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A Cell is like Army Camp

The nucleus in a cell is like the general, because the nucleus is the main organelle that
controls and tells the others what to do, just like how a general is the one that tells every
soldier what to do. Also the nucleus is the place were all the genetic information is like
how the general keeps all the information.

The cell membrane is like the wall around the army camp, the cell membrane is the
protection of the cell and is what keeps the bad stuff out, like how in a army camp the
wall is what keeps the enemy out and protects the inside.

The Golgi apparatus to me is like the weapons room, because the golgi apparatus is the
organelle that has to sort out, package, and process proteins, like how in a weapon room
they sort out and package the weapons to the soldiers that need them. Also the golgi
apparatus can package and store proteins for later use like how in a weapons room they
can store the weapons if they don’t need them.

The vacuoles in a cell are like the storage rooms, because the vacuoles can store many
things like water and enzymes, like how u can fill up different storage rooms with
different things, and a cell has lots of vacuoles like how a army camp has many storage

Lysosomes are like the soldiers, lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles that contain
enzymes. They defend a cell from invading bacteria and viruses, like how the soldiers
help defend the army camp from invaders. Also lysosomes tend to break down damaged
or worn-out cell parts like how a soldier would through away damaged parts of the camp.

Vesicles to me are like delivery trucks, vesicles are a general name used to describe small
membrane-bound sacs that devide some materials from the rest of the cytoplasm and
transport these materials from place to place within the cell, like how a delivery truck
would divide and them take what it has to were ever it is needed in the camp.

The cytoskeleton to me is like the computer network of the army camp, the cytoskeleton
is what supports and makes the shape of the cell, like how the computer network helps
support and helps show the shape and expance of the camp. Also the cytoskeleton is
made of long threads, or fibers, that crisscross the entire cell just like how the network
crisscrosses around the entire camp.

Mitochondria are like the camps generators, mitochondria supply energy to the cell, like
how the camps generator supplys energy to the camp. Mitochondria use a series of
chemical reactions to make energy that the cell can use like how the generator uses
chemical reactions to make energy that the camp can use to power there lights.

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