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The First Mission of the
Tethered Satellite System

Table of Contents

A Line To The Universe 1

The First Tethered Satellite System Mission 2

Major Tethered Satellite System Elements 6

Tether Dynamics 10

TSS-1 Science Background 14

TSS-1 Science Investigations 23

Mission Scenario 28

TSS-1 Crew 30

A Line To The Future 32

Quick Reference To Experiments And Investigators 35

For Further Reading 36

Glossary Of Abbreviations And Acronyms 37

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
A Line To
The Universe

The first Tethered Satellite System (TSS-1) will soon

be launched aboard the Space Shuttle. Circling Earth at
an altitude of 296 kilometers (kin), the reusable tether
system will be well within the tenuous, electrically
charged layer of the atmosphere known as the iono-
sphere. There, a satellite attached to the orbiter by a
thin conducting cord, or tether, will be reeled from the
Shuttle payload bay. This will grant scientists experi-
mental capabilities never before possible.
On this mission, the satellite will be deployed 20 km
above the Shuttle. The conducting tether will generate
high voltage and electrical currents as it moves through
the ionosphere and allow scientists to examine the
electrodynamics of a conducting tether system. These
studies will not only increase our understanding of
physical processes in the near-Earth space environment
but will also help provide an explanation for events
witnessed elsewhere in the solar system. In addition, the
Deployment of the Tethered Satellite System upward
mission will explore the mechanical dynamics of teth-
from the Shuttle On TSS-I allows scientists to gather
ered systems, providing information that will improve
data on performance, while providing an excellent
future missions and possibly lead to a variety of future platform for a variety of plasma physics and electro@-
tether applications. namics investigations.
Tethered spacecraft can be deployed toward or away
from Earth. Downward deployment (toward Earth) on
future missions could place the satellite in regions of MIllilllAL ".... ""
the atmosphere that have been difficult to study because
they lie above the range of high-altitude balloons and
below the minimum altitude of free-flying satellites.
A series of Tethered Satellite System flights, exploring
in both directions from the Shuttle, could gather data
The Tethered Satellite
previously impossible to obtain. Each flight would
System has the potential
allow scientists and engineers to conduct new experi-
to be deployed toward the
ments, explore phenomena discovered through previous
Earth. On such a future
missions, and develop new uses for tethers in space mission, large-scale
exploration. investigations of previ-
ously inaccessible regions
of the atmosphere could
be performed.
The First Tethered
Satellite System Mission

_%____ Mission Objectives _,

_;_._r n The era of space-age tethered operations moves ._, _ $_
_ - _/7..-_._ _---_y toward reality with the launch of TSS-I. The C "_P_"_'_ _
/ primary objective of this m_ss,on ts to demon- _ A_:._,_,_ _ i
[ strate the technology of long tethered systems e_ efrtevat ._
in space and to demonstrate, through scien- ---_ ._i.i._ _ _,:"! " :
tific investigations, that such systems are Science Goals _%_ _
useful for research. Speeding through _ _

the magnetized iono-

Engineering Goals spheric plasma at almost 8 km
Manipulating a satellite on a tether from the per second, a 20-kin long
orbiter is a unique engineering challenge, conducting
Launc • " and tether :i_%ii _y:_'_t///, t
Because gravity, cenmfugal force, atmo- !_'_'a_/i_l _/
spheric drag vary with altitude, each of the should _ .. _i_: _ ,
two bodies in a tethered system, one orbiting create __--'____yar_ah/-_
: above the:other:is subject to different influ __: :avari= r -'='_r. __
encesi_Consequently, the primary engineering .....ety ofvery :" " " ' _ ........
goalofrss-i is to demonstrate that a satellite interesting ptasma- ii'.i,_-_i: _ -..:
can be deployed, stabilized, and retrieved on a electrodynamic phenomena. These are -
long tether in space and that an electrically expected to provide a variety of unique exper-
i " conducting system can be operated success- imental capabilities, including the ability to
fully. Tether dynamics and control are not collect an electrical charge and drive a large
intuitive; while reeling out a satellite on a current system within the ionosphere, to
tether is somewhat analogous to flying a kite, generate high voltages [on the order of
the analogy breaks down when the environ- 5 kilovolts (kV)] across the tether at full
ments in which the systems operate are com- deployment, to control the satellite potential
pared. Unlike a kite in the atmosphere, the and the satellite's plasma sheath, and to gener-
tethered satellite is in an_electrically charged ate low-frequency electrostatic and electro-
environment and is controlled by gravity magnetic waves. It is believed that these
gradient rather than aerodynamic forces. TSS-1 capabilities can be used to conduct controlled
will improve our understanding of tether experimental studies of phenomena and
dynamics and allow scientists and engineers processes that occur naturally in plasmas
to develop more sophisticated tether control throughout the solar system, including Earth's
models for future tethered missions, magnetosphere.

A necessary first step toward these studies
--and the primary science goal of TSS-1 --
is to characterize the electrodynamic behav-
ior of the satellite-tether-orbiter system.
Of particular interest is the interaction of the
system with the charged particles and electric
and magnetic fields in the ionosphere, includ-
ing the nature of the external current loop
within the ionosphere and the processes by
which current closure occurs at the satellite .Liiiiiiiiiz
and the orbiter. This will be investigated by a
series of experiments conducted with electron
accelerators and tether current-control
hardware, along with a set of interdependent
diagnostic instruments provided by the of the Tethered Satel!i!e System mission. thrusters will spin the satellite so that it rotates
TSS- 1 investigators. Flight and science operations are controlled a quarter turn each minute, allowing data to
from Johnson Space Center, while Kennedy be collected as the satellite sensors rotate
Organization Space Center is responsible for integrating through different electric and magnetic fields.
The Tethered Satellite System is a joint payloads into the orbiter and launching Approximately 6 hours later, the satellite
venture of the United States' National the Shuttle. is fully deployed 20 km from the Shuttle. Ten
Aeronautics and Space Administration An Investigator Working Group, com- hours of on-station operations begin with the
(NASA) and Italy's Agenzia Spaziale Italiana posed of TSS-I Principal Investigators and satellite's spin being stopped for an orbit as
(ASI, the Italian Space Agency). Based on Associate Investigators, advises NASA and data on tether system dynamics are collected.
a 1984 Memorandum of Understanding ASI in the design, development, and opera- After this orbit, thrusters will spin the satellite
between NASA and ASI, the Italian agency tion of TSS-1. This group develops and so that it rotates at slightly less than one full
has responsibility for developing the reusable reviews all science requirements for the turn each minute. As the Tethered Satellite
satellite, while NASA has responsibility mission, recommends mission profiles and System stimulates and interacts with the
for developing the deployer system and the experiment sequence_; and specifies how data ionosphere, instruments in the satellite and the
tether, integrating the payload, and providing should be acquired, processed, handled, and Shuttle's payload bay measure the response,
transportation into space. In addition, the distributed. The Investigator Working Group determine how the Tethered Satellite System
U.S. Air Force Phillips Laboratory, by agree- also oversees science activities during collects an electrical current from the iono-
ment with NASA, is participating in the the flight. sphere, study the power generation properties
program by providing an experiment that of the entire tether system, and characterize
supports the TSS-I mission as well as Air Mission Profile the surrounding environment.
Force research interests. The deployer system The Shuttle will carry TSS-1 in its payload Retrieval operations begin with the reel
and the tether were developed by the Martin bay to a circular orbit where the satellite will assembly winding in the tether. The satellite
Marietta Astronautics Group in Denver, be deployed spaceward on a conducting approaches to within 2.4 km of the orbiter,
Colorado, and the satellite by the Alenia tether. Thus begins an adventure that could where it stops for 5 hours to gather additional
Space Systems Group in Turin, Italy. revolutionize the architecture of space struc- data and stabilize the system for final
retrieval. Retrieval resumes and crewmembers
Both NASA and ASI are sponsoring tures and expand the PoSsibilities for space
experiments to address the goals of the TSS-I investigations. take manual control for final approach
mission. Research guidelines specify that The deployed mission begins when a and docking.
experiments study Tethered Satellite System crew member unlatche_s the satellite and the
electrodynamics and plasma interactions. deployer boom extends. Then the satellite's
The experiments selected are compatible with tether-aligned thrusters fire, gently lifting it
the engineering objectives and yield comple- away from the boom and the Shuttle. At
mentary data. a distance of 6 km fro_mthe Shuttle, other
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, Alabama, is providing the overall
management of the Tethered Satellite System
project for NASA Headquarters. Johnson .... .÷_

Space Center, Houston, Texas, and Kennedy

Space Center, Florida, are also integral parts

Regions of the Atmosphere

Earth'selectricallyneutralatmosphereis composed of fourprimary

layers.The |owestlayer,lhe onewe live in on Earth'ssurface,Js
knownas thetroposphere andextendsas highas 16 km above
sea level. Extendingfromabout16 to 48 kmis thestratosphere.
Ninety-ninepercentof theair in theatmosphereis locatedin these
tworegions.Abovethe stratosphere, from48 to 85 kmis the meso-
sphere.The uppermost layer isthethermosphere, whichextendsto
approximately 1,000 km.

The upperthermosphere is alsocharacterizedbythe presenceof

electricallychargedgases,or plasma.Thisregion,whichextends
k k __ from85 to approximately t,000 km, is alsoknownas the ionosphere.
Theboundariesof the ionosphere varyaccording1osolaractivity.
Overlapping theionosphereisthe magnetosphere, whichextends
fromapproximatelyS_O to 60,000km onthes_e towardstheSun,and
trailsoutmorethan300,000km awayfromthe Sun.The magneto-
_:'_ "_ _ _ " -: "--_ 7 .....
sphereis theregionof spacesurrounding Earthin whichthe geomag-
neticfield playsa dominantrolein the behaviorof chargedparticles.
Layers of the Atmosphere
TSS-1will allowscientiststostudya varietyofionosphericprocesses.
Forexample,it will generatelarge-scaleelectricalcurrentloopsin
theionosphere.Thesecurrentloopsmaybesimilarto currentsthat
occurin the polarregionsof theatmosphereassociatedwithauroras.
Conducting tethersmayalso providean alternatesourceof powerfor
futurespacecraft.Thismissionwill helpquantifytheamountof elec-
tricalpowerthatcanbeproducedbyconducting tethers.

Thelowerregionofthe thermosphere, fromapproximately130to

180 km, hasbeenverydifficulttoexplore.Satellitescannotorbilin
thisregionbecausetheywouldrapidlyfall fromorbitandburnup
fromatmospheric friction.Balloonscannolreachthisaltitude,and
thana quickverticalprofileof a particularspot.WhileTSS-1will be
deployedawayfromEarth,futuremissionscanbe deployeddown-
at thesealtitudes,gatheringvaluabledatain a previouslyinacces-
s_le regionofouratmosphere.
Justasthebarmagnet produces
so t#o does Earth. You
can Visualiz_ thcse field lines by
thinkin_'_f _e Earth as having
a bar ma_n_runningfrom the
North to S_h-poles.

, , . , ,_

Earth'sMagnetic Field and How TSS-1Will Produce Power ..........


TSS-1makesuseof Earth'smagneticfieldandelectricallycharged-- ofa batterybeforea currentcan

ionosphereto producea currentthroughthetetherfor a variety flow.In the caseof TSS-1,the
ofexperiments.Tounderstand someof thediscussions aboutthe _ circuitmustbeclosedbythe
mission,a basick_edge ofEarth'smagneticfield is helpful, - _-_ conducting ionosphere.Theelec-
All magneticobjectsproduceinvisiblelinesof force,extending =
will flowthroughthe tethertothe
betweenthe polesofthe object.Aneasyway tovisualizethis isto _--
...... spreadironfilingsona sheetof paperandplacea barmagnetunder torswill returnthemtothe iono-
:...... the paper.Theironfilings-w_Farrange themselvesaroundthe
and alongthe magnetficfield
llnes. -_
In thesimplestterms,Earthcanbethoughtof as a dipole alongEarth'smagneticfield
Magneticfield linesradiatebetweenEarth'snorthandsouth lines.Asa result,regionsof
_ magneticpoles,just as theydo betweenthepolesofa bar ma positiveandnegativecharge
createdat theendsof thetether
Chargedparticlesanda]-mospheric moleculesbecometrappedon TSSPower Production
............thesefi_eldI!nes(justas theTronfilingsare trapped),formingthe streamoutalongthe geomagnetic
magnetosphere. Earth'sfield linesare notas symmetricalas thoseof _jeld lines. Thesearecalledfield-alignedcurrents.However,when
thebar magnet._l'heimpact o_e solarwindcausesthe compression the currentsreachthe loweranddenserpartof theionosphere,
ofthelinesfacingsunward,whilethe fieldlinesfacingawayfrom .... _knownas theE-region,collisionsbetweenthe chargedand neutral
theSunstreambackto formEarth'smagnetotail, particleswilleffectivelyscatterelectricchargesacrossthefield
lines,formingwhatare knownas crossfieldcurrentbranches.These
TheTetheredSatelliteSystemcanproducepowerbecausea high
__,;.._ branchesplayan importantrolein TSS-1powerproductionbyallow-
potentialisgeneratedacrossthe tetherasa resultof itsrapid,,o,u,
acrossEarth'smagneticfield lines. Thiseffectis analogousto the --.............
ing the circuittobe closed.
way poweris genera[edbyan automobilealternator.The electric
potentialattraclsfreee_ctrons to the satelliteas it passesthrough
theIonosphericplasma.Fora current(a flow ofchargedparticles)to ORIGfNAL ,_ A_.._
be produced,thecircuitmustbecompleted-- just as a wiremust
closethe circuitbetweentwo poTes COLOR PHOTOGRAPH

Major Tethered Satellite
System Elements

The TSS-1 hardware is short broadcasting tower. Like a

- Satellite
mounted on two carriers in the bolt forced upward by a rotating
payload bay. The deployer rides nut, the boom unfolds and
Dep4oyer on a Spacelab Enhanced extends slowly out of the turning
Multiplexer Demultiplexer Pallet canister on rollers that follow
SPREE t' : __ :

Hardware Reel Mechanism

(called an EMP), a general-pur- four tracks. As the canister
pose unpressurized platform. The rotates, fiberglass battens, similar
pallet provides both functional to ones that give strength to sails,
and structural support to the are released from their stowed,
deployer, and its enhanced fea- bent-in-half positions, to act as
tures include temperature control, horizontal crossmembers to hold

Hardware power distribution, and command the longerons, or vertical mem-

and data transmission capabilities. bers, erect. Diagonal tension

The second carrier is the Multi- cables further strengthen the

Core Equipment
Purpose Equipment Support boom, and flat ribbon-like cables
Structure, an inverted A-frame provide the connection for elec-

Support Structure truss located immediately aft of trical functions at the boom tip.
the enhanced pallet. This struc- During retrieval, the canister
The Tethered Satellite System The Tethered Satellite System ture holds deployer core equip- rotation is reversed. Tracks guide
has five major components: ment and two of the mission's the rollers back, forcing the
the deployer system, the tether, experiments. battens into their original bent
the satellite, the carriers on which position, and the longerons fold
the system is mounted, and the The Deployer System smoothly into the boom canister.
science instruments. These spe- The deployer system includes the The tether reel mechanism, which
cific elements are supported by satellite support structure, the controls the length, rate, and
the standard capabilities of the deployment boom, the tether reel tension of the tether, is critical to

Space Shuttle orbiter, payload bay mechanism, a system that dis- tether control. This assembly
mounting equipment, and control tributes power to the satellite consists of the tether reel and the
and command facilities on before deployment, and a data reel motor. It is controlled by
the ground. acquisition and control assembly.
Umbilical cables woven The TSS-I deployer system has
undergone many tests to ensure
through the deployment structure
proper operations during the
provide power and data lines to
the satellite before deployment.
When the umbilicals are discon-
nected after checkout, the satel-
The Tethered Satellite System is
lite operates on its internal
seen here undergoing integration
at the Kennedy Space Center. battery power. If the safety of the
orbiter becomes a concern, the
tether can be cut and the boom
and satellite jettisoned.
When fully extended, the
boom is a 12-meter (m) four-
sided framework resembling a

the motor control assembly and Manufactured for Martin-Marietta TSS-1 Tether Characteristics
a data acquisition and control by the Cortland Cable Company
Diameter (outer): 2.54 mm
assembly. The reel mechanism of New York, the tether has a
Deployed length: 20 km
is capable of letting out the tether center of Nomex that is wrapped

Breakstrength: 1,780 N
at 16 km per hour; during the with copper wire which acts as
Maximum allowable tension: 700 N
TSS-1 mission, however, the the electrical conductor. The layer
tether will be reeled out at a much Maximum expected load: 53 N
of wire is insulated with Teflon",
slower rate. which is then covered with braided Maximum allowable mass: 8.2 g/m
Temperature range: -I00 to +125 °C
Kevlar" 29 to give strength to the
Electrical characteristics:
The Tether tether. The outer jacket of the
current (maximum) - 1 A at 10 kV
The tether's length and electrical tether is braided Nomex" which
dc resistance - 0.12 ohms/m
properties affect all aspects of protects the tether against the
nominal operating voltage - 5,000 Vdc
tethered operations. With its corrosive effects of atomic oxygen
and mechanism-induced abrasion. Maximum expected operational current: 500 to 750 mA
satellite fully deployed, the
TSS-1/orbiter combination is
100 times longer than any previ- Mission life." 1 mission
ous spacecraft, and when the
tether's current is pulsed by
electron accelerators, it becomes
the longest and lowest frequency
antenna ever placed in orbit.
Also, for the first time, scientists
can measure the charges collected
by spacecraft with high electrical
potentials. All these capabilities
are directly related to the struc-
ture of the shoe lace-thick tether,
a conducting cord designed to
anchor a satellite miles above
the orbiter.
The TSS-1 tether is 22-kin
long and is expected to develop a
5,000 volt (V) potential and carry The different layers of the tether
a current of up to 1 ampere (A). can be seen in this photograph.

Deployer System Characteristics

• Deployer System
Total mass: 2,027 kg
Thermal control: 4 coldplates, Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI), thermal
tent covering pallet
Power."500 to 1,000 W (average); 1,500 W (peak)
Data: 16 kbps (telemetry); 2 kbps (command)
• Tether Reel Assembly
Capacity: 22-km conducting tether; llO-km nonconducting tether
• Boom
Extended length: 12 m

The Deployer System COLOR PHOTOGRAPH
The Satellite form the outer skin of the satel- housed in the Service Module, or The components of the
Before it is deployed, the satellite lite. These panels contain the lower half. A pressurized tank Payload Module will change
connectors for the umbilical containing gaseous nitrogen for from mission to mission. For
is located on a satellite support
structure where six latches hold it cables from the deployer; win- the cold gas thrusters is located in TSS-1, the module houses three
dows for Sun, Earth, and charged the center of the satellite. This experiments (Research on
in place. Once removed from this
structure, the satellite rests on a particle sensors; and access doors tank, along with the various Electrodynamic Tether Effects,
for installation or replacement of thrusters and associated plumb- Research on Orbital Plasma
Teflon'-coated docking ring at
the tip of the deployment boom. each satellite battery. At the base ing, form the Auxiliary Electrodynamics, and Magnetic
A l-m fixed instrument boom of the satellite, a bayonet pin Propulsion Module. Separating Field Experiment for Tethered
extends out of the satellite's skin attaches the tether to the satellite the science instruments and sup- Satellite System Missions), the
structure, and a connector routes port equipment into three mod- satellite core science equipment
at the equator; a short mast oppo-
site the boom carries the S-band the tether conductor to an amme- ules that can be integrated into (a triaxial accelerometer and a
antenna. For TSS-1, the satellite ter and then to the satellite's skin. the satellite independently allows current meter), and the deploy-
The satellite is divided into the satellite to be refurbished, able/retrievable instrument
will have two deployable/
retrievable instrument booms. two hemispheres: science instru- reconfigured, and readied for booms, which have a maximum
ments are located in the Payload subsequent flights. extension of 2.4 m. The experi-
Aluminum-alloy panels covered
with electrically conductive paint Module, or upper half (opposite
from the tether), and the support
subsystems (power distribution,
data handling, telemetry, and
navigational equipment) are
Satellite Characteristics for TSS-1

Diameter: 1.6 m
Actual mass: 518 kg
Payload mass: 68 kg
Deployable booms: 2
Fixed boom length: I m
Thermal control: white conductive paint on outer skin; black paint on
internal skin; multilayer insulation blankets covering portions of
the internal skin; heaters in payload and service modules and on
batteries and sensors
Propellant: cold gas nitrogen
The TSS-I satellite is seen here
Lifetime: at least 3 missions
undergoing final checkout in Italy,
before being shipped to the U.S.


ment electronics are located on tank, pipes, valves, and mounting handling, attitude measurement
the floor and internal side panels hardware, occupy the equatorial and control, telemetry and com-
of the module. Experiment sen- floor of the satellite. A set of mand, thermal control, support
sors are mounted on the deploy- thrusters near the tether attach- structures, and the tether attach-
able/retrievable booms, the fixed ment can provide extra tension on ment are located at various points
boom, and the surface of the the tether, while a set of thrusters on satellite shell sections and the
Payload Module. around the equator can be used to internal panels, permitting easy
The Auxiliary Propulsion reduce or eliminate pendulum- access to the components.
Module, in conjunction with the type motions in the satellite. A Within the Service Module are
tether reel and motor, controls the final set of thrusters, also on the the gyros, Sun sensors, and Earth
motion of the tethered satellite. equator but directed off to one sensors that measure and control
This module also initiates, main- side, will be used to spin and satellite attitude. Thermal control
tains, and controls the satellite despin the satellite. is primarily passive, but there are
spin at up to 0.7 rotations per The Service Module contains some active heaters. An S-band
minute upon command from the all the satellite support subsys- antenna provides a communica-
Shuttle. Most components, such tems, except the propulsion sys- tions link between the satellite
as the spherical high-pressure gas tem. Power distribution, data and the orbiter.

In this photograph of the payload

module, it is possible to see the
internal structure, wiring, and the
electronics packages for various


This photograph of the service

module shows some of the sensors

and instruments located in this
half of the satellite. It also shows
the tank and piping for the auxil-
iary propulsion system, the tether
attachment point, and in-line
An exploded view of the TSS satellite
thrusters (upper left).
Dlr, ' ! ,_
Or_'_lt_',,"_L PACE
Tether Dynamics

While space-based tethers have

been studied theoretically since
early in the century and later
modeled extensively on comput-
ers, the TSS-I investigations of
electrical generation and plasma
physics in the upper atmosphere
will be the first time such a large,
\ electrodynamic tethered system
\ has ever been flown. In many
respects, this mission is like the
\ first test flight of a new airplane:
the lessons learned will improve
both scientific theory and future
operations on tether missions.
The use of tethers in space is
not new, but the applications
have been extremely limited. The
application most people remem-
ber are the tethers that connected
spacewalking astronauts to their
spacecraft; these were used until
the advent of the Manned
Maneuvering Units used on the
Shuttle. These applications,
however, used very short tethers
that were not stabilized by gravi-
tational forces and, therefore,
have little relation to the

SatelliteSystem.TheTSS-1 significantly increases the dis- .........
experience libration, or back
mission willbeusing a20-km tance around it. As a result, a .............. and forth movement of the tether.
longtether thatwillbestabilized higher satellite will move at a If the satellite were stopped
bygravitationalforces.Since slightly higher speed but will take suddenly, the gravity gradient
thedynamics oftheTethered longer to travel around its orbit ..... Would bring the tether back to
SatelliteSystem arecomplex and than a satellite below it. If the the vertical orientation.
canonlybetested fullyinorbit,it two satellites are tied together - However, the tether would over-
isimpossible topredictbeforethe with a tether, they will be forced shoot and go out in the forward
mission exactlyhowthesystem to travel at a higher speed than .........................
direction, and then come back
willact.Whilethedynamics have required for its orbit and, there- ......... again. The satellite would be
been extensivelytestedandsimu- fore, its centrifugal force will be .............
moving in much the same back-
it ispossiblethattheactual greater than the pull of gravity. If ...................
and-forth movement as a pendu-
dynamics willbesomewhat the tether were cut, it would lure in a clock but without the
differentfrompredictions.In move to a higher orbit where the friction needed to stop the
addition tothenormal mechani- two forces would, again, be in -motion. Indeed, to dampen this
caldynamics therearealsothe balance. With the tether in place_..... pendulous motion, or libration,
complexities ofawidely sepa- however, the net effect of the .......would require much more time
multi-component system unbalanced forces is to create than a typical Shuttle mission.
andtheforces created
bytheflow tension in the tether. This is the Libration will be controlled
of current through the system. force that causes the Tethered ............. -i_y varying the speed at which
Satellite System satellite to rise the tether is reeled. By avoiding
Deployment above the orbiter as the tether is ..............
:'sudden stops and decreasing the
A satellite is maintained in its reeled out. Very close to the .... reel-rate slowly, the rate at which
orbit around Earth by a balance orbiter, there is little difference ifi.....................
the gravity gradient brings the
between the force of gravity, the two orbits and the tension ..... tether closer to the vertical is also
which pulls it toward Earth, and a force is insufficient to overcome ..... Slowed. If the motion is slowed
centrifugal force, which pushes it friction in the deployer mecha- just right, the tether will come to
away from Earth. The centrifugal nism. Therefore, until the satellite a halt in a stable, vertical posi-
force results from the motion of reaches a separation of approxi- tion, with no residual libration.
the satellite around its circular mately 1,000 m, the tension is --
orbit. This is the same force that augmented by small tether-aligned ...............
one can experience by swinging a thrusters on the satellite. Beyond
ball around on the end of a string. this point, the tension in the
At the orbital altitude for tether is the only force required.
TSS-1, a speed of approximately But deployment of the satel-
7.6 km per second is required to lite is not quite as smooth as it
create sufficient centrifugal force might seem. While the process is ..............
to balance gravitational attraction. inherently stable, the system can ..............
If the altitude is changed, how-
ever, the two opposing forces will
no longer be in balance unless the
Shuttle's speed is also changed.
Going higher requires a slightly
greater speed, although it will
take longer to complete an orbit
because increasing the altitude
makes the orbit a larger circle and

\ ,

Tether Oscillations Many different factors may Retrieval
By experimenting with a ball cause oscillations; the movements While deployment is an inher-
hung on a piece of elastic cord of the satellite or Shuttle are but ently stable process, retrieval of
(a paddle ball, for example) two of these. On TSS-1, one the tethered satellite is inherently
it is possible to simulate all the potential cause of oscillation will unstable. As it comes toward the
different types of oscillation that be of particular interest. As the Shuttle, the satellite is also mov-
are possible on a space-based system produces an electrical ing towards Earth's axis of rota-
tether system. The elastic cord, current, it also produces a mag- tion and so moves "east" or
representing the tether, may netic field around the tether. This ahead of the orbiter. Any libration
compress and stretch causing magnetic field will interact with produced by this movement will
the ball to bounce up and down Earth's magnetic field resulting tend to grow as the satellite and
Longitudinal (referred to as longitudinal oscil- in a force expected to produce orbiter get closer to each other,
lation). It may also develop skiprope oscillations. because of the conservation of
wave-like motions (transverse Because it is necessary to angular momentum.
oscillation), or even move in a maintain control of the satellite, Retrieval will, therefore, be
circular, or "skiprope" motion. much study has gone into identi- very carefully controlled. The
Even if the string itself is not fying the different types of possi- retrieval rate is programmed into
moving much, it is possible to ble motions and methods to the deployer system computer to
get the ball rocking back and control them. Dynamicists hope keep the libration angle under
forth about its attachment point to observe all these types of control. The gravity gradient will
(pendulous motion). oscillations during TSS-1 to see be used to keep the tether taut
Each type of motion occurs how real-world tether behavior until the satellite is approximately
with a particular frequency, which compares to the mathematical 200 m from the orbiter, when the
depends on the length and tension simulations done over many satellite's thrusters will be turned
of the tether. When the frequen- years. This will increase the on. At this point, the crew will
"Sklprope" '_ _ / cies are different, the motions do knowledge and understanding take manual control of the last
/ not interact. However, at some of tethered systems. stages of retrieval. Then, using
tether lengths, the frequencies of the tether reel rate, satellite
two or more types of oscillation thrusters, and movement of the
can become very close. At this orbiter itself, the crew will
point, energy can be transferred keep the satellite lined up as it
from one type of motion to is returned to its docking ring on
another, a phenomenon known the deployer.
as resonance. For instance, the
transverse oscillations in the
tether may cause the satellite to
rock back and forth in pendulous


ii ii!!i _i!!i_

_ . The-Conservation
of AngularMomentum

:- - Many ollhe dynamics theories affecting, or-Se[ngi-e-st-e-d

on, TSS--1
arequite complex. While theconservation of angular momentqgLmay
seem_.'om_plex,_ilTs quffe easy to visualize_

attached to the endofa_s|r[n0
...... and move it in a steady
m_and lorth, like a pendulum. Once a steady swing has
:............ been:es_blis_, take the thumb and forefinger of your other hand
!. _ and make a circle around the top of the string. This will not interfere
:_ ...... _.... wilh_wing, so no change will be noticed.

i .............. -- - " Whil_ keepingyour swing steady, slowly begin to raise the hand_
_;_-;................. _-_ . ..... ;_ :..:i__. _._ .....hoid[ng_Se string. As your hand goes higher, the string begins_L]lit
:_i_........ ._--_- .- _: ._-__-__.. tS_he circle made byyou fingers. As this happensthe
frequen_of the balls movement increases. The shorter the string,
............. the fasTer_e ball travels and the further from the vertical it tries_to
..... go. Asyou IoweY_hestring backdown, the ball will eventually _re_turn
- to its original motion.

...... __ _ The_ forJhls is that th_ene,,gyin the system remains the

_ same. As-the length of the stringgrows shorter, the same amonnt
of ene_is preenS. This produces a longer and faster arc.



i _tlllliil_'_!_'
TSS-1 Science

The TSS-1 mission will study the required to characterize this

electrodynamic properties of a environment and Tethered
tethered satellite system and its Satellite System perturbations
interaction with Earth's iono- accurately and completely. The
spheric environment of charged TSS-1 science investigations are
gas and magnetic and electric interdependent; they must share
fields. These studies will help information to achieve their
demonstrate the Tethered Satellite objectives. In fact, these investi-
System's capabilities as a gations may be considered to be
research facility for investiga- different parts of a single com-
tions in electrodynamics and plex experiment.
space plasma physics. Most of The motion of the Tethered
the TSS- 1 experiments require Satellite System through Earth's
essentially the same set of mea- magnetic field generates a volt-
surements, with instrumentation age across the conductive tether.
from each investigation providing As a result, it is able to extract an
different parts of the total set. electrical current from the iono-
While some instruments measure spheric plasma at the satellite and
magnetic fields, others record emit that current by means of
particle energies and spectra, electron accelerators in the pay-
and others map electric fields. load bay. Investigators will use
A complete set of data on the the ability to vary this current and
plasma and field conditions is control the electrical potential of
the satellite to create and study a
variety of phenomena and pro-
To prepare for the mission, numer- cesses. These include electric
ous tests using scale models of
power generation, wave genera-
the TSS satellite, such as this one
tion and propagation, neutral gas
in the Frascati (Italy) Plasma
Chamber, were conducted to test ionization, and basic physical
instruments, paints, and materials. processes that occur naturally in
plasmas surrounding Earth and
other planets, moons, and comets.
Although some of these phenom-
ena have been studied in labora-
tories, very small scale-size,
chamber wall effects, unnatural
plasma distributions, and other
problems hamper the ground-
based experimenter. For the
Tethered Satellite System, Earth's
ionosphere is a vast, unbounded
laboratory for space plasma
experiments that can be con-
ducted in no other way.

The spiral path of an electron

beam around magnetic field lines
can be seen clearly in this photo-
graph taken in a plasma research

_-_ Lightning is a commonly

1 seen form ofplasma.

The FourthStateof Matter-

_re-a-re three classi_statesof matter:solid,liquidandgas. Then, Piasm_is foundbothin ordinaryandexoticplaces.Whenan electric

s plasma,which_me scientistsconsiderto hethefourth curren|is passedlhroughneongas, it producesbothplasmaand
tt-er_1'beplasmastateof matteris not relatedto blood __. Li-ght_ng_rlcal discil-a-rgein
theatmosphere _'-
_asma, themostcommonusageoftheword.Rather,theterm thatcreatesa jaggedcolumnof ionizedair, or plasma.Partofa
plasmahasbeenusedin physicssincethe1920sto representan _met's streamingtail is plasmafromgasionizedbysunlightand
ionizedoas, andspaceplasmaphysicsbecamean importantscien- otherunknownprecesse-s. TheSunis a 1.5-million-kilometerball of
nl-'T'_[_r_pline in theearly1950swiththe discoveryoftheVanAllen plasma,heatedby nuclearfusion.
--: radiationbelts. _-
..... _ Scientistsstudyplasmafor practicalpurposes.In an effortto har-
"---:_-Matter changesstateas it is exposedto differentphysicalcondi- n_s fusionenergyhere on Earth,physicistsare studyingdevices
-- tions.Ice is a solidwjthhydrogen(H) andoxygen(0) molecules that cre-aieandconfineveryhotplasmasin magneticfields. In
_arra_ge--d-in regula_patterns,butif theice melts,the H2Oentersa space, plasmaprocesses are largelyresponsibleforshieldingEarth
news_E_e!liquidwater.Asthewatermoleculesarewarmedmore, fromcosmicradiation,andmuchoftheSun'sinfluenceon Earth
eccursbyenergy_oug_l the ionizedlayersof theupper
_____ o!all|lle-electronsorbitingaroundit sothatthe netchargeis zero.
_tom ISelec|ficallyneutral.
The Sun, seen
here in a Solar Max
image of the corona,
_enough energyto escapeits atom. "_is atomis e one
is a plasma heated
by nuclear fusion.
an ion. In-asufficJent!y_eae I gas, onza;ion appensmany
__-------ereaUngErowds offreee ecrons ogeL:erwl ons. owever,not
---_ all theatomsare necessarilyionized;somemayremaincompletely
__ Intactwithnonet_ _s_onzzedgasmnxture',

_, it Is macio-scopically
neutral:in measurablequantitiesthe
---- nt ionsare ever

particlesareaffectedbyelectricandmagnelicTie_ds appliedto m

th-eplasma, andthemotionsoftheparticlesin the plasmagenerate

fieldsandelectriccurrentsfromw_tthin.Thiscomplexset of

of matter.

particles per cc, while neutral
gas density at Earth's surface is
approximately 100 billion billion
particles per cc. Never the less,
the ionosphere effectively reflects
most radio waves back to Earth,
and it is this process that led to
its discovery.
With the advent of man-made
satellites, it became possible to
measure the characteristics of the
space environment near Earth
directly -- and it was discovered
that Earth's ionized atmosphere
extends much higher than
originally thought. The region
between the ionospheric E-layer
_ (approximately 140 km) and the
boundary between Earth's mag-
netic field and interplanetary
magnetic fields (approximately
64,000 km on the sunward side),
known as the magnetopause,
contains minute quantities of
Earth's Magnetosphere. The Plasma Universe through ground-based radio wave Earth's ionized atmosphere. The
More than 99 percent of matter observations: a region of plasma behavior of the gas in this region
in the Universe exists in the that exists above Earth's electri- is controlled by the geomagnetic
plasma state -- that is, as a mix- cally neutral atmosphere. Plasma field, and the region is, therefore,
ture of ionized and neutral gases. begins to dominate Earth's envi- referred to as the magnetosphere.
Although nature rarely produces ronment in the ionosphere, which On the night side of Earth, the
plasma on Earth's surface, it is extends upwards from about 85 km magnetopause trails away from
common elsewhere. The electri- above the ground. The ionosphere the Sun forming the magnetotail,
has distinctive layers that differ which has been found to extend
cally neutral environment to
which we are accustomed is a in composition and density: the more than 384,000 km, the dis-
rare exception. Plasma processes F1 layer (around 200 km) and tance from Earth to the moon,
are important factors in the F2 layer (around 300 to 400 kin). forming a shape similar to a
behavior of stars, interstellar The plasma in these layers, comet's tail.

clouds, comets, the aurora, and consisting mainly of electrons

even in our upper atmosphere. and atomic oxygen ions, is sus-
Our understanding of astrophysi- tained by the ionizing action of
cal and many geophysical phe- solar ultraviolet radiation on the
nomena depends on our neutral atmospheric gas. All
knowledge of how matter ionospheric layers tend to merge
behaves in the plasma state. at night.
Even before the space era, an Ionospheric plasma is very
unexpected discovery was made tenuous. In the F2 layer, where
the plasma is the most dense,
there are rarely more than
1 million electron-ion pairs in a
cubic centimeter (cc), or thimble-
ful, of space. In comparison,
the neutral gas density for the
same region is typically l billion
Plasma is strongly influenced system, and accelerate some By characterizing the mag- In addition to natural varia-
by magnetic and electric forces, electrons and ions to higher netic and plasma environments tions, the Shuttle alters the space
and in turn, plasma particles energies. in our own neighborhood, we are plasma when it dumps water,
affect the distribution of magnetic The visible manifestation of able to recognize and understand fires thrusters, or changes atti-
and electric fields. Beyond the the high-energy electrons are plasma processes in the rest of tudes. In fact, some scientists
magnetopause, energetic plasma seen in the aurora, the colorful the Universe. Already, auroras have compared the Shuttle to a
from the Sun, called the solar Northern and Southern Lights have been spotted on Jupiter, comet enclosed by a halo of
wind, rushes past Earth at speeds that appear at 90 to 160 km above and the same types of phenomena water vapor and other ions that
ranging from 300- to 1,000-km Earth. The auroral colors are appear to occur in the magneto- interact with the natural plasma.
per second. While most of this determined by the nature of the spheres of Saturn and Uranus. The environment near the Shuttle
solar wind goes around Earth, atoms that are struck by magneto- Many high-energy X-rays will be thoroughly characterized
some of it penetrates the magne- spheric electrons and the energies and gamma rays detected by before, during, and after the
tosphere. The interaction between of the collisions: the night sky is astronomical observations come satellite is deployed. In this way,
the solar wind and the magneto- painted with the reds and greens from magnetized plasmas near investigators can separate natural
spheric plasma acts like an elec- of oxygen and hydrogen and the stars, galaxies, and other objects. variations and disturbances
tric generator [called the magneto- purples and pinks of nitrogen. A visual image of our Universe caused by the Shuttle from inter-
spheric MagnetoHydroDynamic A typical 3-hour aurora, covering reveals only the superficial actions between the Tethered
(MHD) generator], creating a million square kilometers, appearances, but plasma studies Satellite System and the plasma.
electric fields deep inside the discharges approximately 100 will show us the invisible struc- While the Shuttle and tether
magnetopause. These fields in million kilowatt hours of electric ture of space and the processes are monitored by instruments in
turn give rise to a general circula- energy into Earth's immediate that may have formed the solar the payload bay, instruments on
tion of the plasma, or a current environment, system from dust and plasma. the satellite simultaneously mea-
sure the space plasma and fields
Mission Science around the satellite. The physical
Objectives processes in the region around
One of the most important TSS- 1 the satellite determine how many
science objectives is to measure particles it collects and, hence,
the plasma and field environment the magnitude of the current in
of the electrodynamic tether the tether.
system. These measurements will
be obtained over a wide range of
conditions, since the ionospheric
density varies naturally along an
orbit from day to night and with
the inclination of the geomag-
netic field, causing the voltage
across the tether to change by
a factor of two or more during
a complete orbit. This results in
increases and decreases in the
maximum current the Tethered
Satellite System can collect.

Colorful auroral displays, such as this view of

the Aurora Austrialis photographed from the
Shuttle, are the result of collisions between
electrons and magnetospheric plasma. A typical
3-hour display can discharge I00 million
kilowatt hours of electric energy into Earth's
immediate environment.
The ideal goal for each experi- of this type is largely unknown, near the satellite. For example, ages will expel ions, ionize neu-
ment would be to cover all ranges and its effects on the current the character of the satellite's tral particles, and possibly gener-
of electromotive force and flowing to the satellite and on the plasma sheath and wake will be ate instabilities in the plasma near
plasma conditions experienced ambient neutral and charged affected, and the type and ampli- the satellite. In the majority of
by the Tethered Satellite System particJes are uncertain. tude of waves excited may TSS-] operations, the satellite
during both the day and night As the electrons accelerated change. These changes can in will vary from electrically neutral
portions of an orbit at all tether by the electrically biased satellite turn affect the current and voltage to positively charged. Wake-
lengths. Since TSS-1 is the test collide with the neutral particles of the tether. filling processes are of interest
flight of a new, reusable system, in the vicinity of the satellite, In addition to mapping the because they can affect the tether
most measurements during the some of these particles may be sheath and wake, investigators current and voltage and because
mission will be made at a single ionized, releasing more electrons will attempt to change the the same processes affect the
tether deployment distance. that will then be attracted to the sheath's structure and study the environments, and, therefore,
positive surface of the satellite resulting processes. Laboratory the measurements made from all
Wakes and Sheaths and may add significantly to the investigations have shown that spacecraft. These processes may
Some special features are likely current collected by the tether the satellite potential can be set also occur in the environments of
to develop in the vicinity of the system. This process should be to determine the dominant mech- some natural celestial bodies --
satellite as it actively perturbs the enhanced when the satellite anism involved in the plasma such as the Moon or asteroids.
space plasma. Traveling at high thrusters release more neutral sheath and the near- and mid-
speed (around 27,200 km per gas, which can become ionized in wake regions. For example, if the Antennas and Waves
hour), the satellite affects the the sheath. satellite is maintained at a few Waves are large-scale coordi-
density, temperature, and electri- The plasma sheath around the tens of volts negative, a plasma nated disturbances. While the
cal properties of the surrounding satellite is predicted to be unsta- sheath will exist, and the electric medium in which a wave travels
plasma. A plasma sheath contain- ble and to change in size and field within the sheath will focus does not necessarily move as a
ing an electric field develops shape with variations in iono- ions into the wake. If the satellite whole in the direction of the
around the satellite, while a spheric density, magnetic field is maintained at the ambient wave, the wave creates small-
wake, in some respects resem- alignment, and the voltage devel- plasma potential, however, no scale motion in the medium.
bling the wake left by a boat in oped across the tether. As the plasma sheath develops and the This motion varies with the type
water, trails behind. sheath changes, it may produce plasma rapidly expands from of wave: a wave on the surface of
Sizable voltage drops are instabilities in the plasma that denser regions to fill the void. a lake moves molecules in small
predicted to occur across the result in an unsteady tether cur- If the satellite is maintained a few circles, and sound waves move
plasma sheath surrounding the rent and voltage. Electron heating tens of volts positive, it will repel air molecules back and forth.
positively biased satellite. The in the sheath would also affect the ambient ions while attracting' Just as a water wave lifts swim-
physics of a high-voltage sheath the plasma processes taking place electrons. Higher positive volt- mers up and sets them down as
it passes, plasma waves can shift
a net electrical charge in a plasma
from one ionospheric region
to another.
_ff: •:
- ,(\!.,,,./. ;.......
.:=:: ........\/ -\ Waves of every kind carry
energy and momentum obtained
from their source, which may
be transferred to objects they
impact: ocean waves transform
the shore, sound waves crack
glass, and electromagnetic
(infrared and ultraviolet) waves
heat Earth. Similarly, plasma and
electromagnetic waves transfer
energy between electrons, ions,
and neutral particles. Scientists
= _!_,_,:_ii_ ¸ are very interested in how energy
: ;i' i,'*_:;V!iil
is exchanged between iono-
spheric and atmospheric layers,
and waves (and wave- particle

interactions) are partially respon- The TSS-1 tether will be the system that may be generated in layers by measuring electrons
sible for this transfer. longest antenna ever placed in the ionosphere by the Tethered beamed from below the satellite
One TSS-1 goal is to study orbit. It can either be used pas- Satellite System. and energetic ions created by the
how waves are generated natu- sively, for receiving radio waves When the field-aligned collapse of double layers near
rally in the ionosphere. The iono- from other sources, or actively, branches of the auroral currents the satellite.
sphere supports a variety of as a transmitting antenna. To exceed the capacity of the plasma
plasma waves from many sources, transmit, the current passing to carry a charge, a drop in elec- Simulating Phenomena
including whistle-like noises through the tether may be modu- trical potential occurs. This may of the Plasma Universe
triggered by magnetic storms and lated by pulsing it on and off at take the form of electric double Immersed in the ionospheric
lightning, which can be heard on the required frequency. The layers -- plasma structures in plasma, the Tethered Satellite
a radio. In a plasma, the particles longer the tether, the lower the which two layers of excess elec- System will allow scientists to
vibrate and oscillate in unison, frequency at which it can radiate tric charge, one positive and the study many space plasma phe-
and the plasma waves, when waves efficiently. This unique other negative -- exist in close nomena first hand. The electrody-
converted to sound by a radio ability to produce low-frequency proximity. Between the two, there namics of the satellite system
receiver, form a symphony of waves makes a number of active is an electric field that can accel- involve a number of phenomena,
sound. TSS-1 instruments on the experiments possible. erate charged particles. Plasma such as wakes, sheaths, and
satellite and in the payload bay theory and laboratory experi- currents, that will be carefully
can measure the generation and Currents in Space ments have shown that double studied throughout the mission.
propagation of naturally occur- Currents are created in the polar layers can form when currents are Once the basic phenomena of the
ring plasma waves. regions of the magnetosphere driven along magnetic fields in a Tethered Satellite System are
A plasma may also emit and by the magnetospheric plasma. There is some evidence characterized, some experimental
absorb light, radio, and other MagnetoHydroDynamic genera- that weak double layers exist parameters, such as satellite
electromagnetic waves created tor. The generator is driven by naturally in the ionosphere, but potential and tether current, can
by shifting electric and magnetic the motion of the plasma at the because they are so thin, they be varied to model important
fields. Radio signals of the right boundary of the magnetosphere. are difficult, if not impossible, to basic processes that occur natu-
frequency are able to pass through These auroral current systems observe directly. Their effects on rally in our magnetosphere, solar
the ionosphere and travel up into are aligned with Earth's magnetic charged particle distributions can system, and beyond.
the magnetosphere, where they field in the magnetosphere but be measured, however, and Because of the difficulty,
grow and trigger a noisy chorus have cross-field branches in the Tethered Satellite System instru- expense, and time required to
of signals at different frequencies. lower ionosphere. This is very ments should be able to detect the send probes to other parts of the
By injecting known amounts of similar to the type of current presence and motion of double solar system, scientists want to
radio waves into the space plasma,
scientists can study the composi- A tethered satellite research facil-
tion, distribution, and motion of ity can be used to duplicate elec-
trodynamic phenomena observed
the plasma. Since the speed and
elsewhere, such as the interaction
pattern of waves are influenced of Jupiter and Io, the small orange
by the medium in which they moon in the upper left.
travel, the way in which the iono-
sphere affects radio wave propa-
gation can tell us much about the
ionospheric plasma.

field lines between Io and Jupiter core, they became ionized and
into the lower Jovian ionosphere. subject to the effects of the core's
The current that will be magnetic field. Alfv6n hypothe-
created by the tether's motion sized that when the falling neutral
through Earth's ionosphere is gas reached a certain "critical"
predicted by some scientists to velocity, massive ionization
be similar to the current system occurred, and the gas was
generated by the motion of Io. trapped, suspended in space some
In this scaled-down model of the distance from the core by its
Jovian system, the Tethered magnetic field. This velocity
Satellite System serves as the was assumed to be related to the
conducting moon, and Earth with energy required to ionize the gas.
its ionosphere and magnetic fields Since the energy required to
mimics Jupiter. Parameters to be ionize different elements varies,
measured include field-aligned clouds of gases would become
currents, turbulence, radio fre- trapped at various distances from
TSS-I may help scientists better understand both the processes occurring quency emissions, and wave- the evolving Sun based on the
in comets as they travel and how they were formed. particle interactions. composition of the cloud. The
ionized particles were concen-
Jupiter and Io Comets trated in the plane of the solar
model plasma environments
Scientists have detected intense, Comets are essentially balls of ice equator, eventually coalescing
around other celestial objects
naturally occurring, radio- and dust that streak through the into planetary bodies.
accurately. Observations to date
frequency emissions from Jupiter. solar system. When they approach Scientists, therefore, want to
reveal that plasma may interact
with the surface of a body These emissions may last more the Sun, the intense radiation study how a high-speed cloud of
(the Moon or artificial satellites), than an hour at a time and consist converts some of the ice to gas neutral gas interacts with a mag-
with the gaseous atmosphere of of bursts of extremely intense l- which ionizes very rapidly -- netized plasma. The motion of
to 2-second pulses. The radiated apparently as a result of several the Tethered Satellite System
the object (comets or Venus), or
with the intrinsic magnetic field energy from a single pulse may processes. The solar wind and the through the geomagnetic field
be as great as 100 thousand mil- interplanetary magnetic field offers this opportunity. It provides
of the body (Earth or Jupiter).
These interactions affect both the lion joules, the equivalent of the force the ionized gas to stream the essential ability to control
energy released from 25 tons of behind the comet, forming the spacecraft potential, combined
space plasma and the electrody-
namic characteristics of the body. dynamite. familiar cometary tail. It is with the ability to release con-
Shock waves occur in front of These emissions have been thought that one of the ionization trolled amounts of neutral gas
correlated with the motion of processes results from the rapid from the satellite thrusters.
planets, waves are generated and
interact with charged particles, Jupiter's moon, Io. Unlike Earth's motion of the neutral cometary In particular, the system can be
gas through the interplanetary used to establish the conditions
and wakes and sheaths may form. moon, Io orbits deep inside the
medium. This ionization mecha- necessary for the ignition of
Not enough on-site data has been Jovian magnetosphere, where it
collected to understand these nism is known as "critical veloc- critical velocity ionization. Local
moves at hypersonic speeds
ity ionization." measurements can be made to
processes fully, and laboratories through the magnetic field and
are not large enough to model the magnetospheric plasma. Volcanic This effect, hypothesized by study the creation and growth of
vast size of the processes created activity on Io ejects gases, form- Nobel Prize winning Swedish plasma instabilities, the heating
plasma physicist Hannes Alfv6n of electrons, the conditions at
by the movement of planets ing an atmosphere, which is
ionized to form a region similar to and subsequently observed in which critical velocity ionization
through space. The Tethered
Earth's ionosphere. As Io sweeps laboratories, may explain the becomes self-sustaining in space,
Satellite System, however, may
rapid ionization in comets and and its effect on the ambient
bridge the gap between these two through the Jovian magnetic field,
extremes, allowing scientists to a potential of approximately may also help explain how ionospheric medium.
400,000 volts is created across its comets and planets formed in
investigate actively such large-
conducting atmosphere, and the solar system. According to
scale plasma phenomena.
massive currents on the order of Alfv6n's theory, the gravitational
field of the ionized core of a
5 million amperes flow along the
primordial dust cloud attracted
the surrounding dust and gas,
and as the atoms fell toward the

TSS-1 Science Investigations

TSS-1 is comprised of 12 investigations. Seven investigations address Research on Orbital Plasma Electrodynamics
the science goals of the TSS- 1 mission, using equipment that either (ROPE)
stimulates or monitors the tether system and its environment. Two Noble Stone, Principal Investigator
investigators will use ground-based instruments to measure electro- NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
magnetic emissions from the Tethered Satellite System as it passes I This investigation is designed to study the behavior of the ambient
overhead, and three investigators were selected to provide theoretical B ionospheric charged particle populations and of ionized neutral
support in the areas of dynamics and electrodynamics.
particles around the TSS-1 satellite under a variety of conditions. Since
[] Indicates instrument(s) located in orbiter the collection of free electrons from the surrounding plasma produces
[] Indicates instrument(s) located on ground current in the tether, knowledge of the behavior of charged particles is
I Indicates instrument(s) located on deployer essential to understanding the physics of tether current production.
Indicates instrument(s) located on satellite
From its location on the l-m fixed boom, the Differential Ion Flux Probe
measures the energy, temperature, density, and direction of ambient ions
TSS Deployer Core Equipment and Satellite Core
that flow around the satellite and neutral panicles that have been ionized
Equipment (DCORE/SCORE}
in the satellite's plasma sheath and accelerated radially outward. In this
Carlo Bonifazi, Principal Investigator
instrument, an electrostatic deflection system, which determines the
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
charged panicle direction of motion over a range of 100 degrees, routes
The Tethered Satellite System Core Equipment will demonstrate the
particles to a retarding potential analyzer, which determines the energy of
capability of a tether system to produce electrical energy and allow stud-
the ion stream, measuring particle energies from 0- to 100-electronvolts
ies to be made of the electrodynamic interaction with the ionosphere. It
(eV). The directional discrimination of the Differential Ion Flux Probe
does this by controlling the current flowing through the tether between will allow scientists to differentiate between the ionospheric ions flowing
the satellite and the orbiter, and by making a number of basic electrical around the satellite from ions that are created in the satellite's plasma
and physical measurements of the Tethered Satellite System.
sheath and accelerated outward by the sheath's electric field.

B Deployer Core Equipment consists of several instruments and The Soft Particle Energy Spectrometer instrument is a collection of five
sensors on a pallet aft of the deployer in the cargo bay. A master
electrostatic analyzers that measure electron and ion energies from 1- to
switch connects the tether conductor to science equipment in the orbiter;
10,000-eV. Three analyzer modules provide measurements at different
a power distribution and electronic control unit provides basic power,
locations on the surface of the satellite's hemispherical payload module.
command, and data interfaces for all deployer core equipment except the
These sensors determine the potential of the satellite and the distribution
master switch; and
of charged panicles flowing to its surface. Two other Soft Panicle Energy
a volt meter measures the tether potential with respect to the orbiter
Spectrometer sensors, mounted with the Differential Ion Flux Probe on
structure. The Core Electron accelerator has two electron beam emitters
the end of the boom, measure ions and electrons flowing both inward and
that can eject up to 500 milliamperes of current from the system. Two outward from the satellite. These measurements can be used to calculate
other instruments complement the electron accelerator's operations: a
the local potential of the plasma sheath.
vacuum gauge to measure ambient gas pressure and prevent operation if
The sensor package on the boom is electrically isolated from the satellite
pressure conditions might cause arcing and a device to electrically con-
and its potential is controlled by the floating power supply. For satellite
nect either generator head to the tether.
potentials up to 500 volts, the sensor package will be maintained near the
Satellite Core Equipment consists of a linear three-axis accelerom- local plasma potential to allow unambiguous measurements to be
eter and an ammeter. The accelerometer (along with the satellite's
obtained. The potential of the sensor package can also be swept, allowing
gyroscope) will measure satellite dynamics, while the ammeter will
the package itself to serve as a diagnostic probe.
provide a slow sampling monitor of the current collected on the skin of
the TSS-I satellite.


equipment can experiment
be seen in the two will gather
boxes below and data around
to the right of the the TSS-I
satellite in this satellite simi-
photograph taken lar to these
during payload spectrograms
integration at the obtained
Kennedy Space during a
Center. previous
space plasma

0,,, _,,.-d. P/_.GE 23

TSS-I Science Investigations

Research on Electrodynamic Tether Effects Magnetic Field Experiment for TSS Missions
Marino Dobrowolny, Principal Investigator Franco Mariani, Principal Investigator
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche/Instituto Fisica Spazio Second University of Rome
Interplanetario The primary goal of this investigation is to map the magnetic
I The behavior of electrostatic waves and plasma in the region fields around the satellite. If the magnetic disturbances produced
B around a tethered satellite affects the ability of that satellite to by satellite interference, attitude changes, and the tether current can be
collect ions or electrons and, consequently, the ability of the tether to removed from measurements of the ambient magnetic fields, then the
conduct an electric current. This investigation provides a profile of the Tethered Satellite System will prove an appropriate tool for magnetic
electrical potential in the plasma sheath and identifies waves excited by field studies.
this potential in the region around the satellite. Probes, placed directly Two triaxial fluxgate magnetometers, very accurate devices designed to
into the plasma in the vicinity of the satellite, map alternating (ac) and measure magnetic field fluctuations, are located on the fixed boom. One
direct current (dc) electric and ac magnetic fields produced as the current sensor at the tip of the boom and another at midboom characterize iono-
in the tether is changed by instabilities in the plasma sheath or as the spheric conditions at two distances from the satellite, determining the
Fast-Pulse Electron accelerator or Core Electron accelerator are fired in magnetic signature produced as the satellite moves rapidly through the
the payload bay. ionosphere. Combining measurements from the two magnetometers
The instruments are mounted in two canisters at the end of a pair of allows realtime estimates to be made of the magnetic fields produced by
2.4-m extendible booms. As the satellite spins, the booms are extended the presence of satellite batteries, power systems, gyros, motors, relays,
and sensors measure electric and magnetic fields, particle density, and and permanent magnets. The environment at the tip of the boom should
temperature at various angles and distances in the equatorial plane of the be less affected by the spacecraft subsystems. After the mission, the
satellite. To produce a profile of the plasma sheath, measurements of variable effects of switching satellite subsystems on and off, of thruster
dc potential and electron characteristics are made both while the boom is firings, and of other operations that introduce magnetic disturbances will
fully extended and as it is being extended or retracted. The same mea- be modeled on the ground in an attempt to remove these spurious signals
surements, taken at only one distance from the spinning satellite, produce from the data.

a map of the angular structure of the sheath. The two magnetometers will make magnetic field vector readings
One boom carries a wave sensor canister, which contains a three-axis 16 times per second to obtain the geographic and temporal resolution
alternating current electric field meter and a two-axis search coil ac needed to locate short-lived or thin magnetic structures, and twice per
second to allow discrimination between satellite-induced magnetic noise,
magnetometer to identify electric fields and electrostatic waves and
characterize the intensity of surrounding magnetic fields. Highly sensi- the magnetic signals produced by the tether current, and the ambient
tive radio receivers and electric field preamplifiers within the canister environment. The magnetometers will alternate these rates: while the one
complement the operations of the probes. on the tip of the boom operates 16 times per second, the midpoint magne-
tometer will operate twice per second, and vice versa. Data gathering
On the opposite boom, a plasma package determines electron density,
begins as soon as possible after the satellite is switched on in the payload
plasma potential and low-frequency fluctuations in electric fields around
bay and continues as long as possible during satellite retrieval.
the satellite. A Langmuir probe with two metallic sensors samples the
plasma current; from this measurement, plasma density, electron temper-
ature, and plasma potential may be determined. This potential is then
compared to that of the satellite. Two other probes measure low-fre-
quency electric fields.

TSS-1 Science Investigations

Shuttle Electrodynamlc Tether System (SETS) Shuttle Potential and Return Electron Experiment
Peter Banks, Principal Investigator (SPREE)
University of Michigan Marylin Oberhardt, Associate Investigator
Department of the Air Force, Phillips Laboratory
i,_ This investigation is designed to study the ability of the tethered
satellite to collect electrons by determining the current and voltage
The SPREE will measure the charged particle populations around
of the tethered system and measuring the resistance to current flow in the the orbiter for ambient space conditions and during active TSS-1
tether itself. The experiment also explores how tether current can be operations. SPREE supports the TSS-1 electrodynamic mission by deter-
controlled by the emission of electrons at the orbiter end of the system mining the level of orbiter charging with respect to the ambient space
and characterizes the charge that the orbiter acquires as the tether system plasma, by characterizing the particles returning to the orbiter as a result
produces power, broadcasts low-frequency radio waves, and creates of TSS- I electron beam operation and by investigating local wave parti-
instabilities in the surrounding plasma. cle interactions produced by TSS-1 operations.

The hardware is located on the Multi-Purpose Equipment Support SPREE is mounted on the portside of the Mission Peculiar Experiment
Structure near the center of the payload bay and adjacent to the deployer Support Structure (MPESS). The sensors for SPREE are two pairs of
pallet. A Spherical Retarding Potential Analyzer, mounted on a stem at Electrostatic Analyzers, each pair mounted on a Rotary Table Motor
one corner of the support structure, records ion current density, tempera- Drive. The sensors measure the flux of all electrons and ions in the orbiter
ture, and energy and determines the potential of the orbiter. The potential at the SPREE location. The energy range is sampled either once or eight
of the surrounding plasma and charged particle density and temperature times per second. The sensors measure the electrons and ions simultane-
are measured by a Spherical Langmuir Probe, also mounted on the tower. ously over an angular field-of-view of 100 degrees x 10 degrees.
At the center of the support structure, the Charge and Current Probe This field-of-view combined with the motion of the rotary tables allows
measures the return current to the orbiter, recording large and rapid SPREE measurements over all angles out of the payload bay.
changes in orbiter potential, such as those produced when electrons are The Data Processing Unit (DPU) performs all SPREE command and
conducted from the tether to the orbiter frame or when an electron beam
control functions and handles all data and power interfaces to the orbiter.
is emitted.
In addition, the DPU processes SPREE data for use by the crew and the
A Fast-Pulse Electron accelerator emits electron beams of 50 and 100 ground support team. A portion of the SPREE data is downlinked real-
milliamperes (mA) at 1 kiloelectronvolt (keV), stimulating wave activity time and the full data set is stored on two SPREE Flight Data Recorders
over a wide range of frequencies. These beams discharge the orbiter (FDR). Each FDR holds up to 2 Gigabytes of data for post flight analysis.
and produce electrical changes in the system and can be pulsed with
The SPREE hardware is
on/off times ranging from 105 to 106 nanoseconds. The Fast-Pulse
Electron accelerator is located as close to the Core Electron accelerator located on the left side of the
Mission Peculiar Equipment
as possible and aligned so that the beams of both instruments are adjacent
Support Structure in this
and parallel. view of the tether payload.

For the Fast-Pulse Electron accelerator beam to be aimed with precision

for several experiments, a three-axis fluxgate magnetometer will measure
the magnetic fields in the payload bay. These measurements will map the
magnetic field lines in the payload bay, which is crucial since electron
beams spiral in response to these fields. Using this information, the elec-
tron beam can be aimed at various targets, including orbiter surfaces to
study the fluorescing that occurs.




This graph is a premission prediction

1000'0 1 J of the voltage generated across the
tether over time. The SETS and
The SETS hardware can be seen in the center of this
DCORE experiments will make
photograph of the Tether System. 0.0 ._ .... _., = .... t .... i
0.0 50 10.0 15.0 200 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 detailed measurements of tether
elapsed time from satellite release (hours}
generated potential
OR!GIN,_d_ Pb._E

Tether Optical Phenomena Experiment (TOP) Investigation of Electromagnetic Emissions

Stephen Mende, Associate Investigator for Electrodynamic Tether (EMET)
Lockheed Robert Estes, Principal Investigator
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
_ Using a hand-held camera system aboard the orbiter with image Observations at the Earth's Surface of
intensifiers and special filters, this investigation will provide
visual data that may allow scientists to answer a variety of questions Electromagnetic Emissions by TSS (OESEE)
concerning tether dynamics and optical effects generated by TSS-1. In Giorgio Tacconi, Principal Investigator
particular, this experiment will examine the high voltage plasma sheath University of Genoa
surrounding the satellite, by which the electron accelerators return current
to the plasma. One goal of these investigations is to determine the extent that
waves generated by the tether interact with trapped particles and
In place of the image-intensified conventional photographic experiment precipitate them. Wave-particle interactions are thought to occur in the
package, that has flown on nine previous Shuttle missions, a charge- Van Allen radiation belts where waves transmitted from Earth jar regions
coupled device electronic system will replace the film back. This new of energetic plasma and cause particles to rain into the lower atmosphere.
system combines the image intensifier and the charge-coupled device in Although poorly understood, wave-induced precipitation is important
the same package. The advantage of charge-coupled devices over film is because it may affect activity in the atmosphere closer to Earth. Various
that they allow realtime observation of the image, unlike film, which has wave phenomena that need to be evaluated are: discrete emissions, light-
to be processed after the mission. It also provides higher resolution in ning-generated whistlers, and sustained waves such as plasma hiss. Wave
low-light situations than conventional video cameras. receivers on the satellite detect and measure the characteristics of the
waves, and particle detectors sense wave-particle interactions, including
The imaging system will operate in four configurations: filtered, interfer-
those that resemble natural interactions in radiation belts. Ground stations
ometer, spectrographic, and filtered with telephoto lens. The basic system
consists of a 55 mm F/1.2 or 135 mm F/2.0 lens attached to the charge- may also be able to detect faint optical emissions produced as waves
disturb particles and enhance ionization.
coupled device equipment. Various slide mounted filters, an airspaced
Fabry Perot interferometer, and spectrographic equipment will be attached Another goal is to determine how well the Tethered Satellite System can
to the equipment so that the crew can perform various observations. broadcast from space. Ground-based transmissions, especially below
15 kHz, suffer from inefficiency. Most of the power supplied to the antenna,
For a current to be developed by the Tethered Satellite System, electron
large portions of which are buried, is absorbed by the ground. Because of
accelerators have to return electrons to the plasma surrounding the
the large antenna size and consequent high cost, very few ground-based
orbiter. The interaction between these electron beams and the plasma is
transmitters operate at frequencies below 10 kHz. Since the Tethered
not well understood. By using the charge-coupled device to make visual,
Satellite System operates in the ionosphere, it should radiate waves more
spectrographic, and interferometer measurements, this process, and how
efficiently. For frequencies less than 15 kHz, the radiated signals from a
it affects both the spacecraft and the plasma, can be better understood.
1-kW space transmitter may equal that from a 100-kW ground transmitter.
Thruster gases may also play a critical role in Tethered Satellite System
Waves generated by the tether will move in a complex pattern within the
operations. By observing optical emissions during the build-up of the
ionosphere and into the magnetosphere. Magnetometers at several loca-
system-induced electromotive force and during gas discharges, scientists
tions in the chain of worldwide geomagnetic observatories and extremely
can gain a better understanding of the interaction between a charged
low-frequency receivers at the Arecibo Radio Telescope facility, Puerto
spacecraft and the plasma environment and how the current system closes
Rico, will try to measure the emissions produced and track the direction
at the poles of the voltage source.
of the waves when electron accelerators in the orbiter payload bay pulse
the tether current over specific land reference points. An Italian ocean
surface and ocean bottom observational facility also provides remote
measurements of TSS-1 emissions. These instruments measure emissions
in the frequency range from dc to about 3 kHz.

(Far Left) Ground stations

around the world will attempt
to detect and measure the
different types of electromag-
netic waves generated by the

The Arecibo Radio

Observatory will be the focus
of Caribbean operations
. l.i 6 I ,. during TSS-I.

TSS-1 Science Investigations

The Investigation and Measurement of Dynamic Theory and Modeling in Support of Tethered
Noise in the TSS (IMDN) Satellite Applications _I'MST)
Gordon Gullahorn, Principal Investigator Adam Drobot, Principal Investigator
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Science Applications International Corporation
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of
TSS Dynamics (TEID) This investigation will develop numerical models of of
system's overall current and voltage characteristics, plasma
Silvio Bergamaschi, Principal Investigator sheaths that surround the satellite and the orbiter, and of the system's
Institute of Applied Mechanics response to the operation of the electron accelerators. Also of interest are
I TSS-1 will be the longest structure ever flown in space, and its the plasma waves generated as the tether current is modulated. All data
B dynamic behavior will involve oscillations over a wide range of collected on the mission will be combined to refine these models.

frequencies. Although the major dynamic characteristics are readily Two- and three-dimensional mathematical models of the electrodynamics
predicted, future applications of long tethers demand verification of the of the tether system will be developed to provide an understanding of the
theoretical models. Moreover, higher frequency -- essentially random -- behavior of the electric and magnetic fields, and the charged particles,
oscillations are more difficult to predict. This seemingly random behavior surrounding the satellite. These studies are expected to model the plasma
is called "dynamic noise" by analogy to radio static, and an understanding sheath surrounding the satellite under a variety of conditions. This
of its nature is needed for possible future uses of tethered platforms for includes those in which the motion of the tether and neutral gas emis-
microgravity facilities and for studying variation in the small scale struc- sions from thrusters are not considered, those that incorporate the effects
ture of Earth's gravitational and magnetic fields, caused by variations in of tether motion, and those that factor in the gas emissions.
the composition and structure of Earth's crust. These gravitational varia-
The sheath surrounding the orbiter has several unique features that are
tions may be related to mineral sources.
related to the ability of the electron accelerators to control the orbiter's
These two investigations will analyze data from a variety of instruments potential. Models of the orbiter's sheath when small currents are flowing
to investigate Tethered Satellite System dynamics. Primary instruments in the tether will consider the potential of the orbiter to be negative; for
will be accelerometers and gyros on board the satellite; tether tension and large currents, models will be developed assuming a positive orbiter
length measurements and magnetic field measurements will also be used. potential. In this way, the sheath structures and impedance characteristics
The dynamics will be observed realtime at the Science Operations Center of the orbiter/plasma interface can be studied.

and subjected to detailed postflight analysis. Basic models and simula- The response of plasma to the electromotive force produced by the
tions will be verified (and extended or corrected as needed); these can motion of the tether system through the geomagnetic field is another
then be used confidently in the design of future tethered missions, both of focus of this investigation. Using data from other studies, kinetic plasma
Tethered Satellite System and of other designs. The dynamic noise inher- processes will be analyzed or numerically simulated by computer to
ent to the system will be analyzed to determine the suitability of tethered
model the reaction of the ionosphere to the passage of TSS- 1.
systems to serve as platforms for sensitive observations of the geomag-
netic and gravitational fields, and if required, to develop possible damp- This investigation also models the relationship between the efficiency of
ing methods. wave generation and the amount of current flowing through the tether to
examine how the tether antenna couples to the ionosphere, and how ultra-
and very-low-frequency waves propagate through the ionosphere. These
models will complement the information gathered by TSS-1 instruments
with emissions recorded at ground stations.

The TMST experiment has developed numerical

models of the TSS current and voltage characteristics.
Graphic displays of data during the mission will be
similar to this premission prediction that examined
a case where the satellite was biased to 200 volts.


Twenty-four hours before deploy- When these _i the deployer corn- electrodynamic configurations.
ment, a crew member at a console operations are Satellite puter that controls Direct current operations will
in the aft flight deck activates complete, satellite _ Release the reel assembly. permit the study of the most
the Tethered Satellite System, to internal power is fundamental state of the electro-
'_ ..... _._ Once it passes 6
check the different systems. switched on, and a _:_:i!_'. kin, the satellite is dynamic Tethered Satellite
The satellite systems are checked crew member .- ___ ...__ spun at 0.25 rpm System, allowing the tether cur-
electronically through two cables, releases the latches so that sensing rent to determine its own behav-
called " and the first umbilical cable. instruments in the satellite and the ior. During current-voltage
The 12-m satellite deploy- orbiter can measure the response operations the tether current will
whichpro- _ _ • _: _ ment boom slowly extends of the system as it travels through
vide electri- ="=i_ ...... _.; from its housing, lifting the the electrical and magnetic fields
caI power satellite out of the payload in the ionosphere.
umbilicals, _ _II_Y
and link the bay. Once the boom is Six hours pass as the satellite
satellite and extended, a second umbilical steadily and gradually approaches
orbiter instruments. Portions of is used for a last-minute checkout Station 1, its fully deployed posi-
the pallet-mounted science pay- of the satellite's support systems at tion 20 km from the Shuttle. Ten
load gather data during different the boom tip and disconnected. hours of operations begin with the " On-Station
orbital phases and attitudes to The satellite is then sent on its way satellite's rotation being stopped \
establish basic operating charac- as its thrusters fire, gently lifting so that investigations can be per- be stepped rapidly through sev-
teristics and obtain general it away from the docking ring. formed on tether dynamics over eral different levels m let the
measurements of the Shuttle's Using a tether reel assembly, the course of an orbit. After these relationship between the tether
electrical and optical environment. the crew reels the satellite out investigations, gas-jet thrusters current and the magnitude of the
Engineers and scientists compare slowly and carefully, as they and spin the satellite, so it rotates tether's motional electromotive
these baseline data with measure- ground controllers monitor status 0.7 revolutions each minute. The force to be studied. Alternating
ments made later in the mission to and develop a sense for tether Deployable/Retrievable Booms current operations will permit the
determine the effects of the sys- control. A sensor at the tip of the extend to their first stopping point investigation of low-frequency
tem on the surrounding plasma. deployment boom continuously to measure the satellite's particle radio and plasma waves excited
measures tether tension, while a and field environment. The booms by modulating the tether current.
second sensor at the base of the remain at this first point for an In addition, several variations of
boom measures the speed of the entire orbit, and then move further these configurations will be used
tether. This information is fed to out to a second stopping point for particular experiments and the
to repeat the process. The third overflight of ground stations
and final measuring point is at looking for Tethered Satellite
full extension. System-induced radio emissions.
Instruments in the satellite and Approximately halfway through
the payload bay stimulate the these operations, the satellite's
ionosphere, measure the resulting rotation is reversed so that the
response, determine the power tether will not be twisted when
generation properties of the entire retrieval begins. However, the
J tether can be retrieved twisted
tether system, and characterize the
surrounding environment at three if necessary.
After Station 1 operations,
retrieval operations begin with
the reel assembly winding in
the tether. The satellite, under
computer control, approaches to
within 2.4 km of the orbiter, a
position known as Station 2,
where it stops for 5 hours to
dampen dynamic perturbations
t t ,.=f J and gather additional engineering
and science data. Many of the
same experiments conducted at
Station 1willberepeated, includ- Science instruments mounted Science Operations Center
ingtheboom measurements at in the cargo bay may continue located at Johnson Space Center.
three different distancesfromthe to take readings of the Shuttle In the operations center, they will
Whilestopped, any environment after docking, be able to evaluate the quality of
oscillationsthathave developed When these final measurements .........clata obtained, replan science
inthesystem willbedamped to are completed, the instruments activities as needed, and direct
anacceptable level. are turned off, and the Tethered adjustments to the instruments.
Retrievalresumes sothatthe Satellite System enters a quiet After the flight, the Science
finalstages ofretrieval anddock- state until the Shuttle returns Operations Center will support
ingtakeplace indaylight. When to Earth. ......data distribution and analysis.
thesatelliteis200mfromthe During the TSS-I mission, Deployer and satellite systems
crewmembers takeover principal investigators and their will be monitored by the Payload
tethercontrol. Using radar, support teams will monitor and Operations Control Center at
closed-circuit televisionimages, direct science activities from the Johnson Space Center.
computer displays, andlooking
outtheorbiter's windows to
monitor thesatellite's position
andspeed, crewmembers gradu-
allyease thesatellite backinto
thedocking ringontheboom by
controllingthetether reeltake-up
maneuvering thrusters.After
docking, thedeployer boom is
retractedintoitscanister, andthe
relatched tothesatellite
supportstructure. Themission
timeline provides forpost-
retrievaloperations atthistime,
allowing scientists tomake fur-
thermeasurements withthesatel-
liteinstruments. Once these
operations arecomplete, satellite
power isturned off.


Investigators in the Science Operations Center

The TSS-1 Crew

The Science Grew an attempt to rescue a malfunc- between ESA and NASA, he
With a number of experi-
Three scientists--Jeffrey A. tioning satellite. His research joined the NASA astronaut candi-
ments sharing equipment,
Hoffman, Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, interest lies in high-energy astro- dates selected in July 1980 for
the crew of TSS-I will work and Claude Nicollier--will be physics and his second space- astronaut training as a mission
the mission specialists for TSS- 1. flight was the Astro-1 ultraviolet specialist. He earned a B.S.
closely with the principal
Mission specialists are career and X-ray observatory mission. degree in physics from the
investigators to monitor astronauts who have been trained Franklin R. Chang-Diaz was University of Lausanne,
results, initiate changes, to operate orbiter hardware, selected in May 1980 as an astro- Switzerland, in 1970 and an M.S.
as well as specific mission naut candidate and became a degree in astrophysics in 1975
and control satellite opera-
experiments. mission specialist in August from the University of Geneva.
tions. The crew member
1981. He earned his B.S. degree He has helped develop retrieval
controlling this process will Jeffrey A. Hoffman, the in mechanical engineering in techniques for the Tethered
Payload Commander, will be on 1973 from the University of Satellite System, taken part in
have to rapidly analyze and
his third mission. He was selected Connecticut and his Ph.D. in infrared astronomy programs, is
synthesize data from such a certified test pilot, and is a cap-
by NASA in January 1978 and applied plasma physics in 1977
sources as radar, computer became a mission specialist in from the Massachusetts Institute tain in the Swiss Air Force. This

August 1979. He graduated from of Technology. He has been will be his first space mission.
displays, and direct visual
Amherst College in 1966 with heavily involved with the United
States controlled fusion program Two Italian scientists--Franco
a B.A. degree in astronomy
The crew for the first (summa cum laude), earned and has helped design new con- Malerba and Umberto Guidoni--
a Ph.D. in 1971 from Harvard cepts in rocket propulsion based will be the prime and alternate
Tethered Satellite System
University in astrophysics, and on high-temperature plasmas. His payload specialists for the mis-
mission brings to it a vari-
in 1988 earned an M.S. degree previous spaceflights were STS sion. Payload specialists are
ety of experience which in materials science from Rice 61-C in January 1986 and STS 34 astronauts provided by a payload
University. He made the first in October 1989. sponsor, who have been trained to
allow them to readily meet
Space Transportation System Claude Nicollier is a research perform specific science duties.
these challenges. The TSS-I Franco Malerba earned his
contingency spacewalk in 1985 in scientist selected in July 1978 by
crew has trained extensively the European Space Agency B.S. in electronics engineering
(ESA) to be one of three in 1970 (cure laude) and his
for the mission and will
Europeans to train as payload Ph.D. in physics, specializing
work closely with the prin-
specialists for the Spacelab 1 in biophysics, in 1974 from the
cipal investigators during mission. Under an agreement University of Genoa, Italy. He
the mission. was selected as one of the
European payload specialist
candidates for the first Spacelab
mission and served as a staff
member at the European Space
Agency Technical Center Space

Dr. Franklin R. Chang-Diaz Capt. Claude Nicollier Dr. Franco Malerba

Dr. Jeffrey A. Hoffman
Ot_,, ,., PLGE
Science Department, where he The Orbiter Crew Col. Loren J. Shriver (USAF), the
participated in a space plasma The commander, pilot, and flight Mission Commander, will be on
experiment that flew on Spacelab engineer complete the TSS- 1 his third mission. He graduated
1. He has performed research in crew. Veteran NASA astronaut from the U.S. Air Force Academy
membrane biophysics at the U.S. Loren J. Shriver serves as the in 1967 with a B.S. in aeronauti-
National Institutes of Health and mission commander, Andrew cal engineering and earned an
the Italian National Research M. Allen serves as the pilot, and M.S. in astronautical engineering
Council (CNR) and served as a Marsha S. Ivins as the flight from Purdue in 1968. Selected as
consultant to Digital Equipment engineer. The mission comman- an astronaut candidate in January
Corporation, Europe, for more der has responsibility for all _i9:/8 and completing training as
than a decade. He has also per- operations during the flight, a pilot in August 1979, Shriver
formed research on signal detec- while the pilot and flight engineer served as pilot on STS-51C, a
tion methodologies for sonar data assist in these efforts. Department of Defense Mission,
systems. Dr. Malerba will be the and as mission commander on CoL Loren J. Shriver
first Italian national in space. STS-31 for the deployment of the
Umberto Guidoni is a co- Hubble Space Telescope.
investigator on the Research on Major Andrew M. Allen
Electrodynamic Tether Effects (USMC),the Pilot, will be on his
experiment and was appointed first mission. He was selected as
the Project Scientist for it in an astronaut candidate in June
1989. In this capacity, he was 1987 and qualified as a pilot in
responsible for integration of the August 1988. He graduated from
experiment into the TSS-1 satel- Villanova University in 1977
lite. He earned his Ph.D in astro- with a B.S. in mechanical engi-
physics from the University of neering and graduated from the
Rome, Italy, in 1978. He has Marine Weapons and Tactics
served as a staff scientist in the Instructor Course, the U.S. Navy
solar energy division of ENEA Test Pilot School and the Naval
(National Council for Renewable Fighter Weapons School (Top
Maj. Andrew M. Allen
Energy) and became senior Gun). He has logged more than
researcher at the CNR Space 3,000 flight hours in some 30
Physics Institute in 1984. He different aircraft.
received a CNEN (the Italian Marsha S. Ivins, the flight
Nuclear Energy National engineer, will be on her second
Committee) post-doctoral fellow- mission. She was selected as an
ship for 1979-80 in the thermonu- astronaut candidate in May 1984,
clear fusion field. qualified as a mission specialist
in June 1985 and served as a
mission specialist on STS-32,
which retrieved the Long
Duration Exposure Facility. She
graduated from the University of
Colorado in 1973 with a B.S. in
aerospace engineering and holds
Marsha S. lvins
a multi-engine Airline Transport
Pilot License, a single engine
airplane, land, sea and commer-
cial licenses, and instrument,
multi-engine and glider flight
instructor ratings. She has logged
more than 4,500 hours in civilian
and NASA aircraft.
Dr. Umberto Guidoni
OR',Gi,..d_ PLGE
A tether cuts across magnetic maneuver. Still farther away, a Generating Spacecraft
fields in low-Earth orbit, convert- tethered probe retrieves samples Electrical Power Propulsion
ing some of the spacecraft's from the dusty, red Martian land- A tether system could supply Active Spacecraft Propulsion
orbital energy into electrical scape and returns them to the power to an orbiting spacecraft, After TSS-I characterizes the
power. Another tether is a giant parent spacecraft for analysis. supplementing solar arrays and electrodynamic properties of
antenna, transmitting electromag- Tethers may make these sce- batteries or serving as a backup conductive tethers, future mis-
netic waves that carry messages narios possible. Many ideas for emergency power system. The sions may be used to demonstrate
to Earth. An instrumented, aero- using tethers in space are being longer the tether, the higher the tether propulsion. If the direction
dynamic model is being towed by advanced, but before the scenar- electrical voltage it will produce. of the current in the tether is
a tether through the only wind ios become realities, the concepts The 20-kin long tether used in the reversed, the force caused by its
tunnel that can provide exact behind them must be proven. TSS-1 mission will generate up to interaction with Earth's magnetic
high-altitude hypersonic flight Several steps are being taken to approximately 5,000 volts, while field changes from drag to
conditions -- the upper atmo- bring the ideas to fruition. The a 96-kin long tether could gener- propulsion. If an onboard power
sphere. At a space station, a robot TSS-1 mission is crucial for ate as much as 15,000 volts. The supply, such as a solar array,
craft on its way to capture a demonstrating that satellites on total amount of power produced pumps electricity into the tether,
satellite is released from a tether very long tethers can be success- by the system will depend on the current direction is reversed,
and propelled into a higher orbit, fully deployed and retrieved conditions in the ionosphere and making the tether into an electric
and later, the Shuttle is released in space. It may also determine the capabilities of the satellite to motor. The electrical energy
on a tether from a remote docking whether conducting tethers can collect electrons. One of the flowing into the tether is trans-
port and lowered to the right generate high electrical potentials questions TSS- 1 may help to formed into motional energy for
altitude for return to Earth; no and drive currents, possibly lead- answer is how much current can the spacecraft, causing it to gain
fuel is expended for either ing to the production of power for be extracted from the ionosphere. altitude; thus, the spacecraft's
future spacecraft. Successful orbit is boosted without using
Tethered Satellite System flights precious fuel.
may lead to the following possi-
ble uses for tethers.

Passive Spacecraft Propulsion Broadcasting Studying the measure chemical constituents,
Non-conducting tethers can also from Space Atmosphere map global current systems and
propel spacecraft. A tether trans- Wave generation and propagation In an atmospheric mission, the magnetic and electric fields, track
fer system could place objects to are the focus of some TSS-1 Shuttle payload bay would face winds, and monitor pollution and
higher or lower orbits without experiments. Travelling through Earth, and the satellite could be ozone depletion. Measurements
excessive use of rocket engines the ionospheric plasma, the cur, lowered to a fringe area of the from this previously inaccessible
and fuel consumption. For exam- rent-carrying tether radiates atmosphere about 130 km above region will improve models
ple, if a satellite tethered above a electromagnetic waves from its Earth's surface on tethers up to of atmospheric chemistry
space station is released, it gains whole length, and especially 100 km long. Sounding rockets and dynamics.
momentum and moves into a from its two ends. By modulating have provided vertical profiles of The TSS-1 hardware can be
higher orbit while the station's the current (turning it on and off this atmospheric region in a few reconfigured for follow-on atmo-
orbit is lowered. Conversely, at desired frequencies in the same isolated spots, but it has not been spheric missions. The satellite can
if the Shuttle is lowered from manner that a radio station oper- studied on a global basis because be outfitted with additional insu-
a space station on a tether and ates), it may be possible to use atmospheric drag prevents satel- lation to control heating, atmo-
released, it loses altitude and the waves for communicationS. : lites from orbiting below approxi- spheric instruments, and
the station is boosted into a A 20- to 100-km long tether mately 180 km. aerodynamic stabilizers so that
higher orbit. deployed from the Space Shuttle With the Tethered Satellite most instruments can face for-
A tethered elevator could be could produce ultra-low- System, the region down to ward. Five times longer than
used for many transportation frequency (ULF) waves from 130 km can be surveyed for days on TSS-1, the tether would be
needs: moving payloads up and 3 to 30 hertz (Hz); extremely- at a time because the large inertial nonconducting. More advanced
down between a space station and low- frequency (ELF) waves mass of the orbiter overcomes missions may string probes down-
remote laboratories or platforms; from 30 to 300 Hz; and very-low- the satellite's relatively small ward to different points along a
taking laboratories to different frequency (VLF) waves from drag. Satellite instruments tether to collect data simultane-
gravity levels along a tether; 300 to 3,000 Hz. Ground-based immersed in the atmosphere can ously at different altitudes.
and returning materials to Earth antennas, especially below
for analysis. 15,000 Hz, are extremely ineffi-
cient as most of the power pushed
into them goes into heating the
ground. Broadcasting from space
in these bands could not only
prove to be much more efficient
but also extend the radio frequen- __
cies available.

0 i_ii -\- _- ..........

Movable platforms on an atmospheric tether could allow

scientists to gather extensive, global data about the upper
atmosphere simultaneously at a variety of altitudes,

COLOR [sisOTOGP'A£ H possibly leading to an understanding of phenomena

such as the ozone hole over the South Pole.

Using the Atmosphere Tether-Controlled
as a Wind Tunnel Microgravity
Wind tunnels on Earth are used When a tethered satellite is
to test the effects of aerodynamic deployed from a spacecraft, the
flow around objects, including center of mass for the total sys-
the thermal stability of structures tem shifts to a point between the
and materials. Tethers can give two objects. At some point near
engineers access to the largest, this center of mass, an object
open, continuous wind tunnel -- attached to the tether will experi-
• \ \ the atmosphere. A tether ence no relative acceleration, or
anchored to the Space Shuttle can zero-gravity. By changing the
lower an instrumented aerody- object's position on the tether,
namic model 100- to 150-km into different accelerations, or gravi-
the outer atmosphere. Here, it can ties, can be obtained. A portable
be exposed to ranges of condi- laboratory that can crawl to dif-
tions that are impossible to repro- ferent positions along the tether
duce in wind tunnels: heat can be exposed to various levels
transfer, drag, strong air flows, of microgravity; experiments
and turbulence. Data gathered exploring the effects of gravity on
from these tests can be used to materials and biological samples
improve spacecraft reentry and will benefit from such a facility.
Wind tunnels can only partially simulate flight condi- Conversely, a tethered ballast
develop aerobraking techniques
tions in the upper atmosphere. By using tethers to place could be used to "tune" a space
that take advantage of the atmo-
instrumented models in this region, engineers could
sphere to slow a spacecraft's station microgravity lab. By
gather true performance data on proposed designs for
speed. A Shuttle tethered aero- changing the length of the tether,
aerospace craft.
thermodynamic research facility the lab's center of gravity could
is being studied for demonstra- be changed to account for such
tion on a future mission. things as the use of consumables,
area movement, and other factors
affecting microgravity conditions.
Tethers could also be used to
simulate gravity in space. By
attaching a tether between two
objects, such as a living module
and an automated processing
facility, and then rotating the two
around a common point at the
center of the tether, the "artificial
gravity" of centrifugal force can
be created.

= i

A movable laboratory on a tether could be positioned at

COLOR p:-:OT,-,n-,_
J I ,J I '._'_Mgl_l&l
^ P_.,J

the exact level of gra_qty required by an experimenter.

Quick Reference To Experiments

Acronym Title Investigator/Organization PageNo.

EMET Investigationof Electromagnetic

Emissionsby the ElectrodynamicTether R. Estes,PI/SAO p. 26

IMDN Investigationand Measurementof DynamicNoisein theTSS G.Gullahorn,PI/SAO p. 27

OESEE Observationsat the Earth'sSurfaceof Electromagnetic

Emissionsby TSS G.Tacconi,PI/U.of Genoa p. 26

RETE Researchon ElectrodynamicTetherEffects M Dobrowolny,PI/CNR p. 24

ROPE Researchon OrbitalPlasmaElectrodynamics N. Stone,PI/MSFC p. 23

SETS ShuttleElectrodynamicTetherSystem P.Banks,PI/U.of Michigan p. 25

SPREE ShuttlePotentialand ElectronReturnExperiment M. Oberhardt,N/Phillips Laboratory p. 25

TEiD Theoreticaland ExperimentalInvestigationof TSSDynamics S. Bergamaschi,PI/Inst.of AppliedMechanics p. 27

TEMAG MagneticFieldExperimentfor TSSMissions F.Mariani,PI/U. of Rome p. 24

TMST Theoryand Modellingin Supportof Tether A. Drobot,PI/SAIC p. 27

TOP TetherOpticalPhenomenaExperiment S. Mende,AI/Lockheed p. 26

DCORE DeployerCoreEquipment C. Bonifazi,PI/ASI p. 23

SCORE SatelliteCoreEquipment C. Bonifazi,PI/ASI p. 23

Further Reading

1. "Applicationsof Tethersin Space,"Proceedings

of firstworkshop
on 17. Moore,R. D., "TheGeomagnetic
Thruster- A HighPerformance
applicationsof tethersin space,NASACP-2364,2365,2366, March 'Alfv_nWave'PropulsionSystemUtilizingPlasmaContacts."
1985. AIAAPaperNo. 66-257.
2. "TheProcessof SpaceStation DevelopmentUsingExternalTanks," 18.Moore, R. D., "TheSolarWind Engine,A SystemUtilizingthe Energy
Reportby the ExternalTankWorkingGroupof the CaliforniaSpace in the SolarWindfor Powerand Propulsion."
Institute,La Jolla, California,11 March1983. AIAAPaperNo. 66-596.
3. "ShuttleTetheredSatelliteSystemDesignStudy," 19. Moravec,Hans,"A Non-SynchronousOrbitalSkyhook."Journalof
NASATM X-73365,MarshallSpaceFlightCenter,December1976. theAstronauticalSciences,XXV,No. 4, pp.307-322,1977.

4. "TheTetheredSatelliteSystem,"FinalReportfrom the Facility 20. Pearson,Jerome,"AnchoredLunar Satellitesfor Cislunar

RequirementsDefinitionTeam;sponsoredby MSFCunder NASA transportationandCommunication."Journalof the Astronautical
ContractNAS8-33383to theCenterfor Atmosphericand Space Sciences,XXVII,No. 1, pp. 39-62, 1979.
Sciences,UtahStateUniversity,May 1980.
21. Pearson,Jerome,"TheOrbitalTower;A SpacecraftLauncherUsing
5. Alfv_n,H.,"SpacecraftPropulsion;NewMethods."Science, the Earth'sRotationalEnergy."ActaAstronautica2 (9/10),
Vol. 176,pp. 167- 168, 14 April 1972. pp. 785-799,1975.
6. Artsutanov,Y., "V KosmosBezRaket(Into SpaceWithout Rockets)." 22. Polyakov,G.,"Kosmicheskoye'Ozherel'ye' Zemli (A Space
ReportNo. ADA084507,Air ForceSystemsCommand,Wright 'Necklace'Aboutthe Earth)."TeknikaMolodezhi,No.4,
PattersonAFB,Ohio,lp69. pp.41-43, 1977.Translation:NASATM-75174.
7. Artsutanov,Y., "V kosmosnaelektrovoze."KomsomolskayaPravda, 23. Rupp,C.C.,and J. H. Laue,"Shuttle/TetheredSatelliteSystem."
31, July 1960. Journalof the AstronauticalSciences,XXVI-I,January-March1978.
8. Banks,PeterM, P.R.Williamson,and K. L. Oyama,"ShuttleOrbiter 24. Rupp,C.C.,"A TetherTensionControl Lawfor TetheredSubsatellites
TetheredSubsatellitefor ExploringandTappingSpacePlasmas." DeployedAlong the LocalVertical."NASATMX-64963,
Aeronauticsand Astronautics,February1981. September1975.
9. Clarke,Arthur C.,"TheSpaceElevator;'ThoughtExperiment,'or Key 25.Shoddy,W. C.,"ScientificandTechnicalApplicationsof a Tethered
to the Universe?"AdvancedEarthOrientedApplicationsof Space SatelliteSystem."175thAIAAAerospaceSciencesMeeting,
Technology,Vol. 1, pp. 39-48,1981. NewOrleans,Louisiana,15-17January1979.
10. Collar,A. R.,andJ. W. Flower,"A (Relatively)LowAltitude24-Hour 26. Tsiolkovsky,KonstantinE., "Grezio zemlei nebe(Speculations
Satellite."Journalof the BritishInterplanetarySociety,Vol. 22, pp. betweenEarthand Sky)." Moscow,Isd-voANSSSR,1959.
785-799,1969. First publishedin 1895.
11. Colombo,Giuseppe,E.M. Gaposchkin,M D. Grossi,"Shuttle-Borne 27. vonTeisenhausen, Georg,"Tethersin Space- Birthand Growthof a
'Skyhook;'A NewToolfor Low-Orbital-AltitudeResearch." NewAvenueto SpaceUtilization.NASATM-82571,February1984.
28. Williamson,P.Roger,P.M. Banks,and K. Oyama,
12. Colombo,Giuseppe,et al., "Useof tethersfor PayloadOrbitaltrans- "TheElectrodynamicTether."NASAContractNAS5-23837,
fer." SmithsonianAstrophysicalObservatory,NAS8-33691,March UtahState University,1978.

13. Dobrowolny,M., G.Colomboland M. D, Grossi,"Electrodynamicsof

LongConductingTethersin theNear-EarthEnvironment." Suggested Terms for Database Searches
October1976. AdvancedPlanetaryExploration
14. Drell,S. D., H. M. Foley,and M. A. Ruderman,"Dragand Propulsion Alfv_n
of LargeSatellitesin the Ionosphere:An AIfv6nPropulsionEngine Beanstalk
in Space."Journalof GeophysicalResearch,Vol.70, no. 13, ElectrodynamicInteractions
pp.313!-3145, July 1965. ElectrodynamicTethers
15. Hunter,MaxwellW.,"AdvancedSpaceTransportationOptions." Funiculars
Lockheed,August 1982. OrbiterMonitorTransfer
16. Isaacs,John D.,et al., "SatelliteElongationInto a True'Skyhook'." SolarSails
Science,Vol. 151,pp. 682-683,1966. Tether(s):History,Constellations,and Space

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

A: Amperes NASA: NationalAeronautics

ac; AlternatingCurrent and SpaceAdministration
Ah: Amperehours nT: Nanotesla
AI: AssociateInvestigator OESEE: Observationsat the Earth'sSurface
AMPS: Atmospheresand of ElectromagneticEmissions
and Plasmas by TSS
(NASAworkinggroup) PI: PrincipalInvestigator
bps: Bits per second POCC: PayloadOperationsControlCenter
CEA: CoreElectronAccelerator PSN: PianoSpazialeNazionale-
cm: Centimeters Italian NationalSpacePlan
CNR: ConsiglioNazionaledelle Ricerche RETE: Researchon Electrodynamic
-- ItalianNationalResearchCouncil TetherEffects
dc: DirectCurrent ROPE: Researchon OrbitalPlasma
DCORE: DeployerCoreEquipment Electrodynamics
deg: Degrees SAO: SmithsonianAstrophysical
deg C: DegreesCentigrade Observatory
deg/sec: Degreesper second (Cambridge,Massachusetts)
ELF: ExtremelyLow Frequency SCORE: SatelliteCoreEquipment
EMET: Investigationof SETS: ShuttleElectrodynamic
ElectromagneticEmissions TetherSystem
bythe ElectrodynamicTether SPREE: ShuttlePotentialand Return
eV: ElectronVolt ElectronExperiment
FPEA: FastPulseElectronAccelerator STS: SpaceTransportationSystem
g: Gravity (Numericdesignationindicates
Hz: Hertz specificmission)
IMDN: Investigationand Measurement T: Tesla(unit of measurefor
of DynamicNoisein theTSS magneticflux density)
IWG: InvestigatorWorkingGroup TAG: Three-axisAccelerometerGyro
JSC: JohnsonSpaceCenter TEMAG: MagneticFieldExperimentfor
K: DegreeKelvin TSSMissions
kbps: Kilobits per second TEID: Theoreticaland Experimental
keV: Thousand(Kilo) ElectronVolts Investigationon TSSDynamics
kg: Kilogram TMST: TheoryandModelingin Support
kHz: Kilohertz of Tether
KSC: KennedySpaceCenter TOP: TetherOpticalPhenomena
kV: Kilovolt Experiment
kW: Kilowatt TSS: TetheredSatelliteSystem
m: Meter TSS-I: FirstTetheredSatelliteSystem
mA: Milliamperes Mission.TSSdeployedspaceward
MHz: Megahertz and electrodynamictests
MOU: conducted
MPESS: Multi-PurposeEquipment ULF: UltraLow Frequency
SupportStructure VLF: VeryLow Frequency
MSFC: MarshallSpaceFlightCenter W: Watt


Thisbrochurewasdevelopedbythe TetheredSatelliteSystemProjectOffice,

Authors: C. BlakePowers,CharlotteShea,andTracyMcMahan,
all of EssexCorporation
Editor: C.BlakePowers,EssexCorporation

all of EssexCorporation

write-upby CaptainWilliamE.Slutter,U.S.Air Force,PhillipsLaboratory

Mr.BillyW. Nunley,TSS-1ProjectManager,MSFC
Mr.MurrayCastleman, TSS-I DeputyProjectManager,MSFC
Mr. RickHoward,TSS-1SciencePayloadProgramManager,NASAHeadquarters
Ms. PaulaCleggett-Haleim,
Ms. DebraRahn,PublicAffairsOffice,NASAHeadquarters
Mr. MarkHess,PublicAffairsOffice,NASAHeadquarters
Dr.FranklinChang-Diaz,TSS-1Mission Specialist,JSC
Mr.ClaudeNicollier,TSS-1Mission Specialist,JSC

With appreciationfor theirContributions:the TSS'i principalinvestigators,the

payloadexperimentdevelopers,andthe engineersandscientistson theirteams;
the TSS-I crew;MartinMariettaAstronauticsGroupandAleniaSpaceSystems
Group,the developersof thedeployerandsatellitehardware;andotherpartici-
pantsinthe TSS-1missionwho providedinformationandillustrationsand/or
reviewedthis document.


Coverpaintingandcenterfoldartby DavidW. Johnston,Huntsville,Alabama

Illustrationson pagesiv, 2,4, 10, tl, 12, 13, 28, & 29 byDavidW.Johnston
Illustrationson pages33 & 34 courtesyofAlenia
Illustrationson pages1 & 6 courtesyof MartinMarietta
Photographson page7 by PatCorkery,MartinMarietta
Photographof cometon page22 courtesyof R. RoyerandS.Padilla
Photographon page14 courtesyof ChristianoCosmovici,CNR

All otherphotographsandillustrationscourtesyof NASA










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