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When heat is transferred to foods in high amounts, the intensity of heat within
food increases and the temperature raises causing the food to cook, i.e., all food
substances contain heat and when additional heat is added to the substance, causes
temperature of food to rise and get cooked.
The reverse of this process is being removal of heat from food substance by
cooling the environment in which they are placed, i.e., all food substances contain heat
and when the surrounding temperature is cool this causes the heat or temperature of food
to go down and this is the basic principle is called Y 
     . Thus
slowing down the microbial activity with decreased temperature is the base behind
refrigeration and freezing.


This can be employed in any one of the three following ways

1. ëellar storage(temperature above 15*ë but < 30*ë
2. Refrigeration or ëhilling temperature(0*ë ± 7*ë
3. Freezing(-18*ë - -40*ë



It is a process of storing or preserving the foods below room temperature that is

30*ë, so that the enzymal activity could be kept under control.

" #

Temperature below than the room condition could reduce the activity of ripening
enzymes of foods and vegetables so that the maturation, ripening and sprouting of fruits,
vegetables, roots and tubers could be prevented.
è #$#

‰ Tubers-onions, potatoes.
‰ Roots
‰ Fruits
‰ ëereals and pulses
‰ ÷ome vegetables

˜ This type of storage required an underground to maintain such temperatures.

˜ This is generally followed in rural areas where the food crops harvested(in the
˜ The underground should be constructed below the ground level with adequate
ventilation and light.
˜ The products can be stored only during the winter and not during summer because
of high enzymal activity.
˜ The products can be kept in open sacs, boxes, drums and so on without the reach
of insects and rodents.
˜ The godowns must be protected by rodenticides and pesticide



It is the process of removing heat from a confined space and materials for the
purpose of reducing and maintaining the temperature below that of surrounding

" #
The refrigerator works on the principle called Bacteriostatic that is
Bacterial and enzyme activity are kept down at low temperature. This principle can be
employed to prolong the life of the perishable commodities.

Mechanical refrigeration is based on principle that liquids absorb larger
amount of heat from environment (food and change into gas or evaporated at one hand.
àt other hand, when the gases are compressed they turn into liquid and when circulated
again, it takes heat and gets converted into gas. Thus in mechanical refrigeration the
problem of conversion of liquid to gas (removal of heat from food and gas to liquid, (the
comprised gas is converted to liquid both goes on and on so long that there is no power
In this process of removal of heat from confined shape or material (food an
agent is to be used which should have the capacity to remove heat and capable of
changing from gas to liquid and vice versa. ÷uch agent aiding in this process is called as
³Refrigerant´. The liquid refrigerant commonly used in refrigeration process is ³Freon´.
The working system of a refrigerator is given below:

(  ) 


˜ In a mechanical refrigerator a gas (Freon enters the system and generally is

˜ From there it goes to condenser and the pressure is high enough and so the
refrigerant gets compressed to liquid.
˜ Xeat is given out to cooling water.
˜ This liquefied refrigerant (gas passes through the coil (throttle valve which is
placed in and around or behind cooling chamber in which food and drink are
˜ pn its journey through the coils or throttle valve the liquefied refrigerant collects
heat from food and drink kept in it. When heat is removed from food, it is cooled.
˜ àfter the heat is collected, the refrigerant goes to the evaporating chamber and
gets evaporated and changes back to gas and moves to compressor and changes
back to liquid. This process goes on over and over causing contents of cooling
chamber to become colder as more and more heat is removed from them.
In the compression type of refrigeration, some source of power such as gas
or kerosene or electricity is used to change or compress gas back to liquid to continue
the system. This is how the mechanical refrigerator works, if it is to remove heat
from confined space, the latent heat required for evaporation is taken from brine and
cooled brine is passed through pipes inside storage system.


The quantity of heat removed is measured by [   


 The standard amount of refrigerator capacity is known as µ    


1.The refrigerator is set at a particular temperature and goes into action as soon as
this temperature is exceeded.
2.While keeping the refrigerator open for a longer time than necessary will therefore
impose an extra load on the same because of low temperature.
3. The moisture of food is kept open accumulate as a thick layer of ice in deep
4.Foods should therefore be kept covered. This will also prevent foods from
catching the flavor of other foods.
 Xot foods must be allowed to cool to room temperature before they are placed
in the refrigerator.
 Fruits that are raw must be allowed to ripen before they are refrigerated
 The lower the temperature the greater will be the increase in retarding the
microbial enzyme activity

Perishable foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, milk, fish and eggs
can be preserved from 2 days to a week, when held at this temperature. This temperature
helps in retarding both microbial and enzyme activity. For best result it needs to maintain
not only the temperature but also relative humidity, ventilation and composition of
atmosphere which can affect the preservation of food. Xence commercial cold storage
are maintained with proper ventilation, air velocity and atmosphere through automatic
control of temperature and these are in use throughout the country. This is more
important for storage of semi-perishable products and this system has made such foods
available throughout the year and has also stabilized their prices.

 # è (Duration of storage for best



1. Butter 34
2. ëheese 30.36
3. ëondensed milk 35.40
4. Margarine 32.35
5. Fresh milk 32.35


˜ It reduces spoilage during distribution of perishable food products after harvest.
˜ To increase the holding period between harvesting and processing.
˜ To extend storage of processed products.
a Possibility of export.
b ÷moothens and price variation.
˜ Improves the processing quality of foods. E.g.: cooking citrus fruit reduces
changes in flavor during extraction and straining of juice.
˜ àcceptability and N.V. substantially retained.
˜ Forms of deterioration which are retarded:
a Physiological changes: induces enzymatic and chemical reaction which alters
the N.V, colour, etc«
b Microbial changes: higher rate of growth at room temperature. They are after
at room temperature and about at refrigeration temperature, these changes are
in a slow rate.

˜ uite beyond its defects upon micro-organisms cold can cause deterioration of food if
not controlled according to type of food. Uncontrolled cold will deteriorate foods.
This is because even though cold temperature will slow down microbial growth and
activities and may till a certain fraction of bacterial population, cold including severe
freezing cant be dependent upon to kill all bacteria, not only cold storage and
freezing fails to sterilize foods but when food is taken from cold storage and
surviving organism after resume rapid growth.
˜ The cold storage growth defect, the food in the form of deterioration includes of
colour development, surface pitting 2 various forms of decay. It also slows down
activities of natural ripening enzymes and result in poor ripened colours.
˜ The refrigerator storage permits exchange of flavour between many types of foods if
they are stored near one another, so allow economically possible.
˜ Refrigerator storage leads to nutrient losses as in the case of vitamin distribution.
˜ ÷till other common damages in foods during refrigerator storage involves loss of
firmness and crispness in fruits and vegetables change in colour of red meat,
oxidation of fats, staling of bread and cake, loss of flavour, etc«.


Factors such as control of low temperature, control of relative humidity,

air circulation, composition, storage, atmospheres, irradiation, etc.. are discussed
The lower the temperature of storage, the greater the shelf life so the
chilling temperature is selected on the basis of the kind of food and the time and
condition of storage. ëertain foods have an optimum storage temperature or a range
of temperature when above the freezing point and may be damaged by the low
temperature. à well known example is banana which should not be kept in
refrigerator. It keeps good about 13.3*ë to 16.7*ë. ÷ome varieties of apples
undergo low temperature but breakdown at freezing temperature. ÷weet potato keeps
best at 10-12.6*ë. The temperature of refrigerator is mechanically controlled but
varies in different parts usually between 0-10*ë

The optimum RX of atmosphere in chilling storage varies with food and
with the environment factors such as temperature, composition of atmosphere. Too
low RX results in a loss of moisture and hence loss of weight thereby causing witting
and shrinkage of foods. Too high RX enhances the growth of microorganisms. The
higher RX, near saturation is required for most of the bacterial growth on surface of
food. Xigh moisture to needed by yeast about 90-92% and still les by moulds, can
grow in RX of 85-90% changes in humidity as well as in temperature during storage
may cause ³÷weeping´ or ³Precipitation´ of moisture on the food. à moist surface
favours the microbial growth. E.g.: ÷lime on the moist surface of sausages.

Ventilation or control of air velocity of the storage room is important in
maintaining uniform RX throughout the room in removing odour, careful control of
air flow is necessary to remove heat which leaks through the water and also to
remove heat given off by food products.

-. '
The amount and proportion of gases in storage atmosphere
influence preservation by chilling. Usually no attempt is made to control composition
of atmosphere, although stored plant food continue to respire using oxygen giving out
carbon dioxide.
In recent years increased attention is given to gas storage of
foods where the composition of atmosphere has been controlled by the introduction of
carbon dioxide, ozone or other gasses or removal of oxygen , gas storage is ordinarily
combined with chilling storage and it has been found out that in the atmosphere of
optimal concentration of carbon dioxide(controlled atmosphere

˜ Foods will remain unspoiled for a longer period.

˜ à higher RX can be maintained without any harm to keeping quality of certain
˜ à higher storage temperature can be used without shortening the keeping time of
food, then possible with ordinary chilling storage.
˜ It is especially advantageous to be able to maintain RX without added risk of
microbial spoilage as many foods keep them their original qualities better if they
loose little moisture.

The combination of UV radiation with chilling storage helps to preserve some
foods and may permit the use of higher humidity or storage temperature then is
practicable with chilling alone. UV temperature has been in cold stores and room to
prevent mold growth and surface examination usually in case of meat and cheese.


Father of food freezing is ³ë[ ´ (1885-1936 . The storage
of foods in the frozen conditions has been an important preservation method with
development of mechanical refrigeration and of quick freezing process. The frozen food
industry has rapidly expanded. Even at home, the freezing of food have become
extensive and deep frozen foods are readily available under usual conditions of storage of
frozen food microbial growth is prevented entirely and action of food enzymes is greatly
retarded. The preservation of foods by freezing depends on this principle.
! (similar to refrigeration
It is a process of -18*ë to -40*ë temperature below than refrigeration
temperature that is 0*ë in order to make microorganisms unable to survive and grow in
the food media.


Bactericidal action

$ #

*àll types of changes that cause decay whether due to living microorganisms (or
enzymes naturally present are slowed down at low temperatures.
*By freezing the water present in fresh foods is with drawn from food which can almost
be considered to have been dried.
*à further principle underline modern process of quick freezing is that the rapid
withdrawal of heat leads to conversion of watery fraction of food into very small crystals
which do much less than harm to structure of commodity frozen then the largest crystal
produced when rate of freezing is slow.
Eg: Ice cream-when placed in a ice cube tray of a home refrigerator gets a coarse texture
owing to formation of large ice crystals.
Eg: ëommercial rapid freezing is practiced which produces products of high quality and


The quality of the food to be frozen is of prime importance for the frozen
food can be known better than the food before it was frozen. Generally fruits, vegetables,
milk products and non-veg items are frozen. Foods can be frozen either in their raw form
(ready to eat after thawing .
Except frozen food items like ice cream, fruit juice, rolls and some sweets
others needs to be brought to the room temperature to use for preparation (or cooling
(or heating (or reheating and eating. This process of bringing the frozen food from that
temperature room temperature is called as Thawing.
This frozen food industry otherwise called as ready prepared frozen food
industry seems to be the bigger food industry in western food countries and anything is
available in frozen form and frozen foods restaurant are exclusively in operation where
the customers need to buy frozen prepared food, thaw it, reheat in microwave oven before
being consumed these restaurants are called as Electronic ëafeterias.

ëhoose the right quality of food suitable for freezing (fruits, vegetables,
non-veg items .
ë :-
Items need to be cleaned and washed.
Removal of all inedible portions, shelling or cutting or slicing or peeling
or trembling or removing core seeds etc«.
In case of vegetables they are to be blanched or scalded in order to
˜ Inactivate the plant enzymes, otherwise it may causes toughness, changes in
color, flavor, etc«
˜ To reduce microbial population to as much as
˜ Enhancement of flavor
˜ Witting of leafy vegetables
˜ Displacement of air entrapped in tissues.
In case of fruits they are dipped in ÷odium chloride solution to prevent browning
reaction and there is ëalcium chloride solution which acts as a firming agent. In case of
non-veg items dip them in water or in ÷odium chloride solution.

àfter the preparation the food items can be frozen as raw form. às such
directly or packed in bags or in solution processed form- ready to cook after thawing
cooked form-items are prepared ready to eat and frozen immediately.
Frozen items are to be packed properly and stored at -18*ë or less than that.


÷imilar as refrigeration.


There are 3 basic methods of freezing in commercial views and they are a air
freezing (blast freezing b freezing by indirect contact with refrigerant, c freezing by
direct immersion in a refrigeration material.
àIR Ië DI freezing
÷low or sharp freezing Multiplated freezing Use of low freezing point
Blast freezing ÷lush freezing ëryogenic f
Fluidized bed freezing Freon f

-. 3&"#3:-
In this method freezing of food is done by cold air with various
degrees of velocity. The 3 common method of system are
a ÷low or sharp freezing
b ëonvection or blast freezing
c Fluidised bed freezing

It usually refers to freezing in air with only natural circulation.
The method introduced in 1861 become termed ÷harp freezing since anything below -
18*ë was then considered a very low temperature. In this method, food is placed in
an insulated cold room at a temperature of -23*ë to -29*ë. The freezing time can be
several hours to days. This is a slow method since air velocity is not forced.

$"# +3:-
In contrast to sharp freezing, air blast freezing is operated at a
temperature of -29*ë to -49*ë. Xere a blast of colk air is directed on foods quickly
freezing them in 12-18 hours. In this method, air velocity is forced by means of fans.

In this process a blast of cold air with velocity exceeding velocity
of free fall of particles is blown to get the condition ± Fluidisation. In such condition
when air with high velocity is blown up this imparts a slight vibratory motion of the
particles which accelerates the freezing rate. This gives intimate contact of each
particle with cold air to keep clusters from freezing together.

It includes those methods in which foods or food packages is
in contact with surface which in turn is cooled by a refrigerant, but food or food
package doesn¶t come in contact with refrigerant directly. In case of solid foods, a
food in container, the packet are food has contact with freezer plate. In case of liquid
foods they are pumped to a cold wall heat exchanger or frozen. The important
indirect contact freezing methods are:
a Multiplated freezing
b ÷lush freezing

This consists of a number of metal sieves or plates through
which refrigerant is circulated. The food usually as flat packages is placed between
shelves and pressure is given to squeeze the shelves into more intimate contact with the
top and bottom of packages for faster freezing.

$ #'3:-
Xere liquid foods or purees are pumped through a tubular scrap
surface which has a rotating shaft. This rotating shaft occupies the most inner tube
space and to so food is forced to pass through remaining annulus as a thin layer in
contact with cold wall. The scraper blades attached to and rotating with rotator shaft
continuously scraped the cold wall as food tends to freeze on to it. Freezing occurs in
a matter of seconds and in this method, freezing is never carried to completion or else
the frozen product would set up in tube and choke off continuous flow. Xence the
liquid or puree is frozen to a slush condition package and then hard frozen in an air
blast or immersion type freezing.

It includes those methods in which the foods is food package is
indirect contact with refrigerant either submerging the food in cold liquid or spraying
the cold liquid on to food or on packaging surface.
Direct immersion freezing immediately places limitations on
refrigerants that will be used especially if they had to come in contact with unpacked
foods. These includes the requirements of 1 Non ± toxicity, 2 purity, 3 cleanliness,
4 freedom from foreign particles, 5 absence of foreign color or bleaching agents,
6 non-toxicity and non corrosiveness.
The types of immersion freezing methods are:

The low freezing point liquids that have been used for contact
with non package foods includes solution of sugar, ÷odium chloride (Brine and
glycerol these solution are used in sufficient concentration to remain as liquid at -
18*ë or lower it be effective, sugar solution have been used to freeze fruits, brine is
used to freeze fish at sea and glycerol. Water mixture has been used to freeze fruits.
$ 3%&
This method being rapidly developed involves the exposure of
foods to a cooling medium at a very low temperature. The term Gyogen means the
gases of extremely low boiling point, cryogenic liquid, are liquefied oxygen,
carbondioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, air and most commonly used cryogenic
liquid is nitrogen, liquid nitrogen at a temperature at -195.8*ë has been used
successfully on a commercial scale. This principle may be used in a number of way
1 for example: strawberry can be immersed in liquid nitrogen 2 food to be frozen
can be exposed to spray of liquid nitrogen 3 foods can be exposed to a blast of very
cold nitrogen gas. The rapid immersion freezing or direct contact freezing achieved
by those processes can give product particularly good flavor of the 5 cryogenic
liquids (nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, argon and liquid nitrogen is more commonly
used and has more advantage than commonly used.

à    "
a It is relatively inexpensive
b Easy to obtain from air
c ëhemically inert
d Doesn¶t burn or explode
e It will not leave a residue on evaporation.

à    ë :-

a It provides the fastest rate of freezing, so a superior product almost on par with
the original natural product is obtained.
b It takes just a few seconds for freezing the food products.
c ëapital cost is significantly less since the refrigerant is involved.
d Maintenance cost of plant is also less.
e Plant occupies less space.
f Freezing tunnels have least standard and shut at time less than 10 minutes.
g Because of their high speed of liquid nitrogen freezing (80 sec it can give a
quality and unattainable by other non-cryogenic freezing methods. It improves
texture, appearance, freshness, and quantity of the products. It will produce less
dehydration loss during freezing and less drup loss during thawing than other
freezing methods ,that is, it can prevent 5% loss of weight of some foods.

The newest entry into the composition between fast freezing methods is
direct contact with a special Freon refrigerant manufactured by Du-point. It has a boiling
point of 30*ë at atmospheric pressure which is not as cold as liquid nitrogen. Liquid
Freon will be sprayed on foods within the freezing chamber. The cost of Freon seems to
be more compared to liquid nitrogen but several Freon freezers have recently gone into
commercial use in Uֈ and claims have been made far exceptional frozen product
quantity at costs lower than liquid nitrogen.

ëryogenic freezing system has 4 stages.

They are:

a Pre-cooling:-were the products to be frozen is reduce from cooling temperature to

optimum temperature just before it enters the freezer to prevent thermal loss of
the foods which results in cracking.
b Pre-chilling:-Xere the foods are exposed to a very cold temperature of -195.8*ë
and they get frozen within a fraction of time say within 80 sec.
c Freezing:-Xere the temperature of product reduced to a point where the latent heat
of fusion of the moisture is removed.
d Equilibrium and storing:-The temperature of the food is stabilized in the entire
product and then properly packed and stored at -18*ë or less than that.



÷election, cleaning Green peas, carrot, àpple, jackfruit, Fish, meat, poultry.
and washing potatoes, peas, mango, orange, Right good quality
spinach, okra, brinjal. pineapple, grapes. product, cutting,
Right good quality removing bones,
product, shelling, scales etc.
peeling, immersing,
cutting edges,
removing core, seeds
Pre-preparation ÷licing or cutting, ÷licing, blanching, ÷licing, blanching,
treatment blanching, scalding, dipping in ÷odium dipping in water or
(blanching time varies chloride or ëalcium ÷odium chloride
from 1-5 depending chloride solution. solution.
on type of vegetables
Freezing(done by any a If raw, freeze it ÷ame ÷ame
one of 7 methods directly on packs and
freeze it at -18*ë
b If processed readily
to cook except final
cooking rest of the
products is done and
c If cooked ready to
eat, final preparation
is done to frozen

÷torage ÷tore them in +8*ë ÷ame ÷ame

Use Use Thaw, bring to room ÷ame

temperature, use.

In the methods above discussed all the method are set to fast or quick freezing
except slow or sharp freezing which is a slow freezing because here foods are frozen only
at -18*ë to -28*ë with natural circulation are cold air and the time taken for freezing
methods (blast freezing, fluidized bed freezing, multiplate freezing, slush freezing, use of
low freezing point, liquids and cryogenic liquid nitrogen freezing . The temperature
range is -49*ë to -195.8*ë at one hand and it reduces the time of freezing at the other
hand (say within hours to seconds quick freezing is more advantageous compared to
slow freezing.

÷maller ice crystals are formed and hence there is less mechanical
distribution of intact cells of the foods produced products of high quality and
 This less mechanical destruction of cells helps in minimum
drip loss during Thawing.
 There is more prompt prevention of microbial growth.
 There is more rapid slowing down of enzymes action.
 Texture of the frozen products is as fine as smaller ice
crystals are formed.
Rate of freezing is quick and hence more food can be frozen in a
given time compared to slow freezing.

 It leads to large ice crystal formation which will affect the
cells of food leading to structural destruction.
 Large ice crystal formation will produce a product of coarse
 Large of ice crystal formation will result in more drip loss
during thawing.
 Rate of freezing is slow.

+3%& +&3

às a preservation method, freezing takes over where refrigeration and cold

storage leaves off coupled with preservation. Freezing has a major advantage of bringing
convenient food to the housewives, restaurant, hotels and institutional feeding
establishment. Freezing when properly done preserves food without major changes in
size, shape, texture, color and flavor.
Freezing permits much of the work in preparing a food item or an entire
meal to be done. Prior to the freezing step this transfer operation is to be done by
housewives to restaurant or hotel chief to the food processor.
Today diverse items like fish, filets, fish steaks, meat-pie, fish-pie, chicken-
pie, fruit-pie and complex meals are commonly prepared and quickly frozen. The
virtually unlimited items may be frozen in the final sewing dishes by the hundreds of
million represent a major evolution in the food industry and reflect the changes in heating
habits. àt the present time no form of food preservation is well suited to provide
maximum convenience as freezing.

!+3%& +%&
Water, when frozen can burst iron pipes and so it should not be
surprising than unless proper control of freezing can disturb food texture, structure,
denature protein, rancid fat and cause other changes of both physical and chemical
nature. This effect can occur either at the point of freezing or during storage or thawing.
1. During freezing foods are exposed directly to cold wave (unpacked . It
may result in thermal shock of the food which may result in crackling.
This can be eliminated by proper pre-cooling the product and pre-chilling
the product and then subjecting to freezer temperature.
2. When food is directly exposed to cold zone, there is tendency to loose
moisture which may result in volume reduction of food. This can be
avoided by proper packaging the foods in plastic covers or any others such
suitable materials and then freezing.
3. àny fluctuation in freezing (even in quick freezing may result in the
formation of large ice crystals which may harm the structure of food
(crackling .

During storage of the food in frozen condition chemically and
enzymatically, reaction proceed slowly fluctuation in storage temperature may denature
the protein content of poultry, fish and meat.
Red myoglobin fats of meat and fish may be oxidized and hydrolysed
resulting in rancidity.
Fluctuation in storage temperature may lead the dessication of the food
resulting in the loss of moisture at the surface. This results when ice crystals evaporate
and this defect is called as ³freezer burn´ (it can happen even during freezing if food is
directly exposed to cold zone resulting in the loss of moisture at the surface . à freezer
burn is the defect due to loss of moisture from the surface of the food that spot will be
dried, grainy and brown in color.

By proper packing of food to be frozen to reduce water loss or packing
the frozen food and storing.
Use of glacing- simplest, protective covering where 2-3 layers of ice
coating is given by freezing which is periodically replaced during storage.

àll frozen foods need to be properly thawed were ready to cook or eat.
If not done carefully it may result in
D !
When ice crystals melt or evaporate the liquid is either absorbed back into the
tissue cells or leak out from the food. When controlled thawing is done it usually results
in return of moisture in the cell resulting in a food more or as like. The original food that
was frozen in uncontrolled thawing it results in lacking of moisture which is called as
Drip loss which will result in volume reduction in food.
˜ The pink or reddish liquid that comes from meat on thawing is called as dripping
or bleeding and the liquid oozing from the fruits and vegetables on thawing is
termed as leakage.
˜ If thawing is very slow and if the thawed food is allowed to stand at room
temperature this is an opportunity for considerable growth and activity of
microorganisms. àlso enzymes will start acting if thawing is slow or if the
thawed food is not used at once. These 2 defects can be prevented by prompt
thawing and using the food at once.
˜ Due to power failure or fluctuation if there is repeated freezing and thawing
during storage, it is more determined to the quality of the frozen foods.

÷ince bacteria survive the freezing process when times are
long for thawing and temperature of product rise, there is considerable opportunity for
bacterial multiplication.

Freezing doesn¶t change the content of protein and fat but
repeated freezing and thawing during storage due to power failure or fluctuation may
result in oxidative denaturation of protein and oxidative rancidity of fat. But these occur
at a very slow rate during storage.

àlthough freezing doesn¶t destroy vitamins and minerals the
various pre-processing steps prior to freezing like blanching, scalding, washing, trimming
and cooking may reduce vitamin content especially water soluble vitamins. Vitamin ë at
the rate of blanching may cause a loss of 10-20% foods stored at -20*ë will loose 50% of
vit-ë in a year, 4-5 fold loss occur for each 6*ë rise in temperature. Prolonged storage
will result in vit-ë loss.
It is evident from the facts discussed above that the cold
storage (refrigeration to freezing are important methods of food preservations.

Refrigeration to freezing helps to:-

˜ Minimize enzymatic and microbial activity at one hand.
˜ Extend the storage life of perishable food product for a longer period. It was
Elareince in 1920 who pioneered in the quick freezing processes equipment.
Frozen product and frozen food packaging made out frozen food industry most
technologically developed preservation Pre-Processing industry.

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