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Nexus Test Series-001

Class IX

Max.Time 75 min. Max. Marks:40


Q. 1. What is law of conservation of mass ? (1)
Q. 2. State and explain law of constant proportion(1)
Q. 3.  Differentiate between a molecule and a compound. (2)
Q. 4. Write the drawbacks of Dalton’s atomic theory of matter(2).
Q. 5. State the postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory of matter. (2)
Q. 6. Write the symbol of following elements : Argon, Arsenic,Chromium, Cobalt, Platinum, Silicon. (3)
Q.7. Separate atoms and molecules from the following stable elements :
Argon, Hydrogen,, Oxygen, Potassium, Chlorine, Nitrogen, Sodium, Copper. (3)
Q. 8. Write the name and valency of the following polyatomic ions :
Nitrate, Phosphate, Bicarbonate, Hydroxide, Sulphate, Carbonate. (3)
Q. 9 Write down the name of the compounds given by the following formulae :
(i) CaCO3(ii) (NH4)2CO3(iii) Al2(SO4)3(iv) MgCl2(v) K2SO4(vi) KNO3 (3)


Q.1. define law of conservation of energy?(1)
Q.2. what change should be affected in the velocity of the body to maintain same kinetic energy of its
mass is increased four times?(2)
Q.3. “energy stored in a spring of watch” Comment on it(2)
Q.4. why does a saw becomes warm it is used to cut a log of wood? State energy transformation(2)
Q.5. the potential energy of the freely falling object decreases progressively. Does this violate the law of
conservation of energy? Why?(3)
Q.6. derive an expression for kinetic energy?(3)

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