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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will recognize the early signs and symptoms of pulmonary insufficiency
CREDIT in adult patients with tetralogy of Fallot

David Fox, ME, PA-C Ganesh P. Devendra, BA Stephen A. Hart, BS Richard A. Krasuski, MD
Department of Cardiovascular Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,
Medicine, Section of Clinical Cardiology, Medicine of Case Western Reserve Medicine of Case Western Reserve Section of Clinical Cardiology, Cleveland
Cleveland Clinic University, Education Institute, University, Education Institute, Clinic
Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Clinic

When ‘blue babies’ grow up:

What you need to know about
tetralogy of Fallot
■ ■Abstract
C hildren born with tetralogy of Fallot
and other congenital heart defects are liv-
ing longer—long enough for new problems to
Most babies born with tetralogy of Fallot undergo cor-
rective surgery and survive to adulthood. However, as arise, and, eventually, to present to your clinic.
they get older they are prone to a number of long-term In primary care, the presentation of tetralogy
problems, and they often do not receive expert-level of Fallot is still rare, but it is becoming more
follow-up care. This review of the adult complications of
Congenital heart disease was once solely a
tetralogy of Fallot should help primary care practitioners pediatric specialty, but adults who have been
identify these patients, make appropriate and timely treated for these conditions now outnumber
referrals, and educate patients and their families. children with congenital heart conditions.1–4
■ ■KEY POINTS More than 85% of infants with congenital heart
disease are now expected to reach adulthood.5,6
The major long-term complication of tetralogy of Fal- For those with tetralogy of Fallot, the most com-
lot repair is pulmonary valve insufficiency, which leads mon form of cyanotic congenital heart disease,
the 40-year survival rate is now at least 90%.5
to right heart failure. Other problems include atrial and
But these former “blue babies” eventu-
ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. ally have serious problems. Most develop pul-
monary valve insufficiency (regurgitation),
Surgical pulmonary valve replacement is the standard of which, over time, can result in right ventricu-
care, but the optimal time to do this is unclear. lar volume overload, enlargement, and dys-
function.7–10 These problems lead to arrhyth-
Novel and experimental therapies include percutaneous mias, the most significant cause of illness and
pulmonary valve replacement and medical therapy with death in these patients.11–13 Ventricular and
atrial arrhythmias occur in up to 35% of pa-
pulmonary arterial vasodilators.
tients with tetralogy of Fallot, and over a fol-
low-up period of up to 30 years the incidence
of sudden cardiac death is 6%.14
Furthermore, because many patients have
no symptoms in early adulthood, they are of-
ten lost to follow-up, potentially missing the
opportunity to have complications treated
before they become irreversible. Recent data
suggest that most patients who present with
symptoms had stopped seeing a cardiologist
doi:10.3949/ccjm.77a.09172 about 10 years before.15

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Tetralogy of Fallot

Pulmonary stenosis
limits the flow of blood Displacement of the aorta
to the lungs. funnels blood from both ventricles
into the systemic circulation.

Ventricular septal defect

allows blood to shunt from the left
Right ventricular hypertrophy side of the heart to the right, or in the
lessens the efficiency opposite direction, depending on the
of this chamber. pressure differences between the two

FIGURE 1. The defects found in tetralogy of Fallot cause poor oxygenation. Although surgical
repair has excellent outcomes, patients are prone to develop pulmonary insufficiency years later.

The challenge for primary care clinicians • Ventricular septal defect

The optimal is to identify these patients in their practice, • Hypertrophy of the right ventricle
timing of to recognize the early signs and symptoms of • Rightward deviation of the aortic valve, so
a worsening condition, and to refer and treat that it overrides the ventricular septum; this
pulmonary before cardiac damage becomes irreversible. can range from minimal overriding of the
valve aorta and trivial pulmonary stenosis to up to
■■ One in 3,600 live births 90% override and frank pulmonary atresia.
replacement The aorta, receiving blood from both ven-
remains Tetralogy of Fallot occurs in approximately tricles, is usually dilated. It arises from a right-
debated 1 in 3,600 live births or 3.5% of infants born sided arch in about 25% of patients and may
with congenital heart disease.6 It is the most override the septum so much that more than
common type of cyanotic congenital heart 50% of the blood flow comes from the right
disease, accounting for 10% of all cases.16 Pa- ventricle.17 In such cases, whether the patient
tients in whom it has been repaired are the has true tetralogy of Fallot or a double-outlet
biggest group of adults with complex congeni- right ventricle with pulmonic stenosis may
tal heart disease. At Cleveland Clinic, it is the be ambiguous. Though controversial, the lat-
reason for 23% of new referrals to our adult ter condition is generally distinguished by
congenital cardiology clinic, second only to a ventricular septal defect that is integral to
atrial septal defects (33%). the left ventricular outflow tract and by lack
of fibrous continuity between the aortic and
■■ FOUR DISTINCT FEATURES mitral valves.18

Tetralogy of Fallot has four distinct anatomic ■■ SurgERY HAS EVOLVED

features (FIGURE 1):
• Pulmonary stenosis (subvalvar, valvar, or Surgical repair has been performed since the
both subvalvar and valvar) 1950s, and the perioperative death rate has
Fox and Colleagues

FIGURE 2. Severe pulmonary insufficiency after repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Left, contrast
injected into the pulmonary artery (PA) during systole. Right, leaking of contrast (arrow)
back into the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) during diastole.

fallen to less than 1% at most experienced lar septal defect leaks, and arrhythmias.17,21,22
centers.19 For these reasons, many experts have aban-
In the past, surgeons often placed a shunt doned the notion that surgical repair is de-
between a systemic artery and the pulmo- finitive.23,24
nary artery as a palliative measure to im-
prove oxygenation in infants with tetralogy Pulmonary valve insufficiency leads to
of Fallot, waiting until the child was older right ventricular systolic dysfunction
to remove the shunt and repair the defects The overwhelming issue leading to repeat sur- An increase
definitively. gery for tetralogy of Fallot is severe pulmonary in QRS duration
Now, however, they generally favor repair- valve insufficiency (Figure 2).
ing the heart in the initial procedure. This in- In the past, pulmonary insufficiency was > 3.5 ms/year
volves patching the ventricular septal defect, considered relatively benign because most pa- predicts
widening the infundibulum, and repairing the tients tolerate it well for a long time. As these
pulmonary valve or patching the annulus. patients age, however, it becomes the core of
Transannular patching opens the entire right their problems.1 If severe, it may result in right arrhythmia and
ventricular outflow tract, but it crosses the ventricular volume overload and dilatation, sudden death
pulmonary valve, and this is what eventually fibrosis, arrhythmia, and myocardial damage,
results in severe pulmonary insufficiency and all of which are cumulatively detrimental.25
its complications.20 For this reason, surgeons Right ventricular function and exercise ca-
at most institutions now favor valve-sparing pacity deteriorate, and the tendency toward
procedures rather than transannular patching, ventricular arrhythmias develops.26
whenever possible. If the problem is chronic, right ventricular
systolic function may remain normal for years,
■■ What happens years after during which most patients remain relatively
surgical repair? free of symptoms. In time, however, the com-
pensatory mechanisms of the right ventricu-
Surgery used to be considered the definitive lar myocardium fail, the right ventricular wall
cure for tetralogy of Fallot. However, prob- stress (afterload) increases, while the right
lems that arise years later include chronic ventricular ejection fraction decreases. Pa-
pulmonary valve insufficiency, obstruction of tients begin to experience symptoms, and if
the right ventricular outflow tract, depressed the volume load is not reduced, the dysfunc-
right ventricular function, residual ventricu- tion may become irreversible.27

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Tetralogy of Fallot

nificant pulmonary insufficiency. None of the

patients with late sudden death or ventricular
tachycardia had undergone late pulmonary
valve replacement. This is further supported
by a multicenter analysis of patients with re-
paired tetralogy, which demonstrated that
moderate or severe pulmonary insufficiency
was the main hemodynamic abnormality in
patients with ventricular tachycardia and sud-
den death.11
In general, the risk of late sudden death is
25 to 100 times higher in patients who sur-
vive surgery for congenital heart disease than
in age-matched controls, and the risk is even
higher for those with cyanotic conditions such
as tetralogy of Fallot. In fact, one-third to one-
half of deaths in adults with tetralogy of Fallot
are sudden.25,32

■■ findings on Assessment

FIGURE 3. Sagittal cardiac magnetic reso- Most patients with tetralogy of Fallot remain
nance image of a patient with repaired free of symptoms for many years. While indi-
tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonic valve re- vidual responses to pulmonary insufficiency
gurgitation. The annulus of the pulmonary vary, symptoms generally get worse as the
valve is emphasized by the arrow. The dark- pulmonary insufficiency gets worse. Patients
ening below the annulus is the regurgitant present with a spectrum of complaints, from
MRI is the jet. The right ventricle is at least mildly palpitations to a general decline in function.
dilated in this image. LV = left ventricle; Late symptoms include exertional dyspnea,
gold standard PA = pulmonary artery; RV = right ventricle. palpitations, right heart failure, and syncope.17
for evaluating Signs of right ventricular failure can in-
right clude elevated jugular venous pressure, pe-
■■ Pulmonary insufficiency ripheral edema, hepatomegaly, ascites,33 and
ventricular predisposes to arrhythmias, jugular venous distention with a large a wave.
size and sudden cardiac death
function Heart murmurs
Pulmonary insufficiency predisposes to atrial Pulmonary insufficiency causes a low-pitched,
and ventricular arrhythmias, presumably due brief diastolic murmur. Although often pres-
to progressive enlargement and stretching of ent, it may be short or difficult to hear, even
the right atrium and ventricle. if the regurgitation is severe, because this is
Clinically significant atrial arrhythmias, “low-pressure” pulmonary insufficiency as op-
predominantly intra-atrial reentrant tachycar- posed to the regurgitation that can occur in
dia but also atrial tachycardia and atrial fibril- patients with pulmonary hypertension. There-
lation, occur in 12% to 35% of patients with fore, this murmur is often missed on physical
repaired tetralogy of Fallot.11,28–31 examination.
Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden car- There may be an ejection click due to a
diac death also occur. In one study,1 100% of dilated aorta. An aortic insufficiency murmur
patients who died suddenly had moderate or may also be present.
severe pulmonary insufficiency, and 94% with A right ventricular outflow murmur is gen-
ventricular tachycardia had significant pul- erally audible, along with a pansystolic mur-
monary insufficiency. In contrast, only 49% mur if a residual ventricular septal defect is
of patients who were arrhythmia-free had sig- also present.
Fox and Colleagues

A right-sided aortic arch, present in about cardiac MRI, even for patients without symp-
25% of patients with tetralogy of Fallot, may toms.33
cause a lift below the right sternoclavicular
junction.17 ■■ Pulmonary valve replacement
Is the only proven treatment
Electrocardiographic findings
Electrocardiography commonly shows right No study has yet shown that drug therapy
ventricular hypertrophy with a right bundle alone slows the progression of complications.1
branch block. The longer the QRS dura- Pulmonary valve replacement is the only
tion, the greater the right ventricular vol- treatment proven to reduce right ventricular
ume and mass. Furthermore, a QRS duration size and improve right ventricular function in
greater than 180 ms is a significant marker of the long term.
risk of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden The risks of surgery, including the need for
death.22,34–37 repeat operations, must be balanced against

Another feature strongly associated with the risk of irreversible right ventricular dys-
ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death is function and its associated complications.
the rate of change in the QRS duration. A rel- The operative death rate is low, as is the long-
atively rapid increase (> 3.5 ms/year) is associ- term risk of death afterward. Therrien et al12
ated with a significantly higher risk.1 A rapid reported that, in a series of 70 patients who
rate of change may be meaningful even if the underwent pulmonary valve replacement, the
QRS duration is not markedly prolonged.11 probability of survival was 92% at 5 years and
Reduced heart rate variability also appears 86% at 10 years.
to be a marker of risk of sudden cardiac death Surgery appears to reverse or at least arrest
in these patients.38,39 the progression of many of the complications
associated with pulmonary insufficiency, in-
Imaging studies cluding tricuspid regurgitation and diastolic
Chest radiography typically shows a dysfunction.17 Its utility in ameliorating ven-
prominent right ventricular shadow and car- tricular tachycardia, however, remains contro- An estimated
diomegaly.17 versial. One series showed a lower prevalence 45% of
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the of tachycardia after pulmonary valve replace-
gold standard for evaluating right ventricular ment (9% after surgery vs 22% before), but bioprosthetic
size and function as well as pulmonary regur- later studies have had more equivocal results.17 valves fail
gitant volumes, and it is the imaging test of
choice when assessing pulmonary valve com- When should surgery be done?
by 10 years
petence and right ventricular hemodynamics There is little controversy about the even-
(FIGURE 3).40–42 MRI velocity mapping is cur- tual need for pulmonary valve replacement
rently the only practical imaging technique in most patients. What is controversial is the
available that reproducibly measures pulmo- timing.12,44–47
nary regurgitation volume.43 It can measure This issue has been hotly debated. Some
right and left ventricular volumes and mass believe that pulmonary valve replacement
and can help in assessing the status of the should be done only if evidence of right ven-
right ventricular outflow tract, the pulmonary tricular dysfunction has developed.17 Others
arteries, the aorta, and any residual ventricu- suggest that it be considered earlier and that
lar septal defect. MRI can also show branch the onset of symptoms may be a late and sub-
pulmonary artery stenosis, which can contrib- optimal indication for it.6,8,48,49 Many experts
ute to increasing pulmonary insufficiency, and now recommend surgery early, before symp-
aortopulmonary collaterals, which can con- toms of heart failure develop.17 Though sur-
tribute to left ventricular volume overload. gery has traditionally been recommended if
They are particularly common in patients the QRS duration is longer than 180 ms, some
with pulmonary atresia. believe it should be done before this occurs.11
Many centers specializing in congenital Arguments for early surgery. In one
heart disease therefore recommend baseline study, in no patient who had a right ventricu-
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Tetralogy of Fallot

lar end-diastolic volume greater than 170 mL/ patients with severe pulmonary insufficiency
m2 (normal ≤ 108) or a right ventricular end- led to no measurable deterioration in 25 of
systolic volume greater than 85 mL/m2 (nor- 28 patients.53
mal ≤ 47) did these numbers return to normal The available data do not support pulmo-
after pulmonary valve replacement.45,50 This nary valve replacement in young patients with
suggests a point of irreversible dilatation and mild or moderate right ventricular dilatation,
a volume threshold beyond which right ven- normal right ventricular systolic function, and
tricular function is unlikely to completely no additional risk factors.27
improve. Normalization of right ventricular
volumes was shown to occur when pulmo- Mechanical vs bioprosthetic
nary valve replacement was performed before replacement valves
the right ventricular end-diastolic volume Once the decision is made to proceed to sur-
reached 160 mL/m2 or the right ventricular gery, the next step is choosing the type of pros-
end-systolic volume reached 82 mL/m2.47,51 thetic valve.
Delaying surgery until symptoms occur Mechanical valves pose a risk of throm-
may be unfavorable because the long-term bosis, requiring life-long anticoagulation. To
outcomes of increased right ventricular vol- give warfarin (Coumadin) to younger, active
umes and decreased right ventricular ejection people exposes them to the risk of potentially
fractions after surgery are not known. catastrophic bleeding if trauma were to occur.
Arguments for watchful waiting. There Women who become pregnant are generally at
does not seem to be a threshold above which an increased risk of thrombotic complications
right ventricular volumes do not decrease af- due to the hypercoagulable state of pregnancy,
ter surgery—although they may not decrease but the risk of fetal defects is considerable if
to the normal range. Pulmonary valve re- they receive warfarin.54–56
placement substantially reduced right ven- Bioprosthetic valves generally come in
tricular dilatation even in patients with very two varieties: preserved and treated human
high right ventricular volumes and right ven- tissue (homografts) and animal tissue (bovine
The future tricular dysfunction, and resulted in an overall pericardial or porcine, depending on the size
of pulmonary improvement in function (measured by New required). These can be implanted as isolated
York Heart Association class).47 valves or as part of a conduit (valve and sur-
valve Late pulmonary valve replacement rapidly rounding tissue).
replacement improves right ventricular volumes and im- Bioprosthetic valves eliminate the need
proves the effective ejection fraction, although for anticoagulation. However, they are not
may lie in its impact on absolute right ventricular func- very durable, especially in younger patients,
percutaneous tion is not as pronounced. The QRS duration which is worrisome. An estimated 45% of
procedures shortened after surgery in those in whom it bioprosthetic valves fail by 10 years,57 thus
was 180 ms or longer before surgery, although nearly guaranteeing that an otherwise healthy
this appeared to be a transient change.52 The 40-year-old, for example, will need to under-
prevalence of ventricular tachycardia declined go at least one repeat surgery, and very likely
from 22% to 9% and that of atrial fibrillation more.
or flutter declined from 17% to 12%.17,48
A recent study with long-term follow- ■■ Novel therapIES
up has raised questions about the necessity
of aggressive early intervention in tetralogy Percutaneous valve replacement
of Fallot. Sixty-seven patients were followed The future of pulmonary valve replacement
for as long as 27 years after surgery. Forty- may lie in percutaneous procedures.
five had severe pulmonary insufficiency and The Melody transcatheter pulmonary
severe right ventricular dilatation, and of valve (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) is im-
those, 28 remained free of symptoms and did planted percutaneously via the femoral vein,
not undergo pulmonary valve replacement. guided by fluoroscopy (Figure 4). Early results
The authors found that refraining from pul- appear very promising, with significant reduc-
monary valve replacement in asymptomatic tions in pulmonary insufficiency and right
Fox and Colleagues

The Melody transcatheter pulmonary valve

FIGURE 4. The Melody transcatheter pulmonary valve (Medtronic; Minneapolis, MN). Left,
pulmonary angiography helps guide catheter delivery of the valve into the right ventricular
outflow tract. The angiogram also demonstrates severe pulmonary valve insufficiency. Right,
a fully expanded valve (inset), with angiography demonstrating near-complete resolution of
pulmonary valve insufficiency.

ventricular size, as well as improved exercise Pulmonary vasodilator drugs

tolerance.58–60 Our group is examining whether pharmaco-

The Melody valve is now approved through logic therapy can alter the clinical outcome in
a humanitarian device exemption (ie, based patients with pulmonary insufficiency (due to
on demonstrated safety without proven effi- either tetralogy of Fallot or valvotomy done to
cacy) for patients who have a prior pulmonary treat remote pulmonary stenosis). Specifically,
conduit now complicated by either stenosis or we are using MRI to examine the effects of in-
regurgitation. haled nitric oxide, a selective pulmonary vaso­

If percutaneous pulmonary valve replace- dilator. Preliminary results suggest that such a
ment proves to have reasonable long-term strategy may work, and we are designing a trial
durability, it has the potential to dramatically to examine the longer-term benefit of using an
shift the balance toward earlier intervention. oral drug with similar properties. ■

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