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Math Portfolio

Logarithm Bases
Cristen Dick
November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick


This portfolio explores the mathematical concept of logarithm bases. The concept includes the
relationship between logarithmic formula and exponential formula, solving exponential equations, log
laws, and the common base therom. The goal is to use the basic knowledge of different math concepts,
such as sequences and series, and solving exponential equations, and apply these to the concept of

Part 1:

Term: Logarithmic Formula (Log b A): Set equal to X: Exponential Formula (B x = A): Solve:
1 Log 2 8 Log 2 8 = x 2 =8 2 x= 8
2 x= 2 3
X = 3 / 1 or 3
2 Log 4 8 Log 4 8 = x 4 x= 8 4 x= 8
( 2 2) x= 2 3
2 2x= 2 3
3 Log 8 8 Log 8 8 = x 8 x= 8 8 x= 8 *
X = 1 / 1 or 3 / 3
4 Log 16 8 Log 16 8 = x 16 x = 8 16 x = 8
( 2 4) x = 2 3
2 4x = 2 3
5 Log 32 8 Log 32 8 = x 32 x = 8 32 x = 8
( 2 5) x = 2 3
2 5x = 2 3
6 (new term) Log 64 8 Log 64 8 = x 64 x = 8 64 x = 8
( 2 6) x = 2 3
2 6x = 2 3
X = 3 / 6 or 1 / 2
7 (new term) Log 128 8 Log 128 8 = x 128 x = 8 128 x = 8
( 2 7) x = 2 3
2 7x = 2 3
In the charts below, each logarithmic term (Log b A) in each sequence (Log b A …) was set equal to
the variable X. This turned them into an equation and enabled each to be transformed into exponential
formula (B x = A). Once in the exponential formula the variable X (exponent value) is solved for. To solve
for the variable the common base technique is used. In this technique the bases on each side of the
equation are made equal with a different exponent on each of them. When the bases are the same on
both sides of the equation they can be cancelled out and the exponents left to solve for the variable.
This will aid in the collecting the following two terms in each sequence and the development of an
expression for the nth term of each sequence later in this portfolio.

Table 1.0 - Sequence 1

*Term 3, Solve – Since the base and the argument both share the same values the variable is automatically 1. Also the common
base therom was not used because the bases were already the same. However, if common base therom was used, one would

November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick

see that the base and exponent would continue in the pattern. For sequence one, the base (b) of 2 and consecutive exponents
(the exponent of term 2 was 2, so term 3 exponent would be 3) would continue the pattern. (These observations apply to the
rest of the tables as well)

Term # 6 and 7 are the continuing terms of sequence #1. They were found by finding a pattern
within the 5 terms before. The pattern found was the base (b) was 2 and was raised to a consecutive
exponent. (21, 22, 23, 24…) Therefore term 6 had a base of 26 which equals 64, and term 7 had a base of 2 7
which equals 128. The argument (A) of the first 5 terms all remained the same, 8, which gave terms 6
and 7 the same argument.

Table 1.1 – Sequence 2

Term: Logarithmic Formula (Log b Set equal to Exponential Formula (B x = Solve:
A): X: A):
1 Log 381 Log 381= x 3 x = 81 3 x = 81
3 x= 3 4
X = 4 / 1 or 4
2 Log 9 81 Log 9 81= x 9 x = 81 9 x = 81
( 3 2) x= 3 4
3 2x= 3 4
X = 4 / 2 or 2 / 1 or
3 Log 27 81 Log 27 81= x 27 x = 81 27 x = 81
( 3 3) x = 3 4
3 3x = 3 4
4 Log 81 81 Log 81 81= x 81 x = 81 81 x = 81
X = 1 / 1 or 4 / 4
5 (new term) Log 243 81 Log 243 81= x 243 x = 81 243 x = 81
( 3 5) x = 3 4
3 5x = 3 4
6 (new Log 729 81 Log 729 81= x 729 x = 81 729 x = 81
Term) ( 3 6) x = 3 4
3 6x = 3 4
X = 4 / 6 or 2 / 3

The 5th and 6th terms are the continuing terms in sequence 2. They were found by looking at the
patterns that developed from term 1 to term 4. Two patterns were distinguished. These are a pattern
within the base and the argument. The argument (A) always stayed the same so the repetition of 81
continued through to term 5 and 6. The pattern that developed within the base (b) was a repetition of
the base number 3 and the consecutive exponents continued. Thus 3 5 which equals 243 was put for the
base of term 5 and 36 which equals 729 was put as the base for term 6.

Table 1.2 – Sequence 3

Term: Logarithmic Formula (Log b A): Set equal to X: Exponential Formula (B x = A): Solve:
1 Log 5 25 Log 5 25= x 5 x = 25 5 x = 25
5 x= 5 2
X = 2 / 1 or 2
2 Log 25 25 Log 25 25= x 25x = 25 25x = 25
X = 1 / 1 or 2 / 2
3 Log 125 25 Log 125 25= x 125 x = 25 125 x = 25
( 5 3) x = 5 2

November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick

5 3x = 5 2
4 Log 625 25 Log 625 25= x 625 x = 25 625 x = 25
( 5 4) x= 5 2
5 4x= 5 2
X = 2 / 4 or 1 / 2
5 (new term) Log 3125 25 Log 3125 25= x 3125 x = 25 3125 x = 25
( 5 5) x = 5 2
5 5x = 5 2
6 (new term) Log 15625 25 Log 15625 25= x 15625 x = 25 15625 x = 25
( 5 6) x = 5 2
5 6x = 5 2
X = 2 / 6 or 1 / 3
Terms 5 and 6 are the next two terms of sequence three. They were found by looking at the
patterns of the above terms. The argument (A) was found to repeat on the above terms making term 5
and 6 have arguments of 25. The base (b) was found to stay 5 through the above terms. So term 5 and 6
have 5 as their bases. However the bases also had an exponent which was consecutive. Since term 4’s
exponent was consecutive from the ones before, and it was 4, term 5 and 6’s exponents followed
pattern and were 5 then 6.

Table 1.3 – Sequence 4

Term: Logarithmic Formula (Log b A): Set equal to X: Exponential Formula (B x = A): Solve:
1 Log m m k Log m m k = x m x= m k m x= m k
2 Log m2 m k Log m2 m k = x ( m 2)x= m k ( m 2)x= m k
m 2x = m k
2 x= k
3 Log m3 m k Log m3 m k = x ( m 3) x= m k ( m 3) x= m k
m 3x = m k
4 Log m4 m k Log m4 m k = x ( m 4)x = m k ( m 4)x = m k
m 4x= m k
5 (new term) Log m5 m k Log m5 m k = x ( m 5)x= m k ( m 5)x= m k
m 5x = m k
6 (new term) Log m6 m k Log m6 m k = x ( m 6)x = m k ( m 6)x = m k
m 6x = m k
Term 5 and 6 of sequence 4, were found by the use of patterns seen in the terms above. The
patters were a repetition of argument (A), m k, and a repeated base of m with a consecutive exponent.
Thus the arguments of term 5 and 6 are m k and their bases are m to the next consecutive exponent.
Since term 4’s exponent was 4, term 5 became 5, and term 6, became 6.
Part 2:

November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick

Table 1.0 – 1.3 above illustrated that there is a pattern within the terms of each sequence. To
find the expression for the nth term of the sequence the patterns need to be separated to distinguish the
overall trend. These are regarding the term, base, argument, and exponent. In the tables below these
trends are noted and an expression was found. For every sequence, the logarithmic expression was
found to have log in the formula, a common base to the power of n (1, 2, 3, 4 …ECT) and a common
argument. It was also discovered that the power (n) which the base was put to was related to the term
number. For example, in sequence 1, term 4 - Log 2 ^ 4 8 the base of 2 is put to the power of 4. This
relationship was seen in the terms in each sequence in both logarithmic and when solving exponential
form. The answer for the exponent had the relationship of a variable or number over n, where n was the
term number. Since each expression created, for example sequence 1 is Log 2^n 8 = 3 / n, is equal to each
other the expression for the nth term was chosen as the right side of equation since it is written in p / q

Sequence 1 - Log 2 8, Log 4 8, Log 8 8, Log 16 8, Log 32 8, Log 64 8, Log 128 8.

Table 1.4
Term: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n
Base: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2n
Argument: 8 or 2 3 8 or 2 3 8 or 2 3 8 or 2 3 8 or 2 3 8 or 2 3 8 or 2 3 8 or 2 3
Exponent: 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/n

Therefore the expression is: Log 2^n 8 = 3 / n

Addition example to prove expression:

Next term in the sequence after term 7; Log 128 8 is term 8; Log 256 8. According to the expression
the result should be 3 over the term number. This would give an answer of 3 / 8.

Table 1.5
Initial: Put Into Exponential Form: Common Base Therom:
Log 256 8 256 x = 8 ( 2 8) x = 2 3
2 8x = 2 3

Sequence 2 - Log 381, Log 9 81, Log 27 81, Log 81 81, Log 243 81, Log 729 81

Table 1.6
Term: 1 2 3 4 5 6 n
Base: 31 32 33 34 35 36 3n
Argument: 81 or 3 4 81 or 3 4 81 or 3 4 81 or 3 4 81 or 3 4 81 or 3 4 81 or 3 4
Exponent: 4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4 4/5 4/6 4/n

Therefore the expression is: Log 3^n 81 = 4 / n

Additional Example to prove expression:

The next term in sequence two, is term 7: Log 2187 81. Our expression is 4 / n therefore the result
should be 4 / 7.

Table 1.7
Initial: Put Into Exponential Form: Common Base Therom:
Log 2187 81 2187 x = 81 ( 3 7) x = 3 4

November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick

3 7x = 3 4

Sequence 3 - Log 5 25, Log 25 25, Log 125 25, Log 625 25, Log 3125 25, Log 15625 25

Table 1.8

Term: 1 2 3 4 5 6 n
Base: 51 52 53 54 55 56 5n
Argument: 25 or 5 2 25 or 5 2 25 or 5 2 25 or 5 2 25 or 5 2 25 or 5 2 25 or 5 2
Exponent: 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/n
Therefore the expression is: Log 5^n 25 = 2 / n

Additional Example to Prove Expression:

The next in this sequence is term 7; Log 78125 25. According to the expression the result of this
expression should be 2 / 7.

Table 1.9
Initial: Put Into Exponential Form: Common Base Therom:
Log 78125 25 78125 x = 25 ( 5 7) x = 5 2
5 7x = 5 2

Sequence 4 - Log m m k, Log m2 m k, Log m3 m k, Log m4 m k, Log m5 m k, Log m6 mk

Term: 1 2 3 4 5 6 n
Base: m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 mn
Argument: mk mk mk mk mk mk mk
Exponent: k/1 k/2 k/3 k/4 k/5 k/6 k/n
Table 2.0

Therefore the expression is: Log m^n mk = k / n

Additional Example to Prove Expression:

The next term in sequence 4 is term 7; Log m^7 mk. Thus the result will be K / n.

Table 2.1
Initial: Put Into Exponential Form: Common Base Therom:
Log m^7 mk ( m^7) x = mk ( m 7) x = m k
m 7x = m k

This can be justified algebraically to find the nth term (an):

Table 2.2
Steps Sequence 1: Sequence 2: Sequence 3: Sequence 4:

November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick

1 First the equation is a n = Log 2 ^ n 8 a n = Log 3 ^ n 81 a n = Log 5 ^ n 25 a n = Log m ^ n m k
set up in logarithmic
2 Then the equation is ( 2 n) an = 8 ( 3 n ) a n = 81 ( 5 n ) a n = 25 ( m n) an = m k
rewritten into
exponential form
3 Then the change of ( 2 n) an = 2 3 ( 3 n) an = 3 4 ( 5 n) an = 5 2 ( m n) an = m k*
base formula is
applied to make the
bases the same
4 The equations is 2 (n•an) = 2 3 3 (n•an) = 3 4 5 (n•an) = 5 2 m (n•an) = m k
5 The bases are n•an=3 n•an=4 n•an=2 n•an=k
eliminated from
equation now that
they are the same
leaving the
6 Lastly an is isolated an=3/n a n =4 / n an=2/n an=k/n
*Step 3, Sequence 4 – The change of base formula is not applied because a variable is in place of a number thus the bases are
already the same.

Part 3:

A relationship between exponents and logs has been found as the answers for all log terms is
the exponent that the base must be put to, to get the value of the argument. The charts below explore
this observation as the answers are calculated to notice a pattern within the exponents of the same

A. Log464, Log864, Log3264

Table 2.3
Log 4 64 Log 8 64 Log 32 64
a 1 = log 4 64 a 2 = log 8 64 a 3 = log 32 64
4 ^ a 1 = 64 8 ^ a 2 = 64 32 ^ a 3 = 64
4 ^ a1= 4 3 8 ^a2= 8 2 ( 2 5) a3= 2 6
a1=3/1 a2=2/1 ( 2 ) 5•a3 = 2 6
5 • a 3= 6

b. Log749, Log4949, Log34349

Table 2.4
Log 7 49 Log 49 49 Log 343 49
a 1 = log 7 49 a 2 = log 49 49 a 3 = log 343 49
7 ^ a 1 = 49 49 ^ a 2 = 49 343 ^ a 3 = 49
7 ^ a1= 7 2 a2=1/1 ( 7 3) a3= 7 2
a1=2/1 ( 7 ) 3•a3 = 7 2
3 •a 3 = 2

November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick

c. Log1/5125, Log1/125125, Log1/625125

Table 2.5
Log 1 / 5 125 Log 1 / 125 125 Log 1 / 625 125
a 1 = log 1 / 5 125 A 2 = log 1 / 125 125 a 3 = log 1 / 625 125
( 1 / 5 ) ^ a 1 = 125 ( 1 / 125 ) ^ a 2 = 125 ( 1 / 625 ) ^ a 3 = 125
( 5 / 1 ) ^ -a1= 5 3 ( 125 / 1 ) ^ - a 2 = 125 ( 1 / 5 4) ^a3= 5 2
5 ^ -a1= 5 3 125 ^ - a 2 = 125 ( 5 –4/ 1 ) ^a3 = 5 2
-a1=3/1 -a2=1/1 ( 5 ) –4•a3= 5 2
a1=-3/1 a2=-1/1 -4•a3=2
a 3 = - 2 / 4 = -1 / 2

d. Log8512, Log2512, Log16512

Table 2.6
Log8512 Log2512 Log16512
a 1 = log 8 512 a 2 = log 2 512 a 3 = log 16 512
8 ^ a 1 = 512 2 ^ a 2 = 512 16 ^ a 3 = 512
8 ^ a1= 8 3 2 ^ a 2 = 29 ( 2 4 ) ^ a 3 = 29
a1=3/1 a2= 9/1 (2) 4 •a3 = 29
4 •a3 = 9

To obtain the third answer from the first two answers the bases are multiplied. This is base of A 1
is multiplied by base of A2 to get base of A3. This works in the original logarithmic equations, Log b X,
however it does not work within the final answers. This is because the 3 rd term in each sequence does
not have a whole exponent that the base can be put the power to get the value of the argument. The
last term in each sequence have fractions as their powers.

Two extra examples illustrating the pattern:

e. Log4256, Log16256, Log64256 (4 x 16 = 64)

f. Log381, Log981, Log2781 (3 x 9 = 27)

Part 4:

Given Log a X = C and Log b X = D, the general statement becomes Log a b X = C D / C + D

Table 2.7
Ex. Log 4 64 = 3, Log 2 64 = 6 Ex. Log 9 81 = 2 , Log 3 81 = 4
Log a b X = C D / C + D Log a b X = C D / C + D
Log 4 ( 2 )64 = 3 ( 6 ) / 3 + 6 Log 9 ( 3 ) 81 = 2 ( 4 ) / 2 + 4
Log 8 64 = 18 / 9 Log 27 81 = 8 / 6
Log 8 64 = 2 Log 27 81 = 4 / 3
Check: Log 8 64 = 2 Check: Log 27 81 = 4 / 3
8 2 = 64 27 ( 4 / 3 ) = 81

November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick

64 = 64 81 = 81

This equation was derived through substitution, and the identities of; Log X = 1 / Log, Log b (m•n)
= Log b m + Log b N, and Log b (m/n) = Log b m – Log b n. Since Log a b X had base ab, they need to be split
apart in order to be able to substitute C and D into the equation. The identity Log X = 1 / Log was used to
convert Log (ab) X into 1 / (Log x a b). Then the identity (log law), Log b (m•n) = Log b m + Log b N, was used
to separate the a and b variables. This resulted in the equation 1 / (Log x a + log x b). From here the
identity Log X = 1 / Log was used again to put the variables as the bases and X as the argument. This let C
and D be substituted into the equation because C = Log a X, and D = Log x b. From there the identities are
used backwards from the inside to out. When the rules are used backwards anything that is added is
multiplied and anything that is divided is subtracted. Visa Versa. Thus the (1 / C) and (1 / D) become (1 -
C) and (1 -D) using the identity Log b (m/n) = Log b m – Log b n. Since these are added together they
become multiply be each other using identity Log b (m•n) = Log b m + Log b N. Once they are foiled out the
equation becomes; 1/ (1 – D – C + C D). Now the equation becomes 1 – (1 – D – C + C D ) since the
numerator was divided by the denominator. Again the brackets are expanded multiplying the 1 –
through the rest of the equation. This gets rid of the denominator to give the expression 1 - 1 + D + C – C
D. It is now simplified by cancelling out the ones and leaving D + C – C D. The final step is to use the 2 nd
and 3rd identities mentioned by multiplying D and C and dividing this by C plus D.

Log a (b) X = 1/ [(1 – C) (1 - D)]

= 1 / (Log x a b) = 1/ (1 – D – C + C D)
= 1 / (Log x a + log x b) = 1 – (1 – D – C + C D )
= 1 / [(1 / Log a X) + (1 / Log b X)] =1-1+D+C–CD
= 1 / [(1 / C) + (1 / D)] =D+C–CD
= 1 / [(1 – C) + (1 – D)] = C•D / C + D

Limitations of this equation:

1. Log ( a • b) x = c •d / c + d is undefined if argument x is a negative number
This is undefined because no positive number can be put to an exponent that will give a negative
2. Log ( a • b) o = c •d / c + d is undefined
This is undefined because there is no power that the base can be put to, to give 0.
3. Log ( a • b) ( a b ) = ½
This is not usually equal to ½ because any base that has the same argument is equal to one. (Log b b
= 1) However 1 x 1 / 1 + 1 does not equal one. It equals 1 / 2.
4. Log ( a • b) 1 = 0
5. This is equal to zero since log b 1 = 0 always. Thus Log ( a • b) 1 =[ 0 x 0 / 0 + 0 ], Log ( a • b) 1 = 0.


In conclusion this portfolio has been successful in its goal to explore logarithmic bases. New
knowledge has been found in the relationship terms of the same argument have within them and to
different terms. In all exploring these terms and creating new terms have been successful as multiple

November 1, 2008 Math Portfolio: Logarithm Bases Cristen Dick

expressions and statements have been noted. The outcome has given an all round general knowledge of
logarithmic bases, many formulas, and rational expressions.


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