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Recommended Reading

Ivan Strenski, Thinking about Religion

Ackerman, R. 1987. J. G. Frazer: His Life and Work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Allen, N.J., W.S.F. Pickering & W. Watts-Miller (eds) 1998. On Durkheim's Elementary Forms
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Alles, G.D. (ed.) 1996. Rudolf Otto: Autobiographical and Social Essays. Berlin/ New York:
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Almond, P.C. 1984. Rudolf Otto: An Introduction to His Philosophical Theology. Chapel Hill:
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Bacon, F. 1620. The Great Instauration and the Novum Organum. London: Kessinger
Bataille, G. 1955. Lascaux. Lausanne: Skira.
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—. 1985. Sacrificial Mutilation and the Severed Ear of Vincent Van Gogh. In Visions of Excess:
Selected Writings. 1927- 1939: Georges Bataille (ed.) A. Stoekl. Minneapolis: University
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Baur, F.C. 1851. Autobiographical Reflection on His Studies in Paul (1851): Die Einleitung in
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Bediako, G.M. 1995. 'To Capture the Modern Universe of Thought' : Religion of the Semites as
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Beidelman, T.O. 1974. W. Robertson Smith and the Sociology Study of Religion. Chicago:
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Bellah, R.N. 1957. Tokugawa Religion. Boston: Beacon Press.
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Berlin, I. 1979. Hume and the Source of German Anti-Rationalism. In Against the Current (ed.)
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Besnard, P. (ed.) 1983. The Sociological Domain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Besnard, P. & M. Fournier. 1998. Emile Durkheim: Lettres à Marcel Mauss. Paris: Presses
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Bossy, J. 1982. Some Elementary Forms of Durkheim. Past and Present 95, 3-18.
Bowie, A. (ed.) 1998. Schleiermacher, Hermeneutics and Criticism and Other Writings.
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Bredin, J.-D. 1986. The Affair: The Case of Alfred Drevfus (trans.) J. Melman. New York:
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Brooks III, J.I. 1998. The Eclectic Legacy: Academic Philosophy and the Human Sciences in
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