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Belief is defined as being sure that something is true.

Belief can be an
ything from believing that today is Thursday or believing that Santa Claus is re
al. As children, we follow the beliefs of our parents or teachers. They teach us
values and morals, what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what isnt.
If a parent or teacher does not teach you that Santa Claus is real, you probabl
y won't believe that he is. Similarly, if not taught to believe in God or religi
on, you probably won't believe in them either.
However, most parents teach their children about religion and God. Paren
ts raise their children to go to church, to temple, to their place of worship. T
here they learn the stories and beliefs of that religion. Jewish children learn
the stories of Abraham and Isaac, Jonah and the Whale, stories that tell of God'
s mighty powers. Christian children learn the stories of Jesus and his followers
, they learn about Mary and Joseph, Mark and Luke, how to achieve salvation. Mus
lim children learn the stories of Muhammad and ______________. These are the stori
es passed on. These are the beliefs of these religions. But morals and values ar
e passed on as well. Religion teaches to obey and respect your parents, to perse
rvere, to accept and give love. Organized religion teaches more positive things
than negative. Granted, there have been malevolent acts in the name of religion-
-the Crusades or the acts of the Westboro Baptist Church, for example--but, as E
merson said, "Religion is to do right. It is to love, it is to serve, it is to t
hink, it is the be humble." It is not to hate or to judge or to scorn. _________
Before religion was called religion, everyone was religious. In ancient
Mesopotamia, each city had its own dieties and everyone made offerings to the go
ds on a regular basis. In the Persian Empire, everyone belonged to the divine ki
ng and worshipped him accordingly. Throughout history, religion has shaped socie
ty. In ancient societies, it was through religion that people gained power--thos
e who had answers for the questions of nature led, and those who believed them f
ollowed. The rise of Hinduism in the fourth and fifth centuries united a previou
sly fragmented India. Since then and in more recent times, religion has been a m
eans of communal support; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In the Middl
e Ages, building churches and cathedrals was an important connection for people
in the community. The churches and cathedrals in turn were a place of safety and
assistance for those in need. In the 19th century, Americans on the homestead c
reated communities centered around religion; the church was the basis of all the
ir civic as well as religious activities and the people in these communities bas
ed their actions on religious teachings. __________.
The impact of religion on society throughout all of history is a tremend
ous one. Though not always positive, the role played by religion has influenced
communities from antiquity to present in innumerable ways. Like the Puritans see
king religious freedom in a new world or _______________________, religion has creat
ed and destroyed civilizations. ________________________________________________

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