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Climate Action Plan

Thank you to the hundreds of motivated individuals who generously
dedicated their time, effort, and ideas to help develop the Illinois
Climate Action Plan (iCAP) 2020.

We especially appreciate our passionate students, who have

displayed nothing but steadfast conviction throughout the
drafting process. One challenge after another was met with energy,
enthusiasm, and wisdom. We are not only immeasurably proud of
our students, but also honored to witness such an astounding show
of what it means to persevere.

Our Alma Mater statue is inscribed with the familiar phrase, “To thy
happy children of the future, those of the past send greetings." The
iCAP 2020 is proof that today’s students have taken this kinship
in hand and are working toward a sustainable future for the classes
of 2050 and beyond.

List of Figures. . . . . . . . . . VIII-IX
Illinois Climate Action Plan | iCAP 2020

Message from the Chancellor . . . . . . . X - XI

Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment | iSEE

Message from the Students . . . . . . . . XI I -XI I I
Facilities and Services | F&S
© 2020 University of Illinois Board of Trustees
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Illinois Climate Action Plan 2020 is the strategic framework
for meeting our Climate Leadership Commitments to be
PROGRESS TO DATE . . . . . . . . 17-21
carbon neutral as soon as possible and no later than 2050 and
build resilience with our local communities.
ORGA NIZ ATION OF PL A N . . . . . . . 22-25

Printed on 100% recycled-content paper.

CA MPUS ENERGY 101 . . . . . . . . 26-27

ENERGY . . . . . . . . . . 28-57
Thank you to the iCAP 2020 drafting team of Jenna Kurtzweil,
Meredith Moore, Morgan White, and iSEE Associate Director
TRA NSPORTATION . . . . . . . . 58-79
Ximing Cai, as well as the iSEE Communications Team under
the direction of Tony Mancuso. The document was primarily
L A ND & WATER . . . . . . . . . 80-99
designed by iSEE Student Intern Donna Dimitrova.
Z ERO WASTE . . . . . . . . . 100-123
Thank you to University of Illinois Office of Public Affairs for
providing some images used in this document.
EDUCATION . . . . . . . . . 124-139

ENGAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . 140-151

RESILIENCE . . . . . . . . . 152-165

IMPLEMENTATION . . . . . . . . 166-189



A PPENDIX A : ACRONYMS . . . . . . .. 192-195

A PPENDIX B : CONTRIB UTORS . . . . . . . 196-201



vi vii
List of Figures

Figure 1: Gross FY19 Campus Carbon Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Figure 15: Full-Time Employees for Sustainable Transportation . . . . . . 62

Figure 2: Annual Campus Energy Use Intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Figure 16: Percent of Staff Trips Made Using Single-Occupancy Vehicles (SOV) . . 70

Figure 3: Target Reduction in Campus Energy Use Intensity . . . . . . . . . . 41 Figure 17: Total Campus Potable Water Use (kgal) . . . . . . . . . 88

Figure 4: LEED-Certified Campus Square Footage . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Figure 18: Percent Reduction in Potable Water Consumption . . . . . . . 89

Figure 5: Energy Dashboard Weekly Display from the Business Instructional Facility (BIF) . . 43 Figure 19: Percent Recycled-Content Paper Purchased from OfficeMax . . . . 104

Figure 6: Total Campus Electricity Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Figure 20: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Diversion Rate . . . . . . . 105

Figure 7: Total Campus Density Factor in Relation to Peers . . . . . . . . . . 45 Figure 21: Total Revolving Loan Fund Balance ($) . . . . . . . . . 173

Figure 8: Total Energy Consumption for University-owned Buildings Figure 22: Funding Available From Carbon Credit Sales ($) . . . . . . 174
in the University District (MMBTU). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Figure 23: iCAP SWATeam Process Flowchart . . . . . . . . 212
Figure 9: Assessment of Square Footage Changes in University-owned Buildings, FY08-19 . 47

Figure 10: Annual Electrical Consumption for Petascale Facility (MWh/year) . . . . . 48

Figure 11: Clean Energy Used on Campus in FY19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Figure 12: Campus Power Sources for FY19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Figure 13: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Energy Systems . . . . . . . 52

Figure 14: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Energy Sources for FY19 . . . . . 53

viii ix
Message from the
In 2008, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign became a signatory of the American Col- goods and composting in FY22, four in FY23, six in FY24, and eight in FY25.
lege and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, binding our campus to the goal of car-
» Developing a comprehensive Zero Waste messaging campaign by FY21.
bon neutrality as soon as possible. We published our first Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) in
2010, with the second version following in 2015. » Reducing the percentage of staff trips made using single-occupancy vehicles from
In recent years, the university has witnessed significant strides toward curbing our carbon 60% to 50% by FY25 and 45% by FY30.
footprint. For example, air travel emissions decreased by 25% from 2014 to 2018 alone. We have
also made consistent progress toward expanding our sustainability offerings in the realms of » Developing a collaborative plan for environmental justice that will assess metro area
resilience and actively address related issues. The plan will be written and publicized
education and community engagement.
by FY24.
Though much has changed in the decade following our seminal strategic plan, it is with the
same spirit of ambition and excitement that I present iCAP 2020. Our new climate action plan Thousands of Illinois students, staff, and faculty members already put in a daily effort
stands on the shoulders of the two that came before while striving to reach new thresholds of to embrace sustainable lifestyle choices. This year, we were fortunate that many of these
agility and achievement. enterprising individuals participated directly in the iCAP process — from submitting sug-
gestions online to serving directly on a drafting team. I would like to warmly and personally
With the overarching goal of carbon neutrality acting as our anchor, the objectives included in this thank these members of the campus and community who gave generously of their leader-
document were carefully curated in pursuit of formidable, yet achievable, targets. These include: ship, time, and insight.
Socially and ecologically, our current climate is equal parts extraordinary, uncertain, and
» Using at least 140,000 MWh/year of clean power (about 30% of the annual power
charged with potential. Times are certainly challenging — but it is imperative to continue look-
demand) by FY25.
ing ahead, focusing not only on where we have been, but where we are bound. And we must
» Reducing net air travel emissions from the FY14 baseline: 50% by FY24; 100% by FY30. always keep in mind those for whom we are implementing this plan.
As we work hard to carry out the objectives called for in the pages that follow, we must re-
» Tracking and reporting food waste in at least five new areas by FY22. member these actions will make a better and more sustainable world for the students, staff,
and faculty who follow us.
» Reducing potable water consumption to 721,500 kgal/year by FY24, which is a reduction of
I look forward to seeing our progress in the coming years. And I am confident that all of
45% from the FY08 baseline.
us at this university will join together with the shared commitment it will take to make the
These and other objectives are designed to challenge our collective resourcefulness, resolve, ambitious goals of this plan a real and sustainable future here at Illinois.
and commitment to ethical environmental decision-making — all tasks we readily accept. It is
imperative that this climate crisis be addressed with a bias toward action, and we remain aware Sincerely,
of our institution’s profound impact should we choose to model proactive behavior.

Our hope is that this spirit of environmental stewardship permeates campus on administrative
and individual scales alike. That said, cultural sustainability serves as a cornerstone of this plan.
Objectives to this effect include:
Robert J. Jones
» Establishing a culture of reuse, with two major campuswide zero-waste events using durable
Chancellor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

x xi
Message from the

In 2018, Illinois students voted 82% in favor of maintaining a self-imposed fee to pro- It is paramount that the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign employ a bold and
mote a “Sustainable Campus Environment.” This overwhelming support for investing innovative deep decarbonization agenda. We must continue on the path of deep de-
our own dollars in sustainability demonstrates the resounding commitment and respon- carbonization and avoid carbon offsets or standalone renewable energy certificate pro-
sibility students feel to give our campus a greener future. As sustainability representa- curement. While we maintain external sustainability standards and initiatives, such as
tives of the student body, we are glad that students were included so thoroughly during LEED, we should also lead in our own right. As key producers of the technological, agri-
the process, and we earnestly support the iCAP 2020 plan. We are excited to see the cultural, and environmental research making a sustainable future possible, we have a re-
University of Illinois take steps to mitigate our carbon footprint and promote environ- sponsibility to act upon and implement the recommendations this research provides.
mental resilience through the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) 2020. The technical solutions in renewable fuels, energy storage, and advanced geothermal
systems that our research helped pioneer must be used as an opportunity to display
As a student body, we are most enthusiastic about the following goals: national leadership on this front. A meaningful and legitimate carbon-free
» Divesting our endowment and all University of Illinois System funds from fossil future is eminently attainable within the decade if we feel the responsibility and cour-
fuels, reinvesting our financial resources in sustainable and socially responsible age to pursue it.
funds, and making all investments more transparent (Chapter 9). University of Illinois students resoundingly support the investment of university re-
sources in climate leadership and action. The student body consistently demonstrates
» Decarbonizing our campus thermal energy systems, specifically Abbott Power this support by voting in favor of election referenda, passing Student Government reso-
Plant, and increasing our energy procurement from renewable sources (Chapter 2). lutions, and publicly demonstrating and protesting. We are acutely aware of the impor-
tance of eliminating our campus carbon emissions as soon as possible.
» Integrating sustainability into student life and culture in the places we live, eat,
and play through campus housing, dining, and recreation (Chapter 7).
As we execute the goals of the iCAP 2020, we call on this university to embrace a more ag-
» Holistically incorporating environmental justice into our sustainability mission gressive goal in reaching carbon neutrality, ideally no later than 2030.
by collaborating with Black, Latinx, Indigenous, LGBTQ+, rural, international,
impoverished, and other underserved communities globally, but especially locally
in and around Champaign County (Chapter 8).

These goals and the broader iCAP 2020 are fundamental to a responsible trajectory Joseph Edwards & Sarah Gediman, Student Sustainability Committee
for our university. We, the students of this university, applaud these objectives and the Alexis Perezchica & Christopher Ackerman-Avila, Student Body President and VP
students, faculty, and staff who have committed to help accomplish them.
Joseph Kreiling & Jonah Messinger, Student Sustainability Leadership Council
In 2008, our university committed to carbon neutrality by 2050. While this was and
is a lofty goal, the current climate emergency and our collective conscience calls Cheyenne Wendell, Students for Environmental Concerns
for more. With these increasingly urgent timeframes and the dire consequences of Creen Ahmad, Illinois Student Government Environmental Sustainability Committee
our carbon emissions, we must expedite our goals to reflect the daunting challenge
our global climate crisis presents.

xii xiii
CLIMATE LEADERSHIP (ACUPCC). The document was later renamed
COMMITMENTS the Second Nature Carbon Commitment due to
iCAP 2020 outlines a comprehensive approach its sponsorship by the Boston-based nonprofit
to campus sustainability. However, the univer- Second Nature. Since 2008, we have strength-
sity’s history of climate commitments began ened our partnership with Second Nature in
with an acute focus on one significant agent of pursuit of their mission to “[accelerate] climate
For a century and a half, the University of Illinois has pursued its mission “to climate change: greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- action in, and through, higher education.”2 In
enhance the lives of citizens in Illinois, across the nation and around the world.”1 sions. The vices of global climate change total, the document accrued over 600 signa-
include extreme weather events, air pollution tories and formally solidified the university’s
In this innovative spirit, the Urbana campus has spent the last dozen years actively
and respiratory ailments, food and water inse- dedication to achieving carbon neutrality as
addressing one of the modern world's most critical issues: sustainability. curity, land and agricultural degradation, and soon as possible and no later than 2050.
social injustices. In 2020, curtailing The Second Nature Carbon Commitment,
campuswide GHG emissions remains the which underscored the importance of cultivat-
In an era that recognizes the gravity of cli- ing for holistic, campuswide sustainability and cornerstone of our strategic plan. ing an environmentally conscious student body,
mate change, meeting today’s needs without strengthening community resilience. On Feb. 22, 2008, Chancellor Richard is excerpted below.
compromising those of future generations is Poised at the outset of a new decade, iCAP Herman joined a cohort of higher education Eight years later on Feb. 9, 2016, Interim
indispensable. Previous versions of the Illinois 2020 represents our continuous commitment colleagues in signing the American College and Chancellor Barbara Wilson signed Second
Climate Action Plan (iCAP) were published in to environmental stewardship, to honor the University Presidents’ Climate Commitment Nature’s Climate Resilience Commitment,
2010 and 2015. With this iteration, we further work of the recent past and advance toward a
our pursuit of carbon neutrality while striv- safe and sustainable future.
2  https://secondnature.org/mission/

Overview of Commitments “We believe colleges and universities

S C O P E O F i CA P 2 02 0 contiguous Urbana campus and its facilities, must exercise leadership in their
resources, and personnel. For further discus-
As the flagship institution of higher educa-
tion in Illinois and one of the world’s leading
sion of on-campus Engagement objectives, see communities and throughout society
Chapter 7.
research institutes, we acknowledge the uni-
versity’s expansive scope of impact.
Many of our Resilience objectives involve by modeling ways to minimize global
collaborations with local entities in Champaign,
Published under the authority of Chancellor
Robert J. Jones, this document pertains to the
Urbana, and Savoy. For further discussion of warming emissions, and by providing
these objectives, see Chapter 8.
the knowledge and the educated
1  https://illinois.edu/about/
graduates to achieve climate neutrality.”
— Second Nature Carbon Commitment

14 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i n t r o d u ct i o n 15
pledging to work with community partners to Projects funded in this manner are cost-effec- dent’s Guiding Principles also include an envi- Additional campus commitments related to
evaluate local vulnerabilities to climate change tive and energy efficient, and utility cost sav- ronmental sustainability component, calling for specific sustainability topics are described in the
— specifically pertaining to natural resources, ings are reabsorbed into the fund to ensure its “sustainable environmental and economic im- related chapters.
land management, and energy production. longevity.4 provements to the human condition.”8
The Resilience Commitment and Carbon In 2012, Chancellor Phyllis Wise committed
Commitment combine to form Second Nature’s the university to become an LED Campus. Wise
Climate Leadership Commitments, for which made this decision to honor Grainger College
Illinois is a Charter Signatory. In fall 2019, Uni- of Engineering alumnus and Professor Emer- E M I S S I O N S 1 01
versity of Illinois President Timothy Killeen itus Nick Holonyak Jr., who is credited with
reinforced this commitment for all three Uni- demonstrating the first visible LED. The com- GHG = Greenhouse gas, a gas that traps heat CO2e = Carbon dioxide equivalent, used as
versity of Illinois campuses by signing the Cli- mitment called for a campuswide prioritization in the Earth's atmosphere when released into a standard to express the impact of all GHG
mate Emergency Letter3 as one of more than of LED lighting in addition to the following ob- the air. emissions in terms of CO2.
200 Global Universities and Colleges for the jectives: replacing interior and exterior way-
Climate. finding fixtures with LED fixtures by 2025; CO2 = Carbon dioxide. This GHG is released MTCO2e = Metric tons of carbon dioxide
and converting a majority of lighting to LED into the air by burning fossil fuels like coal and equivalent (see above). 1 MTCO2e = 2,204 lbs.
R E L ATI O N S H I P TO OTH E R by 2050.5 These targets remain a priority and natural gas.
C O M M ITM E NT S are discussed further in Chapter 2.
The university’s climate commitments are In January 2015, the university became an
made public through several initiatives in ad- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Green
dition to those sponsored by Second Nature.
In 2011, the university joined the Billion
Power Partner. The Green Power Partnership
(GPP) initiative is a 19-year-old cohort with the
Progress to Date
Dollar Green Challenge launched in October goal to elevate voluntary adoption of green power
CA R B O N E M I S S I O N S I N V E NTO RY sible GHG reporting. Therefore, it should be noted
of the same year. Participating organizations are in the United States.6 For further discussion of
that GHG emissions are quantified in metric tons
challenged to invest a cumulative $1B in energy the university’s partnership, see Chapter 2. As part of the Climate Leadership Commit-
of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e),9 a unit
efficiency projects via self-managed revolving In November 2015, Interim Chancellor Bar- ments, Illinois publicly submits GHG emissions
that expresses major GHGs (e.g., methane and
funds. The university’s revolving fund is man- bara Wilson signed the White House American inventories to Second Nature on an annual ba-
nitrous oxide) appropriately adjusted for their cli-
aged by Facilities and Services (F&S) and origi- Campuses Act on Climate (ACAC) Pledge,7 re- sis. The first step in this process was conduct-
mate impacts relative to CO2.
nally consisted of contributions from the Office iterating Illinois’ commitment to carbon neu- ing a campuswide carbon emissions inventory
of the Chancellor, the President’s Office, and trality. in FY08. Those results serve as “baseline” val-
GHG emissions are categorized into three
the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC). The University of Illinois System Presi- ues that anchor the university’s progress from
FY08 to the present day, and to the target year
of FY50. » Scope 1 consists of emissions produced
3  https://www.sdgaccord.org/climateletter
As an institution that recognizes the value of either on campus or as a result of
4  http://greenbillion.org/participant/uiuc/
on-campus activities over which we
5  https://icap.sustainability.illinois.edu/project/led-campus information, we are committed to publicly acces-
6  https://bit.ly/2X8Lomg
7   https://bit.ly/39FVFvb 8  https://www.uillinois.edu/about/guiding_principles
9  https://bit.ly/3jXaQoA

16 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i n t r o d u ct i o n 17
Gross FY19 Campus Carbon Emissions 2; and 54,743 MTCO2e for Scope 3 (Figure 1). challenges in sustainability, energy and
TOTAL: 433,797 MTCO 2e environment; to provide national and
H I S TO R I CA L OV E RV I E W international leadership in these areas through
In addition to spurring the first campuswide interdisciplinary education and outreach activ-
GHG emissions inventory, Second Nature pro- ities; and to develop and implement strategies
vided the impetus for the university’s inaugu- for a sustainable environment on the Univer-
ral climate action plan; the ACUPCC included sity of Illinois’ Urbana-Champaign campus
a charge to “initiate the development of a com- and beyond."10
prehensive plan to achieve carbon neutrality This three-pronged approach in the themes
as soon as possible.” The 2010 iCAP was our of campus sustainability, education and out-
first iteration of this plan and the first climate reach, and research sets us apart from other uni-
action plan submitted to Second Nature by a versities with sustainability institutes, where
university in the Big Ten Academic Alliance. operational aspects are often separated from
The 2010 iCAP set aggressive short- and research and teaching.
long-term goals for achieving carbon neutrality, One of iSEE’s first steps to integrate aca-
with core commitments ranging from energy demics and operations was to develop a formal
conservation to planning and follow-through. process for recommending campus sustainabil-
Soon after, the online iCAP Portal was estab- ity initiatives. In June 2014, the Procedure for
lished to comprehensively track and share up- Formulating and Evaluating Campus Sustain-
dates on campus sustainability progress. In late ability Policies and Initiatives11 was prepared in
Figure 1: Gross FY19 Campus Carbon Emissions
2011, the chancellor commenced the Visioning collaboration with Facilities and Services (F&S),
Future Excellence report, which gathered input the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research,
have direct control. This includes the base year of FY08 was 575,088.1 MTCO2e. from more than 3,000 individuals to identify and the Office of the Provost, and was approved
energy generation using fossil fuels Approximately 85% is a direct result of heating, how Illinois could best address society’s press- by the chancellor. At the heart of this proce-
at Abbott Power Plant and individual cooling, and operating campus buildings. Most ing needs. One theme that emerged from this dure was the creation of topical Sustainability
campus buildings, vehicle fuels of the energy used for building operations comes process was “Energy and Environment.” In re- Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams), each
for the campus fleet, and animal from coal and natural gas combustion at Abbott sponse, Illinois launched the Institute for Sus- composed of student, staff, and faculty mem-
emissions from the College of ACES. tainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) in ber representatives. These collaborative, multi-
Power Plant, and the remainder comes from elec-
tricity purchased from outside sources. Other December 2013. disciplinary teams are charged with proposing
» Scope 2 consists of emissions
on-campus emissions are generated from trans- Since its conception, iSEE has strengthened sustainability initiatives, partnering with com-
resulting from purchased electricity.
portation systems and patterns, agriculture, water its mission: munity stakeholders, and advocating for the
» Scope 3 consists of emissions use, and solid waste. university’s ongoing efforts toward holistic
“To foster actionable, interdisciplinary
generated off campus as a direct As of June 30, 2019, campus’s gross GHG campus sustainability. The SWATeams make
research to address fundamental
result of university activities (e.g.,
emissions total was calculated to be 433,797
commuting, air travel, and electricity
MTCO2e, roughly a 25% decrease from the base
transmission and distribution loss). 10  https://bit.ly/338NI0m
year, broken down by scope as follows: 195,459
The total campus emissions inventory for MTCO2e for Scope 1; 183,595 MTCO2e for Scope 11  https://bit.ly/3hL2qPg

18 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i n t r o d u ct i o n 19
recommendations to the iCAP Working Group Housing, the Illini Union, the Parking Depart- project description includes a brief history, with honors in the Sustainability Tracking, Assess-
(iWG) — a cohort of midlevel administrators as ment, Purchasing, and U of I Extension. Stu- some information going back as far as 2005. ment & Rating System (STARS) for the fourth
well as students, staff, and faculty members — dent and faculty SWATeam members represent The iCAP Portal has about 17,000 visitors per straight time. This rating was made possible by
which evaluates and routes them to the appropri- several colleges, academic units, and student year and serves as an excellent resource for outstanding energy and resource savings work
ate campus unit or to the Sustainability Council associations across campus. courses and independent student projects. provided by F&S as well as inclusion of sus-
for further evaluation and implementation. The The SWATeams were heavily involved in tainability across academic units. Innovations
SWATeams and iWG are charged annually by the formation of the 2015 iCAP, which was R E C O G N ITI O N lauded in the report include the student-writ-
the iSEE Baum Family Director (Evan H. DeLu- drafted during the 2014-15 academic year. In recent years, our sustainability efforts have ten environmental journal Q Magazine, the Field
cia served in this role until August 2020), who is The final version was signed by Interim Chan- been recognized on a national scale. to Flame biomass boiler project at the Illinois
also the vice chair of the Sustainability Council cellor Barbara Wilson in October 2015. New In January 2019, the Urbana campus was Energy Farm, and the Student Sustainability
which is charged and chaired by the chancellor. SWATeams were formed in FY20 for the de- named the ninth annual winner of the Cli- Committee-funded Inner Voices Social Issues
Operational campus sustainability efforts velopment of iCAP 2020. Among these are mate Leadership Award presented by Second Theater Project. As of this year’s recertification,
are primarily implemented by F&S, currently the Resilience SWATeam (which uniquely in- Nature and the U.S. Green Building Coun- we received the top STARS score in the Big Ten.
under the leadership of Executive Director Mo- cludes community representatives), the Educa- cil.13 The University of Illinois was recognized Also in 2019, the Urbana campus ranked No.
hamed Attalla, who is also on the Sustainabil- tion SWATeam, and the Engagement SWATeam for its comprehensive energy-saving efforts, 20 out of 282 four-year higher education insti-
ity Council. As the largest administrative unit (new in August 2020). cross-curricular sustainability programming, tutions in Sierra Club's “Cool Schools” contest.
on campus, F&S has responsibility for sus- and attention to community resilience. This Campuses participate by completing an exten-
tainable transportation; resilient grounds and award citation is reflective of collaboration be- sive questionnaire about their sustainability
landscapes; waste management and recycling; tween students, staff, and faculty members to practices to be evaluated by Sierra Club experts.
large-scale renewable energy and energy con- Maintaining transparency regarding sustain- Additional accomplishments pertaining to
achieve our Climate Leadership Commitments.
servation; rainwater management and green ability objectives, successes, and challenges the major iCAP themes are discussed in the
In March 2019, the University of Illinois
infrastructure; Leadership in Energy and En- is one of the university’s highest priorities. In following chapters.
Urbana-Champaign was awarded Gold Level
vironmental Design (LEED) certifications for 2012, we launched the iCAP Portal,12 a real-time
capital construction; building maintenance online platform for iCAP updates, historical
and services; and more. F&S has been involved
with the iCAP since the university signed the
context, metrics, and project lead contact in-
formation. To date, the portal hosts nearly 800
Organization of Plan
ACUPCC in 2008. F&S employees help pro- projects and 100 different metrics correspond-
I CA P 2 02 0 D E V E LO P M E NT to the standard combination of student, staff,
vide innovative solutions and serve as members ing to iCAP objectives organized into primary PROCESS and faculty members, the Resilience SWATeam
of the SWATeams. iSEE Associate Director for themes: Energy, Transportation, Land & Water,
In the spirit of innovation and transformative includes representatives from local government
Campus Sustainability Ximing Cai co-chairs Zero Waste, Resilience, Education, Engagement,
change, we continuously review and evalu- and other pertinent entities. An iSEE intern
the iWG alongside F&S Associate Director for Reporting Progress, Research Opportunities,
ate our approach to campus sustainability and serves each team as a clerk. More detailed de-
Sustainability Morgan White. and Funding. Encompassing a decade of infor-
initiate improvements. scriptions of the SWATeams are located in their
Other administrative units with staff in- mation, the public site serves as a repository
In fall 2019, the original six SWATeams respective chapters.
volved in iCAP implementation (e.g., through for proposed, canceled, and active projects that
were reorganized as follows: Energy; Land & As in years prior, the development of iCAP
SWATeams or the iWG) include University are in development, complete, or ongoing. Each
Water; Zero Waste; Transportation; Educa- 2020 was highly collaborative. The SWATeams
tion and Outreach; and Resilience. In addition
12  https://icap.sustainability.illinois.edu/
13  https://bit.ly/33besxl

20 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i n t r o d u ct i o n 21
first transmitted draft objectives to the iWG, » Monthly Student Input Sessions:
which is charged with evaluating the objectives, During these sessions — which took
coordinating public input, and guiding iSEE in place on Nov. 6, 2019, Dec. 6, 2019,
the drafting of each five-year document. Once Feb. 3, 2020, and March 3, 2020 —
the iWG integrated and approved the objectives, undergraduate and graduate students
iSEE sought public feedback prior to further re- facilitated idea generation and strategy
view by the Sustainability Council. Chancellor development for the iCAP objectives.
Jones gave the document final approval. They were well attended, with
Appendix B lists the members of the SWA- approximately 40 student participants
Teams, iWG, and Sustainability Council during at each event. A comprehensive list of
the period in which this document was for- suggested projects and policies is listed
mulated. in Appendix C: Honorable Mention
Objectives. This list is a starting point
CA M P U S A N D C O M M U N IT Y for discussions on future initiatives.
» Submission Form: To supplement in-
Widespread participation was instrumental
person input sessions, iSEE published
in drafting iCAP 2020. We strove not only to
an online iCAP Input Questionnaire14
make the iCAP known to its stakeholders, but
during the 2019-20 academic year. The
also to weave these voices into the document’s
survey offered campus and community
framework. As such, iWG members collabo-
members the opportunity to submit
rated with iSEE staff to redouble outreach ef-
feedback in a standardized format.
forts and employ new methods to engage as
great a diversity of voices as possible. These » Curricular Student Engagement: In
efforts included: spring 2020, iSEE offered NRES 285 as a Monthly Student Input Sessions facilitated idea
generation and strategy development for the iCAP objectives.
» Campus Sustainability Celebration Student iCAP course co-taught by Campus Pictured: November 2019 meeting at Everitt Laboratory.
Open Forum: This free, public event took Sustainability Programs Coordinator
place on Oct. 23, 2019, during Campus Meredith Moore and Academic Program
the written objectives were well-received Research Administrators Working
Sustainability Week. Posters representing Instructor/Advisor Eric Green. The course
and incorporated into this document. Group (CRAWG) in spring 2020.
key themes were displayed and attendees engaged students in the development
Additionally, representatives from F&S, iSEE Baum Family Director Evan
were encouraged to contribute ideas. and presentation of the iCAP. After eight
iSEE, and the iWG made presentations to H. DeLucia presented the full text
These suggestions were passed to the weeks of preparation, three student teams
undergraduate courses to raise awareness draft at the CRAWG meeting in June
SWATeams to assist in early stages of presented the proposed iCAP objectives
and cultivate interest in the iCAP among the 2020. iWG members also circulated
deliberation and strategic planning. to stakeholder groups, including the iWG;
student body, particularly underclassmen. drafts to their affiliated groups.

» Stakeholder Engagement: iSEE and F&S This iCAP was developed on the basis of
14  https://go.illinois.edu/2020iCAPForm
staff presented the draft iCAP 2020 cogent suggestions and spirited conversation
objectives to the Senate Committee on among students, staff, faculty members, and
Campus Operations and the Campus community stakeholders. As of March 2020,

22 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i n t r o d u ct i o n 23
outreach and engagement efforts pertaining to sections: level for each objective. Chapter 10 offers con- enhanced commitment to environmental sus-
the iCAP drafting process were shifted to a dig- cluding remarks. tainability and proudly recognize our leader-
1. An introduction including historical
ital format due to COVID-19 health concerns. With the approval of this 2020 version of ship role in modeling strategies to ensure a
information and overarching concepts;
All SWATeam, iWG, and stakeholder meetings the Illinois Climate Action Plan, we make an sustainable future.
were conducted virtually, as was the Sustain- 2. Specific objectives with key performance
ability Council meeting. metrics, detailed explanations, and the
The April iCAP Celebration and Forum was unit(s) responsible for progress; and
transitioned to an entirely virtual format as
well. This event, the sixth of its kind during 3. A conclusion reiterating key takeaways.
the 2019-20 academic year, took place during Objectives are the core of the iCAP. They are
Earth Week on April 23, 2020, through a combi- specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
nation of Zoom and Facebook streaming. While time-bound. In collaboration with each objec-
the initial intent was to showcase and celebrate tive’s responsible unit(s), the Sustainability
the iCAP draft and solicit feedback, the digi- Council and iWG will measure and report on
tal format prevented some aspects from being progress, and work with campus and budgetary
realized in full. Nevertheless, we received ac- authorities to identify funding to implement the
tive engagement from campus and community objectives in a timely manner. Explanations out-
members who tuned in to watch student SWA- line methods and potential issues for campus
Team representatives present the iCAP draft to consider in helping to achieve the objectives.
objectives. The SWATeams and iWG annually review
Following the online presentation, the afore- progress on the iCAP objectives and recommend
mentioned iCAP submission form was adapted additional actions for campus units to take.
to welcome feedback on the draft objectives. Annual progress reports are shared during the
The online form remained publicly available Campus Sustainability Celebration in October.
throughout spring and summer 2020, during SWATeam recommendations might pull from
which time submissions on subsequent ver- the strategies described in this document or in-
sions of the iCAP were reviewed by members clude new strategies as circumstances evolve.
of the drafting committee. Chapters 2-9 present objectives for
Despite the inevitable learning curve that eight topical areas: Energy, Transportation,
accompanies remote work, particularly in cir- Land & Water, Zero Waste, Education, Engage-
cumstances involving large groups, we are ment, Resilience, and Implementation. While
pleased that this process was able to continue, Engagement was not an officially charged
albeit unconventionally. The situation was not SWATeam in FY20, the importance of targeted
ideal, and we are grateful for the adaptability outreach efforts warrants a chapter, and an En-
and determination shown by all involved. gagement SWATeam was launched in FY21.
Chapter 9 discusses implementation consid- The Agroforestry for Food (A4F) Project at the Illinois Energy
I CA P 2 02 0 S TR U CT U R E erations and includes a comprehensive list of Farm is one of the university's many avenues to pursue secure
and sustainable agriculture.
funding levels, responsible parties, and difficulty
The following chapters are organized into three

24 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i n t r o d u ct i o n 25
Campus Energy
The following definitions of commonly used terms, phrases, and units will
provide clarity throughout Chapter 2.

Megawatt (MW) = 1,000,000 Watts cost savings. The university is also connected Clean Energy = Energy from sources with net- sell the RECs from the university solar arrays,
to the regional Ameren grid and is a direct zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in- the energy we produce will count toward our
Megawatt-hour (MWh) = one hour of market participant in Midcontinent Inde- cluding renewable energy sources (e.g., renewable energy goals. When we claim the
energy production at megawatt scale = pendent System Operator (MISO). MISO is solar panels and wind turbines) as well as use of clean energy, we retire the associated
an Independent System Operator (ISO) and low-carbon energy sources (e.g., nuclear
1,000,000 Watt-hours amount of RECs to make sure they are not
Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) and biomass). As described in the 2015
iCAP, renewable energy includes conven- counted twice. For more information about
British Thermal Unit (BTU) = 1,055.06 that operates the real-time energy market for RECs, see the 2015 iCAP, Chapter 3.16
tional power (historically generated from
joules its customers and provides services includ-
burning fossil fuel hydrocarbons, such as
ing monitoring and balancing regional trans- Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) = A contractual
coal or natural gas) that is bundled with an
mission services.15 Transportation energy use equivalent amount of Renewable Energy
MMBTU = 1,000,000 BTUs = 1,000 KBTUs power agreement often used for procurement
is reported separately in the Transportation Certificates (REC). of renewable or clean energy. A physical PPA
Energy = All forms of energy generated and/ chapter.
includes delivery of the purchased power to
or used on campus, the majority of which is
Hydrocarbon = An organic chemical compound the campus using the Ameren grid. A virtual
provided by the university’s combined heat Energy Use Intensity (EUI) = Total energy used to made up of hydrogen and carbon atoms. PPA (VPPA) is a contract that uses a financial
and power (CHP) district energy system. support the operation of a given space over a Fossil fuels (e.g., coal and natural gas) are
Electricity and steam are cogenerated at Ab- transaction and does not include the physical
period of one year. EUI is expressed in terms made up of hydrocarbons.
bott Power Plant and distributed to campus delivery of power to campus.
of BTU per gross square foot (GSF) and can
buildings. Chilled water for campus cooling be applied to a specific room or space type Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) = A tracking
is provided by a network of chiller plants. The within a building, a building as a whole, or system that documents renewable energy
chilled water system incorporates a 6.5 mil- the campus at large. We report on EUI for generation and use. One megawatt-hour of
lion gallon thermal energy storage (TES) tank buildings, colleges, and the whole campus renewable electricity generated and put on
to facilitate time-of-day management of elec- (excluding the National Petascale Comput- the electric grid equates to one REC. Only the
tricity consumption, which allows for opti- ing Facility). owner of the REC may claim usage of renew-
mized usage of off-peak power and resultant
able energy; for example, as long as we do not

15  https://www.misoenergy.org/about/ 16  https://bit.ly/2CWCCRI

26 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i n t r o d u ct i o n 27
28 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 29
enhance our energy efficiency. While improving to unit executive officers regarding the 2020
space utilization has historically been a critical Campus Space Survey,21 Vice Chancellor for
campus issue, safety measures implemented Academic Affairs and Provost Andreas
in light of the COVID-19 pandemic have re- Cangellaris remarked:
AC H I E V I N G EN ER GY G EN ER AT I O N , newed interest in building usage. In his letter

“The COVID-19 pandemic has caused

a seismic shift in the way our Campus
has had to manage our physical and
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign main campus includes all uni-
human resources this year in order to
versity-owned property within the University District and on the South Farms. safely ensure the continued delivery
Last year, campus used approximately 3 trillion BTUs (or 3.2 quadrillion joules),
enough to sustain 39,000 U.S. homes.17 of our academic mission. As we
Our university leads the Big Ten in overall en- servation projects included in the 2010 and transition back to campus in fall 2020,
ergy efficiency, also known as Energy Use In- 2015 iCAPs are cornerstones of our campus
tensity (EUI). We are proud that our energy sustainability strategy.20 We aim to further re- there will be many safety guidelines in
usage per square foot is lower than average duce energy emissions through a two-pronged
among the Big Ten according to Sightlines, approach combining proactive energy efficiency place to promote social distancing and
LLC.18 Nevertheless, our energy consumption strategies with increased procurement from
remains the greatest contributor to our total clean sources. safe working conditions. In many
GHG emissions. Energy emissions are reflected Improving space utilization is a particular
in Scope 1 and Scope 2 of our GHG inventory. In challenge for the Urbana campus. In fall 2019, cases, this may significantly alter how
FY19, energy emissions totaled 381,069 MT- the university welcomed an unprecedented
CO2e, comprising roughly 86% of the campus’s 50,000 new and returning students. As cam- our spaces will need to be utilized in
total gross emissions.19 pus grows and evolves, we must balance the
The cost-saving energy efficiency and con- need for new facilities with the obligation to the foreseeable future.”

17  In 2015, the average American home used 77 million BTUs per year. Source: https://bit.ly/2P70Smu 21  https://bit.ly/2BHmfrw
18  Sightlines, LLC, is a consultant that provides facility and services data analysis to colleges and universities across the
nation, including the Big Ten.
19  https://bit.ly/3hNwKZx
20  These projects are highlighted in the Energy Use Policy: https://bit.ly/39NClfJ

30 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 31
We echo the provost’s emphasis on health efficiency, the university is committed to pur- based Rail Splitter Wind Farm, LLC for » Geothermal energy systems are being
and safety; as we look to use our space in the suing clean energy and decreasing our depen- approximately 25,000 MWh/year through installed at various university sites to
most sustainable manner possible, we will con- dence on fossil fuels. To that effect, we have Prairieland Energy, Inc. Campus purchases reduce thermal energy demand from
tinue to factor in hygiene and social distancing been a proud member of the Environmen- the energy and the associated RECs for other sources. Shallow, horizontal ground
concerns in light of the current pandemic and tal Protection Agency’s Green Power Partner- 8.6% of the wind farm production. We loop systems have been installed at the
as a preventative measure for future scenarios. ship23 since January 2015. As a Green Power receive the power whenever the wind is Woody Perennial Polyculture (WPP)
University expansion is not the only future Partner, Illinois joins more than 1,500 univer- blowing, which is not always aligned with Research Site,30 Allerton Park,31 and the
scenario to which we must adapt, however. sities, governments, business, and communi- the timing of our power demand. Hourly Gable Home at the Illinois Energy Farm.
Due to the social and economic consequences ties in a push toward green power.24 As of FY19, wind purchases through this PPA are Closed-loop geothermal energy systems
of COVID-19, campus must prepare to oc- 7.3% of the total electricity used on campus is reported monthly on the iCAP Portal.27 containing a series of 40 450-foot-
cupy not only a larger physical space, but also from solar and wind energy sources (see Ob- deep vertical boreholes are installed
» After a 2017 SWATeam recommendation at the Grainger College of Engineering
a smaller environmental footprint. Should the jective #2.3.1).25
for expanding the solar farm was Campus Instructional Facility32 as well
state budget for higher education contract, in-
approved by the Sustainability Council, as at a greenhouse in the University of
creased campus energy efficiency may provide Notable achievements in energy efficiency and
the Board of Trustees approved Illinois Research Park supporting the
a welcome avenue for cost savings. We an- clean energy from 2015 to 2019 include:
construction of Solar Farm 2.0 in fall Realizing Increased Photosynthetic
ticipate upcoming changes in campus energy » Solar Farm 1.0 has been operational 2019.28 The 54-acre site will nearly Efficiency (RIPE)33 project. Drilled shafts
usage, with reductions in energy usage from since Dec. 11, 2015. The 20.8-acre farm triple the university’s on-site solar constructed for the foundation of the
less people on campus, and increases due to is one of the largest university solar energy generation, producing 20,000 Department of Civil and Environmental
higher heating, ventilation, and air-condition- arrays in the U.S. and generates 2% of MWh annually in addition to the Engineering’s Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems
ing (HVAC) demands in the fall to ventilate and the campus’s annual electrical demand. 7,000 MWh/year from Solar Farm 1.0. Laboratory34 are outfitted with a closed-
circulate clean air. There will also be changes The Solar Farm is operated by Phoenix Pollinator-friendly plantings will make loop geothermal energy system.35
with the Petascale supercomputer energy de- Solar South Farms, LLC, with whom Solar Farm 2.0 a demonstration site
mands, with a predicted electricity demand re- F&S holds a 10-year power purchase as a Pollinator-Friendly Solar Array.29 » Retrocommissioning (RCx) optimizes
duction of approximately 60,000 MWh/year, agreement (PPA). All power generated a building’s heating, ventilation, and
though we cannot predict the longer term us- by Solar Farm 1.0 and all associated » In June 2017, a 198 kW biomass boiler cooling systems and controls to maximize
age of the supercomputer. The data figures in Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are was installed at the Illinois Energy Farm. energy savings while maintaining
this chapter are based on known FY19 energy owned and retired by the university.26 This project successfully demonstrated occupant comfort. Since August 2007,
usage, which reflects a total power demand of our ability to use biomass to expand RCx teams have updated systems in over
457,000 MWh/year. 22 » In November 2016, the university entered clean thermal energy use on campus.
In addition to optimizing space and energy into a 10-year PPA with the Illinois-
27  https://bit.ly/3hQi2kz
22  FY19 figures are based on F&S data from the March 2020 "Utility Summary FY.xlsx." 28  https://bit.ly/31714rD
23  https://bit.ly/2BJSW7H 29  https://bit.ly/3hKyinh
24  https://www.epa.gov/greenpower/what-green-power 30  https://bit.ly/2Xe2KhD
25  The Green Power Partnership reflects power consumption, not total energy. Power on campus is only 38% of the total energy 31  https://bit.ly/3geGxHZ
usage. It should be noted that the Green Power Partnership only includes green power purchases specifically obtained for 32  https://bit.ly/2BKxYph
campus, and does not include clean energy from conventional grid-purchased power. 33  https://ripe.illinois.edu/
26  https://bit.ly/2CWDlSW 34  https://bit.ly/2X8rlV6
35  https://go.illinois.edu/CampusLivingLab

32 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 33
80 campus buildings, reducing energy achieve net-zero energy certification. space, and eliminating unnecessary In fall 2017, Assistant Professor of Agricul-
consumption by an average of 27% In addition to the above achievements, the freezers. In 2019, 70 laboratories tural and Consumer Economics (ACE) Erica
and avoiding $70M in utility costs for university increased energy conservation out- across 15 buildings were enrolled in Myers and ACE Ph.D. candidate Mateus Souza
more than 10 million GSF of facilities. reach efforts and behavior change campaigns the program; overall energy usage studied the impact of detailed energy reports on
in recent years. These efforts include: decreased by an estimated 438 kWh/ student energy-saving behaviors.43 The project
» The Facilities Standards36 exceed day, or a combined annual equivalent of received funding through the Levenick iSEE Fel-
minimum state energy performance » Eco-Olympics is a three-week 13.5 homes’ energy use for one year.42 lows Program, and ultimately determined that
requirements. We require that “each competition that educates and motivates although similar experiments had proven effec-
proposed building construction is to students to reduce residence hall energy » Illinois Solar Decathlon (ISD) is an tive in standard residential settings, the impact
achieve a minimum 25% reduction in usage. In 2019, 350 students across 17 interdisciplinary student organization was negligible in residence halls where students
its Performance Cost Index (PCI) as residence halls saved 70,000 kWh of pursuing environmental sustainability do not directly pay for energy. On the other
compared to its Performance Cost Index energy.38 The competition began in 2013 through green building, sustainable hand, simple nudges sent prior to winter break
target (PCIt), while major renovations are and has been running annually since. engineering, and community outreach. were effective in promoting the reduction of
to achieve a minimum 20% reduction.” Energy savings are tracked online and The award-winning Build Team has thermostat setpoints and energy consumption.
shared publicly during the competition.39 competed in U.S. Department of Energy- Results from the study were later published in
» Centralized energy conservation efforts funded international contests for
led by F&S (e.g., Energy Performance » Illini Lights Out (ILO)40 is a student-run the Journal of Environmental Economics and
13 years. In spring 2020, the Illinois Management.44 Moving forward, we will con-
Contracting, RCx and Recommissioning effort to conserve energy by switching Clean Energy Community Foundation
teams, and upgraded boilers at Abbott off lights in university buildings. ILO tinue to engage students through a combina-
(ICECF) awarded ISD $150K to support tion of specialized events and behavior change
Power Plant) have reduced campus EUI by began in spring 2016 as a pilot event the team’s 2020 U.S. Solar Decathlon
38.2% from FY08 to FY19. Each year, the organized by the Energy SWATeam. campaigns.
Build Challenge entry, ADAPTHAUS, In recent years, campus has made its first
Energy Conservation Incentive Program In fall 2019 alone, volunteers turned a net-zero, solar-powered home.
(ECIP) recognizes buildings with the off more than 32,000 lightbulbs, strides in the transition to renewable energy
best energy efficiency improvements.37 saving over $8,000 in utility costs and We are proud of our students, staff, and fac- sources, such as Solar Farms 1.0 and 2.0 and the
conserving 55,000 kWh of energy. ulty members for spearheading the programs Rail Splitter Wind Farm PPA. There is, however,
» In November 2019, the Electrical and listed above. At the same time, we acknowl- a long road ahead for both our campus and the
Computer Engineering (ECE) Building » The University of Illinois has competed edge our campus’s continued need for an in- world, and we plan to do our part by reducing
achieved LEED platinum certification. in the International Laboratory Freezer creased consciousness of energy efficiency and the burning of fossil fuels and significantly ex-
Contributing factors include advances Challenge41 since 2017, winning first conservation. panding our use of clean energy options.
in LED and fluorescent lighting, prize in 2018 and 2019. This challenge
intelligent systems to optimize encourages research-focused universities 42  https://bit.ly/2PbjIJm
energy usage, and excellent space use to reduce their labs’ environmental impact 43  https://bit.ly/3kva6Xe
efficiency. The goal is to ultimately by optimizing equipment, maximizing 44  https://bit.ly/3jXPqYn

36  https://bit.ly/30ezPMw
37  https://bit.ly/3f9x1o0
38  https://bit.ly/2DhzEaf
39  https://ecoolympics.wixsite.com/eco-olympics
40  https://go.illinois.edu/lightsout
41  https://www.freezerchallenge.org/

34 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 35
The following Energy objectives were
developed by the SWATeams, iCAP
Working Group, campus community,
and Sustainability Council to guide the
university's actions toward improved
energy efficiency and clean energy

2.1 Energy Planning Document

2.2 Increase Energy Efficiency
2.2.1 Improve Space Utilization
2.2.2 Reduce Building-level Energy
2.3 Clean Energy Sources
2.3.1 140,000 MWh/year Clean Power
2.3.2 Clean Thermal Energy

“Powering Change.” Engineering students learn about en-

ergy generation through natural gas at Abbott Power Plant.
Tour given by Mike Brewer.

Credit: Peter Davis, “This Learning Life” 2019 photo contest

Campus Sustainability Category Winner.

36 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 37
2.1 [F&S] By FY24, develop a compre- ning document to keep campus energy use on plementation; and a detailed funding plan with Campus EUI has decreased by 38.2% in the
hensive energy planning document track for meeting our FY50 goal. This docu- specific costs and recommendations for each past decade, from 303,649 BTU/GSF in FY08
that includes a detailed strategy for ment will provide a one-stop-shop for trans- strategy’s anticipated funding sources. to 187,656 BTU/GSF in FY19 (Figure 2). These
meeting the FY50 net-zero green- parent and organized baseline statistics (e.g., We strive to advance our progress toward figures are calculated by starting with the to-
house gas (GHG) emissions goal. building-by-building energy consumption, carbon neutrality with each iteration of the tal campus energy input (i.e., fuels purchased
short- and long-term trends, etc.) made readily iCAP. Following the planning document’s com- for Abbott Power Plant and electricity pur-
Over the last decade, the university’s energy
available to all stakeholders. At any time over pletion in FY24, we will use the results to in- chased from the regional grid) and subtracting
conservation accomplishments were imple-
the next 30 years, decision-makers can refer to form the development of more specific iCAP energy for non-campus facilities (e.g., Wil-
mented primarily through incrementalism;
these baseline metrics to gauge the university’s 2025 Energy objectives. lard Airport). One noteworthy exception is the
when opportunities arose, dedicated staff made
performance and make adjustments, enabling us National Petascale Computing Facility (Petas-
improvements. However, this step-by-step ap- 2.2 [F&S] Reduce Energy Use Intensity
to avoid duplicating efforts as leaders, employ- cale), a unique grant-funded collaboration with
proach is not systematic and does not guarantee (EUI) of university facilities from the
ees, working groups, and SWATeam members the National Science Foundation (NSF) which
the urgent changes needed at the rate required FY08 baseline by: 45% by FY30, 50%
change. The document will also include com- is removed from the total energy consumption
to meet our Climate Leadership Commitments. by FY40, and 60% by FY50.
prehensive, realistic estimates for future energy included in the EUI figures. This calculation
The 2015 Utilities Production and Distribution
supplies from solar, wind, geothermal, and other produces the total campus energy use, which
Master Plan45 included action items for the pro-
low-carbon sources such as nuclear. By perform-
duction and distribution side of campus energy;
ing comprehensive feasibility assessments for
however, it relied on carbon offsets to meet the
potential clean energy sources, the document Annual Campus Energy Use Intensity
climate commitments and it did not include
will propose the most efficient plan to achieve TOTAL ENERGY DEMAND / GROSS SQUARE FEET (BTU/GSF)
a deep analysis of the overall energy conser-
our FY50 goals (e.g., land allocation, balance of TRACKED BY FISCAL YEAR
vation and efficiency needs for campus facili-
energy storage/production, daily/seasonal peak
ties. Achieving carbon neutrality for our energy
attenuation, etc.).
needs requires significant funding, holistic con-
Because the staged energy infrastructure im-
servation strategies, and clear prioritization of
provements will include cost estimates allocated
competing needs. We will model our communi-
for design, permitting, construction, operations,
cations after effective strategies implemented
and maintenance for each proposed project, the
during the COVID-19 pandemic; for example,
energy planning document will also serve as a
the university-coordinated responses, briefings,
financial plan. University administrators can
and messages through routine Massmails that
earmark funds now for projects that will be com-
brought information to the forefront. Our sim-
pleted one, five, 10, or 20 years in the future in
ilar strategy will routinely communicate and
order to meet our FY50 net-zero emissions goal.
disseminate sustainability information to the
Ultimately, the document will include: life
campus community.
cycle cost analyses to evaluate sustainable en-
F&S published an Energy Management Plan
ergy strategies; interim milestones to anchor
for FY21 to FY25 in summer 2020, and will lead
progress; realistic goals for conservation, car-
development of a comprehensive energy plan-
bon emission reductions, and clean energy im-

45  https://bit.ly/3177arK Figure 2: Annual Campus Energy Use Intensity

38 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 39
is then normalized against the total campus to state-supported facilities; the few Target Reduction in Campus Energy Use Intensity
square footage for the annual EUI. auxiliary facilities that have separately TOTAL ENERGY DEMAND / GROSS SQUARE FEET (BTU/GSF)
Objective #2.2 continues our goals for EUI funded an RCx project prove that there TRACKED BY FISCAL YEAR
reduction into FY50 (Figure 3). Previous climate is great opportunity to improve.
action plans targeted a 50% EUI reduction by
FY50; this version increases our long-term ob- » Increase funding for deferred maintenance
jective to 60%. Several existing programs to re- projects and prioritize projects with an
duce campus EUI are underway, and these must energy efficiency component. Insufficient
be continued, supported, and expanded. Specif- deferred maintenance funding often
ically, we should continue implementing Retro- results in increased reactive maintenance
commissioning (RCx), Recommissioning (ReCx), (i.e., temporary fixes) rather than cost-
Energy Performance Contracting, and the LED effective, preventive solutions (e.g.,
Campus commitment (see “Relationship to systematic renovation and renewal
Other Commitments” in the Introduction). programs to upgrade facilities).
To leverage the full extent of our resources » Allocate campus funds to directly
toward EUI reduction, we must strengthen ad- launch additional Energy Performance
ditional centralized energy efficiency programs. Contracts and grow the RCx and ReCx
Several of these solutions are expanded upon programs. ReCx teams were created to
in the following paragraphs. revisit retrocommissioned buildings
Figure 3: Target Reduction in Campus Energy Use Intensity
every five years to ensure that buildings
CO N S E RVATIO N I N ITIATIVE S continue to run at top efficiency and
that the systems and controls are campus square footage.) For new campus and energy code compliance will necessitate
F&S manages several successful energy con- calibrated appropriately. It is anticipated auxiliary buildings, major retrofits requiring proper staffing levels for the F&S Capital Pro-
servation initiatives. These include RCx, ReCx, that six ReCx teams would be able to energy code compliance, and buildings in the grams, Design Review, and Commissioning
Energy Performance Contracting, and the LED maintain the energy efficiency of major design phase, project teams will be required and Inspection departments.
Campus commitment. These are the most ef- campus buildings through preventative to provide electronic input files for Energy Using information gathered from capital proj-
fective means of reducing energy consumption maintenance on a five-year cycle. Cost Budget (ECB) and energy performance ects, faculty members and researchers can collab-
in campus buildings. The following ideas are
modeling using conventional programs. F&S orate with F&S to develop a reference database
options for expanding the impact of these ma- E N E RGY CO D E S AN D E N E RGY holds the Professional Service Consultants of calibrated energy models for campus build-
jor initiatives. COST B U DG E TS
(PSC) responsible for meeting the required ings. This might be the product of student class-
» Expand RCx efforts in auxiliary buildings The Facilities Standards46 require that new deliverables, including quality, quantity, and room projects. The campus could then use these
including University Housing, Campus buildings constructed on campus meet strong timeliness. To hold the PSCs accountable for models to prioritize building retrofits and deter-
Recreation, and Division of Intercollegiate energy performance standards and are LEED meeting energy codes, F&S intends to com- mine the preferred level of improvements (i.e.,
Athletics (DIA) facilities. Budget policies Silver certified at minimum. (Figure 4 pro- plete PSC evaluations on all projects, includ- envelope versus mechanicals) for each build-
currently limit RCx efforts at F&S vides a yearly overview of LEED-certified ing evaluations of sub-consultants. Ensuring ing.

46  https://fs.illinois.edu/resources/facilities-standards

40 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 41
LEED-Certified Campus Square Footage Energy Dashboard Weekly Display
TRACKED BY FISCAL YEAR from the Business Instructional Facility (BIF)

Figure 4: LEED-Certified Campus Square Footage

Figure 5: Energy Dashboard Weekly Display from the Business Instructional Facility (BIF)

March 13, 2020, students began leaving cam- justing campus schedules to flatten the peak
pus as a result of the upcoming spring break throughout the day. COVID-19 safety protocols
Building envelope retrofits should be applied as well as preliminary course cancellations due may require altered schedules in order to reduce
to more campus buildings. While progress in A potential pathway toward reducing peak to COVID-19. The following Saturday, Sun- building traffic; if so, we will remain mindful of
enhancing heating, ventilation, and air condi- electricity consumption is decreasing peak day, and Monday reported notably reduced how best to meet the dual demands of public
tioning (HVAC) systems is underway, there demand by 20% over the next five years. electricity usage compared to the previous health and sustainability.
has been little focus on building envelopes. Electrical demand correlates with a build- week (shown as a dotted line on the corres-
ing’s daily use, with the peak occurring when 2.2.1 [Provost Office] Improve efficiency
Actionable steps in this area include develop- ponding days). We plan to monitor how the
the highest volume of students, staff, and fac- of space use by minimizing the
ing internal campus expertise in this area and return to campus will impact energy use to bet-
square footage per person and up-
identifying viable funding sources. ulty members occupies the space; typically, ter understand energy usage and to inform long-
dating the Space Policy in the Cam-
F&S staff should consider Build- this is roughly the middle of the day. This is term changes to decrease our consumption.
pus Administrative Manual (CAM) by
ing Envelope Commissioning (BEC) and illustrated by the Business Instructional Fa- In FY19, campus used a total of 457.31 mil-
mechanical commissioning (and recommis- cility’s (BIF) energy dashboard (Figure 5).47 lion kWh (457,305 MWh) of electricity (Figure
sioning if necessary) for major building projects. The figure reflects that on March 12 and 6). We can reduce the peak demand through a Because building space is linked to energy de-
combination of increasing efficiency and ad- mand, careful stewardship of campus square
47  https://bit.ly/2XciUIB

42 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 43
Total Campus Electricity Usage (MWh) Total Campus Density Factor in Relation to Peers

Figure 7: Total Campus Density Factor in Relation to Peers

Figure 6: Total Campus Electricity Usage (MWh) © 2017 Sightlines, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

footage is a vital component of our GHG reduc- evaluates; clearly, there is room for improve- Campus Master Plan update identified specific Master Plan update and the Integrated and Val-
tion strategy. Likewise, a clear understanding of ment. buildings that should be demolished. In light of ue-Centered Budget (IVCB) reform have been
the anticipated growth or reduction of building To improve our space use efficiency, we need current COVID-19 concerns and any threats to implemented. The Campus Master Plan defined
square footage is needed for developing an ef- to increase space utilization rates, remove out- public health that may arise in the future, we campus plans for the next 10 years, with only
fective energy plan. dated and unneeded spaces, and actively restrict will implement these and other space use ef- a 1.5% GSF increase. Concurrently, the IVCB
As reported by Sightlines, LLC, the Urbana the growth of total campus GSF. ficiency strategies only when they fully align budgeting system redirects transitioned energy
campus has low space use efficiency compared Increasing space utilization rates can in- with campus safety protocol. and space costs from the Office of the Provost
to other universities in the Big Ten. 48 Figure 7 clude clarifying appropriate allocation policies Efforts to actively restrict the growth of and F&S to academic colleges and administra-
illustrates our campus density factor (i.e., the for various room categories and implementing campus GSF began with the 2010 iCAP com- tive units.
square footage of campus divided by the equiv- innovative solutions like hot-desking (wherein mitment to enact a “no net increase in space” A complete halt to campus expansion cannot
alent full-time users) in relation to our Big Ten workspaces are used by multiple people on a ro- policy. The Net Zero Space Growth policy in be sustained indefinitely. Educating our stu-
peers and compared to the average across the tating basis). Removing unneeded spaces can the CAM (FO-44)49 was established in June dents and researching grand challenges will, at
higher education institutions Sightlines, LLC include renovations or demolitions; the 2017 2015; since its inception, both the 2017 Campus times, require growth beyond the current GSF.

48  Sightlines ROPA+ University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, FY18 49  https://cam.illinois.edu/policies/fo-44/

44 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 45
Total Energy Consumption for University-owned Assessment of Square Footage Changes
Buildings in the University District (MMBTU) in University-owned Buildings from FY08-FY19

Figure 8: Total Energy Consumption for University-owned Buildings in the University District (MMBTU) Figure 9: Assessment of Square Footage Changes in University-owned Buildings from FY08-FY19

Regarding these likely increases, it is important review and approval process to manage growth
Unfortunately, total energy consumption F&S employees work hand in hand with fa-
that we keep an eye on our Climate Leadership and reduce emissions.
(when not normalized by GSF) increased by cility managers to maintain and improve uni-
Commitments and remain thoughtful stewards
2.2.2 [Units w/F&S] Reduce the total 2% in this time period. This was influenced versity-owned buildings. With the FY20
of our campus space.
annual energy consumption of each by both an 11% increase in University District implementation of the Integrated and Value-
Over the next few years, the Office of the
college-level unit by at least 20% square footage (Figure 9) and by the addition of Centered Budget, colleges are now responsible
Provost will work to update the CAM space pol-
from an FY15 baseline by FY35. Petascale (Figure 10), which used 724,017 for space usage and building-level energy costs.
icy, providing insight into how to address the
MMBTUs in FY19 and did not exist in FY08.Ac- This increases college-level incentives to im-
tension between an inherent need to grow as In 2018, the Energy SWATeam completed an cording to Energy SWATeam co-chair Bill Rose: prove energy efficiency in the buildings and
an institution and the need to limit GSF. This analysis of the total energy consumption of ev- “Energy conservation [efforts] in the last 10 spaces they occupy.
will result in a sustainable space stewardship ery university-owned building within the Uni- years have been wondrously successful — if left To achieve this objective, every university-
program that holds university administration versity District (north of Windsor Road) using on their own, the conservation goals could be owned building occupant needs to participate
accountable for maintaining the highest stan- data from the Energy Billing System between easily met. Without the square footage burden in the iCAP and endeavor to reduce energy con-
dards of space use efficiency while including a FY08 and FY18 (Figure 8).50 and Petascale burden, it’s been really successful. sumption. To support this, F&S collaborated
But when we add the new square footage and with the Illinois Solar Decathlon (ISD) Con-
50   https://bit.ly/30c18qw Petascale, the total campus load is up, not down.” cept Team in FY20 to create building-level en-

46 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 47
Annual Electrical Consumption for Petascale Facility (MWh/year) The university should continue to support and tems, many discussions about clean energy fo-
TRACKED BY FISCAL YEAR encourage pursuance of grant and research op- cus on clean power.
portunities in these markets as well as other Since the 2010 iCAP, we have made prog-
clean energy technologies. ress to incorporate clean energy for power and
A key concept in the transition to clean en- thermal energy on campus, with a focus on re-
ergy is the difference between electricity and newable electrical power. Figure 11 outlines the
total energy. In FY19, electricity accounted for clean energy used on campus in FY19.
just 38% of total campus energy consumption; The 32,092 MWh of clean energy represents
the district heating and cooling systems and just 2.8% of total campus energy use in FY19;
certain buildings with direct natural gas con- however, achieving our clean power target of
nections accounted for the other 62%. Because 140,000 MWh/year (see Objective #2.3.1)
the most prevalent clean energy technologies equates to 12.2%.52 This objective’s larger goal
are electricity-generating wind and solar sys- of 15% clean energy by FY30 can come from

52  The denominator is FY19 total energy use.

Clean Energy Source MWh in FY19 Category

Figure 10: Annual Electrical Consumption for Petascale Facility (MWh/year)

Wind Power Purchase 24 ,726 power
7,026 power
ergy and water report cards. This process pulled tion in individual buildings. The student repre- Solar Farm 1.0 Power
available data from the Energy Billing System sentative for each building will obtain pledges Purchase Agreement
40 power
and evaluated total energy and water reduction from building occupants in support of energy Business Instructional Facility
since FY08 for the 56 buildings that won the conservation. Rooftop Solar
Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP).51 41 power
Wassaja Residence
The next steps include working with build- 2.3 Use clean energy sources for 15% Hall Rooftop Solar
ing contacts to strategize energy efficiency of total campus energy demand by 21 power
Building Research Council
solutions. F&S will connect with the facil- FY30. Ground-mount Solar
ity manager, a building-level communications
Clean energy sources can include but are not Activities Recreation Center
3 the rm a l
contact, and a related student organization to
limited to: solar, wind, geothermal, biofuels, Solar Thermal
develop strategies for reducing energy consump-
biomass, renewable natural gas, and nuclear. 235 the rm a l
Energy Farm Biomass Boiler

51  https://bit.ly/3f9x1o0
Total Clean Energy in FY19 32 ,092 total

Figure 11: Clean Energy Used on Campus in FY19

48 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 49
any qualifying source, including but not lim- example, in collaboration with the Urba- Campus Power Sources for FY19
ited to an anaerobic digester, thermal storage, na-Champaign Sanitary District (UCSD), stud- TOTAL 437,511.529 MWh/YEAR
fuel cells, batteries, and nuclear. ies for converting food scraps to energy using
With more than 250 campus buildings us- the UCSD anaerobic digester are underway. An-
ing steam heat, we cannot focus our efforts ex- other program involves fine-tuning the process
clusively on clean power; we must incorporate of converting used plastic waste to diesel fuel.
clean thermal energy as well. A 198 kW Hei- Energy storage research is also expanding to
zomat biomass boiler was installed at the Il- include the potential to use geothermal tech-
linois Energy Farm in June 2017 under iSEE nology for storage.
leadership.53 This project was supported by the This objective’s extended timeline allows us
Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation sufficient time to identify clean energy sources
(ICECF) and the Student Sustainability Com- and modify Abbott Power Plant operations ac-
mittee (SSC), with additional funding provided cordingly.
by the University of Illinois Dudley Smith Ini-
2.3.1 [F&S] Use at least 140,000 MWh/
tiative, the Carbon Credit Sales Fund, and the
year of clean power by FY25.
Revolving Loan Fund. It is a successful demon-
stration of using cellulosic biomass (i.e., the As one component of Objective #2.3, campus
Miscanthus grown for research at the Illinois will continue transitioning to clean energy
Energy Farm) to heat a greenhouse, and the fa- sources for power. When calculating our total
cility can be expanded to provide more clean clean electricity use, we include only power that Figure 12: Campus Power Sources for FY19
energy. has associated Renewable Energy Certifications
The Activities and Recreation Center (ARC) (REC) in our possession. Thus, the changes in acquired from both on-campus solar energy able method for achieving this objective and
features a solar thermal system which reduces the regional electrical grid,54 sometimes re- (7,128 MWh) and off-campus wind energy launching a new solar array off-campus in Illi-
the need to use thermal energy from other ferred to as “greening of the grid,” do not im- (24,726 MWh). Completion of Solar Farm 2.0 nois with clear additionality.
sources. This system produces sufficient clean pact our reporting of clean power consumed. will increase campus clean energy usage to
thermal energy to heat the three Olympic-sized This is consistent with the requirements of the 2.3.2 [F&S] Use at least 150,000 MMBTU/
more than 50,000 MWh/year, which will sur-
swimming pools — and all domestic hot water EPA’s Green Power Partnership reporting sys- year of clean thermal energy by
pass 10% of our existing power demand. This
used — in the facility. While the existing so- tem and the Federal Trade Commission’s Green FY30.
is excellent progress.
lar thermal array is small-scale, producing only Guides.55 To continue building on these successes, we As stated in the Introduction, the university
three MWh/year of clean energy, this technol- Figure 12 illustrates the sources for all elec- have set the goal to use 140,000 MWh/year of owns a best-in-class combined heat and power
ogy is particularly viable in the central Mid- tricity used on campus in FY19. As shown, ap- electricity from clean power sources (i.e., ap- plant (Abbott Power Plant), a district steam
west and should be considered for additional proximately 7.3% of our power was generated proximately 35% of our annual power demand) heating system, a district chilled water cool-
campus locations. directly from clean energy sources. The total by FY25. This requires purchasing clean en- ing system with energy storage (the Campus
Several campus researchers are actively of 31,854 MWh/year of clean electricity was ergy from off campus, and we have been inves- Chilled Water System), and the campus elec-
developing other clean energy solutions. For
tigating options to do so. The Energy SWATeam trical grid. This comprehensive network of en-
submitted a recommendation in May 2018 to ergy processes (Figure 13) has served us well; in
53  https://bit.ly/3ffpqnY
seek an off-campus solar PPA for meeting fact, many cities and campuses around the world
54  Campus is in egrid subregion SRMW = SERC Midwest. See https://bit.ly/31618rh
this objective. We are hopeful that a VPPA for are planning to implement district heating and
55  https://bit.ly/3fmG31f
90,000 MWh/year of solar power will be a vi- cooling systems to increase energy efficiency.

50 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 51
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Energy Sources for FY19

Figure 14: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Energy Sources for FY19

Figure 13: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Energy Systems

As shown in Figure 14, Abbott Power Plant conventional electric generation and heat-only geothermal looping) in the long term.”57 The sions from coal-fired power plants. Illinois is
generated 80% of the total campus energy in systems. resulting study (the Utility Production and a national leader in the study of carbon cap-
FY19 — this energy produced 41% of the elec- Currently, we burn natural gas and coal to Distribution Master Plan58 ) was completed in ture and carbon storage technology, and F&S
tricity used on campus. Using the best avail- produce the steam needed to heat campus 2015. is collaborating with researchers at the Illinois
able air pollution control technology, Abbott through the district heating system. In keep- One major change since the FY08 base- Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) to test
meets or exceeds all EPA emission standards. ing with our carbon neutrality goal, F&S has line is the university’s shift away from burn- carbon capture technology using Abbott as a
Electrostatic precipitators and a flue gas desul- investigated several methods to reduce fossil ing coal. The total energy generated as a result living lab.59 ISTC has also used Abbott flue gas
furization unit (scrubber) supported by a Con- fuel use at Abbott and subsequently reduce our of burning coal at Abbott decreased by an im- in studies related to algal biomass and biofu-
tinuous Emission Monitoring System in the total emissions. The 2010 iCAP included a plan pressive 89% from FY08 (1,792,464 MMBTU) els. The ability to use coal during the coldest
stack remove 90% of air pollutants, providing to “evaluate the potential for: 1) eliminating to FY19 (203,954 MMBTU). Continued use of months of the year has enabled Abbott to be-
significant environmental benefits. Efficient summer coal use in the near term; 2) elimi- coal at Abbott helps meet the campus’s heat- come nationally recognized as a living lab for
cogeneration coupled with emission reduction nating all coal use by 2017; and 3) alternative ing demand during the coldest months of the research on second-generation carbon capture.
equipment have decreased carbon dioxide emis- means of generating and distributing thermal year and supports research on reducing emis- F&S is collaborating with the ISTC and the
sions by 101,000 tons per year56 compared to energy (hot water distribution, regeneration,

57  https://bit.ly/2XcKdm6
58  https://bit.ly/3hQDdCZ
56  https://bit.ly/339SLxN 59  https://bit.ly/39IWymW

52 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 53
Illinois State Geological Survey on a range of the installation of a microreactor to produce way to do this is by converting older buildings ing systems for all new construction.
possible breakthroughs that could lead to ef- steam at Abbott as an alternative to fossil fu- from steam heating to hot-water, low-tempera- Other key initiatives include converting
fective carbon capture worldwide. As a utility els. The university’s high energy demand of- ture systems. Over 170 campus buildings still inefficient HVAC systems to types that are
that owns its own grid and generation capac- fers opportunities for interdisciplinary research utilize steam for heating purposes inside the compliant with current energy codes and up-
ity, campus represents an attractive testbed for to reduce campus energy consumption, espe- building. dating the controls to reflect modern technol-
cutting-edge efforts to eliminate greenhouse cially pertaining to steam production. The role Since 2010, all new campus buildings have ogy. These HVAC and control upgrades should
gases at commercial scales. of nuclear power in our greater energy system been designed and constructed for hot-water be implemented in tandem with conversion to
Other options for reducing emissions at Ab- is still uncertain. Illinois faculty members are heating systems, which require lower tempera- hot-water systems wherever possible in order
bott include using geothermal or solar thermal researching and collaborating with key stake- tures than steam. Similarly, as existing build- to amplify efficiency and drive a better return
to preheat water before it travels to existing holders to address potential barriers and strat- ings have undergone refurbishment, steam on those investments. Together, these conver-
coal or natural gas boilers. F&S collaborated egies to overcome uncertainties. As we work to heating systems have been replaced with sions can move campus buildings toward 100%
with Illinois Business Consulting to investi- expand clean energy sources and achieve carbon hot-water systems. Hot-water systems are not hot-water heat, position us to use all potential
gate the potential for mixing woody biomass neutrality, we will continue to study the feasi- only lower-cost to maintain, but are also eas- clean energy technologies currently in exis-
with the coal, but it was determined to be in- bility of nuclear reactor technology. ier to control, resulting in increased comfort tence, and contribute significantly to the uni-
feasible.60 In addition to Abbott Power Plant, we are for building occupants. Moving forward, we will versity’s goal of carbon neutrality by FY50.
Perhaps the best option for decarbonizing implementing alternative heating and cool- continue to require the use of hot-water heat-
thermal energy on campus is renewable natural ing solutions in individual buildings, such as
gas (RNG). RNG is a drop-in solution that can chilled-beams, heat-recovery chillers, energy
be generated from a variety of technologies — recovery, and geothermal. The chilled-beam "Energy conservation [efforts] in the
most notably from upgrading biogas produced heating and cooling system is incredibly effi-
from anaerobic digestion — and used in ex- cient in the Electrical and Computer Engineer- last 10 years have been wondrously
isting infrastructure such as at Abbott Power ing Building, and research innovation projects
Plant. Argonne National Laboratory publishes a for geothermal energy systems at the Illinois successful — if left on their own, then
database of RNG projects61 divided into the fol- Energy Farm, the Bardeen Quad, and the Ven Te
lowing categories: farms, food waste, landfills, Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory are in progress. the conservation goals could be easi-
wastewater treatment, and other waste. The Ar- In FY20 a building-scale geothermal project
gonne database shows an increase of 53% from was installed at the Campus Instructional Fa- ly met. Without the square footage bur-
2017 to 2019, and a total 2019 production ca- cility, saving 2,839 MMBTU per year.
pability of about 45 million MMBTU. This is In addition to the chilled water thermal en- den and Petascale burden, it’s been re-
a growing opportunity that the university will ergy storage tank described earlier, research-
pursue for clean energy. ers are investigating thermal energy storage, ally successful. But when we add the
Another potential clean energy solution that such as advanced battery technologies using
can be implemented at Abbott is portable Ad- geothermal technology. new square footage and Petascale,
vanced Small Modular Reactors. Faculty re- As clean energy technologies expand and
search in the Department of Nuclear, Plasma become more viable, we can proactively equip the total campus load is up, not down.”
and Radiological Engineering (NPRE) supports campus buildings to accommodate them. One
— Bill Rose
60  https://bit.ly/3jXZCAr
61  https://www.anl.gov/es/reference/renewable-natural-gas-database

54 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 55
Due to sheer volume and versatility of distri-
bution, energy-based emissions occupy a major
portion of the university’s efforts toward car-
bon neutrality. In fact, energy generation and
distribution is the leading contributor to cam-
pus GHG emissions.62 Therefore, curtailing our
energy consumption is essential to achieving
carbon neutrality by FY50.
Improving the energy efficiency of our 65063
university-owned buildings requires a coop-
erative effort. Beyond the ongoing energy ef-
ficiency work at F&S, we must facilitate a
culture of sustainability throughout campus,
with particular regard to departmental units
and facility coordinators. While encouraging
individual energy users to make consistent
lifestyle changes is valuable, interacting di-
rectly with parties responsible for building-
level energy management and further finan-
cial investment will substantially increase our
impact. Additionally, as we work to balance on-
going safety measures with lasting sustain-
ability practices, collaborating with high-level
campus decision-makers is more critical than
In the coming years, we intend to lever-
age a combination of strategic conservation
measures, innovative renewable energy in-
vestments, and thorough campus outreach to
reduce our carbon footprint as it pertains to
energy use. With a concerted all-hands-on-
deck effort, we can achieve significant progress.
Geothermal loop and fiber optic cable installation
on the Bardeen Quad, December 2018.

62  https://icap.sustainability.illinois.edu/themes/energy Credit: Tim Stark, professor of civil and environmental

engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
63  https://bit.ly/3jV4rKx

56 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n e r gy 57

58 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 59
idling time, reduced trip frequency, and increased who live and act sustainably.
miles per gallon (mpg) per vehicle.65,66 As out- The Transportation SWATeam continues to
lined in Objective #3.1, we will further increase investigate options for implementing shared driv-
the sustainability of university-owned and ing programs for employee commuting; this re-
TR AVELI N G TOWAR D -operated vehicles. mains a priority to the extent that health and
ZER O CAR B O N The second category of transportation GHG safety best practices can be observed with respect
emissions is commuting. We have a great degree to the COVID-19 pandemic. These could poten-
of control over our university-owned fleet; car- tially advance in the next five years and beyond
bon neutrality regarding student, staff, and faculty to reduce the number of vehicles on campus. By
commuters, however, requires behavioral change encouraging active transportation solutions, we
at the individual level, where factors like ease of can generate environmental, social, and health im-
travel, convenience, housing options, family con- provements for our community.
From overseas academic conferences to the daily office commute, mem- siderations, and personal preference have signifi-
cant environmental repercussions. Notable achievements in sustainable transporta-
bers of the Illinois community are always on the move. But constant travel
Statistics support the impact of individual be- tion from 2015 to 2019 include:
has its consequences. In FY19, approximately 13% of campus greenhouse havior change. FY19 metrics reveal that 60% of » In October 2019, the university was
gas (GHG) emissions were traced to the following three categories of trans- campus employees commute in single-occupancy promoted from Bronze to Silver
vehicles (SOV), personal vehicles operated by a designation as a Bicycle Friendly
portation: campus vehicle usage, commuting, and air travel.
single driver with no passengers.67 Similarly,1,834 University (BFU) by the League of
Student Permits and 328 Student Shuttle Permits American Bicyclists. Contributing factors
The first category, campus vehicle usage, re- Accreditation from the National Association of
(used for lots E-14 and B-22) were distributed in include the 2014 Campus Bicycle Plan;
fers to our university-owned fleet. Fleet vehi- Fleet Administrators (NAFA). We are the first
FY19, indicating widespread use of personal ve- bike path, lane, and route improvements;
cles are used by campus personnel for purposes university in the Big Ten — and the first univer-
hicles by our student population. While many of bike rack parking expansion primarily
such as police transportation, research, main- sity in the state — to receive this accreditation,
our objectives focus on the highest energy users funded by the SSC (campus now
tenance, construction, waste management, and which comes as a result of decreased fuel us-
and those whose actions result in high emissions, maintains more than 11,600 bike
short- and long-term rentals. The Urbana cam- age, idling time, and GHG emissions.64 In August
we also recognize that many individuals in our parking spaces); the Bike at Illinois68
pus owns more than 1,200 vehicles, of which 2020, this certification was renewed for the F&S
community have opted out of driving to campus website launch; and the presence of
approximately 300 belong to the Facilities and Truck Pool. Illinois has made significant strides
and instead bike, bus, or walk to campus every 500 Veo bikes for sharing on campus
Services (F&S) fleet. toward mitigating fleet-related GHG emissions
day. We are proud of these dedicated individuals since 2018. We also have Zipcar as an
We are dedicated to ensuring that our campus since 2015; as of FY19, campus fleet emissions
fleet runs as sustainably as possible. In Septem- decreased by approximately 25% from the FY08
ber 2015, F&S received Tier 2 Sustainable Fleet baseline of 5,688 MTCO2e as a result of reduced
65  https://bit.ly/39J1w35
66  https://bit.ly/39IZ6la
64  https://bit.ly/39FRT52 67  https://bit.ly/2XbHqcJ
68  https://bike.illinois.edu/

60 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 61
Center Manager at Campus Recreation.73 travel beginning in spring 2020. Students, staff,
Full-Time Employees for Sustainable Transportation
As has historically been true, the third cat- and faculty members opted for alternatives in-
egory of transportation emissions, air travel, cluding telecommuting, teleconferencing, and
remains a particular challenge for the univer- traveling by train. As air travel becomes normal-
sity. While there are many reasons for campus ized in the near future, we must remain mindful
and community members to utilize air travel, of how we consume non-renewable resources in
one key factor is the transformative university everyday life as well as in times of crisis. That
research that requires international and inter- said, the university continues to explore alter-
continental collaboration.74 As of July 2019, air native solutions to decrease our overall emis-
travel emissions equaling 31,684.97 MTCO2e sions while strengthening our preparedness for
comprised more than half of campus’s Scope 3 future public health threats. Objectives #3.4.3
emissions and 7.3% of its gross emissions.75 and #3.5 discuss these options in further detail.
From FY14 to FY18, we reduced our total air iSEE’s online interactive Guide to Purchas-
travel emissions by 25%; while we are proud of ing Carbon Offsets76 was established in fall
this significant decrease, complete mitigation 2019 to educate users and encourage purchas-
is unreasonable due to the centrality of certain ing individual carbon offsets to combat un-
air travel to the campus mission. avoidable travel-related emissions. Objective
Figure 15: Full-Time Employees for Sustainable Transportation
Due to COVID-19 travel limitations, the #3.5 includes a discussion of carbon offset
university experienced a drastic decrease in air possibilities in the Champaign-Urbana com-
option for ride-sharing on campus.69,70 and that individuals will take advantage
of this convenient and timely service.
» UI Ride, a shuttle service between the 73  https://bit.ly/3flJfu0
University of Illinois Urbana and Chicago » In FY19, the university was able to 74  iCAP 2010 recommended a 30% decrease in overall transportation emissions from FY08-FY14. However, emissions
campuses, was unveiled in fall 2019. The staff the full-time equivalent (FTE) increased by 30% over this time period. The rise was attributed solely to air travel: emissions in this category increased by 52%
shuttle’s three daily trips allow employees of three employees for sustainable from FY08-FY14 and implementation of a sophisticated tracking system likely revealed more accurate — and thus greater —
to commute between campuses and opt transportation efforts, surpassing the metrics than did previous assessments.
out of flights or SOV usage. Passengers target of two FTE employees (Figure 15). 75  https://bit.ly/2Evmg2B
can reserve trips online or through a These positions include: Transportation 76  https://go.illinois.edu/offsetcarbon
smartphone app.71,72 We expect that UI Demand Management Coordinator
Ride will become more recognized as a at F&S; Sustainable Transportation
viable option for university personnel, Assistant at F&S; and Campus Bike

69  https://bit.ly/3jVbvHd
70  https://bit.ly/315Q4dI
71  https://www.uillinois.edu/uiride
72  https://apple.co/2DgTgeu

62 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 63
The following Transportation objectives
were developed by the SWATeams, iCAP
Working Group, campus community, and
Sustainability Council to guide the univer-
sity's actions toward achieving carbon neu-
trality for transportation.

3.1 Fleet Replacement Plans

3.2 Increase Pavement Condition Index
3.3 Electric Vehicle Task Force
3.4 Reduce Driving on Campus
3.4.1 Develop a Commuter Program
3.4.2 Implement Campus Bike Plan
3.4.3 Telecommuting Policies
3.5 Offset Air Travel Emissions

The university holds a Silver designation as a Bicycle

Friendly University by the League of American Bicyclists.
Our iCAP objectives prioritize safe and sustainable trans-

Credit: Facilities and Services.

64 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 65
3.1 [Fleet Managers] Establish written the extent to which university vehicles are be- A promising future technology for the cam- The key metric for this objective is Pave-
replacement plans for at least ing used 1) to complete necessary tasks 2) by pus is an anaerobic digester that could accom- ment Condition Index (PCI), “a numerical rat-
80% of campus fleets by FY24 to designated personnel 3) in a fuel- and cost-effi- pany the construction of a new Dairy Facility. ing resulting from a pavement condition survey
improve university-owned vehicle cient manner. Once the inventory is completed, The proposed digester would use organic waste that represents the severity of surface distress-
fuel efficiency. changes can be implemented to optimize each to produce biofertilizer and biogas, which could es.”79 This metric provides a standardized pro-
fleet for individual departmental needs. be upgraded to renewable natural gas (RNG) cess to quantify road quality. For example: Are
In recent years, the university has made great
and processed into renewable compressed nat- there numerous potholes, cracks, or bumps?
strides in improving the sustainability of our S U S TA I N A B LE F U E L S ural gas (CNG). The renewable CNG could then Do vehicles slip easily? PCI ratings occupy
campus-owned fleet. F&S previously imple-
In the past, F&S has explored options for ac- be used as fuel for the campus fleet. Another a scale of 0-100; a score of 0–10 results in a
mented a sustainable fleet plan77 and achieved
quiring service vehicles that use alternative potential source of renewable CNG is a collab- “Failed” status, while a score of 86–100 mer-
green certification with the National Associa-
fuel sources. These include two E-ride electric oration with the Urbana-Champaign Sanitary its “Good” pavement condition. With regular
tion of Fleet Administrators (NAFA). Moving
service vehicles, eight zero-emission Global District (UCSD), which has an operational an- analyses planned every three to five years, we
forward, we plan to not only continually pursue
Electric Motorcars (GEM) purchased in 2004, aerobic digester already in use. UCSD has in- aim to increase our PCI rating in the near fu-
the most effective certification programs, but
and eight gas-powered low-speed vehicles vestigated the possibility of biogas upgradation, ture. A 2020 Pavement Management Report for
also expand efforts to “green” campus fleets
(LSV). None of these vehicles are currently in and the university could contribute toward the the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
beyond F&S.
service at the university due to a combination Upgradation Unit and pipeline injection and in- campus streets, by Applied Pavement Technol-
E S TA B LI S H W R IT TE N of reliability concerns, insufficient part sup- stall a CNG conversion station on campus for ogy, Inc., stated:
R E P L AC E M E NT P L A N S ply, vendor availability, and personnel fluctua- the university fleet.
tion. As the alternative fuel industry continues “Overall, the 2020 area-weighted PCI of the univer-
While the responsibility to implement this ob- 3.2 [F&S] Increase the Pavement sity-maintained roadways is 65. Condition results
to progress, however, new technologies may
jective rests with all campus fleet managers, the Condition Index (PCI) for university- from the previous [pavement] projects for the uni-
emerge and existing technologies may become
majority of units do not possess a comprehen- owned roads so the average PCI versity can be compared to the results of this study
more viable for campus use.
sive strategy for fleet optimization. Develop- score is at least 65 by FY25 and at to track how the pavement network is performing
A current example of an alternative fuel
ment of such plans would provide the structure least 70 by FY30. between PCI inspections. The overall area-weighted
technology that has previously been integrated
for a campuswide approach to sustainable ve- PCI was 59 in 2009, and 65 in 2016 and 2020 (ex-
with the F&S fleet is a product of the Illini As with the university-owned fleet regulations
hicle management. cluding brick and gravel). It is interesting to note
Biodiesel Initiative. Using a new facility at the described in Objective #3.1, we aim to imple-
One of the best ways to improve fleet effi- that the overall PCI remained unchanged from 2016
Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory ment best practices for all transportation assets
ciency is implementing vehicle upgrades: tran- to 2020, despite annual spending of about $1.5 Mil-
(IBRL), this student-led program converts used falling under campus jurisdiction. Objective
sitioning from older to newer models that are lion. … The percent of pavement above a PCI of 70
vegetable oil from dining halls into 100% bio- #3.2 addresses our extensive system of univer-
optimized for fuel consumption. However, even has increased to 50 percent (it was 37 percent in
diesel. Students are working to certify the re- sity-owned streets.78 Optimizing road surfaces
after upgrading to fuel-efficient or electric ve- 2009), while the percent of pavement with a PCI
sulting biodiesel so it can be mixed with the should be taken just as seriously as optimiz-
hicles (EV), fleets with more machines than below 40 has remained near 25 percent for all in-
5% biodiesel mixture that F&S purchases for ing the efficiency of the vehicles that drive on
necessary can still expend excess energy, fuel, spection years. Since the percent of pavement in
the fleet; when ready, this product can be in- them. Smooth pavements also encourage the
and funding. A strategy called “right-sizing” the mid-range of the PCI scale (40 to 70) has de-
tegrated with the existing biodiesel purchased use of bicycles, and provide a more pleasing aes-
incorporates an inventory check to determine creased from 39 percent to 25 percent since 2009, it
on campus to improve the fleet's sustainability. thetic for the campus.

77  https://bit.ly/33bgGwQ 78  https://bit.ly/2BIAwUI
79  https://bit.ly/39LuuiH

66 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 67
appears most of the major work that has occurred sition, asphalt and cement are “binders,” the
since 2009 has focused on improving pavements in agents that bind rocks, gravel, and sand to form
this condition range.”80 the surfaces used on roads. While useful as
bonding agents, asphalt and cement are syn-
S U S TA I N A B LE PAV E M E NT thetic materials derived from petroleum (which
M ATE R I A L S is itself derived from fossil fuels). As evidenced
by the name, biobinders and bio-asphalt variet-
Sustainability and pavement condition go hand
ies are created from biomass materials. For ex-
in hand; a strategy to improve both aspects of
ample, research conducted through the Illinois
our university-owned road system is to increase
Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)82 ex-
the use of sustainable pavements. Implement-
plored the practical potential of biobinders or
ing permeable pavements and biobinders will
bio-oil made from the pyrolysis of solid feed-
not only benefit the roads themselves but will
stock such as Miscanthus (an energy grass)
also improve our flood and rainwater manage-
or the hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of
ment infrastructure.
manure, food waste, algae, and other organic
On a campus where more than 50% of the
surface area is occupied by buildings or paved
Moving forward, we will investigate oppor-
in roadways, walking paths, and parking lots,
tunities to integrate additional sustainable ma-
rainwater management poses a problem. While Strategic landscape architecture will create visually beautiful paths and promote walking on campus.
terials such as recycled or sustainably produced
traditional pavement necessitates extensive gut-
bricks and pavers, fly ash, and recycled glass
ter and drainage systems to manage water, per-
into the composition of campus infrastructure.
meable pavements (e.g., porous asphalt, which Charging Task Force “to make recommenda- Park, the Illini Union, iSEE, and F&S. To develop
was used to pave parking lot C-8 in FY1281) al- 3.3 [Parking] Establish an Electric tions on what steps the university should take, a holistic strategy for EV charging infrastruc-
low rainwater to flow through the pavement and Vehicle Task Force to identify key both now and in the future, to make EV charging ture and to identify key goals for supporting the
into a permeable gravel layer below, facilitating goals for supporting the use of available to commuters.”83 use of EVs both on and off campus, the Parking
built-in water quality treatment and flood con- electric vehicles on and off campus In this region of the electric grid, an EV typ- Department will form a new EV Task Force to
trol. This process also keeps the pavement itself by FY22. ically emits less GHGs than a conventional identify methods to facilitate the transition to
well-drained and in good condition, resulting in gas-fueled vehicle of similar size.84 The Parking EVs for students, staff, faculty members, and
a higher PCI rating. Although installing perme- Objectives #3.1 and #3.2 focus on vehicles and Department supports sustainability through the community at large.
able pavements can be costly, the reduced need roadways within the university’s jurisdiction. implementation of public-use EV charging
for stormwater infrastructure (i.e., curbs, gutters, However, many of our transportation objectives 3.4 [F&S] Reduce driving on campus and
spaces, with 17 Level 1 charging spaces at five
storm drains) roughly aligns long-term expenses rely on individual decision-making as well as report the percentage of staff trips
campus locations, and six Level 2 plug-ins at
with those of traditional pavement. policy; therefore, we strive to make campus made using single-occupancy
three campus locations.
conducive to environmentally conscious life- vehicles from 60% to 50% by FY25
Biobinders are a second option for increas- Other charging stations have been added by
style choices. One avenue for individual action and 45% by FY30.
ing the sustainability of our university-owned individual departments outside of the Parking
roads. In terms of concrete pavement compo- concerns electric vehicle (EV) usage. Department’s efforts. These include Research Reducing automobile traffic in the University
In 2018, Provost Cangellaris formed an EV

80  https://bit.ly/33zQgoP 83  https://bit.ly/2Xl98Uf
81  https://bit.ly/3ggqDfU 84  https://bit.ly/2XbOAO9
82  https://bit.ly/39HDDsx

68 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 69
Percent of Staff Trips Made Using Single-Occupancy Vehicles (SOV) tion, and could reduce total time spent parking Plan, such as closing streets to private vehicles
TRACKED BY FISCAL YEAR hunting. To better understand and make deci- and implementing an autonomous shuttle on
sions about parking availability, iSEE funded the a university-owned street. Through our con-
Campus as a Living Laboratory (CALL) project tinued commitment to an emphasis on walk-
“City Traffic as a Reservoir System.”85 ing, bicycling, and public transit, we expect that
Objective #3.4, which aims to decrease neg- more students, staff, and faculty members will
ative fallout from driving both to and around shift to sustainable, healthy, and active travel
campus, is directly related to choices made by modes.
individuals. In the last five years, we have de- iSEE will disseminate a travel survey every
creased the percentage of staff driving alone three years to keep our metrics updated and
from 65% to 60% (Figure 16). We are proud track our progress as we strive for a 45% SOV
of this achievement and commend our campus use rate by FY30.
and community members for their environmen-
3.4.1 [Parking w/F&S] Develop a
tal consciousness.
Commuter Program (Bus, Bike, and
While our key performance indicator reflects
Hike) for faculty and staff. Register
the percentage of staff who regularly travel in
100 people by FY24 and 500 people
SOVs, this objective is centered on behavioral
by FY30.
choices and sustainability consciousness.
Though our intent is to produce quantifiable A convenient Commuter Program will incen-
Figure 16: Percent of Staff Trips Made Using Single-Occupancy Vehicles (SOV)
results by reducing SOV usage, we acknowl- tivize staff and faculty members to leave per-
edge that the factors influencing personal sonal vehicles off campus. Incentives through
vehicle choice are complex (e.g., cost-effec- this program would only be offered to em-
tiveness drives many students to live off-cam- ployees who relinquish their annual campus
District is a long-term endeavor for this cam- in single-occupancy vehicles (SOV).
pus and commute). Moving forward, F&S will parking permits; as such, all participants will
pus as well as our community transportation Outside of the emissions generated from
strengthen our progress toward lowering SOV be required to obtain verification through the
partners. Efforts in this direction are greatly in- driving to work, high SOV usage has many en-
usage by fostering conditions supportive for Parking Department.
fluenced by the initial work enacted through vironmental consequences. For example, while
individuals getting where they need to be in a Currently, six of the 14 Big Ten schools im-
the Campus Area Transportation Study (CATS) many campus commuters possess a designated
sustainable fashion. The Transportation De- plement some version of a commuter program
technical and policy advisory committees’ co- parking space, some do not; for these individ-
mand Management department at F&S will for employees and/or students.
hesive planning. uals, finding an available space can pose prob-
continue to lead this effort for our campus
The core campus has experienced a vehicle lems. “Parking hunting,” or driving for excessive
transportation systems, using the established As inspired by other institutions’ efforts, in-
traffic reduction since the turn of the century; amounts of time in search of a space, expends
methods of the "five E's" — Engineering, Ed- centives implemented on the Urbana campus
however, there is a long road ahead. While only gas and generates emissions. To remedy this is-
ucation, Enforcement, Evaluation, and Encour- could include:
10% of the student population drives alone, this sue, a smartphone application could assist in lo-
agement. We will support the transportation
tends not to be the case for staff and faculty cating available parking spaces. The app would
strategies outlined in the 2017 Campus Master » Limited availability of daily parking
members, many of whom commute to campus work in tandem with the parking pay applica-

85  https://go.illinois.edu/campuslivinglab

70 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 71
passes for occasional needs; the number of vehicles on campus. together for many years to improve the us- 3. Improve the bicycling experience
er-friendliness of our county’s bicycle infra- for all campus cyclists;
» Access to an emergency BUS structure. In addition to implementing the 2014 4. Identify funding needs and secure
ride home program;
As we encourage community members to take Campus Bicycle Master Plan,90 we will sup- funding for bicycle infrastructure and
» Direct support for active travel choices advantage of public transportation and the port and enhance the Bike at Illinois91 initiative programming improvements; and
made by university employees; need for mass transit grows, we remain com- to spread awareness of related programming,
safety, rules of the road, and other resources. 5. Improve the university’s standing
mitted to maintaining our strong relationship
» Discounted charging for EVs; as a national leader in bicycling.
with the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit
HIKE This objective is intended to continually
» Discounted bike-sharing opportunities; District (MTD). MTD is an excellent exam-
ple of a sustainable operation, and it is certi- Walking is an active mode of transportation support and implement the 2014 Campus Bi-
» Discounted UI Ride access; fied by the Illinois Green Business Association that is not only good for the environment, cycle Plan to achieve the goals listed above. The
(which was started by Illinois students). It is but also beneficial to individuals’ mental and plan lists several high-, medium-, and low-pri-
» Discounted or credited medical insurance;
also ISO-14001-certified87 since 2013, and has physical health. We will encourage awareness ority bikeway improvement projects as well as
» Campus shower access; converted 85% of its fleet to hybrid electric of the myriad benefits that walking (to work safety information and educational opportu-
buses. Most recently, MTD began using hydro- or class, or simply for enjoyment) has to offer nities. In addition to providing bicyclists and
» Free Zipcar memberships, including
gen-fuel-cell buses. 88 through a training that focuses on “the well- pedestrians with safety guidelines and rules
a yearly driving credit stipend;
To increase awareness of the opportunities ness of walking.” of the road, we want to take further steps (e.g.,
» Opportunities for eco-conscious provided by MTD, F&S will offer at least two To make walking on campus as pleasant as improving traffic calming measures in heav-
travelers to win a gift card or other “It’s Your MTD, Too”89 workshops annually. possible, we will use strategic landscape archi- ily-trafficked streets and intersections) to
monetary incentive; and/or These workshops are a collaboration between tecture to create aesthetically pleasing path- ensure that the campus itself is safe and con-
F&S and MTD to encourage students, staff, and ways. We will ensure that campus pathway ducive to bicycle travel.
» Opportunities to receive tax credits. designs prioritize accessibility and are pedes-
faculty members to use MTD’s services.
Our proposed Commuter Program will en- As with all iCAP 2020 strategies, public trian friendly. See the Land & Water chapter BICYCLE FRIENDLY UNIVERSITY (BFU)
courage employees to forgo parking permits in health is of the utmost importance. We will for more information. Illinois was promoted to Silver BFU status
favor of active and shared modes of transporta- be mindful of all efforts to promote the use of by the League of American Bicyclists (LAB)
3.4.2 [F&S] Continue to implement the
tion. The program will also connect employees public transportation with a view to ensuring in October 2019 because of great progress in
2014 Campus Bike Plan.
with convenient solutions such as telecom- sustainability and safety. bicycle engineering, education, enforcement,
muting and carpooling programs. Campus as The 2014 Campus Bicycle Master Plan92 focuses evaluation, and encouragement. Moving for-
a Living Lab seed funding provided financial BIKE primarily on infrastructure improvements to the ward, we intend to maintain the qualities that
support to pursue a survey on driving and car- Bicycling is the most sustainable form of per- university’s network of bikeways in order to: have earned us this designation and continue
pooling potential.86 The survey plans to provide sonal transportation, allowing individuals to to improve the campus’s bicycle friendliness.
a greater understanding of why people choose 1. Increase safety for all users; To further elevate our BFU status, the LAB
travel long distances per unit of energy (in this
their primary mode of transportation in order to case, the calorie). Several groups have worked 2. Encourage a sustainable recommends implementing a national bicycle
develop the most effective solutions to reduce mode of transportation; registration program to increase the number of

86  https://go.illinois.edu/campuslivinglab
90  https://go.illinois.edu/BikePlan_2014
87  https://bit.ly/3fg1osZ
91  https://bike.illinois.edu/
88  https://bit.ly/3hSEslj
92  https://go.illinois.edu/BikePlan_2014
89  https://bit.ly/3hMZphi

72 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 73
bicycles registered on campus. Our current goal B I K E S HAR I N G AN D MAI NTE NAN C E also available in town as well.93 Now and in Similarly, we hope to establish guidelines to
is to achieve Gold BFU status by FY27. the future, we will encourage individuals to standardize remote work practices for all em-
More departmental bikes (e.g., those owned
practice sanitary best practices while operat- ployees while allowing for flexibility regarding
by iSEE, F&S, and the Sustainability Living
LO N G -TE R M B I K E S TO R AG E ing shared bikes. the specific exercise of these options.
Learning Community) will be offered. To en-
As part of our efforts to encourage campus bi- While work-from-home precautions in light
sure that campus-owned bikes are well taken 3.4.3 [F&S w/IHR] Establish telecommut-
cycling, we want to ease the logistical diffi- of COVID-19 were implemented out of neces-
care of, personnel with departmental bicycle ing policies for the campus by FY24.
culties that individuals face with the task of sity, it is our hope that these practices can con-
access will be encouraged to participate in
keeping a bike at school. This is especially true COVID-19 shelter-in-place guidelines estab- tinue into the future to meet environmental
maintenance courses through Campus Recre-
of students in apartments with limited storage lished telecommuting as not only necessary, .stewardship goals.
ation and the Campus Bike Center, or get regu-
space. We plan to implement long-term bicy- lar maintenance at local bike shops to prolong but also highly manageable for campus units.
3.5 [iSEE] Reduce net air travel emis-
cle storage (i.e., a garage-like space capable of the life of the bike. Students will continue to We hope to investigate and develop telecom- sions from FY14 baseline: 50% by
storing 1,000 or more bicycles) on campus by have access to short-term bike rentals through muting options to promote the environmental FY24 and 100% by FY30.
FY24. companies such as Veo. Long-term rentals are benefits inherent to this work model.
First, we will discuss potential strategies for Air travel is the university’s largest source of
employees for whom telecommuting is viable. transportation-based emissions.As of FY19, we
For remaining employees, we will consider al- decreased our air travel emissions by approxi-
lotting a designated number of days per year mately 25% from the updated FY14 baseline.As
to optional telecommuting. Currently, certain we continue to augment existing efforts with in-
organizations in India are considering similar novative solutions, we can confidently push to
protocols, with 15 days as a suggested starting double our existing reduction by FY24. Added
point. Incentivized solutions (e.g., an encour- mitigation through future carbon offsetting pro-
aged one-day-per-week telecommuting policy) grams makes the target of net-zero air travel
will also be explored. emissions by FY30 feasible as well.
On May 6, 2020, Chancellor Jones distrib-
uted an email message including the following BUSINESS TRAVEL SURVEY
statement: “The timing and the working ar- The most direct step toward reducing air
rangements of individual employees will not travel emissions is reducing the frequency of
be the same for everyone. This allows our col- air travel itself. To confidently move forward,
leges and departments the necessary flexibility we must begin with a thorough knowledge of
to implement their specific plans within pa- where we currently stand: from FY22 to FY24,
rameters outlined by public health officials.”94 we will conduct an annual business travel

93  https://www.neutralcycle.com/rental

BikeFace, a sub-group of Students for Environmen- 94  https://bit.ly/33cOBFk

tal Concerns, hosted "Chancellor Ride" in April 2017
to highlight the campus’s need for improved biking in-
frastructure. Pictured (from left): Chancellor Robert J.
Jones, Lorenzo Grego, America Guerra, Lily Wilcock.

Credit: Facilities and Services.

74 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 75
survey to obtain this foundational information. Adapting to these changing circumstances adopt up-and-coming technologies with a view a concrete program with at least five partici-
By surveying campus personnel regarding the within a compressed timeframe brought our to implementing them to our, and the environ- pating university units by FY24. This option
reason, regularity, and urgency with which they need for robust telecommunication infra- ment’s, advantage. would provide travelers with tangible means of
travel by plane on university business, we can structure into sharp relief. It also proved our offsetting emissions and encourage local action
CARBON OFFSETS PROGRAM to increase awareness of global issues.
identify opportunities for alternative methods capability for adopting these technologies and
of transportation such as the UI Ride program integrating them into our daily lives. With a When air travel is unavoidable, purchasing car- We would especially like to incorporate cre-
and teleconferencing. comprehensive strategy, our approach to tele- bon offsets can counteract emissions generated ative local offset projects into this program: for
A preliminary step for implementing this communication can, and will, become seamless in flight. The iSEE website offers publicly ac- example, an initiative to plant trees on desig-
strategy is to conduct a UI Ride passenger sur- and sophisticated. cessible information about purchasing carbon nated campus land proportional to the amount
vey. Riders will report where they are coming The first step of this comprehensive strat- offsets for air travel, as well as a four-step pro- of air travel undertaken by staff and faculty
from, where they are going, whether their travel egy involves an inventory of campus telecon- cess for how to do so. Currently, these resources members. Those who fly regularly would be en-
is related to research, teaching, or administra- ferencing facilities and their accessibility by are intended for individuals; travelers can cal- couraged to volunteer their time to help plant
tion, and how else (or if) they would have made the end of FY21. SWATeam members will help culate the monetary equivalent of their carbon trees, with student involvement welcomed as
that particular trip if not with UI Ride. A ran- iSEE develop a standardized form for distri- emissions and donate that amount to fund a well. Participants would receive information
dom sample of riders will receive a card with a bution to campus units and departments. The verified sustainability project.95 regarding both the negative effects of carbon
QR code for the survey, and responses will be form will record availability of teleconferencing In addition to informing the community emissions and the sequestering abilities of
recorded electronically. facilities within campus buildings; specifically, about opportunities to offset carbon emissions, trees and native plants.
We currently report business travel data to rooms with high-quality teleconferencing ca- we hope to expand this individual offering into
Second Nature as part of the annual GHG emis- pabilities and/or the ability to host group meet-
sions report; this business travel survey will ings remotely. 95  https://go.illinois.edu/offsetcarbon

help streamline this process and ensure that In addition to campus facilities, we will
the data is accurate. continue enabling students, staff, and faculty
members to conduct teleconferences and re-
CAMPUS TELECONFERENCING AUDIT mote work from their individual homes. Tele-
While we are committed to curbing universi- work from personal devices was crucial to
ty-related air travel, the need for partnerships maintaining campus operations throughout
with other institutions around the world re- the COVID-19 pandemic, and we commit to
mains urgent. Advancements in teleconfer- supporting these opportunities in the future.
encing technology present a user-friendly Ultimately, our goal is to take stock of current
compromise that balances the need for collab- teleconferencing capabilities and assess the
oration with our responsibility to carbon neu- need to invest in a higher quality and/or quan-
trality. tity of digital infrastructure as we move toward
Remote communication became particularly air travel alternatives.
needed in spring 2020 as COVID-19 health In keeping with the university’s history of
concerns prioritized the virtual workspace. innovation and technological progress, we will

76 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 77
Illinois students, staff, and faculty members lifestyle choices: commuting by bus instead of
lead busy lives. By transitioning universi- SOV; forgoing air travel in favor of teleconfer-
ty-operated vehicles to alternative fuels, inte- encing; walking or biking rather than driving.
grating sustainable management systems into Everyone is capable of making a difference, and
campus roadways, and incentivizing active and the sum total of individual action — as well as
low-emission commuting options, we continue an increased understanding of what influences "For the past 10 years, the Illinois Climate
to shrink the portion of our carbon footprint decision-making in our community — will en-
generated from transportation. However, it is able us to achieve our transportation goals in
Action Plan has provided a rigorous but
imperative that the campus and community the coming years. No matter where our com-
become more active participants in our trans- munity needs to go, we strive to implement
feasible plan to create an environmentally-
portation plan.
Transportation solutions come down to
safe and sustainable solutions to help them
get there.
friendly campus. I believe student involvement
in university decisions is extremely important
because our tuition should fund projects
that are ethical and focus on intergenerational
sustainability. More than ever before, our
actions will determine the state of the
environment and society’s attitudes toward
environmental protection in the coming
— Anneli Cers ’21

Community tree planting is an engaging way to offset the

university's carbon emissions.

78 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 t r a n s p o r tat i o n 79

80 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 81

LAND & WATER water management from 2015 to 2019 include:

» In December 2019, the Resilient Grounds

Strategy Advisory Committee, charged by
gas (GHG) sequestration (3,207,559.17 lbs
CO2), water saved (17,400,271.91 gal), and
energy saved (2,023,115.73 kWh). Through
efforts to implement iCAP 2015 objectives,
PR OTECTI N G O U R R ES O U R C ES Facilities and Services (F&S) Executive the total agroforestry acreage on campus
O N CAM P U S AN D B E YO N D Director Mohamed Attalla and chaired increased to 102.8 acres as of FY19.100
by professor of landscape architecture
William Sullivan, completed a strategic » In October 2018, the university became
vision for improving campus landscape the first in the Big Ten to achieve Bee
resilience. The Resilient Landscape Campus USA certification.101 The initiative
Strategy identified key challenges (see was spearheaded by a group of students
Objective #4.2) and developed solutions in the Sustainability Living Learning
As a micro-urban hub, robust research institute, agricultural living laboratory, to ensure that campus landscapes are Community (SLLC) based in Lincoln
and land-grant university, the Urbana campus is a microcosm for land and designed and maintained in a fashion Avenue Residence Hall. The students
commensurate with our global profile. coordinated the extensive development of
water management in the Midwest and globally. On both local and large
the Bee Campus USA application, funded by
scales, these resources are indispensable for sustaining growing popula- » In March 2020, the university earned F&S Sustainability, in conjunction with the
its fifth annual designation as an official Department of Entomology, the Department
tions. However, they are increasingly threatened by human development,
Tree Campus USA97 by the Arbor Day of Natural Resources & Environmental
biodiversity loss, and climate change. As our student body expands, we Foundation for its commitment to effective Sciences (NRES), U of I Extension, and
must be energetic stewards of the environmental resources for which we urban forestry. The standards for this F&S. This designation recognizes our
designation include maintaining a Campus myriad efforts to foster a pollinator-
are responsible.
Tree Advisory Committee, establishing friendly campus. Other examples include
a Campus Tree Care Plan,98 dedicating the citizen-science initiatives I-Pollinate102
Our campus has an urgent responsibility to sus- involve the Resilience SWATeam. A particu-
annual stewardship, offering student- and BeeSpotter,103 the Pollinatarium,104
tainably manage everything from the water we lar issue of interest to both the university and
focused service-learning projects, and several pollinator-focused classes, and many
drink to the crops we harvest to the pollinators community is sustaining Boneyard Creek, the
performing an Arbor Day observance. student organizations related to pollinators.
we rely on for survival. Strategies to address three-mile waterway flowing through campus
these and other concerns include implementing and draining from Urbana and Champaign. The » An online Tree Campus inventory99 was » The Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
green infrastructure, designing resilient land- Boneyard Creek Master Plan96 was published in updated to document the campus's 16,493 program for the F&S Grounds department
scapes, and restoring our ecosystems. As part of 2008 to strategize planning and maintenance trees. The database also tracks relevant was formally established as a policy in
the university’s carbon neutrality goal, we must efforts. Every year, Boneyard Creek Community annual metrics including total greenhouse
also increase the amount of carbon sequestered Day unites local residents to clean up litter and
by our soil and vegetation. promote appreciation for the landmark. Bone- 97  https://www.arborday.org/programs/treecampususa/
Because our approach to environmental yard Creek is also a site for ongoing research 98  https://bit.ly/CampusTreeCarePlan
stewardship is linked with sustainable com- into flooding patterns and water quality. 99  https://illinoisedu.treekeepersoftware.com
munity development, the Land & Water objec- 100  https://bit.ly/33o1bBV
tives (e.g., rainwater management plans) may Notable achievements in sustainable land and 101  https://bit.ly/3jOmBh5
102  https://ipollinate.illinois.edu/
96  https://bit.ly/2XbkcDI 103  https://beespotter.org/
104  https://pollinatarium.illinois.edu/

82 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 83

conjunction with the Bee Campus USA bridge) is expected to be completed by reported a 37% decrease in annual potable wa- measures to prevent nitrate runoff, the impact
application process. IPM for Grounds spring 2021. The campus’s oldest rain ter usage from the FY08 baseline.106 We plan of nutrient loss on water health is not lim-
reduces pesticide use outdoors on campus garden captures and uses stormwater runoff to continue this pattern over the next five years ited to Champaign County, Illinois, or even the
to reduce weeds and other potential plant while also serving as an aesthetically through a combination of innovative technology contiguous United States. Excess nitrogen
issues by identifying acceptable pest levels pleasing landmark. Recently, the Champaign and water management strategies, minimizing from South Farms soil can travel uninter-
and incorporating preventive cultural County Design and Conservation excess potable water consumption both indoors rupted from the Embarras River to the Mis-
practices, monitoring, mechanical controls, Foundation and U of I Extension received and outdoors — everywhere from bathroom sissippi River system, ultimately ending up
biological controls, and restrictions. a grant from the Illinois Clean Energy faucets to irrigation systems. (See Objective in the Gulf of Mexico. Once there, pollutants
The Water Station at F&S also provides Community Foundation for the RORG. #4.1 for additional discussion of this target.) feed into a low-oxygen, high-mortality ma-
certified environmentally friendly IPM In addition to the potable water consumed rine sector known as the “dead zone.” Here in
in campus buildings to reduce pests » In spring 2020, iSEE began a small-scale on campus, we hope to improve the quality of Urbana-Champaign, we can do our part by
indoors. All F&S employees who apply composting program in the National water flowing downstream, away from campus. mitigating excess fertilizer that travels across
pesticides go through rigorous training Soybean Research Center (NSRC) with Implementing agricultural conservation prac- county and state lines.
and education to become State Licensed funding from the SSC. This project will tices significantly reduces nutrient loss from In keeping with this document’s holistic
Public Pesticide Operators or Applicators. implement an on-site compost tumbler our landscapes and mitigates environmental approach to sustainability issues, water con-
to collect and sustainably dispose of consequences. The South Farms water impacts servation should also be prioritized at the cul-
» In early 2019, the Student Sustainability food waste, coffee grounds, and shredded can be greatly improved by implementing best tural level. For example, one of our overarching
Committee (SSC) funded work to begin office paper. The next step is to construct management practices (BMP) for nutrient loss goals is to shift public perception away from
nitrate-nitrogen monitoring in the Embarras a pollinator garden on the west side of reductions. This includes cover crops as well as the notion of “stormwater” as disposable and
River south of campus. This project aligned NSRC, which will be fertilized in part other conservation strategies. The statewide Il- toward a culture that values “rainwater” for its
with a previous iCAP goal to reduce nitrate by the tumbler. In addition to reducing linois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy107 was plethora of practical benefits. Initiatives to edu-
fertilizer losses from our farms by 50%. food waste, this project will serve as an developed in collaboration with staff and fac- cate the community and promote sites like the
An undergraduate class installed initial example for other units and provide an ulty members to reduce nutrient loss, particu- Red Oak Rain Garden will aid in developing a
monitoring equipment in fall 2019. educational opportunity for students, larly nitrate-nitrogen, and lower nitrous oxide sustainability-minded culture that both cele-
staff, and faculty members. The goal is emissions from our waterways. (See Objective brates and responsibly manages the world around
» In summer 2019, ACES farm staff began to expand this program across campus
working to obtain specialized equipment to #4.4.) us.
and provide increased opportunities for While we can implement local and statewide
streamline cover crop seed planting during student participation. The SSC previously
the fall corn and soybean harvest. Adding a funded Department of Anthropology
living cover during the winter substantially 106  https://bit.ly/2Xlnfcz
Assistant Professor Jessica Brinkworth
reduces nitrogen and phosphorus losses. 107  https://bit.ly/304UXVo
to begin Bokashi composting and
» The Red Oak Rain Garden (RORG)105 develop a carbon garden for her lab
to engage and train undergraduates
"More students should care about sustainability because we are a
has been a treasured installment on
in carbon reduction measures. part of the youth! The Earth we have right now is the one we will
campus since 2006. During Campus
Sustainability Week 2019, the RORG always have! In order for us to flourish in our future lives and careers,
A major Land & Water success story is
team unveiled plans for a three-tiered
the reduction in our campuswide potable (i.e.,
the Earth needs to flourish as well. I’m most excited to see how the
renovation project. Due to COVID-19 university will work to make their dorm buildings and dining halls more
drinkable) water consumption. FY19 metrics
delays, Phase 3 (installing a north-south
— Samantha Roberson ’22
105  https://redoakraingarden.org/about/

84 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 85

Land & Water
The following Land & Water objectives were
developed by the SWATeams, iCAP Work-
ing Group, campus community, and Sus-
tainability Council to guide the university’s
actions toward sustainable land and water

4.1 Reduce Water Consumption

4.2 Implement Resilient Landscape Strategy
4.2.1 Increase Number of Trees
4.2.2 Increase Pollinator-Friendly Areas
4.2.3 Double Green Infrastructure Installations
4.3 Cover Crops on South Farms
4.4 Monitor Soil Health

The 321-acre Illinois Energy Farm is a living laboratory

for agricultural sustainability research.

86 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 87

4.1 [F&S] Reduce potable water toilet fixtures, plumbing, cooling, and irriga- WAT E R C O N S U M P T I O N I N mately 1,100 toilets that use three or more GPF.
consumption to 721,500 kgal/year tion). In FY19, campus used 823,049 kgal of CA M P U S B U I L D I N G S The most efficient flush rates are as low as one
by FY24, which is a reduction of 45% water (Figure 17). GPF in newer campus facilities. Though ret-
Restrooms in campus facilities are a common
from the FY08 baseline. As of FY19, we have reduced potable water rofitting existing fixtures is difficult, we will
source of water inefficiency, as many plumbing
consumption by 37% from the FY08 baseline fixtures are not up-to-date with current con- continuously research water reuse techniques
Potable water refers to water that is safe to
(Figure 18).108 To reduce consumption by an- servation technology. Previous sustainabil- and require low-flow fixtures for all new con-
drink, a scarce commodity in developing re-
other 8% by FY24, we will focus on the two ity projects have addressed this by updating struction. The Building Maintenance team at
gions and an increasingly precious resource
largest sources of excess water usage: campus campus facilities with low-flow fixtures. As F&S is compiling an inventory of buildings that
worldwide. On campus, we are implementing
buildings and agricultural irrigation. of FY19, there are approximately 1,100 lavato- lack low-flow fixtures in restrooms; upon its
infrastructure to conserve potable water used
ries that must be converted to low-flow, about completion, we will identify the buildings with
for non-drinking purposes (e.g., sinks, faucets,
500 urinals that use one gallon per flush (GPF) the most fixtures to retrofit and seek funding
rather than 0.5 GPF or 0.125 GPF, and approxi- to implement these improvements.
108  https://bit.ly/2Xlnfcz

Total Campus Potable Water Use (kgal) Percent Reduction in Potable Water Consumption

Figure 17: Total Campus Potable Water Use (kgal) Figure 18: Percent Reduction in Potable Water Consumption

88 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 89

Housing has contributed greatly to water ally. To achieve a 45% potable water use reduc- for landscape improvements. include establishing a steering committee, hir-
use reduction in dining facilities by transition- tion, irrigated university-owned land must be Increased visibility of greenery has positive ing an external landscape architecture firm, and
ing to trayless dining. Simply removing trays transitioned from municipal water sources to impacts on students’ attention, stress, and men- initiating extensive public and stakeholder
in dining halls saves 516 gallons of water per reclaimed water sources or wells. tal wellness. The Resilient Landscape Strategy engagement. The Landscape Master Plan is
day and 110,940 gallons annually. Their recent has already begun to address campus landscape scheduled to be completed by fall 2021.
4.2 [F&S] Implement the Resilient Land-
adoption of the Grind2Energy system will also health and its ability to motivate and sustain
scape Strategy recommendations D E C I S I O N - M A K I N G S T R U CT U R E
contribute to a notable reduction in water con- our community. In order for everyone to en-
by FY24.
sumption. joy nature’s restorative qualities, the univer- The University Landscape Architect’s (ULA)
In research labs, it is not uncommon for Campus landscapes are our habitats: the places sity will increase the amount and visibility of authority over campus landscapes is compro-
equipment to use a “once-through” cooling where we work, relax, and engage with others. natural landscapes so that they can be enjoyed mised by an unclear reporting structure and an
system — as its name implies, the (often pota- Campus landscapes sustain us. They clean our from anywhere on campus. For example: efforts uninformed appeals process. This often leads
ble) water used for cooling has a brief lifespan, air, beautify our surroundings, sequester car- to integrate greenery and natural lighting into to disjointed designs and unsustainable devel-
passing through the machines just once before bon, and provide us with motivation and in- existing space could result in construction of opment. F&S is working to establish a Campus
being discharged as wastewater. This process spiration. Campus landscapes are as essential an indoor “sunroom,” which would serve as a Landscapes department, clarify the ULA’s role,
is needlessly wasteful. After identifying which to our health and well-being as any brick-and- positive environment for studying, working, re- and provide appropriate resources for informed
equipment relies on once-through cooling sys- mortar infrastructure, and yet we often act as flecting, and hosting mental health workshops. decision-making.
tems, we will explore ways that these processes if the spaces between the buildings don’t mat- As we add more indoor green rooms on campus, In addition, there must be a landscape design
can be redesigned to incorporate more sustain- ter. With proper design and direction, campus an online inventory of these locations will be appeals process outside of the standard capital
able practices. landscapes can become multi-functional spaces made publicly available. programs variance process. Landscape and site
In addition to upgrading our facilities, we that support teaching and research, promote the Additionally, identifying a walking path with projects that the ULA determines do not align
will communicate water conservation best well-being of our campus community, and con- plants on north and central campus would pro- with the Landscape Master Plan must adhere
practices to building occupants: students, staff, tribute to our economic success by drawing new vide opportunities to self-tour and learn about to this process to win approval. The landscape
faculty members, and facilities staff. Commu- students and donors to our doors. native species. design appeals committee will include faculty
nicating water consumption will bring aware- We have an obligation to steward and main- members, students, administrative staff, and
ness to the rate and volume at which campus L A N D S CA P E M A S T E R P L A N
tain our landscapes in sustainable ways, to re- representation from the Native American com-
buildings consume water, and will encourage flect upon the past and envision a healthier, While the 2017 Campus Master Plan provides munity in keeping with the campus commit-
individuals to make decisions supportive of the more resilient future. Our campus landscapes an overall vision for a sustainable campus, ment to collaborate with Native Nations. 109
iCAP objectives. must be future-focused and able to withstand the plan prioritizes buildings over landscapes.
the challenges of tomorrow: climate change, There is no cohesive vision for resilient cam- R A I N WAT E R M A N AG E M E N T P L A N
AG R I C U LT U R A L WAT E R U S AG E large storm events, and heavy use by tens of pus landscapes and limited guidelines for en- Campus rainwater management conditions and
Agricultural research is central to the univer- thousands of individuals. suring landscapes’ long-term success. F&S is standards are out of date, leading to flooding and
sity’s mission. Even though a small fraction of The Resilient Landscape Strategy is developing a Landscape Master Plan including creating opportunities for pollutants to contami-
the 3,300 acres devoted to crop cultivation re- organized around five key challenges: lack a shared vision for the overall campus land- nate local waterways. Rainwater is whisked away
quires irrigation, water use volumes are stag- of a landscape master plan, an unclear deci- scape and specific design guidelines. This will instead of being protected and used as a resource.
gering. For example, a 40-acre field irrigated sion-making structure, lack of resilient rain-
with 10 inches of water over the course of a water management, an inadequately resourced 109  See page 13 of the Resilient Landscape Strategy,

year will require over 10 million gallons annu- Grounds Department, and inconsistent funding https://bit.ly/3fiuXdk

90 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 91

F U N D I N G F O R L A N D S CA P E sity is 8.1:14:19.6. Thus, we currently meet
I M P R OV E M E N T S the 10:20:30 rule, and we are committed to the
While campus landscape improvements are fre- stronger 5:10:15 goal. As of 2019, 187 species,
quently funded as part of capital building proj- 74 genera, and 38 families are represented on
ects, site improvements are often the first to be the Illinois campus.
cut when budgets are tight. We need a way to A critical step to increasing trees’ abundance
protect capital project funding for landscape and visibility is maintaining annual Tree Cam-
improvements and ensure adequate funding pus USA recertification. In addition to anchoring
beyond capital projects. Currently, little direct the logistical and financial framework needed
funding and donor support is expressly allo- to foster a tree-friendly environment, the pro-
cated to landscape improvements. We intend to gram’s five standards provide a pathway toward
earmark capital project funding for landscapes, increased visibility and public awareness of our
develop a rainwater management fee, secure an- arboreal assets. The standards also include key
nual funding for landscape improvements, and goals for improving our urban forest, such as
prioritize efforts to seek donor funding. “[initiating] a service learning project to calcu-
late the tree canopy coverage.”
4.2.1 [F&S] Increase the number of trees An Adopt-a-Pathway program currently ex-
on campus by 1,500 by FY24 and by ists but has not been strongly promoted. In the
3,000 by FY30. coming five years, we aim to relaunch the pro-
The October 2019 Campus Sustainability Week featured a gram to encourage individuals to spend more
Campus has 16,493 trees as calculated by our
student-led Quad Tree Walk, which spread awareness of our time outdoors and enjoy the natural environ-
trees' diversity and value. online Tree Campus inventory.110 We aim to
ment. University departments, clubs, and orga-
increase this number by FY24, planting 1,500
nizations will have the opportunity to “adopt”
trees in the next five years and another 1,500
To remedy this, we will require best management been marginalized and simplified, leading to sections of campus walking paths and take on
by FY30. Additional trees will not only boost
practices for rainwater in core campus and ag- an overall loss of aesthetic value. Staff lev- the responsibilities of litter removal, plant wa-
aesthetic appeal, but will aid in greenhouse
ricultural areas and adhere to a comprehensive els, equipment, and facilities are insufficient tering and weeding, and maintaining overall aes-
gas sequestration, water management, and fi-
rainwater management plan. to maintain a high degree of resiliency. To im- thetic appeal.
nancial savings. We also work to maintain the
We will also increase opportunities for ed- prove our landscapes’ aesthetic and environ-
10-20-30 diversity rule: urban forests should 4.2.2 [F&S] Increase the number of
ucation and engagement for Grounds em- mental functionality, we must increase the F&S
have no more than 10% of any single species, ground-level pollinator-friendly
ployees, the Illinois community, and students. Grounds staffing complement, including addi-
20% of any single genus, and 30% of any sin- landscaping areas on campus by
We will initiate a recurring student competi- tional Grounds workers; reinstate the Grounds
gle family. The Morton Arboretum has cham- 50% from the FY19 baseline by April
tion for resilient landscape designs and fund Gardener, Horticulturist, and Tree Assistant
pioned a further reduction to 5:10:15. In the 2024.
implementation of winning submissions. positions; and hire an ecologist. We must also
2019 Campus Tree Care Plan,111 inventory anal-
train Grounds employees, both at F&S and for As of FY19, campus supports 26 ground-level
RESOURCES FOR F&S ysis showed that the university’s tree diver-
all units with Grounds staff, and provide units pollinator-friendly landscaping areas. These
G R O U N D S D E PA R T M E N T with appropriate equipment and facilities.
Campus landscapes and open spaces have 110  Statistics collected on June 24, 2020.
111  https://bit.ly/CampusTreeCarePlan

92 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 93

are documented on the Pollinator Supportive support and native plantings. component to their mission. Members will teach Additionally, future buildings and major remod-
Landscape Map,112 which is updated each spring lessons and facilitate conversations about sus- els (e.g., renovations to Illinois Street Residence
prior to Earth Month celebrations.113 By April S T U D E N T I N VO LV E M E N T tainability and landscape health in Champaign Hall) will be undertaken with the potential for
2024, we plan to increase this number by 50%, Student participation is necessary to increase and Urbana public schools. green roofs in mind.
resulting in at least 39 ground-level pollina- pollinator-friendly areas on campus. In addi- 4.2.3. [F&S] Double the number of
tor-supportive areas. Green roofs on campus tion to the students involved with Bee Cam- CISTERNS AND RAIN BARRELS
on-campus green infrastructure in-
buildings support pollinators as well. pus USA, there are several Registered Student Many residential properties in our commu-
stallations from 24 to 48 by FY24.
Organizations (RSO) dedicated to this effort. nity use rain barrels for rainwater manage-
M A I N TA I N B E E CA M P U S Green infrastructure refers to “stormwater
Red Bison is one RSO that works on eco- ment. Rain barrels act as green infrastructure
U S A S TAT U S management practices that protect, restore,
system restoration projects. They currently help by seamlessly integrating natural rainfall into
By maintaining Bee Campus USA status, we or mimic the natural water cycle.”116 These
manage two active restoration sites on campus: small-scale irrigation sites. At the larger scale,
will foster a pollinator-friendly environment are biologically based treatment areas that
the Florida and Orchard Prairie,115 which is a 2.8- campus can increase the use of underground
(which is not exclusive to bees). These efforts clean stormwater and reduce erosion caused
acre tallgrass prairie, and the South Arboretum cisterns to collect rainwater which could po-
will also support sustainable food production, by runoff. Campus currently has 24 green in-
Woods (SAW), which is becoming a mixture of tentially be used for campus irrigation systems.
native plant propagation, awareness of pollina- frastructure installations including perme-
prairie, oak savanna, and oak-hickory woodland. Increasing the use of rain barrels and cisterns
tor-friendly best practices, and viable habitat able pavement, green roofs, rain barrels, and
Pollinators, especially migrating monarchs, fre- in university-owned spaces (and subsequently
creation for creatures dependent on pollinators bioswales (vegetation-filled trenches for run-
quent these sites. phasing out sprinklers) will bolster our water
for survival — including humans! off capture and filtration).
Additionally, From the Ground Up is an RSO conservation efforts. These systems capture
In addition to maintaining our current proj-
that focuses on student-led sustainability proj- rainwater for reuse, thus reducing the volume
E N H A N C I N G LOW- M OW ZO N E S ects’ quality, we aim to double campus green
ects. In fall 2019, From the Ground Up received of runoff and associated pollution that often
infrastructure areas by FY24. Ideally, new in-
In 2010, F&S established low-mow zones114 approval to work on 3.9 acres of a previously follow heavy rain. This will shrink the volume
stallations will be evenly distributed to dou-
to support pollinators and decrease mainte- designated low-mow zone near Orchard Downs of potable water unnecessarily dispensed for
ble all existing efforts. Below are examples of
nance costs. Cutting low-mow zones intermit- Housing Facility. The RSO plans to transform irrigation, allowing for that valuable resource
how we will supplement existing installations.
tently lessens seed production from weeds and this plot into a pollinator-friendly native Illinois to be conserved.
non-native plants, an essential process for pre- flower garden. From the Ground Up also started Smaller-scale rain barrels can be installed at
serving native perennial biodiversity and mini- the Foreign Languages Building Garden Reno- pollinator pockets on campus. Currently, this is
mizing invasive species. Currently, we have 81.8 vation Project in early 2020 with support from Campus currently has nine green roofs on being implemented at the Idea Garden and in
acres of low-mow land and 5.7 acres of prairie the Student Sustainability Committee to plant buildings including Krannert Center for the conjunction with the pollinator gardens near
plantings on university property. We intend to native wildflowers, pollinator-supportive plants, Performing Arts, the Business Instructional Fa- Davenport Hall.
convert a portion of the low-mow acreage into and possibly bird and bee habitats. This group cility, and the Art and Design Building. Green
raises awareness of modern threats to pollinator roofs are valuable for reducing runoff and less- 4.3 [ACES] Use cover crops in at least
prairie or meadow with a focus on pollinator
ening heat’s impact on heating, ventilation, and 20% of South Farms acreage by
populations and has recently added an education
air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. We could FY24.
112  https://bit.ly/PollinatorPocketMap  augment these benefits by planting pollina- South Farms is located south of the Florida
113  An interactive version is available through Google Maps: https://bit.ly/2BH9sp0 tor-supportive native landscapes on green roofs. Avenue campus border, encompassing approx-
114  https://bit.ly/iCAP_LowMow
115  https://bit.ly/3357olU 116  National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP), https://bit.ly/2P5Q6go

94 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 95

imately 3,343 acres operated by departments South Farms should be developed to promote are able to obtain soil measurements. Two options create comprehensive maps to augment stan-
in the College of ACES. Crop Sciences (which sustainable practices and implement best man- for achieving this objective are outlined here: dard USDA Soil Survey data. This also allows
includes the 321-acre Energy Farm) and An- agement practices. Efforts to develop this plan the tracking of organic matter in the soil, which
imal Sciences are responsible for the largest will continue over the next five years. C O L L E CT S O I L S A M P L E S is pivotal to carbon sequestration. In addition
land areas (roughly 50% and 45% respectively), One of the most significant considerations USING LABCORE to providing a real-time aerial overview of soil
while the remainder is allocated to Agricultural for this objective is obtaining and maintain- Many university researchers take soil samples health across the South Farms, implementing
& Biological Engineering (ABE), the College of ing the necessary equipment. Several methods from the South Farms on a regular basis. There- a GIS platform allows geographical tracking of
Veterinary Medicine, aquaculture research, and can be used to plant cover crops, all of which fore, the most efficient method for compiling activities that might influence soil health. Over
forestry. require either refurbishing old equipment (e.g., soil data into LabCore — a farm data collection, time, novel correlations can be developed to link
This large land parcel should be cultivated grain drills owned by Crop Sciences and Ani- archiving, and geographic information system soil health with carbon reductions.
as efficiently as possible with respect to the mal Sciences) or buying new equipment. For (GIS) platform — involves soliciting informa- Equally important to collecting soil sam-
environment, the economy, and scientific re- example, should campus pursue interseeding, a tion from these individuals. If scientists are ples is creating a publicly accessible informa-
search. A proven avenue for advancing these method implemented in late summer wherein able to provide georeferenced points for their tion hub where scientists can both contribute
goals is planting cover crops, quick-to-culti- cover crops are seeded while primary crops sample sites, that information can be used to and retrieve free, non-proprietary data. Ideally,
vate plants (e.g., rye) that reduce soil erosion are in mid-growth, we would likely invest in
and add nutrients back into the soil. Currently, a high-clearance sprayer (i.e., a piece of ma-
all South Farms cover crop use is in service of chinery used for fertilizer and other nutrient
research projects, totaling less than 20 acres. application) retrofitted with an air seeder to
Moving forward, we plan to increase this total distribute seeds in tandem with the sprayer.
to approximately 668 acres by planting cover To best serve our scientists and research fac-
crops on 20% of the South Farms. This tar- ulty members, cover crop use should be coordi-
get represents an ambitious yet achievable goal, nated with soil and water health tracking and
balancing the capabilities of South Farms per- monitoring.
sonnel with the benefits of university support.
4.4 [ACES] Monitor soil health by
All ACES departments will be encouraged to
collecting soil analyses for all
South Farms land parcels by FY24.
This initiative goes hand in hand with ongo-
ing ACES efforts to incorporate agricultural con- As we take steps like planting cover crops to im-
servation practices (e.g., soil erosion monitoring) prove farm sustainability and resiliency, we must
on university-operated farmland. In 2018, the take an adaptive approach to soil quality moni-
Agriculture, Land Use, Food, and Sequestration toring. This ensures that we are making informed
(ALUFS) SWATeam submitted a recommenda- decisions and implementing productive solutions.
tion to the iCAP Working Group (iWG) stating As is the case for many iCAP objectives, data
that a comprehensive, cooperative management analysis begins with data collection. Our key
plan for all non-research agricultural land on the metric is the number of land parcels for which we In the coming years, we intend to secure annual funding for
landscape improvement projects.

96 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 97

a benefit of using LabCore is an expedited pro-
cess and minimized need for arduous field re-
can be closely monitored. This approach aligns
with previous iCAP goals and facilitates quan- Conclusion
search to manually obtain soil samples. tification of land management changes and the
impact of changing rainfall patterns over time. Humanity is intimately linked to the land and expansive space, we must keep in mind that the
T I L E D R A I N AG E W I T H S O I L The strategies implemented to achieve this water that surround us. We are each affected land and water we possess is finite.
A N A LY T I C S CA PA B I L I T I E S objective will build a strong foundation for the by our access to these resources on a daily basis The university’s size and wealth of resources
A second method for collecting soil health data campus’s Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy, our — strolling through the Main Quad on a sunny pose unique challenges. For example, given the
and conducting subsequent analyses is install- long-term plan to optimize nutrients regularly day, propping an umbrella open on a rainy walk threat of climate change, assessing flood risks in
ing a tile drainage system with a soil analytics applied to crops in order to prevent chemical to class, or sipping water from a drinking foun- the campus and community will be prioritized
component. runoff into U.S. waterways. The interconnect- tain. The most effective step toward enacting (see the Resilience chapter for further discus-
Certain Energy Farm plots currently pos- edness of statewide, national, and global land big-picture land and water management strate- sion). Challenges also afford exciting opportu-
sess such tile systems, which monitor nitrate and water systems is proof that public, private, gies is connecting with individuals on scales as nities to enact progressive environmental change
loss and collect aggregated soil nutrient infor- and university-operated agricultural units must small as the actions listed above, and nurturing on both individual and institutional scales. This
mation. We propose to replicate some of these act as one to address widespread soil and water curiosity about how land and water factor into is a great responsibility, and one we do not take
strategies at diverse South Farms locations health concerns. the everyday. lightly. Through innovative infrastructure, adap-
(e.g., distributed in conventionally tilled or As a leader in the development of novel ag- As a land-grant university, the Urbana cam- tive strategy implementation, and data-driven
no-till fields; with or without cover crops; an- ricultural management and technological ap- pus is situated on more than 5,000 contiguous land use practices, we will strive to become a
nual or perennial crops, etc.) to compare nutri- proaches, the university is poised to provide a acres. While we are fortunate to occupy this pillar of ethical land and water management in
ent loss based on management style. The tiles “pilot program” in our nutrient loss reduction the coming decades.
would be located on the edges of their respec- efforts and provide a model for sustainable land
tive farms, so that nutrient loss out of South management that other academic and agricultural
Farms boundaries (and into critical waterways) communities can apply to their own practices.

We will strive to become a pillar of ethical land and water

management in the coming decades.

98 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 land & wat e r 99

100 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 101
calculated to show 2,314 tons in FY08 and 510 Coordinator. The key responsibility
tons in FY14.119 Using this data, we recently mod- for this position is transitioning
ified the carbon footprint to be more accurate; campus to a zero-waste community
emissions from solid waste were approximately with an emphasis on operations.
N O DAMAG E 475 MTCO2e in FY19.
N O TR AC E » University Housing has prioritized food
Notable achievements in zero waste from 2015 waste reduction with particular success in
to 2019 include: campus dining halls. Food scraps comprise
17.5%120 of landfilled municipal solid
» In July 2017, the Purchasing Office began waste (MSW) in the state of Illinois, a
reporting directly to the chancellor instead larger percentage than any other MSW.
of the University of Illinois System Office, Because of this, managing food waste in
better equipping the Urbana campus other campus units remains critical.
The Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA) defines “zero waste” as to execute targeted improvements.
“the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, » The Department of Food Science &
» In FY19, Facilities and Services (F&S) set Human Nutrition, the Department of
consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials
in motion a phased modernization and Crop Sciences, and University Housing
without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the upgrade program geared toward meeting collaborate on the Illinois Sustainable
environment or human health.”117 campus’s zero waste goal. Projects included: Food Project (ISFP) which began in 2013.
installing 162 standardized indoor recycling This initiative provides processing of
In other words, the goods and services we pur- for electricity generation. The campus had previ- stations to increase collection; improving fruits, vegetables, and grains for campus
chase — and how we interact with them — in- ously sent landfill waste to a non-recovering site collection routes to build recycling dining halls and units (e.g., Bevier Café)
fluences everything from the size of landfills to in Clinton, Ill. According to the standard GHG capacity; installing on-truck scales for and offers student learning and research
the release of harmful greenhouse gases (GHG). calculator, SIMAP,118 this change resulted in a effective tracking; and providing tours opportunities while reducing the amount
By investigating a resource’s life cycle (i.e., a 101% emissions decline from FY08 to FY09. In and educational sessions at the Waste of food sent to the landfill. For example:
“whole system” approach), we can minimize en- 2015, Karin Hodgin Jones, former student mem- Transfer Station to increase engagement. excess or visually unappealing tomatoes
ergy usage across all stages, from raw material ber on the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling Additionally, in summer 2020, $310,000 are processed into sauces; grain left over
extraction to transportation to waste disposal. (PWR) SWATeam and current lecturer in the was approved to replace 382 outdoor from the wheat breeding program is milled
The university’s first significant step toward School of Art + Design, investigated university trash receptacles with 130 strategically into flour for baked goods; hot peppers are
reducing landfill waste emissions occurred in landfill emissions using public data from the En- placed dual trash and recycling bins. used for hot and wing sauces; and leafy
2009. We began sending landfill waste to a site vironmental Protection Agency. With her data, greens or apple cider are frozen for year-
» Employing dedicated staff members
in Danville, Ill., that recovers methane emissions the GHG emissions from landfill waste were re- round use. The ISFP allows for larger
is critical to ensuring that university
production of certain items by providing
waste management policies receive
value-added or preservation functions for
117  Updated December 2018, http://zwia.org/zero-waste-definition/ the expert attention they deserve. In
goods. Through this program, students
118  https://unhsimap.org/home 2020, F&S initiated a search to hire
receive opportunities to learn about
a permanent full-time Zero Waste

119  https://bit.ly/3hT68GQ
120  https://bit.ly/30X125n

102 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 103

Percent Recycled-Content Paper Purchased from OfficeMax Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Diversion Rate

Figure 19: Percent Recycled-Content Paper Purchased from OfficeMax Figure 20: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Diversion Rate

sustainability, food production, and recipe campus consumption, the SSF models by FY20121 (Figure 19). iCAP 2020 includes printing. This reduces both the total waste vol-
development using local items in classes, low-emission, low-waste local food. objectives to not only implement a transparent ume and the recycled waste volume, resulting
student groups, or internships. In 2019, procurement reporting program, but also to ad- in a reduced diversion rate. To avoid this flaw,
over 100,000 pounds of products from » In April 2020, the SSC approved funding dress the issue at its source by holding high- we are now focusing on the core objective of
various campus sources were processed. for the university to become a member level business officers accountable for making reducing the total volume of landfilled waste
school of the Post-Landfill Action Network environmentally conscious purchasing choices. rather than tracking the diversion rate alone.
» The Sustainable Student Farm (SSF) began (PLAN). In addition to providing a network The 2015 iCAP also set the ambitious goal A comprehensive behavioral shift for stu-
in 2009 as a joint project between the with resources to assist in our zero-waste to increase our municipal solid waste (MSW) dents, staff, faculty members, and visitors is
Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) efforts, the PLAN offered a summer diversion rate (i.e., the percentage of everyday integral to mitigating our waste stream. Our vi-
and the Department of Crop Sciences 2020 student fellowship opportunity garbage kept out of landfills each year) to 45% sion is to promote a zero-waste campus culture
with support from University Housing. designed to help with benchmarking by FY20. This metric was measured at 27.40% by empowering individuals and units to take re-
Their goal is to educate students about our waste goals and collaborating with as of FY19 (Figure 20). However, using diver- sponsibility for everything from purchasing to
the health, economic, and environmental stakeholders to identify how we can sion rate as a key performance indicator com- waste reduction. Actionable steps like provid-
benefits of local food production while improve our waste diversion efforts plicates tracking true change in landfilled waste ing education about “reduce, reuse, and recycle”
providing high-quality, great-tasting beyond behavior change campaigns. due to fluctuations in total waste volume. For concepts, clearly communicating best practices,
produce. The SSF has operated a farm Purchasing and procurement standards re- example, imagine that campus has dramatically and investing in our facilities (e.g., indoor and
stand on the Main Quad since 2011, main a major challenge at the university, as reduced the amount of paper consumption from outdoor recycling bins) are vital to this process.
opening an online store in 2020 for the policies are not always well-known, used, or
community's safety and convenience. By enforced. As of FY17, campus reported purchas-
cultivating and selling fresh, minimally ing 19.13% recycled-content paper from Office-
121  https://bit.ly/3gftGoB
packaged fruits and vegetables for on- Max as compared with the 2015 target of 50%

104 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 105

Zero Waste
The following Zero Waste objectives were
developed by the SWATeams, iCAP Work-
ing Group, campus community, and Sus-
tainability Council to guide the university’s
actions toward achieving zero waste and
fostering a conscientious consumer culture.

5.1 Sustainable Procurement Reports

5.2 Reduce Landfilled Waste
5.2.1 Install Appropriate Infrastructure
5.3 Establish a Culture of Reuse
5.3.1 Zero Waste Messaging Campaign
5.4 Reduce Food Scraps
5.5 Plan for Organic Waste
5.6 Use Local Food
5.6.1 Food Literacy Project
5.7 Green Cleaning Program

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

recycles cardboard collected in specific Dumpsters
throughout campus. Recyclables are manually sorted
at the Waste Transfer Station.

106 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 107

5.1 [Purchasing] Create sustainable and package delivery services; the percentage of and solicited orders. tronics and catering. Though each department
procurement reporting guidelines purchases made through iBuy;122 and the num- has different requirements, all can incorporate
and increase compliance to 100% of ber of vendor contracts with sustainability re- » The ability to process Standing Purchase sustainability into their purchasing choices. In
business managers through training quirements. Orders. Standing POs allow units to order addition to a sustainable procurement reporting
and outreach by FY24. qualifying items on an as-needed basis program, we will advocate to integrate sustain-
iBUY (e.g., frequently replenished lab supplies). ability literacy components into relevant con-
“Procurement” refers to locating and obtaining Although iBuy is not yet capable of
Because all purchasing through iBuy occurs tracts and job descriptions.
goods and services from an outside vendor — processing Standing POs, this feature is
online, increasing the percentage of purchases The purpose of the reporting program
everything from food products, to printer paper, expected by FY21. In FY19, more than 3,000
made through this marketplace will elevate our outlined in this objective is to integrate green
to public computers in university labs. Procure- Standing POs were processed in Banner.
campus's overall sustainability by decreasing purchasing into all facets of campus. The re-
ment is one of the earliest life cycle stages over While not all of these will immediately
the waste stream typically generated from pur- porting itself is a necessary step; the ultimate
which we have direct control, and the sources transition to iBuy, a substantial reduction
chasing. goal is to foster a culture of environmentally
we select for campus purchasing are some of is expected by FY21.
Purchase Orders (PO) through Banner have conscious decision-makers. Only through coor-
our most powerful sustainability “votes.”
historically been printed and mailed to vendors, » The America To Go (ATG) punch out dinated communication and diligent reporting
People will usually opt for sustainable sourc-
which generates large quantities of waste from catalog. Punch out catalogs allow buyers can we hope to tackle this problem as a campus.
ing when given the opportunity. However, a core
procurement issue at a university of this size is paper, toner, postage, and delivery. From FY17 to directly access supplier catalogs from 5.2 [F&S] Reduce the total campus
the lack of coordinated communication within to FY19, the average annual POs in Banner ex- within the purchasing platform. Currently, waste going to landfills from 5,049
the network of professionals making buying de- ceeded 7,500; a conservative estimate of 10 the university spends approximately tons in FY19 to 4,544 tons or less
cisions. Drafting an annual report to be com- pages per PO calculates over 75,000 sheets of $10M per year on restaurant and catering in FY24, which is a decrease of at
pleted by business managers ensures that paper used per year. Using iBuy can conserve orders from Banner, iBuy, Purchasing Cards least 10%.
information about sustainable procurement waste, cut costs, and minimize emissions. (P-Cards), and Travel Cards (T-Cards).
is compiled, disseminated, and distributed to The majority of these purchases are from In FY19, the university (including the South
those who have the power to cast the most en- Recently, the Purchasing Office has made fo- Banner and T-Cards. By streamlining access Farms) generated 5,049 tons of waste — the
vironmentally conscious vote. cused efforts to shift purchases from Banner to ATG (which provides a curated network combined weight of 1,000 Alma Mater statues.
to iBuy, with over 2,700 POs completed in of restaurant and catering vendors), we With an improved waste collection infrastruc-
SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT iBuy from FY17 to FY19. Functional updates can reduce the volume of orders processed ture, we plan to cut this amount by 10%, to
REPORTING PROGRAM will enable a higher volume of POs to be routed through Banner and digitize our ordering 4,544 tons per year, by FY24.
through iBuy in the future. These include: practices. Our strategy for this objective is contin-
Working closely with the Business Managers
gent upon determining the largest campus
Group, we aim to implement a sustainable pro- » The addition of Contracts Plus. Historically,
CAMPUS CONTRACTS waste-producers and targeting our reduction
curement reporting program by FY23. By FY24, Banner was the only channel for submitting
efforts to those locations. With data from waste
we plan for all campus business managers to purchase orders tied to a solicitation or Every campus department is involved in pro-
collection trucks, we can identify the top five
participate. Annual reports will include met- contract. Adding Contracts Plus enables curement; numerous professional positions
waste-producing buildings and provide “reduce,
rics such as the percentage of environmentally these purchases to be made through iBuy, require thoughtful vendor interactions to nego-
reuse, and recycle” training to their units.
preferred purchases of products like office pa- eventually replacing the Illinois Contract tiate everything from day-to-day office supply
To incentivize waste reduction, we will ex-
per, cleaning products, computers, electronics, System (iCS) and consolidating contracted purchases to expensive orders including elec-
plore options for buildings, businesses, com-

122  https://www.obfs.uillinois.edu/iBuy

108 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 109

mercial areas, and organizations to compete to 5.2.1 [F&S] Install appropriate waste is committed to making zero-waste behaviors disseminate a list of campus locations.
produce the least total amount of waste. This collection infrastructure through- accessible to all.
objective will also be communicated in the din- out the University District, with new To operationalize a formally designed, cam- TAILGATES
ing halls to encourage consciousness of mini- indoor bins placed in at least 150 puswide waste collection plan, we will develop a Tailgates pose a unique challenge for waste col-
mizing food waste. buildings by FY24. Facilities Standard for indoor and outdoor waste lection. The high volume of individuals, reliance
Additional work will be done to eliminate management containers. on disposable materials (e.g., single-use food
One of the clearest indicators of a unified waste
single-use containers from the dining halls and service items), and lack of adequate receptacles
collection infrastructure is the appearance of
disposable items (e.g., plastic bags and straws) INDOOR BINS over acres of space result in large quantities of
our indoor and outdoor bins. In addition to per-
from campus. Bevier Café currently has a sys- Our plan to place new indoor bins in at least 150 landfill waste.
forming a vital function, our waste and recy-
tem of reusable containers which allows stu- campus buildings by FY24 will ideally be com- As large gatherings are reconfigured to re-
cling receptacles embody the time, attention,
dents to take a to-go container with their food pleted as soon as possible. We will begin with sume safely, we plan to transition these events
and resources devoted to campus sustainability.
and return it at their next visit. In addition to an inventory of existing bins to capture current to operate more sustainably as well. We pro-
By renovating and improving our bins’ pre-
minimizing waste generated by buildings and bin locations, bin quality status, and where ad- pose that blue recycling bags be distributed at
sentation, we can ensure that we are capitaliz-
their units, we plan to explore innovative, re- ditional bins are needed. Based on that data, we all tailgating parties so tailgaters can separate
ing on every available opportunity to recycle and
search-based solutions that take advantage of will evaluate funding solutions for completing aluminum, cardboard, and plastics from general
that waste that must be disposed of is handled
the university’s network of expert investiga- this plan by the target year, focusing on instal- waste — individually, efficiently, and on-site.
correctly. This will also provide a visible signal
tors and its ability to function as a “living lab.” lations for new and retrofitted buildings. Individuals will deposit the blue bags along-
to students, staff, faculty members, and visitors
In addition to standard areas (e.g., academic side the usual receptacles for the F&S recycling
that our campus prioritizes sustainability and
buildings and highly trafficked hubs like the Illini truck to pick up after the event.
Union), we want to provide waste diversion op-
portunities in less-trafficked locations like mail SPECIAL RECYCLABLES

“Composting is the perfect solution: it rooms, copy rooms, break rooms, and department
In addition to commonly recycled items such
as paper, plastic, and cardboard, we want to pro-

helps the environment in terms of OUTDOOR BINS

vide our community with easy-to-understand
programs to recycle specialized materials like

carbon sequestration, aiding Outdoor bins require high levels of coordination

to install. Our anticipated timeline for renovat-
non-rechargeable batteries, glass, electronics,
and industrial waste produced on campus (e.g.,
ing and updating these bins is outlined below: vehicle batteries, scrap metal, wires, concrete,
reforestation, enhancing water » By FY22, we will complete updates
and tires). Overwhelmingly, we’ve found that
individuals are willing to take steps to recycle
retention in soils, and more, while it is to existing outdoor bins, including
labeling and signage improvements.
items responsibly when they are presented with
the resources to do so.
also cost friendly and promotes higher » By FY24, we will finalize optimizing bin
The Illini Union Bookstore began a plas-
tic bag recycling program in 2019 through its
agricultural yields.” locations and their collection process.
vendor. The store posted signage encouraging

— Emily Dickett ’23 » By FY25, we will incorporate drop-

patrons to bring their own bags to divert this
plastic from the waste stream. Expanding this
off bins specifically for cardboard and

110 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 111

Our initial goal is that two events practice reuse of Surplus items, it is crucial to establish
program by adding other collection points on gatherings that are mindful of sustainability
zero waste by FY22. In light of adjustments a culture that encourages individuals to take
campus will help educate our community and concerns.
made as a result of COVID-19, we hope to gen- actionable steps. The practices we implement
reduce plastic waste. Once it is safe to resume Student welcome events and Grange Grove
erate momentum and encourage widespread as a campus will make it easier and more intui-
use of reusable shopping bags, we plan to in- tailgates alike are charged with camaraderie
adoption of these practices. Starting small al- tive for individuals to make zero-waste choices
vestigate plastic bag fees for other on-campus and excitement; however, they generate gar-
lows us to achieve gradual footholds and con- of their own. For example: by installing refill
vendors to dissuade customers from using sin- bage bins full of disposable bottles, single-use
tinue making progress each year. spouts on drinking fountains, we hope to en-
gle-use bags. plastics, and uneaten food scraps. It is the uni-
From athletics to commencement, univer- courage students, staff, and faculty members
Additionally, while glass is not an accepted versity’s responsibility to ensure that these
sity events are prestigious traditions. Introduc- to carry reusable rather than single-use wa-
material in our campuswide recycling program, events (particularly those hosted by the Office
ing zero-waste practices to these occasions will ter bottles.
it is collected from catering operations and pe- of the Chancellor and/or Office of the Provost)
allow us to lead by example and encourage all
riodically hauled to a local vendor for recycling. are as sustainable as possible. To guide event
who attend to adopt sustainable habits. 5.3.1 [F&S] Develop a comprehensive
planners toward environmentally conscious
5.3 [F&S w/Provost Office] Establish Zero Waste messaging campaign by
best practices, F&S will draft a guide for host-
a culture of reuse, with two major EXCESS ITEMS FY21 and achieve a cumulative to-
ing zero-waste events.
campuswide zero-waste events tal of 10,000 “Use the Bin” pledges
Catered events are especially prone to Central to our zero-waste philosophy is in-
using durable goods and compost- by FY24.
waste production, as purchasers often opt for terdepartmental collaboration. In an effort to
ing in FY22, four in FY23, six in FY24,
single-use utensils, plates, and serving im- encourage reusing items as opposed to buy- Individual behavioral change is integral to a
and eight in FY25.
plements for financial reasons or out of conve- ing new, we will ensure that unneeded items successful zero-waste program. Therefore, we
Objective #5.1 focused on purchasing, the ori- nience. In response, we will establish incentives (office supplies, electronics, furniture, etc.) are plan to launch a Zero Waste messaging cam-
gin of the university’s waste stream; Objective and pricing structures to encourage using dura- made internally available to university units. paign to ensure that students, staff, and fac-
#5.2 guarantees that any waste we generate can ble materials for campus events involving food. To do this, we will establish an intra-campus ulty members are aware of and enthusiastic
be disposed of using appropriately labeled bins. We also aim to address events that include communication system allowing departments about zero waste. Outreach may include dig-
Building on these strong foundations, Objective tabling, distributing marketing materials, and to post, claim, and exchange items. In the event ital channels (e.g., web pages and social me-
#5.3 ensures that items used on campus — par- hosting giveaways. A prime example is Quad that an item cannot be reused internally, we dia), competitions and contests (e.g., creating
ticularly at large events — are durable, repair- Day. This event is quintessential college: the will seek opportunities to make it available to art from recyclable materials), reuse work-
able, and reusable, and that they contribute to Main Quad filled with music, pathways lined external recipients (e.g., local nonprofits and shops, and events coordinated with global and
our university-wide culture of reuse. with canvas tents, throngs of students eager to state agencies). national initiatives like the Earth Day Network
engage with Registered Student Organizations All of the above will incorporate feedback and America Recycles Day. As discussed in Ob-
ZERO-WASTE EVENTS (RSO). While academic and extracurricular ta- from the Surplus Warehouse123 housed under jective #5.3, we can also incorporate zero-waste
bling events cultivate community, they generate the Office of Business and Financial Services elements into high-profile campus events like
Because of their high-profile nature, univer-
waste from discarded pamphlets, fliers, pack- (OBFS) to ensure that transactions are com- Illinois sports (e.g., an annual zero-waste foot-
sity-sponsored events provide the perfect op-
aging, and branded items with short life cycles. pleted through established procedures and are ball game).
portunity to cultivate a campuswide culture of
To reduce disposables associated with these ac- permitted by relevant policies. One theme we will communicate through
reuse. While remaining cognizant of current
and future safety concerns like the COVID-19 tivities and provide sustainable alternatives, we digital channels is the importance of recycling
will develop a zero-waste swag document to be INDIVIDUAL CULTURE OF REUSE
pandemic that may alter event formats, we have on the Urbana campus. The improved labeling
developed strategies for facilitating university referenced by offices, departments, and RSOs. In tandem with event policy revisions and system will help educate the public on the

123  https://bit.ly/314mfu5

112 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 113

nuances of what can and can’t be recycled. taken by all University of Illinois System em- (e.g., furniture, kitchenware, small household 5.4 [F&S] Promote food scraps reduc-
Additionally, many opportunities exist for ployees. This training will provide an iCAP appliances and electronics, school and office tion on campus through a behav-
waste diversion of personal items includ- overview as well as departmental guidance supplies, nearly-new clothing, books, toilet- ior change campaign, and tracking
ing electronics, cell phones, textiles, house- on zero-waste protocol, specifically regard- ries, lawn and garden items, artwork, vinyl and and recovery of surplus food for do-
hold goods, appliances, furniture, and other ing recycling. In its first year (2020), it will CDs, musical instruments, and sporting equip- nation, with at least five new areas
items students bring to campus that are of- be presented as an optional module that in- ment) which find new homes at the annual sale tracking and reporting their food
ten abandoned and fed into the waste stream. dividuals can visit following the mandatory in August during student move-in. University waste by FY22.
A recycling-focused information campaign ethics training. The module will then be re- Housing also provides staff and drivers to help
move the items. Dump & Run reiterates the Food scraps comprise a significant portion of
might draw particular attention to the Waste evaluated to potentially become a mandatory
notion of a circular economy, whereby materi- the university’s total landfilled waste. But just
Transfer Station, one of our campus's recy- inclusion in the ethics training. The video and
als are reused through their useful life before how much food is thrown out on campus in a
cling facilities. survey will be available year-round on the
entering the waste stream. given week, semester, or year?
Efforts to recycle can be impeded by pub- iSEE website and may be shown in various
In 2014, a Baseline Waste Stream Char-
lic health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic; capacities such as intro-level courses, office
acterization Study124 prepared by the Illi-
we will navigate these challenges with a focus trainings, or for anyone who wishes to brush
nois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC)
on equipping individuals to stay informed and up on campus sustainability best practices.
revealed that organic and compostable
do their part. Additionally, the training can be expanded
in the coming years to highlight other rele-
FIRST-YEAR STUDENT ENGAGEMENT 124   bit.ly/IISTC_WasteCharacterizationStudy
vant topics (e.g., energy efficiency) and reach
To ensure that our message hits home with stu- wider audiences.
dents, we will communicate best practices for
zero waste when it counts: at the beginning of
their Illinois careers. For example, distribut- One way to strengthen the campus's collec-
ing information about campus recycling during tive approach to zero waste is through devel-
first-semester courses and first-year orienta- oping a program in which student coordinators
tion events can help instill zero-waste practices collaborate with departmental contacts to in-
into students’ daily lives. crease sustainable practices, with an empha-
sis on waste reduction. We plan to work with
ETHICS TRAINING Resident Advisors of campus residence halls to
communicate these initiatives.
Our zero waste initiatives should directly en-
gage staff and faculty members as well as stu- DUMP & RUN
dents. A current project that originated from
a SWATeam recommendation is the effort to To bolster campus and community engage-
incorporate zero-waste elements into the an- ment with waste prevention, F&S partnered
with the University YMCA to provide resources
nual ethics training, which is approved by the
and leadership to expand the Dump & Run pro-
Office of the Executive Inspector General and
gram. This program gathers household goods
Purchasing local food from organizations like the Sustainable
Student Farm supports small farmers and decreases emis-
sions associated with food transportation.

Credit: Irina Valenzuela, “This Learning Life” 2019 Photo Con-

test Participant

114 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 115

materials (including food scraps) ranked con- (by weight) from self-operated campus food
sistently as the first- and second-highest waste services that do not already do so (e.g., Bev- “More than ever before, our actions
categories in the buildings examined. The re- ier Café, campus coffee shops, and in-institute
port detailed waste production in the Alice cafés like Beckman Café, Array Café in IGB, and will determine the state of the
Campbell Alumni Center, Henry Administra- Latté Da! Café in Lincoln Hall).
tion Building, Swanlund Administration Build- Units with contracted food services (e.g., environment and society’s attitudes
ing, and Illini Union Bookstore, and found that Athletics and the Illini Union) are expected
“food scraps, food soiled paper, paper towels, to include stipulations for tracking food waste toward environmental protection in
and other compostable items constituted a sig- in new or renewed contracts. These stipula-
nificant portion of the waste from these build- tions may require modification to conform to the coming decades.”
ings. For these four buildings alone, the organics grab-and-go dining (e.g., Memorial Stadium
segment accounts for 17.2 tons annually.” concessions). — Anneli Cers ’21
Currently, University Housing is the only In addition to introducing waste-tracking
unit on campus independently tracking how policies to self-operated and contracted food
tracking and prevention. COMPOSTING
food scraps factor into waste production; these distributors, we hope to encourage greater
efforts have been effective and well-received, food waste consciousness among campus con- 5.5 [F&S] Develop a detailed compre- We don’t just want to sustainably dispose of
and exemplify the impact of metrics on waste sumers: the students, faculty members, staff, hensive plan including implementa- food scraps — we want to put them to work. In
reduction. Housing uses a program called Lean- and visitors who take advantage of these ser- tion and operational costs/benefits conjunction with other iCAP objectives sup-
path125 to track all pre- and post-consumer food vices daily. We plan to launch a creative cam- to sustainably dispose of all food porting individual and departmental compost-
waste in dining units. By using the cloud-based paign to spread awareness of food waste issues. scraps and other organics by FY24, ing efforts, our goal is for composting to become
software to digitally weigh food waste and tar- The three-pronged campaign will 1) offer and fully implement the plan by an integral component of campus and commu-
get “problem areas,” dining halls have dramat- relevant statistics about on-campus and global FY33. nity waste operations.
ically reduced pre-consumer food waste (e.g., food waste; 2) provide actionable steps by In 2010, a feasibility study evaluated the vi-
The existence of excess food on plates, at ability of large-scale composting on campus.126
surplus food, spoiled ingredients, or scraps re- encouraging activities like zero-waste lunches;
events, or in dining halls is inevitable — there We intend to conduct an up-to-date cost-bene-
sulting from food preparation). Housing also and 3) motivate participants to make a
will always be leftovers, scraps, and uneaten fit analysis in the coming years; in addition to fi-
uses an extension of this program, Leanpath difference by directing them to a food donation
meals that cannot be redistributed. Our goal nancial and logistical considerations, this analysis
Spark, to measure post-consumer waste (e.g., webpage. When people stop for their morning
with Objective #5.5 is to ensure that none of will examine how local farmers can benefit from
leftovers) and educate customers on how they coffee, to-go lunch, or late-night study snack,
this waste reaches the landfill. buying university compost and identify any legal
can make a positive impact. we hope that they do so thoughtfully and with
In the “reduce, reuse, and recycle” frame of limitations governing these interactions. Follow-
Many facilities responsible for food pro- consideration of their environmental impact.
mind, we want to exercise every available op- ing this analysis, we will proceed with the most
duction and distribution do not have tracking By FY24, we anticipate a 30% reduction
portunity to productively, sustainably, and com- reasonable plan. Options for composting are di-
systems in place. As with many of the iCAP ob- of food scraps in areas that begin tracking
pletely dispose of campus food waste. Below are verse and may include: increasing the number
jectives, a preliminary step to ensure informed food waste. Once the program is running in
several methods for reusing and recycling food of small-scale composting solutions on campus
decision-making involves gathering the appro- numerous campus locations, we can partner
waste that we plan to explore and implement.
priate data. We will begin tracking food waste with local businesses to encourage food waste

125  https://www.leanpath.com/ 126  https://bit.ly/3hRw0mb

116 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 117

(e.g., the NSRC composting tumbler as referenced community partners in these efforts with the
in the Land & Water chapter); increasing com- UCSD, for example.
munity engagement with composting; and inves-
tigating opportunities to establish commercial FOOD WASTE RECYCLING
composting facilities for campus and surround- While the average student might not associate
ing communities. food waste with traditional recycling, there are
By capturing and composting food waste, many options to repurpose common ingredients
we will not only divert these materials from for alternative functions. For example, we are ex-
our waste stream, but also produce a valuable, ploring a way to recycle all used cooking oil for a
nutrient-rich product that benefits our soil. beneficial use such as biodiesel: a high-quality,
Composting is a particularly apt example of our high-functioning fuel derived entirely from re-
integrated approach to iCAP 2020. Moving for- newable resources. Researchers received Campus
ward, it is important to consider the many ways as a Living Lab seed funding and Student Sus-
in which our themes interact with, affect, and tainability Committee funds to study the poten-
enrich one another. tial to convert biowaste into bioenergy and reduce
pollution. Research focuses on testing processing
systems to deliver renewable energy, clean water,
and organic fertilizers for agriculture.
Composting is not the only way to divert food
scraps from the landfill. University Housing Din- 5.6 [Housing] Increase the use of local
ing currently operates three anaerobic digesters food to 35% by FY30.
(Enviropure) and three food waste collection sys-
University Dining is committed to purchasing
tems (Grind2Energy) for use with the anaerobic
as much food as possible from local vendors to
digester at the Urbana-Champaign Sanitary Dis-
support small farms and conserve energy as-
trict (UCSD). We have diverted approximately
sociated with long-distance transportation. In
95% of our pre- and post-consumer food waste
FY15, the university committed to surpassing
at university dining halls for the last three years
statewide procurement standards in this area
and plan to replace the three remaining aerobic
and was already sourcing one-quarter of dining
digesters as funding allows.
hall food expenditures from such locations.127
We are exploring additional technologies
In order to increase the university’s use of
capable of recovering resources from universi-
local food, we must: Ground dining hall food waste is emptied into
ty-generated food scraps. A potential opportu- the Grind2Energy holding tank (pictured). The
nity to add an anaerobic digester may be at the 1. Define the term “local” and slurry is transported to the Urbana-Champaign
future Dairy Facility. The Veterinary Teaching enforce appropriate standards; Sanitary District's anaerobic digester for
electricity production.
Hospital has straw bedding waste that could
2. Identify the most efficient produce
be used, and we look forward to optimizing
items to locally source based on factors
these efforts in collaboration with other cam-
like growing season; and
pus units. We plan to expand collaboration with

127  https://bit.ly/312IAs7

118 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 119

3. Measure total energy expended as a result acy Project can be leveraged into suggestions
“An anaerobic digester on campus of local purchasing as compared with for “green” meals and diets. We also hope to
long-distance transportation and make integrate opportunities for collaboration with
could be a great solution to issues in determinations based on the resulting data. the Sustainable Student Farm.
Speaking to the first of these, the Illinois Lo- With this objective, the university can pro-
several areas. Anaerobic digestion cal Food, Farms, and Jobs Act128 calls for State mote environmentally conscious diets ben-
efitting our students and the environment.
agencies and facilities to locally purchase 20%
utilizes organic waste to generate of farm and food products by 2020 and defines Promoting intimate knowledge of and identi-
fication with our food sources will increase the
“local farm or food products” as “products (1)
useful products such as biogas, which grown in Illinois; or (2) processed and packaged
in Illinois, using at least one ingredient grown
sustainable choices made in the dining halls
and beyond.

can be used as fuel, and digestate, in Illinois.” Moving forward, we can assign a
student to collaborate with campus stakehold-
5.7 [F&S] Establish a green cleaning
program that meets LEED v.4
which can be used as fertilizer. Thus, ers to establish a shared and flexible definition
of “local food.”
requirements by FY24.

F&S staff members consistently ensure that

having a digester on campus can 5.6.1 [Housing] Implement Food Literacy campus operations are performed with min-
Project by FY24 by tracking carbon,
imal exposure of F&S personnel and build-
reduce landfill waste, provide nitrogen, and water footprints for
food items in campus dining halls.
ing occupants to hazards that adversely affect
human health, air quality, building finishes
renewable energy, decrease The Food Literacy Project is a tagging mech- and systems, and the environment. One way
anism to track the water, carbon, and nitrogen to reduce such exposure is through procure-
greenhouse gas emissions, and more.” footprints of foods used in campus dining halls. ment and use of green cleaning products and
The program also identifies food items origi- processes. These might include simple steps
— David Rivera-Kohr ’20 nating from local sources. (e.g., placing floor mats at building entrances
Implementing this objective will promote to prevent dirt from entering) or in-depth solu-
intentional decision-making in support of sus- tions (e.g., transitioning a portion of cleaning
tainable food choices. Generally, sustainable chemicals to third-party green certified prod-
diets tend to have lower energy and water in- ucts).
puts and use fewer resources than their coun- As F&S implements university-wide san-
terparts. Additionally (as stated in Objective itation and hygiene protocols in light of
#5.6), using local food can decrease the carbon COVID-19, we will ensure that all green clean-
emissions associated with transportation and ing strategies continually meet these rigorous
promote local economies by supporting small standards to keep our campus operating safely
farmers. and sustainably.
Information obtained from the Food Liter-

128  https://bit.ly/2Xa3DYz

120 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 121

With the strategies outlined in this chapter, we
will launch a behavior-change campaign to ed-
ucate and empower students, staff, and faculty
members and promote environmental steward-
ship across campus. Our institution has more
than 50,000 students, 11,000 staff and faculty
members, five residence dining halls, and seven
retail operations serving over 20,000 custom-
ers per day during the typical academic year.
Therefore, the impact of tracking, analyzing,
and reducing our waste stream extends well
beyond the bounds of campus.
As individual consumers and Illinois com-
munity members, we can divert the cam-
pus waste stream at many points along its
path. From the initial procurement of a good
or service to its reuse or disposal, there exist
countless opportunities to intercede with envi-
ronmentally conscious decision-making.
That said, pursuing a university-wide cul-
ture of zero waste requires an investment of re-
sources and time from individuals, units, and
campus decision-makers. Ensuring that our
targets are conscientiously met requires a ded-
icated effort at all levels, whether that takes
the form of campuswide food waste reduction,
one unit reusing furniture found in Surplus, or
a student recycling their minifridge because
they participated in Dump & Run.

Our institution has more than 50,000 students,

11,000 staff and faculty members, five residence
dining halls, and seven retail operations serving
over 20,000 customers per day during the
typical academic year.

122 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 z e r o wa s t e 123


124 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e d u c at i o n 125

Following graduation, Illinois students in- impoverished communities.
spire change across the globe — in-state and
out-of-state, from Fortune 500 firms to small
nonprofits. According to the 2018-19 Illini
TE AC H I N G TH E P OWER 1. Students will learn core concepts of ecology
Success Report, 93% of Illinois 2019 gradu-
and develop skills relevant to their chosen
O F C LI MATE ACTI O N ates secured a “first destination” (i.e., a vol-
field to provide a basis for environmental
unteering position, internship, or job).129 An
Illinois education should empower students
of all professional trajectories to be recognized 2. Students will learn to think holistically
as environmental leaders by colleagues, peers, about sustainability using perspectives
and friends. across multiple disciplines.
Newly formed in 2019, the Education SWA-
Because sustainability is a major worldwide issue, many campus entities Team is tasked with suggesting opportunities S U S TA I N A B I LIT Y AS A P E R S O N A L
for students to engage with sustainability, en- VISION
and Illinois faculty are driven to implement a sustainability component into
ergy, and environmental education offerings 1. Students will understand relationships be-
their departments and courses. When iSEE was formed, part of its mission and co-curricular opportunities during their tween global environmental and economic
was to enhance sustainability in academic courses and ensure that every time on campus. This team was preceded by trends and their impact on diverse cultures
student leaves our campus with a cohesive understanding of what it means the Sustainability Education Task Force. In and communities.
2010, this Illinois faculty coalition developed
to be sustainable and how to incorporate this into their personal and pro-
Sustainability Outcomes for Illinois graduates 2. Students will develop an integrated vision
fessional lives. in the three themes of “Sustainability in Day- for sustainability that embraces their per-
to-Day Life,” “Sustainability Knowledge and sonal lives, professions, local communities,
The multidisciplinary principles of sustainabil- vironmental leaders from diverse backgrounds. Skills,” and “Sustainability as a Personal Vi- and the world-at-large.
ity should permeate higher education curric- Graduates with a worldview that combines a sion.” These Outcomes are defined as follows:
ula. All fields — from engineering to behavioral technical knowledge base with social under- Ten years later, our goal is for curricular and
sciences, economics to the fine arts — can be standing of local and global sustainability con- SUSTAINABILITY IN DAY-TO-DAY LIFE co-curricular sustainability learning to perme-
brought into the 21st century through synthesis cepts are in high demand. 1. Students will learn ways in which natural re- ate day-to-day student life as well as the over-
with environmental topics. Here at the Univer- With 250 undergraduate and graduate pro- sources are used to produce what they con- all education experience. Our broad iCAP aim
sity of Illinois, such efforts will enhance stu- grams distributed throughout 16 major aca- sume, such as the food they eat, the water they is that graduates integrate these sustainabil-
dent iCAP engagement. demic units, the university has the opportunity drink, and the energy they use. ity principles into every aspect of their profes-
In 2020, it is particularly crucial that the to instill a culture of sustainability into stu- sional and personal lives.
dialogue surrounding environmental sustain- dents of all disciplines. No matter their aca- 2. Students will understand ways in which The university has a significant array of
ability becomes as interdisciplinary as possible. demic paths, we hope to empower our students their lifestyle and well-being are intercon- sustainability-related educational course of-
Government, industry, and advocacy organiza- to address today’s most critical development nected with those of diverse producers and ferings and programs hosted by a range of col-
tions are looking to a rising generation of en- and environmental challenges. consumers around the world, including leges. Three sets of highlights are noted below.

129  https://news.illinois.edu/view/6367/806931

126 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e d u c at i o n 127

iSEE’s curricular education programming has The CEW builds students’ skills in and links campus goals to broad environmen- sustainability into science, technology, engi-
grown from 2015 to 2019: written and multimedia environmental tal challenges. Examples of CALL research in- neering, and mathematics (STEM) curricula.
» The Sustainability, Energy, and communication with the value-added clude studying traffic to reduce idling time, Students in traditional STEM programs often
Environment Fellows Program130 (SEE goal of publishing their best work in integrating groundwater resources and geo- lose sight of the relationship between technical
FP) enrolled 56 students as of spring a dedicated journal, Q Magazine,133 thermal energy for water and energy security, knowledge systems and the societal, political,
2020. This curricular minor originated which debuted online in fall 2018 and and generating electricity through wind tur- and economic aspects of sustainable decision-
in response to a “Curricular Education” in print in summer 2019. Funding from bine integration. making. Creating paths for cross-pollinating
objective in the 2015 iCAP, which donor Janelle Joseph allows students to The College of Fine and Applied Arts (FAA) between STEM and sustainability will not only
called for transitioning an existing regularly travel to research on-location recently launched a B.S. in Sustainable De- benefit students, but will also encourage fac-
Environmental Fellows program to be articles. As of spring 2020, we are sign.136 The program incorporates innovative ulty members to continue their own intellectual
housed under iSEE. Students can apply pleased to announce that this funding design thinking strategies “with a focus on and professional development in interdisci-
to become a Fellow, and the program will continue for two more years, and building sustainable communities through the plinary sustainability. We also aim to provide
requires completion of 16-18 pre-approved that funds have also been allocated to intentional design of environmentally sensitive instructors and students with living examples
course credits. In fall 2019, iSEE hired a an annual student writing contest. products, buildings, neighborhoods, landscapes for sustainability case studies. In the past,
full-time Academic Instructor/Advisor and cities.” The College of LAS also houses a iCAP objectives have been incorporated into
The 2020-21 school year also marks the
to develop the SEE FP and cultivate major in Earth, Society, and Environmental Sus- courses as term project topics; additionally, Fa-
second cycle of the Levenick iSEE Teaching
interdisciplinary student cohorts. tainability (ESES), in which students study the cilities and Services, iSEE, and other colleges
Sustainability Fellows Cohort.134 This curric-
relationship between the environment and eco- (e.g., the Grainger College of Engineering and
ulum development fellowship allows Illinois
» Each semester, iSEE refreshes a database nomic and social systems with an emphasis on the College of ACES) consistently support
faculty and instructors to apply for funding to
of courses related to sustainability. sustainability solutions. undergraduate and graduate design projects
either augment an existing course with sus-
The database identifies courses Many campus entities are driven to imple- and research opportunities. Given these strong
tainability content or fashion a new course with
meeting SEE FP program requirements ment a sustainability component into their de- \precedents, incorporating campus sustain-
a sustainability focus. The result is increased
as well as hundreds of others that partments and courses; that being said, iSEE ability projects into more courses is a feasi-
offerings of creative, practical courses that in-
incorporate sustainability.131 has taken a leadership role to enhance sustain- ble target.
tegrate sustainability into a variety of disci-
ability in academic courses and ensure that ev- One opportunity for students of all majors to
» The Certificate in Environmental Writing plines and encourage students and faculty to
ery student leaves our campus with a cohesive participate in sustainability is through the Sus-
(CEW)132 launched in fall 2017 marks a explore environmental topics from new angles.
understanding of how to incorporate sustain- tainability Living-Learning Community (SLLC).
collaboration between iSEE, the School Additionally, iSEE’s Campus as a Living
ability into their personal and professional lives. University Housing offers 11 Living-Learning
of Earth, Society, and Environment Lab (CALL)135 program encourages interdis-
Of particular importance to our educa- Communities around specific themes by pro-
(SESE), and the English Department. ciplinary, faculty-led sustainability research
tional programming objectives is integrating viding in-hall courses and hands-on programs.

130  https://bit.ly/2PbdCsd 136  https://bit.ly/2DiuJ8Q
131  https://bit.ly/39FTmsa
132  https://sustainability.illinois.edu/education/cew/
133  https://q.sustainability.illinois.edu/
134  https://bit.ly/2X9eWjB
135  http://go.illinois.edu/campuslivinglab

128 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e d u c at i o n 129

Students in the SLLC learn about the diverse
topics that stem from sustainability and prac-
tice environmentally-conscious living.
At Illinois, we are educating tomorrow’s crit-
ical thinkers. We hope to extend and diversify
our efforts to integrate sustainability into all
aspects of students’ educational journeys — not
simply those taking place in a classroom. Each
milestone along the way to commencement,
from first-year orientation to a senior-year
capstone course, is instrumental in shaping a
student’s identity, be it as a learner, pre-pro-
fessional, or well-informed citizen. At each of
these stages, we hope to meet students where
they are and equip them with the skills to act
as informed and active environmental stewards.
Whatever our students’ paths, our goal is
to make their sustainable decision-making in-
stinctive, well-informed, and practical.

In December 2019, students enrolled in ENVS 492,

the Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Fellows
Program (SEE FP) capstone course, as well as CEE
398: Project Based Learning, presented their final
projects to a faculty panel.

130 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e d u c at i o n 131

The following Education objectives were de-
veloped by the SWATeams, iCAP Working
Group, campus community, and Sustainabil-
ity Council to guide the university's actions
in compiling a portfolio of pragmatic sus-
tainability education programs.

6 .1 Broaden Sustainability Education

6.2 Sustainability Course Catalog
6.3 Environmental Leadership Program
6.4 Sustainability Internship Program
6.5 Sustainability at Career Fairs
6.6 Graduate Certificate in Sustainability

iSEE offered NRES 285 in spring 2020 as a Student

iCAP course co-instructed by Sustainability Programs
Coordinator Meredith Moore and Academic Program
Instructor/Advisor Eric Green.

132 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e d u c at i o n 133

6.1 [iSEE] Broaden the availability of 2. Sustainability general education 4. Sustainability workshop courses and academic programs must be made
sustainability education across the (GenEd) credit easily accessible to students. This includes
Creating a sustainability workshop with a
entire curriculum, beginning with majors, minors, certificates, and opportunities
In order to implement a sustainability GenEd catchy acronym (similar to FYCARE and ACE
first-year student orientation and in various departments (e.g., the iSEE Sus-
requirement, we must identify the appropri- IT) would be beneficial because the instructors
continuing through commencement, tainability, Energy, and Environment Fellows
ate department with whom to collaborate (i.e., for such a workshop would likely be campus
with at least one of four proposed Program and undergraduate Certificate in En-
General Education Board within the Office of staff and faculty members who are passionate
methods implemented by FY24. vironmental Writing, IB ecology minor, courses
the Provost). The Committee for Environmen- about sustainability efforts.
in NRES, ACES, LAS, ESE, etc.). An improved
When first-year and transfer students arrive tal Sustainability within Illinois Student Gov- This workshop, potentially named EARTH
search filter for sustainability-related courses
at the university, they are introduced to a range ernment (ISG) is investigating the prospect of (Environmental Action Right This Hour), would
in the university course catalog will centralize
of concepts that guide their approach to col- including a sustainability GenEd credit for all be a one- or two-hour-long course focusing on
resources for students interested in sustainabil-
lege life. These knowledge areas, which are both students. campus sustainability and opportunities for
ity offerings for academic credit and increase
practical (e.g., MTD bus stop locations) and student involvement.
these programs’ visibility during registration
constructive (e.g., resume-writing best prac- 3. 100-level courses
6.2 [iSEE] Establish a comprehensive periods.
tices), should be augmented with a sustain-
Several colleges offer 100-level courses de- online repository for courses and This repository, which may be developed as
ability toolkit.
signed to onboard students and ease the tran- academic programs with sustain- part of the iSEE website, will assist in data and
To broaden sustainability education for all
sition into college life. By FY24, we aim to ability content. project updates and thus expand the connectiv-
students, at least one of the following proposed
integrate a sustainability unit into each of these ity of digital sustainability resources.
mechanisms is to be implemented by FY24: A comprehensive listing of sustainability
courses. We will pilot this program through, as
an example, sections of the Grainger College
1. First-year student sustainability
of Engineering and the College of LAS. Each

We aim to develop a required educational pro-

course will include a lesson designed to ex-
pose students to the iCAP goals and introduce
“It excites me to see a focus on
practical applications of sustainability learning.
gram for all incoming students to introduce
sustainability as early as possible. This seminar For example, how can students, as members of educating students about
will introduce campus sustainability programs campus and of society, apply sustainable prac-
and iCAP projects and can be implemented in tices to their education and daily lives? sustainability efforts on campus. The
collaboration with individual colleges as part Because a student studying civil and en-
of first-year orientation seminars. We will re- vironmental engineering might encounter educational goals will encourage
port the total number of student participants sustainability differently than an individual
each semester. pursuing music performance, units will be al- more students to be interested in
First-year student engagement is also a lowed flexibility to tailor course content to their
strategy outlined in the Zero Waste chapter
(see Objective #5.3.1) to effectively commu-
respective disciplines. Junior and senior stu-
dents tasked with teaching these courses will
sustainability, which is exactly what
nicate campus recycling best practices. receive appropriate training.
the world needs.”
— Leah Courtney ’23

134 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e d u c at i o n 135

6.3 [iSEE] Launch an undergraduate learning is an excellent way to integrate sus-
Environmental Leadership Program tainability into students’ educational pathways
(ELP) that includes two week- while maintaining the university’s mission. It
long residential intensives, pre- is therefore imperative to increase co-curricular
professional workshops, visiting sustainability program offerings for students
speakers, and field trips to seeking professional development, leadership
Springfield and Washington, D.C. training, and sustainability education outside
While we strive to integrate sustainability into of their disciplines.
curricular courses, we also hope to create oppor- We plan to collaborate with local govern-
tunities for student engagement with energy ments, businesses, nonprofits, and cultural in-
and the environment outside the classroom. stitutions to achieve this objective. This allows
One example is the proposed Environmen- for students to network and cultivate relation-
tal Leadership Program (ELP). The ELP is fo- ships with sustainably-minded organizations
cused on advanced undergraduate students, and in the area.
will take the form of two week-long immer-
6.5 [Career Center w/iSEE] Partner with
sive training workshops held on campus (fall) The inaugural 2019-2020 Levenick Teaching Sus-
The Career Center and potentially tainability Fellows Cohort discusses best practices for
and in Washington, D.C. (spring), in addition
other career offices in FY22 to help interdisciplinary sustainability education, November
to pre-professional seminars and environmen- 2019.
students explore and discover
tal leadership training. career opportunities that are
connected to professional interests serve as a sustainability designation; alterna- rectly related to sustainability, it is increasingly
6.4 [iSEE] Develop a sustainability
and goals related to sustainability. tively, this objective may include a networking true that many care deeply about environmen-
internship program by partnering
Incorporate a sustainability component or career panel to engage students tal issues and wish to incorporate sustainabil-
with businesses, nonprofits, local
component at a minimum of two with sustainability-focused opportunities. ity awareness into their research, classrooms,
governments, and cultural
events beginning in FY22. Following the initial rollout of this method, and workplaces.
institutions in Central Illinois. The
a survey will be distributed to student attend- To integrate sustainability themes into di-
total number of internships awarded As students search for internship and employ-
will be reported each year. ees to solicit feedback on questions such as verse graduate programs, iSEE plans to coor-
ment opportunities beyond the university, we
“Did the ‘Eco-Friendly’ tags influence your dinate a graduate certificate in sustainability.
In conjunction with the short-term ELP, we aim to encourage them to let organizations’
decision-making?” and “Are you more likely Students will commit to a core course require-
will offer a long-term internship opportunity sustainability commitments guide their deci-
to pursue opportunities with companies who ment, after which they can pursue one of mul-
for students to gain experience incorporating sion-making.
self-identify as sustainably-oriented?” tiple tracks (e.g., infrastructure and planning,
sustainability into the professional sphere. Career fairs are essential to student explo-
business applications of sustainability, human
According to the 2018-19 Illini Success Re- ration of internships, jobs, and professional de- 6.6 [iSEE] Offer a new graduate certifi-
dimensions, policy, etc.).
port,137 90% of graduates reported participating velopment both on campus and off. We propose cate in sustainability by FY24.
Implementation of a new graduate certif-
in experiential learning opportunities like in- to pilot a sustainability component in existing
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign icate in sustainability can be leveraged with
ternships. With this in mind, providing oppor- campus career fairs. Participating organizations
educates more than 16,000 graduate stu- external funding support, such as the gradu-
tunities for sustainability-focused experiential may opt to display an “Eco-Friendly” tag to
dents.138 While many do not work in fields di- ate NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program.

137  https://go.illinois.edu/IlliniSuccess_1819AllCampusAnnualReport
138  https://grad.illinois.edu

136 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e d u c at i o n 137

As we pursue climate-consciousness, carbon programming envisioned in this chapter is de-
Conclusion neutrality, and resilience over the next 30 years, signed to empower current and future students
this sentiment remains integral to our success. to make a difference wherever they find them-
The educational component to our strategic plan We are fortunate to have a passionate student selves post-graduation.
was foundational to the American College and body who consistently and increasingly prove With the sustainability imperative as rele-
University Presidents’ Climate Commitment their commitment to environmental steward- vant to incoming freshmen as to final-semester
first signed in 2008. This commitment reads: ship. It is our responsibility to educate these seniors, we believe that a sustainable future for
students in principles of sustainability, and to our Illinois graduates begins in classrooms all
impress upon tomorrow’s cohort of leaders that across our campus, and should likewise permeate
Campuses that address the climate their aspirations are not only supported, but
every aspect of the Illinois student experience.
Ultimately, the Education objectives will be
challenge by reducing global warming Our students have diverse identities and
therefore diverse paths. They will be research-
implemented in conjunction with other iCAP
objectives; we will particularly work to promote
emissions and by integrating sustainability ers, professionals, mentors, artists, athletes,
educators, scientists, and storytellers. The
students' leadership in campus sustainability
into their curriculum will better serve their multidisciplinary curricular and co-curricular

students and meet their social mandate to

help create a thriving, ethical and civil soci-
ety. These colleges and universities will be
providing students with the knowledge and
skills needed to address the critical, sys-
temic challenges faced by the world in this
new century and enable them to benefit
from the economic opportunities that will
arise as a result of solutions they develop.139
139  https://bit.ly/2X8B4L6

138 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e d u c at i o n 139

140 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n g ag e m e n t 141
Quad Day, Environmental Quad Day, the All- prioritized in this iteration of the iCAP. To
Employee Expo, and the Humanities Expo. further increase iCAP visibility, we must in-
In spring 2020, iSEE published the latest tegrate sustainability programming into all de-
version of the Certified Green Office Program partments and units — not just those directly
C R E ATI N G AN D C O M M U N I CATI N G (CGOP), in which offices and units can choose involved in the drafting process. Rather than a
A S U STAI NAB I LIT Y C U LT U R E a sustainability ambassador, take simple steps mere series of mandates, campus environmen-
to reduce emissions and resource use, and earn tal policy should grow into a movement that is
a certificate for their efforts. Similar programs embraced, encouraged, and celebrated.
for campus laboratories, Registered Student Equally important to increasing engage-
Organizations (RSO), and Greek life are also ment is communicating clearly and often. Past
underway. Additionally, iSEE launched a iCAP messaging has been concentrated in the
“Campus as a Living Laboratory” (CALL) seed months surrounding publication — a short
funding program in February 2018. The CALL surge every five years followed by a period of
Integrating outreach into our iCAP themes is instrumental in establishing a
program links campus sustainability goals with silence. Moving forward, we will strengthen our
campus sustainability culture. Even the most concerted efforts to implement national targets and engages researchers with communication efforts to continuously reiter-
environmental policy cannot gain traction without support from the entire iCAP objectives by using project sites as re- ate the iCAP’s presence and remind our com-
community — from students, staff, and faculty members to local stakehold- search test beds. munity that progress is ongoing.
Campus and community involvement was
ers and governing bodies.

Our engagement strategy is two-pronged, pro- ment programs. For the past six years, the Insti-
viding 1) clear and palatable information; and tute has collaborated with other campus units “We have not only the opportunity,
2) outlets for response. A key example of the to host an annual Congress event. The public
first prong is the iCAP Portal, established in conference assembles leading national and in- but also the responsibility to make the
2012 to communicate progress toward iCAP ob- ternational scientists, scholars, and activists to
jectives. The second strategy is exemplified by
the iCAP Working Group (iWG); members of
speak on grand sustainability challenges. Most
recently, “Congress 2019: Sustainability Jus-
changes necessary for a sustainable
the iWG provide consistent opportunities for
feedback to their affiliated organizations and
tice” addressed social equity and environmen-
tal activism.
future. The iCAP 2020 is the foundation
iSEE facilitates numerous public engage-
iSEE also maintains a tabling presence
at events of campuswide interest, including
needed to make these changes and
just the beginning of an even bigger
sustainable movement.”
— Madalyn Liberman ’21

142 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n g ag e m e n t 143

The following Engagement objectives were
developed by the SWATeams, iCAP Work-
ing Group, campus community, and Sus-
tainability Council to guide the university's
actions toward expanding outreach efforts and
strengthening our culture of sustainability.

7.1 Green Certifications

7.2 Sustainable Events Program
7.3 Green Sports Alliance
7.4 Local Collaborations
7.5 Support Youth Sustainability
7.6 iCAP Portal Updates

The University of Illinois is an active and pas-

sionate community. In September 2019, students,
staff, and faculty members marched in support of
environmental issues such as fossil fuel divest-

144 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n g ag e m e n t 145

7.1 [iSEE] Enhance the overall culture
of sustainability on campus, and
launched in spring 2020. The next step is com-
municating this opportunity to campus units. “I believe student involvement in
increase the number of certifica- We plan to increase awareness through branded
tions issued through the Certified videos, digital signage, and other marketing ma- university decisions is extremely
Greener Campus Program by 20% terials. Many campus units have already com-
each year from FY20 to FY24. mitted to pursuing Green Office certification, important because our tuition
and we are proud of their efforts to implement
In keeping with our overarching iCAP goals, we
place great importance on fostering an enduring
solutions and spread the word to peers and col- should fund projects that are
leagues. To shine a light on the contributions
culture of sustainability among our students,
staff, and faculty members.
that individual departments are making as a re-
sult of their certification, we will disseminate
ethical and focus on
To date, the biggest proponents of a sus-
tainability culture are the student groups and
monthly progress reports emphasizing strate-
gies implemented through the CGOP and link-
intergenerational sustainability.
RSOs focused on environmental topics. Since
the 1969 founding of Students for Environ-
ing these efforts to the iCAP objectives.
More than ever before, our actions
mental Concerns (SECS),140 passionate stu- 7.2 [Illini Union] The Illini Union and Illini
dents have been our vital environmental pulse.
Moving forward, we will continue to support
Union Board commit to 80% of their will determine the state of the
events qualifying as sustainable by
and grow our impressive array of sustainabil-
ity-affiliated organizations; we will bolster
FY24. environment and society’s attitudes
The reach of Illini Union events go beyond the
existing events, initiatives, and recruitment
efforts through lending our voices, resources, event itself; it is the goal that all attendees will toward environmental protection in
and time. We will also work to facilitate op- be exposed to sustainability efforts and carry
portunities for networking and collaboration this knowledge to incorporate at their own the coming decades. I am excited
between our many RSOs. events, offices, and households. A comprehen-
One way to quantify and track our progress sive sustainable event guide will be developed for the campus community to
toward this objective is through iSEE’s Certi- and standardized, including actions such as
fied Green Office Program (CGOP). The CGOP serving local food with meatless options, going
paperless, eliminating disposable items, provid-
become more involved in the
is a guided program for academic offices to im-
plement long-term sustainability solutions. By ing reusable giveaways, and communicating the
priority of sustainability at the event. For this
implementation of iCAP 2020, as
managing the process from start to finish, par-
ticipating staff and faculty members receive an
active education in best practices for maintain-
objective, we may partner with the Department
of Recreation, Sport & Tourism (RST) to de-
well as other sustainability
velop and incorporate sustainable practices into
ing a green office. We aim to expand this ini-
tiative by including options for Green RSOs, a module of the Event Planning course. RST un- initiatives!”
Green Greek Chapters, and Green Labs. dergraduate and graduate students can work as
event consultants for Illini Union Board events.
— Anneli Cers ’21
The most recent version of the CGOP was

140  Then called Students for Environmental Controls.

146 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n g ag e m e n t 147

7.3 [DIA] Increase visibility of campus 7.4 [iSEE] Incorporate sustainability- for productive collaboration. 7.5 [Extension] Support programs to
sustainability efforts by joining the related problem solving in the The second component to successful local develop love of nature and sustain-
Green Sports Alliance through the GivePulse system for public engage- collaboration is identifying a need for resources ability among children, with an an-
Division of Intercollegiate Athletics ment, and track local collaborations and logistical support. For example, an opportu- nual Youth Sustainability Summit led
(DIA) by summer 2021. for sustainable solutions. Increase nity for collaboration might involve overcoming by local teenagers with guidance
local collaborations by 10% per year barriers to community food waste composting and mentoring from campus and
An important step to reduce the university’s from FY22 to FY24. community sustainability leaders.
in Urbana. Requirements for such a project may
environmental footprint involves the Division
include researching EPA regulations for im-
of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA). The Urbana A recurring theme throughout our iCAP objec- In our efforts to reach community members, we
plementing a composting program, organizing
campus is home to 11 major athletic com- tives is the need for outreach that equips as well must remain vigilant to the crucial role that
forums to gather feedback and gauge public in-
plexes seating up to 84,000 spectators. Join- as informs. We strive to pair each engagement children, teenagers, and young adults play in
terest, running workshops to provide training,
ing the Green Sports Alliance would allow us effort with resource-backed infrastructure to shaping our society’s environmental values.
obtaining sufficient funding and equipment, and
to share resources, experiences, and best prac- facilitate the transition to independent, stand- This objective provides local youth with a
amassing the entrepreneurial experience to see
tices through a collaborative network of sports alone management. Local collaborations are a sustainability “compass.” Embedded within our
the project through.
organizations. The Alliance focuses primarily perfect example of this, as they rely on coop- strategies is another key opportunity: encour-
We hope to challenge the mindset of, “we
on seven program initiatives: energy, food, pro- eration from individuals both in and outside aging positive peer mentoring and collabora-
don’t have this resource in our community, so
curement, transportation, venues, waste, and the university. tion between students of all ages — from first
it cannot be done.” Whether the result is a sus-
water. Joining the Alliance would help promote When considering opportunities for local grade through high school. The City of Urbana
tainable landscaping solution, green infrastruc-
an eco-friendly environment for our teams, collaboration, we begin by empowering uni- Sustainability Advisory Commission142 cur-
ture installation, or public awareness campaign,
venues, athletes, and fans. versity members to think critically and cre- rently facilitates an annual Youth Sustainabil-
we want to expedite and encourage as many di-
In keeping with our national position as a atively about sustainability issues close to ity Summit. Led by local teenagers under the
verse local collaborations as possible.
sustainability leader among land-grant univer- home. Fortunately, we have extensive depth guidance of campus and community sustain-
This objective’s key metric is the total num-
sities, merging our environmental efforts and and breadth of knowledge right here on cam- ability experts, the summit provides a unique
ber of local collaborative projects. We will track
strong athletic culture is an enormously effec- pus; for example, faculty members who either opportunity for students of all academic stages
our progress through GivePulse,141 an online
tive step. Outside of graduation and student possess a working knowledge of local resources to think critically and decisively about environ-
platform allowing us to obtain key information
welcoming ceremonies, DIA hosts the largest or are conducting community-based participa- mental issues.
regarding which projects are underway, who is
on-campus gatherings each year. Thus, these tory research. In addition to independently organized
participating, and whether each project is suc-
events provide great opportunities to reach In addition to university faculty mem- programs like the Summit, we hope to lean on
cessful. In addition to functioning as a data-
a large, captive audience with sustainability bers, we aim to introduce co-curricular sus- the many opportunities to foster connections
base, GivePulse can also match individuals to
messaging. Joining the Green Sports Alliance tainability partnerships between students and between local students and university scholars.
volunteering opportunities and organizations to
reflects our commitment to elevate environ- community groups with an emphasis on de- During their time on campus, many undergrad
interested volunteers, providing many avenues
mental awareness where it counts. Through a veloping problem-solving skills and design and graduate students participate in programs
to scale up our impact.
partnership with DIA, we can reduce water and thinking strategies. These tools are valuable in that involve imparting wisdom and life skills
energy consumption, cut down on waste, pro- many situations and are already integrated into to younger generations. Previously, groups
mote natural resource management, and pursue undergraduate curricula. We believe that pair- such as Illini Mentoring, Eat4Health, and the
a complementary Illinois identity of sporting ing theoretical training with practical, re-
excellences and sustainability leadership. al-world experience strikes the optimal balance
141  https://www.givepulse.com/about
142  https://bit.ly/3hQE46F

148 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n g ag e m e n t 149

Sustainability Living Learning Community nicate what they’ve learned.
have visited local schools to present on sus-
7.6 [iSEE and F&S] Update the iCAP
tainability topics. Keeping health and safety
Portal on a monthly basis to report As is the case with environmental issues at vate an intergenerational appreciation for sus-
precautions in mind, we want to encourage sim-
progress toward iCAP objectives. large, we are all in this together. The mandates tainability, energy, and the environment.
ilar programs when it becomes safe to do so
included in this action plan pertain specifically The sustainability conversation is not and
and continue to provide opportunities for our Whether they target students, staff, faculty
to the Urbana campus, but our efforts to provide should not be one-sided. Our efforts to inform
students to serve as peer educators in the com- members, or the community, all of our engage-
informative and engaging outreach should also must be paired with efforts to engage, empower,
munity. ment efforts are orchestrated to support the
extend to the community. and most importantly, encourage constructive
Educational opportunities outside the class- iCAP objectives. Our strategies are multi-fac-
Leaning on and collaborating with local in- feedback. The result will be a community well-
room are the third key component to achieving eted and reach virtually all corners of campus,
terest groups through research, youth engage- equipped with strength, durability, and resolve
this objective. More so than simply providing but they remain unified in their connection to
ment, and events is invaluable to our programs’ to continue pushing for environmental progress
local youth with information, we will offer our overarching Climate Leadership Commit-
lasting success. In addition to iCAP-specific in the coming years.
rich and interactive educational experiences: ments.
outcomes, we hope that our efforts will culti-
for example, a “Composting 101” event, or an As we engage campus in our sustainability
interactive workshop on reusing glass bottles efforts, we want to constantly remind our Illi-
as planters. We will support these programs nois community of why their actions matter in
by crafting marketing campaigns, incentiviz- the grand scheme of the university. This ob-
ing participation, and gathering information jective will take the form of a regularly sched-
to measure success and identify areas for im- uled update on our progress toward the iCAP
provement. objectives, perhaps in the form of a newsletter
It has been said that “children are the fu- distributed by upper-level campus administra-
ture,” which rings ever true in the context of tion. Each iteration might focus on a different
sustainability. Ultimately, we hope to guide aspect of campus sustainability, taking care to
children toward environmental stewardship directly link on-campus action (especially the
by instilling within them lifelong sustainabil- actions most recognizable by the newsletter’s
ity values: a passion for nature, consciousness recipients) to measurable iCAP metrics.
of individual action, and the tools to commu-

iSEE Congress 2019: Sustainability Justice united a di-

verse panel of experts to speak on climate justice and
environmental activism.

150 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 e n g ag e m e n t 151

152 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 resilience 153
This agreement spurred the formation of as a Charter Signatory."
the Champaign County Climate Resilience
» In April 2017, a Joint Task-Force for
Task Force (CCCRTF), which includes Illi-
Resiliency launched to discuss methods and
nois experts and representatives from local
STR ATEG I ES TO resources for evaluating local vulnerabilities
organizations. Following an in-depth climate
to climate change. Their assessment143 was
ADAP T AN D PR EPAR E resiliency assessment in 2018, the CCCRTF
completed in January 2018 and submitted
identified three primary goals. One of these
to Second Nature as a key milestone
entailed signing the Joint Resilience Proclama-
toward our Resilience Commitment.
tion in October 2018. This document, cosigned
by Chancellor Robert J. Jones and the mayors » In October 2018, Chancellor Jones, Mayor
of Urbana and Champaign at iSEE’s annual Diane Marlin (City of Urbana), and Mayor
Congress, resulted in the formation of the Deborah Frank Feinen (City of Champaign)
Resilience SWATeam as it operates today. signed a proclamation affirming their “joint
As we pursue initiatives to address the consequences of climate change, commitment to bolstering our community’s
Resilience measures undertaken from 2015 to resilience to the impacts of climate
it is critical to augment our mitigation strategies with innovative resilience
2019 include: change.”
measures. These include adaptive actions to strengthen our campus and
» The Resilience Commitment was
community against severe weather, extreme temperatures, and other acute » In August 2019, the Resilience
initiated as an iCAP Working
effects of atmospheric and climate change. SWATeam was formed.
Group (iWG) recommendation in
2015. The iWG recommended the » In fall 2019, the City of Urbana experienced
Newly formed in 2019, the Resilience SWA- Commitments. The Climate Resilience Com- Commitment in the following terms: a tornado which caused considerable
Team is preceded by years of groundwork laid mitment states: tree damage. The university helped
by local stakeholders affiliated with the Univer- “We recommend that the Chancellor sign Second Urbana clean up upon their request.
sity of Illinois, Urbana, and Champaign. In Feb- “We have begun to experience the effects of climate Nature’s Climate Commitment, which adds a Re-
ruary 2016, Interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson change in our communities and we understand that silience Commitment (addressing climate adapta- » In spring 2020, the community worked
signed the Second Nature Climate Resilience these effects are projected to become more severe and tion) to our existing Carbon Commitment (focused together in an impressive show of local
Commitment, which calls for concrete, action- damaging. We recognize that mitigation and adap- on carbon neutrality). This commitment would resilience to slow the spread of COVID-19
able resilience strategies to be deployed. This tation are complementary strategies for reducing the involve partnering with the local communities to and support our most vulnerable residents.
agreement supplemented the 2008 Carbon likelihood of unmanageable change, managing the perform a resilience assessment, developing resil- For example, University of Illinois
Commitment. Together, the two documents risks, and taking advantage of new opportunities System UI Ride shuttles provided free,
ience indicators that are appropriate for our cam-
form the comprehensive Climate Leadership created by our changing climate.” public Wi-Fi hotspots at 10 locations.
pus, and incorporating resilience targets into the
iCAP. Additionally, should the campus choose to As a twin-cities campus, one of the univer-
sign by January 4, 2016, we would be recognized sity’s greatest assets is its proximity to strong

143  https://bit.ly/3fhikPP

154 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 resilience 155

communities. Our history of climate resilience in this direction is to promote local sustain-
proves that time and again, we benefit from mu- ability programs with the Champaign County
tual support; this has also been true as each Sustainability Network (CCNet). Additional
community has taken proactive measures to engagement strategies may include launching
increase resilience to COVID-19. Though more citizen monitoring initiatives to collect
Champaign, Urbana, Savoy, and the university vital data and identify problem areas; educat-
are independent entities, we are all immeasur- ing residents on how their individual practices
ably stronger when functioning as a unit. Our impact the community through best practices
resilience strategies will prove stronger as well; training; and continuing to pursue decentral-
for example, strategies to improve air quality ized energy production (e.g., retrofitting private
and encourage pollinator-supportive plantings residences for climate resilience, installing solar
will be exponentially more beneficial should we and geothermal energy systems, etc.).
leverage our combined resources. As we look to our campus’s future in 2050
The following objectives discuss our desire and beyond, the Resilience SWATeam’s efforts
to include university representatives, govern- are a critical complement to the mitigation
ment agencies, and key community stake- portfolio outlined in this document.
holders in our implementation strategies. How- As we look to the future of our campus
ever, we feel passionately that local residents in 2050 and beyond, the efforts of the Resil-
are the heart of their communities, and we ience SWATeam will serve as a critical com-
are taking steps to cultivate involvement and plement to the mitigation portfolio outlined
facilitate opportunities for residents to en- in this document.
gage in environmental discussions. One step

“The university has the opportunity to

be a model for the local community,
and other institutions across the world.”
— Mallory Mahen ’22
Cutting low-mow zones intermittently pre-
serves native perennial biodiversity and mini-
mizes invasive species. The university
currently has 81.8 acres of low-mow land.

156 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 resilience 157

The following Resilience objectives were de-
veloped by the SWATeams, iCAP Working
Group, campus community, and Sustainabil-
ity Council to guide the university's actions
toward building local climate resilience.

8.1 Urban Biodiversity Master Plan

8.2 Coordinated Rainwater Management
8.3 Environmental Justice Plan
8.4 Local Sustainability Issues
8.5 Inventory Green Jobs
8.6 Vision Zero
8.7 Local Offsets Program

Though Champaign, Urbana, Savoy, and the university

are independent entities, we are all stronger when func-
tioning as a unit.

158 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 resilience 159

8.1 [Extension w/F&S] Develop a coor- become involved with and excited about these In addition to traditional stormwater sew- societal and economic components of a com-
dinated urban biodiversity master biodiversity strategies. Community gardens and ers and the green infrastructure opportunities munity as well as the purely environmental. It
plan by FY24 to make the Cham- food forests (to be included in the master plan) described in the Land & Water chapter, other is our goal to address this full triad head-on.
paign, Urbana, Savoy, and campus will provide opportunities for residents to en- innovative solutions will be explored to com- Objective #8.3 focuses on the human com-
metro area a model for biodiversity. gage with the ways biodiversity impacts every- plete this objective. One example is a Regener- ponent of climate resilience, with an empha-
thing from the ground beneath their feet to the ative Stormwater Conveyance,144 also known as sis on communities that have been historically
Maintaining biological diversity in our plants,
food on their table. step-pool conveyance systems, which involves marginalized and underserved, and are therefore
animals, and ecosystems is one of the most im-
As we implement the above practices, we will building up a degraded stream (e.g, with sand, disproportionately vulnerable to the impacts of
pactful first steps we can take toward strength-
develop corresponding monitoring programs to mulch, boulders, and trees) to ultimately create climate change, heat waves, air pollution, and
ening our communities’ overall resilience.
assess effectiveness, making the metro area a pools through which water can flow. This fil- public health crises such as the COVID-19 pan-
Integrating native plants and greenspaces into
“test bed” for informative, innovative biodiver- ters the water, reestablishes the original habitat, demic.
local urban areas is central to our biodiversity
sity planning. With this information, we will and results in a beautiful community asset and To develop a thoughtful and comprehensive
master plan. These efforts include:
draft model ordinances to use in our metro area value-add for neighborhood homes. environmental justice plan, we must identify
» Leveraging tree canopies and other and to share with other communities. Effective rainwater management is crucial existing programs within our local communi-
vegetation to manage stormwater, improve to combating urban vulnerabilities to climate ties (which currently operate independently) to
air quality, reduce atmospheric CO2, 8.2 [F&S w/Extension] Coordinate rain-
change. A specific concern for this region is the recognize common principles and points of con-
and curb the heat island effect often water management plans for the
projected increased frequency of droughts. In tingency. We aim to collaborate with other enti-
experienced in built communities. entire urbanized areas of Cham-
response, our coordinated rainwater manage- ties across campus to do so, potentially including
paign, Urbana, Savoy, and the uni-
ment plan will include a drought management the Humanities Research Institute (HRI), the
» Planting species that are likely to adapt versity. Starting in FY21, share the
plan, considering plant selection options and School of Social Work (SSW), and the Office
well to projected climate changes. total number of green infrastructure
rainwater harvesting techniques. of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity &
locations on the iCAP Portal on an
» Installing native plantings Inclusion (OVCDEI).
annual basis.
to support pollinator, insect 8.3 [iSEE] Develop a collaborative plan Following this initial step, students and fac-
To complement the comprehensive approach for environmental justice that will ulty members will conduct environmental vul-
predator, and bird habitats.
outlined in Objective #8.1, we hope to imple- assess metro area resilience and nerability assessments of campus and local
In addition to supporting native plants, pol- ment a similar coordinated rainwater man- actively address related issues. populations, identifying the communities that
linators, and land and water health, our bio- agement plan for the three urbanized areas The plan should be written and are most at risk and assessing opportunities to
diversity plan supports human health and surrounding campus. The Champaign County publicized by FY24. provide valuable, sustainable solutions.
well-being; for example, minimizing illnesses Storm Water Working Group holds a quar- Finally, we will take the necessary steps to
associated with ticks and mosquitos and re- terly meeting with representatives from the Many strategies implemented in pursuit of our
implement economically and environmentally
ducing the adverse environmental impacts of university and the urbanized areas of the City coordinated biodiversity, rainwater, and drought
feasible solutions in vulnerable communities,
homeowner landscape and lawn maintenance of Champaign, the City of Urbana, and the Vil- management plans will positively impact lo-
focusing particularly on resources to improve
practices. Urban greenspace and landscape lage of Savoy. F&S and U of I Extension will cal communities. For example, there is a proven
food security (e.g., shuttle systems to grocery
beautification are also proven to reduce levels collaborate with this Working Group to coor- correlation between increased urban greenspace
stores, food trucks, and community gardens).
of anxiety and stress. dinate a community-wide rainwater manage- and mental health benefits. Moreover, sustain-
We will also identify locations where cool-
In keeping with our Engagement objectives, ment strategy. ability is holistic, demanding attention to the
ing centers are needed for residents, and seek
we want to encourage community members to

144  https://bit.ly/3k6lDx0

160 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 resilience 161

The Resilience SWATeam will function as an 8.6 [F&S] Support Vision Zero as a
advisory panel for the coordination of projects county-wide goal for safe and
between the four cooperating entities. sustainable transportation.
Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate traffic
8.5 [iSEE] By FY23, collaborate with
fatalities and severe injuries while increasing
colleges and community groups to
inventory existing certification safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. First
opportunities for green jobs and implemented in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision
identify gaps. Zero has proved successful across Europe and
is now gaining momentum in major American
While we strive for volunteer engagement, in- cities. In 2012, Chicago became the first U.S.
tegrating sustainability with the job market is city to adopt Vision Zero; since then, more than
a strong foundational step to ensure lasting re- 20 cities across the country have committed to
silience in any community. this strategy.
Over the next three years, we will identify The Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area
existing opportunities to green-certify jobs in Transportation Study (CUUATS), the trans-
the Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy communi- portation entity of the Champaign County Re-
ties, with an emphasis on employing and cer- gional Planning Commission (CCRPC), is the
In spring 2020, University of Illinois System UI Ride
shuttles provided free, public Wi-Fi hotspots to Cham- tifying at-risk youth and adults in resilience Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) re-
paign and Urbana residents in need of internet access. roles (e.g., green or renewable energy design and sponsible for administering the federally man-
maintenance, food security programs, and other dated transportation planning process for the
opportunities to incorporate educational com- address are treated with integrity. expanding job markets). Champaign-Urbana-Savoy-Bondville-Tolono
ponents wherever possible. Above all else, we seek depth and durability We will also explore the National Green In- urbanized area. In December 2019, CCRPC
in the solutions we implement. We are not aim- frastructure Certification Program (NGICP),145 published the Long Range Transportation Plan
8.4 [iSEE] Take leadership in address- which provides the skill set needed for
ing for quick fixes, but for long-term environ- (LRTP) 2045146 for the area, including Vision
ing the most pressing sustainability entry-level workers to properly construct, in-
mental and economic sustainability. By pouring Zero as an objective. The university is an active
challenges in our local communi- spect, and maintain green stormwater infra-
our time, effort, and resources into several key partner of CUUATS, and therefore supports the
ties through collaboration with local structure. Designed to meet international best
issues and collaborating with local stakehold- Champaign County LRTP 2045 and commits
governments and related commu- practice standards, the NGICP is a tool that can
ers on the finer points of each, we can ensure to the Vision Zero objective.
nity groups, by forming an advi- be used to meet a wide range of needs, includ-
that they will be completed to the best of our The Transportation Demand Management
sory panel for coordinating efforts ing professional development for existing green
ability. A particular issue that merits consid- (TDM) department147 at F&S works with re-
across jurisdictional boundaries. By
eration is the 5th and Hill Neighborhood Rights infrastructure professionals. As part of a larger gional transportation planning partners to
FY24, select at least three major lo-
Campaign, centered just two blocks north of workforce development, the NGICP can provide coordinate networks for all campus travel,
cal sustainability issues to address
University Avenue. candidates with the technical skills to enter the including walking, bicycling, transit, and
and identify lead agency and key
After identifying key issues to focus on, we green workforce and earn a livable wage. motor vehicles. TDM also encourages active
will take steps to ensure that our solutions are
As we conduct inventories and form strate-
born out of collaboration and supported at the 145  https://ngicp.org/about/about-ngicp/
gies to address sustainability and environmen-
highest possible level. This will involve form- 146  https://ccrpc.gitlab.io/lrtp2045/
tal justice challenges in our local communities,
ing relationships with key stakeholders from 147  https://fs.illinois.edu/services/more-services/tdm
we want to ensure that the issues we seek to
the university, Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy.

162 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 resilience 163

transportation, maintains street signs and 8.7 [iSEE] Establish a local offsets
pavement markings, manages traffic closures program by FY24. Conclusion
on campus property, prioritizes pavement im-
As stated in the Transportation chapter, we
provement projects, and emphasizes pedes-
are interested in pursuing local carbon off- Climate change does not exist in a vacuum; maximize all available resources. Given the un-
trian safety and the safety of all on-campus
set programs, in part to mitigate greenhouse neither does climate resilience. Limiting our re- precedented challenges posed by the COVID-19
modes of transportation. Furthermore, imple-
gases (GHG) generated as a result of univer- silience scope to campus alone would not only pandemic, strengthening the resilience of our
menting the Campus Bicycle Network Mas-
sity air travel but primarily as a way to edu- impede our own progress, but also that of sur- local communities is more important than ever.
ter Plan and exploring sustainable options
cate faculty and staff about air emissions. In rounding communities. To implement lasting adaptive strategies and
for transportation infrastructure and fuels
collaboration with local communities, we plan It is therefore in all of our best interests to enact preparedness measures, we are pleased
fall under the TDM’s purview. In the last five
to adhere to the following steps in pursuit of a address air quality, biodiversity, infrastructure, to begin conducting meaningful work in part-
years, the department’s efforts and safety
results-driven carbon offsets program: and rainwater management not as items for in- nership with Champaign, Urbana, and Savoy.
measures have resulted in zero transporta-
tion-related fatalities on campus streets. » By the end of FY22, inventory available dividual action, but as coordinated efforts to
The City of Urbana's Bicycle and Pedes- peer institutions and offset programs
trian Advisory Commission (BPAC) passed through a literature review.
a resolution in support of Vision Zero in late
» By the end of FY23, develop a plan
fall 2019.148 In January 2020, the Urbana City
with wide stakeholder engagement
Council and Mayor made a commitment to the
both on and off campus.
Vision Zero concept by directing BPAC to bring
forward a Council Resolution and Vision Zero » During FY24, initiate the finalized plan.
plan for approval by the full council.149

148  https://www.urbanaillinois.us/BPAC
149  https://bit.ly/3hT7YaI

Chancellor Robert J. Jones, iSEE, and the Sustainability

Council continue to work with cities and other local en-
tities to ensure climate resilience.

164 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 resilience 165

166 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 167
IMPLEMENTATION Capacity Development
Staffing for sustainability at the university has and Automotive Services (F&S)
evolved from a few isolated positions to a ro-
bust, cross-functional team connecting various » Transportation Demand
parts of campus to the overarching movement. Management Coordinator (F&S)
Many of these positions now include sustain-
» Sustainability Programs Coordinator (iSEE)
ability components as part of their job respon-
sibilities. » Sustainable Transportation Assistant (F&S)
The individuals occupying these roles of-
ten serve on SWATeams or the iCAP Working » Zero Waste Coordinator (F&S)
Ever since the university signed the Climate Leadership Commitments, we
Group (iWG), and/or play a role in other sus- » Associate Director of Utilities
have worked to develop robust procedures for evaluating and implement-
tainability programs and activities. and Energy Services (F&S)
ing sustainability projects. Our network of environmental advocates spans
Examples of these positions include:
the Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams) and related groups, » Academic Program Instructor/Advisor (iSEE)
» Associate Director for Capital
and we have strengthened connectivity between entities like the Student
Planning (Office of the Provost) » Director of Operations (Union)
Sustainability Committee (SSC), Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC),
» Associate Director for Campus » Assistant Director for the
Illinois Student Government (ISG), Illini Union, and the Senate of the Urbana-
Sustainability (iSEE) Student Sustainability Committee
Champaign campus. (Student Engagement)
» Associate Director for
Contributions from these individuals have
The iSEE newsletter regularly communicates sus- The ambitious targets outlined in iCAP 2020 Sustainability (F&S)
been instrumental in the formation of iCAP
tainability-focused efforts to gain broad exposure, require continuous evaluation and action from
» Assistant Director of Dining, Facilities 2020; as sustainability becomes a greater pri-
and the Champaign County Sustainability Net- units, organizations, and campus leadership. and Equipment (University Housing) ority on campus, we must increase our staffing
work (CCNet) monthly brown bag meetings unite Unlike our previous climate action plans, each capacity to ensure continued success of pro-
environmental advocates and professionals from of the iCAP 2020 objectives identifies a respon- » Associate Director of Transportation grams and activities.
across the county to network and share advance- sible party to lead, implement, and monitor ac-
ments. tivity.

Our Formal Procedures for Sustainability pro- years and approved by the chancellor. This al-
vide a solid framework for review and evalua- lows us to focus on the material benefits and
tion. These procedures are updated every five challenges of the ideas brought forth rather

168 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 169

than dwell on time-consuming administrative Major units who take charge of the implemen- Student Government, Student Affairs, and The university must prioritize these efforts
burdens (e.g., repeatedly identifying the cor- tation and the recommendations include iSEE, Campus Auxiliaries, to strengthen our ef- by incorporating them into the 2023 Univer-
rect individuals to speak with, avenues to ob- F&S, the Illini Union, and U of I Extension. forts among university administration, fac- sity Strategic Plan update.
tain approvals, etc.). Following several years of Once a recommendation is supported by its ulty members, staff, and the student body.
the SWATeam process, we have added feedback designated campus unit, there are often details
loops and increased communication between in need of resolution prior to implementation.
the sustainability advocates, decision-makers, The unit in question is responsible for leading
and responsible units.
The iCAP is rewritten every five years to
implementation efforts and providing regular
updates, which are reviewed by the iSEE Sus-
evaluate progress toward our Climate Lead- tainability Programs Coordinator and added
ership Commitments and identify new and/ to the iCAP Portal. The iWG provides support Securing financial support is necessary to im- FAC I LITI E S A N D S E RV I C E S (F&S)
or updated objectives and strategies. The and works with the units to overcome chal- plement new projects and maintain existing ac-
Through the dedicated work of their staff and
SWATeams, which consist of students, staff, lenges and ensure successful implementation. tivities. A variety of financing mechanisms are
direct allocations from their leadership, F&S
and faculty members, submit initial input Large-scale project recommendations with currently in place to fund sustainability proj-
has a recurring annual budget that funds many
and draft objectives to the iWG. The iWG, major impacts on policy and/or budget are ects and help us achieve our ambitious goals.
campus sustainability efforts. One component
co-chaired by iSEE and F&S, provides guid- discussed at biannual Sustainability Council is ongoing funding for energy conservation,
ance throughout the drafting process by of- meetings. The agenda is set by the iSEE Di- CA M P U S U TI LITI E S B U D G E T
which is used for retrocommissioning, direct
fering stakeholder and public feedback. The rector and chaired by the chancellor. Unlike Illinois currently spends $90M per year on digital controls, and administrative support for
iWG is comprised of mid-level administra- the SWATeams and iWG, the Sustainability campus utilities, which include steam and Energy Performance Contracting. Recently, F&S
tors, faculty members, and student represen- Council has decision-making authority to im- electricity, campus-owned stormwater sew- also began supporting academic collaborations,
tatives. The iCAP draft is reviewed by iWG plement new strategies, programs, and policies. ers, sanitary sewer costs, potable water supply, such as geothermal and transportation studies,
members, their representative units, and key Starting in fall 2020, an update to the Formal renewable energy Power Purchase Agreement through a new Academic Collaborations ini-
campus stakeholders, and is then forwarded Procedures for Sustainability will include an (PPA) costs, and the campus electrical distri- tiative.
to the Sustainability Council for chancellor added layer of feedback and evaluation by a bution network. The Campus Utilities Budget
approval. Numerous public input opportuni- task force. This subcommittee of the Sustain- is based on the annual utility rates and the pro- E N E R GY P E R FO R M A N C E
ties are made available prior to this final step. ability Council is designed to evaluate the as- jected annual demand for each commodity.
The SWATeams are instrumental to the im- sessments and address uncertainties prior to When the actual energy usage in a given year
is less than projected, the Office of the Provost As described in Chapter 2, Energy Perfor-
plementation process by recommending spe- the Council meeting.
typically allocates remaining funds to energy mance Contracting allows the campus to pursue
cific sustainability projects, activities, and These Formal Procedures for Sustainabil-
conservation projects, including: additional re- capital-intensive energy and water efficiency
policies to the iWG. The iWG transmits these ity are designed to prioritize continuous re-
commissioning teams, Energy Conservation In- projects that offer a payback of less than 20
recommendations to the appropriate campus view and may be revised to better focus on
centive Program (ECIP) financial incentives, and years. Cost savings from reduced utility con-
unit(s), though the recommendations them- the realization of sustainability projects and
“quick payback” projects (which have less than sumption will be used to pay off the initial
selves may require approval from a funding au- activities. We will continue working with or-
a two-year timeline). investment. This does require the campus to
thority independent from the responsible unit. ganizations across campus, such as Illinois
assume additional debt, although a stream of
utility savings helps to retire that debt. Because

170 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 171

utility efficiency and deferred maintenance are nicators, researchers, and problem-solvers.Addi- REVOLVING LOAN FUNDS $5,131,042 (Figure 21).
closely linked, the Energy Performance Con- tionally, iSEE launched a Living Lab Seed Grant
In 2011, the SSC helped initiate a Revolv-
tracting delivery method also contributes to re- program for research projects that use campus EXTERNAL GRANTS
ing Loan Fund (RLF) at the Union with a fi-
ducing the deferred maintenance backlog. sustainability facilities from the iCAP Portal to Our campus has successfully applied for grants
nal value of $1M. In 2012, a campus-level RLF
support research efforts. This program has funded from the Illinois Department of Commerce and
was established with funding from the SSC, the
DEFERRED MAINTENANCE FUNDING or supported 11 projects as of spring 2020. Seed Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and the Illinois
Office of the Chancellor, and the President’s
funding is provided for proposal development for Clean Energy Community Foundation (ICECF)
The Academic Facilities Maintenance Fund As- Office as a source for utility conservation
external funding sources and directly contributes to advance our sustainability objectives. Since
sessment is a student fee dedicated to reducing projects that pay themselves back through utility
to campus sustainability projects. If a proposal is FY08, the university has been granted more
the backlog of deferred maintenance (work that savings in less than 10 years. Through additional
approved, part of the external funding will also than $20M for energy-related projects. One of
would have ordinarily been performed in previ- contributions and a small interest charge,
be applied to campus sustainability testbeds. the most notable current grant-funded projects
ous years but was not performed due to a lack of the campus-level RLF has grown to more than
funding). Where possible, these funds are pref- $4M, and the total of both RLFs is now is the $15.7M federal grant to the Multimodal
erentially deployed to address deferred mainte- C O M M IT TE E (S S C)
nance projects that also reduce energy demand.
The SSC is a student-led committee charged with Total Revolving Loan Fund Balance ($)
distributing two student fees: the Sustainable CAMPUS REVOLVING LOAN FUND + ILLINI UNION REVOLVING LOAN FUND
Campus Environment Fee and the Cleaner En-
ergy Technologies Fee. The committee allocates
The Office of the Provost has made one-time al- approximately $1M per year to fund projects that
locations to support campus sustainability ini- improve campus sustainability in areas ranging
tiatives such as LED exit signs and the Campus from renewable energy to waste reduction and
Bike Center. beyond, with a focus on direct student impact.
Several projects receive direct funding from
specific colleges and/or departments. The Inte- B I CYC LE I N F R AS TR U CT U R E A N D
grated and Value-Centered Budget reform in- PROGRAMMING FEE
creased incentives for colleges to support energy
In FY17, a $1-per-student semesterly fee was
efficiency projects.
established to support recurring bicycle infra-
structure and programming needs. The budget
is proposed by F&S and approved by the Stu-
dent Fee Advisory Committee annually, with
In addition to funding iSEE administration and 80% allocated to infrastructure and 20% to
staff, the Institute supports collaborative campus programming. Projects funded from this source
sustainability projects like the Eco-Olympics and include the bike.illinois.edu website launched
Arbor Day. iSEE’s educational programs recruit in FY19 and upgraded bike parking areas. Figure 21: Total Revolving Loan Fund Balance ($)
and train future sustainability leaders, commu-

172 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 173

Funding Available From Carbon Credit Sales ($) F&S, and the SWATeams continue to work with There is also potential for collaboration with
campus entities to discuss funding potential the University of Illinois Foundation (UIF) to
and opportunities. establish a “green fund” through which donors
can financially support campus sustainability
PRIVATE DONATIONS efforts. A donor fund in support of implement-
A highly visible success story in this category ing the Campus Bike Plan was created following
is the installation of an impressive native prai- publication of the 2010 iCAP.
rie at Florida Avenue and Orchard Street. We Given the enthusiasm and vision of our cur-
have also received generous donations that rent students and alumni, we expect an increase
support several of our LEED-certified building in private donations for campus sustainabil-
projects such as the Siebel Center for Design. ity projects.

Figure 22: Funding Available From Carbon Credit Sales ($)

Corridor Enhancement (MCORE) Project150 in carbon emission reductions; our campus par-
the heart of campus. ticipates in that program through iSEE. The
resulting Carbon Credit Sales Fund can be
CARBON CREDIT SALES FUND used to support iCAP projects after approval
In FY15, the Bonneville Environmental Foun- from both iSEE and F&S. At the beginning of
dation funded the retirement of the univer- FY20, $883,894.25 was available in this fund
sity’s FY12, FY13, and FY14 carbon emission (Figure 22).
reductions as part of the Chevrolet Campus As the campus strategic plan for achieving
Clean Energy Campaign. Because those cred- carbon neutrality, this document estimates a
its were retired on behalf of the planet, we degree of cost for specific plans but does not
retain credit for these emission reductions include detailed budgetary information per-
in our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions re- taining to each of the objectives and strate-
porting. In the following years, Second Nature gies. This information will be included in future
launched a program to continuously monetize recommendations from the SWATeams. iSEE,
The Siebel Center for Design will earn LEED certi-
fication — and its construction preserved a stand of
150  https://www.mcoreproject.com/about-the-project.html historic trees from the early days of the university.

174 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 175

Achieving all objectives listed in previous
chapters and ultimately meeting our Cli-
mate Leadership Commitments remains our
top priority. In addition to the topic-specific
objectives outlined in Chapters 2-7, the fol-
lowing represent overarching campus sustain-
ability needs relevant to our long-term efforts.

9.1 Divest from Fossil Fuels

9.2 Sustainable Investing Policy
9.3 Include iCAP in Strategic Plan
9.4 Become STARS Platinum

The October 2019 Campus Sustainability Celebration

provided the first opportunity for public input on iCAP
2020 objectives. Feedback frequently mentioned fossil
fuel divestment.

176 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 177

9.1 [Chancellor]: Fully divest from fossil Since then, the campaign has continued under Jones and will be sent to all responsible par- vides that all state and local government enti-
fuel companies by FY25. Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS) ties involved in the decision to divest, including ties that hold and manage public funds should
as “Fossil Free UIUC.” Fossil fuel divestment the University of Illinois Foundation, the Uni- integrate material, relevant, and useful sustain-
Fossil fuel companies are defined as companies versity of Illinois Board of Trustees, President ability factors into their policies, processes, and
has been formally recommended by the Joint
that profit from the extraction, transportation, Killeen, and those responsible for the portion decision-making.”152 We aim to formally com-
Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible
or combustion of coal, petroleum, or natural gas. of the endowment housed in the president’s of- mit to a Sustainable Investing Policy in order
Licensing and Investment in 2017 and a reso-
The production and use of coal contribute to en- fice. Divesting from fossil fuels is a significant to comply with the state Sustainable Investing
lution passed in 2019. In August 2017, students
vironmental, social, and health issues, leading to step to turn our environmental commitments Act by making carbon neutral investments. In
sent a memo to Chancellor Jones “expressing
irreversible ecological damage. The university into actions. the letter from the chancellor to those respon-
our unanimous position that the university ...
currently invests less than 1% of its portfolio in sible for the university endowment supporting
should set a date within the next decade for
coal utility and mining companies and has al- 9.2 [Chancellor]: Commit to a Sustain-
complete divestment from coal utility and coal divestment, we plan to include that all current
ready divested its direct holdings in coal. As an able Investing Policy by FY24.
mining companies.” Chancellor Jones’ October and future funds be invested in compliance with
institution that prides itself on being "a model the Sustainable Investing Policy.
2017 reply noted, “this is a complex and in- As of Jan. 1, 2020, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker
of sustainability, energy efficiency, and environ-
terconnected financial network that crosses a signed the Sustainable Investing Act that “pro-
mental friendliness for the world to see,"151 it
number of different governance lines within
is imperative that the university's values and
the University System.” He also stated: “I will 152  https://bit.ly/3hLDEP0
commitment to combating climate change are
share your report with President Tim Killeen
reflected in all of our investments. By divesting
and with UIF President Jim Moore and initi-
from fossil fuel companies, the university will
reduce its contributions to and association with
ate conversations with them about the next
steps we might take to move ourselves toward “Being committed to sustainability
the negative environmental and social impacts
a more sustainable footprint while maintain-
attached to fossil fuel companies.
ing the financial stability we require as a uni- efforts is more than just reducing our
Trends also suggest that the change in
versity.” He has verbally supported divestment
the economic market, especially as a result of
COVID-19, supports a positive financial deci-
multiple times since. footprint, it is a commitment to our
The University of Illinois Foundation man-
sion to divest. To ensure financial stability and
cease contributing to climate change and social
ages the endowment with an independent Earth. We are saying: we want to be
board. While neither the chancellor nor the
injustice, the University of Illinois must enact
a plan to replace all of its investments in fossil
university president can make this decision for
the University of Illinois Foundation, they can
better and we will actively DO better.
fuel companies with financially stable and eth-
ical investments as soon as possible, and then
clearly state their support of fossil fuel divest-
ment and specifically request a change from
Students should care because it is our
reinvest in more sustainable companies.
The university has been discussing fossil
the decision-making authorities. Through this
iCAP objective, we will work with the Office
generation that will feel the effects of
fuel divestment since 2009 when students
of the Chancellor to draft a letter encouraging
formed a group called “UIUC Beyond Coal.”
divestment. The letter will be from Chancellor whether we help our Earth or hurt it.
151  https://sustainability.illinois.edu/about/
We can be catalysts for change.”
— Gwenna Heidkamp ’20

178 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 179

9.3 [Chancellor]: Incorporate the iCAP
in the next campus Strategic Plan.
9.4 [iSEE]: Achieve STARS Platinum
rating from the Association for the Challenges
Advancement of Sustainability in We have set bold and ambitious sustainability curately measure the success of all activities,
According to the current Strategic Plan, “Ap- Higher Education (AASHE) by FY30.
goals for this campus, and we will strive to hold quantifying the impact of certain programs
propriate, sufficient, and sustainable resources
The Sustainable Tracking, Assessment, and responsible parties accountable. However, we (e.g., our behavior change campaigns) poses a
are imperative to our success.”153 While sus-
Rating System (STARS) is a self-reporting continue to face financial and institutional bar- particular challenge.
tainability is included in the plan, incorporating
framework that, based on 17 impact areas, ranks riers that we must work to overcome. The pos- As we work to expand our reach, a final chal-
the iCAP explicitly in the next campus Stra-
and benchmarks our sustainability initiatives. sibility remains that sufficient resources might lenge is communicating our efforts to all indi-
tegic Plan is a significant step in recognizing
We are currently ranked gold and strive to not be available to carry out our sustainability viduals on campus and in the community (see
our sustainability goals and projects as a cam-
achieve platinum status. Aiming for platinum efforts; for example, many budgets have been the Engagement chapter for further discussion).
pus priority. This would affirm our commit-
status provides the opportunity to continuously restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope to ensure that every person is aware of
ment to reducing our environmental footprint
evaluate both our short- and long-term goals. Despite the overlap between proposed proj- our goals as well as what actions can be taken
and achieving carbon neutrality in addition to
Our goal is to lead by example and continue to ects and existing plans, we nevertheless face to contribute to our programs’ success. Our goal
establishing a more visible culture of sustain-
be a model for other institutions to establish funding challenges to maintain and grow sus- is that students, staff, faculty members, and ad-
ability. Sustainable activities, programs, and
feasible goals and implement impactful proj- tainability activities. Additionally, the collabo- ministration recognize sustainability as a pri-
planning are necessary components of our cam-
ects and policies. rative nature of these objectives, while vital to ority.
pus vision. We aim to be proactive in our efforts
their success, presents the challenge of coor- Our Illinois campus community has com-
and continue to be an exemplary model in set-
dinating multiple entities with view to a com- mitted to improving sustainability efforts and
ting and achieving ambitious goals.
mon goal. reaching carbon neutrality. We have set aggres-
153  https://strategicplan.illinois.edu/
Beyond funding and personnel, an added sive goals and a high sustainability standard, and
technical challenge is monitoring the prog- we can all work together to achieve this shared
ress of our objectives. While we attempt to ac- vision.

Sustainable activities, programs, and planning

are necessary components of our campus vision.

180 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 181

Comprehensive List of Objectives
# #

1.0 Carbon and Resilience Meet the Climate Leadership Chancellor HIGH HIGH 3.1 Fleet Establish written replacement Fleet MED LOW
Commitments Commitments. Replacement Plans plans for at least 80% of campus Managers
fleets by FY24 to improve univer- w/F&S

2.1 Energy Planning By FY24, develop a comprehen- F&S HIGH HIGH sity-owned vehicle fuel efficiency.
Document sive energy planning document
that includes a detailed strategy
for meeting the FY50 net-zero 3.2 Increase Pavement Increase the Pavement Con- F&S MED HIGH
greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- Condition Index dition Index (PCI) for university-
sions goal. owned roads so the average
PCI score is at least 65 by FY25
2.2 Increase Energy Reduce Energy Use Intensity (EUI) F&S MED HIGH and at least 70 by FY30.
Efficiency of university facilities from the
FY08 baseline by: 45% by FY30, 3.3 Electric Vehicle Establish an Electric Vehicle Task Parking LOW LOW
50% by FY40, and 60% by FY50. Task Force Force to identify key goals for
supporting the use of electric ve-
2.2.1 Improve Space Improve efficiency of space use Provost LOW LOW hicles on and off campus by FY22.
Utilization by minimizing the square foot-
age per person and updating the 3.4 Reduce Driving Reduce driving on campus and F&S HIGH MED
Space Policy in the Campus Ad- on Campus report the percentage of staff
ministrative Manual (CAM) by FY23. trips made using single-occu-
pancy vehicles from 60% to 50%
2.2.2 Reduce Building- Reduce the total annual en- Units w/ F&S MED HIGH by FY25 and 45% by FY30.
level Energy ergy consumption of each col-
lege-level unit by at least 20% Develop a Commuter Program
3.4.1 Develop a Commuter Parking MED MED
from an FY15 baseline by FY35. Program (Bus, Bike, and Hike) for faculty w/F&S
and staff. Register 100 people by
2.3 Clean Energy Use clean energy sources for 15% F&S HIGH HIGH FY24 and 500 people by FY30.
Sources of total campus energy demand
by FY30. Continue to implement the 2014 F&S MED HIGH
3.4.2 Implement Campus
Bike Plan Campus Bike Plan.
2.3.1 140,000 MWh/year Use at least 140,000 MWh/year F&S MED HIGH
Clean Power of clean power by FY25. Establish telecommuting policies
3.4.3 Telecommuting F&S w/IHR MED LOW
Policies for the campus by FY24.

2.3.2 Clean Thermal Use at least 150,000 MMBTU/year F&S HIGH HIGH Reduce net air travel emissions
3.5 Offset Air Travel iSEE LOW LOW
Energy of clean thermal energy by FY30. Emissions from FY14 baseline by: 50% by
FY24 and 100% by FY30.

182 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 183


4.1 Reduce Water 5.2.1 Install Appropriate Install appropriate waste collec- F&S HIGH HIGH
Reduce potable water consump- F&S MED MED
Consumption Infrastructure tion infrastructure throughout the
tion to 721,500 kgal/year by FY24,
University District, with new indoor
which is a reduction of 45% from
bins placed in at least 150 build-
the FY08 baseline.
ings by FY24.

4.2 Implement Resilient Implement the Resilient Land- F&S MED HIGH
5.3 Establish a Culture Establish a culture of reuse,
Landscape Strategy scape Strategy recommenda- F&S MED MED
of Reuse with two major campuswide
tions by FY24. zero-waste events using dura-
ble goods and composting in
4.2.1 Increase Number Increase the number of trees on F&S MED HIGH FY22, four in FY23, six in FY24,
of Trees campus by 1,500 by FY24 and by and eight in FY25 .
3,000 by FY30.

5.3.1 Zero Waste Messaging Develop a comprehensive Zero F&S MED MED
4.2.2 Increase Pollinator- Increase the number of on-the- F&S MED MED
Campaign Waste messaging campaign
Friendly Areas ground pollinator-friendly land-
by FY21 and achieve a cumu-
scaping areas on campus by
lative total of 10,000 “Use the
50% from the FY19 baseline by
Bin” pledges by FY24.
April 2024.

5.4 Reduce Food Promote food scraps reduction F&S MED MED
4.2.3 Double Green Double the number of on-cam- F&S MED HIGH Scraps on campus through a behavior
Infrastructure pus green infrastructure installa-
change campaign, and tracking
Installations tions from 24 to 48 by FY24.
and recovery of surplus food for
donation, with at least five new
4.3 Cover Crops on Use cover crops in at least 20% ACES HIGH HIGH
areas tracking and reporting their
South Farms of South Farms acreage by FY24.
food waste by FY22.

4.4 Monitor Soil Monitor soil health by collecting ACES HIGH LOW
5.5 Plan for Organic Develop a detailed comprehen- F&S HIGH HIGH
Health soil analyses for all South Farms Waste sive plan including implemen-
land parcels by FY24.
tation and operational costs/
benefits to sustainably dispose
5.1 Sustainable Create sustainable procurement Purchasing HIGH LOW
of all food scraps and other or-
Procurement reporting guidelines and increase ganics by FY24, and fully imple-
Reports compliance to 100% of business ment the plan by FY33.
managers through training and
outreach by FY24.
5.6 Use Local Increase the use of local food to Housing MED MED
Food 35% by FY30.
5.2 Reduce Landfilled Reduce the total campus waste F&S HIGH HIGH
Waste going to landfills from 5,049 tons
5.6.1 Food Literacy Implement Food Literacy Project Housing HIGH MED
in FY19 to 4,544 tons or less in
Project by FY24 by tracking carbon, nitro-
FY24, which is a decrease of at
gen, and water footprints for food
least 10%.
items in campus dining halls.

5.7 Green Cleaning Establish a green cleaning pro- F&S MED MED
Program gram that meets LEED v.4 require-
ments by FY24.

184 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 185

# #

6.1 Broaden Sustainability Broaden the availability of sus- iSEE MED MED 7.1 Green Certifications Enhance the overall culture of iSEE LOW LOW
Education tainability education across the sustainability on campus, and
entire curriculum, beginning with increase the number of certifi-
first-year student orientation and cations issued through the Certi-
continuing through commence- fied Greener Campus Program by
ment, with at least one of four 20% each year from FY20 to FY24.
proposed methods implemented
by FY24. 7.2 Sustainable Events The Illini Union and Illini Union llini Union MED LOW
Program Board commit to 80% of their
6.2 Sustainability Course Establish a comprehensive on- iSEE MED LOW events qualifying as sustainable
Catalog line repository for courses and by FY24.
academic programs with sus-
tainability content.
7.3 Green Sports Increase visibility of campus DIA LOW LOW
Launch an undergraduate Envi- iSEE LOW MED Alliance sustainability efforts by join-
6.3 Environmental
Leadership Program ronmental Leadership Program ing the Green Sports Alliance
(ELP) that includes two week-long through the Division of Intercol-
residential intensives, pre-profes- legiate Athletics (DIA) by sum-
sional workshops, visiting speak- mer 2021.
ers, and field trips to Springfield
and Washington, D.C. 7.4 Local Collaborations Incorporate sustainability-related iSEE MED MED
problem solving in the GivePulse
6.4 Sustainability Develop a sustainability intern- iSEE MED LOW system for public engagement,
Internship Program ship program through partnering and track local collaborations for
with businesses, nonprofits, local sustainable solutions. Increase lo-
government, and cultural institu- cal collaborations by 10% per year
tions in Central Illinois. The total from FY22 to FY24.
number of internships awarded
will be reported each year. 7.5 Support Youth Support programs to develop Extension MED LOW
Sustainability love of nature and sustainability
Partner with The Career Cen- among children, with an annual
6.5 Sustainability at Career Center LOW LOW
Career Fairs ter and potentially other career w/iSEE Youth Sustainability Summit led
offices in FY22 to help students by local teenagers with guidance
explore and discover career op- and mentoring from campus and
portunities that are connected to community sustainability leaders.
professional interests and goals
related to sustainability. Incorpo- 7.6 iCAP Portal Update the iCAP Portal on a iSEE LOW LOW

rate a sustainability component Updates monthly basis to report progress

at a minimum of two events be- toward iCAP objectives.
ginning in FY22.

6.6 Graduate Certificate Offer a new graduate certificate iSEE MED LOW
in Sustainability in sustainability by FY24.

186 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 187

# #

8.1 Urban Biodiversity Develop a coordinated urban bio- Extension HIGH MED 8.6 Vision Zero Support Vision Zero as a coun- F&S LOW MED
Master Plan diversity master plan by FY24 to w/F&S ty-wide goal for safe and sus-
make the Champaign, Urbana, tainable transportation.
Savoy, and campus metro area
8.7 Local Offsets Establish a local offsets program iSEE HIGH HIGH
a model for biodiversity. Program
by FY24.

9.1 Divest from Fully divest from fossil fuel Chancellor HIGH MED
Fossil Fuels companies by FY25.
Coordinate rainwater man- F&S HIGH HIGH
8.2 Coordinated Rainwater
agement plans for the entire w/Extension 9.2 Sustainable Commit to a Sustainable Invest- Chancellor HIGH LOW
urbanized areas of Champaign, Investing Policy ing Policy by FY24.
Urbana, Savoy, and the univer-
sity. Starting in FY21, share the to- Incorporate the iCAP in the Chancellor LOW LOW
9.3 Include iCAP in
tal number of green infrastructure Strategic Plan next campus Strategic Plan.
locations on the iCAP Portal on an
annual basis. 9.4 Become STARS Achieve STARS Platinum rating iSEE HIGH HIGH
Platinum from the Association for the Ad-
vancement of Sustainability in
8.3 Environmental Develop a collaborative plan iSEE HIGH HIGH Higher Education (AASHE) by
Justice Plan for environmental justice that FY30.
will assess metro area resil-
ience and actively address re-
lated issues. The plan will be
written and publicized by FY24.

8.4 Local Sustainability Take leadership in addressing iSEE HIGH MED

Issues the most pressing sustainability
challenges in our local commu-
nities through collaboration with
local governments and related
community groups, by forming
an advisory panel for coordinat-
ing efforts across jurisdictional
boundaries. By FY24, select at
least three major local sustain-
ability issues to address and
identify lead agency and key

8.5 Inventory By FY23, collaborate with col- iSEE MED LOW

Green Jobs leges and community groups to
inventory existing certification
opportunities for green jobs and
identify gaps.

188 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 i m p l e m e n tat i o n 189

Conclusion: Reaffirming is forming some staggering distance away, they can
tell you there’s one coming here — even when, here,
Moving forward, we hope that the urgency
of these and other global issues prompts so-

Our Commitment the sea is calm, the sky is bright, and the day looks
like any other.
ciety at large to take a disruptive approach to
seeking out solutions. Large-scale policy, be-
havior change, and collaborative efforts, all of
That’s science. By studying and understanding the which have a localized presence in the iCAP,
way the world works, science helps us see into the have proven to be transformative when backed
In 2008, the University of Illinois Urba- to address a very different, but no less momen- future. by science and pursued with spirit and com-
na-Champaign formally committed to achiev- tous, crisis: climate change.
ing carbon neutrality as soon as possible. As Kuo, a 2018 Heinz Award winner in the When the COVID-19 wave hits, and passes, please In short, if we embrace substantial change
evidenced by the preceding chapters, we have environment category154 and the university’s consider that the tidal wavologists might also be in pursuit of an ultimately sustainable future,
no shortage of innovative ideas to realize this first faculty member to be invited to speak right about climate disruption. And that, to pre- our options for enacting meaningful change are
ambitious goal, and no shortage of determined at the World Economic Forum, commented vent an even bigger wave of deaths, we can act, and endless.
individuals to see our strategies through. With on the dissonance between expert and lay should willingly make hugely disruptive changes. Whether positive change originates on a
the approval of iCAP 2020, we reaffirm our pur- assessments of COVID-19. She called for
campus, in a community, or at the state, na-
suit of this commitment and look forward to science-backed action as the best form of res- Because that wave is coming, too.
tional, and global scales, we dedicate ourselves,
accelerating our environmental stewardship ef- olution for medical, and ecological, catastro-
through this document, to the power of disrup-
forts in the coming years. phe. Her comments are excerpted below:
tive decision-making, robust behavior change,
To conclude, we’d like to reiterate a con-
and long-lasting climate action.
cept that surfaces throughout this document: It’s like this. There are a whole lot of people who
neither climate change nor resilience strat- study tidal waves. They work full-time — 50 to
egies exist in a vacuum. The ways in which 60 hours per week — measuring things, studying
we as a society interpret, acknowledge, and tidal waves under different conditions, over different
address environmental issues is deeply in- surfaces, different temperature waters, reading and
terwoven with our approaches to other grand making sense of historical records of tidal waves,
challenges of global scope and scale. Most re- looking at the ocean from space.... (A scientist is,
cently, we have seen these parallels play out above all, an obsessive person.)
in an unprecedented way in response to the
worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. If a lot of people do this, working for their entire ca-
In March 2020, Ming Kuo, director of the reers, each helping to figure out different aspects of
University of Illinois’ Landscape and Human tidal wave behavior, then that scientific community
Health Lab, provided powerful insight into the can get to be pretty good at predicting tidal waves.
connections between the human response to They’re not going to be able to tell you every last
the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the dis- thing about any given tidal wave, but they can tell
ruptive social and behavioral changes needed you when the conditions are right. And when one

154  http://www.heinzawards.net/recipients/ming-kuo

190 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 c o n c lu s i o n 191

Appendix A: Acronyms
AASHE: Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education ECB: energy cost budget
ABE: Agricultural and Biological Engineering ECIP: Energy Conservation Incentive Program
ACE: Agricultural and Consumer Economics ELP: Environmental Leadership Program
ACE IT: Alcohol Culture Explored Interactive Theater EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
ACES: Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences ESE: Earth, Society, and Environment
ACUPCC: American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment ESES: Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability
ALUFS: Agriculture, Land Use, Food, and Sequestration EUI: energy use intensity
ARC: Activities and Recreation Center EV: electric vehicle
ATG: America To Go F&S: Facilities and Services
BEC: building envelope commissioning FAA: Fine and Applied Arts
BFU: Bicycle Friendly University FLB: Foriegn Languages Building
BIF: Business Instructional Facility FTE: full time equivalent
BPAC: Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission FY: fiscal year
BSW: Building Service Worker FYCARE: First Year Campus Acquaintance Rape Education
BTU: British Thermal Unit GEM: Global Electric Motorcars
CALL: Campus as a Living Laboratory GenEd: general education
CAM: Campus Administrative Manual GHG: greenhouse gas
CATS: Campus Area Transportation Study GPF: gallon per flush
CCCRTF: Champaign County Climate Resilience Task Force GPP: Green Power Partnership
CCNet: Champaign County Sustainability Network GSF: gross square foot
CCRPC: Champaign County Regional Planning Commission HRI: Humanities Research Institute
CCWS: Campus Chilled Water System HTL: hydrothermal liquefaction
CEW: Certificate in Environmental Writing HVAC: heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
CGOP: Certified Green Office Program IB: Integrative Biology
CHP: combined heat and power IBRL: Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory
CNG: compressed natural gas iCAP: Illinois Climate Action Plan
CO2e: carbon dioxide equivalent ICECF: Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation
CRAWG: Campus Research Administrators Working Group iCS: Illinois Contract System
CUUATS: Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study ILO: Illini Lights Out
DCEO: Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity IPM: Integrated Pest Management
DIA: Division of Intercollegiate Athletics ISD: Illinois Solar Decathlon
EARTH: Environmental Action Right This Hour iSEE: Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

192 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x a : ac r o n y m s 193

ISG: Illinois Student Government PSC: professional service consultant
ISO: Independent System Operator PWR: Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling
ISTC: Illinois Sustainable Technology Center RA: resident advisor
RCx: retrocommissioning
IUB: Illini Union Bookstore
REC: Renewable Energy Certificate
IVCB: Integrated and Value-Centered Budget
RIPE: Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency
iWG: iCAP Working Group RLF: revolving loan fund
LAB: League of American Bicyclists RNG: renewable natural gas
LAS: Liberal Arts and Sciences RORG: Red Oak Rain Garden
LED: Light-emitting diode RSO: Registered Student Organization
LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design RST: Recreation, Sport, and Tourism
LRTP: Long Range Transportation Plan RTO: Regional Transmission Organization
LSV: low-speed vehicle SAW: South Arboretum Woods
SEE FP: Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Fellows Program
MCORE: Multimodal Corridor Enhancement
SESE: School of Earth, Society, and Environment
MISO: Midcontinent Independent System Operator
SECS: Students for Environmental Concerns
MPO: Metropolitan Planning Organization SLLC: Sustainable Living Learning Community
MSW: municipal solid waste SOV: single-occupancy vehicle
MTCO2e: metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent SSC: Student Sustainability Committee
MTD: Mass Transit District SSF: Sustainable Student Farm
MW: megawatt SSLC: Student Sustainability Leadership Council
MWh: megawatt-hour SSW: School of Social Work
NAFA: National Association of Fleet Administrators STARS: Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System

NGICP: National Green Infrastructure Certification Program STEM: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

NPRE: Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering SWATeams: Sustainability Working Advisory Teams

NRES: Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences T-Cards: Travel Cards

NRT: NSF Research Traineeship TDM: Transportation Demand Management

NSF: National Science Foundation TES: thermal energy storage

NSRC: National Soybean Research Center UCSD: Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District

OBFS: Office of Business and Financial Service UIF: University of Illinois Foundation

OVCDEI: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion ULA: University Landscape Architect

P-Cards: Purchasing Cards USDA: United States Department of Agriculture

PCI: Pavement Condition Index VPPA: virtual power purchase agreement

PLAN: Post-Landfill Action Network WPP: Woody Perennial Polyculture

PO: Purchase Order ZWIA: Zero Waste International Alliance

PPA: power purchase agreement

194 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x a : ac r o n y m s 195

Appendix B: Contributors
2019-2020 SUSTAINABIL IT Y CO U N CIL 201 9-2020 I CA P WO RK I N G GRO UP

Ximing Cai (Co-Chair), Associate Director for Campus Sustainability, representing iSEE
Chair: Robert J. Jones, Chancellor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Morgan White (Co-Chair), Associate Director of Facilities and Services, Sustainability
Vice Chair: Evan H. DeLucia, Baum Family Director of iSEE
Alma Sealine, University Housing Director, representing Student Affairs
Andreas Cangellaris, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost
Matthew Tomaszewski, Executive Associate Provost for Capital Planning,
Barry Benson, Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Illinois Foundation Senior Vice President representing the Office of the Provost

Danita Young, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs John Dallesasse, Chair of Senate Committee on Campus Operations,
representing the Academic Senate
Susan Martinis, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Bugra Sahin, Undergraduate Student in Civil Engineering,
James Dean Anderson, Dean, College of Education Illinois Student Government Environmental Sustainability Committee Chair

Rashid Bashir, Dean, Grainger College of Engineering Joe Edwards, Graduate Student, Chair of the Student Sustainability Committee

Kim Kidwell, Dean, College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Sarah Gediman, Undergraduate Student, Vice Chair of the Student Sustainability Committee

Feng Sheng Hu, Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Joey Kreiling, Undergraduate Student,
President of the Student Sustainability Leadership Council
Mohamed Attalla, Executive Director, Facilities and Services
Jonah Messinger, Undergraduate Student, Vice President of the Student
Robin Kar, Chair, Senate Executive Committee Sustainability Leadership Council

Connor Josellis, President, Illinois Student Government S. Renee Wiley, Grainger College of Engineering, representing the community of college-level
facility managers
Joe Edwards, Graduate Student, Chair of the Student Sustainability Committee
Sandy Yoo, Architect & Assistant Director, Capital Programs Administration,
Sarah Gediman, Undergraduate Student, Vice Chair of the Student Sustainability Committee representing the Office of Business and Financial Services

Joey Kreiling, Undergraduate Student, President of the Student Sustainability Leadership Council Meredith Moore (Secretary), iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator

Jonah Messinger, Undergraduate Student, Vice President of the Student Sustainability Leadership

Non-voting attendees: Ximing Cai, iSEE Associate Director for Campus Sustainability and Co-Chair
of the iCAP Working Group; Morgan White, Associate Director of Facilities and Services,
Sustainability, and Co-Chair of the iCAP Working Group

Secretary: Jenny Kokini, iSEE Managing Director

196 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x b : c o n t r i b u to r s 197

Brent Lewis (Staff), Facilities and Services Campus Landscape Architect
2019-2020 E NERGY SWATE AM
Allen Parrish (Staff), Crop Sciences Research and Education Centers Director
Bill Rose (Faculty Co-Chair), Senior Research Architect, Applied Research Institute
Ella Liskiewicz (Student), Undergraduate in Public Policy and Law
Andrew Stumpf (Faculty Co-Chair), Geologist at Illinois State Geological Survey,
Prairie Research Institute Vikram Sudhan Muthuvel (Student), Undergraduate in Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability

Tugce Baser (Faculty), Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Claire Samojedny (Student), Undergraduate in Civil Engineering

Yun Kyu Yi (Faculty), Assistant Professor of Architecture Mallory Mahen (Student Clerk), Undergraduate in Technical Systems Management
David Boehm (Staff), Facilities and Services Associate Director of Operations, Maintenance and Alterations
Valerie Ramirez (Student Clerk, retired), Undergraduate in Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences
Karl Helmink (Staff ), Facilities and Services Associate Director of Energy Conservation and
201 9-2020 Z ERO WASTE SWATE A M
Mike Larson (Staff ), Facilities and Services Director of Utility Operations
Timothy Stark (Faculty Chair), Professor of Geotechnical Engineering
Tim Mies (Staff ), Energy Farm Operations Director
Leon Liebenberg (Faculty), Teaching Associate Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering
Jayce Carlson (Student), Undergraduate in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Robert McKim (Faculty), Professor of Religion
Keunhyuk “K.J.” Jang (Student), Ph.D. Candidate in Architecture
Thurman Etchison (Staff), University Housing Food Service Administrator
Mike Reiter (Student), Ph.D. Candidate in Civil & Environmental Engineering
Aaron Finder (Staff), Office of Business and Financial Services Assistant Director of Purchasing
David Antonio Rivera-Kohr (Student), Undergraduate in Biochemistry
Shantanu Pai (Staff), Facilities and Services Zero Waste Coordinator
Sowmiya Raju (Student Clerk), Undergraduate in Global Studies
Marya Ryan (Staff, retired), Facilities and Services Waste Management Academic Hourly

2019-2020 L A ND & WATER SWATE A M Madalyn Liberman (Student), Undergraduate in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Reid Christianson (Faculty Co-Chair), Research Assistant Professor of Crop Sciences Emily Recupido (Student), Undergraduate in Civil Engineering

Art Schmidt (Faculty Co-Chair), Research Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Manying Zhang (Student), Undergraduate in Civil Engineering

Rabin Bhattarai (Faculty), Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Julija Sakutyte (Student Clerk), Undergraduate in Molecular and Cellular Biology

Bruce Branham (Faculty), Professor of Crop Sciences

Eliana Brown (Staff), Water Quality Outreach Specialist, U of I Extension

Jamie Ellis (Staff ), Natural Areas Coordinator, Illinois Natural History Survey

198 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x b : c o n t r i b u to r s 199

2019-2020 T R AN SPO RTATIO N SWAT E A M 201 9-2020 RES I L I EN C E SWATE A M

Julie Cidell (Faculty Chair), Associate Professor of Geography and Geographic Information Science Ximing Cai (Faculty Chair), Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Associate Director,
Yanfeng Ouyang (Faculty), Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Warren Lavey (Faculty), Adjunct Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences,
Lindsay Braun (Faculty), Assistant Professor of Urban & Regional Planning School of Earth, Society, and Environment

Sarthak Prasad (Staff), Facilities and Services Sustainability Specialist Sally McConkey (Faculty), Senior Professional Scientist at Illinois State Water Survey

Paul Slezak (Staff ), Facilities Manager, Parking Department Lisa Merrifield (Staff), Extension Specialist in Community Economic Development,
U of I Extension
Peter Varney (Staff ), Facilities and Services Director of Transportation & Automotive Services
Meredith Moore (Staff), iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator
Zhuo Chen (Student), Ph.D. Candidate in Geography
Morgan White (Staff), Associate Director of Facilities and Services, Sustainability
Trevor Gresham (Student), Undergraduate in Civil Engineering

Marie Hubbard (Student), Undeclared Undergraduate Dennis Donaldson (Community), Village of Savoy Treasurer

Julija Sakutyte (Student Clerk), Undergraduate in Molecular and Cellular Biology Rita Morocoima-Black (Community), Planning and Development Director at Champaign
County Regional Planning Commission
Lacey Rains Lowe (Community), City of Champaign Sustainability Planner
Gillen D’Arcy Wood (Faculty Chair), Professor of English
Scott Tess (Community), City of Urbana Environmental Sustainability Manager
Ann-Perry Witmer (Faculty), Instructor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Kimmy Chuang (Student), Undergraduate in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
and Political Science
Julie Cidell (Faculty), Associate Professor of Geography and Geographic Information Science
Joshua Lim (Student, retired), Undergraduate in Engineering Physics
Sharlene Denos (Staff), Associate Director of Outreach & Inclusivity, Department of Physics
Sowmiya Raju (Student Clerk), Undergraduate in Global Studies
Stacy Gloss (Staff ), Research Specialist, Applied Research Institute
Regina Cassidy (Student Clerk, retired), Graduate Assistant at Institute for Sustainability,
Dave Guth (Staff ), Assistant Director for Facilities, Illini Union
Energy, and Environment
Fina Healy (Student), Undergraduate in Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Alexa Smith (Student), Undergraduate in Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences

Carolyn Cai (Student), Undergraduate in Agricultural and Consumer Economics

Mallory Mahen (Student Clerk), Undergraduate in Technical Systems Management

Regina Cassidy (Student Clerk, retired), Graduate Assistant at Institute for Sustainability,
Energy, and Environment

200 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x b : c o n t r i b u to r s 201

Appendix C: Honorable Mention Energy
» By FY30, install motion sensors or Illini Lights Out (ILO) events.
timed lights in all campus buildings
E XPL ANAT IO N » Rather than advocating for a decrease
to eliminate excess energy usage.
in total energy use, incentivize
The iCAP 2020 objectives were formulated, drafted, and finalized as a result of hard work Consider photonically-sensitive
on the part of countless individuals. Integral to this process are the undergraduate and grad- keeping lights turned off completely.
lights, which adjust in intensity
uate students who consistently contributed their evenings to participate in our monthly based on lighting conditions. » Educate students from all disciplines
Student Input Sessions. We were impressed and humbled by the ingenuity and respect that
about carbon credits and their
became characteristic of these discussions. The meetings never failed to exceed their allot- » Instead of lighting an entire room with a
ted time slots, and we could count on departing with pages of creative suggestions in hand. significance at the university.
single switch, install multiple switches
to control smaller sections. This will be » Promote clean energy sources
Many of the objectives included in this document originated from these student sugges- especially effective in large rooms, where rather than retroactive carbon
tions. With added insight from the SWATeams, iWG, and stakeholder groups, we turned
full lighting is not always necessary. credit purchasing.
these promising ideas into actionable, measurable targets that the university will be held
accountable to adopt. We feel strongly that each of our published objectives is handled » Until motion detectors are installed, » Illinois-initiated projects must
with integrity and seen through from beginning to end. That said, while only a portion of post stickers (e.g., “Turn Off produce an equivalent amount
the suggestions fielded in the Student Input Sessions could be adapted into concrete ob-
Lights!”) throughout campus. of renewable energy to match
jectives, we want to formally acknowledge additional ideas here, and show our appreciation
each carbon credit purchased.
for the dedicated individuals who contributed to the conversation. This list is a starting » Post signage throughout campus
point for discussion of future objectives, projects, and policies. about “de-lightfulness” tips and » Decentralize the university steam
negative effects of unnecessarily pump system to make each building’s
These “honorable mentions” are included below, and are organized according to iCAP 2020
expended electricity. temperature individually adjustable.
themes. Additional categories are identified as needed.
» Post signage throughout campus » Introduce small-scale rooftop solar
promoting the benefits of natural light. electrical grids to 10 campus buildings
by FY35; fund a feasibility study
» Strategically construct new
to determine the best candidates
buildings to utilize natural light.
for this project by FY22.
» Include university staff and faculty
» Demand university accountability
in educational communication
for net-zero emissions.
regarding turning lights off and

202 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x c : h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n o b j e ct i v e s 203


» Collect and publish data on the campus buildings to decrease heating and » Provide more bike racks on campus.
» Better communicate air travel
amount of energy used per building cooling needs (e.g., passive solar design). emissions statistics to Illinois
» Implement a bike-sharing program
to incentivize energy reduction. similar to Veo that requires iCard students, staff, and faculty to
» New buildings must include
registry and mandatory return stations. increase awareness of the issue.
» Change the energy source for leaf infrastructure that allows for rooftop
blowers and lawnmowers used on gardens. These will promote native plants » Transition all buses to run on » Launch a “Clear the Air” Challenge,
electricity rather than gas. Advertise where students can log points for
campus, as they do not currently and assist with rainwater management.
buses that currently run on electricity. choosing options such as carpooling,
include filters on their exhausts.
» Utilize agricultural waste and/ walking, biking, or other sustainable
» Introduce affordable, sustainable
modes of transportation. This can
» Implement retrocommissioning or bioproducts for sustainable busing options from Urbana- be presented as a competition,
standards to improve energy efficiency fuel production. Champaign to the Chicagoland area. with an associated website (i.e.,
of existing campus facilities. cleartheairchallenge.org), and
» Dining halls should invest in » Install solar panels on MTD buses.
could evolve into an Urbana-
» Install white tiles on rooftops of fewer high-energy production Champaign or regional endeavor.
» Ban all driving on campus.
university structures to reflect heat in foods and support local farms.
» Require a permit to drive on roads » Encourage instructors to offer extra
the summer and reduce cooling needs.
» Exercise frugality with screens within the university district. credit to students who complete the
» Employ an electricity cap in residence and devices in classrooms. University of Illinois transportation
» Increase parking fees to discourage survey. Alternatively, consider other
halls. Total energy usage can be measured nonessential driving.
» Install infrastructure so that stationary methods of incentivizing the survey
with meters installed in each room. Low
bikes and ellipticals in the ARC to increase student participation.
» Implement time-based restrictions
energy usage might be incentivized
and CRCE produce electricity. to limit driving on certain streets. » Reserve highly trafficked areas
with prizes, while excessive energy
like Green Street (from Wright
usage could potentially result in a fine. » All new buildings must meet » Implement the use of airplane
to Fourth) for pedestrians
pools to maximize the efficiency
STARS standards. only (e.g., “superblocks”).
» Improve window technology used in older of necessary air travel.

» Require that the university pay

50% of carbon offset costs for
university-related travel.

204 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x c : h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n o b j e ct i v e s 205

Land & Water Zero Waste

» Reduce pollution in Boneyard Creek. » Identify places of heavy erosion, such » Invest in TerraCycle to recycle food » Create a sustainable meals committee.
as channel buffers and farms. wrappers, toothpaste bottles, cosmetic
» Document areas prone to frequent » Use locally sourced/sustainable
cases & other hard-to-recycle items,
flooding, such as the area surrounding » Encourage the recycling center to food and ingredients like rice, which
especially in residence halls.
the Foreign Language Building (FLB). accept more materials, such as glass. sequesters carbon as it grows.
» Create a system to recycle plastic bags,
» Conduct and publicize a campus » Empower interested students to » Expand on initiatives like Project 4 Less,
with centralized drop-off locations
water audit to identify the best seek out land & water research an RSO that sends excess food from
such as the Union and IUB.
opportunities to conserve water. opportunities with relevant faculty. Ikenberry Commons to Wesley Food
» Work with Champaign-Urbana Pantry. Establish an office as a local
» Upgrade old water fountains » Incorporate land & water discussions, and Savoy to provide campus drop- distribution center for food pantries.
around campus. projects, and opportunities off locations to recycle glass.
into relevant courses. » Repurpose unused meal swipes to food-
» Implement dual systems for » Require RSOs to use water pitchers/ insecure students: “Swipe Out Hunger.”
septic waste in new buildings. » Encourage no-till farming and coolers (rather than plastic water
» Incentivize businesses on campus to
precision fertilizer application. bottles) at Quad Day and other events.
» Map all potential areas on and around use similar sustainable practices.
campus for native plantings by 2022. » Promote polyculture on university- » Require student groups that host events
» Locate outside funding for an
owned farms to promote biodiversity to separate waste into different bins
» At least 50% of all new plantings on anaerobic digester for food waste
and sustainable agriculture. (e.g., recycling and eventually compost).
campus must be native by 2022, and this and use the gas produced.
figure must increase by 5% annually. » Replace turf-grass with drought-resistant » Devise a plan for recycling solar
» By 2025, have dining halls set up
mow-less grass to promote natural panels on campus, and require
» Offer educational opportunities “hauler” teams to take food waste
landscapes and decrease water usage. they be kept out of landfills.
for students via local Master to area composting centers.
Naturalists and Master Gardeners. » Fund a research study to determine the
» Research opportunities to hire a
most effective waste reduction methods.
» Reduce use of herbicides and commercial hauling company to set
fertilizers on campus and document » Switch to bamboo or reusable cutlery up a composting program for campus
and containers and add receptacles for and surrounding communities.
where/when they are used.
compostable bowls in dining halls and
» Transition university bathrooms
the Illini Union.
to hand-dryers only, or install
composting system for paper towels.

206 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x c : h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n o b j e ct i v e s 207

Education & Outreach Resilience
» Support research efforts into natural » Make University emissions data » By 2021, draft an alliance agreement » Promote “off-brand” recycling options for
remedies and environmentally publicly accessible, and draw attention between Champaign, Urbana, items such as computers and clothes.
relevant topics, especially if to where it can be accessed. and the university to pledge
defunded by corporate powers. » Send student volunteers for composting
environmental resiliency and
» Provide monthly reports on relevant endeavors to nearby areas.
sustainability data from the chancellor implementation of iCAP objectives.
» Implement mandatory workshops
for freshmen which demonstrate or other high-level administration. » Leverage the help of student volunteers
» Provide sustainability training for university
sustainable practices on campus and to implement composting in campus-
» Implement sustainability tabs on Building Service Workers (BSW).
facilitate discussion. These discussions adjacent neighborhoods and localities.
each academic major’s website.
will be led by individuals with a » Initiate a program that matches
background in campus sustainability. » Start a community garden and
» Host a yearly event in which reliable community projects with
community food forest to be maintained
sustainable companies and professionals undergraduate student projects.
» Implement additional forms of and enjoyed by the community.
are invited to present seminars on
sustainability reporting, such as » Start a community on campus dedicated
sustainability in their industries. » Promote “Meatless Mondays”
a carbon disclosure project. to sharing sustainable knowledge,
in dining halls and encourage
» Construct a website or media campaign to resources, companies, and services.
» Conduct resident advisor (RA) training on plant-based diet options.
centralize all environmental majors, minors,
sustainability topics relevant to residence » Allow environmental RSOs access
certificates, and programs on campus. » Draft an agreement between
halls, such as dining hall food waste, so to MassMail to share relevant
that RAs can better educate their floors. » Dedicate a bulletin board in the Illini Champaign, Urbana, and the university
information and events.
Union to promote sustainability- to reduce mowing by at least 10% by
» Increase advertisement for the » Hold seminars on topics including: 2022 to increase natural areas.
related events and information.
Sustainability, Energy, and Environment
5th and Hill Neighborhood Rights
Fellows Program (SEE FP). » Provide training for advisors to » Starting in FY20, all new building
Campaign and Middle Fork Ash Ponds.
increase their familiarity with construction and renovation must
» Provide sustainability peer mentoring
sustainability-relevant courses. » Provide sustainable education and include at least one of the following:
to underclassmen by upperclassmen.
training for University Grounds. solar panels, rooftop or building-adjacent
greenspace, a native plant garden, or
» Create and implement a curbside food permeable parking and paving space.
and lawn waste pickup program for
the Urbana-Champaign community to » Replace grass and mulch patches (excluding
decrease per-household garbage volume. the Quad) with native prairie patches and/
or sustainable crops. Food and resources
» Introduce composting to Campus generated as a result of this project can be
Dining Services, including waste carts used on campus or to feed community
to separate waste on-site for catering. populations.
» Introduce an “Adopt a Bike Path” program
for the Urbana-Champaign community.

208 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x c : h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n o b j e ct i v e s 209

Fossil Fuel Divestment Appendix D: Formal Procedures
» By the end of FY20, fully divest University » Create a publicly accessible University BAC KGRO UN D
of Illinois system endowment from of Illinois system green investment
all companies involved in extraction, portfolio, looking to other universities With the formation of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE), the
manufacturing, production, and that have divested (such as the campus made comprehensive plans for how it will meet the Climate Leadership Commitments
transportation of fossil fuels. University of California and Stanford) and the objectives established in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP). In the short term, we
for reference. Negatively screen out fossil must determine what actions are needed to meet the incremental iCAP objectives and take
» Commit to remaining fully divested for 24 fuel companies from this portfolio. those actions; in the longer term, plans are needed to meet future targets and ultimately reach
months following the initial declaration.
our goal of being carbon neutral and building resilience within our local community. This pro-
cedure — approved by Chancellor Robert J. Jones on Oct. 7, 2020 — provides a framework for
developing and evaluating new policies and initiatives for campus sustainability.

» Increase accountability for investing Recommended policies and initiatives will be developed by topical Sustainability Working
in long-term sustainable programs. Advisory Teams (SWATeams), convened by iSEE and consisting of faculty, staff, and stu-
» Allocate funding from donors to dents. With the new Resilience Commitment, signed in 2016, there is also a Resilience SWA-
sustainability efforts (eg: donors will Team, which includes off-campus community representatives. The recommendations made
be offered the opportunity to donate by SWATeams for campus improvements and actions are transmitted to the co-chairs of the
to the university “green fund”). iCAP Working Group (iWG) comprised of mid-level administrators and faculty and student
representatives. These recommendations are classified into small-, mid-, and large-scale ac-
cording to the policy and/or financial implications and authority needed for implementation.
» Small-scale recommendations will » Large-scale recommendations
be transmitted by the iWG chairs (with major policy and/or financial
directly to impacted units. implications or impacting multiple
units) are evaluated by the iWG and
» Mid-scale recommendations are then reviewed by the Sustainability
evaluated by the iWG and the Council’s task force. This task force is
iWG assessments are transmitted responsible for evaluating the large-
as formal recommendations to scale recommendation assessments
the appropriate campus units. and addressing uncertainties before

210 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x D: f o r m a l p r o c e d u r e s 211

forwarding the recommendation to
the full Sustainability Council for
approve the recommendation, modify
it, reject it, or request further study. Sustainability Working Advisory
approval. The Sustainability Council will
Teams (SWATeams)
These groups will also be responsible for the five-year updates to the iCAP. Initial inputs for up-
dated iCAP objectives will be submitted by SWATeams to the iWG. The iWG will provide guidance TE A M S & TO PI C S
to iSEE for seeking public input to the draft iCAP objectives, and the iWG will adjust and integrate
iSEE, in consultation with the iWG, will identify the SWATeams and their topics. Starting in
the collected information for review and approval. This is often managed by a small drafting team
FY21, the teams will be named for Energy, Land & Water, Zero Waste, Transportation, Educa-
representing iSEE, F&S, students, and the iWG. The draft iCAP will be reviewed by iWG mem-
tion, Engagement, and Resilience topics.
bers, the units they represent, and key campus stakeholders, then forwarded to the Sustainability
Council for approval by the Chancellor. An overview of this process is shown below in Figure 23.


The SWATeams will require (a) focused and detailed study and analysis to formulate recom-
mendations, (b) consultation with subject matter experts across campus, and (c) input and
advice from the broader community. Each team has faculty members, staff members, and stu-
dents. The Resilience SWATeam also includes members from local government and other per-
tinent entities. SWATeam members will gather information, synthesize data, and formulate
recommendations in support of achieving the goals and objectives in iCAP. The SWATeam
members will be identified by the iWG co-chairs and iSEE, in consultation with other stake-
holders, and the teams will be formally charged by the Director of iSEE.
Each SWATeam will select a chair or co-chairs to preside over its meetings. Generally, the
chairs will be faculty members, and the charge letter will be copied to their respective deans,
to recognize their efforts for this important campus service.
Each SWATeam will also be provided with an iSEE intern as a clerk to help schedule meet-
ings and prepare minutes and related reports, which will be made publicly available on the iCAP
Portal. The interns are selected and supervised by the iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordi-
nator. Each SWATeam is also expected to call upon larger consultation groups for input, con-
sisting of faculty, researchers, staff, students, and community members with expertise in areas
encompassed by the SWATeam’s topic. The SWATeam recommendations will be finalized by
each SWATeam voting member making a formal comment on the recommendation form and
submitting it to the iWG co-chairs via email for iWG review.
Figure 23: iCAP SWATeam Process Flowchart

212 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x D: f o r m a l p r o c e d u r e s 213


Each SWATeam is expected to: At a minimum, the SWATeams will meet for at least one hour as a whole team once per month

» Perform an annual evaluation of the identifying units, groups, or individuals in September, October, and November each fall and in February, March, and April each spring.
campus’s progress in meeting iCAP who might be well positioned to SWATeams may elect to hold additional meetings on a more frequent basis, to work on a spe-
objectives in the SWATeam’s topical undertake those projects or guide the cific recommendation, but it is not expected that all team members be available at the interim
area. These annual evaluations should be studies. Formal recommendations should meetings. The iWG co-chairs and iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator will attend the
prepared after the end of the fiscal year, be submitted to the iWG chairs using monthly full committee meetings whenever possible, to provide support and guidance, and the
and a report should be provided to the the Recommendation Template.1541 meeting scheduling will be managed by the iSEE interns assigned to each team.
iWG by Sept. 30. The iWG will review SWATeams will consult with consultation groups in formal meetings and/or informally
these reports to ensure consistency » Every five years starting in 2014, re-
as they deem appropriate. The consultation group participants can be invited to SWATeam
and accuracy, and iSEE will work with assess the current sustainability targets,
meetings as non-voting members and/or added to the SWATeam email list, at the discretion
the SWATeams to prepare visuals develop strategies that can be realistically
used to reach those targets, and prepare of the SWATeam and/or the iWG co-chairs. They will also participate in or coordinate public
reflecting the progress reports to be
recommendations for the revisions input meetings at least once per year.
presented to the public during Campus
Sustainability Week each October. to the iCAP. This should include the
development of a recommended long-
» Develop recommendations for specific range pathway for meeting the 2050
actions or studies the campus should iCAP goals. This process should begin
initiate to meet iCAP objectives. On an in the spring, with a full draft of each
ongoing basis, the SWATeam should SWATeam’s suggested objectives
submit recommendations to the iCAP transmitted to the iCAP Working Group
Working Group (iWG). The SWATeam on the schedule provided by the iWG.
should also assist the iWG with


SWATeam members are appointed for a term of one academic year, and they may be reappointed.

154   https://icap.sustainability.illinois.edu/project/sustainability-working-advisory-teams-swateams

214 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x D: f o r m a l p r o c e d u r e s 215

» For small-scale recommendations with 2.0. The iWG may invite members
iCAP Working Group (iWG) minimal policy or budget impacts, of the SWATeam to iWG meetings
the iWG co-chairs will evaluate and when that SWATeam has a new
transmit them directly to impacted recommendation to assess. The iWG
C OMPOSIT ION units, to enable these recommendations will complete a written assessment
to be considered quickly and efficiently. of each supported SWATeam
The iWG is co-chaired by the iSEE Associate Director for Campus Sustainability and the F&S As- A hypothetical example of a small-scale recommendation to accompany
sociate Director for Sustainability. The other members of the iWG include at least a representa- recommendation is to add a link to a the original recommendation.
tive from the Office of the Provost, the chair of the Senate Committee on Campus Operations, the campus website. The iWG co-chairs The iWG co-chairs and the iSEE
chair of the Illinois Student Government’s Committee on Environmental Sustainability, the chair will report to the full iWG about such Sustainability Programs Coordinator
of the Student Sustainability Committee or designee, a representative from the Office of Business recommendations at their regularly will communicate the iWG decisions
and Financial Services (identified by the Special Advisor to the President and Deputy Comptroller), scheduled meetings, and this report will to the SWATeams and related units.
a college-level facility manager (identified by the Executive Director of Facilities & Services), and be incorporated into the iWG minutes.
» When forwarding a large-scale
a representative from Student Affairs/Auxiliaries (identified by the Associate Vice Chancellor for
» SWATeam recommendations with recommendation to the Sustainability
Auxiliary, Health & Wellbeing). Additional students, faculty, or staff may also be invited by iSEE
moderate-to-large impacts on budget Council, the iWG will complete the
as voting members. All iWG members should attend the meetings, or send a proxy if they have an and/or policy will be considered by assessment and identify iWG members
unavoidable conflict. the full iWG. If the iWG feels that to participate in related discussions.
This is intended to be a small working group comprised mainly of mid-level administrators and more detailed study is needed (for The Sustainability Council task force
representing various stakeholders on campus. No members of the iWG can concurrently be a vot- example, a formal feasibility study will meet with the selected iWG
ing member on a SWATeam, with the exception of the Resilience SWATeam. The iWG will also through F&S, or a detailed academic representatives to review and clarify
call upon experts from across campus for input, in a manner analogous to the consultation groups study by faculty and/or students), the the large-scale recommendations
for the SWATeams. iWG will transmit a request for such before the biannual Sustainability
The iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator will serve as an ex-officio member, to schedule a study to the appropriate units and Council meeting. The iWG co-chairs
the iWG meetings and prepare minutes and related reports, which will be made publicly available then reconsider the recommendations will facilitate the implementation of
on the iCAP Portal. once the study is complete. the Sustainability Council’s decisions
(e.g., transmit the recommendation
» The iWG will assess each mid- or to the appropriate units, initiate
large-scale SWATeam recommendation more detailed studies, coordinate
H AND LING SWATE AM RECO MMEN DAT IONS and determine the routing direction. revision of the recommendation for
The recommendation may be re-evaluation by the Sustainability
The iWG does not have authority to make policy changes. It is intended to make recommenda- returned to the SWATeam for further Council, etc.). Occasionally a
tions to campus units and the Sustainability Council and to support the implementation of those clarification, denied by the iWG, SWATeam member may be invited to
recommendations. It receives recommendations from the SWATeams, evaluates and synthesizes transmitted to the related unit(s), or the Sustainability Council meetings
them, and handles them as follows: forwarded to the Sustainability Council to provide background information
if large-scale. An example of a large- about major recommendations, at the
scale recommendation is the Solar Farm
discretion of the Council’s vice-chair.

216 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x D: f o r m a l p r o c e d u r e s 217

All recommendations are shared on the iCAP Portal, and feedback is given to the originating SWA-
Team(s). After the iWG discusses a recommendation, the SWATeam which submitted the original
Sustainability Council
recommendation will be informed about the status of the recommendation. When a recommen-
dation is transmitted to a campus unit, the SWATeam will also be given further updates about the
implementation of the recommendation. All these will include reasons and explanations.
The iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator will track progress on each SWATeam recom- The Sustainability Council was established in 2008 as part of our campus’s implementation
mendation, update the iCAP Portal, share feedback with the SWATeams, and work with the iWG of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, and it was intended
and related units to facilitate the implementation of the successful recommendations. This may to lead sustainability efforts on campus and provide strategic direction and oversight of the
include coordinating task forces, following up when there has been no action on a recommenda- iCAP. The present policy does not attempt to define the entirety of the Sustainability Coun-
tion, and sharing status updates with the iWG co-chairs. This position is dedicated entirely to cil’s role, but merely to formalize its composition and its relationship with the iCAP.
supporting the implementation of the iCAP and facilitating the implementation of the SWATeam

The Sustainability Council is composed of campus decision-makers at the highest level. It

i CAP R E V ISION S is chaired by the Chancellor, but its activities are coordinated by its vice-chair, the Director
of iSEE. Its members include the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost; the Vice
Every five years starting in 2014, the iWG will initiate a process for a revision to the iCAP. For
Chancellor for Research and Innovation; the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; the Vice
each year ending in 4 or 9, the following typical timeline will be followed. Individual SWATeams
Chancellor for Institutional Advancement; the Senior Associate Chancellor for Administra-
will evaluate the sections relevant to their topic during the spring semester and send comments
tion and Operations; the Executive Director of Facilities & Services; the Deans of the three
to the iWG by May. In September, the SWATeams will recommend new or revised iCAP objectives
largest colleges (currently ACES, Engineering, and LAS); the Dean of a smaller college (this
for their topic, and send them to the iWG. iSEE will hold public input sessions on the draft objec-
position rotates annually in alphabetical order); the Chair of the Senate Executive Commit-
tives during Campus Sustainability Week in October, and the iWG will synthesize the SWATeam
tee; the Executive Associate Provost for Capital Planning; the Associate Vice Chancellor for
recommendations and the public input into a complete iCAP revision in the fall. Monthly student
Auxiliary, Health & Wellbeing; the President of the Illinois Student Government; the Chair
input sessions will be held to incorporate the student perspective in the drafting process. The re-
of the Student Sustainability Committee; and the Chair of the Student Sustainability Leader-
vised iCAP will be transmitted to the Sustainability Council before the end of the academic year
ship Council. The iWG co-chairs will participate as non-voting members to provide perspec-
for its evaluation. The Sustainability Council will review the draft iCAP update in the spring, and
tive on the iWG’s recommendations. The iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordinator will help
after any necessary revisions, the new iCAP draft will be submitted for Chancellor approval by Oc-
coordinate the Sustainability Council meetings and help prepare agendas and minutes, which
tober of years divisible by 5.
will be made publicly available on the iCAP Portal.
Large-scale SWATeam recommendations that are forwarded to the Sustainability Council
will first be discussed and clarified by a task force, which is a sub-committee of the Council.
The task force will also discuss and make decisions on some mid-scale recommendations that
need the coordination of multiple campus units and/or are subject to funding issues that can-
not be resolved by corresponding unit(s). This task force will be led by the Senior Associate
Chancellor for Administration and Operations. It will always include the iSEE Director, the F&S

218 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x D: f o r m a l p r o c e d u r e s 219

Executive Director, the Executive Associate Provost for Capital Planning, the Associate Vice Chan- D EC I S I O N S
cellor for Auxiliary, Health & Wellbeing, and the iWG co-chairs (standing members). Additional
Unlike the SWATeams and the iWG, the Sustainability Council and its task force have
Sustainability Council members, iWG members, or other subject matter experts may be invited to
decision-making authority. After evaluating a recommendation brought forward from the
participate as needed, depending on the recommendations to be discussed. The iSEE Sustainability
iWG, the Sustainability Council may take one of the following actions:
Programs Coordinator will provide administrative support for the task force. It is anticipated that
this task force will provide a forum to discuss more difficult sustainability challenges for campus. » The recommendation can be back to the iWG with a request for
accepted, in which case the iWG co- further information or for substantial
chairs will transmit the approved modifications, in which case the
recommendation to the appropriate iWG co-chairs will report back to
i CAP ROLE units and will assist them with the Sustainability Council with
implementation as appropriate. the requested information and/
The Sustainability Council evaluates recommendations in the area of campus sustainability with
or a modified recommendation.
major impacts on budget and/or policy, and bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the » The recommendation can be accepted
campus meets its iCAP targets. with minor revisions, in which case » The recommendation can be rejected.
Every five years, the iWG provides the Sustainability Council with a proposed revision to the the iWG co-chairs will transmit In such cases the Sustainability
iCAP, based on suggestions from the SWATeams. The Sustainability Council has the option to ei- the revised recommendation to the Council will provide the iWG with
ther endorse the revised iCAP as written, or to suggest that the iWG examine modifications and appropriate units and will assist them directions on alternative approaches
report back to the Sustainability Council with a new revision for endorsement. Once the revised with implementation as appropriate. that should be investigated to achieve
iCAP is endorsed by the Sustainability Council, it will be forwarded to the Office of the Chancellor the sustainability goals in question.
for formal approval and adoption. » The recommendation can be sent


The full Sustainability Council meets at least once per semester, typically in November and April.
All Council members should attend these biannual meetings, or send a proxy if they have an un-
avoidable conflict. The Council agendas will be set by the iSEE Director. Agendas include any rec-
ommendations forwarded by the iWG, iCAP revision updates every five years, and general overviews
of campus sustainability strategies and challenges.
The Sustainability Council task force is expected to meet at least once per semester. In the fall,
the task force will generally meet in early October to review the prior fiscal year’s progress. In spring
semesters, the task force will generally meet in early March to discuss major challenges and large-
scale SWATeam recommendations.

220 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020 a p p e n d i x D: f o r m a l p r o c e d u r e s 221

The Role and Responsibility of Campus
Units for Campus Sustainability

Several units throughout campus have contributed directly to the iCAP objectives, including iSEE,
F&S, colleges and auxiliaries. As our iCAP efforts advance, more direct engagement is needed
throughout campus. This section provides an overview of the role and responsibility of campus
units, as it pertains to these procedures.


When a campus unit receives a SWATeam recommendation, the leader of this unit is expected to
support the approval of the recommendation or provide an explanation of why the recommenda-
tion is not being approved. This response should be sent in writing to the iWG co-chairs, and it
will be posted on the iCAP Portal. Responses should describe any issues and forces related to the
recommendation and identify a single point of contact who will be responsible for coordinating
the implementation.
It is expected that responses to SWATeam recommendations will be sent back to the iWG co-
chairs within two weeks of the transmittal to the unit. The iWG co-chairs will send two reminders
within three months if no response occurs.After that the iWG co-chairs may bring the recommen-
dation to the attention of the Sustainability Council’s task force.


When a SWATeam recommendation is supported by the unit leadership, there are often issues that
need to be resolved for the recommendation to be successfully implemented. The campus unit is re-
sponsible for managing the implementation of the recommendation and providing regular updates.
The updates will be requested at least twice per year by the iSEE Sustainability Programs Coordi-
nator, and they will be shared on the iCAP Portal. iSEE and the iWG will provide support and work
with the campus unit to resolve the identified issues.

222 i l l i n o i s c l i m at e a ct i o n p l a n 2020

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