Você está na página 1de 20

tS411-1 (Rit-32) „i4.

3--- 0/Kr9011. 0-91 /2008-10

Fr% Jg a; affi Ii r

73-cfk 4Prii4 'kiT iN ?kW lir-wha a

f art 14PPit,d

(Li1fz4ci sfrr)
ei1h, JP1k, 4 , 2008
Tilq 14, 1929 Ylct)

34iit1 '! ftWRi 3TTIFT-3

n-11 -1c11, 2008

Ef o 3110-66

3749. 3I11ftzfri, 1894 (311:41:kzPi X-11 1894) Th°1 qRT 4 c 311T-1TRT (1) 311R UNT 17 MI4
37-171. (4) z 3TtI 3Tht Th4 11-41- 3Tst 61H1licb 15 f1 4- 1, 2007 4)4 .--2-1T-4171. 4-; q 1 ,f k-1 -:1 4
wTrz11 TIZ-Tt X -I cl'a. 3fI Ef9T 11X.sz41 3531/77-4-2007-439-07, ft9IT 31 34-4W 2007 .ct)
-44 I 31tIfkarr t-TRT 6 311-Tk lEt1EFIT n411 31-1-e 4,14
4 Ac, cmii
312Ttff vl ct*i 1rftwR-0-r Trrarlik -NH 1
cl 1 uf 7-4Tit-M-t Z PHI u I fF 311-q71TW-dT t 3ft x34v1 3114f4.49. . 4 MT 7 Zt 31-k1i 1 917X.
4)c) 4-t T T V1 WI 31 -4ff cm4 ci-,14cogl cr) . I

"19P-TM B4 4 1N F t 19PTFT 3T1T4fil4) t3I I1I3-TTFft-ZPi

URT 17 314VRT (1) 34-11-9. L16 f4k-qT t LIVD UHT 11 314--1 2.2"if4Tthi."7:1
itar , 1411 t, cr,c)crt ol(t) 3rgef 1iPI Tx" I
-1-R-1 9 Thrl' 31:17--TRT (1) 14 ni {Ici ii140171-f 'R4 34-q-RTF t cr, TrTh-0

\3 34-11--A 31T-rq 71724 4t Trzit t

-"NONA Alt; *Aithitt-,
n -rkA T 3711VFur 4 1 n3-fd, 4 79 -qt, 2008
Inlet THE -VAlliftrnor j.$ plepsed to - order the n the. following English . translation of micw,
ireot.7.1.--,%4•111111i.ppr notification•no. 834/LXXVI1-3-2007-439N-07, datol -*2008 for gdital information : -7)

No. 834/LXXVtI-3:2007-439N-07
Dated Lucknow, January 4, 2008

I N continuation of Government notification no. 3531/LXXV11-4-2007-439N-07, dated

October 31. 2007 issued under sub-section (1) of section 4 and sub-section (4) of section 17 of the Land
Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act no. 1 of 1894) and lastly published in the Gazette in the daily news paper by
giving. public notice on December 15, 2007, the Governor is pleased to declare under section 6 of the said
Act that he is satisfied that the land mentioned in the Schedule below is needed for a public purpose,
namely construction of Taj Express-way in district Gautam Budh Nagar through Taj Express-way
Industrial Development Authority and under section 7 of the said Act to direct the Collector of Gautam
Budh Nagar to take order for the acquisition of the said land.
2. The Governor, being satisfied that the case is one of urgency, is limber pleased under
sub-section (1) of section 17 of the said Act to direct that the Collector of Gautam Budh Nagar , though no
award under section 11 has been made, may, - Ori the expiration of' fifteen days from the date of publication
of the notice mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 9, take possession of the land mentioned in the
Schedule for the said public purpose.


f - 1 t-H41-il cl cri 4,i144 411t1 TfC0:11 311N-ff ft-ar ,it .) writ

District Pargana Tehsil Village Plot no. lzb-F (Thzir 14)
Area to he acquired
(In Ilectares)
1 2 3 4 5 6

dT ig '1 4 N I cv 177 0.6184

GautamBudh Jewar Jewar Dayanatpur 180 0.4849

Nagar 181 0.0384

204 0.4364

210 0.4237

211 0.8376

212 0.0416

213 0.9027

240 0.0704

246 0.0167

248 0.2856

249 0.1192

251 0.0890

252 0.1570

253 0.1620

261 0.0258

262 0.5416

266 0.3337

267 M 1.0135 0
268 0.0186
269 M 0.0056
270 0.3400

doom -4441110113'

3"ffR. FltWlilt7TRui 4 1 vid, 4 f9-qt1- , 2008

1 2 3 4 5 6
Tfr-dTr5-4- qL11-1cIV- 271 0.7253

(sw-i71:) (sb+-In) (5434-i71:) (0)4-170 274 0.0115

GautamBudh- Jewar- Jewar- Dayanatpur- 275 0.7051

Nagar (Contd.) (Contd.) (Contd.) 279 0.3941

(Contd.) 280 0.1507

282 0.4581
283 0.2889
286 0.0890
379 0.0018
380 0.0062
381 0.1701
383 0.1440
385 0.4320
386 0.6760
388 0.6192
390 0.0962
392 0.3183
393 0.8719
401 M 0.1828
402 0.0521
403 0.2992
405 1.6992
409 0.0018
442 0.0494
443 0.0017
637 0.0024
638 0.0787
639 0.0291
640 0.0452
641 0.0870
642 0.0860
643 0.0870
646 0.6984
647 0.1977
668 0.1377
670 0.0269
683 0.9652
685 1.4068
686 0.6798
687 0.6739
688 0.3050
698 0.2698
• "ttit

; n441sigki n ,

Ak7T,:aiTi-Mul. 4 I We., 4V-- 41 t, 2008

1 2 . 3 4 6

7td-4=15 -1 4 N- 699 0.0458

\ • i ice; (Wfi71) 700 0.1574

GautamBudh- Jewar- Jewar- Dayanatpur- 704 0.3279

NT (Colicld.) (Coneld.) (Cock!.) 745 0.4207

(Coneld.) 746 0.3426

748 0.4268
759 0.9745
766 0.6679
767 0.0383
771 0.2598
772 0.7728
773 0.7240
778 0.1069
779 0.0531
780 0.1263
782 0.1840
783 0.1840
784 0.4113
862 0.2225
865 0.1690
866 0.0662

7:1)7 27.8654 t-4-777/

Total Hectares
fo-wm vrftwRirr 1:11W4i -R4
u11 1-1‹ 4 1' c1 4-11c5-1 4 k 'ft,--r4

For what pitipose required :- For the construction of Taj Express-way in district Gautam Budha
Nagar through Taj Express-way Industrial Development Authority.

ftt-ccrufl 41#r 4)1 -1(011 Q1-I t-N q (-1 4-1qc,tc-Nk clie)ctt cblqd-f tUT

NOTE :-A site plan of the land may he inspected in the Office of the Collector, Gautam Budha
Nagar .

fa Ti-r4q.

By order,
Vishesh Sachiv.

to7Tio Tkoto-7oto 931 TTT (l o )-(2119)-2008-597-I-10+10-617 AfORTT-(4) +-wit/3fftb) I


11.111141h . 041,,

-\ —14 (T-11) -,TrcH—VitO7Tfoto/ ci 0-

,s—cco/Cr -fo IN -91/2008 10

T iwaii .r1-&-e?T
11- zf Pr TRzbr-R a-RT

fitrpli 10-ftriz
(L I R1 4c1 3Tr-q-r)

aN-167, Y1f1dk, 17 F14f1, 2009

O ff 27, 1930 .q IrN /144q

‘3c-c-N 11.Z1-1
31tEIMiM. FaTTRi 31T11 -3

cT^ -107, 17 u1 .-1c1t, 2009

110 3TI0-30

301-'17M, 1894 (3014/TIT "i-kg-11 1 1894) c-4 -Ri 4 4)(1 TTWRI (1) 34.1

nzfurm 4-`,1 3ItRf'U c4")c) f i Trzi1 3T-1-4.141 4 3f',4&I -cbc)
-(7-4)-(15 3f211-t1 z1Thl- I -q---4T{ 4-e-t 3t1,c4Th-ct5 f442-1*T 11110-45-T11 T1T121 41 n31 .1 1-1‹ 7 4)(1
+ 1lcg 4 zlipi
7waZ1- 1rftz4,-1 ,11 3F-d-Tf-d U 0T ft4tui fib 3TTEPTI-Wffi *

2 Tapqra- ZTZ1 g f -Taff if-of-441-T -4 WU 17 -4 \3 t-11-TRT (1) 3 tT-EV.1T 3qc1 T-H

0 4 g - r1f J 1 f l4j-11- 34V.Thc1 f41Ri -CITIORuT THUM ',41

7 N-171- 1-I N T4 z111--11- tfRztkTT4\-) 31 . c1 1 fU * .-cci—TU Our 3fraff.445 31M-z1-W(11

31 ET 3nNibocil 4`1 f Ti71-6 .11 31TQW1--f

3 T 3110Pfzi4 310)7i 41'4 cT,-.`f

-kr-n-fTWE 144ff4 1 f44Rircf f zrr K3-1Rf, 3Eto 30. PP-T IT )(1 URI 17 .41 -31-124R1 (4) c)

g f 5 3cf 31101zPT4)`) URI 5-z15 t4-4

f?.. 11 1 un-30,rV-fl 71 3it-611b-d3T 3W0 3T-T4N ;11'4 -4) =1-41 g

• 7 ,4 /1 , ua>r
004 4‘i R31


31 U
3N-IRTR I 4 Fifd,17 ut-f q.k 20

THE Governor is - pleased' to order the .publica tion of the I i tran..17 tion
!ilication no. 42,1XXVIT-3 2 009, 31 8.11-j:1n-0° dn'ted L . nr iary 1 7 . ?T','• ‘ nnntioi. :
!\o. 42;LXXV11-3-2009-:.;18Arjai-S
Dated Lucknou • January 17, 20+9
UNDNR sub-section (1) of section 4 of the land Acouisi- , Act. 1894 (Act no. I W . 1(894), the
Governor is pleased to notify for general inlbrmation that the land inentoned in the Scheduled below is
needed for a public purpose namely for the construction of Intere!Lte WIC:kJ YaillUi q t EXprt.s *. \\ ay
Project in district Gautambudh Na g ar through Yannina 11xpress Industrial Development Authw-it,..
2. 'Hie Governor, being of the opinion that the provisions of sub-section (1;1 of section 17 of
said Act are applicable to said land inasmuch as the said land is urgently required for the construction 01.
interchange under Yamuna Express Way Project in district (iautambudh Nagar through Yamuna 1.:Npress
Way Industrial De% elopment Authority and it is as well necessi; the delay Likely to 13,.
caused b y an inquiry under section-5A of the said Act. the Governor is further piet ,,e.!d to dt,:ec t urkiei
sub-section (4) of section 17, of the said Act that the provisions of 5-A 0 said Act shall not 1

iii-c--11 1-Nit--fl cft'A--(4 4,11-411 ',.:1. - Rs.-41 311∎3ici i4).11 uii•1 (1k;ii
District Pargana Tehsil Village Plot no. ei'.:445-"ei ( t_\- ,:WJ-N 21 ')

Area to be acquired
(in flee:are)
1 2 3 4 .,., 6

I11(19. 1 7H n3)-cf‘? -,--,14-• 1i4or il.RTILbrif 384 M 0.0241

Gautambudh Jewar Jewar Sobota Mustafabad 386 M 0.0187
Nagar 455 M 0.0598
456 M 0.0506
460 M 0.03:'
461 M 4:.09 t5
462 M 0.3631
464 M 0.3854
466 M 1.4426
467 0.7.40t,
468 M ,,.,..-,,
487 M 0.4691

f4Tii ITz-IYniFT ig___341tivwur 311dfkch f4).-re -cl>") li12141
"CrWtTI-4 ITRLt),i-ff cf * .--,),f •

For what purpose required :— For the construction of Inerchange under 41iluitca

Project in district Gautambudh Nagar through Yamuna Express Way Indw. .

:-- 4-i1'1-2-TO IT ct)e)cr(TfR., 11(19c.gPN
Nom ...-A site plan of the land may be inspected in the Oilice of the Collector, Gautarnhy:'.•


By order.

t-ttoioTko tt. o--Ro lMo 884 \W01-1-- (fro) (1825)--2009-597+20 5.1fAl (no/3111RM

tsz11-140 -141 - TaNfloto/T60


ZIkti/T-104t0/91/2008 -10

dc, ofITC' -Eti,4r9ci

MVT-a" 4 /4d, ki-W i*?T

3"ff"( twilit 41-U memprd

fAzTrzft 1-0Ditd
wrr-4, tq u (u)

' q •-13), 714)(41 ,4 , 8 4 1i, 2009

4z1vil 18, 1931 ZI-W
TF- Tf 11,14

31U1W1-CF 3114-TTIT- 3

, 1.Y.11 1560/77-32-2009-31831-4-1-08
7A-9--6'), 8 T1-4 , 2009

1:To 3110-259

'403Tv 3Tfe4MT, 1894 (31M-1 1 f'-iRKEIT 1 TT 1894) URI-4 311tIRT (1) 3N URI 17 •`-)

3IMN1 (4) 3101-9 .KATt A 4-ztr 3T1 N itffr 16-03-2009 A-44#1

71-41 \I-N ctOf 31 1-TFT TiWIT 42/77-3-2009-3183Tuk /08, ft-94- 17-01-2009 5p 4 T1 WnT4141-el -•

3114ff4TT uffr 6 3T4k e rr (r)(-) g f'45 lizft 31 -1-0 4 ‘31Zv\-1%ci VI A eil qiuurl^I •r

trip-r ftq,-RT ri rftw ur Trrur4 -0 A .-1,4‹ TrY-d4g--ciH 4 ZITIT

1W-ui ft-4-4 311474 clnl 3-W1 3iftf47Pi qH1- 7 34k1

flnc-1 4-11cg-1 i N Th-e) ctC ,Z 1 fk71 30'T -(b7-4 (ffzi-411 cA

2- 1-•-.HTEIFF Th-T RPITUT9 TRIT g f zrg liTTT&T 34TUTIIT t 31 Z $4-C-*1-4 4 3-41 34f41kZIli
URT 17 31ETRT (1) 3Taff zre, P-tkT fr'$ WU 11 it 3Taq 411 31f4f4 144 It

ftzri t, 0w114•w oc4ci'd 3r-TI-41 4 ,ifZ-ei%cf

. 10 ER -ik71
URT 9 34110 (1) 1 -Pm
— -fkff TV-qT. tr---g R-1 31-4-iTm Tai ct) T1W4 t I

ft-urufl--3ariFffr 4 \31Z.c,i%ki 31 1 3f1t4t 31TH 3721 t

2 \i-ck Abi WIT TILT i vi t, 8 T it 2009

T HE Governor is pleased to order the pubItcatidn, of the following English translation of

-• •
notification no 1560/LXXVII-3-09-318Arjan-08, dged May p8, 2009 for general information :
7,, • •
No 1560&1LXXVII-3- -09'-'318 Ad an-08
Dated .ttieliovy, May 08, 2009

I N continuation of Government notification no. .42/LXXVII-3- 2009-309Arjan-08,

dated January 17, 2009 issued under sub-section (1) of section 4 and sub-section (4) of section 17 of the
Land Acquisition Act: 1894 (Act no Col 1894) and lastly published by giving Public Notice on dated
March 16, 09 the - Governor is pleased to declare under section-6 of the said Act that he is satisfied that the
land mentioned in the schedule below is 'needed for a public . purpose namely - for the Construction of
Interchange under Yamuna Express-Way Project in-district Gatitambudh Nagar . through Yamuna Express-
way Industrial Development . authority and under section. 7 of the said Act direct the Collector of
Gautambudh Nagar to take order for the acquisition of the said land.

2.-That Governor, being satisfied- that the case is one of urgency, is further pleased under sub-
section (I) of section 17 of the said Act to direct that the Collector of Gautambudh Nagar , though no award
under section 11 has been made, may, on the expiration of fifteen days from the date of publication of the
notice mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 9, take possession of the land mentioned in the schedule for
the said public purpose:



f -fl 4H11-11 -d-0-‘Zil-0 T-ITii JI le:f RiTszil 3ifZiy d fjzil .itr;) clfa

District Pargana Tehsil Village Plot no. )---)1(fic;.1 (t .H 4 )

Area to be acquired

(in Heel.)

1 3 4 5 6

Tficl ifT4 ;PR nAtH TA-cR. \Li 384 M 0.0241

Gautambudh Jewar Jewar Sabota 386 M 0.0187

Nagar Mustafabad 455 M 0.0698

456 M 0.0506
460 M 0.0333
461 M 0.0961
462 M 0.3661
464 M 0.3854
466 M 1.4426

467 0.2400
468 M 0.0648
487 M 0,4691

3 s76
ota! I iectares •
• 1-th AT 3WIVR BT IN-W, 8 q, 2009 3

f -z) 31"M4W-di VqN1:11)371----4 ftzbTha ATf44-T7

'Ili-94- -PR 3
14 z1-1 ; f1 ,LERT n
FriT9T 3Jlç fir
For what purpose required For the Construction of Interchange under . Yamuna Express-way
project in district Gautambudh Nagar through Yamuna Express-way Industrial Development Authority.

• f au n .45-1. TI TIT4)c.)(td it-a9-41 -1 1N 4iPTI6P-i -1 . 1 T! Rbç1

Nan :. A site plan of the land may be inspected in the Office of the Collector, Gautambudh

By order,
Vishesh Sachiv.

's.loTnrfoZIo tllo -`6 .0 93 - 1-6-114 --51 (t0)- 2009-(192)-5974-20 . -617 54()-241- - 05=vr,- /aw,b-ire.) i

sill- 233 4t1 'Irq7*---TI0140410 P-7n

t•. -• C ot l' 10 - 91/ 2008- 10

-a -r0;-fl tiRz t (b11'i

— 137,

tr-4 p
V -


1-11-11- 4, N u (N)


-c4N ; 16, /, 1 -601104k, 25 kV,. 2009

311 Elfd 4, 1931 1(.1) -1- 1c1c(

• 3-tH MI 11 HT
Mr4) f c bkT 3ITTIF1-3

Rlitctif 2047/77-3 2009-I 62317h-09

-13,>, 25 1, 2009

T 1-11


31-4- 3114-a-4, 1894, (3-110ZI Ti 1 g-11 1, RT-1 1894). Mt qTW 4 311INT 11) 3141•9•
Tf&ntuvur -et) js'ci v-11
T 31-14-q\f--40. .t f4, (1) Tr-M 3-1-..po 4 r,;-,ft<F--..r,

T) Wit6-1ff 31-2Tf7T 4r1 1-c1"7111 -Tr .-4 attEitim f4471 -4T 5111.0 uT MUIRi jjqc. l trt1 1-11- f

vw-p;\ffiLa 3-1—arfa elef 1TIT ci ftl itur Z fq 31-M zi chc-11 t 1

2--A%1ITI chl 34014-zrai 4 URT 17 z. A. 31.TZMI (i ) 31-1--T 3-chi `41).i

IN g,cptf3411 10 41p1 fk7T>ru M111EJI TriT2.14i,

T ft-oTT-T-4
r , 1R-ji ii-4 3T f U
1 - ffilf,Tr f ,i1Tczact 3111V-Icbc11 3ft

3a-z0m5ur -17Rf zig 1 11 3TRIV4 -4-; f 34 3110f4a=1 0 WI 5-T -ct 30;1-

, it eTR 44 f14M-T ft;z11 IET, 3R-Icr, 34i1 31• 10f1Ti zi c• A• URI 17 CT n3(1U1'T (4) 31Eikr z1-6• 111
s ft-br Kfifd 311i1PRT ri 311P4 (If t I

Pf ul lrft---31filNT uf"--Rg -c-r 311-0 3i±) n-in31lI 4"TTP-T --f17) 11-4 t I

1)ala-2-312 RI'l I-1111mm

2 MT 31-FTUR ut "I FOZ, 25 -61ff, 2009

The Governor is pleased to order the publication of the [(Wowing Lnglish translation of
notification ilk). 2047:L.\ X Vii-3 2009-162A an-09, dated June 25, 2009 for general information :
No. 2047/1 .XXV11-3- 2009-162 Arjan-0t)
Dated Lucknow, June 25, 2009
U NDER sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act no. 1 of 1894) the
Governor is pleased to notify for general information that the land mentioned in the scheduled below, is
needed for a public purpose namely for the Construction of Toll Plaza under Yaniuna Express-way project
in district (;autambudli Nl g ar throu gh Yamuna Express-way Industrial Development Authority.
2. s;kyiertior. beim. Of the opinion Mat the provisions of sub-section (1) of . section !7 the
said Aet, are aPoilcabie to said land illi.161111.1Ch as tlie said land is urgently required, or the Construction of
Toll Plaza under Yamuna Express-way project in district Gautambudh Nagar . through Yamuna Express7
way Industrial Development Authority and it is as well necessary to eliminatelhe delay likely to be Caused
by air inquiry under section-5A of the said Act, the Governor is further pleased to direct under sub-section
(4) of section 17 of the said Act that the provisions of section 5A of the said Act shall not apply

1:4-di W41•11 o-o-flo -flpf J1R.11 ; :i:,911 301ci Iii 411 ;i 'clia t
District Pargana Tehsil Village Plot no. '.1'11/5-0 (.t. z1-(s.?H ii)
Area to be acquired
(in Ilectare)

(itttitanibildn Jewear ..1ev.icar
95 M 0.4750
96 (vi 0.2440
M 0.1670
100 M 0.5117
102 M 0.1105
103 NI 0.3000
105 M 2.3342
107 M 1.0044
108 M 0.2659
III M 0.1089
II 5.5671 gi-t-ZH'/
Total I lectares
3I1 OV1'i frciT 3thftT5 11 mum
- 4. ;
4 1 TE 3F--(141.ff b T i1cUi / - 1 -u kq
f 1 11 i

For what purpose required :-- For the Construction of Toll Plaza Under Yaniuna Express Way
project in District Gautambudh Nagar through Yamuna Express Way Industrial Development Authority.
-,11-494 . FR -i5rzlio-z1 gI
No'FF - A site plan of the and may be inspected in the office of the Collector,
Gautambudh Nager.

Fy order,
/11111 Sac/iv.

tfiokrfloziolto—olita. 312 WvITN (f0)---2009—(580)-5,W20=- 617 • NRIZIT (i-Witz-KeW/M0/1116-Srste)1

- k 011-1 0 /

eif0;i1 -C. Qc:


477E; ‘irt?' 11,frit'm

Ti TEPTki TT u1i

-MLIF4) qaPru.
71141--- 4, €1-13 (€1)

• -14)--c1T-R., 8 I T-4, 2009

18, 1931

3ct MT 11"1"I

.ro--cNs“ 31FT-3

/-i- 41 1587/77-3-2009-64 341-09

.4-;1n', 8 2009

go 3110-254

1.41ftl 3TVT-1 311ifEITI", 1894, (31f0P1Z14-1 Tf;T 1894) 4 1NT-4 q v3 -q . 2.1R1 (1) UH1-17

3Liu-Rr (4) 3401--1 -)`1 Mir 3t1' 3TffdliR i ;11(.1') 02 TJ, 2009

Tei1. I I Z-11 ;ZE-N ci-01 31fO sti,T-HT 4 .Z.W1-818/77-3- -2009-6431\A-1-09, 24 TPA 2009
. .q)
- 3-Off• 301:44-4i UTRT 3T&T Q) -tfuTT -43-Tc.) g f45 A'0 TT* 3.1-; 4)- iiiu1,1.,13) ii
312-0, aT,FIT 3iff f 1. T1IlUf471- •Uf;i41-q -1- 1 al-N4. 1-I 1 ..14k-11 •

gita6-1-91 -c1)3Frth1 q,I1i14 E f-ZK 3TIZ1744i-d1 P.:, I 3.11 ., TaTi 3rM; 11. 4 ,

310) -9 (b)1i i if1 1 31.6h'i1 I (br-J,:q) 4)<

2— ji .R.TCM1:11(9. TRTT g 3-11-N1R4) 3-1N - TT r 3110 PRN-1

6) ZTRT-17 - t \3 1-4ZTM (1) 3TTh1 -z4* 4 4) lz•?f7i ffi 1.1M- 1 1 E 3T0 -.1 3TThrittZT

- n g, italf-1-4 -9 1 R
f()-11 TrZ aJActt wilciiff faR 31:iV 11 I iti a5E7:3T1 -WO

ZEE qm:(1) . ufftq-d

•4-11 wcbRrffitU fT 3i1 \LIM• ti-R-*R•

e lffuri--3TRRF;IT 3TO) 31-M1 31-0124 ti T11


-itsk:IN. 4 •
.041 -rho 441100:1

2 •disupo, -$0 . 944iroi • 3Th-taW 3NINTR BT 8 Ff- , 2009„00

The Governor is pleased to order the publication of the following English t:-anslation ut
notification no. 1 587/T.XXVIT-3 . --0Q-64Arjan-09. c'!

No. 15871LXX VII . . . ....Arim-0()

.buckh- -
Dated Luelo:,.,‘;

IN Continuation of Go\ el-link:tit notification

24, 2009 issued under sub-section (1) of section-4 al.:: 7 (s( C)
Act. 1894 (Act no. 1 of 1894) and lastly publish ,: • M;:‘
Governor is pleased to declare under section-fl of sal,:
;chedule below is needed for a public purpose.
Express-way project in district Gautainbudh Nagar ........
Authority and under Section-7 of the said Act to :H : 1::L•

"or the acquisition of the said land.

2. The Governor, being satisfied that the nf

,ub-secti.on (1) of section-17 of the said Act to direct t:.e
'ward wider Qpotinr, .1 1 .„. .

C :,ub-se-el1011 (1) Of sect:, take. of

:.liedule for the said public purpose:



ftTa-1 :,-. ITTTFT -(1-trx'itc7i 11 ,; . : .'ji 1 3ii Jo 1 :-.;4.41 ,•. :. ; :. i ,• ..-::

District Pargana Tehsil Viill.L:,_. Plot no. ,!:,.i-A14),,..; (i.:!..-1(.'..z.1.‘: 1)
- Area to be a‘,..qi n rs .'.
iy.111......- ,
1 2 - 3 -I 5 6 i

Tft :1 I fT(6-;TTT (T;--1a)1 . ' . 41Zri - aftrc n.,i; '.:,..5.1:1 1.'4 7 I .632f)

uautarribudh 1)ankatir Sadar AChhej;.; l ...ir. , , 1..-1;-: 1.1:27()

,;() 0.110(1
0 5 i 0(. n
n I
253 O. ', XX0
0.1X (..;

25- 6 0.927(1

25S 0.0570

0 . 1 !".70

I c, 2-.";01
. •

sPt-f-i-R01-275 o-

o/[moo g1 2008-10 ,

al-43)NT si=n-Tz

TfTWR t C d ivtd , ) kirif 1:117

397 IT'Pit zf W ehid ATU 144)109.

raTrt 1-1 R tsd
ITPT-4, U s (-4)

(iiRR i 3Trkw)
IR. 28 icI4, 2009
5rT4uT 6, 1931 V1-- i'Mfq

vt'CV WkW
f k1 31141171-3

•f-R-0-11 2550/77-3-2009-162 31-4--09

28 .geitt 2009

'To 3ITo-497

14 31- 3Tfe4zI4, 1894, (340-1k44 't-Hse-II 1 Y-1, 1894) Ir1 UTRT 4 -31W1 (1) 3t tTR1 17 Thct

31-1KRI (4) 3Tdrff 31-4=f f4H iii -- 5 2009 ct)) i'v-T1-411 "T:9T Th-tirt

4,11 i-1 ,( !t01 3aIRT-4T Tizaz 2047/774_-2009-162309.709, itfft 2009 -. 7r--rcrr

344f4411 Ala:44-k)- 3TEI'M -41Truff cr,“). g f 414.41 37g-01 \3[Z-ciR5c1 44 4.

31-eTiff, v-wrOT-.4- 3ttffit4, f T 3-A ct)'01 filtzr4 ufr11-14 i nc1 4-1151 4 i ZIIIRT cgicaTr-.4

torvit 3TMLII-)c-11 t 3t1 - 3aff4T1TT 1 tTRT 7 "$ 31tfrff

cPel cte fkkvr g f45 3 .10 r 30ff cb ,?4 f 4,1411e1 4,41

2- Wr -RI-1= mm g1 4 141 t f z16 1-11HciE 31ThElf t

WI 17 41,3-EIT-TRI (1) 45 346T 1 g fzref WV 11 314k ci-)1 31M-PluiT1

f0:11 TIRTT g, ct)c)ct-t 3-4ff ri) ct) uTT1 f 34130 4 \31Z-cliZq cf r r-R T 41-sir 9

3-WIRT (1) -4 c i
\ifCrag 5,WWq
' tr•'-" f 31-a-EM ct). TIM-n g

f 11441-344-÷p-If \3rrrlitgd 3110 aftlf 31141-4. TRI t I

408 RPI I Yam-way data 8 .

3-K-R I YT 3RiTURTJT 28 \JAM1, 2009

1 . 111: Governor is pleased to order the publication of the followinv, English translation of
notification no. 2550/LXXVII-3-2009-162Arjan-09, dated July 28, 2009 for general information :
No. 2550/LXXV11-3-2009-162 Arjan-09
Dated Lztcknow, duly 28, 2009
I N continuation of Government notification no. 2047/1,XXVII-3-2009-162Arjan-09, dated
June 25, 2009 issued under sub-section (1) of section 4 and sub-section (4) of section 17 of the
Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Act no. 1 of 1894) and lastly published by giving public noticc on dated
July 5, 2009. the Governor is pleased to declare under section 6 of the said Act that he is satisfied that tiL
land mentioned in the Schedule below is needed for the Construction of Toll Plaza ti:Her
Express-Way Project in district Gautambudh Nagar through Yamuna Express-Way Industrial De\ elopment
Authority and under section 7 of the said Act to direct the Collector of Gautambudh Nagar to take
tbr the acquisition of the said land.
2. The Governor, being satisfied that the case is one of urgency, is further pleased under
sub-section (1) of section 17 of the said Act to direct that the Collector of Gautambudh Nagar, though no
award under section 11 has been made , may, on the expiration of fifteen days from the date of publication
of the notice mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 9, take possession of the land mentioned in the
Schedule for the said public purpose.


l''-m IfTITT d5A) ei .7 T1Td1 T-175711 3Iftld 14) -11 nif F4 clIc9T
District Pargana Tehsil Village Plot no. 17:TT-C9' ( -cftz.N. 4)
Area to be acquired
(In Hectares)
1 2 3 4 5 6

"I TIff iTI TIV. ":-- .)icH Th-itt OR 20 M 0.0138

Gautambudh Jewar Jewar Karoli Bangar 93 M 0.0317
Nagar 95 M 0.475()
96 M 0.2440
98 M 0.1670
100 M 0.5117
102 M 0.1105
103 M 0.3000
105 M 2.3342
107 M 1:0044
108 M 0.2659
III M 0.1089
5.5671 g-4.--ZR
Total Hectares
f kyt-i f 3T1-4-40-)cIT :— pr Ta•Z4R-1. - S--f11-cf)-RuT THUM
v-1 •1 1-1‹ 7 1Thc1-9- 1 4 H arjqf V-4\EPNI-4 r ar-c-rff-d i M L
Mj1 fTriu-r
For what- purpose required -- For the 'Construction of Toll Plaza under Yamuna Express-Way
Project in district Gautambudh Nagar through Yamuna Express-Way Industrial Development Authority.
f lki 3-4ff 1-k-RI ct)i 1q71-1 ct)c)cl-t 7>1 41 4 H-kfir UST s 14)(11 g I
NOTE A site plan of the land may be inspected in the Office of the Collector, Gautambudh
Nagar. •

41kci-) u u fttg,

By order,
Vishesh Sachiv.
to[riiolsoto—R °to 408 •fluill (ito) — (803)-2009-597+20=617 5:1-itiff— ( .0/ et° / 3110)

408 RPI t Yam-way data 8


1 3 4 5 6
4 1 c-ii I N- .<--i ch • -- ' ‘6 c- 3T 3i1 qij -- ''""- 326 0.4300
,A.: (s.bi-R1) .*-R1) (sw-in) (si-)41n) 327 0.1140

Gautambudh Dankaur Sadar- - Achheja Bujurg 334 0.1260

Na g ar (Contd.) (Contd.) (Contd.) 336 0.1770
(Contd.) 337 0.2910
338 0.0890
340 0.1390
342 0.2020
343 0.0630
345 0.2530
346 0.2020
349 1.0370
350 0.1770
351 3.5160
352 n 1c)lo
151 1 i 1 , , , •

354 0.1390
357 0.3160
359 0.2530
360 0.2910
361 0.3920
362 0.3540
3,63 0.1770
364 0.3040
365 0.9290
366 0.0980
367 0.2510
368 0.2430
369 t 0.1500
371 0.1460
372 0.4760
373 0.3650
376 0.8020
377 0.4510.
378 . 0.5060
380 0..0140
382 0.1790
383 0.0140
384 0.0140
385 0.0140
386 0.0140
387 0.0140
388 0.0140
38 0.0140
' 391 2.6910
392 0.0890
.. • '

31,1/49-1URITT TFTC",

3• 4
. 6
(Th-rf7T) .s93
(T:) (s-45-4-pr)
Ga.utambudh 39.1
Dankaur 0.2400
agar Acliheja 13inurt4 395
(Could./. (Contd.) 0.1260
Would. ) (Con/d.)

0 2020

0.2780 •
0.4430 -
4 R 0_3160
• 447
n3 8 2009

4,9 4 5
3 6

Illtd114; 31F-71 1nKrf . 448 0.7020

(Wri 449 0.4300
Gautambudh Dankaur- Sadar - Achhcja 13ujurg- 450 1.5180
Nagar (Contd. ) (Cona) (Conki.) 451
(Contd.) 452 0.0510
453 0.1260

454 0 1640
455 0.1900
456 0 ; '901
457 0.1640
458 10
I 459 0. ! 770
460 0.1770
461 0 1:n .:0
462 2.0860
463 5.2370
464 0.2660
465 0.8850
466 M 6.2110
466 M 0.3410
467 4.4230
468 M 2.8774
469 M 1.5442
470 4.9690'
471 3.9210
472 M 2.4661
473 M 3.47:31
474 1.3540
475 3.7190
477 O.

486 0.1390
487 0.2150

488 0.4170
489 0.3790
491 0.2020
403 0.5970
495 0.5600
496 0.1930
497 0.9310
499 0.5920
500 0.4100
501 0.3780
502 0.5630
503 1.2240
504 1.2360
506 1.0930

•- 6 R 3MT-1Nui IFSI-C, 8 1-1 -4-, 2009

- 40;
2 4 5
'10,004 6.

31 :cbl\-<)f 507 •el iiiir11%.1111*

-goal, •
(51)41T) (,;51171.-.) 508 0.3990
G a utanbudh-
Nagar (Could.) ; • 5!?


0. i 690
5,22 0.8610
524 (J.26z40
525 0.12:)0
5:6 cor...ryu
I 0.22. •-..;!..)

540 0.6 L1)

541 0.172()
542 0.1700
5 ,'1 3 0.2020
545 0.4170
6 0.5130
547 0.6020
548 • 0.4 I q0
549 0.380
552 0.414'4
553 0.4850
554 0.5
556 0.6060
557 0.4t50
558 ü.4.640
560 0:7440
503 0.37 ft,
566 0.3620
567 u.(N90
568 0.7150
570 0.5560
57 1 0.6260
.57 2 1.4930
574 1.1320
575 1.1730
576 0.5200
579 0.5110
50 0.2590
51 1.5050
_ _
.401010g k'

'41011001160i' 44MArtk
MT? . 3Mt-TH‘rl z i nvfd, 8 rid, 2009
*V *i • .

<-14-- 'fl--(-1,'R---.. Z.,,-1-cA3.511 -tUf- - 584 ' C . 4559 .•--

'''' Tit-d-Tii-47T TR-

(1 : li4i) (UTIllf)

Gautarnbudh- - Dankaur-- .: .;\,..;hhela iii,;.1,.•:- : -• ::)

Nagar ..(Conc/c/.) (Colic hi / ? . I 3 .:()



s • •
-11n51.74 c I•N 31 t•-'s

, • 11177.7I • •'• • , ! • •,

For what purpose requir-:1 -• 1'0: the cor ,,, ,Akniun Of '1. 1,13.1.na Expr(:.ss-,v:•
Gautambudh nagar through Yainun:).
7kftl• 4; 2.1

NOTE A site plan of the land may be izvpccted t!-ic 1'. (lau;i1:1:?),Jdi?



to 0?-1,01.110-7 0' 88 187)--20CS —597-i-20

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