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Lesson 2.

A. Provisions, instructions and promises. Genesis 1:26-2:3

1. Man is to have control over the things of earth. Genesis 1:26
2. Man is to fill the earth with his offspring. The word “replenish” is the
Hebrew word “mola”, it does not mean to replenish a people that
previously existed.
3. The word “subdue” means to bring into subjection, bring into
understanding, the things associated with the earth. Some believe this is a
mandate to search out the mysteries of earth and space.
4. Man at this time was a vegetarian. The word “meat” does not mean animal
flesh. It is the word “okla” meaning food.
5. The seventh day, one of rest. The day was sanctified, set apart to benefit
mankind physically and psychologically. This was not meant to prohibit
man from activity on that day. Judaism lists 365 prohibitions in a
commentary of the Torah. Jesus said the Sabbath was to serve man, not
man to serve the Sabbath. Mark 2:27-28
6. There were two main literal trees among many, one that gave life and one
that gave knowledge. God said that Adam and Eve could partake of all but
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they are not to eat of it lest
they die. Genesis 2:9, 16, 17. (This was spiritual death.)
B. Events in the garden. Genesis 2:8-24.
1. God put Adam in the garden to dress and keep it. Genesis 2:8.
2. God gave Adam the promise of a help meet.
a. God took “sala”, a curved side, a rib and made Adam a help
b. He was to be joined to his wife. Genesis 2:24
c. A principle stated before there was a father and mother. This
principle is mentioned throughout Scripture. Matthew 19:5-6
also Ephesians 5:31.
C. The temptation and fall of mankind. Genesis 3:1-7
1. It’s difficult for the world to accept a speaking serpent and that one man
brought sin into the world.
a. Eve wasn’t shocked by a serpent speaking.
b. God allowed a donkey to speak. Numbers 22:28-30
c. God allowed different languages to be heard at Pentecost.
d. Satan is a liar, uses people and used the serpent. He is also called
a serpent. Revelation 12:9; 20:2
2. We believe that by one man, Adam, sin and death entered the world.
Romans 5:12
a. Scripture informs us that God made man body, soul, and spirit.
I Thessalonians 5:23
b. When the Lord said they would die they did not die physically
but died spiritually. He removed them from the garden so they
could not partake of the tree of life and live physically forever.
c. Adam and Eve passed on to their progeny a body and soul, but
they had a spirit dead in trespassed and sin. Romans 5:12;
Ephesians 2:11
d. Everyone entering the world was condemned already. John 3:18
e. If a person wants a right relationship with the Lord they must be
quickened. Ephesians 2:1. Jesus Christ told Nicodemus to enter
the kingdom of God one had to be born again spiritually.
John 3:3, 7; Ephesians 2:5
3. Why the necessity of a temptation? (We must remember temptation is not
a sin, we can resist temptation and not sin.)
a. God made man with a will that he might choose that which is
right, when there is no opportunity to choose we do not develop
character or behavior.
b. By God’s tore knowledge he knew Adam would fall, so before
he created Adam he included in his eternal, immutable plan
salvation by grace through faith.
c. God wants followers who of by grace through faith would
inhabit the new world.
4. The temptation set before Adam and Eve.
a. Satan subtlety wants to enlist Eve into thinking God is unfair in
not wanting them to have knowledge of good and evil.
b. Eve adds to what God said (God didn’t say don’t touch it.
Genesis 2:17 with Genesis 3:3). It appears there is suspicion that
perhaps God is withholding good from them by not allowing
access to the tree.
c. She should have strongly denounced any doubt or suspicion, this
gave Satan boldness to outright deny that they would die.
Genesis 3:4.
d. Satan infers God is keeping them from reaching a higher level,
ye shall be gods. Genesis 3:5
e. In her heart she committed every category of sin. Genesis 3:6
with I John 2:16
e1. The lust of the eye-attractive to the eyes.
e2. The lust of the flesh-good for food.
e3. The pride of life-acquiring knowledge the wrong way. (see
illustration 5)

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