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Tamar Jojua

Different types of communicative techniques for the effective formation of listening skills in the
process of teaching English.

The importance of listening in foreign language teaching/ learning can hardly be

overestimated. Through reception, we internalize linguistic information without which we could
not produce language. We cant develop other basic skills of communication (reading, speaking,
writing) unless we also develop listening skills, to have a successful conversation, students must
understand what is said to them. The formation of effective skills of listening is considered by
language teaching specialist as one of the most fundamental and important factors in the process
of teaching a foreign language.
Listening is difficult for learners, because they have to decode speech sounds quickly, retain
them while hearing a word, a sentence and fail to do the same in the target language. They are
not always as competent as they think. The situation usually becomes obvious when the student
makes his first contact with native speakers in their natural environment. Often the foreign
speakers feel lost and can’t cope with the speed of delivery of the native speakers or their
N. Dogonadze lists a series of main difficulties in the process of listening. They are:
- sound distinction;
- word – boundary distinction;
- word – distinction;
- comprehension of first level (words, sentences);
- comprehension of second level (between the lines and cultural background);
- memorization of what has been heard;
- speed of the speech, its distinctness;
- presence of unfamiliar language phenomena;
- length of the sentences within the text and of the text itself;
- content complexity of the listening materials.
For the effective formation of the listening skills the necessity of making available suitable
materials should be emphasized. Good classroom activities can themselves be effective solutions
to listening problems. While teaching the teacher should use such techniques that motivate
his/her students to listen with keen concentration. It is a pleasure and positive experience to try
various exercises, tasks and classroom activities, for successful lessons depend on the teacher’s
knowing and using variety of teaching methods.
Among the exercises promoting the effective formation of listening skills, it’s necessary to
- exposing students to real-life situations in which native speakers of English use the
language in a spontaneous, conversational, communicative way. The teacher asks students to
prepare some appropriate questions with which to interview a native speaker or a group of native
speakers of English, and then bring to class clear answers to the question;
- teaching students to listen by teaching them how to take or leave messages, make
appointments, and get information via the telephone;
- False and true statements;
- Watching movies can be a relatively relaxed way of learning by listening;
The student learns to improve his/her listening in quite specific ways. Successful students
mention the importance of repetition. Understanding comes gradually, increasing the more he/she
- conversations on cassette – tape. Some conversations designed for language practice will
also be available in other forms, such as audio-cassette, video-cassette and compact disk.
Particularly at the early stages of language acquisition such activities are useful. Adopting
real every day situations- using short taped segments at radio or TV news and weather
reports, talk shows. Even cooking programs;
- listening and note- taking. The following technique is useful mainly in teaching listening
comprehension to advanced students of English;
- choosing the correct answer among the given ones;
- dictation or self-dictation (writing down what you remembered);
- listening to the whole text and then in fact retelling it in mother tongue;
- listening to the recording and trying to recording and trying to reconstruct the details;
- filling in blanks (students are given the transcript of a passage with some words missing
and must fill in the blanks while listening);
- matching (students are asked to match items that have the same meaning as those they
- paraphrase (students are asked to focus on certain sentences and paraphrase them);
- problem-solving (students hear all the information relevant to a particular problem and then
set themselves to solve it);
- finding main ideas and supporting details. (Listen to a short conversation between two
friends. On your answer sheet are scenes from television programs. Find and write the name
of the program and the channel. Decide which speakers watched which program);
- listening to some instructions and fulfilling them after you finished listening;
The above list presents only some types of exercises that can be used for listening. The
tasks we ask our students for performance must be sufficiently realistic and motivating for them to
see a useful purpose for study. Listening techniques must be interesting in order to simulate learners
in acquitting better skills.
Teachers must find out all they can about how listening can be improved and what activities
are useful to this end and then use this knowledge and these techniques in the own classrooms.


1. Brown, H. Douglas. Teacher by Principles-an interactive approach to language Pedagogy. San

Francisco State University Press, 1990, pp 138-208
2. Dogonadze N. Methods of Teaching Languages as the Guidelines of Creating EFL Textbook.
Tbilisi, 1996, pp 58-66
3. Do ff A, Teacher English –a training course for teachers. Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp
4. Jesus A. Bastidas A. The Cloze Procedure as a Teaching Technique to improve Reading
Comprehension. This article appeared in the April 1984 issue of the English Teaching Forum
pp. 91-93.
5. Zukong N. Nicolas. Teaching listening Comprehension. This article appeared in the January
1988 issue of the English Teaching Forum pp 85-89.
6. Jagang F. listening : Problems and solution This article appeared in the January 1993 issue of
the English Teaching Forum.

Tamar jojua

audirebis efeqturi unar-Cvevebis maformirebeli komunikaciur

savarjiSoTa tipebi inglisuri enis swavlebis procesSi


audirebis roli ucxouri enis swavlebis procesSi eWvgareSea.

Audireba, rogorc sametyvelo aqtivoba, metyvelebis aucilebeli pirobaa.
SeuZlebelia sametyvelo aqtivobis sxva ZiriTadi saxeebis srulyofili
ganviTareba manam, sanam ar moxdeba mosmenis unar- CvevaTa
formirebaze efeqturi muSaoba.
winamdebare naSromSi ganxilulia inglisuri enis swavlebis procesSi
audirebis, rogorc sametyvelo aqtivobis erT-erTi yvelaze ufro mniSvnelovani
komponentis maformirebeli komunikaciur savarjiSoTa zogierTi saxe, romelic
xels Seuwyobs am unar-CvevaTa efeqturobasa da srulyofas. Aam tipis
savarjiSoebs ganekuTvneba:
_ studentebis CarTva realuri, cxovrebiseuli situaciebis msgavs
aqtivobaSi, sadac isini gamodian sxvadasxva rolebSi, erTmaneTs usvamen
SekiTxvebs, pasuxoben da axdenen SemdgomSi am pasuxebis
_ telefoniT, radioTi da televiziiT miRebuli informaciis aRqmis unar-
Cvevebis ganviTareba;
_ gamonaTqvamebis, moTxrobis variantebis mosmena da
gansxvavebis dadgena;
_ mosmenili masalis mokle Canawerebis gakeTeba;
_ mocemuli ramdenime pasuxidan swori pasuxis SerCeva
gamomdinare mosmenili teqstidan;
_ mosmenilis gagrZeleba;
_ mosmenili teqstis moyola da darRveuli logikuri Tanamimdevrobis
_ mosmenilis ZiriTadi azris gageba;
_ mosmenilis perifrazi;
_ ramdenime davalebis mosmena da Semdgom am davalebaTa
_ filmebis, satelevizio Sokebis, sportuli Sejibrebebis komentirebis
_ mosmenilis irgvliv diskusiis warmoeba da sxva.

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