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Jumpstart Guide

to Creating a Daily Practice

for Deep Personal Healing:
Tips, Tools and Energy Tricks

By Stacy Vajta, MA,

Expanded Pathways
© 2010 by Stacy Vajta, MA
Copyright holder is licensing this under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 3.0.
Special thanks to all my clients and students who have actively engaged in their healing process.
Together we heal, create and expand!

Cover photo by: alicepopkorn

Please feel free to post this in its entirety on your blog or email it to whomever
you believe would benefit from reading it. Thank you.
Table of Contents
About this Guide 2
About Stacy Vajta, MA and Expanded Pathways 3
This Guide is for You 4
My Philosophy 5
How to Use This Guide 6
What is Healing? 7
What is Energy Work? 8
What Does It Take to Create a Daily Practice? 10
Know Your Self 11
Where to Begin? 12
Basic Tools: 13
Grounding 14
Allowing and Receiving 15
Resistance 16
Intention 17
The Art of Play and Expansion 19
What’s Next, How to Deepen Your Practice 20

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 1

About this Guide
Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing is your resource. Use
this guide to get started on, or deepen, your healing journey. The information shared here is
intended to support you in an exploration of self and Spirit.

In the Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing, I will help you:

• create an understanding of what self healing is and what it means to you

• determine what your healing practice will look like

• manage your time and energy as you create your healing practice

• learn tools to work with to shift your own energy

• explore what’s next for you to support your healing

My intention in creating this guide is to support you in your healing journey, for that is what we
are on. We are experiencing an incredible spiritual evolution at this point in time. We are being
asked to heal, create and expand.

Now is the time to truly look within and change where change is needed. Change can be hard at
times; but having tools and support can help us with our inner work, so we heal with more ease
and grace.

Throughout this Guide, look for Energy Tips: special notes

and reminders to help you on your path!

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 2

About Stacy Vajta, MA and Expanded Pathways
I began my life-long passion for this work over 20 years ago. Way back in 1987 – do I dare date
myself like this?! – I began learning about energy work and self healing. And I was hooked

I studied for several years with a group of women, learning the art of energy healing, intuitive
reading and massage therapy. And as I began to deepen my understanding of this energetic
information I was receiving, I realized early on how this healing work affected my own psycho-
spiritual growth; as well as those around me who also explored this path. And so, I continued
my studies in the intuitive arts and bodywork, fine-tuning my intuition and energy work skills.

As I continued on my path, I entered into a Masters program at the California Institute of

Integral Studies in San Francisco, where I focused on body-oriented therapy and
personal/spiritual growth. Vibrational energy healing was an important component of my work,
as it taught me so much about how information (or energy) could be held in the body and
expressed through our unconscious mind.

Over the years, as my work has developed, I’ve come to support the whole person in body,
mind and spirit through this portal of energy work. It is through this modality that I find I am
able to speak to my clients and create deep healing and transformation. It is through this work
that I find I am able to cut straight through to the core of the issue…where the energy is held.

Expanded Pathways was created in 2005 in Oakland, CA,

where I now see clients. My sessions are often described as
unique and comprehensive, as I direct my healing attention
to the physical, mental and spiritual.

In addition to private session work, I teach classes and offer

long distance healing work through phone sessions and teleclasses. To learn more, visit

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 3

This Guide is for You
This Guide is for you if you are:

 just beginning your exploration of energy work for self healing

 experienced in some of the concepts of energy work for self healing yet aren’t able to
focus on a practice of some kind
 looking for tools and techniques to support you in your healing

We are truly going through a shift in our consciousness, and

energy healing plays a role in how we manage the ever-
changing energy that is propelling us along.

We are each being asked to look within, to explore so we are

ready to hold higher levels of light or energy within our
physical bodies. This is transforming our world.

Are you in?

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 4

My Philosophy
I view energy as information. Energy can tell can tell a story about our inner world, our physical
body and what we need to transform and expand. Many of the tools I will share here in this
Guide will take you on a journey of energetic or informational exploration. “What information
am I gathering that will support me?” is a key question in this process. And the answer will vary
each time you ask!

My philosophy on healing is that each of us has the capacity to engage in our own healing
process, and that our own energetic intelligence—our body intelligence—can guide us to deep
healing. And with that, we can embark on a journey that can support our physical and
emotional well being.

And at the same time, we may need assistance to help us move through our resistance and/or
to look at how where we are stuck from a different point of view than our own.

For some, more regular or on-going support goes hand in hand with a daily personal practice. It
is important to know when an outside perspective can help us move beyond that “stuck” place
we often find ourselves in. If we keep going around and around an issue, it’s a good idea to get
help from an experienced practitioner to get off the meri-go-round. And then, when we receive
this help, our own practice can then assist us in the processing and integrating of the energy.

Ultimately, it’s about creating a relationship to self and spirit that will guide you toward what
you need. I hope this Guide helps you create that relationship.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 5

How to Use This Guide
The best way to use this Guide is to read through it, try out the exercises and then allow what
comes to you to guide you. There is no right or wrong way to engage in your healing. And there
is no right or wrong way to work with your energy.

At times you may feel drawn to do this work daily, and other times you may not. That’s OK.
Again, it’s about creating a relationship with self and Spirit. And to do that, you must listen

Give yourself time to get into the practice of this work. But don’t create such a structure that
you go against what is your way of doing things. In other words, work with the system that is

When you practice these exercises and focus on your

healing, be sure to turn off the phone. Hide the Crack-berry
if needed so you don’t see that flashing light! Remove the
distractions and give yourself time to just be with you.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 6

What is Healing?
Healing of course is a big topic. But what I can say here is that healing is a process.

Often we think that healing is the final outcome: when we no longer have the physical problem
or our emotional world feels stable. I’d like to suggest that healing is not about the end result,
although that feels good. But consider the idea that healing is about the expansion process.

One thing I have come to understand is that those of us who explore our personal and
energetic healing learn that there is always room to heal, create and expand. And as we chose
to explore our physical awareness or health, or our emotional world, or even take on new
endeavors that may challenge us, there is healing there to explore. There is always some new
information that will take us to deeper and deeper levels of awareness and consciousness.

As we work with energy, the process unfolds as we are able to understand it. And yes, the
result is great when you do feel better. But the healing journey is one of expansion. And that
continues on.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself about what is healing.

What is your definition of healing?


Thinking of something you want to change in your life, what kind of change would need to
happen for you to say, “Yes, I feel I have healed ‘X’ in my life?” And in thinking of this, what
emotions come up, or what do you feel in your body?


If healing was more of a process, what might change for you if you perceived this more as a
flow versus a task list? How might this change your perception of what was happening in your

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 7
What is Energy Work?
I perceive energy work, or energy healing, as the act of re-organizing energy or energetic
information. Energy and information go hand in hand. Energy is information. There is a
consciousness or intelligence to it. And, by looking at the energy of things we can understand
something about what we are seeing or feeling.

If you didn't get a degree in quantum physics, no worries-here's a breakdown of the ideas both
science and spirituality are grappling with.

 Everything is energy. It all boils down to atoms and sub-atomic particles...maybe things
even smaller than that!

 Many of us believe there is something beyond the material universe (what our biological
minds can see right now). This might be called a quantum field or a different dimension.
Whatever it's called, it’s a realm of higher vibrations in which there is only pure energy.

 There is no barrier between pure energy and matter—energy just flows.

 The process whereby energy takes on material form seems inescapably linked to some
form of consciousness. Quantum physicists have discovered that no matter could be
created without the involvement of a conscious mind.

 When energy becomes matter, or takes on form, it holds a unique intelligence. The
atoms that make up an eye are the same atoms that make up my desk, but each holds
different information. The energy that is fear is the same as joy...it's all energy, just
different information is held within its "intelligence."

 There is a Universal Energy Field and, for this discussion, a Human Energy Field.
Although everything is energy so everything has a field.

 The human energy field is affected by emotions, biological structures, energetic

structures, thoughts as well as energy or information moving through our field. (These
are the basic affecting factors.)

 Emotions are "directed energy" aka a very directed flow of information. Emotions give
instructions to our biological structures. This "instruction" goes to tissues, organs and
systems. It's a two way street however, so if tissue or organs are holding a distorted
energy, it can affect us emotionally.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 8

So what does this mean for energy healing? Well, when organized energy becomes
dis-organized or distorted, we run into problems.

How does energy become distorted?

Energy can become distorted when the vibration of our energy no longer matches what our
Spirit or Soul needs to resonate at, or what we are energetically connecting to outside of
ourselves. For instance, if you have been going along in life and thinking one way, this thought
has a vibration to it. So let’s say that life throws you a curve ball and all of a sudden there is a
new way of seeing things or thinking about yourself. The contrast between this new energy and
your present energy creates a distortion.

The choice is to let go of the old vibration and shift your energy vibration to something new, or
to resist and keep the status quo.

Energy healing is then the process of that dialogue. What feels right energetically? What is the
body’s perspective? What is the Spirit’s perspective? And, what happens as we try to shift this
energetic awareness? Do we get stuck or can we expand?

Energy is neither good nor bad...it just is. And because energy can change with thought... yours,
mine or anyone’s… and because energy has its own inherent intelligence, energy healing can
shift and change our personal experience and physical health. It can push us along on our path
of expansion. Energy work is about understanding and re-organizing this information.
Sometimes the re-organizing happens instantaneously. Other times, there is the
process….which is healing.

Thought is powerful. What we think creates what we

experience. I’d say most of the healing process is about
identifying what we are thinking about and how our
unconscious “thought” affects our energy. Once we start
identifying what’s going on inside, we can more easily notice
those energetic patterns we operate from and change them.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 9

What Does It Take to Create a Daily Practice?
It may seem daunting at first to think about a daily healing practice. But really, it’s not as hard
as what you may be thinking!

A daily practice just means that you put some attention to your inner world each day. But it
doesn’t necessarily mean you have to alter your life or even lifestyle.

Healing needs to be integrated with your life, your values and how you operate on a day to day
basis. If you aren’t one to sit and meditate, don’t. Maybe you will find quiet introspective time
as you walk, or as you sit with a nice cup of tea. You’d be surprised at what you can connect
with within curled up in your favorite chair.

As I said earlier, there are no rules. Energy is energy and it flows no matter what.

You may be more comfortable, however, creating a sacred space and time in which you can
devote to you. Whether you block off 10 minutes or an hour, that’s up to you; but begin by
blocking off some time to give yourself. Don’t let this be a random time or you will most likely
fill up your day and then realize your healing time never happened.

It’s important to create the time and space for this, but also the energetic space. Intention is
really the way to create that energetic opening and inner desire to do the work.

Hold the intention that you are worthy of this time and focus. This inner process work is
important. It’s not selfish or over indulgent to take time to explore your inner life and heal. In
fact, it’s quite the opposite. Now is the time to do your healing work. And we’re all connected.
So as you heal, we all heal. It’s a team sport!

Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day. It’s not about

getting stuck in a structure for your healing. Play is equally as
important in the healing process. So some days you may
meditate, other days you may walk. Go with what you feel!
(Remember that it’s about creating a relationship within!)

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 10

Know Your Self
Here are a few questions to help you create the “space” to do your healing work.

What time of day feels right for you to tune out the outside world, family, TV etc., and devote
to your healing practice? _______________________________________________________

Where in your home can you do this? Do you have a favorite room or part of your garden that
feels sacred and healing?________________________________________________________

How much time do you have? Don’t force yourself to spend more time that you really can give
yourself or you won’t create the time you do have.

Can you sit and meditate/focus on your inner process? Some people just can’t, they fall asleep.
Or maybe it just feels better to sit and gaze out in nature or with eyes relaxed. I wasn’t kidding
about the cup of tea! Sometimes I do my best work curled up in a chair nursing a cup of tea and
listening within. ________________________________________________________________

Can you direct yourself in an inner process or might it be easier to listen to a guided
visualization directing you? If yes, visit my website and listen to the meditations there.


What else might support you in creating both the physical space and the energetic space to
commit to this work?

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 11

Where to Begin?
Right now you may be wondering, “Just where do I begin?” Well, start simply. We all have our
issues and we want to dive in. But in creating an energetic practice you want to get the basics.
These will serve you well.

Try the tools I’m offering here. Start with the grounding, and then explore the tools as you are
drawn to them. And when you are in that quiet, peaceful place, you want to ask a simple
question about something going on in your life or what you are noticing in that moment. Just
ask yourself or your Higher Self, and then just see where that goes. Again this is about listening
within and noticing the energy that you feel.

And, if you are wondering how to do that? Well, keep reading!

When it comes to energy, some people feel it, some see

colors, some just sense or “know it”, some hear it…and
some don’t feel anything.

As you play with this work, notice how you “get” energy. If
you don’t feel it at all, just play along and imagine you do. In
time you will create a connection of some kind to what you

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 12

Basic Tools:
Energy healing can come from simply bringing your awareness to something and being with it.
To simply allow the process to release and unfold and supply you with information as a witness
can be very healing. This approach is a gentle way to work with energy as part of a daily

Remember, energy is information. When we “get” something or realize that something isn’t
working and we move toward a different emotion, feeling or even action, we shift our energy.

There are basic tools for working with energy that can support you in this process. They are
tools to help you connect to your inner experience and begin to learn about energy and how
you experience your own energy.

These tools take practice. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t “get it” right away.

Just do your best, hold your intention for your healing and trust that something will come! And
if you want more instruction, I do offer some basic energy tool classes. And now that you are
getting my newsletter, you will see those and can plan to attend!

Sometimes it helps to record the instructions as a guided


You can record yourself or have a friend do it, and then

follow along so you aren’t engaged in trying to remember
what is next.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 13

Grounding our energy is one of the most important exercises you can learn. You’ll use this in
your practice for life.

Grounding is how you settle in and move into your body and energetic awareness. To start
with, it helps to learn a little sequence to help you focus on the intent and train yourself to
move into this grounded state.

Grounding Exercise:
1. Find a comfortable place to sit. No phones, no interruptions. This is your time.
2. Take a deep breath and settle into your hips. Literally drop your center of gravity into
your hip area. Just relax and allow yourself to expand.
3. Now, bring your awareness inward and focus your attention at the base of your spine.
And moving your awareness just an inch or so lower, imagine that you can send a beam
of light energy from that place down into the Earth. It’s like turning on a flashlight.
4. Let this channel of light move all the way down into the Earth, down into the very center
of the Earth. See if you can follow this path with your mind.
5. Bring your awareness back into the base of your spine for a moment and notice how
wide this column of light is. Does it need to expand to help you feel more stable?
6. When ready, move your awareness to the top of your head, your crown chakra.
7. From there imagine a beam of light now moving off your head up into the heavens. Into
the heart of source energy, Sky energy, Universal energy.
8. Let that channel of light connect you to your Higher Self. Just make that request to
connect to the energy that knows ALL aspects of you and notice what you experience.
9. And through that channel of light allow that energy to move back down through you.
10. You now have a core column of light moving from the heart of Source through you and
down into the Earth. This connects you to all that is, and stabilizes you.
11. Let the energy flow, and notice what you experience.
12. Don’t worry about directing any energy, your energetic intelligence knows the path!
You’ve been running this energy all along even if you’ve never noticed it!
13. Watch, feel, sense, imagine this energy moving through your body. Up your legs,
through your spine area/core column of light, and up to the heavens…and back down.
14. Just breathe and settle in and feel this energy.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 14

This grounding exercise is a great exercise to do daily. You can spend as much time in this
grounded space. And once there, you can explore any questions or issues you may want by
simply asking the question and then listening and feeling what you become aware of.

Allowing and Receiving

Energy healing doesn’t need to be all that complicated really. So many of us think there is some
magic to this. But really, it can be as simple as just allowing and receiving.

I say that though, but sometimes allowing and receiving can be the work of a lifetime!

My suggestion as you begin your healing practice is to follow your awareness. It’s a practice in
exploration. You’ll be learning more about what energy feels like in your body, where things
feel stuck or flowing; but also you’ll begin to make those connections between your emotions,
thoughts and your energy.

Allowing and Receiving Exercise:

1. Sit and ground your energy, check in. And then allow what happens next. When we try
to direct our own healing, all we are really doing is continuing the patterns our
conscious mind knows about.
2. Follow your attention and stay with this—without trying to fix or change. This can take
you to new depths of awareness where you will then receive information.
3. The way you will receive this information is either through a thought that pops in your
mind as an “aha,” or as resistance. I’ll share a bit more about resistance later on. But
you can get a lot of information by just sitting with these two experiences.
4. If/when you get the “aha,” just notice it, let what information may come in and then
stay with what you experience. It’s all about following your attention and not getting
hung up on meaning right then and there. But notice the thought, stay with it in a
relaxed way and ask that the energy that is no longer needed here let go. Sometimes
with awareness energy shifts on its own, or it may need to show you more.
5. Stay curious, stay relaxed and just allow and receive. This will go a long way in your
healing process.

Here is an article that might help explain how to stop struggling against what is, and move into
a space of allowing healing: Stop the Fight; Choose Where You Are and Let the Healing Begin.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 15

Resistance is as an internal emotional and energetic process. It acts as a holding pattern. Its
roots however, are from patterns and processes we learned which initially served us.

Our unconscious mind is great at creating those patterns as a way to “survive” our experiences,
and then equally great at holding onto them for dear life when it’s time to change. It can feel
overwhelming at times. Our emotional resistance can hold us back if we don’t learn to
recognize it and work with it successfully.

Resistance has many faces. Generally though it looks like frustration, feeling stuck, an inability
to focus…the list goes on.

I think one of the most powerful ways of working with resistance is to go into it. Yes, this may
sound counter-intuitive. We usually want to reject what pushes our buttons. But if you can
acknowledge that you are resisting something and then sit with that—again just allowing and
receiving—so much energetic information can be gained and the energy can shift.

Resistance Exercise:
1. Sit and ground your energy
2. If you begin this process feeling stuck or resistance, you can jump right in. Or maybe you
find the resistance as you do the allowing and receiving exercise.
3. When you find that resistance avoid the urge to change the channel. Just stay there, no
need to fix it or explain it away.
4. Ask yourself what part of you is feeling this way, and see what is shown to you (through
thought, image or energetic feeling.)
5. Spend time with what comes up. Ask how you can support this part of you. It’s not
about banishing what we resist, but supporting it to heal. Maybe this part of you may
just need to feel safe so you can let go of the old pattern.
6. Stay with this process and be gentle with yourself. See what you learn about yourself as
you watch/feel your energy. And ask for any energy to be let go of that is no longer
needed. This may be a process of healing.

Here is an article on working with resistance that may help: Tips to Working with Resistance:
Creating Change Even When Your Unconscious Mind Isn’t So Sure!

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 16

Intention is a powerful force. Often though, it is misunderstood.

Intention is not just about thinking or “wishing” for something. It runs much deeper than that.
From an energetic perspective, holding an intention is about aligning our energy with our

There is an energetic integrity to our thoughts. This means that the energy matches the
thought. And if our unconscious mind has a different thought than our conscious intention...it’s
really hard to create! And that’s because our energy will reflect the unconscious thought.

So the work here is again about listening and recognizing when our thoughts about what we are
intending fit, or align, with our energy.

It doesn’t help us to try to move beyond where we are energetically. We need to work right
where we are. So if we aren’t energetically able to hold an intention, we need to explore where
we are and work with any resistance or beliefs that may be coming up.

The other curious thing about intention is that action is a big component. When we take action
on what we intend it gets the ball rolling. And we’ll begin to see where we meet up with energy
that is distorted. The Universe loves action. So use this as a tool in your intention.

If you have an intention you can work in these three ways to be sure you are in energetic
integrity with it:

1. Become aware of your thoughts about what you intend. Notice your energy as you think
about this or visualize it. Be honest if you sense there is a disconnect. If so, move your
attention to where your energy is showing you. Start where you are.
2. Work with the resistance that may be there, or the unconscious belief. Move into it and
work with it. It may be frustrating to not be able to just create what you intend right
away, but this is a healing process.
3. Take action. Get out and try this on in the world. This is your lab. As you do, notice how
you respond to what you try to do. Do you feel good? Do you feel afraid? Do you decide
to scrap the project and watch TV instead?! Wherever you find yourself, work
energetically there with the allowing and receiving tools.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 17

Here are a few articles that may give you more information about working with intention:
Synchronicity: Where Thought and Intention Meet and Put Your Money Where Your Thoughts

When we get stuck in our intention and what we are trying

to create for ourselves, prayer or asking for support on that
energetic/spiritual level is key.

Where we put our thought and attention is where we create

from. So if you are having trouble creating or getting those
intentions to manifest, asking to be open to where you are is
very healing.

If you just don’t know where to go with this, ask the guides,
angels, your Higher Self…whomever you ask for help
from…to show you the way. Ask to be shown where you are
energetically. And ask for help in healing this part of you so
you can move forward.

Remember, when you get the information, act on it. The

Universe truly loves action. It’s how you say YES!

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 18

The Art of Play and Expansion
Play is expanding.

We often think that healing has to be structured and serious to support us. Actually it’s just the
opposite. Yes, we do need to be mindful of our healing process and respect the meaning there,
but to gain access to information and to create change we need an expansive state.

And play can be the way to get there when we feel resistance and completely shut down.

Play can look like just about anything. Getting out and having fun, yes that’s definitely play. But
so is playful thinking. Creative projects take us into this playful space. As does honoring
ourselves and what brings us joy.

It’s very important in creating your healing practice that you honor this playful expansion.

Playful Exercise: (you can play some music here for inspiration!)
1. Set aside time and create that quiet sacred space for yourself.
2. Ground your energy so you are present for the fun!
3. Now, squish up your face…do a little face exercise. You can even make a little noise here
to get the voice going.
4. Come back to center and drop into your body further.
5. Focus on your body, notice your energy. Think about what may feel restricted or
frustrating or stuck.
6. Then let your mind go and let your hands move. Yep, do a little hand dance if you will.
Let your whole body move if you want to the music. And hold the intention of
expanding and allowing room for what can come in to support you in the understanding
of the issue or resistance or feeling you have.
7. If you have the desire to think too much here, squelch it! Just let your mind go and
move. Free up that space you need to create an opening for what wants to come in!
8. After a few minutes (or however long you wish) come back and sit.
9. Allow and receive. Explore your energy. Where are you drawn? How do you feel? Can
you allow yourself to expand even further? Ask to be opened up to any solutions. Ask to
be show where your attention needs to go within to support you now.

Here is an article that may help: The Expansive Nature of Play.

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 19
What’s Next, How to Deepen Your Practice
Congratulations! You’ve step onto your healing path and have the basics for an energetic
practice you can work with daily for self healing!

And as I’ve said, energy healing is a life-long process. There are so many ways to explore
energy. The tools I have given you are a great start to create a daily practice and to support
yourself when you meet up with resistance. Yet, they are just the beginning!

To truly become the explorer of your inner world, your psycho-spiritual process, a deepening of
your practice will need to take place. So…what’s next?

Sometimes the more we explore our energy and begin to heal, the more we find. This is the
path of exploration. It’s not a bad thing. We want to heal and change. Continuing to learn more
about ourselves energetically may mean acquiring some new skills or tools to work with.

The best way to do this is to work with healers. Take classes and even more importantly, get
work done. With each energetic encounter, you will learn, and even better you will heal.

Don’t be afraid to get help. We all need it. Your practice can make your session work all the
more productive.

So explore, allow and receive. You are on your way!

May your healing come with ease and grace.

Visit www.expandedpathways.com for information on

session work, resources, meditations and blog postings that
will continue to support your practice!

Jumpstart Guide to Creating a Daily Practice for Deep Personal Healing 20


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