for a witlwss unto the Ilord of hos?s in the land of of his encmics. At that time Christ JCWS, t Iiv pr(:-
Egypt [the world] ; for Ihcy shall cry unto the Lord cious Stone, had not been laid in com1)lctcncw in Zion,
hccause of tlic oppressors, and hc shall send than a but such laying in Zion in complctcncss look 1)law iu
saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.” IDIS, when the Lord Jesus Christ c::nle to tlw tomi)lc
-Isa. 19 : l&20. for judgment. (Isa. 28: 16) The laying of that p1(1-
8 In that time God will take account with all the cious Stone marked the beginning of “tlw day ” w~:I-
nations l~ccuusc tlicy serve Satan, and to them hc says : cxiiing which the apostle wrolc in First Thw.:llo~li.~iis
“Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall fix. Tlw fact that the apostle says to his brcthwn,
come aci a dcstrnction from the Almighly. Rclrold, the ‘For you yourselves know accurately, That the day
day of ihc Lord comc111, cruel both with wraih and of ihc Lord comcth as a thief,’ is an cmphntie slate-
ficrcc anger, to lay the land desolate; and he shall mcnt showing that it is the time when the faithful
destroy the sinners thereof out of it. Therefore I nil1 remnant \~OUICl come to an accurate IiIIOll~lCd~~ of tlIc
shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of truth. (1 Tim. 2: 4) It is the lime, s3ys the scripture,
her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in when “xc need not that any man teach J-ou”. (I dohn
the day of his fierce anger.“-Isa. 13: 6, ‘3,13. 2 : 27) It is the time when Jehovah and the Ilord JCSUS
Christ do the teaching of the faithful. (Isa. 30 : 20) hoTah% day”, and the period beginning in 1918 will
It is “the day nlicn God shall judge the secrets of men be designated “Christ’s day”.
by Jcsw Christ “. (It om. 2: 16) It is therefore the time
when Christ Jesus, the great Judge, conies to the tem-
ple for judgment. Undoubtedly the following texts e One of the purposes of the apostle in mriiing to
refer to the same time, ihat is to say, when the Lord his brethren was to comfort them and to tell them how
Jesus appears at the temple and bc,nius his judgment, they might comfort one another. In 1 Thcssalonians 4
to wit : “\‘\‘nitinq for the coming of our Lord Jesus he speaks in detail about the drscending of the Lwl
Christ: who shall also confirm IOU unto the end, that Jesus from heaven and the raising of those who had
ye may bc btamclcsu in the day of our Lord Jrsus died in Christ and then of the gathering unto the; Lold
Christ.” (1 Car. 1: 7, 8) That condition of blamclcss- of those that remain alive and ihat prove faithful,
ncss could not come until the TAordJcsuv Christ is at and that these would hc for wcr with the T~nl. TIC
the temple and gathers the approved ants unto him- was giving his brethren the information for tllcir com-
self and covers them with the robe of rightcousncss. fort by assuring them that those who had dktl in faith
-Isa. 61 : 10. God would bi*iig to lift at the coming of the I,oi~cl
’ ‘ ‘Ikin% coiifidcnt of this very thing, that hc which Jesus Christ. Nor were they to ?JC comforted only with
hath begun a good work in you will pcri’orm it until that hcnrt-cheering information, but also with lhr
the day of Jc’sus Christ.” (l’hil. 1 : 6) “Sow we be- succccdin~ words set,out in the fifth chapter of First
sccch you, brc~ihrcn, by t hc coming of our llord Jesus Thcssnlonians concerning “the times and the so;wns”;
Christ, a~lcl by our ::alhrrin~ togcthrr unto him, that and this is sl~own by fhc USCof the words in v’c’rw
3’C be JlOt f+OOJl Sh;lliChJ1 ill IIliJld, 01’ bC trdhd, JWittlCP &!\w1 : ‘ ‘Wliw~‘fore comfort yourselves loxct her, :III~

by spirit, nor by word, nor by lcttrr as from us, as edify OJJC anotlwr, even as also ye do.” Tlw laltcsr part
Ihat the <lily of Christ is at t~a1ld.” (2 Tllw4. 2: 1, 2) of 1 ‘l’hcssaloni:ms chapter four, and the first part of
That partkulur day brgw in ;\.I,. 1918, md judgmcut chapter fiw, 1~0thgive comfort by call+ nttcniioii tu
LC~;IJJ ilt t)~c 1101Jxc of (;od. (1 Pet. 4: 17) E’rom that the tllillg:p, Ihat would come io pass when (111: ilay of the
tiJnc OJI judgilcnt is laid 10 t Ilc IiIlc, ;~lltl J i~lltcon~licss
lid ~JIYIIS Christ should come. Not only ‘IV:I~t hc POIU-
to 11~:plummcht, will1 rcs~wl to things carthty, ilkclud- in: of Jwus Chrrst and the bringing to lift: of the
ing the Ikil’s visihlc orK;Itliz;ition.--isa. 25: 17. &ad a great comfort, Imt it was needEu1for the 11i-
spired apostle to so inform his brethren, Illat ili~y
n It was Jehovah who cnt I~roncd C%rid .Jcsusin 1913
mi,qht hart iIYilll’ilIlCC. Not so, however, with 1’(“1;11.(1
aJld scnl him forth to rlllc. (1% 2: G; 110: 1,2) That
t0 “ttlC times :llltl tllc SPilSOllS”. The aJJost Ic c~,IIcIll~ll:>
marlccd tllr! b<$rwiu,q of “the day of Jctw~ah”. With- with tflc words of conlfort ill chapter four, i1li11tlrcsri
in that day, ai1d three au<1 one-half yews after its
immcdialcly hays “But”. This conjunrtiori col~riwts
bcgiilnillg, “fhc day (Jf :lic herd Jrsua (:llrist” hcgnll
hc Opens his court r0rjudgment. it is the day It was not fillin:: or ncccssary to go into dctnil cun-
what foiloJ\-S wtll ttic hiilicdili~dy ~IrCCcdin~ ctJntf‘\rt.
of Jchovnh ihrou~hout lhe cntirc period, bccausc rcrnin~ the ti~ncs aid seasons.
Christ Jesus is carrying out ~Jchoval~‘s ~~urpos:, but
“the clay of the I,ord” (Christ) about which Itic TIMES
apostle writes rcfcrs to the time when Christ Jesus lo says the tccct : “Of the times and 111~ sfwons [wit-
brgins his work of lhiii gs Iwrlainiug to the judgment ccrning the times and 1.11~ wasons (Z<.V.)].” ‘1’111~ use
of the car1II. The l)icl tire in The Ilcvclation sho~,x of the definite article “the” rc’movcs lllc discuwion
ttwuc fuels: That in 1314 Jehovah’s woman (organi- from a mere con~idcration of general chnmolo~ic~al
zalion) Iwing with child (that is, with ltkc kingdom) times to certain spcciiic “timrY”, namely, to tfwic
and ready to bc dclivcrcd, the Devil stood by ready things that, should lead up to and follow the cvcnts just
to devour the “man child” (the new-born kingdom) provioiisty deswihcd by the ZIJJOS~~~. The a]wi lc W~IS 11Ot
and, w11cn born, the Devil undoubtedly attcm:)tcd to there cncour;lg,ringthe study of chronology, N~IWL’I llillc
destroy that new-born child, A war was then fought which many Jwrsons have xx&xl valu~~lttchours ttut
in hc\awn, resulting in the dcfcnt of Satan and cast- might have been cmployrd pl’ofitilbly. No one can fix
ing of him down lo llrc with. Judgment had not yet dates and tcli what is coming lo pass on a day ccH;iill.
begun, but after that Christ Jesus came to the tcmplc The “signs” to which the 1,ord calls attention arc
of God for judgmcnl, and that marks the hcginning fal* more dctwminative than the dates the iixinq of
of “the day of the Lord”. It is conrcrning this latter which, with man, is 8 iiwrc gucx I’:iul Ilcrc evIc!clllt I>’
refers to lhc s;lmC as Jude: ~‘Cut, bclovc~l, 11 mcllllY~i
period, “the clay of the Lord,” that the apostle writes
ye the \\-Olds wtlietl Were SlIOliCll IwCoW of tllc :l])o<tI(5
in 1 Thcssatonians 5: 2. It is well to txcp in mind the of our Lord Jesus Christ ; how ihat they told you Illt,rkh
distinction, when giving consitlcration to the words of should be mockers in the lwt time, 1~ho st!outcl wlli
the apostle. To be cnablcd always to readily have in after their own ~~~~oclly lusts.“-Jude 17, is.
mind the clear cli,tinction, hercinnftcr in this article I1 All tlic “times” mcntioncd by Jcllo~,111are 1!1-
the period bcgiuniu g in i914 will be dcsignatcd “Jc- definite periods of time so far as llumau CLC~~~~LWLT ;!re

concerned. Xhcn the thin? comes to pass as prophe- write unto them concerning ihe day of the Lord Vhy
sied, then we know that the things foretold are here not? Because at the time this prol’hccy should be wn-
in fulfillment of prophecy. The apparently indcfinitc sidercd and undcrslood by the rcmnanf, the l~re!hren
time period during vAieh the mystery of Cod con- of Paul, the Lord Jesus C’hrist would be at the lumI~10
1inues to be LUiqhillalh was appointed to end “ill and, all 01 these being the sons of God by his woman
the days of the voice of i11c seventh angel, when he Zion, all such would hc “taugllt of clod” IJy and
shall begin to Sound”.--Rcr. 10: 6, 7. through Christ Jesus and such teaching would be by
I* The apostle mentions not only “times”, but giving t!lcm an understanding of the prophecies of the
“scasonS”. The Greek word ckrunos denotes the length Ciblc. The statement “. . . no need that T write unto
or space of time; and the Ore& 1;niros (the plural of you” does not mean that thcrc is no need that 1’1~
which is here translated “se~ons”) means, “due or I~‘afc7cfower should rcfraiu from the publicatiou oEthe
proper time, and opporiuI~it.y,” that is, “a certain csl)Ianation of tliesc tests. 1’110Il’atchto2ccr would not
fixed time or season.” Thcsc “seasons” have thrir aiid does not give any man’s opinion, IJUt, guided by
signs, that is to say, “the si- of the times.” (illatt. the Lord and ubt:d by him, Sets forth to the remnant
16: 3) Wicn that time arrives, then Christians may information which Jcho~h and the l;ord JCSUS Christ
judge some thinas ; as it iS written: “Judge nothing glvc them concerning the Scril,lut.cq and conccrniiq
before the time.” (1 Car. 4: 5) At the fullncsc; of the t hiugs brought to lw,s whirl1 ;lrc in PulGIlnwnt ol the
sca~ons Christ Jrsus must have the dispcusntion or lnwphccies. 2’1~~Il’utt~litozrcr thcrcforc would not lw
administration 0E all thing, that is, “the dispcnsa- violating the apo\tlc’s word at all by thcsc things. ~111
tion of the fulncss of tinws.” (Epli. 1: 10) IIcrc the those that are tnnr:ht of God ;III~ Christ JOV~ISWII
same word (G’reck: “kairos”) is used as at the test: rcwllly dctcrminc what is ~IIC truth when called to
“The time is came that Judgment muA. begin at the tlicir’ atteatjon.
I!ouse of God.” (1 Pet. 4: 17) That time i:; when the
Ilord Jctrus comes to tlrc tcml,le of Jehovah for judg-
hICUt. l4 It is for the Lcncfit of the winnaut that tlw alwitlc
I3 1Yhcn do “the tinirs and the sc:~sons” lx+? says : “For YOU yOLllXlVCSkllOW ilWllI?ltCiy.” (I)iO!/.)
3IsIIifcstly with the dcwcnclin~ of (%rist Jesus from “J-c 3’0111%!1\‘cs . . . kllW\‘.” (lid.) The 11s: or the
lrcawn after he casts Salau out, alld wl~cn C’hrist Je- emphatic trim of the proltourl, s::cond pcrs0~1,hero
sus come%to the temple a11dwhen the faiUlf’u1 dead arc dlO\\‘S thlt the filithflll, illlO~lltd lY~iIlll~lllt, ilt t1ic’ tVln-
juclgcd. (Jkv. 11: 18) lu 1 Thcs~alonians 4: 13 Ihc plc and iaught of tlic Jlord, \\oultl tiwn “wnw to an
a[>ostlc tells his ~Jl’dhI’~Il not to so1’Pow as t11onc who nwuratc knowlod~c of the lrulh” (1 Tim. 2: 4, fjitr~.),
haw no hopc~,because, if they bclicw in the rcsu~wc- aild that IYould 1JC Ihe the, as Statd by the :l[)Osth’,
tiou, about which they havr been tau$t, I hen they that “ye need not. that ally milu tcwli you”, I’cwuw
should not sorrow for the &ad who died faithful, be- taught by the TloId. (1 JO~IJI2: 27) Tllc word “I~~Iow”,
raw;c God had promised to lying thwn ;lg;litl to lift as uwd by the a~~uutlc,imlJIi?S that the rcmual~t, thr*
at llic coming (Jr the Lord Jesus Christ. Tllcir sorrow “brethren”, we or discern clearly, lwcausc the l4cNd
was appmciitly not LwcauScIhcy wcrc uninformed con- olwiis tlic csL’Sol’ their Lintlcrstnndirlg Inor wi(lttly
ccrning the Iwurrrrtion of the dead, but bccawsethose and tl~cy more ililly WC the piq’lwic3 and th(a l)l~ys-
who had died wr~ul(l not bc on the earth to particiyntc iwl facts now before them :I& \:‘lIicli sl10w Ilw lul-
in the Ilord’s work of vindicaliny: J~hovah’s JEHIIC fillmcnt of tlic pwplwcicx “KII~W ;wcuIxtcly ” nw;:n~
WIWII Christ Jcsu~ enmc to tiw Icnlplc. Therefore the tllilt tllcy llavc bcc*ntl~li~cnlly inqrlil ill:! ;llltl w;ii~(~llill’,
:lIJOStk esplaius atout the tlwd in C%rist, that when the l)rolAccics and tltc facts iI1 fullill’ncllt t ticrcwr aIN
Christ Jews dcseendcd from hcavcn the faithful clwtl liavc come to an ullclcrstaIldiIlq 01’ ilic same. It is tllc
saints would IJCtltc first rnisrcl out of death and gath- tirnc when “mauy sliall run to ant1 fro” in thr study
ercd unio the Lord, and ihat thereal’lcr the remnant of the yrophccics and “knowledge shall be incrc:lscd”.
of Cod’s faithful ones woultl Lc “caufflit up . . . to -1klIl. 12 : 4.
meet the Lord in the air”, fhat is, in the lcmplc, and I5 “~OIO~~accLir;1’Lcly,” that “tllc~ kg of t11cI‘d”
thus fhcy would be for ever with the Lord. That in- bc:ilq not lvith the bc~:inlliug of rJ~lw~flll’s cl,ly, l’ut
formalion would bc of great c~ornfort to all who Euily with the bcqinnin~ of the day of 111~lord Jc>jus(.‘hrist,
l~clieved. ‘But,’ says the apostle, ‘my brctlwcll, you thC! Same tillN? 10 \Yhkll th a;JOs~lC wfcrs ill 1 l’ilC%Sa-
cl0 not IlCC~l to be told :111out the day of the Lnrd.’ T!K! loniws 4: 15, to wit, ‘They whkh arc alitc :t~ltl IV-
\rWI’d “l~rcll1wll ” j:Ci’Crcnlly iIppliCS t0 thC rcmnnut, main unto fhc coming of the 1,cd.’ Then s;lys the
WllO arc on 111e c:lrlll IlO\r’ imd WI10 i\N! of t11celect. apostlc : “l~‘oI* tile Lord llililsclf sI!all d(5cell4 Etwnl
(Jiatt. 24 : 21,22) Thrse brethren, like the apostle IKXVCI~ wiili a slioi~!,” and ‘then Ihose alive ant1 I*(:-
Paul, have now been born of God’s “jroman”. (Isa. mailling shall be caught up to meet the I~orcl in the
51: 13) Tlicg have been caught up to meet the Lord air [that is to say, in the tcwple wnrlition, wh~rc no
JCSLI~ Christ in the air, that is, in the temple. (1 Thc~. liiIn~nIl eyes Can see], and [rcrn:Iinillg fiiithful 1 tiwy
4: 17) Thcrc:‘ore thcrc is no need that the apostle shall be for ever willi the Lord’. 1,itcrally that “clay
N. Y.

of the Lord” is exactly the same as in 2 Peter 3: 10, will certainly overtake them, and that will be to them
to wit: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief individually the end of the world, and the last day?
in the night.” Also, “the day when God shall judge The whole world then does perish as far as regards
the secrets of men, by Jesus Christ, according to my them. ’ ’
gospel.” (Rom. 2 : 16) The same period of time about 18It is true that The E i?~ishedMystery, published in
which the apostle wrote when he said: “A crown of July 1917, made mention of the year 1918, but not
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge with the proper understanding and application of that
[Christ Jesus], shall give me at that day.” (2 Tim. date. The time of tribulation that had been cspcctcd
4: 8) It is the day of the Lord Jesus Christ wflcn hc to come in 1914 was merely pushed up tllrce and oue-
is brought forth at the tcmple and prescntcd as the half Scars, showing that there was not a proper undcr-
world’s rightful ruler and which date is AD. 1918. standing of the date. (SW The Finished X!/stc~~,
pages 62, 64, 393, 395, 513.) In 1918 many persons
“AS A THIEF” were then in lint for the kingdom of God who have
l6 ITow shall that day come? Kot with full informn- since lost that position and arc now of the “evil zrv-
tion to all, but it ‘so comcth as a thief at night’. The ant” class. Not only did the day of the Lord come
time and manner of tliicves invading the flomc of upon them as a thief in the night, but they arc still in
ofhcrs is hcrc used to illustrate the time and manner complctc dsrkncss conccming !hc Lord’s corninq to
of the coming of Ihc day of the Lord Jesus Christ. It the tcmplc, even as Jesus foretold they would bc.
is the whole “day”, or entire period of time under (hlattlicw 13: 41, 42) Witfl all the inform;~tioli an(l
cona~dcration, that Comesi1S the thief. The coming of fight the Lord has now givcil to the faithful tfic “evil
the LOA ~.JESUS has already taken plain, but “sudden servant” class today sxrnfully rejects cvcrytliiiiq pcr-
dCStrUCtiOlJ”,which tolros place in the day of the Lord, taining to the Lord’s being at the temple of Cod for
is yet future. The bryiuning of the “day of Jehovah”, judgment.
to wit, 1914, did no! come as a Ihicf. And why not? lo To those who were in Iinc for the Icinl_:domJesus
For tftc reason, as early as A.1). l&SOthe X’atch Tower said : “\ViltVll thcrcforr ; for yC know IJOt wllflt IlOUr
publications cmphxizccl the date 1914 as the end of your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the good-
fhc world. Thcrc*aftcr and until 1914 the \\‘atcfl Tower man of the house ld IiUO\Vll ill wfiat watch [Witches
publicatio!is con!inuously brought 1!)14 prominently were liI?l)t at night to mar!; the titnc] the tliicf would
to tlic attention of all its rcadcrs. Millions of free conic, he woultl hnvc watcalicd,and would not hnvc suf-
tracts WCI’C publislicd scltitig forth that dirtc. SO WC11 fCrCtf his IIOUSC t0 IN2 bIYJ]iL’tl Up [into]. ‘~‘1lCL’~‘f0rc bC
advertised was that tliltc that it bccn~~c a byword and ye also ready: for in sue11i!ll hour as ye thilllr 1101,the
a snccrillg jOkC in tllc mouth of the clcrgg and their Son of man comct.li. . , . But and if that evil st~rvant
close axsociatcs. The Ilomnn Catholic IIicrarchy and shall say in his heart, n1y lOr(l ildaycth his c(Jming;
Protestant clergy iuld their allies were watching that and shall begin to smite his fcllowscrvaiits, and to cat
date and waiting for it to arrive, that tlicy might fur- and drink with the drunlrf’ll : tllc lord of tllnt scrvarlt
ther ridicule those who had proclaimed it, and when shall come in a day when lit fookctfi not for llim, and
it did arrive and the cnrth was not drstroycd the) in an hour that he is not aware of.“-Natt. 24 : 42-X).
scoffed more than cvcr bcforc. It is ecrtain that 1914 2oTIIC bcgiJJniJJgof the “illic~f” day arrived in 1318.
date, the beginning of the day of Jehovah, did not “Tflicvcs break through nncl &al.” (Nail. G: l!);
come as a thief in the night. John 10: 30) “Rcmcmbcr fhcrcforc how tliou hast
If But how about 1915, the lxginning of the day of received ad heard; iJlld hoId fast, and rcpcnt. If
the Lord Jesus Christ when coming to the temple for therefore Ihou slialt not watch, I will come on tiicc as
judgment? I)id that come as a thief in the night? It a thief, and thou shalt nof know what hour I \vill come
certainly did. IZvcn to this very hour no one aside upon !hec.” (Rev. 3: 3) Concerning the final confl;ct,
from those who arc devoted to Jehovah has an undcr- the battle of the great day of God Almi&tp, JCSUS
standing of the Lord Jesus’ coming to the temple. says : “Blcsscd is hc. [in the tcmplc] that watcbcth,
Commcnting on 1 Thcssalonians 5 : 1,4, concerning the and kcepcth his garments [on, identifying lrimqclf as
Lord’s day which ‘ovcrtalres you as A thief’, the Ro- a faithful soldier and wntchcr of the Lord], lest hc
man Catholic Hierarchy Dozy translation of the Bi- walk naked [in the tcmplc], and they SW his shame
ble, in notes thereon, says: “BUT OF TtxE TIMES AND [and throw him out] .” (I tcv. 16 : 15) Watchers must
MOMENTS: That is, of the day of judgment, of the end now continue to be diligent. in watching the unfolding
of !hc world, of the destruction of Jcrusalcm. It is of Jehovah’s purpose.
enough to know tfle time is unecrtain and that death 31The thicvcs come in the night, when men sleep
comcth as the !hief in the night. . . . It is a subject nat,urally and when tnany ulhcrs are maudlin drunk
of astonishment that some people arc so childishly and so stupefied that they do not discern the approach
afraicl of the judgment day tflat they cannot think of of marauders. Prior to 1918, and since, “Protes!ant”
it without consternation, lest, it should happen in their clergy and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy fought and
time. Weak souls! Do they not recollect that death continue to fight against the messengers of Jehovah’s

kingdom and by opposing the kingdom show that they ‘ ‘ whc11’ ’ refers to some time after 1918 and after the
are drunk or sound nslccp as to their privileges of rcncwcd activities in the scr+e of Jehovah by his
serving the King. Likewise the foolish-virgin class now people began, and within and not before “till: day”.
soundly sleep and are inactive and in darkness. Prior It manift:st!y is a short period of time just bcforc the
to 1918 all “Christendom” was, and since is, beastly destruction cotning upon the enemy and dwing or
drunk, like night rcvclc’rs, filled with and befuddled within “that day”. The ones dcsi<gnatcdby the apos-
by the strong drink of Satan’s joy in persecuting Je- tic as “they” are called “amlx~s~adors of peace”, that
ho\-ah’s wtncsses and iu cndcavoring to destroy the is, those who cry peace but who arc certain to “ wvccl~
W.~wx~ Towx Socuxs. Also all “ Christendom” was bitterly”. (Isa. 33: 7) They arc in a position csactly
and is in darkness, and willingly so. (3 Pet. 3: 5) contrary to that of tho ‘feet of him that brin~:cth good
Thcrcforc, all such being iu darkncq the day of the tiding of good, that publishcth peace’ and salrntiw,
Lord Jesus Christ has overtaken them as a thief over- and that lift up their voice in song. (Isa. 52 : ‘7,S) Xor
takes the sleepers and drunken ones in the night. could the pronoun “they” rcfcr to the rank and fil:!
**Ewn the “faithful servant” class, the remnant, of the pcoplc, but must rcfcr to the leaders and
did not discern the coming of the Lord to the temple molders of public opinion and the makers of props-
at the time it occurred. Those faithful one’swere fully ganda, to whom the others libtcn and givr heed, and
trusting in the Lord and waiting upon him, yet it was whom they follow and support; and thercforc tlic
not until 1922 that the Lord rcvcaled to them that hc “tllcy” must rcfcr to the clergy and the principal
was at the tcmplc for jud:nicnt. Now all who love God ones of their flocks.
must bestir thcmsclvca and bu diligent in his scrvicc. 25“The day of Christ Jesus” is a period of titno
Uy his prophet thu Lord Jehovah has foretold the when he scparatcs the sheep from the goats. (Xatt.
awakening of the faithful ones to their priiilcycs of 25 : 31, 32) The pronoun “ 1lwp ’ ’ thcrcforc must rcfci
bcrvice, as wt forth in I\niah 6: l-8. When the rem- to the goat class, and l)articularly to the lcadcrs therc-
nant, pictured by the 1)roplict Isaiah, saw that they of, that is, the ones who prctwcl to stand for God awl
had been bcry drowy and therrby nogligcnt of their support and apply the Word of God, claimin:: cllvillc
duties, t1ic.v wcrc in great distress and cried unto the riqht and appointment so to do, when in fwt ttwy at*:
Lord and the Lord clc:tns~‘d them and opcucd their dontg the wry opposite. 8ucli men claim lo be it1
understanding aud sent them forth to his scrvicc. pJSitkm to gkc rclhbk aSSul’cl)~N! to the othw go:lts

23Tlic darkiicss that had partially surrounded those as to what the Iloly Ycripturcs hnvc to say. ‘~1~ otlwt
who afterwards bccamc mcmbcrs of the remnant class goats zivr serious and rcspccti nl heed to ttte a~l:.icc oE
complcloly ctiIolded all “Cl~ri~tcndon~“, and partic- llwir lcadws, who claim to speak with authot~ity. It
ularly ttic “evil bcrvant” class, so that Ihc thiy of the is not what the ordinary common pcoplc say, but wh:\t
Lord Jesus Christ overtook them as a thief. The clergy is said by those who a~sumc to speak cz ctrll~cdrcl.
have uo co1ircption 0Ctlw Lord’s cornin<; to 111stC?mIJk ‘d’pb” arc t hc ones wliosn lw:wc and saI’c~ly wu
for judgtncnt. Coticcrniu~ them God by his prophet thrcatcncd and disturbed a~(1 wl~osc “ rcliqious SW;-
says : “ ‘~‘hll$ Saith th? hJrd COncCriiillg the prOphCtS cclttibilitics Itax brcn siio~k~~~i”by the pill)lic ljroc-
that make my l~coplc err, that bitt with their tcctti latnnt ion of the truth of (lad’s 1VVord. Thaw is 110
[into the handouts given to tlicm], and cry [to the l,osGblc reason for ttic dist dt~lwd wws to f~~;ir that
giver], l’cacc ; and hc that puttcth not into thclir Jehovah’s witnesses arc al)orlt to inUict hotlily harm
mouths, they c\ cn prcparc war against him. “-Me. upon them by means of carnal weapons, but their
3 : 5-7. pcacc is disturbed by rcas011of the truth. ‘l’hcy i~ic
the wiclrcd who oppress and fight against cTrlwvnl~'s
‘THEY SAY’ \\itllcsscS, COltCClWillg wllich tllC pSdJl1iSt SilyS: “. . .
24To the faithful church the apostle says: “For my deadly eucmics that compns5 me about. Tlwy
when they shall say, Peace and safety ; then sudden iirc incloscd in their own fat: with tlicir mouth 1110~
destruction comcth upon them, as travail upon a wom- sl~~;llcproudly. ‘J’hcy have now compnsscd 11’;in our
an with child ; and they shall not cscapc.” (1 Thcss. btCI)S ; they set their ryes to cast us down to the wrtli.
5 : 3) It is wrtain that the time must come when “they 1Ic is like a lion that is grcccly of his prey, i1rit1as it
shall say, Pcacc and safety”. It is not the saints to wcrc a young lion lurking in secret l~lacos” [the
whom this part of the cpistlc refers, because, says the Protestant “young lion”, which has bcrtl dead as
apostle, ( ‘you yoursclvcs know. ” It is those in daA- l’rotcstant since 1918. The “lion” hcrc means all rc-
11~5s that will say ‘(I’c;~cc and safety”. According to ligious leaders who pcrsccutc Jehovah’s witnesses.].
l’he Dicrglott and Rofherhnm the xovd “for” is otnit- The faithful witnesses of the Lord then pray : l * Arise,

ted and the test simply rends, “1Vhcn they” say. The 0 Jchorah, confront him, cast him down: &liver rn)
conjunction “when” does not ritfcr to the time immcdi- soul from the \\-i&d by thy sword ; from mcu by thy
atcly More the beginning of the day of Christ Jesus hand, 0 Jehovah, from men of the world, u hose por-
in 1918. It was in the spring of 1915 that the enemy tion is in this life, and whose belly thou fillcst with
shut dov;n the activities of the Lord’s people. The thy trcn%urc; they are satisfied with chil(lrcn [so.

called ‘successors of the apostles’], and leave the rest they will say so, but it is certain that they will say,
of their substance to their babes [whom they teach to “Peace and safety.” Jehovah maneuvers the cncmy,
take up and carry on their wicked organization]. As and he permits them to reach the conclusion that in-
for me, I shall behold thy face in righteousness; I duces them to say, “Peace and safety.”
shall bc satisfied, when I awake, with beholding thy 28By crying out or saying “Peace and safety” they
form.” (1%. 17: 9-15, A.R.V.) In this fifteenth verse are bidding for God and Christ Jesus to compromise
the faithful show their complete trust in the Lord and with them, and their speech is in effect this: “Ts it
are sllown as being brought into the temple and made peace, Jehu?” What was said by those enemies of
of the “faithful and wise servant” class, anointed and J&u foretold what would be said to Christ Jesus, the
enlightcnrd. Their awakening took place after 1915 Greater Jchu, and he answers: ‘What ! Pcacc, so 1011x
with a vision of Jehovah and his glory in the temple. as the whoredotns of that old woman Jcztbcl and llct*
Again says the psalmist: “When I awake, I am still witchcrafts are so many?’ (2 Ki. 9: 22) Kot murh!
with thee [as approved servant].” Then showing thrir “There is no pcacc, snith the Lord, unto the wicked.”
complete trust in Jehovah the faithful pray: “Surely (Isa, 48: 22) Likewise JIaman the hmalclcite was
thou wilt slay the wicked, 0 God : depart from me thcrc- peaceful and considcrcd himself sceurc when he was
fore, ye bloodthirsty men. For they speak against thee conspiring to have Mordccai put to death; but be was
wickedly, and thine encmics take thy name in vain. in fact not safe.---Esther 5: O-14.
Do not I hate them, 0 .Jchovah, that hate thee? And 2eThe Icadcrs in religious organizations of the world
am not I grieved with those that rise up aqaitlst thee? expect to bring pcacc and snfcty to the pcol)lc by their
I hate them with pcrfcct hatred : they arc bccomc mine own mcnttlods. The Rom:ln Catholic IIierarchy hax e
enemies. Scar& mc, 0 God, and 1;1iowmy licart: try induced thcmselvcs to brlicvc that their organization
me [at the house of (:od, whcrc judgment bcginss], is invulncrablc and that ‘ tlic gates of hell cannot IJl’C-
and know my thoughts ; and see if t hcrc be any 1ViCliCrl vail against it ‘, and claim that they liovc made an
way jn me, and Icat mc in the way cvcrlasting.” (1%. agrccmcnt with tlcath and 1~11and that tl~rrforc they
139: 1%2S, A R.V.) The cncmics hrrc mcntioncd arc arc entirely sccurc. That organization is certain that
“they’, that, SCCI~~ at the publislird fact, that the rJord it will rule the world, and ill saying “Pcacc al1d Sal’c-
Jesus ha?;dcsw~dd fwnl tlcavrn with a shout or com- ty ” they would not be rcPcrrin$ lo the world’s pcacc
mand from the 1~10Sf. IjigII. IhYiUSC they arc in dark- among the n:ltions, bat to what they tltillli is accom-
ness they sleep in Eaucicd security and imn$lc pcacc pliqhcd by the l:orn:lu ~‘atllolic Ilicrarclly and their
from the l,ord’:; quart(~r. They say, as stated by the allies :lgaitjst the forces tllat have disturbed tllcir
apostle Pctcr: “l\‘llowill~ this first, Illat there shall pcncc. Tlicrc no lonc.,cr being any real l’r(JtWtantS or
come in tlic last days s(*oM’crs,walliillg after their own Jews, who worship t!lc true (:od, those who cnll them-
lusts, antI saying, \Vhcre is the promise of Iris coming selves “Protestants” antI “Jcv;s” join With the l;o-
[prcscncc] ? for hinpc the fathrrs fell asleep, all things man C!iltllOliC JIicrarchy in saying “PcOCC illld Silft’trr”‘.
continue as they ww from the beginning of the crc‘a- IMorc the destruction corncs (lot1 will rn*lkc the Ro-
tion. “-2 Pet. 3 : 3,4. man Catholic Jlicrarchy licar the truth :!ntl 1ll:lliC tlw
*O“Tllcy shall say ’ ’ (according to the Rcuiscd Vcr- leaders understand Fame tbin!;s about the* t rut 11,and
sion: “\Vhcn they arc saying” ; and according to the such is a great vrsnlion to them. “It sll:Ill bc a vcs::-
Diaglott: “\VlicIl they may s:ly”) “I’caec and safety.” tion [ pcacc-disturbing J only to undcrstantl t;lc rc-
Just how long they will bc saying what they do say port ’ ’ of irnl)cnding drstruction, w11cnhc s!1;111 m::!:c
is not indicated; but it is “when they are saying” them (tlrc scoficrs) to undcrstnnd tlic rcpoit, that iy;,
what lhcy havc to say about pcacc oIlasnfcty that conccrnin: the truth. (Isa. 2%: 19) TIE pr~,&!in:in~: oi’
destruction comes. To whom do they say1 Not to Jc- God’s mcssagc of truth, that the 1201!1:111(!.:l!tolic
hovah ‘s witncsscs or .Jon:~dnbs,bcrausc thcsc faithful Hierarchy is built upon lies and that (lotl, throu:ll
ones will not listen to what they say, They that say Christ Jesus, will sweep away that gre;:t moutltain of
“Peace and safety” say it to one another, and to one lies, coastitutcs a great disturbance of thr pcacc of 111c
another of tlicir own cr0wl and those who ilW under Roman C:~?liolic Ilirr~rchy nnd their nllics and nY,:)-
the influence and control of them, and who arc blind cintcs who arc compcllcd to hear it. That mc\sazc i,;
to the truth. Ilj-pocritically they say “Pcncc and proclaimed by sound cars, transcription machn~c;.
safety” to those pcoplc who put their trust in such phonographs, and radio, as well as in pl*intcd bo~!~.
men. “For they spcnk not pcncc; but they dcvisc de- It is the truth that shocks their susxptil)ilitl(p. Itcrc-
ceitful matters against them that arc quiet in the tofore the Roman Catholic 1Iicrarrliy h:!u lwcn ;‘lAc
land. ’ ‘-Ps. 35 : 20. to put to silcucc all who lin~c spoken against that in-
*’ The apostle was conversant with the prophccics stitution ; and if, cvcn for a short season, (to<1pcrtj\iis
and was also speaking as an inspired servant of Jcl~o- these oppo.sersto stop the proclamation of t!lc tlXil1
vah and Christ Jesus, and he quoted some of the of the liingdom the vcsntion of the Ilicrarchy wor:!d
prophecies and foretold that “they” would say, cease and that crowd would cry out, “Pcacc ant1
“Peace and safety.” Therefore it is not that “ma:-1~” safety.”
MARCH 15, 1936 f$EeWATCHTOWER 89

*OIt is the priests, and prophets, that is, preachers, and finish it according to the will of God. In several
who the prophet foretells will cry “Pence”, and who countries the work of preaching the gospel has been
do not br@ healing to the nations. “Every one dcal- stopped, and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy continues
eth falsely.” (Jer. 6 : 33) They suppress the message to move forward confident of its power to crush the
of the kingdom brou,=ht to the people by Jehovah’s witness work everywhere. Lel all the faithful bear in
witnesses and at the same time shout “Peace”, that mind that he who is for us is greater than all that
is, tolerance for themsrlvcs, and this they do to camou- can be against us. The Lord has sent forth his serv-
flage and to dcceivc the people concerning their work ants to deliver his message,and nothing can success-
of opposing Jehovah and his kingdom message.Thoc;c fully prcvcnt that messagefrom being delivered until
clergymen assume to hc prescrvcrs of the peace while it is finished. Those who are faithfully obeying the
at the same time they seek the destruction of God’s commandments of the Lord in bearing the messageof
messengers of real pcacc. As the clergy amongst the the kingdom lo the people are the ones that arc in fact
Jews said of Jesus, so now the clcrg say of Jehovah’s in peace and safety. To such Jehovah’s promise is:
witncsscs : “\Ve found tllis fellow pcrvcrting the na- “Thou wilt keep him in pcrfcct pence, whose mind is
tion, and forbidding to give tribute to Czsar” in stayed on thee ; becausehc irustcth in thee.” (Isa.26 :3)
their refusing to obey men’s laws which say they can- The “faithful servant” cla:s is made up of those who
not preach wilhout a permit’s bring had and obtained arc joyfully obedient to the commandments of the
from police officers. (Lultc 23: 2, 5) The clergy stlid Lord, and these arc now in the temple for ever with
praciically the hainc thin g to Paul and his compan- the Lord. (1 Thess. 4: 17) “And I will make with
ions : “‘I’IIcsc men, being Jews, do cxccctlingly Iroublc them a covenant of pcacc, and will cnux the evil
our city.” (Acts 16 : 20,21) “‘~~csc all do contrary to beasts to cease out of the land; and they shall dwell
the dccrccs of Clear.“--:iCts 17 : 6,7. safely in the \cildcrncss, and sleep in the wootl~. hnd
I1 When Jesus rode into Jcrusalcm and the multi- I will make them and the plnccs round about my I1111
tudes sung his praise the clergy of that time said: a Messing ; and I will cause the shower to come down in
“&hold, tlic worl(l is ;;(Jnc after him.” (John 12 : l!)) his season; there shall bc sl~~wcrsof blcssin~. And the
They then set fIbOUt to clc:,troy Jesus, that their own tree Of the fic*ld shall yield 1lCrfruit, and the PilHIl SIlilIl
pcacc and safety mi:;lit IN in;l(lc sure. Now the “groat yield her increase, and they sh:tIl hc safe in their Innd,
multitude”, known as “Jonada1x~“, arc bqinning to and shall ki10w that I am the I,ord, when I h:tvc brok-
seek the Lord, and m:!ny arc joining thcm:;clvcs to his cn the bands of their yoke, and delivered them out of
kingdom. The Jona&b:; arc cornin!: with joyful SOUR, the hand of those that served tl~cmsclvcs of thcrn. And
praising the namp of ~J~~l~ovah, and it must bc cxpccted thry shall no more bc a prey to tlic [nations 1, ntithcr
that soon the rcli::ioli:; crowd will say: “We must put shall the brust of the land devour thctn ; but they shall
an rntl to this l)rocl:litxili, 0 of tlic I:ili&m, that we dlvcll safely, aid none shall make them afraid.“-
may iiisurc our 0w11 l~c~acc!illIt sac&y.” If they suc- ISzclt 34 : 25-28.
ceed Icml)orarily, as tltcy have iii Clcrmnny, they will 34To those faithful outs Jehovah now says: “I will
take it for grantcrl that such is a sign that God is on bring them again unto this place [the tcmplc], ant1
their side and that they arc at pcncc \I ith him and I will cause them to dwell [in safety], ant1 tlicy shall
Christ Jesus, the (:rcatcr Jchu. Clod will permit them lx my pcoplc, and I will IN their Cod.” (Jcr.
to “bclicvc 3 lit”, as iii I Iamnn’s caxc.---3 Tlic~~. 2 : 11. 32: 37,38) Pear not the cncmy; but what the Lord
*2 Then will they say, “Pcacc and safety,” that is, tells the faithful in the temple, which is a place of
that the Roman Caiholic ITicr::rchy, her allies and her darkness to the enemy, the faithful witncsscbsmuyt go
dupes, liavc rcaclictl a poixt of safety from the annoy- and proclaim boldly in this day of judgment.-Matt.
ing ~nc::sagccarried by Jehovah ‘s witntsscs and thcrc- 10: 26; 1 John 4: 17,lS.
fore their &cly, as well as their peace, is certain. 35The Lord informs the faithful in advance of what
Their UPCof the word “safety” implies that they is certain to come to pass, and thus he does that they
have curtailed the activities of Jehovah’s witnesses. may hart full assurance of faith. The witness work
The same crw<id thought thcmselvcs safe when they must bc carried forward to completeness according to
caused the tomb of Jesus to be sealed and made sure. Ihc will of the Lord before the final expression of Jc-
--RIatt. 27 : M-G6. hovah’s wrath. What is required of every one who rc-
OSAll the facts, together with the sure word of rcivcs God’s approval is that hc must maintain his
prophecy, show that the hour is near when tlic rcli- int cgrity toward Jehovah, proving his Eaithfulncss
gious forces, led by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and under all conditions. Such would be impos:;iblc cx-
supported lq the strong arm of tlic law of the nafions, ccpt that God permits the enemy to persecute his wit-
will bc crying out to one another, “Peace and safety.” ncsscs. It is plain that Jehovah is maneuvering the
That they will do, becausethey are of the opinion that enemy forces as well as his own, preparatory to the
the “pcstifcrous” wilncsscs of Jehovah are silcnccd. final conflict; and being informed as to what will be
These undisputrd facts and scriptures spur Jehovah’s the result the faithful have crcry reason to rejoice
witncsscs to bend every effort to do the witness work and press on doing with their might what their hands
find to do. These faithful ones move on together in
pcrfcct pc’acc, joyfully rwpondin~ obedien!ly to or-
ganization instructions, knowing that, whatsoever
await? them, they are safe in the hand of the Lord.
3(rThe encmv will lx permitted to conclude that they
have rid thcn&lvcs of Jehovah’s witnesses. By perse-
cltting and oppr~win g thenc faithful ones they are
figllting against Cod, and thus doing they will hare
rcachcd a climax 111the reproach of Jehovah’s name.
If their “pearc a11dsafety” cry wcrc done in iqo-
rancc, such would not of itself merit tllc palling dorm
upon tlicm of the wrath of Cod ; but acting maliciously
and hypocritically puts tlic matter in a dificrcnt li&.
1Yl1cn the l’hilistines had Samson in their custody,
that. was their occasion for fcnstiii~, druril;cnncss and
self-gratulutions. la lilx manner the religious elcmcnt 7 24.26 Ibfcrring to 1 Thc~ssdonians 5: 3 : \Y~NI will p:?>
“klco nnd safctv”? \~iICll? ‘( I’euce and Ktfetv” f1,,r,,
of the world is now thorou$ly rl~unk on t!w wine of
Satan, and wlwn tlwy think tlwy have s~wccusfullp
dlllt. ~OWII the \\‘Ol’k Of J~hOv:~h’s witncws, that ~111
h! the OccaShn for :I druilkcll re\cl and their c(J~l;;r:ltll-
liiiions of 0110ai~otlicr. Tli~ay will siri:: out: ‘1Vc are
now at prncc and cntircly s:iIc.’ ThclL what.?
(To lo colrfl7l7cctl)


ONCi ccntLLlk:, ago C:ocl c~~usctl his proyJ!ict to
write and l’wctcll Illat a time would come when
a c:imlJaigii of dLlC!ati(Jll xould l)c carried forth

It will lx ol~scmxd from this lwophccy that ni the

time of its f~dfiIlmc~~~t tli(bre are blind pcoplc whose
Q-OS nlLlSt tie CJ~Jc111Cd, alld that thX’C arc ~JPiSoll~‘1’s ill
the prison lious~3 who must lidw an oplwrtu,iit.v to
be relieved. The 1~1~01~lwc.y must hnvc a fulfil!ment,
because it is uttered under the direction of Jcl~oruh
by his propllct 111miiI\ lioni hc has pIam his approval.
The student of l~roplw~y will lock for the plr~sicnl
facts showin:: n fll!fi~~RlClit Of thk ~~rO~Jh?y, aid, if
it is in couiw of f’ulfillmcnt, he will lx able to clkce~u
who are the pri:,oricrs aiid who :iw tlicy t11:ii au2 ltlind.
Nmcn 15,1936 91

grcgations is formalism. The worshipers bow down it, but they take every action within their power to
before images and gu through forms of worship, which prevent the members of their congregations from hear-
is contrary to the Word of God. They draw near to ing the truth. The clergymen and the principal of
the T,ord with their lips only, but there is no heart dc- their flocks arc blind guides, and, as Jcsu~ said, they
votion to the Lord. They magnify men and go through will fall into the ditch. (Xlatt. 15: 14) God foretold
a ccrcmony that, instead of rcflcctiug honor upon the the condition and course of action of these clergymen
Lord, brings reproach upon his name. God is pleased who are called “watchmen”, in these words: “HIS
only with those who rvorship him in spirit and in watchmen are blind; they are all ignorant, they are
truth. (John 4: 23, 25) Formalism is an abomination all dumb do;;s, they cannot bark ; sleeping, lying down,
in the sight of the Lord God. loving to slumber. Yea, they arc greedy dogs which
The Israelites in ancient times fell away to idolatry can ncvcr have enou$l, and they are shcphcrds that
and formalism, and their course was prophetic, forc- bannot understand; they all look to their own way,
telling how professed spiritual Israel would fall a\vay every one for his gain from his quarter.“--Isa.
from God and into idolatry. God commanded that no 56 : IO, 11.
graven image should bc made, saying : “ T’c shall make It is these clcrgymcn that are local prison lrccpcrs.
you no idols nor grarcn image, neither rear you up Probably in every one of the dcnominationnl orgauizu-
a standing image, ncithcr shall yc set up any imngc of tions, called “a church”, and in every con~:L’ejiation
stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the thcrcof, there arc those who do love God and who arc
Lord your God.“-Lcv. 26: 1. aiixious to know about him and to obey him. Liut bc-
The formalism that is practiced in so-called “or- cause of the influcncc of the clcr::ymcn and the “ prln-
ganized Christianiiy ” comes clcnrly within the tlcfini- cipal of the ilock” tl~cy arc not pcrmittcad to freely
tion of graven jmagcs. (Isa. 44: 9; 29: 13; 2 Tim discuss the Rible in the church meetings, ant1 are dis-
3: 15) For that reason such becomes a part of the couraged from going anywlwrc clsc to get a I;~~owIrtl~c
Devil’s religion (Babylon, as the Scriptures call it), of it. In fact, it is in a very frw of thrsc oi*:,*;ltiizati:ms
bccausc the purpose is not to honor Jcl~ovnh’s II;~IIIO that thcrc is any l:iblc stutly. Tlic clergy (10 not fnik
but to build up an organization that dishonors his about tlic liiblc. III fact, tllc modern clrrrrytrlclti dctt>
name and turns the prople away from him. The ccclc- that the l:il)lc is God’s \\‘ortl of truth. Jf 111~ntlclition
siastical systems arc thcrcforc prison liouscs. of ihcsc clcrzymcii is called to SOIIIL’book 1hat gitcs
The chief prison keeper, or war&n, is Satan Ikim- instruction in the Bible and ~1s forth tlic: Srriptural
self, because hc has hy fraud obtained control of the proof of God’s purpose, 111~clcrgynien st1~0u::ly dc-
organization called “Cilriqt iall”. In each congrc~a- nouncc the bOCJ!t and aS!i their coti::rc~gatiotis to !l:lVC
tion of thcc;c ccclcsinstical organizations thcrc is a nothing to do with it. The clcr,Trncn cl:lil;l to lx the
shcphcrd, or watchman, otherwise culled “ p~tor”. only ones authorized to ititcrpret the PJiblc~.The rc-
These men, who arc clcrgymcn; call tlwmsclvcs the suit is that the pcuplc iu those coiigrc;;atiolls arc it1
slicplicrds of the flock, or the clcr~:ytncn of tlic flocalc. darkiicss concerning the true teaching of tile Word
Each one looks to hiti own con:rcgntion for support. of God.
l3y their course of action they prove that they do not The congregation obscrvcs that the pastor or clcrgy-
love God and Christ and his kingdom, bcenusc they man dcvotci: his scrmonx to worldly politics, sc*icncc
give nllcgiancc and support to the League of Nations, so called, civic affairs and social matters, hut nc’vcr
which is the Ucvil’s makeshift. They othcrwisc pnr- dces he give them any food from t tic W’vor(1of (lot1
ticipatc in the politivs of this world, and arc more that cstablishcs the faith of the people in (:o(l :mcl in
intercstcd in what they c:.ll civic afi’airs than in tcll- his purpose of salvation. If it is sux.:‘cstcd that mcm-
ing of God’s great purpose and his kingdom. They re- bcrs of the congregation f:o clscwhcrc to hear the trut II,
fuse to hear the testimony of his Word, and thercforc the clergyman vcl~cmcntly opposes this, sayin? that if
they arc blind to wllat the Lord God is really doing they withdraw from the church they will IX doing
at this time. Not only do they rcfusc to hear, but they an evil work and will therefore participate 111 wrcck-
put forth their best endeavors to prevent their con- ing society, and that they will find their own eternal
gregations from hearing. These clergymen are like destiny in torment. Many good people arc thereby
their counterpart, the Jewish I’harisccs, to whom Jesus held in fear and restraint in the dcuominational or-
said : “Woe unto you, lawyers [doctors] ! for ye have ganizations called “churches”. As the prophet fore-
token away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in told, they have a superstitious fear of Clod but that
yourselves, and them that were cntcring in ye hin- fear toward God “is taught by the precept of men”.
dercd.“-Luke 11: 52 ; Matt. 23 : 13. --Isa. 29 : 13.
The lawyers, the Pharisees, the politicians and the God foretold through his prophet that the clcrgy-
commercial leaders stood together amongst the Jews. men, or shepherds, \\pould come to a time \vhcn they
Today the politicians and the commercial powers sup- would not feed the congregation but would feed thcm-
port the ‘doctors of divinity’, so called. Not only arc sclsc~, and he expressed his decided disapproval of
they blinded to the truth themselves and refuse to hear such. The Lord caused his prophet to write forttelling

tltcsc conditions in these wor&: “Son of man, proph- look with disgust upon the profession of the elcrq--
cq against thr shcplicrds of I9ac1, prophesy, and 533 men, ~~11 lino\vit~~ that they are hypocriics anrl ti:at
unto them, Thus saith the Lord God unto ihc shcp- their claim to rcpwscnt God is not, true.
herds, Woe IJe to the shepherds of Israel that do iced Those who willtttgly and joyfully scpnrate thcm-
thcmselvcs! should not tltc shepherds feed the 1locksB sclw3 from the worldly rcli?ions systems, in obcdicnc~~
Ye cat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, yc to the Lord’s comtnands (2 Car. 6: 16-1s) are tiot
kill them that arc fed: but 3-r feed not the ilock. Tftc thenecforth “~~&oJwrs”. Feeding upon the \Vord of
diseased hare ye not strettgtitencd, ttcither have ye God, they have become strong and hnvc left tlic pri ,on
imdcd that which was sick, ncithcr have yc bouttd up howcs, ltavc consecrated thctnselvcs to do the will oL”
that which was broken, neither have J-Cbrought again Jehovah Clod, and have been brought unto Zion, Clod’s
that which W.B driwn away, ncithcr have ye sought or~~atiization. Many of such wcrc oticc ‘~prisxwi‘~”
that which was lost; but with force attd with cruelty to Babylon, even as Jehovah’s witnesses thetnwl; <‘.s
have ye rulccl Iltcm. Thcreforc, 0 ye shepltcrdu, hwr once wcrc (in Ells), but tlicy cnmc away from l;nl~y-
the word of the Lord; Thus xiiih the Lord God, Be- Ion, the Devil’s orgttizntion, and wjoiccd. ‘LTI~ctl wid
hold, I am against the sltcphwds; and I will rcqutrc they amon: the hwtlwn [the n:tt iottc;], The l,ord 11:jth
ntp flock at their hattd, and cause them to cease from done great thing3 for them.” (1%. 1%: 2) Ilut tlws::
fedittx tttc ilock ; ncithcr shall the shel~lterds feed n.110 remain in tlic I~cvil’s orgxtiization an(l jts tic-
thcntsclscs any mot-c : for 1 11ill dclivcr my llock from notrtittatiot~al systems and arc: 1~1~1thorc by beitl; lVtlt
tltcir mouth, that they may not bc mcnt for tltcm. I;or itt fear or by rcslraitit, arc yet hcl~l as prisotwrd , n11~l
tln~s with the I,ord God, 1S~lwld I, cvcn T, will both thw2 arc they that now cry for rc*licl’. (kk. 9: 4)
search my bhccp, and ~cek them out.“---li;zl~l<. Cod’s great l’roplrct, JCSUY,then shows that tlw ])r, .,-
34 : ‘L-4,9-11. oncrs yet to bc set free go to make up the “grwt tn111-
Pcoplc of good will in tlxw church orpanizatiotts titntlc”, Who RlLlht “Come out of lhc gYCilt tlil~lt~:ili~~ti”
.scc tlmt thrrc is no lonpr my truth t;iught to the (Zl.T’.) :ltld \Vdl their rOlJt3 in the blued 0l’ t!i(: 1~i11111J
cotrgrqzttiott by the clcrgymctt ttor hy the pritwilxtl atrcl tlwrcby rcccivc Cod’s al)prov,rl, iltltl tlwt 11~4
of the flock. ~~lwii the cwtl~rrc~‘,‘atiotl nssemblrs it is “God Shall wipe nutty all ICilt’S front tlicir q’w “. ‘1’111 :\*
cliiclly for t hc ~JW-~J~SC of exhibiting lltc fiitc clothes will ROt }JC Of the royal l’utnt~y Of hC;lV~‘Il ;I% .J( IIOV:I!~‘s
of sonic and listotitty to a tlr~oursc that has no rcf- wilwsws nil1 bc, t~ul they dcvolc tl~cmsclvcs lu .J(b!if,-
ercttrc to (;otl’s \Vord. Tlwr*aforc there arc hungry valt in clonsortxtion and wrvc (Ott rarlh ‘*b~~‘lor(b1i:(s
souls in the dctwrnitiat iottal church systctns who arc tlll*otle of (;cNl”. (Rev. 7: 9-17) It iu to swh II(J~V1li::t
in great distress bN*ilUW of the conrlitiolt thcly we Jehovah’s witnrwcs arc wtttmissionc~d to ltrucl;~~nt 1IIV
there existinK. They l~now lht the natnc of Cod is “opc’ttitt:! of the 1)rison” ;it~d that the tltnc is :~t ItCind
not hotwwtl in the congrcgiiott ; :utd they k~rcnv that Ii-1:cn “the Lord looscth tl,c [yC#t rctnainittgJ I)vI,-
ti!c pcoplc ott tlic outsidc, coii~tt~only cnllcd “hwtlten”, oncrs”.- - Isa. G1: 1 f i’s. 1‘16 : 7.


T 1IIS occurred about forty-thtw

~lf%~potilrniall vullq &arly

hundred years
ago as rwcnt iirtdittgs hy :trcll:tcolo:~ists in the
bear out, ihcrcby
supporting tttc I;iblc account. of the world-witlc flood
of Noah’s I imc. l’icturc now to youtwlf t hc xrcitl ark,
four hutidrctl awl fifty l’cct long and with a wrcnty-
five-foot beam, built ttpott tIrc dry ::ronnd, and Noah
and his three sons attd their wives, tog:chtlicr with all
the animals and birds that had been tilkctt ttt, safely
bouwd in the ark and tcttscl3 7 awaiting the mot~~et~tfor
God to rclcasc the great flood waters.
The rivets of \vatcrs flowed pcacrfully on toward
the seas. The water springs ‘,ravc forth Ihcir rcgulnr
supplies for man, wltilc 1~lliPSafforded pleasure to tltC
eye and bore up the vcsscls of men ihnt glided 0x1:
their pcacdul bosoms. Kc\-r*r in the memory of man
up to that time had tltcx rivers ovcrClo?:ctl their
hanks, nor had the wntcr supply been inc~~2:iwd or
d.iminishctl. So man had ewr seen atty rain fall, bccauxc

All during the time that the ark was in the course buildittgs to powder. Terror-stricken, the people fled
of construction wickcdnrss continued to increase. The to the hills, only to watch the oncoming flood dealing
Kephilim who had assumed human bodies, under lead- death and destruction to everything in its way.
etsltip of Satan, had ittdulgL4 in every conceivable With increasing fury the maters rushed on. For
crime, and ttt(*tt of renown had joined them in crime, forty days and nights the torrents poured from the
and their thoughts were nothing but evil. The comple- north and the south and from above. Higher and high-
tion of the ark and the entrance thereinto by Noah er rose the flood until the hills wcrc covered. The.
would be a signal to ihcse devils in ltuman form, attd waves swept away from the crests the surviving men
their human slaves, to indulge in the greatest revelry, and beasts. Then the flood struck the great ark. The
dcbauchcry and crime. The Devil, or some of his an- great vcsscl groaucd and its timbers creaked. Then
&s, at that time would doubtless have made a bon- the mighty v;atcrs lifted it high above the ground, and
fire of lhc ark and destroyed it and its ittntates, had the ark floated upon the bosom of the newly-made :~a.
not the hand of the Lord rcstrnincd tbcm. God’s faith- The wind increased in fury, the earth rocked and
ful witness VW inside that ark.. The Lord C:orl always trembled, and tltc floods continued to rise utttil the
protcct9 his faithful ottcs. The promise of Psalm waters covered the hills and the mountains; and cvcry-
thirty-four, v~sc seven, is: “The angel of the Lord Ihing wltcrcin was breath died.
cncatnl)cth routtd about them lhat fear him, and dcliv- Tltc graphic eyewitness account contained in tltc
creth Elton.” scvettth chaplcr of Gcncsis, vcrscs eightcett to tncnty-
The time 11adnow arrived when God would ntakc a four, reads : “And the waters prevailed, and wcrc in-
dcmottstration of his power and magnify his name bc- crcascd greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon
fort all creation. The Sripturcs show that thc:sc the face of the waters. And the wrtcrs prevailed cs-
1vcpltilitn, who had left, their first estate by materializ- ccedittgly upon the cnrth; and all the high hills, ihat
lllg as IIIPI:, tl&auchud tlrc human r<tcCand turned were uttdcr the wltolc hcavcn, wcrc covcrcd. I”iftccstt
them into ~\ir*kcdncsa. That thcsc fallen att~els who cubits upward did the nutcrs prcyail; and the tno~1t1-
d~4~aucl1ccl the ltutn:~n race WI’O abased the Srripturcs taitts wcrc covered. And all flesh died that tnovcd upon
plainly state. ‘1’1~tcstitnony of I’ctrr’s second cpisllc, the rartlt, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, ::nd
cliuptfr two, vcrsc four, rcatls: “C1od spnrld not the of cvcry creeping thing that croc~pctli upon tlic c:t~*th,
angcblsthat sittned, but cast them down to hell, and and cvcry tnan : all in whose ttost rils was the breallt of
dclivcrc*ti tltctn into chains of darkness, to bc reserved life, of all that was in tltc dry lan(1, died. Aiid every
unto jltG;rlnettt.” Tbc apostle Judta, in tltc sixth vcrsc living substance was dcslroyctl which was upon t 11c
of his cpistlc, refers lo tltc WIIWmatter, saying: “And face of tltc ground, both tttatt, and cattle, and Ihc:
the attg& \vttich kept not tltcir first Mate, but left creeping things, and the fowl of the 11c:avcn;and ihcy
tltcir o\rn ltabil:~titln, lit h;itlt rchs(lrvcdin everlasting wcrc destroyed from the earth: and Noah only rc-
chains, uttdcr darkttcss, unto the jutlgtncnt of the great tnained alive, and thcly Ihat were with him in the ark.
day. ’ ’ Now the wicked mctt and wornat of earth must And t,hc waters prcvailcd upon the earth an huttdrcd
ntcct their falc. They had come to the full in wickcd- and fifty days.”
J~CSY and must die. God had vindicated his name in the mittds of Noah
The anitn:tls had bectt Enthercd into lhc ark as Cod and those who survived with him, and in llic tnitid~ of
had eomtttan~l~4Noah. That tn:~rlted the six-hundredth the angels in heaven. All the nations and l;itttJl~t~cl::
year of Noah’s life. Jt was on the sevcntrcttth day of and peoples who should ever spring from Il’oah aud
111~second motttlt. The hour of doom for the ungodly his sons would know of this mighty dcmottstratiott of
world had struck. Var away to the north was heard the power of Jehovah, or at least lti~~c an opportuuily
a mighty roar, as though tttoutttattts wcrc being torn to know. But some will rcfusc to bclicvc. All peo!)lcs
from their I’outtdatiottr. Fur distant from the south that have lircd upon the earth since !Soalt’s time 1tav.c
a like terrible sound filled the air. The wild beasts of scctt cvidcnces Of the great flood. l!ut, as it \tiit’i in
the field and the fowls of the air scnscd the oncoming Koalt ‘s day, those who have had their tninds lurttcd
of a terrible calamity. A groat flood of waters was away frotn the Lord, who rcfusc to bclicve his \Vord,
rushing frottt both the north and the south. The ac- deny the flood and are ignorant of the worl;s that
eoutit, prescrvccl in Gcncsis, chapter seven, rcrsc clcv- God has in tttind to perform soott.
cn, says : “All the fountains of the great clcep [wcrc] “For,” as the We~mouth translation of Second
broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” Pctcr, chapter three, verses five to seven, reads, “1 hey
Through the valleys mighty solid walls of water rushed are wilfully blind to the fact that ihcrc were 11ravc1~
on. Trcntbling, crushing attd falling, on came these which existed of old, and an earth, tl:c latter arisit!g
walls of irresistible power. Upon the bosom of the out of water and cstendittg continuously through
flood wwc borne great timbers, wrcckcd buildings, water, by the command of God; and that, by ~:IC;I~IS
quantilics of earth andmighty boulders. With 11~ flood of these, the then existing race of men WIS over-
came strong winds Olat froze the tnarrow in the bones whclmcd \ritlt water and pcrisltccl. Bitt tltc ljrcscttt
of the creatutrs that had never before known of cold. hc::v-cnsand the prc.,cnt cart11arc, l~.cthe cotn;na!ld 01
Reaching a city the flood snuffed it out and ground its the same (lo<l, kept stored up, reserved for fire in Ilrcp-
94 Beoos~n N, N. Y.

aration for a day of judgement and of destruction the “end of the world”. (Matthew 24 and 25) He
for the ungodly.” The Authorized Version reads: said: “For as the days of Noah, thus will bc the pres-
“Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed enre of the Son of man. For as in those days, those
with water, perished. ” before the deluge, they were eating and drinking, mar-
That the destruction of the old world by the deluge rying and pledging in marriage, till the day that ;Voah
foreshadowed the coming dcstrurt ion of Satan ‘s or- entered the ark, and understood not, till the deluge
ganization, visible and invisible, at the battle of Arma- came and swept them all away, t,hus will be the pres-
geddon, Jesus clearly proves in his great prophecy on ence of the Son of man.“--X&t. 24: 37-39, Diaglott.


T TS a fixed rule of the divine arrangement that and immortality to light. (2 Tim. 1: 10) All muqt have
God grants cvcrla%ing lift to no creature un- one opportunity for 1iTe.The opportunity for imnior-
til tbnt 01ic is fi13t fully tcstcd and, under ttic test, tality is for those 01~1~who seek it according to God’s
prows his loyally and faithfulness. (:od gave Adam, appointed way, to wit, by being made confurm:iblc to
the first man, lift; but hc then put him to the test the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.-Ram. 2: 6, 7 ;
bcforc 11~1 would grant him cvcrta\t ing life. IJnder Phil. 3 : 10-34.
the test Adam fell. Ilis failure was bccausc he gave It must 110~ be apparent to the student of tllr Scrip-
his allc[,riancc to the em-my of God. IIe was both a tures that all that man can do toward wvin:: liim~c~lf
disloyal and an unfaithful man. is to have faith and, under the test, to prove his loy-
The nest pcrfcct man on t&arth was Jesus. Before alty and faithfulness to (:od. For this r(‘ason it iq
the hcnvcnly I’athcr granted Jesus the: great and high written : “But without faith it is impo+blc to ~dvaxc
rcwnrd of eternal Iifc as a divine creature he first him: for he ttlilt conicth to God must brlicvc that ho
put him to Itic mo.;t scvcrc tests; and all these tests is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligcntt3
Jesus met succcs~fully, and thereby proved his loyalty sock him.“-1lcb. 11: 6.
and hi:; faithfuln~~ss unto God.----Luke 4: 1-14 ; Phil. lh%wccn Al~cl who was murdered by his brother
2: 6-11; Ilcb. 5: s, 3. Cain and the tree upon wllich Jesus dic>d tllcrc wc’rc
At once the absurdiiy of t hc doctrine of ‘inherent a few Incll 011the earth who bclicvcd Clod illIt \\.)I0
immortnlily of all JJ~CJI’ appeaw Sata~n is the author diligently tried to IJIC:I~C him and did please hillI. L’MI-
of this false doctrine ; and Satan’s rcprrscntativcs, the ccrning these men it is writtell in the cpii;t Ic to the
clergy, have proclaimed tllis false doctrine amongst Ilcbrr\vS, C!ll:l]JtCr clweii, vcrse$ thirteen to SktCCll :
men for CciltWics pa\t. “The.sc all died in faith, not. Ij;\vinK reccivcd tllc lJrO!li-
IMorr. the ransom sacrifice for mankind was pro- ises, but having seen them afar off, at111were pcrsrlad-
vided 11.vthe death of the perfect man Jesus, it was cd of them, and embraced them, and conf~+~~~lll~,lt
imyossihlc for any mim to bc granted cvclrlnsting liie. thcp were strangers and 1)il::rims on the c:lrth. 14’31’
This is true for the reason that all men arc dcsccnd- they that hay such things, dec~l:ire pl;iinly that tliq
ants from Adam and have inherited the result of his se& a countl*y. And truly if they hi\tl IKX-JJ mitlcll’~tl
wrongtloin::. (Ram. 5: 12) It is the rule of God that of that cou~ilry from wlicnce they came out. 11h:lt IC;,
“as in ~(l:cm all die, cvcn so in Christ sIbal all bc made the 1)&t’s organization], they niigllt Iiavc II:I~?Oir-
alive”. (1 Car. 75: 22) The death and resurrection of portunity to have returned : but JIOW tllcy dclsirc a
Jesus Christ must first take l)lacc before any man better country, that is, an licavcnly : \LI~c~c~lorc( lu,l
could hc granted life everlasting. Thiq, howcvcr, did is not ashamed to bc callrd their (:od ; for he hail
not prCVcJlt irIllJcrfCY!t JJWJl fJ’OJn ~n%villg their loyalty prepnrcd for tltcm a city.”
and faithfulnc~ss to God to the extent of their ability. The word here rendered “ country ” means fat lrclr-
By so doin:: they could have God’s approval. land; that is lo say, their native town or city or 1~1;lt~
Since, hov;cvcr, ihere is no other name under heaven of abode, or their land of nativity. The natlvc contli-
whereby salvation to lift can come, except through tion of man WitS perfection in I’ilradisc, the par&n of
the merit of Christ Jesus, it follows that life could not Eden ; and S~JIW it is Gocl’s purJ)osc that this conditicln
be granted until the coming of Christ Jesus and the shall be rc-established, but that this en11eotnc only
giving of the ransom. IIe “gave himself [his life] a through his heavenly kin;:dom ; and since thcsc fail h-
ransom for all, to l)c testified in due time”. (Acts ful men desired such a thing, they therefore dcsil(~(l
4: 12; 1 Tim. 2: 5, 6) It follo\ys that 110 matter how the heavenly kin::clom or government to 1~ rc-cstab-
fuit.hful a man might have proved prior to the giving lished on earth. God, in the pcrformancc of his IJUI’-
of the ransom, he could not be granicd ercrlastilrg pose, will tticrcforc provldc a city; to \rit, an or+rni-
life until the ransom is presented ~3 a sin-offering IJC- zation, a government, in which these men shall have
fore the mercy-scat of Jehovah Gocl. Therefore tile a part. But nho are these men?
death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus brou$~t life Under inspiration of the holy spirit the apo& Paul
wrote of and coriccrning them. (Hchrews, eleventh The apostle here says, “The world was not worthy”
chapter) First he mentions AM, who proved his faith of thwe mcn ; mcaliinq the wor!d of whick Satau the
in Chcl. Thn he tells of ISnoch, who “walked with Devil is tl1e invisible ruler. By their foithfn! devotion
God”, mraning that he had faith in Cod and was ohe- to G’Od and to his promises thex? worthy onus testi-
dient to him ; and he says that Cod took l3~ocb away fied tl1at tl1ey were completely out of harmony with
that he s!~ould not see death. Then he mentions Noah, the Devil and iu comIJlcte harmony with God. They
who livccl in a time of great wickedness, and who had true lwartx, and did their best to do r1:ht; aurl
manifested his faitl1, loyalty and devotion to Cod by btcausc of their faithfnlncss they reccivcd a good r~‘-
proclaiming the truth amidst a wicked and pervclsc port. But they could not then receive the promis?.
gcncratiou. Then comes Abraham, who was called to Keep in mind that the promise was the blessing of
go out into a place which !1c knew nothing about; and cvcrlastinp life, and the apostle plainly says that li;c
because of his faith hc wnt. JIe sojowncd iu a straugc is a gift of Cod through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Itom.
country, dwelling in tabcrnaclcs with Isaac and Jacob. 6: 23) It reasonably follows, then, that they could not
The apostle also mentions ALraliam’s wife, Sarah, get life prior to the giving of tiic ransom sacriiice.
who manifcstcd her faith in God’s promises. Tiwrl he Thcu adds the apostle : “ God having provi&td some
tells of tlic great test, that came upon Al~raliam, when bcttcr thing for us, that they without us should uot
God callrd upon him to offer up his son Isaac. Bclicv- 1~ ma& Tdb.3.‘~
It is mauifcst that the claw Iierc
iriK that (I6tl was al~le to r;1ise Isaac u!~ from the de:ici mcntiul1cd a9 g:cutting the “lwtter thing” arc thaw w!lo
Ahr:iham ol~q-rtl, and this proves Abraham’s faith will be associated with C’hrist in the spirit wndition
in the rcsurrcction. in h&ven, because Paul i11~ludcs himself ;IS orx of
Then I’;1111 mcntior1s Isaac as one of the faithful. them. IIc says lhnt tlwse EilitllfUl men of olfl witliout
h’cst hc tc.11~of the fait!1 of Jawlj, W!IO, lwausc 6f !lis us should not lx made pcrl’cct. The \lord lwc wn-
coiifidcnce ii1 God, pr0!1lrcsictl awl ljlwscd his soils &red “pcrfvct" dciwtcS CcJIJl!)!('tc?, finiS!id, zicc(xIl-
upon his dcathbcd, 1 Jc clcw!~ilws 111~faith of Josrph, ~1lislwtl ~~urposc~. I3y tliis, tllcn, it iq to be rr1~clc~rstwtl
and 110~ t11c Lord dirwtcrl him in lS~yl)t. Ire ihc11 twills tllilt thcsc mc11, llil\‘iIl~ rccci\ocl a good rc!jort !J(V:l1lV!
of ~IOSCS, \vllO, illtllOU:,lll IYTlrcd in 111~~ 110111cOf a kin<:, of tlicir faitl1fu!ncss, must wait i11 dwth in tlic to; 111
when he cwne to the ytbars of maturity rcfuscd 16 11~ until tlx memlws of the 1~01ly of Christ, wIlic*h is the
rallcd the son of tlic ltinr ‘s daughter, clioo~if1:: rat Iwr true c.h’(‘h, :\I’(! fSd(‘ctd Ulld ]Jl’(J\t!d. (c:(J!. 1 : 1 h ;
to suffer allliction with his own peoj~lc, bcransc ol his ]‘;!‘I’. 1 : 0“
..d, “3)
-< T!IC ljromi4c cw1iw~11inf tl1ow I’:iitl1l’ul
faith in God. The a!~ostlc :1&k ~~JU~‘cI’llh~ hiln 03 IlW11 of' O!(l vOll!ll 11Ot be mll!J!~Lt('t! iliifi! t!lc! ~lOl'~l fl:lS
“wtwlnitig the rc!jroiwl1 of Cliiist gwtcr riches tl1a1t scl~~lctl the witirc cliurc41. Tliat is to say, Go(l’s !,I!I’-
the trwsurcs in I*;Kypt: for ho !13(1 wq,cct unto tlic ]Jo:,c ;llld ]Il'OI iii011 for tl1Cm CilllllOt lj(? c:011sl1t1111t:1t~~tl
Iwomp~iise of the rcwrtl”. (Ilcl). 11 : 26) And tl:Wi 1s or finished mitil full and com!1lclc ljrovisiou is III~I~!~~
I~rovcd the f;tith of Rlows in the coming lii1l~tlOIfl illid for the invisrhlc l~in~tlom of God, namely, Christ J~~SIIS
i11 tlir ,q13,;1t King. Tliw 111~:I~JOSIIC mc9tiu1is the faith autl tlic fait Iiful cliurcli of \~liicli lie is tl1c I!c:~cl.
of I1;111:1lj, the 1i;irlot. ; a11d he also tells “of Grdeuii, In tlic atoncmcnt-day sacrifiw, which (Iotl c;111~~c1
and of ~!w~l;, and Of ~:imson, aud of Jcl111thac”. the .J~w~ to pwcticc C~ICII Scar and which is tlcsc~1~111,~tl
Aftw rnciitioniu~ J)alpitl, and tiamwl, and the P:iith- in the sistcwit!i chapter of t!le !JoO!C of TAG\it iM1s, it
ful pro!)licts, tlic a!~o~tle tlicii qrons cloqncnt, and his is shoan that the r:1nsom s:jwifirc is prrsc~ntccl as 3
words ririg with joy atid confidence in God when 110 sin-offering 011 bclialf 6f ill!, aside frOn1 1!1(* churc*l1,
adds : “ \Vho through faith sul1ducd lii11:;dom3, wrou~I1 t aft cr tlic hclcct ion of the members of tl1c body of
ri$itc6usncrs, obtainctl p;omisr:s, stopped the niout !is Christ.
of 1ions, c!u~nclicd t!ic violcnrc of fire, cwapcd tlx c&q! IVlrcn the nicml~crs of Ilie l~otly of Christ arc con-
of the w;ord, out of wc:~l~t~css were mzdc strong, wnscd plcted, what thcu is to lx cs!)cctc4 for thcw 111cn\\ i10
raliant in fi$it, turned to flight the armies of the died in faith before the glut lw1som SilCl'ifiCC v, .Is
aliens. \~om~ii rccciwitl tlwir dead raised lo lift again: given? l’all! l)laill!y S;l)‘S: “\\‘!1wCfOr(? Ci6tl iS r1kJt
and otlwr~ wrc tortnrcd, not accc!Aiqg dcliwrauce ; asliamcd to be Cillld tlwir (:Od ; for 1lC ll:ltll ~)l’t‘t)al’(‘ll
that thq- might obtain a better rcsurrcclion: and for tlwni a city.” (Ilch. 11: 16) ;I ritp lwirlq n s;.nl-
Others llntl tl’iiil of cruel mOCliill~S and sco11r~ings, yc\:j,
1~1 of a g6wrniwnt, this test is poGtirci proof tl::lt
mowover, of bo11ds and imprisonment : thcly wwe
God hilS pre!):\red for the%! \‘t’l’y men I ],laW lll1dCr IliS
stoned, tlicy wrc sn\vn asunder, wrc tcni!)tetl, wrc
slain wit!1 the sword: they wanclcrcd about in shccp- government of riglitcousncsi on earth. Ilc11w 1!:(a>
SliillS and g0atskllls ; being destitute, nftlirtctl, tor- will be ma& the? vi::iblc, cartlily rcpwsciitativcs of
mcntccl; (of whom tl1c world was not worthy:) thc>y God’s lii1i~,tlo:1i duriug tlic thousand years I\ hen the
wandertd in deserts, and in mountains, and in dws invisible C’llrist, (:oil’s auoiutecl King antI earth’s
and ca\-cq of the calth. ,\nd these al!, 11al ins obt:lincd ri~glrtf111 l:ulcr, will a~lmiitistc~r the govrr11mt 11t fr<:n1
8 good report through faith, rcccircd not the prom- liwvcu ant1 1’.ill lilcss all the faniilics of tllc carlh, to
isc.“-Ilclj. 11: 33-39. the $ory of tl:c Lord God Jchov<1!1.
of April 6. is the proper time for the cclcbration of
EIE date for the celebration of the name of Jc-
hovah God and to the sacrifice of Cluist Jesus the Xcmcrial. Jcr~a!e:;n time is used.
is dctermincd in this manner: Frcm the ol)zr- The book cntitlcd .Jeltotd~ contains a more detailed
vation of the new mocm nearest to the vernal cquinos, exj)lanation of the 3lcmorial than Y’lte 1l~atcl~h.w
which marks the first day of the first month, count could carry at one issue. Carefully and prayerfully
fourteen days. (Xx. 12: I-6) According to astronom- study chagtcrs two and three of the hook entitled
ical calculations the moon rises at least sixteen hours Jehotdt, lqinning at page 26 and cndin~ at pa::‘: 1%.
before it can be seen with the natural eye of man. In Then on t!lc 6th day of r\pril, after 6 p.m., let each
the time of Jloscs the calculation was made from the company of the anointed assemble and tclchratc tilt
hour he could XC the moon with the n&cd cyc, and JIcmorinl. III doing so, use unlcavencd l~c:ld and real
that is the proper manner fsr us to count the time, red wine. I:nPermcntcd grape juice or rakin juice will
, This year (called A.T). 1936) begins on the 21th day not meet the requircmcntu. The Lord and the apostles
of March; and the fourteenth day, to wit, after 6 p.m. used real red wine, and WCshould follow their lend.


With lhsure I :m ~c~ntllng the report of our Dcthcl stud&

in llclslnki during the! 1110nthof I~eccrnlm 19X:

M. I.. RERR A. II. nmmi.Lm
Notnaulra, Ala. __ .__.Blnr. 31 Etownh. Tcnn. .......... Apr. Eatonton. fh. ....._.....Apr. 1 C,~ccnnootl, R C. .. Apr. IO
Cmap ILdl. Ala. _.._Apr. itncltn vorl, ‘I‘enn. ...... ;: :i Grcrnhm, GIL .......... “ 2 (:rwnvillc, S. C ....... ‘8 17
Boaunl,e, Ah. ._.-....... “ : Oah‘lalc, ‘I’rWn. ......... Atlnnl:‘, Ga. . . .......... 6‘ 3-5 Tnyh,r G, s. (‘. . . ... 1‘ .ls
Crakford, Ala. ..__..__.__. ‘1 ~lnrtrl, Trnn ..............
II“ :; IMlns. Grc. ................. “ 7 51~~1t~nhurp, S. c’. ... “ I!1
AnnLton, Ala. . .. .._.. . . “ 1 KllOSVlllP Trnn lo-“1
53 I:orhnlilrt, C:r. ..............6‘ GaffIlc‘y, s. (.. ........... ‘I “I
Ihcwlu. Ala. . . . . .... ..-. “ c!lintml hw, .:..:::::::: ‘l I:omc, Gn. ................. ” : Chc*htrr. S C. ............ “ 22, ?:I
Alabmnn City, Aln. ._.. “ : Lwt~di TW~U ........ 1‘ 24
J.aqrr. C.a. ............... “ 10 C’hnrlotlc. s. c. ........ “ 21. 2-i
near. Aln. . . ... ..._.........*. “ Sew Tn;e\\rll.’ Term “ 25 ?fi I‘
Grove Ctnk, Ah. ____.__._ “ 1: KU’%\lik~, ‘Jkrm. ..... “ ’ 2s .\lurrtl)\-llle. cn. ........ 11 RR111,:1pOIIY,s. c. ..... “ 2c,, “7
Chattnnoogn. Term. __. “ 11, 12 Wnyrwiville, S. C. ..... “ 29 An&r. on. S. C. .......... “ 12, I:1 Sal~s~mry. S. C. ...... “ 2t.l. 20
Cleveland, Term. _......_*’ 14 Ashe\Ille, N. C. ..Apr. 30.Jln~ 3 Abhcl IlIe. S. C. .......... “ 15 \vlnstoll-S~llem, h-. c Mny 1, 2
San Jose, Calif. _____._.
Apr. 2, B Tularr, Calli’. ______.._._Apr. 9, 10 Ccre., Cnllf . ..._ _.....Apr. 117,17 Stncaktnn, Cnlif. _ . A!!r 2:. 24
Frewo. Calif _ ._........ ;; + g Atwater, (‘alIf. . . ..._. .__” II, 12 OaLdnlt~, (‘AllI . .. . . .. . . . “ IS, 19 onklilnrl. Calrf. .. t’;, 2-4
PorterviIIe, Caltf. . .. .. t TurIock, CalIf. .__..___ __“ l-1, 15 So:)orn, CalIf. .. . ..I. .... . ” 21.23 s. l~‘rn,lcisro, Cahf. .Lpr 30.1luy 3

“TIIE IrORD'S DAY" (&lrt 2) ~~~-...I~. 99
“ Travail” _...-._...__-._.._. ~~~~.~~~...~...~ ... ...““....101
“Day of Wrath” __._._“........_...._......... . “. 10.7
Questions for Study . _“.“”I._....._...” .I..I._ .. lU7
ITIGII WAY FOU TIIE PEOPLE - .I ._..... .... ..__.I 107
Tlu: OGTCOIIE OP ARuamDDoN I.I.I."..._I_. 101)
. ....... .,.....-.* 1 11
AIEalortr.\L _"_..."... - - - .. . . ..._""......
bTl'ERR FROM AFIELD -..e....,............._............'111
B.mc SICRV~CE. _.. _ __... -.__...~., -.. -..-_..,..-....1.J2
111s fiTRANGE \vORK - ...._._.“_..._....-.._....._._ T... 98
“ CIIOOSING” _.. . .. ...I. _. . I_- I._.._“.. - ..I.._ .. 98
EIXWI:IC SIGN ... . . ._I.“._.-..-..“.......... .._.I ..I . .... QS
I'KESIDENT '8 MAIL -"11.--.-""~~.--~"-~~~-". 98
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
T HIS journal is published for the purpose of cnnhlin:
the people to know Jehovah C;otl and his put p,adru ::3
expressed In the Jilljlc. It pul~hshe~
specifically &signed to Ned Jehovah’s wltncsses. It nrrcnc:lhs
Hlble instruc!iq,n
J. F. RETTIERFOKD President TT.E.VAXANB~GII Secretary bpternxtic Bjtjle sturly for its renders :rnd suppl~ea other ljtcr-
aturo to aid in such studlcs. It puLl,~li~3 suit:lIjlo m~frr,::l
“And all thy children shall be tau&t of Jehovah; and for radio broadcasting and for other UIL’:IIISof pubhc iz&luc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“-IJaLh 54:13. tion in tile Scrlljturcs.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
TtlE SCRlF’TURES CLEARLY TEACH ancrs. It is entirely fret and scparato from all parties, sC1.(3
THAT JEllOVA!+ iy the only truo Uod, ia from cvcrlaating or other worldly oq:~nizations. It is wholly and without
to ovorlnating, the ,\Inkcr of heaven and cart!1 and tho C;ivcr
rcservntion for the kingilom of Jcho\ah Gocl uwlcr Chri+.
of lifo to hjs creatures; that tho Logos was the beginning of his Bclo~cd King. It IS not dogmatic, but in~ltcs carviul
his crcntion and his ncti\e npznt in the cwntion of all and critical exnmination of its contents in the lll;llt Of t!l?

things; that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, Scriptures. It dots not indulge in controrcray, and its CO!-
clothed with rrll pov,cr in hcavcn and earth, and t!lo Chief umns aro not open to ycraonahtics.
Exccutivo Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD crrntcd tho c:rrtJl for man, crcntcd perfect
man for tho c:lrth and placc~l him upon it; that nmn n~lfu!ly
disobeyed (Jorl’~ lnw and W:IS tcntvnccd to dcatlt; that by
reaRon of Ad:~rn’rr wrong act all men are born sInhers and
without tho riglit to lift.
TliAT JESUS was mado human, snd the man Jesus fmf-
fered derrth in o&r to Jjroduco the ran3om or rctlcmyti1o
price for all rnxukind; thnt clod rnivrd up Jcsu9 divico nnd
exalted him to lroavcn above cvcry crenturo null nbovo every
name and clothed him with all porrcr and authority.
TIfAT JEliOVAll’S ORGANIZATION is c:r!led Zion, and
that Christ JCWS is the Chief Ofiiccr ttjcrcof and is t!je
rightful King of the worltl; that 11~ anointed nntl fnithful
fullowcrs of Cllrist Jcsuv aro children of Xlon, rtlc~rut,crs of
Jchorah’s orp;jcnjr:llion, and are llis aitncsscs whoso duty and
privilege it is to t<,;tify to tljo aupr<*nuL~‘yof Jcho\:ll!, dcrlero
hiti purpwwa tonnrtl mxnltind 11s crljrruscd in tho 131l~la,and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who ~111 hear.
TI IAT TI IE WORLD 11x+ended, and the Lord .Jcsu9 Christ
hae been ~~lrwrcl IJY Jchornh upon hia throno of aufhoritv,
hns ousted ,%t:tn from h~rrn and is procccdtng to the
cstsblishmcnt of God’s kingdom on earth.
TIIAT TI 1E RELII3T: and biessinjis of tljo pcoplcs of earth
can cum0 only IJY and through .Ic~!~~v:~h ‘R kmg(!~lm unrlcr
Christ which haa now tqun; that the Lord’8 next gtc:lt
act ia the (1Wtluction of S:rtrln’s or~:~nxz:~tion ilnd tllo cstnb-
listuncnt of rightcousncsa in the ccl1th, unrl tljnt undo the
kmgdom nll tho30 aho 5~111obey its righteous 111wsahnll livo Eutcred aa flcoond CZa.w Nail Mattrr at U~ooAIun, S. Ti., I’opto:lc~r.
on earth forelcr. Act of Nan-h 3, IS;9.
-----z~=i-=~--- :r-- __ ..^_. -.- ----Tz.- ._ - --..
The tr&irnony pctxod “111s Litrango \Vork” drtcs from the
4th to the 72th t!:ry ~riclus~vc of ,\!jrjl. Uuring till3 l)cItod all
desirous of ajn~jnl: forth tllc n’luir of .Je!~v~~hu I!! ~11 upon
t ho proplc with the hook h’?c*hcs.The T,ord ‘R Jjuhhs!~crs will
Ju‘vo carc~fully rcatl the autograpllctl cclitlon by April 4 and
w111 I,0 fully Jjrel1:lrcd anrl anxious to Jjktrc this wondCrfu1
mr+xcgo in the h:t~lds of the J~colj!e un R contrlljuljon of 2%.
‘i’hoso not u~so(*j:\tcd wjth com!xmjr*s of yu!j!lsh~*rs shou1.l
wlite tho branrll offlre in the country in which they llrc or the
he:111of!icc at 117 1ld01us St., 13rocjk!\n, N. Y., csprwsing their
dcsirc to pultlnlate m the wIln~~4s.i’lre JFafthfou cr has hcre-
tafnre stxtctl Illat the Society woul61 soon publi3l~ a book esJjc-
ciztlly for the bcueiit of the “grc:tt multltudl:“, Jlc~r rt is!
Get it into tllc h:~n& of the people, thereby informing them of
jc!jovah’s “stlon;o work”.
“C II 0 0 s I N C”
VOL. LVII APK~L 1, 1936 IGO.7



“Then s~ddcn destruction contcth upon tl~crn, as travail upon a woman with child; and tlrcg shall nof cscapc.”
-1 I’Iltw. 5: 3.

1sJJC~~~AJIis the great Tea&w, and he WCS figtres on all them that dwll on the face of the whole cnrtlt.
of sl~ccclt by whirh hc transmits Co ltiu crcnturts Watch yc therefore, and pray always, that yc may IIC
that love hint lhc truth, and in no uttccrtilin terms. accounted worthy to cscapc all thcsc things that shall
By tltc hand of tltc T,orcl Jesus C’hrist the faithful serv- come to pa.w, iltlcl to stand b(lforc the Son of tnan.”
ant class is brought into tltc tcmplc of Jchovalt and (Luke 21: 343G) “Lest cotning sudtlcnly [ uttcxlwt-
there ins1rurtcd conccrttin g what they ntu\t do and cdly (Diaglott)], tic find you slccltin~. And what I
what is certain to come to pam, and tlwt within a short say tutto you, I say unto all, Vateli.“--;\l:trk 13: X,37.
time. The pctxcuting cncmiw arc showt to be in dark- 3 Tltc end of those who willf111ly rcl)roach (~otl’s
ness, while tllcy lryltocriticaliy claim to be the light natnc is dcslrurtion. To tltc. E:tit l,ftt! wmnattt c*lass the
of ihc world. Those hypocri!ic~al rcligiottists and their JJord says : “Secinl,r it is a ri~tltwus t!rittg with (:oti
allies vi~otwusly ol~posc the tnc-ztgc of and coitccrtiin~ to wcontpense tribulation to t ttcrn that trouble 1 oit ”
dcltovalt’s kingdotn and 11rap many indipitics upon (2 Thtrs. 1 : 6) T11c faithful iwntwttt arc now will-
Jehovah’s witrtcsscs, and thcwhy continue to rcl~roach fully and wrongfully pcrscwtcd hy t IIC I<omnn cat h-
God’s nitmc. The enemy carrirs out stiett nicl;cd pcrse- olic Ilirrarchy and tlwir ;llliW, ;11td this pcrsccution is
cutiott and to such a point that they rottcluclc that Jc- lic:~lwd upon tltctii hcenuse ‘in ohctlicnce to the I,orcl ‘s
ltovalt ‘s wititcsscs arc done for, and tltat the tnc~w~c con~mnndmrttts they cortt inttc lo Ilctxld the Itl(‘SSirg:c
of the Lord wlticlt greatly attnoys the opponents has 01 the kingdom. For their comfort the I,ord, 1l~r~~i~lt
been successfully suI)~)rcswd. As a result the cncmy the apostle, says to tltctn: “,1tid to you ~110 arc
holdx a feast itIll rcjoicw and says to all who will ltrar: troubled, rest. witlt us ; wltcn tltc I,ord Jcs~tq sl1:111be
“htcc nntl s:1kty.” 1VItile thus cottgratulatittg one revc:~lcd from ltca\ en with ltis miqhly angels, in flnm-
attotltw, “sttd~lctt d&ruclioit cotncth upott them.” The in: fire taking wtt~cance on thctn i!l;tt know ?lcJt <id,
Lord iii this conttcctiott uses as a figure of spccclt or attd that obey not tltc gospc~loi our Lord Jesus C!Jtt*ist;
illustratiott a ‘~w~man in travail” at the time of who shall be puttishcd witlt cvcrlnsting Oc5ttw+ion
childbirtlt. frottt the prcscttcc of the Lord, and from the glory of
z Tltc word used in the ~rcck and translated by the his 1~owcr.“-2 Tltcss. 1 : ‘7-9.
Ettglislt word “hudd~tt” does not mean ‘apparent or *Manifestly tltosc who arc to 1~ dcstroycd itwludc
nppcnriitg from tltc outward surface of things’, hut thosc who lrnw ltcard the gosl~4 of Iltc kitt&0n and
means tllilt wlticlt comes uttcspcctcdly, as a tltuttder- have rcbfused to obq- it and l,avc opposed it. The UWY~S
bolt out of a clear sky; that is, anytlting that is con- “1iItOW IlOt”, above, have the tnrattittg of c;tsit:~l vision
trary to what the surfacc appearance would lead them of the truth of the kingdom, but which kttowlr~tlgc is
to cxpcct. Tltc enemy shall lx taken by surprise and treated liglttly and disrcgardcd. Such is the conditlott
astonishmcttt, because in darkness and not on the of those who compose the Roman Catltolic Jlicrareity.
WM. This i, due to the fact that they have ttot the They ltavc the Word of Clod and hnvc taken a c;r.,~:tl
spirit of the I,ord, hnt the spirit of the prince of dark- vision of the satnc and hare ntisnpplicd it to suit. tItc,ir
ncss, their father. They tltittk tltcmselres to be secure. own sclfirjlt desires and have disrcqtrdcd its ilrl1i(Jr-
Wttcn they suddenly fall, that will to ninny seem wry tatiw, and ltrttcc have not obeycil God’s Word. Tltc tlxt
strange, bccausc it is the work, the strange work, tltc newssarily itteludes those who have had q~~wrf unity
act, the strange act, of God. (Tsa. 28: 21) Jn the con- to know and have refused to know. Tltcrc is tto obliga-
clusion of his great prophecy on the end of the world tiott on God’s part to shield or protect nn~onc who
Jesus said : ‘I And take heed to yours&es, lest at any does not seek itis protection in the ntattncr pointed out.
time your heartsbe overchnrgcd wit11 surfeiting, attd ’ Tltiq scripture and suplxwting OIWSshmv that. the
drunkenttcss, and cares of Ihis life, and so that clay dcbtruction will come sutldettly and that tltc objects
come upon you unawares. For as a snare sli:tll it come of Clod’s wrath will SW that destruction is upon them
E~OOL(LTS, Ii. y.

immediately before it falls. The word.. “corn& upon and punish the anoiutcd of God. They have repeatedly
them ’ ‘, as literally i~nd~rcd, arc “is installtancous“; lied about Cod’s people aud brought false Ctncss
according to the Dircylott: “+Suddcn destruction im- apins% them in the courts and had them gnnishcd in
pcnds over them. ” The destruction comes from Jeho- order that those hypocritical religionists might pro\c-
vah by Christ Jesus, his “Sword” ; as it is written: cute their own wicked work. C’onccrning that ~~icI;cd
“There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to nud persecuting crowd the Lord’s Word says : “Let
destroy.” (Jas. 4 : 1%) IVhen those workers of iniquity destruction eomc upon him at unawares; and Ict his
begin to boast rirltl swagger al~out iltld rcjoicc that net that he bath hid eatcli himself: into that very dc-
Jehovah’s witncsscs are out of busincq and that the struction let him fall.” (Ps. 35: 8) “110~ arc thchy
opposers arc at ezsc nncl pcac’c, tlcstruction is right brou::ht into desolation, as in a moment! they arc
tftcn at hand, very close and irnmedlntcly about to fall utterly consumed with terrors.” (1’s. ‘i3: 19) “\\‘II(~~
upon them. %%zn they have rc;~chcd the high point your fear cometh as desolation, and your dc\truction
of utter abandon to scblf-pence illIt security 1,y what comcth as a whirlwind; when distress and an:ni+
they have accomplislicd wrongfully, then sutldo~ dc- comcth u1Jon you. Tlic~i slinll they call ulwn me, lout
slrurliotk is actually uy~oil them aud 1 hey shall I~nwv I will not :iI:‘iwcr; they hl~lll seek me c:~rly, but thcby
it. COd Will IlOt lJt!rmit tht Oltl \vivk!d aXId llyp shall not fmcl mc: for that they hated k~~ov;l~~~l~c,at111
critical crowd to go down to the gIx\c iti lwacc. llis did IlOt ch~.sC th fCar Of the r,Ord: thy wCJU~C! 1lOIlC
h\V ClOCS IlOt clr:lnqC. lhvid tVi1S (:od’s anointed, atlfl of my c80unse1; they dcsp~xd all my rcprooi’.” (I’Itrv.
other fail hf’ul men wo14xd with him. Jotlb had wi&- 1: 2i-30) “I%& gocth ?JPfOrC dcst ruction, am1 i111
Cdly persecuted the J,ord’s pcoplc, including David, hatt!$ty Spil’it h&JrC a filll." (I'rOV. 16 : 3 8) SWll iil’l;
alld this instruc*tion givcir to Solomon\VilS : “ IlO tllcre- rcsscls of wrath for dcstt,uction.-Rum. ‘J : 22.
for0 according to t!ly wisdom, and let not his hoar 8 Says tllc test, “Cometh upon them.” UpC~ll w110ni?
[old and gray1 11~~1::o dowli to 111~ y:rave in px~.” The hypocritical Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy in lJ;lr-
(1 Ki. 2: I-G) c’ouc7~r,iing Shimci, who cursed I):lvid titular, \y:llir*li has huilt a mighty Or~iltliZ:~tifJI~ 011 :L

and threw htont3 at him, tllc, Lurtl sirid coIicc~rIiir~g basis of lichs and has ~iiatle a covenant wit11 dcat 11ilIlt
thi?i Ittbriecutor of his nnointctl : “ TJ ih hoar htxd IJriItg hCll, :IIld upJn their S(J-edled “~‘rOt(‘Stmt “-c!(.rgy
thou tlowtr to tlw vravc with 1Jlood.” (1 Ki. 2: !)) TlIc “yes men” a~~dJtxish r;llGs, who kowtow with th(,1u
Jlom:ln C:rtlIolie I I icsrarchy iv Ol(l in y(‘ilIY and old in and to tlicsm, toccthcr with all their allicbs, ~110 ju,ll
erimcl, illld tllc “11O:lr 1lWd ” WC11 I~c[l!W~IltS lilat with them t0 11111 to slPcJ> the p~~plc, a1Ic1 \~lIo Si1.V to
wickad or;;;ulization. Wh’ilat God said in his law fore- ihe simple is ~~11; >1!1 is safe.” T11c IJl'il'YtS
: “All ;111(1
shntl~~vctl what, shit1 I come to pss lll,oli t hc wi&td l)rcacheiJ: now say unto the people: “No evil Sllilll I,(:-
crowd at the end of the world. (:ocl has given that fall you ; we will briog peace.” in tlic lan;:riag:e of tlic
wicked crowd the full lctlgth of the tcthcr and they prophet they say: “Pcacc, pace ; wlit:n thcrc is 110
hnvc reached the end of it, and dcrtrurt ion shall iii,- pcarc. ” (Jcr. 6: 14) In ordw to liCt!JJ the JNQJJ~C l)!it,(l
medi:rtely fsll ul)on them. All the wickcdncss that tliry to the truth the prenchcrs and IJricsts say to 1Iwm:
have Jonc will quickly flash hc~fore their fucrs and “Ye shall not see tlic swrd [the griwous t rontJl(~],
they will realize that their skirts, as f11c prophet sa>-s, ncithcr ahal yc have famine; but I (so-ciIllt,d ‘Iwly
arc marked with human blood. They will how that fathcr’l will give you ns\nrcd pcncc in this plt:rc.
their gold lace and fruity hats ant1 otlicr paraphernalia Thc~l the Lord said unto me, The 1”ol)iicls ~~rol~hsy
will render them no aid and protection whatsocvcr. lies in my name; I sent them not, iieithcr have J coni-
a l:pon the plains of Moab 3losrs, by the will of manded t htm, neither spnlrc unto them : the) ~JIxJ~)~I?Q~
God, announced the law of the hlost High conccrn- unto you a false vision and divination, and a thine of
ing the hypocritical crowd that dcfamrd his name, and nought, :md the dcccit of their hc:lrt. ‘J’~I~I’c~oI’c t!Juu

upon such come’s Ilie wrath of Cod. “When tic [tl-~e saith the Lord conccrninq tllc prophets thilt l~r~pl~(.<.\
boa5t;ng, bragin~, hypocritical ~1x3s that hnl-c per- in my IlilIllC, ancl I sent I hcbmnot, yet Ihq say, S\\ord
sccutcrl God’s aIlOiIlted, and have carriccl on their and fnminc shall not be in tllis land; By sword :r~(l
wiclrcd schemes in the name of the Lord] licarcth the famine shall those prophets he consumed. “--Jcr.
words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, 14 : 13-15.
eaying, I shall have l~cacc, thcJli~$i I \VIllIi in the ima;;-
instion of mine Hart, to add drunl;r:uicss to thirst:
Tfx Fiord will not s~~arc 1iinI, lJut t!wn tlie an<:cr of the
Lord and his jcdousy shnll snicblic ;qain~;t tlint man,
and all t!x cWxcs that nlae writien in thi; l~jok shall
lie upon him, 3IId the Ilord slI:lll 1ht Out his name
frmi uiiclcr hcavvn. “--lkut. !Y : 19, 3.
APRIL 1, 1936 101

cipressed hatred against “the old whore” and destroy of Jerusalem [Protestants and others claiming to be
that organization; because it is written: “God bath worshipers of God] an honiblc thing: thug commit
IJIlt [it] in their hearts to fulfil his will.” (Rev. adu!tery [with the Roman CaU1olic Hierarchy and
17 : 16, 17) It is the work of Jchovnh, the heginning of other elements of Satan’s organization], a11d walk in
thr? final expression of his wrath :l:rainst the cncmy lies: they strengthen also the hands of evil doers, that
organization. It is “his strange work” which will non0 dot11 return fro1n his wickedness: they are all Of
awalicn the political and commercial elcmcnt to a re- them unto me as Sodotn, and the inhabitants thereof
volt against the rc!i$onists and to unseat the old as Gomorrah. Thwcforc thus sail11 the Lord of hosts
whore from their lxwlx (Ilab. 3 : 1-l) J&oval1 cauwd concerning the prophets, I~chold, I will feed them with
illustrations to lx made in his Word as to the manner ~orn1wOod, and make them drink the wtcr of gall;
of cxccuting his wr;1111or venxcnnce upon the cnc111;\‘, for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profanencsy
and one that seems clwrly to foresl1:1~low the dcstruc- gone forth into all the land. Thus with Ihc Lord of
ticrn Of the hypocritical crawl is that ronrcrning hosts, II~tlrliCJl not unto the words of the prophets that
Nount Stir, Noah and Amman. Slou11t Stair apIw1rs prophesy unto you ; they make you vain: they spcnk
to picture the rcligiour, and >lonlt and Ammo11 the a vision of their OWI heart, and not out of the mouth
~~Olitiral nnd cominowi:11 clcmc1ii~. These three cne- of the Lord. Tlq say still unto them that despise me,
mics of l~rael join in an assault ut1011 God’s chown The Lord linth said, YC shall have peace ; and t ticy
])cfipl~, and \vl1~11ttlc :tttac*k tJ(‘plJ1 ‘IhC 1,0rd s(.t ;Jn say unto c~cry One that wall~ctl1 after the imagination
nmlmsh against ttlcm’. ‘J’ticn they tlwlroyctl cwti 01twr of his OWJ~ heart, No evil shall come upon you [thcrc-
in this wkr : “‘~‘tx (‘tliltlren Of r\JnJllOJJ aJJ(t ~t~bkit) StcJOd Eorc you arc in snfcty).“-Jcr. 23: 30-17.
111) :JpilillSt the inhat,il:uits of moutlt Stir, uttcrty to Ia It aplwars that wlwn clcslruction is suddcr~ly im-
day nnd drstroy ttlcrrl : and 15 Iwn t1wy IKId rn:lclP an pending a11d aliout to Call upon those cnx11iw thcay
end Of the inhahil:lnls of Stir, awry one licltwtl lo cOn10sudclr~nlg to a realization that tlicir time Of visi-
destroy n1iotlicr.” (2 Chron. 20: 19-23) This is SOI)- tat ion has ilITivc(I : “ l)~.itruction comctli; and lhcy
pwtetl t~y other scril)tarcx, tliat the lrord will fibt clc- Shdl SCl’k )>CilW, i\Jld ttllLl’C Stliltt tIC tlOIlC. AtiWllief Stia!t
stray II111reti~ious hyt1owilicat clrme1it and then I\ ill come u[b011misctiicf, and 1wi1Or shalt Ix 1!tjon ru~ncw ;
fOIl0w ttio dcslrucliw of all ot tlcT cricrrliw in 111~1,11- tlwn shall tlwy seek a F i&l11 Of the prot&c’t ; but t hc
iCJ* ]);lJ’t Of ttIC tJ:lftl(‘Of ttlC grC;lt d;ty Of (:Od ~~tl~ll~tl\~~. law shall twricti from the I,ricit, alit? co11I1wl Prom the
l1 It :ippc:\rs from ttlc Scrit)lurcr that, the fillill es- ;ll~~iCIJtS. ?‘tlt! hiIlK Sflilll IllOUrJI, and ttlc tJriJlCC Stl:ltt
])rv.:sioJi of c;od’s \vr;\l ti ;lg:liJiht S:it;lJi’q or$ulix:ltkJu
bc rlotl~cd bitti dcsolatw11, and ihe h;ulds oi 1trc pco~~te
will cOmmenc0 II~OJI the wt i~ionisl Y and tlicn csfc rtcl of 1IIC tilllfl xtl;lll lrc trout~lecl ; I will do 1111t0 t tlCJJl allw
to at1 workers of iniqilily: “?‘JIc st,oilf,rs arc come utb their way, and nccwding to tticir de,,crts will I juttqc
on 1111h&t1 ~&WP.Sthrou~11 the wit~lorncw : for ltw ttic~in; and they shalt know Illat I tini tllc Lord.”
sword of the Lord shall devour from Ihc one cJld of (liizclk. 7 : ‘)&s-27) IIS ttlilt \Vi~!iCd iIlstitUt 1011 tlZ13 tlC;lJ)l d

ttlC! l;!Jld WC11 t0 ttlC 01 tltr CUd Of ttlC tJlJld: 110 ft&J insult up011 Jehovah, nud injury to his p(~Ot~lc,so s!1:~11
::ti;1tl have pcacc. They Imvc sow1 whcnt, but hl1;111 that wicked crow1 lx rwoiupcnscd duu!)lc for Ilet
reap thaws ; they have put ttic~msclves in ]Jain, tjut iniquity. “lie\vard her even as !he rc\Ktr~~(Yl yCJu, a11d

shall not I)ro!it [for all tticir pains a~id cft’orts nfiainst double lmt0 her douhlc accortlinq 10 her \\OV!iS ; in 1hc
Jctwvah’s witncsscs] ; and thry shall lx a!,hamctl Of cut) which she lmtti filled, fill lo lwr douhlc.“-Rev.
your rcwnues, hec;1use Of the firrcc anger of the 18: 6; Ezc!c. 13: 9-N; %cch. 12: 3.
Lord.“--3~. 32: 12, 13. “TRAVAIL”
*? (:od speaks ~~vinst the rcli::iow hy~~ocritcs who I4 IIow sl1nli the imlwnding dcstrucl im1 nlqx-w?
have commitfed atlul(i~ry by m&in: an nltir~ncc with “As travail upon a woman with child.” 7’hc illustra-
the I)cvil and his l)oliticA and crmmcrcial clcments, tion which the Ilord qivcs here is clwr, :it,t i\JlcI fowC-
and says : “For the land is full of ndultcrcrs; fur be- ful. I\‘hcn God cxpcllcd man from lfth, 10 the wm-
cause of swearing ihe land moumcth; the plcasnnt an he said: “In sorrow thou shalt brine forth clj~l-
places of the wilderness arc dried II~J, and their courqc drcn”; and it hay cvcr hccn so. In at1 111~.wilturic
is evil, and their force is not right. For both protbtict nllJttlCrhOGd has ~CJI the cstiicf dcsirc of women a?JLi
and priest are p1~Ofanc; yrn, in my IKWX have I found a bnrrcn \:‘OlJlilIl has in moyt times 1~~11a rct1roa~t1.
their \vickedncss, with the Lord. \Vherefore their I::I~ Concq~lion is a happy tour, and rlnl,in~: the 11~1 iofl
sh!l bc unlo th’?JTl :lS slip~wry milys in the d:ll’t;Jlf’+ ; of gcstaiiun the woman 100l:s Iorwrd with grtqt c\;-
tticy shall I1c driwti 011, and fat1 thcrcin: for I lvill pcctation t0 the cornin:* ofiq)riny: and tlvx it Sti:Ilt at-
hill’: wit IJpITJ tllPJn, C\ PI1 1tlC !Car Of ttlCir yisitati(Jn, lain lo tliiiinction in ttjc I\-oJ>ld. iI :01x1 WOJ1l.?J1 tlcsircs
Silitll ttlP IAId. A\lltl 1 tl:\vC SW11 folly in ItlC proptJet3 her chill! to glorify the name of CIofl. Tl:e scl:i+ rvonl-
of 8:!ma:*ia IRoman Catholic IIicrarchy, whicl1 insti- an has dr5irc that twr child may have 11r)nbr nmor=it
tutctl lhc prnctix Of man-norst1ilJJ ; 1hcy prophc$c,d mcJ1. With lrOll1, I~owcu~, the apt:roat~~iinq &iyy of
in I::!:\1 [that is, 1IIC lXxi1 religion], and con~;ed 1119 childl~ir:li are filled wi:h jo.vful nntic!tx1tion. ?‘t,e
- _ Jsracl to err. 1 have seC~l also in the nronlwts I -I ~-~- doctor Gsc> tAc day accoicling to his mctt~od of wlcu-

lation, and the woman waits in apparent peace and or chief OI~CS over the i’Catholic population” and one
safety, resting securely in the hope that soon she will to be chief thereof, and to such persecuting crowd the
bring greater honor upon herself by producing a son. Lord says: “\\‘hat wilt thou say when he shall punish
But the date fixed arrives very suddenly, becauseupon thee? for thou hast taught them [priests, so-called
her the pains of birth come, and she knows that she ‘fathers’] to be captains, and as chief [the pope, or
is faced with death, which may quickly occur, and so-called ‘holy father’] orcr thrc; shall not sorrows
only the Lord can bring her through. take thee, as a woman in travail? And if thou say in
x5A woman who serves God has said in describing tbinc heart, Wlcrcfore come these things upon me?
her experience in childbirth and the days preceding it : For the greatness of tliine iniquity arc thy skirts dis-
“In advance of the day set travail came upon me sud- covered, and thy heels made bare.“-Jcr. 13 : 21,22.
denly. Out of a sound sleep I was awakened with a le There shall bc no escape for them, hccause de-
certain knowledge that my time had come. Alone in struction is certain. It will be as with the wife of
the darkness I was faced with the ordeal with God Phinchas, ‘who bomcd herself and travailed ant1 died.
alone to sustain me. With a sinking sensation I was (1 Sam. 4: 19,20) There will bc 110 “twililrht sleep”
shaking all OVCPliltc a leaf trcmblin:: in a great wind. lhcre to bcnumb the pain upon “Clirist~~~dorr~‘~”
With increasing distress I was seized again and again hypocritiral rcligionists. IIcr dcgcncracy and wickcad
with convulsions, convinced ihat I could bc’ar no more. living will make her pains the more intcnsc and bcr
Twisting, writlling and turning with frnnt ic dcsirc to dc:lth certain. ‘Alld they Shill1 iii 110 wise CSl!il[)C'
get away and thcrc was no l~lacc to flee. Ilifc sccmcd (Zlntlrcrlrunl) ; says the Xfylott: “They shall by no
ebbing quickly away and I sunk into Eorwtfdtws.” mc:rns wcaf~r." It is written : “Thinc hand shall iillrl
I(1AddrcsGny his cliscil)les Jesus snid : , ‘A woman out all thinc cncmios; thy right hand shall find nut
when she is iii travail liath sorrow, l~c~~~nscher hour tlrovc that hate thee.” (IQ. 21: 8) So shall it IJCwllen
is come.” (John 16: 21) She is face to filcc with death, Clod’s wrath is suddenly cxl)rcsscd against the l~yl’o-
and only the Ilord can bring bcr ollt of that tcrriblc crites, who cry “l’r~c and safety”. “And the slq-
condition. 1Iany women have &cd in cliil~lbirtli. and hcrtls [ inclutling the Jesuit priests, that wily CIWKC~
many have escaped dratli, but the hypocritical rrli- lhnt opcbratefraudulently in the name of Christ .Jes11% ]
gionists, concerning whom the illusi ration is given, shall have no way lo flee, nor the principal of the floelc
“shall IlOt WCillJC" ClCUlIl, to cscapc.“-Jcr. 25 : 35.
1WCilllSC CiOd IInS decreed
that destruction shall come upon them. That wirkcd w J&ovah has l’crmittcd the Devil and his ;\g,‘rar~ts
organization will sot dcnth staring it in the filW im- to ol)crate in the earth for many ccnturics, tljat the
mediately bcforc dissolution takes place. day of reckoning may work a complete vindic;ltic,tl oi
IT “ JLICO~J’S tronblc” is an at.tcmpt of Satan and his his name and “ftJr to shcw in thee my power ; an(l : hai
agCntS t0 dCStrOy c:Od’S f;lithflll pYJpk!, alld k IJk- my name may be tlcclnrcd throughout all ihc car1II “.
turcd by Jacob in great dislrcss, and out of which (Ns. 9: lG, Lccser) The witness work i, now in l)rog:-
trouble God delivers his failhful ones. AntitypiPally IWS and may bc near the c:nd, :und when that (lit1 is
that trouble came upon God’s faithful OIWS in 1317 rcnehcd then Jehovah will show his poncr nrS;lilr\t nil
and 3918, and out of it the:; were dclivcrcd. Conrern- WhO IliYLVC lTpWilCllCd his name, ilIld llOllC Sll:lll (W’i111C.
ing that trouble it is written: “Ask yc now, and XC *l For many vcars the Roman Catholic IIi(~I*ilr~lly
whether a man doth travail with child? whcreforc do 11X+ f:llsCly t&llt the people alld made millio,is bc-
I see every man [not a woman, but nicaning those licvr that that institution has a covcna~~twitI* d,~ath
faithful ones who acquit tbcmselvcs like men] with and llcll alld tllilt their l~L~lwal+s a1’CSo stl’Oll(S nlltl 313
his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all so nbsolutcly invulnerable tllat nothing call IblT\~ilil
faces are turned into pnlcilcss? Alas! for that day is against them. God’s prophet forctclls of the Clays of
great, so that none is like it; it is even the time of reckoning in thcsc words : “I saw the Lord stallclill~
Jacob’s trouble ; but hc shall be saved out of it.“- upon the altar [of ‘Christendom’s false worship] ; and
Jcr. 30 : G,7. hc said, Smite the lintel of the door [into ‘Cllri+~n-
la The sudtlen trouble that befalls hypocritical reli- dom’s’ religious-political, Erandulcnt org;iniz;ll ion],
gion& shall be like “travail upon n woman” and ir that the posts [thresholds (R.Y.) ; that is, the clergy’s
different from Jacob’s trouble, in this, that there will way or path] may shake; and cut them in the head,
be no way of escape or salvation for that hypocritical [ (Z:.l’.) break them in pieces on the head of] all of
crowd. Then they will cry out: “WC have heard the them ; and I will slay the last of tbcm with the sword :
fame t.hcrcof ; our hands wax fccblc; anguish hat11 he that flccth of them shall not flee [shall not c~nl~]
taken hold of us, and pain, as of a woman in travail.” FlWl~) and he that cscnpcth of them shall not lx de-
(Jer. 6 : 24) That trouble hour comes upon tbcm sud- livercd. Though they dig into hell, thcncc sllall mine
denly and unexpectedly, when thcp s:q-: “Peace, hand take them; though they climb up to hca~n,
peace; everything is safe.” (Jcr. 6: l-1) The Roman thence will I bring them down; arld though tlicy hide
Catholic Elicrarchy in particular, which has created thcmselvcs in the top of Carmel, I will scarcli mid take
many priests, has taught many o+ them to be captains them out thcncc; and though they bc 111~1 from my
Am:n~ 1, 193G 103

sight in the bottom of iltc sea, thence will I command be shortened, there should no flc+ be saved: but for
the serpent, and he sltall bite them: and though they ihe elect’s sake those da’s shall be shortettcd.” (hl t.
go into cilptivitp before their cnemics, thence will I 24: 23) H::d the war continued without abatincz until
command the sword, and it shall sIay them ; and I v. ill the destruction of the world, woulcl those on earth and
set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.” then in line for the kingdom have been savcd’l So; for
(Amos 9 : 1-4) Their destruction shall be complete. the reason, all such must first be judged by Christ
Jesus at the temple, which judgment began after the
coming of Christ to the temple in 1918. At the coming
22The day of the beginning of the cxcrcisc of God’s of 1hc Lord to the temple even those who were in lttte
power against Satan and Iti3 organization was when for the kingdom wcrc displcasiug to the Lord and
hc cnthroncd his beloved Son as the world’s rightful couId not have been Mien into God’s capital orpni-
ruler, (I%. 2: 6) For ccnturics Jesus had wailed until zat ion without first hcing judged, rcpentin’: and re-
tlte comittg of that day, cvc’n as Clod hat1 commanded ceiviti% f~r::ivencsa This is clearly sliow~ by the
him : “Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thittc proltltecy of Isaiah. It was “in the year that kltt;:
cncmics thy footstool.” (1’s. 110 : 1) The Scriptures 17ZZi:lll [pietw’ill:: IJrOfCSSCd Chl’iStkInity Or ’ ~!hl’intCli-
and the Enpts show that it was in the autumn bcawn tlotn’j died” f!i:lt, sups Isniaft, “I saw also the Ilord
of 3911 that the day of Clod’s powr began to lx cx- hitting upon 8 throne [the judgtnettt throne (1Iatt.
ercised against the cwiny, and tltcrcforc it is writtcw : 23: 31)], high ittt(l lifted ~113, and his train filled I Ite
“\Vc give ilice thanks, 0 lAord Cot1 Almighty, wltic!l tC.IIJlJk?.” (1st. 6 : l-3) ‘i%iS prOphCtlc pktLlIY! ShO\vY
art, and wst, and art to come; ltccansc Ihou ltast that the time of jutlpwnt had nrrivcd. Is;li;th, Irc~
t;ikcn to thee thy great ~JOWI’, and ltast rrigwl. AII~ I~ir~tnririq those saints of (Lx1 in line for the kitt’.f~lottt,
the nations wcrc itltgry, aI!cl thy wrath is cotttc.” (1;~. UJllt iullcs 10 SiIy : “Thea said 1, j\\‘cJC is rrlc! fOr 1 atn
11 : 17, 1s) Thw it was that Jehovah wttt forth ltis Itll~lol~c; bccniist~ I nni a m3n of nudeail lips, nttd I
bclowtl Son, sayittl;‘, “llttlc tttou in the mitlqt of tliirtc rl~ell in the tniclat of a ltcople [proi’ewetl f’ollo~~~rs of
ctwtrtics. ” ( 1’s. 3 IO : S) ‘1’1~ cncwy rcfitsetl to volw- CIIt&t ,JCSUS]of utnclen11 lips [failing to twar witnrw
tarily Vncatc, 311cl thrI1 ttwrc followY1 a war it1 tlC;lVCIl. to 111~kin~nlom], for ttiittc eyes have seen 1tic I\‘ittg :
(Rev. 12:7-9) Swing the tirnc llild coma wtirn the t11o 14ortl of hosts. “-JSil. G : 5.
great iwuc ltct~wcct~ himwlf and Jcltovnlt tnttst ttc wt- z3Thctt at the jutlptotit fly t!~c Lord at the tcw~~lc
tkd, the l)CVil IJlllIIgPtl 1hc: ll:l~iOll~ of llle WOl’ld ht0 the f;titltfitl wre ~l~att~cd, and thiv is pictiirc4 113’the
a war, which \VilS iti fullillmctit of Iltc prophecy \ro1tl5 of the pl~o]Jhet : “ThCll flC\v OllC Of h(! s( Kl~JhiInS
uttered fly ,Jcsus Christ. S:~tan’s ~~uIpm tflcw wx+ to wit0 me, having a live coal in his lt;ittd, wlticft lie hat1
destroy the 11utn;in raw. That was the bcginnittg of talwn with the tottgs from off tllc altar; :md IIC laitl
sorrows upott the ot*pmiz,it,ion of Satan, ant1 p;lrlictt- it ujroii my InfJutlt, and said, Lo, this 1i:itli t~Jrivttcd
My upon tlic visif)lc part thcrrof. “F(or tint ion shall thy lips, and thinc ittiquity is takttt away, attd thy
rise il#cliIlSt twtiott, and lcitt~dom ngaitts,t kitt~dotn ; Sill I’Llr~Cd.” (TW. 6: 6, 7) ‘h’ f3CtS StlY?Il::ly SLlj,J,Ort
and there sl~all Ix fantincs, and pestilences, and carth- the conclusion tltat this clentt~ing took ~kwc in IX?!,
qUdiCS, in dtvcrs places. All these are the ttcgirttiiug of wl~cti God’s faithful people 011 wrtf1 vame to l.110~
sorrows. “--mitt. 24 : 7,8. tltat Christ Jesus is at tftc tctnplc. ‘l’ltcn tf~c! l,nId,
23For four years the war bctwcen the nations of having clcattscd those fouttd faithful, settt tltcm forttt
earlh raged, ant1 not only were millions of the warring tU fX tIiS Wit!lCSWs, :lS fOrCSllLld~JWCd iJy thP ~‘l’Ot’h!t ‘S
nations destroyed, but Satan dcspcratt~ly attempted ?o wo1ds “I heard the voice of the I,ot~l, sayittg, YGitotti
destroy those who had dcvot~l themsclvcr to God a11d shall I send, at~l who ~111 go for us? ‘l’fi(~I1 sxi(l 1,
his lcittgdotn. Tfte war in hcxrcn was t.he lxginnittg of Ilcre am I; send me. And he wid, Go atlc! tcsll t1Ii.s
the erprc5sion of the wPalh of God n::ninst SntilIl’S pcoplc, Hear ye in&cd, hut uttdcrst;ind not ; and \cbe
org:anizntiun, but the war on earth Jehovah did :lcJt ye in&cd, but pcrwivc not.” (IM. ci : 8, 9) l’hc ~Jrol~li-
begin. 11 wa$ Satan who caused the nations to cngaqe cry then trlls of the joy of those cl~xittsecl at111who
in war. The tribulation that was bcguit in hcavcn tttc obey the cotnmancltncnt of the Lord to l>C;Ir wifnes
I)cvil carried on in the cnrth against l~utt~ai~ltit~d, that to the kingdom. (Isa. 12: l-4) ‘l’ftc facts ihat have
he ntiyht accomplish his boastful cllallc~lgc. Since he COIllC t0 pm Cxaetly fit the WOrdS Of h2 ~JIYJ~lh~‘vy,
was east out of licnvi~u lie has continued to brink wcs and since 1YZ there has been a constant tnoveiitt~:tt
Llpcll the peol~lc. (Rev. 12: 12) Jf Satan liad carried forward 011 the lurt of the clcet to yive test iEwI1y to
oul his purpose that great World YTar would hnw con- fhc name of Jehovah and his kitqlottt. liad t11c war
tinued runtif all the hL1t1~n11 race hail Lwll wiped out. continued \dilOLlt cc’S%LtiOil, thy \vOLlld Ilot h;lW giVCI1
111 191s thC i~TOrlll ~~\‘nr CnlnC t0 an CIld, blit thC Caffh- that k!stimuIiy ill dJCdkIiC0 to tllC C.O17~1ll:llldl!!~‘Ilf of
ly rules coul<l give no good reason why it sltild~~nly Ike Jlord, 3I1d thcrcfore it was for their (tl1nt is, tl1C
cwlcd. The renron is pivcn in the S~ripturcs elect’s) s:~l:c that the tribulatioii w<ts wit short hv
” t:Od Sto]JTJCd thC \Vill’ for the S;lkC Of hi9 ClC(.t, the stopping the war iI 1315 until tljc \\‘itt!nS j hc)!lc i-;
faithful srr&nt class. “ And except t:1orc days sl1ould hc. The 11wd tPrfIpOrai*ily btulJI)cd Ilk V, 31 \l~~~Jll
104 I3ttOOKLi3, N. P.

Satan for that reason, and Satan then knew that his organization, commencing with the religion&s, at,d
time is very short to prepare for the final expression continue until both the vidiblc and the invisible part of
of the wrath of God. the Devil’s organization is destroyed, the Devil hirn-
)* Had not the xar been stopp>ed in 1918, would the self being the last to be destroyed.
“great multitude” have been saved? Iuo; for the ls The Lord gives this information to the elect be-
reason, the “grcnt multitude’” was not then in exist- fore it comes to pass. And why 1 The answer is, says
ence and could not be until the judgment of Ihe house the apostle, “That we [the elect, of whom Paul was
of God at, the tctnple, and the selection of the cl&. OIIC] through patience [that is, steadfastly pushing on
It has been only in recent, months that the great mul- amidst great opposition and confidcnlly trustin: in t!lc
titude came into view of the mmttnnt. Kow the rem- Lord] and comfort of the scriptures [an understand-
nant mu.t carry the mcssagc of iruth to those pcrsotts in:: thcrcof] might have hope.” (Rotn. 15: 4) Othur-
of good will toward Cod in order that those may Iearn wise many of those who have covenanted to do the will
of God and his King and have opportunity io seek of God might faint under the opposition and fall 11)
mcckttess and riqhtcouwcss, that they may be saved the \\ay. God has graciously made provision that tho<c:
in the day of God’s csprcssecl wrath. (Zcph. 2: 2-l) who love him tnay stand. To contrast the condition of
The obligation is laid upon the rcmttattt to bear be- those in darkness with the faithful l’ollo~~crs of Christ
fore the pcoplcs attd ttations the fruits of the Irittgdotn, Jesus in this day the apostle says: “lsut ye, brethn~tl,
that is to say, the lil’c-givin I: and life-sustaining food arc not in &lrktlCSS, that that day should orcrtnl,c
from the Word of (M. This ltnt only means a priv- you as a thief.“-1 Tltrss. 5: 4.
ilege, but mcntts a mattdatc from Jchovalt and Christ
JCSUS that cannot be a~0itlt4 l)y those \~l10 will IX
loyal and who will ultitnntclp 1~: of the royal house.
“This gospel of the kingdotn sllall bc prcachctl in all . . . it1 the clouds, to meet tlic T,ord itt the air; :111(1
the world for a witttrss unto d1 ililt iOIlS, and tlrc*tt shall so shall we [if continuing faithful] cvcr bc with tile
the end come. *’ That slolcmctrt of the Ilord is Jwsittve Lord” it: Ihc tctnplc atld its glorionu lit;*ht. Siucc tlic
and rcrlaitt, at~c-1as soon as tier: witttcss work is done, opening of the tcrn~~le lllcrc is great light. The glory
‘~tli~~it shall bc great tribulation, such as was not sittcc of Jehovah Cod tllcrc shines in the fncc of Christ .J+
the bcginttitt!: of the world tu this time, 110, nor ever sits ant1 is r&cctchd upon tliosc of the tcntl)lc cI;iss, ;111(1
slrnll be.” E’rottl tllc Wd Of IllC war Utltll lliC fillid such must let their light ho shin0 that ihc kTc;it niul-
tribulation the way is made clcxr for lltc clcct to \\ork tiludc may see that tlic kingdom is at hand and that
as ~OlIlItliltldCd, alld that csplaiiis Why thcrc j1;lR Ixctl they also may havc l);irl in the tcllitig of its blt~ssud-
such a great, N%IIWS work givcti in liic earth sittec 332% ncss.--2 Cor. 3 : l-I-15.
z7The “wrt\th of Cod” shall bc cspresscd in a much aoTho(rc who cry “l’cacc and safety” arc in dark-
more mark& clcjircc that1 ever before. Clearly that ness, but the wix virgins arc in the light. The “evil
exprcssioti of final wrath will I+ti with the cscrution SCtT71111” cfa.ss the Lord bay his ;itig& has gatlicrc (1
of judgment upon prof~x(? “Christianity”, that is out frotn those in lint for the kingdom atltl has cil\t
to say, the J~om:~ttCatholic llic~rarcliy, which takes the them into outer darkricss, arid tllcy qt:ish thcnir tee tii
lead in hypocritical rcligiott, zrnd upon a11 her allies upon the faithful, who conlinuc to proclaim Illc lritlx-
and supporters. It is the Ir~rd Jesus Christ, God’s dom mcssagc. (RIatt. 13 : 41) The “evil servant” class
mighty Sword and Rsccutiottcr, that will give exprcs- continue to scoff at the truth cnnccrtiitig tlla r,0d
sion to the divittc wrath, and thcrc “the dp.~ of the Jesus’ ocittg at Ihc tctnplc, and this they do 11ccalt~
Lord Jesus Christ” comes wpott all hypocrtt~cal and the-y arc in dilrkl;csq. some who still think thcJnSc~vc’S
unbolicvin:: ones “as a Ilticf in lhc night”. When the in the truth but who arc of ihe “cl,bctivc elder” c1:1>q
witness work is doiic, it seww, God will permit. it continue to say: “Tlicre is nothing ttcw or ctilightcit-
to bc stopped and then the religionis&, who have so ing in Z’ltc TPntclffotocr Ihcsc days” ; and they so sa\
~ialcntly opposed God and his kingdom ntcssagc, will bccausc thry arc in darkness, not being of the tcml)lc,
consider that they have stqq)c~l the “pcstifcrous” ncilhcr arc they of the Jonatlab class. Snch claim to
witncsscs of Jehovah. They lxgin to act hilariously, have Icllowship with God, ant1 yet they continue it1
like drunken men, and then sraddcttly God’s xratlt is darkness; cottecrtting whom it is written: “This then
cxprcssccl against them, and no part of their organi- is 111~mcssagc whicll WC have heard of him, and dc-
zation or people will 1~ able to cscnpc. It is the Lord’s clarc unto you, that Cod is light, and in him is no
work, and, exprrssed against the religionists, it will clnt~lrtiess at all. If wc say that we hxvc fcliocsllip
seetn sttxnge to many. Thus it is made clearly to ap- with him, am1 walk in darkness, WC lie, and do not
pear that tlic wrath of God bcpan to bc cspressed the truth; but if wc \Valli iti tlic ljght, as lit is iii rile
against Satan’S orgattization in 1915; that he cut it, li$it, xc ha\-e fcllowAip one iiith anotlicr, and the
short in 191s; that the witness work is in progrcsy ; blood of Jesus Christ his Son clranscth us from a11
that when that witness work is done, that God’s ivrath sill.” (1 John 1: 5-7) Those who arc faithful to Go&
will again be espresscd against every part of Satan’s and whom Christ Jesus has brought into tllc tcml;lc,
A~IL 1, 1936

arc in the light by the grace of the Lord.-Col. 1: 13. love darkness rather than light, because their deeds
31Bcing in the light of the temple, ‘that day does not arc evil. (John 3: 19) They delight to persecute all
~vcrtake the faithful as a thief,’ meaning that par- who faithfully tell the truth, because the truth makes
ticular part of the day when sudden destruction manifest their deeds of wickedness and brings torment.
comet11upon those who say “Pcarc and safety”. “The upon them. They and their allies arc asleep as to their
day of the Lord Jesus Christ” began even on the elect opportunities and privileges of knowing God and his
as a thief, but they awoke and hastened to obey tiic kingdom and serving the King.
Lord, and after 1022 went forward in obcdicncc to the 34Continuing his admonition to those on the side
Lord’s commandment, proclaiming his liingdvm mcs- of the Lord and who are in the light, the apostle says:
sage. The Autltonzcd Vc rsimt translation of the above “Thercforc let us not sleep, as do others; but let us
test is not so clear by rcnson of using the word “ovcr- watch and be sober” (1 Thcss. 5 : 6) ; meaning, do not
take”. According to the Rotlrerhan~ it reads: “That now permit yourselves to fall asleep, but, be on the
the day upon you as upon thicvcs sl~ould lay hold.” lookout, on the alert, and ready, watchful and anxious
Thicvcv found breaking in during the nighttime were at all times to have a part in the scrvicc and to well
Iq~ally tilain, and that without violation of the ever- care for the interests of the kingdom which the Lord
lusting covcr1ant (KS. 22: 2) Now the tliiercs of has committed into the hnnd of the “faithful and wise
‘I Christendom”, *the hypocritical rcligionists and the servant” class. At all times and under all circum-
“evil servant” class, tllilt arc trying to break into stances resist the Devil and let your forelicad bc as
the kingdom and at the same time steal the devotion ~dLlIniltlt itgLlillSt the Cll(‘Ill~, and filWlly Stilnd in tile
and worship from J~~~iovahC:od and take the holler Lord and for his kingdom. Sue11faithful ones will
unto tlicmsclvcs, by crying “Pcacc aild safety”, will not lx: iiidificrent to an ol’portunity of scrv~c’c, hut
bc ltillcd without violation of the everlasting covennllt. will Ix tac,rerto grasp the ol)l)ortunity to joy Cull? pcr-
The curse of (;od shall bc upon such thicvcs. (Zcch. form the clul its uccorti~~ur~~ ing it. Iu\teatl of lwiiig in
5: l-4) The “evil SCl'Villlt" class h:lvC C!~Jiw!~~tVd, Con- COIlfU~iOll illld k!fUtldlNl, likC dlWll~t~.‘ll IllCll \vllO lIJl-
nived at and ni(lcd ant1 abcttcd thcsc thieves and hcncc bihc the WlIIc Of IhC Devil’s 0QXIlizntl0Jl, tlJC fi\itllfUl
arc partics to the crime ant1 will ciitl in the same Wily : will bu sohcr and will wilt~li. ‘I’licby wiil ‘drink tlic
“Y~~Ic~~ thou sawcst a thief, then thou conscntcdxt willc of joy of the Ilord ilw in the ItinKclon~‘, h~:i~.sc
with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers.” the kingdom is hcrc and the tirnc for t hc vin~licatlc’li
-1’s. GO:1s. of Jelloval~‘s name, ant1 lllosc \Vho will llavc a l)art
82God is light, md Christ is the light of the world; therein must bc in tlw joy of the Lord Jesus C’llri.st.
and the clcct, being the sons of Cod, arc sons of liGllt, -J,ukc Z’L: IS ; Watt. 26: 29.
and thcrcforc S:lyS tllc srI4ptllW: “Ye ill? 311 ttlc Clill- 36Xight is the time for sleep ; and bccausc tlicy thrill
drcn of light, and tflc children of the day: wc arc not cry “I’eilw alld SdCty” 1lilVC 110 light tllcy ;llT of Ihc
of the night, nor of darkness.” (1 Thcss. 5: 5) Such night, and .40tlicy slccl). “E’or Ihcy that slt’q), slccl) in
are “children of the day” bccausc tlicy are born of the Ilight ; iUld thy that bC dlYlnkCl1 al’c dJYlJlh!Il ill f ilC
(lad’s woman and are sons of (ioil, upon whom in the night.” (1 ‘I’hcss. 5: 7) They are drunken with the
day of the Lord Jesus Jehovah has bestowed his holy wine of Satan endeavoring to carry out his IJoliclcbs,
name. They are soils of the Father of liphts (Jas. bCCilUSC! they are his cliildrcn, and tllcy arc wrapt in
1: 17)) and hence brethren of the Lord Jesus Christ. the night, with all of Satan’s crowd. While it is not
Tlicy arc brought forth by t hc Lord and cshibitcd to the duty of ihose who are in the light to csccutc jut&-
the world “for signs and for won(lcrs”. (Isa. S: IS; ment upon allotllw, yet this is the time of juclgmciil,
II&. 2: 33) 13f’iiig God’s children, they are all taught because the Lord is here and now is the time w11c~~i
of God and continue to walk in his light.-Isa. 54: 13. ‘by their fruits yc shall know tlicm’. (Alatt. 7: 16)
83Those in darkness, spiritually s~,c:lking, arc idola- If the fruits they lmr consist of doctrines cmplogcd
tcrs, thicvcs, thugs, drunkards, rioters and revclcrs, to influence the pcoplc, aud if you conic in contact
and all r&cl against the light. They know not the with those who arc promulgating a selfish tcacliin::
ways tlicrcof. “They are of those that rcbcl against that tcndv to turn men ai\ ay from Clod and turn% tlient
the light; they lilIO\V not the ways thereof, nor alli& to the worship of man, know that such are the chilclrcu
in the paths thereof. The murderer rising with the of the wicked one. If yuu see and hear 111c‘11 scoff at
light killcth the poor and needy, and in the night is the truth of and concerning the Lord’s being at the
as a thief. The cyc also of the adultcrcr waitcth for temple for judgment, and continue to culogizc other
the twilight, saying, X0 eye shall see mc; and disguis- men whether dead or alive, know that sucl~arc 111dark-
eth his face. In the dark they dig through houses, ness and are committing the “sin of SnJnnh”. All
which they had marked for thcmsclves in the day- such as seek by “good wards and fair s~~c~cl~c’s”, or
time ; they know not the light. For Ilic morning is to by other means, to dcccivc the simple and turn them
them cvcn a5 Ihe shadow of death [lest they be caught aWily from eomplctc devotion to and service of the
and idcntificd ] : if one know them, they arc in the Lord, knox that such arc of the night ; tllcrdorc have
terrors of the shadow of death.” (Job 24: 13-17) Such nothing to do with them.-Eom. 16: 17, 1%
106 BttoOEIAYN,N. Y.

J6Those who arc in the temple, and hence with the he has nut appointed his own pcoplc to wrath: “For
Lord, are “of tllc day”. &!irlg brought into the tcm- God hnth not appOinted us to wrath, but to obtam
pie, Jehovah says to such : “Arise, shine ; for thy light salvation by our Lord Jesus Ulrist, who died for us,
is come, and the glary of the Lord is risen upon thee. that, whctiIcr we \;.akc or sleep, we should live to-
For, behold, the darknc~~ shall corer the earth, and gether with him.” (1 Th~ss. 5: 9, JO) The wicked arc
gross darkness the p~ple ; but tllc I ,ord shall arise “vesxl~ Of wrath fitted to destruction”; but not so
upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” with tl:e fnithful remnant. ‘I’his is the day Of the Lord
(Isa. 60: 1,2) Those who arc in the tcmplc stand out Jesus Christ, be:ausc he is Jcl~ovnlI’s Vindicator, and
separate and distinct from those who are in the dark- in this day Jehovah’s name will be COnlrJk!k!!y vindi-
ness, and they must show, by holding high the message cat&. C:!irist Jesus died for all who bclievc on llim
of truth and proclaiming it to others, that they arc and scrvc him and Jehovah, and this is true whctllcr
tllC SOIlS Of God. Tllry IlaVe brcn Cillld forth as !lis they sleep in death until hc comes or he alive at 111s
witIIc:iscs and must SIWWforth the 1Jrui:xs Of him who coming. ‘1’11~s~ latter mentioned arc the ones tllat arc
has called t!wn out Of darkJW+Sinto the mar~~clous caught up with the Lord to meet hiIn in the air, tllat
light. (1 Pet. 2: 9, IO) “Then sh:lll the rig!ltcouu shine is, in the temple, and that enter for ever into the llou~c
forth as the sun in the kingdom of their b’athcr. Who Of Jehovah w!Icn they Inaintain their integrity.
hath cars to hear, Irt him hrar.“--AIatt. 13: 43. ‘” ‘~rlIC to his !OVillg-!iiJldllCSS aIl(] 11iqway of dCaI-
a’ ‘IYlOSC faithful OJl(‘9, w!to arc of th! C&l)‘, cannot ing with those w!10 love him, tile Lord 11x graciOu\!:
have l’~*llonship ~1111those in d~~rl<t~cs~, but “let us, pc:mittcd !lis peoI~lc iJi this time of jL~dgJuc~ilt to !~:lvc
who arc Of t lie day, hc sO!)cr, putt in,g on the hrcast- a httcr ;llld Ch.lrCr ViCW Of t!lC timC Of f I’i~JLl!ilti(~Jl

IIlatc Of fnil!I Wlcl l0VC ; :lIld for illI IlCl~ilct, tile IlUi)‘? UIJOII the world and wlt:lt is the proper relntioll.ship
of salv~ltion”. (1 Thcsu. 5: 8) The day of the lmd Of tlic rt~niaunt thereto. C’hapter four of I’irst ‘[JIws;~-
Jesus c!1rist is the tiny (Jn wilicBh t!lc SOII.Y Of God have lrmian~ illforms tha faithful conccrninq the rc’sllrrcc-
been born hy ~Jchovah‘s woman, and the I)rightnc:;q tion of tllosc who liavo dicbd in faith, tint1 the csoII:1-
of that day will not p(‘rniit anyone in the Iiqllt to do tion into the teml’lc Of those living and Ix*in;linlllg
1vroJlg toward hi5 hrc~tl~rcnarid gcainwiiy with it. ‘I’itc faithful at 11~ comirrr: of 11~.Lord JCWC;C>llrist. ‘l’!~o
Lord v;ill not permit him to do in,jnry to the kin&m Enitliful arc told to “conbl’ort one anotllcor will1 t !lrx:
jntercxtn and l~.t t!lat wrongful act go unnc,ticrd. ‘I’IIc \WIYlS’ ’ JIOW.The apostle admonishes corrc*cruing 1he
rcmIi:tIit v:ill now SPCthe nl~solute ncce’i~ity of !J~~ill~ (lily Of God’s wrath tultl says to llis pcO!~lc: “\V!i(~Ic’-
sohcr, fuiiy ~lwkc, strady, serious, :IJH~fi!!cd with the fore comfort yourscl\cs togcthrr, and edify one: a!~-
joy of t!~c Lord, watching carcI’ull,v to do their duty other, cvcn as also ye do. “-1 Thcss. 5 : 11.
and ilPc{ltit, thCIJWcl\ (3 lilie IJlt~ll. ?‘!llS is tl1C day Of ‘l SWll is the K!itSOJlwliv the Ilord l)(‘rrnits thcq
warfare, and God’s ~~~~011s must be jo) fully c~ig;qcd ill truths to lx lmblisll~~d in Y’hn l\‘utcl~lou;c~. \\‘~;II is
the battle. “Thy IJPOJJI~ ~1~11 IX wlllins: in tllc day said is not tllc opinion of man, and no 11l:m is to 1:~
of thy I)ower, in the l)cillltiCS of holiness from the given credit thcrofor. The l,ord has 11iu own pm1 \\;I!
woml, Of 1 Ire nlol~rlill~ ; thou hast the dew of thy of iIlfoI~miJ1~ ant1 comforting his IJCOJ~!C. \\‘!ti!C tl~c
youth.“-1’s. 130: 3. remnant need I10 Inan to teach them, it iq OICprivil~~5e
s8To be quipped for this fight, the apostle says, of the remnant to be fed hy Jcllovah and CIII iTt Jvsus
‘Put On t!Ie 1)rrnstplnte of faith’ 1)~ rc:tson of our upon the food eonvcnicnt for tllcm in this thy, :!n(l
knowlcdyc and cOI~fi&tIt rcliancc UIJO~ God’s truth ; to that elld tlic Lord causes an untlerstnnc?in:: cf 1iic
our afl’crtlons must lx wholly set UIJOI~ the Lord and Srril)tnrrs and permits thcsc to he publi~llrtl 111 7’Ac
his kingdom, untf w must be blind to crcrything clsc. l\‘UfChfOtWr. It iS t!lC privi!CgC and dllty 01’ ;\I! CI~lll-
The remnant must keep a clear mind; licncc there panics Of *fChOVilh ‘S wiftwsw, tOget IlCr with tllc *JOllil-
must lx a. llclmet for the prc’tectinn of the head, and dabs, to 1~ obedient to tllis commandment and to stI!(!)
for that helmet, says the apostle, ‘put on the hope of t!lCX ~JJ’ePitJUS b’Ut!lS, Lllld t0 t!lLlS COlMil~rt Ollcf Jill-
salvation.’ The viuditntion of ~J~~hOv;Ilr’s na~n(! Itlc;lilS ofl~r, cvcn as all such arc now doing. 11appy is tlieil
the salvation of the rcinn:ult. ‘p!lC !iJlO\\lC<l~C that thiu state while so doing.
is the day for tlic vindication of his name, and t!l:lt
the fiiitilful may now hare a part in ttlilt vindicaticn,
sl~ould Gea grcbatho]JC id safc~~nnrd to the head, and
the result is a clear under&u~clin~ of the doctrines
now due to be uIltlcr:;tOod. From t:lc dt~+Gptic:u, tllis
cquipmcnt here clr~cril~cd mc:ms w::r. It is the tiw2
for the battle of t!ic grCat day Of (ioil A!mig!lty, :\lld
it swms clear from the 1Yord of tile LO171thnt some
of the faithful will SECthat battle and lx carried
thrc,u::h it wliilr~ 011iho earth.
8DAGvcnthough this is the day of the wrath of God,
APell~ 1, 1936 GfieWATCHTOWER 107

controversies with them, render no evil unto them, lJ S-13. “Sudden destruction cometh.‘, Upon n-horn? ‘Xhen,
and how? Why, as foretoIt1 in the prophecy of Jeremiah
but follow the admonition of the apostle and avoid (14: 13-155 lil12,13; 2:;: 10-17) ahd -relnied scriptures?
them. The faithful remnant must continue in peace u 14-16. Explain the statement that the impendmg destruction
together and must have and manifest the joy of the shnll come upon them “as travail upon a woman with
child ’ ‘.
Lord, and with zeal IJerform the privileges and obliga- y 17-13. Distinguish the trouble or anguish here mentioned
tions laid upon them by the Lord. The unity of the from “Jacob’s trouble’ ,, using scriptures tbnt clearly show
they are not identical. - -
tempic class now exists, and those who do not show ll 20.21. Account for the 1)cril’s beine BO lonrc permitted to
the SlJirit of harmony and unity thereby give cvidcncc bpcrnte in the earth. \Vhst agenciei has he-ex;ploycd, and
that they arc outside the temple. This is the time whtn to what end I
n 22,23. Aplbly Psalm 110: 1, with scriptures and facts S~IOW-
the auointcd of the Lord truly sing: “Behold, how ii ine that the time of waiting has ended. Account. then. for
good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell to- the greater woes upon the Geople at this time. ’ ’
@her in unity. 1” (l’s . 133: 1) With sobriety of mind Yl 24.26. Show that the shortening of the days of the great
tribul:\tion has rlenrly been “for the elect’s sake”.
and with full confidence the anointed will move for- ‘II 27-29. N&n and how ~11 the final expression of CM’s wrath
ward, looking with joy to the early viudication of the begin? Ilow ilocs the Lord provide this informatlon for
name of Jehovah. the elect beforehand? What is then their prl\llcge and
u 30. Show that the stntcrocnt at 1 John 1: 5-7 is exemplified
q 1. Account (a) for ihc undclstandmg of Jchov:~h’~ Word by fi 31,32. Upon whom has the dny of the Lord come “as a
those who love him. Cb) For the eour~c of actlon now bcirlz thief in the night”? Show that in that day two classes
taken by tlloso oI~I,&&l to the mess:rge concernlug .l~l~;: have bccomc mamfest, and why.
~11’s kingdom. Ilow will the enemy proceed t \\‘hy IS this 1 33. ‘Irow do the Scnptures tlesrribe the position and condi-
T~clmittell? \Vlth what result to tlrc faithful. and to the tion of thoRI: in darknrssi
+I,onenta? u 34-X. Apply (a) X Th~sAonians 5: G. (b) 1 Thcssnloniana
q 2. Apply the word “sudden’,, as here used. Quote Jrtll’s, 5: 7. (c) Isnuih GO: I, 2 nnd Matthew 13: 43.
aclmonition ri*l:lting to the same tiuio and situation. ‘II 37, 08. “Let us, who nre of the day, be solbc,r.,, Wh:kt &NE
7 3, 4. ‘(\‘hrrt comfort from the I,ord, tl’rough the rtpostl0, is this mc:in? \Vh:lt is meant bv ‘, putting on the bre:tfltpl:~te
1 : lL9? I[llWlfv “them tlmt know
fourlrl at 2 ‘I’l~t~ss:~lonurne of fiuth and love”l Uy ‘lmtiing on, for a helmet, the hopu
not C;od, and that obc~y not the gusl~l ;If our J.~tl J~us of salvation ‘P
Christ,,; and :u*crnmt for such ixuorancc nntl IlisoI&ience, 7 D9. To ~llom, and how, dons 1 Thcssaloninna 5: 9, 10 npplyq
7 5. I’oint out the p~i~l~tlctlc fitness of 1 KInga 2: 0, !j. li 40, 41. Ilow do(‘H the :rposllc’fl adrnouitioii at 1 Tl~c~.us:ilonlana
q G,7. To nhat tlmcb am1 hitu:ltion tlr~s l)c~utcronomy 29: 19, 20 4: 18 and 5: 11 fwnc ltfl purpose nt this tlmcP
ap~~ly? \\‘ilh rrlnlcd s(*rIptures, furt,hc*r point out that surh q 42,4X Point out thcr fitness and present timclincss of 1 Thes-
deslruetion ia justified. snlonmns 5 : 13, 15.


IIE facts are ihnt in the denominational church from hcarcn did the 1,ord [,Jchovnh] bcl~nld the carth;
organizations, both Catholic and Protestant, to hear the groaning of the prisoucr, to loose thovc
thcrc arc today many souls hungry for the that arc appointed to tlcalh [his faithful rc~miiant] .”
truth, and yet the clergy, who arc virtual prison (1%. 102: lti-20) But now still others asiclc from Cod’s
kccpcrs, do their 1)~ to keep them from knowing 111~ remnant still remain as prisoners of Satan’s organi-
truth of the sacred Scriptures. Jn their distress thcsc zation I)abylon.
hungry souls (prisoners they arc) pray unto God and TLC Lord has, just at the right time, brought the
cry and sigh because of ail the abominations which radio into action, which permits the pcoplc to rcmnm
arc done in the midst of the organization of “Chris- in their llorncs and listen to the proclamation of tlrc
tendom” aud which they cannot recoucilc \vith the truth, rcgardlcss of the opposition of lhc prison
God whose name “Christendom” has adopted and then kccpcrs, the clergy. Kno\x ing this, the clcrgymcu unite
wickedly brought reproach upon it.-Ezck. 9 : 4. with Cig Business to control the radio nncl, if possible,
Through his prophet God foretells of a time when to prcvcnt the truth from being broadcast. The Lord
he would hcnr the cries of these prisoners and send has al\o provided a grrat number of 1~~1~sesplnininq
relief, and then shows that the time that such relief the Bible, and his faithful witnesses go from house to
would be sent would be after the building up of his house aud put these in the hands of the pcoplc that
organization, which is Zion. This proof showr, a work the prisoners may have some food. The prophet, shows
that those who arc God’s temple class must do, and then that God will open the prison doors hy giving
One reason for giving the witness. The psalm-prophecy those who honestly se& the truth an opportunity to
reads : “When the Lord shall build up Zion, hc shall hear and know him. “l’raisc ye the Lord . . . which
appear in his glory. IIc will regard the prayer of the made hcavcn, and earth, the sea, and all that therein
dcstitutc, and not despise their prayer. This shall bc is; which keepcth truth for ever; which esecutclh
written for the generation to come; and the pcol)lc judgmrnt for the opprcsscd: which givcth food to the
\{rhieh shall be created shall praise the Lord, For hc hungry. The Lord looscth the prisoners: the 1,ortl
bath looked down from the height of his sanctuary ; opcneth the eyes of the blind: the Lord rniscth them

that arc bowed down : the Lord lovcth the righteous.” prophet, foretold that he would make provision for
-1’s. 146 : 1-S. this work, and he has made provision for it. By his
The proof SLOWS,therefore, that the honest ones in ]xOphCt he foretold that he would make an c~etk~llt~
the denominational church organizations who desire covenant with Christ, his beloved Son, who u-as fore-
to know God and his \Vord arc hungry and in dis- shadowed by the anointed David, and that others
trws, and that they cry for help; and that the clcrbv would be brought into that covenant, and that the ones
arc the prison kccpcrs who render no help and con- faithful to that covenant should bc mcmbcrs of hi-;
ccrning whord God says: “Behold, I am against the “servanf” that is approved. As the mouthpiece of
ShcphcrdS; and I will rcquirc my ilock at their hand, Jehovah God, the prophet says: “Behold my swvanf,
and cause them to wax from fccding the flock ; neither whom I uphold, mint elect, in whom my soul dcliqht-
shall the shepherds feed themselves any more.“- eth ; I have put my spirit upon him; he shall bring
--Ezck. 34 : 10. forth judgment to the Gcntilcs.” And then, addrcL+
And then Cod, through his prophet, shows horn he ing those who are invilcd to cntcr into the covcnwt
will bring rclicf to such prisoners by giving them a for the kingdom with Christ the great antitypical
knowled~c of the tent Il. TIlrou$i his prophet he says David, ihc lwophct says: “Incline your ear, and come
to the faithful “scrwnt” claw, those who arc of the unto me: hear, ald your soul shall live; and I I\ ii1
tcmplc cln.~ and whom he has al)pointcd as his wit- make an cvcrlasting covcnnnt with you, cvcn the sure
ncsses : ‘I have rallc~l yen in righteousness, and I will mercies of David.“--Isa. 42: 1-G ; 55: 1-3.
hold your hand, alld sustain you and qivc you the That Jehovah providrs thcrc witncsscc of his to C!U
povxr. 1 Will Wllfl y(~ll t0 cJj)Cll dlC lllind ryes and to ,a work for the benefit of the pcopIc is ma11c C!C:IF.
bring the prisonclrs from ihc I)rison IIOUSCSand Ilwm Through his prophet hc said : “Iic~lt~ld, I have g:lvcrl
that sit iu darkn~s ollt of the prison. That you may him for a witness to the pcoplc, a Icadcr atlcl WI:I-
say to tlic prisoners, (:o fort11 ; to tlwm Ihat arc in mandcr to the pcoplc.” (T.S'l. ( 55 : 4) Thcac words of tl1c
darkness, Show yo~~rsclvt~~ They shall feed in the prophet ai)i)Iy primarily to Jesus Christ, who dcclarcd
wtys, and their 1wturc.u shall bc in all high plwcs.’ that he came into the world that lit might ~JC n wit-
--Isa. 42: 5-7 ; 49: 9. IWSSlo fhc truth. They apply to all who arc it1 C%t*ikt,
Thin is one of fhc rc’asons why tlrc testimony of the which iriclaclss tliosc who arc in the trmplc and t Ilrrc-
tri11h of Cod’s \\‘oid must now bc giwn by tlic tcm- fort of Zion, God’s organization. TIN I,lst mcmlwrs
pie class; ilIlt that work is now prq:rcssing in ful- of The Christ on earth arc thcrcforc dusi;;nntc*tl I)y
fillmcnt of l~rophrc~y. That is 111~reason why faithful Jehovah as his wilnesk.cs to the pcoplc, LIIH~ t hc ol)lig;l-
IIIW aitd WJI~~II go from houw to liousc 1)it11 looks 1ion lai(l u~wn thcrn is rnnc!c j)lain. Cntl~~r 1hc saI1cl7 I-
that rsplain tlic llil)l(~, and placa them in the Ilnntls sion of the great Witrlcss Christ JCSIIY, MINX arc to
of the pcoI~le on coi11rilmtion. That is tlic way they be ma&~, and arc mnclc, “it witncxr t.0 tllC I)COI)lC, :t
]WCWh th! gOS]d, lJN!:llISC it iS c;Od’S a~~~)OilitCd way. lcudcr and comniandrr to the people.”
The effect of giving the testimony by radio, by booI.s, The rctnnant constitute the “feet of him”, the grr:tt
and by other nwan?, is to separafc or divide the pco- Witness, that is to bay, the last niemliers on carti 0i
])lC. It bri!lgS thC hom!S~ p.rSOIlS Of god Will, \VhO the body of Christ, which is the true ~huwh ; atic 111~~)
want to serve God, out from those who arc hypocrites. arc thcrcforc of Zion and in the spiritual tcmplc of
It is wither the purpose, nor ttic rwult, to get anyone God and, being yet 011earth, arc standing: at the very
to join an organization of men ; but the testimony is borders of God’s glorious kingdom. ‘i’~w~~eare <1cxi’s
given to cnablc thrm to get their cycs opcucd and t0 wnt,chmcn, and hc speaks of them as:beiuq plncrtl up~l
take their stand on the side of Jehovah God. Ood hav- the walls of Jcrwsalcm, which rrltrcscn1s the 0rga111-
iiq~cOmm;tlidcd this testimony to bc given to the pris- zation of his yco~)lc on e;irth ; and tlwn throu:$li nii;
onors, his wittwscs mud dclivcr the testimony ; otltcr- prophet. hc says of and concernin;; them : “I have .4
mist they could not bc plcnsing to him. watchmen upon thy walls, 0 Jcrusalcm, which slxll
There arc millions of ~wople of good will in the never hold their peace day nor ni$t: gc l!lnt Illil!hC
N-odd who arc no p:trt of Satan’s organizatiou but mention of the Lord, kcq not silcnw.“---Isa. 62: ci.
who are under the influence and control of that op- The rcnmant mu..t continue to give the 11itwsq, cvcn
pressive organization. They arc not held in the church unto the time of cnterin~ the kin!qlom. TIN, cntrnrrr~c
prix(.n 1houL,es,but arc on the ont~l(lc. Thry we Ihc tlicrcilito i5 symbolized by the espw.sion “the patw“,
hypocrisy in the churches and hold il~cmsclvcr aloof and, addressitl~ the remnant claw who a~‘(’ his \\ it-
th~wfrom. They arc blind to the truth, however. and ncsscs, Jehovah says : ‘LC:o throu:2h, co t!i~w:h tllc>
Satan has cauwd their blindnrss. (Isa. 42: 7; 2 Cor. gates ; pwpnre ye t Ix CI.V of the people ; wst UI), c:! i
4: 3, 4) It is God’s purpose that such persons may up the hi:;hway ; ::nthcr out the sioncs; lift ~1) a stnl:rl-
hare au opportunity to Icnru the truth and hnw their arc1 for the pcoplc.“-Isa. 62: 10.
eyes, which means their utidcrst:tnrting, Opt nctl to w-
able them to take tllcir stand on the side of ~Jchwah
God and a:lainst the 11cvil. Jehovah, throu$l his
APRm 1, 1936 109

the people’ by telling them the rcason for their blind- Another great stone in the way of the people is that,
ncss and oppression, and of God’s gracious provision as they have been told by the clergy, “this prcswt evil
to release them from their burdens and to show them world” is God’s kin,ndom on earth; that thcreforc God
the way to endless life. This is not an effort to conrcrt is responsible for the oppression under the wicked
the world, such as the clergy have prctcndcd that they rulership of the nations. The people must be told lhe
could do, but it is a campaign of education, informing truth, to wit, that S;lt,\n the Devil is “the god of this
the pcoplc according to God’s commandments. world” and that so-called “Christendom” is a blas-
These faithful wtnesscs “cast up the highway” for phemy of (iod’s holy name, because it awlmes to rcp-
the people by shoxing them that God has provided a resent Christ, the beloved Son of Jehovah. The people
great, broad and clear way for man to return to him must bc told that Jchow& is the only true and al-
and to rcccivc everlasting blessings. These witnews mighty God, and that his way is always right bccausc
are commanded to “gather out the stones”, which is he is low.
a part of the work of preparing the way for the pcopic. The mitncsses arc commanded to “lift up a standard
Satan the enemy, through the operation of his agents, for the people”. A standard means a guidon or staff
and particularly the clergy, has placed many stum- to which the people may rally and identify thrmsclvcs
bling stones in the way of the pcoplc. Among such with a spccifie side in a fight. The standard to be lift&
stumbling stows are the falsehoods, that God is rc- up for the ~~cople is God’s standard conccminF: salva-
spondble for all the evil of the world; that God takes tion aXid 1liS ~OvCrlNnCnt Of ri~h~COuSnc%i. ‘FhC pcoIJlC
little children away in death because he wants them ; must be told that Satan is the real enemy of mankmd
that God causes all the sickness and suffering of man and that .Jchovah ir man’s true and cverl:1~ting Pricnd.
on earth; and that v&n man dies, if he is outside the This must bc done in ordrr that all the ~JCOIJ~C of good
chnrch, he is to be for ever tormcntcd in iirc and brim- will may have opportunity to t&c their stun11on the
stone. side of the Lord God and under his standard.


A Jt>IAGEDDON, which means the “hill of the

yathcring of froops”, marks the IJklCt? nud the
time where and when the supreme issue will
be finally and for cvcr d&&d, namely, 1Vho is t!lc
prrssion of God’s anger nqainst these mi(~kcd systems
and falx prophets, and thus giving al~oi~wr
tion of Armagedtlon, s:tjs: “Thus saith the Lord of

hosts, 13chold, evil shnll go forth from nation to na-

blast lligh God? and who will rule the earth P Using tion, and a great whirlwind shall be raiwl U~J from
*symbolic language to describe the unseen and int:lll- the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the ILord shall
gibie influences which are now at work to bring all be at that day from one end of the earth rvcn u1rf0
the governing powers of earth together for tllis final the otlicr end of the earth : they shall not bc lamented,
battle, Revelation 1G: 13,14, 16 says: “And I saw ncithcr g;lthcwd, nor buried ; they shall lx clung upun
three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth the ground. Howl, ye shepherds, and cry ; ant1 w~~llcw
of 111~dragon [Satan’s entire organization], and out yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of thr flock: for
of the mouth of the beast {Satan’s visiblch, earthly or- the days of your slaughtc~r and of your dicpcwions arc
ganiiration], and out of the mouth of the false prophet ilCC!OJn~)lishd; ~(1 yc shall fall like a pIca%lnt WWCI.
[the An@o-American imperialistic system]. For they And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the
are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go principal of the dock to cscnl~!. A voice of the cry of
forth unto the kinp of the earth and of the wlwlc the slicl~hcrds, and an howling of the ])rincipnl of the
world, to gather them to the b%ttlc of that great d:,y flock, shall be heard : for the I,ortl hatli s~toilcd 1hclir
of God Almighty. And [ (R.V.) they] gathered them pasture. And the peaccablc habitations arc cut do\\ II, he-
together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue cause of the fierce anger of the T,ord.“---J(lr. 25 : X-37.
Arma ::lcddon.” Another of God’s prop!lrts gives a vivid picture of
The great and terrible day of God Almighty, the the great and tcl:riblc day of the T,ord. l’hc SW, being
battle of Armagcddcm, will be marked with such a a ;;rcat, r&less body of water that is con~tntitly l;~sh-
de&i\-e victory for righteousness that all will kno\v iliz itself cgainst the ro~lcs,fitly rcprcsents 1he un~rodl~
it. The name of Jehovah, who is God, will be exalted proplc of earth, alitnated from Jcllo\nh God and
in the earth. Ercn the clergy shall have their ~nouths seiti&ly hearing up tllc commercinl orfi,uiiz:?tion that
for ever cIoscd to slwnking presumptuously concc19in? tltc IWil has built like a scn-fwing ship, to rsploit tilt
the Lord God. KON-they name thcmsclws ‘shcptwti~ pCOl)lCS. TllC prOphc*t, in thC ~IYO~)liCCy nlbOIlt tc:, lk
of the Aco&‘. Thry have brought into the flock as the qnotcd, Llws the sex as a symbol of snc!i. SI:i!x arc
principal men the profiteers and pohtiriuns and mcu used as a symbol of prc:i‘nt mcthotls of c:wryiny 011
Of great influence. Ciod’s prophet, &scribing the EX- great conlmrci:il cntciyl+s. The finnnciA intwcds

of the world arc really the backbone of the present struetion”, annihilation. (Rev. 19 : 19-21) Thus; these
visible organization of the enemy, Satan the Devil. two wicked systems will be completely destroyed; and
The prophet refers to the time when Satan’s organi- those people who give allegiance and support and aid
zation will reach the point of assembling or being as- and comfort to them will doubtless also go down. The
sembled for Armageddon, saying, “They that go down ones that will be brought through are Jehovah’s faith-
to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters.” ful remnant and that class of people who will have
--Ys. 107 : 23.
In the deep distress that comes upon the nations taken their stand on the side of Jehovah God and his
they discern the Lord; that is, they see the manifestn- kingdom. Thus the Jonadabs survive the trouble and
tion of his power in these troublcsomc events, even as will then have the opportunities of complete rcconstruc-
described in the prophecies, such as the prophecy of tion and blessing. Without doubt there arc a great
IIabakkuk. Then’ the psalmist, whom we are now many people who are now held in bondage to Salan’s
quoting, pictures Jehovah as commanding the fight to organization by reason of the fact that they arc blind-
begin. The conflict is represented as a stormy wind. cd to God’s purposes. The enemy Satan has blinded
A stormy wind is always usctl as a symbol of trouble. them, lest the glorious good news of Cod’s kitl~dom
The prophet proceeds and thus describes:the scope of should shine into their minds and levt they shuul~l
the trouble, and the result : ” For he commandcth, and understand and believe and break away from the
raiscth the stormy wind, which liftcth up the waves Devil’s system. (2 Cor. 4: 4) The Ilord J~WIPI,spcakinq
thereof. ‘J’hcy mount up to the hcavcn, they go down of the conclusion of this old world and of the mani-
again to the depths; tlicir soul is melted bccausc of festation of his kingdom, said : “d\Tld tllCI1 shall :t]lI)Cilr
trouble. Thry reel to and fro, and stagger like a the sign of the Son of man, in hcavcn : niid then shall
drunken man, and arc at their wits’ end. Then they all the tribes of the earth mourn, ant1 tlic~y shall xx
[the proplc of good will who have been associated with the Son of man coming in the cluuds of hcavcn, with
the commcrcinl olbganizatioll] cry unto tllc Lord in power and great glory.” (Riatt. 25 : 30) It is rnanift,st
their troublr, and hc brin~:rth them out of their dix- from this scripture that all ihc pcoplt5 will SC‘<‘, in
trcsscS. II0 m:~ltclli the storm il calm, 80 that the Waves the great battle of Armageddon, that it is the I,oixl
thcrcof arc still. Then arc they glad because they ~JC danhing to picccs Satan ‘H org;~tiization,
quiet ; so lie bringctli them unto their &ssircd haven The stubborn and willful (“goats”), who continue
[ Jchorah ‘s organization] .“--I%. 107 : 25-30. to support the systems in dcfianec of God, will go tlo~n
The 1,01yl Jesus rcfcrs to the same great battle of with them. Doubtless now is the time whcri tl~cy \i tlo
Armageddon that would follow the 1VC’orldWar after lay deceit and fcnr have been held in Lon(l:tgc to the
an interval of titnc, when he says: “For then shut1 be Devil’s organization must break away ~(1 must call
great trilmlatioti, such as was not since lhe bcginniug UIJOI~the Ilord, and then he will bring them tllrough
of the world to this titncb, no, nor cvcr sh:lll be. And the time of trouble. The Lord has spcci:llIp l)t.omi&
csccpt thoqc days should lx shortcncd, there should no favors to those who are good to the Lord’s “l~or”,
fk~h be SCLVd : iJut for the c’ld’s SilkC tllosc dilJY.i shall his witnesses on earth. Through his prophet hc SiIyS:
be shortened.“-Matt. 24 : 21, 22. “Blcsscd is he that considcrcth the poor: the IAJIYI will
The people may confidently rely upon the statement dclivcr hitn in time of trouble. The Lord lvill I)I’C’SCI’VJ
of Jesus that tllis will bc the end of tribulation upon him, and kcel~ him alive; and he shall ~JCl~lcssedu1~111
the earth, bCCilUSC he says there shall never bc an- the earth: arid thou wilt not dclivcr him unto the will
other. IIc also states that many will pays through this of his enemies.“-Es. 41: 1,2.
trouble and live, and not die; and all should take Thcsc mentioned here as coming to the lanowl~tlac
courage from this wh6 desire to see a better condition. that the great trouble is to be a manifcstat ion of (loci’s
‘Another of the prophets shows that in this time of power and glory shining through his ltiti:dom \i ill
trouble those will bc destroyed who compost the sym- doubtless call upon the name of the Lord, iIt the WIIX
bolic “beast” (that is to say, the Devil’s visible earth- timo taking their position openly on his sldc, and he
ly organization) and the “false prophet” class. This will hear them and bring them through the trouble;
scripture and its context read as follows: “And I saw and then, if they are obcdicnt to him, he will give them
the lJcast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, the blessings long ago promised to come throu$ “ the
gathered together to tnakc war against [Christ Jesus] seedof Abraham”, that is to say, through the Cliriqt.
that sat on the horse, and against his army [in heav- -1sa.U : S ; Rom. 9 : ‘7; Gal. 3 : l&27-29.
en]. And the beast was taken, and with him the false TIIC prophet of God again rcfcrs to the satnc time,
prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which when he says: “Thcrcforc wait yc upon me, snitli tl~c
he deceived them that had received the mark of the Tlord, until the day that I rise up to the prep; for my
beast, and them that worshippcd his imacc [‘the dctcrmination is to gather the nations. tllat I may
abomination of desolation’, or League of Kations]. asscmblc the kingdoms, to ltonr upon fhcm mint intll;:-
These 1~0thwcrc cast alive into a lake of fire burning nation, even all my ficrec anger: for all tllc (*art11~11811
with brimstone, ” that is to say, into “everlasting dc- be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. Fur then
APRIL 1, 1936 111
will I turn to the people a pure language, that they sage, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord
may all call upon the name of the LORD [Jehovah], and serve him with one consent. Then will follow the
to serve him 1%ith one consrnt.“-Zeph. 3 : S, 9. establishment of conditions upon the earth such as
This will mark the end of Satan’s organization and will make it a fit place upon which to live. Such will
the dclivcrancc of the rJCOpk therefrom. TIM, as the bc the work of the Xessiah, The Christ, and the next
prophet here says, God will tur-u to them a pure mcs- step in the outworking of the divine purpose.


T HE date for the cclcbrntion to the name of Jc- of April 6, is the proper time for the celebration of
hovah God and to the sacrifice of Christ Jesus the Memorial. Jerusalem time is used.
is dctcrmitled in this manner: From the obscr- The book entitled JchoectA contains a more detailed
vation of the new moon noarcst to the vernal equinox, explanation of the Ricmorial than The M’utchtozuer
vihich marks the first day of the first month, count could carry at one issue. Carefully and prayerfully
fourteen days. (Ex. 12: 1-G) According to astronom- study chapters two and three of the book entitled
ical calculntions the moon rises at least sixteen hours Jehovah, beginning at page 26 and ending at page 120.
More it can be scc’ti with the natural eye of man. In Then on the 6th day of April, after 6 p.m., let each
the time of filoscs the calculation was made from the eOlnpany Of lllc mOintCd aSSCIII~Jle and Ce~ehrak? the
Jlour he could WC the moon with the naked eye, and Memorial. In doing so, USCunleavened bread and real
that is the proper manner for UH to count the time. red wine. Unfermented grape juice or raisin juice will
This year (cnllcd ~4.1).19X) begins on the 24th duy not meet the requircmcnts. The Ilord and the apostles
of Nnrch; and the fourteenth day, to wit, after G p.m. used real red wine, and n-e should follow their Icad.


GREATLY BLESSED IN BEING JEl’iOVAIl’S \)‘ITNESSES books ancl 1G hooklcts wcrc left there. (How clear the lccturcxs
l&m UHETII~CEN : ring furth up here! ) 0~: lady etiill, “Oh, to thmk this ,<,ow:L~:I!
is brought right lo m> home, r1n11 I n*‘\c-r heard it bcforo! 1
The undcra~gned, mcmbcra of the I&altmiore l’ionccr camp,
8urcxl.v itant to tell (‘\crvune of the joy it has brought me. An11
da5iro to express their nppreckutictn of the lo\lnfi prwision to thmk this card tells it all and no sdc$munship 1s nc~cosi:rry! ”
IIlitll0 to nsuiat trll of the ploncI~ru tu their en’orts to continue
In \islting R dam, \\e founsl nn oltl man, 70 yrnrfl of :i’:e,
u&ertising the Kmg and the klnzrlom. Your ldtcr of Novon-
who npprecmtcd the mesH:ige so much ne ani it wns the h:Ipp~~-+t
her G), to the pmnrc’rs, w!~* grrltc.fully reccI\cd, nnd no 5vlsh
day of his life. IIc contr~hutrd fur ::I1 of our publicftlious, 8
Iqpeclally to thank the mcmbcrs of the l~rlhel family for their
rccod, und also for Sony? g:~~lme to rnrry on the work.
part in muking this arrangement possible, for we renlizo it
Yosemite Nstionnl Pnrk is in theso rountlcs, and uftrr three
menns aucrifice on their pnrt. visits we were, by the Idrd’s grace, u?rle to \miL c\ery,brle In
Wo re:h.e WC’h:l\e been greatly hlcs~ed in the pri\ Ilcge which
it. ‘I’hcy thrcatend to throw us from tho park, but uftcr cnl+
is ours of being Jehovuh’e wltnc W‘S in the earth nt this (Ime, fully. cxplaming the work to the otlicilrls nnd going forth l,~‘ld-
w111 nre th:tnkCul for the v:LTIous l’rovisions mnrle by our henv- ly w’th Jcho\ah ‘8 strength we nere able to tinirh. At Il(*ti,h
euly Father to ennhia us to curly on.
Hctchy dam we took them by Rurprlse mu1 put on a Icctu:e
With warm Chrlstinn love, nntl assuring you of our con- before they knew what it wtls all nhout. One mnn came clul\\n
tinued prayers on behalf of 1~1otlter Rutherford and all tho from a mountain o\cr two milts nwny ad, stol’l~ing 1113cnr
menrbcr~ of the Rethel fauuly, by the sound car, said, “Is this whnt I hcilrd ‘wxv up thcle?
Your fellow w&xxves, It was fke.” Meting the testuuony c:trcl, UC] bcf& it e~‘uld
MANUEL Q. APPLER, J. T. PADCETT, bo prcsected, ho gr:tbbccl it, rend it nlo~l, null suitI, “ 13nng
JuLra SCmCr 13: hrES bf E. PkDCETTJ those three books to my house; I surdy nnnt thaw.”
NADEL A. PORT!&, Jc& T&,; Every few miles we !ind groups of tent8 with mlncrs in them
~JX!IS KIEFIIR, LlLLlE u. 137‘~ZxER, who are working veiy bald for an cxiuteucc. l’hcby :\1~1’tccl:ttt?
1dUr.Ahlomm, ANN PARRISH. tho kingdom message, and, though thcp have very little, thry
contribute that they may help others recci\e the mesx~g:c.
The other day, \ihen we were ~:lring a lccturc 11, 31x1 ‘poxn
GREAT PROVISION JEfIOVAH HAS MADE (the county seat), a Itporter cnnle up to us an11 said, “hlnri-
DEAR BWIWF L: RUTUERFORD: posa seldom has a treat. like this.” After asking us a fcm
For Jehovah nnd for &&on. questions, she left us. The enclosed cl;ppiug w:ts In the l’3ljcr
M-0 just rcwived our Year l~ool~s, and as me rc3.d them our ye3tcrdoy, and several people c:~l1ccl our attention to it.
hearts arc so tilled u ith an nppr&ation of the untiring efforts Our hearts arc 80 overflonmg with the p~ivih~jie of bcrVice
which the Loid’s people nre l’ritting forth all orer the world gilen us here, and as ne look o\cr the previous report wIthout
to sing forth tl~e prxisc~s of Jeh~::h ELIproclaiming the ( ‘ ICmg- * sound car nnd this one xith :i sr’und c:ir we thought p6:1h:~pu
dum hIcssn@? ’ ’ that WC wish lo thank you for them m~mcdintely. you might enjoy a compnlison. The sound car is sut12ly a gc:rt
We also thnnk Jehovnh for tlm truths which are being pre- provision Jehovah has made for his people.
pared for us, nnd pray that \\0 may soon see the two pilla Books Booltlds Hours Obtniners
supportina SJtan’s xls’l’le organizntmn go down. Being blind Previous report 35.5 1,152 6.50 61~1
to e\erythmg save the rindlcation of Jehovah’s nnme, we have Last report 1,539 li 2?3 2,743 2.1195
been prrdsnig the txlttlc to the gate here in these mountninous Sountl car 403 lectures 45 Ku*9 11,428 listcncts
Compliers, and our C.liPrlPnCeS h~\e bren so mtcrfiting that we hLay Jehovah ‘S bh~s~in!: lx upvn J IJU as vou tl.111y scr\c him.
can’t rcl‘r:iin from tellmg you sonic of the moit Iccznt ones. We joyfully lernnm 111the Iim~% r3nkp,
In one little ton-n fhcic were just sixteen hous~a, but the Pt‘DDY ASD Fh.2 ~I’r-rJr.lst cl,
lectwe flolll the Souucl car w:ts k.0 mnch applccinted thet 18
The good MWS of the kin&m of7ehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current local time Is shown CUBA ISDIANA NORTH CAROLINA
In each Instance.] Caibarien C.\IlID Ind ‘apolis WIRE Su 10 : OOam Greensboro \VBlG Su 10 : SOam
SpanlBh su 12:OO ml Su 4:OOpm Su 7:OOpm
BahiaBlsncaLU2 \Ve 10 :GOpm Harnna C,\XQ IOWA G’d Forks KFJAI bu 2:Znpm
Buenos Aires LJ11’ Su 11: OOam SI~:~nlsh Su 5 : 30pm C. Rapids W&IT Su 10 :OOam Su 4:OOpm Su 7:Zpm
C11ac0 LT3 Su 10:45am huta ~1’~ ~~IIII su ll:lsZrn Su 5:OOpm Su 10 : 1Opm
Cordoha LV:! Th 7:15pm OHIO
(1st and 3d Sundavsl WJW Su 11:30am
Los Andes, San Junn ” Spanish Su 11 :OG”& MAINE Akron
LV.? Su 10 : 45am Su 3:25pni Su 10:15ptn
Spanish ‘J’h 1l:OOam Augusta 1VRDO Su 9:5&m
Mendoza LVlO Fr 8:45pm Cleveland WJAY Su 10 : L’&m
(1st and 3d Thursdays) Su 2:45pm Su G:4.$m Su 5 : Uflpu
Eosario LTl Su 10 : ISam Su 3 :+5pm
Bancor WLBZ WC 9 : 55am
FRANCE I\% 12 :55pm Toledo WSPD Su 6 :%m
We 5 : 1Opm
Su 11 :OOnm Th 5 : 2Zpm
AUSTRALASIA Radio Beziers Th 9:OOpm
.- Junn-lcs-Pins
NEW SOUTH WALES e (Cote d’Azur) Sa R:OOpm Frederick WFAlD Su 10 :30am Tulsa livoo sU in : cJj:lrn
Albuly 2-AY Tu 9 :4,)pm Radio Lvon* 221 G:50pm Su 1:30pm Su 5:OOpm Su 3 :OOpm Jfo 5;15pm
Goulburn 2-G-X Su 7:.3Opm RdlO sat:111-VllUS
Glafton 2-GF Tu 7 :3Opm Tu 7 : 45pm Th 7;45pm MASSACHUSETTS OREGON
Gunncttah 2.110 Su 7 : OOpm s:j 7 :-35pl Su 12 :OU nn Bnhson P. \VOIlL Su 10 : cJ.j:trn Portland K\VJJ Su 10*4>am
1,isrnorc 2.XN Wo i’:lT,pm Radio Nimes Tu 9:OOpm 811 2 : 05pm 8u 4 : (15pm Sti 4:15pm su 0 : ouprn
2-IID su IO : Return -~ Boston \VhIEX Su 9 :%cxn
New C:de
Su 11 :4Opm PARAGUAY Su 4:30pm Su 6:lOpm PENNSYLVANIA
Su G:3Opm
Wo G::tOpfn Asuncion %I’4 Su 11:45am Phitndctphla Wit’ su 7:(JOp!n
Uydncy f?-t!E hu 9 :0Own MICHIGAN I’itthhlf.$ K(<i’ su lO:li.~rn
Turnworth 2-1’11 Su 8 :OOpm Detroit \V.TJt Su 10 : OOam Pittab’gllw\\‘s\~ su IO: 15:tr11
Blontevillco CX IO Su 12 :ljpm Su 5 :VOpm Su 9 :lJU~vu
\v ‘g&w ‘b’il 2-WG Su 7 : 45pm (Int.rrn:~tic~nnt) KxI:rrn:tzoo\VKZO Su 8 : 25um
?LIontevidco CX:::! Ai0 8:45pm su 9:5klm Su lU:65nm SOUTII CAROLISA
Brisbnnc 4-1!(1 HI1 7*70nm
.a MINNESOTA Sparl ‘h ‘I: \VSPA Su JO ::;O:rm
Mnrybor ‘h 4.1111 \\‘o 9 :45pm UNITED STATES F’guqFntl~liGIJE Su IO:OOam khl 2 : uop1u su .3: l.ipm
Townsville 4-TO \\‘c 8 : 00pm ALADAMA Su 1 :4.jpm So 7:15pm SOU’I’II DAKOTA
Birm ‘ham - \VAI’I Su 30 : 15am hlln ‘HI)(IIIR\~I~GT Su 9: t’>:~m Pierre l;G1*qX su lo:~l:~:lln
TASMANIA Su 2 : UlJ~wu \Ve G : 15pl
7-1~~ Su 5:4:,pm Hu 2:15pm Su G:lSpm Tu 4:OOpm 1‘11 4 :U!lpm
Jcrnrnc lC(:HJ Su R:AOnm Ncridinn \VCOC Su IO :OOum CIi:~‘noog:r \\ IJVIJ Su !l:.ZlJ:~rn
. a
Rall&lrJt VICTonIA
3-IiA Su 12:45pm 8u 12 : 25pm St1 3 :rrr)pnl su 2 : 25pm Su G:YOpm Hu 1 :::(JJIIII su ‘l . t.~t1”’
n-130 St1 7:ofJt”n Tucsoll KGAH su 9 ::;0am hlcmphin \VI<ISC su !J:4lr:LIn
3-II,\ su G: l5pm $11 12:55pm Su 5 :.35prn MISSOURI Ml1 4 :00pn1 su 10 : ‘Jopm
llorntmu 3-11s su 9 :orJpm YUlflH Kl;hfA fiu 12:13pm Columbin KFltU Su IO ::!O:uu
Su 0 : 3Otm Su 7:30pm Mu 1 :.%pm HII 4:3Upm TEXAS
Mclbournc 3.AK Su 2:15pm El J’xso IiTY 11 Ru 0 . 1r),ll,l
s\vu11 Jllll 3 SII su 7:13pm ARKANSAS 1 : I5pm A $11 ;;::;I,[“”

WEST AUSTRALlA IIot Sp ‘gs JCTI IS Su 10 : 15um Lincoln KFAI, Su 9 : 30am Ifous!o’l Kisy% Su 1O:~ill.m
Kulgoorbe G-KC; Hu 7 : OOpm S. Antonio Ii’I’Sh Su JO: Ili.~m
CALIFORNIA su 1:55pm 4 :lJlJ~m
Perth G-ML su 7:0Ot,m NEVADA SU
El Centlo ICXO Su 10:GOam Rcno
Su G:45tlm Ii011 Su lO:%lam
Su 3 2 : 15pm Su 4 : 3Opm UTAII
Su 9 : OOpm
BELGIUM fIoltywoot1 ICNX Su IO : 15ani Salt L. City I&I, Yu 6 :00:1m
Wtlllonin-I$onnc Esperance su 5: 35pul Su G:23prn NEW HAMI’SHIRE
(201.7 rn) I\‘0 7:OOam Oaktan~l KROW St1 10 :OOxm Laconm WLNJl Su l(J:%Jam
Su 2 :OOpm Su 7:OOpm
su 2 : 1Opm Su 7:lGpm
Tu 9:OO:rm Tll 2 : 00p111
CANADA To 11: OOprn We 8 :l>pm NEW JERSEY
ALHERTA Fr 9:3Otun Sa 1O:OOpm AtlanticC’y \VI’Cf Su 1O:OOnm
ti1gaI.y CE’CN su 5:45pm COLORADO su 2 :ol)ptIl Uu 7:OOpm
BRITISH COLUMIHA Col’o Ypr. K\‘OR Ru 10:30am Newark \YSE\V Su 7 :OOpm
Kclowna CKOV Su 1:4J’pm Su 12:4Opm Su 4:30pm hZ0 12:25pm Pr 3:25pm
I>cn\cr KVOD su 7 : 30pm ’
Sydney CJCI% Su 9:OOpm hI0 1:OOpm MO G:25pm Albuq ‘quc KOll WC 11:45am SCZlttlC Ii1110 Su lO:L’%nt
We 5 : 25pm We S : 25p su 6 : K.$“ll hu 9:U’Ipm
ONTARTO DISTRICT OF COLUMRIA Spokxnc ’ KG* su in ~~~~~~~~
Cobalt CTilIC Su 3 :OOpm n’nshington WOL Su 10 : OOnm NEW YORK SII I : onp: su 5::l;t”n
Hxmilton CKOC Su 10 :BO:un Su 1:OOpm su 7:15pm Brooklyn WBI3R Su 9 : 3 Onm TaclJIYl:L K\“I +“u !I :::0:irn
Su 1:30pm Su 8 :OOpm su 4 : 30pn1 Su 7 : noprn Su 2 : OOtun su 7 :<;opY
Broohlrn \\‘BBR Su IO: 1San1
Orlando WDJ30 Su 10 :33am
Su ii :3Gpm hIJ 10:3Osm \VEST VIRCI?;IA
CHILE Su 12 : 30pm Su 5:30pm Tu 10:::Onru Tu G:DOpm Ch:~‘sto~l WCIIS Su 1 :OOpm
RanAntonioC’1;135 Su 11:4Onm SU 3 :nopl
Santiago CEl::l Tu 9:15pm
ILLISOIS WC IO : 3nnIn \Ve G:ROpm hu 5:rlr~pl
Chirago \VCFL $11 8 : OOam !I% lO:ZOam Th G: ::Orjm Wheeling \\-\VVA Su IO : Ilo:L;n
Valpnraiso CE Radio \V:1llaee 1Iar1 isb ‘g WEBQ Su 4 :45pm Fr 10:XJani Fr G:Zrbprn su 4:xq’m su 7 : ul’plrl
su 12 :15pm Su G:43pm Mu 9:oopm Buflalo wfxt 811ln:o~m
Quincy \vTAZ, Su 9:1&m Su 10:4jpm
CHIXA su 2 :3oI”n Ii-e 2 : 3npm Buffnlo WKI3\T Su 5 : .j.~pm
Shanghai XlIllE Su 12:OO nn Tu~cola \mz su 9 : .:.kIl NewYork TV>lCA 8u l(l:.:oam
Shanghai XhfIEA Su 8 :lBpul su 11:55am su 1: 5Oym Tu 12:55pm Tu 5:OOpm
BIS journal is published for the purpom
of eu,1~ic7
the people to ~UOW J&OLCII~ Got1 and his purp~w:s as
espwsscd in the Bible. It pul~l~shcs Nblc &tructlon
specifically designed to aid Jehovnh’s wtncsws. It, allncgcs
systematic Bible study for Its readers and suppi~~~ 0th~ htcr-
nture lo SKI in such studies. It publislws suitall nlx:1ari:ll
for radio broadcasting and for other mcnns of publx mztruc-
tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Biblo as authority for its utter.
antes. It is entirely fret and scparnto from all parties, fwct3
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and l>l!l.~ut
reservation for the kingdom of Jchwnh God un+r ChrX
16s Beloved TZing. It is not dogmatx, but inxitrs cnrpful
and clitic31 examination of its contents in tho light of tll3
Scriptures. It does not indulfro in controwrsy, and its col-
umns are not open to personnlitics.

YmmY snBscsIITIos PlxcE

VOL. LVII Arnrr. 15, 19345 x0. 8

“Tkou shalt obseroc the feast of fnbernacles swcn dup after that thou had gcrtkcrcd in thy corn and
wine.“-Dcut. 16: 13.

I<TIOVAXT commandccl that the Tsrnclitcs should scrvcd. The feasts wew directly associatctl with the
ObSt!DT tllIU! g:rcFIt f(‘ilStS during ttle vC:lY, Cn(!ll h:lrvcst time of ttw l)co!~!(~of Jsrac!l. l’tlc l):lwovcr war;
011~ n feast unto Jcllo\~i\h. This SI~OWS Ih:lt ~IIC obwrwd of1 the i’Our~rmt!i day of Il!)i!), tllc first ~Ii~J?l~~l,
tbrcc feasts directly and s1~Sficntty rclatcd to the rm.,? the l’wst of unle;~vcnc~l bwnd I’ollo~vc~d immctli-
vindicntion of Jehovah ‘s n:~mc. Those three feasts are at+ t!lPlI’ilf’lt~~, at nllicti feast ttlc hig11 l)ritLt of~‘crctl
llamctl ,by tlrc Lortl, to wit: “ T~‘rast of unlcav~nctl ;1 stwnf Ol’ tllc first rip co111 or I);irIey ilIlt wnwtl it he-
hrcad,” 01’ tllC ~)ilSSOV~‘r ; “fcClSt Of tIiI1’VWt,” 01’ I’CIlt+ fort tllC LOrd to br ilC’C~~~tC’~l by !lim as fNJn1 f tw 1~~~111~.
cost; and the “1oaYt of ingathcring”, that is, the (1s~. 23: 9-12) On ttic> fil’licth dnp tticrwftcr, l~lorc
“Ecast of !nl,~rnncl~‘s”. “Three timcns thou shalt l;~cl) t11c commwwmcnt of tllc “ro:lSt (Jf \\.c'CICS", l:li(B1*
n ft~& UI~~O IIIC in the year. T!rnu s!li\lt lt~p the feast known ac; I’w~wost, ttle high priest wnvrcl two 1o;rvcs
of un1cnvc11cd l,lwltl : (thou shalt cat ul1lc;lvc~Iw~l lwcwl bdwcl of llcwly rip~ncd utwat ant1 l)~llitYl witli I~qvpii,
hvvcn dilJ3, as I commnnclcd thee, in the time ;tI~lwint- the offwing of ttic pw!~lc as the first fruits of t!lc
ccl of lhc month ,Zbib; for in it thou ?ilUlc\t out from 1l~llT~St. Tll:\t \VaS CilllC’d l!lC “P(‘ZlSt Ol ll:lrV(‘S;t, t IrC!
Egpt ; and il01ic shall alpcar bcforc mc empty:) and firslfruits of thy labours”. (ISX. 23: 1G; 1,c.v. 23: li)
tllc EC:& of IlilPVCSI, thC first fruits Of thy IfilNllIS, The time fixed for the celdwntion of 0lc feiist of
which thou h:ist sown in the field: and the feast of in- talwnnclcs was at, “tllc end of the year”, when 111c
gnllrcrinq, whicli is in the end of ihc year, dun thou harvest was gnthcrcd in, and it was cnllccl the “fts,lst
had g:nlhcrcd in thy labours out of the field.“-ES of inqathering”. “,Sp(~~li unto ilic chil~lrcn of IWIV!,
23 : 14-16. saying, The fifteenth day of this scvcnth month shall
* The passover marked the beginning of the year; be the feast of tnl~ernaclcs for SCVCI~ Clays unto 11~
Pentwost was fifty days after the first day after the Lord. ’ ‘-1~~. 23 : 34.
sabbath following the passover nnd was likewise a sab- ' Jchovnh gave C~Jlrmlaild to lsracl by the mouth of
bath with Tsracl, and the feast of tabcrnacl~~s bcgnn on Now concerning all t tlrce of tlicsc feasts. l\toscs W;IS
the fiftxcnth day of the seventh mouth endinE the spe- a fypc of Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus is diwrt ty
cial feature of the year. The pcoplc of Israel having associated with all thrw of the fcnsts. Jt wtultl seem,
been commanded by Jehovah to keep these three feasts, thcrcfore. tllilt those vi110 arc in Christ would be iii-
the question arises, Is spiritual Israel, and particul:irly rtbctly concerned. The passover was instituted in
the remnant, directly concerned about all three of these Egypt by the slaying and eating of the lxucl~al lamb,
fcaslsl--Es. 34: IS, 22; Lev. 23 : 6,10,34. and this was fulfiltcd in the snwificte of C’hri,t Jcsur.
3 Jehovah speciflcdly fises the time and place for at which time Jesus inst itutccl tlw memwi;ll of hir
each of the feasts. The time never varied. At first the death and memo&l to the name of Jehovah and to
place was at Shiloh. (Josh. 18 : 1) Later Jcrnsalem was the vindication of his IrBme. At. thtl comn~~:nd of the
npyointcd as a place where these feasts were to be ob- Lord hi3 people hi.4~c kept that feast il?lf.l still obscrvc

it. Xow the Lord Jrsus has come to the trmple and amazed at what
they saw, while others mocl:ed. (.‘Li*t ;
gatltwcd his pcople unto himself and they arc still 2: S-13) Tltcre was a division then and tl~cw, and th1t
ccl&rating the feast. of the passowr, or memorial, division called forth the speech by Pctcr concar~t~~~,r
drinking the new wine with the Lord iu the kingdom the fulfillment of the proplwy of Joel. “Thin tilith
and rejoicing. that gladly received his word were bal)tizcd.” (i\c*tr
S Pcntccost marks the time of the outpouring of 2: 41) T11c: infcrcncc mLL\t be drawn that those v ::o
the holy spirit as prophcsicd by Joel and fulfilled tirst did not gladly rcccivc his words put tllc~nsclv<~i itt
on the i1I)ostlcs, as Iwordcd at Acts tl1c second chapter. cpposition. At the pa.ssowr only unlc3vctwd lnwd
The iimc corresponds with the lime of the coming of could be used, whcrcas tlic two lonrcs wi\cd by t be
the Lord’s spirit upon Cidcon, when hc blew the trum- prkst at I'lTltCcOSt WrC ba!iCd With ICXvcii. INa\t'il
pet, (JLldg. 6: 34) ‘h2 SCCOIld fLllfi~hd Of tllC [JrOph- being a symbol of imperfection and sin, t hc: leaven i1I
ecy of Joel concernin:: the outpourittl: of the holy the two lonws therefore seems clearly to say iI s\-tr:-
spirit, as alJlJwr5 from the orerwhclming testimony, 1101that tlic ofrwing in lwltalf of the people would I:ut
~W:III h l!)BP. (SW I’idk~2i0tt, BOOI< One, pi\gc 57.) bc without tititlt, that all would be cutitnmittat~~l 10
Tlk L’ctttccost tlntc also cwrcqwnds wiih the coming some cstcttt with the borltl, and, whit infornul t)>
of 111~ Ruth cla5s to a knowlc~lgc of the truth, the the hJr(~, it \voidd 1JC the rc~poIlSihility Of kW 11’ +I-
climas of the pro~~lic~lie lx~oli of Kutb. Tlic larger fnl- sentcd to tllc Lord to put xc thcmsclvcs ly scparat 81~‘;
fillnic91t of the 0ntlwurinF: of tlie Iioly spirit marks a iliemwlws coniplctely from Satan’s or~i1nizatioi1. ‘i‘i, 1;
time of firPat rrjoic*inr: amoii~~t Coil’s pcol~lc on raI411. is csac4y nbat lltc rem11:rnt are comn1:1r1dctl to (!*J.
In th(? Iit~lRUil~C Of’ tllC! ~JrO[JllC~t.tllc :lllCJllltd UllW siti:,, This sulJp(firts tttc coI1clii~iuti that tl1c tno IO:IV~Y w\(~~I
‘Titis iu tlic day lllc I~ord 1~1th Inatlc, and we \\ill IC- by the lJriM at l’entcwst, pirtured the Il1visiot1, til.,l
joiw and lx glad in it.‘- 1%. 11s: 24. is, ;1 SC~J;ll’ilti~J!l, of tt1osc \YllO an’ ilcccyhd 1’3’ the I,c,:,rl,
GThe ~wisov~r fv:tst and l’ctttecv)st arc ditwtly rc- from flifJ9: who arc rcjwtc,cl 1,~ the Lord.
lnt(:tl to the IIC’W rovctt;rttl. TIIC n1aki11g of the 11t.1~ 8 Tttc swond ontpourii1,7 (r of tlx holy qJirit unrlo~~!~t-
co~m:lllt WIS iltud~cc~ \JY fhc thth of Jwq t h? :tnti- dy haS diSC~ObACd t!vO ~h!;S~S of p?r5OIlS, tNJ!h Of \vlll”~l
fyIJiC:d pa-wvcr I,air~L. T11e iItau~ul;~lioii of tlw II! w \\‘(‘IT ~JtXW’tltL!ll IJCfOrC 1 II<’ I~OI’tl 1VhCtl llq’ illJlJ(‘:lY~(l ,‘L
rovcnant i9 tlttllli~d lty th 1itt:tl oulpouriti~ of I1.c ttlc ~(‘ttt[-b~C Wtd h’giltl jltl~:lI~~~tit a+, the hClllSC CJl’ (;!lfl
holy tq1irit. (.lAs 2: l&l!;) Parlicnlarly siiice 111~ (Alal. 3 : 1-3 ; 1 I’rt. 1: 17) OtlC ClilQ is Illil\l~? 111) Ol
SCC’CJtl(l OUf pOlll.itl:: (If tllC hJly Spirit lh hl’d’S JN’ulh tllOsC tlr;ll ;ll’C :~pIJrO\cVl, wliirtt tile LOId tl~~~,i~~tlili~~\ ,!‘i
011 C:lt*tll Ili\\c I~I1~l1~rstOOd ant1 iI~)iJNX’i;ltC!tl !llat tllC the “failhful and wise s~rvat1t “, and to Illill viitis lj8*
time of rcjoic~ilig is hew, bwiiusc tlwy arc l!ri\ il~~:rc~~l commits hi% l;it1~~tloni ir1tc~rwts on cartli. ‘I’lic o:I:k 1’
to drittl; tlic ttcw wittr with tltc I,ord itt tltc iilll~~dOttl class is not approwd, atit is clwiqnat(~(l IJ~ liirtl I !I,>
aItcl to ctitcr inlo liis joy. Tt is tiie feast of joy unio “evil x!twt1t” C1ilSS. ‘~IIOW Of IJOt Cl294’S (.l;titllc*~~ 111
the IAOrcl, i1S it is \\rittcn: “ l~c~joiw, h 1’ 11c:iwits, and be sitwerc wlicti prcsc:titc~l to t tic Lord at ttw tcw1[fli,>,
yc that dwell in fhem.” (licv. 12: 111) Since the orlt- but the Ilord causctl t I10 sc~lfisli ones to clc~tnon41t~21,.
pourill;; of the Ilc~ly spirit tltc ~Cttlllilllt lrav12 umlcr- that they were moved by s~~llishncss an(l IIict~cCorc~ t1tlt,
stood at1d alJl)ret*i;lt(*tl that tl1c \voI’k of tl1tl IAJP~I JPWS ~t~~cp~:tliG~lly dwotctl to ~J~l~ovuh atl(l hi< I\itt!~~l:~~,l.
is tlte vinchcation UC Jcho\ ah’s ttuttc awl that Gnw The uortls of tltc aposll(~ at 1 Corinttii;ttts 5: l-3 J’uilj
ItC IlXj COttlC t0 tllc tWtI)lt tllltl ~:;ltllf~l’Cd Itis filitltflll corrobor;itc tl1cw words, :111d hctICC lItC iI[JO‘:llC ; (I-
OIlc’S I11110 lliJ1lYclf IllCSC 113\.C C!lltcIXTl itli0 tllC SOY of Inonislics ttic sincere ones to have Iiothin~~ to (10 rf: Ii
the j,ortl, bcilin pt*ivilc l;ecl to l,:it’tic’il1ato in the vin- tlic itisittccrc c)tt~s ~110 cottiitiuc to cotti~~rcmti~c 1. i!!t
dication (Jf Jclwv~tlt ‘s nattic. ‘I’licy liavc ills0 nti apprc- Satan’s or~ntiizntion. ‘I%! two loaves, fl~crcfor(~, s’~,, .:’
Ciatiun Of the WordS Of dlC SWiptLlrc, “‘l’h JOY Of thC Ihat One class is rcjcrtctl and Olte clas-; iICCt'j)tClt II:,-
Lord is your stiwigtli.“-Iicli. 8 : 10. tllC LOlY.1. ‘J’ltC! fCnSt Of tl\C! ~?tlSSO\-tr illlfl tll:lt Of l’f’tl’1P-
’ In the past. we have btcn to!d that the waving of cost utidoul~tcdly arc liniilcd to ttiosc ~110 arc in 1111rs
Ihe two loavc\; l~nkcd with leaven, ant1 which wre for ttlc liilI~;c!Olll. What is l0 IX Silid, ttlC:l, t1l)OLlt Itlc
waved at I’enfwwt, pictured two slJi~~itua1 clnvrcs feast of tabcrnncles?
ofi’ercd to the I,ord, to wit, the “litllc flWli” ;lIld tllC o At one and tl:e same time Jellovnlt cotntnatt(!.~~l
“groat multitude”, botli being spirilnal clasxs. Sow his choscn IJCO~JIC Israel to Itwy tticse 1hrce fc~sts
we hw, however, that such could not lx true, for the above nnmcd. For many 3 cars it sccm~ to have IJ!X II
reason that C;o(l dots not have Iwo spiritual claws, taken for gr;ttttcd that t!lc fcnst Of ti!lj~~l~llilPlCS, 2t11 i-
OllC Wholly f~tithflil aild tllC OthCT rJ:ll’tially faitliflil. typically cclcl~ratcd, is csclusivcly r~lntcd lo i! ):
The facts now u-c11 l:ttown swm to support the con- millennial rciyil of C’tiri5t and licncc the ~hnwh wj:;If:
clusion that the waving of the two 10:~s at J’entccost on cart11 would have noitiing to do thc~rcx-1tl1. ‘I I:\:
pieturctl a divisioI1 amongst Ihosc who claim to wrve question arias, Did tl1C fc3:,t of 1illK!~llil~i~~j i’ot v.i...l!-
God. At the fit*ht outpouring of the !10ly spirit tbrw ow Iliings that mu4 come lo pass duril~q Itic mi!!?,t:-
mcrc many il\wllittg in ,Jerusaletn who wrc &rout nial rcion of Chrtst, or doe3 ils fulf3linc111 lwqirl wi,iic
men or at Icast cl,tinicd to be. Some of tlicse were the rcmnnirt are still on the earth CII::.I;:C,C~ i1; i:i~
APXIL 15, 1936

service work? If the feast of tabernacles is having an l1 The Scriptures were not written merely to show
antitypical fulfillment at the present timq, then surely how some may inherit thi heivenly life. True, they
we should expect that the Lord would reveal that fact do tell of that hope through Christ Jesus to those who
to his covenant people. The Scriptures and the facts are called, chosen, and prove faithful, but the primary
are now here submitted for the purpose of showing purpose is the selection of a people for the name of
that the feast of tabernacles directly concerns the Jehovah and who have to do with the vindication of
remnant and the “great naultitude” and that the anti- his name, and after these have proved their integrity
typical feast is now being fulfilled. then God gives them a place in heaven. Those taken
out for the name of Jehovah are first put to the test,
lo Why should we conclude that Jehovah command-
must maintain their integrity, and then receive God’s
ed the feast of tabernacles to be kept by the Israelites,
his covenant people, merely to show what shall come approval before they are given a heavenly inheritance.
to pass during the millennial reign? The positive It seems certain, therefore, that the fulfillment of the
statement is made in the Scriptures that “whatsoever prophecies, including that concerning the feast of
things were written aforetime were written for our tabernacles, has to do with the church, and particu-
learning, that we through patience and comfort of larly the remnant, and those closely associated with
the scriptures might have hope” (Rom. 15: 4) ; and the remnant, during the time of a special work being
also that “all these things happened unto [Israel] done by the Lord Jesus at the temple of Jehovah.
for ensamples [or types] : and they are written for
our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are FEATURES
come”. (1 Cor. 10: 11) Paul thus limits these things I* By looking at certain features of the type we may
to the class to which he belonged, consequently to the be enabled to detertiine whether or not there is now
church. The Scriptures are graciously provided by a fulfillment of the feast of tabernacles in the expe-
the Lord for the benefit of men during the period of riences of the remnant. As stated by the Scriptures
time when wickedness is permitted and when the it was “the ‘feast of Jehovah”, which shows that t,he
wicked one is allowed to prosecute his work, and these time foreshadowed the vindication of Jehovah’s name.
scriptures arc thus provided that the man of God may The command as recorded in God’s law is : “How-
be instructed and thoroughly furnished unto all good beit on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when
works. (2 Tim. 3 : 16,17) The vindication of Jehovah’s ye have gathered in the fruits of the land, ye shall
name is the all-important matter, and it is the royal keep the feast of Jehovah seven days: on the first day
house of God that has particularly to do with the shall be a solemn rest, and on the eighth day shall be
vindication of his name. The Devil raised the issue a solemn rest.” (Lev. 23: 39, A.R.V.) Thus is shown
of the supremacy of Jehovah, and that issue will be that the first day was a sabbath day and the last day
settled by the destruction of the D’evil and his organi- was a sabbath day. The feast WBS celebrated in the
zation, and that work must be accomplished and will middle of the seventh month, at the season of the
be accomplished before the thousand-year reign of re- year when the harvest was gathered in, and is there-
generation begins. Jehovah first declares his purpose fore called “the feast of ingathering”. (Ex. 23 : 16)
to bring forth by his “woman” or organization a It was a time of rejoicing before the Lord, the people
righteous seed, and that the seed of his organization being reminded that Jehovah is the source of all life
will destroy the seed of the Serpent. The seed is and of all their joys. They were to eat and drink and
brought forth, and then follows the prophecy recorded to rejoice before the Lord.
by Jude (14 and 15) of Jehovah’s purpose to execute Is This matter is specifically emphasized when some
his judgment by and through Christ Jesus. Before of the captives returned from Babylon. When they
that judgment is executed, however, the Scriptures were in captivity they did not keep the feast of taber-
show not only that the “little flock” of sheep led by nacles. When Nehemiah and others returned, the
Christ Jesus shall come to him but that he will also people were found weeping because they learned that
gather his “other sheep”, which latter flock is the the law of God commanded them to keep the feast of
“great multitude”. To Abrahamjehovah declared his tabernacles, which they were not doing. It was then
purpose in these words: “I will bless them that bless that preparation was made to celebrate the feast, and
thee, and curse him that curseth thee.” (Gen. 12: 3) Nehemiah said to the people : “Go your way, cat the
Prom other scriptures it clearly appears that the fat, and drink the sweet, . . . for this day is holy unto
cxecutlon of this purpose takes place at the time when our Lord ; neither be ye sorry ; for the joy of the Lord
Christ Jesus is at the temple for judgment during the is your strength. “-Neh. 8 : 9,lO.
day of Jehovah, and not at the end of the thousand- I’ Two special features of the feast of tabernacles
year reign. (Matt. 25 : 31-46) The prophecies concern- are noted, to wit : (1) The people were commanded
ing judgment clearly are fulfilled and apply at the to dwell in booths for the seven days of the feast, nud
time when JehoGah arises to make known his name in (2) that, beginning with the first day, they were to
all the earth and to vindicate his name by his great offer thirteen bullocks, and continue to offer bullocks
right Arm, his Vindicator. Christ Jesus. one less each day thereafter, concluding on the seventh

day with the offering of seven bullocks, making a total temple, and each day water was drawn from the pool
of seventy bullocks offtrcd during that period of the of Siloam and carried to the temple altar, where it
feast. The eighth day was a day of rest and a solemn was received amidst the blast of trumpets and the re-
assembly unto the Lord. (Sum. 23 : E-35) That whole pcating of the words of the prophecy by the people:
convocation was to remind Israel that their blessings “With joy shall yc draw water out of the welli: of
would come to them because Jehovah had chosen them salvation.” (Isa. 12 : 3) (Pcloubct’s Bible Dictix~la,.~)
as his people for his purpose. and for the honor of These water wells pictured the fact that the rumndnt
his name. and Jonadabs who have. lately associated themselves
l5 The dwelling in booths appeared to be significant. with the remnant have conic to appreciate the truth
A booth is a temporary dwelling place, while those that salvation, pictured by the water, comes only from
therein dwelling are looking for a pcrmancnt abode. Jehovah God through C’hrist Jesus and thcsr truths
Alt the pcoplc of God, including the spiritual and hu- arc revealed by the Word of God, the ~~11 of salvati~)n.
man class, have been brought onto the side of Jehovah X0 other persons on earth recoxnizc that salvation
during the time that Satan has ruled in wickedness. ImJCCdS from Jehovah through C’hrist Jesus.
Dwelling in booths thcrcfore seems to say that tlicy are I8 Jesus associated himself directly with tlw i’cnst
not a part of Satan’s orpanimtion but are separate of tabcrnaclcs, and this of itself shows that the icm-
and apart therefrom, that temporarily they must dwell nnnt on earth bear some relation tlwrcto, that j, to
in Satan’s world but arc no ppart of it, and that they say, that thJSc \VhO COml~OSC the “little fl(JCk” ill\ld
are looking for a pcrmnnent and rislitcous govern- be ClOSCly aSSOciatCd thCrC\Vith alld that Of
th(JTC ah
ment in which rightcousncss rlwelIs. .4lnxhnm and the tlic “other slierl~“, the “great inultitudc”, iIl’C in-
other faithful men of old, loin:: on the T,c~rd’s side, clll(lcd in what the feast of t:llwrnac*lcs forwhadow.
wcrc in that condition. Conwrning him it is written ~~lwn Jesus idcntificd himself wit/i the fCiISt ol t;~l~tal’-
that ‘IIC dwelt in tabcrnacl~~ with Isaac u~d Jacob, nwlcs it wis the time when the rcligionisls wrc~ w~~li-
the IicGrs I\ it11 him of the samc~I)romihc, for they looked in!: to kill him. “iLOW tIICb ~JCIVS’ f(*ilSt Of fillJC.l~llilC’~I’S
for a city which bath foutitl;tlions, whose builder and was at hand. I3nt when his brrthrcn WCN boric up,
mdicr is God’. Coti~c~rniny all the others mc:nt ioncd tlicn went hc also ~1, wit0 the fcxit, not oj)wlly, 1~11,
by the npo\tlc it is written that they confessed that as it wrc in scrrct. T11cn tlw JCNS sought him at tlto
they were pilqirns and stranzcrs on tile earth, dcsir- feast, and said, 1Yhcre is ~w?“--J~J~II~ 7: 2, 10, 11.
ing a licnve~~ly country,--II&. II : S-16. lo Jesus had scbnt his disciples ul) before lliru, nlt~l ho
le As Jesus dcclarctl, “My kingdom is not of this went sccrrtly. lint when tlic feast \vns well uii(l~~i* way
world , ’ ’ so all those who WC on tile side of C:ocl and lie al)pc:ircd in tllc tcml)lc nnd t:inglit: “Knw n1~11ct
his King arc not of fSnt:in”s worlfl, but are dwelling the midst of the feast, Jcsw -wt. up into the tc~~ll’l~~,
temporarily IICI’V, waitin, * for the full cst;ibli4mcnt and tauplit.” (Vs. 11) The rcligiionists s:iw .Ir.sus
of God’s government under C’lirist. This is literally standing tlic~rc cspoundin;~ tlic \Yoril of C:od, ant1 tlwq’
true with rc~fcroice to tlic “great multitude”, bccnusc said of Jesus : “1It~w knowcth thi\ m:~n lettcbrs, Ililvill::
they SC!lXlIXiC tlwmsclrcs fr0m tlic Devil’s organiza- ncrcr icarncd‘! .Jc\us answrcd thaw, and s:licl, ,\I)
tion and tabc their stand with tlic Lord’s organization. doctrine is not mine, but his that sc.nt me. If any lil:ltl
W~cn the Isrnclitcs returrwd from captivity they will do his will, he shall know of tllc doctrine, \rhc*t her
made booths and sat undtr them and w(‘rc glad. F’or it lx of God, or whether I spc& of myscll’.“-John
n long while those persons of good will h:tvc been in 7:15-17.
captivity to Satan’s organixaiion, and now \\licn they *OThis corrcslmnds with the prcscnt time. i\s Je-
rcccivc the light of the truth they take their stand hovah’s witncsscs stand in the PLllJliC l)l:l~c~ ;IIItl sl)c::k
on the side of Jchorah and arc antitypically si rangers the truth, tlic c&y say of tl;cm : ‘1Iw do tllc\c foal-
in a strange land, waiting $or the full establishment lows know anything, seeing tlicy have nwcr lma to
of the kingdom of God. a tlicologicnl school 9’ JcsnS there coutinucA(l to sow:&
17Thr: offering of the scanty bullocks must have boldly, and so now his faithful Eollowws l~oldly ~[xalc
aome important meaning. It is noted in the tenth the truth, rrgardlcss of Ol~lJOSitiOn.As tlw feast drew
chapter of Genesis that mention is made of seventy near to a close Jesus continued to boldly dwlxre the,
families of the sons of Koab. “These are the families truth, and there was a division amongst tlwse x110
of the sons of Noah, after their gcnrrat ions, in their heard him, some supportin, 0~him, wliilc ot llfrs wlelit
nations; and by these were the nations dlvillcd in the his life: “Ill tllc l:lSt day, tllilt KrCilt d>ly Of IhC fCil?.t,
earth after tlrc Ilood.” (Gcn. 10: 32) There is a tradi- Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man tlllrht, ltbt
tion amongst the ancient Jews that the seventy bul- him come unto mc and drink. Ilc that bclicvcth on mc’,
locks offered at the feast of tabernacles pictured or as the scripture bath said, ant of his belly sl~:lli flow
represented the sevcnt.y f:~I~lilies of the earth as mcn- rivers Of hilig Witch. ~hly of tlic 1xol)lC f~K!i’t’l’CJrC,
tioncd in the foregoing scripiurc. Jewish hiStory tells when they heard this saying. said. Of a truth tl!~s is
of certain othtr things that were done in eonncction the Prophet.” (John 7 : 37, 36, 40) It a~~lw:lw tllat
with the feast. There was a special lighting of the probably it was the eighth day, or the time ol’ t!il: holy
APRIL 15, 1936 $XeWATCHTOWER 119

convocation, that Jesus said in the presence and hear- athirst come; and whosoever. will, let him take the
ing of the religionists: “Then spake Jesus again unto water of life freely.“-Rev. 22: 17.
them, saying, I am the light of the world ; he that fol- 24The Scriptures and the attending facts, there-
loweth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have fore, show that the great antitypical fulfillment of the
the light of-life.“-John 8 : 12. feast of tabernacles has begun. This is the time when
21It was at the feast of tabernacles that Jesus Christ Jesus is separating the nations and making it
showed the clear distinctionbetween those religionists, clearly appear that there are two separate and dis-
whom he told that they were on the side of the Devil, tinct classes, one that is against him and Jehovah, and
and those of honest heart who took the side of Jesus. one class that is for him and Jehovah, and that all who
“And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am would live must now identify themselves as being on
from above ; ye are of this world ; I am not of this the side of Jehovah and his kingdom.
world. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in
your sins; for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall PALMS
die in your sins.” (John 8: 23,24) The religionists 25Another prominent feature of the celebration of
not only rejected Jesus, but sought to kill him. But the feast of tabernacles was that concerning the
many of the common people believed on him: “Then branches of palm trees, which the people must take
said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If on the first day of the feast and use throughout the
ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples in- period of the feast. (Lev. 23: 40,41) Boughs of other
deed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall trees are mentioned, but the branches of the palm tree
make you free. If the Son therefore shall make you are specifically mentioned. The waving of palm branch-
free, ye shall be free indeed.“-John 8: 31,32,36. es must be done with rejoicing before the Lord, the
22This is the only place revealed by the record that manifest purpose of which was a recognition by the
Jesus taught in connection with the feast of taber- people that Jehovah God was and is their Deliverer
nacles. By associating himself with the feast of taber- from Satan’s power, and their Savior. The entire per-
nacles Jesus proves conclusively that he fulfilled the formance was looking to the vindication of Jehovah’s
type in miniature and that the fulfillment in com- name, rejoicing in him as the supreme and holy One.
pleteness must begin while the remnant members of That the people thus recognize Jehovah.as their Sav-
his body are on the earth and during the time when ior and Deliverer he said to them that they must
Christ Jesus is at the temple conducting judgment. keep this feast, “that your generations may know that
What Jesus, when on earth, did at the feast of taber- . . . I am the Lord your God.” (Lev. 23 : 43) The fact
nacles finds a similarity in things that have come to that palm trees are specifically mentioned in connec-
pass since his appearance at the temple. As the Ofiicer tion with the feast of tabernacles shows that they were
of his Father, Jesus, at the last of the feast of tabcr- symbolically used to foreshadow some greater thing
nacles, boldly cried out to the people. Since coming to that must come to pass in the future.
the temple he, as the Officer of Jehovah, cries out and *OThe eleven faithful disciples of Jesus recognized
calls upon all the nations to be silent and give ear to him as the Christ and followed him gladly. Later,
what he says: “But the LORD is in his holy temple; when he rode into Jerusalem to offer himself as King,
let all the earth keep silence before him.” (Hab. 2 : 20) it was the common people who met him on the way,
At the feast of tabernacles Jesus told the religionists waving their palm branches and shouting to his honor
that they were of the Devil. In these last days the rem- and to the praise of Jehovah. At the first outpouring
nant, as his faithful witnesses and acting under his of the holy spirit at Pentecost the faithful disciples
command, give warning to the religionists, calling at- rejoiced, recognizing Christ Jesus as Jehovah’s glori-
tention to’the fact that they are defaming the name ous King whom he had raised up and exalted to heaven.
of Jehovah and are the chief instruments of the Devil In 1922, at the second outpouring of the holy spirit,
on earth, On the last day of the feast Jesus issued an the faithful servant company recognized Christ Jesus
invitation to the peopie, saying to them : “If any man at the temple and greatly rejoiced. The point is that
thirst let him come unto me, and drink,” and live. the recognition of the King as having come is the oc-
-John 7 : 37,38. casion for joy. Since 1922 others who are not of the
25Since the coming of the Lord Jesus in power and remnant, but who are of good will toward God, have
glory at the temple he\ says: “I am . . . the Bright recognized Christ Jesus as King, the Savior and Dc-
and Morning Star,” and “let him that heareth say, livercr, and they have rejoiced.
Come.” He commands the members of his body, the 27The palms must be used in connection with the
remnant on earth, to join in that proclamation. In ad- feast of tabernacles, and in the use thereof others aside
dition thereto he calls upon those persons who are of from the remnant appear to be specifically pictured.
good will among the people to take up the glad message The use of palms symbolically says by those using
or proclamation and tell it to others ; as it is written : lhem : “We hail our glorious Warrior and Victor, our
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let Deliverer and Savior.” That the palm branches spe-
him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is cifically locate the “great multitude” is shown by the

record at Revelation 7: 9. Sometime after the second picture, particularly as pertaining to the gathering
outpouring of the holy spirit, and not until the year of all persons of good will as commanded by the Lord
1935, was the true meaning of the grcnt multitude through Jloscs. ‘Standing bcforc tl1c! throne, rloti1ctl
discerned by the remnant on earth. Concerning the with white robes’ shows that those of the great multi-
great multitude it is written: “After this I b&Id, tude have an approwd standing before the Lord, and
and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could num- wit11 palms in their hands they hail Jehovah and
ber, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and Christ Jesus : “And cried with a loud voice, snym:,
tongues, stood bcforc the throne, and before the Lamb, Salvation to our God which sittcth upon the throne,
clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.” and unto the Lamb.” (Rev. 7: 10) Thew refuse to
(Rdv. 7: 9) Thiq shows the remnant beholding a class attribute salvation to what any flag may rcprcscnt.
of persons other llinn thcmsclvcs as coming from all They hail Jehovah God as the Supreme One, and
the nations and which class rccoqlize tl1e only name Cl1rist Jesus his anointed and cnthroncd King as the
mhcrcby men can bc saved, and that class is tlte great victorious IYarrior and riZhtcous Ruler. They rcf’u.,c
multitude. The description above given of the grcnt to liail mc’n or any man-made thing and to tlwrcby
multitude exactly fits t hc prol)hwy concerning the attribute salvation to ~~11. This ~110~sa company of
palms used at the typiral feast of tulwnacles. persons other tl1;1n the “little flock” bruught into ihc
2sThe feast of tabrrnaclcs was called “the feast of fold of Ci1rist and that sue11 are in csact harmony wit !I
il~~i~thCl%lg . . , in the end of the year, whc11thcJU tiic Lord and wrw ITim. Then tiic srriI)tiirc disclw :b;
Ilast gathrrcd in thy IillJOUl~S out of the field”. (Kx. tiiat all of God’s O!‘p1liZ~ltiOIl arc in full harn1w1~
23: 16) Jesus dcc~ia~~cs ‘LotI1c’r shop” 11cwill brilrg ti1wcwilli and arc sajiu:, “Anwl,” and arc tllvrc ?:>
or gatlicr to liimsrlf, and tl1cw aw the Jo11a~1;th Or attributing protection and all power alid s:~l\al io11to
“gwat multitude” C’lilSd, ~ilt1lcrVtl at, tllC Pll(l Of tile Clod and to Christ Jesus. (llcv. 7 : 13, 12) I’alm tww
anlityyj1ic:ll year and after (‘hrist Jesus has Eathcrcd and wells of water arc synil~oli~:illy used to slmw tijat
the spiritual cl;rw to the tcmplc. Thwc persons of good tiic JWOJJJCrcco~nizc ,Jcl1owh iis the gl’f:lt Victor a~:~l
will arc gatl1rrcd UII~CIthe I.ord a1111 l~cwrnc a l)art of Savior alltl tlrc Giwr of 1iCc; and this i%sl10wn by l!i<%
his flock or orqni/.:il ion. When ~low4 at tlir command first nmit ion n1:1tlci11t lw I<ijJlc Cow?(!l’fiing ])illrn t1’ws.

of ~Jchov;~~i hat1 iristiwtcd the Israrlitcs at ilIo;ll~, he ;J~os(*s,:lt tIIC (.OIllIIlilll~~ Al’ PJc~IIOV;~I~,Il:ltl l(l(l iI I~l’at’l-
6il id : “ AIld ,IlOSC5 WlIllllil1ldN~ tll~~II1 S;l~ltl~, zZt t.flC itcs sucwssfully out of ISKypt and over tlic Kc~l w;i.
ctd of cvcry scvwi years, in tiic wl~~m11ityof the year JChOVdl il;lC] t1lLlx g:lill(d thC VlCtOI’j’ rmr l’IliIl;lOIl,
of rcIcasc, in the feast of talwriiac~lw, . , . gather tlic tllc I)cVil’h Wj)rC~vlltiltivt, Ilad Saved tllC ISl'il~'I-
]WOJ)lctcJgc’thCr, m(111,illrd ~vomc11,alltl cliiltltw, :Illd itq awl thus hat1 slto\\n ilwm that their salv:1li011iy
thy stranger tliat is I\ ithin thy g:iies, tl1:1t,they may of Jchoval1. II(b ]JIVU::h! them to Slim. “A\r~(l wlitl, Ii’
hl’, al:cl that thy may ~Cilrll, und fvi1I th 1AJ1’(1 your tl1ou wilt d111ge111ly hcarkrn to the vCJb?C ol’ 1110 r,ortl
(;ocl, and obscrvc to do all thc words of tliis law.“- thy God, :1ud wilt do tl1:it which i< riclllt in 11issight,
I)rut. 31: 10-12. and wilt give car to his c0nlInilIltllll~rlts, ilIlt lival’ ill1
28According to this comn~andmc1~tGod’s l)col)lc his statutes, I will l)ut iionc of tliwc tl1sc~1scs u1w11
were to gnthcr all mw and womc’n and children and thee, wl1ich I have bronqht upon tl1e 12p\l)ti:11ls; )‘OI
the strangers witliin their gates, \i 110were of good will I am tl1c Ilord that ll~ill~tll tllcc. Ald IllCy c;tlII(~ to
toward the Lord. This showy a direct relationship of Eliin, \VllWe WElT t\Vcl\C WCllS Of WltCl’, illIt tllN~c-
the sl)irit11:11class, tl1:it is, the remnant, to those of swr(3 alit1 tcatl JMllll tl’cvs; and thy ~llc;iIIIJ~~~~~tht 1-c:1~)’
the “other shccl)“, whom the Grcntcr AIoscs gathers t11c wat (‘lx ” ( Es. 35: 26, 27) This stntcmct1t IS rc-
to himself at tl1e end of the year. (Jol1n 10: l(i) The pcatcd at Xumlwrs 33 : 9, and rcrtninly rworclt~l IJI~~I~P
Lord Jesus uses his anointed OIIW to proclaim “this for a parposc. The name “l~li1n” means cstrcllql h ‘,
gos~wl of the kingdom” for the purpose of gathering and v;itli its fountains of living waters illld sc~c~llt~
to himself his “other shcq”, and which ingatiicring palm trtbcsthcrc is ma& a pictruc of coml)lctc stwr1~Ll!
must bc done before Armageddon. ntld victory and the Pountaiu of lift CVCl~lilStill~, all
*OThose who arc gatl1wcd in must dwll in booths; given at the hands of the gracious (iivcr, J(~llovill1 (iod,
which symbolical Ig says : “ IYc arc not of tl1is \vicked through his chosen and 111~ointedOIN, Christ JC\US.
world of Satan. At prcscnt w’c arc in a temporary 32That which was rcquircd bv the law given to tl1e
abiding place, but xc arc confide11tiy looking for the Tsraclitm, atid which was typi;*al, cx1cily fits what,
cstal~lisl1n~ct~tof the rule of Christ Jesus in all the the 1,014 and 11isanointed ones do in tl1csc lnyt days.
earth. ” The taking of tl1c palm branches and using Christ now at the tcn1l)lc stands Perth i1ncl crirs ol1t :
them shows that they are recognizing and attributing “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” ITc Ci1ll<(‘S
to Jehovah God and Christ Jesus all protection and this good IIWS to be proclnimcd to all nation? as a
salvation. They hail Jehovah and Christ as the Savior, witness. Ilc send5 forth his anointed ones to say to
Delivtrer and Victor. those ol’ good will in every nation: ‘C’OI:~, nncl !rnl 11
a1Xote now how well the description of the great Of .Jehowh, and drink of tl1c water of lif’c.’ 11~ thorn
multitude gathered from all natious fits the prophetic invites and commands the Jonadahs, or “otl1w sheep”,
ArRrL 15, 1936 $-&WATCHTOWER 121

which form the great multitude, to say to all who Jehovah’s people keep the feast together, and particu-
would hear, ‘Come, and take of the water of life.’ larly the great multitude is shown by waving palm
These facts are further proof that the antitypical branches and thus recognizing and hailing Christ a8
feast of tabernacle8 is now being celebrated, and that King, Victor and Savior sent to.them by Jehovah.
those who have heretofore been ‘strangers in the land a6When Moses was concluding his instruction8 to
unto the Lord’ have heard the message of the king- the Israelites on the plain8 of Moab he said: “Rejoice,
dom, learned of the Lord, and are recognizing him 0 ye nations, with his people. ” (Deut. 32 : 43) Thiv
and hailing him; which is pictured by the waving of surely must indicate that those aside from the anoint-
their palm branches. For this reason those who have ed, who take their stand on the Lord’8 side, rejoice
associated themselves with God’8 organization do not with the anointed. The apostle quoted these word8 of
and will not hail men or man-made power nor attrib- Moses, at Romnns 15 : 10, and this is further proof that
ute salvation to such. the anointed remnant and the great multitude are now
JOY celebrating the feast of tabernacle8 together.
a3Each one of the three great feasts which the Lord
commanded to be kept by the Israelite8 was celebrated WHY REJOICE
with much rejoicing. Each one was a feast unto Jeho- s7The great rejoicing is now taking place amongst
vah because he is recognized and acclaimed as the those of the Lord’8 people because the day of delivcr-
supreme and almighty One. The chief purpose of the ante is at hand. (Luke 21: 28) Many scriptures and
feast is a recognition of the vindication of Jehovah’8 the attending facts show that Armageddon is near.
name. Christ Jesus, the great Vindicator, has now The mighty Warrior, Christ Jesus, is pictured as
come, and, true to his promise, he is now drinking the traveling in great strength, seated upon his war
new wine of joy with his anointed one8 in the king- mount, and this he doe8 in the day of Jehovah, and
dom. (M&t. 26 : 29) The joy of the Lord Jesus Christ in response to a question propounded to him he says:
is the vindication of his Father’s name. Now he has “For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the
gathered the faithful unto himself at the temple, and year of my redeemed is come. ” (Isa. 63 : 4) Jehovah ‘s
to them’he says : ‘Because ye have been faithful over anointed ones, the remnant, must be active in “the
a few things I will make you ruler over many thing8 ; day of vengeance of our God”, ministering comfort
enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.’ (Matt. 25: 23) to those who sigh and cry, because such is the specific
It is the “faithful and wise servant” class to whom commandment to them from the Lord. (Isa. 61: 2;
Christ commits his kingdom interests and who join Ezek. 9: 4) Those who are comforted by the message
with him in the joy of vindicating Jehovah’s name. they hear join with the comforter8 in rejoicing and in
54Since the second outpouring of the holy spirit singing the praises of Jehovah and in bearing testi-
the remnant have discerned the Lord at hi8 holy tem- mony to others. That means that the remnant and
ple illuminating the minds of each and that he is Jonadabs or great multitude together ‘with joy shall
sending them forth to carry out Jehovah’8 purpose, draw water from the wells of salvation’. (Isa. 12: 3)
and this has greatly increased the joy amongst the All of these know that salvation is of Jehovah through
people of the Lord. They have appreciated the great Christ Jesus, and they so say to others who have a
privilege of bearing the name of Jehovah and greatly hearing ear.
rejoice to be witnesses to the honor of hi8 name. The 88The day of atonement was on the tenth day of the
feast of tabernacles and feast unto Jehovah is there- seventh month, or just five days before the feast of
fore a feast of joy unto the Lord participated in by tabernacles, and on that day the jubilee trumpet was
his anointed ones. In recent month8 Jehovah’8 wit- sounded by commandment of the Lord. “Then shalt
nesses have experienced a new expression and super- thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the
abundance of joy for the reason that to them Jehovah tenth day of the seventh month; in the day of atone-
through Christ Jesus ha8 revealed the truth concern- ment shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all
ing the “great multitude” and the remnant see that your land.” (Lev. 25 : 9) The sounding of the jubiiee
it is the privilege of such at the command of the Lord trumpet mean8 liberty for those on the side of Jeho-
to proclaim the truth and have a part in the ingather- vah, and of necessity must include the remnant and
ing of the great multitude to the glory of Jehovah God. those who associate themselves with the remnant, to
ss When God’8 typical people were released from wit, the great multitude. To the remnant the jubilee
captivity and saw their privilege of celebrating the trumpet appears to mean this: The higher powers
feast of tabernacles, they immediately ceased their are not the rulers of this world, as we once thought.
weeping and all rejoiced. In the keeping of the feast Such rulers are Satan’8 agents. The higher power8 are
of the passover and Pentecost the remnant do not Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. Only in recent year8
cease from their work and the joy thereof. They con- have the remnant come to a knowledge of this great
tinue therein, but have the added joy of having a part truth, and since then they have realized that they are
in the work of ingathering of the great multitude, and free from worldly powers and from the iron bands of
in this joy those of the great multitude join. All of worldly government, and that these do not bind the

spirit of such as are devoted ta Jehovah and his king- feast of Jehovah, has begun and the remnant and the
dom. Referring to the sounding of the jubilee trumpet, great multitude are enjoying it together,
which the Lord commands must be sounded on the
tenth day of the seventh month, the psalmist says: WHO BLESSED
“Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound
[jubilee sound] ; they shall walk, 0 Lord, in the light ‘O To Abraham Jehovah said : “In thy seed shall
of thy countenance.” (I%. 89: 15) Within five days all the nations of the earth be blessed.” (Gen. 22: 1s)
following the feast of tabernacles was celebrated. The This promise must be considered in the light of other
blowing of the jubilee trumpet, therefore, must refer explanatory scriptures. It certainly does not mean the
to the release of all prisoners or bound ones, includ- universal blessing of all people regardless of whether
ing the remnant and the great multitude. It is for all they are wicked or good. It means only those who take
such as appreciate that they are free from Satan’s their stand on the side of Jehovah and obey him and
organization and that their salvation comes to them who come from all nations. The blessed ones must keep
from Jehovah through Christ Jesus. the feast of tabernacles. Otherwise they shall have no
3oJehovah’s comprehensive covenant is his un- blessing. It is written: “And it shall come to paw,
changeable declaration made to Abraham and which that every one that is left of all the nations which
he bound with his oath. (Heb. 6 : 17-19) That declara- came against Jerusalem, shall even go up from year
tion was that Jehovah would produce a seed through to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and
which he would administer his purpose. In that cove- to keep the feast of tabernacles. ” (Zech. 14 : 16) This
nant Jehovah stated : ‘I will bless them that bless thee. scripture also helps us to locate the beginning of the
. . . And thy name shall be a blessing, and I will bless feast of, tabernacles.
them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.’ 41What nations came up against Jerusalem? It is
(Gen. 12: 2,3) The cursing and blessing are directly those who are left out of the nations, which nations
connected. Before the curse is executed Christ Jesus came up against Jerusalem, that keep the feast. The
at the temple separates the blessed from the cursed, name “Jerusalem” applies to the new Jerusalem,
that is to say, the sheep from the goats. He puts Jc- which is God’s capital organization, composed of
hovah’s curse upon the goat class and administers Christ Jesus and the faithful members of his royal
blessings to his “other sheep”, which is the great house, which is his kingdom. That nation was born
multitude, and this he does because the goats have in the year 1914, when Jehovah sent forth Christ
cursed the faithful remnant, who are a part of The Jesus to rule in the midst of his enemy. (Ps. 110: 2)
Christ, and his “other sheep” have blessed the rem- Thereafter, and particularly in 1917 and 1918, Satan
nant and done them good. (Matt. 25 : 31-46) This curs- assembled all the nations, of “Christendom” in par-
ing and blessing takes place before the time of regen- ticular, against the Lord’s “holy nation” and, in the
eration begins. The little flock and the “other sheep” language of the prophet, ‘spoiled that nation’ by turn-
therefore rejoice together, because the “other sheep”, ing the ‘ ’ evil servant ’ ’ class wholly to Satan, and at
or great multitude, have been gathered unto the Lord, the same time the Lord preserved the remnant, the
and this being the ingathering of the harvest of the “faithful servant” class, and sent the latter forth to
earth, and the little flock having been used in connec- bear testimony to the name of Jehovah. The bearin::
tion therewith, they all rejoice together to the glory of this testimony must be done between the time of
of God. It appears to be certain that the “feast of this attack upon “Jerusalem” and Armageddon, and
ingathering” must begin while some of the priestly must be done by God’s faithful witnesses Before the
class are with those of the earthly class. Is there any battle of Armageddon is fought Satan sends forth 111s
Scriptural reason for holding that the promised bless- wicked spirits, headed by Gog, to gather all nations
ing cannot begin until after Armageddon9 There cer- against God’s organization, and Satan makes war on
thinly appears to be none. The primary purpose of the remnant because these keep the commandment of
the Abrahamic covenant is the vindication of Jehovah’s Gcd and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Rev.
name. The other or added covenants are for the pur- 12 : 17 ; 16 : 13-16) Today those on the side of the Lord
pose of providing God’s instrument for his name’s have experienced and are experiencing the very things
sake to be used in the vindication of his name. The which Jesus foretold : “Ye shall be hated of all nations
vengeance, or vindication, and the blessing are tied for my name’s sake.” Those who rule the nations of
together and show that there must be some blessing earth, being Satan’s representatives, do hate those who
before the vindication; otherwise there would be none are for the kingdom of God. These are hated because
spared and taken through Armageddon as a vindica- they bear testimony to the name of Jehovah and his
tion to Jehovah’s name. It is this blessed class to whom King. The Lord uses his faithful witnesses to carry
Jesus the Vindicator says: “Come, ye blessed of my the message of the kingdom to other persons of good
Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from will, who are designated as ‘Jonadabs’ or ‘(other
the foundation of the world.” This is further proof sheep” or the “great multitude”. These hear the mes-
that the antitypical feast of tabernacles, which is a sage and, like Jonadab, join themselves to the LorA’s
APRIL 15, 1936

chariot. or organization, and are included in the hated that the remnant and great multitude must continu-
ones, all of which are designated by the prophet as ously celebrate that feast when once begun. They must
the “nation not desired”. (Zeph. 2 : 1) All the nations do it “from year to year”, which means all the time,
came up against Jerusalem, and out of those nations rejoicing and praising Jehovah. Concerning those who
subsequently comes the great multitude. These are are dead, and who fill be resurrected and given an
now told that they must seek meekness and righteous- opportunity for life, they shall hare a blessing, as
ncss before the day of God’s wrath if they would be indicated by the Scriptures, only if they come up to
hid and carried through Armageddon. God’s organization and worship the King, the Lord
42Only a few months ago the Lord revcalcd that of hosts, as it, is written: “And it shall be, that whoso
those “other sheep”, or Jonadnbs, are the ones who will not come up of all the families of the earth unto
compose the great multiludc coming from all these Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hoyts, even
nations. h’om WCbehold these standing before the Lord upon them shall be no rain.“-Zech. 14: 17.
waving their palm branches and hailing Christ as ‘4 It is now the privilege and obligation laid upon
King and singing out with a loud voice that they at- the remnant to cncrgetically and joyfully carry the
tribute salvation to Jehovah Clod and Christ Jesus, mcssagc of the kingdom to the pcoplc of good will
and to none other. The Lord then discloses that all the and to do this work faithfully to the end and bcforc
faithful remnant and all the rcsurrcctcd ones, and Armagoddon. It is the privilcgc and obligation laid
the angels of heaven, togethrr with the grrnt multi- upon the Jonadabs or “other sheep” or grcnt multi-
tude, arc pror~laiming Jchovnlr ‘s praise and rcjoiciug. t& to join in that work and to cant inue thcrcin fai I II-
(Rev. 7 : 11, 12) That marks ttw beginning of 1hc feast ful to the end and up to ~~rningcddon. Ifany of those
of tabcrnaclcs, the feast unto .Jc:hovnh, and these arc who will be of the great multituflc arc now privoncrs.
the ones, according to thr: prophecy of %ccl~nri;h, that God commands his w.itncssesto IJCilr testimony 1Jcfo~~
keep the feast of tabernacles. Some men, wise in their the people and to “say to the 1)risoncrs, Go forth ;
own conceits, tell you that “WC are getting nowhere”, . . . Shcw yourselves”. Tl1osc \\-I10 do show thrw-
and that “the great multitude rannot conic forth un- selves by taking their stand on the side of Jcho~iltl
til Armageddorl”. Suc~hconelu4ion is void of reason and Christ Jesus partieipatc in tile feast and rcwivc
and without Scriptural support. The Lord’s prom&c thC IJlCSShg : “They s11a)lfeed in the ways, and tlrcsir
is that he will parry some through Armngctlclo~i, and yasturcs shall be in all lii,gh 1~lacc.s.”(1~. 4!1: !I) T-H-
those few will be the ones who keep the fcnst of tabcr- doubtcdly thcsc arc of the great multitutlc, ~WC;IUSC
naclcs to the praise of Jehovah. .~rmagcddon ~~11work they “scrvc him day and night in his temple”, th;lt
an indescribable dcvastilt ion of the nations, and, says is, they scrvc him continuously. “ITc that sittcth on
the prophet, “it slinll eomc to pass, that cvcryonc that the throne shall dwell among them. They [lhc great
is left of a11the nnt ions which came against Jclrusalcm, multitude] shall lrun:cr no more, neither thirst any
shall evc’n go up from year to year to worship the more; . . . For the l,arnl), which is in the midst of
King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of the throne, shall Seed them.“--Rev. 7 : E-17.
tabcrnaclcs. ” It is mnnifcst that this scripture must 45Furthermore Jehovah commanded his covenant
bc construed as meaning that those of all the nations people to liCC!p the ft*:ist of tnbcrna~lcs, which must
who rcfucc to keep tha feast of tabcrnnc*lcs by war- begin “after that thou hast gnthcrcd in I’IIY corn and
shiping the l<illg shall not bc left, but shall bc dc- !Z’IIY wine” (Dcut. 16: 13), clearly meanin:, anii-
stroycd. Furtltcrmorc it I~C~JS that the Jon~tdabs or typically, at the conclusion of the gathering of tl~c
the great multitude must joyfully obey and worship temple company, each one of whom has niadc n covc-
and serve Jchovnh God all the time if they would bc nant by sacrifice. (1%. 50: 5; 2 Thess. 2: 1) IY11cii
carried through Armageddon. They must prorc their gathcrcd to the Lord in the tcmnlc and anointed, tltcin
integrity toward God before the wrath of God is es- the remnant discerns the true meaning of tllc great
pressed. That means that they must hear and learn multitude ancl that the gathering thereof has begun,
the truth and obey it now and that the oblication is and then the feast of tabernacles antitypically must
laid upon Jcl~ovah’s witnesses and all that do hear begin. It has begun and is progressin:; Tvith iucrcnsin::
to continue joyfully and energetically to proclaim the joy. The witnessing to the great mu~titllde must ll’J\V
truth from now on. bc energetically done, and no one who 10~s God will
Is Jehovah having commanded his chosen people to now ‘slack the hand’ in doing that, work or cease to
keep the feast of unleavened bread and of Pentecost rejoice in this feast of Jehovah.
and of tabcrnaclcs, it appears that the antitypiral 4GThat the great multitude, together with the rcm-
fulfillment of such prophetic feasts, including the nant, participate in this feast of rejoicing is further
feast of tabernacles, must be performed while the rcm- supported by the words of the prophet Isaiah: “EC-
nant arc on the earth and that those who participate hold, these shall come from far ; and, lo, these from the
with the remnant in that latter feast arc the great north and from the west; and thcsc from the land of
multitude, and that none of all the nations aside from Sinim. Sing, 0 heavens, and be joyful, 0 earth; and
the great multitude do participate in that feast, and break forth into singing, 0 mountains; for the Lord
?3RooKLY:;, N. T.

gage his enemy in war ; therefore the espression “the likened unto polished shafts or spears. A spear made
day of his preparation” seems to refer more particu- of a fir tree or cypress, polished, and brandished in
larly to the fact that he is preparing by enlightening the sunlight, flashes and reflects the light. IJy the
his own people, who are members of his organization, prophet of the Lord (Isaiah 49: 2) it is written con-
as to the time when the great conflict is approaching, earning God’s “servant” class: “He [Jehovah] hath
and fortifying them to do their part which he has as- made . . . me [as] a polished shaft.”
signed to them. IIc sends the remnant forth to pro- With the coming of the Lord to his temple, and the
claim his praises and to advise the world of the ap- judgment that followed, there was a great shaking
proaching day of his vcngcancc, and while these faith- among the consecrated. The approved ones, like pal-
ful ones do so he enlightens them. IIe shields them and i&cd spears, were put in motion by the great zeal
protects them, and puts them in proper order in his manifested by them for the kingdom witness-work in
organization. which they have participated and which is still in
Rcvcrting again to IWlum’s prophecy, we read: progress. This further suggests that God’s preparation
“And the fir trees shall be terribly shaken.” What is to fortify his pcoplc for ‘that jircnt and tcrril,lc
could that nwan in connection with God’s preparation? day’; and before the hattlc hc sends them forth to
It ai)pears that God’s consccratcd people, spiritual serve notice ulton the enemy and upon the ~~c~ol,lc of
Israel, arc liltencd unto fir trees. The proplwt foretells his purpose to lay sicgc to the encrny organiz:llion am1
the slro&i)lq of spiritual Israel and the protection of bring about its destruction. The prophet (T~;~l~:tlrkul;
thaw who shall ‘dwll un(lcr the sl~adow of his wing’. 3: 11) dcscrihcs tlic great war and its prcI~ar;ltiorl, an11
Thcsc arc rcprcscntctl as saying: “I am like a green some of God’s ins1rnincnts arc rnentlonctl as Iris “glit-
fir tree. 1~‘rom.me is thy fruit found.” Tlwn adds the iwing slwar”. ‘l’ll~OL~~:)l0Ut IllC! IliiliOllS Of th(’ WI’tll
prophet : “~~‘IIO is wise, aIltl he Sllilll undcJ&nd these thcrc are nuinerous wouIq cnllcd “comj~nnics”, \f Ilo
things9 pruclcnt, and hc shall know tlwm? for the ways arc consccratcd and dcvc~ttd to the Lord, ai111I\ ho
of the Lord are r&lit, and the just shall wall; in them: tliercforc form p:il’ts of his orjinnization; aii~l thcj
but the tJXtlS~J’ChhOJ’S shnil fall thcrcin.“-1Ios. 14: 7-9. IYIilJ’ be properly SIWliCll of as divisions of ClWl’S or-
Following the conliiq of the Lord to his IcmpIc in ganization, a nnmtw of whom arc polished like a shaft
th yCar I’JIS, jll~~fIlwIlt 1JqSI’I at the llOlIX? of God, ready for tlw swviw of tlic King.
as the prol)lircy of tlic illKh,tlC Pctcr (1 : 4: 17) indi- The war that is imlwndirir: is not the bnttlc ~ncrc~ly
cated. I~‘roin lhat time forward thcrc \WP, a RITilt of nwn. It is “the Imttlc of tll:lt great dny of God
shakiny amongst tile constwatcd, and thoha who took Almi$ity”. (Rev. 16: 31) God has not lrvl’t it swrct
the wise course C:odhas I~lcwc~dwith an untlrrstandin~ and is not now prowc~liiig in sccrery. JIc caux~~4his
of his 1Vort1, while others who claim consecration lia\c witnesses to proclaim it10 f:tCts, that Cvcll Ill\ ilWlI-
been shilltcll down. This is in csact accord with what cncrny ant1 all of his ~Jr~~~lllizi~tiOIl inay havc~ nn (Jl)[VJr-
Paul d(TlillYd woultl lake IJlacc inimc~linlcly 1,rcccding tunity to kno\v of Jellovah’~ ~)UJ’~JOSCX Sata11is ~IO\S
the destruction of Satan’s organization and the com- aware of tllc fact that he is IilCiJlg the grcal(qt wtl-
plcte cstnhlislimcirt of God’s itin:(lom on earth.-Iicb. flict of his csistriwc. Rcccntly, as fulfillctl J’~CIJJ~IP~*>
12 : 27,2s. plainly show, tic cngn~cd in a fight willi Clirih! .Tc~~IIc(
Other translators render the words of Nahum’s in hcavrn and wis worsted in that fight and wax c:l\t
proi)hccy thus : “The chariots flash with steel in the out of hcavcn d0w1 to the earth. The J)cvil now has
day of his pwparatiou, and the cypress [or fir] spears “great wrath, bccanse hc knowrth that hc Ilath l)ut a
arc brandished.” (A.Zl.l’.) “And the lances are put short time” to prepare. So it is stated in RcvcIntion
in motion. ” (Z~ot/tcrltum) God’s anointed ones are 12: 12.


(Isa. 29: 13) The most that these ecclesiastica trnch-
T IIE Jewish rabbis sometimes spcnk of JIessiah
because the prolthcts frequently foretold the
cornin? of a hlcs~iah. The prophets also for&old
that the Ncssiah would bc the great Rcdccmcr of man-
crs say conccruing Jesus C’twist is that hc: was a gwat
csamplc and Illat men sl~ould study his life a11dfollow
his example. The majority of the clergy totlay cvcn
kind. Very few of the Jews, the natural dcsccnclants deny that he was more than an ordinary, sinf’ul man.
of Abraham, have any faith in a rcdcemer, The cccie- They openly and Uippnntly tlcr~y the value of his
ciasticnl systems of “Christendom”, so cnllcd, speak sacrifice that plovidw the great rcdcmptivc price fw
of Jesus and call him the Redeemer, but their words man, and thercforc they repudiate the saving powr
are merely words of mockery, even as wre the words of his blood.
of the three supposed friends of Job. They speak of Today thcrc is no ecclesiastical system under the
God and of Jesus with their mouths, but, as the Lord sun, Jewish, C’atholic or Protestant, that twc*Itw that
foretold, their hearts are far removed from him. the blood of Jesus Christ was shed to provide the
Ama 15t 1%
- 127

purchase price for man from death, muI that God by Redeemer, God ha3 had some witnesses on earth, and
Jesus Christ at his euming and his kingdom will re- still has some x410 do cdl nttcntiou to his ]Jll~]IOX! of
generate the obedient 01~s on earth to l)erfcct life and salvation by redemption and the Kingdom. The Lord
give them a home on earth for ever. ,It the same time spoke words of disalq~roral of Job’s three professed
all these ecdesiastieal systems and their lcadsrs pose friends, and words of rcprimancl against Job, but no
~1sOwl’s rcprescntatives, but in fact arc frauds and nods of disa;Jproval or reprimand wcrc spoke11
hypocrites. XI1 these systems repudiate God‘s lii~lgdom agtiiust %:lihu, the you~ig man who also spo!x words
on earth as ;I means Of brirqin,n about pence, lwospcrity, to JuL dicr the three fal%! friends had StOlJped tar-
life und happiness. 1Iowe~w, the yrophet Job repre- mcnting Job with their hard slxx~hes. This is further
ranted that thcrc wonld be a claqs of people having proof that those who like? 141iihu are IJkaSiilg 10 the
faith in &xl and in the great Rcclcemer. Lord, evcii tliou~h impcrfcct iu themselrrs, arc the
mcs who are wllolly &voted to him and who joyfully
l~roclaini the Inc.ssnge of his name and his grC;lt \;‘01’kS,
as l;lihu did.
2 The Scrildures cmphasizc the fact that amidst all
his trials and tril)u!ntion Job n1aintainctl his inlcgily.
In this JOI) llnd the ~011ficl~~~l~e of Jchovd~ (1(111.In
due time (jod si!llt Jc:,us his IJClOyCd khl into wrlh.
.Jchovah had confidcncc that .Jc!us wordtl maintain
hi? integrity on c’:~rth, (vcn tlioi1:;li Satan, t 1110112hI c-
mote cauws, wuld move (:o(l to let sufi’ci~in~ COIIIL’
11pon Jc\llL ‘1’11~,Jc\vs ~~m~i~l~~~wlJesus “st riclxx,
land] smitten of (:od", jllst as .Job’s “tlwcc fr~~*n(l:;“,
l~liplw, ~~ildacl :wl %ul,h;lr, tlwu~ht of JoI); hut in
f::(.t, as (;ocl ‘s l)roldict tlisc~lwx:tl, .JC’SIIS’sufi’cring w;:.Y
for tlrc vintlic:lril,n of ~J~~l~~~~~1I~‘s11;1mea11t1111~~ hc11cGl
of huni:~nhintl. (lq. !X: I, 5) (:ocl I;n~w tii:it 11~1 coultl
put a mau 011 tilis wrth \\lro ~\Ould wiill.,l::n~l tlic
terril,tatioils of :‘;,11:111 an11 ~~111lcl(,Ic:i~e to t 11~1and
JniliId.;li?l his iJltcqrity, alld (111 tllc I):l+s Of llis itlttyri~y
llc I:oul~l lJrovid0 for the rwl~nil~t ioii and lJl:sying of
the (IlWdiCflt OJlW Of t tlC! ]illI~l;lIl I’ilCC.

(JJI another nwrsion Job cxprcsscd his filith in a

Rctlwnrcr, rrud his tlwirc to fiml ant1 to ]illO\V him. llc
s:licl : “Oh that I lilicw wlr~~re I might find hinl ! that
J might ro~wewn lo hi+ wat [tlwrllin,o l~lxcc (lid/t.) ] !
I would svt my cmw in w&r lwforc him, and fill nq
mouth xrith nrjiurwnts. I wctulcl know the words ~\liidi
he woul~l answer me, :incl undcrstnnd what 11c woul~l
say unto me. Woukl he contend with mc iii the fret-
JI(YS of his power? h’oy ; I)ut lie noultl p,ivc licctl unto
me. There tfke upright might was011 \vitli him; $0
should I be ddivcrcd for fwfr from my jucl~c. l~c~ldl,
I go forward, but ho is nut tlicre; and lx~drwnrd, hut
I cannot ltcrceive him; . . . Cut he knowth the way
that I t:~lre; d1cn he bath tried mc, I shall come forth
as gold.” (Jub 23: 3-10, K.V.) In this conntdun at-
tcntion is called to God’s provision thro11rsh the .Re-
dccmcr to bring life to man. “For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only hegottcn Son, that who-
sower heliereth in him should not pcri4, but ha ye
e\zrlastin;: life. For God sent not his Son inio the
world to coudcniii the world ; hut that the w-o~ld
through him mi$lt he s:1wd. “---John 3 : lG, 17.
Whilr the erclcsiast&;11 hptcms, which arc of the
Jh-II’s organizntinn and l&turd by Job’s profcwd
comforters, hare not comforted the Innnaii family l,y
tvlling thtm of God‘s gracious; provis;ion t!lrou$l the
N. Y.

ally, during the reign of Christ, he will bring the &l~- God, and whose efforts turn the people away from God
missive and obedient ones into harmony with him, and and blind them to his Word of truth.
that at the end of his reign, ahcn the great test shall (4) That 011 the earth there is a class of men and
come upon all mankind, there will be a large number women who have a desire for righteousness hut have
that will maintain their integrity and prove worthy been blinded by the efforts and misrtprex!ntntion of
of life everlasting. (Rev. 2Q: 7-10) And thus it is *Satan and his agencies, aud who are in the dark and
prophctieally~ written concerning Jesus : “By his know not of the proper course to take.
knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many.” (5) That God has au organization a part of which
-Isa. 53: 11. is visible to human eyes ; that those who arc members
Be it fur&x noted that all of these who have main- of his organization are whblly devoted to him; that
tained their integrity hax-c been witnesses to the name it is tk p&vi&e awl J.ut?; 0Qtlw rncm~~~ck0C the vie-
of Jchorah God. Jesus tcstifid that for this cause was iblc part of God’s organization to ohcy his command-
he born and ftir this rcxsou came he into the world, that ments aud to proclaim his power and his wo~*ksfor tfic
he might bear testimony to the truth. (John 18: 37) vindication of his name and his loving provision made
to give life to the pCCJI)lC; and that ttic time is Ilow
‘The Paithful IIWIZthat preccc-lcrl Chriht wcrc witnesses
to the name of Jehovah Clod, snd ttwy arc cited as cs- come when this testimony must be given to all the na-
omplcs of faith to the followers of JCWS. (II& 12 : 1) tions as a witness.
It follows, thercforc, that those who shall Lc associnlcd (6) That shortly C;ocl will express fiis illtligllation
wifh the Lord Jesus in his kingdom will bc those of his againrt Stan and his awncics 1)s a drmondration of
lollow\.~‘rswho will maintain lflcir integity and stand his power in a time of trouble to bc Yisitcd ulJ(Ju the
firmly aminst the I)cvil and his orK:ulization and will world, such as ncvcr bcforc was known; that iu that
with hol4ln~.u nutI joy of ticwt pwcl;iinz the name mcl
time of trouble Satan’s org:;iniz:~tion will pc*rish from
WOI’kS of Jehovilll c(d.-1 Jdln 4 : 77,18 ; TM. 12 : l-5. the earth and the pcoi~lc will be dclircrcd from I:iu
Tl~rc must hc instructiuu in the honk of Job for all opprcssivc hand.
who Irrw riqhtcousnw... In brief, that instruction may
Ix srlmmcd up as follows:
(1) That .Jchovah is the only true God and thcrc i$
nom other; that fiis power is suprcmc; that he is just,
wise, and tfic complctc csprc40rk of unsclfislincss : that
he is the sou~‘ccof life, and that all who will receive
Iifc ml& receive it from him.
(2) That Sr~lnn is the emLodimcnt of evil, the enemy This knctwlcd~r of the m(‘rcy and lo~ili~-l;itltlncss of
of mau, and 6hc aclvcrsary of God, and that tic always God iS 110\\’ bIYJll~~lt t0 t IIC :lt tCIltiOl1 Of’ !llC IWOl’k that
resorts to fraud, lies, dcccit and hypocrisy to accom- all tllOW WI10 their st;lIl(l 011the side
dcxirc ITlily tilkc
plish his wicked lmrposcs. of Jchov;Jl God nud ~latlly ol~y nncl E~IW tllm.
(3) That Satan has a powerful organization, both “Btrssed is that mui ht IXikct~l tk! licJl’(! Ilk tI%St;
visil)lc ant1 invisihte to man; that the agencies of the and rcspcctcth not the pr0uc1, nor suc11as turn as&
vic;iblc part of Satan’s organization arc, to wit, the to lb?%” (1%.40: 4) “13trXsCd is thC Ilati(JIl ~vhXC God
dcrgy and their allies, the ~ommerciul and tlic political is the L~ol*tl;and the pcoplc whom lie liutfl chosen for
powers of earth who rule the pcoplc and niisrcprcscnt his 0~11 inheritance. “-4’s. 33 : 12.


DEhn BROTHER RVTIIEWCJED AXD DEAR OSES AT I~CT~IEI, ITOME: of the earth and.se:c, thus making a marked division of tbo
i juht cannot keep cpict any loug~‘r, but I ltnnt to cxp~css people more apparent.
my thanks and nppre6:~tS.m for the loving-kindness manift-sted 80 we npprermte very much the co-operation feud p:d.wlship
by you all nt bewlqunrtws for your Inbor of lore urnnifestcd spirit eubibltcd by the brrthrcn st hrnclcp:~rtc~rs in Iwlpng us
in behalf of the ponecr3. to stay 111thr fitsld; and 1 an) suw it ~‘11 l~(! a stimulus to
I nm dozen iwc in tlrc swaxqs of Louisinnn, in the ROME each pmncer to keep on until the Lord FANS,“It 13 enough.”
(or V:&can City) of the South, :wd UC c:ln WC tbc tent:rcl~s of Trusting NC too may hare tills s:~mcspirit of co-clprmtion, 1 nru
the old ssb serpent (Rev. 11: II?) rcacbing out, more and more Your fellow pubMwr by 1117pwc,
cndcavoring to ensnare us, and bringing woe to tllo inlditcrs E. A. DIclil~I~b~S, Pbomer.

Ashe\ ilk. E. C!. ._ Apr. 3hMay 3 Snlwbury, N. C. .._._._ JI;15- 17-19 Dm\ ilk, Vfi. ___
_.__._.._._ May 3, .I nicllnlouil. l-a. . . . . . . . . . 3Iuy IG 17
Eienderum *llc, S. C. hI:cy \vla~t~~ll S:llenl, s. c. . . 4’ 21, 22 Cllntllaln, VII. . .. . . . . . . . .._. ,‘ c Norfoll<. vu. ._.. . . . . . . . . “ 11 31
Dnn.1, s. c’. . . .._ _. ..-... ‘. z GreenhJrn, s. c .._._._. “ 23, 5;
M‘q?.mtm. .s. c. . . .._. “ 1:lrml 11:111, s. c. . . ... .. . “ Coande, \‘a. _.._._._____ “ 7. b \vntc1 Vlf’W, vu. . . . . . . . . “ ?2
ytanlak.~ 3. c. . ..I._. T Irulliuainn. S. C. _____._.
‘1 5-i I~ynrlllNwg, vu. ._.......... “ 0, IO 1Vndklrfon. 1, C. ..__._.. “ 22 25
x. c. ---.......” 1: stenr, s. c .._... . . . . . . . . . “ 2s I+~ville, Va. ..__...._.._ “ 12 Ilnltllnure, .\ld. . ..__. _.__ *‘ 3i-29
Gast&i~, S. C. ._____.___..
“ :‘? JRUI~:PC. S. C. . . . . . .._ _. “ Xl
atarlm~, s. c. ___.
_...‘1 i3, 11 Jh~).h:m, S. (‘. ____.._. ____“ 30 crc\\ P, vn. ._._..__.....__. “ 13 flap.TSton 11, >111. ._.____. ” &J, 31
KaRnal,oIlq is. c. ..__- “ 16,lC 1Llkl~h. s. c. .. . . . . . . . . I‘ 31 rctcratmrg, va. _-. . . . . .. . ‘I 14,16 CurIllJerlulld, JItl. . . . . . . J Ilnc 2
XTOL.LVII MAY $1936 No. 9

“For z will surdy de&w thee, and thou shalt not fall b!J the sword, but thy lift sh~dl be for a prey ulffo t?icc:
becausethou had put thy ttwt b nw, snif?l the Lord,“-Jw. 39: 18.

J EIIOVAII malics it clcarlg appear to his anointed Jcho~ah God, while Pl~araoh rcprcscnted the lkvil.
wit nesscs illat hc! has laid oldigat ions upon them Correspondin: to thk, the T,ord Jcho~~:h plncwl Christ
and that, they arc rcsl~onsil~lc to him for failliful IJcsus upou his tlwone in the ycnr 3914. ClAt .Jcsus,
performouce coucerning those obligations. At tlic s;lnJc the King, is picturccl by ~;cl~ll~iI;:tl~l~~Zz~l~ in this
tinrc Itc makes it knol\~n that the Jlord’s “other shwp”, ~nw~lhc~k drama at this ~xw~h~hi IWifit. At ilnd ])riOx

the “great multitude”, must hear the messngc of the to I!)11 the rulinr: clrmcnt of “~Il~i~islcticlom” rlr~imcd
kingdom lwforc Armnqcddou, and up011 tlrosc who t0 bc ChristiijI~‘+ ;I& 10 goirrn the It::tions Of ~IIc! WUJ~~~~
hc3r the I~wtl has laid ol)li~:llions and they are. rc- for Christ, and flicrofow assumctl llic position of flu.2
spo~isiblo for tlic proper performnnec in coriiicction “lii$cr p0ViCI.S”. Tlicir oljc Ji claim Or dwhrntion
\+ilh such ~l~ligi~fi<>l~~. ‘1’11~purpose of what is here put them in an iml)lic~~l ~owria~it hoiJnt1 by their 0:iIli
I~ul~lisllcd is lo s11ow tllat .Jrho~ah’s wilncsscs must to lx suhmissikc to C’hrist ,JWIIS, 111~g’rcnt l’c~1mscYtt-
11ow (wry the nwwigc of t IIC kin~rlom to those lwrsws ntive of .Jchovah Goti. ‘1’11q were duty-bountl to kcc~i)
of ~0w.l will lino~n a% the ‘lotl~i~r sheep” :~Jid who that oath.
form fiJc “grwt multitiidc”, ILIK~ fhat those pcoplc 4 \~hcn Christ Jesus was cnthiwwd the rulers of
rwoiving joyfully tlio diJ*cclioJJs and conlrJi;JJi(lrnrr.ts “Chribfcntlom” rcl~c~ll~d against ( ;otl, cvcu its %~lo-
Of the Lord ilIlt rcwlcrilig full c~lwdiiw~c to him may Iii:111 Ilad rhfllcd iig;lind Scl~llell:!tlJ~c~zZ:1r. lhlill %(,(I(,-
snr\ iv0 tllr gl’c’ilt thy of Cot1 Almi~lily. 13cC:Illsc! of kixh and tlw rulers of “Cllristc~tltlc~lll” IJW!~(~ tl11 ir
the clusc rclnlioJJslJip of the anoiiilc~l remnant lo thox 0:1111.“Cl~ri~t~t~(lo~ti” furnc~l 10 ililtilyl)ic:11 l:!~> II!,
who compose llic “0111~‘~ slwvj~” of the Lord it is Jicotl- tllat iS t0 Xl?‘, fhC Ol~~i1~lizLl~iOlJ Of S:lfiJJl, :lll(l Pll~WLfC’(~
ful lo consider some IJro~~hwics that r&to lo them iJJ the \\‘orlcl \YiIr. C’hrisl JCWS WI:; thl Ii in:, brit
rd their Iclaf iOllhhi]) lo Cil(‘11 otllcr. “C’lii~ic.fcndoni” wjeclcd the Kinp ;lJtll ~lll’Jl(‘C110 t 1Ic:
2 The Lord u~etl Jcremiall his prophet to nlter kin::‘s enemy, cs;wtly as %cdcki;~h clitl in his tilllc. Sa-
IlJiJJgs now drw lo bc u~Jclctstood. When Jci~enii:ih was till1 intluccd Ihc rulers of “Clirisf(~liflom” to IJclIc~vc~
:L yvOUJlg 1Jl:lJl hC V;:lS l)y Jcl~o~~h ZlS ;1 plYJrJh?t
CilOSCIl that their aclion in furliili!; to antilypic:ll l’;gyl)t w~~lil~l
nnd witness lo tllc Ilord. (Jcr. 1 : 4-7) .Jcrcminii’s kCCj) them from lwiny: hrouglit illto E~~rccclsill~j(~ctioti
~Jnmc incans “Jkiiwd 1111 [appoititcd] 113’Jt’IIOviJII”. to C%rist, ihe rightful Kin:: of tllc world. t’rurn this
IIc was a son of lhc priest Ililkinll. Jeremiah p~wphc- JIOhlt 011ill t1lc t)‘]IC! %CdC’1iiil11 pllJ’Sll~‘S ZI COIll’SCOf a(?-
sick in Judall from the tbirlwnth year of King Joci- tiou that pictures lhc eourx taken tb,v“ (.:hristc~fltlotn”.
ah’s reign on ant1 until the dc~truction of JWIIM~CJII. ’ %cdcliiah scbnt tlw ‘::ou of a priest to the l)l’Oi!liPt
(Jcr. 1: 2, 3) %cdcl;iah, the son of Josiah, was Jcru- Jeremiah, bilrillji : “I’rily JlOW1111t0t11c Jiord 0111(:()(I
SillcIIl’s last king. S~~b~l~llftdJlezZ:W,tllC king of l?Jill>~- for ns.” (Jcr. 37: 3) ‘\\‘hcn the \\‘ol’ltl \\‘ar was on
Ion, carried Ii ing .J‘ehoiacl~iii caplirc to htjylnJi and nllcl the situation 1OOliCd htl tlic Cl~‘J’~~) Of “ClJristcJJ-
then ma&: Zcclckiah 1iiJlq of Judah. This occnrrcd dOJl1’ ‘, claiming to he priests of lhc Ilord, Ihrcw all
clcven pws lwfore Jcrusnlcm was destroyed, and their inflncncc on the side of the IJoliiic~al rulws, S:!IIC-
Jeremiah was pwpheL;ying during that period of time. lifiecl war, and cried out that they “11itd ret1 l~loorl j,l
-2 Iii. 24: 10-1s. their wins”, and they CouJlselcd tllc pulitieill ru1cr.i
3 %cdckiah was a wicked ltina. IIc made a solemn to fight, all4 they lwiycd for the success of their I’(:-
08th to bc wbmissivc lo NeblldInd~lczzar t1Ir 1iiJlg of qwctiw armies. 130th coutcncling sides of 11~ cont~o-
12ah?;lon. (2 C%ron. 36 : 3l-13 ; Ezek. 17 : 12-19) Short- vcrsy had their own clcrgpncii or 1Jricsts who ~brnyr~l
ly thercaftcr %cdekiah bYOk his oath and made a for success of the reslwctivc nations in the? great war.
trwfy of alliniicc with Pharaoh of Egypt to fi$it They also tried to cser1 pressure anal i~iflumc~ ulw-1
agdinst ~cl~uclJadllezznr. (EZeli. 17 : 15-17) (See l’in- God’s faithful nwss:1pbcarcrs to cnu~c lhem to fall
dicnfio?l, Book One, page 217.) In ihis l)rophclic in line and pray nil11 the rulers of “Christ~ri&xi~”
drama K’clmchaclnczzar stood as the represcntotive of for success of the war and to lxiti;; nl,out lwacc. At
132 Beo0ru.m
s, X. T.

that lime the United States was considering entering unto the prophet Jeremiah, saying, Thus saith the
the war. The presidettt of the United States, without Lord, the God of Israel, Thus shall ye say to the. kitty
doubt at the instance of clcrgpfq set a day certain of Judah, that sent you unto me to inquire of mc ;
and called upon ‘all Christians to pray for peace in Behold, Pharaoh’s army, which is come forth to help
Europe’. That was before the United States got into you, shall return to Egypt ittto their own land.” (Jer.
the war. But the stage was all set for the United States 37 : 6, 7) The subntance of this proplte~ic statemcttt
to get into it. The thrn president of the Xr'a~cxr TOWIX is this: That the Ikil’s worldly armies would ttot lx
I’,IuM: & TRACT Sowxy, in a public address, ntatlc able to lxitig on Armageddon, before it was due;
this statement, to wit: ‘I crtnttot concur with our neither would they be al& to prcvcnt the dcstructiou
worthy prcsidcnt in this matter. Tltc prayers of these of “Christendom” (atttit?pical Jcrusalwn) at Ood’s
millions praying for the prosperity of tltc Germans appointed titne. The Lord maneuvers the armic.; of
ilttd of other millicrns prnyin~ for the allies, will go both sidrs to suit his conwniencc. Tltc World TYilL’
uniurswcrcd.’ (SW ‘I’hc Il’atclftor~er Octohcr 15, 1!131.) came sudtlntly to an end in 1916, and thus 3cl1wx!t
Tllc wot*ds of tlx presitknt of Ihc \Ynwtr TOW:R ]:I- shortct~cd the days of It~il~nl:itiott for 1ti.sown c*lcct‘Y
nm & T~<.rw SOCII.~ ahovc rpotwl oslwcsscd I IIC sake. Tlic worldly armic9 \bcrc Lcld lxwlz Iron1 fi$rt -
harmonious view of all of God’s tmly co~~uecrotcd ing. Thus Jehovah did that, his wittwwrv tniglrt :-I(,
pco;,lc on tire cart11 at that lime \I I10 Jduscd lo ply forth and procltlitn the Ititgdom rntiswgc:.-Malt.
to Jcl~ovoh Cod to bring about any result of the 1Vorlcl 24 : 14-9- .
war. ’ Continuing his iJiStJw!ticJll to Jcrcrr~iah, JC~ICJV:I~I

8 Jrrcwialt lwing (iod’s prophet, he received ittstruc-

tilJi1S from Jcilo\ ii!~. “ Then came the word of the Lord
XAr 1, 19X 133

prophesy, to wit: “For though ye had smitten the the Society at headquarters were restrained of their
whole army of the Chaldeans that fight against you, liberty.
and there remained but wounded men among them, I5 When the ward-master accosted Jeremiah, the
yet should they rise up every man in his tent, and prophet answred him, vehcmcntly denying the
burn this city with fire.“-Jcr. 37: 10. charge : “Then said Jeremiah, It is false [ (wcrrgi?&)
Is This prophecy shows that mthing will hinder Jc- It is a lie], I fall not sway to the Chaldcans. But he
hor;ah, when his time comes, in his forward movc- hcarkcncd not to him: so Irijah took Jcremiail, and
mcnt against Satan’s organization. “C!hristendon~‘s” brought him to the princes.” (Jer. 37: 14) Ko !~ccd
arrnics were unable to damaye Chri.it’s !icnrculy was given to the vclicmcnt protest of God’s prophet
armies, but they did practically wreck the Lord’s rep- then, and likewise no consideratitiu was given to the
rcscntatiws on the earth. The faithful cowecratcd protest of God’s people in 1918, and so they were
ones wcrc rcndcrcd practically inactive and unnblc to thrown into prison. The course of action takcri by tlic
act. The World JVar clowd with Jehovah’s faithful faithful people of Jehovah in bearing testimony to
ones, spoken of in The l~cvclatiw as “my two wit- the kingdom made the rcligiouist~ wry mad, both in
11P.~CS” a!)parcntly dead. (See Kwclation 11.) But Jcrcmiah’s day and in 1918. “ \Vhcrcftm tlic l)rinc*c9
the LoAl deelarcd that thcsc shdfl aeain come ul), were wrath with Jercmi:~h, and smotc~ llim, a~1 put
a114 rhcy did come up. (1:~. 11: S-12) Since then the him in prison in the how+ of .Jonathan the wril~c’;
filitlkflll tlave been scattcrinc: CM’s ticry jntl~mcnts for they lwd rnadc tht tlic ]~rison.” (.Tcr. 37: 15)
over llic city, that is, over “ Christendom’ ‘, and pm- God’s faithful pcoplc w’cr~ then rcstraiiiwl or iull)ris-
claiming tllc d0oIn Of that WiPlic*tl organization. (J{Zt>k. oncd itltd they wrc put in the houw of bontl:l,zcx, a
10: 2-i) ~~%en that work is done by Jc!~ovah’s wit- death-dealing placr uccor*din~ to the lunq:l~ayc of VVIW
~L’KW, then the Lord’s illvisil)le arm&, the !icuvc~nly twf*uly of tlii5 same clraptcr. Tlic “h~~isc of . . . the
Irosts, at Armn~:c~d~lun, will do tlw actual destruction srribc” hnd been mndc that prison hour, ;~ntJ no dOI.iht
of “Ctiristcndom”. that scribe was a religiw!ist and rorrcsponcls to tlrcl
I4 Jcrcmiah, rccciving this instruction from J~~ho- clcr~~ of modern i imcs, I\ 110 wrc ttic rcnl oriw tht
vah, went forth to go out of tht* r,ity to his worlr: ~~~lUX!d th ~Il!~wkOIlnlNlt Of c;Od’S pCYJ~~h2. 1:y illll)l’k-
“1’1it+n Jcrcmiah \wat forth out of Jorrwlcw to go orlirlg tile IAJrd’s lxVJl)k! they WCL’C tIllIS rn:l(I(! “th

illto the land of C(*l$wnin, to sq)alxtc hiwiclf thwrc cliiltlrcsn of death”, Iwill!: 1)~ tlic cricmy, I)articwl:lt ly
in the midst of the pco~~lc.” (Jcr. Xi: 12) L:JI ulliil tlic cl~~roy, assisted by t!lc>ir allies, “;~l~l~ointt~tl lo clic.”
the spring of 1918 Jc~wvali’s l~coplc’ on cnrth, pictuw.! (1%. lo:! : 20, ~w~/in; 79 : 11 ) 1‘1X? c’llc*my 1 Ilrlll~.r~lt

1,~ .Jwmia!l, wrc still at 1:11-g:, :X1! hJW$ ~I~ltk’I’ Stll’- tltilt t!lc*y llilcl eotl(kll ritl of J(~l~oV:l!l‘S IN~O~JIP I)y So-
willaricc. They w’rc then gOillq f’Wth t0 ShOW th~ll- l)ilr:: tlwlr work :tn(l l)uft in,lr the wit nl5ws in 111iwn,
sc*lwi srparatc from tlw wr1~1 11.v putting out. lhc but (:od xlw to It that they wrc rclc:lwtl ant! wm
kiu=dom mcssagc, alid the crlemy was rlosc 011 tlwir haclc in due time.
IIL.& The prophetic drama concwninr: Jcwmi;& Ilie- *GrJ~r~mia!l was put in t!lc cells of tllc p&on, :tIld
turcs this fact. “nlld \\11cn he was ill tl?e g:1lr: Of rcmnirlo(l thrrc m:my days. “1Yhcu .Jchrcnli:tIl uws
I:wjamin, a captain of the wwrl ~wurd-niastc~r (Zloik- cntcrctl into th(: dungcon, and ill10 tlhc c:ibiris, a114
crh~k) ] wns tllcw, whose JI:lIliC U;IS Irij:rh, tha VJn ,Jcwrniah had rcmaincd thrrc mnlly (la> A.” (+Jtlr.
of Shelcmiah, the son oC IIouani:lh : aud he took *Jew- 37: 16) It \!:lS WCIl SO willi 1nilll.V OL fll(! I&lX!‘S l’?O-
miah the prophet, Sal ill?, l’liou fallcd anay to liw plc fluriliz the \\‘orld 1Var. %cJcki;lli, !iliC! all 1111’11
C!&lcans.” (dcr. 37 : I:J) ~1ntityl)ic4ly that \q;;ird- who scrvc the Devil, jv;is a coward, ;111fl he &=iir(*tl
mnGzr or gate-muster was a~1 c:;piolingc agent a11d some JJI:ICL of safely for liinisclf: “‘Illi(n %c(lcki,llr lhc
pmftwed good pntliot alid good elii~rrh mwibcr I\ il!: king scllt, and took him out; and the kirlr: a>kc~l Ilim
CJ-cs wide O~PH and cars al\vil~s rc1:rtl.v to hear all III;I~~- scrrctly iI1 Itis hr)usc, ant1 said, Is t!!crc ally word frolic
ncr of false accuwtions against the true !wol~lc of the Lord? .iud Jclcmi;l h s;iid, Thcw iy : for, said IIC,
God, cqncially accusations marle by the UJlfili!lJfUl thou sllalt IJC delivcrcd illto the ha11d fhf Itic kill!: of
and hypocritical clergy agaiu\t God’s faithful wit- 13ab-y1011. ” ( cJcr. 37 : 17) JIc inrluirrd of ~Jcrx~wi;lh,
news. The antitypical ward-master, the es~)iona:c thinliinq he might find out wllc tliL!r tflcW VXls tktilqcr
agent, in substance said to dehovah ‘s witucwbs: ‘J-ou of his fal!ilq into ihc h;lnds of (:ocl’s r~l)rcwll:~l iw.
arc dwrting to the ciwmp, you iirc for the Gcrmnus IIcrc was a test upon the ,Jcrcrniall cla.ss antityl~ically,
and are obstructing tile powrnmeut arid her allies by to we wlwtlicr or not tllq would comiwmiso with
the proaching that “ C%1istcndom ” will 1~1dcst ruyc4, worldly rulers. JIauy lnlblic officials consult~~l tile
and such preaching prows that ~0~1 arc cwcmics of tltc Society’s publications to lwl n for a selfish I’CXOI~ u hit
gorcrnment.’ As a result, in the early part of 191s thy contnitird and what thcrein knight 1~ IIW~~ for
the arrest of the Lord’s peol)lc bcpan in Cana& and their own selfish ends. TIIC govcrnnlcnt had I~a~l~ed
s!tortly thereaftw arrests wcrc made in tlic linitcd the Society’s IJo~~li~, dolhths espcct in: the Swicty ‘s
States, and t&c arrests continued from day to (lay rcprwntatiws, the faitltful people of f hc Lolxl. to
until early in 31ny of t!mt year, nhen the ofiice~ of comprcwiac and put on the soft pedal and say t!:ings

that would please the earthly rulers, and thus gire on” represented a condition of restraint or where the
them something that v:ould allay their fears. The witnesses x-ere kept under surveillance.
guilty are always fearful. The worldly rulers received *OThe princes, antitypically the clergy, had taken
no compromising messagefrom Cod’s people, hut the note of what God’s covenant people had said, as set
information they did receive was that the Lord in his forth in the publications they had widely circulated.
due time would destroy “Christendom”. This was (38: 1) Jeremiah, at the instruction of the Lord,
foreshadowed by what Jeremiah had told Zedckiah, prophesied in this manner, to wit : “Thus saith the
that he would be delivered to the king of Babylon, who Lord, He that remain&h in this city shall die by the
pictured Jehovah’s csecutioner. sword, by the famine, and by the pcstilcnre; but hc
I’ Jeremiah then inquired of the king: “What have that gocth forth to the Chaldcans shall live; for he
I offended against thee, or against thy servants, or shall have his life for a prey, and shall live.” (35: 2)
against this people, that ye have put me in prison?” Sul~staritially the same messageappeared in thr puh-
(37 : 18) Likewise the representatives of God’s organi- lishrd litcraturc of the WATCH TOWER 131~1,~: PC TIWX
zation in 1918 asked in what had they offended. They SOCIETYto the effect that those who remain in the
protested that they had been guilty of nothing and world, and allied against Christ Jesus the King, shoulLL
therefore stood guiltless before the la\\‘. The religious die, hut those who turned to the Lord Jesus wouid
advisers of the government said, bcforc the World live. The people wcrc advised that all of those untlor
War, that the statement of the Watch Tower publica- “Ctiristentlom” who would break away from S:ltan
tions that the trouble was coming, and that hrma- and put thcmselrcs on the side of Jehovah and hi?;
geddon was approachin,,m was all nons(‘nsc. The world- Vindicator miallt live. .Jcl~ovnh’s witnesses have con-
ly clergymen boastingly said that there could be no tinued to nlalic thjs statcmcnt in the prc~encc and
war, even. Jeremiah said to the kinar : ‘ ‘ Where are now hearing of the! worldly ones from tllcn till now.
your prophets which prophcsicd unto you, saying, The 2xThe Lord then spoke to Jeremiah dircctin~ him
king of I3abglon shall not come against you, nor to say : “Thus sail11the T,ord, This city s11nllsurely be
against this land?” (37: 19) J,ikewisc Cod’s faithful given into the llnlld of the king of 13iltl~lOIl’S army,
people said openly and publicly to the rulers of the which shall tilke it.” (38: 8) Antitypically this :vork
world conccrnin~ tlic clergy: “Wlicrc llow arc your of sicgc ant1 dcstrurtion will hc nccompli+c~cI 1)~ Jc-
prcachcrs, wllo said there shall lx no world war or hovah’s invisible army under ON leadc~rsiripof Christ
time of trouble? ~V’tio ~10~ appears to be right?” These JCSUS.Bccnuse Jehovah’s witnesses have faithfully
statements nngerc~d the clergy and their allies cvcn continued to IllClkC! &cl;ir;it ion of t hc t rlllh tlic c1~1,q
more tll:m they had been, hecause they had expcctcd and the principal I~~CW!J(~IY of their flo(*k have ~J(Y~L
to Lrcak the courage of Jehovah’s faithful ~~coplc. greatly angcrcd anti have spoken to il~e l)olit ie;ll xl-
I8 Then Jcrcmiah itsltcd those having him in custody ers as their prototyjbc sl)okc to the ~JO~itic:i~ ~~ii~crs rc;n-
that he lx not returned to the prison house, “lest I ecrning Jcrcminll : “Thcrcfore the lJriucc>ssaid unto
die fhcrc.” (37 : 20) During the latter part of the the king, ~VC lx~ech thcr, let this mill1 l)c 11\1t to tl(,nth ;
World \Var and after it had rndcd the Watch Tower for thus hc IVCilliCllC~t1l the h:illds of Oic 111(‘11 Of war
Society appealed to the political and judicial rulers that remain in this city, and the 1lil~ldS Of ill1 lllc pco-
that they 1~ not further rcstraincd of their liberty. pie, in spcnking sirch words unto them ; for thiv man
This they did, not for thcmsylvcs, hut that the work iu secketh not the welfare of this pcq~lc, IJut the hurt.”
the name of the Lord might proceed. Jcrclmiah had (35: 4) Sucll was the attitiitlc of murder 011the pnrt,
ma& a like rcqurst to the king. “Thrn Zcdckiah tbc of the clergy during the World War, fll(l suc~hqlririt
king commanded that they sl~ould commit Jeremiah was manifcstctl hy the trial juclKc, who cou(luc~tcdt hc
into the court of the prison, and that they shoulcl give “kangaroo court” that convicted the Society’s rcp-
him daily a piccc of lx~~d out of the l)ak(‘rs street, rescntatives .
until all the bread in the city were spent. Thus Jcre- ** Zcdekiah knew that J(hrcmiah was entirely illlro-
miah rcmainctl in the court of the prison.“-37: 21. cent, hut IIC showed his lack of COUKI~C to dcnl justly
lo With the csccption of two Roman Catholic judges with him. Likcwisc the rulers of “CI11.isf(~li~l01~1”,
the judicial officers mnnifestcd no personal malice political and jndici:kl, knew that the Lortl’s rcprc~c~iit-
against Jehovah’s people, whom Jeremiah foresllad- atives on cart11 at that t imc were innor<bnt, hut thq
owed. The question was, What should be done with had not the courage to deal ho~~cstl~ nllcl fairly with
them and they stated to the rcligionists prarticnlly
them? The clergy and the principal of their flocks es- what Zcdekiah said CO~lCCr~li~iq Jcrcminh, to Mit : “lb
erciscd all their influence against Jehovah’s witnesses; hold, he is in your h:lIld ; for the king is not he that
60 while they were technically released from prison can do any thing against you. Then to& they derc-
they were put on a restricted diet, that is to say, they miah, and cast him into the dungeon of Nalchi:ll! the
were restricted to that which is represented by lxrad son of IIammeltch, that was in the court of 111~prison ;
and water. (See Ezekiel 4 : g-15, cliscussed in T’indica- and they Ict down Jercroiah with cords. .ind it1 the
fh, Book One, pages !XXS.) The “court of the pris- dungeon there was no water, but mire; XI Jcr~niah

sunk in the mire.” (38: 5,6) Such was the real Gtua- mt-n haw done evil in all that they have done to
tion at the time of the trial in the spring of 1918. The Jewnia!l the prophet, n-horn they have cast into the
men then charged under the csy,ionnge law, the evi- dungeon ; and he is like to die for hunger in the place
dence being that they had preached the gospel of whcrc he is; for tlwre is no more bread in the city.”
God’s kingdom, wcrc sentenced to eighty years’ irn- (38: 9) The king heard his speech and then com-
prisonment, and by that means they acre “apI)oi~~td mandcd the Ethiopiai to take thirty men to assist him
to death”, a slow death, and the clergy and their aliiw and to draw Jeremiah out of the dungeon. (38: 10)
expected to see them stay in pr-ken until they &cd. This corresponds to the release of God’s pcoplc who
The Lord graciously prescrvcs his own. wcrc then in prison. The Ethiopian, with the othsr
men, proceeded to make arrangements to take Jcrc-
FRIEXDLY SLAVE APPEARS miah out of the dungcon and to do so in the most c(>iIl-
25Jehovah has wry wonderfully and in a aimylc fortable manner that they could, thus pruvcntiq the
manner pictured those who put thtir trust in him aud least possible injury to him. * (Jcr. 38 : II, 12) This
not iu worldly powc.rs. Ii1 the hnusc of Kin% %edeki:lh shows that autitypically the faithful followrs 0:
was an I<thiopinn, 1% hose name was ISlwd-niclcch. llis Christ Jesus wrc imprisoned and were visited 11~
name mwns “SC~Villlt” or “slave”. Ilc was a culru~ll. ~w~wns of good will, nho wcrc commcllded by tr:e
(33: 7) llc was not an Israclitc; aiid this is mndc Lord Jesus in thcsc wordy: “I was in prison, a11c1. ye
certain by tllc fact, that hc: hat1 LCcll sterilizcll cam0
wit0 inc.” (Jlalt . 23: 36) The KtliiolJian sl~owcd
made :I cunu(~Ii, whkli is contrary to tlic law of Tsracl. much kindness to Jcwmiah in puttin: old clouis utt-
lie \\‘a? ill cli‘wt a prisoner of unfaithful Jc~usal~~rn, dw his arms to lift him out, of the pri:.on. The clw:y
bcinq a trusty and x harmless one, who had ~:cnt~ral hd l!OIlC CS;K’~!y t !lC C!Or1tIYIl’.V WhFIl t hVy S!lOVCtl .lO-

;ICCCSS t0 IllC Iiill~:‘S ilOUSC t0 W1’\‘C tllC! kill::. 1lC \\‘itS ho\ ah’s sur~a~llu into prison. In taking this kind ac4Ion
not at all in sym!~rl!~y \*:ith flrc hnr:;li deeds of the toward JC~IO\:I!I’Y scw;lnt tlie ~tlliopi;lIl l)i’obab!~
rulii,:: lwusc of Jcr~~unlcrn, a1lf.I tIdLNf0pC picturctl il hacl in mind the ~vc~rds of tlw I&mist, as set forth in
rl;w sllhjwtcd lo “(.‘Il~istc!idoln” whkli is not at all The J’~lmr, ch:lptwi l-12, 102, wrtl (;!I. ‘lV~oscof good
in s~tIl!Gltll~ with tllc JlilI%ll :IMl cruc~l mrtllo~ls VIII- will tlrw t lx ~$51 v:tnts of 1111: TAW~Iout of 1Jriscm,;IW~
~do-(‘d i,y “Cllrislc~ll~loIi1”. Ikin:: a slave, this ICIhio- thi19 “thr: Ilord luowth 1llc l~ri~omwl’.---l’s. 1-K: I.
pian could not tal<t: the aclvitc of dc~rcmi:rb and e,o yi Ncitilcr ilic rclifiiwiicls 110~ tlic politirians l~l’lc~d
away to the Chaldcans. Jfe saw the grrat injml iw 11~1 t!l(! !,od’h Wl*\:l~~tS (Jilt Ol’ t!M! Cl~W~CO~l. I’l:O d-f’ol’t \V;lS

had brcn tlonc to rj~~rvmi~l~.11~ 11x(1fait It in ,Jvr+ inrlclc tu (lo so ulliil the JJCW!)!~ 0E good will filotl 211
miah’s (kl; thcrel’wc hc pictured lhc “other hh(~~p” urr(clrt lwlit ioli 1: illi lhc 1)ulAic:ofiicials. ‘l’l~cw pic*tui~ad

of the Lcrrd Jesus, ;~1111 Owrcf’or~ J)icturcs the S:II~IL\ the .Jon:l~l‘llY~or ~‘otllw :ilJwp” cl;1ss t!l:lt s!1c,ncdsym-
chassof lwrsons 3s did Jon:idab. (‘3 Iii. 10: E-23) .\s 1Xlt!ly foralltl iutcrcst in (:0(1’s filifhftil sc~rv;~llts, seldom
ill1 Elhi~~pian he synibolizctl a nntul~,ll shlcr who dc- the Ilord relcn\c~l from prison in 1919. l’lli? rrlcksirrg
sires to lcarn of God. 1Ie had Ircard of God’s pur- rcf’cW to Of t IlOWWlIO \Vc’l’(!faithful, SOIllO \V!lO WCl’C

posts tlirorl:tll the prcaclrin: of Jcwmi:lh. This is in aclunlly in I>iison, mid otlicw under rc+l mint. “So

harmony \\itli the wwtls Of the lwalniid : “IStllio!)ia tlwy drew up Jor~wiilli wit!1 cords, alld tool; him 111)
c;hall soon slretch out her hands unto God.” (1’~. out of tile d1111pc011 ; ;111t! ,Jcr(wiah r~wnilletl itI t IIC
6s: 31) Tlic king was sitting in the Ikiijamin gntc, court of the prisons.” (3s : J3) h’ron: the tinw of’ ihcir
probably holdiii~ court there, and it was then tllilt rt~lc.~scuntil now J~~ho~nl~‘switnesses 1lav.c IJNW WI-
Ebcd-niclcrh, the ls;thiopian, llild the opportunity to dcr surwillnuec by tlic ruling factors, and I)articiil:lrly
publicly approach the liil14 and qwnk to him in OJ,W at the iii5t.lncc of tlic c’lcr;,y, who iiicrcwin~ly try to
court. 111doing this the l+2hiopinti pictured those lwr- limit and circlmscribc tlx I’rcr~loni Of ilC+li\ ity of’ tltc
sons, other than the: spiritual Tsrarlitcs, taking their faithful servants of Jr~ho~;~h.C;ocl‘s jr it nc’ws go OII
stand on the side of Jcbovah God and spcaki~~~ in rc;;;lrdlcss of Ihis survcill;!nw and wstraillt. Jcwmiah
favor of J&o\-ah’s witncsscs. Correspondingly cal Iy WlS ill thC COllpt Of t!lC !~piVm, \v!lkb Eor~‘slladlJ\rt~~l t!l(?

in the year 1919, and while the rqwcsentatives of tl:c supwillnncc of Cod’s !WO~J~C TIOW, wltil Jcr~~salcm\!a~
Lord’s org3niza1ion wcrc in prison, many thousnn~.1 tdi~?l. I:ut did hc stop icslifying to tlic Iia111c of the
of persons of good wili toward God and his pcol)‘+ Lord ? Xot by any means!
gladly signed a petition to the govcrnmeut that ttlc
Society’s SClTil~ltS might be girrn a hearing and rc- COSTISUES TO TESTIFY
Icascd from prison. (SW I’ll0 If’atcl~ioz~cr 1919, 1x1~~ 28Rcfwring llow to the type: %ccIc!~iah lOOk dare-
101.) Tlicse also picture the prisoners in ISabylork oth- miali into i lit house of the T,ord to qucstiori him: “A\i~d
er tllCIJi the allointct! Corning forth and shou iuy t!tcm- the kinp said unto Jcrcmiah, I will a\l< thee a thing ;
sclv~s and manifesting their symp,lthics on the sitlc hide nothing from me.” (3s: I-4) The vay ~\a? tllrw
of those \v!JO served Jchwah (lo&-Isa. 49: 9. open for Jcrc:niah to giw testimony bcl’orc the l<illg.
** Approaching tl~c l{iny, ISbed-mclech the Ethio- Thnt scum dcwly to corrc~l~oi~dwith what t,hc ZAIY~
pian :~dJrcsscdhim and said : ‘ ‘Jly lord the king, tttwc mid iinto the remnant: “ hid lie said unto ~lw, Tl10u
136 BROOKLYN, s. T.

must prophesy again hcforc many peoples, and na- witnesses ha\-c repcatcdly admonished and warn4
tions, and tongueu, and kings.” (Rev. 10: 11) The the rulers and the chief ones of “Christendom” to
antitypical Jcrcrniah class begau to do that very thing ‘kiss the Son, lest they perish in the way’ (Ps. 2: I?!,
when the resolution was dclivercd by them to the In- and have gircn warning to the common people th:lt
ternational Arms Conference in Washington, U.C., and they must take their stand on the side of Jclro~h
when notice was srrved upon “Christendom” that God and his King if they would tire. This IJl;lili dcc-

Ood’s purpose is to destroy Satan’s organization. This laration of the truth has angered Satan’s chief ret,-
was further emphasized by the Cedar Point resolution rrscntativcs, to wit, the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy,
called “The Challcngc” and by other rcsolulions that and their religious nllicr.
ltavc been adopted and sent forth since that time. The X’ Jehovah’s witnrsscs must not shun to dcctarc the
ruling factors were now looking for an expression of whole counsel of God; therefore they say as Jeremiah
the retcascd prisoners to see whether or not they would said to Zcdckiah: “But if thou wilt not go forth to
compromise and give a more favorable message. the king of Babylon’s princes, then shall this city 1~
*’ To bc sure, Jcromiah knew that the plain state- given into the hold of the Chaldcans, alld they shnrt
mcnt ol’ the truth might tcad to his dcnth. Idikcwise burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape ant 0i thcsir
Jehovah’s witnesses knew that a con tinucd rlcrlaration hand.” (38: IS) This muans that if men wilt nt’t
of Clod’s truth worrtd raise great ot~position to tlicm abandon the earth-mntlc or man-made things and “ fly
ad lcod to their dc:lth. Jcrcmiah aqkcd the king
might to the mountains”, that is, the kingdom of (:otl untll,r
8 t)ointctl quest ion : “If I dcc~larc it unlo thee, wilt Christ ,Jcsus, they \vitt suffer dcslruction. (.\lalt.
thou not surely put mc to death? and if I give thee 24: 15, 36) This is in tlilrnlf>lly with the rutc :,11-
counsel, \\ itt thou not h~rkcn unto me?” (38: 15) nounced in %ctt~t~nr~iat~ 2: 2, 3. %&tiiah :l~;ii~ll ht~o\~(~t
Jcho~ah’s witncsqcs knew al’tcr hoin:: rctcascd from himscl f coward : “Ali(l Zc~dcttiati the kill: hait unt(~

prison, and slit1 know, Ihat the rctigious ctcmcnt of Jeremiah, I am afraid of ~hc Jrws ttmt arc i’nltcn to
the rUtcrS of IhiS WJl’td Witt riot give ]ICCd t0 t]lC mCs- the c’tlaldca~~s, lest they &ltivcr mc into their hilIl~l,
Iriige of the liil~hn tmt that thy stltl c0wqh-c to ant1 they mock mc.” (:!fi: l!)) lit was afrai4 c’f Ihl*
put the faittil’ut OHW Jcllov;lh ‘s wilncsws
to death. are JCWS, flint is tO say, t110sC t)rCtclldcd t)ritisers of ~;o~l,
dctcrrnitlcd, t~o~~c’vcr, to otwy the 1,ortt and to continUc ~110 ‘draw near to the rlod with Itlc.ir wrllt~s, hut

to dcrlar(: his mca\ssagcof truth, v;hc*thcr it is hti4td Who5,~ tlcarts .arc rc’nio\ cd from t hc lrO1*~l‘, t tio~,c

or not. Sot until 1’3!!9 was it rcvcatcd to .Jchovah’s who hnrc a ‘form of ~o~ltinrss, but deny his t)owcr’.--
witncsscs that s0lllc of ttlc r~Ul~lilllt will go 1tlroU$~ the Isa. 2!1: 1X ; 2 Tim. 3 : 5.
IMf!tC Of A~lll;l~:c’d&~11, ikntt fhl 1h:lt incrcasc4 their Jo Ttic l’otit ical and eornmcrci:rl rul(>rs Ili:;tk ii: !!w
Vfl’OrtS t0 d~Pti~IT tllc truth. %c,t~~tii:lll, hcarillg thC cliurc4 0r~::lIliZilti0~ls qivc heed lo t tic wr~t~wt ol 1 ]I(:
ctnMion Gf Jcrcmiati , his word and join4 it by
cleric, WACOprctcnd to know (l0tl’~ \\‘01*~1 ;111(1!\;I()
hi3 Oath, thlt ]lC WOUtd IlOt ])lit l]~rCmiatl t0 dCiItt1 or fntscty t<*tl tticm that if they give h~(l to the I\ I!-
give hini into tlrc hilll(tS scct\ing his life.
of’ lhsc ncsst~s of .J~~hor:th such would nwm ttm1 thq~ arc
(3s: IC) This iI fUl~ttlCr
WilS ilS~llK1IICC t0 ttlC king traitors 19 their c~ountry an<1 thcty would t bus 1~ t ~I’II-
,that Jcrcmialr would answer trnthfully and without ing the country over to mobocracy. T11c ~<OIIWII (‘at II-
cquivocntion. That dock lloi mean ttlat Jcrcminh was olic jlitl:zc, in &tivcring his 0t)inion in ttli> (‘~41: ot‘
afraid to tell the truth rcganltes\ of the king’s onth- “Quchcc versus l;rotlic” alld oltt(ars of JI~~IOVZI~I’S \:it-
bound promisr, but it shows that Jcrcmiah was acting ncsscs \\.tlo \\‘Crc ctl~lr~tid Wilt1 setlit iOllS WllS~Ji~‘~l(‘y, SO
8s sagaciausty as II scrtwnt and IiotdinF: out for the cxpreqscd himself in regard to !hc litcr;lt uw +l*<~ritJ-
oath-bound promise mndc by the king, am? which utcd by the SocGcty. Ilc stiowc~l that hc w:is utillc r
would mdtc the t<il\g cvC11 more eagrr for the answr the direct domination of ihe Itoman (‘athotlc Ilicr-
and more likely to give car to what Jcrcminh said. archy.
This is a furlhcr indicalion that some of the anti- 3* Jet cmiah point cd out the \V~ZI~IICSSof Z~d(~t;i;~;l‘h
t)-pica1 .Jcreminh class will survive and pass through religious counsctors and ttlc futility of %cdr!~i:il~‘s
hrma~cddon. giving heed to them. (35 : 20) Idit;c\vi-ixr ~Jct~o~at~‘su it-
**Note that Jcrcmiah did not try to make himself ncsscs point out, now to “Christcnd~ni~ the futitlt>
popular or csnlt himself, as many men have doue, of giving liccd to the counsrl of the llom:~n C’ntl!~~lic~
but hc boldly declared what Jehovah had to say. IIicrarc~tiy and other clergymen. If the pc~ot~tc ~0~1~1
“Then said Jeremiah unto %cdckiah, Thus saith the put their trust in the I,ord thclg need not fear the IIII~J,
Lord the Cod of Iw~s, Ihe Cod of Israel, If ihou wilt bc~ausc Jehovah would take care of ihc rcqnlt. .\t
assuredly go forth unto the king of Babylon’s princes, Londoii, in 1926, a rcSolufion, catted “Testimony lo
then thy soul shall live, and this city shall not be the l:nhLrs”, and the bupportinz argument flic.rb,of,
burned with f-ire and thou shalt live, and Ihine called upon the rulcsrs of “ C’tiristcn(loni” io tllr,u
house.” (38: 17) Ilctold Zcdekiab that if hc \vouId thcmsclvc9 and their t~oplc to the Word of C:ocl :rl~cl
go fort11 unto the king of Babylon hc stmuld Ii\-c and be guided by that if they would rscapc. (Sac 1’1~‘:
lhe city would not be destroyed. Likcwisc Jchovnh’s IYcrfckfower 1926, pngc 272.) The counsel given I,>

Jehovah, and repcntcd at his command by his wit- Jerusalem was taken. Likcwisc all the nation3 of
IlCsECs, is ihc oldy wise couiisc~. bCWLlSC it leads to life. “Christendom” continue to hate Jehovah’s witncsscs
3?Jeremiah, although under survcillnncc, continued because thev proclaim Jehovah’s name, and these m-
to proplicsy and Five warning. 110 told the king that tions continue to restrict the sphere of activity of Je-
if IIC refused to go forth to the reprcwntativc of Jc- hovah’s witnesses, and will continue lo do so, unt.il
how11 he would lost everything. (3s: 21-23) So doubt the battle of Armageddon. Samson was held in prison
Zedeltiah the king t rcmblcd upon hearing thcsc words, after his hair began to grow, and thiu suKg:ests the
but lie did not have the faith and courage to act, same thing as last above stated.-Judg. 16: 22,35;
although he felt cwtain that Jeremiah was giving him see The l~~otcktou:er 1!?36, page 6.
the only sound adVice that he had rcccivcd from any- ’ 35Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, again re-
one. Further espwssing his ctowardicc or fear of man newcd Ihc siege of Jerusalem, and Jcrcmiah was there
he said to Jcrcminh : “Let no man 1~1i0~~ of these words, at the time. (39: l&12) Thus is foretold JchoVab’s
a11d thou shalt not die.” (38: 24) The fear af m;ln orders through Christ Jesus, and to his angels, as to
surely puts ilic ruling factors into ilic snare of the the disposition and prot cclion of the remnant at and
Devil. 3Iany men in piihlic office Iiavc much sympathy after Arnuqqxldo~~. This aplwars to say that. Jchowh
toward ~Jcl~o~al~‘sorganization and ~~oultl like to ha~c by Christ Jrsus orders that his remnant sllall Ix q~awtl
tlic blessings thrrrof, hut fear holtls them on f-hc sicle during .Irm:igcddo~ niid shall IJC given scrvicc ai’trr-
of’ the cncmics of (;od. Secret sym~J;lll~ics or kind fwl- wards. X0 doubt Nehucha(lilwzar had IlPillYl ahut
iriqs will avail nollii~lg at Ariiia~trldoli. One, to I c- Jcrcminh ‘s predict ions to Ihe cffcct t lrat ;l;ehuch:~d-
ccivc llic Lord’s prolwtion, must lent his trust wlw!ly nwzar would ~JC suwcs~fnl, and of Jcrc~miah’s advice
in 1hc I,ortl nlld t:ritc his stand on the sitlc of Jchw ah. to %c:dcltiah that he should liwl~ liis oath to Ncl~uc~h;icl-
31‘J’hc clc~yy and chief politicians envy anyone who nwwr. Al any rate, it show that the faithfulness of
swms to haw in~l~wncc over t hc n10rc) cwAtci1 rulers. Jcrcminil called fwth approval of Jchovn11 ant1 his
It’ suoh rulers show any favor to .J~~hoVah’swi.itn(wq great I’;xwufive 0ffiwr. To ~JCsure, the Lord Jesus,
this is o~~1~osctlby Ihc untlcrlill::s. lilwvin:: this and as dchowi~ ‘S Ci1ic.f Officer, well knows all about the
fw1*irlg JWII, %cdclti:lh said to .Jcrcmi:IIt : “Hut if the activiticq trt’ the anlityl~ic*:rl Jcrc*miah class, whvthc~r
l)rinws hear that I 11aVc ~alltctl with thcr, and th(iy lhry arc faI(hfrl]~y iln(I truty rrl)rwcnt ill:: tlie hrd,
conic niito thee, and say unto 1hw, 1)cclarc unto us and this fact now gives rnorc cnco~l~;I~~lrl~nt lo tlic
mJ\v \vh;lt thfJl1 h:lSt Said UlltO th! killg, hi&’ it nfJt ErfJlll remnant to conlinuc joyfully proclainlirig tlic niessa~c
US, illld \VC Will 1lOl ]Jllt IhCY! t0 tl(‘iltll: illSO \\h:lt the of ihc liin,qIom, and these things wrc writtfw long
king sai(l unlo Ihcc: lhcn thou shalt say wit0 th(,in, ago ;iiid arc liow rwc:~l~~cl for llie comfort and incrhas-
1 pr~~wiitc~cl my su1)l)lic:lt ion bcforc the kilig, that. hc ilig IIOpC Of thC ~~~lll~lil~lt.
wonl(l not (+ilus(! II\C to rc$urn to Jonathan ‘S IIOWC, ““13~ fhis time Zcdckiah had fled from Jcrusalcm,
to die! tlwrc.” (3s: 2.5, 26) I alkcwisc today those rrrl- IcnVini J(‘l~~miah undc~ restraint, and Uris is sllow~~
ws who hve Irar ol olhcr nwn ~0~1cc;11the fact 1h:lt by .Jcrcntiah 30 : 4. T)wn Xrbuzaradan, the captain
t h(by arc paying any serious attclltion to the mcswgc of lllC ~1lal.d Of i\‘Ci~ll~~h~l~lIl~~7.2i1~‘S :IlTl)-, WI11 ccrt:lin
t!~~livcrcd 1,~ Jehovah’s witn~ww, but iu truth ant1 in lncJ1, alld ;I11 of t hc prinws of ~~ahylon, alid took .Jcrc-
1’:wl llwy ,710~trc~mbling in i hcair boots, fearing what niiah out of the court of tlw pl*ison ant1 comniilt~tl him
they SW coming upon the wol~ltl.-l,ukc 21 : 26. unto Gcdaliah that lhcy should carry him 110r1icso he
s4 The rcligionists of Jcrcmi:rh’s lime then al)- might d\\cll among his p1~01~1~. (:{!I : 13, 1-J) The rulers
proxhcd him to find out what hc had brcn fnlkinq in “Christendom” ticvw Irlrnucl loose any of tlic pris-
ahout to the ltiriq: “Th~ii c:~r~w nil the princes unto olwrs of the J,ord. It is Jcl~ovah’s owl ofbiwrs thnt loos-
.Jwcmial~, and asketl him: anal hc iold them ncwrtlmg cwd his prisoners. The ofiiccr of the king N~~b~rhnd-
to all tlwsc words Ihat the kin: Ilild commanded. So nczxlr, picturing Ihc ofliwrs of dol~ovah’s orqnizu-
Ilwy left off spcnl,ing with him: for tlic matter was tion, rnmc lo Jeremiah and told him that Clod had
not, pcrccivcd. So Jcrcmiah a1~odc in the conrt of the pronounced wil and cbxbruction upon Jcrusalcm IJC-
prison until Gc tlay that Jcrusalcm was taken; and cause that city had siluletl ng;linst t11c Jiortl. Thm~ hc
hc \Vas there when Jcrusalcm was tnlWJ1.” (35 : 27, 2d) looscnctl Jwrmiah and told him 11~might go to Ihl)y-
Jehovah’s witnew are not duty-bound to lcll the Ion or rcmnin willi his own pcoplc or do whatewr !w
cncmy everything they lcnow and to thcrcby afCor3 the ~JlCaSCd. (-10 : 3-5) “ Thcu wnt Jcrcmiah unit o G cda-
cncmy grcntcr opportunitic5 to work against tlic in- liah the son of Ahikam, lo hlizpah; and dwlt with
ter&s of God’s kingdom. The stntemrnt of Jeremiah, him among the pcoplc lhat wcrc left in tlia land.”
and likcwisc Ihc statement of Jchovnh’s wifxlcsw, is (40: 6) “~~cdalinh” IIW~S “made great hy Jcho\ L1l~“,
not a lie. The otlicr party were not entitled to l~eal nncl mnniicctly refers to sonic crcatnrcs who rcndcr
what had taken place, and failing to tell them would faithful scrVicc to the Lord and whom Ilrc I.orcl Clod
wo~~l; no injury to them. Jeremiah continued in the has approved. The remnant fhat survive Armageddon
conrl of lhe prison, that is to say, under the surveil- will be honored by continncd service under Jehorah,
lanrc of the govcrnmcnt, until the day the city of as ihis prophetic drama shows.
138 Bi:OOIILYS, N. T.

nothing, and thus play exactly into the hands of the

8r Let it be borne in mind that the divine record Devil. Whu would induce such speech ? Ccrlainly lwt
set forth in the Scriptures regarding prophetic the Lord God or Christ ,Jcsus, because such speech i3
dramas, including the one here considered, was not exactly contrary io the Word of God. The only true
made for the hcnciit of Jonadabs or any other class answer thwcto is that such speech is induced by Sa-
of men ; nor was it made for thu purpose of giving tan, and his purpose in inducing the same is to cause
adulation, credit, and honor to some person or persons those who have devoted themstlvcs to the Ilord to bc-
who hale been prirllrg:cd to suffer imprisonment bc- come ncglipnt and utterly fail to do their duty as tlic
cause of their faithfulness to the truth. The divine Lord has commanded. Let those who have covenanted
record is made for tlrc very reason as stated in the to do God’s will t&c warning conccrnin~ such sop!:-
Scripllvcs, to I\ it : “J;cr whnlsocvcr things \\wc writ- istry. One who indulges in speech like Ihc forcgoillr:
ten aforclime \\crc written for our learning, that we yuotcd words complains against 2’l!e I\‘nfr!c tolccr illltl
through lxiticiwe and comfort of the scripturca might uses words to this cVect: “111:1sInucI1 as our eX~jf?lZl-
hasI? h{JlJc.” (~~Oln. 15: 4) ‘h ITCOrd \WY IlldO alid tions in the past did not malerializc, can WC bc so
lwcscrvc‘tl for the l)r(wnt tinic for the Icnrninp, tom- certain of the fact that thcby will matwiali~c ni tilt
fort ;LllCl hope Of the xTrnlltlllt of God’s prO[Jle that irnmcdiate future t” ,Johov:rl~‘s lmrposc K:IS 1101 IIII-
arc cuiiscwaled and lwpottcn, and who arc coutinuin:: dcrstootl until ai’tcr the c+oi8iing of Christ io the tc~;n-
faithful unto him. In thcsc days, wlicn the cncmy grwss IdC!, ilId 1S IlOW Ulltkl~S~OO~d CJdy ljy i)lOSC \\ ho U1’C
more vki01is and 15lwt t ho rcniiiant arc suhjcrtc~l con- rC!ally dC\.OkYl t0 the l,Ord. 111 hw% p;v,t 1IlCII :ltt~‘lJllJt-
tinuously to jil’oss incll,quitics, It is :I lX’i11 corn fort to cd to intcrl)wt 1Jrophwy at~I otlww gave hcwl to 1111
thclll to tic 1WHilitted hJ SW tllC I~I’OViSiOhS \v~iiCh (.:Od ilS till! 1 C’;lC:llCIX NC\V t ilO%! 1X211) &VOtl’d tO C:(Jtl I Cc’-
hiIS for ~h!lll :Ull~ \\ ht 11~ hS iI[J~JOilltd
lll~ld(’ fOr ~1i:Wl ognizc Jcllovail :IJ~II (‘llrist JPSLISi13 the tta::c*llc:l.s:IIII~
to do :tlltl their trllc rclationshil) t0 (:Otl iItlt1 t0 ill1 \;I10 that the Loll hmis~lf intcrprcts the l~ro~~hw~. 10
arc faitllful in CillTyillg tha lrinplon~ IiICss:l’,*Cto others prophwy is of l)riwtc il~tc~rlJrc’!tition, all<1 it Pill1 l)c
wl10 will ullin1:~tcly ljc nx~dc a part of the I,oYtl’s flw!c. UlKkI’StOOt~ Oflly ill tllC i,Old’5 ChlC tiJllC :lIl(~ \\ hll ]I(:
NW ~110 arc lookin!: at scrviw l’rum a sclflsh vicw- hilS l~r’oll~llt to ]jLl’iS tile lJliysica1 facts in i’ullilljrwril
point will ncwr :il)l)iw~iatc lhc real mcanin:: of tills of lwophwy.
aJld 01 her l)rol)hwks. ‘1’0 :lj)[)t’c’f:iiit(! \ihat (;ocl is dui:if:
for l1is ~~CVJ~J~C ~11~mid bc ljliud 10 c\clythiliq clw
save wlmt is the inlctrsst of tl1c J<in,ylom. (lsa. 42 : l!))
If a 111i\ll is tryiiiq lo m;11w m:iuif~A. iris Owl1 wistloin
by witir~ixltic,; \i ljat i3 ~~~il~l!sl~cc~ in ‘I’kc \I’nlcktnwrr,
and trying to put his lwrhonal views ah4x1tl of such
in oi*tl~r* that 110mi::llt 11wix33 ndul;itio11, IIC is ccri:~iu
not to und~~i~stand tllc 1Jt’oplwics of tlic Lord or the
prol~rr wl;ltion of the Lord’s scrvarrt lo the Alost lligh.
ss OIlC \\ IlO il;ls sc~lfi\llllras in his Ilc:lrt filllS ill1 C:lSy
victim to the wiles of the lkvil. \\:hcn 1 Iw IICilVt, is irn-
pure ;in(l sclfisll the poswsso~ thcrrof cawot v;nll< in
the ligllt and t hcwfor*c cannot lravc pnrtnwship with
the Ixwtl. (1 John 1: 7) Jt a~~p~;~rstImI. tltcrc arc stiil
SOlllC \L I10 Inili:,plc wii 11 tllr? anointd ilIld continue to
have ilIlt m:ulil’rst th “cl~xlivc cl,lcr” sljirit. Thy
derirc to ltavc tlic a]j]Jro\-al of men that th(*y ma) IJC
thOll~~~lt highly Of. SOlTiC Of SUCh arc! iiSiw \vwds tO
this cll’wt : “‘l’hc \lTnfrlffow~~ is runniilg :thmtl of tile
Lord ; ‘I’he IJ’dclrlowcr coiit:iins 011ly lhc opinion of doLilrcwise information is now come to Jchovnh’s
8 man ; .\rma~ctlclon is liot Iwar, illlfl the iri 110 c\i- witncsscs by the J,ord Jcsu\ C>hrist at lhc l(wlJll~, :,11(1
dcncc oi’ ihc cornin;: forlh of the great multitndc; fh:i’6 Ihcy arc told lo :ro and tell it and not to wxil unt iI
will tnl,e ~~lacc d’fcr the first part of Xrmugctldon; scmc futwe lime. To them lhc Iiorcl says: “1Yliat >-c
now wc are gettin: no~~hcrc ; what xc must do is to hrnr in llie rar, that pl’cacli yc upon Ihc li~uwto~js.”
get uuclt~rstnndin~, and later we shall ljc able to do (3Iatt. 10: 27) The fact that the Lord 112s iwc:~l~~~~
somctliing.” The dillicul~y with those ~-110use SUCK tlwsc truths to his ~~coplc, and has show1 tllLan1 li ‘2
lang~ungc is that they do not know what the WQId true mwnillq of Ihc “gl’(litt multltudc” ::n(l c)E ii~c*
undel,sfrrnfli)l!/, as used in the Scl3ptwcs, ~nwiis. Wjnt. prqwr rclntionshil~ of the “little flock” to his “0!111.;
i3 the di’cct of surh SJKYC~~ upon tliw 11ho rely npon shrep ’ ‘, shows positively that the wilncw*s of Jc!::s-
and hclicrc it ‘! The 1(*nclency thcrcof is to cause olhcrr Vah must JIO\V be active in telling the liilll:(ltrl:i mf.5~2:c
to slack the hand, bcwmc drowsy, indif’fcrcnt, and do to olhers. Jnformation to the Jonadab cl;io~ COS,CSt3)
NAY 1, 1936 139

tbcm from the Lord through the witnesses of Jehovah ing message is delivered to those of good will, and they
now on earth, and that while the remnant are in fact heed it and hasten to the Lord, and these form the
“in the court of the prison”, that is to say, under great multitude.
surveillance of the worldly powers and being pcrsc- 43The name Ebed-melech, meaning “servant (or
cuted by such; hence before Armogcddon is fought slave) of the king”, and $11~class whom he pictured
this message must bc dclivcrcd to the end that the having taken their stand on the side of Christ the
“other sheep” may learn and obey and be preserved King, shows that thcsc become the servants or slsvrs
at Armngcddon. This must bc done now in order that of Christ, joyfully doing his service. These have
the preservation of the great multitude may be rec- washed their robes in the bIood of Christ, having put
ognized and proved to bc the act of Cod as he has their faith in him and in Jehovah, and have lined up
foretold. Such information given to the great mulli- on Jehovah’s side, and with palms in their hands
tude after the fight begins would bc too late. The wnrn- they hail the “King of saints”, Jehovah, and his glo-
ing must bc given More the fight, and not afterwards. rious anointed King, Christ Jesus. Thcsc give honor
l l Did Jehovah tell Jeremiah to sit down and wait and praise to Jchovnh and Christ and attribute to
for a more favorable season to proclaim the truth with- them all protection and salvation. Thry do not wave
in the city? Has the J,ortl told his people in this day flags and hail men and thcrcby attribute salvation to
that they are to be indifCcrcnt and wait until after man or man-ma& things. I?ecnuse of their faith and
the fall of Satan’s rcliqionists at Armageddon and obcdicncc to Jehovah hc says to them, as hc said to
then to give the warning to the great multitude arid Ebcd-mclcch : “nut I will dclivcr thee in that day,
gather them B Esactly the contrary is true. ~JcI~ovnl~ saith the Lord: and thou shalt not bc given into the
Silid to iris prophet, ant1 while the proplict was yet in hand of the men of wIiom thou art afraid.“-39: 17.
the court oi the prison: ‘(Co and speak to ~?tJCd- 44This assurance from the Ilord brings great com-
mclcch the 1sthiopi;ln, saying, Thus with the Lord fort to the Jo~lulah or “great multitude” cI;~ss, and
of hosts, the Cod of Ismcl ; I~cliold, I will bring my no longer do they fear or tlwad the coming destruction
words upon this city [‘Christcndom’l for evil, and not of “Christcnclom”, bnt with confidcncc they look for-
for good; and they s11all hc accomplished in that clay ward to Jr+o\ah ‘s }~lY~tc~tio~i ntld sn~v:ltion Of tIlCi11
bcforc tlicc. nut, I will clclivcr thee in that day, snith lxxau~e they 11:1vcdone good ~wto tile Icast of the
the Lonl; and thou shalt not 1~ givcll into the hand brcthrcn of Christ .JVSUSilIl(l have thus shown their
of the nicrr of wIl0lIl thou ill3 afraid.“-39: IG, 17. Iovc for the Lord Iiimsclf. (Matt. 25: 40) Tliry are
4z Jrrcminh was not waiting for tlic ICtlliopian not given over to the I~sccationcr of Jcl~ov~ll1’s vcngc-
J&ccl-mclwh to come to him, but Jcrcminh must go nncc nor into the Ir;~ntls of the cncniy rulers.
direct to Ebcd-melclc~li, who pictures the grcnt multi- 45The hand of the J,ortl hhiclds and protects tl4cm.
tude, and sco to it that Ebcd-mclech, picturing the This is csachtly in accord \iith Cod’s instructions to
great multitude, rcccivrs the mcsxagc of t hc Tlord, and his Ewcutionrr, sayin:: : ‘C(OIIICnot near the nwi upon
to do this rcgardlcss of rwtraint or opposition. I~vcry- whom is tlic mark’ of idcnt ilic~ntion, ns being for Jc-
whcrc tlic llornnn CntlioIic IIicrarc~liy, the chief vis- 1~0~~11.(12~~1<.9 : 6) T~IC Joll:l(Ii~bs or “01 ii(!r SIICCI>”
ible cncwy and rcpwx~ntativc of Sntilll on earth, is or grcfit multitutlc, havin, ‘r llril to the city of rcfugc,
inducing law ofliccrs to intcrfcrc with the witness Jehovah’s organization, arc not hand& over to tllc
\vork ; but the antitypical Jtrcminh, the remnant, must lSsccutio,icr.-Nurri. 35 : 9-N.
vigorously continue to work as long as the Lord pcr- 45War, fitminc and pcstilctncc wcrc raging al, that
mits them to do so and to vigorously proclaim the time in .Jcrus.lIcm, and the liorcl dircctctl Jcl~c~rnii~hto
messapc of the truth. Jehovah’s witnesses have been Sly t0 RIJCd-M!IWIl : ‘LITor I will surely &~li~cr thee
doing that wry t.liiiig, 1>articularIy since the identi- [Save thCC], and tIlOU dldt llOt fill1 IJy tIlC S\\Od, hllt
fication of Jonadnb, in 1933, and with cvcn grcntcr thy life shall be for a prey unto tlirc; l~ccuusc than
zeal since 1935, when Cod revcnlcd to them that Jonn- host, put thy trust in mc, smith the Lord.” (39: IS)
dab, the “other sheep”, and the “great multitude” The sword there pictured tltc S~VOI~~ of J~~hov~~h‘s ES-
are one and the same company. Jehovah’s witncsws ccutioncr at the battle of A i*mnq2tldon that dcst r*o\-s
must go to the homes of the people, not with their the antitypical Jcrusalcm, to wit, “Cl~rist~~~tlom.” 1C
message,but with the message of the Tlord. Jn doing the major I)ortion of the great multitnclc do not see
this they must be bold, but not rude. ~oldncss means the message of uwr?ri)~!/ wlfil crftcr the battIc of i!rnla-
fcnrlcssncss in telling the truth faithfully for the gcddon, then why give them the warning at all? Shall
Lord. Kotc that the Lord commanded Jcrcmiah to we listen to man’s csprcsscd wisdom, or shnll WC obey
speak, saying, ‘Thus the Lord of hosts says,’ that is, the commandments of the Lord? $%x1-mclcch and
‘the God of battle,’ which means that the great fight Jeremiah both survivccl the destruction of lJc~w:~Icn~,
is near. The warning is given to those of good frill bccnusc they were both on the side of the Lord J&o-
to the effect that Jehovah says : ‘I will bring my words val]. Concerning the cities of rcfugc God’s 1:~ says:
upon this city, or organization of “Christendom”, and “These six cities shall be a rcfnge, both for the chil-
wreck it, nnd thus will vindicate my name.’ The warn- drcn of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the YO-
140 mkWATCl-ITOWER BCOoI;Lm, s. P.

journer among them; that every one that killeth any put your trust in him], all ye meek [teaChable once]
person unawares may ftco thither. “-Xum. 35 : 15.. of the earth, that have kept his ordinances [!h;t 11a\c
4’ Corresponding to this, those who will constitute shown favor toward and rendered aid to the J~rxmizh
the great multitude arc designated as Jmadabs arid class] ; seek (2) righteousness, seek (3) mt~~hcss: it
“other shcrp”, who in the law were dCsi:nated as may be yc will be bid in the da;\- of Jehovah’s anacr.”
“the stranger” and “sOjOurner”. It seems almost cer- (Zeph. 2: 3, AA.t’.) “Christe~~do~n,” like li(kr proto-
tain that the sons of Jonudab, the Rechabitc, were also type Zcdekiah, has put her trust in Erzypt, the W-
in Jerusalem at the very same time that ,Jcrcmiah and ganization and po~cr of Stan, thereby brcakin~ her
Ebed-melerh, the Ethiopian, were there. Prior to this oath to be faithful to tlic Kin:: of Jehovah. ’ * \‘l:‘oc to
the Rcchabites were there, and to these I&xhabitc~s, the rebellious children, saith thC Lord, that tulx coun-
sons of donnadab, Jehovah had co~nmanded Jeremiah scl, but not of me; and that cover with a coverin:,
to speak and bring them into His house. (Jer. 35 : 2) but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to silt;
The Reehabites thl:n dwell in tents, showin:: that they that walk to go down into l<Kypt, and have not aY!ic(l
were looking for somethin:: bcttcr t lian a worldly go\-- at my mouth ; to strengthen thcmsclvcs in thcb ht rI:n;::il
ernmcn t : “But xc hale dolt in tents, and ha\e Of Pharaoll, and to trust in the d~ado\v pi’ J*;gx~~t !
olxycd, nad d011e according to all that JOnadnb 0111 TherCfOre shall the strcn::tli of l’hraoh ~JC yolir
fathrr c01wna~~Icd us. but it cnmc to ~‘ass, when sh:lrne, and the trust in t11c slwlow Of lGzyI,t 1 our C~JII-
Nebuchadrczziir kin:: Of lkibylon came up into the fllSi(Jli.” (1% :I() : l-3) “\\Ioc tu them th.tt 23 clo\: n
land, that WC swirl, Clonic, and let 11s ~0 to ~Jcrusalcm IO E!:ypt for l~lp; and stay on lwws, :III~ trust III
for foal* of thr army [allkd armku] of tlic Cllill~l~~LillS, ~hitriols, IJCCi.lllSC they ;IN 111:111)’ ; and ilk ~101~~1rlr 11,
and for fear of thr may of tlic Syriaits; so v;c dwell ~JcWU~~ thy i1rC WI’] StrUll::; IJUt th(!y lOOk IlOt 1llltO

at JCrusalem.” (Jcr. 35 : 10, 11) Tllc I~(4UllillJitCS took tllo lIol,V One of Ikdw21, ncillicr SCCli t!lc 1401’~1!“--

their stmd on the side! of ~Jchw~h arid WCJ’C!<aVcd. Isa. 31: 1.

This fOr~&tdo\~s the ‘Lg~Cat multitude”.
*’ The Kthiopian EbcJ-mc:lcrh was at tl~r l)alacc as
a servant and could Uot Il~e, but tic sliOwr~(l his fiLVOr
to G’od’s propht JL’N rnkh ; thcrcforc J~hovn!l di-
r&cd JCrr~miah to sily LOhim: “Thy life ~l:;tll IIC for
a prey unto thee, lrcwusc tliou least put llig ttwxt in
me, smith the Lord.” JC~IO\ ah’s l)rOrni<c to the Xthio-
pian was that hc sl~ould gain life ils tllorl:lt hc had
aoUght life in Gd’s aplwllltvd way ; illl(l lilrcwisc the
“olhcr sheep” c!Iuxs, \vllorn El,cd-mclc~ll 1lCK rcpl’e-
SClltCd, tire Idold decl;llYu, ‘Sll~lll g0 Zl\Vily into 1iCc
cvcrlastitq.’ (Malt. 25: -l(i) They iire sl~i&lr:d 1j.v the
Lord and survive ,\rma~c~ltlon, ant1 contilluinp inith-
ful they Fail1 ewrlastill:! lilac. Tl~c wartlu of the Lord
to the ,Jo~md;tl~sare sirntl,lr thereto. “ Therciorc thus
smith tltc Imd of 110~1s, the Clod of Js~.acl, Jonad:lb
the son of Kwltab sh:,ll n(,t want a man to stand bc-
fort? mc ft~r CWI’.“-Jc;. 35: 1’3.
49The Ethiopian was shicldcd b~causc hc leas a
eunuch, that is, one who liad uiiseliislil~ devoted him-
self to Jehovah (;od. Jehovah prcscrvcd his lift as
a spoil to himself. And \\hy? I~ccnusc the Ethiopian
had put his trust in Jehovah. The clan whom hc rcp-
resented have not put thrlr trust in rarthly govcrn-
ments or mcn or things which ymholidc rncn or gov-
ertimcntq such as flags and images. They do not nt-
tribute salvation to some man-made thinz, as the rcli-
gionists of “Cbristcntlom” now do a11d seek to force
others to do lilici~ise. Tllc: cUrlUCh had nut trusted thC
f&c prophets of the rcligionists; and likc~visc that
autit~pical class do not now trust the false prolJhets
of rcli$onists, nor do they trust the strong:-arm scluatl,
nor any fzrtlily rulers or ~bowcr.The I;thlopinu there-
fort cIeorIy forrshadowcd those whom the Lord ad-
dresres ia t11csc wmls: “SC& ye (1) Jehovah [and
NAY 1, 1936 @‘f!ieWATCHTOWER 1.: :

diligent and joyfully obedient in rarrying the mes- ?l 23-25. Point ont the fitness of Ebcd-melcch as n character 11
ths prophetic picture.
sage of the kingdom to the people that those who may t 26.2% Applv Jercrm~h 38: 14,X. Khat instruction for J -
so desire may seek safety in Jehot-ah’s organization. hovnh’e &tnesses is seen in verse 169 How has the I~PI?E,:I~~*
of warning furet&l in verses 17 and 18 been given9 all 1
QUESTIOM FOR STL’DY wth what result ?
p 1. What is now seen by .Jdtovah’s anoiutcd witnesses and g 29-33. Show that the prophetic situtitiou recorded in ve~w*
the Lord ‘n ‘ ‘ 0tllor sheep ’ ’ as to obliqatiuns laid upon tlmnt 19-23 has found its parallel, in fulfillment. That rccordd
What is the yurposc iu here cpnsidcring prophecies rclat- in verses 21-X
ing thereto9 lI 34. Have the “princes” come to ~‘Jorcmiah,, with tldr
ll 2. What frets concerning Jeremiah are of intcfest here9 inquiry and r&rl\ecl his answer (verse 27), Rith the rc-
T 3, 4. Apply tho prophei~c fact of Zedekiah’s breach of sult foretold (vcleo 26) ‘I
covcnont with h‘etuchndn~zrar and making a treaty of a 33,X. What prnphctic message is seen in Jrremiah 39: 9 12
alliance with Pharaoh of l:g>pt. and in the record that the mstruetions thcro given by the
q 5. 1Iow has Jr-remmh 37: 3 Id fulfillmcut 9 king aero cnrrleil out?
q (i-8. Dwxibe the situation pieturcd in Jtrc?mi~h 37: 4. That 7 37, X For whom uncl for what purpose were the Scriptures
fare&own in verse 5. \Yl~t. is now swn as fulfilling the proridcd9 When und by ahom 1s prophecy undcrutood?
~m~phCtlC State~llCIlt Of VCrM’S(i ZkDd79 WllVP
?j 9-l 1. Show thnt ttww whom JcLrwniuh pr0phctieally pictured 1 29-4Z.1Dcscrihe the present situation in application of Jcrc-
have dcli~ered tllo mcssagc foratdcl in wrsc 9. mmll 39: l&17, as inrlic:ttrn~ the jile:tt, Icsponslbdlty lxitl
3 12,X. \Ylint important mstruction ad assurance is seen in
vrr.s? l(J I


1115pcoplc need a ~ov~rtttncttt whirls will britig the faithful rctnnattt rest, in tltc pcncc of that king-
to thcnt pcacc, ptwqwrity, contetttntctlt, happi- dom. The swcot hitlg,‘cr of lstocl furcshadowc~l tlrc
ltcss, awl lift cvcrl;;stitt~. zc;~lour and faithful twtttl:tttt of this t imc :ind r~~j)rc-
SW+ a ~owrt~mcttt is the Jwirc of cwry hoticst sctitccl such, arid to such Cod caw.ctl him to sin<:: “I
person. I*‘or celltwics men have trid to provide tlwtn- will lift up mint cycs unto the hills, from wI~c~~KY~
sclvcs with su~:lta govcrttnwnt. Today they arc dcspcr- comctll my hrlp. Sly 1~1~) cotnctlt from the l,otxl,
ately struggling to pwwlt the collapse of such gcv- \\hich mndc hcawtt and cnrth. ire will not sufCcr t ity
crrunnits as arc now lci3 on mrth. M%nt is the l~rns- foot to he moved: lx that l~c~p~th tiw will llot duln-
pcct fw a world-wide govcrrmcut of order and lwnce? lxr. 13cllold, tic that kccpct lt Ihrncl +:!I1 ncitltcr hl uul-
The lofty mountain S]JCdiS ]KWX? IO tlIC 1lClWt Of her nor sleep. The Lord is thy l:c~,.~~~ct*; the I~ttxl is
mm. Cod uses it as a symbol of pence. And what a thy sltado upon thy right hated.“--1’s. 121: l-5.
fitting symbol it is! As the tnau of rcv~rctttinl mind Lat all the tncntlxt*s of the twn:t:~nt, who arc (:wl’s
lifts his cycs to the mountain peaks scctnit~$y tlto witttwscs ott iltc carth, now dwell tog:cther in pwcc.
tnounlain smiles upon him and says: ‘My peace is That ctcrnal stability and sweet srwttity, pictured by
&ma1 bccousc my Creator has mndc me so, and this the mountains, shultld be their tlilll~ portion. SuA
peace pictures his rightcous gowrnmcttt that sh;111 prx~c and unity in mind, ltcnrt and action, the prophet
bring peace to those who lift up their heads and turn likens unto ‘the dew of IIcrmon 1113tdcscetidcd \:tlh
their ltcarts unto Cod.’ “ The mountains shall Iwing rcfrcblmicttt upon tlw mountains 0E Zion, whet2 (;od
peace to the peoptc, and the little hills, by rigltteous- commanded hlc+ings for cvermorc’. (1%. 132 : l-3)
new. “-1%. 72 : 3. Let the people oE Cod now stand slr~ulder to silouldcr
The mow&in peaks stand as eternal sctttincls that and twver quail before the cncmy. (l’hil. 1: 27, !3)
never slmnbw. They picture C~ud’s righteous King Let them avoid all controversy and dwell togctltrr in
and goverttmc~t~tcrcr kccpitlg watch over them that unity attd lwacc. “For tltrrc [at Jerusulcm] are set
IOVC and ol~cy the Lord. Knowing lhnt his kingdom thrones of judgment, the throttcs of the Jto~w of
will bthlg to the pcoplc, with ccrtaitity nom may
J,~CilC!C! David. Pray fcr lllc pcaec of Jc~~usalcm: they shll
142 BP.OOKLTS N Y , * l

prosper that lore thee. Peace be within thy walls, and the governments do, and yield thereto. Thcsc, may be
prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and said to have the mark of the beast in their forehead,
companions sakes, I mill now say, Peace be within which is a symbol of the place of intelligence. Others
thee. Because of the house of the Lord our God I will lend active SUplJOrt to the opprcssivc govcrrimcnt. The
seek thy good.“-Ps. 122: 5-9. hand is a symbol of power; therdorc those who have
“How lovely arc thy habitations, 0 Jehovah of the mark of the beast in their hand arc supporters of
hosts! How happy are they who abide in thy house, the beast. But there are millions of people IllJm car:h
still are they praising thee.“-Ps. &4 : 1,4, Rothdam. whose minds and hearts arc not in sympathy with
All sober-minded persons eonccdc the great need beastly governments and who have no parf- therein.
for a better government. All must agree that thcrc These are not a part of the Devil’s organization, yet
is no sdisiaetory gowrnment on earth. nil must admit they arc under the influcncc and power of that organi-
that man has never bec11 able to cstablLh and carry zatlon. They arc prisoners. Turning away Ihcrefrom
on a satisfactory government. There is no reason to and srcking the Lord they will early rcccivc the blew
conclude Ihat imperfect man mill ever bc able to cstab- ings that. the Lord has for them.
lish a ri@tcous govcmmcnt. What, then, shall the During thr atlministrat ion of God’s rigl~tcons go\--
pcoplc do? The l3ibIc discloses the rca%on for man’s crnment tlicre will be no “beast” [Ijcvil org~inizatio11]
inability to set up a perfect govcrnmcnt and God’s on the earth. Satan will hc bound during the 11~~
purpose to rwnow the liindranccs and give man a pcr- sianic reign. (Isa. 35: 9; Rev. 20: 1-3) IIis O~~,r;llliZil-
feet and righteous govcrmnenl. \Yhy, then, do the hn vd1 nCWP again C(JmC intO ContrOl. .it !.h(: Clld of
clcrgymcn, both C;tlrolic and I’rotrsfallt, oppose and Jlcssiali’s rei;rn Satan will 1~ loowl for a lilll(~ swwn
speak against those who insist on telling the people that he may gather unto him all thaw tl1:11 pwf(~
about the Bible awl God ‘Y provision for a rig%tcwtis iniquity. C:od \\ ill thcll devour Satan all~l III\ iL111l’S
govcrnmcnt? N’hp arc they aidctl and :liwttcbd in this with fire from lwavcn. (Rev. 20 : 7-9) ;1~~1wv;111’s juc!c:-
qqwsition by the profiteers and proFessiona polif i- mcwt against Satnll is \wiLtcn: “I will CilSt tliw 9s
einns? The a:wwr is l&iin. Tlic clergy, the profiteers profane out of tlw mounl;~iil of Cod. . . . [T111,] fir{:
and the politicsians arc in an allianw to govern the dl:l11 dW(JUI’ th2 , . . ;llld nc\‘Ct dl;~lt ihO IIt’
pcoplrs of cnrih, and thcGr god 01’ invisihlc ruler is 1,,;, I?lOJ’C. ” (IMc.
2s: JG-39) “I will . . . tlc~slroy :til
Satan the I)cvil, the prince of evil. I~wausc they rc- tllC WiCliCtl Of 1 hc I;lll~l, that. I may cq.lt off a11 wicl,ccl
fuse to hear and to ohcy thr (ru11i an(l bccausc t!iey doers from the cily of the Ilord.“-1’s. 101 : S.
oppow twry &or1 to give the pcoplc the trut ii, arid The pCOJ)lC ncwl a gorcrnmcnt that will bi’in!: to
iti& Oil bt!piUg thC IWOplC! 1lndCr thC O~~~HWSiVC Or- them pcwc, [)roqwrily, wntcntmcnt, happincc~, ancl
ganizMioi1, (:otl will clc~lroy Salan :iIld llis organiza- life cvcrlasl iilg. GofI ‘s rigfitcwus ~OV~J~IIJI~I~~I~ 11111
tion and for cvrr put down the haughty, ttw proud, abumtlnntly sU1)1)ly ill1 their Ilwtls. It is his tlllc llnic
and the oIq)rcwor, and 1hc dwcivcr, including the t0 tell ttlC l)C’ol)lC ilIlt nations Of C;ll$ll tll:ll. J~~llO~;i11
clcrgymcn. profitwrs and politicians. Clod is now tak- is clod, and tIl;lt Ilc llas set ll~)Oll tllC throtlc! CiiYlll’S
ing a hand in tile fight, and the rcsiilt is certain. rightful Ruler. It is the g~ocl 1Icw’s that his ailr_r,*ls
Whrrl dc~us was on earth he spoke oftal to the mul- prophcl ically clccl;ircd shoi~ltl conit to a11 pc9)plc
titudes. It is writtai that “tlic commoli Iwoplc heard (1,111w 2 *. 3-1 1 ) il’o pol\cr can stow) tbv JI~(A,,I:~c’ oC
him gladly”. When hc offcrcd himself to Israel as truth 110~. ‘l’hcrcforc to his faitllful \vitJl(’ ,4(‘s (:o(l
King ahe multitude hailed him wilh song=3of praise. commands: “T 0 a high mountain [\rllc~rc ?o\ir n113-
At 111~i~rdancc of the g,wcrning l~ow?rs, howcvcr, nl~d sage ea11bc Ilcard~ yet ,vc II/J, 0 lUY;lJtl-1~:!rl~l or Zll~ll,
particrtlarly of the rlcrgy, the people wcrc turned lift high with strength your voice [ll;~rm0llioUs iws-
against him. IEnd the common pcoplc been left to sage], 0 hc~*al~l-band of ,JCI’~ISiIICIII,lift it hi:ph, do not
thcmsclvcs, great multitudes would hare acccptcd the fear [l John 4: 17, IS], s:l-y to the cities of J11tlal1
Lord. .4 similar condition exists in the cart11 today. [thC ro~ill ilOU‘+] : TdO! your G'Od !"--TM. 40: !), Ilr,l//.
The common pcoplc hcar the truth gladly, and would Let the pco1~lcs of carlh bc told that tIltsir c?cGrc fur
follow it U-WCit not for the fact that they arc hindcrcd a rightcow govcrnnicnt shall bc satisfcd. Say to them :
by the clergy and 111~principal of tlwir flock. Are “XIy LOIY~ J(~ho\~ah as a miRllly One dcllll COJIIC, a;1(1
these common people a part of the Dcl3l’s organiza- his own arm is about to rule for him.“--Isa. -10: 10,
tion? The?- arc not directly so. The Devil’s organiza- 1toti1.
tion is made up principally of lhosc that rule and Let every man, woman and child 011car111 who tlc-
that arc called the official part of the nation. The sires and loves a righteous govcrrtmcnt. t;lLc up t11c
government is rcprcscntcd under the symbol of good news and pass it on to tlic suffering inilliolls. l:l(l
“beast”. (Daniel 7) The Rcvclolion sl)caks of thaw them lift up their hcadc; aild take cwl~dlfic, l)CCiII1\C
that have ‘the mark of the beast [Sitt;ln’s organizn- earth’s rightful Covcrnor is come and lhronqh Iri:n
tion] in their hand or in their forehead’. (Eev. 14: 9) all the nations and families of Ihc cwth shall ijc
There are ecl?ain 011~samongst the rank and file of blessed. Jehovah Cod prwni.~cd it and now 11~fill c!o
the people who are controlled in their minds by ahat it. “Sa;v among the nations, Jehowh hatll tIecome
NAY 1, 1333 143

King jli’oth.] ; the vorld also shd [now] be cstab- “0 Ict the nations be glad, and sing for joy; for
lished that it shall not be m&cd; he shall judge the thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govcxn
pCOIJh? righkoUdy. ’ ‘-h. ‘J6 : I@ the nations upon earth.“-I%. 67 : 4.

GOOD HOPES FOR 1936 - 1937

put aside for your own record of what you have prom-
ised ; the othrr, send to us. Or, if you prcfcr, put it
in the form of a lcttcr, kcclJil1g a copy of the letter
for your own conwnicnce. WC suggest that it ~JC brief
and that nothing be written esccpt the following:
1%~tlic Lad’s grace I hope to bc ai~lo to give to his work
for spreading the gospel during the ensuing year the amount
of $ -.--..--.- ._--- .. _ ..^ .. I will rcmlt in such amounts and at
flu& times ns I con lind con\ emcnt, accordq as tllc Lor11
prospers me. (Sigwl) -. -_ ____-.._..
-.... ._.__._.. ....-...-.. . .. __.._”
Kindly address this card to
Trcnsurcr ‘s Oflic+c,
117 A&lms St., TZroolclyn, N. Y.
13rcthrcn rc+lill~ outsidc of the United St:ltcs
should write tlwir rwl)cctivc oiliws in the cou~~trws
wlwrc they wsidv, niid rcrnit 1heir “C:uod Ilopcs” to
swh 0lXcCs.


mch ~-car the compalrics of ~Jclto~di’s wit- (:t)

The So&y sends out rcprcw2ntati~cs who, as lc- (cl

gional wi*i kc directors, svrw ali wmpanics and sli:lrp- ((1)
sl~ootcrs tlut arc OrganiCi
for service, ,lild swli other
groups a4 rccpt5t aid in gtttitq orgauizcd. It is t!le (e)
desire of the So&y to li<*cI) irn towh with and lwlp
every surh organization. To this end we rcquwt that (f)
the scrrct:rry bring this inattcr to the attention of
the com~~mg immrdiatcl,V, and furnish 11swith the (6)
following informat ion, nnswcrin~ all quc5tions, if pus-
siblc, and send the awwrs to The Watch Tower,
CrooQn, K. Y. lsolatcd brctltrcn who wish to have
a part ii1 the service, and shnrpsl~ooters, arc requested (i)
to do lilriw%c.
Xark w:lch answer to correspond with the letter
show1 bcforc each question loch-. Write pl:kinlg, aud (k)
+ve street address where powible, as tele~ratns cannot
be dcliyercd to a post-office box (‘1
The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or ofcener by these ad other stations at time shown.
[Current local time .Is shown CURA Tuacola WDZ ,Su 9 :35am NewYork WISSS Sue I :5Spm
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Spanish So 12 :00 nn New York \V>lC!1 Su 10 :30am
ARGESTINA Camaguey i’JfJF Su 11: 30nm INDIANA Tu 9:13nm Tu 5 :OOpnr
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Buenos Aires Lltll Su 11 :Wam Sparush Su 5:30pm Su 4 : VOpm su 7 :ooprJl NORTH CAROLJSA
Chaco LTZ Su 10:45:rm Santa Cl’s WI11 Su 11:13:rm Greensboro \VBlG Su 10:30am
001 doL:r LV:! ‘Ia 7:l~pm (1st and 311 Sumlays) IOWA
+os Andes, San Juan Spanish Su 11 :OlJam C. Rapids \\‘JlT Su 10 :OOnm OHIO
LV6 Sd 10:45am su 3 :3op;,1 su10:0opm Akron TVJ\t’ Su ? 1 :ZO:un
Spanish WI 11: nnnm
Mendoza LVlO I+ 8:4jpm (1st and 3d Thursdays) MAINE su 3 : 25pm . Su lO:l.jpm
Rosnrio LTl Su 10 : 15am Clr\ Roland \V.JAT Su 9:4hm
Augusta \WBO Su 9:6&m
FJlANCE Su 2:&ipm su 3 : 3opm Su 5 : O(Jprn
Su (i:Gpm
Radio bzicrs Tli 9 :OOpm Bangor JVI.BZ WC 9~55nm Tolrdo \WI’B Su 8 :30am
Radio Juan-les-Pins It-62 12 : t;p We b IlOpIu
su 11 :ooam Th 4 :2>pm
(Cotc d’Azur) Sa 6:OOpm OBI,A1lOZlA
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Baltimore \\-(:J!Jl Su 9 :OO;m Tulw IZ~c;O su 9:3o.im
Il:lclloN;:~t:cn-VitusSll 12:OO nn su 3 :oop1n .tlo 5 : llJ1’“’
Tu 7 :45J’m ‘I’lt 7 :4.>pm Su 12 :lT,Itru Su 6: 15pm
sa 7:45pu1 Frc’lwwk 1rl’MD Su 10 :::o~tm
Su 1:3Opm ORCGON
su 5 :oupJJl
Radio Nimcs ‘l-u 9 :oupm Portland li1V.I.J RI IO :4&n
-- MASSACHUSETTS 8u 4:ljpm su !I : Il0pm
Boston \\;‘.\lEX su 9 :25:m
Asuncion ZI’4 Su 11:45am su 4 :3op111 su 7 .4C)p111 I’ESNSYLVASIA
-- X’!ttuhrgli lC(ji. Su 1 :l.Tpm
UJtIJGUAY Ntrtllmm \\ ORL Su lO:o;,:~rn
Su 2:OZpm Su 2 :OSpn l’lttsb’gh\V\! S\V Su 11). l.ixrn
BIontc\itlco CXJO SU lf!*lji,m Ku 3 :oclpIll ,Su 9 : INpIn
(lntcrnatiom~l) MICJIIGAN
hIontcritlr0 C’X:::! blo 8 :45pm Detroit w.rlt su in :n(m SOUTJi CAIIOLIS.4
K:~liIul:tzoo\VIi%O Su X :L!.hm SpaIt ‘L’g \VSI1’.\ Su JO:W:tm
UNITED STATES Mu 9 :jhw ‘Su 10 :Zain ,su 2 :uoptrL 811 4 :5upru
13irm’JI:1m \VAPI Sk 1n:lhm Pivrrc ICI 1 vs su J u : w.1rn
Su 2: 1jjtJn \\‘e 5 : 15p ‘ku 3 : I.jpm Xu 7: 15j’In Tu 4 :oopm ‘I-11 4 :uo~,“l
AHIZONA hIiu’al’olrs\\I)GY Su 9:Zmm
Jrromc I<CRJ Su 8 : ROam su 2 : wpm I\‘0 G : lZI”Jl
Su 1 I:%pm su 3 :nop1 MI.SSISSII’PI
Tuwm 1iG.W su D:RO:1m Meridian wcoc su 30:mf~1
su lt’:5T,~‘m su 5 :-l.jpm su 1Ib.Ol-
. dpu’ Su G :30pm
Yuru:r IiI;JlA 811 lL’:l5pm
su G:3fJp1 Su 7:ZOpm MISSOIrJ~I
Columbia J<l’I<U SU lO::tO:~m
ARKANSAS su 1:3opm su 4 :x$111
Hot Sp’gs J<TIlS Su 10:15am
CALIFORNIA Lincoln KE’XII Su 9:30:rm
El Ccntrt’ KS0 Su 10:OOam
su 5 :4+1 su fi:5rlrIl NEVADA
HolIy\vw~l KNX su 10 : 15:1m IkIlO iiol~ sn IO :::f-klm
IJELGIIJM Su 5: l.jjmI su cl :x&n su 4:3opm ’ su 9 :0opru
W’nlloni:l-Ikmnc Espcmncc Oakland Ii ROW Su 10 : on:tlt~ NEW IfAMI’SHIRE
(201.7 Ill) \\‘o 7 : Ohm su 2 ~90~‘“’ ,th 7 :onp2 Laeonm \\ IX11 Su 10 : ZOarn
Tu 9:Ol):1m Tu 2:nop su 2 : 1opm Su 7 : 1Opni
Tu 11 :OOpm l\‘c 8 : Ki’JJl
CANADA Pr 9:30p111 su 1u:oopJ NEW JERSEY
ALREJ1TA Atlantic C ‘y \VI’(i Su IO : OOam
c:lJ@lry CFCN Su 5 :43pm COJ,ORAJJO SlJ 2:oq,m su 7:OOpm
Col’o Spr. Ji\‘O1( Su 10:30am Camdrn I\ c.111 su 11 :Ooilrll
BRITlSII COLUMRIA su l:! .‘J<,pnl su 4 :3nItiit su 12 :15pm Su :: : 1*;pm
&lob\ na CKOV Su 1: 45pm Grrelcy Iil’RA Xl0 9:30:im Jlo 2:::opru J\‘e 2:::q’“l
MO 1 :wpJn iv0 ti :x+1” Ncaark \V?;ld\V Su 7 :OOpIn
DISTRICT OF COJ~UMBI.\ MO 12:25~lnl Fr 3 : 2JJvn
Gydney CJClj Su 9:OOpm
Washington \\ OL Su 10:00nm SE\\’ MESICO
ONTARIO s,J 1 :o~J’IIl su 7:l;spm Albuq ‘qoc KOJ< \Ve 11 :iS:tm
cobdt CIiXI(’ Su 3:OOpm \Ve 5 : 23pm \Vc 8 : L’jpm
Ilnmilton CliOC Su lO:ZO:tm FJ,ORIDA
Su 1:3Opm su 8 : oupm Orlando \Vl~I~O Su 10:33am NEW YORJ<
su 12 :3opm su 5 : 3opn1 Brooklyn \VIlBlt Su 9 : I Oam
GEORGIA su 4 :30[‘“1 su 7 :::oprt1
CB ILE Bluoklvn 1\‘I:BR Su lO:l;i.lm
SanAntonioCE:l:5 Su 11:40nm Atlanta \vATL SU10*45vn
. .
su ii:30nm MO IO: ‘:O:lrn
Santiago CElZl Tu 9:15pm 811 3 :oopJn Su 9 : OOpm
Valpalaiso CE Rod10 \\‘nll:tcc ILLINOIS
su 12 : 15pm Chicago li’C!‘I. FU 8+0n?m
. I
Harrisb’g \VETJQ Su 4:4jpm
HIS journal is publdd for the purpose of en:!bIing
the yeople to know Jehorn!~ Got1 nnd his pnq~:w a~
T cxprewd in the Brljle. It publidws Bible in.itw t,on
specifically tlesigncd to aid .Teho\nh 31 witnewes. It arranges
systematic IJible study for its renders nnd suppbes other bter-
aturo to ad in such stutl~3. It publlvhes suitnllo nlntcrial
for r4dio bro:ulc:tsling and for other means of pubbc jndtruc-
tion in the Bcr+ww.
It adhercs strictly to the l3ible as authority for its utter-
ances. It is entirely frco and sep3rato from all pnrtic-i, s~d3
or other worklly organizations. It is mholIy an11 !ilfliout
reservation forF. tha kiugdorn of Jrhovnh God under Christ
his Bclorcd Ken:;. It is not doEm:Ltir, but inlitw cnrcful
and critical ex:lrtlinntion of its ronll:nts in the li;:l:t 01 the
Scriptures. It dots not inclulw in coniroversy, awl its Cal-
urnns are not open to persondltK3.
YOL.LVII hfm 15, 1936 h’o. 10

“And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the scapcyoat.”
“But the goat, ou wlticl~ the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presewtcd alive before the Lord, to make an
utommcnt witk hint, and to let him go for a scapegoat i?rto the wilderness.“-Lcv. 16: 8,IO.

ISIIOVAII constituted XI.oses his spokcsmnn or altar whereof they have no right to cat which swvc
medium of communication to give instruction to the tabernacle. F’or the bodies of those beasts, whose:
the Jsraclitcs. hfows was Jehovah’s superior l~lood is brought into the snnctuary by the hiqll I)riest
priest, forctclling Christ JCSUS, the Chief Oficcr of for sin, are burnctl without the camp.” (II&.
Jcl~ovah Cod. Aaron, the brother of RIoscs and high 13: 10, 11) The r~Ol’il*S goat was IiiIrCd :llld th blood
prkst to Twwl, was comm:~ndcd to perform ccrt;Gn thereof was sprinhlcd upon tllc mercy scat in tlw Most
srrvicc on the day of atoncmcnt, and in this lie also IToIy. The klood of the sw1wgoat WIS not used or
pkturcd Christ Jesus. .JcI~o~at~ commanded Mows to off<arcd for any ~~urposc nnywhc~*c.
dirwt Aaron ns to what hc should do on the day of 3 Aaron, the hip$ priest, prcwtlccl the two goats,
aloncnicnt, among wliicl~ was that Aaron should Iwe- bringing them into the court hrore t hc t:~Iwn:wle.
ticnt two lie-g(~:its bcforc the J,ord : “And hc shall t;lliC In this Aaron WIS a tyIw of Cl111 i\t Jcxus, the Iligh
of the cowprcgation of 111~children of Israel two hc- priest of Jehovah. TIICW two lIcxxo:lts dwc~ril~~l in
goats for iI sin ofklhg, and OllC mm for ;I IJllI’llt orfcr- Leviticus 1G: 5 wcrc sc~lertccl from aniorr~st 1lie goats
ing.” (1,~. 16: 5, ZLY.) 011~ of the go:tts wils on’crcd in I)ossrssion of the Israc~lilcs. The wititypicnl zrcat
for a sin o&+ng, while llrc other goat wns sent anay lligh l’ricst, Christ Jwus, bcgpii Ihc sclc~iic~ii 0I’ the
alive “for a scapego:it into the wiIdcrm3s”. T11c tno antityI)icnl goats ill tlrc tl:i,v of the apost Its. That
Lord’s ~o:~t’~cl)rc~~clliecl tI10sc who bccomc joint sacri- work of sclcction must wilt illuc until tlic iwllGrc*d
ficors with Christ Jesus. I)id the scnI~cgo~~trqxcscnt ?~~lIIlIJCrOf thC hld’S gOat &lSS 1S SChtCd alld (Jf~‘WAl
or forctcll the “great multitude” class th;rt ‘die un- bcsforc Jehovah. The two goxts t:Acn from thr wn-
willingly’ 1~ut arc ‘forwd into death’? The Scriptural jiwgation of the Israclitcs wcrc at the cspcnw of thnt
answer to this question is ill the ncgativr. For a long I’ccJl,lc. The Isrwlitcs pictuiwl hum;inItind s1j&itl::
while the consc~ratcd hnvc ~~I~occcdccl upoIl the theory reconciliation 11ilh Cod and ant fwrn which cc~rkriri
that the sc;:Iwgoat picturctl the grcnt multitudc or a onw are tahJ1 to bc ofl’crcd UI) Mith Chid ,Jcsu’;. I:oth
scrondnry class. The ScriI)turcs do not warrant that of the goats wcrc sclcctctl and in liilc to Iw uwl l’or 111~
conclusion. The great multitude is not n spirit-bcgottcn sin ofkrin~, but only me of the two goats ws ac*tu;~lly
company, I’ut is made up of those ‘LotIicr sheep” of uwtl as an offcritlg for sin, and that one wn~ ca’lcd
the Lord JC\IIS which hc brings into his foltl during “the goat of tlw sin o~(~l’ifiR”.--I~(~~. Iti: 15.
the period of jndgmcnt at the temple now in pro:rc+3. * The two go;lts i\aron Iwou~l~t into the court that
It is not a company that is partially faithful, I~ccnuse surrounded tllc tcllt of the tal~f~tW1c~Ic iltltl tllcrc prc-
JcI~ovnh dor1.jnot approve a hnlf\vay f:lithful crcatwc. Wlltd tllcm bC!fOrc tllC bJld. “1\Ild IlC Sh;l\] t:dX the
The great. nrultitudc is not a company of pc~rsons ‘who t\\o goats, and prcscnt tllcm I~~~fore tlic l~orcl at flit
through fear of snAirin1 dcnth are h&l in hondaqc all door of the ialwn:~clc of the cwtgrcgxtion.” (1,~.
their lifetime’. Wh:lt, then, was pictnrcd IJY the SC:~IJC- 16: 7) At this point the two #oat5 IJictuml 311 1110sc
goat ? The scapegoat prophetically pictured or forc- during the prriod of s3crifiw ~110 consccr;ttc thcni-
told a spirit class that form the “evil scrwnt” class, sclvcs to do the will of God and whom God jwt lfics.
the mcmI,crs of which go into perdition. The Scriptural This period of sncritice bepnn with the Lord Jesus and
argument in support of tliis conclusion follows. the apostles and continues until all the nictnlws of
a The Scriptures that d&ermine the different uses the body of Christ are sclectctl. 9’11~f;lct that both arc
to which tltc two goats new put arc thcsc, to wit: in line for the sin 0JTcTcrinjiis ~l~own by the lnw-co\ onant
“For the life of the flcdl is ill the 1~100~1 ; and I hnw s:~crifice, whirh rccluircd both goats to IJC without
given it to you upor, the :i11;1r, to make an atonement blcmi~h. Tile justificfl man stands bcforc Clod ;IS ap-
for your souls; for it is the blood that maketh an proved and iq fit to lye crfkiwl as a swrilice lw1’~ixb the
atoncmcnt for the soul.” (Lcv. 17: 11) “Kc hare an Lord. (Lev. 22 : 21, 22) The tit-0 goats in the court

therefore pictured the justified and spirit-begotten

class in the c!ttirctp, for the rwxm that God’s grant-
ing justification to morn during the Jwriod of sacrifice
is Sor the very purpose of qualifying them aci his sons
to be in the sacrifice with Christ Jesus. All at this
point arc YI’I’~ much alike so far as outwad appcor-
antes go. Their scleetion taltcs J&we by reason of their
sincerity of heart, and this is done not hy wo& only,
but by the course of action talxn by each OIW. To men
it would be impossible to tell just wlio is acwptable,
because men looli at the out ward appcaratwc. “The
Ilord sccth not x+ man sccth; for man look&h on the
outward nplwlranw, but !lte Lord looltcl h on the
heart.” (1 Sam. 16: 7) The s&xtion is made, then,
bawd upon the wal itiwar~l conditiw. ‘UJC jwlqwnt
takes plact: 1% twn the I,ord Jcuus aplwars at 1hct tr*mplc
for judgmcllt. (1 Pet. 4: 17 ; ;1Jal. 3: I-3j I’rior to
that tiJflc ttl0 tW0 gO:ltS al’C JnWdy ill ttlC Court tJy Wp-
rcscntativc 1ncm1I~rs who :\r(’ consccrutcd, a~~1not yet
~JP(.SW~C~ t~cf’ot?? t hr JAJIV~for ju(Jatncnt. .t(‘h~Jv:ltJ is
thr great rJuOq>, and hc dors the jud$nr_: 11s his duly
con~missio~ic~d rc~pwwnt;ltirc to whom llc has commit-
14 all jutl*:rIwrit in lienv~~ti and in earth, JI:lIJ1Cly,
Christ JIWS.---John 5 : 22, 27.
’ All the rwtt~ccriltcd and spirit1JcguttcJi ollw pi+
turcd by tlic two fiwils iii the court go OJI to:ctlwr
utltil the f inw of jutlg:rlwJJt Ned sclmration. ‘l’l!c corn-
111;lJld t0 ttlC tli2tl J,lhit XtlOWS tIOW ttlC SC~‘:WtiOJl t;l!WS
~~larc, and 1h:1t is 1)s itio wstin: of 101s.“Atl(l A:lrc~il
IM1 cast IOlb UlKm t1ic t\vo go;1ts; OlJC 101 for tllc
h’d, alld k (JttlCl’ t0t !‘rlJ’ ttlC h(‘il~W~O;lt.” (TAT.
16 : 8) ‘l’ltc wl~a~xtion is not arl,ilixry, 1101’dof5 C’IJrist
Jesus judpo :ldJi~rilI?ty, 1~1it hc jud*;w according to
Cod’s law wliirh dirccls him. “I all Of Inin Own self
do notlliJl!: : iI\ I hwr, 1 j:ltlge: ant1 Iny jutl::nlcJit is
just; llw~lUsc I SCYI~ IJot rninc: O\Vll Will, but 1110VII1 of
the Yathcr M hich lrath SCIIL MC.“-Julttl 5: 30.
e The coJlsrcratc:d oucs pictntwl by the two goats
are not l~rcrlcstinatctl or fa!c~d by J~4torall \vithout
ITgWd t0 ttlC \ViStlCS Or Wlll~UCt 011 ttlCir JJitl’t. 7’tlC
course of af4ion of cacli iiidi~idrinl dclcrmi~rcs tlw ~lasr
into which tic will be put, and the heart cuntlii ion is
ihc real dct,rwiliniii,q factor. LI!x Ihc ten virgin9 ~110
arc associated togctlicr ual il ttic tiinc of wl~nr~~tiun,
so all the coIwcI~:rtcd arc sl~wn in the picture 11~e
under Cs:UllJti;lti0ll. (3l.att. !!%i: 1, 2) The l,?i(,st CaSts
ttlC tOiS, ttlC CdS~illq Of WtliC’tl l0tS StlO\W itlilt ttle SPtCC-
tion is not a~lJili2ry. “Tlw tot is cast 1ct0 i!Jc 1:ip; i~ut
the whole dispoainq thcrcof is of the Jlo~d.” (Prov.
1G: 33) Ttl? ClilSS that ZllY? sinccrc aJld \VtlOlly dCV0td
to the I,ord, and 11c11rearc iii the ri&t liwrt coiidi-
tiou, bccotnc the lrwl’s goat to bc made a part of tllc
sin ofking:, ant1 Ihosc W~JO are mowl by scltishmrss
are ~~i~tUlcd tJ)’ ttle S~~~~K’~O:lt.

lifeblood only. Therefore it is swn that the Zic&ed that they might be in line to lye offered as a sin offer-
Vcrsioa and liotkerhm mder-ings Of the test must in?. The lots wrc cast by the hi:qh priest, and one of
bc correct, and these rcndcrings’ together with the those lots fell on the goat that was set tJcfOrC .Jchorah
f9llowing texts, show that it is wrrect, to wit: “For to send away fur ,\znzcl. But More so scndlnq him
the life of the ltcsli is in the blood: and I havc given away the work of aloucment lay the blood of the bul-
it to you u~10ii the altar, to make an atonement for lock and the blood of the Lord’s goat must first be
your souls; for it is the blood that nmketh an atone- done. In the type the bullock was first slain and it5
ment for the soul.” (Ccv. 17: 11) “And almost all blood carried into the 1101~place (the Most I-lol~) and
thitigS arc IJy the law purged with bhd ; and without there sprinkled upon the mercy scat. Then the lxwd’s
shedding of blood is no remission.‘” (IT&. 9: 37) “For goat was slain and tlrc priest did with the bl00d of
the bodies of those beasts, who32 blood is brou$it inlo that goat “as he did with the blood of the bullock”.
the sanctuary by the high pricsb. for sin, arc burned Tlluq the IJriQSt maliw ato~vmierlt for hhlsdf and for
without the camp.” (Hcb. 13: 11) The.sc tc~ts prove his houwhold nnrl for 41 the congregation. ‘I’lwl the
conclusively that 110atoncmcnt is made wit/L the live high priest “s11~111qo out unto the altar”, that is in
goat, bccausc its blood is not &41. ‘ ‘Atollcmcnt lotthe court, and nwkc ntoncmcnt for it, puttirir: tllo
him,” accortlin~ to the it~uiscrl I’crsion re~ltlcrin~, l,bd Of tllC i,ldlOd; :111d th! l,lOOd of the JdOl’(/‘s $dt
rn~~st mean this: That the “live goat” class oriyinalil OH the horns ol the altar and rowid about tllc altar.
had bwn prwxtcd bcforc Jclwxh that it might have --JAY. 16 : 13-13.
o~)portutiity to participate in tlw qxat atoncnicnt day I2 After his doin? 3s diroctctl alid tis &wrilJcd ill
sncri&x, and tll:ht it had 1Jccn bruul:ht, untttar t11c OtOti- vcrws twclrc to niiic+wJi above, thvn the “live qoxt”
irtg sxrifica Ot’ (Ihrisl Jesus and justified by Jr:l~ov;~h Or scapegoat i; dk[~osc~d of; ns it is wittrJi: “AZll(l
(;CJd that siirh mizht have part JU the sin ofi’orin~. \Vll(‘ll hC llottl IwIflC a11 cnll of rccwnciling [;ll(Jllirl!:
Ihforc the disposition \VitS mradc of this g:cJ:tt the for (II’. I’.) ] 111~1101~JJl:lW, aJl{l 111~ tilIJCI’JICl(sJ<’ (Jl‘ ~IIC
1iUilwk \VilS slain illld its blWtl S~~~iIlliIC~i ll]N~ll tilt: cotigrrjiation, and tlic altar, lie shall brill:,r tllc live
mercy scat l~efow the I,ord, 111~11; showing :L~~,IIC’III~~I~~gOat.“-JIll.lIiC 16 : 20.
mutlc by tlic g:t’cat antitypic~,lI bll~lOL’li. l’llc “live I3 .$ntitvpic;lllv this Jnarks the cwrnin~ of ttic LowI
goat ” was pwscnted lwl’orc the Lord for tllc &*icr- J~~ws Clhrist stwi~t~~way to tltr tcmplc f’or jucl~~mcwf,
mination of its cm0 tlwwl’lcr, thus sl10n ill!: that ;Inrl ;I part of his u ode 1 hero iu tlia Cl~YlIliJl~ 0Ilt 01’
iItOlliI1~ lJO\YVl’ Of tllC IJllllWk ‘S b!OOd Ild !JCY’JiJIl:ltk! cl(4JiriJJg of t!ic s;lJJctu:lry :i~itl sc~~J*;~tit~~ the f:lit ti-
awilablc 1’01’this gOill, class, but 11ow this “live gwlt” l’ul rcniJlant from the “evil servant”, tlic ‘6maJi of
Cli1S.S shows that it llnd iwcivcd tliis gr,lCC 0T (~;od in sin” claw. l’lic iwitiqin:: of the Ii1.c ~o:lt ant1 wlitlitig
win and was doing dc4pitC: unto the spirit of the grace hiJn forth for Azxcl pic4urt3 the “cavil wrva1it” rI:iw,
of (;0&----2 car. G: 1; 11c~l.L10: 2!1. the cliicf Of tltnt cl;i\s which is the “~nnn Of sill”. ‘I’llis
lo Tlicrc was nolhin:: clout witli this live goat tlicrc- ~l;wi is mntlc up of sl’irit-twqottcn 0Jies who wc’rc oliw
after that showi an atollcnicJlt wa:, made “with it “. in li!lC for !hc kinrr(lOJn. The sc~pv~o:lt at thk J)olflt
011 tllc COJltlW3’, it \vas “YIPS.alive [not slain] bc- pic$lws all tlinw I\ ho fInring 111(~ yx5it atotlcmcnt cl:q’
fore JrI~o\-aII, . . . tc, scid him away for A7axcl”. ;rJititypical!y have hvcJl justified :i11(1slJiJ*it-lwsol lclrl
(AJLV.) IIavitq nxcivcd tlw ylace of CIocl in vain aJid who h:tvc prop cd unfaithful, tilt? disposincf cJf
tlicre is no otlicr plaec to send birn and he is stut away which C~:ISS takrs place UhCJl tilC 1~~1+~1 .JCS~IS is at the
out of Ch~cl’s organization rincl unto Satan, tliat is, tcmplc conductin: jwlpctit. \\‘lint \)a? done at tlw
‘dclivcrcd over to Satan. (1 @or. 5 : 5) Then it is with t~lJt!rJMClC WI8 t~[‘iWi of Wh3t ShO\l~(l COlllP t0 JKIW
that scaprgont class as it was wit41 Judas : “Ant1 alter at, the time of tlw cb~~tl of the wo~*ltl. (7 COY. 30: 1 I j
the sop Satan cntcrcd illto him.” (John 10: 87) The ‘I’IlJ~t means at the t iJilC that the LoJ*d JCSUS:I~~CWX’S at
C’IUSSpictured l)y thC live goat wantctl to live and be t1rc trmplc for jutl~liwllt.
ftcc ancl not lx1 “subjwt unto the big-tier ])owcrs”,
I4 Aaron tlic hi:li priest tlwn ma&: rhc: pultlic statc-
namely, Jcho\nh c;od and U~risf. AccorclinAy it is
mcnt ill the prCWllcc of the ~oll~:rc!:i~li011 Of Jsr,rrl
giWn ail tllc f’J~~Cl~Ol~1 Of ilctioll it Wlll~S, hit IlOt iI
CoJwrrJiinr: tlic “IIVC g:o;it” or sw ~k~~f~i~l.” .111d.2;1roJi
(Aod’s organization. It is given frcwlom of choosing its
shalt Jay hoth his 11:indq upOJi the IIIYI(~ of the live gpit,
own course of action with Sat;rn aJ1t1hi.5 orqaJ~i7atiOn.
and confc\s over tiiJn all the iriiquit iv9 Of the cllildiw
Those of thikt cl;lSS cry ollt for ’ ‘frccdonl”, and tllq
of Israel, and all their trawgwsions in all tlicir sins,
g&, it. The wildcrncw dots not ncreasnrily si::niIy a
I)uttiflg them ul)on tbC hd Of ill? F$Jtlt, Zl?ld Sll:lll S-Jld
place or condition of riolent &&Ii of the sc.ipcpat
claw at the hand9 of Satan and hi* agents, but ratlier him away b\- the hnnd of a fit m:lJl into the wildcr-
ncss. “-IAS. 1G: 21.
a ~~JllditiOii void of all li$lt of truth, a COndition of
ontw darltrlcss tend destruction.--Jlntt. 13 : 42 ; ?3 : 30. I5 Tlic action of ,\nron toward the “liw qont” dew
not at all siyliify th;lt tlic scapcp:i!, Uas lo Stilllll for*
01’ take IhC JJlilCC of 11162 priest iltld his hOUSCiI1 dOill::
l1 The wot+k of the atonement &y proprcss~d in this ;,tOJicnwnt IVOYli. lkithcr it show.;; titc time whrn li!C
Sfli\hncr : The Iwo hc-go2ts w’crc brought into the court 1101~spirit iS hclJVr LlUct iid\-OCiltC is tJ:sillg tnl\CJl ;i\i 4y

and when Christ Jesus takes full rharge of all the thee [the enemy for execution) hath the greater sin.”
consecrated at the temple and disposes of all spirit- (John 19 : 11) Concerning these unfaithful covcnartt
begotten ones and when “the man of sin” is being breakers, the “live goat” or scapcqoat class, it is
revealed. (2 Thcss. 2: l-10) Aaron’s both hands upon written : “And ye shall leave your name for a cnrsc
the head of the live goat shows that the full poucr of unto my chosen [ones].” (Isa. 65 : 15) Tlru3 the “live
Christ Jesus, the great High Priest, is directed toward goat” class are idcntificd as the chief sinners on earth
the scapegoat class to revral and expose the same, and and those composing that class are called the “man
shows the reason why this unfaithful class should be of sin”, “the son of perdition.“-2 Ti~ess. 2: 3.
sent out of God’s organization. The head rcprcscnts l6 Concerning the scapegoat class it is written:
the place where responsibility rests, SOthat the “live “IVoe unto the world bcc:~~uc of ofknccs! for it must
goat” could not plcnd ignorance and uw that as an needs bc that 0Rcnccs come; but woe to that man by
excuse. At Isaiah 58: 1 the command is given that whom the ofhce comcth I” . (Matt. 18: 7) “But if thy
those of the spirit-begotten class must hart the matter had stood in my CCJLII~SL’~,ancl had caused my IJ~J~Ic to
brought to their attention, which the Lord clots that hear my wwds, then they should hvc twnctl tlicm
they mly not plead igiorance. The priest ‘8 confessing from tlicir evil way, and from the evil of tlicir iloin(:s.”
OVCPhim, the live goat, sho~vs that he makes pufjlic (Jcr. 23: 22) The scalwgont class dow not tnrn out
prorlamation or dwli~ratian, and not that lx makes to \JC a brIK?f:wtor of tllc l~!oplc by tdiitlg lhc puni&-
allowanw for or is rondoning rcbcllion and disohcdi- mCnt UJJCJli thir ShOUl(kPS, but IS R ChS ill~~lll~bJUS 10
cncc and the coml~romisin g of that class with Satan’s IllC pcoplc by 1’c;1s011 of unfaithl’ulncss to (:OCl aud tiis-
organiznticm. It means that the true situation of this obctlicwc to comn~awlmcrits. This
his Y(‘cllJ(‘CSoilt (.l;lhs
claw muht IA made known. is sent away from God’s organizai ion and from llirn
liI not11 of the Konts were taken from amon:: the for ever. Says the test: “Shall scncl liiin away l,y t!ic:
ehildrcr~ of Jsracl, 11ul the live goat had not EnithIully hand of a fit man,” an :I]JprO!?l’liltC man, ~lIc:lx~forc ;111
scrvcd the l,old. liil,cwisc 110th antitypical go:~ls wrm ~nclcan man. Thus is pieturcd n clilss of uuclr*an OJWS
tnknl from iiic pW[Jh who tu~%cd to the ilold and 011 earth to whom J(~lwvah rclcascs am1 turtls o\‘(*r
arc! cor:\ccJa!d to lhc hrtl, IJUt t11c ‘lwickcd serv- the sc:lpt’~ont chw, a1d i,llCSC arc l(Yl away to tile
DIit” proves uIlfilitllf~ll :rn(l rccvivcs C:od’s grace in Dwil. The walwgont ~l:iss, probably first lay iij(lill’c~i*-
vain and has not filitllfUlly Sc~l7xd God’s iiitcrcds cnw, a11d tlirn 1)~ a l’witivc and a willin<: WJ~I~S~~ of
amongst tlic an1 ityljical Jsr:wli!cs hut his c+auwd nxuiy act km, lJ(WJrllC tflc :lS~OehtcS With thC UJlc’ll’:ln (‘!:lV
of than to bin. ?‘Ii(~y arc tlicrcl’orc WOrlicrs of iliiquity and thus IllliP a positive stand aqiiiyt, Clod awl lkis
or lawlcssncus. Sudt iniquities coiisist of alliancr with organization. The sraljcgoat class thcr~ lore: K:CJC*S~1% a~
,S:rtan’s organization, bccomin~ ‘spotted with the from Clod’s org:i1iiz.;liion and lxconws a prt Of tltc
\wrld ‘, and tliwi wnniviiig at aiid consorting with world, or Satan’s orgailization, and is tlivwby di~d:q~~l
the world or S:it;~n’s organization to do violwcc to away clircclly to the 1)ovil. ninny took cswlly iil:lt
and to oppose (:od’s organizatiall. Suc11 arc cwcnant course sllortly after tlw coming of the Ilor(l Jesus to
brcakcrs and arc worthy of death.--Rem. 1 : 30X. the tcm]Jlc. (%CCll. 11: 2) The scqJcco:lt CI:Ics, as t1w
l’ Both KOiifs 11atl l)cctl brougllt III> and offered for record 5Ilows, WilS led away “into IlrC wildernC,6s”,
the Tsraclitcs, but since the sc:\pcqo:it llad I’iIild to which would ncccwlrily 1~ outside of tlic c;iml, of
a0 act as to IN a kin-hcnrcr in lwlialf of tllc pcoplc, Cod’s pc’oljlc for \\ IloIn atoncmcnt ilad I)cPIl Tllildi’, illId
therefore the ‘conCc&ig over him of tlw inicpitics’, away from those in line for rcconciliati0n \\ i!li (;(,(I.
as stated in the test, conl(l not transfer the sins from The wildenlcss pictures that conclitiun u IIWC tl1~~1x:
the people to the scapegoat and thus TWlic it a public iS n0 life-SUStaiilillg food alld 110 \vatt’r Of tlUfh 10
benefactor. The live goat thcreforc did not make atone- quench the thirst of those who dcsirc and love right-
mcnt for anyone. l~urthrrmorc, Iliosc sins which the cousnws. It is tlmt contli?ion of cl;wln~ess alit1 hlkii:~-
priest confessed over the live goat must bc sins other tion from God and his rcdecmcd otws iiilinljitcd 1)~ llre
than those 11ipcd out by the atoning blood oficrcd on hvil alId is chr OUtdtk of diviilc ]J1’0vI5iOri fOi* hill
the mercy seat, lx~cause the sins thus atoned for, the atolwnient by C’hrkt .JL.YUY.Out thw! in tIltIt Wllditl~Jil
Lord does not again bring to mind. “As far as the cast SUCh aP.2 fUlly frCc to SC& whntcvcr hc~lfi.4~I~I~AiISllJ’C
is from the west, so far bath he removed our trans- they may d&w. The niuimurc1~9, complainc~s a!;(1
grcssions from us.” (I%. 103: 12) “Their sins and rtbcllious OIWS against the law or instruction of Goc!‘s
their iniquities fill I rcmcmlxr no more.” (Htb. organization put thcmsclvcs in tlw lKJSitiO11 to hc thus
8: 12) The sins and iniquities are put on the hcnd of lrd away. “Tilcsc ;tTT n~1w1nww~s, COI~l]~lilillc‘lY, \Villk-
the scapcaoat clai;s hause tht ~1~s failed to \vill*n ing after their own lwts ; and iheir mouth Sl)c:~li~~; !I
the people as commanded. (Ewk. 3 : 17-20) They fail great swelling rIorcl9, having IIICI~‘S poisons ill all-
to protest against the wroiqful acts of Satan’s: rep- miration because of advantage. nut, brlovc~l, r(‘rncIIi-
rcscntatives cornmilted against Jehovah ‘s witncwcs. bcr ye the worJs which w’trc s~~oIw1i l~vJ’c~r.r Of 1!1n
Jesus states the same rule in thcw words: “Tiwcfore aljcwtlcs of our Lord ,Jc5us Cllri<t ; how tllat they tnlJ
he that d4ivercd mc [Jehovah’s true \vit ncss] unto you there should bc nwclwrs in the last time, wl~~

should walk after their omn ungodly lusts. These bc against organization instructions and defies ti:e or-
they who separate tlicmselves, sensual, having not ganization and sets himself up in opposition. Such Is
the spirit.” (Jude 16-19) Such are outside of Cod’s rebclliou against the Lord, because it is the Ilord’s or-
guidance and without his protection. ganization, and if his servants are going w-on!: the
I3 Further su~~port is given to this conclusion by the Lord will attend to them in due season. Even at this
words, to wit : “And the goat shall bcnr upon him all late date thcrc are those who reljcl and who entw into
their inicpitics unto a land not irAabitcd 1(nargis~) conspiracies against the Lord’s organization and,
a land of separation] .” (Lzv. 1G : 22) Those of the moved by s0me ulterior sclfi.sh desire for the honor
scapegoat class arc led awy into a condition scpnrated of mm, seclr to justify themsclvcs and to create scnti-
from the ~~coplc of God’s camp or orga~lization. I:cin: mcnt in their own favor. Sometimes an ambitious one
taken to tiw wilderness does not suggest the possibility invei+ otlws into the consIJiracy, hoping to draw
OS tllc W:lpCgO;zt CliISS’ buin,(7 rccorcrccl and reinstated a~vay supl)ortrrs for himwlf. Rcceiitly one who has
in God’s orqniization. “lt is a fearful thing to fall opcwly rchcilcd against the Society writes to his sup-
illto the hands 01 tlic lilinq (;oil.“(Ilcl~, 10: 31) The powtl
friend, using thcsc words: “The kue ir the
trlN? InPilJliJl~ Of tllis lJroptIctic lJk!turc InlIst be dcter- same
as it was two ycais ago as we discussed it th(:Ii,
mined by ill0 facts that ClCil.Yly rtpptar in fulfillment wnethrr n e n ould bow down lo and fear a man, or
OFtlic prophetic l~ictilrc. The Scriptures and the facts 11onor J&w;111 and Uim alone. . . . At least sc~cn
will not warrant tllc concIusion tllilt (;ocl dismisses the liicn rerognizcd this is>ue and made a cownallt anti
sins of humankind into the wildcrncw of OblivifJlt, and iIgre(ld t0 face 1t in loyalty to Jehovah a11d 1IUt f(*ar a
tllilt tllC SCiLIJi~gO:Lt Cl:lSS is tllC :lg,rC’JlCy (2nd IliPS t0 mm, but wlicn the tthht came the same fear s,scrns to
iic~~J1Illlli!& this. It is clltiN!ly WlIW~(~IxIlJlc alid \lII- havtt arisen. ” 7’11~ writer of the above-quotwl \voI~Is,
swiptural t.hat Cod would rdcrmit c,uvc,tlallt-lJ~r~~k~~~s while in the wrvicc of the Swidy, r’ClWiltctli\, con-
and uJlT:Gllli’nl 011(‘s 10 be:lr tllc inicluitirs of Otlif2tY pl;lifIcti agaiiisl. varirnls 0lIrS in thC OrgatliXilii~~n IJC-
willingly eomniittc~tl, a11t1llici*cby m;ik~ that class pic- c’ausu they \torc carl*y~ng 0IIt ussigwd in~trnct IoIIs
turd by tllc “live gU;lt” fit fur a pl;Ico in lk~avcn iLS :m.l cloiIi!g fait IIfully tlic: :~~wir+e nwi!gIcd to t1I(LIII. ‘I’hc
sc~I*V;ItllS OS tllc clWt Class. ‘I’llc “g1Y’ilt multitndc” 1; coniplaiirer often rcwrt~4 to sroldiII:! anal iIiciir!q:c~d In
llot t:lk(~n into consitlcrution in this ~~tO1l~l~~~llt-tlily lJ1~o~~bcatill~ the IJrctIIrctI at \iIriUus tirnt3 ilII(l SUuulIt.
prophetic: picture involving thc two go:its. ‘J’lic ;yJwt to U\C his JIUsitiUn iI1 tllc: Soc*i:bty to gIYltif3’iJl:: flYi O\VJl

lIIllttitll~~l? :lrC 1lot SlJiJ’it-lJP~OtttJ1 :JJd IlC\‘Cr in li1lP tU sr2ifislI d(*sirc-;. l!iit the TdJrd sto])~Ictl him in tlrlc, ~.~~;IwiI.
be joint s:wrifiwrs with ClIrisl Jc\ur. ‘I’lic sen]wgo;rt I*‘ium his above-clwtctl WJI tlq I1 aljlwars tlI:it otlIc,Is
dors Jlot rcprcwnt tllc gI’(:ilt multitutlc in ally Way. WL’I’~ in tlic wnsl~ir:iry wil II hini, and tlUrItJtlws t11r:
” \\%‘n hC UJ,~J~‘:lIS at tllC tC!nlJlC tllc l,Ol’d ,lWlW hP- lioId in his own good t Inw a1Ifl \\np will xivr tlwni 1II0
gins tlw cleansing work, and a IJart of that work is to nccdod nttc~nl ion. ‘I‘licw arc no lIos~2s in t :wl ‘s 1 iuiblu
clc:lr out ttlC \Vic~l<cVl, tllilt is, thOsc IV110 h:tVc llot n JjUJ’C organization, and tlicre is no 1wsUn for aiiyuiic who
heart. Tiic oust i1ic of tlic rul~cllious 0Iics cant iIIucs, is rinsclfishly dwotcd to (iocl to fear any 1n:In. ‘l’ti~~w
a1ld c~wy01ie \\llO lWOIllW an ofi’twlw, 1nUrlnwCr Or is IlUt CVCn ally Ucrasion to ttlllll~ RhOllt fc’;lI III;: 111ilJl.
complaiiic~r against Got1 and his oi*gaIIkition is clwrcd \yitll C!(jKll Wl’taillty 110 OJIC \$hOlly tlC\‘OtWl t0 ti)C
out; and this is also pictnrcd by the angels of the Lord Lord will cntcr into ik cOJlS~IilW!y against aIlotll(:r 111
on guard at the tcniplc preventing the wiekrd from tile Orqa1lizati01l Of the I,Ol’d. TllUSC Of iIIllJ~lJ’c‘ llV<ll t,
entering and putting out those who corrupt thcmsclves that is, of selfkli motive, are the ones that oitrr into
by s(~lfisJInc’ssand a scllisli course of act ion. If auyoiic ro1Isl)iracics. l’hcy dcccivc t I~cmsclvcs aII(1 dcrc~ivc:
would winain hi tlic tcmplc hc must, 1iCCp the com- otlir1s, but the Lord lmow the sccrcts 0C fliu I:(7ii.t,
mandmcnts of Jehovah and forget not the law of his and judges accordin$y. Oiic of an inIl)urc Iwrl will
organizatiun, lwcausc such is the comin~i~cin~~1it OS tlitl not lx perrnittcd lo remain in c’wl’s o1wnixation;
Lord : “;\ly son, IiwlJ thy father’s commandment, a,)d thcrcforc it is written : “IiCPp tlIJ- hvart \\ I111 all tlili-
forsnlic not the law 0P thy motlwr.“-Prov. 6: 20. gcnrc ; SW out of it are the issues of life.“-1’~~. 4 : 23.

*l God has plncctl ccrt:Iin ones in the l~otly to carry DELIVERED TO SATAN
out his J)UI~~OS(:S, and it, dcvolvcs upon such tU truni;-
mit oqwnization instructions to others. Thaw ~110
eoml-,l:lin, murmur or rcLc1 awinst organization in-
struct ions are in fact complaining, murinwiiig ant1
rebcllin~ n!qinst lhe Lrr~rd. Idwry scrvaiit of the I,oid
must StaJld or fall to his own master, aud liot to SOJN
other 011e. “\\‘ho art thou that judsc.4t nnothc~ man’s
scrrant? to his 011II master he standcth or fnlle:h.
I-P:l, lie dlall l)C 1101~1~~1Up : for God is ahlc to lIlatiC
him rt,intl.“--Rem. 3.1: 4.
Hymensus and Alexander; whom I hare delivered in the day of the Lord Jesus and when he appears at
unto Satan, that they may 1ea.n~ not to t~lnsphcn~e.” the temple.
(1 Tim. 1: 19, 20) It is made certain that the TAorddoes 27IIad the acts of the wrongdoers been condoned
llot tolerate willful opposers in his organization; and the entire body of Christians would hare been con-
this is shown by ubt is written: “But shun profane taminated. “For he that sowcth to his flesh, shall of
and vain babblings; for they will increase unto more the ilcsh reap corrupt ion ; but he that somctl~ to the
ungodliness : and their word will cat as doth a canker ; spirit, shall of the spirit reap lift cvcrlasting.” ((ial.
of whom is IIymcnaus and Philetur; who concerning 6 : 8) “For to bc carnally mm&d is d(lath ; but to IJC
the truth hare erred, saying that the resurrection is spiritually minded [the minding of the spirit (~tur-
past already ; and overthrown 1 hc filit Ii of some.Ncvcr- gin)] is life and penrc. ” The admollilion is to shun
~helcss the foundation of God standcth sure, having the wrongdoer that the spirit of Christ may he ~)rcb-
this seal, The Lord knoweth them that arc his. And, served in the church unto the coming of the. l.ord
IA every one that namcth the name of Christ &part Jesus_for judgment. The condition csistin:: in tile
from iniquity [lawlessness]. “-2 Tim. 2 : 16-l 9. church at Corintll was d:uigcrous to tlic life thtwof,
** Writing to the Christians as a body of God’s peo- and that body \v~.Yurqcd by the apostle to t:\kc tl11c
plc the apostle calls attc*ntion to wron&crs amongst a~tioli to ]JUrge itSelI’ uf WrmgdoerS. “ ~‘Olir glOryill’;
them, naming the docds of fornication, itlol;ttry, wrath, is not gJ0d. ~<IlOW ye llot that a little lcavcn l(*il\.CllCl Ii
cnvyings, drullkenncss, and su~hlikc. (1 Cor. 5 : 1, 2; the whole lump? l’iirgc out thcrcforc the old 1(7i\(‘II,
Cal. 5: 19-21) Such arc pointcbtl out as unclean and that yc TlIny l)C Zl 1lcW lump, as yc arc UlllCilVC~llC~~l.
having power to dcfle and to “lcavcn” others of the For cvcn Christ our pas?ovcr is sac*rifirctl for uq.”
Christian Col~l~~itll~ with the sins of’ insinccarity, malice (1 Car. 5 : 6, ‘i) Tllf2 \VOl& Of thC fi JhJSt I($ Sllh!~~llWlt iy
and wickcducw. (1 Cor. 5 : G-10; 2 l’ct. 2 : 18, 79) Con- written indieatc that the l~ody of Chri\tiaiis at (‘orintli
ccrnilq such uwnqkwm and tire prolw attitutlP of follWW1 his admonition and tht tlw WlVJtl~dlJ~‘~ lll(‘ll-
the faithful C!hrihti:tns toward such, the alM Ir wrote: tiollctl fully rcl)~~ntc4and turned to the J,urcl. (2 t.‘or.
“1 wrote unto you in an cyist Ic not tu comp~~i~y with 2: 5-l 1 ) Thus the spirit of tlic church was J~YW~I~~IYI
forllicatora; yet not altog~th(~r with the fornicators ZlJlll S~IO\\‘S tllilt. SUCll \IIo~II~I IN’ tIlC COLll’hC! Of fIIC,SL
\\ IIO
of this world, or with the covc1tous,or extortioners, or rcccivc the l,or(l’s apl)ro~l at his coniinq to t11ctcltrl)lc
with itlOliltcrS ; for tlWI1 must YC WY& go Ollt of the in 191s for ju(lqmcnt and cleansing of the con~~~r*:tlc~~l.
world. Uut now I have written unto you not to koc*p JIM clcauuing the SiItl(.tu;lIy the gre:lt I~~fiIlc~~~, C’l11 id
company, if any man that is cnllctl a brother be a Jtws, ~1nlt1 not &SI ray the blnmc~lc~s sljirit 1’1~1tn
fornicator, or ~o~clous, or all itlOlilt(-r, 01' a rnllcr, or nmoilqst tlic sanctuary cl;iss, lmt wollld l~r’cw~rw ;ir~tl
a drunk:~rtl, Or an cstort ioncr; with such an 0Iic no save it until the earthly work of the anointed i< (101~.
not lo c?t,“-1 Car. 5: 9-11. It is t11c11 that t11c l,oIYl gnthcrs out tile of~Vlltlil!r: Or
2sHaving rcfcrciicc to ~IIWCworkers of unrightcous- 1nwlc-i oii~~s so 1 hat tlict cntiin body is clc~:tn alit1 I\ IIOIC.
ncsy, the apostle says : “ I”or 1 wrily, :I’; :11~cnt in l)Ocly, 2R Whm tlw Lord Jesus, the great Iligl~ l’ricst, :I[)-
but ~~rcscnt in hl)trit, IKIVC juc1gw.l nlrc:ltIy, as though pC;lI’S, JIMis (*lean, pure and My ant1 al)lw:lrs ill ::IoI~
I wwc? pIxwIlt, wnrcrIiiiig him tllilt hat11ho dorlc this as the I~cpr~~‘;cl~tati~~~ of J(~11ovall.Thea1) [PCsilon s !h:lt
deed ; in the 11itnIcof OLU* IA>IY~ JCSUSChGt, \\~ll(~tI YC evcll hcfore the rq)ronchcs CCilSC wliic*li 1lavC f;rllc~ll
Ikrc gntlwrd togctlwr, illld Jlly spirit, with tllc power UJbOll his IlillllC ant1 lll)Oll his footstep followers, Cllirlst
of our Ilord JCYUSChrist, to &Iivcr such ~1 011~’ unto Jesus must nl)pr:lr in glory and in 1)ow1’, and tl,k is
Satan for the tlcstruction of the ilcsh, that the spirit IX& Ill~lIlif~~St iI t hc type by the iIC~iOl1 of :!:~lWl ;
may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.“-1 Ccr. 8s it is written : “i\iitl Aaron shall come into the t;i!)tar-
5: 3.5. nrlrk (Jf thC COli~re~~ltiOli, alid Slid1 l)Ilt off tlil: liI:C’ll
*OThe admonition to tllc filitllf\~l ouw is to put g;irmcnts which hc l)ut on whc~ri lit uut into 1 hc Ii+
away t!lc wiekctl and put them in a place wlicrc they pklcc, shall l(‘:tvc t11c!m tllwc;
.?lld :111cl IlC slr;1ll \\aSll
belong and to have nothing to do with such. The same his fl~h with water in the holy place, :11ld put OIL ilk
rule apl)Iics to all kinds of ol)lGtion to and attmpts g:Irmcnts, alid cOmc forth, alit1 ofl’cr liis burnt ofi’(.rill?I,
to clcfilc God’s l~oplc and to bring al)ont a division and the burnt ort’crinq of the JWOJ~JC, mfl makc~ ii11
thereof, (Eom. XG:15, 3S) The apostle directs such atoncmaIt for himsc’ll’, and for the lxople.“--l~v.
course, that is, that the faithful put away the workers 1G: 23,24.
of iniquity, “that the sljirit may 1x2 saw1 in the day
of the Lord Jesus.” Those words do not r&r to the
saving of the spilit of the wicked one, as contrasted
with his fleshly organism, but means that tlic spirit
of the chu~h, which is the spirit of the Lord ,Jcsos
Christ, and nhich his true followcl’s will IlilVC, slioUld
be maintainctl, l~rc~rvcd and kept in ths Lord’s ap-
proTa1, that the Lady of Christinus might 1~ al)pro\-cd

and sin atoncmcnt which preceded. Such acceptance is shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” Dots this test last
now manifested by bringing the remnant members of quoted concerning those that suffrr loss refer to or
the body of Christ, which arc now on earth, to com- mean, as has heretofore been stated, ‘them that come
pleteness and the giving to them of the “new IInme”, up out of great tribulation,’ that is, the great Inul-
and using them for the closing work of the period of titudc 1
sacrifice and for the proclaiming of the mer;qagc of s4The foregoing question must be answered in the
truth to the “other sheep” of the Lord’s flock. negative, for the reason, if for none other, that the
3oThen the high priest burnt the fat of the sin offer- &!ri~Jtures show the great multitude is not included
ing : “And the fat of the sin offering shall hc burn within the spirit-begotten class. The record reads:
upon the altar.” (Lcv. 1G: 25) That is, he burnt the “Sow if any man build upon this foundation gold,
fat of the bullock and of the Lord’s goat, for, as it is silver, precious s1oncs, wood, hay, stubble ; every man’s
written, “all the fat is the Lord’s,” (Lcv. 3: 16) Kow \vork shall be made manifest ; for the day shall declare
the picture is made clear, in this, that while the scapc- it, lmausc it shall bc revealed by fire; and the fire
goat class roa~11sabout in the wildcrncss having what shall tr,v cvcry man’s work of what sort it is.“--1 Car.
they call their liberty, and doing as they l~lcase, the 3 : 12, 13.
ZP;II of ‘AC remnant of Jehovah’s nnointcd OIWSburns 35The building work here referred to manifestly
them up in the service as tlicy joyfully bear tc5tirnony is done prior to the coming of the 1~114 Jesus to tile
to his name and the kingxlorn. “For the zeal of thiIz tcmplc, for the reason that it is at, tllc time of tltc coin-
hourc liath catcn mc up; and the rcproaclics of tlicam ing to the tcmplc that lit sits to jut& and is L‘likc a
that rcl~roarli~d thee arc fall(*Ii upon mc.” (1%. 69 : 9) rcfincr’s fire” and sits “as a rcfincr and purifier”.
‘J’hns it is srcn that the Lord dots not comljcl IIIBI~ to (Jlal. 3: l-3) The builtlcrs arc thoqc who have C’OIIV-
till<C il rcrtain wIllxc, bat hc gives him the 0pportuIiity cratctl to do God’s will, and they buil(l upon the true
to take the course desired and to rcccivc the conse- fouIid:~troII ; hut in buil(liIlg thy 11xc‘wood, hay, ad
~~UCllCCS m3YJIdill~~y.
stul~bl~~‘, which arc symbolic of Thor tliinxs that arc
31Shall the ~~~~ltlly, unclean class, that is, the “fit comt~u~tible arid lrrncc will not si:~Iid iiisp(~ct ioIl :1Iic1
man” (vs. 21) that led the sr;ilJc~go:It away to the fiery jutl~mcnls. The IJlIiltliIig \vitli suc~11matc~rinl is
I)cvil, ever come into God’s favor? Tlicy may, pro- 1Jropcrly clus4fietl as “CIlilI’;ICt(.‘P t)uilcliIig:” or “(*lt:lr-
Yi(lcd tilcy rlc:lll Up, COIJK! CICilll, aIld t:IkC ;1 IJWitirC ilCtCI’ d~\~C~~J~lJll~ll~“, OUt\SrlJd form of dlCiS, illld S:iIIC-
StilIld on tllc hiclc of the l,or(l ; and this is showI in iilc timonious lwaYing, 1liat niui Illily :Il)ljrovc : 1iuln:rIi
type, lo wit : “AII~ Iic that Ict go the goat for th l~tiilosol~liics, such as the pyramid of l<~ypt, alIt1 \shic*h
scaljcgoat shall wash his clottics, and b:llhc his flcsli is improljcrly class4 as Cod’s witIIcLy5 ; and sucali :IS
hi waler, and nflcrwartl come into the camp.” (1~5,. charts and cliroIiolo~ic:~l C;llClIliltiOJlS alit1 dctlllc~l iotis;
16 : 26) They must conw under C:od’s sin-atotliug Such as honoring Of IJl(‘11 illld cillliI1~ tlrctn1 glT;lt :\lld
sacrifice and slow full faith and obcdicncc i~cl’orc prominent as tcachcrs and guides ; such as being sut)-
cntcring ul)on t hc highway to Zion.-lsa. 35 : 8. scrvirnt to political or worldly ruling factors illld
52l.Mh 1hc bullorlr and the l~rd’s goat, the blood rscogriixiti~ thc~m as the “lii’,ylicr pf~w(hrs” ; such :I’(
of whi~li was cnrricd into tllc 1Toxt lloly for a sin Vowx illl~l IWO~VCS tinily l?JK’ated it1 the pI’C*S~llW nlld
oflcring, \\crc lnIt*Ilt without the camp : “Xnd the hearin:: of others. \Vorks of this kiIl(l, not bcin:: sulk-
bullock for tlic sin oflcriiig, and the goat for the sin portccl by tlic Word of God, will not SlilllCl the w:lWlJ-
oft’cring, whose blood was broII$lt in to mnkc ntoIrc- light of truth and the fiery test when the Lord :~l~l~n~s
mcnt in the holy pliicc, shn!l one carry forth without at the ttniplc and i1;ishc.r his light illltl apl)lIcs his
the camp ; and t1Ic.y shall burn in the fire their &ill+, jIld~JIlC’IltS.
and their flesh, md their tlun~.” (J,ev. 16: 27; 11~1~.
3eM’hcn the Lord Jesus caInc to the tcml~lc and IIC-
13 : H-13) TlG Sllows the right way to go alltl the 1ViJy
gall jlli~~nlcnt, he, at the halnC!tilllc, i1S Jc11oval1‘S grC;lt
that the foot\tcp followers of Christ Jesus do go who
kh?lT~lJlt, bCpOl1 t0 JWX!11~ th trLK! lllCmiIlg Of JJIilIly Of
thcrcforc receive God’s approval.
the propliccics which could not bc IiJidcIdoo~l ljrior
BUILDISG ON TIIE FOUSDATION thereto. ‘l’11c fiery judgments of the Lor(l rcvc;~Ic~d the
sy The apostle umler inspiration and with authority kind of buildinc men had been doing, and sui)joct~tl
instrurts the consccratcd bnildrrs how they Inust build such work to the most scnrching tests. All the WI-
to reccivc God’s apl~roval. “Lrt cvcry man take licctl satisfactory building is consumed, such as wood, hn>
how he huildcth thcrcon. $‘or Other foundation c’aii no and stubble, or like combnstiblc mulcrinls. Uii~t IS-
man lay tlla11 thiit is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” factory builtliII~ is uiiljI~ofitablc and is burned out of
(1 Cor. 3: 10, 11) The true foundation iq Christ Jesus, Cod’s orgnnizatiou tjccause it is uscl~w and rc:~ll,v a
and the builder must follow the rules that tlic Lord hindrance to the work which his l)c.ol,lc arc aljl)cliIltccl
has laid down for such in or&r that his building may to do. ,\ll the co~~sccratc’d wcrc undoer ortlcrs frown tile
suirirc in the day of the fiery tests. For, says the Lord to build, and the unwise ones, being Inisclircc~ Cal,
npo~tle, in 1 Corinthians 3: 15, “if any man’s work built tlic things that miqht bc 5tcIi of man, con\ inGIl;:
shall be burIIc(d, hc shall suffer 10~s; but he himself thcmsclrcs that they must do so in ortler to attract

others to the Lord and get them saved. The true isue then oEer unto the Lord an offering in ri$dw,uacs,
was not understood and the vindication of Jehovah’s that is to say, brmq forth ihe fruits of the kiw&rn
name was not even taken into consideration. Some had in the way the Lord has pointed out this must 1)‘;dune.
the idea that they must proceed in this manner: “I -Xal. 3 : 1-3.
must prep~rc myself to hell) the Lord rule the world.” 3DJehovah by his IJrOphCt further corrolxnxtcs this
They thought more highly of thernsclvcs than they conclusion with thcsc words: “And it shall. come to
ought to think, and thus they built, and their building pas, that ilk ilII the land, saith th Idold, two IJnl tS
is illustrated by the combustible matcrial mentioned thcrrin shall he cut off, and die ; hut the third ~1~11lx
by the apo4c. left therein. And I will bring the third part throu~!~
STThe day came for the Lord to take account with the fire, and will refine them ac; silver is rcfincd, awl
his servants and to make innpcction of their building will try them as pc~ld is tried ; Ilwy shall call 011my
material, and the one who liar1 used the wrong material name, ancl I wilt l,cw tlicm: I will say, It i.3 my po-
sufiercd loss. The lasq of what? Lrw of wrvicc priv- plc ; and tliry shall say, Tlic Lord is my God.“--%cch.
ilcq5 in the interest. of the kin::llum 0C Cod under 13: s, 9.
Christ. Tlw al~prowd ones lxiug those who had used *OThe “third part” nirli tioncd in this script urc iu
indestructihlu material, symholizcd lly the precious the remnant, otherwise tlcw:rlLcd 1)~ the Lor4 as tlw
ITMillS, tllt:ir work of building withstati~ls the fire and L‘brand plucked out of the fire”. (%wtl. 3 : 2) Tills LIT
they rccciw a reward, their reward h:sitlg kirlglom tries and puts to tlic test cvcry one illat i5 in lijlc: for
interests illl’l temple service wliilc 011 tlw earth. Silch the Iiill~doIll, alld f his i3 clone lay the great RvfiIlcr s
are drsi;;natcd the “faith1’ul and wise servant” class, apIJiyillg the fiery tCSt iit th ICrnIJlC, c’vf!Ii :I’; t IIC

to wkJn1 tit<! h’d CfJIlmitS iI11 his gOO(h Or ki~i~yhnl aposttc says, to wit: “Every 111;171‘S \VOYIi \il;l!l I’[‘
intwcsts. Thru: also rcwivc tlic rcwrtl of ihc “IICW made manifest: fur ttic day shall c!(~clarc it, t)cBc;lu-l:
name” which the mouth OF J~~l~ovah I~:III~N. 7’11~one it shall hc rcvwl~d t)y fire ; and tt~c fire shall tp cvoI .\
WI10 sufl’c.rs IOSS,hO\V is IIL’ t0 h SilVCtl P “1lC Shall mm’s nodi of what sort it is.” (1 Car. 3: 13) l’fio~~
sufkr 1044: hut lit himwl I shall be s3wd ; yet 130as ~110 insist 011autl lxwistcnttp hold 011 to thu f’fJTll!Jll?-
through iirr.” (Vcrsc 15, 1:. V.) It cl~~p~~n~l~
uI,on how titdc InfltCriid, ils iItJO\ C t~f‘uf~l’i~lf’d, 20 C~OIVIL u ii]! t!‘:lt

hc reccivcs 11isloss, and llis cou~*scof action t hcrraftcr. matt:rial in the fire ; hut thaw who gladly 101t !I(%c0:!1-
*8 As long as the builder holds on to thr cnmhwtil~lc bustihlc lIlnttli;il jutrish, alit1 hold 011 t0 t ht’ l.oPl :111(1
stuff, such 2s r*har:lctcr dcwlopmcnt and ol1lc.r things his trut!l, l0OliiIl!~ ;tl\VilyS to tllf? ~101~ ilIlf1 llOll0~’ 01 ? [I(!
as above ni(~nt icincd, lit is iu great dillic*uliy and in Lord and fait hI’n1 wrvicc to Ilim, shall bfb vi\cd ‘;11!(1
dnngcr of destruction with that coml,uqt ihlc stuff; lJr0u;;lit throw~h t1lC fire’. It iy ttlosc \rllO COIllC 11l~Oli’!~l
but -if JlC th!S IlOt fry to SilVC tllC ‘WOOf1, Ilay atld tlic fire that tlic 1~0~1I’c’\\ ;lr& and usw to lciol< :)I i I r
SlutdJlc ‘) ;Illtl willingly lcls that 1~ consumed and 60 his kingdom intcrcBc;ts and to wlwm Jehovah ~IVC,\ the
up in smoke aiid slnnclx firm on Ihc trucb foundation, W.-iv name.-Isa. 43 : 1. 2, 10.
he shall 1)~savcil, and thus conic5 thruugtl lhc fire. Ile ‘I After the Wl~lJllSt11d~~ hililflill:,P ITI;Lt(‘rid 1lclS /JVll

must krcp rtsolutcly :~ncl~orc~I on ttic lruc :II~ only hurliCd, th(! OliC SilVCd fJllt Of the fire Iltwd rl’11,:l~ll

foundation, which is Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s great firmly on the fircqJr00f fuuiid:ltiw ant1 c.c’liliI~uc: tiiq
Vindicator and King, and mrlst fully ;lr(ll~it’scc in and building with fireproof materials, such as “gsultl “, tlt:!t
rcjoicc tllilt his comhustil~lc building mntcrial is con- is, divinely al~lnwvctl works ; and “silver”, or tr!lt1.,
mmcd, alrc! Ihat hc has a clear vision of what is the Eurnishcd him by the true ‘J’cachcrs, .Jchov:~h ;11,f1
issue, and joglnlly stand on the Lord’s side. Tlwn he Christ Jcswi; a11c.l“stone”, of llif: tcmplc, :‘11’1liirnw !I
is saved as a incmbcr of God’s apl~rovcd remnant. It be one of its living stones which :lw prwious iri t :I!*
is written1 -. “.Jchovah pwscrvcth the faithful.” (l’s. sight of C:ocl. (I l’ct.. 2: l-5) ‘l’liiis ha sli:~rcs in 1!ic
31: 23, A.K.7.) “A remnant shall lx s:~vcd.” (Roni. “nhitc stone” which 1xa1~sthe “IWW name” of .lc110-
9: 27) “ God our Savior ; who will liavc all men vah’s \vltn~>scs. (I&T. 3: 35: 3: 17) “The \\.o1.‘1i ai’ ~‘IP
[buildin:: on the trnc foundation, and in the new Lord arc lmrc wortls; a7 silver tried in a Eur~t:~rc 0:’
covcnnnt] to 1112sad, and to come unto [ill1 nrcaratcj earth, purificcl sewn timw. T~ICJII 4alt. lrcsep ttl<m, 0
knowledge uf the Iroth.” (1 Tim. 2: 3, 4) Tlic cm- Lord, thou shalt prcscrvr them frown tills gellrrntit.11
phasis is 011the word r‘~~et” that ap~~cnrs in 1 Corin- for over.” (I%. 32: 6, 7) TJw fire v;llI contillzc to flte
thians 3: 15. The prOvkJ is thcrc statrd 1)~ which the end, and all ttic faithful xi11 conic Ihrough tlw filt*
man is snwd v;hen his combustil~le material ici l~urncd with rejoicin:.
up. Such unwise character devclol~er or lnliltlcr, who
joyfully lets surh lniilding lx dcst rcq-cd, comes
‘through the fire’ rejoicing. IIf2 is glnd that his unwiqc
huilclinq is gone and that fire has lxcn 1hc Inwiis of
savilq lrim. Tlw great Ecfincr, who sits in judqnwit
at the tfmpl~, appiies tiic fiery tc5t in orclcr ttlnt Ihose
nl10 ~~c~cc~sfttllp stand the test may be itl’i)rovcd and
NAY 15, 1936 155

Almost all were then wearin% long coats, with white themselves to the Lord and together with the remnant
tics, and alqxaring very solemn and sanctimonious. joyfully sing forth his praises day and night, that i-,
Every mornilq we were reading a vow and a morning to say, all the time attributing salvation to Jehovah
resolve, and singing such songs as “Oh, to bc nothing”, and to his great Vindicator.
thereby assuming that WC in fact amounted to somc-
thing, which we desired to get, rid of that we might be
v 1. Who were Mosesnnd d:lron in relation to Jehovah’s deal.
just nothing. We wcrc giving great honor and adula- ing with the Israrhtcst Why, in the typxal tal’ernnclu berv.
tion to some crcaturcs, to some, more, and to some, less, ice, were two goats taken and I’tcscntcd before the Lord?
and some wcrc more or less committing the ‘(sin of Sa- TVhom did thes(~goats rcapresmt I \Vhy could not the scape-
goat picture the “grrdt multilude” class9
maria ’ ‘, Such was the condition of the consecrated lj 2. What do the Scriptures say as to the use to which the two
company when the Lord appeared at the temple. Some goatswereputa -
quickly disccmcd the truths revealed by the flashes of !: 3-l;.theso \Yhat IS l’lcturcd in (nb that it was Aaron that mesented
goat;, (I,) that‘tl;cre were two of them,~(f*) that
light from the tcmplc and which consumed the com- they welt t:tkcn ‘*of the congrcgnt~on of the (hlldrcn of
bustible matc&l, and these wcrc glad that the com- Jsrael ’ ‘, (II) that they welo p~csmlcd at the door of the
tnl’crnacle. Icl th:tt thcv were nr~wcntctl torretllcr I’l~f~~lo
burtihlc mntcrial was gone and that they could escape tl10 Lord, ‘:d ( f) tllnt’ the scljcliun nns &terr~~incd by
“tlirou~li the fire”, and they began to build quiekiy casting lots? \Vhcn 11x4 fulfillrncnt of each of the forc-
of ‘goltl, silver and precious stones’. The result is that go,,ng stqm t:thlm ~I:w ?
v 7. Iu the fuliillm(*nt of the prophatic picture, (8) how 1s it
some huvc bccii buvcd and this remnant have bcal that the lot fxllr on one of thrse gnats a3 that for a lr:Ut
given ii reword by the Lord, of looking after his king- in thu sin ofT~1tnf7 (I)) \Vhnt is the purpose of this ull’ar-
dom intcrcsts, and these grcntly rcjoicc and continue ing, nnd the ~itc u*uc thh.rcnf 9
q 8-10. In the tullillment. how iq It that on one of tlic% CII:~~S
to rejoice. To Ihosc faithfullv holclin~ to the truth and t11c lot f:1lls fUl ;\&I? \\ lint is Illcant I,v (XI 1tr I* IIIL’
joyfully serving Cod and his Vindicator tlicsc words
arc addressed : “Know yc not that ye arc llic tcmplc
of God, and that the spirit of Cod dmcllcth in you?
If ally 111ilIl dcfilc tlic tcmlllo of Coil, hitn shall God
destroy; for the tcmplc ol’ God is holy, which temple
ye arc. ’ ‘-- 1 Cor. 3: IG, 17.
43The clear infcrencc to be draxll from this scrip-
turc is that thcrc is danger of defiling and that those
who take such a course find the S:IJIIC fate: as that mctcd
out to lhc scnpcgoat. The faithful remnant arc the
children of lighl, alid ncvcr has it, been more iml)ortant
tllall llow to walk in the light, which m(‘illls to x:0 in the
way Cod has commanded and to give all diligcncc to
joyfully obey his commandments. “Ye arc all the
children of liElit, and the children of the day: WC arc
not of the night, nor of darkness. Thcrcforc let us not
sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.”
(1 Tllcss. 5: 5, G) “Rut if WC walk in the light, as he
is in the light, WC have Erllowship one lvifh another, plished. -
and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son clcanscth us S 28.29. \Vhnt is s(s(m forcshcn\n in J,eviticus 1G: 22. 211
from all sin.“-1 John 1: 7.
I4 The sum total of this matter is this: That the
scapegoat prcsentcd to the LQrd on the day of atonc- y 33-37. 1Iow n:is the true “foundntion” laid (1 Cot.
mcnt pictures the class that go away into everlasl in: 3: 10. 1 I) ‘I Wlto 113~0burlt tlicrcuu, ant1 wl~~n :I ~(1 !I~SW 9
destruction, into perdition, bccausc of unfaithfnlncss Tf11at is’thc critlcnco (a) tlmt hOIn h:cvc hullt ul~~~uIllis
foundation “ gold, silxx, previous stnm~s”a (II, Tl1:tt
to the Lortl aitcr having covcnantcd to do his will. others have built thereon “nod, hay, stul’blc”, nn11Il:l\o
The “Lord’s goat” class are the ones that are faithful suffered loss?
in the pcrformancc of the covenant by sacrifice and are lJ 25.saved, \\‘hcre one. Imu suffered loss, how nmy he hirrdf
“yet so 8s through fire”9
made joint sacrificers with Christ Jesus, built upon 7 39-41. \\‘hcn anrl how is the refining work accomllll~hed
the true foundation, and arc approved 1,~ the Lord which n-as foretold nt Zeclln~inh 13: 9 nut1 1 C~~~iutl~l:lna
3: I::? Ilow long will that fire contmuc, fd \\ltll \\liat
when hc appcm’s at his temple, and to thrm is corn-- result 9
mitted the kingdom interests, and these continue faith-
fully rejoicing in what the Lord permits to come lo
them and cant inue to sing forth the praises of Jehovah.
In this piclurc of Ihe atonement day ihc “great mul-
titude ’ ’ arc not invol\-cd. The great multitude arc
thOSC conrtitut ing the “OflWl* sheep “, which join

‘IIEX a great earthquake, a disastrous storm
or a mighty tidal wave SWccps a eommuuity
and dertroys houses and people 1)~ the thou-
sands, and leaves other tflousznds homeless, much woe
and distress follow; and great cfiort is required to re-
lieve the suCCering. The battle of Armnpcddon, in the
“great and bhe terrible day of the Lord”, will mark
the complete collapse of Satan’s organization. What
an earthquake or tcrrifc storm or tidal wave is to a
community, that trouble will be to ihe whole world,
only much worse. In the wake thereof there will be
great woc and distress and the p~~plc will cry for
It may 1~ truly said that the history of the world
has hccn wCt.tcn in human lilof~tl. But the worst is not
get. ‘1‘11~Ion2 and terrible siwe of the Roman general
Titus azainst Jcrwalcm bruw$t io the Jews indescrih-
able sul’i’cring, and the fin:11 ussnult ul~m the city hy
the lionxuis eomplctcly dcstruycd it. The dcutruction
of lJcru~ulw~ was in fulfiIluwnt of di\ inc prophecy,
and foreshadowed what will hcfall tfw or~:tnizations
af the world in tlic great ball112 of God Ahni$ty.
l’hc trolrh!o 1frat cwnc np~l Jcrusalcm was an ex-
pression oi God’s iudi:~tr:lti~rn nzaiwt if~e people who
had rcpud~atcd llirn ant1 folEowcl after the Devil. The
clergy of that day, lwinrf us rc~]~rcscrlt~~]ivcs of God
aid ~iy]NJ~ritic:i~]y cf;~illlill?~ to bc the inlcrpretcrs of
his law, wcrc rw~~onsil~lc for the terrible cal:imity that
fell uI~on the city. The 1~li!:ionists of “ Clhri~tcndom”
lltlvc turucd the minds OCtizc ]JCO]>~C n\vay from God.
“Chribtcil~lc~ni’s” irout)l(~, thrrcforc, will bc more tcr-
rible than that which Iwf& Jcruwlcm in ,Z.D. ‘70-73.
God has promised to nlaltr~ LCcompfctc end of the aick-
ed s~stcms in t hc final troutale that shall hefall Satan’s
WC, may call to mind all the disasters that have lx-
fallen the human race during its esistrnce, all thC
W~LS, all the carthqu;lkcs, cyclones and other calam-
itics; and then know that none of tfwsc lvill equal in
woe that which shall befall tlw world during: the great
battle of Arma~cddon. That this conclurion is correct
is proved by the \\ords of dcsus that upon the earth
Uicre sl10uId at that time ix triI)ulation su& as was
nat since lhc world br:;:an ; no, and nt+x=r should 1x3
again. Eut this great tirnc of troubfc will result ufti-
matcly in great blessing to the pcoplc. God has so
ordainrd it.
After God’s righteous indignation has been com-
pletely expressed nfaiilst Satan’s org:mization, Ihc
great stormy nind that will have torn the mouuiains
and rent the rocks will cease to blow; the quaking
that will hnvc shakcu the earth from center to circum-
ferenw nil1 qual,e no IlhOl’C ; the liea\-cII-enkinillccl
fires, hxrin~ yuirkly spcot ihrir fury, will ccxc to
burn, and silence and rccjt will once more come to the
eaxfh. IN the snrvivorn of the people will be iaiM.

eouhncYs. ” (2 Pet. 3 : 13) In view of these two divinely new henvcn will lx invisible. The cbicf one making
provided witncqses we may have full assura~~ce that up that ucw hearal is Christ Jesus. WC have his own
the new world wili Ix cstablishcd, and that it will he xords ‘7s to whctlicr 0r not he will ever again bc sx11
so comylctcly cstablishcd that it can never ?x moved. by the peoples of earth, when he says: “Yet a little
For many ccnturics Satan the cncmy, a$ head, aided while, and the 1% orld s&h me no more. ” (John l-1.: 19)
and abetted by his wicked angels, has constituted the Christ Jesus is the cspress imagc of Jehovah, ancl no
bcavcns that have influenced and controlled the nations human eye can see God. (IIeb. 1: 3 ; 2 Cor. 4 : 4 ;
and peo?~les of earth. With the coming of Christ JCSUS 1 Tim. 6: 16) Satan, a spirit creature, has also lxacn
into power ill the year 1314 Satan and It is dcmou invisible to man and has exercised power and colltrO1
ho& have lxen cast out of hcavcn and Onto the earth. ovw man. 15~1 so the Lord Jcs~~s,the King of glory,
(I%. 110: 6; Rev. 12: 9) The new hcnvcn is thrreforc though invisible to man, shall csercisc power and CoJl-
nom an established fact. Christ is in control thereof. trol over men of the earth.
None of the people apprcciatc this fact except those Since the time of E&n until tlic complct,e destruc-
who diligently SC& to know God’s Word and to serve tion of his organization Satan has had visible rcl~t*c-
him. xcntatires on the earth. Does this sugccst that ttlc
The nest great manifestation of the Lord’s power Plincc of I’carq tlic great 31cssi:ili, will have! visildc
w-ill br the dc~.trWtion of tlgc hystcms, ?Jro?hct ic*ally re- rq)rsscntativcs on a;tr~h a Ilc will ; and the Script III’CY
fcrrcd to as “the beast” and the “i’alsc ?)rOI)IIct”, the (It fiuitcly ho state.
visible or cartilly part of the I)cvil’s organization. With Since God has promised that he will create a new
IIIC ?N’aSt;llld the false! ?Jr”pll”t dc’htl’opd, and sat:lIl Itc;~vcn and a new cart Ii, and hillcc the npostlc J’c~lnl
1~0~~~1,the x;hOle cart11 (that is, iltc YiSiiJle wicked hay5 that in this tlrt\v ll(‘ilV(‘ll ant1 IlOW Cilrtti will tl\\(*ll
:,,vht(~ms) will paqs away. Tlirn tlicrc will no more hc 1i~:htcOustWss, we’ mly bc sure that the new vi4tJlc
any clcmcmts Of humunily alic~n:~led from (14, spl- Orqni7ation of ttx ;\lcssianic jiovrrnment will lx
?JO?im??y lk!~;Crih!d ;lS “thC SP;l “. ‘?‘hl S?l:l?? rU??O\V the ri:;litrclus; that is to say, ttw visihlo lT~~tY5C~ltilt ivc:; Of
~~~~;~?J?i~?lltl(:tlt Of lhc! new earth. With it5 f91:~l~li4irnc~t~t the r.i*:?lteous liill,z on cart11 wilt ?JC in li~rinotiy with
tllc world will lx cstablistlc:tl, as forctoltl l)y the ar1~1o?~ctiicnt to his command.
~‘tYl?J?Wt (1%. !I6 : lo), ~JC’C:lllSO bOth ?lCnY(‘tl LItId Cd?1
?illt :lfk’r t?lC dc~~t’llC~iOJ1 Of Siltilll’S OtptJiZilt ihll,
will then lx utltlcr the rant rol of the ri$ilcOus Kilig, ant1 after tllcb hitttlirr~ of Qilt~itl, sornc men \vlll survival.
the Prince of I’~wc and Lord Of lords. j:‘ill not ambitious and strotl~qer OtIt:s ?tush tllc~rtlsc~l~~s
John the apostle l1nt1 a 1 ision of the IIW world, and f~rw;ird and get illto the govcrnnicnt and cot~twl it
in th! ?JOO?C Of &Ve?a~iOtl (21 : 1, 2) he \VrOte, Snyittg: ?ntI a;gin britl!g aljout a ro~ltlitiori Of ~criri~l~tcwIistiCsq1
“And I %l\V 11 IlWV Ilcavc!u :ud a 11cw ca1d1 : for t11c ‘rt!Cy \iill IlOt, ?JC~‘.lUsO nOIlL! Will ?)C ?)Crtnittd to (10
first 11ca~c11atd the first cart h w(hrc pass4 away ; and S’J. 2: 4.4) ‘i’hc right(9us Kitlg
(?)an. will pcrtliit no
there was JIO tnor’c scn. And I John saw the 11oly city, one to represent him ~110 induljirs in utiriFrIitcou-tlcl~s.
new Jrrusalcm, coming tlown from COd out (Jf heaven, Iti orclcr for man to IW gii\cc>Ii 311 opportunity to tjc
prrparcd as a bride adorncfl for her huslmld. “- fully ?JhSCd With ?JCrfCc~ioIl tllc TdJrd Wi?? c‘it:i?J~l~h
1trv. 21: 7, 2. a rig?ltCOUS for111 Of ~~OY~rIlIIlctit Oil c:lrt?t. ‘i’?lc ?)rOtlliSc*
The new 11carcn is the government of McsGah, the gi\cn in the proplmy of Isaiah (3”: 1) is: “15eholt?,
New h’ation ?~~rn and in IJOWC~. Jt is the holy city, tile a kiny shall rciqn in ri~lltcou<ness, and princcts shat t
;“;cw Jcrusalcm. It is the govurtlmcnt of pencc~, with 1~10 ni judgment. ” This will prccl~~clc ambitious ant1
the Prince of l’~acc as its head and ruler in charge; st rony,rer ones front csrrcisillg l~olitical ?)rol)cn4itichs
the govcrnmcnt of Messiah, which takes t11e ?)lacc of and st+ing the gnvrrnmc91t or any ]~nrt of it.
that \\I&11 hi!s long been invisibly rulin:* 111~world. Ijut all men arc drscend;itits of ;\dam, who sittttcd
The new h(~:ivcns, or invisi?)lc part of 11~: IIC~ yov- in Men ; and sincdc 011 Of thcsc arc impcrfcct, wticrc
crnmcnt, is lxautiful and glorious; and is clcscribcd ran there be found any to rule iti justice and in l,igllt-
IJ~ John in syml)olic phrase as hcirlg like 11nto a bride
COiiSIlCSS as the rqjresciit:iti\-es of the King?
adorned for her husband. That is the time when a
Long a;:0 God prcpnrsd ccrtaiti IIWII who uudcr ad-
woman tries to appear at her lwsf, and doer SOappear.
Terxc conditions l)rOvrd their loyalty and faittifutllc~ss
The “new Jcru4cm” is rcstrictcd to the one l~ruxlrcd
t0 God ; aud then tlrcy died. Ttmc men, from t\l~l
and fort>--four t?lQUSalld faithful fOl?O\WrY who arc
dxvn to and including John the Baptist, rcccivcd
spoken of as lxing ‘cspousc~l to one husbnntl, Christ ’
(2 car. 31: a), and who take the name of Jehovah’s I:od’s apporal. They will ?)c rcsurrcctccl from tlrc
organizltiun, namely, Jcrusalcm. It is spcrific;llly t!lt: grave. They will ?Jc brought fOl*tIl i1S ?)Cl’fWt IIlCtl,
organization of Christ of wliieli he is t!i(3 JIcnd; it iq ~~1~~11~ dcvotcd to the Lord, and will lye the Yisilllc rq)-
“the l~nih’s \\ife”; so sap the scripture.--Em. 21: 9. rescntativcs of the l~orcl’s ri!;htcous kinqdont 011 the
Silicc SFit:ill tile CllCttly aucl his nii33ls, ~110 co~:i- caitli. They \:ill ccm~titntc the Irn~+lcus of tl.c Ilcw
POW the trlcl heaven, ill’62 inrisiblr, clot’s tl:;lt sigiiii cnrt.11. Tilcl Sci iptl:ics concluzivcly l)l~rc tll~sc ~S<CC-
that the nc\i hcavcn \:ill nlio ?)e inYisiblc :! ‘s-c-;; the tit,lls.---l I( ~~Fw, 11 ; P’s~lm 45 : 10.


INzoni, 311-s. ............ June 2. 3 o..ih:~. A11.s. ........... J\~nc 79, 20
Sl:lth\llle. Jll,s% ....... 4, 5 1:w.ilu~:l. I& ............ 8, 21, “2
1’1~~hl!ll~, .?ll.S. ....... I‘ ti, 7 1::111)11 I:l~ll~c. 1.:1. .... “ “.I,25
I:nlt~,n. hlw ...... I, 9, 10 I..). ......... ‘I.‘ 2% 27
I’I,III i<b\11113,
J.:t,\~~c~e, NISS. ........ “ 11,12 .\le.\:lll4lIlrL I.;, . ....... 3, 20
I.nlllrl. .\?I% ........... ‘I I L, 1.2 S:tic lw, .\I!\ ........ ..Jul y
1, 2
XlcCornb, 311hS, .......... “ 17, 1x St. Juw~h, IA. ......... 3, 4

collltllblls, Ohn .. ..Jllll e ?-l-i .\lnt tc’tln, Ol~io ... .... JI!I’C 5, ?O
I’orlsllNKltll. 01110 ........ 7 0 21 Atllrb, Ohio .__ .........
Gulll~~olIs, VlIlO .......... “ 23, 2-l: SIUl\\ rice, 01110 .......... *‘ 2s, s:;

Rnlcigh, N. c. ............ ?Jny 31 I<ln~l.Jn. s c. ........ Jllne 10
O:rr~~‘r. S. C. __.... . June
Snlllhfl~~ld s. c. a’
Wtlsnn, s: c . . :::..::: ‘1
Rwliy .\roullt, s. c‘. ._.. 1’
2:uJkld, S. C. .._.... ._. “
3H(.hw11, s c. . _.___._.“
All!rrlldcr, s c. __.... “
Rrotlnrvi see I<, s. c. “
Vancclxxo, S. C. . .. ..1: Ii
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s n Itncsws. It :~Ir;~ugt’g
J. F. J%TXIEI:I-ORD Presideat IV. E. Vas ~WBWGII Secretary s!iteniatic Bible stully for its renders nncl supplies other lltcr-
aturc to :lld in burdi studies. It put&she.3 suit:Mc mntcr;:ll
“And all thy children sh;zil be taught of J&ovah; and for radio brc:dcx:mg and for other mcan8 of public itstruc.
Break shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isaiah 54:~~. tiwt in the Scnptulcs.
It adheres 8trictly to the Bible as authority for its uttzr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TE,\Cfi antes. It i8 entirrly free and sepwafc from :.I1 pxrtics, EcC:Y
or other worldly orgxniz3tion.s. It is wholly :wl r%ithout
TIEAT JEHOVAH is tha ouly true God, is fru:n everlasting rcswrntion for the kingdom of Jchoxah Gcd urldcr Christ
to eeerlastwg, tllc X&r of lwarea and earth and the Giver his Bdo~ed King. It I8 not dog:nl:rtir, but invite cnretui
of life to llis crcxtures; th3t tile bgos w:w tlro bqinnin:: of
nnd critical c>.ariunation of its contcntr in the tl$~t of th 3
hs creation and hl8 nctiw n::eut m tho ctcntion of all
thinm; thnt the Logos is mm the+ Iard JI:SUS Cluljt in glory, ~~~ripturcs. It dots nut indutq in cun:rowrsy, ant1 ltd cot-
cloltwd with all power in kcalcn 04 earth, and the Chief urns aru not open to personshtics.
Executive Oft&r of Jelwah.
TIIAT GOD created ttm mrth for mm, crmtcd perfect YIxkLY Sr;CsCrwTro:? Pr:rcu,
man for the wI tti nnd pl:mcwl him ntmn it; th:lt, man xvIltully
d~.sohk.yxl CM*8 lrrm nntl was wnlc7xcd to &:I th; that by
rcawn of Ad:iIn’a wrong set all men nra b0rn sinner8 and
willwut the light to life.

THAT .tEIiOVAf-I’S ORGANIZATION is rallcd Zion, nnd
that Christ dwus is tlln C’IGC Officer thcrrnt an41 is the
rI&tfnl King of the wvorlcl; thnl tlta anointed ncd f:rithful
fol&wzer8 of Christ Jesus i\rcL cIrfi!drcn of Zion, I~rnb~rs oi
Jch0v:rh ‘n ur~:lniz:~tion, :,n d a10 his witncsw8 x\-lwd? duty and
wirilcR0 it is to twtify to the suprcrnncy of .Tcho~:~h, ~lcclaro
f, 18 purpow8 lowvnrd nxdintl x9 rxprww? in thn l~ltlle, nnd
io ktr the fruita of the kkplom heforo nil nho will hear.
VOL. LVlI Jmx 1, 1936 Ko. 11


“And I hmc given the Lezites as a pfl to Aaron mad to his sons from anconfy the children of lsrad, to do
#kc service of the dddren of Israel i?L the tabcrnnclc of the conllreyclfio,t.“--Nz~nl. 8: 19.

J EIIOVXII sclcctcd Aaron to accompany JIoscs to

Egypt, and aftcrwaids he chose Aaron to minister
in Ii10 priest’s oficc as the high priest. First the
high IJricst w’;1s cliown, and then the undcrpric.il.u.
iime later that the trifle of I&
Jel~ow11 for the frstboln.
lsrnelitrs from I::ypt
was substituted by
After the eso~lus of tltc
Aaron continued to serve as
spolrwnxin for Moses. (KS. 16 : 9, 10) Then ijarcm was
Jclloval~ ins! rurtcd Now : “And take thou untn thw JJUt in Ch3l’~C Of tJlC goJth1 JJOt of manila. (T’S?. 33, 34)
AillYJ~l thy Iwo1 her, nntl his s0n.s with him, from among Still latw .kHYJIl d(JllC! atwmpanicd JIosrs 11~1 to
the c~hiltliw of Tsr:wl, Ihat he may mini+lcr uuto me Mount Sinai at. the giving of the law.-Xx. 19 : Z-1-,25.
in tlw p&it’s oflice, cwn Aaron, Nntlal) :ind AMu,
Elcoz;lr :111<1 ItlKlnlil~, Aaron’s sons. Ald fur Aaron’s
SOllR ill011 Slldt Nl:lJtc WXltS, ilrltl tllOU SlJ;llt m&C! far
ihcm gii.(llcs, nntl hJIlIl(.tY shalt tllou m:llcc for lllcm,
for glury ant1 for hcauty. ,lncl thou shdl. put t Iwm
upon fkrron tliy InwtlJPr, and his sons with him ; id
sll:lll ill!Oillt them, ;Intl consccratr! tllcin, allcl s;lllcfify
them, tlt:tt they may mitlistcr unto mc in the priest’s
ofliw. ” (I*lx. Z-3: 1, 40, 41 ) iiaron was n Jdxitc.-
lk 4: 14.
* Tlw lrihc of Le\ i ~1s tnkrn by thr I,ord in the
plucc and stead of the filxthorn. (Num. 3: 41) After 5 It nJ)JWnrs, tlicrcforc, tllilt ~1Fll’Oll !Vns C;~lll’~l .?lltl
the sclwtion of llw high priest and the underpricds cliox~n to lw tlic high pricht, not mcrrly lwarl~c IIC
tlic Lcvitcs wcrc :;iwn lo tlic priwts to l~r scrvanf’i to !VilS ;I IA’VllC, IBUt IlCC~lUSC Of 1llC Pact tllZlt IJC \V:lS if
them, tlic priests. (Num. S: 39 ; 1s: 23) At the time )Jr(Jth(‘r Of ?I(JsCs,who had sllol\ 11 his fail11 in ~l~llO~ilil
the hilli lbriwt illld tllc untlcrpricsts WCI’PWlcclcd 10 (;oII. JIOSCS \VIIS CIIOSO~ 1)~ JcIIoY~I~ ;IS n J)l’ic’~L SUJ,C-
be wrvnnts of God in tlic priest’s ofiiw the trilx of rior to hrO11. Ilc was also a 1Jroplict, JJCCilUW of his
Jlcvi v;;i:j not cwn mcntionecl as an official tribe or faith alld fili~hfllJ~lWS, and IlOt JJCC:lUSC JlC Wil’i Of t tic
offici;!llv rcco~nizwl. Later tlic iribc of Levi was ma& tribe of I,cvi. 1~0th Xours nii(l .\:won, in llw pcrform-
an Oflic’iid 1ril)c nlltl co?lWcrntcd to tllc service of ihe awe of their tlutics to which tticy \icrc officially as-
Lord J~~l~ov:~h,ard tlr:tt only after lhc srlcction Of signed, forcshn~lowcd Clhrist Jc.sus, the great I’rclJ~ht
Aaron iuld his sons, to scrvc in the priest ‘S office, had and Priest of Jehovah.
been ma&.
8 When the patri;lr(:h J:lcob pronounced a blessing LEVITES
on his twlrc sons, including Levi, there was no prom- 6 The priests w~-c sclwtccl from tllc trillc of Levi,
isc maclc to lAwi that u pricuthood should come nut of and those of tlic tribe of Ilevi, aside from llic pricds,
that tribe. Nothing was then said about or any prcrm- wcrc given scrviw to the Tsraclitcs ilnd wwc lhc SCTV-
ise made concerning Ihc pricstliood. (Gcll. 49 : 5-7) ants to the pricht lioocl. ~~tlicrwixc tlicy rcntlcr~d n’iGvt-
The father and mothrr Of Xoscs and Aa1v11 were dis- nncc to Ihc priests in the ~~crformancc of tlic srrviw Of
tinguished for their faith in Jchornh ratllcr than for the Lord in Isrncl. 1)Ocsthis indicate two scpar;ltc and
tlic flrct Of bring of the tribe of Levi. (Es. 2: l-10; distinct classes of spirit-bcpottcti ones. to wit, llic
6: IG-20) They w-we commended for their faith in priests, reprcw~ltill~ the “little fioc’k” (LUliC 12: 32),
Jcho~nh. (II&. 11: 23) Aaron was chosen as the and, second, the Levitcs, rcprcwnt ing the less faitliful
spo!x~r;mall or “ ~wopllct” of 3Ioses io aJqlcar hcfose class callctl the “tribul:ltiOn SilillfS” and Often callr~l
Pharaoh lwcause of the inability of S~OVY to speak the “great mnltitudc” 1 T11c Scriptuws do not s11Jb
fluently. (l?s. ‘i : I, 2) After that the firdhorn of Iwwl port that corwlusion. There srems to be no Scriptuxrl
were sanclificd. (Sx. 12: 12; 13: 1, 2) It was some support for tlJc conclusion that the trilx of I~.vi, th::t
is, those aside from the priests: in any manner typified
or rcpr~senlcd ~hc qcnt multitude a;; described in
I%ew!iition seven. It ~,~:cinsncccs5ary to submit ltcw
some ScrilJtural J)rooI, in view of what has hcrctofore
hccn l~cld, as set forth in Tkc Katchtotccr 1911, pages
21 and 23. In doinq ho it nlp~~rs to l~c ncccssary to
take nolicc of the IJiblc history conccming the tribe
of Levi.
7 Bloscs, accompanied lay Joshua, his minister, was
in the mountains at the commaml of Jchovnh, a11d
after hc had been thcw forty days he di~wvcrcd that
the I5raclitcs had siiilwd against 111~Ilord, in ti!iS,
that flwy had made and wrc \volAi!)ing a gwtden
calf. Swing the tcrriblc plight into \\lkwh the Tsracl-
itcS had gotten themSelves, >~O.iCS nldr tl b(Jld &!ctmb
tictnin their ]Jrcswcc aud hearing : “TIIPII Jlows htt.4
in the gate of the camp, and said, \\‘ho is on the l,ortl’s
side? k!t him COlnC UlltO 1nC. t\IlCl att ttK? SCJllS rJf h!Vi
gathcrcd thcmsclvcs to~qtllcr unto him.“-1:s. 32: 26.
s \Yhcn at1 the J,cvitw had ~atlrwcd themwlves wto
~Ioscs, tltcil ~,Jows wniinandcd ttltw to “slay cviq
mall ItiS httlcr, alIt (‘VCry mm his clJin~)a~~kJ~i, ad
rvcry man his ncifihln)ur”, and ttic IA‘\ itcs did ac-
cordill:: t<J the \:olYls of i\losc’s, and :lllo~lt t Illw thou-
zwld fclI tllat dag. “ I’or 3Iosc:s tli!d saitl, Colwcratc
your.wlvcs to day to t ho I,ortl, c\cn wcrp Ill:Ill ll]loIl
his son, arf(l upolr his IJrothcr ; that Ill! mly lwstow np-
on you :L blcssin~ this day.” (Xx. 32: 25-23) On this
OWlshl~ it WaS the tl’ih! of J&Yi ttl:lt PStlitJi~d ttlPir
faith and tlcvotion lo .Jchovah (:o(l. l<\ w at that time
the r,cvifcs wx not tl~~tlicntctl for any slwci;il service
in conned ion wil h 1hc tabcrnwlc. l’lic 1abwm~clc
twviec i.7 mcntionrtl in cwncction with the Lwitcs
at Esodiis 38: 21. 12~~1 ltlis text does not specify the
tribe of Levi, but. ctcarly rcfcrs csclusivcl~ to lhc
priests who were l:lh!ll from the tribe of licvl. In the
hook of Tlcviticwo thcrc is no rnctniion m:ldc of the
trihc of Levi cscrpt in connection with the jubrke
orran~cnient.-llcv. 25 : 3?-34.
o Aaro~t, ~110 y<as a T,cvitc, married a \voman of the
tribe of dudah, the famil,v in Iinc fur lhc I;itlg:tlom of
Israel. She w;Is ttic daughter Of 01112 01 ilk? :\iI!:lt grrncl-
fathers of Tiing l);lvitl, from wh~h triljc of dndsh
czmc l.he Lord JCSIK (13~. G: 23 ; Itut 4 : 20-Z) The
dcsccndants of .2aron, tiicrcforc, owupicd the rt?a-
tionship of priest and kin, 1’ among clod’s chosen pt’o-
pie. The first mention IllildcL, as apLPars from th
wcnrd, csnccniiig the Lcvitcs serving at tha InJPr-
naclc is at NunilJrrs: “13ut thou shall appoint limo
Lcrilcs owr the talwrnnclc of testimony, and over all
the wssels thereof, and over all thiltgs that LcJonq
to it: they shall bwr tlic tabcrnaclc, and all the vc4s
thcrcof; and they shall minister unlo it, and shall en-
camp round about the talwnac+lc. And whc~n lhe
tabernacle settcth Eorw~rd, Ihc Levitvs shall t&c it
down : and when the tabcrna~lc i; lo be pitched, the
J,cvitcs shall wt it up; and the stran:rfr that coawth
*r ’ :,!~all bc tjuf to i,c:\tli. Jiut the Lcvitcs shall l+IlV!l
:Sfie\VAT c I-ITO\-vEr2 lG5

children of Ismcl. AZnd I hare piwn the Levitcs 8s a not require such a great nun1txr of priests. That do,:;
gift to Anro11 and to hi; sons [tire priest and undcr- not. at all mean that the nonpriestly claw was lcx3
priests] from amon ‘: the children of Israel, to do the faii!lful than those 0f tl1c priesthootl. At1 must lx
scrvicc of the children Of Israel in the tabernacle of faithful if they wou!d rwcive the Lord’s appTJKIl,
the congcgation, ;?IHI to make a11 atwemnt for the and the Uiblc account shows that Ihey were faithful
chiidrw of J::I*~c~ ; thi1t thrrc IC no IJI~~UC among the to Jel1ovnh and to Jehovah’s priest and to his king
childwn of Israel, 7:lwn the children Of Israel come of tl1e tribe of Jutlah. “But as for us, the Lord is our
nigh unto the sn11Cf11.1r~.“--Sum. 8: 18, 19. God, and vx have not forsaken him; and the priests,
l’ 11 ~14 a privilr:re cod had xivcn lo .-\:iron and his which minister unto t&e Lord, are the sons of Aaron,
sons to minister unto him at the l:~l~crnacle in tlie arxl the I,eviles wait upon their businc>s.” (2 Chrw.
priest’s office, and it xas nu ltrss a JJri\ i&c from the 13: 10) There is no Scriptural warrant for conclud-
Lord tl1nt the o(l1crs of the tribe of Levi were assi:pcd in? that Cod used the nonl)riestly ones of the trihc
to specific service in connection wit11 the tabernacle of Levi to represent a lc~ i’;litl1ful class. If Ihc T,ord
f0 aGt lhe pricstlwocl. Rein? it gift to the priest to did so, Ihc‘n that would mean that it was a part Of his
cl0 swvicc at the tal~:~rn;~clc as nssictnnts IO the pricsl purpse to approve some that were partially faithful ;
\V011ld st1~0n~l~ ;11*:1lr tlli1t all the Lc\.lt(*S \VCI’C mwn- anti such is ahsolutcly out Of harmony with God’s cs-
IJC~S of the hor~sc~ho]d oi’ thr hi::11 pric4 In the sncri- pressed purpose.
ficc Of t11o 1,1lllol~!; :111d tt1c I,old’s goal tt1c ct1t1rc tI41c I5 K0niIllrcritilnce in t11c land applied tn tl1c pric5ts
of l,rvi must hart Iwcn rcl,rcscntcd; il‘i it is written : and nonprirsts all alilic: “A114 the Lord sl~lrc unto
“Ant1 ~~:lIYll1 Sll;ll] 1Jrillq thC kJll]~OC~i Of the Sin Ofl(:r- hrO11, ?'hOu Shalt ]l:lvC I10 i?lh!ri~:lnc(! iI tll(‘ir ]:1111~,
in:; lvhirtl i$ fur himself, and s11;tll malw an atolirmcnt Ilcitllcr Sll:llt illOL1 ]lGlVC ilIly ]Jfll’t 3111Ull:! t;lPln: 1 ill11
for Ilirnwlf, ant1 for 11i\ 110usr, antl shnll Ii111the lmllwk thy part ;111(1lliinc inhcrilanrc ainon~ the ~l1il~liw of
of tl1P sin offer in:! \\ hirh ic; for himsrlf.” ( IAAV. 16: II) Jsracl. ,!11tl, l~cl~oltl, I hve Riven the cl1il(lw11 of lAwi
‘J’hc s;i~~tc:tlii11g va:; clmw \vith Ilic l~luocl of thr l~r(‘l’h all tlic lc11tli in Isrwl for an inlicritanw, for tlwir
FOllt a? KilR ClOllC!will1 tllc itlOOt 0f tl1c lJUllO~k. (IA’\?. sc’rviw Nl1ich tllcy WI’VC’, (:VCll llle StbrYicC Of 1I!C 1ill)(!r-
3Ci: 75) ‘lYlc JJI’ic4 i’lltl 1lw ot 11W I,&tcs wcrc :111 11nvlc of' t IIC cOnxrc::;11 ion. “----511111. 1x : 20, ‘21.
lwctl1rc11, b&is Of One f;it,lily. The l1iq:li priest was lb ~l‘onc Of the Jlcvitw lint1 any iiilic~rif:1~iw in tlic
a 1’~‘J)l’~‘S(~lltafi\.C 01’ tll(! vll~ir(~ tI’ih: of h!\*i. (1k111. land. Jf this mcuny that the prirstly (*I;I~s mwt in-
33: S) Tlit: pric<is and lhe Others of tlic t~*ilrc of 1,wi hcrit il Il~~:lVClll~ alld IlOt ill1 ~~ill~tlll~ lJIGLf!c’, tllC S:lIIlP is
arc alWays aSS0ciiltctl togcthcr. Tlic nolil~ricstly JJ:lrt trl!c wit11 rcfcrcncc 10 tllc llolll~l’i~~4fly Vl;l’iY. Si11cc
of the t1’ilJc Scrvcd tllcil’ lJrCthrel1 \dlO W’L’C WrViIlg ill t1rc “+pwt multituclc”, wilhout a doubt, is an earthly
1170IJric5t’s office. I%01h wrc scrvcrs or tlic J,ord, IJut kllld llot iI ]lNlYcn]y CUIll]Jilll~, tiliv \Vf.~lll~~ JJI’OVC tll;lt
ltot all wc1c assiglwd lo lhc s;i~nc: l~lacu Of scrviw. It the nonlwicsts of the Jlcvitw do 11ot tyl)ii’y the c:rc:tt.
iS cvcn so in the 1~0~1~ 0T Christ tllilt (Iotl 11ath “set tlic niul~i~utlu. l’;Vcn the no111J15icsts did l)ricQly clt1titbs
mcn1lwrs c’vrry OIIC Of llwn in the body, as it hail1 \Vhc~111l1c \\01*k ~1s very 11ci1\‘y and rcquiwd tl1cir
~11~xxd liim”. “]%Ut. llO\V :IK! thy Jl1;lll.V IYlCmtJLLl’S, schr\,icr in 11121 I~hlf. (2 L’iiron. 2!) : 3-I ; :N : 16, 17)
3’ct hit O!lC body.” (1 ax. 12 : IS, 20) l’hc llollJ,I’icsts Tlic 11onprifsts of lhnt triltc ~(‘rc siii;:crs in tllc Icmplc.
of tllc trilw of licvi wrvc~cl t11c prir5ts, not as Ihc swv- (1 Cliron. I5:16-22; l(i:Ui; 3 Chroi1. 5:12) l'l~cy
ants Of Jrlen, but “as IllIt tllC IAlLd”, ilS tllC I~01d tilLIgllt C:Od ‘S 1:1W;1Iltl cXl)1Y’SWtl his jutlgmc.11 t ilS (‘OrIt-
]ld ;lsSi~;llcd thPlJl JJhWS ol’ SW’ice. Those ill the I~XlJlllCd. (2 ctiloll. 17 : 8, ‘3 ; I9 : S-11) s1tCl1 wrsiw
cl1urcl1 arc likcwiw dirccfcd : “And whatsoever yc CGUld 1lOt filld :111 ill11 ityJJ<: in il 1CSS faitl1ful slbirit-
do, do it licartily, :I$ to tlio I~rd, and not unto mcu.” IJCgOttCIl COnl~J:I1ly, :lutl C!SlJCC*i:\~l~ IlOt ilt, tllC ~11~1 (of i IIC

(Cal. 3 : 23) KOt C\‘vl’!‘Ollt in the T~Ol’il’s W~plliXtiOIl wo14d, when tlw grcnt inultitudc is buJu::ht i’ut tli.
can IJO ;ihsigncil Lo 1hc wmc l~lacc. Some may liave a It is true that the nonpric~slly Iim’iicS did not war
more wsl~onsiblc l)osition t llilll otllclx official grmcnts. Tnstcad of this showing Ihat tl1ca>
l4 The priests ant1 no11priosts wcrc awiyncd to scp- pictured a lw failhful P1;1s+, wliieh has lwrt~tol’wc
aratc duties in tl1cb wrvicc, and the Lcvilw, ai a tlihc, lxcir wllccl the ‘t1~1l~ul;itiu1i Or coitsulutio11 cliw’, it
were reprcscnted in the liiglt pwst’s p!rhOIl or idy Would SlIO\v tlG)t tl1Cy dit.l llot rcl)rc\ciit il spwial rl;ls,i
just the same ilS the undcrpricst s \yCre rcprcWnt~~cl in in llic I;ord’s orpnni~ation but mcrcly pic*turcd tl~o:;c
ihc liirsli ]Jl’iNt. The at~gm:cnl is made Ihnt tlic l,cvitcs who w&r wrwc in the I.Ord’s organization. Tliry
(lid ilot :v into the 2iost Holy of the talxrnaclc On scrwtl as unto tile T,ord.
th ita~ Of at0Ilcmcnt. Tl1at ilr:IlIJJlPl’t has 110 \:-ciyllt,
for tlir lwson tlmt the undcrpricsts did not go into Ilic
RIoA lloly on the day of atOncmcnt, nor cvcn into the I7 Tl1e interests of all tltc tribe of Lcri, inrluding
holy? the 11&h priest itlOne going it110 the ;\Iost IIol> priests, untlcrpric~sts, and nonlwicsfs, were all cOn1~~iu11.
011 t11c (:n4’ c,f ntoI?crlrct!t. (Lev. 1G: 17) xot all the All 01 tlicrn did service unlo the 1,ord aworcli1+ tu liii
14cl it,:: rodd IJc calltd to th ~Jrks~h'JcJd, heaIl%? i!l rornm,ntilnic,nt i. Their <Iii i\ion i:1to gro1111’; :IW:JI~III~~;
the ~lktI’i~JLltiOI1 of tabernacle service that scrvicc did to the gr<!dc Of xbi*vice cvidrtitlq- ivies 1101 i:ic;,nl tu

typify two scparztc and diGlet classes of spirit- la There were some associated with the Israelites
begotten ones, one faithful and the other less faithful; who were not Israelit es. The “Xethinims” (meaning
but to typify one service ornanization of God’s favored ‘igivcn ones”) mentioned in the Scriptures were not
ones or firstborn ones at the temple doing service to Israclitcs. (1 Chron. ‘3: 2) Joshua assi~iitd th(JW
which each one was assigned. It is exactly so today “given ones” to some menial service. (Josh. 9 : 22-27)
in the antitype. Not every one of Jcl~ovah’s witnL%es They are clearly dist,inguishcd from the Levitcs, (Xzra
can serve at the same place. Some of them at head- 2: 70; 8: 20; Neh. 7 : ‘73) The fact that the ~cthinirns
quarters, some at branch offices, and somn pionwrs, did some service in connection with the tr,l)crnaclc
and some in other places, and ill1 are doinK scrvicc as does not at all argue that the Levites typified a class
unto the Lord. Whether in one place or the other, all of persons &stilled to live on the earth Eor ever.
are serving God and his kingdom and all arc reprc- 2QThe Kohnthitcs were one of the families of the
scntcd in the High Priest, Christ Jesus, who is their tribe of Levi. Korah of the tribe of Kohath wa? an
Head and Commander. If one suffers, all suffer; and infamous rebel agnin5t Cod’s constituted arr;m’,rc-
if one rejoices, all rejoice. Some of them arc made a ment for the labcrnaclc service. (&urn. 16: l-5)
gazingstock both by reproaches and afllictions, and Without a doubt Korah is used in the Scripturct3 to
others snfi’cr by reason of brain:: companions of God’s picture a hpirit-bcgottcn class once in line for the liiti~:-
anointed ones who sufl’cr indignities. (mb. 10 : 32. 33) dom but who become unfaithful and arc tlc~trc~y\-c~d.
In the eye* of men some occupy less honornblc posi- “~~\-oC Unto thw ! for thy h;lvC $JllC in tllC! 1\ a)’ Of
tioiis thaIi others, but in the sight of God there is no Cain, and ran greedily after the error of I?nl;~arii For
distinction, Lcwus:c God is no respcctcr of persons. reward, and prri4ied in the gaiilsayiil~ of Cu’rc.”
(ISpli. 6: 9) I~aitliful and con~plctc devotion t(J him is (.Judc 11) Co’rc mcslitiollcd by .JIU~Cis tllr, W~P mtbn-
what is l,lc:Gitl~ ant1 scccl~t:~l~leto Jehovah. Thrrc is tiOlird in KumtbcrS 16: 1 awl itlerl’ SJdld “l~(Jr:lh”.
not one srripturc that cvcn indicates that God ap- This sllows that tltc TAJI~ &JVS not al)provc thc)q:cwho
proves and rcw;~rds an ulll’aitliful class. l’hcrc is no are partially faitl~ful and that hc dots not give: all)
rcn~u to c~onclutlcthat (Iocl bar a secondary spiritnal part inllp faithful a secondary l)l;icc in his hwwiity
Cl:l!>S \\hJlll h(! PV\+YLl’dS to SOIllC &?‘I1’L’C, I)CC:lliSc hi Or~~~llliZiltiOl~.
faithful, and l,ccau~ they have got ten miscntl up with “UEAK TIIEIR IXIQUITY”
the world ant1 try to l~lcasc 1~0ththe world and Cod. 21WC hnviri:: unc’c gott(hn into the error that the:
“gI.cat multitu~lc” is a spirit-l)(afiot ten compalry i hilt
will bc nssignc(l to a sccon(1;ir.v1~1~0in the licavrsnly
I* God’s law provided for his cities of rCfugc, all of I,in~:~lom,tlic prophecy of IMciel has hrrctoforc !~9i
whirl1 would 1~ inliiltJit(4 by the trihc of I,cri, and improperly npl~licd to the great mull itudc. “,\11d 11~
of this tri!)cb 0110of the tit icls was at II(~l) and that Levifcs that arc gc~llc a\VilJ’ far from me, 11hoi IWIC~
was 0ccul)ietl by tlio l)rIcsts, who wcrc, of coui’sc, went astray, which went astray away from nit after
Jrcvitrs. Jf the nonprir\tly licvitcls picturctl ii second- their idols; they shall cvcn bear their inicluity.“--
ary ClilSS 01’ ClaSS OC COIlSc~lTltd OllCS WtlO ;lI+C lWS EZdi. 44: 10.
faithful th:lll th rOy:ll h(~llSC, the11 tht \vollld 1nml ** All tlicxc words of the text have hcrctofoir: not
that the unwitting man-slayer would be ilccing to been properly considcrcd together. Noic t Ilc 1ost :,ay.i
that part of Clod’s orgonizatiou that is only ljnrtially “when Israel went astray”. The priests also at the
faithful lo him. Such a conclusion is entirely un- time went astray, as well as tlic nonprif9tly clays.
rcasonablc and is unscriptural. (Nuni. 3.5: 2-15 ; “But the priests the Levi&, the sons of %:itl&, 1hat
1 Chron. 6: 57) The cities of refuge typified God’s kcl)t the CililrgC of my Mllct1la~+V WllFIl tllc (*hi!~lr~~n
faithful organization on earth as a whole and as a of Israel went astray from mp, they sl~:ill conic ii(‘ar
part of the rOyi hOWx to which the man IV110 SlCW to tnc to minister unto me, and they shall statid bct’orc
anothcr unawares might flee. The antitypical cities me to offer unto mc the fat and the blood, s;tilh tilt
of refuge apply at the end of the WOYld iilld after tllk? Lord God: they shall ciitcr illto my SalWtUiIry, nl!d
coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple and the be- they shall come ncn~ to my table, to minister unto me,
ginning of the proclamatiou of the kingdom message. Eltld they Slldl 1rWp my CllaYgC.“-EZcli. 4-l: 15, 16.
(See 2’1~ l\latc~~tozccr 1934, page 2-47.) The organiza- z3Instead of this prophecy’s showing tv;o cl:i5.Yc~
tion of Jehovah could not bc made up of two divisions, of spirit-bcgotlcn ones, it rhows this: That, thoc;l: c(W-
one faithful and one only partially faithful, the latter secratcd ones and dcvotcd to tlic Lord’s scrvicc w(‘rc
of which we have heretofore called the “tribulation” mised up at one time with “Christclldom” ilnd ill(llilc-
class. This is another strong argument that the.Lc- ing in such formalism as show~l that they hacl gone
vitcs pictured those faithful to Cod, and forming his astray from the Lord, and they arc dcsigiintc(l as II.I~-
organization, in which some occupy one position and in: garments soiled, that is to say, they were itl0ititi(*(l
some another position, as God has been pleased to with others practicing forms of worship, illlC1 1(1 smie
place them in those positions, Christ Jesus being the dcrree at least were misin- with ttic w-urlcl. ‘i‘h~.!- cot
great High Priest over the entire organization. anay from the true worship of Jcho~~h (:~l. Tile
Jca 1, 1936 %e WATCHTOWER 167

prophecy shows that, after they bore their iniquity, an offerittg in righteousness.” (Nal. 3: 2, 3) Thcsc
a rcmnattt rcturncd to the Lord, and being cleansed words, “he sllall purify the sons of Levi,” must of
bF him at the temple judgmettt, and their iniquity, ttcccssity apply to all the antitypical Leyites, includ-
that is to say, their I21~-1~5~ticbs,removed, they wcrc in= the priestly and ttonpriratly claw. It is the clcat~rctl
fit for scrvicc. Those, being cleattsed and bccomittg ones that are as+ned to the service of the Lord that
a remnatit of all the antitypical Levi&, SJmC priests thcsc may “offer unto the Lord art o&ring in ri$t-
and sotnc nonpriests, were all assigned to certain parts cousness”. All in littc for the kingdotn had to be
of service in the Lord’s organization. This fact was cleansed and purified. Cottsidcring now the tyl,e in
overlcmlwd ill coiddcring this very 1JrO~JhCcy it1 l’i)t- conncctiott with the prophecy of Ezekiel (ii : l&16),
d~~liorf, l3ook Tht%?, lJagCS 265 to 26% 'l%iS ShOw it is Seen tllilt the TJcvitcs, after they had struycd :md
how God’s Jxq~lc get into an error by taking for alter they had been cleansed and rctwncd to tlto
granted that wc have a proper uttrlcrstanditt~ of the Lord, were not nssi~ned to a lowr or less favored
lx’O~JhC+y hf’orc the limo the lxol~hcc~ is fulfilled. It place in the service than t11cy had occupied bcforc t!w>
is another proof that no man catt undcrstattd prophecy crnt astray. This shows that tltc ‘bcarittg of theit
ut~til it is fulfilled aad no ttt:ln can itttcrprct l~rolthccy own iniquity or Iil\\ll3\ll~~S!j (meaning a la?vlcss c0tit-w
at any time At tltc titnc the :tfor1!-tnciiiioitcd book of action) could not rcfcr t~l~icnlly to the lxvit(5
~‘~~~trhhfion was wrillctt Cd had not rcvcalcd to 1li.u Iwing assigttcd to a sccoit~larp pI:~cc 01' lwsil iott iii
l~cople the proper uttdcrstandittg of the “great mu!- hcnvcn. The fact tltat the cntirc spirit-begotten cum-
titudc”. IJ:tny h:td t0 h CICilllSCd \VhCIl ihC Lot~l came t(~ tilt
Z4Note also that before thcarc was atry dcllvction God tcmplc sliows that tlic cntirc sljirit-bvg0ttc.n wnt1,dn~
gave. instruction to the hi:11 priest that tlwy should hilt1 gOllC a\tr:ly 2llld wcro J~rOCCC~tlill~ ill :I11 Ulll:i\VLUl
Iwar llrc iuiqutty of tltc s:~t~tuury. “~Ittd the Lotd mxittc’r arid that. all who pow~sscd a ri4kt Cotlclit 10t1
said unto X;~tw, ‘lk,u, attd thy wiis, and 111s father ‘s of Iwart Wcrc elwttscd by the Lord ant1 tlic f;litlilul
llottsc v.itlt lhec, shall tN!iir the inicluity of the s;It:c- rhS.Y \VhO WI'0 ~1~Jpr~JvCd CmS~itUtCd tilt! 1 rOl'rI'S

tuary ; and thou and thy WIY u ith thee shall l~car the “faithful a11d wiw servant” class. (Alatt. 24: 4X7)
iniquity of your priesthod. ” (Xum. 1 S : 1 ) C!lcarly The Swipturcs show that the 1,014 \WS angry \sil II
this rcfcrcttw is to the house of Lcvitc9, Lcc:iusc 11112 tllc%t hmL%! thy had jiOtlC astray, IJUt \~llcll tiq

\\urds “TINJu, and thy sws, :wl thy I;11 ircr’s llolr~c had bortlc their itiiquity attd wcrc clwrwd illltl f’or-
with tlwc” cuultl rdcr tcJ Jlotllill~ less 111;111all ti10 Ki\rtt they rcjoicctl ant1 said: “And iii that day thou
tribe of I&. The Swil~turcs iittmr~li;ltcly following, shalt say, 0 140txl, I \&ill praise thee; thou~lt thou
nantrly, i\‘tunlwrs Id: 2-6, l~twwihc tlic dut iw of ail \\ast attjiry wtf It ttw, thitlc atiger is tnrticd II\V:I~, ;u~d

1he Lcvitcs, both prit+ils, ut~tlcrlwicsts ant1 ttoti~~ri~~ts. tllOU COIllfO~t~~ttSt IIlC.“-I\il. 12 : 1.

Prior to that J~ltov;~lt hat! dcrlared cottc~craing the :‘* l’rior to that time the cwnsccratcd of earth lr~ol;c~l
Iri$i priest lItat il plate of ])urC gold be lltiltlc lltld UpoIl ttlC politiwl rulers of tills world ilS tlic “ tli~lv~t
~Jli~tX? ShOtIltl f>L’ ~ll’~rilVCJl !IJXIll ttliLt l)tLltC ItIC \VOdS, ]JOW?l'S", whom 1lwy 111ust. ObUy, illld t1w.v collf,,lx~cIJ
“IIt%1sI<s.i 1’0 THE L~~!:I~,” whi~ll ]JhtC must Ilr~mxc~l~cs Iarqcly to tltr pracl ices ittclulgvtl ill 1,)
be attartwd to the furcfrotlt of the lnitcr of tlic hip11 “(.‘I~ristcncloiit”. Hut \\.lI~‘ll thy witlu.lrcw l'l'Olt1

print, and thct~ adds: “~\tid it shall bc upon Aatm's 13;tbylott and wcro Cliwilsctl and t*cjoiccd, 110 more (lit1
forelten~l, that Aaron may bc,w the iniquity of the they attribute salvation to any c:irthly powers twr
holy thing, nlricli the chiltlrctt of Israel shall hal!uw tOOk to CarthJy J)o\Wrs fur protWtiut1, i)Ut Slid: “Jk-
iii all their My gifts.” ( 1:x. 2s: 353s) Thcsc scrip- hold, God is my SllViltic)ll ; I wiil 1I’USf, illld not tc

tures show Iliat bollt pricsl5 clnd nonpricst~ must bear afraicl: for tllc IAJ~Y~J13II~l\‘Al~ is my stwnqtll awl
certain iniquities. my song; lie also is l~~otrrc my sd vat iuii. ‘1’11c1’~~I’oi’c:
*$ As tn:url:ing ilw antitypical fulAllmmt of thcsc with joy shall yc draw water out of the wclls.of sal-
pt~l&Aic statemcttts note this: that at the coming vation. “-Isa ..-. 1” * 2,3 .
of the Lord Jesus io the lcmplc for jud::mwt of the ASGELS SEI:VAXTS
house of God the antitypical Levitcs, priests and non- ?’ Nor is tlicrc ally twson to coticlutlc that tltc Lor(l
priests, had gonc astray and all such must bear tlwir
iniquity. Tlvre is no indicntiott that. thcrc ilIT two
spirit or distittetIy .wlxwatc elitrscs in this judgment,
It is clearly stated that the l~url~osc of the coining of
the Jm7.l to tlic temple was to cleatisc the sotis of Levi ;
as it is written : “But who may abide tlic day of his
comirtg? and who &all stand when ltc nppcarcth?
for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fulh.rs sol)c:
and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver ; and
JtC sh:tJl jJUrify th? SOw of IlCVi, alld ]?Ut’gC thCm ;lY
gold and silvc~', that thy may ofkr unto lhc I,wd
163 BROOKLYN;, s. Y.

to that of those wholly and entirely faithful angelic things take their proper place in the mind, as set
hosts, which is both inconsistent, unreasonahlc and forth in the Swipturcs. \Yhrn we wait upon the Lord
unscriptural. Certainly it could not be said that Je- to interpret prophecy, then we understand it and see
ho& needs to find room and some form of service the real truth.
in heavcit for a class of creatures that arc viewed as OUTER COURT
a sort of by-product. of his work. When Christ was
*QIt clcarlv appears frotn tltc Scriptures that there
on earth he declared that he was going away and
is no secondary place provided in ltcavcn for Eollowrs
would l~repnrc a place for his followers that proved
taken from amongst men and made spirit wcnturcs.
faithful, and not for .sotnc also who proved only par-
It thcrcforc also clearly aljljcars that the outer court
tially faitltful. (John 14: 3) The Scriptnrcs do not
of the temple could not typify sucll a place or condi-
set forth l)romiscs to two classes of spirit-tqottcn
tion. The fahcrnacle in the wilderness of Mount Sinai
ones. Thf*re ncwr was any Scriptural rcwm for hold-
had only one court, and that one court xx trotlclett
ittg before tnen tfw hope of a sc~onditr~ place in hcnvcn
by all llic ]~copIc, as well as ]JY Ihc Lcvitcs, priests ait~l
that migfrt IN rcnch~tl 1~3’ wag of the “f~arlc door”. It
nonpiiests. (1~9. 1: l-9) It would thcrcforc lJi~tut*rt
is positively slated, on the cotitrary, that ‘all arc called
the same tlrittg its pictured 11y,the outer court of 111,:
in one 11opt: Of our callittq’, ttot two ltoljw ( I*:]J]~. 4: 4)
Icmlh, as scl9i in Ezc~kiel’s vision (I+IZPJi. 40: 17 ;
The Ijcgctting or ackttonlctl~tncttt of his sotts called
46:21-C-!), lo viit: A\. cotidition of justiiic:itioti or
to the fic:~v~rtly j)Iacc I,y tfic Ilord is itt ottc hope, and
st;indittn ljcbforc Got] of tltc tlcw CiYXlitltW iti CfilriKt,
tllilt ltopc is 10 IJ:lrt:lkc of illc wsurrccl ion Of cltt%it
attd of all t11o.w of matikitltl Iflat are l~tw:t]~t it!; J
Jesus to itI1 i1lcOi~rll]J~i]J]C! itllicrilanw. (1 l’ct. 1 : 3, 61;
ftatmoriy with *J1~110Vi111 lJ\- Chrisl. ‘i’hc ?VCilt ntuItitrt(lo
I’llif. 3 : 70) IllStW] of a flWWllfy O]J]JOrl unity’s ]J(!-
‘Shtd ]J(!fMY! h? f]lr~JtlC, C]Ot]td ill \\.]titc rO]PS’, t]l;tt
ing rcscrvctl for Ihow who I~ccome “IVSS fait hfuf ”
is, they ~IilVC n Shllding Of aiJ1JrOv.;1] ]JPfOrC (:(ld. 111
by drawitt?: hacfc illttl tnisirtg up with Satan’s organi-
tfrc lcxtlf~fc, as it apfJrilrc(l itl Ihc viSioli Of JCZ(,liiPI,
zaliott it is lJf:littfy slatctl in 111eScriIJturcs thiil httr11
th(l outer coutt is ctllctrcd iIt tro&lcri IJy f IIC ],rittw
as <IO dr;~\~ llitck atttl IJ~COIIIC wfaithl’rtl arc assi:;ttc~d
Zllld fJy IllC ]JCOf,lC iii $!:CtlCl’ill (15%(!k.1G: X-IO), :ltI~l
lo dosi rucl ioti.4 I&. 10 : W, 3!).
this w0u111 Ibtw(’ tli;tt the out(Bt’ court does titrt fg)ify
2RTo have lJart iii llic siti ofl’crittg for tnatif;incl is n spirit wtiditicjtt iii the itt\i\ilJlc hc:rwtts, llttt ;I colt-
not of first it~l]JOt~~ililw t(J ~flOS\! WbO ]JwJitl(! the f(J]-
tlitioti of just Iliwtiott or stntt(litlg Idore lhc l,orlI 1~)
lowtx of Christ rJcw~, illll to tlt(m that \ihiclt is of tll(JSC \vIIO iIt’P 011 ~IIC (‘at’tft iIlld \VftO ilP.2 d<‘v~t~~l 10
firht iln]JOr~~lttW iS 10 S~‘rvC GO(l’S Ol*~~t!li~:!~i~Jll alid
c:otl. Tlwsc ;II’C fJ”OfJfC of good will, lflC “OfIIW SilNq)”
hnvc il ]J:tr t wit Ii C’iirist tJ~w5 in t Itc Yitldicilt iOn of
of Jesus’ Ilo&, tfw “gtwt multitude”, ntttl fill wor-
.Jehovnh ‘s name. ‘J’hrb ]~ur]~osc! of just ificaliott :lttd
shill in thr out(>r c(Jut’t. .voW hy 1’WSOtiOf tll(‘ir f:lith
nl)irit-iJ(l~Cfffitt” is ttot prirniit*ily to li:1vc ;I IJart iii tftc in Jehovah Cod ant1 C’ltrist .JVSIISand of tlwir flwittq
sin ofl’ct ittg iltltl assistitl: to uplift Iltc wot’ld, hut that to Cod’s or~:~tiiz:t1ioti, tfic city of t*cl’it?c, Iltcy 11;iw :I
wlticlt is 01’ chief itttlJort;ittw is to nttswr Snt:itl’s l’ilfSC standing ntitl, t11c~t~c cuntitluitt~ faithful, 1 Itchy will II:I\C
~Itai~gc aaitt-it (iotl IJ~ provitt~ tftat tl~c crcaturc lot- protcctioti, ilS l~iwmisc~~l,at .\t*rn:lrcd~iotl. JII tlie t:l]J-
]owitty itl the footsl(~ps of Jc~us cat1 withtatic~ the
Cl’Il:lC]C t]lC! J,(.o],]C \vCrC CXC]llthl fro111 tflC If Ofy, ;lll(f
CSSttUfts: Of ~iltiltl attd tui~illfaitt his ititc::Gty toward only the px icst \I;ts lJermiltct1 thcrc ; iltltl thiq wottl~l
(:od CVCII tf1ou:~11 that t~tcat~s to such :1 sacrificial death. prove that tlic Jioly Ijicftttw tltc spirit-ljcqol lrtt condi-
It is thus that ollc Iworws ilSSo(!i;ltd with the great tion of God’s ]JCO]J]C wliilc on the rartlt. T11c Most
~‘intlicator. The t::liittg of mott to hcavcn is not of Holy ljicturrtl ltcawn itself.--JTcb. I) : 23,2-l.
primary itnlJort;lttcc. The saeritiw of the followers of
C’1trist adds tiotltitig lo tltc great ransom sacrifice to
give it plow power or cffec1 ivcticss iii the taking away 3oThe passover lamb was s;tcrificctI ott tltc four-
of sins. Therefore sa~rificc for sins Cilt~l~Ot lx the lmnth day of the first motttlt. The fil’twttl it thy c~f
l)rimnry rcahwi for Clod’s justifying tnw and beget- fhat month \V~S O~SC~VU~as a sitIJ1Jatlt 01’ I it c1.1~.
tittg tlwtn as hi.4 slJiritua1 sons. Even the great sacri- From the nio1’rO\v ;lftCr the s:ll~lJ~lt~l, that is, 011 111C
lice of Christ Jcstts prodwin:; the rattwm \viis only SjxtcCtltfl day, t]lc cOullt ]Jl ‘~~:;\ll, and fifty ikl~ s cou1ticd
FCCOtlClil~~ in itll~J0t?:l1lCC. ‘J’hat which stands out as of from that time f0lVillXl ljrought lflc pWI)IC 10 the thy
tltc grcatcst imlJortattcc is tfle vindication of Jchovnh’s of l’cntecost. “And yc 5ftnll count unto you from thr
name. The force of this argnmcnt is also strong proof morrow after the Sill~b~ltll, from illC day that ? i’
‘that God will not fix a secondary lxlacc in lwaven for brow:f~t the sltraf of tltc wave on’criti: ; scvctt .s:~]~]Jnti~s
sonic merely to save a great mullitutlc from dcstrnc- shall IJC cromp!~tc: even undo the mot’row aftclr tf!c
tiott. Such is not csprcsscd in the ScrilJturcs as a SC\CIltfl snhlxttlt Sltilll ye nuntl~cr fifty days, ::lltl FC
reason for Cod’s providing a secondary reward in ~11~11 &‘cr a IIC\V mCi\t oft~rittg utlt0 tIlC I,rr~;l.” (Jlc,\..
heawn and rootn for service for them to so scrvc. When 23: 15, IG) Tile “sheaf of lhc Gr:ilTruit4 of [lli~]
WC liCC!p in mind ihat the great jssuc which must bc harrcst” (vs. lo), that is, the shcnI’ of l11c wa\c’ CKc~r-
settled is tltc vindication of Jehovaft’s nn~,le all otftcr hg, WilS offcrccl at the b~~gitlttittg of 1Itc liity d:l,vs.
JCSE 1, 1936 169

There was a “new meal-offering” (RI’.). It was of those who were presented before the Lord, one part
offered at Pentecost and consisted of two loaves baked of which is wholly clevotcd to the Lord, and thcb other
of fmc flour and baked with leaven, and this was part or class not wholly devoted to him. Following the
offered togcther with a burnt offering: “Ye shall fulfillment of the passorer the day Of Pentecost marked
bring out of your halxtations two wave loaves, of two the outpouring Of tlic holy spirit. in fulfillment of
tenth deals; they shall hc of fine flour; they shall be Jocl’S prophecy. At that first fulfillment tllcre was
bakcn with lcavcn; they arc the firstfruits unto the a divivion among: those who claimed to lx on the side
Lord. And yc shall ofl’cr with the bread seven lambs Of Jehovah God at that time : “.\nd there were dw-cll-
without blemish, of the first year, and one young in: at .Tcrusalem, Jews, devout men, out of every
bullock, and two rams: Chcy shall lx for a burnt offcr- nation under licnven. And they were all amazed, and
ing unto the Lord, with their meat offering, and their WI’C in doubt, saying one to another, \yliat mcancth
drinli or;‘crings, cv~ii an ofi’ering made by fire, of sweet this? Others, mocking, said, TIWSC men are full of
savour unto the Lord. Then yc shall sarrifice one kid new wine. ” (Arts 2: 5,12,13) After hearing Peter,
of tllc goats for a sin ofirrin~, and two lmil~s ol the many who had hccn in douljt \v;crc convinced and
first year I’or a sacrifirc 0lY peace offerings. -\nd the Lard and bclicvccl his statement: “Th(ln thry thilt
pric5t r;haIl wave them with the hreatl UP the first- gl:~dly reccivcd his word wcrc baptized ; and the hnlnc
fruits, for a wave of’i’criti:: ~~cforc the Lord, willi the day Ihcrc w’~lre added unto them about three thousutld
two lanil~s; ilwy slmll lx holy t0 the Lord for the 50111:;.“---i\CtS 2: 17.
pricsl. “- I,cv. 23 : 17-20. 33 Kow concc~rnitiq the sccontl out pouring of tlic holy
I1 At unc time in tlic past this stntctnojt was pub- spirit, or the fulfillment of Jo~l’s prol~hccy in ccntl-
lb;licd, to wit : “The two 1unVcs rcprcscntcd, tljcrcforc, lJlvt(~rie~s, this o~f+urrccl aflcr tllc f:cmili:: of tllc IAct
the two clx-,cs of tlic coli!:c!cratcd--tIlc ox c,rcoming to t hc tcmplc for judgment. That was t tic antity1Jic~al
little IlWk :lIld ttlcr ‘glT:lt C~llIlt)ilIl~’ Of 111CNJllSC(+KltW.l I’ellterost, or complulc fulfitlttic~nt. All of the (‘c!ll\o-
servants uf (:otl. ” (l’lre l\Yc/tclf frru:~ I MS, t~:kgc! 625) cral(tcl w~rc 1ticli IJwsfmtcd twt’cw lhc Ilord for jrltlg-
Tn that STII( 1)ul)lic*;ltioll this ~1;ltc~mcllt \\‘its :I~W II~;U~C: nif~ljf ant1 d:tcrmi~,atio~i as lo V;l~ich slioulcl rc,c,>i\ c
“The two lo;~v~ rcaprcscnt [(,(I] the same tliirl:; as t11c liic iltJt)lTJV~lt itIlt Vllter into his ,if)y. TIlt~~c! \VitS il tli-
two goals l~rcsci~tc~d on thr day of atoiiom~nt.” The viGc:u at 1hat lime. ,111 prc;~~liIc(l w(ar(’ imi~crf’c7t in
tw’o c~uot;tlioW iltJOYC cl0 not appear to IYe c:onsistcllt. thc*inYclvcs, autl. lllis was rc~l)rc~scqitctl by tllcl I~9v’cIi
The latter statcnlcnt wws to ljc a IIAOIT nc;1I$- comwt in lhc IO;IWS, antI not at1 ~~~sxfw~fl tlw saw lwrt
one, to wit, that the two IWIWS rcprc.+ljlcd the s:imc cotj(litiou. Some wi’rc movotl 14’ wlklinfw, u l~ilc
thing is ttic two goats prfwntcd on tltc thy of atonc- OthC’I’S &sir(~61 ttlc: ;l~JtJrOVill Of tllc lN1xl (;(I(1 ;:lJO\C
mmt. When llic two goats wcrc l)rcscntcd, lots wcrc f7crytllin;: c’lsc ant1 wcrc thc~rc~l’cjrc dcvotctl lo tlicl
cast to show that 1lic s&cl ion was not ail)ilrnry hut I,ortl, rcacly a1161witliug lo do llis \vill wliatsocver that
that the fmlrsc of wlifnl wliicll each goat, look dctcr- nlidlt h. l’hrf! WaS EL Sq)aral ifm Or CliviSiOlt. ‘I‘lliS
mined wlii~li way tlio lot slioul(l fall. One Of tho~43 corrcspontlcvl with the purifyill:: OK ltic sons of J,cvi.
lots signifittl 1111:1~OI’d’:; gwt, i!ll<l ltlC other t tX cast- (3t;lt. 3: 2, 3) OUt Of tllilt fiCtI*y t(‘ht tllClt al)ljlic(l C;llllC!
away. It stio\:c~tl a tlivision of a certain clnu. Ilotti tltc: “EilittlfUl ilIlt wiw Wl’V;‘Ilt”, t0 WtlOtn tllll TAJrtl
goats wrc’ prcw~xited to tlic Ilord, arid were in lim! ccimmittctl all llicj liiIlgtlOR1 int(ltx’Yts 0x1 the c~aI*th. .\t.
for hacrificc, and the Lord db;!joYod of them acc*ordiljg ltic same time 11jer(h nl)pc:iro(l :ll:,o tlic “evil Sel7 ilIlt”
t0 tllc COlIl’X Of nrtiou i;ll~Ol tJv WC11 OllC. OnC! \\‘ilS class, which is not il])I)rOVWl by tllc Lord. Ih~tti wrc
selectctl i’w a aw~ificc ; t tic of licr was cast away as the in llllc for the liillgdOI?l wticli prcsc~nt~~(l hcforc tllc
‘(wit xrvan t ’ ‘. The offcriiix was waved l):forc ttic Lord, both wcrc inilbcrfcct iti tttcllbc~lvcs. as intlic3tc~tl
T~ord, as it apl)(‘ars, for tlic same purpose, that is to by the hbavcn, f>ltc class was (*lc~:ln& and a(Bccptctl 113.r
WY, that tlic Ilord might indicate his ncceljlancc of the Lord to ofi’cr ;II~ ofi’cring in rightrortsncxs I~~~f’orc
one and 1tic rpjcction of t hc other. In the co:isc’c~~:i- him, and tlic olhcr class \VitS cast away. (mt
tion of the pricsitiood the Ofl’cring was put on llic hands 2-I: 45-51) 011 tht? S:lIlIC tlily Of ttlc \V:lYC OfAxiq tllC
Of the 1JriCRt mid wnwd bel’orc the Lord. “~jnd ~loscs priest pixAirnct1 a holy COIlVOCriltiWl and that no
[picturing llic T,ord IlimLiclf] toolc them from ufZ llicir servile wor4 should bc cleric on that day: “,\ncl ye
hands, and burnt Iticm 011 the altar upon the burlit shall l)roclnini on ttic 5clf..amc day, tliat it may IJ~ an
Offering ; they WCrC ro~iswril~ions for a Sweet SaVOUr ; holy conl-ocat ion unto you; yc sli:~ll do no servile ~orl;
it is an oficiing nindc by fire unto the Lord.” (Lev. therein: it shall 1~ a statute i’or cvcr in all your dwcll-
8: 2s) Thus was shown acceptance by the T,Ord. ings throughout your grnrrations. ” (Ccv. 23 : 31)
32 Concerning the wave oft&Gig at Pciilccost the Scrvilc work could Only be such as that done in the
record is: “Ye Shall bring out of your lxihitotions Wvil’s organizalion. The pric?ts wOrkin!: on this
two wave loaves, of two tenth deals; they shall be of dny Of ~t0llcIllcllt were guiltless, aIld ttlC SilIl1c’ Irlnst
iinc flour; ihcy shall be bakcil with Iraven ; they are lx true of the RlTilt high priest and the undcrpricsts
the firstfruits unto the Lord.” (TAcv. 23: 17) The two anrl of the Lcvitcs on this &ly.-3Ii;tt. .I?.: 5, G.
wave loaves, therefore, appeared to picture a dividing 3’ Since tlic oulpoiiring of tlic holy spirit upon “all
Br.oo:;~rs, K’;.T.
JCKE 1, 1936 171

tho firstborn of all the tribes of Israel as the specially Malachi 3: 2,3, Jf?tthem 24: 43-47, and Isaiah 12: 1-3,
favored ones of Iaraelt shoning their fulfillment.
4 13. Id. Show that the relationshw of the rwiests and the S 2i. 28. is.01 I wrio!ures. show mhether there is anv resscn
6thcrs of the tribe of Levi, to$ther wIththeir appointed ” $or holding bet‘fxc &n the hope of a secondnry”J~lace in
privilcgrs of scr~xe, was prophetic. Explain the fact that heaven tirat mnv Iw renched througll only partixl iaithiul-
the Levitcs d13 not go into tire Must Holy on the day of ncsj. What is &l’s J~urJVsc in Justlfving men am1 beget-
at oncment. tme them as his swrltuxl sonsB IVhat’does this shoxv as to
T 13, 16. \Vith scripturrs and facts, show whether the non- God’s prowhng a secondary reward in heaven for sumo
priests of the J,evites could typify a less faithful spirit- of these?
begotten compnnv. 6 29. Q%o used (a) the cou:t of the tabernacle and (b) the
5 17. That of the &be of Levi there mere nriests. undcr- outer court of the temple as sew in vision by the prophet
priests md nonplies@ nll dmng service to’ the imd ac- E/ekielS Apply that prophetic fact.
cording to his conunn:ldrnrnta, vxs of what typicnl sip $ 30-33. \iht war thr: o~lve c~ffenng? JYhen, horn. for what
nifialncri Point out tha essential pritilrgc ant1 responsi- purpose, ~5x3th:it offering made? Compare therewith 1110
bility of all \tho are of the antitypical tril)c of Levi. presenting to tho Lord, by Aaron, of the two goats in the
q M-20. \Vhnt strongly eorroboratlve information in this con- tabernacle srr\ic.c on the day of atonement. Pomt out
nection is eeen in God’s lnw wl,icbh pro\-ltlcd for cities of fultillmrnt of those prophetic pictwes.
refuge? Of ull:Lt signi!icanrc hclc is-the record eonrcming G 3f, 35. lVh:it tlo the Scriptures i-equlrc now of all spirit-
tho L‘N~th~nirns”7 That concermng Korah of the triba bcrqotten ones approved by JehowhP \Yhat is thr J~rol~cr
of Kohuth? attltudo of all 1, ho have wmc Into the house: of the 1.01<I?
I 21-W. Xxl~lwu ELekicl 44: 10,33,1G. Vi’hat is now clearly IJow has Jehnrah 1~~~~~ ulr.rt for l,rderly procedure 1)~ tllclso
awn as to x11r~nwtl lay ~h~rnl di\inc prol+lwcy can be &voted to him m fluing 1.1sse1vwe entt usled to thwi ? \! hat
properly undcrbtood? Pomt out how other sc~l~ptuws show d&‘elencc dws It mako whcrc onct PCT\PS m t 110 I.(,:{1 ‘s
that both Jl* w\ts nntl nonpric%tq must bear crrl:lm luicl organizntlon? n’h:ct, then, is csnentlnl. :tnd why? \Vliat
uities. Apply thcsc pruphctic scrIpturcs, togMhcr wth is seen to lx the purpose of Psulrn 1228


J ETTOVATl CO’D is preparing fur l~ttlc ng:iinst

the cnc~ny. Tlicrc is now no possil)ility of prc-
ventin:: illill great bat& (:od foretold it hy his
prophets W~CJI he dircctad, l)articnlarly through his
tlic brginning of the reign of Chrid, and stntctl that it
would hc mnrkcd 1)~ the World \‘,‘ar, quirlrly fOllO\\ (1~1
hy fnmincs, pwtil~~llccs, distress of nations, 11~ I’(‘-
g;rthcJxilrg of tl~ sc~att~rcd rtmnatlt of J~h~:lh’s I’:lith-
prophet Jcrcmiah (23 : 21 , 22), t,lint tlic cu[~ of his fill sc~rv:ints. illld the f&ration of 1110or~afli7:~tioll5
fury should lx hnndrd to all the nntions. 1Iatl the of “C%ristc!ntlom “, Tl~c IJll~sical fact< in fulfilirnc~~t
t<‘ilchPl?d of “or;::~nizcd C!hrist i:liiity” stood 1Jy Cod’s of this great proplwy l~c~gan to cmc to pa55 itI t!~c
R’ortl :tIld ~illlWd the [KWplC to hCar the divine trutll, year 191-L 1~~4wc~~tlllat date alit1 I!jlS, Chris1 J(wl<:,
IllC? great battle 11]~011 “C1lri~tclidor11” w~ultl have t11c great csccutivc off&r of .Jclwv:~h, oustc~l Satan
been nvoidcd. I:ut not now ! I’ro~~hcticnll~, (:od an- E?oln heaven. Xcst, ilk order tllClY’ilftC!Y is the J)lvl~ara-
~wunccs his d~~cirion wlwn hc directs his prq)hct lo tion for the final lmttlc for tlic d~5irnction of Silllklk ‘9
take the wine cup of his fury and pass it to cvcry na- organization. The evil or~qnizntiun that controls the
tiow T!tc prol,hct Jcrcmiah writes: “For lhns saith nations of the cnrth mubt lx dcstroq-01 lwforc C’hriht
the Lord C:od of Israel UU~O mc, T&C Ih u ilick clip Jrsus, earth’s ri$itfnl liinq, inanguratcs riglltc~orls-
of his fury at my hand, tlnd cause all tlw nations to ncss amongst the nations of the earth. Satan is nbw
whom I scntl tlicc to drilllr it. And tlicy shall drink, dwotinq his attention to the earth, as the great I’rcr])li-
and he moved, and lx mad, bccnusc of the sword that et Jesus forctoId; and “lwcausc he knowcth th;lt hc
I will SOKI among tlwm. . . . Ant1 all the kings of the hath but a short time”, Satan is pwparinx fw lllc
north, far and near, one with anothw, and all the final battle. (Rev. 12: 13; 16: 14) Just xhen that :~rr~t
kingdoms of the world, which are upon tlw face of battIc will take place is not now rcvcnlccl lo man : l)lLt
the earth : twtl the king of Mhcshnch [Babylon] shall lxcauw the preparations arc being maclc, tlic iH~lic*il-
drink after them.“-Jcr. 25 : 15-26. tions arc that it will come to pass in the wry nc:w
The “wine rup” is a symbol of the potion which fntnrc.
Jehovah has dccrctd shall bc drunk lay all the ruling The prophet Nahum had a vision conceriiinq Kirrc-
powers of the earth. “Shcsharh” is one of the names s’ch, the ruling city of Assyria, al~d he lwgan hi3
applied to 13:itylon, which means the 1)wil’s organi- prophecy 1)~ saying, “l’hC bW&‘JJ Of ~iIlCW.‘h.” ‘1’llC
mtion, and thcrcforc the prophecy particularly np- word “lndcn” means “an UttClXllW Of doom”. II is
plies to “Chri~ttndom”, so called, or “organized prophecy that, folio\\-s rclatcs to the day of clod’s prep-
C%rislianitp”. It applies, of course, to all of the aration for the csprcssion of hi% ven~cwicc ag.:lin4
Devil’s religions, but grcatcr rcsponsibilily is upon his cm-my, and inridcntally rcfcrs to Satan’s ~)rcsp-
those who have had ample opportunity to know better. aration also. Assyria, it will ljr rwallcd, was the
While God prow& with this preparation, he causes Devil’s organijl.ation in which polii its held sway, and
notice of his purpose to bc dclircrcd to the nations. at the same time the political clcnicnt was alrly snp-
-xatt. 24 : 14. ported by the comn:crcial and rcliqiouq clcmcnts. The
Rp his prophet (Mntt. 21: 3-35) Jehovah foretold fact that Nahum’s prophecy is dir~t1~1 ;tTilinLt Sinc-
tlw end of the Gentile times, the end of the world, and reh, the capital city that ruled Ass\ rain, is strongly
significant that the day of preparation marks a period Jehovah calls his people hp the name tJudah, hc-
of time when, in the world organization, politics hold cause Judah means “praise to Jehovah”, a4 thc:g
sway, and at the same time the political rulers are praise his IlaJJW; and in this connection, for the furlh:Ar
ably supported by Big Business and the religious encouragement and comfort of his own pcopic, Lc
elements. sa\-s to them: “0 Judah, keep thy solemn i’casls, pi:‘-
The conditions eLfi11g at the present time exactly form thy VOW [that is, having lwn l)rou::hi Alto t!~r
fit the description of the prophecy. Just IWW it is the covenant for tbc kingdom, ~JC faithful to it] : for tlic~
political rulers who arc making pcacc pacts and trea- wicked shall no more pass through thee.” (S~i1. 1: I.?)
tics, and forming leagues, and declaring that they arc The faithful remnant has been clcanscd that the mc,:1-
going to make the world safe for dcmocrwy and a bcrs thereof might “ofier unto the Ilord a11 ofM11q
dcsirablc place iii which to live. In this they are ably in rightcoubnchs”, Gliich o&ring is the praise of tticir
suppoI%xl 1Jy the cornmcrcial powc’r~, which powers lips and their full heart devotion to him. (1121. 3: 1-Z ;
join in the Cry of “Peaw!” and at lhc same time are IIeb. 13 : 15) They appreciate the fact that they 1~; u
slwudi1q great sums Of money to prcp2rc for war. been taken into the covenant by sacrifice and for t1:,:
‘I’tic claim is that the I&. way to pt*cwit war is to kingdom, and joyfully pCrfo1m tlwir l)art. (1’:~.
prepare for war. In other words, ttic best way to prc- 50:5,14; 21: 4; kJm. I!?: 1) This fact is nnoth:~~*
wnt two men from killing each other is to arrn car41 proof that whnlsowrr was written in the Srripturts
OIIC of them with all the guns 11~ can carry. aforctimc was writteii for tliC lm~c$t and (~nwur:~~r~-
In the peace movemcllfs and \\‘;lr I)rq):rr;ttions the ment of those who deiota thcm.sci~cs wholly to I IIP
clergy antI religious lc;~(lers arc givin:: tlicir unstinted Lord Cincl and prow faithful to him in tllc* last cl:r? Y.
support. ‘I’l1csc religious 1~~1~~s occupy high wats at 1’11~1~ the prophet shows Jcho\ ah prcl)ari11: 1’ov titv
the COu?ldS hCl~1 PfJl* the! ~oliSidcI’~l~ioll of a World ar- siwe of t/if: e1wmy and lib3 stro11::l1olcls. ‘1’1~ I’,1et tll:lt
rangcmcxt. to ~~revcwt war. It was in the year 19% C:od forCtOld thJullg$ his p1’olJhc:t 1hC di1v ift whir11
that, the great Jwliliwl power rcstoiwl ter~~po~xi poxer ~Jct~ov:lt~ ~0lh.t prcparc fur l~tllc is 1)UJUf Ihat tll:*
10 t!lc h4rl of the el111wi1 of l<omc, ant1 a large sum of b:tttlc will 11c fou~li~. The I)hysicnl fac+s whic*lr \VL‘ IIOV;
money wits tiandcd lo the pope in cwincctioir there- WC show 1 IlC fl~lfilIl1~c~llt oc the J,rupllcl~y, ant1 :ll’c! pITJ,,f
with, which cvitlf~nlly tlic finnncicrs had somcthiii~ to also that tlw ~~31. I)xttlc is in the wry 11<21* futu1.c..
do with jbrovitling. :jII liw facts sl10w that tbc political Addrcwilif thfrse \\lto arc of %ion, which iv (lotl’s 01’
rulers a1’c in tlio sathllc, Big Husiiicss and the prcarh- gntiizatio11, itIld who are wtc*hing the fulfillr1iC1it of
crs arc in the chariot, and tlic cntirc conihinc ir niov- Uod’s p~~oltlircy, Sahum the ]JrfqJhCt of tlic 120tx1 sayb :
in:: 011 to the great clirws. .\ll the facts slww that “Ire that dwhrth in J)iCWS is come up i~j’ctrc t!1y
hfallum’s I>ropt&y is now in ~ou1w of fulfYlmCnt. face.” That mwns that C’hrist rl~~~~~, Illc ~IIXI, c\;wu-
The &ion of Nat111111 wn now he 11ndrrstootl and is h-c of~iccr of rJ(‘llo\‘all, is Jtl~fbSW~ aid Itl’c~lurillg 1.110

underS!OCJd by thoW \\]I0 a1’C dI.?vO~Pd t0 the IdOr& kK!- sic+, which he does after casting Satan out of hc:ivr11.
cause its fnlfillmc~nt II;IS lwg111 and is pro~rcssin!~. The Anottwr of God’s prophets dcxcribcs tlic* mii_‘hly
name .Xnhum mvalis “romforfrr”, nili1 his prophwy officer of .Jchovnt~, ChriSt JIY,US, as the m:lul or wt’
contains words of comfort to tl1c l~~oplc of God. The club with which tie Itcats to l)icwu the ciicwy org.t11i-
anointed arc told t11:1t Jcl~ovnh is slow to anger and zation, nncl spcifica~ly IlilJnf’S 11:11J>lo11 as lllat clilc~nqV.
great in power; t!lilt Ire will not acquit the wicked, (Jcr. 51: 20-?-l) d\p[)rOIJYi:!tc to Ihir s;lmL’ filw, tilt:
but that hc will have his own way in t hc Irouhlc, and Lord’s J,roltilrt ISaial1 (6: !I, 10) says CfJllN’1’1ll11~ 111t:
that tic !ias in mint1 ttirrcc that trwt, Iiim.(Na11. 1 : 1-T) COmpaet Of the J,cag~c Of ~t~liollS: “G’ird ?.Olll.~l’~\.(“i,
These are words of comfol$ to those who arc in “the and ye shall tx 0roAert ill picccs. Tab ~o~~lscl !u::ctllcr,
secret ptncc of t11c Nost High”. and it shall come to now&t.”
After thcsc words the Lord tcblls his own that hc
w-ill m;ii;c an utter end lo tlw wicked and that :~tiliction
shall not arise the sceond time. (Xah. 1: 8-11) The
prophet tells how Ihc Clcmeuts of the cncmy organi-
zation are folded to::cthcr like thorns and drm1lr with
ambition and tlieir own sct1cmCs, but that CIOd is pre-
paring to destroy them like stut)btc. The Lord then
informs his JXOltlC that their day of aliliction is about
cndcd, saying : “For now will I 1x721; his yoke from
off thee, and will burst thy hontls in sunder.” For tlac
further c1lcourngemc11t of his ~wople, God then teils
thm that the Devil’s c-i&cd system shall he destroy-ed,
and ad&: “ I will mAc thy grave; for thou art vile.“’
-Xah. 1: 10-14.
Jose 1, 1936 173

their vine branches ; but now from hcnccforth and don. It is ~Jc4~ovahwho 1+-s siege io Xnwch, 1ho
for ewr God will prolcct them ar~tl kcct) them night Devil’s organization. J~hovatt provides the shield for
and day.--xlll. 2: 1; Tso. 27: 2,3; 1’s. 3%: 1-3. his mighty mtn. God Lli~n tell? the enemy ta get. rcatly
Then says the prophet Nahum: “The shield of his for tllc sicx,re bccnusc !i~’ is poing to dwtroy himq the
miqhly men is ma& red, the Wliilnt nicn are in scar- cwmy. He sqvs : “Draw thee waters ior ttw sicb’:c,
let: the chariots shall bc with flnminq torrhcs ill tllc fortify thy yt rang hot&. . . . Thcrc shall the fire tic-
dff I/ Of ItiS ~W2pWf/tifJ?L, ;Illd ttlc fir tlT’CS Stldt tJC t(‘r- wur lhcc ; thu sword shall cut thee 0ff, it shall cat thee
ribly shrtklall.” 2 : 3) This wrsc and the SU~JV-
(hh. up lilil? the cankerworm : lnalic! thyself many as the 2
qucnt verses of the proljhccy have hcrctoforc been cankerworm, make thyself many as the locusts.“--’
understood and dcscr~l~cd to mcnn or rcf’cr to lhc Kilh. 3: 14,lZ.
“chariols” for rapid transportation in this day. Nliilc The prophecy mentions “his mighty men”. Jeho-
the wounds of the IJi”Ophct do mcll dcstribc the modern vah’s ‘mighty man who is commanding all his forces
mwns of fast travel, yet the prol)liwy surely has a is the great Christ Jesus. Ilis other “mighty lllctl”
deeper meaning than that. That dwpcr mcuninq ccnlid arc those who arc fully and complctcly &voted to
not be understood until the coming ot’ the Lord to Ciod as mrmtjcrs of the army of the Lord. To Christ
his tcmplc in the year 1018 and itw buil(linr: up of Jesus, the pcaat E’icld Jlarshal, Jehovah says in ttlc
Zion, Cind’s ornnnization, and not urit il God’s liylit- 1~1ng:uu~cof J’batm 45 : 3,4: “Gird thy sword llt~o11
nings fixili, jlluminntiri~ itio prophecy, (lral. 3: l-3; Itiy thigh, 0 mwt 4iigkt.t/, with thy glory and thy
1’s. 702 : 16-1s ; IZcv. 11: 19) Instead of critiri7ing any majesty. And in thy majesty ride prosp~ro~~oly bc-
intrrljrctnlion hcwtofurc givcsn to lljis proptwcy, rausc of truth and meckncw and rigtitcousncw; and
riltllcr stt0ulcl (:od’s pco~)lc rcjoicc brvausc of t hc tlly right 11n11(1 ~,l~i~ll1cacl1 thee terrible thing:r.” Con-
grcatcr illumination lhot tlic Lord louts ul~on it in fiis ccrnillg all the mcmbcrs ot’ Zion, his oqaniznlion,
own due 1imc. Jctlovntl says: “I hnvc command~l my consccratvtl
‘I’hc words of the Jjrophcey, now illunrin:jtcd by the onw, pa, I have called my wi:gkI!/ men for mijjc a~iqfir,
lightnirlg~ of J~lio~‘i~h, ?how that they arc dcs~ril~litc cvcn my l)rouclly exulting oIws.“--Isa. 13 : 3, K. V,;
of Almighty God’s l~rcparntion for war at Armagcd- see also Zcch. 10: 5.


ITR final battle i% rallcd in sac~wl %ri[j!aro ltarcl, and thy zarmcwts like him that trcadeth in the
“the hat tic or that great day of C:o(l I~lmigtify”. winvl’at?” And the rwponsc to the pr0l)ht.t is: “For
-llc\~. IG : 11. tllc <lily of Wngralrce is iii millc heart, illld the year
Mirah the prophet lrnd a vision of ttic g-cat and of my rrd~~e111wlis come.“-1w. 63: 1, 2, 4.
tcrriblc day of Clot& and tic proljhcsicvl for lb.2 bcn~fit Slltkknty ~tlCrC tJUrStS forth a $Wlf falllc Of tight
of tllc IJCOple riOW tiVtf1:: 011 Carttl DS f(JttO\vs: “‘rtlc! aid fiIV flTm1 t tic riylil IliIll(l Of 1lit little collltuny
word of the 1~11’d [~Jcl~ov:1I1] that KLIIJC lo ~k!atl ttiO who arc sin$!iii;; tJr:lkw tO (;d aild \\.tlO arc th I’cl:l-
I.rorarthitc in the clays of ~T0fllam, Altaz, and lI(*zc~kiah, 11:1nt that tJ:l\-P lalx~n tlirir St;lld 011 Ihc side of .Tcho-
kings of .JlAh, which IIC S:LW cw~rrnin~ Samaria and vali c:od as his witllcsscs, witti the people of :::Jo(~ will
Jeruwhwi. TIc:ir, all yc’ pcoplc ; licark~n, 0 earfh, and to (iad tY.%icic Ihem. The trumpets arc lw:ili!lg out
cl1 lllnt tlicrcin is: and 11.4tlic Tiortl Clocl bc witness their tcrriblc strains; the thunttcrs arc l*ollin:. the
rl::ainst. you, the Lord from his holy tlwl)lc. For, bc- nionntai11s ale cl11;i!;inq ant1 trrml1ling:, and n voice is
hold, Ihc Lord COillCttl forth 0Nt of hiv place, ant1 will catting from tilt tiiLtJiklti(Jrl of Zion, wtiicti is Jchovnh “5
come dov;n, and tiwd upon ttic high ljlaccs of the organization. It is ttic God of licnvcn inovin,q iiito
car111. Awl the muunt:iiris shall bc moltrn under him, ha1 tic. The alcat ant1 terriljln day of the I,ord ii:ls
and I~IC wllcys ~1~111bc cleft, us was bcforc Iho fire, romc! So terrible was tlw vision, and so giwil was Itic
am1 as tlw waters that arc poured down a steep place.” di’cct 011 the ilJl~i:~llt ])l’Optlct lIab:lklatk, illat 11(1cric,tl
-nlic . 1.. I-4 . out : “0 I,orrl, I have heart1 tlly slwcti, and was
The proplwt Laiah ha11 a vision of this day ; and he afraid: 0 Lord. revive lily wodc in lho niid\t of t!ic
slwalis of the Lor11 Jcsu5 C’tirist, Ihc acliw agent of years, in the ntid4. 0f t tic J’cnl’s 1ll:lliC known : in u Till11
Jehowil, the priest of tlw Atost lfi;:h, the Field liar- rcmcmber mercy.“-TTab. 3 : ‘2.
sh;Ll, coining i’orth i0 11jalic war ~11011the T)evil’s OY- ‘I’lic mighty l\‘arrior halls : and with fcrl IJhlikd
g;lllieiltiOIl, and sap: r’~Ytio is this that comctli from u~,:on the clouds of fire, as the plophct dcswibcs it, “ ho
ISdoni [ tlicb cncmy orgnnizalion], wilt1 dyed g:iIXlclit‘+ stclod, nnd rnwwwl the cnrth.” That is, 11~nuclc :1
from l~oz~xh [lhc calrital of that orqniz,~tion] ? t4i+ snrvcy Of tllc army Of lllc e’IlC11ly, ttlc? IlaiiO?lj Ol’ tile
that is glorious in his al~l-mrcl, travclling in the gwnt- Wrttl asscrnhl~d ,?~Llili%;t (;Od. ThC pU)pllet tllcll says:
ncss oL’ his strength? T ttlat sprak in 1~igl1teonsl1tw, “1 saw the tents oi C’uAnn in allliction: awl the cu18-
mighty lo 5;txc. ~Wxefore art thou red in thine all- t:titir of the l;,nrl of Jlidwi did tremble.” (tlab.

3: 6,7) “Cushan” means sin-blackened, wicked op- taken; and these are cast into the burning flames of
prcxors of God’s people; while “Xitlian” means cvcrlasting destruction. (Rev. 19 : 20) Thcsc wicked
brawling, contentious, strife-breeding, fighting ones. systems fall, never to rise again. Then the Lord seizer
The latter term ~11 describes the leaders in the c&e- the enemy himself, “the Dragon, that old Serpent,
siastical systems, the false prophets who have bias- the Devil, and Satan,” and binds him and casts him
phcmed God’s holy name and stirred up strife against into the bottomless pit, Ihat hc may deceive the na-
(:0(1’s faithful witnesses and pcrsccutcd those who Ml tions no more.-Rev. 20 : 2,3.
the truth. Now lhcy tremble at the sight of the Lord, Thus is Satan’s empire swept from the earth to
and, as t,hc prophet Joel (2: 6) says, “all faces . . . obl;rion. Tltc name of Jehovah God is vindicated. l3ut
gather blackness. ” The assembled nations xc the ap- all human words attempting to describe ihis great and
proaching majesty and grcatncss of the Lord, and terrible day of the Lord are beggarly. Let us read t)ie
their facts turn colorless as they trcmblc for fear. words nltirh Cod cau<cd his holy prOrJk!t long ago
Then the mighty Lender of the army of the Lord to record, dcscribiiig his ma jcstic and victorious mnrpli
unshcathcs his snord and brings into action his in- against the stron::liolil of Satan and his organization.
struments of dc%trurtion. The prophet (11ab. 3: 5) “A prayer of IInbnkkuk the prophet upon Shiclo-
says . ** “Bcforc him went the pcstilcncc, and burning noth. 0 T,ord, I hnvc heard thy sjxcch, and it:;15
coals went forth at his feet.” At the approach of afraid: 0 Lord, rcvivc thy work in the miclst of the
thcbic ‘the shcphrrd~ and the principal of their f1or-ks’ years, ill the midst of the years make known ; in wrnih
smite their kncru logether for fcbar ; and, hoinq uaabh? rcmcmber niwcy. clod rainc from Tcmatt, and the
to give hnltlc against any ofhcr, in blind fear they lloly One from nloulit Pawn. Ilk glory covcrcd tllf:
turn to bnttlc against cfeli olhcr. hc:1vcns, iIlK the c:~rih yas full of his pl;iisc. .\Ud his
On c0meS the conquerin, m ITWO, the Word of &xl, bri$ittless was as the liplit ; hc had horns cotnin!: out
who Ior crnlurits h;ls Wilitcd for this very IkkSCd of his )Iilrltl: and thcrc was the llitlin!: of his power.
hour. (TTd). IO: 33, 13) As lsrol)hctically tlescril~d, nc!fOrC! him #ctlt th! IJcdiltltlN!, iltl(I ~Jlll~rlitl~ CO:llS W’llt
“His cycs wcrc as a 0amc of fire, and on llis head were forth at his f(brt. TIC stood, and 111casur(~dt hc cari II :
mntty Crow~Is; . . * and lit was clolhctl with a vcststure hc bclwld, nrtd drove asunder tlic nations : :111(1 t ho (5 (‘r-
d ip]Wtl in 1~100~1. ” (I~w. 19 : 32, 13) Hut k’h(Jhl his last in: rnounlairis wvrro Wi\ttClY!d, the 1Wrpetu:ll hill.3
apl~arcl ; it is glorious, cvcn though c~ovcrc(l with blood. did bow : his ways arc c’\ crlast ing.
Ila is trc:rcliiiK out the nilWpW;s; 110is crnshina the “I saw the tvnts of Cushan in affliction: :i11(1111~
WiCliCd “Vitlc oi tltc c:trth”. (IIw. 11: IS-W) At his curlains of the land of >liclian did trc7nl)lc. \Y:Is the
alJ[#rOWh the mouninitls tmlllJlC, and ti1c pwlt deep Lord diq)Icusctl il$lill\t tllc rivers? I\‘;ls tliinc illlL’C’t’
utter’s its tcrriblc voice and lifts up its hands to the against tlrc rivers? WitS lily wratIt ilgnitlht tile Wil, tll;lt
heal-m. ‘l’ilc sun and the moOll s1antl still in their thou didst ride ul)on tlline lrorscs and thy chariots of
orbits, and all the slars of the high hc:lvctl arc shout- SalVilti(Jll f Thy bow vxs m:ldc qui tc n:~kcd, aclcorf1lt1!z
ing VICTORY! \Vilh t+$t(b(JUS indignation and to the oaths of the trillcq, c)vcn thy wo1~1. Thou rii(lb:,
anqcr the mi$lty Conqueror rn:lrchcs ihrough the cleave the earth wilh rivers. The niouttt:~itis s:iw thee,,
earth to fhrrsh the nations that 11:lve dcfamc~tl J&o- and t Iicy t rcmblcd : the ovc~rflowinq of tl\r ~a1 (11’p:issc~rl
vah’s holy name. IIe drives nsnndcr the nafions, and by: the drrp uttered his voice, an(l liflctl UIJ his lr:rnc!~
their kingdoms arc scattcrcd ant1 their hi$l places on high. The sun and moOn stood slill in their hnl)i-
brought low. The saints, or Cod‘s remnant on earth, tation : ilt the light Of thinc arrows lll(~~ Iv.Ctlt, :lllfl
do not cngagc in the aetunl combat. This is the fight at the shiliitiK of thy glittering SlXilr. Tltolt tltcl\t
of God Almighty; and the fight is Icd by his beloved march through the hind in indil:rlnt ion, thou ditl\t,
Son, the T’ricat of whom JIelcllizcdcl~ the pricytly kiug tlircqli the [nalions] in anger.
of alicicnt Salem was a type. T,on:: arro Jchornh’s “Than wentest forth for lhc snlvatioll of 1hy :WO-
prophet rccor&d concerning this hour, snying : “The pie, cvcli for salvation with iliinc anointed ; thou
Lord [ Jehovall] at thy right hand shall strike throagh \~OUlldCclst tllC hd OUt Of thC 1lOUSC Of thf.! Wic~li(d,
kings in the day of his wrath. 1%~shall jud~:e anto:% by discovering the fout~dal.ion unto the neck. Thou
the [nations], hc shall fill the plnccs will1 the dead didst strike throu$l nith his stave? the head ol: his
bodies ; hc shall wound the heads over many coun- villages; thry cnmc out as a wlGrlwind to scatter me:
tries.” (1%. 110: 5, 6) IIc is 3150 fl$tiiig for the sal-
their rejoicing \vils as to devour the poor scrretly.
ration of the people, that they might bc drlivcrecl from
Thou didst walk Ihrough the sea with thillc hors(bs,
the oppressor; and he is fighting for tlie anointed of
God, that ihcy may be vill(licatcd for Ihcir faithful through tl:c heap of great wafers. M%cii I hearc?, III?
witness to the name of Jehovah. belly trcmblcd; my lil’s quivcrctl at the voice : rot tcln-
That wicked ruling q-&m, &signaled by the title Ims entered into my bones, and 1 tremhlcd in niys;eli,
“beast” and made up of profiteers, politicians and that I might rest in the day of trouble : wl~cn hc cornet11
clergy, is taken. That 11irked imperial system known up unto the pcoplc, lie will inr:ldc tlicm 11ith Illa
in Scripture prophecy as lhc “false prophet” is also troops. “-1lab. 3 : l-1 6.
JCSE 1 , 1226 li.5

In this great bnttlc no Christian \rill strike a blow. grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread
The rmson they do not is that Jcho; ah has said: “FOP under thee. and the worms cover thee. 110~ alt thou
tlic httle is not yours, but Cod ‘s. ” To them the J,orJ fallen from licawn, 0 Lucifer, son of the morning!
mid further: “ And I have put my v;xds in thy moutlJ, how art thou cut down to the ground, v;hich didst
GIA I have co~r:re~l tiwc in the hhi~dow of mine hand, waken the nations ! “--Isa. 14 : 11, 12.
that I may plant the hcnvcns, and lay tlic foundatio:Js ~lnothcr iliuitration of Armngcddon is given in the
of tlJc rarth, and say unto Zion, Than art my pcoplc.” battle fought by Gidcoii the Israelite againc;t the great
(lx 51: 16) The hantl of the Lorcl iu over hi9 litt!e multibdcs of Jlidinn. The Xidianitcs were the enemies
ones; and they that trust him irnplicjtly and will lxove of God’s pcoplc the Jsraclites. A vast multitude of
faithful to him arc free from ll:llTIl nnd will continue these nrre CanlrJCd in a \-nllcy. clidcou, who is a type
to sinz his praises until the cntl. of Chri:,t Jesus, was dirwtecl to put them to flight.
A dcwription of this final battle is rcferrcd to again, \\‘hat his follwcrs did wll ililwtratcs I\-hat the Chris-
in the book The I:c~pliJtioJJ, as a ‘war l)ctwxn the tian’s part nil1 bc in tllc great and final battIc.-
beast a11r1the L:JJnlJ’, in which tlw IlaJnt), Christ ~Jcsus, Judccs 7 and 8.
ic Vi(+oJ*ioJis, lxxallrc hc C;lJts the htllc on the* sitlc
of JclIovah. Tlxre tlw rccortl .nys: “Thcst) [kirqs of
the wrth] shall m:Ac war with the Lan$ and the
L:IJnl) :~li:ill 0vcrcoJw them : for hc is I~~rcl of lords,
anal I\III~ of kings: and thry tll:lt arc with him nr’c
cullotl, anal C’~ICJSPII,aJlt1 faithful.“--ll(hv. 17: 1 #.

ing llic I,Cvil : “Thy pomp iS’b*&~lit down to tlrc

The good news of the king1 ma of fehowuh is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shoue~
[Current local time Is shown &ultfJ Cl ‘n C-XIII 6% 11 :Irinn1 Qnincy KTdD Su 9 : Earn
In each Instance.] ,(lst and 3~1 Suntl:ly~) Su 2 : 30p111 \So 2:30pm
Spnnis!l Su 11 : Wnm Tu~cokr WDZ ,Su 9:.3hu
Spar&b Th ll:OO:~m su 11:530111 Su 1 :Xpm
(1st nnd 3d Thursdays) IO\VA
Los Andes, Snn Junn C. Rapids \V-MT Fu 10:OOam
FRANCE su 3 : aup su 9 :oopJ
LV5 Hu 10:6am Ihilio Beziers Th 9:OOpm
&I&O Juan-lee-Pins MAINE
(ca d’Azur) sn 8:onp1 Augusta n’HIW Su 9:5.i3m OHIO
Radio Lyon Sa 6:XJpm SU 1:1;JJIIl Su 5:OOpm Akron 1VJ1Y Su ll::!Onm
K~133o?r’:itan-~-itusSu 12:OO nn Banrror IVLBZ \Sc 9 : j&m
TU 7 : Ckj1JIII Ttr 7:4jpn
SR 7 : 45pm
F&.&o Simes Tu 9 :ooIJIU

lfrno Ii01 t Su 1O::IOam
Su 3 : XJpm Su 9 :OOImi
LW~lIll~ \i’i,SII su l~):::ll.1111
Su 3 : j 0111:i 811 7 : 1OI”ll

c Ii IL E
S2kn.\ntoniot’ElX Yu 11 :4flilrrl
&inti:lgo CE131 Tu 9:Kpm
Valpnraiso CE Katlio Wxlktec
su 12:15p

Shanghni Slf IlE Su 12 :nd nn
Sbnnglmi IJIIU Su S : 151JIU

Caibnricn CJIIKD
Spanish Sn 12:OO nn
C~mayey CMJF Su 11:30am
Iklvalul CWQ
Sil:miSll SU 5 SOpIn
117 Adams Street -

Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
T JrTEI jourrml is published for the put pose of rnahIin7
the people to know Jchorrrh Got1 an4 his pmpows
esprew41 in t!le 1311&z. It puLllshrs
I%tble Iu\trurtion
clc:lgncd to aid Jehurnh ‘Y 1, irncsses. It xrranJ1;w

J. F. RUT~~FOI:D Presidakt w. E. I’AN hdl%CRCII hxYtary 8ystematJc Ihhlc stutly for Its renclers nntl supplws otiwr lltcr-
nture to aid in such stwlies. It publlshcs suital& rlwt~3i.:l
“And all thy chddrcn sh;:i be taught of Jehovah; and for railio brondrastmg and for other meaus of public lnstruc--
great shall be the peace of thy children.“-Is,zidh 54:~~. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Biblo as authority for its utter-
TtIE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEXH ances. It is entirely frco and separate flom all pxties, sects
THAT JEllOVAH is the only true God, is from cvcrlasting or otll?r worl(lIy orgnnizations. It is wholIy 211rl wltllout
to ercrl3sting, the Dnkcr of hcnven and earth nntl the G~vcr rcxrration for 1hc kingdom of Jchovnh God unrler Christ
of lifo to 111scrwturcs; that the Logos 1%~ the bcglnuing of 1119 33~~loved IGn~. It 1s not dogmath-, but invltcs cxreful
his creation and his nctixo njicnt In the creotwn of all r\ml critical exaruinatwn of its contents in tho light of ti:)
thing; that the T~ogos is now the Lord JLWS Christ in glory, Scriptures. It &es not indulqo in controrcrsy, and its col-
clothed with all povxr in heaven nnd earth, and the Chief umns are not open to personalities.
IlSsecutivo Oficer of Jeho~al~
THAT GOD created the earth for man, crcnted perfect
mm for the c:rrth and plnccd him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed Cotl’s law and ,,ZLS wntcnced to de:~tll; that by
rcnson of A&m’s wrong act all men aro born mnncrs and
cithout the right lo life.
THAT JESUS wrs nmdo humq and tho mnn Jesus suf
fcrcd ilcnth in ortlcr to prorluco tllc ransom or rcclr~mptivo
price for nil nmrlkind; thxt, God raiwd up Jesus dlrino und
rx:\lted hiIn to I~r*:trcn abow wcry crcaturo am1 nliovo every
w.tmo and clotlrccl him with all powr and authority.
that Christ Jwus is the Clllc~f Ol;iwr Cl~creof rlnJ is tl:o
rI-htTu1 Kin;: (II’ tho world; llmt 1110 anointed 31~1 fitithful
fr;ilowers of <%I 1st Jesus LLIO chlltlrrn of Zion, mw~Lcrs of
.1chornh’s orl::lnir:ttiou, and nlo his nitncsscs whoso tluty ant1
ri\ilrgo it i, to testify to t1:o sul,rcwnry of .Jeholnh, dcclaru
R.1s ~wrpows trr~~:~rd nrxnkillrl as c~xprcsscd in the 1?111lc, and (Tranzlalions o/ this joatnal apycor In eccoral Zanguaqca.)
to bear the fruits of tho 1ring:dom hcforo all who ~111 hear.
All bincere students of the I?iLle nhn by rc.ason of infirmit j’,
THAT TI IE WORLD Ims cudrd, nod the l;nrd Jesus Christ
hS htrn l~l:tccrl by Jchowl~ upon hi9 throne of nut hority,
h:ls ouctccl S:~t:,n from lw:lvcqi rintl is procwding to the
cstablishmcnt of God’s kingdom on earth.
TfiAT TI I E RELI El: anI1 l,hwing:u of tho pcopl~a of cnrth
cnn come only Ly :1ru1 tl~~ou~h .I(~~Iw:~~‘s kmgqlonl utulcr
Christ nhirh 1x19 uow bcjiurl ; ttut the LOId ‘t’ Ilr*Xt gw:rt
act, is the tlv.stru~~[wlk of S:tt:,n’s olg:lnlzntton nnd 11111cstnh-
lishmcnt of ~~r:l~tcou.snws in the c:lrLh, Itint th:lt utlllr-r the
kingdom all tl~ow \~IIo ~111 obey its righteous laws sh:?ll lile
on earth fwc%cr.


Tha midsumrncr tcsllnloriy lwrlwl, i~ugust I-9, is tlwignotcd
“ Jeho\:tlt ‘8 l’misc ’ ‘. Thy null bc :tn r\c*ell(~nt lime for :*s muny
as can to :Irrnrip lo t:tke tllclr r:lc*:~t~~~n,tlwIcI)y to bc able to
cle\ote as much tinw :~s pc~ss~l~lc to this prlr&qc tll:tn which
nono is ltlghcr or grnndcr, ,J~~hr)v:th‘Y pr:rlse. ‘l’lmt :1\1 1119de-
voted ones way trgin at once to pl2n nml arl:mg:c thcrcfor it
is here stntetl thut the featmc 9f this tcstmlony lxrloll will be
the offering bound in a sllcctal 1, I:\ppcr 13oolts One, ‘J’wo 2nd
Three of F’kndlcwttork, on cuntllbutton of 50~. i.tiltlwtrlto7?,
with its full stntcmcnt on the work of ‘the nun \rith the
inkhorn’ ancl the Jchu-Jonn~l:~h pwture, etc., shoul~l plove cs-
cellene nmtctial to place following the recent n irle chbtrlbutwn
of the honk C~chrs. It still a190 hc proljcr to offrr i:, comhina-
tion with the above three bOOkS the two hooks hglkt wth the
book Proplkecy, ~11 on a $1.00 rontrilutlon. “Pr:~~w >c Jrho-
vah.” Due rep01 ts of your p*:lme cffoxts should Ire rrmtie, to
the Brooklyn hcnrl office cllrrct lf you :~,c not unllt,r Urnnch
supervision. Ihstrlhution of the nhow bo~,l< oficrs ~111 continue
throughout the entxe month of dugust.

The fuctojy on11 o&e at 1;rooklyn will 1,~ closed in om July 25
to August 9 ~nclus~\c. Uurlng those tno \\ceks the Ilcth:>l f.~m11y
VOL.LVII JUXE 15, 1936 No.12


“Tiihen the ha shall build up Zion, he slwll nppear in Ris glory.“-4% 102: 16.

ETIOVAIK caused his glory to begin to be made opinion of man and thcreforc cannot bc relied upon.
manifest to his servants after hc had sent fris Otlwrs, who fiavc fiad a &sire to sflinc in the cycs
~fcssa~~cr, C’fwist Jcsw, straightway to the of men, matte lTIllll~!iS of this nature, to wit: “Tire
tcmplc. The Cflicf One of Jehovah’s capital orgnni- V’dchtowcr dots not contain sufficient information
zation is Christ Jesus, and he appears at tf~c tcmplc to cuable me to prq’arc from it A discourse for I!K
as the rcprcscntativc of Jcfwvah, and thus hc builds friends.” 13cing coni!J!aincrs, murmurers and fauft-
up Zion. ,lfl !wwcr in hcavcn and in earth fl:11in:: !wlI finders, botfi of tfic objectors hcrc named arc iti tflc
committed hy .Jchovah to tftc I,ord .Jcsus, tlm a!,!)car- same class. (Jude 16) Tlrc Wulckfolccr tlocw noi at-
ing of Jesus at tf~c tcmplc and the buildlrq u!~ of tcrnf,t tflc csprcssinn of the opinion of any man (‘on-
%iOll is in fact. t!ic! a!~JJcal~iIl~ of Jchovafi ilIlt tfic sflin- ccrnirg prophecy, hit in tflc !~lIl~llil~,rC of tfw Srsrip-
ing forth is Jrfiovafi’s glory. Jesus C’firist is tfic cx- turrs continues to tlccfare t!iat f~rophc~y is not of
JWCSSimage of Jcfwvah, and lflc glory of .J~~f~ovaflis private intcrf)i,cl:iliol~. (2 Pet. 1: 20) Since tile com-
~UKIC to itl)l)txar by and throw+ Christ ,JCWS. At the iIlg of tflc bJId 3~~1s to tfx tenlpfc as tfle rCprw!llLa-
temple C%rist Jcsns is accompnnicd by his rclinuc of tivc of his IGltfwr hc causes to bc brought to tflo at-
angels, wfio scrvc him ant1 do his bitltlina, as hc ific tcntion of tflose who love flim the pflysir+al fa<ats sfmw-
great Jutlgc: sits upon his throne of glory. (Blatt. in:: fiil~iflrnwt of prof~flccy, and, set tin:: thcsc fact.9
25: 31) Tfic time is the day of juflgmcnt, \vllicfi jwlg- aloii~sidc ttw \vords of t11c !)1'01)!IW3', tt1osc, W!lO fovc
irwnt lwgins at tfic house of (:od, and wfiicfl pcrtaiiis Cod arc enaf~lcd to SW flow sucfi fact\; fit the J,r’Oflfl(!(‘y
particularly to those wfio arc in n covenant to do the and tflus sfiow tllc fuffiflmcnt thficof. 13cin:: wf~c~fly
will of God, wfwtflcr that rownant bc actual or by dcvotcd to Jelloval), swh arc not conccrncd ahout
imp1ication. It was at the coming of tfic Ilord to cfironology, but accept wfi:lt OlC I,orcl ClCilrlv l'1'~v:lIs,
lhc tcmfilc that tllc unfoldin a Of tfK! ~,roJ)flC&!S tJC- and that is usually after tfic d:itc under colisidcratioii
g;:n, and tfioso who arc rcccivcd and made a part of is past. Tficy arc not spccalatiiig as to tfic time vl1e11
the tcm~,fc orqmization, or Son, see and apprccintc they are going to get off tfw cartfl and bc taltcn to
the 1~ropliccics as tfic Jlord uniolds them. Tflose wfio hcawn. They have w~,ongcd to serve Jchovafl for c\ w,
arc in a covenant to do tfic will of Cod but whom the and fully apprcCiiltt: tflc filPt tflat it is not for 11~2
Ilord finds to bc unfaitfiful wfwn he appears and crcaturc to dctcrrniiw or cvw attcni!)t to dctc~iw~i~ir
jwlgw at Ific tcmplc do not see or midwit:mtl the jurt whc:i his scrvire on the tbartfl ma!’ ccnw and ~lIc11
fulfiflmcnt of lhc propfwcics. For that reason there he may be transfcrrcd to f~cnvcnly mll~ns. l’flc c11icaT
arc those who claim to !JC in the truth lout who fail objective of the faitllfnl scrvnnt class is to hwvc Jcho-
to see present truth and hcncc doubt that there is vat1 and his kingdom, knowing full n cl1 that t ftc Ilord
really any cvidcncc of tfic second cornin? of tfic Lord is directing their course and will bring af)out tile rc-
Jesus Christ, Sucfl persons find tflcmsclvcs trying to suit arcordiug to his holy will. ~Vhctllcr ,iimn=cddoll
locate tlicmsclres by reason of chronoloq, and, being is one year or many years in the future is not in:ltwial
unable to do so, they lost what little liqlit they once to the faithful servant class. Thcsc fnitflfu! ones have
posscsscd. Had such persons 1wc11unselfishly looking cntcrfd into the joy of the Ilord, wllicli is tfre vindicn-
to the faithf’ul pcrformancc of the covenant which tion of Jehovah’s name, and, kno\Ping tflat ,~rmaqcd-
they had made, and to the rindication of Jehovah’s don will vindicate Jchovall’s name, the faithful scrv-
name, doubt& they would have laid hold on tfle ant class are perfectly willing to wait on tflc T,ortl and
promises and clearly discerned and appreciated the continue loyally and faithfully serving him. Tfic2ic
prophecies. faithful ones are in the TJord’s organization, and hy
*Those who have not been approved and received the grace of the Lord t!ley delight to remain there for
into the tcmp1e even raise objrctions to The Watch- ever, and the place of service tfwy do not c’vcn care
tower, saying tflat it is only the expression of the to choose. They ~11 know that God assigns all mcm.
l&O ErrOOKLYY,x. y.

bars to a place in the body as it pleases him and doubt- C’atholic IIicrarchy and other clergy allied with that
less assigns a11in hiu organization to a place, and that wicked organization, nhich for years have ruled the
he requires of each and every one full obedience and pcop?c in an arrogant and scornful manner. Thwl:
faithfuhwx rcligionists have claimed to be heirs of God’s prorni <c
s The faithful servants of the L~ord do not fret them- and his favored ones, but they hare ignored God’s
selves concerning the others ~110 fail to do their duty. Word nud cmploycd their own sclfM schemes and
Each servant stands or falls to his master, and therc- have advanced their own selfish doctrines in an eft’wt
fore the faithful one is deeply wmccrned about proving to accomplish their wicked end. It is certain that the
his own integrity and he k11aws that he cannot s~~cccd understanding of thiq proplwg at the prcwnt cri-;is
in doing so by finding fault with others who appear will bc a rent comfort to the faithful witncmes of Je-
to fail or who do fail to faithfully perform. It is en- hovah. The prophecy is therefore considered in minute
tirely proper for the brethren to point out to one an- detail.
other the great privilege of serving God and his king- ’ The name Obadiah means “sewing Jehovah” or
dom and to urge one another to do all he can to rna~- “ servant of Jehovah ’ ’ ; which shows that the ~~rO~~tiw;\’
nify the name of Jchorab, but wch admonition should is for the servant class of Jehovah. The undcrstanciillq
always be given in liindncss and never by Wily of liarhli is IJar~icuhrly for tile r~lnliallt c&S illtd. lnllvt h J)IYJ-
critiricim. ,111 at the tcmplo will IJC in csxt harmony claimed within the hearing of all persons of flood will,
and will dwclI to::c3ticr and work togother in peare and this must bc dw~e before the wrath of’ ;Ichov:~h
to the glory of (lad, which means the forgetting of falls upon the Wi~lied. hypocritical rcli~ioiiists. ‘i’lle
self and the magnifying of the name of Jchov:lh. “In idrntity of 0b:idiah is UllCCI4iliIl. It is Ilot ccrt::ill
his temple cloth every one speak of his [.Jeltovah’s] whether the prophet, t ho writer of the lJrol)licry, a(‘-
glory. “-1%. 29 : 9. tually 1;ore that name Obadiah or used tlic, Ii~tmc
l Thrrc faithful ones deeply apprcciatc the loring- Obadiilll as an alq)roI~riate title for the ])1*0~~llwy.
kindness of Cod in causing ilis prophecies to IIC writ- This is wry intcrcstinq; for the xason it su:*q:~ts ttiilt
len centuries ago for the spwinl benefit of his faitllful ill the fll~fihtlWt Of tlliS prO[)hCcy the ~JcrSOll:ll ill:‘Il! I-
servants now on the earth. “2s these prol)li~cics arc ty of those who CO~I~~OSC the servant class, whom 0:x1-
wfold~d lay tlic Lord we11 oaw of the temple recacivcs dinh l)ic:turctl, is neither nwwary 110r iml~ortant. ‘l’i11,
the same joyfully. They know tlmt proljhrcy does not cXclU(h th rCWOl1 Lllld OpJJOrtUIlity fur Ill’1 VJll;l~
proceed frort~ mq but from Cod, and is niatlc clear shinill: and atlulat ion. To bn sure, the I,orcl JV :II.,
in these lilSt da\.4 that the maI1 of (tad may be thor- who is ltlc hm~tl of the scrv:tnt class, is ;ll\VilJX (lt,:i-
ouglilv furnisljc~d and prclmiwl for all good work.- nitcly itlcritificd; but ilS to ttlc lwrsons WI10 are llt;lcIc~
2 Tin;. 3 : 1G, 17. incmlwrs of that servant V~;ISV,their itlcntity is tiot
6 All propliccy having the same objective, t11nt is to at all iml)ortant cscq)t for their owl spcc+l bclic*~it.
say, tbc vindication of Jcljo~~h ‘s name, the same l~liys- This is exactly as we sl~ould cspwt it to be itt this cl;~:;.
ical facts fulfill dlfi’crent proplic~c~cs. It may appear, l’hCrC! is 110 OCC:lSkJl~, thCI1, t0 givC ally S]J’:Ci:il hIOr

therefore, that physic4 facts arc often relwatcd in to any man or men. The special acl~1l;itlou :uid lw11or-
I’lle 1\‘ntcktowo~, and the critical ones will say and do iux of 3ncn is for the past, ;wd at the ln7x:nt tirw it
say : “!l%c ~~‘f~tc~~tozrcrcontinues to speak al)out tbc fill&, or at least SllOUld filld, 110 ijl:lC13 ~llllUll!lSt (;lJll ‘J
same thing.” The answer to that is, tllilt the Lord people. This further csplaius also ttlat sonic of t III, 0
God was l~lci~scd to treat the same matter in a num- OIlCC of tllC servant ClilSS ltiily fill1 il\Vnq’ :Illd IlCllPC! :l
ber of different propliccics, his l~urposc manifestly be- chun?r in the JJWSOJ~IW~ of the swwnt body be II~;I~]v,
ing to furnish au abundant amount of corroborative but the lmrpose and the work of tlic servant ctass x171
testiplony for the aid, comfort aud hope of the remnant. newr alt::rrd. There is no ind~~itlunl of lltc SC~V,IIIL
EAmong the prol~hccics J&oval1 caused to be writ- class who is so very important, that he must 110wt ulj
ten is that of Obadiah, and according: to Ilis fixed 011 :t pdCStd. ~~\Trhat CoulitS with the lAJ1’(1 is f’:litll-

rule that prophecy was written for the ~rntl~~~~~;taii~li~i,rrfulncss in the performance of duty. Tl10w who rcw111
of the remnant and for the aid and comfort of su:lL of the wrvant class must be dClJcnd:llJlC; and if swnc:
class, and for that reason it is to be espcclcd that the bcconic unrcliablc they will be quickly set aside, 1,111
Lord will give the remnant an understanding of the this would in no wise afieet the result concerning the
prophecy of Obadiah in the* last days. The l~rol~l~ccy \vork and the purpose of the servant clan.
of Obadiah clearly is present truth, which is received 8 i\s to the time when this uiridcntifli:il Obntliall
by the remnant with great joy. It foretells the down lived and prophesied, it is not definitely fi::cd tj>, tlw
of the reli:ionists, fhat is, the men who 11nveorganizrd Scril~turtts. It is uttceitain as to \iill~lh~~P Ihe pro1)!1w\
and- earricd on a work in the name of the Lord yet \:ns ~rittcn bc?ore or after the fall of .~e~~u~alern :ii
~1~0have defamed the name of Jcilovnlr for these many the hand Of S~lJLlCh~~~ill~ZZil~, but the al,ljlicat ioll Ol’ tI:c
centuries past. The prophecy diwlows tlw pxxnt prophecy is not at all uncertain. That is the ijnlwi,t:lt\t
duty and work of the faithful witnesses oE Jel~~ah time and matter. ‘I& naiw as well as the l)J*o~l!,~.q
in cspcdn:r the duplicity and !q-pocris:~ of tlic Eoniau Oi ~!,.~di:~h itself indicates C~C:I~]Y that it irl)1)11(; to
JLXE 15, 1935 @-fieWATCHTGWER x31

and is fulfilled in the time when God has raised up his many were put on trial, charged with having attempt-
servant clasg and brought them into the temple, which ed to carry on Clod’s work contrary to the lsws of the
is after he (Jehovah) has returned to Zion and by his German government, there was a complete failure on
chief offker, Christ Jesus, ha? built up Zion and np- the part of those thus charged to observe the abovc
pcared in his glory, which is from and after the year commandment of the Lord. Not only did those men
AD. 1918. It appears from the facts and the proph- fail to mention the name of Jehovah and of his lring-
ecy itself that its fulfillment began after the second dom and King, Christ Jesus, which they had agrrcd
OUt[JOUring of the holy spirit: “And it shall cume to to serve and to obey, but, on the contrary, they com-
pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon promised with the enemy by saying that they had done
all flesh; and your sons and your daughiers shall nothing to further the intcrcsls of the kingdom of (;od
prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your contrary to the laws of Germany. A copy of the tcsti-
young men shall see visions; and also upon the servants mony taken before the court that tried these cases at
and upon the handmaids in thaw days will I pour out IIalle contains the following, and the quotalrons are
my spirit. “-Joel 2 : 28,29. talrcn from that court record, and, without findin? it
o Jehovah gave his servant and prophet a vidon: neccssnry to mention any names, WCcall, as that rccwcl
“The vision of Olzlclinh. Thus saith the Lord Cod did, the ones chargd by the lcrm “defendant”. Oiid
concernin!; Edom, \Vc have heard a rumour from the of these defendants twtificd before the court, usilll:
Lord, and an ambas:;:~dor is wit amcmq the licnt hen, these \~o~ds : “We did cvcrythinx in our power lo
Arise ye, and let us rkc up :i*;airist her in hnttlc.” avohl any action aginst 1he dccrcc [of C~~~rIllilll~ Cur-
(Verse 1) The cl:i~s picl.urctl hy Ohacliah is do~lbtlcss bidding the prcactiinc; of the gospel of Itic I;infidum]
fho same as 1hc w;if(*hman whom (:Od foretold by hia bccaux WC bclicwl, and today still bclicvc, that I !:E
IJl’O]JtK!t Isaiah,: “‘l’tie burdc’n [load, fhillz lifted up] govcrt~mrnt [of ~~crmany] dors not jiltend lo rob the
of 1)umah” Imcxanillg “silcIice”; as statt>d hy Jcrc- individual Christ ian of his faith, tllat rcli$ous frl c-
mi:111 : “l’hc JA.J~I.I our Clod Ilath put us to silcnrc” dom cxik;lq, and that. thing would ClCVClOpin Swtl il

(Jcr. 8: 11, 15) 1. “J Ic [tlw l~riswcr class, 11~~s~~ un- way that it would bc I’ossiblc fur the intlivi(tuai
clcr restraint J call~~th to mc out 0C Srir [lhat is, mwn- Wwistian to ww:;t~ip his (iod. It is my conriction t!lat
irlg “rOu:Yh”, lilrc a satyr or !:o::t, ~hc lkvil], ~Viltrh- Itir only way lo Obiain rewlts is ttil~oll~ti iic~otlalicm~
man, what of the iii::ht 1 ~\‘alchmnn, what of the with t IIC gowrnmcrit, and I ilavc :1sh1 1 he EI icntls not
night? The watchman said, ‘l’II(~ nloi*llin~~ comeill, illId to do aii,vtfliIJ:,t which would iillrrCcre \\ ith lticw ~io*:o-
also lhc night; if ye will inclnirc, inquire ye; return, 1iat iolis. 11II iiiCorriiation issued was awording to the
come [again].“--lsn. 21: 11,lZ. Sorrgoing. ”
lo Mount Stir was the c~o~~r~lr~y of the IStlwnitro, I3 C:lcarly the IilIl~ll~l~e IJClT qllOl(~d is cquivalcnt
whirli l)irf urctl ltic political and hypocritic~al 1cti~zions t.0 SilyiIlg, Iye IIlUSt :lSk SOlIN Cilrttlty ~JO\WJ’ il’i to
lwilcrs wl,o claim ihc birtiwi~:lit to the I;iilgdOm IJII~ wtlrttlcr or shall \vol’Stli~J illltl serve Alini;:t,l:
not we
who are in truth and in fact the rclJrcscntatirt~s of the Clod. At that same court trial lirld at IIalle I)crrn~-
Jkvil. The watrhman mcntioncd is Jehovah’s anointed brr 17, 1935, another otic of llic Society’s rcprcsc~nt;~.
wilncdsw, w!io must bc rotistnni Iy on the watch in ho- tiws xlio was chargctl with violating llie Gcwn:ln d+
half of ttic itilciwls of ltic 1iill~~dOn~ 0E God uiiclrr wee tc4fkd in Ilk Owi bcliatf, and the followirlg is
Christ and WC to it that they do not compromise with
quoted from the oflicinl record:
any part of Satan’s or:gnizatiOn. The watchnwi or
servant &KS musl tx blind to CWrythiIlF: excct~t. ltIc
“Qwstion by chairman of Ihe court: ‘Did you eon-
kingdom of I:od an11 its intclcst~. (1~:~. 48: 19) Ttlilt sidcr it prrmissiblc lo further failhfully stand together
c’xs must hear the j-<ord of (:od at his month ant1 be lo carry on a work ?’
diligent to l)roclaim it in Ilx presence and hcaring “Answer by defendant: ‘I would consider that a
0-T others who 11n~~can car 1.0 hfar. “So ttiOu, 0 son violalion of the law.
of man, I h:l’r’c set thee a watchman unto the house “Qursfion by chairman of lhc eourl: ‘IVas anyfliiflx
of Israel; thcrcforr thou shalt hear the word at my said about all rcmainili g true to the faith? To wtiic+
mouth, and warn them from Inc. “--Ezcli. 33 : 7. dcfcndant made ihis answer : ‘This was not sl~ol;cn Of.
I1 The watchman class is made up of those who arc . . . IYe rather lricd to hinder an orzanizcd holdill!:
not to hold their pcacc and say nothin:: hcrnusc of togelher of the friends in the faith. The various ofi-
fear of the cncmy or hope for some favor from Ihe wrs [Of the Society] had no right to organize and
ciicmy. “I have set watchmen UIJOUthy walls, 0 Jcrw encour~::~c! SllCh.’
xllcm, which shali never hold their pcarc day nor “Question by attorney: ‘At the confercnws which
niC;ht ; ye that m:Iltc mention Of the Lord, keep not took plurc in Xagdcburg bclwccn the service directors,
sitcncc. “-Isa. 63 : 6. Has it ihcre said that the Yarious individuals should
I2 Rcwntly when some who had been ocrnpying SC& to find a meant; of existence and at the same time
positions of’ more than ordinary importanre in the should bc itlcgally active 4’ Answer t,y defendant :
,SOcicty’d orgdnization and work in the land of Ger- ‘So, on the wntrary. 1 snggcsled on one occasion that
182 r5’f;leWATCHTOWER BR~OKLTS, h’. Y.

such gentlemen who had been active should ccnsetheir I6 The experiences recorded concerning Job prove
activity.’ ” that Jehovah permits severe tests to come upon hiq
” The abox quotations of the testimony of the de- people that they may hare opportunity to prove their
fendants were entirely cotttrary to what God’s Word devotion to and integrity toward God. If otte com-
commands and directly contrary to what the Society promi?cs with the ettemp and suffers from that, such
holds must he clone and what those representatives had sufL”crinl: avails nothing. If one sufCcrsbecause of 1%
been instructcrl that they should do. Such words show faithfulness to the Lord, happy is he, becnuoe that
a compromise with the enemy. Those who arc faithful suficrittg is like the suffering that came upon Christ
to God and his kingdom must obey his commnndmcttts Jesus. “But rejoice, inasmuch as ye arc partakers of
rcgardlcss of what atty eart!tly power may dccrec or Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be re-
command. Ko one can prove faithful to Cod and main- vealed, ye may bc glad also with esccedittg joy.“-
tain his itttcgrity toward Gorl and at tltc same time 1 Pet. 4: 13.
compromise willi the enemy 1)~ failing or refusing to l’ The faithful are now rejoicing in the Lord that
serve Cod by reason of fear of the enemies of God they arc prrmittccl to fill up some of the sufferings of
and ltir king:tlom. Lukcwarntncss is an abomination in Christ left over. (Col. 1: 21) Attention is c:llltYl to
the sight of God. (Ilcv. 3 : 16) Jcltovah’s witnrsses tlicsc things, ttot for the mere purl~osc of criticizillx
love him, and they prove this by their boldttcss in bcar- aity~ttc, but that tlrox! who arc subjected to the tc.it
itig testimony to the truth it, the day of judgtnrtit. may SW and have in mind xltat is the proper rouryc
(1 John 4: 17, 18) The jutlgcu tryittg the ahove case3 for OIlC wlI0 itas 1111dC~taliC~ to do the will of C,c,~l.
must have clearly seen the ati il utlc of contpromisc, and Xany of the brethren in New Jcrxy ltave IKCI~sub-
dcfcndonts rcraivcd no cottui~l~ration at their hands. jrc,tcd to similar cspcricttccs and in the face ol’ a11511~l1
It would be ittconsistcttt for i!ic Society to do anytIling persc~cution have stood firm ilntl irnniov:il~lc for 1110
in their bclialf, after they !i:i\e proved unfaithful to Lord alid hk kili~t~~JIl1. “It is a f:litllfUl S:lyiIJg: ~“O!’
the Lord uttdcr stress. if \vC 1X dead witlt him, wc Shill1 ills0 live with Ilirn.
l5 In contrast with the tcstittiorty given by the afore- If we suffer, we shall also rcigt with him ; if wc’ (~I,IIJ~
ntcntioticd rcprrsctttativen in Gcrmnny a ttutnbcr of him, tic>also will &wy UC.” (2 Tim. 2: 11, 12) f<;lcfi 0111:
faithful witnesses of Jclmvall in that land have th~tnon- tnnst tl~tcrtttinc which side lit is ott and provcl his l’o\i-
stratcd their faitlifulttcss, l~ldtlcss and firmness in tioti by tltc eottstarlt ant1faithful coarxof action t;llic.tt.
the declaration of tlic truth at all times, and, tq the I6 Rcfcrring to those who find orcas~otito say b~~i‘o~~
grace of lltc I,or(l, they contitiuc to give tc~stimotiy in the br~tlirctt : “2%(: Il’cllchtou~cr eontaitis notltitiq l)nt
the name of Jchoval~ and hi%;King rcgardlcss of pk’r- the ol)inion of a mati ; wc hare bcc~nInixt.llic~Il in 11~~;
fxcutiott. As att esamplc of tllc dctcrtnitiat iott of many past, and why not u~ttl~rstand 11tat Tlrc \I’cllcl/towc r
of the filitllflll 01tcsin Germany to stattd firtn, the fol- is ttow mist aken 1” ,sllc~ll pcl’solls slloUld l~c~Inf~lrll,i~t
lowing incitlcnt is quoted, wliictli is tdiCI1 from a re- tltat Il’ltc IVatclttofccr sets out tile wor(ls of C:o~l‘S
port rcceivcd from that country: “Itt out cottcctttra- pI?OlJllCt and IllOII~sidc tllilt ]lrOl~ll~~y Sets tlowrl 1 llc
tion camp there iIN? 600 of J~llovnlt ‘s witnesses. ISvery physical facts well IilIOlCIl to illl, that. cficli otic nlio iy
day tltcy arc called out a’td mistrcatcd, then the offi- Of the tcI1l]~lc Cl:lss may roxlily dccidc what is i111fl
cial calls out and s;lFs: ‘Eiblc Stuclcnts or Jehovah’s what is ttot iii fulfilltncut of tlic prophc~y.
witticsscs, stall) forv;nrd. Ilo:v matty of you will re- lo Now, conccrttitlg the p~0plIcry of Ol~atliilll, t10tc
main Jehovah’s witnesses1’ ISvcry one raised their that tlii:, statcmcnt is tnadc: “Thus Silitll tlic? 1,1,111
hart&, thus testifying for the liord and his kingdom.” GOCI." Obadiah’s uttrrcd words are thcrcforc not a
There arc many such faithful and loyal brethren in dream or a hallu~itiatiott or a man’s guess or opitlion,
that land. In Germany 2,891 of Jehovah’s witttcsscs hut the sure and unfailitts Word of Jcllov:~h C;xl.
have bcm imprisoned, many of whom are still in The purpose of tltc prophecy is to ettliglttctt the I’( m-
prison. Natty of such Itcsiiatc ttot to testify to the nattt of God’s pcoplc now on the earth tllilt tllcy ini!~l\t
truth and stand firm for the TJord and his kingdom. stancl hlrott~ in tltc Lord and in the power of lliq niiqlit.
In no other way can one bc faithful to the Lord. The Likewise Tlic Il’atclf tower ~IllpllilSiZeS the l\rOd OC
espcricnce concerning Daniel, ~lcsltaclt, Shadrach and God and ttot the guess or opittion of man. Cod a11c1
Abed-nrgo, as rccorclcd in tlie Bible, is an example of Christ Jesus are tltc teachers, atld the atloitttctl (10
the proper attitude of one who is in a covenant to do ttot need the aid of some self-cottstitntcd wise cse:!c~tc.
Gail’s will. All tlic faithful will follow the same To such attoitttcd ones this scripture applies: “l%ut
course. Jehovah is able to sustain his witnesses, and the anointing which yc have rcccivcd of him alti,lc\h
nothing can cottte to tltctn except by his permission. in you, and ye need not that any man teach you ; but
Suclt faithful ones haye the assurance that the Lord as the same anointing tcachctlt you of all tllittgs, iltld
is directing their way. (I’rov. 3 : 5,6) “And we know is truth, and is tto lir, and even as it ltath taught you,
that all tltings work together for good to them that ye shall abide in him.“-1 John 2: 27.
love God, to them who are the called according to his *OTlic Lord God gave Obaclialt his word “CO~~VCII~-
purpose.“-Ram. 8 : 25. ing Edotn”. The ttickttame of Esau was Edom : *’ l;~u,

who is Edom.” (Gen. 36: 1) The name means “red” earth. The priests and Pharisees of that time claimed
and is a reminder of Esan’o failure to appreciate to bc children of Abraham, and hence in line for the
God’s favor toward him concerning the Abrahamic kingdom blessings that mere promised to Abraham,
birthright, which Esau sold for the paltry sum of a but Jesus told them that they were the sons of the
mess of pottage, that his selfish appetite might lx Devil. (John S : 13,374) Those hypocritical men
appeased. “And Bsau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray were the ones who rejected the Stone, Christ Jesus,
thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: upon which God has buildod his church, and to whom
therefore was his name called IMom [that is to say, Christ Jesus said: “Therefore say I unto you, The
1:cd (eu~~$n)] .” (Gen. 25 : 30) In this prophecy of kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given
Obadiah the term Mom must of ncc&ty apply first to a nation bringing forth the fruits Ihcreof. And
to the offspring of I&au, togcthcr with the country or whosocvcr shall fall on this stone shall be broken ; but
place which they inhabited, and in fulfillment thereof on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to
to a people once in lint for the Abr~ahamic birthri:;ht. powder. ,lnd when the chief priests and Pharisees
21Unlike Jacob’s dcsccndants, the offspring of &au had heard t1i.s parables, they perceived that he spakc
or 1Sdom was not pure Semitic stock, for the rea~n of them.” (Matt. 21: 43-G) The counterpart of the
that &au married out+dc of Abraham’s family rcla- priests and l’harisecs of that day are the clergy of the
tion. Esau iook his wivcr of the daughters of ChJ7:1m, present time, and particularly the Roman Catholic
ihc cursed enc. ((:cIJ. 9 : 25) “1’:::au took his wives of IIicrarcliy.
the dan$itcrs of Clxlaan ; Adah the daughter 0T ISIon 23Morn, the offspring of Esau, therefore clearly
the If ittitc, ant1 ,Ihol~bamah the dan~ytitcr of Allah, stands for tlic ofIicia1 rclizious rcprcscntativcs of ttic
the dau!$lter of %ibcon the IIivitc ; and 13ashcmath, I)evil, to wit, the 12omaii (!athotie Ilierarctiy and their
J4~macl’s dau~tltcr, sister of NCtJajottl.” (C;cn. allies, the otilcr clrr::y, Today Protcstantisrn is dead ;
56: 2, 3) Istlmacl was a son of Abraham by Iln~rar, which was pictured by tlic young tioll slain by Samson.
an 1Sxyptian woman, and was thcrclorc a dcsrcntlant Tliosc clergymen who organizc:d and carrictl 011 the
of Ham. (G(cn. 16 : 1) Ishm:~cl’s dall:litcr I~ast,crn;~tli so-called “J’rotestant rc’ti+on” arc joined tog::thcr
was 017~ of tlic wives of 1’:1;111.‘And Isl~macl 100’~ his with the Roman Catholic .tIic~mrchy ; and it 1~s 1~~1
wife out of the land of I’:gypt.’ ((:cn. 21: 21) All of true since t11c \VorI(l 1Y;ir, at wtliPli lime :ml since
I+:sau’s ctlildrc>n wc’rc of a mixed btootl, and ttictrol’orc, ttii? comhincd crowd 1x1~s9u::lit the dcat Ii of 1hc true
illI Kdomitcs NWC children of an ir~lpropc~ union of followers of Christ Jesus. The ctcrgy of the Catholic
1’~Sill.lwith JIamitic w0IllcIl. It was therefore iml)x:ci- n*td so-catted “Protestant” organizations arc viqorous
hlc for ltie EdornItrs to be God’s holy niltioll. .Ks:lU ly working together at this (lily to tl(%tJ*Oy ttlc true
WY n brother of ,J:wh, a ~::randsorl oE Abraham. The followers of the Lord. A$ the Edoniitc~ sou~lit to l,ill
1;Lthcr and mother of Jacob :!11d hau wcrc Isaac n11d Jesus nhcn he was on the earth (John S: ;i744), so
l~c~l~ct~ca.J&au was t tic firstborn and apparciitly had the moilcrn-day Xdomitcs wctc to Iwing :itJout the
tile lirst claim to ttic ilbr:it~nmic birthrqht, but it was drtatti of ttic mcmbcrs of C’tirist now on Iht: earth, and
tllc will of Clod that it should 1,~ otherwire. ((Ien. thercforc they ‘111~s do unto the Ilord Jrsus Ilimsc*lf’
22: IS; 25: 23-26) The des~ndn~its of Esau, that is, in this day ; and t~~~~usctllc.<e arc his faithful J’ollowers
the Eclomitcs, muc;t thcrcforc represent a class of l)cr- hc counts them as a part of himself. ‘\\‘hite this article
YOIH who are aplx~rcntly the firstborn and in lint for is being prepared the clcrcy of tlic Rom:in Catholic
the liingdom. Hierarchy, and the so-cattc~l “l’rOtcStilIlt” Clergy, arc
?* The following definition is pnbliuhcd in the book attempting to frame misclticf by law by rausiny bills
Co~crnwxt, l)ilgC! 283 : “The name I+~om rcprcscnts to bc introduced in ilx Sew Jersey Lcgislat WC, and
that which is 01)poscd to the Lord. It has the same in other state lcgislaturcs, making it a crime Tor any-
meaning as ‘Esau’, and therefore refers to the organi- one to refuse to salute Ihc flag or’to write or publi4t
zation of Xatan, l:ic most I cprchcnsible etemcnt of anything setting forth the reason why a Christian
which is ccclcsiasticism.” Here enlarging upon that cannot sahltc a fiag and thereby altribute sulvat ion
deiinition, that it may be made more specific, it is to mtn. Otherwise stated, the clergy srck the de-
s+ntcd that &,a~7 or Edom more specifically stands for struction of Jehovah’s witnesses bccnusc they insist
and represents that class of men who hay-c or:anizcd ihat a true follower of Christ Jesus must obey God
and carried 017 rcli::ion in the name of God and Chri::t, rather than men. (Acts 5: 29) The clergy arc the
hut who in truth and in fact hove been and arc the antitypical Edomitcs ancl are the most deceptive and
representatives of the Dcril, and hence a part of tilt rcprchensiblc part of Satan’s visible organization.
I)cvil ‘s oryaniznt ion. That clearly shows that nnti- 24The Abrahamic birthrip!lt privilege? wcrc claintc~d
IyIlical IMomites are made up of the Roman Calhotic by the clergy bexnlsc lhey have always claimed lo be
Hierarchy ancl their clergy allies who have used the the ones fax-or ed of God. Jehovah forckncw that they
1Vord of Cod for a selfish pLlrposc. The minialurc or would be unEaithfu1 and wonld fall away complctcly
firbt fulflllmcnt of this part 01 the prophecy of Obadiah to the Devil, and therefore lit foretold such in tlii.;
was in the clergy of the time when Jesus was on the yrophccy concerning the IMomites. The Abrnhamic

birthright privileges ci held ant to and claimed by army against the “beast”, the “false prophet” and
the C~CIYJY, JCSUSforct~>:d \vould be taken away from the “Iilll~S”, but not against the old “whore”, of
them because they fo;lnd to bring forth the fruits ~~+ich Edom is the most prominent part.
(the truth) Of thC kind’Jm. It iS Oilly the Clergy that 26After pcwcivin~ the call of the ambassador or
have tried to compctc rr-ith Jehovah’s true saiuts for angel of the Lord, then those comgosing tlic Lord’s
the kingdom privilcgcs. This corresponds exactly remnant on aarth, his witucsscs, like their proiotypc
with ISau’s rivalry to\: ard Jacob for the birthright of Obadiah, take Up the judqmcnt tidings and herald
his father. Esnu tried to kill Jacob, and the antitypical the same to others, both inside and outside of the
Edomitcs likcnise now try to kill and destroy Jcho- remnant class. They sl><‘akto each other of t11c Lord’s
vah’s true witnesses, pictured by Jacob. At verse judgments and tell others who have the hearing ear
scvcn of Obadiah’s pwphccy it is stated that the of the judgments of the Lord. Note that the ambas:4a-
Xdomitcs enlcrcd into a conspiracy against the true dor is not sent to the I)cvil’s army, but sent to the
followers of Christ, Tllat same verse also refers to the members of God’s organization on earth, who arc
two other clemcnts of Satan’s organization, which form found scattcrcd amongst the nations but who arc no
“the principal of the flock”, all of which are falsely part of the nations of this world. Jchovali is callin::
called “Christians”. In the modern fulfillment of or summoning his own l~col~le. It is Christ .Jcws and
the prophecy the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and their his army that do the trcarling of l~~tloin an(l l:ozrali.
so-called “Protestant” allied clcrgymcn lead in a *’ The Lord’s nml~nssador or mcsscn~cr lwinqs tlww
conspiracy against God’s “hidden ones”, whom he tidinbrs : “l\risc ye, and let us rise Ui) agnilist her in
has ~clcctcd to bc mrnllwrs of his holy nation. The battle.” 1’1~ angelic army of Christ JOSUS,or hosts
“priwipal of tlic flock” have joined in this conspiracy of hcavc’n, tu which (:0(1’s remnant on earth must now
and arc now ,this day committing orcrt acts against be attached, is commanded to arise for battle aqinst
the pcoplc of Cod, Z-IIJJ against his kingdom. The the cncmy. Tllc prophecy ol’ Ol~ntlinl~ is fully corroh-
modern Edomitcs arc: thcreforc clearly identified and orntcd by God’s 1)rophccy 1)s the mouth of Jcrcwi:111 :
located by the Word of (:od and the indisputable “For I have sworn by rnyxlf, snith the Lord, that
physical Eacis, all of which exactly fit the words of Bozrah sllilll lw.wmc a dcsolafio~l, a rcpronrh, a waste,
the prophecy. ancl a curse ; and all the cities thsrcof shall 1x2 per-
JUDGMENT TIDlh’GS petual wastes.“-Jrr. 49 : 13.
25The prophecy indicutcs that it is a specific class ** The d:ly of httlc is nigh, and Jehovillr makes
Of pCrsOIIs, and llot j1Iut 0IlC pWsOI1, tllilt hear the known the puqmsc tow:~rtl ant itypical I&au : “For I
“rumour”, or “titlincrs”. “WC! have heard a rumour will bring the wlaniity of ISsau upon him, tllc tinio
[(Z/.1’.) titlings] from tho T~or(l.” (Vcrsc 1) It is that I will visit, him. . . . I llave Ill:ldC l’:Sil11 l):iVO, I
Cod’s servant class, to whom tlw kingdom interests hare uncovcrrd his sccrct IIIilCCS, an(l 11csltull not bi:
on cart11 are comrnittcbd, that hear these judqmcnt able to hide hinisclf.” (Jcr. 4!J: S, 10) For III:I~I~ J C’ZI*S
tidings i’rom the IAJIY~. They being devoted to the tllC l&au ClilSS, and ~Ml’ti~Ulil~l~ tllc I~Olll:lll C;ltllOllC
Lord, their wrs arc att ullcd to the good news that Hierarchy, has carried on its wicked woi+ and ap-
prow& from the Lorcl. ~hcrs do not have their cars pnrently in swrct, and iii EilVt in sccrct to many pcr-
so attuned, and l~cwusc they arc on the side of the SOIIS, and tlwreby many millions llave bcc~tl dcwivrtl.
enemy they cl0 not hear, and thcrcforc know nothing, The \vicltcd institution hay turned tllc \irortl of (:otl
about the judqniclit of the Lord. Continuing the upside down hy teachin:! csactly oppnsito to the true
prophet says : “An nri~hnssndor is sent among the meaning of the Word of Clod. To that wivl,c(l ovqani-
hcathcn 1the nations (K.V.) 1,” The Hebrew word zation Jchorah says : “\\‘oc unto tll(~nl thilt SPC~, dccl)
..used~hcrc for “nmb;wador” is tzecr, and means one to hide their eounwl from tlw J,ord, and their works
who is constrained by a principle, or God’s rule of arc in the dark, and they say, Who sccth w? and who
action, and is thcrcforc engaged in a pressing or knowcth ur? Surely your turning of thill:r u!~siclo
urgent service. Jtindful of his privilqc and obliga- down shall 1x2cstcemcd as the potter’s clay: for shall
tion, the ambawador is on the alert to faithfully pcr- the work say of him that made it, 1Tc matlc me not?
form the scrvicc nGgncd to him. Whose ambassador? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it,
It is the meswqcr or ambassador of the Lord, for the He had no understanding?“--Isa. 29: 15, IL
reason that the IMil would not stir up his own nations 2DThat hypocritical and devilish crowd have said
qainst Edom, whom the l&i1 has employed so Well and continue to say: “\\‘e have made lies our wfwr,
against Cod’s faitlrt’ul people. The prophecy suggests and under fitlscllood have WC hid ou~stivcs.” l<nt the
that the ambassador is a heavenly mcsscngcr or angel, Lord says to them: “The hail [hard, solid trutl;s]
one of the “seven stars” in the right, hand of Jesus shall s~crp away the refuge of lies, and the waters
Christ, the same as the angel of IXerclation 8: 3-5, and [flood of Cod’s truth] shall overflow the hiding place.”
16: 12: “The sixth angel poured out his vial . . . that (Isa. 28: 15-K’) That the Ilord says he will do in his
the way of tlre kings of the east might be prepared.” “judgment time”. SUCil is IlOt thC hilttIP Of ,IlXl:l-
The angel of Xewlation 19: 17-21 awmblcs God’s geddon, because in that scourge of Arm:~~~dtlon Jc-

hovah by Christ Jesus and his army will complctcly city, And he went in in my sight. And one cherub
.annihilatc all of the rncmy. When Jehovah says here, stretched forth his hand from between the cherubims
“Arise yc, ’ ’ it means to battle “against her”, the unto the fire that was between the clierubims, and took
enemy. This battle spoken of is now in progress, and thereof, and put it [fire] into the hancls of him that
is a battle of truth against entrenched lies. It is a was clothed with linen; who took it, and went out.”
battle between Jehovah’s witncsscs on one side and --Ezck. 10 : 6,2,7.
hypocriticcl rcli$oniQs, particularly the Roman Cath- s2Such work by the anointed is doing the ‘slayinz’
olic IIicmrchg, on tix other, and ta!:cs plncc just prc- part of the Elisha work, which he was anointed to
ceding and preliminary to “the battle of that great perform. The Lord graciously revcnlcd this matter and
day of Clod Almighty”. caused it to be published in Vindication, Book One,
aoNote now the corroborative proof given by the pa:c 116 et seq., and that no doubt for the instruction
prophet : “And I will lay my vengeance upon Kdom and guidance of his anointed, that they might bc fully
by lhe hand of my ‘l~coplc Israel [spiritual Israel; ccluippccl and furnished for all good work. Yet it ap-
Jehovah’s faithful witncsscs] : and they [Jehovah’s pears that some who should have learned what is pob-
witnesses] shall do in IMom according to mine angw, lislicd, and should be lwrforming these duties as God
and accordiJlg to my fury; and they [the Edomitcs] has commanded, instead ha~c been scduccd, and hy
Shall know my vcii,qeancc, saith the l~ord clod.” (lI:zek. some wrongful infliicuw, and arc ititerfcring with the
25: l<) In further corroborative proof see vcrsc 18 of work and cndcavcwing to malx the anointed bclicvc
Obadiah’s prol~hcr~. It is the 12Jomites, the reli$on- that their chief work is to bc done after A2IllilgcddOll.
ists, and particular1.v the Roman Catholic Jlicrarclty, The elect will not be deceived or sc~luced. These faitll-
that IWW malie war upon Jehovah’s wilncsscs, and ful anoiutcd ones will not slack the hand in this day
this they do under the command of llic ficltl marshal OP war, but with the Zeal pcruliar to the l~ord’s how:::
of Satan. Jel~ovaI~‘s witncsscs mwt fight with the they will continue t0 pWSS thC battIC aXiliIlSt tllc
Sword of the spirit, that is, lho \\‘Oid of Clod, firmly enemy. The rcmnwit will not wgagc in the clcstructivc
and boldly dwlarin:r tllc truth which csposca and un- work at Armageddon. ‘1%~ 1)art pcrformctl by the
covers the hiding place of the lies of the modern IWl~IlaIlt is to ~~I’O~+~iliIJl I]IC mcssagc by tllc Tlord as hc
Edomitcs. has commissioned and commanded them to tlo. ‘l’l~c
81IVc should cspwt the Devil to use every subtlc l,ortl JcS114(%rist il11d his hcavellly host will do tllc
means at his command to lull (lotl’s anointe(1 ones to bl:~ll~ht~~l \VoJk That is JlIiItlC cehr Ly Jnally prophci ic
Slce]) nlld IO CUllSv tllcm t0 Wase their fi~lltiriq; IJUt ~tatctncnts.-2 Chron. 20 : 16-22 ; Kzck. 9 : 4-6.
ttlC trUP iltld 1aithful will IlOt 1X dwcivctl ilnd lllll~~tl t0 33The wnnant II;LVC a \\~orl< to (10 now bcforc the
Sleep. JCWWsays that tlw 1)cvil ant1 his n:;cnts “&a!1 ilcstructivc work of Armagwldon hqiwi, illltl wllicli
hliw signs and wonArs, lo scdriw, if it wcrc pos\iblc, work tlrcy must complcta befor that tlrstrnctivc work
PVC’11 1 ha clcct”. (;\!arl; 13 : !z!!; Jlitt t. 2-l : 21) TO HV~IICC does Iwgin. (at t. 24 : l-l, 21) hJm 1 he tinrc ,Jchovnh

mwns to tUrU 0llC iI1Vil.V from tllc righl path into tllo put his name upon his allointcd ones, givin:: to tlicm
Way Of !$lt:Jli fllC C\il OIlC, aild dOiilg ViOlCilCC t(J COd’S the “new name”, hc commissioned and sent t licm forth
pcoplc. The l)cvil would use some now to inducr: Jc- to pXfOrm their part ]Jy ~kC!ht%ig th d:ly of /iiS
hovali’s witncsscs to bclicvc that they slionld slark up vcngcancc. As they go forth lo the nation< b:~arilig
their work and not cap& to do anything particularly testimony to the IKIJ~Wof Jchowh, the Most TIigh says
iml)ortant until after Armageddon. To initucncc or to them: “Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the
induce one to tLlliC wch a course is scclurin~ or turn- hand of llic liord, and iI royal diadem in the IlnlKl of
ing otlc asidc from the rignt way. I;nt the J,ord shows thy God.“-Jsa. G2 : 2, 3.
that it is not possil~lc to dcccivc the very elect. (Alntt. 34Jcho~ali exhibits his anointed WJtnCSSCS bcforc the
21: 24) Those who arc fully tlc~otcd lo ihc Lord will ESilU cro\Vtl ZlIlcf tlllls sllo~vs his favor to his mitncsscs ;
refuse to bc influcnwd or wduccd by such cXorts to and because he puts his favor upon them the fire of
keep them quiet. They will be on the alert at all timcv the cncmy is drawn against JC!llOVilll’S witwsscs and
and resent any and all subtle infliiewe of the I>cvil, the battle goes on. The cncmics of God, particul;wl>
which may appear to bc put forward by him through the rcligioni5ts, are dcsignnted under the name of
any creature, whcthcr that crcatnrc claims to lx con- “Esau”, “Edom,” “Epliraim,” “Pi~ilistincs,” etc.
sccratcd to the Lord or not. God has commanded hi? All such refer to the Roman Catholic Ilicrnrcliy and
pcoplc to “rise up against her iii battle” now. 13~ their allies. Concerning surh cncmics Jehuwh says :
his prophet I’;zekiel hc commands his anointed ones, “Woe to the crown of pride, to the drllI~li~1rClS of
“the man clothed with linen”, saying, “Take fire Epliraim, whose glorious huty is a fading flower,
from bctwccn the wheels, from 1Jctwecn the clJcr~- which are on the head of the fat va!lexs of them that
bims; . . . And he spake unto the man clothed with arc ovcrcomc 1~ith wine !” (Isa. 2s: 1) The! cncmy,
linen, and said, Co in between the wheels, cwn under the rcligionists, are drunken with satanic wine; am1
the cherub, and fill thine hand with coals of fire from such, in their maudlin, drunken state, go forth, mz!;-
between the chcrubims, and scatter them over the ing war against the remnant bccausc the r:;nn:mt,
Er:ooxL~s, x. T.

“lcwp the commandments of God and have the testi- thing in common with such workers of iniquity?
mony of Jesus Christ ‘. These faithful ones bring the (Ps. 20) Would an) one who loves clod co-operate
94 :
truth to the people, and the truth uncosers the hidden with that wicked WONd by trying to induce the anoint-
lies of Ihc religioni\ts. The battle is on, and to his cd to believe that the chief part of their work will
anointed, faithful, true witnesses Jehovah now says: be accomplished after Ilrmagcddon, and that they
“In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown should now go easy? Could anyone who is devoted to
of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the rcsidw ‘God and to his cause, and who iq particil)nting in the
[the remnant] of his people.” (Isa. 2S : 5) Jehovah fight, now put forth or attempt to put a scotch block
thus sl~ows he is on the side of thcsc faithful \vitne:jscs. under the wheels of God’s organization by snyinq in
*s Can there bc any doubt in the mind of any of the the preswec and hear ill!: of the anointed words to Ihis
truly allOiiltC!d temple class that tllC! biltttC is IKJW 011 cfkct : “We are getting nowhere now. Our chief work
ltctwccn the religioniuts and ~Jchovah’s faithful serv- is after the first phase of Armageddon. Wait till then.
ants? IIas not that 1~tt.k IJCCI~ raging, and with in- Wc will tliw be rcatly to rewire the great mullitudc.”
creasing fury, during the past icn years? The l<oman Those who now yield to such sophistry and fall un~ler
Catholic IIicrarcliy trains all its guns uJ)on the wit- that inllarncc will be scducccl and dcccivctl, and that
ncsscs of Jehovah. In (~cnnany that wiclxd “old of itself SIIOWS that such cannot be of God’s elect.
whore” liau bluft’ed and browbcatcn some illto sitwcc, 3’ \\‘tiat is tile purpose of the battle no\\’ in Jnvgrws
but there yet remain in that sor~wwf~~l land many b,:twcll and Jr:hovah’s witncswsP (‘cr-
the rcli~ionists
humble, true and laittiful witiw:,,w who are tlctcr- faiiily not to convert 11~ world nor to g::ittlrsr the great
mined to give the tcstirnony as coni~wiifled, cvcik if it multiluck; but it is to furnish ihc opportnitit~- to tlic#Sc
costs ihcm cvrry drop) of their ht(Jd. 111 sew ~Jcrsc~y persons of ;;ood will loward God to hear 1 IIC niww;~v
the c’ncmy, led lay the I:oman Callwtic IIiwarchy, t1:1s of trulh and to talrc their stand on the hi& of God
1~rOUgtlt UJ) every aViIit:ll)lC iiistrunicnt. with vhivh 10 and his t,ul!.r(lom and lo truly “wcli ri~~lktcousncss”
nssault nrKl tmt tlfJ\VJl ,Jchov:~h’s witrwscs, but in and “SC& mcclrrw(;s” l~cforc Ihc fierce anq’r uf lho
that scetion tlic Iruc i~tl(l f*Attiful remain firm and Lord is csJwcsscd at A4rn~:~:wldon. (Zcph. 2: 3-3) Jc-
continue to sing louder and louilcr the praiwi 3f hovat Iraq not commnntlctl his wilncsscs to ~ailicr t lie
Jehovah, tIressing on i11 the b.ltltc. Thry WUII! n1:t gJTi:t Inllttit tldc IlOW 01’ at ally Ottler tinll’. ‘j’tlat WOl’t<
their c:xlhly csistcarlw dilnr unto 1licnl. 3lovccl by tllc tlic l.otd l~ilnsclf clots iti his own good lirnc: :wtl way.
u~il~r~k:~bl~ love of God ;uid Chrit,t, whkh is strongrr E’or :\II~Ollc to say “Our worlr of I,‘;ltlllTill~ ttw
thLll1Clc>1111, ttlCJSC PililtlC\Il OXlCS, ill tllC t~~ll~:U:l~~C CIII- great itilttc
Inlilt will t:lliC pl;lCC after .\I lll;lf:~‘ltd~lJ1 ”
ptoycd by I’aut, ILOW%I:,- rolrccrniilg the xar a:;airl4 is J~l’~~lllIlJ~~~~~J~lSlll~~S IJl~f~~l~c tt1c Ilord. ‘J’II(! IJlIYillt’W
them : “l:ut none ol tlirw thin~:s move me, ilcithcr and w~rtr of tlic anointed is lo ohcy C:otl’s co~ri~na~i~l-
count I my life d~;ir unto myself, so that T might finish mcnis. JIG 11ilS eor~rll:llldcd that this gO‘:J)c’l of tll(:
my coiirx with joy, and the rnini~iry, wtikh I tinvc l~iIl~SdOn1 stl:ltt lx? J)l’e;!ctled ilIlt eOIIl&!ht ~~(LfOl’C t tic
rcccivctl of Ihe lewd Jww, to testify the gospelof the slaying \:orlc hcgins. ‘I’hc (:rc;ltor I\lows, C’hriht JCS~IS,
grace of God.“-l\cts 20 : 24. SClldS EOl,i 11 his EollO\~eI~~ from 1llc tcrll])le illl(1 (wt11-
sG The
wkked Iloman Catllolic llicrnrchy and al11cs mands theill to pr(Jelilill1 t~olilty from the horlwtot)s I hc
USC all their power and jllflwncc to cause the rallio mcssagc of the tiing~lom ant1 the day of 111~ wnq:c:aic~c
stations lo ccasc browlcaslin~~ God’s message of trut!l. of our God. To refrain from so doing or to sl:~~~Ic flw
They have cm~~loyed all mannc’r ol’ ~~olilical mcttiods hand and t~c~omc ilc~lrqlt, or to at tcmI)t to cscwiv~
to harc law cnaetcd tcl suppress ihc truth. They use inflnciicc over the anoiiitctl to cause tticaln to brronir~
their newspapers to publish malicious libc~ls against iicgligcnt alld SlWli tile llillld, COllSt il~~fc:r a failuw to
God’s faithful and Irue wifncsscs. They carry forward give heed to Glc commandments of Jc11o~ah’s great
their mischievous persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses, Prophet.-Acts 3 : 23.
causing rules or laws to lx made cornrnnndin~ that cvcn 38Is the Ilord Jesus at ihc tcmplc of Jc~horah? ,111
the little ctiitdren bc compcllcd to submk to t tlcir scl1sc- the eridcnrc shows that he is. That bcillf: so, then
less, religious cw~nlouics of wlutinl; flags, thus attrib- Christ Jcsnq is condwting judkmcnt and “twforc tlirn
uting to a thing salvation rather than attributing to [arc] gathered all natiolis”, and lie is separating thrm.
Clod salvation, to whom it belongs. They C!C~OU~CC Mark the words of the scripture wlikli rays that it is
everyone who attcmpls to set forth the Scriptural Christ JC~USthat is separating the nations and clctt*r-
reasons showing that it is tlic duty of the follower of mining who are the sheep, the Jonadabs, 01’ ::r’cat mu!-
Christ Jews to obey God and noi man, The pur~~osc titude. Christ is gaihcring them, and not we. IF tlic>
of the enemy is to iurn Jehovah’s wilncsscs and all gathering Of ttlC gIT!ilt multitude t:lkt!S J>lncC ilCll'r
sympathizers away from God by putting them in fear Arn~aqxldon, then when could it 1~ po~~ihlc for tt2ow
and subjection, ~1~111to control them in an arbitrary, people of good will io show favor to C’h&t. and 1;~3
inquisitorial manner lay dictaiors, and to destroy tllc persecuted remnant as the nWllltJWS ol’ his body as
freedom and worship of the frue, almighty God. Shall sktcd at Jl;ittlicw 25? ,it Srln:~gcildol~ the l~erw~~~tiw
anyone who loves God have anything to do or any- will bc ctonc, because the persecrltors will he slu I !I.

Those of the great multitude must be firm and bDld of the prophecies, and some even object to t!le means and
the mes5nee which Jehovah has nrorided for the lnstructlon
in doing their work by informing others and thus giv- of Ill8 pc!o$e.

ing them the opportunity to seek righteousness and 7 3-5. What i5 the proper attitude and procedure for the faith-
meeknessbefore Armageddon, becausesuch is the plain ful serronts 0E the Lord in relation to others in the cove-
nant and to the unfoldmr of the nronhccies 1 MIOW whcthcr
lvord of the Lord. If one does not SW that the Loud repctltion

In The IBnlchtow~r

of certain physical facts 15

is no~vat the temple, conducting judymcnt, then surely in hne nit11 Jehovah’s purpose in provitliuq the prophccw
that person is not of the temple. If, while mingling and record thereof and in due time unfoldmg them to hls
faithful people.
xvith the temple class, continuing to claim to be one of q 0, 7. What is the 5ource of the prophecy desizmatcll a5 that
them, a person utters speech or cscrciscs influence to of Obadiah? Its mcs5ageP Its purpose? \Vhat importaut
and timely instructmn IS seen in the fact that the itlcntl:y
induce the anointcsd to be ne$igcnt, such is an offcnsc of Ohadxth is uncertaiuP
against God and against his organization.-Matt. n 8-11. When was this prophecy written? and when, and to
18 : G,7. whom, does it apply? Point out how Ir:Gah 21: 11, 12,
together with rclatecl scriptures, serves to confirm the ap
*DLet the anointed now hear and give heed to the plxation of thlv pj ophccy.
words of Jehovah, who says: “J:isc up against her r[ 13-1.X IVith csam~blcs of Icwrtl in illustration, point out
[Sat:~n’s organization, the Edomitcs] in battle.” The the great impel t:tnw of hctrq cou5tantly uncornprom~smg
and hold In Ixx311ng testimony to the truth.
battle is on no\i’, and is growing in severity each day. h 16. With 5cripturts, account ior the suffering that corncs
Amidst this great pcrsccution by the enemy the work won .Jcl~ovah ‘s ~cor&.
of proclaiming the kingdom mcqsagcmurt go on to the
end that the ‘hidden lies’ 0E the cncrny may bc uncov-
ered and fully rsposcd lo vic\v in order that those ~110
low what. is right may flee to the city of rcfllgc, wliiell
is clod’s OrgilJliZatioTl, and remain stcatlfastly thcrc un-
til the IVJ’iLth of Cod is past. Today the Roman Cutllolic
lIiwarc*ll~ and tlicir all&l clcrqy ha\-c dcpartrd en-
tircly f1*omthe \i’ord of God alid his service and hare
tlavotcfl thoJnsclvcs to the political afToirs of the forcacs
Of .&ll+ll~~s. Their illliVS IWJddOrc called “l’rotcs-
tants” arc dd, and JIOW ‘darknCSS COvCL’S the WhCJlC
world, aud gross d;lJk~lcss is upon all the rcli;sionisfs’.
Yet ill that Or~ilIliZatiOll, aJJd lmdcr its don~ill:ltitl~
control, thcrc arc those clio siyll and cry for lil_rht an‘1
trut11. To Ihc rCJJlJl3llt, his faitlifnl :lIloiJltcd OJlCS,
Jehovah now says : “Ark, slrinc ; for thy light is come, 5 33, 21. \Vlwn and Iwm iq ls:~~aIi 0‘:!: 3 fullillcd? \Pilh wh:tt
nJld the glory of the Ilord is risen ul)on thee.” (Jw. clrrrt upon llrc enemy? I\‘ith AJi3t result to 111~ f:lilhful
wit ncsses I
GO:I, 2) l-ou \vlio have hccn brought into the orzani- IT 35. What do the truly anointc,tl tcmr)lc rl:wi now clrnrlv srt:
zalion of Jcl~ovall, let your light 110~so shine that all
with who~n you coJnc ill contact may linvc cau:ic :o
know that you arc for Jehovah and his kingdom, first,
last, and all the time.
(To he confinued)
u 1, 2. When nnd how cl111.Jrhorah cause his glory to begin to
bo matlc ninnifcst to hs servnnts? Awount for the fact
th3t some undclstnntl :tnd apprrciatc the proiAccie8 as t!lc &an as to when tllat work must ‘he tionc?
Lord ur~foltl5 them, w111lo otlwrs ~110 aI>0 are In a covenant 7 39. What, then, is lhc urgcncp of procluimin~ tilt* &s:igc
to do the a111 of God :Lre unnbic to discern the fulfillment now, and the impwtancc of havmg a p,trt tlwrclu?


T ONE time in the history of Satan’s wicked In the prophecy of Knhurn, lvhich is addressed to
organization of an::& and inen ancient Assyria r\;inc\-ch, Jehovah describes his own organization as
A \vas the outstanding and dominant, world poiv- being prepared for the great and impending conflict,
cr. The city of Nincvch rvas it7 capital at that time. the battle of Armageddon, and serves Tvarning notices
The ruling factors of that \vorld polvcr resided thcrc on Satan’s organization today, saying : “1112that dnsh-
and cserciscd dominion therefrom. IIcnce Kinevch, eth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the
and also Assyria, of which it was the capital, are used munition, lvatch the v;ay, make thy loins strong,
in the Bible prophecies to represent. Satan’s organiza- fortify thy poiver mightily. For the Ilord [Jehovah]
tion as it exists in our day, particularly the political hnth turned axyap the cxccllcncy . . . The shield of
side of the earthly part of the Devil’s organization. his mighty men [that is, Christ and his armies in

heaven] is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: in these words: “The noise of a whip, and the no&
the chariots shalt be with flaming torches [or, flash of the rattling of the wheels, and of the prancing
with steel] in the day of his preparation [Jehovah’s horses, and of the jumping chariots.”
preparation], and the fir trees shall be terribly shak- Within a few days after the United States Senate
en.“--X&urn 2 : 1-3. ratified the l’ariq Peace Pact by an almost unanimous
In keeping with his usual mode of procedure, Satan vote, the lawma!rinp machinery provided for the huild-
the enemy prepares for war, and hc does so with great ing of a more powerful 11;lv-y than has ever bciorc
noise and boasting and at the same time keeps the bzcn had, and provided for the cspcnditurc ot $X5,-
peoples in ignorance of his purpose. Christ Jesus, 000,000 for new war ~ssels, to say nothin:: about the
God’s great I’rophet, caused the apostle John to malie great espenditurc for other military prcparatiouu.
a record of this prophecy, namely : ‘I And I saw three Public press dispatches, dated February 13, l!Z!),
unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of Ihc announced that the president signed a bill fhat day
dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of to authorize the construction of fifteen mollcrn war-
the mouth of the falac prophet. For tllry arc t!lc ships, and within a few minutes thcrcaftcr the build-
spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth ing pro~:ram was begun. The clcrky and thcarcli;;ious
unto the kings of tho cart11and of the whole world, to leaders loudly applaud the action of the poliiicxl alrd
gather them to the battle of that great day of God commcreinl powers, and say to the people, in suL-
Almighty.“-1’rcv. 16 : 13,1-L stance : ‘Thrr~’ will bc no more war, bccnu~ wc liavc

The three unclean spirits here mentioned arc lik- outlawed war. At the same time we must prt~parc )ty
cncd unto frogs. A frrlg ~~11s up, is bombastic, and building more ships.
boasts of what, lit is goin:: to do and makes muA noisc It is rather difficult for the common IJCO:J~P to wi-
about it. The noise of a bnllfro;: StriliCS terror to the dcrstand the consistency of such actions ant1 tlccla~~l-
mind of one who dots not I;now ~vliclrcc the noise Cons. The building of war machines proceeds UIJOII
cmanutcs. The Devil has the whole world in fear a11d a gigantic SCillC in cvcry nation Of so-called “(.‘!iI+itcVi-
distrrlss bec%uWhis bullfro:~s arc bcllo~~~ingforth their dom”. The political factors, in the sad(llr, I1l:l!ic tllc
noise. Tire “(lra~on” mc*ntioncd in t,hc above-rluotrd lcsal provision ; the commcrrial giants arran’:r for t IIC
test rcl~rc5c9its the cni IP~ hatanic organization, while money; and tllc clcrrrv 1,rovidc the SilllPt itnOtliOllS
the “hcast” is symbolic of’ the Giblc part of that or- SlmJh SCrccII which thc’ir ” f’ath(*r” (\VllOill .lc~susdo-
~NlhtiOil, alid IhC “fillS(: [JrOIJhCt” IJartkUkIrly rq- clam1 to bc the 1)cvil) employs to Mint1 111~ proplc
rescbntstht: gWxit politiPa1 mouthpiccc and spOkcWl:~n to the truth. Just ad 1hc prophet says, alt ti~l’~~! arc
wliic*li all observant ~CVJ~~C tothy Cilll plainly WC is like bullfrog; but tlic lou~l~st one, and tlic trlo~~l:-an+
the joint powrr of the liritish JSmpirc and the IJnilcd timoliiou5 among the tlircc, is tlic clcrpp uf the qcat
Xtatcs, With one accord all thcsc elcmcnts of Satan’s “false prol)llct” system, Eritain and .12mcricaa.
organization l)oaSt il1ld m:lliC much noise Of IVlliJt tllPS The prq)aration goeson and Satall cau$*~his ;I~CII!S,
arc doin? and arc going to do. tlic rulers 0T t!ic carfh, to talic counsel tog:cst her n:;;!ill,zt
Ill sLlte&ln~c thy say: ‘The cnrtll is ours, and WC Cod and a;;uinst his Aiioinlcd, and to say, ill SlllJ-
are going=to fix cvcrythinq to out* lilrin:: ; and when we stancqe: ‘IA u-i break their bancls asnnrl~lr, and (*a<~
get Ihrongh the proplc Iii11 like it.’ This is but voicing away thci’r c~~rtls from us, i\lld fix the w01~1c1 to suit
Ihc scntimcnt of lhc Devil, who is symbolized by the 0ulW1vcs.’ To this Psalm 2:4 replies: “‘11~ [,lcllo-
dragon in tlic river, as tlcscrilxcl by the prophet Ezc- vali] that siltctli in the licavciis shall lau:,li ; tire I,oid
kid (‘“3 : 3), and which snys: “Bly rivrr is mint own, Shill1 have them in derision.”
and I have miltle it for myself.” JIcrc the river is &turning now to tlic consideration of Nahurtt ‘c
symbolic of the pcoplcs on whom Satan has hold. The prophecy relative to the lnqnration, it is i’oulld to liL’
visible part of the I)cvil’s 01*panizaiion makes peace exactly in accord with the prophecy of Ji:~vclaiion,
pacls and 1)olrlly allnOU1lCCS: ‘WC hare outlalved war aborc (;uotcd. Jehovah ~pcuk~ throu::h K;lllllm an:1
and hcncc thcrc will bc no more war, and let the people says : “Tl~o chariots shall rage in the ::I Ix’Cts, i!:cy
bc assured to that end.’ shall justle one against anotlirr ill the IJl,c~.icl w:i;.x:
Wlicii the Paris I’carc Pact was pending before the they shall seem like torches, they shall run IlliC the
United States Senate for ratification, its chief q~onsor lightninq.“--K’ah. 2: 4.
in America was prancing about like a well-grcomcd The chariots mcntioncd in this last-quoted VCISCarc
horse that wanted to ~110~itself. Even movin:< pictures not the same chariots as thoxc mcntioucd in tll? im-
wcrc made of his antics, and thc\c were evhibitcd bc- mediately l,rcccdin,rr vcrx, which dcclarc< t h.:t “ I lit
Sore the pcoplc 1hroughout the land. At the same time Chariots shall be wi-jtli flnminz torches [or, :,hall fl iA
the ear organization was 1Jushingthe In~rmaking body with steel] in the day of Iti5 prcl)aration”. 7’11c~e
both for the ratification of the peace pact and for more chariots flnrhing with steel arc shown lo lx olc!.;il~‘c
bat&ships. The political whip was brought to bear of the city (that is, outsitlc of the J)cvil’s UI”.P:II!I:‘:I-
io rnrry out the purports of those in pol\cr, fhis being tion) and arc I)rcparing t.0 lay siege lo t !ic?1),,I il ‘S
syn~l~olically dcycribcd in Kahum’s prophecy (3 : 2) organization. The charlots mcntioncd in l’.e ncs:;t

verse, as ‘raging in the streets and justling one against ment of tlte people. It is the clergy that use their
anofhcr’, arc in Ihc streets or roadways inside of the pulpits and the radio to harangue the people and to
city, and are therefore a part of and belong to the tell them of the great torches of liberty that. the heroes
city which is the Devil’s organization. These chariots are holding forth to light the people into a dcsirablc
last mentioned are therefore the military organiza- condition. They are really blind guides and false
tion and machinery of Satan. prophets. God foretold exactly that the condition
The IIcbrew word translated “rage” in verse four would esist which now does exist. “For such,” he says,
of Ihe prophecy is ltullal, and means “to praise or to “are false apostles [preachers and teachers], deceitful
boast ’ ‘, nnd is also rendered by the cxprcssion “to workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of
show oneself foolish”. (Young’s C’oncordancc) Thus Christ [claiming to represent Christ, attd hettcc being
the “chariots” of Satan’s organization that “rage in called ‘organized Christendom’, or ‘organized Chris-
the streets” are the military preparations that are tianity’]. And no marvel; Sor Satan himself is trans-
vainglorious and carried on in a boitrtful manner ; and formed into an anqel of light. Therefore it is no great
those who are doing it swell up and bellow like hull- tiling if his ministers [the clergy] also be transformed
frogs malrittg a grcat noise, while prai:;ittg their own as the mittictcrs of ri~htcousness; whose end shall bc
grcatncss, and thereby seek to impress the pcoplc by according to their works.“--2 Cor. 11: 13-15.
aJ)pcarittg in the streets and cxhihiting ihetrtselves. Then adds the prophet Xahutn, .wying: “‘l’hcy shall
Why all t11c noise in ihc public ~JIWS and upon the run like the li~htnings.” In other words, thc>y are
scrc~ns of ihe moving pictures concerning war prep- swift in the csccutioti of their prcparatiotts, hocanso
arations? 1Vl1y the great military and naval display Satan knows he has but a short time (Rev. 32: I?),
at cvcry tl:ttionitl function? Why lltc cxliibilion at and the rulers arc in distress and pcrplcsit y, hccausc
cvcry moving-picture bJtow of some politician or i\aar- 01 what they w(: aJtJ)roac,liin::.--Lulic 21: 26.
rior who is prcpariti:! for war? It is tlic war organi- Cod’s prol)lIct Jwocccds, saying: “Tic shall recount
zat ions and war lords ragin:: in the sitrcls iltld making IAs \vortliics [!/trllents] : tlwy shall stuml~lc in their
tlictnsclvw fool&h. 1Vhy, in all the war JtrcJ~araliotis, Wllk ; th, Sll:ll~ Id<C ll:Wte t0 th‘! \V;ll~ thr(YJf, :Illtl
at 111~cnntc:cw, in the art qtlJwiw, in tlic public ptws the dcf’rncc sl~nll IJC prcJmrc(l.” (?i;th. 3: 5) ‘J’hc word
and in the moving lJi4urcu, is tltc rcbliqiouu elcmcnt “\:.ortliicc”, ot ~nllauts, in this text is in titc: ~lwcricut~
IIwh SO ~JrOITdIl~llt? It iS dWnyS ii ])::rt Of the SaIIW licuised VC1~SiU2 lw1&!rcll “110~J!~~S”. 111 oll1cr t&Y
ltotnbast ic cnmJ)aign th:tt Satan hitnwlf is cnqittccring, the satnc Ilet~rcw word in the ori,qitml is rctitlcrcd
and hc is 1JlilldiIlg the m(‘n who ;lw rC;IIIg ett~::t~t~d in “pritlciJ);il” (Or the ilo&) (drr. 25: 3-l-36), and also
it Illid USillg tllCIn aS 1liS d?llJCS. ‘1’1WSC fralltllll~Iltly ‘ ‘ I’amous ’ ‘. (1%. 1X: IS) It is Satan’s nobles or prin-
say: ‘\Y’c are Chriatiatr, attd WC thercforc rcprcsettt cipal onw of the floclr of the religious otwni~:ltion
“Chrisf~ttilotn”.’ I.M. be it noted ihat ihey do not who arc hcrc mcattt. JIc 1i:ts tlwtn in mind ::nd tw
])raiSC God IIOP his King, l)Ut they IJraiSC thcnlSC~W% co~ults them. !Tv t&w a cwsus of his chief nqcncics,
They are hurryittl: in their preparations and boast. of and mcawtw the strcti$li of hic; fi$ititig force as well
their power and make thettwlvcs mad and foolish be- as of his twllowin:: “frogs”. Those men arc of Sa-
fore the Ilord. And the ltrcparation goes on! tan’s world ; Jwnw Satatt giws consideration to thrnt.
Ottc translator rcttdcrs the test in Nahum thus: -J~ht 15 : 19.
“They [the chariots] rush along in the broadways.” Those who carry out, Safan’s purposes arc his fa-
(lid/t.) Thus they do, because among tltc people they vored ones, hcnrc called his “wortitics”, or twl~les OI
can make better speed by boast ittg of their powt~ and famous ones. This is one of his schcmcs to turn thi!
that they are ‘making the world safe fur democracy’. pcoplc away from Jcl~orah God. Satan lrcc~)s before.
ilttother translation renders the text thus: “They rush the people the great heroes of his 0rqtIizatioII. In the
to and fro in the broad ways.” (A.R.V.) The thought religious orgntiizations, in ihc great political meetings,
of friction, ay implied in the Aull~oritcfZ Vet*siott, in meetings of the finanricrs, in all of thcsc the im-
which reads, “They shall justle one against another portance of the principal men, as examples and hcrw~
jn the broad ways,” is entirely a&tit. 13~ means of worthy of praise, is held before the people. TJlc tnct ro-
diplomacy they avoid friction, and thcrcby lrccl~ the politan press, which is tiicrc1.v the tool or moutlipicce
real mcattittg hid from the ryes of the people. Such of Satan’s organization, publishrs glowing ncrounts
is always Satan’s method. of the valor of the mighty oUiccrs of war, of the powrr
Thcti adds the prophet : “They shall seem [or, as and virtue of lhe financial giants, and of the grcatncss
the I~cuisctZ l’ersiotz reads, The appearance of them is] of the religious clement and rcli$ous lcadcw Tt iq a
like torches. ” The word ‘ ‘forchcs” in this Terse is mutual adtniration society ; and the prw and the
more frequently tran4atcd “latnp”, and suggests the radio, the moving pictures and the artist, arc all called
view that Satan’s organization-units, or his foremost into action to glorify the names of men, all UC which
agencies, will claim or appear to be as lamps, lifihtitig keeps the minds of the pco~~lc turlled away from Echo-
1he Wly of tllC ~JC!O~hZ, Or like tOrCllPS Of liberty light- vail God. TltiS is all in harmony \sillt what iuspircd
ing tlie wny for frwdoni and progress in the gowrn- propllec~ foretold.

J ESUS CHRIST was put to death, and on the third

day God raised him out of death. (1 Cor. 15: 4) thority and begins his reign--I%. 110: 2.
He had stated wbcn on earth that God had given
Jesus, as the great High Priest of Jehovah, takes au-

God’s new creation complete bvill constitute the

to him the great privilcgc of attaining unto inherent great royal priesthood of God, which priesthood was
life, or immortality. (John 5: 26) When he was raised foreshadowed long ago by i\Iclcliizcdck, who was both
from the dead he was brought forth the express image the king of ancient Salem and also “priest of the Nust
of Jehovah, possessing immortality, and alive for cvcr- High God”, and who also blessed the patriarch Abr;t-
more. (Hcb. 1: 3 ; Rev. 1 : IS) The resurrection of ham after God had given him the victory over the
Christ Jesus as a divine creature is a guarantee that enemies. (Gcn. 14: lS-20) Jesus the JIcad of the new
all his body members must bc raised with His rcsurrec- creation is alone the “seed of Abraham”, and his bo(1.v
tion, to immortality. This is why the Christian is ad- members of the new creation are ma& a part of sue11
monished to seek glory, honor and immortality, ctcrnal seed of Abraham by being adopted by Jehovah Cod,
life. (Ram. 2: 7) Immortality is life in the highest the Greater Abraham. In Christ JCSUS the “Seed” a11
condition, and indestructible. It is written : “For as the families of the earth arc to be 1~Icswd. (Gcn. 12 : 3 ;
in Adam all die, cvcn so in Christ shall all he made 22: 18) The JKXV creation constitutes the crownin?
alive. 13ut every man in his own or&r; Christ the fcaturc of all of Gocl’s crcatioii. It is that crc9ticm
firstfruits; afterward they that arc Chrirt’s, at his which is granted life and immortality, and shall he
coming.” (1 Cor. 15 : 22, 23) Christ Jesus was the first for CWJ to the glory of Jehovah God.
one resurrected ; and his body members, or the church,
arc rcsurrcctcd at his second coming; and they are nforc than six thousand years have passed simc Jr-
rrsurrectcd to immortality, to an inheritance incorrup- liovali crcntctl the pcrfcct man Ada~n, who f:iilrfI. k’trr
tiblc. more than two thousand Scars God caurcd grc:rt livitiy
The apostle Paul wrote : “For yc arc dead, and your pictures to be enacted, foreshadowing tlic dcvclo1)mc*ut
lift is hid with Christ in God. ~Vhcn Christ, wha is of his new crration. For nearly two thousand ye;lt*s
CW life, Shill1 al)pCilr, thll Shall ye ahO ilJ)JNilr with
more hc has l.wcn sclwtillg ant1 clcwlol~in~ this II(w
him in glory.” (Cal, 3: 3,4) The arggnncnt here is crc:tt ion. In all this pcriocl of time the hum:111 r:iw 11::s
that the one who is bc’qttcsn by God’s spirit and suffcrcd sickness, sorrow and tlrath. S;lt;in has t:~k(.n
brought forth as a sJ)iritrml SO11 of God is dent\ as a atlvantagc of the time, to cndcnvor to turn tlir: init~(ls
1Iu1ua1~ crcaturc a~rtl tllilt his right to lift is hid with of men itway from ,J(~l~o~tlh. Jla11y profvsscd Cl11 is-
Christ Jesus, at1(1that whcrl (,!hrist appears at his tialls IlilVC %ItCd, \\‘Ily SllOUld thc>J’C ]JC SO IJlUC’ll Sll~~‘c’l’-

SWQlJd N~JJIillq tllCl1 t!lC! J’WJlJTcTtioJl t:lkW [ll;lCC. Agilt ing anicmg>t the proI11w of earth?
it, is written conccrnin:: the same oiics: “ Ilclovcd, now “For wc know,” S:l?‘s tllC apostle I'illll, “tllilt tllC
arc wc the sons of (;od; ;111tl it doctli not yet appear whole CJTiltiOIl groairctli illld traV:lllc*ill in pain to-
what \VC shall h: but WC kllQ\V that, whctJ 1~ shall gether until JWW.” (I :orn. S: 22) Not 011lyis this st:~l(fi-
appear, we shall bc like him ; for WCshall WC him as mcnt of t Ilc divine iceor true, bat c~veryman can I,~:11
hc is.“-1 John 3 : 2. witness to the fact of human suftcrin;:. Thclrc is no
This is pro01 tililt members of tlic new creation while human creature on the carlh who is pcrlcct, i111c1 non(
on cart.11do not know what their rc~surrection glory will who has l;vcd v;itliout, sufi’crin~. l~'roin tlw w3dlc to
be, but that they will bc like Christ Jesus because they the gra~c each QllC has cx]Wiciiccd lmin. i\TiIny have
will be with him and SW him as he is, and bc mcmbcrs Elslicd tlic reason why. The time is due for man to lcarli
of God’s royal family of heaven. This is further the reason why.
corroborated by the statcmrnt of Rcvclation 20 : 6 : Death is a grcnt enemy. That cnrmy has rnvncrd
“Blessed and holy is lx that hat11part in the first res- every home. The Devil has made the pcol)lc hclicve
urrcction: 011 such the second dcatli bath no power, that God is responsihlc for the death amongst the flu-
but they shall hc priests of God and of Christ, and man race. On the contrary, death rcsnltcd hy reason
shall rctgn with him a thousand years. “-Rev. 20 : 6. of sin, and sin cntcrcd the world Lcca~~w of man’s cl~s-
Concerning the time of the rcsurrcction, it is writ- obedience to God’s righteous law. The Devil himself is
tell : “For the Lord himself shall descend i’rom heaven the QUC who induced such disobedience. llnn wihin~ly
with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with disolqcd God and heeded the enemy. Q’hcn some
the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise loved member of a family dies thoqe mourning the
first.” (1 Thrss. 4: 16) This proves that the Christians loss are often heard to say: “IIow wii a just and lov-
who have died throughout the Christian era have not iiig God take away our l~cl~vcil one?” Wwii tlic 1~~l~le
gone straight to heaven at death, but that they must understand God’s purpose and the outworking thcrc-
remain dead until the second coming of our Lord; and of, such a question will not be a&cd. Then the lJe6[~!?
then when he takes his power to reign, those faithful will not sorrow as those who have no hope!.Thcrc ~11
ones in Christ shall be raised first. The word “shout”, be no hope without knowledge; lmnce the ncccssity of
as used in this text, means a command of authority, knowing God’s truth that shows the way to lift and
which shows it has reference to the time when the Lord happiness.
Jest: 13, 1936 131

Could not God Itavc made man so that he could not obeys. The creature who loges the: Creator and n-ho
silt, and thereby have prevented so much suffcrtng? loyes him supremely will obey him. For this reason
Of course, God, being all-powerful, could ltsvc made a his rule is announced by Jesus, his beloved Son, thus:
creature and called him man and made hitn so that it “He that hath my commandments, and kcepeth
would have been impossil~lc for him to silt. The fact them, he it is that loveth me: and he that lovcth me
that hc did ttot do so is of itself proof that he had B shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and
good and suflicient reason for not so doing. The record will manifest myself to him. Jesus answered and said
is that God made man in his own image and likcncss. unto him, If a man love tne, he will keep my words:
That. mcatts that man was endowed with wisdom, attd my Father will love him, and WC will come unto
justice, lore and power. It was meant that man should ltitn, attd make our abode with him. He that lorctlt me
use these faculties; otherwise God would not have en- not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye
dowed him therewith. ltcar is not mine, but the Father’s which sent mc.“-
God created man with a body, mind, will and affec- John 14 : 21, 23, 24.
tions; and he desired tnatt to use all the faculties with For the same reason it is written: “Love is the ful-
which he is cttdowcd. To use his will would mcnn that filling of the law.” (R om. 13: 10) That mcatts tltat hc
tnan must dctcrniittc to do or not to do that which WlS who is protnptctl hy utisclfislirirss iii his devotion to
presented to hittt. Mutt was irtformcd that to obey God God, and who obeys for that reason, meets cvc~ry te-
is good, that to disobey Ititn is sin and results in death. quircmcttt of God’s law. llad Adam cxcrcist~d Iovc
Sittcc man was posscssc~dwith will power, it follows, toward God he would have obcycd him. Adam was WI f-
then, that Adam must choose to do uood or evil, and ish and dcsircd to serve himself. Ibis wife was a ~JUI%
take the cot~scq~tct~ees. Suppose God had created him of himself, and for selfish reasons he wanted to bc wil II
50 that he could, not clioosc evil, hut was com1~cllcrl to her; hence he dtsobcycd God.
do good ; then hc would have bcctt mcrcly a machine, Jehovah never has done anything contrary to lov.c,
wil It no frccldom of itttclligcttt act ion. attd ncvcr will. IIe gave this eotnmattdm~ttt to IIIP
God created tnan pcrfcct and created him for IIiS Jslxclites : “And thou shalt love the I~ord 1lty (:tJtl
own plcasi~rc. (Rev. 4: 11) God takes no plcasurc in with all thy hc~at*t, and with all thy soul, :111~1v it It
wicltcd tltiti~s. (1%. 5: 4) Ncitlicr doc5 Cot1 compel utly all thy might.” (Dcut. 6: 5) Sotnc may ask: \\‘:I?; tlot
creature to do good. llis purpo~ is tltat hnppinrss anti this a rule comI,clIitig the Israelites to love htm, atld
lift shall rc.sult to those ~110 do good, and huffcritt:: N;IS it not protll1)tcd by 5clfisl111css 0x1 the par1 of Jc-
and tlcatlt to those who do evil. Had (:od made mat1 hovalt ? No! The Jsraclitcs were thctt itnperfect. (:otI
50 that ltc could not commit evil, that woultl have been \VilS their true illld 0tlIy Fricrtd. (~bcclicttcc t0 his c’c)rll-
eqitivalcnt to compc:llittp htrn to do good. (:otnpulsorJ tttattdtncnts tnc;utt life to them. They could OIJC~ onI>
ohcdicttcc dots not bring tx9tl ltappittcss to the Creator if they loved ~J(~lto~itIt; thcrc~forc Jcltovah gayc COIU-
or to the crcaturc. niattdtncnt., not lxc;i~isc of scllisltlwss on Itis j)ar’f, but.
God is low, iuld is therefore the pcrfcct esprcssion for the good and well-being of the Israelites. Tllis iltt-
of uttsclfishttcss. 11~ dc\ircs his intelligent crcaturcs to ~to~~t~c’cs the uttcl~a~tgcaI~lc rule of Jchovalt that IIC WIIO
love him ant1 to s(‘rvc him because of love for him. Suclt would cttjoy life and happiness must 1OVC the 1,of~tl
could not IJC the result uttlcss the service is voluntary. Jehovah with all his heart, mind, and soul or JTI’~OII.
Nan must IJC like God in order to bc happy ; which To be complctcly l~al~py mart must escrcisc his OWI
incans IN tnust bc uttsclfish. Why, then, did God putt- will freely, and alwa)-s be prompted in so cscrcisift::
islt disobcdic~ncc, if he is u~tsclfisIt ? I%ccnusc God is ii, by love or uttsc~lfi.sIincss. 1;spcriettcc bears out t tlat
good; and cvcrything o~~posccl to him is wicked ; and if he is prompted by selfishness and does wrong, IIC
he who rcfuscs to obey God allies himself with wickcd- sufl’crs. If he is Ilromptcd by uttsclfishttcss and &x.s
ness, whicah brings utthapl)ittess botlt to himself and to right, he is blcsscd.
the Creator. Love, or uttsclfishttcss, mcatts looking out There may have been many reasons wily God did
for the welfare of others, and had God refused to not tnakc malt so that he could not sin, and why hc has
puttislt disobcdicttcc it would have been to the dctri- permitted wickcdttcss to haye sway over such a long
ntcttt and not for the good of man. period of tilnc; hit it is certaill that thcrc. arc at ItilSt
If God should cscrcisc his power to compel malt to three good and surficiettt rcasotts which appc’ar, attd
ohcy, then hc would be inconsistent ; and it. is impussi- these arc : First, to prove that he can put crcatur(5 on
blc for God to be inconsistent. Why would hc he in- this earth who, under cottditions of tcmptntiotr and
consistent? Tjccause to compel man to obey him would stress, will maintain cotnplctc integrity and &I otiott
bc selt5slt; and God cannot bc selfish, bccausc he is the toward him ; second, to afford arnplc tirne for the WIIYS
complete expression of uttsclfishttcss. He desires his tion and dcveloptncttt of the new creation, through
creiltttrcs to 1~ Iikc unto himself, to wit, prompted by wllom \vir:k(>dttcsq is to be cratlicntcd and the blcs4tt~~
love or unsclfishtic~ss. ILe does not exercise his power of life and happiticss lxou%ht to tlte people in due
to cotnpcl olxtdience, but lit exercises his power to time ; and, third, to ;tfCord ample time for Satan 11tc
punish disobedience for the good of the one who dis- Devil to remain and go his limit tn wickcdttcss to tzy

to turn all men awy fronl Jehovah God, before God joy the earth whexthe kingdom of God is established
manifests his power over Satan and his organization. over the earth and God’s name is vindicated and all
This period of time has also allowed for the birth of the obedient ones of the human race are lifted to ycr-
a suflicicnt number of human creatures to fill and en- fection on a perfected earth.

GRATEFUL TO PARTICIPATE IN VINDICATION ‘Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is done
in heaven. ’
Your letter of November 5 received, stating that the Bethel Wo are grateful to Jehovah for the blessings WC rcextve
family had voluntarily made it possible to reduce the rates on through The JF’ntchlozer and the dir&ion of the kingdom \%oik
thu books untl booklets to the pioneers. through the Society.
Immedixtc~ly upon receipt of this letter the Chic*:qo pionet May our Father’s rich blessing continue with you as yuu
cnmp vo:ctl unarumoualy to esl~~~s to you and the Bethel boldly and clearly declare his purposes.
family its ticc~) gratitude, bclicrmg this will assist them in With much love.
continuin:: in the field service. Your fellow servants,
It will intcrrst you to know thxt a check over R twelve-mont> 6. E. T~‘OLANUER ANK‘E >lAI$IE nr,OWN
period sho\~cd tlmt the pioneer camp had pln(=ed 42,500 booklets RUTH Wmr E. N. l%IXJWN
and 7,500 bwltr, a total of 50,000 pieces of hterature. NOLA &I. CA~IPIIELL LOCKA (Mrs. C. J.) ROCEI:~
We hate c~nthusinstically len(l “An Open Letter to the XDA hf. J3mT FRIIWA GI:UND
Associated I’IPS” and have Just, reccivcrl the instructmns to hfARY I:. I,L‘Cb: h3lA l%I:ISI)J,E
plxc the tll~cc latest Golden Age throughout this Cathohc k.ESC 1%. I;UST <;I:ACE Ii-IIITE
strongholtl of Chicago. \Vc arc most grntcaful to l~artrcipate C-RACE \v. Iq:IOSO?J Ih:A c;II.I.~,T
in the vin~li~‘:!tlon of Jehovah’s great name under hm Vmdlca- OLA 1). hIC\ViIJJAblS c. c. l,S(~KAlIAN
tor.ICiug Cht:\t Jesus. IbI~rtTlfA Bm;lIA3f VIVI.\N L. 1~lIbfA.N
With much lotc we pray tht Jchovnh may continue to up- ED~VARD 0. Fnrm: AI.\CE J. (iA1.E
hold you untl the llcthcl family in the cxccution of his purposes. 0. I,. hIcwiI,l~I k MS GI:I~TIII~~JE 0Ii~r~i-f
Your brcthrcn in the limg’fl campgn,
EDWARD 11~11 K ~.MJh-A lII:OWN
R. hl. GILI.FX w. 1t. \VlXFKEY
DAVID 0. l!liOUN
RESOLVED TO WORK SllOULDER TO SIIOULI)ER includes one dcnf, ono blintl, one invnlirl and scrcrnl
Orw Iwh!: I~lXJ1IIER lluTIlaaKmD:

\Vn bcllc\r your two hro:~dc:lsts of Izchruary 03 will do a In the little town of J,a Ilnbru the mayor gave prrmis~t;)tl to
great work for the 1)risonors :1n11 that those tullts 6erc from us0 II vncmt lot ou Xtin street in town, nnd ‘hoped 11x2 proplc
Jehovah. Jig 111sgrucc we, as OW, are rcsolvcd to \\ulk shoulder would lIsten ‘.
to shouhJcr with you, curncstly pruying, ns we know you do, BEULAII hl. II~sKILL, Becrc:d/y.

St Josc~Ill, c.1. . . ... . Jyjs R,4 \~‘ubhnsekn. Ark. _._... ..luly 17. 18 I’ilt.sburyh, I’n. .......... July 3-5 Twwlh(.h, Rfich. ........ July 23
hirbn~oe, Ln. . .. . . ... .. 2; ‘L’ueher, Ark . .. .. .. .. .. “ IH,“ll ITIe\ rland, ObIo .......... “ 7, 8 Ad&In, 1fi( II. ........ .._. ” 2l
l’nrklJ;llr, Arh. . .. .... .. “ J:rtll~~ld, Ark. . . .._.. ..._. “ 2”. 23
Luho \ lllucc Ark. ._.... “ 10, iI I.lttle I(OCk. Ark. .__...“ 21, %r, Toledo, Obio .........
............ “ 0.10 Jludaon, .?llcb. -. .. ‘8 23
Goul~l. Arh.’ . . .._..__._....“ 12, 13 Snlntomi, Ark. _....... _._” 26, 27 Detroit, 3Jlch. ............ ” 11-14 J~whxon, hllcb. ............ “ 26. “7
I*:J:lnine, Ark. ...__.._...__..” l&lU I:uk, T’ex. . ..___._..___.... ‘* X4,30 Port Ilurcm, 1lwb. ...... “ 10. 17 Jones\ ille, B1it.b. ........ I’ 29
Ito)nl O:lk, >lwh. ........ ” II. 19 Coldwntcr, >lwb. ........ “ :?o
BOOT11 Ann Arbor, hfjch. ........ “ 21. 22 BRttlC cr .. Elich. July 31, Aug 1
Sl~nuncr Ohio . .._.. _ June (:nl~on, Ohio . . . ....._.._July
Crooks&+ Ohio ._.. July (‘rvhtllllC. IlhlO .. . .... .. 0‘
%anc\lillc, Ohlll ... .. .. .. . :;
Cnmbrirlge. Ohm . .... ...
cohhocton, 01lw . .. ..... .. 4‘
Ilrc~tlrr,. Obi<, __._______._ “ A. 9. WRIGIIT
NC\\ ark,’ Ob,r~ ____..._._.. “
Mt. \‘crnon, Ohio __._._.. “ Ihws~ ille, Iiy. ._ June 2%July 1 (‘~~bontlale, II{. .._ _.. July
Marion, Ohio . ..__.........” I:lizabetllto\\n, Iiy. ..JuJy ‘3 \\‘lwxIsb, Ill. . . a,
XJm\cr 1111m,Ky. . .. ... .. “ 4 \\~exl~r:tnlJurl. Ill.‘.... “
M. L. HERR l’ords!3lle. Iiy. ___._..._... “ 5 J!ulhq tow n, 111. ..._.___“
Florence, S C. .__.._..._ July (‘oluu~bia S. C. . ._ _..__ July Vanzant,’ Iiy. _.__._...__... “ 7 Sn an\t ick. Ill. ___.._.._.__ “
Cmllell, s. c. ... .. . .. .. ... ;; i l’oyr. s 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . “ :t O\\enhboro, Jiy. ’ __......._“ 8, D Ad(iirril?e. Ill. ..___..___.. I1
Chr~tcr. s. c. .. .... .. ... ._. 3, ;i’ ctm1c\ton, s c. .. .... . . 1: 18,;‘: fh!bN!% I\,'. .,. ._.._.....__.. ‘I 10 Ccntr:llln. III. . .. . ...._ _.. ”
Gaffuey, s. c. . .. ... .. . . “ Jlonnwu, X. C. .. ... ..... . .
Spa1 tanbuw. S C. _._...“ s:trllIln:~h, I ::1. . .... .... . .. “ 22,23 J’ro\ldrnce, Ii).. . .._....._“ 11. 12 Jri;, Ill. ......_....~..._._._‘L
Anderson, ?;. C. __.._._... “ I:roohlct. (:a. . . ._......... I1 2-I I’zidurnli, IQ. ’. .._......... ” 14 i’itlohtc, III. .. .... .... . ... 61
antou, s c .. .... .. “ ‘ii Cwlln~, I::1 .. . .. ..... .. ... . “ 22 I:wnd Knob. 111. _..._.._” 15 ccluia\ IIIV, Ill. .. . .. .. .. ... ‘4
Greenwood, . S.* c’. . ..... I‘I‘ 11, ‘1; I’\zlld.l, OR. . . . ._._._.___ ‘0 -
AbbeLille, D. ( . .. ... .____.,, Yhl\lllC. c;n. .__....... “ 2% 29 .\fOULldE, 111. .__........... “ 1G f~‘lOKl, III. ..__.........._-.._“
Datesburg, S. C. . .... .. ... 15 Wnynesl~oro, Ga. .._..._.“ 30 Anna; Ill. _.._................“ 17 Chic, Ill.. .._......._._.... _. “
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A.

“And 011 tlly children shn I be taught of Jehovah; and

Great shall & the peace c.’ +-hy cl&L-en.” - lwialr 542.3.


THAT JEl1W.W is the r, iv lrue God, is from erellasting
to CT e:l:Latln g, the JIrtker of ‘.fatcn and enith nud the C;lr-er
of llfc to his crk~.~tnrcs; tlla? I!Z Logos n 3s the beg~nnmg of
his creation and his active P _ .:t 13 the creation of all thmgl;
thst the I,O~OS 1s 110~ the 1.~ I 1 Jesus Cl1rist in glory, cloil~d
niih all povrr 111 heaven aa. tax th, and the Chlcf Elccuti~e
Oflicer of Jchov.~h.

TtlXT THE \\,‘ORLD 1~1 r;n11~11,and thr: I,old .Tesus Christ

hns bwn Iklced by J~hox .i!. upon his throne nf authori:;-,
has ousted Patnn f1om haven und is p1oceediny to the
esinblishment of God’s kin~~lom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF; and blws11qs of tho peoples of earth
can come only by nml throuqh Jrhovnh’a kin:rlom under
Christ which h:is now by znn; that the J,ord ‘s wst great
act is file cicstruction of >‘I::I~I ‘S orxxnization and the estab-
lishment of rightcouwcsa *n tllc c*:tith, ant1 tllat under the
kingdom all those vi10 \\111 olwy its righteous laws shall lire
on cnrth forever.
YOL. LVII JULY 1, 3926 NO. 13


“For the &IJ of tlie I;ord of ljosts shall Be upon every me tltrit is prowd and lofty, and upon every om that
is lijtecl q, and he sldl be brought low.“-lstl. 2: 12.
lGIIO~rAII of hosts is the leader and commnndcr into pitch, and the dust thcrcof into brimslone, and
of the warriors who fiylit for riglitcou~l~css. IJis the land thereof shall bccomc burning pitch.“-Isa.
fowcs are led ljy his Chief Officer, Cl1rist Jesus, 34: 5, 6, 9.
his mighty Son, and the armies of the Lord know no * Tlwse positive words of .Jchovah’s judgncnt show
&feat. 1\‘hwl (:oliatti, the biE bully of the I’hilislincs the cntl of the IIicrarchy. 1Vhy will Jehovah rsrcutc
and servant of the IA9i1, dcficd the armies of the this judgment against them ? “ Ja’or it is the! clay of
Lord, J)avid the bclovcd, who was a type of’ Christ tt1c I,ord’s vcIl~c2Ilcc, and lllC year of I’cconl~Jc 11ccs
Jews, the l~clovc~l Son of God, boldly said to the for the c~ontroversy of Zion.” (Isa. 34.: 8) Thcw
J’hilistinc : “Thou contest to me with a sword, allcl ]Jl’o~J?lCCiCS arc futty C~J~~O~J~J~il~~ll 1))’ thC ])l’OlJhCr)’ of
with a sl~cnr, and with a sliicld ; but I come to thee Olxidiali (vCrsC IO), and lo tlw ~OMidCI’~l~lOIl of tliat
ill the mime of llw Lad of hosts, the C!otl of the armirs pi~~~11~c~c.y we now wturn.
r~f Twacl, wlr01n Itlou hast d<Cxl.” (1 Sarii. 37:45) 3 TIIC rcvclnliou of tllC IJYOiJIlCC’y of OlJ;kdiah is a
The lhra(~lil~~., Eorcslindowd the spirilual Jsraclilcs of ClWlt CllCWIYl~CIllC~lt t0 ttlc IJCOldC Of (:O(l :lt 11K’ IJI’l’S-
this ci.ty, tiirb sd of .J:icd~, that is to say, t tic! l’rln~lant wit time. Ilc who now truly f(‘ilVS (lo(l all<1 is clittw~t
Oi’ (:OCl’S 1JC’OjJh. 1’h ill’l’O$lll~, IJOtd, l’lltk filld dcli;lnt to ~71lIi humbly x\ith him, ltcnc~c in ;iwolvl willt Iiis
clergy, lrtl 1)~ Ilie I:Oma,l Catholic Ili~lilr~~lty, arc ~~~JIll~~illldI~lCllts anti l;lw ol his O~~ilIliXlliO~l, will fear
ulliU in war UIJOII the true followers of Clirist rJw~~~, llcittlcr nliln nor devil, but v ilh full confith~rlcc in fhc
who ~CIIVL. the twtirnony of the King ant1 t lie king- l,ord tic will COL1lYl~l?OLlSl~ g0 fOr\\alYl t0 the IJc*rl’orrn-
cl~isu. l,O~lg~ :.q dcho~ah of hosts caused his jrld~:rncllts awe of his duty. tJ(’ 1lOV:lh COIlllll:lll~l\ his JJCOl,tC JlO\V
to lx writ~cll :ln(l rcwrdcd, and now hc give5 his IJ~[JIc to ‘rise np against tl1c clergy iti l~attlc’, nti(l tl1vl1 tile
t0 Lllld~‘I’htilll~l tll(! IllWllill~ thereof tllilt tilCy Ill:ly h3VC l~ord ilCldlWS~S tllc religioiiists, tllc clcrcy \\ I10 Il;l\e
Ellll ;1ShLl1’:111~C tll;lt lie WI10 lillO\~S no dCfPLlt Sll:lll fizllt wiclrcdly dcfamcd liiq nnnic! : “l~~~l~old, 1 t~;ivc iria~lc
tticbir bnl tic? for tticrn. The antitypicaI 1jar it1 inciu(lcs thw small ZIIIJOJI:: tlw hcathcn: thou art greatly clc-
1111 thC f:lilt’ :Lll IIlC1ll~JCrS of tk! bOdy Of C’hI’iSt, irlcllld- slJiscd. “-4bad. 2.
ing tlic remnaut now on earth, and thcsc arc face to 4 8incc the days Of Ximrod religion has ljccn ‘2l73lt
fare will1 the Eoman Catholic Jiicrarrtiy ant1 thcil amongst the nations, and the chicl means cinI~Iuyc~1
allied clcrgymcu cngagcd in a battle that asks alid by the Devil to dcccivc the people. Since tlkc ornani-
gives no qnartcr. Hy his prophets God idenlifics the zation of the Komaii Catholic ITicrarchy that \\ ictwd
clergy or religious elemrnt under the names of religious institution has posed as the rcI)rcsei~t:~t~\c
“IhlU “, “J&m, ’ ’ “ Idume:l, ” “Pliilistines,” and by of God on earth, and it is the grcatcst hyI)ocrif Ical
othrr devilish names, but all mean the same thing. crow-d that ever af%ctcd the pcoplc~ of the wo~~ld. Ilut
That ~Jcl~o~ah is going to csccutc them in due ti1r.e the day is here \\-hen Jehovah will make thaw rcli-
he fully discloses to t,hose who love and SCIVC him. gionists “small among the nations” (XT’.) :111d
Tlwcforc like David they go forth to the war confitlcnt greatly dcspiwd. That n i&d institution, the I1 icr-
that Ihe T,ord will pain the victory. Concwning this archy, has for many Scars been a terror to t11e iJ(‘oIJIc
war Jehovah saps : “For mp sword shall be bathed in of 111~nations; she has ruled by fraud, deceit, lies,
hcnrcn : bcl~Ad, it shall come down upon Idmnc>n, and coewion and opprcssiou; that wicked institution is
UIJU~ ttw l~eople of my curse, to judgnent. The sword gnilty of all maimer of blasphemy, and the men who
of the T,ord is filled with blood; it is made fat with make up that orgmiization are haughty, terrible and
fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goafs, nit11 crnel, and concerning them Jcho~~h pronounced his
the fat of the kidneys of rams; for the Lord hat11 a jLltl:InCJlt in these words : “1 will cause the arroqaiicy
sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of the proud to ccahc, and will lay low the haughtinc~qs
of fdnmen. And the streams thereof shall be turned of the ierriblc.” (Isa. 13 : 11) Let Jehovah’s wii nrws
now be strong in faith and Md in the warfare, know-
ing for a certainty that the day of deliverance i$ at
5 Jehovah’s witnesses are not engaged in fixhtin!: the
battle of Arma~cdtlon, am1 never mill he, but they arc
now at war v ith Satan’s wprescntntivcs on earth, and
the faithful must and will remain firm and steadfast
and quit thcmsclvcs like men who arc trur soldiers of
the Ilord. The remnant is now doin% rcnl ljnttlc work
by con ,tantly dcclarin;: 1hc jrxd:glcnts of ~Jchovah,
making known llis narn~, and holding higil his stand-
ard that the pcoplc may lwrn that lx is the only true
God and Dcliwrcr. (Isa. L ): 10) 12y tllc plW!lnmiltioIl
of the truth .Jchovah’s wi;tw:.ws arc lil)‘iIIy hare the
frauds of’ orpnizctl rcliqionists, and parlicularly the
~~OlTl~l~i Cath(J]lC JIiCr:lrehy, ant1 tliis ~~~1 is camin::
to lx tlonc ly his wrv;ltlts Illl~lcr t11c coIIlIIlLLI1d and
leadership of Cl1rist ~JCSWth:lt in due time the com-
nwrcial trafiic*!;cW a1111l~olit ic*i;liis IYlily set through the
frauclulenl, cal:llm Of tllc r]cla;r~ ; illld likcl; i 4: that 1he
~‘Onll~N~ll ]JlYJlJlC lIl:!y S(!C ;IIII.~ l~~l(lc~stil~~~l IIOIV fhcy
h;lW h’ll ChWdVC (1 :ltld tl<‘i’l’;lll(hd tJS till’ ClCK!y :llld
r;lplc’iOUSly ru]ltJ~d Of 1hC t’rUits Of thir hOU(‘St hlJor.
13y c.:ln\illg his truth now iu l~c dwlnrc~d, and lay w-
posiii;: tli(> 1jI:i~~~licmy of’ 1he r~~li~~ic,nisls, tll(* clcrq,
t lit I,orcl ni;ll;cs tticsc mw “ ~rcatly clwl)i5t71”. 1Iancst
l~ccq~lc of :ttI dcllotilillatiulls, and rc.y;1lYlll~.~ of iI11 Ilil-

tions or crcwlq, arc now liwrii~g the trutll. wliich thry

ltelicw awl nwc1Jt, and tl,c’y tlt5J)i::c the hy1wcritw thzlt
h;lvC Shll~lVrd f hC 11;1111(’ Of tll(: IAJrtf in Ol’th’r 10 S.lt-
isfy I heir 0lvn Cruel illId s~~lfi41 ct~~.iircs.Now .lclllOVilh
nnd Christ Jesus make lh:lt rel~gto~~ or.pxnizaticJn
small by fruhfralinq Ilic iol;c~ris of tlie liars, and caus-
itig tlwm to appc’ar in ; hc cyw of ttx peoptc of t hc
world as worst than oothiu,y. “Thus snith the J,ord,
, . . I am lllC J101xl . , . t11al fru~tixtciti tht: totccns
of the liars, and m;:kcth tlivincrs mad ; that turnc+ll
wise men lxic~kwirtl, :iii(l m:lkctli Ilwir knowlctlgc
foolish. “- Jsa. 41: 2-1,25.
a The day is hcrc \\ hen Jehovah’s ~hoscn nation
shall stand lorlh and twldly ljattle for Ihe truth. To
them Jehovah now sa>s: “‘rrust yc! in lh? Lwd for
ever; for in Ihc Lord Jl~lIOCAII is escrlasting
strength: for lit bringetli down them that dwelt 011
high; the lol’ty city, hr t:lycQl it low; he li?~<~th it IOW,
even to the gxund ; he brin~cth it ev(tn to the du\t.
The foot sllall Irclad it down, cvcn the feet of tlw poor
[the ljoor in spirif, the true followrs of Cllrist JCSUS],
and the sleps of the newly [who ncctl and rercivc
God’s help and protection].” (Isa. 26 : 4-G; iUatt.
23: 12) Like Esau, the clergy once had ltlc oppor-
tunity of partaking of the l)irtlirigllt and ttwy despised
the snmc. They rcfnscd to make known the name of
God and his kingdom, aud now t.lwy fi::ht \iith all
their lJo\ver to l)rcrent others from stving and cm-
bracing the kingdom. They csalt tlicmsclves and defy
the IAord and spurn his n’ord, and to them the J~xd
Jesus says : “And Nhosocrcr shall CXillt liimsclf, shall

pope is of so great authority and power that he can

rnudify, dc&re or interpret, tbc divine law. The pope
cart sometimes counteract the &vine law by limiting,
esplaining, ctc,”
8Jehovah forcknem the seM& exaltation of the
hypocritical clei ;:y crowd, and particularly the I~oman
Catholic Hiexwchy, and thewfore he caused hir
prophet to write : “The pride cllf thine heart hath de-
wired thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the
rock, whose habitation is high; abat saith in his heart,
7Yho shall bring me down to tPve ground?“-0had. 3.
e The proud man becomes so ianprcs.scd with his own
gwatncss and importance that tic is blind to crcry-
t hii,? else, and thcrcfore dcecivw himself. Conlinnin~
lo foilom in that course he is cerWin to fall. “Pride
;;octli brforc dc:;twction, and a~1 hnu~hty sljirit bc-
for2 a fall,” (i’ruv. 1G: 18) 1%-i& quickly lcntls one to
tl~c: commi4-m of prcsumptuour sins, wlii& ilIT a
! hRlC h’fOl*e (;Od nlld 811 WJlO hM? ri~,htC~JUsi~WS. “ IIC
tJl:lt k \-Ok1 (If WiSdOrn dC~JjiWth ihiS Il~i~Jlh0Ur ; hlit a
I~l;lllof ~llld~~l~Stil~lliill~ IloltlctlU his PCilW.” (I’I’OV.
11 : 12) The I&l~~mites lurched hi;:h up in thr rocks,
l~~~~!iIl’tlCYl thCl~lSc~I~cS ilS Of sup’n:me illlJ~OrtilllW, ;!Tld
IOO~iC’l~ with conl(~mJ~t, II~JOll OthcTs. 12iliCl\~iSC tllc clcryy
of thr! Ilic~rnwhy ;Iltd tlwir allicr have p~hcd ihrm-
~t~lwe lii$t up amongst mtn, hw clq~ol*tc~i thrm5’*lvc3
jr1 an arro::ant and J~roud iniilllwr, and rriplflt‘d t Iwln-
svl\r3 as far sulwrior to the wmmon hr~rcl. ‘1’11~Ho-
mn~i C;~tholic lJ~c~rarrhy llwii calls ~ullihlr al111 frwt-
ful pw~11u wl10 Slll’JJfJrt and lwcp up ihrir 1% icl<cador-
pminalion “lhc C’alholic popukltion”, and com~~cls
1h 41: I)(MJr ptwplc lo ro~~i’es to lhc wicked pric,ts all
their \YCdill(WC?i so that the prints Call cstrart mcmr’p
fNJn1 the pco~)Jc and thus take advantnge ol’ fhwn. ‘J’Jic
~:wn:in ~hth(JliC 1 Iivrnrchy is CIIX~ and wornful,
]ll’~mtl and SC’\ (‘l-1’. ‘l’litry receive llwir su~~Jwi~t and
~r~:ti~ifci~n~iec ii 01x1 l.hc common p.q~le, whom tlivy have
c!ewivcd and nmtle h&eve that the clcwy arc tlw rcp-
rrsrntatives of tlrc Lord and that the JIicrarchy is a
divine org;niizotion, Jn order to further dcccivc the
pC!OIJk! thcJSe Of the Ihmdq? call thmsdvCS “ f:i-
thw”, and all the (‘atholics otlwr than ihe TIiwawhy
arc 41~1 tlic “f~liildren of the church”. All the Ail-
dren these roosters have arc ilLgitimntr, because they I’ 13ut the ekrgy, the ailtitypic:ll 1<~lolnitcs, iJO:lSt
nlalrc the rule thcmsclvcs t,hat Ihey must, not marry, of Ihcir superiority and the strcn$h of their organi-
manifestly not wishing to he confined to one pnrticuiar zation. They make the ~orlclly gScjwrllmcnts their
l’nmily. The clwgy crowd are far removed from the “1’oClC”. They clamber up into the high lwlitic~ul
Great Bock, Jehovah God, and his Chief Stone, lhe l~laccs and participate in the counrils of tho,c w110
llcnd and Foundation Stone, and Captain of his or- rule under the power of the invisible p)tl of thi* KO~III,
ganization, who is Christ Jcsuu. If they were in fact Satan the Devil. Those clcrgymcn hn;c lxcomc Ail-
following in the footsteps OCthe Lord, and truly rrp- ful riders of the beast bccau~e the I<oman C:\tholic
wwntiiq him, they would not s&m partiality among JIicrarchy, and the other clcrpy allied \\jth her, f:lls:~l~
nwn, but would remember that the I.ord God and claim to rcprcscnt God and Christ and at the same
Christ Jesus are no respecters of persons, and would time openly and dclilwratcly ali$l lldw~sclvw with
do likewise. Such men have no fear of God. Thq the con~mcrcial trafiickcrs and l)rolc:wional pohtic:i:ln,.,
ignore his plain word which is addressed to all who arid use their ~owcr to oppress and &aft and the ~wople
claim to c;crve him: “wlcrI?fOrY. 11o\v, let the fcnr of who support thenl. God dcsigatcr that hypowt iwl
the Lwd be upon you: take heed and do it; for there organizatio11 as “the whore”. (I<ev. 17; 3-15) l:elyiilg
N. Y.

upon their ox-n strength and acting with the commer- I4 The ancient Edomites had kings long before the
cial traffickers and politicians who support Ihem, the Israeliter had a king. The record concerning Esau’s
clergy say, as the prophet of God foretold: “WI10 scttlemcnt indicates that Esau became great amongst
shall bring me down to the ground ?” They well know his people and that his offspring, the Edomitcs, were
that they find no support for thcnwlve~ in the V’ord ruled by kings, as it is written: “And these are the
of Ood. They hcar Jehovah’s witnesses declare the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, bcforc there
Word of God, telling the people of God’s esprcssed rcignecl any king orcr the children of Israel.” (Gcn.
purpose to bring down tllc haughty and arrogant, and 35: 31) From the time the Israclitcs marched over
collcerning ~vhich the clergy say: “1Vho arc those the dcsart to the land of promise onward the Edornitcs
pcstifcrous ones who seek to destroy us by constantly manifested their enmity againc;t the Israelites, God’s
calling attmition of the ~~eo~,le to us in the light of tbc chosen people ; and this show that they were the seed
Scriptures? What can they do to bring us down? We of the Scrpcnt. (Gcn. 3: 15) IAcwise the modern-day
arc thor0u:hl.y fortified in our position, and the Edomitcs long ago acccptcd the kings or visible rulers
scourge shall not come nigh UY. IIrll shall llot prevail of Satan’s organization as the “higher powrs” and
apinst us.” 13ut tlocs lhcir pritlc n~ltl hlsting hold th) ttlCJJl>Ct\cS tJCC:lIlle :l part Of ttKJSC “tli~hr POW-
them in scwrity’t I~cw~~~c t11q arc tligb and lifted crs” . > and their influence has been to turn tlio people
111) nmoiifi CIWel illld SCtfiStJ lrlc’ll, d0CS tlJ:lt malic tllCJtl away from God to the cartlily rulers, whom ttltay call
safct J<~llovilll aIlSWCJ’S lhow quest ic,Jls ljy his propI& “the iiichcr ljowcrs”. They attcnipt in this day to
ant1 says to 11~ moth~rn Womitcs: “Though thou con~pcl all pcopl~, inrludin, ‘7 those wlloll~ dc\ (,t(!d to
CSiIIt 1llysclf as tllc c~a~lc,alJd tt~oII:t~ ttlou Set It1y nest God, to how to ttic dictates of Satan’s rcprcsc~iitativcs.
among the stars, tticnw will I t~riilg thw do\vJJ, saitli IIJ all the ywrs ])ast 1tic niodcrn Edvmitcs, Itic clcizy,
the Lord. ” (Old. 4) TIN! lllOdCl’Jl-d:1y JmJInitcs, ti1c have been the open and :~vowc~l wictnics of t how who
CtCQQ’, CilllIlUt ]JcI’rtl tilcJllWt~Y!S SO tli,ytl ttl:lt (:Gd WJl- truly worship Alnnirrhty (:od atltl C’hrist Jc’\LH, alit1
not, reach tlicm when hc c.horws to do so. IAwifw tried wtlo do so by I)rwlniminp (:otl’s 1Vord of truth. ‘l’twt
that wry thing, alld *JL!llUVillI g:lVC him t IiC full lclI~tl1 ciiniity of the clergy n~,niii4t the true follw (‘rs of
of tile rolx and let hiw go, Clod l)ic.lin:: IIis own good Christ. dwus is COJlCtIlSiVC jJro(Jf that illc clcr:y :\I’(!
iimc to IJJ’JJ~~ him clown to 1tic clllsl. liucifcr bo:~~tfull~ t1w “swtl” of tllc Scrtwnt tlicir fatllcr, Satan ttlc
said : “1 A\ ltt tJ(’ lib! ltlC JtOSt. lrigtl ; 1 Wit1 Witt 1rI.V l)csvil, cvcn as Jcsrls htilf~d to tlic clcarq of tliq clay atid
tllrOnC iIl)OVC! thC SiilIX Of C;OCl.” TO tllLlt prowl atIf 2s (:Ud dd;llX’d ~OIlVWJliJJ~ dt V’tlO 31 C Ot~[‘OSd t0 tlirJ1.
boastful ct;lirrl OP 1 hC \vic*t<cd OJW J&ovatl Silys : “ Tti(ju I5 Jn I!)14 Jctlovall cnthronctl Christ .Jwus :I\ J~IJIZ,
Shillt bc b1~0ugllt donIl to tlcll [oljtivioli], to f tic sidw but the motlcrn I~domitw, ttw c.tcrgy, rcjwlctl Christ
of the Ilit.” (Jw. 14: 12-1.-B) “ThJll Ilast dcI?IL!d thy ttle l<iJl:. ‘tk \\itJlw,~ of ttlc hJ1’d WCJlt fOJ [II ;IS he
sanctunriw ljp tlw multitutlc of tliinc iniquktics, try (d~~JJIIIl~Jlt~~VI ZJJI(I ~ICcJaIY?d 10 ;,I1 \VllO WC>UI~~ II(‘iIJ.’ lIl;lt
the illiqllit) of thy tJ’ilfft? : ttWJ’CfOrC \! itt 1 111 IJl:( fOI’tt1
Christ. is liine, :Lllcl f tlilt tllC is in his tloly tcIlJ],lC
a fire from tlw midst, of flw, it shall dcvunr t11( c ; :~Jlrl filld COIllIIlillldS iltl t0 give 1lWd t0 his WOlYlS, illId yet,
I will bring thee to asltcs upon 1tic car~li, in the sil:lit the clergy rc,jwtctl ,Jchovah’s King n11d op r11y de-
of all tllcm that bctioltl thee. .2lt tticy that lriiow t hcc cl~lld ttl(hJll%btL’~S 011 ttlt? hi& of %lt:lJl‘S Or~~ll1iLil~iOll
among Itic twot)tc stiall 1~12 nsto~~islicd at tl:cc : thou antI t twmsctws :I t%lJ’t of’ it. NOW tt1C.y h~(~t< to i’(5ilttJcl’
shalt l~c a tc.rror, and ncvcr shalt thou Lc any nlorc.” tlicir ri(A tliptl up in the rocks 1~s taking tticb lwtl ii1
--E.mk. 28: IS, 19. ljolilical loal tcrs ant1 by comlwlt in? tcnchcrs ol’ whorls
l* Jcho~ah thus statrs his rule concerning the sclf- aud school cliildrcn to intlulgr in cnfOrc(~~l II:tq salut-
exalted, the high, and mighty, who boast of tllcir ing and to hail men, and this in utter clisrchz:)rd of
strcngtb ntld do dcspJtc to Ihc Word of God. The Lord God’s plain con~m~~n;lmcnts. (Es. 20: 3-5) l’h:lt trytw-
Jesus said of these cltbrgzy that ‘they nl’c sons 01 the cri:ical move on the part of the Ilicrarchy aJrd 1 ticir
I)cril their father’ (.Totill S : A!-&) and tlicip fate Sllilll dlJ]~cs is niiothc~r cfCort on tlicir part to dc\t rev a11x 110
be the SiIl~lC!a7 ttiat of ttioir Entlicr tlic 1)cvil. truly low and worship Jcho~ah Clod lo)- t,riJl!:‘iJJz ttl(~nl

l3 h;o\v 11-c:IVC in the dam of Jehovah. JIe is .~c~lcllIlg into coniplctc subjection to the dictalorinl ritlc of the
forth his servants to dccli;rc the day of the v~tIgcn:l~ IIicrarclj~, t hrir Jesuits, anti puliticnl dulw. Tllcy
of our God, and thus they arc waging war against \vell I<Jlo\v that they cnIluot field nil OWilhiOIl ngaind

the modern Edomites, and when this ljart of their Jcllori\ll’s witncsscs csccpt thcg find it coll(*cl~lli~lg tllc
work is cndcd tlic Lord will smite the boastful opprcs- law of God. (Dan. 6: 5) Tllcrcforc tlwy wt :rlJout to
sors to ttic dust. “The lofty looks nf 311:1n sl1nll Iw frame mischief by law, :i(i God foretold. (1’s. 9-l: 20)
liurnl~l~d, nnJ,~l~c liaugliiincss. ol imhii sh;lll 1.~ lww~l Ttwy well know that ~Jchovah’s witncsscs are careful
down; aild tlic Lord alonc dial! ~JI: cud Icd it) I ha1 to obey every la\\ of the land Ill:tt is iii liiirmony wilt1
day.” (JM. 2: I].) 111this day of JVIIOV:II~ ~111 \\ i10 10; c C1oll’s law, but now they frame laws 111a1arc tllrcctly
oncl qrvc him vi11 sing, as tlic psotniist cld,: “ 1:c thou contrary to God’s law, with the lwpc of c::tr!litly Jc-
csaitd 0 cfud, ahvc ttw tlcavcns ; and ttly gtoq ab,)vc ho~ah’s witnesses and destroying them. ?‘!lcay ~11
all t11c earth. “-rss. 108 : 5 ; 113 : d. know that every true follower of CLrist Jcsas nil1

up the “faithful and wise servant” claw, and com-

mands them to procI:xim from the housetops what thq
have learned jn the secret IAace of the Most TIigh. To
his faithful servants the Lord sap: “Fear them not
thcrcfore, for there is nothillq covered that shall not
bcrcveuica. ” Then he saa.s to his faithful OJICS: ‘The
wetters of truth shall sweep away the refuge 0C lies.’
“Icar not them ~~hich [shall J kill the body, but arc
not able to kill the soul; but rntlwr fear him xhicli is
able to destroy both soul a11d body in hell.” (Jlatt.
10 : 26-33 ; Isa. 28 : l’i j If tlwsc words of the Lord arc
not tiI~pJic:rblc to war, and If this does not nmn war,
what is It :2 It is nar to the hitter end, ant1 ill lhis war
doU~~t]es,s some of Jcll0vi~ll’s ~VitnWPi U’iII die, bLIt
the came of Jehovah k wd;tin to come lhron~h COJJI-
J,IetcIy \ktorious. The f,litllCuI will nck fc;rr \;Ilikt
the cncbmy C~JI do, but twits in the: IAJI~ at1(1 ~:rws
straight f0r\vitr(I. .J c1~oviih has given his \\ord t:i3t
“the llilil Sll;iil SWC’ClJ aIV:ly IllC WfU;:e Of lit’s”, ilfl~l
(:OCl i\l\YLl\-S Illil!it’S gc)O(l hi-; \Y0Ul. Jt iS tlris \Yill’f:iIY‘.
that ;lff01& tiiC O~J~JO~tLllllt]~ l’Ol’ ih! “$W~\” t0 t)I’d11~1
Il~c~rn~clvcs 23 hu~li arid for tlic “otlwr sliccj)” of t hf:
I,~IxI to idwtil’y t twmsclvcs oit t hc sitIc of (:Od ‘S or-
g,lnization. IA. not the soJ)t~i~try of men tlweiw y01i
\rtIO i11’C iI1 thP CO\‘c’Ili:llt fol’ tile i~lIlP,l~Olll. l:C IIOt (I(‘-
cLlivc(l by tlw wwl~lly-wi\r or by tllc nily c~fior’ts of
h,lfLlll t0 ha\-c, )‘Oll bdlCVC tht (:Od’S J”“,JJ]V ;ll’(’ IlO\\
‘rgt+lin< no\d1w”, but that “:lflc~r ;il~lll:I~~Lc~~t~~Jll t11c\
v, ill :::lth(~l’ tlic YlVilt multii llflc”. It i< II(rw tli;tt, tllct
~~clllI1(.l’ Ol’ t/IV I,Old IlllJSt \JP lil’td UIJ ilIlt ~‘;ll’l’ll’~~
tllJt411~ :lJl(l fO:I~]c’\Si~ 011, tllilt t tlC IJCOJJlC WiJJ, Of gOO(l
1tlLlt is, thC <!lY*:It IllUttitlltl~, lIl;l?’ S(‘C :lllrl tl(‘lxll ltlc I\il,J
to go. If we Pail to do our tlrity, hy slacking the h:u~(l,
w sh:~ll 10s~ cvcrythi~lg. ( J::v Ii. :I: 37-W) 0~1~ 1s 10
ohy the cc~nim;llldrncllts ol’ 111~ I,wd, atid IILL \\ill wc
lo it that t!tc rc4ts are :~cwt*ding to his \\ill. ‘I’hc
T,ord is “gcllir1:* sonwwh~rx~” 1Gy$t llOW, :IJld tlolll~:
it es:lctI~ ilCC0IYliIl~ to his \\ ill, :Jlld fOl’ illl~~lIll! 10 Say
that the scrv,rntr of the IAJIY~ are “gcttincf no\\ll~~rc”
inwns that hu~li person is guilly of ~Jrcsnlllptllolls SIJl.
The T,ord ~~~l!oI?I~J~ishcS his ~)lJl’~JWc iIS IIc wills. Ilk
\\ortl slmll not return unto limi lcjiil. Ixt some mc’ll
st:lna hci’orc! JOU and foc~li~l~l~v S.LY, if thv ~111:
“ Whcrc are the Jouadabs’! ~\‘hcrc is thr gwxt mul-
titn(lc?” ,inyrnc so sayili~ tlocs not li:rve a vkion 21~1
spiritual Ull~1PlXtill~diJl, v Of GUCl’S \‘iOlYi. lif~lllC7IIl)vr,
you h3vC covcn;mted to do (Iod’s will awl you arc: iti
the cownnnt for the kingdom ; tllat now ~011 mu5t
blo\v the tl’UTll~ICt, SOlJtld the >lIiIrIn, teJ1 the lrnlh, aJ]t’l
cwsc not to do so, and tllat ihi< must IJC C~~;IIC I~O\Y, SO
Iliat lhe great multitude ma:, hear the truth and find
the wy to Zion.
Is .Jehovoh bides his own due limo when he 11ill crush
ihe clJcnly t0 th duSt. TO thC I)1’011d, il:llI?!ht~, hlsh-
wJiacking warriors, \vh0 untlcr~handcd1y ils%llJlt .Jc-
linvah’s 3vitncsses and who ctwlnrc that tticy arc im-
muue bccauw they are high aud ljftcd ~IJ, Jcho~;~h
says : “Though thou set thy nest among the btclrs,

thence will I bring thee don-n.” DC assured that God must sound the warning, that others may have an op-
will accompli4 that very thiwz; thcrcfore be strong in portunit,v to be warned. It is the Edomitcs of the
the Lord and in the powr of his mi+t and fight 011. prcscnt time that make war at the instance of the
To the sclf-csalted modern Edomitcs Jehovah now 1)~ il against Jchov:h’s witnesses, who arc of Zion,
says : “Thy tcrriblcness [awe-inspiring position on and concerning Ihe c?cstructire jud::mcnts of the IJowl
the rocks of the world] bath deccivcd thee [into sclf- cstcukl against them it is writtell : “For my sword
sccurit.v, complaccnry and inclcpcndcnce of God], and shall be ixithed in hcawn : bcliold, it shall come do\,n
the pride of thine hcart, 0 iltw~ lhnt dwllcst in the upon Id1nw3, and upon ihc peol)lc 6f my curse, to
clefts of the rock, that holdc~t the height of the hill : jud!;ment.” (Isa. 34: 5) The tc;limony 1)~ Jchovah’S
though thou shoUldcst make thy IHA as high as the witncsscs must l)rcccdc tile dcstructivc work and muit
caglc, I will bring thee down from thcncc, saith the be finislicd before the destructive work. (3Iatt.
Lord. Also Edom shall be a desolation ; every one 1h:lt 24 : 11-23) Esnu liwd by the sword, and so the Lord
goeth Ly it shall bc astoni+:d, and shall hiss at all Jcsw say conxnli~g the dcscenclnr~ts of Jknu, tilt
the pln~:ucs thereof.“-Jcr. 43: 16, 17. IMomitc~, that they shall Ijcrish by the sword. (;\Ialt.
I3 Ilaman WI? a dcsrcndant 6f Mom. (GM. 36 : I, 3 2) 26: 52) 1“1r4t, liowcvcr, the Lord show that the rcTuz(~
Tie was csaltcd to tlic lol’tg r,~ll!c of pran(l rizicr of of lic5 bindin% tw:ctlwr llic 1iiocl~m l~tlornitc:.:, ali:
lh? CIn~JcrOP, heC:l1iM? Wry S~Oi’llflI1, h:lly?hty, arrO:!:lllt lwliilid \;-lliclr they hitlc ilwir nefarious wo1k, must IJc
and opplwsivc, and the Lord ixought. him down low. Swc3Jtt ilwly, rsposillcr the lVi!*licd OlWs t0 c3lll~,~ctC Vl(,\‘i
(ESthCr 3: 1 ; 7: 10) l<dom is 01lC part Of Silt;lll’S 01’- of the worl~l. That is the warfare in which (:otl uws his .
gniikrtion, wiiieti is Ik11gk~1, and the spirit of I::il~y- witncsscs, and wliicli warl’arc i:; nox in I,rogcss.
1011is that of Erlom, and conccrniii~ tlwt u iclxd cro;;d
scllovilll says : “G~mc dwvn, and sit in ilw did, 0
virgin dauglktcr of Jk~l)ylon ; sit 6n 1lie ground: thcrc
is no tlmmt, 0 d;lll~htcr or tllc C!II:llclcaIls: for thOl1
:;Il~lll 110 11101’CbC ~~1lltVl lclltlcr illl(l &licatc. Alld tllOU
::kl:.t, I S!l:lll l,C il latly for eWr: So tl,:it tll0U didst IlOt
lay tlkcsc tliinys to t11y Iwart, nritlicr rlitlst ~crncn~l~~r
ff~c I;lttcr end of it. Thcwt’orc 11car now this, il10u
lht al’t given lo l,lwwrcs, t)lilt d\vctlCSt c:ll’clcSSl~ ;
lllilt saJX%t in tllillc lWll.f, I :111l, n1ld 1101lC CIK bcsiclc
mc; 7 Sllilll 1101 sit iIS a widow, nciiiwr Sllall I lillO\V
tht! 10% of cl~iltlrcn.“--Isa. 47 : 1, 7, 8.
*” JIcllCC in tlw lilt(‘I’ S(*ripturcs wrillcn at tllc? in-
stance of the l,ord Jesus l<tlom i< symbolized by the
“grcut whore”. (l<cv. Ii : 1-G) Ikvauw tllc tlrscrnd-
illItS of IMom lilic~\visc stood for \vll:lt i-i awilkit C:Otl’Y
]N!Ol)lC, tllC O~~illliZilt ion Of I:d6m (tllc 1~~0&~lX Mom-
itcs) is markctl for utter tle~ruction. Jcllc~~all spc:ll<s
of Idunw, which is IMom, and states what shall come
to pass in the day of .J~~hov;1h upon the mo~lc1~11 Xdom-
itcs: “For it is the day of therJodkwiqymm,ml
the ycnr of rcconilwnccs f6r the contr0wrs.v of Zion.
And the streams thereof. shall lx turned into pitch,
and the dust thereof into brimstone, nlld the land
thereof shall bccornc burning pitch. It shall not be
qucnchcd night nor day ; the smo~lw tlwrc*of shall go
up for cvcr: from gcnerntion to g~~ncrstion it shall lie
wr:::tc; none shall 1~x3 through it for cvcr ant1 cwr.”
--Isl. 34 : s-10.
*’ Ilet us always bear in mind that the complcle de-
struction of the modern IMomitcs is Jcl~ovah’s \\-oI*k,
to bc pcrformcd through (.‘hrist Jesus, and the part
of the remnant in this war is to dcclarc the day of the
wngcancc of our God, aud to sing forth his name and
praise5 to the end that thwe of the great niultitwlc
may hear and have an opportunity io tCllie their stand
on the side of Jehovah and his orgnnizaticm b:forc the
destruction of the enemy takes plwc; ;I!SO that tllc:
JULY I, 1933 201

DESOLATION of the factories and commcrcinl institutions the Hicr-

s3Jehovah uses a striking illustration to show how arehy sends the poor, ddudecl, blade-hooded women
emplctcly tlic ckrgy sl1all he dc:;olatcd. He com- about to collcet tribute from the laborers on the prc-
pare; the action nf Ihicrc-, and rol,lJcrs with what test that it is for a good purpose, while tlwx of the
shall come to Ihc rc!i::ionj:;tc;, tilC hypocritical c1erg.v : Hierarchy live wantonly upon what they collwt. Those
“If thiews came to IIICC, if roldwrs by niglit, (11ow cdlwtors enter the offices and business houses and
art thou cut ofi!) would they not have stolen lill they Icavc v;ith tJ1cirpocl;cts full, That organization employs
had cno11~~lt?if the grcp:gathcrcrs ramc to thee, would coercion to extract treasure or wealth from the pro-
they not IeaT-c sonw gii!pc’~?“--01Jad. 5. fcs,ic;naI :nxI busincsymcn, and threatens them with
loss materially and sl~iritunlly unless they contribute
lihcrally. That would bc bad enough ; but when we
call to mind that the Ilicrnrchy instilution demands
of the Iwrcnvcd ones sums of money to Rive their dwrl
wliot they term a decent burial, this is a cruel al1d
wicked way to extract money from the pcoplc, to s’ly
nothi1~:: about the fraud and &wit. The V3-eilll~d
“Ik~f~~tant” clergy, among the wealthy poljul:1tiw,
with IJwsling words say, as one recently said at. Pit!:;-
lmr~ll : “Tl1iq is ;I three-million-dollar clillrvh, a11rl
who woultl tl,rrc I~l:icc an aclvcrtisinq sign nwr il a(l-
vertisiiiz Ill<5c JCllOVilll’s wi1nw:x3?” I:llt Of :I11 tllC
11)IJ(J(‘riti(‘:ll, ar’roqitt aId srornful wlil:iolli\ts Jc-
llOVill1 Sil? S : “110~ are the Iliiiigs of 1Sclwn swrclw~l
oiit [(Cot//., marqin) sfripl, bare] !” 111 the U:;Lr
tliat is now 011, the remnanl, actill:: un&r tl10 com-
m:~ntlmcnts of the Ilord, sci\rch out thcsc thiijgs of
fr:1udulcIlt cWlWi;lrtici:jm alli c.UlKKc tl1cll\ t0 puldic
view IJ~ tclliiiz the tru(t1, hot I1 ol Iii4orical f’wtv ant1
of 111~:\Yord of (tad. Thus the lAortl is srawl1ill~ 011t
ant1 slrilJl)irly l~arc 111~0161“wt1orc”, iinfl I$ h(*ii lllc
\~,(j~li of 111s \\ifncs~s ix dol1c (;od will cOlllJJl(‘tc\y s~I’I[)
tJark: th(JSc \vhO ll:lvC hit1 U[J g-cat tiwswc to snt is1 3
their owi greed and sclfisl1 dcsiws.
” V;atiCiltI Cily hol~ls gr<~:tt t I’C:l\UrCs tht sUpj)OPt
Ill0 12~J~~lil~l C’ittllOliCantI Slllll[JtII~Cr;lrVll~ UOllSl~ SllI)-
ply all tlic ~wcds of that dcccitful and J~o\;~~rl’d or-
gmkltiOi1. ‘~‘lli~Oii~hOLlt iIll “~~~l~~S!~~il~~O~ll” tll:lt \\‘iC’k-
cd i!istitutillil hd(lS the chOk!c’St 1)r(JjJ(‘rty :lil(l sitw
and there loratcs its huildl~rgs. Jn all n;1tioiis tilat
hypocriticd organization mnintains its ofkial rcprc-
SCHtilliVCS iii great Iusury, tlicir sul)l)ort coinitlc: fiwn
IOOt tht h:lS l,CCll CX~P;ldtd flYJIll thC IJCOlJh! t,y CO-
cwion, fraud and &wit. For years they l1:1w Ii(’
their great wealth hicltlcn from 111~wmmcrci;11 sconces,
but now the time hns come wl1cn the tru\l~ shall 1~
lwow~, ant1 of that organization Jcl~ovah sqs: ” JIo\v
arc his liiddcn treasures sorl,qllt old !” (d.lf.1’.) T1li.j
is riot man’s ju(lgiiicnt nor tllc dCCli~r:~tiO~l of man, IJIlt
2GThe itncicnt, Etlomitc~; becnmc wry rid1 and fllcd Il1C ill1IlOllll(.c’lll~llt Of CiOd’S ,jlld~I~lC~lt dCCl:ll ing tllC
iheir homes with loot slolcn from il1C C:11’3vans tllat day of his wngcancc. The tiinc has conic for tho;f~
irowltd bctwcn the I’;nphratcs and Egypt.. They col- Who lO\*C God t0 mnkc lillO\V~l thCSe jntl:incwts, an<1
ledctl heavy trilrutc from those who l~nssrd by their they must do so because Clod has comman(lcc1 it. I;01 11
Coii!ltry and who cngngcd in comnicrcinl trnf!ic. Lilrc- the ScrilJturcs arid tl1c fact? show 11121the time l1xi
vise iiic modern Kclomitcs, alA pnrlicularly the Ro- come to cs~~oscIhose 1~1.110~ for a long ~x~riotl, hnvc dc-
man Wliolie IIiCriIrCh~, l1n\ C Iwcome csccc~lingly famd 1hc nnme of J~l10~:111,ant1 I~c~w tile Scri I)tllrc <
rich :incl Iiavc their slorchou~es full of Krcint riclics. declare : “Tlicrcforc jud~:c nothing I~cfoi*c tlic time*
Scch I khcs they hare obtained by frantl awl &wit fail41 tliat time is lwrc], ulit il the Lorrl cww, 1~:110 . . .
prnCtiWtl upOn thC h’Ulll,k pC~J&h 011 C\‘Cr~ ~J:I)-day will bring to light the hiclclci~ thinpi of il:~r!;nw:.”

(1 Car. 4: 5) The Lord has come and is at the temple I)avid xwls forth the members of his bodyi: ll1c faith-
separating LlIid judging the natic)ns, :l!ld he send9 forth ful remnant, to esposc the position Of illc enemy be-
his singers to proclaim the truth and to expose the fort he destroys them. The remnant arc thercfor,: no\7
hidden things before he strikes the devastating blow acting under the command of tl1e Lord wl1cw tllcl)
against the enemy. Clearly that thrse things might publish to the world the truth of and conccrniw thcx>.b
be emphasized in the mind of those who low and serve hypocritical rcligionists who l)lasphcme the name (I(
God, he also says by the mouth of another prophet, C:od and his kingdom and who O~JJOSC all who are iI1
to wit: “If grdpcgathcrcrs come to thee, would they fayOr Of his ki!ldom. TJlic W;lr is ill J)t’O~l’(“i’i AC-
llot lcaw some gleaning grapes? if thieves by night, ~rclilg to the will of God. What appears in t hc SrrilJ-
they \sill destroy till they ll:lVe CnOU;:‘h [ (?Mrgin) tUrcs is not tlic v;ord ni’ man, and the citation of the
their sufficiency]. But I lmvc made lku bare, I have facts with that of the Scriptures concernitl:: the ‘mud-
Uncovered his secret places, and he shall not 1~ able CI?~ Edomitcs is not an arcusation of man, 11Ut is Let
to hide himself: his wc~l is spoiled, and his hr~thrcn, forth according to tlie v, ill of tl1c Lord ihat the rC’I’U*X
g.nd his neighhours, and he is not.” (.Jcr. 49 : 3, 10) of lifs may 1~2striplxd hart in this thy. Tllc 1’~1~111~11lt
Thus Jel1o\-al1 tlcclar~s 11ilr1,:clf conwrning the lkrnnn are not gatherin!: lhc great lnult it uclc, I1cxu ‘c 1!1:1t.
Catholic lIlcr:lr~hy allfl Ihclir all1Nl clergy, tliC dc- is the J,ord’s work. ‘Vhc remnant ar(h l~roc*l:1lll1ili~: 1IIt:
famers of hii name. ‘l’hc: 11i(ld1’11 trc~n~lll~cs of modeIn trnth that it r11iqht 11~kl1u\vl1 tl1;1t Jvl1oYi1h is 1111,ottI\
Edom, in addition to ~wltl~, sue11 as howcs and monq-, true Clod, and that t l1w.c who 11~:~ that nlt+az\b :111d
refer also to the potit iv;11 l)o\wr of thaw r(Lli$ons or- \vho arc of good will to\vurd Ciotl ;111(1plot tllctri~ (al\(‘S
ganizations which t11cfiJ 11asc at141 cscrcisa among the 011 his sitk! alld ol~cay hi:; ~~lJ~lIll~i?ltflll~~~l~S Illag ,joiIl i ilc!
commercial tlXlliPlicI3 :ln(l p(:llt icai:lnq that rule. ,Among grc:lt m~~ltit~ldf~. It is l~~ilw~oI~;:l~lc :iIld nllsc*l.iI,lul al,
the hidden thing tl1at 11111I Ix ~~:~lwvd, and \\hich are alid thcwfore foolI41, fOl’ atlyorlc to Ilow x1)’ : “Tilt
liom being ~q~osed, a ix! 1111’ rc,l1gious mysteries and walk we arc lloiv d(JiIl’; i., :;rllLlll lNJt:!tOcYcotnl);11k71 \\ il I1
doctrines, and l’itc:j, so-c;:ll(~(l “1:1\t riles”, hy which \t-hilt \V(? Will d0 iI 1’1 (‘I’ r\l’lllil~ClldOlI, in xilth(xril1”. llw
the clergg l1:1vc dwcr~ctl :1r1(1 tl1~fr;111&tl the common great multiti~clc. ” ‘l’hc fart tllat ,J~~hovah is w\c:1lirl~:
people and t:ll;~n a\t.ily 1IIC frwits of tlwir labor, and to l1is profile If0\v tlir mwl~it1:~ of his pl*c~l~llMi~~~, stl(‘l1
still continue to dcccivc 111~111,and lhw cnuw lhe com- ;2S q~dll~, eil iCY Of rC’I’lIq:C, ~~IIIlSOIl, COll(‘(‘I’llill’_’ 1 IlO
mon people great wallt iInd suffering both mentally ~‘~lili.S~iTlCS, alld Other ~~I’O[~h’i~‘S, iS COll~~llSi\ C ]Jl’WJf
and materi:~lly. that, it iv his will 1ll;ll Il1C l~(~IllllilIll Sllc~Uld IlO\\’ LII(~\!
2s The pul)lic press rcport$ that the Nazis, by reason thcsc tlii,lgS, whieli \\(‘I% writtw ;tfOrc:t IIll<! for. t Ilc’il.
of pcrsccution, arc cornl):.llin: lt1c Juws to sell their rollll’ort alId IlOl K’, an<1 Ihat tlwy mizht IIW I!.V ::
property at a gtwt stlcrificc: in (~crmnny and that the truths accordili~ lo tllc 1\jll of (:ocl in ClCCliLI iri:: l!ic :11
Catholics arc l)uying 111) Iliat l)ropcr’ty. A criminal to others. jY11:1t v ill strl~nqth(~n lhc IKJJW OC tilt! 1I.,II-
always lcavcs some ~OO~)IIOIClay which IN ~1spo~s him- llallt more tllan to lillO\V Illat Illcxy arc IloW c~lrrr;lcLcd I!1
self. This is anotlwr c~j~1~1Ice I hat. tie I!icrarchy is a \VOI’li accordin~~ to tlic will (II’ (:Ofl, and iI \1.1il~~ll )iC
back of lhc Sazi org;11iiz:11 ion, wl1icah is rol)bing a commands Ihcrn to s(‘rv<’ notice upon otl~~rs, tlt3t I~III ,I?
thrifty clt: s of ~~ro~~lc iti (:rmaiiy, persecuting all \Y~O are 01 g00t1 \sIII t(Jl;+ilr<l him III:I~ 1tj:lt’1I 1t1cb v..I>’
others that do not I~ow lo I IIC dl~tilt(~S of tltc Hierarchy to Zion, talic tlwir J11;1w with God’s Ol’g:llll%.!iiciIl, ;rlld
and the S;1zis, and c.\tcn(lin;r favors only to those who form ilic great mullitutle tllat will forcvc~r IJrdiccB .I($-
support the arl,itr;lry and dici;~torial rule of tl1at land. hovah’s nxne! 1111~ attcnlI)t to I!I:I~W tlrc- rcLmllsll:t
In dUe time the llicrarcl1y’s 11:1n(l will bc completely tllillli that their cllicf \VOl’li (.O:lcPl’llitlq Ill0 ;!l’c~:lt ;lllll-
c~posed in Germany and her nefarious \vo1k and her titudc is Sow.! +,\\cIlty .\ c’:!rS i’ll~l~l’c 01l1y t(‘lidS f(J c.‘I:-e
ill-pot gains will bc scar&d out and come to an un- Jehovah’s n-itncsw to I~ccomc l;lS in Ihcir (~l’l’ort,s, iii-
tikely end. difkrent and ncgligwt of their du: ks ant1 l)ri\ ilc2k5.
*O When the Lord cnthronc~tl 1)avid as kin? of Israel The remnant, who arc n~;ilJy dcvo!r~l to .J~~ltr)\;111and
the ancient ISdomitcs wcrc the mortal cnrmics of his iAi~~dot17, md who fur Ihc p:l:;t few yvcars 11;1\(*
Ik’id, and of ll1e pco~~le over which he ruled, God’s carcL’nlly StlIdicd tlic Lord’s propliwics as the 1.or(l
chosen pco~~lc. T’hc l~~dwnitc~s tlicn kept a part of tlx 1135 u1ii’Okh:d theill, bill lid. Ii(J\\- bt! iil~lllccd t0 Sidl’k

territory which Jehovah had assigned to .\br:ihan~‘S the hand. They WC: the war is on and that tl:cy nlllt:t.
seed, and l>avid was mowd to act according to the will fight, and 54t con!inuon~ly, ant1 that their IGI:*~ of tiw
of God when hc fought tl1c Ktlonnitcs. iTow the great f:<ht is to proclaim ihe praiw of dcll(j\-i\l1 all<1 10 ( (III-
antit)pical David, Christ JCSUS, is on 11is throne and tinuously ofi’cr before Ihe LoKl iltl oZcl%l: iti rikiit-
is comma&d by Jcho~nh to rnlc amiclst his cncmics. cousncss. The rcrnnant arc now hated 1,~ 111~ YU!!IIL:
(1%. 110: 2) The modurn JMomitcs, the rcli$onists, pours of all nations, cwn as .Jc,~u’ !\a~ 11;1b~l \~II( II
are the mortal cncmics of the ant1typical David, in- 11C\:-as on e;lrlh. ‘J’lic f;lilhfnl rrmrl:lrkt lluw tl~filr~~,lit
c!uding, io ljc swe, dlc ~~crnnm~. ~~Yrcm~rftllly the to lwnr the rc~~roacl~f:s fhat rcproaclicd our JAI(! :,I:(1
niOdclI1 l~clomitc,s, i,lic clergy, awmc the place as- Ihd. The insplrcd Word now al~plb; Ir, 111crc~~;:!!a~::,
Sigucd to Ihe true seed of iflJrallam, and tlie aiitit>pical u+kli sa\-s : “Let UF 20 forth thcrl~fow unto 111mV;!Tii-
JL”LY I, 1936 @TieWATCI-ITOWER 203

out the camp, hearing his reproach. By him therefore According to related scriptures, with what result n11l the
latter thus prorced ?
let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, lJ 13-15. Explain :lnd al,ply Genesis 36: 31, and the m:cnirtTita-
that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his tlon by the E,lom;tes of thslr enmity against the lsraeiitcs,
name. “-Heb. 13 : 13, 15. shoviq present fulfillment nf prophecy
f 16,17. ashy do the mo(leln Etlornites rc>lst and oppose J*
(To be continued) hovah’s wtneyses$ \Vhat pu~posrs are being accom~~~~shcd
by the warfare now m proxlesq, Clearly shoninfi the lm-
QUESTIOSS FOR STUDY poriancc and urgency of IXAlnCsS and zeal and gomg
straqht forward now?
lj 1, 2. Dcscrihc the bnttlc line-up in which the remnant of God ‘8 5 18.20. To what end, as declared at 0l)ndiah 4 and in related
pcoplc a*e graciously given a place. IVhat x19 foreshown scriptures, will thr: enemy nnx exalt tlwmsclws?
in the incident recortletl at 1 Samuel 17: 45, and foretold t 23,X What sl~oul~l WC always lB(w In mind a9 to tlic part
in the declaration at Isaiah 34: 5, 6! 9? of the remnant in this wa+r and wllcn their part nwt he
11 3. Hhow that the proyhcey of OlJadlah is in line with Ro- performed, and the purpose of the part committed to tllcm3
mans 15: 4. As to the Lord’s action nom, and later, toward the mwlcrn
l7 4. To whom do the words of Isaiah 13: 11 apply, aud how? Etlomitrs?
7 5, 0. TVhnt is the nature of the work now bring done by Je- 7 2Z,24. Point out 110~ fittingly illustlatirc are the words of
hovnh’s ~~tr~sseu? ‘I’ltc occasion for that stork? The Olxulinh 5.
foretold purl~~~se of that nork, nud the el idence that that C 23-28. Show that the name Esau, IXsau’s choice of hahitntion,
~n~rpose 1s Iwlng :wrompli.sIw~l I and the alecclt, flaw1 and c,,erc*on ljr:((*ticed by tllc anclcnt
1 7. Ijl~ow that 1110 f’arts conwnrin;r the Roman Catholic Ilier- Etlomites were prophcttc. \Vhen anal how arc thn “ tlllnss
arrhy are in iulllllllic*nt of the prophetic record cuncermng of I!Llom ” “stIlpl,c~l lnrr”? ~VIIP~Lan<1 how is the latter
Esau and 1IIV J’:&nnit(% declaration of .Jcrcl~i~:~h 49 : 1rJ fnlfill~~rl I
7 8-12. Apply Ol,ndl:rh 3, clwrly irlcntifying those rcfrrrcd to 7 29. .Justifv David’s fightInK the J~~tlorr~~t~~. \Vh:ct a:ts fore-
therein and sllc#ning npl,l~c:ttion of 2 Chroni~h~s 19: 7 and shoun tilcreinl llow IS the wo11c of the rcmn:tnt rel:ctctl to
James 2: 2-4, 9. Contrast the* course taken by ~IIORCaho the gathcLlin,*n of the: Cleat nlultlto~lc~, whic~h Iueliwtcs 1hC
low God with that taken by the antitypical 1Sdormtcs. utgcncy of zealous actlvlty aotC? AI~ply IIebrelrs 13: 13, 15.


T 0 THOSE who have fully agreed to do God’s

will this SJHWI~is ;~dtlrwscd. Jel~ovah h;rs lukcn
out of ihc nations a ~Jc~JJIc fw his nanic aIl(I
has until. his n;imc uIwn them. JLc has cnthronr~d in
testimony to he Piven to those who will hear, find tllcll
lit Itill csliil)it his suI~rcwic lmwcr in lllc b;ii Ilc of his
KIWIS day. Jlc rcqnires his witnesses to dcliwr hrs
twtirnony. To hi< anointctl the l,ortl 11;1$cntl r~\t(~l
Zion his mi$ty $~sccntivc Ofliccr and sent him forth his kingdom inter&s on the earth, and he dern:lncls
to crn4li the cncmy and to vin(licatc (:od’s rii1111c. That tli:it they shall rai&br ;1 full and SilliSf~l~~tOl+~ :lccollllt
rno:ms war in which is c~xI~ros4cd the complete and of that stcnwdhllip.
fill1 vcn:*canw of ,Jchov;ih 2willst the wicked enc. It many cculu~ics
For Ilollest ~WlW~fls have lOOk(!tl for-
also means 1hc suI~rc~iic entlonvor of the I\ ickcc! one WKI to and prayed for the coming of the Lord Jcxnr
to destroy thaw nIwn wllorn Jehovah has put his n:lmc. ant1 his kin&m. ‘l’llat great event has now come. ‘J’hc
Jn Illat conflict no qu:lrtor IS asked and no11c =ivcn. prinlnry purpose of the kingdom is lo vindicate .Jc-
To t host anoilltcvl i~~ld wmrllissioncd by JO~IO\:lh hr: hOVil;l’S name, and lo tllis cntl hc prolcs Satan a liar,
now says (ISil. 62: 1) : ‘I wil! not rest until tile right- that Jehovah is the only true Almi~llty God, lhc SI)I~I’W
cousncss of Zion shall fro forth as hrightncw, and the of life, and that he can put men on earth who \\ill rc-
salvation tlici,r9f as a lanil) Ihat burnclli.’ The Lord main true to him, and that hc can and will cxlalJlixt7
hiIS Ikil nlld hc Will c(JlnlJCl all to know that. hc k cod, ri,$it.cousness in the cart h. The second;iry pnrI)ow of
whose name alone is ,Jchowh. The Lord is in his holy the kingdom is to give life cvcrlasf illc to all wlw hoar
tenrplc and commands ali io lx! silent and hear 171s and render themselves in full olwdience to Clod ; t li:lt
mcsw~e. ~hosc who bclicve in God and Chriht Jesus and ~)rovc
Tllc great& favor cvcr hcstowcd upon man is to fni(hfal shall live ; and that those \t ho refuse to lx~lic~vc
lx on the siclc of Jehovah and to enjoy the privilege and obey shall remain with tlic Devil under eon~l~wn;7-
of serving in his organiz,ltion. That favor is now tion and suffer destruction. Therefore (:od h:ls en-
possessed by a few persons OIL the cart 17. If you arc trust4 to his witnesses the work of pul,lishine tlwse
one of snch, happy is your lot and great is your rc- truths to the people, and those thus commissionc~l t1.v
sponsibllity. the Lord who fail or refuse to give t hc testimony as
To Jehovn11’s anointed wit news much has been commandccl shall he destroyed. (Rzek. 3 : 17) ‘1’11~
given and much more entrusted, and concerning such issue now is plain and clear-cut, and ihere is no CWIISC
Jesus says (J,17kc 12 : 48, Il~cpo~tlt ) : “To whomso- to side-step it. Who will remain trne and stcadf:lst
ever much has been given, from him much will he rc- on the Lord’s side and faithfully perform his Ali-
yuircd; and to whom much has been entrusted, of him aat ion ?
[the more] will be demanded.” J&ova17 has gircn to To the anoinlcd ones Jehovah now says (I’ror.
his pcoplc the truth and made known that hc has pcr- G:20): “Jly son, keep thy IntIter’s commnndmcnt,
milted Satan io carry on his wicked work for :I limited and forsake not Ilie law of thy moillrr.” The wni-
time, at the end of which time he causes a worlcl-wide mamlmcnt of Jehovah is his will CX~L’L’.:x1 COIIW~III~~

those in a covenant with him. The mothf:r of God ‘Y

sons is Jehovah’s organization, and the law thoreoi’ is
the iwtruction that comes to the nnointcd through
Christ Jc’sus, the head of that organization. It is writ-
ten’of this day: “Out of %ion shall go forth the law.”
All the sons born of Cod’s organization ::rc taught by
~Jrhovah through Christ Jesus; thcrcToro God and
Christ are the only Tei~cl~~rr. (IS. 54: 13 ; 30: 20)
Jehovah through Chri:,t has made clear to his pcot~le
the meanin:: of his \;-ill, or commandmwt. Throuqh
Chri5t hc gives instruction to those of Iris organization.
The Lord dcmnn(ls, thwcf’orc, that his anointed shall
1~ dilipwt in rcndermg obzdwncc to his will 2nd eure-
ful to obey and follow the instructions of his orguni-

Obcdklwe to ,J~~tlov;~tl’S taw and ilbt rlic~tioll~ 111ll~t

not lx inclilwrl IJ~ ttrc lxw:tid 1llilt is (~sp~~‘Ic’~l.To IhOW
who continut: Ea~thl’ul uKt0 !lw end the 14c~rdwill qivc
rewrd, but that rcwartl is illcidentnl to faith l’rll otw-
dicncc. TIi(~ mot ivc or induping ciiusc to serve ttw Tiortl
failhiulty mlilit IJC low. That IIWI~IS an u~~::c~lfistrtlc-
VO~iOll to CJ~~t~o\ ah twc;~u~.c he is alto~c’thcr right and
rig$itcww. l’hcrc van 1~~1 no clivitlnig of afl’wtion be-
tw\‘cc~i~ (id and any (~rcatilrc or thinly. For this ~c~lSo71
his conirn;lii(lrnrrit of first, importance is: L’Ytlou sllalt
lu~vc no otlwr go11Insides ,J~ho~~~h.and thou shalt 10s~
l.he J~ord tlq (iotl with ~11 thy hcurt, soul :uld miw.l.
His rule do not ctmn:c, atld ttley ;11)1d,vlo all crca-
turcs who tiarr aqwtl to do his will. Such pcrS01ls
cannot xllute 0,lz:s or h;lil II~II, thcrcl~g attributing
profcc’tion and salvation to humail wcation or power.
All tliosc who lose Got1 and his Christ, mu4 and do
attribute tJl’Otc.Y?~kJlI :llld SdwticJIl t0 God :ltcJl~e
through Cilri\t .JCWIS his Iiinq. (IZcv. 7 : 9-11) The
sons ol’ God who arc true follomcrs of Clhrist Jesus
Will do no iIljWy t0 anyOIlc. !b?)’ \vitt OtJCy at1 the
laws of the land that are in harmony with God, but
they witl obey no law that rquircs them to tie tinfaith-
fnl to dthovatl and his ltinqlom. Tlwy N ill ot~cy Cod
rather than II~CI~ ; and this thy will do, try his grace,
at all times.
In obcdicncc to the Lord’s commandment his faiih-
fU1 \Vitlic%Cs IlOW C:lITy the lllCS,GlgC Of tlWttl t0 tllC
pcoplc and thereby t&y worship Jehovah ~1she has
JULY 1, 13X 205

Jehovah has not approved and never will approve for the comfort of God’s people now on earth, is that
an unfaithful person. In this day when the Lord has prophetic drama conwrniag the ancient Philistincr
given much to his people and has entrusted to them 2nd the chosen pcOp!e of God. The modern or anti-
all his kingdom interests on earth, absolute faithful- typical J’hilistines are the ones that dominate the rc-
n~ss in the serGce he demands. Faithfulness means liqion and politics of the world and arc know1 as the
Glelity and constancy in loO!iing well t0 and snfe- Roman Catholic IIierarchy. The secret service agents
guarding the intcregts of the 1;ingdom. It is not cnou::h of that wicked organization are the Jesuits, who have
to say, ‘I am on the side of Jehovah, but now all who fraudulently assumed the name of ClJrist. The ancient
rwcive his approval must show an unqualifird dcro- Philistincs came out of Egypt, which is a type of Sa-
tion to (:od and to his organization. The words of tan’s world. They took their position in the land of
Jehovah’s prol,hct now apply to all who are in the promise and there OppoSed God’s chosen people. The
covenant with him, to whom he says (Ps. 31 : 23) : “0 modern Philistine.5 claim to have come out from the
love the Lord, all yc his saints ; for the Lord proserr- ~orl(l of Satan and they wrongrully assume tlJe posi-
eth the faithful, and plentifully rewardcth the proud tion as rcljrcscntati\-w of God and ClJri<t. The aIJcicnt
doer”; and (1%. 701: 6) : “?.!inc eyes sliall be upon l’hili>8tincs wre hyporrites. The modern I’hili .tiJlw
the faithful of the land, thilt t!Jcy may dmcll with me; arc thr Crcnttst hypocrites of at1 time. 1~ong aftw tlio
he that walkcth in a pcrfcrt way, he shall serve me.” d~~~trii~~tifJl1 of the power of the aJJcicJ!t I’hili:,tiJ~C Y
An iYsne vital to (:od’s pcol~lc Jiow iq, Sliall t!Jose (:od foretold by his prophet that the modern I’hilrs-
of God’s orqnizaf ion Eilil, or shall they maint:JiJJ t!Jcir tines, the Jliwarchy of Rome, would gay aJJc1JJOW (lo
iJJtcgr’ity and have part. in tljc vindication OC Jcho- sap (Jsa. 2X: 15) : ‘We have Jriadc lies our rcfuac. :I!:(1
vah’s t~:~mc? J~~IIov~IL dcelartv 1 Itat his 11;1111(’ h!JiJll bc llIlt~(‘r fa1Wlio0d.F WC h;lVC hid OllIW~VCT ; ~hcref(JW !llC

vintlicatctl ; and ItilVing cIltl:roIJ~tl 1Jis I\‘iJJ~ in %iOii great tribulati011 shall not coIne nigh us.
IJ(Awill not Icst unl il the ri~:htcousncss tticrcot’ :~11:111 Amon:: the lies clcq~ly plnnf cd by that wickwl or-
rll,ljcar and salv3tioJi from Zion 4iall shine as :I tJurIi- gilXlizaticH1 in the IiJiIrtl of IIJillioIIs of pcqJle arc thc’w :
i11y lamp upon :I hi:;11 nl~~l~Ilt:liIl, that the nations may ‘J’hry claim that their oJ~!pniziltiOIl, called ttic “~~orn;lJi
lww that he is (1od. Tlic fait I~I’JJIand 1rue ~vi!tJr~ws C’atholic rhuwli”, IS the ehiircli of (:otl; that it is
\;ill UJU~~i!~COUSt~~ :IIJl~ ,jO~i’Litt~ 0tJC.V !tlC tAl’(t illld Wilt fountlctl and built 1IlJOn the apostle I’ctcr, and 11:iIt
tlnc,tl with him for rvcr. ‘l’lia fcaJ.l’ul, wlli:ih ancl mur- tlic [J~~J(Yare the divindy constitntcti sJwc4sors of
~ilurc’rs shatt tJC cvtuttc‘d, tmau~~o t hc l,ord dw1;j~% l’cltc>r, ;111d that the pop? S~JCilkS willi iltJhOll~tC aLI lror-
his alJ~:eis shall f:atIJ(br them oul atld r:ist ttJr:rjl into ity illltl Ijr nlotle can intcrprct the Swiptmw; they
(1:11~1;11css. .tdl(JIYh has lJnt his n:IIIlc upoll ttJP l’;~ithfol claim !fJ 1Javc a covenant with death aiid hell, having
OIJCS ;iud has d~~~~lw~d that 11cwill use thorn to n~nkc iwwd ;JJ~ authwitatire statvmcnt that there is no
kt~own to the 1131ions that he is SUtJIWIlC. E’or this pur- dent Ii, ;IJI(I that hell is a place of ctcrJJn1 torment fur
l10uc he now IJolcJsforth tlJc Eaillifut as a royal diadem t Iiosc~I\ 11001~1~0s~ the Roman CatlJolic II icrarchy ; the)
in his hand. To you ~110 ;lrc faithful Jehovah now have irivcntcd and pron~ulgatcd the false dwtrinc 0C
conJnwJds: ‘~‘r(‘lJ:lrC the way b(Bforc the pcol~lc ; lift “ puwi tory ’ ‘, claImin!: that mcIJ do not in fact die,
111~ n standard f‘or the people, tti:It they may see the but IKISS on into “purgztory ” , ‘where they sufi’cr much
I+:11t way. ’ punislJmeJJt, ’ and that for a money COlJSidL!J’iJtiolla
Sittilll will SW to it that SOIllC WI10 COUIlt tllClllSC?lVCS lwicst of the modern I’bilistincs can shorten the dura-
wiw, but wlio do not low God, will mingle with the tioti of punishment of men in “purgatory”. Tliiu
niJointcd and attctnpt to tell them that this is not the racket or false tei1ehiJJ.c 1Jas been the ~C~JIS of (I(>-
time to awnl;et~ the great multitude, but that later ceiving and fleecing millions of honest ~~coplc. Thr
more will be &HE. The subtle purpose thereof iS to modern l’hilistincs claim that it is their clod-I,*iwrJ
induce innctivify on your part. 1% not dcccived by privilege and duty to control the ljolil irs of the worl~l
f;uch speech! God’s \\‘ord says that the great multi- and to rule the nations of the world. They have about
t ude must hear the truth now that they may have op- succeeded in bringing all nations under their control,
portunity to learn meekness and righteousnrsq before for the I~+SO~ that the Hierarchy is the I)cvil’s chief
his wrath at Armirgcddon, and the remnant must de- visible ayrnt. The once so-called “I’rotcstantistn” is
liver that testimony. The admonition to the remnant dead.
now is: EC \vatctJfnl, be dili?cnt, and very courageous, The modern Philistines instituted and carried 011
and march fol?rard regardless of the cunning speech for years the wic!;ed and cruel Inquisition, applying
of men and of all other opposition. The faithful will the nJost fiendish torture to men in ordcy to force ttwm
bp on the alert and very active at nil times in God’s to submit to the false faith and dictatorial rule of the
service, obeying joyfully his commandment and the IIierarclJy. Today the modern Philistincs IJnve rc-
law of his organization : “For the commnndmcnt is a established the Eonan iron rule in sonic of the nations
lamp, and the law is light ; and reproofs of instruction and are using that power to torture and persecute
arc the way of Iif?.“-1’rov. G: 23. those who refuse to yield to their wick4 dcmancls.
Among the things written in the Eblc aforetime, As the ancient l’hilistines were bent on the destruction
206 @fieWTCHTOWER BEootiLTS,x. T.

of God’s chosen people, even so today the modern and helped to flee to the only place of safety, piCtUrcd
Philistines are bent on destroying Jehovah’s witnesses by the cities of refuge. God cotnmands his remnant to
and all those who boldly take their stand on the side go through the land and mark the foreheads of those
of God and his kingdom. In Germany alone more persons of good will by exhibiting to them his message
than two thousand faithful witnesses of Jehovah of truth, and he commands that this work must bo
languish in filthy prisons because they worship Al- done before the expression of his wrath. After the
mighty God in spirit and in truth. Many of theso expression of his wrath would be too late, bccausc only
faitltful witnesses have been cruelly tortured. Men those wlto arc taught and learn righteousness shall
and women are forcibly sterilized and others brutally escape. Who will have a part in that witness work?
murdered because they insist on serving God and not Jehovah’s remnant, being of the bride class, will
man. In other portions of the earth the modern engage in this work. The Jonadabs, or great multitude,
Philistincs are forging a well-organized campaign of will hear and also join in the witness work, saying to
cruelty against all who tell the truth. the pcoplc, “ Come.” And those who hear and who
Why does this terrible and wicked condition con- desire righteousness and hate iniquity will say, “Cottte
tirtuc? It is bccausc we are in the last days of Satatt’s and find tltc way to everlasting life.” Everyone who
rule. Christ, the rightful King of the world, is upon loves God will ltavc a part in this witness work.
his throne and ltas nssemblcd and brought into God’s The cvidcttec points clearly to the fact that the ti:no
organization those who arc with him. The enemy has for God’s “strange act” is very near, and Ittat will
galhcrcd his forces to Armageddon for battle, and be the titne of full reckoning with the cncmy. Jchovnlt
tltosc wicked Eorecsttow surround God’s faithful pco- speaks to the modern Philistincs and commands his
plc, and the hour of final conflict bctwcett tltc Lord witnesses to repeat his words in the ltcnring of the
and the Devil draws near. Tltc modern l’hilistittcs by people, to wit (Isa. 28: 18) : ‘Your covenant with
the USCof fraudulcttt and hypocritical ccrcmotties, death and agreement with hell shall not stand: w1tc11
such as enforced saluting of flags attd hailing of men, tlic ovcrllowing scourge shall pass tltrouglt, ihcn ye
arc tltcrcby attcmptittg to browbeat the pcoplc, and sltall bc trodden down; for Jehovah will rise up as hc
put fear ittto their minds, so that the Pltilistittcs tnay did at Mount Pcmzim and at Gibcott, nttd will d&roy
rule all tltc nations. This is the Devil’s scltcnic to turn the cttcttiy. ’ At lhc two points mctttiottcd T)a\id 1~1
all mctt away from God. the forces of the Lord nttd gaitted a great victory.
The Lord has permitted thcsc conditions to come Christ Jesus, the (:rc!atcr Tjnvid, now lcads the tttilit;tttl,
bccausc it is the tittic for the separation of tlic nations forcchsof Jehovah, and will gain the grcittcst victor)
lvhctt all JK!Opk of good will toward God will l;tkC of a11time; and iltcy titut stand firm and joyfully witIt
their stattd on the side of the Lord and find the only him shall have part itt lltnt victory.
place of salvatiott. Tltc Lord lhcrcforc commands his Today tltc modcrtt Philistincs arc battling to gain
witttcsscs to go forth ilttd sound the alarm and to give control of the world. 1’lte.y may soott snccc~tl itt CWI-
the warttittg, that those who dcsirc to ltcnr may hear. pcllittg evcryonc to submit to them, except lhe trite
Tltc Lord has clearly rcvc;~led to his people that those pcoplc of (lad. Thcsc lat Icr appear so small in ttutnhc~r,
who will compost the great multitude must Itear the and, tliry rcfusittg to ctttploy physical force to t&sit,
testimony of attd cottccrttittg his kittgdotn before the the tno(lcrn l’liilistitics will soon say: ‘\V\‘c arc itt con-
expression of God’s wrath. 11;s witttcsscs must give trol of the world; wc arc now itt pcncc iltld in sdcty,
that testimony rcqtrdlcss of opposition and persccu- and the ranting of this hnttdiul catt do us no harm.
tion. The crisis is ltcrc, and now the Lord says to ltis Says the Lord concerning tltc modwn I’hilist iticq
olvn: ‘Fear not tltc enemy ; what I hare rcvcalcd to (1 Thcss. 5: 3) : ‘When they shall sq, PWCC atid
you in scerct, boldly declare from tltc housetops.’ safety, thctt sutldcn dcslruction shall cotne upon tlictlt,
The forward movement throughout the land is pro- and tltcp sltall find no way of escape.’ AS I)itvi(l
gressing, The Lord has caused to be published a book crushed the ancient l’liilistittcs, so the Lord v;ill crit41
entitled Riches; setting forth the plain truths of and the modern Pltilistincs orgatiizaliott ; and \\ lictt that
concerning his kingdom and fully csposing the enemy, is done, then many alto looked with awe upon the
and particularly tltc modern Philistines. That book Roman Catholic Hicrarclty as God’s rcpresctttittivc! Ott
is ttow ready in many languages attd all over the land earth will exclaitn: “IIow strange!” It will alq)c’:tr
the faithful go forth as ottc tnan joyfully putting strange to them bccausc it is God’s “strattg~ act”.-
that messagein the hands of the pcoplc, that they may Isa. 28 : 21.
SW and know that Jehovah is the only true God and It is not for us to know just in what manner God
that his kingdom is the only hops of man. will perform his strange act, which hc pictured at
In many nations there arc hottest persons who sigh Gibcon. Our work is to do what God hnq c’om-
becauseof the abominations they see committed among mandcd us to do. For the ettcouragcmcttt and com-
men, and which defame God’s name. It is Jehovah’s fort of his people Jehovah gave prophetic illus-
time that such persons of good will shall have the op- trations in times past. When the men of Epltruitn
portunity to hear the truth, that they may be warned joined Gideon’s little band of warriors thus Jehovah
JCLY 1, 1936

foretold that the inrisiblc host of heaven, under Christ, gospel of t!w kingdom. The true and PzGthful will not
will join the rcmnnnt and push the battle to a victor- fwr what, the rnemy may do to them, but will trust
ious end. When David was marching to attark the in the Lord and continue to sing his praises.
I’hilistines at Gibeon the Lord said to David: ‘When I-ou anointed oues are the sons of God, and his com-
thou hear& the sound of going in the tops of the mul- mand you mnqt obey. Far better it is to die at the hand
berry trees, tlwn shall the Lord go out before thee and of the enemy hew.~sc of your faithfulness to Jehovah
smite the l’hilistincs.’ Clearly it appears that the than to prove unf;~ithPul to him alld suffer everlasting
‘sound in the mulberry trcw pictured the invisible destruction. To his sons Jehovah nom says (190~.
host of heaven en!zaging in the fight under the Greater 29:22): “The fear of man bring&h a snare; but who-
David. WC know that it is our duty to attack the cncmy EO puttcth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” ; and
boldly by loudly singin:: the prai>cs of Jehovah, and (I’rov. l-5 : 26) : “In the fear of the Lord is stron::
tlttlt it will he the invisible host of heaven 7111&r Christ conG11cnce; and his children shall have a place of
Jesus that will enter the battle and complctcly destroy rel”u:yJ. ’ ’
the enemy. It is now clear that our part is to joyfully As Jehovah snid to his pcoplc ol’ old, so now he says
c::rry this Kingdom messa~c to the pcoplc of’ good to thaw who fully trust him : ‘1%~ wry couraqou~,
c.ill. Within ourr.clves we arc unable to cope with ihc aiid bc not afraid; for the hattlc is not your’3, but
cllcrlly ; but our extremity will 1~ the I,orcl’s oppor- Gwl’s. Christ Je\os i% Jehovah’s IZiyht Arm in t11is
tunity to smite the cncmy to the duYt, and give victory battic, and lie is certain to gain complctc victory o\(‘~
to his faithl’ul. the cn~m;v. From ltrnwl%rth cvcry JJcrson 1% ho low* :
Let all those who engage in giving the tc:;tinrony as (:od 2nd IIis King will in ob~dicnw to his f’O111111il11~1
wmmandcd Ly the Lord rejoice because the day of boltlly and cour:y:cously lift lti~;li the banner of lrik;
\ Aory and tlclivcr;lncc is at hand. Jn this ~-or!; J&o- ki~l+m by dili~:cntly and cl~tllu:;i:l~ii~~:lllp cLl!,::lgill:
~211’s anointed will bc in compl~4t: unity and tlwll in in tlic witwss work, and with inc.r.w5in!: joy \; III COII-
IJ(SCC. The remnant will aid atld comfort the Jowldab tintIc to L~II:<,“E’or .Jcl~ovall ;lnd IOL’ 111~Vlntliriltol.”
cornpmy. The don:~d::bs, or gwat multitude, will he IVIle the fight is Cllllc~l ill1 hli1’vivin:,P crc:~t.c,ll will I)2
at lwacc ilIlt \~;llk harmorlioLi4y with the l’~~lilllillft. hin::in:: tllc pmisr5 01’ tllc Z.fost Iii<;11 ilrld sag111~: ‘Ilk
All will stand shuuldcr to shoulder and battle for this lfoly Arm has gotten him tlic victory.’


Ibw J~WTILI I: J~vw::~:ror;o:

(Contlnwd from pap 208)


Clla’YtoIl WCII s su 1 :oopm
sL u Z:OOpm Su 3 :OUp
Wtwelin:: T\‘\l?‘A Su lO:OO.:m
Be ns~~rd of our continued lore and loyalty to you and of su 1 : oupm Ru ti :03p1
our earnest ViTort to carry out all instrnctious from you and
from the \V:ltrh l’ower organization, of which we rccognizo
J’OU RS the responslblc hcnd. WISCONSJN
Faithfully and loyally your fellow publishers, La Crow2 \FliBH Su 1O:::O:~m
J. R. GORASFLO, su 1 : oq’l” 811 5 :30]‘”
EDNA iU, Go~a,vno. Madison \VlBA su 10 :30aLLl
The good news of the kin&m of 3ehovah is broadcasteach week or oftencr br theseand ocherstationsat time shown
(Current local tlms is shown FRANCE -IDAHO- NEW YORK
in each Instance.] Radio l%&ets Th 9:OOpm Boise KID0 Su 10 :5%m Brooklja WBBli Su 9: loam
Illordio Juan-les-Pins Su 6:OOpm We 4 : OOpm su 4:30pm Su 7:3Opm
ARCESTINA (Cote d’A.rur) Ra 8:OOpm Btooklvn \\rBBR Su 10 : l&m
Bahia Blanca LU:! Su 11: BOum ILLIXOIS Su ii:ZOpm JJo 1O:DOam
Radio Lyon Ss G:SOpm Chicago WCFJ~ Su 8 :OOam
Buenos Aires LHS Su 10 :Wam &lioKatan-VitusSu I’?:00 nn Tu 10 .“Olm
.<a L Tu G:ZOpm
Lou Andes, San Juan Hattmb’g \\‘EI!Q Su 4:J;?pm We 10:3Oam We 6:3Opm
Tu 7:43pm Th 7 :45pm Su G:iTJpm Su 9 :OOpm
LV5 Su 10 : 43am Sa 7:45pm Th 10:3Oam Th 6:ZOpm
Quincy RThD Su 9:ljam Ft 10 : 30em I‘t G:30r)m
*ai Kimcs Tu D:OOpm su 2 :3Opm We 2:3Opm
Tuscola \VDZ Su 9:35nm Su 10 I45pm
NE\V SOUTII WALES PARAGUAY Su 1l:BSam Su 1:5Opm Buffalo TYRBW Su 5 :%pm
Albuty Z-BY Tu 9:4.>pm dsuncion ZP9 Su 10:3Oam IOWA Ftecnott TVGBB Su 10 :2&m
Goulbutn 2.GN su 7:3Opm C. Rapids WMT Su 10:OOam s;12 :3-Jpru Su 5:t;pm
On&on 2.GF Tu 7 :3OJm Su 3 :30J)m Su 9 :00pm Kc\r.Yotk \WSX Su 1 :%pm
Gunncdnh 2-510 su 7 :OOpm Su 4:55pm Su 9 :Mlm
Lisntcltc 2-XN We 7:15pm MhlSE
(Eastern Stantlard ‘J’mle) Wnte PI. \V’FhS Su G:OOJm
New Castle Z-IID Su lO:%lam Augusta \VJ1DO Su 9:5jam
8:r 7:3.5pm Tu 10 :55am Sn 10 :>>am
su G:%pm Su 11:4Opm Su 1 :ljpnr su 5:ooJml
Spanish Su G:i.jpm Bangor ~YJ~BZ \rc 9.x. . ‘ Llll NORTJI C.\ROLIS,\
we G :3Jptu
Sydney 2.UE Su 9 :O~):im \\ e I!? :5jpt IS0 5 : lllp1u Ctecnsboto \V111G Su 1U:ZOam
Su 4: 25pm 11R U G II A Y PtescJueI. 1V.1GY Hu 0 :-Ihn OIlJO
Tamv;otth 2-TM Su 8 :OOpm %mtrvillco CXlO Su l?:l:jpm su 12 :3op1u su 1 :5~J”tl Akron WJ \V Su 11 : nO:un
IV ‘gn\i ‘6” 2-\vti su 7 :45pm (Rad10 Intct~mcional) BIARYLASD Su 3 :PZJnn Sn 1IJ :I ,[“I’
Baltimov \\‘(:J%JI Su 9 :GOam CJv\clantl \VJAY Su 9 : ;.>:~m
IiIJEENSLhSD Su ? : ZOprn Su .j ~Wprn
Bti’?b:Ul2 4-W Su 7:3Oam UNITED STATES Su 12 : 13pm Su G: 13Jml
ALABhMh Frederick \VI’AJD Su 11, :::O:WI Columbus \VJjNS Su 7 :IT,.im
M~rryhor ‘II 4.AJU Wo 9: 1.j1m su 12:::opi lro 10:xnm
Townsrille 4-TO \Ve 8 : WJMI Bit-m ‘h:trtl \VAl’I Su 9 :lZam Su 1:7OJmi su 5 :ooJ”u
\\‘c 10 ::XJ:un J’t IO.“0..I . ,I,,
su ~:lJJ’nl \sc 3 : 151”” MASSACIIUSETTS
ThSMhXiA COlIIIIllJIIH \\‘COL su Jrl:lllJ:Irn
Launceston 7-M Su 5 :45pm ALASKA Boston \\‘WiX Su Y :25arn Th 2 : 3Opm S:r 1 :4;J’m
Ulretetone 7-U V Su 5 : 30pm firctchiknn liC;J:U 110 7:lSrml St1 4 : BOput Su X:131ml
Th 7 : 1SJ~I Sa 7 : I~~Jlll h’cc~~lhnt \C Oi:J> Su 10 :O.i:uu 0liLSlJOil.Z
VICTORIA ARIZONA su 2 :ot;J”Il su 3 :03pr11 Tulsa livO<J 8u 9:Xhm
Ball:ttat 3.1C.l Su 12:4+m JCWIllC KCJlJ Su 8:ZOam Su 2:ls~m 310 4 : 531ml
Itendi,“o 3.II0 Su 7:M~pm DHCH iChN
su 1?:2~~‘ttl su 3:oopll Detroit \\‘.I I< su 10:nonrn ORECOS
Ifamilton 3.11‘~ su G: LiJ”” Turson JiGRR su 9 :::lJ:lrrl Portland K1VJ.J Su lO:.IT,:tm
1 lothm 3-11s St1 8:oq’nL li:tl:1n1nzoo\V1<%0 Su 8 :Z;:un
su 15:xJ’lll Hu 5: 1.i]“‘1 Su Y :.X:m Su lU:5Zam Su 4: l.SpIn SII !~:OOpIn
hIc1bour110 3-hK Su 2: 1*~J”Zl Spanish Fr 7:OOpm
3-r-311su 7:l+l PENSXYI,VANIA
Svvsa JIill YlIIllLI JCUXA Su lS:l,jJ~:~l ,IIlNSESOTh Grcensb’y \i’lIJJ: SII lO:l.?~n
WEST AUSTRALIA su 0 :JlJpl su 7:3uJ”” F’~:rlsF:lllsJi(;JJJ~: su 10:00am su :: :Il~,[‘ltl
K:ll~oWll~ Ii-KG su 7:W~prn AHKhY‘S\(i Su 1 :4jpm Su 7:l.ipm
I .. . hllrl’;ll”‘ll~\\J~~;~ su 9:15::m
Ptltslmr~h JiQ\ 8u lrl: 1,: ~rl*
Nortll3Ill Gi-.\!if Su 7 :(JIl111tt Hot Pp’p K1‘JIS su 10:30:1n1 I’1114J’~i1 \SlS:,\Y ,\I1 II): !-l:1rn
Pctth G-ML Su 7:UUpm su z : fIo]rlll \Sc G: 13pm
CALIFORSIA hIootltca~I JiGFli Mu 1O:W:tm
Mu 5 :ooJm1 $!I 9:II1tpm
El (‘cntto ICXO su 1o:oOam Su 1: ::‘J[IIM su 7 :r!llJ’“l SOUTH CAItOJ,ISI
BELGIUM 811 1 s : I$” Su (i:4T,~mI Glccnvrllc \VFJH’ Su lo:Gx~~i
Wallonia-I~onue Espc~nnec Eureka liJI~,\I Su 1O:lSam JIISSIRSII~PI su 3 :lJoJm’ su f;:(‘opr”
(291.7 III) \Yc 7 : ouuul su u: ROptt Su 9 : 1Zpm Jlattiest~ ‘g:\V1’FJ1 Su 1 :OOpm sb J’:“t’h’~ \SSPX su I~l:::lr.lrlt
I~ollynoc,rl KKX su JO :1~:1m su 3::Illpt Su 5 : ::OJ”U SU 2 : ()()J’lIl su 4 :5rrJlm
CANADA su 5:J~ptt1 Su 7 :jjJ~m hJerldi:tn \\‘cOC Su 10 :00:1m SOU’J’II DAIi0T.t
ALBEJVl’h 0aklnnd KRO\V Su 10:1~~l:~m Su 2 :f!jpti Su 6:3Opm Picttc ICGJt’S Su 1 ~l:Wl:~m
Calgaty CFCN su 5 :45J”Il su 3:ooJml Su 7:00pm nIlSSOUR Tu 4 :OOpm ‘l-11 4 : UOpm
Tu D:Ofhm Tu 2 : OOJ”n Columl)m Kl’ltti Su 10:::Oam TENSESSEE
BRITISH COLUMBIA Tu 11 :O(IJIIII WC 8 : I .j pm su 1 :Rf:J’lll So ?:45pm
Rclowna CKOV Mu 1 :?J+n Chn ‘noop \VJ)Ol) Su 9:ZO:lm
E’r Y :l5pll Sa lO:OOJnn St. Josq~h liJ’l<Q Su 10 :Wum su 4 : l.i[“‘L
,su 1: ~OJ1”
N0V.i SCOTIA COLOR.\IrO fh : ::!(JJ”‘I su 6 :LNJ’Ill
Jarkson \VTJS Su ‘Jf):.:ci.~rn
Sydney CJCJJ Su 9:OOpm co1 ‘a Spt. I<\‘011 Su lO:iria111 KERRISKh SU 12:l~jpttl $,I 2:::rlyml
ONTARIO Mu 2 ::ZQJml Su 4:3Opm Lincoln KFAIJ Su 9:30am Memphis \\ Jtl,Z Su 8:Zlm
Colnlt CJ<JJC Su 3:00p1u J)ul.:mgo L-XL-J’ su 1:OOprn NEVIDA su 3 :ooJml Su 10: U,jpIIt
Ilamilton CKOC Su IO:::Oam ClCVlCy IWJ<h JJo 9 :3Oam Ki)IJ Su lO:DO.lm h’a~ll\illc I \VL,1C Su S ::;.Z:im
No 1:OOpm AJo G:~+I Reno
su 1 :3oJ”III su 8:uuptt~ su 3 :3opm su 9 : OOJ’“l su 10:30:1111 hu
’ Y :~0pul
N. I%tit:tin \VSUC Su S : OOam Laconm \vLsJI Su IO : 3oam nA:ls 1VHJ( $11 9 :8O.ru1
CHINA su 9:oo::m su 10:00:1ul Su 3 : XipIn Su 7 :Xpn
Shfingh:ti XlIlIE Su 13:GiJ nn Su 3 : lOJ0n 8u 7 : 1OJ’IIl
Shanghai XYIJA Su 8 :l;pm NE\\’ JERSEY
n’ashington \\‘OI, Su 10:OOatfl Su l:ljl~m Pu Ci::;:j~~m
su 7:xpm
AshItp 1’. \sc.\ I’ su I? :J~pm llouston IiXT7 ‘$I llJ:Ot~ im
Su 1 :OOpni tsu 2 :lq-‘1,, su 9 :on}Jlll
CUBA I%ORIDh l’t. .~tthut IiPhC Lu 9 .::ll.tm
C!ttibarlen CMJJl) Crrmdm I\ C.\31 MO 2 :ZOJm~ su
Miami \VIOD Srt 10 :03am Su 2:35plu 4:::1lJ’“l
Spnntsh MO I : I Zpm NO 9 ::!oJJm we 2 : 3opm
Sti 2 :45pm Su 4: 4jpm S.Antonlo liM.\C Sa 7 :T,ium
Camayey CM.JF Su 11 :.i%m Fr 2 : 3OJ”” rr 9 :%JJ)m
Orlmtlo \WBO 8u IO : 3Omn Su 2 : 53pm Su 7:jjpm
II3mna OiQ Newark \SlIBI Su .0 .LI
su 1 : ooJml Su 5:30~~m Su G :231ml Nu 9 : 00J’“’ UTAH
Spanish Su 5 :3(lpm Salt L. City 9:45am
&ultaCl’a C>lJII su 11:7h1u GEORGIA IC’ewatk \\‘SEW Su 7 :OQn icsr, SO

(1st nnrl 3d Sundays) Atlanta WATL Su 10:-15nm No 12 : 2+nl 3 :?Jpm Ft VERMOST

Spanish Su 11 :~~Onin su 1 :oopm su 9:oopm NEW ;\lE);ICO Springf ‘d \VSBS I>r 9 :flO:rm
Spanish Th 11 :llOnm IIAVi'hII Albuq ‘quc 1iOB \Se 11 :&am Ft 4 :2spn1 E’r S : Udp~n

(let and 3d Thursdays) lIil0 KIlBC Su 10: OOam \v’c 5 : %oru We 8 :2jnm

JULY 15, 1936

OnADIali (Part 3) -.-...-.I.~ -- ,--. . . 211
Worldly Wise _..-.-.. __l^.....“......““.....-...
The Rcmon “I_.l.._..““_..C._ll....... .. ..--- 215
“_“.“., __..-...._.” ,..^..““..^“.“-”
Qucstiom for Study I^. ...” . .... . .... . .-..- 220
SERVICE APP~IXTJIEZ~TS ,_._. _...._ I . . ..--... 221
._. . -......~o..............~...............a.....
KEW PORTABLE PII~XOCRAPH ... .- -..-. -._. 210
WATCH TOWER BIBLE 6 TRACT SOCIETY Journal iS puLliulied for the purpose of enahlio~
117 Adams street
- Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A. T III8
the people to know Jehovah God and 1~19purpo9cs :.y
expressed I:I the Bible.
specifically dcqi::ned t0 ad
It publisha
Blblc lo9tructron
wvltncssea. It alr:mge,
J. F. R~~TIICRFOP,D I%Wid+%t Ii*. 6. VAX .~MBlXOFI Seoetary S~StelJJatJC 13Jbil: Study for its X:&73 and SU~l~~Jf’S Otllt-I ktcl-
;‘And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and aturo to 3id In SUCh stu&ea. It pubh9hes 3u~t:tlk mrterd
for r&o broAdcasting and for other means of pul~l~c InutIuc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“-L&lr 54:13. tion in the timptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH anccs. It is entilcly free and scparato from all lj:il tl(AP, sect9
THAT JEfiOVAfl is thr only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly OrguUlLJti~JD~. lt is wholly an11 WJthOUt
to cverlastlng, the Uakcr of ht:a~en and earth and the Girer reservation tor the lungdom of Jehovah God nndrr chli*t
of life to 1113 crc4urcs; tlult the Logo9 was the beginning of his Beloved &ny. It JJ not dogulatic, but in!~!(*~ cnrcful
his creation and 1119a~t~vc agent in the creation of all thmgs; and crltical c-wmnatlon of its conlents in the light of tl:,,
that tllo I.og'us is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scripturc3. It Joe9 not intlulgo in controversy, nud Its col-
l:ith all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executlre umns are not 011rn to pcrsonalltics.
Ofiicer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD ctta:itcd the earth for man, created perfect JiEBLY ~CBSCI:IPPION PaICE
man for the (larth :lnd plnccd him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law :\Ittl \v:LS scntc*ncetl to dKtt.ll; that by
leason of .\~larn’s wrong act all men arc botn slnncrs and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS W:I~ mndo humnn, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death In OIIIP~ 10 [~~o~lucc the ranqorn or rcdcmptlvo
price for all rnnnktnd; tlmt Gut1 ralsctl up Jesus &vine anIl
exalted him to Ilt%%c!n ul~r~\c c:\vry crt,ntutc and above every FOl:I:ION OFFICES
name and clothed him with all power und authority,
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORG~\NIZATION i9 c:tllcd Zion, and
that Christ Jeau9 19 tllc (‘IIK~ Ofliecr thcrcof and is the
rightful J-img of the worhl; th:lt the anolutctl and faithful
followers of Christ .Jrsus are rh&lrcn of Zion, members of
Jehovah ‘8 01 gnnimtlon, :ln~l :~rc his u itnciscs n hove duty and
privilege it IS to tc9tlfy to tl~c suprcm:Lry of J(bhov:lh, declare
his purpoFe3 toward mankiu~l :M cxprc~quc~l in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the km~~lom bcxforc all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD 11~9 CII~C~, and the T,ortl Jc~us Christ
has bzcn ylaecd by Jchor:~h upon lur thromc of authority,
has ousted Satan from hmvc~u and is procccdmg to the
estnbhshment of God ‘3 kmqlom on e:l* th.
THAT TfiE RELIEF ant1 1>1<4ng9 of 1110~~0pk-3 of cnJtl1
can come only by and through J&ovnh ‘y ktuqlom under
Christ which has now lqun; 1h:tt the I,or11 ‘9 nrxt great
act is the destruction of S:tt:,n’s orpnizution ruul the cytnb-
liahment of rightcou9n659 In thn c:lrth, nml th:it nnrlrr the
kingdom 311 those who will ol~cy its righteous laws shall live Entered as Second Claslr Marl Muttrr at Ilrool;lyn, S. I’., Postoflcc.
on earth foroler. Art o/ UwYh 3, 1.w.
- - -- ---- I__- --__-__r--_..- ---- .-- __
The midsummer tcstlmong prnod, Aoqust l-9, is designated
“ Jehol-ah ‘9 I’rrlse”
‘. . ’1’ lus \\111 Lc an ckccllcnt tluie for as many
as can to arrauqc to t:\l\(! th3r \xention, t1mxh.y to bc :tblc to
devote as much tlmc :19 po~~~l,lc to this JIJJTJIPI~Z than nhcll
none is hjghcr or gJan&r, .lcl~o~:tl~ ‘3 pralsc. Til:it all his de-
vuted ones may Legin ut once to plun :tuJ :rrl.lufe therefor it
iS here stated that the fexhrc rot this t&imorly lgcriod WJli be
the offering bound in a speeml wr:lppcr lh.d~s One, Two aud
Three of V~mlicnt~on, on cunrJlbutlon of Xc. l’lndmtron,
with its full statement on the work of Ltlle m:Jn with lhe
inklhorn’ and the Jchu.Jon:ltl:~l1 picture, etc., 3!1ould prove ex-
cellent material to 111acsofc~ll0wlnji the IcctqJt \\~tlc dJ3tributIon
Of the book A’whes. It WJII also be proper to offer in conlhnn~
tion with the above three book3 the trko book9 Light nlth the
book Prophecy, all on a $1.00 contlilmtlou. “Pr:lide yc Jeho-
vah.” Due reports of your prwue cfc’urts should be mn~le, to
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VOL‘.LVII JULY 15, 193B No. 34

“For thy violewe against t?tg brotlwr Jacob, shame slmll cover thee, and thou shalt be cut of for ever.”
-0bad. 10.

EIIOVAII GOD is the Most High, and before him on earth are the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy or clergy.
there is no otlicr. Any crcalure nho csalts him- Into that conspiracy or confederacy have been drawn
self to a high place commits a presumptuous sin tfic commercial traffirkers and profes4onal political
and so is an abomination in the s&$t of God. It was rU!WS. kJ\V, SayS k!!lO~!l by !liS tJrO[)!lc~ ~~!xldiatl:
Lucifer who said: “I will ascend above the heights “All tllc man of thy confcdcracy [All lhy corcnant-
of the clouds: I will be like the Most JIigh.” (Isa. men (Roth.)] have broug!lt thee even to the border;
14: 11) The Devil formed a rwqJirwy agaillst Cod ItIc men that wcrc at pcacc with thee h;LVC dcccivcd
and drew into that conspiracy 8 host of s!)irit crcaturts thee, and prcvaitcd against. that ; they that cat thy
and a multiludc of earthly creatures. Those conspir- bread have laid a u-oud III&~ the ; there is none
ators have ileficd C:(Jd and rcpKQactlcd his holy name. undcrstandin~; in him. “-Obxd. 7.
The end of sudi colls!Jir;ltors k dCS~rUc~kJl1, and Je- ‘The c~tcrgy have taught ltwir other conf&ralcs
hovah has so writtcrl tllc judgment. (ISzek. 28: 18, 19) to hate t host who arc on thr sitlc of Jcl~orah and his
Cod’s rule is cstal~lishcd, arid hc Ctlilll~CS not. Dc- King, aIId for that rcxon ttlc filittlfut witwsscs of
struetion is the fate of illI the wicked conspirators. J~~l~ovah now arc “tiiltcd of ill1 [nations] for my
The name of Jchorati is dircctty
pcoplc. Those who hate them hate
JCSUS. Those who consl)irc :lgaiM the I>co~~c of Cod
rclntcd to his Eaithlul
Jc4ovah and Christ

SIICC”, silys the r,ord. (Alatt. IO: 22) ~‘IIc con-
s!)irators are at! against Co0 and Cllrist awl his king-
aIld all WtIO ;lrC f:lvoril!JtC t0 Itlilt kiIlgt!OIll. ‘r!lOSC
cotlspirc against t!lc I,ord llimsdf. Jehovah has cx- in ltic coilspir;iry or confcdwlcy aside from ttic clergy
alted Christ Jesus to tlw hig!wst plow in hi5 orgcaniza- iII’C dOlt!J~tc*ss l!lC OllCs t!(WritJcbct IS “t!lC !Jritlrdi!):l! Of
tion. A hill is ttlc tli~tl~st part of ttic mountain, ltrat ttlc flock” of the rcligiollists. “kings
‘l’tl(~sc arc ttlc
is to say, it is the wry l)innacle of Ihc mountain ; and of tt1c cnr111” \V!lO 11avc ‘~conimittcd fornicMion” with
eonecrning the posit ion in which God places Jesus lq’dom the old “ whore” ttio rcl i,!$JUS systcIn% (Jicv.
Ilt! Pays : “Yet hnw I set my king upon my holy hill Jf : 1, ‘2) They constitu;c the “tlircc,seore allO six”
of Ziou.“-4%. 2 : 6. clcmciits in ttic number of tht: beast. (1:~. 13: 18)
*The Devil, Gag, the wicked angels, the clergy and Concerning thcsc confedcrntc men, tllc princ*i!xil of
others conspire togcthcr against God aud against his the flock, tlic Lord by his !)ro!,hct s:tys: lt’or tticy
nnointcd. (1%. 2: 2, 3) Christ Jcsw, ttw King and “brought lhcc [ (li.17.) brought thee on the wy] evrn
Judge, now at the temlAc sends forth his anoint cd ancl to i!ie border”, that is, to the I~oUIldnry line or lo the
apIwovct1 ones to proclaim the mes~nge of the king- limit, to t!ic csit or jUmtJiIi:-off !i!;lce. T!ICJW Cwc-
dom, and those who prow true and faithful to him nant men, that is, Ulc commcreial and political cle-
in declaring that mcssagc form a part of the holy na- mcnts, come to cliswrn the hypocrisy of the modern-
tion of Jehovah. The haters of God and of Christ and day Edomitcs and tlicy stiow tliwc IGlomilcs the csit
of the faithful remnant conspire together to destroy and tell them to get out. In ihis connection it is in-
the remnant or “holy nation”, as it is wittcn : “They teresting to note that at t!ic battle in ttie valley of
hayc taken crafty counsel against thy people, aud bXaC!la!l JC!lO~~lil Of tlOStS, t!le (;Od Of tXltt!P, Con-
consulted against thy hid&n ones. They have said, fused the allied forces so comptctcly that Noah and
Come, and let us cut tlwm off from being a nation; Amman fougltt against Edom first and dcstroytd the
that the name of Israel may be no more. in rcmcm- Edomitcs, and tltercaftcr “every one hcllwd io dc-
brance. For thcby have consulted tog&her with one con- stroy another”. (2 Chron. 20: 23) This pivturc sw11~s
sent; they arc confederate against thee.“-4%. 83 : 3-5. to imply that the “principal of the flock” will drive
*In the conspiracy here mentioned the Edomitcs are the clergy into the hands of a mob from which thq
spccificatly named. (Vs. 6) In the present-day con- will receirc no symI)athy. That does not at all mean
spiracy to destroy Jehovah’s witnesses the chief ones that the principal of the flock or the mob nil1 then

show any favor to t!w remnant of Jehovah. Those who sq-s, ‘They reach the limit’; and that limit is atJ0Ut
serve God look to IIim and his King and to none other at lla~ld.
for aid and prolcction. 9 For some time political and financial men have
5 Continuing to address his words to the Edomitcs, furnished tlw whcrwiihal to “sprcsd lhe butter on
Jehovah by his Inq~hct says: “The men that were at the bread” for the clergy. in this, that they have held
pcacc with thee [ (nwqiw) lbc men of thy pence] them high up aud induced the common pcoplc to think
haw dcccivcd tlwc, and prevail4 against thee.” Ac- that Ihcy arc worth whllc; alld ttlC COJllIi’lOll pcop!e
cording to Rotlterirnnl this scripture wads: “The men have supported them with their contributiol~?, and the
thou {vast wont to salute,” or, “The men wont to rich have coutributcd on the theory tllilt ihe clcrgj
Sllutc thctc.” Norc literally, and according to the could render them some good. Those smc IJW have
marginal rcadiug of Z~otAc~4l~w: “The men of thy sat at the table of the clergy and have fed upon the
saluam.” The prrscnt-day fads exavtly fit this part so-called ~JrOvCnder that Ihe clergy provided and
of the prophwy. Today the ck:rgy and ‘the principal handed out to them. To be sure, the Lord Eorclrnw
of their frock’, the commercial trafiickcrs and politi- this, and foretold it in Ihcsc words: “Thvy 111:lt chat
cians, have formed a mutual ndmiralion society. The thy bread [ (wcwgin) The men of lliy bread ] have laid
clergy pay hi$ complimenls and great respect. to t.hc a wound [(Il.%‘.) a snare] nuder thee.” Stntcsd in
big politicians, whom they eat1 “great statcsmcu”, other PlllXSC, for some time Ihe clcrq have bfvi cai-
and to the money-chan~crs, whom tlwy call “great sidcrcd an advisitblc adjwct to bin politic’s alId lJi4;
fillil1lCiCI% ’ ‘. In their swmons or sIwcchcs from their business, and in inrn the hII: clergy have attc~mI)trtl to
pulpits ihcy extol ttic ~Oofl1lCSS and the virtue of these supply some kiiid of’ so-caltcd “~piritwt loofd” ut101l
principal 01~s of their Ilocks, at the same time twhling which to fcrd the principal of their Ilwlr. lSut ;lc~orcl-
their h:~nds hehind them, and wholly ignore 1hc name ing to the IJr0thccy ttlC tilnc :ll’J’iVCS Wtlw !tlc4~’ “t,rlJl-
Of khJ\dl and hi% Jiillq. Ttlc “ priiicitd Of ttw ~tOd-Z”, cipal of the ltwlc” see the twogrcss 0C the war twt\\ wn
the I’otiticiilns and rommcrcinl traflicltcrs, pay great, the morlc~*n J*Xomilcs and lhc rcmuanl of t IIC Lord,
rcspcct lo the clergy, calling lhem “fafhcr”, “rev- and, clearly tli.srernin~: lhc ti) powi9.v of the I~:tloinitw,
crml, ” “do&Jr,” and similar titles. they say to tticir crstwhilc allies, llic cl(-~yv: “Jt is
‘A lwlin:: Imliliciaii of tlw prcwit day ma& a wiough. \\‘hat is the use of liavilq thnsc t):irnnch5
l iqwd1 011 the’ 23d clay of E‘&ruur~y, l!JX, callinn upon hang on to our boat 1 Let us hrwtr Illcain tooic: 2nd srt,
all the cl~rqy, rc~~pr,lt~so of rlcwoniirlation, to form a them adrift.” Corrot~ornlin~~ Iliis 1he protllwt of t tic
“ tJrOftK!rhOOd“, il?l llc CilllPd it, and join hiUlflS Lllld Lord says : “ And it shall come to p:iw, that 1% l1(~1i :lrky
staIrf1 firm tngctticr ;Ipwilist those I\ ho are csporiug shall yet tWot)hesy, ltirn lti:; father allfl his nlut tichr
or atiwkinq their “f;lit 11”. The clergy and the prin- [provi&rs 2Jld tiouri4icrs] that l.,cg:;lt him ~tUl1 hiI)’
eipal of thabflock praise each other a11d pat each other unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou st)~~~kcst,Iif3
on the l~ick. When t ticbrc is a great funcf ion, political in the name of the 1,ord [1 hat is to say, you toud, ly-
or ot ticwise, Ihc rlcrgy ‘Iore the uppermost rooms ing fakes, you do not rc>I)rcwnt (:oJ and Christ ~Jcsus] ;
at thtsc fWStH, ;lId the chief scats in the syllapoguc4, and his fatt,c,r a11d his mottwr [who have acl~~~o~~l~d~:c~~l
anfl low to be grcctcd in the market ptacc and bc and supporlcd the clergy who claim 10 hc t~~*i~t~hf~ts of
rallcd hy other men, l<iItJt>i Idoctur, rcvcrcnd, or (iod] th,lt tN~g:;lthim Stlilll tllJW4. him IllJWil:tl \Ptlvll
lather, or papa] ‘. (Alatt. 23 : G,7) Their ronfcderacy he prophcsi~lh. And one shall say unto 111111, ~Vttat
goes to the limit, and they come to ttic end. are thc$e wounds in thinc hands? ‘I’ticn hc htt:itl an-
7 Today the clergy rcty nut upon God and Christ swer, ‘i’l~~e with which I \\x \voul:tlcd in 111~1~0use
but dqwnfl nl~~n the ‘princGpa1 of lhrir llock’ to of my friends. ’ ‘- %ech. 13 : 3, 6 ; WC Z’wp’o~rtlif~?f,
feed them ?nd keep them in the linicli4it. Concerning page 252.
this unholy alliance Jehovah says: “The nwn of thy lo This sums to point to 11~ fact that 1he clergy
peace [reliance] have deceived thee, and prcvailcd during the period of war, which iq IIOW in pwgws,
against thco. ” Those ‘seed of the Scrprnt’ may cx- will be cspox~l, disgraced and cast aside, ancl thrn will
pCCb ttlilt very thing. follow tlirir tlcstruction at Armageddon. In tlic Itevil’s
h The Scriptures show that lhc money-chanqrs be- 0rEanization ;ifi’cction changes or prclcndc0, 1’cigw-l
come WCilry listenin% lo and submitting to their so- aft’cciion ccnws and Ihe alJl);lrcntly 11wt of flQicnds fall
called “spiritual advisers”, the rcliqionists, and thcg out and ii&, against cnctl olhcr. As God’s prophet
throw them off, as Napoleon did the clcqy of his day, Ezekiel puts it: The “untcmlwred morfcl”’ fails lo
and as the BoIshcviks of Rwsia did a few years are. pcrninncnt IF bind them t oq4!itr. ( IML 13 : lo- 1T,;
The political and financial men who form the “prin- 22 : 28) “Therefore, 0 ~Vwlihah [Jcrn~:~l~m ; pro-
cipal of the flcwk” well know that ihc clewy arc tiypo- fessed and Ir~I~ocriticat ctcqy], thus suit!1 thr Idord
c&es who claim to bc followrs of Christ, and yet God, I&hold, I wilt raise up thy lovers a~:ilnst ttw(J,
who organize and carry on persecution against harm- from whom thy mind is aliellatcd. ;,nd I 11ill hrirr!:
1~s men and women who do the wiil of God by telling them against thee on every side : They shalt :jlc 0 st 1‘1p
of his name and his kingdom. God by his proplwt lhce out of thy cl0tllcs’ and talie away tlly I’dir j:;Vct ,.

And they shall deal with thee hatefully, and shall take so “self-wise “, and regard themsclvcs as so very im-
away all thy labour, and shall leave thee naked and portant, that they call uJ~on the pdJk2 rulers, judge<
bare; and the nakcdncss of thy whoredoms shall be of courts, and ofiiccrs of the lower rank, and tell such
discowrcd, both thy lewdness and thy whorcdoms.” of%ers what they may or may not do; and up to the
-Ezck. 23 : 22,26,29. present time almost all such officers are fools enough
I1 The clww.T” have no understanding of the Tord to listen to them. If a radio station is broadcasting
of God. To them it is ancticnt history written by old
some matter of importance to the people, but lvhich
fogies. The clerk have ccat the ISMe on the side.
is not according to the pleasure of the w-isc modern
Although the ovcrwhclminq physical facts plainly
Edomites, and whip11 truth so broadcast “s~Io~~~stheir
appearing before the eyes of evcryonc, towthcr with
religious susceptibilities”, they immcdiatcly wait on
the Srripturcs written for this wry time, show clearly
the radio manager and demand that programs of such
that Jehovah’s King is here, the clergy refuse to hear
cccsc, and arrol,*antIy and boldly thrcatcn to destroy
wything about the kinqlom of God, and those who
the value of the radio station if the csptwscd wishes
tell of God’s kinKc]om are hated and greatly pcrse-
of the clcrp- are not acccdrd to. The Hierarchy sends
cutcd by the liicrarehy and their allies. Thercforc
its “wise men” and its “silly women” to the mcr-
.Jehovah by his proJ)hrt Obadiah says of the modem
chants and thrcatcns them with boycott, if they dnrc
I<domitcs: “There is none understanding in him [of
hare itbOUt their stow anything that is JlOt awor~ling
it (7myi7~) ] .” This J)roJ)licey is fully corroborated
to the l~l~~a~urc of t tic Ilicrarchy. At ‘\\‘;l4iin~:ton,
11y these scriptuws following: “Thq know wt, nci-
D.C., the ILier<lrcliy Jias cstablishcd itwlf “hi4~ up on
thl*r will tllPv ~llldf.!lStil~ltl ; ttlP,V \Villl< 011 in darkneS%;
a hill”, and issues orders to the daily nwspapws, tcll-
ill1 tlic foundations (~1 the earth arc out of COlllw.”
ing them \\ hat they shalt and what they sh:lll not
(1%. h3:5) “1, fool liath no dcliglit. in undrrstanding,
l)ubli4, and such [)ilIJCIS as the \V:lshillgton Slur ;iWl
JJllt that ilk hal’t Ill:ly di!#OWr ihdl’.” (I’rOv. 18: 2)
the \V;ishin!:lon Post obey tlic commnntls of tllc Jlwr-
L1’SuIlc of the WiClic4 shall undrrst:~lltl ; but the wise
awIly. A\ to political affairs thr II it*rawhy brili~~
shit11 understand.“--1);11i. 12: 10.
into \Va4iiii$on its willill:: “yes mwl” from carp
I? tlonccrnilrg tlic llomnn Catholic llicrarchy and
part of tlic land and Jjuts them in politiwl jobs of
the othw clergy allied thcrcwith it is written: “For
iml)or’tirIwr, alId key JhWY, lilic~ that of “l’0~tltlil~i~r
tlwy arc a nation void of counsel, twithcr is thcrc auy
~;wPL’:ll i ‘( illIt iwws ortl~rs ilS t0 1Vll:lt Sll:lll 1X Cl~)llC
undcrslatrdin~ in them. ” ( hut. 32 : 2s) ‘~‘110s~clcr:y-
in tllc JJnlit icill affairs of the mt ion. ‘l’hc foolish
men arc blind gui&s of the blind, and the ditch of
“l’1~~~t~Stilllt” clcrpy, so i*nIlcd, fill1 rir:ht. ill with tllr
dcstrwtion is tlwir end. (Iluke 6: 39; i\latt. 33: 24)
II icr;lrchy, a11(1the ,Jcwi4 raJ)bis tlo Jilwwisc, ;I~IC.I
Otily lhosc who 11wv love and scrvc God will undw-
al1’oP IJwn Jook upon 111~Ilic~rarchy as JroJtliri:: in ils
ranks the WOWmen of t IIC \v~rld who must t)c O~JC~CV~.
WORLDLY WISE Now the I,ord has cauwtl a work to 1~-ill 1111tl 10 J)<O-
I3 The Roman Catholic I Jit~rarchy in Jwrt iculnr, and grcss, wliic*li is unwvcrin~ tlic croolwtlllc~~ of the
almo:;f all clrrgymcn in gclicral, arc ‘wihc in their own motlern-clay Mornitcs. Tlic J)reathing of llic Scrip)-
cancuits’. They do not hnvc the wisdom that is from twcs to the people rewals to 1Iwm that tlw II icrawJiJ
~tl~ovc, and this is l)rovctl by the fact that they do not and allies l~o~scsano wisflom from t hc T~ortl, Imt that
undcrbinnd or cvcn study the Word of God. Tlwy thry IlilVC the wisdom of this world, wliic*li is tlc~vili9!~
quote the words of men, citing such as authority for and injurious to those who dwire rightwustww. T11c:
the csJnwsions of wisdom by which they cspcct of IWI’IJ war against that wickctl crowd now J)w~,yI‘~~ssi~s ant1
to br guided. ‘I’hcy cstol one another while they “strut proves to honest pcoJ~lc, in the liclit of J)roJ)lwios, .hnt
their own stufi’“, sJwaking with high-sounding ilIlf1 within a short time the tnotlcrn ISdomitcs will 1~: com-
mcaninglcss phrase. The Hierarchy in particular speak plctcly exposed and tlwir bluff and bluster \vill come
iu I~atin, a language foreign to most people, and csJ~e- to an end. Even now many of the commcwial men and
ciolly to .imcricans. In this way tlwy hope to ovcmw politicians clearly clisccrn t hc hyJmcrisy of t hc so-
the common Jwople who will look nJ)on thrm and say : called ‘ ‘ wise men ’ ’ of the clergy who attcmJ)t to give
“What a wontlcrfully wise man that is!” They arc spiritual advice to others. The common JwoJ)lc arc
fertile liars and supreme frauds. So wise ill33 they in seeing as never bcforc, and arc diw~rniucr, that llic
their own minds that, thcp arbitrarily tell the pcoplc clcr::y arc tither willingly or unwillingly ignorant of
what tlicy sJiould and should not hear or rend. They the Word of God and hcncc arc unxafc ad&ws. The
substitute their own doctrines for the Word of God. entrcnclicd lies and hypowisy of 1lie clcryrg will be
The day must come when God will cxposc them and complctcly uncovcrrd and CX~OSC~to public qazc to
then destroy tlwm complctcly. Thcrcfore says Jcho- their own confusion. 11-c know this is tour, JI~C:~UW
vah by his prophet : “Shall I not in that day, with Jehovah God so slates. (Isa. 28: 17) Conrcrniw tllc
the I,ord, even destroy lhc. wise men out of Edom, and rlcryy, the modern-day Edomites, Jchovnh WYS* ‘* l*‘or
understanding out of the mount of 13s:~ ?“-0bad. 8. the TAord 113th poured out uJwn you the :.J)irit of clcq)
“The Roman Catholic Hierarchy and its tools ale sleep, and hath closed your cycs; the ~~rol)l~cts and
214 RROOKLTS, s. 5’.

Four rulers, the Seershath he covered. And the vision hovah says : “Secmeth it a small thing unto you to
of all is become UJI~Oyou as the words of a book tllat haye eaten up tllc good pasture, but ye must tread
is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, down with your feet the residue of your pastures?
saying, Read this, I pray thee ; and he saith, I cannot ; and to have drunk of the deep waters, but yc must
for it is scaled.“--Isa. 29 : 10,ll. foul the residue with your feet? And as for my flock,
Is Because the clergy have only the wisdom of this they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet;
world they have no understanding of the Word of and they drink that which ye have fouIcd with your
God, and concerning them it is written: “For the feet.” (Ezck. 34: l&19) The judgment of the Lord
wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; for it God written concerning those false shepherds, the
is written, IIc taketh the wise in their 0~x1 craftiness. modern Edomitcs, is that their dcstrnction is certain,
And again, The Lord knowcth the thou::hts of the and they shall find no way of escape. “ JIowl, ye shep-
wise, that they arc vain.” (1 Cor. 3: 19,20) “For it herds, and cry ; and wallow yourselves in the ashes,
is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and ye principal of the flock ; for the days of your slaughter
will bring to nothing the understanding of the pru- and of your dispersions are accomplished ; and yc shall
dent. Wlerc is the wise? whcrc is the scribe? where fall like a pleasant vessel. And the shcphcrds shall
is the disputer of this world? hail1 not God made fool- hart 110way to UC’C,nor the principal of the flock to
ish the wisdom of this world?” (1 Cor. 1: 19,20) escape.” (Jcr. 25: 34, 35) The wisdom of Satan, to-
Furthcrmorc sags Jehovah : “I am the Lord, that gether with the wise men of this world, shall Ilcrish
makcth all things; that strc~tchcth forth the hcnrcns for ever, and the name of Jehovah God shall be cs-
alone ; that sprcadrth abroad tlic cnrth by myself; alled for ever.
that frustratcth the toltcns of the liars, and makcth I8 Tcman was a prominent stronghold of the ancient
diviners mad ; that turnet I1 wise men back\vard, and Edomites, and therefore pictures the prominent
makcth their knowledge foolish.“-Isa. 44: 24,25. clergymen strong in power of the church or.g;tilizn-
lq When will the Lord bring upon the modern tions, foremost in the religious organizations wit Ii the
IMomitcs tbc calamities mcntioncd? Ilc says, “In political officers of the world, and these in the Scrip-
illat dily,” that is, the day of Jehovah, wlw~~ 1~ rises tures arc ironic*ally called “mighty men”; and C’OIL-
up in jutlgmcnt for the dclivcrancc of his own, and cernina tlicm tlic Lor11, by the prol,hct, says: “i\t~l
particularly for the vindication of his own name. The thy niiKIity men, 0 T~~nn, shall bc tlismaycd, to tile
ljcvil has used his worldly-wise clergy for many years end that ckcry oiic of the mount of I<S:IUm:iy 1~ cut
to d~41mc the 1~i111lcof .JoIlovah, and now the day of off by slnq:hter,” (Obad. 9) Jt is nI,l)roI)riatc: 11cbrc
ihe Ilord has conic wiwn he will bring them all to a that notice bc takrn of the fnct that t IICtlircc Icli:ious
fearful account. The Scriptures seem clearly to teach liypocritcs, or frauds, appcar~d to srin’cbring Job on
that after the 1,ord has torn oil’ the mask J~V worn by tlic prclcst of giving him comfort, l)rit in fact to lor-
the hypocritical clc~agy, the IIic~~;~~*chy and others, and mcnt Job, the latter being faithful to JchovatI (;o(l.
behind which they have hid&n to carry on their Eliphaz took the lcacling part in chastising Job with
crookedness, and after he has csposcd them to public ironical words of Ijity, and IGliI)haz was a ‘hmnitc,
contempt and disKrace, then he will literally destroy (Job 2: 11) The Koman Catholic Ilitrnrchy takes tha
them. They had the opportnnity to know God and to lead in ridiculing and perscenting and tormcsntin*;
embrace the birthright of the Ahrahnmic promise, but, Jehovah’s faithful remnant and thcreforc is well forc-
like their anccator ISsau of old, they regarded the shadowed by I’;liphaz, and the other clrrqmcn of “or-
birthright as of 110 value, ;IJI~ hcncc they threw it aside. ganized religion” trail along and do as the J:omiln
They have gathered tog&her great croivds of guIlible Catholic Ilicrnrchy lcadcrs do. The “mig$ty men”,
persons, dcccivcd them, and wrung from them support the Tcmanitcs, arc sp~eifically the Roman C;lthoIic
for themselves. They hare assumed the positions of clergy, and those Jehovah particularly declares shall
shepherds of the ilock for the common people, but not be dismayed and cut off.
for the bcncfit of the flock, but, on the contrary, that I@What will dismay those worldly-wise Etlomitcs
the clergy might feed and clothe themArcs and live of the modern day? In a scornful manm’r and with
wantonly. Knowing their crookedness the Lord caused boastful words they say: ‘M’c are safe and SWUI’CIx-
his prophet to say concerning them: “Ye cat lhe fat, hind our mountain of lies ; the scourge shall nnt (*orlIe
and gc elothc 2-0” with the wool, ye kill them that are nigh us; who can find us out ?’ And Jchornh says:
fed: but yc fed not the flock. . . . Rut with force ‘The truth shall sweep away those lies and csposc to
and with cruelty have SCruled them.“-Lzck. 34 : 3,4. view the hypocrisy of the frrtilc Gays. That now jar3
IT Kot onlv. have the clergy failed to feed the hungry the “wise” Tcmanites somewhat, even to hear it at
souls upon the truth of God’s Word, but they have the mouth of Jehovah’s witnesses. It will jar them
used all their power and influence to prevent the flock more in the Lord’s due time. The Lord says he nil1
from rccciving nourishment at the hands of those who put it in the heart of the rulers, the kings of this worl(1,
really scrvc God. Therefore to the modern Edomites, to strip the old “whore” naked and apply the brand.
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and other clergy, Je- ing iron, and that will dismay them some more and
SCLY 15, 193ti

bring them into complete contempt and shame. “Tile

arise men arc ashamed, they are dismayed and taken;
lo, they have rejected the word of the Lord; and what
wisdom is in them ?” (der. 8 : 9) These thing3 are now
made known to Jehol-ah’s witnesses who arc ia the
war, and Gxl gives them this infwrnation as lx pleases,
that they might with patience and comfort of Ilczrt,
and with strong hope, continw to crush the fi::ht
:i::ainst the enemy by dc*larinfT X~JC message of God’s
Word with the zeal peculiar ts the Lord’s house. In
doing this work the faithful remwant will not permit
tbemucIvcs to be advcrscly infkienced 11~ that other
class of self-constituted “wise &IL’S” who aswnc to
to!1 the Lord that the #cat mullilitudc will bc gath-
ered after what is m~wiwly cnllrwZ “the firA I)hilsc of
drmagCd&Jn ’ ‘- Su~li prcsumptwus speech before f Iic
people of (:od twrls to dcfilc the Icmple of (;od when
spoken by one \vho CiilinlS to Le of the tcmplc. Jlarii-
fcstly tfle :lpostl(? llild SUCll in mind WllCll hC wroic
these words : “If iillJf man dthiik t hC tWIlI,lC of God,
him shall c:od c?cstray; for the trample of God is holy,
which tcmplc yc ;Lrc. Let IJO rna~~ dcccivc himself. if
any man among you src~nicih to be wise in this world,
let him bccomc a fwl, that he m:iy IJC wisp.” (I Car.
3: 17, 1s) T11o.w who hve ‘11~ wisdom tllnt COnlCth
down from alwvc’ will sf rind slw~ldcr to slio~lltI~r now
in the fight for tlic lri~r~dom p~54i]~cl, being cawful to
obey the Lord’s comnmlidmcwts and not to I1.y to :ip-
pear wiye in ihc cyw of ollrcr~ by advancing sonic
fanciful theory huilclcd on cw&ility and not -ulwu
w‘\~%y is J&oval1 IJOW wiry the rcnrwlht. fo p1’0-
daim the truth co~iccr~iing Ilw rnodcrn-tl:iy Ndomit~.~P
The answer is, fhut the hitlinq place of licss, whicfi tlw
Hierarchy has buiklcd up, mq- IJc mndc maniL;d LJJI~
exposed lo view. Everything rdGastica1, and didi
is thcreforc hypocritical and wili!$ous, JC~IOKJ~Jclc-
CISIVS he will cs~rose alld then dwtroy nttcrly : “A
sword [Jehovah’s sword of cxwufion, which is prc-
ceded by his Word, at the mouth of his witnwcs] is
upon the liars ; and 1hcy shall &au [be foolish ; do fool-
ishly] ; a sword is upon her nbi:lity mcti; and tlicy
s!mll be dismayed.” (Jcr. 50: 36) “Therefore thus
saith the Lord God, I will ;J~SO s1rctch out mine hand
upon Edom, and wiII cut off man and beast from it;
:md I will make it desolate from Tcman; and thry of
Dedan shaI1 faII by the sword.*’ (Ezek. 25: 13) ‘AJJ~
the shepherds [modern Edomit<%] shall IJ~YC no wy
Of e~eapc.’ (Jcr. 25: 35) The lime will come, 111~
Scriptures declare, v-l~m tlwsc ayorldly-v;ise morlcru-
day Edomitcs mill boastingly awl :~rrO;::l~~lg say : ‘\\‘e
ilw in peace and safety’; and - t !lUl Slld~lfll dcst luL’-
tic*11shall come upon them as tra\*nil upon a wnnan’.
--1 Thess. 5:3.

al Jehovah has declared his purpose to humiliate that these shall go away into everlasting cutting off.
those wicked persecutors by causing his witnesses to (Matt, 2.3: 46, Diag.) The clergy have maliciously and
proclaim his message of truth throwhout the world, wickedly pcrsccuted God’s faithful mitnews, and
and in obedience to his commandment the witnesses still do 50. “And shall not God avenge his own elect,
are now doing that very thing. The truth vexes the which cry day and night unto him, . . . ? I tell you
Hierarchy and puts its men to shame. “Let all mine that. he will avenge them speedily. “-Luke 18 : i, 8.
enemies be ashamed and sore rescd; let them return
and be ashamed sudtlcnly.” (I%. 6: 10) “Let them be AXTI-KINGDOM
ashamed and brought to confusion together that rc- *’ The Roman Catholic IIierarchy has always lxxn
joiec at mine hurt; let them be clothed with shame and against tlic kingdom of God, while hypocritically ilnd
dishonor that mqrnify thcmsclres against me. lict falsely claiming to rule by divine right and authority.
them be confoundctl and put to shame that seek after In recent years “Profcstnnt” clcr;rym~ii, so called,
my soul; let them be turned back and brought to con- have gone completely over to the Roman C’atholic IIicr-
fusion that dC\‘i,<C my hurt.” (I?. 35: 26,4) Tho\c archy, and now all arc in the same bag. J)urin~ the
who really love and wrvc (:od will not \JC ashamed. World War practically all thcsc clergymen tOOk sitlw
They will IOOk the enemy square in the face and tcbll against the liingdom of Clod, refused to lI(‘il~ t hc twti-
them the truth. “Yea, let nnne that wait on thee bc many that the Ilord had rcturncd and tl!:lt his: ltilly-
ashamed ; let them bc ashamed which transgress with- dom is nt hand, and joined in cruelly lwxcwtiw tllow
sut c;1ue.” (1’s. 25: 3) “Let mc not \JC ashamctl, 0 who prochlim such truths of the Lord. To that auti-
Lord; for I haw rallcd upon thee; Ict the wicked bc kingdom clcr,~ crowd. the Lord says: “In the day
nsham~~l, and Ict them bc silent in t11c grave. Let the [particularly in 1917 and l!)lS, ~hcn the clcrg sOu’:ltt
lying lips lye put io silcncc, whicll speak grievous to have cnacicd an cspiona~o law by which .Jcho~;~h’s
thillgs IJt’OUdl)’ illld cO~ltC!~l~ptUOllsly iIgLliMt tile I’ighL- witncsscs mi:rht hc dcstroyctlj that thou ht ootlwt on
COLE. ’ ‘-- 1%. 31: 17, 1s. the Other side, in tlic day that the htra11::crs carried
2zThat. Jcllovah ‘s witncssw may bc assured and away captive his fOrws, and forcigncrs ciitewtl into
comforlcd and cant inuc! to pursue with paticncc their his gate;, alIti cast hJtS Ul”,tl .Jcrusalem, ~‘V(,ll ttl~lll
w:irfarc IlgiliMt tlic niotlcim ISdomitw, t Iic rlord con- wnst as one of them.“-0batl. 11.
tinues to l~our into tlwir minds his cxprosscd pur’pow ” Thcrc is but OIN right side, ~1~1, in the 1;111:\l;~~,rC
t0 tlcSt I’Oy tllOW \VllO Il;lVC d~fillT~(btl his Il:lltlC. TO 11iq, of the scriptiirc, “the other s~tle” is ~~ii1i-i~in~tlc~ni-or’-
niodcrii-day l~doiiiilcu the IAJIY~says: “And thou sh:iit Clod, ilrld It, is on this “othw side”, or tlw aliti-
bc cut OK for ever.” l~‘urf1Icrnioro Got1 calls these kingdom side, that the modern IMomil~~s stillIt ;111(1
hyporritical, ]wrswutiiig ~h!rgy “the people of my have for a long while stood. It IVilS tllc elcrrrymcn \Cl10
curse”. (Jsa. 34 : 5) Ant1 no wundcr ; for their \vicltcd- wcrc on the war draft boartls tllat ur~:(!~l the rixirl
ncss is broug+t to mind, Thaw self-\roi,ltlly-~vise ones, enforccmcnt of the conscri~)tiw~ law against dcllo~ll~‘s
who claim to lye the slwi:rl rcprcwntativcs of God and witncs:cs, ilnfl did that in utter disrcgalvl Of their con-
the rccipicnts of his blcssln~s, who claim to rule in lhc SCiCriticJllS ObjWth :lild tbC?ir lJl’ivilcg:CS 9s IJrOvith’~l
nnmc and stead of CllA JOSIIS, Jehovah COM~CIII~S, by that law. The clergy inducrd t hc ~wx~~nm~wt to
and says : ‘You shall IJCcut off for cvcr.’ The modcrn- rule that Jehovah’s witnwws could not t:lk(: a(l\.a~l-
day Edomitcs have called thcnwlves “nOl~lcs”, and tngc of the “wnseiclltious scruple proviso 01’ 111111 dV:lft
arc looked upon by their allies as nol~lcs. They have law” lwause they were not, “it recognized l~c~li~~ic~lIs
made bclicvc thal lhcy arc the poswssors of the high organization ’ ‘. It was tlir elcrgy who insi\tccl On tile
places in the kingdom of God, but, s:rys the 1~0~1 to \vrOIl!<ful cnforccnicnt Of thC cSpioli:l~c lil\V il’:iiill\t.
them, “they shall call the nol~lc~ thcrcof to the king- (1Od’S filitllfU1 pCO],lC lJCCL1USC thOSC faithful 0111’S \WlT
dom, but none shall bc there, and all her princes shall telling the truth Of and concerning the kill?(lolll of
be nothing.” (Isa. 34 : 12) “Thus saith the Lord, For God. Those same pcrswutors attcmptcd lo ~ornpcl
three transgressions of E&m, and for four, I will not God’s faithful witnesses to take an active l)ilrt iu the
turn away the punishment thcrcof ; lxcnusc hc did mortal combat, and caused those who Wf’llWd to do SO
pursue his brother with the sword, and did wc,t oft’ all to bc crucllg puni&~d. It \FilS thC ClCrgy \vhO h~Oll~:ht
pity, and his anger did tear pcrpctuallv, and he kept about the iml)risonmciit of many of the faithful 1% it-
his wrath for cvcr ; but I will send a fire upon Tcmcn, ncsscs of thr Ilord, and w11cn those faithful followers
which shall devour the palaces of UOzrah.“--Amos of Chrixt Jrsus wcrc confined in prison, and whm tlic
1: 11,12. war had ended, the clcrg;v did not ask amnesty in IJ,~-
2oGod’s Word is that the Edomitcs shall share the half of God’s servants, but, 011the Contrill’\‘, s:lllz!lt t0
same fate as Babylon, which shall be cut off permn- hold those faithful servants of the J,orcl in pl’i-IJii
ncntly. (AM. 1: 4) Perpetual hatred of and malicious that they might die thcrc. The clerq WCN tllc chlcf
persecution against the faithful servants of God and ollcs who indulged in the sla? ing Of God’s filitllflIl
Christ is a “sin unto death”. The Lord declares that witness Antipas. (Rev. 2: 73 ; 11 : 7) The m&rn-tlay
those evil persecutors who thus sin are “goats” and Kdomites, who collectively make up the old “V hole”,
’ 15 9 1936 217

gleefully ‘rode on the hack of the scarlet-colored beast Lord foretold they would do: “And they of the pco-
that bore !lcr up’.-Rev. 17: 3. plc, and kindreds, and tougues, and nations, shall see
.58During the World War “strangers”, or aliens their dead !)odies three days and an.half, and shall not
from God and his kingdom, put the Lord’s faithful suffer t!lcir dead bodies to bc put in graves. And they
)servants under restraint, many of them behind prison that dwell upon t!le earth shall rejoice over them, and
11~rs, !,anncd the published messqc of the Lord, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; bc-
rclcntlcssly persecuted the faithful followers of Christ cause these two prophets tormented them that dwelt
Jesus. Those “foreigners”, perlicularly the Roman on the earth.“-Rev. 11: 0,lO.
Catholic. clergy and their allies, unknown to Cod and w When the clergy saw the faithful servants of Cod
!lis kingdom, effectually stopped up the gates or ways in distress they laughed at their misery and said to
that Jehovah’s servants entered to render praise unto each other: “Kc did it, and now wc arc rid of that
the Lord, and they rcduccd the* companies of God’s pcstifcrous crowd that interfered with us.” The Lord
faitliful I~coplc to the drspicabIe level of that which by liis pro!Jlict says to them: “T\;eithcr shouldcst tliou
results from a game of chance. They belittled, pro- have magifcd thy mouth [enlarged thy mouth in a
faned and ridiculed God’s cnrtbly organization and laugh (Kotlt., margin)] in the day of [their] distress.”
made it nltpcar that God could not furnish protection -Nurgin.
for his l~oplc. In carrying on this wicked pcrsccution 33Those in that day known as the “Bible Studcntq”,
of Jehovah’s witncsscs by pul&c offificials the clergy and who wcrc t!lc faithful servants of Co(l, wc’rc the
urged it lx done, and stood with tllosc more actively only ones during that period of tile World War that
cngagcd as spoilers; and ronccrning tlic c~lergmcn the firmly and steadfastly stood by tllc organization of
Ilord says : “l’:vc’n thou wast as ON of them.” The God and his Word; and because of tllcir fait I~Eulnc~ss
clergy !~ppoc!ritically posed as the rcprcsontativcs of in so doing tticy were !)crsecutctd and punishc~d at. ttic
the Lord illld as the sljiritual a&-isws of tlic “stran- instance of tlic clergy, who took great dolig$t thcrciti,
g~crs” or “forciqicrs”, ~110 actually imprisoned Jclto- and the clrrpy thereby sl~owc~dthc~nsclvcs to bC cnc-
vah’s faithful servants. Wiry conspired, and connived mics of God and his !~cop!e, and agaitlst his kingdom.
at and ur.pcd tile committing of all tlic cruel iltrOCitic3 Forelcno\~ ilig t!lis, the Tlord ciuwd his filit hful proph-
against those who SCIW God and his kingdom; and ct to write thcsc words: “;\I inc cncmies sl~~ik evil
now the Lord tells tllcm, llis witncases, to make known Of me, Wlicll shall lie die, his name pc~risli?”

liis purpose to mctc out to liis calcmics a just rccom- (1%. 41: 5) “For mint clicniics sl~~lr affziilst mc ;
pcnsc. and they that lay wait for my soul take COIIHSC~to-
sqFor many yCilI3 Ill0 modern IMomitcs, the Ilicr- gether, ha.\ ill?,,, God Iiath forhakcn him ; pcrsccutc ailtl
arcbtiy ;ml tlieir nllictl clergy, hrvc nursed a burning take Ilim ; for thcrc is none to deliver him.” (1%.
lintrcd of God’s faithful scrvnnls, and tlic coming of 71 : 10,ll) “But in mhc ;l(!vwhity thry rejoiced, illid
iho IVorld War opcncd lo tlicm the way for them to gatlirrc(l tl~(~IjlWlVW 1OgCt her ; y(!il, I IlC LllJjWt9 gill ll-
gratify tllcir wicked S!)!CCII. T!lry looked with keen cred themsc4vcs togcthcr aga;tlyt me, ant1 I !;ncw it
S~tiSfil(!l ion upon tllc day w!lCIl sol)arciit disaster came llot ; they did tear mc, and CCilSC!d not ; with IiylJocrit-
upon the faithful prca~iicrs of God’s Word of truth, ical mockers in feasts, thcp ~iinslied upou inc with
and now the Lord by llis prophet says to that wic~kcd, tlicir teeth. Yea, thcp opciicd their mouth witlc :iqiiM,
liypo~ritical Jlicrarchy crowd: “Hut tliou sliouldcst mc, illlcl said, Aha, aha! our eye hath seen it.” (I?.
Ilot htlvc looked 011 the day OP thy brother in the day 35 : 15,16,23 ) “They gaped up011 mc with their
that lit became a strallgcr [in the day of his disaster moui hs, as a ravening and a roaring lion. “-1%. 22 : 13.
(KY.) ] ; ncithcr should& thou llavc rcjoiccd over 84Those clcrgymcn llave wickedly !~!asphcmcd t llc
the childten of Judah in 11~ day of their destruction; name of God. liy!~ocritical1y claiming to lx llis rcprc-
neither sllouldcst tllou llavc spoken proudly in the day scntativcs, and at tlxc same time have rcjoiccd over the
of distress.“-0bad. 12. calamity of “Jerusalem” (tllat is, God’s orgnizat ion
aI The “evil servant” class eonnircd with tlx IIicr- on earth) am1 “Jutlall” (the people who praise and
arcby and the other clergy in bringing about the ap- scrvc Jehovah), and therefore Jehovah says to them:
parent disaster npon Jehovah’s xGtncsscs. So satisfied “Jzc~‘ausc thou Ilast said, T11cvetwo nations, ;~ncl thcsc
were they with the punishment lhat bcfcll the faithful two countricbs, shall be mint, and we will J~OSSCSS it ;
servants of God tllat tllcy Ian&cd with glee. When wlxrcas the Lord was there: . . . thou shalt know
once these faithfu! sxvants of the Lord were impris- tlmt I am t!~ Lord, and t!lat I have heard all thy l)lils-
oned the clergy spoke not our kind word to them or !~hrmics which thou hnst spoken against the mountains
about them, giving them not even a cup of water to of Israel, saying, T!Q- are laid desolate, they are given
drink or any other means of comfort, but, on the con- us to consume. Thus with your mouth ye Ilavc l~onsiecl
trary, gloated aver them in an arrogant and insolent against me, and hare multiplied your words against
manner, as the billy goat does over his vanyuishcd me: I have heard them.“--Ezck. 35: 10,12, 13.
foe. The clergy rejoiced together that the faitllfu! 85Furthermore tllc I,ord takes the modern Momitra
servants of Cod were tlirown into prison, even as the to task for their Ivicked conduct and says to them:
“Thou shouldest not have cntcrcd into the gate of my going words of Jehovah’s prophet, and this is con-
people in the day of their calamity ; yea, thou shoulclcst firmed by the words of the Lord from another prolj)icr,
not have looked on their aliliction in the day of their to wit : “For the indignation of the Lord is upon ill1
calamity, nor hn~c laid h11clo on their substance in nafitrns, and his fury upon all their armies; he hat11
the day of their calamity.“-4bad. 13. utterly destroyed them, he hath dclivcrcd them to 111~
So The clergy conniwd at and n-orkcd with others slau$itcr. Their slain also shall be ci>St Out, anal tllci1
of Satan’s organization to bring sul%riiig upon the stink Shill1 come Up out of their carcases, and lhc*
true pcoplc of Cod during the World 1Yar period, and mountains sllall be mcltcd with their blood. And all
ever since that day they have continnrtl to do so. The the host of heaven shall bc dissolved, and the hca\~~rs
clergy have uot even kept aloof as rtcutral, hut, instead, shall bc rolled to~cthcr as a scroll; and all their llu\t
they have been active enemies of God and his pcol~lc. shall fall down, as tlic leaf fil!lCth off from the vim*,
They have sought gain out of the calamities that fell alid as a filllitlg fi:: from the fig tree. For my s\vOrd
upon Cod’s faithful servants and have tried to get shall bt batlicd in hc:1vc11 ; behold, it shall come clo~su
them out of the way so that the future work of the upon Idumca, and upon the pc~o!)lc of my c~rw, to
clergy in collecting money from tlic! people JIpoI1 false judgment. The sword of the Lor~l is filled with ljloo 1 ;
pretenses might not be hindcrc~d. Cruel s~G4111w~ ha3 It is IIlaJt? Tilt wilh fatllcw, and with tllc hl00d of !:1171lh
moved the clergy, and so now mows them, in cvcry :lIld goats, \VJth l!lC fat of the kidneys Of I’ilIll<; fol*
part of the carth in their ;rttcmpt to prww1f J(~horah’s the LO1.d hat11 ii sacrifice in Bozrah, and a KlTilt slaHr?h-
nitncsscs from proclaimin, v the tluth, in ortl:tr lhat tcr in the land of 1dUmw.“-Isa. 34: 2-G.
lhe Roman Catholic Hierarchy ant1 other clwry may
have some ~~crso11nl selfish profit lay furtlwr Inlaying
upon lhc crcdulitics of the iN.!O[)lC.
w TIN Roman Catllolic JIicravchy alld allied clergy
have banded togcbt her with ot hs of Satan’s JT’~JIC-
scntatives and I~lilliC*iOUSly &wand the annihilation of
Jehovah’s wit1lwxs, a11(1 lo them Jchowh S:I~S:
“Neither ShoUltloxt t hoU 11ilte s~OO~I in t I1c cro~~\\i1~,
to cnt ofc those of 111s that ditl c’wapc , iwit lwr shouldcst
thou have dcli~cwcl 111~I!~osc: of his tliat (lid remain in
the clay OC clistrclss.“--C)l);lc!. 1-l.
3* God did not eommiGon l~~c1~111i to puni his
clloscn pcol)le, J101’ has hc co:11111issio11c~tl 1 hc c!org to
punish his falthI’U1 WrVilIltS Ilwv on the earth. I)uri11g
i he World \\‘a~ tllc clc~*;g- st:curcd cwwlplioll from
military scrvicc of all wliom they dwr~‘d, but. 011 the ‘? IGloIIJ is sIwvifiv;rlly Ji;~JIicd to rcccivc of the wratli
contrary, they asl<cd for t!lc tlcstrwtion of Jcll~~\i~h’s of (:r~d. It is the tloty 01’ .Jchorah’s \~itncwcs lo 111)~
servant class, v ho \v’cI’c Will conscientious oL,~~~vtoI’s ‘(lCc’l:IJ’(’ llJC (lay Of fllLL YC’II~~C’ilIICC Of 01w Got1 :lvilil,.5t
against brwkiny t hc evcr!;1stillg covenant. Co~lc~c1111ng t hc motlcrn I~;domitcs : “For thns with the I~orcl Clod
these faithful ones Of the Lord the clergy suit1 : “,\lilkC of Ts~xrl Unto me, Take the wine cup of this f’~\ry ;tt
them come in lint \rith the govcn1mcnt [ljal~yloll J, my hand, ilIld cause all t hc nations to whom I s( 11fl t hi,{,
and if they I’C’~IWC, the firmg s(lnnd for fhrm.” Their to drink it. . . . Morn . . . and all the IiiI1~:tlorW 01
father the I)wil ljUt it iUto their mind to complcle!:; lhc wOJ’ld, which arc llpoJ1 the fact Of IIIC (‘ill’tlt : . . .
rid the earth of those who completely sc~~vcd C:od and And it :Jiall be, if they rcJuw to t&c the ~111) at t hill,>
his kingdom. Tllc day of reckoning must come and hand to drink, 1!1cn shalt thou say unto thw, ‘I’h11a;
the clcrzy will bc brought to full account, as the Lord with the Ilord of lios1s, Y-e shall certainly dl~illk.“--
decla rcs. Jcr. 25 : 15-28.
3n The judgment day of the Lord, and the terror to 43 Ilct ribution shall conic upon the modern l~:~lom-
the wicked that ;rccompanics it, is at hantl, alld to the itcs, because God has so dcclnred unto them : “-1s tl1011
modern Edomltcs Jehovah now sayr: “For the day hast done, it shall bc done unto thee.” Jcllo\ah ntY
of the Lord is nccr upon all the hcathcn; as thou hnst hosts will see to it thilt it, is dOIlc, nIltl hc tltacl;lrc 9 I:(’
done, it. shall bc done unto thee; thy reward sh:lll re- will put it into the hcart illld mint1 of the “tcxn ltolw~”
tunl UpoI~ thine 01111 head.“-4)batl. 1,X and the “lwast” to have part in t!w cswution an(l i!tc
” “OI’giUlizrd religion” sllould not, cslWct to be pro- biiriiing of the old “whore”.-ltcv. 17 : 76, 17.
tCctd 01’ fhd ii \\Lly Of CX!alK’ \i’h<‘Il IhC I,OI’d’S \vri\th
is cspresscd. Organized religion ir truly heathc11, he-
callhe it is agiliJiSt GOCl :lIld his %Ilg alid th0X Who
truly worship the Nost High. All natiulis and !~~)!Jlcs
that are anti-killqtlom of God arc jncludcd ia the fore-
JLZY 15, 1936 219

phcmies which thou hast spoken against the mountains they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and
of Israel, saying, They are laid desolate, they arc given they shall be as though they had not been.” (Obad. 16)
Us to consume. As thou didst rejoice at the inheritance This last drunkenness of the modern Edomites will
of the house of Israel, hccausc it was desolate, so will not bc with jubilation and pleasure, but will be an
I do unto thee; thou shalt be desolate, 0 mount Seir, effort to drown their chagrin, shame and disgrace.
and all Idumea, even aI1 of it; and they shall know “ Tea, they shall drink,” until tl1cy are beastly drunk,
that I am the Lord.” (Ezclr. 35 : 10, 12, 15) The beastly and what they shall drink is far worse than the Pro-
rulers that have been in an alliance with the clergy, hibition “hooch” formerly used in America, because
and who have catcn the clergy’s fodder, will have part they will drink thcmsclvcs to death : “For in the hand
in inflicting retributive justice, which shall and must of the Lord there is a cup, at1d the wine is red; it is
come upon the IIierarchy and their allied clergy.- full of mixture, and he pour&h out of the same; but
Obad. 7. the dregs thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall
46Jehovah can prevent the clergy from inflicting wring them out, and drink them.” (Ps. ‘75: 8) hc-
punishment upon his people, even as he could have cording to Hotlwrltnn~: “Yea, they shall drink and
prevented the Devil from persecuting his beloved Son swallow down [ (lJJargi?J) stagger, reel] ” ; “they shall
Christ Jesus, but Jehovah has given the 1)cvil and . 9 . talk foolishly” (Zi.V., margin), thus losing their
his seed all tlrc rope they want. But the end thereof balance, reason and self-control, in their drunken
must hc reached, and that c11tlhas now come, and they efforts to m&c bclicrc that they arc cheerful and
shall have some of their own mcdicinc, as Obadiah optimistic. That drunken brawl will witness the paqs-
says : “Thy dealing shall return upon thine own ing of the Edomitcs, for, says the prophet of Jehovah,
head.” (A.K.V.) Jesus ;JIIJIOUIJCCC~ the unchan~cablc “they shall IJC as though they had not been,” and
rule of Jchovnh,. to wit : “For with what ju(lgmcnt yc those who survive that day will put the IIiornrchy and
judge, yc shall be judged ; :ud with what measure ye their allies for ever out of rncmory. It is .Jehovah Clod
mete, it shall bc mcasurrd to you again.“--Jlatt. 7 : 2. who is now mancnvcring the enemy, and ~110will hand
‘OTo be sure, Jehovah 11~~~1s no crcalurc to give a them a cup and compel them to drink it. It is a pic-
hand in the destruction of the cncmy clergy, but he ture of their destruction. It is God’s work, and it will
oxprcsscs his purpose to give his pc~oplca share in that scorn very stranzc to them and to ~~IIcI’s,lmnusc lhy
work : “Thus saith the Lorrl Goal, I~c~ausc Ihat Kdom hnvc, for many years, hypocriticillly dcecivcd honest
hat11dealt against the house of Judah by taking vcngc- pq)lc and made them bclicvc that they arc the rcp-
ancc, and bath ~Wiltly oKcntlcd, and revcli!gd himself RSc~ltiltiWs of tYOd:llld Christ, \Vll(~ll in fact they 1lilVC
upon them; thcrcforc thus saith the Lord (!od, I will IJCOI~ rcprcscntntivcs of the I)evil all the time. Jehovah
also stretch out mint hand UJ)OII Etlom, and will cut has caused many pictures to 1~ recorded concclrni1lg
OK man and beast from it ; ant1 I will make it dcsolatc llic destruction of the Roniiili Catholic Ilicrarchy and
from Tcman ; a11d they of JAdan shall fall by tlJC their allied rcligionists, and Obadiah’s pro~,hecy is
sword. Ant1 I will lay my vcn~cancc up011 IStlom by but one of them. All those prophetic picl,urcs show
the l1and of my people Israel [tl~c IIcad ant1 l’rincc of one thing, to wit, the co~ttplctc drst ruction of the hypo-
which is Christ Jesus, tho Esccutio11cr] ; and they critical r~li~ionists, who have bliiiclcd tlic pcoplc anti tlc-
shall do in JSdomaccording to mit1c anger, and acrord- famed God’s 11olyJ1;1Jnc ; and even I Iicy shall know that
in!: to my fiery ; and they shall know my Ycngcancc, Jehoval1 is the Almighty God when their c11dcomes.
saith the Lord God.” (IdM~. 25: 12-14) At the prcs- 48The organized rcligionists arc now being cs~~oscd
cnt time Jehovah’s witnesses on earth arc vigorously by the procl;~mation of the kingdom mc$sagc,and this
engaged in their part of the warfare by proclaiming is the part in the war that is performed by Jehovah’s
the truth, which includes the “ vcngcancc of our God”, witnesses in advance of the destruction of the IMom-
and are making known to the people that Jehovah’s itcs; and Jcl1ovnl1shows it t1ow to his covenant pcoplc,
day of dclivcrancc is at hand, and this he does for tllcir comfort, that they may bc
4rWllilc there is no dirrct!y divine record that the fully assured and have strong hope. Those who will
Edomitcs were on Mount Zion, yet it can bc inferred profit by this information will bc the 011~swho appre-
from the psalmist that they stood on the cast side of ciate the goodness of Jehovah and who “fear his
the brook Kidron looking toward Nount Zion, and name” alld who fear not ma11nor devil. Ilet the fate
in a maudlin, drunken manner cried out, as Jerusalem of the Edomitcs bc a warning to them that l’ut a
was attacked : “Rasc it, rase it, even to the founda- stumblingblock in the way of their brethren. Jchorah
tion thereof.” (1%. 137: 7) It is certain that the makrs it clear that, he will permit no creature to inter-
Edomites, when they saw the Israelites in distress, in- ft*re with his work. Those who attempt to do so will
dulged in a drunken feast bccausc thereof; so Jehovah come to grief. The faithful map expect no favor, pro-
says to the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy and their allies, tection or salvation from men or man-made organiza-
the Edomites of the present time: “For as ye have tions, and they will not look for such. Those ~110lore
drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen God and hi3 kingdom will look to the Moft Jliph for
drink continually [ (Roth., margin) round about], yea, salvation through Christ Jesus. Even after the fall
220 lmolcLTS, s. I’.

of the Edomites no favor n-ill be rccciwd by Jehovah’s T 21-26. With sclipturcs and facts, show why IJ(~:,uv:tl~ x\ill
humiliab and disgnee the moden~-d’:ty E~lom~ter, an11 tbcau
witnesses from the rulers of this world. It is war to destroy them. 110~ ~111 thclr hum~l~.~tmn an11 destru~.:!r~:l
the bitter end, and God through Christ Jesus will de- be aecomplisht~~l? TVhat is the prnpr, l’y the plrm ‘t,
liver those who love and serve him. “written aforctmie ” for God’s iultltful serrunts now?
1 27-S. Wiat are the facts showing fulfillment of OLnll~:rh 111
(To be contmc~ed)
v 30-34. Point out fultillmeut of verse 12, together x\lth o:ll.>r
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY scriptures foretelhng the same eontl’tlone, and that Jt:;!u-
lj 1,2. Account for conspiracy agaalnst Jellorah and against his vah has heard the prayer of his pco~‘lc.
anointed. Who are in thnt conspiracy, nud what IY their C 33-38. How have the modern Edomites “entered into tllz
nurnose? gate of [GvI~ ‘s] people “, “looked un their affiictiou,” :IWI
V 3, i. tb foretold in Obadiah 7, who are “the men of thy con- “laid hnncls on thrlr substance”, “m the day of their
federacy “f ITow have they “brought thee even to the calamity”9 How have they “stood in the crowway, to
border”T cut ofE those of his thnt did escape”, and “&~l~rc-~ccl up
y 5-8. Further, in verse i, who are “ tho men that were nt peace those of his that did remam In the 11ay of distress “0
with thee”? and how and why have they manifested that 7 39-11. Tn verse 13, what is the “dny of the Lord”, nhic II is
“pncc”t Ilow md why have they “d~ei%cd thee’,, und ne:cr? How is It “near”9 anI1 nhv “u*‘on all tile h~,t-
“ prernilctl against the;’ ‘? thrn”? What is it (a) that (I thou ilnst &me”! 01) Y’i:ut
q 9, IO. How have they ‘eaten thy bread’, and “lnid a wound “shall 1~ douc unto thee”? Why 1s it said (‘thy re\v:trll
under thee ’ ‘1
V II, 12. With :elxtcd ncriptures, and facts, show that the clergy
do not untlcrstund the \Vorcl of 0~1, uml why.
0 13-15. \Vhnt tloctr,nc9 arc? tauct’t, nnfl t:tctirs rmploycd, hy
the clergy, 1~ tic-ularly by the 1lom:un C!al hohe J ll~~l:lrchy,
to retain thclr hold upon anli support by the p~ol~lc? \Vhat
in the “strange work” that is beIn:: donr at this tlmc, and
the alrcbady m:mlf~*st result thcrcol ? \Vhy do the clergy,
in their “ WHIII’~ ’ ‘, walk on iu d:trkne.~P
v l(i) 17. hl’ltly >I/~~kiel ::1 : 3’1, Id, I!), shou ing justification of
the cnhm~ty lorc~c~lcl III .~rrcrnmh 25: 3 4, 33.
1 18-20. “‘IIv mighty men, 0 Tcnutn”: nho are they? They
shnll bo i%tIHIIL:LjeII”: how, and ally’? JIow ~111 this bo
‘(to the cnrl that evcrv one of the nmunt of Esau may be
cut off by slnughtcr “i IVhnt timely ln*truction in relition
hereto is ~ccn 1111 Cormthians 3: 17, l&if


sfl~~I~I~I)(:ti Of C;fJtl !I;10 bW1 SCJlI6’ht by Irl:lll) The lwol~lc must ~omc to a knowlcdgc of tllc f.rrt,
persons in a11 times past. The that (:otl is lore. That means that he is so unsclfi4l ;III~~
time is now eons, awording to the prophecy that his desire to b1es.stnan is so groat that hc :!,L\(!
of the Scriptures, WIWII a11 shall know Jclloval~, the his drariy lwlovccl Son to die and rawtl him out of
eternal God. death that ~11~1 niizllt $t Iifc. (John 3: 16 ; 10: lOj
Among all the hcncfits that men will rcccivc under Surely wl~cii man It~~rns that great truth hc will II;IW
the rightcow gwt~rnmcut of Christ Jesus the grcatcst gratitude tonards (hf. Thy will l(bi1r11t!lat ~Jclw~::h
will bc to know Clod. Ilr is the t~vcrlasting One, ~110 is thcil true friend 1~OCilUSPIlC IlilS lorcct illchm :I11 1tic!
created heaven and earth and all things therein. No time even while they were his cncmics. (l’rov. 17 : 17)
human eye bill wrr see God, but all human intelli- Satan 1l1crwtny \JCillg removed, the pcopie will 11’il’~Cl
gent CJViltIllW will have an Oppol’tlltlity to diwrn iinliinc?errd the great Ili$iway that lcacls to lil’c, ;rrt--
him and his loving-kintlncw. When that great truth ing ullstintccl lwaise to Jehovah. As they proq:l’~~s
is fully realized hy man, then Ilc will understand why under the jtiqt ant1 ri$itcous govcrnmcnt of the I,~.brtl
God at stated intwvals has made his name prominent their kJlO\Vkd<C of the loving-kindness ant1 tlw ::Iory
l~cforc his creatures. It is written: “For the earth of God will incrcasc. All tliose who tlwn willinel>
shall be full of the knowlctl~c of the Lord, as the obey him and Wllli in the way of rightrousness sl~all
waters cover the SW.” (Isa. 11: 9) ITow will the kno\vl- lirc for ever and never die.--John S: 51; 11 : 26;
edge of God result beneficially to man? It was Jesus Izx!l~. IS : 27, 2%
who answered that quest ion : “This is life eternal, that Among the cnrniics from which man has long snf-
they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus fered are thcsc: fraud, deception, csI:loitation, cstcr-
Christ, whom thou hast sent.“--John 17 : 3. tion, rohbcry, and war. Nan has sufl’wcd at tllc 11an415
That which man desires above all things clsc is that of l~oodlcrs, grafters, and oppressors. lie has snf!‘c’r~~.l
he might have life in happiness. God created man because of famine, prstilencc, s;ckncss and dc;~tll. ,\ II
and gave him life, and no creature can with propriety these cncmics God nil1 clcztroy tlirou~h Christ duritil:
take away life without God’s consent. It follows that the operation of his righicous government. “ FOV 11~
no man or other creature could have eternal life with- must reign, till he hath put all cncmics under hi’: f cc%
out the consent of Jehowh God. To know God, thcre- The la\t cnem~ that shall be dcstroycd is tlwtlt “-,
fore, means to live. 1 Cor. 15 : Z&26.
JCLY 15, 39% 221

Sorrow and pain shall pass away and there shall be ernment for man God caused many cvcnt~ to take place
no more death. (Iler. 21: 4-6) The people will learn in a mountain. Isaac was offered up as a sacrifice in
that God in his loving-kindness has bestowed all these Mount Noriah, ‘the mountain of thr Lord. (Gcn.
benefits upon thtm. They will then come to a full 22 : l-14) “Moriah” means “the bitterness of t11e
r:lalization that among all the benefits reccivcd the Lord”. It was in that same mountain, but outside the
crowning one is to know Jehovah God. Thry v;ill !inow city wall, that JCSW, whom Isaac foreshadowed, lvil:i
that God redecmecl man and set up a righteous govern- sacrificed; and it sccm~ to say: ‘Throuqh much trlbu-
ment for man. The people will then enjoy evcrlavting laticn or hiltcrnc5 i=sth:: way into thca kinzcloni. (Ac:ts
peace ; they will bc sccurc from all cril ; they nil1 have 14: 22) “Moriah” also means “fear of the Lord”;
no fear of any enemy, because thcrc will be none. They and such fcar is prculiar to the kingdom class, bc-
will have full ronfidcncc that their general wclfurc cause they fear only Jchorah. (Isa. 8: 13) Abraham
will bc safeguarded by the grcat’King. They will en- called the place where Isaac was offered “Jehovah-
joy an abundance of. food and raiment, and truth will jireh”, which means “chosen, or seen, of the Lord”.
lw their portion. They will have hcnlth and strength Thrrc Solomon bcgnn the building of the temple.
and life. They will stand upon the cart11 in the image Sinrc a “mountain” is a symbol of God’s or,rraniz*1-
and likeness of thrir great Crcaior, and their I)raycrs Con, the facts show that the sacrifice of JCWS ~ns
of thnnkx~iving will cvcr as~ncl unto him. They will rnrrird out in Clod% orqnizntion prclmr;ltOry for the
dclinht thrmsclvcs in the Lord Clod and cxprcss thrir kin~clonl of God, and this is supported 1)~ the apodlc’s
hcarfs’ scntimcnts to him. The prophet of the Ilord words: “If we suf;er, we shall also reign nith him.”
foresaw that hil(Jlby day anrl for the bNlclit of the -2 Tim. 2: 12.
JK!O[dC WrOtC : “I will cstol lhtbe, my Cotl, 0 Kin,R; .MOPCS,the prophet who forcshadowchd Christ, dic,l
tutd I will l~lcss.lhy name for ever a1111 cwr. Jl:vcry day accortling to God’s ordrrs on Mount ?;c+o, which nr~rnc
will I bless thee, and I will prnihc tlly nnmc for cvcr mei\ns “tlmt which sneaks or JwolAwsics”. (I)cut.
and ever. . . . I will speak of lhc gloriolls honour of 32: -I!), 50) MOSCS Jwol)hcsietl that .Jchov;~h wonltl raise
thy mnjedy, ant? of thy monclrous wadis. . . . All Up OllC Of whom SJOSCS WRS t hC t) [)C i111(1 I Il:lt ht ~llOllld
thy works shall praise thecb, 0 l~)rd; and thy saints bc the gc:it llulcr of the world.----T)cut. 78: 15, 1%
shall lkss thee. I‘hcy shall speak of the glory of thy hrun fOrC.-;hadO\Wd thC J~ricsthood of Jcltovah. Jt
l;ing(lom, and talk of thy Jwvrl’ ; to m;llic 1illOIVU to \YiIS ~JIYh~d Jchorah that Aaroll should th? 011 ii
llic sons of men his mi::hty a+, and the ~101iour Iwrnntai~~ top ; whi4 hr tlicl. (Num. 20: 2s; W : 35, 39)
mrjwty of his kitlglom. Thy king:tlom is aI1 c~crli~st- Thwc J)icturcs mnc!~ by or&r or ~~om~n;~ndof Jchov;~h
ing kinqlom, ancl thy domillion cndurcth tlirou~lmlt hwm to silv. * ‘The “royal J~ricsthootl” mnst tlic wllilc
all gcnrrations. . . . Thou opciicst thinc hand, and mcmlx,rs of God’s orK;lnizat ion and be csaltcd in his
satisfirst the dcsiw of cvcry living thing. The Lord is Org:iIlizil t h. ’
rightcnus in all his \vilyS, and holy in all his works.” JVhl1 Xoscs was twding the flWliS of iris fallicr-in-
-4’s. 145 : l-17. law Jcthro, he “c:llllC to the IllOUlltilil~ Of C:otl, CVtl11
Jcllovnh nmnifc=& his loving-kindness toward man to J1orc.b”. God told Sloscs that his chosen Jwol~lc
in many wa> s, Ihat mau might learn his l)nrpnsc and Israel should be brought forth from JCq:ypt (symbolic-
know him. 1Jc 11s~ vi:ihlc parts of hi< rrcation to in:: SLItill ‘S O~gillliz~~ti011) :lld t ht f llqi sllotlltl wt)r-
piclurc bk;rt xhich i.; invisible to man. In his \Yor(l ship and serrc Clod “upon this mountain”. (ICx.
JlC UWY a L‘lnOllllti~in” 70 @dUr+ 3 ~~~~~~~l’Ill~~~?Itill or- 3: 1, 12) That this mountain is used to pirture 111~
ganization. A gW;lt mountain llSU:lll~ h:lS il Slllilll setting up of (:0(1’s govcrnmcnt or I;i~i,oclom is dcfi-
~mirn~t or peak which is the hizhcst part or crown of nitcly slatrd 1)~ the apostle Paul.---IT&. 12: 2-l-?%
!he mountain. Thilt part is the most eonspicuons and WhCll God llild led t hC Jsruclitcs safely across tllc
is called a “hill”, or lhc highest clcvation of the moun- RCd SC;1 by tllC hand Of Moses his SCrvilllt, IIOSc~S com-
tain range. Mount Zion is a sq’mbol of God’s gorern- posed and sang unto the T~orcl a song which is a
mcnt ; and the highest and most conspicnous part of prOphCVg, whcrcin it is stated Ihut Got1 would “ J’lalit
his government is the Governor, his brlovcd Son. them in the mountain of tliinc inlicritancc, . . . in
Thcrcfore it is written : “Yet have I set my king upon the sanctuary” which God has csIi\l)lishcd.. (Ns.
my holy hill of Zion.“’ (I%. 2: 6) “His fOllI~di~liO~ is 15: 7, 17) “And hc brought tlwn to tllc borclcr of Ilk
in the holy mountains.“-I%. 87: 1. sanctuary, even to this mountain, which his right hand
IIe spcalrs of Nount Zion as his dwelling place: had purchased.“-1’s. 7s : 51.
“1Zount Zion, whcrcin thou clidht take up thy habita- Jesus took thrcr of his zealous and faithful dis-
t ion.” (I%. 74 : 2, Rotk.) “In Judah is God known ; ciples and “bringcth thorn up into :I?] hi,rrh m0ullt;lill
his name is great in Israel. In Salem also is his labcr- apart, and was [thcrc] transfiqurcd bcforc them”.
nac!e, and his dwcllingplacc in Zion.” (Ps. 76: 1, 2) (Pratt. 17 : 1, 2) A few days prior thcrcto ~Jcsu~,wl!ilc
“For the Lord hath chosen Zion: he hnth desired it spcakin:: to his cli.xiplrs of his coming in hi; glory
for his habitation.“-I%. 132: 13. to set up his kingdom, said: “Tlicre bc some slnntlin~
In the J)rogrcssive steps in preparing for his gov- hcrc chich!l shall not taste of dcnth, till f hcy we the
I% T.

Son of man cornin in his kingdom.” (Jlatt. 16: 28) Serenely and peacefully there they stand. They have
At this present time there is upon the earth a small thus stood since Jehovah made them, and will stand
“remnant” the members of which are zealous and for ever. The lofty mountain peak pictures the great
faithful followers of the Lord and who are, by his government of Jehovah God and his Christ. As the
grace, giving witness concerning the Lord’s kingdom. storms and floods do not shake the mountains, even 40
This remnant believes on the Lord through the tcach- all the storms and floods of opposition that now rage
ings of the apostles. In that prophetic picture in the or that might come shall never disturb or shake Cod’s
mountain of transfiguration the three faithful dis- righteous government. “The floods have lifted up, 0
ciples reprc$cntcd someone. Is it not reasonable to Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods
say that they represented the faithful remnant who lift up their waves. The Lord on high is mightier than
have not tnstcd death but who have intelligently and the noise [discordant propaganda and speech made
understandingly seen the proof of the end of Satan’s in opposition to his kingdom] of many waters [tile
world, and ~110 see Christ, God’s great King, seated pcoplcs. that oppose], yea, than the mighty waves
upon the throne of his kingdom? Those who will con- [the great breakers, mighty opponents] of the sea.”
tinue faithful from now on to the end must of neccs- -1%. 93 : 3,4.
sity be of the remnant and will inherit the kingdom. While Satan, that old Dragon, the Devil, and IliE;
Cod caused his prophet to write: “Thus snith the organization now dcspcratcly attempt to destroy tl~e
Lord, As the new wine is found in the clu\tcr, and rctnnant, these need not fear, but may firmly stautl
one x&h, Destroy it not ; for a blessing is in it: so in col~fidcncc? and in security, kno\tinr_: that as long as
will I do for nq servants sakes, that I may not dc- they “have the testimony of Jesus Cllrist” and “ltccl)
stray them all. r\l1(1 I will Ilring forth a sclcd ltlie the cornrnandmcnts of (;od” they shall bc as h~‘Curcas
rcmnnnt of the sxll out of rJa~ob,alld out of Judah. the mountains. Jerusalem is a picture of the pcol~lc
[ihc royal I~ollsc] all itlhcrilor of my mountairlc [hirrb of God. Zion pictures or reprcsrnts particularly tlie
placrs in tl1c1g~~~c~nl~ncnt ] : arid mint clcct shall in- faithful remnant. To them Jehovah says: “They that
liclrit it, and my scrYantY shall dwell tli(brc.“---Isa. trust in tlic Lord shall bc as mount Zion, which Canllot
65 : 8, 9. bc rcmovcd, but abidct h for cvc’r. As the mountains
Look U~OII the mountains, J(1hovah Cod made them. arc round about Jcrusalcm, so tlic Lord is round :ll~cbut
Their fOuIl(liIiiolls arc u~lsl~:~kat~lc, csccpt 1,~ tile pow- his pcoplc froni hCwd~Jrtf1 CVCII for cvcr.” (I’<.
cr of Almighty God. Their lofty heads tower above 12.5: 1, 2) Thus Cod speaks to liiq J)c~oplcof thcair
the clouds. The storms ra:c, lhc fires of ligfitning nl,sollltc sccLlrlty ss lo11 g as they d\rcll in the .sccrci
flash and lmm, :lnd the mighiy wave’sof the sea dash plilt’(! of t IlC ;\lOSt 11 igh. Thcrc no evil shall Mall
against them; yet they arc unmoved and undisturbed. thc!lll.


EIIOV~~II’S cvcry act toward the first man Adam the sweet song of lhc fcnthcrcd tribes. Jlnntl in hnl~tl,
was ma&cd with goodness. By the manifestation and with rOyi stride, they climbed the mountain 101)s
of his loving-kindness hc would show man the and dclightcd their souls in gazing upon tlic rollill<:
blessings resulting from goodness. IIc made Adam hills, the mnjcstlc mountains, the beautiful Villlt’yS,
perfect in body and mind, and clothed him with au- the peaceful rivers, and the waving forests of c\pr-
thority as prince of all the earth’s creation. Ilc caused green and fruit-bcnriIlg trees.
the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air to ap- A perfect man and a perfect woman in a pcrfcct
pear bcforc Adam, that they might bc natncd by him home, with vigor, strength and perfect health and lil’c,
and receive his commandments; and they did appear what more could heart desire 4 1\11thcsc things Jcllovitll
and obeyed him. IIc made for Adam a pcrfcct home, had provided for them, and they were the csprcssion
and supplied it with every need. of God's lorillg-kinclncss. Because God had told Atlam,
Then, as a climax of the exhibition of his loving he would tell llis wife of their rights and privitcg:rs
consideration for Adam, hc created for him a perfect in that Eden. Something to this cfi’cct hc would say
companion, the tnost beautiful thing that Adam’s eyes to her : ‘Eve, a11these wonderful and beautiful thillzs
had cvcr beheld aside from his own image. She was are ours, l~ecausc God our Creator and E’athrr haq
a joy to his heart, and hc had pleasure with her. They given them to us. Of every tree of this mnrwlou~
gathcrcd fruits and flowers and feasted upon them, garden it is our privilege to cat, except of the tree of
while they sat upon the banks of the beautiful rivers knonledge of good and cril ; and Got1hat; said that 111
and listened to the laughter of the gentle waves as they the day we eat, thereof, dying WCshall die. But as
kissed the verdure-lined banks and hurried on again. long as we are obedient to our Father all these wontl:*rs
They walked midst the trees, and were entertained by and beauties are ours, for our plca\ure; and he has
commanded that WC shall bring forth children and made for his redemption. If rcdcmption was pro-
make this earth a glorious place for all of us to dc-cl1 in.’ vi&d, then a scparal:: ransom would have been rc-
Everything that Atli\m and Kvc had Came from God. quired for each wd every one.
IIc was their Life-giver, tlter;:Iore their Father. Sow God in his wisdom and loving-kindness caused all
as prince and princess of earth they must bc gut to a men to 1~ embraced, included or shui up, in Adam’s
test, that ihey might prow their appreciation of C:od’s condemnation hccausc of sin, in order that by and
loving-kindness and bc always in harmony with him. through one pcrfcct sacrifice redemption could hc pro-
Why should they not low (lad and obey him? IIe was vided for all. The record states that such wa$ his
their true and loving E’ricnd. If they should I::c+k arrangement. (finI. 3 : 22) I’crmitting then the chil-
upprccialion of his goodness they would not lx a pleas- drcn of Adam to be born in sin and shepcn in iniquity
ure to their Maker. God w01dc1 riot compel them to was again a?~ cscrcisc of God’s loving-kindness toward
obey, hut he would af;ord an opportunity for them lo them, hcczux 0plJortunity for rcdcmption shall come
rJro\‘c their Iove for him; and this they would l)rovc! to all of them through the one great sacrifice.
IJ~ being ohedicnt lo him. It \;‘a~ but a small thing to
:sk them to do. It meant the loss of cvcrything to
them to rdiisc.

IYtiilc ij(l;~in awl IGw wrc pahsillg through sorrow

ant1 suCicrii1g tlwir ctiihlrcn \vwc bIXjIi~:ht forth, iUl(l
ihry iJ1 tlIrlI sufirIQcd. l:ul why shoui(l their chihltcll
and ttwir ~I~iltlrt~n’s chi!(lrcn throu~~hout the RgCs 1x2
compcltctl to suffer fwm the cfi’wtx of t tic evil-doinK I\‘OW Cod’s ~ILIC 1imc is nt lI;lIId wtlrJ1 all mm \11:111
of ttwir lmrcnts? Wrrc fhwc chiltliwi in any wq 1JC IJrOU~llt l0 ;I11 :lWUt’:ltC ho\\ IWlgC Of tll(L 11’111 II,
rcsl)onsiblc for the wvron:ful arts of tticir pxYllts P awl shall Icaw that clod, in his lo,iII:~-IiiIItllIt~s~, loll::
I\‘o, bccansc ltwy wwc’ w.A in csistrncc nt the tinic il:O matlc lwovi’iion that thr0UglI tllc clcath of (‘tirist
the wronl;‘Cul &cd was committrd; but ttic cffcct of JVSUS all men shall 1lavc an ol)poriunily to live.-
that wrong was visited ul~uli them; anti the fact that John 17: 23 ; I : !J ; 1 *John 4: 9, 10.
it was SO dOJlC ~110~sforth the wisdom of Jehovah Clod. Jchorah in his wisdom ant1 loving-kindness not only
The provision which God made in their behalf showed provided a “ransom for all”, but provided tlIiXt the
not only his wisdom, but his love for man. One who would \JC willingly o1wtlicwt unto ihth in
The provision God made was that the oolworlting order t0 lwovifle Such raIlsOl ShOlllCl IX CXilttNl 10 tllc
of his purl~osc would pro\-iclc redemption for man, and hi$lL%t I)h! ill thC lllli\CrSC aId h2 gr:l~l~Cd ihc ]Jrize

that in due: time God would grant man au opportunity Of iIihercI;t his 1Ssccntive Offi~~~~ratlcl
life, bc niadc
to gain life. This provision fur wdcmption was through instrument to IJ?CSS all the families of the cnrth. IIiv
the VOlUJllill’)’ a:ld sacrificid death of the pcrfcct (.hlC hc10\-cd Son \von that grC;lt prize. (~ocI’s purl~~i;c i!Iso
whom he would provide. Sul~posr, then, that each one is that there Sllilll lx ZWXiiltd with his mi:lIt~’ S:~ll
of Atlam’s children had been born pcrfcct, and had olie hundred an11 forty-four thousand mcwlwt~s of his
not rccuivcd the results of their PillTlltS siJLs; thcll body; and that thc\c, logether with Christ Jesus, shalt
each one musl in turn be put under Icst as to whether constitulc “the seed” nwntiorwtl in (iod’s promiw to
he would obry or disolwy Cod. Some miyht have Alwaham and through which the blessings of maukind
obeyed and lived; but every one who violated God’s sll:lil come.-(;cn. 2‘2 : 17, IS.
lam must go for ever into death, unless provision wcrc Nuch time has been required to teach men concern-

ing this part of the great divine arrangement, and to begin the work of-blessing according to his promise.
gather out from amongst men those who shall consti- Let everyone be sure that because God has prom-
tute this “seed”, First, the Lord foreshadowed by ised to restrain wickedness and bless all the families
pictures what he would accomplish; then he began to of the cart11 with an opportunity for life and happi-
develop the new creation. 31~1~ time has been re- ness he is absolutely certain to carry out that promise,
quired to test those who shall be members of the new and that he will do so in his own due time. JIilliond
creation, and who shall then he highly esaltcd to a of people have been born, havp lived on the earth, and
place in God’s royal family. The restraining of wick- have died. tlrc thcsc to have an opportunity for the
cdncss and the blessing of mankind could not begin blessing? ITow can they ever receive the blessing prom-
until God has vindicated his name and’ has sclcctcd kxl.1
and dcvclopctl the instrument that he will USCfor this The apostle Paul has written: “For WCknow that
purpose. That done, then all men shall have a fair the whole creation groan&h and travailuth in IJail
and individual trial for life, and an opportunity to together until now.” (Ram. 8: 22) And then the
learn that obedience to Clod leads to life and hnppiness. apostle shows for what the creation is waiting, whnl
Jehovah could have provided redemption at any he says: “For the Cill’llCSt cxpcct:ltion Of the! creature
time, and could have devclopcd “the seed” and bl~cd waitcth for the manifesta ion of the sons of (lo&”
the obcdicnt OJWY ion:: before ; but had he done so only (I:tJlll. 8: 19) The SOtIS Of c;Od hC!IV S~)~JkWl Of Cm-
the men born up to tlic time oE com$eted rcdcmption stitute Clod’s new Creation, that is to say, ‘J’lic Urrist,
could have 11ccll affwtctl :111dbciiciitcd by the rilllSom JCWSbeing the JIcad and his true church bcin:: the
sacrifice. I)urin:: the six thousand years since Adam, body thereof (El& 1: 22, 23; 2 (:or. 5: 17) ; and .I+
millions have IWn Iwm inlo the Cilrtll. If all the pco- hovah God has cml)loycd ttic centurios,of the Clirihtian
pie who have c’vc’r livccl upon the earth wcrc brought, era to develop the 1ic’w crcafion, illId with this IICIV
to pcrfcction, and the c:irth wcrc brought to an ISdcnic creation, or ‘scctl of promise’, pc~ri’ormin~: its func-
condition, tticrc would be a sufficient numl~ to com- tiolis in 1lill7llO~ly with the divine will duriiir: the
fortably inlial)il the cart11; and there would ho plenty thcmsand-year rule of Christ, the blessings shall CfJlnff
upon the (‘tii’th for all. (;tJtl mIdC tliC CLwt11 t0 b.? ill- ul)on the human race ilS IJrOIRiWtl. 1GvW the hi!liwis
habited by man. It js his pui-l)osc therefore to provitlc Sl(-chl)ill!: iii the dllst of the Pill*th in dWtl1 Sll:lll IH:
a sufi’iciciit ii~~inl~crof nir11 ;i11(1women to ii~llahil the r;liwd from the ~l’ilVCS by divine I)O\\t‘l’ eSeWlsw1
earth in due t iinc. Tlicrrf’orc it iu rasy to bc seen that through Christ JWIIS, in order Ihat they may Icitrn of
in the cxcrci~:c:of his wi&rn illld loving-kindness (:od the vindication of ,J~hovnh’s name ancl IIWJ sharc~in
had pclrmiltctl ~uflicic~nt lime to elapse for a sufficient tllC blWsillgs ~~llldl;lScd for tllW1 tlllVUgl1 tllC tl~iltll
nunibcr to IJC: born into the earth, before hc woultl of .JCSUY Christ.


I-0, t \\‘Ollll 1’cx I‘ “2; L’s

5, i
I& ArUA.. T&. .._... “ Ardnmre, &I:,. .:..:::::.:: ” YS, 2G
IIou\tort, Tex. . ..._..... 1: 9.il (%lchi~hh, I lkla. ._ .. :: 27, 23
San nntor1io ‘Tlx ...... 4‘ 13, 14 oklilllolllu C’Ity, Okh 29, 3G
duein, Tex’. .. . . .. .. .. .. . l&10 \\‘elcetkn, Oklo. _.... Sept. 1, 2

Auburn, 11~1. . . .._.._...Aug. 7, 8 IA I’ortc, Ind. . . . . . . . .._Aug. 20
Kendnllvill~, Iud. .._...._ ” Kno.\. Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1: 21 IIood River, Orcc . A
IhwrlicT, Illd. . .._.._..... “ 1: I,nhc V~ll:we, 111th 22 \VllllC Solnlon. \I as11.
I:lkllart. Ind. . . . .. .... .. .. “ 12. 1: I~~l:lllcrrt Ilk, Ind. -. . . ..-.
. . 4‘ 2.3 c:lnl:ls. \\‘:LRlI: .. .. .. ..
South I~end. Intl. . . . . . . . “ 14.16 \\‘:kts:l\v, Illd . . . . . . ..___“ 2.3 I.on~:\ irw, \V:I<II. .I;. ....
Blichrgnn City, Ind. ._.. I’ ls, 19 PJrt WHyne, Ind. . . .... .. “ 2G-30 (‘llcll:~ll~. \v:1.11. .........
h)111011d, \\‘Xhll. .......
AiJclYlcc.n, \\ asl,. ........
mna, \vrat1. ...............
Aufmxtn, Gn. . .. ...July 31, Aug. 1 ~Ionticello, Ga. .._..._._. Aog, A. S. WRIGHT
Dewing, Ga. ._.._...__.... AEg. 2 1:ntonton, Gn. .. . ... .._.... ” Fair field, Ill. ............. Aug. IC:wt St. Loni~, Ill. ___Au:.
Atlmr, <:a. . . ... .._.. ... . .. ;, t 1w\c1eux, a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“ Rellmont, Ill. ................;: ; St. Im11*, MO. . . . . . . . . . . . ‘(
Jos~wr, (:a. . . .... ... .. .. .. . “ ~l~lledac~ ille Ga. ...__...1‘ lifme cx:rp, 111. ........... (( 4 \vlMlrl I(l\W. Ill. . . ... ”
Dalton, (:a. . . ..._.......... :; ’8 3fUCOll. Gu. I . . . . . . . . . . 5‘ 23 2. La\\ rencwillc III. G~lleq~w, 111. . ...._..__.“
Rome, Bn. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 0, 10 1-t. Valley, Go. . .. .... .... . “ ’ 33 sltlrltlet. Ill I.. ......... :::: “ : IQlnn. III. . . .. . . . .. .... . . ”
Dallas. Ga. . .. .... .... .. ..-.. “ (‘~llumbuh Ga. _....:.._.__“ 2i, 9; Flat Itwk. Ill. ............ “ ~irIrtln~\~l1~, III. . . .. .. ”
Atlanta, Ga. . ._._.._._.___. “ Viwnn, C;a. ._ _.._.....__. “ ’ W11lw HI!), Ill. ; ;: ~J:1ttwn, Ill. .. . _ .. ... . “
Lagrange, Ga. ._..._......1‘ IIawkins\tlle, Ga. . . ... . 6‘ 30 Vandol:a, 1U. ....................... 0 Arcola, III. .___.....__.._.Sept.

AUGUST 1, 1935

OnAlmrI (Part 4)
Del~vercrs _ .... ..-.--.-m~ ..I.. ._ .u...-..-.....I._. 232
Questions for Study _.^_ .-..--..-.-“--“-“..1 235
Trrr: RIARCII TO ARM {OEDDOS _.~~__~~._.1__ 236
LETTERS FROM AFIELD _-__.__ ._.__ I... .__ _ 238
RADIO SEWICE -. . . _ ^_._.II..“....I.I.. - ..“__._._ 240
“ Jsr~ovarr ‘6 PIMI~E ‘I TESTIXOXY .-_-_. . 226

lr~~~:~~~~-~~ FOR THE BLISD I^ ._.-- _._-__. ._.. 226

370~1132 .__~__I._

New PORTABLE P~~osocearn ._._I_..I._._I_. 226

117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A.
T the proplc to know Jehowh
expressed m the Sible.
for the purl~oso of enxfdin~
God and his purpu;e1 :M
It pubhshes Utble m~tjuctitin
designed to aid Jeho\ah’s wtnesscs. It ~1 rnuc;t s
3. l?. XCTIIERFOED President IV. E. Vas Aw3tT.m Sccrctary lilb!e s~utly for Its
byS~CUllah2 ~e:rdcrs and ~upplws othar lItlbr-
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; ana alulo to aid in huch studlcs. It publx311cs sultulde ruatcrd
fur ra&o broaclcastmg and for other means of pubhc mstruc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isaiah 54.~3. tiun in the Swptures.
It aiiberes strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH antes. It is entirely flee and scpalate from a11 partw, sects
TIIAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worklly orgauizatlons. It is wholly untl 5rltkout
to cverlnstutg, the Mnkcr of healen nnd earth and the Giver Iwer\ntlon for the lungdom of Jehovah God untlcr Christ
of life to l115creatures; tb:tt the Logos \Ias the brginnmg of his Uelovcd Kmg. It IY not dogmatic, but inl ltcls cxeful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of a11thmgs; itUt critical exammalion of it5 contents in the lqht of tho
thut the Logos is now the Lortl Jesus Christ 111glory, cl01 Id Scijptures. It dws not in~lulgo in contro~crsy, and its col-
with all po~~cr in heaven and earth, and the Chwf &xcutlro umns a10 not 0Jxn to pcrsonnlllics.
OfIiccr of Jehovnh.
Tl[AT GOD crwtcd tho earth for m:q created perfect Ytuer,y Scnscswrrox PRICE
man for the earth nnd placrtl lum upon it; that njnn vcdlfully
ditiohcycll GotI’s lxrv ant1 \\ns xcntcncctl to &%tll; that by
re:Json of ~idnm’s wrmg nvt all ium aro boln einncI5 and
without the right to 11fc.



The mitlsurumcr tcst11rwny 1~‘1jud, r\u:uzt l-i’, 1s cle4gnntetl
“.Jcho~:th’s 1’1a1se”. ‘I’l115 \\1!1 lx mr cxrcllerkt time for as mxny
aY CRll tU lUl:lllb’C 10 t:diC tlJ<ll \~(‘:LtlOll, th,-lCt,~ to bC dJ!C tO
ileioto us much tlmo as possjl~lc to tlus 111 II 1185::~ thn u !J~cli
non0 is higher or g1:111tlcr, .I~~l~ovnh ‘5 ptxj,c. nil 111sdd-
voted ones iuny hrgrii :it onw to plxn au11 :Irr:trqe therctor It
is hero stntcd lh:it the feature
of this testimony pcriotl wll t&c
the on’cring bound In a spe~lal nmppcr Ilooks One, T\ro and
Th1co of l~j1tcZwc1f10~~,on contribution of Xlc. F1ndjc~1lrorc,
sitb its full st:~temcnt on the {vu1k of ‘ the man n itlr I IJU
inkborn nnd the Jchu-Jon:d:1b pictu~c, de., slrtdtl plo\e w-
ccllcnt mntc11:~1to pl:we followvn~~ the Iwent, w~(ln Jlstrlbutlon
of the book Ciclrrs. It wdl xlw be p1oper to olFvr 1n cumljina-
tion x\ith tfic above three bouks the t\\o h~lis hc\lrl with 1110
book Prophtcy, nll on B $l.OU cont1ihution. “l’rdise ye Jel~n-
Vnh.“ Duo reports of your praise cf’forts should he mnrle, to
the Brooklyn head of&c dlrcct if you are not unt1l.r 13r:111ch
6uperlision. Drstributlon of the nbovc bock oners nil1 continue
tbrougbout the entIre month of ALugusL
VOL. LVII AWUST 1, 1936 No. 15


“But upon mount Zion shall be dclivcrance, ad there skall be holiness; and the house of Jacob sldl pos-
sess their posscssionr,“-0bad. 17.
EIIOVAII is the dclivercr. David the beloved scrv- shall be dclivcrcd; for in mouttt Zion and in Jcrusa-
ant of God long ago expressed the heart scnti- lcm shall be dclivcranrc [ (Zi.T’.) those tltat cscapc],
mcnts of the rcmttattt now on earth when he as the Lord haih said, and in the rctnnant whotn the
wrote: “I will love thee, 0 Lord, my slrcngth. The Lord shall call.“-Joel 2: 32.
Lord is my rock, and my Portrc%s, and my dclivcrcr ; * The. protnisc is sure and certain that Cod’s EAh-
my God, tny strength, in whom I will trust ; my buc!r- ful rctnnant shall IJC dclivr~rcd from tlic olq~rmsivc
lcr, and the horn of my salvation, and my hi$t tower. I organization of Satan and Sllilll fully enjoy the priv-
will call upon fhe Lord, who is worthy to IJC praised; ileges of God’s organization. (Zcrh. 2: 7; Isa. 4: 2-G;
so shall I bc saved from mine c’ncmic’s.” (I%. IS: 1-3) 10: 20-22; 37: 31, 32) Even now the tnodcrtt Mom-
Now Jehovah has buildctl UIJ Zion, his capital orqaniza- ilcs I~chold tlie Ij:t~id of the Lord over his faithful
tion, and placed Christ JIWS the groat antitypical I*cttuuuit, and this they ha\c, scctt since their mur-
David, the l&d and KitI:: thclvof, q~ort the throne. derous assault tnndc upott God’s pco~~lc during the
Jehovah has appeared in his glory, and llrc lime is JVorld War. ‘l’lle complc+c mtity of the faitltl’ul rem-
at hand when he will &liv(~r Iris faithful ~JCO~J~C lay nant, their dclcr,mitt:ttiott and zeal to serve .J~~l~~vah
the hand of Christ JWIS, Iti:; King and Vindicator. God rcgnrtlhss of oppositiott, tllcir united sllortt of
&fore the battle of the “great day of God Alntig$iy” loyalty attd filitllfllltlCSS to God illltl his kitiqtlotn that
ends, cvctt the enemy shall be compcllcd to XC tllnt g,roCSltp throit~hont tlte 3i111d, St,ViliC kTtYJt’ t0 tllC
Jcl~ovah’s favor is upon Zion. While the motlcrtt Edotnitcs, the J~otttnti Catholic Il~cratcliy. Tlic faith-
ISdotnitcs pcrsccute God’s faithful pro~~lc they hpr~o- ful ottcs of the ILord itt Gcrtnntty and h’cw Jcr~y t*c-
critically rhtitn tllilt dclivcrattee of the peol~lc of tllc EusC to yield to thC threats of iltcir pCI’sCeU!OI’S, illld
world shall be IJ~ tltc hand of the Rotttan Catholic this fills the ctteniy with fear. Thcrc shall l~c 110 clc-
llicrarchy atid their allicY. J>ee?nring that the hypo- livctxttcc or chc;lI~e for tlic ntOdct7t TSdotnitcs iltltl thcair
critical clergy crowd shall c’omc to an ignominious allies.-Jer. 2.5: 35,
end, Jchov;rh says: “But upun mount Zion shall bc 3 Then says the Lord lay his pt-ophet: “TIt(brP sirall
deliverance [ (R,lr.) those that cscapc].” That shall IJC holitic~s”; (li.l’.) “Aid it sliall IN2 holy.” Zlofl/c;*-
take place \rllctt Psalm 10,.9* 13-16 is fulfllcd, dcclarcs h/rn~ rcttdzrs this part of the icxt in this t’tilttttcr:
the Lord; and th:lt day has now eotne. Jehovah mnni- “111 Mount Zion shall bc a d(~lircrcd remnant wllirlt
feats his zeal for his organization and thcrcforc spcitlts SlIdI be 11oly.” Clearly this test tltcans that tlic faith-
to his peo~~lc, by his prophet Zcchnriah: “Thus saith ful rcntnant, dclivcrcd from 8ilt;ltl’S crowd, will 1X
tltc Lord of hosts, I was jealous for Zion with great holy and complctcly dcvotod to Jehovah and will rctt-
jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury. dcr holiness unto tltc Lord. Thcsc filitllfltl Ottvs are
Tl~ns saith tire Lord, I ntn relurncd uttto Zion, nt~d holy, in having eotne clcnn from Babylon or Satan’s
will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and Jerttsnlctn orqutization, and mill be continually oCcritq tllcir
shall be callctl, A city of truth, and the mountain of s;lcriRcc of praise to God and to his Kin?. (Isa. 52:
the T,ord of hosts, The holy mountain [the kinadorn 11, 12; 2 Cor. G: 17, 18; 7: 1) The great I:efittct* and
of God].” (Zccli. 8: 2, 3) “Christendom” and all Purifier WCS to it fhat the “delircrcd remnant” are
the Devil’s organization are traveling swiftly in the tnnde pure and holy and that they offer coui ittu;llly
rapids and soon will be crushed beyond recognition. an offering itt riglttcourttes9 bcforc the 1~04. (%c
Tltcreforc this is the tinto when God’s message must Malachi 3: 3, 4) The faithful ones will not bc puttitl::
be proclaimed by his faithful witnesses to those who forward their own cxprcssion of “wisdom” with a
are of good mill towards Jehovah, that they may flee view to attracting attention to tlicmselvrs. They will
to the place of safety. “And it shall cotnc to pass, bc blind to everything save the kingdom intcrosts.
that whosocvcr shall call on the name of the Lord They will be entirely depcndahlc, faithful and true
228 I3ROOKLYN, x. Y.

to the Lord, and any who fail ts come up to that stand- ing of the house of Esau; for the Lord hat11 spoltcn
ard will not be pcrmittcd in Zion. “.\nd it shall it.“--- Obnd. IS.
come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that ’ “The house of Jacob, ” as used in this vcrsc, ap-
remaincth in Jerusalem, sh;dl he called holy, even plies particularly to Jutlah, and “the l~ousc of Jo-
every one that is writicn nroonq the living in Jcru- supl1” refers particulwly to the ten tribes of which
salcm.” (Isa. 4: 3) The faithful remnant are now tiphraim, doseph’s son’s Ilibc, was the lvzad. (1 C’hron.

easily discernible as they go forward uriselfisli1y to 5: 1, 2; Ezck. 37: 16) Thcrufore the espressions in
this part of the prophoey of Obadiah. “tile house of
the scrvicc, always singing the praises of Jehovah and
Judah” and “the hour of Josq~h”, include and cov-
his King.
er tlie entire 144,003 of Ihc twelve tribes of Ihc chil-
c It was the expressed will of God that Jacob should dren of Israel, and l~~tc mcan the entire body or
rcccivc the birthright. “And tiic h~usc of Jacob shall mrmbers of Christ.--Rev. 7: 4-8.
po.sscss their own possessions.” (A’ollr.) These posscs- *Note now fhat the two l~ouscs named, that iy, the
sions arc in f~lll accord with God’s cwcnant, that is, house of Jacob and the llo\~sc of JOSC~~J, act in com-
according to the birthri::ht which Cod clrrl;~rcd Jacob plctc unity in the dcstructiun of the cncmy oqa11lza-
should rcccivc. The faith lul mnlnant now on the earth lion; and IXI’C Ihc rcnduring of this text IJ~ liotltcr-
arc the antitypc of JawI), that is, Jacob rcprcscntcd Itrlw is cnlightcriing: “Ant1 the house of ,Jawl; shall
them ; and thin promise inww restoration of the bc a fire, and the house of Joscl~h a fli\mc‘, \*;ith the
remnant to their right i’ul pI:wc in Jehovah’s organi- IlOUX of ISsau for stubble, SO Shall tlicy liilldlC lll1011
zation and to futi privi!c::w of service and activity in t km ad dcvoiir tlicm, and t hcrc sli;~ll lJc no survivor
Cod’s organization. The kin !$om lJri\‘il(‘f;C’S IlrC ~:llWl to the IIOUW oI Esnu, For I’:~hw:h [Jchwlhj hath
away from the clergy and the “evil SCrvant” and spoken. ’ ‘- Uhd. IS, Nolh.
given to lhc faithful remnant to ~JOSSC’SS, 11ccau~c they @Xincc the lwophccy of Obadiuh applies spwifically
are brin?itix forth the fruits of the kinqlom.--Mait. t0 11162J~OlJ1illl th~ho~k~ 1 ~I~~l~ilI~~~h~ ZlJld fhf.ll’ alhcd
21: 43; .Juhn 15: 8. dwyy, “lh hJwX Of I’~YilLJ,” :lS Wk’tl 111 liibi tc’xt,
5 The TLomnn Catholic Jlic~rarcliy, the chief pait of c1~Irly incans t hc rnc~~lci~~i-day I’;clonlilw. ( ‘c~IiwI*IliIlq
the visible cnrmy of (:od, iild their allied clergy now this same lrylJocritic,tl rrowtl C:od says: “‘~IJ(~IY~~~I~~
conspire to dc5troy (:n(l’s wmIl:uit and say: “IA Shill1 tllC Lord, tllC l,Orcl Of IlOStS, ScIkd ;IliJrJll!: his
us talcc to outsc~l~w tllc liotw*s of Cod in I~o:,w~sion.” [thcl encrny’6J fat 0ws Iwlllwss; aucl untlcr his glory
(1%. 53: 12) ThcJy have* saifl amI still say, “\‘ve will llc shll Itintllc a burriiii~: l*I;c 1bc lJlll’IliIl~ of :i liw.
possess it,” that is, lllc I;in:&m (Icz&. 35: lo), but hd the lixllt [Christ rJcs~~~, the rc1mcsc~llt:ll~~~v ot’
their cft’orts arc cvc’n now wml~lclcly failing. “But Jchovnh] of IsI*:~(~~hllall IJC for ii fiw, :111(1 Ijis 1101~

the saints of the Xoat llieh shall tnliC! tlic kingdom, Chic [ Chi*i.4f it shall 1nit11 a11fl tl(~
] for il Il:~mc ; :111cl
and possess the kingdom J’or cwr, even for ever and vow his t!l(wIJs a~icl Ili9 ~JI’iC’rS in 011~’ d;~y ; :~r~cl 4jmll
ever.” “Alld the liin~~tlorn alid dominion, and the COIISUIIIC 1h glory of Jlis 1or(‘\l, it1111of lli\ f’ruitl 111
grcatnws of the kiiigtlom uwlcr the 15liolc hc’avcn, field, both ~111 altd b~(ly; :IJJ~ tlJcy ~hi~ll 1Jf’ ;IS \rlI< II
shall be qivcn to the lwople uf the saints of the Xost a stantlardbrarcr faintcth.” (1 !a. IO: l&IS) Srl~Jp’,J~t-
High, \vhosc ltingtlom is an CVC~lilSl ill:: Iiinip(lom, and in;: this, anot her prolAlct of ~J(~~lovilll says: “L\ fin?
all dominions hllilll serve MJd obey him.” (hll. 7: dcVollreth lJPI’C,!‘C thrm ; ant1 IJdlind t hcni a 1l;lm(! )b\II II-
18, 27) The time when this taking possession of the Cth ; tilt hlld iS X3 th: $ll’lh Of I’:tlL’Il lJ(‘I’OI’c’ t h’lll,
kingdom comes to pass is “in the day of J~:hovah”: and lK!~lillt~ dIPIn a dWlJ1at.c WildWIWSS; ?‘C:l, 2nd IlOth-
“Until the Ancient of ClilyS came, and jud;gmcnt was ing Sll:lll (Joel 2: 3) i\lJ’Jl il(*l’ )JI’O~h-
ChCiI[)C tlJelJ1.”
given to the saints of the Nest Ili:$ ; and the time ct further sul)lwrts this conclusion: “111 1hat cl;~y
came that the saints l~ossc~s~~~the kinglotn.” (Dan. will I make tllc Kovcrnors of Judah like an 11(~;LI*tll(II’
7: 22) Christ JESUS,thC JlCilCl of the hotlsc of the anti- fire among the \vOOd, and like a torch of fire iI1 a Shcilf;
typical Jacob, is now c~nthroncd, and his judgment illld thy Shdl 4h’Oul~ fill t hC ])CO[Jk rOllIld :llJOllt, 011
proccctls, and he completely ousts fhc “squafiers” the right hand and on lhc I& ; and Jeruhillclll sllall
who fraudulently claim to gw.cs% t hc kingdom: “Ask be inhabited again in her OKII place, ewn in Jwusa-
of mc, and I shall give tlwc the hcathcn for thine in- lcm. “--%cch. 1% 6.
hcritanec, and the uttermost parts of the earth for lo Todav all that is left of organized rcli:ion iu but
thy possction.“--I%. 2: 8. stubble, &tly to bnrn. The clergy nom h:lvc Iwt a
6 “The house of Jacob” particularly applies lo the “form of godlinws”, and their hcnrts arc 1u1*nc11PII-
tribe of Judah, of which Christ JWIS is the Lion, the tircly away from Jchorah fiild his iiiJl:du!>l: ~iwlcc
strong and mighty One, who shall com~~letclg annihi- the Lord sap: “And the house of I:wu for \flll)!~lc,”
late the enemy. “Alld the house of Jaroh shall be fit only to bc consumed by lhe dcvustntin~ lir,,. Jeho-
a fire, and the house of Jowph n flame, and the house vah puts it in the heart of his faithl‘iil ~x~Jljl,~ to 11o;v
Of E%I?u for stlllJblc, n1~1 tlw_v shall kindle in IllCm, pray concerning the modern Edomites lhv \\ orals es-
and dclour them ; and there shall not be any remain- pressed by the k&n: “0 IIly God, lll:iIiC ttll:Il ll!L1’ II
AVXST 1, 1936 229

wheel ; as the stubble before the wind. As the fire hurn- I3 The Roman Catholic IIierarchy and allied clcr:rg
eth a wood, and as the flame setteth ihc mountains on shall be completely destroyed ; as it is written: “And
cc.” (Ps. 83: 13, l-1) Thus the Lord says what shall there shall not bc any remaining of the Iw~lsc of
befall the Edomites and their allies: “For, behold, I&au.” (Vs. IS) “Egypt shall be a desolation, and
the day corn&h, that shall burn as an oven ; and all I:dom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence
the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stub- against the children of Judah, because they ha~c shed
ble; and the clay that comcth shall burn them up, innocent blood in their land.” (Joel 3: 19) “Also
smith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither Edom shall bc a desolation ; every one that gocth by
root nor branch.“--Nal. 4: 1. it shall be astonished, and shall hiss at all the plagues
I1 It is written at Rcvclation 17: “And the ten thereof. As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah,
horns which thou sawest, and the beast, these will and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the Lord, no
hate the harlot, and will make her desolate and naked, man shall abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell
and will cat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For in it.” (Jer.43: 17,18;Isa.34: 9-17;1Szck.35: l-9, 15;
God inclined their hearts to do his puq~ose, crcn to 25: 13) “The Lord bath spoken it”; and ~tl(!rc:f(JrC
cxecutc one puq~osc.“(ltev. 17: 16, 17, Dirfg.) Con- all the “goats” shall be dcstroycd.-Xat t. 25: 16.
firming this, Jehovah through his prophet says: “Thy ld Jehovah suffers or permits his cnemirbs to take
nakedness shall bc uncovered, yea, thy shame stlilll their own course’ until it is his tluc time to act, illId
be seen; I will tukc vcngcance, and I will not meet when ttic duo time arrives the cnrniy mlist bo oustrtl.
thee as a man.” (Isa. 47: 3) Dou~~tlrss tlwsc proptie- (I%. 110: l-3) The Roman Catholic, lIiornrchy, the
tics apply to tbc comptela clcstruction of 1he influence modern I:dortritcs, for many jY'illY3 tiavo wroil*:Tutly
and power of ttrc Ilic~rarchy and ttlclir allied clergy assumed posxssioti of that \rhich bclon~s to tljc true
among the ruhbrs of the earth, when the Hirrar~~tq pcc~plc of God. Concerning ttic ousting of tlic enemy
and otticr clci*~y are fully disqraccd and cdast aside and giving the IJosscwion to ttios~~#to whom it right-
as wholly worthless. Note that in Obadiah’s pro~~hrcy ililly 1-,etony md who the T,nrcl di,x*loscls sti:~Il t1:lvc
tlic credit for tttc complctc destruct ion of t tie house it, hc Sil\S by his tW0ptict Ol)adi:ih: “-1ntl tll(‘y of ttlc
Of I’IhilU i:: IlOt gl\‘c?l io the ‘men Of hrr c*onfcdcr;iry ’ south shall t~osx~~i the mount of I%au; an(l tli~y of
(vs. 7), but, says the Lord: “and the hou:;c! of Jacob ttlc pIail t!jc l’llilistincs; and ttlcy Stlilll I)fewsS ttre
dlall Iw ;L fire, and 11~ howc of Josq~l~ :I flame, . . . field of 1~1ptir;iirn, an(l ttlc fiolcls of Salnill*ia; i~ntl I~~~li-
and they shall kindle in them [shalt burn among jamin shall J~O~SCSS Gilcad. “-Ol~ad. 39.
them (1i.V.) 1, and tlcvunr t ticm. ” (01x1(1. 18) Cioil I5 ~Juclah occ*lllJicd the ~011th part of I’alr~stitlv, \:~l.ich
lays his vcngcancc ut~on the JSdomitc~stry the hand (Jf territory bor(lcr(~d all ttic IantI ticl(l 11y I tic ISiloniltrs.
his own power: “~11~1 1 will lay my vc~?~~ca~ic~ upon (Josh. 15: 1, 8, 30) M’hcn the I~rnclitc~s WC~P ~OUI*IIC~-
I%h?n by Ihc hand of my l~!oplc Israel; and they i??,q from Eo;ytjt to Canaan J~*tlovntl inst ructc~cl Aloes
shall do in Edom accortliu:: to mine anger, and ac- t0 C0TTlIllillld ttlP tJC0ptC that ttlf*y WCI‘C 110t t0 InCvtcttC
cording to my fury; ;111tlttlpy shall k?low my rcngc- With t tlC ~~kbJIllik!S: “And
c~ommnnd tli01i tllc tmt~lc,
ancc, tiaith the Lord God.“-Ezck. 25: 14. Sil~illg, Yc arc to pass t Ilrotlqh tlic coast of your
‘* In ttlc war that is now in progress between the brcthrcn the children of I:s;IN, which dwelt irl Stbir ;
modern-day Edomitcs and the faithful scbrvants of and they shall be afraid of you ; tnlic yc gr~otl tkvd
Got1 the latter are now declaring Jehovah’s fiery unto yourselves thrrcforc ; mc~tltllc not with t hc,in ; for
judgnicnts against the hypocritical Jlicrarcliy or I will not give you of their l;llitl, no, not so n~ntll as
IMomitcs. Jehovah’s witnesses cm be obcdicnt to God a footbreadth, lY?(‘illlSC I htivc given mount. Stir lliito
now only by continuously bcnring liiq mcc;sagc bcforc l&au for a possession.” “ ,\lld wt1ct1 we t,nsscd tJy ftm~
the pcot~lc of the world ; his name and his \Vnrd must our bretlircn ttjc children of &au, which clwclt in
now be proclaimctl far :md wide. It is the Word of Stir, through the way of ihc plain from l<l:t1h, and
(:od in ttic moulh of these witncsscs Ihat, is burning from &ion-gabcr, we turned, and ~msed 1)s tttc way
the clergy, even as his prophet foretold: “Wherefore of the wildrrncss of Moab.“-J)cut. 2: 4, 5, S.
thus saith the Lord God of hosts, Bccausc ye [ Jchho- lb It was not then God’s due iime to distjos~css the
vati’s faithful witncsscs] speak this word, bel~oltl, I Edomitcs. Ili!tcwisc God has pcrmittrd the clergy to
wit1 mnkc my words in thy mouth fire, and 1hit; people go on in tlxir wrongful way without intcrruljtion
wood, and it shall devour them.” (Jer. 5: 14) “But until his due time to take action. The time to dispos-
I will srnd a fire upon Tctnan, which shall devour the SW the modern IMomitcs is after Christ Jrsns, the
palaces of Uozrah.” (llnlos 1: 12) As Jchorah UTC(~ Greater ~Ic)wc, is cnthronctl and br+ls tliy r&p.
the licatticn to perform cc&in parts of his purpose Sinre 1913 “the kingtloms of this world” right full?
to inflict punishment upon backsliding Israel in olden belong to Jehovah God and his Christ, and Ctrri~t sh;1!1
times, so tie now mancu’i’crs the cncmy and their “r&n for evrr an(l cvcr”. (Rev. 31: 15, R.1’.) C!l~rlct
atlics that one part, of the heathen wilt illfllct punish- JCSU~, the ri.qhti‘ul Ruler of the U-ortd, hnvin: ronle
mcnt upon modern or unfaithful so-called “Israel” and begun hi9 rci,qn, ttic time is 11crc~for the fulfill-
of the prc*scnt day. mc?>t of ttic IJTcJptmy, to n-it: “I shall WC hiin, bLlt

not now ; I shall behold him, but’ not nigh ; there shall and meekness will come under the influence, power
come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise and control of God’s kingdom under Christ Jesus, the
out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, Greater David, and will be in line for the blessings
and destroy all the children of Shcth. And Edom which Jehovah promises through Abraham.
shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession *OAll the nations must bow down and become sub-
for his [Edom’s] enemies ; and Israel [spiritual Is- ject, to Christ, and only the obedient shall live. Therc-
rael, of which Christ Jesus is Head] shall do valiantly. fore says the prophet: “And they of the plain [low-
Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion, land (ZLV.)] [shall possessthe land of] the Philis-
and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city.” tines.” They of the plain or lowland, called She#~eZah
-Num. 24: 17-19. (&brew), are the spiritual Israelites, the children of
l7 In proof further corroborating the above is the Jacob. That country of the ancient Israelites after the
prophecy of Amos, which is quoted at Acts 15: 14-18. flesh was contiguous with the country of the Philis-
The Lord by his prophet Amos said: “In that day tines and was subdued by David. (2 Sam. 8: 31, 12)
will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, “The plain,” or maritime slopes of I’hilistia, merged
and close up t,he breaches thereof; and I will raise into the plain of Sharon on the north. Spcaltinq pro-
up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: phclically of the spiritual seed of Jacob, the Ilord
that they [The Christ] may possessthe remnant of says: “And I will bring forth a seed out of Jncol),
Edom, and of all the hcathcn, which arc called by my and out of Judah an inherilor of my mountains; ant1
name, saith the Lord that doeth this.” (Amos 9: mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall
13, 12) This verse, according to another translator, dwell there. And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and
rends: “Tlmt thry on whom my name hath been called the valley of A&or a place for the herds to lie down
[that is, Jehovah’s servant class, upon whom he bc- in, for my people that have sought me.“-Isa. G5:
stows his name, and of which Christ Jesus is the 9, 10.
Head] may take possession of the rcsiduc of JSdom *l The Philislines wcrc allies of Edom, and both of
and of all the nations (the nations that arc anti-God these peoples arc cmployctl in ihc prophecy to forc-
and anti-J<ingdom], dcclarcth Jehovah, who exccutcth tell the Komnn Catholic Ilicrarchy and those olhcr
tllis.“-Z’oll~erlrton. clergy who walk with the Ilicrarchy in this tlily. Je-
l* The time when this prophecy is i’ulfillcd is dcfi- hovah by his prophc+ dcrlares his purpose lo tlcatroy
nitely fixed, and the proof shows that it takes place all those clncmics: “and the coast shall bc for the
after Christ Jesus is cnthroncd and begins his reign. remnant of the house of Judah.” (Zcph. 2: 4-7) It
“God at the first did visit the Gcntilcs [nations], to is thus made clrarly to appear by the Won3 of die
take out of them a proplc for his name,” says the Lord tllilt lllc Roman Catholic Hierarchy alit1 ail
apostle, quoting from the prophecy. This work of tak- allied clergy guilty of pcrsccuting and vtsinx (jod’s
ing out a people for his name is not completed until people shall bc complctcly disposscssctl.This N ill mark
the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple and the the iulfillnlcnt of (:od’s promise io Abrahorn, to wit:
gathering unto himself of those who form the royal “That in blessing I will bless 0lce, and in mnltiplyin~
how?. “And to this agree the words of the prophets I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the hcavcn,
[particularly Amos and Obadiah] : as it is written, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; an11thy
After this I will return, and will build again the tabcr- seed shall l~osscssthe gate of his encmics.“---&II.
naclc of 1)avid.“-Acts 15: 14-l& 22: 17.
10The taking possession of Edom, which means the ** Concerning others of the royal house the prophet
ousting of the modern ISdomites, the Roman Catholic Obadiah says: “And they [the rest of Judah, 111~
Hierarchy and their allied clergy, lakes place when royal tribe] shall possess the field of Ephrairn, and
the Lord is at the temple for judgment and after he the fields of Samaria.” In the type that wonld taltc
brings unto himself the temple company. The taking in the territory of the ten tribe3 of Israel, u ho sccctlcd
possession of the modern Edomitcs by the Lord JCSUS from Juclah after the son of Solomon asccndcd the
Christ was forcshadowcd when King David brought throne of Ihe twelrc tribes. That would mc:ln that the
Edom into subjection to the typical kingdom of God. Ephraimite and the Samaritan hybrids, who aftcr-
The taking possessionof the Edomitcs alld all nations wards occupied that territory, must be cleared out or
means the breaking of them in pieces, as stated by willingly come under God’s kingdom through his roy-
the psalmist: “Ask of mc, and I shall gire thee the al Son Christ Jesus. All the territory promised to the
hcathcn for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts seed of Abraham, according to the covenant, murt
of the cart11for thy possession.Thou shalt break them come under the rule of Christ Jesus. This is also
wiih a rod of iron; thou shalt da+ them in pieces shown by the prophecy which reads: “Incline your
like a potter’s vcsscl. ” ( J’Y.2: 8, 9) The modern Edom- ear, and come unto me; hear, and your soul shall
itcs hare cxcrciscd power over many pcoplcs of the live; and I will make an evcrlastmg covenant with
earth, but all of those who forsake that wicked organi- you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have
zation and turn to the Lord and seek righteousness given him for a witness to the people, a lender and

commander to the people. Bchold, ‘thou shalt call a over their enemies and over his enemies. Thc~ truths
nation that thou knomcst not ; and nations that knew the Lord without doubt is now permitting his peol~le
not thee shall run unto thee, lmouse of the Ilord thy to understand that they may receive comfort and with
God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he bath glo- patience pursue their work which he has assigned to
rified t1lcc.“-Isa. 55: 3-5. them.
*5 Continuing, the prophet Obadiah says: “hd *’ “The captivity of JcPusalcm,” as used by the
ficnjamin slmll possessGilcad.” The tribe of Eenja- prophet Obsdia!l, strongly implies that the fulfillment
niin was the only tribe that faithfully stood by and of this part of the prophecy begins sonictime after
clung to Judah, tlrc royal tribe. The tribe of Benjamin 1918 and while the rcnuiunt are still on tlic earth
went into captivity with the royal tribe and retnrncrl and before their work on the earth is finished. “When
to Zion with it. The tribe of Ibjamin rcprc?ents the h’d tWnCd agail thC captivity Of ZiCJlJ, WC WcrO
iho:;e who arc dedicated to the interests of God’s king- like them that dream.” (1’s. 12G: 1) Whrn the rem-
d:)m llkc as the tribe of Judah was. They forcshadowcd nant saw that they were free from the bin(liny cords
tile ones that arc dcpcnflablc and remain true and of Satan’s organization, free in Christ Jc’sus, and
Eaitiifu1 to the I,ord. The name “Gilcad” means recognized Got1 and Chri!,t cJ~~~~~ a9 the “llirrhcr
:,tml:: ro&, heap of witncsscs. That was the territory Powers ’ ‘, to whom they mn\t ilt all times Ix ol~cdlcllt,
lying cast of the Jorclan river and rvas occupied by that was so refreshing it sccmcd like a dream, and
itic trib; of RcLilIm and Gad, and half of the tribe many so said.
of Rlan:wcl~, it being suitable for their purposes 84 2’ Further concerning flit remnant it is written:
cnttlc rniscrs. (h’um. 32: l-5; 1)cat. 3: 13-16) I3cnja- “TIiCn was Our mouth filled with IilU~lltC!l~, an(l our
min com3 into posscs4on of this land, and tliiq pro- tongue wi tli singing:. ” That was literally true when
pllctically pictures the hlcssinps Jc4ovah hcitows UPOJI tllc remnant Sil\V that Satan was cast out of h:lwJJ,
those who arc filitlll’~ill~ acVOtd to the intcrcW of and that they had R work to do of IJrlliSiIlg and sc’rv-
(:Od’S kiJl$lOJJl, and who sharC in the “SUN mcrcic% ing Jehovah (;o(l till Arnxtqc&lon, wllcti S,ltan a11(1
of I):ivi(l ’ ‘. hi3 Iior~lcs uoril~l 110 dcstro~ed. The Impel \1mltc to
** The pro1Mic picture’; stem clearly to show that them, s:qGiq, “ Ilcjoicr, yc l~t~;~vc’lis,3nd yr! tllat dwll
,Jrhova11first hrinzs into disgrace and shame the nnti- [thcrrin] ” (1:~. 12: 12) ; ilIlt the rcrrm;tllt. 11(‘:11.(1,
typical l~~~loniitc~,the cl(lrgy, ant1 then drives lhcrn unt~crstootl :111(1sholitcd for joy. Thtty rc~joicwl tJl’-
cwmplcfc~ly out of their IJosscssion long occupied by (‘3llSC t llCy S:I\V t hilt tllC maili 1)W[JOSC Of tllP IAJJYI
thClI1, :lIltl th~~ll~ClPilEl ollt all cncmics Of GOcl ilIlC1 .Jtb~us is to vi!l(licilte .J~~ho\-illl’sname, a11tl IIIJ\V tt1cb.v
InGags 1Ilc c,Jrtirc (aaIdI1 ilJl(1 Jill thC pCO])lC WI10 con- llnd Nltc~l‘cd into the joy of Ill0 Irord, scciny tllilt t1lc
t inuc IhCrcoll coniplctc~ly u&r the collt Id ilIld LYIIC remnant has a part in tllc vil!dication ol’ ,JrlloV:l!~‘s
of the royal hol~\c, thtt i%rist. “Rrd the captivity nanic. Otlicrs anionx tlic lint ioIls, who obsc~r\cd t hc
of this host of the chiltlrcn of Israel shall possess favor of the 1~~rdupon the r(~mn:int, who arc (It>\-otcbfl
that [flmt is, the territory] of the Canaanites, cv’cn to Jehovah, are S~OWJIhy tllc Ijs;llnIist t0 slj(‘:\li to UIIC:
unto %;Irqhat 11; and the captivity of Jcrusalcm, another concri~ninq tlic rrnliiaiit, to wit: “‘1’11(~11Wit1
which is in Scphar;~il, shall possessthe cities of the they amoiig tire hcatlicn, ‘1‘11(~ I~ord hntli tlonc gIwt
soLltll.“-obad. 20. things for them.” m111y p’:cqA” of tllc worl(l Sil\V t11::t
25This is exactly in harmony with the terms of God’s ITIllJliIllt had rcturncd as it wcrc from t Iw de:!(l
tlrc Abrnhartiic covenant: “And thy seed shall pos~ss after the NWorld War and were goin:: forth with
tllc gate of his cncmics.” The C;m;mnitcs wcrc cne- grcatcr zeal :lId ~i11’11CSlIlC.SS1Ililll ever iJl u itllcxsii~~:
mics of Cod and of his people. Xnrcphatli was a to God’s kiiig(lorn, and thus thcg saw antl I~c~IJl~trlictl
Phoenician town bctwrcn Tyrc and Ziclun and well concerning God’s favor upon them. The fait I~ful rem-
known as the plilcc! wlicrc Elijah lodged with the nant now in the joy of the Lord say anioqst tllcin-
widow niid hw son during the three and one-half selves: “The? Lord Ililth done great thing for I15;
years of the drouth in Israel.-1 Ki. 17: 9, 10. WhClTOf lV’c tilT? glad.” For sonic time thcsc! faithful
ao1;OOliiIlg now to the fulfillment of the prophecy: ones have bt>cii sowing in tears j but now the cll;il~r;c
The host of spiritual Jsrncl \vils in captivity to Satan’s has conic, :liicl, as it is written, “they that sow in
organization, that is, I~i~bylon, prior to and ill 1915. tears shall reap in joy.” (1%. 126: l-5) It has been a
Up to that, time they had cWn recognizrd the rulrrs time of ever-incrcasinz jny to the faithful remnant
of this world, the servants of Satan, as the “higher since they have sccii it is their privilcgc to have a
p)oweI’s”. This they did ignorantly, of course, but part in the vindication of Jehovah’s name. They IMVC
rcmaincd faithful and true to Jehovah. The promi$c forgotten self, and the unsclfisli ones arc tlic ones
is that these faithful ones shall po~scss the place who arc serving God a*ld doing so bccnusc they love
wrongfully occupied 11y those who oppressed them. him. This elenrly seems to rcfcr to the time mcntionctl
It is a picture of how Clod takes careful note of thox by the npostlc, who w-rob: “Kow WC IJ(~~ccxhyou,
who remain true nud faithful to him ant1 in due time ~JI’CfhrFll, hg the COJlliIig of our Lord Jews ~kist,
delivers them and gives them a place of supremacy axd by our g:ltllcring together unto him.” (2 Thcss.
232 Elx3OELYS, iv. Y.

2: 1) “The Lord knowcth them that are his. And, death of the wicked.” (Ezek. 33: 11) The wicked are
Let every one [henceforth] that nameth the name of those who have had an opportunity to know and to
Christ depart from iniquity.” (2 Tim. 2: 19) It shows serve Jehovah and have turned the other way, and
that those faithful ones were widely dispersed or such include the clergy and the “evil scrmnt” class;
scattered and now they arc gathered together unto and concerning all such wicked it is written: “If any
the Lord. man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in
28In this connection note now that Obadiah says him. “- Ilcb. 10: 35.
concerning the “captivity” that they “shall possess a2The prophecy of Obadiah is devoted almost cs-
the cities of the south”. This clearly implies the elusively to God’s purpose and manner of punishill:
ousting of the enemy and the entrusting of the ruler- the wicked religionists. Not that God has plcarure in
ship to the faithful pcoplc of God and to the vindicaa- such a thinq, but that hc must make known his pur-
tion of Jehovah’s name. Those whom the Lord found pose to vindicate his name and reveal to his crcaturvs
faithful at the time of the temple examination and the only way whereby they may obtain life eve:-
judgment hc said would bc assigned to certain lasting. Jchoral~ takes plcasurc in the vindication ( f
“cities”, which apparently means certain portions his name and in the blcscing of those who arc 1oy::l
of his organization of the great and holy city. “Thcu and faithful to him and who have a part in the vin(l:-
came the first, saying, ilord, thy pourid bath gained cation of his name. “Let them shout for joy, and hc
ten pounds. And he said unto him, \\‘cll, thou good glad, that favour my righteous cause; yea, let t1ic.m
servant: because tllou lmst been faithful in a very say continuallv, Let the Ilord be magnified, which
little, have thou authority over ten cities. And tlic hath plcasure in the prosperity of his servant.“-1’s.
second eamc, sayin::, lmd, thy pound hath gained 35: 27.
five pounds. And hc said likc>wi::c to him, Be thou 83God’s due time has come to show his favor to
also over Gvc cities.“-1,ul;c 19: 16-19. his organization; and hcnec it is writtrn: “‘l’l~0u shalt,
8oEach one now in the 1,ord’s organization, and arise, and have mercy ul)on Zion; for the time lo
who appreciates that jircat priviic!:c of knowing and filvollr her, yea, the set time, is come.” (1’s. 102: 13)
serving .Jchovah, rcalizcs that “now hath God set the NVtcn Jcl~ovalr sent Christ Jesus to the tcmplc J’ol
members every one of tlirm in tl~c body, as it hat11 judgnicnt, tllat marked the t imc of the l)cgiiiniiig of
plcascd him” (1 Car. 13: 131, and each one of su~11 tJlC SIlOWillg Of Ilk favor t0 %iOIl. IrC t:lIicS J)I(‘ilSlllC
dcliahts to fill, by the grarac of the Ilord, the place in those who have rrmaiucd true to him ; say:; his
to which hc is ilSSigll(~fl. There is 110 envy or coWtoLls- proplictic word: “Tile Lcnxl takcth ~)lcasurc in tl~c~:u
ncss nmonqst those of pure hrart. Thc~rc is no respect that fear him, in those that lropc in llis ntc~rc~y.”(1’s.
of pcrsc)iIs, but all arc* at unify in Christ and thcrc- 147: 11) “For the Ilord tllli(‘111 plcasurc in his pcoplo;
fore one in action, to the glory of Jcho~h. It appca~~s, he will hutlfy tlic IllWli with salviiticm.“-1’s. 1.19:1.
howcvcr, that some ~110 mingle with the failhful
~3’The ]WOJ~IC of all natiolis who do survive an11
anointed remnant for a time arc covetous, having
Iivc must in due time hear tl1c truth ant1 put th(~In-
a dcsirc to receive honor amongst men, and such ones
selves on thr side of .Jcho\ah. (I<ev. 15: 4) 111forn~:~-
seek to push thcmsclvcs furward into what appears
ti0n concerning rhc destruction of the enemy is now
to them a more fil~OlYllllC position. That is entirely given to the remnant in advance of the coming to ~)ac’o
the wrong spirit and means that they arc following
of those events that tl1C ~Clll1lilllt may he StPon’, iu
a course of Iawl~ss~icss, and the Lord declares hc will hope ancc may well undcrst;liid that thcair pcrsccution
gather such out of his kinndorn. (Natt. 13: 41) The by the enemy is permitted 1~3’the Lord to test fh(~,
angels of the Lord at his command do this ousting and that in due time Jehovah will cornplctcly dclivcr
work, and these ore tlw angels who attend upon ChriSt them.
Jesus at the temple (nlatt. 25: 31) Thcsc angels doubt-
less perform in connection with and toward the people s9For many centuries the Eornan Catholic II&-
of God many things that they cannot see with their archy and allied clergymen have been browbeat inI:,
natural ryes or hear with their natural cars. Wc hare frightening, coercing and oppressing tile l~oplc, am1
the assurance that “the an gal of the Ilord encampcth at the siinic time telling the people a great. mass of
round about them that fear him” (Pa. 34: 7), and lies, while at the same time they have been pasin,:
which must mean that these an::cls under Christ JC- as the saviors of the people, arid hence as their spirit-
sus’ command have a spcciol ilitcrest in and oversight ual guides. 14~ their USCof fraud and dcccit tllc cl(*:-
of the faithful sen-ants of God on earth. gy have induced crcdul0us people to support thvln,
and now their prc;ving upon the pcoplc is at an c!~tl.
DELlVEKERS While the clergy form a part of Satan’s oqaui7at i*,il,
)* Jehovah has no pleasure in the wicked, not crcn yet the prophecy of Obadiah is limited to the reli:iljn-
in their death. “For thou art not a God that hath ists of the Devil’s organization so far as the exwltion
pleasure in wickedness; neither shall evil dwell with of God’s wrath against them is c0t~ccruccl. \\‘hrn
thee.” (Ps. 5: 4) Furthermore it is written: “As I David was Imt on the typical throne of God’s kinx-
live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the dom he found it necessary to engage in ivtir with tlic
ACGIJST 1, 1936

enemy round about, including the Edomites. When the people, that those prisoners, the persons of good will,
Greater David was enthroned in 1914 and sent forth by may know and find the only way of salvation. (Isa.
Jehovah to rule midst his cncmies hc engaged in war 49: 9) The true and faithful remnant watch out for
with the cncmics of God. All the evidence points to the the interests of their brethrcu and co-opcm:e faith-
fact that the day of the fulfillment of Obadiah’s proph- fully with each other in safeguarding the kingdom
ecy is now here. While the clergy pose before the inlercsts. (1 Tim. 4: 16; Jas. 5: 20) It is the remnant,
people as saviors or deliverers, the real saviors the faithful witnesses of Jehovah, that take the lead
provided by Jehovah appear, as it is written: “And over the hi:;hway and lift hi!;h the standard of Jeho-
saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the vah, pointiug those people of good will to the way of
mount of Esau ; and the kiuydom shall bc the Lord’s.” salvation. (1~. 55: 4; 62: 10) All this the remnant
-0bad. 21. do under the command and lcadcrship of Christ Jc-
aoIn ancient Israel the judges were called “deliver- SW, the Savior, and hence they are included in the
ers”, and the word “saviours” here used by the term “saviours” mentioned by the prophet Obadiah.
prophet Obndiah means “dclivcrers” alxo. The words ‘O These “saviours” “ come up on mount Zion”,
“saviours” and “dclivcrcrs” mean the same thing: that is, the orgnizntion of Jehovah, and conrc~rning
“‘i’hcrcforc thou dclivcrcdst them into ihc hand of that organization it is written: “Jcrusalcm is buildcd
their cncmics, who vcscd Ihem: and in tile time of as a city that is compact together; whither tllc trihcs
their lroublc, when they cried unto thee, thou hcard- go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto the tcstimouy of
est them from hcavcn; and according to thy manifold Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Ilord.”
mercies thou gnvcst them saviours, who savc~d them -I%. 122: 3, 4.
out of the hand.of their cncmics.“-Nch. 9: 27. ‘l This takes place when Jchovnh builds up Zion,
8TWhen lsracl was opprcwd by the enemy and tlic building up of which 1)~yrii with the coining of
the opprcsscd I~coplc crictl unto the Lord, lie sent them the J,ord JCSUS, the great J utl~;c and Savior, to the
8 dclivercr or savior: “And when the children of tcmptc. Kot every one who ~a~:;, “Lord, Ilord,” sli:lll
Israel cried unto the Lor+(l, tlic Lord raised up a dc- lx! of Zion, l~llt only tliosc wl10 lawfully and Eailh-
livcrcr to the children of 1~~~1, who dclivcrcd lhcm, fully do the I\ ill of (iocl. 1s~ liis lnq)llcat, the lxilmi?t,
cvcn Othiiicl the son of Kcnaz, Caleb’s younger hroth- Jehovah shows 1hat thcrc is ii specific clU:l~ificiltiOIl
er. And ihc spirit of thr: Ilord cnmc ul)on him, and that, mnst lx had by all who conic up lo the 1)osition
he jucixc,d. Israel, and \\CIlt out to \vilr; and the Lord of “saviours”, as mcbntioncd by the prol)hct, ant1 that
dclivcrccl (ll~ushan-risllailt;~irll ltitlg of Nrsol)otamin in- qualification is h0t forth ill thc50 word:;: “LoL’(~, wlio
to his hand ; and his han(l llr~~vailcd against Chuslinn- shall abiclc in thy tabcrn:iclc 1 who shall dwell ill tir?
rishalhaim.” (Judg. 3: 9, 10) “And the Lord gave holy hill? IJc Ill;it. wallx~th uprightly, and \\orkct II
Tsracl a saviour, so that t hcy went out. from under ri:<lltcousncss, and SpC:lliCtIl lllc 1Ixth in his I1c:li.t.
tlic hand of tlic Sprians; arid the childwii of Isrncl 1Kc Iliat l~uclihitetli not will1 his toiiguc, nor doc~tli
dwelt in lhcir tclits, as bcforctimc.” (2 Ki. 13: 5) evil to his nci~llhour, nor taliCtl1 up a rcl)ro:icli ;iq;lin>t
Spcakin:: of U idcon’s b;l~~d of warriors, ~J~hovnh said his nri~lil~our. In wliosc cycs a vile person is con-
to him: “By 111~three hundred men that lnppcd will tlbiiincd ; but hr hononrct 11tlicm that fear tlic LOI& I lc
I save you, and clclivcr tlic Jlidinnitcs into thinc that swcarcth to his own liurf, and cliaiigcth ilot. I!<>
hand; and let all thr 0th~ pcoplc go cvcry man unto that lntl tc~th not out hi< iiir~i~c~y to usilry, iwr 1~1~1 I ii
his [own house] .“--Jutlg. 7: 7. ~(‘\\;IIII a!:nlirst IIIU II~IIOQ.II~. JTc tlwt cluct11 t11c w
*8 Jn the prophecy of Obadiah under consideration things sliaI1 ncvcr hc movctl.“---Psalm 15.
the prophet calls thcsc dcblivcrcrs “saviours” bccausc 42Thcsc faithful ones who meet the divine rcquirc-
they reprcscnt the Orcat Savior, Jehovah, and arc mcnts see and appreciate the prcscnce of the Ilord at
directly nssociatcd with Christ Jesus, the Savior of the temple, and they hear and obey the prol)hccy, !c
the world, and through whom Jchol-ah accomplishes wit: “Rejoice greatly, 0 daughter of Zion ; . . . bc-
salvation of those who lox and scrvc him. The term hold, thy King comcth unto tllcc; hc is just [the great
“soviour”, as u5cd in the prophecy, thcrcfore propcr- Judge], and having salvation.” (Zcch. 9: 9) The pic-
ly applies to and includes Jehovah’s remnant now ture by the prophecy of Obadiah of Ihc ‘saviors
ou the earth, just as ccrlainly and as fully as it applied cumin:: up on Mount Zion’ corresponds exactly with
to human crcaturcs whom Jehovah used to dcli\cr the picture rccordcd at IXevclation 15: 1, and which
the Israelites of old. shows the 144,000 wiih Clrrist Jesus the Savior on
agThe Lord WCS the faithful members of his bo(ly I\lount, Zion. All these scriptures disclose the fact
in his work and counts what is clone to them as unto that salvation is from .Jchovah and comes solely
himself. Today at the command of Jehovah the rcm- through the chnnacl of his provision, which is his
nant go forth and ‘publish salvafion’, which God pro- of%%1 family Zion, and Ihat salvation comes not
vides and which is the only salvation for any creature. from any of the clcrg crowd, such as the hypocriti-
(Isa. 52: 7) To the prisoner class the wltncsscs of cnl Jtoman Catholic Hierarchy. Jehowh Cod 11.1spro-
Jehorah now bear his mcssagc of dclivcrance to the vi&d salvation, and there is no other name ~hrougll

which it comes save that of Christ Jesus. It was to from thr? s\-xllinf: of Jorr!?n rc;ninst the I -I,;t,.:‘r:l
this very day the prophet looked forward when he of the strong ; but I will suA:ell~y make hijij l'ilil ‘:... : :,
recordccl tlicqe words: “Oh that the sa1vnt:on of Israel from her; and wko is a c!!~;cn man, tll::t 1 I ‘:I!’ :‘::-
were come out of Zion ! when the Lord I)i’ill~Cth back point over her? for \\-I:0 i,; li!;c mc? anal \.1~0 1)111
the captivity of his pcu~~lc,Jecob shr:ll rejoice, and appoint mc the time? and v.1~) 1s that z:.c;~i :,bi 1,1:.1
Israel shall be glad.“--IL%. 14: 7. will stand IxA’ore me? The:~~~orchear t1.c WII’I: r! c.ic
43What is the work assigucd to thcsc s,wiors that the Lord, that hC Ilath tr!- ?L i?;:lillSt Xtltil81 ; :.Iltl I 17
come up on Nount Zion? The prophet an.,wcrs: “To puqjoscs that he lmtli p~,,u,,~:l a::ainst 1111:it ;:A-
judge the mount of l&au.” This, of COU~W,means itxnts
‘ of Tcmaii: Surely the lca,.t of the GJ::: : iJaIl
that those of Zion, the remnant, p~onouucc the judg- draw them out; surely hc ~llnll m&e their l~:,l~~l:!lii~~~:;
ments of God, which he ha? previously \;-rittcn and desolate with them. &hold, he An11 come:U)J :!liri l!y
which jnd::rnents mark and condemn to destruction as the caglc, and :,l~rcad his 1:iii::S over 1:x1 l’il ; ::l~d
the hypocritical rcligionists, l)ilrtic~ularly the Roman at that day slia!l tlic lie:!rt oi’ tlx mi;$ty ~I(‘II 0; I .I ;,J 3
Catholic I1 if~rsrcliy and liclr allictl clcr2.v. It is the [&au] bc iis tlic heart of a \;oinun in lr( I’ I~,:II’~:.”
dcelaraf ion of Ihe v~n~:cancc of ,J~~ll~vah (;utl against (dcr. 49: 17, 13, 20, 23) ‘i’ilc l:tloinitcs ll:lVc Iii bll”llt
the hypOCl’itC’Swhich ttic remnant arc COl~misSior~cd great rcl)ro:!ch LI~JOIIthe rl:tnlc of ~Jchoval~,iItl*l w the
to dcclarc. (ioil enusc~lhis pi~ophct fo write conccmin~ Lord will WC to it tljat tlley do llot go uttl,uui&c cl.
this v-cry time: “I& the s:liuts bc joyful in glory ; God will clear and vindicate his lroly name.
let them sill:: aloud LI~JO~I their beds. Ilet the hi:;li *‘; This clc:lrin:: Out Of ttlC I~dwilit~~~ tiLlI!"; ])l:LCC
praisrs of (:ocl be in their mouth, and :I two-cd:::ctd wlwn tllc Lord l;nil(ls up Zioli: “And tllu I,~n~~~l~~;n
SWOPd ill ttlt’ir hid; to CWCUtC Wllgc!allC(! UJJOrl ttlc sl1all 1x2tllc 1~01~1J’S [so hll;lll t11c I~inyloni ~Jcloll~: urlto
hcatlicn, and punistmicnts u1xjn the l~ttol)lc ; to bind Jehovah (fl’c,f/c..)1.” Tod.ry tllc 1’lxutllilcIlt (‘I’O?\(1, f lx
their king with chniun, ;urd t.l~cir 1101,!cs I\ itI1 fcttcrs Ilornan Catholic Jlicrarcljy, cl;:im to bc Iuliuq the
of iron; lo csccutc upon lllem tljc ,jutl:umclrt written; wJdd X3 lhc I’CpX :c’IJt:ltiVW Of the 1~01.~1, IJIlt tIl:lt
this lionour tiavc all his saints. l’raisc ye the Lord.” claim is wholly fall ant1 tllc I,ortl will sue to it t ilat
-1%. l&1!):5-9. it :lppWrs fill’ C iII tllc vyt.; of Itw other cl( rllWls tll:lt
“ The ~)!‘(Jri(Jwci~ig of ttlc~~:c!
jutl::mcnts of Jchovnh ru!c the ea~~th.9’110J:urxjn (Catholic llic~r.~wI~.v a~rtl
aqinut the scorni’rct nwIl, the! 1i ic,raI clry and their flicir allic:; llo\V a’ ,IliJlLL to ‘rci”n aS l,irtx willio~it
allid ClVl*yy, ncC!~~WaI~i~y lb~'O\'lJkt'3 a \Vill', hausc it .Jc~l~ovaI~‘s rojxl IIOII :‘, ail(l ~~Olltl*il~y 10 ttlo v;ill c!C
expose9 ttlC E~illldS ll~lcl tlyl)K:ri~,,v of th:It wielicd Clod. (1 Cur. 1: S) Tlic comrric~rc~ialtr:rl’,ic,l,c~l~< ::n(l
Cl’owd. ~J~~l~c~v;~h ‘S WitIlcWt H ill’c) llow CIlr:.la:rll in tllC politicians, to<::‘1li!~r v;ilh tllo clc~y or rcli:;iotl,; :tI !i:,s,
~IC~l~ltXl ion of ttlc di\ inc jil(l2nic~tlts,- ljr~~~!::imitlg Ille hilVC Wt LlII tllC “:Il~:)II,iIi;ltior~ 1lut ninkc*t11(I(, .ol:~t~*”
Scripttux5 Ihilt mlkc? ltrlowll that (;otl’s lima is at and cl:liin 111~~1 it, rulc~ the world IJY cliviilck I irrllt ; I)tit
hand wlt(~n he falcw4 account wil II his (‘ilc’llliW, iu tll:lt rna1;cshift 11111 .t WOll p:I\S ;liVily for Cl cl’. S;I1::ll ‘S
which he csccutcs tlioqc who h:tvc c:~fri~nc~~l his name. organization must sllortly c~ltl ij11d a palat, ol’ 1II:;t
They .wi!l be deehriIIG, (n the Scriptures and rnakitj:: cndiny: sl~all bc the c!c~~.truc4ion ol’ the 01~1L’\:~l~o~x~“.
known that many of the rcnmnnt. v;ill be WI cart11 The destruction of the “old \;11orc” systts;:~,:!nfl I! (1
and see Christ ,Jtsus esccrlto the jrtc:qmcbtltqoCJehovah lilcral clcnning out or killin!: of tllc men wlio m;!!.c111;)
against the r(~tiqionisls and 0thcr.u who II:~\-cso wick- and rillC thllt 1lypOcrif id ol~~~~llliXl~.iOn, dlC’$ 11fJt II( c-
C!dIy dCfiIiJIUI ~J<!llovitll‘S IlalllC’. I:CrOlT! lIIC I,OIV~ JCS~W warily till:C lJlil(!C at OllC Zltld ttIC same 1iiilch. l;Jt Ill~I’
Ulrist all nations are now g;,tllcred (Alatt. 23: 31, 32), does it nJ)J,<‘:ll- Protn tt1c ScriJJtul~r!; that tlil! \!.:‘I- IiOU’,
and this JI:lL’~iClllill’l$ npplics to the rclipiouists of wliict~ is in J~~u::Kw, a;y::inSt the clergy ci~\!tl \\ ill
“Christendom ” and is clc21rl,vin lint with the proph- complctcly disgrace and bring into disrcputc 111~1I icar-
ecy writtcu, to nit: “ Lc t the heathcu bc wakened, arcliy ant1 its rcli:rious alliq alit1 lhcn at tlj(> 1~:11111~
and conic up to the vnllcy of Jcliostiapliat ; for there of the great day of God Almi::hty C’hrist tJ(~s~~‘: Nill
will I sit to judge all the heatlicn round about. Egypt destroy all tllc wicked. This is not a do!:runtic st:lt+
shall bc a tlesolat ion, and lMom 1ISsau] shall bc a mtnt or ponclusioll, but sncli sc(ms to IJC I-~~~wIial~lc
desolate wildcrncss, for the violcncc against the rhil- in lhc ligh1 of the Scriptures mid the facts. ,\t :7n>
dren of Judah, becau:;c.thcy have shed innoccut blood rate the part 0Lcthe remnant iti Ihilt war is to sit!“:
in their land. But Judah shall dwell for ever, and the praises of Jchovnh alit1 to dre1arc the d,!y of 11’s
Jerusalem from gcncration to generation. For I mill Vcagcallcc and Ill~lliC knO\~n 11is j Llf!~lllClltS ItcI~etol’!~: c
clcansc their blood tlint I have not clc:lriwl; for tile written. l?y so doinS they cspo;c to vicaw t bc rcf’ri, k:
Lord dwcllcth in Zion.“---Joel 3: 12, 19-X of lies behind nhich the wicked rcligionistv ha\ c loo:;;
*5Gy his prophet Jcreminh l~CbOV:\h supports this conccaled tliemsclvcs; and then tile Lord \vill tlo il!e
conclusion concerning Itie fall of the Xdomites: “Also destructive work. This is clen~~ly and crnl~l~:ltic~:~!l~
Edom shall be a desolation ; cvcry one I hat goeth by shown by other proljhrcies.-Ez~,liicl, cllal~tcr~ IIII~V
it shall be astonished, and shall hiss at all the plagues and ten.
thereof. . . . IMold, lit shall come up like a lion 47The remnant must now give close attention to 1::c
AIXCST 1, 19%

commission which the Lord has given them and per- cleared out. Nothing shall be permitted to offend in
form that commission loyally and faithfully. Jehovah all God’%holy kingdom. Jehovah will order and carry
permits them to see his purpose in destroying the on his kingdom under Christ Jesus, his anointed One,
clergy and all of Satan’s organization, but it is not the King and “righteous Branch”, agreeable to his
so important for the remnant to know just the order promise made: “And I will gather the remnant of
in which this will be done or the day when the destruc- my flock out of all countries whither I have driven
tion will take place. The remnant must be wholly obe- them, and will bring them again to their folds; and
dient to the Lord, and, being obedient, they will not they shall be fruitful and increase. Behold, the days
try to run ahead of the Lord and state how he is going come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David
to do it, a thing he has not revealed. The remnant a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and pros-
must declare the message that Jehovah and Christ per, and shall execute judgment and justice in the
Jesus hare placed in their mouth to declare, and not earth. In his days Judah shall kc saved, and Israci
only be contented with so doing, but rejoice in that shall dwell safely; and this is his name whereby he
privilege. They must bear the fruits of the kingdom shall be called, TllE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUS-
before the pcoplc ; and the proclaiming of this message NESS.“-Jcr. 23: 3, 5, 6.
is to awaken those of good will, the Jonadabs, who s1Then is heard the great voice throughout the
form the “great multitude”, as well as to give warn- universe praising tlic Most IIi$i: “And I heard as
ing to others. This work must be completed before it wcrc the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice
Arma~ctldon because after the dcstructivc work bc- of many waters, and as the voice of mighty tliuntlcr-
gins by the “Sword of Jehovah”, and with the angelic * ,r* saying, Alleluia ; for the T,ord God omnipotcbnt
host accompanying Christ Jesus with their slaughter rciqtrth.” (Rev. 39: 6) Let all those now 011the earth
weapons, it will then be both too late for the remnant who love and serve Jehovah stand firm and stcadfaqt
to declare the messageand too late for the great mui- for his: name and his kingdom. I~cgardlcss of what the
litudc to rcccivc the mchssageand seek rightcousncss cncmy may do, we know that the day of dclivcrancc
and mcckncssbefore God’s wrath falls U~OJJthe enemy. is near; and thcrcforc the song of pKtisc wlrich his
48T& the l~col~lc now untlcrstand the only mcanq l~oplc now raise to the holy JMII~C of .JclIovah shall
of salvation is that which God has provided llirougli c;o on for ever and cvcr to the honor and glory of the
Christ Jesus. “Ilchold, my servant whom I have c110- ~lost High.
Fen; my l~clovcd in whom my soul is well plcascd ; I QUESTIOM FOR STUDY
will put my spirit upon him, and he shall dcclnre
judgment to the Gentiles. . . . And in his name shall
the Gentiles hope. ” (AfAt. 12: 15-21, ZI.V.; Acts
4: 12) The Lord will rid the earth of the enemy and 3 4. TVhat is nwant by 11~ drclnration that “the 11Lsc of
make it a fit place for honest creatures to live upon. .J:IcY& s11:111I~oswss tlwr o\\ n poss(~ssions ‘P
q 5. \\‘1111 scripture9 hlimv whellwr the purpose exprcswd in
“And the Lord shall be king over all the earth ; in Psalm S:;: I? ~111 succeed.
that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.” 7 G, 7. I#?cwtlfy “tlie house of Jacob” and “the house of
Jownh ’ ‘.
--%cch. 14: 9. q S-12. ~ltll- other srIipfurw, point out the significnnw rtrid
I9 None of the hypocrites or of the wicked will sur- the fitness of tliclr hclng “Ilw” ant1 “fl:im~“, “ rrilh the
vivc, and all who do survive Armageddon, and all house of Esnu for stulrble.” rim1 how this ‘ fi~c nnd
flame’ will “ klntlll* In them, ‘nnd tlr\ our thaw ’ ‘.
who are rcsurrcctcd, must obey, if they live, and come 7 14.18. Account for God ‘9 erw~~~lcs' 11avlng so lonr[ rontinwrl
completely under the rule of the Lord Jesus, the to tnke their own COUISC.1Iarmoniwz I)(-btcronon;y 2: 4. 5, 8
wth the dwln1:ctlon9 nt Obndiah 19 nnd Sumbcrs ‘24: 17-19.
King of the earth. “All the ends of the world shall 7 19 24. 1rom shall “they of tire sou111” “pmm tllc 1nor111t
rcmcmlrcr and turn unto the Lord; and all the kin- of Esnu”$ Point out fulfillment of Amos 9: 12. llow
drcds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the and when shall “ llwy of 11112lbl:lln” poci~cw “ the [l:~n(l
of the] I%listuw2s”t \Vho sluill ‘Lposscs~ the fic,l~l of
kingdom is the Ilord’s; and he is the governor among Ephralm, ant1 the fir1119 of Samaria a’, and how? Ilow
the nations.” (I%. 22: 27, 21) Then Christ Jesus, the and when shnll ‘ CHcnjnniin" pohscs~ 4‘C2~lcntl “3 \Vlmt
Greater David, will say to Jehovah, as it is written: do these prophetic pictures scrm rlcnlly to ~110~1
7 25-29. Identify “the rnptivitr of 11~s host of tlw clillllrcn
“Thinc, 0 Jehovah, are Greatness and Might, and of Israel”. \Vhcn and how ;lo thcv ‘c01ne into rjoswF4on’
Beauty and Victory and Majesty, nay! all in the of the ‘land’ of “the Canaanit&“? Who ale lLt t1,c cnp-
tirity of Jww&m”l How, and Cth what rcsponsr, a10
heavens and in the earth; thine 0 Jehovah, is the they ‘given poswhsion of “the cities of the south”9
kingdom, who art exalted above all, as chief; and 7 30. Account for the prrsent unity of purpose and action of
riches and honour are from before thee, and thou art God’s faithful sw\Pntu on earth.
a ~1, 32. b’ho are the wicked? In virw of Ithat is stated at
ruling over all, and in thy hand are power and might, Ezekiel 33: 11, account for God’s purpose toward the
and in thy hand it is, to give greatness and strength wicked. nnd his ultimate drnlinrr t\ith them.
unto any.“-1 Chron. 29: 11, 12, Roth. u 33, 24. Iiow and wllcn does l’s:~lm 102: 13 hale fulfillment9
Why is Jehovah at this time 90 grnciously faroriny 1119
6oThe Roman Catholic Hierarchy and their clergy org&nization?
allies and all others who reproach and defame the P Cj-40. U’ith scriptures in illustration, explain the term
name of Jehovah must and soon will be completely I,“sariours”, used in .?. vcrsc ..- 21. How do the9c “sariours”
*-come up on mount ~lon”l
236 ERooKLYx, N. Y.

7 41, 42. When and how is Psalm 122 : 3, 4 fulfilled7 What is plishcdl Iiorv is their part foreshown in tilr prophcci;s?
the necessary qual~fieation for all those who In Ob~ha11 21 Why, accoIdmg to Joel 3: 12, 19-21 and Jerc~nnnll 49:
arc desqpted “~avwnrs”9 IVhxt do the scriptures li, 13, 20, 2, is such desolation wrought upon ‘* 1:111~m”?
here disclose rrgardmg the source of snlvntlon an11 the Wrat mu& the remnaut now know and do? \Vhy ?

ju~lpients m the en~th.

q 43-4i. What is the work uasslgued to t&e ‘saviors that 6 51. \\ hat, then, shall IJOdone by all those now cm the earth
come np on Mount Zion’9 and how is that nork accom- ~110 love and serve Jehovah?


ESCRIBIXG Satan’s marshaling of his forces and defend their cause. Their policy is to never rntcr
for tllc coming light of Armaqwldon, the into an Olin diwussion with thosz who reprcscnt C:<Jd,
prophet Sahurn in symbolic terms says: “Iie 1wcau:x that would expose ihcir duplicity to the IJWJ-
[Satan] shall recount his worthies : they shall stumble 1~112.Prophecy declares they arc “mighty men 01 lk~l~y-
in their walk; tlicg shall make haste lo the wall thereof, 1011” (Satan’s organization), tlicy lxinq llic religious
and the drl’c~wc shall bc prepared.” (Kali. 2: 5) Sa- plrt of the Or~ilJliZiltioll, Zllld tllcy SW:k’,‘gCr abOUt Wld
tan’s “~wtlii~‘s” arc his foremost servants. contciit 1hcmwlvcs I\ illi boasting words, and wci7Aly
In his preparation for tlic great lxittlc Satan suni- bring their iJilltlcncc to bwr upon tlir political factow
malls his nobfcs tl~id tllc pri~~~ipal of liis flock, :l~id thcsc t0 torJl~crlt Clod’s witiicws until tllc <lily tile grc:lt
“nohlc” clcrsymcn alid principnl of the flock, hype- baltlc ~111 hc fought.-Jcar. 51 : 30.
critically clainiinq to he Christians, hurry to olky the Satan k~lows that shortly 1~ must fll:ht the I,or(l, and
sumawns ol their master, Satan, c’wn as the prophet tlicrefore lit prcparcs for tlic CfJIifllCt. llis iric4liod of
Of Cod SaJX tk!)’ Wdd d0; :llld a8 tl1c.Y COJJW “thCy IJrCIJrtlYJtiOJl, llUWC1c’r, is Ihilt of diI~l~~lC\S. Iiv 1011~1
stumhlc in Ihcir march”. (l/.1’.) Tlic prophet Isaiah boast inz, IJy CSilltiJlg tile virtiics :tlld iIf~lli~~~c~ll~!lltS Of
(8: 1-r) 1011:: a:,ro Sid: “ i\ld hc shall 1x2 fur a WLlC- men, iLlll1 IIy puttitir: tile nnliolic, iii i’wr of c~acli otlic~v,
tll;lry ; but for iI S~ollc Of YtllJlJlJliJl~, a~1 i’or :1 ruclr lit li;~alrii:; the pithwilry of tlic people togcthcr for 111~
Of OM’cbJICe, to IJOt 11 tk? ~lOWI’.S for ;l $$l :l,ld
Of 1,4J’ilV1 ; grwt day of battle. 11~ is really ltccpin~ the iWJ1 of
for a snare to tlw inhnl)it:lnts of Jcrusalcm.” l<;vcn llis vi5iMc urq:;iuiz:~tioii in the dark. Sa1:in fiatc3 t Ilc
so, SiltNl’S “worthies” stuinblc owr “tile Stollc”, rcrnnallt (II” (lad with liatwl, illltl IlC inrltc9
il tlcildiy
which is God’s anointvd liiux, Christ Jesus. ‘I’hcy his iioh!cs aifd the pi*inc*ipal of tltc llwk to :ittcwj~t
m;JkC hW?tC t0 ihC tl(bl’PJISC of SiltaJl ‘S \VOY~~ or Or~ilJJi- Ilwir dr%truciioii. I~oul~tlvr~ Satau is confidciit Ih:lt
e:ltion ; a~ld in so doing thcg s;un~blc and fall, just he can &troy ihc iJlsi~;nilicant and, to him, “ ~JWII-
as Jcsns tllc grwt l’roplwt foretold they wou1~1, say- lentinl ” group in tlic omiiig hnttlc, iJut he now ill,-
ing : “l)id yc ncwr read in tlic scriptnres, The stone kni1~1s to tormctll nid ~w1x~111c thm.

which tlic buildlfirs wjcctc4, tlw s:imc is lxcomc the Satan would romi)fvl(4y destroy t hc remnant now,
licad of the corner: . . . And whosocvcr shall fall on wcrc! it not for Ilic prutvction (;od furni5lws his 01~II
this stow shall lx lJrOlicl1 : l,ut 011 whomsoever it shall The I)ropllct N&urn rcfcrv to S:lt;l?l’s IJl’Vlji~ J’llt ion ;t~l(l
Eilll, it will grind him to ]loWdt~r.” (Alatt. PI : -IS-U) to his cohorts prcp:\l’In9, for IIilttlP, and ttlc~ll s:\! \:
The prophet Isaiah (8 : l-f, 15) foretold this, sayin:: : “And (hc dttf’ciicc shall bc preparv~l. ” Tlrtw 1;111~~~
“Alld mitl~y CIJWU~ thC’JI1 ~1~111 of UHI~!C, and fall, at~d words manifestly rcf’cr to the protection Go(l f’uini4lvr
bc broken, :uld bc hnaxvd, and hc taken. ” Tlwy hasten to hi? remnant. The Itort rendcr~tl “~1~~fc11cc” ~IJ-
to aid in the prcpar;11ion for the assault. up011 (:od’S peals in tlic illtcr~lnti~c rending iu (IIc in:ii*gin of 11:~
Anointed, but they fall, even as it is written: “When 13iblc as “covwing” , :11d mc:\Jis rz COVPrlJl:: 01’ proi;“*-
3hc-jwicked, eren mine cncmics nntl my foea, came upon tioii for tliow ilSSaultiJl!< Sntnn’s organizalion. Tilt
mc to cat up my flesh, they stuwb2ecE and fell.“- ISo/k(rh~~tt tral4ation rcndws the test in I~IC>SC \vo~~!s:

1’s. 27 : 2. “Yet Ihe storming cover is IJwparcd.” ;Ichovnl~ (;0,1

The prophet Kalrum says: “They shall make haste is the cowrin,q, and his protection for his own is “i:l
to t11c: wall tller(‘Of.” True to l~~opllccy, the clcray the secret plaw of the Ilrh5t IIiqh”, llnder the slx~dow
and the principal of tlicir forks make haste to seek tlic of his wing ; ‘hc shnll cover Ihese with hi5 fcalliw.~,
instrumrnts available for the pciwcntion and pnnish- and under his wings shall they trot.‘--1%. 91 : l-1.
mcnt of tlmss of God’s lwol~lc who arc known DS“the ?llnny ccnturics nzo dchovah writ Jonah to pro])hc\::
remnant “, and who are diligent in sprentlinz among against Xir\eVrh, the capital city of ,\4syria, tlit s,II’~~:
the pcopl~ the tluth of Jehovah. ‘I’ll~y make llaste to city against wlilch tlrc prophet N:llium te>tifird. ‘1’i::L
man fhc buI\\ arks of Satan’s orpanieation, that the proplwcy n as given when Jonah hcl hen dcli\-c~~~~!l
hated remnant may lx dcstroycd. But while this prep- from the belly 0C the wlialc. The tlcstruction of t;itb
aration is going on, the clergy, or ‘LnoblcsO, as the city U’HSdcfcrrcd until the clay of Cod’s pr~~pa~‘;~:i+:!t
prophecy calls 11icm, decline to appear in the opcll mcntiol~ctl hy the pro~)het Nahum (2: 3j. Sinw J( .::*r
AUGCXT 1, 1936 237

Christ was raised from the dead, which miracle was line thcrc arc great magazine owners and publishers,
foretold by the dclivcrance of Jonah from the whale’s who use their columns to extol the virtues of the
belly (Mntt. 12: 40), there has been given a testimony mighty worldly organkation. There are the owners
to the nations of the earth; and particularly has this and publishers of the, great metropolitan newspapers,
testimony been given since the second coming of the which mold public opinion in favor of the rulin?
Lord in thcsc latter days and the hcavcnly rcsurrcction heroes. Xore bands of music, and on come the chariots
of the faithful mcmbcrs of the body of Christ who had and horses of war. These are no part of the ruling
bcm sleeping in death. Now the testimony work is factors, but they are instruments cmploycd by the
about complctc. The day of C!od’s preparation is done. ruling factors.
War upon and destruction of SataIl’s organization is Tramp! Tramp ! Tramp! Will they never cease
now about due. As the gates of the city, ancient 13aby. to tramp? All the nations must come, because they
lon, were opened and the army entered and the city must assemble to drink of that cup of wrath which
fell, so, as the prophet Nahum (2: G) says, “The gntcs God has poured for thrm, and none can refuse.-
of the rivers shall bc opened, and the palace shall bc Jcr. 25 : 28.
dksolvcd, ’ ’ and Satan’s organiznl ion shall fall. There arc more than sixty nations that arc puttin!:
The day of battle draws nigh. The day for the judg- forth their best cndcavors to quip for war. Some idcil
mcnt of tlic nations is at hand. The Lord is in his holy of the IinInbcr of poor souls that are ~~rcparcd for the
temple for judgment. Micah’s propliccy (1 : 2) de- slaughter, nnd which form a military instrumrnt of
clnres : “IIciIr, all ye 1Jcoplc ; hcarI<en, 0 curtli, illld all the! lkvil’s organization, may bc gatlicrca(l hy ilIl~OIlC
that therein Is; mtl let the Ilord Cod be witness against if he will consult the table of fiyurcs, publi:~hcd 1~s tlrc
you, the Lord from Ilk holy tcn~l~lc.” U.S. \iril’a IkpartmcIIt, and which sets out 1he name
K6ticc must be given to the wo~*ld, lmausc God does of the coutitry, the active army, tlIc organjzcd rcscrvc,
not tulrc action in soc*rct. Throu::h his prophrt (.Joel the IlIl0l~gil~lizcd rchcrve, illld tllc total InilitilPy mnii-
3 : 9, 10, 12) Jehovah says : “l’rocl:~iIn yc tliiq aniong power of CilCll such country in the list. Tllr total mili-
th! (~CIltilcS; ~‘l*c~J~al~e Wlr, \VilItC UJJ the nll~hty 1llC11, tary man-power will ~JCfound to cscrc4 01ic hundred
let all tlkC IrlcII Of \Vilr tlrilw ncaar; let thCIIl COIII(! Ul): and twrnty-four million mtn. For all tllcsc in(11Ithere
lwat your plowsharrs into swords, an11 your pruning- must he war cf~uipmcnt. SWII as guns, h\\ oi~tls, I,IIiv(+.,
IlOOkS into .4pcals ; Id. t11c wcalc say, I am strolls. lict lcnapsaclc~, gun Gll.l.iilt!cT, tanlq ammunit icm, h~nI!Jq,
tllC ~lC~lth~xIl IJC ~l\~il~I(*Il~‘C~, :IIld COIIlC UJJ t0 t/lC \;l]l(!y a~It1 all other instruments of destruction IIxtl hy m(an
of rJ~lIosliapl~at [tlIc l~lncc and time I‘or Jcli6~11 to of war. TlIrn add to the above the trrmcnrlous navI(‘s
l)ronr)iInec and csc~ut~ jutl~IiIcIi1.~ : for there will I of tlic countries, includin R t~~J~Cth!s ;llld 11~iI~lc~(J~ki

sit to jidge all the lisatlien round about.” (\‘s. 14) submnrincs. To this a(ld the numerous airrraft that
“3lultitudcs, mullitudcs iu llic valley of decision: for fly through the air ant1 drop dCildly missiles upon m(,ti.
tllc day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” To this atld poison gases, a comparatively small rlunn-
,Snlan marc*lIrs his qrtat army into the “vallcp of tity of which would destroy a wlIolc city in less thaII
decision” for war. l\‘itlI blaring 113nds of military a day.
music and Il,ving bnnncrs his officers approach. 111 the Thcsc arc all marchin:: into “the VilllCy of (lccision”,
Vi111 IllilITll tllc kings, tllc princes, tllc prcsidcnts, tllC the mass of fhcm ignor;IIIt of why they arc goin:: thcrc.
c:ovcrnors, and the smaller political rulers; the jutl~rs Thcrc are multitudes ul~)Ii multitudes of IJCOJ)~\; iio
and the attc~ndnnts upon the great jndicial systems; are no part of this organization, but who arc citiIcr
the ~Xl~liilIllClltS, the congresses, and all others having cliirctly or indirectly afi’cctcd thcrc~by. l’lwse include
to do with the l~olitical machinery of the world. More the drivers of motors, the hospital corps, tho5c who
baI& and banners, ilIld on romc the financial giants SUtlJdy and C6IlVCy the food necc~sary to feed IIIC
of the world, comparat ivcly small in number, but grc>at armies, the doctors and the nurses. And then there are
in power. 3Iorc music, ~)ilIlllCl3 and floats, and tlicn other multitudes upon multitudes of people who are
appear in the line of march the mighty ccclcsiastical indirectly afi’ectcd, bcca\Isc their ncccssitics of lift
pontifis, the bishops, the cardinals, the priests, the must be curtailed in order to supl~ly the military or-
rabbis, the doctors of divinity, the right reverends and ganization. And tliq over and ahove ill1 this visible
all the other elcrgy, each wearing an apparel that idcn- organization, unseen JJ~ ail and known by a very few,
tifirs him, and accompanied by lay lcadcrs and those rides the Ikvil, its mighty god, flanked and supported
who serve and receive the collect ions. Proud, haughty, by hordes of evil angels.
cold, calculating and scvcrc, and with heavy diqnily, Tn view of all this array of organized power, cvcn
each one of the three grrat governing factors of the some who claim to be Christians scorn the thoultht of
visible part of the Devil’s organization takes its rcspcc- a Devil’s organization. 1t might here be askc(l, 1Vhose
live position in the 1Inc of march. Self-importanc*e is organization is it that is abore dcscrjbcd? Surely God
written upon their countcnancc, and self-praise is dces not need such; and while these come in the name
ul~on all lips. of the Lord, they COIW hypocritically in his name, but
i\Iarch! March! March! And on they come! In the in fact in tilt name of Satan the Ikil.

The visible part of God’s organization is really them: ‘Continue to sound your trumpets, cease not
small and insignificant, so small, in fact, as to hardly day or night, and fear not; no evil shall befall you;
dcscrve notice. They are on the other side of the valley I have put my words in your mouth; tell it out that
of decision, under the banner of the Lord. They bear others may know that I am God.‘-Isa. 62 : 6 ; 51: 16 ;
no weapons of warfare; only‘thcir trumpets do they Ps. 91: 10.
have with which to sound the praises of Jehovah God. The power and military strength of the invisible
The visible mcmbcrs of Satan’s organization look upon part of God’s organization cannot bc stated, bccauw
this small and insignificant company of trumpctcrs it is not revealed. WC know that Jesus said that hc
with contempt. They are the only visible foes of Sa- could call for twelve legions of angels for his own dc-
tan, and they refuse to compromise with any part of fenw. We know, tbcrcfore, that there are angels of
his organization. They persist in singing forth Jeho- great power who form a part of God’s mighty organi-
vah’s praise and in declaring the wonders of his works. zation. Christ Jesus is the Head of it, the Field Mar-
Satan incites the clwgy to destroy the littlc band of shal leading the forces ; and over and above it all rides
trumpeters, or singers, because the great ccclcsinstics the Almi$ty God. The power thcrcof may bc ap-
arc annoyed by the prcscncc of and tlw noise made by proximatcd somewhat by the results that follow. l’ne
this small company of witncsscs. Tlic little company is great issue to be dctcrmincd fmally is, Who is tlw
doing no harm to anyone ; the politicians would find no Almighty God? The day of decision is at hand, alIt
occasion against. them cscrpt for tllc itiflucnce of the those who have some l<nowlcd:F of and faith in the
ecclcsiastirs, and the financiws arc too busy to give them Word of God arc now cnablcd to dctcrminc from t hc
any heed; but 1~0th must heed their ally’s dcmnnds, words of the prophets what shall bc the result, namel,v,
bccausc 8atan.k wry mat1 at this little com1wly and the deciding of the icsuc in favor of Jehovah God, awl
would destroy them. (Rev. 12: 17) The Lord says to the vindication of his name!


‘JCIIOVAH DOISG A GREAT WORK IN THIS LAND! continue to stand with you shoulder to shoul~lcr for the?rmx:r
01’1: IJE4h J:l:I~:Trli:~:u
. *. of our glorious King till everything shall bc done. \Vc grM
It’s time 1h:tt Ire give some sign of life from us. WC fcc4 you as
strongly urx:cd to tlo this, lrc*c:~uscour hearts alo filh~tl with Your brrthrcn,
great exultation. l\‘ondrrful are the nooks of our groat King K. IL, K. N., ASD Fn. J., Germany.
that nre d~rnr In this country. The \ il g*rtrc:Lrp continuously mov.
ing into tlktr King ‘r) palarc, f~lllo\\ ill:: the bride, am1 thc~y cn- “YOU HAVE NOT BROKEN A LAW
tircly clean thc~m’ic~lvcs,in ortlrr to 11c woi thy to pnl t iclpate DE \R IkOTJIEII I’IIILLII’s:
in the praisc*s of thu “ J<IJI~ of ct(slnlty”. They :LIC really IVilh grcnt joy I am -15rating this 1Mrr late in the ni&
coming with gl(i:lt joy and Jul~~lat~on, wcnriug Hhitc robes to tell you just what h:tlq~nr~J tlus cvc*nrn~. About i: ::O I,.,,\.
nrid ha\@ ]mlms in their I1antl9. If you could ouly see them, I dc~c*rtlcdto L’Ointo I~ul:c~~ro Town iurt ou lhe (*l,ntrr coIn(Lr
it would \\itllnu your lic:irt! Our 11r:rvc~ly Father is doing a
work In this land l \\‘hrn it is romplct~~~l, nil you l)r~yond the
bortler9 will mnkc big cycs. Ile dots not permit his faithful to
be toucllcd by tlW eIlcIIIv, aud prcscrvcs those complrtcly who
love him. Of course, thcay must use the sword of the fll,illt nnd
tile shi&l of failh vcly often, in fact, all the timr, bcc71use
the fight af$niuht the c\il spirits is p&tlnt: hotter all the time;
but .Jchovah God 1s Ir*iltliug die fight, tl~rougli his l<illg, nnd
80 in reality we IIU\C only fo sfnnd :1n11brlwld our s:d\:itmn.
In the meantime we diligently use t11c tro\\rl and build with
enclgy. Jrho\nh co\crs everything up \\lth his Rings. Pet we
nil must hare faith bkc Ab~ahnm; otherwise all is in vain.
JZy such faith h:i!c the faithful in this country caused moun-
tains to move aud hills to trcrul~le; and while wc nrc going
for\\ard, we arc doing it with great thankfulness nud drcp
humility. \Vc know that Jehovah, our hc:lrenly I%thcr, will
continue to bless us as he lm.9 done up to the present time.
The food \\hich he in his lo\ing-kimlncss is ~1111providing
for us we rat \ery pr:lyCrfully that no may hnsc a clear under-
standing of his entire puIpos0 and thcu may also ralry out
everything as it is right in his sight. ‘J’he lightning flashes are
so bright and \\ondclful that tlwrr is falling from our cycs as
it 11ad been scales, and everything is clearing up, whatever
was heretofore somewhat obscure. Thus the Loid is prcpaling
his people for the final battle. ~Vlnlc things on the outGie axe
becomiug m01c and more confused and evcrgthiug sputters nnd
roars, Jehovah steers his work scrcncly to its goal. Those who Sesterdny eremng T ~-as in the H.S.A. police c.c~up.I p];cyc~rl
the rrcorda and ~~l:~cedsome booklets to a n:ltl\c S~~I~:C.IIII.
today have seeing eyes are standing firm in the strength of They ncre \ery lntcre?tcd Indeed. The machine I u~d tl119
the Lord amidst foaming aares of the sea. . , . evening ins lent to me by the native sergeant of tile ]IUII~~P
We wish you the Lord ?s richest blessings, and we will camp. If they will nllow me I will go to the pobce station a11d
At-GCST 1, 19% t3-h WATCI-ITOWER 239

play the records for them, as I wish thrm to hear also. What- JOY TO STASL) BEFORE RULERS
c\er they ~11 say or do to me, I ~111 boldly face it. I shall DEAR tiROTtfEt: BCTIIERFORO :
Ict vou Jmow what they a111 say tomorlom. Pleaso remember
me m all your prayers. I am very thankful for your letter in reJ)ly to my inquiry.
With Lest wishes in the Lord’s service, I am I am detclmined, by IIis grace, to continue to take advantage
Your blother of such opportunities as 1 hare, to serve the LOld.
0. AL. KARCSW, Southern Rhodesia. It gives me joy many 3 tJme when I am pll\Jleged by the
Lord In havmg to stand before some of the world-rulers, repra-
seuting the CBUYCof the truth. I attach 1Jc1eto R copy Of some
JEHOVAH BRIKGISG FORTH TIIE GREAT MULTITUDE notes nh~ch, I thmk, nught be of interest to you.
DI: Ip. hOTtIER ~~T:II:I:tWI~D:
I am glad to xecord once more my thankfulness to Jellovah
God for the nouriuhing food which he pro, ides for his yeo~)le
\Vo feel it our duty to drop you a line for your encourage-
ment, and we rejoice hcrause we are 111this field service with in the coJumns of The V’cctchtou er :IIJ~ the books, and my

you. Iierc are some experiences which may give you joy to aJ)prcciation of the LookIct Ntrenfte?, which we now have Jn
the Itsckiii language. It thrills one with some surJ”IYr to note
know :
\Ve have organizctl the friends here in the northern part of how the brethren a& the hcadquarlcrs turn out tile booklets hko
Ontario into a scr\irc cnmpalgn, getting eight into our auto- the tlens falling upon the gr:tzs.
mob&, and choosinc: our territory from Ic’auquier to Knpusks- May the Lord contmue to stren$hen you and all his faith-
3ing, which is solid Iluluan Catholx territory. This territory ful wrvnntq to obediently follow J~~Jov:L~J’s Vmdlcator whithcr-
sower hc fiocy.
senttcrs for tlili ty IIII~CH.
li’c pl:~~cl our wo,kl-ts out in ~eclions of this territory, and With much love I remain
co\crcd it in one day, J)lncln,n 45 books. \Vc held two transcrlp- Yours on Jehovah ‘3 sills,
tiou mcetmgs: one in tilt! 01wn, in a f ::iminx xcttler~iciit, and
the other 1n J<apusk:~sinp, at. a Mr. Roy’s house. There xv*
Ibut on tl1c talk “,S~~l~1JaiJng the Xat~una”, \tI11ch went out
fJom the housrtop, :lii~~ ~:13 h?:Jr~~ for five or
Rix b1wks 11r~~lllId
I110 town, :rc~~I~l~ng tl~ 1110 thief of pul~w,
who s:i~J that \\e DIXR ~c0’1’111:i~ ~~CT1Iti:kOI:Il:
wrc ntv:lkin:: al1 tlw pwpltr of the tw n, thcrcforc MC wwe
tllsturblng the Jwnw, On0 tlllng wo notlcwl wa3 that w: dis-
tutbcd tlw 1wwe ot tlw prlt-fitx, hw:~uw we saw two fltirn~llng
tti)OUt il 1llWk a\v:~y; anullwr, wl~lcntly ~ltli more “anthorit~ “,
113icn~~tl to the lecture, nnd lhcu \+cant quickly to the police

l’rnlw Iw to .Jc~hov;ch for the trumprtzi ho is wing torlay.

Our lo\c and J)r:iycrs go with you till the 1 wt”ty be eon.
Your fellow ~~ul~l~slwrs in ilrc kmgdom nolk,
.7~l*sErII lrowAla’ll s J’ELLA CW:Tt:
P.8. Thiu inwclrnt may be of jnfcrcst to you:
\Vhen QZ tirvt came hcic wo had dJftiw1ty in palking ti:illcr;
11~1 tcl p:(y f(,r patkIng xpncc. l’hrn the Lord pw~1~1c11a g:~wl-
After our 11ny’e \\otJc WIR o\rr, which had stIrret the rom- ~~11 (a WL’IVI~ station nmn), \vl~o a3kcll US to COIII~ anti 1~11 k
muwty for thllty nlilcx with the kln~,‘tlom rnwwqc, wc w=ro on his grountl, awl g:~!c room for stoiqe of book3, f’urnlslw~l
wc*ll rrp:lid, Inv:lIiae two rarlon~ls of Fiwrh frirntls CRIOC to us 1, ith elcctrwtty for tl:lih!l au11 sount~-car cquipnwnt, Z::M :m11
&ter I\I:ille:tu’s that night, where mc were staying. (They cnme 611 for car :It Cost, and other ron\eIJicnccs; and 1~2 nrkt (1 113
tlurty miles.) to put on the 3ound car c\ery crening. He would pay the
That u as very unc~xpoctrd. Their zeal \\:\s kindled brcause of exp~sa; he nantetl to wake UJ) tJtc to\\n.
tl1c meds:lge thrty had hcartl go oter th:kt day. They ~m(: to The cnrniy was so mat1 that. Ilwy srnt
a repJcscIItat1\(#, a
1Jr:rr Inoro Ilint nIgl1t ; lnrt, owi~q: to vutfing a bvlre J*J our grnn- “ *,I inci pal of the floc’k” (a woman), to tell him th:tt he shoul~l
rator, it Was IilllJLMJlJ~e the tlansrrlption
10 U32 In:~~~lr~ne. \\‘c not h:llbOr a c~owt~ hke tlmt arouud, but should kick them out.
instead gnve a tnlk on IlrrelatJon 7, w1ll:lming the 6‘ glcat lie aiwwrctl : ‘(The I,orcl Jlns not yet autho~iwd me to (10
multitude”, j ust as The Jl’ctlcltfo1/:er had whited. \Vc 1~11 to such a thing.” So wc XIC still gcttmg the bendiix.
use our Yic~li brother to lutcrplct, bcrausc mnny in this
group of 24 could not undcistand Enj;lish.
I do not know whcthar I have 3cen a glcnter manifestation (conthea front page a40)
of hnppme3s on the fwwls’ fows ~11 my lift. It WVRI(oprnly Midland KRLTL Su 10 : 3Oam WASIIISGTON
mnnifcstt~d that they had takrn thrlr slam1 on Jchovsh’s xltle; su 1 :nopin s 5:1G]ul Seattle J<JltO Su 30:“T,:lm
and I brliclo tlkis cxpcrirnce will gi\c tllrrn holdnws in declw- Pt. Arthur KPAC L: 9 : :Nltm Ru 5 : 15pm su 9:lici]Jlil
jng the kingdom mrswg*. It 1s qultc nlnnIfrst that this 19 the su 2:15p1n su 4 : ZO~JIJ Spok;u1o liG.i su Q:“.,:lllI
dtly IhRt JCllOvah is ~)tJngillg fort11 t]tO “@~3t mU~~ltUdl!” S.Antonio KJL\C Su 7 -5jwn . .‘ Su 19:Xpm Sll 5 :;‘;1,. 1
to hi3 own honor and glory. su 2:55p su 7 :55pm Tacoma Ii\‘1 Su !j :::fJ::!u
\Vc thank our God for this privllrgc of seiviw, and pray su 1 :3opm SU 9:oo~lln
all Ihat has Iwn GIonr has bren done 11) Jlis honor n11tl glory. UTAH
T~ulp, our fcllonship is with Jcdus ChIJst, the Thus nnd 1’:~th- Salt L. City KYL Su 9 : 45am WEST VIRGISIA
fnl \Viitwss, 1n carrying forth the kingtlon. mcw~g-, Chn ‘ston \TCIIS Su 1 :f)Opm
Playing the Lord ‘3 l~lcssing on you, qlcnr IXrothcr Rutherford,
WC are gln~l to colnbor with you unt11 the kingdom 1s set up in 9 : Ohm
the earth. The3c are the names of those who had part in this 8 : OOpm &I 1 : ~)ol)JU &I G:“.iJ,m
esperiencc [first three formerly French It C.] :
Bras. 3’. IItxrm If. \hLKINB
c. CLfXE G. A. BISSETT, Rower.
The good news of the king&m of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current local time Is shown FRANCE HAWAII NEW YORK
In each Instance.] Radio Bczicrs Th 9 :OOpm Hilo KIIBC Su 10:OOam Brooklvn WRBR Su 9 : 10nm
Radio Juan-lcs-Pins Su h:30pm su 7 :3Op:n
BahiaBlnnca LUL’Su lI:ZOnm (Cote d’Azur) Sa 8:OOpm IDAHO Brooklyn \VIiBR Su 10 : 15::m
Radio Lyon Ss 6:50pm Boise KID0 su 10 : 55am Su tj :30pm Tin 1o:no:LI:I
Buenoshires LR? Su 1O:ZOam Radio Xatan-Vitps Su 12:Oonn Su G: OOpm IV0 4 : OOpm Tu 10:3Oam Tu G:.:Opm
Los Andes, &rn Juan Tu 7 :45pm Th 7 :4.5pm We 10:3O.mi We G:Xllm
LV3 Mu IO :45am Sa 7:45pm ILLINOIS Th 10:30am Th G::?Opm
Radio Kimes Tu 9:OOpm Chicago Ii-WI, su 8 : OOnm Fr 10 :30wn Fr 6 : 301~
AUSTRALASIA Hnrrlsh ‘g IYEIIQ Su 4 :45pm Buffalo ‘IVGR Su IO;OO::m
NEW SOUTH WAIZS PARAGUAY Su 6:35pm Su 9 :OOpm Su 10:45pm
Allmry 2.AY Tu 9 : i5pm Asuncion ZP9 Su 10:30am Quincy j:‘ThD Su 9 : lZ:im Buffalo WKBW Su 5 :ZT,pm
Goulburn 2-GN Su 7 ::!Olm Su 2:30pm WC 2 : 3Ol)m Fleeport \VGBB Su lO:!?;:im
Grafton 2.GF Tu 7 : R(li)IIl SPAIN Tuscola WDZ Su 9 : 3Z:m Su 1%:3Op Su 5:5.jlbm
Gunncdah 2-AI0 Su 7 :OOpm Nadrid EAQ \Ve 7 : 13pm Su 11:55am Su 1:5Opm NrwYork WBSX Su 1:;5pm
Lismol c 2.XN ~VO 7 : 1.5pru (Idasteln Stuntlard Time) su 4 : qm Ku 6:!!~[‘Ill
IOWA White 1’1. \VF.\S Su O:O(!1jm
New Castle 2-IID su 10 :::O:,m Sx 7:15pm C. Rapids l\‘JIT Su 10 : ooalll
Su G: 3Oprn su 1 I :Jol,In Spanish Su G:451)m Tu 10:Zam tit 30 :5&m
\Ve G:ZOr)m Su 3 :3Opm SU 9 : OOpm
Sydney 2-UE su 9 : O&m URUGUAY MAINE 10:3O::m
4:25l)m Monte\ I(’ w CXIO YU 12: Ijpm Auzusta li 1:~ Gu 9:5Z:m
8 : (JOllm (H:trllo Internrrcional) su 1 : 1;prn 5 :o~,J’IU
7 : 45pm Bangor ~~I,lU 6-t 9 :5.i::m
I\ e \LC 5 : 1 O]‘I”

Brishano 4.I:(: Su 7:::O::m Prtsqur I. \VXGJf Yu Q:GIIll

Xlnryl)or ‘II 4.Jill IVc 9 :Gpm ALABAXA su 12:3op11 Mu 1 :Xpn

Townsrlllc 4-1’0 \Vt! 8 :OOpm I3lrrn ‘hxm \;‘API Su 9 : l%m

Su %: 13pm \vc 5 : l@l MARYLAND
TASWASIA Bnltimorc \\ (‘I!?,1Su 9 : 00iL~ll
Lnuncts:on 7-1,A Su 5 : lTil)rn ALASKA su 12 : 1<-Jl,IIl Sll 6:13pm
Ulvcrslonc 7-UV Su 5 :3Olm IScl~~l~ikan KGIIU ?,.I0 7 :ljl)m Fx wlcrwlc \Vl<‘MD Su Ii) : ;:rt:tm Th 2 : ::Olmi S:r 1 :4.>pru
T11 7 : l~l”‘l Sa 7 : 15pn1 su 1 ::;op~Il Su 5 : OOl”u
Ball:lrat 3-11.1Su
I!? : 4.jI~m ARIZONA
Tulsa KF;\.OOsu 9:::nmt1
Bcmllg0 3-1:O Su7 :OO1nn Jcromr‘I” .0- KCl1J Su 8 :DO::m
Su 1:45pm :I0 4 :5;1uu
II:imill0n 3-l IA su6 : 151”” SU I . ~dpul HI1 3 :Oil~,nI

llorbl~aru 3.11s SuX:l)Oj)m ‘rufwm KGAIL Su 9:Zf’:au ORF(‘OV

A. .
,yu I”.‘-
-. A’,“” ._.. La. r..- . . m.... , 1n:4.;:1m
hlrllrou~ no 3-Ali Su 2 : 15l)m ,DU i) :*dI’L’L
Su 2 :Ojpm SU
--**. * * St1

swln 11111 3-$11 su 7 : 1;pm Y 11)17 Spniah J~I 7 :(tO1)m

LI. , ..^ li Uh1.i Su IL’:I.-+ru MICIIIGAN
WEST AUST”“’ ’* su 7:3op

Kalgoorlie (i-KG fiu 7 : OOpm

MU 0 : ~~n~1111 Detroit \\‘.I I: su 10
Northam G.AAI Ehl 7 : nopIn ARKANS.IS K:lInIllnzoo \VI<%O su

. du 7 : 00p111 Hot Sp’jis KTIIS SU 10:30am Su 9 :55arn SU 1:

\v\\;s*\:\\’ ....
b,II .J ;vdpI” su !J:o!)~ml
BErAGlUnI El Ccnfro KS0 Su 1O:OOam F ‘gusFallq lit i L)b; Su 10 :Oo::m Yotk \VORIi $11 1”~2i~,tu
Wallonia-llonnc Esncrancc su 1:!:151ml Su ti:-ijibm Su l:Jjnnb su 7: 15r,m c* 0 ,T?,
UU j :UUpllI St1 (i:::llpm
.(201.7 m) \Co 7 : OOam EllIckn l?lESI Su 10:151m Mm’nlwli~‘\\‘DGY Su 9: l%m
su G :::opm Su 9:Ijpm su 2 :onp IVo G : 15pm SOUTH CAIt :oLINA
CANADA Jlollyaond KNX su 10 : I,;arll Gwen\ illc \VFl.% So IO :O.S::ru
Su 1 :Gpnl Su 7 :Bjpm MISSJSSJI’PI +s u :::nopt Sll fi :no[‘rrl
ALHERTA O:~Lland l<l<OW 8u 1o:oo:ml fInttiesb’g\~I’FI~
Wu 1 :OOpm sln.3rt j1.
Uy’L.” .I ),v
. ..I. ‘I.l XL, ll):‘:ll,*n
Culg:Lry CL’CX Su 5 :45pm Su 2 :OOpm su 7 :00pm su 3 :::uJ”n
Su S:JOi)m Su 2:OOpm su 4 :~rl~mI
l’u ‘J:()(hn~ ...__ T,) 2 .nnr,m Alcrltlixn iVcOC Su 10 : OO,lm
Kclownn CKOV Su I :Ijpm Tu ll:(l l0pl jivi Si i;i& Su 2 :?jlbw Su G:3Opm -. SOUTII DAI;Q‘I’A
I’r 9 : 15pm H:t 10 : OOpm Yicrre iwci so 10: on:tIII
NOVA SCOTIA nlISSOURI Tu 4:OOpm l-11 4:00p111
Sydney CJCJl Su 9:OOpm COLORADO Columl~ia l\‘b’l{U SU IO :3Oam
Co1‘0 Spr. KVOH Su 10 :4.?am Sll I :::opm Y 2 : Gpnl
ONTARIO Su 2 :30um su 4 :301vn St. Joseph KPEQ &: lil :thJ:tm
Colxdt craft so 3:nhln Durango ‘KIUP Hu I :OOi)m su 3 : 3opm su ti :nopm
Hamilton (‘KOC 8u 1O:ZOhm Grrrlcy KE’KA 7’
:10 -Y :‘iuam
nm Jackson \\‘TJS ~
so 1:4Op1n su 8 : oopm NERRASKA
No 3 :OOpm ;‘Jo 6 :231ml Lincoln KFA!: Su 9 : 3Onrn Knoxville \VxOS I
*su 12: 15l’Ill
CHINA su 8 : noaIl
NEW Hi\MPSHIRE su 12:5Gl’“l I
Shnngllai SIIIIF: Su 12:OO nn Su iO:OO:fm Laeonix \\‘I,SlI SU 1n:::nrrm Menlphis \Vl;EC
Shanghai X&111.\ Su 8 :l;Spm su 3 :10p111 Su 7 :lOpm su 3 :00p111 Su Il):O;
DISTRICT OF C:OLUnIBLi NEW’ JERSEY Nashville \\‘L.\C su 8 : z
CUDA Washinrrlnn WOL Su 10:30nm su 9:3
L *l
C’IIID Su 1~OOpm ” ‘,” i,“iitz
Au ,
Asbury I’. \\‘(~&\I’ Su I2 :-1Tjpm

Spanish ?.I0 1 : 15l)ni 9 : OOi)m TEXAS

FLORIDA 2 : ZOpm Dallas \VRR su 9 :m:n,
Miami WIOD Su 10:03nm 310 9 :nnpm WC 2 : 3Opm su 3 :55pn1 Su 7 :3.il)nl
Spanish Su 5:30pm bSu 2 : 45pm
O,lnndo s 4:45pm Fr 2 : 3Opm Fr 9 :::Opm El Paso KTSJI Su 9: ll.~lru
Santa Cl’s CM111 Su 11:15am \\‘DBO :c;“, 10 : 3O:m Nrnark \YliBI su 9 : 2hm Ru 1:15pm su (;:::qw,
,(lst and 3d Sumlays) Su 1 :OOpm SO 5 :3op1 Su 6:2Zpm Su 9 : oopm Ft. Wortll KT~~‘l.’ hu 1f1:l.?xm
Sl)anish Su 11 : Onann GEORGIA NEW MEXICO su 3 : oopm HU 7 : Il~rpIll
Spanish Th 11: OOam Atlanta TVATL Su 10 : 43am Albuq’que KOB We 11:4&m Houston KXTZ Su IO:ou:~m
(-1st and 3d Thursdays) Su 1 :OOpm Su 9 : L’jpm We 5:?5pm We 8:25pm (Continued on fmgc .$%t)


AUGUST 15, 1936

C 0 N I’ E N I’ S

Armageddon -..- _..-_...- .. ..._““._.__

- .“_..“.._.244
Enemy in the Lund - C.--..ll_.._.......” . . .. 247
Questions for 8tudy -“.“--““” ..-....-“. ““” ..... .” 251
BE STROKG, AND \f-0118: - ......... .._......_I_.. -. . 262

SERVICE AWOWTMEXT~ - .-..I...~..-. 1.._....-... 2.X

‘ ( BATTLE SIIOUT ’ ) TESTIMOXY _-__ .-._. ......_ ?+l?


NEW PORTABLE PEIONOGRAMI - “_.........-.” .. _ , 212

117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S. A.
J. F. RUTIIEP.FO~D Prcsidcnt IV. El. Vim A5rBmC,II Secrctnry

“And all thy c h 1Id ren shall be tauQht of Jehovah; and

+-eat shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isniah 54:13.


THAT JEHOVAi-1 is the only true God, is from everlasting
to e\cllnsting, the M.~kur of hcalcn :1x11 enlth nnd the Gircr
of JifO t0 his clWtUrl:Y; th:lt the h$JS aas thC 1Jcglnning Of
his creation nntl llis ae! ivo agent In the cic:ltion of ~11 things;
that tht3 hJguS is now th0 Lord J,~.suy CIlri3t in glory, cluthcd
wbth all pwer in harven and earth, and the Chwf Executlvo
Otimr of Jehorah.
‘J’HAT GOD clcxtcd the earth for man, crcatril perfect
man for the wrth :tnrl l~lrwerl him Upton It ; that man \\ lllfully
~lrwlx~cd C,,tl’y law r!ntl \\a3 scntcnwtl to dcnth; thnt by
*cason of Ad:nn’y wrong act all men are boln binncly and
without tho right to hfc.
TIIAT JESUS ~3s m:~rlo human, and tbo man Jesus suf-
fcwtl &ntli in orller to pro~luce the rnn5om or rr4l~~mptrvo
price for nil rnanklntl ; thnt Got1 13iwl up JC\UY divine and
cxaltcd him to hwv,~u al~~vo e~cry crwture nml :tbo\e cbcry
nanw ;tnll cl~jtbcd him w jth all power awl :lutliolity.
TlI,\T JEHOVAH’S ORGANlZA7 ION is cnllctl Zion, rwl
f hnt. Cl11ist J,~.M 1s 1110 Chief Ofiiwr thcrrr,f and is the
rightful King of the world; thnt the uno~ntctl anrl faithful
Pollowr~ry of Chrlrt .J~wrcy are chll~lr~-n of %Ilm, mcw111cra of
.Jchowh ‘y urg:~niwtmn, and 210 Ills I\ ItncCsw whew tluly and
Jjrirll?go it 1~ to twtliy to the nnIwcru:lc~v of Jchornh, ctccla~o
his l~~~rl~ows to\\:Irll jll:lnkin~l 1,s caI]rww~l in the Iljl~l~*, :tnd
to ljwr tho fruits of tho km~:llom bcfort: nil 1, ho will hew.
Tt l,jT Tti E W’OI?LD hna erulwl, nnrl the T,ord Jesus Christ
hay bwn I~l:w,~~l 11.v .I~~hovnh uI,on his throw of nuthurity,
has onstcd Satan frljni hcnwu nnd i3 procwlmg to the
cytuljltsi~nwnt of (ior1 ‘x kirrgllom on cxrth.
TI IXT TllE RELIFI: nnrl blwsinqs of tho pcoplca of cnrth
can wmo only by :tml tlirou,rrh .lchowh ‘y king(lnm unrlcr
Christ \\ hich ha9 nrw twfnn ; that the T,ortl ‘y nc-,t Errat
net M lhc ~leytjwtion of S:~tnn ‘y org:u~iz:ltron nnrl the cst:tb-
Jlshjul~nt of rightcwuwcw in tho wrth, nnd that untlcr thn
kingllorn nil ~IIIJSC whn \\ill olzcy its righteous laws shall live
on wrth forcwr.
------ ------ --
l’rrpnre now for the “ Jl;lttlc Shr~ut.” Trstjmony nnd IJC wahy
for the period lwginnlng tJctol cr 3 :rncl contniujng until 0~ tt~-
her 11. The book Iltcirrs, conl:~lning IL comforting nlcw~::c for
those of goocl will, 1s now ljub!i.zhccl in mnny l:~ngu:ig:t+, nnd
this will l~c prcwntwl to the people on a uniform cuntr~l~utjon
of lncnty-file wnts to niil in thr! pul~hcnt~on nn11 furtll:‘: (‘Is-
tril)ution of the kulg:clotn mcnsxge. I)ct;uletl mstruction9 wjll
apllear in tlic Ij~forncccjlt. Rlakc :,I1 your :cxi:in~:cnwnty in :tql-
\:Incc. 1Iavr plr tcrrltory, your supplic4, Souu~l C~~tiiil~ll~llt,
nmJ cvclything else, rentlb, At tllc encl of tlto lwrwJ report the
results to the Society ‘8 office.


The Aocicty constructs and a5scmblcs portable transcription
machines at our o\In fwtnry xt 115 L\flnrl~y St., Ilrwklyn, S. Y.
These machines are SIJ~ jng-wound, and oljeratcd from a G-tolt
wet-ccl1 battery. Every rnnchiuo is furnis1,ef.l eomplctc with the
battery nnd a bnttery chtger, so fhnt it cnn be kept up to its
full strength. T~JS mnchme can be offcrcll at $100, con)l~lote,
to brcthrcn in the Unit4 Stntes.
The souncl car equrpnwnt includes the above awl, nddltion:llly,
a lwner amplifier and a horn \i ~111 mountings for the top of
your car. The cnt ire swutl car equ~pnient 1, lth miclol~honc at-
tnchcnt czn be 113~1for $li3. \~lltc to the Society for &2txJl3.
15,1936 NO.



EIIOVAIf gathers unto himsdf all to whom he

and hence that they should not he so much concerned
gives life everlasting. 1Ic does such gathering by now about doinr: the witness work. The purpo5x of
his anointed One, Christ JUTIS llie I3clowl. He what is hcrc published is to offset the strategical move
does not gather unto himself any who ofq~oschim, hut of that wily foe Satan and those Whom hc may use,
does gather only those who seek him and comf)fy \\ith and to enable the remnant to see from the Scrif)tures
his rquircmcnts. He gathers unto himself first those what is their real duty and work at ihc present time.
who huvc made a covenant by sacrifice and who keep 4 Jesus sounded the warning that the enemy would,
tflat covenant faithfully. “Gather my saints together if possihlc, dceeivc the very ckct; hut the faithful clcct
unto me; those that have made a covenant with me will not suffer themselvcu to bc dcceid. Their safe-
by sacrifice. ” “ M’hoso offcrcth praise glorificl 11WC; guard in this rcsfjcct is to study carefully the Word
and to him that ordcrcth his curwtrsation aright will of (:ucl illld to follow his commandments, and if this
I shew the salvation of Cod.“-Ps. 50: 5, 23. is done earnestly, honestly and faithfully the Lord
*Jehovah is not in a conlcst with Satan to d,fc:r- will guide them in the right way anI1 keep t llcm in
mint which one may get the greater number. &cl las snf.Ay. (Prov. 3 : $6) “The meek will fit guitlc in
fixed his rules hy which men may get life, and 0’11~ judgment, and the meek will he te:~ch his way.” (1%.
those who compfy with those fised rules ever gain cvcr- 2,5: 9) The faithful remnant fear the Ilord, :IIN~ thus
lasting life. TIN floral .Jcws at the command of his they manifest wisdom nIlaare continucbd in wi&rn,
Father testified in ftis Pather’s name: “For I wmc and such have the promisc of Jd~ovnh that he will
down from hcnvcn, not to do mint ownwill, but !hc sflow them flis purpose.
will of him that sent me. And this is the will of flitn that ’ The remnant now on earth, that is to s:ty. ,Jcho-
sent mc, that cvcry one which secrli the Son, and be- vah’s witnesses, do not gather the qcat multitu&,
lieveth on him, may f~avc cverfasting life; and I will but the I,ord assigns to them a work to do wtrifc: ire
raise him up at the last day. ” (John 6 : 35,40) llc Ka!h- gathers that multitude. The Lord gnthcrs the rcmn:uit.
ers first the saints to the temple, and these form lhc to the temple and anoints them and instructs them,
IX& house, othcrwisc called by him the “little ffoek”. and then sends them l’orth with his messafic, which
Then he gathers others, and concerning thcsc hc suvs: is now due to bc proclaimed, and that mrssn~scof the
“And otficr sftecf) I fiavc, whid arc not of this f0l.l; kingdom they proclaim while the Lorcl does the jll(fg-
them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voiract; ing and the separating of the pcoplc and gat hcririg
and there shall bc one fold, and one shcpI~crd.” (Jortn unto flimself Ihose whom he approves. The “~rcat
10: 16) This latter-named class are those who consti- multitude” is made up of those who seek the IA&,
tute the “sheep” that arc placed on the right hand find him and obey him. They hear the voice of the
of Christ Jesus, and are gathered into that favorahlc Lord and believe and give heed thereto. “For whoso-
pa&on during the time of the tcmplc judgment by ever shall call upon the name of the Lorll sh:dl bc
the Lord Jesus,Xatt. 25 : 31-46. savea. 110~ then shall they call on him in whom they
‘The subtle enemy Satan attempts in every pos- have not bcliovcd? and how shall they belicrc in him
sible way to deceive God’s pcopfc; and among the of whom they have not heard ? and how shall they hear
things that wily foe now attempts is to induce the without a prcnchcr ? And how shall they preach, cx-
faithful remnant to believe that tlicyi will gatlicr the ccpt they be.sent? as it is written, How beautiful arc
great multitude, and that the work which the remnant the feet of them that preach the goupcl of pcacc, and
is now engaged in doing amounts to little or nothing: bring glad tidings of good things!” (Ilorn. 10: 13-15)
compared with what they shall do after wflat iS dka It is the privifcgc and obligation given to the remnant
“the first phase of Armageddon”. The claim is that to serve as proclaimers of the w0rtl of c0ato lhc end
then the little flock, the remnan:, will a0mxfl more that those who will form the great multitude may hear

the truth and seek the way CoJehovah’s organization, That xhich is of grratcst importance to the rcmn::nt
of which Christ Jesus is the Head and where they may in this connection is to obey God’s commandment n11t1
Gnd the place of safety. do JIOW what he has directed shalt be done and tcj do
ARNAGEDDOX it with energy and zeal. It is certain that wh:~n t11e
6 The question is propounded by some who appear battle of the great day of God Almi,$lty, ted by Christ
to be confused, to wit : “Will not the chief work of the rlc~us, is on, Ihe work of the remnant in proclaimill!;
remnant in connection with the great multitude bc the testimony to ttio5e who will form the grcot niiil-
done after the ‘first phase of Armageddon’!” Tttcrc titude will have been finished.-l%ek. 9 : 4-11 ; X;l:t.
is no Scriplural reason for such a conclusion, but the 24 : l&21.
Scriptures arc squarely to the contrary. Another asks: 8 Let this be kept in mind, that the religion-mong:crs
“Is it not stated in the. Fcln~uary 1 (l!X3G) Watch- have tong been ttic principal ones anionr: men who ham
tower that there will be two phases of Arma~cddon?” defamed the name of Jchornh. The I)cviI l~av ux~l
No, Tltc N’utc7rlowtr makes no such statement, and the 12omanCatholic Hierarchy in particutals, and tat(:i
certainly ttic Scriptures do not warrant suc*ha state- the other clergy in g:cnerat, v;ho have joinctl hands
ment. \Yhai, I’Il(z Il’atc71tozl9cV did say is Ihis: Jt hccms With tht? I~hJrCh)‘, t0 hill:: $??Wt WprOaCh UIKJJl IllC

thcrc will lx “two distinctive l)arts of Armn~~edtlon: nnmctof *Jetlo~ilh,and it apl~~~;i io 11cl)oth rcaro~~:~tdc
(1) That which accom]dishcs the dcstruclion of hppo- and Scriptural that the Lord wilt bring ihc cltlray ilIt:)
critical rtitigiollists; alld (2) that which accomplishes disgrace and then at the baltle of hrm;~~ctldon will
the comptctc dc5lruction of all of Satan’s organizn- dcslroy them and in that same bnftte the otticr elc-
lion”. (l’he Il’ulc7~fozccr, l!UG, p,“c 43) The battle mrnfs of Satan’s organization, visible and invisible,
(Jf ~~rmagecidon iS 1he gt’cat batt tc of ttlc great day of will LC destroyed. 1Vhat.I’Ito \l’c~tchfozccr mrant, there-
(iod Alrrri~~trty, which baltte is fougtlt by the g-cat fore, in sayinK “txlo parts” is that the religions PI+
L’icld Rlarshat Christ JCSIH all(l his hca\c111y hosts. molt will first be clcstroyed and tt~cn will follow thr
It is wriltcn, in I:cvclntion 17: 76: “‘zln(l the ten dcstrurtion of the other parts of Satan’s or~al~izat1011.
horns which t trou snwest upon the bcaht, tlicxe shall LJ\Vhat is now here publixhcrt iq for the IJJJl’pJCC’ of
)J;&cthe \\‘~JoJ’c, and shatl mtkt: her dcsolatc :IIN~Jldd, proving beyond at1 doubt, that the rcninant mu5t i10w
and shall cat tier flesh, and burn tier with fiw ” This bc diligent ;~ntl vcr.v active in doing the \v(jrli wl1ic.h
at)pc:lr~ to apl)ly sl~ccificulty to the dcstroging of the the l,ord has assignrtl to lhcm to do and that suc*hWI I\
religious systckmsor organizations which t11c t)cvil must be coml~lctcd, so far as the great ninltifu~lc is
USPSto dcccivc the pcoplc, (Ligllt, Cook TWO, page ConvCrnCd,bOffJN tt~c b:ltttc of ~II’JJIil~C(I(IOJI iwciu,.
113) The rcli;ionists then scc:kto hide their iclcnlity. IIcre again atfcntion is c:lttotI to the risili:: 111)of
(See Zwtiarid1 13 : G ; E’rcpotulio~~, page 25Z.) The Jehovah, as set fortfi by him ~hrou~tr. his l)rol)hct. lo
chgy or Ictt~ionists illI? a part of Satilll’s ol*gUliza- wit: “For Jehovah will r&c up as in mount t’c‘t*;lzim,
tion and are the hl~~‘pt~crd~thal sufl’er destruction at he will bc wrotti as in the vntlcy of C~ibcoli; that IIC
the hand of lhc Lord. (Jcr. 25: 35) Thcrc arc, as it may do his work, his strange \~o&, and Itring to pa:,~
clearly d])I)Ci’I’S, the ClClllCIltS OE Siltnll’S visible or- his act, his strange act.“-Isa. 2X: 21, ~1.ft.l’.
ganization, to wil: rcli+mists, commercial tlXCiCkCl3, lo 13~his proph~~tObadiah, hcrctol’orc conGclc*rcdin
and pOlitiCi rulers. The ninetrcnth chnptcr of l<cvcla- 2% li’afc7~to~cr, J~t10\-;~1~ calls upon his faitlll’llt v il-
tion dcscribcs the Lord Jesus C:hrist on his WI mount news, the remnant, to “rise up against tier [ (JV:;~II~-
leading his invincible forces to war against the enemy. izcd religion, and l)articularly the Roman C!nth~r?ic
The stntcmc~lt made in Z’lre Il’clfclrfwcr of Fcblu- IIic%Wctiy and attied clergy] in batlte”. Ttli:; ilc’i 111
ary 1, 1036, pnxc 43, is not dogmatic, but, it seems 11~ the rcmnani, t,:rk(in at the COIt1milllcI of J~llo~;~h,
rcasonaldc and Scriptural that ihc hyl~ocritical rc- precedes the battle of the great. day of Cod :\lrni41t>,
ligionisls will be the first dcstroycd at A~ma~etldon that is, Armag~ulduii. The l)ropl~cy at Jx,linh L’S:21
and then follows the destruction of the “1~~9,” and concerning the grcnt and final lx~ttlc fought 1)~ CIII Iht.
the “false prophet” and then Satan himsclf.--Xev. Jesus for Jehovah, and nhich is lhcrcfore Jcl~o\-ah‘R
19 : X3-21 ; 20 : l-3. fight, draws slxxial attention to lhc city of iiilx on.
’ All of the enemy must kr~ow at or immcdiatcly prc- In tlic same ctiaptcr, and imniediatcly precctting ihi<
ceding their destruction that Jehovah is the Supreme statcmcnt that ~Jchovnhwill be ~~0th as in the Yi\llta!.
One and Ihat hc is bringing about lllcir dcslruciion. of Gibeon, the Lortl tells of the ‘Ltmil” that “hll;lll
W~cn Ihe religious organizations and the rcli$onists smccp away the refuge of lies” (vcl*sc 17) and “a
themselves arc dcstroycd, that will appear to the sur- teml,est of hail”. (Vcrsc 2) These cards of dcscri1)-
vivors in Satan’s organizntiun as a very strange act, tiOn eOnN!riling “bail” a~~p2:lr to IJC! Set fOrtl1 ttlWC
becausethey have been l&l to believe that t hc religion- t0 call nttcntion ~prciftc~~tly t0 \Vllilt tOOk pl:ltr’ at
ists were and are tllc rtpre$cntatiYcs of the J&rd. To Gibeon, to the end that it may be seen that Gibcon and
be sure, WCcannot now determine just how and the the battle foufrht lllere were prophetic.
order in which the I,ord will bring the dcstrudion of I1 ‘I’hre w~‘rc two battles fought at Gibcon, at dif-
the cncmy, and that is not bo imlbortant Cor:b to know. ferent times, and !!IC fact that l!ic record is m,lclc oi
ALXXST 15, 1936 245

each one of those halties shows what came to pass at the day of Jehovah”, which is now, and which shxll
Gibeon foreshadow something to come to pass therc- be cxprcssed emphatically at Xrmngcddon.
after; The Lord fought the first battle at Ciibeon, with I3 Just a few months before Gibeon is first mentioned
Joshua as the visihlc Icadcr of the Lord’s forces. ill the $Y’i~JtUrC!S 8s COmilig illto VkW, the SCliJltUrC!
(Joshua, tenth chapter) ait the second battle at Gib- record shows, the covenant of obedience and faithful-
eon the Lord put King David forward a4 leader in new was made by Jehovah with the Israelites under
the army visible to human eyes. (2 Sam. 5: 19-25) Noses and c-hen asscmblcd on the plains of Moab.
That both of those battles were typical of Armagcd- That covenant forcsliadowcd the covenant of faithful-
don, aIJd that both are to lx considcrcd in lOOliiJlg at ness for the kni!.$om which Ihc Lord God has made
ttlc antitype, there cannot he any rrasonahle doubt. with spiritual Israel. (Dcut. 1 : 3; 29: 1) In conncc-
At the first battle of Clibeon the Lord cauwl great hail- tion with the covenant, of faithfulness Jehovah ~~:uncd
stones to fall down from hcnvcn upon the enemy and JoL.hua as SIWC~SSO~ to hloscs. The covenant of faiill-
those hailstones slew more than wcrc ltillcd otherwise, fulrwss made it1 Xoab foreshadows the COVCIJ~IJL of
and that is matic there ljromincnt in tllc Scriptural faithfulness fOr the ltinqdom of God, which covenant
record. \Yhcn David fou::ht the Philistincs, the cne- the 1,ord makes wi(li the temple class by i!lld tlirOu~l1
micas of C:o(l, mid chnsecl tl~crrl to ~~ibcttii, thcrc is no t Ilc (:reiJter Noses. (See bou!t .ItlmcdJ, paxcs 31%31;. )
nlclltioIl made in the record of hail. At the battle of It was just two and one-half nwlrtlis after the cove-
Nount I’(*razim, fouglit IJy David against the Philis- IlaJit made in JIoalt :ifd at the I’assOver tiJnc that
tines, the cilcmits of Cicld, ail(l which battIc prcccdcd Joshua led the lsraclitw ~CI’OCSthe river Jouh~l and
I)avi,l’s h.ittlc of C~ilxwi, I)avitl spoke usinK these bc;:;tIi tlic COIl(tJtKit of ttlc land Of (1atlaan, 11 tjic*lJ God
\rcJrds : “l’tlC JiOJ*:f tl:lt,tl bI’OliCl1 forth UJJOJl mine CIIC- had given to A\lxall;~m. Jtrhovah \vas then “kin!: in
mics Idore me, as tllc? b~~:l~ll Of W:‘iltCJ+J.” (3 SilJll. kJ*aCt ” (tkut. %i: ,;) ; anct Ilow ~~ctlovati tins t)c’,yl111 tlis
5 : 20) ?‘tlC tJrOtJtlWy Of IYrlidtl, WritkJl ill (!OnnCC~i~Jl 1 c~t::11 by pt;lciJJq tlis t~ctoved Son, Christ. Jesus, UJJlJIl 1tlc
with Jcl~owh ‘b “draJJg:c nest”, IJJ:~WS mention of “a throne and comm:lritlin:: him to rule amidst his (m Jnics
tOJllt,Pst Of tl;lit ” ZlJl(l “a tlwlroyinq storm, as a flood alld over Itle land which JcllOI~ali :!ilVC t0 ttlc “Scd of
Of miqltty \ViltPrS”. (lsa. 2s : 2) The s:lJJle propl1ct Atlratlanl” .---(;c.JJ. 13: U-37; 15: 18; 1’s. 110: 2.
dso s,rys : “llail shall swcq~ away the rcfugc of lks, l4 The ~:mnnnitw fJfilf.Wd stuhhow a11~11~iltcr rc-
arid the waters shall overflow the hidill:: ~jlace. And sistnncc to the cst:~bl islrmcnt of ant1 t tic iticrww of 1he
. . . the overflowing scOur::c shall pass throuqh. “-- tgyjical ttiIl,:tIom of (;otl in tile JAall(l of l’romist~, jrI>t
vcrscs 17, IX. as the l’tiili~tinw resisted ant1 li%~tl to owrtlir~~w .trb-
**That which was inwl\rtl in the first battle of tlov;ltl’s t~picill twotjlc undcir Kin: IkJvitl. i\ll of’ t Ilcw
Cibcon was typical of the Icinylon~ of dchovah C;o(l \\‘CI‘C ttK! CJlCJJliCS Of CO& kk’aU\C Of ttlat OJ’JJOd IOIl
involvctl iti Ihe battIc of ~\iw~;igeddon. That which 8 IJilttlC \iYlS foll?tit
at GilJCOn in KlPIl iIlSlilll(*(*, ftw;t
was involvc*(l in the scwmd bntllc of (1il)eon, fouzht try 1)~ .Joshua and long afterwards iJy l)avid. &\;ow .JPIIo-
KiJlg David, was the IriJtgtlOJn of Jehovah Cocl, and vat1 has wt his l~clovctl So11 utloll tlis throJlc in csf;~lJ-
whkh is ill\ olvcbtl at, ;\rm;~~c~!clon. Joshua, the lc:&r 1klAlg his cw*l;istinji
trir~~~tloni, wliitc ttic (bJi(‘111y is
nE the first httlc of (libtol~, was a type of ill:rkt dill iJ2 theIaJJd i1S ttic CaJJxiJjitcs were in l’alwtillc,
Jesus. His ni)me ,‘Joshua” is the same. “JWIIH” is and the cncmy r~t;rlic~s stuhlxJrJ1 ;JJld biller lwisl;ltJco
the (:reci;ln name for the IICI~ITW JEII~IO “Josl~ua”. now to the cstabliAmcnt ant1 inrrcnsc of (lad’s tiJJl~-
The name “Joshua”, or ‘~J~wIs”, means “.Jchovah the dam. And the battle of the great day of (iotl ,2llni:tlt>
Savionr “. lkivicl, \Vhosc IlilJTlC means ‘, Ik~lovcd”, was is now imminent for ttlc purt~osc of ctt~aring 1 IJr (~JICOI>
also a tJ.pc of the t~~lovccl So11of Jehovah Clod, Clnist, conlpletcly out of ttlc 1:lnd. SllJ.cly 1Iic t~I*ot~tlct ic: Iw-
Jesus. As l)a~id was kin<g of nntur;ll I’wxl, so ihc Old conccmiJJg at (:itJCCJJl Vli1.Y wriilcll
IJotti 1:iltilCS
beloved Son of Clod is Kin:* of spiritual Isr:lcl and of aforctimc for tlie special comfw1 and hoI)c of lli(:
all who get lil’c everlasting. Alt lichrcws 4 : 8, A.Zl.V., rCIllJlaIlt, alld it IIOK Sc(‘IIlS diw tiJIlC for ttlC rcJJlJl;lllt
it is written : “For if Joshua had given tlrcm rest, hc to be given a clearer view of the mcnninF: ol thcl l\vo
w-ould Ilot: have SpolicIl afterward of another day.” In hattIes at C~ilwon, ii liich two lk:tllw forcstiadowtl 1ilc
Ihe A~cfltorixd Vcrsim it rends: “For if Jesus had battle of the grcal clq of Cod Alnii=hty. For Ihis
given them rest. ” It is writ ten concerning spiritu:ll rc:isoJi ltic evrnts which imrncdini cly prcccdcd t 110:c
Israel : ,‘J)avid [meaning ‘I~cloved’] my servant shall battles may be considcrcd wiili I,rolit.
bc king over them.” (Ezclr. 37: 21) This latter test I5 The Israditcs were ns~cmblcd on the cast sitlc of
undol~t~t.c~tlty rCferS to the IAord Jesus C’tlriSt, the Icing, the Jorclnn river aud under the comm:uld of JW~IU;I,
and who is the head of Jehovah’s cnpltal organization. who spolrc to the lsractitcs as co~~~J~l:~ntlctl. “,%lJ,t
Then says the Lord’s prophet: “He shall bc wrath as Joshua said, Ifcwl~~ ye shall know that ttw living (:otl
in the valley of Gibcon.” (Isa. 25: 21) The wrath of is among you. and that he wilt wiillonl fail tlt*ivc (,l!t
God was expressed a:ain,t his cnemics at. both battles from l~~ioIx2 you fl:e Cknnnnilq :iJ:d the 1tilt Jtc’<:, .j;~ft
of c:it!con ; tliercforc uIlc~ollt~tccit~ this ScritJ~JJre refers the lIlvitcs, and the I’crizzitcs, and the (:irgysltil(~;,
]xoIJlwtically to Ihc csprc\sion of Cod’s wrath “in and Ihc Amoritcs, alld the JelxAtc~s. “--rfosl~. 3: IO.

la The advance of God’s ebosen people against the gathered themselves together, to fight with Joshua and
enemies occupying the promised land was about to with Israel, with one accord.“-Josh. 9: 1,2.
begin and the first important thing was that the Israel- lo Hearing of these great things performed by Je-
ites should know that Jchorah is the true and only hovah and how he had used his people, the enemy im-
God. Jehovah, in performing a miracle, led the Isracl- mediately formed a conspiracy to make war against
ites across the Jordan river by causing the waters of the people of God. That foreshadowed what came to
that river at a certain point to be held back or dried pass with the coming of the Greater Joshua, Christ
up so that the whole host of Israel passed over on dry Jesus. Antitypically it was in 1914 that Jehovah took
land and in safety. When the Israelites got on the to himself his great power and began his reign by then
west side the fight did begin against the enemy. Why and there placing upon the throne his bclovcd Son
Christ Jesus to rule in the midst of his enemies. (Rev.
Jehovah did this is stated in these words: “That all
11: 17, 18 ; I’ss. 110 : 2 ; 2 : 6) Then followed the oust-
the people of the earth might Amow the hand of the ing of Satan and his hosts from heaven, and the cast-
Lord, that it is mighty; that ye might fear the Lord ing of them down to earth. Satan then b(!gall to as-
your God for ever.” (Josh. 4: 24) Cod was there show- scmble all his forces, invisible Slid Yisihlc, in I)l'~]Jill%
ing that the most important thing is t&e. vindication t ion for the hattlc that must follow, and he has l~ii
of his name, that all the people may know that he is doing so since. I?or this purpose Satan draws all his
the Almighty. forces into a confederacy to fight agirlst Christ JWIIY,
I* Today Jehovah, by his Greater Joshua, Christ the Greater Joshua and Greater David.--Rev.
Jesus, has 1~1 the faithful antitypical Israelites, that 12 : lo-17 ; Isa. 8 : 9-13.
is, Israel in the spirit, into the “land” or place which “‘Among the peoples who occupied the T,arld of
Jchoval~ has assigned to tlwn, and now the war is on Promise tlicrc must have hccil some of good will awl
bctwccn the cticmi(q and particularly the rcli$onists who dcsircd ri~litrousnc.s.s, arid who tlicreforc wo111tl
who are fighting against the remnant at the iiistailcc foreshadow those of good will at tlic prcscrit day, and
of the Devil. (Rev. 12: 17) The purpose of the war \vhO haW bccrl for a lOIlK WllilC UndW th C~Jlltl~ll~ Of
now in ~CO~J’CSS is to IlJCl~JJif)’the naJnc of Jchov;~h Satan’s organization. Thcrc WI’C some in the 1~~1 of
and to make kJlOWil to th pople that Jcho~all is SU- Pnlrstinc that saw the favor of Jehovah upon his 1x0-
prcmc. Jn this way both the c:ncmy and tliosc who de- J)]c, and they took notice thcrcof ; arid thJS(! pcol)lc
sire to do right are informcul and \tarncd. Without r~Sl&d at (; ihfJil : “:llld \VhCIl tllC iilh;lbitillllS Of
doubt this is 0Jlc of the rf:t.xms why Cod has pcr- Gihcon heard what Joshua had tlo~lc unto Jcricdho i111cl
mitt& the lAxi to remail1 and to coJJtiJJuchis wicked to -ii, they did work wilily, and \\cnt. and 1n:1~1c a~ if
work; as it is written: “That my name may lx tlc- they had ~WII ambassadors; and took old sacks upor1
clarcd throughout all the cartli.” And this dcclara- their asses,arid wine hotth~s, 01~1,n11<1 rrnt, alit1 hoiit~(i
tion of Jehovah’s name must hc done and pcrformcd up ; and old shots and clouted U~WI~their fM, and
before Jehovah exhibits his great power in the dc- old garments upon them; and all the bread 01’ thrblr
struction of Satan’s organi7;llion at Armageddon. provision was dry and m0uldy. And tlic*y WNI~ to
(Es. 9: 16) Jt is the testimony delivered by Jehovah’s Joshua unto the camp at Clilxal, and said unlo him,
witnesses that CUISCStlJc enemies to Jnakc wnr upon and to the men of Israel, 1Vc be come from a far coiin-
them, and which war preccdcs the battlc of the great try : now thcrcforc make yc a lcaguc with us.“-
day of God Almighty. It is the name of Jehovah that Josh. 9 : 3-G.
is involved, and his kingdom which is now advancing, *l The Gibconitcs bcgau to look out for thcmsclvcs,
and his name shall now lx cvaltcd and vindicated and and the Scripturrs tell of what thry did. This is the
his kingdom rule the whole earth. first mention of Gihcon in the Scriptures. Tlic name
I8 That we may have a clearer view of the gathering means “hill” or “hilly city”. It was situntccl on a
of the great multitude now, eonsidcration is given to high place. (1 Iii. 3: 4 ; 2 Chron. 1 : 13) The ~~ilwon-
what prcded the first hattle at Gibcon, that is, what itcs were Ilivitcs. (Josh. 9: 7) The name II ivitcs
led up to that battle and what occurred at the battle. means “villagers “, that is, those who live in a villa:c.
“And it came to pass, when a11the kings which were The JIivites were dcsccndants of Soah’s son I l;lm,
on this side Jordan [the west side of Jordan], in lhc through Canaan the so11of Iiam. (Gcn. 10: G,1.5-K)
hills, and in the valleys, and in all the coasts of the The Hivitc?; were under Koah’s curse prol\ounccd up-
great sea [the bIcditcrranean sea, the coast of which 011 ITam bccausc of Ifam’s sin : “And Konh a~ol;e
was held by the Philistines] over against [Mount] from his wine, au1 knew what his youny’cr soil had
Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amoritc, the Canaanite, done unto him: and hc said, Cursed frc Cnn:1:lu; a
the Pcrizzite, the Ilivitc, and the Jcbnsite, heard thrrc- servant of servants shall he bc unto his bret lircn. ,111(1
of [that is, heard that the Israelites had crossed the he said, Blessed 1~ the Lord God of Shcm ; alit1 C’an,~m
Jordan in safety by reason of a miracle performed by shall 1~ his servant.” (Gcn. 9 : X26) That curse WLS
Jehovah, and of the bnttlc that followed iI1 which the fulfilled literally upon the C:ihconitc~, ~110,l)c.inc: Iii-
cities of Jericho and Ai were destroyed], that they vitcs, were Cannanitcs and who bccanic the 5~1r:IlitS of

the Israelites, the descendants of Shem. The Gibcon- course of action as shown by the record. “They did
ites included the inhabitants of three other towns or work ivilily, and went and made as if they had been
communi~ics, to Wit : Ch?]Jhirah, nmnlng ‘the village ambassadors; and took old sacks ~1~011their ns\cs, and
(enclosed by walls) ’ ; and Ikcroth, meaning “wells”; v;ine bottles, old, and rent, and bound up ; and old
and Klirjnth-jcarim, mcnning “city (or ~~lacc) of shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments
forests”; and thus their names indicated the place
upon f hem : end all the bread of their provision \vas
of rcsidcncc and surrounding conditions.
dry and mouldy. ‘Znd they went to Joshua unto tllc
** The Gibconites would thcrcfore well typify the
camp at Gilgal, and said unto him, and to thtr men
condition of the entire human race, in this, that ail
of Israel, \:‘e be come from a far country; now thcrc-
the race came under the curse by reason of the sin
fort make ye 8 h3aguc with us.“-Josh. 9 : 4-G.
of Adam. Christ Jesus’ sacrifwe is the 1nwchnse price
of all under the curse, and his blood and his name the 25The fear of the Gibeonitcs forcshadowd a class
only means of salvation and life. “Christ hqth re- of rteo~dc that have now fear of Cod, which InOlks “the
deemed us from the curse of the law, being made a be$auing of wizdom”. The word “wilily”, lwd in
curse for us; for it. is writtrn, (;urscd is cwry one this text, also mcnns “IVith ~)I’U&WX, diSlW!~icJri alid

that hnng:cth on a tree.” (Cal. 3: 33) The (;ibconites, v;isdom”. Gibcon was wekin:: il way whcrcby the lives
pnrticula rly bcir! ;’ C’annilI~itCs, which I;lttcr name of that pcoplc might be spared at the hand c~i’ .Jclro-
means “huniiliatcd”, J,lctlwc t11osc \v110 wrrc debased vah’s csecutioncrs led by Joshna. The main J)IIrpWC
and brou$lt lcJ\V by idicritd Sh-lhn. 5 : 1% of iIhOSt all mw: at the br;~~innirq in turning to the
Lord is to selfishly swk life alld wfcty. They grow in
ENEMY IN THE LANII low or unwlfi~hric~3 affcr they hnvc gainstl hwi~
23 The l’,ortl hs set forth many dotails ill hit rcrord Ii~lO\VlCd~C of God’s purpose. Life is tlcal~cr to ClW-
wittcn of 0141,the ulldct,st:rlltlilI:r of which tlct;tils now fww than ill~J?it ing cls~, bccausc without life nixi
cna?~lcu the l,ro~~hrl ic stutlcnt to have a bcttc~r widcr- could not enjoy anything. The point to be st t w-w1
standin? and alJlJrci:iation 01’ whnt. is talriii= pIarc at hcrc is: that lhe JK~J~IC of Gibeon sought a wag of gooil
the prcwnt tinic and IJrcvccliil~ Armagctl~lori. Tlicrc for thcmsi~lvrs. Kcwssarily they \I ould act with fll’il-
wcw sfV(‘l1 nations Scttlid in t hc land of’ (~illl~l~lll, and clcncc and discretion, hwausc t!wy wcrc not wrl.rin
among tho~c sc’vcn n:ltil,ns was the tribe of ILivitcs. h(W ~1JShllil \~011ld rcwivc 1llvt11, ;ItId for this I’(‘:IWII,
13cl’orc l.srac~l rcachecl that land (:r)d int’omcd them 3s lhc t cst says, “they did work wilily.” I’hcy shc~nc~~
of lhc strcnyth of the cw.wy : “\Vlicn tile Lord thy tlwmsclvcs tlcpcn~lcnt upoil JW~III;I and tlic>y movc~~l
(iod bhilll hrirJ*: tllrc into the land wliitiwr IhW guest, with CYlUtiOll to WC hll;lt t IICy sll0Uld lJWt (10. I,iliC-
lo poss~w it, and linth east out many nations lwl’olc V;i<Call men Who SWli the Wv:ly to s:rf’cty allcl 1ifC l:OIil(~
tliw, the Ilittitcs, ant1 the (:ir:asliites, and tlic Amo- t0 kIlo,W hit thy NT Cllt iWlV dl~~JdCll~ ll~N)l1 c(h1’k.t
rites, and the Canaanilcs, and the l’crizzitw, and the Jc\lls our Lord, IKciUsc llis is tllc ollly 11il111(? IJy aPd
IIivitchq, ant1 the Jclmsitrs, scvcn nations gtwtcr and t hrongh n hicall Jl~hovah (iotl grants salvation. (.\cls
mixltticr than thou.” (J)cut. 7 : 1) ‘l’hc lsraciites, 4: I!?) Jlcn tlirwforc act with caution in asccrlainin::
ihcrcfow, were infomcd and knew that wlwn they whether or not it is the trnth pwswted to I IIP~IL iI1
entcrcd the land it Ill~illlL war with the cncmy. Likc- or&r that they may tdrc the right couwc. All tll,it
wise Jcl~owl~ has informed his people now on earth come to Christ, to begin with, arc mwc balm. Thy
of the combined forces of the cncmy. This illformation gow into the full stature of a man in Christ .I(wY
is given to the rcnuiant in adwncc, and hc~ncc they WlWll tllCy IlZiVC ~dV:lllCCd in I;IloWlPd~C ilrltl fi[,]JW-
arc illformcd and know of the combined furccs of the ciation of tllc goOd~lcsS of Clod. Thc~N! is 110 1’~‘il~Oll,
enemy and tlic>y mur;t cspcct to fight, and hence nom tliercforc, why it should be said of the C:ibconitcs tllilt
tbc remnant arc cngagd in the fight and they know thry wrc lying alld t,rying to “put one over” on
the reason why. Joshua. They wrc merely acting: in a disercsct and
24The cncmics in Canaan formed a conspiracy sngaeious manner in harmony lrith what Jesus l;ltcr
qqhd the p?OJ)lC of c:cJd, and 1ihYiSe non’ the I)cvil said to his diwiplc~, to ‘bc as sngcious as 111~scrpvnt
and his gang, iii\-isiblc and visible, hare formctl a cwn- alid harmlw as dews’. They wwc not. sccliilll: to do
spiracy ag,lii1c;t the pco~~lc of God. The IIivitcs of injury to Josl~na allcl Jlis mtn. Thc;y WCW Sc;~liill!: to
GilJCon and nci#hborin$ lawns appear not to have fhd out exactly what was their own position.
joined that conspiracy of the other Cnnnanitw, and 2GAll the other nntionq of Canaan wcrc in a c:oii-
thcrcforc were the csception. ‘i’hny showed fcnr of spiraey to fight and, if possible, lo destroy the Iw:,el-
God and his hosts, and Ihcy souqht a way of obtain- itcs; and for the Jlivitcs or Gi!wonitcs to stand aloof
ing God’s favor. Whether the action of Il:c IIivites from that conspir,lcL,x-, and iu the face of it to ~(~1;
was sagacious or deceitful to begin with dot\ not ahcr favor at the hands of the one lcatling the fight iqainst
llic fact that they were used to make a part of the qcat the conspirators, rcqnircd some real faith on the lJ;if’t
prophetic picture hwc being considcrcd. That the of the Gihconitcs. 1,iliCl:ise to&q all of Satan’s or-
(;ilJNvIiteS had fear of God’s chosrn Jx!OJ)JCis Cwtain, pnni~ation and tlioLe nndrr his oiganization, with but,
and this appears to bc the reason why t1itJ.v took Ihe 011~’csccption, arc bound togcthcr in a conspiracy to

fight against and, if possible, to destroy Jehovah’s God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come
&own and anointed people. That one esception is the out from among them, and he ye separate, saith ltlc
class that forms the “great multitude”. Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I wilt IC-
*’ The Gibconitcs in this prophetic drama played the ceive you, and will bc a Father unto you, and yc
part foreshadowing the grcnt multitude, and a care- shall ‘bc my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Al-
ful considcralion Of what follows from here on with mighty.“-2 Cor. 6 : 16-18.
the Gibeonitcs enables us fo seewhat the Lord is doing *OThose who come to the Lord’s people now, sin-
toward the great multitude. ccrcty sccking to know the truth, recognize that the
28Joshua and his army proceeded with caution, aS ones serving Jehovah are in a position of favor with
they should. They had in mind the instructions given the Lord; and tiltcwisc the Gihconites saw that Joshua
by Jehovatl to the Israelites long hcfore that pcoplc and his army were in the favor of the Almighty God.
reached the land of promise, and in which Jchorah They wcrc for that reason willing to put thcmsclvcs
said to them: “Ohscrve thou that which I command under Joshua’s command : “ And they [as Gihwi-
thee this day: behold, I drive out hcforc thee the ites] said unlo Joshua, We are thy servants. And
Amoritc, and the Canaanite, and ttic IIittitc, and the Joshua said unto them, Who arc ye? and from wherw
I’crizzitc, and the Tlivite, and the Jchusitc. Take heed come yc?” (Josh. 9: 8) Their words wcrc a proper
to thyself, lest thou m:lkc a covenant with the in- acknowlcdgmcnt on the part of the Gihconitw that
habit.ants of the land whither thou go&, I& it be for dchovah, the Cod of the Jsraclitcs, is the Su1~rcmcOne
a snare in the midst of fhrc.“--12x. 34: 11, 12. and that Jchovnh and his C~IOSCI~ gcncral, Joshua,
*OThe Isruclitcs wcrc dcfinitcly informed hy the constitute the higher powers. Likcwisc the pcot~lc of
Lord th:it they must meet atlicd and vicious cncmieS good wilt now SCcliiIl~ the way to God’s oxgiii~ntion
in the land, and hccdiiig that advice Ilie Israclitcs rccognizc Jehovah as the Sup~wtc One- and Clhrist
would proceed with due caution. Wticn approached 3~1s the Greeter Joshua as the “higher pOwers”.
by others Ilicy must first dctcrminc whcttirr or not it The Gibconitcs willingly suhmittcd thcmsel\cs to
was a tric.1; being t)rilctiNYl to draw them into a ware; Joshua without hattlc, ant1 tllis they did hy wyinq
and this csplains why Joshua was carcfut. The Isracl- to Joshua : “IYe arc ttly servan1s.” They thlls cs-
itcs had Iw.9~ informed tllat, if they would Obrg the pr~~wxl their dwirc to scrvc the God of Joshua rath(l1
Lord, their fight against Itic~ cncmy would rcstilt in than perish or take the chanccsof a hattle wit II Joshu:~‘s
victorv * “ISut yc slmll dcslroy their altars, breal~ mcll. That \VilS a pet ition 011 the part of 1hc (;ibcorl-
their ‘ikigcw, and cut clown their grows.” (Ex. itcs for a fricncl~hip treaty or covenant u it h ,J(P&uA
34: 13) Co~~crqucntly whc11tiw Gihconitcs npt~ronchcd To the pctilwn of the (lihconitcs Joshua rol)liwl:
the men of Isrncl as tliou:li they wcrc aml~assadors, “\VJio arc ye? illld from whwic~ccome ye?” JTOwwell
the (lihcoiiitcs wci’c rcwix ccl by ttic Jsraclitcs with the course of tlic Cihconitw fits ttic condition ulbr~ii
due rcscrvc : “And the m(‘n of Israel said unto ftie which tlic great multitude swlc God’s O~g:llliZilti~~ll.
Rivitcs, I’cixdvcnturc yc tlwcll among us; and ho:v In the first pl:tcc they must have a good will fward
shalt WCmake a lca~uc with you?” (Joxh. 9 : 7) IIcrc God and tO\rard his kingdom and the Jiin!: (!hrlst
is wisdom csprcsscd for the hcncfit of Jehovah’s wit- Jesus, the GIWI~W .Joshu;t. ijs Joshua rrqui twl t llc
I . The Gihconitcs told Joshua they had come Gilxonitcs to idciktify thcmsclvcs, so t,lic Crcat(~r
from a far country, and it was proper that Joshua Joshua requires t host coming to him to identify thcw
he certain they wcrc friclltls, and not foes. The Lord’s selves and to confess whcthcr they are on the 1)cvil’s
anointed know that they arc among the cncmy, and side or not, or are On the side of God and Christ iilltl
they arc cautious to considw one who apl)roachcs them his people : “For with the Jlcart man hclicvcih unto
and to first ascertain whctllt~r the one approaching is rjgliteousness ; and with ttic mouth confession is made
a friend or a foe. The instructions given hy Jehovah unto SalviltiotI. For tlic scripture with, \Vhoxocwr
to his anointed pc~l~lc are to refuse ahsolutclg to make bclicvcth on him shall not be aahamcd. For tlwrc 1s
a covenant or have anylhing in common with any part no dif~ercncc bctwcn the Jew and the Creek: f’or the
of the condcmncd I)cyil’s organization. Jehovah’s sameLord owr all is rich unto all that call upon him.”
people know thcrc are tliosc in the world who arc not --Ram. 10 : 10-13.
in accord with the IMil’s spirit, hut they act with 31Those who form the great multitude must bclic~e
due care to make no eovcn:int with anyone untlt they that Jehovah is the only true and almighty God and
first; see some evidcncc that the others arc sinccrcly that, Christ Jesus is the Savior of man and the onI>
seeking the way of the Lord. The question of Joshua way to life ; and having such bclicf Or faith, the11cilrll
and his men was in exact accord with the instructions one must, take his stand openly on the sitlc of tl,c
which Jrhovah has given to the followers of Christ Lord by conicwing his bclicf in Cod and in Christ
Jesus, the Greater Joshua: “And what agrecmcnt and by his agreement to do the mill of C:od. Sncl~ is
hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the the way of salvation, and there is no otlicr way. Sal-
temple of the living God ; as God hat11 said, I will vation cannot come to man from any earthly crcai wc
dwell in Ihem, and walk in them; and I will he their or organization or by bowing down to sOmesymbol or
AWEST 15, 1936

image that stands for any creature or thing. The line a5Jehovah’s witnesses have known for a Ion:: while
is so clearly drawn that there cannot be any doubt that there is but one way to come to God and that is
about this. through Christ Jesus, and that there is no other way
I* The Gibconitcs did not stand aloof and watch for of salvation. Now they seemore clearly than ever that
the dceisirc battle that was latp fought at Gibeon. those who form the great multitude also must hrar
They would take no chances, but would make thcm- the message of Jehovah and his kingdom and must
selves known and declare where they stood before that know the only way to salvation and must take their
battle. Likcwisc the great multitude cannot now wait stand on the side of God by confessing with their
until the Anal battlc of Armageddon, foreshadowed mouth and showing by their course of action their
by that at Gibeon, until they make thcmselvcs lmown faith in God and in Christ Jesus. By giving the rcm-
and take their elcar and uncqui\-ocal stand. Had the nant this information the Lord is clearly pointing out
Gibeonitcs waited until the battle came, no considcra- the duty and obliqtion that is laid upon the remnant,
tion would have been shown them by the Lord. If the to wit, the necessity of bearing the fruits of the killg-
great multitude wait until Armageddon to make their dom bcforc those who may dcsirc to seek the way of
identity l~now~, no consideration will be given to salvation. But what would be the result if the I)cvil
them. When Joshua propounded the question, the could now induce Jehovah ‘s witncsscs to bclicvc and
Gibconitcs pron?ptly rcplictl ; “and they said unto to rely upon the statements that ‘it is not so imlwrt:liit
him, Prom a wry far country thy servants arc come, now to acck the great multitude’; that ‘the great worlc
becauseof the name of the 11014thy God: for we have to bc done for and in behalf of the great multitutlc: is
heard the fame of him, and all that hc did in l’:q-pt.” after Arma=cddon begins’? The result wo111t1lx
(Josh. 9: 9) The statement of the Cilwonitw that wholly disastrous to the WnNlilrlt so bclievitl:: atid
they came from a very far country simply represents acting, and also disastrous to those who migllt dc’sirc
that the great multitude arc not OZthis world but arc salvation and who might be of tlkc great tnultitll(l~~.
looking for a kingdom. Thrir statcmcnt to Joshua This is made clearly to aplwar by Jehovah’s illstrrlc-
that they wcrc his servants was riot mcrcly a ltolitc tion to his watcl~innn set fort11 at the mouth of 111s
cxprLu;sion, but an cspre~~ion of coml~lcte willinp3s prophcl. (1:zc.k. 3 : 17-20 ; 33 : 3-13; Those who fwl
to do what they were told. .upon God’s’ Fiord and follow his ivst ruction will not
a3Continuing their answer to Joshua, the sljokcs- be drccivcd by the gtwsscsof men, but will he diliXclrt
man of the Gibconitcs said of the Lord (:od that they to carry out the lIord’s instructions now.
had heard what hc had ~OIIC,“and all that hc did to 3cIn this day of Jchovail 11~make‘+clear t11~ibwc,
the two kings of the Anroritcs that wcrc beyond so that every man must be cithcr on the side of the
Jordan, to SIllon king of JIcshbon, and to Og king I)cvil or on the side of God and his King. This is al.so
of Bashan, which was at Ashtaroth.” (Josh. 9: 10) clearly forcslradowcd by what t!x Gibconitcs cli(l ant1
The other Canannitcs had heard the same thing, hut said : “1Vhcrcforc our cldcrs and all the inll:llJit;ltlts
they showed that they WI’C a foolish pcoplc, and, of our cowtry sl)al<cto us, saying, Tnlx victuds with
like foolish 1~~~1~1~
of the prcscnt day who follow their you for the journey, and go to meet them, and say
leaders, the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchg, they wrc not unto them, \Vc arc your servants : thcreforc now m:~l;e
at all impressed or moved to seek the favor of Joshua. yc il lcaguc with us.“-Josh. 9: Il.
The Ilicrarchy today has a great portion of the people a?Jlark this, that the Gibconitcs made no mention
so conq&frly cowed that they will not give heed to the of a king owr them and of their allcpiance to such il
Word of the Lord. The exception, howcvcr, are those ruler, but they mcntioncd “our elders [or couiisc~lo~~sj
of good will. and all the inhabitants of our country”, from the
34The Gibconitcs showed and acknowlcdgcd that least to the greatest of them. No doubt there had been
they had .somcknowlcdgc of God, and they began also an awcmbly of the Gibconitcs and they had sclcct4 a
to show that they had some wisdom. Likewise those delegation that now stood iJCfOrC Joshua and his nnny.
who form the great multitude in this dav of Jehovah And so they said to Joshua for thcmsclws and for all
must’ and do hear of Jehovah and his K&g, and this their pcoplc, “WC are thv servants.” In other words,
messageof truth they receive at the hands of the wit- ‘\Yc arc not your cncm&, deserving death at your
nesseswhom the Lord has sent forth into the land to hands, but we arc entirely willing to serve you ; t hcrc-
give that testimony. This is the day in which Jehovah fore make ye a league with US: enter into a I~C:ICC
by Christ Jesus makes his name to be known and treaty or agreement with us 1~s which we may scrvc
when he is using that pcoplc taken out of the world J-OU.’

for his name’s sake to advertise his King and king- 3sNo doubt Jesus had in mind this very picture,
dom. Those who hear and give heed begin to have which Jchoval~ had caused to be made by the Gibcou-
some wisdom as expressed by the psalmist: “The fear itcs and doshua, ~hcn he declared God’s rule con-
of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good undcr- ccrning those who seek to join themsclvcs to Christ
standing have all they that do his commandments: Jesus and his organization. h’ote that Jews was speak-
his praise endurcth for ever.“-4%. 111: 10. ing to the great multitude when he said: “And thcrc

went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and flee to God’s organization, means to that me dcstruc-
said unto them, If any man come to me, and hate not tion, even as the Lord foretold.-Dcut. 20: 16,X’.
his father, and tnothcr, and wife, and children, and 41The qjolrcsman for the Gibcortitcs cotttinccld to
brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life alqo, he prcscnt their plea before Joshua that thcg might save
catttiot be my disciple. ” “Or what king, going to themselves, and that ,Joshua would make a treaty in-
make war against another king, sittcth not doxx firhf, suring their safety, and therefore they said: “This
and consultcth whether he be able with ten thousand our bread WC took hot for our provi:;ion out of our
to meet him that comcth against hint with twenty houses on the day w-e cnmc forth to go unto you; but
thousand? Or CIW, while the other ir; yet a great way nom, behold, it is dry, and it is mouldy : and tlwse
off, he send& an ambassage, and tlc.4rettt conditiutts bottles of wine, which we filled, were ttcw ; and, IJC-
of peace. So likewise, whosoever tic be of you that hold, they bc rent: and thcsc our garments and our
forsakcth not all that hc hnth, he cannot be my dis- shoes arc become old by reason of the very long jour-
eiylc. “-Luke 14 : 25, 26, 31-33. ney. “-Josh. 9 : 12,13.
31)Ttiosc who cotnJjosc the great multilude cnnnot 4z Some may say the Gibconitcs were sJj(lakin:t ai14
stand idle today and watch l’or the fall of SatnIt ‘s artitig out il tie. But not :,o. A statement is a lir: 0t:ly
0r:::ittizntion tjct’orc oljcytng the tI0rd. Tltry must wtiw it is told for the IJLIJ’IJoS~:of deccivir!g :~ticl \soi~!:-
know of J(~llovalt ant1 his kingdom, rnmt dcclarc than- ittg injury to another arid when injury \ro~tld n:ll-
selves on tlic side of Jehovah am1 his King, and ini& u~xlly result front the htiltctnettt toltl OP wit 1111~1~1. ‘J’hc
learn righlcousnc*ss ;I~KJ meekness as a condil ion prc- G’itJConitPS \vcre iid SC!C?ki~~~~ t0 d0 iIl,jury to the h:l(‘l-
ccdettt to being sllicltletl at Arttt;r~cdclon. They mu;t iks, liOr RC’I’C thy il~tc’nllJ~il1 y to ilitc~rl’c~rc wit11 tile
IJC al~lc to witllsfati(1 the test wtti(*ll of’ ncccssity must cot~qucst of tljc l;ut~l 1,~ the Israclitcs; Ibut tlic (;iljcsclil-
cotttc upon cncli ottc who rcrcivcs (;od’s favor. If itcs were scBekinq their o\vn safety alit1 vxrc act ii11:
those of tttc great ntultitudc would CW:I~)Ctltc SWKI and spe:~kirtg with cant ion and wznvity. I~~l~tIl~l~~l~~~i~l~,
of Jchovatt ‘s Esccutioncr, the Greatc*r J0sltttit, thcby ant1 tltis is the important thing, (:od \VilS ho*c Iwvitlz
must act ~J1liclily ant1 not wait until Arrniiq~&lun is a picture tnnde ~‘ore~It;ltlo\virt:: \otttctJtitt~ of’ f:1J’ :$Iat-
Ixgtn bcforc they clc~claro tllcmsclvcs. The Ilord has cr intJjort;lttcc lo ccnnc to pass in the ful ut*c, the 1‘111-
given warning a1i(l is contitl1iing to give wiltmitlg now fillmcttt of wJlic*Jt J)ropltc4 ic: J)icture iq for 111($in\tril?-
to the ljcoljle of good will that Arn~agedtlon is ap- lion of ttic: retnttnnt. in ~~i~lIiCUlLlr, nul wliivli may I(‘-
J)roaching and is ti(har at hand, and if they woul11 find su!t tikcirisc in instruction for those who ~‘IJUI~ tiic
S:ltviltiWl the ESL’e:itmultitude niu\t now “fhbc into great tnultitntle.
the mountains” ant1 0i’L’cr thcmsclvcs as 1Itc scrvarits of 43\\‘tictt tht: Giljc~onitcs cor~ltcd their I~rc~ifl it ~.-:IY
Jehovah and CtIt*ist Jt’sus, t hc Grca tcbr .losl~u:t, bc~l’ore hot and fresh. Whett tltcsy I)rescntc4 it hforc JO~III:I
Armagcd&;n begins. The Lord spccificalty warns all it WlS dl’y illld lllO]tl~, ilJld thCl’PfOJV a fc)ot~ SUC’ll :I\ ;l
~9x4 not to wait i111t1not to hcgin their Ilight. in the menial sckrviint would Gilt. In othclr l~lirasc~. tliis nio!rl?
wintertime.-1lntt. 2-l : 15-20. food in symbol said: “IVe \VllO haw lili, foot1 il!(’
‘” The L0t.d JCSI~Ssilys : “When you see Jcmsalcm a CtilSS Of WI’VillltS, poor alId needy, a?ld t Il;lt, CO11IC 11)
surrounded by ct~cnin~~tnctil~, then 1iIlOW that its dcso- you that wc may rcccivc l~lp in this tiiilc, of tJc~vl ”
latiott has apljro;~rltc~d. Then let those who arc in This exactly fits the eontlition of pcrsotts of go011 \$itl
Judca flee to the mountains.” (Jdukc 21: 20, 21, Pia- who seek the Greater JO~IIM, the 114 ,Jwu~ (‘!IIY~ I.
gloz’b) Ancient IJcrusalcm J)ictnrcd the prcscnt-(lay The old bottles of wine, rent and t0rn, illltl thcil olcl
hypocritical religious organization on earth, which garments and old shoes, likewise spoke in :.il(~tic 1x1;:
claims to represent God and Christ Jesus. God used guagc and said: “Wc arc a molial cl:ic;s of WlA?iltG.
certaitt earthly ngcttcics to destroy ancient Jerusalem. who Jtarc these thinqc;.” The reason nssigttc(l for 1111,
God has Ilow given to his anointt%l remnant, and to uttdrsirabl~~ condition of 1hcir food antI rattnejlt \$;I\
those who associate themselves with the rctnttant, that they had cotne a long jourti~~y. That was tl01
natnely the JottadnlJs, a vi4on of his purpose to de- true literally, but it nas a reason assi:jlcd v;!ii(.h cli<l
stroy modern, hypocritical Jcrttsalcm, tllitt is to sny, not work injttry to an\-ut~c. Jt sytnbolizcd ilt:it tl118>
the religious clcmciit of Satan’s o~~illli~~~i ion which Nerc from a country far rc~tnovcd from (:0(1’s J)cor~lt~.
now encumbers the carlh. The tncaniti~ of the words What they had and prcscntcd before Jo~I~ua Jjit~tl~rc~~l
of Jesus above quoted seems to bc this: That when the a class of humble peoJ,lc who &sired belter Ihilt”;
pcaple of good will toward God have 8 mental vision than what things they po~scsscct. Tlic (: I~J~O~II!CS
of the corninK destrtlction of the prcscitt-day hypocrit- sought aid of Joshua tllat they mi$t, ohtnin the P,P
ical Jerusalem, that is, the religious clement of Satan’s desirable tliinxs. Likc\i-i5c the grc:xt multiln~lc SI12’;
organization, then it iu their duty lo flee to Gocl’s aid at the hand of Christ Jesus that tltq toilrht lind
orgxtizttion, hcct;usc it is then certain that the de- the dcsirablc thinq Critics of God’s ITod L:IVC I;c~a
struction of “Chrisfeudom” is nigh at hand. ITor out too tnuch itif:lincd to find some escusc lo tn;,i~ t 11(711-
lo now be negligent and stubborn, and to hold out for selves appear as of a very 1ii:tt stntttl;itxl aud ti;il i
a deathbed rcpentattce or a more favorable scasou to receive a good report front other melt. Tlq- have I;ccr~

willing to criticize what is in God’s Word for the pur- the kingdom. These witnesses see the soiled garments
pose of impressing others with their own intrinsic of the persons of good nil1 and they see the unmhole-
value. Such a course is not in keeping with God’s some provender which has been handed to these peo-
way. He knows each man’s heart, that is, his secret ple to feed upon, and which they have received at the
motives. hands of the clergy ; and the remnant having received
44The Gibconites standing before Joshua in their their instruction concerning the servants of the Lord,
they then endeavor to show such honest-hearted ones
unpleasant appearance, with bad food and soiled gar-
ments, well pictured those who seek the Lord and who the way to the kingdom by exhibiting to them the
fruits of the kingdom, the life-giving food that pro-
have on themselves filthy garments, badly soiled by
association with Satan’s agents and rcpresentalivcs. ceeds frotn the Lord.
” These faithful witnesses, whom the Lord instructs
They come to the Lord with food which they have re-
ceived at the hands of the professed servants of God, and sends forth from the temple as rcprescntativcs of
the kingdom, sound the warning of the Lord before
the clergy, and which food is old and musty and fit
only for dogs to cat. They come to the Greater Joshua, the rulers and before the common pcoplc: “Srrve t hc
Christ Jesus, as the only mcnns of salvation and help, Lord wit11 fear, and rejoice with trcmblinn. Kiss the
and by this !;~ans they ‘wash their robes [garmcnls] Son, lest he be angry. and yc perish from the way,
and make them white in tflc blood of tile Ilamb’. They When his wrath is kindled but a little. nfcsscd are all
cast away the old, musty and decayed food and receive they that put their trust in him.“-&. 2: 17, 13.
at the Lord’s hands rcfrcsliing and fife-giving, fifc- 48The Roman Catholic llicrarohy and allied clergy-
suslaining food; and hence, as it is written, “they men make mouths of derision and scorn coticcrnin::
shall huii~cr no more. ” (Rev. 7 : 14-I G) The dcscrip- this warning and morfc the faithful witnesses who
tion of the Gibconites hcrc exactly fits the condition bring tfic warning; they hold Jehovah’s witncsscs in
of those who form tflc great multitude class, as dc- derision and denounce tftc mcssagc tflcy bring. For
scriiJcd by the forc>coing scripture texts. Those ~113 a long while tflcsc scornful and deceitful men Ililvc
form lhc great multitude do m:ikc a long journey from ruled the gullible and credulous l~oplc in a harsh
Satan’s org:~nization to Zion, ]~ccausc the two arc far manner ilIkd have induced the kings of ttic cart h to
removed from each otflcr. push aside the Word of God and listen to the filthy
things brought forth by ttic clergy. 13ut the Lord
4sIt is now of great comfort to the remnant to see shows that there arc those men of good will toward
how wondcrfulfy the Ilord 11adin mind both the rcm- God, and who have Ion:: ~CCI~ under the domination of
mint and the great multitude when making this pro- thcsc scornful rulers, and hc 1)oints out, that his wit-
phetic picture, showiltg the remnant and tflc duties that nesses must bear the truth to tflcm. 11~ slio~vs the
dcvofvc ul~on them, and showing the great multitude remnant their duty and obligation and pr’ivilc~q to
what course they must take if tflcbywould receive favor cxaminc into the conditions and the food that 111csc
at the hands of the Greater Joshua. pcoplc have, and then to tell them the way to seek tltc
“ 7’1~ men of Israel under Joshua saw standing hc- J~ord and find the way to life. It is the tcacl~;~l~lcclass,
fort them a motley-looking crowd, a crowd in bctlrag- the meek ones, that turn to God and the (Ircatcr
glcd garments, and carrying food not fit for human Josf~ua, and put their trust in the Lord and rccac>ive
crcaturcs to eat. The C;ihconitcs apl)carcd to be a his favor; as it is written: “I3lesscd are nil they that
siml)lc people, and so those of the Jsraclites who cx- put their trust in him. ” The Lord dcclarcs conecrnmg
amincd their food evidently considered them such. the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy and their allied clcrgp :
They asked no questions : “And the men took of their “Yc scornful men, that rule this pcoplc . . . When
victuals, and a&cd not counsel at the mouth of the the overflowing scoul*gc shall pass through, then [that
Lord.” (Josh. 9 : 14) They examined their clothing will mark the time] yc shall bc trodden down by it.”
and took their food and tasted that, and in doing this (Jsa. 25: 14-18) But to those who previous to the
the Israelites showed that they aslrcd no counsel of coming of God’s wrath seek rightcousncss and seek
the mouth of the Lord. To bc sure, Jehovah was fully meekness,the Lord gives his word to them tllat ‘ tllcy
aware of what was going on and could have informed may be hid’. Is not this further proof of the abso-
Joshua what all this matter meant, but that was not lute necessity for the great multitude to be instrnctcd
necessary, because Jehovah was here having a picture and to take their staud firmly on the side of Jehovah
made for future use ; and WCmay therefore be assured and his kingdom before Armageddon? Those of God’s
that the acts performed by the various players wcrc cl& will act accordingly and give diligence in bear-
exactly in accord with his mill. To the Greater Joshua ing the fruit,s of the kingdom before them.
Jehovah has committed all power and authority con- (To be continued)
cerning those of the great multitude. These come seck-
ing the way to Zion, and Christ Jesus the Greater V 3, 2. Whom does Jehovah gather unto himsclf9 and how and
Joshua deals with them. He sends forth from his when is tllis done9
temple his servants with instrubtions as to how they V 3,i. S:lt:tn UOWInah What attenlpt to hinder the gathering
of t1w great n~ultItudc9 lIO\V wll the faithful salcgu‘trd
are to deal with those who are seeking the way to tl~emsel~cs in this rcqwct 9

5. What work in relation to gathering the great multitude 2529. With scriptures, account for the caution cxerciw:d bv
is assigned to Jehov:tl~ ‘s witnesses? Joshua am1 his army. C’ompare the situation 11it11 that of
6-8. Of n-hat, as apparent from the Sculptures, does the battle Jehovah’s covenant -people now.
of Armagedtlon consrat? Explain \I hether it 1s reasonable 30%. Esplam Jo&w 9: 8 as a prophecy. \Vhat 13 rcquilcrl
to conclude that the chief wulk of the rwnant 111connec- 6f tho.y? who form the great multltude1 What lustructll>n
tion with the great multitude Nell bt? done after the (tirst for awl conwrning tile great multitude is b,lt:n In tI,c
part of Armageddon’. \Vhst 19 of grwtrst importance for &beomtts \\isc course of uctwu so plomptl! t:ikcal \\ il*!t
the remnant to have in mind, and do, in this conuectionl 1589 esnlcsrwl. then awl ~ronhct~cnllv. in the (;li~c’~mll~b’
my 3 reply t; Joillia (verse Y)‘? bs nldic:;&d by \P~..P 10. t;t,w
9. \Vltat is the purpose of what is now here publishecl? Why ditl they ful ther, there ancl l)rophctlcally, dlstll>Kul:h them-
is this now so impwtant ? selses from the -other CanaGnl~csP
35. IYhy has Jcho\ah informed the remnant cowcrmn:: t!w
10. How is the action commanded at Obailiah 1 related to Prcat multltutlc? This knowlcdpe is attendctl tw nhat Jutv
the tempest of “11311” foretold In lbniali’e prophecy
(2s: 2,17) 0
l&12. Describe the two battles of Gitwm as to Icadcrship
and how they were iought, and pmnt out the significance
thereof as prophcey.
13,14. What prominently important matters took place on
the plains of Moabt Show that they were prophetic.
15-17. “ Hereby Fc shall know. I’ To chat CI itlcnce tlitl Joshua
here refer’7 fi&w nIlat. \Vhy II:LRthlv ROimportant I \Vhy
did Jchurah prl form thlv m~rtlclel How does this prophetlo
picture rincl fulfillmrnt 7
lS, 19. UIat 1~1 up to lhc first battle of Gil,con’D What was
foreshadowed tl~elein?
20-22. Who were the G~beonitesB Ilow Ncrc they a typwal
23-27. Whom that the ~alo~rnat~on (concerning tho natwns
already occupyvlrig tlic I:u~i of tAtwan) K:l\cn beforchaml
bv Jehovah to the Isr::clil(~s. an11tile WII.~I~L~:KV
:w:tluqt 111s


J EIIOV,lII will get, llis worlr done. Encli part

thereof he sets going ill his own apl)ointcd lime,
and lie gets it fini:,hod on time. Ilc calls attcn-
tion of his faithful scrvaiits on cart11 to this clcpend-
able fact, saying: “Ye ill’c! ITly M llll~\WS, smith tllC!
LORD, and my scrwnt wlwm 1 hnvc rhoscn ; . . . I
mill work, and who shall let it?” (ISI. 43: 10-13) The
wise witncyc, takes this to Iwart and responds: “I said
in mine heart, God shall jud::lc the righteous and the
wicked: for thcrc is a t imc tlwc for crcry purpose,
and for cvcry wn~k.” ( JG!Cl. 3: 17) SWil OllC SllOu-s
the faith in his heart by his action : nttion at Cod’s
time for his purpose and work. Thus doing he is
counted among the number who arc “labourcrs to-
gether with God” and at one with llim -1 Car. 3: 9.
The Devil would like to halt the \vol’!< of God, at
least to slow it down. This hc seeks to do by slowing
down the activities of tlicc;c “lal~ou~ws togcthcr with
God”. He uses various methods to do tllis. Ilc raises
up opposition and constantly thcrcaftcr inxeaws it The full application of this command to hr stronfr
against. the laborers. IIc tries to row’c up fears that and work is now, for now will Jehovah rcwal him,,<,1t
will WlXkCIl their hearts and their arm’i. IIe irics to as Iior(l of Snlmoth, J~howh of armies. JTc will IlcJt
persuade them that they arc mo\ing too f;M, Iwxu~c forever be buildin: his spiritnal tcwl)lc. I I(1 11~1s 1);11:t
the time is not due. IIc u~:cil thcsc \-CL-~ tactiw n~;nilLSt it by. his great II@ I’ricst and Kinq, (!Ilri.%1 rJ(~:~~s.

the first remnant of the Lord, which forsook Babylon At tllC clue time he 112.3 ClcallSCd that S311C’tLl;il~, \\-1lic.‘i
and returned to Jcmsalcm for a slwific puqxxc, to ClWllSiIlg lllc ScriJ)tLires and ilie lWCllt E,:csls sIL(w,
build his typical earthly temple anti to swvo Jcl~ovnh wis dk!i.d~y coln]Jlctd ~o\vard the cn(l Of l.i*'?. ('i!: '!.

there in holiness of dcvotlou. Pcrmit!in~ ih:ms~lves 8: 13, l-1) 11~ has brought his f,lithl’ul rcl.~n,:1:t, :::,;‘.-

wing them out of the mcpy nations, and has set them that now “must shortly come to pass”. (Rev. 1 : 1)
at his service in his 1101ytcmplc. Their service is not Armageddon firlishes up “the great tribulation”,
a ritual, or formal religious exercises, motions and re- which tribulation is so called because it is the final
pating of sanctimonious spccclws. They are not just one upon Satan’s organization and needs no repcli-
filling in time and really gcttinq nowhere until God tion. It is not for the developing and ptrfwting of
himself dots some big work. Theirs is a service guided any of Jehorah’s pcol)le, the “great multituclc” in-
by Jchwah, according to his r&s, md with the re- cluded. (Rev. 7 : 9, 14) Armogcdtlon is no effort of
sults preciseTy as he desires. Ait the temple this rcm- Jehovah God to force or drive tllc pcoplc en ?nasse
nant does uot, offer up sacrifices for sin. The High to take their stand upon his side. The Swipturcs de-
Priest, Christ Jesus, has tlonc that by his own mn- clare that this unnumbcrccl great multitude of people
som sacrifice; hc has “oficrcd one sacrifice for sins of good will come out of that “great tribulation” ])e-
for ever ’ ‘. (IIeb. 10: 12) Hence tlic remnant are in- cau.ze of the mercy of Jehovah wllich he shows to such
structed : “By him thercforc let us offer the sacrifice before the final battle, Armn::c(ldon.
of praitic to God continually, that is, the fruit of our %il it not. hn for Jehovah’s mercy and CWll]Ja.%
lips, giving thanks to his name.” (Jicb. 13 : 15) Such sion and for his name’s sake Jehovah’s great Yin&-
sacrifiecs oi przisc and thanl;yzirilrg are nol for sin, cator, Christ Jesus, would not llavc ~t.01~1~~1 I)ws;Yillg
and do not take il\ViJy sin. They conditutc a grrat the battle further after castinn Satan and his spirit
public wilncss or testimony to Jehovah’s name, which organization out of heaven, which wan accomplislicd,
is IVorthy of all praise, and to his gloriow purposes at tllc 1atcst, by *I.D. 191s. llc wulll~1 hlvc co11tiJlllNl
by his kingdom. his triumphant push ;IgilillSt the cncmy anIl rri Jcn
If, as the last of God’s “holy priesthood” 011 earth, them no breathing 3~~1211.11~ wonld have fought 1IIC
the remnant offer up such “spIrilua1 sacrificw, ncccp- final battle forthwith, destroying 111~earthly or visltolc
tahlc to Cod by Jesus Christ”, and do so at his temple, org:inization of the J)evil as ~11 03 the inviSilJlc or
arc there any other worshipers at the tcmplc? Jcho- sl)irit organization, includin, 0 tll:lt widicX1 OllC Ilir?-
vah .Sap: “Mine liousc shall IHI called an house of self. That woi~ld have mcwit tllc dcstrwtiwi of all
prayer for all peoplw.” (Isa. 56: 7, A’.\‘.) C%rist Jc- ~llCJsc ~110 had Wlll(? illtO IJOilflil’\L! to thllt OP!:L~liZl-
SUS ~ph31 h3C VCry WJrd? at thC tiJM! lion. Jn 1918 all \~(II’c in l~ond;~~c:thcrcto, the 1,~11’d’s
that hc
cleansed the temple of the thiwisli money-changers carllily remnant iniwiIling;ly so lwx~usc of misuridrr-
and m~rchhnts, saying to them: “1s it not written, Stilll~lill~, “EC‘ar of man,” a1U.l “fear Of ClCilfll” :lt. tllc
My hotw a house of prayw shall bc rnllcd for all llic ~liII1ll4 Of S:ltiJn’S forces.
nations?” (Mark 11 : 17, Zlofh.1 IIc said this after a The remnant were J~4ovah’s ‘I cslcct’ ’ or clown
nowat multit utlc had manif&ed itself and aCCiJm- (JIWS, and ninclccn ccnturics ;t:qo .Jchovnh, by Chri,t
paniotl him on his rlda into Jcnlsalem wlwn he ofl’crcd .JFSIIS,gave his \vord for it, that “for the clcct’s sake
himself as God’s anointed King. (1larlr 11: 7-16; those days lof great tribulation] shall bc ~h~rt~n~d” ;
RIatt. 21: 9-12) It bcirt:: Ihcn tlic passwcr season, illlC1 tIlC~ \VCI’C, l’l’OJl1 I!)18 OU1ViIRl. (,\lntt. 24 : 21, 22)
this great multitude consisted of Jws a11d prosclytcs This gacious act of mercy Jc11owl1 dicl brc:~w~c: hc
at th? fwit frOIL1 aUlOJlg tllc Itmlj- nations \ihL!rc thy rcspcctcd his ON-11 name. Ezcki4 36: 21 rcn~lr: “l%ut
resided ; but such nic!mbws of that great multitude I lint1 pit?; for mine holy nmic, which the hou~,c! of
wcrc not then the diwiplcs of Christ Jesus. Israel had profaned among the [nations], whitltcr
Tltasc circunl.vtaJJccs supgcst the right thinz as rc- they went.” Jehovah’s name was upon his clcc*t I VIII-
gards today. Not only do dehovah’s remnnlit publicly nant. As a result of forty years work by (%ri9,
serve him at his temple, there offering 1111the spirit- Jesus in preparing the way bcf’orc J&oval1 Ihe>- h,~d
ual sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to his name, IHXII taken out from the natiws to 1~ca “pcul~lc for
but it is now Jcl~oval~‘s will that the outer courts of his name”. (Xal. 3: 1; Ac(s: 15: It) \\‘crc Jt~ho~ah
his temple shall hc filled with au unnumbcrcd multi- to destroy tliem at 1he same t,imc with the I)cLvil’s
tude of pcoplc from all nations, kindrcds, pcoplcs organization, which for 8 time 1~~13them piiboncr,
and towyw, all worshiping him and openly confess- it would not haw permitted this clwt 1~~~1~1~ I’or llis
ing their good ~41 toward Jehovah and his King and name to fnlfill this function of l):~blishinq J~lw\nh‘s
kingdom. They must. come there to worship him be- name tlirou+out all tllc cartli and tll(:rdJy t(J prow
fore the battle of Armn~rddon, and it is the public their zeal for Jchovall and their intcxrity and tlcw-
witnces work by the priestly rminant that draws their tion to him. Also, Jesus had tlcclnred fhat after the
nttcntion to Jehovah’s temple and invites them to \Vorld War the final rnd or destruction of S813ii’s
worship him there. 110~ do WCknow this? God’s faith- cartlily organization would not immcdiatcly fullow,
ful and wiw ones se& to bc “filled with the knowledge but “this gospel of the kingdom shall hc I)rc~.\~~hcd
of his will, in all xisdom and spiritual undcrstand- in all the world for a witness unto all nntiolis”, and
ing “.-X01. 1 : 9. first “then shall the end come”. To prokidc for his
Speaking in the spirit of the Scriptures: The battle name-people to enjoy this exalted privile:Lc JL~i,ovnh,
of Armngoddon is near. It is one of the major events by his clc:t xrwnt, C%rbt Jesus, called for a IJ:~USC,

that is to say, a ‘shortening of those days’ middle- hovah’s side of righteousness before the battle of
wards of the “great tribulalion” which began upon Armageddon. Failure to do so would mean their de-
Satan’s organization in 1914, when Nichacl, or Jesus, struction in that battle.
began the “war in heaven” against it. (Rev. 12: 7-9) Jehovah has called his heavenly hosts under Christ
IIence in 1918 the divine command was given to the Jesus for the final battle which vindicates his name.
“four an& standing on the four corners of the These hosts were with Jesus in the war in heaven
earth” to hold back the four winds “till WC [that is, against Satan and his angels. Though Jehovah has
Christ Jesus and his accompanying angels] have marked a pause before Christ Jesus presses the battle
scaled the servants of our God in their foreheads”. through lo its glorious conclusion in the utter wipitq
(Rev. 7: l-3) The scaling of the remnant, or rcmain- out of the cnmy, yet Jehovah has not disl~attded his
ing ones on earth of the 144,000 mcmbcrs of Cod’s assembled armies. They arc armed for the continna-
royal family of ltcaven, procccdcd, and is nom about tion of the fight. When Christ, Jesus came from the
done. nortlt to the temple, as by “way of the lti$icr gale,
This seal upon the forchcads of Jehovah’s remnant which lictlt toward the north”, his holy angclv CXIIE
on earth mttst not bc hid, but be made manifest to all with him, all atmcd for csccutiott of Jcltovalt’s jt~tl~-
the world that it might bc known to all thoi;c of and malts. That cscculiott means att appalling sl:tur:lticr
under Satan’s orgattiznlion that Jeltovah has a dc- of all Satan’s crowd. Those armed cscculiotial f~JrWS
voted pcol~le of itttcgrity UIJOII earth. This must bc under Christ Juts wcrc forcsccn in a Giott to t hc
made mattifcst by Ihctr failllful service as .lchovah’s proplict IMtic4. JIe dcscribcd them as ‘(his tticn,
witncsacs hcforc the ctid comesulJo11 the ctictny orgttni- . . . every man a slaughter wcnpott in ltis hatifl” and
z&ion. So Jcltovalt by his clcct servant, Christ Jesus, who “stood bcsiclc tltc brazen altar”.
opcttcd the prison doors for his faithful rctntiant, and In his great cbontl)assionfor all possible pcor’lc of
that Servant said “to the l)risoticrs, Go forth ; to them good will Jchovitlt did ttot OVC~CI’ tIlesO “six ttlett ” at
that arc in darkttcss, Sltclv ~OUI’SC~VCS”. (TSil. 42: 1, 0tlCC t0 the WOl’li of slayin, 1~htttnankitid willtout dis-
6, 7; 49: !I) This faithful rcmnattt, the first of the crimination or tttnlritg atty difl’crcncc bctwcctt tl~ctn.
prisottcrs lo go fot4h, stiui~nctl not lo sltow thctnsclvcs IIe rcstraitted tlimi while hc scttt forth his wititc~+cs
as on the side of Jehovah ant1 his kingdom. To tltcn: bcforc tlicni to ~~tYJPlilitl1 ltis mtnic and ltis IiiIlg~lOttl
the I~ord garc the “new ttatnc” and scalrd tltcm as attd to warn all of thr day of Gotl’s vcti~cattcc. Thus
his own, his autltorizcd rq)rcscntativcs, “Jehovah’s thy bring lillO\VlCVl~C lo tltc pi~0plC Of g:oOtl will, clt-
witncsscq ” nti(l the faitlifttl otics cottlinuc under this liglltcning their d;lt~liCIlCd minds olld t~llil1~liIl~ tllcrn
official Gil. Ilut such were not tltc only prisottcrs to come forth and show Iltctttsclvcs as for Jcllovalt and
under restraint of tlrc rncmy. Jehovah foresaw many his righteous govcrttment by Christ ,Jcsus. Thcsc wit-
more in tlic prison house of Satan’s cnrtltly orgattiza- ncsses,ctigagcd as one man in tltis edueatiottal work,
tion, wlto sighed ant1 cried for all the nbotnitt:ttiotis Jehovah pictured to the JJroJ,hct lhdiicl as an wtwtr-
being dottc in “ CItt,istc~ndotn”. If Ihc ~~roprr knolvl- lilic person, 8 man “~‘loth~d with linctt”, not armor,
edge wwc put in their heads, and after this cnli$ttcn- and “witlt a writer’s itiltltorti by his side”, not a
mcnt the opportutiity wcrc given them, they would sword. After tltc I,ord’s comitlgy to the tctn~~lc in 1913
entltusinstic~ally take a stand for Jchorah and his Jehovah c~llcd this man and commanded him to qo
anointed and inslallcd King, Christ Jesus. Jcltovah tlttlough tltc midst of the 1typocritic;tl orpanizat ion
first has the rcmnnnt of his witncsscs scaled in their and use his writing mntcrials and mark the fot~(*lt(~a<ls
forcltcads. IIc now arra7;c;l it that these others might of Ilte people of good will toward Jehovah’s nattte
be marked in tltcir forc!lcnrls with a kttowlcdgc of and who wcrc grieved 1Jccausc of the dJOlnilxllJlC
the Kirtgdotn truth, for an identification sign and for things done to reproach that ltoly name. That sign
their sttfcty. of intelligcncc and idcnlification upon their forchc*:tds
It is these that go to make up the great multitude was like tltc blood-mark upon the doorposls of the
standing bcforc Jehovah’s throne, “clothed wifh white houses of Israel itt the land of EgylJt, upon seeing
robes and [with] palms in Iheir hands,” hailing boldly which blood-mark the destroying at@ of the Lord
Jehovah and his installed King, and crying : “Salva- \vould not inrade s~clt ~JOUSCS, but paw then1 over
tion to our God which sittcth upon the throne, and and spare tltc firstborn ones tltcrcin. Thcrcaftcr Jcho-
unto tltc T,amb.” (Rev. 7: 10) After Christ Jesus valt ordcrcd his “six men” or arm4 hcavcnly hosts
successfully fought the “war in heaven” against Sa- to proccccl to the csecutional Work, sparing tltc people
tan these too come out of Satan’s prison-houc;e organi- with marked forchcads, but slaughtering tltc un-
zation, Ihat is, during lltc days of mercy by which marked ones without discrimination, complrtcly niiJ-
“those days” of “the great tribulation” are short- ing out s~dl &vi1 worsltipers. That slau~lttcr wotk
encd. Hence the “great multitude” arc said to “come in the prophetic vision pictures Arntn~cdtlon. To bc
out of the great t,ribulation “. (ET’.) They must come spat-cd during that wholcsalc slaughter of all itt and
out in that period. They must clean up their rol)cs under Salan’s organization tltc “great mul!ilxdr”
in Christ’s blood by identifying thcmsclvcs as on Je- must come out now before it begins; for woe then to
all that be without ‘marked foreheads’. ,1ccording to twelve tkihs of Israel laid this upon him as his obli-
Jehovah’s instructions the “six men” of slaughter gation as king in Israel. The prophet Elijah, at tile
never got ahead of the ‘man ciothed with linen, which fire test on Mount Carmel, had set Jchu an esample
had the writer’s inkhorn by his side’, but this man as to destroying Baa1 worshipers. (1 Ki. IS: 15-40)
finished his asigned work and then “ r~portcd the So when Je11u in his chariot met Jonadab and asked
matter, saying, I have done as thou has-t commanded him, “Is thine heart right, as my heart is with thy
me”.-Zzekicl 9. hcnrt3” Jehu meant, in effect, “11rc you on the side
Promptness in identifyin oneself now on the right of Jehovah and his anointed king-f” Jonadab rcplicd,
side is further emphasized in the prophetic drama “It is,” and sllowcd it was by getiing up into Jehu’s
of Jehu, king of Israel. &al for Jehovah marked him chariot and publicly ridin, v with him, to see J&u’s
from the time of his auointing to be the king. It pic- “zeal fur Jehovah”. This desire to see Jehu’s zealous
tures the fiery zeal of the King Christ Jesus, and it action in Jehovah’s behalf +owed Jonadab’s desire
also sets an example for the remnant of Jehovah’s to see Jehovah’s name vindicated. That was sulIi-
witnesses who arc today associated with Christ Jesus, cicnt to impc! him to openly side in with Jehu, J&o-
the (ircatcr Jchu. After bcin?: anointed and told the vah ‘6 anointed and acting king. For this reason .JcJIo-
term% of bin eommissiou from Jehovah Jc11u immc- \‘a!~ was gcncrous to Jonadab, and thus his name truly
diately set out and drove his chariot horscss furiously aIJrJ!k?d to him, “Jonada!)” meaning “ Jchorah-
to the execution of that commission. Jezcbrl, the lapcase ’ ’ or ‘ ‘ pxiprous’ ‘.
mother ~IICL’II, looked out of a window as Jcbu rode dondab was true to Jehovah’s cause. Jehu con-
into Jmwl, the city of royal resitlcnee. Wicn she f&cl to Jonndah his secret designs aqinst the Devil’s
called to him and tried to fri::lrtcii him off from doing 13x11 \vorshil)crs. Jonndab did not betray that WI-
the fill of Jc~hovnh God, Jcl~u “lifted up his fact to fltl~ncc. \Vhen Jchu had succeeded in getting all fhc
the winclow, and said, \\‘ho is on my side? who?” leaders of E:;ial worship in Israel to gilther togctlicr in
Jeho was on Jehovah’s side, who had commissioned the great Uaal trmple in S;llnariil, to destroy tllo$e
him. JcJlu had not bowed and licvcr did LHJW the knee E:I:I! worshilwrs, Jonadah went in with Jchu into the
in worship and obcdiencc to 1:nal, symbol of the Devil. tcml~J(~.Jir (1~1 not go in to worship 15aa1, nor to (IS-
Jchu now called for a ~hoodo~u on the pxt of thc~se p@w Jehu’s JJ~~IH to destroy L&al out of Tsracl. ITe
IlciWittg his voice and who had bithcrto been serving co-oltcr:lttrl with cJchu. The Ban1 worshipers havin:
Jcz&cl, who wo~*shiljcd Iiaal and who thcrdore pie- now finillly identified themselves by donning vc!st-
turd Satan’s woman, his or~i~llizati011. “Ai7d there mcnts of 13x11worsllip, Jonndnh rcfuscd to show tllrm
1ool:ed out to him two or three eunuchs. ;!nd [J&u] ally mercy by crying out to warn these devil war-
said, Tbrom her down.” shi[Jcrs that J&u was mrrcly playing a sham and llad
The eunnchs recqnized Jehovah’s anointed and trapped them there to massacre them. Jona(~~lr went
rictoriotm kin:. TJlcy fcnrctl and obr,,-cd. “So they into the temple so as to see J&u’s zeal for tJ~ho~all,
t1nWv lwr dO\VIl,” alld J&II’S horses and chariot ant1 in thus helping Jchu to corllcr the &vi! war-
cru+d her 11fulcss. (2 Iii. 9 : N-33) Had tl~c! cuj~nchs slqcrs and destroy them Jonndab sl~owetl his ou II
tlis&ycd and tried to sbictld wicked Jrzcbcl, wJlom zcnl, love and faithful stand for Jehovah. ‘I’llus JIG
Jehovah had scntcnccd to death, it, would ha\ c’ meant rcalixcd his desire to see Jehovah vindicntcxl : tllc
his cIisn1rproval of the eunuchs and their death at the Baalitcs wcrc all destroyed, but Jonadab livctl on.
!~nnt!s of his csccutioncr, IiiIlg J&u. 1Vhat meets Je- 111shtnnd for Jehovah and His king caused him to be
hovd~‘s approval is to promptly forsake tJlc J)cvil’s spared from slaughter by the cxecutioncr’s sworc?.-
organization at the command of Jehovah’s present 2 Tii . 10.15%
. “.
King, Cfhrist Jesus, and let that organbtion drop to 1Svcn as .Jonadab uas not an Israelite, yet worshil&
its dcstrnction at the great 1Ssccutioncr’s hands, and Jehovah and served with His king in yindicatillg Je-
unequivocally ansivcr the right way his question, hovah, so today: one need not be a spiritual Tsr.l(*lit(l,
“M’bo is on my side ? who ?” To such people of good in the new covenant and in the covenant fur the l<i~q.
will Jehovah promises that they may “be hid” at dam, in order to worship Jehovah and be on tllc sit10
ArmaKcddon. These same people were pictured also of his anointed, the Greater Jehu, and to scrvc in some
in Jonadab, who now appears in the drama. way for the vindication of Jehovah’s name. Full dc-
Though not an Israelite in the law covenant through rotion to Jehovah, an unreserved consecration to him,
News, yet Jon&b worshiped Jehorah as God. Ahab and zeal for him in his scr+e now, tJiiq it I:; tlrat
and Jezcbcl, being l3anl norshipcrs, pictured Snt:ul brings Jcho& ‘s aljproral and his protection anrl
the &vi1 and his queen, his organization. Jehu ful- preservation. and tius is what hc rcquircs of ‘Ln~crl of
filled his commission to kill Ahab and Jezcbcl and all good will” of the present time who n’crc forcsh:tdo~~~l
of Ahah’s house or royal line. But J&u was not satis- by Jonndab. To all such as do what the Lord re-
fied with that alone. IIe was out to destroy all Baa1 quires he bccomps “ Jcho~ah-largesse” or “genr~l~“,
or devil wor&ipers. IIis direct commission did not and they become modern Jonadabs. Thcrc mud’cst
odct him to do so., but the law of Jehovah to the their heart condition as being right with the hcnrl of
256 B~oomm, N.Y.

Jehovah’s Greater Jchu. This lhey do by going along f&&ion of the “sheep” class. That is just as sure
with ihc prospective mcmhers of Jehovah’s royal as that no +i&-awake person can deny that the
family, who are in Jehovah’s war chariot or organi- “go&” class are sharply manifesting themsclvcs by
zation, to wit, the faithful remnant of Jehovah’s wit- hard-headed, persistent resistance to the Lord’s mcs-
ncsses. They join hand with his witncsscs in active sage and to his brethren who bear it to the sheep c1a.w.
fellouxhip in the King’s business. Their hearts are The parable of the sheep and goats does not directly
with the witnesses in zeal for Jehovah, and they ncrcr mention the witness work of the brethren of the King
betray the confidence which Jehovah reposes in them, on his throne, to wit, Jehovah’s witnesses, but tt~e
but maintain integrity toward God and thus are for parable does indicate that they are at work pnd that
a vindication of his name. At Armageddon ‘s slaughter the sheep class know who they arc and have taken a
they are preserved. stand for and with them. Bc assured of this: the sheep
In fulfrllmcnt of his own prophecy on events at class are not doing deeds of mercy and goodness to
the end of the Devil’s world the Lord Jesus has come all mankind in general and merely by accident getting
in glory to the temple, and rlt his holy angels with to do a good turn to some of Christ’s brcthrcn in t.hc
him. Since 1318 hc sits upon his glorious throne; not witness work but not knowing at the time that such
his Xillennial throne, but that of judgment as Vindi- are Christ’s brcttircn. I)oiiig works of charity to mnn-
cator of his Father’s name. I%y causing the truth to kind for humanit)-‘s LZC is not a work pcrformcd only
he proclaimed in ail JJarts of the cart ti by books, sound- IJY prclcnding Uiristians. Unbclicvcrs and o~q~osrw
magnifying mactrincs, radio, and other means, all ttlc of God’s kingdom do such things atw. So then, if
nations are notified of the King on his throne I’or the in~liwriniinatc charity work of w~twlicvcrs is not
judgmwt, and thus ttic nations arc gathwcd before unto the t,ord and I<JII~ though done to any and all
Jlim. “ And,” as proI, Ii&ccl, “hc shall scparatc tticm ereafurw, how could it be so in the case of the sheep
one from anoflicr, as a shq~iwrd dividctti his shccp if ignoi~antly pcrformal by them 1
from the goats.” Is ttic liilr:: gycttitig! nowhere with In ordw for ttic tlcctls of twlt~ and mercy to hc
this sc~paralion work siricc his winitig to ttie tcrnt)lc couutcd of the I\;inx a’j tt(JtlC ullto him, ttJCr.c! must hc
in 131S? And if tllc King has lwn altd stilt is using an intclligwt and ttiwcfow a dditJWlt(! action OIJ f11c
tlic Swioty with all the afon~mciil iimcd tlivirwly two- part of lllC StlN!t) class, ;l?ld for ttl:Jt to )I(! the case tllc
vi&d means of’ puht istlin,0~ttrc trulh by wtiic+ the iia- slrwp mu\t i(lcllt ify C:hrist ‘s brcthrcn as 5(~hovah’s
tions arc gathered bcforc the Ilord for separation, is willicw3 and must show ttictn favor bcc:~uw the I,ord
the Society gcttillg nowhcw in t hc Jouatl;~h work ‘I and Kin:: is involwl in the matter. ‘J’tw action by
l?aith in Jehovah’s \\‘ord .1JJSWCrS “No!” The facts the slicq) is not a mcrc btiud itrt1iwriinili:~t.c tloinq
in widcncc answer “X0!” gOOd to ilIly and cwry Ollc in YlvCd, illc~lutlili~ home

The separation work is going on and with incrcas- unrcco:nized, uni(lclltificd brcthrwl of CLrist. Tltat
ing SJWC~ toward its full necomt~lisl~ment by the grcnt woulcl find 110merit with the Lord above \I hat others
King and Judge. IIc is getLitq somcwhcrc, and not do who ale cngagcd in worlts of charity.
nn indetinitc somcwlicrc, toward the complete mani- (To be cont:nud)

3lu~knpcc. Okln. . .. .. Sq,t. 3, 4 St. I.Wll~, MO. . . . _. . . . ssyt. 1s 20
?z!, 23
Tuls:t. (kin. _.__. .._.._ “ G-7 celllmllrI, 111. . ..-.. _. . . . . ‘I
TOJW~R, Kane . .__...___ “ U-11 11an\ 1111,. III. . . . . . . ..__._.. “ 2 I, 25
liarlha’ cily, MO. . . . . . . 6‘ 12, 13 (.%iWCO. I11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 21; t’i
Inde~wldcncg MO. . . .. “ 15, 10 sycantore, Ill. . . . . .._.. . ” 20: 30

3. c. BOOT11
nwstur, Ind. . . . . . ..stye. Fnnhfort. Jnd. _ ._._..Srpt , 15
nartford c’itv. Ind. ._ a‘ Kirl.1111, Intl. _........_. ::
Marion, Ind: _............ 1: Tipfurl. Ind. .. ... . ... .. ... . :7
Kcrhomo, InA ._... . . . . . . . I:lw wtl, IlId. . . ... . .. .. . .. “ 1s. l!J
\v:ll,:l4l, Iad. -... _. . . . . . “ Anderson, lml. . . ...-... ” 20, 2 I
Pew. Ind. _ ._.._........... ;: Murrciv. Illtl. . . .. ... ... _*_” 23 “4
Ingatl~lrort, Ind. -...---- “ Farnll:lnd. Inrl. . . .. .._.._1: * 23
Jrril,rlte, Ind. . . . . .. . .. I’mon Ckty, Incl. . . .. .. .. 20
Co~incton, lnd. _.___..-. ‘I 27
Crwfordsville, Snd. .. “ 29

Ken na, n.............. Sept.
Jlarvi;~ns~~llc, Ca. ...... “ AulN~t:l, Ill ... ... ._. .srpt.
Cc~tdcle, fin. ............... “ JIa1lllltrln, 111. ._.. ..._... A*
Alfmny. tin. . ............. . :: Klwxrlllr. 111. . . . ... .... . “
JP:~inlui~l~c~, <:a. l’co~ in. III. __._......___..“
J~~;ercwr,~ Ca. _..._.._....;: Tii~,rll.I,\ IlIP. us”:::‘:::: ‘8 canton, 111. . . ... .. .. ..._,. “
.\tiilcdger~lle Ca. vnlllost.l. G.1. .............. :; I’c*hln. Jli. _. .. .. .._ . . “
fincon. Ga. ’ . -_ ...K 1: 13, 14 Adrl, <la. ................. J{eard,tu\tu, 111. . . .._._. “
Fart Volley. Ga. . ..-.- ‘I Ortlla, c:n. ................ ‘ Quiut S. 111. . . ...-.. ... .-..
Columbus, Cn. ..-.. .. ._. )‘itL&!wRltl, Gu. .......... Oct. l‘rw, III. . ......” .. ... . .. .*. 1:
11‘7 Adams Street
- E%rooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A. T III8 journal is published

exprea’wd in the Bible.

epec~fcnlly desrgned to au.l Jehovah’s
for the purpose of enalrlicg
tho people to know Jehovah Gocl and hi3 purpw’3
It publishes Ihble lwtruetwn
wtnesses. It arr:tnq:3

J. F. RUTUEWORD President W. E. VAX AMBURGU Secretary sytitcmatic Ulble study for its readers and supplies othw hlcr-
atwe to aid in such studies. It publiehes swtahle m:ttrw:rl
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and for radio broadcastmg awl for other means of publ~e m3truc.
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- Lmh 5~13.
--- lion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for it3 utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ance3. It is entirely free and sepalate from all p.trtws, SLC~J
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly orjiamrationa. It 13 wholly and \iitkout
to everlasting, the &faker of heaven and earth and the Giver rcscl\ation for the kingdom of Jehovah God uwlcr Chri*t
of life to his elcatures; that the Logos nss the beginning of 111s Ucloved Kmg. It is not dognltttic, but ini IIL.S c:~r~iul
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and ciltlcal esanunatlon of 11s contt,nls in the b&t ot tire
that the Logos is now the Lord J~zw3 Christ in glory! clothed Scrlptwcs. It doc?s not indulge m controversy, and it3 col-
nith all poser in heaven and ear&, and the Chief Executive umns a112 not olwn to pcrsonabtles.
OtXcer of Jehovah
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect TE.\RLY &XiSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was 8entenced to death; that bg
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was made humnn, and the man Jesus auf-
fered death in older to produce the rnn3om or rrdemptire
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus clirine and
exalted him to heaven :rbo\e every creature and ahore ew2ry
name and clothed hml with all power and authority.
that Christ Jesus 1s the Chief Otlicer thrreof and 18 the
rightful King of tbc world ; tlrnk the nnointcd and faithful
followers of Chriut Jesus a10 ehildrcn of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s or,rrnnlz:ct ion, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to tcstity to the stqncmurp of Jrhorah, declare
his purpows to\vard mnnkind as csl~ressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kin$nm before all who will hear.
THAT Tl-lE WORLD II:M cntf4, pnd tho Lord Jesus Christ
has been pl’lnwl by .Iclw~:th ulw,n his throne of nuthnrlty,
bus ousted Satan from lwnvc~n and is proceeclmg to the
establishment of Owl’s kln~tlorn on earth.
THAT TlIE RELIFF and bl+-in~.s of tho 1~~~~1~~3of earth
cnn come only by ana1 ihrou~h 3~4~ovah ‘R kinqlom under
Christ ahich has now 11qun; th:l t tho I,orrl ‘3 wxt great
act is the dcutrurtion of Satan’s 01 ::anizaticw anIl the estab-
lishment of ri~l~tcor~sncw in tlru ealth, and that under the
kingdom al! thrtsc who will obey its righteous lar\s shall live
on earth forwer.


Prepare now for tlic 1‘ l!:(ttle Shout ” Testmuuy nnd be ready
for the period Iwqtnnlng Octolwr Y and continuing until Octo-
ber 11. The book 1;1lkcx, eont:wm~ a comfortmfi message for
the of good will, ia now p.~l~l~~lw~l m many l:urgu:r~va, and
this will be presented to tlw prc111le on a uoiforul contrlbutlon
of taentyfi\e cent3 to aill in tile publiwtiun and fw thcr dl3-
tsibution of the kin~~loru nws~:~~r. Detailed instluetiuns nlll
appear in the I2(fo, wtftt. M:~lrt~ :,I1 sour nrr:9n~cntrnt8 in ad-
vance. Bar-e your tel ritory, your 3upplic8, sound cquiprwnt,
and everything else, rctltly. At tile cud of the period rcpurt the
results to the Society’s ofice.


All nitnessiug partlcs and all individuals ~~\.IIoengage in the
witness work should mrntiun the radio station in their ricimty
that is broadcasting the W.\TCIITO\\ ER programs. Thi3 often
proves a lIWan8 of opening tile way to place tlw ho&i in tlie
hands of the people. 1Iavc m onnd that the cltwf purpo3e uf
the radio is to ~11 the people’s attcntlon to the tluth and then
fumi3h the opportumty for thrm to get a vtitlcr umJc18tan~l~~~g
of the message cotwernm,o the government of Jehorah by read-
ing rrhat is bcmg printed.
1, 1935 NO. 17



‘Life is the gift of God ikrougk Jesus Christ ow Lord.‘--Row 6: 33.

EIIOVI\II has !mt one way of giving Jifc to the The Gibconitcs wrc now seeking peace and snf(+y at
fallen race, and that is hy and t!iroug:h Christ the hands of Joshua and wcrc no longer to bc cln wcl
Jesus, and tl~ose ~110 rrccivc it must cscrcise faith as the cncmies of (Lxl. II~ncc they were the csccl~t ion
in the shed blood of Christ Jesus as the rcdcmptirc to the rutc, as stated in Kxocliis 34: 11, 12. To ;\lows
prim. God tlocs not maltc Ixacc with his encmics, and and to t!lo.sc ~110 went with llim to \var Jcho~;~lt lrad
particularly wit!1 tliow who reproach his name. ~Yticn said: “When thou comc\t nigh unto a city to fi$it
the mcsscngcr of Jct~ovah apl~arcd at lhc cradle: of itg:linFt it, tticn proclaim IWilC!Ounto it. Rncl it slxlll
the dW JCSI< tllis mcssilqc \\‘a~ dclivcretl i)y Jt~llo\-ah !w, if il make thee answer of peace, and opc~n unto
to mnnkinfl: “Glory in the highest unto (:~cl! And on ftl(‘C, t!lW it !;ll:lll lW, tllilt 311 i!lC ]WOl)lC that is fOUlIt
c:wII) I)(‘ilW, ~FUOU~men of’ good-will.” (Luke 2: 14, lhc~win Sllilll IN 11ibutnrics llnt0 tllCC, anal t,lley Sllilll
Zltrtk.) It is those who 1car11 of Jehovah and his law, serve tlicc. Thus shalt thou do unto all ttic citicbs \\hicti
and who Iove tlis law, that rwcivc peace. (1%. 119: 16) ilIT \‘el’S far OTt’fDb111ttlrc, wtikll i1l’C llOt Of tllc ciliw
A man must first have goo(l will toward God and swk of thcsc n:ltioiis.“-1)cut. 20: JO, 11, 15.
the IiOP(l tJVfOrc!tlC rccciws I)C’ilCC!:llld tcarns f!lC \Gly 4 The Cibconilc5 wcrc stranqsrs from t hc r*ovw:lnt
t0 life. II0 IllLlSt SCCk1110XYi1.JOf pC’:lCCl)y and th~Oli~tl Of l)rornisc. Ttlat \VilS true of ill! the Ucntitcs. I:llt it
Chrid J~WIS, who is 11~ l’r~ncc of l’eacc. is written conwrnin:! ttiwc who cnmc to the 1~0131in
* JOS!~I~Uis a tyI)c of Christ, .Jcsus, the Prince of !iis appointctl way: “\\‘ticrcl’orc iwncnilwr, tllill. yc
PcatT, and tlwsc who form tllc great mullitutle must tx4ri:; in time pa4 Gentiles in ttic llc41, who iiw r;~llvcl
find pc:wc with God 111ro11~hJCSIU Christ, and in I:ricircumcislon !)y that which is Ciltlcd the Cirwiwi-
no otlicr way. Thr C1ilwunitw hncl statctl Ilirir case sion in the itcsh l~liltll! by h:intls; that at that lime ye
Iwforc JOS!III;I and tlcclarcd their willinawss to lx wl’c without Christ, Ix-in:: aliciis from ttic ~wi~mwi-
his SFl’VillifS, and ttllls tlicy sllowcd their good will ~V~;lltll Of ISI’;lPI, illld Stl3llfiCl’S from the C0v~~II;I~itS
loward Jos!I~I:~ an(l his Cod: “And Josl~ua mark ~w:wc of promise, haviii: no tiopc, ancl without God in Ibt
with tlicm, and mndc a lcaguc with ttlrrn, to Ict th(w world ; but now, in Christ .Jcsus, ye who somc~tiwcs
live; alit1 ttic princw of ttic congrcgotion ware unto wcrc far Off, ilr'c made nigh by the blood of Christ.
them.” (Josh. 9: 15) Those who cornpaw the great For he is our p(wx-, who hall1 made both olic, iltld
multitndc gi:t life by the grace of C;otl, alit1 they must hath broken down the middle wall of partition lw-
get lift through Jesus Cllrist, and in no other way, twxn us.“-El,h. 2: 11-11.
ant1 iticy must csercisc fail11 in the ShCd blood of 6 That being true of at1 of those who came to Christ
Jesus Christ, and so dccla~~c tlwmsclvcs before the and were rccciwd by him iuto his churn+, it is illhO
grcnt antitypienl bnttlc of (jibcon is foul,‘ht ; and this trllc of those who form the great mnltitudc, ~110 wrc
is clearly :anght !jy what follows in this prophetic sometime afar off. And this appears to be ilwliirl(4
picture. within the rules stated !Q- the t~ord to Moses conwrn-
*Joshua took the Gibconites at their word, gaw ing the cities which arc “wry far off”. (Dcat. 20: 15)
them credit for telling the truth. In doing this Joshua The Gibeonitcs picturt31 the “swat multitwl~~” claw
did not violate the instructions gircn by Jehovah, as when they came to Josh~~a s4iing peace and sllfety.
set forth in TI:sodus 34: 11, 12, to ItlnliC 110coW~1allt h’ow likcwisc thr great mult itndc comes to the (1iwtcr
wilti. Ihc nations of Canaan. This instruclion given 5o4iua, Christ Jews, seeking J~CC, safety an11 life.
by Jchovnh in the scripture last above cilrd must be Joshua made a covenant with the Gibconit~~s to let
con&ud in harmony with what God said to 3toscs them live. The Crcater Joshua, as Jehovah’s rq)re-
conrcrning those who ~villingly became his servants. sentafire, lIltlkcs a covenant with the great multitude
By their COUPS~of action the Gibeonites had scvcred that they shall live. Hut nil1 Gocl rcspcct this co\‘ennnt,
their rcliltiOnSllip with t!le other nations, that is, with and, if so, upon what cundit ions? Jehoral~ csprc’sses
the nations who were the avowed enemies of God. the conditions by the mouth of his !~rol,hct w11cn hc
&X”lTMBCI? 1, 19% 261

not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God ken in God’s name and are determined to carry out
abidcth on him.“-John 5: 15, 16, 18, 36. their covenant with the Lord. They stand out against
lo Gibeon said to Joshua: ‘We have come to thee those who object, to carrying the message to the great
because of the name of thy God.’ (VS. 9) Thus they multitude; and this is shown by the action taken by
show4 faith in God and in Joshua, which is the first the princes and what they said to the murmurers:
step that leads to life. doshua and his associates spoke “13ut all the princes said unto all the congre:ratmn,
in the name of Jehovah and gave their solemn prom- We have sworu unto them by the Lord God of Israel:
ise in his name, and therefore they wcrc duty-bound now, therefore, we may not touch them.“-Josh. 9: 19.
to prcscrve the Gibconitrs alive. Likewi.sc those today I2 In this prophetic picture Jehovah was guiding
who hear the message of the kingdom, and who come the course of the princes of lsracl, which shows that
to Jehovah’s witnesses and say: “\7ic bclicve on the they had not the privilege or duty to kill the Gibeon-
Lord Jesus Christ, and Jehovah the ISxnal Cod, it es. This exactly fits God’s insi,ruction to the remnant
and WC dcsirc to bc associated with God’s organiza- as set forth in the prophecy of Ezekiel. The man with
tion.” 1%~this they take their first step toward lift. the writer’s inkhorn and clothed with white linen,
Those men of isracl who ‘ ‘murmured against the described by the prophet Ezckicl, pictures Jchovalt ‘s
l)rincpy” a!)pc;ir clcarlg to I,icturc a class of pcl5ons witncsscs who arc commandrd to mark the I)clicv~lrs
now on t11c earth who claim to be cCJilsC?rated to God, in their foreheads, to the end that tllosc who were
and bc~gottcrl of his spirit, and yet who are not and thus marked might not he sl,lin by the ISsocntiolw.
never have been at all sympathetic with the mcssagc The mark is put upon the for&cad of those who do
“>lilliuns JlOW living will never die”; and they hart bclievc on God and in Christ Jesus and who wnf’~w
cvcn spoken sarcastical iy concerning the same ; and thcair faith. N’hcn they arc thus marked, the I~ww-
when the g-cat multilll~la is idcntificd a~ earthly an tionw, who lvi\s pictured by the ‘six mew with sl:lrlgh-
class, Ihat hame inurmllring class set thcmYclvfs tcr NY!a~~(JnS ‘, is rommatided to come not near t Itc men
afiainst llic ants ~110 ~111 now have an opportunity to upon whom this rrtark appears, but to ~IYWIW them
live oil the c~arllr. ‘l’hc ~~l”.WIlt-(lily murmurers arc not from death. (Kzck. 9: 4-G) Jchowh’s anointed rem-
desirous of cnqaginq in t tic fitlId wil.1tw4 work, as scrv- nant has sworn to do God’s will, and his wll to thrnr
ants Of 1h: Lorcl to Cill’Yy lhc incsw::c to this earthly is c.uprcsi;ctl in his Word and rcvcals to t Iwsc fait hlu I
class to show them thr w;iy of esca~~ing cxcrution at OllrS that thc*y
ilr0 t0 bear the fruits of the IiLll3lNN
Armngcl(lclnn. Ant1 so tl1c.y Oljjcc~t to ilIly work bc- tlo\v lwi’orc and mitli.stcr unto f ho great multillrclt~, :lud
ing doric~ in this behalf and rcf’usc to Ilnvc my part that this mu\t. hc tlonc in ortfcr that the O~IW IY~:W~CV~~
tllOITil1. Some of SUCIl hilrckrcrs, WI)0 not ZCillOIlS in i11'P as the srrvants of God IIlilJ’ 1jc dcliwrcd from Ill0
fh~ld srrvicc, say in snl~sl;tncr: “B’ait till ;\rmagcddon sword of the ICwwt ionrr at .\rm;ip4lon.
has brokcnn dorm t hc cnc’my, then the grc’ot multitude I3 Some may . sny. thilt J~.~ILI;~ w:m actin:l wntr,iiy
will come forth ; then MC will have a Erect, work to to the Word of God, jIlst as soinc now say 111:rl 11w
do. ” The circ~inistancrs :1nt1 tlic facts disclosed hy remnant arc actin:: contrary to the Word of’ God it1
this I)rol)hctic l)ic,turc mild<~ with Joshn:l am1 his arm;\ speaking to am1 of the great multitutl~~. 1low ln~~.t
shJ\\’ th(’ absollitl! IlOCC’:9+i!y IiO\v t0 i$IlOrc the inlIr- wc consldcr this matter ? .Jo‘;hna was God’s tluly al,-
murcrs ;lnCl tilkC IJWInl)l :ld ion in CilITyiIt~ t h? Incs- pointed scrwnt :IIld Ild i1S a type Of Cltri5t ,I0S~lS.
Rage to tl1ose JWO]h of gooIl will, that they 111:1yIrlhJw If Joshua had done thaf whic*ll Clod did not ;Ii~ljro~o
an41 cscrcist: faith in God and Christ Jesus and may hc would have sufrcred death, even as I haf IJcnalt>
have the opl)ortunity to voluntarily declare thrm- fell upon Saul. Thcrc is nothing in Ihc rc~rtl that
s~lvcs as sprvilllts of God and Jesus Christ. There is God was di~lJl(~as(4 with Joshua’s artion, or t Irat h(b
110 other way for them to (‘M’il~jC csccution at Arma- rcprovcd Joshua for havin, fl cnterrd into $1 wwti:iikf
g:cdtlo~l. As t hc prince‘s of Israel disrcgardcd the mur- with the Gibconitrs and for that reason sparwl I llcm
murers and objc~clors, SC)now the true and faithful from death. Tlie prcsiimplion must be iridulgocl that
followers of Christ Jrsus will disregard all murmur- ,Jchovah fnliy opprovccl the action of Jo41ua i\n(I
ers, objectors, and intcrfcrcrs with carryiiq the mcs- Ihat Joshua acted in strict accord with the will 01’ C:oO
sage to the great multitude, but, on the contrary, will in malting this prophetic picture; and this cwlclwion
be diligent in carrying out the Lord’s conm~ondn~cnts is fully supported by the record in IJcbrcn9 f~lown,
at t hc present time. in which Joshwl is mcntionctl as one approrctl by Jt’-
I1 hlanifcqtly thrre are those walking with the rcm- hovnh God.
nont, :incl also claiming to bc of the remnant of God’s I4 Joshua and the other princes had made a covc-
people, who do not have a +4on of God’s purpose, nant with the Gihconitc~ in the name of Jcho\Tii)l, and
and who are against what God commands his rcm- for ihcm to violate their cwenant would hrnlg re-
nant now to do. The prints of Isrncl, who were I! ith proach upon the nnmc of Jehovah. This is cmphasizetl
Jushna, picture those who arc wholly and completely by the record: “This ~c will do lo them ; wc will cwI
dcvolecl to God and who speak in the nnmc of Jehovah let thcni live; lest wrath be upon us, bwansc of the
am.1 Christ, not for any sclfi+ purpose, IJII~ only that oitth which \\‘c sware unto them.” (Josh. !I: 20) The
the will of God may bc done in them. They ha~c spo- princes of Isrncl feared to do that which would bring

reproach upon Jehovah’s name and thus call down against the Jonadab or “great multitude” class, who
God’s wrath upon them, and this is proved by what seek life. The foregoing account strongly emphasizes
later occurred, and which is recorded in 2 Samuel, the blood responsibility under which Jehovah holds
chapter 21. his watchman, the rcm3ant now on earth, and prows
I5 King Saul was selfishly stubborn and rebellious. that the work today in behalf of the great multitude
He knew that the Israelites under Joshua had sworn is very important and is precious in the sight of Gtd.
that the Gibconites should not die, and yet Saul slew The murmurers, complainers and objectors against
them, as the record states: “Then there was a famine the remnant, and who do not favor carrying the mes-
in the days of David three years, year after year; and sage to the great multitude, arc lilrc the Piiarisecs who
David inquired of the Lord. Ancl the Lord answered, were sticklers for the letter of the law but who had
It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he not the spirit of it. Purtl~crmore, their course of
slew the G ibuonitcs.” -2 Sam. 21: 1. action shows that they do not have a proper vision
lo Saul willfully, that is, knowingly and intcntion- of God’s IJUrp0W. They single out somr Scriptural test
ally, violated that covenant, and for that lrason aftcr- to attempt to support their position, and ignore m1n~
wards God brought a famine upon the land for three other tests wiiirh must be construccl tojictlicr v-itti
years and said that this famine was brcausc Saul slew that they cite. If the rrmnant should slack ttie 11:111(1
the! Gibconitcs, silowing that God fuiiy ap~Jrow!d tilt? 110W ilrld wait uiitii AtWlilgCdcloll bc~~ills to dCCtill*c
covenant that had been made with that lxx~l~lc by the nicssagc of the Iloixl conccrnillg the qrcat mriiii-
Joshua, and disapproved Saul’s action. tude, 1Ire rosponsibitity for such ncgl4, woultl I’,111
I’ F‘urthermorc, King I)aviti, acting under Jcho- Up011 tlwm. Ail who do so ncglcct, fail or r(>1’uk,(~ to
vail’s guid:mcc, offrrcd to ~nnkc full amends to the thus dwy the hrd IJIlt ttl~wlSC!tvW ill ttlc: S:llll~’ C’t:i%
Gibconitcs I~cCiiuscthe covciiaitt with tlic+m had been in which Saul put liimsclf by g:oil:g colit ixry to (;oli’s
broken by Saul: “And the king [ Davitl~ rallcd lhc commandmcut. \\‘e must keep ilt mint1 tlt:ti tlrc w
GitX!Onib2S, and Said wlt0 ttl(!nl: (now !hc ~ihC(JIIibs things were written aforclimc iii tllc Scr~~ji~~rc+t’cgr
wcrc’ not of the ciiiitlrc~~ of Jsrnc4, but of tiic rc9rnntit thC aid Of thC rcinriant, to the Clltl ttlilt tltc rcmll:,lli (IT
of the flmorilcs; and the c*liiidrcn of Israel ii:ul sworn God lnny be advised arid thoroughly cquipl~ctl for
unto them: and Saul sought to slay them in his zeal to their worl;.
the chiitlrcn of Jsraci and .J11tlx11 ;) whrrcforc l);lvid ‘” ‘rho true position of tlic great mult itu(lc is II~JY,
Silitl UIlt0 tile Gil,c9riitcs, IYtlilt Sll;111I (IO fO1’ YOU? diqetosctl in this, to wit, ttlnt they a~‘(~matl~*t11(1::(‘I*\‘-
and whcrcwith shall I make the atoiicmc*nt, tllilt yC ants of ltic royal iious~: “i\titl ttrc ])I iiic*cbs5,iifi IIII;O
may bless the iirhcritancc of the IlortlP”-2 Sam. tiicm, IA. them live ; IJrit ict theni tJ(hi~(q(~rs of \;141(1
21: 2, 3. and drawers of !\‘iltcxr unto illi tlic cclii;:rc;::ltiol~ ; :1-i
I8 The Gibconitcs did not sccllt a money damage for the l)rinccs hat1 prorniscd ttlcm.” (.Jostl. !): 21: In
the great. in,jury that had IXW doiie tlirm by reason lTlillill1:: tile COVC%llilrlt with tile t:ilJcc,liil(~s tlr1by ~:(‘I’I’
of the brooking of the covcnartt with them, but mani- fully illformrtl and liil(l(~rstootl that tilcbir iivc+ \:‘oltt,l
festly they were guitlctl ivy .7~110v~1~ and cnlictl for bC s~J:trcd Only Up011 tlie ]~~~rf’or*rn;iliw of t tic wli(li-
retributive justice to bc visited upon the 11o~sc Of tiOllS Of that COVCllilJlf, WtliC’tl WC’I’C itl;l~ ttlc’y \\‘(‘I’(’
Saul : “And the Gibconilcs said unto him, WC mill to sc‘t’vc ill th? ca[);Wi~y of ?VrvalltS 10 ttlc! t\i’,I(‘ti\(Y
have no siivcr nor gnid of Saul, nor of his house; and IlOt h 011 an CC]UiLl footillg wit tl lliwt. TtIiit rlict
ncithcr for Us Stlilit thou kill auy Ill;111 in Israel. ,2nd not mean that God is a rcslxctcr of ~CI~JIIS, 1,111 it
he said, \\‘hat yc simil say, that will I do for you. And did me:ln, aid it StlOWCd, ttlal ttlC TJJ’iliCCS Of IS!‘:!C~~
they answcrcd the king, The man that consumed US, fOlWtlado\~cd the spirit rial Israclitcs \vtlo hllillt tw I’ol*
and that dcviscd against US ttlilt WC StlOUtd 1X!tl~5trO~Cd ever with Christ +Jcsm, the grwt I’t’incc, illl(l wit tl II III~
from remaining in ilIly of the roasts of IWilCi, 1Ct bc priests in the royal ho~~c nerd rncui~)crs of the tcSiri-
seven men of his sons IN dciivercd unto us, and we gle, \vlicrcas tltc grcnt multitude shall scrvc 111~~ l,liiic*-
will hang them [symbolizing that they n-crc cursed CS. ThC fililtlfU1 rcrnnnnt with Christ J6Us will $(‘Ivc
of God (T)cut. 21: 23)] up unlo the Lord in Gibvah of God and Christ in hcav’cn, while ttlc great multit~~clc~
Saul [the homr town of Saut 1, whom the Lord did scrvc 011 tllC Cilrtil ; and both will lx cscccdiiigiy joy-
choose. And the king said, I will give them. . . . And ful in the position which the Lord gives to tltcr:r -
hc tlclivered them into the hands of the Gibcouiten, Rev. 7: 9-15.
and they hanged them in the hill before the Lord; 21There is no reason to harshly criticize the Jxw~~I-
and they fell ail seven together, and wcrc put to death itcs or the Gibconitcs, bccansc in a propllet ic pictllrc
in the days of harvest, in the first days. in the begin- snch as this which was made antI rc>c.ortlcdin Josl~ua,
ning of barley harvest. . . . And after that, God was cltnptcr nine, the picture is tlilMc(? by ,Jct;ovah f~tr
cntrcatcd for the land.“-2 Sam. 21: l-14. the purpose of foretellin g thlll~s to WIIl1’ to tJasY at
I* The Scriptural record in regard to the avenging the end of the world and each character in t!l<a 1)~\)-
of the Gibeonites upon Saul’s house shows that God phctic drama ]~lays a part accordin: to the xiii of
Mtlcs the account wit.h the “~ickcd scrvnnt ” class, God: “ And Joshua cnllcd for them, ant1 IIE s~j:~kcu11to
the “man of sin”, because their course of ncfiou is hnl, Sa? iilK, ~~k!rCfOl~e tlave &IT lJ(‘:ililPd UY, Wyill~.
SCPTELIBFA 1, 1933 263

1Vc are very iar from you; when ye dgvell among cursed tribe. (Gen. 9: 24, ‘25) The words of Joshua
us?“-Josh. 9: 22. merely reminded them that they were of the cursed
*2 For the time the Gibconitcs did deceive or beguile Canaanites, Ham’s descendants. It was a great favor
Joshua and the princes of Israel, but it was not to to them to rewire salvation on any condition, beca~~c
the injury of anyone; and since God did not condemn they were faced with death. The issw therefore was
their action, we must conclude that it was a fixed part life and death. Likewise thee of the great multituda
of the drama which the Gibconitcs were playing ac- originally came under the curse, and it is a great
cording to the will of God. When understood, the favor to all of them to be saved and rcceirc life a~q-
statement of the Gibconitcs was really not deceptive, whcrc and under any and all conditions. The Gibeon-
because the country they were seeking, that is, with itcs were told that they could not bc free and could
God’s chosen people, was far removed from the ene- not free thcmsclrcs frorn service to the house of God.
mies of the Lord. All the Canaanites were condemned 13~ sparing their lives Joshua had become their savior,
by Jchorah for dcstrudinn, ,juht as all mankind came and that wt.3 w’cn more so later at the battIc of
under the condemnation bwause of Adam’s sin. (Nom. (:ihcon, as the record discloses. (Josh. 10: G-12) IAe-
5: 12) The Gilwonitcs wcro spared because they de- wise the Greater Joshua becomes the Savior of the
rlarcd thcmsrlws to be wparatc and aI)art from the great multilutlc aild particularly sl)arcs thrm at fhu
wic~ltctl Canaanites 1h:lt opposed Jchovnh’s typic*al antit~pical batt Ic of C~JbCOtJ, which is Arni:ig~dd~~Ii.
I,in;dom bcitif est:iblishcd in l’alcqtine. Likcwisc to- ‘l’llosc Glhotliks 11~1 rccciwd the brand w ‘~tla~di
(lay, under the IJrovisiows of Jehovah only those s:clJa- in their forclwids’, (9vI1 as totlay those of t hc grwt
raling tIic!msc~lv(*s from Satan’s organization and ric- multitude mIi\t rewivc llic ‘ JIl:lJ~~~ in their fort~llwls’,
c1arin.g tIi(*lr all~~~:~;~ncc to (;ocl and to his organiz:~l~on, as a condiliorl prcec~lc:1t to hain:: sl~;!red at 1IIt< I~;tftlc
nIld t hCJ’dJ~ hhOU.lIl~ ~OOI~ Will fO\V;lr(h JCilOVilt,, 1’6 of Armagcd~lon. (I+~k. !I: 4-6) To IIW, tllc (;iiwotl-
wivc his favor, and th(by are the only ones who itrs must hc SC’rVilllfS OT God in the houw of .JfdlIl;i’s
l.:tvc Ihe I,rotni\cu of being sp~rcd wlwn the sword of (:od. I~iliewisc the gw:it niultif iide, to Ii\c, Ii11lrt 1J(b
t11e grwt 14swutioner kyinn to fall upon the same. scwnnts at the lro~wc! of Cllrist *Jesr~s,the JIc~td of
23 JCJSI~WLI)c.ill!: only ;I ma11,Ihc words of the G’ilwo~l- tllC t~lIlJll~ of C;O(l. ‘l’llc Cilwonitrs IlllISt 1)lii :l\\ii.V
it!3 n~:ly have :l~J~~carcd tlcccl)tivc, but not to ilic iri- all their idols iJIlt iI1J:iqvj aIN1 ilJlytl1ing at1(1 e\t*l’)-
jnry oi’ ariyo~tc, and in f’;lct wcw not dcccptivc. They fliing else slio\\iny 1hclir alh~+alic*c to tlics I)evil’s
sinrwcly &4wcI to bc undcrslood and trwtrd as lla\f- orqanization, and lxirt ic*11larly so siiiw t Ilcwaflv~~ (;il~-
irIfT i’ul]y foIWIkf*tI the othr ~~:1IlaaIJitcs, cwn though con \VilS math 3 pric3,t’s city llI1to ttrc ~AJIYI. (.J(J41.
it IwI tlwin to 1,~ slnvcs of the Israclitcs. Iiikc\~isc iiw, 21: 13-13) lh!WiSC! thOSc f(Jr~‘Sh:ldOUYd IJy th(’ (: 11J(‘(J11-
tlIO.SC Who Will IX! !qJMWl InliSt fOrs:lIx the Or!$;UliZ~l- itcs, tll:lt is, tll(? Rt’cYIt multit 1Ic!c, I1lll~3t pllt iI\iily :I11
lioil of Satan all4 bwomc the voluntary slawq of fhc idols and ima;:cs a!~(] fornl:l~isIns ;111tl ;lII CL i(h’11vc Of
I,ord Jesus C!lrl+,t and SVI’YChis anointrd. The (:ilJcc,n- IJc4n: WJlJlc~tCKl with ill1y llilld Of t 1112 I)Cvil’s oi.*~;iJli/il-
itw wcrc the oiily ll:liion ol’tlw C:ln:ianitcs that sl10wd 1ion, and thercaftcr s;tlul~ i\Jld WI’W JULIO\ a11 ,III(]
Ihcir faith in .I~AIH~ and in Josl~ua’s God: “‘l’hcrc Christ JC:AS, from \vjlom their sal~;~t ion WIM q. ‘l’li;lt
\V:l‘i IlOt ;1 City t b;1t lll:l& IX’LlW With thC Cllittlt’~‘n (Jf Ii~rill~s that tlic grcnt rnull~tutlc will s;c’(’that 111~h;ll~~t-
1Sl’ilt’j, save thC 1 IiYilrS, fllc illha~lif~ll1t~ Of (:ilJhJn: inz of any im:iq2, flaq, ttiilll: or crcat111’(3 iq a \ lOlill11JJ1
all other [citiw] tlrcy [Ilie Israclitcs] took in battle.” of God’s law.
-4osh. 11: 39. 27The Gilwo~~itcs must. of nrccssity tx ~~iw~~m~~i~.cd
B4I)ocs not thi’i show that at A~rm:wddon only those to show their dcvotioii lo God. (Es. 12: ‘IS, 49) ‘1’1121
who have prc~iously dec Iarcd t hrmwlvcs frw illld was included in the law provision wnwtw III:: “t Ire
sqJaralo from Satan’s Org:lIliz:l~i(Jn, and ~110 hart St rangw “, as mcntiolwd in tlw feast of t:~h~~rn:l(~I~~s
tilliCIl ilieir stand with Clod’s organization and ha\ e or tcnst of iJJ~:nthcl+Jl~~: “Thou sh;llt c~lsrrvu tlw f(YlS t
faithfully held to I hat position, scckinl,r ri:!hlewsncss of lLlbCVJlilC!lCS SCVvJl thp, al’ter that tllou ll;i\t poll Ii-
and mcckn~ss, will bc spared from the l<srcnt iorwr’s creel in thy coIw ilIld thy wine; and thou sll;llt JT$I~W
s\vold a in thy feast, fliou, and thy son, ant1 thy tlau~ht(*i*, ilIlt I
25The Gibconitcs wrc bound by their covenant thy mansrrvntit, and thy mnitlscrv:int, atltl t III’ I,c~vrtc~,
which they sollr:ht to have made with them, fore- tlic sfraiigw, nntl the iilt11cJ*l~~SS, atlcl tlic witlo\\. I h;lt
shadowing that thusc of the great mull elude are bound arc n ithin thg gates.” (Ihxlt. 16: 13. 11) ‘I’f1r:.c t rtit hs
hy the covenant they make to become the scrvnnts scrvr to further show that llrc (libcoiiitcs fOJ~~~Slliltl~l\\~~~~
of Jehovah and his anointed King: “Now lhcrcfore he great mdtitiick \Vhi(‘h iS Iio\V ]J;lI’~~lkiJl~~ Of t/lC
~‘t’ arc cursed; and thcrc shall none of you ~JC freed antilypical feast of t~ll~~l?l~Cl~S, toget IlPr \j it II t hcjc,c
from being bondmcn, alid 11ewcw of wood and draw- who are antitypiwl or spirifnal Isw(~l. They 11ilV(’ d
cm of water for the honsc of my God.“-Josh. 9: 23. StLJJJdiJlg ~JPfOl’c (:o(] ;IIJd “scrvc llim day and tiizlit “,
2’8 l’llc! Gihcotlitcs were not cursed because they had that is to Sny, c@Il~illtlo%ly, alid nc’Wr dt’lJ:lrt iI?Jl~l
deceived J(Js~JI:J ; but, having been identified as Hi- his scrvicc. AS the I~K?iltiOJl iLIld cutltlitirms of’ tllclir
vitcs, the clcsccnclants of Ham’s son Canaan, upon co1lIltry show thnt the Gihconitcz \\~I’L’ ;I suit.il,lr
whom Ihe curse! was pro~lou~lced, they wcrc of an ac- IX’iJJJlC t0 bC WOOd ChOppI’S Ud nilk!S Cal’ricrs, LIl,:t

is, servants, likewise the situation or conditions of therefore, who fails or refuses to take adrantnE:c of
the Jonadabs or great multitude show them suitable opportunities to inform those of the great multitude
to be servants of the Lord everlastingly on the earth. or who would interfere with the carrying of the mrs-
p8The Gibconitcs a-cre not wholly ignorant of God, sage to the great multitude tlicrcby ‘turns aside the
and had been told of the marvelous things God had stranger from his right’. (JInl. 3: 5) Thor who would
done and what God had commanded Noses to do, Like- hinder the work of carrying the mcssagc to tllc great
wise those of the great multitude have heard of God multitude now, by trying to induct Jehovah’s ~itncss-
and Christ Jesus and have had fear of God even bc- es to bclievc that the greater amount of their witness
fore coming to Christ, and this is shown in the pro- work is to bc done after Armageddon, arc thcreb~
phetic picture: “And they answered Joshua and said, fi~lltill~ against God, whether they how it or not. ~1%
ISxausc it was certainly told thy servants, how that the Gibeonitcs had not asked to be spared, even so now
the Lord thy God commanded his servant ‘i\Ioscs to the great multitude does not a4 to be spnrccl from
give you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabit- prrsccution and suffering at the hands of Satan’s
ants of the land from before you, thcreforc WCwcrc wicked organization. It is a noticeable fac*t Illat the
.sorc afraid of our lives because of you, and have done Jonadabs or those of thr gcat multitude show a clis-
this thing.“-Josh. 9: 24. position of willin:: scrvicc that often puts in the sli:~c!e
2gThere is no scoffing in tllr words employed by the those \vho ~I;~VCior a lottg wllilc el~~im~~d to IW of the
Gibconitcs hcrc. They did not spurn or shu11 the Word tcmplc company. A9 soon as tlicy licnr the ti*utli, thc+y
of God, but cxhihitcd a proper fear for (:otI causing are diligent to take up tlic mcssagc and cart’y it 011,
them to bc of good will to\vard God and those who lcilonin2: that it will brinq pc~r’acciltionon tlivin, and
serve him. Likcwisc tliosc of tlic great multii~ttlc, par- they rejoice in the ~K!rScCliti~JIl. The Gibconitc5 (I~~r:lar((1
ticularlv since the coming of the Ilord JPSW to the tliom?elvcs ent ircly willing to IJC: obcdicsnt 11) .Jo41-
temple ‘in 1918, have heard of the kin:dotn’s IStig ua ; and this EorcAdows tllat no\\ tllc gl*c;lt nr~llt itri~l~~
gircn to Christ Jesus and wltat terrible destruction muqt and do joyl’ully tlcc~lare their willillg:,lc.-x lo ~JC
shall romc upon Satan’s or~atiizat ion at 12rmagcddon, ol)(*ditnt to Christ. tile (:t*Cilt(‘l’ JWllua.
and for tticni lo have sticnvii :I fcnr of God would cause 31JO~IIM, the s(*l’v:lttt of J~~llovi~ll, and 1111:l)roto-
them to rrsprct his name ant1 to seek his fnvnr and to type of (Christ .Jcsns, shops what Jesus also ‘ION in
show favor toward his faithful witncsscs in the cbarih. s:ivin:: and d~filivciiii,fy t!io~c of the great In\lltitirth*:
This is the l’C:lSOtl \V~IY thcsc *Jotl;ttli\tts 01' gI*eat multi- “And so did IIC rtttlo tltc~m, ilntl clclivcrcd 111(~111 oltt oi
tude have S~OWJ~ kinthw t(J dcl~ovnh’s wilncsscs, who tllC! 11~111~1Of’ tll0 C1111~11’~‘11 Of lht’:l(‘I, thilt tll(‘y Sl(‘W lIll~lll
arc arrcstcd, persecutctl, thrown into prisott, and Il(Jt.” (Jtrsl~. 9: 2(i) ,l(~Stl\la dclivcrcd tllc: (:ll)c*rl:lil~~
othcrwisc ill-tlYXtcd, It wits in 1915 that the mcssagc from the hun(l of’ the cbsccutiunrrs; :il~d lilicwist* CltrM.
“Millions ilO\V living will ncvcr die” bcp:ln to be pro- Jcslls SJUl’CS the! RtX’ttt nittJtitttdcb at t ltc t itnc ol’ C:;C (‘II-
claimed in the l:wd, ant1 sitlw then many havc heard ti(Jl1 ilt ~\lTll~l~~dtlOll: “,ltlcj dost~ua lnd? t hII [ (MW-
that mcssagc and have !Jclicvcd it, to bc true and have gitf) gave, or, tl(Llivcrc4 1hem to be] 1(1 lc!li~clr)
turned their hearts towartl the Lord. ?tUlkU?t] tllitt tl;ly llL!IVCl’S Of n(JOtl ;lltCl dI’~l\~l’l’S (11’ \\‘;It( I
soThe Gibcottitcs sltowetl a disposition to ~JC guided for tile e0ll~lx~~;ltioll, iltld for tll(: altar Of t IlC (All’tl,
in the right way, cvcn as those whotn they forcslind- even unto this (lay, in the l)lacc which 1~’ hllolll~l
owed, the great multitude, show a like disposition to be choose.“--rJosl~. 9: 27.
guided of tl~ Lord: “And HOW, behold, WCare in thine 3’LJoshua I)lilr<stl t IIC Gibconitcs in a COIIIIKUI~ of
hand: as it sccmcth good’ and right unto tlxc to do SCI’VLtlltS, tll:lt is, IlC ‘Lniadc” 01’ “~il\‘C” tll~ll, t0 l)(,
unto us, do.” (Josh. 9: 25) One must becomewillingly cl~opl~~ of wood ~(1 carriers of wtcr for t liv l::t~wl-
submissive to the Lord IJCPOI~C lit is tcacliablc. In that itcs. The Ilehrcw word ?~nllrn~ is used in 1Ilis test
manner he seeks meekness, that, is to say, lw seeks to and translnictl “gave” or “made”; and Ilrc n:lti~(
learn. The Gibconitcs were not like a wild beast driven “Xctliinim” is d(krivvd from tlic! s:tnw root \~or~l, zn11
into a corner and at bay, and therefore being com- means “given ones”, and rclntcs to ttic peol~l~ “giv-
pelled to yield, tJIlt they ltitd come to do~lt~a, the CIl ’ ’ to the scrvicc of Jehovah at the trml)!c. At
representative of God, of their own volition, declaring 1 Chronicles 0: 2 ‘LXettiinims” arc mentionc~tl for lhc
their purpose and dcsirc to do as they were told to first time in the Scriptures as associates \vitli t11c
do in order that they might receive benefit at the hand Israclitcs, the priests and the lxvitcs. It apl~:l~s Ihilt
of the Lord’s servant Joshua. It is just the same today the Oihcoliitcs (~llicli w\‘crcIlivitcs) arc tlic ori:itl:ll
with the Jonadabs, the great multitude company. They Ncthinitn, who arc later mcntionccl in tlic Scriptnrcs
eomc not demanding something bccnusc of right, but as cngagcd in menial service about the tcmplc~ of
they come in meekness,seeking to know the right way. Jchorah God. Doubtless in time the pcoplc of tlie
They inquire of the Lord at the hands of those whom non-Israelite nations were mndc bondmcn hy the Is-
they belicre to represent God. They are inquiring of raelites and some of the other nn1io1Is wonl(l 1~ tlcvot-
God’s servants as to \\fhat they shall do, and it is the ccl by the Israelites to service like that to \vlliclt tile
duty and privilege of the remnant to inform them Gibconitcs were assi::ncd, and tlicrcfore the 1~x1
what is the mill of God concerning th(sm. Anyone, “i\;ethinirn” would be applied to any sljcl~ hcl]Us
SIXTEUBEE 1, 1930 265

that might come or that came from the many “nations, now insist on propounding the question, “Where are
kingdoms, peoples and tongues”, just, as the great the great multitude?” this shows they arc blind and
multitude is described in Rcvclation seven as being do not have an understanding.
of many nations, pcoplcs and tongues. It should be
cspcctcd that the subicqurnt facts would fit the HATED BY THE ENENY
picture exactly, and this prorcs that the picture was 85Every person who takes his place on the side of
prophetic. God and his kingdom is hated by the selfish worldlings,
a3’l!hc Gibeonitcs and others of the Nethinim were and particularly IJY the rcli$onists, and in this Crowd
the dcsccndants of Ham the same as the Babylonians, of haters the Roman Catholic Hierarchy takes the
yet the Scriptural record is that the Xcthinim chose lead. The true followers of Christ Jesus arc hated for
to return with Jcl~oval~‘s faithful pcoplc, the remnant his name’s sake, and those who associate thcmsclrcs
of Israel, when they came back frm IZabglon to Jo with the remnant and bear testimony to the name of
rusalcm to rebuild the t,cmplc tlirrc; and this part God arc hated for the same reason. It could not be
of the picture shows that ttwy had complctcly scparat- cspcctcd otherwise, bcrausc the Devil’s crowd hates
cd tt~cmsclvcs from the other hcathc>nnations and had all that arc on the Lord’s side. Izy his prophct ,JAovah
taken tticir l)lacc along with Go(l’s clio~cn pcol)tc. says: “Gather yoursclvcs togcthcr, yea, g:;lttic>r to-
(Ccn. 10: 6-10; Ezra 2: 1, 2, 43-51, 55, 70) In this gether, 0 nation not dcsircd.” (Zcpli. 2: 1) This text
schrvicc at Jchovoh’s tctnrplc the A’cthinim wcrc tax- shows that the command to gather thcmsclves tog&cr
free. (157ra 7: 2-l) In Nclicmiah’s time the (;ibconitcs must be obcyctl just prcccding the time of I\rt~iagcd-
assistccl in the r(+uil(lillg of the ~111~at Jwusalcm. don, and that this command of Jehovah applies to a11
(Ncli. 3: I-7) jrticy schljaratcd tlicnirelvcs from the who are for God and for his kingdom, incll~tlin:! the
IlC~lttlCll Of tllC lilnd: “Now those that scald were anointed rcrnnant and those of the great nrultit ntlc.
Nchcminh Oic Tirshath:i, the son of Tlnchnlial~, and ?iottc of thcsc arc de%ircd Iry the religionisis and their
Zidkijali. And tlic rest of the pcoplc, the prirsts, the attics, bccau~c they scrvc ,Jcl~ovnl~,which is exactly
Lcvitcs, ttie poi*t~l~s, the sitigcrs, ttic Xctliiniins, and contrary to the intcrcsts of the scltisti ones who have
all they that 11;idsc~t~ratctl thcmsclvcs from the pcol~lc made their belly their god. It more cl~ rly appc.trs
of tllc liltIdS UIlt0 the Llw of (lotl, their wives, their cacti day iliat cvcry person who tirars of God and his
SOIlS, utltl their (lilll~tltC1.S, CVCYy Ollc’ Ili~Villg hlO\\ l(,(l%C, kingdom will take one sitlc or the other, th:lt i\;, for
and Il:l\‘itlft llt~dcrStilll~litl::‘~; tticy clo\c to their brc~th- (:Od and his I:inK(lom or ;I,gilillSt God atid his Iiill~tl0nl.
rcn, thcsir nol&~, illl(l c~nterctl into a curse, and into This is but a fiilfilltncnt of the prophecy uttcrcvl at
:ui 0;111:, to walk in Cod’s law’, wtlicti was giwi by lklc11: “ And I will put cnniity bctwccn tticc and t ho
llOSCC3, tllc SCrViltlt Of (:Otl, illld t0 Ol)SOrVC alIt d0 211 wotnan, and bctwccn thy scc~tland tier scc(l ; it s11;1tl
the comm:u~dmc~~tsof the J,o~;n our Lord, an(l his !JrllkC thy h!:ld, :itld th~ll Shtt h’uk ItiS hl.” (CCtt.
ju~lgincntq and his statutcbs.“-Nch. JO: I, 24, 2!). 3: 15) This is complctcly sul)portcd by the words of
841!‘l~cn Ezra was travclin~ to .Jcrusalcm after the Jesus concerning the srparat ing of the nations, which
restoration of the JWS, hc “vic~d”, or tool; account ltc is now doing. (;\latt. 2.5: 31, 32) This IIIC:HIS :I war
with, tllc pCO~~lC t tYlV~~lil1, (r with him and “found tllc,rc between tlrosc on the I)cvll’s side and those 011 God’s
none of the ~011sof 1~~1i “. Tl~cn 1’:n;l sent a tlclcgntion side, and wliirli war is 11Ow on in the earth ant1 wilt
with a IllCSSilgC to JtltlO Of tile Krtlii~iim: “And I Wilt continue until Jehovah takes a hand and by Ctlrist
them with commandtnciit unto Itltlo the chief at the Jesus fights the battle of the great day of Clod Al-
place Casiptiia, and I told them what they should say mighty. The Scriptural record of what took ])l;icc
unto Iddo, am1 to his brct tircn the Scthinims, at the wltcn the conspirators had heard of the action of itic
j~lace Cnsipliia, that they should brin: unto us min- Gibconitcs shows csactly what comes to 1~s upon
istcrs for the lioi~sc of our God. iind, by the good modern-day Gibcoiiitcs, or grrat multitu&, wtio h:ivc
hand of our God upon us, they br(JtlL!‘h~ us a man of fOt3:lliCll Satan’s 0~~i1lliz~ti011 and plaCcd ttlcWsclVW
understanding, of the sons of Mnhli, the son of Ill+, under the command of Christ JCSIN, the IZci~tl of Jc-
the son of Israel ; and Sl~ercl~inl~,with his sons and hovab’s organization. Those who faithfully t)roclairn
his brethren, eighteen.” (Ezra 8: 15-U) i2ltllon~ll the messageof the kin@mi, wlicthcr they l)c of the
thcrc came thirty-right Tlcvites, there were 220 Ncthi- remnant or of the grcnt mi1ltitutlc, arc now tinted by
nim. “Also of the l\;etliitiitns, whotn Il)avid and the all those of the Devil’s or~nnization, and the lloman
princrq had appointed for the service of the Lcvit(ls, Catholic IIirrnrchy is the most bittrr.
two hundred and twenty Ncthinims: all of them were 36Gibcon was a very larcc community or city, that
rsprrssed by ~latnc. ” (1, Tzra 8: 20) This very well fits is, its pcoplc were multitu~linous. This shows a splcn-
tltc facts as they arc at the present time in the service did picture of the great multitude, which no man can
of the Tlord, that in that service there is a stnall nnm- number or the number of which no man knows. (Rev.
her of Lcritcs, and a larger number of Jonadabs, the ‘7: 9) Sccinr: that the Gibconitcs foreshadowed the
grcnt multitude. Anyone who does not see the multi- great multitude, and the Scriptures showin? that the
tudc coming to the fore now does not have a vision of great multitude is composed of people of good will
God’s dealing with the peoples on the earth. If persons toward God who have herctoforc brcn nssociatcd with
K. Y.

rcligiops orgauizatiws ruled by the Roman Catholic ing him, frightcncd the clcr,oy, and in their frcrlz)
Hierarchy and a&d clergy, it is easy now to be scy’n they said to each other: “l’crcci\-e ye how ;Vc prevail
how the clergy would be prcatly dlsturbcd by reason nothing :2behold, the world is gone after him.” (John
of the modern-day Gibcor;itrs’ forsaking the church 12: 19; Matt. 21: S, 9) Even so today, when the IJO~C
organizations and seeking God’s kingdom and the and others of the Jioman Catholic Ilierarchy and thclr
Greater Joshua. “Sow it came to pass, when Adoni- allied clergy hear the shout of people from practicaJI>
~dec king of Jerusalem [then occupied by th3 heathen all over the earth cleclaring themselves for Jc~KJ\,~
Jebusitos] had heard how Joshua had taken Ai, and and his kingdom and against the Devil and his hype-
bad utterly destroyed it ; as he had done to Jericho and critical, religious crowd, they are greatly fri:htc~ned
her king, so be had done to Ai and her kinx; and how and they hasten to IJUt into action their COnSlJiKWy to
tie inhabitants of Gibcon had made lx~c with Israel, prevent the multitudes from going to Jehovah and
and wcrc among them; that they fcarcd greatly, be- his King and IO prcvcnt the remnant from carryin:
CauSc Gibeon was a great city, as one of the royal on their work af advertising to the pco~~lc the Iiinq
cities, and t~wausc it war grcaler than Ai, and all the and his kingdom. 13einq frightcncd, ant1 hn\ing no
men thercyjf wwc mighty 1 (Ilcbrcw) yibborim, gi- way to openly fi$lt acainst God’s faithful witllt,s,cr,
ants].“-Josh. 10: 1, 2. the Roman Catholic 1Iicrarchy and tlicir alllc tl c:t rlry
*I The king of Jerusalem at that lime i\‘as Adoni- rr:sort to ridicule ant1 libelous cbharqcs pul~Ji4~l III
z&e, which moans “lord of righteousness” or “right- ihcir ncwsl~apcrs and urge tlrcbir allies to tnktb soinc
eous lord ” ; but hc was anything but a righteous loi*d. sccrrt action to dust ray Jehovah ‘s witncs5c3. luc~l11~11~d
The name therefore applies to him ironically. Ilc was in ttic,ir wickcdIicss is cnactin~ laws lc\-clivl tlifw!I~
il~:GIst. (;orl ilnd (lad’s CtlosCn pcoplc. IIis colllrtcr- :lyai~lst Jclw~;~h ‘s witnesses to pwvcnt f hc i’~11.t 11(x1
pd. in lhu COLII’SC hc took is fomld in the lJcJ]JC of the sprch:ttl of the trtltti. ‘1’11~lIi~~r3rchy f:~nr: in :Krq\
Xomau Catholic Hierarchy, who I~oscs IY~E(JI+c t hc woi~l~l J~rscy tilkcs the Ic;I~ ill Anlcriel ill this hll;llf.
as a “righteous lord” but who is the very opJ)osite ‘” ‘J’iie frLI1~htwl~ So-eattld “rip,tlkoUY tOI’d”, A~(]olli-
of rightcousi~cx3, being 8 chciigniug potit i(~i:iil \\tio, zcduc, saw it \\a~ uccessary to tnlrc s01tw stcybs m-
1ugcthcr with his gang:, fraud~ilcritly claims to rrprc- rncdiatcly in a11 caffort to wncnt and ht rfm:ttic~IJ tipi
&mt COct ZlIlll h:IdJy 1lSW tt1c: iiamc of lho I~i~lltwrls l’ri:ltitcncxl i’orc~‘s: “\\rtwr~~f~rc Adoni-mJ(sc: I<il:- ot
One to accomplish their scl!X~ drsirrs. l‘hc iii~mc J(~rus:llcnr wnt unlo Jlotmn king of JIC~JIYJII, :!ml unto
“ filtller” or “ri~htmns lord” is wrongfully ii~d in l’ir,!m liinq of Jarrnut h, :111(1Illlto JnlJhin Itlll~~ (:I
conucction with the pop. Whtu armies go forward L:tclli4i, an11 unto I)c+ir kiter: of’ ISylon, hayill:. (:IJI~I~
t0 murder (*itPh other, R Irocvcr ii119 tllc lllncc of lllc UJJ 111ltO ItIC, ilIl<t tll’ttJ lnc, ttlllt \ve n1:i.V sIllitc> (;it;%v,ll ;
IWtW, that fI~illidlll~~It SO-C;LlIVtl “lOI’d Of 1ifihtcous- for it txi1tI ni:d~ pv.m with .loshiia and with the ctJll-
111%3” “ bIc.scies” ttic killers, that they may “kill well” drw of Istxcl. “-.Josh. 10: 3, 4.
ntcorcliug lo the side thry are on. \\‘hcn SCJIIIC gi’cat 41I~‘ollowin~ truly in 1IIC nay of his f;lt Iicv 1IIP
]KJtihat mid finan4:tl steal is ahout to Ix: tout ~‘oIwII~, Devil, that fraudulent “ri&tcous lord” ;I~I~:IIXTI~1~
this silmc rc~ligious hc~d, tttlk JJoJJ~‘,claims to i~lcss the dirwtwl liis C’(JllSJJiIYl(‘y n K:iilist, lllI? (~:ilJCOlll~C’S, t,lll ill
~ierpctrutors of thecrime. \\llwn ;i conq,ir:iry is hmcd trtltll alIt in fact it \\‘a~ ax:;lilkst JCI~OV:III GOT? .a1111
to 4kstroy th! peoth of t:ot1 \dlO ICI1 the tlxtt1, his ofiicer JOS~IUU.IIaving COMIC (J\‘cr to *JosIIu:!, t ht>
then the JIicrarchp takrs the Icnd in that coll+racy Gibcouitc5 in cfL&t bclongcd to Joshua :111(1llis (:lJC!.
and the IJOIJC RSW~CS to IJIW the consl)irators and WI10 llad SilVCd tlicir livts. 12UXntty ;I ])I:1 It i0ll ;lIlLt
da3 the hcst he can to l.lfbss them. l)Potcst \ViJS eirculaic:il amonpt the citizens Of lr\ it!,:-
‘q Ad(Jl\i-Z&C fcarcd grcatlv that hc nrJutd IWW ton, il’cw Jcrscy, protcstinq n~~~irist the lww~wlt ~JII
lose his easy brrth if Joshua go; after him. c;i!xon was car&l on by the J:ou~illl O;lll:olic JIic~~~t*~*h~x11(1
& “gK!iIt eily” and had gone compktcly o\‘~T to Josh- allied clcr~~y against ,Jchovnh’s witncsqls a114 :l<l;illl:
ua, and tht looked as if the IJCOJJ~C of’ that ItcntJwn that the Simc C’cWC. ?‘he fohYiilg iil~~~~~~llt SllCJI! S

king wcrc in great danger. C‘ompare this with what how the members of the llit~rnr~hg fight. To ollcl \; :IO
came to pass when Jesus was on cart11 in the flesh. The n’ilS CillTVillg abOut the pctitioii ii CatllOLlC \\ 0111i111
Pharist~es and their allied cler*q at that day claimed Slid: “1 ‘sigIlC(t the tWtitiol1 y(‘SfcNhy ilIlt Iny JlL’lC st
to rcprcrcnt God, and hence posed as “righteous gave me a tcrribla ha\\lin g out, aud jnst for tll:lt I
lords”. Those clergymen obscrvcd that mauy of the am going to take the books you have this moixii~~~.”
people who had been keeping: up their synagozucs That Catholic pricat could not come in Ilw open ;!tld
believed on Jesus, and that frightened the hypocriti- tcall the Jwoplc why ,Jchomh’s wilnesscs s1~011l~lIv
cal elcrgy. When Jesus rode into .Jcru$alt.m, and as plY!v~IltCcl from wrving tllC JXOJJIC,bllt InLlYt L.tl’lli<’
he c3mc, a “very great multitude” ~cnt before him, in the dark ant1 1:&c undue iId\alltnp(! :Itid attcLllllbt
crvirig out, “IIoscnna to the son of David! ISlesscd to cotwe :~nd thcrcby prcvcnt otticrs from si:Jliilky
is’bc that eomcth in the name of Ihc Lord.” That great the petition.
multitude corrcspondcd to the Gibconites, who had
forxakcn the other hcathru nations.
I0 The great multitude, turning to Jcsuq and hail-
%3’I’EYBER 1, 1936 f%eWATCHTOWER 267

day fraudulent so-called “righteous lords” of the efforts of the Hierarchy and their allies to hold those
Bornan Catholic Hierarchy is to direct their attack in their prison i~ouws who love the Lord. If the Gib-
against honest Catholics who seek the Lord, but their conitcs continued to hold out against their besiegers, it
real purpose is to destroy Jehovah’s witnesses, who might mean death to them; but if lhry yielded to the
are working rrnclcr the command of the Greater Josh- cncmy, their besiegers, that would mean certain death
ua. Sometimes one of the tooIs of the Roman Catholic at the hands of Joshua’s army later. They were com-
Hierarchy forgets and brcahs out with violent s1~cccl~. pelled to make their choice, and they chose to stand
At a hearing before the legislative committee of the by their covenant under Joshua. Even so now, if the
New Jc~~ey Legislature a short time ago one of the Jonndabs or great multitude continue to resist the
dnpcs of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, which was coI!spiracy formed and carried forward by the Iticr-
trying to cause a bill to bc brought bcforc the Lcgisla- archy, it might mean death to them; but if they r&urn
turc compelling certain ones to salute the flag, cried to the enemy’s camp, that means certain death at the
out bcforc the committee and said: ‘Tw years ago hand of Jesus Christ when he cxccutcs the cncmy at
there were no Jehovah’s witntwes hcrc, and ten years Armageddon. So they must make their choice and arc
from now there will be none, if WC and the American thus plainly told ivy Jehovah that if they would gather
lTCStcriillS have anything to say ;kbOut it.’ Tilt “unright- ihcmselvcs under his organization, and seek rightcons-
eoiic lord “, the Ilirrnrclty gmq, hate Jehovah ‘s wit- ness and mrcirncss, they may be hid in the day of the
ncsscs worst tlliltI they hate any other living thing, wrath of Jehovah cxprcsscd at r\rmagcddon.-%slJh.
bccausc thcsc tell God's truth and speak in ti~c IIELTL~C 2: 1-3.
of dcwis; and in this tlicy arc exactly fuifiiiii~~ tlic 43The Scriptures strongly support the conclusion
prophetic uttcranws of .Jcsus.--John 15: IS-20. that at Arma~cddon Jehovah will &troy the pw~~~lcs
43 For m;iIIV yews ilic I(omsn Catholk Ilicriirctly oi the carth, savin:: only those U+G obey his wn~in:~~~d-
has fed fat u&~n their “Catholic pol)ul:ltion”, which xmbnfs to stand by his organization. In tinw past
ineiudcs millions of honc5i-licartcd pw11Jc who have nli!lions upon millions of ~JCI~IIS have gone into the
been fraudnlcntty intlucwl by the priests to bclicvc grave without cwr hcarin :: of God and Christ. and
that the common prol~ic nntst zinc up Ihcir hwcl-carncd tilcsc in due time must bc awakcncd out of clwth
money to support that so-c*allcd “righfcous lord” anal giwn a Iwo\\ i13lgc of the Irut h, th;it they may
crowd. The miliions of CrmimcJn pcoplc buvc carried Ill~llic Ilwir choirc. Tlic situation is difl’crcnt, how~cr,
tJtat ungodly old wnrh oil tlwir stwddms for yen~s, wrccrliin:: lhc pc~oJ~lcnow 011c:il tii. ,\ grcnt crisis is
nllfl Il:lVC c!(Jni? so biiitcllv, ll0t knowin:: tllitt tilcy \V(‘l+C at hnucl. Since the coming of the J~~rci CJcs~~s to t hc
being d~pcd. Now the s’ituat ion is chanting. The fitct, ~l’!ll[li0 “this gWqJd of ~ilC! ki~l!&ll~ Sll$lii h! [JIY’;lPtlCYl
that some of the common pooplc are flc’c.l;~g from the . . . as a wifnw’i”, con~m:~iids tile ldn~l ; and it is
old IIicrarchy crow1 Rr(atiy frightens and anycrs i&g prcachcd by the faithful witrwssrs, to ihc cbnd
tlWiIl, illW.1 SO l.llCy %X4< iti CVcry pOSSilJlC \V:ly t0 il0ld t Ililt tile pl’Oplc niily hnYC an 0pportiiliity to m:~kC
for thcmwlvcs ilic “C;ttholie population”, cvcn as the 1 lwir choice. ‘rll(JW 011 tt1c carti must nON’ 11:1rYt ihe
frauduicut “ri$lcous lord”, . \doni-zcthq tlic nncicnt opportunity to hcar bcforr Armagctldon. Jehovah II;IS
king, dwircd and nttcml)tcd to hold his supporters, t!iwn his soicmn warning to his witncsscs th:rt tlwy
and for that I’c:ilsoll formctl tiic COllS~)il?lC~ or confctl- must obey his crmman~lmriifs and carry this !;oAJ)cl
cracy. “Thcreforc the flvc king of the Amwifcs, the of lhc kingdom to tile people or rise sufccr destruction.
king of Jcrusalrm, the kinx of IIcbron, the king of --I<zcir. 3: 17-19 ; 33: 12-19; l\cts 3: 23.
Jarmuth, the king of Lac~hjsh, the king of J$glon, ‘c Tho:,c of the great multitude must rcccivc this
gatlrcrcd tltcmsclvcs together, and went up, llwy and lOSl)Cl I.wssa#C bcforc t11c day of th battle of tiw glwt
all their hosts, and cncamlwtl before Gibeon, and made day of Got1 .Ilmigi:hty, whi~~h is .?rmagdclon. If the
war against it.“-Josh. 10: 5. great mull itudc arc not now given the mcsw~:(~ of
‘l The confcdcracy sought lo hold tbc Gibeonitcs truth, it will be too late when the slaughter wn~lr bc-
as prisoners, wliirh ttlcy a~1.iially did at the time and gills. \yiho, fhen, would i~c intcrcstcd in an effort lo
during tile siqc that shortly followed thcrcaftcr. Like- indncc Jcho~ah’s wilncsscs to rest on their oars and
wrist the Roman Catholic llicr:~rclc~~y, which for a long to await a more fitWrahlC time to carry the message
time hart held many prisoners, now put forth a to the great multitndc? There is but one ans\\cr, and
dcspcrate effort to continue to hold them in order to that is, the Devil and those whom he may use; and
support their fraudulent organization. nut Jchorah WC may be sure the Ikil USPS~-cry one whom he
by Christ Jesus, the Crcatcr Joshua, now sags to those can dcrcire and whom hc may induce to proclaim
prisoners, the crcat multitude: “Go forth; . . . Shcw just that kind of fnisc teaching. The great multituclr
yoursclves.” (Isa. 49: 9) The Gibconittbs lwre bcsicgred, is now being made manifest, and the war is on and
but they wfuscd to return to the crwmy of Jeho- is bcing proswutcd by the a~cnts of the “old I)r,l~on”
rah and Joshua. They held true to their covenant nqinst the remnant of God’s organization, who hnw
with Joshua and hcltf out against the cucmics who the testimony of ~Jccus Christ ant1 olwy tlw command-
besieged their city. This pictures wcli the position of mcnts of Jehovah. The action of the C’ilwnnitw at
tkc donadabs, the great multitude, who resist the this point and the moving of Joshua to tltoir I’CWIIC

exactly fit the present-day conditions, as will be seen 7 25-27. IInbing made peace with the Gibeonites, and R league,
to Id illem lire, IWY Josl~u~ dcalq arigllt \,lth them XI
as this consideration of the scripture proceeds. tlw matter recorded at vc~se 233 Iiow does tlus fit In tLe
(To be contiwed) fulfillment of the prophetic pictured
1 2S-30. Compare the position :md attitude of the Glbeonitrs
QUESTlOW FOR STUDY (as sho#n in verses 2i and 25) with that of. those \rl~om
f 1. To whom, only, of the fallen race mill Jehovah gire life they there forcsh:&wed. \Vh:~t does this shop as to lb: )\I-
and pcncet lege and responsihlkty of Jcho\ah ‘s rn~tn~~s~~~l \\ Ictt,
f 2-5. In dew of the eommnud at Exodus 31: 12, explain then, is the position of those who would hlntl<:r the UO~k
the procedure rccurded at Joshua 9: 15, as for that tlmc of carrying the mcssagc to the great multitu~lo now?
and aa a pictorial prophecy. fi 31-31. How (in Joshua 9: 24, 23 and other sc~~ptnres, and in
9 G, 7. Show tint the G~kin~tes, though living near by, had facts cleariy obwrv(d at the present time) arc- the G~bwn-
come ‘irOD :Ifilr ‘; nlso that the n:tmcs of thclr cities WCIC itcs further sren to have lwcn, and to hnre 10rcslmdo\:c~l,
prophetic. What wyit9 foreshown thcrcin? n ‘ pcoplo’ ‘ separated from the people of the 1:mde unto
1 8-10. Apply the prophetic picture recorbd at Joshun 9: IS. the law and serriee of God ‘P
linrrnvn~ze this wtth Jehovah’s instruction at Exodus 23:
23, 24, 238 and I)cu:eronw~v 90: 16. 7 35. Apply Zcphsniah 2: 1.
1 11, 32. CwnpHre the propheiie situation Been in verse 39, g X-39. Compare the situnticln recorded at Joqhua 10: 1, 0,
and its fulAllnwnt, with that iorcshown in Ezekiel 9: 4, and tlutt at Matthew 21: 8, 9 and John 13: 19, \\ith that
and its ~pp11wtwn. of the plt:scnt time.
n 40.42. Alloni-zc~~lrc immcrli:ct~lp took steps to “smite Ciiil-
con”. (Josh. 10: J) Apply the lnwphctlc plctulc.
fi 43, 44. How 41111the ti~bconltc~s III thew CI~P~~~~~:I~CCshwr n
1n \crsc 3 picture the prcxbnt posltlon of the “grclt i~ulll-

To Jxrrovn~ ‘s T:AITIII’IJL S1ZXAXT.s :
EIIOVAII has given the commancl “Arise yc, and
let us rise up against her in battle”. (OLatl. 1)
J This ]~rOl~liCcy is now in course of fulfillment.
God’s forces will now push the c~wmy to the wall.
The time of prel~miuary war is hcrc. ‘l’f~c 14cfcl Mar-
shal of Jehovah, Christ Jesus, is iu command of his
forces. The cartflly division consists of all who arc
devoted to God ant1 Iris kingloo. All who love the
Lord will hc on the frout, not to wield carnal wc;~pons,
but to use the Word of God to open the eyes of the
l~eople of good will that they may WC the way of
escal~c. Our part in this battle is lo sing tflc praises
of Jehovah and make known his liing and kingdom
as the only hope of mankind. h’o one is forced into
the Lord’s army, but when one cntcrs voluntarily hc
must lx obedient to the commandments. (Acts 3: 23)
This is mcntioncd that each out may see his privilege
and flis obligation.
A period for united action of all witnesses on camth
is set for Octohcr 3-11 inclusive, and during that pe-
riod a world-wide witness will be given with the king.
dom message,using all the means the Lord has pro-
(Continued from preciousissue)
JIE sheep do not hunt out Christ’s brethren, but It is before Armageddon that the Lord separates
the brethren go out to the sheep, search for the nations, not afterwards; and hence his brethren
them, and, like the man in linen, mark them in on earth whom he ust% in his work now must
he forehead. As Jesus the Good Shepherd said conccrn- be getting somewhere, bs His grace. Facts do not
ing thiS sheep class, which are sheepother than his own belie this. The sheep class arc being brought to the
little flock, “Them also I must bring, and they shall light. They are identifying themselves for Jehovah
hear my voice,” (John 10: 76) The Lord both searches and for the Greater Gideon, and are bciug baptized in
out the sheep and sct~ksthem out. (Ezck. 34: 11) This symbol of their consecration to do God’s will. To deny
he does by sendin,c’ forth his brethren as witnesses of the separation work as in progress now and as bcinc
Jehovah to publish the truth to the sheep class. This of importance, and to postpone its application till
enal~lcs them to hear the Good Shepherd’s voice and after Armagctldon, is in cffcct to deny the Lord and
to bc drawn to him by the hcavcnly Father. IIcncc King as upon his throne, at the tcmplc, judging. It
the Kitq’s brcthrcn must work. Oftentimes they arc borders 011saying, “My Lord dclaycth his coming.”
butted by the opljosin:! go3ts. I:ut they must be active (3Iatt. 2-I: 16) Jehovah, however, gives assljri~ncc that
in witnessing out, 21111011,n hotI StlCCJ> and goats. so the present efforts of the liiljg’s brcthrcn on cnlth
doing, &u(atibrethren of the I.&g frequcntlg get where in behalf of the shcrp arc not abortive a11r1;~hc:~riof
they arc hungry and tljlj*sty without means at harjtl s~hcd~~lc,but arc part of their connniS+ojlcd work.
to get food and drink, and are nakctl ;jntl sick and alqo Let all suct~ ljush on with it ujlabatiugly.
irnprisollcd at time+. ‘1’11~ thry arc given loviiiq at- TilCW “StlW(J” must l~c I’or a vindicaation of God’s
tcntio!l, not try worldly Charitable mtl rclrcf insi itu- word and Il;llnC. S:ltilll Ilow brings gt’cat woe ul~ori the
tionS, 1,r;t by mcmtjcrs of thi$ shrcp cl;lsS, ttlc I,ord’S world and S?diS lhc dCSt~lICtiOl1 of all mankintl at
“Otllt’r hilCl!p”. ISvrryoljc who is a slrccp or has sue11 ,1rninac~ltlon tjy now strivirlg to turn ttlcnl all away
Shce~jlit,e traits wants to linow how to do somctliin~ from the Lord or by prcvcntirl, 1~tlirm from going oxcr
now unta Christ JCV~US tllc Kin?. Just, how to do it, to Jehovah’s sirlc, as by so doin g Satan \\.Olll~l tJOtdC’1
and cali it bc dolie? l’hat. i$ all that is mcnnt to lx UP hiS \vid<c(l boast against tJctjovall. ‘~1~ SIICC~~J (*I:Iss
Set fo~lh in the p;ir;il)lt: iu the convcrxrtion b~*twWll ttl~WfOIT Illlld iltld will lYbSiSt S;lt;lll’S Cfl’(‘l’tq, i!ll(i
th stiffly imd tlic liilly: “ Lord, wltcji saw wc tiicc ttlcwlw they provide a&litional :l~~llIIl(~Ilt ilfB’ilill.St
an li11i1~~1, a~id f(~l thee’! or thirsty, ant1 have t11c:e that \<iclrctl one’s challenge and in favor Of t t\c Fimli-
drink ‘: 1Vl~n saw MY’tl~oc?a stnul~er, and took t Ijche Cation Of Jctlovntl ‘s sitl(, (11’ t tic C(JIltrOvWSy. Thy
in 1 01’ ll:ltiN1, nllcl clotllcY1 IllCc? or \\.I1011
Saw \VCfllc~e bcfricnd J~~hovnlj’s rq)rc:.cM ativcs, 11;switjlcsscs, 1)~
Si&, or in prison, ;111(1 c:unc UIILOthcbc? And the liijlg fore tt1c bnttlc of 121’111.3:1!!d~1011, and tWJlCC tJWOIlK’,
shall :111swtlrand say i111t0them, Vcsrity I say unto as Jesus said, “J’C lJtCSWt1 Of my I$tllW.”
you, JII;I~IUC~ as yt’ have cl011cit ujito one of the The liin,g 101lg a:*o prul)ljcsicd, and it is his ccm-
lcast c’f thcbscmy ljrctll rcn (,J~~hovnh’switncs.scs], ye mnnd for hi5 followers today: “This gospt~l of the
have done it lulto me. “--5lat t. 2.5: 37-40. liinqloin slia!l br )trc:iclictl in all the \lorld for a
This, then, dac~ nut mcnn to Say that the sheep (10 witncs* unto all Jl;lt 1011s.” ?‘tliS pwIctliI1: iS Ilot Ill(‘rC-
not a11glcannot i(lmltify who arc the l~ord’s brctlllx91 ly for ttic tj~:jltli of ttic prc~nctlin: i~uia~~t. for ttj,brn
but are ignorant and unaware of the real idctitity of to maintain tljcbir spiritilal well-b&g :i11t1 tlltbir II~-
the ows lo whom tliry arc doing good. The force of tqrity toward God. Tlic words “for a witn(9s” cl0
tliu parable is this: that tlic slircp clahs dcsirc to know not moan th;bt the witnesses of Jcllo~h ttc~lat~ his
how to do something in l~chalf of the lii11g and his Iiiiigdom mcssagc simply to let it ljc licar~l, :111(1I($
it g0 at that. It dOCS lid Illcan that IlOIlc (J!i Wl.ttl
kingdom. IIcncc they arc: assured by the Kiljg that aside from the rctnnant will hced ihc mcss;tqc nerd
if thcg observe tliosc who arc his hrctlircn on e:11th act upon it, totting their stand for the tiitig~lom
and do good to tltcrn bccnusc they are such, then they prrachcd. “For il witness” means, of collr~, that
shall be blcsaed of the Killg‘s Father and shall enter the prcachin~ is not propaganda \vork. lint it JWY
as “righteous into life ctcrnnl” under the Kingdom. not mean ihat the witnvsscs arc mclacly tryin:p to go
Thur this parable is but another proof that the shtcp do\vn on r(b(.cJrdas having nitncsYcd to that I;irrjidorti
class must identify thcmsclvcs as for the King and but are not looking for pcoplc to side in \\ith that
the mcmbcrs of his royal family, and this they must kingdom and to catch up the kingdom mrssnqc and
do before the battle of Armageddon, that is, beforc jOi the \vilIlCSwS ill IJ;lSSing it 011 to others. Tl!e
the King cnforccs the judgment against the goatish Scriptures foretell that they may and should look for
oljpoxx5, to wit : “TL)el)art from me, ye cursed, into such, and in doing so they are not scckijjg to get
everlasting fire, prrparcd for the devil and his angels. joiners for any man-made organization. It is lvrittcn:
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, “A true wilntxs drlivereth souls” (I’rov. 14: 25) ; and
[or, (Diaglott) cutting-off’] .“---Malt. 25 : 41’46. such souls are the sheep or Jona.dab clans.

At the present stage of God’s work since the cleans- eth!” Further, the apostle adds: “So then faith
ing of the temple it may be that the witness is no comet11by hearing. and hearing by the word of God.”
longer needed to cause the newer part of the remnant, (Rom. 10: 13-17) Hearing and obeying any other mcy-
the “Ruth and Esther class”, so called, to come in to sage than that of the Vord of God brings death, not
complete the full membership of the body of Christ; salvation. But by believing in Jehovah’s Kinz, Christ
but that would not mean that the witness will not Jesus, and keeping his saying, and callillz upon the
name of Jehovah by publishing it abroad, and doing
actually benefit some in the nations to whom it is so before the battle of Xrmaqcddon, such icj what will
given. The parahlc of the sheep and goats shows that mean that the Jonadab class, which has now come
sheep wilt be separated out of the nations. IIencc into existence, “shall never die, ” “shall never see
“for a witness” means that there is no compulsion by death.”
the Lord or by his witnesses to make anyone believe Since this is so, then the time for action by Jcho-
the messageand accept it and take his stand for JC- vah’s witnesses in behalf of the Jonadab or sheep class
hovah and his organization. The fact is, there has is now, bcforc the bilttle of Armageddon breaks forth.
never bwn any compelling to bclicvc conncctcd with The action should be with undiminishing zeal aud
the preaching of the Lord’s messageby his true serv- intcn4ty, for that mightiest of battIcs sv ift ly tlril\\S
ants since .Jcsas’ days in the UC+. Jl is followers hare cvcr ncarcr and the work bcforc then is frc%t, \vllcrcLils
always been “witncs~s unto tnc, both in Jcruqalem, the workers at present are few. To say tllat Artnaqc4-
and in all Jud:ua, and in Samaria, and unto the don is far off is mcrcly cxprcsuiug the ol)ittiou of man ;
uttermost part of the earth”. (Acts 1: S) Ncvcrthc- it is speakit):: arbitrarily, out of human shortsi:lll(~~l-
Icss, ttic witncbss-messagehas tnkcn cffccf, and likc- IICSS and without the due considcrntiotl al’ the SCI i])-
wise the witmIss to(lay is taking cffcct with marked turcq and thu prcscnt proqrcss of Jchovnh’s work.
visible results. After tlic witiicw “lhcn shall tlic end 111 the prophet JTtlg:?iIi 'S day th lhlclitcs t!lnt
come’ ’, SOYSthe Jlornd.--3lat.t. 21: 14. lacked faith in Jehovah ant1 that fcilrcd tli(* cq~l)ositiotl
In the following: saying of ttic Lord lie cvid(Mly of the cncmy said: “The tiiti(L is not coinr, tlic tirnc
rcfcrs to the grclat “day of 5&0~11”, when (:otl’s that the Lord’s house ShcJllld h built.” (J~:IK. 1: L!)
kingdom is cstabtishcd ulylcr (:ocl’s dear Son and Concerlliiig ttic prcscnt t irne the Srripturc9 do not
thcrc is a transition from the dcalti-dealing rule WqllC ttl:lt wticn t IlC rvith-iwcs Of totl,Jy ill’t? lN~l’c)JT
of Satan to lhc life-giving mill~~iiiiial reign of US thCIl WC ShOllll~ ktlO\V that th? bntt~c of’ .\l’J11:1~~~1~~~~)11
Christ Jesus. The 140rtl Jesus said: “I seek not mine is yCt fJU Off, but, C(~Jltl’ilri\~~iSe, WC StlOU~tl t)c ~o~~v~t~wd
own glory: there is one [that is, Jehovah] that scck- that it is iicar, and hcncc thorc slionltl lo coti\c~ic~n1 iolls
cth [to glorify mc ii1 IIis kingdom] ant1 ju(l@h [from diligence, rarlicst activity and s(9*iolls a1)1)lir;ltion 1,~
1918 onward]. Verily, verity, I say urlto you, If a man Jehovah’s wilncrscs. l’t~cp slJould tnow :IIIM~ I\ itlJ
keep my saying, hc shall never SW dcnth. . , . Al~ra- tt1c Lord’s \wJl~k, “iIs wiw, rcdocming tllc 1inl(b,Iw~*;Jll~e
ham rcjoiccd to SPCmy day: ant1 IIP saw it, and was the days arc evil”; and iicvcr \VClT tllC 11ilyS IIlOI’C
gh~tl.” (John S: 50, 51, 56) “\\rhosocver livcth and evil. “\~l~crc’Corc he yc not unwise, hIIt 111i~lw.4 ;ind-
beticvctlr in me shall ncvcr die.” (John 11: 2G) Jt is ing what f hc will of t lie Loi*tl is. “-l{pli. 5: 3.?-I7.
also written: “For whosocvcr shall call upon the name Iti+i*ctl wisdom says: “SCM thou a mat1 dilizcnt
of the ILMI shall IJC s;~vcd.” (Kim. 10: 13) To bclicve in his busincs? [as a scrvnllt of the l,orcl] ? IIC 41,111
in the King Christ Jc’sus, and to kerp his saying, and stand before Icings; he shall not stand ~~~~I’oJx~JII”;IJI
to calf upon the nnmc of Jrhovah for salvation, the mcn [or, ohscurc twi1 (nwrgin)] .” (1’1~0~.22: !!!))
Jonadah class must hear the ~ncssngc of Jehovah and Those now dilig:cnt in the Lord’s lmrinc% ;I!‘(’ f IiC 0Ji1 s
his kingdom dcclariilg vctigcance to Jehovah’s ot~pos- to stand npprovcd before The Kings, J~~hovatl and
ers alit1 salvation and pcacc to “men of good will” Christ Jesus. They do not. hare the nlJpr(Jvili, Jior C.IW
tov;ard Jchorah nlld Iris King. they for the approval, of the pOlitiP;lt, fiJldJlci:ll ?JJd
Jehovah’s channel for Jonadabs to hear is his or- religious rulers of Ihis world. Such rulc.rs, llto~lglt
ganization of witncsscs, the ‘feet-mcmbcrs on earth lofty in Satan’s organization, arc at most “nic:in
of the body of Christ. In proof of this the inspired men ’ ‘, that is, common, ClVCril~C men, of EJXil flCSl1
apostle writes: “110~ then shall thry call on him in and under condemnation to death. The 1~~1’s cliligcbnt
whom they have not believed? and how shall they ones do not permit thcm:iclvcs to he t:llicIl into ttlc
believe in him of whom they have not heard? and service and organization of such worldlin!;<, but they
how shall they hear without a preacher? And how arc taken into somrthin, (7 far higher, into the covc-
shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is nant for the kingcloni of hravcn, and they have to do
writtrn” ; and then the apostle quotes frotn Isaiah thcreforc with the hi.gliest govcrnmcnt, the, o~ity riglIt-
52: 7, which reads: “TIow beautiful upon the mouli- ful government, Jehovah’s, by Christ Jc~s.
tains [of God’s kingdom] are the feet of him [the The Devil, nom for some years cast o\Jt of hwvcn,
Christ] that bringcth good tidings, that publishcth knows that “he bath but a short time” (1:~. 12: 12).
peace; that bring&h good tidings of good, that publish- and hence he shows no slJJ g~isllncw nor intlill’crctlce
eth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God rcign- nor Slacking up. Neither should Jehovah’s witncsqes.
SWTEYBER 1, 1936 271

It would be foolish and unscriptural now for anyone the time is short for the prospective Jonndabs to wash
acquainted with Scripture to say that the Devil has their roh~s and make thorn white in the blood of the
riot a short time, but the battle is yet far away. If the Lamb and to grasp palm branches and before all
Devil knows the shortness of his own time, Jehovah’s Satan’s world to salute Jehovah, who sittcth upon the
witncsxs should likewise know that their time is also throne, and the Lamb Christ Jesxs.
short to do the work before Armageddon starts. Also (To be contmued)


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7: 151~ttt
fV\‘EST AUSTRALIA Tumtt l<CiSlA Hu I~:l.il~.~l
Kalgw~~lio G-KG Su 7 :OOpttt su G:301Jm Su 7::iO~Jl’l
Dct roit \\‘.J)t Au 1O:W:ttn
Northntn 0..ts1 su 7:oIi~JIlJ ARKAS%S K:ll:ll1l:L7oo \VIi%O su 8 :!5:tm
l?crUl ci-MI. f&t 7:OO~‘tt’ II& Sp’@t IWIIS Su 10:3~.m Su 9:0Lj:lrn su lO:~;anl
J.%ELGIUi+I Bnkcrsf ‘tl \\‘c~XAISU IO ::ilj:t~. F’pusFnlls liC;DI~: Su 1O:OOnm
\\‘:~lloni:i-l~l,i1na 15spcranrc su 1 : 15pm MU 7 :00p11 St1 l:.lj[“‘L Sll 7 : 1;5ptn
(201.7 III) \\‘e 7 : OUam El Ccntto ICXO Su lO:llll::~~, iVin’npol~* \YI)GY Hu 9:3O:u~~
su 12:1;1JtJl Su G:-IJf~ut su 2 :OOpm \vc 6: 15pm
CANADA Eurckn ICIE11 Nu IO: l.~:tut BIJS.SJSSJt’t’I
ALBERTA IIattmsb ‘g \VFOK Hu 1 :OOI~ni
Cdgmy CFCN su 5 :45p1Il Sri 3:3Ulbm $ 5 :::fJ~“Jl
Su l:J.$nl S 7:Xi~ftJ SXert(ll:ln \\‘COC :S”, lO:OOnrn
BRITISH COLUMBIA O:tkland K11OW kt 10 :OO:Im su r).u-
XeIo~mt CIiOV Su 1:4.$m sll 2 :oo~‘lIl su 7 :ooI’tn Y. dJ1’“’ su 6:3npln
NOVA SCOTIA Tu 9 : 0O:ttit TU 2 : ooptn MISSOURI
Sydnry CJCB Su 9 :OOpm Tu 11 :0011m \Ve 8 : IjIjnt Col~mil~~n IiFl{G Su 10:::Oarn SOUTtl I).\I;OT.\
Fr 9: IJjnn S:i 10 : OUI’ru su I :::OJ’m Sll 2:4;jmt Picrrc KGE’S $11 I U : 0O:rJn
ONTARIO C%J,ORADO St. Jorl!pll I<IW~ su 10 : no:LJll
Coh:& CKZIC Su 3 :OOpm Cd’0 Spr. KVOR Su IO:-l>am su 3 :::Olml su 6:3upIll
llnniilton CKOC Su 10 : 3o:tn1 su 2:30pn1 su 4:::oplll NEBRASKA
Su 1:3Opm Su 8:OUpm Durnngo Klt:P Su 1 :O(Ipnt Lincoln liF.111 Su 9:Xnm
Gt cclcy Kl’KA No 9 :xl:un XEW BA~II’SJJIRE
CUBA MO 1 :OOpn a10 G:?~p
COSNECTICUT su 3:lo~ml Su 7:IOpm
Spanish MO 1:15ptn N.Brit:ttn WNIX Su 8:Onntn
Cnmqucy CXJF Su 11 :4.&m N&V JERSLY
Mu 10 : OOam Asbury 1’.
Su 9 :OO:tm \\ c’.\P Su 12 :-Qnt
Harnna CXQ
Spanish Su 5:3npm DISTRICT OF COLUJIBIA su ? :‘l.ipnt su 9 :OOp
Santa Cl ‘a (XIII Su 11 : 15ntn Washington \rOL Su lO:O(Jnm Can&n \\ C-W Jlo 2 :::Opm
(1st am1 Otl ISwtd:tys) su I : 00~‘“’ su 7 : 15prJJ MO 0 :::0p111 \\‘C ‘:3l~)Jln
Spanish Su 11 : OU:un I~LORJDA Fr 2 :30~n11 Fr 9:::S)prn
Spanish Th 11 :Otittn Lakeland WLAIi Su 9:OO:tru Xc\vxrk \VflI3T Su 9 ~“3sm
(1st and 3d Thurstlnys) Su 12 :30ptn su 6 :wpm su G: 25pm su 9 I&m

SEPTEMBER 15, 1936

Final Bat110 Forrshadowed
Questions for Study
BE STILOSD,nso WORK (contiuued)
117 Adarris Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U.S.A. T III8 wrnol
the people
is pubbbhed for the purpose of enabling
to know Jehovah God and 111s purpqsej as
expmsed in tile l~lble. It pubhshes tilblc instructlou
specifical!y designed to illcl Jehovah’s witnesses. It nrrang;s
3. F. R~;TIIEI:FOED PresuJent 11’. E. VAX &fUCCCII Secretary systematic Btbla study for tts readers and supplies other btcr-
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and atuxo to aid in such studies. It pubbshes suttablc xuatcrlal
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instluc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isrriah 541.3. tion in the Scrtpttnes.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
Tl IE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH anccs. It is entirely free and scparato from all patties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH iq the only trttc God, is from everlasting or other worldly orgaottitions. It is wholly and nltttout
to e~olnslmg, the Malicr of heaten and earth and the (;lver rescrvntlon for the kmgdorn of Jehovah God under Christ
of lifo to his crcntures; that the Logos was the be,rrmmng of 111s Beloved Kutg. It IS not dogmatic, but in~~tos careful
his crLution und ltis active agent in the creation of all thutgs; and crItica cxnminatlon of its contents in the light of 1110
tltat tho Logos is now tlto Lord Jesus Cl11ist in glory, clothed Bcrtpturcs. It does not mdulgo tn controversy, nnd its col-
w\Ith all power in heaven and earth, and lhe Chtef Executive umns uro not open to person:tlities.
Oficcr of Jcltovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, ctcatcd perfect YEARLY SCU~CR~T~ON PUCE
man ior the c:rrth and plncrd him upon it; that man willfully
disobcycd Grd’s law :tud itas scntcnced to death; that by
re:\liOn of Ad.ttn’s nrong ilCt all men aro born smners and
without the right to ltfc.
THAT JESUS was tttado Dumon, and the man Jcvus suf-
foled death in ortlcr to pror1ur.c lhc ransom or tellctrlptivo
price for a!1 ntanktntl; th:tt Cod raise11 up Jesus tllrinc and
exalted him to heaven al~ovc et c*y c~c:tturc anal above every
na~ne and clot!loc! ltirrt \‘r ith all power ::JI~ autltortty.
that Christ Jesus is the Cltirf Ol!i~*c*t Ilrcrcof and is the
rtp,lrtful Jim!: of t!lo worl~l; tint Ilto anotnlcrl a1111fatthful
followers of Clttist .JVHIIS ato chiltIJc~u of %ton, mcn~bcrs of
Jchovah’~ organtzatlon, :~ntl xre ItIS ,~Il,iC~SSCS wltwr duty JtUd
)rivtlcgo it i,, to tcst~fy to the supJ(‘nt:t(‘y of .J~hovah, dccktro
b 11s l~urpos~s toward tttanklncl as 1%xprcspcd in the l~~!~lo, and
to bear 1110 fruits of 111~ kin:;tlutu brforo all who ~111 hear.
TtlAT T!1E \Y/ORI.D has cnd(~tl, nr111lhc I,ord Jesus Clttist
h?s brcn pl:lcrad by .Jc110~:1h upon Ihis throne of ttuthol tty,
has oust01 Satan from ttc*nr*-n aml is proccrding to tho
‘-s::lhhShJJt,~Jlt of Go11‘8 l.in~lloJn on earth.
TIIAT 7‘111’ RELIEF anI1 blessings of tho proiJlrs of earth
cnu c~mw only by an11 l!trour$t .Jr+lrn:t!~ ‘s klrtg~lotn under
Christ wl&!t ttas now bra<utt ; that tllc: Lord’s nt,\t Clrrnt
art i3 the drstruction of S*ttnn’s org:ntti/.tlion and tlto cwtnb-
lishntcnt of ri~tttcotts~tesa In the (321ttt, and that unilt*r the
kiu~tlom all those wlto will obey its righteous laws shall livo
on eartlt fu~c\er.


hepare nwv for the “ lklttlt, Shout” Tc2tttnlmy and be ready For your homes and utlwr pktccs, to call nttwtion of :111
for (Ito prrttrtl IJlptntJ,~ 0<totx!r 3 and C,N~tlMtllt~ Ullhl Oclo- PflSScJY-by to the hluK:t!onl f,~csXt&C whtch .!~!II,\:I!I h:ts ,‘I,-
bcr 31. The !)ook Iitc’hts, crnt:urttng a cotttiurttng tm!~s:tpc i’or trusted to you to tlis!>cn5t‘. ‘lhs stpl IS attract1\c. The l\l~1d111~
tltust: of good nil!, is now pul~ttst~cd ttt utanp htngung:tr, aud 011 t!lC l,lWltCl! ?i?Us (7111 !JC (‘!l:lll@d :tt SJIl:lt! Wht, Sk! t!lo
tttis will tic prcsctttcd to tltc pw~~te on ti unitorrlt cottt~ihtmn society \5 111 sul~ply sttrh changrs rrom timu to ttrrica 50 tlt:tt.
of t\scuty-li\c cents to aid tn the publtc:ttton :tttd further dts- tttcy \\111 he uultorm thrc~t~~ttout all the earth. ‘I’hc S0cltltv w111
tiibtttion of the ktngdotu JJICUW~C. l~~~t:tiled tnstrttettons will fill t!lC OldCls Rt J,I1CC, dH!)!JCt, t0 ally St!dJCW 111 t!li. !iJl,tCd
appear in the laformclnt. &Ike all 1 our arran~ettlcnts tn ad- Slates, at, $1.30 each, renttt 1:tnce to ttrscoulpanv ot~l~~r. If poz-
vhncc. ilaw your tN?ltOJy, your suppllc’s, sound equl[m1Cllt, siblc, orc!t!r in lots of two at least, as t!l?y arc !l:t~~kl~d t\to ttt a
and uvcrytlttng else, ~c:~dy. At the en3 of the peiiotl report the carton. l’ltcly conic coit~!~l~~to55tth cortl, 11:tstter, clt-rtttc bit111 and
results to tltc Society’s ofice, sign. Gtou!+ shotth! ortlor these thtottgh their cotilpany scr\ant,
sending in me order for a!1 required by the group.
The Society now manufactures and has to offer a hght.wc?&t TRANSCRIPTION MACIIIXES AND SOUNU C.\ltS
pt~onog:laptt of new dcsictt, \\h~rtt is 14 by 13 by 5 tncltcs in sloe,
and rolered with brown cloth ttnJ htrvmg rounded cotncrs. It The Socloty constructs rd urrctublcs porta!)!c t t:lu~cr~!)tton
weigtts 9 pounds 13 ounces, whlrh 1s 51 poutttls h;tlter than m:K!!nnos Ut our own f’uctory at I17 Adams St., J5rotrklytt, S. 1.
the plc\ious ntodcl manufactured by the Yoclety. K’hth tlte tltreo ThrSo tnachlnes ttre %~~IlJl~~IV~Ulld~ and OpCJakd from a &volt

phonograp!t discs tvtrich can be cwrncd in tt, it RCI$S 17 pounds net-cell !,nttcrp. Every m:tchu~c ts turnlshed complete n lttt the
G OllJlrCS. The voluntr of sound is Just as stron;: ns tht ot rile
battery at111a battery rha~ger, so that it can bc !Lrpt up to tts
preliotts moq!?l, ant! the tone is of the !Xst qttallty. As 8htpped full strength. ‘l’lus ~nnctilne cm be offered at $100, cotnplcte,
out front our tactory, tlie pttono~ral~tt is ttmetl propcrlv, at to brethren tn the Liultrd s-tatcs.
78 r.p.m., *tnd
L sltottld bc checked flom time to CJme. This new Tlte sound car equtpmrnt tncludrs tlte above and, adlbtion:tt!v,
model, incltttltng three discs, ts oEetcd on a contrlbutlon of a poner nlllpllficr and a horn wtth tnounttngs for the top of
$10.00; \Vtthout Ike thrco discs, $S.OO. Remittance sttould your cilr. l’1.e rtttire sound car equipment wlttt nucrr~phont at-
accompany orders, Also specify the particular discs wanted bkJ,l~Jlt cd,, bc It:ttl for $175. n’rtte to the Sjot’;ct\ tar details.
VOL. LVII SEPTE~IBER 15. 1936 No. 18



“In that day it da11 be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not; md to Zim, Let not Urine 1w~td.sbe slnck.”
-2epk. 3: 1G.

J EIIOVAII caused his prophets to write aforetimc hand from thy servants; come up to us quickly, and
concerning the things that must come to pass in saw us, and help IN; for all the kings of tllc Amorltes
this day, that is to say, in the day of Jehovah.
These prophecies hc now unfolds for the aid, comfort
that dwell in tllc mountains arc gathered together
against ~~.“--~Jo~h. 10 : 6.
and hope of the faithful remnant. (Ram. 15: 4) The d Joshua was encamped \\itil his army at Gilxal,
elect remnant SW this clearly and will refuse to be which name mc’ans “rolling”, and siqnifics the 1)l;icc
turned aside or caused to become ncgligc!nt by any where the “reproach of Egyl)t ” (whirl! rcproa(~l1 was
trick the Ucvil mny put forth. The remnant trust in due to worldliness) had hccn 1~1lcd off *Jcllovatl’s pro-
the Lord and wknowlcdgc him in all their ways and plc by the cirwmcision of the people of l\ra(~l. Jcho-
therefore have the full awrance that God is directing vali rolled away such ~ct~Iw~cti from them I~WilllS~ thy
their pathway. Some ambitious and covetous man, obcycd his coliim;lritlrncnts to cleanse thcmsrlws hcforc
wise in his own conceits and desiring others to think cclcl~rntin~ th(: mcrnorial. (dash. 5 : 2-9) T,ilrcwisc t:od
him lcarncd and wiw, now says: “2%~ Watclrtou~er rolled away 111~rcproarli of ttw world from his fail h-
contains only the opinion of a man, and what iq staled ful remnant Iwc71use they have ol)cgeJ his command-
in 2’1~~ Wnlcl~tozccr is childish reasoning.” The pur- ments to complc.tcly separate t tiwwclvc~s from tlic
pose of such StiltCIIleIlts is to prejudice others against world and to wllolly dcv’otc ttwmsclvcs to Jclkovah
Tke Il’crtchtowcr and turn their attention to the sclf- and his kingdom.
conccitcd “wise” man. cut the faithful remnant know 5 As the Gilwonitcs nppcalcd to Joshua for help, so
that Jehovah and Christ ,Jcsus arc their Teachers, and now the Jonxlahs or the great multitude we that .Jc-
that they are not being taught by tlic opinion of ail3 hovati’s witnwhw are wholly tlcvotctl to (:od ; arid,
man, and they rrfusc to follow a cunningly devised ncctlin:: help, they aplbly to Jchov:~ll ‘s witnosscs to
and uttered speech of an ambitious man. As every OS bl’illg t0 theI food lllilt is l~cc~csS;ll’~for thcbir sU\tC-
knows his master’s c&h, so every one of Jehovah’s nancc, protection and life. The il]JI)(‘tll of tllc C~ilKwllites
little ones knows that their spiritual food comes from to Jostlua corrqwnds to tllc 1~01~1~of good will rvl!o
their Father’s trcanure house. They will study lhc cry unto Christ Jc’sus, the (Iwater .Joshna, to dcalivcr
prophccics and receive the unfolding thrrcof from t tic them from the abominations of “Cl~1~istc1~do111” in
Lord with great joy and satisfaction and will give all order that the pcoplc of good will ma;: he prcwtwd
pratse to the hcarcnly Father and to the Greater unto God. (Nzck. 3: 4) Now Jcl~ovnl~‘s instruction to
Joshua. his wltncsscs is so plain and uneynivocal that. tlwrc is
*Those of honest heart who have sat at the feet of no cscusc to misuntlcrstand t ilc same. The r(*mtlant
the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy and their allied clergy, mnst ohcy by carrying ttic mes+agc of the king~lotti to
and listened to the twaddle of those selfish men, hart all who arc hungwing for and seeking to k,low the
been robbed of their just rights and have been dc- trnth.
wived and kept in the dark, and now by the gr:tcc GThe cry of the Gibconitcs to Joshua was: “Come
of the Lord the time has come for their mental under- up to u$ quickly, and saw us, and help us.” This part
standing to bc cnlightcned and they are swing that of the picture clearly show thilt tl:c w014r in httalf of
help for them can come only from Jehovah God, by the great multitude is opposcrl hy the combined etforts
and through Christ Jesus. Note how ~11 Jehovah of the conspirators, to wit, the Roman Catholic JIicr-
long ago pictured this very part of his work. archy and their allies, all of whom are acting: nntlcr
* As God dircctcd the Gibeonites to turn to Joshua, the command of clog, the chief olficcr of the Dwil, and
so now the Lord directs those of honest heart to turn that it is to the remnant an&r the command of the
to Christ Jesus: “And the men of Gibeon sent unto Greater Joshua that God has assigned the work of
Joshua to the camp to Gilgal, saying, Slack not thy carrying the fruits of the kingdom to the great multi-
2 75
276 ~ROOIiLYS, N. Y.

tude and that Jehovah’s witnesses must bc diligent There Cod showed plainly that the work in behalf of
in obeying this commaudmcnt. “Jerusalem” is a name the antitypical Gilxoniles, the gwat multitude, must
of Jehovah’s organization, which gives praise to the be done quickly and without slacking the hand. This
Lord, and those of the great mnltitude praise Jehovah work the Lord defines in another place as marking
saying : “Salvation to our God which sittcth upon the them in the foreheads, and of reaching out tl:c hand
throne, alld unto the Lamb.” (Xcv. 7 : 10) As the to take them into Jehovah’s chariot or orqallization.
Gibconites of old were besieged by the ~IWXII.~, so the That work must be done quickly and not be permitted
modern-day Gibeonite.s, the people of good v:ill, arc bc- to slow down. (2 Iii. IO: 15; Ezek. 9: 4) In order to
sicycd by the cnemics of God’s orgailization; and for be diligent and watchful the remnant must he on the
the cncouragcment of the people of good will who are lookout for the movcmcnts of the enemy that would
seeking to serve and worship Jrhoral~ hc says, “Fear tend to entrap the remnant.
thou not” the cnc~ny ; and likewise Jchornh says to lo This hgpothctical case is here stated to illUstr;lte
the remnant of Zion, who are of liiv capital organixn- the point. One who has been for years in the srrvicc
tion under the Greater Joshua : ‘Fear not the cncmy ’ ; of the Society and frcqucntly addresses comp:\llicc; of
and furthermore adds the command to the remnant: God’s pcol~lc from the platform, and who ha3 rent1
“Let not thine hands lx slack.” (Zcph. 3: 16) That what the 1Vatcli Tow3 publications hart to hay con-
does not sound at all like waiting for a more favor- cerning the great multitndc and the pricIoncl<, and the
able time to carry tlrc mcssagc of the kingdom to the cities of refuge, speaks scornfully of all tlwsc pub-
great. multitude, as self-constituted “wise men” ad- lishctl Statc~mcuts concerning the prophwics ir1ld sag \ :
vise. On the contrary, it shows that the work of the “Theft is childish rtYMJllilig ; the real work of l!~c gi.c*at
lWlUlil~?t now must lx: tlollc with all diligence alid witli- multitude ~111IJChome twenty years in the fr~tuw, and
out any letting up. It is now a war bcrtwecn the rem- not now; the statcmcnts in Il’lle Il’ntclrf~zw~’ arc the
nallt and the cncmics of God, illld the weapon which mere opiuiou of a man, and what is said abolit IJ~O~J~-
must nom be Used ltv tllc lTlllllil~lt in this warfare is ccy is chlldish rcasoninp, and what we iwtl now 15
the “h\\~rd of tlic sliirit, whic~h is the \Vord of (iotl”, to get uii(lcrstnnding, nIld tlicn get rcatly for tlic Wc,l ii
aUd 1vlric~hllicy must uso by I~oltlly and frarlcssly tle- later 011. ” \\‘hilt \\-OUlll IX file tClld(~ll~~ 01 Sll~ll hjJCkTl1 /
cl;irinz: tlw king~lom nu.w:l~c of truth. \Yllen is tllilt The cfi’cct OJJ thosc M110give heed thcrcto \\c,ul~l ~JCto
work to IJC done? Shall it bc dono now or l:itert Jc- cause tlwin to sht!k IIIC IliIJld, to CC~W to P;II ry 111~:
ho\ ah iinswcrs by hi’i prol)het, It hli:~ll IJC d~~iic “iii kingdom mwage to t lw l~col~lc now, to sit 1?on11 :IIIJ
t11at.day “, that is, the clay of .Jrhoval~, WIICU the Lol~l be at (‘asc, and to wntcl1 for a ‘11101’c favol*:llJ!l~’ tlrllt~.
Tails iS iIt thC t(‘lIllJlC SO~J:l~iltill~ tllC ll~ltiOllS. It is All who a1’c IiUntinc: for ali cscUsc to Cc9.W1llc.ir \\.O!.li
iiow, nt the prwcnt time, that the “othw slwcl)” of the ~vtndd S&c 11]NJii IhiS iIs a ,juS~ifk:lfioll for till’ir r(J\ll w
Lord rnwt have an oplwrtuUity to Iwar 11w tenth and of hction. 1Yhat is statcfl in the ahovt: lt)l,~3thctic;~l
mUst t:l!,c adv;int:tg:c of 1hat 0pportUiiity and prove case IKlS aCtUiLlly OCClII’lWl, ilIlt SOlllC Of tllP lJl*~~lll~~~l1
thcinsclvcs for Clod :rUtl for his kingdom. have lwn greatly disturbed by lTilWI1 Ol’ it, nlul 11;JvC

7 Thcrc is no CscUsc Sor tlic rcmiiant to bc entrapped wittcn Icttcrs to the \\‘ntclr Tower to 1iJlOW $1Itat lo 110.
JIOWby the l)cvil, and wc have the aswrancc lhat the With swli a subtlc tric!; of the adversary IJ( lng l’ut
clcct will not IJCCIltralJpCd. \Ye iliT fully \v~rllCil con- forward Y’ILc \l’cltcktnt~r must SOUIK~tllc! ali1r111,HIS-
ccrning the wily fw:, and “we arc not ignorant of his ing wnrnillg to (:od’s l~cople that they bc Iicft iiirlu-
devices”. (2 Car. 2: 11) Those who arc now on the cnccd by such fallacious slwc~l~. If it wre IIIC~IY~~to
alert well know that the J)evil is trying cvcry possible answer an nrguincnt 1’1lc Il’frM~tozccr noUld 1~1:s it
mean? to defeat and nullify the work of Jehovah’s unnoticed; Init this is ail efl’ort of Satan to hfwl Cl0~1’s
faithful n itncsws. The remnant arc the “children of pcoplc and hinder his \vOL’li, and the faithful \\ ill Iwt
light” and must be on the alert, walking in the light shun to somld the warning. (1%. 50: 18) The \Vwl
and doing as commanded : “Thewforc let USnot sleep, of God is the guide for his pc’oplc. (1’s. ll!): 10~5) No
as do others ; but let us watch and lx solar.“-1 Thcss. man is the tcachcr of the I,ord’s anointctl, ant1 the?
5: G. need no man to tcnch them, l~ecn~sc Christ ,Jcws i%
8 Joshua fully appreciated the fact that 11~was in at the tcml)lc. (1 John 2: 27) If l’lte Il’,llC/~lC,?LC/
the midst of the CJICIII~ and that the Gibconitcs WCFC publishes anything that is not supported by the Scrip-
the only proplc of that land that had shown a disposi- turcs, do not give heed thereto. 2’Ae M’crtcl~l~~wcr (‘II-
tion to be friendly with the Israelites. Ile could not dcavors at all time% to “prove all things” IJ~ the \\‘orcl
wait until the confctlcratc armies had destroyed Gib- of God. The faithful anointed ones wrll lalow w1lcthc.r
con, but must act without dclny : “do .Joshua awcntlcd the points published are supported Ly the \\‘ord of
from Gilgal, he, and ill1 the pcoplc Of war with him, God or not.
and all the mighty men of valour’.“-Josh. 10: ‘7. I1 Joshua knew that the number of the cncruy arn&
e Joshua, who stands for Jesus, there set the proper far outnumbered hit own army; but he was tltcre at
guide and rules of action for the remnant, that they Gilgal as the servant of Jehovah God and r< ady a~~1
must move with swiftness and be always on the alert. willing to carry out the orders from the LoJ,~, alld !w
SE~USJER16, 1936 2i7

game heed to the Lord’s commandments: “And the that it is the Lord’s time to carry the messagefor-
J;ord said unto Joshua, Fear them not ; for I 11:lve de- ward. They go, and do not stop to listen to the plati-
livered them into thine hand; there shall not a man tudes and high-sounding speech of someself-importaut
of them stand before thee.“-Josh. 10 : S. man who thinks that he has some “understanding”,
l2 Likcwisc those in Christ Jesus, who are at the but in fact has none. c?r’om Jchowh keeps the remnant
temple and henw a part of the Greater Josl~ua, fully informed in advance, that they may not be surprised
apprcciatc the fact that the enemy far outnumbers arid overrcachcd by the enemy, and he leads them by
the rcmnont; but the business of the remnant is to the hand of the Greater Joshua so that the cncmy can-
obey orders from the Lord, and therefore the Lord not catch the remnant off guard. Those who read 2’lle
says to the remnant, who now go out to face the con- IVatclttower with a critical and faultfindin:: spirit,
fedcra ted enemy : “Fear them not therefore : for there who murmur and complain at what the Lord gives
is nothing covered, that shall not be rcwalcd ; and hid, his people, can have no understanding of God’s pur-
that shall not be known. And fear not them which pose. (Dan. 12 : 10) It is just such that the enemy usc.~
kill tile body, but are not able to kill the soul; but to deceive the witnesses of Jehovah; but those faithful
rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul at~d witnesses milt feed upon the Lord’s Kord and be
body in 1iCll. But whosoever sllall deny mc before men, guided by it and, whcu they see the explanation of a
him will I also deny bcforc my Father which is in prophecy, know whether the same is accordmg to the
hcavcn. “--Natt. 10 : 26, 2S, 33. Word of God or n0t, and then they have uo trouble
l3 Jchov:~h has commissioned his witnesses and sent to stay in lint of march against the cncmy.
them forth to bear the fruits of the kingdom before lo It appears that the conf’cderatcd enemy that had
the people. The witnesses 60 as commanded bccausc laid siege to ~hcon was about to 1Jcgin the filial :wadt
thy love Go<], and fur this reason they do not fcilr upon the city, wlwn Joshua arrived with 11~sarmy.
the CMWJ~. They give heed t0 the Scriptural instruc- That was a critical hour for the Gibeouitcs, likely
tions from the Ilord, to wit: “Hcrcin is our love made their last stand; othcrwisc they would not have sent
pcrfcct, that wc may IlilVC lJotd~lessin the day of judg- SW11ill1 lll’~P~lt ilJJJJC:ll t0 ~~OSJlll:l. 1kLVin:: VOJ~lI~t:ll’lJy
mrnt ; bwauw as he is, so are wc in this world. There lhccd thcmsclvcs unchr Jo41ua and bcc0mc scrvullts
is no fear in love; but pcrl’cct love caslctli out fear; of him aud IIIC 01her Jsroclitcs, the GilJc0llitcs mllat
bcc:~uw Jcar hnth tormcut. ire that frwcth, is not ll;IVC h!U tlWsl ill:: 111 C>(JdillId in his l~~~J~~~~~~lltiil.I~C.
made pwfcct in low.” (1 Jollll 4: 1’7, IS) No man or They 100kcd:IIK~INJJN~I’or dclivcrancc from the cucmy
company of men can now starid successfully agaiilst at the hands of JO~JW ~JVXL~.YC tl1c.y were firmly al~itl-
lho Imxl md ~~rc\~nl tlw worlc of the Lord’s pco~Jlc ill: by illld JWl~l’Ol’~llhl~ their JJilI’t Of thC COVCtl~lIlt WJliC~Jl
from iwing doiie. Tlic anointctl rcmnunt being pcrfwt they had n1~1tlcit J’CW(luys prcviuus with JOS~IU;L n11c.I
in love toward (:od arc wliolly dcvotcd to him, and, his peoJ)Jc. ‘hc Gibconitcs IillC\V that if they sur-
1~3’his graw, they will do what tlicy arc commnndccl rcndcritd to the confcdcr;itcd cucmy they woultl lacticfit
1Jy the l,ord to do, rcgardlcss of the efforts of mail Iiutliing but would then be salJjcctcd to tl~:structic~ri
or tlcvils. ilt thC lltl~ld Ol’ JOS~IWI, ~Jc’WluSC!
tJlCy bfliCVCt1 that 1 JlC
I* With full confidence in the Lord Joshua lost no (fad of J~Js~~w had commis\iollcd him to SLIIJ~ILW
time in getting his army on the march Likewise God’s Cauaan aiid that hc \\ ould do 5.0. Tlicir dcscrtioii from
1)coplemust, now low ii0 time in marching out with the the Isrnelitcs IJOIV would mwi certain destruction of
b~nticr of the Lord lifted high, niicl thy must mark the Gibeonitcs to which they had l~ecn dooincd l~cfurc
out tllc way for ttic ptoplc Of good will t0 go. (1X1. making their covenant with Joshua. (Josh. 3 : 2-l)
64: 10) Joshua did wt. 1~ tlown and sleep during the This part of the picture csartly fits the prcsc~ntcon-
night ancl wait for a ‘more fawrablc’ time next day dition of the people of good will toward God, who IJ~VC
to move, but, hc went immcdiatcly : “Joshua thcrcfore till<CIl the first step towards rcunititig tlicmsclrcs with
came wit0 them sutldcr~ly, and went up from Gilgal God’s organization. They arc no longer dcsircd l)y
all night.“-Josh. 10: 9. ihe natious of this worhl, but arc hated by lhc world-
lz Throughout the ~~iqllt hc pushed his army rapid- lings because those confedcratcd powrs stand for
ly, and arrived before hc was expected. On a previous Satan and are against all ~110 are for Cod aud his
occasion it seemsto 1lilVC taken three days to cover the kingdom. 1’1~0~0who have turned to the 1~4 arc
same ground, in moving the army, that Joshua covered marked for death by Satan and his crowd. They have
that night. (Josh. 9: 16, 1’7) Joshua, swing the im- looked to God and Christ, and now they know that
portancc of quick action, made a forced march over a their salvation comes only from God and lby and
rocky couutry, and us a decitlcd a?rent or climb. through Christ Jesus.
Probably his men were faint, worn and weary, but, I7 What took place bctmccn Joshua and the other
they kept right on and rcnchcd Gibcon early, to ihe Israelites and the people of Gibcon up to this point
surprise of the enemy. There y;as no slacking of the was previous to the fight or battle at Gibcon. Sceiuz
hand on the part of the Israelites there. Lilrcwisc it that the people of the community of the Gibeonitcs
must be with the remnant of lhis day, that they see pictured the great multitude, while the Isr;lclitcs un-

der Joshua pictured Jehovah% chosen people who are altation among men. The remnant mill be guided by
now under the command of Christ Jesus, the events Jehovah God through his Word, and by his Chief
that came to pass up to this point picture what is to Officer, Christ Jesus, and, being so guided, will now
be done by Jehovah’s witncsxs before the battle of give heed to and joyfully obey the commandments
Armageddon is fought. It has pleased Jehovah to of the Lord.
cause to be written in his prophecy various pictures FINAL BATTLE FORESHADOWED
foretelling the events that lead up to Armageddon l8 Jehovah emphasizesthe truth time and again that
and of what Armageddon consists. Xl1 of these pic- he will fight the final battle against the enemy, and
tures show that the work to be done by Jehovah’s wit- which battle shall complctcly annihilate the cncmy and
nesses precedes the battle of the great day of God vindicate God’s name. Joshua, as a type of Christ
Almighty, and there is nothing in the Scriptures to Jesus, led the Israclitcs to Gibeon; and while tile
show that the remnant bear witness to the great mul- Israelites were there for war, the proof is overwhclm-
titudc after the battle of Armageddon, of which the ing that it was Jehovah who fought the battle to a dc-
battle of Gibcon was a type. The Watchtower has cisive end, Joshua being the visible lender : “And
frcqucntly stressed the point, and hcrc again repeats Jehovah discomfited them before Israel, and he slew
it, that the great objcctivc in tlw outworking of God’s them with a great slaughter at Gibcon, and chased
purpose is tllc vindication of his name and to that end them by the way of the ascent of Beth-horon, and
he first causes a witness to bc given to those who will smote them to AZ&ah, and unto 3Iakkcdah.” (Josh.
hear concerning his name and his mighty organization 10: 10, A.R.v.) The Israelites were thcrc and saw the
under Christ Jesus, and thcrcaftcr hc demonstrates his battle, but it was the Lord Jehovah God who did lhc
great power by destroying Satan and all those who fighting so cffcctualty. It was not tlic mcrc sudclc~i
align thcmselvcs with Satan. There is nothing in the arrival of Joshua and his litilc army that so frixhtencd
Scriptures to show that God has any purpose of ex- the confcdcrated cncmy and caused them to flee, but
alting some crcaturc and making that crcaturc’s name it was Jehovah who caused the enemy to gcststarted
great. Thcrc is nothing in the Scriptures to show that on the rout. Was that an expression of .Jchovnh’s
God now, in this day preceding Armageddon, selects anger against the cncmy 8 Was Jehovah mroth IVIWII
some man and assigns to that tnan “a great work that hc slew the bcsicgcrs of Gibconf IIc so states by his
hc must do”. Thrrc is no reason whr Ihc Lord should prophet, and says thilt 1~ will again rise up ognind
do such a thing, bc~~use the exaltaiion of men is an the enemy tind csprcss his allgcr; that “he shalt he
abomination in his sigllt. Wltcn a man in this day says wrottl as in the valley of Gibeon”. (Isa. 2s: 21) The
in ttic hearing of others, “I haw a special work to point hcrc is that when Jehovah begins to lukc action
perform, but my hands arc complctcly tied,” there is against the cncmy hc will do so in anger, as hc did
much ground to doubt the .sanity of that person. At when 1~ hcgnn the assault upon the confcdcratcd
least it S~IOM’S that tic dots not hnvc an understanding encmy that was attacking and bcsicging Gibcon. At
of the Scriplarcs. The Scriptures do not show that the first battle of GiLron Joshua was the visible lradcr.
God has singled out any man and given him “a special At the SWOI~ balttc of GitJcon King David WIS the
work to do” in this day, and ttwn causes that man’s visible lca&r against the enemy. 150th Joshua and
hands to he complctcly tied so that he cannot do his David pictured the Lord Jesus Christ, the grclat Lciltl-
assigned work. In fact, the prophecy of Obadiah cm- er, the Field ;\Larstl:ll and Esccutioner of Jehovah in
phasizcs this truth, that, zklc from the Lord Jcsns the final battle against the cncmy, “the battle oi” that
Christ, not one of the faithful servant class is idcnti- great. day of God Almighty.” Joshua was invincible
fied. Thcrc is absolutely nothing in the Scriptures to because hc was Jehovah’s servant and strictly ohcycfl
show that God used a man to foreshadow or picture God’s law and commandment ; and in this hc pictured
another man and his work. In fact, no man is used in Christ Jesus, who knows no defeat and who will win
the Scriptures to foreshadow the man Jesus. Joshua a signal victory at Armageddon.-Josh. 1: 5-9.
forcshadowcd Christ Jesus. The very thing that I8 That the first battle of Gibcon was Jehovah’s war
brou&t so much sorrow amoggst men was the covet- or fight against the enemy is made certain by 1t1c
ous desire of Satan to be c-salted. If any man makes Scriptures. Joshua made a forced march and brou:rht
it known that he is specially rhosc~l of the Lord to do the chosen pcoplc of God to the place of battle, and
some specific work, w-e may know that such man is then ‘Jehovah discomfited the enemy, and Jchovoh
either weak in the mind or else being moved by the slew the cncmy with great slaughter’. (A.R.l’.) ‘l’lllls
spirit of Satan. The great issue to be determined is, began the great battle at Gibcon, and the great slaugh-
Who is supreme? The name of Jehovah must be and ter that rcsuttod caused the confedcratcd enemy to
will be vindicated. ntcn are of no importance so far flee. Jehovah (by Joshua his rcprescntaiivc) chased
as they are individually concerned. The remnant will the enemy to Beth-horon (meaning “110~s~ of hollolv-
keep this point clearly in mind, and will therefore ness ’ ‘, such as caves). The fight began at the city of
always know that it is worse than foolish to listen to Gibcon, but did not end there. The beginning of the
the claims of a man who is looking for honor and cs- fight broke the confederated stronghold, because those
fjEPTE.VLIEB 15, 1936 279

confederated forces broke up and fled from before the away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow
Lord. There is now a confederacy bei\rcen the re- the hiding place.” (Vs. 17) A ‘ ‘ tempest of hail ” is one
ligionist, commercial and political crowd to destroy thing, and “a destroying storm” another and far
Jehovah’s earthly organization. The be$ming of Ihe greater thing. The latter may be or may not be ac-
battle at the city of Gibcon may well picture the be- companied with hail. A great storm in which many
ginning of the battle of Armageddon, and which will hailstones fall would be a “destroying storm”.
destroy the religionists’ combine and break up the 23To be sure, hail is used in the Scriptures sym-
confederacy; but that is not the conclusion of the bolically to picture some other or more forceful power.
battle, for the reason that the conclusion shows the It is written, “Hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,
destruction of the entire wicked organization of Satan. which I have rcscrved against the time of trouble,
*OAt pale 287 of the book Riches this statement against the day of battle and war?” (Job 3S : 22’23)
appears: This “scc’ms . . . to indicate two distinctive “ ArJd there fell upon men a great hail out of licavcn,
parts of Armageddon: (1) That which accomplishes every stone about the weight of a talent; and men
the dwtruclion of hylJocriiica1 rcligionists ; and (2) blasphemed God because of the plague of ttlc hail ;
that which accoml~lishes the complete destruction of for the plague ttwreof was cwccding great.” (Kcv.
alI of Salan’s orqanization”. This statement is not 16: 21) In these tests “hail” is clearly symbolic of
intcndcd to he do$Jnalic, of course, because it is only cold and hard truths, wl~ich arc dcstructivc to lier.
a conclusion drwn from the picture. It does seem Iiuil is a ‘*sign” and a “wonrlcr”, that glorlfics .Je-
certain, liowcvcr, that tticrc is no period of time be- hovah and cshibits his power. (1%. 1-M: 7, 8; I:?(.
twccn the beginning, or first part, of Armageddon and !, : 18-33) It is .Jctlovah (:od who sends forth his IrutlJ,
the final part, in which tlwc is a witness work done rcvealiny aJid cn\IsiJJg to be ~JJWthJWd the InwIJiJJg 0C
for the great multitude. Jehovah plainly dcclnres that his prophwics, ilJld this he &JW iJJ the day Of J~~IIov;IIJ.
when tw ‘ twirlys to pass his act, his strange act’, it will The cold, hard truths csposc to view the lies that have
lw done in wrath as at Gibeon. (Isa. 2s: 21) The re- lot):: deceived llie I~colJle, and bring the liars iJJt0 tiis-
Iigionistu eonstitutc a powerful part of the confed- repute and dis!:rat*c. Jctwvnh WJL~Sforth his anointed
crttey or CJlliilJlW Itlilt now csists, :IIld \rllC!Jl that part M itricsses to ~~rof*liJiITJ his truth, ilnd by his trUttJ he
of it is tlcslroyctl it wilt seem very stranqc t0 others of swrc~ps away tllc lick4 ; IJJit wtirrc there is a great storJii,
Satan’s orqJJIiz;JtioJJ. The Scriptnrcs make it clearly dwinx which h:lil of large size J’:rlts, tlic hail nn~l I\ iJJcl
to optwar that after tlte dc\truclion of the old t(Jq!~tl~r WlJS:JtUte ZJ “tlwtro~ iux storm”, an<1 it, is
“\vhOre”, 11w1I the “IJ(w,” and the “~:~Isc prophet” the dcstroyiJl~ btorm ol’ Jdw\;111 that tlocs ttw dc-
arc laken and dcstroyw.l ilnd then the Devil gvcs clown st t uctive work. ‘~1~3~ words of tlcscript ion give: us
in coml)lcte defrat. HOJIW idea of tile manwr in u tJwh Jehovah CSJJL’P.WS
*I Jehovah was chasing the cncmy and they were his wrath against 1tic cnwiy. TlJc iinl)ortaJJt p0iJit I’or
fleeing, and white on the &ad run tllc Lord Jehovah ~OilSi&!~atiu~i, tlo\+(‘\ CI’, k that it iS ~ldJWatJ \vtlO t‘?(-
slew tt1rm. “,lnd it ~~IJJIC to pass, as they fled froJn t~rcsscs his atlqr alit1 that c~l~lwwd anger results in
twforc Israel, ant1 were in the going down to T:cth- dlwomfitmg and dcstruyin~ his cncmics.
11oroIi [ 10~~~ 13ct IJ-tioron] , that the L01d cast down 24The first battle of (IJ~J~oJI, when thr, forces were
glWlt, StOIlCs from hcawn up011 thcni UIltO .4ZckOtl, aiid led by Joshua, ~,a’; OJJC txittl~~, but it was not all fought
they diced: they wcrc more which dictl with hailstows at the city. The most tlcstructiw part of that bat tic
than they whom the children of Israel slew with the was alter the confc~lurntcd enemy l’orccs had &xl and
sword.“-Josh. 10 : 11. wcrc going down lo tlw ro&y country wlwrc ttw raves
** Those who survived that part of the battle which were sitdated, and it was tticn, while on the way, th:Jt
took place at the city of Gibeon secmcd to be at the the “destroying storm” of Jehovah overtook thu
time outstripping the pursurrs and apparently mak- cncmy. It was then that Jehovah cast down from heav-
ing a getaway from the sword, and then Jehovah 12~1 great stones, lwxtimably chunks of ice foriiwtl by
opened his batierics in hcavcn against them and slew many pieces of hail unitin: as they fell and lnuliill~
more than had l~ecn slain by the sword. In speaking larger pieces of ice, wtiic4i would easily kill a IJJ:IIJ
of the cspression of Jcl~ovnl~‘s wrath against the when Striking him. As an illustration of the cn’cct of
ciiemy his prophet ~nys : “Dchold, the Lord bath a hail the following is quoted fi wn the public tJrCSS:
mighty and strong ouc [the Greater Joshua, Christ “All unusual fall of gi$lUtie tiailstoncs is rotwt-
Jesus] ; as a tempest of hail, a destroying storm, as a cd from Johanncnburg, South Africa. They fell in
tempest of mighty waters overllowinc, will he cast nor~llcl’n Transvaal on February 1, iJIJd killed JiirJc-
down to the earth wifh the hand.” (Isa. ‘7s : 2, LX. V.) teen natives and Inany animals. -3. cloudburst in whi~‘h
This mighty and strong One mcntioncd uses his power three inches of rain fell in a i’cw minutes was followed
a’i a “tempest of hail”, nhich sweel~s away the refuge by ttic hailstones, many as big as grapefruit. ‘l’l~cy
of lies and destroys the liars, and then “a destroying covCrCd the! ground in the arca aff’cctcd to a (l(‘t)t ‘1 of
storm”, which does the complete slaving. In that ttlice feet, and many of tlx nnt ives who ncrc billed
same prophecy it is written : “And the hail shall sweep tlad to )JC dug wit Of tl’e ice. The UIJUSUa~ fWtUre

about the hailstones was that they were described as 12: 17 as the ‘old dragon’s attacking or making lvar
jagged pieces of ice instead of the smoothly rounded against the remnant’ ; and in this warfare the remnant
pieces. The largest hailstone of record is one seven- uses the Word of God as a weapon or scourge of war,
teen inches in circumfcrcncc and weighing one and and which exposes to view the lies of the enemy, and
a half pounds. It fell in Kebraska in July, 1925.” the cncmy is brought into disgrace. Through this and
z5It will be properly said that there were two parts many other scriptures it appears that, when the wit-
of the bet& of Gibcon, bccausc the first part was ness work is done, which witnessing the Lord uses to
fau:;bt near the city, wbilc the other part was fought expose the lies of the enemy as well as to inform the
in the valley. But there was no period of waiting bc- people of good will, “when the overflowing scourge
twccn the two parts. It was really one fight. It all swcepcth past,” then Jehovah will express his in-
took pl:~c in one day. This may suggest to some that dignation by and through Christ Jesus, who is hi3
“the battlc of that great day of God Almighty” may “mighty and strong one”, and that in this expression
be in two parts: the first, dchtroying the rcligionists; of his wrath his “destroying storm” annihilates the
and that which follows, bringing even a greater dc- enemy.
struction upon all parts of Satan’s organization. This *’ Note here the text by Rotkcrltam concerning tbc
is not so material, however, but is mcrcly stated as ‘scourge sweeping past’. “As often as it swccpcth
a su(l;gestion. past, it shall take you away, for morning by mornille
2oIn the prophecy by Isaiah (28: 17) the statement shall it JMSS along, by day and by night, and it shall
is that the I,ord lars judgment to the line and right- be nothing less than a terror to maltc out the meYSR:C.”
e0ustiess to tllc plummet, that is to say, that the judg- (Isa. 25: 19, Molh.) While the fight is on now and
mrnt is so strict and straight and right that it is Jehovah’s witnesses arc moving daily into action, pro-
wholly righteous, and nothing cscapcs that judgment. claiming the praise of Jehovah and his kingdom, and
That judgment is 11~’ the Lord Jesus Christ, the great the day of the v~ng~nrc, of our God ;Ig:linst the
Jntlgc at the tcmplc, when the nations are gathered wicked, the hail is thus sweeping away the lies, ant1
bcforc him and hc dots the scpat*;lting work ; and in that “m~hsagc” is nothing less than a terror to lhc
this coniicctio~~ the prophecy further says: “And the enemy wbcu they bear it. This is proved IJY the fact
hail shall swcc~paway the rcfugc of lies, and the that the Jhrian Catholic, ITicrarchy and allies arc t~(,w
waters shall ovc14ow tbc hiding place.” This does doing cvcrything within their power to prevent fl~c
not seem to bc Armaacd~lon, but rather pertains to mcss:lgcfrom going forth. Thy cry out: “ \Vhat th(~:
tbc fight that is uow in progress. The Lord Jesus is JEOJdC say shocks our religious susccptibi1itics, aIl(I
separating the nations and at the same time sending we don’t want to bear it by radio, sound car or a111
forth his “failbful ilIlt wiw servant” class with the other lI1CilXlN. ” It is wllilc this fight is on that the pc’o-
cold, Ilard truths, symbolizctl by hail, wbicb, being plc of good will arc informed, and thus the Lor11 is
forcefully clclivcrcd, and that rcgrdlc~s of all oppo- gathering them into his organization, that is, he is
sition, uncovc’rs the lies of the Roman Catholic lIicr- gathering in his “othc’r sheep”, which constitute 11~
archy and their nllirs, and csposcs them to full view. great nrultitudc. This prcscnt warfare bctwccn the
The Ilord tbcn stems to fix the tlrnc and order of Ar- faithful servant class and the cncmy is not Xrmazc(l-
magcddon by tlic words of his 1,rophct, who says: don, but is mcrcly a skirmish immediately prc,ccdinK
“Wlicn the overflowing scourge shall pass through, Armageddon.
tbcn ye shall bc trod&n down by it.” According to 26Traveling with his littlc army all nieht, Joshua
another rcndcring of the test it reds: “When the arrived at Gibcon early in the morning, and tltc hattic
overflowing scourge swccpctb past, then shall ye be bCgn!l inuncdiatcly, and while the moon was sf ill bl~ill-
thereby bcatcn down.” (Rotllcrllam) This part of the ing in the west. The confcdcratcd hmoritcs: &tl, an{1
propbccy cmghasiws the! time when tbc destruction it was as tbcy were fleeing that Jehovah smote them
shall take place. The l,ord is now lashing the Roman with great stones of ice from heaven: “Then sp:~ko
Catholic Hierarchy and allied clergy with the mcssagc Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Ilord deli\ CIXYI
or “bail” of truth, and it stings them tcrriblg and up the Amoritcs before the children of Isrncl, and Ix
causes their crool<(~dncssto be csposcd to view. Such, said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon
howcvcr, is not Armageddon, “the battle of that great Gibcon ; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajnlon. “-
day of God Almighty.” It is Jchovab’s “work” that Josh. 10 : 12.
prccedcs the battle of Armageddon. It is during this *OTbc enemy was fleeing to the west in complctc
period of witncssmg by telling the messageof truth rout. The moon was still shining in tbc wcqt, and t11c
that the great multitude is gathered unto tbc Lord, storm was roming up from the west, and tbc clouds
and this is done before the “battle of that great day had not yet obscured the moon, wbieb rvitl(Antly W::S
of God Almighty” begins, t,hat is, before the “destroy- shining above the storm clouds. Jo&ua, secinq the
ing storm” breaks upon the cncmy. The war that is situation, uttered a prayer before his mcu that the
now on bctwecn the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and light might not be obscured but that tbc forces of 111~
God’s anointed witnesses is pictured in Rcvrlal ion Lord might continue to fight until the complete de-
15, 1936

struction of the enemy had been accomplished so that hovah’s enemies. None of the forces of the Lord or of
ticre need be no repetition of the battle with the his pcol)le who sing his praises complain at the len$h
Amorites. This is in line with what Jesus says con- of time consumed in the battle. They have light and
cerning Armageddon, that it shall be a finish fight they rejoice. Gideon (who also pictured Christ Jesus)
and a complete wiping out of the enemy, that it shall with his little band of warriors marched all night,
be ‘tribulation such as never was, no, nor ever shall “faint, yet pursuing” (Judg. 8: 4) ; but they were
be’. (Matt. 24: 21) When the Amorite combined not complaining against the Lord because of their
forces got into the valley, they were being pursued hardships or the length of the battle. Likewise Jcho-
from the rear by the army of Joshua, and a great and vah’s faithful witncsscs will not complain of the length
destructive storm met them on their front, and so there of time, either before or during the progress of the
was no way for them to escape. This is like the dc- battle of Armageddon. That Jehornh can and dots
scription given by Jeremiah concerning the enemy at perform miracles accordin,‘* to his will, such as mak-
Armageddon : “And the shcphcrds shall have no way ing the sun stand still, is certain : “13chold, I will bring
to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape.” (Jcr. again the shadow of the &~I*CCS, which is gone down
25: 35) Again this supports the conclusion that the in the sundial of Ahaz, ten drgrecs backward. So the
shrphcrds (clergy) go ~OWII first, and then follow the sun rcturncd ten drgrccs, by which dcrrrecs it NYU
principal ones of the flock, and other portions of Sn- gone down.” (Isa. 35 : 8) Tlwse prol)hctic scriptures
tan’s organization. While this is not two battles, it all support one conclusion : that when the battle of
does not seemimproper to say that tlwre arc two parts the great day of God Almi~;hty begins, it will be fought
of one battle: destroying (1) the rcligionists, and then through to a complctc finish, and that there mill not
(2) the rest of the 1)cvil’s bunch. be two battles or “two phases of Armageddon”, but
8oFrom what follows it is certain that the prayer only OIIC, and that the witnc\s work to the great mul-
of Joshua was in accord with the will of God when he titude must bc coml~lctcd bclorc that time begins.
prayed for the moon and the sun to &and still. “And I* This conclusion is al\o dcfinitcly sustained by the
the SW stood still, ant1 the moon stnycd, until the pco- words of C!hriQ Jesus, who coinmandcd his followrrs
plc had avcngcd tlicmsclvrs upon their cnemics. Is to bear the fruits of the kin$lotn bd’orc the nnticms
not this written in the book of Jashcrl So the sun of tlic world, and to finish it iwforc the great trouble.
stood still in the midst of hcavcn, and hasted not to go “And this ~osp(~lof the liiii~tlom sli:ill be prcnchc(l in
down about a whole day.“--.Josh. 10: 13. all the world for a witnrss unto all nations; nld tlicn
a1If tllc enemy hacl been praying and hoping that shall the cncl come. For ttw1 shall bc glTilt tribulation,
they might do all their wicked deeds and then rsr:~pc such as \vas not since tlic bc~inniiig of tlic world to this
in the tlarkncss, they wrc sorely disnppointcd. ‘i’hc time, no, nor cv’cr shall IJC.“---Malt. 21: 11,21.
effect on the cycs of all those on tlic earth was that 33The preaching of this gospel of tlic kin&m,
the tnoon stayed and the sun stood still. Just how this which is now being done 1)~ttrc wittKsws of the TAJrd,
was acromplishcd, all opinion miK:lrt be advanced here, must be done to the nations as a wilnrss; and for what
but that dots not scrm ncccssary. Nothing is impos- putyosc ? Tlwc co~l(l tx but one p111’posc, and tht
sible with Jehovah Gotl, and manif’cstly this part of the vincliratiwl of Jcllovah’s name; which is tllc grc.at
the prophetic picture forcslwlowd that the light of question for dctcrmination. This, then, is the day ilbOUt
God and Christ shall continue to shine while the dc- which God cnuscd Moses to write, s!.atinl,r the wason
strnction of the cncmy t:lliCS place. Other propllccics why he permitted the I)cvil to carry on his wicked
show that wlwn Arma~cddon is being fought the cncmy \vork during a specific tinw, to wit, “That my name
will bc in comI~lctedarkness, such as would accompany IIlily bc dcclarcd tlirougl~out all the Cart11[IO all na-
a destroying storm, while the people of (:od mill liavc tions],” (Es. 9: l(i) This God does now in dcclilritlg
light. “The sun and moon stood still in their habita- his name throughout the earth that the cncmy may be
tion, at the light of tltinc arrows as they went, at the notified of his purpose, and that the pcoplc of good
shining of thy glittering spear.” (Hal). 3 : 11, n.Zi.l’.) will may bc warned, know that Jehovah is the Cod
“Sun, moon, have stood still on high, like light thine of salvation, and the only mwns of salvation, and that
arrow speed along, like brightness is the flash of thy they mwt flee to him and his kingdom, and do this
spear.” (Rotlterkaa~) It was Joshua who prayed that bcforc the “winter” time, that is, before the great bat-
the light might continue while the battle was being tle sets in. There is no reason why the great multitnclc
fought, and God gave him and his forces light; and should hear tlic kingdom nicwape for the first lime
this, being the prophetic picture, undoubtedly corrob- after Arm;l:cddon is fou&t. Thcrc is no scripture
orates what IIabal~k~~l~says, that, while darkness en- sustaining the conelusion that the great multitude will
velopes the enemy, Cod will give light to his own pco- bc gathered after Arma@don. ,211 the Scriptural
ple. l?urtlicrmorc, this shows that Armageddon n-ill tests bearing upon the matter shornthat the witnessing
not bc intcrruptcd by things dctcrmining time, such must be completed that the people of good will, who
as sun or moon, but that the battle will be fought are desirous of escaping from Satan’s organization,
through to a finish and to the utter destruction of ,Jc- may do so and gather themselves unto God awl !~is
282 BROOKLTS, s. Y.

organization and declare themselves on his side. Then dressed to Zion, and which apply specifically now:
they must faithfully and continually seek righteou+ “Let not thine hands be slack.” (Zcph. 3: 1G) With
IICSS and mcekncss until the battle of the great day the zeal of Christ Jesus they will continue to press
breaks upon the cncmy, and this they must do if they onward, singing as they go: “Bless the Lord? 0 my
would find protection during that great tribulation. soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
34Describing the first battle at Gibcon the prophet Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his
further says: “Is not thw written in the book of Jasher benefits. “--Ps. 103 : 1, 2.
[ (nmrgia) the Upright] 1” The word “ Jnsher”, or (To be conttnued)
“Jnshar” (R.V.), is related to “ Jeshurun”, being QUESTl0NS FOR STUDY
derived from the same root. “ Jeshurun” is first men-
tioned by Noses in the prophecy at Dcutcronomy in
connection with the covenant of fnithfulncss. (Deut.
32: 15; 33: 5,26) Jehovah is the “Upright One”, aud
the miracle concerning the sun and the moon that he
pwformcd during the hut~le at C;ibeon is written in 7. Point out the import:lncc now of the apostle’s words at
his book. The miracle, thercforc, must bc true, regard- 2 (‘01 mthmns 2: 11 anrl 1 Thcssalunians 5: b.
8, B. \\Ir:lt important instluct~on for the remnant is swn *n
less of the fact that worldly-wise men scoff at the Josl~ua 10 : 7 9
possibility of such a thing’s being accomplished. 10. 1111w(low the advcrs:try now seek to entrap the remnnnt,
“ Jcshurun” is the name by which Jehovah’s covenant in rclntwn to the grwt nmllltude9 \\‘hy? \\ hut IY the unly
pcoplc arc dWi:IliltCV.l and si:nificd as a “ri~l~teous
pcopie”. It IIIL’:~!IStlw nation of Jchovnh, the “holy
nafion”, God’s lxol,le, who arc in the covenant with
him for the ltin:$orn, and which ~~oplc stand for Je-
hovah in the ri~htrorwcss of (Christ.Jesus their head.
The rccorcling of tlic aforementiunc~l tnirncle concwn-
in:: thr Sun alltl the mOOi wls undouhtct~~y for the
aid, comfort and hope of tlic I’;titllfiil lY!IllIlilllt now
on the earth. It is to bc cspwtwl that the “Upright
One”, .J&ovah, ~~1~1 give to his people in this day of
jUdgWnt a rCW~:lti(Jn ad Ull~~~!l~~t:~l1~~~ll~ of Why the
record W:~Ymatic wnccrnin~ .JOS~III;~ and his army at
Cibcon. It is insulting to the Lord for anyone to say
that thcw things arc mere csprtw~iwls of man’s opin.
ion. What could :HI~ man hope to gain by making
such expressions of oI,inion 1 Thoqc who believe that
thcsc things are csprcssionu of ol)inion of a Illilll, as
stated in Tltc It’utclrtozcer, should give no heed to
them, and they will not do so. ‘l’hosc who now undcr-
stand and holicve that Jcl~ovul~ God and Christ Jesus
arc the Teachers of the people of Jcshurun will rejoice
to see how marvelously Jehovah has provided for his
people in this day and will give all hnnor and praise
to Jehovah and his anointed King. The faithful ones
will hear and give heed to the words of Jehovah ad-


(Conttwed f9om pcrious issue)

EHOVAII appoints his Avenger of all the blood organization. To escapethe destructive sword of C!hriht
that has been spilled and all the human lives that Jesus, Jehovah’s great ,iwnger of blood, at ,\rmw~:c~cl-
have been crushed out by the l~cvil’s organization. don, such unfortunntc ones must get out bcI’orc Arma-
The Avcngcr is now on the trail of that gory, blood-ho- geddon. Otherwise the sword will overtakr them. ‘l‘11c~
smeared organization with its shameful record of mil- need the truth to make them free. The highway mu+
lions of wiltful murders of the poor innocents. In that be prcpnrcd to the great city of rcfuqc, .J~~ho~~lh’s
organization there are many who arc prisoners, out organization. That hizhwy and city of rcfrlc,rc must
of sympathy with it, and who have therefore been be pointed out to such unwitting IIlilllClil~C~S, tli:lt
unwilling and unwitting parties to the crimes of that they may speedily betake themselves over tile high-
&WTEJIBER 15, 1936 gEeW.ATCHTOb’ER 283

way and escape to the refuge provided under Jcho- their strong-arm squad to forcibly restrain God’s
vah’s great High Priest, Christ Jesus, and thereby be people who were performing this sacrifice by publish-
shielded in the day of vengeance. Concerning such the ing the Kingdom message.To this presumptuous act
law in Jehovah’s kingdom covenant reads: “Thou against Jehovah God the enemy added further inso-
shalt separate . . . cities [of refuge] in the midst of lence by rejecting his anointed King and his kingdom
thy land, . . . Thou shalt prepare thee a way, . . . and then setting up a deceptive substitute, to serve
that ercry slayer tnny flee thither.” (Deut. 19: 2, 3; as a “political expression of the kingdom of God on
Numbers 35; Joshua 20) Those in the kingdom cove- earth” and operated by their own crowd in control.
nant have been “calicd by a new name, which the This was abominable to God. It was of desolating
mouth of the Lord shall name”, and it is to these that power to those who looked for and hoped in God’s
Jehovah has given command: “Go through, go through kingdom. The taking away of the daily sacrifice meant
the gates ; prepare yc the way of the people ; cast up, the enemy’s stopping of the kingdom proclamation;
cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a conversely, the setting up of the desolating abomina-
standard for the people.” (Isa. 62: 2, 10) Satan, in tion would mean the enemy’s hateful activity in
harmony with his destructive purposes, tries to turn leaguing or conspiring together for offering up a
the pcoplc away from Jehovah God and hence to turn sacrifice to the Devil in place of the one to J(~horah,
them aside from this hi,qhway ; and hc would like, if and which finds its most prominent cspression in pro-
possible, to turn the attention of Jcl~oval~‘s witnesses claiming and maintaininK the J~cagucof Nations as
away from those who need now to escape over the a substitute in place of God’s holy kingdom.
highway from the judpmcnt sword of the Avenger and Jesus commanded that when Jehovah’s witncsscs
Wndicator of Jcho~h’s name. The faithful will not should see this, then they should sound the warning
permit their attention to bc divcrtcd from those to to others, that those of good will who dcsircd to praise
whom attention must now bc given according to God’s Jehovah God might grt out of Satan’s doomed organi-
will. zation and flee to God’s kingdom, pictured as moun-
Jehovah’s witnesses will not be thrown OR guard tains of safe rcfugc. The Lord Jcsua did not say that
by any suqqstions or arguments of the great cncmy. such people should wait unt it Armagrddon has artunl-
They know it is impcmtivc that the work in lx.?hnlE ly hcgull atid the Roman (~iltllOliC IIicrarch~v srltl tlic

of the Jonadab or sheep class bc donc now. The King’s other clergy of “Christendom” have been csposcd by
words ring loudly in their ears: “Then shall the end Jcflovah ‘s “strange work” and overthrown hy his
come. When ye, therefore, shall WC the abomination “strange act”. (Isa. 28: 21) The substance of ,Jcsus’
of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand warning is, Upon seeing the prophecy f’uffllcd, ficc,
in tfx holy place, (wfloso rcatlcth, Ict him undcr- without delay and without turning back, thankful that,
stand:) then let them which be in dudan flee into the you may flee bcforc the winter (or hard tirnc) and f)c-
mountains: , . . pray ye that your flight be not in fort the saMat h day (when the witness work prcccding
the winter, ncithcr on the sabbath day.” (RIatt. 2-1: the battle is done). Flight, in the “winter” or on the
14-20) tJetlovah’s witnesses have read, and by his “sabbath day” is something for one to pray to avoid.
loving-kindness have come to spiritual undcrstandinq, To delay for first some “strange” matlifcatntion by
and hcncc they do see or discern that abomination of Jehovah God might mean your attcmptin:: to flee
desolation standing like a usurper in the holy place at a difficult time, when it is impossible to get through
of Jehovah’s kingdom. The prophet Dnnicl (11: 31 ; to the mountains. To pray that your flight be not then
32: 11) foretold that the Devil’s forces would violently means to flee TWU,WCwinter and ,sahbathset in. Such
take away “the daily sacrifcc” nud would place or is the urgent need for prompt flight now by the
set up this abomination that mattcth desolate. That “great multitude” of Jonadabs. 1Icnce it calls also
“daily sacrifice” is not the ransom sacrifice of Jesus for the continuous and unslackening activity by Je-
Christ; it could not be such, for he has appeared in hovah’s witnesses, and that now, to point out to the
the prcscnce of Jehovah God witfl the full value of Jonadabs the way of escape to the mountains of .Je-
his human sacrifice, and it is therefore beyond removal hovah’s kingdom by his Christ. This responsibility
by Satan’s servants. But the “daily sacrifice” was and Jehovah’s witnesses cannot shirk.
is the continual or daily offering up by Jehovah’s To these witnesses and to those others who would
faithful servant class on earth of praise and thanks- be on Jehovah’s side as Jonadabs or Christ’s “other
giving to him by publicly proclaiming the messageof s!lecp” Jehovah by his prophet says: “Before [not,
truth he has given his people. Such procedure is on When it begins; but, Before] the decree bring forth,
OffCrilqy up of “spirituat sacrifices, acceptable to God . . . before the day of the Lord’s anger come upon
by Jesus Christ”. (1 Pet. 2: 5) In this the members you. Seek ye [Jehovah], all ye meek of the earth,
of Jehovah’s “royal priesthood ’ ’ under Christ Jesus which have wrought his judgment ; seek ri$tcousncss,
must be continually or daily engaged. seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day
The enemy took this “daily sacrifice” away in 1915. of [Jehovah’s] anger.” And why? Because, adds the
They framed mischief by man-made laws and used prophet, Jehovah’s judgments are to be executed upon

the modern Philiatines, destroying their organization, shall come to pass at the same time, when Gag shall
“that there shall be no inhabitant.‘, (Zeph. 2: 2-6) come against the land of Israel, saith the IAorcl God,
Further describing that day of the Lord’s anger, the that my fury shall come up in my face.” (Ezck. 3s:
prophet says: “The day that I [Jehovah] rise up to l-18) “Then shall the Lord go forth, and f:,ht qamst
the prey; for my determination is to gather the nn- those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle”
tions, that I may assemblethe kingdoms, to pour upon in ancient times. (Zcch. 14: 3) Vindicative victory ~11
them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for be with Jehovah and all on his side. In view of this
all the cart11 shall be devonzed with the fire of my the prehent increase of opposition by Cog and all his
jealousy.” Then the prophet foretells how on the day hosts in heaven and earth should neit,hcr surprise nor
of Jehovah and before his anger breaks forth at Armn- dishearten Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions.
geddon Jehovah delivers his faithful remnant from Bather this should be encouraging as surely indicat-
the power of the Ucvil’s organization Babylon and ing that the battle of Armageddon is nc~lr, and its
sets them to work in Cod’s organization Zion as his glorious outcome. For this reason they should hasten
witnesses. Concernin% that time of activity by his on with their God-given work, appreciating their priv-
fervants Jehovah then says: “In that day it shall be ilcges while still theirs to bc performed, and fearin?
said [by Jehovah throu::h Christ Jesus] to Jerusalem, lest such be removed from them through t:lsity and
Fear thou not.; and to Zion, Let not thinc hands be coming short and bc given i,o the ones constanl in zeal
slack. The Lord [Jehovah] thy God in the midst of and faithfulness.
thee is mighty.” (Zcph. 3: 8, 16,+17) For no cause Let none bc disquieted bccauc;e their ill&\ idual
whatsoever are Jehovah’s chitdrcn by his “woman” efforts seem to be somewhat uaprodnctlve ik11’1the
Zion to slack hand in his service. Neither through in- Lord is not pet brin+g in tllc “other shc~~p” (t!le
difference, laziness, fulsc ar~umnts, nor through fear Jonadabs) in the over!\ tlctlniIl~ numbers that some
of enemy. hrraiigin:l for the enemy’s destruction, think their efl’ortq up till now justify them 111cspcct-
Jehovah maneuvers their hosts so as to ‘(gather the ing. Jehovah’s own word-l)ic*trlre at, licvcl:~t iou ‘i: 9-15
nations” and to “asscn~l~1cthe kingdoms” of the ene- shows his will ntld his ob,jcct.ive to be that the outer
my organization. ‘l’hcy are ~athercd and assembled courts of his temple shall be thronged with joyl’nl
against. lhc c~rlhly memlwrs OTJehovah’s organization devoted html;tll eI*eaturcs, a “great mullit MIC” of
Zion, hir witnesses, and those others who have taken them, of urll<l~o\\ II numhcr. I!ringinq thaw lo hi*3
a stand on Jehovah’s sick!. (Zoch. 14: l-3) But Jeho- temple is IIis Imsirlew by Christ Jesus. JTc is now
vah’s \vifl!cbsscsand tIlc:ir cc’mpanions, the Jonadabs, getting nhithcr 11cwants with it. llc fails not, lt~t the?
should not I’car and Icl tlJCir hands slack because of cncmy increase lhcir oppositiori all they wilt. T11c>ra3.?
paratyxin!: fear. They IUWW frum Cod’s owu word at which Ilc brill~s in tliosc! of the “gW;it multitude”
that the ki~~qloms and n:~tions arc gathered to (as the is his COINX~I~. The facts show hc is bringrtrt: 111cm.
nations thillk) destroy Jrhovah’s people; but it means The Lord asks those of his temple class on oa1.111:
the destration of all the uatiolls combined by one “Who bath d~~\piscd the tiny of small thins?” ‘l’t~e
stroke of Jehovah. “small things” for the lime lwi11g test ttlc: i’ililll, IAt
Ey now Jehovah’s wii IWSSCS should be well eon- those fait of fait11 nit1 rlot tlwpise suds thitl*rs ~IHI
vinecd from the Lord’s U’ord that their work must lcap to wrong c’onc’lusions,imt will dr,~\r r~~;t5s~ilxncc
continue on in ttic 1’3ccof steadily incrcac;ing opposi- from the words, “Not 1)~ mirrtit, nor 1)~ pwcr, hllt
tion from Satan’s quarter. This opposition enuSesJeho- by my spirit, Siliftl the LoI71 of hOsts.” (%Wtl. 4: 10. 6)
vah’s fury to rise up in his face and hc smitrr; them low That does not mcnn that they must not WOI~,~o.%in$
at Armn~~dtlon. 111 spite of the continuing opposition hard and with diliq~nrc. It means that the l~ul*tt ~I\‘c’s
Jehovah blcsrcs “his land”, the eart.hly condition of the increase and the success. IIc~lcc hc says to hi%
his pcoplc, with prosperity in his service. Satan’s servants: “Yet ll0w h stron%, . . . and WC)I’li.” (II:K.
spirit field marshal, clog, is vexed at this prosperity. 3: 4) There is still more work to ?)edone, and much
Rc begrudges Jchovnh eycry one who in response to of it; but that. should not bc construed to mwn that
the Kingdom witness proml)tly forsakes the side of the event for which we all 101~:) the final I):\ttlc, is
his [Gog’s] lord, Satan, n~lcl lines up on the side of far distant and we may $0 easy mrantimc :rnd take
Jehovah’s witnesses in Zion and worships Jehovah our time. If more work and much of it rcm:lirw, tlwll
in his temple there. The remnant ‘s prosperity in spirit- the efforts of all should bc intcnsificd lo get it &me in
ual ralucs is not as a result of slackness or idleucss; the time nllottcd bc?ore the battle, that at that time
for the sluggard comes to poverty. (Pror. 24: 33, 34) we may, like the ‘man in linen’, report ttlr matter,
Jehovah blessesthem with prosperity becauseof faith- saying, “I have done as thou hast comm;u~clctl me.”
fulness and zealous service as his witnesses. --Ezek. 9: 11.
Hence Gag and his hordes oppose, and finally they The opportunity and the call is for scrviccl in God’s
invade the “land” (the earthly rights and pririlegcs) temple “day and night’,, or all the timr. It is i)ro-
of Jehovah’s people to spoil them and reduce them to phetically written of the “Treat multitude” of I~W-
poverty and captivity, as was done in 1918. “And it priestly people of good will that, halring ctcuncd UP
35, 1936

and identified themselves on Jehovah’s side, “there- every man that hcareth the words of the prophecy of
foro are they before the throne of God, and serve him this book, . . . If any man shall take away from the
day and night in his temple.” (Rev. ‘7: 15) They must words of the book of this prophecy [including that
thus maintain their integrity toward God. If, then, conccming the great multitude], God shall take away
it be so with the people in the courts, certainly also his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy
the priestly class, Jehovah’s witnesses, arc required city, and from the things which are written in this
to be on the job “day and night” in his temple to book.” (Rev . 22: 17-N) The faithful remnant on earth
minister unto these that serve Jehovah “day and of Christ’s bride will not take away nor deny the work
night”. now fulfilling the prophecy concerning the “great
Jehovah’s throne is established, with Christ Jesus mnllitude”, but will continue therein until it is
at his right hand. Out from the throne of the Kingdom successfully finished in vindication of Jchorah’s own
proceeds the “pure river of water of life”, the King- 1Yord. Thus they maintain their part in the Lamb’s
dom truth. The Great Spirit, Jehovah, by his Bride- book of life in heaven and maintain their part in the
groom Son, Christ Jesus, says, Come; and the bride holy city, the capital organization, “the New Jcrnsa-
class, at one with him in the temple, joins him in say- lem,” and they will come into and abundantly enjoy
ing, Come. “And let him that hcareth say, Come. And all the b&sings written in Jehovah’s book, that he
. . . take the water of lift freely. For I testify unto may be glorified.


JEIIOVAII TRUE TO HIS PROMISE sustxin God’s faithful; for the sacrifices which the Bcthrl
nE4R ~~ROTIIER ~~I:TItLI:FORD: fnmdy has mndo on l&rlf of the I’ionrcrs; and for the 6~14t.s
book, which ItrIngs the joyful t’lospcct of having a lmrt m a
xnldlty r:tmpnign to 1 Inlll(7~tc Jclil’rah’s mme.
The fcxst of st)Irltu:il food spread for Jehovah’s people nt
thr I~‘~‘cnt ronrc*ntll’nq jviis surctv cncourng~ng and nq,~z)ng,
and g:t%o grc*:tter tl(~tcrmmnt)on lo prove our intccrity to iho
end. ‘I’he I~gt~t God 1s furnishlnfi his pcoplc through 2‘hc
Tt’(1tc.hfo4ccr 13 su~cty growing brlghtcr ant1 brighter, ilturm-
rralln;: the, txtth of the just. For these blcssmgs wo are contm-
unlly th:~nkful.
‘I’hc* elcrtrx sign was a ptensant surprmc. At the proper timo
;Icllo\ ah furnlrhc*s the mcan2 by \\hIl’h his people lC~C’i11 tlwlr
ulcntlty as his \\~tnc+~cs, and afl’onls g:lcx:tter opportunity to
*In:: foIlt1 Ills t)l:ii3(3. (,?‘I taln It 19 th:lt God 1x1s cnuse~t his
pr”]‘lv lo be ’ (h(l~ VI~C’ n~in~lrd” to nicct the priv&ges nnd re-
.qpon:~ll’itltlf~s of the grmt nnd Clorlous work now faring W.
Our pt:tycrs n~cs for those who throu<ttout the rarth now sufter
Atlhou~h 8c \~oro not able, at the time, to li3lrn to your for Go<l’s truth an11 for the salt0 of 11~3nnnw, that lhcy m.iy
talk “11 “k’muts” and to pm In the dec~laratlon m:rdc at the bo sustnined by liter, strength and en(*oulngrmcnt, nnd for
c*on~tusion thc~rcof, wo IIn\ 0 since b0.n cnabtrd to nptxoprutlo the gu~lhncc und l&~ssing of all iu ~csponslbte positions III
to ou~srt~cs t!le Incat IU duo scusou iound 111 the Touer &nling God’s orguruznt ion on rxrth.
uith 111:tt SUtJpA. I’ours in the service of Jehovah,
At the serv~c mmting held May 30, the Adctnidc compauy of ARC11 IV. SMlTIl ~;LlZAiXTII LEUCIILI
Jehornh ‘Y w,tuc’:isrs, along w\-ItII thclr assoclntc3, the ( ‘ great L. A. 12cY~oLlx: J. E. LO\VE
niultltudc” in this place, entliu~t:~~t~catly adopted this ~LT~:LI.~- MRS. L. A. J:EI’SOr.DS JEAS E. LOWE
tion by n rising vote, und ~111 cnllca\or, by the Lord’s grace, It1r.s. I. l!L \\‘.4GSER AJ.ES~SDER LOWE
to prove our nordq try a consl&c~nt and persistent course of liELEN hf. BIIl.I.ER IhLEW K. LOWE
actwn in the King’s busiucss.
\\‘o rcahzc that we have bceu glcntly blessed in this place THASKFUL TO OUR GREIT GOD JEBOVAlI
in that we have had frccdorn iron1 persecution; and uc also
l~t’p~cvinte thxt. to 11 tloui luurh tws tmn given, much also will DS4R ~llOTlIlX ~~~Tllr,llFOCD:
Lo Icquircd. FIOII~ now on, the sountl-equipment lrork ~11 be .I hcsltate to t:tkc any of your valunble time, but feel rou-
~~isl~cd more thnn ckcr before, Lccausc it 1s clcaIty erdrnt that stramed to tell you of ruy contiuucd grntitudc for :~ll the
this phase of the work is essential UI the gathering together good things that hnru come to loo in lcxcent months-the
of the great multitude. JTcltcl8lolc o‘s, \vith the great ilttunination for our pnth\~:ly,
Be assured, IIrothcr Huthcrford, of our hearty and willing and uow liicltrs, ttio ircrnt couj entions, awl “ lh3mtn”, v,luch
co-opcratlon III the abundant and glorious work the Lord has I nnticipnto late ning more of when it comes Into plmt.
given us to do. \Vc thank you aud the other brethren at head. I I\ant to tcltt go11 that I am ~ndccd thankful to our gimt,
qualtcxs for all that you have done and arc still doing for us God Jehovah for all these wondcrfut things and for his x:,n:tt
In this s&ion of the ii&l. \vc lo\e you and pray our hca\enty favor in permitting me to still enjoy them and to do something
Father that you may bc given the necessary strength and grace in hrs HerViCC.
to carry on the nolk until it is done. I3y Jrho\ah’s g~aco it is my detcrmim~tion to stny with you
as you a10 used by hlrn to dlrrct the actl\ities of his t~~~t)to
here, and with his ~itnrsses as they push the battlc :qpinst
Satan ‘S wicked organization ou cnlth.
I just wnt you to know of my coutinued appreciation nnd
1 L. : joy in the mcrcasing light of Truth, and assure you of my 11’vc
We, the plonrcrs working in the Columbus (Ohio) area, being as 1 RPPyour unswervmg love for and devotion to JehoJah the
assembled together, derilc to express our thanks and apprccia- IZing Eterual.
tion for the foltowiug btcssms nhich Jehovah has extended Your brother in Jehornh’s lovful service.
to us: for the I’eor liook and the daily strength it gibes to J. b. I:AJSBOW, Ohio.

With fondest love we greet you in the name of God’s dear \Vc hare been puttIn;: og writing to y.ou, as we know that
Son, Chnst Jesus our Lord. We the Port Limon division of you are rery busy; but WC cannot refram any longer. as \se
must exprrss our appreciation of your faithful and obetllcnt
Jehovah’s organization take this ul’p0rtunity of senrlmg you eervicapto .Trhot:th and his \‘lntllrator Christ Jesus. The ~vondcr-
a few lines, dcspitca the fact ltrat we dislike to encroach on your ful light that is coming from The Watchlotccr surely gives US
valuable and limited time so much used up in the service of cou~ugc to know that the victory is near at hand.
Jehovah and Gideon, yet wve are constrained to drop you a And we are enjoymg with you the book lZ~chcs and the
fcvr lines to express in a very feeble way our thankfulness to booklet Choosing; the former makes so plain the great multi-
the great Jehovah (whose Word is in our heart as a burning tude, and how we can WC new faces m our midst every day,
fire shut up in our bones, so we cannot forbear writing you and are cager to have a little part m lIis service.
[Jcr. 20: 9]), and his illustrious Executive Oficer, Christ Our company is increasing; 30 it is neccasary for Us to
arrange for larger quartels. The company is workmg 8s a
Jesus, for supplying his people with that all-amazing and umt as ncrer before, each one eager to do hm part as It should
wonderful trc?nsure, the book Bkhex. Whnt a book! Indeed be, and we look forward to Increasing activity nith the PT.\I
the Lord has accompli3hctl his promise toward those nho love and phonographs, as our radio statlon has been forced off the
him, in that he has ‘opened the windo\\s of heaven, and poured air.
us out 8 blrsaing, that there is not room enough to receive it’. 110~ WCcm see Satan and his visiblo forces moving forward
--JIal. 3: 10. to the Lattle, and how every scheme they put forth to pult
\Vc stand in nondermcnt as u-e behold the stately stcl’pmg~ thcmscl~ cs out of the dllf~mnia thcby are In c0ntiuul.s lo fall!
of Jc41ovnl1 of hosts, and the unfoltlm:: of his purI’0scs toward 110~ plxiu It is for those of us who walk in the tIg$t to WIT
his tittlc onrs \\hile surrounded by the enemy, nho would and know Mhy thc,lr srhc~ru fall! IVhat a world of confua’~~n’
And how the rchglonists tire now bc$nnlng to strut arounit
immcdiatcly destroy us because (by 111s grace) WC keep the to 3how on thp’r liuc frnthcrs nnd to c10w and tIo:r\t et’r’ut
commaudn~cnts of God and hare the testimony of Jesus Christ. bettering the &orhl! \i’r both hope to contlnuc m tlrti tic’r,irc
I~OIII the depths of our hcalts we cx(*l:Lim, ‘ Thare is none like unt:l tllc Lord says “It’3 enough”. IVe both rc>ntt our 10~~
the God of Jcshurun, the I~‘ather of mcrcics, and the God of anll e~l’~c:~sour slncelc dcsbre to co-opcratc with you in Ltlc
at1 comfort. ’ l’ic fail to cxprcss ou~acl~cs adequately In words kin&m interest. ~VCare
of thankfulness to the great Crcz~tor for this his tatcst gift of Your fctlow put,liuhers bv HIS grarc,
hard had to phlre in the hand3 of those of good watt, thus from J. I’. IA ?OIE
“tllo llOuSCtOp” rsposing Satan’3 organization, and in 8 ~STiItXr E. LA VOIE, CO~O?YldO.
hpecial way the chief visible part of it, tho Roman Cntholic
W’o fully rcalizc and appreciate the fact that the “old DEAR I~I:UTIXI~ l(cT1It:t:I or.n:
woman,’ Jc~+el is h:tving t1c.rsusccptib’t~ties screrely shocked,
ant1 will u4c scvcrc m~‘asu)cs ant1 ructhotls to restrain the
dislurbcrs of her L’l,c:~~*c”; tmt, fully c?mlidcnt Ihat ‘the IAWD
will glvc strength unto his people, nod bless us wltt1 hi3 pCaCC’,
we are glatlly titkillg I~IC~LV t3 the truth-hungry iu obedience
to God ‘3 collim:l~~~lt’lrots, rcgardl~ss of the opposition and per-
secution of the “old paintc4-ul’ woman”, and, by Ill3 glace,
will continue doing so uutil the unclrcumciscd Phillstiuc and
nll her por:~phernatm are rclcgatrd to oblivion (whc*lc all the
nicked Mill bc lurncd into), nn’l thus will1 tho zeal of his hou30
we will continue to march forward, and, a8 wc go, will sing
our victory son,?, “The Snorct of Jehovah and 1113Glorious
King. ” And thur, oc hail Jrhovah God and Christ Je3us the
“ Ilighcr l’ome13’ ‘.--Rem. 13: 1.
And now, dear Brother Ruthcrfold, we thank you also for
your unselfixh scrvicc in the Lurd’s loving hand to share in the
work of prollueing this prlcctL% gem lirches, for the cucourage The Lord is ever mindful of our needs, drar brothor, :~9
ment of 1113pcuplc at this palficular time. FnXally, dear evult~ncc~l by arcl~ issue of 1’Iie JC’atckfoz~ r, nhicah \\e rn~c~rly
brother, “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; the Lord make look furn-ard to. And now WCare enriched fulthcr bv the boelk
L’tchPs, and ns we study it we are tncouragr~l to prr~ on iu
his face shine upon thee, nnd be gracious unto thee; the Lord placing this good new3 of the kingdom ‘n the h:~o(Is of tiic
lift up his countcnanre upon thee, and give thee peace. ’ ‘-Num. great multitude which is conung fortn and engaging in the
13: 24-26. Lord ‘3 service.
Yours by grace m vindication service, Sincere love to you and the Bcthcl family.


Loving grcclings. DEAL BGOTIIFX:RUTIII.I:W:D:
At an assembly of the Lord’s people held nt the Pi&on IIall, Loving Christmu grchngs in our King Eternal.
Liverpool, on the 11th and 12th instant, the following resolution I do not aish to tnkc up any of your precious time, Itut,
was unanimously adopted, there being approxmlatrly 1,200 could not rcslst letting you know how much wo enjoyed your
L thrilhug lrcture. We heard distinctly (only for onr or tno
RESOLCTION interruptious) over ellortwa\c 19 metixrs. \Ve stood and shoutt~41
“We, 8 rcprescntative company of Jehovah’s witnesses in “Avel ” with you. \ve ore rejoicing, and detetm~ne~t to ptt’-q
Great Britain, assembled at Liverpool. desire to express t0 the ‘battle to the gate, praylug for you and our dear pc~m uf~~l
Jehovah our acknowledgment and appleciatlon of the organiza- brethren throughout the earth, long:lng for that great d,ly
tion of his appoiutment and our complete loyalty am1 de\-otion when Jclro\ah ~tmll destroy IIis enemes.
to him, and xejnice in the lead given us agnmst the Devil and The Gishorne company convey their tote to you, and nre
his organization through the columns of The lr’atchtorrer, and all enjo~mg the food flom the Lord’s table.
we nre wholohcnrtedly n7ith you in standing shoulder to shoulder Sour fctlow witness.
for Jehovah and for Gideon.” Siyt,or [Mrs. 5.3 ~METlICRST, iv-?% Z~aknd.


We as Jehovah’s witrwsaes send our appreciation to you for So nmuy of the statements and phases of work mentioned
your lifting up Jchovnh’s standard for the people that erery- in recent JFnfcAfowers, anil o:hi:r publica:ions, find immcdmto
(,:i~ ma.v know and clrw~c: for himwlf the 5, ion:: way and corrol~orstwm in the witness r\ollc In such 2n increasing manner
dir, or the right way and li\o with life and happiness. of late that I a~ii thrlllcd to the tote. Hcnl strenqlh and joy
I‘;C heard vow Ic(*LII~(~ given on tlw 3d inst. train Los flow from thcw vcrA4 truth.+. It is ~1 scrvmo where the truths
.\n:;eles, Cnlii’ornin. tll::l*tlwr Hlth clwcl tul st#ncs of pralw3 rcrcalcd in 2% Wu&+to&cr Lerome real, so leaI that they
Eung by the asuemblirs; but bceauso of some &slurbnnces tho kve.
1:eturo ~~a8 not clcur to us, and at X: 45 p.m. it was cut rhort. I only wnnt to mention one ~~hase of cxpeiicnccs: the one
But, anyhow, wyo give praises to Jcho\ah Got1 for his nwcy having to do with Catholic people. In ZZclr~s thy thw&t 1s
in granting this broadcast to come acrws this continent of exoressed thut many of the C:~thilbc ~onulat~on would lie free4
Africa from such a far tl~~t:~ncc; thlq is the Lord’s doing, and f&i the clutch of-the JIicraichy. I;‘;oIfi past expwlrnws nith
is mnrvslous in our eyes.-P’walm 118: 23. Catholics I nondered how that was to corn0 about. But I
\Vo trust the Lord null make it simple for us at next oppor- didn’t wonder long. I b0::nn to marvel at nhnt. J sawI My
tunlty to hcnr you clearly fur his name’s sake. \Vith one mind esperienees with many Cuthollcs have been of a manner ex-
lb0 will continue with you to sing the sun~s of praise8 till p1evsed 111 l;lchLY.
Jehovah ‘8 name mill be for ever vindwrtcd. Yesterday n Catholic woman, nfter I had int~otluwtl myself
W~t.1~Christian lore to you, dear brother, as a J.w ., aslwl me, without ha\mg wad the card, “ lV11y nro
ASUASTI KU~IASI (Gold Coaqt, \V. hfnea) COMPASY our pilcrts ngamst youl ” She h:ld rr:td thrco of our hooklcts,
OF Je~rovhu ‘s WITNESSES. and said klw couldn’t fmlt anytlilnq wiong n~th them. 1 let
her hear your checllont i*nYI\CrS, Ilicn opwd t!lc l:icl~rs book
and let her sw some of rho 1c:1sons. To sq the least, die w4
SOUND EQUII’XENT A BLESSING surprwd. She s&l, ‘I To tlunk that 1 never couhl see that,
DEAR BI:OTIIEIl ltlX’lll.l:E OI:I): makes me fwl hirk. \\‘11y, it 18 so s~mplc and tluc.” llcr hus-
Thanks for the six ~~onfha’ free lltcraturo you have alloncd band, 3, fm1ut1s C3tlwlw, I!:crl Imlnc~l the three bookl(~ts. She
me a8 a trrlp in the work. I nm now prrpnng to lwvc !;t. took A?ckcs, anil s:wl, “ 11~ \\on’t get h~A1 of this one.”
Kitts for hlontsrrrnt. I 11~~1~to begin \\ork in that new field That \\onl:in spoke the l:w~o:~~~~ of thn class of pcoplr 80
ntwut the cr~cl of hl:lrvh, ant1 will arrnnge for ~np first stork
of free literatuw ty lw srnt Ihere In tlnw. 1 unrl(~tst:ind from
the lwmwr drpal trncnt that the 81x mont IIY brgan In January;
thurcfore thcrc will be throc full months bciorc me to mnko
US” of 1llC 01rcr.
\Vc hwrd \ott hrrr on “Ser)nrntinz the Nations”. but did

l’raisc IN unto .Jc41r~~:~hfor e\erylhmg. May he strengthen

you and blcns you richly.
Your fellow wrwnt for Jchovnh,
\\‘rJ.J,r.\\r J. Scrrs~:r.r,, I’IOIICCT.
---- --
DE\R BMJTIII:~: JiL’1’111.1:poI:ib:


DEAR BI:OTII~I~ 1Wr11t1:l OI:IJ:
Two years have al~cady passed since my writing to you
exprewing thonkfulnws to Jehovah and rejoicing nith you
in ha\ kng a part in \ mlllcation of the name of Jcholah. Now
I lqoicc with you in the stcndy inclraac of splrllual food
whwh nc~ sco in l’he Wc~tchforccr at the hand of the Lold; and
I rejoiw very much. I<c of good wurngc, Brother, nnd know
that wo are all with you, rind, abovo all, that you stny on the
side of that Ono who won will rindlcntc his name. 31~ dear
brother, 1 am sure I \\wld hare lost my m111r1were it not for
the hope, test and comiort which I ~(cel\rd from a booklet,
a book and the Bildc. After rcadmg those I rcnounrcd mv
church and took away my children from the Polish Catholi’c
school and was permitted to o1)en the e~cs of my brothers nnd
sisters after the flcsli, nnd many fxicnds of nime are coming to
nn untlcrstanding of the tiuth. I have played for an uuderstand-
ing of tho truth, and have rcceivcd It, and now I can untler-
stand better. Dear Urothcr Jiuthclford, I Irant to thnnk you for
the nmivelous truth nud clear understnndmg that you give to
the pcoplc by the Lo~d’s grace. I hope I may always be faith- \Ye both umte in sencling our sincere Christian lovo to bo!h
ful, to the glory of Jehovah Gwl. I remain you and the Jbthel fnmily.
Your buter, Your bretliltn aud fellow publishers,
SOPHIE JUEKIEWICZ. BCO. ASO SC. \~ILLI.~JI 11. 7~.\1.1E!:S, Pioneers.
Greetings in the uame of our God and his King. I enclose a copy of the resolution which was unanimously
I have hesitated writing you since I have come to know the adopted by the Jonadabs in Brookfield, Illinois.
Truth, knowing how husy you are. Hut mnce your latest broad- This was their first time out in the field. After working a
cast (which is beyond my alxhty to put into words) I felt little while four were arrested, includmg myself.
I must take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation We were tried thcr following day and convicted and 5ncd
and gratitude beeausc of your fearlessness m giving Jehovah’s ten dollars each. The case was appeeled to a h@er court.
message which hns struck fear and terror into the enemy’s We were permitted to read the entire Statement contained
can1p. in the Order of Trial.
I was told just last week that we were going to get it soon. At the conclusion of the “trial” the judge stated:‘ “We
In reply I told them that Jehovnh is keeping us posted as to arc going to be omnipotent in Brookfield and fine you ten
the activities of our enemies and that we had nothing to fear. dollars each.”
And so my prayer continually is that our God may keep each We rejoice to have a little part in the witness work and
on0 who is striving to do as He commands. pray that we may also have a part in the vindication of
And so my prayer for you, dcnr brother, is this: Jehovah’s name.
“Thu Lord Z&s.u thee, and lzeep thee; the Lord make his Wishmg you the Lord’s rich blessing, I remain
feco shine upou thee, and bc glactouu unto thee the Lord Your humble fellow servant,
liftup his couufcnuncc upon thr!, nncl fqvc thee gmce.” ALBERT P. BRENT.
15’1th Jchorah’s help and aselstancc I am with you to the RF.SOLUTION
cud, e\cn unto d&h. WE, the undersigned, Jonadnbs of Brookfield, Illinois, assc’m-
MARTIE GILLESPIE, Canada. hlcd for field ncrvico on April 5, 19X, decl:~~c cursclves for
JEHOVAH, his King, and 111sKlngdorn, and against titan the
We realize now that the real joy is in active service, and
DEAR ~RfJTlIb:ll ~:I’TIIEI:~OI:IJ: desire to be loyal and fnithful for evermore.
\Ve, the Lnltc~hrn~l (E’la.) compnny of Jehovah’s witnesses, 4‘Sa1v:~tion to our Got1 ~hieh sitteth upon the throne, and
by motion ummimously p:~ssetl, ha\ 0 expressed oursrlvcs in unto the Lamb. “-Rev. 7: 10.
harmony wvlth the I)c~l:~:ction adopted by the wvolld-r\ldc con- Our study leader will kindIT convey this mrssage to Jlrother
vcntiou of the 11eoplo of Jehovah on Pcbruary 23, 19X, and Ruthcrfortl on:1 to Brother \\att, regional servant.
WC llclehy resolve t11:1t, ADOLF NILSCX MARIE rilLSEN
“ ~VOarc mindful that the war is on to the finish of the CLAREXCE E~r:rc~sex FKANCES EIUSBEN
enemy, and notice is now served on the Devil and his cl&f 1. . F:. ~~IiLWiFR.
carthly ag‘.ut, the ll~e~:~rchv at Ron~c, and her allies, 1, OI’FUTZ
L~‘I’l~:~t wc will not stultily oursrl\es by eompromismg with AAG~T NILSEN ALBEI~T IJRAXT, JR.
or yielding to the ctncrny‘s tl~mandn.
“Our trust is nhollv In .Jchovnh and his King, and WCwill
attiilmtc sulvatllm lo ‘non0 olhcr. WHAT A LONGING!
“It is our p~~\~lc*~t:and duty to scrre Jchovnh, followmg To JVMX RI.‘TJI&RFOI~D ASL~ ALL TII): ‘( FIRSTFI:T’ITY”:
tho lcad of his F:111hful and ‘l’ruo \~~tii~~ss,nntl tills, hy lue A Jonatlah would llkc to ofror the proi’ountlM thuuks for
glnrc, we will do. If because of our f:uthfulncss He dx at the tho art& on the “Feast of Ingathering”, iu the last JC’n!ch-
enemy’s h:tntls, wc ~11~~1 If wo survive, it will be ns loyal sub- lov:cr.
jc‘pl3 of Alnqhty God. The loving expressIon of a “aupcrnbundaucr of joy”, on
“Jcbovah ‘s Vintlic*:ttor cnnnot bc drfcated, and by his glace page 121, calls to mtntl the bc~autitul prayer of God’8 Lamb,
and in pcrfolmancc! of our covenant wvc will follow him into thnt all his “shec~p” may bc one.
the wry jaws of ~1(4~, being fully eonfidcnt that God will What a 1onRmg is now aroused for Armogctl~lou to burn up
prt’scrve our cvcrlastiug existence. Satan’s filth, nnd for thr nc:~r day wh‘>n cveq thing that hnth
“ \\‘ith the zeal of 111shouse*1,~’will c.ontinuo to march fer- breath ~111be Joyfully praising Jchovnh!
ward, nnd as we go wc will joyfully hing our victory Bong: Binccrcly,

fltdiunnpolls, Ind. . . . . Oct. ~‘illciIlmltl. OJliO ........ Oct. Rarlnc, Ws. _.............Oct. LoIlr\ ilk, WI% . .. .. .... 0,ct
b1‘\‘11h0ll. Ill‘l. . . . . . . .. . . . 1: J)ayt.m. Oliio .............. I‘ AIll\\llllkrv2. wia. .-...... “,a 2-i Obl~hohl~, \Vih lR, :!:
Loulx\ ilk, Jiy. .. ... .. ... Ccrlu~ul~u’;. OIllo .......... “ Lahc Mills, \VIa. .. . .. ... ,, Sl~el,o.r~‘un. \\ IQ:.“:.:::::: 1; 21. ;;
IJeu‘l~ron, Icy. .. . .. ... .. ;; I’ltthln1l :I1 1%. .......... “ .\Ia~h~n, \Vi’ir. . ... ..... . Grcer, JIay. ,)\ IS. . . .. ..
~la~ll‘~ltI, I<?. . . .... ..... . (‘ JI~lls\~lle, ‘I’:, . .......... “ XJonro~, \\‘I% . .... .. . ...... I‘ I’ola~hi, \\ Ih. . . .. . . . . . . ” 2’1
LouisvilJe, by. .. . .. ... .. CJc\cIaud, Ohio Oct. 31. Ihllnl‘JllP, Ilnva -.._-..... ““
Illuchcrec~k \Vi- 25
Casa5 Itlo, \\‘ls. .......... 4‘ lo* ‘13
Cllr~taavill~ \\‘ir. “:X “ 27
Richlan~l Crater, Ws. 14 \\‘all~:lu,
\i’lS. ...... ..... 1’ 28, t’!l
1.R (‘row‘?, \\‘I*. ”,‘ 15 CUrtlKR, WY. . . ...... ..... :; 30
XIlacklliver Fulls, ..........
N’iu. 16 Lora& WJs. .. . ... . .. .... .. 31
Tndiana 011s. Ind. .... Oct. l-4 I:e‘lford. Ind. .......... Oct. 20. 21
Hothvil f e. lud. .............. Vlrl‘Vwlles, Intl. ............ 22. 23 S. H. TOUTJIAN
Ihnrll, lnd. . ............. 1; Y \VJnslo\v. In& ............ ;: 24 Rooskin. Itlnho .......... Oct.
Trlr‘? 11.1ute, Ind. ...... I~:vallh\ Ilk, Ill‘l. ........ 2%“7 Athol. IMw .............. ”
Jwoii\ Ille, 1~1. .......... “ $$ C’llllnrltoll, 111‘1. .......... ” 30 \vJlitetls1l. .\h?nt. ......... ”
Du~Lw-, Intl. .............. “ I)exter,I Ml. .............. ” I’nlJlo. XOll I. ............. ‘I
Lintoy, Ind. ............ “ 15. 10 Snlrnl. In& ............ “ .\Ilhznal:1, Noat. “ I,e\\ihtonn. Uont. ...... ”
lJloomlngtou, Ind. ..... .I‘ 17,lS Jlron ustown, Ind. .... Xov. IJamilt‘m, ~lont.“:::::::: “
Deer Lo1l3- Mont. ..__..“ i\Jelhtonc, JIout. . . . . . __ “
Butte, Moht. .. . ..... ....’.. ” Blllln@, ;IJunt. . . wt. 30.Nov. 1

FitzgcraJd, Gn. .. ... . ..0,ft. Ot Inndo. Fin. ..._.._....Oct h’ewanoe 111. ............ ?rt, %lOll, 111. ... ..... .... .... ..Oct.
gay;;’ 4% .. ... .. .. .. . ,( Cowa, PIa. ................ ,a I’C‘W. 111. ................ Flola. 111. . .. .... .. .. .. .. . ”
JlrIbournc, k’la. ....... “ Rm‘llcv. 111. .............. “ Rockford, Ill. .._...__....”
Jackpon~.;i,cl:akii;:.-:::::: (1 Wintet J:eacll. b’la. 1: Aurora-,’ 111 ............... “ FrerI>ort. III. _. ...__....“
Ht. Aucustinrb, FJa. ..__“ Fort l’irrce, J.Yn. ............ Gene\ II, III. ................ ” Ifo‘h?Ilc. 111. . .. ..... .... .. ‘I
lhnm?ll. F-la. ____.......... “ Ol;rrcllollee. Fla. ........ I‘ IJ.trtlett, 111. .............. “ Svclllllnrr. 111. . . ... ..... . “
New Smyrun, FJa. . ... “ P;111oIk!e, J-b. ........... ” Jlrmcler. 111. .........................
1: Alolmr. Ill. .. . .. Ott 31,
Sanford. BJa. ___.._.._. ... ” lbrt Lautlerclale, Via. ‘I \Vauke,*an e3 . Ill. Davenport, Iowa _.... Xov.

OCTOBER 1, 1936

6 0 A' T I2 S T S
Erd Scrvunt..... ,.._.._“.._.“_ ._.-...”I. . .. -....”I
Imvid ‘s Fight _“__._._I_.. _.. .I._._._.“...._..-. ._
Ihid at Gibcon _.-- .-.“_ -... .._.-. - .... ..
Perversion .. ... .._... . _.““.- “._......-..“.._.“._“* . .I
Qurstions for Study - . ......-_” I .-..-...” ...._ .”
NEw.wc CoS\e?iTIoS _.... ..-.. I.... ......“. ..- .. ..... - “90

Lemr1:s . . -. ..- ...... . . ... . ._...”_._I...._ _..“. .....” ... _

GiTie‘C’VAT C j-i T CTLV~ZI<

-____ II___ ___-
--- --__. - ---------.--
._--.------ ---- ____ _____ __ _.____ ---------____
____ ____.-- - ..-_. -- -. - .-. x-r:---_
1, 1036 No. 10



“Tlris is the dn!l tcllich Jehovah lzatk made; we will rejoice asId bo glad ill it.“‘--‘s. 118: 24, A.R.V.
J~~IIOYAII GOD has made ihis day, and it is the Joshua was a mere man playing his part in the great
day of frIlGltmcnt of his prophccics which lie prophetic drama whercin hc pictured Christ JC’SUS,
caused to IJC writlcn in the long distant past for the beloved So11 of God, who acts at ~lIm:~gc~ddon in
the comfort of his 1~~01~1~.It is tlie day in which the behalf of man, both for the rcmrtant and for tllc great
nwllc of Jchov;~h is to be vindicated, and thcrctforc multitude, and to the honor and praise of Jehovah
tlic day in whkti Ihc cncmy matics war on all tliosc God. (Isa. 63: 4) ,jt. Uilwon the Israclitcs wro fi,ght-
w110 dcctarc Il~c~twlvcs on 111~side of Jehovah and ing for the C:ibconitcs, who had boutid ttumsclvcs to
his Kink. Tt10w ~110 have itieir undcrstandinr: cn- the Lord’s rcpresontativc, and so ihc Scri1Jturcs do-
IiqlItcncd by Jcl~ovah, through Chrisl Jesus, set that clare “ttte I1ord fought for Iwael”, alit1 fhus CJct~oval~
this is the day v Ilieh Jehovah has made for the vindi- furni4tfid protwtion and salvation for Ilic Gil~conilw,
cation of his name and tlIc dclivcranw of his pcot~lc, and to qJ(~tIovatt thcby owed their s:llvation. Lilwwiw
:111(1 thy rcjoicc, They WC C’11rist Jesus at the tcm1Jtc today (:od fi~lils iii bctiatf of his anoiiiled pC01JtCillld
and know Ihat ttic faithful IXIIlIlilllt arc gatllcl’rd unto will tttus fuI~iti41t 1~rotMioIi x1(1 salvalioll to ttlc xrrcat
the tcrti1Jlo with hinl, and thcrcf’oI~c they sing : ‘Ill~xwd mnltilutl~~, illld tltat grwt multilu(lc IlOW tlcliglits t0
is tic that comcth in lllc 11aIl1c of Jctlovah. ‘ “l~lwxd :~d~no~vlcd~:c and hail ,J(~tloviItI and Christ JCSUS a~
bc hc tllat coIncth in ttw name of Jehovah: WC tlavc l’rotrctur and Savior.-- tlcv. 7 : 10.
bl~~cd YOU out of tllc Ilouse of J(~llovi~ll. JctIo\atI is ’ Josttuil rcturncd to his C;II~IJ : “A\II~ Jdltla rc-
Go11,and hc hnlll r,*ivcn us lixtrt : bind 11~ sawificc \\ittI 1urncd, urtd all J4r:icl with him, unto ttic wmp to
cords, cvc11 uilto tltc horns of the altar. Thou aI.1 my (:ilg:;ll. ” (Josl~. 10 : 15) ‘l’Im1 rclmw, Ilowvcr, Itlust
Gotl, and I wit1 give Itiaiilrs unto ltice: illou art my liavc twcn after, attd not, twI’orc, the f’urtllcr aclivil its
(:otl, I will exalt llwc.” (1%. 17s: %-SY, A.R.V.) Tllc of Josl~na of tltat same d.~y : “13trt tlirw five ltitips llwl,
fait tifnt ones now see ihal Satan and his crowd arc and hid Itwmsc~lvcs in a ca\rc at RIal~ltcdah.” (.Jo4.
In;lliiIIg war \\ ith them and, twowin~ their cntirc dc- 10: l(i) 304ua did Itot C’C’;LVZ his worl; until it MS
pcwdc~lcc U~JCJII the l,ord, they 1~ray : “Save now, we Anishcd. ‘I’hc tl:l~lle of J<~tIovi111\VW CXI~~C~ t11:1t (l’ly
bwcch 1tIcc, 0 ,JetlovalI : 0 Jchovatl, WC bcwcch ttwc, in the Inin(l of cvcry 011c: ~110 bclicvcd on Jchova h, twt,
SCIICI now prosprri ty. ” (1%. 11S : 25, Ni.V.) The to bc hulc, ttial would Itot iltctiide fhc cncmies of (:ckt.
Eaittlful know Ihat Jehovah wilt act, the victory in com- By his pIuplwt Jehovah manifestly IYTCW to tlw titnc
1~lctaicss at ~~rina~ctltlon, tnd now they 1~ray and hope of Arin:i~eddon, iii ltiis writing, to wit: “i~nd I hc
for prosperity from tlkc Lord in their work which tiius1 1Oftincss Of ln;ln sililtt tJc bonY!c~ dOWl1, nlld ttw tl:lUgtl~ i-
b(: pcrformcd just before the ballle of the great day of ness of men shall be made low: and ltre Lorcl alt~t~c
God Almighty. shall be csaltcd in Ihat, day. And the idols hc shalt
2 Concerning the first hdtlte at G&con, when “the utlcrly abolish. And l1w.y [the survivors] sttalt go itito
slul stood still, and the moon stayed”, it is written: the holes of the rocks, and into tltc caves of the eat III,
“nnd there was no day like that before it, or after for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his mkjrsty,
it, Ihat the ‘I,ord llC!~I~1iCllCClllllt0 illc voice Of a man : whaI he ariscttt io shalrc terribly the cnrth. “-1~.
for the Lord fought for Marl.“---Josh. 10: 14. 2: 17-19.
3 \\‘liat came to pass on Ihat day at Gibcon being a 6 With the dcslruetion of the rcligionists and their
propliccy, there was no like day lwforc it nor like day hypocritical organization, the old “whorc~“, those of
after it, hut it foretold a greater day when the prophecy Satan’s organizalion \i ho survive for a tirnc will not
should hc fulfdlcd; and now we lIa\c come to Ihat day t,uI,II to Jehovah but, like Ittc five Amoritc kiu<!s, will
of fulfillment. So doubt Jchorah sent his angel to put hide thcmwlvrs in their own organiziltiolls ; wlikli was
into the mind of Joshua ihe bold UIouglIt that caused forcsliaclowcd by the five IiillgS’ hiding thcniscl~cs in
him to utter the prayer lo God that the sun and the a cave. It was the wine day that the .!moritc Iiillp
moon should stand still and continue to give light. hid ihcmsclves in the cave that JOS!JKI co1,turcd ftle
292 BROOGLiS, S. Y.

town of ,li;~kI;t~li:h. “And it was told Joshua, sa).ing, that the rest which remained of them cntcrcd into
The five kings are found hid in a car-e at 3fakkedah.” fenced cities.” (Josh. 10: 20) Those who cntcxd
(Josh. 10: 17) Those kings wx11d not be permitted to frnced cities did not escape, because Joshua smote all
escape from Jcdlua ; aud likewise none of Cod’s cue- of them, as is shown by the record--Josh. IO: “9, 30,
nrics shall eseapc the Greater Jodma at Sm~awklon. 40’41.
“Thinc hand shall find out all ttiinc encmics : thy 8 Having cleaned out the fleeing cncmy, Joshua I/LO-
right hand shall find out those that hate thee.” (Ps. ceeded to give attention to those “brave ones” ~l!o
21: S) This int’ormation concerning the five killgs that had hid thcmsclws in the cave: “And all the pco~~lc
had hid themselves was brought to Joshua while Ihe returned to’the camp to Joshua at M&kcd~~h in pcaw :
fipht was still on, but hc wouid first destroy the fleeing none m&d his tongue against any of the c~liildIcn
army before attcndiug to those men who had hid of Israel.” (Josh. 10: 21) 1Vhcn Joshua and his ar~rly
themselves. Tlwcl’ore hc pm instruction at the time al~lwared at the town of JInlrtrcdat~ the txoplc tlwe
eonceruing those kings. “And Jostwa said, liolt great had nothing to say. They saw that thcrc was a hip;wr
stones upon the: mouth of the ease, and set men by it power on the side of Joshua. Their taunts, s~lccrs arid
for lo Iwcp tllrJl1 : and stay \-(’ not, hit tJul’sllc arter shouts of defiance againat Jcl~ovalt and his peo~Jtc w(‘rC
your cncniws, and smite the hindmost of tticm ; su&x HOW slitid This fOITill~ldO\\3 \VllZlt, UOd Cilll~Cct if1 IP:

them not to CJltcr into tllcir cifics: for the Lord your written concerning
his lwoplc, when hc vindiratcs 111s
God bath dclivcrcd them inLo your hand.“-Josh. owli glY3t name allcl Iliosc ut)ou whom he ltas put Ii :s
10: 18, I!). name : “llc will swallow up dcatti in victory; nn(l 111;:
6 Joshua thc:u pu~x~lecl the fleeill:: army, :llld the Lord (lot1 wit1 wipe a\Sily tears from 03 all i;l(~~? ; :IIllt
Lord deliwwct tll~J11 ilIt his ll:Jl~t. Tllc Citxwllitcs
the ~~I~tIli~~ of his piwl)t~ sh:~ll hc tnko awiy ff om di
had rccuircd tlwir information altd had taken their att ttlc earth: for ttlc l,orcl tlntti Sl~0t;~Jl it.“---lx]. L!h. s.

stand firrniy 011 ttic side of J~ILU bcI’oYc ttlc hattte ” The ,mgcl of Jehovah was tlirwtillg ~O~IU;I, u IIO
l~c’g:;ln; and this cwrrc~spo~itls with the pr0phw.v con- ttlell %ilSC command conccrnin:: IhC five kin<:*. ‘t’llc
CC1 tlill~ tile JWOJh! of ~OOCt Will \\ 110, t#‘l’Oll! .\lW~d- tiltrc lo 1)iptui.e the fi~lihhi~~,11touches of the viil~tw;il io!t
don begins, have rw*i\ ~‘(1 the mark iu tlic ft’rf*hc~ad, of J(*llo~*i~ll’s IIiIIllC 11d(t lJl~\v COJllC. 111 0tt1rl’ j’:!ld~ O!

410 fake tllcbit. sl;~licl OIL tlic side of Jchowtl, amt OtJCy ttlc Scl~i~)turrs the Ilord lc~tls of the cnJii~,t~~lc~t~c~~~ 01

his Cornrrl;llldHi(‘I11s, 01~1 ‘i\ ho ;Irc sparctt tluriiir: the thC \\Odi t]J;lt Sildt tJC [“‘l’fOl%lCd t,y 1tlC t,OJ’lt .fWlx,

Stilll~lltC~ \VOrli ttl:lt EOltO\~S IK”~~ll%! tllC1y ill’e 011 the ttic (irc~,lft~r .Ioshua, iii t Iic .dwtrucl ioli of 1Ircm~1i(w\ :
si& of thc (Irc:~t~cr .JoQ~I~I:I. 7%~ allied .1moritw, lhc “~llltt 1 !Vitt SL’lItt ;I ;:lXb 011 >t;l!!Op, :lJICt ;1lIlOJ1: tIl~‘llI

c’nvmy, Eorrsti;~~1w~~ctthusc: ah j’ro~~lic~~ic~dby Ilic twpti- ttlilt, tl\Vcll c~:lIX~ic3sl,V ill tllc isles; alid ttI(‘y hll;lII l~lllI\\
(4 1*1Xcliicl, u Ilc,rll tl1c IAJl’tt cloC1;IJwl ;rnd WlllJll~lJl&~d 1tl:lt I. ;I111 IllC I,old. so will I JIl:h: my hly 11#1111~:

his sis ~iicti wit Ii star~qlitcr \\cajIolls to slay utterly. t~llO\Vll ill lhc Jllidhst of JJI)’ JVdo[ItC I:it;ll.‘t ; ;JJltt 1 \\ lit

(ISavltic~l 9: 5-T) So tllic\\iW it ;tl)lW;lW that IIIC I,OlYl IJOt tCt ttl(‘lll t)OttlltC ll1.L’ tIOty 11~11111: ilIly JllOl’L’ ; illld t]lC

Ww1’VCS ttle “tiillqY” (tllati3, the visibtc riilcrs com- llc;lttJCJl SlKlll t<IJO\V tttat 1 am ttw I,urd, 1hc 11$V OJIC
positig fllc “IKYlSl” alrtl tllc ‘kf;llS(! I)rol~tlft”, :lIld G’Og in Isrricl. “- IQLCIC.33: 6, 7.
and ,Si~t:in), both visibtc and itlvisil’lc, 01 Satarl’s or- lo The I,r,rtl ~110~s ill Itic prq~hcc:y of The I:cvcfil.l-
$$JJJiYilfiOll for dc~structioll in ItiC liJlat part Of thC ht- tion that llle rcligiollists arc first dcstrqwl :ircct t11(11
tic. All such of the cncmy wcrc forwl~adowd tJy the fdkJ\SS ttlc &htl’lICti~JJl of at1 ottlcr t)altS (Jf S,lt;lIl’S
five kiligs who hid lt~cnisclvcs in the vavc. It appears org:iliiz:iti~JIl. Ttlcrc it is shown tllat thC ilIlLLt’1 r~l’ 1111:
that the Lad holtls back the “ bczt”, the “faibc Lord s~~mmol~s all that arc On the side of cJ~l~~~~~~l~to
pxJptJet~ ’ ‘, and the invisible hosls of the Devil to the come and see the comtjtclc vintliedtiw of his t101>
last for &StrllCf iOJ1 t lint t1ic.u nli~llt liIlO\V ttJat it is name. Then the “beast” and the “false ~woJh~t ” a~ c’
tile Itand of Jehovah that does fhc destroying work, taken alive and ilcstroycd, and then the l)cvil htn?scll
and that the cnrmy must driuk the cup of bittcrncss gets his dewrts. (,$x 12cvetntion 19 : 30, 21 ; ?(J : 3 -3.)
to the brimful iu sceillg all the host of the wicked These tests in Rcvclntion show c~carlp that Sal;111firat
Wi]JCd out. That prows to all that Jctlovah is the must wilncss the desi ruction of his frxudutw t, rc11-
Almighty God, ttlc “JIiglJty in lxlttte”, alid that sa- gious s+vsfci:ls that for hi lung dcceirctl tlic t)(~~t)lcs of
tan is a chrat) mimic or imitator and braggart, a fraud earth. Then tic ntu\t witness the destruction of tlio
and 3 liar. beastly govcrnmcnts that tie has used to 0pprc.w the
1 Joshua l)ursucd the enemy, picturing Christ Jesus people. Then he must xc his amy w&r (;uL: tic-
pursuing the cncmy at hrniaqccldon ; and Thor! who Slro;r-ccl ; and certainly that wilt fully corivitiw him
were with Joshua in the fight at this point manifestly that Jehovah is suprcnlc. His own dc~slri~ction follon s.
pictured the invi4blc host of hea\cw that fight on the I1 In obctlience to the command of Joshua the fi\o
side of the Lord nrld against the crwmy at Armapd- kings \scre brought out of the cave and (.auhed to xtwld
ClOIl. “And it came to pass, whcu Joshua and the tJCforC Joshua : “ And they did so, an11 brougllt forth
cl~ildrerr of lsracl had made au end of sin:-ing them those five iiitys unto hiJJi out of the CiiY’P, fhc ihi:iy cd
with a wry glcat slaughter, tit1 they were conYumcd, JCIIISIC’JI~, the killg of ltebron, the kirlg of .J:lrmul ;I,

the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon.” (Josh. 11The. prcscnt-day rulers arc haughty and proud
IO: 23) In this part of tltc drama is pictnred ihe Lord and trot Jrhovalt ‘s remnant with i~twlcncc and con-
Jesus, the Greater Joshua, as Jehovah’s Exreutiottcr, tempt ; but the time ir not far tlistnnt when Jelt0~aIt
causing to be brou$tt before him every part of Sa- through Christ Jesus mill grca!ly humiliate those
tan’s organization iliot he lakes captive and iheu ese- proud ones. For Jcho7ah’s witncssc’s to now cotttin~rc
cuting them : “Thou didst arccnd on high, lcad away to push forward their pork in the fiIC!Cof suclt OppOsi-
captives, rcccivc gifts among men, yea, even the rcbel- tion requires faith and courage, attd that courage and
lious, to dwell among them, 0 Lord God.“-I%. faith must lx strong in tltctn to the wry end. The
GS: 19, Let-ser. oppostiion agaittrt Jrhovah’s witncsscs will cotttinuc:
Is The proud and haughty must. now bc bought low. unto the end, and of this Jesus dcclarcs : “ ljut he t lla t
shall ctt~lurc unto the end, the same shall be saved.”
Those five kings were boastful, arrogant and wiclxd
rulers, forcshadowinp the boastful and wicked rulers (Jlatt. 2-l : 13) The faithful will SW God’s enemies wttl-
plctcly humiliated, as Joshua’s men saw tltesc 1riti:s
of the presctit day. As the Oevil’s lic~tcli~tic~~and hup-
]Jotk?I15 they mUht. IIO\v bC hunlih~cd: “Ahd it Cam0
humiliated and ~xccutcd : “And afterward Joslrtt~
lo pass, bhcri they brougltt out tlwc liinqs unto smote fheJI1, and slew them, iItld Iinttpd them on fi\e
ttws: ;ltld tllc?y WCJ c ~liltl~itlg UlJOtl tile tIW!S ulltil tile
Joshua, that cJo4~u~~called for all the ~ncu of Isl’acf,
illld said wit0 tlic captains of the men of war which cvcniilyr. 10 : 26.

wnt with hitn, C’oInc war, put your feet uI~ott the I5 The ltan::ing of t Itc bo(lics of t!tc live kings on fi\-c
JNY!;Y of titcsc lrittq. And they came ttcilr, altd put trees SJmboficafly “l’IlCSC 111c’11 arc :1cc11twtl
Sill(l, 01'

tllcir fWt ll~JOI1 the IICCkS Of fhCJ11.” (~~Odt. lo:%j God,” :tttd rof)rcs(jttIt!d the a(!curscd tbrtcntics of JCIICJ-
TI)us tilt! 1,0r(l fOrclcIIs tIt;tt at ,~rttta~cdd0tt l11c CrllCI vali I hat sltall IJC hutniliatcd nl~cl lllcri clc~lt~~~~~cI.
;lJld WiCkd I’Uh~t’S Of th Wdd, \dlO hl\Y! SO ~I’WSly
Ji~ut~itr~ them 0tt a tree was a furtli~r hunttlial.iott lo
Siltilll, \VllOSC WrVtiItlS tllt’y \\rIY!, :lIld l’OlTSlliltlO\VS {:I(‘
ittst~ltcd tJcliuvnlt (;od a~(1 txougttt rcIJro:iclt ~~JOIL his
mtitw, must IJC linctl it[~ to rcceivc their diics, and Sa- itutnilialiott Ihnt mu4 c’otitc to Salatl \\ li(*tt Ilc sws Iii7
N!~ltWW~:ltiVL’~ &St IYJ~Cd itt ‘\J~tll~i~~~t~~~~Jtl. “ .\Jld if
tan must louli their lttuuiliali~ti
U~JOII and ltis own
il Ill~II IliJ.iC WJllJtli~hd il Sill \\Ol*tll~ 01’ tlt’lltll, illId hC 111’
humiliatiott itt tile hand of C’Ilri,t ~JP~IIS,the migllly
t0 IJC IIll!, l0 thou /l;lll~: ~lllll 011 il 1I’CO; III5
avctrgcr oE ~Jclt0~ah’s ttanw. ‘l’u this the ;I~KMIC tw d<'ilth, iIll<.!

fC’t’J*d WhCIl h! Wt’UtC : “i!lld t IIC (:od of pww sit all

tXKl~ Sll:ltl Ilut tT3~l;lili ill1 Iligllt Up011 tilC tL’W, lrllt 11l~~ll

brllisc kkt:ltl Uttdcr yOllt' fN't Sl;CJrlIy. r~‘hc y’dVC Of

shalt ill
rally wiw tJrlt*y IlitlI tfiat tlily ; (I’ur fw 1fl.tt i:;
0111’ Lord .JCSUS CJhrist IJC: \Vll II ).OU.” (I:Onl. 16: 20) tl:lIlg3l is accwscxl ol (;od ;) that thy lalld IJC Jlclt tltt-
Tftc tiumili:ili0tt of tlw enemy is well f~iclutwl IQ filed, \\ hich the ~AJH~111~ (;od givctlt thee for iili itt-
J0sltu:t ‘S Inw tlwt~lillyg Up011 the IlCck? Of 1110~ it1’1’O- Il1~1~itiltl~C. “--lA!Ut. 21 : 22, 28.
fiiIJlL liill$S \\.]I0 Il2d IKVll SO d(Bli~lIlt illld lJO:IStl’ll~. ‘I’lliS I6 ThC.s,! tltings wcw ~JlYJW$t to l’ass ;111d IY’COI tlPtl lo
is further corrolto~,ttcd by lllc wrds of Jchovalt ‘s strctqthcn the faith and c’outxq 0E Jtll0\itlt’s i:rttii-
l~tq~liet, as it is writ&n : “For hc IJrittgcth do-sir tlictn ful ottw now on cart Ii l~r0clait~titi~ 111~111c55sag:c 0T 111-j
1hat dwell 011ltigh; tlic lofly tit), lie 1;1yctli it low ; ltc II~IIIC iltlcl Iiis kittgcl0m. I\S Jo<fttIa SIC\\ !IICSCctwtnic k;,
layctlt il low, cvc’il lo tltr gtwirtd ; hc l)ritt$Alt it cwt even SOthe (;rcbaler Jo~ltUa, C’ltrist JCSLIS,will \1;1y ;)I1
io the dust. ‘J’hc i’wt shall trcall it ~OWJI, c’wtt the of c~od’s ctlcmics at .~~nt;l~cc~doti.-,~~~~iti 5: 27.
feet of tllc poor, :utd IllC SfCJJSof t1tc JlCCd3..” (Isa. I’ In keeping witlt Clod’s corntii;ttttlm~ttt that the! t;tt)(t
26 : 5, ti) “Xnd yc shall ttwd tlowIt tlic wirlwl; for IJC not dcfilcd, in the c’\ t!tiitig iit’tlar t Ilc corttf)lctt~ victor\
thy Sfldl IJC WhW 1ttldlT thC SdW Of YOllt’ fWt iJ1 the WilS glVCI1 l)OShllil, t]lC IJOlllCS Of thO%! fi\‘C lll(‘Il V’l’t’c:
day that I shall do this, sail11 tits IAOrd of IwSts.” (&I. Cut do\\ rcnlovcV1 i’rotn lllC trcC5: “-lilt1 it (~;11:1~:
II ijIlt
433) ~“l’ltett she [Satan’s organizn~ion, called IMy- to pass nl the tiinc of Ihc goin:: tlowtt oE the stttt, tll;iL
Ion] that is mine enemy shall xc it, attd shame shall Joshua commanded, and they took them clown off t IN:
cowr ltcr which said unto me, Wtcre is the Lord thy trees, and ca\t t ttcttt into the c;L\‘c’ whct*c+tt tltcy I~,I(I
God? mine eyes shall Mold her: now shall she be heen hid, nnd laitl gt(litt stone‘s in the WW’S tnottlh,
trod&u dowti as the tnirc of the streets. “--Mic. 7 : 10. which retnaitt unlil this wry day.“--JwII. 10 : 27.
lsTltc five kittgs were brought out of their biding ly Their hodics wcrc not 1JUricd with ~JOII~JJOUS ;lr~d
pIace, and Joshua commanded his men to put their military I~~IIOI’S, but in dis~racc tlicy \vcre cast itit
feet on tltc tic&s of Ihose proud and linuzhly ones, the Cave ~ltcre tltey had hid tltcmSt~lws, and roc*ltr
and to do so requirctl faith ilIlt1 cottrage 011the part of piled in tflc cntmnce tttctwt. Snch is the ~u~lync~~t
JoAtUa ‘S men. ,21ld ihen Josltuit s!)oke to litem giving writtwt aginst Satan and all of his orL*:tttiz;tti~~tt.
tltrm c~urn~c, but his words of cttcourag,rrment \verc “CUt Iltou art cxt, out of thy grave like an ntwntinal~f~~
more particularly f0r the lwncfit of the rcmnattt lio\v branch, and as the raimcnt of those that at c sI;titt,
011 cart11 : “And Joshua said unto them, E’wr not, nor iltrust ttirou~h witlt a s~~otd, that go down to liw
be tlismqed, be strong and of goud coura?c: for tltUs stones of the pit : 35 a cnrcasc trotltlrn itndc~r fc (,1.
shali the Lord do to all yonr enemies agaittst whom ye Tft0U shalt not he ioittcd wit11 tltctn in hnrial, I~c+au,c
fight. “- Josh. 10 : 25. th0U ht. dt!sttwyed thy laIld, and slain tfiy p!Opl~:

the seed of evil doers shall ncvcr be renowned.” (Isa. of God Almighty, it is written: “And all thrw kinrr5
14: 19,20) The enemies of God will not have a dcccnt and their land did Joshua take al one time, bwan~e
burial; and this is further shown by the end of the the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel.” (Josh.
unfaithful kin: Jehoiakim of unfaithful Jerusalem : 10: 42) The statement there made conc!erniIlg ttic IJat-
“Thcrcfore thuu saith ihc Lord concerning Jchoinkim, tie and the forces of the cncmy which ‘Joshua did take
. IIc shall he buried with the burial of an ass, at one time’ is further proof that Armageddon is OIW.
&:awn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.” balllc and is fought at one time by Christ Jesus and
-Jcr. 22 : l&19. that it is not divided, leaving a large space of time
lo Darkness had not yet come when the battle was bctwctn “tile two phases so tt1at a witness work JIXI~
over and 111~kings were hanged. The town of Malt- be done between those periods”. Men who jump at
kedah must be taken and destroyed that same day in conclusions to make statements because such statc-
which the sun and the moon stood still ; and this was mcnts suit their fancy show that they do not study
do11c. “And that day Joshua took Nakkcdah, and lhc Word of God. Those who possessthe wis(lom I!wt
smote it with the cdgc of the sword, and liic? king comcth from above wilt I1ot be influcnccd 1)~ hal~haz;~rcl
thereof he ultc~.ly dcstroycd, them, and all the souls gur~s~‘cs. God’s elect caJ1not he dcccivcd.
that wcrc’ tlwrcin ; hr let none remain : and hc did to ” ‘YllUS ends the prophetic lbicturc I~lildC by the filst
the king of ;\I~~l~l~~dah as he did unto the king of Jcri- battle at Gibcon and which the I,OJ’d uwti lo fOi’C-
cl1o.” -,Josh. II): 26. shadow the battle of Armageddon. T11c picture SllO\YS
*OThat was a day of great slaughter, and it was to complctc victoJy was givrn to Jochua a11tl co~r~~~l:~tc
the viJidkatioJ1 of Jcl1ovall’s JJamc. Thai, day foretold humiliation cnmc to all the cncmy ; and lh:it f’orc~,l!:~tl-
“tllC! dily Of JChOPilll”, in that part of which day .Jc- ows ttlat Christ Jcsns will gain the complete victor>
llo\‘i111,thron$~ Christ JCMIS,will smile all his cnpmics at Armageddon and will humiliate and allnihll,lte
to the vindiwlion of II is IIUJW. Joshua then proccctlrd Satun’s orgnnization. The C~ibcoJiifcs wre f’ult,v clc-
to &nr all 111~criemics out of GlllililIl and rid the livcrrd from all tl1cir cnc*mics round about IltPJlr, \\ )I0
land of tllcm. (\‘erscs 2s-40) “ .!nd Joshua smote Ihcm Would m&c them objects of assault and \'Cll~l'il~l~'L!
from liadcsh-lx1rnca cvcn UJI~O Gaz;J, ant1 all IIIC cow- bCC~lJlSC t hCy IlLIt fOJ~S~ili~~l1 tllC 0rgilJliz:lt ioJ1 Ol’ ~ill~lll
try of (.:osliCii e\‘Cn unto cibcon. ” (vs. 41 ) C;ilJcon is
ihat fonzht against Jchowh’s rcprcwnt;ltivc, .JOY!IIK~.
ty lilv111 ioiJr4 in 1 hc Scrit1lural iIc(Wlml IJWilUSC SO liltcwisc are illc J(Jllild:ll)s, \v110 form tt1<* g:rc,:!t
it \\‘ilS 011 the :Ir~~ouIlt the (;ihconitrs, that tl:,d dC-
multiludc, and who 11ill f,(hwvcd aiid dcliv~rwl 1’1~1~1
clartd tllcrusclv(~s for J~t10vat1 a11d Joslluit, Illat Lhe their ~!llCllli~S at ~i~Ill~l~~!dd~Jil Ut~Jll C!oil~li~lO1l tll;lt

eiicmy had hwi Ivtl lo hagin tlic fight az,‘:liil5t them. thcg rcmlcr full 01wdicwc: to the I,o~*tl’s coi1im:1tl&
In tl1is day of Jehovah when he will villdicatc hi,s name lncll~s COI1CCrJlill~ 1fN 111. Ilike !tlC ~~itJWJii~C~, the ,It,ll.l-
Salan galhctrs all ttic nations lo ;\rm:igcddon, twause dabs or great multi~adc arc the only ones that C~IIIC
it is thc~rc 1hat J~~hovall’s pcoplc arc ;NWJI~~J~C~ and Out froln 8at:lJl ‘S OJ~~~iJJ1izafiOl1 ZlJ1~1 t;lkC Iticir hl:iJlcl
that is the priilcipal point of Ihc baltlc, and hcncc it will1 IlJc Lord after the coJJ1ing of’ Christ Jesus to 1ilc
is at A~w1a::c~l~loJ1 that Jchcwrh hy the h:111t1 of Christ tcmplc for ju(lqnwnt. Thrw come fully on 1ho hitic
Jesus will fight lllc final battIc, that is, the httle of of Jc110vat1 a11tl (>hJaist i1Jld associate tt1(~Jnscl~c~ \I iJ11
tllc glTilt day Of God i\lini$ity. A ~\OUItl-tJCtCaCl;U JCINJV:III ‘S faitllfut J*~~J1lnaJ1t and covcJ1:JJlt to ~($1YC:
of Clod’s pcoplc has insisted that Armageddon is one Jcllo\ all, a~ltl do “scrvc him day and night in his
battle, and is a separate and tlislillct n11ddifl’crcnt one teniplc ’ ‘.--llcv. 7 : 15.
from the battle of the great day of God ~~laii$lty, l)lus E\‘lI. SEI(VAST
trying lo furnish an cscusc for sayin: that t~ctvwn t!le 23 Saul \V:IS a scrv;ttlt of Jehovah a11d bwrmc ~~i(~tic~d.
“lwo phases of Arma~cdtlon” there will bc a great Saul and his 11011sc sc’cni clearly to pict JJJY: the “~1 i!
work done. dwtcrgcddon means ‘the 1)lace of gathcr- SWVaIlt” CtilSS OllCC ill tl1C WrviC!C Of *JC’tlO\iltl :tlld U II(J
jng of troops’, that is to say, of Jehovah’s trool)s. These ~WOIIIC \vickcd. (JIatt. 24: 48-51j There \\‘a~ a fight
arc already aw~mblcd unto the Lord, and Satan brirlgs at C;ibeon bctwecn the soldiers of Saul’s ~011, I~I~JIJ-
up his forces for battle; and thcreforc, Armageddon Shcth, and tl1e soldiers of King t);1vicl, \\lleJ1 I):I~ 1tl
being a place where the battle of ihc grcitt day of was king owr Judah at Ilcbron. Saul ‘S son l)rovolic*~l
God Almighty is fought, it is for that rcason properly the fiRlit aJld was 1 horoughly thJx.hcd a11d dcfwtcd.
called the battle of Armagctldon. It means the place (See 2 Samuel 2: 12-X) If tl1is was a pirturtb, it 111:1>
or condition where assault is made by the forces of well represent the cfi’orts of the “evil servant” Cj;i\j
Satan against God’s pcoplc; and wlm Jehovah God to prcvcnt tlic anoillted, under the Grcatclr I);L\ ill,
takes a hand and f’ights the cncmy to a final finish, from bcnring the fruits of tlic liiIl~dOnl hrfow tii~w:
that is the battle of the great day of God Almighty ~110 are of good will toward God. l’hc Scriptuwi
in behalf of his asscmblcd people and for the vindi- show that the “evil servant,” clnsr; do~.sput forth :1!1
cation of his own great name. effort to hinder the faithful remnant from cnrr\-inz
*I As further cridence that the battle of Gibcon is a the mossage of truth to those of good will ~.lio .rliali
picture of Lirmagcddon, or the battle of the great day form the great mult itudc.
24Afterwards David was anointed king over all
Israel. (2 Sam. 5 : 3) David was a type of Christ Jesus.
J)wid cstrtblishctl his kingdom at Jcrusalcm, an{1 this
prophetically pictures the eutbronement of Christ
Jesus in 1914, and later his coming to the temple as
lIead and Mulcr over Jcltowh k capital organization,
which comiq to the temple occurred iu 191Y. Later
the temple was cleansed and all the faithful were
brought into unity, and from that time onward Jcho-
x-ah’s witnesses have been busy proclaiming tltc mcs-
sage of the kingdom and, in obcdicncc to the commaud-
meut of Jehovah, in declaring the day of the WJI~C-
RIWC of our God apinst the wicked and his orsani-
zation. The Roman Cat!lolic Jiicrorchy and ullicd
clcryq-mcu are the chief ones among the wicked and
uwc formhadowcd by the ancient l’hilistincs. \\‘hcn
David was cnthroncd owr all Israel the l’hilistincs
dctcrmincd to &strop him and his pco~~lo ; and so
now the lton~art Catholic Ilicrarchy a11d dlid c~L*r:y-
II~IJ arc bent upon the destruction of the l,ord’s
atroiJtkd Ihilt 111~~might p~~llt the kin!&111 of God
fruzn being cst;ttMlcd and prcwxt the remnant from
Iwcomiug a part of that king&m~ or “nafion”.--I’S
h3 : 2-5.
li The Miilistitws were out to crush David, as the
1*word ShO\VS : “The I’hilistiiicn also came, alIt .41)rc:ld
thcnwlvtw iti the valley of I~c~phaim.” (2 Sam. 5 : 1s)
l);Lvid joinctl hat tlo with tltc J’hiIi:;tillcs atltl put tlwm
to rout,, Jchov:~h having suit1 to I)avid : “Go up ; for
1 Itill d(JubtkSS &‘liIYr t]lC I’lliliStillCS illto thlIlc
lIdrId. ” The fi;ht took pl;wo ant1 l)avid, boii~r: WC-
c*cwful by th! 1,01’d’S gxvC’, cnllctl illat place “l:nd-
l’c~r;lzirn “, which n1c;m.y “ il brcwh or brcakinq forth
llpoll lklal”, whic.11mctuls tlcvil religion. “,\ncI J)::vid
c’;IIIIc to l:il;lJ-J)~‘~;!~iI~1, atld lhrid SInOte thcln tflCI’P,
all11 said, The Lord hilt11 tWol<~~1 forlh UpOtl mmc UIC-
rnies bcforc! mc, as the brwrh of waters. Thcrci’o~~e he
c*al!rcl the name of that place BaaI-pcrazim.“--:! Silm.
5 : 20.
‘6 It is llrc arrogant Catholic Hierarchy that arc now
taking the lead in the practice of devil religion and
losing it as a shic~ld to carry on their nicked actions.
I<\-cn now tlw fdcration of churches known as 111~
“ Fcdcral Couiwil of the Churcltcs of Christ” II;IS
made a, common cause with the Roman Catholic Hicar-
archy. Thcrc ic; now a completed conspiracy bctwcn
all these rcligionists to make war against Jcho~t~h’s
witacsscs and, if possible, to accomplish their dcstruc-
tiou. Jehovah, by the Greater David, Christ JCSIIJ,
will smite the devil-rcligionists.
z7Sow note that at Perazim David said: L‘J~4~~~al~
hall> broken miuc cnemics before mc, like ihc brcx~l~
ol’ waters. ” (rl.Zr’.l’.) Jii this connection appears the
IaIlguage of Isaiah’s prophecy, which rends : “ Ilail
shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the xrters
shall overflow th(l hidiug place.” (Isa. 28: 17) The
fight at Pcrazim thcrcfore seems more particulaily to
s. T.

the enemy. The prophecy of ILaiah says nothing about thinz, like a corporation, and can be destroyed with-
Jehovah’s being woth at Xount Perazim, but does out destroying the individuals who operate that bcldy
esprcssly mention J~Aovah’s wrath (or anger violently or corporate thing. The Roman Catholic llicrarcily
expressed) at Ciheon. It seems rcasonablc, therefore, and allied clergy hide behind a great mass of lies and
to conclude that David’s fight against the I’hilistincs thcrcby deceive the people. The Scriptures swIn
at Mount Perazitn pictured particularly the war that clearly to teach that Jehovah does a work which cs-
is now on between the ‘seed of the Serpent’ and the poses the hypocritical religionists and their systems
‘seed of protnisc’ mcntioncd in I<cvclation 32: 7, and to view and brings the same into disgrace and destroys
Obadiah 1; and that the two battles at GibcoII, the one the ]JOWCr and inllucnce thereof with the people. Thus
fought by Joshua and the one fought by David, Beth Jehovah does by causing a great flood of truth likch a
pictured the violent csprrssion of Jehovah’s anger migllty flood of xaters to overflow and sweep away
against the cncmy at the battle of the great day of the lies. This is done in connection with the hard,
God Almighty, or Artnngcddon, and which will bc the cold truths, pictured 1)~ hail, whiciI hc causes his wt-
“act” of Jehovah Cod, and “his strange act”, to all IlcSSCSt0 ~JrOCbIiln bCfOrC thC pCOp]C. rh!StrlK?ti~JIi of
cxccpt ti~ose w-ho arc on the side of Jehovah ant1 un- the religious systems ncccssarily appcara to be a vc’t*y
dcr Christ Jews. Tim prophecies of the Lord, as cx- “str;IIi~~ work” iii the cycs of those who lmvc no
prcs+d IJ~ J04Iua, Isaiah, Obttdiah and JTaI)~IkkUk, la~ow1ctl~c or undcr~tanditig of God’s iJuri~0~c. Tlic
must al1 IJC coIIsiticrcti togctiier, because all arc the Roman Catholic IIicI~arcliy has for ccnturicv Id 11112
words of Jehovah and dcscribc t hc same thing and arc pe0lJie to bclicve tllilt it is Cod’s siwcial 0YgillliZat ioIl,
csnctly in iI:~rtnoIIy. and to cspose and disgrace that or~nnizaticin \vcJllld
2UrJ~l~Ovali 113sHot written his \\‘ord as mcll write. sccni wry st.raIixc to llliltly. It is while this flood (,I’
It has i~lcascd IIim to write some in one place and truth is SWXJJillq thl’OUgi1 tll0 lillld, CSJ)O\illq thC
some in another, to the cntl that only those who dc- rCfUgC Of liCS, tile
tIlilt hOIlCSt-k!M’tCtl JJCoJlir, tilOW Of
Vote llI~~nIsc1~~ 10 ,Jt~IIoviIh \~110ilg and cowplctciy can good will toward God, hear and bciicvc God's \\'od
illltlc~slalld tllc swnc. It is 0IIly those who arc m:icic a~Id COIIIC out atId take tllcir stand 011tllc siclc Of’ i iJC
ri::lltcOus by fllll filitll cllltl 0l~ctlirllcc UIltO (:Ocl :rlld I,or(l, and form 111~gIwt multitude. ,111tlic !+iiJtuics
C’Iirist JCSUS itlId \vho 11Uld~ly continue in the right show that the jiatlicrin~ of the gIwit tnultitu~i~~ IIIIIG
Wily tll;lt \\ ill IlOW UlldClXtillld: “DO IilCy IlOt (‘1.1’ tht bc eomi~lctrd IJ~~h'~ tl~c battle of tilt ~I’(~al. &I\ of
ckviso cd? but tncrcp and truth shall IJC to tllcm that (:Od AJIniglIty is fou+ l’iicrc is no scI*iiJtiirc iItcii-
clwi~c good.” (l’rov. 11: 23) “Ilight is sown for the eating that ttic: gIc;~t tnultitudc will IJc :::11h(~Iwi 10
ri;:litcous, and gl;~dtIcss for the IIiJI~iglit in hearl.” the I,Ord after the battlc of f~rm:1’:~~1111~1i IJ~IJIC.
(1’s. 97 : 11) This lnttcr test claw not wy tllat truLli After tiic rcligioii9 syxtc~ms mc hrouylit into tiic full
is sOwi for tiic riglitcous, 1~~1Iii:It light is sown for light :~Ird es~)owl atid the clwgy that 11nvv OJWI..~I~~
the rigiiteous. God’s \\‘Ord is truth, and it is pub- tllOSc systctns arc tlis~Iaccd, tllOSC ~lCl*~~lll~ll, ilS it ill)-
lished freely that all may get al~oltl of it who seek it. JJcill'S froin the ScriiJturcs, try to rcpucliatc thciir 1 ill(>s
Jehovah God c;~usw the glory of his light to shine as c~lcrgymcii ant1 d;kiIIi to l~c c’OmmoIi IalIorcrs. “ .\ 1x1
ul~o~i his Word, and that IiFlIt is for tile rI~lItc0us. it ShillI Cam? to p:lus iU that day, tllat the J~lo!~~~c~ts
The righteous OJIPSarc the 01~s who utidcrst:IIid, and shall IN asharnctl cvrI~y one of his vision, ~11~~1~IIC II;I~!I
thcsc arc in the teIni)ic ant1 arc rilrhtcous by virtue of proplwsicd ; neither hi~aii tlicy wear a rougl~ ~~It*rnc~~~t
being under the “robe of riqhtcousncss”. “Konc of to dcccivc; iJUt he sl~all say, I ;ItI’I no i)rOpiIct, 1 :IIII
the wicked shall uIItlcrst;IIId; but the wise shall UU- an llU5b~llldtIl:1l1 ; for man t:lUpllt Inc to IiCCIJ PiltlI('
dcrstand.“-1)aII. 12 : 10. from my youth. .2tld one shall say Unto him, IYllilt ;rI'c

DnIn drawing the line of dcmarlration between the thcsc wo~itids in tliilic hands? Tliwi lie slinll aIiq\\or,
proud, hypocritical, drnIIi~cti rcligionists and hi< faitli- Those with whirh I was wounded in the l~~usc Of I:I>
ful peo~~lc in conncctioii with the wari’arc bctwcrn the friends. ” (%cch. 13 : 4-G) This scripture is coIIsid~~rc*tl
two, ~JciIovaiI says : “ \Vhom shall he teach knowledge? in tiir book I’wl~~liow, page 216 and ~):r::r~s fctllow-
and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them in?. It appears that those who arc trying to cause
that are wcancd from the milk, and drawn from the confusion and those who are pcrtnitting th~msciv~s to
breasts. For prcccpt must be upon prcccpt, prcccpt be confused have not read and studied the ‘\Yat(*h
upon prcrcpt ; line upon line, line upon liac; here a Tower plblkations as the 1~0rd has brcn )~IcilWl 10
Ettlc, and there a little.“-1sa. 2s: 9,lO. bring them forth. Sot UlldC~~tilUdill~ tile tlxtll, tilc,,V
s1 It appears that confusioh has arisen in the minds set forth their own views in opposition to what the
of some readers of !f%e Il’nlchtowcr conccrIIing the Lord has giwn his l~cople.
gathering of the great multitude, aud such confusion 3ZThe following scriptures show beyond a tl11~11t
is incrcascd by some would-bc tcachcrs who are am- that the great multitude must rcccive the \\ ilnffir\ (11:

bitiolI3 and covetous. Those who follow the cspres- the kingdom truth, accept tllc S:I~C, tiIl;c their >ttI!i(l
sionr of such iwrsons arc bound to hare cOIAusion in on the side of Jehovah aud his orgnuiznlic~u, and ~ilcsrl
mind. The Kotnon Catholic Hierarchy is an inanimate be diiigcnt to seek ri~htcousnc~s and mCClillc~s h~1~1I.c
OCTOBEP. 1, 1936 29-i

the battle of the great day of God Almighty is fought; hand side, and then says to them: “Come, ye ~~!rs:;cd
end which scriptures are, to wit : of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you
At Zcphaniah 2: 1-3 it is stated: “Before [not after from the foundation of the lvorld.” To those wicked
or in the middlc of the trouble] the decree bring forth, rcli$onists and tlwir allies who perwcute Jehovah’s
before the day 1~1ssas the chat-f,before the fierce anger witnesses becausethey are preaching this gospel, Jesus
of the Lord come upon you, . . . seek righteousness, Christ the great Judge says to them : “Depart from
seek meekness; it may be ye ~1~111 be hid in the day of me, ye cursed, into cverlastmg fire, prepared for the
the Lord’s anger. ” It was at the battle of Gibcon that, devil and his angels . . . And these shall go a1’:a.viiito
Jehovah csprcsscd his anger against the enemy, and everlasting [cutting-off (Diuglott)].” That dc::iruc-
which he says, through his prophet Isaiah, he shall do tion of the cursed is at Armageddon ; and how could it
again when hc performs his “strange act”. be possible to put to the test others of good will or
I*~zckiel 9: 4-11 prows beyond all doubt that the give them a chance to show tlicniselws devoted to tiic
faithful witncsscs of Jehovah must go through the Lord’s people after the G&d arc dcstroycd and the
land and girt the pcoplc a witness to the truth and testing time is past?.
finish that “WOI k” bcforc the slaughter work begins 83The Lord JC~IISis at the temple conducting jndy-
by the l~sccutio~lcr of Jchov:~h. There is no intima- mcnt, and has been thcrc silicc 191S, and is now SC ]J-
tion hcrc that any witness work i, to bc given after the arathg the nations. It is during tllir t imc thaC Jesus
slau~htcr work begins, which witness work will bring says to the faithful olics of tlic tcmplc cla~,s: “Xlid
fort I1 thC gIYhilt mult itudc. this gospel Of the l~hgdom shall bc preached in ail
Scco~ld Kings 10: 15-25 plainly statw tlmt Jonadab the world for a witness unto all nations: ilIlt th[sIl
nwt and joined Jc’hu, ws tnlrcn into Jel~u’s chariot, shall the end c’omc. For then shall i)c great tribu!;ltioll,
:111d rock \vith him in the chariot (his organization) such as was not since the brginniug of thcl world lo
IJc~for’ctl1c slau~lltcr took place. this time, no, nor cvcr shall be.“--3latt. 21: l-i, 21.
licveintion 7 : 9-15 shows the great mult itutlc gath- 34Tiic prcaclling of this gospel is for tlic wry r~ur-
crcd u11to the 1~~lx.land swvinq him; and thcrc it is pose of informing the people of good Itill, Iv110ilW
stntcd that “ thcsc arc they whicii came out of gwt wpnratc from the Jhvil’s oqgmimtion and form l !I(>
trii~ulation, nlltl Ilil\‘C wlsl~ctl tlwir rob, ZlIld Inatlo great multitutlc, and tilcrc is notiiiiig said by 1llc IAJI (1
tlicni white in the 11100dof tlic lmnl)“. Ttic grwt trilb about prcwliitig this gcJSlN’1 Of tllC iiill~cl0lll Flftc*l, I tlC
ulation rcachw its climax at ArmngAdon and with- great tribulation, but clearly tile infcrciicc is tltaf S~ICII
out doubt is the csprcssiou of Jehovah’s anqr ugainsl prcaclking is not then ncccssary.
S:iton’s organizat ioll. Tliosc Of tlic grcnt mull itulle 35Tlic two httlcs at Gibcoii clca~~lyforcsliado~\ cl1
cswpc that great tribulat ion illld arc brou$t tliroi1gli ~!rn~:~:~~ddon, a11d the Scr.i~~lllI~cr sl10w such. At tllc
it alld ~WLWrVd by t!lC I,Old lll,Oll th CX]~I’CWd (‘011. first battle Joshua pictured the 1~wd ,Ic\us, and, nlwii
ilit ion tllilt tilcby scc4r ~i~irtcousiless iilld Inchlcss h- Jehovah tlwcw down great stones of kc from IIC;IVC~H
fore Armagcdtlo~i. 1Ind they not aircady wnslic~tltheir that tlcstroycd niolst Of the cncsmy,tht clca1~iyIJic$rlwd
rohcs in tllc iJhJOfl of tlw lAIl11) t11cy could not tJI2 prc- the invi5iblc hosts of hcavcn cl~:aqxl ill the fi:lit
scrvccl during the great tribulation. ag;liIlSt tllC forCCS of thC IkVil ~OlllIll:lndd IJy (it1g
XIatthcw 25: 31.46 shon-s Christ Jesus at the tem- and including the cartlily division of tllrl Ikvil ‘b army.
plc for judgnwnt a~1 bcforc him arc gathcrcd all the At the later httlc Of 0 ihcoli, fought 1byDavid, lie t iic8r.c
nntious. Christ JCSUSpro(~cKlsto scl)aratC tllc lli\t ioIls ; picturctl Jehovah’s bclo~cd Son, Cl11is;t ~J~ws. Ih\ it1
and when the t inw conm to 1na1tcknow1 the wicirtd was iIlstructcd \JY the Lord at that battle that hc
goat class, as distingui&d from the sheep rlnss, how should not begin the attack in t,hc usual way, but that
clots the Lord itlcntify them and make them kno\vn? hc Should lnaiie a ilank mowmcnt 011 tile cIlc’m\‘, :illtl
1Iavc in mind that Christ Jesus said that aside from then wait until he heard the signal from tile I,or(l,
the “little floe!c” of his c;hcephe had “otli~‘r siwl~“~ that is, “the sound of a going in the tops of tire mu!-
which hc would gather, and that they should \JCCCJnlC berry trees ’ ’ ; “for thcli is J&o\-al1 gollc out \J(!I'oI c:
a part of his organization. (Jolm 10: 1G) Those “otlwr tilcc to smite the host of Piiili~tincc.” (2 Sam. 5: 24,
sl1cep ” arc the ones composing the great multitude. A.R.V.; SW also 1 Chronicles 14: 13.17) Tllat is co11-
During the time of the separation the faithful rem. clusivc proof that the invisible host of hcawn lctl ~hc
nnnt, in obcdicnce to the commandments of the Lord, fight against the eiicmy, in which I)avid was the Yis-
go forth and ‘prcnch this gospel of the kingdom as a iblc lcuder and m which the cnemg ~1s complctcly tlc-
witness to all the nations’, and while that prearhitig feated. SO likewise the picture given in l~c~cl:itwn
is going on those who compose the great multitude, concerning Armageddon, that the Lord Jesus Iwtls
that is, the “01 her sheep”, show kindness toward the the fight, and his armies in heawn follow after him.
faithful witncsscs of the Lord, and because of their -Eev. 19 : 11-16.
kindness and co-operation, and because they take thrir 36Jehovah fought. the battles at Gibcon in lwhalf of
stand on the side of the Lorcl aud favor his witucsscs, his covenant pcoplc, and also for the c‘:il~~~nitc~s, \:ho
Christ Jesus the great Judge puts them on his right- had put thcmsclvcs under Joshua. Lil;c\j kc Jehovah

by his great iVarsha1, Christ $esus, fights the battle tinucd until the rcizn of Solomon. The site of tl:c
at Armaycddon for his co~~uitnt people, and the anti- temple had been indwatcci by the Lord to Kin? I)nvid.
typical Gibxmitca, t!le :;reat tnu!titudc, who, of POUISC, “At that time, n!Icn L)avid saw that the Lord had
nr11stlJC on tiw side of *?cllo~~.~i~ Lcforc the fight talzs a?isv;c?~~d him in tlic threshingfloor of Ornau tha Jc’b
place. The Giboonltes were cctrn~~lctclydclivcred from usite, then hc sacrificed there. For the tabcn~aclc of
:htd?l ‘s forces round :lhJUt lf&m, which c?Icm~yhad the Lord, ~bliich 310~~ made in the wildcr?iw, aI?~l
;lt?cmptcd tl?c d~.structIun of Giibwn bccauw they had the altar of the bur?1t ofi’cring, were at that SW.N?Ii??
i’orwkc:? the I)cvil’s crowd aw.l put thetnscl~cs on the th? high &ICC at (:i~JCOil; hit Ikivid’COdtl IIot 20 bC-
side of the Lord and bccomc his servants. So, too, the fore it to iliquirc or” (:ocl; for lie was afraid, bcwuse of
cncmy attxxzlpts to destroy al1 tliosc of the great multi- the sword of the ang:zl of the Lord. Then David haid,
tude who arc set Prcc froril Satail’s orgsnizatioi?, Ix- This is the hoaw of t!Ic Lord God, and this is the :dtaI
c~u;c tlwy h;,vc devoted thcnwlvcs to Cod’s orp??i- of the burnt ofi’criI?g for Israel.” (1 Chum. 31 : 2:X0 ;
Aat?on under Christ Jesus. Thwc are preacrvcd and 22: 1) T:??til the tcrnplc was co?nplc:tcd at dcru&m
t,llrcn t!?rouch 4\rmngccltlu??.Liicc the Gihconitvs, the, duriilq tlw rciq? of .ijoloniol?, in tllc clcrcntli yc:lt‘ ot
great r,lul!it??dc arc tlic only UL?CS that today forwkc his rcizn, Solumoit himself went 111~ to Gilwon to \f or-
H lt?:i’s orq;~?rizution arid cuine over 011the side of Jc- ship tlicrc : “.\Iltl &JhlmJ~i loved tlic l*Ord, \:.Ilkilig
ho~;!h i\till i:!lrist JCSUS;III~ ~~~t!IIaIIt to 1~ the SCN- in tlic statute-4 of I)arid his father: only lit s;w~fit~*d
wl: of GMI :liltl his lii?l~d0ln. and burnt i?wc??sci??l11gl1 ~~lacw. 13r?d the ICI?I~ w :It
to (~itxxm to :.arrificc tllcl*c; for that \‘tilS the :W:lt lil~:il
IJli!CC; il tllorl~;lfttl IJllrllt oflcri?lys (lid Snlor~lc~rl Oi,C'l
UlJOTl that illtilr. 111 C;ihCfJn tll!! IAJld a[JIJ(‘:lI’i’d 10
S010IhOI1 in il drt:?ni 1J.ynight: iltld (;CNlsaid, .I<!< \\ I:;lt
1 Sil~l~l qivc t!lCC.” (1 iti. 3: 3-S) “,iH(l it l'~lII11' t0 IJ:i-S,
wh~?i S1~10m011 Iiad f;uisl?ctl the I,uililir?g of t 1112
1Jf thC I,Od, id the j\iIl~'S hlJllW, ;lIlll 311 .~OhJllll~ll'\
dc,i?*c wliicii 110 ws plwd to (10, tliat tlw l~?rcl ::I)-
IJCii? ('(1 t0 ~O~OlllOIl tllC S:r'C'(Jllll tilllP, ilS 1lC htld ;l!J1J!‘ill’(‘~!
u:ito hilt? at (;ilw~Jll. .!r?il tlie lAoId sdicl unto il1!ti. I
hvc IlWlYI iIl$ lJ?‘;‘~(“’ ;I?ld thy suplrlivat io?i tlJ:!l ill~l!l
Ii;141 nmtlc l~~~l’ore Inc: T Ita\ e h;rllo\scd t Irk 11owc*I\ Iii-11
tlloll ll:l*~t II:lIIIC 1 flcblX!
lJllil!, tlJ IllIt my fol’ CVCI’: illl(I
rnillc cyc9 awl ??li?icIlv;it*t sIMII Iw thcrc ~~cq~(~ti~:~Ilv.”
-1 Iii. 9. 1-3; S (‘li?vu. 1: 3-5, 13.

67IIoscs built tlw tal,cr??nci~ i?~the wjldcrI?css; but

in Kmg Da\ id’s reign the t;~lx:r?Iaclc, tog&w with
thC! l~IYlZPIl iLltar. WLIS lW;\tC!J at Gibcon. ThC! t:llJOr-
rt:wle was the?? lacki?r;: t hc ark of the corc??:???t, due
tJ the l’hilistinc~s havi??g captured it: “Awl Zadok
tlw priest. and his brethren khe priests, bcI’ore the
ldbernach? of the Lord in the high place thut \vas at
Oilwonz to oflcr burnt ofi’crit?ys ullto the Lord HlJon the
dI:tr of the burnt offcrinq con’t?uually, mow in:: end
erciiing, and to do according to all that is written in
t:iC? law Of the l~ortl, \\-hicli he commanded Israel.”
(1 Chrou. 16: 39, 40) It tSilS thcreforc co??~c~?ic?it for
tltc Gibeonitcs to bc servants oi the t:?her?~:i~leat their
home tots~, it??dthat, too, with 1l1cpool a??d\\oodr or
iot ests nrcdcd for water and wwxl, which, as d?awrs
of water niid choppers of wood, they used.

proselytes, continued with God’s chosen people is began to try to estcnd their faith, and in doing so
further shown by the fact that at Pentecost, after the usrd carnal weapons and many other wrongful means.
holy spirit descended upon the apostles, those who The Maccnhecs, who were priestly Levites, became
heard their speech in various tongues are mentioned kings of such Jews, and one of them was John IIyr-
as “Jews and proselytes”. (Acts 2: 10) sicolas of canus. On the death of his father, John IIyrcanus
Antioch was a proselyte. (Acts 6: 5) Nany who fol- ascended the throne and became high priest, B.C. 13.5.
lowed Paul wcrc proselytes. (Acts 13: 43) The ances- To begin with, John was a Pharisee. Concerning ihc
tor of Jonadab, tlie son of lkchab, was in the same military espeditiuns of John it is written : “IIyrcan11~
class of strangers or prosel;vtes.-Num. 10 : 29-32 ; took also Dora and Jlarissa, cities of ldumea [ Edom 1,
Judlp 1.. 16 * 1 Chron. 2 : 55. and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them
‘“b:hcn iesus made his triumphal entry into Jeru- to stay in that country, if they would circumcise their
salem, riding on an ass, the great multitude accom- genitals, and make USCof the laws of the Jews; and
panied him, many of whom were “strangers” or they were so desirous of living in the country of their
“proselytes ’ ’ : “The l’liarisccs therefore said among forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circum-
thcmselvcs, Pcrcrivc ye how ye prevail nothing? be- cision, and the rcvt of the Jewish ways of living; at
hold, the world is gone after him. And there were which time therefore this hcfcll them, fhat thcg wcsre
certain Greeks among them that came up to worship hereafter no other than Jews.” (~Jo.scpl~usAn!. X111,
at the feast: the snmcbcame therefore to Philip, which chapter ix, sec. 1.) llater John llyrcanus bccnme a
was of Ikthsaida of Galilee, and dcsircd him, saying, Saddacec.-nnticltti(ics XIII, chap. s, SW.5, G.
Sir, WCwould WCJesus.“---John 12: 19-21. 40llencc the familv of tiic jlerods, being ldumcans
43h’otc now that the hvpocritical . I’l~arisccs per- or Iklomitcs by dcsrcbnt, wcrc inctudcd among these
vcrtcd this mhttcr of prosclyt OS,doing any1hing and forcctl pros;cly!cs of Pharisee: manufacturr. “II~rod
cvcrytlliuq l)OSiitJtc to draw men into their organiza- tll(? king,” ho-called “IIerod the Groat”, was sucl, an
tion that the l’har~isccs mi:;lit rcrcive material support ISdomitc prosclytc, and hc was tlic one that iutcrvic~ned
from tllcrrL To thJl1 cJcs11s said : “WOC UJltO yo11, thr: wise men from the cast illld thcll tried to hill ltio
scribes and Pharis(q hypocr~itcs! for ye compass sea hahc Jesus hy ord(arinq all the bahics of 13~1 tllcllc111io
and land to JllJlkC’ 011~ prosc~lylc; antI when hc is macle, 1~ killed. (Matt. 2: l-19) This Ilcrod hypoc~~itic;~lly
yc Jllcllit! him twofold more the child Of hell thJ1 yuUJ’- rclmitt the tcml)tc at .Jcrusalcm, concernin:: which t IIC
sclvcs. . ” -Natt. 23: 15. Jews said to .Jc’ws: “ For1y nnd six yt’ars w:i\ 1his
tcJnptC! in buildin:, and wilt iliou rear it up in ttllc’c
days 7” (Jo1111 2 : “0) .Jcsus foretold the utter dcst rue-
tion of llcrod’s tcrnplc.--Matt. 2-t: 1, 2.
of God, that is, to IIW a truth and misapply it in ortlrr “I llerod ~1lltil);ls 1tic liiI1 g \vas also SW11 ;I pmdylc,
to hide 1~~kwfn1 avts. (:od’s law, whirls is always tJC!illg ttlc SOll Of lllc ilbOVC llcrotl tllc G’l’ea& ;~l(l his
riglrt, admits ttlc straiigz a’i a prosclytc to his favor. s~~~ccs~o~ to the kingdom over Calitcc. This lIcro11
TIN Ikvil cau~d the l’tmrisccs to pervert that law Antipas was the oiic who yicldcd to the rcqilc~stof I11c
of God. The l’tiarisccs dcpartctl from the truth of dancer Snlomc for the head of John tllc t):lJbtiZCr.
God’s cxprcssctl purpose and t)cc!amecommercial re- (~l:lrk 6: 14-!!8) \~licbn tlic ~‘hnri~ccs totd JCWSta got
ligionists and prac~ticcdwhat was known a$ the Jewish out of Galilee, “for Jlcrod will kill thee,” Jesn~ I’C-
“religion” for sclfisti purposes. All who have dcpartcd plied, “Go ye, and tell that fos.” (Lulic 73: 31,32)
from the truth and bccomc rcligionists have used the M7hcn brou,ght hefore this Ilcrod, Jesus ~~cCuscd t(‘ IJI’I*-
same for a selfish purpose and arc tlicrcforc the in- form a miracle for him. (Lulic 23: (i-11) l’h~~cfo~~c
struments or children of the Devil. The hypocritical IrC!rOd SCt JCSUS at JlOU~tlt. C’OJl~~~~l’J~ill~ t)liS the iIJ)tlh-
l’harisccs did cvcrytlling pos\itrlc to draw men under tics and other tlisciplcs, sometime after l’cnt(~c~tr’;t,
I heir control and to malrc proselytes of them ; and this prayed : “For of ;I truth, against ttly holy child ~J~slis,
they did for their own selfish aggrandizcmcnt. Likc- wtwm thou hast anointed, both IIcrod, and I’ontius
wise thrir counterpart, the RoJiiaii Catholic IIicrarchy Pilate, \\ith the (;ciitilcs, and the pcoplc of I~nel, wcrc
in particular, and other rcligionists in general, have gathered toqthcr.“---Acts 4 : 27.
followed the course of the I’hnrisccs and adopted and 48&rod Agrippa I, the grandson of JIcrod the
practiced religion instcacl of God’s Word and arc Great, “strctchcd forth his hands, to vex certain of
thcrcforc guilty of perversion. Some true historkal the church. i\nd he killed James the brother of ,Joim
facts hcrc set out arc enliglitcning upon this matter. with tlie sword. And bccausc he saw it plcasctl the
4sIn Jesus’ day, among the Jewish proselytes were JCW, he proceeded further to take Peter also.” 13ut
the Edomiles, who had been forcibly made such by a Pctcr was dclivcl cd from prison by God ‘s angel. I ,at er,
Pharisee. Such proselytes included the family of the when this IIcrod made a speech to the hcath~n, “the
Hcrods, the kings that ruled in Palestine when Jesus angel of the Lord smote him, because he ga\c not (lot1
was on earth in the flesh. Sonictime after the death of the glory : ?llld hf.? was CalCll of wol'~lls, and gave up
Ezra and Nchcmiah the JCWS,led hy the Pharisees, the ghost.“--Acts 12: l-23.
43It was the Pharisees and their allies or associates multitude and find a place of safety, must now quic!ilp
that bitterly opposed Jesus and persccutcd him to fol%akc the I~icrarehy and like religious Org~l~lkltictllS
death. Those Pharisees claimed to bc the true rcprc- and flee to the kingdom of God. That time is short in
scntativcs of God on earth, and yet lhcy persecuted which they must find safety, if they find it at all.
and brought about the death of the beloved Son of God. 51The Roman Catholic I-Hierarchy and allied clq;>
Jesus knc\v ihat those hypocritical cler:ymcn sought hart followed the course of the Pharisees. Today il;c
his lift, but he did not for this reason shun to declare Hierarchy boasts that it has twenty million l~wt~lc Iit
the truth of and concerning them. In this conncctlon its organization in the United States; and, without a
read his denunciation of the Pharisees as set forth in doubt, the worst crooks of the land are among thaw
the twenty-third rhaptcr of Jlatthcw, and, when rcad- twenty million; wicked men, who do not liwtatc to
ing it, substitute for the word “I’harisccs” the words commit any crime and whom the priests of the flicr-
“the Roman Catholic: IIicrarchy and allied clergy”. archy attempt to absolve from their wickctlnrss. &\s
Concerning their pcrvcrsion of Gr~d’s law rclnting to the l’harijccs were against the common p~w~~lc that
prosclytcs Jccus said : “Woe unto you, scribes and hailed Jchus, so now the Roman Catholic lller;~rc!~~
I’harisccs, llgj)ocritcs ! for ye compass sea and land is &ad against the common pcoplc that sing the pi’:1iw
to make ollc’ [JroSclytc ; and wlIell hc is ma&, ye IdiC of Jchowh and Christ his King. For the same reason
him twofold more the child of hell than ~~~urscIvcs.” tlrc clergy pcrscculc tlic remnant and tlic grcnt mul-
(Jlillt. 23: 35) Ilc t&l the J’harisccs that they Could titude.
not csc;~lx ttic d:lmnation of Gohciina, and Ihcrcforc ” M’hcn the tcmplc WIS cstnblishcd at J~Iv;::~PTI~,
niarltcd tticnr for destruct ion; and likewise Ihcir coun- the Gib~witc~, then included atnong the ~c~t!ltnim,
icrpart, the Roman Clntholic llicrarchy and nllics, wuld have to mow up to Jcrus:~lc~n~and thcro 110t 11(‘1r
who rcbort to all manner UP tncatis to tnakc prosclytcs, service of drawing water and c.hoppirl!; woo(l. ‘J’ix~n
arc cond(~mtwcl by the Lord to the same fntc. cnnw Ncbuch:ldnczz:rr and dcst royctl JC~USU~CIII;wtl
” The Itot11an Calholic 1 I icwrchy, like their prcdc- carried away I~~i~ny wptivcs to I:~l)ylo11, III;III>* of

CWiO1‘S to\\ illd hllvll ;IS tllc family Of tile 1 Lc‘UJ~l~,IlCr- \d-)lOlll doIlbtI(5s \\ CI’C (; i~~C~mi~OS. IlilkX the (: ilM’lJrli tc”i

Vcrl God’s IYll(! cw11ccwiitI~ ploselytw. Tllc Gtlioiic rcturncd with the rcmllallt of the cJcws to r(*l)\lil(l tl~c
orgafriz;rtion, opcratiliq from Ih~tt1C, has gorIe Inuch tcmplc at Jcrusal~m : “l’liwc arc ihc chilclixlI of’ 1i1c
f;wthcr 111this wicli(4 C!Olli’S-;O 111:1nthe l’lmri,cw The provinw, tllat wnt ul) out of tlte captivity, c)L’the
c*oiqucst of 31(5ico IS a st~*~mcful csn~nple tlwrcul. In lllat had t)cctl Cikl*Kid abay, \vlloltl ~el,li~~II:~~ll1~~zz;l1
11l:lIl~ C01lllt I’lVS 01 ~~1ll’OJ~:LIS \\rll ilS tllc countriw of tllc king of lhlJylo1~ I~tl wrricd :iw;iy, aird c;~ni(’ :IC;II~I
SoI4 ll ,~liic~I ica ilIld Soul Ii ~\incrica, tlle Rom:lri Vath.. to Jcrusalrm antI to Jucl:~h, cwry WC unlo III,; c*ity ;
olic IIivrarc+liy Ilu Usccl fire, tlic s\\Orcl illl(l tiowil~lc WllO CiltIlC with %clUl~fJalwl, 5(+1111;1, fichcmi:rh, ,\/;I-
mactiinw ot torture to com~)el men alid w01~ic1i lo be- l’jdt, Ruannah, xidlamiltli, Jlordccai, uil\hali, At I’,-
cotnc! Cat hot ic Jn’osclytcs mcl to wtlC ldcr the cOII- percth, ljiqaj, NClluri1, l~ilZlIl~ltl. Tlic number, 1 hay,
trol of tlica II icrarchy oi~::ariizatioii. The IIicrurchy Of tllC 111(‘11
of the pcoplu of IS1’ilCl, was this; . . . Ihc
openly awl Iwstfully claiming to bc the rcl)rwcnla- child~cn of (;lbcon, ninety and five.“-Xch. 7 : 6, 7, 22.
tivcs of ,IctiOv:h C:ucl, the lt0111:1i~ Catholic llicrarcl~y ” The Gibconitw par~icipa~cd in llrc rct);~iring (Ji
is, in PilCf, illr chief rcl~rcwii!ativc on wrth of tlicb “god Jcruwlctn’s \valts. (Nch. 3 : 7) ‘l’llc (iil,(wl;Itt,s illltl
of this wo14d”, which is Salan the 1141. >ton \\ho their tlCWc~lldalltS lUlli1illCtl faithful to tticir t0V~llilllt ;
llow go ahl1t in this coulltry of .lW(briCil as priests although they wcrc not Isractitcs nor in tl~c I:IK wvc-
and nwnibcrs of the l:on;an Catholic IIicr;lwliy advo- llarlt liar in llic co\‘ciiant of f’i~illlflllllc~S, yet tl\v)
cate the tout&~ of those who are anti-JIicrarclly. faithfully scrwtl Jehovah alld his house i\s N(atIlinim.
Some of the Iiightr-up oflic*;nls in the Catholic liier- In the Gibconitcs, Ihcrcforc, is found the ltc~nutif ul
arcty organization cnipluy threats of boycott to dctcr picture forctclling the great mullitude, who forwkc
radio stations from broadcasting the mcssapc of t w!h Satan’s organization and put thcmsclvcs w~dcr Chri4
and ll~~O~illltl~ dCClnrc IllXt if their \Vil~llillg is llot as servants aw.l world with tlic rwrir~:~~~t, and thcwaftcr
hW.lcd the gruat IJicrarchy official will “lilliC nwc coutinlw in the service of God and Christ JC\U ‘*&I,v
drastic action”. Manifestly this lauguagc must bc and night”, that is, continuously, and all the titnc do
construed as meaning that if the radio stations do not so with joy.-Rev. 7: 9-15.
obey tile cardinal or other mcmbcrs of the Iiicrarchy, ” The Scriptural proof is all ox? way awl on 011~’
resort will bc had to that which will bring about more side, and ShOW bc)Yxld all doubt tllat t&C ~i’eilt Tnillti-
dilm:l~:c Ihan bopott. Tlet those who h:lw Im:n in- tudc must bc gathcrcd to the I,ord and IIis orkaniza-
duccd to follow and obey tlic priests of the Rotiran tion and lcarii riglitcousncss and mcckiK%j i!lltl bc! IJut
Catholic Hierarchy talrc notice that God’s law dc- to the test bcl‘ore t11e “destroying storm”, \\ I,lctl i\
claws that the Hicrarclig and all SUCh JHYWI’tC!I’Sof the caprwion of God’s w*iltIl at Armagcdtlun, 1~iptls
truth, who misrcprcsent and defame God’s holy name out Satan’s organization. Wlile hririgin:p fortl~ to t!:i:
and tjractice wicketlncss, will fitld their end in gcrdi- great multitude the fruits of the liing~lf)m, as cc b!ll-
tion. The l~coplc of good Frill, who will form the great mandcd by the Lurd, the wilncsscs of .I( Ilo\ ;:h. 15ix>
OcmRErl 1, 1933 301

constitute the faithful remnant, must engage in and commandment of Jehovah is vitally esscntial and bet-
do engage in war with the religionists, the Roman tcr than sxrificc, which is also ncccssary. Tlx wointed
Catholic Hierarchy and their allies. It is the day of now see JehovaI1 appearing in his glory at Zion and
Jehovah. It is the clay of judgment and separation that the day of judgment is 1lcrc. They we tlkat tile
of the nations by Christ Jesus, the great Judge. It is wrath of God hcgan to be esprcsscd against .Silt?lrl
a time of war, and the faithful remnant delight nom when the laltcr was cast out of hcarcn, am1 tlxt tllcu
to join battle with the hypocrifical r&&mists that Jehovah withheld further csprcssion of his wrath
have for so long reproached aid defamed the name until a witness I\-ork in the earth is done according to
of Jehovah God. It is the time in which cvcry one of his will, and when that testimony work is complctcd
the faithful remnant must have on and keep on the tlwn Jehovah will express his wr&th against Salan and
whole armor of God. (Eph. 6: 10-18) Sow the Devil his or:;anization to the complete destruction of all his
and all his agencies make war upon the remnant 1x3 cncmics.
cause the testimony which they bear is borne in obc- 6’7It thcrcforc now clearly nppcars to the anointed
dicncc to the commsndmcnts of the Lord and csposcs Ihat thcrc is much more to do than to ~nerely 1xc.l) UK’s
to view the crookcdne~ ntld h?;pocrisy of the religion- mind upon the fdct that lie has agreed to sacrifice all
ists, tllc chicfcst roprcsrnt:~tire of the Devil on eart!l. earthly holes and prospects. Being now cnli!$tcnt4
In this war the JwILu..~~~~sor great multitude pnrtici- at the temple, the anoiiitcd see that tlq ha\ e IJWI~
pate with Ihc remnant. (1 Chron. 12: 1, 4) They hear tahw out of tlic world by the l,oul as a l)coplc for his
the message of dcliwrancc, and in obcdicnce to the Ilamc and that tlwy must Lc zc;~lous and cncrqctic it)
Lord’s rommandnicnt thcsc of the great multitude take olwying his coinmandnirnts. TllC T~0lY.l scnd~ 1 ll(‘l11
up the glad cry a11d say : ‘ Come ; let all who hear come.’ forth as his duly commi~&xictl witiiesws, to prc~~lt
-Rev . TJ*-4. 17. this gospel of tlic Iiill$lom, cor!llnaiidiil~ this niu4 lx,
‘$ In this day of Jchovalr the love of cvcry 0x1~ who tlonc bcforc the final cad. Jcl~ovah conlman(ls 11~4~1
has ugrwd to do the will of G’od must Ix lout to the to arise and do a work of \\:lrCilrc against the (‘I~I:II~!’
test, and those who sueecssfullp meet that test will 1~ bcfo~~ hc csprcws his great wrath. The rcmuallt aw
l)old in dWlill+lg the mcsswrc of the kin~cloni rc*g;rrd- tOIt \\-Ililt tlll&y lllnht do. Tlwir l’art is t0 1K?\\trlliPiY
less of all o1Jpozition. (1 dolrn 4: 17, IS) .\ny puson to::rtlwr lrith God, cvcil as the ;i[Jostlc dccl;irc~ ltc 113s
Who is ]JroIll])tf!d t0 Cll~il~C iJl tilC Scl’ViW iOr a SCliish ;iricl is.-1 Car. 16: 10; 2 Car. C: 1.
rewrl, sil~ll as a dcsirc in a position iin-
to IJ~ plmed
other occupies, or with a tlArc to shine iii the eyes
Of 0lllCT mfll, SJlOIvs fht ltc pSSCssCs :\I1 impure IlPilrt
and, continuing in tlmt way, is rcrtain to fail. The
Ycripturcs ask the qacs1ion, “Who shall st;~i~cl in his
IlOly lllilc’C’I” I‘ IlC tlltlt 113th ClCOn11~111~IS,ilId a IJUlY.
hcart; ~110 hatir not lift4 up his soul unto vanity,
nor sworn dwcitfully.” (1%. 24: 4) Olrlg those who
arc pcrfwt in Iovc for God and his kingtlom can po’;-
sibly stand, and tlwsc wlw low (;od a1111 his kingdom
will put forth cvrry cGort in olxdiencc 10 his coln-
mandmwt to prochlim the name and tlic kingdom of 59Jcho~nh lays respon~ihility upon his nIloilltcd wit-
the Blost Iligh. JlCSSCS, h;lViIlg JllildC Of t!lClll tllC \Kl~CIllnilIl fOl’ IliS
3c,I fiscd ruIc of Jcliovah, ;LErccorded in his ‘\Yord, liingdom iiitcwsts, and he commands tliwi to give
is this : “To obey is better than sacrifice.” (1 Sam. w;lI~niIlg, and sfatcs what will 11cthe [Jwialty for a
15 : 22) \Ylicn those of spiritual Israel consecrated to fnilurc to obey his comrn:~ndn~cl~~s. (lCiK!ii. 33 : ci-10)
the Lord, it was ncccssary for each to make a covenant The Grcalcr .Uoscs, Christ JUSUS,in command of the
by which hc showed his willingness to sacrifice every tcmplc class, commands tlw wilnwscs wlial to do, :iiid
earthly hope and prospect and follow in the footsteps it is far better f’or them tu obey the COInlllillldlIl~llts
of Jesus that hc might share with Christ Jesus in his than sacrifirc, lwcausc all who fail or rcfusc to olwy
kingdom. The chief hope in the mind of each of such \vill sufi’cr dcslruction and thcrcfore the sncrificc prc-
was to he taken to heavcn and reign with Christ, and viously made n-ill avail nothing. (,2cts 3: 23) If thcky
that in order to rcccivc that great reward he must faithfully obey, they shall liw. ‘I’bc swvicc of the rem-
prepare himself by growing in the likeness of the Lord. nant is diffcrcnl, for fhat rcasou, from what il was
Such work was in full accord with the light then had. prcviourly, Sor thcrc is mow important work ilow to
,h;ow,since the coming of illc Lord Jesus to 111~temple be done. The great issue, which has been pcndiil: for
of Jehovah, IIis light, which is “sown for the right- centuries, is now about to ltc settled fur CWL’. l:~~l’orc
COLIS ’ ‘, shines in the fact of Christ Jesus and is that ishue is scltlcd Jchovnh scncls forth his \vit IIW:\CS
mirrored to those who arc under the “‘001~~of right- to dwla~~e to 111~ people that he is God iinfl lo t,tll lll(w
eoulsAeS” and reveals lo them that olx&.wc to llic what he ib-about to do lo tllc cncmy. 111this his wit-

news have a part in the scttlcment of the great issue in line with Jehovah’s judgment to be executed against
Satan and all of lus organix~tion,
and vindication of his name. Those now on the earth 5 20-Z What, then, is seen to hnre been foretold in the matter
who will live must hear the testimony before the cx- recorded nt veIses 25-41 and summed up in \ej*e -129
pression of Jehovah’s wrath, and the remnant must 7 23. Ilow does the record at 2 Samuel 2: 12-33 LCCIII to serve
RS a prophetic picture9
carry God’s notice and warning to them, that they 0 24-X In due time David was anointed king of all Israel,
may seek the Lord and find safety in the time of the and established his kingdom nt Jerusalem. \yhat then
expression of his wrath. This witness work must be took placc9 Apply the prollhetic picture.
U 27. \Vhat took place at Jlount I’eIazim? For what purpose,
done; and when it is finished, as the Scriptures dc- us there foreshadowed, hxs Jehovah ‘risen up’, and com-
claw, there will follow the greatest tribulation cwr manded his hosts, “Arise ye “9 How will that purpose
be accomplished?
known or that ever will be known, and it will IN 1 2s. \Vhat sceIns to be foretold, and why, in the stntrmcnt
against all spirit and human demons of the universe. that ‘Jehovah &all bc wrath as in the \allcy of GIbcon,
That will be the battle of the great day of God Al- that he may bring to pass his strange act’9
7 28, 30. IIow has Jehovah written his Word9 and \Vl~y thus?
mighty in vindication of his name, proving tl.>t he is IVho will nndcrstand Jehovah’s Word? and when, and 1%hy9
the Al&My God, whose name alone is Jehovah. Now 5 31-3-4. l\‘hat Is the Roman Catholic lIierarchy9 llow wvlll It
by unfolding his prophwics Jehovah makes known to bo tlestrovrd? \Wjat is the “strange mojk” Iaai’+-rrcd to
in Ivajnh*28: 21, and Ilow ~111it be done? For I\ h:tt lnIr-
his pcoplc that within a short time he will, by his ljosc, and v\lth uhat result9 \VIth scrtptures, silo!\ \\hcthcr
Right Arm, Christ Jesus, strike the decisive blow that work must bc done bcfo~c Armagctldon.
against the rnemy and that, when that battle begins, 0 33, BCi. By whom acre the two battles of G111ron fought?
\Vhy, nntl how? Apply the prophetic pIcturc.
those who will coustitutc the multitude without num-
7 35-X. Rclntc f:u*ts concerning Gibcon in \\hiclr it is seen
ber will have heard the truth, mill have put thcmsel~cs to have been littIngly typuxl.
on t!w side of God and his kingdom, and will tJC scc~n f 40-42. \i%kt !\:IY the Icsult to tho GibconIlcs of tltc*ir COIC-
nantmg to bc the scrr:tnts of (id's p~plc 1x:1(%1? \\ h~~rc~jn
praising God and saying : “Salvatiou to our God wllidl is srrn fulli1lIr~c~nt of lli.lt pjoplI(~tIc sjtuation? CIt(l uthcr
sittcth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.“--Rev. instances in whit-II “htr:~Ijg(~rs” :untl prosclgtca sought and
7:lO. found II condrtion of f:~\or \\ith Gotl.


q 1. Why is the pIcscn1 liruc tlecktrcd to lx “the tl:ly nhich
Jchornh h:rth matlc ‘P To whom h:Is this brcn made known,
and ho\\ 9 \\‘hat is thcIj tc~.sponsilj~ljty in Ielation thereto,
and why?
q 2,X Account for the tdt, p~:~yc,r by ,loshu:~ at the b:lttk,
of Gibcon (verse lZ), a1141for J~~h~~\:~li‘M fxvoraljlc re-
sponsl! tlwJctfJ. Show that that pjophc~tjc: pIrtujc I8 now
due to IJ:L\C fultillm~~nt.

U 51, 53. \Vh:ct, 1llq do the Scriptures show :IH to 111(&u1x:l’nc.y

of procl:ItrnIIjfi this Infass:qc of cl~~l~\c~:~ncc TIotf’? J!on 1s
each of the consec:Ialcd now in\ol\cd In n tcsl of Iii> lo\c
q 31, 12. \Vlmt is picaturrd in tlmt part of the drama rccold6-d for Gotl?
Iit VcIsc’s 23, Z-t? Show that other sc*ripturc.u forrtrll the
same humjliniIon to come upon the bonstful Itnd wicked
rulers of the prCscnt day.
q 13-16. How does the Irc01d at \crsc 25 scmc its purpose?
Point out the fitness, then and as a prophetic pictulc, of
Joshun’s disposal of the tile kings.
U 17.1’1. \\‘lth other serlptuIos, .410~ tlmt, then nnd as a p~uph-
eey, ,Joshu:r’s pIocedure IVY Ieco~ded in YPIYCS 27, 221 WIIS

Jchoroh be praised for Cchcs. No other words could give IIerewith is submitted the report of the IWljc~l study for
you greater joy. The reading of EIcheu constrains me to tell June. The rrttcndanec has been IIS follows: 53, 50, X!; XII ator-
you of the “power” that pcrmentcs all its p:cges. It literally nge of 51. h’o mcc~tings were hcltl on the filst tno ~~o~id~~s.
“spreads cornfort” nnd sheds upon one n “nrnntlc of peace”. The further WC get into our study of E:icilts, tl!c IJII)JC no
“Is theIe no bnlm in Gilend?” From beginning to end, rcahze whnt IL mine of ncnlth Jehovnh has prori~lr~l for his
like n steady flowing riVeI its mcssngr: of grncc and truth lifts people throqh this book. It Iuts been 11 Irxl l~lc;t<ure tn ~11.1
all oppresstng cares, smoothrs a\\xy the wcnry troubles and in tlIcxYe mcctqq anal it has been a SOUIW of enc oula’:crnl’nt
fills one \\ith the light of life. to sre the c\idcnt npprcci:*tjon of the bIcthrcn an11 tlic,jI kcc,n
blny Jehovah continue to gi\e IJJC gr:tre to share with all desije to make the best use of the time thus sl+gLnt togrthcr.
his people in the glorious inritation, “Come and drink.” With continued loie in the LoJ~,
Your brother nnd fellow servant in kingdom nolk, Your brother, by his gIace,
FRANK L. Bnowx, England. E. C. CIIJlTT, E)I#LoL~.
In the month of May the nttewlaxws at the four mcetiug
at Bcthd urre 5, 8, 7 nnd S rrspecti\elv.
During this peJiod we studied the artJrles on “The Defc.lt
of the Phil~stines” and began the article on “Our l!eapuu-
sibility “.
It is wonderful to see the way in \rhich the Loroll proprcs
his ~‘eonlc bv rriving them un&rstand~nL: through Tile TFutcic-
to&r t&l a&&d3 fuJnl+es them wiih tlie ncce2cJy equip
mcnt to e:irry the sxme iuformatiun futther, th:\t tlwX v. I.0
hnvc a sincere desire to kuom the ways of the Lord may be
‘i’hex studies were a great hrlp to us nnd we were stlen$h-
end to dlschargo the Ic~lwnS~lullty v.lJch the Lord has lui(l
upon those who are fnvurcd wth an understanding of 1:;s
\Ve would llke to wsurc you that our dctcrminztion is to
continue right on in the fight uutd Jrho~nh m:tkcs 111s t~rd
our cwmics lirk tl~c dud.
With wwm loi (a,
The good news of the kingdom ofJehovah is broadcast each week or ofiener by these and other stations at time shout,
[Current local time is shown FRAXCE FJ.ORJDA
In each Instance.] Radio Beziers Til 9:OOpm Lakcland \VLdK Su 9:OOam
Radio Ju:in-lcs-Pins Su 12:3Optn 5 :OOptn
ARGESTJNA (Cotc d’Azur) Sa 8:OOpm 0rl:utdo \YDBO :u, lO:SO:~m
BahiaBhea LU2Su 11:30am Radio Lron Sa 6:50pm Su l:OOJtm Su 5:3Opm
Buenoshires LR2 Su 10:jOam Radio Rattan-Vitus Su 12:OUnn
Los Andes, San Juan GEOJ1GJA
Ttt 7:45pm Th 7:45pm Atlanta FVATL Su 10 :4hm
LVS SU 10 : 30am Sa 7:4jpm
Tu 9:OOpm Su 1:OOptn Su Q:t?;iptn
Radio h’itues
IIilo KfIIiC su 10:OUnm
CAY TU 9:45pm Rangoon VUZLZ Su 12:OOun IDAHO
Boise KID0 Su 10:5jam
2-GF TU 7:30pm su 6:oopttl WO 4:ooptn
&tntEdab 2-x0 su 7:OOprn Bsunciou ZPl Su 10:3Oam JLLlsoJs
Lismore 2-XN We 7:36pm Ifarrisb’r \VEUO Su 4 :-l.ipm
NW Cttstlc 2-IJD SU 10:Doam Su G:Zjpnt -SU 9 : Ol)im
au 6:3Optn Su 11 :40pm SPAIN Tuscola \vL)z su 9 ::!.;:ltJl
We 6:30r)m .Uadrid EAQ Xe 7 :Xpm Su 11 :X:lnt Su 1:3J~m1
Sydney 2-UE SU 9:0&m (Eastern Standard Tzrne)
Su 4 :2.>fJtn Sia 7 * 15ptu IOWA
Tamworth 2-TJl Su 10 : ?,O:im Spanish Su G:4$nn C. R:tpids \Y,UT Su 1O:OOntn
SU 3:43pm SU 8:WJpm sit 3 :3op111 su Q:OOpm
\v ‘ge w ‘b’a 2.\VUSu 7:4jInn MAINE
Monte\ itlco CXlO Su 12 :13pm Augusta \I JfDO Su
QUEENSLAND su 1 :l~[“” su
Brisbane 4-BC SU 7 ::XJatn (Radio Itttcrnacional) Bangor \VLJ1Z 1Ve 9 : j.htn
bfarybor’ft 4-LIB We 9 :4T,fltn I\‘0 12:f.jptrt \\‘o 5 : lO[~Lu
T~~~srille 4-TO We 8 : OOp Prrsque I. \v.\G.\J Su Q: I.j:un
TASMANIA su 12 : 3opi” su 1 :xl’ltl
7-BU SU 6:30pm ALABAMA
Burnie Birm ‘ham \\‘Al’I Su Q: l~htu MAI~YLAND
Stt 9:OOpm su 1o:oopJu B:tltirnotc \V(‘lI,\LSu Q:OO:ttu
stt 2:15pm IYe 5:l>pm
Launccstott 7 LA Su 5 : 4jptu Su 12 : 13Jlul Su 6:l.jflln
Frctlct~ck \\ E’SII) Su lO:‘!~~:tn~
VICTORIA su 1 :::o]m1 su 5:oJljh1J
Ballatat 3-Bzi Su 12:45pm IIngcrrt ‘n \!‘JEJ Su lO:L’~~:tm
Bendigo 3-BO SU 7 :00ptU Th 7 : l.jptn SJI 7: 15pnt sit 1 :4qnn Mu 9 : l.‘ptr1
Hamilton 3-HA Su 6:4.ipln
Horsbam 3-11s Su 8 :OtJpm ARIZONA MASS \CIIUSIYU?3
Melbourne 3-AK Su 2:1;1m Jcrotne I;( ‘JlJ Su 9 : 25wn Boston \\‘.\I K x su 9 : L’*h111
SU1O:OOpm su 12:oJpJtl su 4 : O;f”n SU 4 :3iJf’lll s II x: l*YJ’“’
Swan Hill 32311Su 7 : 15ptn Tursott I<~‘\11 .su 9 ::;u.ltll 13o~ion \\‘ORI. Su lo:~r.;:~Ut
Su I?:BT,pnl Mu 5 : IjIm su 2 :o;pJtJ SU 3:lr~~ml
WEST AUSTRALIA Sp:tntsh l*‘r 7 :I)~~Jw
RaJgoorJic ti-I<0 Su 7 :OOI~tn Yulll:l liU>JA SII lO:lT,ptn hlJ(‘lll(:.4N
Northam 6-A&Z Su 7:OOptu Su G: 3Optn Su 7 :3Opm Detroit \\Jli Su lO:W:lfn
Perth 6-SJL su 7 : OfJptu K;tl:~rn:~roo \\ Ii%0 Su 8 :L’.>:Lttt
ARKASSAS Mu 9:.X:ttu Su 10 :j.jdtn
BELGIUM Hot Sp’g~ ICTJIS SU 10:30am ~Il~WWT~
. . 1.
Wallonia-Bonne Esperauco CAJ.JJ~OI1NJA F’gusFnllx Iicil)l~; su in:oo:itll
(201.7 m) We 7 :OOnm BtJkeJsf’ll\\‘(iX’i~IS~ 10:30am su 1 : 1:Jpl” Su 7 :l.?f1tn
su 1 :15p111 su 7 :oup ,\Iln’:tpollu \YI)G‘L’ Su Q:::lJarn
CANA DA El Centlo l<XOSu 1O:OOatn so 2:nopl \Ye G: ljptn
Su 12:15ptll ljj, G:4.5ptu I)lJsslssJ1’J’J
. . *.
ALBERTA Eureka 1iIEM Su lO:l.htt IIntttcsb’g \VIt’OJl Su 1:OOptu
Calgary CFCN SU 5 :45pm Su 6 : 3Optn XII 9 : lt311ttl 811 3 :;(+J” E; t:::optn
BRJTISJI COLJMUJA Hollynootl KSX Su IO :l.hm Nctidi:tn \\‘COC :S”, 1O:OO:ltn
Keloana CKOV SU 1:45pm Su 1:45ptn ISU 7 : 55pm su 2 :t’Gpt11 811 G: 3Optn
&kl:md liRO\Y Su 10 : OO:~tu nflSsouRJ
ANOVA SCOTIA su 2:ooptu su 7 :ooplll
Sydney CJCB Su 9 :OOpm Colutnbtn l<NU Su IO :?Atm
Tu 9:OO:~tu Tu 2 : OOpm Su 1:3Optn Su 2:45ptn
ONTAJ~JO Tu 11 :OOptu We 8 : l,jptu St. .Joscph 1<1wy su In :olkkrll
Cobalt cJca1c su 3 : OOpm Fr Q:lGpm Sa 10 : OOpm SJJ 3 : 3opn1 Su 5 :2.?plu
Hamilton CKOC Su 10:80qm L COLORADO h’JSliJ~.tSKA
&I 1:3Opm Su 8 :OOrm l<I’Jl5 Su Q:‘N:ttn
Col’o Spr. KVOR Su 10:4hm Lincoln
Su 2 : 30ptn su 4 : 3optn NE\\’ JJA\JlPSIJI1:E
CUBA Duraugo FIUP Su 1:001”0 L:troni:r \YI,SlI Srt I(1 .::(hJn
Caibarien ChJIID ICFI<A MO 9:30atn
Spanish No 1: 1Spm Grecley 310 1:ooptn No 6:2jpm
su 3 :l~pm su 7 :lOptn
Camsgttey CXJF Su 11:4jam SF-WJ JERSEY
Uarana CNQ COSSECTICUT Asbury 1’. \YCAl’ Su 12 :.k+n
Spanish Su 5:3UptI1 XXritnin \Vn’BC Su 8:OOnm Sn 2 :-13pJo StJ 9 :1qm1
Santa Cl’s Ci\lHl Su ll:lj:lm Su 9:OOam SU 10:OOam Camtlcn U-CA>! Su 11 : O!Jutn
(1st and 3d Sundays) ,sLt 1’7 :15pln Su 3:lZpnt
Spanish Su 11 :Ooam DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA No 2 :3(lpni \ve 2 : 3q’ttl
Spanizh Tit 11 : Oflam Washington 1YOI, Su lO:O(kttn LNrwark \VlJI31 St, 9 *“.htt,
.- ‘
(1st and 3fJ Thurad:~ys) Su 1:OOJmt Su 7:l>prn Su 6 :25pn1 Su 9 : OC:ptJl
OCTOBER 15, 1936


OJwclience . .. “.“........”.--- -...I_ .““... ....“..““......“....- .t"10

war .. . .-. .

I.. ... . .. ...... _...I... 311
tJm”ihnnnnt ......._...__ 311
_.. ,I.._-_...._...,...I,.....I.....I312
IJis Sttxnge Wolk . _.““... “..” “...““... . . . 3 11

. ..-... . ..
VOL. LVII OCTOBER 35, 103G n-0 .- “0

“For the word of Jcltovnl~is right; and a71his whorl;is dune in faithfulaess.“--Ps. 33: 4, R.V.

J~IIc)VAII works, and lit rcquircs that cvcry crca- and thcrcforc those who rcccivc the ::ift Of C:wl mnc;t
turc whom hc appravcs shall work, am1 such work come to a linOnlcd&c of God alid (I:irist JCSLlS: “~Ilicl
must lx done according to the will of .J~hov;~h. this is life ctcrnal, that tlicy nii*;;lt I;nc~w thee lii~ 01ii~
The pdcct guide for the crcaturc is God’s IVord. It true God, and Jesus Chri:;t, whom thou hast :x*nt.”
is important to lillO\V the will of Cod and Ihcn to do it, (.John 17: 3) Thcw scriptuw; mqnify tllc duty ;t~~d
otllcr\~isc OIIC could 11ot \v0r1; lawfully. eJc110ral1 law ohligation that is laid u1x;n 211 wl10 cntcr into a cove-
the end from tl~c lqinnin g, and at all times his work nant to do the will Of (iotl. ~111r;wh cO\cn;ult-nl;llitrs
is according to his ~mrposc. 11~ sap: “1 have pnr- JllUSt \vork as commanded by the 1,ot.d God, who Ill;IIic:S
po\cd it, I will also do it.” (Isa. 4G: 11) Jcl~ovah 11;1$ the cownants.
a cfuc time for cvcrytliing. “A time to liccp silcncc, 3 Jcsws announced tlw unclla~l::c;~l)lc rule wl1(~11lw
ant1 il t1111c to speak. . . . A time of war, and a time said : “JIY I”iltllC~ IVOl’kCll! liithcrto, illld I IYOl’:;.”
of JK!:lCC. ” ( Jhl. 3 : l-8) Jehovah comI,lctcs one work (dolm 5: 17) In the csccution of 1~1sJJLI~JOSC~ d~~ltc~~:~h
and then plwcccds to allothcr, an{1 lilic\ViSC all his ap- sc11t the man Jesus to earth. Tlw first \\-O1.kof Jcs~ls
~)roscd crc~nturrs must do, as JIG has commantlcd. The in carrying oUt the pLltpJsc Of t~C’]l(JViL]l \ws to l)lxJ-
{:rcat J~U~J~OSC of Jchowl~, as it’ is ~~:ilcd to man, is cl.lirn the truth to tliosc ~110 w011ld hear. Tl1~i~c~l’ot2
Ihc villclicaf ion of his h0ly IlillnC. Vintlic~at ioil is mwlc JIWS said : “To this ctlci was I l)ur11, alltl for tlliq (‘iill%!
iwcs xy I~ccnusc of tlic (!cfam:ition of his name (,IlllC I into the \\‘Ol’l(l, that 1 SllOlIlcl l~l’ill’ wi! tlcss Lllilo
IJroll$lt about by the crwt uw l~wifcr, now Sat:111 the trw truth. I{\ wy One Ihat is of thr trutli Iw:~r~~th 1113
I)cvil. To Satan Jollovnl~ sxid: “But for this GHI:;C voiw.” (Jo111118 : 37) That IIIC;II~S tllilt C\CI*~ (*IYYI~IIIV
Iraw I nllOwctl thee to remain, in order to show thee \\IIo comes to a lillo~~lcd~c of ttw truth, an(l \LIIO IV
my pot cr; ;:ncl in order that tlicy may proclaim rn) ccivcs God’s approval, must alsn 1~!wl:lim to all \vIIO
is.,mcb i;irOughout all the cilrtli.” (Hx. 9 : IF, L;cC.Wr) ~111lmr the truth of and concerllin:; Jchoval~ antI I,is
111 pcrformin: lliq purpose J(~llovi~l~ cshibils his su- J)II~~~OSC. The entire m:ittPr is leiltlill!: 111, io 1J1v vtucli-
prcnir power, and in connection thcrcwitli causes his c;lt 1011ol JcllOvall’s name. Jesus tllcrcforc is t II(~ [WI’-
witnwxs to l)rOclaini his name throl~~1~Ont the earth, f(Tt JJattClTl 01’ CXUllJh SCt hI’W2 1111’11, ,Illtl C\ (‘I’J’
thus giling llicrn a part in his work. This cmplint- lwson who faitllfully I’Ollow that I)crfcct j):~tl~rn or
ically means two things: a world-wi(lc wittiws work cwmplc is caused to suflctr bccarw tllc wiclwl 01w,
to the name and purpose Of ,JchOvall, to lx followed Snt:lll tllC Devil, cl~~i’illll~S (:Od’S t13111c nlltl atteniJ)t~ trJ
by tlic bnttlc of the grcnt day of God Almigirty. heap disgrace and suli’cring u~)on all who fait I~l’r~liy
* Jehovah 1~1s given csprcwion to his purpose in scrvc God. No other condition is to bc csprctcd lllltil
plain phrnsc. IIc has c~:uixtl prophetic dramas or pic- the manifestation of Jchovnh ‘s power resulting in i he
tures lo Ix ma& cniplwizin g his purp0se alltl maliing destruction Of that wicked cncmy. JchOvaIl l)(*ri’Ot*li\Y
lcnown tlic nx~iiiicr of carrying out his 1)urposc. in his work, and Christ Jcsuv does his \vO11<,and c\~~r~y
his own due time Jehovah reveals to those who 10vc lllnll WllO UlldClMiCS t0 ObCy C:Od IlllISt cl0 tile \vOrI;
and scrvc him the mcanin~ of such prophetic illustra- a+ncd to him. It is of wry great importance that
tions as set forth in his IYord. The j\‘Ord of Jcllovnh cnch one of us get this fact clearly in mind.
is right and trnc, and is lhcrcforc the pcrfcct gn~dc * The work to bc pcrformcd II~ the follows< of
for man. For this reason Jesus prnycd to Jchorah On Christ Jesus is not the same at all times. One part Of
bclialf of his true followrs, that they might lx fully the work assigcd is finished ant1 then another i5 be-
ilI>provcd IJ.V JchOvah : “,Sanctify them through thy gun and carried on. Jt wap, and is so with Christ JC-
truth; thy xord is truth. As thou hnst sent me into sns. IIe was engaged for three and one-half years iu
the world, cwn so hart J also sent them into thr wol~ld. brin$ng testimony to the licarin~; of others as God
And for their salicy I sanctify myself, that they also had commanded, and, havin, (r obqxxl tllc commal,d-
might be sanctified throu;$ the truth.” (John mcnt of his E’athrr, ilc ma& report and said to hi-;
17 : 17-19) Lift is the gift of God through Jcsw Christ, Father: “I have finished the WOrli wllir~lr thou gal-c ;t
me lo do. ” (John 17 : 4) J csus did as though he was
a sinner, and his full 05ctlionce unto death aeeording
to his 1~‘ather’s will resulted in providing the ransom
price which opens the way for the salvation of mcil to
life. Jehovah raised Jesus out of death and exalted
him lo ttic highest place, committing into his hand all
poncr and authority in hcarcn and in earth, therel)y
maLin:: Jesus the executive officer OFJcho~ah to carry
out fully the purpose of the Most Iligh.

GOne work of Jesus being completed, hc prow&
to another. While all lik work rclatcs to the vindicn-
tion of Jehovah’s name, that work must lx done ordcr-
ly and at tlic proper stated time. For lliis rciwn, v;l1e11
Jesus awcntlcd into lwavcn JC~OK~I conm~andcd that
Jesus should wait until the IJl’OlJI?r time to nl:dic 111~
cncmy S;ttan his footstool. (I%. 110: 1) That time
rrl;ltctl to ttic second cornins of Christ. \Vticii on cnrth
JCSUSreI~(~iltctlly told ltis tlisciplcs that, IIC would cumc
;qiin, and he cmpl~:iwcd the nnl)ortancc of his com-
ing. Tlic gi’ecat event to which the a~johfl~~ looltcd for-
ward wis the cornin!: of the Lord .JC.,IISChrist in ~w~vor
anfl gloty. Their l10Iw 2nd cspccfnlion wi1:3not 11:1wci
on a euntiin~ly dcviscvl fable, hut they hail the pit ivc
nntl nl\c(lnivoc;ll evicloncc that (Christ Jesus weld
come in power ant1 !:lorg. so &?cp1.v conccrncYJ N-l!rc
the alwstlcs alwit tlw comirlg of the Ido1~1 fht tt!c~
prcswl upon him a rcclnwt that he w~tlcl tell tllfqil
hlrat bollId IJC tlic c~vidcncc of his coiI1iII:. Jlc ;:I: -
s\wrcd iheir qwst ivn in l)rol)lietic f)llIYIL,c, wliicit
proJjhy cwld IlOt IJC ~l~if~Pl%toOd :ld LIl)lJrCci:itNl
until ils I’ullillment h~~~,.:in. 111Ihc inspired writing uf
the apwillcs that whivli slautls out pronli~wtil Iy is the
fact of the coming arld the liillq.(lonl of Jew9 Christ.
They frilly apprwiatcd Ilic fact tli:it a lotiq lwriod of
time must ClillJS(! Ijclwccn tlic time of Iiis nwwsion in-
fo heawn and the coming of Christ JP,US again as he
GDuring Iltc long period of lime lwtwccn the aseen-
sion of Christ Jesus ilrto heaven and his second com-
ing Jelloval performs another prt of his \iork, to
nit, the s~:levtin: ol’ :l ~wo~~lefor hi5 ll;lm(l, :11i!I dk!li
JJeopTc mni;t IIC ~11011~cirw~~vl lo Jvllo\ :lh ant1 to lti?
kincldom. (1 l’pt. 2: !J, JO) IIilving I)<(‘11iilstructcd IJ)
the l~ord, the apostle P’ctcr dccl:twtl to his lw2tht~cn
that “Uod at Ihc fivit did visit the [nations], lo take
out of them a peol~lc for llis name”. ( A1iefs 15: l-1)
This work is do~jc lo the ctrtl that in clue time &xl
would have a pc~oplc on cart11 whom he \vould ube 2s
his witncsscs to declare his name in all the cnrth, even
BS he had long prior tlwcto stntccl. For many ycw3
the f:lithful followcry of Christ ,JCSUYI~rorlaimed the
iruth conccriiing 111~hilli anf.I N!SllNW!tiO~ of file
Lord awl his coming agniti. Jn that pcriotl of time
Chrict ,Jcsus WIS abwtlt from his trac! i’olluw~rs ; I.ut
he tlil! Ilot lcaw them wndorllcss. Tllcy cntlitrd mnn!
the mwning: thou hast the dew of thy youill.“-
Ps. 110: 3.
11The morning of the new day has come, and the
light thereof discloses the beauty of liolincs~ of the
Lord, and thoie of the temple are like strwlg, vigorous
young men going forth to battle. The Lord Jesus now
discloses what must be the true motive that induces
thcsc faithful ones to work, when he says to them : “If
ye love me, keep my com~l~alldments.“-John 14: 15.
lr Those of the temple are the ‘pcoplc taken out for
his name’, that is to say, the selcctcd and srparatc~d
WCS from the World who are sCt a5idC for tllc lChly,ld(JlIt
service. IYhat work must they do? The commiswn
of authority given thrm by J(41ovahanswers that qu(+
tion. Concerning the LCJKI JCSUS it js \:ri!tcIl : “‘1’11u
spirit of the Lord God is up011 me; hauic tllc I,ord
bath anointrcl nit to pIX?ildl good tidings mtto 111~’
me&: ltc lliltli Wflt me t0 IJiIld Up the IJr~~l;cIlllc;rrtctl,
to proclaim lil)cTty to the captives, and the>opcnilg uf
the lwison to thm that arc ~Joullt~ ; to JJro~~aifll tflc ;I,:-
CClJta?Jlcy‘Ylr of the Lord, and the ‘!;13’of \?Il!+;lll~~
of our Cod ; to wnifort all tllitt Inou1’11.“--la GL : 1, 2.
I3 Th0hc ~110arc broufilit unto Chri4t and r1w.l~ il
part of his oi::;uiization rcccsivetlic SIII~C ;!III~~II~III~ 0~
commi:%io?i d illl~hoI’i~j’ ~l’orn Jehovah by tllc*jr llcbad
Christ Jwus, a11d their \Vork is thus tl(~fincd. ‘j’l~c
w01~1;05 t Ikcscmust be csaetly in harnt0u.v n it11 111~
spirit of (:clcl ant1 the Lord Jews Chri4. l’o 1111q:
0111’S tllC ;Idnloll~tioll is givlb:l : “‘,\‘i)r];
out, y0Llr O\\‘II ~~llViltlOI1 \\itlt i't!ilY ;Intl tr~~itllt~~!l~:for
it i,i God whit41 worlicth ill Jou lx)th to \\ ill ~911 to (10
of his good lAwwe.” (I’hil. 2 : 12-l-1) Jtalt~\ .1i1 G;J(I
is iiow wor!,iriy to the cld of vindivatilrz I,.? ~;IIIIC,
and hC I)Cl’l:li:\ 1llCSC Pilit~iPllI OllCS to \i~rll; \\ iii1 Illin
accurdiliq lo i;!G \\ill alld his gsoocl fbi17t~ul*? 1:o &jei;
not nrcd 111c3. lM. Ire glxllts lhj:; Jll,ivi!cqc to lh~‘111.
It is iltc (511Ik~~A will of Got1 th:lt his nnr:ies;!:~!l 1~2
vindicnlctl. It i. the 1Acasurc of (:Ocl that the teml,lc
company ~liall have a part ill lhe vindication of his
nnnte. Jchovall i:...S tdiCl1 tll~LIll Out 01’ llle WorM a.5:I
people for his nnme, and his will concerning tlwm i~c
csprcsscs ii1 these words : “Ye :tw my witncsscs, saith
the J,ord, and my sz*vant Whom I h:lve chosen; that
yc may know and Micve me, and undcrstantl that I
ill11 IlC!. , .. . Therefore yc artl my witncsscs, saith 111~
Lord, tlkat I illtl(:OCl“; ‘ thCJ’C is noltc hGlc me.” <l::a.
43: 1()-l!?) Kotc this, that the Ilord (:ocl says to his
CltC~~~II OltCS: ‘YCU ilI1lSt I’eCCiVC! l<llO\\ld~C; YCtt Ii) [“it
bclic\c that suchkno\vl~d~c romw l’rcxn Cod’s \yord,
and j 011must understand your true relationship 10
the Lord. It is written in his Word: “With all lily
getting gel: urldcrst,Il~diilg.“-1’rov. 4 : 7.
I* X pwson may know the trsts of Cod’s Word and
yet not iw wise or li:lvc undcrstnnclin~. To “xct u!l-
dcrslnlllliI!~“means to know and to apJ)reciate prop-
erly tlic relationship Of the clwltnrc to the Cwltor.
Tlxt means that wc must ImOw and apJ)reciate that
lhrrc ic: hut one Xlmwlrtv Uud. w!ww nnme nlon~ iq

Jehovah, who is supreme, the Jfast High above all, temple company to bc properly informed as to tllcir
and from whom eomcs every good and perfect gift; duties and privileges. Therefore it is written: “Study
that Christ Jesus, Jcl~oval~‘s l~lovcd Son, is next to to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that
the Father and is the “right hand” or chief officer nccdcth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word
of Jehovah, and that those who are in Christ, and of truth.” (2 Tim. 2: 15) This does not mean to study
thereforc of the temple company, are the servants of carefully what may be advanced by other men, whlrh
God and Christ, and that the servant must do the will to others might appear to be holy and sanctimonious.
of hi%Nastcr and do it, joyfully. Such is ‘getting un- It means to study and to lcwn what is the will of C1od
derstanding’. concerning his servant and then to work without cm-
barrassment or shame bccausc of that work, and to
properly and rightly apply the truth. It is therefore
lSBcforc a person can become one of the ‘elect necessary to constantly and consistently study God’s
servant’ class he must sacrifice all worldly hopes and
Word of trutll and in so doing to USCthe helps whi;*ll
prospects and ambitions and become submissive to the
the Lord has provitlcd for gaining a knowlcdqc of tlw
will of God. Having once beeomc a seryant of God,
truth. It has i~zcn said that anyone who 11asngrcr>(l
it is even more important that the person who is the
to do the mill of God can untlcrstand the truth, hccau~
servant obey, and to such tkis rule is given : “To 0bc.v
‘the truth is sown for the righteous’. That is not t Ilc
is better than sacrifice.” Going c-ontrnry to the will
proper statcmcnt, bccausc it is a misquotation of tllc
of Cod is rcbcllion. K’cgligcncc or refusing to obey
scripture an<1an improper apJ)Iication t Ilcreof. T:I~
instructions from the Ilord is stuhf~rnncss owl tlwrc-
truth is tfle \\‘ord of God. But no on0 can gain an IIII-
fore lawlcssncss and a form of itlolntry. (1 Sam.
dcrstnndinq (Jf c;od’s trutfl until CocI’s due time, atld
15: 22, 23) If one is brought to the temple of God and
then only those can undcrstnnd it WJIOdiliqrcntfy f’ol-
bccomcs a part of the temple and tlicll fails or rcfu4(lslow God’s announced rules. It is written: “Light is
to hc willingly obcdicnt to the law of Cod and his
sown for the ri&cous, and gladness for the uprizlil
OIplIizilt ion, sWJ1,as 1hc Ilord states, will he put outin hcnrt.“-1%. 97 : 11.
of the temple and tiicrcforc out of the Itin~tlom. (Mall. l8 Not cvcr~nc is righteous who claims to Ix scrv-
13: 41) TIIC sc>rvant must do what flc is told to do by
ing the LOG. IIow does wc become rielit(~ous? I!y
the 1,014, and do it willingly and without complaint
a full Wllscc~riltiOIl to the rAOrcf, by JJcing IWougllt into
or niurmurin~.
the tcmplc al14 uncIcr the “robe of ri~lltcouswi\”
I9 1Tow ma\- the servant always IiIlOW just What he whicfl JcJ10v;1I~ Jlas 1,rovid(:d for such ;nlcl conc’crn~~~g
must do? Tl;e Bil)lc, which is tlrc csl)rcsscd Word of
which it is \Lril ten : “I will greatly I’c’j(JicC ilk t tic I,oni,
God, furnishes the answer and hcnc*c the complctc my so111 sllall be joyful in 111~Clod: for 11~ 11~~111 (:lotllr~,l
guide. Jn proof of this it is written: “Thy word is a mc with tllC fil~mClltS 01’ SillVLltiOll, 1lC 1l:lth COVCI.(,(l
lamp unto my feet, and n light unto my path.” (Ps.
mc with the rohc of rightcousncss, as a bridcfiroo:0
119: 105) “A11 scril)turc is given 1,~ inspiration of dcclxth liim\c,lf Witi] or11:1m(~1~tS:, anil as :I bride atlorll-
God, and iq I~lnfitablc for doctrine, for reproof, for eth hcr~lf with her jewels.“----Isa. 67 : 10.
correction, for irist ruction in rightoousnoss ; that the IDJchov;th ‘S light shines upon the Ilead of t hc tcm-
man of God may be ])crfcct, ttiroughly furnished unto pIc cornlJnny, CJlrist Jrsus, and tfmt ligflt in his face
all good works. ” (2 T im. 3: 16, 17) The servant who
is mirrored or rcflcctcd to those of the temple ~0111pa1q,
is instructed in the Word of God is equippctl for the and by tl:ic; means the temple company ilIY! pcrniitlod
good \ivork to whirh he has hccn assigned. Being SO to have a lrnowlcdge and understanding of’ tllc rc-
instructed the servant must obey ; othcrwisc he could vealcd truths of &d’s \\‘ord. (2 Coy. 3: 1s) The lixllt
not reccivc the Lord’s approval, but wouId lose every- of Jehovah illuminates his prophecy, ant1 thronlr!l
thing. Christ Jesus is the Greater Moses, and eoncern- Christ Jesus he gives a knolvler!ge and apprcbciation
ing this prcsrnt day, when Christ Jesus is at the tcm- of that prophecy to those wflo arc dcvotcd to him. The
pie instructing and directing the consecrated company facts show that God has been pleased to use the ~~ATCII
and commandin?: them what to do, it is written fw the TOWER publications to publi\;h and transmit the truth
bcne6t of the servant company : “And it shall hc, that to and for tllc benefit of those wJ10Jove him. The J~o~(l
cvcry soul that shall not hearlien to that prophet, Jesus at the tcmpfc, and accompanied by all fiis holy
shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.” angels, has his own good ~;ay, in harmony with tltc
(Acts 3: 23, ZLV.) The srrvant therefore has no dis- will of God, to transmit that information and to m&c
crction ; he must obey, a~1 30 it g:Iadl~-. it undcrstandnblc and appreciated by those who do
1rThose crcnturcs on CiII+l\ 6noxvn as the remnant, love and scrvc him.
and who are of the anointed temple company, form
a part of Zion, which is Cod’s organization, and they TIE DAY
must work exactly in harmony with the TIcad of that 2oJehovah having enthroned his bcIorcd Son the
organization, Christ Jesus. The Teachers of the tcm- King and Imving sent him to the temple, a new da>-
ple company are Jehovah and Christ Jesus, and these has come. The glorious Day Star has ariL;c.n,and ~IIO
perfect Teachers have 1,rovidc?il the means for the time for the &&cation of Cod’s nnmr is at hand. It,
is the day which Jeho\*nh has made and concernmg show that the battle of Armarrcddon and the lxlttle oE
which it is written : “Opcii to me the g+2s of right- the g%cLt d3y Gf God Almighty arc t\vo SelXlratl: 311d
eousnebs: I will go into them, and I will praise the di,iinct cvcnts. Nanifcstly such is a sly trick of Ihc
Lord; this gate of the Lord, iislls which the righteous wily foe, the Ueril, to brinq confusion into the ran!is
shall cntcr. I xvi11 praise thee; for thou hast heard of God’s visible organization. The ‘Lelectivc cl&r”
me, and art become my salva~iou. The stone which class walk along or associate with llie true serva~lt
the buildcms rcfuscd is become ihc head stone of the clan and can be easily used by the Z)eril to ?):.inq
corner. This is the Lord’s doiq ; it is marvellous in about such confusion, but th ‘elect servant’ (*lass
our eyes. This is the day wllieh the Lord bath made; will llot be deccivcd, bccitusc the LORI JWL~S C’II~ISL
KC?will rejoice aud be glad in it-“-l%. 11s: 19-24. so declares. ‘ ‘Armagccldon” means the place of the
*I No bngcr is the holy spirit now performing the awmbly of froops, that is to say, the troops of JCIIO-
oA%cc of guide, tcachcr and conlforter of Cod’s l~coplc, vah of hosts. These, togcthcr with Christ Jesus, ale
for the reason that Christ Jesus is the Teacl~cr, Guide on Mount Zion, which is (;od’s oqxnizatiun. It is
2nd Comforter and hc is pwwnt and instructs and written, at Revclu~ion 16, that the Ikvil and his aid(.u
guides his own; ant1 this thcrcfw~ is a day of rc,joicing. ‘70 forth unto the kings of the earth, ant? of the !\ hole
Christ ‘Jcsuu; has the special and great joy of doing kOl’]d, t0 gcLltlC!r thCIl1 l0 thC i)illilC Of IhC qlI%t Chlx Of
the work now which he has had in his heart a long Clod Almighty, and the Devil fi,i!h~rs his i’owes to~c41-
time to do. It is the day for the vindication of his er unto a pl;1ce callctl “.~1.Ill~I_Cf~~l~lO)1”. TllC Ikvil and
I’athcr’s name. llc Ilicrcfore iuvitcs those of the Ilk asSOC!iatCS Or :lilh hzV.2 C(JllS[Jil’CL? fO’y~h1’ hJ !Jl'illy
l::mplc class to cntcr into his joy ad Jmrticipatc in tl~c about the of those 011 ih Sick! of J~~:o\;I~I
dCStl’LlCt iOr
vindication of J~hovah’s name. It is no lunycr a time awl his King. III t111ctime the lw?il~ wiil tal;c III;ICY~,
of sorrow. The King h;!s gatlwrcd his oxn unto him- and it is the baltlo ol’ the gl'eilt clay ol' (:otl Al~tir~:ll1~~,
:.t!lf, and thc3c are “c*au~zl~t np” in the invisible place ?cd 1~4. C’hrist Jesus; allc? all lJiS ami<~q in hcunLt~ ~'II!-

1~ bc for cvcr \vlth the Lord-1 Thcss. 4: X,17. low after him ; and the place \k lwrc the battle is fo\:tJlJt
is c;~lIcd “‘it ma;:cclclon”; thC lJ:l1if(’ Of thC ;:1’c’:l1 Clc1.V
w A II of (:ocl Xlnl~glrty arid tliat whkli is oftt~n :;f)ol~t~I~coi
L7S 1170 ‘lJ3ttlC Of ,~I+lKl~l~dt~ClIl’ ;IIt OllC ilIld lIlC SLIIXIC.
22It is now a time of WJI*~ and for war, bccnusc
Sutai~ the Devil will not five \wy lo the right I’nl l~ulcr,
Christ Jwus, am? tlmcforc Satan am? his rwtirc or-
pu&ation must Im &strop4 3~ tlw b:tttlc of tlw yrcat ” ‘J’IJc fo~~cs of ~Urniqll~y (:(:d ilr(b a\~i::~lc(l to it
day of Cod Almighty. For this mmoii the is a c.h:mKc sl)cciGc duty, Whkll dllty llllklt lJ(’ f':lithflllly llt'r-

of the work which must be pcrformcc? by tltt: xcrvants forIIl(‘cI. J~hovaIl C:od lI]rOtI~~I. (,'Ivl'iSL ~JCS~ISiIII<)illt\
of Cod. Fomwrly Chisi ixm bclicvcd that (:od ‘Y ol)- the tcniplc conilwiy, \\hich 1~1~111s ll~at Itc fwmrni+iwl~
jcctiw iS t0 IilkC men to IlCilV.c’!I, Illlt IJOW Illc WL@~ilIlt llwn7 to do 17ccrlain or slwcific worl C,lklld tlI(‘y ill<' h{‘Ilt.
Chlss SrC? that hiS pr[JOSC ki to VilidiW~C hk Ii:1IIlC by forth by tlwir 11~11 lo do thal \\ol*k. ‘l’llc Commis;i~w
t?CStl’Gyillg wi&odne~s an<? L5lilblisliin: evcrlarting of aulhority Iw,tont~l ul)on the xnnlallt ~)ro\*i~lw Ili:lt,
riglitcouweb~ in all the tinivcr+-~* am? that only those tlic,v must ‘dc~clarc llrc day of the ~~n~:c:ilm (01’ kit)-
who put th~msclws on the sic??:of Got? ant1 his lring- dication) of our Clot1 and comfort all tll:lt I~OIII~~I‘.
dam Gill rfxcivc the Iwncfits of God’s l~ountllcs~ blcs+ Into ihc custody ;III~ lxcpin, tl of this unointct? hits ;!~tt
iii;:s, including the gift of life at his graciolls hands. cl;173 are conimitl(~cl lhc ki~i~dom int~lrc~fs on wrt IJ.
What, then, is the prolw undc~stnnding of the Scrip- They arc instructctl that Clwkt .J~YUSis at t Ile tc~nll~lc,
turcs as npplicd to this ~)rcsctrlt time? In brief it is conducting jLlt?!qnc~rt, WhiPh j~lt?~lll~~lJt will hl101tly lw
his: The battle that soon is to lx fought, and which cxccwtcd against the u ickctl. 13tlt twf’orc the csccu~ w
is to for cwr scttlc the q11csfi0n of sul~rcrnacy and of lhc wiclrcd one ant? his organization a woilt n1114t1)::
rulership of the world, is the battIc of Cl’od .\lmighty, clone by the anointcx? JXIIUlil~lt. ‘Yt,ercforc the Lord
and the one alto leads in that llwttle and gpins the vic- cor~unn~ids tlwrn 111tlwsc wol*ds: “Lint? this gw,iv~l Of
tory in t!w name of Je?~ovnh is his great E’icld J!arshal, the liiIlgd0m shall he prcachcd in all the \\orld for a
Christ Jesus, and the duty of all of the tcn~plc Conl- witness wto all nations: and tlkeu shall the end wnlc.”
pany is now to obey the order?; and instruct ions com- -3latt. 24 : 11.
ing from the Lord, and so obcyinq they have a spc’cific 24Kow the Lord has cntrustcd nilwli to this anointt il
v:ork to do. Tile Lord malics it clear that tltc lmrt to scry,mt class, ant? of them a Ial 8::cr nmonnt will bc de-
IA performed by the anoinfcd remnant is lu now sing niandctl. They inu:,t lwrform their part, which is c!e-
tl*e prakcs of Jehovah and his Kiny, and to do so finc(? as proclaimill:: the good nc~s of the lrin~tl~~lSi
Ecnrlessly nncl joyfully, rcg,lr&ess of all opposition. to all ~110 arc Gf gocd nil1 al;<? \\-I70 will lwa~*. ‘I’l:ci~
‘l’llis is bringin:; an oft’cring uuio the Lord in right- must pcrl’orm liwir p:lrt of this WOTli brforc tllc fit121
c3usI:cs.s. The propliccy oil God wittcn cent urics ago, tribalat ion of Arm:q,cddon f;llls upon the cnc~I77~:. 7’11~:
and now intcrlwetcd by the T;ore?,malies clear the duty 1~0Ld IlilY made allc? l)laccd his anointed rcl~ttlant in tlx
02 the tiI!lXi~IC contpally. Thcrc 12s IJ~C~J an attempt tu position OS \~atchmcll and hid UI~OI~ tllcIu tile o!,iiga-
312 l3ROOliLYX, 5. T.

tion to watch and $0 give warning to others, that olhcrs comfort from the mwagc dcliwrcd to them by ftis
may leara of Jehovah and ltis parpose. To the watch- anointetl \r itnesscs? ~tanifcstly thaw are the ones wit0
man company tfte Lord assigns the work of proclaim- will compose tltc “great multit udc”, 01hcrwix &sir;-
ing the name of Jehovah, his King and kingdom and natcd in the Scriptuws as Jonadabs. God’s time iu
to give warning to others. The watchman is plainly here for the ingathering of the great multitude. Do
told that ltc must he diligent in informing himself of those of the remnant, that is, tltc anointed witncsscs
wltat ltc mwt do ; must be on the alert and wideawake, of Jcftovalt, gather tltc great multiiudc? Cwtxittly
must hc dcpcndable and zcitlous, and must pcrfortn ltis not. It is important to ltave a proper undcrxtnnclitt:r
duties with joy. The watcftman receives instructions in iliis regard, that is, to know and to appreciate our
from the moutlt of the Lord and gives the warnin:: of relationship to God and his kingdom and our work in
the Lord, and therefore the warning is the Lord ‘s, attd conncctioii tliercwith. So man cvcr gathered nuollicr
not that 01 man. Tfic watchman must repcnt wliat tlic man iuto the iiillf+lOm of God. Appreciating this truth,

Lord has given him to declare. He sew the day al)- the apostle wrote : “I haye planted, Apollos wntcrcd ;
proachhtg when the word of Jeftovah shall fall disas- hut God gave the incrcxsc. So tlicn ncilhcr is ltc lltal
trowly upon tltr nations and the p~c~plc, and 11~ rnw3, 1Jlatttctlt any thittc, wither fte that watcrcth; hut CotI
sOwId tliC! warttittg tltcbrcof. To llic watcltmait, llte that givctlt the iticrcaw.“-1 Cot,. 3 : C,7.
scrvattt claw, tftc Lord tltcrcforc says: “When 1 say 27It is the Lord ~110 gathers the great multitutlo.
Ulllo Ilte wiclwd, 0 WitrliCd man, tftou shalt surely dtc; Tftc Lord uses the tcrtn “shcq)” to illustrate tltow
if thou (lost not slwal; to want tltct wicked front ltis gatltcrcd to liitn and tn;iclc mtniltcrs of lltc royal hou:cb
way, that \ViCliC~lman shall die in ltis iniquity; but of Jehovah. Tlwn Jesus adds : “,lnd other shcel, 1
his Mood will 1 rcclu~rc at tltittc hand. Kcvcrtltclc~;s, f:avc, ~ltich are not of tltis fold; tftctn also I tnuL:l.
if Iltou warn the wic*!;cd of his way to turn from it; bring, and thy shall hear my voice ; and tltcrc sll:ill
if ltc do not iurti from fiis way, fit shall die in ltis h? OJIC fold, 2td OllC Sh’~JhC1d.” (.]Ohll 10: 16) ‘VhP
iniquily ; but tftou hnst delivered Silty sOUl.“-l<ztbli. grC3t Inlll~i~UdC arc hcJsC Of l]lC “Other ShCC~J” ~vhOll1
33 : 8, 9. lltc Lord gathcis into itis organizalioti, and in tlIt15
psThat means that the wtcftniat~ must 1Jroclaitn Ihis titnc all those gathered bccotnc a part of the foltl 01
gOSpC1 Of llic liitt~tlotn illld that tllc gOSpC1 ol the Iiil:g- the Shcl~ltcrd, Christ JCWS. Tflc? work 01 the rcmu:lllt
dOin \\ill h 3 c(JIllfOrt :llid aid t0 t]lOsC who dCSi1 (’ to in cottnwlion I\ ilh the Ftwt niullitn~lc is lo Ijroclnitit
1~ wmfortcc!, and Iltat t iw witc~l~ntannui\t clw1:11~, tltc this ~o~l~cl f,l the Iiil~:r(lfml, iest.it’yi,tK to Iltc n:itw :;]I 1
day of tltc v~it~c’;in~~ of our C;ucl, :in(l lit must (10 so p~rl)~sc of Jchoval~ Iry and throttglt ftis Iiittf, atld IO
willittgly ant1 zwiou~l~ anti any f:iilure or rcfus;tl on point oltt. Ifiat the ltitt~tlont of Clod utt(l(tr Cltri9t i$ t !I(\
ftis Jhll’t t0 OIJ(bJ’ I~l(‘itll~“~)liP tlcsllwction Of IllC IViltCllln3ll only ltol~c for nt:inlriti~l. That messagelbl*ing cwtnl’ot~1
OP IVhOCVCl’ ttIctTOf does j’ilil 01’ Ni’USC. It is f flC COIlI- to ilt04(* who si:h ati~l t110urtt I~ccause of uitri~lliicolt ,-
mnndmct~t of iltc I~~rd and must be olqwl. (MS ncss cotntttiitcd about thctn ant1 ftccausc of t Itcir (Its-
3: 23) Such is tltc work assi~ttctl to the scrwiit C!:ISS, siw to xc and to follow ri~l~tcouwcss. Tlte rlnly ar:(l
and which nil~ht IN done by Jclwvali’s I\ itncsse*sas Ob~ig’iltiOll lai(l U~)Oll t 1IL’ SCrVilllt C!;l%S iS to hlLlJ\V f 11~~
Itreparation for tftc great ltuitlc progresses. The r<sm- people Of fi00cl will the way to (i0d’S O~~irlliz;lti0ll, 111.:1
ltnnt ificrcforc hnvc a I)ilYt in tftis war-work, but tltq they may flee to it and there find tlic place of safctb..
do not fight with carnal mc;~l~otw.Their waltons of
warfare arc the mcssagc of (;od’s truth, ant1 that is a
migltly weapon for lltc sftalting of the foundat iotts of ” ‘I’hCrc is no ])oSSilJfc mcails of %l]vatiOii fo lif(’
the cncmy ‘s visible ol+ga~liziltiorl cvcn in tltis tlil)‘. Sa- saw iht which God IlilS provided t Iirou,gh Cltt~1:,t.
tan and liis forces now malrc war on the rcmnitiil, bc- Jesus. (L1cts 4: 12) The Lord has laid the ohliztti~rtt
cause to tltc rt~tnti:ttit the ltitgdotn intcrcsts flaw hccn ul~on his anointed remnant to tell the I)eople that vet.>
cntrustcd and the remnant arc declaring that inw- important truth, and to tell it to iltrtn now. Thcw tY
sage of truth to tbc people, and ihus draw the fire no dodging or side-stepping that rc!sponsibilit y. It 15
of tlte Cnctny NI)olt Ilicm. (&V. 12: 17) Tllilt is tllc
CcpnlI~ true tllat th pcoplc llO\V 011 C31’ffl U~llO fK5i
reason for the wiiclred pcrswiitiotts now inilktcd upon tltc nic~s:tgccottccrnitt~ God and ltis l~iti~;tlorn, ant1 wit,~
the remnant by tftc Ilotnatt Cutfiolic IIierarchg iltld reject it and turn away tlicrrfrotn, swlt rtjccters shall
their tools. R~gardlchs of that, pcrswul,ioii, I~owc’vcr,
not sut*viVc L\rni:ir,-cddoii. Sjcciti,qthk f::ct wc can lt:lv(~
the anointed must continue and will continue to ohcuy SOtile a~J~J~CciatiOti Of the d~chrath by tlie ])ro]::lct
the Lord. The course taken by the faithful rctntwtt Jcrctninh that at the ~o11c’lt1s1o11 of Artx~gcdtlott t!:c rz
is a warning to othcts, and the pcrsccut ion of them wif1 be 60 many &ad Iltat Iirc survivors csatttiot l~rlr\y
affords the opportunity for the remnant to prove tlieir
them. (Jer. 5: 33) The ol~ligntion of itiforttiittg I:!(:
omn inlegrity loward God. people of good will conccrnittg 00~1’s proviiiott For
GREAT MULTITUDE their salvation is laid UpOtl the anoitttcd rc~lnli::ut : -i

2oWho are those that “niouri~ “, as dr~crihcd in the a whole. Ko one can pdorm the work that is nsbil:tk<d
Scriptures, and ~110 Jclto\ ah declares rnllc 1 re::nive to another. Each one must do his ow part w o]I[J’:L’-
OCTOBER 15, 1036 313

tunity is given to him. Some stem to have reacl1ed t.he of the Lord wl1ich do tke slaying wn% at Armagcddoti.
conelusion that a ccriain great work must. l:c done by The command of lhc Ilord is that tfle man wit11 the
SOtX particular individual of the rcmnnnt company, writer’s inl;horn, namely, Jchovnh ‘s witnesses, must
and that thcreforc among the remnant there arc some go tlirongh “Christendom” and put a mark up011 those
great men who will do that work. That, conclusion is wl10 sigl1 and et’)‘, and do ihis by givi11g them an op-
entirely without support in the Scriptures. On the pc,rtunity to hear and to learn the Irutl1. In obcdicncc
contrary, the Scriplures, and pnrticular1.v the proph- to this con1mnndtncnt the servant of tlw Lord does this
cq of Obadinft, disclose that no individunIs arc idcn- work 011dconipl(Gs it, and, as recorded in the elcvctitli
tifxd as members of the tcmplc. All of tl1c temple vcrsc of that propi1ecy, reports ihc n1attcr and says:
class or ilic remnant, are on a nnr or cotnt;ioti fcvc~f. “I 11avc done as thou hast commandccl me.” Thcrc-
‘I’llct’c arc notlc Inl~~ill v :111(1 irrc:~t 01’ sgcei;lIly itnI)or- after the slagilig work hcgins, and no one is spaled
ta111. XI1 arc F~‘IT at~ts of tlw I~wd. Thcrc is 110occ;1- in that slaughter \vOrli cswpt tl1ow who have reccivctl
slonlor mvonc lo Iml4t 01 111sltii~v~r~ancc or at lomnt, ilic mark on their for&ads. Tftis pt*opheiic drattia
to i11(!l1w himwlf lo Iwlicve lliat he is to do atttl per- &finitely fists the titnc and order in which Jehovah
lO~t!l Wtltc \:-Ol~~I~~l~lUl :Ultl lltlU~~t:ll IVOl*li. Tltc t1ni.v dots his \vorli, aiid shows Ihat the 1cstittiony work tllust,
of Pa41 ot1c is lo ohby Ihc cnn1niat1dt11cnts of tht‘ Lor(1 bc do11c and finished bcforc Artna::etltlon 1JcgillS.
illlC1 to Tivc 211 ltc~llol’ a11tl glory lo IflC r~oril ;111(1 IICJI.
w Further suljpo1’ting this cottcluw1n is the swill-
any lo 1’1,111. Soil0 or the Crl(vt s:~rv:ilit’ class itt tfiis
turc rccordcd co11ccrnitr~ l,ot cscapitig frotn Sodot11,
tln>~ irlll Iv kuilfy (~1’tl~c “sin 01’ S:~tn;iri:~“, fl~af, is,
and ~~liicf1 rccold apl)cat*s in tl~c ei~~lrtcctitli and ti~nc-
GUI III;< ILOIIC)I~ ,:t1(1 g?ot~ to of IICT 111stl t11c 1.01d. TEsoinc tc c11th cliaptcrs of (:cttc.iis. (:od sc11t his rcprcsc~tit:i-
iltb;i,,l 011 1:11;111’: 1l0lllJ1~ illl(l ~lol~y to tllrlwic4\cu, 01’ 011 lives to Sodom lo awcrtaiti tfic facts oonccrt1it1~ tlic
civitlgA it to 1~‘1’‘oils, ihat i 5 vt~q- lwt5lt:tsicc rvi,?catieC aljominitliotls tlollc tltct*e and to clcst t’oy Sodott1. .il~r;l-
tht Sll~ll OIICS :tI’c 11ot of c:ocl’s clcet sL’L’\.ti’ c~la?s. ham stood in llic pt~sc1icc of tlic I1ord and ma& ;t
plea in brlialf ol’ the city. God said to Af1rohatn 1lt;tf
TIXIE if 11ccould fi11d it1 lltc city as many il’; tcti ri~irteotti
2’)\Ylicn shall lfte rct1111atit.do their service as com- ones he would not tlcs~roy the city. lint that ~I;III~
mxi~lcd in pivitig wartiing awl comfort to those of w~:t*cnot found. Only I&, his wiI’c ntitl two tlauqhtrtx
good will and who will go to n1:ll:c ulj the great multi- c’!,e:ll)Cd, :llld lllC OtllCN wcrc dC’htIO~(~~l. \\‘C litlOW Ill;lt
tutlcP JYifl iherc bc a yw:11w :liltl more favoixblc ol)- 8+)~‘~Jl11 I’idurd Sat:lll’S M iCfWd or~:llliz:l! iOll 011 Gtl’tll,
portunily to do sricft wet% after ,21~t~ia~cddo11”:The aid ~xit4 icufarly tllilt part c:ifl(~l “ ~.~liristcn~lotn “,
woi*l; oCf~carit1~ Ihc 111csw::cof 111~lit11:qlom to tllc qrcal bwiusc it is willcn that ‘tlic grwt city is call(a,l
muli itudc mu.st IJC do1ic f1cl’orc, and itot after, i\ixla- Sodotn, whcrc ( !lwirt Jcsrts was rruc*ific*(l ‘. (Rev. 7 1 : 6)
go(ltfon. Tl1osc of good will who \\ ill forin the gcat The fin;11 fulfiflt1twt 0C this l~rol)lictic Ijicturc, with-
multitude must fl!e to the “city of r’cEitgc” bcl’orc, out doultt, is at tltc end of tl1e wot~ltl ;intl after 111~
and not after, Artn:t~~cdtlon, Today is tltc accc~~taljfc cornin:: of tl1c Lord Jcsns, for the rwson that Jews
time ~11cn the Lotxl brit1l:s the message to llic pcoplc, sxid : “JliliCWiSC al:,0 as it was in tflc clays of Trot; 111(y
ant1 lhis he dots bcTorc ~ct1gca11ccis visited upon Sa- did eat, tflCy (11’3Idi, tlicy I~OUgllt, 1llc~ sold, t11PJ
tan’s 01~~anizati011. ~Ianifcstfy the effort of the &vi1 pknlctl, tlicy buildcd ; IJut tlic same day I hat IJot wtit
is to induct men to ljclicvc thilt after i\rmngctldon will out of Sodom, it rained fire an(l fn~it11sio11efrom IIC:II-
110111~t itnc for llrc worlr of the ~~~1tlicriii~ of the great 01, alld clcStW~(d thm illl. 12wll thlls shall it fjc it1
muftititdc. illC tl:ly Wflcll illc Sol1 of ma11 is rCVCill(~cl.“-1Jul;C
3uThe ‘elcet servant class will not bc deceived or 17 : 2S-20.
ittduccd io bccot11e negligent ljy reason of tf1e efi”orts 33Until quite rccctitly God’s faitlifnl people 011the
of Ihe wily foe, but now they will give diligence lo earth undrrstood that tnost of the pco~)lcs of lhc earth
obey the con1n1and111c1iisof tlic I,ord. Some scriptures WOUM pass tl1rongl1 the great tt~tl~11l~ttiot1.This ludcr-
bc:tritig upon the time for informing tfic great 111ulli- standitlg e0r1~l1ctnds to illjral1atn’s exprcs4 horn:
tudc arc here bricily mc11iiot1ctl ant1 COllC!lWiVCl~ se1 tic that tltc eit\*, piclut~ing “ C~irictriitlotii”, would Ix
tl1c qwstion tliat llic tcsiimony to Ilie grcnl multitude saved ljc~ausc of sonic r;;ghlcous 011~ t Iicre. l!nt it. is
must Lc drlivcrcd before Armageddon, to wit: seen that it i.3 only Ihosc ~110 “seek ~i~:l1tcous11wi a114
31Xt, Ezckicl tl1c ninth cltaljtcr tl1e Lord rc:ord:i a lilCC!il!C’~S” t!1at 1i;:vc Ihc promiyc of lwitq spared a1ld
r,rophclic drams which is a direct anthorily on this tilliCll tfirou~h A~rmagcddcll. (%:ph. 2 : 3 ; 1 IV. 4 : 1s)
Itoitlt. Thcrc tl1c man clothed wit11 linen, with the The kkriljiurcs staic that liot vias a just and riKl1tcous
\;.riter”s inkhorn ljy 11isside, plays the part xprcsellt- mat1 2nd was vcscd b~~nusc of Ihe \\ic!;cd onrs tlw~ff-
illg Jehovah’s witncsscs, n!10 are commissioncil to do ing about liim. (2 Pet. 2: 7, 8) Sotlotn is set fort11 a9
hi? \vorf<. Those of the proyhc~~ who +zf1 and cry an c:xm~~fc of t!iox~ wfiom Clod ivill dwtroy at Alm,t-
picture the people of good will, who dcuirc to be rid getltlct~. (Jude 7) Lot cor1wpottds rsactly with th:1t,
of the abominatio11s committed by rcligioniyts; wltilc elaV tkwribctl i11EWliicl nine who arc 1tlilPliCd in Ificit
the six nicn c it I1 sl~ughtcr weapons picture tlic forxs fin chcnd.:, Clld in t!lc pi’opllrtic pi:*1 l!w li:‘lT? v~ll~8id-
wed he stands p~rticul;lrly as wprescnting the great
ciultitudo. J,ot rcccivcd the warning and fled Le;o~e
the destruction of the city; and likewi>c the great
multitude must rcccivc \varning and flee to the king-
dom organization before Armageddon, which will de-
stroy Satan’s organization. IYot only must they who
cornpow the great multitude flee before ,bmageddon
breaks, Lut they must abide with the Lord’s organizn-
tiun, seeking righteousness and meekness ; othcrv,%c
they will lx dcstroycd. This is clearly shown by what,
hcfcll Lot’s wife. In this connection Jews said: “In
that day, he which sllall 1~ upon the ho~~top, and his
stuff in the house, let him JlOt come do~;n to take it,
away; anfl he that is in ihc field, let him lilicviisc not
lY!tUHl hack. I~~lll~IllbC!~ Lot’s wife.“-Luke 17: 31,32.
34The rules of .Jc:hovah do not chan:;~. (MaI. 3: 6)
“hd Jesus said unto him, SO man, 11;lving put his
hlld t0 th J~hll:h, ant1 lOoking lJaCk, is fit for the
liin~doin Of Cod.” (Lultc !): 63) Of necwsity, the
divine rule al)l)lico to tlloxu who are sl)irit-bcgottcn,
UIld Cl]SOt0 tl:O!X! Y;llO Il;lVC &!ChI’Cd thIWdVCi 011 the
side Of Jcl~c~~ali and his ol*g!nniz:lliOll. IIaving once
stadd to fCJl]~J~v th h’d, the11 llc \VhO tlll’l% h’k
shall not sure iv<,. This \\as pictured by Lot’s wife
looking lJ:l(‘k a11(11)~ tllc OIICL~110 J,utS lair hand to the
J)lOW UIld jOCJi,:i b;lCIi Ol’ flll’ll$ ljilc’k. TIICI~CiS Ollly OIlL’
way tlmt Ir7ids to life ; ant1 wlwn one htarts in that
\‘;a>’ alld tllcll tllI7lY IJilC’li, clcst unction is ccI,tain to rc-
suit, lx~w~c, sa111rJ~‘:rwi, “:;IriCt is the gtc, and 11:11--
I’OW is tllC! \i;!y, \VllivlI Ic:;Jdctll Ullto lit’c ; itJld few thd
bc 111:lt final it.“--AJatt. 7: 13, 1.1.
35Ilife is a prwiou:; gift of God through Christ Je-
SllS ; tllld \! hCY1 OJI(! ]J:lVill:; hlI’~lOd th “iu’ Of life
SlWts in iIl;lt Way and tl:cII tllrlls l)aCli, llc tlraWs hack
to ~w~lition, and swh is his fate.---1Icb. 6;: 4-6;
30 : ‘yG-w) 0’) .
&I ) 0.
aoTl~crc UC many utlrcr Swipture tests bearing
spccific;~lly On this j,oillt, and which show conclusircly
tIlLIt the \vitllcss \v0r1; must lx! tlo11c and 111::t t110sc who
form the gSlc.1tmullitncic JIllJSt lmr :1nd flee to God ‘Y
orga~~izatioii bcfwc AI n~;~~cdtlon Itcgins. ;\monq tlwsc
tests lx9riJlg clearly tll)On the point arc IllWe: 3 Kings
JO: 15-23 illld Jcrcmiah 35: 19, which t&S relate to
Jonadah joining llimsr~lf’ unto J&u. Also (:cnesis
6 : IS-Z! and Clcnc,iis 7 : 1-l 3, concerning those who
cntercd Ihc :IYli with NOnIl and \‘xrC p:lSd Ol’CP fro111
the old ~orl(1. Also Numbws 35: 9-3-1, lwtaining lo
t11osc \\llO ilcc to the city of JOfu$. NW those n 110
arc comrnanilcd by the Tdord, at %cl~haninl~ 2: 3, to
seek mcckncss and riglitcousiicss lx-fore Uod’s anger
COInCSUlJOll khtall*S OJ~~~lJlizatiOJl. i\kO th SWiJdU!‘e
at Dlatthcw 2.5: 31--16, c0nccrniJ.g the sq)aration of
the 1,ord’b sheep ErOm the goats. Al\0 %ech:iriali
8: 20-23, conccrnin~; tlJC tell IllCJl t:lliilJ’,r 110ld of thOSe
v;ho ljrni>c and SCI’~Cthe Ilord. Also ?~ratttlc’Jv 24: zc,
concciaing 1ilO<r \\llO ;I1’C ~01111:1:111dCd t0 flfX t0 the
InullntniJls l::~r”oi*c ~1~rJla~~cddon. Also Aiicsh -1: l-5,
d?dlJin$ tile iilai~y nations going ul~ to Jcliuvatl ‘S
OCTOBEU 15 , XI::6 315

dolvn those religious organizations appears to them and the “false prophet”, nhich are taken ant1 de-
to be a very strange thing. Jellovah by his prophet stroyed in tfle battle of Armageddon. (Rev. 17: 17;
declares that he will rise up as he did at Mount Pera- 19: 17-20) Then follows the taking of the Devil lli:n-
zim and that he will do his work, his strange work. self. (Rev. 20: 1-3) The battle which Josflua fourzht
This strange work of the Lord is now being done bz- at the ancient rity of Gihcon is undoubtedly a picture
cause it is the time of judgment w-hen the Lord Jesus of God’s “strange act”, tlic battle of Arniagcdd~-a.
has gathered before him the nations and is separating The battle of Gilwon was in two parts, but it was all
goats from the sheep. It is during this same time that foupflt on one day, and there was no lapse of time
the “hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the between tiw beginning and the ending thereof. The
waters shall overflow the hiding plate”. (Isa. 28 : 17) first IJart of the battle was fought at tbc city gales,
“ Ifail” represents very hard, solid truths, and the and t!icn tbc enemy fled in an effort to get away or
overflowing waters picture the flood of truth that is cscafw. As tlw enemy ficd Joshua prayed 1hat the light
SprCiAing throughout the earth. That “strange work” of ltic sun and of the moon mi$t continue until the
is now in progress, and it is a war of truths apainst cncmy was destr0yd. It was at this point in the IJottlc
cnlmwhcd rarlietecrs who lravc faalscly applied Cot1 ‘R that the Lord cast down from licavcri great CllllllliS of
Word to hide tiwir own nefarious conduct. This work ice that slew tbc wlcmy. (Josh. 10: 10-Z) That \\as
is not Anna~eddon, however. When the “sfrangc an act of God foictelliiig his “act, his strange ,a&“,
work” is comyfctcd, then what shall follow? that will completely wrcelc the wrld. The (:ifwmitc‘;
who put tlicmschcs under Jo.~flua fwfore tfiut fxitl Jc
1fIS ACT pictured the great mnltiti&~, and the latter put tlicni-
coJehovah’s witncsscs on the earth arc privilc::ed to wives under C’firist Jc’as, tlic t :rwtcr Joshua, f~c!fol c
participate in the “strange worfi” of tltc Lord and to the battle of Xrm:~qtdclon. After lllc! fxlttlc hgills
be coworkers with cod, in tliis, that they proclaim there is no opportunity to 11~ to ttic I~ortl’s or;:aiiix:t-
the day of his ven~eanee, and tfle n~ess:~~cconcerning tion. JCWS himself emphasi;::~s that fact in his stair-
hiti King and kingdom. Thry do not, howwr, havc 111C’llt lit ,IliIItIICW 21: 11-21. TIIC TAoltl dWf>llTS tII:lt ;III
any part in the csprcssion of C:od’w wrath, that is, tlic shull littow that he i4 .Jcl~ovah ; ant1 wlwn his grrat act,
csccutiou tlicrcof. \rcnpcancc! bclonq to the 1,ortl. his straiiec wt, begins in tlic tlcstruc$ion of aft of %I-
An act of God is a specific cshibition of his suprcmc tall’s visible or::ariizat ion, as well as itivEf)lc, tIt:lt
powrr oqinst the CJ1c’lil~. ‘I’lln floc~il iii Noah’s day ~1ill, to ninny who \vill rccognizc it is Coil cloing tlic
\faS aI Wd of God. ‘I’llC dCYtrLIctiO!1 of ~‘ll:lI’~l~Jll’S &strurtion, certailIIy ap1)car to f)c wry straliqx2, IV>-
army in tflc Red sea ws an act of Cod. TLC &~S~IWC- cause thy have bccri 1~1 to JJclievc thit tlic govcr II-
lion of Sennaclwrif~‘s army l~c~orc Jerusalem was an nwnts ant1 ruling l~~wrs of this wo~*l~l rule fy divitlc*
act of (:otl. flrnia~c~tlclor~, wliifbfi is the bntllc of llic ri::llt, am1 that they will survive for* cwr. \VticJi 111(:
grcnt day of God Almighty, will IIC an act OP.Jcl~ovah witnc>s iVOrli is clOllcb, tllrll will conic lllc grP:rt fig:lt,
(:od cxceutcd by Christ Jesus ant1 his invi\iLfc army, aud then only tliow ~lic, arc 011tlic sic10 of the 1~~1x1
rcsnlting in the complctc dcstrwlion of cwry part of will be spaml nncl taken through the great battle.
Satan’s organization. The “Strall~C \voPI<" oI' JcI~o-
vah, as the Swipturcs clearly show, bring into di,j- IHLIGESCE
repute and into disgrace in tlw eyes of many the TC- ‘* This is the day of Jchovalr, whiell is dc~;ignatc~!l
ligious systems that liarc so long dofamccl God’s name, in the Scriptures as “that day”. It is the clay it, wl~ic~li
and will destroy the power of those systems owr tlic he ha? cnthollcd his Iiing :i~d sent him to the tCnlJb!C
people. Thcrcaftcr, as the Scripturns show, the clcr::!: fur juclgm~llt. It is I hc (lily in wliieb his work, his
who have practiced religion to the detriment of the str::~~gc w~rli, is J~CIII~ done. in which all mfio l~vt:
pcoplc and to tbc defamation of God’s name \\ ill deny aligned tlicmsefves with the Lord arc co~~iniantlc~l lo
the awusatiou that they cvcr were clcrgymcn. Says hnw a part in singing forth 111~ Jjrniscs of ~Jcl~ov~~l~.
the scripture at Zcchariafi 13 : 4, 5: “And it shall come Ttic Ikvil in this day is attcmJ)ting to cauw (:o~l’s
to pass in that day, that the propbets [prcnchcls] Jwoplc to SJOW down in their worlc, and 11e uws m:l!y
shall be ashamed every one of his vision, when hc lmth fraudulent mcthocls to ~CCOmJ,JiSil Ihal l)llJ’fJ(+~‘,
prophesiexl ; neither shall they war a rough garment amongst which is tlic fear of man, an(l tfic selfish cl+
to deceive: but fw shall say, I am no prophet, I am an sire to wait for ‘a more fnvorafAc time’ to work. IIe
husbandman; for man taught MC to keep cattle from uses those who speak in the name of ttic Lord to in-
my yonth.” These survirinq clcr~ymcn, therefore, dc- duw the faithful to delay their WOrli and slat!; tliciir
clare thrftisclws a part and arc a part of the commw- hancl. Hut CM’S clcct will fw on the alert iLIld wll
cial cfrmcnt of Satan’s organization that is a part of not be dccci\cxl. Those who arc of God’s orgnniznt icn
tilt? “beasi”. or ;wwir!txl n ith his organization in praising ~Jc:lw-
‘INote now in Revelation 19 that after the c!>5tru-- Y: 11:!re dzi~natcd under the term ~‘~Jerus:~lx~~“, while
tion of the old “v;flore” system all those on the Lor,? ‘s “%inri” pictures tllo-c who are of the anointed rerii-
side are rnllcd to IGtncss tlie slanght:r of the “beast” nant with Christ Jrsus. To all who ale on tl~c l,ortl’s

1;;lTO~AlI ‘S witnwcs now rcco~~tiizc that Ezc-
kic4’s propiicc’y v;ni writtal at the tliotation of
Jchoval~, to 1x understood only in Cod’s due timr.
It disclows Jclwvah’s ulu\-cr.4 organiztltion which
gives birth 1~ tlw liin~:tlom.
Ancicnl Jcrusalcn~ \WS used to fore~l~:~dowwhat is
now called “ Uiristcndom ’ ‘. Jcrusalcm bcri~mc liypo-
critical, corrupt and ol)prcGvc. God sent Ezekiel to
warn iuntl serve notice U~JW Jcrux~lcm of her impcnd-
ing clcstrwtion. Tlic city was dcstropl and onI:: a
rcmnunt 0C the pco~)lewcap~~l. SIX+ was a miniature
ftl~fJ~lJll~~l1t Of tile ~WO~hCC’)‘.
his indignation “. “Let thy name be msgnified for every doctrine upon the I3iltlc testimony. (1x1. S: 20)
ever. “-2 Sam. 7 : 26. Jehovah is true and his \i’ord is the truth. 1Swr.y IIKIII
Jehovah caused to bc written, more than 2500 years that is brou$~t into harmony \rith God muit learn tile
ago, what in the 13ihIe is called Ezekiel’s prophecy. truth. Concerning those who will plcasc God, Jesur
During the centuries that prophecy has been a mJ-stcry said : “Xanctify them through thy truth: thy word
sealed to all who have sought to unlock it. God’s due is truth. “-John 1’7: 17.
time has come for the ~~rophccyto bc understood. IIe That which is the very oppoGtc of truth is & lie.
has brought lo pass events disclosing its meaning, and Satan is tile author or father of lies. (John 8: 44) IIc
hcgnn his lies by disputing the word of Clod and l1.v
these cwnts, well known to millions of people, placed
bringing reproach ul)on God’s name. That first lit lctl
beside the l)rophccy, nldic it plain.
perfect man into the way of wickedness and lxougllt
The miniature fulfillment of the prophecy was upon upon tlw entire human raw sorrow, sicknws, suffering
Jcrusalcm and the nations thcrc round about. Its and death. In the centuries past Satan Ilas pursued
grrater and complete fulfillment is upon “Christw- his course of lying and wickctlncss witliont Itintlranct!
dom” and t!ic otlrcr nations now of the woyld. In and has bull&d a rnigllty erg-anization in tlw cart11
this day of grcnt distress and perplexity it opens to !)y which he I1r.shrour;llt rcprowh uy~on t!Ic name of
the vision of godly men tlic things that must sl~cd~lp Jchoroh Got1 and has tnrncrl the ttwss of tlla 1~01~1~
come to l~nss arId guides t!lc obcdicnt into the right way. away from God. To ac~omy~lishhis wickc(I purl~osc’s
Its testimony now due to IJC given is notice rind Satan has rc.;ortcd to all manner of Iyin:, fl*alld illld
solemn l\arrling to “Cflristcndom” a~rd to all the tlcrcption. The cliicf clcrnrnt of Ilis 01.g:;IlJiZilt ion, 1))
corld. Jt :II~IIOIIII~~ Cod’s jutlgmcnts alrw~ly wittcn which IIC has clrfraudcd tlw pc~oplcand rc~1~1w:Ic~hcd
agiI1st the “man of sin”, uv?ainst “C1!I~~I~t~~Ii~lOIn”, God’s name, is tllo religious cl(wcllt. This hc sl:~l’tkd
lwr rIIlcrs, atId chief JWII, and neainrt ;111 who !InVc with 13abylon, ant1 from tli(fi11 till 110w tlic II:~nic I;al~y-
clcfamctl the II;IJIIC oi tlw ?Io\t 1IiglI. It rrI;~Jrea known Ion has nttachctl to all rcligiwls llscd hy Sat211 to !JriIlg
the great trilJul;~ticJn jwit ;111c:ldfor the world, and rcI,roacIi upun t hc II:IJIIC of (:r~l.
IloW SOIIIC l!l;Iy 1JC hhkl~lvtl illld lJI’OtF:‘tCd ;llld cnrriccl
The grcatcr tlrc dcwptiw~ l’ractiwcl, tlw greater
t!l~~~Jll~ll tlI:lt tI’OUlJl~! WC! tJllXXd.
tllc repr~,;ivII ; a1id SO-~illIC~1 “oI~~r;iIiizcd ClJri\i iwity”,
Ifs mcs:.agc is that of comfort :IIICI cI~courn~oI~ctIt 01 “CltI~i~tc~II~loIn”, StrlIltlS ilt tllc VC’I’Y llt’;l(I Of all
to the faithful followers ot’ Christ Jesus ~110arc’ 11~nv Ii) 1Jocritic;Il ivli~:iuIIs IkIt ha\:* IWCII IIw(1 to cl~wivc
011 tIIC c;II*th. It t(!II.J ~VIII~II ~IIICI IIO\V cJclloVilll (:otI \~111 1 IN! )wolJlc Nld to clcl’;lnlC? God’s My 11:11ll~‘. ‘!‘I IIL’
])I’VVC, CX0lIClYll~ ilKI villtliwtc llis \:OI’CI illId !lOl) Chridinnity nl(9iIs to tr1I1~ :lIl(l f:litllflIll?’ follo\v
ll;\mC, 1llJlift :IIItl lJlCS+ !IiS OlJdicIlt CWilt iOIl, iilld Ill:l!:c! C’hriL;t JCYW ;tIId to IIOIIUP (:. d’s II.~IIIC. “()I.:;1 II c 1
1kc worl(l :I l~l:wc of’ c:rcrl:~st ina ~JC;!W and .joy. JCvwy (‘lrri\tianity,” 01’ “(:lrI,islcII(l~JIiI”, tI;Iv Iill;Cll ills IIiiIn(’
iItlollig:cvit crwturc shoitltl IrIifJw its coIiteIIts, wad it of C!Irik.t JCSUS l>tlt 1~;~~ lJr;lc*tiwtl c\‘cvr.\tllinl: 1,\1t tl~c
ilId pl’olit tl:f:I*clJ~. tl~lth. Ju\t C*IIOUC;II of tlI(b I;ilJ!c 11;:s IJL*(~II u~;A to IIIIY-
.Jchovnlt’s n:~mc is of far grcntcr importance than iwtl and tlcccivc t!Ic l~ccrl~l~, C~(‘II as Satan riii4wvl
all other tIliIIgs. The time must VONCwhen Jelw~;~h’s IJ:ll‘ts Of (;od’S 1YoIxl iII iItt~~ill!~till~~ to wtiw ~l(*~Ils.
~I;IIIIC will IJC upon cvcq- crwtwc, and then wcrything (Iu;ttt. 4 : 0) “ChI+A II&JI~,” or “cq::iIii~~vI (‘l:r i‘i-
that !~I3~1tlics will extol and 1101iOr Iris II:imc. OIII~ ticnity”, IIFS t!lcI*cfoIv2 IJCComC tllc grc:lt~~Yt Of :1!1
I ~IOSC \VIIO C’OITIC to ;I 1<110\~l~~tl~c (Ji’ Jc!lovah and \YIIO rcfw;cs or Iii~liflq l~l;ws of lic!s. (iotl IlilS :!lJOtlC hi\ 0\\ II
IIOIKW his II;UIIC will he qivcn life cvcrlnsting. Jesus due IIlnC t0 CSlJOSC ;Iritl t0 dC~~:tI*O)’ ;I11 tl~lJO!‘l’ItIl~;ll illlll

‘0 Sfilf CCI \i !lClI !lC \\‘ilS 011 Cill’f!l, but OIl!y n fC\V to t!liS wickctl or::;iiIi:!:it ions. Now his 1 itnc 112s ~01:ic IO uii-
c!;ky h;lvc lxlicvcd tlmt his words arc t rw. T11c de- lies, ;Itltl Cs!Jo‘~c the
COTC’I’ t!lC f;llSc! rcll:ion:, iltld (‘VI l’,V
i,!ming of Ciod’s name \V:ISlxjiun by tllc traitor Sa- other pat 1 of P,~t:~Ii’s OigIIix**t ioIi ; nd lhis I,rv III--
filll, aritl the cnt,irc organization which 1lit cIirm> c~:irC’S he Kill d0 1))’ ;Illd tlll~OU,2!l tllc t IWt!I lllildl’ lil1O\~ll
IJUilClCd 11x; coIItinucd to rq~ronch his holy name. Tlic to nrankillr!. The time is tlwrcl’orc VOIIIL’wlwn !ics x!I;~l!
removing of Satan and his organization will result 1x2 twn from tllc pl;lcc Of lJ0v3~r’ anal authority; ;~rId
in clearing J~~Ilo~al1 ‘Y n:me, and then all intrl!i,~cnt truth cnthronc(l \\ ill coiIl.iiIiic to tulc forcvc~r ; ;ind
crcaturcs may Irarn without hindranec the way to Irfe. this will be a 1indication of Cod’s word and name’.
The truth must hc made known to the end that the Cy his prophet Jrhovah sa~.~: “ikl~old, 1 la;: in
I~mlc of Jchovuh may be vindicated. It is the esprcwd Zion for a foundation a stole, a tried ston(b, it !I~‘L’-
will Of Cot1 that all crcntion shall be bron:;ht to a cious corner stone, a sure found:~tioti : Iic that lwlic\,cl Ii
li~lO\VlCd~C!01 the t~tltll and tlltlt then thsc Who lwlirve shall not make haste. Judgment also will I l;iy to tllc
ant1 obey aIItf piwticc the truth sliall lirc. ,111otlicrj line, and ri:htcouwcss to the l’lu~imwt ; ant1 tllv hail
will lx dr~troyed. The origin of man, the COUI’SC mnu [11:1Id tmtlls] shall swq, ar\-ay t11c wfucy of IlW,
!IX+ i’oll~~c(l, Ilow man may he JVCOVC~E~and r:r;tnfcd and tllo waters [flood of truth] shall o~erflr)n tllc hid-
life et erlast in:, i, truthfully stated in tllc Bible. It ing 1)Itwc.” (Ix 25: lG, 17) %IolI liere nictiiio,:c,~~ 1s
ii; found nowhcrc else cscc,l’t in l)uLlication j i hat 1x1~ C:o:l’h ol,::::!!i.-,l:ti~l:i,awl Clwist Jesus the King uf gl,tq

is the Chief Corner Stone mcnticmc~ by the prophecy. name ” means ihc organization of Jehovah of which
Already God has plnccd Christ Jesus upon his throne Christ Jesus is the &ad and Chief. That which will
and prcscuted him as King of ~hc world, and thus the lead to the exaltation of the name of Jehovah in the
Corner Stone has 1wcnlaid. Xow Christ Jesus the great minds and hearts of all his creatures is a knowledge
Judge has come to ihe tcmplc of Cfwl for judgment and of aud obedience lo the truth. God has taken out from
the judgment is in progress; hcncc the time is at hand ihe world “a people for his name”, which pcoplc arc
for the hard and plain Iruths la Ix iold and, thus con- the first ones lo he favored with a knowledge of the
tinuing, the truth, like a flood af water, shall rise, cs- truth.-Acts 15 : If.
posing the lies hy disclosing their hiding place, and It is fitting that God used David, who forcslladowcd
will sweep away all hindrances to the people in gain- his beloved King Christ Jesus, to write and say to the
ing the truth. pcoplc lakcn out for his name: “Give unto the Lord
The campaign to make knows the truth of God’s ihc glory due unto his name ; worship the Lord in the
Word to the pcoplc is now in prw~rcss. In this woik beauty of holiness.” (1%. 23: 2) And thw the IJ~O~J~C
the Lord is employing the radio a11dmany hooks con- so taken out, for (iod’s name s~wnlrto out another. It
taining the esplanalion of the ISil~le, and thcsc arc is ihc esprcwcl will of Jcllovah tllat, ‘the pcol~lc t;lkcn
put in the hands of the pcoplc that. they may know ttw out for his IJ~JJIC’ shnll hear to the world the n~c~ss;ar:~
truth. The work of rindic;ilinf= 4:otl’s name has be- of truth illilt Jehovah is tllc 0~1y true God, and thus
gun, and will x0 on until cvcq- man, from the least be IIW witncsscs of Jehovah at; this time. (1x1.
to the grr;ltcst, hllall ktlo\v that Jchorah is tllc 011ly 43 : 10-32 ; 42 : 0) Jc110vall c;tlIscd his 1101~ IJroIJlIctq
true Co(l. Tlwn ncvw again will the truth he bc- to write conccriiing Ilic vindication of his 11ilIIlc1, a1ic1
draggled illIt hid from the view of God’s ClTiltUITS. now his due time has come for his “fnilhful scsr\ant”
Tllc ISl’ilelitW \V(‘PC (;OCl’S colcnarlt Ilc’Ol~lC ChrSCll to U~ldclWlld tllc mtullillg of ttic! pl’ophccics, and LllC
by him and uwd chiefly to make picturcu which fore- “servant” is dirccled lo scrvc iiotwc ul~oii tlIo rul~~rs
shadtrw his pur~~ows. Siwli pietnrcs arc mndc undcr- arid the pcopk of’ alld COliewi~illg G~d’s ~u~‘~Jo%~s ilS
standablc to men in tluc time in orclcr lk~t lllc anointed tllc proplicis ion:: ago wretch.
pwplc of God may Ilil\C hqje ant1 in order that the ISzckicl was one of the holy 1)rophcts of Gwl. JJ~*rc-
rulers aiid the pcoplc in gcnrral may llc scrwd with tOforC his pr01~hccy 1IilS llot bcCU UIldCl’~~uOd, lll~illi-
notice of wllnt Got1 is OlJOUl to do to make a name for fcstly bccausc it was not Go(l’s lime for il to lrc uid~*r-
himsel P. stood. The thcnw that rulls ihroughout tlic clltirc
Jcllo~;~h sent his PI oplwt to the king of Jsracl and bOOI< of lL4cl~icl is t hilt, Of tllc villtlicilt iOll of ~J~~lloV:lil ‘s
caused him to say : “I will sot up thy seed after thee, 1Ia1iic. TIlC ~)IllXSC, “lCno\v Ihat I am t11c I,OICIJ [.Jc-
which sh:ill proccctl ollt of thy l~owc1l~,and I will hovah] ,” occurs nioro than sixty timc3 in tlrc pro111i-
establish his kingdom. 1lo shall Imild an liousc for my Ccy. 3Iorc lhan any otlicr ]JOOk in the 13il)lc tlkc JJ~~II~-
Iiamc, and I will atalA1sl1tfw lllrorle of his Iiill~doIl~ Ccy of J*:ZCliiCl nwrltions this pxxt aid ~ll-illl~~~~~t:ltlt
for ever.” (3 Sam. ‘7: 12, 13) 15~ those words Jehovah truth. Tha opcniikg chaplcrs give a scttin*: for t Iw
stated tllc importance of tlic kit~gdoni in connection UllcIcl?AaUcl~~~g of ihO book \VllCll the dtlc tirnc ill’l’i~ (‘J
with the vindicnlion and the honor of his name. The for its Ullc!erStilIldillg, iltld for tilat reason t1lC.C Ctl:l1J-
“seed” there mentioned uudouhtcdly mcans Christ tcrs should IIC cnrclul ly consiclcrcd. I’rophwic3 at13
Jesus, the beloved of God who was forcshadowcd by not nl\Vil?-S flllfill~d hi thf.? order hl which tllcy ilJ(’
King David. The Kin, 0’ of glory Jehovah now has set down in tlic Scriplures, but a proper scnttinl: i;
pk!<l UlJO11 Ilk tllI’OilC. (1%. 2: 6) “fill llOUSC for nly tlCCCS.\ilr!~ for the harmoikiiig of the ciitirc ~~1~0~~1~~~~.


Gincc’rcdizGg tb3t we are in a rcxl luttlc null the bnttle

is lrnt ours. we ore :~surcd tlmt Jd~~:tb sldl L’:tin the \iftorv.

Yours with Joy and glaclness in tl,c k’mf ‘8 ecrvice,


Dx.~n Dno’PJlI3~ ~U’l’fIEEFCIt;D: DF: I: I~KOTHLR Rt-TIIEM cm):
Lr)\ing greetin;;s from under the SoutJiern Cross! For a long time wc have desired to express our apprt‘ciation
It is n0w s0me sixteen and eleven ycar9. respcctirely, since of the privllc~:c that we Jmvc of being as9ociatrd w-1111 you and
my n iic and 1 wcrc enabled to enter into full-tlmc scrvxc, and the Socmty in this wonderful kingdom work. Muup times our
the luxury of a brmf bnekvrard glance 1111s us n11h gratitude Jmarts go up to Jehovah rn true thankfulness fur thm oppor-
for the privilege of it nil and for the loving care and guidance tunity, :md n-c espectally rcnicmhcr you ut the thrnnc of gtare
of over Cod tluouylmut those years. Frum the days nhcn ne that your hand may be sttrny;thencd for the great walk God
hzd but the rSiCtdir.9 1)‘ tire Scrcptzci~ for witnesslu;;, then Tile has cntrustcd to you. \:‘e also thank him for the nsmtance titlt
Itarp of God, follovvcd Ly the constant strcom ot books and comes from the arrangements made to attl us by you and the
boolrlcts ns we have them now, tlic opennig up of the ratbo, the sacrifice that the friends nurkc to krcp us in the service. )Ve
introduction of the testimony C:LI~, am1 now, as a croanq alto wish to cxprcss our smceie gratttu(Jc for the dlffcrcnt
feature, the sound machines; to huvc scfm and been assocmtcd books, the l.eor Iiook, l’he ~:oIrlen Age, and l’he JPatclttower
~5th alf these fratures of Jcl~o~A’s arrangement is to have that conic to us regularly. \Vhnt a feast wc have now m the
v;itnessed tiic fulnllmcnt of his promiso to provide all things “ feast of t~rbrxn~cclcs”
‘ L . Surely the remnant and the great
mcd/rtZ for his people to continue faithful m service without multitude have many tezon9 for rcjoicrug.
murmuring or complaint.
The revelation comerning the “gteat multitu~lo” was mnr-
v~loub, and it is IinJJplf>rug to sco how, in the pi0nrc.r groups,
tla Ltnomted and tho~.c vt ho profess to be “ .Jouad:tbs” are
nuw rvorkmg tog:ctlrcr Immmwusly, without dmlmctmn, Jjleasrd
to Jmve any position m God’s otfi~mzatiou.
Oscar Jmrc in Tasn~anm our bttlc ptunecr group is bnttbng
alray, J&aeed to bc in the flont bne of the tigltt. Cur telrl;oly
1s scrcttctcd arid (blto Jet m::llcm) surroun~lt4 by mountains,
and the v,cathcr has r:unK:cd In a short vi h110 fturn vcty vvaini
(wi:h biicli fir{,3 ant1 dust) lo very cold (\:~th rc:e and snou).
liut \vu Jic*cp on tho ,loh, Ilcrng cotntot tnljle \ilth a car an11 tralhr
car:i\:‘n kindly provitlcd for the picnux~rs by the ‘1’:tsrn:~nc:rn
ftic.mls. Covrrihf; our tcrrltoly mvolvrs 111lr ing and wulklng
many nlih.s, but uc seek to cover It tlmruu~ltly and to prrsent
tltu bouk.9 and lecturcfl to everyone, no nmtlcr wlmre they ale


DEIR TlRoTllt 1: I:rTlt~,.ra u1:1,:
JIoJW >uu vi111 cA(*u-ce n!c for taking a Itttlc of your time. 1
~UO\V that ytiu :LIP VCIV busy. Jlut I \v:m so thl&xl io hc:r~ your
On0 uomun, lICiti inf; a h*ctulc fur llm first time, said, “That ‘S roIcc hst evening [i’cbruury :).:I, from nine to ten o’clor k
n ucw i&3! Anynay, it is :I glc.:t hclJ) t0 you, as you do not Sorn~+u titm, that 1 mu5t vi-1 ile an0 tc.11 you. Sorry to s.!y
h:r\c to tulk so IINKII :d It c\l~l:cms tlmgq bcttcr tlmI jou that it \:us only m.vsclf that umlc~stoutl the Jdn;bsh lant;u,\;o
cot1ltl. ’ ’ \\Cll. lsbcly MUId ,l:,!i 01’111111:1. it n:vi not I~:II Iy ho good n hen
ne henlcl you 111 O-lo I:r.st tiumu~cr, VIIIU. vou spolx flom the
~\‘nslim$on r~~nvcut~un. 1 t C:IOLQ ovc’r i’rotn (;CI nmcy and
Svedcn that tiltice. ‘l’ir ice tllclo v\as an Inic~rruption for about
half a minute. It n::s Sncdcu aud llussia that interfered, but
ClwII It w:ci Rudy clear ag::un.
I shou!ed “AyeI” \:iih the cun\cntion lucthren 111 l,oa
Angclq and I snppo~e ae ull drd 01~1‘ the viorhl. 1 was pr,5y
ing the Lold’s blcsx~ng over tllc convcution, and that ne un-
Acain, wlrcn my wife and I hncl cart Icd tlm phonogral~li for rccn listeneta migl~t 11c l)rrnuttc~d to hear you. Onl> .lcl~ornl~ ‘9
a nulc along a timber t~:uuwny to get to a houe lmlied av\ay p0wer cot~ld l~?lng stxlr things to pass as to hcur so nmny thou-
in I110 l~ush, tlm man th~~nkcd us for briuL1ng lum the lcctmc sand nulcs a\\ a?.
mil books, as ‘rely few pcqjlc bothered to tly to get to him
with any tnessnl;c ‘.

Tour siktcr in the King’s army,

hXXA 81~LtXt510, ~Orwcry.
~WOKLTN, h. Y.
As one of the Jwison~ts ~110 was rcle~wl by .Jchovah~s gra-
&us protisiol!, I shfd~l mtlecd fcrl unworthy if I did not ex-
press Iuy gratltudc to .Jcho~:~h nnd to youlsetf and all others
w!lo cxcrc~wtl such twetcss cli’ort In betdf of those who were
in bowls. Ttm is tIuly ewlcnce of >our coInpi& love for
Jel~o~cA, as is tcstificd to by the npostl~ John in 1 John 5: 2:
“By this MC know that NC lole the chlltlrcn of God, nhen we
lore God, and kwp his c,olllnlandnlcnts. ” It is my dctermInation
that by the I,ortl’s grace 1 shnll ulwnys keep his commnntl-
ments and that in tllis my low for Got1 nncl for all the brcth!c~n
shall ever IJC in evidwwc~, as 13 excrtipllflcd by this act of lore
shown on l>C!lliltf of the blcihren nho welo imprisoned Ixxausc
of their tcstlnlony to the nanm of Jehoxnh God and Ins kingdom
at Owngc, New Jersey.

With you 111 ttw Kin::3 scr\ice,

Irxs~ II. Sane, New Jcrsry.

\\‘1111 I,IUC~I love to :,I) tiw tbrctlircn,

Your sister,

J’illhlrcll PI,. . .._._.Xnv ::. 4 Jwt~oit. .Vicl,. ._._...__. i‘n\. 12. I3 Cmnton, lV,q. . .._......SIIV.
llill.\ 1111~.I’:1 .. ... .. .. . .. 4. 5, G Ibt t Ilut4~u, .Ilicl,. . ... .. l-1,15 \r1111ro, \VlU. . .... ... .. .._ ;;
(‘lc~\vl:~~d. OIli . .._._._‘1 i, 8 Irull;,lcl. A Y. “ 37,lS I:i,u (‘hire. \YIu. __...
Tolch. mio . .. .. .. .... .. . “ 10, 11 I:wllc~lcr, N. Y.“‘:.:::::: ” l!!, “0 f’llIp~‘“U;* l.‘:III\. \\ iN. “
Mllw:~I~ol~~. .\11rm. . . . . “
St. 1’:l”l. JIllIll . .._....... ;: Xit( hill. S IhI,. ._.___ ”
St. cloll~l, ~IllIII. .. .... .. S1~111\ I‘.lllC, s. ILA .._ “
f;lCYl\vwrl. ~111111.__... . . 1’ ln\vwld. Ill\’ :I ___._.__
I‘c,gus bw:,lla. -Mum. .__.“ s1011sc‘lts, lona . .. .. ... “

J:ed Lntlg~. Mont. ._..So\. ;: ; I:oi\e, Idvl~n ___.__.__ ._ Snv. 17.
lfoclw. Mont ____.... ” .\.llll~Kl. Ill:lllrl . ._ . .. 6’ 1’).
I’oc:ltl4lo. Idnhn ._ .. .. “ 5, N 1:#111111~11. Ill:lllo . .__.__.. ” 2I
So&l sp11,,‘-.. J~l.\l10 ‘8 10, 11 \Yl~l.W. I~I.,IlO . . ... .... ... “ “,;’
1:u1:c\, ld:,l,0 . ....: ” 1 L’. 1:: l‘,iw, Ill:rl,o . .... .... . ... . .. “
lR111 lhll\. 11:n1,o ._.... “ 3-L. 15 c),xlen, L1:h .. ... ._. ... ... “ iis:
_-_- - _-_-
A. S. \\‘RlCHT
Bliaml, 1%. .............. N;Hv. 3, 2 \v:llldl”l:l. FIR. “nv. ;;, g
.YnInnJn. I.l.1. ............ (( 4, 6 Pcl,r,lI& I lil. .................... . J,cwiutw n, MO. .. ... . ..Xiov. 8. (i Jl~,ll~\ 111~. MO. ._ ___so\ 10. 31
I<rsr \\‘eat, 1~7;~........... ‘I‘illll~l.,,l~l:t .......... ‘a 2i:? I<,,h~,lle. MU. .... .. .. .. “ i. X I’l.~lll\fl~r~l. .\llb . .....__“ 2 I -’ .!
Zli:lwi. 1‘1:~ ............. “ ‘ifl St. l.f~~rr-bur~. l%. .... ‘1 L’l. 25 I:u~ltlin,
J:olilr ilk,
.\I!> . . . . . . . . . . . . ” IO.
110. . .. . . . . . . . . . ‘I IL’,?3
11 dl’l\cl\,,n I’ll>, .\lw . . . . ”
1:l~llln. ?.I*1 .. . .. .... . “
21, ‘: >
l‘lW1 A1.l er ... I’h. ........ I’ I.nl.claI~~l. IQ. .......... ” 2% ‘Ii
alc.ili1:l. 1;1:1. ............ “ 13, ::: 0r:ll.l. 1‘1.1 .................. “ 2\ L’!) x:Ir.~ll:,ll. 310. ..I . .. ...._ ” II, 15 I‘l~llrllre. vo. .__..._.__. ‘. L’b,:!‘)
1JIddcIitoll. b’la. ........ ..‘I 11. 15 Jwr.\, I+L ................. “ 30 \1(1lWIlJ. JIO. . . ._.__.._._ “ li, I\ Sctlal1:t, MO. .. .... . ILT. 1.2

117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
specificnlly de31guedto rlul Jehov:lh ‘s \~vltness,:q. It arr:rn’~c3
bph?matlC l%lble study for Its renders nnrl 5upphcs other 1:; I-
isAnd all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and atulo to aid in such studies. It pUbhhe3 SUIt$LiJh Ill:Ltl:lI '1
fur r:t&o lxoadcnsting and for other mc;~ns of pul,l~c instrw-
&-eat shall bc the pace of thy children.“-Isnia/r ~$13. tion in 1110Serlptures.
It ndlleres strictly to the Bible as authority for its ut!~r-
anccs. it 13 entiwly flee and sepate from all p:Lrtxfl, x,.:3
or oilier wo2ltlly orpmzntiuns. It is wholly and 1% I!lriitlt
lcverrntlon fur the klng&:n of Jehovah God under Cllrl%
111sC~lowd Lng. It 19 not dogruatx, but in\lu s wrcflrl
2nd critlcul e.xauunation of Its contents in the light of tl.o
S’ililjtuiL.3. It dots nut ir.1~1~0 In contio\ersy, and its col-
umnj :iIC not oprn to ~X~I~OilZlll~~eS.


(Tranelutiona of thi8 jorr~nnl appcor in several langungcq.)


EIIOVATI made Nnlaehi his servant a prophet and John. The same came for a witncw, to Itcar witness
caused him to dclivcr a mwsagc pcrtaitting par- of the I+ht, Ihilt a11tnett tlirouyh him miqlit believe.
ticularly to the great Servant and Proplwt of IIe was not that Light, but, was sent to bear witucss of
Jehovah. The name Malarlti tntwts “an@ of Jeho- that Light. John Law witttcs? of him, and cried, say-
vah” or “mcsscngcr of Jehovah”. IIe prophesied in ing, This was he of whom I sllakc, Ile that comcth
the time of X;chrmiah. Some hare said illat hc was after mc is prcfcrretl before me; for he wxs bcfow
Xcltemiah; hut swh rlocs not qqwar to bc the fact. tnc. “-tJohn 1: 6-8,15.
Jlc was a sxy;rrato and distinct ptq~htt, having the GJesus said concerning the ntcw~ttgw ~llom Jcho-
nnnw JIahtchi. It is upprol~riatc that Jchovnh sltould vali sent to IJrcparc the way bcfwc him: “For this is
use Nalachi to clc&re the ~~rophwy bearing his name. lie of whom it is written, Ucholtl, I wti(l my tmwctiwr
2 Jesus had prophcsicd cotrcwtting his cornin:: in the before thy fact, which 41~111lJrc1J;tt’c Ihy \vity IJC~OW
spirit to rwcire unto ltimsc4l’ three who had proved ihc.” (JlalL 11: 10) “.ls it is writf(‘n in the propli-
faithful, and of his taking ~wws~iutt of and ruling the cls, l~chold, I send my tttc~wctr~w bcforc thy faw,
world. When Jcsuv nsrcwdc*tl into hc;lvctt he was rom- which shall prcplrc thy way Iwfoiv tlicc. 1’1~ voice (11
tnnndod tu wait until f lo(l’s tlw (imc, attd wltctt that one rryiti~ in tlrc w11A~1ic’s~, l’rc~~:ix yc tlic, wig of
due time came ,Jrlwvalt r:~uscvl his l~clOVed One to give 111~Tlo~cl, m&c his J);lt!ls s(riti’,‘llt.“-~litt’lc 1 : 2, 3.
nll,cntiott to the lhinq of tlic cvtrtli, and particularly ’ %whari:ls, lhc f;ltljcbr of Jo1111tllc Ilal~tist, p~ol~ll-
to tltc Ixoplc of rartli who had :Igwcd to do his will. csictl cwrrcrninq tlic child : “And thou, child, shalt lx
The tribe of Levi forc~sl~adowc~dthosc who had made called the prophet of the Ilighcst ; for thou shit, go
II covenant to do the will of (;od. l~‘ollowitt~ the days lJCfOIY3t!lC filW.Of t!lC I&Id, l0 JJWJ);llT !liS \TilgS; t0
of the apos~lcs Ihcrc was a lottq period of time in which give kttowlc4cc of salvation unto hiq 11coplc, 1)~ tltc
great darkrwss came upon iltc ~~c~oplcsof the world rctnissiott of their sills.” (l~ulcc 1 : r.r G, P17) Jchov:~h
and many of tlic cotisccratcd fell awty to Ihc religious used Jol~n the Ijaptist tct prcparc ?hc v;:iy lwfow ;IWIIS,
tcnchittgs and p-act ices of ittsitrc-crc tnctt. whom IIe sent to 1)roclaitn his truth :il\tl to Viit licatc
8 Tltc JJ~OJJ~WC~ of JIal;tchi p’rtilitts particularly to his IKJIUC and to save Ihe obcdicnt ones of mall’:iljtl.
the “day of .Jchovah” and eentcrs arouttd the third HOW did IlC plTJNllT tllr: Way? “I”Or IIC Sllilll bC &.iWlt
clt:tptcr of Ehat propltccy. It is Jcltovith ~110 scttds in the si*‘tt, of the Lord [as his wiitlcsb], ntitl sl~all
his itttgcl or messctt~er; I~~IICCthe I)t’ophecg says: “BC- drink ncithcr wine nor strong drink ; a1111he shall IN,
bold, I wiIl aettd [Bc4iold, I scwrl (8X.) ; B~ltold me! filled with the holy [spirit], cvcn from his mot Iwr’s
sending (CotL.)] my mcsscngw, and hc shall prcparc womb. And many of the children of Israrl slrall hc
the way ~~EOPCtnc: and ihe Lox~, \Vhom FC seek, shall turn to the Lord their God. 111~1IIC shall go Mow
suddenly come to his tcrnl&h, cwn the ntcssrttgcr of him itt the sljirit nti~l power oi l*;lias, to turn tlic
the eovcnant, whom yc drlipht in: behold, he shall !lGlI3S Of tllC fatllcrs t0 the children, iltld the disobctii-
come, with the I,ord of hosts.“--1\lal. 3: 1. cnt to the wisdom of the just ; to make rcndy a IJCO~!L’
4 The announrcmcnt is a very itnportattt one and is prqmtwl for the Lord.“-1Aic 1: 12-17.
a warning to those who had cntercd into a covenant ? About ihc y&r lS7S the tnajor fulfillment of Mahi-
to do God’s will. This ptuplwe~, like many others of &i’s !~~OpilCc~ kgatl, Zllld Ihat ‘ prcl)ariiig tllc \Vil) ’
the Scriptures, sccwts clearly to hare both a miniature l~fol*e Jehovah continued for nl~1wositnatcly fort!
fuIfilbncttt and a major fulfillment. Jeltovalt sent years. This corrcspotttls to fllc forty ~‘cnrs of :wttder-
John the Baptist as his tncswnger or anno~tnc~r of itig of the Israclitcs iii tlic wildertics under tlir lwtl~t~-
the cotning of Christ Jesus, and concerning the mittia- ship of JIo5cs, as it is wiltctt: “I\ttd I have 1~1 you
tutu: fulfilfmettt~ of Nalaclii’s pmphcc~- it, is written : forty yours in the wilderness: . . . that ye might
“There was a man sent from God, whose name was litlow that I am the Lord your God.” (Ucut. ‘L!): 5, 6)

The wo~ic of ‘prcpnrillg the way before Jehowl~,, from

1878 10 lI)lS, \I~S to qualify the prepared oilcs to be
witncws for Jehovah in the earth ; and SO the T,ard
ciluscd Jsaiali to write concerning the ])r<‘iIZlrcd ones:
“PC arc my wiixinsw, saith tllc Lord, and my ecrwnt
whom I have Cl:OWX; that yc may know and hcliwe kw,
and nndcrstand that I am he: . . . I have tlc:~la~wl,
and Iiaw saved, and I have shcwed, when there \~a’;;
no strallgc god among you [to do thus] : Ilicrcfore ye
iIll my witncsscs, with the l,ord, that .T 3nl GO&”
(Isa. 43 : 10,12) The way was hcin: prepared before
Jchovnh and that the prcparcd ones might lx witncacs
for Jcl~ornh to his name or for his name’s sake.
* jY11~n Ihc \vorli of prc!);lrin? the W:IY IWPO~CJ&O-
~a11 was dons, then the J,or(l Jesus, Jcho~.rlh’s glrgt
I’rophct, ,\lewngcr, Judge an(l Vindiwtor, wnw wd-
dcnly or straightway to lhr tcmplc: “l~chold, 1 will
send my m(wwgtx, and lie shall prepare 1he way l.c-
fort nlc! ; and ll~c liord [.4tloa; the Son, and not Jc-
Il0vall], I\ horn ?‘c SCCIC, shail sndJcwly (‘U111B to his
tmplv, cvcn th mcsscngcr (11’ tllc (‘0\‘(mlll1, vhJin y!
tleligbt in : I~41oltl, he Aall come, bait11 the JJord of
Jiosts.“--;\lnl. 3 : 1.
s The Lord Jesus, who had bwn given the disripfes
and for whom his faithful iollo~~rrs had long been
looliinc, is ihc: “ Ilord” hcrc mcntioncd. 1Je ii lllc WC
“\\‘110111ye S’!f~k”, nloil~li~l~ tllr 011e WhoIn Ille faithful
mcs, who follows in the footstqjs of .Jcsns atld who arc
?.ftcrwnrds n1ntle the “fail hl’ul and wi::c: wrwnt”
vliibs, seek nntl for \vhoni thry were watchiny. Sap
tlir! ]mpllc.C\ : lie “shall s~i~ltf~~~il~come lo liis twi-
plc”, that. IY, uncs~~3Acdly, iirstnntly, straightway ;
illltl for tht l’~~l”OIi lt \T:lS Very IlOCCSSil~ iOr ttlL! OWS
r~s~~wl irq him to come to hc ~ntrhin:, as Jesus had
fold ~hCiTI hy mWt d0. “ \rntc11 tllcrccol’e ; for ye
know not what hour .\ oiir l,c)i*tl dolh conic. l3ut know
this, tllat if tllc pl0clln:lIl Cf’ 1 IlC hOUSc Ilad liIlOW1~ in
\Vht \Vilt(‘il t i1C tliirf Y:ONl(l wmc, hC \VoUld Il2W
watched, and w~illtl not have! sufi’crcd his house to la
In&w up. Tlwtflorc Iw yc ;llso rwdy : for in such
iltl hour i1S ye think IlOt, thr Son of man coniclh.“-
ivatt. 2-4: -tbJ-44 A- .
l”Prior to tllca coming of the J~ord to the temple
Jeius Chri&. ” (Phil. 3 : 20) “When he shall rome to be begin? at the howe of co? and extends to all tilose
glurificd in his sailitS, and to bC admired in all them r;l:o are in an i:uIjliCd cownant to do God’s will. The
lhat bclicve (Lccause our twtlmony among you \vas question is raised, ~Vho will abide ihat day? who wi!l
believed) in that day.“-2 Tlws. 1: 10. maintain his intep4ty and show himself truly drvoted
lG The apostle emphasizes the fact that those who to Jehovah during that trying period? This does not
“love his appearing” [at the temple] would thcu re- necessarily mean that all who maintain their intrzrity
cciw t11C crown of life, showing that at his appearing will survive in the flesh to and through the time of the
at the tcmplc the faithful dead would first be awakened battle of the great day of God Almighty, but it does
out of death and join the Lord at the temple. (2 Tim. mean, Who will remain true and steadfast and on the
4: S ; 1 Thcss. 4: 1G) There would be no doubt of his Lord’s side throughout that day? This part of the
coming whcu Jehovah’s due time arrives, because Je- prophecy corresponds to the statcmcnt of the Cord,
hovah brings to pass his purl~~c according to his will. “For the great day of his wrath is come; and who
“l~eltold, he shall come, smith the Lord of hosts.” This shall be able to stand ?” (Xcv. 6: 17) That some will
is in rsaet accord with the myrtle of Christ Jesus: “IIe not successfully come through that fiery trial mlu4 hc
\\iikh tcstificth titcsc things saith, Surely I come inferred from the prophecy itself. Other proplwcks
quicl4y. “--l<w. 22 : 20. of the Lord support that conclusion, shoninl: that
I7 This declaration concerning the Lord’s coming to there will be some of the cousecrated who in that pc-
t11c tcmljlc is :I s1wi;ll announwmwt to tlmx who had riod of time bccomo ungodly and shall not stantl. “The
ark;& a rowwtnt by sacrifiw to do Jehovah’s will and ungodly are not so: but arc like the chaff which the
who thcret’wc arc’ in line for the priesthood. The wind drircth away. Thcrcfore the ungodly shall not
words wllkh .Jclw~a1~ put in the mouth of his Jwophct Stand in thC jil(l~IYwnt. IKJr SiIinCrS in the COnPI'C!w
dcfinilcly siww that, the II1iIir)11iiCCIrIcItt is for thaw tion of the rightcolls. For the Lord li~lo\veth the day
wit0 11~1 n~rcwl to bc crit iwly whmiwivc to the will Of the l’i&CoUS; tJUt the Way of the UngOdiy Shall
of Jrhovnh. S:~yu titc gropiwt of the Lord: “,ind now, perish. “--X9. 1: 4-6.
0 yc pricsls, this cwnm:in(lmc~nt ir for you.” (Alai. 2o The contplctcncss of examination and clcw~inY up
2: 1) The clear infcrcnw is :liso that there would bc of the onrs jrldx,Pcd is emIjhaSiz(!tl by thcw W(JVI~ 4’
Sonic: who would show thcair faith and faithfulness and the ~JrO~J!K!t ronwrnil~r: the grcrut .Jrlcl:;e: “J1a i> like
would rcccivc the LoJd's a!rljrovill at hir coming!, and a wtitwr’s ;iw,” tllat is, thc fire tli;it melts dwlr llic
SOliIc Who \VcJUld rcecive IliX CIIlW Ik'CilU\C Of' ~lllf'ililfl- claw attnrhewttt oE ail dross to the real alirl 1~rc*clou9
fllIll~ss. “If yc will 11uthwr, and if ye will not lay metals. The yrc7it I:~~fincr cai~sc’s the diwss to he scparat-
it to hart, to give glory r1111o111~name, with thu Lord ~1 from thC r~:ll ant1 to a1)1)(‘ar (Jtl tll(! Surfa(*r :IY >CII~
Of IlOSlS, I \i ill VVCIl Sc$IId il VIII’SC UlJOll YOU, alIt1 I \Vill SO tltal it may i)C t&t!11 Off illltl C:lst il\V:ly t1.V t IIC :ll~~clS
CIII’SC .\‘OUr 1~1WSilt~S; yW, I 1lilVC CUIXd thCtKt already, nttcnding upon the srrvin q t11c I.ortl, tllC g:ncilt .Jnd~c,
l~cc:~use ye do not lay it td Iicart. ISoiiold, I nil1 cor- at tlic tcnil)lc. Continnilt:: tiic Ijroljlwt says: “:\n(l
rulJt your swd, and s1~rc:~l dung u1~on your facts, lilrc fullers’ sopc”; “alId liltc thC 1~0 of thC W;I~IVT.S”
csm tiw clung of your soltw~ feasts, and oue shall (Lct?scr) ; “ and lilic fllll~I*s’ itiliilli. * ‘(liOth.) ;\WJl'~lill~
tillil! .SOU a\\a.y \Vltll * It.* 0 --31al. 2 : 2, 3.
to the IIcbrcw of tills trat, the clolhcs wcw trnni1jl(d
Is Thaw. , p(‘rwts withoul authority who assume to upon in tlic fulling 1)roctw. l’rior to :,nd up lo 1Ijc tiljicb
htOW blCSSillgS Of thC IrcJrd Upm Ot!ieI'S, and Who are of the beginning Of tliic; jucl~mc~l~t the cuns~~ixtc~l
(:od’s cwinics, he c~wws. For instance, the pope dc- wcrc mixed up in Gab) Ion, or Satan’s orG::uiiz:tt ion,
cl;wcd, in I%:$ a holy ) car and attempted to pro- and when they came out they ~~c~nrnotl to t iw ll~,rtl
I~OUIICC bIcssin::s upon the \i orld, which is Satan ‘Y with their garments soiled, that is, they lwitj:: h:)il(xi
organization illId God’s ell(‘ll1~, 1)Ut thC J’CXlr l~lVllgllt wit11 SUCh IflilrliS 01’ Spots ;IS WOUld idrntlt’y t 11~~111 i1S
u!)on the weld curses and not ljlcsSingss Those whom having bee11 as~ocinted with the unclcnn. They ~nuct
tht: pope rcprcwntcd, in::lndin~ hitnsclf, falsely assume lx clcnned up ; and the great JudgC cleans up all who
to be the rc~~rcscntativw and priests of the Lord. submit. themnclws willingl\- to his clwising v, Ol’li, awl
ID That the coming of thC T,oY~ JCSUSto the t(>mple hc makes their $Xl’nlCntS such th:lt they are icll~iii ifitltl
n>:\14isa crucial te,,t ing is dcfinitcly settled by thcsC thcrcaftcr as (M’s sons and scrvantq. ‘l’hc~ a~‘(’ marl::
\wrds of the prophet : “I-3ut who may abide the day “white as WOW”. (JItl14< 9:3) “SOW Jo~ll~la \\::S
of 1:i.u coming? and who shall stand [approved by the clothed with filthy garmwlts, and stood buiurc I tic
1,di when ix appcawth ? for he is like a rcfincr’s angel. Alld JW nlls\*;elcd illltl ~plt~ urlto thosr: tlt,it
iiW , :~ucl like fullers’ sope.” (Ma]. 3: 2) ‘l!hk coiniii~ stood before him, saying, Take away the iilthy ::*lr-
of t!lc 1,ord ,J~:sM to the tcmplc is in “the clay of JC- nicnts from him. And unto him hc said, Ceiiold, I have
ho\ah “, itlhicli day i+cacllcs a gent c1ima.u at Armn- ca&d thint: iliiquiiy to l~:iss from thee, and 1 will
gcddon. Christ Jesus comes to the temple to take clothe thee with change of ruilutlit.“--%cc,li. 3 : 3, 4.
account vAtI those who have agreed to do (lad’s will,
and thosc nho are in an implied covenant to do his
will, nud it is therefore a time of juclgmcnt, which

That would include the taking away from them of bring forth more fruit. Xow ye arc clean [purged]
improper names or means of identification, such as through the word which I have spoken unto you.”
“Watrl~towcr people”, “Ru~wllitcs,” “Bible Stu- ---John 15 : 2,3.
dents, ” “Millennial Dawnists,“’ etc. Olhcrs who de- z5But those who have received or used tile truth
sire ma>- keep such names, while %1x true and faithful for a selfish purpose will not and do not stand the
will hnw onls the “new name”. which the mouth of fiery test. LilicWise those who fear men or man-made
Jehovah g%-es to them. (Jsa. 6’2: 2) The clcansin:: institutions will not stand when the time ronlcs to
work at the temple is the same as named by the ape+ apply the fire. The fear of man shows that one is
tle when. hc wrote : “Every man% \VOl+ shall be tllildc selfish and that he dots not rcnlly love Jehovah Cod
manifest; for the day shall deeYew it, because it shall and C’hrist JCSUS: and rely wholly upon God and Christ.
be revcalcd by fire; and the fire shall try cwry man’s All who really love the Lord God are without Ecar of
work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which man. (1 Johtl 4: 17, 18) Fear of man, which lcacls one
he hath built thereupon, he shall rewire a revlard. If to refrain from telling the truth and tnstit’ying to
any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss ; Jehovah’s name ~vlwn opportunity is offcrcd, lcatls that
but he himself shall be saved ; yet. so as by fire.“- fCilrfU1 person right into Satan’s SllilK!. (l’rov. 23 : 25)
1 Car. 3: 13-G. Those who have part in the vindication of Jcl~owh’s
z2The material used bv. the t,nildcrs, as indicated name will stand firmly for Jehovah and maintain their
in the last above quoted test an3 dcsignatcd symhol- iIitc;critg when the fire is applied. It sxms j)ro]wr that
ically ‘hay, wwd and stubhlc’, wzu such as character others mu\t bc forcwarncd. For this rcayon Il’lrc \I’rrtcL
building, adulation of men, and other marks rercived twcr makes a statement of fact that has 0Cw1 red.
in Ihbylo~r, and such must bc and is l~u~~nctl up by 2*’ltcccnlly, ~JI Germany, some \rho had licltl places
the fiery test. But if the ones who do uw such ma- of promincncr in the se&cc of the Society and cn-
terial in building: gladly lrt the same go and with gaged in that service in the Lord’s name wcrc arrcstctl
continued rcjoicinq stand OIL the firm foundation of and brought bcforc the courts of Gcrniany ai1(1 put
Christ JIWS, building with the precious Ihings that on trial, and \t lteti beiorc the courts, the r~.j)r~wnfa-
are indcslructiblr, such arc sawal “as by fire”. That tivc of Satan and his organization, those rnc’n failctl
fiery test takes place while the Lord Jesus, the great completely to stalld for the name of Jehovah and his
Judge, is at the temple. kingdom. The (:crmun ~ovcrnmcnt. under the wntrol
23Sonic who claim to bc scrwnts of God and C’lirist of Satan and his chief nli1rsha1, (;oK:, is now cqwr;ktcd
Jesus hnvc failed to :l~)~)rcci;~tc snd see that ihc hJrd lay the wicked OJICY, the visihlc I)itrt of the orgallizat ion
Jesus is at the tcmplc of .Jchov;ah. Some of s11c1lscoff under the dirc4.m of the I;ornan CiltllOliC II lcl’ilr~tl)-,
ut the statcmwt that he is at the tcmplc, and this of and II~S cud grc:it rt~proach UI)\III thC 11;1111C Of cJ(‘ho-
i&elf prows that they arc not made pure hy the fiery \-all, by word of mouth, hy lJul)lic dcC1aritticbll, ;111(1by
tests. Surely those who arc’ tried arid approved would ClWC~lly pcrwcuting rSCIlO\‘ilIl’S WltllCSSCS. h!l*.IllSC ttlc:
know that the Lord is at lhc tcmplc, hccau~c, says the faithful followrs of Christ Jews llilvc pursuwl t hckir
prophet, “he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of God-&w right and duty to olwy (:011’s ~(~1~11~1iltl(l-
silwr ; and hc shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge mcnis hy a~wnil~ling logcthcr alid stnd~ing 111~\\‘ord
them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the of the 1101~1,and IK:WUSC of tcllirlq otllcrs al,o~tt ,J~*IIo-
Lord an o&ring in ri~litcousness.“--Jfal. 3 : 3. vah and his kingdom, these faithful ones have IWCI~
**At his judqmcnt work the Lord must apply the arrested and ill-treated and cilst into l)riwi. W\:1wn
fire, that is, the crucial tests, SO as to cause the disso- before the courts 011 trial under ilw;c unjust char!;cs
lution or separation of tlic approved from the disap- the opportunities were offwcd to lhcsc who wcrc in a
proved and thereby shorn up or malrc manifest that cowlant with the Lord to plainly slate bc.forc lhc
which is precious and that which is base or dross. The reprcscntatiws of Satan that they do serve *JC’hOYilll
fire that causes Ihe scparalian apprars to hc the pro- God, and will ohcy him first, last illld all tllc tinic.
phetic truths which the Lord rcwals, to:ctlrcr with TIlC faithful Otlcs e0Uld take 110 other COUI’SC, illld i,llc~W

the publication and service of such truths in vindica- have been many faithful ones who have tdiCl1 swll
tion of Jcho~ah’s name. “Is not my word like as a course. But ilt a Iwcnt trial of some of tlic more
fire! saith the Lord.” (Jcr. 23: 29) “1”~ the word prominent ones of the Socirty, tliesc latter 01~s failed
of God is quick and powcrfu?, and sharper than any to make use of such opportunity, but their tt\stimolly
two-edged sword, piercing ewn to the dividing asunder heiorc Ihc court sl~~~l that they fcarcd men and ~~wc
of soul [those walkin g after the flesh] and spirit fearful of telling the truth concerning God’s I;iti:clcrn.
[thozqervalking after the spirit of tlte Lord rJ~~~~q, \vhich SUcli is a clear illustration of a failure to \~itllSlilild
is to vindicate his Father’s name], and of the joints the liery tcsl.
and marrow, and is a disccrncr of the thoughts am1
intents of the heart.” (IIeb. 4: 32) “Every branch in
me that besreth not fruit he takcth away: and every
branch that beareth fruit, hc pargeth it, that it may
thou, 0 Cod, hxt I have sent this commandment nl~lo you, that my cow-
proved 115: thorl 1735t t!&l US, as
silver tried.” (I%. GG: 10) The faithful ones
is nant might be with Lcti [as being my cownant with desire
to have all the drws t&n away that l!wy may staud J,cvi (Cofhc~+ttr~~t) 1, saiih the Lord of hosts. 31~ COVC-
ilI)j)l’OVCd by the Lord at14 shine fortlk to hi< glory. n:mt was with him of !ife al)d pcaw ; and I gave t!lcm
“‘l’akc away the dross from, the silwr, and there llifc and pca~c] to him [on what condition?] for the
shaI1 come forth a vessel for the flllcr [l:cfiner]. Take fear wherewith hc fcnrcd rnc, and was afraid [in awe]
away the wicked from before the king [Christ Jesus], before my 11amc. But ye 1 IJrk!StS] are departed out
and his throne shall bc cstablishcd in ri~:1~t~~ous11css.” of the way ; ye have caused many to stnnh!e at the
(Prov. ‘22: 4, 5) It CLIJ~~~TP be said of the work of law: yc have collupted the cowlant of Levi, sallh the
Christ Jesus, the great l<cfincr, tflat “the bellows arc Lord of ho\ts. Tlwrcfore have I also made you con-
\JIlI’llCd [having become 11ot from the csposurc to the temptible and base before all the l~col~le, according
licat of fire] ; the Icad [which wap, used as a solvent to as ye haw noi kcl)t my ways, but have hccn !)nrinil
absurb the dross from the silver] is corlsumcd of the [(K.V.) have 1~x1 rcspcct of persons] in the law.“-
lirc ; the founder mclteth in vain : for the \vickCd [rcf- 3rd. 2 : l-5, s, 9.
use or chow J arc not pluc~lxd awyi.” Rut concwn-
in:; the ulli-aithful it is said: “Rcprot~tc silver st~all
men call them. bwausc the’ llord hat11 r4:jlfictctl f!wm.”
(Jcr. 6 : 29, 30) Cowcrnillg “Christciirlom” and all
lflc unfaithful it is written: “Thy silver is lxx:o~ne
dross, thy wine misod with water.” (Isa. 1: 21.23)
‘i’hc fiery twts arc applied to ttic approved ones in
or&r tllat tliwc mi:lit lx: m;idc clearly tu appear to
t11c glory of t11c Imd.
28T!lis i$ not a trial u11on tlw worldly clash that has
never a~rccd to do the l:ill of t:od, but, bays the
p’opllwy, “ Jle shall pw iJ’y the :SUUSof lxvi,” that
iS to !%I)., t!lOSC WtlO hVl! WtlSWlXtC~l thWlSd\.CS Ml11
set thmnsclrw aside to do the will illid wrvicc of the
lAl’(~ (loll. ‘f!lC JNJ[JhCb~~~’ ilC’l’C iS 1lIlIitd tU thW SO
ii:ycciIi::. Tvjly iS it ilWt%Sary to l)IlI’l1’y tllc S(JuS of
Lcvif 1‘11~ arc 1he OIICYwho arc in 1u~c fur 8 pl:we
iI thC tWlJ’JC. ‘k)’ iWllJdL! th! ),l’il*!;tl.\. 2lJld JlOlJ-
J)riwtly cldss, li;i\ c occul~iccl we
that, is, SOIUC ~110
]jlilCC in tlw sc’l’vicc’, and soinc a w!):irnt (1ant1 difi’ewnt
pf:~i:c in 1112s(trvicc, but all stiuidilir: cqr~.tl and hnv-
ing :IJI C~JI~ ant1 fair trial bcf~rc 1110llor(l. xot all sons of Ilevi: “ .\Iid Jnlrx:c tliciii 3s gold and xil\cbr”;
of thcso 1lilVC scrwil in tlic priest ‘s o;liw, Iwauw tH3~~lUSC
OC tlwir f;lultS tO\V;lld (:Od iIIld tllc Co! (.tl:lIlt
the arc riot c~io~r~h j)Iu:cs, IJU~ all ~110 arc Lcvilcs mad:: with Iiini. ?‘l lc C.OIIliIl~; Of the JAJ~C] '~1'311~ tfJ t!lc!
ZlPC Wt iISil!C scrvicc Of thC lrot’(l, ;lntl aJl ah2
for ttlc lcmplc for JwqiIlg or chansin:: oE the LCYll<“j \\;I$
c:~nnlly rcsponsiblc to ~UVVC!their f,~ithfutucss to the absolntcly I~cPc~s~~‘~ bCCilUSC th(w.? in the PIIIIIY*~I, a~;cl
J,o~‘d. Tlliu does not nwm that the priests l)ictuw a particul;irly tlw “clwtive cld~~r” portion 1II~:IwT, \n~i’~+
‘( littlc fhJdi", nnd those who arc iwnprk5ts Jdurc tnliillg 1l~IlOr t0 tllcIIIWlVW illtd :llIllOSt ill1 iu t IIP ~t~l.IWll
t!ic “gwt multitude”. This mnttcr is ~Iiow fully tlis- wrc Riving liono~ aurl J)Ixisc to crcat uws, wliic:l1 11oIk)1
cussed in 2’1~~Il’ntclrtowcr of June 1, 19X. The tribe and J)Ixisc w5 disc only to the I,ord. By Iiis l)iq)frct.
of I,cvi stalids hcrc for all conswrale(l 011es in lint ;or the l.ord J)oiIItcd out tllc3c: fuidts, to wit: “.I wti
the 1tingYlom of Cod under Christ ant1 who iiews5arilp honourcth liiv fattier, and a scrvnnt his m:wtcr : i! !11(21
must appear before t hc Lord Jesus ~hcn he is at the I be a fatlicr [ton& you ol spiritwll lsracl], 11hcr(.
tcmplc for judgment, ‘1’1~2prophet gives the reason iv mine tiouuur [due mc from you] 9 and it’ J. be in
why thib trial or testin? muxt be had, v;!wn hc sap, mnstcr [sovcrcigi or cant rolll~r], \\ hcrc is my fc;~r
to wit: “,Zlld now, 0 ye priests, this coinmandmatt [due from you1 S saitli tile Lord of hosts unto ~011,
is for you. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay 0 !Csts, that dqix my uame. And yc say, \\‘ilcreII~
it to heart, to give glory unto my name, with the Lord ha\-C WC dCS],iSCd thy lldIW.!? I’e Ofi’Cr J,OJlUtCd l,I’d
of hofit9, I will even s:nd a curse n!w you, and I [ rcceiwd from ~oultl-1)~ sacrificwsJ upon milrc nlt;lr ;
will curse your blcwinps; yea, I haw cul*c,cd t!lcm al- ant1 ye say [sctf-rig!lt(~ously and rolltcm!)tnousl~],
w:dy, bxanse pe do not lay it to honrt. l:chold. I Whcrcin have we ~~oll~tcd tticc? In that 3-c xly, The
will corrupt your seed, and sprrnd dung upou your table [altiirl of 11~ Lord is contemptible. .\nd if I-C
faces, rYc11 the dung of your solcmii fqlsts, and or&e offer’ the blind 1ancl therefore blemished atli:i~,&] for
bliall take you away with it. And ye shall Itnow that sacrifice, is it not evil ‘! and if yc of32 the lame nud

sick [animals for sacrifice], is it not evil 1 0Kcr it now in thy courts [in tlly tcmrJlP] is better than a thon-
unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee, or s3nd. I had rather be a doorl:c:Iwr [ (war*gi?l) I woul~l
accept thy person? saith the Lord of hosts. But ye choose railer to sit at the tJ!rc+oId] in the hr,usc oi
have I)rofanCd it [Jehovah’s name], in that yc say, my God, than lo dncll in Ihc tents of wi-ickcdncss.”
The talk of the Lord is polluted ; aud the fruit thcre- -.I-%. s4 : 10.
of, even his meat [offcrcd on his altar], is contemptible. 34Jehovah is pkascd with them tlmt wor.slliIJ him in
Ye said ~1150,Ikhold, what a weariness is it! and ye spirit and in truih, and not with those ~~110merel>
have snufkd at it [at mc (Ziotl~., margin)], saith the gi\,e outward form or appearance to worship. (JoJm
Lord of hosts: and yc brought that which was torn, 4: 23) The men impressed with their own imJ~ortanca
and the 1;1me,and the sick; thus ye brou::ht an offcr- deceive thcmsclvcs by making ~hcmsclvcr bcliovc that
ing; sh’ould I accept this of your hand! saith the they arc more holy than otlicr:;, and they dewivc oth-
Lord.” (Xnl. 1: G-S,12, 13) Thus the Lord shows that ers by reason of their silIlctimoIliousIlcss and hype-
thcsc hnvc offcrcd unto him an oficring not acccq~table QritiCill appcarancc.
but which was promi)lcd by sclf%l~ness. 35The alltity1)iPill J,cvitcs must be pur$Yl “:I‘; gold
‘I Wwc thcrc anv scrvaiits in tlie priest’s office in and silver’ ‘, that is, lx put into lhc crucihlc an11have
3917 and 1918 tlkat prowl themsclws to Ix cncmics, the heat to the melting point applied. Thcrc is notJ~-
deccivillx lilcmsclves ant1 others? The tj-J)c shovesthat ing that ClCanScslike fire. OlrJy the pure anfl indc-
thcrc niu4t have lmn, and the indispulablc facts show structible can remain. It nl~pcars that this l,rol)hec>
that thcrc wcrc Hugh in fulfillment of the prophecy. had a miniature fulfillment after the Jews rctr~rnctl
Conccrni~~g such the proplict NalacJii says: “But from Babylon to build the tcmplc at Jcrusal(w. S~~Jlc-
cursed hc t IICdcccivcr [among the pricsty], wlkh bath miah then found csisling contlitiolls tllat arc tlc~s~~~~ilw~l
in his flo~l~ a male, aud \owcth, and sacrifkcth unto by Jlirlachi, the prophet, and Nrclicmiah prow.(I(~(l to
the Lord il corrul)t thill~ [the priests Ilot ohjcrting to clcansc or chI them \lp. The Jews had ;l\~o:*i;ltc~l
it] : for I am a great Kiu;:, saith the Lord of hohts, themsclvcs witI1 the Devil’s organization IJ~ marryrn::
and my name is drwdt’ul among the Jwathcn [na- wives of Ashdud, of Amman an(l Noah LiJw\r ise tllc
tions]. ” (JJaJ. 1: 14) Those who wcrc striving to Lcvitcs, at the roming of the 1,ord ‘Jesusto the t(bmJJJ(*,
serve the I,or(I faitllfully itt the years 1917 and 1018 had assOciiltCV1 t!rcmsclrcs with ~‘Ik~l~~loIl” J)y ;t~10[)1-
call to milld ~JICmaq aclr; of others who at t.Jw same ing ccrrmonics surll as I~al~yloII used, and sl~owc~tl tlut
time clailnctl lo JE dcvotcitl to the Ilord hut who w-w they cared more for the approval of men thatt for 111~
honoring Iliemsclvcs and honoring others, deceiving aJ)provnI of Jehovah (;od and Christ .Jesus. (‘OIIWI II-.
tlwmsclvcs and dcccivin:: many others, and doing inq tlic condition existin o” amoIlg\1 the ,Jc\vs iu N~hr-
violcncc lo the Lord’s work, and wJ10wcrc doing no niiah’s dily that propliet wrote: “I~cmcmJJer tiivm, 0
honor lvJl;:kqoevcr to the name of JcJlov;~h God. AC- my God, bccnusc they have defiled the prk~tltootl, atl(l
cording to the rule announced by the prophet thcsc tllC COVCnilnt Of thr: pricstliood, illld of the Ikvitcs. ‘FLUS
must be rc,jcctccl, g$:ithcwl out from amongst the clcanscd I them from all stranqrs, illid appoititc~l the
faithful oncx, and set on 1Jlc side, cvcn as Jesus had wards of titc priests aad tllc Lcvitcs, every one in his
forclold-Natt. 13 : 41. busincas.“--Sch. 13 : 29, 30.
szThe cloors of Solomon’s tomplc wcrc made of olive 3GAflcr the coming of the Ilord dcaos to lllc trmJ,Jc!
wood and hung witi) golden hinges. (1 IG. 6: 31,32,35; and tllc appl! ing of thc “r~finw’s fire” test Jw sclds
7: 50; 2 Ki. 1s: 16) 111 spnbol thcsc rcprcscntcd the forth his angcblsalld clcnrs out or CICNIS out a11those
way of cntrancc by those who were wJloJly dcvotcd to antitypical IAcritcs who wrc once in line for tlm Jrilbq-
Jehovah, tllc cJliw being a symJ)oIof ‘1’1~~ Clirkt. (%cch. dom but who had failed to ltccI~ their covcnalrt :ltid
4: 3, 14; see Z’rcpnrrrtio~l, I,;IKCS WGG) ,IJcn serving in to serve God in spirit and in truth. This tllc T,wcl d~:cc
the priest’s o&e amongst God’s pcoJ)le, and who re- that the rcmainiug or purified ones may hc like g!csltl
ccivcd honor and gave honor to crealurcs, were not and silver made pure, failhful, dependable am1 inclc-
honoring Jehovah; and lilllc wonder, thercforc, that structiblc, “that they may ofi’cr unto the J,OI(1 all
thi! T,ord csclaims : “\Vlio is there even among you offering in rigllteousness.” SllPll rcmIl:lllt or a~lJ,J”,Wd
[the priests] that would shut the doors [lock up the ones arc dcscrihctl hy the prophet Zccharial~ a< 1IIC
doors of Ihc sanctuary] for nought I ncithcr do ye “third part”, 11Ilk11 arc brou:Jlt. Ihrouph the fiw.
Irindlc fire on mine altar for nought. I have no pleasure “;1nd it sl~nll come to pass, tlrnt in all t!lc JamI, sail II
in you, saith tho J,ord of hosts, ncitlwr will I accept the Lord, two parts thcrcin shall bc cut off, and clw ;
an olkring at your hand.“--BIal. 1 : 10. but the third shall be left thcrcin.“-Zcch. 13: 8, 9.
83Such servants were not giving honor to Jehovah’s s7 The Scriptnrcs m&c 110 mcIltioII of an acid test ‘R
name, but were always looking for a handout lor their being applied to God’s pcoplc, such as is uwd in mod-
individual selfish cnjoymcnt, which was void of the ern chcmIstry. Tlwre is no Scriptural reasw to fry
spirit exprcsscd by ihc psalmist, whicll sab-sthat all to fit SLWJI:I ltst into the TVpe alld anlitypc, l’hc a:d
those wholly and ~n~sclfisl~lydcrotcd to Jehovah nud test is on invciition of man, and not of the LolYI TJlc
his service delight to serve in his tcmI)Ic. “h’or a dq lefillillg IGtJl f&r, such as the Scriptures dcscril~c,
~ncnns to fuse metals, to melt, as gold is melted, as 8 ficd as being for ihe I,ord first, last, and all the time.
goldsmith does his metal ; and liiis pertains to destroy- The robe of ri$~iwusness is given to such to cover
ing everything ih::t is foreign lo the gold, and symbol- their imperfections, that they may oficr an acceptable
ically nwiis dec;troying cvcrything that is of the Ikvil sacrifice of devotion and service unto God. (Zcch.
or Uab~lonish ceremony amougSst thox who covenant 3 : l-5 ; Isa. 6 : 1-l 1; Gl : 10; 2 C’or. 6 : 1-L1S) The sanc-
to do God’s xill. This is done according to the “cove- tuary must be clcanscd by removing ail compromisers,
nairt of Ilevi “, and those rcccivinx the approval of the v;i:o seek the favor of creatures. (Dan. S : 14) It follows
Lord show 1he wal for the l,ord pxliar to his liouw that a~Jy who indulge in compromising with the IAxii’s
in putting away cvcrything that pertains to Satan’s organization for any reason whalsoevcr arc prcvcntcil
hypocritical Or~i~Ui%atiO~l and practices amongst the frum enicring or remaining in the tcmplc. (See l~xckicl
members of that organizalmn. As an csomplc: The 40 : S-10 ; T7iwGcc~fio~, Book Three, pages 199, 200.)
young priest Phiuciias with much energy and zeal One might coutinuc for a time to mingle with the
hd!Jtd t0 OUSt ha! WOl’hhi!~ ii1 hXC!, aUd h?aUsc of approved remnant \vhilc here in the ilcsh and yet not
his faithfulness in so doing the I,ord said: ” \\‘hcrcTorc be of the temple class, aud these will be manifcstcd by
say, Ikhold, 1 give unto him my covenant of pcacc: their course of aciion as to whcrc they really stand.
and hc sIi:iil have it, an(l his siwl after him, even the The I,ord judges all according to the heart condition,
~OVCWl~lt Of nU C\ C1 IilS! in:: priest iloot ; INXilllSC hC! \YilS arid all selfishness and the compromising spirit will 111
zPa!OilS fOr hi?; (:Od alld Jllil(l(! ;I11 atOUC!lllcllt for t!lC due time bc made clearly manif’cst and the disapprowtl
children of Israel.“--Num. 25 : 10-U. set aside from ihc Ilord’s holy organization.
33Il;otc that the prophwy ahovc quoted applies to
the zealous I)ric5t l’hiiichas “and his seed ilf’tcr him “,
which iwIu&*tl Zadok and his SOJlS, of whom Joshua, JOI’lic cleansing and refining work applies to the
ihc high priest in %crubbabei’s day, was One. (1Ia:. clilirc antitypical trihc of T,cvi, and this prows cw-
1 : 1; %Wil. 3: I-!J) i&o, it il!)!)CilrS that lhal “SNYI” clwivcly that the Lcvjtes asidc from the priests do Ilot
included %ach,lri;\s, the fat Ilcr of John the klJ)1 id. picture a class 01 coiisccratcd on15 tllilt arc I)arti:lily
.John the I!aI)t i\l did not wr\ c in the Icmple, hut un- faithlul and that must lx for4 into SilCrifiCP. ‘~1~0~~
doul~tcdlp t hc I,romisc hc~rc wI(*crniiig tlic priest hoot1 of the autilypical Lcvitcs wrvc in di&rcnt places ;iii(l
inclutl~~d him also. (I~UliO 1 : 5, 13) (:ocl hai(l CO1lw;‘l1- in different ra])n?itics in G’od’s org;niIzution, hut n!I
jug tlic hO’ns of %:&I< : “Bilt tiic priwts the l,rvitc.,, thct ~!~]M’O\YY~ OllVS JnU!;t tJC C(lWli!y C!CUU :Ultl C~!lKl!i>*
lhl! SOJIS Of %;ldok, that Iilal)t 1 IlC C!lilrjiC Of my SLIIIC- failhful and dq~cntlal~lc. clod wls the mcmhc~*s in
tuury when tIlc chi!drrli of Jwarl wc~ii, astray from the Iwily as it I~ll!ilSl~til him, and wlwthcr one is swviri:
mc, they shall come war to mc lo minislcr unto me, in OIW l)Iacc or another he must Iw equally clean ;1!1<1
;lnd tllC~ Sl~illl htillld bd’OIV JnC t0 Oft’(nr UlltO mc tllc apltrorcd by lhc Ilord. It is the purified and approvctl
filt Nld till? I>lOOtl, s;lilli tflc I,Ord (:OlJ : tIlCy Sllall Cuter sons of Levi in oflicc, and doing service whew placc~d
itilo mg Silll~t 11;11’3’, urld IilCy Shall c’OIl1cL 11131’ t0 my by lllc Lord, that the propilct rcfcrs lo \vhcn IIC says:
lill)IP, to minisicr UlltO Ul(‘, ;lIld tllcy Sllilll Ii(Y’I) IlJJ “Tll~n shall lllc oficrinq of Judah and Jcrusaicll~ IW
cllal~#!. ’ ’ (KZcIi. 4-I: 15, 7 ti) rI’ill~SC IllPIY’fOIT fOlV?- plcnwnt unto the J.olxl, as in the days of old, a114 as in
si~aclowi~tl or )~ivturctl the fail 11 I’rti Or Ows a!)provctl former years.” (hlal. 3: 4) The 011~‘s mcntionc cl in
by the Lord at his jucl~inrnt tinic at the tcrnple. this vcrsc of the p~opiiccy as “of Judah” woultl 11l~‘ali
3oA ‘rightcow ofrcriiig unto the l~ord’, such as the remnant of the Irue Judcnns since the C!C;II~\~II~
mcntioncd 1j.v the I~roI~ilct AlilI;lC~lli, could not bc miscd \vork of the Lord is pcrformcd at the tcmplc. ‘I’ltc
willi and thcrd’orc contanilnntcd bp any halfway faith- sons of Aaron were of half Lcvitc and ha1f J utlah
fulnw, sue11 as compromising with any part of the strain, because their fatlicr Aaron married il d3ught~‘i
l)cvil’s orgnilizntion. The offwing must bc unblcin- of the tribe of Judah, tile family which was in lint f’or
iahcd, and sI)irilu:iIly surh offering must be “spiritual the royal house. (Es. 6: 23) “Jcrusaicm” is a nnlnc
sacl’ificw, aWc!Jkl!)!e to God !Jy Jesus C!lriS~“. (1 ht. of Jcllorah’s organization, the mot Ircr of tlrc rcmuallt
2 : 5) AttcniI)ting lo gain favor among nicii by conl- of the true JU&X~H yet 011 the Wri!l. (Gill. 1: f?(i) .\!!
promising with any Imrt of Satan’s oryaniznt ion these now must offer a plcasant offwing unto t hc 1,0rtl,
could not Ix awq~tablc to tiic Lord. The oilcring must Ivxansc that oficrin~ must 1x2 ciit ircly free from ii!1
be a \~hol~-i~~i~~t~d devotion unto J&oKI!~, togcfiwr crcaturc-worship, \vhich crcaturc-~~oi,siiil) is of ” 1Ike
wilh “sacrifice of praise to God continually, ilmt is, sin of S::maria”. Such ofi’eriag must also bc! fwc fr0nl
ihe fruit of our lips, givjng thanks to his name”. (IIeb. all lknl wwsiiip ii] any form w!iat~oc~c~~. 11 Jn~ht lie
13 : 15) Tht! lvor!i of ‘ofl’crin, (* an oflking iii rigIitcou+ a scrvicc dcvotcd esclusiwly to the vindic::tioii of .I+
ness’ must mean that tiic soiled garments worn while hosnh ‘S name. It is for this !)llrJ)OSC: that Jci~ovnh t;!kcJs
amongst the l~nb~lonians must bc t&P11 away from the out from amonyt men “a pcopic for his Jiamc”. ‘Fhcw
antitypical tribe of Ticvi after leaving the antitypical till;cn-alit OUCS arc made ihc anoiiitcd wit n:~,i’,f”i (,:’
13abylonish c1.0~~1,and all uuclcanncss removed. tlrut Jchovnh, who must hcnccforth fnithfuiiy IX.IJR.-I.,II~
the acccptablc wrvicc of God might be clearly iclcnli- him. \T’hen accosted or aslid by iiiow ~Iio w~~i C~Yi,l~t

the lhvil on cart11 wltcthcr you arc cnqaged in the sr\rrc pli? Gal punisttmetit, 13 cn unto cleat ii ; hilt
scrviw or work contrary to the law of the land or not, shall W* ftw to diq)lcase tnen in order to itvui(? pttni\t~-
ihe f.ti:hful will an~\ycr, in substance: ‘We are not ment by mcitt, or shall w-e I’car to disple;:se our Lr’xl
careiu! to obey llle law of the land when such law in and Jchowh God, and sufd’cr the 10:s of cver.vthitt~r 1
in wnet conflict with God’s law. Our God, to n-hotn (Natt. 10: 25-93) The off‘fcring of the antitypicz!,
WC ~:I’(I devoted and whom w set-w, has commattdccl put&d Lrvitcs must now be pleasittg to tile 1~01~1,
us to m&c know that his kingdom is at hand, and “as in the days of old,” st.tc!t as IYIICJ~ liinX hvid
rul~ul in Jcrusalcm. Kow God has raiwd up “t!tc
ihis we will do, by His gracc, own thouqlt the law of
the I;tnd romm,tn& us to refrain from so doing. Our tabernacle of David ‘, that is to say, his capital or-
duty and our dcsirc is to obey God whctlter it pleases ganization under the Greater David, t’hrist, Jcc>us,and
xnw or not. WC should scrvc God rather than men.’ has sent forlh his witnesses to make known his nantc
(Dan. 3: 16-18 ; Acts 5: 29) This does not mean that and his kinqlom: “In that day will I raiw up tfic
the scrwtnt of the Lord should he rutlc at any time or tabcrttacle of David that is fallen, and clwe up tltc
should attempt to provoke others to attxt’r or wrath. brcachcs Ihcreof: and I will raise up his ruins, and I
The :ctwttt of Ciotl must be bold in dcclnrinq the will build it as in the days of old: that tttcy JIM>
truth ; md to Ix hold means to tell tltc trulh without ~W:.WSS the remnant Of I&III, aid Of aII lit<, l~catt~ctt,
the f(‘itY of men. It mcntts to tell it citltttl~, plainly, whielt ate called by my name, snith the I,ord ihat doeth
firmly, and not to shun to dcclarc it whcti rcquircd this.“-.\nios 9: 11, 12.
to do so. 13ol~lnrs~ in tcllittq the truth 1s what (:otl’s 43Tlic for(9)ittg proI)liccv was appliccl 1)~’tltc nlw-
pcoplc arc cotntttattcl~ (1 to have at this time. (1 ,Jolrn: tic in this tt&wr : “That’thc rtsitluc of tttcn tniyht
4: Ii, 18) That tll(‘:Itls to t,r fr;1nlr, oUtuJJolict1, nt1tl to seek after the Lord, and ~11 th C;ctlt ilw, t11Jo1t whom
show complet6 cnttIitlcttcc in the I,ord, whom se scrw. my name is caltcd, snith tiw Lord, \\ho cloct tt ill1 tl~c,\t
Some c~Jlw!iW the i(k:i t h:lt t licy tni~st uw harsh sltcwh thinzs.” (.‘wts 15:li’) \Ylwn Jesus wts ttt 111~til3.h
in tlcfiutwc of the oflivers of the world. Such it conrsc on the earth. atd his filithful a~JOstlcs with hittl, tir.ill:c*r
is rnt ircly wrort~. Yottic have thou:ltt it right lo go Jesus nor his apos~Its sh~u~ncd lo slwak t ttc t rutIt with
upon tltc Itrctnisw of schools illld publicly put forth frattkttcss ttttd \\ ith full wnAdcttw in J(‘l~o\ aIt. .1s
a srwtd tt*atiscri~ttioti rccortl rcparding tttc protest it was ‘ iti t Itc former Clays ‘, so now it tnu~,t II~. Tile
a~aittxt brittz comlxllcd to saltitc the ftitr. Such a natnc of Jchovait shall Lx tnadc k~towtt, ittt(l ltjs u It-
wtttw of acttoti is t udcticss and wit hotit ,justifiwtion. ttc-SW, the iltItit~plc’:11 I,(~\ itrs, arc sctlt fol It1 to Iti;l!x
WC should aI~v;tys swk occasion to toll the truth, and it kn~~wt~,:wordinq to (.:otl ‘s good l~lca:;nt~~.
fell it, hut tiol to 1,111outwlrc~s in a position to pro-
\-Ok0 otlicrx to wrath hy ctitc~rin:: a public school or
a.sscmbly pIiICC williou t itiYita1 ion. I~oldttcss and frattk- 4s The T,ord Jesus Christ is in En11cotrtttt,tttrl of tlrc
nw tttwr~ ttcvcr to ltwitatc lo tell ltic trulh wticn witttw \IIork on the CartIt. To hittt is ~~Jll~lnitt(Ll~ ill1

oI~lwrluttity nriws and to watch for opportuttit ifas io power itt ticaveti and itt cilrfli, and hc is (‘otltttti.,~i~)tit,~l
tell the truth. If bwu~ttt into Vourt and rcquircd to to do the judgittq ii1111 tlw cscc~ui ion oi’ jnrln~ri~~t~l.
tell w!ty we nrc mnliitly known this gospel of tttc king- (Jltttt. 2s: 1s; JOIIII 5: 22, Zi) The 1,ord ll;t,< :I~I~~III<Y~
dom, tlrc i’nithEti1 ot~c! will nut coniptwiisc by wilit- his Sc>rVilntel,iss and scttt thorn I’ot~ttt 11) lw Ilis 1’4lj-
holrlittg ilIly portion 0C the truth or by cotttplinictitttt!: rcsetttativcs; and tttc IAord JCS~IS t~inrwt I’ I).*ittr ttt
worldly offwrs, such as sonic! haw done, as stated. chargt:, 110towz of his scrvitttts I~VCC~ fear \I 11;1ittt(*tt ~:~tt
The faithful out will with calmttcss, frankness, and do to him, nor shonld 1lwy bc csaltcd tti thctr 0~ ti c+i-
with full confidcttw in the Lord say that hc is Itrcneh- matioti twcause of their lwsitioti. \\‘itlt c:~Itt,ti~~~s,
ing tltch ~ospcl of tltc kittgdom and that hc is doing SO sobriety atid dignity hcconiittg one xl ho rqw~c~t~ts 111c
in ohctliencc to clofl’s contniatitltnctit, and that God’s King, and with cotnpletc courage, the \\ itticw~s, tiic
law :bud conititardm~ttt~ arc suprctnr~, and far above faithful, backrd by the I,ord, will qo forth to fhc
nnp law tltnt any man or titan-ma& gowrntncittt can service. “And I will cotne near to you 10 ,judgrn~~~t ;
make. Such boltlrtc\c; ant1 frankness in telling ihe truth and I will he a swift witncuu Clgili1lS-t tllc sorwtw\;. iltt;l
by’ Ei\-in: tcstitnotiy to tlte name of J~liov~tli Tvill be an agittst tltc ndultcrcrs, and against false sw:trcrs, ac~cl
evirlt~ttcc to those 15110arc against tiic truth that such a?aittst thox that OpIJrc’SS t!tc hireling in his w;I~~~s. ii:c
wittwsws have the l~Wliil1~ of the T~ord, attd this always widow, and the fnthcrlw, and IllSit turn t1~~1c t 1:~’
pnts the evil one to fli$tt. Conccrnittg tltir the apo~~te stratqtcr from his right, and fear not nw, saith t hr
\wot c : “And in ttolltitt~ terrilicd 1)~ your :u.lvcrsarics: Lord of t105ts. “---3M. 3 : 5.
which is to them an fxidctii fOliC11of perdition, but to
yOK1 of Salvation, aild that of Ci(Jd. I”Clr utit0 you it is
gircn in Itic Iwltalf of Christ, not only to bclicrc on
hint, but also to suffer for his SaliC.“-1’hll. 1: 2S, ?!I.
4t Bccawe of sncli open frnnkncss and bold fairh-
fuitws unto God some of the remnant may suii’cr

that is to say, the prol~ltccies now in course of fulfill- sist on interfering with the Lord’s work he gathers
mcnt, and to those who love him he gives an unc!zr- out, and separates from his true attd faithful ottcs.
standing and appreciation of these prophecies. 13ut Those iv-ho thus by faultfinding are ittterfcrinq in any
to the selfish ones, who seek to exalt themselves or to manner with the forward progress of the proclamation
do injury to any part of God’s organization, lte does of God’s kingdom message sltow that they are etlterittg
not give an understattding or appreciation of these into darkness and will soon bc in full darkness and
propltccies. Jehovah gives this revelation or uttfolding have no appreciation of tltc propltccics, which the Lord
of his prophecies by and through his Sott, Christ Jesus, is now unfolding. Tltc propltet. Nalaclti, spcaking the
because Jehovah and Christ, are tltc teachers ‘attd in- words of the Lord, says that ltc is “against the adultcr-
ttrprcters of prophecy. The unfolding of his prophc- crs”, In the type made by tltc Israelites, “adultery”
ties, tlte knowledge and understanding thereof, the cot&ted of illicit rclationshil) with another’s wotttan.
Lord transmits to his faithful and true witnesses, tltat God ‘Y ‘ ‘ woman ’ ’ is Zion, attd she gives birth to the
they may go fortlt and give tlte true testimony con- sons of God and sltc stands for Jehovah’s organization.
ccrnitt:: the satnc. Concerning tltis the Lord caused to Satan’s “woman” is Babylon and give3 birth to the
be written : “I beheld till tlrc thrones were cast down seed of the Scrpcnt, that serves ltitn. For one of (iod’s
1in 1914, tltc bcgirrttittg of Jcltovalt ‘s day], and the sotts to have tnutual rcli~ti0tlSltip with the IIcvil’s
Ancient of clays did sit, ~hosc ~arntcttt was white as woman, that is, tltc Tjevil’s orgattiz:ition, is, witltitt
snow, and the hair of ltis head like tltc pure wool; the meatting of the Scriptuws, spiritual adultery. One
his tltrotte was like tltc fiery fhttnc, and his wheels as who is thus guilty is induced hy self~sltncss, that his own
burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth sclfislt desires may be gratified. Cottcci-niti~ this it. is
from hcforc him; t housattd thousands mittistercd unto written in tltc Scriptures: “Ye ask, and rcccivc not,
him, and ten thousand titncs ten thousand stood hc- because yc ask amiss, that ye may consLtmc it LtJ)ott
fort ltim: the ju~lgntcttt was scf, attd the hooks wrc your lusts. Ye adulterers and adultercsscs, littow yc
opcricd.“--l);~ri. 7 : 9, 10. not tltat tltc friendship of the world is enmity with
4s Tltcsc prol~ltcciw of the Lord bear a “swift wit- God ? whosocvcr thercforc will he a fricttd of 1hc worh.J,
ncss against the sotwwrs”, that is, against thaw wlto is the cttcmy of God.“-Jas. 4: 3, 4.
practic7~ magic or witeltc~raft. Such ilrl: sorccrws. ‘* A person moved by a sclfislt dwirc to have sotttc
“For rclwlliott is as the silt of witcdlwraft, and stttb- favor frotn the I)wil’s OrgitttiZiltiotl, seems cllbarly to
bornncss is as iniquity nttd idOliltl*y. l!ccausc thou liasi conic within tltc definition of’ “adulterer” as *riven iii
rcjcctcd tlte word of the T~ord, ltc ltatlt also rejected tltc foregoing hwiJ)fttw. “1:~ ye not Ltrtcr~uall;~ yoke<1
thee from being lrin~.“-1 Sam. 15 : 23. togctlter with uttbelicvcrs: for what l’ell~~~~l~ip hath
‘G Those that sell tlwntselvcs to tltc Devil would cast rigltteousnw with uttri~hl(~ousttcssT and \\llitt wont-
a Spell OVCP God’s fitithftll pC!OJ)k, if JtOSSibJC.SLlCh muttion ln~tlt lirrht witlt tl;trli~iess1 Ant1 what COIlC(Jrd
sorcctws arc Ittow who &f-v tltc word of tltc great ltatlt Christ with Uclial ? or what part liath he that
I’r(J])llet, Cltriht Jesus, and tttc true mittlesscs of the belicvctlt will1 an infitlcl 3 ,\ttrl what njirccrticttt ltntli
~,OIUJ that sJwak his \Vord. (IMtt. 18: 10; Jcr. the temple of God witlt idols? for ye arc the tctnplc
27: 9, 10) Tn this class of sorccrcrs arc included the of the living God ; as God hatlt said, I will dwell itt
ones alto attrmpt to ltittdcr the pro::rcss of tltc I~ord’s tltcm, and nalk in tltcnt; ant1 I will hc their Cod, and
witness work, such as at tractittg attctttiott of tltc work- they shall IJC my J~coplc.“-2 C’or. 6: 14-16.
ers to tltcntwlvcs, and thus itttrrferittg with the united lD Jehovah’s faithful witttcsscs ntw;t IN entirely
and forward ntovctttcttt of God‘s J~coplc in service. separate front Satan’s or~~ittiizatiott, illltl t hcy ttiust
Jehovah is a “swift witnew” against such as try to “toLiCIt not tlic Lttwlcatt tltittg”. (2 Car. G: 17, 18)
intrrfcrc with tlte progress of ltis work in ally form, Every ottc that rctn:itns itt God’s otqttizntiott must br:
and Christ Jesus, the great Officw al tltc temple, acts \vholly and completely devoted to cJelto\.itlt attd 111s
towards such interferers and scttds fortlt his attgcls to kittgdom, and ltis coLtrse of action tnust hc so clear atttl
gittllcr out suclt sorccrcrs and casts them out of the straiglttforwtrd for the Lord that there eattnot be any,
kingdom, tltat is, out of the temple.-Matt. 13: 41; doubt about 1\liere ttc stands.
Rev. 21: s; 22: 16. ‘” Likwjsc the Lord, by ltis prophet, ltcre declares
4’ If one hits been ctttrustcd with ilte scrvicc of tltc that ltc is against the “false swarcrs”. 1Yltrn o~te
Lord in lhc name of the Lord altd ltc is faithful, ltav- makes a cotrsecration to do the will of (:od lie co\+
ittg in mind only one thin,,(r that is, to exalt tltc ttatttc nants and agrees to be faithful to God; awl if he fails
of Jehovah, that person Jvill not be hunting somctltittq or refuses; to keel) fhat covcttattC vow, such a ottc is a
to find fault with and hittdcr tltc wrlr of God’s or. false swcarcr. (1’s. 78: 10) Suclt false ottcs are they
ganizatiott. Ott the contrary, lie will show ltis full fait11 that take God’s ttattte in \-aitt. (Es. 20: 7) Jeltovitlt is
atid cottfidcttce iii the Lord attd tlt;tt tltc Lord know agiliItst that liiltd of J~wSons, and his clltw is Ott tltcm.
how to conduct his own affairs, and he will ltnvc faith (Zcclt. 5: 3, 4) It is wYittc% Cottwt*tiittp such f;th
thug God and Christ Jesus will pertnit no intcrfcn~t:ce SWP:II~~~I*S IImt tItcy arc ‘proud, lmt~fr~‘s, ittvctttotss of
therewit It. The faithful well kttow tltat tltose who in- evil things [that wItkIt wotks CLil to ulltcw], Jw-

hcdient to parents [.Jehowh’s commandments and the nw. It is the formal and regular business ol-’ the+
law of his organization], without understanding, cow- faithful ones to visit and comfort such by eshlbitin~;
lxllrt b)I'CLliCPS, awl against whif:h God renders an ad- to them tile truth. That is exactly wl,at tJcho~al,‘s
vttne jutlgmeut, and declares lhat they are. worlhy of witnews are doing today. Any other formal or rc!;-
death. ‘- 2 Tim. 3 : 1-5 ; Ilom. 1: 30-32. ular work in the name of the Lord is a f~~!sc’w11~:ir;:l.
‘* bkewise Jehovah God, tluwn~ll his prophet, here BIanifestly the apostle here uses the worcls ‘true IXAI-
sap that he is “against those that opp~w the hire- gion’ to distinguish the proper worh of n folio\;-w of
ling in his wages”. The Lord has hired his laborers Christ Jccus from the formalism called “Chri ,tian
to work in his vinr~yard, and now thw have received religion”, which is practiced by many organiz,ltwus
at his hand the “ pcnny ’ ‘, that is, the ‘ new name, which in the name of the Lord, but which is in fart a devili,!
the mouth of Jehovah has given them’. (Jlatt. 20 : 2-15 ; formalism. There arc many who oppose the worlc of
Isa. 62: l-3) OpI~owrs are those who try to prevent Jehovah’s witncsscs, which is prompted by loving oh:!-
the hired laborw~ from working: in the vineyard. This diencc to God, and thcsc opposers oppress the ‘widow. s
they do by pying to hold thwn hn~k from using the and fathcrlcss’, as above drscrilwd ; that iq to h:i?‘,
” pmny” in the scrviee of qJehov;tt~ as his witnesses. when they we some sfcl,in .g ilft(!r the truth ;I (1 ri:llt-
Even at this late date some who were amo~tl: Ihe ones eousnPss ttic op~~oscrs cndcawr to lJrcavc.nt S\IC~It rut II-
hire4 complain bccausc those hired tatcr rceeive the seekers from finrlin:; the truth. ‘I’t~osc 0I~pwm irif~lu~lc:
S;LRJCfull wa~cs. All of those who are truly dwokd the ours who claim to hervc God and yet ~oultl, if
to God ilncl his kirt~~~lorn will rcjoiw to see the laborers possMc, hold Lack Jcho\;rI~ ‘s \vttnc\s;(“; 11wn c;II.I.~-
workin:: firmly toythcr and Iwrid~ng every cfi0rt to ing tfic mwage of comfort to those \J 110 arc s;rllcci
the honor of J~l~ovah’s uamc. The faithful will not Joua&lJs, or “other sheep”, a11t.l who ECJ~-JTItfw “qc‘::t
oppose or attempt in any manner to hinclcr the work, multitutle” class. It is ttw “~vidow” :!rld “fatlwrl,~~5”
but will joyfully cng:nqe with ttwir hlrthrcn in the Ilow who arc SWliiIlR the \vny Of l~i~llt(~ou~ri!~si;,to \f ItcOIn
swviec to the honor of J~trovn11’s name, gladly bearing the mcssagc must IJC c~L.I%T~, and who writ shortly for111
the rcproarhes surh as fell upon the 11ortl Jesus Christ the great muttitl~~lc. To czlrry the mcss;~~:c of tru(tt
bwausc of his falthfulnws to his lzather. t0 SUVh i? a part Of the ~~iT!mt-day WJrk Of !IIIP~~
M IGkwise the Ilord, by his prol)hct Malachi, here anoint cd witncsacs J~~l\~~~~~t~.
of Tllc! o~‘]KJsc’l’s Rlld ‘,I’-
sap ttlilt he is aginst thrm “ ttizt opprws . . . the pwssors IWI‘C mcllt 10nc~l IJ~ the Iwophc~t are t hc 011f ,
~~if~ow nud the fat lierl~hs”. ‘I%.w ilIW malty persons Who tkl IlOt ‘kW[) thl~lllS!~~~~s UllSlJ’Jt t?tl flYJIll t ii!!
Iiuw on earth who arc of good wilt towtrd God, the world ‘) ;I0 ,k\laW C~Wl~itJ,~S, \JUt :ltY! the O~I(‘,S WtlO Ill:‘;
Civcr of life, but, not llaviug lwa~tl the truth, and not with 8Sat:lll’s OrgiilliZAt ioli alld hy wnlt)rorni~c or 01 II(.I,
having had opportullily to emhwce it and tilkc their Incans seek favor Ilwrwf. It is tlic twutdct1 duty (Ii
stand OJItile side of J(~tloVi~h, SUCII xrc truly “fnther- the antitypical Levitcb, ;lflChr Ilaviug tJ( cil ~~urgcvl, IO
lf?ss”. A widow is ;I wuman (syml~f~lic of il~~y organi- 60 about amOlI:zst the IJWJ)~C iltltl “ComCort all tll;kt
z&ion) that is without a Inwlx~ntl. Jcl~o~uh is the mourn ’ ‘, itlld to IlMI*!i sUCt1 by Riving tllCm a11inl(slil-
husband of his wm~n, or org;inimtion. (I\n. 5.1: l-10) @lit u~ldC~5k~J~dlI~~ Uf c;O(l’s 1,111j”‘G”. ( Ih:l. (J 1 : ” ,
There are organizations in the lantl~ many pwsons Ihk. !I : 1 j ‘I’llclc ilw tfrow in %iw silo Ulllit rl~oc~,~, It
amongst which apl,arcntly dcsirc to scrvc the Lord, comfort, ilIllt tlIC!lI! are tllOSC WI10 ill’l’ SC’Cliill!! tllc* Ci!)
bat are held lXl~‘lt and rcstrnincd by X:ltall’s l~~~rescnt- to Zion that dcsirc comfort, awl to \r lioni the f’iiitlll 111
ativcs, and suc11 or~nuizations are in fact “~vi~lows~‘, nitncsscs -iv111carry the message of wmfctrt. \\‘11;11 is
lxc~usc, although c4niming God as tlwir lrusl~and, he hClT said is llGt iit all out Of h:~rmo~~y with !/‘lrc \\‘ctIc /I-
rejected them. It is writtell : “Pure religion and undc- tower of March 15, 1’335 but is rat4wr iii wldltiw
fied before God and the Father, iu this, To viLjit the thereto.
fatherless aud widows in their ;~ftliction, and to kcrp 54Like&e Jchowh says he is acalnst, those wl~rt
himself unspotted from the world. “-4a.s. 1: 27. “turn n4e the stwper”; “tllat ~VI\C ~\V:IY ttlcl SKI-
s3Thus the Lord, by his apostle, dcfincc; true “rc- journer ” (Ilotlrc&JJ,l) ; “that do inju\tico to til81
ligion “. The rcli$on that is prwtired 1~~the organi- strnnr’er.”
r (Lccsc~*) At the prcscnt time there is a11
zations uuder tlw Ikvil’s supcrri4on couGsts of forms abuntlitnce of evidcncc that very great irqustlw 1i
and ccrcwonics that dishonor God nnd Christ Jesus. being done to those who have lwcn stlxngcr< to (;wt h
It is the true followers of Chri4. Jesus, those ~110 are kingdom and c-ho are llO\V SWliin~ the \Vily to %ioll.
Jehovah’s anointed witncsws, that practice the pure All v.-ho are devoted to God and llis Iiinq(lom. a 11\1
religion as defined by James, and this they do by mak- all who arc seeking the way to Zion. arc S~IXI~L!C’E
ing it their rclgular and furn\al business to work and in Satan’s world illlit to I& aycntc; t Ii31 (zov~~~w t Ii:’
to go about in the land visiting the “widows”, that is, thin::?s of the wrt h. These find rs~Jrt~s+n in the v,cu (I;
those otpniz;ltions that dcsirc to l<no\v of Cod and his of the psalmist : “I am a stranger in the ~.trth: l:iC1c
kingdom ; and “the futhcrless”, that is, those v,ho sigh not thy comn~anrln~~nts from me.“-1’s. 119: I!).
WC1err. concerning the abominalJlc thinp that they see
runongjt men and who huqw and thirst for rightcous-

25. .35j Tlxse that love God arc not desired hy those the present commission 3nd work of the faithful rein-
of Satan’s org:a!:iz:~iion. (Zep!i. 3 : 1) Such illclUdf3 nant is to carry that mcssrgc to the OJJCS scdrin:: 1111th
the ‘ ‘odwr s;K!ep ’ ‘) Or Jonadabs, the gre:lt multitude. arid ri~$d.cu~usncss, and to cl0 it now, and any speech
Ti:e al~titypical Fhili:,tines, being the Devil’s chief thct 11:s a tendciicy to retard that work is doing yio-
rcpreseul:lliws 0~1 tllc earth, hate the strangers and do lencc to God’s Orgdnizafion. TllO‘K! \TllO We dC\olGl
great injustice to them. The Jorwdabs “dwcl1 in to the Cord will obql his commcndmcnts and hear him
ten is ’ ’, s~ml~Olic~I1y saying that they art? sojourners s:t~in:; to them now : “Let not tfiine hcntls be slack.”
in this 17ickcd world, loo!;ing for the kingdom Of right- (Zcph. 3: 16) The foolish ones, thcrcfore, who would
LbOllSilc‘SS tmdcr Christ. (Jer. 35: 7-10) All thOX T;liO intcrferc with tllc octivc and vi::orOw forward movc-
we!; tile honor of Clod and Chri;:t :~re thcwforc straw merit of carrying the JW%lgt? Of the liingdoJJ1 to ltJC
gcrs in this world. At the instigation of the Roman Jo~dabs, arc (loin?; in,justice to the strnnpr and
Catholic Ilicrarcbg the political rulers try to crowd violcnCC to the \i’wd Of God.
fleic stra~rgcrs off the carlh bccausc thy g-kc tcsti- j7 Ambition to shine in tlw eyes of men is sclfishnrsv;
rnony to the name OEJehowh and his rightwus orqni- and Y;!JcJJ such sclfishnc~s is cmployctl to retard tile
zation. \';lw11 t11czc011(‘S clcr0tcd to the IAnd go :llJ9Ut walk OYthe Lord, that i.s doing gro;ls injustice to thwc
to serve, the cncmy atlcmpts to drive them Out of town ; Who aI2 StJ’aJJgWS to %lklII’S OrgiJlliz~ltioll :\Jld WiW
and vdicn thcs. go ::bout from liousc to house to :qivc are SW!iing Ihe way iuto (i0d’s Orga~lix:l~i~JIl. Jtl cll&~v
Icstimony to lhe l:ingdorn, the IIcvil’s ri~pwsontatiws to have the approval of the great Judge and to OiL(*J*
attcmjd to c:q~cl tiwin from the ~~ci~:l~l~Orl~0od.Acting l~Cf0re him an oficrin:$ in righlconsn~w, olw mrlst gcbt
at the illhi:lllCe of the Xomon Catllolic Ilic~rarchy, Jr- rid of all selfishnc:ss, ~illd Ijarticularly ambitioll$ dc-
I:Ovdi’s \+ itlws ::‘,‘\ :LJld t!lciL’ fellOWa Ul’C dCllOUllWd Wld SiJ’C t0 !l;lVC ttJC :l[JtJl0\at Of JJlC11. (h1C IV!10 !O\CS t0
thcbir righi < clrnicd 1)~’ the court3 and 1)~ tlic other go\-- hear it said Of him tliat he is vciy wise nwl lc:lrwd 11;
crning po\v~rs of the land. I:l\th picturd il class who 011tltc dan::crous \vay. ‘J’IIC qut tcvt IlUW UlJOH ttJOSC
wrw stran~c~ls to (:od’s or~allization, alJcl her cruel Who hare nWh.2 a C0VCJlilllt to d0 ttlc \i ill Ol’ (:Ocl is,
IlCSt-Of-hiI1 tricll to pas11 Ilcr, autl the cln~ rcprcx~~tcd accorclin~ to the proplwy wx~rdid IJy At:Il:lc.lJi : ‘* \\‘IIo
hy her, out fl*orl~ ttlc lallcl. I,il;c~wi:.c there ilI’0 t&c may atdc?” IIM,t is, UIIO wi!! J’cJMiH slc:ldl;l\t iJII(!
lo&by who claim to tjc in lhc trIIth aIId who tmt slum- nuintaiu his iIIic:yrIty towald (loct IInct(*r ttlc gIwt
IJlilJ,n hIOCIiS iII ttlC \V:ly Of JctJOvntl’S 1VitlJW:;cT 2nd the t&? II is Wl’t:llll ttl:lt JCLtlOV~lll will Ililil! 110 OllC I’+
;Io~~rld;~Jq 1~2’ idling tlwm lid it i,i iiot now tltc time Innin in tkis wlw i:; not unsclfixhlg illId
for 11~2jwttwiil: of the ;yc:lt mult i!u& but to wait w11011~ tlc~otccl to him, aili who is iloi, ~itIolc-lic~:~rl~~~tt~
fur ii 111ow ot~t~ol~lIl~lC tixt:. Suvti :;t~cc~tl Or ~0111x2 Of hll[Jt~Ol’ti:l~ tlis ~illlYC. “Ii, is Iwlllil(~11 iti ht~\~;ll~~l.~,
:ieliun iu an iil,jwdiw to 1hc drniigw, and tllosc~ wtlo do that a man IJC fouml faithful.” (I (‘or. .I:!?) l’rid~.
slwh ilQudiw sl10w t.y tllcir c0ur.w of act ion th:lt they and ambiliun God will not Iwrmit lo ~0 uimol icd. ‘J’llc
do not fwr t!w 1.0~~1. ‘j’hrj ;c wl10 Ihns jnlcrforc willi Lord i4 ~0dlIctiIlg tlis owl :lfl’airs, ;111(1it clots Iic)t,
ttlc ~,oJ’d’S \i.Ol+ arc not, v;ike :IJlcl WIlllot llid~:J~St:lld !iC \Vil!lin ttlC JnOJlt!l Of :lny JW111 to say ttlilt “ thc$
t:re lII1fcJltilIl~: oi’ (lad’s JJJ~‘J]JtHYirs. l+rnlls:! Of not bc- Lord’s work is gctling 11~1\~lic’~c”.Uy so s;tyinx !IC puts
itI<: fully for tlic l~or(l thy arc i!z:;hSt tllC T,Ord and hiniaclf iti opljwition to ttJc Irord, illld in h~ll~s~:t:l~‘c
f iiO\S 110 JUld~‘l’.~t~Jlldlll~, tJ~‘C~!ll’X! ill<‘!; ~~IJlllOt I!;l\C 21 sap, ‘The LOid clots riot know how to wiltluct his 0x11
161CilI~ lIllclc~Sl::Il~iill:~. (1);lll. 12: IO) J”OP that reason business.’ The 1JsalIIiist SilyS t0 IllOxC \VhO Ilil VP ag:lcc(l
iilC,V dO IkJt ;:Ct ttlc t,0IYt’S th:<ill!~ ;Ild tI:l\C JlOt “th? to Sl’ITC Cod: “0 1OvC 111~Lwd, all yc hii; saints: I’Oi
joy of t11c 1,Old”. ‘IIt2 blwh~~s them that fwr the the Lord prcsrrvcth the fail hful, an(l Ijlcntil’ully r(‘-
lmd. (I’s. 11.-t: 13) “,Surdy his satvatioa is Ii+ wKiet11 li1e J,roud llocr. 1:c Of good (‘0llI’;!~C, :11:11 IlO
llmn that fcnr him ; !h:rt ::lory nwy dwell in Our 1:md.” shall StIWl;:t tWJ1 your heart, all yc t11:rt tlOpC irl the
(1’s. KJ : I) 1 Ttic fwr of the JAorcl means ‘I to h:llc evil : Lord. “-1%. 31: 23,24.
pride, nnd arropnq-, and die cd way, and tl~c fro- (To bc conlbnlfed)
w;~rcl mouth”. (l’rov. 8: 18) i\ncl those !\ho interfere
dh the Lord’s work, or try to interfere with the
ximt, arc ~ransgrwiors or wicked ones; and conwi~n-
inl* liwse it is witlrn: “The transgression of the
lb-i&cd Fi!ittJ \iiLllill Jlly llcm~t, that thcrc is 110 fear of
(;oii ~JcF~J*~ his eyes.“----I%. 36: 1.
AhTie aw now in tllc day of Jcbowh, d1en his \vork
mu$;t be done in obrdicn P? to his ComrnaJldmcJlis; o~Jd
lie Iin? not incli~dtxl in any mnnlic’r Illat, after hnvill:
Ir:yllll that IYork, \rC stl0lllll clisconrn~:c aIlgo:lc’ fi’O:Il
dcjing it or SlilCli the hand it1 a vigorous attcmId to do
1% wd;. The l,Clld hns rcrcalcd to his pcoj1lc those
f!icq” who constitute the great mullitnde, and that

nant in the tcm1,Ic in JIalnchi’s clay or in the temple seen clone accorJ,ny to the “covenant of Levi,,, and with the
in visivn &y E/ekicl. wsult foretol~l.
5 If-16 \Vltll scr’pturw, account for the expression (a) “even 7 39. \Vllat is meant by ‘offering unto the T,ord an offering in
the messenger of the covenant’,. (b) ‘,‘iVhoru ye delight ri~htcousnesa’t Bow has thts been made poss’ble, and how
in.” (c) “Behohl, he shall couw, saith the Lortl of hosts.,, 117s that ‘oflceriug l’cen done?
7 17,X Apply Malachi 2: l-3, am1 give instance of fulfillment 7 494t’. To ~hour tlocs the clean~lng and refining work ap,~i~?
thcrcof. I\ hat cloes this prove? Desct,bc the couisr: of action c~.ii:*~~l
7 19-23. &bat is foreshown in the questions appearing in &la- for in Malachi 3 : -1, 1 John 4: 17, lS, IJh~l,ppmns 1 : W, 29,
chi 3: 2P In the statement (a) “for he is like a retiner’s ctncl JInttllcw 10: 2q.
fire,‘? (b) “.Zml like fullc’s’ sopc”? q 43-54. Referring to Jlalachi 3: 5: Apply the exp’cssion, “I
7 22-24. Expla’n thr! fiery test forctoltl in 1 Corinthians 3: 13-15 ~111 come near to yuu to jtnlamcnt.,, By dcwribtxq tlwlr
and in hlnlarlli 3: 3 , :ml horn that test has been appbed. course of action, ant1 with rclatctl scrq’tures, i’lent’lr the
7 23, 2ti. With cc, ‘pturc’s an’1 illustIation, account for the mani- “s~rcwers”, and point out how Jehovah 1s ‘a snlfd ~,t-
festation of t\\o clnescs as a result of the crucml tests. ness agaiuet thc’m ,. The ‘ I adulterers ‘,. The (, fulso s\\ wr-
q 27-30. hl)ply the statcm’wt thut “ hc shall flit as a refiner and ers”. ‘Those that oppress the hit-cling in Ins \vtq:(*s. \\ 1’0
purlficr 6f sit\ f’r ’ ,, ant1 show the reason or ncccssity for arc referred to as “the H~~~cJIv,,, awl “the fatherlcss”t
that work, an’1 the outcome thcrcof. Likwise the state- am1 how are tlicsc oppressctl as hero foietohla
ment that “ho shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge 7 55. 13’urther, nit11 fwripturcq an’1 facts, potnt out ‘(the
thrrn *s gohI an11 s,:vcr “. stranger “, anrl how he is ‘turned as,~le from his right ‘.
q 31-34. IVith r~~late’l scr’ptures, explain Maluclii 1: 14, also Exl’ln’n the rsprosswn, ‘I wll be a svrift witnws ag:liust
1 : 19, ant1 11hcthcr thrsc have lwn fulfillctl. those who fear not nw. ’
u 35, X. \Vhcn, how, vvhy, w’tli vvIutt rcwlt, hale the antitypical q 5G, 57. IVhnt, then, is the prcwnt situati,,n? antI what c6urw
l,eritw lwn purge~l “:is gohl antI s,lrrr’,? of action will the f:,ithful take, in oldor to “abulo,‘, an’1
3 37, 38. \Vith scr’pturcs, show that the ‘refining wrth tlrc, is ‘Lstand”?

IxLhn BRO3 IIER ttt ‘1111zI:~oI?I,: DEAR ~~ROTlllX RCTJII:I:FOI!I):
Grwtings in J~‘hr,v:,l~‘s name! The important rlwst,o,r your letter in A’ichc.9 asks mnre than
\V,sh to take thm ol’portunitv to thank Jehovah, you and desc’rvts an answer. Dear lout hc’r, w: wall hou the J.t,r,l wkwl
the llcthel family for the wontlwful provis’on matlc for the Pclcr to fwtl llis sh~,~p, ant1 now ub’n :: you as an iustrruueut
l’ionecrs. in IIis lmn~l ne ate askwl to do the samu work.
Three or four years ago I ha11 a tlcsirc to he in the “front
ranks,’ in the l,ortl ‘s work, but, I,cwruxo of other responst- By the J,orcl’s gr,!:tt merry am1 protection at this nmst
bilitiea, wus un:,i,l,~ to wit’1 th’r >,‘sr. \fi,s priv’lc~gctl to attrnd glor’ously inspiring t’r’to wr answer ‘(Yrs,‘. \\‘c ~111 co
the 1~)s Ang&s conrrnl,on, ant1 it put swh zeal into nw that wth you thtou~h c-very attack of Satan’s crow1 in nrcl,-r to
it insl,,rc~l me to s,xu up as a l.,on(‘i’r, as long as I was finally carry tllis uwss:\~:o to the grc:,t multttutlc. Sothing CIW t6uutq
frrc(l of rc~spou~il,,l,t ‘wi. nom as of any imporl:tnr*(~ ,n the 11~s of tlrorc! WI,,, arc RIIII~~~~,’
The foo’l \rh,c~h tlm l,or,l has fw gtneiously provi~lcd for in this work of all nr’rks. I~(, \\rll uwutctrl of our c,,u~t:,utly
his peol’le is certainly sustain’ug, uplit ttng ant1 convcnicnt at incrwsrng joy, elltllUwRm) f:Lltllfu111Cs4) h,yalty :ml h,l,,‘C’l,’
this time. effort to st:wl by you ‘11 otwl,cnc,c to the c6rnm:tn1l 6f ttm
liichcu Is enriching! The two iss,u,s of the May 7l’ctlchtower dear King vvo love so t\(bll. As l’aul saul he countr(l all vIs,~ a~
are Iimcly, ant1 thcbru is every intliration that “the time is loss, so tlu wr, itcar b,otlu~r.
short,, untrl Sutan ‘I encl. At thn 1I:tltimorc ronvrntion tfo felt bkc throrviu:: our h:,tq
It is in&w1 the g’tatcst l,rivih,g:c for any creature on earth in the air at tho conc~lusiou of your grrat flootl of truth, ku,,n.
to have a hlmre in “ pt~wmg the !,:I tt1c to the gate”. ing that our King is iu:l,ctiiug on arut that vre are ~,c.ru,rltt~~l
\Ve can wjo’re that th’s IH Jc’h6vah ‘a battle; hence tho to &vote ourwl\cs to this vvork.
assuranwr that the vit*tory is ccttaiu. Whrn uc heart1 the Los Angclw fricruls sing’ufi so far :,\vuy
May .Jrlm~:~l~ cont’nuc to bless an11 guitle ant1 protwt yen, it rcruin,lctl us of the angels, ~110 vv(‘to alho srug’u~. YOU,
is my dally pruycr. I also rcmemlmr othcis of the Lord’s l’cople. important letter vvcll d,~scr,tw the luwcnt s,tuuliou. lic*\t,
Thank you aact the Bethel fam’ly again for the l,rornuon assuic’l, dear brother, au11 rcj6wc g,c~:ctly tlmt UP vrill isork
for the pioucrrs. halclrr am1 longer than c\er to nm,gnify thn name of our l;tt.:tt
Sour sister 111 the kingc?orn wo, k for Jehovah and the Creator; am1 whrn the feet wtusc to go any Ioug,*r, tlm
Greater Gideon, mcssngc nil1 1,~ bI:ILiug array nnyhow f’oru the bcxut’ful nlxrr
LIM A. CLINGMAN, I’ioncer. elrctric signs and ~0uu,1 cars.
Pray for US, tlrar llrother J~uthrrfo’tl, that we may receive
the Lorcl’s strength to pwli this battle to the gate.
\i-ILVISCTOS (hl.) (‘OblI’AliY.
N’e trust you vv’ll l’urdou us for taking just a very fern min-
utcs of .your precious timr.
\Vc VlYll to tlmnk YOU, and the dear Bethel family, for the FOR JEIlOYAII AND FOR GIl)EON
most unselfish oficr you ant1 they have granted uuto the 1,ioneers. DE IR BROTAIEIL RUTIIH:EOI:U:
It is ttue, the pioneers are 6n the front lino of the battle;
I~ut me also have alnays teccivcd the greatest considrr:t!,on at
hcadquartcrs, whmh gwes us gr,Bnt cause to bc thankiul.
Our gracious Lortl has thus far uuc~lc l,ro\isrou tl’at NC ccu~ltl
continue in his scrv’cc, even to the extent that out of our joint
book fund we could contr’bute tovvaicls the coml~nny ‘s good
Your kintl ofl’cr IS enroutaging us to do even better.
We play that the J,ortl may bestow upon you, and upon your
coworkers, the r’ehcst blessing of peace and pruspcrity.
\\‘ith heartfelt al’prccintion towaId our ilear he:irculy I~alher
for this provision, we remain
Your sisters,
s :30am
The good nms of the Ln,&m of Jehovah is broadcast each ucek or oficncr by these and other stations at time showx.
[Current IOCJI time Is shown Santa Cl’a CMIII +Su 11:1:ant DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ?r’CW JERSEY
In each Instance.] ,(lst and 311 Sundil~s) \V:*sJflngton \VOL Su 10 :UOnm &bury P. 1VC.W +Su 1-O:43pnt
AJ:CENTINA Span~sk Su 11 :nOatn Su 1 :UOpnl Su 7:l:pm $11 2 :f.jIml hr1 9 :11qm1
B&iaBlanca IJt’Su 11 :Z~:II~ spanlsh ‘1’1111 :OOam Canttlen WCAJI su I I :Ohm
(1st ard 3d l’hursdays) FJ.ORIDA Su l:! : 13pm su 8:l;pm
jfluenos.4ites LE2 St1 10:30.1ul Lskcland WL;\Ji Su 9 : 3Oam MO 2 :3Jynt we 2:Rtipnt
Los Andes, Pan Junn Orlnrdo WDIJO Su 11: OOam
J,Vj SU 10 : 3Otern FRASCE Newa k ~5-11131Su 9 :Z.i:tln
Su 12:3Opm Su ii : OOpm Su G: 25pm su 9 :ODp1
Radio nczicrs Th 9 :OOpm
(Cote d’Azur) Sa 8:OOpm Athens \VTFL S:t 7 : OOpm Brooklyn IVJZJW Su 9 : 1O::nt
FIJI Radio 1,) on M:, ti :*5llJm su 9 : 23:lIll so 11 :OOam su 4 :3oJ”ll Su 7 :::(‘J’nl
f-h% VPD:! Fr 9 :OOpnt lfadio xatatt-Vitus Su 12:Wnti htlwtta \V.\TL Su JO:-fr):~tn Brooklvtt \\ JiBll Su IO :1 Yarn
9540 kilocycles (31.45 meters) Tu 7 :-Elm Th 7 :4.$n $1 1 :o(~JWl Su 9 : 5Jlrn su ‘~;:.?OInn 310 10 :“(I
I, ,.‘(1,
NC\%’ SOUTH WALES S:t 7 :4.ipm Grifiin \\‘KEU Su 9::;Oarn
2.AY Tu 9:45pm Radio XInrs Tu 9 :oopm su 2 :4~pm Su 4:3Optn
Goullm-n 2.(;N Su 7:::Opm IIAWAII
Grafton 2.(;I” Tu 7:3Opm INIJIA Hi10 KJLJW Su 10:OOam
Guttncdal~ O-J10 Su 7:OOpm Rangoon VI;L’J,% Su 12:OOnn
Lismorc ?.XN \ve 7:lJpm IJ)‘\JJc
Ncm CaRtIc 2-rtu su 10 :3J:r111 PARAGUAY I%oise ICIUO Hu 30:5qjam
Su G :30ptn su 11 :‘qm Asuncion 01 Su 10 :30am su G:00pt11 We 4 : OOpm
Sydney 2-m su 9 : OOatn SPAIN IIarlish’n . ‘- \$EJW Su 4 :43nm
su 4:25pm Madrid E.\(J \\e 7:13pn1 su fi :4Jpnl -su 0 : Oo~,lll
Tamworth 2-TM Su 10 :3O:tm (E:istcrn St:tnrl:trd Time) TUNWI:I \\‘DZ su 9 : ::.j:itn
su 3:43pm . 8U 8 :~()J”ll
X:r 7:15pm t3u 11:5hrn su 1:50pm
W ‘ga W ‘ga 2.\VG Su 7 :45p1 Spamslb Su (i:l.$tn Nt~JLTIJ CA J:(tI,IS.i
QUEENSLAND C. Rapids WMT Su 1rJ:no3w Grcrn\l,oro iYJiJ(; Su lU:X~ni
I%rishane .! l!C su 7 ::xktm URUGUAY 811 3 : 30p111 su 9:OOpm 01110
Marybor ‘h J-Ml% \Vc !) :-1.5ptu hfonlc\~~lw CS IO Su l?:llpin Akron 1V.T\v su 1 I *‘Jn:1111
~oansville 4-T 0 \Vc 6: : UOpm MAINE
(I::Idlo 1 lltc!l Il:lwlal) Auptsta WJOJO Su 9 :5S:ltn
TASMANIA kill 1 : l;iJ”ll c; ~:(b()Jlm
Burnie 7-1lU St1 6::l(lJ”U Banp)r \VJ,Ii% 4: 0 : J3:lrn
su 9 :oopm Su 10 : 00~1n1 UNITEB STATES
\Vc 12:5.jlm \Vr 5:loJ’m
Launceston 7-LA su 5 :4cipIl ALAIMMA Prwqur J. \V.\G.ll Su !) :~.~:IIII
VICTOI1JA I3irnt’IlnIlt 1V.11’1 Su 9:l.‘,:\n; su x!:::l~J’lu so 1 :5*~J’lll
su 2:lSJlln \\‘c! 6 : 15Jlrll
Ballnrat 3-l%,\ sll lf?:~!jJ”U MAJCYLASIJ
lJenthg0 ::-130 SU T:ofbJ”U ALASKA Balhmorc 1\‘C’Jl.\l Hu 9 :Ohm
Harn~lton 3-ItA su ti:45pn Xnchorugc 1<L’Q I) \VC 9:ZO;tnt su 12:3r,(ml Sll c; : 1;‘pm
IIorshs m 3.IJS Su 8:(~(lJ’l” Kctrhlkuu li(iJ%U Xlo 7:151ml Frwler~ck \\‘FSIJ) ?;u 10:3~:m
Melbourne 3-A J< Su 2 : I .jptn 1’11 7 : 15pm 80 7 : 15pm Sll I :::op1tt su a’, :~bf)J,“l
Su lO:OOpnr Ilnycrst’n \VJEJ Su ll):5aru
Swan Hill 3-SJI Su 7:15pm su 1 :4opnt Mu 9:13p1t1
Jcronte Ji(‘JtJ Su 9:25:tttt
WEST AUSTRALIA Su 12 : 05p su 4 :05pm MASS. .~CIJIJSFTTS
Kalgoorlw +I<(; Su 7:Wpm Tw>on J<(.idJt Su 9::;O.w lbst on \va1 J2.x Sli !I :“.ixm
No1 than1 G-AM su 7 :ooJ”ll su 12:xp su 5 :-JZpm su 4 :3Opm su 8 : 1.+1
Pcrtli n ML Mu 7 :oupm Spnnrslb Sn 12:4OImi J~oston IVOltJ, Su 10 :O.knl
Tuma Ku.zl.i St1 1”:15J,lU su 2 :05J”” Su 3 :Ojpw
BELGIUM Su G :3Opm su 7 : 30J””
Wallonia-l%wtte Espwimce ARKANSAS Detroit W.1 II Su I U : Ofhm
(201.7 Ill) \\ c 7 :OOaru IIot Sn’es KTJIS Sn 10:15nm

ALBEJtTA WGXAI Su 10:BOnm F’~usF’:ills I<C;DJC Su 10 :OU:im
Chl@l~ CJWS Su
6:43pm su 1 : 15J”U su 7 : U0Jl111 tilt 1 :-43pm s 7 : I Zpln
BRITISII COLUMJ3JA I<1 C’cntlo JiXO Su 10:Olktnt Min ‘apolis wDG+& 0:::lhni
IG2lomna CliOV Su 1: J5pm su 12 :15pn1 8u G:4.jpm su L!:ulJJltll \Ve 0 : 13pIn
Iloll~ wto~l 1iSX Su IO : 15xru
NOVA SCOTIA RII 1: ~;lp111 su 10 :::oJ”ll ?llIR’:ISSII’r’J
Sydney CJCIJ Su 9:OOpm O:tkland l<:HO\V Su 10 :Ol~:uu II:tttic~b’g \il’OI: Su 1:0OJm1
Ku 8:oOJ”tt St1 7 :onplll su 3 :::‘~J”ll SU A :::oJJm
OSTARIO Tu 9 : 00:~n1 2 : UOpll
Mel itlinn WCOC Hu 1O:OO:utt
Cobnlt CKSIC Su 3 : OOptn Tu 11 : OOpnt TV0 8 : 13pin su 2:Y Jpm sit G : NJ”11
1Jatnilton CKOC Su 10 : 3U:lm Fr 9:ljprn H:l 10:00p111 SOUTII I).\ Ii OT.i
su 1 :3opn1 su l(:oupm Picrrc Ii(jJ~‘YA I<II l~~:f!fhtn
Col’o spt. Ii\-OH su 1o:::o:11n
Caibarien CJl111) su 3 : 25pm su 5 ::;up1
S~~wdr 110 1:75pnt Dulango IiJ I‘!’ Bu l:Wflm
Cnmaguey CJLJF Hu 11:.1.j~ Lit rc+2v IIFli.1 110 9 :30am
Havana CM0 MO ‘1: OlJpnt MO G:OSpin
Bpnnl.dlku 5 :3flpnt CONNECTICUT
Havana COCQ su 5 : 3oJml r\‘.l%rit:un \VSJX Su 8:OO:tm
YiX kilocyclcti su 8 : lOn111 su lO:OL’aIn su 3 :l~J’ul sll 7 : lUp11 (c‘o,LtLJtz~cd on p:gc “X/

NOVEMBER 15, 1936

hiALACII1 (h't 2) ~ _. . ~. ". . .". ...." ... . :1::0

IIc Ikfcntla the Faithful _.l...l_.....l.......l XI
Tltox Who Fear God ..-_.,..... .. . .-...... . _. Z-ii
Qurstionu for Stutly _.......I . - “.. “.“..-” .““_.,*I
Tm: GREAT I~nssom~ _~...-..-~....-_~....." Z-1!)
LETTEI:S .. .. _ _ . ..l__.._..l._..l_-._. ._... _ . ... 3.X
SERVICE hP0INThfEs~s ____ "~~.~._ _~ "I 33;'
~~111s VICTORY" . -.--. . .. .... -... -.-. ,.".". ." .?3R
RADIO ASD THE PRISTICD WOI{D ""._.._._._..... 3:~
NEW POCTABI.E PIIOSOG~AIW I _ ..,.. _._..... 335
ELECTRIC Sum . . . . . ..-....“.“” ‘, 9
..... . “” ..--. -. *,A
117 Adams Street: - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U.S.A. T HJS journal is pul~l~shecl for fhe purpoee of cnnl~l;n~
the l~uplc to know .Jehorah 0011 and his puqws~‘S
esplcssed m the Jlrble. It publ~~lw
spccliicaily dwigncd to aid Jehovah’s witnesses.
Cable in..truet,lJn
It nrran;<‘d

systeruatlc 131ble study i’ur Its ~cadcls and sup&es other lltci-
aturo to aid in such stwl~es. It publ~slw sultahlc msterl~~l
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and ior r&o broadcasting and for other means of pubhc mstluc-
great: shall be ihe peace of thy children.“-1Juiah
- 54:13. tlon III the Scnptules.
It adlleres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRI PTURES CLEARLY TEACH anws. It is cntmly free and scpnrato from all prtlw, wLt3
Tl{AT JEl{OVAl-I is tho only true God, is from ererlasting or other worldly organ~~al~ons. It is wholly anI1 vrlrllr~ut
to c\crlnstmg, tlrc Maker of heaven und earth and the Glrer Icsclva:wn for the lungdom of Jcho\ah God under Chr:-t
of lifo to lus crcxturcs; that tlw I,ogos uns the beginning of 1~s I:~~lorcd King. It IS nut dogmatic, but m\ltrs car~:rul
llis crrrrtion nnd his active agent in the clcatlon of all tlnnqs; and crltit*nl esamination of it.3 contents iu the light uf t!io
that 1110Logos is WPWthe Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Hc~~ptuxcu. It does not indu]:c in controversy, and its col-
uith all poucr In hc:!vcn and earth, and the Chief Executive umns arc not open to person:llltics.
Officer of Jehovah.
T]jAT GOD crcntcd the earth for man, crcatcd perfect
man for the WI th awl placed him upon it ; that man willfully
diwbcycd Gwl’a law and nas scntcncctl to dc*ath; that by
reason of ~\tl:~nl’s wrung act all nlcn are born 81nners and
without the rIglit to life.
Tf-l,AT .JI:SUS IWS rundo human, and the man Jews suf-
fcrcd d~~:ltl, in oi~i~~r to pro~luco the ransom or rcdenq)tire
prlco for all III:UI~I~<~; th:lt Gwl raiwl up Jesus divine and
csaltcd Iurn to lIw\cn abole cjcry c;wlule and aborc crcry
name and clothctl him willt all lw!\cr and authority.
THAT JEIIOVAII’S ORGAh’lZ,\T10N is called Zion, and
that Cl!rist Jcbuu 19 the c’hic f Ofiwr thereof and is tho
rightful King of tlrf~ woll~l ; tll:tt tllo anolntcll and faithful
follonwa of (‘hlict Jesus nre children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s orqni/.\l il)n, an11 arc his w~tncwcs whew dnty and
prlvilrge it is to ~CYI~f’y to the suprcmwy of Jrlto\nh, tlcclare
his purposes tonart mankind a9 c*~p~t~~~c~lin tllo J:ll,lc, :lnd
to bcnr the f1 uits of tha kin~:ilom I~fure all n ho n ill hear.

This thrilling trrm (l~+~qnat(+ tlw next tc-stirnony period of
Jeholah’s klngtlom puhl~4~~~s. ~JW~~Jll~Jc~r 3-13. I&t tlus notice
SU5iCC t0 Itt “11(:‘2 llJtCJ,,-t YOU !IlPlc~Jrl :1nrl to C:ltlzc J’ou to I~l~~lU
preparing forth\rItll. w::,gL1 oficrcY1 to the trllt:1-
7’11~ prt* tctl 1111
needy proplcu during th19 pcrio(l ~$111IP tlio c~ornl)in:ittcp~~ con-
sisting of the hook f:r6.k<s an,1 thrw brwklrts, Inc*lu~l~ng tile
hooklet Choos~~rg and a self-cwcwtl booltkt, on a Xc c,wtribu-
tion. Consult the forthcomIng Info7 JJt(l/lt for furtlirr tls~tilil3
and then get all set for your to!1 ]w% in thlq tc*stlmonv. Tour
promptness m repolllng results of your octi~ltws WI!1 b0 ap-


Vor,. LVII


“And the dcstntcfion of the trmsqressow mu.! of tlfc siwcrs slicrll l/e togcthcr, rrno? thy tht forsflke fllc I;ord
shall be co?wmed.“--Isa. 1: 28.

E~IIOVAII tlocs not change. 711 the hcginnin:: he tion. T11cy have maintained their integrity toward
cxpresd his ~JUI’JJOSC, md that purphc s11dl bc Cod, and nom they must always maintain their intq
accomylislwd ; aci hc said: “1 I~ave pur~~owl It, rity tonnrd him. ,\gxin tllc Lord cs~~rcsxs his pur-
I will also do it.” (Isa. 4: 11) “linown unto (:od pose to consume the \ViCliNJ and prcscrvc tllc right-
arc all his wc)rks, from the lw$nninq of the worltl.” W.cs : “For thoa~h tl1.v l~col~le Israel 1x2as the sand
(Acts 16: IS) 11is (~xprffsiwl purl~osc~ inclutlcs the t;lk- of the sea [for multitude], yet a remnant of tlwm
ing out of the worltl a ~m~ldc for his nainc, to wit, shall return : tlic consinnption dccrcctl [upon tlic u11-
Christ Jrsus ancl tl~e 144,OOO nxmlms of IIiv royal faithful] shall o\crflow with ri~htcousilc~s.“--Jsa.
house ; and the g:~tlwin~ wit0 hinisclf of a COI~IJJ;~II~ 10.. 99 Ld.
of “other sheep”, the .Jo~tadnl) or “great mult itutle” 4 JcIIov;III lewd J;IwJI) \JWaUSC IN cshibitccl an aLitI-
Class, and this hc bill do in his own g00d Wily an(l at illg faith III Jcll0villl and thcreforc rcccivcd (;otl’s
his time, and arcorcl~n~ to his own will. 1Ic II~S es- al~l~roval. JaWh fl~crcfore forcdiadows the company
lwcswd his plr~J0sf2 to rid tllc cart11 illltl hC;lVeIl of all that l(Jvc’ (:tJd iiild [Jl’OYC their love 1Jy faithful ddi-
thin:;s that intcrfwc or that t t-y 10 intcrfcix with his “nrC t0 hilli. “.Jncol, h:i\‘c I lovc\l, hut J&au h:lvc I
work. llc ltas made it SOcm~~l~::tiwlly to al)pcnr in ltic Ililtt!d. ” (l:orn. 9: 13) Ilikcwisc God htc~ the: cl;lxs
\~fJld that thc!W Ci111 IJC 110 c!OIliJt alJOut it, tllnt lrc! I’c- which J&au forcshndowtl. (;otl sl~~vc’~1 his low to
quircs full Olld COtll~~l~*tCf;litlrfulrlcss t0 trim of ill1 IJOt Ii eIil(‘OlJ and 1Ssau until IhnU prowl his i1nI’uit h-
thtrse who hhiill rcwivc his favor. IIc will dc5troy the fulncss u11t0 (:Od. (If&. 11 : D-21) l’i*o~~huti~ally rc-
widwd and prwcr~ c t IIC righlcous. All the ~~0~~1~~1~s fcrring to tlw two chssc~s l’OI~L+illildO\~Cd by Ihau awl
of iniquity he will ronsunw. Jacob Ilie hJd maw1 Al:llachi to write : “1 I~:IVChJ\C([
z It1 Ili1IWlOfl~ with this tonelwion the Ilord says you, s:ritll tlrc I,ortl : yet yc say, \Ylwi*cin hart tlrou
tliroufli his prol)ltct : “I”W I a111 IllC I‘OlYl, I cllalli’c loved UC? \Vas not Esau Jacob’s I~rotl~w? with the
Ilot ; thcrcforc J’C ~011s: of 5;14) ;JIT not COIJSUII~C(~.” lr~rtl : yt>t f ltJV(!d Jarol~, al~tl I hatctl I*:kiIII, ;111tl hlitl
(I’JaI. 3: 6) According to I~othcrlrcm: “Ecc;1wc I Jc- his mountains illIt his hi-iiqe waste for tltc dril.;(lllS
110vah have IIO~ cllilllt!~d, tll(~rcf0l~e ;\‘c’tllc SOIISof Ja(~01> Of tllC \~ildcrncss.“--JIill. 1 : 2, 3.
1laVC IlOt I343211 Uttcl*I~ ~011!~U111~d. ” Cod fOITlillC\V tllC ’ The la\v 0f Clod is csplicit a11d IIC\‘VI* cljilll~~s ; iljltl
clsss of pciwns that moulcl rcccivc his favor; and, of roiicclnili: tllC fail Irful illltl tllC Wi~liCtl hc W!x: “‘l’llc
course, hc coultl hnvc fOlY!!iIlO\\ll tllc individuals, hut Lord pr’ewrwtl~ all tlrcw tllill low him ; but all the
that hc does not. rrC is 110 rwpcrtor of persons. Iris WiCliCd will hCAdC\tl’Oy.” (1%. 145: 20) \Vhrn his IJU~-
purlmw as exprwscd is to rcswvc for himself a rem- pow is accomldislwd, Jcl~ovah will hn~c a cl(a:~n uni-
nant in vindication of his Jlanle. The “sons of c~acol~” verse and cwry living crcaturc shall IJC on hi< sitlc
that are “UOt COIlSUlilCd” are those of the remnant, as sin$n!: his lJraiS5. (1%. 150: 6) Mel who start to fol-
this scripture is applied at the end of tlic world, wlicrc low in tlw footsteps of Jcvur should lrcq> God’s u11-
WC now are. cliangyalJlc lam in mind. It iL: inipossil)lc! for a Ill;111
8 Why are thcsc SOILS of Jacob not consumed 9 ‘l’hcy to cant inue to Walli in the right way ui~!css 11~Pccds
ham been tcstccl by the fire of the peat Rcfincr and his nlind upoIl lhc precious spiritual food which Jcho-
haic come through the fire bcrauio of their faith and vah lxs supplied.
faithfulncns, and the maintaining of their intqrity ETlw faithful apostles of tlw Lord Jcsur; Christ,
toward Jchorall. Thay buildcd upon the correct fonu- were consiclc~cd the fathers of those who came after-
dation, Christ Jesus, “and him crucified,” and when wwds into the cllurch. (2 I’ct. 3: 4 ; 1 Jo1111 3: 13)
the fire hUnWd a\vay the ‘hy, WOOd aId StUbblC’, Kot that they slioultl be addrcssccl as “ fittlwr”, I jut
these rejoiced thnt they are on the JIorcl’s side, and tllC2 Lord had USed tlicm to pnhlicly >l(~lin01:lt~l;:c
continue to stand firmly on the wcrlasting Founda- others coming into his organimtion and thus it ci111

he Scripturally said that such sons of God were thus the fear of men, which leads into lhe snare of the
hcgottcn by the apos~lcs. As Paul states it: “I write Devil, and which fear is emplo)-wl by the Devil to
uot these things to shame you, but as my heloved sons entrap the fearful ones. (Prov. 23: 23) Turn array
I warn you. For though ye have ten thousand in- from idolaters or relationship with the Devil’s org;tlii-
structors in Chxist, yet have ye not many fathers; zation and refUSe to ComprOmiSe with or have anythg
for in Chrisb Jesus I have bccgotten you through the to do with that wicked thing,
gospel.“- 1 Car. 4: l&15. @An example in times of old was that of the Ilk41
‘Shortly after the death of the faithful apostles priest I’;liushih and the Ammonite Tobiah. (Nch.
there hrgan a falling away from the faith. Some de- 13: 4-S) Jehovah ha5 left the way open to return IT-
parting from the Lord began to murmur and find fault fore one has goiic the limit, that is, lJrOvi&d Sllc!i OllC

with the Lord’s cstahlishcd way in the church and his dGrcs in sincerity to 1x2in harmony with God. Say<
service. Thcsc ohjwtors murmured against the way it the T,ord : “Return unto me, and I xi11 return u11to
was done, because it does not hotter men. From that dny YOU, ” tllilt is t0 Say, “With mcrcics,” SllCh klS l1e (5
to this thcrc 11avc l~ccn w!GTh, ambitious Ones nmonK:st pressed by his pWlJ!lCt %cchariah.-1 : lti.
those who have claimctl tu Ire c~onsccrat~d to the lo It stems, howcvcr, tllilt few of those WI10 sinrt iI
Ilord, and thcso have hccn fauitfindcrs and murmurers. the wro11g way are cwr rccovcrccl. \\‘licn oIiv, 114
They have clisrc~~~l;~rtlcdthe c.oinln;lntlmcllt of Jehovah, try selfish amhitiolt, starts in the ivrong way, 1~: IN!-
the great E’attic*r and I4ifc-zivcr, and the iii\truclion of e0nlC.StJ!hd to the fact fll3t he iS gOlllg WIltl~:lI~~ lU
their mother, ~.Iocl‘s or:,lniz:il iou. (I’rov. 6 : 20) Thcby Cod’s way. llc lt;rs 110 un&rst:iudirrg of his i~~lii11~,11-
thcrcforc tiavc tlic same spirit as of those who wrc ship to the Lord. Ilc 111;1y wl1c~111cntly C’SI)L’V>S to otl~c~~ ;
unfaithful iI1 tlw day of Jews and ttrc ;l!~ostlrs. II1 the ncec.ssIty of undcr~tantlifi:: or 0T get Iill:: utl(l!,r-
the days of the al~o5tlcs surh mm, who clairnttd to IJC st:kntlilix, hut, in truth ;l11(1in I'ilCt llc has 110 1II1:l(r-
in the truth, l’ii~tl dcr;cribcs in tliwe words: “And slantli11~, within tlw mwiinl: of ttlc* Srlil)trlrc9. ‘. I IL-
their wvord n ill c,;it as cloth a canlxr: of wllorll is 1 Iy- dcrst;~ndin~” IIIC,11lS to klIO\V i111cl nl,l,Iwi:ttc t!w
mcn:r:us and J’l~ilotas ; who c40iwrnitl~ t hc trut II ham cw;~turc’s ~~ro~wr rclalionship to t II(: gwat Cr(al~.r,
end, .sa,viti?: t list the rtmrrwl ioI1 is It:14 ;~lrc:itly ; illldhis l)rivilq:c all11 cltlty to wall; lluulhly \vitli 1111*
a?ld ~JvCrthlTJUIl t!lC faith Of SIJIIIC.” (I! ‘fini. 2: 1’1, 18) 110~1 (;od. nw;:Hill!,’ Ill:it !I($ muht 1~ \v!lo!!y o!~cdi II~
Those mr11 wl*t: ::i\ (‘11 OVCI’ to v:1i11 IJ;I~J~J~~II~ ~11d in- to (;wl’s \Yord, ;ui(l It;lvc no sclfislr dcsirc: to ;I(~I~II-
sistcd on 1lil\ ii);; I tteir own v*lli ;I1 ux).. Ttwl~c t1:1vc IJ!i4!1 Ilki owl !~l~rtJW-f’, !lfJ\\cvCr WkC he Ill:ly thillk !l:lil-
C\‘CI’ 1,: \ lt SW!l ~lIll~Jll~~;l th0.W Will, :lI’C COIlW’lXtCf~ tO hc~ll’ to Ie. (311~. fi: S) ‘I’iie Jsracslitw ~110 li:1(1 l.il!l.rt
the Lord. Ttir Scriptuws clwrly i~sl~w,s that the il\iiQ’ flVJIl1 thC !dJltl flllt! t!lc’ir ~‘~J!llltfsl’J~:lI’t III t!llS a! 1”
eoml~lainc~rs alltl fiillttfilltl~~l15 IlaVc ‘ ficbllo ;l\v;ly from in ttx l~~~o~cwci followw OC Cl11,ist J~wv, l)ltt \‘,IIo
the 01*~in;111r%~s’ Of (:od ill141 h~01llC !hc C~li~dI~cw of th IlOt WC aId ;l~J]~lTci~ltP t!lC IJl’VjN’r l~~~!:ltl~tll~!llll tr!’
their fafhcr tiio Ikvil. Jcwtr h[WliC to huvll niw in hi5 ttlt’ Cl’l!:ltW’C t0 th (:I’c%!tol’; t!lCl’Cl’Oi*C t!lWX I-I’;l(‘/Itl+
day in thcsc wortls: “ \\‘hc*wI’orc gc he Gt ti~w~s unto hllid tlJ t !lC hJ1’d : “\Yhc:rcin s!i:tll ue rvtwri !” 1 l,:rt
~ourw1vcs, 11~11 ye arc the rhiltlrc~~ of lllrw which C!UC’StiWl WS IlOt !Jl’~J!JOll~lt!~!t! !Jy t fl~ll tcJ :lSCY’I !,ll:l
kitlcd 1he pWl)lwtc. 1411 ye Up then tllc ITlC’il~lllT? Of nhvwi11 tl1cir sins lay or iii wlialt 1ifw silts vclll~i,~tt.c!.
your fathers. Yc scPpCnt4, yc ~:cllClxliO~l of VilJCIS! l’llc same is tlllc Of I~IOSC.? ~Olh1S W!lgJ
!OO!i U!IIJII t I~c~.II-
how can ye cw:l!~C lh tknnnalion of licll?” (Jlatt. sclvcs 2s !)ciiig in the riglIt w:ly hltt I\ ho ill’<’ llot. SIIc 11
23: 3133) (:Od &lCS IKJt IlldX hk IX!% for CCl’tiIill inCi1 thin!; of theiri~clv~~ nlow lii+ly tl~ali tlrly olizlit 14,
and c’seludc otlwrs, hut his rules al~ply to all alike. think llltl regartl tllC!~~lSc~lVCS i\S fdllltl(~::i illld t~l:llll~~l~~i~,
The qiicst ion is wlwthcr t hc urc;lturc will Ink:: liim- ttUI!frltT tklt dllby lK!bc IlOt dC!J~lrt(V~ i’l’oln t!lC l.lb13!
self withi the prcscrihd rulr of the Ilord. alld t1is Oldi~lilIlCc5. For 1ht l’vlsoll t!lriC uril’:~illli’ril
* Some willfully turn away from God :IM~ l1is ordi- ones rcwnt lwiug lold that they ilr(’ out of’ tl~c \\ ;I! .
nanc’cs, while ot IICE are infiuenved or willfully hc- Mtcr their attctnt ion is c,illcd to tllelr dcllectio~i t /I( J
come indi~crcnt concrrniug llwir O!Jli~:lti!.UlS, 311d also become angry \vitti those who trll t!lc%t; axid t!iis dlO\\s
turn away from the 1,ord. To such (:o~l S:I.VS IJ~ his that thy arc wry wlrrisc. ‘I Jlc that rcpl’f~vc’lli ii
prophet : “J’:VCII from the days of your fathers yc woriwr gcttcth to himself s!lalllc; ;111dllc tll:lt lY~1lllli-
are gone away from mine or(linanccs, and have ilol cth a I\ iC+liCXlman gcttetll himwlf a blot. (iit c iiiil! uc-
kept thrm. I:cturn unto me, and I will rrtuw unto tion to a wixc man, a11cl he will 1~ yet xiwr: 1~~11 2
you, saiG the Lord of hosts. Rut yc said, \Yltcrcin just man, and lie xi11 incrcese in icanrnillq. The i(s,ir
shall we r’~\fu~‘n?” (Nnl. 3:7) ‘I’hc invitation is twe of tlic Ilord is the hqinning of n i(;d!,rn : at14 tlic l;no:, l-
h&J ollt to tllcJsc Who llavc? StilI?Cd in the \vVOI1: \Wy edge of the !vJ!y iu IlIitle1~~talltlillg. ” (l’rov. !) : 7, !), 10)
to return to the I,ord, that is, to lurn away Irom in- Clw~ly here tllc SvriIJturcs lay do\rn tl~c ~11~ tilt11 trl’c

diffcrcncc and ncqlcct and turn wholly to the interests ~1~0 clues ilOt fear Cod, within tl1c ~~I~iptIuxl Inc.1111~1::
of the kingdom and the vindication of Jehovah ‘Y n:wx of that few, is nut wi:iP, and in 01 d( to fov Iiim In i( t
and to r;rt wholly and complcl(~ly on the l,ord’s side. understanding hc must lin\ c a Irno~ lcll$c of tllc 1It,‘l7
Shuu wr~ligful iuflucucc of niCl1 and turn away from (h! Lllld l1iS o\\-n prrJlN’r D.!!:lticJIl to !!I(: JrOst I:i::!l.

I1 Jehovah then replica; to the impertinent question this purpose the people were required to pay tilhcs
propounded by the unfaithful who still rqaril them- and bring their oficrings.-Lkut. 12 : 19; 14: 27-29.
selves without blame, and to sue11Jchorah says : “ \‘iiil I* In the davs
. of Schemiah there seems to hare ]JI!C!J
a man rob God ]Will a son of earth defraud (:od? a miniature fulfillment of this part of’ 3Ialachi’s propfi-
(Eotll.) ] P Tct yc have robbed me. Uut ye say, Whcre- ccy. The Jsrdclitcs had failed to do their duty ZY corn--
in have we robbed thee? In tithes and oftcrin:,5.” man&d, and Scbcmiah forcibly rcmiudccl ihtm of it.
(&I. 3: 8) Tflc unfaithful and hypocritical claim “And I pcrcciwd that the portions of the Lcvitcs
that they arc on God’s side and wish io give God all had not been given them : for the Lcvites and the sing-
tint is due him from them, and thercforc that they ers that did the work wrc flr>d every one to his ficld
would never even think of robbing or defrauding the 1because of hlcli of support of the temple scrvicc].
Lord. As to the honesty and sincerity of those who Then contcndcd J \vitlI the rulers, and said, \\‘hy ir
thus claim, the Lord is the Judge. IIc lrnows the mo- tflc housc of God ffJlXl!iCJl [when there is much WOIk,
tive that prompts the action of all. The Lord an~wrs why 110 laborers?] ? ,iIId 1 ~athercd them tog’cthcr,
the question liimwf1 : “‘J’ct ye hilVC robbctl me.” lEO\V aid set t&m in their l)lacc [at the temple]. ?‘licJl

is such a Ifling possible, since Clod is in httavcn and brought all Judah the tithe of the corn, and the IICW
the robbers arc on tf~c earth 9 Tflc: Lord Jcho~~h has wine, ;Jnd the oil, uJlto the trcnsurics [ (I,LUI~ZTI)

ewtnin interests on tfic earth, and partirulwly sinec StWCllOWYCS]* Ant1 I m;rtlc trcasurcrs over the trcns-
3914, when lie scJJt Ewth his King to rule, :lJid Since urics, Sfielcmiah the f,rlc5f, ilIld LIdOk tllC scribe ; atld
191rj, wltcn hc began to scparatc the true from the Of tllC lAci:ilcs, 1’C’Ci~llilll ; iltld !lCXt t0 IllWl \KlY IIallilIl

false, and when lit committed ill1 thcsc carthly inlrr- tllc? son Of ZilCc’lII’, tllC hot1 Of JILli t:lIlii~fl; for tllCy \YCl’O

csts of the ltin~(lom to !he faitfil’lrl :lJld di3irzIlatco such rountcd faithful ; and their oflice was to tlislrIbutc
as lftc “f’nitflfGf and wise wrvant” cfahs. All who arc unto their lmthrcn. I~cm3rIlJcr Inc, 0 my God, coil-
ill t11c rovCIl:lllt ~;itli Go11 arc olrli~:ntc‘d to coJltrilJlitc CCrJliJly this, al‘.11 wipe Ilot oUt my gootl tlcl!tls tIlilt 1
s:oJJlCtlliIJg tOwild tllc adV~llCl!Jll~~Jlt atId growth of Ihc have do~lc for the how.~~ OC my clod, and for lhc of&w
liin:~dwn, ~JWilUSC 1111 tflcLy tl:lVC bcfOlljiS t.0 tflC I~OIYI, t11crcor. “- Sell. 13 : 10-3-k.
ad tfwsc km&m inlc~ix%ts 011 tl~c earth must have I3 The ni:ijor fulfillnrcnl of the ~~i~c~~~liccyis duritr,:
attc~lltioll in lllc Il:tInc Of tllc I,ord. l’hl! Oljligi11 ioll Of
sucft is to i~UoCiIf ly safcgar~l th(w IiilJq:tlOlll iiitc>rcsts
IJd t0 lOOh Wdl t0 th ~WJfOJWl:l~~c~t~ Of thCiJ’ lJ\Vt1 dlJt;PS
t(JWll (1 Sdl kill:ChJIl illf(!IY!‘dS. 7’0 IJC [Jh:JSiJlf; i0 tlJc
hOId th2y mllSt flC \Vhlly th3~Jl’Jl’htlk!, t!OiH~ :lWJJ~dlll~
to (;CJd’S law. II1 ~~lf’-jlJstifi~;ltioJl ~~l0.W Ol’ littIc llildcr-
stnndlng, ur1tl who are SlllJI$ Of \\istloJll, MS’ to ~:ocl:
“ \VfmcilI Iia~c we ~x~l~ltctl thcr?” ‘Ylrc v;ise man
\vould lJC cmsiousbe t;lLIgIIt, in OCR ‘ht 11~ riiigllt
wall; in tfic rigfIt \Y;I~, ilistcatl of 1i*>in:: to jwt 11’3’ his I4 l’o Ihosc WhO fail and rei’usc to 11~1 Jchu~ a!~‘$
c0111’sc. Ilc WJUIC~ with gwit liumilily antI wit J*iIcJlc.:n reproof IIC 3~ s : “YC LJl’C CUIYCCI \Villl il CLlI’S~; for )‘C
of hwrt ask 1Iic Ilord to Icad him in lhc ways cwrl;14- have Iul~lJetl IW, CVCII this wl~ole Ilil~iOJl.” (.11;11. 3 : !I)
ing for his namC’s WliC and lo lwctl him th.? trutli. ,SuclI is ;I solcn~n and emphatic dcc~l:!txtion 1)s Jclw
But those who have hcltl to rclicious formalism and vuh Of 1he iJnpcJiding tlcstluctioJJ of tllc wjvctcd 01~ s;
attoldcd mc~tinp and listcntxl to discourses mc~rcly and such dcvlaration Got1 now xcluirw f1is wi~~lc~+cs
to appear riqfit, and who iiavc ch~votcd thcms<~lvcs to tO nlnliC 01’ rcl~cnt in his nnmc that otllc~l% mi~:lil. llwt~.
nhat is called “~lisrn~t~r dc~cfopmc~it” and wlio flaw! ~~‘Oillll’l~ t0 f;lidlfUlly sU[)pOrt t!lC! 1’;lij:lil ~Vl,Jdi lllltll tile
iJtilulgcd in sanctimonious practices, arc in fart blind Clld ~hCIYwi in 1’31s, aJld fCZll’ IlOw C:lUSiIlg l’ili]UJ’C 01
to tlio real rondit ion in which tlqv arc. To the in(juiry rc~Us;ll to XiU! \\hOlt~llWrtCdly OIlC’s SU!ll)OJ’~ to the
nlittltt by such lflc Lord tells them that they 11:1ve EliSllil \!‘01’k, C?nllbC’S the CLl1’sC to fall ul)orJ thc’ln. (.!l;ll.
robbed him “in iithcs and of;erings”. The Jsraclitcs 4: 6) ,\I1 “Chrj~t~ndOm”
5, and the “elii s(~w:~tIt”
had to pay titftcs at Jcrusalcm. (Lcv. 27: X-3?) class, tllc ‘Lmaii Of sin”, ant1 lhc “clwtive cltlcrs”
Abraham paid titftcs to the king ~Ielchizctlel~, the that do not reform, seem clearly to bc inclnclccl within
primt of the Jlost Ili~h God, :w.l did so as unto God. this dcc1aration of the Lord. Such have given 110 ~1).
(Gcn. It: 1820) AI true child of AI)Pilllam, like the port to tfw kingdom intcrwts which ~J~llo~i~ll’s wit-
filifhfd ~~bI’~~lill~l, \vill rcndcr UlJtO (:Od nlld llIlt0 llis Nissan have fxen serving and arc now serving, but, 011
King, Christ Jesus, that which i, sym1IOlizcd by the tfw coJitrary, have bccrl and arc doing cvwythill;:
tithes. ((ien. 28: X-22) 15\cn lhc Lcvitcs who had posuiblc to &fraud, to mixl*rprcsrnt, to interfere \\ it!i,
no inhcritnncc in the land, and who received tithrs of to IJaJiiler ;lJld ~JJ’CWJlt the kingdom \VOIk ThrPx
the ~~coplc, paid tithes to God’s high priest. (X~lnt. objectors or o],l)oscrs give no glory to C:nd and (‘ht’ist
18: 24-30) This they did for fhr maintennncc of the Jc;us, noI’ do Ihcy interwt thcmsclves in the \ i~ul~cn-
lcmplc and those who served at the tcmplc, and for tiOII of JehO~ah’s name. Their Intcrcjt is iii tllcu-
N. Y.

scIvcs, and, as stated by the apostle, ‘t.hcir belly is service, and they do this by putting forth their best,
their god’ and they arc rejected of the Lord. (Rom. endeavors to publish the kingdom message. They IZIJI~
16: 18; 1’1111.3: 19) Jehovah gave warning to Israel the full measure of their tithes into the storehouse of
by the mouth of his prophets, and now he gives warn- the Lord, and these follow the admonition of tile
ing by causing attention to the prophecy of these psalmist, to “give unto the Lord the glory due unto
things to 1JCcalled by his witnesses: “If ye will not his name: bring an of7ering, and come into his c*owts.
hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory 0 worship the Lord in the beauty of tlo~incss: fcar
unto my name, saith lhc Lord of hosts, I will even before him, all the earth”.-1’s. 96: 8, 9.
send a CUTSCupon you, and I will curse your blessings ; Is The “storehouse” of the Lord iq his trcasurcr’s
yea, I have cursed them already, bccausc ye do not house. (Xeh. 13: 12,13) That storehouse wac; the
lay it to heart.“--32al. 2: 2. Lord’s temple at Jcrusalcm, which forcshadowd
l5 The curse that, fell upon natural Israel was that God’s temple of his great organization. The titl1c.s
the fruits of their ground wcrc destroyed hy hail, wcrc for the upkeep of the trmplc work. ‘I’lww lithcs
drought and insects. (Hag. 1: 11; 2: 17 ; Joel 2 : 25) were brought in that ‘there might be meat in m11w
The fruit dropped from the vines before maturity, house’, not for Jehovah to cat, but for his active S’I’V-
and thus the l~cople failctl to rcccivc Cod’s hlcssing. Glib cng:igcd in thC! klIII)lc W0rk. kh nO\V th(J’w WI10
(Ma]. 3: 11) This foreshadows what bcfallq those at bring their full mcasurc of scrvicc unto the Lor~l do
the end of tkc world who arc in a covenant to do God’s not profit the Lord in any way, hut this aii’onls them
will but who depart thcrcfrom. an opportunity to prow their dc5wtion nn~l m;liIlf;liti
lo Jehovah tlicn shows tlic O~JligatiOIi laid upon those their integrity and share in the vindieatiw ol’ ,Jcl~o-
who have matlc a covenant to do his will, alld that vah ‘s rumc. “Prow me now hcrcwitli, saith Ihc 1,ord
obligalion is that they must support his liilil_r(lom in- of 1lOhfY.” And how? I!5y provin:: t Imt, WC know that
terests. The Israelites had !JCX!n defrauding (:od by Cod is IicPpitlg his side of the covcwint as lit ]Jiwmisc tl.
bringing only a portion of their rcquircd tithes unlo It is shoning or proving filitll by works. Suckleis viol.
the Lord. ‘l’hcy had thought to deceive Goal, and to tempting God, but it is ohcyin, 1’ his comriiati(lln(~tlls.
them hc said : “Cur~cd IJC the dcccivcr, whith halh Snith the 1,oId: “J’I’OVC nlc . . . if I WI1 Ilot O[“‘Jl
in his flOCk a male, and vow+lt, and sacrificcth unto yoii the windows [ (IlolA.) sluice% of J licawti, am1 pIJIll
the Ilord a corrupt thing.” (nlal. 1 : 14) Therefore the you out a ~JlCSSiIl:r.” TllUs the l,o1~1 Fives ;I’ SUJ’illI(‘C
1,ord God s:lid to those who \vcre in line for his favor, that those who liecd his c~omn~;itiditic~~ts an(l tlt*vtil(~
and tie s;lp t.0 ~ilosc now wiltr arc in IiJlc for tlis favor: thcmsrlvcs wholly to him hc will sciid tlowti~~oiii~s of
“13riug yc all the tithrs into the storchousc, that thcrc rains of trut 11sand wl’wsl~inq slio~v~~rsof clew oi ,jo!.,
may bc mcnt in mine hour, :lJld prom nx IIO\V hCrC- arid k!rWi~h give S~IW~~h 10 Ilk Ilc’Ol)lC’, kJ IJr! r’Ol-
with, sail11 the ilord of hosts, if 1 will not opcii you the low4 IJY an nbund:int crop of fruits from him. ‘l’lirw
windows of hc;~~cn, and poUr you out a bIw\inl;r, that ncrc tlic proniiscs m:idc to llic ~x~~~~lc at ttic m:l!;itlc
krC Shilll mJt lx! room crloligh to rcccivc it." (Jld. of tlic cowlant of f;~ithfrdncss iti .\loab, alid this few-
3 : 10) III this day Jcl~omi~ hs bl~wxl his people ns sli:~clons tiic great blessing that clcsccUctu U[,011 tllc
never before with an abmitlarirc of truth of and con- faithful OJlW IlOW iti his COVCllilJlt fCJr t11c Itingdotn.
cerning himself and his irin::dom. The fruits given -IkUl. 11: 33-15; 33: 13,2s.
them by tlic I,ord are ~~lcnlco~is, and these fruits con- lo That abundant blessings do follow from Cod ulwi
sist of the abunduncc of rcwalcd truth concerning tll0Sc Who ilrC faillifnl to him ltc says: “‘1’li:tl tllvlc
himsrlf and his kingdom. V’hilc Ihcw truths arc gir en shall not bc room enough to rcceivc it”; “lulli tltc~w
to them for their own CCnifort and tiopr, they arc not lx? 110 room” (ISdIL) ; “UJltil it bC IllOl’c) f!l:lll (.llOUqil.”
to he sclfX~ly cnjoycd lo the csclusion of others. Thcsc (he.w?‘) hi the year 1919 tllc I~0rtl CaUSd Ilk 1,(‘lJ[l11!
fruits arc given to his l~eo~~lcthat they may lwar Ilwm to diligwtly en,q;lgc in the TVOl’li of hi3 tcInplc. Tllcl I:
to others and call attention of others thcrcto and thcla- was much opportu~iity for scrvicc, and lliat o~~[JoI*-
by “comfort all that mourn” and that hun:;cr and tunity has continurd from then ii11 now. 1Tl)on 111114:
lhirst for that which is righteous. who hay-e conCnucd faithfully serving Clod and i:is
l7 Those who have been cnli~htencd by the truth King hc has showrcd numerous blcs4nqs. 1’1~~:
must, aclrno~~lcd~c Jcllov;~h as the Civcr, aJlt1 do this haw come down from hcnvcn great downpours or t*;11!i
by bearing these fruits of his kingdom before otlwrs of Iruth, in this, that God has unfolded to his ~~rol)lc
who arc srcking the truth. This was forc&ndo~ved 1,)’ his prophccics and has given to Chrm such a marwIuIls
the command concerning the LcvitcS, the slranger, and supply that they sin? with joy, and say : ’ IIow wc,ncler-
the fa~hwlcss and the widow. (I)cut. 1-g: 22-29) All ful! this is the Lord’s doing, and mn~~vc~lousin 0111
those who arc fully devoted to God and his Kin:: have eyes, and we will greatly rejoice thrrcin.’ In tllat
this for tlwir slogan : “The work of Jehovah God and titnc the Lord has cnuscd printing: prcsscs and facto14cs
his kingdom must go on; therefore WCarc at all limes to be cotistructcd n1~1niaiiy machines put. lo work, and
for Jcl~ornl~ and for his 1’indicator.” Sue11 faithl’ul tmlnp men qualified to man these machitics, and t@
ones appreciate tbe privilege of supporting the temple fill these places and other places in his scwicc. UC
has given them many separate picccs of literature and and that Such have tried to prevent
shortly. the rem-
books containing his message to carry to the peoI~le nallt from the nlcssage of the liiIlgdr~Jl1 to
at their homes and to bring comfort to those who seek those of good will and have bitterly o~~yo%!d aud
rigttteousncss. Added to these privilcgcs the Lord has sought the destruction of Jcllorah’s WitlJeSseS. In lhis
given his blessing by causing his message to be pro- they have ~JceJi acting as the agcnls of Salan, that old
claimed by radio, transcription machines, portable Uragon, who is the chief devourer. IIe sends furl 11111s
phonographs, sound cars, fully c<pGpped, and hoq uwd earthly rcprcscntnt ives, tIJC seed of his woman, in t11~
t,hese and incrcascd the opportwity to witness before altempt to devour the seed of God’s woman, whic:!J ii;
the rulers as well as bcforc the common people. The JIi5 remnant, and this hc dots because the rcriln2nt
anointed have shared in tlwse IAcssings togcthcr, and obey the conm~andmcnts of the Ilord Jel~ovul~ and
surely they learn that ‘there is lmt room enough for IJave the trstimony of lJcsus Ctlrist. (Rev. 12 : 17) ~o:v
them to enjoy all tllese blcssiwg and carry the mes- tile Roman Catholic IIicrarchy, llie “evil servant ”
sage to cveryonc even as they desire. They have had class, and the elcctivc, dkrunt1ed comglaincrs, ;:I1
great joy and colltinuc to rejoice much iii carryitlg the 1\o*k to the sanic I~llrpo~2 a~aitlst the faithful rcmnal!l,
mcssagc to the “other sheep”, or Jonndabs, and by who arc Jehovah’s witncsscs in lllc earth. TO glrc tllc
notifying the lallcr to participate and do scrvicc in Pditlll’uI aWJrancC :lJld W~JllfcJrt the LOJVI says t0 thc’lli :
bearing thcsc fruits Of the ~iiIl$om to OthC8J’S who arc ‘I Mill the devourer for you.’ This hc dot i lx&-
llLin~;ry for the trutll. All this they hnvc done to lhc wuw tllc devourer d(!filJllcs Jehovah ‘S Jlamc, and t\ IIIIC
t3 of Jchovall (.k~d, and IOOhlg to the \ iiidicatton Ilk wltnw:c:; m:pnify his name l1rc.y are \\holly wI;IIJ!i:
of his holy ndmc, They joyfully rcmcmbcr the com- of ttl~~Ill:;d\ CS to VCJlJCWith t hC CXlC’llly. “~illd thC! 1AJ1.*1
Jll~lllhJlClJt Of tile Lord : “~~O:lOUl- tlJC! I,Ord With thy said unlo Salan, ‘1’11~ I,OJY~ r~~lJL11ccIlJcc, 0 Sal:111 ; c\(‘:l
substanrc, and wit11 tllc firslfruils of ill1 lllinc illcrcasc : iIlC I,Ord lIl;lt II:11 11 (‘Il~l’XlJ c~fTll\~lIC!lll K!IJUli(? tIlPC : Ji
so Sililll 1115’ b:lrils IH: filled \\ it11 picnt,v, alld tily IJJ’CSSCS lid this [lily l’~~Jllll;lJl~] a t~l.;llJd ]~Illcakcd Olit Of’ tile
shall burst out Kill1 new nine. ” (l’rov. 3 : 9, 10) They fire?” (%ccIl. 3: 2) “I!C IJC vi;$]:lllt
Sh’r, ; lJC(‘;lll:.I
liarc in&cd rc:ilizcd thc5c bl~4tig.9 protniscd. YOUt iltl\t’!‘\tit’y thC! devil, i1S ii I’O;ll’ill!~ iiotl, \\;l!k(‘Iil
tfr “C(lJrisl~lidol~l” and tlic “o!d men” that “dream illjCllll, SccliiIlr: \\.JlotJl IlC tll:lv dc~vollr.” (1 l’c!t. ,i: S)
tlrcanls’ ’ MJUt tIlC hhl tiltit ~‘lC!lOVdl IlaS :I pl;O~JlC ill IYll(!Il OllC bcr:r111cs pLlC1 rltlfl l)(C!4 fill Dlld docks
ilw c:lrth 1rIioJll hc lm IllCW’d to SUCIl il c,rrcnt extc11t. dc>[‘itc lo (.~oci’s ~~lIJIJl:lJl~lll~~Il~~ III! I~~c~onles :I [);lJ’i of
Otlws, who arc ambitiow lo hltiitc bcforc m(‘n, \:ollld S:tl:~n’s c1owI, ant1 conccrlliil:: s~wh tllc 1~~1~11:,:~y:,:
]JUt ;1 SCO~c’ll IJIOCIC Illl~lL’r IIlP \VIlWl1 Of lllC CllilYiut Of “‘L‘llOll I!:lSt I’CIJlIiil’<I r IlC IlJ’OlltI tllilt ill’C VllJ’Y(‘(I, \‘,llitiYll
lhc I,ortl; antI yet in tlw faw of all surly 11~: faitlkful do err from thy ~u~II~I~~~~~~IIII~I~~~.“-I’:~.
113: 21.
r11:lrdl joyfUllY CJtl, bSiI12ill!: iIw Jjl’ili’W3 Of the Ilost
If izh and of iii3 ltiuqlom, alIf1 their blo:~;iliq continue
to Iw multil)lkd. i\ntl iicw Iw fiivc’s !li~in tlic oplwr-
illnity t0 IO& IJ;l(‘It <)\‘(‘I’ SOlll~’ Of tllf.? \i’ily t]lCp IMVC
I ome ad t9.1~what wotidwl’ul provisions and l)lcwings
Ck)cl has made for them, and this incrcascs tlic joy of
the failllful.
21 Jchowh tlwn speaks to lhc rcmnallt words of cn-
couruqcmwt aud cotnfort in Ihis : “ iZnd I 11ill rcbulrc
1 Tut dovourcr for your wltcs [ ‘i’hcn will I rel~idrc for
YOU tIlC dCVOUl’tr (l;O/h.)], Zllld IlC SIlilII JlOt dI?StlWy
ibc fruits of your ground ; noitlicr shall your vine cast
her fruit bcforc the time in the field, saith the Lord
of hosts.” (&I. 3: 11) The sanctuary hnvinff bwn
cleansed, the Lord makes a cltar distinction bctwcrn
the faithful and the unfaithful antity1Jical Jlcvitcs.
Both are considered in this ln-ophccy of Malachi, bc-
cause, iJSit is seen, the l~roplicc~- is deVOtCC1 to tllC illlti-
typical Lcvites. ISy clcansinq the sancluary Jchowll *.’ Jchovah ‘S remnant :10w bcnr bcforc ihc lJcoi,lc
has rebuked tile ‘~clcc~irc cldc~s” and “evil servant” tlic iruits of the Iringdom, which arc Ihc ‘friliis of

CliL% by hu5tling both out from him and sliov:ing thrm tllc ground of tllc, Lord ant1 his ~wople, and lllw
Up bv CaLlSing his trllth of awl cOllCeriiiIi~ thkwi to be sllitll 110t IJe spoiled by the cllc~n>-. (:CJ~ ~;IS cl~tr~~~~l
pulrl~shcd and made known. The rcligionists of “ Chris- it that ihc IJCOl>lC SlJ:lll hlJ- th! tl’llth, ilJltI 110 /W\c’l
tendom”, led by 1IN Roman Catholic Ilicwrchy and can succcssfnlly rcsibt him. 8;i~s the Ilord: “1cor the
claiming to lx rcprcscntativcs of God and Chrixt, are Y0d Cd’the 1;i&cd St1011not Nit LlJJOll tllC 10l. OF t 11~2
certain to rczciw the withering rebuke from the Lord, righteous; lest the righteous put forth their h:uxls
314 BF.OOIC1.VS, N. Y.

unto iniquity.” (Ps. 125: 3) “And as for you, 0 my them and injure the people. Instead of being a dis-
flock, thus saith the Lord (:od, IMold, I judge bctwecn couragemcnt to the remnant, the action of the cticury
cattle [of lambs and kids] a~ld cattle, between the brings joy to them, because they know that the day
rams and the he goats.” (Ezek. 34: li) Then ad- of deliverance Sor tl~emselvcs and for all people of
dressing his words to the biliy goats that oppose the good will is at hand. They therefore rejoice it1 the
faithful remnant and that attempt to prevent those reproaches that fall upon them for doing the will of
of good will from hearing the truth, the Lord sqs: God.
“Secmcth it a small thing unto you to haw eaten up OGThe earthly estate of Cod’s remnant, dclivcrcd
the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your and set fret: from Ihl~ylon, is the holy ground, t llat is,
feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk the ground tllat is wholly dcvotcd to the Lord, lwt~~
of the deep waters, but yc must foul the rcsiduc with the “holy land”. (%x11. 2: 12) On this ground J&o-
your feet ?“-Ezck. 34 : 18. vah causes his rain and his dew to dcsccnd, and God
*’ Those of the great multitude constitute the “other will not permit them to return unto him void, but tlwc
sheep” of, the Ilord’s flock, and the op1~~rs of Cod’s arc ccrtaiti to accomplihli his p1’IJose ; and thcf(Jre

kingdom would cause the ones of good will, who seek he says to the faithful remnant, ‘The cwmy shall nut
the way to Zion, to starve, and hcncc attcnlpt to spoil spoil the fruits of your ground, ncithcr shall yonr vitie
their food; and, contilluing, the Lord says to them: cast her fruit.’ Christ Jesus is tlic “true Yule”, of
“And as for my flock, they cat that which ye have which the remnant are the lxanchw, and by the grace
trodden wit 1, your feet ; and they drinli that which ye of (:od ttwsc will hear the fruits Ixf~rc the lw~~~ic in
have fouled \\itli your feet. Tlicrcforc, thus saith the accord with the will of the Lord. (John 15: 1-S) The
Lord Cod wt.0 tlicm, 1:chold I, cacti I, will judge bc- cold and cruel o1~prcssors, who swk to do injury to
tWXI1 tllC filt PilltIC Lltld tJl!t\V(!f211 the lcan CattIC. , . . God’s cause, shall not spoil that fruit nor caus:’ it to
Thcrcforc wvlll I save my fluck, and they sli:111no more willwr ad fall. Tilt rcmiiant v;ill iiot drop the IAIIY~‘S
bc a prey ; and I 1:ill jutlgc Iwtviccn cattle and cattlc.” fruit to the ground bccausc of fear of the rncwy. l’hq
--Ezck. 34 : I ‘J-Z?. coniilluc arld will continue to joyfully bsar that l’rult
*5 1’1~ fruits of tilt kingdom arc produced t)y the bcforc otliors in the fact of heavy winds of oplwlil toti,
power of Jehovah by his “~L’LIC vine”, Christ cJcsus. alit1 in doing so tlicy licar the cticourx::in~: NOIYIS of
Satan lrics to cut dowi: tlic production tlwrcof tml ttw Jlastor : “IIcwin is my E’attwr ::lorific~(l, tllat. > I’
eallsc tllc pcol)lc to starve. Jlc hin(lcrs in Cvcl’y Wily txs~r mwh fruit.” ”1 h(5C will IlOt C1’iISC until tilt \\‘()I k
possible ttic distribution of God’s true fruits of the has low :iccoml)listic~(l. “The time in tlic ficl~l,” m( II-
kingdom, alld 111 111sattempts to build up tlw rcliginus tionwl by tllc I)roIbllc4, is tlic lIot~d’s to fitiisli the woi I;,
factor of his wiclicd organization Satan “I~w~~Y tlic and hrI’orc hc dws finish it hc causes notice amI u:il’t~-
price” by causing Jcho\~ah’s witncsscs to IN charged ill% to IJC wrwl ii1wn ttic nation%, and ttw tic will
with misdcmcunors bccanxc uf indulging in “cotnmer- give the cotnm:~nd for tllc Ixlttlc to tw::iri. (Jlatt.
cial tlXlliC " without a liwnsc, and wrongfully causes 24: 31, 21) Jchovull will “wmovc tllc iniclulty” a~1
many of thcsc to bc fined alld thronn into I)rihon. The tlic inicluitous crowd from the cartll first t~s:lctl~~ 011
Roman Catllollc 1Iicr;lrctly CI~~)~O~Sits nliltlg LICWS- time and when hc gets good and m~dy.----%cr11. 3 : !!, 10.
~Nl~JCI’S to carry 011 il co11sta11t boml,nldtllc~lt Of prop- 27The pco~)lc of jiood will, who coiibtitutc tlw “otll~r
agaIldi1 aguiiist God’s pcol)lc in a wicked attcnipt to shccl)” of the Lord, ~11 SW and rejoice that the I,ord’s
destroy the l’tuits of tllc Itingdom, and they arc certain blcsbinfis arc upon his faithful rcninant. S;11;1n‘s \ is-
in (iod’s due tinic to fail con~l~lctclg. \L’licn that wicked iblc wed, the nut ions of “ Ctwistcndom “, ant1 1):1~ficw-
crowd gets control of the nlajor rndlo stations and lnrly the Roman Catlic~lic IIicrarclly, now c’ntw tlic
stops tlio truth from hcin, (* Inwadcast by such, then the remnant and pray to their g.od to curse those \vho ear;y
sound equipments, using transcriI)tiotl records and tbc nwssagc of Jehovah to the people. They collspirc
mactiincs, and pliot~ograplis, tlic Lord brings forth against the rrinnant and commit overt acts in the pcr-
aud uses tlwm. Many of the common pcol~lc cannot formance of that conspiracy against rile faithful pco-
afi’ord to llavc a radio, and therefore the ahove-mcn- 111~of Jehovah. (1%. 53: l-18) The Devil and all of
tiontd sound equipment, including the l~ortablc ptiono- his organization will meet tticir coml~letc dcfwt at
graph, is a real blessing and comfort to them and a Armageddon, and then all survivors ail1 IN glad alld
great joy to the remnant. The Roman Catholic Ilicr- rejoice that the witncsaes of Jehovah have l)r~~d
archy arc now fully convinced that they arc going to their integrity toward Jehovah and that the Lord ha5
gain complctc control of the world, and with arrogance, dclivcred and prewrvcd thaw who iovc’ him. And NJW
boasting and pride they ruthlessly and cruelly ride ccrning such the 1,ord says: “And all nations shall
rough-shod over the pcoplc. The action of that wicked call you blewed [ (R.V.; Zlofh.) 11:11q)y]: for ye shall
organization would frighten even Jehovah’s witncws, be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hostc;.” (?.1;11.
esccpt for the fact that tllcsc faithful Ollcs hilYe full 3: 12) To the anointed of Jcho~ah ~110 continue f,litii-
assurance from the Lord that hc will shortly dc~stroy ful in the service of God to the end, 11~MYA: *’ ;;Lit
the wicked organization that now attempts to spoil xc shall be named the priests of the 1~0~1; lncti &:lll

call you the ministers of our God: yc shall eat the ment, [that we should make our~clvcs offensive to the
h&es of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast mi$ity ones in ‘Christcndom’by declaring God’s judy-
yoursclvcs. . . * And their seed [the remnant of her mcnt, and the day of his vengeance] ?“-Mal. 2: 17.
SCCd(RN. 12 : 17) ] shall be lillOWll nmonx the Gentiles, a’ Those pretenders use words that are “strong
and their offspring amon iilc pcoplc;all that see them against me, saith the Lord”. (Lccscr) They have
shall acir~~owlcd~~ them, that they are the seed which brought great. reproach upon the name of Jehovah
lllC Lord hat ll blcsscd.“-Isa. 61: G, 9. and turned many persons away from the truth and
2613~ faith the remnant now see what provision against Cod, and have thus serwd the Devil and his
Jehovah has made for them and the others who love purpose. The sanctimonious frauds then ask of the
him and appreciate his loving-kindness toward them, Lord : “Whcrcin have we spoken against thee?”
and now they say : “1 will greatly rejoice in the Lord, (ic’.V.) They have spoken and continue to spialc
my soul shall bc joyful in my God; for he hatli [now] against the I,ord by spAin g against the publication
clothed me I\ it11 the garments of salvation [idcntificd of his Word conccrlling him and his kingdom, IJUII-
me among tllow saved and prwcrvcd by his grace], lishcd by the \Yntch Tower and carried to the pcoplc
hc hnth COVCi’C1tl mc with tlic robe of ri$itcousncss.” by Jehovah’s witnc,sscs and servanls. 13~ doin: vio-
(Isa. Gl: IO) To 111~faitliful rcninant the liord now lcncc to his niwbage, his Iiingdom and his witnww,
as:1vs * “k’or yc shall Ix a dcli~htsome land [a land of they do violcncc to tlrc Ilord himself.-Matt. 22 : 40, 45.
&li;si1t (f;dlc.)] ‘7; and tlic iw~0ii is, bccausc of “the 82Since the bcginniiig of judgment by tlie Idord 111
Elcwcngcr of’ tile CovCli:lllt, whom yc delight in”. 1918, and the Casting iISldl2 Of t]lC SClfiSh OIleS, tll(JSC
(Illal. 3: 1) The wise an(l the faithful arc with him diSa~~pr0vU.l OllCS \vCClJ illld wail and gllilSl1 their tcc*lll
at tlic tcinplc, c~tlll:litcncd by him, and he is directing Llg’ilillSt thC 011W \VhO S~Jrilk’ tile IlOrd ‘S IIlCSS;lyC ; Lllld
their course of ilCtiOl1. conccrnin:: tlwn .JC~IOIah hy l1is lJropl1ct says : “ j’c
23,Jchov:lh &:I igIlts in his remnant bccaux they arc have said, IL is rain to sc’rve (:od; and what ])rofit is
faithful in giviil:! obcdicucc to his con1m:1nd111ei1ts aid it that WC have kept his 0rdillilncc, and that w-e ha\ c
tlicwby slwwiltg tlicir low for him. It is to tlicsc that. \Vill!iCd mournfully before tllC I~OIYI Of llOStS?“---5Iili.
.Jc4rovah gins il “n~\v IIiLInc” ant1 ~13’s: “TIIOU shalt 3: 11.
110 mow 1~: t~rm~tl 1~‘01~;11:(.11 : ncilhcr ~11all tl1y liltId y3 l+om the iimc of the forward mowmcnt of’ .Jcl,o-
[condit ioii ] aliy nlorc! IN 1ornird lkw~latc ; but thou vali ‘s 1~itnCshw bcgiiiilin, cr in 1922, ul) to tlic l)r’cwsiit
shalt bc citllcd Ilcphzi-lxlll 1that is, 3ly dcligllt is 1x1 i.mic, lhc rast-out murmnrws have s:11(1,and colltinuc
lwr (wrnqill) J, and thy lnr~cl I3culuh 1(n~rrgnt) to say, in siil~.;t:incc : ‘ Jc1~ov:~l1’s wi tncsws have D
,\Inwicd] : for tlir l,or(l dcli:~lilcth in l,Iwc, and tliy wroli:: nicllictl and arc’ scrvillg Gd iii will ; tllcs>
lmd sl1all bc marrictl Ilo illC l,lJl’d, tl1e Ilcud of %I011 stlol~ltl tall< 1norc ahJut love a114 say not Iiing dJ(JUt tlrc
his 0rgaIliZiltiOll], “- Isa. ti2: 2-4; 2 Car. 31: 2. VCll;;cTlllCe Of (:otl il~::lillht \vOI’ldly Ol~~iUliz:1tiO1ls; illIf
‘” 1\I:lrli Ilow tlic grwt conir;!\L in the words of the I’Or US t0 SicI’VC (I’Otl ill tll:lt \Vily \~Ollltl nic’an 1ll:It \\c
Ilord SpOliCll to tlrc uiifaitlii’ul cro\\tl. llc says to them: arc scrvin: him in Villll, ~\hich wonltl h&ad to our ruitl ;
“ l’onr worcls Ii;ivc bceil stout a:;ainst mc, hnitli tlic iln(I wc will IlcJt do ii.’ Tlicy ignwc the commis9clll
Lord ; yCt YC Say, 11’llilt ll:lV(? WC SpOltCll SO lllllCl1 and c.ornmalltlniclit ~Jc~iov:~h glvc’s to his alloilltcd WI(T
:::;ainst tlicc?” (I:lnl. 3: 13) The ui:fnitlit’ul ones are dircctiilq tlicin to ‘dwlar~ tlic day of tlic vcli~w~~~~c
f1trtlicr addi~csscd by the I~ortl, and to them lie says: of our (:od’. ~‘hcy d0 llot SW that Jclroval1 has 011l)
“I IlilvC 110 ~~l~~:lslll~cin you, with tlic Ilord of 110515, ow v;ay of scrviiiq him truly and f;titlifully, and so
iicitlicr will I iIC?CIlt all 0l;‘willg at y0UP hand.” (51al. th!y SClJLllXtC thClllS~~~VW :llld O~j~JOS;c tilC OllCS \VtlO 110
3 : 10) SUCll uirfaithful 011CS
IliIVC [~r~tCndC(l 10 h for XCI’VC(;od in his appointed \~a~, ‘J’IIox o~)~)o~c‘IY i11 c
llic J,ord and Ilili'C cxliibitcd a “form of godliness” selfish, Iiavinl,* great “low of ii~olicy”, wlli(ali is the
but they ‘dcii,v tlic power tlicrcof’. (2 Tim. 3: 5) The “root of all evil”, that is to say, they huvc a schlfi4l
l.IllfilitllELll alld liyl~ocriticnl IlilVC been mcrc montliws dcsirc for gain to thcmselvcs, :!lltl for tlwm to IJOld!~
* “~i!ldj;111111icI’s” and have wearied tlic Lord wi!h clccl~rc the truth of God ‘8 \Vortl \\-onld not IJritty tlicm
Yicir fruitless spcecli. (;\lal. 2: 17) They draw near any sclfkill gain, as they sw it, and tlwwl’urc it iII)lbC~ll J
to the Ilord \\itli tlwir mouths, but have reniowd tlicir to them ‘in vain’. The “clwtivc clcl~~~s” lwrniit tl~c
Iiclarts far from him. (Jw. 29: 13) To them the Lord sclfisli spirit to control them, atid to tllcm Got1 S:IJs:
says : “Yc have wearied [me] with your woixls ; yet “Ye have said, . , . \\‘hlt [JVOfit iS it blat WC h~i?
ye say, Whcrcin have WC wcaricd [thee] 1 \Vlwn ye kept his oixlinancc [his charge (I/ofh.)], aml 111;i1w
5::,y, 14very one that doctli evil is good [because he I~:I\c \yalkcd mournfully before the Lord of hosts :“I
~wctcnds to be a Christian and is aswcintcd with s0i1lc Thus they show they have no rcnl faith and 110 slJir1t-
so-called ‘church’ or,rranization] in the sight of LIJC ual niidcrst:iil(ling or disccrnrnrnt and tlicy sw 110
Lord, and hc dcli~htrth in tlrcm [bccausc they sail profit to thenisclws in scrvin~ Cool as he has pivc11
under the banner or fing, to T\it, they attach his name commn1ldlnent. They SW now 110niorc~ O[Jpoi’tutil!~ t(t
;\-ct pursue their own selfish coill’sc of action contr:iry shine nmonpt men, 110 more iIdl1li1tir~l1, I10 niol’c (*4r:q-
to the Word of Clod] ; or, \\711cre is the Cod of judg- plimcnts. Their titles and worldly honor arc :~II:~Is,

and there is no more opportunity given them to staud and such was especially true in 1914. Many persons
in the pulpit and harangue others with their owl in- thus claiming to be in the truth were at that time, as
terpretation and expression of wisdom and to be ae- espreswd by them, “ready to be taken up,” and es-
kno~ledgcd as teachers and Icaders, and so they say: pectcd to be immediately transferred to heaven to help
“What is the USC?” Like one of such who recently rule the world. But. 1914 came and passed and they
said : “I cannot get ciioug+ out of l’lre Il’atchtou*er were still on the earth. The)- rc-examined t,he measure-
with which to IJrC1):lrO a dixourse for the brCthre11.” mcil?s of tile Egyl)tian pyramid and thereby fixed a
Manifestly he statccl his own situation, thus showing later date that they would be taken to heaven; and
he has no spiritual tlisecrnnwnt of what the Lord gives that date also havin,o passed they still found thcm-
to his pcoplc. Such persons, being moved by selfXi- sclvcs on cnrth. They had learned from their tcaclwr
ncss, haw ~vcrlookcd Jchowh’s Word spoken by his that the Gentile timw ended in 1914, and yet they sit\\*
angel to those who are conwratcd to (10 his will and the ‘wicked in “Christendom” set up and apparently
who arc in line for his kingdom: “llntl the angel of in great prosperity’, while they that had lwcn rcn~l\
the Lord protested unto Joshua, sa~iii~~:, ‘I’hus snith to go to heaven in 1914 UI’YC not yet &wificd. .1n(\
the Lord of hosts, If thou xtiit walk III my ways, and so they wrc disal)pointcd. In l!IlS the J,ord c’amc to
if thou lj ilt keep my charqc [my ordinance (ww,f~i~~)], his temple and his judg~cnt rcsultc4 in a division
then thou shalt also jutl:e n1.v house, and shalt alto being made hctwccn the sinccrc ones illld the insinwIe.
keep my. courts; and 1 will yive thw l~I:wcs to waIk OllC iGIrt Sl\V thC!ir prisilrq! Of ScrViIllf tilt! 1~01’(1 z111c1
among these that st;:n(l by.“--%ech. 3 : G, 7. rejoicrcl iu that l)rivilc:e and proudly lw:~~tod ill tlic
34Ikbforc nwii tlicw oppw.crs al)lwar wry setlatr, Lord I~ut Ilot in ilIly rrcaturc. Tllc others T;kilccl to 9~’
solemn and sanctimol~iouq, and so they say to thcm- any privilege of wrvicc, reiwwl to join thctl (bill, nricl
sclws and to others who will li\tw to thwl : “\\‘hnl saw tlicy vwrc iwing set n\i(lc l)y the T,ortl. alltl tli(a!r
profit is it that . . . wc hnw walked mournfully bc- erroneously spolic of the i’aitllful tlws, sayins:: “Suu
fort the Lord of Iio.;ts [ (COlk.) walked :rloomily ; that \VC PLlll 111(! l)IWUd tli!l)l)y.” Not, llO\iC\.Cr, tl1Zlt t’l?y
is to say, appcarinq in asfws of Wlf-ill)i!X!IIl~tlt to 1x2 lklicvcatl tllcw to Iw 11d1b1)y. I’,c~~a~isc lhcw com~~laii~crr5
6ccn of men ; in i ::i:wliiltf’ and sanctimonious WC&, alit1 d)siCC’tOrS Or YChCllkJlvi 0ll:“i lI:Ltl :ct ulJ tllc’ir (b\m
as the h\.~writi(~:ll clwwtl clnwribcd hy %Wllil~iilll in mrthorl 01 doill:: 111~ 140td’s woIk, iiHd vcrc c~n,j~~yirI!f
7: J-71 ?” ‘~hc~y arc l&c other lIyl)ocrilw &!Wri]J:d IJy WlIRt tlwy ciiliIllc~C1 to IJ(* “their lil)criy u l~r~rv\: il iI
the li(JlYl :I? ‘Or Sad C!D1irItcrl:IIlc’e Wld dkfigUPLd filrw, Cluht 11i;~l~r3 frw”, tlley tricy(l to IrlSlliC I Il(.lliv~l\.(‘S lhh-
to IN w1’11 ol m’u’, and thrw~forc “ tlrcy have their licvc 1li:lt tll(*~ \V<‘l(! 11il!J1Jy, lJ\lt tllCy \V(‘I’(* IlOt. ‘I’l!r~Il
rcw3rd”. (Jlatt. 6: l(i) l’hq- hnsc ncvcr entered into they Iw:ill to try to l)c’rsw~lc others ol’ 111el’niil~t’rI!
lhc “ juy oi’ tlic Jrwl”, I,c’t~:l1hc they 11:rvcllot had CV(lll ClilL<S to joitt \villI tll(~Irl :I1111 hccoinc di~~‘(Jllt~:~ltl’~~ i!ll I
;111 ull(!(~rSlilIltliJl~ of th! 1 i~lcflwt~~J~i of JC~~IOV:I!I ‘Y “lx Illcir~~)(~ll~l~~Ilt”. Alx)Cit t!lc .\‘(b:ir 1922 tII(, I’:~ill~:‘~11
IlallIc. “bx~~xw thOl1 scrvdst ?wt th IAOI’(~ thy (:od S:LW Illat illct JAJI~ .JCYIK Ililt (~rrlle to tile tc1111)1(‘, ;Illrl
with joyfulnw4, ai~l with &idlrcsu (of IIcal*t, for the thy \\ (‘I’C llot Ollly hLlJJiJ)., but rc~joiwtl gr~~:!lIy. ( 1‘~.
al)utltldl,W Of illI thiIl::s.” (I kallt. 2S : 47) ThCy do 1lCJt 11s: 21-2.j j \Yillliti a hll014, time tl1er~~:11’1~~1’ tllc IAJUI
xc tlmt it is now the time for joyful hervice to tlic rcwulcd to tlw I’.~itllful tll:tt S:l1311 had l)~~(~ncxst out,
Lord, and ther~~fore they h3v.c not an acccl~t;~l~lc offer- of hear en arid that his organization (IhL> lw) 11x*1
illg unto the 1,ord iis hc 113s comm;~n~l~d “By him fallcu from licavcr~ :lIld ill1 of it IlOW 11:ld r*Oi;lC don II 10
tlicn~forc let us ofi’w tl~c swrliicc of praise to C:od the cu1411. That truth l)lou!:ht ilicrcnwcl joy to t11cl
continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving tllalths hearts f~,i’ tllC I’ilithf’ll~, :lll0iIltd OIICS. Ultl t]lC)’ ~ll~(~lV~~
to his name.“-1Trb. 33 : 1X into th $1~ of tllc Lord Jc\us, -, wxtl:,~ rcjoiPirlcr iI1 t ilc*
s5In Malachi’s dav there wrc Israelites who had fact that they might liavc a p:lrt iu tllc \ in~licat .o!l
been carried away ca;)tive to Babylon and had been de- of Jeh~\-nh’~ Iliillle. (Kcv. 12: 12; 31:ltt. 2,;: 21 ) ‘I’IIc
liwred, and now thaw returning iuld ~110 had the non-buiidcis of tlic tcmplc (having therefore 110 part
spirit of devotion to God had rAnIt the temple. in the tcrnl)lc of tlic Lord) being blind to tlicsc trnti~q,
Among them WCIV those who had not done thclir part envy incrc;wd in their hearts and they I~r:an to smi!c
in the work and who were envious of their lcinsmcii their brethren ant1 to mix with the ‘1\orl(l, ilJld tli(~~
who wcrc rejoicing in the opl~ortlmitg of buildiig. formed the “evil servant” class. (Natt. 24: 48) ‘Ylwy
So the complainers erroneously said : “And now WC Ilam hcomc complctcly blind.
call the proud happy ; .yea, they that work wiclwlncss 37This class of complainers agniust Clod, ~110 llii11
are set up ; yen, they that tempt God are cvcn dc- eXpCetct1 t0 bc tLlh?Il t0 llC;l\Cll ;lIld b-110 I’OllllCl 1ll~;rl-
liwrcd.“--BIal. 3 : 15. selves still 011 the cill$ll, said: “IyTril, tllCy th:lt \YOi:<
3BKate now how the facts that apycnrcd after the wickedw<s are set up” ; that is, the o!d niclrctl \c~rItl
coming of the Lord to the temple show a complete ful- goes on and we arc still here. Lookinn: with jury ulwfl
fillmcn~ of this part of the prophecy. While the Lord the “faithful and wise sf’rvant” claw, I\-!:0 push 02
was ‘preparing the way before Jchovnh quite a laxgc with joy and coutinuon~ly proclaim the d:ly of the
c:imbcr of persons claimed to be “in prwnt truth”, vengcalw ui” our God and the prcs~twe of tlic Kin*:
and the kingdom, the complainers said and continue to of love and hence he does not fear the Lord. (Prov.
53~: “Yea, they that tempt God are cscn delivered.” 8: 13) One who loves God is anxious to obey his com-
They could not appreciate, and hence had no joy in mandments, and such fears to do anything that might
the fact that the faithful had ‘proved God’ (but had be contrary to his comniandmer~ts. He is fearful to
not tcmptccl him), a? hc had declared they should do do anything that would injure anyone, but tries to do
by bringing all their tithes into his storehouse. Iiot good unto all, and particularly to those who are of the
that, reason these complainers had no part in ihc blcss- l~ouscl~old of faith. Those who truly fear God rejoice
ings tbnt, came upon the faithful. The complainers and speak togcthcr concerning him and his commal~d-
have continued to say, in substance, that the proper mcnts, and arc diligent in assisting each other in obcy-
thing for a Christian to do is to say nothing that would in: his commandments. Therefore Jc!lovah, by his
ofiiend the rulers in this world, who arc in fact reprc- prophet Nalacbi, says: “Then [at the same time and
sentativcs of the Devil. Such complainers fail to un- consistent with complete faithfulness unto the Lord]
derstand that God had saicl to Pharaoh, lbc rcprcscnt- they that feared the Lord sp:~ltc often one to another;
ativo of the Devil, and thcrcforc said to the I~cvll, and the Lord hcarkcncd, and iward it, and a book of
that ‘He had pcrmittcd him to remain until IIis due rcmcmbrancc was wittcn before him for tlrcrn that
time to sliow his power and when lie will liavc his wit- fcarcd the Lord, and that thought upon his name.”
nesses go about the earth and proclaim his name bc- (Nul. 3: 1G) The faithful scrvuiltn of Cod lay awlc
fore dcslroying Satan’s organization at Armagcddou ‘. all fear of man, because thcsc fully realize that the
(Ex. 9: 16, LccscrS) The complainers hove not seen frar of man Icxls one into the Ikvil’s snare. (I’rov.
that Jcho\nl~ ‘s faithful rcmnnnt have IJCCI~dclivcrcd 29: 23) For illStil~lCC, when one is I&d into court for
from Salall’s organization of Babylon and hrou~ht prclaching this gospel of the kingdom of God as the
into Zion, the organization of Jehovah, and made fwc Lord commands, and the court officials attcml)t to
in Cln+st by being put in ti~c sccrct place of the filost browbeat and frighten one thus charged, and i~cc~usc
High, that is to say, in God’s tcmplc ; that the faithful of fear of man such witness fails to give Icst imony lo
have received from the l.ortl at the tcmplc instruction f hc name and honor of Jchovall (:otJ, but compromixs
and at his command wcrc goill: forth joyfully pro- in or&r to avoid the WlXtll of men, such a eoursc Is
elaiminz from the tiousctolJs his kiii~:cloni mc:;:;I::c. 1111faithfnlnw t0 tilC Lord illltl IMtlS 011C StlXil:lltWily
(Natt. IO: 27) ‘I%2 unfail!iI’ul spiritual Iwaclitcs, h:lv- irito tllc lkvii’s S11i11’C. Tlicrc is otlly one Ihill: to be
ing gollc bliild, bccomc LrUlish, tililt is, wasters of th)llC iJy C;Otl’s C’hiltll’(!ll, :lt~cl tllilt is, kil t.hc ~l’ll~lt aIltl
privilc::cs and opporl.uliilics to scrvc llic l,ord, tlwrcl~y l1*wt always iii the Ilord and :~ckiiowicdr:c him iit ail
showin:: thcmsclvcs to IJ~ st ul)itl and foolish, arid tltcy the way; and the Lord, true lo his promise, will pro-
cannot undcrstwid and wcr’c not lwrniittcd to uiitlcr- ICC t illld pl’C4c1’VC hUCI1. C:Od dOcs tlOt dl0W parti:ility
stand. “A brutish man Ii,lo\~(~th not; ncilI:cr tlotil a tm:;lrd we:itui*c~s; and it is our duty to wlic willi hiin
fool nndcrst*ind tllis. Rhcn tlic wic!;cd sl~i ill:: as lilt o!wlicnlly arid siiow no 1J;irtiality nor few, but always
{?r2!rs, arid when a II the workers of iniquity do Ilowi~;ii, lo s~wnlc to the honor of’ .J~~l~ov;~h.SU~JJJOSC, in tchiiing
it is that tlwy sii311 bc dwtrogcd for ww.” (1%. of tlic truth, that dots IJrit oiic in danger of bring
93: 6, 7) I:y their course of action or conduct tiwy more scvcrel,v puiiishcd ; tliat is no rwson to refrain
say : ‘TIE Lord does not kno\v how to 1~1 his own from faithfulness lo tlic Ilord.
busincso; thcrc is no God al the hcad of this \VOr:i, and 3oWhen tJcw~~stood bcforc 1Iw Roman govwnor, he
those who arc doilig it arc getting nowlwrc. 2’Ac \I’nlrh- frankly Silid : “To this end was I born, and for this
tower has lean wrong in the past, and why not say cause came I into the world, that I shoultl bc:lr wit-
it is wrong now? ’ “The way of a fool is right in his n~ss unto the lruth. Every oilc lhat is of tlic trulh
O\Vll CYCS; LlIt tlC Ihilt IlC~l~~liCllCtll Unto COUnSCi is iicnrcth my voice.” (Join1 13: 37) No man CM i~c
wise.” (I’rov. 12: 15) “A fool hatli no dcli::lit in un- filithPU1 and prow his intcgrlty toward Got1 ant1 at the
derstandillg, but that his heart may discover itself.” same time coml)romisc with Satan and his O~~illlh-
(l’rov. 18 : 2) “ JSvcry wise woman bnililcth licr lrou~x ; tion. If \\‘c clclly lllc l~orcl iuntlcr SUCll CilTUlll~tilll(‘C3,
but the foolish pluck&h it down with her hands.“- wc may cspcct to bc dciiicd by tire Lord. “Hut who-
Prov. 14: 1. so~vcr shall tlcny mc before nwi, him will I ::I\0 tlci~y
before my Father which is in hcavcll.“--J1~1tt. 10: 33.
‘O What, then, should one say when charg:etl with
38Mark now the contrast in those who fcnr Cod with prcncliing this go5pcl of the kingdom contrary to the
those ~110 find fault and complain, that is, the mur- law of the land? Ccrlninly hc should say words lo titis
murers and ones rcbcllious against the Lord. Many cficct: ‘I Imvc c*onsccratcd my lift lo Jehovah God;
do not comprchcnd what is meant by the fear of Cod. and am carncstly cndcnvoring to follow in the foot-
The Scriptural definition given by the Lord himself stops of Christ JCSIIS, who al\r\-ays tells the Iruth. The
is that ON who is proud, arrogant, of a f&ward month Lord has commanded mc to tell the truth of ant1 con-
(speaking words of pcrwrsity), such a one is moved cerning his nnmc and his kingdom. God’s lil\V IS far
by ~elfisin~~ss, and that his heart is the very opposite above that of earthly powers, and thcreforc God’s law
s, N. Y.

is suprcmc. I love God, and this I must prove by keep- 43It is those who fully trust in God and are faithful
ing his comtnandmants; anrJ since he has commanded to him that he prescrvcs unto everlasting life : and when
mc to preach this gospel of the kingdom, I shall do so these faithful ones speak together, according to his
at every opportunity, rcxar-&css of what mctt tnay do commandments, ‘the Lord hcarkcns, and hears it. ’
to mc. If bcittg faithfully obedient to Ciod results in That promise is sure and certain to those who obey
my death at the hand of selfish men, that is far to be God IlOW. “11~ that planted the ear, shall he not
prcferrcd to denying my Lord and suffering therefor hear ?” (Ps. 94 : 9) The Lord hears ttow because it ts
everlasting destruction. I shall obey the command- his judztnettt time. Those who maintain their integ-
ments of the Lord Jesus, who said to his followers: rity toward L;od will trust him and joyfully obey him
“And fear rlot them which kill the body, but are not attd not mtn. Obscrvittg the faithful ones obeying his
able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able cotnmattdtnettt, the Lord takes account thereof, and,
to destroy hoth soul and body in hell.” ’ (Matt. says the I~ropItet, “a book of rctncmbrance was writ-
10: 28) such a CO~PS~ of action is bo1dttcwsand fcar- tett bcforc him for them that fcarcd the Lord, attd
lcssness in telling tlIe truth in the day Of judqmenl, tIEIt ~holl~ht UlNJil hiS IlamP.” IlC ITCOrdS tllC llan:fs
wlicrc w tiow arc, and thaw wit0 have covenanted to and deeds of those witnesses who render faithful scrv-
bc obcdicttt to God must t&c such a COWW.-1 John ice unto his name. “The J,orcl shall couni, lbhcblrIIC
4: 17,lS. writ&h up tIic lJeol~le, that this [one] was lJlJr 11 1 III
Zion ] “; and IJoiII~ his son by his woman, suc*Ii 011c
a uod ‘s people must now stand shou1dcr to shoulder
for his name. (I’hii. 1: 37, 2s) Concerrtiri~ thew faith- is taught by the IAA and giver heed to Ills iJl~tl’Ll+
ful 01~s the Iwophet sa)-s: “They . . . spnkc one with tion. (1%. S7: 6; Isa. 54: 18) Tlic apostle r(bI’ors to
another.” (R.V.) “They . . . convctwd each one thus.2 wllosc IlillllPS ate written in heaWn at the itlau-
with his ft*i(*nd.” (Ro2//., mnrzin) The Ixvitcs, whom gurntion 0T the lwv covetiattt, Khose lI;iriI~~~ arc It’-
the lroI~O aplrroves at the jurl:ment lest, arc lJrOught
cortlcd accorditiq to the l”.OIJlI(‘t. (llcb. I:! : “3) c:o11-
into the sclerct play, 11~1is, the tcmplc, anrl liave bcett ccrttiug SUCII, soys the J,wd: “Tlic riulitcous shall 1x2
“Cau~llt tip . . . to rncct lhe Ilord in the air”, that
in cvcrlastiiig ~~lii~~l~~IJl~:i~ic~.“-I’b. 112: 6.
is, in the cclndit iott not visible 10 human ey(‘s, and they 44l+o:ti thcsc scriptures 1lIc 01Ily coIIelII4on that
c01iv~~rsc wit II one all01 Iwr, not for 1Itc purpose of mis- can be dr,Inn is Ihat the J,ord clock not lI(‘iII.i\eII ant1
in:: dortbl~, tlisl~uics aiicl r:IusiII :’ tlisroul~a!:clllcllt, lJUt doc3 JlOt IiWIJ ;l I’eCOI’d of tI1C UllfilitIlfllI, \VIlO i’iliI 01’
to build OIW allotfic~r np in *he most holy faith and lo 1’~I’usc to honor Iii‘; tiamc when o1~portutiit.v J< oii’c,tx~d.
ctxlrort Out’ :IIIot:Ier to :ic4ivily in scbrvice iri cJlIetlicnce Tliosc 1)Ii0 under SIWII circuutst:l~rc~wprove util’:lillll’ul
to (lad’s c~o~nrn;~ttO~~~ct~t. “ Ifut eshort OIIC auot her to the J~c)I’(I,11~liketls llllto .ZnI;IlI.I<, \VIIO ~OI’(:~~I:I~~O\~~,I~
daily, ~~liil(~ it is wllrd To <l:ty ; lest any of you he tlic utiI’aithfilI, ;1tt(1no I10oIc of illcnlory is I;c*pt 1’01’
hartlettetl 011~rlgIl ~IIc dcec~itfulncsr of sill.“-1Jcb. SUCII. “,\nd tllc l.ord saicl uIit0 ,\LoY(~, \\‘rilc lllis f’oI*
3: 13. a tncntori;~I iri a I~oOli, and rcl~c:irso it iti the ~‘.It’sof
‘* The Devil, acting tlirot~~h his KYI~Ci1lUl ;lgWlt, tllC JosI~ua ; for I Mill uttrrly put out the r(1r11(‘111I,t.:111c
Roman C;~tholic lJicrarrhp, ilIlcl tllC (;C~l~lUll rllICl3 of ,~tnnlclc from untlcr h~;i~c~n.“----1Ss. 17 : 1).
say that Clod’s Iwq~lc sliull not tncct cvcti to cclcbratc 45Amale!; forc~sI~:~rlowrdthoxe who uI~Iwx (1(1(1,as
the Lord’s AlcmoIial. L’rOlxllJly they will sow lry to WclI as tllcho WI10 fail to IW FilitllTUI to (lOt1, :llI!l (‘c*L’-
enforce that same wic~ltctl rule iu Anwira. The Jlord taiiily itwlude tllc lllOtlcI~ll-dily IldImlll 1~l;lw;. Y’IIP
says to his l)CO$C: “Not Corsalriug 1hc iIS~:C~llllli~l:; Of memory Of SUCII SIlilll IJC lJlottVt1 Ollt, S;l)T 11lC IXJ: (I.
0Ivsclves Io~clIicr, as the ntatlttcr of swric is; but es- ( J)cut. 5: I!,) “‘~1~ eyes of the I.ortl arc IIIKJII 1 III:
liortitt:: ottc ittiothrr ; ant1 so much the nwrc as ye scC riglitccus, illltl his C:lIS ill73 OIWl UlllO lIlCiI* Cl+y. Tilt?
tllc day ti]JIJlWlCIliIl~.” (II&. 10: 25) \\‘hom shall WC Pace of the l,ord is nqaittvt them that do cl il [‘ci il
Obey ? Sltcll is IlOt CVCll qiiestion 10 be dclxll Cd. TllOSC
servant clan], to cut off the rl tnen~btxuce of tlwrn
dcvotcd to ,Jchovah wili obey his commn~t~l~ncntsand from the earth,” (1%. 34: 15, 16) J;vi(lcntly tile “lt(rck
let the cttctny do his worst. They kno\v the day of of rctncmbri~ncc ’ ’ is kept that the f,titl~lul I)(\ I*?- may

Armagc~dtlott drn~~s near and that those \vho IOW Cod membered and SilVCll and delivcrcd at AI I~I~I~cd~lull.
must Iia5tctt to obey his coitrmatidmctils, atnonql which 4GThe Lord is plcnwd with those wl~o t]leditatc II~KJU
is this one: “Study to show thyself aI)l)roved unto hi3 name and \Yortl, and thclcI’O~*c says tllr(JWh Ilki
God”; and that we must carry the IllCSSilgC of truth prophet th:lt a IlOOk of retticm1~i~anwis Ii( for tilc,.yC
to the lIeol)les of the world who &sire truth and right- U+O tIlOW~Ilt Ill,011 lliS IIaJlIC.lliiw\visC tic l~l~f+(Jr~t~~1~ iti
eousness,and if we fail to obey God’s comrnandmcnts the Psalms
: “I:l:wcd is the inau fllat \‘~illltPt II Ilo? i:I
attd anyone by reasott thereof fails to be wrtted, the the counsel of the nnqNl!y, nor slandctli in t Ire n 2.v
blood of that person shall be upon us. (ISzck. 9: 4; of sinners, nor sittctlt in the scat of the s~oi~IIl’II1: Ijut
3: 17-20) The l~coplc of good will, the Jonadabs, who his delight is in the law of the 1~0~1: iIIId in IIis 13~
form the great multitude, must lx told now of aud doth hc meditate day and night.” (1%. 1: 1, 2) SIIPII
cottcernin~ the liillgdOlll. If we wait until Xrnlaged- A person has his heart and niilld set upon the J,ord
don, it will be too late, both for us and for them. and his kingdom at all times.
h-OVEXBEB 15, 19%

I7 Nehemiah returned from Persia the second time

and cnmc to Jerusalem to the temple and said : “Think
upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I
have done for this people.” (Sch. 5: 19) “Kcmcmbcr
me, O my Cod, conccrnin,n this, and wipe not out my
good deeds that I have done for the house of my God,
and for the offices thcrcof.” (13: 14) This is further
cVidcr~cc that Jehovah keeps in remembrance the good
things that his servants do. In harmony with these
promises the psalmist prays: “Rcmcmber me, 0 Lord,
with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people:
0 visit mc with thy salvation.” (Ps. 106: 4) The
prophet Zechariah forcshadowcd Jehovah ‘s remnant
11ow on the ca’rth, and the name Zcchariah means
“remcmlxrcd by Jehovah”. It is written in that
prophecy : “ ~\nd they [t lie remnant, while scattcrcd]
sllall rcmcm!w IIIC [thillk 011 my name] in far coun-
tries.” (Zcrll. 10: 9) Today the faithful remnant,
scattcrcd t!irou~llout tlie nations of tlic earth, mcditatc
u!Jon tllc n;1mo of ,Jchovah and his kingdom. They
rcflwt 1 Ir;1t .~~~!l~JVdl’s IlilIllC h:1s!wc11 and is IlOW being
rcpr0ac~lw.dIJ~ tllc cI1cn1p Sut~i and his cartlily agents.
They consi(lcr solemnly ancl thou~lltfully that Cod
has given to tlicm tlic privilwzrrc of having a !)nrt in
tllc vindiwtion of his name ilIl(1 that IlicrcI’orc the rc-
s!Jonsibi!ity is now u!)on 1twrn to tell the truth of and
coiircrnin~ lli% ii:mic ant1 llis kingdom, and not to shun
to drrlnrc till! wllo!c courlsc~l or (iod. Thrg a1’c called
by his name, and ~~~c~llhc tlwy Eollo;v in tlx l’ootstcps
of Jesus in magiifyinq t!io IIWW of Jcilovirll lhcy are
rslibjc~it~~lto a!! maiitwr of !wrwcution for liis name’s
Sillit’. ‘i’!lC I*c~!~l~r!~c~s t !I:I t I~~!J~*o;I~!Ic~ ,Jcb!~ov;l!~ i’(b!l
ll!JCJ?l Clirist Jcs114, ittld t !lC?C! I’C’IJ~O;dlCS kJ\!’ f-3 11

u!~oIl tlw faitliful rcnrria~lt ati(1 tlwy rcjoicc to Iinvc it

So. ‘i’hry S(‘C LlIld iI!J]Jl’c~hk! t!lC lO\iIlg ]iill~!ll~V Of
our (:ocl, c:i~iwl t licw v,oiit!(~i*l’ul tliili:s to IJC I’+
cortlrtl in his \\‘ord 1011 K iI=O i’OY the COlllEOl’t, :ill(l !lO!JC
of the winiialit, that they rniulrt Ix strong in tlii7 day
Of Mtl’CxS.‘1’llc~~ ;II’(’ tlclcrmiiic~tl, by c:Od’S$!lXrC, t0 tIC
faithful and tixc to him amI his ltin:&m, ant1 to this
witI t!wy will continue to tlc~lnrc the COUI~SC! of Jcho-
vah Clod.



011’ did God send his only-begotten Son to our in hcn\c:ily glory 2nd power powcwd IJ~ him as t11C
earth? ,\nd when hc sent him, wnu he l)art gl’eat WtivC a,“cllt of Jcl~ovah (:od in tile cwatiun Of

man and part God? The sacred Scri!>tuws all thing, and hr became poor !JF becoming n man.
answer that prior to his coming to earth he was the It was abs0lutcly ncrcx~ry for him to 1~ a !Jcrfwt
Logos, or Word of Cod, a spirit creature; that his life mall ; lic~~cclie must !)c born liol~, l~armlws, sc*!Jnr;lte
was tmnsfrrrcd to the human kind and hc was born front sinners and without sin ; and he met tltio IW!UI~C-
a human crcnture. IIe was rich, and for our salrcs mwt. (11~1~‘7: 26) Furthcrmorc, IIC met t!lc rcclui~c-
bccamc poor (2 Cor. 8 : 9) ; that is to say, Ire was rich Incil t$ IJCC~WX he nas made flesh and dwelt amongst
350 BI:OOBLTx, s. I’.

men. (John 1: 14) JIe partook of flesh and blood, bc- to mini\fcr, and to give his lift a ransom for many.”
came a human crcnturc ‘for the wry purpose of de- (3Iatt. 20: 28) And, again, hc said: “Whosoever will
stroying him that has the power OS death, that is the be great among you, shall be your minister [servant] :
Devil, and to deliver mankind. (IIcb. 2: 14,E) He and whosoever of you will bc the chicfcst, shall be
took upon himself the form of a servant or hondman servant of all. “-Mark 10 : 43,44.
and was made in the liltcness of men. (Phil. 2: 7) He
The perfect man Jesus became the servant of all.
was the only ?xrfect man that has ever lived on earth,
except Adam. llc was not part human nature and The imporlance of Jesus and his worlc is magnified
part spirit, because hc “was ma& a little lower than when WC consider that he in heaven and in earth ws
the angels, for the suffering of death”. An~cls are the dcsrcst treasure to Jehovah’s heart. Hc was God ‘s
spirit creatures, and thus crcotures that arc lower dearly bclovcd Son. Hc was the most precious thing
than angels arc human creatures. IIe was human. IInd poswsscd by the great Creator, Jehovah. It ws the
hc been part God and part man hc would hart been suprcmc sacrifice on behalf of Jehovah to use him to
higher than the ang:cblsinstead of lower, for the reason redeem 1hc human raw. It was Cod’s great low for
that angels arc the lowest order of spirits. fa??cn tlUIllanity that tJromptCd tlirn to do ttlis; tlcnc*c
Jesus, hcing a 1Jcrfcct man, had Ihc power to pro- wc wad: “(.iod so lewd ttic world, that tic ~;irc his
duce a perfect raw of peo~~lc and will1 thcsc populate only bc~ottcti Son, that wliosocver bclicvcth iti him
the earth, Ilwrcforc in cvcry rtspwt csactly corrc- should llot perish, but tl;lvc cvcrtastiIlq life. I:ur God
spending to the pcrfcct man Adam in the condition in sent not his Soli iuto ltlc world to cot~dcnili tlic world;
wliic*h lit \\as \\ l~ilc in ISdcn. Jwus was pcrfcct in but that the world through him might tJC SiIVd.“-
evct*y r(‘SI)ccf, full oI’ gr;l<:c ant1 trutll. (.J0tl11 1 : 14) John 3 : 16, 17.
1Vhcn hc stood More the lioni~tn governor l”ilate, It was this truly good and truly great i\I:ln who
silent as a shcc~~ is tlumh before its shcnrers, when f he for tllrcc and a half ywl*s went illlOUt in the earth alltl
mot) incited by tlw Jewish elcrxy of that time wrc taught and ministcrctl unto ttic ttcot~lc ant1 did ~ootl
dcrnanding his lift~hlood, Pilate, ill orrlrr that hc might unto cvcry one alld evil unlo none. All the linw Iic
sh;mc the .Jcws for suc*I1action, cried out unto them: was thus mitlistcrill~ ilIld doing good, thr! sc*rilJc~s,
“I:chJld, l’tw 11:111 !” The emphasis here is 011 the Ptlil~iWW, doctors Of tll(? taw, ant? of titr ClIltJW c’ll-
word i%c. \Vc migllt pnr;lptirosc I’ilatc’s words thus: gngcbd in niisrcprcscwl irig and pcrxwlltiItq 1 tlv 1~~1 tt,
‘TtlC mail \VllOIll YOU ilrc ildiinlf lIl(: IO IjUt to tloaih sollglit to kill tlim. \\‘hy did tticy do this? t!cwuw
IlOt Ollty k ttlc gl’c:iic%t mill1 iIIOOI:!! YOU, bllt k ttlc mall they wcrc instrurnciits Ot’ SntilIl, t hc l)cril.-Jolm 8 : -15.
O~IOVCall other 111~11 011 Cilrt,ll.’ ‘t’tlc ~ICO~ICthcbrr: had .JCSIIS,lllc Devil t<tlc\\., \v;ls and is tllcb grc;lt SCTTIof
sew ii pcrfcct in:lIi. None of us tiavc swn a pcrfwl iniln. promisc wtiic*lr Cot? ti:ld proniiwl to f\tJI~~ltlillIl Sllol~l~l
3fc was Ihc orily 0110who has cvw lived on cartti clu:lli- be the rcdccmcr and t)l~ww of mankind. .J(ws Chl ikt
fict? to twcomc ttic rctlwmcr of ina~ll;iiid. TIC wilq sent is the Seed of 111~ uom::11 forcslmtlowctl ill (:0(1’s st:rl(a-
to r:irth by Jctiomii for ltiat wry l~url)osc. Uii~l(~r ttic tmwt Inatlc to molticr ICvc and S:ItaII, nlIcI1 (:cd S:lilt :
law that (:a(1 gave Lo the Jews n man must hc thirty “I trill put enmity lwtwccii tlwc 1ttic Scrlwlit ] mitl
years of 0~ twTorc tic had rcwchcd his legal majority. ttlc \VOlIlilIl, nlltl tXt\VW~~ ttly NW? illld lI('l* SCYYI ; it
tlial hc might ctwllify as a priccf.
~11311bruise thy llcild, n11~1ttloll Stlntt bruise hi3 IICCII.”
NC note that ,Jrws grew from boyhood to manhood’s (Gcn. 3: 15) Satan sought, thcreforc, in every \\ay to
CStiltC, alld whclr tic was thirty years of a::c hc prc- destroy .Jcsus. Jrsus N;IS tcachin:g tlw ~Jcws the IIHY-
scnlcd himself to John at the Jordan river IO lx l)ilp- saw of God to Icad tlicm in ttic right way, aii(l lo otw11
tizcd. At the ilgC of thirty, then, tic was perfect in unto thcrn the way of tifc. Thcsc scribe illltl 1’1~11I-
body, perfect in mind, pcrfcct nndcr lhc law, in awry scrs wcrc op?Josing bun and therefore wrc tllc CIIC-
rcspcct an ohsolutcly pcrfcct human crcntnrc, hence mics of the ~JCO~J~C. Jmus said of thcin: “‘i’hc writwr
qiialificd to bc the r;Ii~sonici~ or rcdccmcr of Adiim, ttic and the I’harisccs sit in ~10s~’ Scat” (Xtatt. 23: 2) ;
pcrfcct man, awl of al t A~lam ‘s ofi’spriag. meanina lllat they had assumd ttlc position of lead-
Why did God send his bclovctl Son, this ~NYZI~Alan, ers of the pc~oplc. IZccnusc of their blilldincr Ilic t~cnt~!c
to casth? Wtmi n great man of the world conic’s into he said to them: ‘You arc tigpocritcr, btiil(l guiric5,
promincncc hc cspccts othrrs to minister unto him, and fOOlS; YOU StlUt Up tile Iiill~dOlll Of hcavcti nKilillS(t WC11 ;
they do miiiistrr unlo him. But Jesus, the only great you devour wi(lows’ houses and for a plctcnsc m:rkc
man that has cvcr lived on earth, and the outy perfect long prayers ; you compass sea and 1;~1idto 111;1lrc ollc
one aside from Adam, came to earth and ~NY~II~~the prosclytc, and when he is made, you multe him tno-
servant of o1hcrs, that hc might render the greatest fold more the child of Gehcnna tlwll yoursclvcs. You
good to mankind. True greatness consists in doing arc guilty of fraud and deceit, and you are like unto
good unto othcls as Jehovah’s scrvnnt and for 1-11s whiled sepulchers, whic~h are full of tlcad mm’s Ix~!~w
vindication. True grcntncss is maguificd in Jesus. He and a?? unc?canncss; you arc scrpcnts, a gCllcl’a~i(Jll
NXS Ihe truest friend of the hnmiul race. Iic said: of vipers. You do not undcr4tand my spcc~h twali~(:
“The Son of man came not to bc ministcrcd unto, but you cannot hear and understand my lord. You are
of pour father the Devil.‘-Xatt. 23: 13-33; John against Jesus, to put him to death; but found none:
8 : 43,44. yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found
Jesus knew that he was to be crucified, and he told they none. At the last came two false witncsws.”
his disciples of his coming death. The last night he (Jintt. 26 : X),60) This exalted tribunal, in viola-
was on earth with them lit spent lcachiu: them fircat lion of every law and every precedent known to
lessons and truths which not only were a blcs5ing to Jewish juriqrudence, demanded of Jesus that he
them, but hare 1~~11a great blessing to evcr~onc from testify agaiJl\t himself. “The high p&t arose,
then until now who has lewd the Lord and sought to and said unto him, . . . I adjure thee 1)~’ lhc living
know and do his n-ill. While he was thus doin:::, the God, that thou tell us whether thou bc the Christ, !hc
enemy xas preparing to take his life. The +Sanhcdrin Son of God.” (Xatt. 2G: 62, 63) And when he told
was a high tribunal or court composed of seventy and the truth, >.ayiu:, “l-c say that I am,” they sa;tl,
one men, niadc up of priMs, cldcrs, and doctors of the “What need wc auy further witness? for wc ourselws
law, I’lIariwica1 hypoc!J~itcs, the seed of the scrpcnt, have heard of his own mouth.” (Ltlke 22 : N-U) Thcby
blinded to God’s ltur~po~cs. That body \V~Sthe lligllcst imrncdiatcly ~okd that 1~ sl~ould die, also contrary
court of Israel and it was the duty of tllis court to pro- to their law, which reqilircd that each mcml~r of tl:c
tect the iJlllWcllt as wrll as to 1ninish the guilty. ‘i’;l;y court SlloUld COilhi& tllc CaV! and thPJ1 VOtP iJl(liVid-
beheld Jesus doing good and the people flocliinr to him. ually. Ilolding tli:: sewion of’ court at ni$it to convict
“Thrn gztlwrcd tlic clilcf priests and the I’liarisrcs him, llicy l;ncaw they wwc proccctliii~ contrary to law;
a council [a court], and said, What do ye? for this so Ihey convwctl the court. tllc f(JllOWlJl~ m0l~JJilJ~ to
man docth many miracles. If WC let him thus alone, ratify the st.ntcIlcc, which was likwisc coiit~ary to
all men 11ill boliwc on him : and the IlOnJ:uJs slrall come law.
and take :IW:I~ hotll our ~&WCant1 Jlatiou. And out of
them, named Caia1)llas, boiu g the high priest that same
year, said unto tlicw, Yc 1illOW nothing at all, nor con-
sider that it i5 cspcdknt Par cs, that Ot~c JnaJJ sl~ou1~l
die for the pcol)lc, and 11tat tllc whole nation lxrish
not. And this spakt: he not of liimsc4f: but hcin!,r hi=11
priest that ;\car, he prOl)lJc~siecl tht ,JCSM sl~ould die
for that nation. Then front that day forlh they took
coul~sel tor;cthcr for to l)ut him lo tlwth.“--John
11: 47-51, 53. I’ilntc xi’; Jiot convincrd of Jesus’ giilt and IS;IS
In otllitr worJs, this Slll)lX’illti tribun;ll wcrclly met, llot willing thilt llc sll0lild tilC, bllt sOu:ht to rCIC:‘5e
indicted JCSUC;,l)rcjutlM his caw, itrld a<rccd to put him. “‘l&i said l’ilatu to tl!cb cliicf priwts :rild to tiic
him to death, only wnilin~ 1’31’ an op~mJ4urlity. Thy lwoplc, I find no fault in this man. ,jnd tlicy ww
acted as grand jury, prowutor, and t ri:Jl cwrt. Thy ttic mow firrcc, sayinL:, ITc slirrctlr up the 1wol)lc.”
entered into a wicked coJJx~)irucy, vlriclJ \viIS formu- (I,ukc 23: 4, 5) IYlwu Pilalc soii$it to rc~lc:~schim,
lated by Satan, thrir fallicr, for the dc5tr’uction of lhe Iii,5 uccuscrs “cl*l~~d out, sayin:, If thou let this m;iJi
Son of Gud. They collsl,ircd with .ludns am1 lliJ*cd 60, tilOU :ll’t JlOt (~‘il’S:ll”S fJ’iCJd : ~VhOSOWY 1dX’t il
him, for the paltry sum of thirty I)iwcs of sikcr, to hiinwlf a ltinx, XI)C:!liCtll a1:;tinst Cwar”, aqtiltst th
betray the Lord into their hands. S:lt:lu himself VII- ri\il lJowr, and such is tllcrcforc guilty ol’ scclitiull.
tcrcd int,o Judas as the latter csccn~cd the I>CtJ*apiJl. (John 19 : 12) “-lnfl hr [l’il:iic] said unto thcin the
Then they organized a ~zlob, sent it out after the third time, \Yl~y, what evil linth he done? I hnro
MilStCr, arrested him, arid houglit hiiii twfoix? this found ~10 calw of thtli in him : 1 will Ilwcforc chn+
supreme court for trial at night, which was contrary tiw him, ant1 let him go. ;Znrl tlicy wrc instant ~~111
to their 0x11 laws. “l’hcp that had laid hold On Jesus loud voices, inquiring that llc ini$it 110crurili~d. .?11~1
led him away to Caiaplias the high priest, wllcrc t11c: the wiccs 0C ihcxrn aild of the clticf pricsis prclailcd.
scribes atld the elders wcrc assembled,” in furtllcr- ~\iicl Pilate ~:lw sentcncc tht it ~liould be as the\- rc-
ancc of the nicked consl,iracy.-II;itt. 2G : 57. yiiircil. ” ( ll~ikc 23 .- Z-24) Thus the civil powr yield-
The meek and dcfcu~clcss Lamb of God way led into cd to the importunities of cwlesi:Micim, x11(1tJ~~\u~
a den of ravenous wolrec, who were thirsting for his was led away and crucified 011 CillVary’s hill. .*iJl(]
lhod. They did not dignify his case IJJ- even filing a l’ilntc, more ri~htcous than tllc clerics, postcrl over his
formal clmrgc against him. They sonzht, contrary to head the sign: “Jesus of Nxarcth, the King of the
t!le law, to make him testify againbt liinisclf. ‘~11~*~ Jews. ”
l<l?cW nothiug themselves agniiist bun ; and notlvibll-
standing they sat as the high and dignified cnurt
Of t11c 11:1ti011 of Jsrael, t11cy resorted lo SUbOJ’Jl:JtiOJl
of ~K’rJUr)‘. “SOW thC chief pricsis, illId cldel‘s, a11d
all the council [the entire court], sought false I\-itncjs
353 @-Ge
WAl~CHTOWER 13fm9KLTS, s. Y.

CPS.yet wltolly innocent, harmless, and without sin. out his soul unto death : and hC was numbered with
IICR? 11~ fUIfiIICd iiI:lt IVII~C~ the ])rOpIlct Of God hitd the tranqrcssors; and he bare the sin of many”.-
foletold of him long in advitnt~, in that he “poured Isa. 53: 12.


117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S. A.
J. F. RUTKE~FORDPresident W. E. VAN AXBW.W Secretary
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and
@-eat shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isaiah 54:~~.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting
to everlasting, the Mnker of leaven and earth and the Giver
of life to his creatures; that the Logos \las the heginning of
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things;
that the Logos is now tho Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed
with all po~cr in heaven and earth, and the Chief tixecutive
Ofliccr of Jehorali.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect
man for tha wrth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’9 law and was 3pntenced to death; that by
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men aro born timncrs and
without tho rrght to life.
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death in orqlcr to produce the ransom or rwlcmptive
price for all mankind; th:rt Got1 raised up Jcsur dirlne and
exalted him to hc:rrcn nbobo c\c*ry crc*o:rlIe an11 above elerp
nnmo and cl6thcd him with all power Und authority.
TIIAT JEIiOVAli’S ORGAhjlZATlON is cnllcd Zion, and
that Chrkt .Iv~us is 1110C’hlcf 0l;iccr thwcof and is the
rightful King of the worlrl; tlmt the rinointcd and faithful
followc~ra of Clrriat. Jcaus t~o ehrldren of Zion, niembora of
Jehovah’s org:lniz:ltion, and :LIC his mitnectrcv whose duty and
pritilcgo it 1s to twtil’y to the snprcmacy of Jchovnh, declnre
his purposes t6\\:trd mnnkintl (13 c-.prcw%l in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom bcforo 1111who will hear.
Tl I AT Tf I E \VORLD 11~scn~lrd, and the Lord Jesus Christ
ha8 been plwrll by Jchov3!1 uj)cqn hi3 throne of authority,
has ousted S:rt:in from hcn~cn and is proccccliug to tho
e3t:~blist~utt:nt of God’s kinql~m ou wrth.
THAT TIIE RELIEF ml 11 ) ~s~nq of the proplps of earth
can como 0nl.v Ly and thtou~;h .Johovnh ‘a ktn~dotn under
Christ wl~i~‘l\ lm now brc:un; th:tt lho Lord’s nwt great
uct is the d&rwtion of Whtan’s orgnniz:~liou ant1 lho estnb-
lishmcnt of li~:htrousncss 111iho earth, and thnt under tho
kingdom all lhrao wlto will olwy it9 righteous laws &all lioo
on cartli forcvcr.
---- ____-----~_--_---


This thrilling term dc31guatcs the next. testimony period of This is to announrc tlte Society ‘s issuance of a new yeal book
Jehovah’s kmg:(lom ln~bl~shcrs, L)cccmber 6-13. Let this notice for u3e during l’J::7. It contains the comprchcn~lro Icport try
suffice to ut otwo tntciwt you tllcrcin and to c:iUw you to bc;;tln tlio president of tit0 Society cowrm;: the walk :tcc~r~ri1~~l13ltt~11
preparing lotthn~th. The 1)riutcd nwss:~go6lTercd to the truth- duttng the scrvlce year 7(J35-1036 1)~ Jehovah tl,to~r::l~ 1114v-it-
ncctly peoples duiing this p4211o:l%\ill he tlw coinbinatwn con- ncsse3 and their companions throughout the Xvorl~l. ‘I’!ic iu tor-
sisting of tho Iwok Cwllrs :1n11three LwMct~, ~uclutl~ng the
hooklet C’iroostng and a self-co\cred booklct, 6U $1Xc contrttm- mation included therein is most vuluol~Ia, eqwci:~lly in VI~V of
tion. Consult tllo N:o\ctnl)cr laformunt for fmther dot:1119 the war now on v,ith the rellKionists. Thc1e 13 nlm :I IlIN!f <Its-
end then get all set for your full part in this tcstim6ny. Y’our cussion by the prc.-tdent on the 1337 year test; n~l~l~t~nnnllya
promptness In reporting rebulcs of your actibitics will be all- tclt for c:ich day of the year to:cther withiIll w~l~;~l~l~~n~~~~
preciated. encouraging comrwnt taken from Z’lbe Il’utclrlowc r. In 1if-w
of the spc~~nl axpwsa 0f publishing surh a bmitril r4litiou ~9
that of the Year Z:Ook a contrlbutioii is UskCll of 5Oc n w11y.
1937 CALENDAR Please oltlcr now, scndmg Icmlttnnco with o&r. (;1oup9 \\ill
The new calendar, for 1$X7, e.q~ressrs militant service, both ldaco indlridunl otders n~th their local servant, so ns to spare
in text and in illustration. TIE year’s text is from 0b:uliah 1: the Socwty much time and cspenso in shipping.
“Arise ye, and let u3 rise up ngrninst her m battle.” The
design based on the text is most cxprcssi\c, i1ntl stirrmg and
strengthening to behold. Accompnnying is a se:tson:cble letter
by the Society’s lo csidetit, and scttlng uut the q8eci:rl testnuony SIIORT\V.IVE BROADC1ST
Iwiods for 3027 ; also the c:~lcntlnr data pad, markIng swh Iu September, lXci, the nw lO,(lOO-\wtt shortnnl c statwn,
tcstirnony pert& and llkewse the rcgwnal or d~ristonal srr\icc
campaigns. The calcndnr may tw had, five topics on a contr lbu- \‘PlE, located at &\a, Fidl, conmencrd hro:ldcastm: the Iw
tioa of $1.00, srnt to one addtrss, or, emgly, on a 23~ contrlbu- turcs on a w:l\e length of 81.43 nw!els (Xi0 kiluc~cl~~s), Time
tion. Groups will plc:lse combmc all indivtdusl 6r:lrr3 ant1 for- of the broadcrist is appomtcd fur 6: UOto (i: 15 a.m., ,\rwrw,~n
wald through thetr local servant, Mlth renuttuncc enclosed. Kastprn 5tnnd:~rtl tmc, l!Wl)’ ~JJci:Ly.

“And they shall be misle, saifh Se Lord of hoofs, in that dny when I mnke up my jewels [(margin) specicll
treasure]; and I Will spare them, as a man spareth his own son thflt ssrcetlb l~im.“-Sal. 3: 17.

J EFIOVAII selects from amongst men those who

prove their integrity toward him. Hc puts his
name upon such and sends them forth as his
witnesses to bear testimony to his Word and for his
Revised Version the text reads: “And they shall be
mine, saith Jehovah of hosts, even mine own posscs-
sion. ” It could hardly be correct to say that ‘the
jewels are like diamonds, the hardness of which repre-
name: “The Lord know&h them that are his.” (2 Tim. sents character development, and that, like diamonds,
2: 19) To bc sure, the Lord could know at all times the character must be crystallized’, and that ‘such rcp-
who arc his, but it seems evident that the Lord de- resents the willingness towards rightcousncss’. Mauri-
termines who arc his at the time of t,he temple judg- fcstly such is not the meaning of the test, but ralhcr
ment. Tho.sc sclcctcd ones he sends forth to his service it is this: That Jehovah takes the faithful, who prove
and, they being faithful, they continue steadfastly their integrity toward him, out of the world :md into
serving God, regardless of all opposition. Jehovah the temple, and “they shall he mine”, that is, ‘thc~y
will prove the issue in his own favor, that he can put shall be my “peculiar pcoplc”, “a Ixople for a ljur-
on earth errxturcs that will remain true and faithful pose.” ’ This they will lx “in the day that I do III~W”.
to him under the most advcrsr? conditions. IIe fore- (Zt.V.) Jehovah has made this treasured day, and the
shadowed tflcsc faithful ones by his servant Jacob psalmist speaks for the faithful OIWS,saying: “Tills
and enuscd fiis prophet to write concerning the faitli- is the day which the Lord hath ma&; WCwill rcjoI(*c
ful apostles of Christ Jesus: “For the Lord hnth and be glad in it.” (I?. 118: 21) The faithful OIIWare
chosen Jacob [those who collstitutc his organization God’s peculiar I)eopIc, cl~oscn for his puqmsc, that
tnkcn from amongst men] unto himself, and Israel for they should show forth his praises, and not the adult-
his peculiar trcasurc.” (I%. 135: 4) When Moses de- tion or praise of any creature (1 l’ct. 2: 9) ; am1 this
clared to God’s pcoplc the covenant of faithfulncs?, Jehovah does “in the day for which I am preparing
thereby was forcshadomcd the eovcnant with spiritual tl~~a~ll~e”.--Roth.
Israel ; and Mosessaid : “And tbc Lord bath avouched 3 \\‘hcn Jehovah \\ns spcaltinr: through JIoscs to the
thee this day to bc his peculiar pcoplc, as he hath Jsraclitcs at hloullt Sinai hc said: “Now tllcrcYol*c, if
promised thee, and that thou slrouldcst keep all his yc will obey my voice indeed, and keep my COVC’.lilllt,
commandments; and to make thm high above all na- then yc shall be a peculiar trcnsurc unto me al,ovc~ all
tions which hc hath made, in praise, and in name, and pcoplc; for all the earth is mine.” (Es. 19: 5) Tllnt
in honour ; and that thou mayest bc an holy people fiscd rule of Jch~ah changes not, and ccrtninly m(*;Lll.s
unto the Lord thy God, as hc hath spoken.“-Dent. that those who “obey my voice”, that is, who arc t rut
26: l&19. and faithful and maintain their integrity toward Jc-
z It is “in that day”, meaning the day of Jehovah, hovali, to them he says: “Ye shall hc a peculiar trc;l+
thcday of judgment at his temple, that, he declares, the urc unto mc above all people.” ,Jcl~ovnl~prel~1~1
spiritual Israelites who prove their integrity toward Christ Jesus, the IIcad of his trcasurcd, peculiar TWO-
him, such are his own. According to Leeser’s render- pie, and made him the author of eternal salvation
ing of this same test: “On that day which I create because of hit; full and absolute obedience unto tire
as a spceial treasure.” (Nnl. 3: 17) It is a treasured will of God. (Hcb. 5:‘8, 9) “In that day” of Jchoval~
day when Jehovah, by his Exccutivc Officer, yindicatcs he sends forth Christ Jesus to the temple for judqlcllt,
his holy name. It is a peculiar or special day. The RIK~ at that judgment those who arc approved arc miltlc:
Hebrew word here rendered “jewels” is also rendered a part of Jehovah’s peculiar treasure and they oli’cr
“special” in Deuteronomy 7: 6. The same word is unto him an offering in righteousness, that is to s,ty,
rendered “‘peculiar” in Deuteronomy 26 : 18 and 14 : 2, ‘the praise to Jehovah continually.’ They do not w-nit
and also rendered “peculiar treasure” in Exodus for some opportune time to ofi’cr praise unto him and
19 : 5 and Psalm 135: 4. According to the Amcrica?r declare his Word, but do it day and night, all the time,
i\‘. T.

after being enlightened. Jehovah puts his name upon all men for my name’s sake; but he that endurcth to
them and uses them for his purpose “in that day”, the cud shalt be saved. But when they persecute you
meaning the day that he has made for the vindication in this city, flee ye into another: for verity I say unto
of his name. you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Jsrael,
‘In this connection Jcborab gave his word that he till the Son of man be come. The disciple is not above
will protect his people in that day. IIe declares that he his master, nor the servant above his lord.” (3Iatt.
wilf “spare them”: “I will deal tenderly with them.” 10: 22-21) He did not say to stop giving testimotly
(Rotk.) And why does Jehovah spare this pccullar because of pcrsccution, but, on the contrary, he said:
people? The answer is, for his name’s sake. (Ezck. “Fear them not”; that is, do not fcnr the wemy, but
36: 21,22) They are his people, bearing his name ; go on proclaiming the truth. (Jlatt. 10: 2S-ZY) The
and that his name may be made known and vindicated, Devil and his agents can do nothing worst than kill
be spares those who arc his witnesses. The faithful Jehovah’s witncsscs, but they have no power to clc-
remnant still on earth arc Jehovah’s people, and therc- stray their esistcnrc. Cod has promised to raise tll:xru.
fore they arc a treasure to him. “Tlw~~ will the Lord up, and hc will do so and grant to such life cvcrlastin~.
be jealous for his land, and pity his people” ; that is It is only ttloqe witnesses who rcmnin true and stca(t-
to say, his remnant and faithful people doing as he fast in the Lord and maintain their integrity that lie
has commanded them.-Joel 2: 18. wit1 prcscrvc and tlwrcby sl~arc their lives. Sow of
6 For their sakes and in order for them to have the Cod’s faithful witnesscs have been murdcrcd m thcs:
opportunity to prove their continued faithfulness days, but, dying faithful unto (lad, the life of such
‘those days of tribulation are shortcncd’, says the cndurcs for ever. Other scriptures show that some of
Lord. (Matt. 24: 22) Furthwmore Jehovah says: “I the remnant will bc curried alive throu$i Anna,&
will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that don, but whcthcr one dies in the fi:llt or is s1)urcdujlt il
servcth him.” These wortls clearly imply that those after the fight is done makes tittlc dilri’crcnw, lxx;~uw
consccratcd and dcvotcd ones “that feared the Lord, if hc remains true and faithful to tlic Lord lie shall be
and that thought upon his name” and not upon thcm- saved and live for cvcr.
selves and how ttwy might Shine before men, arc, in I God draws a contrast sharply, which contrast
the final fultillmcnt of the ~wo~~l~ocy,the sons of God shows that the forc:oing is the correct concllt\ion, and
that gladly wrve him as their I’athcr, even as Christ that the unfaittlfut hhalt bc dcstroycd. “l’ut yOw-
Jesus scrvcd (:od as his Falhcr. Serving him is the selves in array a::ninst Ihl~ylon round :il~out : all yc
condition ~wcccdcnt to their being spared, and serving that bend the ~JOW, shoot at liw, spare no awows; l’ar
(I’od means to worship him in spirit and in truth by she bath sinned ayainyt the Lord. . . . ~~1111 sl~:lrc J’C
doing as tic!has comniwidctf and thereby prove the lore not her young rncll; destroy ye uttcsrly all her Iwf.”
of the son for the Father. In order to MWV’VC or worship (tlcr. 50: 34; 51 : 3) Concerning the liypoc*ritiwl Iwtl-
CM in spirit and in truth tlwrc can bc no compromise crs in “Christendom” Jehovah says: “And 1 l\itl
by the son of God with any part of Satan’s organiza- dash them one against anot her, cwn the i’utlicrs ;11~1
tion. the SOnS tOgCtilCr, S&h th h-d; 1 Wilt riot IJity, 1101’

a Nor dots God’s sparing these sons mean that they SIJiII’C, nor liavc mercy, but &troy them.” (,Jer.
wil1 be so stiietdcd that tlic encrny cannot arsnult and 13 : 11) “\Vticrcfore, as I live, with tlic Lord t:ocl,
persecute them; but it dew mc1anthat their lives or Surely, bccausc thou hast defilcct my s:lllc!uary \\ 1111
their cxistcnrc wilt be sl~arc~1 and preserved cverlast- all thy d&&able things, and with at1 thinr! abomina-
ing1y ~JY Jrttowh. Some srllish ones have foolishly tions, tlicreforc will I also dimini4i tlicc ; wit her slL;IIt
euntcndcd that if the J,ord is at his tcmplc and has mine c:*e spare, ncithcr wiit I tiavc any IJity.” (hk
selcctcd the servant class, then that. said “scrvaut 5: 33) “Thcrcfow ~111I also dwl in fury; mine eye
class” need not espcct to have furtlicr suft’cring and shall not spare, ncithcr wilt I huve pity ; and though
persecution. Jesus esprcssi?; stated that the faithful they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I
would suffer persecution cvw as hc had suckered per- not hear them.” (Ezck. S: 18; 7:4, 9) Only tlwsc
sccution, and frum such there is no release until God’s who arc fully devoted to Jehovah shalt be spnrcd.
due time to destroy the cnemp. (John 1.5: 18-20) Says * Concerning the Jonadabs the promisc of the Ilord
the faithful apostle : “WC mttst throu$i much tribu- is that they may 1~62 hid in that. day, prori~led tlioy do
lation entrr into the kingdom of’God.” (Acts 14: 2’2) as commanded. (%cph. 2 : 3) It follows tlrc~~cfo~~e that
Jesns cxprcssly stated that his followrrs would bc the J~nadab or “grwt multitude” class niuqt liwr the
brought before the courts and the rulers in Satan’s Word, accept it, and obey, before this scripture can
organization, and that they would be bratcn and ill- apply to them; nnd this is conclusive proof that such
treated and lmprisoncd for his name’s .wltc. (Xark must prcccdc Armageddon. If Cod is goitlc to arbi-
13: 9) IEe plainly said that such lxxwxution would trarily carry men through Armageddon am1 thcu yivc
continue cvcn unto the end and that the faithful them an opportunity to join the great multitwlc, th~~re
would not be deterred in their service to the Lord by would be no occasion for obeying %cphaniah 2: 3.
reason of such persecution : “And ye shalt be hated of BLet those who arc in 3 cownant with Jel~ow!l un-
DECEUBER 1, 1936 357

derstand that they may expect opposition and per- take their stand on the side of the Lord. If we must
secution to the very end and until the destruction of wait until Armageddon for the great multitude to
Satan’s organization, and that their bein? spared is hear and come forth, then to ghom could the Lord
conditional upon their faithfulness to Jehovah when have referred in Matthew 25: 31-46 as the “other
put to the test. What faithfulness one may have shown sheep” who had been good unto him ? When the
in days past will count for nothing unless such faith- people of good will and honest heart hear the king-
fulness is maintained until the very last. The persccu- dom message and turn to the Lord, and declare
tion which Jehovah permits to come upon his people thcmselvcs on ilk side, then they discern between
at the hand of the enemy is to prove that Satat;‘s the good and the wicked and there begins their
challenge is a wicked lie and that, men can and will opportunity to seek meekness and righteousness that
prove their faithfulness and integrity unto God when they may have God’s protection. “The righteous
put to the test. One who argues that there should be shall rejoice when he sceth the vengeance; he shall
no persecution cspcctcd now upon God’s people who wash his feet in the blood of t hc wirltcd. So that a tnan
are doing right shows that hc does not have any undcr- shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous;
standing of the issue that must now bc settled to the verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.“-1’s.
vindication of Jehovah ‘Y name. 53: 10) 11.
lo From 1917 to 1919 God’s people sull’cred much I3 The faithful ones who serve God show even l).v
persecution and all wcrc in restraint or in captivity their countcnancc that they are on the Lord’s side.
and their work was practically stopped. God spared (Itev. 22: 3,4) Tlrc faithful do not hesitate to dcclaru
the faithful during that time, and thcrcaftcr the f’aith- themselves for Jehovah and holdly clec~larcthat tht~y
ful remnant rcturncd from captivity and ctitercd upon rely upon him for salvation, and that they do not
the highway to Zion. (Isa. 3.;: Y-10) This \:‘a~ due to attribute salvation to any man or any man-made thi!i:*.
and in fulfillment of the prophecy which is written, Those who are 110~ OH(:otl’s side, and who arc htatld-
to wit : “Then shall ye return, and tlisccrn between ing firm, like the Eilithfl~l Jlcbrews of old, frankly clc-
the righteous wd the wicked ; I~ctwccn him that scrvcth clarc to their opponents : “If it lx so, our (:otl, whom
God, and him tllat servcth him Ilot.“-Nnl. 3: 18. wc serve, is able to dclivcr us from the Imrniril: ficlry
l1 It was after tlic return of the rcmnarit from rc- funiacc; and hc will dcalivcr us out of tllinc hanJ, 0
straint or I:nhylon that they discxrncd the Lord at his king:. Hut if IlOt, be it hO\vI~ Unto thCE, 0 IilIlg, that

tcmplc and that they then began to apprceiate that we will llot scrvc thy gods, nor worsllip the goldcu
it was their privilcgc to Cill’l+y on his work aWordin7 ima~c which thou hnst set urJ.“-Jh11. 3: 17, 1%

to his cotnm:~~ldmcnt. ‘l’l~y tlisccrncd that Jrllovah I1 I’Or SOllie the IlOW, mid Shcc bCbiIig bIwl~h~ ilit

had providccl “111~ robe of rightcousncss” for Ihc the tcrnplc, the failhl’ul can Wildlly clixcrn tlw difLr+
faithful that they might stand approved bcforc the cnce bclwccn Jc)lovah’s jud~mcnt in dealin:: with hrs
Lord and on’cr in his name an 0lTrrin~ in ri,+teous- fait Iif’ul scrvaiits and his dcalinr: \bit11 the uufailhf III,
IICW. (Isil. G1: 10) Th(‘y thct~ disccrncd that tltc ill)- that is, the wic+cd 011~s.They see the fulfillmc~nt of
JJlwVCd 0IlCS hilt1 Im!ll etltrustctl with the kin~gdom in- his ~)rophccy concerning the wiclrcd which says: “ !VIW
terests dcscribctl by the Lord us “his goo~ls”, and had to tllc idol shcphcrtl that loavcth the flock [of Goti 1!
been constituted the witmsscs for Jchovall. Now those the sword shall bo upon his arm, and upon hi4 rilllt
pcoplc of good will, or the “otl~r sheep”, who follbw eye: his arm shall he clean dried up, and his rityht. csyc!
the faithful in their devotion to Jehovah, also discrrn shall bC utterly d;I1.IiC?ICd.” (Zcch. 11 : 17) “l~cllolJ,
many of these wonderful truths which the Lord has my servants shall sing for joy of hcart, but yc sh;i)l .
rcvcalcd. TIN mcysnge comes from the Lord to his cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vcs::tiu!l
remnant and is delivered by them unto the “other of spirit. “- Isa. G5: 14.
sheep’ ‘. I5 The faithfu) discern that Jehovah’s jud!:mcnt is
la The chosen ones of the Lord now clearly “discern now upon and against the wicked and 1hat tllcir cl+
between the righteous and the wiclrcd”. They see the struction is because thry have defamed God’s holy
“wicked servant” class, those who constitute the “man name and because of their murderous attacks upon
of sin”, ” the son of ycrdition”; they also see the rul- Jehovah’s witnesses. It is not, difficult now for t:lc
ing factors of “CYlrist~1ndotn”, and that the chief goats faithful of the temple class to “discern bctwecn the
amongst them are the clergy, who arc huttmg into righteous and the \vicked”, that is, bctwcen those \f ho
an’clirs of others and cauc;ing the persecution of Jcho- sww and lhosc who do not scrvc God. As the wicl,c:l
vah’s witncsscs. & they bear the n~essageof the king- fact the fire of destruction no doubt they will set God’s
dom to the pcoplc the shrcp and the goats are readily protecting hand over his faithful witnesses. The
discerned by these witnesses and without a question “glittering sword ” of Jchorah ‘s Esccut ioner sh:lI1
of doubt the separating of the uations progresses be- slay the \vi&d, and thcp shall not return. ‘l’hc~sc
fore their eyes. This of itself should convince one who facts are now brought to the attention of the pcoplc
is devoted to the Lord that the “other sheep” or of good will because it is God’s due time that suc11
great. multitude must nom receive the witness and mw:t be shown. The faithful witncsscs hasten to gift
358 RR@O‘RZPS,

the testimony while the opportunity is offered, that is now energetically putting forth it5 hcst efforts to
the “other sheep” of the Lord may hear a7ld discern gain co77trol of the United States and Britain. True
the difference between taking their stand with the to the prophecy of the Lord: “Pride goeth before de-
enemy and allying tl7emselvcswit11Jehovah’s true and struction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” ; which
faithful witnesses, and engaging in his service. The will come upon them at Armageddon. (Prov. 16: 18)
“other sheep” arc now given the privilege of joining There must have bee77some sincere men in the former
in the testimony jvork and in due time to receive Cod’s days in the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, hut today that
protection in 17isown good way. institution is entirely political and resorts to all man-
ner of fraud and deceit to gain complete control of
DEVASTATING FIRE the people. That wicked ruling institution now makes
xsUp to this point in the prophecy of Malachi the no prctcnsc of teaching the truth of God’s Word and
Lord deals with what comesto pass just preceding the has even ahandollcd tnuch of its former doctrines.
full execution of God’s wrath against the I)evil’s or- Power is now their great ambitious desire; as t,nc
ganization. What appears, according to the Authorized Scriptures declare : ‘Such are proud, knowing nothing
Version, to be tl1e fourth chapter of the prophecy of Jehovah’s p77rposc.’ (1 Tim. 6 : 4) The ICo~uan
begins with the word “For”, and this shows the close Catholic Jiierarcliy is tlic I~cvil’s cliief instrumciit On
rclatioriship of ttiat verse to tlic preceding test altd earth; hut his organization is in for destruction, and
the close relntionsl1ip of what is now to follow. In the includes all those who arc nyainst God. Cotlccr77it1gall
II&rcw text, and according to Lecscr’s translat10n, sucl1Jelloval says: “I~cl~old, I am against tl1cr, 0 thou
there arc only three chapters of tt7c prophcry of most proud, saith the Lord (:od of hosts : for tlky d;ly is
Malachi. The Autllorized Version, chapter 1: 1, reads: come, the time that I will visit thee.“-Jcr. 50: 31.
“For, l~l~old, tl1c day corn&h, that shall hum as m I* The most proud on earth arc the arrogant 017~sOf
oven; and all .the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, tllc Kornan Catholic Iiicrarcliy, and concerning them
shall bc stubble; ortd the day that con-&h shall huru Jcltovah says : “And tl1c most proud sl~all stumhlc
them up, saith tl1c Lord of hosts, that it sl1all lcavc and fall, attd 11017c shall raise him up ; and I will kit1dle
them ncithcr root t7or branch.” According to the a fire in his cities, and it shall devo77rall t*our~d about
Lecser it reads : “ For, behold, the day is cotning, which him.” (Jcr. 50: 33) There arc milliot1s of’ l1017cstIWO-
shall burn as an Oven; and all tt1c presumptuous, yr;7, pie in tlic “Catiiolic l~ol~17lation” who Ilavc suffcr~!
and all who practisc wickcdncss shall be stul~l~lc; and at the hatids of the pi~nd, arrogant and ol)l)rcssisc
the day that is comit1g shall set them 017fire, saith tl1c Roman (‘atl1olic 1Iicrarchy. Now ~Jcl1Ovnh’swit t1esscs,
Lord Of hosts, ~110will not Ic:7vc them root or bough.” especially, arc mode the objects of rcl1ro:rc~liiltlfl I,cbr-
-hIal. 3 : 13. sccution hay that wicked crO\Wl. But tllo filitllfUl ;LcC
I’ The conjunction “for” sliows that cliaptcr four, dctcrminctl that ttlcsc \ViClid agents of ALtat sli:ill t10t
accordh7g to tl7c Autlrotized Version, hcl0t1gs to the turr7 tltct17away frotn the Ilord and I1is f’i1itl1ft7l WI’~-
prercding Or third chapter, and is in fnct a part of the ice. LOokillg t0 tllc l,Orli tllcsc in fllc 1illl’~U;l~C of t Ilc
third chapter, ‘l’tic day com1t1gis far worst tt1n71lhc psalmist say : “‘~11c proud Iiavc had 111~: gr~~atly it1
furnace that NcL77cl1:1d7iczzar11catcd “seven tiitics derision; yet have I 71otdeclined t’rott1 tlly !a\\~. Tl~e
more than it was wont to bc hcatcd”. (IIilll. 3: 19) proud have forged a tic aqai11stme: hut I will I;~c~I)
It was into that fic~ry furnace tl1at flit tlirce fait11li71 thy prcccl~ts with my wl10lc IlCill’t. Tticir tlc3rt is i1s
Ilcbrews were cast. The burni71g tl1at comes at the fat as grcnse; but I delight in thy law. l,ct tl1e l)ro1111
elosc of the day of Jchoval1 is after the witness work lx asl1an7cd;for tlrcy tlcnlt pcrvcrsrly wit 11tnc without
is danc. Tt1at devastating fire is no part of the rcfin- a ~177s~’ ; hut I will mcdifatc it7 thy prc%ccpts.‘!‘IIc proud
ing, but is for the dcstructio71 of Sai;in’s or~ai7izatio77, have di$gctl pits for mc, \vliicli arc not ilft<‘Y tli:i law.
and, says the scripture, at that titnc ‘all the proud They 11x1almost consumed tnc U~OIIcavth ; but I for-
[all the prcsumpluous (Leescr) ] a77d they that do sook not tliy prcccpts. 152surety for tliy servant for
wickedly shall bc as stul)ble’. Of all tl1c proud, arro- good ; let not tl1c proud oppress me.“-1’s. 119: 31,
gant, presumptuous and wicked ones 077earth, it is 69, 70, 78, S5,S7, 12”.
those of the Ron1an Catholic 1Iicrarchy that stand at I1 Wl1ile being snbjccfcd to flirsc wicked persecution-;
the very head of tl1c vicio77sgoat class. They are in- at the ha11t1s of the 1Ticrarchy Jehovah graciously g1vr5
solent and deal proudly with otl1ers. Of them the Lord his witticsscs an untl(!1,st~iii~lit7~of his l)nrposc ;IS Scot
says : “Ye scornful men, that rule tl7is people . . . forth in his Word, and thiy not 011ly liglltctls tl1cJir
when the overflowing sco17rgesl7nll pass through, then burdens and gives them coml’0rt and !10pe,but cnablcs
ye shall he trodden down by it.” (Isa. 25: 14-18) For the faitliful to rejoice tliat they arc comntcd worth\
a long time tl7at hypocritical, devilish organization has to suft-‘er reproaches sitnilar to that wl1icll fell U!~OJI
operated falsely under the name of “God’s ch77rch” the Ilord Jesus. Tt1q know that the day of tlclivr1x11~e
and has ruled ma77ypeople, and at the same time 113s is near al7d the time for the vindication of ~Jcl1ovi71~‘s
worked diligcx7tly and fervently to get rontrot of the name is at hand, a7ld therefore they enter fully into
gOvernmen& of this world. That wicked organization tl7e joy of the Lord, rejoicing that they may 11avea

part in the vindication of his holy name. The under- children to the murderer, Ephraim is smitten, their
standing of Jehovah’s purpose now is a great stimulus root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit; yea, though
to his people, and furnishes them the incentive to con- they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit
tinue to press on in his service. These faithful ones of their womb.” (Has. 9: 12, 13, 16) “For I will rise
give no heed to the self-constituted teachers amongst up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off
men, who think they are wise, but look to their own from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and
teachers, Jehovah and Christ Jesus, who are no longer ~IC~J~IOW, saith the Lord.” (Isa. 14: 22) The dcstruc-
pushed into a corner.-Isa. 30: 20. tion resulting from the execution of the Lord’s judg-
*OThe prophecy denounces all the wicked: “and mcnts shall be so complete that there can bc no rc-
all that do wickedly “; “cvcryonc who workcth law- covcry and the esistencc of the wicked shall end for
lcssncss.‘, (Rotlr. j The wicked are those who have ever. The Lord fully confirms this in the letter part
once been enlightened and tasted the good things and of the foregoing statement by the prophecy of M.nlacbi,
who have then turned to lawla~sncss, (31~1~.6: 4-G) that the Lord’s wrath “shall burn them up, . . . that
Such constitute the “evil servant” class or wicked it shall leave them ncithcr root nor branch”. That
Scrva~Its. Of course, in those described as wicked arc burning will leave a clean universe, wholly dcvotcd
included Satan and Go:: and all tlwse who mere once to the Lord.
111the light and have bccll tUIW2tl into &lrliIIC?.%. It ?*Then Jehovah turns his prophetic words to the
includes all tlwsc who hnvc turned against God and faithful remnant now bciny puslwd and horned atId
his kin:rclom. \Yhat shall bc the cd of SUCK? Says 111~ shoved about by the proud and wicked, and to tlwrn
prophet : They “SI1i111 1X! StUl~lJlC”, whicli Ill0 fire hc says: “But unto you that Scar my n:InIc shall the
quickly consumes. “Thcrcfore as the fire dcvourcth sun of ri~~htcousncssarise with hcalin: in hi, win:a;
the stIll~l~le, and the flame consunicth the clinfi’, so their and yc s11all go forth, and gambol as calves of the
root shall bc iis rotfcnnws, and their blossom shall go stall.” (?lM. 4: 2, Zt.V.) “Cut thcrc shall rise wit0 you
UJ) as dust: bccausc they have cast away the law of that Ecar my name the sun of riglitcousnrss with hcal-
the I,OId Of hOS:tS, ilIld dC~~ji:Cdtllc Word Of thC J[dy in;: in his wings; and J-Cwill go forth, and grow fat
One of Jsracl. ” (Isa. 5 : 2 1 ) “l~CllOld, tll(&y Shill1 IX as as calves of the stall.“-X:il. 3: 20, Lccscr.
stuljblc; the fire shall burn them ; they shall Ilot de- z3Those who now Erar tbc Lord trcmblc lest they
liver tlwmsclves from tlic powr of the flame; thcrc bring rqjroxli upon (;ocl’s name or th;it t Iicy mi.!$it
slu111 not 1x2 a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.” miss the blcsscd privilr,:c of havin:: a part in the vin-
--Isa. 47 : 14 ; Joel 2 : 5. dication of his n:Imc. This mcnns that it il!>[jli(bs pri-
21 When Jchowh Ilad dclivcrcd XOSCS and the other niarily to the “I’aitltful and wiw swwut” ~li155, tl1c
Tsraclilcs from tlw perils of the sea, those faiibful ones remnant ; and secontl:irily to the “ot11c:r slwq)“, the
sung iogcthcr : “l\~~d in the grwt IIC’SYof tliinc es- Jonadabs or great multitude. Now &Ii\ crcd the mcs-
cctllcncy thou hnst ovcrthrowi tlwrn that rose up sw:c of Jchovnl~ to ttiosc W/IOforwhadowcd the fail h-
n:qinst thee: thou sclltc:it I’wth thy wrath, which cm- ful remnant of loday am1 who arc in tlw c*ownnnt of
wnwd them as stubbic.” (Es. 15: 7) Thus the Lord faitlifulncss; and to tbern hc said: “If thou wilt not
esccutcs his destructive pork IIIJ~ the b’idid and to observe to do all the words of this law [ol’ tl~c covcnailt
tllc joy of those who prow their intc::rity toivard him. of fnitilfulnuss] that arc written in tlii’s i~ook, that thou
The Mirked wcrc also forcsbndowd by Esau, who maycast fear this glorious and fc~arful name, TIlti
turned against his brother; and concerning that anti- LOBI) TIlY GOD.“-1)cut. 28: 58.
typical “man of sin” class the Lord soys: “And the 24One who does not fear Cod within the Scriljtuial
house of Jacob [ untlcr C’lrist] shall bc a fire, and tbc meaning cannot have his favor, but to those who do
house of Joseph [faithful of Jacob’s house] a flame, fear the Lord, and who arc faithful and true to him,
and the house of IG;au [trcacheruus ones] for stubble, a record is IiClJt in their Savor; as is stated by the
and they [The Christ, pictured by Jacob and Josephj prcphrt 3Jalachi : “A ljoolc of rcmcmbraiicc was writ-
shall kin& in them [&au], and devour them ; and ten before him for thcni that feared the Lord, and t Itat
there shall not bc any remaining of the house of Gnu ; thought upon his name.” (Jlal. 3: 16) Not only is the
for the Lord hath spoltcn it.” (Obad. 18) “For while fear of the IIord the bcl,rinning of wisdom, but hc who
they be foldcn to::cthcr as thor~ls, and while they arc is wise ncwr departs from the fear of the Lord.-
drunlicn as drunkards, they shall be devoured as Yrov. S: 13.
stubble fully dry.” (?;ah. 1 : 10) Thus the prophets 25The suf?‘wiug and pcrsccution that came upon Je-
of Cud speak ‘bcforc the coming of the great ;uId hovah’s faithful people in 1915 and 1’339 was soon
terrible day of the Lord’. That day of’ the Lord “shall dispcllcd by the healing rays of the Lord’s light in
burn them up” complctcly. “Though they bring up fulfillment of his prophecy to those who stood faithful
their children, yet will I bcreavc them, that there si~all unto him, and ~110feared the Lord ; and to these, the
not be a man left ; yea, woe also to them when I depart promise is, “shall the Sun of righteousness arIse with
from them! Nphraim, as I saw Tyrus, is plnntcd in healing in his wings.” The coming of the T.ord ,JCSUS
a pleasant place; but Ephraim shall brinl: forth his to the tcnipk? brought the healing bh%%~ilq,to C;oJ‘Y
350 l3ROOKLsN,s. y.

faithful people, Jehovah withholds no good thing Judah, and the capt,ivity of Israel, to return, and will
from those who are wholly devoted to him. “For the build them as at the first. And I will cleanse them
Lord God is a sun and shield ; the Lord will give grace from aft their iniquity, whereby they have sinned
and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities,
that walk uprightly. “-1’s. 84 : 11. whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have
n Jehovah did give to his own faithful vnes grace transgressed against me. And it shall be to me a name
and glory when he sent Christ Jesus, hiu Messenger, of joy, a praise and an honour before all the nations
to the temple. Christ Jesuv is tile cxprcss image of of the earth, which shall hear all tile good that I do
Jehovafl and the brightness of his glory. (II&. 1: 3) unto them: and they shall fear and tremble for all
IIe it is that announces to the faithful watchers the the goodness, and for all the prosperity, that I pro-
day of Jehovah which brings grace and glory to the cure unto it.“-Jer. 33 : 6-9.
faithful ones: “Their line is gone out through all the 2oWhen we attempted to interpret prophecy before
earth, and tfleir words to the end of the wvrld. In the Lord’s due time, WCtried to make this prophecy
them [the ileavens] hat11hc [Jehorah] set a tabernacle apply to the Jexs during the millennial reign of
for the sun; which is as a hridq;room coming out of Christ; but now, since the Lord has revealed his pur-
his &amber [of the waiting period], and rejoiceth as pose to his people, they plainly see that this l,rol)llccy
n strong man to run a race.” (I%. 19: 4, 5) “Through applies to those who arc real Jews, that is, those who
the tender mcrc~yof our God; whereby the dayspring are fully dcrotcd to the praise and service of Jchor:lh
[ (?)tnryeii) suirrising ; (Dicly.) day-dawn] from on God in the day of his viudication. The S:*ript.urcs
high hat11visited us, to give light to them that sit in were written aforetime for tlic learning and com1’iIrt
darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet of the remnant that they might be fully equipped and
into the way of peace.“-Luke 1: 75, 79. furnished for the work that God has assigned them
n Tflc “Sun of righteousness” usflcrs in the day of under Christ Jesus. (Rom. 15: 4 ; 2 Tim. 3: lG, 17)
rightcousncss and justice and is thcrcforc the Sun of Now it is clearly discernible by the remnant that the
vindication. The Sun causes to be brou$lt forth “healing in fiis wings” is the li?;ht and comfort, rest
“precious tflings”, “precious fruity.” (I)eut. 33: 14) and protecting coycring, that is given to those who rc-
The Sun of rightcvusncss arose in 1914, when Lc, main true and faithful to the Iloi d. During the period
Christ Jesus, was enthroned and sent forth to rule 111 of pcrsccution, while the World War was in l)rogrcss,
the mitht of the enemy; and particularly in INS hc God’s true 1~oplc suffered much, but in due time the
began to shine fortfl upon the remnant of the tribe of Lord toot; them under his protecting care, sllic~ldcd
Levi that was clcansctl and brou~lit into the trmplc. and protected them from their oppressors, and lt(‘alcd
That glorious Sun will never go down. “Thy sun their sickness. IIis faithful people now trust in eJctlo-
shall no more go clown ; neither shall thy moon with- vah and Christ Jesus and arc brou$t under the pro-
draw it.sclC; for the Lord shall be thinc everlasting tecting cart of the Lord, illustrated by “his u inxs”,
light, and the days of thy mourning shall be cndcd.” and arc held in a secure place. TIWSO,apl)rcciatinl:
(Isa. 60: 20) “For flis nnjicr cndurctb but a nionic~lit; tlrrir bl&n~s from the Lord, employ the language uf
in his favour is life; weeping may cndurc for a ninilt, the ~JSdini~t iIlId sing: “IIow csccllcnt is thy lovitix-
but joy comctlr in the morning.” (1%. 30 : 5, G) Thcsc kindness, 0 Cod ! therefore the children of men put
are words of great consolation to the faithful, and their trust under the shadow of thy wings.” (1%.
they take courugc therefrom arid tlleir &Jy increases. 36: 7) “I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear
s*With the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple me, 0 God; incline thinc car unto me, and hear my
the unclcanncss of lip mas removed ivy the coals of spcccli. Slicw thy marvcllous loving-kindness, 0 thou
fire. Thr mouth of the remnant v,as clcatwd, and this that savest IJ~ thy right hand them which put t.licir
caused the cleansed onrs to rejoice and sing the praises trust in thee from those that rise up againrt, them.
of Jehovah. (Isa. 6: 5-7 ; 12: 1,3) Says the prophet Keep me as the apple of the eye; hide me under the
Malachi : ‘The Sun of righteou\ncc;~ arises with hcal- shadow of thy wings, from tlic wicked that oppress
ing.’ The faithful servants of C;od had sufl’ered much me, from my clcadly enemies who compass me about.”
at the hands of the enemy during the World War. (1’s. 17 : 6-9) “Be merciful unto me, 0 God, bc mcrci-
They were scattered, beaten and bruised, and were ful unto me: for my soul trust& in thee; yea, in the
Like dead men. (Zech. 2 : G, 7 ; Ezclc. 36 : E-31 ; 37 : 1-1-l) shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until thcqe
Then when the faithful awoke to their privileges and calamiticq br overpast.” (I%. 57 : 1) Now in the secret
the anger of the Lord passed away from them they place of the Most High, with full confidcncc and iruSt,
were healed, and then began the fulfillment of God’s the faithful continue their song of praise: “For thou
prophecy concerning them: “Behold, I will bring it hast been a shelter for mc, and a strong tower from
[his visible organization on earth, made up of the the enemy. I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever;
faithful remnant] health and cure, and I will cure I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Sclah. For thou,
them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of 0 God, hast heard my vows: thou hast given me the
peace and truth. And I will cause the captivity of heritage of those that fear thy name.“-&. 61: 3-5.

aoEeing healed and rcfrcshed by the Lord, the which he had provided for them, they grow up strong
“faithful servant” class is sent forth : “And ye shall and fat, becoming Strong in tfle Lord and in the [JOWCr
go forth,” saith the Lord. The faithful go forth ac- of his might. (Ps. 23 : 2 ; Eph. 6 : 10) They are ready
tively in Jehovah’s service as his witnesses, being now to declare the vengeance of our God, and they do so
“a people for his name”. They have been released vigorously, and with the sword of the spirit they at-
from the conditions of restraint in which they found tack those who defame the name of the Nest High.
~i~cmselvesduring the World War period. When the 33In harmony +ith tflc foregoing prophecy Malachi
faithful remnant saw they flad been mixed with Baby- says : “And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they
lon, tflcy heard the command of the Lord to them, shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day
saying : “Go ye forth of Ijabylon, flee ye from the that I. shall do tllis, saitfl tfx Lord of hosts.” (Nal.
Cfmldcans, lvitfi a voice of singing declare ye, tell this, 4: 3) In oriental lands the calves are used to tftrcsfl
utter it even to the end of the earth; say J’C,The Lord the grain ; and likewise the faithful of the Lord “tread
hath rcdecmcd his servant Jacob.” (Isa. 48 : 20) Then down the la~icss”.-RotR.
they hastcncd forfh bcarin,,mthe rcssels containing the 34The Lord, addressing his same faithful people,
fruits of the kingdom. They went forth with joy, and thrOUgh the [n?ofJflCCyOf AIicafi, says: “l!l’iSc, alld
still proceed in tlic same way: “Depart yc, depart ye, thresh, 0 daughter of Zion ; for I will die tfiilie
go ye out frorn tflcncc, touch no unclean thing; go ye horn iron, and I will make tfly hoofs brass; ant1 thou
out of the midst of her; be yc clean, that bear t11cvcsscls shalt beat in picccs many propfc; and I will cotwcr~ltc
of the Lord. l*‘or yc shall not go out with haste, nor go their gain unto the Imd, and their substance unto the
by flight; for the Lord will go bcforc you ; aud the God Ilord of the whole ca~.h.” (4: 13) This work corrc-
of Israel will IJ~ your rercw;ird.“-Isa. 53: 11,12. nponds to the treading of the wine press.--l:cv.
*I The prom& to the faithful ones is sure, and they 14: I!), 20; 13: 15.
shall worship the Lord God in spirit and iti truth: 3aThe faithful witnesses of ,Jchovah dcclarc tflc
“Again I will build lhce, and thou shalt bo built, 0 purpose of the Most Iligfr, announcing his judamcllts
virgin of Il;racl : thou shalt again bc adornccl with thy to IJring burning JevaStiltiOIl Upon the WiCliCd,and
iabrcfs, and shalt go forth in the dances Of tlicm that tllc~WfOK?tile wic~kcdor la\vlc:,S, as the prOphct SilyS,
make mrrry.” (,Jcr. 31 : 4) ‘f’l~osc~110arc faithful to “sl~nll bc [as] oshcs under the soles of your ft*ct 111
clod must “go forth” in fullillmcnt of pro~~hccy,alld the day tfmt I [,Jchovaf~~shall do tlr is.” Sucfl ~111
If& is ~Wl+i~Ulil~ly trUc since tllc year 1323, When tllC fx the result of the day of burninp dcscribccl in Jlala-
holy hljirit was poured out on all of Cod’s servants. chi 4: 1, Al’. Jd~ovaf~ by his Right Am, Chest.
They flare ~JCW~ going for111aud arc still goill:: at it, JWIIS, will lay 10~ in the ashes tl~ I)cvil alld iill of
and their joy continues. The great mull itridc follow his crowd. “And the God of l~r~accsfmf1 bruise Sati~n
tllf.? XTmllil~lt nlld tl1C.V “RO fOl,tll” illld ‘YIIOWtllClll- UildPr yOUr feet Sflortfy.” (IlOIn. 16: 20) After t.ht
sclvcs on the side of Cod alltl his l;ingdom.-Isa. 49 : 9. is accomplished all who survive will Axrly “dixcrn
a2When a calf has been ~CI~IKXIup in a stall and is b~~tnccii tiic riglitcous and the I\ i&crl “. Only those
turnrd loose it runs and lcnps for joy. Tltc Az~lhokm.4 WIIOscrvc God will survive. JC~IO\ah accornl~fi~l~~sthis
I~c~‘sion of the test hcrc wtkr consideration says: \vorli in the day which fit long ago ap1Jointcldfor tli;i t
‘And go forth alid grow up as calves of the std.’ purl~osc. In the “dily of Iii% pr~~paratioii”, \!liicli is
\\‘ticii wc gucsscd at the meaning and application of now, hc ItXllicS rcndy for his rompfcte vinclicatitrii.
this test wc a1)pliccl it to the millennial reign of Christ (Naf~. 2: 3) Clark the words “saith Jehovah of IIOS~S”
and said tflat tflc pcoplc would obey him aud they (rl.lZ.v.), wflich mean he is the God of battle. That is
sl~ould grow ~1) as stall-fed cnlr~ and l~cco~ne fat. his fAting name.
Suc11,howcvcr, is not the inc;iI’i~l~ of the text. ,\ccorcl- 3(i+o fully inif)rcss tlic3c great trutlls u~~oii tlic itiird
jiig to the Kct~iscd IIc1x2’07~ t11ctest reads: “Go forth, of tflc remnant Jehovah says to them through his
n11dgambol as c~alvcsof the stall”; and according to prophet : “Ecmcmbcr ye the law of bloscs my scrvallt,
iiotllerllnut: “And leap for joy like calves let. loose which I commanded lmto fiim in IIol*clJ for ill1 Isr;i(~f,
from the stall.” The word “stall” is from tllc root with the statutes and judgments.” (Illal, 4: 4) Now
word w11icf~means, “to tie up,” or, “a tying-up the Grcetcr nJox5 is here and speaks lvitli full author-
place. ” The faitllful remnant, being released and bc- ity from Jcl~ovah God: “It shall come to IJUSS, thnt
ing free to enter the service of Jchorafl, did leap for cvcry soul, nhich will not [obey] tflat prophet [Chr:st
joy, just as a calf that is turned loose from the stall Jesus], shall be dcstroycd from amons the ~~coplc.”
and let free out into the pasture gambols and leaps. (Acts 3: 23) This drstrurtion is not at tfle end of the
God’s pco1)le wcrc stalled in Babylon and were being millcniiial reign of Cfirist, but in lfic fire of dcvas!;i-
fed on fodder found there which gave tfxm no tion that God sends upon Satan’s organization at
strength ; sur~flfodtlcr as character devclopmcnt, man- Armageddon. After the coming of the Lord Jesus to
worship, sallctinlonionsrlcss, and suchlike ; and had the temple the tcmplc class is anointed and scut forth
grown quite lank and thin ; but when relcascd awl set to do his service, and tfle Lord Jcf~ovnh forcibly rc-
free, and sent inta the green pastures of the Lord, minds them, saying, “IZcmcmbcr ye, ” in order tllnt
362 BEOOKLXS, h’. y.

ye may obey. He impresses it fully upon the mind of coming of the Greater Moses, Christ Jesus, and here
those who have undcrtakcn to do his service. It is Jllalachi prophesies concerning the coming of an Eli-
those who “fear the name of the Lord” that go forth jah. According to the apostle P&r’s statement ln
to his service and continue faithful. These are in the refcrencc to the transfiguration scene, both of these
covenant by sacrifice and in the new covenant, which were to be related closely with the ‘pow~ and coming
is mediated by the Greater Noses, Christ Jesus. The of the T,ord Jesus Christ in his majesty’. (2 Pet.
faithful remnant in the earth are included and toward 1: 16-18) The Elijah to come was to be a forcrunncr
them the new covenant is inaugurated that they may Or preparer. The JIoscs to come was to bc the CXWU-
be Jehovah’s ‘people for his name’s sake’. These words tioner. (Dcut. 18: 19 ; Acts 3: 23) John the Baptist
arc a strong admonition to them to rcmcmber the law was a forerunner or preparer and thcrcforc fuliillcd
of Rloses,which foreshadowed the law of the Greater in miniature the prophecy regarding Elijah. “For
Noses, now the Mediator of the new covenant and its all the prophets and the law prophcsicd until John.
law, and also the inaugurator of that covenant at And if ye will rcccivc it, this is Elias, which was for
Xount Zion, where the remnant are now assembled to come.“--Xatt. 11: 13’14.
with Christ Jesus. The fact that the prophecy refers s8When the attention of Jesus was called to the
to the inauguration of the law covenant at Sinai, or prophecy that Elijah must first come, Jesus answered,
IIoreb, shows that it now applies to the inau:;uration and his ansWcr refers to the miniature fu~~i~~inclit Of
of the new covenant toward his remnant the people on
the prophecy by John the IlaIjtist: “1:~ I say unto
earth since the cornin:: of Chric:t Jesus to the tcmplc. you, That Elias is come already, and t!~cy kucw him
The law covenant, inaugurated at llorcb was “for all not, but have done unto him wlmtsocvor they listctl.
Israel”, ant1 thcrcforc i’orcsl~ado~~~lthat the new cove- Likewise shall also the Son of man sufi’cr of them.”
nant iy ‘for all spiritual Israel’, inclutling the rcm- (Xatt. 17 : 12) Elijah forcshadowcd the \\ork to bc
nant of today on carlh. “Chi~istendom” claims to be done, and which was fulfllcd by Joh the kI]Jht,

in the cov.c’nant, but “Cbrist~nd~m” is hypocritical and which has its major fulfillment by Christ Jesus;
and does violcncc to her claim and is not included in and his faithful remnant have some llart thcrcin IJL-

the covenant. “Christendom” has given 110 heed to cause of their relationship to Christ Jww~.
thC ~AIrd’s admOnitiOn to remcilJhr ttle h\V of %SCS.
3’5 ‘rfle original ]<lijdi, Who ~JrO~Jhk(~ hi ISI'it('l,
* ‘ C’histcntlom ” tfwcforc aqsigncd to her place
prcccdd Jchu and was tllcbrefore a ~WCPIIIIIICP of ,~(*IIII,
with the Devil and the liars am1 all ~110 ‘love and tlic csccutioncr of tlic wickc(1 rulers of lsr.~cl and t hoqc
i0akc a lie’. (Xatt. 24: 51 ; i:0. 22: 15) The “statutes who l)racticcd the &vi1 rcli!:ion. The l’ullillrricrlt 01
and judgments” of the Lord wcro attached to and the I{li.jah proplicc*y in coml’lctencss tlrcrcl’orc l’r(‘-
made a part of the covenant, setting forth what God cedes tlic csecution C’llrist Jesus, the (:Ix*.I!(L~.1(~11u,
requires of those who arc iluw iu the covermilt which of the \\ic*l;cd rulers an(l practicers of drv11 rcli~:l~m,
is iiiauguralcd at Jlount %iou to\\nrd those who arc which fal,cs place at Arma~,r~ddoit. 15liSllil liniAc*d tltc
in line for the lciii~(Iom. “Jlc [.Jchovah] shc~~cthhis work Iw::un by Elijdl, and thcrrfore 1CIish \\:I$
word uilto Jncaob,his statutes ~litd his jucI:.plcnts uuto
anoititctl and commis:iioncd in his plarc ant1 stead lo
Israel. Ilc hat11not dealt so with any nation ; and as finish that work. (1 JG. 19: 16, 13, 20) ‘l’hc 1511,j:111
for his jud~mciits, they liavc not known them. Praise work was particularly in behalf’ of God’s EaitliTul 11it-
ye the LoI’d.“-1’s. 147: 19, 20. nrsscs and them to have a part in tllc wittIc+

work later. The ‘man clothed with linen, and with tilt
IMPEXJIXG DESTIlUCTION writer’s hkhortl by his side’ (1~~1;. 9: 1, 4, 11)’ 1)cr-
w Jehovah gives fair warning bcl’ore hc executes forms the in behalf of the Jonad:~b or “::rwl.

his enemies. Ilaving given waruinq, and those warned multitude” or “other sheep” claq and this latter
not liavitlg b‘ivcn heed thereto, destruction must of work was forcshndowcd by what l;:lisha 11~ ~IYJ~JIWI

necessity follow upon them. Jehovah ncvcr &Gates did after Klijah had finishctl his work. Miuisturc i’ul-
from flis cxprcsscd purpose. Thcreforc he says, through filIincnt of the Elijah work in John the i I lkil~f

his proplict : “Behold, I will send you Elijah the ended by John’s hcing bchcaded, but :dtcr that it I\ <:\
IJrophet bcforc the coinin, or of tile great and dreadful still ncccssary for the disciples of Christ Jesus to Kivc
day of the Lord.” (‘;\Ial. 4 : 5) At the bcgiuning of the waruing of the wrath coming; which they did.-,\c?s
third chapter of the prophecy of Blalachi the Lord 2 : 40.
announced his purpose to send his Messenger to pre- ‘IJThe Elisha work in complctcncss or major 1”lil-
pare the way before him. The prophetic stntcmcnts fillmcnt hexan approximately 1919. Sucall work 1: xc;
concerning Elijah and the T’Gssengcrarc parallel, and in fact a continuation of that \Sork ori$o:l!ly assif~;i(~,l
John the Baptist was the mlniaturc fulfillment of both. to Elijah, and since the cessation of the Elijah war;:
In close prosimity the prophet 3Lalachi mentiom both Cod’s true M~itllCW.?S, tllc rcrnnant, LlUtlt~r tile Wlir-
Moses and Elijah the same as dots the scripture con- mnnd and leadership of Christ Jesus, coI]t iuuc to CIVC
ccrning the transfiguration scene. (3Tatt. 17: 1-4; the wdlnitq “bcforc”, as Nalaclli sags, “the yxe::t
Dcut. 18 : 16-18) Xoses had prophc~siedconcerning the and dreadful day of the Tdord.” That gycnt and drc~:cJ-
DEcExBE~~ 1, 1936 363

ful day of the Lord is when Armageddon falls upon gcddon we can do something about gathering the great
the world. The declaration of Jehovah by his prophet multitude”, shows he does not have an undcrstanclmr:
&lachi that he would first end Elijah the prophet of the prophecies and the relationship thereto which
IEfore the Executioner was sent seems clearly to say is borne by the wilnesscs of Jehovah. The Devil would
that the conditions existing in “Christendom” (which be delighted to see Jehovah’s witnesses adopt the
is professed spiritual Israel) would be similar to the policy of “watchful waiting”, become idle and in-
conditions existing in Israel in the day of the prophcis different, and slack their hand and wait until Arma-
Elijah and Elisha and immediately preceding the ese- geddon to do their work; but those who really love
cution work done by J&u. Ifaving these antitypical God, and who have an understanding and appreciation
facts before ~3, in the light of the prophecies, there of their relationship to God and his organization, will
js but one possible conclusion, and that is, to wit, that now push forward with continued zeal and vigor and
the ‘great and terrible day of the Lord’ is the day of will obey his commandment not to slack the hand.
Jehovah’s Executioner, Christ Jesus, acting as the .*2 If the work of giving the witness and warning
Greater Jehu in txccuting God’s enemies, the ehief fails to turn “Christendom” to llic right way, then
earthly portion of which is made up of the Roman “the great and dreadful day of the Lord” must come
Catholic llirrarrhy and otbcr &r&T. upon them. Says the prophet concerning this work:
‘LNow according to the undisputed facts and ac- “And tic [the prophetic work] shall turn the heart
cording to the prophecy WC see that the antitypical of ttic fathers to the children, and the heart of the
Elijah work in comptctcncss is the ‘preparing of the children to their filttlC!IX, test I come and smite the
way before Jehovah’ and is completed immediately cartti with a curse.” (Mat. 4: 6) The ITebrcw WJI~
preceding the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple here used for “tnrn” is also rcndcred “to convert “.
and his judymcnt work there performed ; that the (Jsn. G: 10; 1’s. 51 : 13) The angel of the Lord prophc-
fulfiltmcnt of ttic Elijah work covcrcd a period of ap- sicd concerning John the IJaptict, who in miniatllrc
proximately forty .vcars and cjndcd in 1915, and then fulfitlcd the ISlijatl prophecy, and s31d : “And many
Christ Jesus came immcdiatc~ty to the temple; that of ttic ctiitdrcn of Israel shall tic turn to the I,ord their
there was a short period of waiting, and shortly therc- (iod. And hc shall go before him in ttre spirit illld
after the Elisha work began, which must bc done by po\~cr of Elias, to tur,n the hearts of ttlc fathers to the
those whotn Elisha forcshadowcci ; Christ Jesus brlllgs cliild~cu, and the disobcdicnt to the wisdom of lhc
the approved onus into the trrnplc, cnti~htcns and III- just; to rrdic ready a t~opte prcpnrcd for ttic Lord.”
strncis them, and then scuds them forth to do the -1~IltiC 1: lG,l7.
Elisha work, and this has been in progress since l!Jl!J, 43In the scvcntccnth verse IWC ctuc)teJ the WIYI
and these faithful witiics~cs, to u horn ttic t,ord tl:l~ “fUI’11” is also rcntlcrcd “to convert.“. (SW Nattttcw
committed his goods or kin&m interests, must con- 13: 15; Acts 3: l!).) The Lord insl)ircd %acharias, the
tinue that work until the Esccutioncr, ttic Grcatcr f’altlcr of John the I:aptist, to prophesy conccrnIIt’:
J&n, Christ JCDW, goes forth and performs his work .John in these words: “hid ttlOL1, ctlittt, Shalt tJC C’iltt4Yt
of csccution. 1Sofore this the warning must Ix given ttlC t,lYJt,tK’t Of the IIi6’tN’St: for ttlOl1 Stldt &J t,Cl’OI’C
to Ihc rutcrs, to tlic wicakcd, and to tlic t~ol~tc of good tbc fact: of the Lord, to prcpnrc his ways; to give
will. It is those l~c~rsonsof good will who rcccivt: the l:nowlcd~c of salvation unto his pcoplr, by tt\e rcmis-
mark in their Eorchcad, as tcstifictl by Ihctcit4 SiOIl of their Sk, t,tllYJUgtl ttic tCIl(tcr Immy of ‘1111’
(9: l-4, ll), and whictt work must be done and com- God; wticrcby ttic dapsprin:: from on Iri:;ti tintli VIYIICCI
pleted before Armageddon, bccausc I~zckicl says that us, to give light to them that sit in d:rdrllcw ilIl(1 III
when this marking work is comt’lcted those to whom ttlc shadow of dcafh, to guide our f’cct into the W:I~
it is assigned, and who do it, ‘report the Inilttcr, say- of pcacc.” (Luke 1 : ‘7G-$9) John the Baptisl waq a
ing, I have d011c as thou Ilast commanded mc.’ This true t,cvite, and concerning him lhc t~ro~~llct I\tal:~vl~i
is further conetusivc proof that the ‘man with the said: “ The law of twtll was in his nioutli, ilIlt illici-
writer’s inkhorn’, the faithful witnesses of Jehovah, uity was hot fOulld in his lips; tic WUtliCd with me in
must continually engage in and comptetc the witness pcacc and equity, and did turn rnajiy n~vny from
work of warnin:: the Jonadahs, or grca?t mult it&, iniquity. For tlw priest’s lips ~1~0~1~1 liccl) l:no\~lctt~:c,
before Armageddon breaks upon Satan’s organization, and they should serk the law at his nlcJlIttl ; for tlC iS
The warning work is now in t)I’fJgrcSS and the great, the messenger of the Lord of hostx” (;\Jat. 2: G, 7)
multitude is being gathcrcd to the Lord, and Jesus Like the prophet Elijah, John the Ifapfisl, in the t)cr-
declares that when this witness work is done then wilt formance of his duty, testified ngninqt those ~110 had
follow the tribulation of Armageddon, the grcatcst of gone astray, to ‘turn them to the liord’.----Sel~. 9 : 26.
all time. (Matt. 24: 21) All these prophecies exactly 4aThe purt)ose of the work prophcsicd was to
fit the facts, and are harmonious, even as they n~u4t “turn”, thaf is, to convert, “the hcaint of the fathers
be. Anyone who insists that those doing the Elisha to the children.” The “fathers” arc those in the tjosi-
work toward the great multitude are now “getting tion of responsibility, such as tcadw ;ml cspou~~~h~rs
nowhere”, and that “after the first phase of Arma- of the Word of God, as shown by many of the Scrip-
S, 3. Y,

tures. (Acts 22 : 1; 7 : 2 ; Neh. 7 : 70,71; Acts 3 : 24,~) tars in the congregations, who had been and wct*c
This indicates ihat the responsibility of “Christen. following the teachings of men, back to the heart ran-
dom” lies largely upon Iltose who have filled the posi- dition of the true cltildrcn of (:od, the Father of a!!,
tions of leaders and teachers, such as the clergy in and Iltus prepare a people for his natnc; and also to
what they have called the organization of the Lord; turn the ofisprinp, the cltildrett. away from tile teach-
and the same rule applies to the lcadcrs, instructors ings of men and to tltc tearhing of Uod’s true Word.
and elders in the company of God’s true pcol)le. In t7 If the instruction and warning should fail of corn-
the day of John the Baptist the leaders amongst the pletely converting or turning the prol”es\cd people to
Jews claimed to bc childrctt of Abraham, and those the right way, then the devastating fire muxt follow.
preachers or clcrgymcn said : “We have Abraham Thcrcfore the prophecy says: “Lest I come and smttla
[for] our father.” (Matt. 3: 9) Jesus said to them: the earth with a curse.” The work which the Lorcl
“Jf ye were Abraltam’s children, ye would do the assigns to his faithful reprcsetttattves ltas bectt in prog-
works of Abraltam.” (John 8 : 39) Abraham pictured rcss for many years, and comparatively ottly a fen
God the Father of all of tlte royal house. The words of ltave heard and ltccdcd the same. To be sure, tltcrci
Jesus showed that John had failrd to turn those Jews, must come out, of the massesthe great muititutlc, but
the Pharisaical clergy, back to a condition of harmony that great multitude will bc stnall a~ cotn!x~rcd with
with the Father, Jehovah God. all the peoples of earth. The nations of “Cltristctl-
45The word “cltildrcn”, u~d in Jialnclti 4: 6, does dom” arc cornposed of IXUI~ millions of !~~rsotts,tt1:ttI.v
not mean chiIdlikc or childlikcttcsc;, but rather mtsns of whom profess to he cltildrcn of (;(Jd, but tltr: far.1 ,
an oKspring, that is to say, SON, attd tltcrc means the arc, altnoqt all of tltcsc are chi1clrc11uf t!tc DcVJ! ;trtfl
true seed of Abraham. It mcatts tltc children of the all, as the apostle statt*s, ‘lie under tllc cotrtrol oi’ tilt
faithful ones: “They which arc of faith, the same wicked one. (1 Jolttt 5: 19) ‘l’hc grc;it tnultttudc arc
arc the children of Abraham.” (Gal. 3 : 7) Concerning thO%!,:ltttl will be the', \\]I0 $:di;,' tll'ttr t!lC \VUrlt (Jf
the same the apostle wrote: “Scither, bcrau~ they truth alld who turn it\VLly frotn Satitll's otpnizstion,
arc the [natural] seed of Alxaltam, arc tltcy all rltil- dCC!il~illg ttictnsclvcs on tltc Lord’s si(lc bcl’ore Artn;t-
dren: but, In Isaac shall t!~y scetl be called. ‘I’llat is, gcddott. “Cltri~t~ttdotn” was ttot f:lvorab!y itnpr(5+:11
Tfley [the Israclitcs nccorditt :: to tltc flesh] which arc with the I~lij:t!t WOrk, up to 191X,atit Itct~cctlrat ivoili
the childrcrt of the flcsb [a5 Jshrnncl was], thcsc are did not turtt their hc;ttQ to JC!IOVLI~ Gurl, t Ilc gre:\t
not the childrctt of Go(l ; but tllo caltildrctt of tlic prom- Life-$$Y?r Or 1’atflW. very few Of t!lC ~JtVf~W2~! f'cJ!-
ise [the s~cd of Al)r:th;tm nftcr tltc spirit] arc counted lowers of Christ Jcsr~sitt tltc churclt orx:.tttiz;ll iuur WC’IY
for the seed.“-l~ont. !I : 7, 8. turttcd atid became true cltildrcxi 01 (~ocl. '1'11~ !~li~!i:t
‘OCoticcrtiiti~~ those whom God sclccts for his royal work contittucs that wlliclt was ttcl;‘utt by I<!~j:~li,;\II(!
house it. is writtcti: “ Bcsidcs, ltc dots not in any way this is used by the Lord to brtn," l!lC f:rc:lt Itlll!lltltl!c

take hold of au+, but ltc ta!;cs hold of tltc seed of into his fold; but by fur 11tc~lWtCl' t,lltllf,Cr tJf t!l(*

Abraham.” (Ilcbrews 2: lG, Dinylolt) Sole in con- human rdce \n!l stay out Of (id's or~;ttlimttcJtt, ati(!

ncction tlicrcwilli Iliat tlto propltct Malachi says con- 011tllc I)cvil’s side, and thrrcfore the ;tlt(~txlti\(~ ati-
ccrnittg the ottc coming: “IIC Sltitll tUrl1 tllC IlCati Of nonM!cd IJy tllc !“‘op!lt~cy 111ust f’o!!o\v, \L Ilic~ll 111(‘dll~

the fathers to tltc cltildrcn, and the ttrnrt of the cltil- that the Lord will “stnitc tltc ~Iiltld] uitli ;1 (*llIs~’

drcn lo their fatltcrs. ” Tlin !;cttqu;i~c cmploycd by llic [with utter destruction (Roth.)] “. That tnc;ilis 111~.
angel Of Jcl~ova!~ in spcitkittg to Zilcharias tttakcs this cotnplctc downfall of “Christcttdont”, tr):ct!lctr \\it!t
matter clear, which is, to wit : “To turn the harts all of Satan’s 0r:;atiizntiott. l)uriti:: the !)c>riotlof the
of the fathers to the clttldrcn, and the disobedient to Elisha \VOrli pcrfortncd by God’s pc~ol~lo,llis \vtlt (‘WY,
the wisdom of the just; to mal,c ready a people pre- actin:: itt accord with tliclir diviti(~!y ~;tvc~::W~I~I~S~~OIJ,
pared for the Lord.” (Luke 1: 17) Mnttifcstly “tlic have clcelared and cotttinuc to tlrclat~c ~111: “ WI~~(YIIIW
just” or approved ones include those who are faithful of our God”, that is to say, tlic coming ~ir:,c or’ (;u,!,
and wholly clcrotcd to Jcl~ovalt, and used ltcre to cx- which will soot] fall upott ttte world. (1:x:1.61 : 2) .lcho-
press his wisdom; and hence the server of spiritual vah lays upon his ‘l~rc!x~rcd ~wcI!~~c!‘, who t!tcrc!‘orx
food, that is to say, an ittstructor carrying the food of are devoted to ltim, an obligatiott of dc~lar~t~~ III,;
tltc Lord to ollters according to the will of God. The vetigcatice and warning to lmtli the ruIcrs at111t IIC
faithful prophets of old were visible rcprescntntives ruled, to tllC ctld that tilOsc WI10 dvsiw may llil\e t 11v
of Jehovah, the :,rc;tt Father, and their propltcries attd oppot~tunity to turn lo ltitn. There is no srdc-stY!)I)I~~,:
esprcssiotts of wisdom were cottccmitq him. The gist this obligation and work laid out by the Lot~l. Ii’ t!!i~
of the matter of this prophecy iltcrcfore clearly scetns witncsscs fail to give. the warttitla, the rc.s!Wrl~i!)ilii:;
to hc this, that Ihe work of preparing a people for rests upon them aud the blood of those nflo clicd III
Jehovah would turn those ~110had made a covenant ignorance is cltnr~etl up agaittQ tttoqc failing. If t!:+
to do the will of God away from the teachers of witnrsscs are faithful in proclaiming tllc mcsqapc II~’
men, and turn them to the true Father, Jehovah God; Jeltovah, giving the warning to tile \vickcd :ttt(l n!n~:t~,:
attd that would mean to turn the elders and imtruc- known the kingdom mcqsageto tltoyc of good will. ~!I~I!L

they have fulfil!cd their obligation which is made his name, and that those who will hare a part thercix
bindinK upon them by their covenant ; and being thus and who in consequence receive the blessings of tl!c
faithful, they rtlccive the approval of the Lord. Lord, must aIltl will present a solid front to the ~INIIQ
4y E‘or fifteen years and more the faithful remnant and with firmness and frankness attribute salvatiw
of Jehovah have declared his judgmcnt~, which shall to no cwature or thing, but attribute all salxxtion to
be executed at Armageddon by his great I4xecutioncr, God and Christ Jesus, and without hesitation anal
Christ Jesus. ln doing this work from the bcginuiug without ceasing will continue to sinx the praises of
to the end they arc not permitted to slack the hand Jehovah and his kingdom. The admonition, therefore,
nor to rest for some future and ‘more favorable’ time. comes strongly from the Master’s lips to the remnant :
It is not for them to know just how soon the curse will Kow “1)~ thou faithful unto death, and I will give
fall, that is to say, just what hour or year Armaged- thee the crown of life”. (Ilcv. 2: 10, K.V.) Such failh-
don will take place. They certainly know that it can- fulness means that these will be dcpcndable always,
not be far removed from the present day, bccausc that carncstly doing what the Lord has given them to do,
work marked out for them, and which tlwy are doing, always ~vatchful to safcgiinrd the IiiUgilom interests
immediately prcccdcs Armageddon. ‘l’hc duty and and to exalt the great King and his kingdom.
obligation laid upon the remnant is to obey Cod’s com- QUESTI0SS FOR STUDY
mandment and kwp at it uiitil he says the work is
doiic. Au~onc ~110 attcinpts to inllucnce to the con-
trary or cause a let-up iii the zeal arid activity of the
Ilord’s servants is doiiig that which is lawless; and
the Lord has fully expressed his determination to
make tlispo~iliou of the lawless. thn”?

43Call to mint1 Illat tlUI’iJlg the past decade particu-

larly the Lord has colltillllou~ly ulli’oldcd to lli?i ~Jcoplc
the Incailiii~ of liis prophc.cics, and has cawed the cx-
JJ~m~ltkJll t~l~~lYTJf t0 h? tlallhttcd to his [JCo[)lC
I hrou$i the \Vatch Tower publicat ions. Some: wlio
h;~ve rnin!;led \vith C’od’s ]~coplc have llot st.udictl y’/re
\l'akhf//wcr, IJut hw tahi~ it for grwkd tllal it

coIIl;tiIIs only the c?r~)t’es:;ionof a man or men, alit1 the

result to them is tliat they do not have an uiitlcr-
St~llidiii~ of th(? lJl’(qJcr r~‘~ilkmS~liJ~ of the ~lllOiIltCd to
J~~hovah and Christ Jesus. They do not ha\ e 8 con-
~v~~~tioil of the prolAccic5, md therefore plainly g~rc
evidcncc tllnt they arc not of tiic cwli::htcncd ones of
ihc tmplr. If there appca? ;rmori~st the comlxlnics
Of COd’S pOpk! t)lCJSC \V~lO Sp?lk iii SUCh 1113111le1’ :IS t0
retard the witness WOl’li, and to induce lllc \vo1*kel~s
hJ IJClkvc that they ilI’C “~ctthg lm\\diCrC”, the faifh-
Pul ones should avoid sucll persons and their inllu-
cnrc, I~cc;i~~sc5~11 speech and influence tend not ouly
to wubc divisiotis but to 11111 to sleep those who have
lrofn brought into the covcnnnt \\ ith God. JIanifcstly,
witlwllt ClOli~Jt, .Jchovnh is unfolding the mcnning of
his prophccics of old to his remnant to the end that
they may be fully advised of hi4 purpose, and that,
being so advised, the remnant in patience and comfort
will have their hope matlc strong that they will be
I)crmittcd to participate in the vindication of Jcho-
~111’s name, and of being Sor ever in his glorious and
blcsscd organization. This is the time when Good’s
anointed must all be of one mind, that they may uuit-
c&y and harmoniol~sly do the service of the Most, High
wlricli he has assigticd to them. “That ye may with
OJIC mind arid one mouth glol*ify God, even the &‘athcr
of our Loud Jesus Christ.” (Ilom. 15: G) ,211 the cvi-
dence points to one thing, and that one thing is f hat
within a short time Jchowh will completely vindicate

A KGEL” means “messerqer”. The term ap-

plies to one who is sent on a mission 8s a
repntsentative or deputy or messenger of
God. The holy mcssengcrs or angels always have access
bonds of death, being raised by Jehovah God to po\\er
and glory, demonstrating the fact that he was ap-
proved by Jehovah. IIe now proved that he was
worthy to be praised ; and without quesliou he recciwd
to the Father, Jehovah. (Xatt. 18: 10) These holy ones the unlimited praise of all the heavenly host. The
of the hcawnly host sing praise and give utterance to Revelation, chapter five, verses clcven and twelvl~,
joy before the Lord at every progressive step of his says : “And I [John] beheld, ancl I heard the VOICC
work. These angels inhabit the heavens, the high place. of many angels round about the throne [of Godj and
And so the psalmist writes of tbcm: “Praise ye the the beasts and the elders : and the number of them was
Lord from the heavens: prui.sc him in the heights. ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of
Praise ye him, all his angels.” (Ps. 148: 1, 2) The thousands; saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the
Hible abounds with accounts of instances where Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and
God has used the holy angels of heaven as messengers. wisdom, and strcnglh, and honour, and glory, and
By his angels he communicated with Abraham, “the blessing. ”
friend of God,” thousands of years ago (Gen. 22: 15) ; As to the disciples of Jesus, it was not their previous
also with Jacob, the grandson of Abraham. (GM. knowledge of the Scriptures and their faith in tlicrn
31: 11) By his angel God appeared unto Xloscs at the that Christ Jesus would be raised from the dead which
burning bush near Mount Sinai in ,\rabia. (Es. 3: 2) intluccd them to believe that hc was raised, but it WY
By his angel hc illSO dclivcred a nWssagc to the propbct what they ac+tually saw and expcricnccd that led thrw
Elijah when Elij;lh flrd for his life lo Mount IIoreb. to this conclusion. Tbc knowIedr,Pc gained by esl)cri-
(1 Iii. 19: 5) Thcsc holy mcsscngcrs of God guarded cncc, coupled with the knowlctlgc of the Scri1)tulc.s
the intcrcsts of Jesus at all timq from the moment he subscqucntly acquired 1~s them, not only estahlislwd
left the heavenly courts to bccomc the man Jesus for beyond a doubt in their own minds the resurrection of
the purpose of witnessing for Jchovalr God on this the Lord Jesus, but it cn~boltlcncd them to dcclarc the
cart11 and of rcdrcming tbc world of mankind. (Zcch. mcSSagC 011 C!vC!l~ Op~JortUllf2 ON!a~i(Jn to OfhCl’9 :ln(l to
3: l-7) The an~cl of the Lord announced to llary the emphasize this great doctrine of truth in their cl)istlcs
virgin that she was to be the motbcr of the babe Jesus. to the Christian church.
(Luke 1: 31) N%cn she gave birth to this wonderful It will profit US hcrc to consider tie ScriI,f ur;ll tcht i-
child, tlte angel of the Lord brought the mrssagc to the mony given in 1)roof that Jcsuc; was raised from tlw
faithful sbephcrtls, and the great multitude of the dead three days after his death on the tree. ‘l’het*c
lrcavcnly hosts joined together with that a@ in have always been some that hnvc clwic4 the r(q~rt’(‘~-
praising &d.---Luke 2 : 3-11. tiott, and hcncc it is always well to fortify oi~~*~~I~c’s
N’c may be sure that thcsc faithful, holy angels, as against such denial, as well a3 to slrcngthcn our U\\II
God’s instruments, were carefully watchin: every faith. It must bc rcmcmbcrcd that, lllc writers ol t/w
step concerning Jesus from tbc time of his IGrlh up gospels wcrc not lcarncd mcii ; tlicy were not such III(‘II
to the moment of his rcsurrwtion from the dwd. 1Vith as would arrsngc a fraudulent S~!I~IIIC to dcwivc ally-
eagerness they ~vould watch id wait to we if Jesus body. Thcrc would ~JC no occasion i‘c~r them to do Ihi<.
while on earth fully met all the rcquircmcnts of God’s The fact that they did not cspcct a rWUrrcC~ilJll ant1
Ian. They evidently knew that his full compliance gave cvitlcncc of that by their conduct and llrcir s~~cwh
with God’s will would meet with ihc marvelous rc- at and jnst after the Lord’s death is strong clwi~n-
ward of a rcsurrcction from tbc dead. It was one of stant ial evidence that their testimony sul~scc~w~tl~
thcsc faithful angelic mcsscn~ers that the Lord sent given is true. LGdcs this, the testimony itself hears
from hearcn l., roll back the stone from the door of all the earmarks of truth.
the tomb at tlw resurrection of tbc Nzstcr. What great At the time Jc,,us died there was an c:~rthc~u:~l~c.
joy must have filled the heavenly courts now when they The Kotnan ccnturwn who stood 1);~wclairnctl, “Truly
beheld Jesus, by the power of Cod, triumphant over this was the Son of God !” “ IWlCI~ tllc cvcn \VilS WlllP,
death and the grave! thcrc came a rich mntt of Arimatlwa, named Jowl)h,
Lucifer, the holy ehcrub who had rebelled and be- who also himself was Jesus’ cliwil~lc : hc went to l’ilatc*
come Satan the Devil, and ~130 had once been asso- [the Homan govcrtior at Jcrusalcm], and Lcg!:ctl the
ciated with the holy an:;& and had seduced some of body of Jesus. ‘l’l~ct~ Pilate commanclcd the body 10
their fellow angels, had for ccntaries opposed Jehovah be clclircrcd. And when Joseph had taken 1hc hw I\-,
and specially tried to destroy Jesus. Jesus had been he wrnppcd it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in Ilis
sent into the world that hc mizbt destroy the works own new tomb, which he had hew out in the rwk :
of Satan ; and now, having bcwn raised from the dead, and lie rolled a great stone to the door of the scj~ulclirt~,
be would ultimately “destroy him that had the power and departed. And ihere was l\l:try Uagdnlcnc, at14
of death, that is, the devil”, which destruction Lvould the other Mary, sitting over against the scImlcl~rc.”
guarantee the dclivernncc of the human race. (Ileb. -11alt. 27 : 57-61.
2: 14) Now, at his rcsurrcction, Jesus had broken the The Jewish Pharisees believed in the rcsurrcct ion
DEC’EuBE5 3, 1936 267

of the dead, basing their conclusion uljon the words shall ye we him: lo, I have told you. -2nd they de-
of the prophets. At the suggestion of Satan, which be parted quickly from the scpulchr~e, with fear and great
injected into their minds, they feared that Jesus might joy, and did run to bring his diwiplcs wurd. And as
rise from the dead, or that his disciples mi$Jt attempt they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met thclm,
to work some sort of fraud. They knew they were saying, All hail. ‘lnd they came and held him by the
guilty of having him put to death, and they hoped that feet, and worshilqxd him. Then said Jesus unto them,
that would be the end of him. “Now the next day, EC not afraicl: go tell my brethren, that they go into
that f0llolvcd the day of the preparation, the chief Galilee, and there shall they see me.“--?lIatt. 28 : l-10.
priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, say- There must have brcn great excitement about that
ing, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while time among some of the people of Jerusalem. These
lie was yet alive, After three days I will rise agum. faithful women ran to tell the disciples, while the
Command therefore that the scpulchrc hc made sure soldiers hurried into the city to notify their cmptoyers
until the third day, lest his disciples c0mc by night, of what had hnltl,cncd. The record (Matt. 28: 11-15)
und steal him away, and say unto the t~~~ptc, IIc is says : “Now when they mere going, behold, some of the
risen from the dead; so that last error sl~all be worse watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chlcf
than the first.” (Mutt. 27 *. 62-64) When the IXoman priests all the thiltq that were done. And when they
governor hc,ard their rcqucst. hc granted thrm a sol&r wcrc asscmblcd with the cldcrs, and had tnkcn COIIIIW~,
:;uard, s:I~~II:: to thum: “Ye have a watt+: go your they gave large money unto the soldiers, sayilig, Say
my, nialx it as sure as ye can. So they went, alid mafle yv, Ifis disciptci ca~nc by night, and stole him :I\~:IY
the sepnl~~l~re sure, scaliJlg the stone, and setting a while we slept. And if this come to the governor’s
watch. “--Nalt. 27 : 05, (it;. cars, we ifill t~crsu;~tle tlim, and srcure you. So ttlc>y
The Lorcl Jehovah must t~ave held thcsc l’harisccs took the money, and did as they were tan#: and ttris
in dcri:;ion, who l~rcsurncd that by h:iviriq the stone sayin:: is commonly reported among the Jews until
scaled tttid 3 police guard t’lawd at the cwtrance they this day.”
could I)rcvctlt his brin$rr g Jwls out of ll!C toJnb. God Jesus having IMW rcsurrcctcd as an invisible spirit
could ca:;i!y have rcsurrcctcct the Lord without rcmov- creature, do~~l~llws the angels of (:od were thr: only
ing the stone, inasmuch ils Jwus was rcsut~rwted as artu;rl cyew~l~~cw~s of the act of God in raisillz riis
a divine ‘ipirit twrson. God cliwe, Iio\+c\-cr. lo remove fi~ilttful and bcluvfd Son fro111 the dead. lJo\vt:vcr,
ttle StOlW. A~rd in a(ldition to raiGtl% up Jesus as a after the resurrection the I,& cJcs~~smnnifcstc~l 111m-
divine crcal urc, he also rcnioved the tium:n~ l~ody by self alivf2 to his filittlf’Ul tliwiples, mnteri;llizifIq itJ
promptly cli.wolvin:: it to the duut, that it might not tJlllIl:lIJ fOl?Ill Rtld thllq ~t~tJGIJ’iJl,T ‘Y t0 ~tlCIlJ and COIlVf I’S-
we corruption, C~CII as he had prom&l in the tenth in!: alid Cvcn eatill: with them. AIif1 lhus the vi illPIlK,i
vcrsc of J’xtlm sihtccn. ant1 lwofs of his resurrwtiol~ p~tcd 111)arid t~c~c~;irt~c:

This s0lcl~cr guard kept a close vigil over the tomb owrnhclrnin(: in cstablistiin~ the filet ttlat the YIwt
cluritq X;rt urd.~y and Sat urtlay night; in11 cartp Sun- SOII 0f (;Od had bl’en br0uxht forth VktOrioIIS 1’zwli

day morning the angel of lttc Lord Cod i~ppwrcd and itic state of dcaIh. And tt111s, too, tt1c faith Of’ t h!
rdktt tKlCti the StOIW. TtlC tiCCpCrS teStik%t tllllt thC di~ciplcs \WS I’C\ if(d, :JlJd ttJC!S bwnmc tlic ZCaI ‘IIS
c0lllltw:1nCe of the angel was like liglitniltz ilIlt Iris w~tnc~sc~3of his wiurtwtion, and tticir tc5timony to
raimcnt. ilS white as snow, ant1 thcsc watclimcn did that fact is true, nuthcntic, and wholly reliable.
ShakC bI?CilUS~! Of fear.
The s:~bl~;~tii day now cndcxl, the dawn of the first
day of the wck being here, ttic fait!iful wmen wre
the first one’s to start for the tomb. To quote the
,Scripturol record (Mutt. 28: l-10) : “In the clod of
the salht11, iJs it 1x::an to dawn toward the first day
of the \VWti, came Mary nhgkliC~l~, and the othw
Nary, to see the scpulchrc. And, behold, there was a
::rcat carttquake : for the m~gcl of the Lord dcsccndcd
from I~C~VCIJ, and came and rolled back the stone from
the door, and sat upon it. IIis countennnte \\iis like Ft. \Vorth KTAT Pu 1O:lj:tm Su 1:3Upn1 Su 9:OUpru
lightnirq, and his raimcnt white as snow : and for ftar su 3:lKQm Su 7 :(JOpm
IIitl!nnrl KRLU Su 10:3krn ‘
of him the keepers did sh;lke, and brcame as dead men. 5:ljpm Chn’ston \VCIIS Su l:r~~~pru
And the angel onswcrcd and said ~JI~O the women, 9:::n:1m
bSU 3 : IJopm s 5 : ~~01,111
Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek qJcwl~, which WE \ClwclinS \V\VVA kZ 10:WJI,m
4 :::cJpm
su 1: ooprll su ti:23p
crucified. lie is not here; for he is risen, as hc said. 7:Xnm
Come, we the place whcrc the Lord lay. And go quw!r-
ly, and tell tiis disciples that he is risen from the dead; UTAJI
and, bcholtl, he goeth bcforc you into Galilee ; thwe Silt I,. City mx. SII
The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftEner by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current local time Is shown Santa Cl’a CJIIII Su 11:15am FLORID.4 NEW JERSEY
In each Instance.] ,(lst and %l Sundnvs) Lakeland \VLAb’ Su 9 : 3Oam Asbury I’. 1VCAP Su 13 :-l,jpm
Span&L Su ll:GOam su 12 : 3Opm Hu 5 :OOpm Su 2 :4.$nl s !l:~!i:~.ln

ARGENTJXA Spantsh Th 11 :OOam Orlando WDBO Su 11 : IJU:lm Camden WCAM’& 11 :Ol~:tm

BahiaBlanca LU2 SU 11:3Oam (1st and 35 Thursdays) su 12:3oprn su 5:oopm Su 12 :15pm Su 3 :19>pl
Bnenos.4ires LR2 Su 10:50am No 2 : 3Optn \\‘e C?:.?iJitm
GEORGIA Ncuark \ViIBI Su 9 :2;,:1m
Los Andes, San Juan FRANCE WTFI Su 9:2&m
LV5 SU 10 : 30sm Athens su G:2Gpm Su 9 : 0011”
Radio Beliers Th S:OOpm su 11 :OOam $3 7 :O+m
Bad10 Juan-les-Pins Atlanta WATL Su 10:&m NIX YORK
(Cote d’Azur) Sa 8:OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 9:25pm Brooltlvn \VHBK Pu 9 :10zm
AUSTRALASIA Ra&o Lyon Sn G3Jpm Su “4:30pm Su 7 : :;Opm
Grit& \\‘KEU SU 9 *40am
FIJI Radio Nimes Tu 9:OOpm Su 2:45pm Su 413Oym Brooklyn \VIiBIt Su 10 *Ijam
sura VPD2 Fr 9 :OOpm su G: 3opm No 10 : :Onm
9540 kilocycles (31.45 meters) NAWAII Tu 10:~0:1n1 ‘l-t, O:::lJ;~tn
INDIA IV0 1O::;Oam \\‘e C:%!lmi
Hi10 KIIBC Su 1O:OOam
NEW SOUTH WALES Rangoon VU21,Z Su 12:OOnn Th 10 :3Oam Th ti:::Ibrlln
Alburg 2-AY TU 9:4>pm IDAJJO I-r 10 : 30am Fr fi:::fllm
Odhr~rn 2.GN Su 7 ::Npm PARAGUAY Boise RID0 Su lO:%nm Buff al0 WGR Su lO:Or~:r~n
Grafton 2.GF Tu 7:3(&n Asuncion ZP1 su 10:3oanl Su 6:OOpm IV0 4 :oupl su 10:4:Jpn’
Gunnedsh 2-110 Su 7:OOpm 13uffnlo kV’Til:\V Su 5:.j.?lm
Lismore 2-XN \Ve 7:lQ-m JLLJSOJS FI report, \V(il3U Su IO : L15:lm
SPAIN FJarrisb ‘g \VEM) Su 4 :4T,pm Su 12::Onm su ,,- .a’.‘*‘“’
BIndrid EACJ \Ve 7 :15pm SU G:43pm Su 9 :OlJpm NcwYork 1\‘BNS Su 5:lJfI[1111
\\‘a G:IOnm (Eastern Stantlurd Time) Tuscola \VDZ So 9.“iwn fju 5.“’. d,“” su G:“,[ml
2.UE S; S:Olkm su ll~55zla
. ‘ &, ‘Y”
1 :&pm
Sydney $a 7:15pm w11itc 1’1. \\‘l’AS su f;:ll~lptll
Su 4:2jpm SpanrsA Su G:l$m Tu 10.51j,lrn
. <6 s:1 lO:.xam
Tamworth 2-l% SU 10:3O~n IOWA
SU 3:45pm bu H:OOpm C. Rapids WMT Su 1O:OOam NOJtTIi CAROI.ISA
\v’ga\F’gir 2.WGSu 7:45pm URUGUAY Su 12 : 15pm Mu
Montrwleo CXlO Su 13:15pm MAINE
QUEENSLASD (Radio Intcrnar~onnl)
Brisbane 4-BC su 7 :::w1rn Augusta bWJ0 Su
.Uarybor’h 4-2vIH \\‘e 9 :J.j;m su I : 15pm SU
Townsville 4-TO \Ve 8 :OOpm UNJTED STATES Bangor \VI,BZ \\‘o
We 12:55pm We
Bumie 7.BU Su G::lWm Birm ‘ham W’hl’l Su 10 : l5am Su 12:3011m Su
Su 9:OOpm su 10 :OOi,m su 4:3opm \Vc 5:15pm
Launceston 7-LA Su 5 :45pm
VICTORIA Anrlif,iagc KF’QI) WC 9:Wam
BaIlarat 3-U=\ Ho I:! :4:,pm lic~l~~llll\:ln KG11l.J Al0 7 : 15pm
Bcndigo 3-BO Su 7 :00pm Th 7 : ljpm S3 7:15pm
Hamllfon 3-JIA Su (i :15pm Su 1 :::Ol)~n Su .‘,:lIfIpm No 1:5,-~pm ‘J’u 1 :Xii’ui
IIorsham 3-11s su 8 :of1[1nl ARIZONA Hagerst ‘n \VJEJ Su lO:“.>:~m I\‘0 1:5;p1 1’11 1 :x,‘lll
Melbourne 3-AK Su 2 : 1.?~)m Jerome KWJ Su 0:2&m su 1 :-fOpm su 9 : 15pm Pr l:~.j[~m
su 10 : 00jm1 tin I%:Orqm Su 4 :G;pm
Tuw~n Ic(;‘\R Hu 9 :::uam hIASS.iCIIUYFTTS
Swan Hill 3-SII kiu 7 : lj[~m Boston \\‘JIISX ;;
su 12:55pm su 5 : 43pm !I :L’h11
WEST AUSTJtALIA 8pantsh Su 12 :4Opm su 4:30rlrli Su 8:liprn
Kalgoorlie O-KG Su 7 :OOpm Boston WORL Su lO:O;i:\m
Sortham G-AN su 7:llOpm ARKANSAS su 2 :oLipnt SU 3 :u5pm
Perth G-blL Su 7 : OOpm IJot Sp ‘gs KTIIS Su 10: 15am
Bakcrsfieltl Detroit \VJR Su 1O:OlJ:m
\VGXAI SU 10:30am Kalamazoo \VKZO Su 8 :5:m
Wallonia-Bonne Espcrance su 1 :l~IJnl Su 7:Wpm Su 9:63ani Su 10 :5&m
(201.7 m) \\‘u 7:OOnm >;I (:cntro KXO Su 10:Ok~m MISNESOTA
St1 12 : 1;pm St., ti:45pm F ‘gusFalls KGDE Su 10 : 0O:lm
II~~lly\Wlorl I<KX Su 10: 15am Su 1 :43pm Rn 7:1T,pm
CANADA Su 1:35pm Su 7:55pm hlin ‘apoliq \VDGY Su 9 : 3Oilm
o:&l:~J liHO\F: Su 10 :OOam Su 2 : U(Jpm \vc G:l+un
ALBERTA Su 2 :OOpm SU 7 :OOpm
Cnlgary WC% Su 6:45pm Tu 9 :on:m Tu 2 : OtJpm
RRITISH COLUMDIA Tu 11 :OOpm We 8:15pm Battiesb ‘g \VFOR Su 1 :OOpm
Kdowna CKOV Su 1:45pm Fr 9 : 1Spni &I 10 : OQpm su 3 :3upm ‘j 5:::llI~m
COLORAJ~O Neridian WCOC kz 10 :OOam
NOVA SCOTIA su 2 :?zqm Su G : 3Upm
Sydney CJCB Su 9 : OOpm Co1 ‘0 Spr. KVOR Su 10 :30am
,Su 12:lGpm 8~ 4:OOpm nlIssouI:J
ONTARIO Duraugo KlCI Su 1 :lJOpm Columbia KFRU Su 1O:::O:tm
c&a1t CKSIC Sn 3:OOpm Gt~&~y RFKA SIO 9:JOam su 1 : nopm su 2:-3.+ Plcrio liGI*‘YLb SlI Ill~Otl~lll~
lislllitton CKOC Su 10:lSum hJo 1 :OOpm Alo G:%pm St. .Joscpl~ 1WEQ Su 10:01l:~m Tu 4:ofl[lttl ‘I’ll -1:oll~ml
Su 1:3Opm Su 8:Wpm 812 1:39pm Su 3:40pm Sioux Falls KS00 Su 9: Il!.lur
N.Brltnin WNl3C Su 8:0*&m NEJJRASKA Su 9 :&k~~
Su 8:lOam SU 10 :OOam Lincoln KFAB Fu 9 :30am TEI\‘XESSEE
SpcintshNo 1: 15pm \\‘ashington \VOL Su 10:Wam Lnconiu \VLXII Pu 10:::O:~m su 33: 15pm PU 2 ::;oi,l&l
(%aagney CMJE’ Su 11:45am Sll 1: wpm St1 7:15pr1 Su 3:15pm su 7:lOpm (Conllnurtl on 1d7gc $67)
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
J. F. RUTIIUXWD President IV. E. VAN Aar~ur:cn Secretary
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and
great shall be the peace of thy children.“-Iraloh - 54~13.


THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting
to owllasting, tllo Maker of hc~nven and earth and the Giver
of life to his creatures; thnt the Logos was tha begInning of
his creation and his active agent in the creation of aU things;
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed
with all poncr in heaven and earth, and the Cluef Executlvo
Officer of Jchovnh.
THAT GOD created tho earth for man, crentcd perfect
nmn for the carlh and phtced him upon it; that man n illfully
disobeyed Go~l’s law and WLS sentenced to death; that Ly
rcnson of hrl:~m’s wrong act all men are born sinners and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was mado human, and tho man Jesus suf-
fered death IIL order to protluco the ransom or rcdcmytlve
price for it11 n~nk~nd; that God rnlrrtl up Jesus dirtnc nnd
exalted him to hc:iven rlbo\o c\cry creature nnrl nLovc every
namo and clothed him with ~11pier nnd authority.
THAT JEtiOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is enllrd Zion, and
that Christ Jesus iu tflo Cfuc*i’ Ollicer thcrcof anti is thn
rightful IOng of tho world; tli:lt the anointed an11 faithful
followers of (‘hrist .Jrsus nro children of Zion, mcml~crs of
Jcl~ovuh’s orptnizrtion, am1 arc Itis witnesses wl~oxc duty and
privilege it JS to tr4fy to tllc supremacy of Jcho\:~lr, dcclaro
his purpoQes toward ni:uilciml 29 esprcsscd in the l!iltlr, nnd
to Lear the fruits of the kingtlom Lcforc all who will hear.
TtfAT Tt IE WORLD has ended, and thn Lord Jesus Christ
has been pla0’d by .I~~hov:ih upon his throne of authority,
has ousted S:lt:in from li~~nvt*u :tntl is proceeding to the
establislwwnt of God ‘Y kin~~lom on earth.
THAT Ttf E RELI Ef: nnd l~l(+~irqs of tho prnJ+s of earth
can corn0 only Ly nnd thzou$ Jc*hovnh’s kln~;~lorr. untlcr
Christ which li:is now l~qun; th:lt that I,ortl ‘H nr%\t great
act is the tleslrurtir,n of S*lt:In’s or:::lniLntinn anI1 the cstab-
lishmcnt of ri$trouzne.qs In tllct eni th, and th:lt umler tho
kingdom nil tImso who will ol~ry its rightaous lnms ah:~ll livo
on earth forcvcr.


The testimony period “ JCINJWII of Ilosts” cmbr:~res the nine This is to announce the Soc~ly ‘a i3su:incc of a m’rn yr:tr h0t !i
days l~‘ebru:cry ti-14, 1937. ‘l’h~? mltlwlnter cnntp:~ip~ \\ 111sile. for use during 1937. It coutnins the contpr&ensivf2 I(~,1~~1 t II),
ciahze ou bo~~ltlcta, uml oil fl~osc on J~ho\dl ‘Y ~ttlr ~111offer a the J)resi+lent of the tiocaicty co\c? ~ng the work ~W~~III;~!IS~II~I
1Oc courbin:~tiori cunsihting of t\r 0 br~olcfcts with colored co!cr dUriUg the swbice ywr 1’J:;;i-l!b% 1~)’ Jch~~v:h tilroll:ii Ill.4 n li-
and the latcsst self-cowrctl b4th%. J,ct Jc~hov:~h‘H people take ncsscs and their companions throuqhtrut the ~or11I ‘I’IK! 111I”,J1~
this coming c:cIalaign to hf31 t, fiiltlif’ully ru:lkin~: all duo prep- mation included thcrem is most ~~~lu:~Llc,e~pc~mll~ 1111IW of
arntion IlwlrIur. (‘wmult forthruruiny: ~ssucs of the fti/ormnnt
for atlrlitlonnl instructionx. T1.e “ man with the inlhorn” the war now on with the rczligionisls. l’hcre is also :i hritbf III+
promptly rqJortct1 the nmttcr, nnd hkcnisc cnch one will report cu+on Ly the president on the 1927 Jear lrst j :i4~lltl~~n:~Ily a
his activities nnd the Icsults m this cnmpn~gn. telt for each day of the year to;:ether \rith an enli~l~teri~~~,rr :in61
-- encoulnging comment tnkttn from Z’lre Jl’nlchlo~c r. lo VIL’IV
of the s103nl evpcnso of pUlhshlIl;: siicl~ a limited ellitlon :IJ
tllnt of the t cnr Horrlc a cont~ibutiou is :~s..wl ffi .‘,lk :t 131p.v.
1937 CALENJMR Ph3so order now, sending rcrrutt:uic+c $111 Ii orllcr. (:rouIjs will
The new c:\lcndar, for 1937, exl)rpjses mifltant service, both pl:~ce individual ortlcrs with their local setrnnt, so :is tu tlpa~o
in text and in Illuqtrntiou. The ~c:lr ‘9 text is from Ob:ld~all 1 : the Society much time and ex19ensom fihippmg.
“Arise ye, and Ict us rrse up ngainst her In battle.” The -_- _ --
design based on the test is most expressive, and btlrring and
stlengthenmg to bcfiold. hcc*omp:inytng is a season:iLlc letter ANNOUSCJSG COMPASY hlECTI9GS
by the Soricty’s l)resirlcnt, xnll setting out the special testimony Many hr:trcrs of radio t1:tuscriptiou Icc*turrs h:~\c the tlccile
periods for 1!):;7; also the calendar date pad, marking such to meet nith Jcho~:d~‘s w\-ltnrqser and to stutlv h!s \Vortl n.~t!l
testimony pert& and hhcHisc the regional or dlviqlonal scr\lce them. llwce nhereler the kin::dom rne~s:qo is I all~n(..!,t, the
campaigns. The calendar may Ile had, fire rolnes on a contrlbu- tinic and place of mectiu,‘V of the loc:tl corr1pany of JetIovail’s
tion of $1.00, sent to one addrebs, or, singl.y, on a 22 contrlbu- witncssea 6houhl be riuuounc~cd nfter the transl~riptton. ‘flit:
tion. Groups s~rlll please comLme nll indlvltlual orJcrs and for- tlrue on the mr bcmg paid for, the station ru:rn:l:;er ought to
n,ard through their local servant, with remittance enclosed. rcndily grant your request to niakc such ar.UOUUCli0cilt.
VOL. LVII DECEUBER 15, 3936 x40.24


“Ifmlow t711/ fntlter and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the lnnd which file Lord thy God
givctlh the.“----Es. 20: 12.
13IOVXII did not cause his prophecies to bc writ- nant thereof, had Jxen restored from Babylon to the
ten in the chronological order in which they are land of Judah and Jcrwalcm and to the worship :111d
fulfilled. The 1wophccy of Malachi, written afore- service of Jcl~ovnl~. The tcmplc 11~1lwcn rebuilt. ‘I’hc
time for the bcncfit of the rctanant,, could not bc un- governor of Judn11 lived there, who at that tirnc ~1s
derstood by the remnant untii lhc coming of tJw Lord Zcrubbabel. Later Nehemiah was maflc gowrncw.
Jcsvs to the icqlc. Chapter three, vcrscs one to four, (Sell. 2: 5-8; 5: l-l-18; Ezra 2: 1, 2; 3: 1-S) ‘1’11~ful-
of the prophwy, appears to 1~: the key to the under- fillment of the prophwy is upon spiritual Twncl affcr
btandirig of the Wire propliw~ and for that reason the coming of the Ilord .Jcsuc;to lhe tcmplo in l!)lS :111d
to bc first considcrcd. Now consideration is hew given even up to the clcmsing of the SntlCtU;lry in l!KXL-
to ChilptPlX 0llC allcl two. Some patiS Of tllO% tW0 chap- Dnn. 8 : 14.
ters wrc rcfcrrcd to in the diwussion of lhc ltrophccy ’ To natural IsracJ,, and lntcr to spiritual Israel,
heretofore 1,ublisJicd in 2’Ife 1I’~~tcl~Iowcr, awl it, is JcJ~ovah says : “I Jmvc lovrcl JUII, snith the 1,orcJ: yet
dwmcd advicablc to now give a more detailed csamina- YC sity, \\rlwci~t h:lst thou IOVC~ US? \\‘a~ IIO~. ISMU
tion thcrcof. At the cotninq of the Idord JCSWSto the Jacob’s brother? saith the Lord : yet 1 lo\. (~1 Cl:~wJ~.”
temple all of his profcswd followers who claimed to (5131. 1 : 2) J~111o~1111proved thi< 1)~ rcstorin:: n:~tut~:~l
be in lint for tflc kin&m must bc judged. That judg- lwicl from 13abylon to the Iloly ~AIII(I, tllus pwvcnt-
mrnt is ndvcrsc as to tlic snlfish ones and rcwlts in in.: Satan’s wrltl pal\ cr from (l(+troyitig them crnn-
making manifest the “evil scrvnnt” cln~s and the J~lctcly. J&ova11 J~rowd thiq statcmrnt to the rcn~~l;tr~i
clergy, who claimccl to lx Clod’s children but who ImJ oi’ spiritual 1sr:wJ after the harrolving cslwricllcw of
failed to honor llicir “father” and their “motlicr”. l!JlS. The Dcliwrcr wnic out of Zion, an(l, as it is
The prophcry discloses such and s11owswJ)y the jutl,n- wril ten, “SO all [spiritual] Jsrilrl shall 1~ hil\.Cd ; :IS
ment is adwrsc. The judgnwit illSO malrcs manifest it is writlcn, ‘J’hcrc sJl:~ll conic out of Sion the JJ(nIivrr-
who is faithful to the Lord, anal tlwsc are Jjurified that cr, and shall turn away ungotllillc~s from Jncol~ [;]I1
they might ofl’cr unto the Ilord an offwill!: in right- of Cod’s 1woplc] : for this i< my [new] covenant litlto
eousness. The faithful ones are pcrmittc3J lo see and them, Wllcn I sllall tilliC away their sins. .\s ~oll~~~~l’tl-
understand the reason for the judgncnts rwdcred, in% the gospel, they [the unfaithful OHCY] arc PI~III~~~
and it becomes the duty of the faithful to transmit Ihc for your SaliCS: but as towhin:: the cllcction [of 1he
information to others who hnw the hcaring car. fnitllflll 011CS as the 1WOplC fOl’ JChOVilh’s IlilIliC], thy
* JInlachi, whose name means “angel [ mcwcngcr] [the faithful remiiant] arc hclovcd for tlic fat hew’
of Jcl~oval~“, rcceivcd the word from Jchovnh, and the [that is, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s] salics.“-Ram.
prophecy opens wit11 the statement: “The burden of 11: 26-28.
the word of the Lord lo Israel by Nalachi. ” (JIal. 1: 1) * \Vhen Jehovah spoke to natural Israel in AIoab 1,
Its primary application was to the nation of Israel, the mouth of hfoses he said to them: “For thou art ;ltl
but its wider application is to spiritual Tsracl, that is, holy lwople unto the Lord thy Cot1 ; the Lord thy C:o(l
those who have covenanted to do the will of Cod and hat11 cJ~oscn thee to be a s1)cciaJ j~eopk unto hinlsclf,
to follow in tJlc footsteps of Christ Jesus. The “burden above all Jwople that arc upon the face of tllc earth.
,of the word of Jehovah ” was heavy with condcmna- The Lord did not set his low upon you, nor choose
tion of the wrongful pmcticcs amongst the covenant you, lmnusc yc wrc more iu number than any pco-
people of Jehovah, and a solemn Ivarxing is given of pie; for yc were the fewest of all peol~lc; hut lmausc
the outcome to those who indulged in wrongful prac- tile Lord lewd you, and ~W~LISC he would IiCCl) the
tices unless coiwction and reformation quiclil~- fol- oath which hc had sworn unto your fathers, Ilath the
lowed. -4t the time that Malachi received the prophetic Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and PC-
“word of JeJlol-ah” natural Israel, or at least a rem- dcemcd you out of the house of hondmcn, from the
hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.“-Dcut. 7: 6-8. that Jacob would faithfully obey him; therefore it is
’ With stronger reasoning these words of Jehovah writ ten : “E’or hc smith to Noses, I will have mercy un
apply to spiritual Israel approved at the temple judg- whom [the one having faith] I will have mercy, and
ment. At the time of the utterance of the prophecy I will have cOIntxI~&JIl [on the obcdicnt OIle] on whom
natural Esracl was not properly responding to Jeho- I will have compassion.” (Horn. 9: 15) The rule con-
vah’s love hcstowed upon them, and Jehovah reminded cernin~ the firslborn must yield to faithful ohcdie7:w.
them of their shortcomings Addressing spiritual “So then it is not of him [Esau] that willcth, nor of
Israel, the Lord Jesus says : “For the E’athcr himself him [EQu] that runneth [to Isaac], but of God that
lovcth you, because ye have loved me, and have he- shewell mercy.” (Rom. 9 : 1G) Furthcnnorc J&oval7
lieved that I came out from (;od.” (John 16: 27) The says : “And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and
faitlifol and obedient respond: “We love him, because his hcrilage waslc for the dragons of the wilderness.”
he first loved us. “-1 John 1: 19. -Mal. 1: 3.
o The cold and unrcsponsivc ones seek to justify 8 The reason why God hated &au was because of
themselves in not obeying the. commandments of the his selfishness and lack of faith in respect to C:osl’s
Lord, and therefore ~~ropound to the Lord the ques- promise. Eaau married an accursed hcatht>n, ~3s un-
tion : “IVhcrcin hast thou lo\;cd us?” C:od commands just to Jacob, aml displayed tl7c spirit of a murdc~rt r.
all of his covenant pCOtJtC, ~4yirq: “And thou shalt For like reasons Ifsau’s nation (the Edomitcs) \V;IS
love the I.ord thy Cod with al1 thy heart, and with all hated of Jehovah, both ancient and modcru, that is to
thy soul, and with all thy mizht.” (Dcut. 6: 5) Con- say, the present-clay wivkcd crowd who W’L’C pictnrcd
trary to this COIumaudmCIl~, INally have attcnl~Jk(l 10 try ltle I%lonlitcs. (SW “(_)tJadiah”, June l’i l!KX,
divide their love botwcen (:od and croat urcs and IVtrtcltfoZcer.) For the same was077 Ihc ‘Lwi(.121 s(‘i’v-
things. Even those who have IiltCr formed the “faith- ant” class, and at1 the persons conlposinx tllat cl;~+,
ful and wise servant” class were at one time lackinK are hated and cast away from the Lord. (lI:ltt.
in apl)rcoiation of the lovin+kindncss hrstowrd upon 21: 48-51) T~IUS Jehovah had dc~larc~l ttl:lt IIC taid
them by JC~IOV:J~,and such was true when the Lord waste the heritag,lc of l&u and msdc dcsol;ltc a11 of
Jesus appeorcd at the tempJv. All who WCI’Clooking Idutnra. ( 1Szck. 35 : 2-15 ; ()tJ:d. ‘15-21 : .jPI’. -t!) : 7-Z”)
forward to going lo tlCilVcn, arid who wcrc Kiving no The J~I’O]JhW~of Jctl0vah pronowlccd n~aili~t 1:\ IU
considerat ion to the twlor of Jehovah’s name, wcrc hild i’iilfiltmcnt 011 u small SCUlCsotiwtimc: iIflC1’ ltbil
failing to Inve God accorditi *: to his comlnarltlincnts. dcslruc%ion of Jcru~lem. In due tirnc Ctrriht JWN
After the coming of tlic I,ord Jesus lo the tc~rn~~lcand appwrcd at ttte tcmt)lc and tlcs~~lal~~sttic cwnclil io1i of
the unfrihling to the f;7ii hful ones the pu1’1~sc of Jc- th, “WI1 ~eIvarlt” cl;~ss, thus flilfilliuq the t)7q~t1~~(~~
hovah their tow incrca\cd a~tid ttwy more rcaclily rc- 071a lar~:cr scale. At the ic177~)l~jutlgncnt CllAst .I(:-
spondcd to the Lord’s co7r~o~;777dmcnts. SW, trllc to his Word, sclKlY forth tlia at1~cts :I1111 gili h-
t The qncstion was proJM)undcd to Jehovah by the ers out ttww in line for the klnylom wtw tlncl lxcwuc
~infaitbful ones, and Jcliovaii rcplics to that question workl~rs of iniquity and who attcmptctl to f.l~xw follow-
by propounding anolhcr, lo wit: “\Vas not J%:~u crs after them, an11 the Ilord aptmink thclr wd wit tl
lJacohk brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob.” the Irypocritcs ant1 puts thrm into outer dal’!~llc+ ill)<1
Jehovah bestows his love upon those ~110 ohcg him. t:llw :rw:7y from tlwrn all the kin:~lom i~ltcrc~ts. (1l:rtt.
Esau was the first-horn of lwnc and Kcbr~a, and 13 : 41 ; 25: 24-30) Their licritagc i1Shrsirs of (;otl alit1
therefore the log$!al heir of his father, hut Jehovah joint-heirs with Chrilt Jesus is l)rought rlown to twr-
showed his favor to Jacob and sclcctcd hnn for the rw desolation, pirinrcd by their t~lwc’s twinq for I’(,o~l
heir. Jehovah knew the crrd from the bc$n~ling. Al- for f hc jackals of the wildcrnc is, hcleause they rc’fuzt~l
though Jacob was the younpcr of the twins, yet IJC- to sufl’cr with Chric;t Jesus and did not girt honor to
fore his birth Jehovah fised his lo~e upon Jacob IJC- Jehovah their I+thcr a77d to his bin~tlorn. This ,ju<lg-
cause ho knew that Jacob would ot~cp him and that mcnt and its cswution against ttlc “evil SC’r\illJt ”
I&au would not. (Gcn. 25: 21-26) “And not only class began with the coming of Christ to the tcmy)!c I:I
this; but when Relmxa also had conccivcd 1)~ one, even 1918 and is certain likewise to lx visited ut~on n71y of
by our father Isaac; (for the children hcing not yet the tc7nple company who Lccomc unfaithful tllcra-
born, n&her having done any good or evil, that the after. It would follow, tlicw, Ihat 07162 once in the tcm-
purpose of God, according to election, might stand, plc, and who hccomcs unfaithful, will he ctui~kly gath-
not of works, but of him that calltth ;) it was said ercd out by the nng<& of the bfJId.
unto her, The elder shall sww the younger. As it is DI&au joined the 1)&l’s oraaniznlion, and all who
written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hatlad. follow that COUI‘>L‘become a part of Sntan’s organiza-
What shall we say then? Is there unrizhtcousncss tion and arc put in the class of the Edoinitcs. “1<4:tu,
with God? God forbid.” (Roan. 9: 10-l-1) Jehovah did who is Edom.” (Ccn. 36: 1) Those once in lint for
not permit the first-horn to receive his love merely the birthright blwsings of Jcho\-ah, who dishonor the
beean.. of the rule governing the same, well knowing Lord, become Edomites. Xhat Ed0717 said, as set
in advance that such a one would be unfaithful and forth in the prophecy of Alalachi, has application 10
DECEXBER 15, 19X 3i3

the “evil servant” class. “TV?ercas Edom saith, We 10~s those pictured by Jacob, that is, the faithful who
are imporerished, but we will return and build the love and serve him unsclfX~ly. Seeing and appreciat-
desolate places; thus saith the Lord of hosts, They i?lg the judgment and lvve of Jehovah, the faithful
shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call magnify his nanle from the place occupied by them,
thrm, The border of wickedness, and, The people that is, the place in God’s organization, and beyond
against whom the Lord hath indig??ation for ever.” it, by corltinuously giving praise to and testifying to
-Mal. 1: 4. the name of Jehovah and his ki??gdom ; and they do
‘“About the time of the beginning of the temple this amidst great opposition.
judgment the selfish, covetous ones, who were in line
for the kingdom, said, and continue to say: ‘We are
impovcrishcd due to bein, 0 cut off from the oficial 11Publishing his law to natural Tsracl, Jehovah said
control of the WATCH TOWER Ibr.s & TRACT SOCIEXT, to them: “IIo??our thy father and thy mother; that
that is, God’s visible orga??ization.’ Those unfaithful thy days may bc lonx upon the land which the Lord
ones now would bc u~iablc to control and to opcratc thy God giveth thee.” (Es. 20: 12) The law of (;od
the Society as they desired, and hence thc~y were does not change. The law spoken to Israel there IHJW
la?nenti?q: their loss of authority and rule. E’urther- applieq more particularly to spiritual Israchl. l’llc
more they Silitl in the laJigu:lqe of the propliccy : ‘We children of natural parents should rcspcct and h~JW.Jr
will build the desolate plarcs by setting U~J our OW?~ thcni, wlic?i the parents deport tlicnirclvcs i?i a IJl’olJc’r
organization to compete with the WATC?? TOW:R SO- way. But that could not be the limit of the alJ:Jlic*a-
c?mY, arid we expect to have God’s alq)roval n??d to tio?i of this teJit, for the reason that parc?its ollc?? IJC-
prosper in our JWV advcnturc. To this the Lord rc- w~ric wielicd, joirliuq the Devil arltl olJposi?ig and olwi-
plies : “?‘llcy shall build, hut I will throw down.” The ly defaming J~ho~nh’s nn?nc. Surely 00~1 clots not
judxmcnt is’writtcn a~:aiJist them, aJid (:od Will not mean that cl~ildrcn should honor a??y 1:llting tllat
rcvcrsc that jutl::mc?it. 1Ie will not scntl proslzrity to ~1icITed course merely because such pcrsoJts arc the
the???.JchowiJ does not gr;i?lt rcsurrcctiori and life to JXlIY’JltS Of cliildrc~n. (1X1. 51: 1, 13) WlC word “iii-
tho’;e ~110 are assizncd by his jud~~mcnt to ~~cnlition. thcr” of I~scdus 20 : 12 nwnns Jehovah God, wlro yivc’s
(Jcr. 49: 37, 18; also 2 Thus. 2: 3; Ezcl;. 35: 11, 15) life to ill1 who rc(+(l?ve life. Tlie “n?othcr” of tll(t test
The ~~rophccy the?? rcfcrs to those on J~IoI~J’s sitlc n?c;l?is God’s “woman”, picturing God’s or~:l~~iml hi,
and says : “A11d men [n.V.] shall call them, The Ihilt gives birth to (lad’s chiltlrr??. (Isa. 51: l-3) ‘I.1
border of wickrdness [that is to say, the oufrr edge or so?? lionourctli his l’athcr, ilIlt a servant his ?u:lstcr :
extreme of \\‘i~k~d??css].” ‘J’hcse ‘Oncn”, who arc 011 if then I bc :I fat her, wlicre is ??iirie lio??our1 ;i?t:l if
JchovaI?‘s siclc, t l?us s~~c:llc, and slJei?k at his dircct?on I be il ???:Mer, wl?cBre is my fcilr? hail Ii tllc I~oIcl UE
naainst those who are uril’uitliful, and this slio~s the hosts u?ito you, 0 l’ricsts, tliat dcsljise my I?;~I?I(‘..i11t1
Ubli~ntio?? npo?? the faithful to thus spc& the truth. yc say, \\‘lwrcia hat c wc dcspiwtl thy Ji:~mc :I” (.\!irl.
Those \~;o?*It~s of lawlcsxnc~as or \viel<cd??css are the 1 : G) The ~~coplcs of the ?iatio?? of Israel after thik llf+h
most rcj~rcl?c?iaible cl;iss b~~*~lll‘iC they have willfully were (:0(1’s I~eol)lc, whom he had wlcctccl for IiiJw~i f,
turned from the tri?th and I)ut the?nselves in oppocii- alltl llc \VilS a F’ather to them. Tltc ?najor iIlJl)licat 19?i
lion to God a??d his orgamiz?tion, thus dislio?iori???: of the test, ~I~JW\‘l’r, is to sl)iritu;ll Israel, tli:lt is, tl~o~e
their Fafhcr and their mother. Other translators rcn- who haw cscrcisd faith in God aJiLl iJJ C!iJ*ist Jt511s
der this part of the test in this nian?icr: “The territory and have c??tcrcd i?ito a cove?ia?lt to do the will of
of wickcd?icss.” (I;~cscr; IiOtllCrkCl~it, margin) Such God, and \lhorn Clod has acl<??o\vlctl~cd a? his ~011‘;.
are “the ]JCW~)~Ca$li??st who??? the Lord [Jehovah] 011~ ~110 r(>JJJiJiJJst?*ue :???dfaithful to Clod will 1m11or
bath i?idig?iatio?i for ever”, and therefore such are his Futhcr’s ~Jamc. AdclJwsiJ!g the c1J~Jrc11at E~J~IWIS
assigned to perdition or cvcrlasting destruction. They the apostle wrote : “Cliildrc??, obey your parents ii1
go the way of the &vi1 and of all of his likes. (Rev. the Lord: for IhiT is right. lIonour thy fat her :Jrd
20 : 7-10) Tllcre is no rPasoti why God should 1~1~ mother, whit!? is the first co?n?nni?tl?ncnt wil II promi-<*,
the wickc;l alive. IIe gives life everlanling to those that it may be ncll with th(tc, and thou ni:~ycit live
who lore a?ld serve him. The time comes, following 101lg on the earth.” (F1pl1. 6: l-3) Thus the ~~OIJVI
the beginning of the temple judgment, ~vl-hrn the Lord application of the text is shown. The spirit-bqottc??
makes known these truths to his faithful ones that SOI~Rof God are tlnty-honnd to honor God by gli?fIIy
they may see and apl)reciatc the justice a??d lovi?q- ohcyi?q his and his Sun’s romn?:~??tlme?~ts. Any:~le
kindness of our Cod. To the faithful rc?nnant of who takes a contrary course dishonors Jehovah’s ??:?I?:c.
spiritual Im~acl, who constitute the “faithful a??d nise TO dishonor God brings O?ICinto peril. The “last c?:I~s”
servant ” class, Jehovah says : “And your eyes shall arc now here and Sata?? is dcspcrntrly c?ldcavori?,s to
SW, a??dye shall say, The Lord will be mngnifie(] from turn all people away Don? God, and therefore he ?n-
[beyond (R.V.) ] the border of Israel.” +?eh is eon- ~UCCS them to take the course of disobcdiencc. It was
elusive proof to the faithful o?ies that Jehovah hates concer?li??g this that the apostle wrote: “This k~mv
the wicked, who were pictured by Esau, and that he also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves [extremely God and all foreshadowed the spiritual sons of God,
selfish], covetous [desiring and seeking that whirh who are a!so his servants. It is the spiritual Israelites
they have no right to], . . , disohcdient to parents, that the Lord purifies at the tcmp:e judgment that they
. . . [covenant-] breakers, . . . dcspiscrs of those that may oft’er unto Jehovah an offering in righteousness ;
arc good, . . . lovers of pleasures more than lovers of therefore the sons do and must honor Jehovah’s name,
God; having a form of godliness, but denying the When the Lord came to the tcmplc those in tl1c covc-
power thereof.” (2 Tim. 3: l-5) The description here nant by sacrifice were not honoring Jehovall’s name
given exactly fits the prcscnt-day conditions in the in a proper manner, and this was due somewhat to the
world and more particularly fits tllosc who were owe fact of their ignorance of the proper way to honor his
in line for the kingdom and who have turned away. name. All were taking a more or less compromising
While it is true that those of this world are pursuing course and thus bringing reproach upon the name of
exactly the course that the apostle describes, yet the Jehovah God. Much of their time was put forth in
application of the text is specifically to those who have “dcwloping character” and in giving honor to men
undertaken to serve God and who have shown them- and in followin:: the teachings of man.
s~lvcs unfaithful. They become lawless by reason of ls It was in tl1c May 1, 1926, issue of The Wntck-
their sclfishncss and covetous desire, and they refuse tower tl1at the Lord broupht to the attention of his
to obey the commandments of God and to follow his pco~)lc tl1at it was much more important for tlwm to
organization instructions. Tlicy complctcly ignore this honor Jehovah by drrlaring his name than merely to
admonition of the Lord, to wit: “XIy son, keep thy dcvclop cliaractcr. The temple judgment disclows a
father’s commandmrnt, and forsake not the law of thy company of spirit-begotten ones that held to their
mother.“--l’rov. C: 20. sclfsh desires and rcfwed to honor God’s name, and
l2 All those in lint for the kingdom at the coming also cliscloscs another company ansious to cl0 tl1e will
of the T,ord to the temple were of the trihc of Levi, of God; and when tliis latter ClilSS saw the ri~lit course
from whic.1~the priests are taken, l1cncc some of them they hastened to take that course. In recent years tlic
of tha priestly order. Addressing his words to the Lord has made this matter clearly to appear to tliosc
priestly class, Jehovah says: “If then I 1~ a father, who love and serve him, and they gladly tfiliC UJJ tlwir
whcrc is mine honour?” Otherwise stated, the proph- duty and Ohli~:;~tionOf speaking of the same tc One
ccy says to them : “\\‘hat arc you doing to show honor another and to all others who liavc the 11e:irinq car,
to Jehovnlt God?” dchOvnl1adopts tl1e spiritual Isracl- disclosing to them that it is only tllosc ~110low and
itcs as his sons, and tlicreforc txcomcs a Father to serve Jehovah ti1at in fact honor his name and that,
them.--Cal. 4 : 5-7 ; Kom. 8 : 14, 15. tl1US IlaW his a])proral. Tll0sc WI10tilliC a tli~l'c~cl\t
lS The kingdom was born in 1914, Jehovah having cou~sc fall into Iwril. The faithful ones, who s?:111d
brought forth tl1c “man-cliild”, who shall rule the tlic test, arc brOiql1t into tiic tcinplc ; but if thc*rcaflcr,
world, and thcrraftcr his w’oman gives birtli to the while in the tcin~blc, any of such bwomc sc4fisli, cwvt~t-
other cl~ilclrcn. J&ova11 wnrls his Iwlovcd I\lcsucngcr ous or rcbcllious, they too arc gatliercd out by the
to the tcmplc for the pnrposc of testing and judging Lord, as hC tlWlillIY1 he WOUlddo.
all who arc spiritual sons of God. II0 innuaurates the I6 Tlic true servant of C:od has un~lcrst:1ncliti~, tlrat
new covenant toward tlwm. dcllovah says : “For I am is, lie appreciates his proper rclntionsliip to his li:l<tcr
a father to [spiritual] Isriicl, and ~pliraim [spiritual] and to Jehovah and that l1c must 11Onorthe name Of
is my firstborn.” (Jcr. 31: 9, 31-X) The true sons Jehovah and his bclovcd Son. Christ Jesus is tlic
ackno\~~lcd~;cJeho\-ah as their Father, and they give Master over tl1c house of Jcl1ovah God. “I+‘Or 011~is
honor to :ris name. Tl1csc in the lan+age of the your master, cwn Cllrist.” (John 13: 13,lJ ; ?,latt.
prophet say : “Thou, 0 l,ord, art our father, Our 23 : S) In order that tl1osc ~110co\-want to do that will
redccmcr : thy name is from everlasting. ” (Isa. 63 : 16) of God might properly appreciate their position in
“But now, 0 Lord, thou art onr father: WCare the God’s Organization the alJO:itk applies the rule rela-
clay, a;ld thou our potter; and WCall are the work of tive to servant and master in tlic flesh, as well as in
thy hand.” (Isa. 64: S) It is only tl1Oscwho glaclly Christ, tlie one to illustrate the otlier : “Servants, 1x2
obey his commandments that sl1ow their love for him obedient to tlicm that are your masters iwcortlin~ to
and that honor Jehoval1’s name. Tl1ey boldly and joy- the tlcsh, \\ith fear and trcml)ling, in singleness of
fully testify to his name and his kingdom in the day your heart, as unto Christ; not wit11 cycscrvicc, ac,
of Jehovah, nhcrc WCnow are. (1 Jol1n 4: 17, 1s) The mcnplcascrs; but as the scrvanls of Christ, doi11gthe
son bears the name of his Father, and the dutiful son will of God from the lieart; with good will tloin~ sew-
respects and honors his Father’s name, and therefore ice, as to the Lord, and not to men ; knowing tl1at wllat-
the son occupies a place of much responsibility re- soever good thing any man docth, the same shall he
specting the name of his Father. receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.“-
I4 God made the Levites his ministers. Some of these Eph. 6 : 5-8.
he made priests, and others of tl1e tribe of Levi pcr- 1’Jchovah is the great Master and Lord over all.
formed a separate service, but all were the servants of He was the Jiaster to the priesthood of natural lsracl.
ttf-f%WATCHTOWER 375

They were his tribe and his people. God was their a knowledge and appreciation of the proper relation-
Sovereign Ruler. By his prophet Malachi Jehovah ship of the creature to the Creator, and they arc blind
says to Israel after the flec;h, and then more particu- to the truth. One who seeks for selfish honor and for
larly to spiritual Israel: “If I be a master [Adon the praise of men, or who gives honor and praise to
(I~ehrew) ; sovereig ruler], ~hcre is my fear?” That other men, ignores the great issue now to be scttlcd
such is the mraning of the test is sho\\ll by the words and clearly dcmon$trates that he cloes not have under-
of Isaiah: “0 Lord our God, other lords [nrEo&~ standing. Those who pursue such a course of conduct
(Hebrew) ] beside thee have had dominion over us: despise the name of Jehovah.
but by thee only will we mi.~!ccmention of thy natne.” I8 Jehovah by his prophet now discioscs how one may
(Isa. 26 : 13) Jehovah is the Suprcmc Power, the Chief show that he despises Jehovah’s name. Those who
of the Higher Powers. His sons cannot fear him and think too higllly of self seek to justify their wrongful
at the same time be men-pleasers. Such would bring eourw, even after that wrongful course is pointed out
them into the Ijevil’s snare. They cannot bc subject to them. Says the Lord by his prophet BIalachi: ‘Ye
to worldly rulers and rules whi(:h are contrary to God’s say, Wherein have we polluted thy name?’ AII~ to
law, but murt and do recognize only Jcho+ God as t!iat question Jehovah answers : “ye oft’er ~~c~!!tktcd
the Supreme 1’0~ cr and his lr w above the lams of man. bread u!)on mint altar; and ye say, Wherein have wc
The sons of (;od arc not tiic servants of men, and they polluted tllcc? In that ye say, The ta!)le of the l,o1~1
must stand or fall to their own ;\Iasler, the Lord of is contemptible.” (31:il. 1: 7) ,111 sacrifices art: t11~1:z-
hcavcn and cnrth. “For ye a~ bought with a price : nnted by the Lord uudcr the name of “brcnd”. ‘l’r~c
therefore glorify God in your hody, and in your spirit, proper sacrifice of the sons of God is cxp-wcd by the
which arc (:o~l’s.” (1 Cor. G: 20) “J-e are boug!tt with apostle in tliesc I\ ords : “Let us go fort!1 t!i(~reforc
a price ; IJC not yc the scwants of men.” (1 Cor. 7 : 23) unto him witliont tile camp, bc:lring his rC~~roilc!t. It’nr
The Lor(l .Jcsuu makes it elnplmt ic that the sons of God hcrc have WC no con~~nuin:: city, !)ut we seek one to
must lrot fC!ilr YIlillt but must fear C:Od. (JTatt. 10: 2s) come. By him tltcrcforc let us ofl’cr tile sacyifcc of
“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil.” (I’rov. 8: 13) praise to God continually, that is, tllc fruit of our lil)‘,
It ia cvi! to willfully do :11iy1 !~in,n that is contrary to giving thanks to his name.” (llch. 13: 13-15) ‘I’llat
God’s commandment. To tilkC a position contr:lry to nic~u~s a wl~o!chc4rtcd, unsclfi4 devotion to ,!(~IIuY;,!I
God’s orrtanization, and to hct up an orquiization or God in obcdicncac to his cotiinlatitllnciits in prol*lniuiiflq
:~ttcmpt to do so, whicll Iattc~r or:ranizat ion gives honor his name and hit kingdom, and to do so witllout W;W-
to man, is crrtninly cavil in the sight of (:od. To give tion, carncstly and zc;ilously folIoI\ ing the way or
honor to men ant1 not to Jcho~!l is cquiv;llcnt to de- course that God has pointctl out for his son to follow.
spising Jc!~o\ah ‘s name. Tile rc~sponsi!)ility t!icrc!)y z” God’s law rcqnircd the I)ricl\ts to csamltlc a!1
becomes grcatcr W!WII 6nc knows that God’s purpose things OffCItd for SilC’l’ifiN!, nllci rtottiing tllat \I:13
ix the vindication of his nanw. SAYS tlke Lord to those bl~wishcd or h:ld l~wll gottrtl lllllilWflllly colll~l lw
who go cotitrary to llis law: “IVhcrc is my fear? . . . accq)tcd as a sitrrificc. “Alrd if thcrc be any l)l~~mi~,h
0 priests, that dcs!)isc my name. ” 1 t thcrcfwc f6llo~s tlicrcin, as if it bc I;HIIC, or IAind, or have any ill l~liw-
that every one ~110 covenants to do tllc will of God isli, tllou shalt not s;l(*rificc it unto tlw LOIY~ tlly f;oc! ”
must honor Jclto~~h’s nnm~ by obeying his laq rc- (Ucut. 35: 21) An of/erin, 0 unto tltc liortl Clod, miyc (1
gnrdlcss of the laws of man ant1 rcgardlcss of w!i:It any With praiSC md !lOll0r Of lll(‘r1, IV!lct!lcr t!lat !Jc 1’01’ hcs!E
creature may say or think about him. or for others, could uot be accc!Jtnhlc unto C:od. (IAI!,~
la The selfish person who is looking for honor and 1G: 15) It is the solemn duty of those scrvnlits of (:~~tl
glory to himself does not !IOHO~ Jehovah. As long as who wcro serving in tlie pricxsts’ ofiicc to dccl:~rc I ;II~
one permits sclfishncss to control him he cannot hoc rule of ,Jchovah in the prc~ncc and hearing of cbthc,rs.
and a~)~IrCCi:lk thC rCW.&‘d lirOrd Of God. ThOSC W!lO The table of the I,ord is supplied by him wit!) !)~OIH’I
WC fully and unsclfisl~ly d~otccl to J&ox-ah God may food that is nourishing and life-sustniniug to tllc,,c
take an improper course for a time because of igno- who love and serve him. That w!lic!l is contraq t(J
rance, but in due time God will show them the ri$t God’s table is of the &Al. It is xvrittcn : “l~r~!~oltI
may if they diligently SWli to know the right way and Israel after tlie flesh: arc not tlicy which cat of the
to do the will of God. It was not until the public:~tion sacrifices partakers of the altnrf” Therefore Ihc :!ltar
of the book I-‘w~~~~cc~/,in 199, that the Lord put clcnr- is “the Lo~d’s table”. Furthcrmorc, it is I\ rit l(lil:
ly bcforc his pcoplc that tltc honor and vindication of ‘Ye CanI~ot be partnkcrs of the 1,ord’s ta!J!C iL:ld of
his name is of tlx greatest importance. When the Lord the T)cvil’s.’ (1 CcJr. 10: 18, 21) Unc cannot mix
made known this great truth, the unsclfis!~ joyfully worldly things wit!1 that which God proviclcs i’or his
laid hold of il and obcyccl the Lord’s will. Those w!lo peoplr. That which is of all iml)ortance is God’s R:IIW ;
follow their o\tn sclfX~ desires and attempt to draw and that which he places upon his altar, or “ talric”,
others away from the Lord’s organization, to walk with is in ttle interests of his kingdom and is placed II!JOI~
them, thereby pursue a lawless course. Sue11 become his table for his sons, and such is worthy of a full awl
weak, and they do not understand. They fail to-have undivided devotion of the sons that arc in line for the
N. Y.

kingdom. To attempt to mis worldly things with that (Prov. 12 : 15) The Word of God is the true and cor-
which God has provided on his table is to dishonor his rect counsel. III this day, when the King is at the
name. It follows, then, that if those who claim to serve temple and is directing his people what they must do,
God arc at the same time mixing that service with that anyone who ignores His instructions and pursues his
which brings honor and praise to men, such is proof own selfish course thereby says: “God is not direct-
that they despise God’s name and his provision for ing his organization”; and in his heart, that is, by his
them. Certainly, then, such is an abomination in the course of action, he says: “There is no God”; and thus
sight of God. Anyone who substitutes anything in the he declares himself a fool. He is blind to the real pur-
place and stead of what God has provided for those pose of Jehovah. Ite should know better, bcrnuse he
who scrvc him is thcrcby showing that he despises has undertaken to be guidccl by Cod’s Word and therc-
God’s holy name. Since the beginning of judgment at fore hc should not follow his own ideas or the ideas of
the temple thcrc have been those who claim to be in another man, but look to the Ilord for instruction. His
lint for the kingdom who have refused to accept God’s oft’ering, being blind, is not acceptable unto God. For
provision for them and have substituiccl what man one to contend or hold that such a sclfisll course on his
has provided. They proclaim and advocate the teach- part is not an evil in himself, or in others who have
ings of man and disregard what God has unfolded in covcnnntcd to do the will of Clod, would mean his con-
the fulfillment of his prophccics for the bcncfit of those tempt for God’s altar and his unfaithCulneas to his
who have undcrtakrn to do his will. Jehovah has now covenant with God. The children of Jehovah can be
plainly shown that tbc great issue or question that taught only hy Jehovah and the Ilord JCSW C’hrist.
must bc detcrminrd is that which involves his holy Ko man, whcthcr it be self or anotllcr man, can bc the
name; that the duty lie has laid upon I& pcoplc is to guide and teacher of the sons of God. Thus the Lord
declare his iiamc, and to ignore that great issue means shows the clear distinction bctwccn the unfaithful and
to dcspisc liis name and to thereby dcclarc that his the faithful who attempt to serve him in the priest’s
table is contcmptil~lc. ‘I’hc failure or rcfusnl to call office. IIc provides the means for enliphtciiin:: and
attention to thcx important truths would 1~ carclcss- making clear the vision of his sons in or&r that they
licss toward the Ilord’s illtcrcsts alid would thus show may not bring to llini a blind sacrifice.
unfaithfnlncss on the 11art of those havin:: the obIiga- *?What, then, constitutes a “lame” saerificc within
tion to dcclnrc his name ant1 his kingdom. Thus the the mc7ming of tlic Scrij)turcs? The linlt~ng bcfitwecan
Lord points out to those workers of la~~lcssncssthe two opinions, tl*yinF: to hcrvc two opposing orgnniza-
manner in which they have shown their contempt tor tiolis at the same time, claiming to scrvc Clod amI at
his table. the same time trying lo plcasc tlic Devil’s or worldly
*I The law which God gave to natural Israel pro- olqanization, is ccrtninly limpin:: along and tilcrcby
vided that a blind s:icri[ic>e is not acccptablc to tlic means 0fCcring a “lame” snc+ficc. Fear of human
Lord. But s~~llis11 “I)riM.s” say :-“Jt is not wrong nor authorities and rccogriizing them as the “lii$cr pow-
evil. ” Thcreforc said 1hc Lord through Iris prophet CI’S” , 8S thC OIlCS thilt IllWd tJC Ohy(‘tl, ShOWS tht
Blalaclli : “And ii’ yc olt’cr the blind for sncrificc, is it I)crsons so fearing and obcyillg worldly powci’q arc
not evil ? and if yc 0f1’cr the Iamc and siclc, is it not “blind” and “lame”. To obey tllcsc! worlllly ;lo\vrrS
evil? Ofi’Cr it IlOW Wit0 thy gow?lcJr : Witl hc be ~JhSCd bccnusc of fear of being p~ll:isllctl at the haiitls oC hn-
with thee, or accept thy person? saith the Lord of man creatures constitutes one 0fC’cringa lame sacrifice
hosts. ’ ’ -Nal. 1: 8. and thus unacccptablc to the Lord. One of the priestly
** The sacrifice rcprcscnts the one ofCcring it. If the class offering such a sacrilicc woul~l bc rcjMc,tl at t Ix
person ofi’cring it is blind to the great is\uc or question temple judgment, because that judgmcnl oC t’lc Lord
for determination and that blindness is induced by. his tries and purges the sons of I&, that tl~y may ofl’cr
own sclfishncss, his ofl’cring thcrct’ore is blind and unto the Ilord an o&ring in ri$itcousness. (1Ial. 3 : 3)
hcncc is an imperfect offering. This rule applying to The “evil servant” class, once in line for the kin&m,
natural Israel with stronger reasoning applies to have said and continue to say: “JYe must :iIld tlo rcc-
spiritual Israel, and the one thus failing to see and ognizc the liuman rulers of this c9rtli i1S the liigllcr
to make known the issue offers a blind ofCcring, con- ~~owcrs,whom we will obey.” Tl~crcl~y tllcy nay Car
trary to the Lord’s comninndmcnt. (11~1~.13: 15) It themselves that they arc offo%lI: a lame sacrifice ant1
would be the same as a blind sncrifkial victim, and they claim that hue11sncrificc is not evil; ljut the Lord
therefore not acceptable to the Lord. Thcrc arc those says it is evil. Those who have Gotl’s apI)ro\-al rnu\t
who claim to be servants of God and who say: “What make no compromise, b,lt rnnbt render themsclvcc, cn-
is right in my own eyes, that is, what I conceive to he tircJy unto God and his king$om service nit h a singlc-
right, that I will do.” Otherwise stated, they set thrir ncss of purpose’, being blind to crcrything clsc.-
own judgment up against what the Lord has spceif- Isa. 42: 19.
ically Kritten. That one therefore demonstrates that 24Again the Lord says to them: ‘WhCn you offer a
he is a fool. “The way of a fool is right in his own sick sacrifice you say it is no evil.’ Tt:oc,u who ilye
eyes; but he that hearken&h unto COUWAis wise.” SrJiritually &irk Say: ‘-1 sick o&ring is Ilot Wit.

(R.V.) The Lord is supplying his table with meat in Zcrubbabcl. At the present time, however, the Lord
due season,thereby showin:: his people what they must *JesusChrist is the Gover77orof spiritual Israel, hnv-
do. One who fails or refuses to feed upon the spirit- ing been enthroned in the year 1914. Christ Jesus,
ual food which the Iiord provides, but feeds on that together with Jehovah, constitutes the “Higher Pow-
vzhich hc thinks is right according to his own conclu- ers ’ ‘. Jehovah, through his prophet, now acldrcsws
hion a77dwhich has been provided by ma77and not by his words to tl7e negligent and unfaithful priestly class
the Lord, thereby clearly dcmo77stratcsthat he is spirit- a77dpropounds to them the question, whicl7 they must
ually sick. Ilolding on to and following the teachings aliswcr, to wit: “Present it now mite thy governor;
of a man, whether that ma77he dead or alive, and Ed- wiil he be pleased with thee ?” (R.V.) Not even a hu-
alting 11u1na11 leaders, is co77clusivcproof of one thus man ruler would be pleased wi-ith a blind or sick sacri-
doing as being spiritually sick, because such person fice, and the one making the ofi’cring should be ashamed
does not discern the body of Christ and Jehovah’s to be caught offeri7ig the same.
purpose concerning the same. It is impossible for such 27Nehemiah would not have received with pleasure
an offering to be acceptable unto the Lord. This tl7e such an oRering. (Nell. 13 : 10-12) Certai77ly the Lord
Lord 170~ malrcs clear to his people, that they must Jesus Christ at the temple (Jehovah’s palace or royal
avoid thi7t very pit i77towhie17others have fallen. One residence), the Governor of spiritual Israel, n-oultl 77ot
who claims to be runni7ig in the 7iarrow way as a dishonor the name of Jehovah by accepting a lllind,
follower of Christ Jesus, and who then ol~l~oscsor de- lame or sick offering. Tl7is is co77clusively l~rovcd by
spiscs the work whicl7 the Lord is doing to give a wit- the fact that Christ Jesus upon appearing at the tcm-
I~CSS to his I7an7c,and conteIn1Jt77Ouslyspeaks of s7Ich ple began his filial judgn7cnt with the Ilevitcs and
work as a “l~ook-selling schcmc”, thereby shows him- cleansed the approved ones, who had sllowl their
self coInlJlctcly out of liannony with th! Lord, and by faithfulnc.su, in order that such approved o77esmight
taki77g a course in opposition to the Lord’s way dcmon- offer urlto the Lord a71ofl‘criag in righteoosnc~s, a77d
strates his spiritual sickness. which is acceptable u77toJehovah. Those of the anti-
*@The Lord now comnian(ls his people to bear be- typical Lcvitcs who were 77otapproved by Christ ~J(ws
fort others tlio fruits of the lting~lom, that is, to bring at the temple judg7ncnt have no offering to bring that
tcstimotiy of the trutl7 I~cI’ore others, and this testi- is acceptable before Jchor:717 God, and hcncc their
IIIOJJ~must IJI:conccrni77gtllc vindication of Jchovnl7’s oficrings are rcjcctrd. This is exactly the status of the
na7r7cthrough his King a77tlIti77qdom. Clod has taken opposers of Cod’s organization.
out from :777tc,ng~t me77a l~coplc for that very purpose. 2RIW%hcr addrcssi77g the antitypical Tlevitcs, who
1’17(!lj771Jli~i~lti~jll Of tllC kiIl~dOIIl nlC!WlgCt0 thC hOnOr had brought lame and sick and otherwise blcrni~;l~~~d
of Jehoval7’s IJ:IIII(! is of vital importance l~o~usc God Of~Prirlgsunto the Ilord, Jehoval7 1~shis prophet said :
kls co~Il~~l:l~ltkd it thus to l~c dOllC. ‘i’l7o.w who arc “hd IlOW,1 [AralaelJi] pray YOU,lICSeeel1c:Od that,
1Jlind to the 7~11issue an(l who arc tlicreforc spirit- he will be gracious unto us: this 17atl7lxcn ljy your
71;7llysick, and who co77ti77ucin their owl self%17way mcaI7s: will he rcenrtl your persons? saith the rdJr(1
of their so-~allcd “s(~rvicc lint0 God”, arc in cfcect of hosts. ” (Mol. 1 : 9) I’araphrasiiig the ljrol~hct’s
saying cOIiccr77i7igtheir ow77ewrsc : ‘There is 770liarm f words: ‘You would not liavc trcntcd the cartllly ralcr
notliing is wrong in our ~777~ (ZiOth.) ; therefore of yoi7r tribe in this dishonorable ni:i7777cr,07id so now
1Lucysay : ‘Tliwc is no evil i770771’blind and lame sacri- go and 17uml~lyask the Lord to be grrlcious to you, and
fice.’ A co77rscof action tlllls tilkCI1 by the OIlC ciaim- we whether, in t17cface of your dishonorable trcattncnt
i77gto bc of the tribe of’ Levi in cKcct says: “The table of Jehovah a77dhis table or altar, he will show his np-
of the Lord is contemptibly.” M’llilt, then, is the duty prowl or not. By this 7nca7is$077may see that whe77
of those ~170arc faithlully scrving’God conccrni77~this you say, “X0 harm is doiie, nothing is wrong,” you
matter? Slid1 they rcmairi quiet alid say nothing? have yourselves bee71wrong n7ld c77tirely out of li77c
ITO; 011 tllC COIltlXry, ttlC LOld Says to l.hOSC Who love with righteousness. See whether God will accept you
a77dserve him : “ Cry aloud, spare 77ot; Ii ft up thy voice or not.’ There could be b77tone result, for the reason
like a tru7npct, and slicw my l~ecjplctheir tr371Sgression, that Jehovah is always consistcrlt himself a77tl doe?
a77d the house of Jacob [lqri7cl] their si77s.” (Iha. not change his rule or ma777ierof dealing with his
Stj : 1) l’kc Tl’rrtcl~towr could not Eaithful1.y perform creatures nor does he show partiality toward a77ycrca-
swvicc u77to Cod and at the same time rcfrai77 from ture. Men hare take77too muel7 credit to thcr77sclves
calling atte77tio77to these things. When the Lord re- becauseof their supposed high standing amongst their
veals these truths by his prophet arid brings about the brcthral. The “clcctive elder” class in particular
facts in PulfNmcnt and in interpretation of the propll- have concluded that they are special objects of God’s
ccy, it is then the bounden duty of the W’aw~r TOWER favor n77dtherefore that whatsoewr they do must he
publication and all who are in full harmony with tile right. But in this conclusion they are entirely wrong.
Lord and devoted to hin7 to declare these truths. *@The co7lditio7ls existing among natural Israelites,
26At the time the prophecy was uttered by Malachi and particularly anlongst the priestly part thrrcof,
a mere ma71was governor, such as Nehemiah, and finds an exact connterpart amongst spiritual Isr,lclitc~s.
X Y.

Bfalachi’s prophecy shows that the self-important and own self&h course directed by God’s enemy Satan. The
selfish ones cannot receive God’s approval. Says the Hierarchy and her priests are both hypocritical and
prophecy : “Who is there cvcn among you that would blasphemous. The entire system is founded upon falsc-
shut the doors for nou+t 1 neither do ye kindle fire on hood and fraud. The priests that offer an ofiering of
mine altar for nought. I have no plcasurc in you, saith righteousness unto God are those, and those only, v;ilo
the Lord of hosts, neither will I accept an oftering at are brou$lt forth and acknowledged by Jehovah as his
your hand.“-Xal. 1: 10. sons and who are anointed and commissioned by him
*OThe self-important ones among natural Israel as his servants. Concerning the Roman Catholic IIirr-
served God only for the earthly gain they could get arqhy and her priesthood Jchovnh dcclarcs that tile
out of it, and thcrcby demonstrated that the “love of whole system is founded upon lies and is an abomina-
money ’ ’ or pcrhonal gain was at the root of their evil tion in his sight and shall be completely destroyed.
couMe. Likewise upon coming to the temple the Lord (Isa. 5%: l-21) The offerings of the Roman Catholic
Jesus found before him spiritual Israelites who were Ilicrarchy and her priests arc entirely an abomination
serving fur sc4fish gain and not for the honor and in God’s sight, and lie has nothing to do with them.
praise of Jehovah’s name. By serving and closing the The prophecy of Xnlachi is not dcnliiq with the so-
doors of the house of the l,ord merely for selfish gain callt~d “~~rhts” of any human-made institution, such
those Jews wcrc kindling a fire and offerin:: up im- as the hmim Catholic 1Iicrarchy, but with those who
pcrfcct victims on God’s altar, and thcreforc their by reason of entering into a covenant with God lxcome
oflcring was in vain. Likcwisc amongst the spiritual his spiritual sons and who thcrcnftcr bccomc unfnith-
Israelites at the bc~itiiiins of the temple judgmrnt ful and are rejected hy the Lord ; and also dealing with
thcrc were thqse rendering sc~~vicchefore the Ilord for those who at the ju&mcnt are ~~rowtl acccpt:hlc uttto
a selfish rc~asoiiand not for the purpose of accomplish- the Ilord. The tcm1,lc judgment anti clt~attsing make
iug the will of God and to his honor. To such the Imd manifckt to which cl:~sqone lxlon~s. Jlcligious formal-
say3 : “I have no I)lcasurc in you, . . . nrithcr will I ism is produced by God’s enemy, the Ikvil, and all
ucccpt art offcrill:: at your hand.” Such srlfkh service offerings hy religious priests are an nhomination in tlic
heJu$It dlStlOll(Jl’ uJ)(.Jn (:(,(I ‘S 1111111C. A SClfiSh COllk-SC sight of Cod anti licnco arc not acccptnblc by hitn.
by any in the I,ord’s-scbrvicc ~on1inuc.uto briil: dis- 32The lloman Catlrolic llicrarchy is not cwu con-
honor upon his name. \\‘it Ii tliosc selfish scrrnnts their sitlcrcd it1 the conull;iticlnicnt which God gives at KSII-
scrviec was merely formalism and not devotion and dus %J: 12. That c~ommnndmcntwas given to (;f)tl’s
praise to JC~IO\ah. Il:vcn :IIIIOII!: the antitgpical Tm4w, covc&nantpcoI~lc ant1 n1Jplicsmore particularly to t 110s~~
after the tcmplc: judXm(lnt wits in progrcs4, thcrc \v(*I’c of spiritual IsraCI, who ilrl? his covcn:lnt JJCOll~Citi tlv:
those in this attitude, an11thr: I~rd tolcratcd them far spirit. Jehovah is Ilot the Father of tllc 1~011lilll(~‘;~!I~-
a lime nnd :ravc th(~tn full ol)lJortunity to demonstrate olic IIic~rarrhy, i1Jld this the IIicrurchy frilly acIino\~I-
lhtir real motive or heart coritlitioti. That separation W&W ilIlt dNlitrCs by irnniiri g its (~:lUtllly llciltl p(f]Jff
by the Lord cotit inucd until the ClCilIlSiIlg took 1kice or “pope” nnd by 31Jplyitig the tcrrii “falliw” 10
ill 1932, nn(I tllcbn the Lord sctit forth hiv allgels and every XJ-dkd “~Jlht” ill ilic ul’,qtIliznt ion. ‘TilC
gilthClXd Out ~IIC UIllTfol’lllot~ JJl’iCYtS, sU?h ilS the? “CkC- Lor(I commands Ihat his sons shall call no Illill f:i!hc*r~.
tire cl&m”, aucl tiicy werr 1)ut in tlarlincss. The same Said the Lord Jrsns to his disc4plcs and ihoe do; la
rule must of ricrrssity still bc in force, that is to say, come his true followers : “Call no man your father
if anyone in the tcmplc hccomcs blind or spiritually upon the earth, for one is your Iktlrrr, \\ hich is in
sick ilIld brings a sclfkli, im1rcrfcct ofkring hefore the hcavc’n.” (Mntt. 23: 9) To the hypocrilical l’h:~kxq
Ilord, both the offering and the person arc rejected and Who pl’ilCtiCCd rdI$cJii iI the Jl:~ItlC of Jc~hovah,.IWlls
the one offering it is ousted from the tcmplc. Let no Christ said: ‘Your fatlicr is the Ikvil. (Sohli P: 4-I)
one be so fookh as to hclicvc that, onec in the temple The Roman Catholic Ilierarchv and their pricsstc,cmd
company, he may then pursue any liilld of selfish and allkd chqy generally are anti typical l’liari4clt~‘i, nxi
unrighteous conrse and expect to remain in the temple. their fattier is lilrcwise the T)evii. As the ancient
Those who remain in the temple mnst comply with the Phnrisers opposed God’s Icin~dom and rule utlti:st
rules the Lord has given them as set forth in Ilk Word. Christ Jcsns, so now the modern l’hnrisccs, the I:oluan
s* The Roman Catholic Wicrnrchy as an orqnization Catholic lIicrarcl~y, dcs;>ise(;od’s kingdom and l~!as-
claims that her priests are the rcprcscntativrts of God phemously claim to rnlc the world as Clod’s rq)re-
aud fill those ofiiccs by the will of God. They base i heir sentativc. Many persons have been inclurcd to lirlicve
ritual upon Gocl’s law concerning the priesthood in that, becauseihc Jews had priests that SCJW~the IIW-
kacl. In this not only are they wrong and following IJlC in that day by the Will Of (:Od, thtwfOrC the ~0111;:11

an erroneous course, but they are acting wholly with- Catholic 1Iicrarchy and her priests are scrvirkg accor~I-
out any authority. No human or earthly organization ing to the will of God. But such is wholly without snp-
can crcatc a priest unto God. The Catholic institutions port in the Bible. Those religious organizations ;)nd
that hatch out a crop of priests regularly are not do- their priests openly oppose the kingdom of God umlcr
ing so by the will of God, but they are following their Christ and persecute aII those who sincerely love and
DECEXBF~ 15, 1936
B-fieWATCHTt3\VER 379

serve Jehovah, and this is exactly as Jesus said it q 8. Why did Jehovah hate EsauS Flow did he ‘laf waste the
mountains and the heritage’ of Esau? Point out the ful-
would be. (John 15: 15-21) The Hierarchy and its fillment thereof.
priests arc wholly a human institution, organized un- 1 9,lO. Xeferling to Malachi 1: 4: Apply (a) the words of
dcr Satan’s direction for the purpose of blinding the Edom. (b) The Lord’s declaration, “They shnll bu’ld,
but I will throw doxn.,, Explain and just’fy the words
people and opposin,n Jehovah and further defaming of thnso on Jehovah’s side. To whom does Jehovah speak
His name. The prophecy of hfnlachi relates to the as recorded sit 5ersc B? Rllnt does this p~ovc?
spiritual house of Levi, from which Lcvitcs the pricst- 1 11. Apply Exodus 20: 12, Ephesians G: l-3, and 2 Timothy
3: l-5. Also the statement, “A son honoureth his father,
hood is taken to render scrviec, and only those of the and a s&ant his master.,,
spiritual Levites who honor Jehovah’s name do rcccive 7 12-13. With related scriptures, explain (a) the relationship
exprcsscd in the words “If then I be a father ‘,. (b) The
Jehovah’s approval. The complete fulfillment of the “honor,’ here mentioned. Dcscribo the situation callmg
prophecy in this day clearly makes manifest that it is forth the prophetic question, “If then I be a father, where
only those who successfully stand the test, and who is mine honour?‘,
7 lC,,17. With ser$ures, explain the relationship of ‘,mnster,,
arc wholly and unsclfX~ly devoted to Jehovah and his here mentioned. Account for the question, “If I be a
kingdom, that rcccive a favorable judgment. Such are master, wlirre is my fear?”
the ones who offer unto Cod an offering in rightcous- 7 18. Ithen and how &d Jehovah’s people learn of the peat
importnnce of the honor and r’ndlcation of 111snamc7 1Iow
nrss to the honor of his name and continue faithful to dill they rc~a’d this great truth, and with \\hat result7
the end of the earthly journey ; and so doing they shall B 19. IIow do tltc smu3of (;od offer a proper 63wlfic.c to him?
dwell for cwr with Christ Jesus in his kingdom. These $ 20. \Vhnt dill Cod’s law rrcluire of the pr,Psts conc*c,nmy:
things offered for sacrifire? \Vhat is God’s altar or
are the ones who honor their Father, Jehovah God, “table”? \\‘l,at does he place thcrcon. anrl howP ant1 for
and their mother, his organization; and, true to his what yurpos~~1s th’r clonci Al~l’ly tllc l~rophct~c complaint,
“The table of the Lord is contcn~pt~ble.‘,
promise, their days arc prolonged. K 21-24. Describe (a) the course of those who ‘offer a bl1r111
(To ho continued) offering’. (I,) That in wluch a “lame” s:lcrifico is on’ered.
Explain what is meant by offclring a “sick” sacrlficc.
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY q 25. TVhat, then, is the tlu(y of thr’se who are faithfully serv-
q 1. Compare the or&r of record of the prophecies xvith that ” ing God concerning tlus rm~ttc, a
of their full’llmcnt. V’hcn nns the prol’hccp of hI:rlachi 1 26’27. Point out the fitness of tl’c third prophetic qucstmn
due to be understood, ant1 wiry not prior tlwreto? What of vcrsc 8.
it3 seen to ho tho purl~ow of this 1,rophccyP \Vhat rcspon- a 28. Apply vcrsc 9.
aitility attends ml un’lc~rstnn~ling tlicrcof? K 29.30. Show tl’al the cond’tions cxistinrr among the natural
$ 2. Ikwr1110 the circumstance of natural Isrnc~l at the time israelites, as indwntcd at \ctso 10, fikl nn &act countcr-
hialwhi reccivcd the pr,,l~l,ctic wordf \\hcn and upon pnrt among spiritual IsIaclitcs, and meet with the cl,s:~p-
whom is the prophreg full~lled? prornl aR forrtoltl.
g 3-5. 110~ did Jrho\:~h l,ro\e h’s wortl of hI:ll:!rhi 1: 2, (a) to 7 31, X. 1Vhat arc the facts clenrly proving tlr:it Iho prtcbst-
natural Israel9 (b) To sl~ir,tunl Israel? \Vhy did Jehovah hood of the Ifc’lnnn C:ltlwlic fly&m iri in no way rc~l:,l(~(lto
Ret his love upon tllcam ancl tll~llver them? Gofl’s or::nui/nt~on nn’l is :m :~l,c,1,,iu:rti~u~jr, It’s hl;:llt ‘3 Of
3 G, i. Al,;,ly the rxl’rcssion, “Yet ye say, \\‘hcrcin hnst thou whom d0t.s God’s priesthood consist, aud what is the ber~,ce
loved UY?” Explain Jeho~ah’s reply to that question. appomted to them?


T JIE final and dcrisivc battle is now dr;l\sring

close, and tlic feeling of it cxlcntls throughout
the whole world. ‘l’hc outcome of that lmttle will
scttlc for all t.ime tlrc great disputed question, Who
the nations arc asscmblcd thcrc in battle army to
rcccivc the decision of the Almighty God. It is the
valley of slaughter, bccauue tlwre Satait ‘s or::~l~iza-
tion shall be dcstroycd. Jehovah caused his prophet
is Cod! and who is able and entitled lo rule the earth? to say to the cncmy organization these words: “I have
The forws of the world, the seen and the unseen, are laid a snare for thee, and tltou art, also tnkcq 0
rapidly being gathered for this which the Bible calls Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found,
“the battle of that great day of God Almighty”.- and also CaIlgllt, twcausc thou h:rst strivrn agailrst the
Rev. 16: 14. Lord. The Lord hath opened his armowy, and hnth
Jchovnh begins the battle, because it is 1Gs war. brought forth the weapons of his indignntiwr: for
It is an cxprcssion of hi5 righteous indignation against this is the worlr of the Lord God of hosts in the land
the assembled nations. (Jsa. 34: 1, 2) IIis great exccu- of the Chaldcans.” (Jcr. 50: 24, 25) “In tlwir lwnt
tire o&w, who is the glorified Lord Jews Christ, is I will make their feasts, and I will make tlwn drunk-
revealed in the prophecy of The Revelation (19: 11) en, that they may rejoice, and sleep a pcrpctual sleep,
as seated upon a white liorsc, “and in riglitcousncss and not wake, with the Lord. I will bring thc>mdown
he doth judge and make war.” The “white horse” like lambs to the slaughter, like rams with he goats,
is symbolic of the rightcous war which he is about to 110~ is Shcshach taken ! “-Jcr. 51: 39-41.
begin. The crowns, which the prophecy says are upon Jehovah has proved that every one of his prophets
his head, show that he is clothed with all power and is lruc., and has proved it by a]I~Jlyillg to cxh one
authority. and to his proplwcy the three divinely made rules,
The prophecies refer to the place of the battle as to wit: First, cuch one of them spoke in the nnmc of
a vnllcy. It is the great valley of judgment, because Jchorah ; second, each one spoke with loyalty to Je-
350 EliOOSI.YN, N. Y.

hovah, intending to turn the people to Jehovah and dchovah God. In turn he saturated with the Devil
to honor his name; and, third, at least a portion of religion every world power that followcl, and by
the things foretold hp each prophet has come to pass, fraud alld deception has hroug!it reproach npwi God’s
and what is yet unfulfilled is certain to come to pass. name and turned the people away from him.
Those parts of the prophecies that have not come to When Christianity, which 1~29organizcl acja pure
pa= relate to the great battle, or the war of God organization, began to grow, Satan OI.g3JliZCd a scat
Almighty against Satan and hir, organization which cornmcrcial and political world power and c:~usc~lit
will involve cwry nation of earth. These prophecies to adopt the Christian religion in name only, and
must be accepted as true when the diyinc rule mcn- corrupted the organization known as Christi:ll!ity and
tioned is applied to the prophecies, and it tlwrefore fol- made it a Ihi religion. This does llot nwall lhut he
lows that the great war of Jehovah God is yet to come, corrupted the pnrc Christians, hut he corrupted the
is now impending, and will shortly begin. OJ’gaJlhtiOn, made it iL pd, Of his o\v‘n Oi~~~lrliz~ti~JIl,

Jehovah pours the cup or potion of his wrath and and called it “Christian”. It is Ihcrefore clearly wcn
compels each nation to drink thereof, so the prophet tilLIt %byhn is thl: hYil’S orgmizatbii, iS ‘th? With-
Jeremiah (23: 27, 20) declares. It is a death potion, cr of all harlots’, and has caused the pnliticul 1x1~~;
bccuuse they shall drink, “and fall, and ri5e no more, and the commercial giants of the earth to w::lwit
. . . for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabit- fornication with her; and tlicrel)y a11the wrltl IJO\;-
ants of ttic earth, saith the Lord of hosts.” But why crs, made up of political, cotnmercial ant1 rc~l!:~fw;
should Goal bring such a grwt calamity upon all the factors, flaw brou$~t ignominy :uid shame antI ix’-
nations aud inhabitants of tlic earth? IIc assigns a proach upon the name of Jehovall God. Ttlc p11t ivi;! t Y
lwison for so doing. and the rulers and the cc~lmll~~cial giants, who II i’i Ib
Is it bcc;~usca few men have become possessorsof gathered jircat rirlws and hoilor and pan-c’I’, ~I:I\-P IJW >I
escccdirq qcat riches that God will bring the great adopted by Satan’s wicked Ichgious s>st~Jn a11 I
war? Surely tllat is not the rPils0n. 3latcrial riches drawn into his JlCt, ad hYC h!Jl JJllltk! D p:<rt of
ahlC are liot COJ~~~JJJJC!~ by tiic Lord. King Solomon Dabylon, as his organizat iun is c:~llcd.
~11swry rich. (2 C%IWII.1: 12) Jchoslla~~h,tt, who was ‘hz Ilord has caused 111~~1aJnvs and hixlor~ of !?$r
also kinq of 141~1, had rirhts in :~bruitlaricc. (2 Chron. first three great world pun crs, n:~rnc~ly, I*,~!~‘IJ:,
17: 5) liilly I~czckiah had “rxcecclin~ much riches”. A~ssyria, ad I:iI1)~1011, to I)(! rcWr&(l tht it r:l:ly Ii '
(2 CIlIm. 34. . 27) (:od ilifl not condrnin any of them sct41 at the end of 11~2world hctw tlicy li;~vc ~c~l)rc~*n;-
because of ttwir riches. Is the great, war impending cd the Devil. NTypt is one of thcbnamrs of 1hc I)(~\II’S
and about to fall hccnnsc the political rulers have not organizatic,n \%illi the wrnJncrci;il autl Hlilltilry JHJi\ 1'1
ruled ttic pc~oplc pwfcctly3 Surely not tllaf. Some in the van *, Assyria is oiic of the name of 1110~;II~I(~
one had to rule, and, all men being impcrfcct, no man Devil’s organization with the I)~JlitiC:tl rttler% 111il'!t!
could rule pcrfcct Iy. Ttwrc IMVC been many men in promincirt; and l%al)~1011is the i~ainc ol’ the I )(a\il’s
politics who have Iloncsllp done the best lhcy knew orqtliization with r(‘li!$Oii Jt~~~dc l)twlJittC’tlt. .\I1 ('fJl!~f i-
how to do. i\t;rJJy of ttlc rid1 Jneli in polities have tutc tllc I>cvil’s ur~::uiixntion. a11d ill1 :11x& cfltrll,!rlr tl
used their means to do good. at the prcxnt time in tlic 14cq~:ncof S;I?ifurs ii11(1 ill
Then why should this great impending calamity pcncc trrai its and vorl~l coIirts, in \rllic*ll tit,& u 1~’ (,,I-
come upon the people and nations of the cart h? It is IWS of the enemy has been brought to 111(:I‘1rl1.:\I;:tI>
bccausc the pcaplc have been turned away from Je- of the iiihnbit:r~~ts of the cart11 have 1~0~~1~ tlr*,lu II it110
hovah God a11c1cnuscd to worship the I)evil, and bc- the orgw&tion and willit1gly hupport It. Eoi11 llit:
cause Jehovah’s holy ume has bcc~l hypocritically political and the commercial railers i11’t’ t~~~~~~on~il~lc
used thcrubp, bringing reproach upon him and turn- bcforc God for what won g they huvc d~r~lc,I111t1 t\s
ing the p!Opk? awy frcJll1 him to their O\W injury, ones most rcprchensiblc and rus~~onsiblcI~P~o~c.Jt!I(,-
and therefore turning the people in the way of the rah, and who dcscrvc arid slkdl rccvivc t11c SCvvrht
Devil and destruction. And who is the most Fcpre- punislimcnt, illI? the religious lcaclcrs ailL the liril~i-
hensiblc and responsible for this condition 3 pal ones of the religious flocks.
Call to mind that Satan first OI’giiJ1iZd l3ahylon Cod has pl:liIlly indic;ltetl in his \\‘orcl that ihe
and instituted the l)evil religion, inducing the people pcoplcs of Egypt and As\yrin shall be rt’c*r~wl(~rl itrid
to worship him and to reproach and defame Jchoiah saved during the rule of God’s kingdom OV(Ythe c’;!ct!i.
God’s holy name. Then he organized Egypt the great (Isa. 19: 20-23) But that I3ab~lon shall lx~omr u!lclr-
work1 power, putting the commercial and military ly dcsolntc and nercr rise again iq made cc!rt:iill 1j.vhi+
forces to the front, and satldlcd his Devil religion upon Word. The religions, organized by the l)wi? n:icl
the nation ; and this he did to bring reproach upon carried 011 by his agencies, have been dcl~lwralel~- ‘0
Jehovah God’s name. Then hc organized Assyria with formed and usxl to reproach God and to turn the
the politicians in the fort, supported by the commcr- people in the way of clrstruction. Tlwrc was ncwr
cial power, and saddled upon that world power the any eseuse for this, and therefore thcrc arc no PS-
satanic religion and turned the pcoplc away from tenuating circumstances to be taken into cunsidc1ation
@&.ieATCII:TOWER 381

at the final jndqmcnt upon Babylon. By the words is an abomination in the sight of God. The majority
of his prophet God names thrcu3 reasons why he will of the nations that form the League of Kations claim
bring the great calamity of the final war upon the to practice the “Christian religion”, and they do so
world, saying: “Behold, the Lord [Jehovah] makcth blasphemously by assuming that the League of X&ions
the earth empt,y, and makcth it waste, and turncth it rcprcscnts Christ’s kingdom on earth. This devilish
upside down, and scattercth abroad the inhabitants religion is that which sacred prophecy speaks of a$
thereof. The earth also is defiled under the inhpb- ‘ ‘ the abomination that makcth desolate”. (Daniel
itants thereof; bccausc they have [l] tn:ns:zrcssed 11: 31; 12: 11) Both Catholics and “Protestants” join
the laws, [2 ] changed the ordinance, [3] broken tr;e together in the name of Christ and hypocritically
everIasting covenant.“-Isa. 21: 1, 5. ‘take their stand in the holy place’, claiming to rcprc-
The laws of Jehovah are rules of action which he sent God on earth. The pope, ay head of the Catholic
has made and promulgated for the benefit of man. religions system, claims to be the special viccgcrcnt
JIe is the great Life-giver, and no man can obtain of Christ and his kingdom, and that the prcscnt wick-
life everlasting without knowing and obeying God. cd kingdoms of the world are Christ’s kingdom. l&Ah
Therefore for man’s bcncfit hc made those laws: Catholic and “l’rotcsfant” religions name the name
(First) “Thou shalt have no other gods before NW.” of Christ and, forming what is linown as “organizsd
(Xx. 20: 3) (Sccolld) “Tll~u shalt not nmkc unto Christianity”, join togcthcr in the adoption of the
thee any aravcn imade, or any likeness of anything League of Sations, claiming that the wI~oIc arrange-
that is in hcavcn above, or that is in the cart11 beneath, ment is the visible expression of God’s 1ringIoni on
or that is in the water under the earth.” (\‘ersc 4) earth ; thcrcforc thclsc have particularly broken the
(Third) “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, laws of God, as statcvl ahow hy the prophet.
nor serve them.“---Verse 5. Ad(lrcssing himself particularly to his footstep
Every nation under the sun lrracticcs a rcIi$on that followers on cart11 al this the c11(1of the world, tlic
Lord Jesus referred to this dcvelopmtnt of maiturs
is in violation of thcsc laws. The most rcprc~hcnsible
and advised tlic prol)cr course for pcoplc of good will
lawbrrakas among all who hare practiced a hypocriti-
to tdiC under the conditions, sayinp: “Vhcn ye,
cal rcfigion arc those known BY “organized C!hristian- thcrcforc, shall xcc the abominai ion of desolation, sl)o-
ity” or “ClJI‘iStcrldom”, bcc:lILsc such hs LC!CbU prac- ken of by I):lniel the prophrt, stand in the holy pI:wc,
ticed as the religion of and in tttc name of JCIJOY~I God (whoso rcadcth, Ict him untlcrstnntl:) ” tlion Ict liirn
and his beloved Son Christ JCWIS, and it has been that is in the wic*kccI worltl organization flee unto
practiced and is practiced hypecritically. IIyl)ocrisy God’s kingdom.---;\latt. 24: 15.


EITO’STAIT GOD is light. Jlc is the fountain of words of the sweet singer arc brc:rthcd in silcncc and
light and lift. IIc made tbc Ircarcns and the earth deep tlcvotion to thu Jfost Ili~‘ll : “‘Ulcss Jehovah, 0
and gave tlic spirit of life to all thrm that move my sod ! JVhOriJIJ my (;od, Ihou :H’t csccedill:: gJ’C’:lt,
and hrcnthc. IIc made the mountains, wci:llcd thm majesty alid state liast thou l)ut 011: wrappill!: I tip
in his balances, and set t licm forth as ctcrnnl monu- self in light as a IllilHtlC, strctcliing out the hravcxns as
ments to his own majesty and for the wonder and a tent curtain : who Iaycth in 11~ waters the beams of
admiration of his earthly crcbatrrrcs that love him. IIc his ~~1)pcr-c’llambcrs, who makcth the clouds his chariot,
made the sun to light the earth by day, and the IIIOO~I who walk :th on the wings of the wind. “-1%. 10-l : 1-3,
and the stars to itluminatc it at night. Each morni;lg, Xotllcr?lcoJr I’SNlJ~lS.
and forever, he (‘auscs his beams of light to bc lifted LOng ago the &Tmd God sent his ~JC]OIT~ son info
above the mountain peaks and to spread their arms this world of darkn~s, and he was the Light of 11~~
across the henvcns, bcspcnkili g his nnliniitcd power world. His lifeblood was pourcJ nut that incii nii~ht
and infinite glory. Thcrc is no audible sound to dis- see the light and live mid that his Father’s imnc niiplit
turb the awsomc and profound silence that accom- be glorified. He was raixxl from the drawl and brou;llt
panics the dawning of his day. The beasts of the fit Id life and immortality to light. (2 Tim. I : IO) Jcho\:lh
and the birds of the air hold their peace, and cvcn the gave his word that his bclovcd Son 1~~ ri:*l ! again come
minds arc quiet. in power and glory, and set ~1) his kingdom and aft’ord
UIJSCCI~i$ the Almighty Creator; yet he is manifest all men the opportunity to see tht, Ii& and to bc
k.y his works. The space curtained by the outspread blessed and to live O*I earth ; that then 11~ name and
heavens of Ii& is his tent. Since we cannot see the the word of Jehovah should IN viwl icatcd That time
wind, how mnch less can human eyes behold him who is at hand. Christ is placed upcn his throhc, and he
walks upon its wings; yet we know that he is prcscut. then comes to his temple in the brightnc;b of his glory
His clonds, like ma jcstic chariots, ride above the moun- with his countenance shining as the sun, for hc is the
tains, rcfleeting his radiant splendor. The inspiled Sun of righteousness. His shining shall never be

dimmed. In due time the light shall illuminate all the Lord behind them, who take away from God’s Word
living, and the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of revelation or who add thereto by adding such
of the glory of Jehovah as the waters cover the great “signs” as the pyramid of Ghizch, will not undcr-
deep. Blessed are the wise who come to this day, If stand. “None of the wicked shall understand.“--&.
they continue wise they shall understand and rejoice. 50 : 17; Dan. 12 : 10 ; Rev. 22 : 19.
The last book of the Bible is &led The Revelation. The time for the fulfillment of the prophecy of The
It is a part of the Word of Jehovah God and is proph- Revelation seemsto be from about 1879 forward until
ecy. It is to be espcctcd that some of God’s anointed the kingdom is in full sway. It was about that date
ones white on the earth would be favored with an un- that the second presence of the Lord began to be con-
derstanding thereof. Its understanding must be due sidered in the pages of I’he Watchtower, which since
to the light from Jehovah shining upon the Ifcad of then until now has been the means of communicatirlg
his tcmpic class and for the benefit of those who love truth to those who love the Lord. All those who lox
him and his appearing at the temple. God supremely believe that I’Ittz Wafcktozcer was
“Revelation” literally means “unveiling”. It is the started and has been maintained by his power and
uncovering of tilings that have bxn fulfillctl but which grace. The time for the understanding of the propil-
have not bwn understood according to the Scriptures; ccy of The Rcvclation must ncccwariiy be aftcar tllc
also the uncovering of things in course of fuifillmcnt coming of the Lord to his tcmplc. Those who do un-
the meaning of which is now dawning upon the obe- derstand its meaning will see the great and blcswd
dient ciriltlren of God; and also at least a partial un- privilege of being witnesses to the Lord and to his
covering of things which are immrdioteIy to bc fulfilled name and purpose.
and understood by the grwe of God. (Isa. 42: 9) The fact of high importance in The I~evciiltioll, and
Jchovail committed to his glorified Son Christ Jesus now set before all the spirit-bcqttcu ones and people
the messagewhich in due time must bc made known of good will on earth, is the great and impressive truth
unto his servant class. Jesus srnt his faithful angel that Jehovah’s Cl&f Wflcer, The l’rincc and rigiltl’ul
or deputy and caused his servant John to write down Ruler of the cartit, Christ Jesus, is now prcscllt at the

tia messaRcin code or symbols. The time comw to un- tcmI)lc of God doing judgment worlc in his Fatht!r’s
derstand tiw message, and the Lord by his deputy name. The mighty King and Judgr is picturctl a$ !ill~~(l
makes the message undcrstsndablc to those whom with tile ‘new joy of tiic lcingdorn and has invit(b(l 1tw
Jolm rcpr~sentcd.--Rev. 1: 1. approved ones to enter into his joy. IIis iIIllIl~CUliltC!
The wrr;lnt and nlwstle John was a very aged man white hair and his glorious gillTlltIltS, appenrinji iii
when 11cwotc that l.WOiiof symholr. IIC was tiic last the dcwription ot’ him in The Rcvclation, src~~c~ his
survivor of ail those who wrote under inspiration. IIc csallntion and that he comes in the power antI &IQ
used the words “bear aifiwss”, “testify,” and “tcsti- of his E’athcr. (Jliltt. 16: 27) IJis ryes arc ai~iitzc I\ ith
nwny” more than any other S%iblewriter since Chrint rigiitcous judic+il dwrccs, wiiic.11 cut in cvcry tli-
Jesus. To bcnr witness was his chief theme and work. rcctiou and without partiality. I IL’ is nccomlbnnictl iy
John by the Lord’s grace foiwhadowcd or rcprcscnted his “SC!\.cIl stars”, or myriad.5 of nnxcls, whom Iw I~:Is
the faithful remnant who Irave tnrricd or remained dcputizccl to carry into escculio1i his ortlcrs. (Alatt.
unto the coming of the Lord .JcsusChrist to his temple. 25 : 31 ) Xlld ‘thy that bc wise [and fait irfui SCI'VilIIlS]

Upon such God has bcstowcd his cstraordinary “grace and turn many to rigiltcousncss’ arc pictured as iii?i
and mercy ” ; which the name “John” signifks. When randlesticks, or lamp-stands, to whom is giwn the priv-
he wrote, John was in banishment on the isic of I’atmos ilege of holding forth the light of the \\‘or(l of C;ocl
beesusehe had tcstificd to God’s Word. Now titc rcm- and to whom are committed the kingdom intercuts on
nant is in bilnislUncllt by being ostracized from all the earth.-Dan. 12 : 3 ; Hatt. 13 : 43.
others of earth becaiisc of their unswerving devotion The servant class thus beholds him at the tcwi)ic
to God and tile giving of testimony to his nnmc. John according to the symbolic vision: “T was in syjirit

was “in the spirit on the Lord’s day” when he received on the Lord’s day, and heard behind mc a grcxt voice,
the mcssagcto write. “This is the day whiA the Lord as of a trumpet, saying, I am Alpha and Omc:a, the
both made,” and the remnant arc on the earth and re- first and the la%: and, What thou west, write in a
joicing in the spirit bccausc the spirit of the Lord has book, and send it unto the sewn cliurciics which arc in
been poured out.upon all, flesh devoted to him. The Asia ; unto Epliwis, and unto Srnyrnn, and wit 0 l’cr-
remnant now “see visions” (Joel 2: 28’29) ; that is games, and unto ‘i’hyatira, and unto Sardis, and ulito
to say, are given an understanding of things not here- l’hiladc1pllia, and unto Laodicea. And I tnrncd to we
tofore understood. A special blessing is the portion of the voice that spakc with me. And bcinz turned. I
the remnant, because the Teacher Clwist Jews deci- saw scvcn golden candlesticks; and in the midst of tllc
phers for them the code signs of the book The Revcia- seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of m:~Il,
tion; also those who love righteousness, and hear and clothed with a garment clown to the foot, and girt
obey what they understand, will be blessed. (Rev. 7 : 3) about the paps with a golden girdle. His hwl ant1 his
Those who hate instruction and cast the Word of the hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his

eyes were as a flame of fire ; and his feet like unto fine hell and of death. Write the things which thou hast
brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice swn, and the things whkh are, and the things which
a3 the sound of many waters. And he had in his right shall be hereafter.“-Rev. 1: 10-W.
hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp The servant class, represrnted by John, by reason of
two-edqed sword: and his countenance was as the sun the glorious vision is greatly awed and humbled and
shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell is prostrate in submission before the great Jehovah
at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon God. The Lord strengthens and encourages Ihis class
mc, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the fiwt and the and says to them in substance: “Go and publish these
last: I am he that liveth and was dead; and, h&old, things that you see, and teli the people what is about
I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of to come to pass.” The “faithful servant” class obeys.


M. L.
ShPl~~y.Ah. ........... mc.
lti\w.~dr, .\I.?. .... J1111,
OlKltl Itrcb. \h. ........
AIr~l,:Inl.l (Iii)‘, AI .....
1 “
1:ouz. .\l.t. .........
(:mte Odk. .\la. ...... .:I
IInrvP\t, Al.1. ............. “
lb-tlllll, Ah. ........... “
Ifnrl.dlr, .\I:r. ........... “
cullllI:lll. .\ln. ........... “
.l:c~[.l.r. .\I:t. ............... ;I
chronn, .\h. ................ (‘
Gordo, d In. ........... - ...

Ytrrk. Pa. . _._.....___...Jnn. 11~ ctrrlnle. Pa. ...___.... Jnn. 17 Pan E’ranclsro. Calif. Jan. 2; 2:urdra, Cnlif. _ _._._.__ Jan.
Ilarrt~barg, 1%. .._. ____. “ .Idllrstl~\\ 11, l’n. . . .._. . .. ” 19 9-b Oahlnnrl, Calif. ......_.“ Ilq 1018, (‘alIP* . .... ... .. “
Lewi5tonn. 1%. _.. .._ .. “ Yintmtlnle. 19 _...__....“ 1 $1 s:sc2m1rnt0.PnI1f. ...... 1‘ 7: 8 llcdcltnc. (‘aliP _...____._ “
Iluntiriqdrm, 1’:s. _..__. . “ (VII\ PP. 1%. . ..... ...._ “ 22.23 I’lWW\ IlIt** Calif. ......_.“ 9 I’n> nh Cowl,. Culif. _. “
‘I‘.\ LotIc, I’& .. . .. .. .... ... “ 3kt:ws Jllllb. 1.a. ...... “ 24. 2s Lixmln. C:rllf __.__ ______
‘I Tdt Noinc, Calif. .____..___ 1’
l:r4kfmt~~. 1%. .___. _.__ “ lhl 1:01\. I’:1 .............. ‘I 27, 2s Live 0:rk. t‘altf. ____
___._.1‘ 2 YIckn, CalIf ._ ,....... _._.1:
.\1trumn, Pa. ... ....._.... ” Stnrrord. I’.%. ..............“ 29 Orland. Cidif. ___._.__
“ .thllland, Ore:. . . . . .. .
Redford, Pa. __..............“ Black Lick, Pa. ............“ 30.31 Lakeport, Cnl;f. ._-__....‘1 Xi-:; Iaw1atl1 r., Oreg. Jan. 31,

Rolirnr, Ma. .,.__ ......_.Jffn. g; $ Vichy, No. .__..__..._._. ..Jan. l?, 13 AJvance, 310..._.._..s..__Jan. 19 Cape Ci~ardcnu. MO. Jan 23. 24
nufl;11o. MO. ... .-..... ,.. Rolls. MO. __.._.__.._.._....__ “ 14, 15 _..6‘ 20, 21
Dexter, 310. .......__..I_ I’ol,lnr I:lttlY , MO. . . . . . . 1; “c, “7
IA‘hntNm, .\!o. .............. “ 22
II2r,tell. 311,. . . ..__._...... 29. 2’0
Cracker, .Mff. _...._..._. ..._. “ 9Pit Flat River, No. . . . .^ . .. . “ 10.17 La VaI!e, MO. ...___.._.._ I’ EllYinore, J10. ...._..-..... “ 30, 31
Blind Serrant (Snmsm, I’art 5) .. ... ... .__. Gntheriny the Jlultltude (I’att 2) _....___ 2.X
Snlltwn k:urrrl;lJwd .. ... ...._. ..._........._......... 4” Keur, Yet .\tdr . ___.. . .. .. .. .. ... . ..... .._. .?t;o
Phllistme* lleplcc ._.._._ _.. ..__..____. __.... .____7 Ilarecl by the I+Wmy ._._..__.. __._..__.._._ >I,.>
Blind . . .. ... ..._............._.. ... .. .... . .. .. ... .... .. ... . 10 A Pctwnnl ,\lC.~U!z .. .... . ... .- ..._. . ... .. . “US
111s l’rayer .._._._....___ __.__.._..__...____._..~..~... 11 ge Stlonp, and \Vurli (c~nt~nuwl) ._.__.__ :*;I)
NM Ej‘? . . ... .... . ... .. ... .... .. .. .... . ... . ... . .... .... . 11 J&tters . ___..._____.__..____.
____I___.. .._..__-.. 271
Sulferirw of Christmns: the 1’urIme 13 Ifitrl~o Serrlre .. ....._ _.___._. ._.,.... .__._._..______ 272
Itatlio Yer\ m .__.__........_...__._ __...._......._......16 “Battle Shoul” Te*timony . ...... .. . . ...... ... Z!.Z‘(
#Wren . .._._..._..___._..._... . . . . __.____..._..__......~... 2 Flatho and the I’rinied 1Vord __..__..______ __.__.?:‘r
“The Kinj$’ T~sttnmry I’rriod .. ... .. .... .. . .. 2 Sew I’ortnlJll, I’llor1o~iu~Jh . . . . . I.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘-23
Convcntmr at Lob Augrlcs .___._. __._..._......... 2 EIectrK! sign ..... . .. .... . ... . .. . .. ... .... .. . ...._. ... ._. 25s
The Srnpeyat . . ..__._._.-.__________._.___....~....~
Defeat of the Phlli~rluw _.___...._._....._...~... 13 ‘Atuning Wurk’ ____ __,.._....
_.____ -..__.--.. l-I9 Gatheriug tlw Multitude (il.trt 3) .. ..__..275
lJt?vil’s I:cpresent.:tlvca .__........_._._._........ 23 IJch\errd to Satan __............_ _.__...._.__ .____ 151 rlnnl cattle 1:0rc*h:rtlo\\ 151 . _.__ _.__.._ Zi.1
lmninion ._. ._.__. . ... . .. . ....__.....................~....23 Iluiltlwc 00 the ~ountlntion .___..._.______ 353 Quwriws ior Study __. . ._. .. . . ...___L.-
rerawutiot~ . . ... . ... .... . ... .... .. .. . ... ...s............. 2 & Ehtaldi\hing the Scv World ._____-_.- ... . 1X Be Strom:, and \Vork (CoUtlUUPd J _.._..._2-2
Inqulslrwn ............................................... 23
“Ac’lcetlrcwt n ith 1J~~ll” ..................... 27 Let tws ..,... ..- _ ..___._._.............-_......_.-.... 15s Lettsra fron1 Alirlll . ..... .. .. .... .... .... . ... .. .. . L’ .5
The Iho Sulcs at Artu:~~c~l~lnn ............. 2s SW\iee Apjwit~ttnetlrs .. . . .... .._...^_-.-... 100 St~r\Irc BpIl~lintlll~~~~ts ...__.._..__._._..._...~..... 2-S
Satan’8 I(rl~lwrntat~re~ I:c~~lo~ed ............ 30 “Zeal of Hi.9 ffwac” Twtlmony .__.__ _._.. 141; “IIatlle Sll<vut” ‘lk5tiulony ..__._ __.. ._.....__ 2i-l
SW\ Iv2 .\ ~~~J”l1lt1llrrlts . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Litelaturc 1or the J:linrl ___ __ .._.______ lJ(I New J’ortnl~lc l’honograph _._____.______._f.__ L’i-l
8~JCl~iUl SW\ 1rc (‘lJU\ en~loll* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Tranvription Jinrhinw and Sound Cars 14ti Xlettrir S;l=n ,. .. ... ... .. ... .. .. . . . ... .. . ... ... “-k
Cotl\eutKJtl at Lor Allneles . ... ...._.........._..18 Atwouncmg CumIJuuy Jfcetulgs .._ ._._.__.__. 140 TranscriI)t& Jlachmcs, Sound Cars ,.__Zi-l
Defrnt of the I~hilistln~h (I%rt 21 _____.__ 35 Ikirsts and Lcvitw __..___.. __._...._._..._._,__....Ifi. Gat;wrinc the Multitmlc (i’nrr -I) .._._ .2!)1
Liw f . .. .... . .. . .._,...._._._....................:.. .. .. .. .. . ::ci ~%ltulron Iutwe.ts -.._.... ..._.._. ..^...-.-... 105 15)‘I ser\:1nt . . ... .. .. ... .. ... .... . . ... .... ... .. “‘1 I
“ItI..@ GJJ” . .. .. .... .. .... .. .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .... 3 C’ltler of itrru=e .. .... ... .. ... ....__......-..... 1rrti IJU. hl’tl I‘ld11 . .... .. .. .... .. ..... . ... ._.. . ..-. _. ‘.“j
“lla:tl-pw .iaim” . . . ..__.___._.._.._....____.._.._.__._. 33 An;clr Servants _._._.._._._. ___..____.._.__.___.. ll;i 1J:it I at (:ll)con .._........_.__... . ..... .. .. . C’,.,
(;ilJWJl~ ................. .._ ....................... a!, 11:c\e OI-WIIflZ . .._.....--. .. .... .... ... _..._.-.. 11,s Pert “~1011 . .. . . .. . .._.. .... ... . .. . . .. .. .. . 1: (‘1
“Slrut~ne \\ ot h” ............................ ......... 4 0 Thz I)ny of ticul’v Preparation __...__._. .._._ 171 l)lw4: ens fvr Study . . .._.___.._._.___. _ ___.::I!.:
Ilmr~t (‘:II~W~WU ............................ J-I The 1’1naI llilttle ._...___.. _..__.___._._..._~_..._..__173 h-c%arh Con\ rntlun ___________......._..... __._.__L”!O
Sewrity I tih c (;OC~‘JJ Kirl~donl ............ 4ti IdtWs __... . _ ._____I__._....._.._...............,...... 176 gll;I ... . . . ... .............................. .. .... :jo.!
Itndlr, srr\ tvo . . ..... . .... ..................................................... Ilnd10 Service ______.._._..__. .._...._.______..._. _.. lit; “T\ ICC ............................................ 304
C~mrtwtton *it Ten C~ticu it l.ltc*raturc for the IHind __._._._..__..._..___.. IK!
I~rclrer ......................... ........ ..................... 3.4 ~Jlcntion . . . . .._____.._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._. Iti
Amwwcing Compnny Mcctingw . ..-.-.... lci?, OCTOBER 15
FEBRUARY 15 U’ork _ _._._._. . . __ . __.__ . ___.. . ...____337
Our ILe~pnn~ll~lllty .................................... 61 JUNE 15 Cornlun Ac:1lu .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :i,,s
nlnrr (iI! w1 .......................................... G2 Auollwr \\orlr ___ . . . . . . .._..... 3I!Y
Iii* slltlw ................................... ........ 53 Obadiah (Part I) ________......_..... - __.._..-.._ 179 I:c~I”‘rlsll,llll~ of the Iiwllrwnt .._. _.__.311
IIinilcT l’W1XN .......... .......................... t5 .I uclgment Tiding< ._.... . _... ... ... .. ... ... .__.._.1 \ I Ills S~r:,nm! tVork ..._.___......... ... _.....___.31 k
(hod \\ III ............ .... ................ 57 QUPxll0ns fW Study .. ..._.__._ _..._ .._.___.lh’i IIi.4 Act . . . . ... ___...._._._........ .. .. . ....!I5
Spitlt 1’011rwI out on All I If*\11 ........ cl’3 S:ltrlnlc Prvparatwn f.,r i\rm.t~ed~lon . ... I hi pl;jI:;ntIon . ., . ... . .. ... ..... .. ....I ... .... . .. :cI,8
Gwrh (:cl\cwl:llent \I 1111:riur: I’WW ...... (,I 513tA(rvl’td SulTermg . \VIJy l’l~~lolc~~ct . .._ I’)(1 *I x . . ... ..__._.... .. . . .. .. . . . XIS
1.M llT\ . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .._.___...._... . . . . _ I’C Srr\Iw Al;I~~i~;lmr~nls . ...._._..... ..._ .__..__._::L’o
*SW \ *(‘I! ,\(~~l’lrlJ?rJwJl c-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1 !I” h’c\\itrli t’l~11\l~1~11011 ... ... ... .. .. . .. . ... ... :!ttt;~
“.l~h\ :111’sl’ruix” l‘r~llul~lrly I’etlorl . 17x Sollcr: of Annwl .\lvPtillc .. . . .. .... .. . . . . . ;(I6
._ .__..... . .. _._ __.,...._ Ii8
Vt1~‘tlliOII .. ... ...____
Tlon*etiption Mnrh nw, Soutrtl Cars _._,17s
1&dty R!ld I~:Lllt:Iuln’~~b ....................... c7 nlnhchl trarr 1 , .. .. ... ,... . .. ... ..._.. 3x1
JCLY 1 l’lM.:lnt clll~~rlllW ........ . ............
iJ~‘fiJN~~l................................................ bi
(‘l1r1.1 ill (-lI.lt:‘L* ........... ........ .....
i~‘rlll:wy .... ......... .............. ......... (3 Olmcitnh (l’lwf 2) ... ..,-....... _...__......._... . IO5 ~)ll~~~tlollh lot stlllly ..........
72 1JI*.nl:li i1,n ._... . ...._.. .. ... ... .... . ... ... ._. ... “01 ......
t;urclv r1ucI \\ 1111,111:: ............ rPttc~r\ . . ... . . .... .... .. . ......
‘I’lt~ :%:*JIB~I* :IIIII ,SC~I \ itl(t (II’ JCIIO\ .rh ...... i(l ~~11t.41onufnr St** ly .._.__ ._..__.~_____.._._._ _ :(I3
IAta.,l.r 1rwu ‘\flClfl C’ou~nce nnd \‘irtor, “I 1:s I:vllil> *Svr\ic 0 I . . . . .. ... . ... . .. .. ... . .. ... .
......... 7x “,,,x 7” ..
XIrrchlnl.* a \~orlllc~rful ll’l(, ........... 70 INI le.1, . __._____.__.._ . ....::::::::::::::::::::‘__::::’ ZIJi
hen 1
Itrtdio Si*r biI v .......... ......... ho lt:ih~ Sers we _ __ _ __ . . . . . . ..__________._....... 313
Ill‘4 Nlr:111~~~\\.,n1. . .......... - _......... lill “JI4l~%\:Ih’Y I’tatse” Teatnuony . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . 1’) %
v;1c*.t11w1 .. .. ..-... .. .. ... .- ..- .... .. . .. .._._..1:j-I Ad\W
Advet li\iu~ \Vatch ‘I’o\rcr I’rop i,li,o .... (,(i
t’houogtupll.s ............ .... .... ....... ... ....... tiu Ad\rrtMn g Watrh Toner I’rogxtns .__.lt~ 1
NOl’I:JlBER 1;
MARCII 15 JULY 15 nInlncll1 (I’01 t “) . .. . ... ““‘).I.>
“The Lord% Ibuy” (I’IIVI I) .................... h3 Ile Ih?lclld\ FL0 I~.llrllIul .. . ._ :: I’:
“The J ):I\ 111the Lorcl” ....................... h3 Olwlial~ (Pnrt 3) .___ __.~..........___.__.....__._ 21 1 l%n>c \I’iw I (‘i,V (.lMI _. .._._. _.. . :, Ii
“‘6irI” .................................. h(i \\ ddly \\ rse _...._.._._... _.._..___._..___.,. ___^2 13 tJIP\tI\lnY for slwiy .. ... . .. .. . . ...._. . :i1 b
“ThP~ +S:I!” ................... ...... Tlw 1wawn ___ ......_..... .._._._._._....___.__.._ 2 I r, The l:rer t I::ulw!wr _ _....._..._ ...__.__.. . :: 1’1
Jelll,villl’h \;11nw~ k. alIll ihr 1’1I’0II~‘I.y s:, Allti-Klrlzdo,” .. -._.I...._... . .. ..._... ._. .. .. ... ‘~10 - Letters . .... .... .. . .. . .... .. .. .. . . :: .1T,r
\I-lwn the \\lJlld I’cTl.llwI I,, I, I IllIN ... !)’ ()ut-h‘.\ti~~nc fbr Study . . . . . . . . . . . . .._...... “3) SW\JCC! AI)lwlntnwllts ._._..___ .___.__. ._t ::-I.!
Ijuthly !te~Jrcwnt.lll\ en of IClncd~Jlll .. 0-l \tkw All SIKIII Km,\\ J~~IIM:III ..._.__.-‘?(I “Ilis \‘tr1lll~” . . _. __... ._ ::‘;‘>
nhi01 id ......................................... uti IIun~:ra Sullciia:’ to I:e I:mlc~l : llorv ____ L’?Z ILId: nml the 1’1~1111w1 \\Wll . . . . ... ...
1.a IWzl . . . ... .................................. ........ wt Swtitc .tl~pnintnwn(~ ..... ... .. ...... -- *. I& SC,; I’ortablc! l’lwi~~~r:~~~l~ _. __ . __.
Stmiec 1% Iq~o.ul:ncnt~ ................... !JG “J~~htnah’8 I’raiae” Tcstuuwy .__...___._ __.__2’10 Xlcctric S~fn . . .____. . .. __.__.... _.__.__._..
l’ublic Lectures by ‘I’muwrlll(iuu .......... b:! vnc a11011 . . .... ... .... . ... .... . .. . ._.._..___.....__ I: 10
Sew l’ortftble PhuuograI~lr .. .._...._____...____ 210
The Lorct’s IJay” (I’urt 2) .................... 0’3 AUGUST 1
“‘l’ta\uII” ........... ... ........................ llJ1 Ol~nd~ab (Part 4) ._.......... ._._____.._........__.. 227
“IhlY of wr;l(Il” ............ . .....................
. ... .... ........ 103
,,)i Iwh\erer4 _.-... .... . ..__ ~. .... 2 2
. ... .._.. .._____._..
IIIgh\\ay fur llw I’~q’lc t~uvxtwns for Stuclr . . . .._..__... ____
l’lw Outcolllc of A1 1113E~‘lllllJtJ ............... 1cro TIw Zl.trch to .1rm:qxddon __.____.._.._____._. 2%; JIxrl~o hrr\ IN . ___ . . ... . .. . . . .. . ::,i,
nIfwori;ll ............... ......................... 11 1 J.cltt2~ Irony .\tieltI _ ___..._ _____..._..__.__.__. _ z.;\ “11,s \‘lc~tl~1.v” . . .. .. .... .. . .. . ::.-a4
I.ettclx frcuu Alleltl .................................... 111 l:nt!w sl~r\lce . . . .. ... . ... . ..._.._.._....“-IO I’)‘:7 ~‘.~lwll:lr . . . . . . . . .__ . . . . ::ik
lhuI10 SW\ ive ............................. ............. 112 “.J~~tri~!.!l~‘sl’raixe” ?‘I,-timon) ..__._._..._._._ -“(I ) errr I:orrL to1 l!l.:i _..__.__ . . . . . ___ . . . _.... :::I+
~‘han*fw ................................................. IJH J,ita~i.lturofur the Ill~ral ______..___.__..... ___..23; Slrort\6:)\ c I:~o:c~lcnat . .... .. .._ .____ _. ____ . ::,-A
Wec+tric Sl~n .............................................. kY sot1te . . ... ... ..._.. ... . . . . .-.. .... .... .. .... ... ._.... 25i Xrratum ._. .._. . ._.__.. ..._....__._ ..._..___3(,;,
l’resideut’x Mail ........................................ US Sew Portable f’honograph _._.___.I___ _....-. 2.!lj
Fanstx ._.-................................................... 115 AUGUST 15 Malachi (l’nr’t -1) ._._._ __ .._____. .. .. .
I’:thus .................................................... 1 IO Gathering the JIultitude (Part 1) . ...-243 I’erilou\ l‘wc~ __ . . .. .
\i%o IClCw!d .......... ........................ l”:! ~\rJ~ln~:edtlou _. __.t... . ._. _ .______.._.__......... 244 r:r:rrnns 1or llll? I‘lrl.ll t.‘ll;i(wt . ._ . .__
Satw’s cJrg:mlmtlon 1:esleged .............. I:! I F:MWly tn the- LHlUl ..._. . ... .. .. .._._._._..__. 2’ki The Itct el.ttwn of Jews Clwl\t _ .._ *.._._..
Inatluetion from Job ...................... 126 C’ur~llons for ~tvdy ._..I...... *.._.. ... .._.... “31 Lette1s . . .. _.. . ____.._____ _._________ _.._
Di\rdlng Pcn~4c Marc AIqmrent (Letter) 12s Iic S;rroog. and 1501I; .__.._.._._.___...._.~......~~._ 52 SIX\ ice A~qwlllrlluetlts ............. .... ......
Serbire Appointments ............................ 12 SW, ,CB .\[~(‘rJltltmel‘ts - - .....-..._........_- 3; 1ntle.x for I”:!(; ................................
CimJsrJlg ............................................. 1l.I “I::ltlle Shuut” Te~runwv _. ___.___._._____. Zl:! “Jeho\ ah ot I!~hb” .......................
Atlvrrti*ing \\‘atch Toner 1’1ogramn .... 114 !rI a,,. ITlJltlntl xn IlllW.. soulld Cars _.._2 12 l!J3i CalPnll:lr .....................
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