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The Universe of “One”

- A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time
and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated
from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of
prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons
nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles
of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in
itself a part of the liberation and of a foundation for inner security. ~ Albert Einstein,
N.Y. Post, November 28.

Each of us is our own individualized Universe with self sufficient, self reliant and
fully devoted to the inner voice within guiding the ways into this place and
experience called being human of Mother Earth; wholly and complete in the
reverence of one or “I” as in I AM. With this said we are the individual with in the
Oneness. Yet we can be an island to ourselves and we can be fine, with the group
collective or the Oneness wishes to be in unity with you.
So duality can seem present or is it? Depends on the attachment you feel with the
situation, person or your reality. Yet even being “non-attached or detached” is
contradictive in terms of the experience of being human when you look at the

One thing that differentials being “human” are our attachment and/or emotions;
to attach meaning be apart of, join, sense of belong, affection or attraction; while
detach meaning to be separate, not connected, no involvement. We are told many
times to be “detach” from the outcome but when manifesting our dreams and
desires, we must feel, sense and be in that final outcome…though don’t attach to
the final outcome. What the hell do we do here? The amount of paradox and
contradiction (the cosmic joke of it all) on the spiritual journey can confuse and
delay the very thing that ends the paradox with that thinking of what do I really
do here. I have gotten the idea and it seems to work most of the time of being
“lovingly detached and be.” I am still apart of the unity and participating in the
experience with awareness that everyone is in their own individualized Universe
and I have and am an actor in their “world” and how long I am is only as long as
the agreement and “fun” last on both parts, for they are contributing into my
experience as well.

The human experience is made up of a series of “lessons” and learning to

surrendering the center of all things… Love. Love is the center of the being-ness…
the heart space, home base and the center of your Universe. It is where your soul,
your dreams, your true self and the real you lives, breaths, be and is. With this
being said, how does one truly surrender into the heart space is the true spiritual
journey we are here to be finding. Once we got that really down, we rise up to
another level of vibration and wisdom to go beyond the limitation of the human
experience still participating in this space with that loving detachment and
appreciation for each who play a part of your life.
Surrender to the heart completely and find that unity of the One…one of self
within the oneness of all. Be at peace and understand the heart (inner
voice/intuition) guides your state of mind and body for the highest potential of
you and your human experience without the attachment that brings the
unhealthy balance within your “reality”.
Feel if that resonates with your inner being-ness and breath in the moment with a
greater understand of just be-ing.

- [There are two paths leading to oneness with the Tao.] The first in the path of acceptance.
Affirm everyone and everything. Freely extend you goodwill and virtue in every direction,
regardless of circumstances. Embrace all things as part of the Harmonious Oneness, and then
you will begin to perceive it. The second path is that of denial. Recognize that everything you see
and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth. Peel all the veils away, and you will
arrive at the Oneness. Though these paths are entirely different, they will deliver you to the same
place: spontaneous awareness of the Great Oneness. ~ Lao Tzu

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