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Técnica Para Estudar Com Leitura Aula # 3

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4 Passos

1. Ler o texto e traduzir

2. Ler acompanhado do áudio
3. Ler todo texto frase a frase após o áudio.
4. Ler todo texto em voz alta.

My commute to work

My commute to work is very easy. There is hardly any traffic. I get into my car and in 30
minutes I am at work. There are only two stop signs for the entire trip. I live out in the country.
Why does it take 30 minutes when there is very little traffic and few stops? Well, because
everything is far away when you live in the country.
Texto Com Tradução

My commute to work​ - ​Minha Viagem Para O Trabalho

My commute to work is very easy. ​(Minha Viagem para o trabalho é muito fácil) . ​There is
hardly any traffic. (Tem raramente algum tráfego) I get into my car and in 30 minutes I am
at work. ​(Eu entro no meu carro e em 30 minutos eu estou no trabalho.) ​There are only two
stop signs for the entire trip. ​(Existem apenas duas placas de pare durante toda a viagem) I
live out in the country. ​(Eu vivo no interior) ​Why does it take 30 minutes when there is very
little traffic and few stops? (Porque leva 30 minutos quando tem tão pouco tráfego e poucas
paradas?) ​Well, because everything is far away when you live in the country. (Bem, porque
tudo é muito longe quando você mora no interior.)

Vocabulary -​ Vocabulário

hardly ​– Raramente - I hardly study English.

entire​ – todo (a) - They listen to loud music the entire time here.
out in the country​ – No interior - She lives out in the country.
far away ​– Longe - She lives far away.
traffic​ – tráfego - Traffic is heavy today.
stop sign​ – Placa de Pare - Turn left at the stop sign.
There is​ – tem / existe - There is a car in your garage.
There are​ – tem / existem - There are two cars in your garage.

Material desenvolvido por Inglês Winner Curso de Inglês Online​ ​www.ingleswinner.com

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