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Practice Questions Unit 4 (Development) - from Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo (2009)

1. Studying identical twins to assess the degree to which they are similar focuses on the
____ side of a key developmental issue.

a. nature b. nurture
c. development d. learning

2. Current thinking on the nature-nurture debate issue suggests that _____.

a. nature is more important than nurture in development

b. nurture is more important than nature in development
c. neither nature nor nurture is important in development
d. nature and nurture interact in development

3. Loretta is in her 5th month of pregnancy. What stage of development is her unborn
child in?

a. germinal b. embryonic
c. zygote d. fetal

4. Which of the following is MOST characteristic of the germinal stage of prenatal


a. cell division b. viability

c. birth defects d. formation of major body systems

5. Environmental substances that can do harm to the developing organism are called ___.

a. chromosomes b. teratogens
c. critical periods d. miscarriage

6. Which of the following infants is MOST likely to have the fewest neural connections?

a. a 1-month old b. a 3-month old

c. a 2-month old d. a 4-month old

7. Simone sees a military tank on the highway and calls it a “truck.” According to Piaget,
Simone is engaging in ____.

a. disequilibrium b. private speech

c. assimilation d. accommodation

8. Which of the following cognitive abilities MOST characterizes a child in Piaget’s

preoperational stage of development?

a. logical thought b. conservation

c. object permanence d. egocentrism
Practice Questions Unit 4 (Development) - from Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo (2009)

9. Kayla, a 4-year old, shares her toys with June so that June will also share her toys
(she’s trying to get a reward). What level of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development is
she operating at?

a. preconventional b. preoperational
c. conventional d. postconventional

10. In the strange situation procedure, a baby who clings to the mother while she is
present and shows extreme distress when the mother leaves would be exhibiting what
style of attachment?

a. secure b. avoidant
c. confused d. resistant

11. Jase is a very active toddler who prefers to do things by himself. According to
Erikson, Jase appears to be successfully resolving which developmental crisis?

a. trust vs. mistrust b. autonomy vs. shame and doubt

c. initiative vs. guilt d. industry vs. inferiority

12. When at the mall with her friends, Maria acts as if everyone is watching her. Maria’s
behaviour is an example of ____.

a. egocentrism b. imaginary audience

c. idealism d. personal fable

13. Tess is a college freshman taking pre-med courses because her parents have always
wanted her to be a doctor. She has never considered any other career choice. James
Marcia would characterize her career identity as ___.

a. foreclosed b. achieved
c. diffused d. moratorium

14. According to Erikson, feeling that you have made important contributions to society
will lead to a sense of _____.

a. integrity b. generativity
c. industry d. identity

15. Caryn has just been diagnosed with cancer, and has been given 6 months to live. The
next week she signs a 2-year lease on a car. Which stage of dying is Caryn most likely

a. acceptance b. bargaining
c. anger d. denial
Practice Questions Unit 4 (Development) - from Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo (2009)

16. Our emotional reaction to the loss of a loved one is called ___.

a. bereavement b. grief
c. bargaining d. reality shock

17. The most intense emotional reactions to the loss of a loved one typically occur during
which grief phase?

a. impact b. shock
c. confrontation d. accommodation

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