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Homebrews [Right Version ]

Criação de Personagem e Core
Fontes Dado de vida
Sobre outros conteúdos Todos os livros lançados Quando você for rolar o dado de vida ao subir de nível para
oficialmente pela Wizards of the Coast são imediatamente determinar seu HP máximo, você pode escolher entre ficar
válidos, desde que não sejam de planos diferentes como com a média do dado (metade + 1) ou rolar o dado e ficar
os livros de Eberron, Theros, Plane Shifts e Ravnica. com o que vier.
Quaisquer conteúdos terceiros, homebrew, unearthed Uma vez por nível, você pode jogar re-jogar o dado caso ele
arcana ou dos livros anteriormente citados devem receber caia no numero 1, você deve ficar com o novo valor.
meu aval antes de serem utilizados.
Outras Classes As classes Pugilista por Benjamin Inteligência
Huffman, Blood Hunter (2020) por Matthew Mercer. Inteligência garante proficiências adicionais – Seu valor
de inteligência afeta suas proficiências. Consulte a tabela
Ranger [Right Version] O jogador poderá abaixo para os requisitos seus efeitos.
alternativamente utilizar está versão da classe Ranger,
vale dizer que o livro Class Feature Variants não deverá Inteligência
ser usado em tandem com o Ranger [Right Version], Pontos Benefício
com exceção dos feitiços extras.
11 Proficiência com uma ferramenta ou língua
Armas, Armaduras e Munições O livro The Complete 13 Proficiência com uma habilidade
Armorers Handbook de Heavyarms substituem as armas
utilizadas no jogo. 15 Proficiência com uma ferramenta ou língua

Magias Por conta do lançamento do novo livro Tasha's 17 Proficiência com uma ferramenta ou língua
Cauldron of Everything e suas alterações na lista de Proficiência com uma habilidade e expertise com
magias do jogo, algumas fontes não são mais confiáveis, 19
uma habilidade que seja proficiente.
ao invés disso, utilize o site 5etools ou o aplicativo D&D
Spell 5e, mais a frente do presente documento você pode Por outro lado, modificadores negativos de inteligência não
encontrar as exatas magias opcionais permitidas por possuem impactos mecânicos e sua habilidade de ler ou não
classe. depende completamente de sua interpretação do
personagem, não tendo relação nenhuma com este sistema.
Opções de Classe
O livro Tasha's Cauldron of Everything introduziu novas
opções de classe, a seguir está listada as opções permitidas
para esta mesa:
Barbarian: Primal Knowledge e Instinctive Pounce.
Bard: Magical Inspiration e Bardic Versatility.
Cleric: Channel Divinity: Harness Divine Power e
Cantrip Versatility.
Druid: Wild Companion e Cantrip Versatility.
Fighter: Todos os Fighting Styles e Martial Versatility
Monk: Ki-Fueled Attack; Quickened Healing e Focused
Paladin: Todos os Fighting Styles, Channel Divinity:
Harness Divine Power e Martial Versatility
Ranger: Todos, boa sorte.
Rogue: Nenhum, vai se foder.
Sorcerer: Todas as Metamagic Options e Sorcerous
Warlock: Eldritch Versatility, e se você quiser MESMO
você pode pegar o Pact of the Talisman , mas ele é
Wizard: Cantrip Formulas.

Darkvision Half Elf
Visão no escuro verdadeira é uma habilidade rara entre Added Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the
humanoides, encontrada apenas naqueles que vivem nos Perception skill.
lugares mais profundos e escuros do mundo. Se você teria a Removed Skill Versatility
característica racial Darkvision, ela é substituída pela
característica Low-light Vision. Lizardfolk
Changed Hungry Jaws: If the creature is neither undead
Low-light vision
nor a construct, you also gain temporary hit points equal
to the damage dealt. Hungry Jaws damage increases to
For 30 ft around you, you can see in dim light as if it were 2d6 + STR at 6th-level, 3d6 + STR at 11th-level, and 4d6 +
bright light. You can't see in darkness. STR at 16th-level.
Se você teria a característica racial Superior Darkvision, ela é Changed Magical Resistance: You have advantage on all
substituída pela seguinte: Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws
against magic.
Darkvision Yuan-ti Pureblood
For 30 ft around you, you can see in dim light as if it were
Changed Magical Resistance: You have advantage on all
bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws
discern color in darkness, only shades of grey. Beyond 30 ft, against magic.
you can't see in darkness. Changed Poison Resistance: (Replaces Poison
Immunity) You have advantage on saving throws against
poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Sunlight Sensitivity
Se o seu novo personagem possui a característica racial
Sunlight Sensitivity, você pode remove-la ao:
a) Remover sua característica racial Darkvision
completamente e ficar apenas com sua visão normal.
b) Substituir sua característica racial Superior Darkvision
pela Low-light Vision.
Alterações Raciais
Changed Breath Weapon: You may use your breath
weapon as part of your attack action.
Added Low-light Vision: Thanks to your Draconic blood,
you have superior vision in dim light conditions.
Added Skill Versatility: You gain proficiency in two skills
of your choice.
Added Human Determination
Removed Variant Human

Human Determination
You are filled with determination. If you fail an attack roll,
ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll one d20. You
must keep the new result.

After you use Human Determination, you can't use it again

until you complete a short or long rest.

Combate com duas mãos em níveis
mais altos
A característica Ataque Extra (2) da classe Guerreiro
obtida no nível 11 deixa você usar sua ação bônus
para realizar dois ataques, ao invés de um.

Combate Inspiração
Atrapalhada Crítica Inspiração do Grupo
Num erro crítico, o alvo do ataque pode se aproveitar do A Inspiração é compartilhada pelo grupo, o grupo como um
descuido do atacante para tentar um contra-ataque, todo pode acumular um total de 4 tokens de inspiração.
utilizando sua a reação para um ataque de oportunidade.
Usos da inspiração.
Combate com duas mãos Vantagem - Você pode gastar um ponto de inspiração para
Quando você realiza a ação de Ataque e ataca com uma arma conferir vantagem a uma jogada de ataque, teste de
corpo-a-corpo que está empunhando em uma mão, você pode habilidade ou salva-guarda que você fizer, você deve
usar uma ação bônus para atacar com uma arma corpo-a- anunciar esse uso antes de realizar a jogada.
corpo leve diferente que está empunhando na outra mão. Segunda chance – Como uma reação, é possível gastar
Você não adiciona o modificador de habilidade ao dano desse dois pontos de inspiração para fazer um aliado, que você
ataque extra, a menos que o modificador seja negativo. possa ver, jogar novamente um teste de salva guarda que
Se a arma possuir a propriedade arremesso, você pode tenha falhado, uma criatura pode receber esse efeito
arremessá-la em vez de realizar um ataque corpo-a-corpo apenas uma vez.
com ela.
As armas corpo-a-corpo que você está empunhando deve Outros
seguir um dos seguintes critérios:
Outras regras menores
Ambas das armas precisam ter a propriedade leve; ou
Uma das armas precisa ser uma adaga, foice curta, Ajuda – Quando se utiliza a ação de ajuda para dar
martelo leve, ou porrete (club, dagger, sickle, or light vantagem a um aliado, você roda um dos d20s.
hammer). Harmonização rápida para itens mágicos – Uma ação
para harmonização, um descanço curto para
Multiplicador de força desarmonizar.
Trabalho em Equipe – Quando multiplas pessoas podem
O modificador de dano para um ataque com arma corpo-a- fazer a mesma ação por ter uma habilidade ou
corpo que você esteja empunhando com duas mãos é maior, background relevante, como se lembrar de alguma
você usa 1,5x o seu multiplicador (arredondado para baixo). A informação, convencer, intimidar, empurrar uma pedra
arma deve ter a propriedade duas mãos ou versátil para pesada, etc. É possível realizar um trabalho em equipe. A
ganhar esse benefício. primeira pessoa a ajudar da vantagem (Como se estivesse
Exemplo, um Bárbaro com +3 de modificador de força ao a usar a ação ajuda), cada
acertar um ataque com uma Espada grande dá um total de
2d6+4 de dano cortante.

O feiticeiro ganha acesso as seguintes habilidades:
Foco Arcano Magia de Origem
Você é o seu próprio foco arcano para suas magias de Cada origem há uma ligação inata com certas magias que
feiticeiro, você não precisa de um foco arcano para conjurar você ganha nos níveis marcados na tabela de sua origem,
seus feitiços. uma vez que você ganhe uma magia de origem, você sempre
a tem preparada, além do mais, estas magias não contam
Recuperação de Metamagia para o numero de magias que você pode conhece.
A partir do nível 2, você recupera pontos de feitiçaria iguais a Se houver uma magia na sua lista que não exista na lista
quantidade de Hit Dices consumidos num descanço curto de magias de feiticeiro, a magia conta como uma magia de
feiticeiro para você de qualquer forma.
Liberação de Magia Latente Divine Soul Sorcerer Spells
A partir do 5º nível, você é capaz de explorar um poço de seu Escolha um domínio de clérigo e utilize sua tabela.
poder inexplorado e desencadear magia que você ainda não
domina. Draconic Sorcerer Spells
Você pode lançar qualquer feitiço da lista de magias de Sorcerer Level Spells
feiticeiro, tendo aprendido o feitiço ou não. Para fazer isso, 1st Chromatic Orb, Command
você deve ter um nível de feiticeiro alto o suficiente para
poder conjurar essa magia, você deve gastar um espaço de 3rd Dragon’s Breath, See Invisibility
feitiço igual ao ciclo de magia do feitiço ou superior e gastar 5th Fly, Fear
vários pontos de feitiçaria iguais ao nível do espaço usado.
Depois de lançar um feitiço dessa maneira, você não poderá 7th Leomund’s Secret Chest, Elemental Bane
fazê-lo novamente até terminar um descanso curto ou longo. 9th Legend Lore, Hold Monster
No 15º nível, você pode usar esse recurso duas vezes entre
os intervalos. Shadow Sorcerer Spells
Sorcerer Level Spells
1st Fog Cloud, Silent Image
3rd Shadow Blade, Pass without trace
5th Animate Dead, Gaseous Form
7th Shadow of Moil, Evard’s Black Tentacles
9th Negative Energy Flood, Danse Macabre

Storm Sorcery Spells

Sorcerer Level Spells
1st Thunderous smite, Feather fall
3rd Warding Wind, Gust of Wind
5th Call Lightning, Tidal Wave
7th Ice storm, Freedom of Movement
9th Control Winds, Maelstrom

Wild Sorcerer Spells

Sorcerer Level Spells
1st Chaos Bolt, Color Spray
3rd Enhance Ability, Enlarge/Reduce
5th Blink, Hunger of Hadar
7th Polymorph, Dimension Door
9th Animate Objects , Mislead

O bruxo ganha acesso as seguintes habilidades: Divination cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Sacrificial Bargain Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
At 1st-level, you gain the Sacrificial Bargain feature. With a Duration: Instantaneous
sacrifice of health, your patron grants you power. Once per You attempt to pry into the psyche of a creature that you
short rest, when you cast a warlock spell of 1st-level or can see within range. The target must make a Wisdom saving
higher, you may spend a number of hit die equal to your throw. On a failure, the target takes 1d6 psychic damage and
warlock spell level to cast the spell without expending a spell until the end of your next turn:
If the spell can't be cast at a higher level, you may instead You have advantage on your next attack roll made against
spend a number of hit die equal to the spell level. the target.
As a bonus action, you can make an Intelligence (Arcana,
Eldritch Cantrips History, Nature, or Religion) check to recall lore and
No primeiro nível, o Warlock recebe um truque adicional, este information about the target.
truque deve ser um dos seguintes: Eldritch Blast, Gleaming This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th
Arrow, Infernal Trident ou Shadowgaze. level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Special: You can apply to shadowgaze any option or
Expanded Cantrips enhancement that applies to eldritch blast. For this purpose,
Os seguintes truques expandem sua lista de magias de when a target fails its saving throw against shadowgaze, this
Bruxo. counts as you hitting it.
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You launch an iridescent arrow from you hand, making a
ranged spell attack against a creature within range. On a hit,
the target takes 1d8 radiant damage and until the end of your
next turn, you have advantage on saving throws against the
target’s spells and other magical effects.
This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th
level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Special: You can apply to gleaming arrow any option or
enhancement that applies to eldritch blast.
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure into your hand a trident of hellish metal that
lasts until the end of your turn. When you cast this spell, you
can use the trident to make a melee spell attack or a 120-foot
ranged spell attack against a creature or object. The trident is
a magic weapon and scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
On a hit, the target takes 1d8 piercing damage. If this damage
reduces a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you can make a
single additional attack with the trident against a target
within range.
This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th
level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Special: You can apply to infernal trident any option or
enhancement that applies to eldritch blast.

Pact of the Blade Pact of the Chain
You ask your patron for physical power, and you are rewarded You ask your patron for the ability to control others, and are
with an eldritch weapon. rewarded with a bound familiar
At 3rd-level, you receive a gift from your otherworldly
patron. If you choose Pact of the Blade, your patron's power Chained Familiar
and knowledge shapes you into a formidable and vicious You gain a special trinket from your patron which allows you
warrior. You gain the Blade Warrior feature. to summon a familiar and bind it to your will.
Blade Warrior Chain Trinket
You acquire power from your patron necessary to arm An eldritch trinket—such as a ring, bracelet, earring, or a
yourself for battle. Your patron gifts you with proficiency with diadem. While you are wearing this trinket, you can cast the
medium armor, shields, and martial weapons. You also gain Find Familiar spell as a ritual without spending material
the Pact Weapon feature, allowing you to create and summon components.
an eldritch weapon Your trinket bears the unmistakable mark of your patron —
Pact Weapon fiendish red veins, fey vines and flowers, aberrant runes and
etchings, etc.
As an action on your turn, you create a pact weapon in your
empty hand. You can choose the form this weapon takes each Chain Master
time you create it, though it must be a form you are proficient When you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your
with. own attacks to allow your familiar to use its reaction to make
one attack of its own.
Eldritch Strike
When you attack with this weapon, you can use your warlock I Remember
spellcasting ability modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, This trinket always summons the same familiar—same name,
for the attack and damage rolls. This weapon counts as memories, personality, etc—but you may choose its form each
magical when overcoming resistances and immunity to time it is summoned.
nonmagical attacks and damage
I Serve
Ephemeral Your familiar has a personality of its own—it may or may not
This weapon disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from be happy to serve you. But whatever its attitude, the familiar
you for 1 minute or more, if you create another pact weapon, must obey the command of whomever wears the trinket.
if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die.
I Come
Assimilate You learn the Find Familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual.
You can absorb one magic weapon into your pact weapon by The spell doesn't count against your number of spells known.
performing a special ritual while you hold the weapon. You Your familiar is shaped by your eldritch whims., when you
perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for
done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, your familiar or one of the following special forms: imp,
shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears pseudodragon, quasit, or sprite.
whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can’t
affect an artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. Branded Mount
The weapon ceases to be your pact weapon if you die, if At 5th warlock class level, you can call your familiar throught
you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you the Find Steed spell, which you may use once per Long rest
use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon without consuming a spell slot.
appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space
when the bond breaks.
Thirsting Blade
At 5th warlock class level, you can attack with your pact
weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn

Pact of the Tome Patrons
You ask your patron for forbidden knowledge, and are Patron Expanded Spells
rewarded with a tome of eldritch secrets, at 5th-level, you
receive the following feature. Your patron grants you access to an expanded set of spells. At
1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th-levels, choose one spell
Page of Eldritch Power (appropriate for your level) from your patron spell table— add
it to your known spell list as an extra spell.
A new page appears in your Book of Shadows—a page of
eldritch power. Choose a power from the options below. The Hexblade
Adding Names: A creature may spend an action to write
its true name on the page. The page can contain a number of A patron from the Shadowfell grants you a powerful curse.
names equal to your profiency bonus, additional names (or Hexblade no longer has the Hex Warrior trait.
false names) written on the page will fade after one minute. Alternative Naming To more accurately reflect the focus
Removing Names: When you xnish a long rest, you may of this patron, you may wish to rename it—consider "Hexer",
touch one page of power from your Book of Shadows and "Shade", or "Cursed".
magically erase any names of your choice.
Destroying the Page: The page naturally heals any Invocations
damage to it. If the page is torn out of the book, that page As your connection to your patron strengthens, you gain
turns to ash and a new one appears in the book—exactly as it access to a greater pool of power—invocations. The following
was. invocations have been rebalanced:
Mind Palace Bewitching Whispers, Dreadful Word, Minions of
You can cast the Sending spell, targeting a creature whose Chaos, Mire the Mind, Sculptor of Flesh, Sign of Ill
name is on the page, without using a spell slot and without Omen, Thief of Five Fates: These spells may be cast
using material components. To do so, you must write the once per long rest without spending a warlock spell slot.
message on the page. The target hears the message in their Repelling Blast: You can trigger Repelling Blast only
mind, and—if the target replies—their message appears on once during your turn.
the page rather than in your mind. The writing disappears Repelling Blast & Grasp of Hadar: For every size
after 1 minute. category larger than you, the target moves 5 ft less. You
The Patron Knows All: Your patron is fully aware of any can't move a swarm with these invocations. If the target is
message sent or received by your Book of Shadows. grabbing anything, it may roll a Strength saving throw
against your spell DC to avoid being moved or—if it
Deathly Note chooses—pull the creature with it.
When any creature whose name is on the page is reduced to Far Scribe, Gift of the Protectors and Thirsting Blade:
0 hit points but not killed outright, the creature magically This invocation is now a core feature of Pact of the Blade
drops to 1 hit point instead. Once this magic is triggered, no and can be removed.
creature can benefit from it until you finish a long rest.
The Patron's Price: If a creature dies while their name is
written on the page, their soul is claimed by your patron and
you regain one expended spell slot.

Lista de Magias Expandida
Artificer Expanded Spells Ranger Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells Spell
Level Spells
1st Tasha's Caustic Brew
1st Entangle, Searing smite
Bard Expanded Spells 2nd
Aid, Enhance ability, Gust of wind, Magic
Spell Level Spells weapon
1st Color spray, Command Elemental Weapon, Meld into stone, Revivify,
2nd Aid, Enlarge/reduce, Mind spike, Mirror Image
4th Dominate beast
3rd Mass healing word, Slow, Tiny servant
5th Awaken, Greater restoration
4th Phantasmal killer
5th Contact other plane, Rary's telepathic bond Sorcerer Expanded Spells
6th Heroes's feast, Mental prison, Scatter Spell Level Spells

7th Power word pain, Prismatic spray Cantrip Primal savagery

8th Antipathy/sympathy, Maze 1st Grease, Protection from evil and good

9th Prismatic wall 2nd Flame blade, Flaming sphere

3rd Vampiric touch
Cleric Expanded Spells 4th Fire shield
Spell Level Spells
6th Flesh to stone
1st Cause Fear, Color spray, Command
8th Demiplane
5th Skill empowerment, Wall of light
9th Foresight
6th Sunbeam
8th Sunburst Warlock Expanded Spells
9th Power word heal Spell Level Spells
5th Mislead, Planar binding, Teleportation circle
Druid Expanded Spells 6th Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
Level Spells 9th Gate, Weird
1st Ceremony, Protection from evil and good
Wizard Expanded Spells
2nd Augury, Continual flame, Enlarge/reduce Spell Level Spells
Elemental weapon, Revivify, Thunder step, Wall 1st Tasha's Caustic Brew
of sand
2nd Augury, Enhance ability, Tasha's mind whip
4th Divination, Fire shield
3rd Intellect Fortress, Speak with dead
5th Cone of cold, Dawn, Immolation
6th Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
6th Flesh to stone
7th Symbol
8th Incendiary cloud
9th Mass polymorph

Paladin Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
2nd Gentle repose, Prayer of healing, Warding bond
5th Dawn

Fighting Style Feats
Archery Blood Hound
You gain a +1 bonus to both attack and damage rolls you Pré-requisito: Sabedoria 13 ou maior
make with ranged weapons. Your keen senses are heightened beyond that of most
people. Whether these senses were heightened through
Dueling training, through the loss of other senses, or they simply
While you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no matured as you did, you gain the following benefits:
other weapons, or a versatile weapon in both hands, you gain When you take the attack action to throw a weapon with
a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. the Thrown property, you may immediately use a bonus
action to make two more attacks with a Thrown weapon.
Practiced archery These must also be thrown attacks. You may use this
Fighter, Ranger ability a number of times equal to your dexterity or
When calculating your ranged attack, your dexterity score strength modifier per short rest.
is considered to be 16, if your dexterity isn't already higher. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a
Additionally, you may choose to use strength instead of thrown weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage roll.
dexterity when calculating ranged damage Charger
Unarmed Fighting When you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus
Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to action to make one melee weapon attack or to shove a
1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you aren't wielding creature.
any weapons or a shield when you make the attack roll, the If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately
d6 becomes a d8. before taking this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to
At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 the attack's damage roll (if you chose to make a melee attack
bludgeoning damage to all creatures grappled by you. and hit) or push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you
chose to shove and you succeed).
Additionally, when you get this feat, you may increase your
Strength or Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Dual Wielder Great Weapon Master
You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following You’ve learned to put the weight of a weapon to your
benefits: advantage, letting its momentum empower your strikes. You
gain the following benefits:
You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a
separate melee weapon in each hand. On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee
You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you
would normally be able to draw or stow only one. can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.
Once per turn when you miss with a weapon attack, you Once per turn before you make a melee attack with a
can immediately make another weapon attack with your heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose
other hand, as part of the same action or reaction. to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you
add +10 to the attack’s damage.
You've developed the skills necessary to hold your own in Sharpshooter
close-quarters grappling. You gain the following benefits: You have mastered ranged weapons and can make shots that
others find impossible. You gain the following benefits:
You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature you
are grappling. Double the short range of your ranged weapon attacks.
You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and count
by you. To do so, make another grapple check. If you three-quarters cover as half cover.
succeed, the creature is restrained and your speed is Once per turn before you make an attack with a ranged
reduced to 0 until the grapple ends. weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to
When a hostile creature's movement provokes an take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you
opportunity attack from you, you can attempt to grapple add +10 to the attack’s damage.
the target, rather than making an opportunity attack.
Shield Master
You use shields not just for protection but also for offense,
you gain proficiency in using shields as an Improvised
Weapon and gain the following benefits while you are
wielding a shield:
If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a
bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you
with your shield.
If you aren't incapacitated, you can add your shield's AC
bonus to any Dexterity saving throw you make against a
spell or other harmful effect that targets only you.
If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a
Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can
use your reaction to take no damage if you succeed on the
saving throw, interposing your shield between yourself
and the source of the effect.
Thrown Weapon Master
You excel at thrown weapons and gain the following benefits:
When you take the attack action to throw a weapon with
the Thrown property, you may immediately use a bonus
action to make two more attacks with a Thrown weapon.
These must also be thrown attacks. You may use this
ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus
per short rest.

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