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Finance Committee Agenda

February 15, 2011 -2:30 p.m.

1. Welcome Evans Quinlivan

(A) 2. Approval of Finance Committee Minutes

January 18, 2011 Evans Quinlivan
July 21, 2010 Daniel Wilson

3. Status of FY10 Financial Audit Report Donnie Claxton

4. Monthly Financial Reports Donnie Claxton

5. Status Report Deborah Barnhart

a) Contracts
b) OFCCP Audit
c) Registration
d) Dash Board Financials Donnie Claxton

6. Other Items for Review/Approval Evans Quinlivan

7. Announcement of Next Meeting Evans Quinlivan

* March 15,2011 at 2:30 p.m.

8. Adjourn

Note: (A) Action Required

Printed from Sprocketeers.org

January 18,2011

A meeting of the Finance Committee, Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission, was held
Tuesday, January 18,2011, at 2:35 p.m. in the Board Room at the U. S. Space & Rocket Center,
Huntsville, Alabama.


Mr. Evans Quinlivan, Chair Ms. Dabsey Maxwell
Mr. Scott Averbuch Mr. Tony Jones
Mr. Todd Slyman Ms. Bhavani Kakani
Mr. Daniel Wilson


Dr. Waymon Burke Mr. Randy Blackwell, Auditor & Principal,
Barnes, Blackwell & Company, P.C.
Mr. Chuck Brand, Auditor Manager,
Barnes, Blackwell & Company, P.C.
Mr. Wes Lyons (former USSRC employee)
Mr. Ken Kesner (Huntsville Times)
Dr. Deborah Barnhart
Mr. Donnie Claxton
Mr. Ralph Bryson
Ms. Jennifer Crozier
Ms. Celia Lee

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Evans Quinlivan, Chair of the Alabama Space Science
Exhibit Commission (ASSEC), Finance Committee. He announced a voting quorum present,
and the meeting opened for the transaction of business. Ms. Lee was present to record the
minutes of the meeting.

Mr. Evans Quinlivan asked if there were any changes or comments to the minutes for the
Finance Committee meeting on December 14,2010, as distributed. There were no changes or
comments. Mr. Daniel Wilson made the motion to approve the minutes; seconded by Mr. Scott
Averbuch, the minutes were unanimously approved.


Mr. Quinlivan introduced Mr. Randy Blackwell with Barnes, Blackwell & Company who
performed the Financial Audit. Mr. Randy Blackwell introduced Mr. Chuck Brand, Audit
Manager and reported on the Draft Financial Statements and Required Supplementary
Information report passed out to the Finance Committee members. Mr. Blackwell directed
everyone to the first tab (1) in the report and pointed out that the shaded paragraph on Page 2 is
the same going concern note from last year's audit which still needs to be addressed. Difficulties
encountered in performing the audit resulted primarily from the change in the accounting
software for the general ledger resulting in delayed reconciliation of various accounts and the
accounting office being under staffed and under resourced. The letter is what Mr. Blackwell

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January 18, 2011 - Page Two

refers to as "pure vanilla," there is nothing unusual about the letter. On Page 4 is Passed
Adjusting Journal Entries with a net impact on the Profit & Loss Effect a minor negative amount
of $2,461. Mr. Quinlivan asked if this was considered acceptable and Mr. Blackwell said it is, it
is considered trivial. The last page under the first tab is the Adjusting Journal Entries which are
recorded entries. The last one listed (Federal Transit Authority draw) will be discussed later.
Mr. Quinlivan asked about the going concern issue that was in the letter last year and Mr.
Blackwell said the packet was not received that was requested last year so it still needs to be
addressed. Mr. Quinlivan asked if it had been requested and Mr. Blackwell said it was and with
the change of management it is being addressed.

Under tab two (2) is the letter of representation made during the audit over the last couple of
months. It basically states the Center has responded to all the inquiries and is not aware of
anything that impacts the audit or financials. Mr. Blackwell pointed out #38 and #39 are
regarding the evaluation to continue as a going concern. Mr. Daniel Wilson asked what is it was
they need and Mr. Blackwell said it is the cash flow proj ections from September 26, 2010 to
September 25, 2011. Mr. Quinlivan asked Mr. Donnie Claxton and Dr. Deborah Barnhart if they
were getting the cash flow projects together and Dr. Barnhart confirmed it was being done.

Tab three (3) is the Financial Statements and Required Supplementary Information. Since we do
not have the package yet for the going concern to audit, this is a "clean opinion" draft. It is not a
cash flow for two or three years; it is for September 26, 2010 to September 25, 2011. It is
evaluated based on how it was derived and whether it is achievable; if it looks reasonable. After
receiving the package it could end up being applied with the going concerns report or provide
enough disclosure information that describes the steps being taken to avoid the going concern
situation. Mr. Blackwell said until he receives the package he will not know which way it will
go. Mr. Quinlivan asked Dr. Barnhart if this was being done and Dr. Barnhart confirmed she and
Mr. Claxton met at length with Mr. Blackwell and it is being addressed with management action.

Mr. Blackwell continued with the Independent Auditors' Report letter and the Management's
Discussion and Analysis, which are standard. On Page 10 (Balance Sheets), Mr. Blackwell said
under Assets there is no receivable for the $750,000 license from Space Investments or the
$130,000 GT AC owed from the State. Mr. Quinlivan asked if the Space Investments money had
been deemed not collectible and Mr. Blackwell replied it is not deemed uncollectible but it is the
Center's policy that when it is received, it is then accounted. Mr. Quinlivan asked if there was
anything besides licensing that is owed. Mr. Claxton said some storage and shipping fees were
invoiced by the end of the year ($311,000 was recognized as revenue in FY 10 for a percentage of
completion of the first equipment contract. The storage and shipping fees are a reimbursement.).
Mr. Blackwell said the money was collected and is in deferred revenue that includes the storage
fees. Mr. Blackwell continued that there is $130,000 from Montgomery for GT AC that has not
been collected yet. There is nothing to point out specifically on the Liabilities side.

On the Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets there are two things to
point out. The Operating income (loss) for the current year is $2.1 07M and for FY09 it was
$2.517M; the Income (loss) before capital contributions is $1.483M and the Non-operating
revenue (expenses) of Interest expense for the State of Alabama appropriation, interest income,
lodging tax, etc. for $632,621. The capital contributions item with the change in net assets is a
positive of $1.357M but it was the capital contributions that caused the change in net assets.

-- --said he would not send it without approval. Mr. Quinlivan asked Mr. Claxton or Dr. Barnhart to
please communicate it appropriately and get it to the bank. Mr. Wilson asked when the deadline
to have this finalized and Mr. Claxton said by January 24, 2011. Mr. Claxton said he had sent
the draft at the bank and at this time they are satisfied. Mr. Quinlivan asked if there were any
more questions for the auditors before they left. There were no more questions.

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All the draft copies that were distributed were returned and collected for privacy purposes until
the final audit report is complete. The only draft copy retained is to be recorded with the minutes
That will go for approval at the next Finance Committee meeting on February 15,2011.


Mr. Donnie Claxton reported on the near term financials. The Center's Line of Credit
Drawdown as of January 17,2011 is $4.811M versus this time last year at $5.245M. The status
of Cash Receipts and Disbursements as of January 16,2011 was: the Planned Receipts are
$5.932M, Actual Receipts are $6.592M, with a Variance in Receipts of $660,000. The Planned
Disbursements are $7.705M, Actual Disbursements are almost $8M, with a Variance in
Disbursements of more than $254,000.

Mr. Donnie Claxton reported on the Summary for the three periods ending December 26,2010.
Mr. Claxton pointed out a couple of areas of importance that are down. Admissions for the
Current Period are down because the Narnia ticket sales were not as expected. Mr. Wilson asked
if we were at a loss with Narnia and Mr. Claxton said he still tracking the numbers down and will
be able to give the final number on Namia at the next meeting. Namia will probably not break
even but Mr. Claxton wants to double check before he gives the final numbers. Mr. Quinlivan
asked why the Special EventslNight Functions are under budget and Mr. Claxton said there were
a number of events in December for which billings are due. Mr. Claxton said the GTAC income
is down, it is a timing issue on the $625,000 contract; it has not been billed yet. Mr. Claxton said
he has a signed contract for the $34,000. Mr. Wilson asked about the larger amount on the Jim
Walker contract and to have Dr. Barnhart sign the contract and send it down. Mr. Wilson said he
has spoken to the acting Director at ALDHS and Mr. Art Faulkner said he needs an original
signed contract to bill against for the State. Mr. Wilson recommended retyping the contract for
Dr. Barnhart to sign and he said he would call Mr. Faulkner to verify this would work. Mr.
Claxton concluded his report with the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio 1.09.


Dr. Barnhart reported that she requested all contracts, both cost and revenue, now be housed with
the Procurement Manger, Ms. Diana Standridge. Under the new organizational restructuring,
Procurement will be under the Finance organization. Dr. Barnhart also requested Ms. Standridge
to revise the Contracts in Effect report to include all revenue and cost contracts and make one
report that was all comprehensive and consolidated with a new legend on top. The two licensing
contracts will also be on this report. There are currently no contracts in December for $10,000 or
more and none for $50,000 or more that were not already approved by the Commission. There
are two termination letters going out to the two legislative contractors, Van Scoyoc and Direct
Communications. Mr. Kevin Webber asked about the Inergi contracts that are under the Center
and Dr. Barnhart said those too will be added. Mr. Todd Slyman asked if the Foundation
contracts should also be reported. Mr. Wilson said if it is a Foundation contract those are
governed by the Foundation procedures but if it has an impact on the Center we should know
about it. Ms. Jennifer Crozier said there is a contract for Be Ready Camp that is a revenue
contract but there are costs associated.

Dr. Barnhart asked if the Finance Committee would take on additional responsibilities of
interaction and oversight with the staff including contracts, Information Systems, and Human
Resource matters, becoming more of a Business Committee under the new restructuring plan.

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Dr. Barnhart will discuss this further in the Executive Committee meeting that will follow. The
purpose of the Finance Committee becoming more of a Business Committee is there will be a
place to bring broader business issues that will then be considered for the full commission.

Mr. Scott Averbuch asked about a checks and balances procedures for contracts. Mr. Wilson
said it will be discussed in the next meeting and he is welcome to stay for the Executive
Committee meeting where it will be discussed in more detail. This is a topic that was brought up
a year ago and it is being addressed again.

OTHER ITEMS FOR REVIEW/APPROVAL: There were no other items for


ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING: Mr. Quinlivan announced that the next meeting
of the Finance Committee has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 15,2011, at 2:30 p.m. in
the Board Room of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center.

ADJOURNMENT: There was no other business to come before the Finance Committee. Mr.
Todd Slyman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Daniel Wilson; the motion was
unanimously approved and the meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.



Printed from Sprocketeers.org

July 21, 2010

A meeting of the Finance Committee, Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission, was held
Wednesday, July 21, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the U. S. Space & Rocket Center,
Huntsville, Alabama.


Mr. Daniel Wilson Mr. Joe Collazo
Ms. Dorothy Davidson Mr. Mike Griffin
Mr. Todd Slyman Mr. Tony Jones
Mr. Kevin Webber Mr. Ronnie Burlison
Mr. Evans Quinlivan Mr. Phil Dotts
Ms. Bhavani Kakani
Dr. Waymon Burke
Ms. Dabsey Maxwell
Mr. Dan David
Ms. Virginia Gilchrist
Mr. Joe Newberry


Mr. Larry Capps Ms. Jennifer Crozier
Mr. ClifBroderick
Mr. Donnie Claxton
Mr. Ralph Bryson
Ms. Celia Lee

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Daniel Wilson, Chairman. He announced a voting
quorum present, and the meeting opened for the transaction of business. Ms. Lee was present to
record the minutes of the meeting.

Mr. Daniel Wilson asked if there were any changes or comments to the minutes for the Finance
Committee meeting on June 16, 2010, as distributed. There were no changes or comments, the
minutes were approved.


Mr. Capps started the report by reviewing a chart that was requested by Ms. Dorothy Davidson
for the FYIO GTAC on the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Phase I
project for a series of cameras, software, and hardware in Mobile Bay, as requested by Major
Blankenship. The Phase I contract is for $800,000 and the Phase II contract will be for around
$625,000. In order to budget for Phase I and part of Phase II, Mr. Donnie Claxton took the
value of the contract and divided it by twelve and that is how the monthly amounts were
calculated. It may be that or something different, it depends on when certain pieces of the
contract are finished (it is a time and materials contract with milestones). The 3-D Vis contract
is Virtual Alabama and is a level of effort; primarily labor and software maintenance and that

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July 21,2010 - Page Two

contract is also divided by twelve. The DCNR contract began May 2009 and was billed in two
parts; the first billing was for $50,000 and the second billing was for $72,239 (total of$122,339)
and the rest of the billings are broken out similarly the same way. The FY10 totals are for
around $468,000 and that contract slipped about four (4) months. The reason we are late with
that milestone is we were waiting to get approval from David Bronner with RSA to put antennas
on the RSA Battlehouse Tower. The second contract is 3-D Vis for Virtual Alabama and that is
for around $31,250 a month. There were no billings in April, May, or June and in July there was
a billing for $130,566. The Virtual Alabama contract ran out on March 21,2010 and we began
negotiations with the Alabama Department of Homeland Security (ALDHS) in February 2010;
the contract ran from March 2009 to March 2010. We went into the negotiations and about early
March we submitted our proposed statement of work to ALDHS. A couple days before the
contract ran out Mr. Capps had a conversation with Mr. Jim Walker with ALDHS requesting a
pre-contract, cost agreement for the dead time ofthat contract and Mr. Walker agreed. A few
days later Mr. Walker sent a revised Scope of Work that was unacceptable with new
requirements to establish a mirror system of what we had here for the Alabama Criminal Justice
Information Services (ACJIS) office in Montgomery. We spoke with Google and they said what
was being requested for the mirror system could not be done. Mr. Walker kept insisting it be
done but Google said we could try but it cannot be done. On May 26, 2010 Govemor Riley sent
a letter that was received on June 2, 2010 directing ALDHS to not extend the contract and that
the entire system be tumed over to ALDHS. Mr. Capps and Ms. Chris Johnson met with Senator
Tom Butler on June 17,2010; Senator Butler suggested meeting with Senator Arthur Orr, to get
Senator Orr involved and put together a plan to go down and meet with Govemor Riley about
Virtual Alabama. Senator Butler suggested to not respond to Govemor Riley's letter until that
meeting could take place. On June 18,2010 Senator's Orr and Butler requested a meeting with
the Govemor to discuss the consequences oftuming over Virtual Alabama and they requested a
suspension upon delay of the actions until a committee of stakeholders could be formed and
make a recommendation. The stakeholders would be from the Alabama Geospatial
Information's Systems Council; the council consists of people from various organizations from
all over the State. Senator's Orr and Butler requested a meeting for when the Govemor was in
town for the 2010 Alabama Update luncheon on June 23. The meeting was scheduled for 1:45
p.m. at Signature Aviation and Mr. Capps provided Senator's Orr and Butler with a point paper
they could discuss with the Governor. The evening before the Governor canceled the meeting
because he had to get back to the Gulf for a briefing. The senator's requested to get on the
Governor's calendar for July 8 but it did not happen. On June 23 Mr. Capps saw the Governor
briefly at the reception prior to the Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Mr. Capps asked to see the
Governor and he said to come down anytime. Senator Butler gave the letter to the Governor and
asked him to read it when he was on his way down to the Gulf. There was no response to the
letter. On June 28 Mr. Capps sent an e-mail ro Mr.Dave Stewart. Chief of Staff, saying that he
was awaiting a response from the Governor regarding the request that the transfer of Virtual
Alabama be delayed until a meeting of stakeholders could be scheduled. On July 1 Mr. Capps
received an e-mail from Mr. Stewart stating that he spoke with the Governor and to please
proceed with transferring Virtual Alabama by August 2, 2010. The process to transfer Virtual
Alabama over to ALDHS is going on at the present time with our GTAC staff and people from
ALDHS. Mr. Capps played the audio from the June 18,2010 Executive Committee meeting

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July 21, 2010 - Page Three

with Mr. Wilson questioning Ms. Chris Johnson about the DCNR billing/invoice. Mr. Todd
Slyman said he felt the commission was mislead. Mr. Wilson said he was at both meetings and
that he has spoken with Mr. Josh Blades and Mr. Dave Stewart in the Governor's office and
there are two different stories and Mr. Wilson encourages the Chair, Ms. Dorothy Davidson to
call Mr. Dave Stewart or Mr. Josh Blades and hear their side of this story because it is very
troubling. Mr. Wilson said that none of this (the expiration of the Virtual Alabama contract; the
June 2,2010 letter from the Governor) was disclosed to the June 16 Finance Committee. Mr.
Capps stated that Senator's Butler and Orr, and four of the six members of the Executive
Committee were briefed on the Virtual Alabama situation. Senator Butler asked that we not
expand the circle of people read-in to keep from too many people from making phone calls or
contact; and that we should wait until he could arrange a meeting with the Governor. In
addition, we were still working the process through Senator's Butler and Orr and did not know
what the outcome would be. Mr. Capps said he did not believe that Governor Riley himself
signed the June 2, 20lO letter; the letter looked like it was signed by someone else. Mr. Capps
added that Mr. Walker has aspirations after he leaves office in January of working with ACJIS
and he wants this (Virtual Alabama) moved to ACJIS so he has something to do. Mr. Wilson
and Mr. Evans Quinlivan said valuable information was withheld and Mr. Quinlivan said this is
information they should have expected to receive. There was no resolution or recommendation
made by the committee.

Mr. Capps reported on the Variance Tracker (FYI 0 vs. FY09) for Reservations and
Registrations; Weeklong is ahead 7.3% and the total for all programs is .55%. The bar chart
shows the Registered and Reserved Weeklong, Short, and Total for Weeklong and Short
programs, comparing FYI0 to the previous three (3) years. The Weeklong programs are about
730 ahead of FY09; the Short programs are around 600 less this year than last year; and there is a
slight increase for the total on all programs (FY09 is 33,295 and 33,477 for FYI 0). The next
chart breaks out the comparison to last year for all the Weeklong and Short programs; the total
for Weeklong reflects back to the first chart with the 7.31 % being ahead; the Short is down
2.35%, for an overall total for all programs being up .55%. The Jedi camps are having a terrific
success. Mr. Joe Newberry asked if we paid any license royalties and Mr. Capps said there is no
royalties on the Jedi camps.

Mr. Capps reported on the near term financials. The Center's Line of Credit Drawdown as of
July 20,2010 is $3.27M and last year at this time it was about $3.lM. Ms. Dabsey Maxwell
asked if we have heard yet from the bank about reducing the Line of Credit to $4.5M to $5M and
Mr. Claxton said we do not have an answer from the bank yet. Mr. Slyman asked what the usage
on the Line of Credit will be at the end of the year and Mr. Capps said the chart is not in the
packet because he did not agree with the numbers and he will forward it when he agrees with the
numbers. The Dubai equipment payment will not be paid this year (it was budgeted for), that is
for $901,000 and we are also pre-paying the royalties this year on Narnia, CSI, and Sue / Be the
Dinosaur which was not figured into the budget. Mr. Slyman said that is another $1.3M which
brings it to around $2.8M. Mr. Quinlivan asked Mr. Claxton what else is not showing and Mr.
Claxton said the bank is waiting on the STAR WARS numbers. Mr. Quinlivan suggests we need
to prepare the bank with these numbers and not surprise them. Mr. Quinlivan said if we can even

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July 21, 2010 - Page Four

get to zero for a couple of days it would look good to the bank. Ms. Maxwell asked if we were
paying on 60 or 90-day terms and Mr. Claxton said we are paying 30-days. The Center's Budget
(Original) Planned Line of Credit Use for FY201 0 chart; the Budget versus Actual at the end of
June and the additional line showing we are approximately at this time in July. The next chart is
Cash Receipts and Disbursements; Planned Receipts are $23.3M, the Actual Receipts are about
$23.7M, with a Variance of $430,000 better. The Planned Disbursements are around $22.4M,
the Actual Disbursements are about $23.5M, with a Variance of around -$IM and the Total
Variance of the Receipt and Disbursements are -$627,000. Mr. Capps reported on the new chart
in the packet, the Sales Revenue on STAR WARS (admissions, merchandise, food, concessions,
and the Millennium Falcon); the chart is per day for twenty-seven (27) days, starting June 24.
The total revenue thus far is $1.806M, averaging almost $67,000 per day. With taking the
$67,000 per day, multiplying it by.8 (80% of sales revenue is new business), and multiply it over
the 70 days the exhibit will be here it comes up to around $4M, minus $1.2 of STAR WARS
expenses, and it would net around $2.8M. Originally we were looking at $5M in revenue, with
$2.2M in expenses so now we are looking at around $400,000 to $500,000 less than budget. For
the first experience of a traveling exhibit and venturing into something new Mr. Capps thinks it
is a reasonable number. Mr. Wilson asked for explanation on how it was determined to get to the
80% and Mr. Capps said it is tracked on a daily basis and it is based on the general admissions.
Mr. Wilson asked ifthere was a way to track strictly STAR WARS revenue and also be able to
look at the merchandise; to precisely figure out what is attributable to STAR WARS. Ms.
Davidson said it should be apparent because more people are coming; they are spending more
and look at what we normally would have done over the summer months. Mr. Capps said it
would be hard to tell with concessions and food, Millennium Falcon can be tracked because that
is paid as an add-on, but the merchandise and admissions are hard to segregate out. Mr. Wilson
asked if there was a gap method of tracking these things and Mr. Kevin Webber said it depends
on how the system is set-up. There was continued discussion about how to get accurate data on
the STAR WARS revenue and costs and for future use with other traveling exhibits.

Mr. Donnie Claxton reported on the Summary for the nine periods ending June 27,2010; the
Total Operating Revenue for FYIO for the Current Period is $3.81OM, budget is $3.844M, about
$34,000 under budget. That is mostly due to Admissions (tickets) and Merchandise and that is a
timing issue because STAR WARS only had four days in June and Merchandise was $50,000
over last year's June which is the first time that has happened in awhile. Aerospace income is
$439,000 over because of the Honeywell teachers program and the Jedi Camps. The Total
Operating Expenses for the Current Period is $2.919M, versus the budget of $2. 798M; $121,000
over budget. Payroll was about $43,000 over budget in June and there was a $45,000 interactive
media bill for advertising. There was a large reimbursement in June for the FTA grant of
$587,000 so it more than budget. The Change in Net Assets is $1.297M versus the budget of
$899,000, a variance of $398,000 better than budget. The Year to Date for the Total Operating
Revenue is $16.240M, versus the budget of $18.080M, with a variance of $1.840M below
budget, and versus FY09 is under by $1.086M. The Aerospace activity caught up with almost
the budget for Year to Date. The Total Operating Expenses are $17.202M, versus the budget of
$18.057M, and versus FY09 is under by $608,000. The only overage is in the Part Time Payroll.
The Change in Net Assets Year to Date is -$1.320M, versus the budget of -$1.299M (almost
even). The Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio for June is .68. Mr. Webber asked if STAR WARS

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July 21, 2010 - Page Five

would be included in July, August, and September and Mr. Capps said there are four (4) days
recorded in June. Mr. Wilson asked why we budgeted for $927,000 in Admissions in June and
Mr. Bryson said we originally thought the exhibit would start earlier than it did; there is about
$200,000 to $300,000 that will be picked up next month. Mr. Claxton continued with the
Balance Sheet; the Accounts Receivables went down because donations and pledges were
received and Accounts Payables also went down. The Bank Covenant is $3 .218M over the
$31 M. The last report is the Statement of Cash Flows and shows the changes between the period
of September 27,2009 through June 27, 2010; the Net Cash provided (used) by Operations is
around $550,000, the Non-capital Financing Activities on the Drawdown on the Line of Credit is
even right now with where it should be by the end of the year, and for Capital there is a little
over $3M worth of assets that is on Federal grants. Mr. Webber asked what was pre-paid on
STAR WARS and Mr. Claxton said we paid nothing. Mr. Wilson asked if it was based on the
revenue we make and Mr. Bryson said it is a flat-line fee of about $300,000, not a percentage of

LODGING TAX UPDATE: Mr. Capps reported on the Lodging Tax Receipts; May's payment
was $88,000. The budget was for $78,000 and the difference was on the positive by $9,800. At
this time we are only $10,000 below budget for FYlO.

CONTRACT STATUS REPORT: Mr. Capps reported there were no contracts in June for
$10,000 or more and none for $50,000 or more.

Mr. Capps reported the Space Exploration Celebration was last Friday and was the best one yet
that we have had (675 people attended). At that time Pratt & Whitney Rockedyne paid the last
payment on The Force and they paid it one year early (they are paid up). We have still been
chasing IBM to sponsor the IU Ring and now the legal documents are being drawn up.


There were no other items for review/approval.


Mr. Wilson announced that the next meeting of the Finance Committee has been scheduled for
Wednesday, August 11,2010, at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the U.S. Space & Rocket

There was no other business to come before the Finance Committee. The meeting adjourned at
4:40 p.m.



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'U. S. Space & Rocket Center Page 1
Summary of U. S. Space & Rocket Center
For the Four Periods Ending January 23, 2010
(Dollars in Thousands)

Current Period Year to Date FY 2011

FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2010 VS.
Period Budget Variance YTD Total Budget Variance YTD Total FY 2010
Admissions $154 $194 ($40) $816 $1,217 ($401) $655 $161
Merchandise Sales 54 97 (43) 414 537 (123) 458 (44)
Food Service Sales 22 29 (7) 137 168 (31 ) 129 8
Special Events/Night Functions 59 41 18 340 363 (23) 415 (75)
Aerospace Income 285 139 146 1,668 1,513 155 1,379 289
License Income 8 21 (13) 47 102 (55) 10 37
GTAC Income 93 100 (7) 378 590 (212) 268 110
Lodging Tax 60 60 0 250 250 0 245 5
Other Income 73 71 2 392 307 85 372 20

Total Operating Revenue 808 752 56 4,442 5,047 (605) 3,931 511

Cost of Goods Sold 65 80 15 474 503 29 419 (55)
Full Time Payroll 442 422 (20) 1,922 1,898 (24) 2,047 125
Part Time Payroll 158 155 (3) 958 906 (52) 777 (181 )
Payroll & Related 190 173 (17) 776 739 (37) 866 90
Utilities 139 106 (33) 412 421 9 362 (50)
Repairs & Maintenance 31 48 17 114 179 65 175 61
Insurance 41 35 (6) 171 168 (3) 167 (4)
Outside Services 126 149 23 520 707 187 393 (127)
Advertising 41 35 (6) 61 75 14 64 3
Interest 98 97 (1) 351 374 23 382 31
Other Expenses 207 135 (72) 845 924 79 795 (50)

Total Operating Expenses 1,538 1,435 (103) 6,604 6,894 290 6,447 (157)

Operating Income (Loss) (730) (683) (47) (2,162) (1,847) (315) (2,516) 354

Non-Operating Income
Grants - Federal & Saturn V 7 25 (18) 93 25 68 288 (195)

Depreciation 219 219 0 866 876 10 837 (29)

Change in Net Assets ($942) ($877) ($65) ($2,935) ($2,698) ($237) ($3,065) $130

1Twelve Month Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio

Printed from Sprocketeers.org 1.241
Balance Sheet
U. S. Space & Rocket Center Page 2
(Dollars in Thousands)

1/23/2011 12/26/2010 Change
Current Assets
Operati ng Cash $6 $6 $0
Trade Accounts Receivable 755 1,029 (274)
Inventory 433 446 (13)
Prepaid Expenses 932 872 60
Total Operating Current Assets 2,126 2,353 (227)

Restricted Cash - Donor Restricted 301 301 0

- Debt Service 970 852 118

- Reserve Fund 1,454 1,454 0
2,725 2,607 118

Property, Plant, Equipment 52,120 52,334 (214)

(Net of Accumulated Depreciation)
Historical Assets 1,037 1,037 0
Other Assets 413 414 (1)

Total $58,421 $58,745 ($324)

Liabilities and Equity

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $1,966 1,783 $183
Accrued Expenses 780 760 20
Deferred Income-future attendees 2,441 1,909 532
Equipment Sales 180 240 (60)
Current Operating Debt 5,128 5,247 (119)
Total Operating Current Liabilities 10,495 9,939 556

Current Bond Fund Liabilities 1,002 946 56

Long Term Liabilities 12,912 12,906 6

Equity 36,947 36,947 0
Net Income (Loss) (2,935) (1,993) (942)

Total $58,421 $58,745 ($324)

Amount over Bank Covenant of

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Page 3
u.s. Space
& Rocket Center
Statement of Cash Flows
For Period September 26, 2010, to January 23, 2010

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Receipts from Customers $4,624,980
Payments for Services (4,012,897)
Payments for Goods and Materials (2,363,310)
Net Cash provided (used) by Operations (l, 751,227)

Investing Activities
Receipt of funds from the Bond Trustee
Interest Income °
Net cash from investing activities 157

Non-capital Financing Activities

Drawdown on LOC 4,262,500
Payments on LOC (2,547,625)
Interest payments on LOC 57,482
Lodging Tax 250,000
State of Alabama appropriation 177,031
Rental income 91,155
Net cash provided by financing activities 2,290,543

Capital and related financing activities

Interest payments (673,309)
Purchase of property and equipment (297,944)
Contributions 521,472
Principal repayment on bonds (600,000)
Net cash used for capital and related financing activities (l ,049,780)

Change in cash (510,307)

Cash at beginning of year 1,787,634
Cash at end of period $1,277,327

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'U. S. Space & Rocket Center Page 1
Summary of U. S. Space & Rocket Center
For the Four Periods Ending January
(Dollars in Thousands)

FY 2011 FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 FY 2011 FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008

Period Period Period Period YTD YTO YTO YTO
Admissions $154 $137 $109 $86 $816 $655 $676 $688
Merchandise Sales 54 100 74 86 414 458 543 630
Food Service Sales 22 32 20 19 137 129 130 142
Special Events/Night Functions 59 211 40 6 340 415 431 136
Aerospace Income 285 207 221 246 1,668 1,379 1,525 1,519
License Income 8 0 0 47 10 37 1,501
GTAC Income 93 31 35 25 378 268 153 96
Lodging Tax 60 60 77 49 250 245 306 273
Other Income 73 98 103 106 392 372 474 452

Total Operating Revenue 808 876 679 623 4,442 3,931 4,275 5,437

Cost of Goods Sold 65 126 61 89 474 419 501 470
Full Time Payroll 442 631 488 477 1,922 2,047 2,079 2,037
Part Time Payroll 158 206 126 215 958 777 744 793
Payroll & Related 190 219 78 208 776 866 708 870
Utilities 139 90 107 79 412 362 437 297
Repairs & Maintenance 31 38 26 43 114 175 120 201
Insurance 41 41 36 42 171 167 157 176
Outside Services 126 92 120 132 520 393 349 446
Advertising 41 22 (3) 28 61 64 117 228
Interest 98 134 92 97 351 382 380 394
Other Expenses 207 233 231 210 845 796 804 834

Total Operating Expenses 1,538 1,832 1,362 1,620 6,604 6,448 6,396 6,746

Operating Income (Loss) (730) (956) (683) (997) (2,162) (2,517) (2,121) (1,309)

Non-Operating Income
Grants - Federal & Saturn V 7 232 48 72 93 288 116 2,501

Depreciation 219 209 209 198 866 837 826 795

Change in Net Assets ($942) ($933) ($844) ($1,123) ($2,935) ($3,066) ($2,831) $397

Printed from Sprocketeers.org

U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Balance sheet
as of

1/23/2011 1/24/2010 1/25/2009 1/27/2008

Current Assets
Operating Cash $6 $20 $20 $20
Trade Accounts Receivable 755 1,068 1,684 1,908
Inventory 433 480 456 343
Prepaid Expenses 932 411 508 437
Total Operating Current Assets 2,126 1,979 2,668 2,708

Restricted Cash - Donor Restricted 301 712 208 204

- Held by Trustee 0 220 840
- Debt Service 970 982 669 642
- Reserve Fund 1,454 1,392 1,392 1,400
2,725 3,086 2,489 3,086

Property, Plant, Equipment 52,120 51,274 51,946 50,908

(Net of Accumulated Depreciation)
Historical Assets 1,037 1,037 1,037 1,037
Other Assets 413 438 445 472

Total $58,421 $57,814 $58,585 $58,211

Liabilities and Equity

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $1,613 $909 $889 $1,447
Accrued Expenses 780 498 675 440
Deferred Income 2,441 3,419 2,727 4,306
Equipment deferred income 180 519 675 0
Current Operating Debt 5,128 5,388 4,794 3,417
Total Operating Current Liabilities 10,142 10,733 9,760 9,610

Current Bond Fund Liabilities 1,002 845 808 792

Long Term Liabilities 12,912 13,765 14,288 14,480

Equity 36,947 35,537 36,560 32,632
Net Income (Loss) (2,935) (3,066) (2,831 ) 397

Total $58,068 $57,814 $58,585 $57,911

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DATE: January 31, 2011

TO: D. Barnhart

FROM: D. Standridge

SUBJECT: Contracts to report at the February 2011 Board Meeting

There were two (2) Contracts listed during the month of January which had expenses of
$50,000.00 or more. There were no Contracts during the month of January which had
expenses of$10,000.00 or more that are not in the approved operating budget.

Fricker Studio, Ongoing total $1,121,433.02, Exhibit Design for DCSE

Inergi/Design Force, Ongoing total $1,902,847.20, Exhibit Installation for DCSE

Printed from Sprocketeers.org

I FY11
I FY11
I FY10
I FY10
I FY10
Var. To Date
I % Chg.
To Date
_ ~I 749 1_,35t! §_~L ~?~--.1-270---------~?-~-2-:.1}:~()O!o
Space Academy 1,276 928 2,204 1,194 9631
2,157 47 2.18%
Advanced-Space-Aciildemy" -.-.-------------------------- -- ---S51 445 1'0964 420r--S33 ~~-~-~263 - 31.57%
AC Machl--- -----------.-. --------- ----------------103-----1"0 113-- 67 32T-----gg --------------14 ----14.-14-%
AC-Mach--II- ------.---- -.--------------.-------
'362r 95-
20~ m 291---6~-3-54
128- 65L
19~~ ~~==

~~~~,~~ik~E~;_9- a_~d~~~~~~-_3--------~
===== -----i~
. 454
6~ __
~~I ±-·-{~===--=-_--_~;_ --~_§1~~
9461 922~~~~ __
. -.?~~_ ~_1.~~_o~
n --- ---.---------- 262 262
32r- 2781 2~~ ---------~f~
Honeywell Leadership Proqram 240 240 1761 176 64 36.36%

--± =~_~-.~.
TOTAL WEEKLONG I 3,6941 4,4941 8,1881 4,0661 3,5421 7,6081 5801 7.62%

Family Programs 341 18 359 2441---121 256 103 40.23%

~=~r}~~rAJ;;~y~--~-==-~~.:=:==:=~--- 4,4~~, 3,076 7,5~~ 4,9~~i 1~ _~1~~

- 8.5911= 2,~~-~ 1,;~: . 9,91hfh,~~1 -~~t-:-;~~ =-~=~~:~~}~
TOTAL SHORT I 13,3951 6,1381 19,5331 15,2911 5,7181 21,0091 -1,4761 -7.03%
TOTAL I 17,0891 10,6321 27,7211 19,3571 9,2601 28,6171 -8961 -3.13%

Printed from Sprocketeers.org



January 31, 2011

• Indicates contracts approved by ASSEC

N Indicates new contracts received since this report was provided on 12/301l 0
R Indicates contracts renewed
* Indicates cost contract in effect over $10,000.00.
Items shown in Gray indicate Revenue.



*ADP, Inc. Major Accounts July 7, 2006 Approximate Iy Provide the procurement of payroll, tax filing, benefits
Agreement $80,000.00 Annually administration and other data processing services, including
related web hosting services, equipment, computer programs,
software, and documentation.

Af;NA.f:Purchasing Office (AFNAfP6j:J:1:,'~N;:, -.$49, 09Q.90:~£~;;·:'I··R~"erlp¥;~~ti'fuat~fP spa~(!..A.~adeinX~.:~dv~nqM ~pa~~:,:::{

_,::~:'-.f.f, ::;:-:.:.:i~ ::>:_, .. ::·::,-·:;;/':'~?'tS~--;"5::-~-
?;:"?~f'·r'J;:·:<~~;j·.';s-·-:··~I\/,::~.;:::,>~~.< .: ';:~~~'-;;:
"¥ -'' ' -',.+"~~\~'-"<-' ;. s:;;' tottF::;'k~t'::,:'" ····(t;:':UJ'\'
"Acadelliy~cafDps:~?JX:i~:;;"t;40,:,',.;t ,'*:.~;.\:''" '~~{~~"«
AL Coop Extension System, (4H) ° I Promotional Exposure in exchange for discounted rates on first
time groups and 5% for return groups attending Astrotrek &
Pathfinder. Marketing.
Alabariia Departmentof Conseryation&: . Revenue.
Coastal Remote Monitoring
" .' .,'" .'.
System, PhaseZ;'
:,,' .
. ...-. ,.. ..•. ~'- ,';",-.

Natural Resources': "."~<

Alabama Sheriff Association

Printed from Sprocketeers.org




Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC}"N' . Gran! Agreernent-. May 1;20 June 30, 20n $140,211.~5 Revenue plus match? Funding for Adventure to Space
. ., ' ~,~/ i
........ ,,' ,:,c,'>,( ", ~. ",;,,~ ", :,: "" I
total consisting o{p~ofessioi1al development for educators & an
educational program for grades 3-6' in AL distressed counties of
~ .C!.,i :,,·:t. Halc'& Macqn. Funds consistof ARC providing $108,211.65
07%), USSRC Pfoviding,$32,000.OO (23%)., .'
*Aquapure Water Systems Lease Agreement March 2, 2009 February 28, 20 12 $10,440,00 Three 82003 Keurig Coffee machines and One Chiller at
total $290.00/month for 36 months.
Aries Group LTD Intellectual Property March 10, 2009 December 31,2012 o Use of images of DCSE.
As One Inc. License Agreement April 6, 2007 September 30, 20 II o Facil itate Corporate Programs.
Best Western License Agreement February 25,2010 September 30, 20 II o Star Wars hotel package (12/10). Narnia (9/11)
*Bob Brantley Memorandum of August 31,2010 September 30, 20 II $10,200.00/annual Distribution of literature at $850.00 per month plus mileage.
Booster, Inc. License Agreement July 8,2010 June 1, 2011 $6000.00 Promotional exposure for Boosterthon Fun Run. Marketing.
Building Church N Special Function January 2t
2011 JanuarV,23,2011 $150.00 . " J Revenue.especial event. <,.,
CHECKCARESYSTEMS Membership April 26, 2001 May cancel with wIn $500.00 Annual I Company pays USSRC for all qualified checks returned by
Agreement membership fee bank.
,Eitt;?ffluntsvi,lle" :;;."t~
'; .. 'I".t /i~e~se Agreerne.~t", I" " April 23, 198 ~,~ye~r.s,,, ,$26,?00.~~:,' .•• 1
estimate . "',"
R~~en~e~f.?O~ of.c.o~~ni~ati?ns
belonging to-ASSEC; '." '>,
tower fees. ~~ase?~ la~d
. ., "

.'.~'f' . ' 'I!.!
AIl:lb~ma--L~- ft:g~~,e~e,nt'
" .. ,.~ •...
"';1.' ", Januw:y 1~;~,~gM':1t~
I' ',~ .••
':.:/~~...•...; _:?:. '-'-';" "';~'''';:''~~;' r.:
,,);," $,~,5?0.00 t :
'I ~evenu(t ~,U~c~R~:!oprovide promotion. of C~I,educati-?rial "
programs, free event'rental of DCSE for·2011 State of Citv.:
*Computer Consultants I Contract Agreement June 27, 2001 Yearly auto renewal $78,000.00/annual I AS400 Consulting, Murray Townsend for 1040 hrs em 75.00/hr.
I Employee Benefits I
Cox & Associates
,S,~own Cas,tle G~ Company LLC' ., N""'~, I~t:: ':,
September 25, 1995
September 2,'2010 v., - -,
Period to Period
Indefinite $60,?00.00,
one time fee
Insurance broker on employee related benefits,
Revenu~, ~oncessio~ fe~ for teleco.mmunication lower sublease
agreement (GTE): '",' " ..'
*Crystal Data • I Agreement September 20, 2010 August 6, 2012 $365,683.00 I Coastal Video Monitor System for DCNR, Phase 2,
*Cyberdome Purchase Order November 4, 2008 February 28, 2011 $635,910.00 F 16 single/dual cockpit for Dubai Project.
Dell N Special Function January 19,2011 .January 19,2011 $1,188.20 Revenue, Special event.
..... ~> ., '.oc

.' , total ..

Printed from Sprocketeers.org


*Direct Communications
• Consulting
July 28,2006 February 12,2011 $4000.00/month Strategic counseling relative to Federal/State agenda. This firm
has been orovided a 30 dav cancellation notice.
Don Jagoda Associates License Agreement April 14, 2010 September 27, 2011 $998.00 Promotional exposure. Anything is Possible with Popsicle
total romotion. Marketinz.
$"1;7~O~000.OO . R~Y~nl,le;,Spa~e'<;am.p.SXs!l5ilis:~~~~~eri).(m(statesthat the .
:'i;·>I·it<:~;; .,'" ....~~ "rc' .',
~", ..".'~<' ,.;:' .."."/ C-::?::'. ",v::' "'<'.'_!:",,-'i' '.:- , ... ,.....,<,.• ~.~;. J;l', . ',:,.-"", : .,.' .,." --

ahn!laJ 19Ya.Jj:ypaYlI}ents·Shallb"~·Waiv~cI~n9 fp~give.il for a

p~ri~a ·6(tIine~9dirig;6~,'12j:nI.O?':~1ptiI'Jrig:thjs:
time period;"
'p$~AS\liaII'dnly 9x~require~·tg;R;Yi~;.£ipy'sp~cifically": r'
" ·.r~qu~S!~<l',~efxls~;;~6E·eq~ipmeh~,pf9Yl~~~:bY;ASSESqna-co~t
.·.1:' pa$i$:;, Tlie p~t:ti~sagreeJo'~negoHaje~~nd' &jermine, '0,0 later than
J 8QdaY5..priot 1/.1/1 ((the ~pproph~te anflu;;\royal ty .•
'aire~ab I~Cto·the\Jjartie"s?;,.: .. ;:j.. "")\'f' :
*Eureka Exhibits + Exhibit Rental $150,000.00 Be the Dinosaur Exhibit on 5/16111. Payment schedule.
Azreement total
First Commercial Bank of Huntsville Line of Credit, May 15,2007 Letter- May 15,2012 See comments FCB provides an operating line of credit for $6,000,000; a letter
General Operating, Line- May 31, 2011 of credit for $4,000,000; and general operating ZBA accounts
Letter of Credit payable, payroll, and credit card accounts with a depository
sweeo account tied to the letter of credit.
*Fricker Studio Nt Contracts/Purchase April 16, 2007 June 30, 2011 $1,121,433.02 The amount shown represents an ongoing total for the Exhibit
Orders on-gomg Design of the DCSE under various contracts/purchase orders,
some issued under USSRCF. One contract was not signed by
the Chair in the amount of $115,000. No amount of this was
*Ft Worth Museum of Science & History t I Exhibit Agreement April 6, 2010 May 13,2011 $250,000.00 CSI Exhibit on 1117111. Payment schedule.
GOV Deals I Sellers Agreement November 29, 2010 November 29, 2011 Set Fee Structure Internet based auction svstem, 1 vear renewals.
Huntsville Botanical Gardens I MOU March 4, 2010 March 19,2011 $10,800.00 Advertising, Botanical Gardens to share 50% of the cost.
*IMAX Corporation I Maintenance December 20, 200 I Ends upon $37,114.79 Annually To consolidate former maintenance agreements with SONleS
Agreement discontinuation of use (Payable in quarterly dated March 14, 2000, and IMAX dated May 30, 1981.
of svstem installments)

Printed from Sprocketeers.org




IMAX Corporation Motion Picture March 19,20 \0 March 18,2011 TBD Motion Picture License "Hubble".
License Agreement
*Inergi/Design Force N. Con tracts/Pure hase March 12, 2009 April 11,20 II $1,902,847.20 The amount shown is a grand total of all Inergi
Orders on-going contracts/purchase orders for Exhibit installation for the DCSE
broken down as follows:
The Force- $355,000.00, not bid, Completed.
The Challenge- $257,316.00, not bid, Completed.
Install Into Space, To the Moon, Mandate Fulfilled, Apollo-
$883,800.00, not bid.
Kidspace- $102,750.00, not bid, Completed.
Mind of Saturn- $204,500.00, not bid, not signed by Chair.
MQF Restoration- $79,940.00, bid.
Additional work MQF- $7,790.00, not bid.
Apollo benches- $11,751.20, original amount was below bid
limit, issued an extension which then exceeded bid limit.
International Fiber Collaborative Inc. N Agreement December 2, 20 10 Within 5 yrs of 0 Dream Rocket Project, wrap Saturn V with fabric for 60 days.
Agreement, delay Estimated exhibition period is May & June 2015.
contingency for
additional year.
December, 2017
Just4Fun License Agreement March 15,20 \0 September 27,2011 $1000.00 Promotional exposure. Out of this World Fun with Space Camp
total promotion. Marketing
K2 Communications Film Agreement March 31, 2011 February 28, 2012 TBD IMAX film Legends of FIight.
Knology Inc. License Agreement February 28,2010 September 27, 2011 TBD Various locations, Spring on-air and on-line promotions.
*Lanier,1. Smith & Company Agreement October 1,2007 September 30, 20 II $40,865.90/annual Broker services for purchasing and handling of Property and
Renewed Annually Casualty, General Liability, etc. insurance coverage.
Lanier, .T. Smith & Company Agreement October 1,2008 September 30, 20 II $7,485.50/annual Provide broker services for purchasing and handling of Workers
Compensation insurance coverage.
Local TV AL dba WHNT TV License Agreement April 23,2009 April 15,2011 0 V ideo camera on SATV.

Printed from Sprocketeers.org


Mactus GroupLimited (China). , Option to Enter In19 $1,75.0,000,00'" Revenue: Space Camp, license ag~~ewent with the Space
~:,.. .
Licensing Agreement
.. ,
~.,' , Academy & Advanced Space Acadefuyc add on licenses." A
:" ...• -
notice Of cancellation of agreement and refund of their payment
in the amount of $40,000.00 has been provided to Mactus on
'Januarv:27, 201 i... ' J

Majesco Entertainment $1,154.00 Promotional exposure. My Hero: Astronaut promotion.

total Marketin
Marriott Huntsville o Comnlimentarv rooms for Gala.
Marshall SpaceFlight Center ,'C:. $420,000.00 .Revenue.s.. ,. ,".. . ,:;' ,: , ""
;<~-" ,:~ .,' - • ,.~,f;~,,;<~.t;;~~~~·
+ '-," •

total,' Spa~e Caiiip,m'issl<?n simulator fl§Br:upgrade~- $363,000.00

ISS simulations interactive exhibiqable;; $42,000.00
HostNative American Heritage'D~~~fo(elementary'& middle
schools- $15,000.00 '.
Marv Collins Non-Disclosure o Writer, orooosed TV series filmed at USSRC. Marketin
MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. (Verizon) Service Agreement Charges will vary MCI will provide International, Interstate, and Intrastate
telecommunications services.
MCI Worldcom (Verizon) Dist Azreement Julv 1,2010 Julv 1,2011 TBD Preoaid nhone cards for resale in USSRC zift shoos.
Merge Effect LLC License of June 11,2008 December 31, 20 II o Trade press release regarding Metl-Span panels.
Intellectual Property
Morling Manor Music Corporation & GPA N Exclusive December 2,2010 December 2, 2011 o Original agreement is dated 7/18/08. Development and
Entertainment, Inc. (Producer) Development & production of one or more Productions and all music, ancillary
Production and subsidiary rights thereto that relate to the activities, history,
Agreement culture and adventures of the Space Camp program. If a
Development Agreement is made between the Producer and Arc
Entertainment then Owner shall be entitled to compensation of
an amount equal to five percent (5%) of any gross contingent
compensation paid to Producer by ARC or from other sources,
provided that the compensation paid to Producer is consistent
with industrv standards.
Motion Picture Productions Location Agreement March 10, 2009 December 31,2012 o Footaze for UFO's for History Channel. Marketinz.

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.. "":".,
"713'1112 to JulY;":2017.ij>:i'cf,,,'L;'<{(i,'t""i;"· ,
NASA Exhibits Exhibit Loan o Artifacts (120 items) for exhibit purposes.
NASA Exhibits Exhibit Loan May 21,1997 Indefinite Loan o Artifacts ( 15 items) for exhibit purposes.
NASA Exhibits Exhibit Loan August 15, 1997 Indefinite Loan o Artifacts (lunar rocks) for exhibit purposes.
NASA Langley Research Center R Property Loan May 10, 1999 o Loan for property.

Otis Elevator March 1,2012 DCSE, Admin, lMAX, HAB 1, HAB3 elevator maintenance.
Rates governed by union. $2,362.50 oer auarter.
*Pitney Bowes N August 11, 2008 I 12 months with
annual automatic
1$11,554.00/annual Rental for DMI000 Mail System at $962.00 per month.

Pitney Bowes N Rental Agreement I August 11, 2008 I 12 months with I $4,620.00/annual Rental for DM550 Digital Mailing System at $385.00 per
annual automatic month.
Rocket City Broadcasting License Agreement July 2,2010 I September 27,2011 $3000.00 Promotional exposure. Airtime and radio rernotes. Marketing.
Serv ice Azreement 0 Photographic concessions.
R Maintenance $5,261 AO/annual ETF elevator maintenance. Rates governed by union.
Agreement $1315.35/oer quarter

Printed from Sprocketeers.org




Shout! Factory, LLC License Agreement September 18, 2009 February 28, 2011 $1,154.00 Promotional exposure. GI Joe products. Marketing.
I Loan Agreement June 30, 1993 March 31, 2011 Space artifacts on loan to USSRC.
Smithsonian Museum
Smithsonian, Lemelson Center
December 8, 2010 January 30, 2012 ° Lab outreach kit Proiect,
Space Camp Ambassadors
License Agreement Various December 31, 2013 °
TBD India, England, Australia, China, Costa Rica, India & Dubai,
Owner of Trademarks.
Space Camp Canada,'Inc.(Openitor)· , '25 years
• .j .~ -.
,$1,000,000.00 Reve9~e', pl~s'7.0% of Gross Sales'asdefined by paragraph V,
Ville De Laval (Licensee) .' :: section C; to be paid quarterly witnt~ ,3.0days of end of each
, (Canada,)-,.;;1.,c>,' calendar'~uarter per paragraph V, secti9n F ofLic'ense,:" .
Agreement;. At the end of the calendar year 2010, should, .
" $65,000.c6~ 'exceed6.5% ofthe,Gro;s Sales for that calendar
year, 'Licensee shallpay' Within 30 days 'of the end of that a •• '

calendar,year the difference betwein$65,000 and the sum of the

amouhtso'aid after each calendar ciJiuter. Snace Camo SYstem.
Revenue, :Plus royalty fee. Aviation Cliallenze,
·Revehue:··p]us royalty fee;So.ac·e· Camn SYstem.
.Revenue. This is Amendment 1 tooriginal. AmendmentZ is,
, endiriz.t; c': ::,.. .'~,:',:.,". '. ,.:."
Partnershio in oromotion. Marketinz.
Reven.pe~l-E.x'ilusiveHi.x~nseto oper~te two coin operated weight
scales,~ one Robo Grip strength ina6hine,~tnd one hyperbolic
.>- .u ,·i·~
r~:l,' ~- ,"~~' '-'~ i;
I:' .'; .. $95,000.00
*The Field Museum • I Exhibit Contract I March 26,2010 ' ·If:··'~epte~b~r'5;·2·011
A.T. rex Named Sue on 5/2l/11. Payment schedule.

*The Field Museum • I Exhibit Contract I May 17,2010 I September 3, 2012 $300,000.00
Mammoths & Mastodons on 5/261l2. Payment schedule:

The George C. Marshall Space Flight Center N. I Memorandum of January 8, 2010 January 8, 2015 0 USSRC to provide not less than 1400 sq ft for information area
Agreement for MSFC, not less than 3000 sq ft for ERC in ETF, not less than
9000 sa ft for Marshall Institute Training Center in ETF.
The Tennessee Aquarium License Agreement March 23, 2010 September 27,2011 $500.00 Promotional exposure. Support of a $16.3K Space Camp
total promotion with Hubble IMAX Movie promotion and

Printed from Sprocketeers.org


3D Entertainment Distribution Film License May 27, 2011 September 5, 20 It TBD 3D Motion Picture License, SeaRex 3D; Journey to a Prehistoric
Agreement World.
*Trane Parts Center R Service Agreement April 13, 2010 February 28, 2013 $15,500.00/annual Annual maintenance for Trane Systems at $3,875.00 quarterly.
with automatic one
year renewals.
Traveller Internet Solutions, Inc. Cooperative September 10, 2010 September 10, 20 II 0 Connect to Traveller's wireless network and to receive
Agreement Two one year bandwidth up to 5mb with occasional bursts above stated levels.
renewal terms
University of Alabama in Huntsville N MOU August 4, 2006 Indefinite 0 Archive partnership.
U.S. Army Garrison Redstone Arsenal • Formal Agreement September 5, 2008 Indefinite 0 Army artifacts - Terminated by either party with 30 d/w/n.
*Yan Scoyoc Associate
• Memorandum of
January 1, 2010 February 12,2011 $120,000.00/annual
plus expenses
Govt. Advisors. This firm has been provided a 30 day
cancellation notice.

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