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Colégio Militar do Estado do Tocantins

Santa Terezinha
Professor: Rita Maria Torres Árabes Biá CRONOGRAMA: CARGA
Contato: biatorresarabes@hotmail.com DEVOLUTIVA:___/01/2021 ATIVIDADE:
Whatsapp: (63) 98410-7066 horas aulas-
Inglês Instrumental TURMA:24.01


-Leitura e interpretação de 1ªmomento:
Identificar o tema ou o texto: The history of the Fazer a leitura e tradução do texto: The history of the internet.
sentido global do texto. internet.
D2 – Reconhecer as - There is and there are. -Resolver o exercício referente ao texto.
funções sócio -Regular and irregular plural
comunicativas em um Atividades de aprendizagem
of nouns.
texto. D3 - - Relative pronouns. Durante todo o curso você vem realizando muitas atividades de
Compreender frases ou
partes que compõem aprendizagem. Nesta aula você viu um breve histórico da criação da
um texto. D4 - internet. Escreva um pequeno texto em inglês, e outro com a tradução
Distinguir um fato da em português, sobre a importância da internet na sua vida. Fale da
opinião relativa a esse frequência com que você a utiliza e para quê.
fato. D5 - Inferir o
sentido de uma palavra 2ªmomento
ou expressão. D9-
Inferir uma informação Assistir as videoaulas para resolução das atividades correspondentes
implícita em um texto. aos conteúdos.
Indicação de vídeos:
Como usar There is e There are - Inglês Minuto - Aprenda there is there

RELATIVE PRONOUNS: Pronomes Relativos em Inglês | Especial para


OLIVEIRA, L.P. Variação intercultural na escrita: contrastes multidimensionais em inglês e português. Tese de Doutorado, São Paulo: LAEL-PUC/SP, 1997.
NEUZA, Inglês Para o Ensino Médio-Livro didático. São Paulo: Ed. Saraiva 2001
ARAÚJO Fabiane de Matos. INGLÊS PARA INFORMÁTICA, Curso Técnico em Manutenção e em Suporte Informática. Manaus – AM 2010.
Trabalhar alguns exemplos práticos em informática com as novas palavras em inglês sobre a história
da internet.
Aplicar corretamente a utilização dos pronomes relativos. Compreender formação do plural em

The history of the internet

Before there was the public internet there was the internet’s forerunner ARPAnet or Advanced
Research Projects Agency Networks. ARPAnet was funded by the United States military after the
cold war with the aim of having a military command and control center that could withstand nuclear
The point was to distribute information between geographically dispersed computers. ARPAnet
created the TCP/IP communications standard, which defines data transfer on the Internet today. The
ARPAnet opened in 1969 and was quickly usurped by civilian computer nerds who had now found a
way to share the few great computers that existed at that time.
Before the wide spread of internetworking that led to the internet, most communication networks
were limited by their nature to only allow communications between the stations on the local network
and the prevalente computer networking method was based on the central mainframe computer
Several research programs began to explore and articulate principles of networking between
physically separate networks, leading to the development of the packet switching model of digital
networking. These research efforts included those of the laboratories of Donald Davies (NPL), Paul
Baran (RAND Corporation), and Leonard Kleinrock at MIT and at UCLA.
The research led to the development of several packet-switched networking solutions in the late
1960s and 1970s, including ARPANET and the X.25 protocols. The history of the internet 67 e-Tec
Brasil Additionally, public access and hobbyist networking systems grew Following commercialization
and introduction of privately run Internet servisse providers in the 1980s, and the Internet’s
expansion for popular use in the 1990s, the Internet has had a drastic impact on culture and
This includes the rise of near instant communication by electronic mail (e-mail), text based
discussion forums, and the World Wide Web. Investor speculation in new markets provided by these
innovations would also lead to the inflation and subsequent collapse of the Dot-com bubble. But
despite this, the Internet continues to grow, driven by commerce, greater amounts of on-line
information and knowledge and social networking known as Web 2.0.
Learning activities
1.You will need to translate the whole time the messages in the computer.
So, it is very important that you read the text above and answer the
question below:
– What do you understand about the text? What`s the text message?
R: Bem antes de da internet que conhecemos hoje, houve outros tipos de internet, onde era mais
complicada e limitada. A mensagem transmitida é que tudo que existe evolui, e isso também
aconteceu com a internet.
2. Write about the follow words and elaborate short sentences in agreement
with information of the text above:
a) ARPAnet: World Wide Web
ARPAnet foi financiado pelos militares dos USA, com objetivo de ter um comando militar e centro de
controle que pudesse resistir a ataques nucleares. O objetivo era distribuir informações entre
computadores dispersos geograficamente.
b) E-mail:
E-mail significa Eletronic Mail, ou correio eletrônico, traduzindo para o Português. É utilizar-se de
meios eletrônicos para envio e recebimento de correspondência digital, em um dos fenômenos
que caracterizam a transformação digital.
Obs: Para resolver as questões abaixo assista as videoaulas sobre os conteúdos “There is and
there are, Regular and irregular plural of nouns, Relative pronouns”, indicadas no roteiro.

Learning activities
3.Change the underlined words to the plural:
a) She wants to read a magazine.
She wants to read a magazines.
b) They prefer to eat a sandwich.
They prefer to eat a sandwiches.
c) We want to cook a hot dog.
We want to cook a hot dogs.
d) They don’t like to work with printer.
They don’t like to work with printers.
e) We fix monitor.
We fix monitors.
f) She prefers potato.
She prefers potatoes.
4. Complete the following sentences with “There is” or “There are”:
a) There is a new computer on the store.
b) There is someone at the house.
c) There are a lot of teachers absent today.
d) There are three chairs in the room.
e) There are two large windows in the house.
f) There is one table.
g) There are seven days in a week.
h) There is no one at home.
i) There is no problem with it.

2. Change the sentences from affirmative to negative:

a) There is a monitor here. There is not a monitor here.
b) There are two hard disks in the computer.
There are not two hard disks in the computer.
c) There are ten new motherboards in this market.
There are not ten new motherboards in this market.
d) There is a message for you.
There is not a message for you.

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