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Anticipation of increase impact

There is no one states free of by impact increase of the price of world commodity
exchange incorporated. Even at producing country, they face opportunity loss. All states
is forced to does adjusment, including state which sentralistis like China. The adjusment
is done with by considering ability of state and especially at its (the public). Like China,
to avoid the happening of distortion social, its (the government only boosts up the price
of commodity exchange incorporated dispersion fuel 10%.

Since beginning of we also had reminded, sooner of later influence increase of the price
of world commodity exchange incorporated will induce to us. For the purpose need to be
prepared step of anticipation and way of consuming it to public in order not to affect

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of course has submitted government will not
boost up the price of BBM to subsidize. From meeting cabinet is expressed also the
budget skill able to permeate impact of increase of the price of world commodity
exchange incorporated.

But this last two days we get the signal other. Coordinating minister Economics of
Boediono submits existence of limitation of ability of state budget. If the price of world
commodity exchange incorporated reachs flattening –plane 90$ per barrel subsidy BBM
will leap out of Rp 4,5 triliun become Rp 140,8 triliun. If the price of commodity
exchange incorporated reachs 95$ per barrel, its (subsidy will leap out to become 155,8
triliun) If the price of commodity exchange incorporated reachs 100$ per barrel subsidy
which must be provided reachs 170,7 triliun.

On the basic of that is government plans to do limits number of BBM to subsidize. Only
public vehicle, car on duty and just motor enable buys BBM subsidize. That will be
implemented step by step starts Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, then Batam and Bali.

Even not in lane with what which been submitted president, we comprehend step with
finnaly will be done government. But we wish to remind two thing. First, give bolder
explanation about its (the exits the policy) It is important that all of people must know
how big burden that they face so that must guaranted together.

Second, consider ability of the public to be able to permeate level of increase. Is

important because not all consumer BBM subsidize is who his life well established
economic. Many between them choosing applies personal vehicle because nothing choice
absence of transportation public which able to be trade on or even so there is its the over
valued cost (expensive)

Has appropriately if government start building system transportation massal which more
able to be rely on. Cost ought to is not problem because fund scattered all about by traffic
jam in just Jakarta every years at least reachs Rp 43 triliun.Experience of boosting up the
price of BBM the year 2005 as proper becomes lesson. Increase which beyond the reach
of finally beats oue economicals

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