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Third Annual Flower Show.
2 o'clock Saturday and Eve-
At the Y. M. C. A. Build-
1367 Present Last Sunday jng.
Commencement I
:\ever in the history o[ the Nar-
Thirty-four regular
three special classes.

I berth Preshvterian Church did such Exhibits must reach Y. M,

FRIDAY, JUNE 22d, 8.00 P. M,. Ia large thro;lg, pass through the por-
I tals as that which packed the church
C. A. by one o'clock,
Each exhibit must be tag-'
last Sunday morning. It wa~ Chil- ged with exhibitor's name and

Hon. Leving IrVing Handy, of Delaware, the THE FIRESIDE dren's Day and that eXIJlains it. The
Church was' most heautifully decor-
number of class.
Ribbons will be awarded
ated hy the flower eommittee, consist-
lIelt}· lIax"~r'tl G~ssll). the winner; cash prizes for
Commencement speaker. ing o[ Mrs. Compi'illl, Mrs. Camp-
hell and Mrs. I3eatty. The songs,' the children.
Monday evening, June 18, at S recitations and happy smiles of the Everybody welcome-no ad-
o'clock at the School House. little ones gladdened the hearts of mission-no entrance fee for
Music by Girls' Chorus. Everyhody W elcome . Mrs, S'. A.. R~ldoIP~I. has return ell Everyone present. MI'. R. L. Beatty,
f~om a tortlllght s \'lSlt to Atl:lIltl'; snperintendent of tbe school, presid-

CIty. ., I
erl. The Beginners were directecl hy
Mrs. HOIU~lIue (. Hoffman enter- the Misses Wipf amI Loos. the Pri-
- -.-' --------' ---------. , - - -
PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK tai~ed her 11TIclge party at luncheon Oil! man' Department hy Mrs. Haws ancl

Sunday, June 17th, 7.45 P. M.-Baccalaureat'e Sel'mo~ by Rev. C.

Frllla~'. I Miss Philips and the ,Tunior nepart-
Mrs. I~dgar. of Dudley avenue, l~a~ ment h)' Mrs. Colesworthy alHI Mrs.
G. Koppel in the Methodist Church. heen .. ('onfin,ed to her home
WIth Price. The chihlren dirl well and re-
fiecterl mueh eredlt upon those who
Tuesday, 8.00 P. l\l.-Alumni Night. MIss. Au.gust.a 'Vitherow, who ha!' had drilled them so eflicientl)·. The
he~n vlsltmg III SwartlUore, return.,; Semper Fidelis Bible Class had pres- Every woman is urged to help in
W1!dnesday, 1.30 P. M. Senior Class Day (Informal). By invita-
tlm; week... , ent as their guests two little girls this big work. She may bring her
tion only. Mrs. Wllllanl Cameron and son, from the Preshvterian Orphanage. one own material and jars and do the
HI' will JIi slJelll1 a few days at Stone 0 [ I w 10m IS . t'l I el' I' 0 n,.. n
, ' work herself or may send raw mate-
Thursday, 8.45 A. M.-Senior Chapel.
ar Jor, ,I . J.. , . n' charge. The music hy the main rial amI have the work done for her at
Mrs. !'Jer\' h.. '1 aylor has been ,llter- I 'I I tl .,. e t'o of
Friday, 1.30 P. M.-Closing Exercises. . . • . 1\" Etl I F.~ t se !Oo was unr er Ie ulr C I n slllall cost, or Illay purchase mate-
tallllng her ~w,ter, ,ISS ~ Ie ,vere t, p . ". l' M 1'1' '1 was as- rial and have work done at cost price.
or Philadelphia. .1'01. • . e CliOI', \\ 10. .
Friday, 8.00 P. M.-Commencement. ,. ~'1 1'1\' Y k . t f slsted hv the orchestra. conslstlllg of Government receipt.s and steam can-
I\,ISS I, ason, a lew or, SiS er 0 ,. A' H M' 1\1 I' Gara
Saturday, 8.00 P. M.-Senior "Farewell Party" to Faculty, Board Mrs. George Abele, is here for the I\.ISS gnes ose. ISS [ a y , ners and evaporators will be provided.
Haverford College Commencement. Mr. A. J. Laos and Mr. 1l. L. Roge~s. Membership fee $1 which entitles
of Education and Students of the Senior High School.
1\'arherth was very well represented Mr. Van 1\'ess. the ~astor, m~de a brief I
members to use of room, eqUipment,
Two other events will be included in the week's list of events: at the patriotic parade On Saturday, address to the Primary. clllidre? and and advice of women in charge.
A warding of the official "N" to girls and boys of the athletic especially in the Hed Cross Division. Mr Howard A. Ban~s, 01. the edlt.orlal Send ~our name to nearest center:
teams, by President McCarter, and als? the 8\\:arding o~ cups and Mrs. Houghton, of :"ew York, mother staff of the Sunda~ ~(hool TID~es, Committee: Mrs. George H. Hard-
of Mrs. Chris. G. Kopp.el, is visiting spoke to .the older. children. nurlllg ing, chairman, Wynnewood, Pa.•
1I1edals to winners in field meet. ThIS occaSIOn promlses to be
Mr. and Mrs. Koppe!, at their home the ex:rl:lileS, Brarltord Luther Trout- 'phone, 1:199-w; Mrs. Richard J.
one of particular interest. The other event is the Junior and man, lIlfant son of Mr.. and Mrs. B. Hamilton
on E'.,ilsex avenue. ' treasurer,Ar"more u," Pa'
Sophomore reception to the Senior Class. Mrs. Charlotte Morton Mullan)' !lIed l~. Tro~ltman. was ~llIPtlzerl. Th~se Mrs. S. I~. Downs, secretary, Ardmore,
The dates of these events will be announced later. June 9 at Brvn Mawr Hospital aged 71 who c11l1 the counting, reported ,,67 Pa.:' Ardmore Center, Miss Mary K.
Everybody will be cordially welcomed to all events. open to years: Mrs'. Mllllan~' was a' resident preilent. which is far a~d a~a~·. the Gibson, Wynnewood, Pa .. 'phone, Ard-
the public, and this means all events that would be of mterest. of :\arherth for sevel'al years. larg~st numher that. e\er ero\\ded more :17; Bryn Mawr Genter, Mis:!
Few school districts open their doors wider than Narberth, and .: . withlll the walls of thiS church. Ethel Pugh Brvn Mawr Pa 'phone
The speCial musIc by the quartet :n '. ,., ,
few schools are better patronized. You see, it's the old slogan
about which we have kept quiet for a year: "Co-interest brings
th.e Presbyterian Church lastSl1ndaY
night was greatly appreciated. They
CARD PARTY THIS a97; Rosemont. eel.lter, Garret Hill,
Mrs. A. Van Harlingen, Rosemont,
Co-operation." will sing again ne~t Sunday night.
pon't forget to come around to A.
W. :"eedham's house on ThlHsdar,
FRIDAY AFlERNOON Pa.: 'IJhone, Bryn Mawr 721.
Applications for membership may be
sent to Miss Mildred Scott, 9:11 Lan-
FLAli RAISING AT THIS SAlURDAY IS June 14. Big lawn fete to be h,eld for It will he held at the residence of easter avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa.


henefit of the Red Cross..-(Comm.) Mrs. Robert Dothan!. Wynnewood FOOD CONS-ERVATI0N
THE TENNIS COURTS Methodist Strawberry Festival
Friday evening, as usua!' attracted
avenue (third hOUSe ahove n'·.'
,June 15, at 2 P. M. Admission, flO
nlnusor ) ,
a very large crOWd. It was a great eents. Brirlge and 500. All the ladies" --,-
Saturday Afternoon at Two Third Everything is ready for 1\'arilerth'f, success financially as well as socially. are l'II\'I'terl to attend.
Annual Flower Show, which I V JIi '11 t I tl
Cannmg, Preservmg and Drying
o'Clock will be helrl this Saturday arternoon Rev. Jo ID an, ess WI at em 1.<! ------- Demonstration
commencement exercises of the HOI,IH.\ \' HOI'S": I,(,~H'ln:O~
and evening in the Y. 1\1. C. A. Imild- Princeton University next Friday all'l Miss Ina Lindaman, an expert on
All members of the 1I;arherth Ten- ing. Saturday. He wiII he present at his preserVing and canning of all kinds
Firrluy. the 15th, is Donation Day at
nis Association and the public in gen- The show is I'ree in every senSe of class reunion and hanquet on ~"ridil~' Of [ruits and vegetables -is to give a
the Holiday House. There will he a
eral, are invited to the /lag raising the word. 11;0 admission is charged night. demonstration at the Narberth School
luncheon from 12 until 2 P. M. at
this coming Sa~urday afternoon at allll. there is no entrance fee 1'01' ex-, Have you heard ahout Lavey Mary's which time all are invited to he pre3- House on Monday, June 18, at 8 P. M.,
two o'clock, at the tennis courts, Elm- h l l l l t o r s . . . Ga,rden? H's a great secret, but if ent. Tiekets, 50 cents. to which the public of 1I;arberth is in-
wood and Essex avenues. The SIH:cess ot, the two prevIOus yOU have a real confidential fri,end, vitee!. Miss Lindaman is one of the
The /lag pole is being put up this shows and the interest manIfested in ~hO is an Auxiliary woman perhaps n,\('f,\I•.\l'ItI':.\'I'1': SJo:IDro~ organlers employed by the Philadel-
week and the members of the Associa- th],; year's affair. comhine to ass~re she might be persuaded to ~hisper it phia Achievement Club, under the
tion have purchased a line new 5 by :\arberth flower lovers o[ a genUllle t yOU, On SunclaY evenin~, Mr. Chris, G. Board of Public Education. She Is
S flag. Brief but interesting exercises, treat this coming Saturday afternoon 0 lViI'S. c. P. Fowler, who hag been Koppel will preach the Baccalaurate going to organize the Main Line Can-
have been arranged.
One of our fellow townsmen, Mr.
and evening,. I
Visiting in Canada. came back 8:1tur· Sermon to the graduating class of the ning Centers. All those who are ,in-
'rhere will he thirt):-four regular day, bringing with her Mr. Fowler'~ Puhlie School at the Methoellst teres ted in this grave question of
Patloll, of 'Voodside avenue, who serv- elasses and three speCial calsses 01' father. Mr. J. B. !'~owler, 1'1'0111 St. '.1 'I' M I-oppel and the graduat- food <:onservation for the coming year
( ,1urel. r. \. vou to he present. [ShOlld
ed in the Regular Army for a num- exhibits. including roses o[ all the CatiLerines Canada. who will -pend . ,'I' invite 1 . n 0,t miss . t h'IS oppor tUD!' ty a f
lJer of years, will g)\'e the regula-! hest known and most popular vari-I some time' here. IIlg I a s s . hearing Miss Lindaman and witne:ls-
tion Army bugle c:alls as the flag is' eties, peonies. larkspur, . c~lumbine, The Holiday House will open Frida:-. SI'('(' ..:s~nTI, }'I~ISH 0'" ,in g this important demonstration.
heing raised hy William J. Kirkpat- Cant.erbury llells, sweet William, sev- June 15, which day is Donation Day
mJl':":~ ]UItY'8 fa;n.D
rick. The /lag will he unfurled hy eral varieties of iris. sweet peas, corn Luncheon will he served from twelve ('IH'~'I'\" lVlI,I, (;In: $'14I1HI
little Miss Emily "Jim" McKell. /lowers, pansies, pyrethum, poppies; until two o'clock. Chicken salad and Jliarberth Branch or Queen Mary'S 'rhe ('ounty Commissioners on
}'Ietcher W. Stites, also of our and special classes [or children, a sUI'- Tuna fish salad will he on the ~Ienu, 1\'eedle Work Guild, after a very suc- Monday afternoon decided to give
town and one of Montgomery eoun- frage exhibit of yellow flowers and a Tickets fiftv cents. cessful winter, have finished their $5000 toward the freeing of Laneas-
ty's repres,entatives in the State Leg- special deeorative class. The first 'silver tea of the Women'" sewing through the earnest aud faith- tel' turn pille of tolls. The action was
islature, will make a short address. The winners in the various e!asRC>::I Auxiliary will be given by Mrs, Alex. ful work of the women. I have been taken upon reqliest of Joseph W.
and everybody will sing a verse of will he awarded rihhQns and speeia I Chamhlev, at her residence, 108 able to send olT in sponges, slings, Hunter, of the State Highway Depart-
the "Star-Spangled Banner." It is cash prizes will he awarded the chil- Hampdel; avenue, on Thursday. June dressings, packs of several descrip- ment, Who asked the county to con-
expected that the 1I;arberth 'Troop of dren. 21. from two until five o'dock, when tions and bandages nearly nine tbou- tribule, under provision of an act of
the Bov Scouts will he present. A single exhibit can ('om pete In evervone will he welcomed. sand pieces a:l follows: A8gembl)'. The State wll1 bear the
. only one da.ss hilt you can easily de· It 'Is rather unusual for young peo- On Deeember 21, 1916, 1917 pieces. rest or the expense.
N":", nt:],u:}' ()IW'\~IZA1'W~ termine the class to whieh it belongs pel to request more prayer meetings On I"ebruary 7, 1917, 2317 pieces.
IX N,\ RUt: RTH hy consulting the complete list of But this thing actually flapp.ened i!l On December 21, 1916, 1977 pieces. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE'~[ENTS
classes Pllhllshed In another column. the Presbvterlan Church last SundllY I have on hand at the present 'time
Two cents per word each In~ertlon. ca~h
A new factor entering into the spir- However. all)' exhihitor can enter as evening, . and the request will he waiting to be sent for 2478 pieces. tn nd"n.nce. No advertisement accepted un..
Hnal and material welfare of our com- many different classes as Is desire!!. granted next Sunday at 7 P. M, making a total of 8665 pieces. While less .CRsh Rccontpanles coPY.
munity is Indkated by the recent for- All exhibits must readl the Y. M. Every woman is urged to help In th'~ thanking the women who so faitb- t'OIt S,U.tr-.SII,lIng Iwlf 811Sh Inside
malion of Sl. Margaret's Conference C. A. hy 1 o'dock Satnrday afternoon. big and necessary work of canning fullv stood by me amI worked so !uort1pn, wlrc1nw NI'r~enH: also ont" Hingle door
20:; F'orrp~t a,'enue, Nl\r...
o[ The Society of Sl. Vincent de Paul. Mr. Stites and his committee wlll be vegetables and fruits to meet th ~ ear~estly, I must not forget Dr. Hart- harth, (36c)
The society is of French origin and on hand to receive the exhibitors and prospective shortage in food n.ext wlr;- ley, who so kindly and beautifully I.UST-Uohl "'" t"h hrll"alp!. Inltlllis H. A.
was founded In Ma)', 1833, by l"redcr- designate the places where the flowers tel'. Come out to the School HOUF'l rolled all of our bandage:!. I., H~wanl It rplurnpu to New Park
QUlllllr shop. (36)
kit Ozanam, a prominent but humble are to he placed. On Monday. the 18th at 8 P, M.. anti Ellal V. SmJtll.
Catholic layman. It has Conferences Exhibitors must attach to pO" learn what Is to be done in this Iinc Manager. I'"OJ(. S.-\.14.~14urt:e cuhlnet phonograph. one
in many parts of the world, for the hlblt a card bearing the exhibitor's On Thu'l'sday evening. l)eginnlng at --- ---
--------- tnonth old. ,rlo.OQ. Box 40~f Narberth.
relief of the worthy poor, needy and name and the number of the Cla8~;' 7.30, the Junior Unit of Narberth Red 1,..---------------, t'on lol,\I,Jo;-SlIlmp "oll.cllon. lIIanl' old
nnd rure U. H. At,h.1rE.'MK, S. C .. Box 404,
infirm. The members serve without which the e:xhilJit Is to be shown. In Cross wl1l hold a fete on the lawn ~t
pay and the work is done as unob- the other two shows many exhihitors the Northeast corn,er of Chestnut and

t"lI~I"el~" as oosslble. During the past neglected to do this until they reach- Maple avenues. Be sure to come and YlIIt lolAl.F..--Parl of household furniture
fiscal year, In the circumscription of ed the Y. M. C. A.-just as the show buy cake. candy. lemonade ar,rl Icc NARBERTH vs. fur Sllle, lndutllng hraMH hpdK, "prlngs,
mn.ltreMsPH, l'nrpetH, etc. Telel)hone. Nar...
philadelphia, which now includes was about to open, In man~' instances cream. Hav§! your fortunE' told for f1v!' bPrlh 3.. 8-\\".

\0 the extent of $40.862.33. I (Continued on Fourth Page) (Comm.)

Narberth, 3705 families were assisted" -and needless confusion and delay cents hy {he mysterious' gypsy,-
PAOU AT PAOLI \, _... -_.- _-_._-- -
, I'''' SO t'OK I'I,U.F.-cheap. 1I1u.1 be Botd
' hnnlellhnaly. Phone. Narberth 608.

Home Defense Unit, who desired to I



OUR TOWN have military training. The following
T'I --

';;dUrJll1l1sm-~o PaId Workers.

officers were elected: Captain B.
An ExperIment In Co.operathe. White; First Lieutenant, Edwin P'. The net ~roceeds of the refresh-
I Dold; Second Lieutenant. JesSoO S'. ment committee of the Field Day
-!Harris; Treasurer, Edward S. Haws;: meet were $24.90. This amount was
Owned ll.nd Published every Thurs- i Temporary Secretary, L. H. 'I'ruttel'. I handed t.o the treasurer of the Ath-
Its proxmity to a first-class drug-store has very frequently
. . '.
day by the Narberth Civic Associa-, Enrollment fee was fixed at tw",nty-: leUe Association. Thanks is due the been one of the reasons why the lease or sale of a house has been
tlon. five cents and dues twellty-Iive cents; girls who helped so faithfully all aft- effe~ted! The West Philadelphia operators can tell the story
~AlmEltTJl CIVIC ASSOCIA.TION. per month. : emoon. well! And it would hardly be far-fetched to say that the calibre
'd A J L Dues must always be paid 1:1 ad-I -_.
P resl ent, . • oos. I b I of the leading drug-store reflects the life of the community in
Vice-presidents, A. C. Shand, J. B. vance or members names wllI not be, F'lnal tests for al grades a ove tIe which it operates! So, then, it behooves us all to have the best
called at "roll call." About forty-two' fifth, Incluslv,e, begin on Monday, June
WllIlams, James Artman. -ever-upward the trend shall be! And the more opporunities
Secretary and tr'.lasurer, }<'rank J. men have been drilling regularly. It: 18. we have to serve you the better our service can be! Don't let's
Wlsse. Is desired to have a compnay of ab.ollt i ---
Directors, Frederick L. Rose, George fifty of sixty men who have the t1m~ I Remember the dates: Baccalaurea~e buy anything in Philadelphia which can just as well be bought in
M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M. J to drill and want to be members of: Sermon, SI~nday evening, June 17, 111 Narberth-let's get the full benefit of real mutuality!
Colesworthy Mrs. William S. Horner, this l,rganlzation. I the MethodIst Church. Commencement.
A. E. Wohle~t, Mrs. George M. Henry, Anyone desiring to join shouid d;J: Fril~ay .evening. June 22, In the school

Telephones, Of course, we
~'Ieteher W. Stites, E. A. Muschamp, so, at once, as. arrangements have I audltorlllm.. deliver - any
H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S. been made for rifles and the Manual (See notIce of Commencement 1267 p I ace - any
Haws, Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Mrs. Les- of Arms will be taken up as the drilJ Week program of week's events), 1268 time.
tel' W. Nickerson, William D. Smed- cours.e very soon. When drilleu the --
ley. Guard will be prepared for any :'\arherth High School Is proud of The Brightest Spot in Narberth
emergency duty required of them her recent record In hase hall and
HARRY A. JACOBS, during the continuance of the war. t.ennls. The hase ball team recentl~' A drug store in thelmost, modern sense of the term
Editor. Meet at fire house every Monday an,) has won against Darby. Amhler and
, Thursday evenings at eigllt p. 1\1. Come Jenkintown .• The girls' tenniR team I e --- .,- , _n., -. '.. _.n '"
Mrs. C. T. Moore A. J. Loos there If you are Interested. I
hrought. home victories from Swarth- hest to .he had, hut we know they willi ./\ ('Alln 0 ..' THA~KS
Mrs. Roy E. Clark Henry ROBe n. 'f. Whitl·, ('uptolin. more and Co!lingswool1. havc a joh to get nine women that, ---
Earl F. Smith W. T. Melchior will he more cordial, congenial and i We wish to thank all the boys and
Seven teachers will leave us this helpfUl than our present faculty. This: girls, big and little, the ushers, the
q. M. Henry
ASflociate Editors. AUTO CAR TEAM WINS -3 year, ,four or five of them to enter Is our hanquet to the retiring teach-: young DIan who took the tickets at
a hroarler schooling. Guess! ers.' ; the rloor, and allwho in any way help-
FROM NARBERTH, 8 The i1H'rpase In enrollment and
conRtant increase in numher of dasseR I 1l1~('t1~TI~L\~('t: 0... P,\IU' ..:I.
: ed us to make the little play at
: Wynnewood Park. for the benefit of
requlrerl will make it Imperative to I'OST I~S(:IL\~('t: 'I'A"~' the Episcopal Church and Red Cross,
Charlie Uarker's Autocar Club
H. C. GARA. leaders of the Main Line League, took add t.wo t.eachers to the facult.,·. This By rllrection of the Postmaster Gen- a ~uc('~ss.
Ach('rtlslng Manager. . t I J\K, 1•t . , SpeCIal thanks to Mr. Walton for
a firmer grip on the coveted posItion meanR nllle new eac lers.I~. w 11 eral the use or Insurance Tags on, ..
a "looking them over" there will he! p .. 1 p . '1 .'11 I )'. . . transpoll.1ng the people free of chan;-e
? O. Box 404. I
Send all letters and news item to I hy winning in easy slrle, S to :~'. in
favor of Autoear. In the openlllg
Send all advertising COpy to P. O. of the ninth, 1~lrst Baseman Tip Turn-
___ aH~ ost mal WI Ie I Iscontmu.- ,to and from the grounds.
ed alter .JUly 1. 1917. at all post ot-: (Signed)
Watch for list of teacherR leaving fices, and there will he I~sued In-:
J{r' W W Ito
}rrs~' e. }~loor:~:
Rox 820. er passed words witll Umpire Jones, and their succeSRorR. Principal Mel- stead thereof, a coupon receipt to the I
Make all remittances to P. O. Box who ordered him from t.he game. An choir says he wiII Ruhmit the list sender for each article mailed, a stuh i
118. argument followed and the umpire withlu a week or two. helng retained at the malllng office i nu. ,\~~:\ SUA W TO
Our Town Is on sale at the depot forfeited t.he game to _A.ulOcar, !l to -- showing the numher of the article. the SPEAK ]~ ~ORIUST()W~
newsstand. and at the store of H. E, O. \\'e are anxious to form new ac- fee paid. name anll address of all- ---
Davis. AUTOCAR CLUU llualntances, hut we regret to sec sO dressee, and any spedal endorse- Those who were disappointed at the
Entered as second-class matter, Oc- H. H. O. A. K many of our faculty leave. We he-: ments such as "frag-i1e," perishable." postponement of Dr. Shaw's engage-
tober 15, 1914, at the Post Office at Rohinson, 2b 2 0 :~ 4 0 Iievp our hoarll will secure only the' etc. lIIent to speak In Norristown a few
Narberth. Pennsylvania, under the Brown, :lh 0 0 0 1 0 =,.,--...,.... ...."...---,-.,.,. :weeks ago, will be glad to know that
Art of March 3, 1879.
i~(~~I~\~n~s.lf:.:::::: ~ ~ ~ 10~ ~() ~--
navis. lh 10 2 ~ I
I IMPORTANT NOTICE' ~1:~.,d.~~~:~(~,n~~e~I:~C:~~ ~~ ~I~~da~t.~~=
nOOll In the Opera House. The sub-
~ERGENCY PHONE CALLS Fitzmaier, cf. I 2 :~ 0 0 jeet is to be the same as was adver-
Titlow, rf. 0 Il 0 0 0 Our Town has been issued by the Civic Association of Nar- tised, allli Dr. Shaw's position as chalr-
Fire 350.
Pollee 1250. llIum. p 1 2 0 I 0 I berth, at its own expense, as its contribution toward civic develop- man of t.he Woman's Committee of
HarrlRon, e. . 1 1 ;; () () ! ment, and betterment of every worthy cause in which the com- the Council of National Defense, as
..-- - --,- - --I'munity is interested. well as honorary president of the
There "'111 be drillhlg nt Elm Totals S 10 H 8 0 Its mailing list is very large-so large that it becomes nec- :'\ational American Woman Suffrage
Hnll herellfter every JIonday
IlncI Tllllrsdl1)' nights at eight I NAH.BERTH
R. H. O. A.
, ('ssary to discontinue sending the paper to those who are not
F_(). particu.larly inte,rested in it, or its wo.rthy cause. .
Association, will render her discussion
of the part that women will perform
o'clock. All tIlOse lvho hane hud I 1\1cC s~
. ..'lellan . .~. 0 -" 0 1

1 i ' v 1II you b e goo d enoug h to a d VIse us, be f ore our next Issue In the patriotic service of tllel'r coun-
lUI)' mlllhlry eXllerJence Ilre Simpson, :~b 1 1 1 1 0 !appears, if you wish your name removed from the mailing list? try during the war, of vital Interest
1 ~ ~ ~
especiadly invited to eome out
Ilnd take pnrt, and assist ill the ('alhoun, cr. . 0i Over 50 per cent. of our readers, who receive Our Town to every American woman.
n. 'I'. WHIT};.
~~:~~I~/;·h.·::::::: ~ 0 H 0 0; from week to week, have not as yet paid their year's subscription, MI'. ROb-e-r-t-C-ole-m-a-n--t1-le 3rd, or
Robinson, If. . 0 2 () 0 1: and a great many have not even paid for last year's. Sabine avenue, left this week for sev-
'I'llI': fMnn:l{ SIlOW-~" --. W. lI'reys, 2b 2 0 4 4 o! Perhaps you have intended sending in your money, but, in eral days' fishing trip In tiLe Po':cnos.
__ ('. H're,ys, e Il 1 9 1 0: some way or other, overlooked it. So, just phone Narberth We expeet Boh to hring back some
We hope tha,t every resident. or Gihson, p 0 0 1 7 1 I 1258-W now, and Miss Mary Gara will be to see you. Or mail fine trout.
:'\arberth will visit the Flower Show - - -- - ~: your check, or money, to P. O. Box 820, Narberth.
thlR coming Saturday afternoon an,]
evening at the Y. 1\1. C. A. building.
Totals :1 9 "2;; 14 ~i To do the work, receive the kicks and bumps, and advance the
,*~~~edalit in ninth i unin/!': g-am money to pay for the printing of this paper, is too much for any
The Eagle Tailoring Co.
And we hope too that every reRldent ~:I:t~:~aer' Cluh .... 2 4 1 I 0 I) 0 0-8 s~t o~ public.-spirited men to st~nd fo.~·, when the o.nl y remune~a-
Phone 1203-J. NARBERTH, PA.
t~at can will enter one or more ex-~. I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ __ 31 bon IS a pel sonal sense of havmg tIled to render a commumty
hlbits. . arert I some particular service. J,lldles' lind Gents' Tailoring
Remembering t.he succesR\, of the If to' T d h 't·d b ' t· (;Ieaning. Pressing, Dyeing and Re-
first and second flower SIIOWS and re- I En:nyUOUY IX XAIlBEIt'I'I1 . you ~'an Ul own, an aven. pal your su scrIp lOn, pairing. Prices Reasonable. Work
calling the pleasure these two affairs JWmUZE .Jr:~ t: 2:U eJt~er send m y~ur ch.eck now, .01' a.dvlse that the paper IS un- called for and delivered.
afforded t.he close on to a thousanlj - deSIred and to dlscontmue sendmg It.
people who attended, it may appear The :'\arherth :'\eedlework Guild Is
to be "carrying coals to :'\ewcastlc" going to give a fete for hospital SUP-I SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT,
to urge Narherth folks to drop In plies for our American soldiers anll
Pansy, Tomato
and see the Show on Saturday. sailors on Saturday, June 2a. from a l
But two facls come to mind. First, to 10 P. J\T. It Is to he held on MrR'1
we have with us many new residents. Hewitt'R, lawn at the southwest cor- Enclosed find $ for my subscription from ..••..
and Our Town wishes to extend 10 uer of Essex and Willlisor avenue,..
them, on behalf of Mr. Stit!!R. a spe- You are Invited. There will hp I
to . CabbagePlants
cial invitation to attend this year's fancy and nReful articleR fO: sale. I Name ..•..... , '" ..................•..•••.
show, and if they have in their gar- ice eream and candy. There WIll alRO I
dens any of the flowers listed In the he fresh fruits and vegetahles. IlOme- P. O. Box
numerous classes, to hE' sure and en- made hrea(1 and cake for whleh Nar-
t.er them. The Narberth Flower berth iR famous.
Address . . • . . . . . . . .' ......• , .........•.•.•••
Show Is for Narberth folks t.o take Your fortune will be told and there NARBERTH, PA.
part In and enjoy. }<'eel no hesitancY, may be a Rpedal letter for you In
New Nenghbors and Fellow Towns- the "post office." 5
men. Welcome t.o the Flower Show. There will be a fla~ raising at 4

AIIlI secondly. a last call to those o'eIOl·k. The Boy Scouts will give a
old residents who failed. for one rea- drill and they will be there to assist
son or another, to attend Inst. year's you In carrying your bundles. I
show or the one In 1915. Do not miss it! Come and swell
_________ the fund to help make 0111' hrave hoys
The attention of parelltR Is caliell comfortable when theY go to tile
to the fact that there .are several front.
cases of measles in different parts of
the horoug-h.
AR the young men of the COUIITI':'!'
are offerinf!, their lives. leaving thplr
If You Can't Enlist-Invest. Buy a Liberty Loan Bond
('are should, of courRe. he taken to huslness. sacrificing their proRperl.,s To-Day. Subscriptions will not be received by the Gov-
keep children from contact. with all and donning the khaki. hm't It. as lit-
occupants of quarantined !louRes, hut tie aR YOU ('on do to spare a few d'" ernment after nooo, Friday.
most cases are contracted from con- lars t~ provide comfortR for them?
tact wlt.h persons iu whom the dls-
ease Is developing hnt. has not yet.
JrJ:"~ronJ,\TJ ARrn nEDJrA'rJO~
sho\vn. --
For'this reason. parents are request- The e'ommiRslonel'R of Valll'" Forge

The Merion :Title & Trust Co.

ed to take every precaution until t.he havE' ISSllPd invitatlom' for the c1eili-
disease abat.es. cation or the United fHates 'Wa"hl'w-
nonrd of lJenlth. ton memorial arch. at Vallev ForJ!;e.
on TueRda)', June 19, at two o'clock
You want t.o Ileal' that Baccalaureate
permon to the graduatine: class at tl,~
I OPEN FROM 8 A. M., TO 4 P. M.
The Narberth Guard was orglJulze:1 Methodist Church, hy Mr. Chris. G.
May 21 by members of The Narbertll Koppel on Sunday ev·enlng. 'SATURDA YS 8 A. M. TO NOON. FRIDAY EVENINGS 7 UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK

· f Ft· ,
he~d last Wednesday eVE!'l1lng by
WeII, Boys, The SIZe 0 a OUD aID unlUlimous vote, petitioned the presid-
ing Bishop of the lIext Annual Con-
ference, held In March, 1918, to re- NARBERTH Y. M. C. A.
Has Positively Nothing to Do With the Quality
.J' Goods the 'Counta,'n D,'spenses
'J O r I
turn the pastor for the fifth year.
The brethern be\leve ill preparedness. At th.e May meeting of the Auxiliary
it was decided to give a series of sll-
Anthracite Coal
ver- teas during the summer months, WOOD AND
If it is Quality and Quantity you are after, we sell both. Our CUB'S WEEKLY LETTER the revenue resulting ther.efrom to be
used in enlarging its bank ac:::ount BUILDING SUPPLIES
Sodas and Ice Cream are the best money can obtain. They have To the EdItor . --- sufficiently to finance a rather am..
of Our Town: bitious undertaking contemplated by
a flavor which is all their own, and will take a medal wherever When Reglstra-tlon Day dawned. the thes.e women in the early fall. Narberth, Pa.
shown, registrar and assistants looked ft>r-I In accordance therewith the first
We also sell one of the best Films on the market, Eastman's mates of the proba1Jle number to be bley, at her residence, 108 Hampden I AM AT THE SERVICE OF
ward to a fairly easy time. Esti- tea wlII be given by Mrs. Alex. Cham·

Films, gentlemen, It is not the film that produces the best results; registered varied between 60 and 150, av.enue, on Thursday, June 21, from THE PUBLIC OF NARBERTH
it is the Camera and the man behind. The Film is only the carrying the majority of guesses being nearer two until five o'clock, at which time Automobiles to hire at all hours of day
the smalIer amount. With a soft "nap alI members and friends interested in and night.
agent for the work the man behind produces. in view, the olficla Is had ordered a t~e Y. M. C. A. are most cordlalIy in- SABlE CENSORE Phone 1289 or 625
fuII course dinner to be served at VI ted.
noon, with cigars and various refresh- T.he benefit d.erived from such ~,I------------·------
FIEI>LER ments to be passed around at regular ?eclsion on the part of the Auxiliary
intervals during the day to keep IS r~alIY three fold: Firstly, the lJ
them from falIing a8leep. Everybody gelllune pleasure from an afternoon
was fooled, because the total regi"tra- l;pent in this manner at frequ("lt ill-

THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST tion was 270. At 7 o'clock there were terva!s ?y those of us who expect to UNDER BAC'JERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
thirty-five men in \lne, impatient to rem~1U In our home town th.e major
The Busiest Store in NARBERTH have the operation over witb, so that: port)o~ of the summer, is weII ""ortll Pasteurized Milk 1 DELIVERIES
they could get to work but in some i the prICe of slIver we leave with our BrYDdo~ilkcertllled WEST PBJLA. I
instances and especialiy in' the case: hostess. Soecondly, the silver collected (Pedrlalle Soclel~) \ OVERBROOK
of illiterates , it took fully half a n hour II by
Nrw.6 pf t~r C!I.4urrllt5 I the evening service, which was an
ea?h hostess
carrYing out tl wiII
pi aid materil\lly
r I" in S peeI a I "G uernsey .. MERION
_ I iIlu,;trated address on "The New to pass a man along. The dinner was J le an p oposec. 11 Milk WVNNEFIELD
served, but at 9 P. M. instead of at I September, and last but, in no wise; (Roberts' 6 Sharpless' BALA-CVI\WYD
. . .
. Men.on MeetlDg ~ouse IS opened f::r
I America" given by Dr. William G. noon. Tbere hadn't been time
i Hussel, of PhlIadelphia.
i Every parent and teacher of the ,;erve a meal to a canary bird during' ,\. or tl1 w 1'1
\\ ors~llP every FlTst-day at 11 A'i congregation is asked to have the chil- the whole busy day.

to I least. .the two hou·rs sD.ent at each I
I tea mIght very profitablv be ~'lade
th e t tI f
b' kit"
11 e Y n t mg or sewmg or
. f
I Cream
Table and Whipping WVNI\I.WOOD

M. Vlslt?rs are co~dialIY welco~e, . dren present for the Children's IIlus- Uncle Sam didn't give the boys anv-
. '. . :
0psl a le ronI . It'
ease remem Jer tIe Ime, pace
I Cream.
A regIstry book IS. kept for VIsitors. : trated Object Sermon at the begin- t1l1n~ tOl t.he joh either, although In and your piece of silver ?Irs. ('ham
All are asked to regIster tbelr names. : ning of the morning service. After justIce to the?l, I must. say they didn·t hlev will be verv glad t~ entertain d


Ithis sermon tbe childrcn may retire expect anythmg, feeling that they lar'
i if they so desire. were cloing their little bit for the ge
nil b.e
--- _ i All who arc not regular attendants common good. 45th and Parrish Sts.
Early !llass on Sunda.y r~'OIll !\I'rll; at church elsewhere are invited to Some felIowS, who evidently want-
I ~t to October 31st at C.JO A. ~l. From: the serviee for men Sunday evening. ed to avoid conscription, resorted to
Fourth of July Tennis
~o\'ember 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M, We will be glad to wclcome vou to strange means to make it appear as
Late !II ass, 9.30 A, M. tbrougl!.out th~ ally 01' all 01' these survices. .
Toumament Being Arranged Wbitman's Cbocolates and
though the U. S. A. would gO out of Douglass' Home·Made Candles at
year. l\lasses on holydays, 6.30 and
830 A. M. Weekda~'s at 8, Evening 'I'1It: I'UESnr'rt:IUAN CIIURCII,
I business jf they were caIled away A Jo'ourth or Jnly tennis tourna-
from their jobs. For instance. one ment. is being arrangecl by the :'\al'-
devotions and other services at regular felIow said he was an "engineer of berth Tennis Association. Only clon- Good Old.Fashloned, Home.l[ade
times, nt"-••John ,"lin Ness, ~lillister clistributlon." Inquiry brought out the hIes will be played. }'udge. TIle Kind Tbat MotJler Used
fact that he was a shippin~ clerk for The matches will start Satnrda~' I to )[ake
ALL SAINTS' p. E. CHURCII. The meeting,; for next Sunda~' are a hutton house. afternoon. Jnne 30, will he continued ~:::::::::::::::":":::--..:-::::::::~
as folIows: Severa I men deposed that they were all day I"olll'th of Jllly, and the finals - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
Ilev. Andrew S. Burke, I'asl()r. 10.00 A. M.-Sunday ,;chool. "general managers." etc. in various will be played SatllTllay. July 7. H. C. FRITSCH
11.00 A. M.-Puulic worship. Ser- concerns, implying therehy that they All members are invited to enter Properties For Rent and Salt
The services at All Saints' P. ..-::: mon theme: "Transforming the Val- were too valuahle at home to be ancl to see any memher of the Tourll- Fire Insur8nee
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood ley of Baca" I spared for mere war purposes, but ament Committee or all)' of the offi- Bell Phone W W.
avenues, for next Sunday are as fol- 7.00 P. M.-Christian Endeavor I each admitted finally that he was only eers for details. There will also be
lows: meeting. Leaden;, Helen Duff and I a salesman. pure anll simple, particu- an announe~ment of particulars on Wall BulldJng. Narberth. P..
8.00 A. M,-Holy communion. r~liza Moore. All young people invit-j' larly the latter. the BuIletin Board at the courts.
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. and ed. It was curious the numher of ducks
A man Ihat whIspers down a well
About the goods he has to sell •
11.00 A. l\1.-Morning prayer ~o
4.00 P. M.-Evenlng prayer.
8.00 P. M.-Evening worship. The who claimed to be supporting their
pastor will conclude the series of ser-I mothers, altbough as a matter of fact NARBERTH (iUARD Can't reap many golden dol'lars,
As one who cUm bs a tree and boiler..

mons on the Twenty-third Psalm with they never turned a nickle into the
All Episcopalians living in this vlcm- a.n address on the theme, "The celes., house. Others expressed concern for
ity are most cordiaIly invited to at- tlal Escort."
The question of uniforms wa,; dis- rara~~GinleY"a
tend any of th.e services at All Snints'
the welfare of their wives should they cussed at a meeting of the :\'arbertb UI2350uth Irnst, PhiladeliiiIiitJ\9
Church Xoles I ~Je ealIed to .shou~der a gun, whereas Gua'rd Monday evening. As the Guard
The church has provided free '~lIIsses The meeting uext Wedncsday night I)n t:uth theIr wIves had been "up- was organiz,ed for Home Defense it RO 0 FERS
that leave Wynnewood and 1\a rhertll wlJl be addressed bv nev. Corydon pOTrtlllg them l· was the opinion of many that r,>gull!.-
Curtiss Tyler, past~r of the Trinity ~lat weI -known interpreter of. tion uniforms wet'e not only unneces 1-------------------
stations at 10.40 on Sunday mornings.
You are urged to use them. Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill. Itahan, Ed Haws, was ?n the job and sary, but a considerable expense which
Philadelphia. Mr. Tvler is a graduate rendere(l valuahle assIstance to the many individuals could not welI a~­
Before Purchasing
of Yale Universitv a"nd has heen very par~y w.hich ."kept us out of war" by ford, that in the event of the Guards Anything
t:"ANGI-:L UAPTIST CIIUHCII. successful in hi~ work in Chestnut reglslerlllg sundry eitizens of Sunny being calIed to serve the State it would
Ill"', A,-ery S. Dcmwy, Past.or
Hill. The meeting next WednesdaY Italy.. Ed says that since he has been be the business of the State to pr.}vide
night wi11 he preparatory to the sa~-I running the post. office, he can in,- proper uniforms and equipment. For
So Important as a Home
Sunday services: rament of the Lord's s~pper, which tcr.pret any language excepting parade PU'l'poses and for use at drill take a look through my new
9.45 A. M.-Sunday school. This will be celehrated on the following sPHlIlacl~. if desired, it was decided that each hOtl:'es on the brow of the
wlJl be Temperance Sunday and ?Ir. Sunday June 24 ere,; the score: member secure white cluck trousers. hill, two on N:uberth Ave,
H. A. Dudley of :\arherth, will ad- The' Young p~p]e's meeting of last Dependents-indicatetl .. ' ..... '. 149 white shirt with' soft collar and un i- and three on Forrest Ave.
dress the schOOl. Sunday night was so thoroughly en- PrOhable exe?lptions-indicated. 6 form hats to be selected by a commit-
11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser- joyed by the large numher present IS ngle ancI WIthout dependents.,. 66 tee appointed for the purpose b:.' the
lllon by the pastor. An i11ustrated that it was decided to hold another' I ('o.lored ' .. '.... 1 chairman of the meeting.
c'.hihlren's sermon wiII be given at the meeting next Sunday night·. '\'hich I~hens.. . . . 45 NARBERTH, iPA.
beginning of the morning worship. will he the last until ncxt fall. I otall) disabled '.,..... 3 rXrJ,ALUt;n J,ETTF.RS AT
7.00 P. M.-Young People's l\leeting -- NARBt:RTII POST OFFH't:
in charg,e of Group :\0. 3, Laurenee I\U:'rnODIST t:I'ISCOI',U, CIIURCII
Houston, leader. Mr. C. H. Gara will
speak This will be the last. YounJ,l; 'J'hl' l,ittle fhllreh Oil the 11111. Among those who registered I
270,/ Miss MaUd Reynolds (2).
MI'. Walt.er Strasden.
Mr. J. D. Sayre.
l';ine rooms and bath; hot water
People's meeting before the Union noticed the following: I Mrs. Martha Sarey. heat, electric lights; high ground. Lot
Twilight services 01' the summer. He", t~, G. Koppel, I'astor. Charles E. Kraemer Mr. Jas. Wiggins. 50x125. For qUick sale, $5000.
7.45 P. M.-Evening wor,.;hi(l. This Carden Warner Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Winsor.
service will he held under the clirec- Sunday services: Squire McClellan Mr. A. A, Ziegler.
tion of the Ushers' Assoclat.lolJ and !),45-Sunday school. Classes for all H. S. Hopper Mr. Charles H. Dohl.
the pastor will preach a spedal ser- ages.
mon to men on the subject "Ideal: 11.00-Morning worshi). Sermon by
A. K. Housekeeper
Ponce d.e Leon Burkhardt
Ellw S. Jltl'W!', I'. :n.
George B. Suplee
Manhood." Laclies wlJl ,.;erve RR u8h~. the pastor. These bright aud lJromising young- XO'l'lft: '1'0 ALT, I't:nSONl'l owxew. St a & H tW t H .
ers and a male quartette will furnish I 7.00-I~pworth League. Miss Mildred sters were all eager to shollider a OR IIARBOIUNG r~U(,EXSED DOGS' e m 0 ~ er eatIng
special music. ; Smith, leader. gun. In compIlance with the Act of June Plumbing
lLOO Wednesday evening, pra)'er I 7.45-Evenin~ worship. Baccalaure- 3rcl, 1915, notice is hereby given, that Bell Telephone.
meeting. If yon miss this meeting i ate Sermon to the graduating e1ass The man hehind the gun 100]<" to after June 23rcl, 1917, the Commission- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you will be the loser. They are large- lof the Narberth High School. Mem- you "stay-at-homes" to get behind a ers of Montgomery county will calli
Iy attended and arc. very heJpfu I. bers of thc Board of I<::dncarion, facuI-1 bond.
upon the constables of the county or
Frank Crl·st
8.00 Monday evel1lng, June 1S, the ty and pupils of the public schoo\, State Constabulary, to klll all clogs in MEATS & PROVISIONS
lIshers' Association will meet at the f)'iencls and relatives of the g-,radyat- Mauy mOre children wear glasses the county of Montgomery, not \Vear-
home of Mr. Charles n. JOlles :J05 class are cordially invited. to-day than dicl twenty ~'eal's ago, bnt !ing Ilcense tags, regardless of whose Hillh Grade Butter
South :\arberth avenue. Mr. C. A. ])rIlYl'r J[eet.IJlI\' there is not so Illllch headache ancl in-II property they may be. (6. -21.) Telephone-Narberth 644
Beaslel', Esq., wiII speak on the suh- The Wednesday evening prayer and digestion. _lloy A. UattleItI, A.
jeet "The ]<Jffect of the War 011 World praise service will he conducted by --- Harmon Y. Breluly, I
('hurch Xot!'!'
the pastor. A special meeting of the Xarberth's base ball team of former
offieial board of the! church is called y~ars. ge~erallY played the game for I
WlIlltlm '\VanIer Burlier.
County Commissioners.
. •
Last Sunlay was a great clay. There immccliately al'tel' the scrvice. lllne Jnlllngs, whether the score was MEATS f
was an unusually large attendance necent }:"enf!' again,,;t them or n{lt. Nowadays, if I Don't miss the food demonstration -0
at all the serviee". The theme of th" The church was again taxed to its the game isn't going our way, the at the School House on Monday even- QUALITY
morning sermon, "A Child Lost," is capacity on Chlldren's Day and at the rule is to pick on the umpire, thus ling. June 18, at 8 o'clock. Y.
to he continued as the suhject of the strawberry festival. The memory ·ex- trying to hide our own weakness antI ( ------
prayer meeting wednesday eVeni'l!?;. ('I'cises by the IltUe folks of the Prl- lose the game by forfeit Instead of
The Chlldren's Day evercises at 2.:10 mary Department were especially taking our medicine like real sports- AZPELL'S
in the afternoon were of the very best commendab'le. The entire pro.gram men, Music·Store
and tlel!g;hted the large audience .tbat was never so enjoyable and well ren- 32 East 1"llDealiter Avenue
was present. A special feature 'Was a dered. The lacl!es of the Aid socletjY WllI the boss of l\arbel'th please
clemonstratlon by the Boy Scouts of served three hundred plates at the send around for the remains of our
the great work of that orga!117:atlon. strawberry festival. spring a"hes? VICTOR VICTROUS AND RECORDS.
A chorus of young people sang for The First Quarterly Conference, Cub. "Wh30 Go to the City?"
NAltBEH,rrn., PA,-UUl{ TOW.N-t.fUNE 14" IB17
· ht Hid\
felg au e Final1>', no matter what other plans
Furniture Moved F you .have for Saturda~ ~fternoon or
evening, you'll regret It If you 110'1'[
Express Packages Carried, Trunks Called for and Delivered reserve fifteen or twenty min!-ltes to
Passenger Automobiles Teaming drop in the Y. M. C. A. and see the
W ALTON BROS. Na':~~:~72 IFlower Show. .
The fair for the Episcopal Church r
D,\Y amI Red Cross held .Saturday at
HARRY B. WALL ~'rnnew()od Park, was quite a sue·
('ess, notwithstanding ther.e wa~ so
Plumbing, Gas Fitting (Continued from FIrst. Page)
resultell. All this can be avoided if nlue-h 011 that day to detract from th.!
and Heating each exhibitor will make sure to tag fair. It is thought about three hun·
NARBERTH. PA his or herexhihits hefore reaching dred dollars has been realized, hut all
_ _ _ _..,,___ the Y, M. C. A.. reports are not yet in.

BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE =::::::==~- ~:::::=:::=:::::=::::::::=:::====

n, WILLIS HAVIS, Proprietor Automobile Insurance at Cost
, Home Game, I Saving You in Cash 35% t~ 40%
Fanev FrUit anJ Vexet;lhl", "A STORE FOR
Telephone. NARBERTH, PA.
I l'tY ~OI1H' dallK(!rOU:-l H:-::--t~SH111£'nt sC'hpTllP ··Information··
By :-;01111' inellldent ("Ul nlt(' plan

A ~SST~.E?
By l"flm'~ IrritatluJ: d("durtihlt' JlolhT
It)" \\'~ltlH'nlllg' the prOlN,U()1l

Hf'dLl<'ill~ m:tll:lJ.{enlf'nt £"xppn~t'H ollP-laalf

'~Information" looks in the current issue of the
Finest Pbotoplay The-
atre olltlll Size In tbe
BUT BY ('utttTl~ out llfollt~ altoJ(f'1111'r
'mmrlllL:- (111)' ))1"1\":llt· plea!'UI'l' ('art-!
telephone directory LAST, because she assumes that
you have looked there FIRST,
Pbotoplays-Continuous tO~. M. to 11.30 '1 hi:-; ,~ Pollcyholder"s ('olllllany,
H (JrJ;;"anlz~d hr AutontohilE:" OWIlt'r~ to l~suf' !-lount1
P.M. Irl~urall('e ;It efl:-ol. It I~ not O]H;,l'alell to make a pl'ofit. Cumpplent ]nf-lurance In£>11 art-'
Phlla., Pa. pr.q,loypd til run it at :1 HXt~d t's.pt>lIf-le. ()lIly ht>ttrr gr,ltlf"s of pri\'atp l,h'aHure C'f\r:-c are That she may be of the greatest service to all,
PROGRAM II nccepted,
:--itallllar"d Halt'" Prt"mlunlK are ('harfr{NI. ".t.'" return to yUli
stl('h portlun HI" iK Tlnt UKPII for IIlSS£"S, and Ill{> ftxpd ~'"sp~ns",
she consults her special records first, to see if the
EN'1'lIlE WIU':K OF ,Jl':U: 111'H
t DIVIDENDS of ~:) pt'" (·... nt. Thi:-: di\·illt.\IHI hal-l ;l\'(\rag'f'd hettt:"r than 40
Jlt~I' ('t"nl. allli hl\~ IIp\'t"r Ill'PIl I~SH than :t:i per (·€"I\t.
person you are calling has been added to the list
since the last directory, .
Sclzulck l'lctllr~ NOTE THIS COMPARISON
,lu~I'llh Schenck I>re~ent~ thl' I>re· You will help improve your telephone service if
~OlniA TAI,JUllta: you will make it an unfailing habit to consult the
l'lIlJIIlurted b~' t:ugeuc O'Ul'ieu III t'ir~t. AlItmnohtJ~ ()wnrrloi
Showiug uf
S"lI'k InSlln'IU'('
('Un1lnt nit.!'i J nd("rnnit~· ":X("II,nK(~ directory always before making a call,
"1>OI>PY'" :-I.) I_('r (·t"nt,. ,' I.o",,,,(·~ 1'8id ("\n'n'K(' 10 Yt."lIr,..).,........... :Iii l'fOr (·t·nt.
A Ilellghtilll Adlliitntioll of ('Yllthln (J;) III'r (·rnt \Je(.nts' ('uJllJl,I",slunfoi, 0IJl'rnthlJ{ .:XIu""flWfoi. In- The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania
~tockle~"s .'nUluus ~ovel, H1rl!ctetl h~' flturn'U'I' ('n:~ I· runt .. . ,. , , 2i) lU"r ..... nl Business Office,
t:elwnrd ,lose, HrllDlntlzed hy lien 'L'enl ~OTIII:'i(;-J)I\'IJ).;~J) 'ro I'OU('\' JlOI :mo; '., .. ,' 40 IIt'r (·(·nt. 1230 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
IUlel ,Juhll I', HItter
1\(..\1:\1 I'ROJ)I:CTIO:'i-( .:xcel.t S"lur<la)'S
..ud 1I0hda),.1 SlnrtM 10.15 A. M., I~.OO,
::.00. ;i....... 5."5, 7...... H..I:t It. ~l.
~.-\'rUnnAYS A,;n UOl.lIlAYS-IO. 11.45
A. M.. 1.30. 3.15, a. 11.40. K.~O "lid 10 I'. 111.

Narberth Register
Two Line., IOc per illllue; Sc for each atlclitionalline


Grtoene, Andre,,' U«wleM'. Phone, 39S,
:1 Che:;ltnut u'·e. Phone. 67;-)(, See display advertisement In thle hlsue.
K .. lm. 11. C. ('otter. IloWRfd l'~. Phone, 1298.
20~ DUdl~)' axe. • See du~plny nd\'ertlHement tn this IS8Ue.
AO\'.;JtTISISG Crl.l • •·mllk Phone. 6H·W.
C..I.., "'. ,\rthllr Phoue. 6:12-R. See dlspla.)· advertisement in thl! 188U8.
Ideas. Plans, COP,).", Art. ';fypography. I\lIf.K
AltCIIlT.;CTS ASO DUII.UERS Jlahnhoch. A. Phone, Cynwyd 766."".
KoronNkl and C:.lIneron. . Atldr.ess, Narberlh P. 0.· Box 415,
10i' Chestnut live. Phone. G08. Sc(~Il.1 .~w.. 11 Ualrl.... Phone. PreHton 2398.
~ee display atlvcrtlHement In this issue.
CenHofe. Sll"!e 'fo hire. Shul.Non ••Jnmrfoi to. 23:1 J';flSe-X a v€"
See dh~plny ail\'erttM€"nlent In this Is8ue. Phol1~, ';36, or J.I:W Chelitnut st.
lIurnf'r. "·m. S. uLocolnoblle."
:W:i X, Xurherth a\·e. Phone, (j64.
A1.!)pll·!'J l\hudc Stof(-, ArdtllOre, Phone 1072-J.
~lcCh'IIRu. W. S.. ,J. I'. Ackuowl..dgements ~t'P dlsllli~Y :uh't>rtlHl'Jnerlt In this Issue.
and amda\'il~, automohile licenses. Ottlce Cowin. T. Sluart. Pillno "encher
hr... I~ to I llnd aCter 1\ P. Ill. ~"ti ~f~rion ave. Plione'. Nathe~th 347-R.
B"KEJtS 1.00•• tann~' 11. Plnno 'l'.. ncher nud Accorn.
l\1it"Mt-Ii. It. Phone, :l52-J. r:auIHt. 41 .. Hll,'erford ave. Phone, 316·J.
See displaY all \'ertlRe'l1ent tn this Issue. .~tUlllo, =",0. r. Arendt> 13111,;., Nnrherth.
lIASKS "ht't"hU'k. KatharJn",. Phont.~, 68::.
l\I.. rlon Title 8: Trllot Co. Phoue. Ardmore 3. ~t'(' di~J>la~' :HJ"prtiserlleJ1t in this hn'IUe.
::iee (li~P):L)' 3tl \,erttMetnent In this Isst..:e. SOT,\Rl' PVRUC
nARIIt:R8 ,'t>If('rit-H. J. II. III Xarbert h a \'e
SU7.z~ro. Ton,.
Phone. 6IiG-l\f. '
224 Haverford a\'e, OI'TICIA:-l'l
Jo·.. nl~u, eRrl .', 506 EMSex ave. Phone, 638-W.
Phlla. nddrpsM. ISOI; Chestnut at,
SIII_er, ••'. A. PAI~TEJlS
72S 1\lontgolller~' ave. Phone, 32!t Col... JRm... It.
nUII.n.:Rlol ~~6 Hll"erford a'·e. Phone 12'S.J
Sult'lIl..y. Wm. n. Pholle. 600. ,,\ n. (:umnu-r. Phone. 12~f):: \,.,.. •
See displu)' al1\'erti~elnent In this Issue. :!llJ J·;lmwflod an',. Xarherth,
CAXUY, Jo;TC. W.. lzer. Fr..d.
0",'1., II • •:. I'hone. 12:'4·W. 11; \Vlnsor ave, Phone. 1247-.T.
See display .Il!"ertisement In thl~ Issue, I'AI'ER II~SGERS
CAIU'.;ST.:RS Asn DUI"',EUS Witt ... Geo. A. 320 Woodbine ave.
Jenkin.. Ch.... I •• Phone, 1203·W. Flrst-cln..s work.
103 Dudle)' al·e. Phone, 382-M. I'AT.:ST LAWYJo:RS
Fo.h·r. Saml. lV. Phlill. acldre.s. lOti Chest-
, CO"L. Jo:TC. .t.
'1.'0 'fin: I,on:woi e'Hlk. e. I'. Phoue. 302·W. nul 131 Merion ave, Phone. 1233.J.
0J0' IUWUU.X ~1U81C See display :J.l1\'ertiHement In this l!UIU8. I'UOTO I'I,AYS
Ar('llde Th('atre. No rhl'rth
Sh.. nd. A. C. ,Jr. Commerc!:,) TruHt Bldg.• Sep diMpla~' n("'rrtt~l'nH!~t In this h'8ue
Phllu. Phone. Spruce 5263; Narberth 121.... J ·'Ares.Ua," 16th and Chestnut fits P'hU":
RE"e c11~pla)f :HlverttflPment in tht~ hJ8ue.
('Rtn('ruD. Ur. ''''. M. Phune. 395-'V. SUI,I..e. Gf'<). II. Phoue. 1289.
Orr. IIr. A. 1•• 101 Elmwood av. Phone, 393·W. ~pe fJlsplay advertl!'lement tn this Issue..
Phila. Phone. Fllhert 4252, Keith Bldg. Willi. n. n. Phone. 319-.1.

}'I.. dler's. Phone. 62,•.
See diHplay ;lllvertil"lpment In this It!I!lue.
1I0wl,rd'". Phone. 1267.
See display nd\'ertl~pment tn this h!SU8.
CRhlw.. n Ik Co, Phone. 1271-W.
See dlspln~' ad\"ertlflement In this t88ue.
See dtRpla)' :uh·f:\rtiHement In this 188U6. }'rltoch. 11. C. Phone. 252-W.
F.LI';CTIUCIASS . ~pe dlspla)' arl\'ertlsement Il'i this t81ue
(,ollfr..y. lVm. n. .
ItuJ{h. "erl 225 101111 ave.
Nllr. Phone. 6ioO·'''. Ard. Phone, 163·,J. 11~ 'Voollslde ave. Phone, 685-W.
.'ISII ASD OYSTERS Nash, Roh..rt J. Phone. 605,
Iml.erh,1 ('roc..r,' eo. Phoue, Narberth 606. tOHt. • lIIouer for FlrHt and Second Mortgages,
S~e display ':llh·ertlsell1ent tn this Issue.
,,'!'. E. 209 Chestnut al'e. Phone, Nar.
1286·", wtth Hllrhert ..., Claghorn :Main
(lAltONEIlS f.tue Renl "Hlate. 204 Bn lIeY Hldg.: PhIl&.
Yowell. Jo10he.- ROOFISU. ETC.
101 COUWllY .ve. Phone. 334·J. GRra-1\IeGlnl..y Co. Phone. 1268.W.
GARln;S SURSERIJo;S See dlsplny advertisement In this Issue
"·ohlert. A, Jo:. Phone. 696. 1\11II..r. John A. 243 Jona. ave. Phone, 661:,J.
See dlHplay >Ilh'.rtl.ement In this Issue. Shop, 246 Haverford ave, Phone, 1225• .1.
Imperial Grocery «:... Phoue, Narberth 606. W ..lh..rlll. 1\I18s Maude 1':.
See displa)' ;J.dvcrtiselnent In this Issue. 20G Dudley a'·e. Phonp, 1260.R,
H,\UI,ISG. };TC.
Walton Droo. Fhone. 6n. Tlnner. U ..rrySIIOElIf,\K.:RS
See dl.play "d,·.rtlHemenl In thts I.sue. 24fi \Voodhlite ave.
JlE~TISG, STEA~I AND WAT.;R Good lV..ar 8ho.. Jlepalr Shop.
lIalre. Geo. A. Con.tRnUn.., II. G. Y. 1II. C. A.. Bldg.
311 N. Narberth ave. Phone, 699·J. TAII.ORS
ISI'lUJl~~CE F.alrle Tallorlnlr Co. Phone, 1203-.1.
Dowmau, Samllel.l'. (Life.) See display advertisement lu thle I.sue
116 glmwol>d al·e. Phone. 663·W. "chwartz. Charl..s Home Town TRllor. •
Uurl:hardt, Miller Phone. 669-M. P. O. Box, 234 Hllverford nV8. Phone. 1254·J.
L. (Life, Fire. Accident. Heallh, Auto, etc.) TYPEWRITERS
JOlles, ChaM. R. Ilodlre. E. G. 502 EHsex ave.
403 N. Nllrherth ave. Phone. 696-W. Phone. NlLrberth 63S-M.
Joneo, "·m. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,
680• .r. PhlilL. address. Penn Mutual Bldg. The above dppnrtment HhoUld be or Ihe
Snyder, Ilobt. ~refltelllt use to the comlnunlty, the list con ..
313 Woodside aVe. Phone, 383. talnR the name ot every J)rotes8tonnl man.
Trott..r Dro., (Fire. etc,) tradesnlnn. mechnnlc RhopkeeJ)er. etc,. who
209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262-R. doeR or Co.n tn any way 8erVe hls telloW'..
LA.WYEIlS lownoman. and who I. progressive enougb
Gilroy, John :1l1 Easex aVe. Phone, lUS·ft. to add nam .. to n.t of Register.
PhlllL. addre.s. Lincoln Bldg. As It Is dlfflcult for those contrlbullntr
Henry. G..o, 1'1.107 Chestnut ave. Phone, 608. their time and ell'orts to the production of
PhlilL. addre.s. Finance Bldg. "Our Town" 10 personallY either know or
Sch..II, Horace> III. IntervIew all such, It would be most help-
208 Sabine ave. Phone. 1246-W. r'll If those not now found In the printed
Stltell, F1etclur W. 4U HlLverford ave. nst would send In a memo of Ihelr name...
Phone. 372- VI' Pl,lIa. address, Crozer Bldtr. address, phone numbers and buslneases or
LIGJIT.NG FIXTURES professIons for listing. This will cost a. fol·
llIeDonald oIoba, Narberth phone, 1288. low.: 10 cents each Issue for 2 tine.: 6 centa
11\33 Chest. at., Phlla. Phone, Spruce 8138. for each additional line.

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