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Fanning: Be sure to cast your ballot Nov.

3 Excel at the
Published November 2, 2020

Southern Company CEO Tom Fanning today sent the following message to all system employees:
Achieve success with
Tomorrow is Election Day. I wanted to send a short note to encourage everyone to take time major construction
tomorrow and go vote. Not only is voting the right thing to do, it is an integral part of how at
Southern Company, we make the communities where we live and serve better because we are there.
Our democracy is at its strongest when everyone makes their voices heard.
Support the building of
Thank you to those who have already joined a record 92 million Americans and participated in the national energy policy
federal, state and local elections by taking advantage of early voting options. For those heading to
the polls on Tuesday, please take note of the CDC guidelines and be sure to keep in mind our No. 1
Value – Safety First – at all times.
Promote energy
Regardless of the outcome of these elections, my desire is for all of us to unite as a country and as a innovation
company. Let’s focus on Our Values – Safety First, Unquestionable Trust, Superior Performance and
Total Commitment – to guide us to make good, sound decisions every day. Let’s continue to put the
needs of those we serve – our customers and our communities – at the center of everything we do
and support the energy policies and services that will help everyone prosper. Value and develop
our people
Thank you for everything you do to make this company great.

I am proud to be on your team.


Additionally, below are the CDC guidelines to minimize the spread of COVID-19 while voting:

U. Wear a mask.
Wearing a mask while out in public can reduce the spread of coronavirus as the virus is airborne.
Aerosols and respiratory droplets can spread when people talk, sing, laugh, cough, sneeze or
breathe. The CDC recommends that people wear masks with two or three layers. It’s imperative
you make sure your mask completely covers your nose and mouth and that it fits snugly to your
face with no gaps on the sides. Masks are not recommended for children below the age of 2 or
anyone who has trouble breathing.

X. Continue to socially distance.

According to the CDC, coronavirus spreads mainly among people who are in close contact for a
prolonged period. States anticipate lines at the polls, but we encourage social distancing
throughout the process. The CDC recommends a minimum of 6 feet (or two arms’ length) if
possible. Be mindful of your polling location’s markers on where to stand.

]. Practice other key healthy behaviors.

It’s recommended that people maintain healthy behaviors as they vote. Wash your hands before
entering your polling location and after leaving it. Use hand sanitizer as you use high touch
areas like door handles and voting machines. Ensure your hands are completely dry before using
electronic voting machines.

^. Be prepared.
Be in the know about your voting locations and requirements in advance, verify voter
registration in advance when possible, ensure you have all necessary documents to avoid delays,
bring your own black ink pen and a stylus from home to avoid touching the screen on voting

_. Take care of your mental health.

Pandemics are stressful. Elections are stressful. It’s okay to process your feelings about both as
you walk into Election Day. The CDC provides many helpful tips on how to cope and improve
your mental health. There are several resources available that can make Election Day easier for
you. Through LifeSOurce (formerly the Employee Assistance Program), employees can access the
Emotional Wellbeing toolkit, which can provide support for a host of common life experiences
that impact mental wellbeing, such as having a baby, elder care, stress, anxiety and depression.
The toolkit can be accessed from the home page of mySOurce (password: wellbeing).

You can visit the CDC website to learn more about selecting and wearing masks, social distancing,
healthy behaviors, coping with stress and recommendations for voting on Election Day.
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Last Modified on 11/02/2020 15:37:25 | Page Contact: Darryl Bennett: 8-506-0645 SO Today | Highlights

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