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Chapter 1



Rationale of the Study

While these games are based upon bloody and violent warfare and shooting, etc,

video games are so much more than that. They are a form of entertainment and

storytelling which is unique from any film or book you will find.

“When we watch a film we are simply watching events unfold. In a video game

we are part of the story. The game becomes so much more than bullets and wounding

enemies, it’s about strategy and storytelling”, according to a gamer.

Influence of computer games is prevalent among poor and middle class students,

although the rich ones are also greatly affected. As observed by teachers and parents,

students cut classes in the mid-morning or afternoon so as to play in computer houses.

They spend their food allowances on computer games and sacrifice their health as they

would always miss food since their little money goes to computer games. They are

already lazy to study at home since they are preoccupied with either watching or playing

computer games.

One negative influence that video games have is that they can foster violence.

This means that when kids play these games and see their favorite character commit

some type of violent action, they want to repeat it. Social isolation is also negative

influence of video games. It causes the student not to care about grades or learning and

to want to stay as far away from the real world as possible because of how much the

player likes the videogame world.


Studies have shown excessive exposure can result in increased anti-social

behavior and aggression, acceptance of violence as a way of settling conflict, increases

physiological arousal, increases aggressive thoughts, emotions and actions. Some who

spent most of their time on computer games tend to exercise nothing more than their

fingers. This causes a person to be lazy and the lack of exercise is responsible for the

obesity epidemic and the luring away from sports and other similar outdoor activities.

Some video games have a positive influence on children. For example, Pac Man

was a fantastically popular game when it came out. However, this game was an

educational game that put puzzles into the game and caused you to have to use your

brain to solve each puzzle to reach the next level.

Spatial skills are also involved in playing computer games. Adventure games

draw upon lateral thinking (within a generic repertoire) for problem-solving. Strategic

skills include knowing when to switch from offensive to defensive strategies.

Positive influences of video games are that they improve hand eye coordination

hence they are increasingly used for simulation purpose, highly effective in increasing

practical skills among surgeons, thus, improving strategy formation and decision making

sills such games are widely used by management students and practicing managers

Theoretical Background of the Study

Kooijmans’ (2004) states that in the past 30 years, video games have had a

major impact on how people spend their leisure time. The first generation of video

games were nothing more than simple geometric shapes, one or more of which could

be controlled by the game player. Each generation of games always uses the newest

technologies available, leading to more impressive graphics and realistic graphics.

Along with these new technologies come more realistic violent acts and situations.

Kooijman also says that the most “positive” impact video games are said to have on

children, is that they may improve a player’s manual dexterity and computer literacy.

Ever-improving technology also provides players with better graphics that gives a more

“realistic” virtual playing experience which is what the current generation wants. Also

with each new generation of video games, people are spending more time and money

on them.

Furthermore, Kooijmans uses the term video games to define any interactive

multimedia in which the human game player has control over the main character in a

simulated game world. Interactive multimedia can include all types of video games such

as those played on arcade machines like the Tekken series, home consoles such as

Sony's Playstation, hand-held consoles like Nintendo's Gameboy and personal

computers like the Doom series. He said that the video game industry has grown by

leaps and bounds since its inception in the 1970s. One of the industry's giants,

Nintendo, sold an average of three games every second from 1983 to 1995. That adds

up to over one billion games. That is equal to one game for every teenager on earth, or

enough games that, lay end to end, scan the entire equator two and a half times. An

industry war has begun to see who can build the newest, fastest, most popular game.

As today's kids are more computer-literate, educators are now more open to introduce

computer games and interactive simulations to make it easier and interesting for

students to understand concepts in Science, Math, English, and even ethics Escaña

(English instructor at Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU)) was, in fact, part of a new

program in Ateneo that used Role-Playing Games (RPG) like Neverwinter Nights to

teach ethics, story-telling and philosophy.

Ma. Mercedes Rodrigo, as an associate professor and chairperson at the

Department of Information Systems and Computer Science (DISCS) said that teachers

are seeing computers games as a 'weapon.' Rodrigo also stressed that computer

games have broad applications in e-learning, the most evident of which is that computer

games make learning fun. "It is easier to learn when you are having fun," As number of

student with learning disabilities and emotional problem are rising each year.

Moreover, Kooijmans wrote that Information Technology has proven to be an

effective method of giving such students opportunities to engage in basic drill and

practice, simulations, exploratory, or communication activities that are matched to their

individual needs and abilities. Ongoing research works indicates that use of computer

can enhance a student's acquisition of skills and content knowledge when the computer

is used to deliver well designed and well-managed instruction. Many computer-based

applications, such as communication technologies, word processing applications and

multimedia presentation tools can provide students with opportunities to use their skills

to engage in projects that address true-world problems. Many top-selling video games

are harmful content and therefore cause negative social effects.

However, videogames are popular with youth and have many characteristics that

make them excellent teaching tools. Educators can take advantage of the positive

learning characteristics of games with the use of well-designed software, but should

also be aware of potential negative issues such as anti-social content and cyber

addiction. Super Mario Brothers, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Street Fighter are familiar

names to nearly all of us. They are all best selling games of major video game

consoles. Over 9.8 billion dollars were spent on video games in the United States during

2001 alone, and video game consoles are present in 36 million homes in the United

States. With the increasing amount of time that people are spending on video games,

one is left to wonder if it is possible to become addicted to video games. There is also

the influence of computer video games on youth and the addiction what may come with

it. A recent article published in the journal Psychological Science indicates that youth in

the United States may be at risk for addiction to video games. According to a 2007

Harris poll of 1,178 American children and teens from ages 8 to 18, 8.5 percent of those

who played video games exhibited six of 11 addiction symptoms. These symptoms

included skipping household chores or homework to play video or computer games,

poor performance on tests, and playing video games to escape problems.

Fromme (2001-2004) says that there is no evidence that suggests you need to

be alarmed about children's gaming cultures. Even children, who are quite engaged, in

terms of frequency and general interest in playing computer games, apparently do not

give up other activities and interests like outdoor and sport activities. Their findings also

do not suggest that electronic gaming leads to social isolation. In most cases it seems

to be fully integrated into existing peer relationships. To be together with friends for the

great majority of children remains the favored leisure activity. The interactive qualities of

computer technology are quite attractive in situations when children are alone, however.

It was also observed that poverty may be remedied such that high school students can

attend classes in the evening by doing some part time job during daytime by selling

newspapers; act as errand boys in the stores, etc. As for girls, they can be useful as

household help or washing clothes in private houses or serve as waitress in

carenderias. As observed by teachers and parents, students cut classes in the mid-

morning or afternoon so as to play in computer houses. These students spend their

food allowances on computer games and sacrifice their health as they would always

miss food since their little money goes to computer games. They are already lazy to

study at home since they are preoccupied with either watching or playing computer

games. The explosion of the video game industry in the past decade has had

many people questioning the content of the games being released. The main concern is

that of violence and violent acts within the games. The newest generation of games is

so realistic that the line between "simulations" and video games has greatly been

blurred. They are so realistic that the United States government has even released a

game, entitled America's Army, to help train the next generation of military specialists.

In addition to what Kooijman wrote, he also stated that in the late 1990's a large

number of high-school shootings were blamed on violent video games, the most

devastating being the shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999. These

shootings raise a valid concern that violent video games may be affecting the

aggression of children and developing. This quality makes the video game industry a

powerful force in many adolescent lives. However, numerous studies show that video

games, especially ones with violent content, make teens more aggressive. In addition to

symptoms, other symptoms of gaming addiction exhibited by youth who played video

games includes excessive thinking about playing games, excessive planning for the

next opportunity to play, trying to play less and failing to do so, becoming restless or

irritable when trying to play less or stop playing, lying about how much they play, and

stealing a game or stealing money to buy a game. Four times as many boys as girls

were considered “pathological gamers”.

Uber141 (2011), the owner and creator of the Furtiveness Skill says that there

are several games that are better online rather than offline, and vice versa. According to

the preferences of Uber141, several examples games that are better offline are the

Elder Scrolls series, Fallout series, and Assassin's Creed series since they all provide in

depth storylines, where you can have feelings for the character, and it makes it more

personal. Each player has their own specific preferences on which games for them are

better. And, as for whether or not video games are bad, it is debatable. Most parents

say "no" to video games, because on the news they hear about other children going out

and killing people because they were inspired by Grand Theft Auto. This is actually the

parents fault, for they do not monitor their children, and ensure that they clearly

understand it is a fake environment, where generally speaking what they say is not true

for the most part, with exceptions here and there. It has been proven that it inspires


Cameron (2008) says that the reason why students prefer computer games over

anything else is that the addiction to it comes easily because of factors like dance

moves, steady advancement with just rewards. The games provide an escape from

reality with the opportunity to be violent without really hurting anyone physically.

Gentile (2004) of Iowa State University said he started his research on media

influences with doubts about the possibility of addiction. Gentile thought that it was

parental histrionics – which kids are playing a lot and parents do not understand the

motivation, so they label it an addiction and it turns out that he was wrong. What he

found was that children considered pathological gamers did worse in school, had

trouble paying attention in class and reported feeling “addicted”. These students were

twice as likely to report Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention-

Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). Gentile, who is also director of research at the

non-profit National Institute on Media and the Family, said that it is not the games are

bad, it is not that the games are addictive, it is that some kids use them in a way that is

out of balance and harms various areas of their lives.

Moreover, Dr. Ungerleider (2006) explains that these games are very compelling

with increasing complexity, so a child becomes more facile, yet wants to know more and

apply new skills. According to Dr. Orzack, the Director of Computer Addiction Services

at McLean Hospital, social pressure or lack of social skills can also lead to video game

addiction. Dr. Orzack suggests that many video game addicts have struggled with

finding their place in society and as a result play video games in order to become part of

a crowd. The players may feel compelled to reach the next level achievement in the

game in order to flaunt their abilities in front of their peer group. While these social

effects are important to consider when investigating the development of excessive video

game playing, it is equally important to discuss the neurological effects as well. Not only

can excessive video game playing cause behavioral and social changes in a person,

but it can also result In neurological changes as well.

However, Craven (2010) wrote that when people watch a film they are simply

watching events unfold. But in a video game they are a part of the story. The game

becomes so much more than bullets and wounding enemies, it is about strategy and


Rodolfo P. Gumabong’s Computer Games Blames for Student Dropouts explain

that the influence of computer games is prevalent among poor and middle class

students, although the rich ones are also greatly affected. It seems that poverty is not

an issue when it comes to computer gaming. As observed by teachers and parents,

students cut classes in the mid-morning or afternoon so as to play in computer houses.

The students would rather spend their food allowances on computer games and

sacrifice their health as they would always miss food since their little money goes to

computer games are already too lazy to study at home since they are preoccupied with

either watching or playing computer games.

Kathy (2006) states in her article that the level of violence in popular media is

both hard to miss and easy to ignore. The increasingly realistic and exciting nature of

electronic games has helped to make them enormously popular with children and youth.

Children between the ages of seven and 17 play for an average of eight hours a week.

Moreover, Kathy wrote that studies have shown excessive exposure can result in

increased anti-social behavior and aggression, violence desensitization and lower levels

of empathy toward others, increased levels of fear due to perceiving the world as

violent, acceptance of violence as a way of settling conflict and a higher tolerance and

threshold of violence leading to a desire to experience more violence in both violence

and real life. While these facts have been known for some time, more violent media gets

produced and marketed every day. Video games have taken center stage as an

especially powerful and violent influence. Players actively engage in maiming, killing,

and raping victims in an effort for a high score or to "win" the game. Exposure to violent

games increases physiological arousal. Studies measuring the physiological responses


to playing violent video games, compared with physiological responses to non-violent

games, have shown that violent games increase physiological arousal. Heart rate,

systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure all increase when playing violent

games. The same studies showed that playing a violent game like Mortal Kombat,

resulted in higher systolic blood pressure increases than playing a non-violent game.

These physiological effects are important because these are the same types of

physiological reactions bodies have when engaged in a fight. The interaction with trait

hostility is important because it suggests that the effects of playing violent games may

be even greater for children who are already at risk for aggressive behavior.

Additionally, exposure to violent games increases aggressive thoughts. Studies

measuring cognitive responses to playing violent video games, compared with cognitive

responses to non-violent games, have shown that violent games increase aggressive

thoughts. These findings have been found for males and females, children and adults,

and in experimental and correlation studies. This exposure to violent games also

increases aggressive emotions. Kathy’s study measuring emotional responses to

playing violent video games compared with emotional responses to non-violent games

have shown that violent games increase aggressive emotions. Adolescents themselves

often seem to recognize this. When asked to name the "bad things" about computer

games, many students reported that they make people more moody and aggressive. In

this study, students who were more "addicted" to video games were significantly more

likely to be in a bad mood before, during, and after play than were non-addicted

students. This exposure to violent games also increases aggressive actions. Kathy’s

Article also states that in one study of college students, students played either a violent

or non-violent game. After playing this game, they were given a competitive reaction

time task in which they played against another student. If they beat the other student,

they got to deliver a loud "noise blast," and were able to control how loud and how long

the noise blast would be. Students who had previously played the violent video game

delivered longer noise blasts to their opponents.

Smith (2006) also states that video games can foster violence and negativity on

women. This means that when kids play these games and see their favorite character

commit some type of violent action, they want to repeat it. These games also influence

the youth negatively by giving children a negative image of women. Women are not

usually used in video games, and when they are, their purpose is usually sex appeal.

Social isolation is a negative influence of video games. It causes the student not to care

about grades or learning and to want to stay as far away from the real world as possible

because of how much the player likes the videogame world.

Moreover, Faulkner (2008) wrote that ailments related to sedentary life as boys

spend more time on computer games their body suffers from lack of exercise. Some

boys who spent most of their time on computer games tend to exercise nothing more

than their fingers. Lack of exercise is responsible for the obesity epidemic among young

boys. Tendonitis and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome are other physical conditions which

young adolescent boys are increasingly effected by. Computer games are responsible

for luring adolescent boys away from sports and other similar outdoor activities. In

addition to these, computer Games are very effective teaching and skill building tools.

Interactive educational softwares have been found to be very effective and help young

children to grasp subject matter with ease. Computer games improve hand eye

coordination hence they are increasingly used for simulation purposes. Faulkner also

says that computer games are effective in increasing practical skills among surgeons.

Games have been designed for improving strategy formation and decision making sills

such games are widely used by management students and practicing managers. These

games are a part of academic studies at business schools.

Moreover, in a study conducted by Smyth (2007), he states that: shows that

online multiplayer games are hugely popular among college students .Games such as

World of Warcraft help in increasing a person’s sociability because players have an

opportunity to build long term friendship with other players. Chandler’s (1994) states

that spatial skills are also involved in playing computer games: two-dimensional

graphical representations may have to be reinterpreted into three dimensions using the

conventions of linear perspective; coordination of several viewpoints may be required to

achieve spatial integration. Adventure games draw upon lateral thinking within a generic

repertoire for problem-solving. Strategic skills include knowing when to switch from

offensive to defensive strategies. Working out your game strategy involves a process of

deciphering the logic of the game, of understanding the intent of the game's designer, of

achieving a "meeting of minds" with the program. Despite varying in their openness,

however, computer games rarely offer much scope for individual initiative or

independent thought. In order to demonstrate mastery, players must conform to the

framework of the program.

Moreover, Craven (2010) explains that some games might be suitable for kids,

and then some games should not have been made. Video games are only suitable for

certain ages and they have them written on the box. The reason young kids are being

influenced by these games is because they are too young to be playing them in the first

place. Parent who allows their 7 year old to play a game which clearly says on the box

that it contains blood, violence and sexual themes need to guide or watch their children

playing this video games.

In like manner, Gumabong (2000-2005) states that City Councilors should pass

an ordinance prohibiting computer houses within the radius of one or two kilometers

from school as many students are tempted to play computer games as these are in front

of the schools, colleges and universities. This ordinance should requiring computer

houses not to admit students during classes in the morning and the afternoon may help

prevent them from cutting classes or be absent in school. The necessary penalty for

computer houses violating the city ordinance may cause the closure of the

establishment if the violation is repeated for three times. City school officials should do

something before the situation runs out of control and the students' dropout is in

alarming proportion. Parents and guardians can also help by requiring their children to

come home after classes and limiting their daily allowances to transportation expenses.


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Information and

Communication Technology students in the University of San Carlos – Talamban

Campus have a habitual attachment to computer games.

The study tries to answer the following questions:

1. Why do students prefer computer games more than academics?

2. Why would students spend more of their allowance on internet cafes rather than

on food?

3. Which is more preferable: online and offline games?


Significance of the Study:

This study would be beneficial to the following:

To the gamers that they may know whether there is such a thing as an addiction

to computer games, the positive or negative effects of it, and if limiting the hours in

playing video games and have outdoor activities instead.

To the game developer that they may stop making violent games, and start

developing games that can harness the positive skills of the youth.

To the parents that they may guide and watch their children while playing these

games. This data may serve as their guide on what games they should let their children


To the teachers that they may become aware of the entertainment that these

video games cause that makes their students choose gaming over studying.


This study uses a quantitative style of research for its reliance on the frequency

counts and other numerical data the researchers aim to achieve through the use of a

questionnaires to be answered by ICT Students. The analyses focus on whether these

students prefer computer games over their academic responsibilities. Data was being

counted by how many tallies in the overall results, and by a ranking system in which the

students choose which genre of games the participants are interested in.

Research Environment

The University of San Carlos – Talamban Campus is the locale of the study.

The University of San Carlos – Talamban Campus has a number of prestigious

colleges and to name a few, the College of Architecture and Fine Arts, the College of

Arts and Sciences, the College of Commerce, the College of Education, , the College of

Nursing and the College of Pharmacy. The College of Arts and Sciences (also known as

CAS) houses the Department of Computer Science, in which the Bachelor of Science

Information Communication Technology has the ability to be located. This study is

conducted on the 4th floor of the Bunzel Building, most commonly known as the

Engineering building.

Research Participants

The participants of the study are students who are enrolled in Bachelor of

Science Information Communication Technology of the Department of Computer

Science of the College of Arts and Sciences during the second semester of the

Academic Year 2010 – 2011. These students regularly visit internet cafes. Their ages

range from 18-23. One hundred (100) participants were considered, disregarding their

gender. All of the respondents were classmates in various ICT classes.

Research Instruments

The questionnaire is our source of data for the study for the research instrument.

The researchers give out questionnaires to a hundred ICT students. This will be the

researchers’ way to examine why the students prefer computer games over academics,

why the respondents spend most of their allowances on internet cafes and which kinds

of the participants prefer. The method of data collection through questionnaires is much

to our advantage because the distribution, answering, collection and tabulation process

be easy and all the needed data will be acquired with lesser complaints and hindrances.

Research Procedures

Gathering Data. This study was conducted by selecting one hundred (100) ICT

students at random, regardless of gender, and the respondents are asked to answer the

questionnaires the researchers have prepared.

To ensure that the questionnaires are answered precisely and completely, the

researchers counterchecked all the questionnaires for completeness and preciseness.

The respondents were assured of the confidentiality and anonymity, in cases where

they write their names, given the personal nature of some of the questions.

From the questionnaires collected, all data are tallied and tabulated by the

researchers. This was done to observe the behavioural influences of computer games

to the students.

Treatment of Data. The data that will be gathered from the respondents will be

tallied and tabulated to answer the problems which will find out why the students would

rather play computer games rather than academics, why the students would spend their

allowances on internet cafes and what kind of games these respondents like.

All data will then be graphically presented for frequency, percentages and ranks

for better understanding of all data the researchers will have gathered.


The important terms used in this study were defined for better understanding and

meaning of these terms:

ICT or Information Communication Technology refers to the academic

preferences of the students who participated in this study.

Online Games refer to games that can be played individually or multi-player all

over the globe, as long as the player has internet connection.

Offline Games are games that can be played solo or multi-player but can only be

played with LAN Connection.

LAN Connection or Local Access Network Connection connects two or more

computers so that file sharing, internet access and gaming with computers that the

player is connected to are possible.

Adventure games refer to a genre of games wherein the player is a part of the

game, and has to solve puzzles or find things in order to finish quests.

An educational game is a genre of games wherein the player is taught how to do

something, using the games as a medium.

Combat / Fighting games pertain to a genre of games games wherein the player

combats or shoots the opponents.

Massive Multiplayer Online Games/Massive Multiplayer Online Role-playing

Games are a genre of games with subscription-based virtual worlds wherein thousands

of players can interact together.

Puzzle games refers to a genre of games wherein the player solves logic puzzles

or mazes.

Racing games pertain to a genre of games wherein the player is a driver of a

high performance vehicle and compete against other drivers.

Role-playing games refer to a genre of games wherein the player acts the role of

an adventurer who specializes in a certain set of skills, like combating or

casting magic spells.

Sports games is a genre of games wherein the player plays physical sports like

baseball, soccer, football, boxing, golf, basketball, ice hockey, tennis, bowling, etc.

Survival horror games is a genre of games that focus on fear and attempt to

scare the player via traditional horror fiction elements such as atmospherics, death, the

“undead”, blood and gore.

Strategy games pertain to a genre of games wherein the player carefully plans

and manage their resources in order to achieve victory.

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