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The Skunk Spirit Animal

de Imelda GreenUltima atualizaçãoabout a year ago

O espírito-gambá pode não ter a melhor reputação devido ao odor desagradável que emite.
No entanto, apesar de sua reputação fedorenta, o simbolismo do gambá tem associações
mágicas e místicas. O pequeno gambá adorável e vigoroso carrega uma mensagem de grande
Ele impõe respeito e admiração, e você pensará seriamente nisso quando descobrir o verdadeiro
significado do gambá.

Significados animais do espírito gambá comum

O significado de skunk coloca ênfase em ser distinto. Simboliza a importância de ser quem você é
e viver de forma autêntica, sem se importar com a opinião dos outros.
Quando o espírito animal gambá aparece para você, é para ajudá-lo a aumentar sua
autoconfiança. É para ajudá-lo a desenvolver sua força e senso de independência.

Ele quer que você confie mais em si mesmo e viva em seus próprios termos, estabelecendo seus
próprios limites. O simbolismo do gambá incentiva você a confiar mais em si mesmo.
Concentre-se nos sinais que você está enviando às pessoas e no que elas sentem ou pensam
sobre você. Aprenda a aceitar o bem com o mal e use-o para se tornar uma pessoa melhor.
Quando você puder aceitar todos os seus pontos fortes e fracos, poderá se expressar
verdadeiramente. Você pode se sentir confortável em sua própria pele.
O espírito animal gambá prefere fazer suas próprias coisas em silêncio, então você deve fazer o
mesmo. É semelhante ao espírito animal da águia. Não chame atenção para si mesmo apenas
para ganhar popularidade ou apenas para obter a aprovação das pessoas.
Ou as pessoas gostam de você ou não. Eles verão você e notarão você todas as vezes, portanto,
certifique-se de controlar como eles o notam.
O significado do gambá também simboliza atração. As pessoas se sentem atraídas por você por
muitos motivos, mesmo que você as afaste continuamente.

Se o seu animal espiritual for a gambá, leia com atenção ...

Às vezes, o espírito animal gambá aparece em sua vida para lembrá-lo de que você pode chamar
a atenção sem ser chato, irritante ou arrogante.

Qual é o seu espírito animal?

It also shows up when you no longer know how to deal with people who annoy the hell out of you.
Just like the crab meaning, the meaning of the skunk holds great importance. It awakens you to
recognize your abilities and be aware of the power of your seductiveness and sensuality.
Your skunk totem wants you to be prepared for disappointments, setbacks, and obstacles. But you
don’t have anything to worry about because they are only temporary.

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You are made of strong stuff. You can easily get back on your feet.
Just remember that whatever is keeping you from achieving your goals will be sorted sooner
rather than later. Trust in the message of the skunk!

Skunk spirit animals as messengers of change

Unlike the Dove, the meaning of the skunk seeks to remind you to build up your self-esteem. It
symbolizes the need to have more self-respect.
If in the past you have allowed people to treat you unkindly, your skunk totem urges you to make
that change and start respecting yourself. Now is the time to put yourself first and focus on what
you need and what makes you happy.
When there’s happiness within, everything else will follow. You will soon see the changes in your
life, and you will be ready to take on the world.

Positive Traits of the Skunk Spirit Animal

The skunk totem teaches a thing or two about fearlessness and peace. It’s possible to be brave
and aggressive without bringing discord and disharmony into your life.

You are a beautiful, calm, and steady presence. But when you are provoked, or there’s a threat to
your loved ones, you will not just sit down and do nothing.
Like the skunk spirit animal, you are easily distinguishable because of your distinct characteristics.
You are charming and self-confident, humble yet powerful.
Like your skunk totem, you will only spray an enemy when you are truly left with no choice. You
don’t easily blow up, and it takes quite a lot earn your ire.
But once you do lose your temper, people will regret it. You give a fair amount of warning, but
when you’ve had enough, there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Negative Traits of the Skunk Spirit Animal

The meaning of the skunk speaks about how you treat people you like and don’t like. You use your
charm and personality to attract those you like, and use it to repel those you don’t.
You don’t like it when people invade your privacy. You don’t take it particularly well when people
cross the line and make you feel exposed or vulnerable.
There’s also a tendency for you to be conceited and pompous because of all the special traits and
talents that you possess.
This turns off a lot of people, but if you don’t like them, it also doesn’t matter what they think of

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Call on your Skunk Spirit Animal when:

You need to build your confidence.

Be inspired by your skunk spirit animal. No matter how small you may be feeling right now, know
that you can achieve anything that you set your mind on.

You need to be your own person.

At the end of the day, the only opinion that truly matters about yourself is your own! Don’t focus on
the noise and just listen to what your inner voices are telling you.

You need to move on.

The skunk spirit animal is not sentimental and does not dwell on the past. You should be more
concerned about what’s waiting for you in the future, and what you should be doing in the present.

4 Unusual Facts About Skunk Symbolism

If we get you to spend some time thinking about skunk symbolism, then there is a pretty good
chance that you will think about the way in which the skunk itself operates in life.
However, when you actually go ahead and study a number of facts surrounding skunk symbolism,
then you will see that it is certainly far more productive than you ever thought possible.

1. You need to be an individual.

There is an overwhelming sense of you needing to be an individual when you bring the skunk spirit
animal into your life.
This need to be distinct is certainly in line with the skunk animal itself as it does know how to stand
out in a crowd.
However, with this, there is the idea that you need to live the way that you want to live and to just
be in control of your own life.
2. It encourages you to become more self-confident.
In addition, the skunk spirit animal is also going to push you in the direction of becoming more self-
confident and feeling that you can press ahead and be happy in what you are doing.
It encourages you to become more independent and to then grow as an individual, but there has
to be an understanding that this kind of thing takes time to develop, so do not expect there to be
wholesale changes in an instant.

3. You do prefer to be more solitary.

The skunk likes to do things on its own, so it’s no surprise to discover that skunk symbolism is also
going to be directly related to your desire to do things on your own as well.

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You do enjoy the company of others, but you prefer to carry on with your very own pursuits as that
is what brings you even more happiness than ever before.
You enjoy getting on with things quietly, and you certainly do not want to be the one that is getting
all of the attention.
4. You are coming to terms with your strengths and weaknesses.

Finally, skunk symbolism also indicates that you are somewhat getting used to the idea of your
strengths and weaknesses.
Also, you feel comfortable in understanding the different things and are able to identify the
direction in which you need to head in life to make the most of things.
Furthermore, by knowing these strengths and weaknesses, it stands to reason that you can
develop your own personality rather than attempting to push yourself into whatever anybody else
wants you to be.
Overall, skunk symbolism is certainly focused on the idea of you being true to your own self, no
matter what they may actually be.
You have to identify this before you move on with life, and as long as you can do that then you
should find that you are able to make substantially more progress than you ever thought possible.

However, it may very well be quite a difficult path for you to run along, so be prepared to do some

My final thoughts on the Skunk Spirit Animal and its Symbolism

The skunk meaning is strong in you because you also love to be solitary. You know that there’s a
time to be around people, and there’s a time to be by yourself.
You know where to draw the balance, and that’s good. People who love you don’t end up feeling
like you’re pushing them away because you make sure they are loved and well taken care of.
The skunk meaning encourages you to take care of your reputation and your authentic self. Walk
the talk, and this is how you will earn the respect of people.
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