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Microimaging FTIR of Head and Neck Tumors. IV

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Ancona, Italy
Perkin-Elmer, Italia, Monza, Italy
Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy

KEY WORDS infrared microspectroscopy; pattern recognition analysis; cluster analysis;

cancer; salivary glands neoplasia
ABSTRACT On continuing our studies on head and neck neoplasia, specimens from salivary
gland tumors have been explored by using infrared microimaging spectroscopy to discern healthy
from neoplastic tissues. Samples with Warthin tumor, epithelial displasia, marginal B-cell lym-
phoma, low-grade adenocarcinoma, and adenoid cystic carcinoma pathologies have been investi-
gated by using conventional light sources. Changes were monitored at the molecular level, probing
spectral markers such as Amide I and II, phosphate, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates vibrational
modes. In all cases, supervised and unsupervised spectral analyses resulted in satisfactory agree-
ment with histopathological findings. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:67–75, 2009. V 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. C

INTRODUCTION and defining characteristic spectral profiles in salivary

The potential role of IR spectroscopy in biomedical glands attributable to the following pathologies:
sciences has been exploited to distinguish different bio- 1. Warthin tumor: the second most common tumor of
molecules by probing chemical bond vibrations and salivary glands. It is a benign tumor composed of
using these molecular and submolecular patterns to glandular (with solid pattern) and often cystic struc-
define and differentiate pathological from healthy sam- tures; the stroma contains a variable amount of
ples (Jackson and Mantsch, 2002; Jackson et al., 1997; lymphoid tissue with germinal center.
Kneipp et al., 2000; Lasch and Naumann, 1998). 2. Epithelial displasia: an architectural disturbance
One of the advantages of FTIR microspectroscopy is accompanied by cytologic atypia.
that it can monitor pathological variations even at an 3. Lymphoma: a low-grade B-cell lymphoma arising in
early stage, and it is particularly suitable to characterize mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, usually devel-
tissue structures and identify tissue pathologies, owing oping in the setting of lymphoepithelial sialadenitis.
to the capability of generating maps or images of samples 4. Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma: a malig-
areas (Toyran et al., 2006). IR spectroscopy provides a nant epithelial tumor with histologic heterogeneity
spectral signature of the intensity and a spatial location and an infiltrative growth pattern. Foci of oncocytic
of the chemical components, thus highlighting biochemi- or mucous cells may be found.
cal changes. The use of multivariate data and artificial 5. Adenoid cystic carcinoma: a basaloid tumor consist-
neural network analysis can afford an unsupervised ing of epithelial and myoepithelial cells in variable
valid classification of biochemical components (Lasch morphologic configurations.
et al., 2002b, 2004). Studies on biological specimens
(fluids, cells and tissues) have been carried out either Additionally, we attempted to discriminate ‘‘normal’’
with instruments employing conventional light sources connective tissue from the desmoplastic stroma of the
or, more recently, with spectrometers using multidetec- neoplastic process.
tor devices or synchrotron radiation sources; in the two
latter cases, the spectral quality was improved and the MATERIALS AND METHODS
acquisition time drastically reduced. These tools have Sample Preparation
opened new potential frontiers in biomedical research
affording results unavailable by standard histopatholog- Thirty three samples (tumor bank of the Ospedale
ical analysis (Burattini et al., 2007; Diem et al., 2004; Regionale ‘‘Umberto I’’ of Ancona) from patients with a
Romeo et al., 2006). Obviously, due to the complexity of diagnosed salivary glands pathology were analyzed.
these systems, a large number of experiments are neces-
sary in order to acquire reliable statistical evidences.
Since the mid 1990s, we have applied infrared spectros- References ‘‘Bruni et al., 2004,’’ ‘‘Conti et al., 2005,’’ and ‘‘Conti et al., 2007’’ are
part I–III.
copy to study pathological states in breast, colon, and, *Correspondence to: Giorgio Tosi, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie
mainly, oral cavity tissues characterizing various biochem- Chimiche, Facoltà di Ingegneria, via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy.
E-mail: g.tosi@univpm.it
ical components with the aim to detect pathological states
Received 16 May 2008; accepted in revised form 18 August 2008
(Conti et al., 2005, 2007a,b, 2008; Bruni et al., 2004). DOI 10.1002/jemt.20644
The present contribution aims to further prove the Published online 29 September 2008 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.
potentiality of infrared spectroscopy in better isolating wiley.com).


The samples were grouped as follows: Warthin tumor SIMCA correlations (by using classes and parame-
(A), oral epithelium with dysplasia (B), lymphoma (C), ters for HCA procedures) enabled us to discharge out-
polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (D), adenoid liers spectra. The remaining spectra were resubmitted
cystic carcinoma (E), and its corresponding healthy tis- to HCA and the final grouping was used to extract rep-
sue (F). resentative spectra of each subcluster by means of
Tissues were cut into sections of 5 lm thickness by Standard Normal Variate Correction. These spectra
using a cryo-microtome. Three adjacent sections were were compared with those extracted point–point from
used for both histopathological and FTIR analysis. The selected regions of the map (by following the sugges-
first section was stained with hematoxylin-eosin tions of the pathologist); with a satisfactory compari-
(H&E) for histological examination to identify various son, the average spectra were used for the spectral
regions, whereas the second and the third were depos- analysis.
ited on steel and silicon supports for infrared analysis On bands of interest, frequency and absorbance val-
(Conti et al., 2007b). ues were obtained and analyzed statistically.
Data Processing for IR Microspectroscopy
Spectral data were achieved with the following spec- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
trometers: Perkin Elmer Spectrum One and Perkin IR microspectroscopic imaging generates molecular
Elmer Spotlight 400, equipped with a Perkin-Elmer tissue maps providing a spectral signature of the inten-
Autoimage microscope (with a photoconductive sity and a spatial location of the chemical components
HgCdTe, MCT, array detector, operating at liquid nitro- of diseased tissues. In the following, the spectral analy-
gen temperature which covers the entire IR spectral sis of a representative section (well featuring the spec-
range from 4,000 to 700 cm21). The spectral resolution tral behavior of the remaining sections) will be
was 4 cm21. The spatial resolution, depending on the described in detail for each group of specimens.
heterogeneity, ranged from 50 3 50 to 6.25 3 6.25 lm2. The microphotograph of a salivary gland tissue inter-
The spectra were the result of 256 scans. Background ested by Warthin tumor (A), H&E stained, is shown in
scans were acquired and ratioed against the sample Figure 1.
spectrum. On the thin sections, deposited on steel or Following histological assessments, two different
silicon supports, reflectance and transmission spectra zones were examined where the H&E staining revealed
were obtained, respectively. Specific areas of interest a diversified histological composition: a yellow-signed
were selected by means of the microscope television zone with cystic component, lymphoid tissue and focal
camera. necrosis and a red signed zone with mainly solid tumor.
Baseline (polynomial line fit) was performed in all By the use of HCA (not reported) and PCA analysis,
cases, whereas Second Derivative (9 points), Fourier the 873 and 2,219 spectra, collected from cystic (yellow
Self Deconvolution and Curve Fitting (Gaussian char- square area with neoplastic lesions, CK and CK0 ) and
acter) procedures were used to determine the absorb- solid (red rectangular area, SK) regions, were nicely
ance ratio between bands of interest. All spectra were grouped in subclusters (Figs. 2a,b).
scaled for equal intensity in the Amide II absorption. In both regions, necrosis (Ne), lymphoid tissue (Ly),
Attribution of the bands was done according to litera- and vessels (V) were identified too. Representative
ture data (Jackson and Mantsch, 2002; Steudel, 1995). spectra are reported in Figures 3a,b.
Spectral images were produced by Perkin Elmer In the region 3,000–2,800 cm21, differences are evi-
Auto IMAGE 5.0.1 and by Spectrum IMAGE 1.6.1. dent in the spectral profiles of the six components
For data handling, the following software packages (bands normalized to the intensity of the phosphate
were used: Spectrum v.6.3.1 (Perkin-Elmer), Grams AI stretching mode at 1,080 cm21) (Fig. 3a): (i) the bands
(Galactic Corp.), and Pirouette 4.0 (Infometrix Corp.) shapes of SK and CK are more or less the same and
for multivariate analysis. Pirouette has already been resemble the one exhibited by cellular components; in
used in spectral data treatment of spectra from oral both spectra, the lower masymCH3/msymCH2 intensity ratio
cavity tissues (Conti et al., 2007b; Tobin et al., 2004). with respect to the CK0 one, can be ascribed to a hypo-
Hyper View Images Perkin-Elmer software was used to methylation process during carcinogenesis (Table 1)
generate pseudo color maps. and confirmed also by the same intensity ratio between
On a number of sections, supervised analysis was SK and the healthy tissue F (Fig. 4); (ii) a discrete pres-
undertaken following histopathological suggestions, ence of cellular component in CK0 and, mainly in Ne,
whereas on the remaining specimens blind tests (unsu- can be argued by band broadening; (iii) the lymphoid
pervised analysis) were performed. For each whole sec- tissue (Ly) shows the mCH2sym mode red shifted to 2,858
tion, a number of spectra from 10,000 to 40,000 could cm21; (iv) the vessels show proper spectral profiles
be extracted. The spectra from selected areas were sub- where the mCH3sym is hidden by the broad mCH2sym mode
mitted to hierarchical clustering analysis in the region (Conti et al., 2005, 2008; Wong et al., 1991; Yamada
1,800–900 cm21 where the main absorptions of biomo- et al., 2002).
lecules are located. For the HCA procedure all the spec- It is known that cholesterol, phospholipids and also
tra were converted in absorbance, baseline linear fit- creatine are important cellular metabolites with bands
ted, smoothed (5 points) vector normalized (Wood et al., in the region 3,100–2,800 cm21. In particular, the val-
2004). ues of masymCH2/masymCH3 ratio are related to phospholi-
The suitability of this method was controlled by run- pids peroxidation after oxidative stress and, hence, can
ning the HCA on some sections by using second deriva- be considered cancer targets for carcinogenesis
tive spectra (Savitzky-Golay, 9 points) and comparing (Petibois and Déléris, 2006; Petibois et al., 2007). Also
both clustering results. in our case, the values of the above ratio in tumoral

Microscopy Research and Technique


Fig. 1. Photo of a H&E-stained section of a salivary gland tissue

(Warthin tumor, A).

Fig. 3. Representative spectra of the components of tissue A to-

gether with control F in the region 3,000–2,800 cm21 (a) and in the
region 1,800–900 cm21 (b).

TABLE 1. masymCH3/msymCH2 and masymCH2/masymCH3 intensity ratio

on going from SK (representative spectra of Warthin tumor)
Fig. 2. PCA analysis of spectra of cyst (a) and solid cancer
to F (representative spectra of the corresponding
areas (b).
healthy tissue). Overall SD 6 0.1–0.3
masymCH3/msymCH2 1.4 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.7
regions SK and CK are higher than in CK0 and, obvi- masymCH2/masymCH3 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2
ously, in the spectrum of healthy F (Table 1).
In the spectrum of the solid tumor SK, AI, and AII
vibrational modes exhibit component bands at 1,656
and 1,550 cm21 characteristic of the a-helix conforma- ent only in the spectra of lymphoid tissue, can be
tion of proteins with a ratio %2 and weak bands at attributed to the OH bending vibration of water mole-
1,681, 1,663 and 1,540, 1,513 cm21 attributable to the cule and to the random-coil structure of proteins (Bruni
b-sheet structure. On the contrary, in the normal tis- et al., 1998; Stuart, 2004). The mCO band of the carbonyl
sues (F), the b-sheet content prevails on a-helix (Figs. moiety at 1,744 cm21 (interfacial region of lipids) is
4a,b) (Ganim et al., 2008; Hollosi et al., 1994; Wong almost absent in SK and CK, whereas it is clearly visi-
et al., 1993b). This spectral behavior could arise from a ble in Ly, Ne, and V. All these spectral differences in
change in the secondary structure of proteins during the position of components bands are clearly detected
carcinogenesis (Conti et al., 2007a; Ismail et al., 1992; by second derivative results (Fig. 5a). In SK and CK,
Parker, 1971; Rigas and Wong, 1992) the bands at 1,458 (methyl bending) and 1,398 cm21
On going from SK to CK and CK0 , AI band gradually (methylene bending and carboxylate stretching) have a
broadens and falls at lower frequencies (1,662 and proper profile, where the higher intensity of the latter
1,656 cm21). Broadening and red shift of amide bands mode is again in favor of a hypomethylation process
are also evident in Ly, Ne, and V with a AI/AII ratio along with carcinogenesis (Conti et al., 2008; Hollosi
% 1. The relevant component band at 1,647 cm21, pres- et al., 1994; Rigas et al., 1990; Wong et al., 1993a,b). In

Microscopy Research and Technique


Fig. 4. Peak fitting in the region 1,800–1,450 cm21 (absorbance in arbitrary units, A.U.) of: (a) SK
(Warthin tumor, tissue A) and (b) control (tissue F).

Fig. 5. Second derivative of representative spectra of the six com-

ponents of A in the region 1,750–900 cm21. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.
Fig. 6. Infrared spectra of SK, CK, CK0 , and F in the region
1,100–1,020 cm21. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at www.interscience.wiley.com.]

the region 1,250–800 cm21, the bands are mainly at-

tributable to phosphodiester groups of nucleic acids
and phospholipids in tissues and cells (Fig. 5b). If, as in
our case, the mCO band of the carbonyl moiety at The decrease of C O H moieties results in a reduced
1,740 cm21 is lacking and if the secondary structure of H-bonding, thus explaining the blue shift of bands in
proteins is mainly a-helical, the bands at 1,240 and the spectra of tumor samples (Fig. 4b). The position
at 1,083 cm21, arising frommasymPO2- and msymPO2- and, mainly, the shape of the downfield C OP band
stretching modes, can be attributed mainly to nucleic from DNA can be the consequence of different confor-
acids (Wong et al., 1991). In this region, all the bands mational features (Pacifico et al., 2003).
of SK, CK and, at some extent, CK0 , are blue shifted In previous articles, the value ratio 1,030/1,080 has
with respect to those of Ly, Ne, and V; in particular, the been hypothesized as a conceivable spectral marker of
blue shift of C Oasym stretching mode (from 1,163 to neoplastic changes in the sense that, during proteins
1,172 cm21) can be due to a pathological phosphoryla- phosphorylation, there is a consumption of glycogen,
tion process (Ci et al., 1999; Jackson and Mantsch, and hence, the ratio decreases (Gazi et al., 2004). In our
2002). It is not surprising that in tumor spectra, the ra- case, the glycogen band is detectable (DII 5 points) only
tio between the band at 1,085 (mainly phosphate in CK0 that can signify a complete consumption in CK
stretching modes from nucleic acids and proteins) and and SK. The band of carbohydrates centered at
1,055 cm21 (carbohydrate C O H stretching mode 1,050 cm21 is sharp in CK0 and CK, blue shifted at 1,055
like mucin) is higher than one as a consequence of a cm21 in F and is a doublet at 1,055 and 1,047 cm21 in
consumption of mucin and a substitution of C O H SK. On these spectral features, which depend on glucide
by CO P (Lasch et al., 2002a; Pacifico et al., 2003). composition, some contribution probably comes from S 5

Microscopy Research and Technique

Fig. 7. Microphotograph of limited areas of solid tumor (a) and cyst (b–d).

Fig. 8. Image from cluster of cystic (a) and solid tumor area (b): green (SK), red (CK and CK0 ,
mainly), blue (Ne and Ly), dark green (holes).

Fig. 9. Photo of an H&E-stained section of the C tissue (lymphoma) and relative PCA analysis: green
(connective), red (tumor), and blue (lipids).

O groups, from various compositions of proteins, and TABLE 2. dasymCH3/dsymCH3 and AI/AII intensity ratio
from modifications of disulphide links (Fig. 6). in the healthy tissue (F) and tumoral tissues (A–E).
Overall SD 6 0.1–0.3
It is reported that an excessive increase in lactic acid
content can be related to glucose consumption by ma- A B C D E F
lignant cells to supply oxygen decrease during cells car- dasymCH3/dsymCH3 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.5 0.8 1.2
cinogenesis. This behavior can be proved also in our tis- AI/AII 2.0 2.2 2.5 1.9 2.2 1.7
sues, where the presence of the band of lactic acid at
1,127 cm21 is evident only in CK and SK and increases
from the former to the latter (John, 2001; Petibois sheet conformation (a-helix/b-sheet 5 2.9 6 0.2 and 0.8
et al., 2007). 6 0.1 in ialine and eosinophile connective tissue,
A visual inspection on high power 50 3 50 slides of respectively), the profile of CH2 and CH3 bending
limited areas of cyst and solid tumor (Fig. 1), suggested modes, the C OH band found at 1,172 (due to a
that not only biochemical changes but also tissue mor- change of C OH into C OP), a higher intensity of the
phology and packing are responsible for the spectral component bands on the right side of the convoluted
differences on going from Ly to CK0 , CK and, finally, to band centered at 1,080 cm21. In Figure 10, the spec-
the homogeneous and dense SK neoplasia (Figs. 7a–d). trum of the healthy tissue F is also reported. Spectral
In Figures 8a,b, the pseudo color maps are reported, differences of F with the tumoral spectrum are clearly
in which each pixel (6.25 3 6.25 lm2) is characterized evident: the vibrational mode C OH of sugars found,
by a proper spectrum; by using HCA analysis, similar as expected, at 1,164 cm21; a 1,080/1,240 ratio <1 and
spectra are grouped in subclusters (shown in the maps the DNA band at 960 cm21 almost absent (Fig. 10). (Ci
by different colors) assigning a specific zone for various et al., 1999; Conti et al., 2005; Gazi et al., 2004, 2007).
components and reproducing the histological biochemi- From tissues B, containing oral displastic epithelium
cal distribution and architecture. together with healthy zones characterized by glands
In the case of marginal B-cell lymphoma (C), the with alveolar shape, two main average spectra were
spectral and subsequent HCA (not reported) and PCA isolated: one well resembling the spectrum of the solid
analysis classified tumor, connective, and lipids compo- tumor, SK (with differences in Amide I and II band
nents (Fig. 9). shapes, only) and the other with a high content of gly-
The spectrum of this neoplasia (see Fig. 12) resulted coproteins (mucine) (Figs. 11a,b).
similar to the one of the solid tumor (A) as regard to For a comparison among the spectra representing
the profile and the absorption of bands in almost the various neoplasia, some spectral windows resulted rel-
entire spectral region, except for the position of AI and evant: (i) the ratios between methyl and methylene
AII (found 9 and 7 cm21 to lower frequencies), for the vibrational modes the position; (ii) the profile and the
peak intensity ratio of CH2 and CH3 at 2,960/2,854 and peak ratio of Amide I and II; (iii) the presence of the
1,452/1,397 cm21 and for a red shift of 6 cm21 of DNA band at 1,171 cm21; (iv) the shape of the band centered
band at 970 cm21 (Fig. 12 and Table 2). at about 1,080 cm21 and its intensity ratio with the one
Also in D tissues (polymorphous low-grade adenocar- at 1,240 cm21; (v) the intensity of the band at 970 cm21
cinoma), HCA and PCA (not reported) showed three (Fig. 12). The comparison of spectral with histological
clusters assigned to the cancer, to the connective and to classification resulted more than satisfactory.
the cancer with a significant presence of mucus. With To further verify the reliability of our classification,
respect to the solid SK, the spectrum of the cancer (see all the spectra of SK were mixed with those representa-
ahead, Fig. 10), showed different 2,960/2,854. AI/AII tive of the other oral cavity tumors, always isolated
and 1,453/1,398 intensity ratios (Table 2). from the corresponding clusters, obtaining a new HCA
In addition, Amide bands appeared broad for the in the spectral region (Fig. 13).
presence of components bands to lower frequencies. From the dendogram, the various classes of neopla-
The presence of mucine is argued by the bands found sia resulted well grouped and in a conceivable
at 1,376, 1,317, 1,120, 1,072, 1,035 cm21. The DNA sequence. The nearness of D with A subclusters is not
band at 970 cm21 is practically absent (Fig. 12) (Lasch strange due, as also stated by pathologists, to the anal-
et al., 2002b, 2004). ogous heterogeneity of the two displasia. The existence
All the sections from patients with an adenoid cystic of a unique subcluster for CK and CK0 is in favor of a
tumor (E) resulted constituted by muscular, connec- very smooth difference in biochemical composition and,
tive, necrotic, lipidic, and tumoral components (multi- probably, of a prevalent incidence of the morphological
variate analysis not reported). The representative assembly to the spectral profile. Owing to the similar-
spectrum of the tumor resulted identical to the one of ity of the representative spectra, the grouping of E
the solid tumor, SK, with some minor dissimilarities with B is also feasible.
mainly for the lower intensity of phosphate bands of
nucleic acids (1,240, 1,080 e 970 cm21) probably due to
the presence of cells with a lower mitotic activity (Fig.
12) (Lasch et al., 2002a; Tobin et al., 2004). CONCLUSIONS
To point out spectral differences between eosino- The results from salivary gland specimens, pre-
philic and ialine connective tissue, produced during sented here, once again demonstrate the capability of
carcinogenesis, high-resolution spectra (6.25 3 6.25 infrared microspectroscopy imaging, in combination
lm2) were taken into consideration (Fig. 10). Contrary with multivariate data analysis, to point out even
to that found in eosinophile connective tissue, analo- subtle biochemical and morphological changes, distin-
gies with the tumoral spectrum were found in ialine guishing various kinds and grades of neoplasia in tis-
connective tissue spectrum: a-helix prevalent on b- sues from a specific region of the human body. To study

Microscopy Research and Technique


Fig. 10. Comparison between representative spectra in the region 1,800–900 cm21 of neoplastic and
connective zones of E tissue (adenoid cystic carcinoma) with the healthy tissue F. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley.com.]

Fig. 12. Representative spectra in the region 1,800–900 cm21 of

different pathologies: Warthin tumor A (1), low-grade adenocarci-
noma D (2), epithelium with displasia B (3), adenoid cystic carcinoma
E (4), lymphoma C (5), and the corresponding healthy tissue F (6).
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at

Fig. 11. (a) Microphotograph of a section of B tissue (oral displas- biological systems, a rapid images acquisition at a
tic epithelium) where the displastic (blue panel) from the healthy
(black panel) epithelium can be distinguished and (b) their represen-
high-spatial resolution is requested that can be fully
tative spectra. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which satisfied with the introduction of new conventional
is available at www.interscience.wiley.com.] (thermal) light sources. For example, Spotlight system

Microscopy Research and Technique


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