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ENGLISH[Modern Language]


TIME;3Hours Max Marks 100

I . A. Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 lines each 2 X 10=20

1.Supporting with examples, discuss the influence of the French language on English

2.Write short notes on 5 of the following:

a) False etymology b) telescoping c)Syncopation d) freak-formation

e) abbreviation f) Slang terms f) back-formation

3. Discuss the Standardisation of English with examples.

4. what changes of meaning did English language undergo “generalization” and “specialization”?

B. Read the Passage and answer the questions that follow in 5-6 lines each.

The ancient Greek told tales of musicians who played so beautiful that stones danced and moved.
In Arabian Nights, Aladdin had a wonderful lamp that could give him anything he wanted. The
genie of the lamp could build a castle for him in the twinkling of an eye. That didn’t make the
genie tired because he used magic instead of energy. It is not really surprising that people made
up these tales. Work was so hard that everyone longed for some way to do it without wearing a
person out. But no one ever actually saw anything done by magic and no one ever did anything
by magic. Any work that was ever done took energy. And if people did it, it took effort and made
them tired.

1. Why did the genie not get tired?

2. Why did people make up tales?

3. What does “wearing a person out” mean?

4. What were the ancient Greek tales about?

5. What does work require?

C. Read the poem and answer the questions. 5 X 2 = 10

That time of the year thou may in me behold

When yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold.
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds say.
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth dath lie
As the death-bed whereon it must expire
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceiv’st, which makes thy love more strong
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

i) Who do you think is the speaker in the poem and to when is he/She speaking?
ii) List the words that suggest colours in the poem?
iii) What are the different images in the poem?
iv) What is the theme of the poem?
v) What according to the poet, makes love “more strong”?

II. (A) Answer any two of the following choosing one from each section.
i) A lyric is unrivalled for its word-music. Discuss.
ii) What are the main features of elegy? Discuss
iii) Write an essay on the Ode with special reference to the English Ode.
iv)Discuss the different varieties of Sonnets.
v) Discuss the Ballad as a narrative poem.
vi)The dramatic monologue is a poetic form with dramatic affinities Elaborate.
III. Answer any two of the following 2X10=20
1. Define plot as a logical sequence of events.
2. Drama is a resolution of conflicts. Do you agree?
3. Dialogue is an expression of character. Illustrate.
4. Elaborate on the significance of the charecterisation in a play with examples.
IV. Answer any two of the following 2X10=20
1. Discuss the use of point of view in fiction
2. What are the important of setting in fiction?
3. Discuss with examples the important elements of fiction.
4. Consider irony as an important element of narrative technique.

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