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(Grande) lista de documentários que você vai amar assistir

outubro 24, 2015 Lisiane Pohlmann

Há mais ou menos três anos, fiz uma lista de documentários para assistir e
publiquei aqui no blog. Todo ano eu a republico, devidamente atualizada,
para compartilhar todos os documentários que considero aproveitáveis/bons/
ótimos. A lista está classificada por temas e, caso você tenha uma
indicação/sugestão, basta deixar nos comentários.


Sobre o poder transformador da arte: “Lixo extraordinário”.

Sobre a “arte” no nazismo: “Arquitetura da destruição”.

História da arte, persuasão e outros temas: “Como a arte moldou o

mundo”, que é da BBC. Recomendadíssimo.

Dear Mr. Watterson: Este documentário explora o surgimento e a fama das

histórias em quadrinhos com os personagens Calvin & Hobbes, criadas por
Bill Watterson. O filme enfoca o impacto que o desenho teve na vida de
muitas pessoas, mostrando o processo criativo do cartunista e peso
econômico e cultural dos personagens.

Jorodowkiys dune: Um documentário sobre os bastidores de um projeto

cancelado: a adaptação cinematográfica do romance de ficção científica
“Duna” por Alejandro Jodorowsky em 1970. Dirigido por Franck Pivatch.


Série “Roma” (HBO) mostra vários aspectos da cultura romana. É, em

verdade, uma série ficcional.

Vikings: Excelente apresentação dos principais estilos artísticos e do

cotidiano material dos nórdicos durante a Era Viking.

Connections: Este é antigo, mas é fascinante, Conexões, com James Burke.

Como chegamos até aqui, e todas as conexões não aparentes de nosso
mundo, e através da história. Fascinante!

Sobre o mito: “O poder do mito”, de Joseph Campbell.

“Racism, a story” é um documentário da BBC sobre racismo.

“Histórias de heróis viajantes” busca a origem dos mitos gregos.

“Libertação 1945″ fala sobre duas diferentes frentes de batalha durante a

Segunda Guerra. A parte do genocídio é bizarra.

“Matando Hitler” é o documentário da National Geographic sobre as

tentativas de matar o “líder” nazista.

“Arquivos secretos da inquisição” é do History Channel, e mostra os pontos

mais obscuros de intervenção da Igreja Católica.

Sobre o mito do Papai Noel: Assisti faz pouco tempo no History Channel “A
verdadeira face do Papai Noel”.

Sobre o Brasil: “Raízes do Brasil”, do Sérgio Buarque de Hollanda.

“Do horror à memória” – sobre o centro de detenção clandestina da
Argentina que torturou e assassinou cerca de 5 mil pessoas.

Sobre o holocausto: “Rompendo o silêncio”.

“O povo brasileiro” é um documentário baseado na obra de Darcy Ribeiro.

Documentário sobre racismo: “A negação do Brasil”.

Sobre medievalismos: “Por dentro da mente medieval”.

Para quem estuda história das religiões: “História das religiões”. 13


“Julgamento em Nuremberg” fala do julgamento de Rudolf Hess, um dos

fanáticos entre Adolf Hitler.


“IMAX Hubble” – para quem curte as imagens feitas pelo Telescópio

Espacial Hubble. É de arrepiar. Apaixonante!

Árvore da vida: O Documentário sobre Charles Darwin e sua teoria

revolucionária da evolução pela seleção natural, produzido pela BBC para
marcar o bicentenário do nascimento de Darwin.

No jardim de Darwin: Filmada nos jardins e estufas da casa de Darwin, na

Inglaterra, a série redescobre a ciência botando a mão na massa. Os
episódios são ilustrados com lindas imagens em alta definição e gráficos
Sobre Einstein e suas teorias: “Einstein muito além da relatividade”.

Sobre teoria da evolução: há o documentário “O relojoeiro cego” – baseado

no livro de mesmo nome, do Richard Dawkins.

Sobre as missões Apollo: “Na sombra da Lua”.

“Space race”: documentário da BBC sobre a história da conquista espacial

é imperdível, principalmente as histórias da disputa entre Sergei Korolev
(engenheiro chefe do programa soviético) e Wernher von Braun (diretor do
Marshall Space Flight Center).

“Janela da alma”– sobre deficiência visual e comportamento. Em um

mundo saturado de imagens, o ver e o não-ver.

Também sobre Darwin há o documentário “O gênio de Charles Darwin“. Foi

escrito e apresentado pelo Richard Dawkins.

“Sobre a evolução “A origem do homem”, do Discovery Channel.

“Através do buraco de minhoca“: Consegue explorar bem as coisas novas

da astronomia.

Sobre a conquista espacial (do lado americano): “Grandes Missões da


“Confinamento solitário” é um documentário do canal National Geographic

sobre o que acontece com o indivíduo durante o isolamento.
“Stephen Hawking – Uma breve história do Tempo”, baseado no livro de
mesmo nome.

“Cosmos” está sempre entre os meus preferidos, tanto na versão original

(com Carl Sagan) quanto no recente remake (com Neil Tyson).

“Não existe amanhã“: a animação mostra com fatos e números o quanto

nos resta de recursos findáveis e quanto tempo demoraríamos para consumi-
los até o esgotamento total.


“No estranho planeta dos seres audiovisuais” é um documentário de 16

episódios que mostra a nossa relação com o audiovisual.

Marjoe: Conta a história de um evangelista, Marjoe Gortner, que depois de

enganar milhares de fiéis por anos, tem uma crise de consciência e resolve
mostrar para as câmeras suas técnicas de charlatanismo. O filme causou
tanta revolta na época que nunca mais foi exibido, apesar de ter levado o
Oscar. O negativo por pouco não foi perdido e o filme só foi lançado em DVD
há pouco tempo.

Cabra Marcado para Morrer: Dois grandes filmes em um. Depois que os
militares interrompem as filmagens de um documentário sobre lideranças
camponesas, em 1964, Coutinho volta ao local, 18 anos depois, para retomar
a história. Fascinante.

“Basquete Blues” (“Hoop Dreams“, 1994): de Steve James, um dos marcos

da revolução das câmeras digitais, ao acompanhar por quase meia década a
luta de dois jovens afro-americanos de Chicago por uma carreira no basquete

Surplus: critica ao consumismo, o documentário aborda a essência

humana, as necessidades sociais e reações às dificuldades corriqueiras da
vida em sociedade.

“A educação proibida” trata do questionamento das lógicas da

escolarização moderna e uma nova forma de entender a educação,
apontando novas experiências educativas que são nada convencionais,
apresentando um modelo de aprendizado mais lúdico e com mais
experiências se comparado ao atualmente utilizado.

“Estamira” me ganhou desde a primeira vez que assisti. Estamira é uma

mulher de 63 anos que sofre de “distúrbios mentais”. Ela vive e trabalha há
20 anos no Aterro Sanitário de Jardim Gramacho, um local que recebe
diariamente mais de 8 mil toneladas de lixo da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Com
um discurso filosófico e poético, ela analisa questões de interesse global.

“Notícias de uma guerra particular” é o documentário que deu origem ao

“Tropa de elite”.

Para os administradores e curiosos de plantão: “O jeito Google de

trabalhar” (National Geographic) mostra os bastidores do Google.

“O Inferno de Dante” (do Discovery Channel) leva os “círculos do inferno

de Dante Alighieri” para a interpretação contemporânea.

Sobre os jovens (menores de 18 anos) em conflito com a lei: Documentário


Esse tem que ser muito analisado, um documentário duro e frio: “Olhos
azuis” (Blue eyed), com a Jane Elliot. É sobre preconceito racial.

Sobre o suicídio assistido: “EXIT: O Direito de Morrer”.

Desigualdade econômica do Brasil: “Boca de Lixo”.

Sobre crise populacional: “Quantas pessoas podem viver na Terra?”. É um

documentário da BBC.

Sobre o sistema carcerário dos EUA: “Imagens da prisão”.

“Sicko”, do Moore – sobre o sistema norte-americano de convênios

médicos. É BIZARRO e indignante.

Sobre o roubo da imagem/identidade das comunidades em SP: “À margem

da imagem”.

“Objectified” investiga nossa relação com os objetos produzidos e as

pessoas que os projetam.

Sobre a política de drogas no Brasil e no mundo: “Cortina de fumaça”.

“Complexo – Universo Paralelo”: Uma visão sensível de dentro da favela.

Para quem curte Friedrich Nietzsche, há o documentário da BBC:

“Nietzsche – All To Human”.

Aos que curtem Kafka, existe um documentário de Modesto Carone sobre


Sobre música clássica, havia uma série chamada “the great composers”
Sobre Espinosa: “Espinosa – O Apóstolo da Razão“.

“Prisoneiros da grade de ferro”: Um ano antes da desativação do

Carandiru, detentos documentam o cotidiano do presídio.

A educação proibida: Este documentário propõe o questionamento das

lógicas da escolarização moderna e uma nova forma de entender a
educação, apontando novas experiências educativas que são nada
convencionais, apresentando um modelo de aprendizado mais lúdico e com
mais experiências se comparado ao atualmente utilizado.

CitizenFour: Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Documentário, Citizenfour conta

a história de Edward Snowden, enquanto discute a questão da espionagem.

E se você faz boas leituras em inglês, ESTA OUTRA LISTA pode ajudá-lo


100 Best (Free) Science Documentaries Online

by Staff Writers

No matter how much you know, there is always something new to learn about
science. While your college courses may cover the basics, you can get a more
in-depth look at a wide variety of topics from Internet resources such as these
great documentaries. These selections will help you explore everything from
the inner reaches of the human mind to the outer areas of our universe and
just about everything else in between. Better yet, they’re all free to watch
online so you can learn more without spending a dime.

Health and Medicine

These documentaries cover topics like health care, diseases, nutrition,
nursing, and more so you can get great insights into health and medicine.

Super Size Me: In this movie, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock attempts to

subsist on only a diet of McDonald’s for a full month. His discoveries will
make you question your own food choices.

The Age of AIDS: Here you’ll find a program done by Frontline that
examines some of the worst pandemics the world has ever known, focusing
on AIDS.

How Does Your Memory Work?: Do you know how your brain really works?
While there are still many mysteries to be unraveled about the brain, this film
attempts to foster a better understanding of how we learn and remember.

Sicko: Filmmaker Michael Moore exposes the ramifications of a lack of

universal health care in America in this controversial documentary.

The Origins of AIDS: Check out this film to learn how the AIDS virus moved
into humans and the factors that led it to spread so rapidly.

The Slow Poisoning of India: In the spirit of Silent Spring, this film exposes
the serious health ramifications the use of pesticides has had on many Indian

Body of War: What is life like after returning from war? What if you come
back disabled? This heartbreaking film shows one man’s journey back home.

Cryonics: Death in the Deep Freeze: This film shows the first woman to
have her body cryogenically frozen after her death.
The Half-Ton Man: Learn more about Patrick Deuel, weighing in at about
1100 pounds, and doctors’ battle to save him.

Darkest Hour: This movie examines the lack of health care assistance for
parents of children with psychological health problems.

Swine Flu: The Science of Pandemics: Check out this show to see how
pandemics like the swine flu spread and the impact they can have on


Learn how drugs impact the brain and the variety of legal restrictions
imposed upon them from these documentaries.

Ecstasy Rising: Watch this video from Primetime to learn more about
ecstasy, its effects and more.

Big Bucks, Big Pharma: This documentary attempts to expose the business
behind medicine–often done at the expense of the health of consumers.

Prescription for Disaster: Learn why the billions poured into medical
treatments may not be helping people to live longer, healthier lives through
this documentary.

The World’s Most Dangerous Drug: This show will expose the true danger
behind methamphetamines.
In Pot We Trust: Here you’ll find a film that wants to show the medical
benefits of marijuana.

The Drugging of Our Children: More and more children these days take
drugs for behavioral issues like ADD and ADHD, but this documentary points
out that those drugs can have pretty serious side effects as well.


From cloning to genetic disorders, these documentaries will shed some light
on your DNA.

Mapping Stem Cell Research: Terra Incognita: Learn more about the
research being done with stem cells as this neurologist seeks a cure for his
paralyzed teenage daughter.

The Science of Dwarfism: Here you’ll find an informative program that will
teach you about the genetic causes of dwarfism.

Panacea or Poison?: Check out this film to learn more about the battle
between those who support and those who oppose genetically modified

The World According to Monsanto: Watch this film to learn more about
Monsanto, the leader in genetically modified organisms as well as one of the
most controversial and hated corporations of all time.

Boy with the Incredible Brain: This documentary tells the story of David
Tammet, one of the world’s true savants.
Clone: This film will show you the amazing potential as well as some of the
more negative aspects associated with human cloning.

Designer Babies and Gene Robbery: If you could design your child, would
you? As technology evolves, this documentary shows how this may soon be a

Strange Culture: Learn how one man’s work with genetically modified
organisms nearly got him branded as a bio terrorist.

Ghost in Your Genes: This film will show you how a mysterious second
genome could also play a roll in determining our biology.

Gorillas: 98.6% Human: Remind yourself of just how close we are to the
natural world with this stunning movie about the endangered mountain

Evolution and Biological History

Learn more about life on earth, from the earliest cells to the evolution of
humans, from these documentaries.

The Four-Winged Dinosaur: Watch this film to learn how one of the earliest
ancestors of birds may have been able to fly.

Neanderthal: Learn more about this close human relative, what it was like,
and some of the factors that caused it to go extinct while we flourished in this

The Ape That Took Over the World: This film will help you to better
understand the steps and even leaps in evolution that brought human beings
to where they are today.

Why are We Here?: In this film, you’ll get a scientific examination of the
origins of life from author Richard Dawkins.

A War on Science: This documentary shows the longstanding battle

between proponents of evolution and those of intelligent design.

From Butterflies to Humans: Try out this documentary to learn what forces
cause animals to evolve and how the process works over time.

Ape to Man: Here you’ll find the story of the quest for human origins, one
that has already spanned 150 years.

Dinosaur Hunters: Secrets of the Gobi Desert: This film brings some of the
latest dinosaur finds to life in stunningly realistic animations.

The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs: This BBC documentary explores how
some of the fiercest dinosaurs lived, ate, got around and more.

Dinosaur Planet: Follow along with this documentary as it shows you the
story of a young velociraptor named White Tip.

Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia: This movie will allow you to see some of
the biggest dinosaurs brought to life as well as learn what the most important
dinosaur discoveries have been.

Origins of Life: Check out this movie to learn more about how scientists
think life arose from single-celled organisms.

Even if you don’t know a ton about physics, these great movies will show you
how the universe works from the smallest particles to the biggest galaxies.

The Quantum Revolution: Dr. Michio Kaku explores the cutting edge of
quantum science in this short documentary.

Pythagoras: While not really a physicist, Pythagoras did come up with

some of the most important mathematical and philosophical issues, or so we
think, as this documentary will show.

Cold Fusion: Fire from Water: This documentary offers a chance to learn
more about a potentially cleaner and better source of energy.

Uncertainty Principle: This short film will explain the history and
fundamentals of quantum mechanics.

Illusion of Reality: Professor Jim Al-Khalili explores how studying the atom
forced us to rethink the nature of reality itself in this engaging documentary.

Albert Einstein: Check out this documentary to learn more about this
renowned physicist and thinker.

The Atom Smashers: This documentary follows researchers at Fermilab as

they attempt to find the Higgs-Boson particle.

Stephen Hawking and the Theory of Everything: Learn more about the
work of cosmologist Stephen Hawking in this film.
The Universe: Beyond the Big Bang: This movie shows how different
cultures think the universe began and how it will end, including information
from leading scientists.

Absolute Zero: Here you’ll follow a team of scientists as they attempt to

reach absolute zero.


These documentaries focus on technologies and conservation efforts meant

to preserve the environment.

Car of the Future: From hydrogen fuel cells to cars you can plug in, this film
takes a look at where the automobile is headed in the next decades.

The 11th Hour: This documentary narrated by Leonardo Di Caprio shows

the truly perilous state our planet is in.

Who Killed the Electric Car?: Plans for electric cars have been around for
awhile, and this film examines the reasons why they’ve never come to

Here Comes the Sun: Learn about what a big role solar energy may play in
the future of our planet.

An Inconvenient Truth: This famous documentary shows the true impact of

global warming through a talk given by former Vice President Gore.
The Great Global Warming Swindle: This film takes the opposite stance,
claiming that global warming is just propaganda, not reality.

Global Dimming: Find out more about the phenomenon known as global
dimming in this film, as well as the impact it may have on our climate, our
planet and, ultimately, us.

Darwin’s Nightmare: Take a look at this film to see some of the

unexpectedly negative effects of introducing a foreign species into an

It Runs on Water: Think things can’t run on water? This 1995 film shows
otherwise, with a technology that never came to be.

Robinson Crusader: Keith Robinson is fighting to keep his home in Hawaii

free from corporate development in this film.


In these movies, you’ll be able to learn about the regions of the world, how
Earth’s processes work, and much more.

Africa: The Serengeti: Check out this film to see the world of the Serengeti
in detail.

Lost Worlds: Life in the Balance: This film will show you just how
interconnected the world truly is.

Ocean Oasis: In this film you’ll get to take a look at Mexico’s Sea of Cortez
and Baja California.
Australia: Land Beyond Time: The wilds of Australia seem at first like a
pretty inhospitable place, but this film will show you the amazing ways life
has found to survive.

The Bermuda Triangle: What is it about the Bermuda Triangle that makes it
so dangerous to travel through? This film takes a scientific look at the

White Sands: White Wilderness: This film gives a detailed account of the
plants, animals and geologic formations of New Mexico’s White Sands
National Monument.

Volcano: Nature’s Inferno: This documentary will let you take a closer look
at the volcanoes and the volcanic processes that shape our planet.

Hunt for the Supertwister: Follow along with this team of storm chasers as
they attempt to find the biggest and baddest tornadoes out there.

Crude: The Incredible Journey of Oil: Here you’ll be able to learn where oil
comes from and how it gets from there into your car.


Explore the solar system and beyond with these great space-focused

Hubble: 15 Years of Discovery: Take a look back at some of the awe-

inspiring images captured by the Hubble telescope in this film.
Supermassive Black Holes: While black holes are still largely mysterious
bodies, you can increase your knowledge of them by watching this great

Asteroids: Deadly Impact: Learn what (literal) impact asteroids may have
on Earth and what we may be able to do to protect ourselves.

Carl Sagan’s Cosmos Series: Though made several years ago, this series
has stood the test of time and still offers one of the best and most accurate
looks at the universe.

3D Sun: This documentary uses stunning 3D images of the sun to explain

its history and phenomena.

Revealing Mars: Take a look at the Mars orbiter in this film and some of the
images of Mars that have been captured.

Colonizing Space: This documentary will present some of the plans already
in motion to take the first steps into the final frontier.

Secrets of the Sun: Learn more about the star central to our own solar
system in this film.

International Space Station: This film will explain how the space station
was built and is maintained and operated.

Alien Galaxies: Give this documentary a try to better understand the

galaxies that lie elsewhere in the universe.

Saturn: Lord of the Rings: This documentary will allow you to learn more
about this beautiful and mysterious ringed planet.
The Life and Death of a Star: Take a look at how stars form, live, and
ultimately die in this great documentary.


These documentaries will help you learn about computers, robots and even
the beginnings of electricity.

Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World: Check out this film to learn
more about the inventions of this man and how they shaped the modern

Big Brother, Big Business: Learn about the myriad of technologies that
watch your every move from this Orwellian documentary.

New York City Hackers: This documentary film will introduce you to the first
hackers, a group of students from MIT, and what the name originally meant.

Building Gods: Watch this film to learn more about the development of AI

Welcome to Macintosh: Here you can delve into the history and
development of one of the largest technology companies in the world.

Study the natural world and the fauna that calls it home through these free

The Ultimate Predators: Here you can watch the life and death battle
between predators and their prey first-hand with cameras strapped to the
animals themselves.

Life After People: Learn what would happen to Earth should the human race
somehow become extinct in this interesting hypothetical documentary.

The Private Life of Plants: Take a look at the inner world of a variety of
plant species in this film.

Ants: Nature’s Secret Power: Ants may be tiny, but they are strong and
play a valuable role in ecosystems around the world, as this film shows.

Cassowaries: Learn more about these giant and little known birds in this
informative film.

Life in the Freezer: Want to find out more about Antarctica? This film will
introduce you to the land and the animals who call it home.

Microcosmos: Get tiny and explore the creatures that live all around us, but
very often, out of our sight.

Africa: Wilds of Madagascar: This film lets you see some of the truly unique
and beautiful creatures that call this island nation home.

Search for the Great Sharks: Travel the world to learn about the whale
shark, the blue shark and the white shark.
Whales in Crisis: Whales may be the largest creatures on Earth, but this
film shows how they are struggling to survive.

The Great Barrier Reef: The Great Barrier Reef is large enough to be seen
from space, comprising miles upon miles of complex, beautiful ecosystems,
as this film shows.

Amazing Journeys: If you thought your last flight was bad, consider the
long journeys these migratory animals make each year.


Watch these films to fill in the gaps in your scientific knowledge.

Dangerous Knowledge: Here you’ll find a great biographical film that

addresses some of the eccentric, depressed, and often volatile men who
helped foster modern science and mathematics.

Earthlings: Gain a greater respect for the creatures and the world around
you through this documentary.

This Is Coffee: Learn more about the history, biology and social role of
coffee through this film.

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