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English tips for my favourite Dummy – part 1

Simple Present
 É usado para expressar hábitos e fatos gerais, ações repetidas ou
situações, emoções e desejos permanentes:
o I play (hábito);
o I work in London (situação permanente);
o London is a large city (facto geral).

 Para dar instruções ou indicações:

o You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.

 Para expressar eventos programados, presentes ou futuros:

o Your exam starts at 09.00.
ATENÇÃO! O "simple present" não é utilizado para indicar ações que
estejam a ocorrer no presente momento.

Não te esqueças:
 No simple present, o verbo To Do é utilizado para fazer a negativa e
a interrogativa.
o Do you like potatoes?
o No, I don’t like potatoes.

 Na terceira pessoa do singular, o verbo sempre termina em -s:

o he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.
o He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not
want vanilla.

 Verbos terminados em -y: na terceira pessoa do singular, troca-se o

-y por -ies:
o fly --> flies, cry --> cries
 Exceção: quando houver uma vogal antes do -y:
o play --> plays, pray --> prays
 Adicione -es aos verbos terminados em:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch:
he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes
Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa
I think Do I think? I don’t think
You think Do you think? You don’t think
He thinks Does he think? He doesn’t think
She thinks Does she thin She doesn’t think
It thinks Does it think? It doesn’t think
We think Do we think? We don’t think
They think Do they think? They don’t think

Present Continuous
 Para descrever uma ação ocorrendo neste momento:
o You are using the Internet.
o You are studying English grammar.

 Para descrever uma tendência ou ação que está a acontecer

o Are you still working for the same company?
o More and more people are becoming vegetarian.

 Para descrever uma ação ou evento futuros que estão planeados ou

o We're going on holiday tomorrow.
o I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight.
o Are they visiting you next winter?

 Para descrever um evento ou situação temporária:

o He usually plays the drums, but he's playing bass guitar
o The weather forecast was good, but it's raining at the
 É usado com "always, forever, constantly" para descrever e reforçar
uma sucessão de ações repetidas:
o Harry and Sally are always arguing!
o You're constantly complaining about your mother-in-law!

Assim como ocorre com todos os tempos verbais em inglês, a atitude do

orador é tão importante quanto o momento em que ocorre a ação ou
evento. Quem utiliza o "present continuous" está a referir-se a algo não
concluído ou incompleto.

Formação do presente Continuous:

Sujeito + to be + radical + ing = She is talking.
Sujeito + to be + not + radical + ing = She is not (isn't) talking.
to be + sujeito + radical + ing = Is she talking?

Simple Past:
O tempo verbal "simple past" é utilizado para se referir a uma ação
concluída num período de tempo anterior ao atual. A sua duração é
irrelevante pois a ação tanto pode ter ocorrido num passado recente ou
num passado distante.
 John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.
 My father died last year.
 He lived in Fiji in 1976.
 We crossed the Channel yesterday.
Ao utilizares o "simple past", deves usar determinadas expressões
temporais para indicar quando tal aconteceu:
 Frequência: often, sometimes, always.
o I sometimes walked home at lunchtime.
o I often brought my lunch to school.
 Período de tempo determinado: last week, when I was a child,
yesterday, six weeks ago.
o We saw a good film last week.
o Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.
o She finished her work at seven o'clock
o I went to the theatre last night

 Período de tempo indeterminado: the other day, ages ago, a long

time ago, used to
o People lived in caves a long time ago.
o She played the piano when she was a child.
o We used to go to school together.

Simple Past com Verbos regulares:

Sujeito + verbo + "ed" = I skipped.
Sujeito + did not + infinitivo sem to = They didn't go.
Did + sujeito + infinitivo sem to = Did she arrive?
Interrogativa negativa
Did not + sujeito + infinitivo sem to = Didn't you play?
Conjugação do verbo TO WALK
Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I walked I didn't walk Did I walk?

You walked You didn't walk Did you walk?

He walked He didn't walk Did he walk?

We walked We didn't walk Did we walk?
They walked They didn't walk Did they walk?


Sujeito Verbo
Be Have Do
I Was Had did
You Were Had did
He/She/IT Was Had did
We Were Had did
You Were Had did
They Were Had did

Notas sobre as formas afirmativa, negativa & interrogativa do verbo:

 A forma afirmativa do "simple past" é simples.
o I was in Japan last year.
o She had a headache yesterday.
o We did our homework last night.

Negativa e Interrogativa
 Para as formas interrogativa e negativa do "simple past" do verbo
"do" como verbo principal, utilize como auxiliar o próprio "do".
o We didn't do our homework last night.

 A forma negativa do verbo "have" no "simple past" é normalmente

formada com o uso do verbo auxiliar "do", ainda que, em alguns
casos, basta adicionar not ou a contração "n't".

 A forma interrogativa do verbo "have" no "simple past" geralmente

utiliza o auxiliar "do".
o We didn't have any money.
o We didn't have time to visit the Eiffel Tower.
o We didn't do our exercises this morning.
o Did you have a bicycle when you were young?
o Did you do much climbing in Switzerland?

Nota: para as formas negativa e interrogativa de todos os verbos no

"simple past", sempre utilize o auxiliar "did".

"Simple Past": Verbos Irregulares

Alguns verbos são irregulares no "simple past", cuja lista presente no livro
deve ser decorada. Confere abaixo o uso de alguns destes verbos mais
o He went to a club last night.
o Did he go to the cinema last night?
o He didn't go to bed early last night.
o We gave her a doll for her birthday.
o They didn't give John their new address.
o Did Barry give you my passport?
Past Continuous
O tempo verbal "past continuous" descreve ações ou eventos ocorridos
num período anterior ao presente, os quais começaram no passado e que
ainda estão ocorrendo no momento da fala. Em outras palavras, ele
expressa uma ação incompleta ou não concluída no passado.
 They were waiting for the bus when the accident happened.
 Caroline was skiing when she broke her leg.
 When we arrived he was having a bath.
 When the fire started I was watching television.

Este tempo é utilizado:

 Com frequência, para descrever o contexto de uma história escrita no
o The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant
came out of the jungle.
o The other animals were relaxing in the shade of the trees, but the
elephant moved very quickly.
o She was looking for her baby, and she didn't notice the hunter who
was watching her through his binoculars.
o When the shot rang out, she was running towards the river...".

 Para descrever uma ação incompleta que foi interrompida por outra
ação ou evento.
o "I was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang".

 Para indicar uma mudança de opinião.

o "I was going to spend the day at the beach but I've decided to get
my homework done instead".

 Com o termo "wonder", quando se deseja fazer um pedido muito

o "I was wondering if you could baby-sit for me tonight".
O "past continuous" de qualquer verbo é composto por duas partes: o
passado do verbo "to be" (was/were) e o radical do verbo principal + ing.
Sujeito was/were radical + "ing" = Theywere watching

Afirmativa Interrogativa
She was reading Was she reading?
Negativa Interrogativa negativa
She wasn't reading Wasn't she reading?

Verbo play no "past continuous"

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I was playing I was not playing Was I playing?
You were playing You were not playing Were you playing?
He was playing He wasn't playing Was he playing?
We were playing We weren't playing Were we playing?
They were playing They weren't playing Were they playing?

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