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Section 7.

Write-up checklist

Section 7.5: How to write up the project

Checklist for coursework write-up

1. General
Have presented write-up using the sections indicated in the specification [ ]
(Analysis, Design, Testing, User Manual, System Maintenance Manual,
Appraisal, Appendices)
Have spell-checked and grammar-checked the work [ ]
Have proofread the work [ ]
Have used continuous page numbers in the bottom right corner of the page [ ]
Have a footer on each page that contains the date and the section title (e.g. [ ]
Have included a header on each page that contains centre number, candidate [ ]
name, candidate number and title of project
Have used consistent style for titles and sub-titles [ ]
Have a contents page for the coursework [ ]
Have used a consistent referencing system throughout the project write-up when [ ]
referring to items in the appendices

AQA Computing A2 © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009 1

Section 7.5
Write-up checklist

2. Analysis
Identification of the problem [ ]
Description of the current system [ ]
Description of the problems with the current system [ ]
Included input forms, outputs forms and reports from current system [ ]
Details of any algorithms used in the current system [ ]
Identification of the potential users (there may be more than one type of user) [ ]
Identification of the user needs [ ]
Identification of acceptable limitations and constraints [ ]
Data sources and data destinations [ ]
Data volumes: for each data input and output, have stated their quantity and [ ]
regularity. Estimated the size of files so storage requirements can be identified.
Analysis Data Dictionary. Should include:
identification of entities [ ]
attributes (fields) identified for each entity [ ]
for each field specification of data types, minimum and maximum values [ ]
a description of each item of data [ ]
identified related fields between the entities (primary and foreign keys). [ ]
Data Flow Diagram(s) of existing system to level 1 [ ]
Data Flow Diagram(s) of proposed system to level 1 [ ]
Objectives of the proposed system [ ]
Used SMART objectives [ ]
Objectives have been agreed with the user(s) [ ]
Realistic appraisal of the feasibility of potential solutions [ ]
Justification of chosen solution [ ]
Use of fact-finding methods, e.g. observation, interview, questionnaire, analysis [ ]
of existing paperwork
E-R diagrams (if appropriate) [ ]
Identification of objects (if appropriate) [ ]
Object analysis diagrams (if appropriate) [ ]

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Section 7.5
Write-up checklist

3. Design
Overall system design (could include system flow charts) [ ]
Identified the inputs, processes and outputs of the system being designed [ ]
Identified minimum hardware requirements [ ]
Description of modular structure of system (could include hierarchy charts and [ ]
structure charts)
Included a design data dictionary featuring: [ ]
description of record structure [ ]
validation required [ ]
file organisation and processing (if appropriate) [ ]
identification of appropriate data structures [ ]
database design including normalised relations and E-R diagram (if appropriate) [ ]
identification of appropriate storage media. [ ]
Identification of algorithms using structured English or pseudo code [ ]
Description of needed queries using SQL (if appropriate) [ ]
Class/object diagrams (if appropriate) [ ]
Class/object definitions (if appropriate) [ ]
Details of object behaviours and methods (if appropriate) [ ]
User interface design:
Sample of planned valid output designs [ ]
Sample of planned data entry designs [ ]
Justification of user interface decisions [ ]
Description of measures for security and integrity of data [ ]
Description of measures for system security [ ]
Test strategy [ ]
Preliminary test plan [ ]
Detailed test data [ ]

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Section 7.5
Write-up checklist

4. Testing
A detailed test plan that includes:
 details of tests that will be conducted [ ]
 expected results for each test [ ]
 the purpose of each test [ ]
 details of the actual result of each test [ ]
[ ]
 clearly identified test data.
A minimal set of test data has been used [ ]
Samples of actual test runs [ ]
Samples are cross-referenced to the test plan [ ]
Samples are annotated [ ]
Testing includes the use of:
 typical data [ ]
 erroneous data [ ]
 boundary (extreme) data. [ ]

All significant aspects of system have been thoroughly tested using typical, [ ]
boundary and erroneous data

AQA Computing A2 © Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009 4

Section 7.5
Write-up checklist

5. System maintenance
Brief overview of the environment used to develop the system – including its [ ]
features and capabilities
System overview – a technical overview of the solution [ ]
Explanation of the modular structure of the code [ ]
Annotated variable lists [ ]
Screen shots of tables, forms, queries, relationship windows, etc. ... in design view [ ]
(not all of these apply to all projects)
Discussion of the results of the testing with reference to the testing section [ ]
Explanation of difficult to understand parts of the programming code that have [ ]
been developed
Samples of annotated algorithms that have been developed [ ]
Reference to the program listing in the appendix [ ]
List of system settings/configuration [ ]
Acknowledgment of any code that has been automatically generated or has been [ ]
taken from other sources (if applicable)
All programming code (except that generated automatically) has been put in an [ ]
Sensible identifiers have been used throughout (i.e. sensible variable names, [ ]
procedure names, etc. ...)
Consistent use of upper/lower case in identifiers, e.g. CamelCaps [ ]
Indentation has been used to improve code readability (2 columns per indent [ ]
Use of indentation is consistent [ ]
Every subroutine begins with a comment about what it does [ ]
Used appropriate commenting to explain code [ ]
Commenting has been done using the standard commenting features of the [ ]
development environment (i.e. no handwritten comments)
Used local variables wherever possible [ ]
Used procedures and functions with interfaces [ ]
Used structured programming – selection and repetition [ ]

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Section 7.5
Write-up checklist

6. User manual
Introduction: what the system developed can do [ ]
Introduction: Who the users are of the system that has been developed [ ]
Described how to install/load/start the application that has been created [ ]
Have described how to use all of the significant functions of the application. This [ ]
description should include:
 how to save data in the application [ ]
 how to use the menus provided in the application [ ]
 how to use dialogue boxes in the application [ ]
 how to view/print reports provided in the application [ ]
[ ]
 how to use all other aspects of the system
[ ]
 actual screen displays
[ ]
 examples to help explanations.
Explained error messages that the user may see and how to resolve the problems [ ]
that have occurred
How to carry out back-up and recovery procedures [ ]
Have described any limitations of the application – what is it unable to do? [ ]
Have described the validation that has been set up so that the user is aware of [ ]
what data they can/cannot enter (this should be a non-technical description)
User manual is appropriate in terms of content, language and presentation for the [ ]
intended user
Have included a user guide for each of the different types of user of the [ ]
application (if applicable)
Have provided a full copy of the contents of the on-line help (if applicable) [ ]
If on-line help is provided, user manual contains an overview of the application [ ]
together with installation instructions
User manual is a self-contained document (it makes no reference to any other [ ]
section of the write-up
User manual has its own contents page [ ]
User manual has two sets of page numbers – its own page numbers and page [ ]
numbers for the coursework write-up

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Section 7.5
Write-up checklist

7. Appraisal
For each objective stated in the analysis section have described how the objective [ ]
has been met
Used SMART objectives [ ]
Have evaluated the useability of the system [ ]
Included evidence of genuine user feedback [ ]
Clear analysis of user feedback [ ]
Suggested possible improvements/extensions that could be made to the system [ ]
Suggested improvements/extensions are realistic [ ]
Described how improvements/extensions could be incorporated into the system [ ]

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