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Ben Kibler
Aaron D. Sciascia Editors

Disorders of the
Scapula and Their Role
in Shoulder Injury

A Clinical Guide
to Evaluation and

Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role
in Shoulder Injury
W. Ben Kibler  •  Aaron D. Sciascia

Disorders of the Scapula

and Their Role in
Shoulder Injury
A Clinical Guide to Evaluation
and Management
W. Ben Kibler Aaron D. Sciascia
Lexington Clinic Orthopedics and Eastern Kentucky University
Sports Medicine Center Richmond, KY
Lexington, KY USA

ISBN 978-3-319-53582-1    ISBN 978-3-319-53584-5 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017941729

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Foreword I

 hy This Book Should Be Written (A Shoulder Surgeon’s


As the pathoanatomy of the shoulder comes into greater clarity, the dynamic
role that the scapula plays in that complex relationship is also becoming
apparent. However, until recently, the scapula may have been incompletely
considered [1]. It is quickly becoming obvious that the scapula must be thor-
oughly studied to effectively optimize treatment of shoulder injuries of all
natures. For a practicing orthopedic surgeon, this relationship is important to
consider when seeing patients in clinic for outpatient treatment, in planning
operative interventions for shoulder injuries, and as an integral part of the
recovery process. Indeed, the senior author feels that correcting scapular
positioning and tracking is the key to the long-term success of any operative
intervention involving the shoulder. Scapular dysfunction is present in some
form in all patients with shoulder pathology, and it can alter the accuracy of
the examination, imaging, and outcome of both operative and non-operative
treatment if not recognized and managed appropriately. Thus, the accurate
recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of scapular disorders are an imperative
for any surgeon wishing to successfully treat shoulder injuries [1].


Scapular dyskinesis is determined during the clinical exam, thus requiring

that practicing clinicians be able to recognize the abnormality as well as be
informed of the appropriate treatment [2]. The scope of this book aims to
address that need, making it an invaluable tool. Scapular dyskinesis can be
caused by both internal factors (intrinsic muscle weakness or neurovascular
injury) and external factors (acromioclavicular and/or glenohumeral joint
injury or soft tissue injuries). A surgeon must be able to recognize the cause
of the scapular disorder to successfully treat the injury [2]. It is important to
appreciate that not only can scapular dysfunction be caused by shoulder
injury but also that intrinsic scapular pathology can lead to greater shoulder
pathology [3]. Due to this intricate balance between scapular and shoulder
pathology, a thorough understanding of the scapular disorder can often lead
to a more complete understanding of the shoulder injury and will guide
appropriate treatment, both operative and non-operative. The future chapters

vi Foreword I

of this book aim to gather this information and make it readily available to the
practicing orthopedic surgeon.
There are several major categories of shoulder pathology with associated
scapular disorder, and these will be the focus of later chapters with much
more in-depth discussion. However, a brief overview of these specific injuries
will demonstrate the importance of understanding the scapular-shoulder rela-
tionship to the successful treatments of the injuries.

Rotator Cuff Issues

Increased upward rotation of the scapula has been demonstrated in anatomi-

cal studies of patients with rotator cuff tears. While it is unclear if this dis-
placement of the scapula is a cause or effect related to the rotator cuff tear, it
certainly has been shown to decrease patient’s functional abilities [1, 3].
Scapular protraction has also been shown to decrease the maximal rotator
cuff strength, creating the appearance of muscle weakness when there may
truly be no weakness [2, 3]. Thus, rehabilitation of the scapular dyskinesia
should be an integral part of the patient’s initial therapy. In patients with rota-
tor cuff pathology and scapular dyskinesis, shoulder therapy initially focuses
on correction of the scapular disorder before focusing on the rotator cuff
rehabilitation [3]. Proper scapular function allows for accurate assessment of
the actual strength and integrity of the rotator cuff and the appropriate treat-
ment for the rotator cuff injury. Without appropriate rehabilitation and treat-
ment of the scapular disorder, the true nature of the rotator cuff injury can be
difficult to ascertain and may lead to improper treatment.

AC and Clavicle Issues

In patients with AC separations, the recognition of severe scapular dyskinesis

likely dictates the success of non-operative management. Failure to correct
the downsloping, dysfunctional scapula and thereby decreasing the deformity
of the dislocated AC joint is the major determining factor as to whether the
patient will require operative treatment of the AC separation versus conserva-
tion management [1–3]. The clavicle connects the scapula to the axial skele-
ton and provides an anchor about which the scapula can move and rotate.
Disassociation from the clavicle can cause significant functional impairments
to the scapula, including the loss of rotator cuff strength and shoulder
impingement [2, 3]. In the cases of AC separation with resultant scapular
dyskinesis, patients who fail early therapy programs will likely require surgi-
cal fixation of the AC separation at both the AC and CC ligaments to improve
the scapular dyskinesis [3]. Patients who do not develop scapular dyskinesis
after an AC separation will usually go on to good outcomes with non-­operative
treatment [1]. Thus, unlike rotator cuffs where the development of scapular
dyskinesis has an unknown etiology, scapular disorders in AC separation can
dictate surgical versus nonsurgical treatment, demanding that the surgeon be
Foreword I vii

able to recognize and understand the relationship between the scapular injury
and the shoulder injury.
As seen with AC separations, clavicle fractures also can alter the relation-
ship between the axial skeleton and the scapula via loss of the strut function
of the clavicle. Again, this can lead to improper protraction of the scapula,
which in turn alters the biomechanics of the glenohumeral joint, potentially
leading to rotator cuff weakness, loss of motion, and impingement [2]. These
changes have been shown to significantly affect a patient’s subjective func-
tion scores. Fractures with as little as 1.5 cm of shortening can cause signifi-
cant scapular dysfunction [3]. Thus again, scapular dysfunction is the result
of shoulder injury but propagates the injury to altering the kinematics of the
shoulder joint. Patients with clavicle fractures and scapular dyskinesis there-
fore should be considered for surgical fixation aimed at restoring length,
alignment, and rotation to the clavicle [3]. The ability to identify scapular
dyskinesis in the setting of a scapular fracture leads the surgeon to consider
the potential need for surgical fixation over conservative management.

Instability Issues

Slap injuries: Scapular dyskinesis is also important to recognize with diag-

nosing superior labral tears. The initial scapular dyskinesis of internal rota-
tion and anterior tilt places stress upon the anterior ligaments of the shoulder
[1–3]. This pathologic stress creates an impingement of the labrum and con-
tributes to the development of superior labral tears [3]. Thus, as the scapular
disorder contributed to the development of the shoulder pathology, it is vital
that the dyskinesis be corrected with therapy. Additionally, correction of
scapular dysfunction if recognized early can prevent the subsequent develop-
ment of superior labral tears. Therefore, a surgeon that can accurately identify
scapular dyskinesis without concurrent shoulder pathology can potentially
prevent the development of those injuries by placing the patient in appropri-
ate therapy [1].
Throwing athletes: The entire scapular dysfunction issue in association
with SLAP tears is most commonly seen in the overhead throwing athlete.
The vast majority of throwers with SLAP tears do not require surgery but
simply a scapular reposition to correct their imbalance and return to play. The
malposition of the scapula in these overhead athletes results in an exacerba-
tion of internal impingement, an artificial increase in GIRD, contracture of
the pec minor and symptoms of subacromial impingement, and rotator cuff
tendonitis, confusing the management of these athletes.
MDI: Symptomatic patients with multidirectional instability always have
severe scapular dyskinesis, which restricts the ability of the rotator cuff mus-
culature to keep the humeral head in the glenoid and increases subluxation,
impingement, and tendonitis. The severe dyskinesis produces a biomechani-
cal malalignment of the glenoid. The altered glenoid positioning allows the
humeral head to be more prone to dislocation [1–3]. Recognizing the pres-
ence of scapular dyskinesis in MDI allows therapy to appropriately target the
correct muscle groups. With appropriate strengthening and stabilization of
viii Foreword I

the scapula through therapy, the glenoid can be brought into appropriate
alignment and decrease to risk of recurrent dislocations. By recognizing the
presence of multiple factors that are presented in MDI, including scapular
pathology, the orthopedist is able to appropriately prescribe the therapy that
will be the most successful for the individual patient. Indeed, failure to ini-
tially restore the scapula in these patients makes therapy not only ineffective
but also painful.
Anterior and posterior instability: The scapula also plays an important
role in unidirectional glenohumeral instability. Scapular dyskinesis can both
create and potentiate abnormal shoulder biomechanics that are present in gle-
nohumeral instability [4]. Scapular dyskinesis in shoulder instability can
result from many factors seen with the instability, including decreased muscle
activity coordination, joint pain due to musculoskeletal injury leading to
altered kinematics, and muscle weakness or fatigue [4]. Patients with insta-
bility secondary to a traumatic injury, often with structural lesions, will often
have dyskinesis that cannot be corrected until the anatomic pathology is cor-
rected. In patients with inability secondary to microtrauma or a chronic labral
injury, dyskinesis is often present secondary to muscle weakness, and reha-
bilitation of the dyskinesis can often lead to treatment of the instability [3].
Specifically in posterior instability, winging of the scapula allows for sublux-
ation of the humeral head [5]. Voluntary posterior dislocators thus must recre-
ate this dyskinesis to allow for dislocation. Thus, in unidirectional instability,
it is important to understand the etiology of the instability to understand the
appropriate treatment of the concurrent dyskinesis.
As shown in the brief examples of shoulder injuries often associated with
scapular pathology, the importance of recognizing scapular dyskinesis
becomes apparent. However, the treating surgeon needs to not only become
intimate with the diagnosis of scapular pathology but also understand the
relationships between the present shoulder injury and scapular dyskinesis. In
some cases, the scapular disorder may be the cause of the shoulder injury, the
reverse may be true, or, in other situations, the causality may not be able to be
established. In cases where the shoulder injury leads to the development of
scapular dysfunction, the presence of dyskinesis on exam may dictate treat-
ment. Thus, it is important for the orthopedic surgeon to understand these
relationships and their role in treating the shoulder injury as a whole. Treating
either the shoulder injury without the scapular dysfunction or vice versa can
lead to poor outcomes regardless of the level of surgical execution or appro-
priateness of therapy. These two injuries must be considered together and
their causal relationships are important. This book will serve the important
function of highlighting those relationships while also providing insight into
the appropriate treatments for these injuries, thus making it a valuable
resource. We would highly recommend this text to all health-care ­professionals
who manage disorders of the shoulder. As a surgeon, I can honestly say that
the philosophy of Dr. Kibler has allowed me to obtain better results in both
the operative and non-operative management of my patients.

New Orleans, USA Felix H. Savoie III, MD

Emily Wild, MD
Foreword I ix


1. Kibler WB, Ludewig PM, Mcclure PW, Michener LA, Bak K, Sciascia
AD. Clinical implications of scapular dyskinesis in shoulder injury: the
2013 consensus statement from the ‘scapular summit.’ British Journal of
Sports Medicine Br J Sports Med. 2013;47(14):877–85.
2. Kibler WB, Sciascia A. Current concepts: scapular dyskinesis. British
Journal of Sports Medicine. 2009;44(5):300–5.
3. Kibler WB, Ludewig PM, Mcclure PW, Michener LA, Bak K, Sciascia
AD. Clinical implications of scapular dyskinesis in shoulder injury: the
2013 consensus statement from the ‘scapular summit.’ British Journal of
Sports Medicine Br J Sports Med. 2013;47(14):877–85.
4. Kibler WB, Sciascia A. The role of the scapula in preventing and treating
shoulder instability. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2015;24(2):390–7.
5. Pande P, Hawkins R, Peat M. Electromyography in voluntary posterior
instability of the shoulder. The American Journal of Sports Medicine.
Foreword II

Treating musculoskeletal and sports injuries requires understanding how

integrated segments work together to serve a specific biomechanical process.
Throwing a baseball requires transferring foot-ground reaction forces up
through the spine to release the ball from a hand that has been gripping it in a
very precise way. The timing and firing of all these muscles, across all these
joints, is essential to optimal function. Understanding the intricate working of
all of these segments is basic to understanding the normal physiology and
biomechanics as well as the pathophysiology of sports injuries. The scapula
is a perfect example of the impact of a very strategically placed bone and its
implications with many, if not most, upper limb sporting activities. Finally,
there is a book that addresses every aspect of the scapula and its many impli-
cations in sports rehabilitation.
As a physiatrist and non-operative sports physician who treats many
patients with spine, shoulder, and upper limb injuries, understanding the func-
tions, movements, and interactions of the scapula with the rest of the muscu-
loskeletal system is critical. When I began training over 30 years ago, almost
all of the focus at the shoulder was on the glenohumeral joint and the impact
of the rotator cuff muscles on maintaining a narrow instantaneous center of
rotation [1–3]. Then I recall a paper by Ben Kibler in 1998 that described the
importance of scapular positioning on the glenoid to be a stable socket for the
rotating humerus as the instant center of rotation of the shoulder. Suddenly,
there was more to shoulder motion than simply the rotator cuff muscles [4].
Later papers described how scapular dyskinesis, something that had seen me
many times although I had not quite seen it, was an obvious clinical manifesta-
tion of a nonoptimal functioning scapula that would have profound effects on
the rotator cuff muscles [5]. It becomes more clear to me that the scapula, with
its three bony articulations (clavicle, humerus, and thoracic spine) and 18 mus-
cular origins and insertions, asserts great influence on many sports-specific
activities such as the throwing motion and the tennis serve. Significant force
generation, transfer, and attenuation are achieved through well-coordinated
movements around and with the scapula. The location of the scapula in the
upper quarter of the body, which is at a distance from much of the major shoul-
der pathology we treat (i.e., rotator cuff disease, labral tears, etc.), makes it
easy to overlook as an important part in the causation of upper limb injuries.
Since that time, it has further occurred to be the importance of how the scapula
interacts with the cervical and thoracic spine (which it sits on) to contribute to
upper limb- and upper spine-related injuries.

xii Foreword II

From a practical standpoint, every assessment I make of a patient with any

upper limb- or upper spine-related problem includes assessment of scapular
position and scapular movement. Fortunately, the scapula is relatively easily
palpable and generally very easy to inspect and observe. Just looking at the
relationship of the cervical spine, thoracic spine, scapular position, as well as
arm and hand positions at rest provides a great deal of information regarding
what structures are being loaded excessively or being put on tension.
Beyond inspection of the scapula, quantitative measurements can also be
made of the position of the scapula as it rests on the spine. Kibler’s article
from 1998 also described the scapular slide measurements which are also
easily done and provide a good assessment of scapula position both statically
and dynamically [4]. After years of using the scapular slide as a clinical tool,
it appears to be very common finding in patients with many shoulder patholo-
gies, in particular rotator cuff impingement. As symptoms resolve with proper
rehabilitation, the scapular slide often improves too.
Still other clinical tests using the scapula are a regular part of my physical
examination of upper limb problems. Kibler [4] devised the scapular assis-
tance test to determine whether impingement is due to a lack of active acro-
mial elevation. A significant impingement sign is a painful arc between 60
and 130° upon actively or passively elevating an arm, indicating that some-
thing in the subacromial space is being compressed and irritated. Muscle test-
ing of a single cuff muscle may appear weak due to pain along with clicking
and symptoms of impingement. The scapular assistance test may normalize
these impingement signs indicating that dysfunction of the scapula is related
to the impingement syndrome. The test consists of pushing the inferior medial
border of the scapula laterally and upward while stabilizing the upper medial
border of the scapula to simulate the serratus anterior/lower trapezius muscle
portion of the elevation force couple, as the patient elevates the arm in the
scapular plane. If the impingement is related to these muscles being inhibited,
the impingement symptoms will diminish or be abolished. This test is an
essential one in testing patients with impingement symptoms.
Similarly, the scapular retraction/repositioning test (SRT) [6, 7] is important
and useful when assessing rotator cuff impingement. The scapular retraction/
repositioning test has been described by Kibler in 2006 and Tate in 2008. If a
positive impingement test is identified, it can then be repeated with the scapula
manually repositioned using the SRT. The SRT is performed by grasping the
scapula with the fingers contacting the acromioclavicular joint anteriorly and the
palm and thenar eminence contacting the spine of the scapula posteriorly, with
the forearm obliquely angled toward the inferior angle of the scapula for addi-
tional support on the medial border. In this manner, the examiner’s hand and
forearm apply a moderate force to the scapula to encourage scapular retraction
(scapular retraction test) or posterior tilting and external rotation (scapular repo-
sitioning test) and to approximate the scapula to a mid-position on the thorax. The
scapular repositioning test has demonstrated reliability, and while performing this
test, it has been shown that subjects are capable of demonstrating increased rota-
tor cuff strength and report less pain by providing a stable base [6, 7].
Understanding the scapula is especially important when trying to provide
patients with appropriate rehabilitation programs for neck, shoulder, and arm
Foreword II xiii

pains [8]. If the scapula is not positioning properly (i.e., excessive protrac-
tion), shoulder elevation in flexion and abduction is more difficult.
Furthermore, with excessive scapular protraction, pectoralis and scalene
muscles end up in tightened, shortened positions. Middle and lower trapezius
muscles are put on stretch. The resulting forward head position forces the
upper trapezius muscles to overwork to keep the 8–10-lb head (with contents)
from falling forward. This positioning of the scapula on the thoracic spine,
with head-forward positions, seems to be at the heart of many, if not most,
cervical spine disorders. Again, it seems odd that to address many cervical
spine problems, we actually start with the scapula and how we position it
I find Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury to be a
one-of-a-kind book that looks at a key anatomic structure in sports medicine
and gives you every piece of up-to-date knowledge on the subject that will
enhance your ability to diagnose and treat sports and musculoskeletal injuries
of the upper limbs and spine. The information is well organized and pre-
sented in clinically relevant and applicable order. I use the concepts in this
book on a daily basis in evaluating and treating my patients with musculo-
skeletal injuries. It is a must-have for sports physicians, surgical and

Now York, NY Joel Press, MD


1. deDuca CJ, Forrest WJ. Force analysis of individual muscles acting simul-

taneously on the shoulder joint during isometric abduction. J Biomech.
2. Poppen NK, Walker PS. Normal and abnormal motion of the shoulder. J
Bone Joint Surg Am. 1976;58(2):195–201.
3. Shoup TE. Optical measurement of the center of rotation for human joints.
J Biomech. 1976;9(4):241–2.
4. Kibler WB. The role of the scapula in athletic shoulder function. Am J
Sports Med. 1998;26(2):325–37.
5. Kibler WB, McMullen J. Scapular dyskinesis and its relation to shoulder
pain. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2003;11(2):142–51.
6. Kibler WB, Sciascia A, Dome D. Evaluation of apparent and absolute
supraspinatus strength in patients with shoulder injury using the scapular
retraction test. AM J Sports Med. 2006;34:1643–7.
7. Tate A, McClure P, Kareha S, et al. Effect of the scapula reposition test on
shoulder impingement symptoms and elevation strength in overhead ath-
letes. J Ortho Sports Phys Ther. 2008;38:4–11.
8. Voight ML, Thomson BC. The role of the scapula in rehabilitation of
shoulder injuries. J Athl Train. 2000;35(3):364–72.

The scapula is a fascinating bone, mainly because of the wide variety of roles
it plays in facilitating and optimizing shoulder and arm function in almost
every human activity. Because of its location on the posterior shoulder, its
overlying subcutaneous and muscular tissue, and its large mobility, it has
been underappreciated and underevaluated in most thought processes regard-
ing shoulder function and injury. However, scholarship is now demonstrating
the multiple key roles of the scapula that facilitate shoulder function and has
started highlighting the roles that altered scapular static position and dynamic
motion may have in many types of shoulder pathology and injury.
The scapula is a welcome partner when it works well to increase muscle
strength, to move the acromion out of the way of the moving arm, to work as a
stable base for arm motion, and to create optimal mechanics for strength and
power. Its effects are manifested throughout the entire arm and hand. However,
it is a difficult adversary when it is not working well, decreasing demonstrated
shoulder strength, creating or increasing joint instability, and causing increased
pain with use. Its deleterious effects are also seen throughout the shoulder, arm,
and hand. It can be difficult to clinically examine, and treatment protocols can be
quite complicated. This often requires precise and comprehensive evaluation of
all the factors that may be contributing to the dysfunction. There has been a
general lack of medical education regarding the scapula, which complicated
efforts to provide adequate clinical care for patients with these problems.
I was no different. I had minimal knowledge about the scapula after my medi-
cal school and residency training. My personal involvement with the scapula
started about 30 years ago, when I first noticed scapular winging in a patient with
“impingement” that did not respond to traditional treatment. The manual reposi-
tioning of the scapula immediately changed her symptoms and set me on a jour-
ney to learn more about this bone. The journey has been drawn out, with many
starts and stops and with some dead ends. It started with trying to understand the
basic motions and functions of the scapula, both in two-dimensional and three-
dimensional functions. Then it required development of some types of evaluation
and description of the motions. Finally, it required clinical correlation: What roles
did these motions play in shoulder function and injury, and what are the best treat-
ment protocols? It also required the development of a network of like-minded
individuals who shared this interest and had research and clinical capabilities that
could advance the knowledge base and the clinical application.
These efforts resulted in a series of “scapular summits,” consensus meetings
that brought together the individuals, organized the knowledge, highlighted the

xvi Preface

future directions for future research and application, and created a larger network
of interested individuals. These meetings, and the consensus statements published
from the proceedings, stimulated a larger body of knowledge, most of which is
captured in this book. I am deeply indebted to those, such as Phil McClure, Paula
Ludewig, Ann Cools, and Tim Uhl, who have been in this from the beginning and
who formed the core of the knowledge base. Others, such as Jed Kuhn, Robin
Cromwell, Dave Ebaugh, Lori Michener, and Marty Kelley, have made valuable
contributions to enlarging the knowledge base. I owe a special debt to Aaron
Sciascia, who has played pivotal roles in developing the scapular database, the
clinical treatment and rehabilitation protocols, and the structure of this book.
This book is the result of a long process of discovery and implementation,
which has taken up a large portion of my professional life. I am indebted to
my partners in the Shoulder Center of Kentucky, Drs. David Dome, Pete
Hester, Trevor Wilkes, and Brent Morris, who have carried a lot of the clinical
burden which has allowed this type of investigation; they have also contrib-
uted chapters to the book.
This amount of dedicated effort also impacts my personal life. My solid
foundation and best counsel has always been Betty Kibler, my wife of 47 years.
Her contributions to everything in my life go way beyond things that are seen
and known, and I will always look to her for help, guidance, and wisdom.
The scapula is one part of the amazing created machine we call the human
body. It is so wonderfully made, and its parts, even though individual in anat-
omy, work so perfectly together in function that there is clearly a purposeful
and intentional Creator, God. I am thankful that He has given me some insight
into the miraculous workings of a part of this creation, and I hope to continue
to work to understand the mysteries and beauty of the human body and to be
able to help people with injuries and dysfunction.
Last but certainly not least, I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to all
the patients who have been evaluated and treated for scapular problems as
this process of discovery and improvement has occurred over the years.
Because of the relative lack of knowledge, they frequently did not have access
to timely treatment, with the resulting frustration and problems with function.
Their persistence in seeking treatment and their willingness to participate in
developing a deeper understanding of scapular dyskinesis were large factors
in encouraging us to keep trying to improve the knowledge and care. I can
truly say that they are partners in this process.
It is time this book is written. There is enough basic science knowledge to
form a solid foundation of function and dysfunction, enough clinical experi-
ence to develop a reliable evaluation protocol, enough rehabilitation knowl-
edge to set up successful rehabilitation protocols, and enough clinical
knowledge to make valid correlations between scapula function/dysfunction
and various shoulder injuries. The authors of the chapters are well versed in
their subjects, most of them being pioneers in development of the knowledge
within their chapters. This book is not the end of the process of understanding
the scapula but will serve as an excellent start for the process.
Read it and enjoy.

Lexington, KY W. Ben Kibler, MD


Part I  The Basics

1 Anatomy of the Scapula������������������������������������������������������������������   3

Trevor Wilkes, W. Ben Kibler, and Aaron D. Sciascia
2 Mechanics of the Scapula in Shoulder Function
and Dysfunction ������������������������������������������������������������������������������   7
Paula M. Ludewig and Rebekah L. Lawrence
3 Muscle Activation Associated with Scapular Function
and Dysfunction ����������������������������������������������������������������������������   25
David Ebaugh and Margaret Finley
4 Scapular Examination ������������������������������������������������������������������   35
Phil McClure, Aaron D. Sciascia, and Tim L. Uhl

Part II  The Scapula and Shoulder Pathology

5 The Scapula and Impingement/Rotator Cuff Disease

and Treatment��������������������������������������������������������������������������������   51
Katherine E. Reuther, Brent J. Morris, and John E. Kuhn
6 The Scapula and the Throwing/Overhead Athlete ��������������������   59
Stephen J. Thomas and John D. Kelly IV
7 Scapular Dyskinesis and Glenohumeral Instability�������������������   79
W. Ben Kibler and Aaron D. Sciascia
8 The Scapula and Clavicle Fractures��������������������������������������������   91
Peter W. Hester and W. Ben Kibler
9 The Scapula and Acromioclavicular Joint Separation
and Arthritis ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������   99
Brent J. Morris, David Dome, Aaron D. Sciascia,
and W. Ben Kibler
10 The Scapular and Shoulder Arthritis����������������������������������������   107
Brent J. Morris, T. Bradley Edwards, and Thomas W. Wright
11 Scapular Muscle Detachment ����������������������������������������������������   113
W. Ben Kibler and Aaron D. Sciascia

xviii Contents

12 Neurologic-Based Injuries and Scapula Winging ��������������������   121

John E. Kuhn
13 Rehabilitation for Neurological Issues ��������������������������������������   131
Martin J. Kelley and Michael T. Piercey
14 Snapping Scapula Syndrome������������������������������������������������������   145
George F. Lebus, Zaamin B. Hussain, Jonas Pogorzelski,
and Peter J. Millett
15 Scapula Fractures������������������������������������������������������������������������   157
Donald Lee and Schuyler Halverson
16 Rehabilitation of Scapular Dyskinesis ��������������������������������������   179
Ann M. Cools, Todd S. Ellenbecker, and Lori A. Michener
17 Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction:
Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns����������������   193
Aaron D. Sciascia, Robin Cromwell, and Tim L. Uhl
Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 215
List of Contributors

Ann M. Cools, PhD, PT  Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University,
Ghent, Belgium
Robin Cromwell, PT  Shoulder Center of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
David Dome, MD  Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic
Orthopedics—Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder Center of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY, USA
David Ebaugh, PT, PhD  Department of Health Sciences, Department of
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Nursing and
Health Professions, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
T. Bradley Edwards, MD  Department of Shoulder Surgery, Texas
Orthopedic Hospital, Houston, TX, USA
Todd S. Ellenbecker, PT  Physiotherapy Associates Scottsdale Sports
Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Margaret Finley, PT, PhD  Department of Physical Therapy and
Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Professions, Drexel
University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Peter W. Hester, MD  Orthopedics-Sports Medicine, Lexington Clinic,
Lexington, KY, USA
Zaamin B. Hussain, BA  Steadman Philippon Research Institute, Vail, CO,
Martin J. Kelley, PT, DPT, OCS  Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Good Shepherd Penn Partners, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
John D. Kelly IV, MD  Department of Ortho, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
W. Ben Kibler, MD  Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic
Orthopedics—Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder Center of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY, USA

xx List of Contributors

John E. Kuhn, MD, MS  Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville,

Rebekah L. Lawrence, DPT, PT, OCS  Division of Rehabilitation Science,
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical School, The University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
George F. Lebus, MD  Steadman Philippon Research Institute, Vail, CO, USA
The Steadman Clinic, Vail, CO, USA
Donald Lee, MD  Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Vanderbilt
University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA
Paula M. Ludewig, PhD, PT, FAPTA  Divisions of Physical Therapy and
Rehabilitation Science, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical
School, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Phil McClure, PT, PhD, FAPTA  Department of Physical Therapy, Arcadia
University, Glenside, PA, USA
Lori A. Michener, PhD, PT, ATC  Division of Biokinesiology and
Physical Therapy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
Peter J. Millett, MD, MSc  Steadman Philippon Research Institute, Vail,
The Steadman Clinic, Vail, CO, USA
Brent J. Morris, MD  Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic
Orthopedics –Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder Center of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY, USA
Michael T. Piercey, PT, DPT, OCS, Cert. MDT, CMP, CSCS Good
Shepherd Penn Partners, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Jonas Pogorzelski, MD, MHBA  Steadman Philippon Research Institute,
Vail, CO, USA
Katherine E. Reuther, PhD  Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Aaron D. Sciascia, PhD, ATC, PES  Assistant Professor, Athletic Training
Education Program, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY, USA
Stephen J. Thomas, PhD, ATC  Department of Kinesiology, Temple
University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Penn Throwing Clinic, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Tim L. Uhl, PhD, ATC, PT, FNATA  Division of Athletic Training,
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Sciences,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
List of Contributors xxi

Trevor Wilkes, MD  Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic

Orthopedics—Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder Center of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY, USA
Thomas W. Wright, MD  Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Part I
The Basics
Anatomy of the Scapula
Trevor Wilkes, W. Ben Kibler, and Aaron D. Sciascia

Introduction edge of the anatomy. It is not surprising that all

types of shoulder pathology demonstrate altered
Ideal scapular function reflects its complex anat- motion. Frequently, assessment of scapular mus-
omy and in turn is foundational for all shoulder cular attachments, innervation, motion, and posi-
function. The scapula plays a multitude of roles. tion can provide key information on treatment
Anatomically, it is the “G” of the glenohumeral options and guide rehabilitation. This chapter
(GH) joint and the “A” of the acromioclavicular will concisely address pertinent aspects of anat-
(AC) joint. Physiologically, it is the “S” of scapu- omy of the scapula as it pertains to normal scapu-
lohumeral rhythm (SHR), the coupled and coor- lar function and clinical implications.
dinated movement between the scapula and arm
that allows the arm to be placed in the optimum
position and motion to accomplish tasks. Scapula: Anatomy
Biomechanically, it provides a stable base for
muscle activation, a moving platform to maintain The bony anatomy is predicated on the develop-
ball-and-socket kinematics, and an efficient link mental advantages of mobility, such as prehen-
between the core, which develops force, and the sion and overhead use. This is reflected in several
arm, which delivers the force. Critical to these primary changes noted through time in the homi-
roles is normal scapular motion. nid scapula. First, the acromion has broadened
To comprehend the complex biomechanics of and lateralized to allow mechanical advantage for
the scapula, it is critical to have a deep knowl- the deltoid muscle [1]. The coracoid process
(meaning “like a crow’s beak”) enlarged in a
manner theorized to assist in the prevention of
T. Wilkes, MD (*) • W. Ben Kibler, MD anterior dislocation at 90° of abduction [2, 3].
Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic
Finally, broadening and alteration in the force
Orthopedics—Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder
Center of Kentucky, 1221 South Broadway, vector of the infraspinatus and teres minor are
Lexington, KY 40504, USA postulated to increase both external rotation
e-mail: twilk@lexclin.com; wkibler@aol.com strength and humeral head depression [4].
A.D. Sciascia, PhD, ATC, PES The scapula is a large flat bone which forms
Assistant Professor, Athletic Training Education from a collection of mesenchymal cells [5]. It shows
Program, Eastern Kentucky University, 228 Moberly
signs of ossification by the fifth week of embryo-
Building, 521 Lancaster Avenue, Richmond, KY
40475, USA logic development [5]. The scapula follows a pre-
e-mail: aaron.sciascia@eku.edu dictable course in ­descending from the paracervical

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 3

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_1
4 T. Wilkes et al.

region to the thorax. Failure of this process leads to notches. The suprascapular notch at the base of
Sprengel’s deformity [6]. By the seventh week, the the coracoid contains the suprascapular nerve,
scapula has descended to its final position, and the and compression at this location will affect both
glenoid is easily identified. the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles [3,
The scapula is primarily formed through intra- 9]. Second, the spinoglenoid notch is present at
membranous ossification. The body and spine are the lateral border of the spine [3]. Various causes
ossified at birth and subsequently follow an expected can lead to compression of the suprascapular
pattern. However, there are several notable excep- nerve here as well, producing isolated atrophy of
tions with clinical implications. The coracoid forms the infraspinatus.
from two centers of ossification and is generally Anatomic interest in the scapula is frequently
united by age 15. Rarely, a third ossification center directed at the coracoid, acromion, or glenoid.
at the tip can persist and present confusion with a The name coracoid derives from the Greek word
fracture [7]. The glenoid also forms from two sepa- korakodes meaning “like a crow’s beak” [3]. The
rate ossification centers, one at the base of the cora- bent shape resembles a finger pointed toward the
coid and another with a horseshoe contour inferiorly glenoid. From the Greek word “akros” for point,
[7]. These are usually fused by 15 years of age as the acromion is often referred to as the point of
well. Finally, os acromiale may be noted in up to the shoulder. The morphology of the acromion is
8% of the population and is the result of two or three among the most studied in the body. Considerable
ossification centers which arise in puberty and fail cadaveric research has been directed at the rela-
to unite by the expected age of 22 [8]. The variable tive frequency and postulated causes of the types
failures of fusion may result in the following abnor- 1 through 3 acromion, as described by Bigliani
malities, from anterior to posterior, pre-acromion, [1]. However, the relationship between acromial
meso-acromion (most common), meta-acromion, shape and “impingement syndrome” or rotator
and basi-acromion [1, 8]. cuff tear has not borne out in literature. Similarly,
Grossly, the scapula is a thin sheet of bone the glenoid has been the subject of intensive study
which serves as a critical site of muscle attach- in an effort to define bony anatomy in shoulder
ment. The blood supply is primarily through a instability [7, 10–13]. Average values for size
network of periosteal vessels which take origin include a height of 35 mm and width of 25 mm,
from muscular insertions. Thickening of the but considerable variability exists. Comparison to
bone is notable at the lateral border and superior the contralateral side may be required to precisely
and inferior angles. Ventral concavity creates a define bone loss. Glenoid version may also range
smooth articulating surface against the ribs. widely. Retroversion, up to 6°, is most common,
Small oblique ridges exist ventrally for the ten- as seen in 75% of the population, but anteversion
dinous insertions of the subscapularis [5]. up to 2° is reported [14–18].
Similarly, small fibrous septa are present dor- The function of the scapula is dependent on the
sally to attach and separate the infraspinatus, complex recruitment patterns of the 18 muscular
teres minor, and teres major. The dorsal surface attachments [19]. These muscles can generally be
is traversed by the scapular spine which divides categorized as axioscapular, scapulohumeral, and
two concavities, the supraspinatus and infraspi- muscles of the upper arm (coracobrachialis, biceps
natus fossae. The medial two thirds of these fos- brachii, and triceps brachii) [20, 21].
sae give rise to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus The axioscapular muscles serve to anchor the
muscles. The spine contains two important scapula for its role as the foundation of the
1  Anatomy of the Scapula 5

shoulder. In addition, they guide the scapula through C3 and at times C4. Insertion is found
through the requisite degrees of freedom. These upon the superior angle. Innervation comes from
muscles include the serratus anterior, levator the deep branches of C3 and C4. The pectoralis
scapulae, pectoralis minor, rhomboids, and tra- minor is often overlooked in its role in scapular
pezius. The trapezius is the largest and most position. The muscle originates from the second
superficial axioscapular muscle. The expansive to fifth ribs and courses superolaterally to insert
muscle originates from the occiput, nuchal liga- upon the coracoid. Chronic tightness can con-
ment, and spinous processes of C7 through T12 tribute to protracted, anteriorly tilted scapular
[20]. The upper trapezius inserts across the distal positioning [22–24].
third of the clavicle and acromion. The middle The scapulohumeral muscles produce gleno-
trapezius inserts across the scapular spine and humeral motion and are composed of the deltoid,
the lower portion at the base of the spine. The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres
broad muscle allows complex function in scapu- minor, and teres major. The deltoid originates
lar retraction, elevation, and posterior tilting broadly across the acromion and scapular spine
based upon the recruitment pattern. Frequently, while inserting on the deltoid tubercle of the
the upper and lower trapeziuses are associated humerus. This structure allows it to power eleva-
separately. tion in multiple planes. As previously noted the
Motor innervation is through cranial nerve supraspinatus and infraspinatus originate from
11, the spinal accessory nerve [3]. The rhom- the medial two thirds of their respective fossae
boids are divided into the major and minor por- while inserting in a complex arrangement on the
tions. The rhomboid minor originates from the greater tuberosity. The subscapularis originates
spinous processes of C7 and T1 and inserts at the from the anterior aspect of the scapula and
medial scapular border at the base of the spine attaches on the lesser tuberosity. The teres minor
[20]. The rhomboid major begins from T2 to takes origin from the middle section of the lateral
T5 and inserts along the posterior aspect of the scapula and is innervated by the posterior branch
medial border from the base of the spine cau- of the axillary nerve. The teres major emerges
dally to the inferior angle. This orientation from a more inferior position on the lateral scap-
allows an important role in scapular retraction. ula and shares a common tendinous insertion
The dorsal scapular nerve (C5) provides innerva- with the latissimus dorsi on the medial aspect of
tion. The serratus anterior is comprised of three the bicipital groove. It shares innervation from
divisions taking origin from the anterolateral the subscapular nerve and functions in internal
aspect of the first to ninth ribs. Innervation of the rotation, adduction, and extension of the humerus.
serratus is provided by the long thoracic nerve. Two major bursas exist persistently around the
The serratus produces protraction and upward scapula. The infraserratus bursa resides between
rotation of the scapula with arm elevation while the serratus anterior and the chest wall. The
providing a critical stabilization function against supraserratus bursa occupies space between the
excessive internal rotation throughout nearly all subscapularis and serratus anterior. In addition,
positions of arm forward flexion and elevation. several minor bursas may be present at the super-
The levator scapulae is intimately associated omedial border, the inferior angle, or the medial
with the serratus and serves a role to elevate base of the spine. Bursa may become persistently
and upwardly rotate the scapula. The levator inflamed through overuse and subtle abnormali-
­originates from the transverse processes of C1 ties in mechanics.
6 T. Wilkes et al.

References fetal life to old age. J Bone Joint Surg (Am Vol).
13. Zarins B, Rowe CR. Current concepts in the diagnosis
1. Bigliani LU. The morphology of the acromion and its
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relationship to rotator cuff tears. Orthop Trans.
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14. Kronberg M, Brostrom L, Soderlund V. Retroversion
2. Lal H, Bansal P, Sabharwal VK, Mawia L, Mittal
of the humeral head in the normal shoulder and its
D. Recurrent shoulder dislocations secondary to cora-
relationship to the normal range of motion. Clin
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15. Osbahr DC, Cannon DL, Speer KP. Retroversion of
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Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins; 1999.
16. Reagan KM, Meister K, Horodyski M, Werner DW,
p. 664–830.
Carruthers C, Wilk KE. Humeral retroversion and its
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relationship to glenohumeral rotation in the shoulder
Osterhoff G, Heinlein B. Towards the development of
of college baseball players. Am J Sports Med.
a novel experimental shoulder simulator with rotating
scapula and individually controlled muscle forces
17. Robertson DD, Yuan J, Bigliani LU, Flatow EL,

simulating the rotator cuff. Med Biol Eng Comput.
Yamaguchi K. Three-dimensional analysis of the proxi-
mal part of the humerus: relevance to arthroplasty.
5. Huang R, Christ B, Patel K. Regulation of scapula
J Bone Joint Surg Am. Nov 2000;82-A(11):1594–602.
development. Anat Embryol. 2006;211(S1):S65–71.
18. Soderlund V, Kronberg M, Brostrom L. Radiologic
6. Schrock RD. Congenital elevation of the scapula.
assessment of humeral head retroversion. Acta Radiol.
J Bone Joint Surg. 1926;8:207–15.
7. O’Brien SJ, Arnoczky SP, Warren RF, Rozbruch
19. Kibler WB, Sciascia AD. Current concepts: scapular
SR. Developmental anatomy of the shoulder and anat-
dyskinesis. Br J Sports Med. 2010;44(5):300–5.
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20. De Vita A, Kibler WB, Pouliart N, Sciascia

Matsen Iii FA, editors. The shoulder, vol. 1.
AD. Scapulothoracic joint. In: Di Giacomo G, Pouliart
Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders Company; 1990. p. 1–33.
N, Costantini A, et al., editors. Atlas of functional
8. Nicholson GP, Goodman DA, Flatow EL, Bigliani
shoulder anatomy. Milan: Springer; 2008. p. 2–27.
LU. The acromion: morphologic condition and age-­
21. Pu Q, Huang R, Brand-Saberi B. Development of the
related changes. A study of 420 scapulas. J Shoulder
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22. Borstad JD. Measurement of pectoralis minor muscle
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10. Cain PR, Mutschler TA, Fu FH, Lee SK. Anterior
23. Borstad JD, Ludewig PM. Comparison of three

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stretches for the pectoralis minor muscle. J Shoulder
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11. Howell SM, Galinat BJ. The glenoid-labral socket, a
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12. Prodromos CC, Perry JA, Schiller AL, Zarins

Ther. 2005;35(4):227–38.
B. Histological studies of the glenoid labrum from
Mechanics of the Scapula
in Shoulder Function
and Dysfunction

Paula M. Ludewig and Rebekah L. Lawrence

Abbreviations maximizing the range of possible positioning of

the hand while still maintaining the integrity of
AC Acromioclavicular the glenohumeral joint. This chapter reviews the
CA Coracoacromial current state of knowledge regarding the normal
SC Sternoclavicular positions and motions of the scapula during upper
extremity motion and overviews how scapular
motion abnormalities may contribute to shoulder
pain and dysfunction. With these goals, it is
Introduction important to recognize that our knowledge base
continues to evolve as research advances our
The purpose of the shoulder is often described as understanding of shoulder function and
to allow the positioning of the hand across a dysfunction.
broad range of motion or functional workspace.
As such, a great deal of mobility is required mak­
ing the glenohumeral joint the most mobile indi­  verview of Component Joint
vidual joint in the human body. In serving as the Motions and Scapular Function
proximal (glenoid) component of the glenohu­
meral joint, the scapula plays a critical role in While not a true joint by definition, the overall
scapular positioning and motion on the thorax
(i.e., scapulothoracic position and motion) is often
P.M. Ludewig, PhD, PT, FAPTA (*) described clinically and in the scientific literature
Divisions of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation rather than the sternoclavicular (SC) and acro­
Science, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, mioclavicular (AC) joint positions and motions
Medical School, The University of Minnesota,
from which scapulothoracic kinematics originate.
MMC 388, 420 Delaware St SE, Minneapolis, MN
55455, USA This is in part due to the greater ease in visualiz­
e-mail: ludew001@umn.edu ing and measuring scapulothoracic positions and
R.L. Lawrence, DPT, PT, OCS motions. This chapter will provide the traditional
Division of Rehabilitation Science, Department of scapulothoracic descriptions and also the specific
Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical School, The contributions of the SC and AC joints when
University of Minnesota,
known. As linked segments, it is not possible to
MMC 388, 420 Delaware St SE, Minneapolis, MN
55455, USA produce scapular motion on the thorax without
e-mail: lawre354@umn.edu motion at either, or most commonly, both of the

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 7

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_2
8 P.M. Ludewig and R.L. Lawrence

SC and AC joints [1, 2]. The surface of the tho­ tomically crossing only a single joint in that
racic rib cage provides an additional constraint to active insufficiency may occur as the humerus
the possible positioning and motions of the scap­ elevates relative to the thorax [4]. Moving the
ula. The combined thoracic, clavicular, and scap­ proximal scapular attachment of the deltoid
ular segments and their associated articulations through scapular motion (in particular upward
are often referred to as the shoulder girdle. As rotation) maintains a more moderate length-­
such, scapulothoracic motion is in reality motion tension relationship. Better maintaining the
of the combined shoulder girdle complex. length-tension relationship allows for higher del­
Overall, the ability to move and reposition the toid force and subsequently power for a given
scapula on the thorax is important to several humerothoracic elevation angle. Finally, scapular
aspects of shoulder function. As already noted, motion and positioning is believed critical to
scapulothoracic complex motion is critical to minimizing excess stress to musculature and
maximize overall range of motion to position the joint structures (e.g., rotator cuff, labrum, biceps
hand while still maintaining the humeral head in long head, acromioclavicular and glenohumeral
the glenoid “socket” [3]. Figure 2.1 visually capsule and ligaments, coracoacromial ligament,
illustrates the approximate functional workspace acromial undersurface, etc.) while still maintain­
without scapular motion, as well as the additional ing a stable and functional glenohumeral joint.
range of motion available through combined The chapter will conclude with further discussion
scapular and humeral motion. Further, because of of the implications to tissue and joint stress in the
the large range of motion of the glenohumeral presence of abnormal scapular motions and posi­
joint, the deltoid is unique among muscles ana­ tions, or “dyskinesis.”

a b

© 2016 Rebekah Lawrence

Fig. 2.1  The contribution of scapular motion to overall bution. Opaque bones illustrate the range of motion with
shoulder motion during (a) scapular plane abduction and both glenohumeral and scapulothoracic contribution.
(b) horizontal adduction. Transparent bones illustrate the (Reproduced with permission of Rebekah L. Lawrence)
expected range of motion without scapulothoracic contri­
2  Mechanics of the Scapula in Shoulder Function and Dysfunction 9

 ternoclavicular Joint Position

S Elevation and depression of the SC joint
and Motion (Fig.  2.2b) occur about an approximately ante­
rior/posterior axis. Elevation raises the distal
The SC joint consists of the clavicle moving rela­ clavicle superiorly relative to its rest position,
tive to the manubrium of the sternum and con­ while depression lowers the distal clavicle. The
tains an intermediate disc (Fig. 2.2a–c). initial position of the clavicle relative to a tho­
Internationally, a number of different naming racic transverse plane in a relaxed standing pos­
conventions exist; however, we will describe the ture is typically slight elevation (10° or less) [6,
three rotational motions of the SC joint as eleva­ 7]. This slight elevation can be appreciated dur­
tion/depression, protraction/retraction, and ante­ ing a physical exam by noting with palpation a
rior/posterior long-axis rotation. In addition to more superior position of the AC joint relative to
the osteokinematic rotational motions, small the SC joint. From the initial position of slight
amounts of translations can occur three- dimen­ elevation, minimal depression of the clavicle can
sionally at the joint. These translatory motions occur (10–15°) [8] due to the physical constraint
and associated arthrokinematic joint motions are of the rib cage immediately below the clavicle.
described elsewhere [5] and are not the focus of Total possible motion of the clavicle into eleva­
this chapter. tion is not well characterized in the research lit­
Protraction and retraction of the SC joint erature but has been described as 45° of elevation
(Fig. 2.2a) occur about an approximately vertical from the initial position [8]. As will be described
axis. Protraction brings the distal clavicle ante­ later, much less clavicle elevation occurs during
rior, while retraction brings the distal clavicle functional arm elevation.
posterior. The initial position of the clavicle rela­ Anterior and posterior rotations of the SC joint
tive to the thorax frontal or coronal plane in (Fig. 2.2c) occur about the long axis of the clavi­
relaxed standing is approximately 20° of retrac­ cle. Anterior rotation brings the conoid tuberosity
tion [6, 7]. This retraction can be appreciated dur­ of the clavicle posteriorly, while posterior rota­
ing physical exam by noting with palpation a tion brings this process anteriorly. No anatomical
more posterior position of the AC joint relative to standard currently exists to define the initial axial
the SC joint. Total possible motion of the clavicle rotation position of the clavicle, and as such, its
into protraction and retraction is also not well position during relaxed standing is typically
characterized in the research literature but is defined as zero degrees rotation. Total possible
believed to be approximately 20° of protraction motion of the clavicle into anterior rotation is
and approximately 30° of retraction from its ini­ minimal due to the constraint of the first rib. Total
tial retracted position [6, 8]. possible motion of the clavicle into ­ posterior

a b c Posterior Rotation

Superior View Anterior View Anterior View

Fig. 2.2  Motions of the sternoclavicular joint: (a) protrac­ anterior/posterior rotation about the long axis. (Adapted
tion/retraction about a superiorly directed axis; (b) eleva­ from Ludewig et al. Motion of the shoulder complex dur­
tion/depression about an anteriorly directed axis; (c) ing multiplanar humeral elevation. J Bone Joint Surg 2009)
10 P.M. Ludewig and R.L. Lawrence

rotation is described as 50° [2], corresponding to tion of AC joint internal/external rotation during
this rotation being the primary motion of the SC relaxed standing is best appreciated from a supe­
joint during arm elevation [2, 6]. rior transverse plane view of the scapula and clav­
icle (Fig. 2.4). The initial position of the AC joint
is slightly less than 60° of internal rotation [6, 9]
 cromioclavicular Joint Position
A considering the alignment of the scapular axis
and Motion (pointing from the root of the spine of the scapula
to the posterior AC joint) relative to the clavicular
The AC joint allows for relative motion between the long axis (Fig. 2.4). Total possible motion of the
distal clavicle and the anteromedial acromion pro­ AC joint into internal/external rotation has
cess of the scapula and often includes an intermedi­ received little investigation [8]. However, the
ate disc. This is commonly described as the range of motion available is dependent on the
more distal scapula moving relative to the clavicle amount of SC joint retraction because of the inter­
(Fig. 2.3a–c). As with sternoclavicular joint motion, mediate constraint of the thoracic rib cage. For
a variety of naming conventions exist. We will use example, when the clavicle is in a more retracted
upward/downward rotation, internal/external rota­ position, the transverse plane angle between the
tion, and anterior/posterior tilting to describe the scapula and clavicle will be reduced. Subsequently,
three angular rotations at the AC joint. The reader is acromioclavicular joint internal rotation will be
again referred elsewhere for descriptions of AC limited by contact of the anterolateral scapular
joint translations and arthrokinematic motions [5]. border with the thorax, while AC joint external
Acromioclavicular joint internal and external rotation will be limited by contact of the anterior
rotations are also commonly referred to as protrac­ vertebral border of the scapula with the thorax. In
tion and retraction, respectively. However, we pre­ contrast, when SC joint retraction is reduced, the
fer the internal/external rotation convention to transverse plane angle between the scapula and
distinguish SC and AC transverse plane rotations. clavicle will increase as the scapula slides along
Acromioclavicular internal/external rotation are the curved thoracic constraint with SC protraction.
described about an approximately vertical axis at When the scapula is more laterally positioned on
the AC joint (Fig. 2.3a). Internal rotation will ori­ the thorax, it is likely the available internal and
ent the glenoid anteriorly, while external rotation external rotation motion at the AC joint increases
will orient the glenoid posteriorly. The initial posi­ due to lesser constraint from the rounded thorax.

a b c

Posterior Tilt
Internal Rotation
Upward Rotation
Superior View Posterior View Lateral View
© 2016 Rebekah Lawrence

Fig. 2.3 Motions of the acromioclavicular joint: (a) internal/external rotation; (b) upward/downward rotation about an axis
perpendicular to the plane of the scapula; (c) anterior/posterior tilt. (Reproduced with permission of Rebekah L. Lawrence)
2  Mechanics of the Scapula in Shoulder Function and Dysfunction 11

© 2016 Rebekah Lawrence

Fig. 2.4 The acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joint relaxed standing posture, the clavicle is typically retracted
axes including the scapular lateral axes (blue), clavicular long 20° and the scapula internally rotated about 40° relative to the
axes (red), and trunk coronal plane axis (black). The oblique coronal or frontal plane of the trunk. Therefore, the acromio­
orientation of the scapular axes relative to the clavicular axes clavicular joint typically demonstrates about a 60° internal
defines the indirect coupling relationship between sternocla­ rotation angle of the scapula relative to the clavicle long axis
vicular joint motion and scapulothoracic joint motion. In a (Reproduced with permission of Rebekah L. Lawrence)

Acromioclavicular upward and downward of confusion when defining this motion. The initial
rotations are described about an oblique anterior/ position of the AC joint in relaxed standing is
posterior axis perpendicular to the plane of the about 10° or less of anterior tilt [6]. Total possible
body of the scapula (Fig. 2.3b). Upward rotation motion of the AC joint into anterior and posterior
will orient the glenoid upward, and downward tilt has also not been recently described in the
rotation will orient it downward (Fig. 2.3b). The research literature [8]; however, at least 20° of pos­
initial position of AC joint upward rotation dur­ terior tilt is known to be possible due to the poste­
ing relaxed standing is less than 5° [6], consider­ rior tilt measured during arm elevation in
ing the alignment of the scapular axis (pointing asymptomatic subjects [6]. This magnitude of
from the root of the spine of the scapula to the motion makes posterior tilt a primary motion of
posterior AC joint) relative to the clavicle long the AC joint in addition to upward rotation.
axis. Total possible motions of the AC joint have
not been recently described in the research litera­
ture [8]. However, at least 20° of upward rotation Scapulothoracic Position
is known to be possible due to the upward rota­ and Motion
tion measured during arm elevation in asymp­
tomatic subjects [6], making upward rotation one The position and motion of the scapula are often
of the primary motions of the AC joint. described relative to the cardinal planes of the
Acromioclavicular anterior and posterior tilts trunk. Although scapulothoracic motion is a direct
are described about an oblique lateral AC axis consequence of SC and AC joint motion, it is still
passing through the joint (Fig. 2.3c). The motions frequently described in the literature, and the
are defined relative to the acromion process such trunk provides a useful clinical reference frame.
that anterior tilt will bring the anterior acromion The scapular axes are aligned the same whether
inferior and forward, and posterior tilt will bring describing the position and motion of the scapula
the anterior acromion superior and back. Notably, relative to the trunk or to the clavicle. Subsequently,
the inferior angle of the scapula moves in the we use the same angular naming conventions
opposite direction during these motions (e.g., ante­ (upward/downward rotation, internal/external
rior tilt results in posterior motion of the inferior rotation, anterior/posterior tilting) as at the AC
angle of the scapula) and is therefore often a source joint (Fig. 2.3a–c), but note that the cardinal
12 P.M. Ludewig and R.L. Lawrence

planes of the trunk replace the clavicle as the and medial “translation” of the scapula on the
proximal reference. thorax include scapulothoracic abduction and
“Translations” are often also described for the adduction or scapulothoracic protraction and
scapula on the thorax. Because the scapula can­ retraction. Because of the potential for confusion
not move on the thorax without motion at either of the source of these “translations,” as well as
the SC or AC joint or both, and because both of the overlapping protraction/retraction terminol­
these joints only allow very limited translation, it ogy with angular rotation terminology, we prefer
is important to recognize the origination of to describe these “translations” by describing the
scapulothoracic “translations” is actually through underlying SC joint rotations directly. Elevation
rotations of the SC joint. Lateral and medial and depression of the scapula on the thorax occur
“translation” of the scapula on the thorax occurs through rotational elevation and depression of
through protraction and retraction at the SC joint, the clavicle at the SC joint (Fig. 2.5c, d). Finally,
respectively (Fig. 2.5a, b). Other terms for lateral it is important to remember the additional con­

a Lateral b Medial
translation translation

c d



© 2016 Rebekah Lawrence

Fig. 2.5 Scapular “translations”: (a) scapular lateral or superior motion of the scapula on the thorax pro­
“translation” or lateral motion of the scapula on the tho­ duced through sternoclavicular joint elevation; and (d)
rax produced through sternoclavicular joint protraction; scapular depression produced through sternoclavicular
(b) scapular medial “translation” produced through joint depression. (Reproduced with permission of
sternoclavicular joint retraction; (c) scapular elevation Rebekah L. Lawrence)
2  Mechanics of the Scapula in Shoulder Function and Dysfunction 13

straint provided by the curved thoracic rib cage.

As these “translations” of the scapula on the tho­
rax occur through SC joint protraction/retraction
or elevation/depression, there will be necessary
angular adjustments at the AC joint in order to
adapt the scapula to the curved thoracic surface.
Overall upward and downward rotation of the
scapula on the thorax is described about an
oblique anterior/posterior axis perpendicular to
the plane of the body of the scapula. As at the AC
joint, upward rotation will orient the glenoid
upward, and downward rotation will orient it
downward (Fig. 2.3b). The initial position of the
scapula on the thorax during relaxed standing is
approximately 5° of upward rotation relative to
the transverse plane of the trunk [6], considering
the alignment of a scapular axis from the root of Fig. 2.6  The typical position of the scapula on the thorax
the spine of the scapula to the posterior aspect of during a relaxed standing position. Note the magnitude of
upward rotation of the scapula on the thorax described
the AC joint. Total possible motion of the scapula will depend on the axis alignment used. An axis parallel to
on the thorax resulting from combined SC and the medial border of the scapula on the thorax is not
AC joint motions is typically reported as 60° or directly perpendicular to an axis running from the root of
greater [2], making upward rotation the primary the scapular spine to the posterior acromioclavicular joint.
Rather, this axis is at an angle of 95–100° from the medial
overall motion of the scapula on the thorax. border axis. As such, a scapular position with the arm
It is important to realize with all of these descrip­ relaxed at the side of 0° of upward rotation based on the
tions of joint positions and motions, the reported medial border axis will be described as 5–10° upward
values are dependent on the anatomical landmarks rotation based on the scapular spine axis. (Reproduced
with permission of Rebekah L. Lawrence)
chosen for rotational axis definitions, as well as the
sample of subjects tested in a research investiga­
tion. This is particularly important to realize for tion to distinguish SC and AC transverse plane
describing upward rotation of the scapula. With our rotations and avoid confusion with “translatory”
descriptions of the axis of rotation of the scapula scapulothoracic motions. Internal and external
from the root of the spine of the scapula to the pos­ rotations of the scapula on the thorax are
terior AC joint, the initial position of the scapula in described about an approximately vertical axis as
relaxed standing will typically be upwardly rotated, at the AC joint; internal rotation will orient the
even if the vertebral border of the scapula appears glenoid anteriorly, while external rotation will
to be in a vertical position (Fig. 2.6). This is because orient the glenoid posteriorly (Fig. 2.3a). The ini­
the alignment of the vertebral border of the scapula tial position of the scapula on the thorax during
is not perpendicular to the axis pointing from the relaxed standing is approximately 30–40° ante­
root of the scapular spine to the AC joint (Fig. 2.6). rior relative to the frontal or coronal plane of the
Descriptions of scapular upward rotation based on trunk (Fig. 2.4) [6, 7]. Total possible motion of
an axis aligned with the vertebral border of the the scapula on the thorax into internal/external
scapula will result in lower values, including typi­ rotation has not been directly investigated.
cally defining the rest position of the scapula on the However, as a combination of SC protraction/
thorax in relaxed standing as 0° (5). retraction and AC protraction/retraction, total
Internal and external rotations of the scapula available motion can be substantial. This can be
on the thorax are also commonly referred to as illustrated during cross-body adduction when
protraction and retraction. As noted previously, maximum SC protraction occurs with maximum
we prefer the internal/external rotation conven­ AC internal rotation (Fig. 2.1b).
14 P.M. Ludewig and R.L. Lawrence

Anterior and posterior tilts of the scapula on the occur to obtain higher degrees of arm elevation.
thorax are described about an oblique lateral axis. There is no substantive change in the amount or
As at the AC joint, the motions are described rela­ pattern of this motion as the plane of elevation
tive to the acromion process such that anterior tilt changes from flexion to abduction [6].
will bring the acromion superior and forward and Secondarily, the SC joint undergoes retraction
posterior tilt will bring the acromion inferiorly and during elevation of the arm. About 15° of retrac­
back (Fig. 2.3c). The initial position of the scapula tion can be expected to occur in order to reach
on the thorax in relaxed standing is approximately 120° of elevation during scapular plane abduction.
5–10° of anterior tilt [6]. Again, the total possible However, the amount of SC retraction will be
motion of the scapula on the thorax into anterior directly impacted by the plane of arm elevation.
and posterior tilt has also not been described in the For example, to elevate the arm in flexion, the
research literature. However, as this composite scapula (particularly the glenoid) needs to be ori­
scapular motion does not receive substantial con­ ented more anteriorly in order to maintain congru­
tribution from the SC joint [6, 9], the total motion ency with the humerus. In contrast, to elevate the
possible should be similar to that of the AC joint. arm in abduction, the scapula needs to be oriented
more posteriorly, in line with the humeral motion.
To allow this overall change in transverse plane
 omposite Motions During Planar
C orientation of the scapula, the composite SC and
Elevation and Functional Reaching AC transverse plane positions must also change.
During flexion, the SC joint will still undergo
To best understand the composite motion of the overall retraction, but there will be a slight reduc­
scapula on the thorax during planar elevation and tion in retraction from the initial relaxed standing
functional reaching motions, it is necessary to position, and less overall retraction during the
first understand the individual joint motions of elevation motion [6]. The opposite effect will
the SC and AC joint. Subsequently, we can then occur in order to elevate the arm in coronal plane
review the coupling of the SC and AC joints that abduction. The SC joint will additionally increase
occurs with motion of the scapula on the thorax. retraction from the initial relaxed standing posi­
Most investigations have focused on elevation of tion and undergo slightly more retraction during
the arm into scapular plane abduction (raising the the abduction motion [6] in order to optimally
arm in the plane of the scapula, or approximately align the glenoid with the humeral plane of eleva­
40° anterior to the coronal plane of the trunk), tion. Since functional reaching occurs in a plane
flexion, or abduction [6, 7], as well as a study of anterior to the scapular plane but posterior of a
unrestricted overhead reaching [10]. We will flexion plane [10], SC retraction during functional
refer to raising the arm in any of these planes in reaching would be expected to be intermediate
general as humeral elevation. Despite differences between that of the respective planar motions.
in the transverse plane positioning of the arm The final rotation of the SC joint that occurs
from which the humerus is then elevated, there is during elevation of the arm in any plane is clavi­
substantial consistency of motion for the SC and cle elevation. In healthy shoulder motion, how­
AC joints, as well as the scapula on the thorax. ever, this rotation should be small. To elevate the
During elevation of the arm in any plane from arm to about 120°, less than 10° of SC elevation
flexion to abduction, as well as during functional should occur. Increased SC elevation associated
reaching, the SC joint demonstrates characteris­ with excess upper trapezius activation is a com­
tic patterns of motion. The primary motion that mon movement compensation seen in patients
occurs at the SC joint as the arm is elevated is and will be discussed later.
posterior rotation [2, 6]. About 30° of posterior During elevation of the arm in any plane from
rotation of the clavicle typically occurs at the SC flexion to abduction, as well as during functional
joint as the arm is raised to 120° of elevation in reaching, the AC joint also demonstrates charac­
any plane. Additional posterior rotation will teristic patterns of motion. The primary motions
2  Mechanics of the Scapula in Shoulder Function and Dysfunction 15

that occur at the AC joint as the arm is elevated abduction motion [6] in order to optimally align the
are upward rotation and posterior tilt [2, 6]. In glenoid with the humeral plane of elevation.
raising the arm to 120° of elevation in any plane,
about 15° of upward rotation and 20° of posterior
tilt will occur at the AC joint. Additional poste­  oupling of SC and AC Joint
rior tilt will occur to obtain higher degrees of arm Motions
elevation. Only subtle changes in the amount or
pattern of these motions occur as the plane of One of the most difficult concepts to understand
elevation changes from flexion to abduction [6]. regarding shoulder complex motion is how the
Historically, it was not believed that substantive individual SC and AC joint rotations combine or
motion occurred at the AC joint during functional “couple” to result in the overall position and
elevation of the arm. This was largely presumed motion of the scapula on the thorax [9]. When
due to the potential restriction of AC joint upward viewed from above, the long axis of the clavicle
rotation by tension in the coracoclavicular liga­ and the lateral scapular axis (approximately
ments. However, we now know substantive aligned with the spine of the scapula) are aligned
motions of the AC joint are normal during func­ obliquely to each other (Fig. 2.4). In normal
tional motion. Rather than acting solely to restrict relaxed standing, the angle between these two
AC joint rotations, we also now know that a main axes (corresponding to AC joint internal rotation
function of the coracoclavicular ligaments may be as noted above) is typically about 60° (Fig. 2.4).
to transmit rotations from the scapula to the clavi­ As such, with exception to the vertical axis,
cle [11]. For example, to our knowledge no SC motions about any specific SC joint rotation axis
musculature contributes directly to the posterior will not correspond to motions about any specific
rotation motion of the clavicle, which is its pri­ AC joint axis and vice versa. However, the SC and
mary motion. This motion is likely largely pro­ AC joint vertical axes are approximately aligned
duced by tension in the coracoclavicular ligaments regardless of the AC joint internal rotation angle,
when the AC joint is moved into upward rotation and subsequently their respective transverse plane
and posterior tilt by the torque created by the lower motions are typically easier to interpret [9].
serratus anterior muscle acting on the scapula. Further, recall as previously described that the
Finally, as elevation of the arm occurs in any AC joint axes are defined consistently with the
plane as described above, the AC joint undergoes axes describing scapulothoracic motion.
internal rotation. The amount of rotation that can be Subsequently, as the AC joint upwardly rotates,
expected to reach 120° of arm elevation during scap­ posteriorly tilts, and internally rotates during ele­
ular plane abduction is about 10°. Similar to the SC vation of the arm, these motions will directly cou­
transverse plane rotation of retraction, the amount of ple to similarly named scapulothoracic joint
AC internal rotation that occurs will be directly motions if not “offset” in any way by motion at the
impacted by the plane of elevation of the arm. As SC joint. Therefore, if the AC joint were the only
described previously, in order to accommodate the joint contributing to scapular motion on the thorax,
necessary glenoid orientation for elevation in flex­ during normal arm raising to 120° humerothoracic
ion versus abduction, the AC joint position and elevation, we would see scapulothoracic upward
motion must change. During flexion, there will be rotation of about 15°, scapulothoracic posterior tilt
an initial increase in internal rotation from the initial of about 20°, and scapulothoracic internal rotation
relaxed standing position and more overall internal of about 10°. The amount of scapulothoracic inter­
rotation during the elevation motion. The opposite nal rotation would also depend on the plane of
effect will occur in order to elevate the arm in coro­ elevation, as described for the AC joint, with more
nal plane abduction. While it will still internally occurring in flexion and less occurring in coronal
rotate overall, the AC joint will begin in less internal plane abduction. As was presumed with SC retrac­
rotation at the initial relaxed standing position and tion, the amount of AC internal rotation during
undergo slightly less internal rotation during the functional reaching would be expected to be inter­
16 P.M. Ludewig and R.L. Lawrence

mediate in magnitude relative to that seen in flex­ flexion, SC joint retraction is reduced and AC joint
ion versus scapular plane abduction. internal rotation is increased, and the net result is a
Also, recall the three rotations occurring at the limited amount of scapulothoracic internal rota­
SC joint during arm elevation are primarily poste­ tion [6]. This scapulothoracic internal rotation
rior rotation, secondarily retraction, and finally helps to position the glenoid more anterior in bet­
elevation. Because the SC vertical axis is approxi­ ter congruency with the forward-­flexing humerus.
mately aligned with the vertical axis for scapular During coronal plane abduction, SC joint retrac­
motion on the thorax, if there were no offsetting tion is increased and AC joint internal rotation is
motion of the AC joint, we would expect similar decreased, and the net result is a limited increase
magnitudes of SC joint retraction and external in scapulothoracic external rotation [6]. This
rotation of the scapula on the thorax during arm scapulothoracic external rotation helps to position
elevation. However, we know that the AC joint the glenoid more lateral during abduction in better
internally rotates simultaneously as the SC joint congruency with the laterally abducting humerus.
retracts during arm elevation [6]. Thus, the trans­ In order to directly couple the remaining two
verse plane rotations of the SC and AC joint tend SC single axis rotations of posterior rotation and
to offset one another in terms of overall scapular elevation to single axis rotations of the scapula on
motion on the thorax. During scapular plane the thorax, consider two hypothetical situations
abduction, the net result is that very little change where the SC joint axes are directly aligned with
in scapulothoracic internal rotation alignment the scapulothoracic joint axes (Fig. 2.7a, b). If the
occurs. This is because the SC joint retraction that clavicle long axis were aligned with the scapular
would cause scapulothoracic external rotation is oblique lateral axis, such that the AC joint internal
offset by the AC joint internal rotation that would rotation angle was 0° (Fig. 2.7a), SC joint poste­
cause net scapulothoracic internal rotation. In later rior rotation would directly couple with scapulo­
ranges of scapular plane abduction, the larger thoracic posterior tilt, and SC joint elevation
amount of SC retraction that occurs (approxi­ would directly couple with scapulothoracic
mately 15° overall) is more than the AC joint upward rotation [9]. Alternatively, if the clavicle
internal rotation that occurs (approximately 10° long axis were aligned perpendicular to the scapu­
overall). This results in a net scapulothoracic lar oblique lateral axis such that the AC joint inter­
motion of external rotation [6]. In contrast, during nal rotation angle was 90° (Fig. 2.7b), SC joint

a b

© 2016 Rebekah Lawrence

Fig. 2.7  Two hypothetical alignment scenarios between the elevation to scapulothoracic upward rotation and sternocla­
clavicular and scapular lateral axes for understanding how vicular posterior rotation to scapulothoracic posterior tilting.
individual sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joint rota­ Perpendicular axis alignment would couple sternoclavicular
tions couple to result in the overall position and motion of the elevation to scapulothoracic anterior tilting and sternocla­
scapula on the thorax: (a) axes parallel; (b) axes perpendicu­ vicular posterior rotation to scapulothoracic upward rotation.
lar. Parallel axis alignment would couple sternoclavicular (Reproduced with permission of Rebekah L. Lawrence)
2  Mechanics of the Scapula in Shoulder Function and Dysfunction 17

posterior rotation would directly couple with joint rotations act additively toward scapulotho­
scapulothoracic upward rotation and SC joint ele­ racic upward rotation (the primary rotation) and
vation would directly couple with scapulothoracic offset one another with regard to scapulothoracic
anterior tilt (note that anterior tilt is not a desired internal/external rotation. Of the approximately
motion, as will be discussed later in the section on 30° SC posterior rotation that occurs during ele­
scapular dyskinesis) [9]. We know of course that vation of the arm to 120°, 20° (2/3) of this motion
neither of these two hypothetical alignments will couple with scapulothoracic upward rota­
occurs. Rather, the AC joint internal rotation angle tion. In addition, the AC joint upward rotation
is about 60° (Fig. 2.4), which is two-thirds of the (typically 15°) will directly couple with scapulo­
way to being aligned with the second hypothetical thoracic upward rotation. Finally, of the approxi­
scenario of a 90° internal rotation alignment. mately 9° SC elevation that occurs during arm
Subsequently, SC rotations couple in a complex elevation, 3° (1/3) of this motion will couple with
way with scapulothoracic motion. Approximately scapulothoracic upward rotation. In this scenario,
two-thirds of SC joint posterior rotation will cou­ these rotations in combination add to 38° of
ple with scapulothoracic upward rotation (90° scapulothoracic upward rotation, which is a real­
coupling relationship), and approximately one- istic value for this motion during scapular plane
third of SC joint posterior rotation will couple abduction of the arm [6, 7]. The 30° of SC poste­
with scapulothoracic posterior rotation (0° cou­ rior rotation that is occurring in this scenario
pling relationship) [9]. Similarly, approximately would also contribute 10° (1/3) to scapulotho­
two-thirds of SC joint elevation will couple with racic posterior tilt. However because the SC joint
scapulothoracic anterior tilt (90° coupling rela­ is also simultaneously elevating approximately
tionship), and approximately one-third of SC joint 9°, 6° (2/3) of this motion would result in scapu­
elevation will couple with scapulothoracic upward lothoracic anterior tilt and would therefore reduce
rotation (0° coupling relationship) [9]. the overall scapulothoracic posterior tilt to 4°. An
As these complex coupling relationships can additional 20° of posterior tilt at the AC joint
be difficult to visualize, a numeric example may would result in a combined total scapulothoracic
help to clarify (Fig. 2.8). It is important to note posterior tilt in this scenario of 24°, again a real­
that overall magnitudes in joint motion have been istic value [6, 7]. Finally, if the SC joint was
rounded in an effort to simplify the example. The retracting 15° during this arm elevation scenario,
SC and AC motions typically seen during arm and the AC joint was internally rotating 10°,
elevation should be either additive toward overall these transverse plane rotations would offset one
scapulothoracic motion or act in ways to offset another. The net result of this scenario would be
one another. For example, overall SC and AC scapulothoracic external rotation of 5°. During

Sternoclavicular Motion Acromioclavicular Motion Scapulothoracic Motion

Axes Parallel (1/3)

SC retraction --> ST ER = 5˚
SC elevation--> ST UR = 3˚
SC posterior rotation --> ST PT = 10˚ Total ST motion from SC
Retraction = 15˚ IR: 10˚ ER: 15˚ (SC) - 10˚ (AC) = 5˚
Elevation = 9˚ ER: 5˚ (II) + 10˚ (⊥) = 15˚ UR: 15˚ UR: 23˚ (SC) + 15˚ (AC) = 38˚
Posterior rotation = 30˚ UR: 3˚ (II) + 20˚ (⊥) = 23˚ PT: 20˚ PT: 4˚ (SC) + 20˚ (AC) = 24˚
Axes Perpendicular (2/3) PT: 10˚ (II) - 6˚ (⊥) = 4˚

SC retraction --> ST ER = 10˚

SC elevation --> ST AT = 6˚
SC posterior rotation --> ST UR = 20˚
© 2016 Rebekah Lawrence

Fig. 2.8 Numeric example demonstrating how sternocla­ Middle boxes quantify how sternoclavicular motions will
vicular motion is coupled with acromioclavicular motion to couple to scapulothoracic motions based on axis alignment.
produce scapulothoracic motion during elevation of the Further acromioclavicular joint motions are additive to pro­
arm to 120°. Left box identifies typical sternoclavicular duce end result scapulothoracic joint motion in far right
motion magnitudes during humerothoracic elevation. box. (Reproduced with permission of Rebekah L. Lawrence)
18 P.M. Ludewig and R.L. Lawrence

arm elevation to 120° in any plane ranging from pathologies. Identified abnormalities have included
flexion to abduction, the typical scapulothoracic increased [15, 16, 17] and decreased [18] SC eleva­
motions described are approximately 40° upward tion, increased SC retraction [15], decreased SC
rotation, 20° of posterior tilt, and small, variable posterior rotation [18], increased AC upward rota­
amounts of internal or external rotation, depend­ tion and posterior tilt [19], increased [15] and
ing on the plane and angle of elevation [6, 7]. decreased [18, 20, 21] scapulothoracic upward rota­
In summary, it can be seen that during arm tion, increased [15, 16] and decreased 21 scapulo­
elevation, SC posterior rotation and AC upward thoracic posterior tilt, and increased scapulothoracic
rotation combine to produce the majority of over­ internal rotation [21, 22]. Given the inconsistencies
all scapulothoracic upward rotation motion that is across the literature with regard to the direction of
observed [9]. These primary motions are comple­ deviations, it is difficult to conclude if alterations
mented to a limited amount (<5°) by SC elevation. observed are causative or ­ compensatory [23].
Sternoclavicular posterior rotation also contrib­ Further, the small magnitude of changes compared
utes to scapulothoracic posterior tilt, but this con­ to asymptomatic subjects has caused some to ques­
tribution is largely offset by the corresponding SC tion if these alterations are in fact abnormal or
elevation [9]. Thus, scapulothoracic posterior merely an expected range of normal variation 24.
rotation is predominately produced by AC joint Our premise is that lack of consistent move­
posterior rotation. Finally, SC retraction and AC ment deviations across studies relates more to
internal rotation offset one another, resulting in small and varying sample sizes [13, 14], limited
more limited internal or external rotation motions precision of measurement techniques, and lim­
depending on the plane of arm elevation [9]. ited utility of pathoanatomic diagnoses as defin­
While these coupling relationships are com­ ing homogenous patient samples [25, 26], rather
plex to describe, they are important to understand than a lack of true movement deviations in patient
in optimally diagnosing and treating patients with populations. However, research advances and
shoulder pain related to scapular dysfunction. As further investigation are needed before definitive
the actual joint motions are occurring at the under­ conclusions can be reached. Our premise is that
lying SC and AC joint rather than the composite scapular position and motion deviations can
scapulothoracic “joint”, muscle actions, ligamen­ result in deleterious pathomechanics when pres­
tous constraints, and joint reaction forces are ent in combination with repetitive movement
influencing the motions at these underlying joints. exposure. Some common clinical presentations
Diagnostic and treatment approaches that con­ of movement deviations are described below.
sider these underlying joint component motions Increased SC elevation is commonly observed
and functions have greatest potential to positively in patients “shrugging” their shoulder in attempt
advance patient care and preventive approaches. to raise the arm (Fig. 2.9). This deviation results
from overuse of the upper trapezius in a compen­
satory pattern that may occur because of rotator
 bnormal Motions Identified
A cuff tears (Fig. 2.9), capsular adhesions limiting
in Patient Populations (Dyskinesis) glenohumeral joint motion, glenohumeral osteo­
arthritis, or a number of other conditions [15, 16,
Once understanding the normal motions expected at 17, 27]. Because SC elevation predominately
the SC and AC joints during arm elevation, as well couples with scapulothoracic anterior tilt, this
as overall scapular motion on the thorax, deviations movement deviation is generally considered a
from these motion patterns are typically considered negative compensatory strategy as it may further
as abnormal. In the case of the scapula, these abnor­ limit the normal posterior tilt of the scapula on the
malities are frequently termed “scapular dyskinesis” thorax.
[12]. A wide variety of abnormal motions [13, 14] Decreased SC elevation can also be observed
have been identified in a number of studies of in some patient populations [18]. This is often a
patients with shoulder pain associated with various postural deviation whereby the clavicle is not in
2  Mechanics of the Scapula in Shoulder Function and Dysfunction 19

Fig. 2.9  Patient demonstrating bilateral shoulder “shrug­

ging” in attempt to raise his arms overhead. This motion is
produced through increased upper trapezius activation
and increased sternoclavicular joint elevation.
(Reproduced with permission of Paula M. Ludewig)

the typical slight elevation position when the arm

is relaxed at the side in standing. This deviation
may be associated with reduced scapulothoracic
upward rotation and increased scapular internal
rotation, which has been described as a “SICK” Fig. 2.10 Patient demonstrating decreased scapular
scapula phenomenon [28]. upward rotation. Line on right scapular medial border
depicts downward slope. (Reproduced with permission of
Increased SC retraction has also been identi­
Paula M. Ludewig)
fied in patient populations [15]. This deviation
has been identified in combination with increased
SC elevation [15], suggesting that increased A number of investigations have identified
upper trapezius activation may be contributing to decreased scapulothoracic upward rotation in
these two deviations in combination. shoulder pain populations ([13, 14, 18, 20, 21,
As SC posterior rotation is difficult to accu­ 27, 30, 31] (Fig. 2.10). Most commonly, these
rately measure by noninvasive means, little reductions occurred at lower angles of arm eleva­
investigation of this component motion has tion [14, 20, 21]. Reduced upward rotation has
occurred in patient populations. One investiga­ been frequently presumed to contribute to devel­
tion using bone-fixed tracking sensors [18] did opment of subacromial or internal “­ impingement”
identify significant reductions in SC posterior conditions [13], as well as to inferior or multidi­
rotation in patients fitting a clinical description of rectional instability [30–32].
shoulder “impingement.” As SC joint posterior Alternatively, studies have also identified
rotation couples with scapulothoracic upward increased scapulothoracic upward rotation in
rotation, this finding is believe related to the patient populations [15, 33]. This seemingly con­
common finding of decreased scapulothoracic tradictory finding may relate to increased upward
upward rotation in patient populations. rotation being a compensatory rather than a caus­
Acromioclavicular joint deviations are also ative deviation for shoulder pain and pathology.
difficult to measure accurately by noninvasive This premise is supported by findings of increased
means. One study [19] did identify significantly scapulothoracic upward rotation in patients with
greater AC upward rotation and posterior tilting rotator cuff tears [33], normalization of scapular
in patients with AC joint arthritis performing arm kinematics after rotator cuff tear surgery [34],
elevation. Another single-subject analysis dem­ and in a study demonstrating increased upward
onstrated increased AC joint motions of upward rotation in healthy subjects after a suprascapular
rotation and posterior tilt in a patient with gleno­ nerve block [35]. Increased scapulothoracic
humeral osteoarthritis [29]. upward rotation may also be a compensatory
20 P.M. Ludewig and R.L. Lawrence

Fig. 2.12  Patient demonstrating increased scapular inter­

nal rotation as noted by prominence of scapular medial or
vertebral border on the left. The patient is also demon­
strating reduced scapular upward rotation as noted by the
downward slope of the scapular medial border on the left.
(Reproduced with permission of Paula M. Ludewig)

Fig. 2.11 Patient demonstrating increased scapular

upward rotation on the left shoulder, secondary to gleno­
humeral joint soft tissue stiffness. Lines denote scapular
medial or vertebral borders bilaterally. (Reproduced with
permission of Paula M. Ludewig)

movement for subjects with reduced glenohu­

meral motion due to osteoarthritis [29, 36] or soft
tissue tightness (Fig. 2.11, [36, 37]).
Both increased [15, 16] and decreased scapu­
lothoracic posterior tilt [17, 20, 21, 27] and
increased [21, 22, 30, 38] scapulothoracic inter­ Fig. 2.13  Patient presenting with increased anterior tilt
nal rotation (Fig. 2.12) have also been observed (decreased posterior tilt) on the right shoulder during flex­
ion. (Reproduced with permission of Paula M. Ludewig)
in patient populations. These disparate findings
further illustrate the need to better distinguish
causative versus compensatory versus inconse­ Typically a muscle’s distal attachment is to a seg­
quential movement deviations with regard to ment of lesser mass, and subsequently the seg­
pain and function. ment is moved toward the proximal attachment.
Anecdotally, lack of posterior tilt (or even However, in the case of the deltoid with a proxi­
increased anterior tilt) (Fig. 2.13), increased mal attachment to the scapula, the lighter scapula
internal rotation, or decreased upward rotation in will be pulled into anterior tilt or downward rota­
some patients may relate to reverse action of the tion if the scapulothoracic musculature is not
deltoid. As any muscle contracts, it imparts force adequately activated or is unable to produce
on both proximal and distal attachment sites. enough force. This may be an activation or timing
2  Mechanics of the Scapula in Shoulder Function and Dysfunction 21

issue rather than a strength issue. A further clini­ abnormal scapular kinematics were negatively
cal observation worth noting is that scapular dys­ impacting the rotator cuff [42, 43]. However,
kinesis may be more commonly observed recently it has been clarified that acromiohumeral
eccentrically [39]. distance measures need to consider the proximity
to actual rotator cuff soft tissue structures [44,
45] in order to best understand potential risk of
 otential Influence of Abnormal
P cuff compression. To date, clear links between
Scapular Motions and Positions subacromial rotator cuff compression and spe­
on Shoulder Pain and Tissue cific scapular dyskinesis in vivo have not been
Pathology established [23, 42, 43]. With regard to internal
impingement, Mihata et al. have demonstrated
How scapular motion and position relate to negative implications of reduced scapular upward
potential for shoulder pain and tissue pathology rotation and increased scapular internal rotation
has received limited investigation. Because the in a cadaver model [46]. Additional investiga­
glenohumeral joint is where the majority of tis­ tions linking scapular motion and position altera­
sue pathology is observed, the impact of scapulo­ tions and the proximity of the rotator cuff to
thoracic deviations largely depends on whether potential impinging structures, as well as finite
the glenohumeral joint is impacted. If scapular element models assessing tissue stress and defor­
dyskinesis is occurring but the humerus is mov­ mation, are needed. Such studies can further
ing synchronously with the scapula, there may be ascertain the clinical consequences of the posi­
no negative impact. However, if the scapula is tion and motion alterations identified in patient
dyskinetic and consequently there is increased populations.
glenohumeral joint rotational or translational In summary, scapular dyskinesis is not nec­
motion, there may be increased stress to glenohu­ essarily a pathology in and of itself (e.g., as
meral joint structures. related to a spinal accessory or long thoracic
One key factor to determining whether scap­ nerve injury) [47]. However, scapular dyskine­
ular dyskinesis is deleterious or not relates to sis may contribute to abnormal joint stresses
whether it impacts glenohumeral joint stability. and eventually lead to tissue pathology. While
The glenohumeral joint is most stable if the net much further research is needed, we believe
result of the joint contact force is directed into scapular dyskinesis is an impairment of optimal
the glenoid at the center of its concavity [40]. motion and can be a risk factor for shoulder tis­
If scapular position or dyskinesis alters the net sue pathology. Everyone who presents with a
joint resultant force direction, this can contrib­ risk factor will not necessarily develop pathol­
ute to instability, subluxation, or dislocation at ogy. In the case of shoulder joint pathology,
the glenohumeral joint. Less extreme cases of determining who will go on to develop tissue
“microinstability” can also occur, where scap­ pathology is likely based on a combination from
ular dyskinesis may contribute to excessive a number of risk factors. These might include an
translations at the glenohumeral joint. individual’s underlying anatomical structure
Most extensively, scapular dyskinesis has and alignment, their shoulder motion profile,
been theorized to increase risk for subacromial their tissue resilience to repetitive stress includ­
compression and internal or external “impinge­ ing blood flow and inflammatory responses,
ment.” The generalized negative impact of dyski­ genetic factors, and their overall exposure to
nesis is supported with evidence of tissue shoulder positions and motions creating risk.
pathology development in an animal model [41]. Full understanding of these risk factors and their
Historically, measures of the acromiohumeral implications will require substantive ongoing
distance have been used to investigate whether investigation.
22 P.M. Ludewig and R.L. Lawrence

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Muscle Activation Associated
with Scapular Function
and Dysfunction

David Ebaugh and Margaret Finley

This chapter will discuss the role of muscles humeral head and glenoid fossa, optimal size of
involved with the production and control of the subacromial space, ideal length-tension rela-
scapulothoracic and glenohumeral joint move- tionship of the rotator cuff muscles, and full-­
ments. The focus will be on the role of the pri- range arm elevation.
mary muscles and muscle force couples involved Seventeen muscles attach to the scapula. Five
with scapulothoracic and glenohumeral move- muscles, the trapezius (upper, middle, and lower
ments. The effects of altered muscle activity and portions), levator scapulae, rhomboids, serratus
muscle inflexibility on scapulothoracic move- anterior, and pectoralis minor, are primarily
ment will also be presented along with clinical responsible for producing and controlling scapu-
implications for rehabilitation guidelines. lothoracic movement. The supraspinatus, infra-
Normal shoulder girdle motion is dependent spinatus, subscapularis, teres minor, and deltoid
upon the coordinated interaction of the scapulo- are primarily responsible for producing glenohu-
thoracic and glenohumeral joints. For example, meral movement. Little evidence exists regarding
during glenohumeral abduction (frontal plane the role that other periscapular muscles (latissi-
elevation), the typical scapulothoracic movement mus dorsi, pectoralis major, triceps brachii [long
pattern includes elevation, retraction, upward head], biceps brachii [short and long head], cora-
rotation, posterior tilt, and external rotation [1]. cobrachialis, and omohyoid) have in producing
These scapulothoracic movements are necessary or controlling scapulothoracic movement. In the
for maintaining optimal alignment between the following paragraphs, we will describe the role
of the primary muscles that are involved with
scapulothoracic and glenohumeral movements
D. Ebaugh, PT, PhD (*) and how these muscles work together to produce
Department of Health Sciences, Department of arm elevation.
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences,
College of Nursing and Health Professions,
Translational movements of the scapula on the
Drexel University, 1601 Cherry Street MS 7-502, thorax (elevation, depression, protraction, and
Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA retraction) can occur without concomitant gleno-
e-mail: debaugh@drexel.edu humeral movements. Scapular elevation (shoul-
M. Finley, PT, PhD der shrug) is produced by the upper portion of the
Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation trapezius, levator scapulae, and rhomboid mus-
Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Professions,
Drexel University, 1601 Cherry Street MS 7-502,
cles [2, 3] (Fig. 3.1a). The attachment of the
Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA upper trapezius muscle on the lateral aspect of
e-mail: maf378@drexel.edu the clavicle lends it to provide simultaneous

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 25

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_3
26 D. Ebaugh and M. Finley

a b

Fig. 3.1 (a) Muscles responsible for producing scapular solid red lines = lower trapezius; solid purple line = latis-
elevation. Dashed red line = upper trapezius; solid purple simus dorsi (From “Joint Structure and Function: A
lines = levator scapulae; solid white lines = rhomboids. Comprehensive Analysis”, 3rd edition by Pamela
(b) Muscles responsible for producing scapular depres- K. Levangie and Cynthia C. Norkin. ISBN: 0803607105,
sion. Dashed white line = pectoralis major and minor; 9780803607101)

upward rotation of the scapula as it elevates the muscles [6, 7] (Fig. 3.2a). Based on the relative
scapula. Concomitant scapular downward rota- amount of activity in each of these muscles, other
tion may occur based on the attachment sites of scapular movements (upward/downward rota-
the levator scapula and rhomboid muscles. tion, internal/external rotation, and anterior/pos-
Depending on the relative activity of the upper terior tilt) may occur simultaneously with
trapezius, rhomboids, and levator scapulae mus- scapular protraction. For example, if the pectora-
cles, scapular elevation may be accompanied lis minor and major muscles dominate the motion
with upward rotation and downward rotation or then based upon their attachments on the scapula,
may occur with the scapula remaining in a rela- scapular protraction will be accompanied by
tively neutral upwardly/downwardly rotated scapular downward rotation, internal rotation,
position. and anterior tilt. Conversely, orientation of the
The lower trapezius and pectoralis minor mus- serratus anterior muscle allows it to upwardly
cles, along with the latissimus dorsi and lower rotate, externally rotate, and posteriorly tilt the
portion of the pectoralis major muscles, produce scapula as it protracts the scapula.
forceful depression of the scapula that is accom- Scapular retraction is produced by the trape-
panied by scapular downward rotation [4, 5] zius, rhomboids, and latissimus dorsi muscles
(Fig.  3.1b). The balance of muscle activity [2, 3] (Fig. 3.2b). As the rhomboids and latis-
between the anterior muscles (pectoralis minor simus dorsi muscles create scapular retraction,
and major) and posterior muscles (trapezius and they also produce scapular downward rotation.
latissimus dorsi) will determine whether the The ability of the trapezius muscle to upwardly
scapula protracts, retracts, or remains in a neutral rotate the scapula during retraction can counter
position as the scapula moves into depression. this downward rotation, thereby keeping the
Scapular protraction is produced by the pecto- scapula in a neutral upwardly/downwardly
ralis minor, serratus anterior, and pectoralis major rotated position.
3  Muscle Activation Associated with Scapular Function and Dysfunction 27

a b

Fig. 3.2 (a) Muscles responsible for producing scapular Red arrow = rhomboids; purple arrow = middle trapezius
protraction. Green arrow = pectoralis major; red (From “Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive
arrow = serratus anterior; purple arrow = pectoralis minor. Analysis”, 4th edition by Pamela K. Levangie and Cynthia
(b) Muscles responsible for producing scapular retraction. C. Norkin. ISBN: 0803611919, 9780803611917)

The deltoid (anterior, middle, and posterior) butions from the supraspinatus [11], middle del-
along with the rotator cuff muscles (subscapu- toid [11], and pectoralis major muscles [8] when
laris, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres the arm is at 90° of elevation.
minor) are the primary muscles that produce gle- The anterior deltoid along with the pectoralis
nohumeral movements and provide glenohu- major and subscapularis muscles produces gleno-
meral stability. Glenohumeral elevation in the humeral horizontal adduction [18, 20]. The pos-
sagittal plane (flexion) occurs through activation terior deltoid and infraspinatus muscles produce
of the anterior and middle portions of the deltoid glenohumeral horizontal abduction [18, 20, 21].
muscle [8–10] with stabilizing contributions Arm elevation can occur in many planes
from the infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and sub- including the frontal, sagittal, and scapular plane.
scapularis muscles [11–13]. The anterior and Poppen and Walker [22] suggest that scapular
middle portions of the deltoid muscle [10, 14, 15] plane elevation, defined as 30°–45° anterior to the
and the supraspinatus muscle [9, 11, 16] are the frontal plane, provides optimal glenohumeral
primary muscles responsible for producing fron- joint congruity which enhances joint stability and
tal plane glenohumeral elevation (abduction) maintains an ideal muscle length-tension relation-
with stability being provided by the infraspinatus ship of the glenohumeral musculature. Thus, most
and subscapularis muscles [11–13, 16–18]. overhead activities are performed in the scapular
The muscles primarily responsible for produc- plane and require a coordinated balance of scapu-
ing glenohumeral internal and external rotation lothoracic and glenohumeral movements [22, 23].
vary based upon the angle of arm elevation. The These movements include scapulothoracic
infraspinatus muscle is primarily responsible for upward rotation, external rotation, and posterior
producing glenohumeral external rotation in neu- tilt, along with glenohumeral elevation and exter-
tral (arm in 0° elevation) and at 90° of arm eleva- nal rotation [2, 24–27].
tion [10, 18]. The supraspinatus [19] as well as As the arm is elevated to an overhead position,
the teres minor and posterior deltoid muscles the primary scapulothoracic motion is upward
assist the infraspinatus muscle during these rotation. The traditionally described muscle force
movements [8]. Similarly, glenohumeral internal couple responsible for producing this movement
rotation is produced by the subscapularis muscle consists of the upper and lower portions of the
when the arm is at the side with additional contri- trapezius muscle along with the serratus anterior
28 D. Ebaugh and M. Finley

Fig. 3.4  Muscles responsible for producing scapula pos-

terior tilt. Black dot = axis of rotation; green arrow = pos-
terior tilt motion; purple arrow = serratus anterior; red
arrow = lower trapezius

extensive attachment on the inferior angle of the

Fig. 3.3 Muscles responsible for producing scapula
upward rotation. Red arrow = middle trapezius; black scapula that places the lower portion of the ser-
arrow = lower portion of serratus anterior (From Johnson ratus anterior muscle in an ideal orientation to
G, Bogduk N, Nowitzke A, House D. Anatomy and produce scapular posterior tilt. The lower trape-
actions of the trapezius muscle. Clin Biomech (Bristol,
zius muscle’s attachment from the lower thoracic
Avon). 1994;9(1):44–50)
spinous processes to the deltoid tubercle on the
scapular spine provides the ability to work with
muscle. Contrary to this, Johnson et al. [3] pur- the lower portion of the serratus anterior to pro-
port that the middle trapezius muscle works with duce scapular posterior tilt (Fig. 3.4). Scapular
the serratus anterior muscle in a force couple that external rotation results from a force couple cre-
produces scapular upward rotation. Based on a ated by the serratus anterior and rhomboid mus-
cadaveric study, the authors proposed that once cles. These muscle’s attachments to the vertebral
the serratus anterior muscle initiated upward border of the scapula are aligned to produce scap-
rotation, the middle trapezius was optimally ular external rotation (Fig. 3.5).
aligned to assist with upward rotation [3]. The The contribution of the glenohumeral joint to
serratus anterior and middle trapezius muscles overhead arm motions requires a balance of ade-
then continue to work in a force couple to quate joint mobility and stability. Glenohumeral
upwardly rotate the scapula as the arm is raised joint stability relies heavily upon the concavity
overhead (Fig. 3.3). The role of the lower trape- compression mechanism [30]. The concavity
zius was proposed to be one of scapular stabiliza- compression mechanism refers to the stabilizing
tion by offsetting scapular elevation and effect of the concave glenoid fossa and compres-
protraction produced by the upper trapezius and sive forces of the rotator cuff musculature on
serratus anterior muscle, while the upper trape- humeral head translations. Other factors that
zius muscle was proposed to be one of clavicular ­contribute to this mechanism are glenoid articular
and scapular elevation and retraction [3]. cartilage thickness and the glenoid labrum [30].
At end ranges of scapular plane arm elevation, As the arm is raised, overhead glenohumeral
the scapula posteriorly tilts and externally rotates elevation is accomplished through a force couple
[27]. The serratus anterior, rhomboids, and trape- formed by the deltoid and the rotator cuff mus-
zius muscles work together as a force couple to cles (Fig. 3.6). During the initial phases of gleno-
produce these motions [14, 26, 28, 29]. It is the humeral elevation, the deltoid muscle functions
3  Muscle Activation Associated with Scapular Function and Dysfunction 29

muscle assists the deltoid in producing arm ele-

vation, while the infraspinatus and teres minor
muscles produce humeral external rotation
toward the end range of arm elevation.

 lteration in Muscle Activations

and Resultant Motions

Appropriate muscle activity is necessary for produc-

ing coordinated scapulothoracic and glenohumeral
movements during arm elevation. Neuromuscular
lesions such as nerve entrapment, neuritis, or nerve
lesions result in altered muscle activation that in turn
Fig. 3.5 Muscles responsible for producing scapular produces aberrant movements. Specifically, altered
external rotation. Black dot = axis of rotation; blue scapulothoracic and glenohumeral movements have
arrow = external rotation motion; red arrow = serratus been documented in impairments of the long tho-
anterior muscle; purple arrow = rhomboids (From “Joint
Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis”, 4th racic nerve (serratus anterior) [33], spinal accessory
edition by Pamela K. Levangie and Cynthia C. Norkin. nerve (trapezius) [33], dorsal scapular nerve (rhom-
ISBN: 0803611919, 9780803611917) boids) [34, 35], and suprascapular nerve (supraspi-
natus, infraspinatus) [36, 37].
Roren et al. [33] investigated scapulothoracic
movements during arm elevation in individuals
with long thoracic nerve palsy (LTNP, n = 5) and
spinal accessory nerve palsy (SANP, n = 4).
Elevation in both the sagittal (flexion) and frontal
planes (abduction) resulted in reduced scapulo-
thoracic upward rotation (3.4°–13°), decreased
scapulothoracic posterior tilt (3.6°–8.8°), and
small reductions in scapulothoracic internal rota-
tion (<3.5°) in those with LTNP [33]. Similarly,
in individuals with SANP, scapulothoracic
upward rotation was reduced (9.2°–28.6°) with
increased scapulothoracic internal rotation
(18.5°–20.3°) across both planes. Throughout
frontal plane elevation, scapulothoracic posterior
tilt was reduced at 2.4°–8.9°; however, at rest and
in the initial phases of sagittal plane elevation,
posterior tilt increased (2.6°–5.6°) followed by a
Fig. 3.6  Force couple formed by the deltoid and rotator
cuff muscles producing glenohumeral elevation (From
decrease in the range above 90° of elevation
“Kinesiology, The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of (2.1°) [33]. The aberrant movement patterns
Human Movement”, 3rd edition by Carol A. Oatis. ISBN: observed with these nerve injuries are commonly
978-1-4511-9156-1) described in the clinical setting as dynamic scap-
ular winging.
to elevate the humerus, while the rotator cuff Individuals with electrodiagnostically con-
muscles stabilize the glenohumeral joint by com- firmed dorsal scapular nerve lesions have been
pressing the humeral head into the glenoid fossa shown to have altered resting scapular position as
[15, 16, 31, 32]. Additionally, the supraspinatus well as aberrant movements [34, 35]. On visual
30 D. Ebaugh and M. Finley

examination of resting scapular position, the thorax and scapulothoracic movement [39, 40].
medial scapular border and inferior angle were The relationship between resting pectoralis minor
prominent with the involved scapula located muscle length and scapular resting position as
more laterally on the thorax. Individuals pre- well as scapulothoracic movement has been stud-
sented with increasing scapular winging (medial ied in a healthy, young population [41–43]. When
scapular border lifting off the posterior thoracic standing in a natural relaxed posture, individuals
wall creating scapulothoracic internal rotation with a shorter resting pectoralis minor muscle
with medial and superior translation) during sag- length have been shown to have more scapular
ittal and frontal plane arm elevation. Findings of internal rotation than individuals with a longer
these studies support the importance of the rhom- resting pectoralis minor muscle length [41].
boid muscles in assisting with the production of Additionally, individuals with a shorter resting
scapulothoracic retraction and external rotation. muscle length also demonstrate reduced scapular
Although neither the supraspinatus nor infraspi- upward rotation and scapular posterior tilting
natus muscles are primary producers of scapular during arm elevation [43]. The significance of
movements, suprascapular nerve impairment this information is that these scapulothoracic
induced by nerve block in healthy adults [36, 37] motion patterns are similar to those reported in
and in Parsonage-Turner syndrome [38] has been individuals with shoulder pain secondary to sub-
shown to result in aberrant scapulothoracic and gle- acromial impingement, rotator cuff disease, and
nohumeral movements during scapular plane arm glenohumeral instability [28, 44].
elevation. Suprascapular nerve block resulted in an It should be noted that although studies have
increase in scapulothoracic upward rotation, investigated associations between resting pectora-
reduced glenohumeral elevation during the initial lis minor muscle length, scapular positioning,
90° of arm elevation [36, 37], increased scapulotho- shoulder pain, and scapulothoracic movement,
racic external rotation from 70° to 120° of humero- pectoralis minor muscle length measures were
thoracic elevation [36], and superior humeral head obtained with participants in a standing or supine
translation [37]. In a case of suprascapular neuropa- position with their arms at their sides [43, 45, 46].
thy, Camargo et al. [38] documented increased Although this position provides information about
scapulothoracic upward rotation and internal rota- the resting length of the pectoralis minor muscle,
tion, as well as decreased scapulothoracic posterior it does not provide information about whether or
tilt, without a deficit in arm elevation range of not the muscle is tight or shortened. While resting
motion. These studies support the idea that loss of pectoralis minor muscle length provides useful
adequate supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle information related to scapular positioning and
activation results in compensatory changes of scap- scapulothoracic movement, determining whether
ular movements that are believed to be important or not the pectoralis minor muscle is tight or
for elevating the acromion during arm elevation. shortened could provide other valuable informa-
tion for clinical decision-­making. A tight or short-
ened pectoralis minor muscle could interfere with
Soft Tissue Flexibility normal lengthening of the muscle during over-
head arm movements. Based on a modeling study,
Impaired flexibility of soft tissues associated with the pectoralis minor muscle has been shown to
the shoulder girdle has been proposed to influence elongate up to 67% of its resting length during full
the position and movement of the scapula [39]. overhead arm e­levation [14]. Clearly additional
The pectoralis minor muscle and posterior rotator studies are needed to determine what constitutes a
cuff musculature/posterior glenohumeral joint tight or shortened pectoralis minor muscle and
capsule have been the focus of recent studies and what effect these conditions have on scapulotho-
will be discussed in this section. racic movement and shoulder function.
Pectoralis minor muscle length is believed to Measures of glenohumeral internal rotation
effect the resting position of the scapula on the and horizontal adduction, as well as ultrasound
3  Muscle Activation Associated with Scapular Function and Dysfunction 31

­ easures of posterior glenohumeral joint capsule

m scapulothoracic and glenohumeral ­ movements.
thickness in overhead athletes, have been used to From a clinical perspective, it is imperative to rec-
provide an understanding of the influence of ognize this when examining an individual with
impaired posterior shoulder soft tissue flexibility on shoulder pain and dysfunction. Understanding
scapular positioning and scapulothoracic m ­ ovement how the primary shoulder girdle muscles work
[47–50]. Overhead athletes who present with lim- together to produce and control scapulothoracic
ited glenohumeral horizontal adduction have been and glenohumeral movements, and what happens
shown to have a more forward scapular position when impairments to these muscles occurs, gives
(protraction and anterior tilt) in standing than those clinicians a strong basis for evaluating and treating
with greater amounts of glenohumeral horizontal individuals with shoulder pain and dysfunction as
adduction [48]. Increased amounts of scapulotho- well as designing rehabilitation interventions.
racic anterior tilt have been demonstrated in athletes
with limited glenohumeral internal rotation deficit
(GIRD) during a movement task where participants References
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Scapular Examination
Phil McClure, Aaron D. Sciascia, and Tim L. Uhl

Scapular Motion and Pathology impingement have been found to demonstrate

increased posterior tilting [7, 8], decreased poste-
Recognition of the biomechanical role of the rior tilting [1, 3, 4], decreased upward rotation [1,
scapula in normal shoulder function has led to 3], increased upward rotation [2, 8], increased
several clinical studies attempting to associate superior translation [4, 8], and increased internal
abnormal scapular motion, so-called scapular rotation [3, 6]. The variability of findings in these
dyskinesis, with shoulder pathology such as studies is further confusing as the magnitude of
shoulder impingement [1–6] or instability [6]. differences between those with healthy and path-
These studies have included several methods of ological shoulders are typically small, with dif-
capturing scapular motion including Moire’ ferences in the 3–5° range. Therefore, it is unclear
topography, electromechanical digitization, whether these differences are really of clinical
radiographic methods, magnetic resonance imag- significance even though statistical significance
ing, and electromagnetic tracking devices. was observed in several of the studies.
Results of studies assessing three-dimensional Furthermore, recent prospective investigations
(3-D) scapular motion in those with pathology have found conflicting results regarding the rela-
have been inconsistent. Subjects with shoulder tionship between scapular dyskinesis and the
presence of symptoms in overhead athletes. Two
studies found no relationship between the pres-
ence of scapular dyskinesis and shoulder symp-
P. McClure, PT, PhD, FAPTA (*)
Department of Physical Therapy, Arcadia University, toms in high school baseball players [9] and
450 South Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038, USA collegiate water polo players [10]. Clarsen et al.
e-mail: mcclurep@arcadia.edu [11] did find a positive relationship between
A.D. Sciascia, PhD, ATC, PES scapular dyskinesis and development of shoulder
Assistant Professor, Athletic Training Education symptoms over a season in Norwegian elite hand-
Program, Eastern Kentucky University,
ball players. Therefore, despite some authors
228 Moberly Building, 521 Lancaster Avenue,
Richmond, KY 40475, USA claiming a strong relationship between abnormal
e-mail: aaron.sciascia@eku.edu scapular motion and shoulder pathology [12–14],
T.L. Uhl, PhD, ATC, PT, FNATA the actual research evidence supporting this
Division of Athletic Training, Department of assertion is limited. Other clinical tests predi-
Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Science, cated on altering symptoms with manual scapula
University of Kentucky, 210c C.T. Wethington
Building, 900 South Limestrone, Lexington, KY
repositioning may hold promise in clarifying
40536-0200, USA which patients truly have scapular dysfunction
e-mail: tluhl2@uky.edu driving symptoms [15–17].
© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 35
W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_4
36 P. McClure et al.

Examination 2. The effect of manual corrections of scapular

position and motion on symptoms
The scapular examination should be carried out 3. Evaluation of surrounding tissue that may

in association with a complete shoulder exami- contribute to scapular and shoulder dysfunc-
nation. The goal is to identify abnormal scapu- tions [18]
lar position and motions (dyskinesis) that may
be associated with underlying shoulder dys- The integration of these components is
function [18–20]. Because scapular dyskinesis detailed in this chapter and is summarized in an
is commonly present in asymptomatic subjects, assessment algorithm in Fig. 4.1.
relating it’s presence to the patient’s symptoms
is critical. The assessment of scapular dyskine-
sis is challenging due to motion of the scapula Visual Observation
underlying skin and other soft tissues. The
three-dimensional motion of the scapula that is The scapula must be directly visualized during
dependent on plane of elevation and motions the examination. One common mistake is failure
performed further challenges the examiner. to visually inspect the scapula position at rest
Methods of identifying scapular dyskinesis have from the posterior view (Fig. 4.2). This must be
been described with adequate reliability, though done in order to comprehensively evaluate a
the validity of these tests may be questioned patient with shoulder pain. Visual observations of
because they lack direct correlations with symp- the scapula at rest as part of a typical postural
toms [18]. The premise of this chapter is to out- evaluation must take into consideration the cra-
line a systematic clinical examination of the nial and spinal alignment issues. Initial visual
scapula incorporating three major components: observation for spinal scoliosis and kyphosis
should be routinely performed as these can be
1. Visual observation to determine the presence underlying biomechanical sources altering scap-
or absence of scapular dyskinesis in a symp- ular mechanics and producing apparent scapular
tomatic patient dyskinesis [21, 22].

Is Scapular Dyskinesis Present?

- Visual observation during flexion and abduction with and without No
- If negative, consider testing under fatiguing conditions
Continue Shoulder Exam
- Scapular dysfunction unlikely

Are symptoms changed with manual correction?

- Scapular Reposition/Retraction Test No
- Scapular Assistance Test
- Other corrections of scapular malposition
- Verbal/Manual Cueing to correct position/motion


Identify tissue source of dysfunction

to guide appropriate intervention

Soft tissue tightness: Poor Muscle Performance

Test Specific Structures
Readily correctable with cueing and conscious effort?
Axioscapular Muscles Glenohumeral Capsule and Muscles
- Pectoralis minor - Posterior capsule No Yes
- Levator scapulae - Inferior capsule
- Rhomboids - Infraspinatus / teres minor True muscle weakness Motor Control Deficit
- Latissimus dorsi / teres major - Determine deficit(s) with specific manual muscle testing - Determine corrective strategies
- Triceps (long head) - Determine source of deficit
- Neural injury (usually more profund weakness,
more rapid onset)
- Disuse (less profound weakness, slower more
chronic onset )
Modified from Cools et al., 2014, Br J Sports Med

Fig. 4.1  Clinical scapular examination algorithm (Modified from Cools et al. 2014, Br J Sports Med)
4  Scapular Examination 37

Fig. 4.2  Visual observation of the scapula from a poste-

rior view

Many authors have suggested that forward

head posture and increased thoracic kyphosis may
contribute to scapular protraction and lead to adap-
tive shortening of postural muscles or muscular
strength imbalances [23–26]. A protracted scapu-
lar position may be associated with a narrowed
subacromial space [27, 28] and a flexed thoracic
spine, and forward shoulder position alters scapu-
lar motion and results in diminished force output
with elevation (Fig. 4.3) [23, 29].
Static assessment of scapular malposition has
been demonstrated to be present in patient with
and without shoulder pathology [6]. Warner used
an enhanced visual observation using Moire’
topography in patients with rotator cuff impinge-
ment, shoulder instability, and healthy cohort.
Between 30 and 50% of 29 patients with shoulder Fig. 4.3  Lateral view of upper quarter and trunk with
noted forward head and rounded shoulder positioning
pathology were found to have static scapular
malposition when holding a 4.5 kg weight in
hand with elbows flexed to 90° [6]. It is important an important point to remember in evaluating the
to note that 3 of 22 or 14% of non-injured healthy scapula that asymmetric position does not neces-
cohort had asymmetric scapular position. This is sarily indicate pathology.
38 P. McClure et al.

The lateral scapular slide test is a static mea- characterizing scapular dyskinesis as absent or
surement of the side-to-side difference of the dis- present, and each side is rated separately.
tance from the inferior angle of the scapula to the Dyskinesis is defined as the presence of either
adjacent spinous process [30]. The measures are winging (prominence of any portion of the medial
performed with the arms in three different posi- scapular border or inferior angle away from the
tions, arms at the side, hands on hips, and arms thorax) or dysrhythmia (premature, or excessive,
abducted to 90° in maximal internal rotation. A or stuttering motion during elevation and lower-
side-to-side difference of >1.5 cm is considered ing) (Fig. 4.4). Interrater reliability of this test,
pathological. This test has demonstrated fair to after brief standardized online training https://
moderate levels of reliability and is easily applied www.arcadia.edu/college-health-sciences/depart-
in a clinical setting [30, 31]. However, the valid- ments-faculty/physical-therapy/shoulder-­
ity of this test has been questioned because of the research-­center, has been shown to be better than
findings that both symptomatic and asymptom- other previously described visual classification
atic individuals will demonstrate asymmetry systems. Concurrent validity was assessed in a
when measured in this manner [32, 33]. large group of overhead athletes, and it was shown
Additionally, it is possible to have symmetrical that those judged as demonstrating abnormal
pathologic dyskinesis; therefore, validity is ques- motion using this system also demonstrated
tionable when comparison is made only to the decreased scapular upward rotation, less clavicular
contralateral side. Furthermore, the static and elevation, and less clavicular retraction when mea-
two-dimensional nature of this test fails to fully sured with three-dimensional motion tracking
assess the dynamic three-dimensional motion [10]. Abnormalities were far more prevalent dur-
found to occur with scapular movement [10, 32, ing shoulder flexion compared with frontal plane
34]. This inadequacy of measurement along with abduction. These results support the assertion that
questionable validity of results requires the use of shoulders visually judged as having dyskinesis
other methods of scapular assessment during using this system demonstrate distinct alterations
clinical examination. in three-dimensional scapular motion, particularly
Visual assessment schemes for classifying during flexion. However, while visually observed
scapular dyskinesis have been developed in an dyskinesis resulted in an altered three-dimensional
attempt to resolve the issues with linear or static motion, subjects with dyskinesis were no more
measures [15, 34, 35]. These methods involve likely to report symptoms during sports [10].
classifying scapular movement during shoulder Uhl et al. [35] used essentially the same crite-
motion into normal or abnormal categories. ria (winging or dysrhythmia) to classify any sub-
These measures are considered more functional ject that demonstrated an abnormality in scapular
in application and more inclusive with the ability motion into the “yes” classification, and normal
to judge scapular movement in three-dimensional movement was classified as “no.” They studied
patterns. Kibler et al. [15] were the first to both symptomatic patients with various soft tis-
describe a visually based system for rating scapu- sue pathologies as well as an asymptomatic
lar dysfunction that defined three different types group. The “yes/no” test was found to have supe-
of motion abnormality and one normal type. rior interrater reliability and demonstrated better
Reliability values for this system were too low to specificity and sensitivity values when using
support clinical use, and the test was subse- asymmetry found with three-dimensional testing
quently refined in two studies using a simplified as a gold standard [35]. An important finding that
method of classification [35]. was consistent with previous research [10] also
The scapular dyskinesis test is a visually based demonstrated a higher frequency of dyskinesis
test for scapular dyskinesis that involves a subject during shoulder flexion in patients (54%) com-
performing weighted shoulder flexion and abduc- pared with asymptomatic subjects (14%),
tion movements, while visual observation of the whereas no differences between groups were
scapula is performed [34]. This test consists of detected during scapular plane elevation.
4  Scapular Examination 39

a b

Fig. 4.4  Posterior view of scapular dyskinesis test during elevation and lowering with prominence of scapular medial
border winging on the right side

Manual Correction that specific patient. The two main symptom

alteration tests are the scapular assistance test
Because scapular dyskinesis is a common find- [16, 30] and the scapular reposition or retrac-
ing in asymptomatic individuals, a basic prob- tion test [17, 36].
lem in evaluation is deciding if the presence of The scapular assistance test involves manually
scapular dyskinesis is an important abnormality assisting scapular upward rotation during shoulder
perpetuating symptoms. The possibility exists elevation and determining this effect on pain
that alterations of scapular motion could be (Fig.  4.5) [37]. This test was later modified by
compensatory strategies to avoid stress on pain- Rabin incorporating scapular posterior tilting as
sensitive tissue. Symptom alteration tests have well (Fig. 4.6) [16]. A positive test is when pain
been developed as a way to infer scapular mal- with elevation is either decreased or abolished dur-
position in driving symptoms by manually redi- ing the assisted maneuver. This test has demon-
recting scapular movement during provocation strated acceptable levels of reliability [16], increased
testing. If altering scapular position causes an subacromial space [38], increased upward rotation,
immediate decrease in symptoms, this provides and posterior tilt of the scapula [38].
direct evidence that scapular dyskinesis is a The scapular retraction test involves manually
contributing factor to shoulder symptoms in positioning and stabilizing the entire medial bor-
40 P. McClure et al.

Fig. 4.5  Scapular assistance test applying anterior and Fig. 4.6  The modification of the Scapular assistance test
laterally directed force on the inferior scapular angle with in which the entire hand is used to apply the anterior and
the examiner’s thumb laterally directed force to the inferior scapular angle

der of the scapula in a retracted position on the when performed on a large group of overhead
thorax [37]. This test was developed to help athletes; roughly half of those with pain (46/98)
­identify patients in which strength loss in shoul- during impingement testing had reduced pain,
der elevation may be due to a loss of proximal and 26% had a substantial increase in isometric
stability of the scapula. The test is performed by elevation strength. Therefore, this test may be
asking the patient to retract both shoulder blades, helpful at identifying a subset of patients with
and the examiner stabilizes the medial border of shoulder pathology that may benefit from inter-
the scapula with their forearm (Fig. 4.7). The test ventions designed to improve scapular muscle
is considered positive when the patient demon- function.
strates a reduction of pain or an increase in shoulder
elevation strength when the scapula is stabilized
during isometric arm elevation in the scapular Surrounding Tissue Evaluation
plane at 90° [19, 37]. Kibler et al. [36] studied
this test in symptomatic and asymptomatic sub- Once an examiner determines that scapular dys-
jects. Their findings demonstrated that there was kinesis is present and determines it is a contribut-
no change in pain levels, and all subjects demon- ing factor to the overall shoulder pathology,
strated improved strength output, regardless of examination of the surrounding tissue should be
symptoms. performed to identify those factors that may be
The scapular reposition test is a modification responsible for causing the altered scapular
of the scapular retraction test that involves motion. Many structures have been implicated as
emphasizing scapular posterior tilting and exter- possible contributors to the development of scap-
nal rotation but avoiding full scapular retraction ular dyskinesis. These include deficits in strength
(Fig.  4.8) [17]. This modification was based or motor control of scapular stabilizing muscles
upon previous investigations that have found a [17, 18, 30, 39], postural abnormalities [23, 26,
decrease in shoulder elevation strength with 40], and impaired flexibility [13, 41]. Therefore,
maximal active scapular retraction [29]. This a comprehensive examination of all of these
test has demonstrated acceptable reliability and components is necessary (Fig. 4.1).
4  Scapular Examination 41

b c

Fig. 4.7  The scapular retraction test is divided into three lizes the medial border of the scapula with one forearm,
components: (a) the clinician tests arm strength without while the other arm applies a downward force on the
the scapula stabilized or retracted, (b) the patient is asked abducted arm
to actively retract the scapula, and (c) the clinician stabi-

Muscle strength of key scapular stabilizers The serratus anterior innervated by the long
can be assessed using standard positions and pro- thoracic nerve has a significant contribution to
cedures described by Kendall et al. [42]. The key scapular upward rotation, internal rotation, and
muscles to test are the axioscapular muscles [43]. clavicular protraction. Assessing the ability to
Underlying neurological injury to the long tho- protract the scapula around thorax or hold against
racic, spinal accessory, or dorsal scapular nerves a retraction load is necessary to confirm the ser-
should be investigated as potential causes of ratus anterior is functioning correctly. The ability
scapular dyskinesis. to elevate the arm overhead, specifically in the
42 P. McClure et al.

sagittal plane, and protract the scapula around the keep the inferior medial border of the scapula sta-
thorax while resisting a retraction force will indi- bilized to the thorax, during sagittal plane eleva-
cate that serratus anterior is functioning correctly tion would suggest the serratus anterior is not
(Fig. 4.9). The presence of “winging,” inability to functioning well. This could be attributable to
poor motor control or also to true muscle weak-
ness associated with disuse or nerve injury. This
is an important distinction that may influence
intervention strategies. If the winging is due to
poor motor control, the patient should be able to
quickly correct the problem with appropriate
cueing and may also perform normally on a man-
ual muscle test. However, weakness and winging
that are not easily corrected and persist during
isolated manual muscle testing may indicate
underlying neurological deficit of the long tho-
racic nerve pathology [44].
Along with the serratus anterior, the upper
and lower trapezius functions in a force couple
to upwardly rotate the scapula. In particular the
trapezius musculature is key stabilizer of the
scapula when the arm is in frontal plane abduc-
Fig. 4.8  The scapular reposition test is similar to the tion [19, 39, 45–47]. A key concept in testing
scapular retraction test except the patient is not asked to these muscles is that even though resistance is
actively retract the scapula, so there are only two compo- applied through the arm, weakness is identified
nents: (a) the clinician stabilizes the medial border of the
scapula with one forearm, (b) while the other arm applies
by early “breaking” of the scapula rather than
a downward force on the abducted arm the arm. In patients with rotator cuff or deltoid

a b

Fig. 4.9  Serratus anterior manual muscle test evaluating (a). Presence of winging or posterior scapular displace-
the ability of the scapula to stabilize along the thoracic ment away from the thorax indicates serratus anterior
wall against a downward and posteriorly directed force weakness (b)
4  Scapular Examination 43

Fig. 4.10 Lower
trapezius manual muscle
test performed in prone
with force applied at the
posterior lateral aspect
of the acromion,
directing force anteriorly
and toward scapular
musculature over rotator
cuff and deltoid muscles

Fig. 4.11 Middle
trapezius manual muscle
test performed in prone
with force applied at the
posterior lateral aspect
of the acromion,
directing the force
anteriorly in order to
bias the scapular
musculature over the
rotator cuff and deltoid
muscles. If a long lever
arm is used, pay close
attention to which gives
way first, the scapular
retraction or the
horizontal abduction of
the arm

weakness, the arm may need to be supported and can be performed by having the patient lie prone
resistance applied directly to the scapula to accu- and retract the scapula while applying a down-
rately determine scapular muscle weakness. ward force on the posterior lateral acromion
Resistance applied in specific directions onto the toward the floor (Fig. 4.11). The ability to dis-
scapula should provide a more specific test to criminate between these two muscles using mul-
evaluate scapular muscle strength. Scapular ele- tiple test positions has not been identified to date
vation or shrugging biases the upper trapezius [48, 49]. It is critical to get adequate scapular
muscles but rarely demonstrates weakness in a retraction when placing patient into retraction in
muscle test. Assessing lower trapezius muscle order to engage the scapular retractors when
strength should be performed in prone with the testing.
patient elevating their arm away from the floor Assessment of shoulder muscle flexibility and
with arm abducted 135° (Fig. 4.10). Applying a all shoulder joint mobility is critical to com-
resistive force in line with the lower trapezius pletely evaluate potential causes of scapular dys-
muscle to the posterior lateral acromion to force kinesis. Adaptive shortening of the pectoralis
the scapula toward the ground biases the activa- minor muscle has been identified as a contributor
tion of the lower trapezius muscles [48]. to abnormal scapular kinematics and implicated
Assessment of both the rhomboid, a dorsal scap- as a factor that may contribute to shoulder
ular-innervated muscle, and the middle trapezius impingement syndrome [41, 50]. Sahrmann [50]
44 P. McClure et al.

to record the linear distance between the a­ natomic

origin and insertion of the pectoralis minor muscle
(Fig. 4.13) [52]. This measurement was found to
have satisfactory intrarater reliability (intraclass
correlation coefficient = 0.82–0.87) and good con-
current validity. This linear measure requires care-
ful palpation and has not demonstrated differences
in patient with and without symptoms of shoulder
impingement [53].
Another assessment of forward shoulder
posture has been described with the patient
standing upright measuring the distance from
the anterior acromion to the wall (Fig. 4.14)
[54]. This technique has been used to identify
individuals with forward shoulder posture due
Fig. 4.12  Measurement of pectoralis minor length as to anterior structure tightness. This measure-
suggested by Sahrmann from supine position to anterior
ment technique has not identified a specific
aspect of the acromion
muscular tightness but has been responsive to
therapeutic interventions addressing forward
posture [26, 55].
Traditional range of motion measures of exter-
nal rotation and internal rotation at 90° abduction
with the scapula stabilized to determine the
mobility of the glenohumeral joint is an impor-
tant assessment in evaluating the causes of
­scapular dyskinesis. Limitations of the glenohu-
meral joint can be a source of abnormal scapular
motion and must be addressed in both the assess-
ment and treatment of shoulder pathologies.
Posterior shoulder tightness (capsular or rota-
tor cuff) has been associated with excessive pro-
traction of the scapula [56] and may contribute to
scapular dyskinesis [13]. Two common methods
Fig. 4.13  Pectoralis minor length measured from the of assessing posterior shoulder tightness are
fourth rib to the coracoid process internal rotation at a 90° abduction (Fig. 4.15)
[57, 58] and spinal level reached with reaching
behind the back [59, 60]. These two methods
has described an assessment method for pectora- have demonstrated acceptable levels of reliability
lis minor length that involves taking a linear for clinical use. Gerber et al. [61] showed that dif-
measurement with the patient supine from the ferent parts of the posterior capsule restrict internal
treatment table to the posterior aspect of the acro- rotation with the arm by the side versus 90°.
mion, with any measurement >2.54 cm suggest- Therefore, authors have recommended that clini-
ing tightness (Fig. 4.12). cians use both assessment methods to allow for a
Although highly reliable, some have ques- more comprehensive assessment of posterior
tioned the validity of this method as it failed to shoulder tightness [62]. Measurements of shoul-
discriminate those with shoulder pain [51]. der internal rotation are affected by humeral and
Another assessment method that has been glenoid version and therefore make it difficult to
described involves using a tape measure or caliper distinguish between soft tissue tightness and
4  Scapular Examination 45

bony alterations causing diminished internal rota- The intervention approach would need to be a
tion. To overcome this problem, Laudner et al. minimal tissue loading and pain reduction inter-
[63] have described measuring horizontal adduc-
tion with the arm at 90° elevation and the scapular
blocked with satisfactory reliability (Fig. 4.16).
Ultimately, the goal of any examination is to
determine a diagnosis and develop appropriate
intervention to address impairments identified or
dysfunctions identified during the examination.
The role of the scapular examination is to iden-
tify what if any scapular impairments are poten-
tially contributing to a patient’s shoulder pain.
The three components of the shoulder examina-
tion will assist to identify the presence of tissue
inflexibility or poor motor function impairments.
In order to institute an intervention, detailed in
Chaps. 15 and 16, the level of tissue irritability
when a patient presents needs to be included in
the examination process in order to apply the
correct intervention level. A three-level categori-
zation of tissue irritability has been described to Fig. 4.15  Measuring internal rotation of the glenohu-
consider when applying appropriate intervention meral joint in the plane of the scapula with scapula
[64]. In the presence of a highly state of irritabil-
ity (Stage 1), the patient with poor motor function
presents in a high level of pain, disability, and
significant guarding of active shoulder motion.

Fig. 4.16  Posterior shoulder tightness measured with

horizontal adduction while stabilizing the scapula. Zero
position of the humerus would be perpendicular to the
plinth; motion into more horizontal adduction would be
Fig. 4.14  Forward shoulder posture measured in stand- represented as positive value, and less would be recorded
ing using a double square method as a negative value
46 P. McClure et al.

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Part II
The Scapula and Shoulder Pathology
The Scapula and Impingement/
Rotator Cuff Disease
and Treatment

Katherine E. Reuther, Brent J. Morris,
and John E. Kuhn

Background been developed to assess the role of the scapula in

impingement and rotator cuff disease. Currently,
Scapular dyskinesis is present in most shoulder there is limited evidence to guide our treatment or
injuries (68–100%) [1]. Major progress has prevention of rotator cuff injuries that may be sec-
occurred in our understanding of scapular dyskine- ondary to scapular dyskinesis. A better understand-
sis. Scapular dyskinesis is now identified around the ing of the role of the scapula in rotator cuff pathology
world and the implications are broad. Our under- would help optimize clinical management.
standing of the scapula now extends far beyond our This chapter will highlight how the role of the
rudimentary basis of “scapular winging” and neuro- scapula in impingement and rotator cuff disease
logic conditions. We can now begin to explore the is currently evaluated through clinical studies and
impact of the scapula on other conditions and through experimental model systems. Using
explore a more cause and effect relationship. The these studies as a framework, the role of the scap-
scapula establishes a platform for effective rotator ula in the development of these conditions will be
cuff function and normal shoulder motion. highlighted. Lastly, the importance of the scapula
Alterations in scapular motion can be associated in the treatment of rotator cuff pathology will be
with multiple pathologic conditions including rota- discussed.
tor cuff weakness and rotator cuff pathology [2].
Clinical data and experimental model systems,
including cadaveric and animal models, have also  valuating the Role of the Scapula
in Impingement/Rotator Cuff
K.E. Reuther, PhD
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Columbia University, 351 Engineering Terrace, 500 W. Early recognition of scapular dyskinesis was
120th Street, New York, NY 10027, USA based on clinical observations. Scapular dyskine-
e-mail: ker2154@columbia.edu sis is now reliably characterized with a validated
B.J. Morris, MD observational test [3]. The scapular dyskinesis
Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic test is a dynamic observational test use to reliably
Orthopedics --Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder diagnose scapular dyskinesis. Clinical observa-
Center of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
e-mail: bremo@lexclin.com tions and reliable diagnostic criteria for scapular
dyskinesis are complemented with corrective
J.E. Kuhn, MD, MS (*)
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA physical examination maneuvers that lead to
e-mail: j.kuhn@vanderbilt.edu symptom alteration and rotator cuff strength

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 51

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_5
52 K.E. Reuther et al.

improvement. The scapular assistance test (SAT) Cadaveric Studies

and scapular retraction test (SRT) are corrective
physical examination maneuvers that can alter Human cadaveric studies have several advan-
the injury symptoms [1, 4, 5]. These corrective tages including anatomic assessment and con-
physical examination maneuvers attest the role of trolled biomechanical evaluation of the scapula.
scapular dyskinesis and rotator cuff involvement Static anatomic variants such as acromial type
because correction of abnormal scapular posi- and glenoid orientation and their association with
tioning can lead to symptom improvement and rotator cuff pathologies have been studied [8–
rotator cuff strength improvement. 11]. Biomechanical testing through control of
Clinical observations and corrective physical scapular orientation and alterations in applied
examination maneuvers have helped to better forces and/or simulated tears have also been
identify scapular dyskinesis and its association investigated [12, 13]. Unfortunately, cadaveric
with rotator cuff pathology, and now epidemio- studies are limited in that they cannot address the
logical studies also highlight this relationship. underlying causes of injury and are unable to
Specific body types and postures have now been evaluate the injury process over time. In addition,
linked to scapular dyskinesis and rotator cuff most shoulder biomechanics research focuses on
tears. Faulty posture, especially thoracic kypho- actuation of the glenohumeral joint and doesn’t
sis, has been shown to be associated with scapu- include scapulothoracic motion or attempt iso-
lar dyskinesis [6]. An ultrasound study of 379 lated alterations in scapular orientation without
participants from a single mountain village consideration of the dynamic and complex 3D
showed that postural abnormalities were inde- motions observed in vivo [14, 15].
pendent predictors of rotator cuff tears with the
highest prevalence of rotator cuff tears among
individuals with thoracic kyphosis and lumbar Animal Models
lordosis [7]. Postural abnormalities were shown
to alter scapular motion and are thought to cause The rat shoulder model has been previously identi-
mechanical abrasion and wear on the rotator fied as anatomically and functionally similar to the
cuff. human shoulder [16]. Specifically, both the rat and
Scapular dyskinesis with protraction, poste- human have similar bony architecture and soft tis-
rior tilt, and upward rotation may be the cause of sue anatomy as the human, including the presence
rotator cuff pathology by causing mechanical of a coracoacromial arch, under which the supra-
abrasion and wear with decreased subacromial spinatus tendon passes during forward locomotion
space and decreased rotator cuff clearance under (Fig.  5.1). Reuther et al. have recently extended
the coracoacromial arch [6]. Conversely, scapular the rat shoulder model to include induction of
dyskinesis could be a negative decompensation scapular dyskinesis through acute nerve injury of
for rotator cuff injury and may lead to further the spinal accessory and long thoracic nerve [17,
shoulder dysfunction. 18]. The use of animal models for shoulder
Unfortunately, clinical studies are unable to research has several advantages over clinical stud-
address the underlying causes of impingement ies including the ability to repeat and control study
and rotator cuff pathology. Experimental model parameters and the ability to examine longitudinal
systems such as cadaveric and animal models changes in behavior, function, and tendon proper-
have played a critical role in the characterization ties and elucidate the mechanism by which these
and understanding of rotator cuff disease and changes occur. Unfortunately, there are several
treatment along with examining the contribution limitations that should be r­ecognized in the rat
of static and dynamic variants of the scapula. model including the fact that the use of a quadru-
These model systems have advantages and limi- ped animal does not exactly replicate the human
tations that should be considered when evaluat- condition and that induction of scapular dyskinesis
ing and interpreting findings. through acute nerve injury represents only a small
5  The Scapula and Impingement/Rotator Cuff Disease and Treatment 53

Human Rat
Fig. 5.1  Comparison of human shoulder anatomy to rat shoulder anatomy. This view demonstrates the presence of a
coracoacromial arch in both the human and rat, under which the supraspinatus passes [16]

percentage of patients clinically. However, this Static Anatomic Variants

model allows researchers to assess the cause and
effect relationship between abnormal scapular Static anatomic variants of the scapula, includ-
motion and rotator cuff pathology in an anatomi- ing anatomy of the acromion and glenoid, and
cally similar model as the human and in a con- their association with rotator cuff pathology
trolled and repeatable manner. have long been studied in cadaveric experi-
mental models. Bigliani et al. developed a clas-
sification system of acromial shape that
 evelopment of Rotator Cuff
D included “flat” (Type 1), “curved” (Type 2),
Disease/Impingement and “hooked” (Type 3) (Fig. 5.2) [21]. A cor-
relation was observed between Type 3 acro-
Rotator cuff tears are very common with up to mion and the presence of rotator cuff tears in
20% of the general population reported to have a cadaver shoulders. In support of this work,
rotator cuff tear and greater than 50% prevalence Flatow et al. performed another cadaveric
in the sixth and seventh decades [19]. Scapular study which assessed excursion of the rotator
dyskinesis has been reported in a high proportion cuff under the acromion through biomechani-
of patients with rotator cuff tears [20]. Scapular cal testing, stereophotogrammetry, and radio-
dyskinesis was present in 28% of patients with graphs [22]. The authors found an increase in
symptomatic, atraumatic rotator cuff tears in this subacromial contact with Type 3 acromions.
prospective multicenter cohort study. Scapular Other features of the acromion associated with
dyskinesis was associated with worse pretreat- rotator cuff disease include anterior tilt of the
ment shoulder function scores. acromion [23], lateral extension of the acro-
In addition to the associations observed clini- mion [24], lateral tilt of the acromion [25], and
cally, experimental model systems have identi- the presence of an os acromiale [26]. Related
fied both static and dynamic variants of the to the acromion morphology is the finding that
scapula that may contribute to the development a narrow supraspinatus outlet is associated
of rotator cuff disease and impingement. with rotator cuff tears [27].
54 K.E. Reuther et al.

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

Fig. 5.2  Bigliani’s acromion classification of the undersurface of the acromion with corresponding radiographs [29]

Cadaveric studies have also demonstrated that  capular Kinematics and the 

glenoid orientation also plays an important role Dynamic Influence
in rotator cuff pathology. Glenoid inclination, a
measure of the angle of the glenoid in plane of Biomechanical evaluation of cadaver shoulders
the scapula, was examined in cadaveric shoulders has provided insight into the role of the scapula
with and without rotator cuff tears. A greater gle- in glenohumeral joint mechanics and pathol-
noid inclination angle, or a more upward-facing ogy. Impingement (including internal and
glenoid, was observed in shoulders with cuff external or subacromial) has been carefully
tears [28]. Another cadaveric study observed an investigated in cadaveric experimental models.
increased risk for superior humeral head migra- Karduna et al. altered scapular orientation
tion with greater glenoid inclination, indicating (including posterior tilt, upward rotation, and
that a more upward-facing glenoid could contrib- external rotation) and evaluated clearance in
ute to cuff pathology and impingement [11, 28]. the subacromial space [12]. Results demon-
In contrast, Kandemir et al. found no difference strated a decrease in ­ subacromial clearance
in glenoid version or inclination in cadavers with with increased upward rotation of the scapula.
intact versus torn rotator cuffs [9]. Finally, there This is contrary to what was expected given
is a relationship between the lateral extension of clinical data that has observed a decrease in
the acromion and the glenoid inclination angle upward rotation with impingement and may
that produces the “critical shoulder angle” such suggest a compensatory modification in joint
that larger angles are associated with rotator cuff kinematics [30].
tears, and smaller angles are associated with gle- The role of scapular orientation in internal
nohumeral osteoarthritis [10]. impingement, classified as contact between the
5  The Scapula and Impingement/Rotator Cuff Disease and Treatment 55

a b

Fig. 5.3  Representative histologic image of the rat supraspinatus tendon demonstrated increased cell density in the
presence of scapular dyskinesis (b) compared to control (a) [17, 18]

undersurfaces of the posterior cuff with the The objective of the rat model study was to
humerus, superior labrum, and glenoid rim, has evaluate the effect of scapular dyskinesis on gle-
also been studied through biomechanical evalua- nohumeral joint function and tendon properties.
tion. Mihata et al. modified scapular orientation In the scapular dyskinesis group, surgical tran-
and evaluated glenohumeral joint positioning and section of the accessory and long thoracic nerve
contact pressures and found that decreased was performed, and entire medial border promi-
upward rotation and increased internal rotation nence of the scapula was observed during ambu-
increased the glenohumeral contact pressure and lation, indicative of abnormal positioning of the
impingement area in cadaver shoulders [13]. This scapula and acromion in these animals. The scap-
is contrary to the subacromial impingement stud- ular dyskinesis group also demonstrated altered
ies from Karduna et al. and suggests the role of joint function in the form of increased propulsion
scapular orientation in both forms of impinge- force, decreased vertical force, and increased
ment is still controversial. internal rotation range of motion. Propulsion
Despite our improved understanding of the force is required for forward locomotion in the
role of the scapula in rotator cuff disease and rat, and an increase in this parameter may indi-
impingement through clinical observations and cate greater stress being placed on the glenohu-
cadaveric evaluation, evidence is still mixed meral joint. A decrease in vertical force suggested
regarding the cause and effect relationship a functional deficit and possible pain. The
between scapular dyskinesis and rotator cuff increased internal rotation range of motion sug-
pathology. Recently, a new scapular dyskinesis gested a loosening in the posterior structures of
rat model was developed to better understand this the shoulder do to the unstable scapula. The scap-
relationship from a basic science perspective [17, ular dyskinesis group also had altered tendon
18]. The rat model allows for controlled and properties (including mechanical, histological,
repeatable induction of scapular dyskinesis and and structural) (Fig. 5.3). There are two possible
the opportunity for qualitative and quantitative mechanical mechanisms for these alterations: (1)
evaluation of subsequent joint function (includ- altered acromial position and reduced subacro-
ing spatial, temporal, and kinetic parameters and mial clearance led to tendon mechanical abrasion
passive joint mechanics) and supraspinatus ten- and wear and (2) increased demand was placed
don properties (including mechanics, structure, on the rotator cuff in the scapular dyskinesis
and organization) in response to the prescribed group in an attempt to restore dynamic stability
alteration in scapular motion. to the joint. This study was the first to directly
56 K.E. Reuther et al.

identify scapular dyskinesis as a causative mech- I mportance of the Scapula

anism of altered glenohumeral function and rota- in Treatment of Rotator Cuff
tor cuff tendon properties. Disease
A follow-up study by Reuther et al. exam-
ined the impact of scapular dyskinesis in an Scapular dyskinesis has been identified as a non-
overuse population [17, 18]. As expected, the surgically modifiable factor to treat patients with
combination of overuse and scapular dyskinesis rotator cuff tears [20]. Physical therapy has been
had a greater effect on tendon properties than studied as a viable treatment option in patients
scapular dyskinesis alone. This study suggested with symptomatic, atraumatic full-thickness rota-
that the risk for shoulder injury in patients with tor cuff tears in a prospective multicenter study
scapular dyskinesis might be higher in individ- [42]. Physical therapy with scapular exercises
uals who frequently perform overhead was effective in treating 75% of the patient popu-
activities. lation for up to 2 years.
While there is an abundance of biomechanical Clinical evidence and ex vivo and in vivo
and animal model research evaluating the rela- experimental model systems have demonstrated a
tionship between scapular dyskinesis and rotator clear association between scapular static and
cuff disease, clinical evidence is also robust. dynamic variants and rotator cuff disease and
Warner et al., using Moire topography, demon- impingement. As a result, these variants should
strated abnormal scapular positions at rest in be taken into consideration when treating patients
patients diagnosed with impingement syndrome with these pathologies. Early investigations in
[31]. Symptomatic patients with rotator cuff dis- this area have begun to examine the role of the
ease have abnormal scapular kinematics, and scapula in rotator cuff healing following surgical
muscle activity ratios comparted to asymptom- repair. Reuther et al. evaluated how scapular dys-
atic patients with disease and those with normal kinesis affected tendon healing following repair
anatomy [32–36]. Shoulder pain related to in a rat model [43]. Results demonstrated deficits
impingement in swimmers is associated with in tendon mechanical properties in repaired ten-
abnormal recruitment patterns of the serratus and dons in the scapular dyskinesis group compared
lower trapezius [37], and the pain associated with to repaired tendons in rats with normal scapular
rotator cuff tears is linearly related to scapular motion. This was the first study to demonstrate
dyskinesis [38]. that scapular dyskinesis may diminish rotator
Scapular rehabilitation may be helpful in treat- cuff healing following repair. Clinically, it is pos-
ing rotator cuff-related shoulder pain and fatigue sible that successful preoperative scapular reha-
[39]. Two recent systematic reviews of the litera- bilitation may be necessary in order to achieve
ture concluded the scapula-focused approach was successful outcomes postoperatively; however,
significantly better at improving patient disability there is limited long-term clinical data evaluating
early [40], and scapular strength [41], but the effect the impact of scapular dyskinesis on rotator cuff
did not seem as impressive for pain or range of repair healing, and this topic warrants further
motion. The limited number of trials in the litera- investigation.
ture (seven) made definitive conclusions difficult. Experimental model systems have also been
In summary, clinical evidence and cadaveric utilized to assess the role of the acromion in rota-
and experimental model systems have demon- tor cuff pathology and treatment. Acromioplasty
strated both static and dynamic variants of the (resection of undersurface of the acromion) or
scapula can contribute to rotator cuff pathology. subacromial decompression (removal of tissue in
Abnormal position and motion of the scapula can subacromial space) is often performed in conjunc-
increase stresses on the rotator cuff and lead to tion with rotator cuff repair in order to provide
impingement and damage. Careful consider- greater clearance for the rotator cuff under the
ations should be given to these findings when acromion and alleviate pain. Cadaveric biome-
managing these conditions and patient expecta- chanical evaluation has demonstrated support for
tions clinically. this technique with data that showed subacromial
5  The Scapula and Impingement/Rotator Cuff Disease and Treatment 57

decompression decreases peak pressures on the 8. Halder A, Zobitz ME, Schultz F, An KN. Mechanical
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The Scapula and the Throwing/
Overhead Athlete
Stephen J. Thomas and John D. Kelly IV

Introduction on the muscles of the shoulder and scapula

increase, so will tissue adaptations. At first these
Throwing is a very unique and complex act that adaptations are important for creating increased
often begins as early as 2 years of age. At this time strength and stability. However, for adaptations to
children are developing the necessary neuromus- continue in a positive direction, two factors must
cular control required to throw in a coordinated be properly managed. First is the frequency of
and efficient manner. Similar to the development applied stress. There must be a balance between
of all other learned tasks such as walking or run- stress and frequency of its application. As stress
ning, the neuromuscular system requires large increases the frequency at which it is realized
repetitions to become efficient. At first the motion must equally decrease. Since there is no way of
is very uncoordinated, especially between the continually monitoring stress, this is often diffi-
lower and upper extremity, but with more repeti- cult to manage clinically. Therefore, many organi-
tions these segments become much more efficient zations like Little League Baseball have
and transform into a fluid motion [1]. With contin- incorporated pitch counts as an attempt to limit
ued development of the neuromuscular system the frequency [4]. However, this is also difficult to
and skeletal growth, the acceleration of segments monitor as players participate in multiple leagues
and ultimately the ball will increase. At this time and showcases. In addition, these guidelines are
increased stress and force are placed on the body very general and don’t consider the individual
especially at the upper extremity [2, 3]. As stress stress for each player. The second factor that must
be considered is recovery. Although managing
stress and frequency are important, allowing
S.J. Thomas, PhD, ATC (*) proper recovery can minimize harmful adapta-
Department of Kinesiology, Temple University, tions such as chronic fatigue and muscle atrophy
Pearson Hall, 1800 N. Broad Street, following high-frequency bouts. One area that
Philadelphia, PA 19121, USA
experiences high stress due to eccentric muscular
Penn Throwing Clinic, 3737 Market Street, contractions is the posterior scapular stabilizers.
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
e-mail: sjthomasatc@gmail.com During the deceleration phase of throwing, the
scapular stabilizing muscles must both provide
J.D. Kelly IV, MD
Department of Ortho, University of Pennsylvania, stability for the rotator cuff muscles to function
235 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA properly and also protract around the thoracic
Penn Throwing Clinic, 3737 Market Street, cage to dissipate force [5–8]. Due to both the high
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA stress and frequency, these muscles will fatigue
e-mail: johndak4@gmail.com both acutely and chronically.
© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 59
W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_6
60 S.J. Thomas and J.D. Kelly IV

The acute and chronic fatigue that occurs in space was increased on the dominant arm at 0°,
the scapular stabilizers will often affect the posi- 45°, and 60° of glenohumeral abduction. These
tion and motion of the scapula [5, 6]. The static positions were examined due to recent research
position is typically caused by tightness of soft that has demonstrated the insertion of the supra-
tissue structures, and the altered motion of the spinatus is medial to the acromion and not able to
scapula is typically caused by an altered neuro- be impinged once the glenohumeral joint is
muscular control pattern coupled with soft tissue abducted beyond 60° [15]. Combining the results
tightness. These adaptations will greatly affect of both studies may suggest that the development
the normal functioning of the scapula. When the of subacromial impingement occurs at lower
scapula is not functioning properly, it often places positions of abduction. However, once the degen-
more stress on the distal segments, like the shoul- eration of the supraspinatus tendon has pro-
der and elbow. This additional stress on the distal gressed, the patient may be symptomatic at 90°
segments can cause a degeneration of stabilizing of glenohumeral abduction due to the larger
tissues resulting in injuries like labral and ulnar amount of internal stress or tension on the supra-
collateral ligament tears. This chapter will go spinatus tendon.
into depth about the normal and abnormal func- The position, level of competition, and age may
tions of the scapula in overhead athletes and how also have an effect on the amount of scapular
they present clinically. In addition, it will discuss upward rotation that is present in overhead athletes.
the clinical implications to abnormal function. First, Laudner et al. [16] found that pitchers had
less upward rotation when compared to position
players. Second, Thomas et al. [17] found that col-
Normal Scapular Function lege baseball players had less scapular upward
rotation compared to high school players. Lastly,
Static Position Cools et al. [18] found that older (>16 years old)
tennis players had less scapular upward rotation
To understand how to evaluate and treat the scap- compared to younger (<14) players. Pairing the
ula in overhead athletes, there must first be an results of these three studies together may conclude
understanding of what is normal. In a clinical set- that the amount of exposure has a detrimental effect
ting, the first thing that is performed during a on scapular upward rotation. In fact, additional
scapular assessment is observing the athlete in a research has found that over the course of both a
static resting position. Due to the stress and fre- high school and college season, players lost scapu-
quency placed on the throwing arm, there are lar upward rotation [19, 20]. This may suggest a
asymmetries that are often present even in healthy chronic fatigue of the muscles involved with scapu-
players. A common asymmetry observed is an lar upward rotation (upper trapezius, lower trape-
increased amount of scapular upward rotation on zius, and serratus anterior) even in healthy
the dominant arm [9–12]. This is often thought to asymptomatic players. Maintaining proper scapu-
be a positive adaptation since increased upward lar upward rotation is important to allow optimal
rotation would theoretically increase the subacro- functioning of the glenohumeral joint and mini-
mial space and minimize the risk of subacromial mize the risk of developing overuse injuries such as
impingement. However, when examining sub- subacromial impingement syndrome [5, 8].
acromial space in overhead athletes, the results
are inconsistent. Thomas et al. [13] found that the
subacromial space was not different bilaterally at Kinematics
both 0° and 90° of glenohumeral abduction. The
90° position was examined due to it being the The overhead throwing motion is one of the fast-
functional ­ position of throwing and the most est motions the human body can produce with
common position that replicate subacromial velocities over 7000° per second at the glenohu-
impingement symptoms. However, in contrast, meral joint [21]. Due to these extreme velocities
Maenhout et al. [14] found that the ­subacromial at the glenohumeral joint, the scapula also has to
6  The Scapula and the Throwing/Overhead Athlete 61

function at high speeds to maintain proper gleno- tion, posterior tilting, and internal rotation com-
humeral strength and stability. The scapula has pared to the nondominant arm [12]. Also throwers
previously been described as a sea lion balancing often have more upward rotation, internal rota-
a ball on its nose [22, 23]. The sea lion (scapula) tion and retraction compared to non-throwing
must move to maintain the balance and stability athletes [9]. Therefore, it is unlikely that an over-
of the ball (humeral head). Due to the difficulties head athlete will have perfect scapular symmetry.
of assessing high-speed kinematics of the scapula There are often subtle differences present. These
in vivo, only two studies have examined the differences are important to note when assessing
motion of the scapula during throwing [24, 25]. overhead athletes clinically.
To simplify the kinematic study, the scapula was
evaluated at specific portions of the pitching
motion (stride foot contact, maximal external Kinetics
rotation, and maximal internal rotation). At stride
foot contact, the scapula was found to be in a Kinetics or forces are required to produce the
retracted, slightly upwardly rotated, and anteri- velocity and acceleration that occurs during
orly tilted position. Moving from that position to throwing, thereby being linked with kinematics.
maximal external rotation, the scapula further Without kinetics, normal motion would not
retracted and upwardly rotated. It also moved occur. Although there are occurrences when
into external rotation and posterior tilt. It has extreme forces are produced and result in a trau-
been suggested that at maximal external rotation matic injury, during normal throwing, kinetics
of the pitching motion, the scapula acts as a fun- are submaximal and don’t result in acute tissue
nel to transfer energy from the lower extremity disruption [26]. Instead the mechanical stimuli
and trunk to the arm [7, 8]. Full scapular retrac- will cause tissue to adapt [27]. Typically this
tion will maximize the amount of energy trans- adaptation will result in a much stronger tissue
ferred to the shoulder, while scapular upward that is able to withstand larger forces. However, if
rotation, external rotation, and posterior tilting the load is too large or with too high of a fre-
will allow maximal clearance of the supraspina- quency, it can cause tissue degeneration [28, 29].
tus tendon. Maximum internal rotation occurs Since throwing is a high-velocity activity, it has
after ball release and is required to dissipate the been shown to produce large forces and torques
large amount of energy created during the accel- throughout the upper extremity [26, 30–32]. The
eration phase. At this position, it was found that two main phases of throwing that produce the
the scapula was protracted, internally rotated, most force are the acceleration and deceleration
and anteriorly tilted. These scapular positions are phases. During the acceleration phase, there are
at the other extreme of the available range of large anterior (300 N) and superior (400 N) forces
motion compared to maximal external rotation. occurring at the shoulder [26]. These forces are
To efficiently dissipate energy, joints will move thought to be counterbalanced by contraction of
through large ranges of motion. Dissipating the rotator cuff and biceps tendon to maintain
energy over a greater range will lower the peak glenohumeral stability. During the deceleration
stress placed on the surrounding soft tissue struc- phase of throwing, a compression force of over
tures (capsule, ligaments, tendons, and muscles). 1000 N occurs and can be equated to ~1.5× body
In theory, this will protect the structures from weight [26]. This is more than double the forces
overuse, degeneration, and injury. Although it is that are experienced during the acceleration
important to know the normal high-speed motion phase. This force is created by the eccentric con-
of the scapula during throwing, it is impossible to traction of both the posterior rotator cuff and
assess clinically. Therefore, clinicians often have scapular stabilizers to help dissipate energy [5, 6].
patients perform slow and controlled shoulder As we discussed prior, from maximal external
elevation and observe the motion of the scapula. rotation to maximal internal rotation, the scapula
During elevation the scapula on the dominant moves through a large range of motion. This
arm has been shown to have more upward rota- large motion reduces peak forces on the sur-
62 S.J. Thomas and J.D. Kelly IV

rounding joint structures and minimizes the deceleration phase of throwing [36]. These results
microscope damage to the muscles during eccen- coincide with the kinematic results discussed pre-
tric contraction, potentially speeding recovery. viously. During this phase of throwing, the scapula
is maintaining upward rotation and moving into
protraction to absorb energy. The upper trapezius
Strength will help maintain upward rotation, and the serra-
tus anterior will move the scapula into protraction.
Muscular strength is very important in the over- Interestingly, it has also been found that the activa-
head athlete. Due to the large kinetics and repe- tion of the scapular muscles correlates with the
titions that occur during throwing, the muscles activation of the gluteus medius muscle on the
of the scapula must adapt and become stronger. contralateral leg [35]. This demonstrates a neuro-
In fact several studies have investigated strength muscular link between the dominant scapula and
asymmetries on the dominant arm of overhead the contralateral hip in overhead throwers. Another
athletes. All three divisions of the trapezius important aspect of muscle activity to examine is
muscle (upper, middle, and lower) have had timing. Latency or the proper timing of muscles
increased strength when examined clinically should occur to function normally and produce
[11, 33, 34]. In addition, the serratus anterior normal kinematics. One study found the upper and
muscle has also been found to be stronger on the middle trapezius had an increased latency on the
dominant arm [11]. These specific muscles are dominant arm [37]. The upper trapezius also had
crucial to the proper functioning of the scapula an increased latency when compared to the middle
especially during upward rotation. As players trapezius and serratus anterior. For proper scapular
develop, there are often increases in muscular function, the serratus anterior and lower trapezius
strength, velocity, and acceleration of the upper must activate first. Activation of the upper trape-
extremity. This will also increase the amount of zius prior to the lower trapezius and serratus ante-
eccentric force produced by the scapular stabi- rior would cause a scapular hitch instead of upward
lizers to decelerate the arm and minimize the rotation potentially leading to impingement of the
stress that is often propagated to the glenohu- rotator cuff. In fact, this abnormal motion is often
meral joint and elbow. Therefore, maintenance seen in patients with rotator cuff tears [38].
of scapular strength throughout a game, season, In conclusion, due to the repetitive stress
and career is critical to minimize shoulder and placed on the upper extremity during overhead
elbow injuries. throwing, the scapula often presents with normal
asymmetries. Without knowledge of these nor-
mal asymmetries, clinicians may identify them as
Muscle Activity abnormal, and patients will be managed incor-
rectly. Therefore, understanding the normal func-
Muscle activation is often isolated to the neuro- tion of the scapula and surrounding muscles is
muscular system unlike strength, which is often a vital to assess the overhead athlete. Proper
combination of both the neuromuscular and knowledge will allow for an adequate assessment
mechanical (actin and myosin) elements. Due to to not only treat injured athletes but also to
this, examining muscle activity of the scapular sta- develop prevention programs.
bilizers in overhead athletes will provide a more
complete understanding of scapular muscle func-
tion during such tasks. During examination of Adaptations to Stress
scapular muscle activity, the upper trapezius and
serratus anterior were found to have the strongest Scapular Dyskinesis
activity between maximal external rotation and
maximal internal rotation of the overhead throw Scapular dyskinesis has been defined as an observ-
[35]. Increased serratus anterior activity was also able alteration in the position or motion of the
found on the dominant arm during a simulated scapula [8, 39]. Although it is often thought to be,
6  The Scapula and the Throwing/Overhead Athlete 63

it is not a diagnosis or an injury. Instead it is an Mechanical fatigue is typically caused by the

impairment of optimal scapular motion and can be microdamage of myosin and actin bonds during
a risk factor for shoulder and elbow injuries. The eccentric muscular contractions [45]. As the
prevalence of scapular dyskinesis in healthy amount of damaged myosin and actin increases
asymptomatic overhead athletes has been reported within the scapular stabilizers, the ability to
as 61% compared to 33% in non-­overhead athletes mechanically generate force and absorb energy is
[40]. Therefore, dyskinesis may be present prior to reduced. This will also cause a negative feedback
the injury and contribute to the development of loop into the neural component, thereby creating
dysfunction. Interestingly, a rat model study exam- nonoptimal neural firing [44]. Therefore, deter-
ined the effect of scapular dyskinesis and demon- mining the optimal recovery required for throw-
strated that it leads to the degeneration of the ing athletes will minimize the detrimental effects
supraspinatus and biceps tendons [41]. This sug- that occur due to acute and chronic fatigue and
gests that if dyskinesis is present in an overhead allow the scapular stabilizers to improve the abil-
athlete, a corrective treatment approach should be ity to absorb eccentric energy during throwing.
instituted to minimize the risk of injury. It has also In overhead athletes we can also examine
been reported that 94% of overhead athletes with fatigue both acutely and chronically. Acute fatigue
shoulder or elbow injuries also have scapular dys- commonly occurs over the course of one game or
kinesis [5]. This is more evidence linking scapular training session, while chronic fatigue typically
dyskinesis with shoulder and elbow injuries. From occurs over the course of a season. One study
a clinical perspective, patients can often improve visually identified the presence of scapular dyski-
shoulder and elbow symptoms solely with a tar- nesis in a group of swimmers prior to and follow-
geted scapular exercise program. By reestablish- ing a swimming practice [46]. Prior to the start of
ing normal scapular function, the stress on the practice, none of the swimmers were identified as
surrounding glenohumeral and elbow joint struc- having scapular dyskinesis. However, immedi-
tures can be minimized, thereby reducing or elimi- ately following practice, the presence of scapular
nating symptoms. The specific adaptations dyskinesis increased to 82%. Another study
associated with altered scapular function in over- examined scapular kinematics and subacromial
head throwing athletes will be discussed in detail. space prior to and following a shoulder fatigue
protocol in recreational overhead athletes [47].
The researchers found that the scapula was in
Muscular Fatigue more upward rotation, external rotation, and pos-
terior tilt at both 45° and 60° of abduction follow-
One of the first adaptations that overhead athletes ing fatigue. In agreement, the subacromial space
commonly experience is muscular fatigue. In was also increased. Another study also found
general fatigue can also be thought of having two increased upward rotation ­ following fatigue;
components that occur simultaneously: neural however, lower trapezius muscle activity was
and mechanical [42]. Neural fatigue will cause decreased [48]. These results are surprising since
nonoptimal firing patterns and reduced ampli- the change is thought to be in a beneficial direc-
tudes of neural impulses. Instead of having very tion (more upward rotation, external rotation, and
complex firing patterns that lead to optimal acti- posterior tilt). Due to the subjects being recre-
vation of muscles, the activation becomes less ational athletes, they potentially are still able to
complex with large groups of motor units within compensate during fatigue to minimize the risk of
muscles firing simultaneously [43, 44]. This is an injury. In contrast, a recent study examined scapu-
attempt to make up for the reduced neural ampli- lar upward rotation prior to and following a ten-
tude. This compensation pattern will result in nis-serving protocol in a group of college tennis
uncoordinated scapular kinematics that leads to players [49] found that upward rotation decreased
more force being placed on the glenohumeral immediately following the fatigue but returned to
posterior capsule and rotator cuff to decelerate baseline at 24 h. This result is in agreement with
the arm during follow-through. prior hypothesis that scapular fatigue would
64 S.J. Thomas and J.D. Kelly IV

decrease upward rotation, thereby decreasing the The normal function of the pectoralis minor is to
subacromial space and compressing the supraspi- both protract and depress the scapula. As stated
natus tendon. previously protraction of the scapula is very
It is also important to examine overhead ath- important to properly decelerate the arm during
letes over the course of a competitive season to throwing. However, due to the chronic nature of
assess chronic fatigue. Previous research has overhead activities and the repetitive use of this
found that both high school and college baseball muscle in normal scapular function, it often devel-
players have profound decreases in scapular ops excessive tightness. It has been found that the
upward rotation at various positions of glenohu- length of the pectoralis minor directly correlates
meral abduction (60°, 90°, and 120°) upon com- with a clinically identified forward shoulder pos-
pletion of the competitive season [10, 19, 20]. In ture [52]. More specifically, athletes with a tight
addition, another study found that pitchers had pectoralis minor had increased anterior tilting and
decreases in upward rotation, while position internal rotation of the scapula [53]. These posi-
players had increases over the course of a season tions have been shown to decrease the subacro-
[50]. This suggests that the large force and repeti- mial space [54] and are associated with an
tions that pitchers accumulate compared to posi- unstable scapula [5]. Interestingly, an intervention
tion players are leading to a chronic fatigue of the of pectoralis minor stretching did increase the
muscle responsible for scapular upward rotation length of the muscle/tendon unit but did not rees-
(upper and lower trapezius and serratus anterior). tablish normal scapular kinematics [55]. This may
As stated previously the large repetitive eccentric suggest that long-­term tightness alters the neuro-
force produced by the scapular stabilizers to muscular control and strength of the scapular sta-
decelerate the arm and maintain stability at the bilizers. Therefore, an isolated-stretching protocol
glenohumeral can cause significant acute fatigue only addresses one of the detrimental adaptations,
during a game and without proper recovery will suggesting that the optimal treatment may include
lead to chronic fatigue. With an improperly func- muscle reeducation and strengthening of the scap-
tioning scapula, the glenohumeral muscles (rota- ular stabilizers.
tor cuff) will have to compensate. This will then
accelerate the rate of microdamage and fatigue of Posterior Shoulder Tightness
the rotator cuff, thereby progressing the compen- It is well known that overhead athletes develop
sation more distally to the elbow [51]. posterior shoulder tightness. This is presented
clinically as a loss of internal rotation on the dom-
inant arm compared to the nondominant.
Soft Tissue Tightness Therefore, it has been termed glenohumeral inter-
nal rotation deficits (GIRD). GIRD has been dem-
In addition to muscle fatigue, the overhead ath- onstrated to affect the position and motion of the
lete often develops tightness of several soft tissue scapula. One study found baseball players with
structures, which include muscle, tendon, and 15° or more of GIRD had less scapular upward
capsule. Since the scapula serves as an attach- rotation and more protraction compared to play-
ment site for up to 18 muscles and tendons, tight- ers with 14° or less [56]. Similarly, another study
ness of these structures can affect the position identified that posterior shoulder tightness corre-
and motion leading to long-term altered function. lated with a forward shoulder posture [57]. Yet
In this section we will discuss the common struc- another study found that those with an average of
tures that develop tightness and the consequences 24° of GIRD had less subacromial space, and
to scapular function. 6 weeks of stretching the posterior shoulder not
only reduced GIRD but also increased the
Pectoralis Minor subacromial space [58]. This suggests that
The pectoralis minor has its origin on the coracoid ­excessive GIRD can place unwanted stress on the
process of the scapula and inserting on ribs 3–5. scapular stabilizers leading to deficits in the
6  The Scapula and the Throwing/Overhead Athlete 65

n­euromuscular control and placing the rotator rotation is present. When tightness/thickness of
cuff at risk of injury. It also demonstrates that iso- the posterior capsule is present, it causes
lated stretching of the posterior shoulder can increased tissue stiffness [65] that decreases the
increase the subacromial space. available motion and therefore pulls the scapula
It is important to consider that GIRD is com- into increased amounts of upward rotation. This
prised of three tissue adaptations. First, humeral increased upward rotation would not be benefi-
retroversion is a bony adaptation that occurs prior cial since cadaver studies have demonstrated
to skeletal maturity [59–61]. At birth the throw- tightness of the posterior capsule causes a poste-
ing humerus is in excessive retroversion (more rior/superior shift in the position of the humeral
glenohumeral external rotation and less internal head on the glenoid face [66, 67]. This position
rotation). In normal development the humerus would decrease the subacromial space and lead to
transitions into a position of anteversion [61]. subacromial or internal impingement.
However, when the humerus is exposed to the
stress of throwing at a young age, the humerus Teres Major
will remain in retroversion. Therefore, this adap- Recent research has identified that overhead ath-
tation has been shown to produce less internal letes can experience a loss of external rotation
rotation on the dominant arm compared to the (<5° greater on throwing arm) on the throwing arm
nondominant arm [62]. Retroversion is often [68]. Clinically measuring the true loss of external
thought of being a positive adaptation due to rotation is often difficult due to the presence of
acquiring additional external rotation without humeral retroversion. However, using the amount
stretching or injuring soft tissue structures. The of humeral retroversion to correct glenohumeral
next two are soft tissue adaptations and therefore range of motion allows clinicians to identify if a
can contribute to scapular alterations if present. loss of external rotation is present. Similar to other
Posterior rotator cuff tightness has been sug- limitations in shoulder range of motion, a loss of
gested to also contribute to GIRD. When examin- external rotation in professional players was found
ing GIRD acutely over the course of a game, it to increase the risk of being on the disabled list for
was found that GIRD increased immediately fol- a shoulder injury twofold and undergoing shoulder
lowing the game and remained increased for up surgery fourfold [68]. Although research has yet to
to 3 days [63]. Due to the sudden loss of internal identify the source of the loss of external rotation,
rotation, this increased GIRD has been attributed it has been hypothesized to be caused by tightness
to the eccentric damage of the posterior rotator of the teres major. The teres major is a unique
cuff muscles. However, directly measuring iso- muscle/tendon unit that originates from the infe-
lated posterior rotator cuff tightness is not possi- rior portion of the lateral border of the scapula and
ble, and therefore currently there is no direct link inserts on the medial ridge of the bicipital groove.
to contributing to altered scapular function. Its function as an internal rotator places it under
Posterior capsule tightness/thickness has also chronic overuse similar to many of the other shoul-
been shown to occur in overhead athletes and der muscles. Tightness of the teres major will limit
contribute to the clinical presentation of GIRD external rotation with the scapula stabilized during
[60, 64, 65]. It has been found that college base- a clinical exam. However, during overhead activi-
ball players have a thicker [64] and stiffer [65] ties, the tightness can pull the scapula into greater
posterior capsule on the dominant arm, and it is amounts of upward rotation and posterior tilting.
negatively correlated to glenohumeral internal In fact, increased amounts of upward rotation and
rotation [64]. This suggests that the thicker the posterior tilting have been observed on the domi-
posterior capsule, the less internal rotation is nant arm of the overhead athlete [9, 12]. This
present. Interestingly, a positive correlation was forced motion may place increased stress on the
also found between posterior capsule thickness scapular stabilizers and accelerate muscular
and scapular upward rotation [64]. This suggests fatigue. However, future research is required to
that the thicker the capsule, the more upward confirm this.
66 S.J. Thomas and J.D. Kelly IV

 ong Head of the Triceps

L athletes is very high, even among youth athletes.
The long head of the triceps is a two-joint mus- About 16% youth baseball players experience
cle that originates from the infraglenoid tuber- shoulder pain, while 29% experience elbow pain
cle and inserts on the olecranon process. During [70]. Similarly, elite swimmers have been
overhead motion, the triceps is responsible for reported to have an astounding 91% prevalence
decelerating both the shoulder and the elbow. of shoulder pain during activity [71]. Since large
Producing large eccentric force to control both amounts of overhead athletes often participate
joints during follow-through can result in sig- with pain, it is important to understand the effect
nificant microdamage to the muscle [69]. This pain will have on the function of the scapula. Pain
repetitive microdamage can lead to chronic is a neurological signal delivered from structures
tightness within the muscle/tendon unit. In fact, within the body that are experiencing abnormal
overhead athletes often present with a loss of stress and interpreted by the brain. In an effort to
scapula-­stabilized glenohumeral forward flex- protect itself, the body will compensate in such a
ion on the dominant arm [68]. It has also been way to avoid the pain. This compensation typi-
demonstrated that a loss of dominant arm for- cally results in temporarily placing increased
ward flexion of ≥5° resulted in a 2.8 times stress somewhere else. Overhead athletes often
greater risk of elbow injury [68]. Another struc- experience pain in the late cocking position (90°
ture that can also contribute to a loss of forward abduction and elbow flexion with maximum
flexion is the latissimus dorsi. However, the external rotation) or the acceleration phase due to
latissimus dorsi does not have an attachment to the large joint forces and torques at the shoulder
the scapula and therefore would only limit for- and elbow [26]. It is within these positions that
ward flexion with the scapula not stabilized. the body will attempt to alter motion to alleviate
Due to the attachment of the long head of the pain. It has been found that overhead athletes
triceps on the scapula, tightness would cause with pain have less scapular upward rotation at
forced scapular upward rotation during forward both 45° and 90° of glenohumeral abduction [72,
flexion or even abduction. In addition, due to the 73]. This potentially can further exacerbate com-
triceps being a two-joint muscle, the body may pression to the supraspinatus through an impinge-
compensate for tightness by altering elbow ment mechanism. In addition, athletes with pain
motion during overhead activities. For example, have been clinically reported to have increased
if excessive triceps tightness is present during SICK scapula scores and core instability [74].
the acceleration phase of throwing, the player Although it is often thought that the pain will cre-
may move into more elbow extension to allevi- ate alterations in kinematics, it remains to be
ate tension. Increased elbow extension during determined if the altered kinematics were present
the acceleration phase will place excessive val- prior to the pain. Previous research has identified
gus stress on the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) several scapular adaptations in healthy asymp-
[26]. Overtime this can have detrimental effects tomatic overhead athletes. However, future pro-
on elbow stability. spective research is required to confirm the
cascade of events leading to pain.
In conclusion, overhead athletes are very
Effect of Pain unique due to the demands of the activities
required during competition. Therefore, under-
There are many things that can change the nor- standing the normal scapular function and the
mal kinematics, kinetics, and muscle function at common adaptations that occur in this popula-
a joint. As discussed, fatigue and soft tissue tight- tion will improve a clinician’s ability to assess,
ness are very common among overhead athletes. prevent, and treat injuries. The next section
However, something that has not been discussed will guide the clinician through a thorough
yet and is extremely common in overhead ath- clinical exam and treatment approach in this
letes is pain. The prevalence of pain in overhead population.
6  The Scapula and the Throwing/Overhead Athlete 67

 linical Implications of Scapular

C concavity-compression function with resultant
Dyskinesis loss of inherent shoulder stability [76]. Since the
rotator cuff is a significant dynamic stabilizer to
Scapular dyskinesis has protean effects on shoul- the glenohumeral joint, increase strain to static
der function as stated previously. Clinically, over- stabilizers (labrum and capsule) will ensue. In
head athletes with scapular dyskinesis often addition, a weakened muscle/tendon unit may be
present with injury to other soft tissue structures less likely to withstand the eccentric loads real-
within the shoulder. This section will focus on dis- ized during shoulder motion. For example, during
cussing the clinical implications of these injuries the follow-through phase of throwing, large ten-
in the presence of scapular dyskinesis and the evi- sile forces are generated at the posterior cuff dur-
dence-based approach to a comprehensive exam. ing deceleration [77]. An infraspinatus that is
working at a mechanical disadvantage will not
only fatigue sooner and transfer increased load to
Rotator Cuff the posterior capsule but also be expected to fail at
lower eccentric loads. In other words, a muscle/
All rotator cuff muscles originate on the scapula. tendon unit operating at a suboptimal length-ten-
Thus, a stable scapula is essential to provide a sion relationship will fail at lower stresses. It is
secure “platform” for optimal cuff function. The therefore no surprise that approximately one third
scapula retraction test illustrates this principle: of patients with labral tears have a concomitant
measurable increase in resisted forward flexion rotator cuff tear [78]. A compromised infraspina-
strength may be noted when a dyskinetic scapula tus will furthermore be less effective in restrain-
is “reduced” or manually stabilized [75] (Fig. 6.1). ing anterior shear during deceleration with a
Secondly, proper scapula position is necessary to concomitant increased load to the leading edge of
optimize the length-tension relationship of each the supraspinatus tendon. In addition, the infraspi-
of the four rotator cuff muscles. For example, a natus, by virtue of its posterior force vector, pro-
protracted scapula does not afford proper ten- tects the glenohumeral joint from excessive
sion for supraspinatus action since the origin anterior translational stress, especially during the
(­scapula) and insertion (greater tuberosity) of the abduction external rotation position (ABER) [79–
muscle/tendon unit are appreciably shortened. 81]. Thus, it stress shields the anterior capsule and
Consequences of cuff weakness include loss of labrum from undergoing attritional damage.

a b

Fig. 6.1 (a) The empty-can position for testing. (b) The handheld dynamometer (Reprint from Kibler WB,
scapular retraction position for testing. The arm is in the Sciascia A, Dome D. Evaluation of apparent and absolute
empty-can position. The scapula is lightly held in retrac- supraspinatus strength in patients with shoulder injury
tion by forearm pressure on the medial scapular border, using the scapular retraction test. Am J Sports Med.
while the patient exerts maximum resistance against the 2006;34(10):1643–7, with permission from SAGE)
68 S.J. Thomas and J.D. Kelly IV

Increased strain to the posterior capsule has been supraspinatus may result with subsequent damage
implicated in the genesis of GIRD, and undersur- to cuff tendon fibers. This internal impingement
face leading-edge supraspinatus injury has been [83] manifests with undersurface tearing of the
posited to occur due to increased eccentric load- supraspinatus/infraspinatus junction (Fig. 6.2). In
ing during follow-­through. A protracted scapula time, this labral “pinching” may lead to posterior-
lessens the translational zone of movement by superior labral fraying (Fig. 6.3). Scapular pro-
which the scapula can absorb deceleration stress; traction and GIRD are inextricably linked. Loss of
thus, increase strain will be realized at the poste- internal rotation will lead to scapula windup, as
rior cuff and capsule. The “full tank of energy” described by Kibler et al. [84], whereupon the
position of late cocking described by Kibler et al. scapula migrates into protraction in order to pro-
[8] is dependent on adequate scapular retraction. vide internal rotation. If a thrower is restrained
If retraction is insufficient, full external rotation from following through due to a tight posterior
of the humerus is precluded, and velocity of the capsule, the scapula will migrate “up and around”
throw is diminished. The rotator and elbow will the thorax in order to allow the arm to be directed
also attempt to compensate for the reduced toward home plate. Weakness of both static and
amount of energy resulting in increased stress.


Throwers achieve extraordinary degrees of external

rotation due to increased retroversion and anterior
capsular laxity and “pseudolaxity” of the anterior
capsule due to GIRD [5, 6]. This supraphysiologic
humeral rotation creates inordinate shear stress in
the rotator cuff, which may manifest as interlami-
nar rotator cuff tearing. The superior and inferior
laminae of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus may
separate and form the partial articular tears with
intratendinous extension (PAINT lesion) as Fig. 6.2 Arthroscopic demonstration of undersurface
rotator cuff tearing at the supraspinatus/infraspinatus
described by Conway [82]. This shear stress can be junction
exacerbated by a malfunctioning scapula. For
example, if the scapula does not posterior tilt dur-
ing maximum external rotation, the rotator cuff
will experience additional twisting, thereby
increasing the likelihood of a PAINT lesion.

Internal Impingement

Excessive scapular protraction and anterior tilting

lessens the distance between the glenoid and
greater tuberosity during the late cocking phase of
throwing. Loss of scapular retraction also causes
the thrower to increase horizontal abduction, thus
throwing out of the scapular plane with resultant- Fig. 6.3 Arthroscopic demonstration of posterior-­
increased contact between the posterior-­superior superior labral fraying (arrow) with concurrent posterior-­
labrum and greater tuberosity. “Pinching” of the superior undersurface rotator cuff tearing (asterisk)
6  The Scapula and the Throwing/Overhead Athlete 69

dynamic restraints will eventuate in a scapula that of humeral external rotation seen in throwers suf-
rests in an internally rotated (protracted) position. fering from UCL injury may serve as a protective
In addition, posterior capsular contracture causes mechanism [89] by which the thrower avoids the
a relative posterior-superior shift of the humeral inordinate valgus elbow torque realized with
head in late cocking, further increasing “peel- extreme humeral external rotation. A protracted
back” stresses to the posterior-superior labrum scapula potentiates throwing “out of the scapular
and potentiating the creation of a type two labral plane”, i.e., in relative humeral horizontal abduc-
injury [85]. The “relocation test” will be positive tion. This increases the duration of valgus loads
in this scenario as posterior pressure applied to application to the elbow during throwing. The
the upper humerus will lessen tuberosity/glenoid longer the upper arm is behind the thorax, the
contact with the scapula manually placed in an more the elbow will realize a valgus moment.
optimal position. Secondly, a “dropped elbow” seen during some
deliveries increases the distance from the center
of the body’s rotational axis to the end of the
External Impingement moment arm (the hand). This increase in moment
arm length merely increases the amount of cen-
A protracted scapula diminishes space between tripetal force applied to the elbow. Reasons for
the humeral head and acromion. As the scapula lowering the elbow during pitching are many and
protracts and follows the contour of the ribs, it tilts include core weakness, posterior capsular tight-
forward and increases acromial—great tuberosity ness, scapular protraction, and cuff weakness.
contact in forward flexion [54]. A painful abduc-
tion arc that is relieved with scapula assistance
(scapula assistance test) may confirm the presence Examination
of a symptomatic functional impingement. In fact,
Muraki et al. [86] showed that the presence of a Rotator Cuff
tight posterior-inferior capsule increases humeral
head-coracoacromial contact pressure during the As stated, the throwing shoulder experiences cuff
follow-through phase of throwing. injury in three chief locations: leading edge of
supraspinatus, due to eccentric load failure, inter-
laminar tears of the supraspinatus and infraspina-
Scapula and the Elbow tus due to hypertwist, and the junction of the
supraspinatus and infraspinatus due to internal
The incidence of elbow injuries in pitchers has impingement. An effective examination should
skyrocketed [87]. Surely increased pitch counts delineate a fairly precise zone of injury.
share the blame for this epidemic. However, the
scapula plays a major role in the etiology of
elbow injuries, especially the failure of the ulnar Supraspinatus
collateral ligament (UCL). There have been
established relationships of GIRD [88] and total The “Whipple test” (Fig. 6.4) as described by
range of motion deficits [88–90] and UCL inju- Savoie et al. [92] detects weakness of the leading
ries. A loss of internal rotation (GIRD) essen- edge of the supraspinatus. The test is performed by
tially diminishes long-axis rotation of the upper asking the patient to forward flex and place the arm
arm. Proximal segment impairment will predict- in extreme adduction. Pain and/or weakness during
ably transfer increased load distally (elbow) in resistance of forward flexion constitute a positive
order to achieve the internal rotation necessary to result. While both the “full can” and “empty can”
propel a baseball to home plate. In fact, Suzuki appear to equally load the supraspinatus proper, the
et al. [91] have shown that scapula fatigue leads “full can” may serve as a superior test to measure
to compensatory motions at the elbow. The loss entire supraspinatus integrity since it is generally
70 S.J. Thomas and J.D. Kelly IV

Fig. 6.5  The relocation test is performed by positioning

the patient supine on the examine table with the shoulder
Fig. 6.4  The Whipple test is performed by positioning in 90° of abduction and 90° of external rotation. In this
the patient’s shoulder in 90° of shoulder forward flexion position the examiner applies a posterior force to the ante-
with maximal horizontal adduction. The examiner then rior proximal humerus, thereby alleviating potential inter-
applies an inferior-directed force at the distal forearm, nal impingement symptoms
while the patient maintains the position. A positive test is
weakness or pain

associated with less pain provocation [93]. Thus, results [94], the dynamic labral shear (DLS) test
weakness demonstrated with a positive Whipple has been shown by Kibler et al. [95] to demon-
test in the face of a normal “full can” test suggests a strate excellent sensitivity, specificity, and
partial-thickness anterior supraspinatus lesion. accuracy. During this maneuver, the abducted
Weakness during the Whipple test is truly positive arm is brought into extreme external rotation and
when the scapula is held in retraction (scapular horizontal abduction. The arm is then forcibly
retraction test) since a protracted scapula (unstable lowered and thereby “shearing” the posterior cuff
base) will compromise supraspinatus function [75]. against the posterior-superior labrum (Fig. 6.6).
Kibler et al. [95] have also shown that although
the O’Brien’s test, whereby the forward flexed,
Internal Impingement adducted, and internally rotated arm resists
downward pressure, was less sensitive than the
Compression of the supraspinatus between the DLS in labral tear detection, the combination of
posterior-superior glenoid and greater tuberosity both tests demonstrated the most consistent pre-
occurs in the late cocking or ABER position. The diction of arthroscopic findings of labral injury.
relocation test (Fig. 6.5) is superb for detection of
this phenomenon. In the ABER position, poste-
rior pain that is relieved with a posterior force I maging Findings in Thrower’s
applied to the proximal humerus is considered a Shoulder
positive sign for internal impingement, i.e., a
positive relocation maneuver. As stated previ- Advanced imaging modalities, especially MRI
ously, posterior force applied to the humerus scans, can greatly aid in diagnosis of scapula-­
lessens the impingement by increasing the tuber- related cuff and labral injury. MRI arthrograms,
osity glenoid distance. whereupon dye is injected into the shoulder cap-
sule, have enhanced the yield of detecting cuff
and labral injury [96] (Fig. 6.7). However, it must
Labral Tear be noted that the highly sensitive new-generation
MRI scanners may detect many “inconsequen-
Although numerous examination tests to detect tial” labral tears [97]. In fact, some labral stretch-
labral injury have demonstrated inconsistent ing may be adaptive and allow the thrower to
6  The Scapula and the Throwing/Overhead Athlete 71

a b

Fig. 6.6 (a) Dynamic labral shear (DLS) test. With the by reproduction of the pain and/or a painful click or catch
patient in a standing position, the involved arm is flexed in the joint line along the posterior joint line between 120°
90° at the elbow, abducted in the scapular plane to above and 90° of abduction (Reprint from Ben Kibler W,
120°, and externally rotated to tightness. It is then guided Sciascia AD, Hester P, Dome D, Jacobs C. Clinical utility
into maximal horizontal abduction. (b) The examiner of traditional and new tests in the diagnosis of biceps ten-
applies a shear load to the joint by maintaining external don injuries and superior labrum anterior and posterior
rotation and horizontal abduction and lowering the arm lesions in the shoulder. Am J Sports Med. 2009;37(9):1840–
from 120° to 60° of abduction. A positive test is indicated 7, with permission from SAGE)

Fig. 6.7  MRI arthrogram indicating enhanced visibility

of a cord like MGHL (asterisk) and Buford complex—
anatomic variant mimicking labral tear (arrow) Fig. 6.8  MRI arthrogram in the ABER position. The
posterior-superior glenoid, rotator cuff, and labrum are
easily identified (asterisk)

obtain the “slot.” Thus, all imaging findings must of both internal impingement and glenoid labrum
support the exam findings. For rotator cuff under- tears [99, 100] (Fig. 6.8). Subtle undersurface
surface tearing, the MRI ABER view, whereupon tearing of the infraspinatus, as seen in internal
axial images are obtained in ABER, has been impingement, may present with a small cystic
shown to increase sensitivity in detection of par- change on the posterior humeral head in the
tial articular-side damage [98]. Furthermore, the vicinity of the supraspinatus/infraspinatus junc-
ABER view has been found to increase detection tion (Fig. 6.9).
72 S.J. Thomas and J.D. Kelly IV

tion is paramount in returning the thrower to full

activity. Subtle findings in the overhead athlete
may include a weakness in stance leg abduction,
lead leg loss of hip internal rotation, lead leg
quad tightness, and loss of stance leg ankle dorsi-
flexion. Posterior capsule and cuff tightness must
be addressed with sleeper stretches and cross-
body adduction stretches in order to prevent the
recurrence of scapular “windup” [84].

Indications for Surgery

Failure of at least 3 months of quality and “enlight-

Fig. 6.9  MRI indicating cystic changes on the insertion
site of the supraspinatus (arrow) due to chronic internal ened” physical therapy with positive examination
impingement findings of a consequential labral tear warrants
arthroscopic evaluation. In addition, the presence
of overt mechanical symptoms such as locking,
Treatment catching, and persistent “dead-­arm” sensation is
also an indication for arthroscopic intervention.
Key Principles of Rehabilitation As stated, one must be mindful that not all labral
separations are ­pathologic and that some labral
Scapula-related throwing injuries are chiefly stretching may, in fact, be adaptive.
treated conservatively with restoration of “shoul-
der homeostasis” being the goal. A principle goal
should be restoration of symptomatic scapular Surgical Pearls
malposition. Tate et al. [101] have discovered
that not all scapular asymmetry is accompanied The lateral decubitus position affords excellent
by symptoms. In fact, relief of cuff or exposure to all aspects of the shoulder, especially
­ related pain with scapula reposition the posterior and inferior recesses, and is strongly
(retraction or scapular assistance test) indicates a preferred by the senior author. A standard poste-
consequential scapular position issue. rior viewing portal approximately 2 cm medial
Repositioning of the scapula is realized through and 2 cm distal to the corner of the acromion is
strengthening the scapular retractor muscles and established first. Two anterior portals, one at the
stretching tightened structures which potentiate anterolateral corner of the acromion (AL portal)
protraction. Many athletes who engage in weight and another 2 cm lateral to the tip of the coracoid
training pay nearly undivided attention to pro- (standard anterior portal—AP), are established
traction-lending exercises (bench press) while next. While viewing from the AL portal, a liberat-
neglecting important scapular retraction exer- ing type instrument is used from the AP to free the
cises such as scapular pinches, close-grip rows, labrum from the glenoid. Attritional labral stretch-
and prone horizontal abduction with external ing does not warrant repair. Complete labral sepa-
rotation [102], which are necessary for shoulder ration with concomitant fissuring of glenoid and/
homeostasis. The “low row” is ideal for selec- or labral surface usually indicates a consequential
tively activating serratus anterior and rhomboids. labral injury. A dynamic “peel-­back” test where-
Blackburn exercises [103] are superb at training upon the arm is removed from traction and placed
retractors as well. “Lawn mower” pulls, as popu- into ABER will reveal not only frank labral sepa-
larized by Kibler et al. [104], introduce more core ration but also increased posterior-superior
activation, while concomitantly training scapular humeral translation and contact with supraspina-
retraction. Comprehensive kinetic chain evalua- tus fibers (internal impingement).
6  The Scapula and the Throwing/Overhead Athlete 73

Fig. 6.11  Arthroscopic view demonstrating chondroma-

lacia to humeral head (asterisk) due to suture abrasion
from prominent suture material (arrow)
Fig. 6.10  Arthroscopic view of a horizontal mattress
suture knot used to secure the labrum (double arrow)

Signs of cuff failure, whether fraying of the

supra/infra junction as seen in internal impinge-
ment or undersurface supraspinatus fiber disrup-
tion due to eccentric load-induced cuff failure,
further confirm that the labral injury may have
engendered adverse consequences. With the AL
viewing, portal percutaneous anchor insertion is
accomplished via the “Port of Wilmington”
[78]. Sutures are shuttled via a Neviaser portal,
and great care is taken to capture labral tissue
only. Over constraint, especially of any poste-
rior capsular tissue, can be disastrous to a
thrower. The senior author favors less compliant Fig. 6.12  Arthroscopic view demonstrating the use of a
suture material as the superior labrum has inher- simple suture configuration using PDS absorbable suture
ent flexibility. Some of the newer suture materi-
als available today are extremely stiff and do not
afford the labral excursion necessary to negoti- witnessed considerable suture abrasion from
ate overhead throwing. Secondly, the senior prominent suture material in several cases
author favors horizontal mattress knotted con- (Fig. 6.11). If one chooses a simple suture con-
figuration for two reasons (Fig. 6.10). First, a figuration, then an absorbable suture material,
horizontal suture pattern restores labral height such as PDS, is recommended (Fig. 6.12).
to its native configuration [105]. As Yoo et al.
[106] have shown, shoulder function post-insta-
bility surgery correlates with labral height. Posterior Capsular Release
Knotless suture configurations “push” the
labrum onto the glenoid and do not roll the The senior author only rarely performs posterior
labrum onto the articular surface such as seen capsular release. Indications include true stretch
with knots. Secondly horizontal mattress con- nonresponders, which are encountered only
figurations displace suture material well away rarely when the help of a shoulder therapist is
from the articular surface. The senior author has enlisted [6]. Furthermore, the capsule must be
74 S.J. Thomas and J.D. Kelly IV


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Scapular Dyskinesis
and Glenohumeral Instability
W. Ben Kibler and Aaron D. Sciascia

Anatomy and Biomechanics mizes concavity/compression [3, 4], and minimizes

muscular activation necessary to maintain joint sta-
From a biomechanical perspective, the glenohu- bility [5]. This angle has been estimated clinically
meral (GH) joint is a closed chain mechanism by Jobe to be ±30° and has been verified by a bio-
comprised of the bones, ligaments, and muscles mechanical study that showed that muscle activa-
that balances stability against excessive transla- tion was most efficient in maintaining joint stability
tions with mobility necessary to achieve positions when the glenohumeral angle measured ±29.3° [6].
and motions of the arm and hand to accomplish If the angle is maintained within these parameters,
specific tasks [1]. For almost all normal shoulder/ the resultant force vectors are directed within the
arm functions, GH kinematics that results from this glenoid cavity, shear forces are minimized, tension
balance resembles a ball and socket arrangement. on the ligaments is minimized, and the muscle acti-
The scapula, as the “G” of GH, is a key element vation requirements are minimized, creating the
in the closed chain mechanism. The scapula plays most efficient joint conditions for stability. In this
multiple roles in creating and maintaining the position, all of the intrinsic shoulder muscles of the
ball and socket kinematics. First, the glenoid must rotator cuff can pull in relatively straight lines to
be dynamically positioned in three-­ dimensional maximize concavity/compression into the joint.
space to maintain the “glenohumeral angle”—the The dynamic stabilization is important due to
orientation of the glenoid cavity and the long axis of the lack of adequate static stabilization from the
the humerus from the head to the elbow—in a “safe bony anatomy and the ligaments in the midranges
zone” that minimizes glenohumeral shear [2], maxi- of motion. This dynamic positioning is part of an
integrated coordination of multiple segments
throughout the entire kinetic chain in an anticipated
W. Ben Kibler, MD (*) response to the required demands and loads on the
Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic
Orthopedics—Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder
shoulder during daily and athletic activities.
Center of Kentucky, 1221 South Broadway, Achievement of this scapular position requires
Lexington, KY 40504, USA that the scapula be positioned in anticipation of
e-mail: wkibler@aol.com arm and shoulder movements. There are several
A.D. Sciascia, PhD, ATC, PES reasons for this anticipatory requirement. The
Assistant Professor, Athletic Training Education speeds, forces, and motions around the shoulder
Program, Eastern Kentucky University, 228 Moberly
Building, 521 Lancaster Avenue, Richmond, KY
are frequently too rapid and occur too quickly for
40475, USA sensory feedback to adjust muscle activation to
e-mail: aaron.sciascia@eku.edu move the scapula [1, 5]. Scapular movement by

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 79

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_7
80 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

itself creates only up to 40% of the observed the joint motions in all planes [1]. Maximal acti-
forces necessary for forward shoulder and arm vation of all the rotator cuff and deltoid muscles
acceleration [5]. The majority of the forces devel- in concentric and eccentric activities to increase
oped through the kinetic chain activation the joint concavity/compression occurs off a sta-
sequence to move the arm forward come from the bilized scapula [17–20]. Demonstrated muscle
hip/trunk activation (core stabilization), which strength can be improved by as much as 24% off
creates interactive moments to position and move a stabilized scapula [18, 20].
the arm in space [7, 8], similar to the movement Third, optimal scapular position and motion
of the end of a whip. In normal shoulder move- are required to limit loads on the ligaments and
ments, these anticipatory motions are part of a other passive constraints in the joint. Increased
biomechanical closed chain that couples scapular scapular protraction creates excessive tensile
and arm motions [1, 5, 8]. loads on the anterior inferior GH ligament [21],
The muscular activation sequences that allow increasing the risk of GH instability. Also,
this anticipatory bony positioning are learned, increased glenoid antetilting in protraction
preprogrammed patterns, defined as force-­ increases compression and shear loads on the
dependent activation patterns [5, 9], that integrate posterior superior glenoid labrum, creating injury
multiple muscles to move multiple joints [10– and decreasing the effectiveness of the labrum as
12]. These patterns use feed-forward sensory a washer and a gasket to maximize GH stability
information to position the bones and joints in the [1, 22]. For example, altered trunk and scapular
most efficient manner. They are highly developed position during the overhead tennis motion
and are quick to drop out with injury or disuse. increases the internal joint forces and is associ-
Typical muscle activation patterns involve sta- ated with joint injury [23].
bilization of the contralateral hip and trunk exten- In summary, the scapula’s roles in GH stabil-
sion as a base for scapular activity [13], anterior ity are directed toward developing the maximal
and posterior core stabilization for force develop- efficiency to maintain the rather fragile ball and
ment at the shoulder [14], sequential activation of socket kinematics in the face of the large loads,
contralateral, then ipsilateral abdominals before forces, and strains imposed by athletic and indus-
rotator cuff activation [15], and activation of scap- trial demands on the shoulder. Alteration of the
ular stabilizers before rotator cuff activation [16]. scapular roles may decrease this efficiency, lead-
The functional and observable result of the ing to increased loads, possible injury, and
muscle activations producing dynamic position- increased dysfunction, and may make treatment
ing is scapulohumeral rhythm (SHR), the cou- more difficult.
pled synchronous movement of the arm and
scapula. SHR has been likened to a “ball on a sea
lion’s nose” (Carter Rowe Personal Alterations of the Scapula Associated
Communication), describing the dynamic nature with Glenohumeral Instability
of the nose (the glenoid) actively moving in
anticipation and response to movement of the Alterations of static scapular position or dynamic
ball (humerus) to keep the ball centered on the scapular motion, collectively termed scapular
nose. dyskinesis (Fig. 7.1), are frequent in patients with
Second, the scapula is the stable base and demonstrated GH instability occurring in
point of origin for all of the intrinsic and extrinsic between 67 and 80% of patients [2, 24, 25].
muscles that dynamically stabilize the GH joint Scapular dyskinesis appears to alter normal
in almost all ranges of motion. Coordinated, bal- shoulder biomechanics and joint stability by
anced muscle activations are responsible for altering normal scapular kinematics. Type I
maximizing GH stability through about 90% of (excessive anterior tilt) and type II (excessive
7  Scapular Dyskinesis and Glenohumeral Instability 81

In patients with posttraumatic anterior or

posterior instability with Bankart lesions, the
dyskinesis is most frequently secondary to the
anatomic injury, and total restoration of scapu-
lar kinematics requires restoration of the patho-
anatomy. However, in cases where the operative
treatment is delayed, to try to finish out a sea-
son, or nonoperative treatment is elected, reha-
bilitation of the muscles to stabilize the scapula
is an integral part of the overall treatment
In patients with GH instability due to repeti-
tive microtrauma, which is usually a process
over time, weakness and inhibition of the lower
trapezius and serratus anterior, coupled with
inflexibility in the pectoralis minor and latissi-
mus dorsi, are common findings that create the
scapular dyskinesis and scapular protraction
[24, 32].
Patients with MDI have been shown to
Fig. 7.1  Example of scapular dyskinesis during arm
exhibit inhibition of the subscapularis, supraspi-
lowering natus, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior,
coupled with increased activation of pectoralis
l­ateral rotation) dyskinesis positions have the minor and latissimus dorsi [33–35]. These acti-
effect of increasing the glenohumeral angle vations protract the scapula and inferiorly tilt
beyond the “safe zone,” of increasing anterior the glenoid, removing most of the bony contri-
shear, and of increasing tensile loads on the ante- bution to inferior stability. The latissimus dorsi
rior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament activation pulls the humeral head inferiorly, cre-
[21, 26]. Excessive scapular protraction, which ating the characteristic instability in the mid-
results from type I or II patterns, also decreases ranges of GH motion. The scapula will
maximum rotator cuff activation, decreasing the demonstrate the inferior angle prominance dys-
“compressor cuff” muscle function that estab- kinetic pattern when the patient indicates the
lishes dynamic stability. Type III (lack of acro- instability.
mial elevation) position creates impingement In summary, scapular dyskinesis is commonly
upon arm elevation, establishing the “instability/ associated with all types of GH instability. The
impingement” connection [27]. However, no spe- dyskinetic positions and motions create and
cific dyskinesis pattern is commonly associated exacerbate altered GH kinematics and muscle
with a specific type of GH instability. In many activations and impair shoulder function by
cases, the dyskinesis is seen as a result of the decreasing the “sea lion’s” ability to maintain
injury, but in some cases it may be a key caus- “the ball” on its nose. This increases the dysfunc-
ative factor. In any case, it should be considered tion of the instability and can decrease the
an impairment of optimal shoulder stability and effectiveness of nonoperative or postoperative
function. It appears that dyskinesis is primarily rehabilitation protocols. Evaluation for the pres-
due to altered muscle flexibility, strength imbal- ence or absence of scapular dyskinesis should be
ance, and/or altered muscle activations but can be included as part of a comprehensive examination
seen following bony or joint injury. of the unstable shoulder.
82 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

Physical Examination Medial border prominence on the symptomatic

side is recorded as “yes” (prominence detected)
 capular Evaluation in Glenohumeral
S or “no” (prominence not detected).
Instability Scapular stabilizer strength may be clinically
estimated by several methods. Scapular pinch
Clinical evaluation of scapular position and estimates scapular retraction ability. The scapulae
motion is often difficult due to the overlying mus- should be retracted and held in an isometric man-
culature and the lack of objective reproducible ner for 10 s. Weak muscles will exhibit spasm
tests to measure the scapula. The examination within that time span. Wall push-ups estimate ser-
may be made more reproducible by examining in ratus anterior strength, especially if done in a
a specific sequence involving position, motion, “plus” (hyper protraction) position. Type II dyski-
strength, and dynamic stabilization tests. nesis will be exhibited as the muscles fatigue. A
Static scapular position may be evaluated by semidynamic evaluation of composite scapular
observing the resting posture of both scapulae. stabilizer strength is the lateral slide measurement
Marking the superior and inferior medial bor- [42–45]. This test evaluates scapular position as a
ders with a marker is a good help. Scapular dys- marker of dynamic muscle activity to control the
kinesis patterns can often be demonstrated by scapula against varying loads. The test measures
observing the resting position of the scapula. side-to-side differences between a point on the
The altered position at rest has been termed spine and the inferior medial scapular tip in three
the Scapula malposition/Inferior medial border positions of increasing load on the muscles.
prominence/Coracoid pain/scapular dysKinesis Position 1 is with both arms at rest at the side.
(SICK) scapula and is characterized by apparent Position 2 is with the hands on the hips, with neu-
inferior drooping, which is actually due to ante- tral extension. Position 3 is with the arms abducted
rior scapular tilting. in the scapular plane just below 90°, with maxi-
Palpation of tender areas in the upper and lower mum internal rotation. Side-to-side differences of
trapezius and palpation of tender areas in the pecto- greater than 1.5 cm suggest dynamic scapular sta-
ralis minor and latissimus dorsi can identify areas of bilization is lacking. This test can also be used to
pain that cause muscle inflexibility and inhibition or monitor rehabilitation progression with side-to-
hyperactivity of muscle activation that may need to side differences diminishing below 1.5 cm as
be treated as part of the clinical problem. scapular stabilization improves.
Dynamic examination of scapular motion can The scapular assistance test (SAT) and scapular
be reliably performed by clinical observation of retraction or reposition test (SRT) are corrective
the motion as the arm elevates and descends. This maneuvers that may alter the injury symptoms and
motion requires coordinated, sequenced activa- provide information about the role of scapular dys-
tion of the muscles to maintain the closed chain kinesis in the total picture of dysfunction that
mechanism. Failure to maintain this results in accompanies shoulder injury and needs to be
increased scapular internal rotation, with conse- restored [18, 20, 46, 47]. The SAT helps evaluate
quent medial border prominence [26, 36]. scapular contributions to impingement and rotator
Clinical observation of medial border promi- cuff strength, and the SRT evaluates contributions
nence in symptomatic patients has been corre- to rotator cuff strength and labral symptoms. In the
lated with biomechanically determined dyskinesis SAT, the examiner applies gentle pressure to assist
[37], and this method is clinically reliable enough scapular upward rotation and posterior tilt as the
(sensitivity and positive predictive value between patient elevates the arm [46, 47]. A positive result
0.64 and 0.84) to be used as the basis for determi- occurs when the painful arc of impingement symp-
nation of the presence or absence of dyskinesis toms is relieved and the arc of motion is increased.
[38, 39]. The exam is conducted by having the In the SRT, the examiner grades the supraspinatus
patients raise the arms in forward flexion to max- muscle strength following standard manual mus-
imum elevation, and then lower them 3–5 times, cle testing procedures [18, 20]. The clinician then
with a 3–5 pound weight in each hand [40, 41]. places and stabilizes the scapula in a retracted
7  Scapular Dyskinesis and Glenohumeral Instability 83

position. A positive test occurs when the demon- and socket kinematics. Patients with instability
strated supraspinatus strength is increased, or the due to microtrauma may be able to regain function
symptoms of internal impingement in the labral by reestablishing the coupled SHR to maximize
injury are relieved in the retracted position. In the concavity/compression and ball and socket kine-
MDI patient, the SRT will eliminate the position matics. Since MDI is a very muscle-dependent
of protraction and inferior tilt and will facilitate problem, effective scapular control and resulting
normal GH kinematics which diminishes the feel- muscle activation through rehabilitation are fre-
ing of instability. Although these tests are not quently successful in resolving symptoms.
capable of diagnosing a specific form of shoulder
pathology, a positive SAT or SRT shows that scap-
ular dyskinesis is directly involved in producing Rehabilitation Guidelines
the symptoms and indicates the need for inclusion
of early scapular rehabilitation exercises to  pecific Scapular Rehabilitation
improve scapular control. Exercises

Rehabilitation exercises for scapular control can

Nonoperative Treatment Options be broken down into three groups—proximal
kinetic chain exercises to facilitate scapular mus-
 ehabilitation of the Scapula
R cle strength, flexibility exercises to minimize
in Glenohumeral Instability traction on scapular posture, and exercises spe-
cific for peri-scapular activation.
Scapular rehabilitation may be used in preopera- Kinetic chain exercises for trunk and hip start
tive, nonoperative, and postoperative contexts [48, from and end at the “ideal position” of hip exten-
49]. Preoperative scapular rehabilitation is directed sion/trunk extension. They include trunk/hip
toward reestablishing kinetic chain activation pat- flexion/extension, rotation, and diagonal motions.
terns to maximize scapular stabilizer activation Progressions include step-up/down and increased
and controlling scapular retraction capability. This weights.
is similar to preoperative preparation prior to ante- Specific areas to be addressed for flexibility
rior cruciate ligament surgery. Postoperative scap- include the anterior coracoid (pectoralis minor and
ular rehabilitation may be started very early in the biceps short head), latissimus dorsi, and shoulder
postoperative period. Kinetic chain exercises for rotation. Tightness in these areas increases scapu-
trunk and hip strengthening and scapular retrac- lar protraction. Exercises include the open book
tion exercises may be started, while the arm is still (Fig. 7.2) and corner stretch (Fig. 7.3) for coracoid
in the sling or other postoperative protection. muscles, standing ­shoulder flexion for latissimus
These exercises establish a stable base for more dorsi, and sleeper (Fig. 7.4) and cross body stretch
advanced and shoulder-­specific exercises. As heal- (Fig. 7.5) for shoulder rotation.
ing proceeds and as the arm may be moved into Peri-scapular strengthening should emphasize
abduction and rotation, closed chain axial load and achieving a position of scapular retraction, as this
“clock” exercises strengthen scapular stabilizers is the most effective position to maximize scapu-
while minimizing loads on the repair site. When lar roles. Scapular retraction exercises may be
rotator cuff exercises are indicated, integrated done in a standing position to simulate normal
scapular stability/humeral head depression exer- activation sequences and allow kinetic chain
cises reestablish the compressor cuff activation sequencing. Scapular pinch and trunk extension/
function off a stabilized scapular. scapular retraction exercises may be started early
The results of scapular rehabilitation as part of in rehabilitation to stat the integrated activation.
a nonoperative treatment of GH instability are pri- Several specific exercises have been shown to
marily related to the underlying pathology. Patients be very effective to activate the key scapular sta-
with posttraumatic instability frequently have liga- bilizers—the lower trapezius and serratus ante-
ment and/or bone injury that will not allow ball rior36. They are the low row (Fig. 7.6) and inferior
84 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

Fig. 7.2 Open book stretch for anterior shoulder

tightness Fig. 7.5 Cross body adduction stretch for posterior
shoulder tightness

Fig. 7.6  Low row is an isometric exercise which helps

strengthen the lower trapezius and serratus anterior
Fig. 7.3  Corner stretch for anterior shoulder tightness

Fig. 7.4  Sleeper stretch

for posterior shoulder
7  Scapular Dyskinesis and Glenohumeral Instability 85

glide (Fig. 7.7), both isometric exercises, and the

lawnmower (Fig. 7.8) and robbery (Fig. 7.9).
Another effective exercise is fencing (Fig. 7.10).
Closed chain exercises should also be empha-
sized, to restore the normal activations of the
closed chain mechanism. These exercises are
characterized by supporting the hand on a stable
or movable surface and loading the arm and scap-
ula from distal to proximal. Examples include
rhythmic stabilization (Fig. 7.11), scapular clock
(Fig. 7.12), and wall washes (Fig. 7.13).

Fig. 7.7  Inferior glide, also used to strengthen the lower Fig. 7.9  Robbery exercise is performed by “placing the
trapezius and serratus anterior, is performed by isometri- elbows in the back pockets”
cally pushing the arm down into adduction

a b

Fig. 7.8 (a, b) Lawnmower exercise utilizes trunk rotation to help facilitate scapular retraction
86 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

Fig. 7.11  Rhythmic stabilization

Fig. 7.10  Fencing is performed by stepping laterally
while retracting the scapula against resistance

a b

Fig. 7.12 (a–c) Scapular clock: (a) retraction, (b) protraction, (c) depression
7  Scapular Dyskinesis and Glenohumeral Instability 87

Once scapular control is achieved, integrated scapula are added. They may be done in various
scapula/rotator cuff exercises such as punches planes of abduction and flexion, with different
(Fig. 7.14) and shoulder dumps (Fig. 7.15) that amounts or types of resistance, and may be
stimulate rotator cuff activation off a stabilized modified to be sport specific.

a b

Fig. 7.13 (a, b) Wall wash is a closed chain exercise which utilizes all kinetic chain segments

a b

Fig. 7.14 (a, b) Punches may be performed in multiple planes

88 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

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The Scapula and Clavicle Fractures
Peter W. Hester and W. Ben Kibler

Introduction surgical complications and the occasional need

for a second surgery for hardware removal. These
Clavicle fractures account for 5% of all adult findings have led investigators to emphasize the
fractures and 44% of all shoulder fractures [1]. need for clear identification of: indications for
Up to 81% are of the middle third, and half of surgery, which clavicle fractures need surgical
these are considered “displaced” fractures [2]. repair, and what should be the desired outcomes
Historically, nonoperative treatment with a sling from surgery especially with regard to re-estab-
or figure of eight immobilization was considered lishing normal scapula position and its functional
the preferred standard of care, and this treatment impact on shoulder motion (Fig. 8.1).
resulted in what were thought to be acceptable It appears that union of the bone ends is not
functional results [3]. However, more recent the sole or even major factor in optimal out-
studies have suggested that nonoperative treat- comes of clavicle fractures. Optimal outcomes
ment may frequently produce less than satisfac- from clavicle fracture healing depend upon
tory outcomes, with high rates of malunion and optimum function of the scapula, which
nonunion, deficits in muscle strength and endur- requires restoration of the clavicular roles
ance, and substantial patient dissatisfaction on which facilitate normal mechanics in shoulder
patient-reported outcome scores even in patients activity [7–12]. Surgical indications may relate
with established unions that are malpositioned more to addressing the correction of the altered
[3–6]. Surgical treatment appears to produce bet- mechanics resulting from the clavicle injury
ter outcome scores [6], but with its own set of than focusing only on the anatomy. Evaluation
concerns, including the acknowledged risk of of scapular static position and dynamic motion

P.W. Hester, MD (*) • W. Ben Kibler, MD

Orthopedics-Sports Medicine, Lexington Clinic,
Lexington, KY, USA Fig. 8.1 Right clavicle fracture yielding scapula
e-mail: phest@lexclin.com; wkibler@aol.com repositioning

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 91

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_8
92 P.W. Hester and W. Ben Kibler

can provide key information relating to the

altered mechanics and suggest the need for sur-
gical correction of the anatomy.

Clavicle Anatomy and Mechanics

The clavicle serves as a strut connecting the shoul-

der girdle to the axial skeleton [9]. Optimal scapu-
lohumeral rhythm and arm function require optimal
clavicle anatomy. Its “S”-shaped design allows a
wide range of rotation (40–50°) about its long axis,
a motion that is key to placing the shoulder and arm
in positions for function [13]. In this respect, it is Fig. 8.2  Medial and lateral fragment classic deformation
similar to radius function at the wrist. Any loss of pattern
the normal curvature of the bone could result in to the coracoid and humerus. The pectoralis
decreased functional ability at the distal joint. major and minor, the latissimus dorsi, and the
Clavicle length is also an important mechani- anterior deltoid can produce inferior, medial,
cal factor. Loss of normal proximal (medial) to and internal rotation forces on the lateral frag-
distal (lateral) length, either by comminution, ment. These forces can also produce a position
overriding, or angulation, shortens the strut and, of scapular protraction.
in the presence of an intact acromioclavicular Collectively, these deforming forces fre-
joint, results in scapular internal rotation and quently produce a position of the lateral fragment
anterior tilt, most commonly characterized as that may be overriding the medial fragment but
scapular protraction [7, 9, 11, 12]. Protraction also may be angulated in the anterior/posterior or
has been associated with multiple types of inferior/superior direction and/or may be anteri-
pathology such as impingement, rotator cuff orly rotated in relation to the medial fragment
tendinopathy, rotator cuff injury, labral injury, (Fig. 8.2). These positions represent a tri-planar
and functional muscle weakness [14–21]. or three-dimensional deformity which may not
Multiple deforming forces can be factors be obvious on two-dimensional radiographs but
effecting the relative position of the clavicle frac- will be more clearly delineated by a dynamic
ture fragments. Of most concern is the lateral shoulder examination. Evaluation of the scapula
fragment, as this is attached to the scapula. The can frequently demonstrate the deformity, since
amount of the initial impacting force can create the scapular position will have to conform to the
multiple fracture fragments with capability of position of the lateral fragment. The presence of
displacement, shortening, and angulation. The scapular protraction, in addition to demonstrating
gravitational force of the weight of the arm will the clavicle deformity, also predicts the func-
pull the lateral fragment inferiorly and medially tional deficits that may occur if the scapula is
around the ellipsoid curvature of the thorax. This maintained in this position by not correcting the
position is accentuated by placing the arm in a clavicle deformity.
sling across the front of the body.
Muscle forces will become deforming
forces. Medially, the sternocleidomastoid mus- Clavicle Fracture and the Scapula
cle can exert a superior and external rotation
force on the proximal fragment. However, the The tri-planar deformation subsequent to clavicle
main deforming forces are exerted on the lat- fracture shortening, rotation, and/or angulation
eral fragment, indirectly through attachments yields loss of strut efficiency and may produce
8  The Scapula and Clavicle Fractures 93

[23]. This concept of maladapted tendons los-

ing mechanical advantage is supported by
Jupiter [24].
A simulated clavicle fracture model cadaveric
study by Hillen et al. that placed cluster markers
Fig. 8.3  Correlated radiograph with clinical appearance on the clavicle, sternum, humerus, and scapula
in malunion with limited functional result provided rare anatomic insight into scapula posi-
tioning in this population [8]. The study per-
formed manual motion trials on intact, resected,
dyskinetic patterns for simple activities of daily and plate-fixed clavicles and demonstrated that in
living as well as more physically demanding pur- the specimen with the 3.6 cm shortened clavicle,
suits. There is limited, focused anatomic lab the scapula with the arm at 30° abduction was
work detailing and correlating the deficiencies of 20° more protracted, 12° more laterally rotated
clavicle malunion [22]. Malunion is associated with 7° decreased posterior tilt, and more
with strength loss, rapid fatigue, pain, and limb retracted in the sternoclavicular joint an average
and shoulder girdle paresthesia (Fig. 8.3). As of 1.2° per 1.2 cm of shortening.
high as 70% of nonoperatively treated mid-shaft In the controlled shortening study, the AC
clavicle fractures developed clinically evident joint was unaffected due to the stabilizing effect
scapular dyskinesis [12]. of the coracoclavicular ligaments; however,
Shields et al. provided the first study to report increased movement and rotation occurred at the
rates of scapulothoracic dyskinesis following sternoclavicular joint with implication of arthro-
mid-shaft clavicle fractures and showed that sis risk.
SICK scapula scores were worse in these patients Kibler and Sciascia described how diminished
with ST dyskinesis [12]. In this retrospective tilt and increased lateral rotation alter the acromion
cohort design including 24 patients, the operative position supporting the concept of subsequent
group had only 1 of 12 (8%) patients demonstrate impingement and limited rotator cuff function as
ST dyskinesis compared to 8 out of 12 (67%) in the anterolateral part of the acromion assumes a
the nonoperative group. The nonoperative group more anterior and more lateral position [9].
reported more pain, decreased strength, and com- Andermahr et al. offer that the altered scap-
promised range of motion along with scapula ula position means that the glenoid orientation
position change. is changed as well such that the glenohumeral
Ledger et al. reported that shortening of the contact force direction is also impacted with the
clavicle changes the shoulder girdle by altering inference being to subject the labrum and cap-
movement constraints with increased upward sule to shear forces not normally anticipated [7].
sternoclavicular angulation by 10° and increased Veeger and van der Helm supported this concept
protraction by 6°, which then yields diminished as rotator cuff stabilizing forces may be altered
strength of at least 10% in extension, adduction, and potentially yield a higher glenohumeral
and internal rotation [22]. joint contact force with increased capsulolabral
Shortening of the clavicle results not just in shear [23].
a reduced moment arm of the pectoralis major The longer the delay to surgery, the greater the
inserting on the clavicle mostly decreasing flex- scapular malposition with less than 6 weeks bet-
ion and abduction strength in higher abduction ter and more than 40 weeks worse [25, 26].
but with secondary challenges to all muscula- Acute ORIF with a mean of 0.6 months was
ture as scapula orientation to all soft tissue ori- preferred to delayed with mean of 63 months
entations is altered. Veeger and van der Helm [27]. Shoulder flexion endurance decreased in the
described this positional and moment arm alter- delayed group, and constant scores were better in
ation changing muscle balance relationships the acute group.
94 P.W. Hester and W. Ben Kibler

Radiograph Interpretation measurement of the apparent medial to lateral

scapular width may demonstrate increased appar-
Plain radiographs are utilized to make the diag- ent width as the scapular protraction is decreased
nosis of a clavicle fracture and provide infor- (Fig. 8.7a, b). Also, the amount of inferior scapu-
mation regarding comminution and overriding. lar displacement may be measured as the distance
However, as two-dimensional tools, they are between the inferior border of the medial frag-
frequently not able to accurately demonstrate ment and the scapular spine. This “scap gap” will
the tri-planar deformity of the fracture or accu-
rately assess scapular position. Scrutiny of
radiographs may demonstrate subtle architec-
tural alterations which may suggest scapula
malpositioning and resulting dyskinesis and
shoulder functional compromise. Be certain to
compare like images, at similar trajectory, when
making the decision for conservative or surgi-
cal care.
Figure 8.4 and 8.5 demonstrate the potential
of increased fracture displacement over one
week along with altered acromial projection and Fig. 8.4  Initial AP radiograph
also suggests the need to compare like radio-
graphs. Also notice the acromion orientation
inconsistency which may also be valuable in
understanding the degree of rotation and angu-
lation of the lateral fragment (Fig. 8.5).
Advanced imaging such as CT scans may be
helpful in identifying the severity of the fracture
(Fig. 8.6a, b).
With standardized radiographs, one may be
able to observe and actually measure a change in Fig. 8.5  One week follow-up X-ray for fracture seen in
scapular position as a result of surgical correction Fig. 8.4. A 15 degree angled view demonstrates a marked
of the clavicle deformity. Pre and post surgical difference in displacement

a b

Fig. 8.6 (a, b) CT demonstrates the fracture malrotation in same patient in Figs. 8.4 and 8.5
8  The Scapula and Clavicle Fractures 95

a b

Fig. 8.7 (a, b) With fracture, a resulting protracted scap- surface to scapula spine distance . This area
ula, may yield a relatively narrower scapula width on AP has been termed “scap gap” by the authors
radiographs compared to postreduction blue arrows
, as well as a greater medial fragment inferior

a b

Fig. 8.8 (a, b) “Scap gap” reduced with fixation

be less after the surgical correction, indicating days, an accurate evaluation can be performed.
normalization of the scapular position relative to Bilateral comparison of shoulder posture can
the clavicle (Fig. 8.8a, b). demonstrate drooping of the arm and protrac-
tion of the scapula. Observation of the poste-
rior shoulder will demonstrate the position of
Clinical Evaluation scapular dyskinesis. By 3 weeks, there is fre-
quently enough callus formation at the fracture
Every clavicle fracture should be evaluated for site to allow arm movement. Manual stabiliza-
the possibility of lateral fragment malrotation tion in retraction of the dyskinetic protracted
and scapular dyskinesis. There may be too scapula, which reverses the anterior rotation of
much pain or swelling to accurately evaluate the lateral fragment, will frequently result in
early after the injury, but by ten to twenty-one decreased arm pain, increased arm motion, and
96 P.W. Hester and W. Ben Kibler

increased strength. These findings can be used  oals of Operative Fixation

in counseling patients regarding treatment. of Clavicle Fracture, Malunion,
In established nonunions and malunions with and Nonunion
continued shoulder symptoms, the principles of
the standard scapular evaluation should be car- Reduction and fixation aims to restore scapula
ried out as part of the comprehensive shoulder position and parascapular muscle and bone orien-
evaluation [28]. Emphasis should be placed on tation and balance as initially designed to best
establishment of the presence or absence of dys- optimize shoulder motion, strength and endur-
kinesis and the effect of the scapular assistance ance. Early reduction and fixation of acute frac-
and scapular retraction test corrective maneuvers tures will better assure proper union and reduce
on symptoms. These findings should be used as the risk of muscle interposition between the frac-
part of the information in counseling patients ture ends. This early fixation will also allow for
regarding treatment. the restoration of optimal range of motion,
strength, and endurance (Fig. 8.9a, b). One hun-
dred percent displacement and greater than
Treatment Guidelines 15 mm of shortening are strong indications for
fixation. Concurrent humeral shaft fracture serves
All closed clavicle fractures may be initially as a strong indication to perform open reduction
treated with sling immobilizations. Reevaluation and internal fixation (ORIF).
around 10 days to 3 weeks including radiographic ORIF with plate and screw systems offers
and clinical evaluations will allow accurate superior results and control with less complica-
assessment of clavicle fracture position and scap- tion risk and need for removal than with intra-
ular position. Patients with no or minimal scapu- medullary subcutaneous single screw fixation.
lar dyskinesis at this time will usually do well Appreciating anatomic differences of the clavi-
with appropriate nonoperative treatment. Patients cle, having two different clavicle plate systems
with established or increasing clavicle fracture available in the operating room, has been helpful
deformity and/or scapular dyskinesis should be to assure a best contour option.
counseled about the potential mechanical deficits Postoperatively, the patient is kept in a sling
associated with these radiographic and clinical for 3 weeks while maintaining good posture with
findings, and the potential benefits demonstrated medial scapula border muscle activation pro-
by the research which has looked at the results gram. Rehabilitation is permitted at the 3-week
and outcome scores of surgical correction. mark.

a b

Fig. 8.9 (a, b) These AP images allow for appreciation of acromial position change with fixation
8  The Scapula and Clavicle Fractures 97

a b

Fig. 8.10 (a, b) Prior clavicle malunion re-fracture in a professional tree climber along with concurrent humeral shaft
fracture treated with ORIF of both fractures allowed for normalized scapula function and return to activity at three
months post-operatively

Radiographs should be evaluated at 1, 2, and of scapular malposition in counseling patients

3 months postoperatively. Most patients are dis- regarding treatment.
charged to regular activity between months 3 and 4.
Malunions often provide the best evidence of
the need to consider early ORIF. Simple func- References
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shaft clavicle fractures. Am J Sports Med.
Summary 5. McKee MD, Pedersen EM, Jones C, Stephen DJG,
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lar fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006;88:
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may move to a dyskinetic position of protraction
J Orthop Trauma. 2005;19(7):504–7.
that can be clinically observed. The dyskinetic 7. Andermahr J, Jubel A, Elsner A, Prokop A, Tsikaras
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the lateral fragment malposition and suggest del- cant glenoid malposition: a quantitative anatomic
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The Scapula and Acromioclavicular
Joint Separation and Arthritis
Brent J. Morris, David Dome, Aaron D. Sciascia,
and W. Ben Kibler

Acromioclavicular Joint Anatomy tional stability [3]. The superior AC ligament

(56%) and posterior AC ligament (25%) contrib-
The acromioclavicular (AC) joint serves many ute to resistance of posterior translation [4], and
key roles in shoulder function. The AC joint is an the anatomical position of the superior AC liga-
important component of the screw axis mecha- ment also suggests a role as a tension band help-
nism that imparts normal shoulder motion [1, 2]. ing control lateral tilt of the acromion. The
The AC joint stabilizes the clavicular strut and conoid with its more medial and posterior inser-
permits anterior and posterior translation, supe- tion on the clavicle contributes to 60% of vertical
rior and inferior translation, and rotation. stability [4], while the trapezoid with its more
The AC ligaments control most of the anterior lateral and anterior insertion on the clavicle con-
and posterior translation of the AC joint with tributes to vertical and rotational stability at the
some contributions by the coracoclavicular liga- AC joint.
ments. The AC ligaments, especially posterior
and superior AC ligaments, confer horizontal sta-
bility but also play a role in vertical and rota-  isruption of the Acromioclavicular

Injuries to the AC joint have typically been

thought of and categorized in a two-dimensional
(2D) fashion. The Rockwood classification [5]
has been widely used to classify AC joint injuries
B.J. Morris, MD (*) • D. Dome, MD and is based purely on radiographic classifica-
W. Ben Kibler, MD tion. The Rockwood classification assesses the
Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic AC joint on anteroposterior (AP) and axillary
Orthopedics—Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder
Center of Kentucky, 700 Bob-O-Link Drive, radiographs assessing superior and posterior
Lexington, KY 40504, USA translation of the clavicle relative to the acro-
e-mail: brent.joseph.morris@gmail.com; mion. Unfortunately, the Rockwood classifica-
wkibler@aol.com tion has shown poor reliability for classification
A.D. Sciascia, PhD, ATC, PES and treatment decisions with plain radiographs,
Assistant Professor, Athletic Training Education and the addition of 3D CT has not been shown to
Program, Eastern Kentucky University, 228 Moberly,
521 Lancaster Avenue, Richmond, KY 40475, USA improve the reliability of classification and treat-
e-mail: aaron.sciascia@eku.edu ment [6].

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 99

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_9
100 B.J. Morris et al.

AC joint injuries should be thought of in a and predictability and can be seen in patients
three-dimensional (3D) fashion with consider- with AC joint injuries [1]. This resulting shoulder
ation of the role of the scapula in the injury pat- dysfunction with scapular dyskinesis can include
tern. Disruption of the AC joint can alter normal decreased shoulder motion and strength [1]. We
scapular motion. The clavicle serves a key role as consider patients with AC joint inferior/superior
a mobile strut for scapular and arm motion. The and anterior/posterior laxity on manual testing
AC joint serves as a unifying link in the screw and the presence of scapular dyskinesis to have
axis mechanism that governs normal scapulo- “high-grade” injuries. We consider patients with
humeral rhythm [1, 2, 7, 8], and the three-­ these same clinical findings, except the absence
dimensional nature of the normal kinematics of of scapular dyskinesis, to have “low-grade” inju-
the clavicle and scapula facilitate arm function. ries. All patients with AC joint injuries in our
These studies demonstrate that as the arm rotates center are systematically treated with scapular
and elevates, the clavicle acts as a mobile strut rehabilitation prior to operative discussion.
based on the sternoclavicular joint and elevates, Typically the “low-grade” injuries can be treated
protracts, retracts, and rotates along its axis. The nonsurgically, while the “high-grade” injuries
AC joint acts as a stable but slightly mobile con- may require surgery due to the biomechanical
necting link. Finally, the scapula, acting as a disruption and loss of function.
mobile but stable base for the humerus and arm, Furthermore, a new modification for type III
upwardly rotates, posteriorly tilts, externally injuries has recently been proposed to subclassify
rotates with arm motion, and translates upward/ Rockwood type III AC joint injuries into IIIA and
downward and medially/laterally [2, 7–9]. Loss IIIB with recognition of the value of physical
of the stabilization by ligament disruption allows examination findings and the role of the scapula.
the scapula to have a “3rd translation,” inferior Type IIIA injuries have a stable AC joint without
and medial to the clavicle. Many of the clinical overriding of the clavicle on the cross-body
deficits creating symptoms and limitations in adduction view and without significant scapular
patients with symptomatic AC separations can be dysfunction. Unstable type IIIB injuries have
associated with alteration of scapular position therapy-resistant scapular dysfunction and an
and motion. The prominence of the clavicle is overriding clavicle on the cross-body adduction
mainly due to the 3rd translation. Decreased view [14].
shoulder range of motion and demonstrated
abduction and flexion strength are due to exces-
sive scapular protraction [10–13]. Evaluation of  perative Treatment of Unstable
the symptomatic patient should include determi- Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries:
nation of scapular static position and dynamic Classification of Operative Types
motion as part of the diagnosis that guides treat-
ment decisions [14]. Both nonanatomic and anatomic reconstruction
techniques have been advocated. Nonanatomic
techniques include transfers of the coracoacro-
Clinical Diagnosis mial (CA) ligament. Cadenat first described
of Acromioclavicular Joint transfer of the CA ligament in 1917 utilizing the
Disruption posterior fascicle on the acromial side and
suturing it to the remnants of the conoid liga-
Clinical examination can identify the three-­ ment and periosteum of the posterior superior
dimensional sequelae of AC joint disruption and clavicle to attempt to recreate the coracoclavic-
help guide treatment decisions instead of relying ular (CC) ligaments (conoid and trapezoid) [4,
on a purely radiographic and 2D classification for 15]. The Weaver-Dunn technique involves a
AC joint injuries. Scapular dyskinesis can be similar nonanatomic transfer of the CA liga-
identified on clinical examination with accuracy ment from the acromial side, and many
9  The Scapula and Acromioclavicular Joint Separation and Arthritis 101

modifications of the technique have emerged. cases with some surgeons opting to resect the
Unfortunately, transfer of the CA ligament does distal clavicle versus others opting to preserve
not recreate the anatomy of the CC ligaments the distal clavicle. Treatment of the distal clavi-
and provides only 25% of the strength of the cle in the setting of AC joint injuries has varied
intact CC complex and does not repair the AC over time. Historically, operative techniques
complex [16]. involved retention of the distal clavicle and rigid
The AC joint is critical for glenohumeral and AC joint fixation without reconstruction of the
scapulothoracic function [3]. Proper restoration CC ligaments. These early techniques were
of the AC and CC ligaments is necessary to com- fraught with continued pain and the development
pletely stabilize the scapula and recreate transla- of AC joint arthritis [21, 22]. Eventually, isolated
tion and rotation that optimizes function. distal clavicle resection was proposed to address
Concurrent AC and CC fixation is not a new con- AC joint injuries, but this technique was fraught
cept, initially reported by Baum in 1886; how- with poor results since it did not restore AC joint
ever, most of the reported techniques in the stability [4]. Clavicle shortening or AC joint
literature currently do not involve anatomic AC instability may contribute to pathologic position-
and CC reconstruction [17]. A recent systematic ing of the scapula in a protracted and internally
review indicated that only 13 anatomic tech- rotated position [3]. Our technique involves
niques (8.0%) were described out of the 162 sur- retention of the distal clavicle as proposed by
gical techniques in 120 different articles [17]. others [4] to help restore anatomic stability and
Techniques have emerged that emphasize preserve optimal clavicle strut function and scap-
anatomic reconstruction of the CC ligaments, ular mobility.
but the described techniques typically involve
distal clavicle resection and are commonly per-
formed without formal repair or reconstruction  he Authors’ Surgical Technique
of the damaged AC ligaments. More recent for Operative Treatment of Unstable
information suggests that both anatomic AC and Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries
CC ligament reconstruction can help restore
translational and rotational stability [3] as CA The AC reconstruction in this study follows the
ligament transfer with augmentation does not principles established by Carofino and Mazzocca
address anterior-­ posterior translation of the [4, 18, 23]. Modifications of the technique regard-
scapula on the clavicle [18]. ing graft passage and graft and ligament attach-
Three-dimensional (3D) restoration with ana- ment were developed to address potential
tomic reconstruction of both the CC ligaments and weakness of the described technique. The tech-
the AC ligaments offers an advantage over CC nique is completely described in a recent publica-
ligament reconstruction alone due to the ability to tion [24].
restore all three components of the AC joint—hor- The patient is placed in a slightly modified
izontal, vertical, and rotational stability as a stable beach chair position. The surgical incision is
link for scapular motion and scapulohumeral placed along the anterior superior border of the
rhythm. Recent publications have taken note of clavicle from the midportion of the clavicle to the
AC joint malreduction and instability following AC joint and across to the lateral edge of the
CC ligament reconstruction [19, 20]. The clavicle acromion. The dissection is started medially,
and acromion appear to be “reduced” on a static with reflection of the trapezius fascia by electro-
anteroposterior (AP) radiograph; however, the cautery. The dissection is carried out longitudi-
bones are malreduced on an axillary or cross- nally over the distal clavicle to the acromion,
body adduction radiograph, or the AC joint is with care taken to stay right on the clavicle in the
unstable on examination. dissection so that the native anterior and posterior
There is often the question of what to do with AC ligaments, which are frequently still attached
the distal clavicle during AC joint reconstruction to the acromion, can be identified and mobilized
102 B.J. Morris et al.

to be used in the repair (Fig. 9.1). These liga- rior acromial edge at the joint (Fig. 9.2a). The
ments are frequently found scarred to the inferior acromial edge is lightly debrided to provide an
half of the clavicle, and their mobilization facili- attachment site and to stimulate healing, and a #2
tates joint reduction. PDS suture is passed as a loop suture passer
A method of “docking” the allograft to the (Fig. 9.2b) to be employed later.
acromion has been found to be effective as a The CC interval can then be visualized through
sturdy construct. Two 2.4 mm drill holes are a deltoid splitting incision. Careful dissection
made from the lateral acromial edge to the supe- around the coracoid frees up the scar and creates

Fig. 9.1 (a) High-grade a

acromioclavicular and
coracoclavicular ligament
injury with avulsion of the
ligaments from the
clavicle and midsubstance
injury of the coracocla-
vicular ligaments. (b) An
incision (dotted line) is
made from the lateral
b c
acromion to the midshaft
of the clavicle. (c) Drill
holes are made through
the clavicle in line with
the native attachment of
the conoid and trapezoid


Fig. 9.2 (a) The

reconstruction includes an
allograft semitendinosus
tendon (green) and 5
strands of No. 2 PDS
(b) The sutures and the
graft are passed through
the anatomically placed
clavicle drill holes. b d
(c) The PDS sutures are
tied to add stability to the
healing graft (excess
suture is removed as
shown by the red dotted
line). (d) The graft tails
are secured together using
the stitch configuration
9  The Scapula and Acromioclavicular Joint Separation and Arthritis 103

a tunnel for graft passage. Passage of the instru- down over the clavicle to provide initial stabil-
ment from the medial to lateral side and shuttling ity for the CC reconstruction. The graft limbs
the graft from the lateral to medial side mini- are tensioned and then sutured together over
mizes the risks to the underlying neurovascular the clavicle with multiple nonabsorbable
structures. sutures. Stability of the CC reconstruction can
The CC reconstruction construct consists of be checked by demonstration of elimination of
a semitendinosus allograft (6.0 mm × at least inferior/superior laxity.
260 mm) and 5 #2 PDS sutures to be used as an The AC ligament reconstruction includes
internal splint. Each of the graft ends is pre- superior, anterior, and posterior components.
pared with a baseball type stitch running about The graft tails can be used to reconstruct the
25 mm on each end. This construct is passed superior AC ligaments, and the native tissues
around the undersurface of the coracoid and is can be used to repair the anterior and posterior
passed through anatomically positioned 4.5 mm ligaments. Two biocompatible anchors
clavicular drill holes. The conoid drill hole is (PushLock, Arthrex, Naples, FL) double
placed from the posterior superior edge of the loaded with #1 nonabsorbable suture are placed
clavicle, aimed at the conoid tubercle, a readily into the anterosuperior and posterosuperior
palpable landmark on the undersurface which clavicle, and the sutures are passed through the
is present directly superior to the medial edge mobilized native AC ligament tissues, but not
of the coracoid. The trapezoid drill hole is tied. The allograft tails are brought to the acro-
placed about 1 cm anterior and 1.5–2.0 cm lat- mial edge; the correct length to ensure graft
eral to the conoid hole, depending on patient tension and attachment to the acromion is
size, and is aimed at the trapezoid ridge on the determined, and a passing suture of #1 nonab-
undersurface at about a 30° angle to the vertical sorbable suture is placed (Fig. 9.4). These
from the lateral coracoid edge (Fig. 9.3). Both sutures are then passed through the previously
limbs of the graft construct are then passed, and placed acromial drill holes and tied over the
the joint is manually reduced by bringing the lateral acromion, attaching the graft tails to
acromion to the clavicle. The sutures are tied reconstruct the superior AC ligament. The


Fig. 9.3 (a) Drill holes

are placed through the
lateral acromion to dock c
the graft tails into the
bone. Sutures are placed
into each graft tail (b) to
assist in properly docking
the graft into the d
previously prepared
acromial edge (c). (d) The
excess graft tail tissue is
104 B.J. Morris et al.

Fig. 9.4 (a) Drill holes

are placed into the
a b
anterosuperior and
posterosuperior aspects of
the clavicle. (b) Suture
anchors, which will be
used to repair the native
ligaments, are placed into
the holes. (c) Sutures are
passed but not tied

Fig. 9.5  The native anterior

and posterior ligaments are
repaired (a) and tied
down to the clavicle (b) a

anterior and posterior native tissues are then Postoperative Rehabilitation

tied down, completing the repair (Fig. 9.5). After Acromioclavicular
The stability of the entire construct is then Reconstruction
assessed to demonstrate elimination of both
inferior/superior and anterior/posterior laxity. Postoperatively, all patients are placed in a sling
The deltoid split is closed, the wound is closed and swathe for 4 weeks. Internal rotation and
in layers, and a sling and swathe is applied. abduction is not allowed for 3 weeks, and active
9  The Scapula and Acromioclavicular Joint Separation and Arthritis 105

forward flexion is not allowed for 6 weeks. f­ ollow-up of the surgical cases was 3 ± 1.5 years
During the first 3 weeks, the patient is allowed to (range 1.5–5 years). All 15 patients and 16
perform active scapular retraction and ­depression. shoulders had anterior/posterior laxity on initial
All patients are referred to formal physical ther- clinical exam with 64% of the patients having
apy following the third postoperative week and concurrent superior/inferior laxity. The patients
are provided with a standardized closed kinetic without superior/inferior laxity had acromions
chain protocol designed to minimize shear forces that were completely displaced under the clavi-
at the glenohumeral joint and to increase proprio- cles, with fixed dislocation. Four patients had
ceptive feedback through the shoulder and scap- previous AC joint reconstruction surgery includ-
ula. Scapular mobility and stability are ing CC ligament reconstruction only (2), hook
emphasized through the scapular rehabilitation plate insertion (1), and CC ligament reconstruc-
protocols discussed in the rehabilitation chapters tion with distal clavicle excision (1). Of the
of this textbook. remaining 12, 8 were reconstructed within the
first 3 months after injury, while 4 were treated
from 4 months to 6 years after injury.
 utcomes After Anatomic
O Postoperatively, there was one loss of anatomic
Acromioclavicular Reconstruction reduction, demonstrated by loss of anterior/pos-
terior stability, which was secondary to distal
There have been many reports on anatomic CC clavicle osteolysis and loss of AC ligament
ligament reconstruction but very few reports on attachment following a fall. All other patients
anatomic reconstruction of both AC and CC exhibited dynamically stable anterior-­posterior
ligaments. Carofino and Mazzocca described and inferior-superior stability on clinical exami-
anatomic AC and CC reconstruction using sem- nation and symmetrical scapular motion at most
itendinosus graft looped around the coracoid, recent follow-up. X-ray determination of static
interference screw fixation into the clavicle, stability demonstrated CC distances that aver-
and the remaining limb of the graft is used to aged 1 cm (range 0.59–1.31 cm) at the time of
reconstruct the posterior and superior AC liga- discharge. The 1.31 cm distance was in the
ments [4]. The technique article presented a patient with loss of AC reduction after a fall.
case series of 17 patients with minimum fol- The patients demonstrated significant improve-
low-up of 6 months and average follow-up of ment (p < .001) in the preoperative (51, range
21 months. Significant preoperative to postop- 11–98) to final (13, range 0–43) DASH scores
erative shoulder function scores were noted for with an average change in DASH score of
the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 38 ± 27 points. There were no complications
Score (ASES), the Simple Shoulder Test (SST), relating to the surgery. There were no infections
and the Constant score. Three of 17 (17.6%) and no reoperations for loss of reduction or
patients were reported as failures. removal of sutures or implants. These outcomes
Our study population included 23 patients. were similar to Carofino and Mazzocca’s [4].
Fifteen patients (age = 42 ± 18 years; 10 males,
5 females) with 16 injuries requested surgical Conclusions
treatment. One patient had bilateral reconstruc- Anatomic AC joint reconstruction with ana-
tions. All had “high-grade” injuries. Five tomic AC and CC reconstruction can restore
patients were found to have “low-grade” injuries AC joint anatomy and scapular mechanics,
and none requested surgery, while three patients achieving excellent outcomes. We have
who were evaluated as “high-grade” injuries did attempted to combine clinical experience with
not request surgery. This reinforces the idea that a 3D understanding of AC joint function to
scapular dyskinesis, as an indicator of compro- better grade and treat AC joint injuries. The
mised AC function, can be beneficial in helping presence or absence of scapular dyskinesis is
to ­determine surgical indications. Average not considered to be an absolute indication or
106 B.J. Morris et al.

contraindication for surgery, but from our data 11. Kibler WB, Sciascia AD, Dome DC. Evaluation of
it can be used as a marker of impaired scapu- apparent and absolute supraspinatus strength in
patients with shoulder injury using the scapular retrac-
lohumeral rhythm and shoulder dysfunction tion test. Am J Sports Med. 2006;34(10):1643–7.
and does appear to be a consistent and a valu- 12. McKee MD, Pedersen EM, Jones C, Stephen DJG,
able piece of information to use in determin- Kreder HJ, Schemitsch EH, et al. Deficits following
ing indications for surgery. nonoperative treatment of displaced midshaft clavicu-
lar fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006;88:35–40.
13. Smith J, Kotajarvi BR, Padgett DJ, Eischen JJ. Effect
of scapular protraction and retraction on isometric
shoulder elevation strength. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
References 2002;83:367–70.
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chronic type III acromioclavicular dislocation. Shoulder concepts 2013: consensus and concerns—
Arthroscopy. 2009;25(1):40–5. proceedings of the ISAKOS upper extremity commit-
2. Oki S, Matsumura N, Iwamoto W, Ikegami H, tees 2009–2013. Heidelberg: Springer; 2013. p. 51–67.
Kiriyama Y, Nakamura T, et al. Acromioclavicular 15. Cerciello S, Edwards TB, Morris BJ, Cerciello G,
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2013;22(10):1433–9. gical technique and mid-term results. Arch Orthop
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tional stability of different methods for direct acro- Kremenic IJ, Ben-Avi S. Reconstruction of the coracocla-
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6. Cho CH, Hwang I, Seo JS, Choi CH, Ko SH, Park JS. A cadaveric study examining acromioclavicular
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ment of dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint. lar loop repair. J Shoulder Elb Surg. 2003;12:595–8.
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three-dimensional scapular kinematics. Arch Phys tions, surgical technique, and outcomes. Arthroscopy.
Med Rehabil. 1999;80:945–50. 2017;33:696–708.
The Scapular and Shoulder Arthritis
Brent J. Morris, T. Bradley Edwards,
and Thomas W. Wright

Introduction The scapula establishes a platform for effec-

tive rotator cuff function and shoulder motion.
Altered scapular motion or “scapular dyskinesis” Scapular dyskinesis is considered to be an impair-
is considered an alteration in the normal resting ment of normal scapulohumeral rhythm with the
scapular position or impairment of scapular potential to impact shoulder function. Scapular
motion [1]. Major progress has occurred in our dyskinesis has been reported in up to 67–100% of
understanding of scapular dyskinesis as observa- patients with shoulder injuries [2–4]. Scapular
tional findings are now supported with scientific dyskinesis has been associated with multiple
data. The concept of scapular dyskinesis is now shoulder pathologies including impingement,
understood and identified around the world, and instability and anterior capsular laxity, labral
the implications are broad. Our understanding of injury, rotator cuff weakness, clavicle fractures,
the scapula now extends far beyond our rudimen- and acromioclavicular joint injuries among oth-
tary basis of “scapular winging” and neurologic ers [5–10].
conditions. We can now begin to explore the Despite the growing body of evidence related
impact of the scapula on other conditions, includ- to scapular dyskinesis and multiple shoulder
ing shoulder arthritis, and attempt to explore a pathologies, there remains limited information
more cause and effect relationship. regarding the association of scapular dyskinesis
and shoulder osteoarthritis. We will review scap-
ular dyskinesis and shoulder osteoarthritis and
B.J. Morris, MD (*) discuss potential implications.
Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic
Orthopedics—Sports Medicine Center,
The Shoulder Center of Kentucky,
700 Bob-O-Link Drive, Lexington, KY, 40504, USA  capular Dyskinesis and Primary
e-mail: brent.joseph.morris@gmail.com Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Onset,
T. Bradley Edwards, MD Prevention, and Treatment of Early
Department of Shoulder Surgery, Posterior Subluxation and Posterior
Texas Orthopedic Hospital,
7401 Main Street, Houston, TX, 77030, USA Glenoid Erosion
e-mail: bemd@fondren.com
T.W. Wright, MD The prevalence of scapular dyskinesis and pri-
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, mary glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis has not
University of Florida, 3450 Hull Road, Gainesville, been established. Glenohumeral joint osteoarthri-
FL, 32611, USA
tis clearly involves internal joint derangement
e-mail: wrightw@ortho.ufl.edu

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 107

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_10
108 B.J. Morris et al.

and limitations in glenohumeral joint motion, but

it is unclear how scapulohumeral and scapulotho-
racic motion is affected in this patient population.
Furthermore, it is unclear if scapular dyskinesis
resolves following anatomic total shoulder
We have empirically identified scapular dyski-
nesis in this patient population with primary gle-
nohumeral joint osteoarthritis. Although a
prospective study is warranted, we want to apply
an understanding of scapular principals and pri-
mary glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis to allow
us to identify potential treatment opportunities to
enhance patient outcomes.
Patients with eccentric posterior glenoid ero-
sion are among the most challenging patients to
treat with glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis. Fig. 10.1  CT arthrogram demonstrating eccentric poste-
Posterior subluxation and eccentric posterior gle- rior glenoid erosion with biconcavity consistent with
noid erosion have long been recognized [11]. Walch B2
Walch et al. proposed a classification system
based on computed tomography (CT) scans for imbrications, posterior capsulorrhaphy, and others
primary glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis, which were completed. Follow-up demonstrated progres-
included the B2 glenoid or retroverted glenoid sion of osteoarthritis and persistent or recurrent
with posterior erosion and biconcave appearance posterior subluxation in all patients [13].
(Fig. 10.1) [12]. There is a growing body of literature assessing
Scapular dyskinesis is associated with abnor- the challenges of the B2 glenoid. However, our
mal scapular protraction [10]. Scapular protrac- current body of literature does not consider the
tion causes a decrease in scapular posterior tilt dynamic role of the scapula related to glenoid
[10]. An abnormally protracted scapula in gleno- wear. Static 3D studies are very important for our
humeral joint osteoarthritis may exacerbate pos- foundation of understanding glenoid erosion;
terior subluxation and contribute to the dreaded however, a better understanding of the dynamic
B2 glenoid. The challenge is to understand role of the scapula will be critical moving for-
whether the protracted scapular position is the ward. The scapula is clearly not a static structure
early culprit or whether the protracted scapular and undergoes tremendous range of motion.
position is secondary to shoulder pain from McClure et al. measured 3D in vivo scapular
osteoarthritis. Additional work will be needed to kinematics during dynamic movements to help
better understand the natural history. understand normal scapular motion [15]. 3D
Static posterior subluxation with early osteoar- motions sensors were attached to scapular bone
thritis in younger patients has been recognized as a pins placed in healthy volunteers. The average
challenging entity to surgically treat [13]. Primary ratio of glenohumeral to scapulothoracic motion
shoulder osteoarthritis with static posterior sub- in this healthy population was 1.7:1 [15].
luxation was proposed as the first stage of primary Measurements during active scapular plane ele-
glenohumeral osteoarthritis that predates posterior vation included an average of 50° upward rota-
glenoid erosion [13]. Posterior humeral head sub- tion, 30° posterior tilt, and 24° external rotation
luxation is thought to be the cause of eccentric, [15]. So although small changes in glenoid ver-
posterior glenoid erosion [14]. Attempts at surgi- sion are important, the wide variations in ­scapular
cal correction with various approaches included motion throughout shoulder range of motion
posterior bone grafting with posterior capsule must be considered.
10  The Scapular and Shoulder Arthritis 109

A recent matched cohort study found that B2

osteoarthritic glenoids have significantly greater
premorbid glenoid retroversion compared with
non-arthritic, normal glenoids using 3D computed
tomography reconstruction [16]. The authors con-
cluded that greater premorbid glenoid retroversion
is associated with posterior instability and may be
a causative factor in eccentric glenoid wear [16].
This study did not consider the dynamic role of the
scapula related to glenoid wear.
A separate three-dimensional (3D) compara-
tive study assessed scapulohumeral relationship
in osteoarthritic and non-arthritic shoulders [17].
The study sought to better understand eccentric
loading in osteoarthritic shoulders. Eccentric,
posterior loading has been associated with worse Fig. 10.2  Grashey radiograph demonstrating early osteo-
clinical outcomes and correlated with glenoid arthritis with joint space narrowing and an anterior infe-
rior humeral osteophyte
component failure in anatomic total shoulder
arthroplasty [17–21]. Contrary, to the prior cited
study, this group concluded that osteoarthritic
shoulders “do not have increased native glenoid
retroversion predisposing to the development of
the pathologic change” [17]. The group did not
incorporate dynamic scapular motion, but they
recognized that “scapulohumeral evaluation is
necessary to understand the biomechanical rela-
tionship of the shoulder” [17]. Scapular stabiliza-
tion exercises prior to surgical intervention may
help to improve scapular dyskinesis and the pro-
tracted scapular position in this population.

I mplications for Surgical Treatment

in Early Posterior Subluxation Fig. 10.3  Axial MRI demonstrating mild posterior sub-
luxation with a large posterior labral tear
and Posterior Glenoid Erosion
and Primary Glenohumeral Joint
Osteoarthritis Our treatment approach for patients with mild
posterior subluxation and early glenohumeral
The patient population with mild posterior sub- osteoarthritis has been modified based on our
luxation, posterior labral tear, and early glenohu- understanding of the scapula, but follow-up data
meral joint osteoarthritis remains challenging to substantiate results is currently lacking. We
(Figs. 10.2 and 10.3). In this patient population believe that this type of patient may ultimately
that is not quite ready for a total shoulder arthro- develop the dreaded B2 glenoid. Preoperatively,
plasty, it is challenging to know the optimal treat- we assess the scapula and determine the presence
ment plan. As noted, Walch et al. were unable to or absence of scapular dyskinesis along with
determine a successful treatment algorithm in the corrective physical examination maneuvers
challenging patient population with static poste- including scapular assistance test and scapular
rior subluxation [13]. retraction testing. We find that this population
110 B.J. Morris et al.

has a positive dynamic labral shear test with pos- that even an anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty
terior joint line pain upon testing. We obtain plain restores the normal glenohumeral joint motion.
radiographs to assess for osteoarthritis and for The biomechanics following reverse shoul-
posterior subluxation. Magnetic resonance imag- der arthroplasty are clearly different than ana-
ing (MRI) is obtained to further assess the extent tomic shoulder arthroplasty. De Wilde et al.
of glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis, labral were one of the first groups to assess the scapula
pathology, and for posterior subluxation. CT scan following RSA [22]. In four patients following
is often completed for additional assessment of RSA for proximal humerus tumor surgery,
glenoid morphology. Patients with scapular dys- scapulothoracic rhythm was assessed and
kinesis will undergo 6 weeks of scapular stabili- increased lateral rotation or protraction was
zation exercises. We have a comprehensive noted postoperatively [22].
program that is described in the rehabilitation Kwon et al. performed a kinematic analysis of
chapter. Some of our favorite exercises include shoulder motion following RSA in 17 patients
sternal lift, step out, low row, inferior glide, rob- greater than 6 months post-surgery compared to
bery, and lawn mower exercises. These exercises 12 healthy subjects [23]. The group used 3D elec-
are described in detail in the rehabilitation tromagnetic motion capture to measure scapulo-
chapter. thoracic and glenohumeral joint motion [23]. The
Surgical intervention typically involves majority of motion occurred at the glenohumeral
arthroscopic labral repair of the superior and pos- joint, but scapulothoracic motion was signifi-
terior labrum (typically a 4-anchor repair), gleno- cantly increased in the RSA group [23]. The
humeral joint debridement including humeral group concluded that shoulder kinematics are
osteophyte removal when indicated, and biceps significantly altered, and increased scapulotho-
tenodesis when indicated. Arthroscopic anterior racic motion is used to achieve shoulder elevation
capsular release is also completed if the patient following RSA [23].
has limited external rotation. Postoperative scap- Walker et al. evaluated scapulohumeral
ular rehabilitation is key and range of motion to rhythm in 28 patients greater than 1 year out from
prevent glenohumeral joint stiffness is critical. RSA using fluoroscopic 3D model imaging [24].
The scapulohumeral rhythm after RSA (1.3:1)
was significantly lower than in normal shoulders
 capular Dyskinesis and Rotator
S (3:1) indicative of increased scapulothoracic
Cuff Tear Arthropathy: motion and less glenohumeral joint motion in the
Scapulohumeral Rhythm RSA group [24]. Prior work in the same cohort
and the Role of Glenohumeral Joint revealed significantly increased upper trapezius
Versus Scapulothoracic Motion and deltoid electromyographic activity compared
to controls [24, 25]. The group postulated that
The prevalence of scapular dyskinesis and rotator improved rehabilitation protocols with attention
cuff arthropathy has not been established. New to scapular muscle stabilization might optimize
research has assessed postoperative scapulo- functional outcomes following RSA [24].
humeral and scapulothoracic motion in this
patient population following reverse shoulder
arthroplasty (RSA), but preoperative information I mplications for Surgical Treatment
is lacking. Similar to primary glenohumeral joint with Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
osteoarthritis, it is unclear if scapular dyskinesis
resolves following reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Based on the prior cited studies there are some
It appears that the constraint in the reverse shoul- implications for the role of the scapula following
der arthroplasty construct leads to less glenohu- RSA. Patients with rotator cuff tear arthropathy
meral motion and places more demands on the clearly have diminished glenohumeral function,
scapulothoracic joint. Furthermore, it is unlikely and we have empirically noted the presence of
10  The Scapular and Shoulder Arthritis 111

scapular dyskinesis in these patients. Postoperative with component placement based on patient-
function is enabled by increased scapulothoracic specific factors and scapular motion. These
motion following RSA. Optimization of scapular same findings may guide preoperative and
function can help to prevent increased shear postoperative rehabilitation to for specific
forces across the glenohumeral joint and the RSA periscapular therapy to optimize outcomes
components. Catastrophic glenoid failure is rare and maximize implant survivability.
with improved glenosphere fixation techniques,
but long-term studies in the United States are
lacking, and scapular function may contribute to
preserved glenosphere longevity. We have
encountered the rare situation of a patient with a 1. Kibler WB, McMullen J. Scapular dyskinesis and its
prior scapulothoracic fusion in the setting of rota- relation to shoulder pain. J Am Acad Orthop Surg.
tor cuff tear arthropathy. The scapular principles 2003;11:142–51.
2. Warner JJP, Micheli LJ, Arslanian LE, Kennedy J,
we have discussed were applied to this patient. A
Kennedy R. Scapulothoracic motion in normal shoul-
reverse shoulder arthroplasty could be considered ders and shoulders with glenohumeral instability and
for glenohumeral joint pain relief in this scenario; impingement syndrome. Clin Orthop Relat Res.
however, we would expect increased shear forces 1992;285(191):199.
3. Gumina S, Carbone S, Postacchini F. Scapular dyski-
across the glenohumeral joint secondary to loss of
nesis and SICK scapula syndrome in patients with
scapulothoracic motion and potential for gleno- chronic type III acromioclavicular dislocation.
sphere failure. Arthroscopy. 2009;25(1):40–5.
4. Paletta GA, Warner JJP, Warren RF, Deutsch A, Altchek
DW. Shoulder kinematics with two-plane x-ray evalu-
ation in patients with anterior instability or rotator cuff
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dyskinesis and shoulder arthritis. We have 5. Mihata T, McGarry MH, Kinoshita M, Lee
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motion can be critical for internal impingement. Am
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to shoulder arthritis can help provide a foun- lated scapular protraction on anterior glenohumeral
stability. Am J Sports Med. 1999;27:801–5.
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7. Burkhart SS, Morgan CD, Kibler WB. The disabled
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We hypothesize that the challenging B2 gle- 2003;19(4):404–20.
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patients with early posterior subluxation with Arthroscopy. 2013;29(1):141–61.
a posterior labral tear is suggested, and labral 9. Lintner D, Noonan TJ, Kibler WB. Injury patterns and
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tion may prove beneficial in this patient popu- 10. Kibler WB, Sciascia A, Wilkes T. Scapular dyskinesis
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Scapular Muscle Detachment
W. Ben Kibler and Aaron D. Sciascia

 athoanatomy and Clinical
P clinical history and physical examination. The
Presentation salient features of this syndrome include:

Direct injury to the scapular muscles is not well 1. A traumatic or disruptive event to the scapular
known or well categorized. There is only a single stabilizing structures on the medial border
case report that documented a traumatic avulsion with early manifestation of symptoms within
of the rhomboids, with symptoms related to scapu- the first 2 weeks
lar winging, which resolved with surgical reattach- 2. Pain of a high degree of intensity localized
ment [1]. As a result, patients who have sustained along the appropriate area of the medial
a traumatic injury to the arm resulting in symp- border
toms at or around the scapula can experience 3. Frequently a palpable defect in the area of
symptoms for months and/or years without an pain
accurate diagnosis. This can have deleterious 4. Weakness and arm dysfunction in positions that
effects on the functional consequences. The patho- require scapular control against arm position
anatomy appears to be an anatomic or physiologic (forward flexion, overhead motion, push/pull)
detachment of the lower trapezius and rhomboids 5. Substantial but temporary relief of symptoms
from the spine and medial border of the scapula. on clinical exam by manual scapular
As clinical experience with this group of patients stabilization
has accumulated, it has been seen that patients 6. A very consistent group of surgical findings.
with this injury will present with a very similar All of these findings were present in a large
portion of patients and form the clinical crite-
ria for diagnosis of the syndrome

A wide variety of etiologic factors have been

W. Ben Kibler, MD (*)
Department of Orthopedics, Lexington Clinic reported as the initial event. The large majority of
Orthopedics—Sports Medicine Center, The Shoulder cases present after an acute traumatic tensile load,
Center of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA almost half involving seat belt-restrained motor
e-mail: wkibler@aol.com vehicle accidents, but there are multiple other
A.D. Sciascia, PhD, ATC, PES causes such as direct blow trauma, throwing,
Assistant Professor, Athletic Training Education catching or lifting a heavy object with the arm at
Program, Eastern Kentucky University, 228 Moberly
Building, 521 Lancaster Avenue, Richmond, KY full extension, pulling against a heavy object,
40475, USA hanging on the rim after dunking a basketball,
e-mail: aaron.sciascia@eku.edu and electrical shock such as electrocution or
© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 113
W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_11
114 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

cardioversion. The pain along the medial scapular series report of patients identified as having one
border increases in intensity as the condition or more detached scapular muscles, it was dis-
evolves and averages 6/10 numeric pain rating at covered that none of the patients who underwent
rest and 8/10 upon use. Due to its chronicity and subacromial decompression for symptoms of
high intensity, the pain may evolve into a centrally impingement received any relief of the shoulder
mediated chronic pain response [2], with a wide or scapular pain which indicates that the basic
variety of effects on function and response to treat- problem was at the scapular level [11].
ment. There are major limitations of arm use away
from the body in forward flexion or overhead posi-
tions due to increased strain on the injured tissue. Imaging
Increased upper trapezius activity and spasm,
resulting from lack of lower trapezius activity, can At this time, the diagnosis is still a clinical one.
create migraine-like headaches. Neck and shoul- Imaging has not been helpful in demonstrating
der joint symptoms may be present due to dyski- the disruption, loosening, or hypertrophic scar
nesis and will often become the focus of treatment, that was found at surgery. In the first report of
including surgery for cervical disk disease, shoul- this condition, only two CT scans and one MRI
der impingement, or shoulder internal derange- suggested findings of the injury despite the fact
ment, with infrequent positive results. that all 78 patients had multiple imaging stud-
The physical exam also exhibits a consistent ies. Methodological issues that may explain this
cluster of findings including the localized tender- problem include that the angle of the cuts was
ness along the medial scapular border, often a such that the area is not well demonstrated, the
noticeable and palpable soft tissue defect, either thickness of the cuts was not precise enough, or
due to the detachment or the muscle atrophy, that the best MRI visualization method by which
altered scapular resting position as well as these lesions can be evaluated is not known. All
dynamic dyskinesis including snapping scapula, of the MRIs were done in the chronic phase, so
shoulder impingement and weakness in forward few signs of acute damage could be seen. The
flexion, acromioclavicular and/or sternoclavicu- loose attachment of the tissues may obscure the
lar tenderness due to the dyskinesis, and clinical readings for a tear. Two patients in more recent
decrease or relief of symptoms with scapular cor- follow-up had MRI scans within 2 weeks of the
rective maneuvers. injury that showed acute disruption and fluid in
Clinicians must be diligent at attempting to the rhomboid attachment area. At operation,
rule out detached scapular muscles when a trau- there was no fluid or inflammation, the typical
matic injury mechanism has occurred resulting in imaging markers seen in the damaged areas; the
pain along the medial scapular border. The clini- detached lower trapezius was loosely draped
cal findings of scapular pain demonstrated rotator across the spine rather than retracted off the
cuff weakness that is improved by scapular stabi- spine, so no detachment could be appreciated
lization, and limitation of arm use in forward flex- during the sequenced imaging, and the rhom-
ion and overhead rotation are all consistent with boids are most frequently connected to the bor-
loss of activation of the lower trapezius and rhom- der through dense scar tissue. Diagnostic
boids [3–5]. These muscles are key muscles in ultrasound may be a better imaging modality
stabilization of the scapula in retraction with arm due to its capability of detecting thickened
elevation at or above 90° [5–7], and loss of activa- tissue. Until a more efficacious method of imag-
tion of these muscles is seen in clinical rotator ing is discovered, adhering to the specific inclu-
cuff weakness [8, 9] and impingement [3, 10]. sion criteria and history and p­hysical exam
Although glenohumeral joint injury may be pres- findings is recommended to establish the clinical
ent, care must be taken to not immediately diagnosis, as these criteria have been successful
assume glenohumeral joint; internal derange- in identifying patients who will display pathol-
ment is the primary pathology when medial bor- ogy at the time of surgery and will respond to
der pain is noted by the patient. In a recent case surgical treatment with predictable outcomes.
11  Scapular Muscle Detachment 115

In summary, although imaging is not successful In order to reattach avulsed scapular stabilizing
in defining the pathoanatomy, the mechanism of muscles, the following procedure was developed
injury, the clinical history, and the clinical examina- [11, 12]. Patients are given a general anesthetic
tion are as consistent as inclusion and exclusion cri- and are placed prone with the involved arm down
teria that they form the basis of a clinical diagnosis to the side, and chest roll towels are placed to
that identifies the lesion, develops the treatment, allow the medial scapular border to be identified.
and can be associated with predictable outcomes. The surface landmarks of the medial scapular
border and spine are marked. An incision is
made from superior to inferior along the medial
 capular Muscle Reattachment
S border of the scapula from the spine to the tip
Procedure over the area of maximal tenderness or defect. It
will often run 6–8 cm inferior from the spine of
Initial treatment for the problem consists of the scapula but can extend the entire length
identifying and treating the muscle imbalances of the medial border. If the patient complains of
and weaknesses that accompany and compensate pain down to the inferior angle, the incision
for the muscle injury and the resulting dyskine- should be extended inferiorly to this area. The
sis, plus identifying other possible pathoanatomy soft tissue is dissected to expose the area of the
in the neck and shoulder. However, the large lower trapezius and rhomboid muscle attach-
majority of patients who meet the clinical inclu- ments. The lower trapezius arches across the
sion criteria for this diagnosis will require surgi- scapular spine and rhomboids and is used as a
cal treatment to address the muscle detachment. guide for localization (Fig. 11.1). The injury can

Fig. 11.1  Illustration of the scapular muscle detachment injury to both the rhomboid major and lower trapezius
116 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

be appreciated as a detachment of the lower tra- the length of the repair, although usually only
pezius muscle and/or rhomboid muscles, loose one set of holes is made in the spine. This set is
attachment of the muscles via scar tissue, or con- placed from superior to inferior 20–25 mm from
nected through dense scar tissue. Once the the medial scapular border. In cases of extensive
affected muscles have been identified, the scar or lower trapezius injury, two sets should be placed.
connective tissue should be debrided and the The lower trapezius and rhomboid muscles are
muscles mobilized for reattachment (Fig. 11.2a). then mobilized to the dorsal aspect of the scapu-
The infraspinatus muscle attachment is then lar body and spine. Mattress sutures which run
reflected about 1 cm off the medial border and from dorsal to ventral through the muscle and
spine of the scapula in order to place drill holes, one of the pair of holes and then back from ven-
in sets of 2,1 cm from the medial border and tral to dorsal through the other hole and muscle
spine. The holes are placed from a dorsal to ven- are first placed through the rhomboid (Fig. 11.3a).
tral direction (Fig. 11.2b). The holes are placed The mattress sutures allow the rhomboids to be
6–8 mm apart, and the sets are placed 10–15 mm reattached on the dorsal surface of the scapula
apart along the medial scapular border and on approximately 1 cm from the edge of the medial
the scapular spine. The total number depends on border. The lower trapezius is then reattached to

a b

Fig. 11.2 (a) Mobilization of the infraspinatus away from the medial border of the scapula prior to drill hole place-
ment. (b) Pairs of drill holes being placed in the medial scapular border and spine of the scapula
11  Scapular Muscle Detachment 117

a b

Fig. 11.3 (a) Illustration of the reattachment of the rhomboid major. (b) Illustration of the reattachment of the lower

the spine (Fig. 11.3b). The sutures are tied down between the contralateral scapular muscles. In
with the scapula in external rotation. The infra- addition, the typical deconditioning/atrophy seen
spinatus is then reattached along the medial with postsurgical immobilization allows for easy
scapular border using the repair sutures followed arm fatigue, increasing the pain and spasm.
by closure of the fascia and subcutaneous tissue. Therefore, patients are instructed to not perform
A comparative illustration of the presurgical these tasks until after the sling has been removed
injury to the postsurgical repair has been pro- about 3–4 weeks following surgery. At 4 weeks,
vided (Fig. 11.4a, b). closed chain activation up to 90° abduction with
Postoperatively, the arm is protected in neutral the hand stabilized is started. By 6–8 weeks, as
rotation for 4 weeks, but gentle scapular retrac- the repair has healed and early strength is gained,
tion is encouraged immediately. During this motion over 90° is allowed, and the patient is
period of recovery, common tasks such as mobile started on the standard scapular strengthening
device use, driving, and other repetitive arm tasks program. Maximum strength is not regained for
with either the surgical or nonsurgical arm can about 6–9 months, probably reflecting the chronic
create pain and muscle spasm due to “crosstalk” muscle disuse and atrophy.
118 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

a b

Fig. 11.4 (a, b) A comparative illustration of the presurgical injury (a) to the postsurgical repair (b)

Table 11.1  American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons

Postsurgical Outcomes (ASES) scores between responders and nonresponders to
scapular muscle reattachment surgery

In the original report describing the outcomes of Responders Nonresponders

(n = 58) (n = 20)
surgical treatment in a large group with long-­term
follow-up, the entire group did well, achieving sig-
ASES pain 16 ± 11 27 ± 12*
nificant improvements in pain and function [11].
ASES function 18 ± 11 24 ± 9
At discharge from active care, the ASES pain ASES total 34 ± 16 50 ± 12*
scores improved from 18/50 to 35/50, function Post-surgery
scores improved from 20/50 to 28/50, and total ASES pain 38 ± 10* 26 ± 12
ASES scores improved from 38/100 to 62/100 ASES function 31 ± 11* 21 ± 10
(p < 0.001). These results were maintained at min- ASES total 69 ± 18* 42 ± 16
imum of 2-year follow-up. While the entire group Change from 35 ± 18* −8 ± 14
did well, there was variation in the patient-reported presurgery
outcomes. To look closely at the outcome varia- *Significantly greater score p < .001
tion, a subsequent evaluation subclassified the
group based on achieving minimal detectable cantly clinically improved. Twenty of 78 patients
change for the total ASES score (>10 points) [13]. (26%) did not achieve at least a 10-point change
Fifty-eight of 78 patients (74%) did report greater on the ASES and were considered not significantly
than 10-point change and were considered signifi- improved (Table 11.1).
11  Scapular Muscle Detachment 119

Table 11.2  American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) scores between pain non-catastrophizers and pain cata-
strophizers following scapular muscle reattachment surgery
Non-catastrophizers (n = 21) Catastrophizers (n = 10) P-Value
ASES pain 43 ± 8 27 ± 12 <.001
ASES function 40 ± 9 27 ± 12 .005
ASES total 83 ± 15 54 ± 18 <.001
Did not meet ASES 1a 6 .047
MDC >10
Patient initial ASES total = 90 and most recent follow-up ASES total = 88

MDC minimal detectable change

There may be several factors that contributed identified as having pain catastrophization char-
to this difference in patient-reported outcome in acteristics (Table 11.2). Patients who were not
this group whose diagnosis, inclusion criteria, satisfied with the surgery and were catastroph-
and surgical treatment are so homogenous. ized had 12–17 points less on the ASES pain
Among them are altered functional demands in component compared to non-catastrophizers,
the postoperative and return to activity phases, while there was only a 4–6-point difference
differences in implementation and completion of between the catastrophizers and non-catastroph-
rehabilitation in the widely geographically dis- izers on the ASES function component.
persed group, chronicity of the injury with its These findings indicate that pain perception
effects on muscle strength and activation, and can be a significant factor in collecting data for
patient expectations and perceptions of the clini- patient-reported outcomes. It appears that pain
cal problem and its effects on function. perception is different in patients reporting a less
One major patient-oriented effect that can satisfactory outcome. This patient-specific char-
impact reported outcomes is perception of pain. acteristic may have existed prior to the injury,
This factor has been noted following other types could have been affected by a multitude of other
of shoulder procedures [14–18]. A pilot study factors (e.g., stress/anxiety, previous experiences,
assessed pain perception for a group of 31 post- etc.), or be due to neuroplastic changes in the
operative patients with the #Pain Catastrophizing nociceptors, spinal cord, and brain known to con-
Scale (PCS) [19]. This 13-item self-reported tribute to chronic pain [15]. This may be very
scale estimates the patient’s attitude toward the important in this group, since the diagnosis is fre-
effect of pain on their function in their daily lives, quently delayed, leading to long duration of the
which has a maximum scope of 65 (lower injury and pain.
score = less pain catastrophizing characteristics). Several clinical implications arise from these
Twenty-one patients were classified as non-­ findings. First is the recognition that the patient’s
catastrophizers (PCS scores <30), while ten general response to pain, and the specific effect
patients were classified as catastrophizers (PCS on catastrophizing, may have a large effect on
scores ≥30) meaning that they were prospec- treatment, and the patient-reported outcome
tively and constantly aware of pain which they should be evaluated in the diagnostic process
perceived would negatively impact their func- and, if appropriate, treated as part of the compre-
tion. This patient-perceived effect was shown to hensive treatment plan. Second, it appears from
impact reported outcome in several ways. clinical experience that rebalancing muscle ten-
Only 3/10 patients in the catastrophizing sub- sion by the reattachment procedure is a major
group reported satisfaction with the surgical out- source of relief of the pain felt along the medial
come, while 7/10 were not satisfied or unsure of scapular border and that this relief can be felt
the outcome. Catastrophizing also had a early in the postoperative period. Therefore,
­differential effect on the total ASES scores. The intensive efforts should be made to identify
average total ASES scores for the non-catastro- patients with this injury early to minimize the
phizers were 29 points greater than the patients deleterious effects of the detachment on pain and
120 W. Ben Kibler and A.D. Sciascia

muscle inhibition. Most patients report satisfac- 6. Bagg SD, Forrest WJ. A biomechanical analysis of
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without shoulder impingement. J Orthop Sports Phys
cally identifiable syndrome with a relatively
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capability will vary and may not return to normal. Med Rehabil. 1999;80:945–50.
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Neurologic-Based Injuries
and Scapula Winging
John E. Kuhn

Table 12.1  Muscles of the scapula

Introduction Scapulothoracic muscles
 Levator scapulae
The scapula serves as a foundation for upper  Omohyoid
extremity function and strength. Like a crane  Pectoralis minor
on a construction site, the scapula must be  Rhomboideus major
secured to its foundation in order for the arm to  Rhomboideus minor
lift and move heavy objects. If the cab of the  Serratus anterior
crane does not have the footings secure, it will  Trapezius
tip. If the scapula is not secured to the chest Scapulohumeral muscles
wall, it too will tip. Of the 17 muscles that have  Rotator cuff
their origin or insertion on the scapula, those   Infraspinatus
that serve like feet on a crane and secure the   Subscapularis
scapula to the torso include the pectoralis   Supraspinatus
  Teres minor
minor, omohyoid, levator scapulae, serratus
anterior, trapezius, and rhomboideus major and
   Biceps long head
minor (Table 12.1).
   Biceps short head
There are many causes of scapular winging   Coracobrachialis
[1], including static sources (most commonly an   Deltoid
osteochondroma (Fig. 12.1)), dynamic sources   Teres major
(scapular dyskinesis), traumatic muscle avul-    Triceps long head
sions [2], and, most commonly, from a neuro- Of the 17 muscles that are attached to the scapula, the
logic injury. This chapter will focus on seven scapulothoracic muscles provide the foundation
neurologic sources of scapular winging. which stabilize the scapula to allow upper extremity func-
tion. If these muscles are not functioning normally, scapu-
lar winging can occur

J.E. Kuhn, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
4200 MCE South Tower, 1215 21st Avenue South,
Nashville, TN 37232, USA
e-mail: j.kuhn@vanderbilt.edu

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 121

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_12
122 J.E. Kuhn

Long thoracic

Fig. 12.2  Anatomic position of the long thoracic nerve

(From Kuhn JE, Hawkins RJ. Evaluation and treatment of
scapular disorders. In: Warner JP, Iannotti JP, Gerber C, eds.
Complex and revision problems in shoulder surgery.
Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1997:357–375)
Fig. 12.1  Osteochondroma of the scapula. This is the
most commonly seen tumor of the scapula and may be a
source of static scapular winging [1], especially in sports, although the nerve can
be injured by compression, or very rarely pen-
etrating trauma. Patients may not notice symp-
 ong Thoracic Nerve Injury
L toms until days or weeks later. Usually a loss of
and Serratus Palsy upper extremity strength is the chief complaint,
although prolonged symptoms may lead to pain
The long thoracic nerve innervates the serratus from other periscapular muscles, especially the
anterior. This nerve typically arises from the pectoralis minor and levator scapulae, as these
anterior rami of C5, C6, and C7. It is important muscles are excessively active in an attempt to
to note that the C5 and C6 roots of the nerve per- compensate for the weak serratus anterior.
forate the scalenus medius muscle and may be
tethered here. The nerve then descends behind
the brachial plexus and axillary vessels and runs Physical Examination
along the side of the thorax innervating the slips
of the serratus anterior (Fig. 12.2). The length With serratus anterior weakness, the levator
and superficial position make the long thoracic scapulae, rhomboids, and trapezius will domi-
nerve susceptible to neuropraxic stretch injury. nate pulling the scapula medial and superior
(Fig. 12.3a, b). Tenderness may be found at the
origins of the levator scapulae (superomedial
History angle of the scapula) and pectoralis minor
(medial aspect of the coracoid). Winging may
Injury to the long thoracic nerve typically be accentuated by resisted flexion of the
occurs as a result of a stretching mechanism extended arm.
12  Neurologic-Based Injuries and Scapula Winging 123

Fig. 12.3  Winging due to left serratus palsy. (a) At rest. Note the trapezius and rhomboids dominate pulling the scapula
superior and medial. (b) With abduction. Elevation or abduction of the arm will accentuate the winging

Imaging fracture), muscle injury (serratus or other), or other

neurologic injury, including the spinal accessory
For neurologic injury, radiographs and MRI are nerve, the dorsal scapular nerve, and/or the brachial
not particularly helpful. These studies are more plexus or cervical nerve root injury.
useful for structural sources of static winging
(osteochondroma, malunions of rib or scapula
fracture) or muscle avulsion. Treatment

Conservative treatment is recommended as most

EMG Analysis cases of long thoracic nerve injury are neuropraxic
and will recover spontaneously. Because the nerve
Injury to the long thoracic nerve can be detected is so long, however, the recovery may be up to
by EMG [3]. Findings in the injured nerve include 2 years. Recovery can be followed clinically or via
increased latency, with fibrillations and sharp serial EMG studies conducted no more frequently
waves in the involved serratus anterior. In addi- than every 3 months. Approximately 80% of
tion, a decreased number of motor unit action patients do well in the long term with resolution of
potentials are noted with voluntary contraction. the winging and normal flexion and abduction;
however many patients still have pain at long-term
follow-up [4].
Differential Diagnosis Surgical neurolysis of the long thoracic nerve
in the supraclavicular region has been reported as
The differential diagnosis for scapular winging due a treatment with successful outcomes [5]. Release
to serratus palsy includes static causes of winging of the distal part of the nerve has also been
(scapular osteochondroma, malunited scapula or rib reported [6]. It is important to recognize that if
124 J.E. Kuhn

neurolysis is performed early, it is unknown if head of the pectoralis major, which reduces scar-
these patients would have recovered spontane- ring and improves cosmesis in the axilla [8, 10].
ously. The outcomes of neurolysis suggest rela- Elhassan and Wagner [11] has described a varia-
tively rapid recovery of the nerve. tion of this transfer where a portion of the
In patients in whom the serratus palsy does humeral bone is retained on the tendon of the
not recover after 18–24 months, or in those in sternal head of the pectoralis major, which
whom no recovery is noted after 12 months on allows bony union to the scapula.
serial EMG studies, muscle transfer surgery
may be offered. Marmor and Bechtol [7]
described transfer of the pectoralis major with a Outcomes
fascia lata extension to the inferior angle of the
scapula (Fig. 12.4). There has been some con- Transfer of the sternal head of the pectoralis
cern with the potential for failure with indirect major to the scapula is helpful, and one can
transfers of the tendon, leading some to recom- expect good to excellent results in approximately
mend transfer of the tendon directly to the scap- 90% of patients [8, 10, 12, 13]. Failure and recur-
ula (direct transfer) [8, 9]. In addition, because rence of winging is a known complication and
the muscle orientation is closer to the serratus, may be less common when the direct transfer is
many authors recommend using only the sternal employed [12].

Pectoralis major
sternocostal head,

Fasia lata strip attached

to Pectoralis major

Fig. 12.4  Transfer of the pectoralis major muscle. The RJ. Evaluation and treatment of scapular disorders. In:
drawing depicts an indirect transfer of the pectoralis major Warner JP, Iannotti JP, Gerber C, eds. Complex and revi-
with a fascia lata extension as described by Marmor and sion problems in shoulder surgery. Philadelphia:
Bechtol [7]. Direct transfers would attach the tendon Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1997:357–375)
directly to the scapula (From: Kuhn JE, Hawkins
12  Neurologic-Based Injuries and Scapula Winging 125

 pinal Accessory Nerve Injury

S Physical Examination
and Trapezius Palsy
With a palsy of the trapezius, inspection of the
The spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) patient will demonstrate a loss of the usual web-
passes along the internal jugular vein, crossing it bing of the neck and often a surgical scar over the
to innervate the sternocleidomastoid muscle. It posterior cervical triangle. The serratus will dom-
then enters the posterior triangle of the neck to inate, and the scapula will rest in a depressed and
supply the trapezius (Fig. 12.5). It is fairly super- lateral position (Fig. 12.6a, b). With elevation the
ficial and located near the posterior aspect of the medial border of the scapula will wing substan-
sternocleidomastoid muscle, making it suscepti- tially. This can be accentuated by resisted flexion
ble to iatrogenic injury. of the arm.
Two special physical examination tests have
been described by Levy et al. [16]. The Active
History Forward Elevation Lag Sign in which elevation
of the affected side requires increased lumbar
Spinal accessory nerve injuries are almost always lordosis and the triangle sign, which is maximiz-
iatrogenic [14], typically as a result of a lymph ing forward elevation while the patient is lying
node biopsy or other surgery in the posterior cer- prone on an examination table. The affected side
vical triangle. The diagnosis and treatment are will require elevation of the torso from the table
often delayed [14], and injury to this nerve is a creating a triangle formed by the arm, trunk, and
common source of malpractice claims [15]. exam table.

Fig. 12.5  Anatomy of

the spinal accessory
nerve. This nerve is
superficial in the
posterior cervical
triangle, making it
susceptible to iatrogenic
injury during surgery
(From: Kuhn JE and Semispinalis capitis m.
Hawkins RJ. Evaluation
and Treatment of Splenius capitus m.
Scapular Disorders. In
Warner JP, Iannotti JP
and Gerber C. Eds. Levator scapulae m.
Complex and Revision
Problems in Shoulder Sternocleidomastoid m. Spinal accessory n.
Surgery. Lippincott-­
Posterior and
Raven publishers, medial scalenus m.
Philadelphia 1997, Anterior scalenus m.
Omohyoid m.
(inferior belly)

126 J.E. Kuhn

a b

Fig. 12.6  Winging due to left trapezius palsy. (a) At rest. Notice the webbing of the neck on the patient’s left is dimin-
ished. (b) With elevation. The serratus will dominate pulling the scapula lateral and inferior

Imaging node biopsy or surgery in the posterior cervical

triangle, it would be unusual to see winging from
For neurologic injury, radiographs and MRI are another source.
not particularly helpful. These studies are more
useful for structural sources of static winging
(osteochondroma, malunions of rib or scapula Treatment
fracture) or muscle avulsion. As expected,
chronic denervation of the trapezius will pro- Surgical repair of the lacerated nerve has met
duce abnormalities on MRI that include trape- with some success, particularly if performed
zius muscle atrophy and signal hyperintensity in early, ideally within 1 year [19–23]. Transfer of
the STIR images. Scarring may be detected the lateral pectoral nerve [24] to the spinal acces-
around the nerve in postsurgical patients [17]. sory nerve has been described. Unfortunately,
injury to the spinal accessory nerve is often diag-
nosed late, and surgery on the nerve may not be
EMG Analysis successful.
Some patients with this condition can be
Electromyography will demonstrate a low-­ treated conservatively; however patients with dif-
amplitude SAN compound muscle action potential ficulty raising the arm over shoulder level or who
(CMAP) that requires a higher stimulus intensity have the dominant arm affected may not do well
to obtain it than on the unaffected side. Upper tra- with conservative treatment [25]. In these patients
pezius needle electromyography shows dense a transfer of the levator scapulae and rhomboid
fibrillation potentials, with voluntary motor unit muscles as described by Eden and Lang may be
potentials (MUPs) in about half of injuries [18]. employed [26, 27] (Fig. 12.7). In this operation
the levator scapula is detached from its insertion
on the superomedial angle of the scapula and
Differential Diagnosis transferred laterally on the spine of the scapula,
while the rhomboid major and minor are detached
While there are many causes of scapula winging from the medial border of the scapula and trans-
to consider [1], in a patient with a cervical lymph ferred laterally in the infraspinatus fossa.
12  Neurologic-Based Injuries and Scapula Winging 127

Fig. 12.7  Eden lange

Levator scapula m.
transfer for trapezius
palsy. The levator
scapula is transferred Rhomboideus minor m.
laterally on the spine of
the scapula; the Rhomboideus major m.
rhomboids are
transferred lateral in the
infraspinatus fosse
(From: Kuhn
JE. Chapter 34: The
Articulation: Anatomy,
Pathophysiology, and
Management. In:
Disorders of the
Shoulder: Diagnosis and
Management. JP
Iannotti, and GR
Williams eds, Lippencott
Williams & Wilkins
Publishers, Philadelphia,
PA, 1999, pp. 817–846)

Elhassan and Wagner described a variation of this and descending along the medial border of the
technique where the rhomboid muscles are sepa- scapula to innervate the rhomboid muscles.
rated and transferred to different parts of the Dorsal scapular nerve injury is rare and has
scapular spine [13]. been described in only a few case reports [30, 31,
32] but can occur as a complication of interscale
blocks during shoulder surgery [33].
Outcomes Patients with injury to the dorsal scapular
nerve may have pain along the medial border of
Good to excellent results for these transfers can the scapula. Specialists in chronic pain have rec-
be expected in approximately 75% of patients ognized dorsal scapular nerve syndrome, which
[22, 23, 28, 29]. Poorer outcomes may be seen is characterized by medial scapula pain that can
in patients over 50 years of age and patients radiate to the lateral arm and forearm, with
with other shoulder disorders [22, 29]. accompanying functional impairment of different
distress [34].
Winging will occur at the medial border and
 orsal Scapular Nerve Injury
D inferior angle of the scapula and can be
and Rhomboid Paralysis ­accentuated by having the patient put the hands
on his or her hips and pushing the elbows back
The dorsal scapula nerve arises from C5 and C4 against resistance [35]. The differential diagnosis
ventral rami then pierces the middle scalene mus- includes C5 radicular injury as this, too, will pro-
cle before running deep to the levator scapulae duce rhomboid weakness.
128 J.E. Kuhn

As this condition is extremely rare, little in the long thoracic nerve in 52 patients. Orthop Traumatol
Surg Res. 2014;100(4 Suppl):S243–8. doi:10.1016/j.
literature exists regarding surgical treatment.
Conservative treatment is often recommended; 7. Marmor L, Bechtol CO. Paralysis of the serratus ante-
however in complete nerve injuries, an explora- rior due to electric shock relieved by transplantation
tion and repair of the nerve may be attempted. of the pectoralis major muscle: a case report. J Bone
Joint Surg Am. 1963;45:156–60.
The author has performed one case where the
8. Streit JJ, Lenarz CJ, Shishani Y, McCrum C, Wanner JP,
teres major was transferred from the humerus to Nowinski RJ, Warner JJ, Gobezie R. Pectoralis major
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to long thoracic nerve palsy. J Shoulder Elb Surg.
2012;21(5):685–90. doi:10.1016/j.jse.2011.03.025.
9. Tauber M, Moursy M, Koller H, Schwartz M, Resch
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neurologic injury creating muscle palsy is the
10. Connor PM, Yamaguchi K, Manifold SG, Pollock
most common. The long thoracic nerve creating RG, Flatow EL, Bigliani LU. Split pectoralis major
serratus palsy is the most common, followed by transfer for serratus anterior palsy. Clin Orthop Relat
the spinal accessory nerve creating trapezius Res. 1997;341:134–42.
11. Elhassan BT, Wagner ER. Outcome of triple-tendon
palsy, and the least common is injury to the dor-
transfer, an Eden-Lange variant, to reconstruct trape-
sal scapular nerve creating rhomboid paralysis. It zius paralysis. J Shoulder Elb Surg. 2015a;24(8):1307–
is important to recognize these injuries early and 13. doi:10.1016/j.jse.2015.01.008.
begin treatment quickly. While most cases of ser- 12.
Chalmers PN, Saltzman BM, Feldheim TF,
Mascarenhas R, Mellano C, Cole BJ, Romeo AA,
ratus palsy will recover spontaneously, injuries to
Nicholson GP. A comprehensive analysis of pectoralis
the spinal accessory nerve are usually iatrogenic major transfer for long thoracic nerve palsy. J Shoulder
and may require early surgical intervention. A Elb Surg. 2015;24(7):1028–35. doi:10.1016/j.
variety of approaches to these injuries exist, and jse.2014.12.014.
13. Elhassan BT, Wagner ER. Outcome of transfer of the
most produce significant improvement in pain
sternal head of the pectoralis major with its bone
and function when they are employed. insertion to the scapula to manage scapular winging.
J Shoulder Elb Surg. 2015b;24(5):733–40.
14. Camp SJ, Birch R. Injuries to the spinal accessory nerve:
References a lesson to surgeons. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011;93(1):
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PMID: 10790670. nerve: an evidence-based analysis. Arch Otolaryngol
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treatment. J Shoulder Elb Surg. 2014;23(1):58–67. 16. Levy O, Relwani JG, Mullett H, Haddo O, Even

doi:10.1016/j.jse.2013.05.008. T. The active elevation lag sign and the triangle sign:
3. Kaplan PE. Electrodiagnostic confirmation of long new clinical signs of trapezius palsy. J Shoulder Elb
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course of serratus palsy at 2 to 31 years. Clin Orthop Feinberg JH, Sneag DB. MRI findings of spinal acces-
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1959;22:137–41. Wilkins; 1999.
Rehabilitation for Neurological
Martin J. Kelley and Michael T. Piercey

Long thoracic nerve palsy (LTNP) and spinal especially involving lifting or resistance; how-
accessory nerve palsy (SANP) can each provide a ever, most can function with surprisingly little dif-
great challenge for the scapular specialist to reha- ficulty for most activities. The severity of
bilitate due to loss of serratus anterior or trapezius symptoms may vary but will often resolve within
function, respectively. Injury to either nerve may 24 months through neural regeneration in cases of
occur in isolation or in combination, due to blunt neuropraxia and axonotmesis [9, 11, 12, 14–18].
trauma, penetrating trauma, compression, stretch, In order to appropriately guide patients with
traction, viral infection, or iatrogenic trauma LTNP or SANP, the scapular specialist must pos-
[1–16]. Injury to the dorsal scapular nerve, affect- sess a strong understanding of scapular anatomy,
ing the rhomboid muscles, does occur but will not mechanics, and normal muscular activation, as
be directly discussed because of its rarity. Patients well as the appreciation to complete a thorough
presenting with LTNP or SANP may report cervi- scapular evaluation.
cal, thoracic, shoulder, or scapular pain; sensation The long thoracic nerve arises from the fifth,
of upper extremity weakness or instability; and sixth, and seventh cervical nerve roots; crosses
limited shoulder active range of motion (AROM), the middle scalene; passes behind the brachial
most notably shoulder flexion in patients with plexus; enters the axilla; angles around the sec-
LTNP and abduction in patients with SANP [1, 2, ond rib; and descends on the anterolateral surface
5–12, 15–18]. However, in the majority of cases, of the chest wall to exclusively innervate the ser-
the patients will experience 1–3 weeks of scapular ratus anterior superficial to the muscle [4, 8, 9,
region pain and then only have pain-free weak- 12–14, 16, 19, 20]. The serratus anterior is a
ness. These impairments usually result in some large, fan-shaped muscle with multiple digita-
functional limitation of the involved extremity, tions, divided into three components, originating
at the lateral portion of ribs 1–9 and attaches on
M.J. Kelley, PT, DPT, OCS (*) the medial scapular border [6, 9, 12, 16, 18–21].
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Good Shepherd Collectively, the components of the serratus ante-
Penn Partners, University of Pennsylvania, rior are responsible for protracting and upwardly
3737 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
e-mail: martin.kelley@uphs.penn.edu rotating the scapula to allow for proper glenoid
position during shoulder motion while also main-
M.T. Piercey, PT, DPT, OCS, Cert. MDT, CMP,
CSCS taining scapular contact with the thoracic wall [4,
Good Shepherd Penn Partners, University of 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22–27]. Ekstrom et al. [21]
Pennsylvania, 3737 Market Street, Philadelphia, suggest the lower portion of the serratus anterior
PA 19104, USA to be more heavily involved with scapular upward
e-mail: Michael.Piercey@uphs.upenn.edu

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 131

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_13
132 M.J. Kelley and M.T. Piercey

rotation, while the upper portion is more active Assessment

with protraction. Given the sensitive course of
the long thoracic nerve and multiple digitations Often, LTNP or SANP results in static scapular
of the serratus anterior, it is important to consider malposition due to the disruption of serratus ante-
that one portion of the serratus anterior may be rior or trapezius tone and activity [8, 15, 16]. First,
affected by LTNP, while the remaining portions in a seated or standing position, posture should be
can still be intact. This may occur during rein- assessed since the thoracic and cervical spine ori-
nervation when the upper fibers are active while entation will have a direct relationship on resting
the lower fibers are not, resulting in more protrac- scapular position and scapular motion [25].
tion than upward rotation. Specifically, the presence of scoliosis must be rec-
The spinal accessory nerve descends from ognized in order to avoid confusion and falsely
the posterior cervical triangle, innervates the identifying the presence of both static and dynamic
sternocleidomastoid, and continues superficial abnormalities. An individual with a commonly
to the levator scapulae but deep to the medial seen right thoracic curve will have right thoracic
portion of the trapezius along the medial scapu- rotation causing accentuation of the rib angle (rib
lar border to exclusively innervate the trapezius hump). This changes the scapula’s resting position
[1, 2, 7–9, 12, 15, 28]. The trapezius originates by creating a medial border prominence and often
from the spinous processes of C7 through T12 displaces the scapula slightly higher. Because the
and fans into three parts [7, 9, 12, 15]. The upper scapula is now on a differently shaped “platform”
part inserts posterior to the lateral third of the from the other side, it will move asymmetrically.
clavicle, the middle part inserts on the medial This is not to be confused with true dyskinesis.
acromion and superior to the scapular spine, and In patients with LTNP, the medial border will
the lower inserts inferior to the scapular spine appear prominent, and typically the scapula is
[7, 9, 12, 15]. In collaboration, the trapezius is lower. Patients with a SANP demonstrate signifi-
crucial in providing stabilization to the scapula, cant atrophy of the trapezius. Visually, this is
as well as elevating, retracting, and rotating the most notable of the upper trapezius. The scapula
scapula during overhead shoulder motion, espe- (and whole shoulder girdle) of patients with
cially abduction [1, 7, 10, 12, 15, 22, 24–26, SANP will droop, abduct, and downwardly rotate
28–30]. [1, 5, 8–10, 12, 15, 16, 25, 28].
Under normal circumstance, muscular force The Scapular Muscle Examination Algorithm
couples are required for proper scapulohumeral can be used to determine the presence of nerve
mechanics, as established by Inman [24]. palsy, motor control, dyskinesis, or some other
Forces from the upper trapezius, levator scapu- pathology (Fig. 13.1). The specific tests can also
lae, and serratus anterior are necessary to help track reinnervation over time. The examiner
counteract the weight of the shoulder girdle by must first determine if significant or obvious dyski-
upwardly rotating the scapula [21, 22, 24, 25, nesis is present. The scapular dyskinesis test [34,
30–32]. Rotary forces are provided by the mid- 35] can determine if either “yes,” an abnormal pat-
dle trapezius, lower trapezius, and rhomboid to tern/dyskinesis is observed, or “no,” normal scapu-
pull the acromion medially, and the serratus lar motion is observed. Dyskinesis occurring in the
anterior pull the inferior scapular angle antero- sagittal plane may suggest LTNP. Medial winging
laterally [22–25, 30, 32]. When impaired motor often occurs near 90°, especially on descent. Often
control of the scapular rotators is present, such the lower trapezius becomes very active and visible
as with the serratus anterior during LTNP or toward available active end range where it attempts
the trapezius with SANP, imbalance of the nor- to compensate by retracting the scapula. Whereas
mal scapular force couples results in abnormal dyskinesis or painless inability to elevate beyond
kinematics, such as scapular dyskinesis, and 90° in the coronal plane may be indicative of
resultant tensile overload of normally func- SANP, either presentation will warrant further con-
tioning tissues [23, 25, 31–33]. sideration of LTNP or SANP (Fig. 13.2).
13  Rehabilitation for Neurological Issues 133

Examination Algorithm
Assess AROM fo dyskinesisr Long Reisist
Thoracic at 135°
No Yes Nerve Palsy

Serratus anterior isolation

No Yes
SAN Middle/Lower
Serratus anterior isolation/resistance Nerve Palsy MMT 0/5

No Yes

Plus Sign

No Yes Motor
Flip Sign Control

No Yes
Dyskinesis eliminated
No Yes

Fig. 13.1  Scapula muscle examination algorithm

Fig. 13.2  Patient with both LTNP and SANP

Fig. 13.3  Serratus anterior isolation with resistance

In order to assess for the presence of LTNP,

the serratus anterior isolation test, without and d­ isplace the scapula equally to the uninvolved
with resistance, plus sign, and manual muscle side or inferior angle/medial border prominence
testing should be assessed. The serratus anterior still exists. To further challenge the serratus
isolation test is completed with the patient’s anterior, the clinician may add a posterior-
arms at the side in humeral external rotational directed resistance to the anterior shoulder to
(ER) while the patient actively protracts and ele- assess for the ease, and amount, of posterior dis-
vates the scapula [19, 25, 32, 36]. A positive placement of the medial scapular border
result is considered if the patient is unable to (Fig.  13.3). A plus sign is found if scapular
134 M.J. Kelley and M.T. Piercey

Fig. 13.4  Plus sign. Negative (left), positive (right)

winging is present when the patient reaches his Fig. 13.5  Flip sign
arms forward at 90° in the sagittal plane. When
doing so, the compensatory trapezius activity is
forced to shut off due to antagonistic inhibition, Flip sign is performed with the patient standing,
and the scapular position is completely depen- arm at the side, and elbow flexed to 90°, as the
dent on the serratus activity (Fig. 13.4). Plus sign examiner manually resists glenohumeral joint
may also be present when the patient completing (GHJ) external rotation while observing the
a push-up against a wall with the shoulders scapula [1, 7, 9] (Fig. 13.5). A positive test is
flexed to 90° [8, 9, 16, 19, 25]. Manual muscle found if the medial scapula border “flips” off of
testing of the serratus anterior is completed with the thoracic wall while the resistance is being
the patient supine and the tested extremity placed applied [1, 7]. Visible atrophy of the trapezius
in 90° of shoulder and elbow flexion while the and a depressed shoulder girdle are indicative of
arm is protracted [37, 38]. The tester’s force is SANP; however, this must be correlated with
placed through the ulna at the olecranon process muscle activity in order to fully examine trape-
along the axis of the humerus [37, 38]. Attention zius function [1, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15]. For this, man-
must be given to the pectoralis minor to recog- ual muscle testing of the middle and lower
nize potential compensatory usage while com- trapezius is completed in accordance with the
pleting this test. Muscle testing specific to the standard procedures described by Kendall [7,
lower portion of the serratus anterior may be 37] with or without use of a handheld dyna-
completed with either a force applied to the mometer [38]. When testing the middle and
humerus and lateral scapular border into adduc- lower trapezius, the examiner must palpate for
tion while the shoulder is elevated to 125° of muscle activation. In a complete SANP, both the
scaption or an extension force while the shoulder middle and lower trapeziuses are completely
is flexed to 125° [21, 36]. When completing any flaccid, and no activation is noted of the rhom-
of these muscle tests, the use of a handheld boid since it does not activate in appropriate test
dynamometer may help quantify their result positions. The examiner must retract and poste-
[38]. The scapula must be watched or palpated to riorly displace the scapula and then cue the
determine if winging occurs. Each of these posi- patient to keep the arm in full external rotation.
tive tests may provide suggestion of the presence In cases affecting the proximal portions of the
of serratus anterior dysfunction, but if winging spinal accessory nerve, involvement of the ster-
occurs with the plus sign, an LTNP is present. nocleidomastoid may be present in addition to
The presence, or absence, of SANP is sug- the trapezius [7]. Manual muscle testing of the
gested by flip sign and manual muscle testing of sternocleidomastoid should always be com-
the middle and lower portions of the trapezius. pleted [7, 37].
13  Rehabilitation for Neurological Issues 135

As one moves through the examination algo- considered and emphasized with the use of a
rithm and neural integrity is determined, the lumbar roll as appropriate. Specifically, excessive
examiner attempts to correct the dyskinesis by scapular protraction, anterior tilting, and internal
hand placement, cueing, or “teaching.” Often rotation should be avoided due to decreased ser-
individuals with glenohumeral instability will ini- ratus anterior and trapezius activity [39, 40].
tiate shoulder elevation with scapular depression/ Often poor posture positioning results in overac-
anterior tilt either by activation of the pectoralis tivity of the pectoralis minor or levator scapulae/
minor or selective deactivation of the serratus. upper trapezius [8, 9, 26, 41]. Positions should be
The patient is cued to bring the scapula/shoulder adjusted to minimize the effects of scapular mal-
girdle into slight elevation and protraction. This position and shoulder drooping [2, 23, 25, 31,
will activate the serratus and deactivate the pecto- 32]. When in an upright position, resting the
ralis minor eliminating the dyskinesis. affected extremity on a pillow or supporting in a
coat pocket may easily decrease the weight of the
extremity to decrease gravitational stresses [6]. It
Principles of Rehabilitation is important to teach the patient how to replicate
the nuances of his/her optimal positioning for
Once the scapular specialist recognizes the pres- consistent practice. In chronic, severe cases, an
ence of LTNP and/or SANP, an objective base- orthotic may be fabricated that allows support of
line should be established with the results of the the involved extremity, yet permits freedom of
tests described above. Intervention should begin available movement [9, 16, 18] (Fig. 13.6).
immediately and will vary based on the extent of
the injury, stage of neural regeneration, and asso-
ciated limitations. It is critical of the scapular
specialist to educate patients with LTNP and/or
SANP that the neural regeneration process can-
not be expedited and a great amount of patience
will be required. If we permit attempts to force
recruitment of affected muscles, unnecessary
stresses will be placed on the healing nerve, inap-
propriate compensatory strategies will develop,
associated tissues will become irritated, and
patients are likely to become frustrated. Instead,
we must recognize our key principle to create an
environment that encourages usage of available
musculature to improve symptoms and increase
function without placing excessive stresses on all
involved structures.

 anagement of Associated

Due to the roles of the serratus anterior and the

trapezius as static scapular stabilizers, the patient
with LTNP and/or SANP should be educated
about scapular, shoulder girdle, and spinal pos-
tures related to this injury. The orientation of the
cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine should be Fig. 13.6  Orthotic for upper extremity support
136 M.J. Kelley and M.T. Piercey

In addition to postural adjustments, overac- Table 13.1  Staged rehabilitation exercises for long tho-
racic nerve palsy
tivity of accessory musculature may be addressed
with thermal modalities, soft tissue techniques, Stage 1
and/or stretching [31]. Techniques such as cervi- Scapular retraction
cal retraction, spinal mobilization, thoracic Scapular retraction with curls and triceps
extension, and supine pectoralis minor stretch- Sidelying forward elevation
Prone, horizontal abduction exercise performed at 90°
ing may be beneficial; however, care must be
Scapular retraction with external rotation using elastic
practiced to avoid separation of the involved side band
head and shoulder as to minimize the potential Scapular retraction with row using elastic band
for negatively impacting neural regeneration. Scapular retraction with backhand using elastic band
Activity modification will further assist in symp- Scapular retraction and elevation (toward the plane of
tom management [6, 9, 12, 14, 18]. Movements, the scapula)
such as reaching or lifting, may result in exces- Scapular retraction with forehand using elastic band
sive stresses to the affected, healing nerve and Stage 2
the associated involved muscle. Inappropriate Serratus anterior isolation
compensatory strategies are more likely to Supine plus
develop, placing uninvolved structures at risk for Sidelying plus, supported arm lift with palm up
Standing plus with palm up on ball
developing symptoms of impingement or tendi-
Prone closed chain plus into ball
nosis [14, 31]. The scapular specialist should
Serratus anterior isolation and plus with arm lift, palm
ensure full shoulder passive range of motion up, and elbow bent
(PROM) is present [3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16]. If not, Serratus anterior isolation and plus with arm lift, palm
manual techniques, including GHJ and scapulo- up, and elbow straight
thoracic mobilizations, should be administered. Serratus anterior exercise on wall
While doing so, caution should be practiced to Serratus anterior exercise with elastic band
avoid the possibility of nerve stretch during Quadruped plus
manual techniques like inferior glides of the Flexion D1 pattern
GHJ. To improve PROM, the patient may also be
provided a home exercise program (HEP) that
includes chair stretch, supine passive forward similar when targeting compensatory and pri-
elevation (FE), and passive ER stretch with a mary muscles depending upon reinnervation, and
wand [9]. there may be overlap as to whether the focus is on
the compensatory or primary muscles.
For patients with LTNP, the rhomboid and tra-
Compensatory Strategies pezius should be trained to maximize scapular
stabilization in the absence of the serratus ante-
An important aspect of rehabilitation for com- rior [6, 9, 12, 16]. Simply teaching the patient to
plete paralysis or significant weakness of isolated retract is essential and can be used to gain proxi-
scapular muscles is improving compensatory and mal stabilization during simple functional activi-
primary scapular muscle activity. In other words, ties such as picking up a gallon of milk.
improve the patient’s ability to recruit the unaf- Progressing to distal loading such as during row
fected (compensatory) scapular muscles then tar- exercises may be included for generalized
get the primary affected muscle when activity is ­trapezius activation [31, 42]. The rhomboid can
noted. Therefore, we can consider two stages of be best activated when tested with the shoulder at
muscle activity training, one related to compen- 90° of abduction and slight extension with
satory (unaffected) muscle activation and the humeral internal rotation and a force applied in
other to primary (affected) activation (Tables adduction and flexion [43]. These muscles can
13.1 and 13.2). The exercises may be the same or each be further targeted with manual resistive
13  Rehabilitation for Neurological Issues 137

Table 13.2  Staged rehabilitation exercises for spinal

accessory nerve palsy
Stage 1
Rhomboid isolation
Serratus anterior isolation
Scapular elevation
Rhomboid isolation/retraction with curls and triceps
Rhomboid isolation/retraction with row using elastic
Rhomboid isolation/retraction with external rotation
using elastic band Fig. 13.8  Prone, horizontal abduction performed 90°
Standing plus with palm up on ball
Serratus anterior isolation and plus with arm lift, palm
up, and elbow bent
Serratus anterior isolation and plus with arm lift, palm
up, and elbow straight
Serratus anterior exercise with elastic band
Stage 2
Supine middle trapezius isometric
Supine lower trapezius isometric
Scapular retraction with external rotation using elastic
Scapular retraction with row using elastic band
Prone, overhead raise
Scapular retraction with backhand using elastic band

Fig. 13.9  Scapular retraction with backhand using elastic


overhead raise [27, 29–31, 41, 42, 44–47]

(Fig. 13.8). Once the rhomboid and trapezius are
easily controlled by the patient, as evident by
maintaining the corrected neutral scapular posi-
tion can be held for at least 5 s, their usage can
now be gradually integrated into larger, more
challenging movement patterns [48] (Fig. 13.9).
Patients with SANP will require training of the
rhomboid and serratus anterior to compensate for
the trapezius [5, 10]. Serratus anterior isolation
Fig. 13.7  Manual resistance to facilitate activity of the
exercises should also be included, supine scapular
middle trapezius and rhomboid
protraction with plus, serratus anterior isolation
and plus with arm lift, palm up and elbow straight,
techniques [32] (Fig. 13.7). Several authors have and quadruped push-up with plus exercises [42,
found favorable activation of the middle and 44, 47, 49] (Fig. 13.10). Manual resistance can be
lower trapezius with minimal upper trapezius or utilized, with specific attention to rhomboid acti-
serratus anterior usage when completing sidely- vation. Once the patient can demonstrate proper
ing ER, sidelying FE, prone horizontal abduction control of the serratus anterior and rhomboid,
with ER, prone extension exercises, and prone larger and more complex movement patterns may
138 M.J. Kelley and M.T. Piercey

strategies, the scapular specialist must wait for

neural regeneration to occur with an observed
return of activity of the affected muscle. This
will be evident by reassessing the tests described
above in 3–6 week intervals to monitor progress
as the signs/symptoms improve [8]. Signs of
neural regeneration should be evident within
12 weeks from onset of LTNP and/or SANP. In
cases in which complete absence of serratus
anterior and/or trapezius persists after 12 weeks,
surgical intervention may be considered, espe-
cially if neurotmesis is suspected, but often a
Fig. 13.10  Quadruped push-up with plus conservative approach is chosen for 6–12 months
[8, 9, 15, 16]. It is important to reiterate that
most cases of LTNP and SANP resolve within
24 months, without surgical intervention [9, 12,
14–18]. In order for the patient to be successful,
a thorough education must be provided, under-
standing must be received, consistency with the
prescribed HEP must be practiced, and patience
must be observed as the time-dependent process
of neural regeneration occurs.

Retraining Affected Musculature

Once signs of neural regeneration are present,

primary training of the serratus anterior and/or
trapezius can gradually begin. Exercises should
be selected in which contraction of the affected
muscle can be successfully achieved in order to
foster proper motor learning [32]. These exer-
cises should not be progressed until the appro-
priate completion of the activity is consistently
demonstrated. To facilitate this motor control, a
specific HEP is prescribed to be completed
as often as every other hour throughout the
day [32].
Fig. 13.11  Serratus anterior exercise with elastic band Activation of the serratus anterior with resolv-
ing LTNP is started with serratus anterior isola-
tion exercise by asking the patient to protract and
be also implemented provided the patient is main- slightly elevate the scapula while keeping arms at
taining a stable ­scapular base with rhomboid and the side in humeral ER when in a standing posi-
serratus anterior (Fig. 13.11). tion [36] (Fig. 13.12). As greater motor control of
At this point, if pain is appropriately man- the serratus anterior is gained, FE with a plus
aged, full PROM is achieved, and if the patient is may be performed while lying on the uninvolved
properly implementing compensatory movement side then supine, first with a bent elbow, then
13  Rehabilitation for Neurological Issues 139

Fig. 13.13  Serratus anterior exercise on wall

Fig. 13.12  Serratus anterior isolation

with the elbow straightened to increase the lever

arm. Rolling a ball forward with a plus on a table
can be progressed to an inclined surface, then
finally up a wall. Sliding the arm up the wall in
the sagittal plane with ER will significantly acti-
vate the serratus (Fig. 13.13). Overhead FE with
a plus is progressed to the vertical against gravity
then with resistance. This can be progressed to
supine scapular protraction, FE with a plus, D1
flexion, shoulder scaption to 125°, and push-up
Fig. 13.14  Flexion D1 pattern
exercises with a plus [21, 42, 44, 49] (Fig. 13.14).
As patients with SANP demonstrate neural
regeneration, training of the trapezius may be focus of encouraging trapezius activity [29–31,
started. Rowing can be completed as general tra- 42, 44] (Fig. 13.15). Lastly, prone horizontal
pezius exercise [42]. This can then be progressed abduction with ER, prone extension exercises,
to supine middle and lower trapezius isometric and prone overhead raise against gravity may be
exercises, sidelying ER and sidelying FE with the completed [29–31, 36, 42, 44] (Fig. 13.16).
140 M.J. Kelley and M.T. Piercey

a b

Fig. 13.15  Middle (a) and lower (b) trapezius isometric exercises

Table 13.3  Compensatory strategies for patients with

long thoracic nerve palsy
– Exercise
Phase I Prone row
– Prone shoulder horizontal abduction with
external rotation
– Prone shoulder horizontal abduction with
internal rotation
– Prone arm raised above head in line with
lower trapezius
Fig. 13.16  Prone, overhead raise – Standing shrug
– Shoulder extension at 30° of abduction
– Seated row
Conclusion – Shoulder adduction with extension
Rehabilitation of patients with LTNP and/or – Sidelying shoulder external rotation
SANP requires a systematic, algorithmic – –
approach. Although we cannot accelerate the Phase II Prone extension
process of neural regeneration, scapular spe- – Prone shoulder abduction to 90° with
external rotation
cialists can create an environment that
– Sidelying shoulder flexion
encourages usage of available musculature to
– Seated shoulder scaption to 80°
improve symptoms and increase function – Low row
without placing excessive stresses on all – Seated shoulder abduction to 90°
involved structures. A specific, thorough – Lawn mower
assessment and regular reassessments are – –
necessary to identify the involved structures Rhomboid and trapezius should be trained to improve
and monitor the progress of neural regenera- scapular stabilization in the absence of the serratus
tion. As signs of neural regeneration and anterior
muscle reactivation become apparent, grad-
ual training of affected muscles may occur.


See Tables 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, and 13.6.

13  Rehabilitation for Neurological Issues 141

Table 13.4  Retraining affected musculature in patients Table 13.6  Retraining affected musculature in patients
with recovering long thoracic nerve palsy with recovering spinal accessory nerve palsy
– Exercise – Exercise
Phase IIISeated shoulder flexion to 125° Phase III Seated diagonal pattern
– Seated shoulder scaption to 125° (Shoulder flexion/horizontal adduction/
– Seated diagonal pattern external rotation)
(Shoulder flexion/horizontal adduction/ – Lawn mower
external rotation) – Seated row
– Seated high row – High row
– Wall push-up – Low row
– Supine shoulder flexion to 90° with – Sidelying shoulder flexion
protraction – Sidelying shoulder external rotation
– Elevation with resisted shoulder external – Elevation with resisted shoulder external
rotation rotation
– – – –
Phase IV Military press Phase IV Standing shrug
– Wall push-up with plus – Prone shoulder abduction to 90° with
– Table push-up with plus external rotation
– Elbow push-up with plus – Prone extension
– Knee push-up with Plus – Prone shoulder horizontal abduction with
– Floor Push-up with plus internal rotation
– – – Prone shoulder horizontal abduction with
external rotation
Activation of the serratus anterior with resolving LTNP
– Prone arm raised above head in line with
lower trapezius
– Sidelying shoulder external rotation
Table 13.5  Compensatory strategies for patients with – –
spinal accessory nerve palsy SANP demonstrate neural regeneration, training of the
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Snapping Scapula Syndrome
George F. Lebus, Zaamin B. Hussain,
Jonas Pogorzelski, and Peter J. Millett

Abbreviations movement of the shoulder girdle. Sound and pal-

pable crepitus from the abnormal biomechanics
ASES  American Shoulder Elbow Surgeons of the scapulothoracic articulation may be ampli-
shoulder score—patient self-report fied by the thoracic cavity [1]. The abnormal con-
section tact can occur not only because of predisposing
CT Computed tomography anatomic abnormality but might also be the result
et al. et alii (and colleagues) of overuse in setting of a normal scapulothoracic
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging articulation. Three main categories of etiology
SANE Single Alpha Numeric Evaluation are thought to contribute to SSS: chronic bursitis,
SSS Snapping scapula syndrome muscular dysfunctions, or anatomical abnormal-
WORC Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index ity [2].
Chronic overuse, especially in overhead ath-
letes, in the absence of a predisposing anatomic
abnormality produces inflammation of the bursa
Pathophysiology and surrounding musculature, which can cause
reactive bursitis and subsequent scarring. There
Snapping scapula syndrome has previously been are six recognized bursae described about the
described as the pathological motion of the con- scapulothoracic articulation, two major, which
cave scapula over the convex thorax during are generally considered physiologic, and four
minor (or adventitial) bursae that are not consis-
tently found and likely reflect pathologic motion
[3]. The two major bursae are the infraserratus
bursa between the serratus anterior and the chest
G.F. Lebus, MD • P.J. Millett, MD, MSc (*) wall and the supraserratus bursa between the
Steadman Philippon Research Institute,
181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 1000, Vail, CO serratus anterior and the subscapularis
81657, USA (Fig.  14.1). These bursae are well-recognized
The Steadman Clinic, 181 West Meadow Drive, and have been repeatedly identified in arthros-
Suite 400, Vail, CO, 81657, USA copy as well as cadaveric studies. The four
e-mail: drmillett@thesteadmanclinic.com adventitial bursae are the supra- and infraserra-
Z.B. Hussain, BA • J. Pogorzelski, MD, MHBA tus bursae at the superomedial angle of the scap-
Steadman Philippon Research Institute, ula, a bursa at the inferomedial angle of the
181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 1000, Vail, CO scapula, and a more superficial bursa between
81657, USA

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 145

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_14
146 G.F. Lebus et al.

(trapezoid) bursa

Trapezius muscle
(infraserratus) bursa Subscapularis muscle

Scapula Humerus


Serratus anterior


Pectoralis major muscle

Fig. 14.1  Schematic demonstrating scapula anatomy in identified. (Reproduced with permission from Gaskill T,
the axial plane. Two major bursae, the supraserratus and Millett PJ, Snapping Scapula Syndrome: Diagnosis and
infraserratus bursae, the source of pathology in the Management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2013; 21(4):
majority of cases in the scapulothoracic bursitis, can be 214–224)

the medial scapular spine and the overlying tra- tilting of the scapula, thereby compressing the
pezius. The most commonly involved bursae in space between the inferior pole and the rib
SSS are those at the superomedial angle of the cage [7]. Conversely, abnormal anterior tilt due
scapula [4]. In a chronic inflammatory setting to a pathologically tight pectoralis minor mus-
characteristic of SSS, irritation causes bursitis cle, for example, may compress the space
and scarring in a cycle that is self-­propagating between the superior scapula and the thoracic
leading to impingement, pain, and further wall [8]. Atrophied or fibrotic muscle or anom-
inflammation. Bursal fibrosis with secondary alous insertions can produce abnormal scapu-
scarring accounts for the pain and can even lead lar biomechanics potentially leading to painful
to mechanical and audible “snapping” symp- “snapping.”
toms in the absence of overt bony or soft tissues Finally, soft tissue anatomic variations,
anatomic abnormalities [2]. including thinner muscle bulk of the subscapu-
Muscular dysfunction can also be attribut- laris on the medial border of the scapula, may
able to SSS [5] and can take the form of either lead to a predisposition to abrasive forces
abnormal biomechanics, anatomical variants, against the rib cage [9, 10]. A superomedial bare
or both. The synchrony of the periscapular area on the costal surface of the scapula between
muscles may be disrupted by muscle weak- the origin of the subscapularis and the insertion
ness, glenohumeral pathology, trauma, or iat- of the serratus anterior has recently been
rogenic nerve injury leading to a disruption of described in a cadaveric study and may play a
the force couples about the scapula and abnor- role in some cases [6, 11]. Skeletal abnormali-
mal scapula motion, which can subsequently ties that contribute to SSS include anatomic
cause abnormal contact between the scapula variations, posttraumatic conditions, and mass
and the thoracic cavity [3, 6]. In this setting, lesions. A review of 89 cases of snapping scap-
arm forward flexion may induce a posterior ula syndrome determined that a skeletal abnor-
14  Snapping Scapula Syndrome 147

mality was present in 43% of cases [12]. History

Anatomic variations are the most common sub-
group and involve the bony structures of the Patients with scapulothoracic bursitis or snapping
scapula, thoracic cage, or the spine. A recent scapula typically complain of pain, palpable crepi-
imaging analysis demonstrated that a “curved- tus, and/or audible noise with arm movement,
type” scapular morphology, anteriorly angled especially with overhead activities. These symp-
medial border of the scapula, and decreased toms can significantly vary between individuals.
scapulocostal distance might be associated with As such, the patient should be questioned on the
SSS [13]. Luschka’s tubercle, which is a promi- precise location, quality, and intensity of the asso-
nence of bone or fibrocartilage at the superome- ciated pain or discomfort along with its chronicity,
dial angle of the scapula, has also been shown to associated symptoms, and aggravating and allevi-
contribute [14]. Additionally, removal of the ating factors. A family history of similar symp-
first rib for treatment of thoracic outlet syn- toms may be important as Cobey et al. suggested
drome has led to SSS in some cases [15]. With that there may be an inherited predisposition for
regard to spinal abnormalities, excessive tho- scapular crepitus [18]. In addition, the patient’s
racic kyphosis or scoliosis may be implicated as prior as well as desired type and level of activity
the cause of an abnormal scapulothoracic articu- should also be noted for appropriate goal setting
lation [4]. Despite these associations, many and management of expectations.
patients with anatomic variations are asymp-
tomatic, so the clinical context of their presenta-
tion must be taken into account [16]. Physical Examination
Posttraumatic conditions including malunion of
the scapula or underlying ribs and reactive bone Physical examination should begin with a visual
spurs from repetitive periscapular muscle inspection of posture because significant kypho-
trauma can also disrupt the normal articulation scoliosis is known to reduce scapulothoracic con-
[9, 17–19]. Furthermore, musculoskeletal gruity and may induce scapular snapping with or
tumors such as osteochondromas, elastofibroma without painful bursitis [4]. Evaluation of the cer-
dorsi, and rarely chondrosarcoma can be the vical spine should be performed in all patients to
cause and must be excluded [20]. exclude a referred pain syndrome resulting from
Osteochondromas in particular are the most nerve compression between the C5 and C8 nerve
common benign tumor of the scapula [21] and root levels [23, 24]. Dynamic evaluation of both
have been well-documented as a cause of SSS in scapulae is then undertaken, noting any evidence
the literature with one report accounting 16% of of asymmetry, dyskinesis, winging, or audible
cases as due to these mass lesions [12]. snapping as the arms are moved through a range
Elastofibroma dorsi may specifically affect the of active and passive motion. It is important to
ventral surface of inferomedial angle of the note that overhead athletes will often have
scapula causing a mass effect and abnormal bio- depression, protraction, and downward rotation
mechanics [22]. of their dominant scapula, which may be unre-
lated to their primary complaint [25].
Additionally, scapular dyskinesis is a common
Clinical Presentation finding in patients with scapulothoracic bursitis
and may be the result of unbalanced periscapular
Patients with SSS can present with a spectrum of muscle kinematics such as weakness or tightness
complaints from mild discomfort to severely of the serratus anterior, trapezius, levator scapulae,
painful pseudoparalysis of the shoulder with an or pectoralis minor muscles. Scapular winging can
audible crepitus. This wide variety of presenta- result from serratus anterior muscle weakness,
tions is largely due to the diversity of underlying most commonly caused by a long
causes. thoracic nerve palsy, or weakness or atrophy of the
148 G.F. Lebus et al.

trapezius muscle, which may be caused by a spinal scapula and the posterior thorax and exacerbate
accessory nerve palsy. Superomedially, tightness the patient’s symptoms [31].
of the trapezius and levator scapulae muscle may Periscapular muscle strength testing should also
present with neck stiffness and can be diagnosed be performed on individual muscle groups to iden-
via muscle length testing. Anteriorly, pectoralis tify any weakness that may result in biomechanical
minor tightness, which can result in scapular force imbalance, scapular dyskinesia or winging,
depression and protraction, can be diagnosed by and subsequent snapping. The examiner should
visualization of the difference in the height of the apply varying levels of resistance, and all resistance
shoulders off the examination table with the patient testing should be compared to the contralateral side.
in a supine position. The affected shoulder girdle The trapezius musculature is evaluated by having
will rise higher off the table than the unaffected the patient shrug the shoulders against resistance,
shoulder [26, 27]. In addition, an alternative while the levator scapulae and rhomboid muscula-
method to assess pectoralis minor tightness in the ture are best examined with the patient’s hands on
same position is to place a hand on the anterior the ipsilateral iliac crests and subsequently having
aspect of the affected shoulder and apply a moder- the patient force the elbows posteriorly against
ate anteroposterior force. Significant resistance in resistance. The serratus anterior muscle is tested by
flattening the shoulder against the examination having the patient perform a wall push-up while the
table likely indicates a shortened pectoralis minor examiner simultaneously visualizes and palpates
muscle-tendon complex. The presence of SICK the medial border of the scapula. Weakness will
(scapular malposition, inferomedial border promi- exacerbate medial border prominence. The latissi-
nence, anterior coracoid pain, and scapular dyski- mus dorsi muscle can be isolated by having the
nesis) scapula in overhead athletes should alert the patient push posteriorly against resistance with the
clinician to other associated diagnoses such as a arm at the side while the examiner palpates the
glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD), inferomedial angle of the scapula.
posterosuperior impingement, or superior labral
anterior to posterior (SLAP) tears, which may be
contributing to snapping through scapular malpo- Imaging
sitioning or a dyskinetic pathophysiology [1].
Palpation of the periscapular region may Radiographs
reveal areas of localized tenderness consistent Standard radiographs should always be obtained
with adventitial infraserratus or supraserratus when a diagnosis of snapping scapula syndrome
bursal inflammation. The superomedial angle and is suspected. A combination comprising of true
the inferomedial angle of the scapula are the most anteroposterior, tangential Y, and axillary views
common locations for painful bursae [28]. Deeper gives the clinician the best chance to exclude
palpation of these sites may be achieved by plac- skeletal abnormalities. Despite adequate plain
ing the arm in the “chicken-wing” position, in radiographs, bony anatomic abnormalities may
which the humerus is internally rotated and the still be missed [32].
dorsum of the hand is placed over the lumbosa-
cral junction, a movement which tilts the scapula Computed Tomography
laterally [28, 29]. Some patients may be able to When a skeletal lesion is identified on plain
reliably produce scapulothoracic crepitus with radiographs or suspected based on clinical exam,
provocative movements. In these cases, palpating a CT scan, ideally including three-dimensional
the scapula while the patient performs these optimization, should be obtained to further char-
movements may help localize the site of pathol- acterize the lesion [32]. Routine CT scanning
ogy [30]. Additionally, applying posterior-to-­ should be avoided in young patients unless indi-
anterior compressive forces over the scapular cated by radiographic evidence of an osseous or
body during range of motion testing may also cartilaginous lesion that alters the congruency of
precipitate or accentuate crepitation between the the scapulothoracic articulation.
14  Snapping Scapula Syndrome 149

Diagnostic Injections
In general, injections with local anesthetic agent
and steroid can be both diagnostic and therapeu-
tic. The temporary resolution of pain after the
injection confirms the diagnosis of bursitis while
also precisely localizing the pathological bursa.
Despite a high likelihood of immediate success
in these patients, the effect is rarely long-lasting
although there have been reports of extended
success [35]. The patient is positioned prone
with the shoulder extended, internally rotated,
and adducted in a “chicken-wing” position. The
Fig. 14.2  Preoperative MRI (T2 weighted) of a patient skin overlying the medial scapula is prepared in
with SSS showing inflamed fibrotic scar tissue between
the superomedial scapula angle and the thorax (white a sterile fashion, and the needle is inserted paral-
arrow). HH humeral head, S scapula lel to the anterior border of the scapula at the
spot of maximal tenderness. Clinicians must be
aware of the potential risk of intrathoracic pene-
 agnetic Resonance Imaging
M tration with an inappropriate vector of injection.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is most use- Use of ultrasound has been described to aid
ful to identify soft tissue structures that may be localization of scapulothoracic injection with
responsible for scapulothoracic crepitus or bursi- good results [36].
tis such as fibrotic scar tissue (Fig. 14.2), inflamed
tissue, or musculotendinous disease. Additionally,
tissue component analysis can be used to distin- Nonoperative Treatment
guish between malignant and benign soft tissue
lesions [33]. With the exception of the situation in which there
is a malignant mass lesion, a trial of nonoperative
Electromyograms therapy is warranted regardless of the underlying
An electromyogram is indicated to evaluate the of etiology of SSS. When caused by chronic
integrity of the nervous supply to the musculature overuse in the absence of anatomic abnormali-
in patients with unexplained scapular winging or ties, nonoperative treatment should be attempted
periscapular muscle weakness. In particular, for 6 months to 1 year prior to considering sur-
medial scapular winging may be caused by atro- gery and can be expected to have high success
phy or weakness of the serratus anterior muscle rates [37, 38]. If symptoms are caused by an ana-
following long thoracic nerve injury, and lateral tomic lesion, a trial of conservative treatment is
scapular winging may be caused by trapezius still warranted [4]; however, the threshold for
muscle atrophy or weakness or spinal accessory considering surgery is lower as surgical excision
nerve dysfunction. Whereas the majority of long or correction of the abnormality has a high cure
thoracic nerve palsies are posttraumatic, the rate [14, 39]. A nonoperative protocol consists of
majority of spinal accessory nerve palsies are iat- activity modification, nonsteroidal anti-­
rogenic following neck or facial surgery [34]. inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and
Aberrant arthroscopic portal placement superior therapeutic injections of steroids and/or local
to the level of the scapular spine is an extremely anesthetic into the inflamed bursae. With overuse
rare cause of spinal accessory nerve dysfunction and biomechanical imbalances being the major
but should be considered in the appropriate cir- etiologic factors, the patient must initially modify
cumstances [2]. activities to abate the cycle of bursitis and scarring.
150 G.F. Lebus et al.

Physical therapy should focus on periscapular some reports [43]; however, partial scapulectomy
muscle strengthening and improving shoulder with bursectomy is more commonly performed,
girdle biomechanics. In cases where poor posture particularly in the setting of mechanical crepitus
is contributory, training to minimize kyphosis, [29, 44].
promote upright posture, and strengthen upper
thoracic musculature is indicated. Because the
scapula is responsible for static stability of the Arthroscopic Technique
shoulder girdle, endurance training is crucial for
scapular stability. This type of training comprises Prior to surgery, the most painful areas should be
of low-intensity exercises with high repetitions. confirmed with the patient to maximize success
Strengthening of the subscapularis and serratus of surgery. These can be indicated with an indel-
anterior reduces anterior tilt of the scapula allevi- ible marker prior to induction of anesthesia in
ating bursal compression. Scapular adduction counsel with the patient. With regard to position-
and postural shoulder shrug exercises are critical ing, the patient is positioned prone with the non-
to strengthen the scapular stabilizers, including operative arm tucked to the side (Fig. 14.3a). The
the serratus anterior, rhomboids, and levator posterior thorax is draped widely, and the opera-
scapulae. Specific beneficial exercises include tive extremity is placed into a sterile stockinette.
scaption, press-up and push-up plus, rowing and The dorsum of the operative hand is positioned
machine rowing, and ball isometric scapular sta- on to the small of the back, effectively placing the
bilization exercises. Abduction and elevation of glenohumeral joint into extension and near maxi-
the scapula cause increased pressure and strain mal internal rotation in the “chicken-wing” posi-
on the underlying musculature and therefore tion. This position aids portal placement by
should be avoided [40]. increasing the potential space between the scap-
ula and the chest wall. Additional separation may
be accomplished by placing a medially directed
Operative Treatment force on the lateral shoulder to cause bayonet
apposition of the scapular body. Bony landmarks
Indications are marked including the medial border and the
spine of the scapula. Portals (Fig. 14.3b) are
Surgical treatment is considered in patients who established 3 cm medial to the medial scapular
have failed nonoperative therapy. Surgery may border and kept inferior to the scapular spine to
provide more reliable results in patients who reduce the risk of injury to the main branches of
experience temporary relief with injections or in dorsal scapular nerve and artery. This medial por-
those patients with anatomic abnormalities con- tal placement also allows a trajectory into the
tributing to their symptoms [38, 41]. In most bursae that is more parallel to the chest wall,
cases, an arthroscopic approach may be success- thereby decreasing the risk of thoracic
ful; however, with larger mass lesions, open tech- penetration.
niques may offer superior visualization and direct An initial viewing portal is made 3 cm medial
access and prevent the inadvertent spread of to the inferomedial angle of the scapula, and a
malignant cells. Arthroscopic treatment offers a 30° arthroscope is introduced (Fig. 14.3b). Fluid
quicker postoperative recovery and rehabilitation pressure is routinely maintained at or below
process [30, 42]. Specific surgical methods are 50 mmHg. A second medial portal (Fig. 14.3b) is
variable depending on the individual patient’s placed by triangulation, located 3 cm medial to
complaints and anatomic abnormalities, but typi- the scapula just inferior to the medial confluence
cally surgery entails bursectomy of the patho- of the scapular spine. Once adequate visualiza-
logic bursa with or without partial scapulectomy tion is established, a diagnostic bursoscopy is
of the superomedial scapula. Good results have performed. The intercostal muscles and ribs are
been demonstrated with bursectomy alone in visualized inferiorly, the subscapularis is visual-
14  Snapping Scapula Syndrome 151

a b

Fig. 14.3 (a) Intraoperative photograph of a right scapula right scapula. The bony landmarks including the medial
and arm, placed in the “chicken-wing” position. border of the scapula are marked. Portals are placed 3 cm
Preoperatively, the point of maximum tenderness (white medially to the scapula to minimize the risk of injury to
arrow) is marked. (b) Intraoperative photograph of the neurovascular structures

a b c d e

Fig. 14.4 (a) Arthroscopic image showing a radiofre- device. (c) Next, an arthroscopic shaver is used to resect
quency (RF) device removing inflamed bursal tissue in the further soft tissue to release the margin of the scapula (S).
scapulothoracic space. Cranial is the serratus posterior (d) After completion, the superomedial angle of the scap-
superior muscle (serratus) and caudal the rib cage (rib). ula is visible and is partially resected. (e) Final picture
(b) Fibrotic scar tissue is resected with a radiofrequency after resection of the superomedial angle of the scapula

ized laterally, and the rhomboid and levator mus- scapuloplasty (Fig. 14.4d) is then performed with
cles are identified medially. A spinal needle is a high-speed bur, removing a triangular section
placed along the superomedial scapular border of bone of approximately 2 cm (superior to infe-
for additional orientation. Red muscle fibers of rior) by 3 cm (medial to lateral). The appropriate
the subscapularis are not resected because a extent of resection is determined by removing the
shaver or radiofrequency (RF) ablator is used to scapular border convexity as determined
clear bursal tissue and fibrous bands in order to arthroscopically. A dynamic examination of the
skeletonize the superomedial scapular border. scapula should be routinely performed with the
Next, the supraserratus bursa is accessed simi- patient still under anesthesia to ensure adequate
larly by bluntly penetrating the serratus posterior clearance and that residual mechanical crepita-
superior (Fig. 14.4a). tion does not persist. The suprascapular nerve can
The superomedial angle of the scapula is be at risk if this resection is taken too far laterally,
exposed by removing the underlying muscular and therefore arthroscopic instruments should
attachments with a radiofrequency probe or proceed no further than the spinal needle placed
arthroscopic shaver (Fig. 14.4b, c). If crepitus or to mark the extent scapular resection. The resec-
snapping of the scapula remains clinically evi- tion is visualized from both portals to ensure that
dent after the superomedial angle of the scapula it is smooth and adequate clearance has been
is exposed, spinal needles are placed to mark the achieved (Fig. 14.4e). Because the scapular bone
extent of the planned resection. The arthroscopic is quite thin, a rasp is typically used to contour
152 G.F. Lebus et al.

resected edges. The arm is tested dynamically in Open Technique

a full range of motion, to ensure that no mechani-
cal crepitation remains [31]. Prior to surgery, the precise location of the
A superior accessory portal can be used to aid patient’s pain should be localized and marked
the resection of the superomedial scapula. This for surgical planning, because the procedure
portal should be made at the junction of the may vary depending on the location of the
medial one-third and lateral two-thirds of the dis- patient’s pain. The most common location for
tance between the superomedial scapular angle scapulothoracic bursitis and crepitus is the
and the lateral acromion in order to protect the superomedial angle of the scapula [28], and as
suprascapular nerve and artery. The trocar is a result, open surgery will usually entail a verti-
advanced in a medial and caudal direction. The cal incision over the superomedial border of the
surgeon should stay in close proximity to the scapula for the majority of patients (Fig. 14.5a).
anterior aspect of the scapula to avoid thoracic The patient is positioned prone, and dissection
penetration [44]. Finally, portals are closed rou- is carried down to the trapezius fascia and mus-
tinely, and a sling is applied postoperatively cle which is split transversely in line with its
(Table 14.1). fibers (Fig. 14.5b). Retraction of the trapezius
muscle fibers cranially reveals the underlying
rhomboids and levator scapulae inserting on the
medial border of the scapula. Care is taken to
Table 14.1  Pearls and pitfalls of arthroscopic technique subperiosteally elevate these muscles, as well
for scapulothoracic bursectomy and resection
as the supraspinatus and the subscapularis, from
Pearls Pitfalls the superomedial angle of the scapula, thereby
Portals Place portals 3 cmPlacing portals too revealing the site of bony resection (Fig. 14.5c).
medial to the far laterally will risk
medial border of injury to the dorsal
The superomedial angle of the scapula is then
the scapula scapular nerve and excised with an oscillating saw and bursec-
artery tomy subsequently performed (Fig. 14.6a, b).
Place portals Placing portals too Typically, bone resection (Fig. 14.6c) totals
inferior to the far superiorly will 2 cm (superior to inferior) by 3 cm (medial to
scapular spine risk injury to the
spinal accessory lateral). Following bony resection, the scapula
nerve is dynamically evaluated intraoperatively to
Resection of Perform resection Too perpendicular confirm that there is no impingement between
bursitis at an angle that is of an angle may the scapula and thorax. Once the resection
roughly parallel to result in penetration
is deemed adequate, care is taken to repair
the chest wall of the thorax
Bony Mark the most Carrying the
the rhomboids and levator scapulae muscles
resection lateral end of the resection too far through bone tunnels to the medial border of
intended bony laterally will put the the scapula (Fig. 14.7a, b). The wound is then
resection with a suprascapular nerve closed (Fig. 14.7c) in a standard, layered fash-
spinal needle and at risk. Too much
clear the bone bony resection may
ion [4, 30], and the patient is placed in a sling
prior to resection result in disruption postoperatively.
for adequate and dysfunction of For patients with bursitis at the inferomedial
visualization the muscle angle, which is the second most common site
Bleeding Decrease pump Inadequate of scapulothoracic bursitis, incision is made
pressure and hemostasis can
obtain good result in painful obliquely over the inferior aspect of the scap-
hemostasis prior postoperative ula. Dissection is carried down to fascia after
to conclusion of hematoma which an incision is made in the fascia and
procedure muscle in line with the fibers of the lower por-
14  Snapping Scapula Syndrome 153

a b c

Fig. 14.5 (a) Intraoperative photograph illustrating bony section is performed down to the trapezius fascia and
landmarks of the superomedial border, spine of the scap- muscle, which is split transversely in line with its fibers.
ula, and the medial border are marked on the skin. The site (c) After retraction of the trapezius muscle fibers crani-
for a vertical incision over the superomedial border, for an ally, and subperiosteal elevation of the underlying rhom-
open procedure to treat scapulothoracic bursitis, has also boids, levator scapulae, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus,
been marked. (b) The skin incision is retracted, and a dis- the site of bony resection is revealed

a b c

Fig. 14.6 (a) An oscillating saw is used to resect the superomedial angle. (b) The resected bony segment is retrieved.
(c) A bony segment of typically 2 cm (superior to inferior) by 3 cm (medial to lateral) is removed

a b c

Fig. 14.7 (a) Following the resection, the rhomboids and wound is closed in a standard, layered fashion. (c) A
levator scapulae muscles are carefully repaired through closed incision of 8 cm in length is shown
bone tunnels to the medial border of the scapula. (b) The

tion of the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi. Postoperative Rehabilitation

The bursa is thereby exposed and excised. Care
is taken to remove any bony prominence at the The course of postoperative rehabilitation
inferior margin of the scapula as well. The depends on whether the procedure was performed
wound is then closed in a standard fashion as arthroscopically or open. For patients following
above [4]. an open resection requiring bone resection and
154 G.F. Lebus et al.

muscle repair, the shoulder is typically immobi- [43]. Later, Pearse et al. [39] reported the out-
lized for up to 4 weeks to allow muscular healing. comes of 13 patients after arthroscopic bursec-
Passive motion is started shortly thereafter with tomy for scapulothoracic bursitis or osseous
emphasis on scapulothoracic mobilization; this is impingement and three of whom had an addi-
followed by active motion at 8 weeks and tional superomedial scapular resection. At a
strengthening at 12 weeks [30]. Patients who mean follow-up of 18.5 months, 9 of the 13
have open surgery that does not require muscle patients (69.2%) demonstrated improvement in
repair through bone tunnels have a quicker reha- pain and function with a median postoperative
bilitation course with passive motion started constant score of 87 (range, 58–95). Millett et al.
immediately postoperatively and active motion at [31] demonstrated an improvement in pain and
approximately 3–4 weeks followed by strength- function after arthroscopic bursectomy with or
ening as the patient tolerates [42]. Patients under- without scapuloplasty in a large series of 23
going arthroscopic surgery have the fewest shoulders with a minimum 2-year follow-up.
limitations following surgery and the quickest However, despite these improvements, median
recovery. They wear a sling for 24–48 h and then patient satisfaction was only 6 of 10 in this series.
begin both passive and active motion of the upper Two patients in this series did not undergo scapu-
extremity as tolerated; early scapulothoracic loplasty, and although these two patients
mobilization is essential. Physical therapy imme- improved, they were less satisfied than those
diately focuses on thoracic posture, scapular patients who had bony resection in addition to
coordination, and strengthening. Full active bursectomy. The authors postulated that
motion following the arthroscopic procedure is arthroscopic bony resection may allow a more
expected by 1 week. Full recovery can be complete bursectomy to be performed. More
expected by 2–4 weeks postoperatively; however, recently, Blønd and Rechter [46] also showed
return to sports and overhead activities should be measurable improvement in outcomes after
delayed to 2 or 3 months postoperatively to arthroscopic bursectomy and scapuloplasty. At a
enhance healing, even if the patient has seem- mean follow-up of 2.9 years, 18 of 20 patients
ingly achieved a full recovery prior to this point (90.0%) reported an improvement in pain and
[30, 42]. function over preoperative baseline values citing
a median Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index
(WORC) improvement from 35.0 preoperatively
 utcomes After Operative
O to 86.4 postoperatively. Most recently, Menge
Treatment et al. [47] demonstrated excellent results in 60
out of 74 shoulders (81%) that underwent scapu-
Arthroscopic Techniques lothoracic bursectomy and scapuloplasty. All out-
come scores significantly improved from pre- to
Several studies have reported similar clinical out- postoperatively: SF-12 PCS from 39.2 to 45.4,
comes after arthroscopic techniques when com- ASES score from 52.6 to 75.8, and QuickDASH
pared with open or mini-open approaches. In from 40.2 to 24.2. Lower preoperative mental
1999, Harper et al. [45] were among the first status score, longer duration of symptoms, and
investigators to use a technique for arthroscopic greater age were associated with lower postoper-
partial scapulectomy, where they reported excel- ative outcome scores [47].
lent improvement in pain and function at a mean
follow-up of 7 months in seven patients. Lehtinen
et al. [43] evaluated 16 patients with either open Open Techniques
or arthroscopic treatment of scapulothoracic bur-
sitis; at 3-year average follow-up, 81% of patients Milch was the first to document the surgical
were satisfied, SST was 9.8, and no statistical dif- technique and results of partial scapulectomy in
ference was found between the two techniques three patients with snapping scapula syndrome
14  Snapping Scapula Syndrome 155

in 1950 [48]. Since this time, there have been 2. Warth RJ, Spiegl UJ, Millett PJ. Scapulothoracic bur-
sitis and snapping scapula syndrome: a critical review
numerous studies showing good outcomes after
of current evidence. Am J Sports Med.
superomedial angle resection, especially in 2015;43(1):236–45.
those with a predisposing anatomic variation or 3. Kuhn J. The scapulothoracic articulation: anatomy,
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Indeed, Arntz and Matsen [7] reported excellent
shoulder: diagnosis and management. Philadelphia:
results in 12 of 14 shoulders (86%) that under- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999. p. 817–45.
went open superomedial angle resection for an 4. Kuhn JE, Plancher KD, Hawkins RJ. Symptomatic
abnormal bony shape or scapulothoracic incon- scapulothoracic crepitus and bursitis. J Am Acad
Orthop Surg. 1998;6(5):267–73.
gruity. Of note, the investigators also histologi-
5. Grunfeld G. Beitrag zur Genese des Skapularkrachens
cally examined the resected bone and found no und der Ska-puloargeraushe. Arch Orthop J Unfall
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7. Arntz C, Matsen F. Partial scapulectomy for disabling
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may be candidates for bursectomy alone with- 1990;14:252–3.
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tion allowed for a more complete bursectomy
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Scapula Fractures
Donald Lee and Schuyler Halverson

Scapula fractures constitute only 1% of all reported [5–8]. Of note, the superior-medial bor-
reported fractures, with less than 5% of shoulder der of the scapular body is the most prevalent
fractures involving the scapula [1, 2]. The scap- location for operative fractures as it is a common
ula provides a complex scaffold for a variety of fracture exit point, not that a fracture through that
muscular attachments, with each of the differing location lends itself to any particular operative
regions of the osteology presenting with its own indication. These anatomic locations provide the
fracture incidence and clinical significance. The framework for the subsequent report of fracture
primary planes of scapula fractures most com- classification, treatment, and outcomes.
monly involve the scapular body (45%), followed
by glenoid neck (25%), glenoid fossa (10%),
acromion (8%), coracoid process (7%), and scap- Classifications
ular spine (5%) [3]. As the majority of scapula
fractures are adequately treated nonoperatively Scapular Body
[4], the prevalence of fracture patterns requiring
operative intervention is distinctly different than The original 1996 OTA classification system for
the overall prevalence, with operative fractures scapular fractures, along with a revised 2007 ver-
typically involving multiple fractures in the same sion, followed the OTA format of describing frac-
periscapular region. An analysis of 90 operative tures as A, B, or C based on articular involvement
scapula fractures showed 71% of operative frac- [9, 10]. Due to the complex osseous anatomy
tures involve the superior-medial border of the of the scapula, with multiple articulations and
scapular body, 68% involve the glenoid neck, processes, this classification failed to achieve
22% involve the spinoglenoid notch, 17% are widespread understanding, familiarity, and use. In
intra-articular, 23% involve the scapular spine, order to address the limitations of their previous
and no isolated fractures of the acromion or cora- classification system, the OTA joined with the AO
coid were operative, although a series of opera- Foundation to develop a comprehensive system
tive acromion and coracoid fractures have been for in-depth classification of all scapular fractures
by separating the scapula into three regions, the
fossa, the processes, and the body, denoted F, P, or
D. Lee, MD (*) • S. Halverson, MD, MS B, respectively (Fig. 15.1) [10–12]. The fossa
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Vanderbilt includes the glenoid and the adjacent glenoid rim
University Medical Center, 1215 21st Avenue South.
Ste. 3200, Nashville, TN 37232-8828, USA and neck lateral to the suprascapular notch. The
e-mail: Donald.h.lee@vanderbilt.edu processes include the acromion, which is defined

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 157

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_15
158 D. Lee and S. Halverson




Fig. 15.1  OA/OTA classification system of fractures of the scapular body, fossa, and processes

as lateral to the plane of the glenoid, and the cora- inferior scapular angles), with the central (c) body
coid, defined beyond the superior limit of the gle- having no border involvement, and the small area
noid. The body involves all scapula medial to a between the superior glenoid rim and lateral to the
line parallel to the plane of the glenoid, starting coracoid base designated as (g), glenoid side. The
cranially at the lateral border of the suprascapular focused classification codes all involved sides in
notch. Body and fossa fractures are described by parenthesis following the scapular body code of
both a basic and focused classification. B. For example, a fracture traveling between the
In the basic classification system, body frac- medial and lateral border is coded B(ml).
tures are coded as B1 for simple fractures with Fossa involvement is classified in the basic sys-
two or less body fracture exit points and B2 for tem as F0 for an extra-articular fracture where the
complex body fractures with three or more frac- fossa is no longer attached to the scapular body. F1
ture exit points. In the focused system, the body is fractures are intra-articular simple patterns of rim,
separated into the lateral (l) border (between the transverse, or oblique fractures through the glenoid
inferior articular rim and the inferior scapula fossa. F2 fractures are intra-­articular multifragmen-
angle), the superior (s) border (between the scap- tary fractures. The focused classification system
ular notch and the superior scapular angle), and further describes fossa involvement based on the
the medial (m) border (between the superior and fracture pattern and location of involved articular
15  Scapula Fractures 159

quadrants, as defined with respect to an equatorial Glenoid Fossa

line and the intertubercular line between the infra-
glenoid and supraglenoid tubercles. Simple rim The Ideberg classification [16], later modified by
fractures are denoted 1 for anterior, 2 for posterior, Heggland [17], classifies intra-articular scapula
and 3 for simple transverse or short oblique. fractures (Fig. 15.2). Type 1 fractures involve the
Fractures deemed 1 or 2 are further classified as “a” anterior glenoid rim, with type 1A having a frac-
if infra-equatorial, “b” if involving superior and ture fragment of 5 mm or less and type 1B frag-
inferior quadrants, or “c” if involving both the ante- ments greater than 5 mm. Type 2 through 6 all
rior and posterior infra-equatorial quadrants, with 1 involve complete fractures through the glenoid,
or 2 having been defined by the side containing the as opposed to just a rim fracture, and they differ
majority of the fracture fragment. Fractures deemed based on where the fracture plane exists. Type 2
3 are further classified as “a” if infra-equatorial, “b” fractures exit inferiorly at the glenoid neck. Type
if equatorial, and “c” if supra-equatorial. Complex 3 fractures exit superiorly at the base of the cora-
fossa fractures are classified as 4 if there are more coid process. Type 4 fractures involve both the
than two fracture line exit points and 5 for central scapular neck and body, with a fracture plane
fracture dislocations without exit points on the rim. running inferior to the spine of the scapula, ulti-
Fractures involving the processes are coded as mately exiting on the medial border. Type 5 com-
P1 for coracoid, P2 for acromion, and P3 for both. bines the horizontal fracture plane of type 4, with
Fractures are then coded as a combination of the fractures of (a) type 2, (b) type 3, or (c) type
all involved aspects of the fracture plane. For 2 and type 3. Type 6 describes severely commi-
example, if the previously described B(ml) frac- nuted fractures of the glenoid fossa or a combi-
ture had an additional fracture plane separating nation of type 1A and 1B. Type 1 fractures
the glenoid from the scapular body, the coding constitute the vast majority of glenoid fractures
would change to F0.B(ml). Adding fracture (85%, 50% type 1A, 35% type 1B) and have a
extension to the superior scapular body with a strong association with dislocation (66%), sub-
comminuted intra-articular fragment and cora- luxation (22%), additional skeletal injury (44%),
coid fracture would be F2.B(mls).P1. or an additional nerve lesion (6%). The fre-
The AO/OTA system resulted in an 82% agree- quency of fracture types 2 through 5 is 3%, 1%,
ment overall between surgeons when discussing 6%, and 5%, respectively, with an additional
scapular body fractures with the basic system, skeletal injury rate of 66%, 100%, 0%, and 60%,
with an overall kappa coefficient of 0.75. The sim- respectively, a 33% subluxation rate for type 2
ple classification has been shown to have inter- and no other reported dislocations or nerve
rater reliability kappa coefficient and overall lesions [18].
agreement, respectively, of 0.57–0.59 and 49–82%
for scapular body fractures, 0.79 and 90% for
fossa fractures, and 0.49–0.53 and 72–81% for Glenoid Neck
process fractures [11, 13, 14]. When the focused
system was used to describe fractures involving Glenoid neck fractures are classified based not on
the inferior, medial, or superior body borders, a specific fracture pattern but rather on
kappa coefficients were 0.73, 0.71, and 0.62, with ­displacement of the fracture fragment (Fig. 15.3)
overall agreement of 72%, 61%, and 5% [12]. The [19]. Type 1 fractures are minimally or nondis-
focused system for fossa fractures showed placed, while type 2 fractures are displaced
86–100% agreement of intra-articular fractures greater or equal to 1 cm of translation and/or 40°
and has been shown with three-­dimensional CT of angulation [20, 21]. Description of glenoid
analysis to adequately categorize clinically preva- neck fractures may describe fracture patterns as
lent fracture patterns [11, 12, 15]. When compar- “anatomic neck,” exiting superiorly lateral to the
ing the new AO/OTA system with the previous coracoid; “surgical neck,” exiting medial to the
OTA classification, it showed superior overall coracoid; or “inferior neck,” coursing inferior to
agreement and kappa coefficient of 81% and 0.53 the scapular spine, exiting along the medial scap-
versus 57% and 0.47, respectively [14]. ular border.
160 D. Lee and S. Halverson

1 2 3

4 5a 5b

5c 6

Fig. 15.2  Ideberg classification of glenoid fossa fractures

15  Scapula Fractures 161

> 1 cm

1 2

> 40˚

Fig. 15.3  Glenoid neck fracture classification

162 D. Lee and S. Halverson

1 2

ligament insertion

Fig. 15.4  Ogawa classification of coracoid process fractures

Coracoid Fractures 1 fractures are minimally displaced fractures, with

type 1A being avulsion fractures resulting from
Isolated fractures of the coracoid have been classi- muscle strain and type 1B resulting from direct
fied by Ogawa et al., who originally proposed a trauma. Type 2 and type 3 fractures are displaced
five-type fracture classification, which was later in any direction and differ in that they are without
simplified to have two fracture types based on their and with narrowing of the subacromial space,
relation to the coracoclavicular ligaments [7, 22]. respectively. The original description of this clas-
Type 1 fractures were located posterior to these sification also noted stress fractures as a possible
ligaments, while type 2 fractures are anterior injury, but this was not assigned its own type due
(Fig. 15.4). Type 1 fractures were notable for 32% to the significantly different mechanism of injury
association with the upper glenoid fractures and and due to the strong association between rheuma-
strong associations with shoulder dislocation and toid arthritis and acromial stress fracture, which is
rotator cuff injuries, while type 2 had a strong not applicable to the general population.
association with distal clavicle fractures. Roughly Using the Kuhn classification system, type 1A
90% of coracoid fractures, regardless of type, were fractures usually resolve quickly without opera-
associated with acromioclavicular dislocation. tive intervention, although nonunions were
reported. Type 1B universally healed without
deficits in shoulder function, although ipsilateral
Acromion Fractures shoulder injuries may delay the healing process.
Type 2 and type 3 fractures showed strong asso-
Isolated acromion fractures were classified by ciation with other injuries of the shoulder girdle
Kuhn et al. into three groups (Fig. 15.5) [23]. Type or brachial plexus. Type 2 still did not require
15  Scapula Fractures 163

1 2

Fig. 15.5  Kuhn classification of acromion fractures

operative intervention, regardless of associated  uperior Shoulder Suspensory

injuries, and all resulted in good clinical outcomes. Complex Injuries and Lateral
Type 3 fractures are the only acromial fracture Scapular Suspension System
types with suboptimal expected outcomes, with all Fractures
patients doing poorly due to a mechanical block to
range of motion. Stress fractures, although not clas- Fractures of the scapula are associated with clav-
sified as their own type, typically fail conservative icle fractures in up to 50% of reported cases [24].
treatment and develop into painful nonunions. The term “floating shoulder” was coined to
164 D. Lee and S. Halverson

describe ipsilateral clavicle and glenoid fractures acting as a unit to provide stability. The SSSC is
to imply an inherent instability. After progress in a ring composed of the distal clavicle, the AC
understanding the importance of the coracoacro- ligament, the acromion, the glenoid process, the
mial (CA), coracoclavicular (CC), and acromio- coracoid process, and the CC ligament. A formal
clavicular (AC) ligaments, the definition of a classification system for the SSSC is not widely
floating shoulder was modified to require a dou- used, and diagnosis of SSSC disruptions is clini-
ble disruption of the superior shoulder suspen- cally difficult.
sory complex (SSSC) (Fig. 15.6) [25, 26]. The Recognizing that the fracture classifications
SSSC describes multiple areas of the shoulder described in previous sections rarely occur


ligaments Acromion



Fig. 15.6  Diagram of

the superior shoulder
suspensory complex
(SSSC) classification
15  Scapula Fractures 165

alone, the cumbersome nature of classifying a mion, coracoid, scapular spine, and glenoid and
single patient’s shoulder injury with multiple is classified into three types. Type S0 injuries
simultaneous classifications, and most impor- have an intact LSSS without failure of the over-
tantly the inadequacies of the SSSC in describ- all support structure. Type S1 has incomplete
ing the ­possible options for disruption of the failure of LSSS, simplified as an injury to a sin-
distal clavicle versus AC ligament, Lambert gle component of the LSSS. This is further clas-
et al. developed a focused classification system sified as S1a for a clavicle fracture lateral to the
to address injuries to the lateral scapular sus- CC ligaments, S1b for an incomplete AC sepa-
pension system (LSSS) (Fig. 15.7) [27]. The ration, and S1c for acromion fractures, scapular
LSSS is composed of the distal clavicle, acro- spine fractures, or a fracture at the base of the

S1a = clavicle fracture lateral to the S1b = incomplete acromioclavicular

coracoclavicular ligaments (CCL) joint (ACJ) separation

S1c = fracture of the base of coracoid (with or without glenoid fossa involvement)

Fig. 15.7  Diagram of

the lateral scapular
suspension system
classification Or fracture of the spine or acromion of scapula
166 D. Lee and S. Halverson

coracoid (with or without glenoid involvement). sive muscular encasing provides protection for
Type S2 injuries have complete failure of the the underlying vital organs that is not present if
LSSS or injuries at multiple locations. This is the scapula isn’t involved in absorbing direct
further classified as S2a for a clavicle fracture trauma [38]. When mortality does occur in scap-
medial to the CCL, S2b for complete AC sepa- ula fracture patients, the most common etiology
ration with CCL disruption, and S2c for a frac- is from pulmonary complications, typically
ture at the base of the coracoid (with or without underlying pulmonary contusions and respira-
glenoid involvement) and a fracture of the acro- tory splinting from rib fractures leading to a
mion or scapular spine. fatal pneumonia [30].
The LSSS classification system has shown
overall agreement between shoulder specialists
of 47%, with a kappa coefficient of 0.54 [27]. Radiographic Assessment
Use of this system to accurately distinguish
between shoulder injuries with intact versus defi- Assessment for suspected scapula fractures
cient LSSS was much better with an accuracy of involves three primary radiographic views. A
93% and a kappa coefficient of 0.63. true anteroposterior view shows the glenoid,
scapular neck, lateral scapular body and margin,
and the scapular spine. The lateral view, or scap-
Associated Injuries ular Y view, shows the scapular body. The true
axillary view shows the acromion, the AC joint,
With the exception of rare avulsion injuries, a the coracoid process, and the anterior and poste-
high-energy mechanism is required to cause a rior borders of the glenoid. A Velpeau view,
scapula fracture, which most commonly occurs although an acceptable replacement of the axil-
from motor vehicle accidents in men aged 35–42 lary view for assessing shoulder dislocations,
[3, 28–32]. Given the mechanism of injury, does not visualize scapular anatomy as well as
­associated injuries have been reported in up to the axillary view. A standard chest film allows
95% of scapula fracture patients, who average visualization of the medial scapular body and
3.9 other major injuries [29, 30]. Multiple stud- border, but was shown to not be an adequate
ies have investigated associated injuries, and independent screening tool for scapula fractures
results are often conflicting. Scapula fractures in children [39]. Although many additional
have been shown to be associated with injuries named radiographic views have been published,
of the upper extremity, thorax, pelvic ring, neu- few have proved to be clinically relevant. Bhatia
rovascular injury, chest and abdomen views are an exception to this trend and help to
Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), and Injury visualize complex fractures of the coracoid via
Severity Score (ISS) [29–37]. Despite conflict- orthogonal views of the superior and inferior cor-
ing case series, the most comprehensive studies acoid pillars [40].
have shown several notable findings. Scapula The role of computed tomography (CT) in
fractures are consistently associated with a diagnosing scapula fractures is controversial. A
higher ISS, but when comparing to other patients comparison between surgeons’ ability to diag-
with equal ISS without scapula fractures, nose scapula fractures based on standard radio-
besides an increase in ipsilateral upper extrem- graphic views versus CT showed that inter-rater
ity injuries and thoracic trauma, there is no dif- reliability of scapular fracture classification is
ference in other injuries, hospital stay, or not improved and in some fracture patterns even
intensive care unit admission [29–31]. worsened when relying on CT as the primary
Additionally, scapula fractures may be associ- imaging modality [41]. In the setting of com-
ated with lower mortality compared to other plex fracture patterns or potentially operative
multiply injured trauma patients, with a pro- scapula fractures, CT has been shown to provide
posed mechanism that the scapula and its exten- useful information for both diagnosis and
15  Scapula Fractures 167

Fig. 15.8 (a) Anterior-­

posterior radiograph of a
complex scapular
fracture with associated
mid-shaft clavicle
fracture. (b) Anterior
view of three-­
dimensional computed
tomogram of same
scapular fracture. (c)
Posterior view of
computed tomogram of
same scapular fracture

b c

surgical planning (Fig. 15.8a–c) [5, 42–46]. sling immobilization for 2 weeks followed by
Considering the widespread use of CT scans for active shoulder range of motion. Excellent
initial evaluation of high-energy trauma patients, functional outcomes have been shown in greater
this debate has grown to be somewhat than 90% of scapular fractures, regardless of
irrelevant. the anatomic areas involved [48–55].
Conservative management is not always suc-
cessful, as symptomatic malunions, nonunions,
Surgical Indications and fracture displacement do occasionally
occur [24, 56–59].
While the first operative fixation of a scapula Multiple authors have worked to develop cri-
was performed in 1910, it wasn’t until roughly teria for surgical interventions, but few go beyond
the 1990s when operative fixation indications expert opinion to established global indication
became established and pursued, which was guidelines with substantial evidential backing [1,
largely due to an improved understanding of 24, 60–62]. Accordingly, assessments of com-
fracture patterns and use of CT imaging [42, mon practice patterns show poor correlation with
47]. Nonoperative management of scapula frac- published indications [63]. The only absolute
tures still remains an appropriate treatment for indications for operative intervention are intra-
the majority of cases and typically constitutes thoracic penetration of the scapular body between
168 D. Lee and S. Halverson

Table 15.1  Indications for ORIF of scapula fractures tures, with 82% of patients reporting excellent or
Intra-articular >25% glenoid involvement with good long-term outcomes, whereas the other
glenoid fractures humeral subluxation [70] or 18% of patients with unsatisfactory outcomes
>5 mm articular step-off [71]
were largely related to associated injuries. These
Extra-articular 40° angulation or 1 cm
scapular neck translation [24]
criteria have been validated by further clinical
fractures and biomechanical studies, while other sources
Extra-articular Significant displacement state the criteria should be >2 mm or >3 mm [51,
scapular body No consensus measurements 61, 63, 73–77].
fractures Rim fractures typically result from traumatic
Acromial fractures >1 cm inferior displacement, dislocation of the humeral head; therefore sur-
painful nonunion [23]
gery is indicated when joint stability is threat-
Coracoid fractures >1 cm displacement, painful
nonunion [72] ened [1]. Measurements deemed to be indications
Disrupted superior Double injury to the SSSC for surgery include rim displacement greater than
shoulder suspensory 10 mm, greater than one-fourth of anterior rim
complex involvement, or greater than one-third of poste-
Rare causes Intrathoracic extension rior rim involvement [70]. Although these indica-
Open fractures
tions were originally based on expert opinion,
several studies have provided greater evidence to
the ribs, and open fractures - both of which are show acceptable outcomes using these criteria [1,
exceedingly rare and will not be discussed below 78–80].
Bauer and colleagues appropriately summa-
rize open reduction and internal fixation Glenoid Neck Fractures
(ORIF) as the recommended treatment in
grossly displaced fractures of the acromion, Fractures of the glenoid neck are inherently
coracoid process, glenoid, and anatomic neck, unstable, as the glenohumeral joint loses its sus-
or unstable fractures of the surgical neck, pension and accordingly no longer has a solid
although they do not mention what defines attachment to the axial skeleton. The debate of
“grossly displaced” [69]. Table 15.1 summa- whether the glenoid medializes or the scapula lat-
rizes the best supported recommendations for eralizes has largely been put to rest as several
operative fixation, with further discussion of well-done studies have utilized axial imaging to
each fracture type below. show that the scapular body lateralizes [81, 82].
This scapular lateralization creates an impinge-
ment between the acromion and humeral head
Glenoid Fractures with arm abduction and alters the mechanics of
the rotator cuff, resulting in near universally poor
As intra-articular fractures, glenoid fractures outcomes [1, 83, 84]. Multiple sources have inde-
require operative intervention if they prevent pendently proposed 1 cm as the maximum allow-
congruent articulation (fossa fractures) or joint able glenoid neck displacement before debilitating
stability (rim fractures). impingement [20, 24]. Additionally, glenoid rota-
Operative fixation of fossa fractures serves to tion greater than 40° in either the transverse or
prevent posttraumatic stiffness and pain with coronal plane resulted in significant pain and
shoulder motion [1]. Mayo [71] reported results decreased range of motion and serves as another
in ORIF of glenoid fossa fractures with greater indication for operative intervention [24].
than 5 mm of articular displacement or any dis- Assessing glenoid rotation on plane films is
placement resulting in humeral head subluxation. exceedingly unreliable and requires use of CT
Included patients represented Ideberg I–V frac- and potentially three-dimensional reconstruction.
15  Scapula Fractures 169

Scapular Body Fractures Combined Fractures

Isolated scapular body fractures are treated non- All combined fractures are deemed operative if
operatively in 99% of cases, with 86% achieving either one of the injuries is by itself operative or if
a good to excellent functional outcome [48]. in combination they disrupt the SSSC/LSSS. For
Multiple studies have identified no appreciable example, combined glenoid neck and clavicle
clinical difference between conservatively man- fractures require operative intervention when the
aged scapular body fractures and either the con- CC ligaments are disrupted, or when the CC liga-
tralateral side or the general population, although ments are intact, but the glenoid neck fracture
symptomatic malunions do rarely occur [4, 51, meets the previously described operative indica-
55, 85–88]. Consensus agreement on operative tions of >1 cm displacement or >40° angulation.
indications for scapular body fractures does not Isolated fixation of the clavicle is necessary only
exist, but rather that they should be assessed on if the CC ligament is intact, and operative indica-
a case-by-case basis. Some sources cite 1 cm of tions are met as described previously in Chap. 9
displacement as an indication, while other of this text. As another example, acromion and
sources show no functional deficits in conserva- coracoid fractures in combination require fixation
tive management of fractures displaced less than if the coracoid fracture is medial to the CC liga-
2 cm and advocate for fixation of fracture dis- ments, making it an Ogawa type 2, as this would
placement of >2.5 cm or angular deformity of represent a double disruption of the SSSC.
>45° [20, 51, 89]. When operative scapular body
fractures do arise, fortunately they have fantastic
outcomes with the 1% of patients requiring Operative Intervention
ORIF in the previously mentioned series result-
ing in 100% achieving excellent functional out- Consistent among all scapular fracture types is
comes [48]. Additionally, multiple rare the difficulty in finding cortical bone thick
indications exist for fixation of scapular body enough for operative fixation, as some portions of
fractures, such as intrathoracic penetration, adult scapulae are less than 2 mm thick and not
intra-articular penetration into the glenohumeral able to receive adequate screw fixation. Burke
joint, malunion revision, and nonunion revision and colleagues mapped mean osseous thickness
[64–67, 85–87]. throughout the scapula, reporting bony thickness
at the glenoid fossa of 25 mm, 9.7 mm at the lat-
eral scapular border, 8.3 mm at the scapular
Acromion and Coracoid Fractures spine, and 3.0 mm at the central scapular body
[92]. Based on these measurements, the scapular
Few series describe operative management of regions with adequate bone stock for internal
fractures of the scapular processes, and no abso- fixation are the glenoid neck, scapular spine, lat-
lute set of indications has been validated. eral scapular border, and coracoid process.
Proposed indications include extension of the Method of internal fixation varies by fracture
fracture into the spinoglenoid notch, painful location. Glenoid neck fractures accept 3.5 mm
nonunion, displacement >1 cm in any direction, pelvic contoured reconstruction plates or precon-
inferior displacement of acromion, or the pres- toured scapular plates along the posterior aspect of
ence of another ipsilateral scapula fracture the glenoid and along the lateral border of the scap-
requiring fixation [6, 7, 23, 62, 72]. The few ula. Another arrangement for neck fractures uti-
studies providing clinical outcome data on oper- lizes two separate plates, one along the lateral
ative process fractures report excellent outcomes, border of the scapular body and another along the
with all reported cases (excluding a single case scapular spine. Glenoid rim fractures utilize inter-
study) going on to fracture union and recovery of fragmentary compression screws placed either per-
painless full range of motion [6–8, 72, 90, 91]. cutaneously or via an open exposure, arthroscopic
170 D. Lee and S. Halverson

soft tissue suturing, or fracture excision and bone Fluoroscopy can be positioned directly over the
grafting in the case of highly comminuted fracture patient for intraoperative visualization of the
not amenable to internal fixation. Glenoid fossa fracture and hardware placement (Fig. 15.9). If
fractures are typically treated with interfragmen- only an anterior approach is needed, then the
tary compression screws or precontoured recon- patient is placed in either a supine or beach chair
struction plates. Double disruption of the SSSC position.
may require precontoured clavicle plates along
with abovementioned methods for the second area
Table 15.2 Recommended approaches by fracture
of disruption. Acromial fractures can be repaired location
via tension band technique using cannulated
Intra-articular glenoid
screws or via precontoured acromial plate fixation. fractures
Coracoid fractures can be treated with interfrag-  –  Anterior glenoid fossa Deltopectoral
mentary screw fixation or if the fragment is too  –  Superior glenoid fossa Superior deltoid split
small to tolerate fixation, via fragment excision.  –  Posterior glenoid fossa Posterior
Extra-articular scapular body
Surgical Approaches  –  Inferior glenoid fossa Modified Judet
 –  Lateral scapular body Modified Judet
Although many modifications exist, the work-  –  Central scapular body Standard Judet
  – Scapular spine Posterior
horse approaches for operative fixation of the
 – Multiple scapular Standard Judet
scapula are the anterior, posterior, superior, and borders
arthroscopic approaches. Table 15.2 lists recom- Acromial fractures Posterior extended
mended approach based on fracture location. toward acromion
In general, the patient is positioned in a lateral Coracoid fractures Deltopectoral
decubitus position, allowing for a combined ante- Clavicle fractures Superior parallel to
rior and posterior approach to the shoulder. fracture

Fig. 15.9  The patient is

positioned in a lateral
decubitus position using a
beanbag positioner. C-arm
fluoroscopy can be brought
over the patient for
intraoperative visualization
of the fracture and
hardware placement
15  Scapula Fractures 171

Anterior Deltopectoral skin incision starts superior to the coracoid pro-

and Transverse Clavicle Approach cess, near the midclavicle. It then extends distally,
laterally, and obliquely over the deltopectoral inter-
The anterior deltopectoral approach (Fig. 15.10a) val toward the deltoid insertion. As the deltopec-
can be utilized for fractures of the anterior glenoid toral intermuscular plane is developed, the cephalic
rim (Ideberg Ia), intra-articular glenoid fossa, vein is retracted medially or laterally, the latter of
superior glenoid fossa, coracoid fractures, and which is preferred due to the fracture work being
Ideberg III with associated clavicle fractures. The directed medially. The clavipectoral fascia is
incised along the lateral edge of the conjoined ten-
don proximal toward, but not through, the CA liga-
ment. If needed, the coracoid is exposed at this
a point. The anterior-inferior humeral circumflex
artery should be identified and ligated. Release of
the subscapularis off of the lesser tuberosity
exposes the underlying anterior joint capsule,
which is elevated along with a sleeve of periosteum
to expose the underlying glenoid. Visualization is
improved by releasing the rotator interval [93].
For clavicle fractures, a transverse incision
(Fig. 15.10b) is created just inferior to the long axis
of the clavicle and center over the fracture site.
b Care is taken to protect the supraclavicular nerves,
the platysma is incised, and a subperiosteal
approach to the clavicle is performed (Fig. 15.10c).

Posterior Approach

The posterior approach (Fig. 15.11) allows

access for posterior glenoid rim fractures
(Ideberg Ib), intra-articular glenoid fossa frac-
tures (Ideberg II–V), glenoid neck fractures,

Fig. 15.10 (a) An incision for an anterior deltopectoral

incision is outlined (A acromion, D deltoid, H humerus).
(b) An incision for operative fixation of a clavicle fracture
is outlined (H head, C clavicle, A acromion, Ch chest Fig. 15.11  An incision for a posterior approach to the
wall). (c) Intraoperative photograph following fixation of scapula is outlined (H head, A posterior acromion, SS
clavicle fracture (C clavicle) scapular spine, T thorax)
172 D. Lee and S. Halverson

acromial fractures, and scapular body and scapu- comparison between the modified Judet and the
lar spine fractures. Incision is made from the pos- standard Judet showed that both allow for
terolateral corner of the acromion horizontally, exposure of the full medial and lateral borders,
running parallel to the scapular spine before with the modified Judet exposing only 20% of
curving vertically to head along the medial scap- the surface area exposed by the standard Judet
ular border. Elevation of the deltoid, trapezius, [96]. The majority of this difference is due to
and their overlying fascia off of the scapular the near complete dissection of the infraspina-
spine is performed carefully, as this is utilized for tus from its fossa in the standard Judet approach,
later repair. The medial border of the scapula is which offers essentially no benefit due to the
exposed by incising the fascia overlying the excessively thin nature of the underlying bone,
plane between the rhomboids and the infraspina- which does not allow for screw fixation. A case
tus/teres minor. Access to acromial fractures example following operative fixation of a scap-
requires extension of the incision further anterior ular body fracture (Fig. 15.8a–c) and clavicle
and lateral. The interval between the deltoid and fracture using a Judet approach combined with
the infraspinatus is developed inferior to the an anterior-superior approach (Fig. 15.13a–i) is
scapular spine [93]. shown.
The Judet approach elevates the infraspina-
tus and teres minor off of the infraspinatus
fossa from medially to laterally, allowing visu-  uperior or Anterior-Superior
alization of the scapular body and scapular Approach
neck (Fig. 15.12) [94]. The modified Judet
allows for exposure of the glenoid neck via the The superior or anterior-superior approach is
interval between the infraspinatus and teres used for coracoid fractures, superior glenoid
minor [95]. Additionally, exposure of intra- fossa fracture involving the coracoid process,
articular glenoid fractures is possible via tenot- acromial fractures, and clavicle fractures. The
omy of the infraspinatus and teres minor, if skin incision can be a transverse incision inferior
needed, and posterior capsulotomy. Direct and parallel to the clavicle for clavicular fractures
(Fig.  15.8b, c) or a saber-cut incision along
Langer’s lines over the area of injury. The deltoid
is split between the anterior and middle thirds,
and if needed, a portion of the deltoid can be
reflected off the anterior aspect of the acromion
and clavicle for exposure. The glenoid is exposed
by opening the rotator interval [93].


The use of arthroscopy has proved beneficial for

glenoid rim fractures (Ideberg Ia, Ib, and VI) uti-
Fig. 15.12  Intraoperative photograph of a Judet approach lizing standard posterior and anterosuperior
to the posterior scapula. The infraspinatus and supraspina- ­shoulder arthroscopy portals [97]. Given the cap-
tus muscles (M) have been elevated (SS scapular spine, SB suloligamentous structures typically attached to
scapular body, GN glenoid neck). Contoured pelvic recon-
struction plates have been used to stabilize the scapular fracture fragments, nonabsorbable suture can be
body fracture passed through the labrum to allow manipulation,
15  Scapula Fractures 173

a b

c d

Fig. 15.13 (a–c) Anterior-posterior view (a), axillary ular and clavicle fracture. (h, i) Postoperative appearance
(b), and scapular Y (c) views of shoulder following fixa- of posterior (h) and anterior incisions (i) (A acromion, S
tion of a scapular and clavicle fracture. (d–g) sternal notch)
Postoperative range of motion following fixation of scap-
174 D. Lee and S. Halverson

e f

g h

Fig. 15.13 (continued)
15  Scapula Fractures 175

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Rehabilitation of Scapular
Ann M. Cools, Todd S. Ellenbecker,
and Lori A. Michener

Abbreviations Introduction

ASES American Shoulder Elbow Surgeons Scapular dyskinesis may have multiple causes
Shoulder Score—patient self-report including bony (e.g., clavicular fracture), neuro-
section logic (e.g., long thoracic or accessory nerve
GRoC Global rating of change palsy), and muscular dysfunction (e.g., soft tissue
NMES Neuromuscular electrical stimulation inflexibility, muscle weakness, inhibition, or
NS Not significant imbalance) [1]. The clinical reasoning process for
SANE Single Alpha Numeric Evaluation scapular rehabilitation should be based on the
SAT Scapular assistance test clinical evaluation of the patient and should
SDQ Shoulder disability questionnaire include a current understanding of the biome-
SRT Scapular reposition test chanics of the upper quadrant, alterations in
SS Statistically significant scapular kinematics and muscle function, biome-
SSMP Shoulder Symptom Modification chanical mechanisms inducing scapular dyskine-
Procedure sis, and chronic dysfunction in the painful
WORC Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index shoulder and cervical spine. The development of a
scapular rehabilitation program should be based
upon the key impairments of scapular position
A.M. Cools, PhD, PT and movement patterns, symptom alteration tests,
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and dynamic stability identified by both the objec-
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and tive clinical examination and additional clinical
Physiotherapy, Ghent University,
measurements. The clinical evaluation of the
De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
e-mail: ann.cools@ugent.be scapula should include all possible local and more
distant contributors to dyskinesis. More proximal
T.S. Ellenbecker, DPT, MS, OCS, SCS, CSCS (*)
Physiotherapy Associates Scottsdale Sports Clinic, links in the kinetic chain, such as spinal mobility
Scottsdale, AZ, USA and stability as well as lower limb function are
e-mail: ellenbeckerpt@cox.net key points in shoulder rehabilitation—especially
L.A. Michener, PhD, PT, ATC in those individuals who must rely on the lower
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, extremities and trunk for the transfer of force to
University of Southern California,
the upper extremity. In overhead athletes distal
1540 E. Alcazar Street, CHP-155, Los Angeles,
CA 90089, USA components like elbow strength and mobility and
e-mail: lmichene@pt.usc.edu forearm pronation-supination should also be

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 179

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_16
180 A.M. Cools et al.

Scapular Rehabilitation Algorithm (Cools et al. BJSM 2014)

Lack of Lack of
Soft-tissue flexibility Muscle performance

Scapular muscles GH muscles/capsule Muscle Control Muscle Strength

posterior shoulder co-contraction LT , MT . UT ,RH ,

Anterior shoulder force couples



Conscious muscle Conscious muscle

Manual soft tissue techniques
control control

Advanced control
Manual stretching and MWM During basic activities Balance - ratio

Advanced control
Home stretching Endurance/strength
During sports

Fig. 16.1  Scapular rehabilitation algorithm [9]

addressed. Given the fact that the observed scapu- related to the patient’s symptoms, which encom-
lar dyskinesis might be the representation of nor- pass a large part of the kinetic chain of the shoul-
mal movement variability [2, 3], it is imperative to der [8]. Flexibility deficits as well as muscle
explore the clinical relevance of this scapular dys- performance dysfunctions should be addressed
kinesis with respect to the actual symptoms and (Fig.  16.1, adapted from Cools et al. [9]). The
complaints of the patient. Different types of cor- purpose of this chapter is to describe tactics and
rective maneuvers, also known as symptom alter- treatment strategies for flexibility deficits and
ation tests, such as the scapular assistance test muscular dysfunction around the scapula.
(SAT) or scapular reposition test (SRT), may be Secondly, special attention is focused on the
used to alter patient symptoms by correcting scap- rehabilitation of scapular dyskinesis in the
ular position and motion [1, 4, 5]. The Shoulder advanced stages of the rehabilitation of the over-
Symptom Modification Procedure (SSMP) [6] head athlete. Finally, the effectiveness and out-
also has corrective maneuvers that allow for the comes after scapula-focused rehabilitation
identification of the functional impairments in the programs are discussed.
scapulothoracic complex and may serve as a basis
for treatment strategy. Additionally, the clinician
should be aware of possible central sensitization Treatment of Flexibility Deficits
mechanisms in patients with long-standing
chronic shoulder pain and dysfunction [7]. The relationship between scapular position and
Scapula-focused treatment aims to restore glenohumeral joint range of motion has been
scapular position and movement patterns that are studied with significant ramifications for
16  Rehabilitation of Scapular Dyskinesis 181

clinicians who treat patients with shoulder range clinicians regarding normal shoulder range of
of motion loss and scapular dysfunction. Laudner motion patterns to identify individuals who have
et al. [10] reported an association between poste- range of motion deficiencies that may affect scapu-
rior shoulder tightness (horizontal adduction range lar mechanics.
of motion loss) and scapular dysfunction character- Additional measurements have been used to
ized by anterior scapular positioning in 40 profes- measure flexibility of the pectoralis musculature
sional baseball pitchers. Additionally, a review of [19]. Kluemper et al. [20] and Lynch et al. [21]
the literature by Ludewig and Reynolds [11] have used a double square method in standing to
described findings of changes in scapular upward quantify bilateral differences in the anterior
rotation and posterior tilt in patients diagnosed shoulder and scapular position in swimmers.
with adhesive capsulitis and shoulder stiffness. This clinical technique allows for rapid identifi-
Vermeulen et al. [12] did show improvements in cation of anterior shoulder posture and can be
scapular biomechanics with physical therapy done in the supine position as well. Ellenbecker
improving glenohumeral range of motion and et al. [22] have identified increased anterior
resultant scapular mechanics. Therefore, evaluat- shoulder posture in the dominant arm of elite ten-
ing patients with scapular dysfunction as men- nis players using this method. Individuals pre-
tioned earlier in this chapter should include senting with increases in anterior shoulder
objective quantification of glenohumeral joint posture receive specific interventions to improve
range of motion to determine its potential role in pectoralis flexibility such as supine scapular
scapular dysfunction. This includes the use of a retraction stretches on a foam roll (with and with-
goniometer or inclinometer to assess shoulder out therapist assistance) (Fig. 16.4a, b) as well as
external and internal range of motion in 90° of corner stretches [21, 23]. To address posterior
abduction with scapular stabilization [13] shoulder tightness, research has shown the
(Fig. 16.2). Additionally, the measurement of hori- sleeper stretch to produce acute and longer-term
zontal crossarm adduction is also important given improvements in shoulder internal rotation range
its potential relationship to scapular dysfunction in of motion [24, 25] and is recommended for clini-
the overhead athlete [10] (Fig. 16.3). A plethora of cal use (Fig. 16.5). Use of the crossarm stretch
studies are present in the orthopedic and sports ­(horizontal adduction) is also supported in the
medicine literature profiling the normative range of literature by McClure et al. [26], Moore et al.
motion patterns in elite overhead athletes [14–18]. [27], and Ellenbecker et al. [28], with the later
These studies can provide important framework for study showing up to 8° of internal rotation range

Fig. 16.3  Measurement of horizontal crossarm adduction

Fig. 16.2  Internal rotation measurement of the glenohu- range of motion using a digital inclinometer and scapular
meral joint with scapular stabilization stabilization
182 A.M. Cools et al.

a b

Fig. 16.4  Foam roll pectoralis stretch without (a) and with (b) physical therapist overpressure

Fig. 16.5  Sleeper stretch

Fig. 16.7 Crossarm adduction stretch with scapular


ing superior results with the addition of a medi-

ally directed stabilization force on the lateral
border of the scapula and shoulder during the
application of the crossarm adduction movement
(Fig. 16.7).

 reatment of Muscle Performance


Fig. 16.6 Patient-independent crossarm adduction In the early stage of scapular training, conscious
stretch with stretch strap muscle control of the scapular muscles may be nec-
essary to improve proprioception and to normalize
of motion improvement following three, 30-s scapular resting position. A priority is first given
stretches using a contract-relax format and stretch toward the patient attaining active control of scapu-
strap (Fig. 16.6). Clinically, research has recently lar orientation, facilitated by the therapist and then
been published [29] highlighting the importance practiced by the patient. Depending on the domi-
of scapular stabilization during the crossarm nant type of scapular dyskinesis, attention is given
stretch performed by a physical therapist show- to correcting the scapula toward more posterior
16  Rehabilitation of Scapular Dyskinesis 183

tilting, upward rotation, or external rotation. It was requirements of the patient. With respect to open-
demonstrated in a three-­ dimensional scapular chain activities, Kibler et al. [32] described specific
movement analysis study that it is possible to teach exercises for scapular control in the early phases of
a normal subject to consistently reproduce move- shoulder rehabilitation. The “low row,” “inferior
ments of the scapula into posterior tilt and upward glide,” “lawnmower,” and “robbery” exercises, as
rotation [30]. In addition, De Mey et al. [31] showed described in their paper, activate the key scapular-
higher electromyographical activity in the targeted stabilizing muscles without putting high demands
muscles and in particular middle trapezius and on the shoulder joint, making these exercises appro-
lower trapezius during dynamic shoulder exercises priate to use in early stages of nonoperative as well
when conscious correction of the scapular position as in postoperative rehabilitation. Closed-chain
was performed prior to the exercise. It is important exercises are believed to improve dynamic gleno-
to incorporate scapular orientation with spinal pos- humeral and scapulothoracic stability through stim-
ture correction, especially in those patients who ulation of the intra- and periarticular proprioceptors
have a tendency to drift into a forward head posture, and enhance co-contraction of the rotator cuff and
with an increasing thoracic kyphosis and protraction scapular stabilizers. It should be noted, however,
of the shoulder girdle. Patients are encouraged to that closed-chain positions such as the “push-up”
perform this exercise repeatedly throughout the day, position or the “wall slide” exercise mainly activate
with the emphasis being on a change in postural the anterior scapular muscles such as serratus ante-
habit. Memory joggers may be useful to ensure it rior and also pectoralis minor. These exercises
becomes a habit [9]. should be selected with caution, to avoid activation
Based on patient observation and the physical of anterior muscles that might be shortened or
clinical exam, the clinician may decide to focus hyperactive [33]. In these early stages of rehabilita-
more on training of neuromuscular control (force- tion, the progression may benefit from additional
couple activation and co-contraction) during func- taping and bracing; however literature is inconclu-
tional movements or on isolated muscle strength sive regarding the effects of these interventions
and balance training of the scapular muscles. The [34]. The use of neuromuscular electrical stimula-
fundamental differences between both approaches tion (NMES) may also be considered. NMES on
might be the exercise selection. When focusing on the serratus anterior and lower trapezius has been
motor control, low-load functional movement exer- shown to increase the acromiohumeral distance in
cises should be chosen, mainly elevation exercises healthy shoulders, suggesting a beneficial effect on
in variable planes, since the aim is to optimize neu- scapular position for patients with subacromial pain
romuscular control during daily functional activi- syndrome [35].
ties. Moreover it has been suggested that high-load If substantial deficits in muscle strength or mus-
isolated training of individual muscles does not cle imbalances are identified, selective muscle train-
allow the nervous system to adapt to optimal move- ing restoring strength and inter- and intramuscular
ment strategies [2]. Motor control exercises should balance may be warranted, p­erforming high-load
primarily focus on quality of movement and exercises isolating specific muscle groups. These
­endurance, in more advanced stages of rehabilita- exercises are often less functional (e.g., in prone- or
tion also on energy transfer and absorption [1, 2]. side-lying positions) as a consequence of the spe-
Scapular co-contraction may be trained in basic cific goal of the exercise, particularly aiming at acti-
positions, movements, and exercises (e.g., simulta- vating one specific muscle group [36, 37]. Functional
neous inferior glide, bilateral external rotation, and exercises such as elevation will always activate more
thoracic extension). As the shoulder girdle func- or less all scapular muscles and will never be able to
tions in both open- and closed-chain activities, the isolate one muscle group. If weakness in one muscle
muscles should be trained to respond to both situa- is accompanied by hyperactivity in another one,
tions, by challenging the maintenance of the new restoring muscle balance is necessary with minimal
scapular position under load, using weight-bearing activity of the hyperactive muscles. After muscle
and non-weight-bearing tasks of the upper limb. balance is restored, more general strengthening
These should be consistent with the functional exercises for the scapular muscles may be used.
184 A.M. Cools et al.

The selection of exercises may be based on ity in scapular dysfunction and abnormal scapular
many criteria, such as general guidelines from the muscle recruitment patterns, exercises should
literature, outcome studies showing evidence of always first focus on restoring the muscle bal-
specific exercise protocols, personal preference ance. Based on current evidence and clinical
of the clinician, and functional relevance in view experience, muscles that are often hyperactive are
of the patient’s demands and expectations. Results the upper trapezius, rhomboids, pectoralis minor,
from electromyographical studies on the activity and levator scapulae, whereas a lack of activation
of scapular muscles in healthy persons as well as has been found in the upper trapezius, rhomboids,
in patients with upper quadrant pain and dysfunc- middle trapezius, lower trapezius, and serratus
tion have been a basis for recommendation for the anterior [38–40]. Indeed the role of upper trape-
choice of exercises during treatment of patients zius and rhomboids in scapular dysfunction and
with shoulder or neck pain related to scapular shoulder pain is not clear yet, and it has been sug-
dysfunction. Studies on patients illustrate specific gested that both hypercontracture and weakness
scapular muscle dysfunctions in relation to shoul- might be present in a patient with upper quadrant
der or neck pain; studies on healthy persons jus- pain and dysfunction [11, 41]. In view of these
tify the choice of exercises based on specific imbalances, exercises may be selected based on
treatment goals. It is believed that performing muscle balance ratios with lesser/more scapular
exercises with the appropriate focus on specific muscle activity. Based on the available evidence
muscle activation patterns may improve the qual- [41, 42] and clinical experience, the clinically rel-
ity of scapular motion and thus restore optimal evant balance ratios and most appropriate exer-
movement patterns. Assuming the large variabil- cises are presented (Table 16.1).

Table 16.1  Exercise selection based on clinically relevant balance ratios

Hyperactive Hypoactive
muscles muscles Clinically relevant balance ratiosProposed exercises Reference
Pectoralis Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor/serratus anteriorSerratus punch standing [33]
minor Middle trapezius Pectoralis minor/middle trapezius Elevation with external rotation [43]
Lower trapezius Pectoralis minor/lower trapezius Elevation with external rotation [43]
Rhomboids Pectoralis minor/RH Elevation with external rotation [43]
Upper Serratus anterior Upper trapezius/serratus anterior Elbow push-up [37]
trapezius Serratus punch supine [44]
Elevation with external rotation [43]
wall slide [43]
Middle trapezius Upper trapezius/middle trapezius Elevation with external rotation [43]
or lower trapezius or upper trapezius/lower trapezius Side-lying forward flexion [36]
Side-lying external rotation [36]
Prone Hor Abd with external [36]
Prone extension [36]
Prone external rotation in 90° [45]
Rhomboids Upper trapezius/rhomboids Elevation with external rotation [43]
Levator Serratus anterior Levator scapula/serratus anterior Wall slide [43]
scapula Upper trapezius Levator scapula/upper trapezius Overhead shrug [46]
Middle trapezius Levator scapula/middle trapezius Overhead retraction [46]
or lower trapezius or levator scapula/lower trapezius
or rhomboids or levator scapula/rhomboids
Rhomboids Serratus anterior Rhomboids/serratus anterior Wall slide [43]
16  Rehabilitation of Scapular Dyskinesis 185

From a clinical perspective, motor control Throughout the exercise program, proximal
deficits, muscle imbalances, and hyperactivity and distal links of the kinetic chain should be
are not easy to examine or measure in an objec- implemented. Creating diagonal patterns in
tive way, and often the clinician relies upon his open and closed chain by standing on the con-
visual observation skills to define normal ver- tralateral leg or extending one leg in the four-
sus abnormal scapular position and motion. point kneeling position has shown to positively
Using the medial border of the scapula as the influence serratus anterior and middle and lower
landmark for scapular orientation, three types trapezius activity [47, 48]. Adding trunk rota-
of scapular malpositioning may be defined. tion to exercises also promotes proper scapular
Predominant inferior medial border prominence alignment into posterior tilt and external rota-
(type I) reflects a scapula that is too much ante- tion and increases lower trapezius activity and
riorly tilted. Underlying mechanisms may be decreases upper/lower trapezius ratio [49].
flexibility deficits in the pectoralis minor and/or Implementing upper limb functional patterns
a dysfunction in the lower trapezius and/or ser- into the exercises allows focus on elbow, fore-
ratus anterior, the force couple responsible for arm, wrist, and hand movements during scap-
posterior tilt of the scapula. Exercises for type I ula-focused exercises.
should therefore focus on activating serratus Although the relevance of the scapula in
anterior and lower trapezius. Exercises with a normal shoulder function is well documented
glenohumeral external rotation component have and therefore any rehabilitation program for
shown to increase activity in lower trapezius the upper quadrant should include scapula-
[36, 43]. In case the entire medial border is vis- focused interventions, there are still many
ible (type II), the scapula is positioned in too uncertainties and questions, and therefore cli-
much internal rotation. Exercises should focus nicians as well as researchers should remain
on external rotation of the scapula, activating critical in their interpretation of research and
the force couple trapezius/serratus anterior. clinical guidelines. Firstly, the cause-conse-
Exercises performing retraction in the horizon- quence between shoulder pain and scapular
tal plane (with the arms elevated 90°) are most dyskinesis remains unclear. It is unclear
likely to enhance scapular external rotation and whether the alterations found in scapular kine-
activating the three trapezius parts together matics are compensatory or contributory to
with serratus anterior. These exercises may be neck/shoulder pathology. Results from pro-
performed in open (e.g., “horizontal abduction spective studies investigating scapular dyski-
with ER”) as well as in closed (e.g., “from nesis as a possible risk factor show conflicting
prone to side bridging”) kinetic chain. When results [50–52]. According to a recent theory
scapular malpositioning is characterized by of pain adaptation, it is suggested that during
superior medial border prominence (type III), episodes of pain, there is a redistribution of
the scapula is too much downwardly rotated. activity within and between muscles, which
Underlying mechanisms are contracture of may have some benefit in the short term (pro-
levator or rhomboids and dysfunction in the tection from further pain or injury), but there is
upward rotation force couple including upper the potential for adverse long-term mechanical
trapezius and serratus anterior with ­stabilizing consequences to pain-­sensitive tissues [53]. In
components coming from middle and lower tra- view of this theory, scapular muscle dysfunc-
pezius. There should be a focus on promoting tion might be secondary to painful shoulder or
upward rotation by performing exercises with neck conditions. Secondly, since scapular dys-
the arms in higher elevation angles to put the kinesis seems to be present also in a large
scapula in a maximal upward rotation, like proportion of a healthy population [54] and
overhead shrugging and retraction [46]. scapular asymmetry is considered to be
186 A.M. Cools et al.

“normal” in overhead athletes [1], the observed positioning particularly during the phases of
“abnormal” position and motion of the scapula late cocking and deceleration. Exercises that
may represent normal kinematic variability, specifically focus on the positions of 90° shoul-
reflecting the individual variety of coordina- der external rotation and abduction (late cock-
tion patterns to complete a task [2]. Therefore, ing) as well as during late acceleration and
it is imperative to put possible scapular dys- follow-­through are recommended. Ellenbecker
function into the right perspective, linking the et al. [60] provided a descriptive study of two
dyskinesis to the presence of symptoms [6]. commonly used plyometric exercises that
Thirdly, when prescribing exercises “focusing recruit the serratus anterior, posterior rotator
on the scapula,” we should take into account cuff, and lower trapezius at moderate to high
that scapular exercises always include gleno- levels and utilize biomechanical movement
humeral components. In most exercises with patterns that simulate those utilized by over-
target on the scapula, the rotator cuff muscles head athletes. Figures 16.8 and 16.9a–d profile
are highly activated as a result of an external those exercises for rotator cuff and scapular
or internal rotation component during the exer- stabilization. A low-resistance/high-repetition
cise. It is therefore nearly impossible but also base for these exercises is again emphasized.
not desirable to markedly differentiate between Carter et al. [61] have demonstrated increases
“scapular” and “glenohumeral” exercises, but in shoulder strength and throwing velocity
rather to focus on the integration of both links after an 8-week program of rotator cuff and
in the upper limb kinetic chain in a coordi- scapular exercises using both elastic- and plyo-
nated manner in the exercise program. metric-based exercises. Figure 16.10 shows a
follow-through specific exercise using both
elastic resistance and rhythmic stabilization
Scapular Rehabilitation applied to the dominant extremity in a throw-
in the Overhead Athlete ing athlete that can be utilized. Further research
is needed in this area to better understand the
Evidence of scapular dysfunction in the over- effects of scapular stabilization exercise
head athlete is present in the literature. Oyama on both performance enhancement and injury
et al. [55] studied overhead athletes and found prevention.
the dominant extremity to have greater amounts
of scapular upward rotation, anterior tilt, and
internal rotation. Additionally, the dominant
side shoulder girdle was consistently more pro-
tracted. Cools et al. [56] similarly found sig-
nificant scapular position and scapular muscle
strength differences or asymmetries between
the dominant and non-dominant extremity in
elite junior tennis players. Significant muscu-
lar demands have been profiled in electromyo-
graphical studies for the tennis serve and
ground strokes [57, 58], as well as for the over-
head throwing motion [59]. These studies show
the inherent demands on the scapular muscula- Fig. 16.8  90/90 plyometric drops to increase posterior
ture needed for optimal stabilization and rotator cuff and scapular muscle activation
16  Rehabilitation of Scapular Dyskinesis 187

a b

c d

Fig. 16.9 (a–d) 90/90 reverse catch plyometric exercise

focused programs over usual care or non-­

scapular-­focused exercise therapy. There are five
randomized clinical trials [62–66] that have used
various types of scapular-focused exercise inter-
ventions in patients with shoulder pain. The
interventions included some type of scapular-­
focused exercise program of strengthening and
motor control, stretching of associated scapular
soft tissue stretching, and scapular mobilizations.
Overall, the evidence indicates that scapular-­
focused programs can improve the impairments
of scapular muscle performance and strength, but
these changes in impairments have a limited to
Fig. 16.10  Scapular protraction exercise mimicking the
follow phase of the overhead throwing motion with elastic no effect on patient-rated pain and functional
resistance and rhythmic stabilization shoulder use.
Scapular-focused treatments generally are
recommended to improve associated impair-
Outcomes After Scapula-Focused ments, but one specific program cannot be rec-
Exercise Programs ommended over another program. All five studies
[62–66] examined the effects of scapular-focused
The evidence for the effectiveness of scapular-­ exercise treatment, with only two of five report-
focused rehabilitation is limited [34]. There is ing superior effectiveness. All five studies are
limited support for the superiority of scapular-­ detailed in Table 16.2. Specifically, Celik et al.
Table 16.2  Randomized clinical trials investigating the patient-rated outcomes of scapular-focused exercise treatment for shoulder pain

Study Participants Groups Scapular-focused intervention Assessment Outcomes Conclusions

Baskurt [62] Subacromial 1 = stretch, strengthen Group 1: – Baseline Between groups: No greater
impingement 2 = stretch, strengthen, Stretching: anterior, posterior, –  End of 1.  Pain: rest, during improvements in
syndrome (n = 40) scapular stabilization ex inferior capsule; flexion range treatment—6 weeks activity; NS patient-rated
of motion, abduction range of 2.  WORC (0–2100; measures of pain and
motion, internal rotation stretch 0 = no disability); NS disability (WORC)
Strengthening: resisted internal between groups.
and external elevation Both groups
Group 2:
Stretching: as Group 1
Strengthening: as Group 1
Codman: as Group 1
Scapular stabilization: scapular
clock, standing weight shift,
scapular depression, push-up,
wall slide
All exercises: 3 × 10 reps
3/week × 6 weeks (18 visits)
Struyf [66] Subacromial 1 = scapular-focused 1 = stretching, scapular motor – Baseline Between groups: Significant and
impingement treatment control training clinically important
syndrome (n = 22) 2 = control 2 = stretching, cross-fiction –  4–8 weeks (9 1.  Pain, NS improvement in
massage, eccentric rotator cuff visits) those in Group 1 of
strengthening the scapular-focused
Both groups: 9 visits over –  12 weeks (last 2.  SDQ (0–100, 0 = no treatment program in
4–8 weeks visit) disability), SDQ-reported
SS > improvement in shoulder disability
Group 1
Moezy [64] Subacromial 1 = scapular-focused 1 = flexibility, strengthening, – Baseline Between groups: No differences in
impingement treatment of scapular scapular stabilization, and pain between two
syndrome (n = 68) stabilization postural exercises groups
2 = general exercise 2 = pendulum and range of –  6 weeks 1.  Pain, NS
motion exercises; infrared
therapy; ultrasound; electrical
A.M. Cools et al.

Both groups: 3 visits × 6 weeks; No measure of shoulder

total of 18 visits disability or functional loss
Mulligan [65] Subacromial 1 = scapular stabilization 1 = 4 exercises; supine scapular – Baseline Between groups: Trends toward
impingement punch, rows, scapular greater improvement
syndrome (n = 40) depression/retraction, W with scapular
exercise stabilization program
2 = rotator cuff –  4 weeks 1.  Pain, NS performed first in
strengthening 2 = 4 resisted exercises: ER at –  8 weeks 2.  ASES, NS sequence, but this
the side, short arc military improvement was not
press → caption, IR at the side, significant
horizontal abduction
6 visits/4 weeks per group –  16 weeks 3.  Global rating of
assignment function (SANE), NS
Next 6 visits/4 weeks crossover 3.  Satisfaction, NS
to add exercises from other 4.  GRoC, SS but no
16  Rehabilitation of Scapular Dyskinesis

group difference in post-hoc tests

* only Group 1 improved
over time
Both groups demonstrated
improvement over time
Celik [63] Frozen shoulder 1 = scapular-focused 1 = exercise aimed at – Baseline Between groups: Improved pain at
(n = 29) exercise and strengthening/motor control of 6 weeks in those
glenohumeral range of the serratus, middle and lower receiving scapula-­
motion exercises trapezius; upper trapezius focused treatment;
stretching; postural exercises however, this did not
2 = glenohumeral range 2 = glenohumeral range of –  6 weeks 1.  Pain—6 weeks, SS translate to improved
of motion exercises motion—active and passive, improvement in Group 1 pain at 12 weeks. No
manual stretching effect on patient-
30 visits over 6 weeks –  12 weeks  Pain—12 weeks, NS rated function
2  Constant, NS
NS not significant, SS statistically significant, ASES American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Shoulder Score—patient self-report section, SDQ shoulder disability questionnaire,
SANE Single Alpha Numeric Evaluation, WORC Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index, GRoC Global rating of change
190 A.M. Cools et al.

[63] reported improved pain in the short term at 5. Tate AR, Mcclure PW, Kareha S, et al. Effect of the
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6 weeks, but this superiority was not maintained
symptoms and elevation strength in overhead athletes.
at 12 weeks in patients with frozen shoulder. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2008;38:4–11.
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patient-rated outcomes in a group of patients ment, management and uncertainties. Man Ther.
with subacromial pain syndrome undergoing
7. Struyf F, Geraets J, Noten S, et al. A multivariable
rehabilitation. The scapular-focused treatment by prediction model for the Chronification of non-­
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training, stretching, and scapular mobilizations Physician. 2016;19:1–10.
8. Kibler WB, Ludewig PM, Mcclure PW, et al. Clinical
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implications of scapular dyskinesis in shoulder injury:
humeral joint. The most recent study by Mulligan the 2013 consensus statement from the “scapular
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first weeks of treatment, there was a trend of 2014;48:692–7.
greater improvement in patient-rated outcomes. 10. Laudner KG, Moline MT, Meister K. The relationship
Overall, there is limited evidence for the superi- between forward scapular posture and posterior
shoulder tightness among baseball players. Am
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J Sports Med. 2010;38:2106–12.
usual care or non-scapular-focused exercise ther- 11. Ludewig PM, Reynolds JF. The association of scapu-
apy in patients with shoulder pain. lar kinematics and glenohumeral joint pathologies.
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12. Vermeulen HM, Stokdijk M, Eilers PH, et al.

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comes. It is important for future research to 2009;1:131–6.
determine the critical threshold of impairments 14. Ellenbecker T, Roetert EP. Age specific isokinetic gle-
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Rehabilitation for Complex
Scapular Dysfunction:
Considerations of Pain and Altered
Motor Patterns

Aaron D. Sciascia, Robin Cromwell, and Tim L. Uhl

Introduction culature, or an underlying neuromuscular problem

such as muscular dystrophy [3–6]. Recent literature
Scapular dysfunction has been described in detail in has demonstrated scapular malpositions, or altered
the previous chapters. Most discussions regarding scapular motion can be frequently associated with
alterations in scapular motion center on the terms shoulder pain due to alterations in the supporting
“winged scapula” [1] and “snapping scapula” [2]. bony structure, in the joints of the spine and shoul-
The “winged” scapula is a descriptive term often der complex, motor performance, or tissue flexibil-
used to identify the patient with an asymmetrically ity surrounding the scapula [7–10].
prominent medial scapular border, either at rest or Complex scapular dysfunction, characterized
upon arm motion [1]. There is commonly a deficit by moderate to severe pain with accompanying
in shoulder function as a result of dysfunction of the overt scapular dyskinesis and limited use of the
scapular muscles and/or positional imbalance of the arm, can be due to multiple factors. The most
scapula. Past literature has suggested that scapular typical factors are neurological damage (long
dysfunction is primarily due to peripheral nerve thoracic or spinal accessory nerve palsies), trau-
lesions affecting the long thoracic, dorsal scapular, matic injury (detachment of one or more scapular
or spinal accessory nerve, and their associated mus- muscles), or chronic adaptations from unresolved
injury, impairment, or soft tissue dysfunction. In
cases of scapular dysfunction with neurologically
A.D. Sciascia, PhD, ATC, PES (*)
Assistant Professor, Athletic Training Education rooted causes, rehabilitation can be performed to
Program, Eastern Kentucky University, 228 Moberly restore some level of arm function; however if the
Building, 521 Lancaster Avenue, Richmond, KY conservative measures fail, surgical options, such
40475, USA
as muscle transfers, may need to be considered
e-mail: aaron.sciascia@eku.edu
[11]. Due to the disrupted anatomy, patients with
R. Cromwell, PT
scapular muscle detachments will most often find
Shoulder Center of Kentucky, 1221 South Broadway,
Lexington, KY 40504, USA a reduction in pain and an improvement in func-
e-mail: rcrom@lexclin.com tion with surgical reattachment rather than non-
T.L. Uhl, PhD, ATC, PT, FNATA operative rehabilitation [9]. The patients with
Division of Athletic Training, Department of long-standing scapular dysfunction without neu-
Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Health Sciences, rological or traumatic causes pose the most chal-
University of Kentucky, 210c C.T. Wethington
lenges for clinicians. There is not a standardized
Building, 900 South Limestrone, Lexington, KY
40536-0200, USA method of treatment, and not every patient will
e-mail: tim.uhl@uky.edu find a resolution. Pain and decompensation from

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 193

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_17
194 A.D. Sciascia et al.

long-standing dysfunction create a challenge for Additionally, injuries can result in a mixed pain
clinicians beyond that of typical musculoskeletal state where the nociceptive response is not the
impairment. It is possible that patients may only contributor to a person’s pain.
­experience not only biomechanical and anatomi- Recently, psychological factors have been
cal alterations but also alterations in pain pro- identified that could influence the patient’s per-
cessing. These patients tend to require ception of pain felt in the presence of shoulder
individualized care where the clinician must injury [14–18]. One such consideration would be
apply both the science and art of rehabilitation. a patient’s tendency to be a pain catastrophizer.
Applying individualized care begins with a Pain catastrophization is characterized by an
thorough assessment of the causes of pain and exaggerated negative mental state about actual or
dysfunction where specific limitations from the anticipated painful stimuli [19]. Patients are typi-
patient’s perspective need to be identified and cally in a constant state of awareness of painful
prioritized. It is possible that poor outcomes may sensations, a feeling of helplessness that the pain
persist if the causes of pain or each patient’s will not go away, and fear of movement that will
needs are not completely identified. This chapter worsen pain. In order to not confuse the different
will introduce the concept of altered pain pro- constructs, a simplified description of central
cessing and the impact it can have on scapular sensitization and catastrophization would be that
function, provide details of the kinetic chain central sensitization is how the body responds
approach for rehabilitation, and offer modifica- due to brain neuroplasticity [13] regarding pain
tions of the kinetic chain approach for complex perception while catastrophization is how the
cases of scapular dysfunction. person copes with pain based on previous
Patients with chronic complex scapular dys-
Non-exercise-Based Considerations function could experience these alterations in
pain processing. However, the challenge that
Recent work has begun to identify factors related exists for clinicians to appreciate is that tradi-
to pain perception and psychological constructs tional rehabilitation efforts such as the applica-
that could contribute to a person’s physical tion of therapeutic modalities or exercise may not
­dysfunction. Chronic injury could result in the be successful. Patients with altered pain process-
prolonged release of neuropeptides which could ing can be treated one of two ways [20, 21]: (1)
lead to changes in supraspinal pain processing apply treatments that could address pain and dys-
resulting in hypersensitivity [12, 13]. This hyper- function due to movement-elicited pain or (2)
sensitivity, termed central sensitization, is char- apply treatments based on pain at rest. With
acterized by an amplified pain response where a movement-elicited pain, patients will, as the term
patient is more susceptible to perceiving high suggests, perceive pain only with active or in
levels of pain with low-level nociceptive stimuli some cases passive movement. Therefore, it is
as well as pain over a larger area of the body than possible that there is compromised anatomy and
what is truly affected [13]. The pain can also physiology driving the sensations. In this situa-
­persist long after the painful stimulus has been tion, traditional rehabilitation efforts such as pain
removed or tissue injury has healed. This phe- control with anti-inflammatory medications and
nomenon as well as other variations in pain mechanical modalities may be initially attempted
processing (peripheral sensitization or absent
­ as well as a prescription of therapeutic exercise to
pain sensitization) has been shown in both exper- help alleviate the painful stimuli and dysfunction.
imentally and clinically present pain [14, 15]. However, if these efforts fail to reduce pain, other
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 195

measures may need to be considered such as pre- monofilaments, brushes, vibration, and sharp/
scription nonnarcotic medications designed to dull pin devices [30].
reduce neurologically mediated pain through the If pain at rest is present, pain education and
blockage of ion channels known to carry the pharmacological interventions should be
nerve impulses to the brain. The concept is that attempted initially. Conversely, if a patient has
the pain “volume” is turned up, and the system pain with movement, initial efforts of traditional
needs to be quieted down for the therapeutic therapeutic exercise programs should be devel-
exercise to take effect [22]. oped. However, the complexity of the scapular
Conversely, patients who suffer from pain at dysfunction often disallows typical rehabilitation
rest may have characteristics of central sensitiza- maneuvers (characterized by long lever arm
tion or pain catastrophization. These patients movements) to be effective. Clinicians are sug-
may benefit from neuroscience pain education gested to follow the kinetic chain approach as
[23]. Pain education teaches patients about pain patients will likely benefit from a comprehensive
perception and the physical responses that can “retraining” of the body as a unit. However, the
occur. This approach appears to have more suc- presence of pain and complex dysfunction may
cess when the education is based on the neuro- limit the effect of the kinetic chain approach. In
physiology of pain (how each person’s brain these instances, supplementing the rehabilitation
perceives pain) rather than traditional anatomical program with neuroscience pain education may
and biomechanical focuses (i.e., torn tissue as the be attempted. It is often appropriate to modify the
cause) [24, 25]. These programs may have bene- kinetic chain-based exercises where fewer
fit for patients with chronic complex scapular degrees of freedom are allowed or utilize more
dysfunction as these patients can present with closed chain exercises early to decrease the stress
characteristics similar to patients with chronic on the highly irritated tissues.
shoulder pain [14, 16, 17]. However, it should be
noted that some authors have found better suc-
cess when neuroscience pain education is com-  nderstanding the Kinetic Chain
bined with other interventions such as manual Approach
therapy or aerobic exercise rather than utilizing
education as the sole intervention [26, 27]. The kinetic chain rehabilitation approach is not
Treatment of complex scapular dysfunction unlike other treatment philosophies where the
may need to follow assessment and treatment of acute stage primary goal is to protect healing tis-
pain perception to have a positive effect on the sue and reduce pain [31]. The kinetic chain
patient. Questionnaires and quantitative sensory approach is characterized by its focus on treating
testing can be used to evaluate the level of pain the body as a unit rather than specifically target-
perception in the initial patient evaluation. ing localized symptoms at the injured joint [31,
Questionnaires such as the painDETECT ques- 32]. This model is routinely used as a framework
tionnaire [28], the Brief Pain Inventory [29], and to describe the manner in which the individual
Pain Catastrophizing Scale [19] can be used to body segments interact with each other to per-
obtain a patient perception of painful experi- form a dynamic task. By definition then, the
ences. Quantitative sensory testing could be per- kinetic chain is a coordinated sequencing of acti-
formed bilaterally with mechanical devices vation, mobilization, and stabilization of body
designed to evoke a painful response via different segments to produce a dynamic activity [33].
temperature and force ranges [14, 16, 17] or via A kinetic chain rehabilitation framework for
tactile sensory devices such as varying gauged shoulder injury describes an alternative shoulder
196 A.D. Sciascia et al.

rehabilitation approach that focuses on three crit- role as a scapular stabilizer to counter the actions
ical components [32]. First, patients are upright of the serratus anterior. Anatomical dissection
during exercise performance rather than be posi- has revealed that the lower trapezius fibers mini-
tioned supine or prone when possible to simulate mally change length during arm elevation and
functional demands. Second, the lever arm on the therefore function to prevent the serratus anterior
shoulder and trunk is shortened to reduce the load from pulling the scapula laterally and anteriorly
on the injured arm. Finally, arm motions should around the thorax as it upwardly rotates the scap-
be initiated using the legs and trunk to facilitate ula during arm elevation [37, 38]. The serratus
activation of the scapula and shoulder muscles, anterior contributes to all components of three-­
which is a typical neurological pattern of motion dimensional motion of the scapula during arm
[34, 35]. This framework was later expanded to elevation contributing to produce scapular
include a set of progressive goals [31]: (1) estab- upward rotation, posterior tilt, and external rota-
lish proper postural alignment, (2) establish tion while stabilizing the medial border and infe-
proper motion at all involved segments, (3) rior angle preventing scapular winging [39].
employ facilitation of scapular motion via exag- Arm function overhead requires that the scap-
geration of lower extremity/trunk movement, (4) ula obtains a position of posterior tilt and external
apply exaggeration of scapular retraction in con- rotation which allows optimal muscle shoulder
trolling excessive protraction, (5) utilize the activation that is synergistic with trunk and hip
closed chain exercise early, and (6) work in mul- musculature. This kinetic chain pattern of activa-
tiple planes. tion then facilitates maximal muscle activation of
First, clinicians are encouraged to establish the muscles attached to the scapula [32]. This
proper postural alignment. Proper posture can be integrated sequencing allows the retracted scap-
achieved with a logical and progressive treatment ula to serve as a stable base for the origin of all
plan to restore skeletal segmental stability and the rotator cuff muscles, allowing optimal con-
mobility through muscle reeducation, soft tissue cavity compression to occur [40, 41]. Therefore,
mobility, and spinal/rib mobilization. Since the implementing scapular stabilization exercises
core drives kinetic chain function, it is imperative which incorporate lower extremity stability and
that optimal stabilization and force generation muscle activation would be appropriate.
can occur. Muscle reeducation and strengthening During the functional phase in the latter stages
of the core muscles should begin early in reha- of the rehabilitation process, general glenohu-
bilitation, targeting both local and global muscles meral strengthening would be introduced. Open
[36]. In this first stage of the kinetic chain chain exercises attempt to isolate the rotator cuff
approach, soft tissue deficits, i.e., inflexibilities muscles through long lever arms performed in
of both upper and lower extremities should also single plane ranges of motion which could poten-
be addressed. These deficiencies can impede pro- tially create shear across the joint creating mus-
gressions if left unattended and delay treatment cular irritation. These exercises are often
process. Segmental mobility of the thoracic spine performed in less functional positions of lying
and rib cage mobility is necessary for the scapula down or in side lying which discourage proper
to track appropriately during arm motion. The kinetic chain activation [42–44]. Only after the
lack of skeletal alignment, adequate tissue mobil- kinetic chain links have been optimized should
ity, and core stability can impede scapular mus- traditional strengthening measures such as these
cular ability to activate properly. be introduced. However, the measures should
The next logical progression is to direct treat- also be tailored to involve the kinetic chain links
ment toward the scapula. Primary stabilization as an integrated unit rather than in isolation to
and motion of the scapula on the thorax involve simulate normal function. A sample program of
the coupling of the upper and lower fibers of the kinetic chain-based exercises is contained in the
trapezius muscle with the serratus anterior and Appendix (Figs. 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5,
rhomboid muscles. The lower trapezius has the 17.6, and 17.7).
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 197

Fig. 17.1  The sternal lift

a b
begins with the trunk and
knees slightly flexed (a).
While keeping the arms at
the side of the body, the
patient is instructed to
stand up tall retracting the
scapulae (b)

a b

Fig. 17.2  Table slides

are performed standing
to assist with flexion (a,
b) and abduction (c, d).
For either direction, the
patient is instructed to
rest the hand on a towel
and allow the trunk to
drive the arm
198 A.D. Sciascia et al.

Fig. 17.2 (continued) c d

a b

Fig. 17.3  The lawn

mower exercise can be
performed early in the
recovery process when
immobilized as part of
early protection. The
patient is instructed to
have a staggered stance
with the opposite leg
forward and the trunk
flexed (a). The patient
then shifts his or her
weight back with slight
trunk rotation,
facilitating scapular
retraction (b)
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 199

Fig. 17.4  The lawn mower may a b

be performed without
immobilization. The starting
position remains the same;
however, the arm is allowed to be
slightly flexed and pointing
toward the opposite knee (a). The
patient then shifts his or her
weight back with slight trunk
rotation, facilitating scapular
retraction (b)

a b

Fig. 17.5  The low row is

performed standing with the hand
of the involved arm placed
against a firm surface (such as the
side of a table or other object)
and the hips/knees slightly flexed
(a). The patient is instructed to
extend the hips and arm allowing
scapular retraction to occur (b)
200 A.D. Sciascia et al.

Fig. 17.6  The low row

a b
may be progressed by
replacing the table with
2–3 pound-free weights
(a). The patient is
instructed to extend the
hips and arms but also to
externally rotate the
arms to gain scapular
retraction (b)

a b

Fig. 17.7  The fencing maneuver is performed initially cise may be progressed to where elastic tubing is used
while sitting with the arm slightly abducted (a). The while standing (c). The patient is instructed to step later-
patient is instructed to rotate the trunk and adduct the arm ally while rotating the trunk and adducting the arm to gain
to gain scapular retraction and depression (b). This exer- scapular retraction and depression (d)
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 201

Fig. 17.7 (continued)
202 A.D. Sciascia et al.

 odifying the Kinetic Chain

M head in the glenoid suggests that concavity com-
Approach pression is likely compromised. If concavity
compression is not functioning routinely, rotator
While the framework and goals described above cuff atrophy could occur. The glenohumeral
for treating scapular dysfunction assist clinicians joint functions best when concavity compression
with targeting the body as a unit, there are some is achieved, and the body will still attempt to
cases when this framework needs to be adjusted achieve the desired tasks by substitution patterns
to help patients overcome their functional defi- incorporating the scapula. It is suggested from
cits. In particular, patients with complex scapular the literature that upper trapezius activation
dysfunction with no specific cause may not find increases to compensate for dysfunction of the
immediate success with the kinetic chain reha- rotator cuff or diminished concavity compres-
bilitation program. Patients with chronic ­complex sion during tasks requiring arm elevation.
scapular dysfunction often present with the fol- Additionally, the pectoralis major, minor, and
lowing symptoms and clinical findings: latissimus dorsi can be inappropriately used as
stabilizers in the presence of long-standing dys-
• Hypertrophic or overactive upper trapezius, function. The repetitive use of these muscles
often seen as one of the few muscles to a­ ctivate may contribute to the addition of muscular pain
early and in some cases continuously, i.e., from myofascial trigger points [45]. Tight pecto-
shrugging with arm elevation thus limiting ralis major and minor muscles can alter scapular
fluid and full range of motion position toward a more anteriorly tilted and
• Limited activation from the lower trapezius or internally rotated position [7]. A tight latissimus
serratus anterior or both during arm elevation dorsi can limit humeral elevation and external
creating medial border and inferior angle rotation [46]. Over time, as these ­tissue inflexi-
winging (excessive anterior tilting and inter- bilities are maintained, abnormal scapular motor
nal rotation of the scapula) pattern eventually becomes the default pattern
• Pectoralis minor and latissimus dorsi tightness with arm movements resulting in altered motor
• Atrophy of the rotator cuff musculature control. Since these movement patterns of the
• Pain with arm movement which may be scapula and arm are not common, deleterious
accompanied by audible popping or grinding effects such as subscapular bursitis (snapping
beneath the scapula not caused by osteophyte scapula), chronic pain, spasm, and abnormal
formation (snapping scapula) (repositioning motor timing may arise. Therefore, the inte-
for pain relief) grated design of the kinetic chain approach may
• Hypersensitivity to pain such as complex be difficult for patients with complex scapular
regional pain syndrome or other pain central- dysfunction to perform and would thus require
ization characteristics modification to limit the number of segments
• Scapular motion during arm movement that being utilized during maneuver performance.
may present as an observable uncontrollable Clinician must consider all factors that can be
spastic motion. causing these alterations so common deficien-
cies and examples of possible kinetic chain exer-
In an attempt at explaining these clinical man- cise modification are detailed below [31, 32].
ifestations of scapular dysfunction, we offer the
following explanation.
When a patient with chronic complex scapu- Address Proximal Deficits
lar dysfunction attempts to move his or her arm,
the humeral head cannot center within the gle- Kinetic chain-based upper extremity rehabilita-
noid fossa. The inability to center the humeral tion requires enhancements to be made to a
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 203

deficient core. The enhancements should serve

as the foundation for what is known as inte-
grated ­rehabilitation [31, 32]. Integrated reha-
bilitation utilizes core function where the legs,
hips, and trunk drive the arm throughout move-
ments. Ideally, rehabilitation should first be
focused on developing core strength and stabil-
ity to optimize ­anatomy. The next step would be
to integrate core function with correctly coordi-
nated shoulder tasks. Finally, patients should be
progressed from individual to complex tasks
which adequately directs and educates the
motor system to perform optimally thereby
reducing redundancy in the system [33].
Patients with chronic complex scapular dys-
function will often not be able to immediately
begin performing routine dynamic tasks even
with core stability developed. For example, ask-
ing a patient to carry out an exercise that requires
arm elevation in isolation could exacerbate their
current symptoms due to the long lever arm
requirements especially if the lower extremity
Fig. 17.8  Before performing any arm movement, patients
components of the kinetic chain are not engaged.
are instructed to consciously retract the scapulae
These patients seem to have an absence of a
proprioceptive-­ kinesthetic sense to move the
scapula properly during this task. The first modi- groups should be targeted for the lower
fication to overcome this issue would be to extremity. Improving lower extremity muscle
employ conscious correction of the scapula as a flexibility has been linked to improving lower
foundational exercise (Fig. 17.8). If this tech- body movement patterns and improving over-
nique is not successful, incorporation of a mirror all athletic performance [49–52]. The pectora-
to provide visual feedback for scapular position- lis minor, latissimus dorsi, and posterior
ing would utilize the principles of motor control ­shoulder muscles should be the point of focus
and motor reeducation [47, 48]. The visual for the upper extremity [53–56]. However, cli-
knowledge of results would allow the patient to nicians treating soft tissue inflexibilities at or
have real-time feedback regarding scapular around the shoulder in patients with chronic
positioning. complex scapular dysfunction should consider
Most postural concerns can be addressed by time and load applied during stretching [57].
improving the flexibility of the musculature The scapular and shoulder muscles in these
and/or the mobility of the structural compo- patients are often hypersensitive when stretch-
nents. The flexibility of both the upper and ing to natural limits especially when the
lower extremity can be increased via standard amount of pressure applied to the limb being
static, dynamic, and/or ballistic stretching. stretched as well as the time the stretch is held
Based on previous findings regarding flexibil- is not accounted for. In these instances, using
ity deficits in upper extremity dominant ath- the principles of prolonged persistent stretch-
letes, the hamstring, hip flexor, hip adductors, ing and accounting for total end range time
hip rotator, and gastrocnemius/soleus muscle may be useful [57, 58].
204 A.D. Sciascia et al.

Facilitate Scapular Motion

Peri-scapular muscles such as the serratus ante-

rior and lower trapezius are a focus point in
early rehabilitation. The previously described
kinetic chain approach advocated early training
which incorporated the trunk and hip in order to
facilitate proximal to distal sequencing of mus-
cle activation. This method may need to be
adjusted in the most complex cases of scapular
dysfunction. First, scapular rotation occurs dur-
ing arm elevation; however, in the reeducation
of scapular muscle function, we have found
focusing on isolated translation is more benefi-
cial. Many patients have poor postural and pro-
prioceptive awareness of the scapula. Therefore,
focusing on simple translation movements first
appears to enhance awareness while activating
scapular musculature. Performing these exer-
cises in a closed chain fashion may facilitate
proprioception, reduce degree of freedom, and
lessen muscular demand on irritated scapular
muscle tissues [59].
Closed chain exercises in the upper extremity
have the ability to stabilize structures by facilitat-
ing joint congruity and co-activating surrounding
musculature [60, 61]. This involves placing the
distal segment (either the hand or elbow) on a
fixed surface such as a table or a movable surface
like a ball to facilitate compression of the humerus
toward the scapula. Closed chain exercises are an
appropriate rehabilitation method in restoring and
improving proprioceptive-­kinesthetic awareness.
An example of incorporating closed chain exer-
cise would be to instead of asking a patient to per-
form scapular retraction and humeral external Fig. 17.9  An example of arm supported external rotation.
The arm remains rigid on the table while the trunk is
rotation (at the side) while standing, the patient rotated laterally
would perform scapular retraction while sitting
and the arm supported by a table (Fig. 17.9). Once the patient has shown improvement with
Sitting removes the movement that would other- the simple exercises, progression to complex
wise come from the lower extremity segments yet kinetic chain movements such as supported arm
still allows the trunk and core to be utilized in the elevation while sitting (Fig. 17.10) and then
performance of the ­exercises. This rationale fol- eventually arm movement while standing would
lows the theoretical principles established by be encouraged. Utilizing the trunk and/or lower
Bernstein where the fewer degrees of freedom extremity in order to promote coordinated scapu-
would allow the motor system to optimize basic lar motion is ideal in that it mimics kinetic chain
movements prior to transitioning to larger more sequencing. Minimal stress is placed on the gle-
functional movements that require greater degree nohumeral joint during trunk extension which
of freedom [62, 63]. can facilitate scapular retraction (Fig. 17.11).
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 205

Fig. 17.10 Closed a b
chain arm elevation is
performed sitting (a)
with the patient
instructed to allow the
trunk to drive the arms
into elevation (b)

a b

Fig. 17.11  To facilitate scapular retraction and posterior tilting, the patient is positioned sitting with the arms at the
side internally rotated (a). The patient is instructed to sit up tall and externally rotate arms (b)
206 A.D. Sciascia et al.

a b

Fig. 17.12  To facilitate scapular retraction and depression, the patient is positioned sitting with the arm across the
trunk (similar to a sling position) (a). The patient is instructed to rotate the trunk and look over the shoulder (b)

Additionally, when a patient is having difficulty should be attempted as this will help accentuate
with arm movement due to scapular dysfunc- both scapular retraction and protraction
tion, it is imperative to utilize other segments. (Fig.  17.12). By forcing proximal stability, the
This is the time to expand the degrees of free- hip and trunk muscle activations, which have
dom during the motions. Specifically, using been demonstrated to precede arm motion, will
trunk movement to achieve arm elevation allows be more efficient during a specified task [64]. In
the dysfunction at the scapula and shoulder to addition to generating and transferring energy to
be overcome. the distal segments, this component of rehabili-
As the shoulder heals and is ready for motion tation allows the utilization of the stable base
and loading, the movement patterns of activation for arm motion [65]. Rehabilitation programs
using both ipsilateral and contralateral leg motion should attempt to encourage stimulation of
could be introduced. proper proprioceptive feedback as well, so the
As the final modification of the rehabilitation patient can return to their desired level of func-
program, exploitation of the transverse plane tion [31, 32, 60].
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 207

Case Examples • Inability to raise the right arm anteriorly and

laterally beyond 75° without severe scapular
Two case studies have been shared to illustrate dystonia
the design of a rehabilitation program for a • Marked lower trapezius weakness 3/5 manual
patient with complex scapular dysfunction. muscle testing grade
Case #1: A 15-year-old female multi-sport • Palpable pain and tightness over the latissimus
athlete (basketball and soccer) presented to her dorsi, pectoralis minor, and upper trapezius
physician’s office complaining of right shoulder • Dynamic hip weakness per a single leg squat
and scapular pain that had been present for maneuver
approximately 12 months. She reported no • Negative labral and rotator cuff findings
known mechanism of injury. She noted that her
shoulder symptoms began with non-painful The diagnosis by the second physician was
“snapping” which after a few months progressed determined to be scapular dystonia with lower
to a more pronounced “catch” with pain during trapezius deficiency.
arm movement. She cannot use the arm for bal- Initial treatment included commonly utilized
ance during activities because it is too painful to kinetic chain-based exercises such as the maneu-
move into flexion and abduction. Her physician vers contained within the Appendix. The exer-
ordered various imaging with MRI revealing pos- cises were demonstrated to the patient who
sible labral injury with “tumors” on her scapula. returned to her home state to perform the regi-
Electromyographic (EMG) testing was unre- men. The patient returned for follow-up 6 weeks
markable suggesting no neurological involve- later demonstrating improved core strength and
ment. The patient and her parents elected for her stability, active range of motion, and reduced
to undergo surgery for removal of the s­ ubscapular scapular dystonia. However, scapular control
bursa as it was believed to be contributing to the remained poor, and pain continued. After a con-
catching sensation but chose not to address the sultation with the treating physician and two
possible labral pathology. Following surgery, the physical therapists, the concern was that the
patient had reduced catching and snapping; how- motor control aspects related to this patient were
ever, scapular movement became dysfunctional. not improving, and the motor patterns may be
She returned to participating in soccer; however, deeply ingrained. Surface EMG was utilized to
the pain increased and became more severe with attempt to verify muscle activation patterns and
basketball activities so that she had to stop, intensity.
choosing to seek further evaluation from a differ- Application of the surface EMG revealed
ent physician. excessive latissimus dorsi activation during arm
On her initial examination with the second lowering with simultaneous lower trapezius acti-
physician, the following physical findings were vation. In addition to these demonstrable muscle
documented: activation alterations, the patient’s scapula quiv-
ered during both arm elevation and lowering
• Severe scapular dyskinesis with multiple dif- highlighting the scapular dysfunction.
ferent movement patterns Additionally, the patient developed infraspinatus
• Postural abnormalities including anteriorly atrophy. These findings lead the treatment team
rotated and downward sloping right shoulder to modify the kinetic chain-based program. With
girdle, an anteriorly tilted and superiorly ele- the intent of restoring the neural pathways for the
vated right scapula, forward head positioning, neuromuscular activity to a more typical pattern,
posteriorly rotated pelvis with lumbar lordo- the exercises were changed by unloading the arm
sis, and flattening of the cervical and thoracic via the combination of closed chain arm support
spine while asking the patient to sit during exercise
208 A.D. Sciascia et al.

Fig. 17.14  As a progression to the closed chain arm ele-

Fig. 17.13  The patient is positioned sitting with both vation, patients may be advanced to supported arm eleva-
arms resting on a table. The patient is instructed to mini- tion in the plane of the scapula
mize shoulder movement while moving one hand in circu-
lar directions three to five times for 10–20 s each
In this case example, the large movements
typically employed with kinetic chain-based pro-
performance. For example, the patient was asked grams were not able to be performed by a patient
to sit upright while contracting the core muscles with complex scapular dysfunction. The modifi-
in order to stabilize the central segments of the cations to the exercises were intended to continue
body. She was instructed to consciously position treating the body as a unit which was evident
the scapula in retraction and depression. The arm through the complementary movements of the
was supported on a platform in front of the patient trunk during exercise performance. The patient
while she was instructed to perform small, clock- responded well to the unloading of the arm and
wise movements with the arm (Fig. 17.13). This facilitating the scapular motion with gravity and
exercise was used to improve the firing timing trunk mobility in conjunction with the restricted
sequence of the serratus anterior, rhomboids, range arm movements. She not only found relief
lower trapezius, and rotator cuff musculature of pain but a decrease in her scapular dystonia
while attempting to inhibit the firing of the upper when smaller shoulder and scapular movements
trapezius and latissimus dorsi. Next, the patient were employed.
was positioned sitting with the support platform Case #2: A 46-year-old male patient pre-
to her side. Using a similar trunk position as the sented with severe right scapular pain and inabil-
first exercise, she was next asked to place her arm ity to use his right arm in forward flexion or
across her trunk (similar to wearing a sling) and to during overhead activities. His initial injury
maintain the arm position. The patient was occurred when he was attempting to cut steel
instructed to rotate the trunk laterally while keep- bolts as part of his regular work duties. In the
ing the arm position (Fig. 17.9). This exercise was middle of a cut, the tool slipped causing the
designed to facilitate the lower trapezius by gravity patient’s arm to be forcefully distracted away
assisting scapular retraction and depression with from his body. He immediately felt a pop and
trunk rotation. Additional modifications were made burning pain over the medial border of his right
as illustrated in Figs. 17.14, 17.15, and 17.16. scapula. He underwent numerous physician
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 209

a b

Fig. 17.15  The seated sternal lift begins with the trunk body, the patient is instructed to stand up tall and exter-
slightly flexed and the arms internally rotated resting on nally rotate the hands which assist in retracting the scapu-
the table (a). While keeping the arms at the side of the lae (b)

evaluations, receiving diagnoses of impinge- arm without thinking, the pain in the shoulder
ment, rotator cuff tendonitis, and cervical radic- blade and under my armpit takes my breath
ulopathy. After multiple months of rehabilitation away.” He also reported hypersensitivity with
and little to no relief in pain, he was referred to low-level nociception.
our office where he was diagnosed with a scapu- Based on his statements, it was decided that
lar muscle detachment [9]. Surgical treatment the next treatment approach would be rooted in
was selected which revealed that both his lower the principles of motor control, mainly neuro-
trapezius and rhomboids were detached from the imaging. The thought was that there might be a
scapula. The muscles were reattached, and the disconnect between body perception and pain
patient performed approximately 8 months of processing similar to an amputee experiencing
postoperative physical therapy [9]. phantom limb pain [66]. During the same fol-
The surgical intervention and subsequent low-­up visit, the patient was positioned stand-
postoperative rehabilitation reduced the pain; ing with two full-length mirrors in front of him
however, the patient began to develop kinesopho- and one mirror perpendicular to his body. The
bic traits where he was afraid to move his arm perpendicular mirror impeded the patient’s
forward due to the fear of the presurgical pain view of his involved arm while only being able
returning. On a follow-up visit 18 months after to see the non-involved arm. The patient was
the surgery, the patient stated that “I can move instructed to focus on the reflection of the non-
my arm only if I think about. When I move my involved limb in the mirrors, so it appeared as
210 A.D. Sciascia et al.

a b

Fig. 17.16  The asymmetrical push-up is performed with hand position staggered on a wall (a). The patient is instructed
to move the body forward but only until the forearms are touching the wall (b)

though he was looking at a full image of his [66, 67]. In the case above, the mirror technique
body. When the patient signaled that the image eliminated or decreased pain by altering the patient
looked complete, he was instructed to elevate perception of body image. Pain and body image are
both arms forward up to 90° of elevation. After described as being closely related, with the brain
performing 12 ­ repetitions, he was then maps processing sensory input and also producing
instructed to go as far past shoulder level as he the image for the person [66]. Since the brain maps
felt comfortable with. are designed to conduct both tasks, it is reasonable
With the use of the mirrors, the patient could to consider that one task can influence the other.
raise both arms equally to approximately 110° of Historically, pain has been viewed as unidirectional
forward elevation with little reported pain. When with the pain traveling from the area of injury to the
the mirrors were taken away, the patient began to brain. However, in the case above, it appears as
become inhibited again only being able to per- though the opposite occurred in that the brain pro-
form five repetitions of elevation before pain pro- jected pain onto the body which confounds the uni-
hibited him from continuing. The patient was directional pathway idea. The body perception
instructed to carry out a similar regimen for concept is typically not considered as an interven-
20 min a day, 5 days a week until his next follow- tion to control pain and function as most clinicians
­up which was 3 months later. On the next follow- who treat musculoskeletal conditions instruct
­up, the patient had full arm elevation (160°) with patients to perform unilaterally, ipsilateral actions
little to no pain and without the use of the while focusing on muscle contraction sensations
mirrors. and global movements with little involvement of
Pain sensation and their response are regulated the non-involved side. The body image concept
by brain maps, the areas of the brain that process would suggest that bilateral movements may be
information which then send the information onto beneficial as part of neuromuscular education [67,
the appropriate structures to execute the response, 68]. Theoretically, the ability to see both limbs dur-
which is activated by external and internal stimuli ing a dynamic task would help a patient “retrain”
17  Rehabilitation for Complex Scapular Dysfunction: Considerations of Pain and Altered Motor Patterns 211

the brain to perceive an appropriate, balanced body • Sternal lifts (Fig. 17.1)

image thus improving function. • Standing table slides (Fig. 17.2)
• Stagger stance for lawn mower in sling, shift
weight back for trunk rotation (Fig. 17.3)
Summary • Standing lawn mower (Fig. 17.4)
• Low row (Fig. 17.5)
Rehabilitation of complex scapular dysfunction • Progress low row to external rotation with
should follow a kinetic chain-based regimen that arms at side which helps with spinal mobility
addresses specific deficits within individual links via trunk extension, keep arms close to body
which can aid in restoring the natural proximal to (Fig. 17.6)
distal muscle activation sequencing. The deficien- • Advance to fencing (Fig. 17.7)
cies can be addressed through a logical progres-
sion of therapeutic interventions focusing on
muscle facilitation, flexibility, strength, proprio- Modification Sample Program  Tips: Reduce
ception, and, finally, endurance training with inte- degrees of freedom by limiting number of active
grated kinetic chain components. Specifically, segments, i.e., sitting position versus standing
functional exercises designed to simulate loading and reduce range of motion while allowing mus-
stresses in the scapulohumeral complex should be cular activation of the main muscles while
implemented throughout the rehabilitation pro- unloading the weight of the arn via closed chain
gram in a logical stepwise manner. Preventative or maneuvers.
prospective exercises to minimize future loading
stresses should be included at the end of recovery • Conscious correction of scapular position
as part of the return to function. (Fig. 17.8)
• Trunk-driven external rotation using table for
support (Fig. 17.9)
Appendix • Closed chain arm elevation (Fig. 17.10)
• Scapular retraction facilitated by trunk exten-
Rehabilitation Progression  Functional shoulder sion (Fig. 17.11)
rehabilitation is an approach that challenges the • Scapular retraction facilitated by trunk rota-
shoulder to work at progressively higher levels of tion (Fig. 17.12)
function ending ultimately with return to maximum • Stirring the pot (Fig. 17.13)
activity. These challenges are applied clinically • Closed chain arm elevation in the plane of the
within familiar neuromuscular systems and mechan- scapula (Fig. 17.14)
ically sound kinetic chains. There is an emphasis on • Seated sternal lifts (Fig. 17.15)
spinal posture and hip muscle activity facilitating • Asymmetrical hand push-ups (Fig. 17.16)
the scapular and glenohumeral motion. Strength is
built within functional movement patterns.
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A fracture and scapula, 92–93

Acromioclavicular joint clinical evaluation, 95–96
anatomy, 99 radiograph interpretation, 94–95
clinical diagnosis, 100 reduction and fixation, 96–97
disruption, 99–100 repositioning, 91
outcomes after reconstruction, 105 treatment guidelines, 96
postoperative rehabilitation after mechanics, 92
acromioclavicular reconstruction, Combined fractures, 169
104–105 Complex scapular dysfunction rehabilitation
unstable injuries asymmetrical push-up, 210
authors’ surgical technique, 101–104 characterization, 193
operative treatment of, 100–101 EMG testing, 207
Acromion facilitate scapular motion, 204–206
fractures, 169 fencing maneuver, 200
classifications, 162–163 foundational kinetic chain-based
Active range of motion (AROM), 131 sample program, 211
Arthritis individualized care, 194
AC joint (see Acromioclavicular joint) initial examination, 207
glenohumeral joint kinetic chain approach
cohort study, 109 framework of, 195–201
onset, 107, 108 modification, 202
prevalence, 107 lawn mower exercise, 198, 199
prevention, 108 modification sample program, 211
static posterior subluxation, 108 non-exercise-based considerations,
treatment, 108 194–195
Arthroscopy proximal deficits, 202–203
fractures, 172–175 rehabilitation progression, 211
posterior-superior labral fraying, 68 scapular retraction
suture knot, 73 and depression, 206
and posterior tilting, 205
Coracoacromial (CA) ligament, 100
B Coracoid
Bursectomy fractures, 169
partial scapulectomy with, 150 classifications, 162
and resection, 152 Crossarm adduction stretch, 182
scapulothoracic, 152
supraserratus, 155
Dorsal scapular nerve injury, 127–128
Chicken-wing position, 148–151
Clavicle E
anatomy, 92 Eden lange transfer, trapezius palsy., 127

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 215

W.B. Kibler, A.D. Sciascia (eds.), Disorders of the Scapula and Their Role in Shoulder Injury,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5
216 Index

F Glenoid fractures, 168

Flexibility deficits, scapular dyskinesis Glenoid neck fractures, 168
crossarm adduction stretch, 182 classifications, 159–161
foam roll pectoralis stretch, 182
horizontal crossarm adduction measurement, 181
internal rotation measurement, 181 I
patient-independent crossarm adduction, 182 Ideberg classification, glenoid fossa fractures, 160
scapular position vs. glenohumeral joint, 180 Inferior glide exercise, 183
sleeper stretch, 182
Flip sign, 134
Floating shoulder, 163, 164 K
Foam roll pectoralis stretch, 182 Kuhn classification, acromion fractures, 163
acromion, 169
anterior deltopectoral and transverse clavicle L
approach, 171 Lateral scapular suspension system classification,
arthroscopy, 172–175 165
associated injuries, 166 Lawnmower exercise, 183
classifications trunk rotation, 85
acromion, 162–163 Long thoracic nerve
coracoid, 162 anatomic position, 122
glenoid fossa, 159 injury and serratus palsy
glenoid neck, 159–161 differential diagnosis, 123
scapular body, 157–159 EMG analysis, 123
shoulder suspensory complex injuries, history, 122
163–166 imaging, 123
combined, 169 outcomes, 124
coracoid, 169 physical examination, 122
glenoid, 168 treatment, 123–124
glenoid neck, 168 palsy, 131
operative intervention, 169–170 compensatory strategies with, 140
posterior approach, 171–172 retraining affected musculature, 141
radiographic assessment, 166–167 Low-resistance/high-repetition base, 186
scapular body, 169 Low row exercise, 183
superior/anterior-superior approach, 172
surgical approaches, 170
surgical indications, 167–168 M
Motor control exercises, 183
Muscle performance deficits, scapular dyskinesis
G inferior glide exercise, 183
Glenohumeral (GH) joint lawnmower exercise, 183
anatomy, 79–80 low row exercise, 183
arthritis, scapular winging and primary motor control exercises, 183
cohort study, 109 orientation control, 182
onset, 107, 108 position, 186
prevalence, 107 robbery exercise, 183
prevention, 108 scapular asymmetry, 185
static posterior subluxation, 108 selection of exercises, 184
treatment, 108
biomechanics, 79–80
instability N
nonoperative treatment options, 83 Neurological issues, rehabilitation program
physical examination, 82–83 active range of motion, 131
rehabilitation guidelines, 83–88 assessment, 132–135
scapula associated, 80–81 compensatory strategies, 136–138
movement, 25 long thoracic nerve palsy, 131
osteoarthritis, 109–110 compensatory strategies with, 140
vs. scapulothoracic motion, 110 retraining affected musculature, 141
Glenoid erosion, 109–110 management of associated symptoms/limitations,
Glenoid fossa fractures classifications, 159 135–136
Index 217

principles, 135 principles, 135

retraining affected musculature, 138–140 retraining affected musculature, 138–140
spinal accessory nerve palsy, 131 spinal accessory nerve palsy, 131
scapular dyskinesis
algorithm, 179
O development, 179
Ogawa classification, coracoid process fractures, 162 flexibility deficits treatment, 180–182
Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) muscle performance deficits, 182–186
acute, 93 outcomes after exercise programs, 187–190
clavicle fractures, 96 in overhead athlete, 186–187
scapula fracture, 168, 169 90/90 reverse catch plyometric exercise, 187
Orthotic, upper extremity support, 135 Rhomboid paralysis, 127–128
Overhead athlete Robbery exercise, 85, 183
scapular rehabilitation Rotator cuff tear arthropathy, 110
low-resistance/high-repetition base, 186
90/90 reverse catch plyometric exercise, 187
scapular dysfunction evidence, 186 S
scapular protraction exercise, 187 Scap gap reduction, 95
throwing and scapula (see Throwing) Scapula
abnormal motions identification, 18–21 (see also
Scapular dyskinesis)
P acromioclavicular joint position and motion, 10–11
Passive range of motion (PROM), 136, 138 anatomy
Patient-independent crossarm adduction, 182 acromion, 4
Pectoralis minor length, 44 axioscapular muscles, 5
Plus sign, 134 blood supply, 4
Posterior subluxation, 109 coracoid process, 3
embryologic development, 3
function, 5
Q glenoid, 4
Quadruped push-up, plus sign, 138 motor innervation, 5
scapulohumeral muscles, 5
size, 4
R trapezius, 5
Rehabilitation program body fractures, 169
complex scapular dysfunction and clavicle fractures
asymmetrical push-up, 210 clinical evaluation, 95–96
characterization, 193 radiograph interpretation, 94–95
EMG testing, 207 reduction and fixation, 96–97
facilitate scapular motion, 204–206 repositioning, 91
fencing maneuver, 200 treatment guidelines, 96
foundational kinetic chain-based component joint motions and scapular function, 7–8
sample program, 211 composite motions, planar elevation and functional
individualized care, 194 reaching, 14–15
initial examination, 207 examination
kinetic chain approach, 195–202 clinical scapular examination algorithm, 36
lawn mower exercise, 198, 199 manual correction, 39–40
modification sample program, 211 motion and pathology, 35
non-exercise-based considerations, 194–195 tissue evaluation, 40–46
proximal deficits, 202–203 visual observation, 36–39
rehabilitation program, 207–211 fractures classifications, 157–159
rehabilitation progression, 211 mechanics, 7
scapular retraction, 205, 206 muscles, 121
neurological issues activations and resultant motions, 29–30
active range of motion, 131 deltoid and rotator cuff muscles, 29
assessment, 132–135 examination algorithm, 133
compensatory strategies, 136–138 external rotation, 29
long thoracic nerve palsy, 131 rehabilitation guidelines, clinical implications, 31
management of associated symptoms/limitations, soft tissue flexibility, 30–31
135–136 upward rotation, 28
218 Index

Scapula (cont.) on wall, 139

osteochondroma, 122 isolation, 133, 139
protraction, 26 Serratus palsy, long thoracic nerve injury and
retraction, 26 differential diagnosis, 123
SC and AC joint motions, 15–18 EMG analysis, 123
scapulothoracic position and motion, 11–14 history, 122
sternoclavicular joint position and motion, 9–10 imaging, 123
translational movements, 25 outcomes, 124
Scapular assistance test (SAT), 180 physical examination, 122
Scapular dyskinesis, 107 treatment, 123–124
animal models, 52–53 Shoulder
cadaveric studies, 52 arthroplasty, reverse, 110–111
cause, 179 girdle motion, 25
clinical evaluation, 179 suspensory complex injuries, fractures
impingement/rotator cuff disease, 51–52 classifications, 163–166
kinematics and dynamic influence, 54–56 Shoulder symptom modification
rehabilitation program procedure (SSMP), 180
algorithm, 179 Sleeper stretch, 84, 182
development, 179 Snapping scapula, 193
flexibility deficits treatment, 180–182 Snapping scapula syndrome (SSS)
muscle performance deficits, 182–186 anatomy, 146
outcomes after exercise programs, 187–190 clinical presentation, 147
in overhead athlete, 186–187 curved-type, 147
rotator cuff disease history, 147
impingement development, 53 imaging
treatment, 56–57 computed tomography, 148–149
and rotator cuff tear arthropathy, 110 diagnostic injections, 149
static anatomic variants, 53–54 electromyograms, 149
throwing radiographs, 148
clinical implications, 67–69 muscular dysfunction, 146
stress adaptations, 62–63 nonoperative treatment, 149–150
Scapular muscle detachment operative treatment
clinical presentation, 113–114 arthroscopic technique, 150–152
imaging, 114–115 indications, 150
pathoanatomy, 113–114 open technique, 152–153
postsurgical outcomes, 118–120 outcomes, operative treatment
scapular muscle reattachment arthroscopic techniques, 154
procedure, 115–118 open techniques, 154–155
Scapular protraction exercise, 187 pathophysiology, 145
Scapular reposition test (SRT). See Scapular physical examination, 147–148
assistance test (SAT) postoperative rehabilitation, 153–154
Scapular retraction, backhand using elastic band, 137 Spinal accessory nerve
Scapular winging, 107 anatomic position, 125
causes, 121 injury and trapezius palsy
and primary glenohumeral joint arthritis differential diagnosis, 126
cohort study, 109 EMG analysis, 126
onset, 107, 108 history, 125
prevalence, 107 imaging, 126
prevention, 108 outcomes, 127
static posterior subluxation, 108 physical examination, 125
treatment, 108 treatment, 126–127
serratus palsy, 123 (see also Serratus palsy, long palsy
thoracic nerve injury and) compensatory strategies for patients with, 141
Scapulohumeral rhythm (SHR), 3, 110 rehabilitation program, 131
Scapulothoracic bursectomy and resection, 152 retraining affected musculature in patients with,
Scapulothoracic movement, 25 141
Serratus anterior staged exercises, 137
exercise Superior shoulder suspensory complex (SSSC)
elastic band, 138 classification, 164
Index 219

T posterior shoulder tightness, 64–65

Thoracic nerve palsy, 131 scapular dyskinesis, 62–63
compensatory strategies with, 140 soft tissue tightness, 64
retraining affected musculature, 141 teres major, 65
Throwing treatment
deceleration phase, 59 indications for surgery, 72
examination posterior capsular release, 73–74
imaging findings in, 70–72 prevention, 74
internal impingement, 70 rehabilitation, principles of, 72
labral tear, 70 surgical pearls, 72–73
rotator cuff, 69 Trapezius manual muscle test, 43
supraspinatus, 69–70 Trapezius palsy
normal scapular function Eden lange transfer, 127
kinematics, 60–61 spinal accessory nerve injury and
kinetics, 61–62 differential diagnosis, 126
muscle activity, 62 EMG analysis, 126
static position, 60 history, 125
strength, 62 imaging, 126
scapular dyskinesis outcomes, 127
clinical implications, 67–69 physical examination, 125
stress adaptations, 62–63 treatment, 126–127
stress adaptations
effect of pain, 66
long head of triceps, 66 W
muscular fatigue, 63–64 Winged scapula, 193
pectoralis minor, 64

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