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Stress and Digestiae

appears before the age of 35. Some IBS patients have also benefited help alleviate IBS symptoms.
Stress oftentimes brings on symp- from counseling to learn stress cop- Another dietary supplement de-
toms of lBS, and although the origin ing skills. Sometimes, medications are signed for IBS relief is AlMl00 Nutri-
of IBS is still unknown, the relation- prescribed to alleviate nausea, diarrhea tion's Belly Aid Anti-Spasm supporr.
ship between the stomach, brain and and constipation. This innovative herbal formula con-
related chemicals are a likely cause. Many of my patients who suffer tains stress-relieving peppermint oil,
The intestines and stomach are closely from IBS have benefited from a daily English lavender oil and chamomile.
"wired" to the rest of the body. The regimen of probiotics. I suggest that my This potent yet gentle formula calms
digestive system has more nerves than patients take a daily probiotic supple- the colon to relieve gas, bloating and
the spinal cord, and most of the body's ment called Belly Aid Daily by AIM 100 discomfort.
serotonin, a mood-controlling chemi-
cal, is found in the digestive system,
Nutrition. This supplement contains For more information about
two potent kinds of bacteria in just AIM 100 Nutrition's Daily Probiotic
not the brain. So it's not surprising that one dai[ pill with an optimal ingredi-
By: Dr. Patrick Dorvilus Support and Anti-Spasm Support, visit
stress and emotional states directly af- ent concentration.These beneficial mi- www.aim I 00nutrition.com.
(l.r"r, is an inevitable part of life. fect digestive health. croorganisms, or microflora, naturally
When a person is stressed, the
, \ Ad"ncing family, career and oth- brain releases chemicals into the
occur in our bodies by the billions! Of-
lJ er responsibilities are just part tentimes, our bodies are depleted of
of the many demands put on women body which are designed to protect these important microorganisms due
today. the body from danger. Although these to medications, such as antibiotics, and
Stress manifests itself in many dif- chemicals are designed to protect our diet.This can result in gastrointestinal ing uni{ue cooperctiye rnedicol rclre with
ferent ways. Some people experience bodies, they can sometimes cause un- discomfort, bowel irregularity and nau- Gouin,N.D.,a
Gouin, noturolathic physicion
N.D., o noturopathic Dhysicion and rwellness
fatigue, insomnia, headaches or muscle comfortable symptoms. For example, sea.Taking a daily probiotic supplement
speciolist Both physicions ore currently occepting
new patients.To mal<e an oppointment, coll (860)
aches.Yet stress almost always reveals when these chemicals are present in can help to maintain and restore these 649-6944 (MYGI).
itself in the digestive system. Some the body, the colon and intestines can beneficial bacteria and can potentially
people experience gastrointestinal contract and cause IBS symptoms.
symptoms such as appetite changes, A diagnosis of lrritable Bowel Syn-
nausea, indigestion and heartburn, drome is made based on patient symp-
toms.Although there is no cure for lBS,

whereas others suffer from symptoms
of lrritable Bowel Syndrome, or lBS. there are many ways to help to allevi-
IBS is characterized by stomach ate symptoms. Dietary changes that in-
cramps, gas and bloating along with clude increased fiber and avoiding fatty
bouts of diarrhea or constipation.Ac- foods, caffeine and alcohol can some-
cording to the National lnstitutes of times bring relief. Some patients also pffa{siTHn Tx} w{ftR
Health, approximately 20 percent of exclude certain foods to determine if
particular foods bring on IBS symp-
the adult population, or one in five f-IUTH*TlOllfiLf*Rtr
Americans, have symptoms of lBS, toms. Patients with stress-induced
making it one of the most common di- IBS oftentimes benefit from a gentle
272 Vain Street, Manchester, CT 06042
agnosed disorders. More women than exercise regimen, which aids in diges- Tel: (860) 649-6944 (MYGI)
men suffer from lBS, and it usually first tion and also helps to manage stress. Web: www.d rdorvi ds.com' I

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