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Flora Edwards quotes

“In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever

good we give out completes the circle and comes back to

Good morning every1

i m dhruvin kamdar, former director of this club and m
here to brief u on the question displayed on d screen......
“Why Should I (u) join Rotaract Club?"
If you aren't quite convinced that Rotaract is for you,
hopefully the information in this talk will make that
decision a little easier

Rotaract is a worldwide organization, with around 8,000

clubs in 140 different countries. There are many things
Rotaract has to offer. In a nutshell some of the main
things you can expect to gain from becoming a
Rotaractor include:

• Having heaps of fun while making new friendships

that last a lifetime.
• The satisfaction of knowing that you can make a
difference, in the local community.
• Pushing yourself to the limit and realizing your
potential in both personal and professional areas of
Primarily, we offer you the opportunity to learn more
about yourself and the community, in a safe, supportive,
friendly environment. We also offer you the opportunity
to contribute something back to society through a range
of community and humanitarian programs, while helping
you develop your leadership skills, plus there are many
social activities with other like-minded people

Rotaract is a very powerful youth volunteer force with

tremendous potential to make a real difference to our
world. Rotaract gives you the opportunity to work in your
local community alongside other people your age who
share similar concerns.

"Commit to Rotaract. Learn from everyone around you.

Share with them. [Help] them to work and develop their
skills," Mehelba urged. "If you do this, you will learn a lot
from Rotaract, and you will experience things that you
will never experience in any other organization in the

Goals of ROTARACT:

• To develop professional and leadership skills.

• To emphasize respect for the rights of others
based on recognition of the worth of each individual.
• To recognize the dignity and value of all useful
occupations as opportunities to serve.
• To recognize, practice and promote ethical
standards as leadership qualities and vocational
• To develop knowledge and understanding of the
needs, problem and opportunities in community and
• To provide opportunities for personal and group
activities to serve the community and promote
international understanding and goodwill to all

One of the best times for

a new Rotaract club (or
any Rotaract club for
that matter) is when a new
member shows an interest
in joining. It is even better
when new members eventually
stay and embark on
this complex but ultimately
enjoyable journey.
Recruitment is tough,
some people only join if
they stand to benefit so
they are keen when you
talk about personal benefits
they stand to gain by
That is not such a bad
thing but Sometimes it’s
easy to entice members by
sharing your best moments
of Rotaract. Here
is one such story that I
found mind blowing from
my own personal experience
Why did I join Rotaract? My
answer to this question is simple…..
because I BELONG! It
was years ago when I joined
Rotaract and it was accidental
because I was first introduced
to Rotary; then I asked the

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