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from whrrp I c;it

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By Rick Keating

n a 2005 McKinsey & Co. survey of urated age the communications investigator, activist, analyst and crit-
board members of public compa- professional. ic or proponent. Aiding these process-
nies, the authors reported that es is a continually expanding number
directors are "eager to shake off the Strategic and Competitive of "media" sources, primarily on the
perception that they are defensive Given what many corporations and Internet, that enable or advocate the
and lethargic," particularly in the institutions face today, naming execu- public's deeper involvement in and
wake of management scandals, poor tives to boards who are skilled in attention to what companies and their
stock performance, lackluster sales public and media relations as well boards are doing.
and underwhelming revenue growth. as broad strategic communications - This is most glaring in investor
The authors also reported that issues is not only a strategic measure, but relations, which has been forced to
of concern for board members were also a competitive move. A survey modify itself and become more public
expanding so much that they were no released by public relations firm relations-conscious in practice than
longer focused predominantly on Weber Shand wick this summer strictly financial in focus. That's
short-term financial performance, but reported that nearly 9 out of 10 of the because a company's stock and image
also on the long-term health of the world's largest companies lacked can be easily and rapidly affected by
company, its overall strategy and communications experts on inde- disgruntled small investors, blogging
leadership. pendent boards. But, those that did rumors or rapidly spreading fabrica-
In fact, according to the survey, 70 delivered 6.6 percent per year above tions on message boards. The days of
percent of board members want to stock market averages. analyst-entertaining, pumped-up r ad
know more about an institution's cus- Coincidence? As a trustee and shows and non-independent analyst
tomers, their likes and dislikes, brand board member at a number of institu- reports are waning, if they still exist.
strength and customer satisfaction. tions, I think not. It is clear that the
This compares to 31 percent who pri- corporation astute enough to realize The Sarbanes-Oxley Blues
oritized financials and 28 percent who the need for and value of having a If such threats are not a strong
prioritized operational performance. communications voice on the board is enough impetus to re-examine a cor-
The days of only homing in on ahead of the curve. Such boards are porate board's makeup to ensure it
internal issues and successfully riding well-positioned internally to effective- includes professionals trained and
out storms by utilizing a fortress- ly address and reconcile a myriad of experienced in dealing with the pub-
mentality are over. However, it is a issues that can easily grow out of con- lic, then consider the federal govern-
combination of focus on both internal trol and spill over into financial per- ment's mandate to "instill confi-
and external issues that is of most formance and the very health of the dence" with the public and investors:
importance to directors. As such, company. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Born out of
boards need a viewpoint and expert- The "public" has become far more scandal, relentless media commentary
ise that is critical in today's media-sat- than a consumer: It is also investor, and public outrage, Sarbanes-Oxley


is, in effect, regula tory legisla-
tion that exists to address and
comfort the public just as
much as to enforce good FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND
bookkeeping. More than $6
billion will be spent by public PUBLIC RELATIONS HAS NEVER BEEN
companies alone on compli-
ance with the Act this year, CLEARER . THE COST OF NOT BEING
with technology costs
accounting for nearly $2 bil- PREPAR ED T O A D DRESS THIS RELATION-
lion of that.
With that measure of capi-
tal investment in technology
alone, it would be difficult to
believe that the typical corpo- SCARRI G OF A BRAND.
rate board historically
comprised of lawyers, - RICK KEATING
bankers and chief executives
from other industries could
quickly and effectively relate
to a situation that challenges the back from the public because they realization that their board makeup
brand and to resolve the myriad of understand its significance and how it may be counterproductive to the
complications arising from it. This affects everything else. This does not issues that they need to address.
argues for having board members diminish the importance of other con- It is as if they are on an island, cut
who can speak authoritatively on cerns, but is an acknowledgement of off from the reality of how they are
these issues. the consumer economy and how a perceived in the marketplace. This
Likewise, with what seems to be company's brand and image are more internalization has been built over
daily announcements coming from the fragile than ever. years, and points to the fact that they
Securities and Exchange Commission From research and development, have not kept pace with or addressed
(SEC) about another investigation marketing surveys and group studies the speed of brand evolution created
beginning or charges being filed as to advertisement creation and place- by the new media age.
well as financial pundits securing ment, the public is always the focus. For medium-sized and larger com-
hour-long shows where a stock can be The next logical step is to ensure that panies, this communications board
blacklisted, based on a 3D-second experienced professionals, trained seat is a critical voice of marketing
piece of ad vice the connection and skilled to work with and under- reason, brand equ ity development
between financial performance and stand public sentiments, are present and insight. This individual guides
public relations has never been clearer. at the highest levels so that focus is the board and both instinctively and
The cost of being unprepared to never blurred, ignored or forgotten. analytically assesses the quality of the
address this relationship can run to marketing not to mention guiding
millions of dollars in losses, as well as Immediate Insight and Feedback fellow board members on such key
permanent scarring of a brand. With the fragility of the brand, the issues as the impact of a blog, a small
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Citi- need for constant reputation manage- bad story (or a large bad story) or an
group, Merck & Co. and Wal-Mart ment and brand equity growth, there anonymous Web site.
Stores all have had challenging sum- is no question that no matter the size The argument is simple: Words
mers publicly defending their brands of the organization, having a profes- travel fast and far. Whether news or
and reputations. All have felt a finan- sional communications executive on sales are negative or positive, it is
cial impact to some degree, and there the board gives immediate insight good judgment when bui~d!ng a
is considerable speculation as to how and opinion on board-directed actions board to understand the needs of
these companies will perform going that are unequivocally in keeping business today and to include media-
forward. All may now realize that their with the speed of communications. savvy, informed thinking and market-
recent predicaments start and end - For smaller companies and not-for- ing expertise.
and will be won or lost with the profits, the benefits include a built-in
public. The public will support the cor- counsel who takes a personal and Ri ck Kea t ing is President and CEO of
poration or leave it, based on the over- almost daily interest in guiding the Keating & Co., a strategic communica-
all message that reaches them through strategic communications, public rela- tions firm in Florham Park , N.J. He can be
the layers of filters and gatekeepers. tions and marketing. From first-hand contacted at rkeating@keatingco.com or
Board members are eager for feed- experience, this opens boards to the 973 0400.5400 .

October 2005 www.fei.org 53

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