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EWCJ Question

Q1. Short Question (any 10 each question carry . 5 marks) 10 x .5 = 5

1. What are three basic elements of an html documents

2. What are the elements be contained in the header of the documents
3. How are color expressed as attribute values
4. What is the use of alt attribute.
5. What are the components of a URL
6. What protocols are supported by URL
7. What is the difference between internal and external link
8. How would you create a table with no border
9. Difference between cell spacing & cell padding
10. How you can add comment to HTML document
11. Give an example of inline CSS. And what meta tag is used for inline
style sheet.
12. Write any 5 InterNIC root servers.
13. What is the use of pseudo class selector
14. What is ISP name any two ISP providers working in India.
15. What is the difference between paired and unpaired tag give any two
16. Anchors target links to the beginning of the document true/false ?

Q2. Long Question (any 5 each question carry 1 marks) 5x1=5

1. What is Virtual Domain and how it works.

2. Write the role of Browser and Web Server.
3. What is HTML, write the structure of a html document.
4. What is CSS and how you can use css to web documents.
5. Write any 15 HTML tag with at-least one attribute.
6. What is image map and how you can have two internal link to a image
(write full document structure for the above)
7. What protocols are supported by URL describe each.
Q1. (Answers any two) [1x2=2]

1. Explain J2EE Architecture

2. Explain CGI function
3. Write applet life cycle with all its method

Q2.(Answer any two) [2x2=4]

1. WAP to create frame within an applet with two button with an event.
2. WAP to design menu with sub menu options as circle, line, box when any one
option clicked the respective image will draw.
3. WAP in applet to check which key is pressed.

Q3. (Answer any two) [2x2=4]

1. Write a pattern in perl to check variable-name validation with all possibilities.

2. Write a program in perl to check no of files within a folder
3. WAP to count no of words in a text file and write to another text file as

Name:- (Your Name)

Source File Name:- (From which file you are reading)
No of Words:- (after count how many words you are getting) in Number
1. Basic concepts of internet.
a. How it differ from intranet
b. How it works.
c. What is the role of ISP
d. Describe TCP/IP.
2. Client run………………..which allow ……………&…………………facilities.
3. Server runs software to incorporate ……………&……………………
4. What is virtual domain.
5. Describe FTP.
6. Role of InterNIC.
7. Write the domain extension structure.
8. http://www.yahoo.com expand the address structure.
9. Who setup a communication between a client and server on the internet.
10. Write an inline, embedded, import css example.
Text onClick()
Password onFocus()
TextArea onBlur()
Button onSelect()
Radio onChange()

True and false

Virtual domain possible in one hard disk. y/n

Q1. [0.4x10=4]

1) Client runs ____________ to communicate with server.

2) Server runs ________________which allow them to respond ________ and
accept data from clients.
3) IIS stands for _______________.
4) A single computer with a permanent IP address can host multiple virtual
domain(Y/N) _____________.
5) In India ___________________extends the role of InterNIC by issuing
permanent IP addresses.
6) Write any 5 event Handlers of java script.
7) An HTML document is divided into __________ _____________ and
8) _____________tag starts for a new line skipping one line in between.
9) .gif files are specified with BGCOLOR attribute (Y/N) ________.
10) What are the components of a URL
11) How would you create a table with no border
12) Difference between cell spacing & cell padding
13) How you can add comment to HTML document
14) Give an example of inline CSS. And what meta tag is used for inline style sheet.
15) Write any 5 InterNIC root servers.
16) What is the use of pseudo class selector
17) Anchors target links to the beginning of the document true/false ?

Q2.(Answer any four in 10 to 15 sentences) [1x4=4]

1) Write services of TCP/IP.
2) Define FTP.
3) What is HTML.
4) What is Virtual Domain and how it works.
5) What is CSS with example.
6) What is Java Script
7) Explain DOM.

Q3. (Answer in 10 to 15 sentences any two) [1x2=2]

I. Write the use of clickable/image map with proper tag.

II. Write the basic server functions.
III. Write a java script program to search the position of a word in a string.
IV. Write a program in java script to check the email format and usedID to be more
than 6 characters.

CSS Question

Question Set 1

font-size: 1em;
line-height: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
font-varient: small-caps;
font-family: verdana,serif


font: 1em/1.5em bold italic small-caps verdana,serif

both are correct or not?

if you put two class together it will work or not
Ex. <p class="text side">...</p>
What is the CSS border default value.
What it will do the following css structure
margin-top: 3.5em !important; margin-top: 2em

What is the benefit of using the following css structure?
<h1><img src="widget-image.gif" alt="Buy widgets" /></h1>
What is the benefit of using the following css structure?

<h1>Buy widgets</h1>
What it will do?

h1 {
background: url(widget-image.gif) no-repeat;
h1 span {
position: absolute;
How you can use the following CSS.
width: 100px;
border: 5px;
padding: 20px;
What is the alternative use of above CSS structure

If You write the following css structure what will be the effect.

#content {
width: 700px;
margin: 0 auto;
What the following css structure
#container {
position: relative

What do you mean by css positioning within a container.
What will be the effect of the following css structure.

Body {
background: url(blue-image.gif) 0 0 repeat-y;
What is CSS.
What are the classification of CSS
What is css inheritance.
What meta tag you need to put in html header for inline style sheet.
How you can change scrollbar properties.
What is the use of div and span over css
If you use both id selector and class selector together how it will work (not

Regular Expression Quiz

Each Question cary .4 marks............ total mark = .4x25=10

Write TRUE/FALSE to the following questions

1. Search for the pattern 'iiig' in the string 'piiig'
"piiig" =~ m/iiig/ ==>

2. The pattern may be anywhere inside the string

"piiig" =~ m/iii/ ==>

3. All of the pattern must match

"piiig" =~ m/iiii/ ==>

4. = any char but \n

"piiig" =~ m/...ig/ ==>

"piiig" =~ m/p.i../ ==>

5. The last . in the pattern is not matched

"piiig" =~ m/p.i.../ ==>

6. \d = digit [0-9]
"p123g" =~ m/p\d\d\dg/ ==>

"p123g" =~ m/p\d\d\d\d/ ==>

7. \w = letter or digit
"p123g" =~ m/\w\w\w\w\w/ ==>
8. i+ = one or more i's
"piiig" =~ m/pi+g/ ==>
9. matches iii
"piiig" =~ m/i+/ ==>

"piiig" =~ m/p+i+g+/ ==>

"piiig" =~ m/p+g+/ ==>
10. i* = zero or more i's
"piiig" =~ m/pi*g/ ==>

"piiig" =~ m/p*i*g*/ ==>

11. X* can match zero X's

"piiig" =~ m/pi*X*g/ ==>

12. ^ = start, $ = end

"piiig" =~ m/^pi+g$/ ==>

13. i is not at the start

"piiig" =~ m/^i+g$/ ==>

14. i is not at the end

"piiig" =~ m/^pi+$/ ==>

"piiig" =~ m/^p.+g$/ ==>

"piiig" =~ m/^p.+$/ ==>

"piiig" =~ m/^.+$/ ==>

15. g is not at the start

"piiig" =~ m/^g.+$/ ==>
16. Needs at least one char after the g
"piiig" =~ m/g.+/ ==>
17. Needs at least zero chars after the g
"piiig" =~ m/g.*/ ==>
18. | = left or right expression
"cat" =~ m/^(cat|hat)$/ ==>

"hat" =~ m/^(cat|hat)$/ ==>

"cathatcatcat" =~ m/^(cat|hat)+$/ ==>

"cathatcatcat" =~ m/^(c|a|t|h)+$/ ==>

"cathatcatcat" =~ m/^(c|a|t)+$/ ==>

19. Matches and stops at first 'cat'; does not get to 'catcat' on the right
"cathatcatcat" =~ m/(c|a|t)+/ ==>

20. ? = optional
"12121x2121x2" =~ m/^(1x?2)+$/ ==>

"aaaxbbbabaxbb" =~ m/^(a+x?b+)+$/ ==>

"aaaxxbbb" =~ m/^(a+x?b+)+$/ ==>

21. Three words separated by spaces
"Easy does it" =~ m/^\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+$/ ==>
22. Just matches "gates@microsoft" -- \w does not match the "."
"bill.gates@microsoft.com" =~ m/\w+@\w+/ ==>
23. Add the .'s to get the whole thing
"bill.gates@microsoft.com" =~ m/^(\w|\.)+@(\w|\.)+$/ ==>

24. words separated by commas and possibly spaces

"Klaatu, barada,nikto" =~ m/^\w+(,\s*\w+)*$/ ==>

"PiIIg" =~ /pIiig/ ==>
"PiIIg" =~ /pIiig/i ==>

Question Set A

• Which should I use, the while statement or the until statement?

• Which of the following are legal scalar variable names?

a $hello
b. $_test
c. $now_is_the_time_to_come_to_the_aid_of_the_party
d. $fries&gravy
e. $96tears
f. $tea_for_2

• How many elsif parts can I have in an if-elsif-else statement?

• How much nesting of conditional statements does Perl allow? Can I put an
if inside a while that is inside an if that is inside an until?

Question Set B

1. Rewrite the following statement using the conditional operator:

if ($var1 == 5 || $var2 == 7) {
$result = $var1 * $var2 + 16.5;
} else {
print("condition is false\n");
$result = 0;
2. Rewrite the following expression using the if and else statements:
$result = $var1 <= 26 ? ++$var2 : 0;
3. Write a program that reads two integers from standard input (one at a
time), divides the first one by the second one, and prints out the quotient
(the result) and the remainder.
4. Why might the following statement not assign the value 5.1 to $result?
$result = 5.1 + 100005.2 - 100005.2;
5. Determine the order of operations in the following statement, and add
parentheses to the statement to indicate this order:
$result = $var1 * 2 << 5 + 3 || $var2 ** 3, $var3;
6. What value is assigned to $result by the following code?
$var1 = 43;
$var2 = 16;
$result = ++$var2 == 17 ? $var1++ * 2 - 5 : ++$var1 * 3 - 11;
7. Find and fix the bugs in the following program:

$num = <STDIN>;
chop ($num);
$x = "";
$x += "hello";
if ($x != "goodbye" | $x == "farewell") {
$result = $num eq 0 ? 43;
} else {
$result = ++$num++;
print("the result is $result\n");
8. What is wrong with the following program?
# program which prints the next five numbers after the
# number typed in
$input = <STDIN>;
chop ($input);
$input = $input + 1; # start with the next number;
$input = $terminate + 5; # we want to loop five times
until ($input == $terminate) {
print ("The next number is ", $terminate, "\n");
9. Write a Perl program that uses the while statement to print out the first 10
numbers (1-10) in ascending order.
10. Write a Perl program that reads in two numbers and does the following:
o It prints Error: can't divide by zero if the second number is 0.
o If the first number is 0 or the second number is 1, it just prints the
first number (because no division is necessary).
o In all other cases, it divides the first number by the second number
and prints the result.
11. Write a Perl program that uses the until statement to print out the first 10
numbers in descending order (10-1).
12. Write a program that uses the << operator to print out the first 16 powers
of 2.
13. Write a program that reads data into an array and writes the array.
14. Write a program that prints every element of an array.
15. Write a program that uses list ranges to print a list of numbers.
16. Write a program that copies an array and compares the elements of the
two arrays.
17. Insert a number and find out the factorial of it.
18. insert a name from keyboard and check with an array element wheather it
matches or not.
19. In the above problem check for more than one keyword.
20. Using hash array check the input value (keyboard) matches with the hash
value or not.

Sub Routine Question

Each Question cary 2 marks............ total mark = 2x5=10

1. Write a subroutine that takes two arguments, adds them together, and returns the
2. Write a subroutine that counts the number of occurrences of the letter t in a string
(which is passed to the subroutine). The subroutine must return the number of
3. Write a subroutine that takes two filenames as its arguments and returns a nonzero
value if the two files have identical contents. Return 0 if the files differ.
4. Write a subroutine that simulates the roll of a die (that is, it generates a random
number between 1 and 10) and returns the number.
5. Write a subroutine that uses recursion to print a list in reverse order. The
subroutine must recursively call itself to print the entire list; each invocation must
print one word of the list. (Assume that the first call to your subroutine passes the
value 0 and the list to be printed.)

Servlet Question

1. Write a counter program in servlet.

2. Write a program in servlet to check folder path.

JDBC Question

1. Write a program in servlet-jdbc to show student information fields are (sic,

name, branch, semester)
2. Write a program in servlet-jdbc to search student record.

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