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EXPDRIMENI 9: Tbe Methdrl Clock Reaction

ODi€ctiv€: To study rhe efect of dilution md temperature otr the rate of thc chcni€l reaction
belNeennethdal (HCHo), sodirn sulplite (.}ia:sot and sodiu hydrogmsulphire (NaHsot.

ln the pramce of mter, metheal rcacls with sodim sulphit€ to fom sodiM
hydmxynerhm€suiphite clOCHfONa) md sdiM hydrcxide (NaOH). Subkquondr rhe
sodim hydroxide fomed rcacts with sodim hydrogemulphile to prodrce sodirn sulphile again.
HCHO(aq)+ Na:SO:(rq) + h!O(4 + HOCH,SqNa(aq)+ NaOH(r4)
NaoH(ad + NaHSOT(rd+ Na)SO3(rd+ H,O(/)
We may reCdd the reclion simply as lhe racrion belree! nethaml dd sodim
hydrog€.sulphite s shoM in the folLowine chemical equation:
HCHO(rd + Nahsor(ad + HOCH:9O:Na(a4)
Thc overall resull is th.t melhdd dd sodim hyd.ogeNulphite e @nsmed. When the
concentalion of hydrogen$lphite d@rc4s to a particular level, the hydrcxid€ ions produc€d
cmot be all conv.rted to water As a result, the pH incr6es sharply. tf phenolphthal€in indicator
is prcsn! a pint @lour will apped, This indicate the r€&tion o@m to a @nain exleni (a snall bul
fixed mout of nerhdal ed sodiun sulplite is r€led), md th€ rccip.ocal of tine taken cd be
assumedto b€ p.opodional lo the initial E1e oflhe reaction.
In this expelimot, differ€nl facbrs aft!.iing the mre ofthe reaclion ber*en me&dlal. sodim
sulptnre ed sodim hydrogersulphite are studied by nedulinc lhc timc takcn for thc reaction
nixtN to chdee frcm colourless 10pinh.
Chrnic.ls: ADDantus.
oJo-\l *d*n" abourt00 (m brug tub" 2 o,ece.
solution X (coniaining 0.20 M Na,HSOrdd glas rcd 1 piece
aboutl00cn'0.05 MNa:Sor) whilctilc l piee
pbenotphthaleinindicator slop watch I pi@
locmr neasuringcylinde. 2 pieces
droppcr I prse
themonelei (10!c b l l0oc) l pi{e
lo0 cnl b€aker 2 pieces
250 cm' b€ler I Pi*e

L Ac@rdine to th. following t ble, n6ue dislilled water or deionized *a!er using a cle& 10.0
cnr n6unu cllindei Pou @ch volu. of mtq into a clce dd dry boiling tub€. slafi wittr
0 cm'ofsater in lhe cleandd dry boiling tub€.
v ouneorwat er(c )n i 0 | 2 .s I s .0 | 7 .5 | r0.0 I r).s rr.0
2. Measr 5.0 cmr of 0.3 M nethoal uing dother cled
medwing cylinder Pour n ifio the boiling lube.
^tl <doorh."dqq
3. Add 2 drcps ofphenolphrhalein iidi€toi inio the boiling lube.
4. Measw 5.0 cmr ofsolution X uing eothq clee 10.0cml I
nedwing cylinder Pour it into dre boiling tube. skrt rhe slop
warch immediately. Srir rhe reaclion mixlue quickly q ith a cled dd dry gLass.od. ObscNe
any colou chmge againsl a qhile dle.
5. Reord the time for the pink colou 10appa-
6. Repeatst€ps I -4 for thc other setsof expdmenls benrioned in stcp t.
7. Plor a enph of lolume of ivater added againstrinc.

B. Effect dt concenfrrion of metbaml

1 Aeodi.g lo lhe followidg table, m6ue 0.1 M nethdal dd deioniu d warer Dsingcled
mduring cyliddeE- Pou @ch @tubimiioo of nelhdd dd wat€r into a cl@ dd tuy boiting
1ube.Sbrt with 5.0 cn3 of nelional od l5.O ctri of Mter in the cl@ dd dry boiling rube
volunedr 0.3 M hethana (cm,

2. Add 2 drops ofphenolphthalein indi@rlr into thc boiling tube.

3. MesuE 5.0 cmr of solulion X using anolhe. clea! m@suing cylinder pou ilin1o rh. boiling
tub€ containing s€ler md ncthsal. Start the stop,walch im€diarely.
4. Stir the rtutio. mixtw quickly with a cl@ ed d.y gl6s rod.
5. Obswe ey @lou change.gais1 a white 1ile.Remrd the time for lhe pink colou.
6. Wah the boiling tube. Reloat slep I -5 for other conbiMdons ne.tionod in slep L
7. Plo! a gEth with tho volm€ of 0.3 M merhdal added againsl rime.

C, Efi.ct oftempemturc
L Prepde a Mter barh using a 250 cnr be.ker Add hot
s$er to the oald bath fron lime ro timc s 6 ro
regulat€irs tenperature. Keep rhe water balh at
aP!rcximarcly 25oc for rhe first m.
2. M6ure I OOcnr of 0.3 M melhel ed 20.0 cnr deionird waler uilg cled me4uidg
c\tind eu Pou Lh ehinr , J ac ld&d oD bor t ir er ube
l. ,Add2 drops ofph€nolphlhalein indicator inro the boiiins iubc.
4. M€asure I O.Ocd of slulion X uing r cled ed dry mealring cylinder Pour it inro dothcr
clcao dd dry boiliry tube.
5. Ple the 1woboiling tubes into th€ waler bath for severatminules lmil rhe solution in the
boiling tub€se nedly equal to the Mier bath.
6. Mix the solutiotr in the tqo boiling tubesrogether and stsrt rhe slop sarch imediaiely. Srir the
Hdion nixtw quickly wirh a themoneler (C.urion: Stir with rhe themoner€r carctuIy.
Never hir the bottoD of the boiling trb. wilh l!€ bulb ofthemoo€t€r)
?. Re@rd fi. iime laken for {E link elou to atpeu and als dre highcsl remperltuF ofrhe
reaclion mirlure aftaincd
8. Repealsteps3-7 for e&h olthe other temFratures tisted betow

9. !lo1 a sraphwilh lhe highesrtemperatw oiGiieacriiiiixGe atraine.laqaiNr1ine.

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