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E Interactive In-School


Mentor or Self-Guided


Professional Development


Courses for K-12 Educators

for K-12
K-12 In-School
Professional Development
to Maximize Classroom Management Techniques Literacy Development
Their Success
in the Effective Communication Special Education - Inclusion
Research-Based Instructional Strategies Data Analysis, Assessment,
Graduate Credit Brain-Based Learning and Curriculum Development
Available Differentiated Instruction
Structured Thinking Skills Technology in the Classroom

Comprehensive Academic Preparedeness (Preparing for High Stakes Testing)

Closing the Achievement Gap (Math, Science, English, and Social Studies)
Custom Programs Developed for the Specific Needs of Schools/Districts


800-947-6278 • 212-566-2522 • www.VESC-Education.com • Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation.
“A Constructivist learning environment that
provides collaborative, on-going, reflective and
interactive professional development for K-12 educators.”
“Collaborative, different schools with similar academic disciplines,
reflective, interac- i.e. a group of new 5th grade teachers from across
the district concentrating
tive, on-going pro- on Classroom
fessional develop- Management.
Courses are designed to
ment based on the impart the most important
latest research.” and effective research-
based strategies to educa-
V entures Education Systems Corporation, or tors for immediate imple-
VESC™, provides three types of K-12 professional mentation in the class-
development services directly to schools and/or room. Through a combi-
school districts through its Ventures Intiative and nation of interactive and
Focus™ System of Constructivist and Student- collaborative learning
Centered Learning. Each course is designed experiences, the latest
around the latest research-based information, data, research-based books and
and studies. These courses are specifically materials from leading educators and publishers,
designed around the latest research-based instruc- and the skilled VenturesMentor™ as guide, educa-
tional strategies that result in successful instructors tors are immersed in a rich and reflective learning
and successful classrooms. environment that not only creates better instruc-
tors, but also enriches the participants’ professional
VESC™ offers over twenty courses for elementary, lives as educators.
middle, and high school teachers, as well as, two
courses designed specifically for school administra- Courses are offered as single courses or in an on-
tors. Courses include expert texts, extensive sup- going series format that can be custom tailored to
port materials, to-the-point workshops and in-class meet the specific needs of a district/school or indi-
mentoring and instructional modeling - all from vidual participant. Graduate credit is available.
leading educators.
Mentor-Guided Professional Development -
Courses are offered for cohorts up to 25 teachers. Mentor-guides enrich the entire learning experi-
Cohorts can be closed - participants come from the ence by providing expert advice in all areas of edu-
same school, grade level, and/or academic disci- cation. Our VenturesMentor™ are seasoned aca-
pline, or open - cohorts made up of participants demic professionals who have been extensively
from different schools, grade levels and/or aca- trained in the very latest research-based instruc-
demic disciplines, and/or participants come from tional strategies, including a Constructivist
approach to creating all lessons, which have
Each Course Includes proven successful in urban, rural, and suburban
To-the-point workshops and in-class coaching of the classrooms across the country.
latest research-based instructional strategies modeled
by seasoned professionals. Each client school/district is assigned a
Extensive course work including mentor-led work- VenturesMentor™ to guide it through the profes-
shops, reflective teaching exercises and other content sional development and ensure success, both in the
that focuses on proven instructional strategies which professional development course and in the imple-
produce classroom success. mentation of the material in the classroom.
VenturesMentor™ are specifically trained to pro-
Textual readings from the latest authors and publishers.
vide the support necessary to ensure that each par-
Extensive support including one-on-one mentoring.
ticipant uses the material in the classroom to sup-
Continued and on-going support.
port continued student success.

All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Each participant defines his or her very own rela- excellent means of offering a comprehensive and
tionship with the VenturesMentor™ . It is both substantive professional development experience
profoundly professional and personal. While the for your staff. The VenturesMentor™ can also be
VenturesMentor™ does report on the individual an invaluable tool for administrators when seeking
progress of each participant, the personal relation- expert advice on the need for future school devel-
ship remains confidential. The participant is able opment.
to share both his or her positive and negative expe-
riences in an environment where reflective sharing, Each participant, through the use of journals, self-
listening, and learning can openly take place. The assessments, and progress reports, creates his or
participant-mentor and participant-participant rela- her own personal development plan. These pro-
tionships are an invaluable part of the VESC™ vide the oportunity for on-going, continued, and
training, and as you research your options, we focused professional development.
think you will also agree.
Professional development in the Ventures
Throughout the Initiative and Focus® approach:
course, the
VenturesMentor™ Establishes the specific classroom conditions
provides invaluable necessary for initiating highly productive stu-
guidance, advice, dent-centered instruction and learning.
and friendship as the
participant explores Develops and incorporates research-based struc-
material and reflects tured literacy, analytical reasoning, and prob-
upon his or her teaching experiences as new lem-solving skills into the content areas.
methodologies are incorporated into the classroom.
The VenturesMentor™ assists the participant to Offers a strong foundation in research-based
quickly adopt the new methodologies, and offers Structured Literacy instruction (reading compre-
assistance whenever necessary. hension, fluency, vocabulary development,
phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, writ-
The VenturesMentor™
“Using our whole group- ing, and oral language development) for the
also provides in-class small group-whole group early grades, K-5, that incorporates the best of
coaching and instruc- all practices in literacy instruction methods, and
model incorporating incorporates the development and use of litera-
tional modeling,
reflective journal Constructivist tech- cy, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving
assessments, and col- niques, VenturesMentor™ skills.
laborative experiences assign materials to the Offers research-based Structured Literacy
for the entire group.
differentiated needs of instruction for the later grades, 6-12, which
Using our
addresses reading and writing difficulties, and
Constructivist whole participants, as well as combines content instruction with the effective
group-small group-
whole group model,
the differentiated needs development and use of thinking skills, in order
to strengthen student literacy skills for the mas-
VenturesMentor™ of the students they
tery of content across the disciplines.
assign materials to the teach.”
differentiated needs of
Ensures that curricula and instruction are
participants, as well as the differentiated needs of
aligned with relevant local, state, and national
the students they teach. The collaborative group
standards to ensure student success.
experiences are rich with research-based substan-
tive material and are fun and exciting group learn-
Includes VESC™ structured, interdisciplinary
ing experiences!
instructional vehicles, such as Problem-Based
Learning and Structured Project Learning.
Offering the VenturesMentor™ as part of the
VESC™ professional development training is an
All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
“The Constructivist Learning Environment is student-centered,
collaborative, on-going, all-inclusive, and built explicitly
around the way the human brain learns best.”
Courses are offered through the VESC™ Ventures #2 Constructionist - Learning Environments
Initiative and Focus™ System of Constructivist and The second principle is Constructionist.
Student-Centered Learning. VESC™ offers a Constructionist holds that learning is particularly
Constructivist learning environment, or a social effective when constructing something for others to
Constructivist pedagogy to its participants. To experience. For example, if you passively read a
completely understand the Constructivist learning web page, you may have difficulty remembering its
environment is to understand how the human contents in a few days. However, if at the time of
brain learns best. Not only have we created a reading the page you were asked to construct an
Constructivist profes-
outline for someone else to understand as a synop-
sional development
sis, it is far more likely that you will not only retain
learning environment,
we share this knowledge the information longer, but also have a deeper
with participants so they understanding.
can create a
Constructivist learning #3: Social Constructivism - Learning as a
environment in their Social Activity
classrooms - a learning The third principle is Social Constructivism. Social
environment that is stu- Constructivism takes the Constructionist principle
dent-centered, collabora- and applies it to the group, or cohort, breaking
tive, on-going, all-inclu- down the entire learning environment. In this
sive, and built explicitly environment, learners support learners, and a stu-
around the way a human dent-centered environment takes place. The
brain learns best. teacher becomes the facilitator and participants
build upon their own ideas while experiencing the
Any student - past or present - once presented with ideas of others in a group environment.
the four main principles behind the Constructivist
learning environment will quickly begin to appre-
VESC™ has extended this concept further by intro-
ciate the power behind the methodology. With fur-
ducing the whole group - small group - whole
ther insight, one begins to realize that almost all
learning takes place in a Constructivist manner, group methodology
and thus, such instruction offered in the classroom within this concept.
models more closely human interaction and learn- Under the whole
ing than the chalk-and-talk currently being used in group - small group
most American classrooms. - whole group
methodology, con-
#1 Constructivism - Brain-Based Learning cepts are shared and
The first principle of the Constructivist Learning discussed within an
Environment is Constructivism itself. The point of entire cohort, and
Constructivism is the recognition that new knowl- then the cohort is broken into smaller components.
edge is constructed as learners interact with their These smaller components work to form their own
environments. All experience is compared, tested, ideas and in the end report back to the whole
and projected against prior knowledge, and then, if group. This collaborative method has been very
viable within the learners’ world, new knowledge successful in past training.
is constructed. These experiences strengthen past
knowledge and expand the possibility of future
knowledge. Learners are not passive listeners - it is
the interactive experience that provides the basis
for true knowledge.

All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
“The Constructivist Learning Environment is student-centered,
collaborative, on-going, all-inclusive, and built explicitly
around the way the human brain learns best.”
#4: Connected and Separate Lastly, not only does VESC™ use a Constructivist
The fourth and final principle is Connected and model of instruction in these courses, VESC™
Separate. Connected and Separate is a reflective teaches participants how to create their very own
exercise that motivates individuals to look within Constructivist learning environment in any class-
themselves for their own contri- room. Every VESC™ course com-
butions to the discussion. municates the necessary knowl-
Separate behavior is defined as edge and teaching strategies to
a participant attempting to sup- create a Constructivist classroom
port his or her ideas with objec- where student-centered learning
tive or factual knowledge, find- is the norm.
ing holes in the ideas.
Connected behavior is a more A Comprehensive Collaborative
empathetic approach to under- Community of On-Going
standing the idea of another - a Professional Development
tendency to listen and question
in an effort to understand. A In each unit participants attend
Constructivist model seeks to workshops where to the point
use both approaches appropri- instruction and instructional mod-
ately in each situation. Both eling take place in a reflective and
concepts, together, give partici- supportive environment.
pants the confidence to support Demonstrations of the very latest research-based
their ideas when challenged, and at the same time, instructional strategies, as well as, individual and
become empathetic learners of the ideas of others group activities encourage participants to imple-
without making quick conclusions. ment new strategies quickly and effectively. On
their own time, participants read the latest
The VESC™ Constructivist Collaborative research-based instructional strategies and tech-
Learning Environment niques in the expert texts provided. Participants
The goal of VESC™ is to provide a Constructivist meet with and without the VentureMentor™ to
learning environment where the experience as a collaborate and reflect on the new strategies as
whole creates deep reflection on behalf of the par- they begin to implement change in their classroom.
ticipant in a supportive and collaborative learning
environment. VenturesMentor™ are selected for Whether you choose to have your teachers
their particular skill in working with participants assigned in a closed or open-cohort the experience
through difficult professional challenges and is interactive, exciting, and rewarding. Participants
change. The VenturesMentor™ are sometimes work together in a collaborative effort to encourage
teachers, sometimes friends, and sometimes the change and success - to establish a student-cen-
catalyst for someone to achieve more than they tered learning environment, which promotes stu-
ever imagined. VESC™ creates a learning environ- dent achievement.
ment that connects with participants in a meaning-
ful profound way to create positive change both for
them professionally and for their students in the
“VESC™ gives practical meaning to the phrase - student-centered learning -
and gives practical guidelines for making instruction truly learner-centered
with a focus on the thinking processes of the students.”
All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Classroom Management
Creating an environment for effective instruction
Defining effective instruction resulting in well-managed classrooms
Using different classroom designs to promote learning
Promoting student-centered learning
Instilling student discipline and monitoring behavioral problems
Understanding the emotional, social, and intellectual needs of students
Motivating students for academic and social success

Closing the Achievement Gap in Mathematics

Mathematics curriculum review and planning
Examination and analysis of achievement data
Mathematical Communication: Using Constructive Communication
Techniques and Structured Thinking Skills
Classroom management for effective mathematics instruction
Teaching problem solving and mathematical reasoning
Classroom and standardized assessment

Comprehensive Academic Preparedness

Student preparedness materials including self-evaluation tools
Understanding and successfully performing on standardized tests
Study Skills and the importance of homework
Planning an academic future
Reading and writing for your audience
Comprehending math and science

Differentiated Instruction
Understanding differentiated instruction
Identifying the needs and talents of individual students
Implementing differentiated instructional techniques and strategies for the classroom
Designing individual and group activities
Applying classroom assessment tools

Effective Instructional Strategies

Establishing a student-centered learning environment
Understanding and implementing research-based instructional strategies
Developing higher order thinking skills
Developing lesson plans that creatively engage students
Developing Structured Thinking and Problem-Based Learning instructional techniques
Creating rubrics and other assessment tools

All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Integrating Technology Into the Classroom
Evaluating and establishing inventory lists of all relevant school computer equipment
Retrieval of reference information across the content areas through computer technology
Systematic organization of content information through the application of Structured
Thinking and computer technology
Software selection and integration with current standards
Standards and curriculum alignment with current and planned technology
Current and future planning for technology

Limited English Proficiency

Strategies for analyzing texts, spelling and vocabulary development
Read aloud, shared, and guided writing
Planning balanced literacy lessons
Vocabulary development
Readers and writers workshops
Understanding the development stages of speaking, reading, and writing
Behaviors of successful second language readers and writers

Literacy for the Middle School Grades

Understanding the process of literacy development
English language arts curriculum
Creating an environment that promotes literacy development
Integrating literacy into the content areas
Assessing student achievement in literacy
Developing students' fluency, reading comprehension, vocabulary
development, and writing

Special Education and Inclusion

Proven research-based strategies for general and special education instructors
The importance of self-determination for special education students
Utilizing Constructive Communication and Structured Thinking in the special education classroom
Language and communication development
Preparing for classroom and standardized assessment
Managing inclusion in the general education classroom
Standards alignment and lesson planning

Using Graphic Templates and Assessment Tools

Using graphic organizers across the content areas
Teaching and thinking systematically with graphic organizers
Understanding graphic organizers and Structured Thinking Skills
Using classroom assessment tools
Processing structured information and learning
Layered thinking and organizing information
Training materials include over one hundred graphic organizers for immediate use
across all content areas and research-based professional development texts
All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Classroom Management for Secondary Classrooms
Creating an environment for effective instruction
Defining effective instruction to result in improved classroom management
Using different classroom designs to promote learning
Fostering student-centered learning
Instilling student discipline and monitoring behavioral problems
Understanding the emotional, social, and intellectual needs of students
Motivating students for academic and social success

Closing the Achievement Gap in Secondary English Language Arts

English Language Arts curriculum review and planning
Examination and analysis of achievement data
Successful instructional strategies for teaching English Language Arts
Classroom management for effective English Language Arts teaching
Using Constructive Communication and Structured Thinking Skills in English
Language Arts teaching
Assessment and test preparation

Closing the Achievement Gap in Secondary Mathematics

Mathematics curriculum review and planning
Examination and analysis of achievement data
Successful instructional strategies for teaching mathematics in secondary classrooms
Basic and advanced problem solving
Mathematics communication and thinking
Classroom management for effective mathematics instruction
Using Constructive Communication and Structured Thinking Skills in mathematics teaching
Assessment and test preparation

Closing the Achievement Gap in Secondary Science

Science curriculum review and planning
Examination and analysis of achievement data
Successful instructional strategies for teaching science in secondary classrooms
Basic and advanced problem solving
Classroom management for effective science teaching
Using Constructive Communication and Structured Thinking Skills in science instruction
Assessment and test preparation

Closing the Achievement Gap in Secondary Social Studies

Social studies curriculum review and planning
Examination and analysis of achievement data
Successful instructional strategies for teaching social studies in secondary classrooms
Integrating writing into social studies curriculum
Using social studies for communication and comparison thinking
Classroom management for effective social studies instruction
Using Constructive Communication and Structured Thinking skills in social studies
Assessment and test preparation
All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Comprehensive Academic Preparedness
Student preparedness materials including self-evaluation tools
Understanding and successfully performing on standardized tests
Study Skills and the importance of homework
Learning, thinking, and understanding
Planning an academic future
Reading and writing for your audience
Comprehending math and science

Differentiated Instruction
Understanding differentiated instruction
Identifying the needs and talents of individual students
Implementing differentiated instructional techniques and strategies for the classroom
Designing individual and group activities
Applying classroom assessment tools

Instructional Strategies
Establishing a student-centered learning environment
Understanding and implementing research-based instructional strategies
Developing higher order thinking skills
Developing lesson plans that creatively engage students
Developing Structured Thinking and Problem-Based Learning instructional techniques
Creating rubrics and other assessment tools

Integrating Technology Into the Classroom

Evaluating and establishing inventory lists of all relevant school computer equipment
Retrieval of reference information across the content areas through computer technology
Systematic organization of content information through the application of Structured
Thinking and computer technology
Software selection and integration with current standards
Standards and curriculum alignment with current and planned technology
Current and future planning for technology

Limited English Proficiency

Strategies for spelling and vocabulary development
Read aloud, shared, and guided writing
Planning balanced literacy lessons
Vocabulary development
Readers and writers workshops
Understanding the development stages of speaking, reading, and writing
Behaviors of successful second language readers and writers
Strategies for analyzing texts
All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
Understanding the benefits of PBL
Implementing the steps in the PBL process
Writing PBL problems that address curriculum content and state standards
Facilitating PBL problems
Creating rubrics and other assessment tools related to PBL
Incorporating Effective Group Process and Structured Thinking Skills into the PBL process

Special Education
The importance of self-determination for special education students
Utilizing Constructive Communication and Structured Thinking in the secondary special
education classroom
Language and communication development
Preparing for classroom and standardized assessment
Managing inclusion in the general education classroom
Standards alignment and lesson planning

Using Graphic Templates and Assessment Tools

Using graphic organizers across the content areas
Teaching and thinking systematically with graphic organizers
Understanding graphic organizers and Structured Thinking Skills
Using classroom assessment tools
Processing structured information and learning
Layered thinking and organizing information
Training materials include over one hundred graphic organizers for immediate
use across all content areas
A proposed scope of service has been devel- Each course is research-based, supported by special-
oped for each course, which is intended to be ly selected texts by the foremost authors in the sub-
refined with the client to meet the specific ject, and the Ventures Initiative and Focus®
needs of the school or district. Several course Constructivist, Student-Centered System of
scopes can be merged into one specially Teaching and Learning. The Ventures Initiative and
designed scope of service to reflect the specific Focus® System provides strategies to move the
needs of the client. classroom teacher from lecturing at the front of the
room, to a position at the side of the room, provid-
These courses are provided through workshops held ing guidance and counsel to the students as they
at the convenience of the client, e.g. during the school master the content for the day. The Ventures
day; after school; Saturdays; or during the planning Initiative and Focus® System provides instructional
periods of small groups of teachers throughout the strategies that develop students’ literacy (reading,
day. A significant part of the course is the in-class writing, and speaking), analytical reasoning and
coaching, where the VESC trainer can observe and problem-solving skills, all of which are essential to
constructively critique instructional strategies; co-teach; the mastery and application of academic content.
or model.
For more information, please call a VESC
education consultant 800-947-6278 x110 or x500.
All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Consolidating School Reforms for Continuous School Improvement
Harmonize many professional development programs into one comprehensive system
that promotes continuous school improvement
Integrate research-based and proven instructional strategies that raise student
achievement and test scores
Enhance school performance to meet all national, state, and local standards, including NCLB
Create a sustainable culture of professional and academic success and development
Integrate with existing professional development already on-going within your school

Comprehensive School Reform (CSR)

and No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Comprehensive School Reform model for CSR and NCLB school/district improvement
Research-based and proven strategies to raise student achievement and test scores
Enhance school performance to meet all national, state, and local standards
Create a sustainable culture of professional and academic success and development

Data Analysis, Assessment, and Curriculum Development

Detailed analysis and reporting of school data and current school situation
School-wide and individual teacher assessments and recommendations
Curriculum development to align content with data and assessment results
Continuous consulting to aid in all aspects of school improvement

Principals’ Practicum
Strategic planning meetings with district personnel
Assisting in the planning and opening of a school
Effective instructional supervision
Establishing a positive school culture that leads to success
Understanding group dynamics in students and teachers
Data-driven instruction and utilizing data for school management
Classroom management and lesson planning - Grouping in the classroom
Parents and community
S pecially designed professional development cours- more professional development to make them more
es focus on the administrative leadership as effective effective. After such a review, these courses provide
instructional leaders. These professional develop- methods and strategies to coordinate such initiatives,
ment courses emphasize the use of data to improve and enhance them with the Ventures Initiative and
instruction. They also provide methods and strate- Focus® Contructivist, Student-Centered System of
gies to review all building- and/or district-based Teaching Learning. These courses have been success-
instructional initiatives to determine the effectiveness ful in urban and rural schools across the country,
of the initiatives, if some initiatives might be contra- resulting in improved partnerships between administra-
dictory or conflicting, and/or if some initiatives need tive leadership and classroom teachers, and student
All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Ventures Education Systems Corporation's intent is to provide
instruction within the guidelines that create a Constructivist
learning environment. Through VESC™ on-line and in-school
professional development, teachers and administrators, K—12,
are introduced to the significance of a Constructivist approach
to education. They learn how to implement such an approach
through the use of Constructive Communication and the devel-
opment of literacy and thinking skills, which are directly
linked with the curricula and aligned with local, state, and
national standards and the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
While the physical characteristics of the classroom and the
vehicles for instruction may vary, high academic achievement
is the direct result of implementing a Constructivist approach
to professional development and to classroom instruction. All
the elements of a Constructivist learning environment have
been brought together effectively in these unique and highly
successful on-line and in-school programs, resulting in high
academic performance.


15 Maiden Lane · Suite 200 · New York · New York · 10038
212-566-2522 · 800-947-6278 Ext. 500 · Fax: 212-566-2536
Email: info@ventures.org · www.VESC-Education.com

All Material Copyright 2005 Ventures Education Systems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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