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Golden Key Teachings - February 2011

What on Earth is going on?

As you could see in the January Art Gallery it has taken me the entire month to find out what
the theme would be the best for this year. In Holy Union the Heavens indicated me to go to
the HEART and to create Heart-Galleries this year using the 12 ray colors to show the power
of love within each aspect of Divine Spirit. So the file is called “From Heart to Heart” as there
is more influx of love need coming out from human hearts to heal the planet and all life. We
have to produce the energy we wish to experience as individuals and as global human family.
That is the only way of our individual and global rebirthing process.

As all the newsletters you are getting from me are not coming out of my mind but out of the
heart center in connection with the higher realms of truth so sometimes it might take some
more days to bring it out to you as the first of each month. From “Heart to Heart” we will
grow out of stress and all the marry go round of the daily hectic activities most people are
living day by day, week by week and month by month without being aware what to do to stop
it and to increase peace, balance and harmony, some contemplation and quiet settled
moments, more comprehension, deeper understanding, different thoughts, apply a different
kind of verbal expression, deeper feelings letting go all superficial ones that just build walls
instead to serve for any good and finally to act in a more loving way for ourselves as beings
and all other that are crossing our way. It might seem always the same and superficially you
are right, but this process is a way and the Way IS a Process. This process has many different
levels and when we solved one a next will appear on a deeper scale to be worked on. It is
permanent and when we think now we got it there is just a new door coming up we did not
see yet and we never reach an end. That might seem frustrating but the good news are that
once we get out of the lower pattern of life a doorway of beauties, of blessings, of wisdom,
happiness and joy increases and there will be a moment in which we just cannot stop growing
anymore when we stay open to new horizons that are endless in Gods creation.

Wow, you might think - that is a lot - no time - no strength, too long to achieve, to much work
or whatever else the mind can find as excuse to stop you to get to the real life you dream of
but that mind activity is just the key! When you become aware that your mind is putting
excuses of all kind in your way to not to do what your inside tries to transmit you, you can
sing hallelujah because that is the first impulse of what ever change or shift is coming along
that is bringing you to a conscious platform of your creations. Becoming aware of how we
create our feelings, opinions, thoughts, how we are using the language, what kind of words we
are choosing to express and how we are acting out we are able to begin a process of conscious
mind activity. This first impulse awareness is the platform from which we work with the first
impulse of love because we learn to look at us without judgment and that is the base for any
growth and change. Does it not happen in your life that all over sudden you think: “Why did I
say that? Why did I do that? Why do I think that? All those thoughts are fist steps to
conscious awareness. The Heart is reaching the brain and the mind and you just have to open
up to your own heart and begin to listen and to follow the ideas rising up from your core. All
what we feel, think, say and do are the total of all our energies that are building our
electromagnetic field called Aura. The Aura energies are the expression of the total of our
energies and we are sending those frequencies out into the world and of course by cosmic law
they are coming back to the creator because they belong to him or her or to us as global
human family on the macro plan.( ”the Aura can be taken on Picture with the Kirlian
Photography and nearly in all new age exhibitions is such a camera where visitors can get
their picture). The Aura is nothing static as energy cannot be fixed. The field is permanent in
movement, vibrating exactly the frequencies we are producing in every second of our lives.
There are no hiding possible - different vibrations and frequencies have different colors and
the combination of the colors can teach us exactly in what state of feeling we are in the
moment we take a picture. People who are sick have black holes in their aura as the energy is
stuck in some parts of the body showing exactly the part that is without vibration. I call that
“dead energies” and those black spots are like black holes in the universe - once they get into
motion they absorb everything coming close and entire universes can be eaten up by those
black holes. When energies are getting stuck on one level in our heart, mind, feeling and
actions we hold negative pattern within and that stops the energy flow. We then need to go to
the cause and open the blocks so the energy can flow again and then healing comes along
often in a miraculous way because those energy blocks can be originated from the very
childhood and hang in the unconscious realm. So unconsciously people are creating vibration
they are not aware of and often when then things are happening the reaction is: what did I do
that I deserve that? Why God does allow that happening to me? -I am a good person - I never
did anything wrong etc, etc. The simple truth is that we are creating the powers within our
aura and we are vibrating exactly what we get back. Therefore the work with the human
energy field is crucial to understand what we do to ourselves through our believes, our life
styles, our self esteem and so on.

This is timeless wisdom not just for now - this knowledge is eternal and our way to live in our
days just forgot about it and excluded all what is energy and invisible from our learning
programs. The content is strictly mind filling material that excludes all kind of personal
experience. That way guides us away from the heart and lead to separation within. That inner
separation to our true self lead to isolation and to soul pain and that expresses as aggressively
and reach finally criminal pattern. Each criminal is just a cry of the human heart for more
love. Somebody who had a horrendous childhood full of abuse without heart love how we
expect those children becoming loving and caring adults? They just store all frustrations
within and as there is nobody to work with them on those issues their way is defined. We as
community or individuals are getting back what we create. That is the law of attraction and it
is essential that we all are beginning to find our way and get guidance to become aware of our
energies that are hanging in our field holding us away from all our dreams. Often we have
clear filed in many aspects but there might be only one aspect left to liberate us from what we
wish and feel to be right for us and we have to seek it until finding it - remember - we are
Beings and the healing ways are individually different for everybody. The Golden Keys are
leading us just the way we need and help appears when we really wish it from our heart and
we decide to go for it.

At this part I would like to share a personal chapter first to show you that even applying many
keys we still are part of the Global Family and the law of attraction never fails. I have the
honor to have found the key of health very early in my childhood, so I never really was ill and
the few times I got something were for me a tool of learning to reach a deeper understanding
of how the energies are working within our cellular structure. Where the origin of a disease is
anchored and why people are getting sick in first place. So I needed some own “experiences”
to “feel” how the pattern can shift when we shift the cause and I got an experience that nearly
cost my life. The doctors in the hospital did not believe what happened as they did not find
anything with all their super modern techniques - I signed out because I “saw” in that hospital
I would die - I went back to my Naturalist and he said that I am in a life threatening situation
and that I have to go back to the hospital - I denied that one hospital and we found another
one. It took again two and a half days more and finally one of the young doctors saw the
situation and decided to do an emergency surgery on Sunday 2pm - even to see what it is.
That Heart decision of that young doctor saved my life (my time had not come yet, lol).

The fact was that my appendix blew off and I hang 5 days with infection of the tissue taking
over to all of my organs. Not even the most new tube of body scanner showed anything. I
always said that I feel the poison growing up to my heart and nobody understood what that
meant. I used my healing powers to stay alive - normally it takes 48 hours to pass over and I
hang on 5 days (miracle?) - at least the medicine world did not understand how I could still be
alive after that long time. How did I catch that extreme situation? - I have a huge project -a
healing and ancient Wisdom Center and as there are no credit lines for any projects in
Paraguay I began to work in the financial world and got the need amount by contract
participation and a joint venture - the money was announced and ready to be transferred - the
Bank was advised - the Architects and Working teams were ready (on Governmental Scale)
and all over sudden I felt that I would not been paid - one of the directors died and the others
had to resign the contract and just let me out. With all the preparations I reached a dead end - I
was with Bank announcement and teams ready to go - no way out and that dead end has only
one related part within the body and that is the appendix.
I got this wondrous amazing experience where I was between the two worlds in a different
way as usual (I am working on both sides of life and there death does not exist - just a shift
into the other realm) - I knew immediately the interlink an my question was why did it not
work out so far? Answer is that the time has not been ready yet and that I have to wait until
the world would understand more of the new healing ways …… I gained an amazing
conscious learning experience - a proof of interconnection of all realms, a very deep insight
that many things looking like horror in reality are blessing and opportunities for us to learn
more about life. That are experiences nobody can take you away and therefore any disease for
me is a sign and a tool of learning only and can be recreated into a healthy state of beingness,
when we are willing to work on our issues.

When we look at our lovely planet right now we see so many natural disasters taking place, so
what is going on in our world? Why are we getting such suffering events on huge scale and
what are the real causes? There are Floods all over the world, Hurricanes, Earth Quakes and
Tsunamis - Is there a bigger picture? Let’s analyze some places in a short way: Louisiana
>New Orleans: totally destroyed - why that place? Louisiana is one of those countries that
have been used for huge plantations with lots of Africans used as slaves creating many
miseries, tortures and pain amongst the black population. That pain is stored as energy at
those places where such abuse and horrors are originated and there will be one moment in
time those painful energies are coming up to be cleared and cleaned. It is an energetic shift
happening in those places because that are black holes in the energy filed of the Planet and
they have to be healed and restored energetically so the energy can flow freely again in a
higher frequency. Humanity seeded pain and this pain is coming back to us just the place
where the pain has been caused. What is there good looking at the history and the event?
Louisiana and New Orleans was the birth place of the Soul Music. Why just there? Because
the slaves had nothing left for self expression as their soul substance and that was the music
they let come out from the soul and that music goes very deep. It is the music that opened the
door to liberty and freedom again to the way of union between black and white. People begun
to love that kind of music and it got world wide - it became famous and people’s loving
energy for that music style went straight to New Orleans due to the Celebrities of Soul Music
still living there. This love is light and when the light reaches a certain frequency the shadows
come out. So all the old struggle and fights for liberty stored in this place absorbed the light
and every single human being living there free now adding love to that place is a instrument
of change and so the cleaning event came to this place to set it free from the old and painful
pattern and begin a new era of light with new energies.. Love is light and a very high
frequency. When the light increased the shadow energies have to leave and on places of
power misuse and torture it comes often up in a big shift.

As you see all is energy and what we create as single individuals is stored to the place, to the
community, to the country, nation and finally added to the world. So every human becomes a
key for the future of the planet. That is a tremendous key of understanding how important
every human being is because we are living in the time of shift and we all have volunteered to
incarnate in this special time frame, on one hand to clear our individual pattern and so the
earth energy flied helping the rebirthing process into the new frequency of life. You can
notice by now that there is no punishment from God but just cosmic laws in action. Let’s look
at the Hurricane Catherina that run over Florida short time after the Twin Towers came down
- Why there? It hit exactly where the event was planed where the pilots got training and set
the plan into action.

Brazil the last 2 years: uncountable floods, each time worse and when we analyse we can see
that it hits always the same places: the entire state of Sao Paulo with the Capital Sao Paulo -
Rio de Janeiro - the “Favelas” = Slum Regions, historic places and also the South. Again I
will give you a personal story so you can see that even having the golden keys we still are
inhabitants of this planet and we have to learn that behind every global event there are
specific reasons and that it is not any punishment of the higher realms but just the result of the
law of cause and effect, of the law of attraction that is acting out what simple said means that
we get exactly back what we give or we earn what we seed as human family. The State of Sao
Paulo has one of the oldest cities of the Brazil called Sao Luis. Nearly every building is 300
Years old bringing many tourists into the region. But the oldest town means the builders were
suppressors of the native inhabitants and committed many cruelties and that in the name of the
European Kings and also of the Church. First Indians became slaves and than also Africans
and the tortures and horrors were stored into the ground. Today tourists are bringing love into
the region and Brazil itself adores this city for it is an architecture heritage from the beginning
of the Spanish and Portuguese era. Three times in 2 years it was under water until the first
floors - last year at the second non stop rain the Church came down a neighbor just was
filming the mess when he saw that the church is tumbling down and many historic buildings
also went into the ashes. Now the flood took an entire mountain down with all the housing
running as a mudslide down the hill and killed 800 people - 500 buried under the mud and
15.000 people (= the entire city) homeless - the water went up to the roofs and the city
disappeared. - Here are some videos: http://bit.ly/i5B97C Sao Luis http://bit.ly/gd6v2A rescue

8 of my co-workers got buried under the mudslide too; three of them have been found; 5 are
still missing after three weeks of governmental rescue activities. 27 survived. Now, the
question is why is that happening to good people too? Everybody has an own destiny and has
defined to serve somehow the process of rebirth of the entire planetary system. We are
entering into a new spiral of evolution and the powers are increasing to a higher level and
speed - dark energies are very low frequency and slow when the light meets the shadow the
light switches on and the shadow blows up. Long rainfalls are a cleaning process. Now the
disasters are a further divine tool - as people are not able to help themselves they depend on
the help from outside and the “Heart Activities” and Heart Calls that answers those petitions.
That are events opening hearts and many people engage to help. People that always were
helping others all over sudden are in a position where help is need and that are we now too.
We all are tools of learning for each other and when we understand that we open up and we

Just think at the death of Princess DI - no matter what religion, politic or culture - people
stood around the world just for hear as the Princess of the heart. She brought union to our
hearts - in such moments the differences stop to exist and just the heart demands to hold on
and to grieve together hand in hand - from heart to heart and that is what the planet needs -
Open Hearts and life changing events as nobody is changing free will just like that we create
the way of how the shift happens and how it manifests in individual way such as o planetary
scale. The global energy is always the sum of the frequencies form all live and material
together and awakening means to rise up awareness and to take the own healing process and
clearing process consciously into the own hands - so there are the diseases, accidents and
shock events crossing families all over the world and the global shifts to awaken people from
the misuse of natural resources and to show how the cosmic laws are working - like time
bombs - only when we shift the lower frequencies on a personal level we recreate the new
energies within our beings and that softens the global shift. So as more people as there are
working on inner balance and healing from stressful situations, seeking solution for their inner
chaos and their unconscious mis-creations are doing a huge and tremendous work for all life
not only for themselves.

That is what on earth is going on in our times and we are nearly through the process therefore
it looks over all places like mass diseases hitting mankind - mass destruction is taking place -
epidemics and incurable disease are showing up just to guide us to the true solution and to
stop self-abuse and all what is against cosmic laws. We have be become aware of what we
create when we feel, when we think and what we think - how we use our vocabulary as the
“word” is the power of creation that is the first sentence of the Bible. There is so much to
learn and during the Year I will touch more global events to take the fears away to become a
victim. Fears are just the factor of attraction for what we fear and so we create what we do not

Please be patient as I have to create activities to raise money for medications in this time to
maintain my people alive - Government just spends a warm meal each day and that is really a
blessing but we need to run for personal medications and health care. If you wish to help -
please let me know at reginapy@googlemail.com that is the email address for paypal
payments and donations too. Every sold book or item of the Angel Art Galleries, every
session or product sold is used for the medication we need to hang on until we get a bigger
amount for surgeries and final treatments together. If you feel a heart call please share the
situation with all your friends - invite them to know the book, the art work, my work and the
underground healing power products designed to kill 12 types of cancer - info on my blog.

This is the year of the heart and certainly there will be many events in the world we can help
in many ways to learn how to open and to recreate a loving world.
Have a wonderful day, week and month and feel free to ask any kind of question you might
have. I will answer it from heart to heart and that way we will grow into a new frequency of
love and light.

Many blessings like always

Regina E.H. Ariel

www.2thepowerofspirit6.com website: info, free subscription, booking individual Healing

Sessions, order Life-Code-Analyses (personal blueprint)

www.angelart.smugmug.com Art Galleries: Spiritual-, Angel-, Mystic-, New Age Art

Every Sold Art Piece helps to help those in need

goldenkeyteachings@gmail.com Individual Coaching Classes, Life Coaching, Specialist for

contact: Hyperactive and New Age Kids (Trouble Kids)
Life-Code-Analyses (Life Essence, Unlocking u Blueprint)

mdfwhealing10@gmail.com Multi-Dimensional Healing Sessions, Energy Medicine

contact: Stress Release. Chaos Shifts, Soul Healing, Emotional
Healing, Solution Menopause, Andropause, Cancer Healing
Session/Coaching (12 types), Health Counseling +Education
Underground - Secret Cures

www.messengerminibooks.com Book (incurable diseases solved by the power of love)

The Key to the Universal Sacred Heart + Miraculous Healings - Exceptional true Healing

foundationariel@googlemail.com foundation (website has been hacked - domain disappeared)

www.paypal.com : also for donations to. reginapy@googlemail.com - keyword: donation or


Feel free to contact, to ask questions and to write comments

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