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/ Walter Heinze CONCORDANCIAS (5 estudios) I (a Harold Gramatges) Walter Heinze is an Argentinian guitar player, compose and teacher, born in Ente Rio. He bas given ‘concerts in Argentina and throughout South America a5 ‘well asin France, performing his own compositions, some of which have also been recorded by other aitarists in Argentina and abroad. Many of bis former students who atended his classes atthe Escuela de Misica, Danza y Teatro ia Parané and the Instituto Superior de Mica de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Santa Fe, are now wellknown soloists or ‘members of musical groups in Argentine and ther ‘counties. The five studies grouped under the name Concordancias wee writen in 1996, the frst thre after 4 meeting with Harold Gramatges at his howse in Havana and the remaining two a few months later They were frst performed by Victor Villaangos a the Guitar Seminar in Col, Entre Ris, in February 1997 ‘The first and fourth are “slur staies", making use of this technical resource so. characteristic ‘of the _uitar. The second isa short song, the third tango with slurs inthe fist par and the if offers an arpeagio that inthe second section reveal a minor pentatonic scale in the Huayno chythm, ‘From notes supplied by the composers and by Nelly Menotti English version: Keith Anderson Walter Heinze: Concordancias 947 B Movie 1:06 @ Wtranquilo. 96 BH MTangueando 2s aw iat DV Andando 188 I Movido da Capo rn rec. ba Wataonss (Yee ye hess CONCORDANCIAS osu (5 estudios) I (a Harold Gramatges) Walter Heinze Movido p i@ on GETS ee = Sa gianna i - ; 3 7 (2* vez apagado el bajo) gee f fr 3 per Sue S To 84 3 (a Elvira) Tranquilo Walter Heinze UI ‘ (a Viti Villadangos) ‘Walter Heinze Tangueando (enérgico) > > z PoP rere FP ort Apagado (étouffe) Te eo TE Ph SSS IV 6 Walter Heinze aE MT a i Walter Heinze CE sem a a tes al — po Ld alban perdiéndose

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