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MCT 3229






1) FITRI BIN KHOSIM ( 0818449 )


3) ABDUL FATAH MOHAMAD ( 0535673 )



• To model a first-order and second-order system.
• To investigate the effect of system parameters on its response to a step input.

The transfer function of all first-order systems has a particular form. This enables us
to investigate the response of first-order systems collectively, for any specific input. The
response of a first-order system depends primarily on its steady-state (DC) gain, K and
time constant, τ. Both K and τ are function of system parameters. The standard form of
transfer function of a first-order system is:

where Y(s) and U(s) are the Laplace transforms of the output and input variables,
respectively, K is the steady-state (DC) gain, and τ is the time constant. For a unit step
input U(s) = 1/s, the response of the system is:

The inverse of the resulting Laplace transform can be easily found. Typically the
inverse is available in standard tables. In this case,

It is clear that y → K as t → ∞. The steady-state gain (also called DC gain) can

therefore be interpreted as the final value of the output for a unit step input. The time
constant is the time required for y(t) to reach 63.2% of its final value. Indeed, at t = τ, y(t)
= 0.632K
Figure 2: First Order System Step Response

Transfer function for a second-order system can be written as “standard form",

The transfer function is parameterized in terms of ζ and ωn, representing damping ratio
and natural frequency, respectively. The response depends primarily on the natural
frequency and the damping ratio especially.
The response of the system is oscillatory, but damped. The amount of damping is
governed by the damping ratio ζ. The time constant of the system is τ = 1/ ζωn, and the
settling time, Ts = 4τ, is the time required for the output to settle within 2% of its steady
state value. The peak time, Tp , which is the time required for the output to reach its peak
value, is given as:

Unlike damped natural frequency, settling time, and peak time, which are all dependent
on both ωn and ζ, the percentage overshoot is dependent only on ζ. The percentage
overshoot (PO) is given by the relation:
Figure 5: Step response of second order system with various ζ


• DC power supply.
• Computer unit with MATLAB software.
• Breadboard.
• Tektronix digital oscilloscope.
• Resistor.
• Capacitor.
• Inductor.
• On-Off switch.
• Multimeter.
• Modeling and Experimental Validation of a First Order System
i) An RC-series circuit and on-off switch is built on the breadboard.

ii) 5V DC voltage of power supply is applied.

iii) Oscilloscope is prepared to analyze the output voltage of the circuit.
iv) Output cable of power supply (5V DC) is connected to the circuit and the on-off
switch is switched on to give step response to the circuit.
v) The output response of the circuit is observed by looking at the plot of oscilloscope.
vi) The value of R and C is changed to vary the value of τ. Another value of R and C is
used to get τ which is higher than before and the experiment is repeated.

• Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Second Order System

i) An RLC-series circuit is constructed on the breadboard.

ii) 5V DC voltage of power supply is applied.

iii) Oscilloscope is prepared to analyze the output voltage of the circuit.
iv) Output cable of power supply (5V DC) is connected to the circuit and the on-off
switch is switched on to give step response to the circuit.
v) The output response of the circuit is observed by looking at the plot of oscilloscope.
vi) The value of R, L or C is changed to vary the value of ζ and ωn. Another value of R, L
or C is used to get at least two different step response in order to investigate the effect
of changing parameter.

• Modeling and Experimental Validation of a First Order System

o R = 100Ω, and C = 100 µF, then τ = 0.01.

Output waveform using oscilloscope

Output waveform using MATLAB

o R = 1kΩ and C = 100 µF then τ = 0.1

Output waveform using oscilloscope

Output waveform using MATLAB

• Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Second Order System
o L = 10mH

Output waveform using oscilloscope

Output waveform using MATLAB

o L = 100mH

Output waveform using oscilloscope

Output waveform using MATLAB


In this first part of this experiment, we construct RC circuit which behaves as a first
order system when the 5V DC voltage is the input and the voltage across the capacitor is
the output. From the circuit below, we obtain the transfer function of the circuit and
identify specific parameters of the system that affect system response. We identify two
system parameters that individually affect the DC gain and the time constant.

Vo / (1/sC) + (Vo – Vi) / R = 0

Vo ((1/sC) + (1/R)) = Vi / R
Vo/Vi = 1/ (R (sC + 1/R))
G(s) = 1/ (sRC + 1) ----------------------- (1)

The standard form of transfer function of a first-order function is:

----------------------- (2)

Then, by comparing the equation (1) and (2), τ = RC.

In second part, we construct RLC circuit which behaves as a second-order system

with the voltage across the capacitor as output. From the circuit below, we obtain the
transfer function of the system and identify specific parameters of the system that affect
system response.

sCVo +Vo/R + (Vo – Vi)/sL = 0

Vo (sC + 1/R + 1/sL) = Vi/sL
Vo/Vi = (1/sL) / (sC + 1/R +1/sL)
G(s) = 1 / (LCs2 + sL/R +1)
= (1/LC) / (s2 + s/RC + 1/LC) ----------------------- (3)

The standard for the second order system is:

----------------------- (4)

Then, when we comparing the equation (3) and (4) to find the value of ζ and ωn:
a) ωn = √ (1/LC)

b) 2ζωn = 1/RC
ζ =√ (L/ 4R2C)

From these equations, we can calculate the value of:

i. Time-constant, τ – the time for the step response takes to reach the 63% of its final
τ = 1/ ζωn

ii. Settling time, Ts – the time for the waveform to reach and stay within 2% of its
final value
Ts = 4τ
iii. Peak value, TP - the time requires to reach the first or maximum, peak.

iv. Percentage overshoot, PO - a ratio between the different between system time
response and final value.

When are using R = 10 kΩ, C = 100 µF, L = 100mH, we get this graph
S e c o n d O r d e r S y s te m S t e p R e s p o n s e fo r C = 1 0 0 u F

Voltage, V

1 7 2 0 1 4 3 92 1 5 82 8 7 73 5 9 64 3 1 55 0 3 45 7 5 36 4 7 27 1 9 17 9 1 08 6 2 99 3 4 8
T im e , s

Then we change the value of R = 10 kΩ, C = 1000µF, L = 100mH, the graph obtained is

S e c o n d O r d e r S y s te m S te p R e s p o n s e fo r C = 1 0 0 0 u F

Voltage, V

1 7 1 4 1 4 2 72 1 4 02 8 5 33 5 6 64 2 7 94 9 9 25 7 0 56 4 1 87 1 3 17 8 4 48 5 5 79 2 7 09 9 8 3
T im e , s

As a conclusion, we successfully obtain the model of first-order and second-order
system and identify the effect of system parameter on its response to a step input. From
the first-order system, we can calculate the time constant, τ and steady-state DC gain, K.
Then, from the second-order system, we can determine the value of time constant, τ,
setting time, Ts, peak value, Tp, and percentage overshoot, PO. Alhamdulillah, overall,
we manage to finish this experiment and fulfill all the objectives of this experiment.
Alhamdulillah,we hope that the knowledge in this experiment will benefit us in the

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