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Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese





Sanskrit: Conze, E: Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies, (Munshiram Manoharlal, first published 1967, 2000 edition), pp. 148~154.
Chinese: 《玄》《般若波羅蜜多心經》卷 1 (T08, no. 251)

Section I

Ārya-avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo gambhīrāṃ prajñā-pāramitācaryāṃ caramāṇo vyavalokayati sma: pañca-skandhās

tāṃś ca svabhāva-śūnyān paśyati sma.


Ārya- “holy” / “noble”, adj. (聖) (sheng4)

avalokiteśvaro “Lord who looks down”, nom. 觀自在 guan1zi4zai4
bodhisattvo “enlightenment being”, nom. 菩薩 pu2sa4

Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese

gambhīrāṃ “profound”, adj. 深 shen1

prajñā- “wisdom” / “knowledge”, acc. 般若 bo1re3
pāramitā- “perfection / gone over”, acc. 波羅蜜多 bo1luo2mi4duo1
caryāṃ “practice”, acc. (行) (xing2)
caramāṇo “courses”, verb, cont. 行 … 時 xing2 … shi2
vyavalokayati sma: “looked down at”, verb 照見 zhao4jian4
pañca-skandhās “five aggregates”, acc. 五蘊 wu3yun4
tāṃś ca “and they”, ind. (五蘊) (wu3yun4)
svabhāva-śūnyān “empty of own-being”, adj 皆空 jie1kong1
paśyati sma. “saw”, verb, (+past) (照見) (zhao4jian4)
“transcend / cross over” 度 du4
“all suffering” 一切苦厄 yi1qie4ku3e4

The Holy Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was coursing in the profound practice of Perfect Wisdom, he looked down upon the
five aggregates, and saw that they were empty of own-being.

Section II

iha Śāriputra rūpaṃ śūnyatā śūnyataiva rūpaṃ rūpān na pṛthak śūnyatā śūnyatāyā na pṛthag rūpaṃ yad rūpaṃ sā
śūnyatā yā śūnyatā tad rūpaṃ. evam eva vedanā-saṃjñā-saṃskāra-vijñānam.


iha “here”, ind.

Śāriputra “O Śāriputra!”, voc. 舍利子! she3li4zi4
rūpaṃ “form” / “materiality”, nom. (色) (se4)

Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese

śūnyatā “emptiness”, nom. (即是空) (ji2shi4kong1)

śūnyataiva “the very emptiness”, nom. (空) (kong1)
rūpaṃ “form” / “materiality”, nom. (即是色) (ji2shi4se4)
rūpān “than form / materiality”, abl. 色 se4
na pṛthak “not different” / “not other” 不異 bu2yi4
śūnyatā “emptiness”, nom. 空 kong1
śūnyatāyā “than emptiness”, abl. 空 kong1
na pṛthag “not different” / “not other” 不異 bu2yi4
rūpaṃ “form” / “materiality”, nom. 色 se4
yad rūpaṃ “whatever is form / materiality” 色 se4
sā śūnyatā “that is emptiness”, nom. 即是 ji2shi4
yā śūnyatā “whatever is emptiness” 空 kong1
tad rūpaṃ “that is form / materiality”, nom. 即是色 ji2shi4se4
evam eva “thus too for …” 亦復如是 yi4fu4ru2shi4
vedanā- “sensation / feeling”, nom. 受 shou4
saṃjñā- “perception”, nom. 想 xiang3
saṃskāra- “volition”, nom. 行 xing2
vijñānam “consciousness / cognition”, nom. 識 shi4

Here, O Śāriputra!, form is emptiness, the very emptiness is form; form is not different than emptiness, emptiness is not
different than form; whatever is form that is emptiness, whatever is emptiness that is form. Thus too, for sensation,
perception, volition and cognition.

Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese

Section III

Śāriputra sarva-dharmāḥ śūnyatālakṣaṇā anutpannā aniruddhā amalā avimalā anūnā aparipūrṇāḥ.


Śāriputra “O Śāriputra!”, voc. 舍利子! she3li4zi4

sarva-dharmāḥ “all dharmas / phenomena”, nom. 是諸法 shi4zhu1fa3
śūnyatālakṣaṇā “emptiness-characteristic”, adj. 空相 kong1xiang4
anutpannā “not arisen”, adj. 不生 bu4sheng1
aniruddhā “not ceased”, adj. 不滅 bu2mie4
amalā “not tainted”, adj. 不垢 bu2go4
avimalā “not taintless”, adj. 不淨 bu2jing4
anūnā “not increased”, adj. 不增 bu4zeng
aparipūrṇāḥ “not decreased”, adj. 不減 bu4jian3

O Śāriputra! All dharmas are characterized by emptiness, not arisen, not ceased, not tainted, not taintless, not
increased, not decreased.

Section IV

tasmāc Chāriputra śūnyatāyāṃ na rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñā na saṃskārāḥ na vijñānam, na

cakṣuḥ-śrota-ghrāṇa-jihvā-kāya-manāṃsi na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa- spraṣṭavya-dharmāḥ na cakṣur-dhātur yāvan na
manovijñāna-dhātuḥ na-avidyā na-avidyā-kṣayo yāvan na jarāmaraṇaṃ na jarāmaraṇakṣayo na duḥkha-
samudaya-nirodha-mārgā na jñānaṃ na prāptir na-aprāptiḥ.

Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese


tasmāc “therefore”, abl. 是故 shi4gu4

Chāriputra “O Śāriputra!”, voc. (舍利子) (she3li4zi4)
śūnyatāyāṃ “In emptiness”, loc. 空中 kong1zhong1
na rūpaṃ “no form / materiality”, nom. 無色 wu2se4
na vedanā “no sensation / feeling”, nom. 無受 wu2shou4
na saṃjñā “no perception”, nom. (無)想 (wu2)xiang3
na saṃskārāḥ “no volitions”, nom. (無)行 (wu2)xing2
na vijñānam “no consciousness / cognition”, nom.(無)識 (wu2)shi4
na cakṣuḥ- “no eye”, nom. 無眼 wu2yan3
śrota- “(no) ear”, nom. (無)耳 (wu2)er3
ghrāṇa- “(no) nose”, nom. (無)鼻 (wu2)bi2
jihvā- “(no) tongue”, nom. (無)舍 (wu2)she3
kāya- “(no) body”, nom. (無)身 (wu2)shen1
manāṃsi “(no) mind”, nom. (無)意 (wu2)yi4
na rūpa- “no visual form”, nom. 無色 wu2se4
śabda- “(no) sound”, nom. (無)聲 (wu2)sheng1
gandha- “(no) aroma”, nom. (無)香 (wu2)xiang1
rasa- “(no) flavor”, nom. (無)味 (wu2)wei4
spraṣṭavya- “(no) tactile”, nom. (無)觸 (wu2)chu4
dharmāḥ “(no) mental object”, nom. (無)法 (wu2)fa3
na cakṣur-dhātur “no eye-sphere”, nom. 無眼界 wu2yan3jie4
yāvan “up to ...” 乃至 nai3zhi4
na manovijñāna-dhātuḥ “no mental-cognition-sphere”, n. 無意識界 wu2yi4shi4jie4

Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese

na-avidyā “no ignorance and”, nom. 無無明亦 wu2wu2ming2yi4

na-avidyā-kṣayo “no extinction of ignorance”, nom. 無無明盡 wu2wu2ming2jin4
yāvan “up to ...” 乃至 nai3zhi4
na jarāmaraṇaṃ “no aging & death and”, nom. 無老死亦 wu2lao3si3yi4
na jarāmaraṇakṣayo “no extinction of aging & death”, n. 無老死盡 wu2lao3si3jin4
na duḥkha- “no suffering”, nom. 無苦 wu2ku3
samudaya- “(no) origination (of suffering)”, n. (無)集 (wu2)ji2
nirodha- “(no) cessation (of suffering)”, n. (無)滅 (wu2)mie4
mārgā “(no) path (to cease suffering)”, n. (無)道 (wu2)dao4
na jñānaṃ “no gnosis”, nom. 無智 wu2zhi4
na prāptir “and no acquisition”, nom. 亦無得 yi4wu2de2
na-aprāptiḥ “no non-acquisition”, nom. (無不得) (wu2bu4de2)

Therefore, O Śāriputra! In emptiness, there is no form, no sensation, no perception, no volition, and no cognition; no
eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind; no visual form, sound, aroma, flavor, tactile or mental object; no sphere of the eye,
up to (the eighteen spheres) no sphere of mental cognition; no ignorance and no extinction of ignorance, up to (the
twelve links in forward and reverse) no aging & death and no extinction of aging and death; no suffering, origination,
cessation or path; no gnosis, no acquisition and no non-acquisition.

Section V

tasmāc Chāriputra aprāptitvād bodhisattvo prajñāpāramitām āśritya viharaty acittāvaraṇaḥ. cittāvaraṇa-nāstitvād

atrasto viparyāsa-atikrānto. niṣṭhā-nirvāṇaḥ.


Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese

tasmāc “therefore”, abl. (是故) (shi4gu4)

Chāriputra “O Śāriputra!”, voc. (舍利子) (she3li4zi4)
aprāptitvād “from non-acquisition-ness”, abl. 以無所得故 yi3wu2suo3de2gu4
bodhisattvo “the bodhisattva”, nom. 菩提薩埵 pu2ti2sa4duo3
prajñāpāramitām “on Perfect Wisdom”, acc. 般若波羅蜜多 bo1re3bo1luo2mi4duo1
āśritya “having relied”, ger. 依 … 故 yi1 … gu4
viharaty “dwells / abides”, verb. (住) (zhu4)
acittāvaraṇaḥ “no mind-obstruction”, acc. 心無罣礙 xin1wu2gua4ai4
cittāvaraṇa- “mind-obstruction–” 罣礙 gua4ai4
nāstitvād “–from non-existence of”, abl. 無 … 故 wu2 … gu4
atrasto “no fear”, adj. 無有恐怖 wu2yo3kong3bu4
viparyāsa- “inverted / perverse (views)–” 顛倒夢想 dian1dao3meng4xiang3
atikrānto “–over comes / transcends”, adj. 遠離 yuan3li2
niṣṭhā- “finally / ultimately – ” 究竟 jiu3jing4
nirvāṇaḥ “nirvāṇa / extinction”, adj. 涅槃 nie4pan2

Therefore, O Śāriputra! Due to non-acquisition, the bodhisattva, having relied on Perfect Wisdom, dwells without
mental obstruction. From the non-existence of mental obstruction, he is fearless, he overcomes inverted erroneous
views, and ultimately reaches Nirvāṇa.

Section VI

tryadhva-vyavasthitāḥ sarva-buddhāḥ prajñā-pāramitām āśritya- anuttarāṃ samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhāḥ.


Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese

tryadhva- “three times” 三世 san1shi4

vyavasthitāḥ “established”, adj. (成就) (cheng2jiu4)
sarva-buddhāḥ “all buddhas”, nom. 諸佛 zhu1fo2
prajñā-pāramitām “Perfect Wisdom”, acc. 般若波羅蜜多 bo1re3bo1luo2mi4duo1
āśritya- “having relied”, ger. 依 … 故 yi1 … gu4
anuttarāṃ “ultimate / supreme”, acc. 阿耨多羅 a1no4duo1luo2
samyaksambodhim “right, full enlightenment”, acc. 三藐三菩提 san1miao4san1pu2tu2
abhisambuddhāḥ “directly realizes”, adj. (PPP verbal) 得 de2

All the Buddhas of the three times (past, present and future), having relied on Perfect Wisdom, directly realized supreme,
right and full enlightenment.

Section VII

tasmāj jñātavyaṃ prajñāpāramitā mahā-mantro mahā-vidyā-mantro ’nuttara-mantro ’samasama-mantraḥ

sarva-duḥkha-praśamanaḥ satyam amithyatvāt. prajñāpāramitāyām ukto mantraḥ. tadyathā oṃ gate gate pāragate
pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā.

《玄》:《般若波羅蜜多心經》卷 1:「「故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是無上咒,是無等等咒,能除一切苦真實不虛,故說般
若波羅蜜多咒。即說咒曰:揭帝 揭帝 般羅揭帝 般羅僧揭帝 菩提 薩婆訶」

tasmāj “therefore”, abl. (是)故 (shi4)gu4

jñātavyaṃ “it should be known”, ffp. (當)知 (dang1)zhi1
prajñāpāramitā “Perfect Wisdom”, nom. 般若波羅蜜多 bo1re3bo1luo2mi4duo1
mahā-mantro “great mantra”, adj. 是大神咒 shi4da4shen2zhou4
mahā-vidyā-mantro “great wisdom mantra”, adj. 是大明咒 shi4da4ming2zhou4

Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra – Sanskrit and Chinese

’nuttara-mantro “supreme mantra”, adj. 是無上咒 shi4wu2shang4zhou4

’samasama-mantraḥ “equal-to-unequalled mantra”, adj. 是無等等咒 shi4wu2deng3deng3zhou4
sarva-duḥkha- “all suffering-” 能除 neng2chu2
praśamanaḥ “appease / calm”, adj. 一切苦 yi1qie4ku3
satyam “truth”, adj. 真實 zhen1shi2
amithyatvāt “from non-errorneousness”, abl. 不虛 bu4xu1
prajñāpāramitāyām “Perfect Wisdom”, acc. 般若波羅蜜多 bo1re3bo1luo2mi4duo1
“mantra”, acc. 咒 zhou4
ukto “spoken / uttered / stated”, adj (vb) 故說 … 即說 gu4shou1 … ji2shou1
mantraḥ “mantra”, nom. 咒曰 zhou4yue1
tadyathā “it is in this way”, adv. (如是) (ru2shi4)
oṃ “oṃ” (嗡) (ong1)
gate “gone / go!”, past / imp. 揭帝 jie2di4
gate “gone / go!”, past / imp. 揭帝 jie2di4
pāragate “other-gone / other-go!”, p/im 般羅揭帝 bo1luo2jie2di4
pārasaṃgate “other-full-gone / other-full-go!” 般羅僧揭帝 bo1luo2seng1jie2di4
bodhi “awakening” 菩提 pu2ti2
svāhā “hail!” 薩婆訶 sa4po1he1

Therefore, Perfect Wisdom should be known as the great mantra, the great wisdom mantra, the supreme mantra, the
equal-to-the-unequalled mantra, the appeaser of all suffering, it is truth, by non-erroneousness. The Perfect Wisdom
mantra is uttered in this way - Oṃ Gate Gate Pāragate Pārasaṃgate Bodhi Svāhā.

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