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Stephanie Guarino

Health 5

Mrs. A

01 December 2010

Disease Unit Study Guide

Non-Communicable Diseases:

• What is the definition of diabetes? A disease where the body produces little or no insulin.

• What is the medical term for a heart attack? Myocardial infarction.

• What is blood pressure? What is the medical term for blood pressure? Blood pressure is the

measure of the amount of force that the blood places on the walls of blood vessels.

• What is the medical term for chest pain? Angina pectoris.

• What is a stroke? A blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain.

• How often should you perform self-exams? As soon as possible, and regularly.

• What is metastasis? The spread of cancer.

• Define cholesterol and the two types. Cholesterol is a waxy fat that is carried through the

blood. HCL is good because it comes from the body naturally, and LCL is bad, which comes

from food.

• What is the most common type of cancer? Skin cancer.

• List the A, B, C, and D of skin cancer. Asymetry, border irregularity, color, and diameter.

• List and define all of the cancer treatments. Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer

cells. Radiation therapy is the use of a machine to kill or damage cells. Immunotheraphy is

treating cancer with the use of substances that stimulate the body's immune system.

• What is CAUTION? List what each letter stands for. Change on the skin, A sore or lump on

the mouth, Unusual bleeding or discharge, Thickening or a lump in the breast, Indigestion,
Obvious change in a wart or mole, Nagging cough or hoarseness.

Communicable Disease:

• What is the chain of infection? How infections spread.

• List and define the name of each link and how to break each link. Pathogen is a virus,

protozora, or bacteria and it is broken by killing the pathogen. Resevoir is the attachment to a

host and it is broken by preventing contact. Place of Exit is all of the stuff it wants, then

leaving, which is broken by preventing escapes. Method of Transmission is either indirect or

direct, where it wants the disease to catch on. You can break it by preventing transmission.

Place of Entry is when the virus tries to attach in any way possible, and it is broken by blocking

the ports. Suseptible Host is when a host may or may not feel symptoms, which is broken by a

resistant host.

• List and define the signs/symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for the following STIs


▪ Syphilis: Symptoms are chancres, then a rash all over the body, and finally permanent

organ damage. It is diagnosed with a blood test.

▪ Gonorrhea: Symptom is a yellowish/greenish discharge or a burning during urination. It

is diagnosed with a swab test.

▪ Chlamydia: Symptoms are the same as gonorrhea, except if it is left untreated, females

can get pelvic inflamatory disease. Is it diagnosed with a swab test as well.


▪ Herpes Simplex II: Symptoms are painful blisters on the skin that come and go. It is

diagnosed by popping the blisters and testing the fluid.

▪ Genital Warts: Symptoms are painless warts around genitals, mouth, anus, or inner

thighs. It is diagnosed by freezing or burning off the warts.

▪ Hepatitis B: Symptoms are fatigue, headaches, fever, jaundice, dark urine, and

abdominal pain. It is diagnosed with a blood test.

▪ AIDS: Symptoms are HIV+ and drop in T-Cell count. It is diagnosed with a blood test

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