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Double Dragon International Reiki School

Short manual for the

Kuan Yin Attunements 1-7

Manual written by
Jens Söeborg, DK

System founder
Ole Gabrielsen, DK
I received these transmissions from Ole Gabrielsen back in 1996. From his booklet
“A Complete Course in Healing” from about year 2000 I have leaned how to
channel the initiations myself. To complete these transmissions I have also
received Tibetan Buddhist initiations in Chenrezig, Green Tara and White Tara.

The initiations, I (or the teachers coming after me) send along, are re-channelled
in 2005. So if you should like a transmission line, you can use “Ole Gabrielsen –
Jens Söeborg – You” or the shorter “Jens Söeborg – You”. The initiation off cause
comes from Kuan Yin herself, so the correct transmission line is really:

Kuan Yin – (Ole Gabrielsen) – Jens Söeborg – (XX) - You

© Copyright 2005 - Double Dragon International Reiki School

Who is Kuan Yin (Quan Shi Yin, Kwan Yin etc.)

There are mainly two aspects of Kuan Yin that we work with:
• Kuan Yin – the ascended master, or
• Kuan Yin – the Bodhisattva

Here – with this material - we are working with the

ascended master Kuan Yin, but first I have to tell you
briefly about the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin.

In Mahayana Buddhism - Great Path or Vehicle – we

meet a lot of Bodhisattvas. They are enlightened being,
who seeks Buddhahood through systematic practise of
the perfect virtues and are helping all sentient beings
towards their enlightenment. Kuan Yin is the most
popular Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism – so
popular, that she has also found her way in to Hinayana
Buddhism (Theravada). The path is quite long:

The origin of Kuan Yin comes really from India, where she is still male and called
Avalokiteshvara, which means something like “The Lord that is looking down with
compassion and hears the outcries of the World”. So this is the Bodhisattva for the
great compassion.

Compassion is called “karuna” in Sanskrit and “nasake” in Japanese. It has

therefore given names to the Raku Kei based healing systems “Karuna Reiki”
founded by William Rand, “Karuna Ki” founded by Vincent Amador and “Kembo
Nasake Ryoho” founded by me. The last is a combination of “Raku Kei” founded
by Dr. Arthur Robertson, “Tera-Mai” founded by Kathleen Milner, Karuna Reiki
and Karuna Ki with the Karuna Ki Do meditations included.
Kuan Yin
In China Avalokiteshvara became the name Kuan Shi Yin
and then later just Kuan Yin. Kuan means to inquire or
look deeply into, Shi means the world of people, or
generations, Yin means cries.
Kuan Yin became immensely popular and was associated
with the Chinese princess Miao Shan, who lived in about
700 B.C. and is widely believed to have been Kuan Yin,
reinforced the image of the bodhisattva as a female. The best
known Chinese mantra for Kuan Yin is:


Chenrezig & Tara

In Tibet Avalokiteshvara really was split up in a male
form “Chenrezig” and a female form “Drölma”, better
known as “Tara”. Öpame Buddha (Amitabha or Amida
Buddha) was so sad over the sufferings in the Wold and
shed two tears. The tears became the two Bodhisattvas
of Compassion – the male Chenrezig and the female
Tara. Chenrezig is mainly seen in Tibet in his 4 armed
version and Tara in the mild white form and the tantric
green form. The Chenrezig mantra is widely known in
its Sanskrit and Tibetan forms:


The best known mantra for Tara is: (The “T” is spoken like “D”)


Kannon (Kanzeon)
In Japan there are 33 forms of Kannon. Some of them are
male and some of them female. The female form is also
immensely popular in Japan as well as the 1000 armed
form, which we see to the left (in a Tibetan version).

The best known Japanese Kannon mantra is:


But that was not what we are working with in this case –
but maybe in other forms of Reiki healing.
The ascended master Kuan Yin
Kuan Yin, the great mother of Compassion and Mercy, is
loved and revered throughout Asia. Following her
ascension Kuan Yin turned back to save others and made
this pledge - "Never will I seek, nor receive, private
individual salvation, never will I enter into final peace
alone, but forever and everywhere will I live and strive for
the redemption of every creature throughout the world
from the bonds of conditioned existence". Kuan Yin is
associated with the earth, fertility, and birth, and magnified
healing. She is the eastern counterpart of Mother Mary and
she works to balance the feminine energy.

Kuan Yin is one of the Lords of Karma. She has also made a lot of work on the
violet 7th. Ray and is still assisting the Chohan St. Germaine and his female
counterpart Lady Portia and the Archangel Zadkiel on this ray, which links spirit
and matter and it works through law, organisation and ritual. Those under its
impulse delight in order and perfection of form. Since it is concerned with the
concretising of energy, finance comes within its province, as well as all ceremonial

Healing with this energy

Ole Gabrielsen channelled this energy especially for me in 1996. It was not any
part of his healing energies, like for instance St. Germaine. But the energy gives
you a deep connection to the loving and compassionate heart of Kuan Yin as well
in her abilities of magnified healing.

Sending it on to the next happy receiver

1. Send a small prayer of assistance to Kuan Yin
2. Connect to Spirit (your Higher Self)
3. Ask your Higher Self to send these 7 initiations to the receivers Higher Self.
(You can do it one by one or all seven together). Example of the attunement:
(to your higher self) “I ask that (name) may be attuned to Kuan Yin Healing,
initiation # X”
4. Attunements will then start and stop after around 25 minutes.

You can also use Qi Ball method or other methods of your choice.

Self initiation is also possible if you know how to do it.

Sending this to you with love and compassion


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