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Rev: 12/28/08 ABC theory explained (canonizer version)

At the first moment of cosmogenesis ("big bang" as science sees it) -- the initial
highest frequency/energy phase order (spiritual) triune fields of spacetime,
fractally involve, and descend in orderly frequency-energy phase orders, stepping
down from near infinite frequency spectrum's to near zero -- after emanating from
the *singularity* of general relativity... Whose dual inherent qualities, at its zero-
point center of origin (absolute space) -- are both, *potential* subjective
consciousness and *potential* objective *matter*.

(Note that only this eternal, unconditioned "absolute space" is forever ineffable --
but once manifest or emanated and radiated in time, everything, thereafter, is
subject to logical scientific-philosophical investigation and explanation)

The following diagrams symbolize this initial fractal involution and expansion of




This source of everything in our physical-phenomenal hyperspace and metric

space-time is the timeless and dimensionless zero-point center and surrounding
infinite spin momentum, (G-force or "spinergy*) of unconditioned and eternal
Absolute SPACE. This primal space remains, ubiquitously, in our lower order
physical/material spacetime, as the zero-point center of "spinergy" at the origin
(singularity) of every radiant field, fundamental particle and physical form -- up
to the largest galaxy, quasar, black hole, etc. Einstein labeled this ubiquitous
source of ZPE, "aether" or " total space.”

It is this Absolute SPACE that is both the creative force (conscious will) and the
receptive womb (infinite spin momentum on triple perpendicular sets of infinite
spherical axes) that constitutes the "cosmic eggs" out of which all subsequent
universes, with their metaphysical hyperspace and physical metric space fields,
fractally involve... And, after descending to the lowest order physical space (at the
third fractal iteration) -- subsequently evolve, simply and directly (by natural
selection, possibly guided by morphogenetic fields linked to fundamental
consciousness along with stored memory of previous life forms)... With our
cosmos being only one of those infinite "parallel" universes... With the same
fundamental cyclic and electrodynamic laws, rooted in primal spin momentum,
governing each of them.
Thus, everything (including all multidimensional space-time fields and all matter-
energy forms) throughout all spherically manifest SPACE-TIME universes, are
cyclic in nature, appear and disappear periodically, and their harmonic field
involutions are essentially analogous and corresponding -- in accord with
holographic principles and the universal laws of electrodynamics... All, based on
the ubiquitous fractal topological geometry and the fundamental spin momentum
of every-zero-point "singularity" throughout "total space" (including "hyperspace"
of string theory and metric spacetime of general relativity [GRT])...

Therefore, since consciousness is the fundamental quality of the zero-point center

of spin momentum in absolute space -- each such "singularity" is potentially
conscious as is every zero-point center of all fractal involved information/energy
fields radiating from it, ad infinitum.

To comprehend the origin of this endless and beginningless fundamental nature of

all harmonic polar hyperspherical (toroidal) fields, at any phase order of overall
involved spacetime, see: http://canonizer.com/files/BuddhaBabyGordianKnot.jpg
Note that the central spiral vortex crossover point (analogous to all adjoining
toroidal fractal involved fields) is what modern string and quantum physicists
might call a "twistor" or a "wormhole" in our total physical spacetime.

The following is a cross-section diagram of how all energy fields (starting with
cosmogenesis) radiate analogously as a harmonic series of hypersphere's (toroids)
-- one inside the other, ad infinitum: http://canonizer.com/files/
InvolutionToroidFractFld-di.jpgNote: Not shown here, are the lines of force
emanated in the opposite direction from the initial singularity... Nor are shown the
fractal involutions of all spherical fields within each toroid's outer circles (as they
generate their own inner fractal involved hyper-spheres due to lateral rotation on
their zero-point centers). That infinite divisibility of absolute space is the basis of
the holographic nature of all reality.

This fundamental structure of spacetime, includes all zero-point fields radiated

from the ZPE at the Planck level (that generates and empowers all the black hole
centers of every galaxy, star, planet, organism, organ, cell, virus, down to each
fundamental quantum and sub quantum particle (standing-wave) and all the
electrodynamic radiant fields of metric space and hyperspace in our physical
spacetime realm.

Thus, all consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, detection, perception,

discernment, discrimination, decision, etc. is located at the ubiquitous source of
all ZPE fields, and all information of consciousness is carried, transformed and
transmitted as holographic wave interference patterns on the surfaces of such
hyperspace fields... With the entire universe and all the structures within it,
essentially a hologram... And with all information of consciousness (both efferent
and afferent, or willful and perceptible) carried as AM/FM modulated wave
interference patterns on the surface of the higher order coenergetic fields. Such
information can be transmitted from one harmonic fractal involved field to the
other, by phase conjugate adaptive resonance... (Note the analogy to musical
sound and color spectrum's on the physical level.)

All such information is also reflected in the EM fields of the brain whose
malleable neural network serves as the material/physical/chemical link between
the senses, neuromuscular system, and the mind and memory fields. The brain
also is the CPU and controller of all the autonomic life support systems within the
corporeal body. In itself, the brain is entirely unconscious -- except for the
subliminal cellular awareness of their own individual conditions.

All such information of consciousness (either neurologically transformed sensory

or stored memory field images) can be holographically reconstructed, detected
and perceived as qualia, at each zero-point of awareness (at the field centers of
origin) -- solely by reflection of appropriate higher order coherent radiation,
projected willfully from the spin-momentum (spinergy) surrounding each point of
sensory perception. This willful projection also is linked to the control of attention
-- which in the case of vision, automatically directs the saccades, convergence,
and focus of the eyes -- in conjunction with the neural processing, hard wire-
linked everywhere throughout the body, and the learned control of all intricate
and subtle muscle movements at the level of "cell memory". This could also
explain how a musician can play a practiced musical piece, once thoroughly
learned, without any conscious thought or attention to the body or the instrument.
Note that our appreciation of music and our emotional and physical response to it
is also based on cellular memory, and may even go as deep as our DNA
memory... As evidenced by music (harmonics, resonance, etc.) and rhythm
(massage, acupuncture, acupressure, tapping, etc.) used as a medium of healing.

Thus, we see and hear from a point in the center of our head, feel pain at the point
of trauma, taste on the tongue, smell in the nose, touch on the skin, etc, -- with all
such zero-points pf awareness entangled with the central zero-point of our
individual self or "I AM" consciousness -- located in the neural plexus at the
naval chakra center of the overall body aura or spiritual field. See:

This highest order field center is also linked to the respiratory system, and at
another frequency-energy phase order, controls the heart beat. And, the overall
series of higher order fields are equivalent to the undetectable "prana" or "chi"
energy fields used in Chinese tai chi chuan and chi gong/acupuncture, as well as
aryavedic medicine and vipassana yoga healing techniques. Thus, everything is
interconnected at the level of zero-point consciousness, as well as (on the level of
information) through inter-field resonance.
Therefore, right from the primal beginning, everything (including spacetime
itself) is electrodynamic in fundamental nature, and all the laws of electricity,
harmony, resonance, capacitance, resistance, inductance, etc, as well as
thermodynamics (on the metric physical material levels) universally underlie all
the laws of nature.

That is the true meaning of the phrase "mind over matter", and explains all
placebo effects, blind sight, phantom limb, near death experience (NDE), out of
body experiences (OOBE), déjà vu, and many other observed psychic powers and
phenomena’s -- that are unsatisfactorily explained, or entirely unexplained by
conventional reductive science.

As I see it -- which incidentally, doesn't contradict any valid or *proven*

physics... It's these fundamental laws of cycles, rooted in original spin (pun
intended;-) that are also the basis of all mathematically described quantum
dynamics, and the origin of all cosmic matter-energy fields and their forms and
effects, that are postulated in superstring/M theories, and other, as yet
unfalsifiable multidimensional hyperspace (ether) field, plasma field, quantum
field, holographic paradigm, micro-particle theories, etc.

As presented here, the ABC model apparently synthesizes all these scientific
theories along with all philosophies (that are proven to be true) with "religion" or
the re-tying, re-joining or yoking of our individual consciousness with the all
wise, all knowing, all present God, deific principle, or cosmic consciousness --
that initiates each cycle of cosmic life.

IOW, the cosmos and God are one relatively eternal being... And we each, as a
microcosm, are the mirrors of the macrocosm, and destined (as it is) to be reborn
again and again -- until the lesson is learned, and we return to the source. Thus,
our conscious souls (the surrounding triune monadic fields constituting our higher
self) or who/what we are -- remain forever a part of the cosmic primal field of
consciousness during this cycle of a day in its life.

(Rev: 12/28/08 - To be continued... ) Rev: 12/28/08

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