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European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.

260–271, 2002
Pergamon  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0263-2373(02)00043-9 0263-2373/02 $22.00 + 0.00

The Effectiveness of Self-

Corporate Codes of
Conduct and Child Labour
ANS KOLK, University of Amsterdam
ROB VAN TULDER, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

The effectiveness of self-regulation to promote cor-

porate social responsibility, with codes of conduct To promote corporate social responsibility, the
as most common means, continues to be the subject importance of self-regulation, and codes of conduct
of widespread interest. This article explores the as main instruments of voluntary rule-setting, has
effectiveness of corporate codes of conduct, focus- long been embraced (see, e.g. Arrow, 1973). In the
ing on the issue of child labour. This issue is all mid-1980s, Maitland (1985, p. 132) pointed to the
the more pronounced, because a strict approach, ‘lasting appeal’ of the ‘idea that we would be better
involving firing child workers or terminating off if we could rely on the promptings of a corporate
relationships with suppliers that employ them, ‘conscience’ to regulate corporate behaviour instead
does not change underlying causes. Effectiveness is of the heavy hand of government regulation’. But he
explored by a close examination of the nature of also emphasized that the attempts to implement self-
child labour codes of six pioneering international regulation had shown rather limited results due to
garment companies, and by a survey among a focus free-rider and particularly assurance problems
group of opinion leaders in companies and stake- (Maitland, 1985; see also Olson, 1965). As a possible
holders, who were asked for their views on the dif- solution, it was suggested to follow economy-wide
ferent dilemmas surrounding codes and child lab- approaches, adopting mixed systems of government
our. Overall, our research shows that corporate regulation and self-regulation (Garvin, 1983; Gupta
codes are considered to be important, though not and Lad, 1983; Maitland, 1985).
the only instruments for addressing child labour.
Possible negative side effects and limitations of Almost 20 years later, with renewed widespread
codes are not seen as crucial factors that harm their interest in self-regulation and corporate social
effectiveness. Codes must be specific, strictly responsibility, questions about effectiveness continue
implemented and monitored, and combined with to be raised. Companies currently face a quite differ-
alternative arrangements for under-age child work- ent situation, however. Through stakeholder press-
ers. The importance of a supply-chain approach and ure and consumer campaigns, they are directly tar-
attention for the host-country context is recognized. geted and urged to show their commitment and the
But this also raises many difficult dilemmas con- actions taken to prevent human rights violations and
cerning the boundaries of corporate social responsi- environmental pollution. Corporate codes of conduct
bility, which the article examines in more detail.  are the most common means to express and
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. implement social responsibility. But how effective are
they in addressing the problem? The issue of child
labour provides one of the clearest litmus tests for
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Child self-regulation. A strict approach, such as firing child
Labour, Codes of Conduct, Multinationals, Self- workers or terminating relationships with companies
regulation, C&A, Gap, H&M, Levi Strauss, Nike, that employ them, does not necessarily change
WE underlying causes. Previous research has underlined

260 European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002

that severe sanctions can even worsen the children’s pressure and interaction prove to be important fac-
situation by driving them to more hazardous work tors for the development and implementation of rela-
in the informal sector (Basu, 1999; Kolk and van tively strict corporate codes (Kolk et al., 1999; van
Tulder, 2002). Tulder and Kolk, 2001). Of the 100 largest Fortune
Global 500 companies, only 13 have a (modest) child
This paper explores the effectiveness of corporate labour provision in their corporate codes, whereas
codes of conduct, focusing on the child labour issue. this is common for almost all major garment compa-
Over the years, different organizations have paid nies. As consumer action and corporate approaches
attention to the issue, starting with international in the US and Europe frequently differ, as parti-
organizations, followed later by non-governmental cularly the Nike case has shown (van Tulder and
organizations (NGOs), business associations and Kolk, 2001),1 large international companies from both
companies (Kolk and van Tulder, 2002). As inter- continents were selected (respectively Gap, Levi
national child labour conventions have not been uni- Strauss, Nike; and C&A, Hennes & Mauritz, WE).
versally ratified, attention has shifted to what multi- Interestingly, two European companies, H&M and
national companies (intend to) do to address the WE, have adopted a so-called ‘broad’ approach to
problem. Figure 1 outlines the different positions that child labour. This means that their codes include
can be taken in this debate. It ranges from support measures for alternative arrangements for children
for the positive impact of corporate codes of conduct found to be working, and that companies thus
(position 1), to emphasis on the unintended negative explicitly assume a certain responsibility for the situ-
side effects of codes, such as the impact on children ation (Kolk and van Tulder, 2002).
in the case of strict sanctions (position 2), to an effec-
tive corporate approach by other means than codes In addition to the analysis of the codes themselves,
(position 3), and finally, a situation in which child we asked opinion leaders in companies, and govern-
labour is seen as a public, not a private, responsibility mental and non-governmental organizations about
(position 4). The basic ten propositions exemplifying their opinions on the different positions with regard
major managerial dilemmas surrounding corporate to effectiveness (Figures 1 and 2). The article also
codes and child labour (see Figure 2) have guided the reports the views of this focus group of 15 opinion
research on which this article reports. Effectiveness is leaders concerning the different aspects of child lab-
explored by a close examination of the nature of the our codes. Consensus existed on the value of codes
child labour codes that companies have drawn up, of conduct, added with supplementary instruments
and by a survey among a focus group of companies where necessary. Respondent opinions differed,
and stakeholders, who were asked for their views on however, with regard to the strictness and types of
the different dilemmas. monitoring mechanisms, and on the discussion of the
limits to company responsibility, concerning sup-
The article shows how six pioneering companies in pliers and supply chains, and governments. Overall,
the garment industry have addressed child labour in they emphasized the importance of self-regulation
their codes of conduct. We chose the garment indus- for promoting corporate social responsibility, and the
try because of the frequent use of child workers and desirability of a broad approach that stretches
the related public attention to the sector. Stakeholder beyond the narrow confines of the company itself.

Before turning to this data, however, the next section

will briefly discuss the concept of child labour, and
the implications of this international debate for com-
panies that address the issue in their corporate codes
of conduct.

Aspects of Child Labour

The International Debate

The international debate on what constitutes child
labour and how working conditions can be improved
has particularly been waged in the framework of the
International Labour Organization (ILO). The 1973
Minimum Age Convention and the 1999 Convention
to Combat the Worst Forms of Child Labour cover
the main topics that have been discussed over the
years. In this regard, a continuum exists, ranging
Figure 1 Effectiveness Matrix Of Corporate Behaviour from acceptable to unacceptable forms of child labour
On Social Issues (sometimes labelled as ‘child work’ versus ‘child

European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002 261

Figure 2 Ten Propositions on Corporate Codes’ Effectiveness in Addressing Hazardous Child Labour

labour’). Tolerable might be ‘light work which is not of children for prostitution, and activities that are
likely to be harmful to [children’s] health or develop- illicit or harmful to health, safety or morals, regards
ment, and which is not such as to prejudice their everybody younger than 18 years as child.
attendance at school’, carried out by children of at
least 13 years of age.2 Unacceptable are all kinds of Although perceptions on child labour also depend on
abusive, exploitative and dangerous work, or as the cultural traditions, levels of economic development,
1999 ILO Convention stipulates, ‘forms of slavery or and social conditions, a wide consensus exists on the
practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and traf- unacceptability of the worst forms of child labour.
ficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and This is shown by worldwide support for the 1989
forced or compulsory labour, including forced or United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed Child,3 and the rapid ratification of the 1999 ILO Con-
conflict’. This standard, which also includes the use vention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour. In two

262 European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002

years’ time, 100 countries have ratified ILO Conven- with the issue. Table 1 outlines the different compo-
tion 182, and the organization hopes that all 175 nents that can generally be found in corporate codes
members of the United Nations will have signed by on child labour. These include the minimum age to
2003.4 Countries that have not ratified include China, employment, and whether the company applies this
India, Nigeria and Pakistan. By contrast, ratification world-wide or allows for differences between
of the 1973 ILO Minimum Age Convention 138 has locations. Usually related to this is whether refer-
proceeded more slowly, although support has grown ences are made to international standards and/or
rapidly especially since the mid-1990s. Whereas by country laws. Moreover, the type of organization to
1996, the number of ratifications amounted to 46, it which the code applies is relevant: is this only the
currently stands at 112, with all of these countries company itself, or also others such as suppliers? An
specifying minimum ages of at least 14, and the large additional aspect concerns the monitoring of
majority 15 or 16 years. Countries such as India, Nig- implementation: does the code clearly stipulate the
eria, Pakistan, Vietnam, and also the United States systems and processes in place, and who is charged
have not ratified, while China has. Among the coun- with it? Finally, sanctions seem crucial: what happens
tries that have ratified both conventions, Brazil and in case of violations, with the company, with its sup-
Indonesia can be found. pliers or other business partners, and with the chil-
dren found to be working? The next sections analyse
Besides differences in governmental support that how the six garment companies address these issues,
complicate the prevention of child labour, implemen- and how they and their stakeholders view the effec-
tation of such standards also proves difficult. This is tiveness of corporate codes of conduct.
especially due to the fact that the majority of child
labour takes place in the informal sector, which is
usually not adequately covered by national legis-
lation. Most children work in agriculture, services Six Pioneering Companies
and small-scale manufacturing. While attention
focuses on child labour in export industries, they The six companies were chosen from a larger set of
employ only a very small percentage, probably less 40 multinational enterprises with child labour pro-
than 5 per cent, of the child workforce (UNICEF, visions in their corporate codes of conduct, of which
1997, p. 21). This points to the limits of government the large majority operates in retail and apparel.
intervention and of international sanctions. At the From an analysis of these 40 reference codes accord-
same time, it underlines the role that international ing to the criteria of Table 1, the six companies
companies could potentially play, directly in their belonged to the most specific ones with much atten-
own operations in developing countries, and more tion to monitoring and compliance.6 Codes of con-
indirectly by the activities that they outsource to local duct that meet these requirements have a high com-
suppliers. It is here that corporate codes of conduct pliance likelihood, which means that there is a
become important instruments. relatively high probability that companies conform in
practice to what is stated (Kolk et al., 1999).

Implications for Companies The three European and three US garment companies
are particularly interesting for the following reasons:
The international debate has several implications for
companies and their codes of conduct. In their world- ❖ Levi Strauss is frequently regarded as a pioneer in
wide activities, companies are confronted with differ- the field of corporate social responsibility,
ent perceptions of child labour, the position of chil- especially because it was the first to develop a
dren in society and the standards that should be code of conduct that placed the management of
adopted. Frequently, diverging views can be noted ethics and labour rights in the context of inter-
between the host countries in which they operate and national supplier relations (CEP, 1998).
their country of origin. In their home countries, com- ❖ Nike, another early adopter, has been singled out
panies face a quite different set of expectations about for NGO campaigns because of its market leader-
their role in society, and possibly stakeholder press- ship, high-profile image and extensive marketing.
ure that deviates from what host governments find Since 1992, it has revised its code of conduct sev-
reasonable. This can lead to difficult dilemmas, for eral times, which is also conspicuous for the excep-
example, with consumers at home urging a complete tionally high minimum age to employment (18
ban on child labour, and accompanying strict moni- years for footwear, and 16 for apparel, accessories
toring of compliance, while company plants are and equipment) van Tulder and Kolk (2001);
located in countries where the host government sup- Wokutch (2001).
port and the regulatory infrastructure is lacking, and ❖ Gap is one of the few Western companies that has
where child labour is (still) as common as it was in mandated Southern NGOs to monitor supplier
many Western countries a century ago.5 compliance, in the case of the Mandarin Inter-
national garment factory in El Salvador, but not in
Many of these aspects of child labour are reflected in the company’s other contract factories in 50 coun-
the codes of conduct that companies draw up to deal tries around the world.

European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002 263

Table 1 A Model to Analyze and Compare Corporate Codes of Conduct on Child Labour Issues

Criteria Short elaboration Classification

Specificity 1.1 Minimum age to employment Does the code include a minimum age to Yes (age); no
employment? If so, what age?
1.2. Applicability Is this a universal minimum age or are country- N.A.; universal; country-
specific exceptions indicated? specific
1.3. Organization targeted To whom is the code addressed? General, Actor category (exact
governments; internal operations of specific wording)
firms; business partners (suppliers,
subcontractors, vendors, manufacturers)
1.4. Reference Is reference made to international standards None; home; host;
(ILO, UN), either implicit or explicit, or to home- international
country or host-country laws? (implicit/explicit)
1.5. Nature of code Are alternative measures included in the code Broad; strict
(such as education for children)? Or does the
code only prohibit child labour?
Compliance 2.1 Monitoring systems and Good insight into system and process (clear); Clear; clear to vague;
processes reference to some parts, but criteria or time vague; none
frames are lacking (clear to vague); only
general reference to monitoring without details
2.2 Position of monitoring actor Firms themselves (1st party); BSGs (2nd Ranging from: 1st to 6th
party); external professionals paid by firms (3rd party
party); combinations of different actors (4th
party); NGOs (5th party); legal authorities (6th
2.3 Sanctions and their scope There are no measures included (none); they None; internal; external
apply to company employees (internal); and/or (actor category); all
to third parties (respectively ‘all’ and ‘external’)
2.4 Type of third-party sanctions Measures such as fines, or demands for N.A.; none; mild; severe
corrective action (mild); severance of
relationship, cancellation of contract (severe)
Source: Adapted from Kolk and van Tulder (2002)

❖ C&A is an interesting case because its code is with it, and the sanctions and implications in case of
monitored by the Service Organization for Com- non-compliance. In other words, how to deal with
pliance Audit Management (SOCAM), established negative side effects, and what are the risks involved
by the company as an internal, autonomous unit. in the adoption and implementation of (strict) codes
Some scepticism has been expressed about of conduct? And where is the boundary between cor-
SOCAM’s independence. porate and governmental responsibility? These dif-
❖ Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) is one of the few compa- ferent dilemmas related to the codes themselves and
nies that has a ‘broad’ code of conduct with regard to the implications will be examined next.
to the issue of child labour.
❖ WE is the first European company that has been
certified according to the international Social
Accountability 8000 Standard, and that wants its Dilemmas of Child Labour Codes
suppliers to do the same. Its code of conduct is
equivalent to this SA8000 standard, drawn up by Which Minimum Age is Appropriate?
the Council on Economic Priorities Accreditation
Agency (currently SAI, Social Accountability As Table 2 shows, the six garment companies all
International). stipulate a minimum age, and two of them (H&M
and WE) refer to international standards, which is
All six garment companies have paid much attention much more specific and strict than the reference set
to their codes, which are quite specific (see Table 2). of 40 codes.7 C&A, Gap and Levi Strauss adhere to
This means that, in terms of Figure 1, they appear to 14 years, unless host country law defines a higher
support the view that codes are effective in address- minimum age to employment. In that case, this
ing child labour. However, as Tables 2 and 3 show, higher age will prevail. As such, this minimum age
this does not resolve all dilemmas, because the com- of 14 is one year less than included in the ILO Mini-
panies have different approaches with regard to the mum Age Convention 138. Convention 138 does,
minimum age they stipulate, the scope of the code, however, specify 14 years as a developing country
the types of monitoring and the parties entrusted exception, which means that it can be applied by

264 European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002

Table 2 Overview of Specificity with Regard to Child Labour in Six Corporate Codes of Conduct

Companies Specificity indicators

Minimum age to employment Applicability Reference Organizations Nature of

targeted code

C&A 14 Country-specific Host-country law Suppliers Strict

Gap Inc. 14 Country-specific Host-country law Manufacturing Strict
entities and their
H&M 15 or 14 (as developing country Country-specific ILO Conv. 138, UN Suppliers and Broad
exception) Child Conv. subcontractors
Levi Strauss 15 (was 14 at the start of the research Country-specific Host-country law Manufacturing Strict
project) entities and their
Nike 16 (light manufacturing workers)18 Country-specific Local standards Suppliers and Strict
(footwear factory workers) subcontractors
WE 15 or 14 (as developing country Country-specific ILO Conv. 138 and Suppliers Broad
exception) local law

Table 3 Overview of Compliance Indicators Included in Six Corporate Codes of Conduct

Companies Compliance Indicators

Monitoring systems Position of monitoring actor Sanctions and their Sanctions to
and processes scope third parties

C&A Clear SOCAM: internal, but independent Suppliers Severe

Gap Inc. Vague First party monitoring; plus independent Factories that produce Severe
monitoring in El Salvador Gap goods
H&M Clear Internal monitoring Suppliers Mild
Levi Strauss None Internal monitoring; plus involvement of NGOs None defined N.A.
and external parties in Dominican Republic
and the Philippines
Nike Vague Internal and external monitoring None defined N.A.
WE Clear Specialized accounting firms (third party) Internal and suppliers Severe

countries whose economy and educational facilities To the factory: every first-time worker who is 16 or 18 is
are insufficiently developed. These are also the coun- likely to be more mature, perhaps better educated, cer-
tries where most garment production takes place. In tainly more experienced, and better able to be more pro-
ductive, and to handle the new routine and the demands
the late 1990s, Levi Strauss increased the minimum
of a factory setting.
age to 15, which was stated to result from their con-
tinuous review and improvement strategy in this
What the precise minimum must be, is not that
straightforward however, as our survey among com-
Nike has reviewed its code of conduct a few times.
panies and stakeholders confirmed as well. Respon-
These revisions have been accompanied by an
dents emphasize that it depends very much on the
increase in the minimum age from 14 to 18 years for
footwear factory workers and from 14 to 16 for type of work, cultural perceptions about the moment
equipment or apparel. These are much higher than at which children become adults, a country’s stage of
in ILO Convention 138. Nike states that higher stan- development and the existence of alternatives (such
dards diminish ‘the potential for child labor in our as education) for non-working children. This means
contract factories’ and ‘would have other, greater that in the current situation, country-specific mini-
benefits’: mum ages seem most appropriate. Generally, how-
ever, 12 years is considered to be the absolute mini-
To the family: every job provided to an adult means one mum age for light work (this is also the youngest
less job taken by a child, who is more vulnerable to exploi- age at which children can legally work on US farms),
tation. It also means one more opportunity for adult although many people would tend to set the stan-
income to make child labour less necessary. dard substantially higher.
To the worker: an older worker is better equipped to make
the job opportunity a positive experience.

European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002 265

Monitoring: How and by Whom? Third-party auditing is used by both Nike and WE.
Nike currently uses a combination of internal and
The three European garment codes give relatively external monitoring. Since the latest revision of the
clear insight into the companies’ monitoring systems code in 1998, an internal compliance program (Shape)
and processes. Most explicit are the provisions in the has been supplemented with independent monitor-
SA8000 Standard, which WE has adopted as corpor- ing by PricewaterhouseCoopers. WE follows the
ate code. It gives detailed information about the man- SA8000 standard that requires independent external
agement system, and the documentation that the monitoring by auditing companies. The list currently
company requires from its suppliers. The Gap and consists of seven accredited certification bodies,
Nike codes are classified as ‘vague’ in Table 3, including SGS and BVQI.
because they merely state that the code will be moni-
tored, without giving much specific details. Gap is When asked, the majority of companies, govern-
least detailed, with its statement to ‘continue to mental and non-governmental organizations sup-
develop monitoring systems to assess and ensure ported independent monitoring in order to enhance
compliance’. In its sourcing and operating guidelines, the credibility and effectiveness of corporate codes of
Levi Strauss does not refer at all to compliance mech- conduct. Only a minority of company respondents
anisms or monitoring. This not only raises questions favoured internal monitoring, but this is generally
about the way in which the code is monitored, but not considered to be very reliable if not combined
also about whom is responsible for it. Companies rely with other forms of external verification, because of
on a wide variety of monitoring parties, ranging from conflict of interest problems. Independent external
internal agencies to external organizations special- monitoring can be carried out by specialized agenc-
ized in auditing or NGOs. ies, auditing or consulting companies, or NGOs.
Although some regard NGOs as most appropriate in
Additional information obtained from the companies this regard, others cast doubt on their capabilities and
revealed that Levi Strauss perceives internal monitor- continuity, and the degree to which their own organi-
ing as most effective. At the same time, however, zational purposes allow the label of ‘truly inde-
NGOs and other external parties have evaluated the pendent’. Most respondents therefore favour ‘foun-
implementation of the company’s code of conduct in dation monitoring’, carried out by an organization
the Dominican Republic and the Philippines. Levi created by one or more internationally operating
Strauss is also an active member of the US Fair Labor companies and labour or human rights groups. Com-
Association and the Ethical Trading Initiative, which panies pay dues to such a foundation, which in turn
both involve external parties in the monitoring of hires (mutually-consented) third parties to monitor
member facilities. compliance.

H&M has relied only on internal monitoring so far,

although its code of conduct leaves open the possi- What Happens to Under-Age Workers?
bility of engaging independent third parties in
inspections. Together with the NGO Clean Clothes Of the six garment companies, two have adopted a
Campaign, the company is developing a model for ‘broad’ code of conduct, which includes provisions
external monitoring that might be used in the future. for the children in cases where they are found to be
Gap has used independent monitoring, but only in working in supplying factories. H&M describes its
the case of the Mandarin factory in El Salvador. In approach, preceded by a paragraph on the com-
all other supplying factories, the company itself does pany’s position with regard to child labour in gen-
the monitoring. In Central America, it hired two eral:
‘Sourcing compliance officers’, whose sole responsi- H & M does not accept child labour. We are concerned
bility consists of checking supplier compliance with about the situation of children in many parts of the world.
the company code, and who cooperate closely with We acknowledge the fact that child labour does exist and
Gap’s international quality assurance team. can’t be eradicated with rules or inspections, as long as the
children’s social situation is not improved. We want to
C&A uses a conspicuous form of internal monitoring work actively with factories and with NGO’s in third world
countries, to try to improve the situation for the children
through its own Service Organization for Compliance affected by our ban on child labour. If a child is found
Audit Management (SOCAM). Although created and working in any of the factories producing our garments,
funded by the company, SOCAM is structured in we will request the factory to make sure that the measures
such a way as to be fully independent of C&A’s com- taken are in the child’s best interest. We will, in co-oper-
mercial activities. It has full and independent auth- ation with the factory, seek to find a satisfactory solution,
ority to monitor the standards included in the com- taking into consideration the child’s age, social situation,
pany code. C&A has no objections to third-party education, etc. We will not ask a factory to dismiss a child
without a discussion about the child’s future. Any meas-
auditors, but thinks that they must take a detailed, ures taken should always aim to improve, not worsen, each
grass-roots approach like SOCAM, which has a pro- individual child’s situation. Any costs for education, etc.
found understanding of the company’s sourcing sys- have to be paid by the factory.
tem, the national context of their suppliers and the
peculiarities of garment production. WE adheres to the following:

266 European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002

The company shall establish, document, maintain, and

effectively communicate to personnel and other interested
Limits to Multinational Responsibility?
parties policies and procedures for remediation of children
found to be working in situations which fit the definition The discussion on broad versus strict codes raises a
of child labour above [i.e. according to ILO-Convention range of questions. First of all, what happens to sup-
138], and shall provide adequate support to enable such pliers that employ children in violation of the com-
children to attend and remain in school until no longer a
pany code? Which sanctions can they expect? And
how far do these sanctions reach? Is the scope limited
to direct suppliers only or to the supply chain as a
Although such broad codes are exceptional, the over- whole? Furthermore, who must pay for the corrective
whelming majority of the respondents in our survey measures and the alternatives, such as the education
deems such an approach most appropriate. Only a mentioned by Nike? H&M clearly states that the
few companies prefer strict codes, for which various facility has to bear the costs. But how fair is this,
reasons can be given. Some justifications for not given the original reasons for outsourcing and the
including additional measures in child labour codes different distribution of costs and benefits between
are: multinational and domestic companies? In other
words, what can be expected from multinationals
❖ A code of conduct is a statement of principles, that operate in a developing country?
which should be supported by implementation
policies in the factories from which the company This aspect is also relevant to a final issue concerning
sources. Therefore, not everything is detailed in a the boundaries between corporate and public
code of conduct, as often the solutions to situations responsibility, as mentioned by C&A. Must multina-
are on a case-by-case basis, depending on what is tionals provide educational facilities when the
the most suitable form of support. [Levi Strauss] government does not? And does the debate on cor-
❖ Including additional measures in codes of conduct porate codes of conduct lead to expectations that
creates expectations. Providing alternatives to chil- companies cannot reasonably be expected to fulfil,
dren should not be taken for granted. A company because they cannot be supposed to take over
has a responsibility to help think about a solution, government responsibilities? These questions con-
but suppose suitable schooling facilities do not cerning the relationship with suppliers and the
exist, should a company establish them? In theory, societal context, including the role of government,
education is not the responsibility of business, but will be explored in the next section, using the infor-
of the state. [C&A] mation of the garment company codes and the sur-
❖ Codes of conduct are not the only formal strategies vey results.
that companies have. In case the use of child lab-
our is detected, other formal policies come into
Supplier Relationships
force. However, these policies are not visible to the
public. But the code of conduct would become an Suppliers and Supply Chains
enormous document, if all the possibilities are There are differences in the clarity with which com-
addressed at each and every provision. [Nike] panies define the organizations targeted by their
codes. The term ‘supplier’ is frequently used, some-
On its website, Nike also lists interesting dilemmas times without an explanation of whether this
that it has been confronted with after the introduc- involves only the manufacturing entities, or also the
tion of its latest code, and how the company dealt providers of raw materials and/or the importers of
with them.8 An example includes a second-tier sup- merchandise. The analysis of the 40 corporate codes
plier stitching shoe components, which justified the in the reference set resulted in a variety of definitions
employment of a 17-year old by pointing at the fact (Kolk and van Tulder, 2002).
that it was a sewing facility (to which the age of 16
applies). Nike also states that, out of the more than Levi Strauss clearly describes the organizations tar-
500,000 persons in the contract factory supply base, geted, and also emphasizes the importance of indicat-
approximately 100 have been under-age workers. ing the scope of a code, that is the applicable sup-
The majority of them have been sent to school with plier tier(s):
continued payment.
Business partners are contractors and subcontractors who
manufacture or finish our products and suppliers who pro-
It can be concluded that all respondents favour a vide raw materials used in the production of our products.
broad approach to child labour, with an important We have begun applying the Terms of Engagement to busi-
role for specific, strictly implemented and monitored ness partners involved in manufacturing and finishing and
corporate codes of conduct, combined with alterna- plan to extend their application to suppliers.
tive measures for under-age child workers. There is
only some difference of opinion as to whether these Like Levi Strauss, Gap aims clearly at manufacturers
arrangements must be included in the codes them- and their subcontractors; H&M and Nike at suppliers
selves or be part of a broader package of other poli- and subcontractors, indicated in a general way. Fol-
cies, as preferred by a few company respondents. low-up research clarified that all four companies con-

European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002 267

centrate on manufacturing entities (direct suppliers Sanctions and Costs

and subcontractors), not the providers of raw What happens to the suppliers if they do not comply
materials. This focus on production also applies to with the codes, and are there provisions as to which
C&A and WE, but they address their direct suppliers. company must pay for any alternative arrangements?
WE’s certification to SA8000 means that it meets the Levi Strauss and Nike do not include sanctions and,
requirement of handing over ‘Letters of Commit- since they have strict codes, do not refer to costs for,
ment’ to the auditors of those suppliers that take care for example, education. The other two companies
of more than 50 per cent of WE’s total sales. The com- with strict codes, C&A and Gap, state that violations
pany encourages its suppliers to certify to the stan- will have severe consequences.
dard as well, thus hoping to create a ‘spill-over effect’
throughout the supply chain. The C&A code aims at Where we believe that a supplier has breached the require-
their merchandise suppliers, while stating that: ments set out in this Code either for C&A production or
for any other third party, we will not hesitate to end our
business relationship including the cancellation of out-
We specifically require our suppliers to extend the same standing orders. We also reserve the right to take whatever
principle of fair and honest dealings to all others with other actions are appropriate and possible. Where business
whom they do business including employees, sub-contrac- has been suspended due to an infringement of the C&A
tors and other third parties. For example, this principle also Code of Conduct, the business relationship may only be
means that gifts or favours cannot be offered nor accepted re-established after a convincing Corrective Plan has been
at any time. submitted by the supplier and approved by C&A.

Although respondents emphasize the importance of C&A also requires corrective plans if there are
extending corporate codes to the whole supply chain, infringements but no fully conclusive evidence to ter-
the six garment companies currently do not. To fol- minate business relationships. Such a plan must
low such an approach would also be complicated for include alternative arrangements for children, and
reasons of practice and principle. suppliers must pay for them. Gap leaves open the
possibility of requesting a corrective plan from their
Firstly, it can be very complex and expensive to suppliers, but it is unclear when this will be the case:
monitor the whole subcontracting chain. Especially
in the garment industry, sourcing networks may If Gap determines that any factory has violated this Code,
involve tens of thousands of factories spread across Gap may either terminate its business relationship or
dozens of countries, and a range of buying agents, require the factory to implement a corrective action plan.
If corrective action is advised but not taken, Gap will sus-
suppliers and subcontractors. The case of C&A can pend placement of future orders and may terminate cur-
serve as an illustration: when the company started its rent production.
monitoring system, it required four years before it
was clear which factories produced the clothes H&M is more explicit with regard to the situation for
(Green, 1998). And this only involved manufacturing. suppliers, and also milder:
So to check all the actors in such networks for their
compliance with the corporate code would be even Should we find that a supplier does not comply with our
more complicated, and also represent a heavy finan- Code of Conduct, we will terminate our business relation-
cial burden for a multinational company, particularly ship with this supplier, if corrective measures are not taken
for small companies. One might, however, argue that within an agreed time limit. If we find repeated violations,
this is simply one of the consequences of the current we will immediately terminate the co-operation with the
structure of international production, and even that supplier and cancel our existing orders.
multinationals have so far escaped its full costs. But
it might have implications for the way in which costs However, as already quoted in the section on the
(and benefits) are distributed throughout the chain, consequences for the children, the costs for alterna-
and perhaps affect final consumer prices as well. tive arrangements must be paid by H&M’s factories.
In following the SA8000 standard, WE is the only
company that also clearly indicates its own responsi-
Secondly, to include the supply of raw materials
bility in ensuring compliance:
would, in the case of garment production, mean that
monitoring also starts to apply to the agricultural sec-
The company [i.e. WE] shall implement remedial and cor-
tor. Here the percentage of child workers is even rective action and allocate adequate resources appropriate
greater than in manufacturing. According to ILO to the nature and severity of any nonconformance ident-
(1998) data, more than 70 per cent of the economi- ified against the company’s policy and/or the requirements
cally active children works in agriculture. Hence, in of the standard.
such a full supply-chain approach, corporate codes
would apply to many more child workers. At the The way in which the other companies formulate
same time, however, one might ask how reasonable their sanctions implies a tendency to shift the
it is to expect companies to extend their responsi- responsibility and the costs to the suppliers. This can
bilities that far back in the supply chain. A few be seen as a straightforward policy, provided that
respondents argued that this is unrealistic, and these consequences have been clearly communicated
pointed at the role of government in this respect. to suppliers and subcontractors from the very begin-

268 European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002

ning. It does, however, raise questions about how lishment of schooling facilities and for improving
responsible the multinational company is. After all, governments’ regulatory and enforcement capabili-
the multinational decided to outsource production ties of minimum-age and educational requirements.
internationally to reduce costs, and might have sus- Companies, NGOs, Western government and inter-
pected that these tremendous savings resulted from national organizations could all contribute to such
bad working conditions and very low wages, with a programmes, starting at the local level. However, a
high likelihood of child labour. really effective strategy against child labour can only
succeed if the economic conditions for large segments
One could then doubt whether it is fair to shift the of the population are improved.
full blame to local suppliers and to require them to
pay the costs from their usually tiny profits. This is In the current situation, the frequent lack of host-
all the more the case as labour costs are only a very country regulation and particularly the enforcement
small percentage of the final consumer price. The of existing standards could potentially lead to ten-
example of the Nike shoe is well known, for which sions between multinational companies and govern-
1995 calculations showed that total labour costs ments. If a developing country has, for example, laws
amounted to less than 4 per cent (Anon, 1995); more that stipulate a minimum age to employment of 12
recent figures for China even suggest less than 1.5 per years, company requirements for higher ages might
cent (Anon, 2000). For the local contractor, however, be regarded as a condemnation of local legislation
labour-cost savings from child labour can be substan- and even as the imposition of Western standards. The
tial. According to ILO studies in the bangles and car- multinational company could be accused of inter-
pet industries, loom owners can double their small fering with national approaches and of showing a
income if they use child labour (Fyfe and Jankan- lack of respect for host-country cultural traditions.
ish, 1997).
Most respondents do not see these risks as very great,
particularly because there is widespread recognition
Societal Context of the problematic situation for children in many
parts of the world, and of the need to combat their
These dilemmas related to supplier relationships exploitation. Although not all countries have ratified
need to be considered because they might hamper the ILO Conventions and thus do not agree with the
the effectiveness of corporate codes of conduct, both specific interpretations, the norms as such are univer-
with regard to the child labour problem and for the sally accepted through the adoption of the UN Con-
company involved. Taking the company perspective, vention on the Rights of the Child. This also gives
it could be argued, as one respondent did, that: multinationals sufficient freedom to follow such stan-
dards if they prefer, as long as they recognize the
Companies should have realistic and justifiable standards broader context. Company and governmental
in all business matters. Addressing possible supply chain respondents suggest that this could have a positive
issues is one part of a business strategy and, as such, ‘spill-over’ effect in the host country, something
should be covered by standards, i.e., a code of conduct.
which NGOs regard with scepticism.
This discussion on limits to multinational responsi-
Finally, the suggestion that companies should refrain
bility also raises other questions concerning the
from adopting child labour codes because of the
broader societal context. One issue is the relatively
many dilemmas involved, including possible repu-
limited percentage of children (perhaps less than 5
tational risks when violations come to light, is not
per cent) that are employed in export industries.
widely shared. Although the adoption of codes might
Although some respondents agree that this hampers
raise expectations that companies cannot always
the effectiveness of corporate codes, they generally
reasonably be expected to fulfil, there is no fear of
argue that codes are only part of a possible solution
backfire. Negative publicity and damage to the cor-
to the child labour problem. Multinationals must take
porate image are thought to be much greater if com-
their share in addressing it, thus serving as examples
panies do not address the problem. Moreover, the
and role models, and hopefully help to incite broader
issue of child labour is not considered to be a matter
approaches, particularly in the host countries. As one
for governments only. Respondents share the view
company respondent said:
that companies must play their own role in this
If implemented wisely, the corporate code of conduct respect, and take their responsibilities to do whatever
should put pressure on local legislation and most they reasonably can.
importantly on the International Labour Organization to
ensure compliance with the Conventions.

Respondents also suggested other aspects that Conclusions

focused less on the ILO, and more on families and
parents, local communities and governments. This Overall, corporate codes of conduct are considered to
included attention to adult wages, alternative means be important, though not the only, instruments for
for generating incomes, and assistance for the estab- addressing child labour. Their possible negative side

European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002 269

effects and limitations are not seen as crucial factors well, and with a greater number of governmental and
that harm their effectiveness. Our research shows non-governmental opinion leaders, could be helpful
support for specific corporate codes that are strictly to obtain insight into the general validity of our
implemented and monitored, combined with alterna- results. This might also include an analysis of diver-
tive arrangements for under-age child workers. The gences between companies from different home
overwhelming majority of the respondents thinks countries, and of the effectiveness of the whole spec-
that such a broad approach must be included in the trum of corporate and public policies taken to
corporate codes. Some company representatives address the issue of child labour.
regard this as something that need not necessarily be
mentioned in the codes themselves, but can be part
of supplementary policies. A caveat to the latter pos-
ition is, however, that there are no guarantees that Acknowledgements
companies really have them in place, if not included This article is one of the publications resulting from a joint,
in the corporate code or if the code does not contain long-term project on multinational enterprises and corporate
references to such other policies or arrangements. social responsibility. Inge Sloekers is gratefully acknowledged
for her contribution to creating the dataset on which this
paper is based.
European companies tend to favour clearer monitor-
ing systems, while adopting broader codes more fre-
quently than US companies. Interestingly enough,
European companies drew up their corporate codes Notes
a few years later than their counterparts at the other
side of the ocean; this clearly applies to the six gar- 1. For more specific information on Nike, see also Connor,
ment companies analysed in this article. The greater 2001; Wokutch, 2001; and ⬍http://www.nikebiz.com⬎.
2. Quotation from ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138
chance of reputational damage related to the US busi-
(1973). For a more detailed analysis of definition and
ness system results in earlier adoption and, paradoxi- characteristics of child labour, see Anker (2000) and Kolk
cally, in more vaguely monitored, but at the same and van Tulder (2002).
time also strictly formulated codes.9 Such a different 3. This UN Convention is more general than ILO-Convention
approach is likely to influence the effectiveness of 182. It stipulates the need to protect children from econ-
omic exploitation, and hazardous and harmful work, and
corporate codes in addressing child labour. requires states to provide minimum ages to employment.
Except for the US and Somalia, this Convention has univer-
If we link this all to Figure 1, position 1 is clearly sal ratification. The US has difficulty in implementing it in
adopted, but combined with a role for the alternative States’ legislation; in Somalia, there is no internationally
measures at which position 3 hints. As to the unin- recognized government.
4. Data in this paragraph derived from
tended side effects that might hamper codes’ effec- ⬍http://www.ilo.org⬎, website last accessed on 28 Sep-
tiveness (position 2), respondents point at the impor- tember 2001.
tance of independent monitoring. There are many 5. This is not to say that sweatshops and bad working con-
dilemmas related to the boundaries of corporate ditions do not exist in Western countries anymore (cf. for
responsibility, such as the extent to which the supply example, the ‘No Sweat’ campaign of the US Department
of Labor; see Hemphill (1999). It has, for example, been
chain is considered and how to deal with different estimated that approximately 13,000 children work in US
perceptions of child labour in their home and host garment sweatshops
countries. Although corporate codes of conduct only ⬍http://www.nikebiz.com/labor/age.shtml⬎, website
cover a small percentage of child workers, multina- last accessed on 4 October 2001.
6. For the full analysis of these 40 codes, which were selected
tionals can set a standard and influence other compa- from a set of more than 150 multinational companies, see
nies and governments, thus perhaps helping to Kolk and van Tulder (2002).
further international attempts to address child lab- 7. Of the reference set, 43 per cent do not include a minimum
our. What can be expected from multinationals in all age, while only 10 per cent explicitly mention international
these difficult dilemmas is that they clearly state their standards (Kolk and van Tulder, 2002).
8. ⬍http://www.nikebiz.com/labor/ch keeps.shtml⬎, webs-
views and approaches, preferably in their code of ite last accessed on 4 October 2001.
conduct. There is no support for position 4, because 9. This is in line with research on environmental reporting,
both business and government must take their own where external verification and auditing is merely a Euro-
responsibilities. pean phenomenon, whereas US companies started to
report at an earlier stage.
While this article clearly underlines that self-regu-
lation, with codes of conduct as most common instru-
ments, is considered effective in promoting corporate References
social responsibility, it must be emphasized that the
findings are based on exploratory research. More- Anker, R. (2000) The economics of child labour: a framework
over, we deliberately selected a number of pioneering for measurement. International Labour Review 139(3),
companies in a sector that has been very much con- 257–280.
Anon (1995) Why it costs $70 for a pair of athletic shoes. Wash-
fronted with child labour concerns, in order to shed ington Post, 3 May.
light on the dilemmas that they face. Research into a Anon (2000) Sweetshop king: Nike exec reneges on $30
larger set of companies, covering other industries as million pledge. New York Times, 25 April.

270 European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002

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Green, D. (1998) The Asian Garment Industry and Globalisation. sity Press, Cambridge.
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Gupta, A.K. and Lad, L.J. (1983) Industry self-regulation: an porate ethics: codes of conduct in the sporting goods
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Amsterdam, Amsterdam Erasmus University Rotter-
Graduate Business School, dam, Department of Busi-
Faculty of Economics and ness-Society Management,
Econometrics, Roetersstraat Faculty of Business Studies,
11, 1018 WB Amsterdam, PO Box 1738, 3000 DR
The Netherlands. E-mail: Rotterdam, The Nether-
akolk@fee.uva.nl lands. E-mail: rtulder@fa-
Dr Ans Kolk is Professor of
Sustainable Management Rob van Tulder is Professor
and Research Director of the of Business Studies, with a
Amsterdam Graduate Business School, recently estab- Chair in International Business-Society Management,
lished at the University of Amsterdam. Her areas of in the Faculty of Business Studies Rotterdam School
research and publications are in corporate social of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is
responsibility and environmental management, parti- research coordinator of the Organizational Programme
cularly in relation to multinational corporations’ stra- of the Research School ERIM and has published exten-
tegies, and international policy. Her latest book is Eco- sively on the strategies of multinational corporations
nomics of Environmental Management (Financial and concomitant areas of public and private regulation.
Times Prentice Hall, 2000).

European Management Journal Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 260–271, June 2002 271

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