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“Citizens Serving Communities: Above and Beyond”

North Central Region News

Volume 2008 December

Nebraska Governor Signs

CAP Week Proclamation

On December 10th, 2008, Nebraska’s Governor Dave Heineman, signed a proclamation in

recognition of the 470 members of the Nebraska Wing, their service to the state and in
observance of CAP’s 67th Anniversary.

Pictured from Left to Right are Major Vernon Platt, 2d Lt Jason Fink, Nebraska Wing
Commander Col Robert Todd, Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman and CAP-USAF State
Director Mr. Robert Wachholtz after the signing ceremony at the Nebraska State Capital.

In this Issue
• Commander’s thoughts as 2008 comes to a close
• CAP Members serving their communities and the nation
• And NCR
MORE!!!!! December 2008 Page 1
Commander’s Column
Col Steve Kuddes
Commander, North Central Region

Members of the North Central Region:

In just a few weeks 2008 will be history. And what a history it will leave for the
North Central Region in terms of Disaster Relief!

No Wing in our Region escaped severe weather that resulted in our assistance
to residents of our states and their leaders. From tornadoes, hail, damaging
wind, floods caused by heavy rains, snowfalls and blizzards that left large
amounts of snow and unbelievable drifts to remnants of a hurricane we have seen it all and have been there when
called upon. Minnesota and South Dakota were called upon to locate missing hunters after weather events also.
The mission hours we spent this past year on Disaster Relief missions far exceed the hours spent on Search and
Rescue missions.

Nobody has a crystal ball that is capable of forecasting what 2009 will bring. But we will start out the year behind
the eight ball. We will be losing a large number of Incident Commanders (IC’s) on January 1st because of changes
in the NIMS requirements. A large number of ICs did not complete ICS 300 training and will not be able to
participate as ICs without that training. Col Joe Casler talks more about this on Page 5 of this issue of NCR News.

In February SARSAT will no longer track the 121.5 and 243 ELT signals. Many private aircraft will still carry 121.5
ELT's and the “old” way of detecting distress and non-distress signals from them will be back. For those we were
not members prior to the use of SARSAT, most ELT signals were reported by other aircraft, mostly high flying
commercial airliners. The difficulty came with their inability to pinpoint a definite location from the source of the
signal. I recall AFRCC telling me once the signal was “between Cheyenne Wyoming and Detroit Michigan, good

In a nutshell, we will have our work cutout for us in 2009. We will need to rely more on each other for support
which means we will have to learn to train the same so working together goes smoother and safely. It means we
have to have our members and resources ready to respond when the time comes.

But as we have done year after year, NCR will come through when things get tough.

My thanks to each and every member for your contributions to CAP and our nation in 2008. And I wish each of you
success and great things for 2009.

From the North Central Region

Colonel Steve Kuddes, Region Commander
Colonel Tom Weston, Vice Commander
Colonel Dale Hoium, Chief of Staff

NCR News December 2008 Page 2

Graduates of the Iowa Wing Unit Commanders Course (from left to right): 2d Lt Cindi Wachholz, Capt Jim Curry, 1st Lt Brian Mishmash,
2d Lt Francisco Molina, 1st Lt Eldon Gast, and 1st Lt Griffin Hamilton.

Iowa Wing Officers Gather for Unit Commanders Course

Photos and story by 2d Lt Cindi Wachholz and 2d Lt Francisco Molina.

Iowa Wing officers spent December 6 and 7 at the Veteran of Foreign Wars Post #2541, participating in a Unit
Commanders Course, a serious step for Civil Air Patrol officers who are current or perspective squadron
commanders. The two-day course standardizes the training of squadron and group commanders throughout Civil
Air Patrol, addressing the skills unit commanders will need to develop in effectively managing their units.

Col Ronald Scheitzach, Iowa Wing Commander, Lt Col Eric Schneider, Iowa Vice Commander, and Capt Jeffery
Schwan, Inspector General for the Iowa Wing, were among the instructors of this course. Directed by Major Michael
Mouw, Iowa Wing Director of Professional Development, topics included recruiting and retention, command
responsibility and accountability. Safety and working with families Leadership and integrity are fundamentals that
were focused on to achieve success for squadrons and leaders.

Another vital aspect of leadership within the Civil Air Patrol is networking with other commanders. Sharing
experiences involving Aerospace Education activities, Emergency Services and Cadet Programs promotes
camaraderie between the commanders and within the Wing.

This course also coincided with the 67th anniversary of the attacks to Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The Civil
Air Patrol, founded just seven days before the Pearl Harbor attacks, mobilized civilian volunteers to defend the
nation such has not been seen since the American Revolution.

Graduates of the December Unit Commanders Course are; Capt Jim Curry, Northwest Iowa Composite Squadron
(NWICS); 1st Lt Brian Mishmash, East Iowa Cadet Squadron (EICS); 1st Lt Griffin Hamilton, Dubuque Composite
Squadron; 1st Lt Eldon Gast, NWICS; 2d Lt Francisco Molina EICS, and 2d Lt Cindi Wachholz, NWICS.

North Central Region News is published monthly by the North Central Region, Civil Air Patrol
Col. Steve Kuddes, Region Commander Maj. Al Pabon, Director of Public Affairs

Please send submissions by the 10th of each month to: pao@ncr.cap.gov

NCR News December 2008 Page 3

Minnesota Wing members find body of missing man
Capt Richard Sprouse
Public Affairs Officer, Group 2, Minnesota Wing

Members of the Minnesota Wing recently found the body of a Belle Plaine, MN man
missing since late October.

The Scott County Sheriff’s Department received a report on November 8 that an

abandoned vehicle containing a suicide note was parked along a rural township road
near Henderson, Minn. The Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC) activated
Minnesota Wing that evening to assist with the search.

The following morning, 43 ground team members, 3 aircrew members and 5 mission
base personnel searched the area near the abandoned vehicle.

A CAP aircraft scanned the immediate area including route searches along the Minnesota River, railroad tracks,
and roads for possible clues.

While the aircrew made its search, ground team members were busy scoping out land along the river and nearby
hillsides for the missing man. During the ground search, two members of a team from the 130th Composite
Squadron in Lakeville, MN noticed something that "didn't quite look right" and discovered the body of the missing
man in a camouflaged shelter.

Overall, Minnesota Wing members from 130th, Viking, St. Paul, Mankato, Owatonna and Hutchinson squadrons
contributed 51 members, 510 hours and 2 sorties totaling nearly 4 hours to the search.

Public can give AAFES gift cards

AAFES News Service

By simply logging on to a Web site or calling a toll-free number, any American can now give Army and Air Force
Exchange Service gift cards to military families worldwide.

"We're not even charging to ship these cards," said Chief Master Sgt. Jeffry Helm, AAFES' senior enlisted
advisor. "Whether the AAFES gift card is sent down the street or overseas, shipping is free.

AAFES gift cards can be redeemed at base and post exchanges worldwide by active-duty troops and their
families, as well as military retirees.

"AAFES gift cards not only eliminate all shipping costs, but also put the power of choice in the hands of the spouse
waiting for the return of a loved one, retiree trying to make the best of a turbulent economy, or service member far
from home. All that needs to be sent is a lightweight plastic card that can be redeemed for a movie, phone call
home or even gasoline for a much deserved weekend getaway," Chief Helm said.

Besides exchange gift cards, any American also can send a gift certificate that can be redeemed through the
exchange's mail order catalogs or Web site.

AAFES gift cards and gift certificates, up to $500, can be sent by any American who calls (877) 770-4438 or
logs on to www.aafes.com. Online visitors can click on the "Gift Cards/Certificates for our Troops" link under
AAFES Community Connection on the home page.

Gift certificates are sent to individual service members (designated by the purchaser) or distributed to "any
service member" through the Air Force Aid Society, American Red Cross, Fisher House Foundation Inc., Navy-
Marine Corps Relief, USO or Soldiers Family Assistance Center.

NCR News December 2008 Page 4

Incident Command System Course Dates Loom
Col Joe Casler
Director of Emergency Services, North Central Region

The suspense date for the completion of certain ICS courses is right around the

On 1 Jan 2009 everyone with a mission skill rating must have completed the
appropriate ICS course for his or her ratings. For most personnel ICS 200, 700
and 800 are needed. For mission staff such as Air Operations Branch Director,
Communication Unit Leader and IC ICS 300 is needed with ICS 400 needed for IC
by Sept 2009.

NHQ has developed a relatively new pair of reports that give course requirements
for each person with a mission skill and the total number of personnel with a
percentage value for what is needed by mission skill. I have had several
conversations with National Headquarters about the ramifications of not completing one’s required courses. So far
the answer has been you will only lose currency and that can be regained as soon as you complete the necessary
course(s). The date, thus far is a solid date and no extension is expected.

How will this affect NCR? As things stand right now the region will have approximately 50% of its mission rated
personnel go non-current. This could be averted significantly for those who need any of the on-line courses
completing those courses. ICS 100, 200, 700, and 800B are all online.

For those needing ICS 300 or 400, we are working on getting a couple weekend sessions so we can get the region
caught up. However, these courses won’t be conducted until after 1 Jan.

Many State Emergency Management Agencies are conducting the classes after 1 Jan that are free and CAP
members can attend. The courses must use an instructor certified by FEMA, the National Wildfire Organization,

CISM Update
Col Joe Casler
Director of Emergency Services, North Central Region

CISM courses are coming to NCR. A CISM team in the St Louis area is hosting an International Critical Incident
Stress Foundation (ICISF) 26-29 Mar 2009. There will be eight CISM courses taught including the basic course
necessary to be completed to be eligible for NCR CISM Team membership. In order to be an acceptable course
for CAP teams any CISM course must be ICISF approved and taught by an ICISF certified instructor.

More information can be seen on the ICISF web site: ICISF.org. Click on the training tab and then the ICISF
Conferences tab and you should be able to see the different training conferences around the country.

The NCR CISM Team has responded to several incidents this year. To request activation of the team the
requestor must contact either Col. Kuddes or Lt Col Dianna Bush. Please state the who, what, when and why’s of
your request and if it meets the activation parameters, the team will be activated. Lt Col Bush’s external education
efforts have brought the team some requests for interventions that we were unable to respond to because they
didn’t meet our parameters.

CAP CISM is primarily for CAP members, however, its team members can assist outside teams if requested and
we are qualified for the requested incident. CAP CISM is a peer based intervention process.

The teams do not offer psychological services. We provide a service that, among other things, inform members of
available professional services, provide a venting environment where individuals involved can vent or release their
feelings without fear of harassment, ridicule or retribution.

For more CISM information please contact Lt Col Bush at: aviationpsych1@yahoo.com

NCR News December 2008 Page 5

CAP experience helps Air Force officer complete navigator training
(Pictured) Minnesota Wing’s Group IV Commander, Lt Col John
Barsness (r), congratulates his son, US Air Force 2d Lt Ben
Barsness (l), on his graduation from the navigator school in
Pensacola, Florida.

Lt. Barsness received his silver wings on November 21, 2008,

after 16 months of intensive training at the Naval Air Station
(NAS), Pensacola.

Training at the NAS provides primary, intermediate, and

advanced navigator training for the Navy and Air Force. The
training Wing consists of 1,500 military personnel, 25 civilian
personnel and over 100 aircraft.

After graduating first in his class, Lt. Barsness was selected to

fly the B-1B Lancer bomber.

Lt. Barsness is a senior member of Mankato Composite Squadron. As a cadet in Mankato, he served as cadet
commander and completed the Minnesota Wing Flight Academy. He went on from Flight Academy to earn his
private pilot license while a cadet in CAP. He felt his CAP flying experience helped him in the initial phases of
navigator training.

The Pensacola NAS is home base for the Navy's Blue Angels. He said it was very interesting to see them practicing
in the air space above Pensacola.

Viking Squadron packs “Food for Children”

By: C/TSgt. Lydia Wiff
Viking Composite Squadron, Minnesota Wing

How did 25 members and family of the Eden

Prairie Viking squadron spend the night before
Thanksgiving? They spent the evening
packaging food for starving children around the

As part of their community service activities,

Viking Squadron partnered with the
organization Feed My Starving Children (FMSC)
at FMSC’s Chanhassen Minnesota facility.
Founded in 1987, FMSC is a Christian nonprofit
hunger relief organization. Each meal costs
only 17 cents and volunteers pack all the meals.
FMSC sends food to more than 50 countries all
over the world and has a goal to package 75
million meals this year. More information about
Members of Viking Squadron that participated in the Feed My Starving Children FMSC can be found at www.fmsc.org
community service activity in Chanhassen, MN
Viking Squadron teamed up with three other groups and spent an hour and a half scooping rice, soy, vegetarian
chicken flavor, and dehydrated vegetables into bags that were vacuumed sealed and boxed on pallets. Between
the four groups, 11,232 meals were bagged which is enough to feed 31 children for a year. After clean up, the
groups viewed a video showing how children had benefited by the food sent to them.

When asked what she thought of the experience, C/CMSgt. Alex MacGregor said, “It was a fantastic opportunity for
the squadron to come together for the benefit of children all over the world.” C/Amn Gideon Wiff said, “It was good
to know that we helped a lot of children.”

NCR News December 2008 Page 6

POW Convention Invites Cass County to do Honors
By: MSgt Mike Mudry and Capt Tammi Miller
Cass County Composite Squadron, Missouri Wing

The Cass County Composite Squadron Honor Guard

was offered a rare opportunity to present the Colors at
the national convention of the American Ex-Prisoners of
War Organization. C/Capt Kenna Eggenberger,
C/SMSgt Luke Wood, C/A1C Malachi Hargis, and
C/CMSgt Karra Miller participated in the opening
ceremonies and were featured on Kansas City television
news. After posting at the banquet Saturday evening,
the team performed the POW/MIA Table ceremony.
C/CMSgt Karra Miller read “The Empty Table” while
C/2Lt Jordan Hargis, C/SSgt Blake Goodman, C/SrA
Josh Goodman, C/A1C Zach Goodman, and C/SrA
Jonathan Fairchild carried hats from the five military
services and placed them on the table.

Founded April 14, 1942 the American Ex-Prisoners of

War organization has existed for the purpose of helping
others. The organization of former POW's (military and
civilian), their spouses, families and civilian internees
has helped those affected by their capture deal with the trauma through friendship of those who shared a common

The American Ex-Prisoners of War has over 300 Chapters and State Departments, representing over 27,000

Corn Maze Confusion Captivates Cass County

Capt Tammi Miller
Public Affairs Officer, Cass County Composite Squadron, Missouri Wing

Nine miles of trails through the Liberty Corn Maze in

Liberty, Missouri, captivated seven Cass County cadets
and four senior members as they traveled and tripped
their way through the confusion. Corn stalks averaging
twelve to fifteen feet high cowered about the participants
searching for the coveted check points hidden deep
within the maze.

Cadets and senior members, carrying a 12-hour pack

with flashlights and water, were required to follow the
maze map that depicted the exact locations for the
check points. At each check point was a wooden stand
with a hole-punch where partakers in the event punched
their map-cards to prove they had reached their desired
destination. The lengthy trail was conquered by the
Cass County squadron in four and a half hours.

Participants included: C/CMSgt Karra Miller, C/Amn Cody Olsen, C/AB Brett Garten, C/Amn Aaron Gerry, C/CMSgt
Daniel Caron, C/Amn Ted Hilton, C/Amn Daniel Peters, Capt Melinda Berry, Major Tony Belto, 1st Lt Mark Miller
and Capt Tammi Miller.

NCR News December 2008 Page 7

U.S. Flag flown over Afghanistan presented to Minnesota Squadron
2d Lt George Supan
Public Affairs Officer, Anoka County Composite Squadron, Minnesota Wing

On November 4th, Navy Reserve Commander

Adrian Sanchez presented a plaque to the Anoka
Composite Squadron.

Commander Sanchez had a U.S. flag flown over

Afghanistan on September 11, 2008. The flag and
a certificate were arranged in a plaque. The
certificate depicts flags of the Countries from
around the world fighting with U.S. forces in

The certificate read: “In Honor of those who gave

their lives on September 11, 2001 and all those
before and since who paid the ultimate sacrifice
fighting for those who could not fight for
This flag was flown over the compound of our
Nation’s leading joint Coalition Task Forces for the
Global War on Terrorism, on 11 September 2008,
in enemy territory and bears witness to the
destruction of terrorist forces threatening the
freedom of the United States of America and the
Presented to Anoka Squadron – Civil Air Patrol.
Sign James E. Granger, Colonel, USA Task
Forces Chief of Staff.”

Commander Sanchez, now serving in

Afghanistan, is on leave and presented the plague
on behalf of all the U.S. Forces serving in

The plaque was accepted on behalf of the squadron by Squadron Commander, Capt Andy Bosshart and it will be
displayed at the squadron facility in Honor and Memory of our troops.

Member Accomplishments in South Dakota

Col Mike Beason
Commander, South Dakota Wing

Major Wayne Jackson, the commander of the Pierre Composite Squadron, has
recently logged over 2000 hours of flight time. That qualifies him for Command Pilot
wings in CAP. Congrats, Wayne.

Major Eric Hineman, Wing Assistant Safety Officer and former commander of the
Rushmore Composite Squadron in Rapid City, has been selected by the USAF to
attend Officer Training School and USAF Pilot Training. He'll be leaving us
sometime next fall. It is very difficult for USAF NCOs to get selected for OTS and
Pilot Training. Not many achieve this. Congrats to Eric on reaching this first step of
his dream of being an Air Force pilot.

NCR News December 2008 Page 8

Squadron provides support for deploying Airmen
1st Lt Lori Anderson
Public Affairs Officer, South Dakota Wing

The Sioux Falls Composite Squadron Color Guard

members performed at a ceremony honoring deploying
airmen from the 114th Civil Engineer Squadron, South
Dakota Air National Guard during an activation ceremony
at Joe Foss Field on Saturday, December 6th.

Dignitaries in attendance included South Dakota Governor

(and former CAP cadet) Mike Rounds, South Dakota
Adjutant General Major General Steven Doohen, Senator
John Thune, and Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson who
commended the troops for their service during the

The color guard presented the colors at the opening of the

ceremony while other CAP members greeted guests and
family members and assisted others inside the hangar.

“The CAP members did a great job and lend a special

touch to the event”, said Lieutenant Colonel Reid
Christopher, Public Affairs Officer for the 114th Fighter
The Sioux Falls Composite Squadron Color Wing.
Guard presents the colors during the activation
ceremony for the 114th Civil Engineer Squadron,
South Dakota Air National Guard.

Sioux Falls CAP members also had a chance to visit

with Governor Rounds (right) regarding his support of
CAP and experience as a CAP cadet, as well as the
Adjutant General, Major General Steve Doohen, who
is a longtime CAP supporter.

The squadrons’ color guard has performed at

numerous ceremonies and events throughout the
Sioux Falls community, including Lions International
Conference, the Sales and Marketing International
Conference, the Sanford Health Veterans Day
Observance, the annual St. Patrick’s’ Day parade and
the Mayor’s 4th of July Parade.

NCR News December 2008 Page 9

Viking Squadron Cadets Enjoy NASA Aerospace Education Night
Captain David Coates,
Aerospace Education Officer, Viking Composite Squadron, Minnesota Wing

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(NASA) engineer Ralph "R. H." Coates made a
presentation on the new Ares I and V launch vehicles
being developed by NASA at the aerospace education
meeting of the Civil Air Patrol Viking Composite

Mr. Coates is the Ares Vehicle Integration Assistant

Chief Engineer for the new launch vehicles being
developed under the Constellation Program at NASA.
The Ares launch vehicle development is being lead
out of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
(MSFC) located in Huntsville, Alabama. Mr. Coates
has worked in the space industry for the past 23 years
on the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME), Space
Shuttle Main Propulsion Systems, and the RS-68
engine for the Air Force Delta IV Evolved Expendable
NASA Engineer Ralph “R.H.” Coates presenting an overview of launch
Launch Vehicle Program, as well as other propulsion
vehicle comparisons during his Aerospace presentation to MN Viking programs. It is worth noting that the SSME and the
Squadron. Photo: 2d Lt Erik Lindquist RS-68 engines are the only two large liquid rocket
engines to be developed in the United States over the past 35 years, since the Apollo Program.

NASA’s strategy is to balance efforts in both manned and unmanned (or robotic) missions to maintain national
technological leadership by committing to significant objectives for space exploration. A key part of this strategy is
the Constellation Program. The Constellation Program's objectives are to:

• Provide launch support for the International Space Station (ISS) by 2015 to replace the Space Shuttle,
which is planned to support completion of the ISS over the next two years and then retire from flight service
in 2010.
• Begin new longer duration missions to the Moon by 2020 to learn more about the Earth and Moon and
develop capabilities for living and working on other worlds.
• Begin manned missions to the planet Mars by the year 2030.

The Ares I and Ares V rockets are being developed at NASA MSFC with aerospace industry contractor support
from around the country. The Ares I, or "Crew Launch Vehicle" (CLV), will help fulfill NASA’s strategic goals by
replacing the Space Shuttle and being a building block for interplanetary missions. The Ares I CLV will provide
transfer of 6 astronauts or cargo to and from the ISS. The Ares I CLV is based on the wealth of experiences and
lessons learned from both the Space Shuttle and Apollo programs. The system will be simpler to operate and also
have increased mass-to-orbit capability over the current Space Shuttle system. Thus the Ares I will be safer and
less costly to operate. Currently, the first unmanned test flight of the Ares I-X development vehicle is slated for
April 2009.

The Ares V heavy lift cargo vehicle will launch the Earth Departure Stage (EDS), a lander (as part of the EDS), and
other equipment necessary for missions to the Moon or to Mars. The Ares I CLV will also serve as the crew launch
vehicle for future Moon and Mars missions by working with the Ares V in a building block fashion. The Ares V will
be launched before the Ares I to put the Earth Departure Stage in orbit waiting for the Ares I to launch the crew.

Once the Ares I is launched, the crew command module and service module will rendezvous with the waiting Earth
Departure Stage and then ignite the stage to add the velocity to journey from the Earth to either the Moon or Mars.
The Ares V will also capitalize on what was learned from Apollo and Shuttle. The Ares V vehicle will be the largest
launch vehicle ever built, comparable in size to the Apollo Saturn V vehicle first used to propel men to the Moon.
However, the Ares V will deliver 33% more payload mass to the Moon than its predecessor, thus allowing the
needed additional capability for missions to the ultimate destination, the planet Mars.

NCR News December 2008 Page 10

Chaplain Rand Settell (center) surrounded by members of his family. They are joined by Ch, Lt Col Don MIkitta (far left),
Minnesota Wing Chaplain and Lt Col Mike Moen, Group 3 Commander (far right)

Squadron gains new chaplain

1st Lt Norine Olson
Deputy Commander, Valley Composite Squadron, Minnesota Wing

On November 13th Valley Composite Squadron welcomed a new chaplain to its ranks.

Rand Settell received promotion to the rank of Captain and was awarded his chaplaincy by Minnesota Wing
Chaplain, Ch, Lt Col Don Mikitta. Joining Chaplain Settell for this special occasion were members of his family and
members of the squadron.

After graduating from high school, he attended Northwestern College receiving a BA in Bible Studies. After college
he served as a part-time pastor at a number of small parishes, got married, and attended and graduated from
Central Seminary receiving a Master of Divinity. During his career, Chaplain Settell was the pastor of churches in
Hinckley, and Minnetonka, Minnesota. Still looking to serve others, he also involved himself in Christian Education.
It was during this time that Rand found Civil Air Patrol and what it had to offer.

Chaplain Settell and his wife have six children. Two of his daughters went on to serve in the United States Navy.
His youngest daughter, on completion from her assignment in the Navy, joined the National Guard. She recently
has returned from deployment in Iraq.

When asked about why he joined the Civil Air Patrol, he stated, “I joined for the cadets, to help them with character
as well as spiritually.”

New Commander takes the reigns in Mankato

On December 4th Capt Jo Ellen Peters (left) assumed command of the

Mankato Composite Squadron from outgoing Commander Capt Nash
Pherson (right). Pherson was recognized with a Commander’s
Commendation Award for his successful 3 year tour as squadron
commander. Photo by Lt Col John Barsness.

NCR News December 2008 Page 11

Valley Squadron Increases Boy Scout’s Awareness of Civil Air Patrol
On a blustery and cold Saturday morning in
December, terms like 24-hour pack, ELT, Search
and Rescue were being thrown around, thankfully
inside. Members of the Valley Composite
Squadron gave presentations to a full room of Boy
Scouts at Spring Lake Park Reserve.

1st Lt Russ Olson gave an overview of the

Emergency Service missions of the Civil Air Patrol
and how they correlated to what the Scouts are
learning. 1st Lt Olson described the training
available, as well as real life examples of what
Emergency Services involve in Minnesota.

C/Capt Jared Hendler (left) presented the

contents of the 24-hour pack and the uses for
each item. Scouts and Troop leaders asked a
multitude of questions relating to the items in the
24-hour pack as well as questions relating to the overall missions of Civil Air Patrol.

After a short break, Scouts and their CAP counterparts took part in a search and rescue exercise. SM Charles
Morgenroth had been sent into the woods with items to drop as clues. The Scouts and the members of Valley
Squadron then conducted a hasty search through the parks wooded area. Braving the cold and wind of the morning
the Scouts were able to find the “victim”.

Minnesota members re-establish logistics depot

In early December over 50 members spent the day setting up a

new logistics depot at the Minnesota Wing Headquarters in South
St. Paul.

The depot had to move from another facility to a new location at

the wing’s HQ recently. Members spent the day setting up
shelving, organizing and inventorying property and doing
everything that is needed to set up a logistics depot for a 1300
member wing.

Lt Col Paul Adams, Minnesota Wing Director of Logistics said

“wing logistics is more capable today due to the many hands
supporting Saturday's event. Your efforts have greatly enhanced
the mission capabilities of the entire wing.”
Minnesota Wing Cadets at the MN Wing Depot.

NCR News December 2008 Page 12

Minnesota State Representative visits local squadron
2d Lt George Supan
Public Affairs Officer, Anoka County Composite Squadron, Minnesota Wing

Minnesota State Representative Jim Abeler visited the Anoka Composite Squadron recently to present Minnesota
House certificates to Captain Andy Bosshart and Cadet Captain Keyona Sanchez at a recent Squadron meeting at
the Blaine-Anoka County Airport.

The Speaker of the House, Rules Committee Chairman and State Rep. Abeler signed the certificates.

Captain Andy Bosshart’s certificate was to recognize him for

receiving the 2008 Civil Air Patrol, Major Howell Balsem Public
Affairs Exceptional Achievement Award for Photography. The
photo was taken on August 20, 2007 while on a mission to the
flooded area of southeastern Minnesota. The photo depicted
CAP members helping citizens in a boat. The photo appeared in
newspapers, the 2007 CAP annual report to Congress, in the
CAP Volunteer magazine and published around the world. The
picture was an inspiration to the current CAP slogan "Citizens
Serving Communities: Above and Beyond". State Rep. Abeler
said, “It is a very inspiring photo”.

C/Captain Keyona Sanchez received the certificate for her

accomplishments in earning the Civil Air Patrol Amelia
Earhart and Brigadier General Billy Mitchell Awards. The
third and fourth highest Cadet awards in Civil Air Patrol.
State Rep. Abeler said, “Congratulations on your
outstanding achievements”.

Keyona's father, Commander Adrian Sanchez, from Ham

Lake who is in the Navy Reserve, now serving in
Afghanistan, is on leave and was at the presentation to see
his daughter receive the certificate.

Photos by 2nd Lt Jennifer Doyle

In the latest Issue of the CAP Volunteer you will find:

• Members responding to Hurricane Ike

• Switching to New Emergency Beacons
• Longtime member shines on national stage
• The latest CAP Hall of Honor inductee
• A profile of the National Cadet of the Year
• and Much More from all over the Nation
Download CAP’s Flagship Magazine now at

NCR News December 2008 Page 13

NCR News December 2008 Page 14

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